What's on Kyiv Issue 47 2011

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What’s Up Held Hostage in a Hotel Room?

We apologise for writing about Ms Tymoshenko on an almost weekly basis, but we couldn’t let this one pass, as this latest stunt pulled by some buffoon aligned somehow with the current ruling elite beggars belief. In an effort, we suppose, to discredit her claims of harsh conditions in prison, somebody took it upon themselves to make a little movie showing what things are like for Yulia, and prove beyond any shadow of doubt that she is in fact living the life of luxury while banged up. You can watch the video yourself by using the following link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=2s0jy3r5-ZY Now for the stupid bits: 1) A raging Ms Tymoshenko has written (in a letter) to the head of the detention centre that they know full well this cell is not her normal dwelling, and has described therein the state of her actual cell. That letter, now made public, means the making and release of this video attempting to show a different story is really a blatant PR goal. 2) The plush room where they show her residing, clearly filmed against her wishes, has the bed on the left hand side of the room. Then, all of a sudden, the filmmaker shows the flat screen TV and en-suite bathroom facilities of ‘her’ room, but the bed’s now on the right-hand side. Oh dear, slight continuity error. 3) The biggest, and most serious gaffe in all this is the blatant in sult to the intelligence of the people of Ukraine. How can Ukrainians have any respect for people who feed them, and expect them to accept, this kind of blatant rubbish as the truth?

And the Emmy for Best TV Drama Goes To…

In a country of 45 million with so much at stake, anyone could be hit with a lawsuit – even you. Whether you are acquitted or not, however, depends on what kind of links you’ve got with the ruling party. Unfortunately, it is a never-ending drama the people of Ukraine have become used to. Keeping us well engrossed over the years, we've come up with a list of people we think might do well in daytime television. So without further ado, a list of the nominees for this year’s best drama series. For his alleged role in the killing of journalist Georgiy Gongadze, Leonid Kuchma. For his assumed role in abuse of public office and forgery, Yuriy Lutsenko. And for her role in signing a contract with Russia in January 2009 concerning the import of natural gas, Yulia Tymoshenko. And the winner is... (drum role please)… Leonid Kuchma! Criminal proceedings linking former President Leonid Kuchma to the killing of journalist Georgiy Gongadze were dismissed just last week. Before the ruling, made on 14 December, however, he kept the whole country on tenterhooks for more than 11 years. Congratulations Mr Kuchma! Stay tuned for the next episode in the Ukrainian version of Who Dun It?

Proud to be Ukrainian

The latest survey conducted by the Ukrainian Institute of Social Research shows 62% of the country’s youth are proud to be Ukrainian. Despite the shenanigans that occur in government on an almost daily basis, this is a 7% increase since 1996 and shows real promise!

The EU and Ukraine Reach No Summit Climbing the Association Mountain

Ukraine hosted the 15th annual summit with European leaders on Monday in, what we can only guess, the hopes to continue talks about deeper cooperation. There were many things on the table: the current political situation, issues over the economy, mobility concerns and of course regional and international relations. But the prize Kyiv has had its eyes on, and for some time, has been this Association Agreement, meant to bring the country that much closer to membership with a club

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that seems to be having its own problems as of late. There are many things within the agreement that will no doubt benefit the country; free trade and the elimination of the visa regime being two of the biggest. Unfortunately, the current political backdrop has done little to entice delegates to put their pen to paper, and the agreement Monday 19 December was left unsigned. While Yanukovych didn’t seem too phased after the meeting, even saying he was satisfied with the results, one can’t help but get the feeling that the EU might have allowed the upper hand to slip in the direction of our neighbours to the northeast. Alluring the country with cheap gas prices and restrictions that for all intents and purposes are nowhere near as strict as those to west, Ukraine has been interested, to varying degrees, in economic integration with Russia.

What will happen next is anybody’s guess. Putin will most certainly be making tracks behind the EU in the hopes that he might get Ukraine up that slippery mountain slope. What scares us a little bit, however, is the flag that will be planted when and if Ukraine ever does make it to the top. Will it be blue with yellow stars? Or a little bit redder with a hammer and sickle included somewhere? Only time will tell.

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This Week in History Second-hand Jeans Talk!

A woman from the town of Lyuboml in the region of Volyn was at flea market over the weekend in search of a pair or second-hand jeans for her teenage son. Finding just the right size and style, she went through the pockets before sticking them in the wash when she found a letter with a €100 note inside! While the money was a pleasant surprise, and just in time for a holiday that often gets lost in consumerism, the note was even more bizarre. Written by a boy named Walter – a student in Germany – to the future owner of the jeans somewhere in the country, it read, “Hello, unknown friend in Ukraine! I condemn the war just as you do. It took away my grandfather, Johan, who served in Wehrmacht and died on your land. I give you these jeans knowing life in your country isn’t so good…” This could be one of the best feel-good stories of the year!

25 December 336

The first documented Christmas celebration takes place in Rome. From this year on, Catholic churches everywhere celebrate the birth of Jesus on this day.

An Act of Goodwill or Target for Holy Rollers?

A tremendous act of kindness by Richmond residents in the State of Virginia has made headline news recently, following the collection of 1,600 shoeboxes filled with presents. Thanks to the generosity of local residents the boxes will soon be on their way to a number of impoverished children here in Ukraine and all throughout Romania. What hasn’t been included in the story about Operation Christmas Child, however, is that this programme is part of an American Evangelical Organisation called Samaritan’s Purse, and headed by Franklin Graham, son of the famous evangelical preacher Billy Graham, it seems to have a few people up in arms. While the gifts for those less-fortunate do seem to be a true act of good will, there are those who claim the organisation use the gifts to “convert vulnerable children into born-again Catholics”. While that in itself is hardly a crime, Graham has called Islam “a very wicked and evil religion”, and in reference to President Obama, ABC News has quoted him as saying, “I think the President’s problem is that he was born a Muslim.” While Graham does take home a hefty salary from a number of organisations, perhaps someone should send him one of these boxes. By the sounds of it, he could benefit from a little charity. He’s obviously run out.

23 December 1913

The Illya Muromets, the world’s first fourengined aircraft designed by Ihor Sikorsky, takes its first flight. The world-famous aircraft engineer of Ukrainian descent immigrated to the United States in 1919 where he continued to create the first viable helicopter.

28 December 1943

Hitler orders the demolition of his military headquarters Wehrwolf near the town of Vinnytsya. It served as a military management point for the whole of the WWII Eastern front.

25 December 1951

The USSR’s first computer, referred to as an electronic calculating machine, begins operating in Kyiv.

26 December 1991

The European Union acknowledges Ukraine as an independent state. Heading the EU at the time, the Netherlands’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs publishes the information.

Ukraine to Host Euro Basketball Championships

2012 is what everyone’s been looking forward to for the past five years, but now we’ve got something else to look forward to as it was announced at the weekend that Ukraine will play host to the FIBA basketball finals in 2015. FIBA Europe, the European version of the International Basketball Federation, made the announcement after France, Germany, Croatia and Italy withdrew their rspective bids, citing, “doubts regarding the professionalism and the lack of trust in the bidding process conducted by the European Basketball Federation, FIBA Europe.” Their decision to withdraw from the process left Ukraine as the only other option. So there we have it. Ukraine has won the bid to host the European Basketball Championships in 2015! Never mind that the whole process is apparently allegedly corrupt, or that no one else wanted to do it! Let’s just all pat ourselves on the back and wait for the flood (trickle?) of basketball supporters heading this way in three years’ time.

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Kateryna Kyselyova


Kyiv Culture

Dress to Impress The biggest night of the year is fast approaching, and whether you are at home with family, out at a huge bash with all the season’s freshest faces or enjoying an intimate evening for two, make sure you’re in your best bib and tucker. Need a little help? Let What’s On and one of Ukraine’s best designers, Andre Tan, dress you up!

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ong or short, simple or elaborate, you’re going to need a need a new dress to ring in 2012, and according to Andre Tan, black, shiny gold and animal print are all good options this season. Offering his expert opinion, pale tones are out. Instead, opt for deep, rich, bright and beautiful colours. Fitting black somewhere in your ‘ensem’ is also a must: “If you don’t want to go with the black frock, then make sure you have a black clutch, a pair of black heels or a black belt this New Year’s Eve. As for jewellery, I would suggest a set of black pearls set in gold. This little accessory will guarantee you a little success in the coming year!” Length is another hot trend this season, and sharing a little secret with us, Andre says the

style will remain in vogue for the spring and summer seasons as well. Making any and everyone’s figure appear taller, hiding unwanted inches from the waistline, a long gown is like a magic wand for any evening event! One of the best things our own Andre Tan asserts over the few hours spent in his company is there are no ugly women, only inaccurately tailored garments. It may well be the best marketing gimmick I have every heard, and yet I can’t help but eye some of these creations hanging from the racks. Dresses from this designer do their best to present any woman in her best light, which is something every woman wants for the biggest night of the year. Make sure you take these few hints on board and dress to impress.

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With black and shiny gold very big this year, the next New Year option by Andre Tan unites both of these elements. “This dress keeps whoever is wearing it quite covered. And yet it is very sexy at the same time. Including a nude silk chemise just underneath, the body appears naked, which is very attractive. Including sequins that shimmer magnificently in the light, I have kept them to a minimum so as not to overdo it. The woman who wears this dress needs only a pair of black heels and she’ll look like a queen.” The designer warns the wearer, however, to go easy on the makeup, suggesting nice light smoky eyes as the perfect final touch to an already brilliantly mysterious image.

One of the first looks from our fashion guru is a floor-length number of python print on chiffon. “This dress is seductive. You can go off-the-shoulder entirely or bare just one. I personally think the collarbone is the sexiest part of any woman’s body – why hide it?!” Mr Tan suggests a belt be added to this little get-up. Accentuating the waist, the illusion is that you are even more slim and slender. This is dangerous elegance all wrapped up in one outfit. However, animal print isn’t for everyone. If that’s the case for you, use it instead as an accessory or opt for a garment where it’s not the only pattern: “I love dresses decorated in animal print on the front and back with pieces of black up the side. Whoever you are, you will immediately look much taller and slimmer.”

"there are no ugly women, only inaccurately tailored garments"

The last variant we are privy to is a variation on the little black dress. Tan has added a few upgrades on this classic making it not just universal but unique. “Seams in the chest give the illusion of a bigger bust, while elements such as wings add volume to the shoulders making the hips even narrower. “This is a must-have for any modern woman,” he says, "which can easily be office-ready with the right pullover." Then, when it’s time to party, remove the wings from your bag and attach to the shoulder! With a choice of two pairs and in two different colours – white and red – the designer suggests white for the office and red for gallivanting at night.

Scarlet seems to be another big option for the holiday, and one such dress made out of this delicious shade by Andre Tan is original indeed. Short at the front, long at the back, with a vneck décolleté accenting all the right parts and flowing pieces of fabric all come together to make the perfect silhouette. Add some long leather gloves, which will move the eye to the leg, and you will be an admired sight all night.

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This Week Theatre & Classical Music

23-29 December 2011

This Season’s Best Ballet

The Nutcracker (ballet in 2 acts), National Opera Theatre of Ukraine (Volodymyrska 50)

26 December at 15.00 and 19.00

With Christmas right around the corner, it’s time to get back to your childhood and let a holiday fairytale come to life. It’s a tradition in many parts of the world to include this ballet into your plans for the season and Kyiv is no different. Join Clara, the Prince and the Sugar Plum Fairy as they whisk you off into the Land of Sweets where you will be entertained by confections from all around the world! It’s a must see this holiday – make sure you get your ticket. Tickets are 20 – 200hrv. For more information call 279-1169.


Friday n Evening of A Classical and Jaz Music Featuring Zavadsky (accordion), Zubkov (piano), Khmelyov (drums), Mooz (clarinet), Taran (piano) Works by Bach, Strauss, Gershwin, Ellington Time: 19.00 National Philharmonic of Ukraine (Volodymyrskiy Uzviz 2) 278-1697 n Evening A of Handel Featuring Collegium Kyiv Ensemble Time: 20.00 Master Klass Cultural Centre (Lavrska 16) 594-1063 An Evening of Compositions by Iryna Rybchuk Featuring Khakhalina (soprano), Uspenska (mezzo-soprano), Mamchuk (baritone) Time: 19.30 Sophia Kyivska Ukrainian Philharmonic Society (Andriivskiy Uzviz 23) 587-7490 Marriage An incredible event in 2 acts Time: 19.00 I Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre (Ivana Franka 3) 279-5921 Fat Swine Comedy in 2 acts Time: 20.00 L Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre (B Khmelnytskoho 55) 234-4223 Right of Love Comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Molody Theatre (Prorizna 17) 278-7392 Moment of Love Investigative experiment Time: 19.00 Suzirya Theatre (Yaroslaviv Val 16) 212-4188

An Evening of Christmas Blues Featuring Frankyjazz, Kostenko (vocal) Time: 19.00 House of Actors (Yaroslaviv Val 7) 253-8247/2081 Protection Modern German Drama as part of the Goethe’s Institute Step-3 project Time: 19.00 Dakh Modern Art Theatre (V Vasylkivska 136) 529-4062


Saturday An Evening of Piano Music Featuring Symphony Orchestra of the National Philharmonic, Onyshchenko (piano) Works by Rachmaninoff, RimskyKorsakov Time: 19.00 National Philharmonic of Ukraine (Volodymyrskiy Uzviz 2) 278-1697 Masquerade Ball Opera in 3 acts Time: 19.00 National Opera Theatre of Ukraine (Volodymyrska 50) 279-1169 hristmas C Concert Featuring Bratyk (soprano), Bondarovska (piano), Bolkunevych (soprano), Kahanovych (piano), Shevchenko (piano) Time: 19.30 Sophia Kyivska Ukrainian Philharmonic Society (Andriivskiy Uzviz 23) 587-7490 Fialka Montmartre Operetta in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Kyiv Operetta (V Vasylkivska 53/3) 287-6257 Martin Borulya Comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 I Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre (Ivana Franka 3) 279-5921

Fat Swine Comedy in 2 acts Time: 12.00 Napoleon & the Corsican Comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 L Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre (B Khmelnytskoho 5) 234-4223 Love Letters to Stalin Play in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Molody Theatre (Prorizna 17) 278-7392 The Return of the Prodigal Father Play in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Drama & Comedy Theatre on the Dnipro (Brovarskiy Pr 25) 517-1955 An Evening of Accordion Music Featuring Zavadsky (accordion) Time: 19.00 House of Actors (Yaroslaviv Val 7) 253-8247/2081 The Pillowman Play in 3 acts (must be 18+) Time: 19.00 Dakh Modern Art Theatre (V Vasylkivska 136) 529-4062


Sunday An Evening of Russian Folk Music Works by Borodin, Tchaikovsky, Sviridov, Russian folk songs Time: 19.00 National Philharmonic of Ukraine (Volodymyrskiy Uzviz 2) 278-1697 n Evening of Italian A Classical Music Featuring Dashak (piano), RoyIynda (flute) Time: 19.30 Sophia Kyivska Ukrainian Philharmonic Society (Andriivskiy Uzviz 23) 587-7490

Norma Opera in Italian in 2 acts Time: 19.00 National Opera Theatre of Ukraine (Volodymyrska 50) 279-1169 The Bat Operetta in 3 acts Time: 19.00 Kyiv Operetta (V Vasylkivska 53/3) 287-6257 Frederic/The Crime Boulevard Theatrical novel in 2 acts Time: 19.00 I Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre (Ivana Franka 3) 279-5921 Cyrano de Bergerac The life of… Time: 19.00 Drama & Comedy Theatre on the Dnipro (Brovarskiy Pr 25) 517-1955 Nord-Ost. The Future Shows Play in 2 acts Time: 18.00 Strange Mrs. Savage Tragic comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 L Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre (B Khmelnytskoho 5) 234-4223 Lettice & Lavidzh Fun w/ shadows Time: 19.00 Suzirya Theatre (Yaroslaviv Val 16) 212-4188 The Pillowman Play in 3 acts (must be 18+) Time: 19.00 Dakh Modern Art Theatre (V Vasylkivska 136) 529-4062


Monday The Kaudasheva Family Comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 I Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre (Ivana Franka 3) 279-5921

Perfect Charlie Ironic melodrama for adults Time: 19.00 Suzirya Theatre (Yaroslaviv Val 16) 212-4188

Hidden Love Mysterious variations in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Suzirya Theatre (Yaroslaviv Val 16) 212-4188

An Evening of Vocal Music Featuring Dzhyhurda (vocal) Time: 19.00 House of Actors (Yaroslaviv Val 7) 253-8247/2081

No. 13 Comedy of our day in 2 acts Time: 19.00 L Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre (B Khmelnytskoho 5) 234-4223

Christmas carols Featuring Kyiv Symphony Orchestra and Chorus Time: 19.00 Central Baptist Church (Shchekavytska 2/8) 417-0079


Tuesday n Evening A of Strauss Featuring National academic wind Orchestra Works by the family Strauss Time: 19.00 National Philharmonic of Ukraine (Volodymyrskiy Uzviz 2) 278-1697 Spanish Night Featuring Eteri Lamoris, Sergio Escobar, Guillermo Contreras Time: 19.00 National Opera Theatre of Ukraine (Volodymyrska 50) 279-1169 Such Jewish Happiness Musical in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Kyiv Operetta (V Vasylkivska 53/3) 287-6257 The Taming of the Shrew Comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 I Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre (Ivana Franka 3) 279-5921 The Pink Bridge Play in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Drama & Comedy Theatre on the Dnipro 517-1955 Empty Trash Crazy comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Molody Theatre (Prorizna 17) 278-7392

An Evening of Music, Vocal and Artperformance Featuring Gregul (soprano, piano), Lishansky (painting, performance) Time: 19.00 House of Actors (Yaroslaviv Val 7) 253-8247/2081 The Love Den/Ukrainian Decameron Theatre of laughs & sins Time: 19.00 Dakh Modern Art Theatre (V Vasylkivska 136) 529-4062


Wednesday An Evening of Chamber Music Featuring Kyiv Chamber Orchestra Works by Vivaldi, Mozart, Haydn Time: 10.00 National Philharmonic of Ukraine (Volodymyrskiy Uzviz 2) 278-1697 Silva Operetta in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Kyiv Operetta (V Vasylkivska 53/3) 287-6257 Storm Tragic-comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 I Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre (Ivana Franka 3) 279-5921 Perfect Charlie Ironic melodrama for adults Time: 19.00 Suzirya Theatre (Yaroslaviv Val 16) 212-4188

The Pink Bridge Play in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Drama & Comedy Theatre on the Dnipro (Brovarskiy Pr 25) 517-1955 An Evening of New Year Melodies Featuring Khodakivska (soprano), Mitryayev (counter-tenor), Turta (piano) Time: 19.00 House of Actors (Yaroslaviv Val 7) 253-8247/2081 The Love Den/Ukrainian Decameron Theatre of laughs & sins Time: 19.00 Dakh Modern Art Theatre (V Vasylkivska 136) 529-4062


Thursday An Evening of Classical Music Featuring Ishchak (counter tenor), Roy (flute), Kravchenko (piano), Sydorenko (organ) Works by Mozart, Haydn, Bellini Time: 19.30 National House of Organ and Chamber Music (V Vasylkivska 77) 528-3186 The Merry Widow Operetta in 2 acts Time: 19.00 Kyiv Operetta (V Vasylkivska 53/3) 287-6257 Family Dinner Comedy in 2 acts Time: 19.00 L. Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre (B Khmelnytskoho 5) 234-4223 Satisfaction Play in 2 acts from The Merchant of Venice Time: 19.00 Molody Theatre (Prorizna 17) 278-7392 Everything About Love Play Time: 19.00 Suzirya Theatre (Yaroslaviv Val 16) 212-4188

Classical Music For the Holiday Season The Annual Strauss Concert with the Kyiv Classic Orchestra, National Opera Theatre of Ukraine (Volodymyrska 50)

28 & 29 December at 19.00

The Kyiv Classic Orchestra and maestro Herman Makarenko traditionally present a New Years’ programme of sublime Strauss music. Included in the mix, ballet and opera compositions always add a magical touch, and are no less important than Strauss himself! If you have never been to one of these enchanted evenings at the Opera House, believe us when we say it is one of the best ways to get you in the holiday spirit. Continue Christmas or start New Year early – either way it’s going to be good. Tickets are 20 – 500hrv. For more information call 279-1169. : What's On Recommended

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Live Music

23-29 December 2011


Friday Blank Cover Party (cover bands) Time: 22.00 Admission: 50hrv Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b) 279-4137 Tres Deseos, Carte Blanche (cover bands) Time: 21.00 Admission: call and check Bochka Khmilna (B Khmelnytskoho 3b) 390-6106 Angie Nears (cover band) Time: 21.00 Admission: call and check Bochka Pyvna (Moskovskiy Pr 17/1) 461-8788

Mad Heads XL, Partyzanski Vytivky (pop-rock, cover band) Time: 22.00 Admission: 100hrv Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25) 451-8528 Soul Time (cover band) Time: 21.30 Admission: free Ciro’s Pomodoro (S Rustaveli 12) 221-4545 Vzrosliy Band, Mr Och and his Root Boys (cover bands) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Route 66 (Zhylyanska 87/30) 239-3865 Hot Guys (cover band) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Star Pub (Popudenka 1a) 292-2900 Be Be Band (pop-rock) Time: 20.00 Admission: free Divan (Besarabska 2) 235-7366


Saturday MJ Project(cover band) Time: 22.00 Admission: 50hrv Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b) 279-4137 Hot Guys, Mama Mia (cover bands) Time: 21.00 Admission: call and check Bochka Khmilna (B Khmelnytskoho 3b) 390-6106 Carte Blanche (cover band) Time: 20.00 Admission: call and check Bochka Pyvna (Moskovskiy Pr 17/1) 461-8788 Mama Mia, Hot Guys (cover bands) Time: 21.00 Admission: call and check Bochka Pyvna (Khreshchatyk 19a) 459-0551 M ad Heads XL, Partyzanski Vytivky (pop-rock, cover band) Time: 22.00 Admission: 100hrv Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4) 278-1717

Lucky Band (cover band) Time: 20.00 Admission: free Star Pub (Popudenka 1a) 292-2900

Tartila (cover band) Time: 20.30 Admission: free Ciro’s Pomodoro (S Rustaveli 12) 221-4545

Alena Salova and Friends (jazz) Time: 20.00 Admission: free Divan (Besarabska 2) 235-7366

Night Block (cover band) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Route 66 (Zhylyanska 87/30) 239-3865


Tropicana Party (dance party) Time: 20.00 Admission: 50hrv Star Pub (Popudenka 1a) 292-2900

Carte Blanche, Tres Deseos (cover bands) Time: 21.00 Admission: call and check Bochka Pyvna (Khreshchatyk 19a) 459-0551 Brunettes Shoot Blondes (cover band) Time: 22.00 Admission: 75hrv Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4) 278-1717

Chill Out (cover band) Time: 21.30 Admission: 50hrv Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25) 451-8528

Ta bula Rasa, Chill Out (pop-rock, cover band) Time: 22.00 Admission: 100hrv Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25) 451-8528 Tea na (cover band) Time: 21.30 Admission: free Ciro’s Pomodoro (S Rustaveli 12) 221-4545 Strong Time, Animals’ Session (cover bands) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Route 66 (Zhylyanska 87/30) 239-3865 Riffs (cover band) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Star Pub (Popudenka 1a) 292-2900 Good, Bad, Evil (cover band) Time: 20.00 Admission: free Divan (Besarabska 2) 235-7366


Sunday Soyuz 44 (jazz) Time: 22.00 Admission: free Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b) 279-4137 Jerry (cover band) Time: 22.00 Admission: 30hrv Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4) 278-1717 Tex-Mex Co (cover band) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25) 451-8528

A Woman and a Man

Michel Legrand (France) w/ National Symphony Orchestra, Palace Ukraine (V Vasylkivska 103)

23 December at 19.00

Winning five Grammys and three Oscars, the legendary French pianist and composer Michel Legrand will soon be in Kyiv. Having worked with eminent musicians such as Edith Piaf, Stevie Wonder, Frank Sinatra and Barbara Streisand, he has written inimitable scores for Hollywood with more than 200 movies, such as The Umbrellas of Cherbourg, The Thomas Crown Affair and Wuthering Heights, touched by his musical hand. This upcoming concert, A Woman and a Man, is a selection of Legrand’s most famous and romantic tunes. It is your opportunity to immerse yourself in French charm. Don't miss out. Tickets are 150 – 1750hrv. For more information call 247-2316. Chill Out (cover band) Time: 21.30 Admission: free Ciro’s Pomodoro (S Rustaveli 12) 221-4545 Crazy Train (cover band) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Route 66 (Zhylyanska 87/30) 239-3865 Aircraft (pop-rock) Time: 20.00 Admission: free Divan (Besarabska 2) 235-7366

Tex-Mex Co (cover band) Time: 22.00 Admission: 50hrv Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4) 278-1717 Tres Deseos (cover band) Time: 21.30 Admission: 50hrv Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25) 451-8528


Beefeaters (cover band) Time: 20.30 Admission: free Ciro’s Pomodoro (S Rustaveli 12) 221-4545

B oobamara (Balkan music) Time: 22.00 Admission: free Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b) 279-4137

Bender Band (cover band) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Route 66 (Zhylyanska 87/30) 239-3865



Tuesday Jazz Karaoke Night! (karaoke) Time: 22.00 Admission: 40hrv Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b) 279-4137 The Magma (cover band) Time: 22.00 Admission: 50hrv Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4) 278-1717

Guitar House New Year Jam Session (jam, cover bands) Time: 20.00 Admission: free Divan (Besarabska 2) 235-7366


Wednesday Beefeaters (cover band) Time: 21.00 Admission: call and check Bochka Khmilna (B Khmelnytskoho 3b) 390-6106 Some Like It Hot (cover band) Time: 21.00 Admission: call and check Bochka Pyvna (Khreshchatyk 19a) 459-0551 Chill Out (cover band) Time: 22.00 Admission: 50hrv Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4) 278-1717 The Magma (cover band) Time: 21.30 Admission: 50hrv Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25) 451-8528


Dyadya Vasya (cover band) Time: 22.00 Admission: free Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b) 279-4137 Angie Nears (cover band) Time: 21.00 Admission: call and check Bochka Khmilna (B Khmelnytskoho 3b) 390-6106 Red Rocks (cover band) Time: 21.00 Admission: call and check Bochka Pyvna (Moskovskiy Pr 17/1) 461-8788 Chill Out (cover band) Time: 21.00 Admission: call and check Bochka Pyvna (Khreshchatyk 19a) 459-0551 Tres Deseos (cover band) Time: 22.00 Admission: 50hrv Docker’s ABC (KhreshchatykZankovetskoi 15/4) 278-1717 Crazy Train (cover band) Time: 21.30 Admission: 50hrv Docker Pub (Bohatyrska 25) 451-8528 Marmalade Band (cover band) Time: 20.30 Admission: free Ciro’s Pomodoro (S Rustaveli 12) 221-4545

Magic Band (cover band) Time: 20.30 Admission: free Ciro’s Pomodoro (S Rustaveli 12) 221-4545

The Blues Bricks (cover band) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Route 66 (Zhylyanska 87/30) 239-3865

Carte Blanche (cover band) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Route 66 (Zhylyanska 87/30) 239-3865

Tex-Mex Co (cover band) Time: 21.00 Admission: free Star Pub (Popudenka 1a) 292-2900

Any and Everything

Good Evening Party (cover bands, pop-rock, indie), Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk 44b)

28 December at 21.00

Art Club 44 has put together a few bands to play for your listening pleasure come the end of the month. Belting out hits from rock gods The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, The Doors, Sex Pistols and Red Hot Chili Peppers, our own Kyiv rockers Seahorse, Love’n’Joy, MartiansDoItBetter, Invisible iLand, Rattle Rats and Stepan I Meduza will each take to the stage over the course of the evening to do their worst. Admission is 40hrv. For more information call 279-4137. : What's On Recommended

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23-29 December 2011


Not Just a Place for Cars

Garage Club Grand Opening, Garage (Draizera 21)


23 December 22.00

Women’s Feast – DJs Bodrov, Roma Rio, Jumper, Vova Blacks, MC KlubNichka Time: 21.00 Admission: before 00.00 L-free, after L-50hrv, G-90hrv Shooters (Moskovska 22) 254-2024

More than just a place for fixing up your old jalopy, Garage is also good for getting your tired body on the mend. With top music from fantastic DJs, this brand new club is opening its doors to car-lovers and night owls alike! Clad in overalls and covered in grease, fantastic electro-house music man, DJ Shumskiy, will be the evening’s top mechanic, and accompanied by Evoleen Fashion DJ, DJ Stas Kill and DJ Vito Kyanti, they will get all of your motors running! With PJs set up to entertain and gifts to give away, don’t miss out on your chance to be the first in Garage! Admission is free. For more information call 063-956-8985.


Friday Imperator’s Day Time: 22.00 Admission: before 23.00 L-free, after 50hrv, G-90hrv Shooters (Moskovska 22) 254-2024 HON.s Kitchen S Novim Godom – DJs Artem Neba, Tokyo, Marika Rossa, Oleksandr Galickiy, Spieler, Cluber, MC Roman Time: 22.00 Admission: L-40hrv, G-50hrv Saxon (Trutenko 4) 257-4070 Hit Friday by HIT FM – DJs Konstantin Ozeroff, Watson Time: 22.00 Admission: before 00.00 L-30hrv, G-50hrv, after L-50hrv, G-70hrv Bionica (Borshchahivska 128a) 232-7296 Kiss FM New Year Party – DJs Ronski Speed, Smart Apes, Ivan Ionov, Air-T, D’jok, Saylex Time: 22.00 Admission: L-60hrv, G-70hrv Forsage (Harmatna 51a) 232-6780 Star Wars: Attack of the Bass Episode II – DJs Tomba, Jike, Duberman, Trilobeat, SHK, Vobla Time: 23.00 Admission: 90hrv Cinema Club (Entusiastiv 1) 555-5854 DJs Zoloto, Alex Impreza, NoBrain, Time: 22.00 Admission: L-20hrv, G-40hrv Aldo Flirt Club (Milyutenko 7) 067-536-6565 Hits of the Year 2012 – DJs Rada Noize, Bay Time: 22.00 Admission: call and check CD Bar (Pryrechnaya 11a) 229-8829 Young Line Grand Opening – DJs Sergey Mankovsky, Technolog, NoBrain Time: 17.00 Admission: 50hrv Sullivan Room (Prorizna 8) 066-485-5555 Latin American Music Time: 22.00 Admission: L-100hrv, G-150hrv Caribbean Club (Kominternu 4) 288-1290 Disco Friday – DJs Robot, Nikz Lorenz, MC Alex Van Cool Time: 22.00 Admission: before 00.00 L-free, G-50hrv, after L-50hrv, G-60hrv Prime (Nauki 8) 524-2209 Week Off – Blasta, Valta, Koloah aka Crim, Mnial, ftct, Myztical, Screamtech, Dubmasta, Jah Mike, Tom Sine Time: 23.000 Admission: before 01.00 60hrv, after 70hrv Xlib (Frunze 12) 417-3233

International Day of the Bar – DJs Sergey Mankovsky, Original B, VasSabi, Prova Jones Time: 22.00 Admission: 35hrv Arena (Baseina 2a) 093-947-7476 Gangster Party – DJs Dima Matrosov, Rockstar Time: 23.00 Admission: call and check Sky Bar (V Vasilkiivska 5) 223-8888


Saturday Fashion Session – DJs Ira Champion, Marka Pola, ID Crash, Night, MC Alex Van Cool Time: 22.00 Admission: before 23.30 L-30hrv, G-40hrv, after L-50hrv, G-60hrv Saxon (Trutenko 4) 257-4070 Sexy Pyjamas Party Time: 22.00 Admission: before 23.00 free, after L-50hrv, G-100hrv Shooters (Moskovska 22) 254-2024 Merry Christmas Time: 22.00 Admission: free until 23.00, after call and check D’Lux (Hrushevskoho 3) 200-9009 New Year’s Dress Rehearsal – DJs Dan, Natali Lorient Time: 22.00 Admission: call and check Bionica (Borshchahivska 128a) 232-7296 Yolki-Palki – DJ Star Sky Time: 22.00 Admission: call and check CD Bar (Pryrechnaya 11a) 229-8829 Art Beat! – DJs Spy.Der, Kon, Joss Time: 22.00 Admission: before 00.00 L-50hrv, G-70hrv, after L-60hrv, G-80hrv Forsage (Harmatna 51a) 232-6780

Latina Fiesta Party – DJ Stalkera, MC Adam Time: 21.00 Admission: free Azure (Leontovycha 3) 234-7494 Island of Amazonkas Time: 21.00 Admission: call and check Caribbean Club (Kominternu 4) 288-1290

Crystal Rocks – DJs Falini, New Jack, Alex Pride, Tim, Lunni, Antoni Time: 23.00 Admission: 100hrv Crystal Hall (Dniprovskiy Spusk 1) 288-5069

Radio Day - DJ Shtuzer Time: 21.00 Admission: call and check Aura (Vyshgorodskaya 28/1) 237-7023

Sexy House New Year’s Dress Rehearsal – DJs Andrey Balkonsky, Sound Killers, DAvidDJ, Denny Smile Time: 00.00 Admission: before 00.00 L-30hrv, G-40hrv, after L-50hrv, G-60hrv Prime (Nauki 8) 524-2209 The Ward Number 6 – DJs Dr. Gerbut, Key Time: 23.00 Admission: call and check Sky Bar (V Vasylkivska 5) 223-8888 hristmas Night – C DJs Serge Proshe, Eva Time: 22.00 Admission: before 00.00 free, after L-free, G-100hrv Mantra (Baseina 2a) 050-336-2848 Latin American Music Time: 22.00 Admission: L-100hrv, G-150hrv Caribbean Club (Kominternu 4) 288-1290 BASS Me meets Zhiguli – Minikin, Purple Unit, I Wannabe, Shrus, Zhiguli, Bard Time: 23.00 Admission: before 01.00 50hrv, after 60hrv Xlib (Frunze 12) 417-3233 2-Year Birthday Party – Ivan Mendoza, DJ Pink Cream, DJ Samanto Time: 22.00 Admission: L-free, G-50hrv Vodka Bar (Globus-2nd line, Maidan Nezalezhnosti) 371-1102


Sunday Phototerapia – DJs Tapolsky, Alexandr Fayzulin, Kirill Mixer, Horsy, Spieler, MCs Semenoff, Malysheff Time: 22.00 Admission: before 23.30 L-10hrv, G-15hrv, after L-15hrv, G-30hrv Saxon (Trutenko 4) 257-4070



Snigurka Party – DJs Konstantin Ozeroff, Dan Time: 22.00 Admission: before 00.00 free, after L-free, G-25hrv Bionica (Borshchahivska 128a) 232-7296 BSP Time: 22.00 Admission: L-free, G-90hrv Shooters (Moskovska 22) 254-2024 R’n’B Boom – Stravelli, DJs Lady, Mykvik, Mechanik, MC Hiha Time: 22.00 Admission: before 00.00 L-10hrv, G-15hrv, after L-20hrv, G-30hrv Forsage (Harmatna 51a) 232-6780


Monday Pivomania – DJ Size Time: 21.00 Admission: call and check Aura (Vyshgorodskaya 28/1) 237-7023


Pre New Year’s Set-Off – DJs Burzhuy, Natasha Rostova, Alex Impreza, S Mankovsky Time: 23.30 Admission: 80hrv Sullivan Room (Prorizna 8) 066-485-5555

Ira Champion Time: 18.00 Admission: call and check Maximym (Dekabristov 12/37) 562-6262

Ladies Night Time: 21.00 Admission: L-free, G-100hrv Azure (Leontovycha 3) 234-7494

Mix Style – DJ Shtuzer Time: 21.00 Admission: call and check Aura (Vyshgorodskaya 28/1) 237-7023

If There Was a Sea of Beer Time: 22.00 Admission: before 23.00 free, after L-free, G-90hrv Shooters (Moskovska 22) 254-2024

Friendship of Nations Time: 22.00 Admission: free Shooters (Moskovska 22) 254-2024

Disco-Latino Time: 22.00 Admission: call and check Caribbean Club (Kominternu 4) 288-1290

Disco-Latino Time: 22.00 Admission: call and check Caribbean Club (Kominternu 4) 288-1290

Hard Wave – Stepan Ivanovych Shpak (US), Mindfreak, Sickhead, Alex Henker, A Fallen, Agami Mosh Time: 23.00 Admission: 50hrv I Love Amsterdam (Pobedy Pr 47) 097-155-1133


Discoteque of the 80s – DJ Velskiy Time: 21.00 Admission: free Azure (Leontovycha 3) 234-7494

Salsatequa Time: 21.00 Admission: before 23.00 –free, after L-20hrv, G-50hrv Caribbean Club (Kominternu 4) 288-1290 Who’s the Artist? Time: 22.00 Admission: free Shooters (Moskovska 22) 254-2024

A French Invasion

Invasion Show w/ Joachim Garraud (France, electro house), D’Lux (Hrushevskoho 3)

23 December at 23.00

French DJ Joachim Garraud has been around for a long time. Born in ’68 with a keyboard attached to the hip, he was one of the first to experiment with techno. Pioneering what some call numerical music, he has since gone on to produce and work with artists such as David Guetta, JeanMichel Jarre, David Bowie, Culture Club and Moby. His Invasion Show will be making it around the world. Make sure you catch him while he’s here in Kyiv. For tickets or more information call 200-9009. : What's On Recommended

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Vadym Mishkoriz


Cover Story

What happens if you put a jazz vocalist, a heavy metal bassist, a club DJ and a masked percussionist together in a room for a few hours? There is no fancy punch line coming. The answer lies in the common language these four communicate in – music. With that common language they created The Hardkiss.

Babylonians of the New Age


ulia Sanina, Val, Max and Kreechy started fast and furious. Becoming a sensation almost as soon as their first debut hit – Babylon – was released this September, they quickly found themselves playing huge events like Ukraine’s MTV Video Awards, warming up for Hurts and of course playing our birthday party, all within the span of just a couple of months. As newbies to the massive market of music, The Hardkiss has planted one juicy big one all over Kyiv. We for one are eager for more.

The Common Thread

Knocking on our office door, only half of The Hardkiss core members, Yulia and Val, arrive one balmy December afternoon. I am disappointed the masked madman, Kreechy, has not accompanied. I was kind of hoping to get behind the rational of the disguise. But c'est la vie. The one character I wasn’t expecting was their manager, Volodymr, who takes a seat as far from me as possible. He acts as though he’s not going to get involved in our little chat, which is funny because I ask one question and he’s already cutting in. Yulia displays the tough little chickie she is immediately, however, and tells him to put a sock in it. The question that has sparked such a reaction revolves around the band’s beginnings. Yulia answers honestly. “This does require clarification. There was a project called Val and Sanina, which has nothing to do with our current band. People still confuse the two, even though what we were doing back then was very different. We tried, unsuccessfully, to combine Russian lyrics with dance music, and even shot a video. The problem

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was that we had both been brought up on Western music and that was where our hearts were. We decided to drop it and start anew.” Even before this first project went south, however, theirs was a relationship made of Hollywood movies. Val had just returned from the UK working as a producer on a music channel. Yulia was a young journalist wanting an interview for her school paper. They had “a special connection”, of which music was the common thread.

In spite of or perhpas due to the huge diversity in musical tastes, the band has created a sound many critics are calling very European. With an open-door policy when it comes to ideas, Yulia says, “The very name of the band, The Hardkiss, implicates this diversity. It is a mix of something soft, tender, sweet and melodic together with a hard beat and great drive.”

The Implications of Diversity

As a combination of all of their interests – jazz, rock, house, etc – their music is impressive. But that’s not the only thing audiences seem to be impressed with. Whether it’s the masked madman Kreechy, the funky hairstyles Yulia seems so keen on, Val’s striking look, or the DJ dude behind the turntable, their image is every bit as important as their music. It’s something the band’s stylist and hair guru, Slava Chaika and Vitaliy Datsyuk respectively, really appreciate, and Yulia says it’s one of the reasons they sound and look so different. Continuing on down their own path toward a future that screams popularity, the group says their new album is on its way shortly. Ditching the idea of digital, they’d love to go vinyl. But that’s not such an easy decision. “If we want a Grammy then we’ll need a CD. But I personally prefer the sound of analog. And then of course, this is the era of the internet, which is a powerful musical tool as well,” says Val. While Babylon was the first track released via the World Wide Web, Yulia says their first debut Dance With Me will be out very soon. “With a couple of acoustic variations, as well as a video, we are doing everything step by step.” It’s something that seems to have worked for them so far.

Even still, it was an interesting correlation. Yulia had been raised on jazz and performed hundreds of times throughout her childhood. Val had been producing and was fascinated by rock (as evidenced by his two earrings and rugged appearance). “My first favourite band was Depeche Mode," says the hard-core musician. "My parents even have a video of me dancing to the music. Later on, I started listening to Ozzy Osbourne, Marilyn Manson and Slip Knot." In comparison, Yulia’s musical icons – George Benson, Betty Ostin and Diana Krall – were a little less rough around the edges. But this is perhaps where the group’s strength lies. Adding yet another layer, Max is the group’s DJ. With a massive affinity for Dub Step and Break Beat, he ensures all of thier tunes include a proper progressive rhythm. Interestingly enough, Kreechy has been left out of all conversation up to this point. I ask why. “Kreechy doesn’t want any publicity because of some personal issues. We respect his request. And yet, his image suits the overall image of the band perfectly!”

Step by Step

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Coming Soon

The First and The Last

Judas Priest (UK, heavy metal), Palace Sport (Sportyvna Pl 1)

16 April at 19.00

Judas Priest are saying farewell, and personally doing so in almost every country around Europe, their debut here to Ukraine will in fact be their finale. Most of the five musicians making the trek have been preaching since the very beginning, and do not come light-handed. Promising a two and a half hour show, it’s going to be full of special effects, lasers, smoke, fire, video installation and much more. They won a Grammy recently for Best Metal Performance in 2010 – this is that show. Don’t miss out! Tickets are 350 – 800hrv. For more information call 246-7406.

A Traditional Ukrainian Christmas

Kolyada – Concert of traditional Ukrainian Christmas songs, National Philharmonic of Ukraine (Volodymyrskiy Uzviz 2)

3 January at 19.00

Georgian Temperament in Kyiv Sukhishvili National Georgian Ballet, Palace Ukraine (V Vasylkivska 103)

18 & 19 February at 19.00

The Sukhishvili National Georgian Ballet is a frequent guest to Kyiv, mainly because Ukrainian audiences welcome the group of dancers and musicians so open-heartedly. Inflaming Georgian music, unbelievable tricks from the guys and intricate movements from the girls is what you will find – and more! – all wrapped up in one evening. With surprises up their big bell sleeves each and every year they come, open yourself to the passion of this incredible group. Tickets are 150 – 1350hrv. For more information call 247-2316.

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Christmas is a special holiday for all and one Ukrainians particularly enjoy. Full of ancient folk traditions revealed in music and poems, they are called kolyadky and shchedrivky, and consist of short musical compositions sung throughout the holiday wishing everyone a happy, generous, cheerful and prosperous new year. Should you wish to take part in this magical Ukrainian Christmas celebration, the National Philharmonic and the Bandura Chapel Ensemble will be saving you a seat! Tickets are 20 – 120hrv. For more information call 278-1697.

Brotherhood of Ethno

Dakha Brakha (Ukraine) & Port Mone (Belarus, ethno, pop-rock), Artists House (Artema 1b)

22 February at 19.30

Dakha Brakha and Port Mone began their experimental union just a year ago. They rehearsed a bit together, then went back to their routines, and then decided to amalgamate just once more. Creating a show centred around philosophy and ethnicity, expect something a little out of the ordinary. Tickets are 120 – 320hrv. For more information call 272-0547.

Stealing Christmas

New Year Marvels, Dyvosvit (Malynovskoho 24/10)

24 December – 8 January at 11.00 & 13.00 & 15.00

Remember the Grinch who tried desperately to steal Christmas? Well, he’s at it again! Only this time he’s doing it right under our very noses with a performance here in the captial! The kids of Kyiv don’t seem to mind, however. They’re holiday spirit is much stronger than that of the sly Grinch. After the show, everyone will get the chance to meet up with our Ukrainian Did Moroz and his lovely Snegurochka with whom all of your Christmas and New Year wishes will be granted! It’s going to be a great afternoon of fun and surprises! Admission is 130hrv. For more information call 238-2888.

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Legend of Rock

Konstyantyn Nikolskiy (Russia, pop-rock, instrumental), October Palace (Instytutska 1)

25 February at 19.00

Konstyantyn is one of the founders of rock music in a country and during a time when it was more than just frowned upon to break the rules. Composing for himself as well as many Russian and Ukrainian singers, he comes to Kyiv in the new year to present his From Love To Love programme. Prepare to be impressed. Tickets are 150 – 850hrv. For more information call 279-1582.

Grown-up Talent Alina Grosu (pop), October Palace (Instytutska 1)

22 March at 19.00

It was the talent portion that won Alina Grosu the Mini Miss Ukraine at just three-years old. Continuing to sing and write her own lyrics throughout her childhood, she has grown into a proper performer with genuine star quality. Performing her brand new grown-up programme, Forgive Me My Love, Iryna Bilyk and Vitaliy Kozlovskiy will be accompanying her. For anyone into Ukrainian music, this should be a great show. Tickets are 50 – 500hrv. For more information call 279-1582.

Aphrodite’s Child

Demis Roussos (Greece, world music), Palace Ukraine (V Vasylkivska 103)

8 March at 19.00

The legendary Demis Roussos is coming to Ukraine next year with a string of musical souvenirs. Along with his remarkable tenor, his unmistakable tremolo will no doubt have people lined up for tickets to hear what many call the Greek Nightingale. Born in Egypt to Greek parents, he has been hugely successful in this part of the world, and still gets standing ovations for his most famous work From Souvenirs To Souvenirs. This will no doubt be an evening of true Mediterranean romance! Tickets 200 – 1250hrv. For more information call 247-2316.

Latin Flavoured Movement

Immigration to Cuba – exhibition of paintings by Yuriy Yermolenko, Zeh Gallery (Frunze 69)

From February 2012

Yuriy Yermolenko is much-loved by the Zeh Gallery, whose exhibitions are housed on a regular basis. Let it be known, however, it is not because of nepotism or reverse prejudice. Rather, works by Yermolenko end up on the walls of this gallery because of his ingenuity and creativity. Spending six weeks of the winter in Cuba last year, inspired installations of great magnitude were the result. Just how big are we talking? Try 17 metres x 4! For more information call 591-1369

Drumming Up a Storm

Yamato (Japan, Taiko drummers), Palace Ukraine (V Vasylkivska 103)

31 March at 19.00

Yamato are incredible. Full stop. If you’ve not seen this traditional Japanese drumming art before, you would be well-advised to take the opportunity this spring.

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Founded in 1993 with their international debut in 1998, they have since given thousands of performances the world over. Creating a spectacular show expressing both their musical and artistic flair, these 13 drummers are going to have the entire audience marching to beat of the same drum. Tickets are 150 – 1200hrv. For more information call 247-2316.

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Take Me Out! Listings RESTAURANTS AMERICAN Arizona BBQ 25 Naberezhno Khreshchatytska st. 425-2438 Open: 08.00 – 24.00 The only American run restaurant in Kyiv, open since 1995. Free Wifi, drinks, food, parking, satellite TV, credit cards, live music

New York Bagel Cafe Shota Rustaveli 15 235-9437 Open: Mon – Fri 9.00-21.00. Sat – Sun 10.00 – 11.00 Big Apple’s best recipes in Kyiv’s first New York Bagle Cafe.

Sam’s Steak House 37 Zhylyanskaya st. 287 20 00 Open: 08 a.m. – 12 a.m. www.karta.ua Steak House. Grill restaurant. Breakfast. Wide choice. 8 a.m. - 12 p.m., weekdays WI-FI

ASIAN Terrace Mezhigirska 87 B str. +380932673630 +380443511572 Оpen: 18 00 – 06 00 Asian style, comfortable room karaoke with beauties.

Saffron 3 Vorovskogo st. 569 10 10 Open: Sun – Wed: 12.00 – 00.00 Thu – Sat: 12.00 – 05.00 www.karta.ua Oriental cuisine, Karaoke-lounge WI-FI Nobu 12 Shota Rustaveli st. 246-7734 Open: 12.00 - 24.00 Sushi bar in central location. Great decor and service, wide menu of authentic sushi. Tubiteyka 29/50 Tarasivska st. 287-0242 Open: 8.00 – 23.00 Asian and home made cuisine, delicious breakfasts, kalian. Oriental atmosphere – and decoration. WI-FI

CAUCASIAN Ani 72 Chervonoarmiyska st. 4th floor 590-2565 Open: 11.00-23.00 An open show-case kitchen will let you watch the respected Chef cook traditional dishes on the chargrill for you. Hinkali 4, Shota Rustaveli st. 234-0692 Open: 24 hours Real Caucasian culture reproduced in its best meals. Cuisine with an accent.

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Kazbek 30a L. Ukrainky blvd. 285-4805 Open: 11.00 - 24.00 Restaurant with original interior and traditional Tone stove for baking bread. Kuvshyn 10 Fedorova st. 592-6363 Open: 12.00 - 24.00 Caucasian cuisine. Every dish served in its own original and unique manner. Mimino 10a Spasskaya st. (Podol) 417 35 45 Open: 12.00 – 00.00 www.karta.ua Authentic Georgian cuisine


European BAcchus Class Chapaeva 2/16 (I.Franka)St. 234-6506 Open: 09.00 – till the last visitor leaves www.bacchusclass.com The one and the only Wine restaurant in Ukraine. WI-FI 7FRIDAYS CITY-CAFE B Khmelnytskoho 29 278-1187 www.7fridays.kiev.ua Situated in the very heart of Kyiv, the 7Fridays cafe is bursting with city life while striving to preserve a homelike atmosphere. Offering a peaceful corner to forget about city rush, stop for delicious European cuisine for breakfast, business-lunch or dinner. Internet available. WI-FI Story Cafe 17/18 Naberezhno-Kreschatitskaya st. 467 78 97 Open: 11.00 – 00.00 www.karta.ua French, Italian & Japanese cuisine WI-FI Razgulyaevo 70 Stolichnoe highway (to Koncha-Zaspa) 259 17 00 Open: 11.00 – to the last client www.karta.ua Entertainment complex (restaurant, hotel, sauna, paintball) WI-FI

FRENCH COMME IL FAUT RESTAURANT Velyka Zhytomyrska St. 2A 219-1919 Open: Monday-Saturday 11:00-23:00 Elegant French restaurant in the heart of Kiev. Every day enjoy a unique business lunch with glass of wine. Come and try our new autumn menu…

Crep De Chine 25 Hoholivska st. 537-7070 Open: 08.00 – 23.00 A culinary expirience you won’t forget!

Olivera 2A Velyka Zhytomyrska Street 219-1919 Open: 06.30 - 23.00 All day Mediterranean restaurant for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Every day enjoy our Business lunch and Olivera Steak house. Spoil you friends and family with Sunday brunch from 13.00 weekly.

Teatro Restaurant Opera Hotel 53 B. Khmelnitskogo st. 581 70 70 Open: 06.30 – 23.00 Mediterranean cuisine. Exquisite selection of the best dishes around the Mediterranean Sea Flavors & Tastes at their best!

Terracotta 5-7/29 Pushkinska st. 537-4535 Open: 07.00 - 23.00 Mediterranean restaurant of superior cuisine. Wine and cigar rooms offer the perfect touch to Terracotta’s delicious dining experience

Vernissage Cafe Artema 10 272-2003 Open Mon-Fri 8.00 – 22.00 Sat-Sun 11.00 – 22.00 WI-FI

Marocana 24 Lesi Ukrainky blvd. 254-4999 Open: 11.00 - 02.00 This popular beau monde hang-out bills itself as a fashion TV cafe.

INTERNATIONAL Arena Entertainment 2-a Baseyna st. 492-0000 Open: 9.00 ‘til the last visitor leaves Spacious and cozy restaurant with European cuisine and micro brewery.

BIER PLATZ (new!) Maidan Nezalezhnosti – 7 Khreshchatyk 067-407-5544 From 11.00 until the last client Delicious Czech, German and Ukrainian cuisine. 11 sorts of draft beer. 7 plasma screeens and 1 huge wall screen, offering various sports channels. Wi-Fi b-hush Velyka Zhytomyrska St. 2A 11th floor, InterContinental Kyiv Mob. +38 050 355 93 72 Open: Mon - Thu: 18.00 - 02.00 Fri - Sat: 18.00 - 04.00 Rooftop lounge bar b-hush - Rise above the bustle and enjoy the breathtaking panoramic view of the city. Our specialties include Asian Fusion menu, extensive cocktail menu and hookah menu.

FUSION BEEF MEAT & WINE Shota Rustaveli 11 225-0035 Open: 12.00-24.00 Meet cuisine with no ethnic equivalent. Only the best meat from top suppliers and a wide choice of wine match. WI-FI Buddha-bar Kiev 14 Kreschatik st. (near Khreshchatyk hotel) 270- 7676 Open: Mo – Wed: 13.00 – 02.00 Thu – Sat: 13.00 – 04.00 Sun: 14.00 – 02.00 www.buddhabar.com.ua Restaurant lounge-bar WI-FI Marrakesh 24 Sagaydachnogo st. (Podol) 494 0 494 Open: Sun – Thu: 12.00 – 01.00 Fri – Sat: 12.00 – 04.00 www.karta.ua Oriental restaurant. Moroccan, French & Japanese cuisine. Hookah menu. WI-FI

Grill Asia Restaurant 5 Alla Tarasova st. 581-12-34 Open: 6:00 - 24:00 Two open kitchens, European and Asian cuisine in luxurious surroundings. Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

InterContinental Kyiv Lobby Lounge Bar Velyka Zhytomyrska St. 2A 1 st floor, InterContinental Kyiv 219-1919 Open: 08.00 - 02.00 Enjoy the best coffee in town with home made pastries in a unique atmosphere. Great selection of whiskies, wine and comfort food at your choice - Lobby lounge the place to meet in Kiev.

MYKA restaurant Khreshchatyk 46a 227 8943 Open: 12-24 Delicious international cuisine in the heart of Kyiv

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Kyiv Life Peter Worswick of KPMG and Mark Senyk of Atlantic Group hooking up with a friend

Santa Clause has just enough arms for beauties Valeria Glotova and Elena Kvartiuk

Merry Christmas ACC!

Wishing the Chamber well, it’s Valeriy Kozlov of Integrites

AMC’s Tetyana Poltashevskaya and friend giving Santa their wish list

PARIS DAKAR Gathering its members on 15 December for the final Business Networking Cocktail this year, the Chamber gave every one of its members the opportunity to share their achievements from the current year as well as any and all plans for the next. The evening was themed Christmas Is In the Air and was a great way for friends old and new to celebrate this festive time of year together before everyone takes off for the holidays. Merry Christmas ACC!

Happy Holidays from the Germans

Head of German Embassy’s Economic Department Michael Freudenberg and Defence Attaché Col Gerhard Hagner

German Ambassador HE Ambassador HansJürgen Heimsoeth whispers his wishes to Santa

Wife of German Ambassador Lizabeth Heimsoeth (left) singing traditional Christmas carols

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GERMAN EMBASSY Getting gussied up for the holidays, the German Embassy decided to send a few invitations out to friends for a festive celebration of Christmas on 14 December. Mixing European and Ukrainian traditions in one the Embassy’s great halls, Santa and Snegurochka (Did Moroz’s granddaughter) caused many a smile from kids of all ages. After the fun-loving ambassador, HE Heimsoeth, said a few words, everyone joined hands and danced around the tree as old Slavic tradition dictates. Filled with the Christmas spirit, everyone went home happy and ready for the holidays.

Heinrich Boll Fund representative Kyrylo Savin with his daughter

20.12.2011 18:39:09


Noble Group Ltd Roy Rafael Bercovitz, Ron Barden of PWC and Jock Mendoza-Wilson of SCM sampling the hops

Anna Ganich and Claude Thomann seem to be enjoying the evening

Sky Net’s Lilia Vasilyeva and Pierre Sleiman

Glyn Thomas of Amstar happily taking part

Oleksandr Sylakin of Mott MacDonald and Victor Leleka of Ukrinterenergo enjoying the evening

John Hughes’ Contribution

JOHN HUGHES BREWERY (Donetsk) and SOLOMYANSKA BREWERY (Kyiv) The BUCC has been busy as of late honouring Welsh businessman, John Hughes, for having founded the Ukrainian city of Donetsk in 1869. Having made his fortune in steel in the UK, Hughes moved to Ukraine where he was instrumental in creating the first steel blast furnaces as well as the first public access hospitals, schools and other amenities. Businessmen, diplomats and officials of many nationalities, made the trek from the capital to join those in Donetsk for a commemoratory dinner at the brewery named after Hughes on 30 November. The same was done on 14 December highlights of the evening in the east were shared with contemporaries here in Kyiv at the Solomyanska Brewery. Both events were highly attended and put a start to a fruitful cooperation between BUCC and Donetsk Chamber of Commerce.

Milan Pajevic of Slav Invest Group together with the Ambassador of Croatia HE Zeljko Kirincic

Natalia Dobrovolska networking with Niall Cullens of the British Embassy and Iryna Voytsekhovska of BC Toms & Co

British Ambassador HE Leigh Turner chatting with President of Gerc Construction Oleksandr Rotov

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Kyiv Life Pinchuk Art Prize nominees waiting anxiously for the results

Professional artists Dmytro Logvinov, Vlada Ralko and Volodymyr Budnikov out to take a look at the future generation

Young and Contemporary

Host of the event, singer Kuzma Skryabin with the head of Barbican British Art Gallery Kate Bush announcing the special prize-winner

Founder of PinchukArtCentre Viktor Pinchuk with the laureate of the Pinchuk Art Prize 2011 Mykyta Kadan

PINCHUKARTCENTRE On 9 December, the winners of the annual nationwide PinchukArtCentre Prize were announced. Awarding Mykuta Kadan 100,000hrv and an internship with a world famous artist of his choice, the international jury were unanimous in their decision. The lucky Kadan will also appear on the shortlist of the Future Generation Art Prize – an international competition for young artists. Awarded for their contribution, Zhanna Kadyrova, Serhiy Radkevych and Mukyta Shalenny also received special mentions. All of their work stays on display until 8 January of next year. Take a moment to take a look at Ukraine’s most contemporary art!

Ukrainian reality TV show – ESP Battle – participant Maksym Hordeev tries to predict Ethan Hunt’s fate with a friend

Socialites Tetyana Honcharova and Natalya Okunska in animal print – rrrrrr!

Singer Oksi hoping to attract Tom Cruise’s attention

At the Movies Everything’s Possible

UKRAINA CINEMA Some came to see their idol Tom Cruise, others because they love action, but all of them were on one and only mission on 15 December – to be the first to watch the fourth part of the Hollywood blockbuster Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol. The organisers did not keep guests waiting long, and after a short buffet invited the starryeyed audience into the theater to watch the long-awaited premiere.

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Actress Anna Suvorova and stylist Ruslan Zakharchenko pose for a pic

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UkrAvto’s Nina Vasadze herself a piece of art

Businessmen Valeriy Mironov and Ihor Voronov stop for a pic of their own

Lost Paradise

MIRONOVA GALLERY On 16 December one of the most shocking and rebellious artists of the post-Soviet space, Oleh Kulik, came to Kyiv to officially open his newest exhibition, Lost Paradise. Known the world over for crazy but creative antics, Kulik has since turned philosophical where his most recent works showcase Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden having tried the forbidden fruit. Sensual and suggestive photos of these two appear amidst pictures of animals, causing the viewer to stand transfixed in front of each piece. Take a look for yourself. It’s there until 25 January.

Director of the M17 art centre Oleksiy Titarenko

TV Host Tatiana Ramus andHelen Marlen’s Oksana Kavickaya together with Evgenia Mironova

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Artist Oleh Kulik with art fanatic Kostya Doroshenko

Head of the Museum of Russian Art, Yuriy Vakulenko checks out the exhibition

Ira Gabidzashvili and Inna Tkachuk of VMT developmen

Appreciating all things artistic, politician Oles Dovgiy

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Frishberg & Partners 10 Gorky Street, Suite 8 01004 Kyiv, Ukraine Tel: (38044) 585-8464 Fax: (38044) 235-6342

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20.12.2011 18:42:17


Essential Kyiv Fitness Centres GOLF CENTRE Obolonska Naberezhna 20  230-9436 www.golf-center.com.ua The Golf Centre offers 36 stations, a 2-level floodlit driving range, 7-hole golf course, Golf Academy, Pro Shop and restaurant. No membership required! Plenty of free parking on site

Language Courses

Premier Palace Hotel Blvd T. Shevchenka / Pushkinska 5-7/29  537-45-00  279-87-72 Reservation: 244-12-11 info@premier-palace.com www.premier-palace.com

Kiev Sport Club Blvd Druzhby Narodiv 5  522-8866

Lybid Hotel Peremohy Square 1 +380 239 76 00  +380 236 63 36 reception@hotellybid.com.ua


Premier Palace Fitness Center Blvd T. Shevchenka 5-7/29  537-453


InterContinental Velyka Zhytomyrska Str 2A  219-1919 hotel.kiev@ihg.com http://intercontinental-kiev.com


Ukraine International Airlines ticket office in Kiev 4, Lysenka Street  (044) 581-50-50 www.flyUIA.com

Austrian Airlines Kyiv City Office Velyka Vasylkivska 9/2, Reservation:  8-800-3000-492 office.ukraine@austrian.com www.austrian.com More than 60 flights per week from 6 biggest cities in Ukraine to the whole World!

Air France-KLM Kiev, 34/33, Ivana Franka str. 490-24-90, 496-35-75 www.airfrance.ua, www.klm.ua

Airports Boryspil International Airport  490-4777 www.boryspilairport.kiev.ua

British Council Teaching Centre Skovorody 4/12  490-5600

Kyiv-Zhulyany International airport Povitroflotsky 92  242-2309/08 www.airport.kiev.ua

Educational Program LEGO Education Borysa Hmyri 6 Klovskiy Uzviz 8 Heroiv Stalingradu 18  383-5150, 383-5152, 577-2900 www.vynahidnyk.org

Beauty Salons Favorit V.I.P. Club Muzeyny 6  278-3338

Education Delta Air Lines General Sales Agent SIA "ContinAt" Chervonoarmiyska 9/2, #17  287-3595 www.delta.com Now fly Kiev-New York Non-stop

003_Essential_47_11_541.indd 30

Language school Nota Bene - Russian and Ukrainian for foreigners - Business English - German, French, Spanish, Italian  8(097) 400-9699 8(067) 738-1691 278-8036 Volodymyrska 7, #17 notabene.school@gmail.com

American Academy of Foreign Languages Dymytrova 16, #16  230-2608 A.B.C. P. Lumumby 23/35, #13  239-1091

Dnipro Hotel Khreschatyk 1/2  254-6777  254-6737 reservation@dniprohotel.kiev.ua


Hyatt Regency Kyiv Alla Tarasova 5  581-12-34  581-12-35 info.hrkyiv@hyatt.com www.kyiv.regency.hyatt.com

Greenwich Prorizna 22-b  592-7843

International House Vandy Vasylevskoi 7  238-9870 Oxford Klass School of English English for adults and children, Cinema club 34 Ivana Mazepa St. Kiev, 01015, Ukraine  594-10-64  594-10-62

Translation Services Radisson BLU Hotel Yaroslaviv Val 22 Reservations:  492-2200  492-2210 info.kiev@radissonblu.com www.radissonblu.com/hotel-kiev

100 MOV Nahirna 24/1 489-5856

Marriage Agencies

On Time Translation Agency Maiakovskoho Pr 10, 2nd floor 228 02 91 www.ontime.in.ua

Want to meet a lady who is looking for a man like you ? Save your time and energy and visit www.marriagebynatali.com or call Natali personally at +38-067-232-0803. Our reputation speaks for itself.


Alliance-profi Mechnikova 6, #33 235-6643, 592-4588

Anakonda-translate  529-3302

Internet Cafes Bunker Artema 11-a  272-4860 Cyber Cafe Prorizna 21  278-0548

Diamond Recruiters Moskovska 43/11, 3rd floor, office 8  332-3100 www.diamondrecruiters.net kyiv@diamondrecruiters.net Diamond Recruiters helps you attract, retain and motivate Ukrainian and foreign talent. Our specialties include finance, administration, change management, and IT. Middle to senior management positions.

Orki Khmelnitskoho 29/2  228-1187

Medical Centers

DTelite School Sahaydachnoho 20/2  417-5770 Business English Center Lesi Ukrainky 3, #114  234-0871

Center of Spanish Language and Culture Obolonska 7, 1st Floor  239-2418 www.spanish.com.ua Ez English Blvd Lesi Ukrainki 16, #18  235-5926

Club Olympus Alla Tarasova 5  581-1234 Cyber Gym B. Khmelnytskoho 50  465-3171

SMARTFOX Language school, Translation’s agency Vandy Vasylevskoi 7  502-6290 www.baziscenter.com

Opera Hotel B. Khmelnitskoho 53  581-70-70  537-73-73 reservations@opera-hotel.com www.opera-hotel.com

American Medical Centers Emergency Phone: +38 (044) 490 7600 Berdychivska, 1 +38 (044) 490 7600 +38 (044) 490 7600 patientservices@amc.com.ua

20.12.2011 19:13:11


Stephen Oryszczuk

the dodgy leg accept 100hrv for the wooden

Ukrainian Hats

What’s Hot

gle. Would the man with the gold teeth and

I’m in London at the moment and

bird designed to hang from a ceiling? Appar-

take pleasure in reporting to you

ently not, and we missed out on a deal by

that EVERYBODY here is wearing

15hrv (after an initial difference of 50hrv),


but I’d got strict per-person budgets, so by

they’re everywhere. I feel like I

sticking to them I’d passed my first test.

haven’t left Kyiv. Perhaps I should

Down I went. One stall had beautifully



painted bowls, another had crafted jewellery,

(see opposite).








’ve recently been to the Uzviz to buy my

while yet another sold woollen gloves. When

English family some Ukrainian presents

I realised the ‘discount’ prices were still four

for Christmas. I’ve been up and down it

times the price of similar products I’d seen in

dozens of times before, but never with a view

weaver’s shops in Western Ukraine, I realised

to buying anything. This time I went in tour-

just how much I was going to get screwed.

ents out next to my English ones.

ist mode, and started at the top.

But hey. It’s Christmas.

The Ukrainian gifts looked by far the

It was a fruitless beginning, because framed

After the art gallery I came across a lone fer-

better of the two. Delicate, intricate

artwork is extremely difficult to trans-

ret-wool hat quoted at 350hrv. “This rabbit

and beautifully-made, Ukrainian

port across a continent. After the art came

price” he said, apparently assuming I knew

crafts are unassumingly Hot at this

smaller things and pushier salespeople, in

the typical price of both rabbit and ferret fur

time of year.

what seemed like the cheap bit. Would Sir

in Kyiv. “Rabbit give few years. Ferret give 20.”

like a wall-mounted plastic model of a big-

I liked it, and was considering it for my grand-

breasted, red-cheeked Ukrainian woman

dad – a Ukrainian who’s lived in England for

by any chance? Or perhaps Sir would like a

60 years. He’d probably hate it, but he’d likely

moulded fridge magnet comprising unidenti-

love the idea of having a Ukrainian hat once

pang of patriotism an Englishman

fiable blobs representing salo and gherkins,

again. I decided to carry on down and think

feels when, after months of doing

handmade by singing babushkas in a forest

about it.

battle in foreign lands, he returns

by a stream?

On my way back I met Chris and Amanda.

home to enjoy ‘a chippy’. It’s the

Sir would like neither, Spaciba very much.

Not only were they at the hat stand, but Chris

same for the Scottish and their

T-shirts showing Hugh Laurie (Dr House)

had my granddad’s hat on his head. “How do

deep-fried Mars bars.

frowning, key-rings saying ‘I Love Kyiv’, vodka

I look?” he asked. “Like an American with a

glasses painted with churches, Russian dolls

dead Ukrainian ferret on his head.” “I know,

depicting Putin – the various stalls had varia-

cool isn’t it!”

tions of the same. As the road descended, the

I couldn’t dissuade him, and he began to

quality seemed to get better. Sellers pushed

haggle He didn’t get much discount (prob-

their products less, perhaps because their

ably because the guy thought the foreigners

products looked less like cheap tack. Some

would now fight over the ferret) and in the end

lar continually strive to attain new

even looked a good bet: the intricately carved

neither of us got it. We decided over a beer

levels of customer service. Last week

Cossack clubs would be great for my dad,

five minutes later that we’d chosen wisely.

coins went flying as one of them

who could jokingly threaten his wife with it if

I’m not sure if ferret-wearing foreigners are

smashed the change out of my hand.

the cooking was bad.

worse than sex tourists, but it has to be a

I’m not sure what I did to elicit such

My soft spot for woodwork led to the first hag-

close-run race.

a strike, nor what she said to me at

Ukrainian Crafts

I got back and laid my Uzviz pres-

Fish & Chips

It’s difficult to explain the intense

Funicular Women

The ladies working the Podil funicu-

What’s Not

What’s Wrong

What’s What

All Things Considered

the time, but I don’t think it was ‘Merry Christmas’. Dear Stephen, Help! The staff at my office recently held their annual Christmas party. I drank too much and kissed a female colleague in front of everyone. I honestly came down with the flu immediately after and so have been off work for a few days. Now, however, it’s

Taxi Drivers

I know they make an easy What’s

time to get back to work. I just worry that there will be many prickly jokes to follow.

Not target, but they deserve it. My

Can you give me any advice on how to deal with that? – Anya, 25

Ukrainian friend was quoted 100hrv

last week to go two blocks by two Dear Anya,

separate taxi drivers. In what fanta-

A good strategy for dealing with taunts is to pre-empt them. Let’s create a scenario

sy world does this work?

plan. If they over-emphasise the ‘two turtle doves’ when singing 12 Days of Christmas, simply say you’re hoping to make it ‘three French hens’ next year. If they send you a false Christmas card from the lady with whom you became acquainted, scan it and save it as your screensaver, before drawing up (and prominently displaying) a

Kyiv Museums

In London there are dozens of world-

list of office colleagues entitled ‘To Kiss in the New Year’. Finally, if they ask you about

class museums, with artefacts and

the indiscretion directly, answer thus: “Christmas is about giving, and some gifts are

exhibits that will knock your socks

better than others.” Then wink and walk away.

off; all of which are free to visit. In

Kyiv, there’s almost nothing. Unfair Yours sincerely

comparison? Probably. But other


Eastern European cities have excellent museums. Here, not so much.

If you have a question about life, work or relationships in Kyiv please write to stephen@whatson-kiev.com

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