The Call - Winter 2024

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CONTENTS Academics New Hope In Action Thank You! Coming Full Circle MYSELF Building a Foundation 5. 6. 8. 8. 9. 11. 12. 15. 16. 17. 18 20 3 Growth Through Relationships Family Matters Aunty Lori's Quiche Recipe The Art of Mentorship Circle the Wagons From Pupil to Pulpit New Opportunities? The Principle of the Fulcrum Creative Arts Community Leadership


In my travels around the world, the most fascinating sights to behold are the architectural masterpieces that have stood the test of time. Whether it is the Colosseum in Rome, the castles in Germany, or even the Great Wall of China, these structures have witnessed thousands of years of history. From natural disasters and wars to the transitions of empires, they still stand today. These monuments testify to the strength of their foundations—an often overlooked yet indispensable element crucial for structural stability.

In the grand design of education, we envision New Hope Christian College not merely as a college campus but akin to a resilient architectural masterpiece—its foundations and pillars are meticulously crafted and designed to endure the tests of time and release the dreams and calls of generations for the Gospel. Much like a monument that stands as a testament to enduring strength, our college is intentionally built upon the

bedrock of Christ and supported by four pillars: academics, community, creative arts, and leadership training. The pillars provide the structure to mold raw potential into resilient leaders who shine the light of Christ and advance the Kingdom of God in their generation, both in the ministry and marketplace.

In this issue, you will find various aspects, programs, and qualities that lay the right foundation for exceptional leaders in the twenty-first century. As followers of Christ, regardless of age, we are each called to grow, develop our God-given gifts, and deploy them as ambassadors in our generation. Now is the time to build. Read on…

“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden” (Matthew 5:14).

Wayne Cordeiro

Uilani Cordeiro

Donald Grafton

Lori Higashi

Jazmine Grafton

Editorial Designers Writers

Nik Coats

Uilani Cordeiro

Dr. Erika Funk

Abby Galvez

Jazmine Grafton

Cindy Kenny

Christopher Kiriakos

Elaine Naulu

Noland Peebles

Herbie Sanders

Jordin Paige Valencia


Johnny Childers

Cathy Drew

Cody Gress

Jazmine Grafton

Jazden Martinez

Derrek Miyahara

Isaiah Rosander

New Hope in ACTION (541) 485-1780 | 3


New Hope's Academic pillar combines a challenging curriculum with handson ministry training from experienced professors and practitioners. Each course is designed to deepen students' understanding of the Word of God and help them foster an intimate and accurate knowledge

of God. Unlike traditional colleges, New Hope offers tailored concentrations for students to discover and develop their unique callings. Our academic team collaborates with each student to create a personalized success plan, providing individualized coaching through classes or independent studies.

"Pursuing my bachelor’s has been a blessing personally, academically, and spiritually. The faculty here isn't just concerned with our academics; they are giants in the faith who model healthy spiritual lives and come alongside us in prayer and worship."

M.Y.S.E.L.F. is an acronym that we use to categorize the areas of our lives, all of which should be under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

Mental: Have you trained your mind to think critically and know God and His Word accurately and intimately?

phYsical: Is the care for our physical selves surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus? (This includes diet, exercise, sleep/rest cycles, hygiene, and purity.)

Social: Jesus also wants to lead us in how we relate to one another. Are our relationships spiritually healthy? Do we need to make amends with anyone?

Emotional: We should submit our emotions to the authority of Jesus. Do we express sorrow for what grieves God and find joy in what brings Him delight?

Leadership: Are we living to expand His Kingdom in the areas of responsibilities, vocation, employment, and the development of our giftings and callings?

Finances: Are our resources surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus? Are we living according to His instruction in the area of tithes, offerings, spending, saving, and patterns of generosity? What about how we spend our time, perhaps the most valuable resource?

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FOUNDATION building a

We can design our lives around ambitious goals, advanced degrees, and influential careers, but without a firm foundation those things alone will not carry us through the storms of life.

One aspect of a firm foundation is commitment to careful study and academic rigor. It’s true that we can get by reasonably well in our relationship with Christ without theology courses. However, it is also the case that we can be led astray if our times of devotion to the Lord are not built on an accurate understanding of Scripture. This is where the academic rigor of my classes at New Hope became increasingly beneficial for the development of both my character

"God has shown me that I am to take my calling as a pastor seriously and do my best in my studies in order to be the strong Christian leader the

Lord has created me to be."

and my thinking as a Christian.

During my junior year, I had been swayed into a period of confusion and hyper-spiritualism, but it was neither the call of ministry nor long times of aimless prayer and undisciplined devotional reading that restrained me from nearly derailing my life and deeply hurting the people around me. Rather, it was when I took a step to renew my commitment to reading and understanding God’s Word properly that I received clear instruction from the Lord and got back on the right course.

If not for my studies at NHCC, I may not have had the tools to combat the lies the enemy was trying to get me to believe.

Furthermore, it was through this experience—coupled with the robust biblical courses of my senior year and the advice, care, and mentorship of the staff who are all-in for Christ— that God forged a commitment to rigorous study into a heart for biblical discernment that I have been able to use on countless occasions to benefit myself and others around me.


New Hope Christian College is committed to fostering a tight-knit community that goes beyond just academics and into discipleship through a Christ-centered community. We are dedicated to

helping every student experience a genuine sense of belonging and connection, making their college journey not just educational but also deeply enriching on a personal and spiritual level.

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Hi there! My name is Abby Galvez, and I am a New Hope Christian College student. During my time here, I’ve had hands-on training in a number of different ministries, including media communications, youth, and children’s ministry. These experiences have helped me build meaningful relationships with staff and my peers. My Ignite Life Group has also helped me gain confidence and find friends, as well as a mentor I trust.

Coming to New Hope Christian College has been an incredible blessing, and I have grown so much here. I have built relationships with the staff and students that will last me a lifetime, and I have also developed my relationship with God, even making the decision to be water-baptized recently! I hope you take the opportunity to attend this college and experience a life-changing opportunity in your walk with God.



New Hope is a close-knit institution that prioritizes students' spiritual growth and character development. Our Student Life department oversees “Ignite Spiritual Formation,” a comprehensive discipleship program encompassing Devotions, Chapels, Life Groups, and Spiritual Growth Conferences. Students also have access to professional counseling support throughout their time at NHCC.

Every student is involved in an Ignite group composed of four or five other

students and a staff member who walks alongside them throughout their college journey. These Life Groups give students opportunities to cultivate enduring friendships and foster accountability over cups of coffee and homemade treats.

Our campus is also bustling with opportunities to connect through events like open mic nights, trips to the snow and coast, intramural sports, barbecues,



our annual harvest party, and weekly informal gatherings on campus and out in the community. Each of these events bonds students through shared activities, creating a strong sense of community.

Our commitment to building community not only underscores our dedication to each student’s spiritual and emotional development but also

aligns with our mission to cultivate the upcoming generation of leaders, ensuring the profound impact of the Great Commission in their lives.

As one alumnus said, “New Hope is wrapped up in the culture of family. Not only do students get to grow and live life closely with their peers, but the professors are invested in each and every student and dedicated to helping them learn and grow into the people that the Lord has called them to be.”

We believe food brings people together! Created by one of our life group leaders, we hope you can use this recipe to bring people together.


• 8 ounces Italian sausage

• ½ cup mayonnaise

• 2 tablespoons flour

• ½ cup milk

• 2 eggs

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• 2 cups shredded mild cheddar cheese

• 1 green apple, peeled and sliced thin

• 1 unbaked 10-in deep-dish pie shell


1. Brown the sausage in a skillet over medium heat, stir until crumbly, and drain oil.

2. Mix mayonnaise and flour in a bowl.

3. Whisk in milk and eggs until blended.

4. Lightly mix the sausage, apple, and cheese in the pie shell.

5. Pour egg mixture over the top.

6. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.

Optional: add veggies such as spinach, mushrooms, etc. and saute with the Italian sausage.

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Creativity is celebrated as a powerful means of expressing faith given to us by God. The Creative Arts pillar of New Hope allows students to worship and convey the Gospel in unique and effective ways through music, drama, art, and various creative outlets. The college

encourages its students to use their gifts to inspire, uplift, and ultimately bring glory to God. Through our Creative Arts program and on-site lab church, our students have a safe space to exercise their gifts to minister to the body of Christ in a real-world setting while under the cover and mentorship of their pastors and professors.


theArt of Mentorship

When I was applying to colleges as a high school student, I knew I wanted to go to a Bible college where I could be mentored in my graphic design skills. It had been a dream of mine for a long time to have a job in graphic design, and it was important to me that I could pursue that dream in a Christian environment where I would be pushed to grow in my faith and understanding of the Bible. After researching, I knew New Hope Christian College would be the best option. My name is Jazmine, and I am honored to now call myself a graduate of the NHCC Creative Arts program.

As a freshman, I was really nervous about starting college. Finding mentors on campus who were more than happy to share their experiences and knowledge was a

game changer for me. Through the Creative Arts program, I was enrolled in private lessons where I met with a professional, Gary Hisaoka, and was trained in graphic design. What started as a weekly private lesson eventually transformed into a mentorship where I worked alongside Gary throughout the week on various projects. He often quoted the verse, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another” (Proverbs 27:17), and gave me plenty of opportunities to grow and be sharpened. Through my time on the graphics team, I grew to love the synergy and creativity that comes from bouncing ideas off each other.

In addition to my private lessons in graphic design, I also learned photography and videography from other mentors on the media team. On a personal level, I learned

valuable wisdom from others, such as my life group leader, who advised and guided me on how I could grow as a child of God. As a graduate, I can appreciate how valuable these mentors were for me both as a person and as a professional. Now, I have the opportunity to mentor and teach others, and I could not be more excited to pass on what I have learned as a student at NHCC.

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The term “Circle the Wagons” refers to a group of people who unite for a common purpose. On September 10th, New Hope West did just that as we gathered close to 2,000 people for our third annual Cowboy Church at the Lane Events Center Livestock Arena. The arena’s size allowed for the possibility of holding ONE SERVICE with our entire church family. This was the first time running one service since New Hope West launched with two services during the pandemic. While excited for the opportunity, the venue posed a unique challenge for our Creative Arts and Production departments who enjoyed creatively transforming a livestock arena into a church.

Months of planning culminated in a week-long transformation as our students worked side-by-side with experienced mentors and staff to turn the bare dirt and concrete arena into a cutting-edge countrywestern church service.

Scan the QR code to watch a video that shares the perspective of our production crew from Cowboy Church!




Tech and Production students meticulously set up sound systems and cameras for live online streaming and connected miles of wires for LED screens, speakers, and instruments. The talented band and vocal teams performed songs that celebrate God's work alongside national country recording artists. Pastor Wayne delivered a challenging message on relationship attitudes, resulting in many first-time decisions to follow Jesus. Throughout the day, students partnered with parking attendants on horseback, hosted a petting zoo, coordinated Clydesdale carriage rides, and served hundreds of hotdogs and hamburgers, coming together to create a memorable day that touched the lives of all who came.

It took many hours of hard work to transform the livestock arena into a sanctuary, but it was truly a labor of love and unity. The culmination of this work was such a beautiful day to marvel at God’s goodness and unite for our common purpose of seeing the people of Lane County come to know Jesus—our shared goal in circling up.

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Integrating education with hands-on ministry experience empowers our students to convert classroom learning to wisdom in real-life ministry settings. The Leadership Development pillar creates an environment where students can emerge as experienced ministry leaders. New Hope Christian

College goes beyond classroom instruction by providing practical scenarios for students to cultivate their leadership abilities. At New Hope, we are educating students and developing the next generation of leaders who will go into the world and be shining ambassadors for Christ.


pupil pulpit

Collaborating closely with pastors and mentors, each student receives personalized guidance for practical leadership training, both individually and within team settings. This approach ensures that graduates possess not only a biblically informed perspective but also the skills of servant leaders honed between 1,0001,500 hours of ministry experience. These opportunities range from ministry involvement to community outreach, where students learn, do, and then lead. Professional mentors also guide students in their skills and their walks with Christ.

Throughout her undergraduate and now graduate education, Jordin Valencia has been training as an upcoming exemplary leader and pastoral intern at New Hope for the past five years. Recently, Jordin has been able to apply all that she has learned over the years as the administrator of our Edification Fractal at New Hope West. This has given her opportunities to help design the New Believer's class curriculum, coordinate and instruct the Bible Basics class, and organize various events such as funerals, weddings, baptisms, and marriage conferences. She has also made the transition from pupil to pulpit, serving as a

“I know that I can challenge myself and tap into my Godgiven potential. Because of the investment of the New Hope staff, I have been able to walk confidently in my call.”

guest speaker at the 2023 New Hope Youth high school camp as well as delivering a sermon at New Hope West this fall! Her impactful words reached a congregation of over 1,500 in person and thousands online around the world.

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As I was searching for the right college to attend, I knew I wanted a college that would help me build my knowledge and transform who I am. I am proud to say that my journey here at New Hope Christian College has been exceptionally transformative, as represented by my spiritual growth, personal development, and maturation in leadership that emerged from both inside and outside of the classroom.

Throughout my time at NHCC, I have been offered an abundance of opportunities to develop my maturity in every area of my life. Little did I know when I came here that being a member of the Associated Student Body (ASB) would become a focal point of my progression as a leader and provide me with valuable practical insights into life leadership.

One of the ways that I have personally been transformed in my life leadership is to lead with compassion. Because of the hands-on opportunities provided by NHCC, I have learned how important it is to lead with compassion for God’s people.


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"I have developed and evolved as a Christian and a leader by trusting God and leaning into His calling here at NHCC."
- Olivia Wrede, Class of 2024
"Working with my mentor one-on-one every week has not only immensely furthered my ability and skills, but has targeted my understanding of the craft because I get to work with someone who has done this for years—both in the ministry and marketplace."
- Teuila Lafi, Class of 2025


A balanced life is not a static life. In its most stable form, life is full of change, responsibilities, dynamic relationships, and fluctuating emotions. If we want to steward our lives and find balance, we must understand the principle of the fulcrum.

Picture a long yardstick before you, displaying various aspects of your life—marriage, ministry, health, finances, and more spread across it. The fulcrum at its center, supporting it, symbolizes your heart and attention. Contrary to the myth that balance demands predictability and equal weight on all sides, change is inevitable. When movement happens, our supposedly 'balanced' life begins to come crashing down.

The Holy Spirit, however, seeks to lead us in faithfully stewarding God's gifts, drawing attention to specific areas through pressure points, whether in family or ministry. Despite our instinct to retreat from discomfort, the fulcrum principle urges us to move our hearts and attention closer to the pressure. This is the principle of the moving fulcrum, or following the leading of the Holy Spirit. He will lead, teach, and instruct you in the way you should go. By aligning our hearts with His direction, we discover the elusive balance we've been seeking amid life's inevitable changes.

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We are so thankful to our generous donors. Your donations allow students to be awarded scholarships, discipled in the classroom, and receive opportunities to creatively communicate the Gospel. To donate, visit


Barr, Stuart & Judy

Chae, Chels & Christine

Cordeiro, Wayne & Anna

Doris Hunt Family Trust

Dungy, Anthony & Lauren

Funk, Rob & Erika

Gober, Howard

Grant, Isaac & Rachel

Jones, Donald & Martha

Jones, Miriam

Lay, Gary & Susan

Miyahara, Derrek

Mulbery, Grady & Sue

New Hope O'ahu

RB Bruns Foods

Rife, Kevin & Tammy

Rodrigues, Dan & Lisa

Singer, Phillip & Becca

Snyder, Brandy & Dan

Stream, Mark & Julie


Alldridge, Joyce

Allison, David & Pam

Bar-L Enterprises, Inc

Bolton, Leonard & Julie

Bruns, Tom & Janna

Bryan, Don & Ruth

Buhr, Douglas

Burrows, Mark

Cameron, Mary

Chapman, Robert & Karon

Cioccolanti, Steve

Cordeiro, Aaron & Uilanni

Crowley , Mike & Dani

Daggett , Duane & Hollye

Dean, Caleb

DeWees, Jane

DLX Family Foundation

Dorman, Steve

Driessnack, Rich

Dumas, Cheryl

Empringham, Barbara

Federmann, Bernard & Debbie

Alldridge, Scott & Janell

Beckett, Rick & Tatum

Berg, Drew & Courtney

Brandt, Austin & Bethany

Breeden, Donald

Bruns, Tom & Janna

Ching, Bryce

Chong, Herman & Cathy

DeMoss, Matthew & Firyal

Eckert, Matthew

Empringham, Kathy

Federmann, Brian

Haller, Tom & Debby

Harrison, Dixie

Harrison, John

Higashi, Guy & Lori

Hill, David & Della

Fussell, Linda

Garber, Mark

Gilbride, Leo

Grafton, Donald & Floria

Graham, Steven & Anna

Gum, Bennett & Barbara

Jackson, Craig

Jae, Hyun & Seong Lee

Kammerer, David

Kent, Jamon & Janet

New Hope Hilo

Laflin, Robert & Marcia

Lee, Anthony

Ma, Phil & Janis

Mainard, Gina & Jon

Martin-Belleville , Debra

Mattfield, Barry & Linda

McMahon, Patrick & Judy

Meakins, Roger & Mindy

Mehrwein, James

Miranda, Robert

Montgomery, Lisa & Dennis

Moser, Lester & Nancy

Hubbard, Kristina

Kenny, Stephen & Cindy

Kim, Sejoo

King, Randall & Karen

Liggett, James & Lois

Lozar, Jeff & Barbara

Lum, Andy & Dayle

Nickerson, Brandon

Orr, Rick

Pace, Roy "Michael" & Andrea

Palanuk Danny & Angela

Pickett, Stan & Julie

Ritchie, Ryan & Andria

Salyers, Darrick & Shannon

Sasaki, Maria

Smith, Dan & Sonia

Smith, Paulette

Sombrero, Steve & Takako

Stice, Stephen & Diane

Swedberg, Randy & Cheryl

Thomas, Mark & Sharon

Tongg, Janice

Vlaicu, Daniel & Maggie

Walters, Carey & Donna

Warner, Lester & Maudie

Wise, Kelley & Sandra

Nelson, Eric & Allison

Northern, Susan

Okazaki, Gayle

Osurman, Jerome & Lisa

Perkins, Leilani

Potwora, Joe & Adrianne

Price, Frank & Edie

Prieto, Alyssa

Re/New Lumber Company

Rexius, Ray & Arlene

Rexius, Alan & Jenny

Ridge, Rob & Amy

Robinson, Kelly

Ross, Phillip & Leslie

Royer, Rustin & Ashley

Shiloh Fellowship

Simmons, Gary & Carol

Smith, Zane

Sorensen, David & Val

St Pierre, David

Strange, Bruce & Latricia

Summerlin Foursquare


Summit Bank

Todd, Joyce

Vanderstelt, Joseph

Varner, Charles & Susan

Walker, Randy & Sherrene

Wilson, Robert

Wolf, Rich & Daneen

Wong, Ann

Yriarte, Harland & Kay



The New Hope Classic is a special day for us every year at New Hope Christian College, and this year was no exception! We extend our deepest gratitude to the generous sponsors who have and continue to invest in the future leaders of our community. Thanks to your support, we not only met but exceeded our goal of raising $100,000 for student scholarships, finishing at a remarkable total gross income of $107,100!

This year's sold-out tournament solidified

the New Hope Classic as a highly sought-after event in our community. Golfers were greeted by the infectious energy of New Hope Christian College students, eager to spend the day giving back to those who make their educational journey possible.

At Emerald Valley Golf Course, teams passionately competed for the firstplace trophy on a beautiful day filled with purpose. Golfers enjoyed the competition while connecting with

future leaders as our students served from set-up to breakdown. The event fostered meaningful relationships between students and sponsors, recognizing scholarship contributors as invaluable friends and mentors.

A heartfelt thank you to this year's sponsors—your commitment shapes the future of our students, and we deeply appreciate your unwavering support.


Ackerman, Gerlinde

Albee, Kathryn

Andrews, Judy

Angel, Lois

Asselin, Pastor Bill

Beckett, Stephanie

Bishop, Leigh & Patti

Bobst, Jeffrey & Karen

Bruns, Tom

Causey, Don

Chambers Construction

Cline, Gary & Jerry

Coleman, Michelle

Collins, Kenneth

Crowley Equipment

Drewfs, Henry

Egbert, Daryl & Susan

Else, Justin

Everard, Chuck

Flavor's Catering & Events

Freeman, Donna

Garner, Kirk

Grenz, Melaney

Gustafson, Chuck

Hanson, Terry

Head, Richard & Sheree

Himeno, Toshihiko

Hines, Ben & Cathy

Johnson, Michael

Jones, Don


Brown, Meigan

Kelley, Tristan J & Connie

Kenny, Steve & Cindy

Knox, Wayne & Beverly

Kodama, Karen

Konrady, Dennis

Kreitzberg, Jeff & Jane

LeLaCheur, Justin

Lindsay, Lannie & Judith

Lockler, DF

Lum, Kyle

MacClary, Sarah

McKinnis, Phil & Hafeeza

Morris, Joan

Mosby, Orval & Julie

Najem, Christine

New Life Open Bible

Norman, Jerry

Olive, Rob

Osorio, Jalexis

Patterson, Elizabeth

Peebles, Noland

Potwora, Joe

Reichenbach, Victor & Toni

Rethwill, D. Elaine

RW Stewart, Inc

Schaufler, Brennan

Smith, Robert

Smith, Bruce

Smith, Dean

Stafford, Roger & Velma

Switzler, Jill

Terrall Family Fund

Tracy, Laura

Trentham, Doug & Wilda

Uphold Appraisal Team LLC

Waiwaiole, Sylvia

Whitesides, Bruce

Whitlow, Beulah

Yanov, John

Yelas, Lisa

Zimmerman, Glenda

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We are so excited to see Niki move to Vegas to take on a leadership role with the youth ministry at New Hope Vegas. While here at NHCC, Niki has grown immensely in her knowledge of the Bible and made a difference among the youth in our community through our New Hope Youth ministry.

"While attending NHCC, my faith has deepened tremendously. The courses and professors broadened my knowledge of Christ which allowed me to break free from my old chains. "

Hope Morris

Hope has been an excellent leader on campus, and we are so happy she has decided to stay after graduation to be a part of our master's program while on staff with us.

CcomingFullircle graduating

Olivia Wrede SENIORS

Olivia has shown her wisdom and leadership on campus countless times, and we are excited to see her continue on her journey as she pursues her master's degree in counseling.

Niki Sato

Known for his great heart and attitude, Josue is a light on our campus, and we know God will do great things in and through him!


Meet Trey Wormsbecker, one of our new freshmen! Trey is an excellent example of a student working hard to make his God-given dreams happen. We are thrilled to see where God will take him through his journey here at NHCC.

" Jesus has continued to reveal Himself to me, and my faith in Him grows every day as He continually proves Himself to be faithful as He promises in His Word."

- Trey Wormsbecker

Traveling around the world to be here at NHCC, we are excited to have Juli here with us from Japan!

Trey Wormsbecker Josue Gutierrez
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Juli Bunting
YOUR Join us on campus for our Preview Day and receive a $1,000 Scholarship! Scan the QR code to learn more POTENTIAL 541.485.1780 2155 Bailey Hill Rd Eugene, OR 97405 2155 Bailey Hill Rd | Eugene, OR | 97405

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