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A WOMAN MAKES A PLAN: ADVICE FOR A LIFETIME OF ADVENTURE, BEAUTY, AND SUCCESS Read this extract from the new memoir by Maye Musk, mother of South Africanborn entrepreneur Elon Musk, published by Jonathan Ball Publishers.
hen Maye Musk decided to make grey hair glamorous, she
Maye shares hard-earned wisdom and frank, practical
and a worldwide speaker in her
advice on careers (“the harder
sixties – a far cry from the young
you work, the luckier you get”),
divorcée living and working in
family (“let those you love go
Durban to make ends meet to
their own way”), health (“there
provide for her three children.
is no magic pill”), adventure (“make room for discovery, but
easy for the mother of South
always be ready for anything”),
African-born entrepreneur Elon
and more.
Musk. She struggled emotionally
In her compelling memoir,
became an international model
Things have not always been
cities over and over again.
With an indomitable spirit,
and financially as a single mom to
Maye overcame her hardships
Elon, Kimbal and Tosca, battled
with a no-nonsense attitude
weight issues, and she had to
and the firm belief that while
restart her life and her practice
one cannot control everything,
as a dietician in numerous new
you can always make a plan.