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3. icma, Category 4: Image Brochures
4 Image Brochures 2
stiftung kunst aktiv
Ziele / Impressionen / Fördermöglichkeiten
Stiftung Kunst Aktiv (Foundation Art Active), D Curiosity is awakened by the cover motif. Here you only see the feet of a child. Automatically you flip it open – and marvel at the diverse activities of this foundation. The brochure of the Emden Art Gallery is a compilation of wonderful photographs. Everything revolves around the Emden Art Gallery. Somewhat longer texts are to be found at the beginning and end, otherwise this brochure gets along with quotes.
stiftung kunst aktiv – Kunsthalle Emden, D, Gold Award
4 Image Brochures 3
„Wenn ich aus der Kunsthalle komme, will ich sofort jemanden küssen!“ Talea (8)
„Ich finde an der Kunsthalle toll, dass sie so schief ist.“ Joris
„Wir finden in der Kunsthalle die Bilder so schön und die Türgriffe an den Türen. Sie sind groß wie Henkel. “
„Ich finde hier die Figuren schön, die in den Gläsern sind.“
„Wir kommen immer wieder, weil es einfach Spaß macht, zu malen und zu zeichnen. Wir lernen immer unterschiedliche Kunstwerke kennen: Manche Bilder sind nur aus der Fantasie gemalt und manche sehen etwas realistischer aus. Künstler denken bei manchen Bildern einfach: Da lassen wir unsere Fantasie spielen! Immer das Gleiche zu sehen, wäre ja blöd!“
Marten und Finn
Zolra und Jannes
stiftung kunst aktiv – Kunsthalle Emden, D, Gold Award
4 Image Brochures 4
bildung mit kunst
Was passiert, wenn man Gelb und Blau mischt? Wie kommt der Strom in die Steckdose? Was macht eigentlich der Wind, wenn er nicht weht? Wer war Leonardo da Vinci? Die Malschule will Fragen der Welt aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln, durch Experimentieren, Forschen und individuellen künstlerischen Ausdruck aufgreifen, beleuchten und weiterentwickeln. Dies geschieht durch kontinuierliche, aufeinander abgestimmte künstlerische Förderung in allen Bereichen der klassischen und darstellenden Künste. Es ist eine große Freude, als Künstler der Malschule Kinder, Jugendliche und Erwachsene über Jahre begleiten und dabei ihre persönliche und künstlerische Entwicklung miterleben zu dürfen. Diese Beziehung ist durch intensive Interaktion sowie das Lernen voneinander geprägt. Bestehen bleibt immer eine Verbundenheit zum Haus, zur Künstlerpersönlichkeit und zur Kunst. Engelbert Sommer, Leiter der Malschule
stiftung kunst aktiv – Kunsthalle Emden, D, Gold Award
4 Image Brochures 5
Unsere Angebote richten sich an Menschen aller Altersgruppen. Im letzten Malschuljahr war unser jüngster Teilnehmer 2, die älteste Teilnehmerin 86 Jahre alt. Das soll so bleiben, denn wir wollen, dass Kinder, Jugendliche und Erwachsene ihre schöpferischen Potentiale wecken, entdecken und erweitern können. Dafür haben wir den „Freiraum Malschule“ geschaffen! Gut ausgestattete Ateliers regen zum künstlerischen Arbeiten an. Unsere ausgebildeten Fachkräfte begleiten Sie.
stiftung kunst aktiv – Kunsthalle Emden, D, Gold Award
4 Image Brochures 6
Unsere Angebote richten sich an Menschen aller Altersgruppen. Im letzten Malschuljahr war unser jüngster Teilnehmer 2, die älteste Teilnehmerin 86 Jahre alt. Das soll so bleiben, denn wir wollen, dass Kinder, Jugendliche und Erwachsene ihre schöpferischen Potentiale wecken, entdecken und erweitern können. Dafür haben wir den „Freiraum Malschule“ geschaffen! Gut ausgestattete Ateliers regen zum künstlerischen Arbeiten an. Unsere ausgebildeten Fachkräfte begleiten Sie.
stiftung kunst aktiv – Kunsthalle Emden, D, Gold Award
4 Image Brochures 7
Entdecken, Forschen und Hinterfragen: Unsere Angebote für Kinder ab 2 Jahren, Teenager und junge Erwachsene bieten Freiraum für sinnliche Erfahrungen und prozessorientiertes Arbeiten. Sie ermöglichen einen kreativen Austausch mit der Kunst im Museum, um ihr auf diese Weise ganz nah zu kommen.
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stiftung kunst aktiv – Kunsthalle Emden, D, Gold Award
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Malschule = „Viele Künste unter einem Dach“. Folgende Kunstbereiche stehen zur Verfügung: Malerei, Bildhauerei, Druckgrafik, Keramik, Theater, Film, Porzellanmalerei sowie Gold- und Silberschmiede. Projekte, Kunstreisen, Kooperationen, Ausstellungen, Theateraufführungen, Fortbildungen und Feste sind selbstverständliche Bestandteile des Malschulalltags.
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stiftung kunst aktiv – Kunsthalle Emden, D, Gold Award
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Durch unsere interaktiven Besucherprojekte können wir alle Zielgruppen erreichen und ermöglichen unseren Besuchern, Teil des Museums zu werden. Die Aktionen finden in den Ausstellungsräumen statt und werden zur Plattform für Kommunikation und Austausch mit unseren Gästen.
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stiftung kunst aktiv – Kunsthalle Emden, D, Gold Award
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kunst aktiv erleben
Kann man Kunst vermitteln? Kann man die Begeisterung über die Linien und Farbflächen in einem Gemälde von Franz Marc lehren? Kann man Kindern die Freude am eigenen künstlerischen Tun zeigen? Nein! Aber man kann die Kinder, Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen, die unsere Seminare, Führungen und Werkstätten besuchen, eigene Erfahrungen machen lassen: Selbst zu entdecken, wie es sich anfühlt, eine farbige Fläche zu gestalten und sich seine eigene Meinung zu einem Kunstwerk zu bilden – das schärft die Wahrnehmung und ermutigt unsere Besucher, ob groß oder klein, sich ein eigenes Bild zu machen. Und nur, wenn dies geschieht, wird man das Bild von Franz Marc niemals vergessen und sich immer an die wunderbaren Erfahrungen in unseren Ateliers erinnern. Nur auf diese Weise können Kinder kreatives Tun als Persönlichkeitsbildung erleben und Menschen, die an einem Seminar im Museum teilnehmen, Kunst als authentische Erfahrung mit nach Hause nehmen. Claudia Ohmert, Leiterin der Museumspädagogik
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stiftung kunst aktiv – Kunsthalle Emden, D, Gold Award
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„Neu ist es nicht, wenn sich ältere Menschen intensiv mit ihrem Hobby beschäftigen. Aber es gibt auch immer wieder Angebote, etwas Neues zu wagen, und dem sollte man sich nicht verschließen. So erging es mir. Die Malschule rief!“ Ursula Frech, 2011 besucht seit 2009 die Malschule
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stiftung kunst aktiv – Kunsthalle Emden, D, Gold Award
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„Die Kunsthalle gehört zu meinem Leben wie ein Teil meines Alltags, wie Quarkspeise machen mit Aprikosen.“ Henry Seemann, 2011 Teilnehmer am Museumskurs des Lüttje Dörp, seit 1997
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stiftung kunst aktiv – Kunsthalle Emden, D, Gold Award
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„Malen ist nicht nur was für Mädchen.“ Mathis Liedtke, 2011 Teilnehmer am Projekt „Auf Augenhöhe“
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stiftung kunst aktiv – Kunsthalle Emden, D, Gold Award
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„Kunst eröffnet immer neue Blickwinkel und zeigt mir, wie verschieden die Menschen sind.“ Dr. med. Markus Dornbach, 2011 Teilnehmer am Projekt „Gedankenreise“, 2009
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stiftung kunst aktiv – Kunsthalle Emden, D, Gold Award
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„Ich besuche seit dem dritten Lebensjahr die Malschule. Heute, als Jugendlicher, habe ich jeden Mittwoch immer noch viel Spaß. Es ist für mich mehr eine Erholung, weil ich mich hier der Kunst hingebe. Ich finde es cool, dass die Malschule mir das Material, z. B. Sprühdosen, zur Verfügung stellt.“ Frank Schädlich, 2011 besucht seit 13 Jahren die Malschule
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stiftung kunst aktiv – Kunsthalle Emden, D, Gold Award
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„Die Malschule ist ein Nest für mich und meine Träume gewesen, bis ich fliegen konnte. Sie war erst Kindheitsfreund, dann Wegbegleiter – somit immer ein Teil von mir.“ Anna-Mareike Kuhlmeier, 2011 war 13 Jahre in der Malschule
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stiftung kunst aktiv – Kunsthalle Emden, D, Gold Award
4 Image Brochures 17
The Little Book A Guide for Employees of the Qantas Group
the little book A Guide for Employees of the Qantas Group
the little book, AUS The little book from the airline Qantas has a very apt name: 16.5 x 19 cm in size, it is actually a very small book. Inside, the layout is double-columned and pictures are inserted more in oblong format. Flat horizontal image formats provide the inner pages with great dynamics. The body type is set in ragged composition throughout, and the text is made easier to read through blank lines, fact boxes and infographics. Seen as a whole: The little book has a handy size. It is all-round informative. A very good service for staff. the little book, Qantas, AUS, Silver Award
4 Image Brochures 18
Welcome Aboard A Warm Welcome to the Qantas Group I am delighted to offer you a warm welcome and congratulations on your appointment to the Qantas Group. We are a large and diverse business consisting of 35,000 people from more than 90 different nationalities, speaking 50 languages and working across at least 250 unique roles.
into passionate advocates of our business. This guide is designed to help you navigate our business, understand what the Qantas Group is all about, the complexities of the aviation industry, and the incredible team effort that goes into running an airline every day. So whatever role you may undertake, remember you are important and how you conduct yourself everyday will affect our reputation. So I urge you to give your best, and make the most of the many opportunities and benefits that are available to you. Above all, you are now part of an amazing company. I wish you every success in your career with us.
Alan Joyce CEO Qantas Group
Aviation is a complex industry, and the Qantas Group is vitally important to Australia’s economy and society. We take all our responsibilities very seriously. All of us here are committed to the highest standards of aviation professionalism and our goal is to make Qantas and Jetstar the world’s best premium and low fares airlines. Our aim is to convert satisfied customers
Wilmot Hudson Fysh and Paul McGinness, two Australian Flying Corps Lieutenants, register Q.A.N.T.A.S (Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services Limited) in Brisbane on 16 November with the financial backing of grazier Fergus McMaster.
Enjoy Working for the Qantas Group Make the most of your time here by taking advantage of the many benefits that the company has to offer: – An iconic Australian brand with a 90+ year history of safety, reliability, operational and engineering excellence and exceptional customer service – One of Australia’s largest employers with around 35,000 employees based throughout Australia and overseas – Two award-winning airlines — Qantas and Jetstar — and a broad portfolio of supporting businesses – A huge diversity of roles from pilots, cabin crew and aircraft engineers to customer service agents, chefs, baggage handlers, administrative, commercial and corporate positions – On-the-job training, coaching, mentoring and formal classroom learning — including nationally accredited qualifications
– Support to manage work and family and personal commitments through a range of work-life initiatives – Competitive salaries and great benefits — including airline Staff Travel – A global organisation with a diverse workforce, that promotes an inclusive work environment accessible to all
Have Your Say
» Let’s make Qantas a great place to work. A company-wide engagement survey is conducted every year — please take the time to tell us what you think and any suggestions for improvement.
THE QANTAS GROUP serves around 200 destinations in more than 40 countries (including codeshares) with a fleet of around 260 aircraft
the little book, Qantas, AUS, Silver Award
4 Image Brochures 19 6
Understanding the Qantas Group Strategy Safety is our First Priority Safety underpins everything that we do at Qantas — the operational safety of our aircraft, the occupational health and safety of our employees and contractors, and the wellbeing of our customers. How each and every one of us demonstrates a genuine commitment to safety is key to achieving our goals. For Qantas to be able to use aircraft for commercial purposes we require an Air Operator’s Certificate (AOC). We cannot fly without an AOC and to retain it, we must meet all regulatory requirements.
Right Aircraft, Right Routes
Customer Experience Excellence
The Qantas Group serves around 200 destinations in more than 40 countries (including codeshares) with a fleet of around 260 aircraft. Investment in next generation aircraft will drive long term improvements in passenger comfort, range capability, operating costs, fuel efficiency and noise emissions. The key objective for route network and fleet planning is ensuring that the right aircraft are on the right routes. The Airbus A380 is replacing Boeing 747s on mature, dense routes such as London and Los Angeles, and the Boeing 787 will focus on point-to-point flying on medium-density short and long haul routes.
Qantas is striving to be the most admired airline brand with the highest standards of quality both in the air and on the ground. Our employees are at the heart of every customer experience — we want every customer to have fond memories of care, exceptional service and contemporary Australian style, and to recommend Qantas to others. Market leading aircraft, airport facilities, onboard product and innovative technology also contribute to providing an exceptional experience for customers where every step in the journey counts — from booking to baggage collection.
Qantas Performance Qantas’ performance is measured against five key metrics: People Safety, Customer Experience (Net Promoter Score), Operational Punctuality (On Time Performance), Unit Cost Reduction and Underlying Profit.
Operational Efficiency In order to stay competitive and become the world’s best premium airline, Qantas is transforming its business. This involves improving every aspect of operations and engaging our workforce to deliver a consistently exceptional customer experience. A series of initiatives — known as QFuture — will transform our business, encourage innovation and result in $1.5 billion in financial benefits over three years. Initiatives include investing in new fleet and better flying practices to continue to improve our fuel efficiency, and investing in technology to improve efficiency and reliability in areas such as Engineering, Flight Operations and the IOC (Integrated Operations Centre). Employees are encouraged to submit ideas for improvement — the best may earn a QFuture eXcel award.
THE INTRA ASIA-PACIFIC REGION has overtaken travel within the North American market (including domestic) as the world’s largest air travel market
Two Strong Complementary Brands The dual brand strategy allows the Qantas Group to deploy the airline that is best suited to market conditions and passenger demand, with Qantas serving the premium market, Jetstar the value-based leisure market and QantasLink (a sub-brand of Qantas) offering regional services. Where there is sufficient demand, the clear brand definition between Qantas and Jetstar allows both airlines to operate successfully on the same route. The strategy has also allowed the Qantas Group to tap into new markets — for example setting up Jetstar Asia in Singapore to serve the intra-Asia market. (As an Australianbased company, Qantas is constrained from operating within some Asian markets).
Qantas operates the first flying doctor service
the little book, Qantas, AUS, Silver Award
4 Image Brochures 20 8
Qantas Brand Manifesto
Qantas Values We have established a set of core brand values to allow us to better connect with our customers. We are a brand that cares, is forward thinking, has wisdom of experience and represents the best of contemporary Australia. Underpinning the company’s brand values are our organisational behaviours — how we behave every day at work (see page 26 of the Working at Qantas section of this guide). By adopting these behaviours as part of our daily routine, we are exhibiting the brand values and doing our part to help achieve the Qantas Group vision.
Our brand will: – Embody and define the contemporary spirit of Australia, the best it has to offer the world TRUSTED
Our business will:
CARE The genuine care we show for our customers and each other every day
WISDOM OF EXPERIENCE Using our 90+ years of aviation experience to shape our future
– Invest in our future – Redefine premium travel – Set the standards by which others will judge themselves – Fight for our place in the world
Our people will: FRESH STYLISH
Arthur Baird, former Australian Flying Corps Sergeant, joins Hudson Fysh and McGinness on their early outback flights and becomes the founding Qantas Engineer, nurturing the airline’s long tradition of engineering excellence with his motto: ‘Near enough is never good enough’
Our purpose is to be the best airline brand in the world. Together we will do this by creating more enjoyable journeys.
– Listen, not assume – Treat our customers, and each other, with honesty, respect and care – Act as one team with belief in each other – Fight complacency and have a can do attitude; nothing is too hard
CONTEMPORARY AUSTRALIA Celebrating our modern diversity and contemporary style
FORWARD THINKING Harnessing our culture of innovation to be more forward thinking than any other airline
FORMER QANTAS EMPLOYEE Jack Grant invented the inflatable aircraft escape slide-raft in 1965
the little book, Qantas, AUS, Silver Award
4 Image Brochures 21 10 VISION AND VALUES
Jetstar Vision and Values
Be Energetically Efficient
The World’s Best Low Fares Airline
Strategy – Safety our first priority – Passionate and engaged people – Hassle-free and enjoyable customer experience – Consistently deliver on schedule – Lowest cost to deliver lowest fares and sustainable returns to shareholders – Leverage the brand – Pan Asian Growth
Original business case signed off by Board
Be resourceful, cut out waste, simplify, be productive, understand our way. – Our Employees — We have the lowest cost model in the market – Our Customers — Jetstar has the lowest fares
Be Responsible Be safe, speak up, take ownership, be aware, be empowered. – Our Employees— We take ownership of our decisions and actions – Our Customers — I trust Jetstar
Genuinely Care
Jetstar Asia (Singapore) launched
Be enthusiastic, be down to earth, be positive, celebrate success, be imaginative. – Our Employees — We enjoy the experience of working at Jetstar – Our Customers — I enjoy travelling with Jetstar
Be friendly, smile, listen to understand, be empathetic, go the extra mile. – Our Employees — We help each other keep our customers happy – Our Customers — Jetstar really appreciated me and that makes travel hassle-free
2010 (May) 2009 (June)
2008 (August)
Passionate About Enjoyment
Embrace challenges, be prepared, think ahead, anticipate needs, prioritise. – Our Employees— We make things happen – Our Customers — I know Jetstar will consistently deliver
2004 Launch of Jetstar in Australia
Be Consistently Can Do
CAPA Low Cost Airline of the Year Asia-Pacific
First short haul international flight (to Christchurch) Won first CAPA Award (Low Cost Airline of the Year)
(November) First long haul international flight (to Bangkok)
2007 (July) Won first Skytrax Award (World’s Best Low Cost Airline)
2009 (April) Full alignment with Jetstar Asia and Valuair
Domestic New Zealand flights commence
Jetstar celebrates 50 million passengers network-wide
2008 (May) Jetstar Pacific (Vietnam) launched
the little book, Qantas, AUS, Silver Award
4 Image Brochures 22 14 THE QANTAS GROUP
Qantas—Domestic and International
The Qantas Group The Qantas Group has a diverse portfolio of core and support businesses as outlined below. The work done by many other departments in supporting the marketing and operation of a flight from origin to destination is highlighted in the centrefold section.
Qantas is a full-service premium carrier delivering a world-class product and customer experience across a comprehensive domestic and international network. As well as a global network, Qantas benefits include the frequency of flights and connectivity, the Frequent Flyer program, access to lounges, inflight dining and entertainment, and First, Business, Premium Economy and Economy cabins on many international services and Business and Economy on domestic services. Qantas trans-Tasman services are operated by Jetconnect, a wholly-owned Qantas subsidiary based in New Zealand.
QantasLink QantasLink is Australia’s largest regional airline, offering a full-service product on Boeing 717 jets, Bombardier Q400 and Bombardier Dash 8 aircraft to 55 destinations within Australia and to Papua New Guinea. QantasLink plays a vital role in providing air services for communities and businesses in regional Australia and is a strong promoter of regional tourism. Network Aviation, a specialist charter operator, works with QantasLink in regional Australia.
Airports FAST FACT JETSTAR has carried more than 50 million passengers since 2004, with more than half travelling for under $100
Jetstar Jetstar markets itself as a low fares leisure carrier with innovative technology at the heart of its customer experience. Since launching in 2004, Jetstar has carried more than 50 million passengers with more than half travelling for under $100. Jetstar now serves more than 50 destinations within Australia, New Zealand, Asia and internationally. The establishment of Jetstar Asia (Singapore) and Jetstar Pacific (Vietnam) has enabled the Qantas Group to tap into the world’s largest air travel market: intra-Asia. Jetstar is now the largest low fares airline in Asia by revenue. Jetstar is due to receive the first of the Group’s new Boeing 787 Dreamliner aircraft by the end of 2012.
Qantas’ domestic and international airport operations provide a range of services to Qantas Group and other international airlines, including check-in, baggage handling and ramp services and the operation of lounge facilities. The Qantas Group currently owns and operates its own domestic terminals in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Hobart and Launceston. Facilities include Qantas Lounges and Meeting Rooms and a range of retail and food outlets.
Catering Q Catering is a world-leading domestic and international flight catering service and the largest of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere, with seven accredited food production centres across Australia. Working with Qantas consulting chef Neil Perry, Q Catering produces premium inflight cuisine for Qantas. Q Catering also produces a variety of meals for other airlines, meeting dietary, religious and budgetary requirements. Pre-prepared meals are produced at the state-of-the art Snap Fresh facility in Brisbane. Q Catering and Snap Fresh also cater for non-airline businesses including schools, healthcare providers and the defence forces.
Qantas flies overseas for the first time from Brisbane to Singapore
the little book, Qantas, AUS, Silver Award
4 Image Brochures 23 16 THE QANTAS GROUP
Around 5 million inflight service items are loaded onto Qantas aircraft every day
The Qantas Group operates one of the largest aircraft engineering and maintenance organisations in Asia Pacific, with a long-established international reputation for operational excellence and safety. Engineering has maintenance facilities throughout Australia (where the majority of the work is conducted) and overseas, providing aircraft maintenance, modifications, refurbishment and engine and component repair. Engineering also provides a comprehensive range of technical services, training, supply chain and support with the overall aim of delivering safe, high quality services at a competitive cost and turnaround time.
Qantas Aviation Services (Q.A.S.) Q.A.S businesses provide the following ‘below the wing’ support to the Qantas Group, other airlines and third parties: – Qantas Defence Services — aircraft maintenance and modification for the Australian Government, Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF), overseas defence contracts and aircraft/engine manufacturers – Fleet Presentation — aircraft interior cleaning and cabin presentation – Ground Service Equipment — vehicle and equipment maintenance (e.g. tugs and trucks) – Qantas Ground Services — ground handling services (e.g. baggage handlers and cleaners)
Qantas maintains vital air links and services aircraft for the Allied Forces during World War lI
Qantas has carried freight since the inaugural service in 1922, and international airmail since its first overseas flight in 1935. Freight is transported both on passenger aircraft (Qantas, Jetstar and Jetstar Asia) and dedicated freighter (cargo-only) aircraft. Qantas Freight has its own cargo handling facilities in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Los Angeles serving the Qantas Group and other major airlines. Investments in other logistics businesses include Australian air Express (AaE) domestic air freight and Star Track Express retail freight, which are co-owned with Australia Post.
THE QANTAS FREQUENT FLYER loyalty program has around eight million members
Loyalty Programs Qantas Frequent Flyer is one of Australia’s leading coalition loyalty programs with around eight million members. Members can earn points by flying with Qantas, Jetstar and partner airlines, and also through everyday activities such as supermarket shopping, eating at restaurants, booking hotels and travel and paying with a Qantas Frequent Flyer linked credit card. Members can redeem points for Award flights with Qantas, Jetstar and 25 partner airlines, or on more than 2,000 products in the online Qantas Frequent Flyer store. The program rewards the most frequent travellers with Silver, Gold and Platinum memberships — the higher the level, the greater the privileges.
» Employees can save the usual joining
fee (currently $82.50) by joining the Qantas Frequent Flyer program via the everydayrewards.com.au website.
the little book, Qantas, AUS, Silver Award
4 Image Brochures 24
Caring for the environment and community
Coral reef photo © 2010 Nina Duric
Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability The Qantas Group is committed to maximising the positive, and minimising the negative impacts, that doing business has on the environment, society and the economy. This involves: – protecting the environment – upholding world’s best safety practices – supporting employees’ health and well-being – delivering the highest levels of customer care – engaging with local communities – working with responsible suppliers – contributing to the economy via employment and tourism The Group discloses its sustainability data annually, and information about activities in these areas is available at qantas.com/sustainability
Environmental Resources for Employees
Protecting the Environment Caring for the environment is not only good for the planet, it also makes good business sense. The Qantas Group is committed to creating a cleaner future and has implemented the following initiatives, to date, to reduce its environmental footprint: – Investing in more fuel-efficient aircraft such as the Airbus A380 and Boeing 787 — this helps to reduce fuel burn and carbon emissions
Round-the-world services begin, and the following year Qantas enters the jet age with the first Boeing 707 operated by a non-US airline
– Further reducing fuel consumption by minimising aircraft weight, optimising navigational flights paths, cruise speeds and operational procedures – Setting formal begreen environment targets for electricity, water, fuel and waste — and monitoring performance to identify opportunities – Enabling customers to offset their share of flight emissions through Qantas’ Fly Carbon Neutral program (launched in 2007) – Working with key industry and scientific partners to make sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) commercially viable (SAF generates lower carbon emissions than traditional fossil fuel-based jet fuel) – Supporting not-for-profit environmental groups such as Landcare Australia, Clean Up Australia, the Great Barrier Reef Foundation and Flora & Fauna International
We all have a personal responsibility to care for the environment at home, at work and when we travel. Employees can take action by: – Joining the ‘Green Team’ and enjoying the support of a volunteer employee network and access to special environmental communications and activities (simply email environment@qantas.com.au ) – Completing the online Environmental Awareness Training course available via Qantas College – Nominating a colleague for an eXcel Environment Award or coming up with an environmental initiative yourself For more information visit qantas.com/environment
FAST FACT THE 2010 VOLCANIC ERUPTION in Iceland closed European air space for six days and cost the Qantas Group A$46 million
the little book, Qantas, AUS, Silver Award
4 Image Brochures 25 FOLD OUT HERE
10 Years Out
Qantas commences A380 QF31 services to London via Singapore
First Qantas A380 commercial flight Melbourne to Los Angeles Qantas A380 cabin design launched to the world, and Engineering training commenced
Hangar 96 (home of the A380) modified to fit the aircraft
CASA presents A380 Air Operator Certificate (AOC) to Qantas
20 11
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Qantas A380 Program launched, and design work commences on A380 cabin layout
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Airbus A380 visits Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane for Qantas 85th birthday celebrations
Qantas A380 fleet comprises 12 aircraft (fleet of 20 expected by 2014)
Board approved modification to A380 layout to suit changing market requirements
ec em
Pre-entry into service activity: A380 turnaround tests in Sydney and Melbourne, cabin testing and 24/7 training program*
First A380 catering truck delivered to Qantas design specifications
First Qantas A380 (VH-OQA) delivered to the airline
Initial inflight services development involving Engineering and Cabin Crew
First Qantas Pilots trained on A380 simulator
20 09 (D
Qantas Board approves purchase of 8 additional A380s
20 09 (O
Board paper submitted and approved for purchase of 12 A380s
10 Years Out (continued)
Temporary grounding of A380 fleet to allow engine modification (full services resumed January 2011) Qantas A380 fleet comprises 6 aircraft allowing daily services (QF31/32) to London
* 24/7 training program for Engineering, Airports, Ramp, Catering, Pilots, dedicated A380 Cabin Crew,
Fire Brigade, Army and Anti-Terrorism Unit, and any other party to come into contact with the aircraft.
the little book, Qantas, AUS, Silver Award
4 Image Brochures 26
Flight Planning commences for QF31 — including precise routing, weather checks and fuel calculations Assessment of airports (diversion and emergency ports availability)
Aircraft registration (tail number of the aircraft operating), passenger and freight figures entered into payload worksheets
Fuel loaded
Pre-boarding commences for those requiring special assistance
Final Load Sheet transmitted to aircraft
50 m
30 m urs ho
urs ho
urs ho
Aircraft pushes back and commences taxiing, automated signal records departure time
All ground equipment clear Once loading is complete, Ramp Clearance is sent to Load Control Final boarding call
QF31 arrives in Singapore (transit 1 hour 30 mins)
QF31 arrives in London
+1 s
Boarding closes Passenger Clearance sent to Load Control
0m ins –6 m
Provisional Load Sheet sent to gate at port of departure
–2 0m
–3 0m
0m –4
Flight Crew commence external aircraft checks
Flight Dispatch bid for slots over Bay of Bengal
All hold doors closed
The IOC (Integrated Operations Centre) is the airline’s 24/7 operational hub. Qantas operates around 350 domestic and 85 international flights every day, carrying nearly 70,000 customers in total. A team of up to 100 people manages all of these flights to plan and deliver a safe and on-time airline operation.
QF31 departs from Singapore
Flight Watch in the IOC commences monitoring of QF31 flight path and en route weather
Full cabin cleaning and dressing Catering loads food, beverages, onboard amenities and all inflight service equipment
Load Control sends loading instructions (weight and balance) to Ramp Services
Loading of bags and freight commences
Water and waste service commences
General boarding commences
Captain finalises fuel figures
–5 0m
Cabin Crew arrive on aircraft and commence pre-departure checks
–5 5m
–6 0m
Flight Crew sign on and receive flight plans plus weather and engineering briefs if required
–7 0m
Aerobridge steps connected
–8 5m
–9 5m
–1 35 m
Check-in opens at Sydney
Engineering commence aircraft checks
–9 0m
Cabin Crew sign on and receive briefing
–5 10 min s 80
Aircraft’s zero fuel weight provided by Load Control for use in flight plan calculations
‘A Day in the Life of QF31’ illustrates how this all comes together — the start to finish process of marketing and operating a flight from origin to destination.
BOBCAT slots published (Bay of Bengal Cooperative Air Traffic Flow Management System)
Running an airline is a complex business. Just getting an aircraft ready and off the ground involves at least eight separate supply chain processes including Passenger, Baggage, Engineering, Catering, Fuel, Cleaners, Cabin Crew and Flight Crew.
A Day in the Life of QF31—Day of Departure (Sydney–Singapore–London)
Passenger doors closed and aerobridges retracted
Weather Weather has a significant effect on airlines. The QMET department (Qantas Meteorological) interprets the weather forecast to predict how Qantas operations may be affected. For example, QMET may recommend carrying additional fuel because it anticipates that the forecast will be amended at a later stage, or may recommend a certain route to be flown to avoid a particular weather event. Flight Crew receive a weather brief when signing on prior to departure.
Pre-departure activity is repeated including check-in, cleaning, catering and Flight Watch for SIN–LHR sector
Flight Planning commences for QF31 ex Singapore, including routing, weather checks and fuel calculations
On-Time Performance A flight is defined as ‘on-time’ if it departs within 15 minutes of the departure time shown in the carrier’s schedule. Second to safety, on-time performance remains the highest priority for Qantas Group airlines as a major driver of customer satisfaction.
Daily review of Qantas on-time performance across the network
the little book, Qantas, AUS, Silver Award
4 Image Brochures 27 FOLD OUT HERE
A Day in the Life of QF31 — One Year Out – 355 days Schedule Distribution publishes flight in Amadeus and opens up for commercial sale
– 10 months Inflight Services designs and develops menu (menu cards printed at – 3 months)
– 6 months IOC (Integrated Operation Centre) assesses schedule (after seasonal adjustments) to check operationally viable
– 12 weeks
– 6-8 weeks Network Allocations and Capacity allocate flight numbers to aircraft tail
– 4 weeks Monthly Operations Intelligence meeting held to ensure operational readiness Airport staff rostered
– 24 hours Engineering checks aircraft for any serviceability issues Yield Operations takes control of passenger inventory of QF31 and manages until arrival in LHR Flight Dispatch preliminary review of flight planning
Inflight Services sends catering specifications to caterers
– 4-8 weeks Crew bidding opens
– 48 hours Operations Control manages recovery plan (e.g. change of aircraft) for any disruption to scheduled departure of QF31 until touchdown in LHR
International Network Planning and Scheduling: – 18 months to – 48 hours Network Planning produces a schedule to meet the lines of flying (route network) and the number and types of aircraft (capacity) desired by the business. The schedule is published up to one year in advance, with seasonal adjustments twice a year based on the IATA Northern Winter (November–March) and Northern Summer (April–October) timeframe. Airlines apply to IATA for slot timings 6 months in advance of each season’s schedule. Adjustments to the schedule for operational reasons (e.g. change of aircraft) continue to occur right up until the day of operation.
Pricing and Inventory: – 355 days to – 48 hours The Pricing and Inventory teams work together to maximise passenger revenue on each flight. They do this by determining how many seats should be sold at each price point on each flight. Competitor activity and customer demand are constantly monitored, with the availability of seats at particular price points altered accordingly every few days. Peak selling activity occurs from six months to one month before departure date.
Yield Operations: – 355 days to Departure Yield Operations loads the schedule into selling systems around the world at – 355 days out, and manages any variations to the schedule right up until departure. This includes operational disruptions, which may necessitate change of aircraft (in conjunction with the IOC) and/or transfer of passengers to other flights. Oversales (overbookings) are reviewed between – 48 and – 24 hours before departure, with a view to upgrading eligible Frequent Flyers. (Airlines overbook flights in the knowledge that some passengers with flexible tickets will ‘no show’). In the event of insufficient capacity, some passengers may be transferred to other flights.
Pilot flight simulator training — 3 or 4 sessions per annum, depending on aircraft type Pilot training in Emergency Procedures — 1 session per annum Pilot route checks — 1 per annum Cabin Crew training in Emergency Procedures — 2 sessions per annum Engineering ‘A’ check on the aircraft—every 750 hours and Heavy ‘C’ check every 24 months Engineers recurrent training—every 2 years and licence training as required
the little book, Qantas, AUS, Silver Award
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Working at Qantas
Your Ticket to a First Class Career The Spirit of Qantas—Our People One of the benefits of working for the Qantas Group is the huge diversity of roles. While we all do different jobs, we all share the same company values and all contribute to the ultimate success of the business.
» Underpinning the company’s brand values
are our organisational behaviours — how we behave every day at work. By adopting these behaviours as part of our daily routine, we are exhibiting the brand values and doing our part to help achieve the Qantas Group vision.
The airline’s name changes to Qantas Airways Limited
Diversity and Inclusion Organisational Behaviours – Safety — I demonstrate a genuine commitment to safety – Service — I have a ‘can do’ attitude and I deliver my part of the customer promise – Innovation — I challenge the way things are done and I take ownership for finding a better way – Collaboration — I work with others to create a winning culture and an enjoyable place to work – Integrity — I am open, I listen, and I speak honestly and respectfully
» You may find the following ‘actions’ helpful
in remembering and demonstrating the behaviours: – Take Personal Responsibility for Safety – Think Like a Customer – Act Like an Owner – Care for and Believe in People – Lead by Example
Managing Performance
As a global organisation with a diverse workforce and a global customer base, Qantas aims to develop an inclusive work environment accessible to all. Employees come from a variety of backgrounds, with more than 90 different nationalities represented and 50 languages spoken. Diversity initiatives are in place to support Indigenous employees through the RAP (Reconciliation Action Plan) and women in the workplace. All employees are encouraged to participate in annual events to celebrate Harmony Day, NAIDOC Week and International Women’s Day. The Qantas Group also supports a range of flexible working arrangements (where operationally viable) such as part-time hours, job share and working from home. In addition, ad hoc options may include timein-lieu, make-up time and flexible use of annual leave entitlements.
An important part of making sure that the Group is on track to achieve its goals is the annual performance review process. This is an opportunity for individual employees to meet with their manager to review progress and discuss any areas for development. The process involves: – Setting a Performance Plan with measurable objectives/KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) – Regular face-to-face reviews to check progress and provide feedback – Coaching where necessary to support improved performance – Career development discussions
FAST FACT ENGINEERING A typical Heavy Maintenance 747 ‘D’ Check (major maintenance check) involves around 7,000 individual tasks
The Credit Union was established in 1959 by Qantas employees for the benefit of members, and now serves more than 20,000 employees. To find out more about the preferential rates and low fees on a range of banking services, including home loans, savings accounts and credit cards, visit a branch (in most Australian capital cities), call 1300 747 747 or visit www.qantascu.com.au
Make the most of your time with the Qantas Group by taking advantage of the many benefits on offer for employees. (Some benefits may differ for internationally-based employees— please refer to local policies or agreements.) In addition to a competitive salary, employees may be eligible* for: – Company superannuation contributions, paid on an employee’s behalf to a complying superannuation fund – Salary sacrifice schemes, for example, for superannuation, childcare and motor vehicles – Incentive payments, where applicable, subject to achievement of performance measures – Discounted air freight – Financial support to gain qualifications through the Education and Training Assistance Scheme (ETAS) * Subject to Qantas policy as varied from time to time.
Sporting and Social Clubs
Staff Travel Upon completion of six months’ service, Qantas provides access to discounted airline flights for permanent employees and immediate family members/travel companions on a standby basis. For details visit qantas.com/stafftravel or refer to the Staff Travel Guide contained in the Qantas New Starter Kit.
Qantas Superannuation
Qantas supports a wide-range of in-house social, charitable and sporting clubs for employees, covering everything from sailing to soccer. Current sports clubs include basketball, bowls, cricket, golf, health and fitness, motorsports, paintball, rugby, running, sailing, shooting, skiing, soccer, squash and tennis. A full list of clubs and contact details is available on the Qantas Intranet.
Qantas Superannuation is the employer fund for most Australian-based employees in the Qantas Group. It is run for the benefit of members who are current and former employees. It has around $6 billion in assets and more than 33,000 members. To check your eligibility refer to the information contained in the Qantas New Starter Kit or visit www.qantassuper.com.au or phone 1300 654 384.
Qantas leases additional aircraft to carry passengers stranded by the collapse of Ansett — adding the equivalent of about seven years’ growth virtually overnight
Getting Started at Qantas There is a lot to learn when you first join the Qantas Group, and it takes some time to complete all of the required training. Completing the Induction Checklist enclosed in the New Starter Kit (or available from your Manager) is a good place to start. In addition, you may find the information in this section useful.
The Australian Government decides to fully privatise Qantas, with British Airways taking a 25 per cent share (later sold in 2004). Qantas purchases Australian Airlines (formerly TAA) and re-enters the domestic market after an absence of more than 40 years
Information about the Qantas Group is available through the following channels: – Employee Roadshows — t wice-yearly face-to-face sessions providing high level information on the full and half-year financial results and strategy, followed by a Q&A with the Executive Team – Qantas News — a monthly newspaper distributed in hard copy and via the Intranet – Friday Flyer — a weekly email newsletter – Broadcast Email Messages — for major news developments – Cascade — a special briefing document used by managers for face-to-face meetings with employees – Intranet — information and resources at http://qfintranet.qantas.com.au – qantas.com — information about the company (including Fact Files) and products and services
The Qantas Marketplace section of the Intranet lists a range of special deals and discounts* offered to Qantas Group employees by external companies, including: – Accommodation — hotels and resorts – Airport ‘Duty Free’ Outlets – Car Hire – Computers and Telecommunications – Foreign Exchange – Financial Products and Services – Insurance — travel and health – Motor Vehicles – Retail Goods – Qantas sponsored arts, cultural and sporting events Other special offers are advertised in Qantas News, Friday Flyer and the Qantas Frequent Flyer online store. Employees can also buy and sell goods via the Qantas General Bulletin Board. offer discounts to airline employees on presentation of an airline ID card. Such discounts are entirely at the discretion of the service provider and should not be ‘demanded’ by an employee.
Qantas aims to have zero injuries and to provide a healthy and safe work environment. All employees should undergo an Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) Induction for their local work area, and should know the location of the nearest first aid kit, fire extinguisher, emergency exits and evacuation assembly area for any area in which they are working. In addition, all employees must: – Maintain compliance with regulatory and company standards – Report any incidents, potential hazards and unsafe acts or behaviours, and where possible, address them immediately – Wear appropriate safety clothing — such as closed-toe shoes and high visibility vests when airside – Use equipment safely as per operating procedures – Avoid being under the influence of alcohol or drugs whilst at work – Act responsibly and safely at all times Qantas supports a fair and ‘just’ safety culture and an open and transparent environment in which all employees and contractors feel comfortable reporting mistakes, transmitting ideas and working together to manage and minimise risks.
In addition, individual business areas hold regular face-to-face employee briefing sessions and webinars, and may also produce segment-specific publications.
BY 2020, it is estimated that annual passenger numbers will increase to nearly 60 million at Sydney Airport and to nearly 100 million at Dubai Airport
Security While Qantas invests significantly in security technology and has a dedicated Security department, every employee is responsible for security. Employees know their work environment well and are therefore bestplaced to challenge and report anything out of the ordinary. The Qantas Group Security Operations Centre is manned 24 hours a day, and is contactable on +61 2 9691 1818 (internal 21818) or email security@qantas.com.au
» All employees should familiarise themselves with the emergency procedures (available on the Qantas Intranet) for Building Evacuation, Bomb Threats, Suspicious Articles and Unknown/Hazardous Substances.
ID Cards Employees are granted access to dedicated areas. Company identification cards must be worn at all times and must never be given to anyone else. Anyone in the workplace not displaying company ID must be challenged, and if necessary, the issue reported to the Qantas Group Security Operations Centre.
Volunteering Qantas Group employees volunteer their time in a number of ways, and in some cases the company may provide support to ensure employees are not financially disadvantaged: – Employee Charities — raising funds for a range of causes within Australia and overseas through employee charities such as the Qantas Cabin Crew Team and Pathfinders – Emergency Volunteers — volunteering for SES, fire-fighting and Australian Defence Force reserves
Work-Life Balance and Health and Wellbeing Benefits Qantas Marketplace
* Some travel/hospitality industry providers may also
The Qantas Group has a range of worklife balance initiatives in place to support employees to manage work, family and personal commitments including: – 12 weeks’ paid primary carer’s parental leave (including adoptions), one week’s paid secondary carer’s parental leave and up to two years‘ unpaid parental leave – Three work-based Qantas childcare centres ‘The Joey Clubs’ in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane – A ‘Keep in Touch’ program for employees on parental leave and access to information to assist employees returning to work following parental leave – At least ten days’ paid personal/carer’s leave per annum – Flexible work arrangements (where operationally viable) – A range of exercise and health programs – An Employee Assistance Program (EAP) providing employees and immediate family members with free, confidential, professional external counselling on a self-referral basis, for both work-related and personal issues. For EAP counselling information, call 1300 360 364 or +61 2 8295 2292 (overseas).
» An important part of maintaining a healthy FUEL AND LABOUR COSTS account for approximately 50% of total expenditure
Employee Communication
Employee Benefits
Qantas Staff Credit Union
Employee Benefits
balance between work and home life is making the time for adequate rest and recuperation — employees are encouraged to take all of their allocated annual leave each year.
FAST FACT QANTAS has been offsetting all duty travel and ground vehicle emissions since 2007
» Qantas uniforms and other
Qantas Group employees volunteer their time in a number of ways
Qantas memorabilia can be viewed at the Qantas Heritage Collection, Qantas Sydney Domestic Terminal.
– Qantas Special Assistance Team (SAT) — volunteers from across the Qantas Group are trained to provide an ongoing humanitarian response following a major incident. To join SAT email sat@qantas.com.au or call (02) 9691 0845 (internal 20845) or (02) 9691 6662 (internal 26662). – Qantas Airport Response Team (ART) — in an emergency specialist volunteers travel to affected sites to provide essential airport operational assistance. To join ART call (02) 9691 0461 (internal 20461). – Qantas Promotional Team — acting as ‘the face of the airline’ at corporate and community events. For further information email promoteam@qantas.com.au
On 25 May the Qantas Group launches Jetstar — a new low cost carrier, and extends the brand with Jetstar Asia (Singapore) in December
the little book, Qantas, AUS, Silver Award
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Plane Spotting
Time Zones The earth’s surface is divided into 24 time zones. Time differences between the zones are measured east or west of the 0 degree meridian (or line of longitude) which passes through Greenwich, England. The time on this meridian is referred to
14 1530 15 DUBAI
17 1745 1630 MUMBAI 1830
as GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) or UTC (Universal Coordinated Time) or just ‘Zulu’, and is the internationally agreed standard time. Many countries set their clocks ahead one hour during summer (Daylight Savings).
6 8
14 13 LONDON
the little book, Qantas, AUS, Silver Award
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Lookbook, D The Lookbook is house advertising for an agency which does without any accompanying text completely. Readers can concentrate on the agency’s exemplary work presented here. The brochure in DIN A 5 format lies in the hand very well. The jury was of the opinion: The Lookbook is audacious and innovative, fresh and easily comprehensible.
12.09.12 14:09
H&P Lookbook No. 1 – Hörger & Partner Werbeagentur, D, Bronze Award
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für Interieur
lookbook_1_icma.indb 2-3
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H&P Lookbook No. 1 – Hörger & Partner Werbeagentur, D, Bronze Award
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kitchens | keukens | cuisines | küchen made in Germany
newspaper für next125 und next line
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H&P Lookbook No. 1 – Hörger & Partner Werbeagentur, D, Bronze Award
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newspaper für next125 und next line
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10 | 11
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H&P Lookbook No. 1 – Hörger & Partner Werbeagentur, D, Bronze Award
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newspaper für next125 und next line
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14 | 15
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H&P Lookbook No. 1 – Hörger & Partner Werbeagentur, D, Bronze Award
Bildquelle: wikipedia
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kampagne für matratzen discount-kette top-sleep
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H&P Lookbook No. 1 – Hörger & Partner Werbeagentur, D, Bronze Award
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magazin für contur-einrichten
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magazin für contur-einrichten
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H&P Lookbook No. 1 – Hörger & Partner Werbeagentur, D, Bronze Award
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corporate identity und homepage für internationalen interieur-spezialisten
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36 | 37
12.09.12 14:11
H&P Lookbook No. 1 – Hörger & Partner Werbeagentur, D, Bronze Award
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kampagne für contur-küche
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kampagne für contur-küche
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H&P Lookbook No. 1 – Hörger & Partner Werbeagentur, D, Bronze Award
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keyvisual für massivholz-kollektion meisterstücke
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H&P Lookbook No. 1 – Hörger & Partner Werbeagentur, D, Bronze Award
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newspaper für schüller c-collection
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H&P Lookbook No. 1 – Hörger & Partner Werbeagentur, D, Bronze Award
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Facts newspaper für schüller c-collection
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12.09.12 14:11
Einfach. Wir machen es uns schwer, damit Sie es einfach haben. Wir kochen Ihre Botschaft solange ein, bis der Nutzen einfach zu verstehen ist. Ehrlich. Wir verstehen uns als ehrlicher Partner, der unabhängig und auf Augenhöhe berät. Wir arbeiten selbstkritisch und ehrlich an uns – zum Nutzen aller. Gut. Wir kämpfen für gute Ideen, die überzeugen – uns und unsere Kunden. Wir glauben: Gut geht nur gemeinsam, und gut ist unser Ziel.
60 | 61
lookbook_1_icma.indb 60-61
12.09.12 14:12
H&P Lookbook No. 1 – Hörger & Partner Werbeagentur, D, Bronze Award
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Perspektiven Produktivität und Effizienz verbinden siemens.com/industry
01_COVER_SIEM_560.indd 2
05.04.12 09:11
Perspektiven – Siemens, D The brochure is in oblong format. It thus very much stands out from comparable products. When opened it is 21 x 56 cm in size. This wonderful oblong format is used in order to place 360-degree photographs. Genuine customers and employees in production are shown. At the same time, amazing examples of modern industrial photography are created. The texts cover one or two pages. Many explanations and figures are placed in the photos. The result is a wholly unmistakable kind of visual storytelling.
Perspektiven – Siemens, D, Bronze Award
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Think! 4
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05.04.12 09:14
Perspektiven – Siemens, D, Bronze Award
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Breite 272 mm
Siemens Industry EIN ANBIETER FÜR DEN GESAMTEN PRODUKTIONSPROZESS Siemens setzt konsequent auf integrierte Technologien für seine Industriekunden. Ein breites Leistungsspektrum, fundiertes und international vielfach bewiesenes Branchenwissen sowie ausgeprägte Kundenorientierung garantieren passende Produkte und Lösungen für alle Einsatzfälle. Mit seinem umfassenden Angebot an Automatisierungstechnik, industrieller Schalt- und Antriebstechnik sowie Industriesoftware und Serviceleistungen beliefert und unterstützt Siemens Industry seine Kunden weltweit entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette – vom Produktdesign über Produktionsplanung und -engineering bis zur Produktion und Wartung.
intelligente Softwarewerkzeuge, mit deren Hilfe sich einzelne virtuelle Prototypen oder sogar ganze Fabriken digital anlegen und Abläufe darin simulieren lassen. Damit können Unternehmen schnell und preisgünstig Alternativen vergleichen, ihren Material- und Energieverbrauch optimieren – und erheblich mehr von ihrer Kreativität freisetzen.
globale Energiebedarf wird sich bis zum Jahr 2036 um insgesamt 35 Prozent erhöhen – und mit ihm die Energiekosten. Mit einer systematischen Identifizierung aller Energieströme in einer Industrieanlage und daraus abgeleiteten Maßnahmen zur Energieoptimierung lassen sich die immer weiter steigenden Energiepreise in den Griff bekommen.
LEBENSZYKLUSKOSTEN BETRACHTEN Deutlich stärker in den Fokus rücken zudem Lebenszyklusbetrachtungen: Investitionen in Anlagen werden in Zukunft stärker denn je danach bewertet werden, welche Kosten sie während ihrer gesamten Lebenszeit verursachen – für Betrieb, Wartung, Modernisierung und Recycling.
ANTRIEBSTECHNIK VERBESSERN Ein besonderes Augenmerk gilt dabei der Antriebstechnik, die allein rund zwei Drittel des gesamten industriellen Energiebedarfs ausmacht. Der Einsatz von drehzahlveränderbaren Antriebssystemen mit energiesparenden Motoren könnte den Verbrauch im Vergleich zu konventionellen Systemen um bis zu 70 Prozent senken.
Globaler Wettbewerb, steigende Energiepreise, immer kürzere Entwicklungszeiten bei gleichzeitig zunehmender Komplexität der Produkte und Prozesse – all das wäre für jedes Unternehmen bereits Herausforderung genug. Erschwerend hinzu kommt für Unternehmen der Industriebranchen aber noch ein kontinuierlich wachsender gesellschaftlicher und politischer Druck, umweltfreundlicher zu produzieren.
Einen weiteren wichtigen Hebel zur Steigerung der Produktivität in der industriellen Produktion stellt das Zusammenwirken von virtueller und realer Herstellung dar. Lief dies in der Vergangenheit als sogenannte fertigungsgerechte Produktgestaltung auf Basis von Erfahrungswissen ab, existieren dafür heute
Die Komplexität von Unternehmen steigt. Produktivitätsverbesserungen müssen daher an der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette ansetzen – zum Beispiel bei der virtuellen Planung und Inbetriebnahme von Produktionsanlagen. 10
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05.04.12 09:16
Breite 272 mm
Ob in der Chemie-, Pharma-, Nahrungsmittel- und Getränkeindustrie oder im Automobil- und Maschinenbau – aufgrund des starken globalen Wettbewerbs, zunehmender Variantenvielfalt und neuartiger technischer Möglichkeiten haben sich die Innovationszyklen bei Produkten aller Art drastisch verkürzt. Industriesoftware kann Entwicklungszeiten deutlich reduzieren und Kosten senken. Weltweit vertrauen Unternehmen dabei auf Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Software von Siemens, um Produkte virtuell zu entwickeln, zu testen und zu optimieren.
Mit Industriesoftware lassen sich ganze Fabriken oder einzelne Maschinen am Bildschirm entwickeln und damit die Produktion komplett simulieren und optimieren. Das spart Zeit, Ressourcen und Energiekosten. Die Rentabilität der Anlage steigt. Der Schlüssel zum Erfolg liegt in der Integration von Siemens PLM-Software mit Siemens-Automatisierungstechnik. Die Markteinführungszeiten sinken so um bis zu 50 Prozent bei gleichzeitig höherer Qualität.
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Je mehr Hard- und Software eingesetzt wird, desto anspruchsvoller und entscheidender ist es, dass die einzelnen Systeme reibungslos miteinander kommunizieren und funktionieren. Eine Revolution im Engineering ist das Totally Integrated Automation Portal (TIA Portal) von Siemens. Das TIA Portal bietet den integrierten einheitlichen Zugriff auf alle Automatisierungsaufgaben. Das optimiert den Workflow und führt zu Kosteneinsparungen beim Engineering von bis zu 25 Prozent.
Die zunehmende Automatisierung hat die Industrie in den vergangenen Jahren revolutioniert – Tendenz weiter steigend. Mit Totally Integrated Automation (TIA) von Siemens können Unternehmen ihre Automatisierungslösungen optimieren – unabhängig von der Branche. Kombiniert mit effizienten Motoren, Getrieben und Umrichtern lassen sich Produktivität und Effizienz der gesamten Anlage weiter erhöhen. Allein der Einsatz innovativer und perfekt zugeschnittener Antriebstechnik kann zu Energieeinsparungen von bis zu 70 Prozent führen. Maximale Produktionsleistung und Reaktionsfähigkeit sichert zudem das Manufacturing Execution System (MES) von Siemens. Mit intelligenter Datenverlinkung können Unternehmen transparent auf Produktionsprozesse einwirken – in Echtzeit.
Wirkungsvolle Wartung ist ein wesentlicher Service für die Industrie, um die Verfügbarkeit einer Anlage zu erhöhen. Doch der Service endet dort nicht. Von der Planung und Installation über den Betrieb bis hin zur Modernisierung unterstützt Siemens seine Industriekunden mit produkt-, system- und applikationsnahen Services über den gesamten Lebenszyklus einer Anlage. Damit werden Ausfallzeiten und der Einsatz von Ressourcen reduziert. Das Ergebnis: höhere Produktivität und Effizienz bei niedrigeren Gesamtkosten. Die Basis dafür ist gelebte Kundenorientierung kombiniert mit jahrzehntelangem Branchen- und Prozess-Know-how.
05.04.12 09:04
Perspektiven – Siemens, D, Bronze Award
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05.04.12 09:16
Perspektiven – Siemens, D, Bronze Award
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INDEX beschäftigt mehr als 2.000 Mitarbeiter weltweit. Gut zehn Prozent aller Beschäftigten arbeiten im Engineering und in der F & E.
herausfOrderungen In der Maschinen- und Werkzeugbaubranche entstehen – wie in allen Industriebranchen – weltweit neue relevante Marktteilnehmer und Absatzmärkte. Die Unternehmen müssen auf der einen Seite ihre
Kosten senken, auf der anderen Seite ihre Flexibilität und Qualität steigern. branchenlÖsungen Mit Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Software, Totally Integrated Automation (TIA) und dem Totally Integrated Automation Portal (TIA Portal) bietet Siemens Industry für alle Industriebranchen umfassende Lösungen für mehr Wettbewerbsfähigkeit.
im überblick
10 % Produktivitätssteigerung sind im laufenden Betrieb durch parallele Simulationen von Optimierungsmaßnahmen zu erreichen. 18
14-21_CREATE_SIEM_560_SR.indd 18-19
Bis zu
80 %
kann die Zeitersparnis beim Einfahren eines neuen Auftrags auf einer realen Drehmaschine oder eines Dreh-Fräszentrums durch den Einsatz eines digitalen Zwillings betragen.
< 1% beträgt die Echtzeit-Abweichung der Virtuellen Maschine gegenüber dem Original von INDEX.
Mehrere Tage kann es nach einer Kollision dauern, bis eine Drehmaschine wieder in Produktion gehen kann. Bei der Simulation an der Virtuellen Maschine genügt ein Reset am Rechner.
05.04.12 09:16
Perspektiven – Siemens, D, Bronze Award
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Implement! 22
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05.04.12 09:17
Perspektiven â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Siemens, D, Bronze Award
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Mit seinen etwa 280 Mitarbeitern produziert f | glass jährlich rund 250.000 Tonnen Flachglas – überwiegend für den Bausektor. In Zukunft soll der Anteil an Weiß- und Solarglas deutlich ausgebaut werden.
HerausfOrderungen Steigende Energiekosten und Ressourcenknappheit beschäftigen die gesamte Prozessindustrie. Jeder Prozentpunkt Effizienzsteigerung erhöht gerade in den energieintensiven Branchen
24 Stunden
die Gesamtrentabilität ganz erheblich. branCHenlÖsungen Mit Totally Integrated Automation (TIA) und Totally Integrated Power (TIP) und dem integrierten Prozessleitsystem SIMATIC PCS 7 von Siemens lassen sich Instrumentierungs-, Antriebs-, Automatisierungs- und Energieverteilungslösungen intelligent miteinander verschmelzen und alle Abläufe effizient und flexibel gestalten – vom Materialeinsatz bis zum Endprodukt.
im Überblick
an 365 Tagen im Jahr läuft die Produktion bei f | glass – dank modernster Leittechnik.
60 % des für die Glasherstellung benötigten Stroms produziert f | glass dank intelligenter Wärmerückgewinnung selbst.
3.000 Messpunkte 26
22-29_IMPLEMENT_SIEM_570.indd 26-27
und mehr werden mithilfe des Prozessleitsystems SIMATIC PCS 7 auf der rund 700 Meter langen Anlage visualisiert und kontrolliert.
Ca. 50 % Energieersparnis ergeben sich durch den Einsatz frequenzgeregelter Antriebe. 27
05.04.12 09:18
Perspektiven – Siemens, D, Bronze Award
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Sustain! 30
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Perspektiven â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Siemens, D, Bronze Award
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Connect and Change Your World With Inspired Speaking
Lucy corneLL
Connect and Inspire â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Lucy Cornell, AUS, Award of Excellence, Concept
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Connect and
Connect and Inspire â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Lucy Cornell, AUS, Award of Excellence, Concept
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Connect and Change Your World With Inspired Speaking Lucy Cornell Published by Voice Coach
Connect and Inspire â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Lucy Cornell, AUS, Award of Excellence, Concept
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Acknowledgements Having trained in the use of the speaking voice for performance for over 20 years across Australia, USA and the UK, it is with deep respect that I acknowledge the teachers and artists, who have taught and inspired me. The Arts community is one of idea sharing and idea evolution and without the often unrecognised creative genius of this community and its so many wonderful teachers, my own practice would not exist. I would like to acknowledge the generations of teachers, who have inspired and taught me. I have attempted to thoroughly acknowledge their work in this book. If I have overseen this, I offer my apologies in advance. It is with great appreciation that I specifically acknowledge my teacher Kristin Linklater, Professor in Voice at columbia university in new york and Isobel Kirk, Master Linklater teacher in Australia and the body of work of Iris Warren from which their teaching has evolved and in which I am trained. The Linklater technique is one of the most sophisticated speaking voice techniques in the world. Acknowledgement also goes to cicely Berry, Voice Director at the royal Shakespeare company in the uK for her inspiration and rigorous exploration of voice and word.
thank you
The Voice coach Approach has been developed through 10 years of training in voice techniques including the Linklater technique. I have spent a further 10 years applying and adapting these techniques and philosophies into the business environment globally. That environment presents particular challenges and needs and the techniques in this book have been crafted to meet them. The Voice coach Approach is designed for a fundamental understanding of the spoken voice. It specifically focuses on working with the untrained, business speaker, who is required to have a public voice in their business. A deeper understanding of the individual voice is best served in face-to-face training. For more detailed and intensive training, it is essential that you work with Lucy cornell, the Voice coach e-Learning Module: Speaking Fundamentals or a Voice coach recommended practitioner, who can guide you through practitioner-led techniques for vocal freedom. See www.voicecoach.net for more details. A list of recommended practitioners is also detailed at the end of the book. Without support from key individuals, Voice coach would not be where it is today. Particularly, I would like to acknowledge Ben Katekar, Kelly Brockhoff, nichole Stringer, charles and Kay cornell and Sascha and Jon Millin for their business support and advice; Ben Katekar and Ian carroll for their editing prowess; James Armstrong from Surveillance creative for the inspiring design and production of this book; Joshua Murray Design for brilliant branding and website design; and edweana Wenkart and the Tsuki team for their public relations support. 1
Connect and Inspire â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Lucy Cornell, AUS, Award of Excellence, Concept
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Connect and Inspire
Connect and Inspire
Speaking in public is not about finishing your talk or simply speaking the words. It is about connecting and inspiring.
Get connected and inspire Andrew was the Chief Financial Officer of a global bank and due to speak at their annual results presentation. His audience was a mix of journalists, shareholders and clients, who were keen to hear about the status of the business, which had, in recent years, done badly. For Andrew and the bank, the stakes at this presentation were high. We rehearsed together in the presentation space a few days before he was due to speak. up he got on stage behind his lectern and, in the most monotone of voices, intoned: “It’s been a wonderful year for the bank.” After a moment of shock, I responded:
“STOP!” We both laughed. It was a perfect confusion of words and vocal expression in opposition. What ensued was a valuable conversation about the role of a speaker. It concluded with his resolution that:
Being a speaker in public is about connecting and inspiring. 2
Connect and Inspire
It is common for most untrained speakers to disconnect from the experience of speaking in public by speaking on autopilot, not really seeing the audience or just wanting to get to the end as fast as possible.
Many people are often surprised, afraid and even overwhelmed to be speaking for their job. This book is for anyone who uses their voice for speaking in a professional way: from ceo’s to school teachers; presenting at a conference, chairing a meeting, arguing your opinion with stakeholders, pitching to clients, updating or inspiring your team. no matter what level of professionalism you are at, revealing your voice publicly requires courage and commitment to the task. The journey is personal. For business professionals specifically, there is limited or no training provided within a business or in an academic education for this energetically demanding task. However, the expectation at the senior levels and certainly chief level roles (ceo, cFo, etc.) is to be the ‘voice’ for the business. you are expected to be able to communicate, to build relationships with and to inspire employees, shareholders and clients to invest in a vision: to connect and inspire.
As you work through this book, it will be valuable to apply the exercises to an actual (or fictional) speaking moment. For this, you will need some basic preparation: 1 Ideally, have a speech in mind that you are going to present.
Training is an essential element for any professional, who assumes the role of expressing themselves in public. consider actors, musicians, athletes or artists. The landscape of performance is complex. Mastering your body, breath, voice, intellect and emotions in response to an audience takes years of training, particularly for the high level of performance required, for example, for an elite athlete, Shakespearean actor, jazz musician.
2 Find out as much as you can about your audience and the space you will be
For the general business speaker, however, the basic skills of performance and voice are essential.
5 Be prepared to work practically through the voice and breath work. For this, you will
presenting in.
3 Know the general direction of your content. 4 Begin with an open mind and be wary of limiting your ideas with judgment or self-doubt. everything is possible at this creative end of the game. need a clear space, where you will not be interrupted by anyone and you can feel free enough to move around and make sound.
This book explores the Voice coach Approach by weaving together two models:
6 Be prepared to confront some assumptions you have about your voice and your
1 The Connected Voice model; and
right to speak.
2 The Inspirational Voice model.
7 Mark Twain said that it takes three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech!
It will then approach these models practically with the ABVS technique, inviting you to apply them to an actual speaking situation.
Give yourself time and space to find inspiration, create, explore, write, rehearse and then finally perform. It won’t take three weeks, but it will require more than three minutes.
The goal is not about imposing a voice, but to reveal your natural expressivity and personality: to give you some skills to connect with authenticity, to have fun and find the ease of being you as you speak in public. When you connect your thoughts, feelings, voice and body with your audience, then you can be inspirational.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
connect to your story. connect to yourself. connect to your audience.
Connect and inspire.
Connect and Inspire – Lucy Cornell, AUS, Award of Excellence, Concept
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Theory: understand the Voice coach Approach
Section 1
Understand the Voice Coach Approach
Connect and Inspire
Theory: understand the Voice coach Approach
Three models
Connect and Inspire
Having an expressive voice is your birthright The skills required to express yourself, connect and inspire are, in fact, natural to everyone. The problem is that most adults have lost access to their natural, vocal expressivity.
for Inspired Speaking
Babies and toddlers are a good reminder of how expressive our voices can be; a full range connected to our emotional and intellectual needs. And, we were all babies once. At around three years, we learn to ‘pull it together’, ‘be quiet’, ‘tone it down’, ‘big boys don’t cry’, ‘little girls speak sweetly’, ‘toughen up, princess’. Here is the birth of the civilized voice; a less authentic expression of you and shaped by psychological and emotional learnings that we adopt in order to survive within our society. over time, these learned behaviours, that limit the freedom of your voice, compound. So the voice you inhabit as an adult in business finds it hard to express you inspirationally, emotionally and authentically. This will be discussed in more detail in the section called ‘your vocal rites of passage’.
Your voice in the world The truth is your voice can change your world. It is a rare privilege to have the right to express yourself and to claim your voice in your world. For many of you reading this book, you will have this privilege as a result of your birth, education and upbringing or perhaps through determination and sheer hard work.
To be expected to simply step up and inspire a client or, to connect to 300 delegates at a conference, is not immediately accessible to many. The good news is that it is a deeply embedded basic human instinct inside us all.
The question now is: “What are you doing with your right to speak?” your voice has the power to move people into action and influence their hearts and minds. It can bring warmth to loved ones, re-inspire businesses, re-shape communities and heal nations. The power of the voice can be witnessed in the astounding sociopolitical shifts of 2011 in Tunisia, yemen, egypt and Libya, which came from the raising of a communal voice— the Arab Spring. At the extreme end, the power of the human voice can be seen in the courage of individuals, who have dared to speak up for human rights. With a strong desire and unbelievable courage they dared to raise their voice against oppression and seemingly insurmountable conflict.
> Martin Luther King—Leader in the African American civil rights Movement 1960s. > Nelson Mandela—Anti-Apartheid activist and President of South Africa 1994–1999. > Mahatma Gandhi—Led India to Independence in 1943 with an inspiring philosophy of non-violence.
> Takarwal Sarman—2011 nobel Peace Prize Winner for speaking up for women’s rights in yemen.
> Malalai Joya—Activist and former politician in Afghanistan, who publicly denounced warlords within the newly installed Afghani Parliament in 2007.
> Aung San Suu Kyi—unofficially elected leader of Myanmar (Burma), suppressed under house arrest for 15 years and winner of multiple peace prizes including a nobel Peace Prize in 1991. 7
a! a a a a a aa
How wonderful is the human voice! It is indeed the organ of the soul. The intellect of man sits enthroned, visibly, on his forehead and in his eye. And the heart of man is written on his countenance, but the soul reveals itself in the voice only. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Connect and Inspire – Lucy Cornell, AUS, Award of Excellence, Concept
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Practical: Working with the Voice coach Approach
Section 2
Practical Working with the Voice Coach Approach
Part 1
Finding your Inner Voice
Connect and Inspire
Connect and Inspire
Practical: Working with the Voice coach Approach
A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song.
Your audience
Maya angelou, american writer, singer, actress, activist.
From page to stage Having developed your message, the question now remains; “What do you do with notes?” Ideally, the best presentations come from an honest, direct connection to your audience, unimpeded by notes. However, sometimes notes are essential and required.
Your Inner Voice explained Your Inner Voice comes from what drives you to speak; your spirit, your beliefs, an inner burning desire.
Some people prefer to use notes. The potential problem here is that you lose connection with your audience. others find notes too binding. The danger here is that you lose the logic of your argument and throw away all the work you have put into your preparation.
When you are met with the request to speak, the place to start is in finding your Inner Voice. often, business speakers feel disempowered because they are told what they are required to say, what messages they need to stick to, what slides and format they must use and sometimes their content is even written for them.
If you are willing, here are four stages to take your words from page to stage.
Stage 1—Fully worded notes
Sometimes these circumstances are unavoidable and necessary. either way, your job is to find a way to connect to the content, to make it yours, to find a reason to speak it, while staying on message. This is the work of any performer; your job is to tap into the bloodline that will keep you speaking with purpose.
This stage binds you to the grammatical rules and linear form of the words on the page. It may be a fundamental start to your preparation, however, if you stay in this stage it may be difficult for you to feel free enough to move creatively away from the page and connect with your audience.
The Latin derivation of Spirit (spiritus) means breath, soul, courage and vigour. Truly, your spirit must be the essence of your Inner Voice and your ability to connect and inspire.
Practical: Working with the Voice coach Approach
Connect and Inspire
Stage 3—Follow your navigation experiment with speaking your talk aloud by only following the chunks you designed in Stage 2. Be brave to spend most of your time looking away from your notes and see if you can still cover your ideas without having to follow word for word. you may find that you do not exactly honour the words you have created, but that you create around the concepts more expressively or personally. you might even find some new ways of expressing an idea. Take note of these as you may wish to use them for Stage 4.
Stage 4—Final draft rewrite your notes headed with your chunked words from Stage 2. Briefly, fill in any detail that you think needs to be covered that the ‘chunk’ does not remind you of. If you want, you can have your complete notes on a separate page to the chunked notes as a back up. But be careful not to be tempted to rely on them. It is a trap that leads to disconnection from your audience.
A Note on PowerPoint PowerPoint slides are not your notes. Don’t have your notes written on the PowerPoint slide for all to see. PowerPoint presentation software can be used much more creatively and intelligently. The audience does not need to or want to read the inner workings of your preparation. They want to be entertained. If you are going to use words on a screen, use one bold word or an image that inspires the idea you are discussing.
Stage 2—Chunking
Many years ago, a wise performance teacher said to me: “Let the song sing you”. your song and message has a spirit to it: already written, already wanting to be spoken.
To wean yourself off your notes, chunk your paragraphs to one word or phrase.
once you tap into that, your voice will follow your intention. The song sings itself.
Find a word or phrase that you can use as a summary of a paragraph or idea. Write it in the column of your notes.
In fact, I would go so far as to say that one never ought to speak at all unless you have the sincerity which justifies appearing in front of an audience. Lord Shinwell, former British Labour politician
Connect and Inspire – Lucy Cornell, AUS, Award of Excellence, Concept
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Connect and Inspire
Connect and Inspire
Practical: Working with the Voice coach Approach
Rehearsal No performer, athlete, artist, musician or professional speaker would dare to get up in front of an audience without a rehearsal. The purpose of rehearsal is to practise techniques, stretch muscles, exercise the mind, make lots of mistakes, go too far to see what works and what doesn’t. rehearsal is not about getting it right. It is about moving theory into reality. rehearsal is about finding out what else you can do once you get in the ring, on the stage, on the blocks, with the team. Here is where the creative life of your voice and communications begins, so you can make the transition from page to stage.
Rehearsal schedule 1 Write your presentation using the Mythical Voice structure. 2 chunk your notes as above. 3 Get up on your feet and speak it aloud. Don’t do it sitting and reading it in your head. Speaking and movement have a different time and weight to them. This will help you find moments that work and areas you need to rewrite.
page to stage rehearsal warming up stagecraft
a performance term that refers to the physical movement of the piece. There may be some areas of the text that would be best served by creating distinct spaces in the room to highlight the ideas you are putting forth. Follow your impulses here and don’t limit the possibilities of how you can use space to mark out the story.
6 Be wary of rehearsing too many times before a performance. If you are nervous and anxious about the event, check that you are not overdoing your rehearsals. Make sure you run through the presentation at least three times aloud and on its feet before the day.
Practical: Working with the Voice coach Approach
Connect and Inspire
Next steps Speaking improves with practise. Practise comes in many forms. It can be a formal presentation or even when you are speaking with people socially. Remember to practise often and experiment with any of the tools you have found insightful in this book.
Courage to connect
For an advanced and deeper experience of your presence, breath and voice you may wish to work with the Voice coach e-Learning Module: Speaking Fundamentals available at:
Step into the spotlight
As a final commitment to your voice in the world, make a shortlist of your insights from reading this book and decide on your plans for practise.
Deciding to claim your voice in the world takes courage and commitment. It is also rewarding and invigorating. To connect and inspire:
1 Find the motivation of your Inner Voice
4 redraft integrating new discoveries from speaking aloud. 5 Get it on its feet again and speak aloud. This time consider your blocking. Blocking is
Practical: Working with the Voice coach Approach
—raise the stakes and let your spirit speak.
2 Speak boldly with your resonant, alive Literal Voice —‘Arrive’. ‘Breathe’. ‘Vibrate’. ‘Speak’.
3 Elevate your message with your Mythical Voice —Hook. Thesis. Journey. resolve. catharsis.
4 Inspire your Audience
—rehearse and warm up to keep your audience engaged.
5 Be brave. When you connect to your story, yourself and your audience, then you will be inspirational.
7 Dress rehearsal. Get into the space if you can and run through whole performance. If this is not possible, then aim to get on stage and speak at least the first and last line, fully and on voice. run through your speech once more on the day before you do it. Be wary of running it over and over in your head before you go on. you run the danger of getting yourself in a panic and not being present for your audience. Find stillness in the wings. refer to the breathing exercises in the ‘Breathe’ section to bring you back to your centre.
your voice has the power to make the changes you want to see in the world.
Connect and inspire.
8 Know your first and last line off by heart, so you have a bold and connected start and a strong finish.
Being on the tightrope is living; everything else is waiting.
9 ‘Arrive’. ‘Breathe’. ‘Vibrate’. ‘Speak’. … And have fun.
Karl Wallenda
Connect and Inspire – Lucy Cornell, AUS, Award of Excellence, Concept
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Connect and Inspire
Connect and Inspire
Connect and Inspire
Speaking Fundamentals: e-learning module
Lucy Cornell Chief Inspiration Officer and Director of Voice Coach DeSIGnATeD LInKLATer VoIce TeAcHer, M.APP.Sc., B.A.B.eD., L.T.c.L.
Voice coach works with leaders and speakers in business and corporations globally. Lucy cornell, Director of Voice coach, brings the world’s most sophisticated techniques in voice and speaking to the business world to develop vocal presence and power for stronger, more inspired leadership.
Alexander, F Matthias. (1932). The use of the Self, Methuen and co. Ltd., uK. Berry, Cicely. (1973). Voice and the Actor, Harrap Ltd., Great Britain. Berry, Cicely. (2000). The Actor and the Text, Virgin Publishers, Great Britain. Berry, Cicely. (1994). your Voice and How to use It, Virgin Publishers, Great Britain.
Lucy is regularly sought as a specialist speaker at international conferences, including regularly for the young President’s organization and for selected business clients globally from Pakistan, uK, uSA, The Middle east to South Africa. Lucy also works regularly with international legal advocacy training programs across the commonwealth.
Boston, Jane and Cook, Rena. (2009). Breath in Action: The Art of Breath in Vocal and Holistic Practice, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, uK. Damasio, Antonio. (1999). The Feeling of What Happens: Body and emotion in the Making of consciousness, Harcourt. Doidge, Norman. (2007). The Brain that changes Itself, Scribe. Eliade, Mircea. (1963). Myth and reality, Trans. Willard r. Trask. new york: Harper & row.
In the media, Lucy has spoken about voice on ABc and 2ue radio and has been featured in business publications such as BrW ( Business review Weekly) and The Australian’s The Deal.
Feldenkrais, Moshe. (1972). Awareness Through Movement, Arkana Penguin Gp, uK. Gilligan, Carol. (1996). In A Different Voice: Psychological Theory and Women’s Development, Harvard university Press. Gilligan, Carol and Mickel, Lyn. (1992). Meeting at the crossroads, random House. Herrigel, Eugen. (1985). Zen in the Art of Archery, Arkana, uSA. Lessac, Arthur. (1960). The use and Training of the Human Voice: A Bio-Dynamic Approach to Vocal Life, Mayfield Publishing company, california. Linklater, Kristin. (2006). Freeing the natural Voice, nick Hern Books, London. Linklater, Kristin. (1992). Freeing Shakespeare’s Voice, Theatre comms Grp, ny.
Speaking Fundamentals takes you up close and personal with Lucy cornell, Director of Voice coach.
> Abundant advice on performance and
Lucy’s feedback;
speaking techniques;
Malinowski, B. (1926) Myth in Primitive Psychology, reprinted in Magic, Science and religion, new york, 1955.
> The four indispensable steps you need
Osho. (2001). Zen: The Path of Paradox, St Martin’s Press, new york, uSA.
> Guidance through practical exercises
Rodenburg, Patsy. (1992). The right to Speak, Methuen Drama, Great Britain. Rodenburg, Patsy. (1993). The need for Words, Methuen Drama, Great Britain. Scott, Susan. (2002). Fierce conversations, Viking Penguin, uSA. Shlain, Leonard. (1998). The Alphabet Versus the Goddess: The conflict Between Word and Image, Penguin compass. Tannen, Deborah. (1992). you Just Don’t understand: Women and Men in conversation, Virago. Todd, Mabel Elsworth. (1937). The Thinking Body, Princeton Book co, uSA.
Lucy’s training in voice has been with the world’s Masters of Voice. She has been accredited by Master voice teacher Kristin Linklater in the uSA. Lucy is one of 150 Linklater voice teachers in the world. Training with Kristin Linklater is rigorous and competitive. There is no other voice teacher training in the world that compares with the quality of voice teachers designated by Kristin. She has trained extensively in Australia, London and the uSA and applies this knowledge to the entertainment and business industries.
In this concentrated one-hour e-learning module with Lucy, you get:
> A personal diagnostic tool with
for speaking confidence; with Lucy;
> Warm ups for speaking preparation; > Access through any internet enabled device; and
Lucy also holds a Masters of Applied Science in Voice research (uSyd), Bachelor of Arts and education (unSW) and a Licentiate Diploma from the Trinity college of London.
> Multiple uses.
The benefits > empower your voice
> Be persuasive
> Increase your presence
> Manage your nerves
> Develop gravitas
> Build your speaking confidence
In Australia, Lucy has trained with Isobel Kirk, Master Linklater teacher. In the uK, she has trained with and observed voice tutors from the royal Shakespeare company (cicely Berry QBe). In the uSA, Lucy trained as an actor and teacher at Shakespeare & company, uSA.
Recommended Linklater voice teachers http://www.thelinklatercenter.com/designated-linklater-teachers/alphabetical 72
Available at www.voicecoach.net or speak@voicecoach.net or +612 9299 7978. 73
Connect and Inspire – Lucy Cornell, AUS, Award of Excellence, Concept
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Connect and Inspire connect and Inspire delivers some of the world’s most sophisticated techniques in voice use and makes them accessible for the business speaker using the Voice coach Approach.
As a leader, you have the privileged opportunity to make a change in your world with inspired speaking. With that comes the responsibility to voice your vision with integrity and power to bring about this change. This book will help you develop your:
> > > > >
voice; presence; gravitas; persuasive power; and confidence for influential, empowered speaking in business. It will help you speak from your heart to be a powerful, authentic, visionary leader. connect to your story. connect to your voice. connect to your audience.
Connect and inspire.
Lucy Cornell has been an inspiration to barristers in England and Australia. She helps them make their voices heard, and their presence felt, in court. Her brilliant technique of Arrive Breathe Vibrate Speak has been a revelation and is highly recommended to all those who aspire to practise the art of advocacy. the Hon. Sir Charles Haddon-Cave, Chairman of the advocacy training Council of the Bar of England and Wales (2007–2010)
Connect and Inspire is an essential guide to finding your authentic, inner voice in order to reveal your outer strength. Yalda Hakim, australian Journalist and Presenter
Persuasive speaking in business relies on a strong voice, sensitivity to performance and inspirational content. This book helps you attain them all. arun abey, Chairman, ipac Securities, australia and author of How Much is Enough?
Lucy’s techniques build confidence in the boardroom. I no longer have senior management telling me they can’t hear me or that I need to be more authoritative. Karina Kwan, Financial Controller, Citi australia
The charismatic sympathy with which Lucy connects and inspires is making a huge contribution to the training of young advocates from a number of countries. Edwin Glasgow CBE QC, UK Chairman of International advocacy training Council
Connect and Inspire – Lucy Cornell, AUS, Award of Excellence, Concept
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GL Group safer.smarter.greener.
GL Group â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Germanischer Lloyd, D, Award of Excellence, Photography, Layout
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Focus on the Customer
GL Group
maritime services Germanischer Lloyd
oil & gas GL Noble Denton
Shipowners and Shipping Companies
Maritime Services
Shipyards and Ship Designers
Suppliers for Shipbuilders
Maritime Institutions
Oil & Gas Enterprises
Equipment Manufacturers & Suppliers
Investment & Insurance Companies
Germanischer Lloyd To the shipping and shipbuilding world, the name Germanischer Lloyd has been synonymous with
renewables GL Garrad Hassan
GL Renewables CertiďŹ cation
reliability, diligence and engineering excellence since the company was established as a ship
Investors & Lenders
Manufacturers & Device Developers
Project Developers
exceeding 100 million GT, are GL-classed.
Owners & Operators
Every year GL performs about 24 ,000 surveys.
Governments & NGOs
gl group
classification society by German shipowners in 1867. Today, more than 8,000 vessels,
Numerous international technical standards are based on GL know-how. www.gl-group.com
gl group
GL Group â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Germanischer Lloyd, D, Award of Excellence, Photography, Layout
4 Image Brochures 62
Germanischer Lloyd
Shipowners and Shipping Companies
Germanischer Lloyd
A Class of Its Own
Shipowners and Shipping Companies
a suite of specialised software applications addressing advanced engineering tasks. FLEET SERVICES AND CONDITION MONITORING GL has developed a wide range of services to assist shipowners in maintaining their ships and complying with in-
are the traditional tasks of a classification society. According to international insurance practices, all ships sailing on international routes must be classified. Germanischer Lloyd’s activities as a classification society cover a broad range of
Shipowners and shipping companies play a key role in the GL world. As an independent, third party classification and certification society, GL has been their partner for over a century
ternational and national rules and regulations. Ships operate in a hostile environment. Avoiding deterioration cuts repair costs and avoids problems during inspections. GL condition monitoring systems reduce the overall costs of inspection services and opti-
fields, from developing standards, rules and guidelines for
mise maintenance schedules while lowering the risk of
the design, construction and operation of ships to regular
equipment failure. With its Condition Assessment Pro-
inspections and surveys to ensure compliance. GL assists
as well as ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, ISO 50001,
guidelines for performing Ship Security Assessments (SSA)
owners of GL-classed vessels with a multitude of supporting
STCW 95 or 9100 Aerospace. The GL Excellence certificate
and implementing Ship Security Plans (SSP).
assessment of the condition of any vessel. GL’s new Ex-
specific shipboard pollution emergency plans that instruct
quired by port state authorities. It also avoids technical
services to keep them abreast of international regulations,
can be awarded for voluntary adherence to superior stand-
tended Dry Docking (EDD) option for container, general
the master of a vessel how to react in the event of a spill
complications when switching fuels and lubrication oils.
innovative technology and other important developments.
ards. GL has been a major contributor to groundbreaking
cargo and multi-purpose dry cargo vessels accounts for
of oil or other noxious liquid substances carried on board.
GL offers simple, fast and efficient transfer of class to GL.
new regulations and standards such as the MLC or the
FutureShip, a GL company, specialises in consulting
the introduction of new, longer-lasting protective coating.
Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) for ship recycling. CERTIFICATION As a trusted certification body, GL gives assurance to ship-
services for fleet development, design, operation, envi-
gramme (CAP), GL delivers an independent, in-depth
Port State inspections can lead to the detention of
In sea areas around the world, ships are threatened
ronmental and regulatory matters as well as management
a vessel found to be non-compliant. GL’s maintenance
by piracy, terrorism and armed robbery. In response, the
certification. FutureShip offers customised solutions
checklists help crews to be prepared for inspections.
sists shipowners with the preparation and approval of ship-
in a timely manner and document the procedure as re-
GL Maritime Software, GL’s software provider and systems in-
Ships entering a Sulphur Emission Control Area (SECA),
tegrator for the maritime industry, delivers custom-designed
such as the Baltic Sea, the English Channel or the North
software solutions for efficient business processes and ad-
ping companies and other industries that the products
IMO adopted the International Ship and Port Facility Se-
beyond classification, such as performance and ener-
Sea, or any other protected area must switch over to
vanced decision support with regard to navigation, operating
they rely on comply with international standards, such as
curity Code (ISPS Code) with mandatory maritime security
gy efficiency enhancement consultancy, advanced engi-
Response Service (ERS) and File Access Service (FAS) stand
low-sulphur fuel to minimise noxious emissions. A ship-
efficiency, on-board management and Port State Controls.
the International Labour Organization’s Maritime Labour
requirements. GL has been authorised by a number of flag
neering services and strategic consulting. Its ECO range
ready to give owners and crews expert advice on how to
specific fuel changeover instruction manual prepared by
GL ShipManager – This software and services suite for
Convention 2006 (MLC), the ISPS Code, the ISM Code
states to carry out ISPS certification and offers tools and
of products boosts ship fuel efficiency. FS-Tools is
mitigate the damage and decide what to do. GL also as-
Germanischer Lloyd helps crews perform the changeover
shipowners, managers and operators supports all
gl group
gl group
And when the unpredictable happens, GL’s Emergency
gl group
gl group
GL Group – Germanischer Lloyd, D, Award of Excellence, Photography, Layout
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Germanischer Lloyd
Shipowners and Shipping Companies
Germanischer Lloyd
Shipyards and Ship Designers SOLUTIONS
GL ACADEMY Through its popular GL Academy, GL offers one of the most and other crew members as well as shore-based staff. GL Academy courses cover topics as crucial as emergency preparedness and response, crisis management, maintenance of life-saving equipment, navigation in adverse weather conditions, hull and equipment damage, transport of hazardous goods, ballast water and waste management, flag state administration and regulations, practical on-board ISPS security exercises as well as the new ILO Maritime Labour Convention and many others.
Germanischer Lloyd enjoys an excellent reputation internationally as a provider of certification and assurance services as well as unmatched engineering know-how to shipbuilders and ship designers
SOLUTIONS key processes of ship management, from mainte-
nance, procurement, quality and safety management to compliance, crew data and voyage management. It interfaces easily with other GL applications such as GL Fleet-
Analyzer, GL HullManager and GL CrewManager as well
Review & approval of design
as standard enterprise software and GL’s online tools, GL
fleet online and GL Rules Pilot.
Risk assessment
GL FleetAnalyzer is a business intelligence application
Certification of materials
that extracts data from corporate IT systems for deci-
and equipment
sion support.
Construction supervision
FutureShip ECO-Assistant calculates the optimal dy-
Witnessing of functional tests
namic trim for the specific operating conditions.
Statutory certificates
GL SeaScout provides routing decision support for im-
Compliance certificates
proved safety and efficiency in heavy weather.
gl group
gl group
Initial surveys on behalf of flag states Continuous survey programmes for class renewal Planned Maintenance System (PMS) Condition monitoring and assessment EEDI certification Emergency Response Service (ERS) Management system certification (e.g. ISM/ ISPS, ISO, MLC, IHM)
FutureShip operations consultancy FutureShip design optimisation Advanced engineering services Emergency plan (SOPEP) ISPS exercises Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plan (SMPEP) File Access Service Fuel Changeover Manual fleet online GL Rules Pilot
SOFTWARE GL ShipManager GL FleetAnalyzer GL HullManager GL CrewManager Port Clearance Assistant GL file inspection GL Pegasus GL SeaScout FutureShip ECO-Assistant FutureShip Tools GL ACADEMY Training for officers, crews and shore-based staff
Engineering Experience
SHIPYARDS AND SHIP DESIGNERS SERVICES Technical assistance/approval relating to: Safety and environment Ship recycling Stability services Ballast water management Protective coatings Hull design Emission certificate GL Environmental Passport FutureShip ship operation optimisation Process technology and thermodynamic calculations Safety analyses and risk assessment Manufacturer and supplier approval/ certification Underwater technology GL CE Yacht Plus programme
comprehensive training programmes for nautical officers
and trials, GL accompanies all stages of the shipbuilding
process to ensure compliance with classification rules and
The engineering expertise of GL subsidiary Future-
international regulations. Furthermore, GL scientists and
Ship enjoys an excellent reputation in the shipbuilding industry. FutureShip enhances ship performance
engineers are experts in increasing the operating efficien-
by addressing hydrodynamic aspects as well as on-
cy and fuel economy of ships.
board systems and operations in a holistic approach.
and environmental standards are changing the way ships
FutureShip experts provide advice and support on
are designed and built. GL keeps its clients up to date
GL subsidiary FRIENDSHIP SYSTEMS delivers state-of-the-
strength and fatigue, fluid dynamics, seakeeping, de-
on the latest requirements for newbuildings and conver-
art software solutions for energy-efficient design and per-
sign loads, slamming, sloshing and many other aspects.
sions. From design reviews and approval to surveys and
formance optimisation. Its innovative CAE ship design and
Nautical measurement capabilities include noise and
certification of materials and equipment, and from con-
support software reduces model complexity and computa-
vibration, integrity analyses, manoeuvrability, shaft power
struction supervision at the yard to witnessing of tests
tion time dramatically.
SOFTWARE FS-Flow – Rankine source panel code FS-Equilibrium – equilibrium analysis FS-Waves – wave computation FS-Optimizer – environment optimisation POSEIDON – structural design and analysis GL HullManager – hull integrity tracking GL ShipLoad – load generation for global FE analysis GL ShipModel – model creation for global FE analysis AENEAS – passenger evacuation analysis GL LocVibs – structural vibration analysis GL Pegasus – thickness measurement FRIENDSHIP-Framework – leading design solutions
measurements and data acquisition for trouble shooting.
gl group
gl group
GL Group – Germanischer Lloyd, D, Award of Excellence, Photography, Layout
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Oil & Gas Enterprises
GL Noble Denton
GL Noble Denton
From Reservoir to Market
ability studies, audits, investigations, analyses, certification
as ultra-deepwater drilling, field development in fragile ecologies, LNG facility and pipeline construction in Arctic
With trusted engineering and project expertise for oil and gas assets, GL Noble Denton is a powerful partner to turn to
vide a truly independent source of practical insight and support, detailed assurance and reliable technical advice. world-leading software tools, GL Noble Denton helps cus-
The sheer complexity of today’s oil and gas projects calls for a unique combination of engineering and consulting expertise. The merger of GL and Noble Denton has formed a powerhouse of competence that takes a leading position in this field
PROJECT MANAGEMENT Project execution and
cy from the seabed to the city gas main, at every stage of the assets’ lifecycle, from design to decommissioning.
tomers reduce risks, meet increasingly stringent government and environmental regulations and improve efficien-
Field development planning Equipment and material testing
Quality assurance
With a comprehensive range of transmission, distribution and metering services, GL Noble Denton ensures that network operators are compliant with legislative and busi-
ness requirements whilst operating in an effective, efficient
From design through construction to operation, GL Noble
and safe manner.
Denton’s appraisal and certification services identify safety-
ment GL Noble Denton assists owners and operators in
tions, pipelines and industrial plants, ensuring compliance
minimising risks and optimising the value of their assets
with technical specifications and safety and environmental
throughout their lifecycle.
a GL Noble Denton quality manager.
GL Noble Denton offers full project handling for Floating
ing inspection of hull and topside module fabrication
GL Noble Denton offers unsurpassed specialist experience
and integration, and vessel conversion assistance.
and knowledge for assurance of the integrity and operat-
GL’s process evaluations and hydraulic analyses
ing standards of oil and gas rigs, construction and sup-
promote the optimisation of production facilities and
port vessels, tankers and other ships.
pipeline systems.
Risk management Safety and compliance
Marine operations
Expert Support for Oil and Gas Projects
ASSET MANAGEMENT Asset integrity
tation, construction monitoring, installation and commissioning.
Business Processes:
Asset optimisation
Serving a client base that includes oil companies, shipowners, shipyards, specialist equipment vendors and other
high-precision installation manoeuvres. FPSO/FSO
Project performance
Risk assessment
Due diligence
With its capability in holistic Asset Integrity Manage-
critical aspects of offshore and onshore oil and gas installa-
matically maintain a vessel’s position and heading during
tion activities, all monitored, coordinated and managed by
Production, Storage and Offloading units (FPSO), includ-
engineering and analysis
Verification Inspection
vices for Dynamic Positioning (DP) systems, which auto-
determine the safety, reliability and redundancy of systems. The Project Monitoring offering is a combination of
Marine and geotechnical
Third-party certification
dense urban area, GL Noble Denton can be trusted to pro-
In particular, GL Noble Denton provides assurance ser-
and training. The FMEA/FMECA analysis process is applied to
expediting, vendor inspection and site/construction inspecENGINEERING AND CONSULTING
or Saharan conditions, or safely extending a refinery in a
With unrivalled experience and intelligence as well as
industries, GL Noble Denton works to international, na-
Steel structural
tional, class and IMCA (International Marine Contractors
engineering Bridges, cranes,
Association) standards as well as equipment-specific regu-
Hydrocarbon Accounting &
ship lifts, lift docks,
Marine suitability
Dynamic Positioning (DP)
Provision of specialists
Independent vetting
Crew training
Due diligence Construction Monitoring SOFTWARE
and inspection
Towing Vessel
Support vessel surveys
Approvability Scheme
CAP (Coordination
Assistance Programme)
for inspection reporting
Third Party Access;
MARINE, ONSHORE AND OFFSHORE oil and gas projects
cific installation is fit for purpose during its working life. GL
Leveraging synergies among the GL family of companies,
Asset Integrity
must conform to stringent requirements. With its methodi-
inspection and quality assurance surveyors monitor oil and
GL Noble Denton provides world-class expertise in support
Manufacturer capability
Technical Management:
cal approach to project management services and an un-
gas assets worldwide. GL Noble Denton also offers services
of offshore marine operations worldwide. In addition, GL
pipeline management and
equalled ability to analyse complex issues in a challenging
The GL assurance process covers safety, reliability, ecology
Industry standard audits
operational support
Transportation and
Asset Performance
environment, GL Noble Denton is ideally placed to manage
and compliance with the applicable rules, standards and
HSE risk management
FPSO/FSO transportation
and deliver projects from design and planning to transpor-
specifications. GL conducts inspections, trials, risk and suit-
GL Noble Denton verification services assure that a spe-
regarding manufacturer capability assessment and vendor
Noble Denton offers a wide range of technical and safety
training services for the oil and gas industry.
gl group
gl group
Vendor inspection
network modelling
lations and internal guidelines.
GL Noble Denton
Proof of Reliability
gl group
Project management Design of marine
OPTAGON (Production
SOLUTIONS Equipment suppliers must demonstrate their reliability and the quality of their products to their customers. GL Noble Denton helps both parties cooperate with confidence
EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURERS AND SUPPLIERS TESTING SERVICES Spadeadam Test Site – research and testing Flow Centre – highpressure NG flow testing Material and failure analysis
ished equipment and components, quality and reliability
Destructive and
are key issues. Giving reassurance to the manufacturer and
non-destructive testing
the customer that the equipment will perform flawlessly
and safely while conforming to all specifications, standards and regulations is of pivotal importance for the success of
Third-party Inspection
any project in the oil and gas industry.
Advanced inspection techniques
GL Noble Denton is the first choice for numerous man-
Welding assessment
ufacturers and suppliers seeking independent confirmation and certification of their processes, the quality of their raw
materials and products and their adherence to schedules,
Inspection reports
rules and specifications.
Material traceability
With unmatched expertise in a comprehensive range of
gl group
GALIOM (Asset Integrity
Marine procedures Engineering support
Manufacturers and Suppliers
FROM THE PROCUREMENT STAGE to the delivery of fin-
engineering disciplines and a global network of surveyors,
services. They can identify the root causes of damage and
recommend remedial and preventive measures.
GL Noble Denton has developed a systemized, detailed
GL Noble Denton ensures that facilities, equipment, prod-
assessment of manufacturers to ensure their competence,
ucts and services meet quality as well as HSE and social
responsibility obligations.
GL Noble Denton independent quality assurance and qual-
capability and resources for a specific project.
Owner's representative
Material certificates Equipment certificates Production methods Semi-finished or finished products Welder qualification MANUFACTURER’S CAPABILITY CERTIFICATION Contract administration Methods and procedures Sub-contractor monitoring Qualified human resources, facilities and equipment Supplier’s track record VENDOR INSPECTION AND MILL SURVEILLANCE
Letter of credit
Process monitoring
Control and
Stages and schedule
Tracking of exceptions
Release notes for
Conformance monitoring
Shipping and transportation
ity control services for manufacturers of safety-critical ma-
terial and equipment ensure product quality, detect de-
GL Noble Denton’s Mill Surveillance service involves monitor-
GL Noble Denton’s world-class testing facilities in the UK
viations from standard specifications as early as possible,
ing all of the stages of the manufacturing process, inspec-
according to approved
and Germany offer advanced destructive and non-destruc-
monitor compliance with standards, procedures and speci-
tion and/or testing of materials as well as assuring compli-
quality systems
design documents
tive materials and equipment testing and failure analysis
fications and provide accurate and timely reporting.
ance with the manufacturer’s and client’s requirements.
gl group
gl group
documentation Construction surveillance
GL Group – Germanischer Lloyd, D, Award of Excellence, Photography, Layout
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Hoffmann & Campe â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Corporate Books, D, Award of Excellence, Layout
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Hoffmann & Campe â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Corporate Books, D, Award of Excellence, Layout
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Hoffmann & Campe â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Corporate Books, D, Award of Excellence, Layout
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Hoffmann & Campe â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Corporate Books, D, Award of Excellence, Layout
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Hoffmann & Campe â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Corporate Books, D, Award of Excellence, Layout
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Hoffmann & Campe â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Corporate Publishing, D, Award of Excellence, Print Finishing
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UD Print AG, D, Award of Excellence, Print Finishing