Last month I told you that we were launching our Pet Lifestyles Magazine celebrity issue in March. At the last minute, we needed to make some changes resulting in that issue being pushed until later this year. So that left us with an amazing challenge of putting together an entire Health + Wellness issue in a matter of weeks.
Not only did we pull it off, but we also pulled it off with minutes to spare too! I am so proud of this issue for so many reasons. The cover features celebrity Chef José Andréas and his pet food line, REÁL MESA; tips and tricks for Spring dog training; the differences between kibble, homemade food and “fresh meals” formats…and what homemade meals we feed our Spokesdog, Brioreo; new pet APPS to help you better manage your furrever friend; new pet products to help you tackle the Spring; how to encourage positive feline behavior and so much more.
In this issue you will also find something that is very near and dear to my heart; a story written in conjunction with our friends at Zesty Paws that talks about taking care of your pets as they age, inclusive of advice on exercise, diets, and what supplements make sense to help them through their golden years. Having had as many pets as I have in my life, this particular story was just too important to not tell!
I wanted to extend a personal thank you to Chef José Andréas and his REÁL MESA brand PR team at Rogers & Cowan PMK for making this cover story happen. I also have to say how proud I am of the work our team, including Scott, our Art Director and Bill, my Co-Publisher, did on this issue to make it happen. It’s a stunning issue stocked with great advice to help you and your furrever friend!
To see what we are up to, head over to
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There’s a hint of Spring in the air. For New Yorkers it means the celebration of new life, rebirth, and renewal. It’s also the thrill of celebrating everything from Ireland to Easter.
In this issue, we celebrate Meera Gandhi, who is a humanitarian and CEO of The Giving Back Foundation. Rather than using her privileges and connections to live a life of leisure, Gandhi prefers using her resources to raise awareness and funds for others in need. Indeed, this remarkable woman has made it trendy to be charitable. You may find her one day mingling with global society in London, Dubai, Mumbai, or New York, but her heart and soul are with underprivileged children, spreading her many grassroots projects for them. Read her incredible story.
In the spirit of St. Patrick’s Day, we feature a magical Ireland, where you will find culture, history, and many grand adventures. Of course, if you want to keep the celebration local, then be sure to read up on the history of the St. Patrick’s Day Parade” and how it originated here in New York City. Afterward, continue with the celebrations at one of many Irish pubs and restaurants. Our favorites are featured in the Food & Drink section. There’s sure to be a Guinness waiting for you.
Indeed, Easter will be celebrated in style with a parade on Fifth Avenue and children of all ages with smiles of delight as they share their chocolate bunnies and jelly beans with friends and family. But we wondered how all of these symbols of Easter originated. Be sure to look at our Easter traditions and be surprised.
In New York Lifestyles, we reveal the news of those who share their wisdom, lessons, and life experiences with the hope their journeys will influence yours—for the better. Being in our community does that.
So, here is to a renewed spirit! You’re always welcome to New York Lifestyles.
I am wishing you a wonderful Spring.
“WE ALL NEED LOVE AND KINDNESS TO THRIVE!”By Patricia canole PhotograPhy By neil J tandy hair & MakeuP By kanwal Batool
When you meet Meera Gandhi, the first thing that strikes you is her radiance and highenergy spirit. Despite her place as a humanitarian activist and CEO of The Giving Back Foundation, she mingles daily with the who’s who of global society—from New York to London to Istanbul to Dubai and Mumbai. Her endearing persona puts you at ease immediately. One day, Gandhi will raise a toast with Bill and Hillary Clinton, Kerry Kennedy, or Elton John; the next day, she’ll be pictured with underprivileged children in Mumbai, spreading her many grassroots projects for them.
Rather than using her privileges and connections to live a life of leisure, Gandhi prefers using her resources to raise awareness and funds for others in need. Indeed, this remarkable woman has made it trendy to be charitable.
Gandhi, the daughter of an Indian naval officer and his Irish-born wife was raised in Mumbai and was influenced by Mother Teresa, whom she met in her teens. During the last two years of high school, she spent weekends volunteering with disabled children, caring for them in a vast ward. Playtime and teaching them to dance were also joyful. The sixteen-year-old high schooler was incredibly moved by the compassion with which Mother Teresa treated everyone who came to her. “I think what I learned subconsciously from Mother Teresa was that she was always happy. She was always unfazed.”
Selfless even then, Gandhi tutored underprivileged children in after-school programs herself. Several years later, she entered Delhi University, earning her bachelor’s degree in economics. She obtained an MBA from Boston University and continued her higher education with an executive education program degree from Harvard Business School. This has equipped her with the tools required to launch ambitious projects. What drew Meera back then was the need to give back to society and those less fortunate than her. “We are to the universe only as much as we give back to it,” she says.
Gandhi launched The Giving Back Foundation in 2010 with that inspiration to fuel her desire. The Foundation has partnered with over seventy-five charities in five continents, from the Robert Kennedy Foundation to Women Helping Women. These charities and more were featured in her first book, Giving Back (2011), with all proceeds donated to charity. She believes in the art of giving. She knows that when we provide happiness for others, it will come back to us in the satisfaction that we have contributed to making someone’s life better. The Giving Back Foundation focuses on developing women and children through education. Apart from its charitable projects, the Foundation provides awards and honorariums to teenage students.
Naturally, the journey of giving is not always about money or material items. She feels that mental health is at the forefront today, and many times, just taking the time to listen and offer emotional support to someone in need is just as vital. The global activist believes stress is the same in the East and the West. She considers the human soul to be the same. Taking time to slow down, breathe, and meditate brings us back to our center. As we adjust, we reduce our stress. A calm mind is a quiet life!
In her latest book, 3 Tips: The Essentials For Peace, Love And Success, Gandhi explores simple methods that can easily be incorporated into one’s life. The book continues her focus on creating universally accessible and practical mental health, wellness, and spirituality resources. She notes that everyone has the answers within us. The book breaks down complex issues into three simple tips for each subject, which anyone can implement into their lives. If you’re feeling lost or need guidance, this book will direct you to a greater awareness with a greater spiritual perspective.
We recently met with Meera Gandhi, who welcomed us to learn about The Giving Back Foundation.
What inspired you to become a humanitarian? I never really planned anything in my life. I have always gone with the flow and lived one moment at a time, trying to do my best in each moment. I was helping many New York institutions raise money, such as The Asia Society, The York City Ballet, The Hope Foundation, The Robert F. Kennedy Foundation for Human Rights, Children's Hope etc. At this time, I decided to start The Giving Back Foundation in 2010 to directly impact and interact with the people and causes that I wanted to serve. We all should be humanitarians, or at the very least, remember to be kind to all!
Tell our readers about what concerns you have when it comes to the welfare of your children and young people.
In today’s world, I feel a lot of pressure is put on children, which could cause them stress. Leaders and bosses, if they are not conscious people, can put unnecessary stress and pressure and unfair work demands on young people. Some can overburden them with unrealistic deadlines, which is quite a travesty to humanity and the next generation. My three children are driven and work extremely hard. I tell them to take time to live and slow down; take in the wonderful things nature and the planet have to offer!
With your orphanage, St. Michael’s which you began in India, what are your goals for those children whose lives depend on it?
The Church of Northern India started St. Michael’s School and boarding orphanage. It could not sustain itself, so my mother asked me to take it on and start supporting the school. So, in 2010, The Giving Back Foundation started supporting St. Michael’s School.
Who are your role models?
My mother and father are my most significant role models as well as my three children. I learn from each of them. From Kiran, aka Madame Gandhi, I know how to truly live in the moment. From Kanika, I learned how to prioritize health and fitness, and from Kabir, I learned the importance of calm, logical thought before making a decision.
Other role models are Mother Teresa, Cherie Blair, Hillary Clinton, Senator Majorie Margolies, Muhamad Yunus, Kimberly Rockefeller, Sadhguru, and Kerry Kennedy.
Describe your other future projects.
In 2024, we will add huge projects such as the Ledgewood Retreat for Mindfulness in August; The Veteran’s Mental Wellness Day on September 11; Free weekly Podcasts every Sunday to alleviate stress, and 3 Tips on Instagram. In addition, we are celebrating my latest book, 3 Tips: The Essentials For Peace, Love And Success book and, of course, St. Micheal’s School for Girls will continue to be supported by the Giving Back Foundation.
What does joyful living mean to you?
Joyful living to me is living a life when you are present and unburdened by any problems in every moment. Living like that makes for a calm, happy approach to everything. It enables one to be their best self because a joyful, clear mind can uplift others and resolve any problem. Speaking one’s truth and living authentically when we think, say, and do are all aligned. Being in this joyful state of flow starts within each of us and allows us to live a good, peaceful life and to uplift and take people up with us. I genuinely believe “we are to the universe only as much as we give back” so we need to be our truest, best, joyful, honest selves if we are to be of genuine service to our fellow human beings.
A joyous person radiates happiness and helps the world by creating positive vibrations. Everything is about energy and the transference of energy. So, we better transfer positive energy to all, as each of us is an energy source. This is why we will focus on mental wellness in 2024.
Mental well-being is what everyone is concerned about. How can society deal with the increased need to cope with this?
Human progress evolves. In the early days, there was a need for human safety and a roof over the head, then the need to sustain and feed oneself; after that, the movement was towards irradicating diseases like tuberculosis, etc. Eventually, the material prosperity made people comfortable, but people began to get unhealthy, so in the ‘70s, the physical fitness movement evolved.
Now, generations of spiritually detached humans, where families are not cohesive and the stress of a hectic life pace, coupled with competitive work environments, lack of proper nutrients, sleep, and worry about having enough income to support needs have people stressed—almost to the point of becoming mentally unstable, sad, and joyless. Add the pressure of social media, where everyone has an opinion on everyone’s life, has increased anxiety levels in people of all ages, and anxiety is at an all-time high!
Recognizing this and noting the increase in death and suicide made me concerned about where we are heading as a human race. Hence, our team at The Giving Back Foundation and I decided to focus on mental health through books, Instagram shows, Podcasts, community gatherings, and retreats where people can come together and meditate and eat healthy, nutritious meals to regain their mental strength and come back onto a path of strength and wellness. The path to good health must start here, and we are 100 percent doing our bit!
Another issue people are coping with is loneliness and a life lacking in meaningful purpose. How do you think this plays out in their mental health?
Our societal system has caused people to live in isolation, consumed by work to pay bills and make money to survive in the current setting. A hectic life, with no time to relax and enjoy the company of family, loved ones or friends, has caused people to feel increasingly isolated, lonely, and helpless. This, with the substance abuse that is prevalent from alcohol, drugs, and prescription use pushed by both doctors and pharmacies and people is destroying the psyche of people.
Furthermore, people trapped in jobs that are not suited to their personality or birth chart make people feel like they are not fulfilling their mission or true potential as they are in the wrong line of work, which is felt at a very intrinsic level. COVID may have been useful as many shifted jobs or had time to ponder their desires. But still, many languish, feeling trapped in unfulfilling jobs not suited to their real calling.
Although you’ve discussed the importance of challenging work to achieve success, many still feel it’s luck. What do you think?
Indeed, I have met many people who depend on luck, don’t work hard, and are lazy. They never get anywhere satisfying and often tell me how disappointed they are that life is not providing the opportunities they think should be theirs.
A good demeanor and kind attitude go a long way to opening doors to good opportunities rather than an entitlement attitude. It’s a combination of factors that achieve success, and the most important is a grateful attitude, which processes current success and is a stepping stone to the next level of success. I wish everyone goodness and success, and it truly comes back to me manifold.
Tell us why you feel mentorship is essential today. It is so important to help people find their true calling. Older people can help younger people identify their passions, but our system puts older people away into nursing homes where they are not in a position to guide younger people.
The Giving Back Foundation is working at a grassroots level to bring people together to mediate, connect, move, and do yoga so the shift can happen. As more people understand what is happening and join us, the problem will hopefully resolve itself as fresh solutions are brought forward.
What is a typical day in the life of Meera Gandhi?
I wake up early and do a 35-minute meditation. Then, have a coffee and go for a bike ride or do yoga. After that, I work on emails and calls to India, Dubai, Europe followed by calls within the U.S.
Naturally, I send a follow-up to my team; we discuss the programs we are working on and complete the work associated with each project. Podcasts are recorded, edited, and emailed each week so people can benefit from the talks each Sunday and 3 Tips Instagrams. I am committed to sending these out to counteract the toxicity in the world today!
If I am not supporting other charitable endeavors in the evening, I am on the phone with my three children, parents, and extended family, as we are very close-knit. Then, after a light dinner, I meditate for about 40 minutes, and it’s sleep by 9:30 pm. It’s a similar daily routine, but each day is filled with laughter and camaraderie. Sometimes, I go for lunch with a loved one and hang out a little. When I travel, it’s much the same routine. but with meetings added to my
For more information on Meera Gandhi and The Giving Back Foundation, visit
Another issue people are coping with is loneliness and a life lacking in meaningful purpose. How do you think this plays out in their mental health?
A hectic life, with no time to relax and enjoy the company of family, loved ones, or friends, has caused people to feel increasingly isolated, lonely, and helpless. This, with substance abuse that is prevalent from alcohol, drugs, and prescription use pushed by both doctors and pharmacies, is destroying the psyche of people.
This is why I wrote my book 3 Tips: The Essentials For Peace, Joy And Success, which will be launched in July 2024.
If Travis Barkley can wear sequins to the Super Bowl, then all bets are off when it comes to what kids can choose to wear at school or at play. Take StereoType whose founder and designer Elizabeth Brunner empowers kids to own their style, free from labels and boundaries, with her gender-inclusive collection for boys and girls.
Fashion has been a lifelong pursuit for Brunner, now the designer and founder of StereoType, a genderinclusive fashion line for kids. Her fascination with fashion began as she watched her mom sew outfits for her Barbie dolls. Studying fashion design at California College of the Arts was her entry to a career in fashion design.
An internship at the prestigious design firm Pentagram followed, as did time in London and exploring Europe, an experience that gave her a world view of fashion. Utilizing discarded sample fabrics to create one-of-a-kind, hand-crafted garments, soon after graduation in 2007, Elizabeth launched her first clothing line, Piece x Piece, to respond to material waste in the fashion industry.
However, it was not until she became a mom of twins that she realized the true power of self-expression through fashion. Her daughter loved playing outdoors in her favorite sports jersey and dinosaur shorts while her son happily twirled around climbing trees in sparkling dresses. Watching her children made her question societal “rules” about genderspecific fashion assignments. She became committed to exploring wardrobe choices to support children fluidly.
“Examining our collective perceptions of fashion and going through the process of learning and unlearning the ‘rules’ associated with it has become a deeply personal journey for me,” Brunner shares. She shares, her ultimate style muses are her own boy-girl twins. Watching them dress themselves was profoundly inspiring: “I was in awe of how they joyfully broke all the ‘rules’ of gendered clothing, blending their wardrobes with a sense of style that could only be described as ‘free-for-all.’ It was the ultimate unlearning of the rules that we’ve all been taught about gendered fashion at a youthful age. And so, StereoType was born.”
Coining the term “blended fashion,” Brunner began designing kids’ clothes that combine traditional feminine and masculine elements into a cohesive collection. Watching her children choose outfits when shopping with her; she realized they constantly blended pieces from the boys’ and girls’ sections. This approach informed every piece in the collection. “It became apparent as I watched my kids that gender-specific clothing was not their agenda. They liked what they liked, regardless of gender. It was also obvious that I needed to prioritize making the garments eco-friendly, so I used recycled fibers whenever possible and made all the products locally in San Francisco, creating a smaller footprint.
Her kids, Chloe and Jacob (11-year-old twins) are her co-founders. Together, they travel with her down the far-from-linear path of building and growing a business. Elizabeth remembers her mission when challenges seem overwhelming: “I will not waver from this opportunity to use fashion to create a more inclusive and accepting community for all children. Certainly, I strive to be a role model for my children, teaching them the importance of hard work, selfacceptance, freedom of expression, and kindness to all. I see StereoType and their involvement as planting a seed; as it grows, I want them to see it as a way of following their dreams and communicating the positive value of self-expression to young people.
Though she is indeed a pioneer, several other kids brands have already described themselves as “gender-neutral,” offering muted pieces with minimal patterns and bland colors. She shares, “I noticed many of these companies targeted girls looking to stray from pink and purple in favor of black or browns. What wasn’t available were options for boys who wanted to wear clothing traditionally gendered for females, like skirts and tutus. I created StereoType to provide options for both boys and girls, to allow them to express themselves fully, whether that’s a skort for a boy who loves skirts or a tie for a girl to pair with her camo shirt.
Sold exclusively online StereoType offers gender-inclusive items for adults, such as a (comingsoon) hoodie dress and a complete collection for kids. Brunner may be breaking new ground in the “gender-inclusive” fashion space for kids. Yet, she emphasizes that her pieces are not eliminating pink or blue as so many other gender-neutral brands do. “My goal is to innovate the traditional, to incorporate those colors into options that boys and girls can wear, or however young people identify. I intend to truly blend traditional boy and girl wear as a way of providing options for authentic self-expression.”
For more information on StereoType, visit
While electric vehicles have become increasingly ubiquitous on our city streets, giving up the gas pump remains problematic. Living in a single-family house with a garage certainly makes it a more manageable proposition with the installation of an in-garage standard household charger that runs on 120 voltages, allowing for overnight charging.
But that option is only sometimes available for apartment/ brownstone/condominium/townhome big city dwellers, so planning to get juiced up is more of a project. There are apps to help you pinpoint public EV charging stations (like Electrify America, ChargePoint, EVgo, and PlugShare), which also show how many charge stations are at a given location and if those stations are in use or available.
We tested the new 2024 Lexus RZ 450e luxury all-wheel drive model, that marque’s top-tier all-electric SUV, and found much to like about the vehicle. With a price tag starting at $65,580, this elegant 313 horsepower that comfortably seats five has plenty of bells and whistles, including an aerodynamically designed exterior that makes it look more like a sports car than a sport utility vehicle. The luxury model is blinged with 20-inch split 10-spoke alloy wheels and a blade taillamp that slices through the darkness, giving it a cool, burnished look.
Inside, the front seats adjust eight ways with a button, and the driver’s seat adds a two-way lumbar adjustment, creating a bespoke comfort cockpit. They’ll heat up, too, if you’d like (and so will the steering wheel). Meanwhile, the second-row seats are also comfortable, with good legroom and drop-down abilities that allow plenty of added cargo space when needed.
This Lexus EV drives with pep and verve, quick acceleration, a silent interior ride, and all the safety features one expects in a 2024 vehicle. That means nine airbags, blind-spot mirror indicators, headlights that sense the road and automatically switch from low to high, parking assist, and more.
Lexus says the RZ 450e has a range of 196 miles when using 20-inch wheels (220 miles with 18-inch wheels), which means it can easily do all your local errands and short road trips on a single charge.
Experience proves that taking a big road trip is problematic in many of the EVs on the road today, for when a manufacturer lists a mileage range, you’ll only get 80 percent of that at a public charging station in about 30 minutes. So, with an average range of about 200 miles in the Lexus, your charge only fills up to 160 miles when you are traveling.
If you’re heading to Philadelphia from midtown Manhattan, you will most likely make it on a single charge, but Boston or Washington, D.C.? It’s not even close unless you leave with a fully charged battery. So, driving an electric car on a road trip means factoring in the times you must stop to get more juice, which inherently takes longer than filling up a gas tank.
Consider extremely cold weather as well. When contemplating any electric vehicle, below-freezing temperatures significantly affect charging times. In freezing weather, the car may refuse to take a charge at all.
The range is also affected by excessive heat, as well as by the speed you drive (faster equals less range) and the use of things like the audio system and the heating and air conditioning. Hence, it helps to be vigilant about the factors that suck energy from the vehicle.
The plus side is that electricity costs much less than gasoline and does not give off the climate-altering emissions that burning gas does. That winning combination is why most car manufacturers are phasing out gas-powered vehicles, with many planning to produce only electric versions by 2030. This means that now is the time to get used to using an electric car, and the Lexus RZ 450e is a lovely way to make that happen in 2024. Just don’t try to go too far in a hurry!
For more information about the Lexus RZ 450e, visit
Here’s the challenge with building the perfect travel wardrobe. Most of us wait until our flights are booked, which can be challenging. Instead, I always recommend to friends and family that they keep travel clothes on their radar and invest in versatile pieces when they spot them. As a head start, here are some of my favorite essentials—versatile travel wardrobe wonders that don’t take up too much space in your luggage.
If you followed (or attended) New York Fashion Week, you know this is the latest “it” shoe. I adore versatile travel shoes like the Reformation Bowie Ballet Flat. The gold is elevated enough for dinner, yet the style goes with everything. Comfy? But of course!
As a minimalist packer, I’m always looking for elegant pieces that are comfortable and pack well. This tulle sleeve top from Goldie LeWinter checks all the boxes, and it’s perfect with shorts, jeans, or eveningwear. A light shower steam and it’s ready for anything.
A reversible dress is essential to mastering the art of perfect packing. This gorgeous piece from Never Fully Dressed is the perfect pop of color for a pack list that otherwise prioritizes neutrals. When reversed, it’s mocha-hues with contrasting trim. Info:
Indochino is known for its suiting expertise, but they dabble in everything from camp shirts to jackets. A lightweight bomber jacket is a great layering piece for a travel wardrobe; its refined silhouette always looks sharp. Jeans, a crisp white tee, and this jacket is universally dapper. Info:
Leave it to Canada Goose to craft the all-time versatile pullover. Small details, like the slightly exaggerated cuffs and substantial zipper, give this staple a wink of pizazz. The Muskoka Half Zip Sweater will take you from the red-eye flight to chilly evening walks and beyond. Info:
Rather than five colorful pieces that take up a lot of real estate in my bag, I strategically pack multi-color options. This boho skirt has elevated details like tassel accents and lace trim, plus the wide-smocked waist is comfortable and flattering. A maxi takes up a lot of packing space, so opt for the Joe Browns skirt! Info:
Nobody looks forward to vacation bug bites—whether it’s a tropical paradise or a lakeside getaway. The Royal Robbins Bug Barrier Expedition shirt marries quick-dry fabric, UPF 30+ sun protection, and a proprietary EPA-registered Insect Shield to repel mosquitos, ticks, ants, flies, chiggers, and midge. All this, and it’s got that cute-yet-rugged safari vibe. Info:
The folks at Backcountry just launched this gorgeous little workhorse of a travel dress. The lightweight, stretchy nylon material moves with you, has a PFC-free durable water-repellent finish, and—yes! —pockets. Best of all, the full zip style allows this dress to transform into a funky, sleeveless topcoat. Info:
The slightly less structured design of Chico’s Utility Blazer Cardigan gives it an aura of ease, which is always my goal when traveling. The olive hue pairs with everything from shades of oatmeal to chambray, and, as a bonus, it’s machine washable. Info:
When it rains, it pours. When traveling, it’s best to be prepared for imperfect weather. The Backcountry Runoff 2.5L Rain Jacket is thin enough to easily stuff into your carry-on bag, especially since it packs into its pocket. It›s available in men›s and women›s sizing. Info:
By day, wear Athleta’s Endless HighRise Pants with their Renew Built-In Bra Tank for a casual chic look. Swap the tank for something more upscale when it’s time for dinner. The pants, however, are perfect for daytime sightseeing and whatever the night has in store and are available in nine fabulous colors.
Oh, how we adore an LBD. This little black dress from Royal Robbins is the wanderlust and adventure edition. It’s airy, stretchy, wrinkle-resistant, moisturewicking, and the fabric is designed to release stains. The cinched-side waist and curved bottom hem are super flattering, and the below-knee hemline allows plenty of room for play. Info:
Paris and London in March! Why not? They are the perfect cities to appreciate history, culture, and a bit of romance. Wander with wonder, become a flâneur as they say in France, and take in the ambiance.
The Royals in The Crown may have inspired you to look differently at London. Or perhaps it was the romance-filled scenes of Bridgerton and Downtown Abbey. Romance in London combines with history, transporting you to times past when a walk in Hyde Park or a nighttime stroll along the South Bank.
If budget isn’t a concern, stay at a classic hotel like The Connaught, indulge in their butler service, and cozy up in their intimate bar, where a martini cart is the order of the night. Then there are the more privacy-oriented boutique hotels, many set in London’s proper but romantic townhouses, where you’ll receive one-on-one service with a decidedly modern vibe.
The Franklin in Knightsbridge epitomizes La Dolce Vita, London-style. The concierge and hotel manager at this Small Luxury Hotel are your welcoming hosts, inviting you to sit over tea while they match your interests with London fare. You might be tempted to enjoy the lavish sitting room, bask in the hammam, or nest in the comfort of your accommodation in this group of four Victorian townhouses. Perhaps you’ll venture to the lobby to swoon over an Italian dinner by Michelin-starred Chef Alfredo Russo. But you should also explore the surrounding Egerton Gardens and neighboring attractions like Harrods with the legendary Sushi by MASA restaurant, the Saatchi Gallery, or the Victoria & Albert Museum, all within a short walk.
For a memorable experience without the crowds, St. Ermin’s Hotel in Westminster is a foray back to 1899 when St. Ermin’s Mansions became the base of a new hotel. St. Ermin’s fascinating history centers on its use by the UK’s secret intelligence agencies in World War II and artifacts attesting to its importance. But the hotel is also a haven for luxury. Ascend the double staircase to the pretty tea lounge. It’s easy to feel like a prince and princess here when you savor the just-baked scones on elegant china at the hotel’s afternoon tea. You’ll likely want to skip dinner after the elaborate spread of teas, savories, and sweets.
Instead, walk through nearby St. James Park to see the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace and marvel at the combination of ceremony and history. Then head across the Tower Bridge for a pre-theater cocktail at the Bridge Theatre to experience London’s immersive take on an American favorite, Guys and Dolls.
When one thinks of Paris, one only must envision scenes from Midnight in Paris along the Seine or the exploits of Amélie or Emily as they turn the City of Light into a romantic playground. It’s easy to understand why Rose in The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel can’t shake her attraction to Paris
While locations are now limited for leaving behind a lock to signify eternal love, standing side-by-side against Le Mur des Je t’aime (The Wall of Love) is the perfect way to express your feelings. Spelling out love in more than 250 languages and dialects, this landmark structure in Montmartre is a rendezvous spot.
Two small Left Bank hotels will spoil you with their charm. Relais Christine in the Saint-Germain des Prés neighborhood is a Relais and Châteaux tucked away on a quiet side street. Each of the rooms and suites at the 17th-century residence-turned-hotel is a work of art, decorated with delicate wall coverings and period furnishings, some with cozy sitting areas with views of the Eiffel Tower. Service is discrete and personalized, and no request is too complex for the clef d’ors concierges. After an elaborate buffet in the beautiful breakfast room, pamper yourself with a massage at Spa Guerlain, a lower-level fantasy of indulgent treatments.
Nearby in the 7th arrondissement, Hotel Montalembert, a member of the prestigious B Signature Hotels & Resorts, offers an intimate boutique experience with luxury. You may think you’ve stepped into Charade with Audrey Hepburn, from the warm welcome at the door and the clubby lobby to the ride to your room in the tiny wrought-iron, glass-walled elevator. Rooms and suites in this former 1920s mansion are elegant, with some windows fronting the nighttime sparkle of the Eiffel Tower. The new brasserie invites you to enjoy a wine toast over an intimate dinner.
From each of these boutique hotels, you can meander along charming streets and boulevards where cafés beckon and Paris’s distinctive balcony-fronted buildings create a cityscape unlike any other. There are museums, shops to peruse, and lounges and jazz clubs to experience. Ask a local what constitutes romance in Paris, and they’ll reply that it’s simply the city’s beauty. I must agree. Roam the cobblestone hills of Montmartre, stroll through the Tuileries behind the Louvre, or explore the hidden gardens of Le Marais and its gorgeous Place des Vosges—you don’t need an agenda to discover Paris.
Dining is a serious part of Paris’s appeal. At the Gare de LLyon, the legendary Le Train Bleu is an opulent mural-andchandelier-filled Belle Époque eatery where traditional cuisine is served to diners seated on plush blue banquettes by the most polished of servers. Arrive just before sunset to the Michelinstarred Le Jules Verne on the second floor of the Eiffel Tower for an exceptional gastronomic experience and panoramic view of the Champ-de-Mars, the Quai Branly and the Trocadéro as rich hues of orange and red splash across the sky.
For more information on Paris, visit; for London, go to
© Meryl Pearlstein © Meryl PearlsteinFew cities celebrate the arrival of Spring like Boston. The winters are long and once the temps hit 40 degrees, life is good. Seriously, as the days inch toward summer with warmth and more daylight hours, it’s time for al fresco on outdoor patios, Southie’s St. Paddy’s Day Parade, the much-anticipated return of the Bosox at Fenway and get strong at the Boston Marathon. Here, the best spots to stay, eat, and play.
The Ritz-Carlton Boston has been a Boston beacon of luxury for almost a century and it still continues to shine with refurbished guest rooms and spacious suites and the elegant Ritz-Carlton Club® Level lounge has debuted craft cocktails, milk chocolate fondue and Sunday morning mimosa specials. The location across the street from Boston Common is perfect for sunny spring afternoons, and the retro-chic Avery Bar is perfect for evening springtime sips.
The Mandarin Oriental Boston With its desirable Back Bay address, this favorite hotel has been awarded AAA Five-Diamonds and Forbes Five-Stars— The Spa is just one reason. There’s also celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay’s namesake restaurant and 148 elegantly furnished guestrooms.
The Newbury Boston Early Spring guests visiting now through April 15, will enjoy the curated hearth-side menu and the Fireplace Butler at The Newbury Boston—and the Public Garden is just across the street. The hotel has 42 woodburning Fireplace Suites. And even more special is the, Contessa, on the rooftop— perfect for views of cherry blossom trees and stars.
Info: the
The Charles Hotel In the heart of Harvard Square, the suites are spacious and smartly decorated with minimalist Shaker-style furniture and leather. Henrietta’s Table here is one of Harvard Squares most popular restaurants, as is Bar Enza for Italian—request a table on the pretty patio. Later, you’ll want to catch jazz at the Regattabar, also in the Charles. Info:
The Seaport Hotel The heartbeat of the Seaport District, this hotel has been a favorite before the district became all that. The sunrise views over the harbor from the guest rooms are worth getting up for, celebrate the season with a Spring sip at one of the handful of outdoor patio spots. Also, swim in the heated indoor swimming pool at the hotel’s Wave Health and Fitness, the largest hotel club in the city. Info:
Kimpton Marlowe Hotel This popular Cambridge boutique hotel known for its super pet-friendly policies (no fees, special amenities, all types of pets accepted from scaly to furry) debuted its new lobby and bar look recently, with a top to bottom reimagining; its guest rooms have also recently received facelifts and have views of the Charles River. All guests are invited to take advantage of the complimentary use of kayaks. Info:
Hotel Commonwealth The suite spot— the 14 suites at this official hotel of the Red Sox includes the clubby Baseball Suite. This Spring the hotel also has a collaboration with Community Rowing. Boston is a premier rowing destination. The Blue Ribbon Sushi and Pescador restaurants were recently joined by famed Blue Ribbon Brasserie on the roster of restaurants. Info:
The Boston Harbor Hotel The waterfront location of this five-star property promises relaxing views and also a convenient stay if boat tour trips and cruises are part of the plan while in town. Expect water views from the handsome 232 guest rooms, and Rowes Wharf Sea Grille for a lobster roll and cocktails. A spa and 60-foot lap pool are also ingredients for a luxury stay. Info:
The Barking Crab Boston’s historic Fort Point Channel is home to The Barking Crab, one of Boston’s best restaurants that’s earned a loyal following since 1994. It’s all about the outdoor casual seating scene with that iconic yellow-and-red-striped tent and woodburning stove, too. Lobster and crab (of course) steal the show. Info:
Woods Hill Pier 4 The Seaport District’s pearl is this unpretentious, refined waterfront spot with that coveted patio. Expect organic, non-GMO and locally sourced ingredients (fresh-caught seafood, meat from a partner farm) with a side dish of rainbows over the harbor. Info: woodshillpier 4.
The Bleacher Bar Boston’s best kept secret is under Fenway’s bleachers. Order a Bleacher Burger without paying a penny for game tix and watch the action. Info:
The Boston Marathon The 128th marathon will take place on April 15th. Snag a table on a patio restaurant along the route on Boylston Street to cheer on the runners as they make their way to the finishing line.
Swan Boats These rides that glide at the Boston Public Garden, are a Boston tradition since 1877, and a harbinger of Spring—this this year the boats reopen after winter hibernation on April 13th Info:
The Boston Duck Tours Splash! The amphibious boats travel by land and by sea, splashing into the Charles River and crawling the streets, with guided storytelling about Boston’s history along the way. Reopens March 29th Info:
The View Boston’s newest attraction is this observatory that crowns the top of the Prudential Tower. It’s got indoor/outdoor panoramic views of the city, openair roof deck, bar that faces the windows for cocktails and intoxicating views. Info:
With its lush green countryside, charming villages, and quaint B&Bs, the Emerald Isle is an idyllic getaway that blends history with rugged outdoor pursuits. Ireland’s small size tempts visitors to try to see the entire country in a single trip. The distances look short on a map, and the miles seem modest, but do not be deceived. Trying to get from Killarney to Galway between lunch and dinner means rushing through Counties Limerick and Clare and missing the essence of Ireland. Here is my sampling of the experiences of visiting Ireland with pure magic.
County Mayo
This gorgeous hotel embodies the fantasy of an Irish castle featuring a historic stone facade, complete with towers; gorgeous, manicured grounds; a stunning setting on a vast lake; and shared spaces that are truly grand, with rich wood paneling, chandeliers, and antique furniture. Ashford Castle, once the home of the Guinness clan, became a local hotel in 1939 and has since been refurbished to make each guest feel like royalty. There is plenty to do outdoors: fishing, boating, falconry lessons, golf, clay shooting, and archery. Info: ashfordcastle. com.
County Galway
This castle set against the gorgeous backdrop of Connemara’s mountains has been home to some of the most infamous figures of Irish history, among them the Ferocious O’Flaherty Clan. The grounds provide an ideal walking area; the evening could be curled up before an open fire. Info:
County Antrim
Since 1636, Glenarm Castle has been an essential center along the scenic Causeway Coastal Route in Northern Ireland. Relax in the decorated lounge while viewing portraits from the early 17th century. Imagine strolling through the walled garden and ending the day with a restful sleep in a four-poster bed dating from 1754. Info:
County Galway
A must-do festival is The Galway International Oyster & Seafood Festival. The annual four-day event is held on the last weekend of September in the center of Galway City. You can expect to experience various tantalizing events during this famous food festival, from seafood trails to other culinary delights. Oyster shucking championships top the list, along with food tastings in some of Galway’s finest restaurants. Do not forget the music, cooking demonstration, and the Hot Oyster Awards cooking challenge! Info: galwayoysterfestival. com
County Cork
This 18th-century town just a few miles south of Cork City is like one huge restaurant. It is the best place for a food lover to be almost any time, especially during the Kinsale Gourmet Festival, when the pub crawling is fast and furious every October. Sitting on a dock with a Guinness in one hand and a fistful of oysters in the other is one way to go, but all manner of seafood also appears on the menus of fine restaurants. Info: tastecork. ie/food-producers/kinsale-gourmet-festival
County Clare
Almost any walker will tell you that the footpaths of a country— not its roadways—show off the landscape to the best advantage. One shining example is The Burren. Here, mile upon mile of allbut-bare rock is almost otherworldly. But there is magnificence here, nonetheless. Distances are short, views across Galway Bay to Connemara and the Aran Islands are genuinely inspiring, and in May, cracks that seam the limestone sprout a stunning collection of a rare flowering plant. Info:
County Clare
Sheltered from the Atlantic winds, blossoms transform the landscape. The mighty Cliffs of Moher, a few miles to the south, offer a cliff-top walk, and the most extensive cave system in Ireland lies beneath. Both The Burren and Cliffs of Moher are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Info:
County Meath
Historic sites are around every corner in a country as ancient and storied as Ireland. One of the most important is Brú na `Bóinne, which means the ‘palace’ of the Boyne; it refers to the area which is in proximity to the River Boyne and contains one of the world’s most important prehistoric landscapes and is located close to the east coast of Ireland. The three well-known large passage tombs dominate the archaeological landscape within Brú na Bóinne, Knowth, Newgrange, and Dowth, built 5,000 years ago in the Neolithic or Late Stone Age. Immensely popular yearround, The Brú na Bóinne tombs, particularly Knowth, is the largest assemblage of megalithic art in Western Europe. Info:
County Offaly
Once a great center of monastic learning, Clonmacnoise boasts impressive crosses and round towers, the ruins of a cathedral and churches, plus the extensive collection of Early Christian grave slabs in Western Europe. Info:
County Tipperary
Ireland’s scenery is breathtaking and beyond compare. West Cork, Dingle, the Ring of Kerry, and the West—the list of Instagram-worthy sights is endless. One place not to be missed is the Rock of Cashel (also known as St. Patrick’s Rock) in County Tipperary. Dating from the 12th century, this fortress boasts a round tower, cathedral, and chapel bearing priceless Celtic art and medieval architecture. Info:
Ireland’s islands are worlds unto themselves—and none more and so than the natural wonders that are the Skelligs. Located off the coast of County Kerry, two islands rise out of the Atlantic Ocean–ruggedly beautiful with centuries of history melted into their very rock. These are the Skelligs—Skellig Michael and Little Skellig.
Skellig Michael, today a UNESCO World Heritage Site, was chosen by 6th century monks as a monastery. The stone-built beehive homes can be reached by climbing six hundred steps and a wonder to behold.
As part of an island-hopping adventure or a stop along the Wild Atlantic Way touring route, visiting the Skelligs is a chance to experience something truly magical. Info:
County Dublin
If you are a city dweller, you will love Dublin and its hustle and bustle environment. Hotels surround the main pedestrian thoroughfare, Grafton Street, where you will find shopping galore and the best peoplewatching in Ireland. If there is a football (soccer) match, note that Grafton Street is where the revelers will come should Ireland win big. Trinity College is open for tours at one end of Grafton Street, and you can see the famous Book of Kells. Many cathedrals are also open for tours, including St. Patrick’s. If you are not sure what to see first, take a quick bus tour of the city—you will notice it is easy to navigate, and you will be sure to discover something interesting.
No visit to Ireland is complete without raising a pint (or two) to its people’s favorite brew—head to The Guinness Storehouse and St. James Gate Brewery in Dublin. The facility gives a behind-the-scenes look: Witness the brewing process, get firsthand experience pulling pints, and sample the final product. Enjoy the brew with traditional Irish meals in one of four onsite eateries. Also, on the River Liffey, visit the Temple Bar area off Dame Street. In the middle of Dublin, you will meet a global crowd from dozens of countries over drinks and dinner, and you are sure to leave the Emerald Isle, having made a few new friends. Info:
Once Ireland shakes off winter, it blossoms into forty shades of green. Here are seven suggestions to do on your visit.
Pretty fields crisscrossed with soft valleys and heather-clad hills with sweeping views; you will find them all in the Sperrin Mountains. Despite being one of Ireland’s largest upland areas (it stretches from Strabane in County Tyrone to the shores of Lough Neagh in the East), this mountain range is an undiscovered gem—wild and untouched. Connect with nature and enjoy views on horseback as you explore ancient wonders.
Get an early start to the place many consider the best. Belfast’s bars, restaurants, and venues coupled with the timeless beauty of the Causeway Coast, will unquestionably put spring in your step.
As always, March 17th is a spectacular event in Ireland. The national holiday brings with it the biggest and best celebration in Dublin. The streets and pubs will be buzzing for days before—and after.
Take in the sights, smells, and tastes on two wheels. The experience will get you tracing the ancient routes of settlers by bike and visiting fascinating archaeological sites and local food producers before concluding with an organic lunch at one of many pubs.
This truly remarkable drive does have it all: views, culture, food, and unique experiences. Lose yourself in its spring-tide beauty, have secret beaches, admire towering cliffs, ancient stone architecture, and much more.
Now it is time to bring out the clubs and tee up somewhere on one of many extraordinary courses along Ireland’s coastline. Follow in the footsteps of golfing legends on courses with sea views, towering dunes, and twisting terrain.
It’s time to discover your own personal paradise. As one of Bermuda’s premier luxury resorts, Newstead Belmont Hills offers top-notch amenities and great value, coupled with unique service that will make you want to come back year after year.
At the Newstead Belmont Hills Golf Resort & Spa, we are pleased to offer you a rare real estate ownership opportunity. Learn how you can purchase a piece of paradise with a waterfront home in Bermuda.
Jamaica is the place where Sandals Resorts International began its journey toward becoming the Caribbean’s most popular all-inclusive luxury resort chain when the Sandals Montego Bay property opened in 1981. Created exclusively for couples, the Sandals brand now boasts eighteen resorts, while today, the company also offers three family/group-oriented Beaches spinoff locations.
With six resorts in Jamaica, adding the new Sandals Dunn’s River Resort might seem redundant, but this is the place where company founder, the late Gordon “Butch” Stewart, grew up and loved. The new resort was his last project before he died in 2021, which his son Adam brought to fruition and opened in May 2023.
On a recent visit to the completely redesigned property (which began its life in 1957 as the Arawak Hotel), we discovered what we already knew about Sandals—that they understand how to do an all-inclusive experience that outdoes most, from accommodations to cuisine to active adventures on both land and sea.
Sandals Dunn’s River is a bit off-the-beaten-path away from Jamaica’s hotspots like Montego Bay and Negril, about 1.5 hours directly north of Kingston Airport. From the moment you land, they take care of you, with roundtrip airport transfers included in the all-inclusive cost.
Arriving at the resort, it’s evident that everything is re-imagined, from the expansive, welcoming lobby to the well-appointed rooms and suites. Especially spectacular are the Tufa SkyPool Butler Suites, designed to envelop you in relaxed comfort, high above the resort with views of the Caribbean’s blue waters and complete with your balcony swimming pool, two deep soaking tubs, a fully stocked bar, and your butler, whose goal is to make your stay seamless and stress-free.
Other possibilities include the Coyaba Villa Rondoval suites on the ground floor with private pool and butler service or the rooms with kingsize beds, soaking tubs, and private balconies or patios. Five swimming pools make the place a water-filled playground; of course, the warm ocean waters are right out the door.
And while Sandals resorts are known for their fine dining options, here at Dunn’s River, there are twelve restaurant options, ranging from French to Greek to Asian fusion, and (of course) a Jamaican Jerk Shack with tastes of the island it calls home. Plus, plenty of bars and reggae music are playing across the beachfront resort, especially in the spectacularly scenic rooftop bar, Ocarina, where sundown cocktails are a must-do.
But by far, the best part of the Sandals all-inclusive plan for us is scuba diving, which is usually a costly part of any Caribbean getaway. Not so here at Dunn’s River (or any Sandals or Beaches), for every part of their PADI diving experience is covered, from wetsuits, full tanks of air, boat trips to the reefs, and dive computers to BCDs and regulators. For an extra fee, guests can get their first PADI Open Water certification here or add advanced certifications.
Plus, this part of Jamaica has warm, clear water with plenty of dive sites (advanced divers will especially enjoy Dunn and Dunn’s Deep, with everything from sea fans and barrel sponges to Moray eels, nurse sharks, sea turtles, countless tropical fish, and more) to experience, no matter what your level of diving skill.
Landlubbers can do lots of included exercise, too, playing a round of golf, tennis, bocce ball, beach volleyball, and more. At the same time, non-divers can try out waterskiing, wakeboarding, kayaking, windsurfing, sailing, and even Snuba, an underwater experience that doesn’t require a PADI certification.
The resort is staffed by locals, who are happy to give you other ideas for things to do off the property, like visiting Dunn’s River Falls, a massive waterfall that’s perfect for taking a refreshing swim after hiking up to the falls.
But once settled into this scenic place, it may be tough to move off your beach chair, with a frozen rum daiquiri along for an accompaniment. And if that’s the case, learn to say, “Ya mon, I jus hol’ a medz,” roughly translated to saying, “Hey dude, I’m just chillin’,” which may be what Jamaica has in mind for you.
For more information on Sandals Dunn’s River, visit
Welcome to 210 West 77th Street! A seamless intersection of modern and urban living with the traditional charm of the Upper West Side makes Residence 12W an opportunity that is impossible to pass up. With four bedrooms and 4.5 baths, this favorable layout suits the best of both worlds—entertainment and privacy.
A luxury boutique condominium exudes the comfort of the Upper West Side combined with a modern, lush lifestyle that is beyond compare. Designed by the renowned architect Thomas Juul-Hansen, the building radiates camaraderie matched with a luxury that is hard to find in the area. With only twenty-five residences on eighteen floors, privacy and community are essential.
Right off your private elevator controlled by a keypad, one is immediately immersed in the elegance of the 42’ x 21’ living/dining room. The floor-to-ceiling mahogany and glass French doors with Juliette balconies, paired with custom millwork and Phillip Jefferies’ lush wallcoverings, create a warm, inviting atmosphere that is hard to resist—the elegant chandeliers designed by Ochre and Shakuff. North-facing light fills the space at all points of the day, making this room the heart of the home with an open plan directly to the kitchen.
The sophisticated open gourmet kitchen is carefully designed with top-of-the-line Miele appliances, including a speed oven, steam oven, warming drawer, externally vented hood, a separate refrigerator, and freezer, two dishwashers, and a wine fridge. A large, eat-in island is impressive for dining, and another island for prep, surrounded by beautiful custom cabinetry. The Control 4 smart home system panel is in the kitchen, allowing one to oversee the entire apartment’s temperature, lighting, and entertainment systems. Control of the system is also accessible through a mobile device for ease.
As you go down the centralized hallway, you’ll find the beautiful primary bedroom that brings luxury comfort to the next level. The closet space is never-ending, with two sweeping walk-in changing areas. Complete this spectacular picture with the en-suite primary bathroom and enjoy beautiful detail with a white Dolomite marble bath alongside stonedesigned floors. →
The remaining spacious bedrooms boast California closets, large windows with excellent natural lighting, and motorized Lutron shades for comfort and privacy. The fourth and final bedroom is tucked away off the living space, enjoys the same floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room, and has a full bathroom. Residence 12W sits on the highest floor, offering much seclusion in a space that emits luxuriant yet warm energy. Additional characteristics include Bose speakers throughout the home for top-notch ambiance, an extra half-bath for convenience, impeccable detailing, and a timeless grandeur for all to enjoy.
Amenities include a 24-hour door attendant, a common roof deck rigged with a fireplace, an equipped gym, a sports court, and a spa with a sauna and steam room, which are all offered to residents at the highest level of satisfaction. 210 West 77th Street is nestled just between Broadway and Amsterdam Avenue, so everything you need is just around the corner without being directly in the hustle and bustle. As if more than proximity to Central Park was needed, Riverside Park is just a stone’s throw away to the West.
Amid it all, enjoy the endless choices of groceries, dining, cafes, and bars that cater to any preference you may have at any moment. Lincoln Center, the American Museum of Natural History, and Beacon Theater are nearby, along with several transportation hubs. You will only find an ensemble of convenience, culture, comfort, and charm here. Building storage and three bike spaces are available for an additional purchase, which currently has a waitlist. Asking price: $6,295,000.
For more information on 210 West 77th Street, visit Brown Harris Stevens at
Here’s the perfect opportunity to combine the B and C line apartments at Boulevard East into a 1,576 square foot, 3-bedroom, 3-bath home. With Southern, Eastern, and Northern exposures, these residences will be bright and cheery and allow the creation of the perfect home. The possibility is also to purchase hallway space from the condominium: take advantage of the low common charges and real estate tax to design your layout!
Boulevard East is a coveted elevator condominium with an array of unparalleled amenities. There’s also a 24hour door attendant, a fitness center, a petfriendly policy, and a common courtyard, providing a tranquil retreat amidst the bustle of the city. The building’s live-in super ensures prompt assistance, while the laundry room offers convenience at your fingertips.
Situated on the edge of four of Brooklyn’s best neighborhoods, one can relish easy access to an eclectic mix of dining, shopping, and entertainment options just outside your door. Commuting is a breeze with proximity to multiple subways, offering seamless connections to Manhattan and surrounding areas. Asking price: $1,670,000.
For more information on Boulevard East, visit Brown Harris Stevens at
Rarely available and occupying a coveted corner perched above Manhattan’s elite Gramercy area, this exquisite two-bedroom, two-bath plus powder room pre-war loft residence has been meticulously renovated, befitting its premier location.
The sprawling great room in Number 12DG features soaring 12-foot ceilings flooded by Eastern and Southern light exposure with eighteen deep-set windows framing panoramic views of the famed park and cityscape. Upon entry, one is greeted by a grand foyer outfitted with Ebony Oak flooring and 11-inch decorative moulding. The expansive open-concept great room features a TV wall adorned with luxurious Negro Marquina marble slabs. A bespoke chef’s kitchen highlights White Panda marble slabs and high-end Gaggenau and Thermador appliances.
The primary bedroom wing provides a quiet retreat with ample space for lounge seating, a dressing area, and lavish finishes. The spa-like primary bath hones bookmatched Bianca Dolomiti marble floors, a built-in tub, and a glass-enclosed steam shower, all accented by marble. A second bedroom catches sunrise hues through eastern exposure windows and includes an ensuite bath with Crema Marseille marble and a rainhead shower.
The residence features smart home automation, including CitiQuiet soundproof windows in both bedrooms, an integrated sound system, and a fully integrated Lutron A/V system.
254 Park Avenue South is a full-service condominium offering residents access to a private gym and Park Lounge, a 1,400-square-foot social space housing Billiards, a Poker Room, a Bar, and an on-site resident manager. The building is exclusive and meticulously manicured, with a 24-hour concierge and staff. Info: Asking $4,995 million.
For more information on 245 Park Avenue South, visit Douglas Elliman at
Welcome to ‘Highover,’ a 30-acre hilltop estate on the lower Connecticut River designed by Alfred Hopkins. Over half a mile of water frontage makes this one of the most private waterfront settings in the state, with natural physical barriers that provide security and protection. Many notable guests have visited, including Albert Einstein, Katherine Hepburn, and a former American President
This is classic New England, a setting of antique homes, stone walls, and undisturbed countryside.
A 5-year renovation occurred at the sprawling 5-bedroom, 8-bath chateau and the 3-bedroom, 4-bath 1820s Federal Style guest house next to the stone gated entry. The ground-up renovations exemplify the owner’s endless devotion to bringing the expected appurtenances into both homes while preserving their classic architecture. The dock on Whalebone Creek easily accommodates the owner’s 36’ Hinckley Picnic boat and a deep water mooring for larger boats at protected Hamburg Cove.
During the first two decades of the 20th century, this area was the setting for one of America’s largest - and most significant art colonies. For a time, Lyme was known as the “American Barbizon” -- one of the most famous Impressionist colonies in America -- the “American Giverny. “Come, walk in the footsteps of Impressionist Childe Hassam and William Chadwick, who painted the landscape here.
For more information, contact Edward Hillyer at 860-235-3424. MLS #:170623353. Asking $15,000,000.
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Wellness coach, author, and speaker Mindie Barnett answers your questions about life, navigating these stressful and uncertain times, and steering you down a more straight forward path. We welcome your questions and invite you to contact Mindie at:
Mindie is available for in-person and virtual wellness therapy sessions via her Executive Health by Mindie Barnett wellness coaching practice. Her expertise is in interpersonal relationships, overcoming depression, coping with anxiety and avoiding and overcoming burnout among many other wellness areas. Life coaching and career coaching are also areas she excels in. For more information or to schedule a session visit
Dear Mindie,
My boyfriend of over a year and I have a wonderful relationship. We get along great, want the same things in life, and have the best time with each other. I consider him my best friend and someone I would like to grow old with, but there is one glitch in our relationship. He has not told his family about me.
Both he and I are divorced and have children from previous marriages; I have been divorced longer. I am also his first meaningful relationship since his divorce, so I have been understanding in assuming his need to ease into sharing our status publicly. But now I am feeling hurt and confused. It’s been over a year, and I’ve not met his kids and parents. I am so torn. I don’t know what to do. Please help!
The Secret
Dear The Secret,
It sounds like you are in a very painful situation. On the one hand, you are happy and content with the romantic aspects of your relationship. On the other hand, you have many unmet needs (important needs!). I am unsure how often you’ve tried to talk to your partner calmly about how he’s not sharing this part of his life is upsetting you, but I strongly advise that you do if you haven’t already. When we feel emotional, angry, and hurt, we often do not deliver our messages as we mean to or should, instead we lead with feelings and emotionality. But addressing an issue such as this in that mindset will only make matters worse and lead you and your partner into a heated debate or even worse.
I strongly advise that if you don’t think you are able (nor believe he is as well) to speak to one another without getting too caught up in the emotionality of it all, you consider couples counseling. I also want to clarify that couples therapy is not a sign of trouble. Many couples feel that if they need treatment, then their relationship is headed south. It’s just the opposite. Many couples need a little fine-tuning and coaching from an outside, unbiased professional to help them navigate turbulent times. In addition, many couples not in trial often seek the help of a couple’s therapist to hash out minor hiccups that arise in everyday life before they escalate into something significant.
Suppose that notion makes you uneasy, and you don’t think you can communicate effectively and productively with your partner over this sensitive issue. In that case, you need to dig deep within yourself, accept him and the relationship for what it is, and be okay with that. Hopefully, your partner will feel comfortable sharing more with his family in time. If you can’t do that (and I wouldn’t blame you), I advise you to part ways and for good, or at least until the day arises when he can be open about your connection. If this issue is meaningful, then you should be true to yourself. If it is something you can live with, accept it. and don’t try to change his position with a request. He needs to share your status when he is comfortable or has a more robust understanding of why this is so meaningful to you and, in turn, feel the same way. Either way, you must be true to yourselves and honor your relationship.
I wish you the best of luck!
Mindie xoCucina 8 1/2 is noted for its rustic Italian fare in an ultra-glamorous environment by guests. The food and the décor might be opposites, but it works; guests enjoy in a setting that looks like it would be the focal point of an episode of Sex And The City!
We asked owner, August Ceradini, how he produced the concept of rustic fare in a posh setting resulting in a success. He explains, “Cucina 8 ½ offers Italian dishes from several different regions throughout Italy. Most Italian restaurants stick to a super refined Italian dish menu or may take a traditional approach. The menu here is elevated but features the best of the best dishes from throughout Italy. I did not want Cucina 8 ½ to be ‘too niche’ of an Italian restaurant and thought creatively.”
What are Ceradini’s favorite items on the menu which have become popular favorites? “My favorites are the Rigatoni Pomodoro (made with organic plum tomato and basil) and Spaghetti Al Limone with Parmigiano Reggiano. Guests’ favorites include Branzino with Shaved Fennel Salad, Citrus, and Mint, 36-ounce Prime Ribeye for 2 with Puttanesca Vinaigrette and Grilled Filone Bread, Chicken Parmesan (served tableside), and Bianco Di Napoli Tomato, Basil, and Fior Di Latte Mozzarella.” The tableside dishes, which include a legendary Caesar Salad, give a retro dining experience that you don’t see any longer at upscale eateries.
We asked the restaurateur to talk a little about the popularity of the tableside service. “Cucina 8 ½ is known for its immersive dining, where the kitchen comes to your table to prepare tableside Caesar Salad, Lemon Pasta, and Chicken Parmesan. I have been seeing this since the ‘70s at the start of my career, and now there is a boom in popularity for tableside entrees. Cucina 8 ½ is one of the only restaurants that still does tableside service, and the tableside items are some of the most popular.”
When we recently visited Cucina 8 ½, and tasted several standouts mentioned by Ceradini, including the 36-ounce Prime Ribeye For 2, which was a feast for the eyes as much as the tastebuds. Served on a large wooden cutting board, the medium rare meat oozes juice and is topped with marinated and grilled multicolored grape tomatoes and lots of herbs. The grilled Filone bread was a real throwback to grandma’s house and had a beautiful, firm golden crust. This dish was so elegant that the manager came up to our table and said that he had worked at Cucina for a long time but was dazzled every time he saw the Prime Ribeye.
The Burrata Con Fragole was also terrific and the perfect way to start a meal at Cucina 8 ½--the ultra-fresh burrata is so soft and milky you can close your eyes and think you were on a farm in Southern Italy. It is sided with Strawberry Marmellata and Pancetta, making it a potent mix of sweet and savory. Our shared sides were the solid herb-covered roasted Tuscan Potatoes and Broccoli Rabe, done old school (sauteed with olive oil and garlic, then topped with pepper flakes and grated Pecorino).
When it comes to dessert, everything is freshly made, and we were almost knocked out of our chairs by the Nutella Chocolate Layer Cake topped with a large piece of homemade toffee and diced pecans, as well as the Apple Crostata, which has a spectacularly fresh-tasting apple filling and a buttery golden crust.
What is upcoming for this highly creative, grand-looking restaurant in terms of spring food and drink? Reveals Ceradini, “The Cucina 8 ½ team is excited to announce that we recently hired professional chef Sam Hazen. Before joining the team, Hazen worked throughout New York, providing his expertise to Cascabel Restaurant, Terrace Restaurant, Veritas Restaurant, and more. Hazen is mostly known for his work with TAO, where he crafted its menu, highlighting a few different Asian cuisines. Within the next few months, Hazen will revamp Cucina 8 ½’s beloved menu items and add to its extensive offering. Items he will add to the menu include a Fritto Misto, Shrimp Calamari, an eggplant dish, and changing the Pork Chop to a Tuscan Pork Shank.
Now, that sounds like a lineup that no true NYC foodie could resist! We will be back!
For more information on Cucina 8 1/2, visit
Walk into Bread And Stone on East 6th Street in the East Village and you’ll feel that you have just walked into the ultimate romantic storefront restaurant. It’s in an old tenement building with tin ceilings and exposed brick walls—and the extremely dim lighting brings the cozy feeling all together. The pace is slow, and the staff does not mind if you linger. There is a slight hipster vibe as well since nearly every night there is a rather punky female accordion player that sings both Italian favorites and rock classics.
The menu is small with five or less items in each dining course and it is accented by a bar staff who create unusual signature drinks with amusing names. Bread and Stone opened since last October, has already become a legend with New York foodies. There is a designated pizza maker in the back who creates an unusual pizza dough that is infused with Peroni beer, house made marina that takes 10 hours to cook and fresh mozzarella. The pizzas look like the ones that you really see in Southern Italy.
Of course, we had to start our meal with one of these pizzas that has already become a legend in the New York We decided to try the Tartufo di Parmigiano which features herbed butter crust, fresh herbs, Parmesan cream, black truffle essence, fresh mozzarella, sun-dried tomatoes, red onions, and a balsamic fig drizzle. It was a soul satisfying pie that was very rich and satisfying.
Additionally, the pasta has been getting a lot of fanfare. We could not resist ordering the Cesare di Bruxelles which is warm shaved Brussel sprouts lightly sauteed with lemon, olive oil, fresh herbs, pistachio, cranberries, and caramelized onion; it’s then topped with homemade Caesar dressing and topped with a crispy Parmesan crust and focaccia crouton dust.
Our pasta choice was the Bucatini al Pomodoro con Burrata which features freshly made bucatini, the famous house made marinara, shallots, garlic, tomatoes and olive oil; it’s topped with fresh basil, grated Romano and huge piece of homemade burrata. This dish is a winner because of the super fresh taste of the pasta (it tasted like it was just made) and the intense flavors of the tomato, shallots, and garlic. All items including the pasta are sized for two or more, depending on your appetite.
For dessert, there are only two choices but are remarkable: They are Rosemary Balsamic Apple Pie which is served with a cup of vanilla gelato and topped with a strawberry balsamic glaze, and Brown Sugar Bourbon Pecan Pie which is also served with vanilla gelato and topped with fresh bourbon caramel. The flavors are intense and unforgettable, and the pecan pie was possibly the best we have ever encountered anywhere! These are served warm.
We had to get the back story of this unique eatery directly from owner Zach Neil who officially entered the hospitality business at the age of 15 when he became a dishwasher in an Italian restaurant and eventually moved up to line chef. He tells us, “Coming from a home filled with traditional Italian food that was excellent made me frown when I would eat at Italian restaurants that simply were not as pleasing as made at home.”
The restaurateur also feels Bread And Stone is the perfect environment. It’s cozy—like you’re eating at a friend’s house. It’s warm, inviting, comfortable and happy. Bread And Stone is everything that you love about fine dining without being pretentious or overthought.
The affable entrepreneur (who also spent time as a touring musician) concludes with a smile, “Our goal is to create high end Italian food with organic whole food ingredients…adding love, care, and attention to detail.” You will see the impeccable attention to detail for yourself and be totally wowed when you dine at Bread And Stone
For more information on Bread And Stone, visit
For any Irish American, St. Patrick’s Day is not just about celebrating when St. Patrick drove the snakes from the Emerald Isle. It is the day that all come to celebrate the rich, amazing, and beautiful culture and history of Ireland. And what better way to celebrate any nation’s pride than through food and beverage? You see, I have always believed that food is one of the great uniters in our world. After all, throughout history, many a peace treaty, alliance and merger have come together over a meal. Granted I am a little biased in that opinion given the subject matter I often cover! And since it is St. Patrick’s Day, I decided to put together a few cocktail recipes for you from some of the best and most talented mixologists in our fair city to help you celebrate one of my favorite days of the year!
By Heaven’s Door
2 oz. Heaven’s Door Ascension, Kentucky Straight
Top with Ginger Ale Method
Build in a Collins glass and garnish with a lemon peel.
By Glendalough
2 oz. Glendalough Double Barrel Whiskey
1/3 oz. simple syrup
2 dashes of Bitters
Fresh Orange Peel Method
Add all the ingredients to a tumbler and stir. Add ice and stir again. Garnish with a twisted orange peel
By The Regency Bar & Grill at Loews Regency Hotel New York
2 oz. Jameson
1 oz. Guinness reduction
1 oz. lemon juice
¾ oz. aquafaba
2-3 dashes bitters Method
This sophisticated cocktail combines 2oz of smooth Jameson whiskey with a rich 1oz Guinness reduction, balanced by the tartness of 1oz lemon juice. The addition of ¾ oz aquafaba creates a velvety texture, while 2-3 dashes of bitters add depth and complexity. Dry shaken initially for a frothy consistency, then cold shaken and strained into a martini glass, this drink is a delightful fusion of flavors and textures, sure to elevate any occasion. Cheers to an enchanting cocktail.
From Off Hours Bourbon
3 oz. Off Hours Bourbon
½ oz simple syrup
6 mint leaves
1 mint sprig
Grab a rocks glass and add simple syrup, mint leaves crushed to release oils and 1 1/2 ounces of Off Hours Bourbon. Top with crushed ice and stir. Add another 1 1/2 ounces of Off Hours Bourbon and more crushed ice. Garnish with a sprig of fresh mint.
By Free Spirits/Non-Alcoholic
2 ½ oz. The Spirit of Bourbon
1 ¾ oz. strong brewed Irish breakfast tea
¾ oz. lemon juice
2 tsp of peach preserve (or jam of your choice)
Mint garnish
Shake all ingredients in an iced cocktail shaker.
Empty into a tall glass and garnish with lemon, mint and serve with a biscuit!
1 oz. Boss Molly Bourbon
3/4 oz. Campari
3/4 oz. Red Vermouth
1/2 oz. Coffee Liqueur (Mr. Blacks)
Stir all ingredients well with ice in a mixing glass. Strain into a chilled rocks glass with ice. Garnish with an orange peel.
For me, Irish Soda Bread is sacrosanct on March 17th. And I have been making this version of it for decades. It is one of my all-time favorite recipes, especially when accompanied by a pint of Guinness!
4 to 4 1/2 cups flour
1 tablespoon of sugar
1 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of baking soda
4 tablespoons of butter
1 cup raisins
1 large egg lightly beaten
1 3/4 cups buttermilk
• Preheat oven to 425-degrees.
• Whisk together flour, sugar, salt, baking soda into a large mixing bowl.
• Work the butter into the flour mix using your fingers or a wooden spoon until it thickens. Then add raisins.
• Using a large spoon, dig a well in the center of the flour mix. Add beaten egg and buttermilk. Stir with a wooden spoon until all liquid ingredients are absorbed.
• Turn the dough out onto a floured surface and knead for a few quick turns just to even out the dough. Note: Do not overwork the dough. Now form into a mound.
• Transfer the dough to a large baking sheet. Score the mound with a cross or an X using a serrated or bread knife. This will help the dough receive enough heat internally to bake properly and evenly.
• Bake for about 35-45 minutes until bread is golden and the bottom sounds hollow when tapped. You can easily check for doneness by inserting a thin skewer into the center. If it comes out clean, your Irish Soda Bread is done!
• Let cool a few minutes.
Remember, you can always have a slice of Irish Soda Bread with your favorite aperitif. Personally, a pint of Guinness or a snifter of Jameson’s always does the trick! Sláinte!
Even if you do not have Irish roots, the odds are that you will find yourself celebrating Ireland. While New York is full of great spots to grab a pint of Guinness, picking a pub with a fantastic bar and delicious kitchen offerings can be challenging.
To help you with your 2024 St. Patrick’s Day planning, here are our best selections to celebrate everything that is Irish!
Not much has changed at Neary’s since it opened on St. Patrick’s Day, 1967. There’s a 1954 NC cash register still in use, the famous cherry-red leather booths came with the place, the menu has never changed, and the bill delivered to each customer is still handwritten. “We’ve stood still in time,” says Mary O’Connor, who has worked at Neary’s for over three decades. “Don’t change anything that works,” she adds. “People don’t like change.”
Overseeing it all was Jimmy Neary, who warmly welcomed everyone to his establishment until his passing several years ago. Neary bought the space in 1967 after he and a friend, Brian Mulligan, saw a classified ad in the Times
The two worked as bartenders at P.J. Moriarity’s at the time, and the space had previously housed three failed restaurants. Neary decided to take over—a decision that would define the next half-century of his life.
Today, people continue to enjoy the food, the company, and the staff. Now, with Jimmy’s daughter, Una, at the helm, it continues to serve corned beef, prime rib, and one-half roasted chicken. The real star of the show is lamb chops. The elegant dining experience makes Neary’s an ideal Irish pub in NYC any day of the week. Info:
McSorley’s has long been known to be the oldest bar in town, established in 1854. However, it is not so much a bar as an institution in the city. Its present owners are stubbornly proud of this legendary bar and its authenticity—and the fact the bar remains almost impervious to change in this fast-changing world. The interior, with its portraits, posters, paraphernalia, and sawdust floor, is pretty much as it was when it first opened. It’s nice to know that it only serves light and dark ale. Info:
Noted to “celebrate friendship the old-fashioned way,” Lillie’s Victorian Establishment has locations in Times Square and Union Square; it also has sister restaurants in Oscar Wilde and Papillon Bistro & Bar. Named for British actress Lillie Langtry, Lillie’s was called “the best-decorated restaurant in NYC.” As explained by co-owner Tommy Burke, “We’re proud to honor her legacy and wanted to create an establishment that combines ostentatious décor with a down-to-earth ambiance. We want all our bars to celebrate these legendary pioneers and create destinations that welcome all.”
St. Patrick’s Day holds much significance to Burke and co-owner Frank McCole both native sons from from County Mayo and County Monaghan in Ireland. “But celebrating the day in New York City has become a tradition for us.” He continued: We will have special St. Patrick’s Day menus with classic comfort dishes. Info:
Having been ranked in the #1 spot on the “World’s 50 Best Bars” list, The Dead Rabbit has been the go-to drinking spot in the Financial District for both locals and tourists alike. “At The Dead Rabbit, we always team up with the best whiskey producers in Ireland and the best Irish musicians and focus on celebrating our qualities as opposed to other operators focusing on their quantities,” says Managing Partner Jack McGarry. “It’s very culturally important for us.”
As for what to expect from The Dead Rabbit this March 17th, think tradition. “For us, St. Patrick’s Day is about celebrating everything great about Ireland, our hospitality, our inclusivity, and our products. In Ireland, it’s much more of a family and friends affair with less emphasis on getting drunk,” answered McGarry, who’s noted that his favorite item on the menu is the Irish Coffee. Meanwhile, the Dead Rabbit Irish Whiskey launched a few years back, and another Dead Rabbit-helmed book of cocktails (Paddy Drinks: The World of Modern Irish Whiskey Cocktails) is must-read.
Known to refer to itself as “the most authentic Irish bar in New York City,” Molly’s Shebeen Pub & Restaurant was founded in 1960. With a log-burning fireplace and sawdust on the floor, Molly’s is renowned for its Shepherd’s Pie, hamburgers, and steaks, all for reasonable prices. Its original bar, constructed from wood and Honduran mahogany, remains intact.
Co-owner Peter O’Connell considers Molly’s to be a “destination pub.” He explained: “We are a conversation pub and do not do any special events or promotions.” O’Connell expects a “full house” on the 17th and recommends all to try their “award-winning 10-oz. hamburger.”
Established in 1995 by Danny McDonald and Mike Jewell—and later joined by Anthony Malone—Swift Hibernian Lounge is a low-key bar known for offering one of the finest selections of beer and Irish whiskey in New York. Named to the “Best Bars in America” list from Esquire Magazine, Swift also has oysters and sliders beyond its whiskey and pints. Further notable about the establishment is that it does not have a television, keeping the focus on hospitality and the overall atmosphere.
Aside from great St. Patrick’s Day offerings, Swift is known for its Craic Sessions, featuring notable comics and musicians. Performers of note in 2024 have included Katie Boyle, Ciaran Moran, and Oisin Mac. Info:
Patrick Henry Carley opened the Landmark Tavern, an Irish waterfront saloon, in 1868; there was no 12th Avenue back then. A family establishment and then some, the Carleys raised their children on the second and third floors of the Landmark Tavern’s building. One of the oldest operating establishments in New York, The Landmark Tavern is primarily known for its classic old-world charm.
Partner Donnchadh F. O’Sullivan enthusiastically pointed out to New York Lifestyles “We are celebrating with Irish music playing all day, good atmosphere, and great food.” What sort of food, you ask? “Corned beef and cabbage, Shepherd’s Pie, Irish bangers and mash, fish and chips, and of course, my favorite, New Zealand lamb shanks served with roasted red potatoes, peas, and carrots in cabernet mint au jus.” Info:
With two Midtown locations, Connolly’s is one of the most popular pubs in New York City. Perfect for a date night, it also features weekly live music. This is one of the best places to enjoy a Guinness and hearty traditional fare. The menu features crowd favorites, including Sheperd’s Pie, Fish & Chips, and Irish Stew. Don’t miss the Bangers & Mash, which consists of Irish sausage, mashed potatoes, and onion gravy. The 45th Street location has a rooftop terrace— perfect for sunny weather while 47th Street boasts an ample open dining space ideal for more significant celebrations. Slainte! Info:
Easter traditions are some of the most joyous of the year—but with magical rabbits, rainbowhued colored eggs, and baskets filled with favorite confections, we wondered how these all originated. The history of Easter celebrations is a colorful one, and while some have little, if anything, to do with the religious aspect, that doesn’t mean they aren’t a lot of fun. From Easter bunnies to a traditional lamb dinner, here are some traditions to give your celebrations even more meaning for you and your family.
Many believe some Easter traditions have been inspired by pagan celebrations, right down to the name itself. Eostre—also called “Ostara” and “Eastre”—is the pagan goddess of dawn, and she was often celebrated and honored around the spring equinox. In artistic depictions of Eostre, she usually carries a woven basket and has eggs and hares around her, representing fertility and new life.
For most young and not-so-young, a chocolate bunny or egg is a fun way to celebrate the spring holiday. But have you ever wondered why we give chocolate on Easter? While Easter is an important holiday for many, people of all faiths partake in fun traditions such as dyeing eggs and Easter Egg Hunts. These secular celebrations have rich histories worth remembering while shopping for chocolate eggs, bunnies, jelly beans, and peeps. As Anthony Cirone, co-owner of Li-Lac Chocolates, told us, “Easter is our second busiest season of the year, following Christmas. It’s our most colorful and fun holiday with many spring colors and flavors; personally, it’s my favorite holiday. At Li-Lac Chocolates, we have a historical collection of antique Easter molds dating back to the early 1900s, which we still use today.”
Easter Egg The first chocolate Easter Eggs were created in England in the 1800s; they quickly gained popularity across Europe, especially in Germany and France, with some eggs being solid chocolate. Joan Coukos of Chocolat Moderne told us recently that she remembers Easter Sundays growing up in a Greek household. “We played a game where everyone held an egg and took a turn tapping the top of someone’s egg. If your egg cracked, then it was your turn to crack the bottom of their egg. If you succeeded, it was told that you would be showered with good luck.” Indeed, it inspires Coukos and many of her Easter confections today. →
Easter Bunny Chocolate bunnies stem back to the 1800s in the U.S. when German immigrants brought the celebratory candy with them. Today, the tradition continues with expert care from Jacques Torres, better known to most as “Mr. Chocolate,” who tells us, “I translate my love of working with chocolates that are loved by all ages into something bigger.” His Easter Collection is always something special.
At Royce Chocolates, everything is flown in from Japan. The bestselling nama chocolates come as close to melting in your mouth as chocolates can, thanks to Hokkaido fresh cream. If you’ve never had these Japanese chocolates, the butter-like texture can come as a surprise, as they are meant to replicate the inside of a truffle. This Easter look for Easter Hunt set, Sweet Eggs, and so much more!
Jelly Beans They didn’t start as an Easter-specific treat and were a typical candy in the Victorian era. It wasn’t until the 1930s that the colorful candies became a popular post-Lent indulgence, and the reason was simple: Their ovoid shape reminded people of Easter eggs.
Marshmallow Peeps In 1910, Russian immigrant Sam Born came to the United States at just 19 years old, and by 1917 had a candy store in Brooklyn with a “Just Born” display in its window to show the newest, freshest offerings. 1923 Born began his Just Born candy manufacturing company, eventually expanding into Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. And, well, the rest is history. Today, you can find peeps in every color of the rainbow.
The Easter Basket Like the Easter Bunny, the practice of the Easter Basket likely began in Germany. Once children started to think the “Easter Hare” would leave goodies, they created small nests in their gardens where the bunny could place their treats. Today, Easter Baskets are brimming with bunnies and eggs surrounded with colorful jelly bean and marshmallow peeps.
Hot Cross Buns They were first popularized for Easter in England in the 1100s. However, like many Christian traditions in Europe surrounding the holiday, hot cross buns were around for a long time before that when they were associated with paganism. The Greeks and Romans appropriated the tradition from yet another culture: ancient Egyptians used small, round loaves of bread decorated with crosses as offerings to their gods. Today, they are consumed during the forty days leading up to Easter.
Easter Cuisine Lamb is a traditional Easter food.
Though it also has roots in early Passover celebrations. The Bible tells us the people of Egypt suffered plagues, including the death of all firstborn sons. It’s because of this the Israelites painted their doorposts with sacrificed lamb’s blood with the hope that it would “pass over” their homes. The tradition continued with Jews who converted to Christianity by serving lamb at Easter. Another traditional main course is ham. It’s said that pigs were slaughtered in the autumn harvest season and cured throughout the winter. By Easter season, the ham was ready to be cooked and enjoyed.
For more information on Chocolat Moderne, visit,; Jacques Torres Chocolate, visit; Li-Lac Chocolates, visit; Royce’, visit
International Women’s Day is celebrated around the world annually on March 8th as a focal point in the women’s rights movement. In celebration of women worldwide, check out this list of groundbreaking female performers, playwrights, and theater makers whose work is available to stream on BroadwayHD! Visit to learn more.
Star, legend, force of nature! Whatever you call Elaine Stritch, it applies, and it’s never more apparent than in her deeply personal one-woman show, At Liberty. With only an oversize shirt, black tights, and a chair, Stritch mesmerizes a full house at London’s Old Vic Theatre with tales of her 50-plus-year career on stage and screen. At Liberty is more of a monologue than a musical performance, though she does perform some of her signature songs like “Zip” and “The Ladies Who Lunch.” At Liberty won a Tony Award in June 2002 for Special Theatrical Event.
Like a comet that burns far too brightly to last, Janis Joplin exploded onto the music scene in 1967 and, almost overnight, became the queen of rock and roll. The unmistakable voice, filled with raw emotion, made her a must-see headliner from Monterey to Woodstock. From Broadway to your screen, you’re invited to share an evening with the woman and her influences in A Night with Janis Joplin. Fueled by such unforgettable songs as “Me and Bobby McGee,” “Piece of My Heart,” “Mercedes Benz,” “Cry Baby” and “Summertime,” a remarkable cast and breakout performances, A Night With Janis Joplin is a musical journey celebrating Janis and her biggest musical influences.
Dame Harriet Walter stunned the world with her gender-bent performance of one of Shakespeare’s bestknown protagonists. Phyllida Lloyd directs an all-female cast in Shakespeare’s great political drama as part of the Donmar Warehouse’s all-female Shakespeare Trilogy. Set in the present day in the world of a women’s prison, Julius Caesar could not be timelier as it depicts the catastrophic consequences of a political leader’s extension of his powers beyond the remit of the constitution. As Brutus (Harriet Walter) wrestles with a moral conscience over the assassination of Julius Caesar (Jackie Clune), Mark Antony (Jade Anouka) manipulates the crowd through subtle and incendiary rhetoric to frenzied mob violence.
Indecent, written by Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Paula Vogel, is inspired by the true events surrounding the controversial 1923 Broadway debut of Sholem Asch’s God of Vengeance—a play seen by some as a seminal work of Jewish culture, and by others as an act of traitorous libel. The play charts the history of an incendiary drama and the path of the artists who risked their careers and lives to perform it.
In this compelling one-woman play, British theatre legend Dame Maureen Lipman reprises her award-winning performance as Rose, a woman whose tumultuous journey through anarchic times takes her from the devastation of Nazi-occupied Europe to the allure of the American dream. Through the life of one woman, Rose tells the story of a century where everything changed except the violence of the strong against the weak. Filmed from Hope Mill Theatre’s 2020 production is available to stream worldwide.
Based on the life of Laura Kieler, a close friend of playwright Henrik Ibsen’s, and first performed in 1879, A Doll’s House was initially met with controversy over the way it criticized nineteenth-century marital norms and advanced little-known feminist ideas. Ibsen’s play confronts the problems with an exclusively male society, and a woman’s place within that. Nora Helmer commits fraud in order to obtain the money with which to save her husband’s life. Over the course of the play, her dealings are discovered, and she ends up making an enormous life decision that goes against the societal grain. This production is directed by Carrie Cracknell and was described as “the best production of Ibsen I’ve ever seen!” by BBC Radio.
It’s been three years since Dune: Part One hit big screens and took home six Oscars, so this second half is sure to thrill fans of the sci-fi epic based on Frank Herbert’s 1965 novel. Timothee Chalamet and Zendaya are back, joined by newcomers-to-the-franchise Austin Butler and Florence Pugh, as the saga of the planet Arrakis continues, in this perfect-for-thebig-screen flick.
The “Monsterverse” keeps rolling along with this new chapter, as Godzilla and King Kong join forces to fight an unexpected foe in the next chapter about the cinematic world’s biggest monsters. Fans of the franchise will be happy to see Rebecca Hall, Brian Tyree Henry, and Kaylee Hottle back for more adventures, joined by Dan Stevens, Alex Ferns, and Fala Chen, in this Adam Wingard film.
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The Spengler family returns in their second outing as Ghostbusters, with as more ghostly adventures and evil entities along for the scary, funny fun. New Ghostbusters Carrie Coon, Finn Wolfhard, and Mckenna Grace are the plucky family, who are out to save the world along with Paul Rudd, and the originals are all on board, too, as Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson, and Annie Potts reprise the roles they began in 1984 in this beloved series.
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This fantasy-comedy has been winning fans at film festivals and plenty of accolades for writer-director Kobi Libii, who left acting behind (you may remember him from Madame Secretary) to create this satirical look at being Black in a country (the USA) filled with fragile white people. It’s a romance, too, so navigating this cinematic journey through magic, racism, and love is quite a ride. Justice Smith stars along with David Allen Grier and Mia Ford.
Put two of the best British actresses working today together and they could read the phone book and make it fascinating. Happily, that’s not what Oscar-winning Olivia Colman (English) and Oscar-nominated Jesse Buckley (Irish) are doing in this quintessentially British crime comedy based on a true story from the 1920s. Instead, the pair are at odds over nasty anonymous letters being sent in a small English seaside village and the results are a delight to see.
The latest (and much-anticipated) series from Game of Thrones showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, 3 Body Problem, adapts the Liu Cixin novel into an epic sci-fi series. From 1960s China to the present, strange happenings from outer space have begun to change the earth. It takes a quirky detective to unravel this mind-bending mystery filled with familiar GOT faces like Liam Cunningham, John Bradley, Jonathan Pryce, Marlo Kelly, Rosalind Chao, and Benedict Wong.
Theo James, the Emmy-nominated hunk from The White Lotus, takes the lead in this Guy Ritchie-created series that continues the saga he began with his 2019 film of the same name. Theo inherited Mickey Pearson’s estate, including the illegal parts; that’s when the signature Ritchie craziness ensues. Ray Winstone, Vinnie Jones, Kaya Scodelario, and Joely Richardson round out the cast.
Apple TV +
Noel Fielding stars as the real-life Dick Turpin, the famed 18th-century English highwayman, in this criminal comedy filled with crazy capers, beautiful women, and Downton Abbey favorite Hugh Bonneville in a completely different persona. He plays Turpin’s relentless pursuer, who always seems one step behind the charming rogue.
In this black comedy, Kate Winslet stars as an authoritarian European despot whose life goal is to stay in power at all costs. Will Tracy (Succession, The Menu) is the mind behind this mix of mayhem and madness that comes a bit too close to real life for comfort; Hugh Grant, Andrea Riseborough, and Martha Plimpton add to the general insanity in this sure-to-hit series.
Apple TV+
Tobias Menzies (The Crown, Outlander) stars as Edwin Stanton, and Anthony Boyle takes on John Wilkes Booth in this gripping fact-based series about the Lincoln assassination and the 12-day manhunt that followed. Based on the award-winning nonfiction book by James L. Swanson, Manhunt brings one of America’s most dastardly crimes into the spotlight once again.
Lisa McNulty is the Producing Artistic Director of WP Theater, a position she has held since 2014. Founded in 1978 as the Women’s Project Theater, the WP has been a leader in developing, producing, and promoting new work by Women+ at every stage of their careers. The WP has produced more than six hundred main-stage productions and developmental projects.
An award-winning Broadway, Off-Broadway, and regional producer, McNulty took over the role at WP Theater after eight seasons at Manhattan Theater Club. Previously, Lisa served as Literary Manager and Associate Artistic Director at the WP Theater.
While at MTC, McNulty made her debut as an artistic line producer on Broadway with the 2010 production of Lee Hall’s The Pitman Painters at the Samuel L. Friedman Theater, where she also produced Terrence McNally’s Master Class, John Patrick Shanley’s Outside Mullingar, and Harvey Fierstein’s Casa Valentina. In MTC’s Off-Broadway space, she worked with notable artists like Lynn Nottage on the Pulitzer Prize-winning Ruined, Tarell Alvin McCraney on the acclaimed Choir Boy, and Lynne Redgrave’s final project, Nightingale.
As WP’s leader, McNulty has now transformed the institution—securing a theatrical home for WP on the Upper West Side and programming nine seasons of critically acclaimed new work. During McNulty’s tenure, WP won the Lortel, Drama Desk, and OBIE Awards for artistic excellence. In addition, one of the most exciting features of WP is the two-year “lab” or workshop for up-and-coming playwrights, directors, and producers, whose work results in the biennial Pipeline Festival, which has become one of the city’s most popular programs for emerging Women+ artists. The festival features new works in various stages of development, ranging from staged readings to streamed films.
We recently met with Lisa McNulty to learn more about this incredible woman.
How do you balance the mission of the WP Theater with your plans and ideas for the organization?
I’m the luckiest Artistic Director in that my artistic priorities align with WP’s mission to uplift Women+ artists for the stage. WP’s founder, Julia Miles, gave me my first paying job in the theater back in 1997, and so WP and its mission have been formative in my understanding of what theater is and what it should do. I returned to WP in 2014 to lead the organization because I was craving that exact clarity of purpose.
Who has inspired you the most during your years in WP Theater?
A great example is Martyna Majok, who was in the Lab in my first season. We premiered her play Ironbound; her New York debut and I helped her develop her play Queens, which went on to be produced at Lincoln Center. Martyna got her start at WP and then went on to be produced on Broadway to win the Pulitzer Prize. She is currently working on a Broadway-bound musical with Florence Welch.
As you engage the next generation of Women+, what would you consider the three “must-see shows” that epitomize the message or mission of the WP community?
Of course, I’m biased; I love all our work! I’d encourage folks to check out our Pipeline Festival this spring. Audiences for our past festivals have caught new work by fantastic, early-career artists before their Pulitzers, Broadway outings, and Tony and Emmy Awards started rolling in. The Pipeline Festival is your opportunity to see work before it’s snapped up by the biggest stages/screens in the country and to be smug with your friends later and say, “I saw her before she was big.” It’s a wild time—but you can’t beat the creative energy.
What makes the Pipeline Festival so unique?
The Pipeline festival is unique because the Lab is unique. There isn’t another program in the country fostering early-career writers, directors, and producers in an intensive program designed to build cohorts of artists that will become each other’s primary collaborators The program is a residency where the artists spend their time connecting and collaborating to prepare for the Pipeline Festival, the culminating program where we present five projects written, directed, and produced by the Lab Cohort. It all happens in five weeks and is glorious chaos!
We’re here to make sure that Women+ artists have a place to share their stories in all their glorious complexity and for those artists to jump off the WP trampoline into the stratosphere. Women+ artists create our work, and it is as big, bold, funny, theatrical, and world-class as any theater in town!
For more information on WP Theater, visit
Spring fever is almost upon us, and that means cats are longing for the return of their hunt and play instincts, as well as higher levels of energy being expended. When I was a little boy, I rescued my first pet from a cornfield in Upstate New York. We named him Clermont after the town we rescued him in. He spent all of his Summers upstate and Winters in Manhattan. As such, Clermont’s whiskers would begin to grow exponentially as Spring began to warm up the region. He knew it was almost that time of year for him to return to the country. And that meant Clermont was ready to hunt and play. So we always looked to the Spring Equinox as a great time of year to get things back in order for Clermont.
As we all get into traditions like Spring Cleaning, Spring is a great time of year to verify all of your cat’s needs are being addressed in the house; from dangers of cleaning chemicals to holes in screen windows. Spring can be one of the most beautiful times of year, but it can also be a stark reminder that we need to stay on top of ensuring our furrever ones are safe! And just like we did for Clermont, you need to do for your furrever one!
That pitter patter of little paws is coming. And while kitten season is cute and all, animal shelters and rescues across the country struggle to help these beautiful and sweet little furrever ones because their facilities are already at-capacity or overloaded. As Kitten Season is almost here, it’s the purrfect time for you to contact your local shelter or feline rescue and see what you can do to help them ease their population density. Whether it is adopting, fostering, or volunteering, all shelters and rescues look for increased help during Kitten Season because it is that big and it is that difficult for them to handle in terms of intake and trying to get these kittens into loving and responsible homes. Remember – Adopt, don’t shop!
Check, Verify and Replace Screen Windows
Does your cat like hanging out on the windowsill, watching the world pass by? You probably also leave that window open slightly to let in fresh air. Then again, it’s also probable that your cat is watching more than just the world going by…that cat is likely watching for birds, mice, and the like. So, before another season of bird watching begins, now is a good time to make sure your screens are safely secured and any holes that have formed can be either patched, or the screen replaced. Remember, cats do not fear obstructions. Often they will find a way through or around them to achieve their goal. In this case, if you have a loose screen, or one with holes in it, you will end up with a loose feline! I remember when I was a kid, my cat Clermont would spend his days romping around on my family’s property in upstate New York all summer. At night, he would come back very late and end up jumping through an open screen window to get back in the house. Eventually, we replaced all of the window screens with ones that were far more sturdy and better locked into the window frame.
Is the grand tradition of Spring cleaning one that your family practices? If so, then you need to be aware of the toxicity that comes with some of these products. They can be very dangerous to feline and canine health. If you store your cleaning products under the kitchen sink, make sure that those doors to the underpart are secured properly and that your cat cannot open them. Cats are awfully curious, especially when they see their parents storing interesting looking things (like a feather duster or extra thin bottle of bleach) in hard to get to places. For them it is a challenge they want to overcome. For you, it needs to be about making sure those doors cannot be opened easily by a paw!
With Spring cleaning in mind, maybe it is also time to clean up that cat lounge area around the window and makeshift beds near sources of heat (baseboards, near a fireplace, etc.). And if you don’t have a “lounge” area for your feline, you might want to consider creating one! After you have inspected the windows and their screens, either place a cat bed or tree near those windows for your cat to enjoy that breath of fresh air. If you already have a cat lounge setup, then it is also time to give their bedding a wash in the laundry. You can also add a dusting of catnip (so long as you don’t have dogs in the house) to the lounge area to give your cat that extra chill feeling! A Siamese we adopted named Butter was a big proponent of heat. She loved to sleep right next to the radiator in my childhood apartment in New York. We would wash a little bed we put next to the radiator in my bedroom every week. And at least four times a year, I would replace that bed to ensure it was as clean and hygienic as possible. Remember, cats are incredibly finicky when it comes to cleanliness!
Be Cautious
Toxic Flowers
The old adage goes, “April showers bring May flowers.” Well, that may be true, but it is also true that felines, just like dogs, can easily be harmed by certain flowers and plants. Check your home for any plants or items that could be harmful to your cat. As an example, there are commonly used florals such as lilies, baby’s breath, and carnations that are all poisonous to felines. Here’s a list of some catsafe flowers for your home: Daisies, Orchids, Roses, Hyacinths, Snapdragons, Sunflowers and Marigolds. Clermont, since he was born in the wild, would always hunt for florals in our apartment in New York, and our country house. That often meant my father being very upset as Clermont would munch on those flowers, leaving a mess and stems everywhere. Be sure that when you have florals in your home, regardless of whether they are potentially poisonous or not to your cat, to at least try to keep them out of your cat’s reach.
It’s officially spring on March 19, and we’ll see start seeing a return of warmer temperatures. That means more time outside for your and your dog outside under the sun!
As great as that may be, warm weather and playing outside also presents certain dangers to our dogs, like increased risk of heartworm disease, tick bites and seasonal allergies. The pawesome news is that we can protect our furrever ones.
Prepare your Pet For Seasonal Allergies
More and more canines are suffering from seasonal allergies, in much the same way that people do. Sensitivities to grass, pollens, flowers, and/or plants is on the rise due to inbreeding and overbreeding. If you notice your pet itching, scratching, or sneezing after playing outside, they might be having an allergic reaction. You need to contact your veterinarian immediately to schedule allergy testing, in which case they may insist on placing your dog on an allergy medication, or more frequent bathing during the warmer months.
The bane of everyone’s existence during the warmer months, mosquitos, is the largest contributor to heartworm disease. When mosquitos bite your dog, they transmit parasitic worms that infect your furrever one. And, if you are one of those that thinks you don’t see mosquitos, so they aren’t a problem, think again. Mosquitos are not discerning in terms of their prey. And many of them are very small, so you may not notice them around your pet. Get your pet on a heartworm preventative, such as a tablet or topical treatment, before letting them loose in the yard, or even for long walks in Urban parks.
As the warmer temperatures return, so do the culprits that are responsible for transmitting Lyme disease and many other ailments, fleas and ticks. And while they can infest your dog at anytime throughout the year, warmer months tend to have the highest infection rates of the year as you spend more time outside. Protect your pet with an oral or topical treatment.
As we all love going out for long walks with our furrever ones when the warmer temperatures hit, that means there are more opportunities for your dog to get loose or run off. Warmer temperatures also means more people out doing recreational activities like cycling, motorcycles and the like. These activities often make dogs upset, resulting in them running away from the noise. That is why microchipping is essential. And while you have a collar on your dog with appropriate contact information, often those collars and tags rub off to the point that you cannot read the phone numbers. A microchip contains a unique ID number. After the chip is injected, you can register that ID number with your contact and urgent medical information. This way, if the pet is ever brought to a shelter or veterinary practice, a quick scan will provide the information needed to get in touch with you.
As the Spring begin to heat up our environment, that means Summer is on its heels. That is when temperatures climb with a risk of your dog overheating. On those hot days, schedule your walks in the morning or evening to avoid high midday temperatures. If you live in an Urban environment, try to find areas where you can walk your dog that don’t have sidewalk or asphalt as they tend to heat up easily, sometimes resulting in burns to your dog’s paws. Hydration is essential when the heat turns up, so make sure to bring extra water for your furrever friend on long walks or hikes. Excessive panting, staggering, and high body temperature are signs of heatstroke which can be fatal. If you see any of these symptoms, please contact your veterinarian immediately.
Certain foods and plants, are poisonous to pets. You need to be aware of these so that you can keep your dog safe. The most lethal food ingredients for dogs are garlic, onions, grapes, raisins, apricots, caffeine, chocolate, gum, alcohol, and salt. If your dog ingests any of these, please contact your veterinarian immediately. Plants are purely based on geography. To get a better understanding of what plants in your town, county or state are poisonous to your pet, please contact your veterinarian.
By planning ahead for your furrever friend, you can ensure a happy, healthy and fun Spring!
Practitioner and CEO of Empowered Educator, a TEDx Ithaca College speaker, Jen Rafferty has orchestrated programs that not only stand on the forefront of research but ignite a cultural self-care for teachers and school leaders nationwide.
Through a focus on reducing burnout and transforming how educators show up for themselves and their school community, Jen utilizes her insatiable curiosity to develop the most up-to-date and relevant programs in cognitive neuroscience and leadership. She is deeply committed to inspiring school leaders and teachers to discover their voice and maintain healthy longevity throughout their careers.
Today, Jen Rafferty is rewriting the story of education— one empowered educator at a time.
Your career began as a middle school educator before shifting into your role as CEO of Empowered Educator. What led you to pursue a career in education?
Since I was young, I always wanted to be a music teacher. Honestly, I considered it more like a calling instead of a choice. I loved music, particularly singing, and wanted to inspire others to discover their voice. I taught middle school choir for 15 years in the public schools.
It was a lot of fun, and it felt important to provide students with a safe space to express themselves and be creative. Eventually, I started conducting honors choirs across New York State, presenting at national conferences and published a book.
You founded Empowered Educator with a purpose to take care of the adults in the school space, so that our children are better supported. Was there a specific moment in time which you realized this was your mission?
It was the experience of the COVID that helped me make the shift. Teacher stress wasn’t new, but the pandemic highlighted how bad it was.
There was a large gap between what teachers needed and the support they were getting, and I wanted to build a bridge. The well-being of a school is dependent on the well-being of its educators, so I wanted to help take care of the people who take care of our kids.
Through a focus on reducing burnout and transforming how educators show up for themselves and their school community, Jen utilizes her insatiable curiosity to develop the most up-to-date and relevant programs in cognitive neuroscience and leadership. She is deeply committed to inspiring school leaders and teachers to discover their voice and maintain healthy longevity throughout their careers.
Today, Jen Rafferty is rewriting the story of education— one empowered educator at a time.
Your career began as a middle school educator before shifting into your role as CEO of Empowered Educator. What led you to pursue a career in education?
Since I was young, I always wanted to be a music teacher. Honestly, I considered it more like a calling instead of a choice. I loved music, particularly singing, and wanted to inspire others to discover their voice. I taught middle school choir for 15 years in the public schools.
It was a lot of fun, and it felt important to provide students with a safe space to express themselves and be creative. Eventually, I started conducting honors choirs across New York State, presenting at national conferences and published a book.
Teachers are incredible humans with big hearts, but they are not superheroes. How do you believe the narrative that teachers are superhuman harms both the adults and children in the school space?
Teachers are often referred to as superheroes and while this sounds like a good thing, it can be a dangerous narrative. Teachers are heroes, yes; and they are very human. When we compare teachers to these immortal and indestructible superheroes, we create a story that perpetuates the idea that needing anything is selfish.
So as not to be perceived as selfish, teachers often struggle with taking a much-needed sick day, asking for help and support, or even prioritizing a bathroom break. This is not sustainable, and it is certainly not the type of modeling we want for our students. Truly, the most generous thing you can do for your students is take care of yourself.
How do you prioritize your health and wellness as the CEO of Empowered Educator so that you remain in optimal mental, physical, and emotional condition? I practice everything I teach, and the impact of my company is related to my own health and wellness.
I think the biggest shift for me has been in the way I define my success. I used to think success was determined by external factors: how much money was in my bank account, how many hours I worked, or when I was a student, how many A’s and awards I earned.
But with success constantly being external, I was always chasing it. And when success is external, even if we get it, we’re back chasing again because we aren’t chasing the thing, we’re chasing the feeling. Now I define success as feeling the way I want to feel for as many hours of the day as possible.
This informs the way I structure my day, interact with clients, and how I spend my time. It keeps me focused on my priorities which always come down to my own self-regulation and choosing actions that align with feeling the way I want to feel.
What is next for you and Empowered Educator?
Our next big adventure is an online Summer Camp for teachers called Redesign Your Mind. Here we will guide educators as they dive into the neuroscience of themselves! We want teachers to understand their brain because they are quite literally brain-changers! Educators that come to Summer Camp will go back to school with trauma-informed strategies to use in their classrooms, a deep understanding of navigating conflict with ease, and mastery of the social/emotional learning benchmarks. We are so excited to bring this opportunity out into the world and continue our journey to make transformational, generational change.
For more information on Empowered Educator, visit empowered
Aglamorous assassin (in the movies) turned mom, Rachel Grant, is a British Royal, but you’d never know it, her kindness and humility rule. An intrepid adventurer who has mastered the art of traveling light and earned one hundred million views for her viral videos, she believes in preserving our natural heritage and instilling the importance of environmental stewardship and sustainability in our children.
Although loyal Bond fans worldwide love Rachel Grant for her role as a “Bond girl,” the truth is she was not arm candy for Pierce Brosnan in Die Another Day. Despite her character’s serene name, Peaceful Fountains of Desire, Rachel played a sexy assassin, lethal and glamorous. That was in 2002; today, the role she cherishes above all is far more approachable; it’s simply being a mom for the first time. Her heart belongs to her three-year-old daughter, Maya.
Rachel has appeared on Bravo, Hallmark, Good Morning America, and the BBC; however, it is her Bond connection that empowers her to have influence in this world. An auction of her autographed Bond pictures gave her the funds to provide children in the Philippines with food and shelter—a school that doubles as a typhoon shelter. That is only one example of how her star power brings about change. Humbled by the love of her fans, Rachel explains, “So much time has passed since I played Peaceful, yet I feel more connected to the Bond community now than ever before. Seeing my passion for my character remains strong after all these years is remarkable.”
Rachel was born on the island of Luzon in the Philippines to Michael Grant, 12th Baron de Longueuil (the grandson of the 11th Baron of Longueuil, second cousin to Queen Elizabeth II, yes that makes her fourth cousin to Royal Renegades Megan and Harry) and Isabel Padua, a Filipino costume designer. Raised in Nottingham, England, Rachel is of Scottish, French-Canadian, and Filipino descent. She lives in New York now with her daughter and husband, Shark Tank entrepreneur and CEO of Biaggi Luggage, Stephen Hersh, whom she married in Jerusalem in 2019. It’s apparent then that travel is in her blood.
“My passion for travel began in childhood, as I was fortunate to have parents from diverse backgrounds—England and the Philippines. Regular visits to see my maternal grandparents in the Philippines sparked my curiosity about the world,” Rachel shares. “I hope to pass on this love for travel to my daughter, who’s just turned three, yet she’s accompanied me on adventures to 12 countries across three continents. I don’t have a favorite country—each place offers something special. We frequently visit the Philippines, France, and England, where we have family connections and deep roots. One can never visit a country too often without gaining fresh insights and experiences.”
Rachel’s video How to Pack Over 100 Items into a CarryOn went viral, receiving one hundred million views and bringing her a new set of global fans. “Mastering the art of packing begins with traveling light,” says Rachel, speaking from experience. “I believe that everyone should aim to travel with a carry-on. Not only does it streamline the airport experience, eliminating the need for check-in lines and baggage claim waits, but it also saves on check-in fees. Plus, traveling with fewer belongings allows you to detach from your daily routine, enhancing your overall experience at the destination.”
Inspired by her travels and the crafting skills she learned from her mother, whose talent for design and creation she inherited, Rachel has designed more than twenty travel bags, received two awards, and holds one patent. Her focus for Biaggi Luggage has been on expandable bags, particularly totes and under-seat bags that transform into carry-ons, maximizing functionality for travelers. “It is,” she says, “rewarding to see my designs inspire others in the industry and contribute to the evolution of travel accessories.”
Being remarkably intrepid during a trip to the Philippines, she ventured into the Angel Cave in Bani after she stumbled upon the cave entrance while overseeing the construction of a school in the area. Intrigued by its mystery, she entered the cave spontaneously, mesmerized by the pristine underground chambers and a flowing river system. Sharing her photos on social media, the response was overwhelming, particularly from proud Filipinos who admired the beauty of their country’s natural wonders.
Always a conscientious traveler, Rachel realized the potential risks of unregulated visitation to the cave, so she involved the proper authorities to ensure the cave’s conservation. “Reflecting on this journey,” she reveals, “I feel relieved and gratified by the positive outcome, even though it wasn’t initially planned. It’s a testament to the power of community action and the importance of preserving our natural heritage for future generations.”
Though she may have played a villain in her Bond role, Rachel Grant is a hero in the Philippines, where she has helped fund food supply programs for children, raise money for gifted kids to receive a college education, and ensure that communities/children in need receive regular shipments of toys, books, shoes, and clothes. Steadfastly committed to nurturing a world for her daughter Maya where she can thrive and make empowered choices, Rachel wants us to remember, as we face current global challenges, that “it is crucial to instill values of environmental stewardship and sustainability in our children. Let’s assure young women the opportunity to pursue their dreams and aspirations without discrimination or barriers.”
For more information on Rachel Grant, follow her on
In a world fixated on material gain, this story on Saket Jain highlights the significance of purpose-driven success. While navigating the corporate landscape as a business executive for esteemed companies such as Airbnb, Jain realized that despite financial prosperity, something essential needed to be added to his life. This newfound awareness prompted a shift towards a heart-centered approach to wealth-building and investment. He went on to found Impact Wealth Builders and Migrate2Wealth, focusing on rewriting the narrative of finance, inclusivity, and sustainable impact.
His companies challenge the conventional emphasis on profit margins by prioritizing the well-being of investors and communities. With a portfolio exceeding $300 million in assets, Jain’s companies deliver incredible returns and allocate a portion of profits to philanthropic endeavors such as educating underserved children.
We sat down with Saket Jain to learn more about his companies.
Tell us a bit about your backstory. What led you to the creation of Impact Wealth Builders and Migrate2Wealth?
I served as a business consultant early in my career and have since worked for notable companies such as Airbnb. Although I enjoyed the intellectual stimulation and made significant money, something needed to be added to my life, and I was deeply unfulfilled. Over time, I realized that life was more than chasing money or material things. Knowing that I needed a shift, I began to explore a heart-centered approach to building wealth through investments that led me to create my companies: Impact Wealth Builders and Migrate 2 Wealth. Through my companies and the Migrate2Wealth Podcast, I aim to impact the world while providing sustainable outcomes for all stakeholders.
What differentiates your approach to finance and wealth-building in comparison to others?
The core of my work is compassionate finance. In finance, a lot of emphasis is placed on statistics and spreadsheets. Although return on investment is essential, there can be a need for more social responsibility and a lack of focus on holistic (physical, mental, spiritual) well-being.
Impact Wealth Builders and our investors have built a portfolio of over $300 million across various asset classes, consistently delivering double-digit returns. Yet, a portion and percentage of our profits return to my philanthropy: educating underserved children—a cause my investors can opt into supporting as well if they choose to.
How have your experiences and worldviews as an immigrant influenced your company?
When I set foot in the United States, I felt I was starting from scratch—no family, no friends, just a determination to build a better future. While the foundation was there, I had to construct everything from the ground up.
Through my company, I seek to provide a space where everyone feels they belong and have the resources and support they need to succeed financially and otherwise. My experiences as an immigrant drive this fire to ensure that no one feels alone on their journey like I did.
Why do you think there is a lack of diversity and financial education?
Unfortunately, there is not enough education about financial wellness. Professionals often use complicated jargon and terminology that further alienates and intimidates people, leading them to conclude that finance or investing is complicated. In reality, it’s not. I want to create a landscape where resources to better your life are available to people of all socioeconomic backgrounds, genders, and ages. Through our company, we are making these offerings available to individuals in their wealth-building phase. We remove intimidation from it by focusing on empowering our community through access to education and personal advisors who I’ve hand-curated over the past 20 years.
Explain your position on the intersection of well-being and financial wellness.
As mentioned, I needed help to fulfill my purpose. In a bold move, my wife and I decided to leave everything and spend two years in a monastery, observing and experiencing the ways of the monks. Although the decision could seem unorthodox, it was the best learning experience of our lives. During this period, we learned from people who embody a profound sense of mindfulness and discipline. I learned how to cultivate a balanced and fulfilled life. Their teachings and wisdom have influenced my business decisions and how I approach business, wealth, challenges, triumphs, and the pursuit of my purpose.
For more information on Sakel Jain and Migrat2Wealth, visit; for exclusive insights and investment opportunities, enroll for free at
It’s been around for so long you may have forgotten, or perhaps it diminishes as we hear about it yearly. But the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in New York City is incredible. Modern-day St. Patrick’s Day celebrations are likely to be characterized by green beer—all of which have very little to do with the historical figure of the Patron Saint of Ireland.
The March 17th observance began in 1631 when the Church established a Feast Day honoring St. Patrick, who died in the fifth century—centuries before the modern-day version was even thought of!
Throughout its history, the Parade has stayed proper to its dignity. It’s always led by the 69th Infantry Regiment, the “Fighting Irish” which has participated in the Civil War, World War 1 and 2, and subsequent conflicts in the Mideast. Then there’s a couple of Irish wolfhounds to the front. They’re the tallest breed on earth and have been known to be the loyal hunting company to the Irish. Yes, the Parade keeps the decorum. There are no floats and no recorded music but an incredible lineup of marching bands, pipe bands, and drum bands showcasing all the efforts put into preparation. Not to mention the endless marchers of every uniform force in the country.
The first Parade was on March 17, 1762—fourteen years before the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Before the American Revolution, British regiments garrisoned New York, and it has been noted that several regiments had solid Irish contingents. Officers of those regiments formed the Society of the Friendly Brothers of St. Patrick, which held celebrations to mark March 17th.
The observers generally consisted of military and civilians who gathered to toast the King and to “the prosperity of Ireland.” Such celebrations were held at local pub establishments, including Hull’s Tavern. It changed, however, after the Revolutionary War. With peace restored in the new nation, the celebrations resumed with a different focus: Gone were the toasts to the King.
Beginning in 1784, the first St. Patrick’s Day after the British evacuated the city, celebrations were held under the new organization, the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, without Tory connections.
Parades continued throughout the early 1800s, often consisting of processions to the Original St. Patrick’s Cathedral on Mott Street. As the Irish population of New York increased during the years of the Great Famine, the number of Irish organizations also swelled.
However, competition sometimes became heated, and in at least one year, 1858, there were competing St. Patrick’s Day parades in New York. The Ancient Order of Hibernians was formed, which has continued to organize to this day.
In 1891, the Ancient Order of Hibernians adopted the parade route up Fifth Avenue. A century later, the St. Patrick’s Day Parade Inc. gained control of organizing the parade. The tradition continues with a review by His Eminence Timothy Cardinal Dolan from Cathedral steps.
Not to be forgotten, of course, is this year’s Grand Marshall, Maggie Timoney, the first female President and CEO of Heineken USA. She will be only the fifth woman in 262 years to lead the Parade.
Even in this modern era, the tradition continues and is—and always will be—a permanent part of New York City life.
Ever since I can remember, March 17th has always held a special place in my heart. Even before I understood what St. Patrick’s Day really meant to me, as an Irish American, I always felt the calling of the bagpipes blaring, the tap of shoes doing the jig, and the smell of bangers and mash permeating the air. Then again, over my lifetime, most of my friends have referred to March 17th as Sean-Patrick’s Day. And I couldn’t be more honored
I remember one year, I was around six or seven years old, my Aunt Marissa came into Manhattan for St. Patrick’s to meet up with some of her friends and brought me along. Now you have to understand…this is a woman who is just shy of ten years my senior and has basically been my big sister my entire life. Needless to say, we were always very close. Marissa and her friends barhopped all afternoon, with me in tow. We met up with my Uncle Joe and his friends as well. I made a fortune in quarters arm-wrestling bartenders and drunk parade goers while imbibing on what seemed like a bottomless glass of Coca-Cola across the day (no adult would deny a six-year-old boy a victory in this context—something I was all too aware of at that age—and, yes, I was a very precocious troublemaker). Back then, things were a lot greyer. Seeing a kid in a pub was not unheard of. Especially amongst the Irish community. And while there was a lot of memorable things that happened that day, the thing that stands out the most in my memory was all of the symbols, sounds and smells of Irish pride. I vividly remember the Emerald Society members coming into a pub we were at on East 58th Street; bagpipes blaring, drums beating, and the sound of laughter and joy throughout the pub. It cemented my sentiment for such an amazing day of the year.
To circle back, I do have to point out that my aunt learned her lesson when I had the stomach ache from hell thanks to all of that soda and my Nana was none too happy about it! To be honest, that entire day, stomachache and all, is one of the fondest memories I have of my childhood. Why? Because I discovered what Irish pride meant. And because my Aunt Marissa was a part of it.
Flash-forward to my even more ridiculous teen-years in Manhattan. Back then, St. Patrick’s Day for many of us was a rite of passage. I remember being 15 and jumping the NYPD barricades on the parade route at 62nd Street with a bottle of Jack Daniels in a paper bag, marching up Fifth Avenue. A few of New York’s Finest approached me who happened to be from my local precinct. They knew me. Thank God. They let me keep marching, right up to Second Avenue and 86th Street where I met up with some friends to go bar hopping. Yes, that was 1992. Things were very different in New York back then, especially for a teenager who understood how to navigate an adult world. But one thing that has always remained the same on Sean-Patrick’s Day? Everyone is Irish. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. Slainte!
“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”
For 247 years, the United States of America has served as a beacon of hope to our planet.
It has served as the best example of what humanity has to offer in terms of a fair, democratic republic wherein the People decide what happens, not a dictator or a royal.
Yet what the Founding Fathers of the Great Experiment created no longer exists. Today, our country has become an insane, politically driven machine focused on the enrichment of the few at the cost of the many. For generations, people from across the world would come to our shores to find peace and prosperity. My family included. So, when I see what the White House is doing in terms of the current border security situation, it makes my blood boil. The malarky they are spinning is akin to one of the biggest con jobs in history as the Federal Government tries to gaslight everyone into believing the border problem is everyone else’s fault except the guy in charge. Sorry, but the buck stops at the Oval Office. Always has. And President Joe Biden should be ashamed of himself for using the migrant situation to further his political agenda when in fact he should be retiring (I can’t think of a better word to describe what needs to happen given his age and current mental status).
We deserve better than this. So do the very migrants being used as political pawns.
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