Vol. 8 #8 | September 2022 The Latest Fall Trends STYLE Great Escapes to Nashville, Newport & Beyond TRAVEL Luxurious 1289 Lexington: Move-In Ready REAL ESTATE Free Fallin’ Into Autumn PETS SARA JOHNSON KAPLAN AUTHENTIC & STILL EVOLVING

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6 | OUR CITY, YOUR LIFE | SEPTEMBER 2022 535250 1289 Lexington: Big, Beautiful & Move-In Ready 40 West 77th Street: An Upper West Side Jewel The Wales: City Views & Landmark Status From The Publisher Sara Johnson Kaplan: Authentic & Still Evolving Sean Grevy: Making Dreams Into Reality Anna Chernitskaya: A New Ritual To Follow Profile: Rochelle Jacobs & Sarah McNamara: Keeping It Clean2824181210 Esprit de September Edition Culture Capsule: Home & Lifestyle Reviews Jane Rodriguez: A Brush With Success Car Review: The Bentley Bentayga SUV34333230 Nashville Day & Night: Exploring Music City USA Weekend Getaway: The Brenton Hotel, Newport, RI Rocky Mountain High: A Visit To Boulder & Golden, CO Germany’s Grand Oktoberfest: Beer & Beyond in Bavaria Fort Lauderdale: A Fresh Spin On Oceanside Escapes4846434036REALTRAVELFEATURESLIFE&STYLEESTATE& HOME DECOR 18 Contents ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT 5855 Restaurant Review: Mezze On The River New York’s Classic Steakhouses: Worth A Visit Again 6362 On The Big Screen On The Small Screen Mindie’s Musings: Banish The Confusion A New Way To Wellness: Improve Your Life With These Oils & Tinctures Kids Cancel Cancer616059 Northwell Health’s Annual Summer Evening Entrepreneur’s Corner: Lan Pham My New York Story: Michael Karim Time Out With…Ann Liguori72706968 HEALTH & WELLNESS NEW YORK, NY FOOD & DRINK 243612© Neil J Tandy © Marsin Mogielski © Neil J Tandy © Neil J Tandy Paws Down…Tails Up: Free Fallin’ Into Autumn65 PET SPOTLIGHT © Mark Grgurich

8 | OUR CITY, YOUR LIFE | SEPTEMBER 2022 New York Sales Office (646) 259-2651 Editorial/Sales Fax (212) 202-4888 Editor-in-Chief Patricia Canole Theater Editor Bonnie Comley Entertainment Jenny Peters Art Director Scott Cuollo Lifestyle Griffin Miller Special Projects Norah Bradford ISSN 2474-770X Vol. 8 #8 | September 2022 President / Publisher BILL MASON OUR CONTRIBUTORS SARA JOHNSON KAPLAN Photography by Neil J. Tandy Makeup by Sarah Maass COVER
The New Jersey couple have written regularly for several local newspapers in addition to Hospitality 21, Family Travel Network, Family Travel Forum, The Parent Paper, Bergen County: The Magazine, Bergen County Kids Magazine, and Family Destinations.
SEAN GREVY Photography by Neil J. Tandy ANNA PhotographyCHERNITSKAYAbyMarkGrgurich
ANNE RASO Anne, who hails from New Jersey, is a longtime editor and writer now based in New York City. Highlights of her 35-plus year career include serving as the associate editor of Tiger Beat and Sunday music columnist for the New York Daily News. She has penned seven teen celebrity paperbacks including ones on Justin Timberlake and One Direction. More recently she has added food and travel to her expertise. Anne’s personal interests run the gamut from learning local history (particularly stories behind Art Deco buildings) to discovering new restaurants.
All rights reserved. Reproduction of any material from this issue is expressly forbidden without permission of the publisher. Printed in the USA. New York Lifestyles Magazine is published 10 times annually. ©2022 New York Lifestyles Magazine. Presence Michael McKenzie Magazine Distribution The Garrido Group
ContributorsCREDITS:Bailey Beckett, Mindie Barnett, Melanie Carden, Bonnie Comley, AP Connolly, Elizabeth Darwen, Sidney Duriex, Peter Elston, Ann Grenier, Mark Grgurich, Stewart F. Lane, Lillian Langtry, Rod McCann, Darren Paltrowitz, Anne Raso, Katherine Sloan, Jeff & Stephanie Sylva, Annie Watt, Stacey Zable Vice President of Sales LYLE SELTZER Sales Bill Mason Sr. - Director of New Business Development Don Fetherman - Director of Travel advertising inquiries, subscriptions, address changes or back issues, call: (646) newyorklifestylesmagazine.com259-2651 /NYLifestylesMag Twitter: @NYLifestylesMag Instagram: @NYLifestylesMag
Chief Photographer & Visuals Editor Neil J Tandy
Neil is a photographer with an innate passion that began as a youngster when he picked up an Instamatic to record a family vacation in the South of France. At 26, the British-born aspiring photographer moved to South Africa where he honed his skills before settling in New York. Today, he combines that passion to capture the interplay of light, line, and color to create visual stories whether on the streets of New York on a fashion shoot or seizing the moment of wonderous nature in Yellowstone National Park. “I visualize my finished photo before even taking it,” he says, “and try to capture emotion in everything I photograph.” For Neil, telling stories with his photographs is art.
NEIL J. TANDY JEFF & STEPHANIE SYLVA Travel enthusiasts Jeff & Stephanie have been freelance travel writers for over 30 years. Much of their writing reflects their love of the outdoors and their active lifestyles. Some of their favorite travel experiences include a trek across the Kilauea Iki Crater on the Big Island of Hawaii, and snorkeling with penguins and whitetipped reef sharks in the Galapagos Islands.

Of course, there’s nothing like NYC. But even those lucky to live here must get away (if only for a weekend). So, we present some great places within a short flight or drive: Nashville, Tennessee, and Newport, Rhode Island, which are perfect stops to explore and enjoy the culture, sights, people, and cuisines.
Meet Sara Johnson Kaplan, who has met challenges head-on. A professional model, activist, and advocate, she is still evolving into the woman she is today—a true success. You’ll love her story and note that her most important role is that of mother.
Sean Grevy’s role is powerhouse CEO of 43 OAK, a top advertising firm based in NYC, and founder of 43 OAK Foundation. The entrepreneur’s foundation is near and dear to his heart and provides much-needed support to many disadvantaged youngsters who would otherwise be locked out of the sport of hockey.
don’t know about you, but I had just settled into summer’s slower pace when September came around, a tad too fast for my liking. But, now that kids are back to school and we’re back in “go” mode, I’m starting to feel the energy of the season. With the much-anticipated Broadway openings, new hotels, and new favorites on the restaurant scene, there’s so much to be excited about in our favorite city.
For Anna Chernitsaya, life has been a dream since coming to the U.S. She lives in Manhattan, has started her own company, and is living the American dream. Her story is about how a chronic condition made Anna create a tea that genuinely transforms a life.
10 | OUR CITY, YOUR LIFE | SEPTEMBER 2022 AUTUMN IN NYC Check us out on the web! Read Any of Our Issues In Digital Format on: Issuu.com | Apple Newsstand | Our Website Visit us newyorklifestylesmagazine.comat: (646)259-2651Forsubscriptionorbackissues,call: LIFE JACQUES LIEBERMAN A WITHCONVERSATIONTHEARTIST PUBLISHER’S LETTER -Bill Mason Publisher
In anticipation of an active season this month, we turn our focus to style that coincidentally coincides with New York Fashion Week. Our stylish trio of cover features encompasses fashion, business, and philanthropy.
This issue is chock-full of content to get you ready for the season, and it is my hope you find our pages informative and inspiring. Also, don’t forget to check our social media for updates. Enjoy! See you next I

Pink Organza Wrap Dress by Cynthia Rowley Sunglasses kindly provided by Kelly B. Boutique, Montauk

By Patricia Canole Photography by Neil J. Tandy | Makeup by Sarah Maass FEATURES
I’m feeling wonderful about myself. What’s so astounding is that I don’t even miss the alcohol. I’m a firm believer in the holistic way of living—better food equals a better diet which consists of fish, fresh greens, and juicing.
AUTHENTIC AND STILL EVOLVING roducer. Champion of Charities. Model and Fashion Enthusiast. Activist. Advocate. Most important of all, Mother. Sara Johnson Kaplan is no stranger to expertly mastering careerand-life balance. Yet, she continues to break life’s boundaries and encourages all women to face their fears and insecurities to live the life they’ve always wanted. We reached out to Sara recently who possesses a contagious energy for life. We discovered this dynamic woman has some words of wisdom to share as she’s faced in her journey. For Sara, she’s faced the challenges head on as she’s evolved into the woman she is today. In this world, where life is fast, furious, and sometimes challenging, there’s nothing more important than authentic connections with a loving community. Sara’s approach has embraced a nod to wellness that includes mind, body, and spirit, emphasizing that we all show up with unique individual needs and should approach our wellness practice from this flexible perspective. Sara’s dream is to take experience, passion, and evolving wisdom, touch the lives and hearts of the many people in her life, and continue to inspire positive change and transformation so that others can live more fully and openheartedly. Today, for most women, modern life continuously pulls us away from the most important gifts we have inside ourselves. Yet, each moment is beautiful and all part of this incredible and unique journey of life. So, enjoy it here and now Every incredible journey has a story. Tell us about your journey towards holistic living. I was about 29 and going through a rough time. Then one day, I realized I had to give up alcohol and everything that was taking me down the wrong path. It was destroying my life and wasn’t working for me. I realized it affected every aspect of my life and how I wanted to live. So, I quit. It opened my life to a new way of thinking and living. I lost weight. I felt better about myself. I gained confidence. And I was meeting the right people. By my early ’30s, I felt good about myself. Shortly after, I met my future husband who was a gift from God I thought. Yes, I had everything going for me. We bought a house, and I was still young enough to start a family. During that time, I found new interests to include in my life— the world of juices which I continue to love today. I lost all the years of baggage and gained all these healthy rituals: I was working out again. I got back into my dance which I loved from childhood. And because I was always aware of proper posture, I started Today,yoga.
COVER FASHION Black Luna Taffeta Wrap Top with Black Sequined Pants, Jumbo Cocktail Ring, Flask Bracelet by Cynthia Rowley. Special thanks Madeline Pucket of Cynthia Rowley, Montauk. Photographed on location at Gurney’s Yacht Club, Montauk.

Today, I’m modeling again. In fact, during New York Fashion Week this Spring. I’ve also modeled for Regina Kravitz, who brought back her retrospective styles—including the iconic red jumpsuit made famous in the ’80s.
How would you embrace your approach to wellness?
I also tried to drink vitamin C in the morning to reboot my system. I believe in that, along with a shot of my green booster of celery, cucumber, green apple, and banana. I like berries, too, for energy. Then, of course, I drink plenty of water with the added vitamin C during the day. My favorite go-to lunch is a yellowfin tuna fish sandwich with avocado.
When not modeling couture, I will always enjoy wearing fashions that make me feel confident, sexy, and alive!
My approach to wellness is relatively straightforward: I am drawn to the water. Being close to the water brings me back to feeling 100 percent well and centered. I like to absorb and feel that energy. Once I get on my paddleboard, I immediately feel one with nature. For me, saltwater is healing. Perhaps having the astrological sign of Cancer has inspired me with my love of water, be it ocean, lake, or river.
If you could name three women who shaped your life and work, who would they be? Indeed, my mother, Linda Johnson who shaped my life. She taught me so much. As an artist, she influenced me. I remember going on jobs when she was an antique dealer collecting vintage items and learning the history of each. She possessed an incredible wealth of intellect. My mother’s sister, Valerie, also influenced my life but most significantly, I felt unconditionally loved by her. Lastly is my cousin Jenny, who always had a heart of gold wrapped up with love and support.
You’re involved with many philanthropic efforts as well as an activist. Tell us more. One of the most important charity events I’m associated with is the Breast Cancer Research Foundation’s Paddle & Party for Pink fundraiser in Sag Harbor, Long Island. It is one of the most noted events and raises millions of dollars annually to benefit BCRF.
Tell us more about how you enjoy the fashion world. I love fashion, and it all started with my mother, and grandmother Isabell Fulton who was selected as a Ziegfeld Follies model. I have always admired her beauty and sense of style. Mother was also a tall, blue-eyed beauty who made all her fashions and designs from Vogue and Butterick patterns. This was my first initiation into the world of fashion. It made me appreciate the creative skills and thought that went into each piece. From there, I entered modeling at David’s Bridals where I began my career and continued to climb the ladder—or should I say runways!
Tell us about your Mae West theater success. Are there more productions in the future? My production of Come Up And See Me was so successful and told the story of Mae West’s life. Held at the Triad Theater, the musical comedy recounts her life in Harlem and reaching out to the community living there. She was a pioneer of her time. She’ll always be a hero to me. Mae West was one of the first women to break the color barrier and who championed many struggling during those days. It is a beautiful tribute to a fantastic woman written by Bonnie Lee Sanders.
How do you balance your work-personal life?
I’m a mother first and foremost, so I put my son and family first. My son’s needs come before my work. I coordinate when I do charity work or modeling and always ensure that nothing interferes with my family. It works! Above all, I’m truly grateful for the journey I’ve had so far.
In what ways do you nourish yourself daily? Mornings are an essential part of my day. I try to stretch every day and do a little jogging as well. I make an affirmation to be in touch with my higher power always.
I’ve also been benefit chair of the Broadway Dance Awards. The proceeds benefit children with hearing loss. In addition, we have found that dance and movement help children mainstream back into the world with many attending classes at local public schools. These are blessings that I will always cherish.
Where does modeling fit in?

Pink surfsuit by Cynthia Rowley

What’s on the horizon for you?
Blue Pippa Mini Dress by MTK
What is your parting wisdom and the most transformational piece of advice you’ve received?
How do you handle negativity or competition in your life? I steer myself away from the toxic emotions entirely. It is not healthy for me—or anyone—to be drawn in by these individuals and negative emotions. Instead, surround yourself with supportive friends and colleagues with positive attitudes.
My dream project is the upcoming Brooklyn Fashion Incubator with Maria Barraza. The event showcases fabrics and textiles, all incredibly beautiful. I have been asked to be on the board of SIAAfrica by Nene Wayo, who gathers these fabrics and textiles as he collaborates with African talent to showcase them worldwide.
The best piece of advice I’ve ever been given was to believe in myself. Continue putting one foot in front of the other. No matter what, remember to keep moving forward and always look for new opportunities. One person who has practiced this is Iris Apfel, a fashion designer and businesswoman. At the young age of 101, she is courageous and a definite mentor of mine. CUFF
Escape Snow Skiing Weakness Chocolate Cherished Accessory A jade necklace You Can Never Have Enough Love Style Icons Diane von Furstenberg and Cynthia Rowley Mantra Be grateful for each day Obsessed With Natural juice drinks Theme Song To Your Life “Miss You” by The Rolling Stones

Photographed on location at 1289 Lexington, NYC FEATURES MAKING DREAMS INTO REALITY
pon meeting Sean Grevy, you’re immediately taken with his boundless energy and vigor. The CEO of 43 OAK, an advertising agency based in Manhattan, is an innovator that maximizes opportunities in traditional and cutting-edge digital marketing platforms. It is this knowledge and expertise that his many clients value so highly. His expertly tailored and strategic campaigns are designed to ignite immediate consumer response. He believes his direct commitment to premium quality and innovation throughout all agency disciplines, strategy, creativity, and production to media and analytics definitely sets him
The mission at 43 Oak is to translate dreams into reality. Sean’s intention has always been to revolutionize the advertising market by going the extra mile. In other words, by viewing itself as media-related and planning strategic buying for clients. 43 OAK solves problems for brands not addressed elsewhere. The company’s platform provides a deep level of media data transparency, visibility, clarity, and accountability, allowing brands to successfully execute their media buying strategies and keep track of what has been delivered on time. Along with being a husband and father to a young daughter, this powerhouse also finds time to focus on a charitable foundation he has created as he juggles his busy schedule. Close to his heart is 43 OAK Foundation, a 501(c) organization focused on breaking the barriers of inclusion and furthering education for minorities and the underprivileged in the greater New York City area, specifically those interested in playing ice hockey. Paragraph/last sentence to read: As is the case with his agency, the mission is the same…Translate Dreams Into AllReality.told, Sean has made a difference with both his advertising business and foundation. This young entrepreneur wants to share that, in his words, ‘Success does not mean losing one’s soul.’ Instead, people should pursue endeavors to succeed and feel alive. He believes there is more to business than generating income and growing profit.
New York Lifestyles met with Sean Grevy, who was delighted to share his life and work.
By Patricia Canole |
Photography by Neil J. Tandy

I grew up in uptown north Philadelphia, in a neighborhood called East Oak Lane. As a kid, I moved around and lived everywhere from Atlantic City to Philly and everywhere in between. I took a job in advertising when I was 16 years old. I had an offer to do cold calling for an advertising agency. While everyone else was bored and having trouble with rejection, I quickly fell in love with the product and loved the challenge. Finally, I knew I had something good!
Tell us more about the brands you now work with.
At 43 OAK, we work with a variety of brands. Once we settle on a vertical, we become brand exclusive with those clients in the markets they occupy. We believe there is genuine quality in focusing our efforts on one brand within a category so that they get our absolute best. We do this in fields such as Law, Healthcare, Food/Beverage, Entertainment, Real Estate, and others. We develop strong relationships with our clients and are focused on loyalty. We want our clients to know we are here to stay and consider them family.
With the current socio-economic circumstances, how is this affecting brands and agencies?
What’s your backstory, Sean? Where did you grow up, and how did you first become interested in advertising?
Times are changing, plain and simple. So many brands and agencies alike are too focused on the past and what used to work. The world we live in changes occasionally, and if you’re not on top of the trends, you can get lost awfully quickly. We always focus on knowing what’s hot and working best for our clients. New opportunities present ways for development. Often the sooner we get on a trend, the better off we are when we pitch the plan and rates to clients. We are not married to the media, but to growing the business of the clients we serve. Also, clients can’t afford to be wasteful in today’s world. Now more than ever, every penny counts, so it’s important not to play the guessing game as an agency. We have every reason to run successful campaigns with real attribution. There are no more excuses as to why an advertising campaign falls flat. We want to hit home runs every time we step to the plate. Lastly, media outlets are looking to capitalize on clients in today’s economy. This is why clients need us; when I say us, I mean 43 OAK specifically. We fight for every penny and ensure our clients get the very best placement on all forms of media.

What about social media? Does it pay off? Social media is highly effective. There is so much you can do on social media, and so many platforms can utilize it. Paid or not, you can make a huge splash and get your brands recognized. Content on social media is king, and being consistent is everything. What makes 43 OAK stand out and secure its position at the forefront of the advertising and marketing industry? Our Fight. At 43 OAK, we fight for our clients. Day in, day out, we run through brick walls to get our clients the absolute best. The reason for this is that we view our clients as family. It is our job and our duty to always serve our clients. Therefore, it is imperative always to keep our media partners honest to benefit our clientele.
How do you measure the effectiveness of marketing?
What is marketing’s fundamental role, and how does it fit into the company’s vision? Marketing’s fundamental role is always to build. Building brands is the goal of any campaign. Clients want to succeed in their campaigns because they will gain more customers or clientele. This fits our vision because our number one rule is never to play the guessing game.
Our agency aims to protect clients from the hundreds of media companies and outlets that want to pitch their business. They will find a way to influence you that their media fits your demo. Every company deserves its tailored marketing plan, and nothing is cookie cutter. We advise and consult clients to help them understand their needs and the places and forms of media that will work best for their goals, whether brand recognition or direct response for sales.
Five years ago, this would have been a completely different answer. Then, the traditional and digital advertising worlds were completely separate. Unfortunately, that separation still exists in today’s world, but we now have more reason to work hand in hand and integrate the two. With tracking as it is today, we can attribute direct success to advertising campaigns. It’s incredible what can be accomplished through a marketing campaign appropriately done.
We focus on working with all agencies to maximize returns for the client.

As time went on, we were able to identify the needs of these players and their families, and we formed the 43 OAK Foundation with the mission of furthering education through the sport of ice hockey for underprivileged and minority athletes by providing mentorship, connections, and financial assistance.
Our goal is not to introduce hockey to our student-athletes but to help them further their goals to reach the highest levels of the sport so that they have a fair opportunity to get an education and play at the same level as everyone else. Have you found it challenging to raise funds? How do you go about it?
In the beginning, it was extremely challenging. Aside from the help of some clients and friends, the bulk of the money injected into the program came out of my own pocket. We were fortunate enough to form an incredible partnership with the New York Islanders and UBS for five years, offering the program one million dollars to help further improve our mission. What do you see for the foundation in five years? There is so much opportunity and no shortage of players who could use our help. As time goes on with our partnership, we hope to continue to develop innovative ideas and ways to help our student-athletes and their families. I want our program to continue to support one player at a time to achieve their dreams and change their lives for the better. For more information on 43 OAK and 43 OAK Foundation, visit 43oak.com
Tell us the history of the 43 OAK Foundation. What inspired you? I grew up underprivileged, and as a hockey player, I found it incredibly challenging. I wasn’t accepted into the hockey culture that surrounded me, and it kept me from contention for the higher-level teams until I was older. As an adult, I realized more than ever that underprivileged kids couldn’t play the sport I knew and loved in NYC. At 10k per player per year, it was not feasible for a family from the outer boroughs to afford. Add to that the challenging environments most of our players come from, and there is also a striking need for minorities to have a safe place. As a coach, I watched as my players experienced discrimination and racism. I wanted to do whatever I could to ensure that no one had to go through that while pursuing their passion and that no player should ever feel left out for financial or racial reasons.

he healing properties of teas have been an essential component of Eastern medicine for centuries yet have only recently begun to be explored by Americans seeking an alternative to pharmaceuticals. Four years ago, when New York entrepreneur Anna Chernitskaya discovered that she was chronically ill, she turned to the tradition she knew from her youth to treat herself successfully and naturally through tea and lifestyle changes. Anna founded @the.ritual. tea, bringing exceptional quality and healing potential teas into the marketplace, beginning with her recently launched Buckwheat Tea.
In many cultures around the world, buckwheat tea is regarded as a dietetic essential that serves several purposes: lowering blood pressure, reducing blood glucose, minimizing ovulatory symptoms, as well as improving immunity and renal functions. In the coffeedriven American culture, tea plays a secondary role mainly as a caffeine alternative or a British affectation. Tea has yet to transition into a preventative ritual for a population with well-documented pharmaceutical proclivities. Seeing this opportunity, Anna is poised to educate and bring high-quality teas to the marketplace, beginning with buckwheat because of its multi-dimensional benefits and simply because she has found a void in the market, lacking a superior buckwheat one.
What makes Anna’s Buckwheat Tea unique is the taste and the process through which it is produced. Originating in China, where much of the world’s highest quality teas are grown, its benefits are abundant. “I am obsessed with this tea because it’s filling and tasty.
By Bailey Beckett | Photography by Mark Grgurich
Anna moved to the U.S. from Eastern Europe at the end of 2017. Within a few months, she was becoming ill more frequently than ever before, and for multiple reasons, sharing, “Here there is constant air conditioning, which I was not used to, and my body reacted. Finally, I was diagnosed with chronic tonsilitis after months of Annasuffering.”wastreated with antibiotics and other medications, which led to fatigue, but the symptoms persisted. She also began to see how her body was adversely reacting to American food. “I was not feeling like myself because so much of the food here is processed, and, as a result, I gained more than twenty pounds because processed food is not metabolized as quickly as natural foods. The portions here are also too much. If you eat quality, healthy foods, you will fill up faster without all the calories.”
A NEW LEAF Seeing the changes in her body, Anna explored ways to treat herself through natural methods. She remembered how buckwheat tea had been utilized in her home country for its many benefits. She also adopted the practice of intermittent fasting, which forces the body to metabolize more efficiently and burn calories faster. Anna has found that what works best for her is to only eat in an eight-hour window of the day and fast for 36 hours on Mondays. By making simple changes to her habits, she found that her health conditions were soon resolved, and the tea offered appetite suppression benefits, leading to weight loss. “Illness is attributed to sugar intake, which leads to inflammation, and creates many complications in the body, including cancer. So, I cut out refined sugar, embraced intermittent fasting, worked out with a personal trainer, and added a buckwheat tea to my daily habits.” This sparked the idea to develop her brand.

living in New York City with her husband, Anna says, “I love the outdoors; there is so much to do here, and the city is beautiful. This is an amazing place to build my business and focus on making people healthier without reliance on pharmaceuticals and helping people develop healthy rituals. We just came through the pandemic, which was incredibly stressful for everyone, and we see the benefits of self-care and taking the time to invest in one’s health. @the.ritual.tea is my contribution to encourage healthy lifestyles and to get people to slow down and enjoy the moment.”
A proponent of healing the body naturally, Anna sees a tremendous market in the United States for the full vision of her products. “I want to give everyone a quality alternative to the existing quick fixes. The body recognizes natural products and responds accordingly to the properties that induce healing.
It tastes like a cookie that is a little bit sweet, it is FDA-approved, and it has no caffeine,” she says. In addition, the tea is pressed and baked to alter buckwheat’s bitterness into a more palatable and softly sweeter flavor. As a result, it has a relaxing quality, reducing stress, and the body feels more comfortable and curbing appetite.
Pharmaceuticals contain many chemicals that the body does not recognize, but they produce a reaction, and the results are not always positive. Also, the concept of prevention is so important. If the body is regulated and balanced, the conditions may not exist for diseases to arise and flourish. Prevention is essential to maintaining good health, but not everyone is of that mindset
Developed during the pandemic, @the.ritual.tea is launching with Buckwheat Tea. Anna has more in the works, including a sleepinducing tea driven by valerian root extract and a blueberry tea high in antioxidants. She is also exploring the possibility of developing a line of candles, cosmetics, and herbal supplements. “I love the idea of helping yourself with supplements as part of a broader healthy routine and healthy rituals. That’s why I named my brand @the. ritual.tea: it is a ritual you can add to your daily life for improved of nurturing @the.ritual.tea is exciting for Anna, who is realizing her American dream. With the political climate in Eastern Europe escalating over the last decade, moving to the U.S. made sense on so many levels, especially as there are better opportunities here for those blessed with an entrepreneurial spirit. She speaks with great enthusiasm when discussing her business plan, and as a former textile sales executive with an M.B.A., she has the understanding and drive to see her mission through.
For more information on Anna Cherniskaya and The Ritual Company, visit theritualteacompany.myshopify.com

“We aren’t fanatics but do our best to be responsible.” That responsibility encompasses ethically developed products, vegan/vegetarian formulas, and sustainable packaging.”
By Bailey Beckett KEEPING IT CLEAN
The fourteen products in the line are easy to use, taking the guesswork out of skincare. “Our products have a twentyyear patented anti-oxidant blend of white, green, and red tea, acai, goji berry, and grape seed extracts to protect against environmental damage. In addition, the blend acts as a booster to make the active ingredients in the rest of the formulations even more effective,” says McNamara. Keeping it fun is also key to the brand. Each product has a clever pun that lets you know the product’s function, such as the Zero Baggage Anti-Dark Circle Eye Cream and the Get Even Cold-Pressed Peel Pads, which smooth and reduce the look of textured skin. Jacobs admits that her favorite product is the new C Your Glow Vitamin C Radiance Oil, which she says, “doesn’t break me out, gives me amazing hydration, and smooths; it is the best face oil ever!”
Jacobs’ entrée into the industry in 1999 was through her mother, June, co-founder of Peter Thomas Roth Skincare, a pillar brand in Sephora and Ulta, as well as the June Jacobs Spa Collection, which became a staple of five-star luxury spas worldwide. When McNamara joined the Peter Thomas Roth brand about six years ago, the kinship between her and Jacobs was instantaneous. The two decided to combine their industry expertise to create Naturally Serious.
Social media has played a critical role in educating a new skincare consumer, as fewer and fewer of them turn to department stores for skincare consultations. “We have such an amazing team that has created some engaging Tik Toks, so much fun content which has driven client engagement. If this is how they listen, this is how we need to speak to them,” Jacobs emphasizes. The dynamic of the beauty industry has changed so much in how and where clients shop. Naturally Serious is poised to take those next steps to be the change the industry and the consumer are looking for.
hen envisioning their clean skincare brand, cosmetic industry veterans and Naturally Serious co-founders Rochelle Jacobs and Sarah McNamara knew their target: a new generation of eco-conscious consumers more discerning with the kind of products they purchase. Fortunately, their interests aligned. “It was important for us to stay true to what we believe in,” says Jacobs, whose philosophy of simple skincare extends beyond the integrity of the ingredients in Naturally Serious products.
© Daniel Head
“We want to take the lead on this, but we want everyone to jump on the bandwagon, and perhaps in ten years have no B.A.D. ingredients in any skincare brand,” she says. “If we don’t need it there, why would we use these ingredients?”
DYNAMIC DUO Jacobs and McNamara had seen every industry trend come and go during their careers. Still, they knew the products increasing in demand each year were free from what Jacobs calls “B.A.D ingredients, which are those deemed bad, ambiguous, or debatable.” Instead, they cite parabens, mineral oil, phthalates, silicones, sulfates, and formaldehyde—a sampling of chemicals common in popular brands but absent in the Naturally Serious line.
“We had access to world-class chemists and premier quality raw ingredients, so we aimed to create a best-in-class, clean beauty line with clinical benefits that would be good for the skin and the environment. We also wanted to make it accessible for the younger generation with fair pricing and to be as effective as possible for clients looking for results,” Jacobs proudly says.
The brand is currently available online on Naturally Serious and Sephora websites. “Our anti-aging clients love the Sleep Over Retin-Oil, a carrot retinol oil that sheds dead skin cells and is ideal for dry skin. Our brand is less of the peptide-heavy skincare that clinical brands are known for, but the formulations are effective and efficient. Our cleansers are also ophthalmologist-tested to remove your eye makeup safely. “Sephora has been an amazing partner in the kitchen with us from the beginning; they know what they are doing in assisting us in finding the right mix of products,” says Jacobs of the relationship between brand and retailer.
For more information on Naturally Serious visit naturallyserious.com and sephora.com


ell before the autumnal equinox appears on the 22nd, the debut of September tells me fall has arrived. I take it as my cue to tour closets for cooler-weather options, trade summery pillows and tchotchkes for fall faves, and mentally migrate from the great outdoors to indoor cozy. As for those packing for college, there’s the whole home-away-from-home gestalt to consider.
With the latest fall trends in stores and online, I say let’s rock and roll!
By Griffin Miller
SOUNDSCAPE Personalized gifts are one thing, but when artist Claudia Moldovan came up Clia Creations she redefined the genre. Send her a voice recording and, using a variety of vetted and wooden strips, she’ll transform your words into a staggeringly unique piece of art. Anything goes vocally—a quote; a quip; baby’s first words—before emerging as a visual sound pattern: elegant and pitch-perfect. Info: cliacreations.com
Contortionists may be able to play fast and loose with their cell phones but for the rest of us, hours hunkered over these tiny life essentials add up to serious neck grief. Going hands-free is one solution and Pillow Talk Mobile Pillow, a 56” long shapeshifting bit of engineering, angles your cell anywhere you like. Ingenious—and my new #1 way to kick back and read/watch/ talk/whatever. Info: spiceoflifeusa.com
Kissing summer good-bye is never easy, but the right toast— one that says I’m ready to take the plunge into autumn’s richest rewards—makes all the difference in the world. Enter Glendalough 7-Year-Old Single Malt Mizunara Finish, a spectacular Irish indulgence aged in Mizunara, a.k.a. “the most sought-after oak in the whiskey world.” The product is smooth, luxurious and, not surprisingly, exotic. Info: us.glendaloughdistillery.com
Streamlining my makeup routine has been one of those to-do things that never got done—until I got my hands on LaJeanell’s Essential Makeup Set. The customized bag features five multitalented items: Moonlight Lume Pod (face & body highlights), mascara (for brows & lashes), lip liner, mini brush, and my go-to savior, the Shirley Lip/Cheek/Eye, which looks like a lipstick and works facial miracles in nothing flat. Info: lajeanell.com

LET’S ALL GO TO THE LOBBY…! Film buffs, rejoice. Movie night just got ultra-awesome thanks to Cinelounge™’s Gourmet Popcorn collection of Oscar-worthy flavors in their monster-size VHS box: Popadile Dundee (Aussie BBQ), Some Like It Popped (Sea Salt), Popcorn Of The Living Dead (Cinnamon Churro with Salted Pretzels), Truffaut Truffle—eight altogether, and yes, they (deliciously) live up to their “word-ofmouth” hype. Four stars. Info: cineloungepopcorn.com
For every patio grill-meister there will always be twenty wannabes who have yet to find their niche. Well, if homemade pizza appeals to your inner gourmand, I recommend checking out the Cuisinart 3-in-1 Pizza Oven Plus with its drop-down oven door and cordierite pizza stone. Imagine dazzling guests with parlor-perfect crust and customized toppings, or once you’ve mastered the pie, branch out into the 3-in-1’s griddle or grill. Info: cuisinart.com
TECHNO CHIC In this Golden Age of workout wear, ObservaMé is proving a breakout star, not just for its formidable quality and smart styles, but because it understands a crucial need we share: to dress for real life. Their Women’s Power Hold High/Low Jacket, e.g., works for athletes and/or errand-runners, feels and looks amazing, and features ObservaMé’s signature watch opening—a profoundly brilliant innovation. Info: observame.net
Life just got a little better for those of us working from home or in a dorm or any place where having a well-lit space and minimal clutter is a major plus. The LumiCharge III is a sleek, adjustable, multifunctional led desk lamp (mobile App controls on-off/brightness/color from phone), with wireless charging station (universally compatible) and Bluetooth speaker. As for the lamp—bonus points for defusing eye strain! Info: thelumicharge.com

Perfect for Those who have an eye for design, someone looking for a unique gift, anyone who appreciates clothing that truly expresses a sense of self. Info: thejacketmaker.com
I think what I love the most is the volume of pet-chaos the unit can store, before needing to be emptied. Depending on your vacuum needs, there’s a good chance you can go up to seven weeks without a firsthand emptying since the robot unit self-empties into a larger bin held within the docking station. Overall, this little robot won me over—big time.
First things first, I love my dog. She’s my queen, and I’m sure many of you hold a similar deeply felt love for your furry friends. Having said that, the shedding was shredding my sanity. Of course, I’ve seen robot vacuums, but I’m a skeptic, and I’m not a gadget gal. But the tumbleweeds of fur scuttling across the hardwood floors finally broke my stubborn streak, and here we are.
I’m the first to admit when I’m wrong, and this is one of those (rare) moments. I put the Roborock Q5 through the “Mission Impossible” of robotic vacuum tests; the tasks at hand require Tom Cruise-level capabilities. Our outdoorsy dog drags in measurable-levels of dirt from the yard, and that, combined with shedding, yields one full dust-pan per room. Full disclosure, I would have been delighted and relieved with just Roborock’s basic functionality, but the darn thing wooed me with its next-level offerings. It was surprisingly easy to set up the units mapping system— which, include no-go zones, and connectivity to in-home smart devices such as Alexa, Google Home, and Siri. But
Perfect for Those looking for a cost-effective vacuum robot solution, anyone with pets and children whom they adore, but wish were less messy. Info: us.roborock.com
As the name suggests, The Jacket Maker is a resource for custom jackets. But this is a far cry from the run-of-the-mill customization that has become a cheap replacement for craftsmanship. The staff can create a variety of fully customized jackets, but their expertise in leather work is in a league of its own. You’ll collaborate with the designer directly and hand select every detail of your coat—from the type of leather, zipper color, accent placement, lining, and more. You saw your dream coat in a movie; find an image of it and start from there. Or, as an alternative, you can use one of the brand’s ready-to-wear coats as the starting point and make modifications. Either way, it’s not only acceptable to let your imagination run wild, but also encouraged. Case in point, the team took my vision for “expandable width” sleeves and made it a reality. I explained my design idea for hidden accordion-fold panels along the inner arm sleeve and I had a digital mockup in just a few days. The zipper itself is covered by a leather flap, and blends into the design seamlessly. So, my coat will easily make the transition from thin fall sweaters to bulkier winter knits, while still having a tailored look. Depending on the intricacies of the design, the typical turnaround time is twelve weeks. So, now’s the perfect time to get ahead on holiday shopping!

Be kind to everyone you meet. In a crowd of ten, one of them could be your future client. And remember to learn, learn, learn. Knowing how to work with all complexions and hair textures is so essential. Arduous work always pays off!
Lips: Always pair a lip pencil with lipstick and gloss. Lip lining adds symmetry, sculpts, and definition to the lips.
© Alex Arroyo
Eyes: Go for neutral brown and golden eyeshadows for simple eye looks. It goes with everything.
Any makeup tips you’re willing to share?
What five items do you always carry in your makeup bag? What are your tools of the trade?
Face: When looking for the perfect foundation match, visit a department store where beauty advisors can assist you.
ith a repertoire that includes working with fashion models, business elite, and socialites, Jane Rodriguez has been effective with her talent and creativity as a hair and makeup artist. Jane aims to make each client feel comfortable and heard in their requirements, with unmatched diligence that is entirely personalized. With her years of experience, she knows exactly what is required to make anyone look utterly captivating, whether a New York gala or garden soiree. Jane incorporates the highest level of expertise, which she undertakes to keep her skills fresh and relevant. We met with Jane on a recent photo shoot and learned more about this incredible artist and her brushes. How did you find your passion for makeup and hair styling? Makeup has been part of my life for the past 20 years. Hair, on the other hand, has been in my life for six years. I didn’t realize I had a passion for makeup until I started working for MAC in 2003. Until then, I was doing makeup for my friends and family as a hobby. I loved it that much and learned from makeup artists. At the time, I didn’t know being a makeup artist could be a full-time profession. Executing light hairstyling is an additional skill I didn’t expect to have under my belt. It all began when I was booked for a test shoot. The photographer asked if I do hair. I took a chance. Fast forward to today, keep learning and getting better. What was your first big opportunity? My first big opportunity was when a hairstylist hired me to execute full glam makeup for a ballroom competition in Massachusetts. I started at 4 am and ended at 7 pm. I had 15 minutes per dancer. It was a makeup application at full speed—for a total of 18 dancers. It was such a fun experience. I would do it again.
What is next for you, Jane?
Primarily a lighted travel mirror. I’ve learned most locations, such as hotels, do not have great lighting. Then a cape to protect a client’s clothing from makeup residue. Disposable lip applicators and lash wands are necessary. And then 90 percent isopropyl alcohol to sanitize all other products and tools on the go. Lastly, a palette pan and spatula to allow me to custom blend cream formulas. All this along with my makeup brushes to help execute looks.
For more information on Jane Rodriguez, visit her on Instagram @janerodbeauty
What is a day in the life of a freelance makeup artist/ hairstylist like? It all starts the day before going to set. First, I sort out my makeup kit and hair kit. Then, I ensure the gear is clean, sanitized, and organized. Some gigs require that I stay throughout the day whether it’s a TV studio, a restaurant or hotel, or a client’s home. Being a freelance artist always entails travel.
Favorite makeup trends of the moment?
My makeup tips for eyes, lips, and face are quite easy for anyone.
I will launch my online course, The Simple Way To Apply Makeup. It is a basic step-by-step that gives tips and tricks on makeup application. The subscription service will include tutorials for collaborating with clients and achieving different looks for day and evening.
By Patricia Canole
My favorite makeup trends are bronze glow, pop of color on the eyes, and glossy lips. They are effortless and look natural for anyone.
Solid piece of advice for the young aspiring celebrity makeup/hair stylist?

Guests at East Winds can expect personalized care, exclusive adventures, and an all-inclusive service, as well as the most authentic of Caribbean experiences.
East Winds is home to what many consider the island’s finest beach shared only by a small number of like-minded travellers.
East Winds Resort Ltd | La Brelotte Bay | Gros Islet | St. Lucia, West Indies | T: + 1 758 452 8212 | E: info@eastwinds.com
Discover the best kept secret in Saint Lucia and immerse yourself in true Caribbean luxury. East Winds is a breath taking tropical garden by the sea, set on a sandy, secluded storybook beach. Our Caribbean hideaway is the island’s original boutique resort, featuring 30 cottage style suites and an ocean front beach house, tucked away amongst lush plants, trees, and a kaleidoscope of colourful bird life.

This SUV is currently offered in either a 4.0-liter V8 engine (15 mpg city/24 mpg highway) or a 6.0-liter Bentley signature W12 engine (12 mpg city/18 mpg highway). Either version is a powerful vehicle with responsiveness on the road and a cocoon of comfort inside. A 3.0 hybrid coming in 2023 is expected to get up to 46 mpg. This being a Bentley, there are endless configurations that make the one you choose specific to your desires. We’re particularly fond of the Neptune blue metallic exterior paint, which makes the SUV gleam with a gorgeous, slightly ethereal glow. Paired with the regal front grille and 22-inch five-spoke directional wheels, it makes for a fantastic ride. And ride the Bentayga does, moving effortlessly through city traffic and leaping forward on the highway as the leader of the pack. With the S model, you’ll find shift paddles and a 4.0-liter, twin-turbo V8 that can take you just about anywhere, as every model of Bentayga is equipped with all-wheel drive and Bentley Dynamic Ride. This electronic anti-roll system keeps the cabin stable in all conditions.
f you’re the kind of New York driver who loves a luxurious ride yet also needs space for your skis, beach chairs, luggage, and/or kids, there’s an SUV that you’ve just got to consider. The Bentley Bentayga is practically perfect in every way, with only its gas consumption holding it back from true faultlessness.
The inside of the vehicle is all about luxury, which it should be, given the hefty price tag this Bentley SUV commands. Expect to pay over $220,000, and substantially more if you add the options that bring it into a true thing of beauty. The Naim for Bentley audio system is significantly worth the upgrade, 20 speakers installed to create an unparalleled sound experience. Bentley even commissioned Steve Mazzaro, the composer of music for films like Top Gun: Maverick, Dune, and No Time to Die to create The Extraordinary Journey, bespoke music that brings out the incredible richness of the Naim 2,200-watt amplifier. There’s plenty more to delight in the interior, including buttersoft leather upholstery, seats with heating and cooling as well as all the positioning adjustments you could ever want. Also featured is a world-class information/entertainment system and rear-seating configurations that can meet your needs, from two comfortable second-row seats to a five-seat and even a seven-seat option. In addition, you can add 10-inch TV sets in the second row, complete with headphones included for personal sound control. Bentley Motors was founded in 1919, an English marque that W. O. Bentley created for people who loved to drive. Today, over 100 years later, the Bentley name still tweaks one’s imagination to envision a luxurious automobile that is elegant and fun to drive. Still built in Crewe, where you can tour the factory if you’re in that area between Manchester and Birmingham, Volkswagen now owns Bentley. In 2020, Bentley announced that all their new cars sold by 2030 will be electric, so even this original marque in the world of automobiles is joining the modern trend of going electric in the future. For more information on the Bentley Bentayga SUV, visit bentleymotors.com

America’s First Wine Trail Spring and Summer events ✓ Locally crafted cuisine ✓ Hiking & Outdoor adventure ✓ Scenic natural beauty ✓ Romantic rendezvous ✓ Family getaways ✓ Friends and family wine tours ✓ Waterfront accommodations ✓ 13 Member Wineries ✓ Relaxation at it’s Finest... YOUR UPSTATE DESTINATION & BEACH ALTERNATIVE LOCATED IN THE BEAUTIFUL FINGER LAKES NY REGION visit www.cayugawinetrail.com or give us a call at 315-549-3034

ROCK AROUND THE CLOCK ON A GETAWAY TO MUSIC CITY USA ountry music might lure tourists to Music City like a moth to a neon sign, but for those who venture beyond the honky-tonks it’s a wonderful way to sample the city’s rich history, art, and cuisine. With a bountiful food scene and growing diversity, this friendly city walks the line between a slick new Nashville and a city with soul. WHY WE LOVE IT It’s a place where dreams are realized. Nashville has bewitched newcomers who have stayed for decades adding their tunes to Music City, the songwriting capital of the world. Located along the Cumberland River, the city possesses the soulfulness of a place steeped in music history. Moreover, the city’s energy is on the rise, thanks to a renowned culinary scene steered by established chefs as well as those on the rise. Best of all, most attractions and venues are within easy walking distance.
By Patricia Canole |
STREET OF DREAMS New Orleans has Bourbon Street. Memphis has Beale. And Nashville has Lower Broadway—more commonly referred to as Honky Tonk Row. The music din never ceases along the strip of music halls and boot shops bathed in the neon glow of cowboy hats and guitars. It’s the best place to catch a set from an aspiring singer/songwriter at iconic bars where country music legends once kicked back over fried chicken and beers. One place to start your Nashville journey is a visit to the Ryman Auditorium, considered hallowed ground for any country music fan. This Mother Church of Country Music served as the home of the Grand Ole Opry from 1943 to 1974. Settle into the worn pews and absorb the history as you view a short film of country music legends later followed by some incredible Oneexhibits.ofNashville’s newest and most popular attractions is a short walk away: the Johnny Cash Museum. The sleek museum houses a comprehensive collection of artifacts chronicling the life and career of The Man in Black. See his gold records and Grammys and other important memorabilia all the while as you listen to Cash classics.
Photography by Neil J. Tandy
GO HIGH/GO LOW With a jeans-and-rhinestone vibe, Nashville has a special knack for celebrating both ends of the culture spectrum. Go from fiddle to violin at the Schermerhorn Symphony Center, and its Grammy-winning orchestra situated a short distance from Lower Broadway’s honky-tonks. A visit to Nashville would not be complete without a visit to country music’s most famous stage The Grand Ole Opry. Just located about fifteen minutes east of Downtown, the Grand Ole Opry House is the home of the world’s longest-running radio show (first broadcast in 1925). Performances start at 7 pm and feature country music legends and contemporary hit-makers.

GET OUTSIDE Take time to escape the pull of Broadway’s bright lights to explore the city’s natural beauty. Start with a hike, taking in the quiet splendor of Radnor Lake, a 1,368-acre preserve just minutes from the heart of Downtown. Don’t have time? Stretch your legs as you walk through Centennial Park, just five minutes from Downtown. You can’t miss The Parthenon, originally built for the 1897 Tennessee Centennial and International Exposition and reconstructed in the 1920s. The replica of the ancient Athenian temple houses an art gallery featuring 19th and 20th century American paintings, and a towering forty-two-foot sculpture of Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom and war. GOT BISCUITS?
Whether it’s breakfast, lunch, or dinner, treat yourself to the Loveless Café, an iconic eatery just a short drive from Downtown along Hillsboro Pike. Checkered tablecloths set the scene, and meals like country ham with redeye gravy and cheesy hash brown casserole hit the spot. Don’t miss the biscuit sampler, a plate of slider-sized breakfast sandwiches featuring fried chicken, country ham, steak, and barbecue.

BEST STAYS: NEW & OLD Grand Hyatt Nashville This luxury property at Nashville Yards is conveniently located within the heart of the city music scene. Opened in 2020, USA Today readers named it the Best New Hotel. For a good reason. Centrally located is within proximity of Nashville’s Country Music Hall of Fame, Bridgetstone Arena, and other must-see areas of interest. The 25-floor, 591-room luxury hotel offers lou/na one of the tallest indoor/outdoor rooftop lounges in Nashville, a fifth-floor pool deck, and a world-class spa and wellness center. Warm, oversized rooms include signature televisions, Wi-Fi, and complimentary coffee and tea are provided. The hotel also has multiple culinary options, highlighted with The Nashville Grange. The casual restaurant is best described as a Tennessee-to-table restaurant serving locallysourced dishes featuring breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
The Union Station Hotel Book a stay at the Grand Hyatt’s sister hotel. It’s your chance to step back in time at this former train station terminal that once served the eight railroads that carried passengers through Nashville. It still sits on the edge of the train tracks, providing a bit of historical nuance to the purely modern city. After train-centric operations ceased in 1979, Union Station was abandoned until it opened as a hotel in 1986. Inside, you’ll find soaring ceilings, marble accents, and crystal chandeliers—and a lobby décor fashioned so that you may think you just arrived!
For a more formal atmosphere reserve a table at the wildly popular The Continental from James Beard Award-winning chef Sean Brock. You can’t go wrong at this upscale restaurant offering menu choices such as Colorado Lamb or 9-ounce Prime Rib done to perfection. Within the restaurant, look for The Vesper Club which will take you on a unique cocktail voyage with a tasting menu comprised of five caviar-paired tasting-size Martinis. Shaken or stirred it’s a memorable experience. For those who need to grab-and-go, there’s always the Hummingbird Coffee Market to recharge with a freshly brewed coffee or espresso from local Good Citizen roasters.
Every single room at Union Station Hotel is different, one of the prime reasons to visit. In addition, the hotel boasts a series of restaurants. Stationairy serves morning favorites like Buttermilk Pancakes and French Toast as well as unforgettable menu choices for lunch and dinner. However you look at it, Nashville is hot. And with so much to see, hear and taste, it’s good that Music City is also known as the town that rises early and stays up late, affording travelers plenty of time to take advantage of the round-the-clock fun. For more information on Nashville, visit MusicCityUSA.com


Photography by Neil J. Tandy BRENTON HOTEL, NEWPORT, RI
Newport attained its sybaritic start centuries ago as a seaside escape for American aristocrats seeking a break from the hustle of big city life. It didn’t take long for the seafaring town to quickly became the number one place for Gilded-Age fun. The bold-faced names, from Astors to Vanderbilts, built seasonal coastal “cottages” (read: palatial mansions) here to enjoy the boating, beaches, and glam balls of the social scene. It’s the harbor that has long been the heart and soul of this sailor’s haven. The city’s best-known wharves continue to hold a seafaring atmosphere with cobblestones, granite-walled quays, and a atmospheric mix of 18th-century buildings. Fishermen haul their catch day after day and then distribute to upscale restaurants near and far. Of course, there are other distractions, too. Take a look and don’t miss the chance to purchase some preppy-apparel or a Gilded-Age souvenir. Then wrap up the day with a cocktail (or two) on the patio of The Black Pearl, housed in a sailor’s loft. So why not recapture the luxe life and make a few memories of your own. Here, our recommendation for the 21st-century sailor.
odern hotels, historic museums, centuries-old mansions and trending restaurants are certain to make for a classic weekend getaway. Just head north to the world’s sailing capital Newport, Rhode Island—a magical place not so far away.
By Patricia Canole |

The Living Room (LR to locals) features an open and relaxed space with endless harbor views. It’s designed to make you think you’re visiting a beautiful home with sofas, chairs, and low tables. For dinner a menu of locally sourced ingredients ranges from Bluff Hill Cove Oysters and Narragansett Bay Littlenecks to Lobster Rolls and Grilled Lamb Lollipops. The LR offers breakfast and lunch specials as well brunch on weekends.
Led by local staff, guests can schedule complimentary outdoor activities, including a guided run of Bellevue Avenue. Bike tours start on scenic Ocean Drive and pass iconic sites like Hammersmith Farm, the childhood home of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, then continue through Brenton Point State Park (the inspiration for the hotel’s name).
The Suites
∙ A storied boating tradition is best experienced like a local. Docked in the marina, steps from the hotel, is the Brenton One, the hotel’s private 36-foot Hinckley Picnic Boat which can be reserved for your own private sunset escape.
∙ Or simply take a hike along the Cliff Walk. Man-made grandeur vies with nature’s beauty along the 3.5-mile public path whose popularity dates back to the 1880s. Traversing the eastern side of the island, it squeezes between the ocean and the backyards of baronial estates.
The Brenton Hotel welcomes four-legged guests with petfriendly room accommodations. For added comfort, a pet concierge services—pet sitting and dog walking—can be scheduled for an additional charge.
Lastly, for those guests who crave a snack anytime of day, the Brenton provides a complimentary pantry stocked with ice cream along with still and sparkling water. For more information on the Brenton Hotel, visit brentonhotel.com
PLAY The Brenton does not disappoint with its exclusive luxury amenities (many complimentary).
The Rooftop has some of the most sought-after views in town— shared plates, cocktails, beer, and wine top the menu. Located atop The Brenton, lush greenery makes it feel like a garden in the sky. Heat lamps and firepits keep it warm during cooler months. Or perhaps stop by the Bar at LR for the complimentary local charcuterie and cheese boards as you sip the signature Brenton martini. So smooth you won’t care if it’s shaken or stirred.
∙ Now partnered with the Newport National Golf Club, tee times can be arranged with the hotel providing guests advanced access to the greens.
The luxury boutique property sits directly on Newport’s bustling waterfront and features 57 rooms and suites. The hotel evokes a feeling of staying on a yacht offering panoramic views of the harbor and historic cityscape.
The Brenton’s penthouse and suites boast magnificent views of the mansions along the famed Cliff Walk, steepled New England churches, tall ships, sailboats, yachts, lighthouses—and the stars at night. Suites boast two king bedrooms and two baths, one featuring a free-standing soaking tub. Additionally, the penthouse suite has a private, fully furnished balcony. Standard Rooms Spacious and airy, the king-sized room are drenched in light with floor-to-ceiling windows and comfortable furnishings including a a chaise sitting area. A minibar (soda and juices are complimentary), and special touches of locally-inspired artwork.

microwaves, coffee makers
The Flanders Hotel Ocean City’s most historic and prestigious boardwalk hotel, known as “The Jewel of the Southern Shore”, was built in 1923. This service-oriented Ocean City, NJ hotel, which was placed on the Nation Register of Historic Places in 2009, will be cel ebrating its 100th anniversary in 2023. Flanders combines the elegance and hospitality of yesteryear with modern amenities to offer the finest in luxury accommodations. All suites in our Ocean City hotel have private bedrooms and full kitchens, equipped with refrigerators, dishwashers, and stove along with irons and ironing on the Ocean City Boardwalk, our full-service NJ beach ho tel is seaside that provides City, known as America’s Greatest Family Resort, is one of the best beach towns in South Jersey. The Flanders, with its premier accommodations and prime location, is a landmark known throughout the region, state and nation. Vacationers have marveled at the towering structure as one of the great hotels along the Jersey Shore while local residents and business owners are reminded of the glory and memories provided by the resort. Because of its status as the grandest of Ocean City, New Jersey hotels, the community is fortunate that this archi tectural gem has survived to the present and continues to remain an important part of City’s past and future.
the following amenities: • Spacious Banquet and Meeting Space • Emily’s Ocean Room (featuring family friendly dining) • The Shoppes at The Flanders (featuring clothing, jewelry, accessories) • Divine Images Salon & Spa • Outdoor heated pool (largest in Ocean City) • Fitness Center • 24-hour business center The Flanders Hotel - an Oceanfront Iconic andHistoric Luxirious Coastal NJ Destination Property Exclusive Beachfront Getaway Packages Available 719 East 11th Street, Ocean City, NJ 08226 | 609.399.1000 www.TheFlandersHotel.com Ocean
boards. Located

Boulder is home to the University of Colorado, and like most college towns, it has a young and energetic feel. This energy is most apparent in the locals’ love of the outdoors. The more than 300 miles of hiking and biking trails or the 45,000 acres of open space and the sun-soaked climate have Boulder residents rushing to the outdoors. For that matter, Outside magazine has called Boulder “America’s No. 1 Sports Town.” Get up close to the Flatirons, the reddish, slanting rock formations which are Boulder’s most defining landmark, with a hike in Chautauqua Park. A wonderful way to see and learn about Boulder is with a guided fat tire ebike tour from Boulder Tour Company. This “Best of Boulder” tour will take you to many top spots around town. Take a quiet stroll—or invigorating run—along Boulder Creek Path and watch the tubers and kayakers maneuver their way through the rapids. Be sure to stroll along the Pearl Street Mall, a four-block pedestrian mall in Historic Downtown. Loaded with exciting shops, inviting restaurants, and creative galleries, the mall has been described as the “best place on the planet” for people-watching and enjoying street entertainers. If you tire out from all this activity, you can still enjoy nature with one of four scenic drives that emanate from Boulder.
wo of the best reasons to visit Colorado are the towns of Boulder and Golden. Both towns, sitting on the doorstep of nature, offer a wide variety of activities, shopping opportunities, great restaurants, outstanding accommodations, and magnificent views of the foothills of the Rockies. In addition, both towns are a short drive from Denver. And both offer exciting yet different vibes, which are apparent in two hotel properties - the Hotel Boulderado and its sister property, the Table Mountain Inn in Golden.
Where To Stay: The place to stay in Boulder—is the Hotel Boulderado. Built in 1909 by a group of citizens buying $100 shares intending to bring some “charm and sophistication” to this mining supply town, the Hotel Boulderado continues to offer Rocky Mountain elegance in a welcoming, friendly atmosphere. The hotel’s design reflects a mix of Spanish Revival and Italian Renaissance styles. Upon entering the lobby, two impressive details of the hotel are a magnificent stained-glass atrium ceiling and a beautifully-crafted cantilevered staircase. Forty-two of the hotel’s 160 rooms are in the historic building and boast a charming Victorian-inspired décor with modern amenities. The North Wing features modern furnishings, décor, and amenities along with contemporary, nature-focused artwork capturing the ambiance of the Rocky Mountains. The Hotel Boulderado is ideally located in the heart of the Historic District, one block from the Pearl St. Mall. It is a Historic Hotels of America member and has been placed on the National Register of Historic Places.
A great spot to grab lunch, relax at Happy Hour, or enjoy a casual dinner is the Corner Bar. With an expansive patio, it is one of Boulder’s best peoplewatching spots. In the lower confines of the hotel, a unique venue beckons people to step back in time. License No. 1, the name giving tribute to the fact that this was Boulder’s first liquor license acquired after local “prohibition” ended in 1967, offers a 1920s speakeasy ambiance. License No. 1 offers live music and comedy acts on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, serving hand-crafted classic cocktails as well as appetizers, dinner, or late-night bites. Info: hotelboulderado.com
Great Dining: Three on-site restaurants and bars offer guests a variety of dining choices. Spruce Farm & Fish—Boulder’s longest continually operating restaurant is in the original dining room, offering creative and contemporary items emphasizing locally sourced ingredients, spirits, and beer. Two signature dishes include the Colorado Bison Filet and the Seared Sable Fish.
© Tim Romano © Tim Romano © Tim Romano © Tim Romano

Just as in Boulder, Golden is a prime spot for outdoor activities. Clear Creek beckons tubers, kayakers, fishermen, and the paved Recreation Path and Clear Creek Trail Gateway are perfect for walkers, hikers, and cyclists. There are more than sixty trails for bikers and hikers in town and 8,000 acres of regional open space surrounding Golden.
If you have some time, plan a visit to Rocky Mountain National Park, as both cities are within an hour-and-a-half hour’s drive of the park. Info: tablemountaininn.com
The Table Mountain Grill & Cantina serves fresh Southwestern cuisine using locally sourced ingredients. Its vibrant Santa Fe décor and outdoor patio have a great vibe. Two menu items to consider are the Burrata and Jamon appetizer and the Rocky Mountain Ruby Trout with a cornmeal dusting and mesquite.
The Boulderado’s sister property, Table Mountain Inn, located in Golden, Colorado, also has a long history and serves as a special place in town. However, unlike Hotel Boulderado, the Inn has seen a variety of iterations since its opening in 1925. It was 1991 when Table Mountain Inn and Cantina reopened, sporting its now iconic Southwestern ambiance as reflected in the exterior’s stucco siding and the interior décor. The Inn boasts the “Spirit of the West,” an attitude in line with Golden’s motto, “Where the West Lives.”
Explore the Lariat Loop Scenic and Historic Byway, a 40-mile winding stretch through the foothills with historic sites, scenic stops, and fun attractions. Be sure to at least take the drive-up Lookout Mountain for a relaxing view of Golden and visit the Buffalo Bill Museum and Gravesite. The museum is fascinating.
Golden is home to a number of breweries and distilleries—one being the world’s largest single-site brewery—Coors. Tours are available, but you need an advanced reservation.
Seventy-four Southwestern-styled guest rooms include several rooms with fireplaces, premium bedding, jetted tubs, and balconies with beautiful views of the Foothills and Table Mountain.


T Oktoberfest has become such a German tradition that you’ll find it happening in Berlin, Stuttgart, Cologne, Frankfurt, and smaller towns across the country, but Bavaria’s where it all began. That’s when Crown Prince Ludwig married Princess Therese and had a huge beer party in Munich on the fields in front of the city gates for all citizens to enjoy. Still held in the vast area known as Theresienwiese, today you’ll find seventeen huge tents serving as beer halls, complete with oompah brass bands, large charcuterie platters filled with meats, cheeses, radishes, and more, as well as the ever-present giant Oktoberfest pretzels and mustard. Of course, there are many other fair festivities, including carnival rides, food stalls, and souvenir booths. And the beauty of visiting Munich is that beyond all the beer, parades, and musical panoply, there is much to see and do across the city and beyond in Bavaria.
here is still time to jump on a plane and head to Bavaria, where Germany’s famed annual Oktoberfest, born in 1810, is once again calling to beer (and pretzel) lovers from around the world. After a two-year pandemic hiatus from September 17th to October 3rd, Munich’s huge festival marks its 187th celebration, a cornucopia of sights, sounds, and brews that last for two weeks.
By Jenny Peters
MUNICH’S CHARMS Beer experiences are undoubtedly central to Munich, with the legendary Hofbrauhaus (the Royal Brewery) serving up pints of Hofbrau beer since 1589 in the center of town. Near the famous Marienplatz, where the glockenspiel goes off all day long, and people gather in sidewalk cafes, that’s a beer lover’s heaven, so if that’s you, start there. Then stroll on to the English Garden, where an artificial surf break is created in the Eisbach River known as the Eisbachwelle. You can get in line and ride the wave if you bring a board. The garden is the largest innercity park in the world, so there’s plenty to explore, including summer beer gardens and winter sledding hills.

See both castles and head up to the Zugspitze, Germany’s highest peak in the Alps. It’s a glacier ski resort/sledding mecca in the winter, a hiking, and rock-climbing haven in summer, with 360-degree views of mountain peaks across Germany, Italy, Austria, and Switzerland; and the hot chocolate at the summit is swoon-worthy.
For more information on Oktoberfest, visit Oktoberfest.de/en; for Bavaria, visit bavaria.travel; and for Germany, visit germany.travel.
Long the capital of Bavaria, traditionally one of Germany’s wealthiest states, Munich’s city center is filled with museums, churches, and palaces. One of the best to visit is the Munich Residence, the great seat of the Bavarian dukes and kings from 1508 to 1918. Take a guided tour of this huge palace for a historical look at how the city and its mountainous region developed, then walk over to St. Peter’s Church, another landmark of the city.
BAVARIA AT ITS BEST Since you’ve made it to Munich, allow some time to see more of Bavaria. Put visiting the Alps (and its numerous charming villages) high up on your list, as there’s nothing quite like them in the world. Then, until October 2nd you can make your way to Oberammergau, where the Passion Play (Passionsspiele) is being performed. That epic story of Jesus Christ’s life is a whole-village, six-hour production that happens every ten years (since 1633) in this picturesque place and won’t be seen again until 2032. If outrageous castles built by a king who was sure he was a god are more to your liking, be sure to go to both of King Ludwig II’s over-the-top palaces, the ones the so-called “Mad King” constructed in the 1800s. Neuschwanstein Castle is his crowning glory and his downfall, a massive mountaintop structure that inspired Walt Disney’s Sleeping Beauty Castle. It must be seen to be believed. Lindenhof Palace is his other famed castle, a vanity build that reflects his belief that he was the new Sun King (following his relative, Louis XIV of France) in elaborate, expensive gold motifs in every room.
GETTING THERE Fly nonstop to Munich from JFK or Newark airports on Lufthansa/United in about eight hours and catch the S-Bahn train lines directly into the city center for about $12.
When it’s time to sleep, choose the sublime Mandarin Oriental Munich, with a perfect city center location and the Mahjong Roof Garden, boasting the best views possible. Or go to less expensive Werksviertel-Mitte, where fabulous hotels like the Gambino await, along with the city’s giant Ferris wheel and many trendy restaurants and clubs.

A FLOATING PARADISE Within minutes of the hotel, there are endless parasailing, jet skis, boating, and scuba diving opportunities. Along those lines, don’t miss the chance to float along Intracoastal Waterway in a water taxi, stopping along the way for cocktails at the many dockside eateries. And be sure to take a stroll along Las Olas Boulevard— Fort Lauderdale’s shopping mecca with a wide variety of high-end shops, artisan boutiques, and art galleries. After availing myself of the area’s many delights and distractions, I was eager to mix a workout and some serious time at AWAY Spa. Usually, I’ll grind out a quick workout in a hotel’s fitness center, but W Fort Lauderdale’s fresh-air approach to fitness morphs obligation into obsession. Whether it’s sunrise yoga on the beach, oceanside boot camp, or the hotel’s cruiser bikes, merging fitness and fun is a So,breeze.with a bit of sun on my skin—and an absurdly large bag of vegan goodness—I watched the silky shores of Fort Lauderdale Beach fade into the distance.
By Melanie Carden
For more information on W Fort Lauderdale, visit W-Hotels.Marriott.com/destinations
he usual statistics don’t hold up at W Fort Lauderdale. Indeed, you’ve read news reports that remind us that it can take three or four days of vacation before relaxation sets in. But, if you’re looking to take the fast lane to absolute serenity, think of the W Fort Lauderdale as your TE-ZPass.
If you bring along your dog, they can join you on the patios of the hotel’s most well-known restaurants, El Vez and Steak 954. Of course, your pup can have water, but El Vez is serving up over 100 varieties of tequila for humans. So, it’s safe to say that although the attire is casual, their approach to cocktails is anything but, and the food is tremendous. The Mexican-inspired menu is spilling over with fresh seafood and bright flavors. It’s especially gratifying to sit on their sun-dappled patio while enjoying Snapper Aguachile. Its flavor profile rejuvenates the senses with vibrant blood orange, grapefruit, and lime alongside charred jalapeno and fresh cucumber, avocado, and herbs. If you’re looking for additional culinary bragging rights, make a reservation at Steak 954. James Beard Award Winning Chef Steven Starr is at the helm, which means it’s not just a meal. It’s an experience. Yes, of course, I had the Filet Mignon Oscar-style, and it was every bit of decadence you want in a steak house. Add to that waitstaff passing by with platters of Beluga caviar service, Wagyu steaks, and fragrant olive-drenched branzino. But in addition, there are moments of culinary dalliance throughout the hotel, be it in the Living Room, poolside bites at WET Bar & Grill, or the casual goodness from Sobe Vegan, which is a personal favorite.
In typical Northeast style, I’m all in if I can be sipping frozen tequila cocktails on a sun-drenched beach less than an hour after landing at the airport. W Fort Lauderdale is a quick 20-minute drive from Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport. I was off to a promising start in maximizing fun in the sun. When I got to my room, I had that A-ha special moment. However, this feeling was admittedly short-lived because, as it turns out, all 500-plus rooms and suites at the hotel have a view of the water. In addition, the hotel has over 300 feet of sandy serenity on Fort Lauderdale Beach, so the gentle waves always seem to be whooshing in the background as if whispering the secret to coastal living’s instinctual draw. Better yet, you can bring your furry buddy. The hotel not only allows dogs up to 40 pounds but pampers them with curated doggie packages, including the over-the-top “Dogs Are A Girl’s Best Friend” experience with dog-friendly Champagne and treats, as well as Prosecco and desserts for you.

The expansive open-plan living rooms provide what is often lacking in Manhattan apartments—space. Lofty ceilings and tall windows allow light to fill the living spaces and create bright, peaceful spaces. An open, modern, and polished kitchen is close to the dining and living area, offering a feeling of connectivity yet a peaceful and leisurely atmosphere. Kitchens feature beautiful marble islands, rows of custom walnut cabinetry, chef-grade Gaggenau appliances, and gas cooktops with vented hoods. In addition, each home includes a four-pipe heating and cooling system with Nest controls and private laundry with a vented dryer.
Designed by the internationally acclaimed firm HOK Architects with interiors by Architectural Digest Top 100 designer Lee Mindel, co-founder of SheltonMindel, 1289 Lexington offers 61 custom, large loft-like homes ranging from 1,526 to 4,546 square feet. The limestoneclad tower provides grand proportions, balanced by oversized bay windows, soaring ceilings of up to 12 feet, and some of the best closet space in Manhattan.
By AP Connolly
Bedrooms are located away from the home’s living area, separated by hallways creating a sanctuary from the busy world, where floor-to-ceiling windows support the circadian rhythms. Primary bedroom suites include incredibly generous walk-in closets and luxurious spa-like baths with exquisite design. The primary bathroom features marble walls and countertops above elegant Arabescato Oro floors. Walnut vanities and custom medicine cabinets provide ample storage. Custom cover lighting makes you look your best, while water closets in the primary bathrooms offer complete privacy.
arely does a home so thoughtfully adapt and anticipate our changing lifestyle as 1289 Lexington. True to the hallmark quality of Zeckendorf Development, 1289 Lexington offers spacious residences ranging from two to five bedrooms on Manhattan’s Upper East Side in the prestigious Carnegie Hill neighborhood.

Catering to the discerning buyer, the full-service building delivers more than 5,000 square feet of thoughtfully designed luxury amenities. The dedicated amenity floor provides unparalleled access to a sprawling Club Room with a full kitchen and fourth-floor outdoor terrace; a windowed state-of-the-art fitness center; a whimsical and fun-filled children’s playroom designed to delight the building’s youngest residents; private study and tutoring pods; a music and multi-media room; as well as a separate conference room with Zoom 1289capabilities. Lexington is crowned by a rooftop oasis that offers an outdoor lounge area with a fireplace and an outdoor kitchen with a grill, all set against the backdrop of dazzling Manhattan views.
Located between Central Park on the west and Carl Schurz Park on the east, 1289 Lexington is just steps to the Copper Hewitt, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Guggenheim, and Neue Galerie. Shopping at Whole Foods, Eli’s, and West Side Market is a treat, or one can enjoy Sfoglia, Paola’s, Café Sabarsky, and countless other great restaurants regularly. Residents can also enjoy gener ations-old businesses like the Corner Bookstore, Flowers by Philip, and Craft Studio, bringing locals together to share culture and celebrate milestones. 1289 Lexington is the newest addition to the Zeckendorf portfolio, joining such illustrious buildings as 520 Park Avenue, 18 Gramercy Park South, and 15 Central Park West.
Asking price: Ranges from $2,495,000 to $16,000,000. For more information on 1289 Lexington Avenue, contact Jeffrey Stockwell, Jill Bernard, and Alan Shaker of Brown Harris Stevens at bhsusa.com

There are many prewar details, including high ceilings and beautiful floors, with abundant light and charm. Designed in the Neo-Renaissance style and built as a cooperative in 1928, 40 West 77th Street is a prestigious landmarked full-service building on arguably one of the most beautiful, tree-lined Central Park blocks. There’s an excellent staff, a live-in building manager, and a beautifully restored marble lobby with period details. Facilities include a bike room, shareholder storage (for rent), and a central laundry room. In addition, 75 percent financing is allowed; pets are permitted; the building is pied-a-terre friendly. Asking price: $2.895 million. For more information on 44 West 77th Street, contact Barbara Fox at Fox Residential (foxresidential.com).
By AP Connolly
A gracious entry foyer joins the living room and formal dining room. Originally six rooms, now seven, the extralarge formal dining room has been cleverly divided to create a third bedroom, leaving ample space in the remaining dining space. The living room has beautiful built-in shelving and cabinets and two large windows. The second bedroom is spacious and shares a bath with the newly created third bedroom. The grand primary bedroom has an ensuite bath, excellent closet space, and a museum view. The fully renovated kitchen has top-of-the-line appliances and every convenience, including a separate laundry room and pantry. This generous layout completes a staff room/home office with a beautiful bath.
ocated on the Gold Coast of the Upper West Side, a half block from Central Park and the NewYork Historical Society Museum and Library, this highly coveted building offers easy access to restaurants, shopping, museums, public transportation, and all the Upper West Side has to offer. The living room and two bedrooms face the Museum of Natural History and offer a frontrow seat to the balloon-inflating festivities on the eve of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.

The windowed eat-in-kitchen, custom-designed by Pinto, features white lacquer cabinetry designed with an Art Deco-inspired geometric relief pattern and inset stainless steel and white oak details offset by crystal gray calcite slab countertops and backsplashes. A white lacquer island offers a generous space for casual dining and preparation and a full-height pantry offers an abundance of storage space. Appliances include a Sub-Zero refrigerator and wine storage, a Wolf gas range, oven, and speed oven, an outside vented hood, a Cove dishwasher, and a wine refrigerator by XO. An outdoor grill, located on the terrace, is directly accessible from the kitchen.
The Wales’ elegant 24-hour attended lobby features coffered ceilings, a custom walnut and marble concierge desk, and antique mirrored walls. Amenities include a sophisticated oak-paneled fitness center with Peloton and Hydrow equipment, a pet spa with grooming station, bicycle storage, and private storage for Thepurchase.Wales is located in the heart of Carnegie Hill, a beloved residential and cultural enclave on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. This building was one of the very first structures in the historic landmarked neighborhood that Woody Allen famously fought to preserve and was built in 1899. The Wales is steps away from Fifth Avenue, Central Park, and cultural attractions like The Guggenheim Museum, The Cooper Hewitt, and the Jewish Museum. Carnegie Hill is also home to some of the finest secondary schools in New York. Established restaurants such as Island, Pascalou, and Sfoglia remain tried and true staples for locals. Asking price: $23,000,000. For more information on The Penthouse at The Wales, contact Corcoran Sunshine Marketing Group or visit walesny.com
By AP Connolly |
The 360-degree exposures fill the residence, developed by Adellco, with sunlight and views of Central Park and the Reservoir. An elegant entry gallery, with a dedicated elevator and curved stair to the roof terrace, leads to a gracious corner great room with an elegant fireplace, coffered ceilings, captivating southwestern corner windows, and terrace access on two exposures through grandly scaled French doors.
Custom interiors are outfitted with decorative cornices and base moldings, white oak flooring in a natural waxed finish in a herringbone pattern in entertaining rooms, white oak plank flooring in bedrooms, and lofty ceilings. The impeccably designed primary bedroom suite includes terrace access and western sunset views, an oversized walk-in closet, and a five-fixture bathroom with Bianco Carrera and Grigio Nicola marble geometric tile flooring, Bianco Carrera walls, a white glossy lacquer vanity with Bianco Carrera marble countertop, a Kaldawei Centro Duo oval tub and separate standing shower, and Kallista fittings in a chrome finish.
Photographs courtesy of Adellco CITY VIEWS & LANDMARK STATUS
he Penthouse at The Wales is a new construction master-of the-universe abode atop a historic Landmark structure located at 1295 Madison Avenue. The sprawling PH spans 4,179 square feet with five bedrooms, five full baths and two striking powder rooms. A standout element of the prestigious residence, designed by acclaimed Parisian design firm Pinto, is an expansive 3,114 square feet of outdoor space over two levels. Gracious outdoor entertaining spaces include a wraparound entertaining terrace and a separate roof terrace with Central Park views, an outdoor kitchen with a wet bar, a fireplace, and a butler’s pantry.

We met with Abraham Merchant, chief operating officer of Merchants Hospitality, how he decided to open a waterfront restaurant on the West Side. (There are no waterfront restaurants on the Hudson now.) However, he admits he had no trepidations because he is a waterfront restaurant “veteran.” Merchant has created and owned over thirty-two successful New York City restaurants with all different cuisines and vibes, including Art Bar & Lounge, Chicago Blues, Merchants NY, Industry Kitchen, Treadwell Park, and Philippe Chow NY
He told New York Lifestyles, “Merchants Hospitality has had incredible success establishing itself as one of the premier waterfront dining restaurant groups in Lower Manhattan since opening Industry Kitchen and Watermark located along the East River. So, adding a new restaurant concept to the Hudson River dining scene made sense, as we wanted to provide local downtown residents the option to enjoy beautiful waterfront views while having a delicious meal.”
ezze On The River is breathtaking on so many levels. Patrons love it mainly because of the fantastic array of modernized Mediterranean fare and the stunning views of the Hudson. There are pink flower-covered trellises in the outdoor dining area, and the interior is light and airy with floor-toceiling windows—but at the same time, giving off a little bit of a traditional pub feel because of its no-rush atmosphere, friendly service, generous portions, and artisanal cocktails.
Everything at Mezze is “farm to table” and acquired as close to home as possible. The attention to detail is immaculate, and the waitstaff ensures that absolutely everything is “done your way.” It’s those little touches that make Mezze On The River a place you’ll want to return to.

With all this high-end fare, you would expect Mezze to be formal, but it is not. This light and airy restaurant is classy yet has a casual vibe. Why was it determined that Mezze would be a casual eatery we wondered? “The restaurant wanted to integrate elegant dishes amid a vibrant and energetic atmosphere to balance the best of both worlds—a refined menu, beautiful views, and a lively experience,” says Merchant.
Merchant concludes that his restaurant attracts New York’s elite tastemakers, those who love to dine with a view, and guests interested in having a new experience in the heart of Battery Park City.
HIGHLY CREATIVE PASTA Mezze excels at highly creative pasta dishes as well. “The Black Squid Ink Truffle Lobster Pasta with summer zucchini, tomato, roasted garlic, basil, and chili flakes is a popular dish combined a refreshing dish to enjoy while overlooking the river views,” says Merchant. Mezze’s Executive Chef Antelmo Ambrosio, a native of Mexico, has been with the Merchants Hospitality Group for over four years. He helms the kitchens of Ophelia and Watermark as well. The award-winning chef is always ready to create bold new flavors and mix cuisines.
A DIVERSE MENU “Mezze is our contemporary take on traditional Mediterranean cuisine, which will inevitably include the influence of Modern American ingredients and flavor profiles based on the nature of our NYC location,” he continued. “We pull influences from traditional recipes and techniques and apply them to each of our dishes, including Whole Roasted Branzino, a Mediterraneansourced fish served with fennel, cherry tomato, and dill. Or the side dish Feta Fries, garnished with Greek feta cheese. This fusion of regional fares makes for an even more diverse menu, appeasing those who crave traditional Greek mezze and those who want more (experimental) options.” On our visit we also ordere the mouthwatering 40-ounce Tomahawk Steak to share and sampled two excellent sides: Crispy Zucchini topped with fresh feta cheese, black pepper, and lemon aioli, and Lemon Potatoes sautéed in lemon aioli and fresh herbs. Simply perfect! After our shared main course and sides, we sampled all three mainstay desserts: New York Cheesecake, Warm Chocolate Molten Cake, and Mixed Berry Crisp with a side of vanilla ice cream.
Mezze On The River is one of the few Manhattan restaurants within Battery Park, giving you the feeling of being in the country. There is even a cute old-fashioned wooden swing for photo ops. It might just be your next great getaway within the city. Just be sure to bring a big appetite and a friend or two! For more information on Mezze On The River, visit mezzeontheriver.com

famous is the restaurant’s facade, which features the celebrated Annabelle the Cow, the life-size bovine sculpture perched on the two-story marquee above the entrance. Old Homestead also has outposts in Atlantic City and Las Vegas. Info: theoldhomesteadsteakhouse.com
By Patricia Canole WORTH A VISIT AGAIN
For those craving a carnivore’s dream, head downtown to (where else?) the Meatpacking District. Over the years, Old Homestead has continued to serve up its legendary USDA prime dry-aged slabs of beef—including the signature Prime Rib, Filet Mignon, and Gotham Rib Steak on the long Equallybone.
here’s no argument here: New York City is the number one capital of steakhouses. Where else can you sit and be served a juicy porterhouse charred to perfection? We recently visited classic steakhouses to see how simplicity can often mean complete satisfaction. Here’s our bite on the best.
This chophouse may be considered “the new kid” on the block—but it feels like it’s been a long-time favorite. Helmed by executive chef Arturo McLeod, he knows beef having spent two decades learning the craft in Peter Luger’s. The Beaux Arts-style spot takes up residence in the Dylan Hotel, just a block from Grand Central Station. The soaring two-story vaulted ceilings, leather seating, and oak paneling make the enormous dining room seem comfortable. All meats are chef-selected and dry-aged onsite. Perfect options include the Porterhouse, Prime Rib eye, and Filet Mignon—perfectly presented. Also popular on the menu is a wide selection of fresh seafood for nonmeat eaters. Our choice every time: The Steak for Two. Look for Benjamin Prime (Manhattan) and Benjamin Steakhouse (Westchester). Info: benjaminsteahouse.com
Courtesy of Benjamin Steakhouse
When Alber Keen opened his restaurant in 1885, he figured it would be just another chophouse serving the old Herald Square theater district. And with past regulars, including Babe Ruth and Teddy Roosevelt and other luminaries who have dined here, it’s little wonder it’s become a favorite for locals and visitors. Look up! You can’t miss the collection of more than 50,000 clay pipes on the ceiling from those regulars who wined and dined here. However, the natural spectacle comes in the form of charred steaks and chops, including a substantial bone-in Prime Rib. Fresh Oysters, Prime New York Sirloin, and Two Double Lamb Chops are also a hit. Info: keens.com
Courtesy of Keen’s Steakhouse

In the heart of the village, exquisite offerings of French cuisine are served up at the Family owned and operated establishment that showcases a menu of rich cultural expressions.
Demarchelier Bistro offers French café classics such as Steak Tar tare, Duck Confit, Salad Nicoise Classic, and Pomme Dauphine. Additionally, there is currently a daily three course pre-fix menu available seven days a week late afternoon. There is also a superb selection of fromage to highlight a Cheese Fondue or chef selections; as well as charcuteries with delights of Jambon de Bayonne, Chorizo, Garlic Sausage, Saussion, Pate de Cam pagne, Duck Rilette and Foie Gras. And to further create the sense of the ultimate foodie journey, Demarchelier Bistro captivates with a dessert menu of lovely sweets like the Chocolate Fondant or Crème Brulée. In addition, wine selections bring the country’s vineyards to the Additionally,forefront. the restaurant is hosting an art exhibit where Eric De marchelier is displaying his latest work. The exciting show is a trib ute to his late brother and photographer, Patrick Demarchelier. Er ic’s recent collection of paintings are based on Patrick’s photographs which are displayed side by side. With all this and more, it is exciting to note that a seasonal ferry service directly from Sag Harbor is due to launch soon, providing an easy way to beat to the hotspot dining destination from the South Fork. For more information on Demarchelier Bistro, visit demarchelierrestaurant.com
Demarchelier Bistro highlights a casual environment balanced with artistic Parisian design from marble top tables and an an tique bar top to the outdoor seating and colorful paintings by the owner’s father—famed artist Eric Demarchelier—on the wall, the atmosphere of Demarchelier makes it the perfect sojourn in the East End for a quick bite to eat, a romantic rendezvous or a nice meal with your family and Owner Emily Demarchelierfriends. takes
great pride in the restaurant that every summer is a top choice for dining in the waterfront neighborhood. The authenticity of divine dishes mixed with friendly and above and beyond service keeps locals and tourists alike flocking to the restaurant.
midst the many dining venues on the North Fork look no further than Demarchelier Bistro for the perfect escape. French-inspired tranquility and elegance can be found at the renowned Greenport restaurant. The bistro has also been recently recognized with an Editor’s Choice Award for the Best Place to Grab a Drink from Northforker.com
ByLillian Langtry

Dear Mindie, I am having a real problem with the start of the fall season. I am in a real rut and need to make some changes to feel satisfied with my life. I am in a very demanding career; I work tireless hours and have no time for a relationship, which I desperately would love to pursue. I used to love my job, but now I feel as though it is causing me nothing but stress and upset, yet I love the financial security it brings, and it affords me a nice lifestyle. I would love to use my experience in this line of work (finance) to start a consulting business, but I am afraid I will not have enough money to survive. Can you please offer some advice so I can try and regroup and get on a path toward a better quality of
Starting your own company from scratch is daunting, and it may not “pay the bills” or at least all the bills for a few months or even a year or more, so I advise starting such a company as a side hustle. That may sound like a terrible idea as it only adds more work to your overflowing plate, but in time you will be able to level things off. I recommend allocating some hours each day and a few more on weekends to build your consulting firm. When competent, I would take on one or two clients instead of three or four so that you can entirely focus on projects and excel. Then, once you are in a groove, you can take on more and eventually approach your boss and ask if you can become part-time to focus more on your consulting business. Once you feel you can manage your finances with only the consulting company’s income, you resign from your corporate job and become an official entrepreneur! I know that all sounds like a lot of steps, and it is, but each step leads to another and yet another until you can look back and admire how far you have come and all you have accomplished.
Stick with this plan to start this fall. I won’t be surprised to know that you will be settled as a full-time, self-employed consultant and dating a fantastic person to boot! And do not worry if a path becomes detoured along the way, either. Just keep moving – one step at a time.
LostSincerely, life? andConfused
Regarding a romantic relationship, you will always feel pulled in many directions.
By Mindie Barnett
uthor and motivational speaker Mindie Barnett answers your questions about life, navigating these stressful and uncertain times, while steering you down a more straightforward path. We welcome your questions and invite you to reach out to Mindie at mindiesmusings1@gmail.com.
Dear Lost and Confused, I think the fact you realize you are unhappy, and the root of the problem (your job) is a significant first step! But unfortunately, so many people merely remain stuck in their unhappiness and are unwilling even to contemplate making a pivot and taking control of their circumstances. In psychology, we consider this the “contemplation phase.” I applaud you for reaching out and your ambition to start your own company. While being self-employed can be financially frightening, it can also give you the complete financial freedom to earn and seek business opportunities without any limits. In time, you may surprise yourself and make much more owning your own company than you did in your current position. The only way to know is to try.
Best of luck with all!
Even more so, when you are an entrepreneur, you must also carve out time for yourself, including dating. Set aside a few hours a week to speak with suitors, peruse the dating apps, and go on dates. You will feel good knowing you have a foot in the water, even if it is not your entire leg. Eventually, you will meet someone worth blocking out more hours for and adjust your time wheel accordingly.

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The company is revitalizing the industry in that they do things a little differently; they offer a wide variety of CBD products that are finely tuned to individual needs because one size does not fit all. In addition, CBD oil contains less than .03 percent of THC, so you will never feel the harsh aftereffects—only advanced health benefits. One can also conveniently purchase organic CBD oils online and in person at the BFF shop.
While CBD can be used and administered in diverse ways, choosing to take your daily dose by an oil tincture has become increasingly popular. Because BFF’s tinctures are carefully crafted with terpenes and cannabinoids that work well and synergistically together, you can find a blend appropriate for your specific needs with highly therapeutic effects.
The female-owned company, headed by Trina Johnson as CEO and Founder, has spearheaded new ways of doing business in the hemp industry. With BFF’s mission to help alleviate pain and provide relief from all sorts of complaints using CBD, they collaborate closely with clients to observe their life-changing journeys. Johnson is open and enthusiastic about her love of CBD and all the untapped benefits and mysterious healing opportunities of cannabis. According to Johnson, “There was so much movement in Colorado in growth opportunities and, when I heard about CBD and the natural lifestyle, I was interested.” She began working with David Asbury—one of the country’s largest certified organic produce farmers—and she managed marketing and sales while he focused on the farming aspect of CBD. CARES ABOUT INDIVIDUALS Along with Asbury, Johnson works with her CGO (Chief Growth Officer), Zachariah Dorsett, to create unmatched CBD and hemp products. Johnson explains that she, Asbury, and Dorsett “believe in the industry and cannabis for medicinal purposes.” BFF is engaged in every aspect of the growing and healing process. According to Dorsett, “Most people are using CBD for anxiety, stress, physical pain, sleep, and focus,” but it is also used for other ailments. It may be effective at creating a sort of homeostasis. It is revolutionary for a business to care about the individual and still be invested in its original goal, which is the healing potential of cannabis.
Courtesy of Rich Woods
With a line of nine different cannabinoid oils and tinctures, each “has unique and special qualities, making it an individual experience,” according to Johnson. Why only nine cannabinoids, may you ask? Because there are hundreds! Johnson explains that they are just touching the surface and launching the tenth and eleventh CBD tinctures in the future to target inflammation (which is at the heart of weight gain and stress). And, if that wasn’t enough, BFF also offers topical creams and ointments for muscle and joint pain along with soft gels (that, when taken daily, are a complete replacement for over-the-counter pain killers) as beauty scrubs and serums.
So, what makes BFF different than its competitors? They have a genetics program that allows one to see non-presenting traits to create good ones. They examine the phenotype and attributes of the hemp so that the result is stable CBD that is also low in THC. Inclusion and equity are also essential for BFF. Johnson is genuinely concerned about the economic well-being of farmers and processors and thinks that.
BD may become a revolutionary new way of thinking about health and quality of life. Everyone has unique needs, wants, and specific issues that need a slight improvement. So, whether you’re looking for something to help ease pain and inflammation, quell stress, combat insomnia, or aid in increased energy, Blue Forest Farms (BFF) offers CBD oils and tinctures that suit the individual.

By Elizabeth Darwen
“It is also important to understand that while amazing advancements in treating cancer are saving lives, most treatments can have lasting negative impacts on the human body. This is why we must prioritize research that develops new therapeutics that are both effective, and also less toxic,” said Dr. Samuel Waxman, SWCRF CEO and Founder. The 25th Annual Collaborating for a Cure Gala will this year be held on November 17, The2022.teenage co-chairs also recruited 18 friends to serve on the committee who assisted in selling tickets, garnering sponsorships, donations, and volunteered at the event. In addition to raising vital funds for groundbreaking research, the event held at The Clubhouse in East Hampton on August. 17th was an entertaining evening of arcade games, bowling, great food, raffle prizes, dancing, and a thrilling live auction.
ore than 175 kids (and parents) attended the Kids Cancel Cancer fundraiser benefiting the Samuel Waxman Cancer Research Foundation (SWCRF). The event, created and organized by four teen advocates—Mischa Abend, Abey Fuks, Ava Litman, and Hayley Silvers, raised very close to its $100,000 goal. The Foundation plans to create a Kids Cancel Cancer Pediatric Research Grant in honor of the co-chairs and committee. This special fund will help support a pair of investigators for up to two years.
Abey Fuks, “The event will be fun and entertaining. Attendees will be inspired by the work the Foundation does to make a difference in peoples’ lives.”
Ava Litman, “Cancer has affected my family in so many ways. I have seen many dark days stemming from this horrible disease. I hope to help eradicate Hayleycancer.” Silvers, “I want my friends to know that research can lead to a cure, and we can end this awful illness.”
For more information on the Samuel Waxman Cancer Research Foundation, visit waxmancancer.org
The Kids Cancel Cancer co-chairs on the impact of cancer importance of Mischagiving: Abend, “Cancer impacts so many families around the world. My main goal is to raise awareness and make a difference.”
© Patrick McMullan
© Patrick McMullan
While pediatric cancer deaths have declined by 65 percent over the past few decades, cancer remains a leading cause of death for children and teenagers. In fact, it is estimated that 10,500 new cases of cancer will be diagnosed among children (birth to 14 years old) each year, and about 1,190 children will die from the disease. Additionally, a recent study published in Aging and Cancer found that childhood cancer survivors experience serious health issues in adult life, much earlier than their counterparts who did not have cancer as a kid.

Put comic icons Judd Apatow (The 40-Year-Old Virgin) and Nicolas Stoller (Forgetting Sarah Marshall) together as producer and writerdirector and then throw in Bill Eichner as the lead (and co-writer) and the result is Bros, a raucous gay comedy about a man who just really wants to be single. That goal is working out fine until he meets a hunk (Luke Macfarlane) who steals his heart and helps him embrace his inner reality—that he actually wants to be part of a couple.
It’s a noir time in London during the 1950s, when a hit West End play is rocked by murder most foul. As Sam Rockwell turns up as the inspector assigned to the case along with his sergeant (Saoirse Ronan), it’s clear there are going to be laughs along with the mystery as this tongue-incheek comedy drama plays out. Adrien Brody, Ruth Wilson and David Oyelowo join gleefully in the mayhem.
R Harry Styles joins Florence Pugh to star in this stylish, mysterious thriller centered around a 1950s “perfect” community that begins to show its cracks as the plot thickens. Set in a Palm Springs-like mid-century modern cool community that’s just a bit off, despite its charismatic (Chris Pine) leader’s attempts to control the lives of everyone who finds themselves there – especially the females. Directed by Olivia Wilde (who also stars), this chilling adventure evokes earlier films like The Stepford Wives.
R Sterling K. Brown leads the dysfunctional congregation in this sendup of Southern Baptist megachurches and their (often) criminally venal leaders. He’s the guy that built the cash-cow church, but when it all falls apart, it takes his entrepreneurial wife (Regina King) to get things back on track, with lots of satirical moments along the way. Nicole Beharie and Conphidance co-star in this distinctly irreverent comedy written and directed by Adamma Ebo.
Not yet rated Oscar-Emmy-Tony award winner Viola Davis leads this based-on-fact historical action thriller set in the kingdom of Dahomey, which existed in West Africa for 300 years, from the 1600s to the early 1900s. Woman warriors played key roles during the reign, especially during the 1800s, in this adventure flick that also stars John Boyega, Angelique Kidjo and Hero Fiennes Tiffin (whose uncles Ralph and Joseph give him quite a Hollywood pedigree).

This live-action version of Walt Disney’s beloved Pinocchio animated movie has all the pedigree a fan could want. It begins with the pairing of Oscar winners Robert Zemeckis (Back to the Future, Who Framed Roger Rabbit) and Tom Hanks (as Geppetto), then throwing in Cynthia Erivo as Blue Fairy and the voices of Lorraine Bracco and Joseph Gordon-Levitt, as well as lots of other talented types. The result is what Disney hopes is another successful reboot of a classic animated film into a much-loved live-action flick; we will go out on a limb and say it is likely to be just that.
This epic return to the Lord of the Rings saga is reportedly the most expensive series ever made, telling a prequel story set thousands of years before the time in Middle Earth of The Hobbit and the LOTR trilogy. Only problem is, creator J.R.R. Tolkien did not write any books about this time, so this series starring Morfydd Clark, Benjamin Walker and Nazanin Boniadi is at something of a disadvantage to the millions of Tolkien fanatics. Eight episodes begin the saga on September 2nd so you can be the judge.
QUANTUM LEAP NBC It was 1989 when Quantum Leap first hit America’s TV sets starring Scott Bakula as Sam Beckett, the time-traveling scientist just trying to get back to his own body and time. That version took home 18 Emmys (and 43 nominations) in its five seasons, while this new sequel continues the tale with Raymond Lee as a new scientist trying to unlock the secrets Dr. Beckett knew about his time-travel machine. Ernie Hudson and Caitlin Bassett co-star in this reboot of a 20-yearold network series.
This Reboot is actually a brand-new show, from the genius mind of Steven Levitan, who made Modern Family one of television’s all-time classic sitcoms. This time out, his premise is right in tune with what is happening in Hollywood, as the show tells the fictional tale of an early 2000s show that gets rebooted in 2022 with all the same cast returning. Problem is, they were a mess then and remain so, leading to funny situations in front of and behind the sitcom cameras. Look for familiar faces like Keegan-Michael Key, Judy Greer, Johnny Knoxville, and Paul Reiser as part of the general mayhem.
This American Gigolo series is the sequel to the 1980 film that starred Richard Gere and Lauren Hutton; now Jon Bernthal and Gretchen Mol take on those roles, shifting to 15 years after Julian (the gigolo) has been in prison for the murder frame-up that ends the film. Julian is still in hot shape and quickly slides back into his old profession of giving lonely women the sexual encounters they crave. Rosie O’Donnell, Leland Orser and Wayne Brady also star in this psychosexual drama series.

Join the campaign to bring dogs home GREY2K USA Worldwide works to rescue dogs from cruel racetracks around the globe. Learn more at grey2k.org/goinghome Save dogs like Brooklyn from the cruelty of dog racing

ROAD TRIPPIN’ If you’re going to hit the open road with your paw pal for a sightseeing tour of trees in full, foliage bloom, then your friend might as well do it in style. PET HAUS is an Aussie company creating the coolest jackets on the planet, putting dogs and denim together, where they belong. Info: pethaus.com.au
By Rod McCann
HARNESSED IN HARVEST A subtle, thiswalkinghoursfallisnot-so-guiltyunderappreciated,pleasureinlifethatfeelingofcrunching,leavesunderfoot.Enjoyofleafcrunching,enjoymentwithchicdogharnessfrom Wagtrenz. Info: wagtrendz.com
So not everyone is ready to embrace the turning of the seasonal wheel, and to let go of summer. Only The Grumpy Octopus can make it look so darn cute and adorable. But don’t tell him…it just makes him grumpier. Info: thegrumpyoctopus.com
SPOOKY BOX What do cat’s love more than anything? Boxes! These designer boxes from Kitty Cardboard are an ideal space for your cat to nap, play, hide, explore and acclimate to new spaces. Also makes a great photo-op for fall greeting cards for friends and family. kittycardboard.comInfo:
ou can hear it with the rustling of leaves and smell it with the crackling of firewood. Fall is a purr-fect time to spoil your fur-baby with a seasonal chew toy treat. Bathe in the brightness and brilliance of brisk, golden morning walks with autumnal attire for your pets, from collars to hoodies, we’ve got you covered for all your must-have, autumn inspired gift ideas.
Thanks to Learning Resources, it turns out you can teach an old dog, new tricks. With colored, recordable push buttons, use your own voice to record simple commands, helping pets and pet owners get on the same communication page. Info:learningresources.com
S’MORE THE BETTER It’s a chilly autumn evening and the kids are roasting marshmallows over an open fire. Let your little mate in on the fall, fun too with this seasonal, s’mores chew toy from our friends at Doggijuana Info:doggijuana.com

The Clif Bar brand, already a titan in the human energy bar market have launched Clif Pet. Synonymous with all natural ingredients, try all three of their fall flavored plant jerky snacks. They include Sweet Potato and Blueberry, Pumpkin and Apple, and the scrumptious Butternut Squash and Cranberry. Info: Petco.com
If your dog is feeling undeniably snacky this fall, then spoil him with a plant-based alternative to meat chews. This Sweet Potato Jerky from Petaluma is sourced from a small farm in North Carolina, and is made from organically grown sweet potatoes, for a healthy snack or reward. Info: feedpetaluma.com
A one woman show, Lauren has turned a hobby into an almighty, online juggernaut. At Pawesome Pups, you’ll find the most creative and colorful dog collars, including this fall inspired piece, with pumpkin spice and latte trim. Info: etsy.com
If your kitty isn’t exactly a clothes and costumes kind of cat, but, as a pet parent you still want them to get into the spirit of the fall season, then our friends at Cat in the Box have the purr-fect solution with this easy to assemble, haunted house, allowing for seasonal joy—kitty style. Info: thecatisinthebox.com
If you want your heart to soar this fall, with cuteness upon cuteness, then watch your cuddling cat, curl up with her own feline friend, albeit the tiny tiger kind, from the good folks at Triple T Studios. Info: triple-t-studios.com
Give your little bone burier a snack that not only tastes good but is good, too! With no artificial flavors or fillers, these Pumpkin Spiced Treats are baked, plant based and certified USDA organic. Made special, by our good friends at Wild One. Info: wilddone.com

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Health is New York State’s largest health care provider and private employer, with 21 hospitals, 850 outpatient facilities and more than 12,000 affiliated physicians. Northwell cares for over two million people annually in the New York metro area and beyond, thanks to philanthropic support from our communities with a team of some 80,000 employees—18,900 nurses and nurses and 4,900 employed doctors. For more information on Northwell Health Katz Institute, visit northwell.edu/katz-institute-for-womens-health
Additional sponsors for the evening included: Lead Sponsors: American Securities Foundation/Michael G. Fisch, and Iris & Michael Smith; Premier Sponsor: Beth and Peter Hammack; and Champion
The Katz Institute for Women’s Health provides an innovative model of care, delivering an integrated approach to women’s health and wellness. Supporters of SHE and the Katz Institute advance our Outpacing the Impossible campaign and become champions for Northwellwomen.
rammy, Emmy and Tony Award-winning songwriter and performing artist Cyndi Lauper performed at Northwell Health’s fourth annual Summer Hamptons Evening (SHE), which raised $925,000 for the Katz Institute for Women’s Health. The event was held in Water Mill at the residence of Victoria Moran-Furman, who hosted alongside presenting sponsors Iris and Saul Katz, the benefactors of the Katz Institute for Women’s Health, Eric Moran and celebrity event planner Larry Scott of Lawrence Scott Events.
“Women have been understudied, underdiagnosed and undertreated for too long,” said Stacey E. Rosen, MD, senior vice president of women’s health at the Katz Institute for Women’s Health. “Our experts focus on the unique health needs of women and collaborate to create a new model to improve the health of women. We’ve launched a revolution in women’s health.”
Supporters of the event are raising health for the women in our communities—from Manhattan to Montauk. Northwell’s Katz Institute for Women’s Health has created the only network of experts— including clinicians, scientists and researchers—who are uniquely qualified to address the healthcare needs of women.
By Elizabeth Darwen
Sponsors: Christie & Bob Donaldson, Alicia Grande and Grande Cosmetics, Dr. Paul Jarrod Frank, Alyssa and Todd Katz, Dayle and Michael Katz, Dr. Karen Kostroff, Dr. Jon Cohen, Karen and Dr. Lyle Leipziger, The Lipsay Family Charitable Foundation, Denise Neiditch Breger and Ruth & Michael Slade.
© Northwell Health Services © Northwell Health Services
Dr. Rosen joined Tara Narula, MD, associate director of the Lenox Hill Women’s Heart Program and CBS News senior medical correspondent, to address attendees during the event, which was emceed by Rosanna Scotto, anchor of Good Day New York on 5 News.

Lan has always maintained a strong appreciation for the beauty in her journey. This came out in the meals she cooked for family and friends, highlighting her Vietnamese roots through the recipes she learned from her mother. In 2021, Lan founded SANG to share her passion for the Asian flavors of her childhood with the world in a new and exciting way. The brand, launched in July with three delicious flavors of readyto-drink Vietnamese coffee: Traditional, Oat Milk, and Straight Black, is available in stores in New York City and the Hamptons, through Amazon.com, and online.
From these humble beginnings, everyone in the family has gone on to achieve remarkable things, becoming doctors, engineers, and successful entrepreneurs.
One of the ways that I share this love with others is through Vietnamese food and drink,” she added. Her company, SANG, is the culmination of rediscovering, understanding, accepting, and embracing her heritage and her family’s epic journey from Vietnam to America.
BIG CITY DREAMS Lan is no exception. She grew up in Orange County, California. She attended university in Colorado before settling in New York, where she began a successful career in sales and marketing for world-class brands across e-commerce and hospitality. “English was not my first language, and my siblings had to learn as we went along,” explained Lan. “I have always danced between two cultures and, I’m sad to say, as a youngster, I did not embrace my heritage. I dyed my hair blonde in high school, avoided speaking Vietnamese outside my home and made my mom bring mac and cheese to the class potluck. As a result, everything we ate, drank, and did was different from my friends.” Everything she described to us, right down to brewing their coffee in a phin, a traditional filter used to make Vietnamese coffee.
For more information on Lan Pham and Sang, visit EatDrinkSang.com
By Sidney Durieux
Born the youngest of eight children to a single parent in Vietnam, Lan’s first memories are of escaping with her family to the war-torn country in three different fishing boats. After being separated, the family spent time in refugee camps in other countries before reuniting in America, where they began their lives together in a small house in Wichita, Kansas.
As Lan matured, she realized that her unique heritage and those special flavors quintessentially Vietnamese made her who she is today. “Over the years, I grew to love and appreciate my native culture and heritage.
“SANG (meaning bright in Vietnamese) is my love letter to Vietnam’s vibrant flavors and traditions. I dream that the company will function as a bridge between Vietnam and America and create a brand that is uniquely and distinctly Vietnamese-American. We hope to bring a piece of Vietnam to you through our range of products.”
an Pham, the founder of the new Vietnamese-inspired food and beverage brand SANG, is the epitome of the American Dream. Today the lovely Vietnamese-American, a single mom who lives between New York City and the Hamptons, has a long-term goal: to introduce the unique flavors of her native country to the United States.

The restauranteurs have enlisted master chef Hasan Karsi, a Ritz-Carlton alum who will bring his expert touch to signature dishes, including succulent lamb chops on a bed of couscous with farm-to-table vegetables, the freshest grilled branzino, or what the Greeks call lavraki, and octopus prepared so authentically, that Santorini feels local. Karsi will oversee a team of sous chefs, and a wait staff culled from some of New York’s finest establishments, with a service mission to engage each patron and make them feel welcomed, appreciated, and above all, satisfied with their experience. The staff is ready to educate diners on preparing the traditional favorites and guide them in selecting the most delicious mezze, or small snack to begin a meal, to enhance the palate in advance of the main course. Chef Karsi has prioritized the authenticity of his menu and the Mediterranean concept of allowing time for each course to be thoroughly enjoyed rather than focusing on quick table “Thisturnover. isour opportunity to meet many local faces whom we know we will impress with our menu and service,” shares Karim. “We also want to be the restaurant that visitors will remember as their favorite when seeing New York and where they will return each time they come to our city. A restaurant is a long-term commitment to a neighborhood and becomes a place of first dates, anniversaries, and other Butcelebrations. thereisno higher compliment than becoming someone’s “usual” restaurant, where they have become comfortable and part of the family. The most rewarding part of what we do is when people embrace us into their lives.” As offices continue to re-populate and travelers find their way back to New York City, favorite eateries that no longer exist will be replaced in the hearts of foodies by a bounty of new restaurants putting their best feet forward. White Olive is sure to be a destination for power lunches, romantic dinners, and perhaps a happy accident for travelers on a Whateverstroll. the case, the team is prepared to provide an experience and to help create beautiful memories and repeat clientele. For more information on White Olive, visit whiteolivenyc.com
The restaurant is the result of much hard work during one of the most challenging periods in recent memory. During the pandemic, more than 25 percent of the city’s restaurants closed as locals fled to the Hamptons and Upstate, and tourism evaporated. The ensuing renaissance has allowed restauranteurs Karim and his business partner, Amin Himani, to realize their vision of bringing the freshest, highest quality cuisine in a setting worthy of its surroundings. Each has been entrepreneurial in the restaurant industry, covering every aspect from grab-and-go to fine dining around Manhattan. They want White Olive to be the jewel in their culinary crown.
ichael Karim is a leader in the vanguard of the new Manhattan restaurant scene, transforming the culinary landscape of Midtown and giving New Yorkers a reason to leave their homes and satiate their ever-curious appetites. Set to open this Fall, White Olive will surprise with a contemporary flair of Greek and Mediterranean favorites. Exquisite cuts of meat, hard-to-find seafood delicacies, fresh mezze, and a robust wine list align on a menu designed to delight the most discerning foodie and to create an experience to be remembered long after the Uber home. Karim shares his excitement in his newest endeavor and how he hopes to bring Mediterranean ambiance into the heart of the city.
By Bailey Beckett
“We both have the same passion for crafting food and getting the subsequent reaction of those who enjoy what we have created,” says Karim, speaking of himself and partner Amin. “We enjoy working with a team in a fast-paced environment and find it stimulating and rewarding to work toward customer satisfaction.” Karim and Himani are also culinary school graduates, balancing creativity with their entrepreneurial business spirit.

radford Rand and his team at renowned events company RAND Luxury produced a private charity brunch & concours in collaboration with Ferrari of Long Island. The exclusive, Invitation-Only concours was Sold Out weeks in advance and was hosted at the private Bridgehampton estate of Kenneth and Maria Fishel. The event benefitted The Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF), which is dedicated to finding cures for cancer, and the Southampton Animal Shelter Foundation (SASF).
By Harry Brads
The annual event showcased one of the largest gatherings of collectible spectacu lar vintage and new Ferrari motorcars the Hamptons has ever seen and the collection of vehicles present was estimated in value over $50 million. The invited guests were greeted with “Fer rari” sparkling wine courtesy of Palm Bay, fine cuisine from Lessings and handrolled cigars from Cohiba. Bradford Rand said of the event, “The turnout has been amazing on this banner year for the presti gious Ferrari marque with some concours participants flying exemplary examples of this supercar from the West Coast.” A series of automotive connoisseurs and celebrity judges reviewed nearly 70 hand made Italian masterpieces in the concours led by Chief Judge Glenn Simon. In ad dition, The Hamptons Concours also fea tured new vehicles from luxury brands In cluding Aston Martin, McLaren, Porsche, Lamborghini and Bentley. The Winners of the Hamptons Concours 2022 were: © Lawlor Media Group © SocietyAllure.com

Platinum Award: Ron Reali (2018 812 Superfast)
Class IV: (California, 450, 488)
Future Collectors Award: (“Kids Choice Award” Presented by Chase WinnerRand) : Sean Ramsammy (1992 512 TR – identical to the white Testarossa used in the hit TV Show, Miami Vice)
Platinum Award: Ryan Friedman (1999 F355 Fiorano)
Class II: (355, 360, F430)
© SocietyAllure.com
Best in Show Award: (Presented by Kenneth & Maria Fishel)
Class III: (Ferrari 550, 575)
The event sponsors included: Ferrari of Long Island, Icon Aircraft, Manhattan Motorcars, Ferrari Club of North America (Empire State Region), Aston Martin of Long Island, McLaren of Long Island, Audette Motorcycles, Morgan Stanley, Cohiba, DeLonghi, Emilie Heathe, Fer rari Owners Club (North-East Region), FORME, Kaleiya, Sports Car Market, MarocMaroc, Peter Elliot, Putnam Leasing, Rebecca Minkoff, Hagerty, Kitty Kat Coin, Rob Prior Studios, Valmont & Cloud Water. Spirits Sponsors from Sazerac included: Buffalo Trace, Eagle Rare Single Barrel, Ferrari Spar kling Wine, Marie Brizard, Sazerac de Forge Cognac, Sazerac Rye, Scapegrace, Tromba Tequila, Tommy Bahama Spirits and Van Gogh Vodka. For more information on Rand Luxury, visit randluxury.com
Platinum Award: Ben Roberts (2002 575M)
Winner: Angelo Natale (2009 Scuderia Spider “16M”)
Hagerty Spirit of Motoring Award: Winner: Brent Martini (1967 330 GTS)
© McMullan
Winner: Andres & Otto Gonzalez (2020 488 Pista)
Winner: Bruce Vanyo (1950 195 Vignale)
Class I: (Pre-1990)
Class V: (F12, 812, SF90) Winner: Morgan Chen (2021 812 GTS)
Winner: Brent Martini (1967 330 GTS)
Platinum Award: Tom Papadopoulos (1962 250 GT Pininfari na Cabriolet)
Platinum Award: Christopher Polke (2020 488 Pista Spider)
Winner: Glenn Simon (2005 575 Superamerica)

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Dan Pontecorvo, Global Director of Real Estate & Engineering, Jane Street Capital, is the 2022 ALF Business Honoree, and Alex Lifeson, Hall of Fame Guitarist, RUSH, will accept the 2022 ALF Music Honoree Award at the Award’s Dinner that evening.
Sponsors for the annual event are ABM, Structure Tone, Platinum, and Tommy & Shounda Foster. Donors for the charity tournament include Dooney & Bourke, DunDonald Links, Dunning Apparel, Dune Jewelry & the Hamptons Rope Collection, Eye King, French Pool Toy Wine, Golf in a Box, Hotel Indigo East End, Hubert Prive Golf Sculptures, IBKUL Athleisure Apparel, Linda Hartough, Hidden Links, North & West Coast Links Golf Ireland, No Sweat, PeakVision Sunglasses, SwingLube, TaylorMade, and Tour Edge.
In addition to Ann’s philanthropic work, the broadcaster hosts a weekly Sunday morning Talking Golf show on WFAN-NY from April through September; the first woman to host a call-in sport’s show. The Hey Liguori, What’s the Story show aired ev ery week on WFAN for 24 years. Ann was also the first woman to host her own prime-time show on The Golf Channel. Ann’s Sports Innerview cable show aired weekly for 17 years as Ann in terviewed the top legends in sports. Today, her Sports Innerview radio show airs Saturday morning’s on WLIW.
Ann recently was honored with the Winnie Palmer Award, at the MET Golf Writers National Award’s Dinner, previously awarded to Barbara Nicklaus, Nancy Lopez, Tom Watson, Ernie Els and Gary Player, to name a few.
By Peter Elston ANN LIGUORI
Ann is the Global Ambassador for IBKUL Athleisure line (ibkul.com) and has collaborated on a jewelry line with DUNE JEWELRY called the Hamptons Rope Collection.
COMMITTED TO THE CAUSE “This is a disease we are all too familiar with,” says Liguori. “We are all directly or indirectly affected by this dreadful disease and anything we can do to fight cancer has been a mission of mine for decades since our family lost my Dad to cancer in 1981. We also lost my brother to leukemia when he was 22. My sister Jean, brother Dan and I, are committed to this cause forever.”
Ann went on to tell us, “We’re thrilled to honor Hall of Fame guitarist Alex Lifeson, who is a passionate golfer as well. And Dan Pontecorvo, our Business Honoree, is a shining light! And we so appreciate the support from our amazing sponsors, golf ers, donors, and volunteers. And the golf community is so very generous, which we’re so grateful for.”
For more information on Ann Liguouri Foundation, visit annliguori.com/philanthropy Neil Tandy © Neil Tandy
ports Broadcasting trailblazer and award-winning talk show host Ann Liguori will be hosting her 24th Annual Ann Liguori Foundation (ALF) Charity Golf Classic on Thursday, September 22nd, 2022, at the Maidstone Club in East Hampton, N.Y. The annual charity outing benefits not-for-profits that work in the field of cancer research and care including the Samuel Waxman Cancer Research Foundation, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and East End Hospice.