July 2020 Jacksonville St. Augustine Natural Awakenings Magazine

Page 14

fit body

and Stability

by Marlaina Donato


ood balance is something we may take for granted until an unexpected fall brings our attention to a brewing problem. Slower reflexes, unconditioned muscles and changes in eyesight can all compromise balance. Statistics show at least one in three people over the age of 65 suffer from injuries related to falls, but regular core-strengthening balance training, yoga and tai chi can lower the risk considerably. Marching in place and simple exercises added to a customary after-dinner walk on summer evenings can also go a long way. According to a 2013 study of senior women published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, exercising not only reduces the likelihood of falls by 37 percent, but also the severity of injuries such as broken bones by 61 percent. “Balance is a skill, and like any skill, it gets better with practice,” says Mike Ross, a

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. ~Lao Tzu


Jacksonville / St. Augustine

Chicago-based performance enhancement specialist and author of The Balance Manual. “The problem is people gradually spend less and less time standing and moving around— chasing kids or doing yard work—and spend more time watching television or sitting in front of the computer.”

Whole Body Equilibrium Balance training for all ages helps the body to move fluidly as a singular, balanced unit. Stephanie Mansour, a Chicago fitness expert and host of the PBS weekly Step it Up with Steph show, says, “Some people who have hip or back pain may have an imbalance: One side is more developed than the other. Other people may feel wobbly during workouts or walking upstairs, or less agile while getting in and out of cars; doing everyday movements. Balance training will help improve those everyday activities.”

Balance into Summer

n Practice walking on stable logs while hiking in the woods or walking in a straight line on the beach. n Take a balance-boosting paddleboard yoga class. n Take a few moments to breathe deeply while balancing on the balls of the feet in the yard or on the balcony each morning.



BALANCING ACT Exercises for Strength

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