Issue 9 2023 March 9 NG Times

Page 6

The amazing women of North Grenville

I am now a senior citizen, and it seems so very odd indeed. I still haven’t figured out what I am going to do when I grow up. There have always been some new adventures in my life, some so positive and some not so good. But that is life, and we roll with it.

My job here at the NG Times has given me so much insight into this community. I chose to live here some 30 odd years ago, though quite by accident. We moved here to get away from the big city and to isolate. Thirty years later, and here I am in the thick of it all. So much for isolation, and towing my poor husband behind me, who is quite happy in his

man cave and alone. My work has given me the opportunity to meet some truly awesome people. So, as we come to celebrate International Women’s Day, I think of all of those women I know here in my community. Each of them has contributed equally, whether it was some big event they organised, or knitting, sewing, bringing comfort to someone in need, volunteering, etc. Each task, whether it be out there in the public eye, or done quietly behind the scenes, has equal merit. For International Women’s Day, I went around one day taking pictures of women to include in this issue. One volunteer, when I asked her for permission to take

her picture, said she was not important enough to be included.

That stunned me. Just because she goes around quietly doing her volunteering does not make her less important than someone who is out there in public view. To me, this woman has just as much value as any other. That is the best part of my work here at the NG Times: meeting such amazing women from all walks of life, and of all ages. (Of course, there are some amazing men also, but this is not their day). And such strong women in business. During COVID, I was going around talking and checking in with them, hearing their pain and frustration, and about how

Spring is sweet… make it sweeter with Maple Syrup!

they were having to remain so strong and adapt to the new way of doing things. They put in such long hours. Then there were the mothers in isolation, not having their play groups or school for their kids.

So many amazing women! I am glad I had this chance to meet so many of you and to share small parts of your world. Yes, I say this again. North Grenville is one of the most amazing communities, and I am so glad I moved here. I have been inspired by so many women. You know who you are, so never undervalue your importance.

Thank you to all the women who sent in their photos.!

1 March 9, 2023 The North Grenville Times The Voice of North Grenville The Voice of North Grenville Vol. 11 No. 9 Reaching by direct mail 8,500 homes and businesses in North Grenville March 9, 2023 BLINDS SHUTTERS DRAPERY WALLPAPER & THE FULL L NE OF CANADIAN MADE CLOVERDALE PAINT STEVENS CREEK DECOR CENTRE 2678 COUNTY RD 43 KEMPTVILLE 613-706-1250 10510 Loughlin Ridge Rd, Mountain,Ontario 613. 209.3122 NOW IN STOCK Service available on all makes and models Compact Tractors and Cub Cadet Mowers Specializing in financial planning & investments samantha.rivet-stevenson 613-816-9697 613.258.2700 Kemptville Eye Exam Clinic Kemptville Mall Book your eye exam online at *see store for details FRAMES $59.00* From Winchester 613.223.9765 AirBnB International Woman’s Day Celebrating 613.258.9333 2540 cty rd 43, Kemptville

Grenville Troubadours' Irish Sing-Along for St Patrick's Day

ing two concerts, the first in Smiths Falls Station Theatre on Friday, March 17, and on Saturday, 18 March, they will be at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, 106 Church St, Merrickville. Both shows will begin at 7:30pm.

Locally Cured and Smoked

Submitted by Doug Hendry

Following the success of January's sold-out music night in honour of Robert Burns, the Grenville Troubadours invite you to share your voice with them as they perform songs from and about Ireland this St Patricks 'season'.

They will be perform-

The Grenville Troubadours is a collection of some of the finest musical talents in North Grenville who have performed together over the years in many musical theatre productions including 2018's "Lafferty's Wake", which many residents will remember. Teaming up with folk band Tripoly, these two concerts will be an opportunity for you to sing along with some of your favourite Irish melodies and perhaps learn some new ones!

EYE ON ACTIVISM Micro-Aggressions

Tickets for Friday's show in Smiths Falls can be purchased from the theatre website: or by calling the box office at 613-283-2244.

Note that the Station Theatre is wheelchair accessible.

Tickets for Saturday's show in Merrickville (which is a fundraiser for the church) can be purchased at the Crusty Bakers in Kemptville, the Village Bean in Merrickville and online at Please note that, sadly, the Trinity Anglican Church is not wheelchair accessible.

We hope that you will come out to share your voice with us as we celebrate the heritage of Ireland this March!

as defined by Miriam Webster, are “a comment or action that subtly and often unconsciously or unintentionally expresses a prejudiced attitude toward a member of a marginalized group (such as a racial minority).”

For instance, the assumptions that we make about a person’s gender or pronouns when we talk to them briefly at the store don’t seem like a super big deal but can be really hurtful. As a non-binary person who uses the they/them pronouns, I get misgendered A LOT and it can be really hurtful even when it’s an accident. Another example could be seeing a woman, or a person with female gender expression, and assuming that they can’t carry something heavy, or aren’t as strong as a man, or a person who was assigned male at birth. These things may not seem like a big deal to the person who is committing them, or they may be totally unaware that they are doing it, but things like that can really build up, especially for people in minority com-

munities who face things like that multiple times a day, every day. It can be hard to break a habit we are unaware of, and researching offensive terms, or learning more about marginalized communities can help with that. If we know more about the groups of people that micro-aggressions are often directed towards, we will be so much more likely to catch ourselves if we say something offensive. Or if someone tells you that something you are saying is hurtful, thank them and do some more research on the subject to be more prepared next time!

I saw an example online about the stereotype of the Angry Black Woman. In the media, Black women are often portrayed as angry, or more violent than other women, which can lead to even more distrust and fear of Black people. In this example it compared micro-aggressions to mosquito bites. People in minority communities, especially visible minorities, receive multiple mosquito bites every day, but people who are more privileged, only receive one a week, then it will build up a lot more for people from marginalized communities. Imagine you were so much itchier than everyone else, you had way more mosquito bites, then the more you had, the bigger each one would feel. You would have so many more reasons to be angry. I’ve lost count

of the amount of times I’ve cried, or had to clench my fists behind my back when someone has mis-gendered me for the fifth time that day, because the more it happens, the worse and worse it feels.

Now imagine having to deal with that from a really young age, especially when you’re a kid and you don’t really understand why people are making fun of you for your ethnicity, or religion. Ways you can can help are by being more aware, asking what people’s pronouns are when you first meet them and sharing your own, not assuming that a person of colour is on drugs, not assuming that a woman can’t change her own tires, not assuming that just because someone is LGBTQ2SIA+ that they are a pedophile, etc. These are just small things that you can do in order to help people feel more accepted and welcomed.

Zara Zrudlo is a homeschooled, fourteen year old resident of Kemtpville. They love writing, art, acting, reading and anything to do with music. Ever since they were little they’ve cared a lot about activism and social justice, and hoped to make a difference in the world. Zara has written two and a half novels, and ran a newspaper for their friends and family for three years. They love hanging out with their dogs and chickens and spending time imagining having dinner with various book characters.

The Voice of North Grenville 2 The North Grenville Times March 9, 2023 Dr. C.L. Eamon Optometrist 212 Van Buren St. 613.258.7438
STORE HOURS Monday to Friday 8am to 7pm / Sat. 8am to 6pm Sunday 9am to 6 pm 613 258 3014 301 Rideau Street, Kemptville Available at your B&H
Dr. Eamon
If you enjoyed the bacon served at The Sweetheart Brunch You can find it here
Left to right are: John Baldwin, Helen MacGregor, Bev McArthur, Glenna Hunter, Doug Hendry, Elizabeth McNally, Laura Drover, James Clugston (not shown: Arthur McGregor).

So what is International Women’s Day anyway?

Each year on March 8th, the world comes together to celebrate women. Personally, I don’t think that this recognition should be limited to just one day but rather we should celebrate, embrace and recognize the value of what women contribute to our society EVERY day.

Typically IWD serves as an opportunity to shed light on issues we as women face related to gender equality, violence against women, and women’s reproductive rights. This year, the focus is to #EmbraceEquity. All too often equality and equity are used synonymously when in fact, by definition they are very different.

Equality in the workplace would suggest that everyone receives the same tools and resources, the same chances, and the same opportunities. Each person is treated the same.

On the other hand, equity suggests that each person is

treated as an individual and as such, would receive the resources, tools, and opportunities that they, as an individual, require in order to reach an equal outcome.

Therefore, EQUALITY is the ultimate goal but EQUITY forges the path to getting there.

It is estimated that over 17% of all private sector businesses in Canada are female owned, that women are far more likely to work for themselves than men, and that where their business is concerned, they typically only rely on themselves. In fact, statistically, women make up over 82% of lone entrepreneurs (meaning they have no financial partners) compared to just under 70% for men.

North Grenville is a shining example of a community with MANY successful female leaders and entrepreneurs, and I am so very proud to be one of them.

To all the ladies, young and old, NEVER underestimate your ability, your power, or your worth. We CAN do it all, from owning a business, to being a mom, a coach, a caregiver, a teacher, and a taxi driver. We’ve been shattering glass ceilings for ages and will continue to do so for generations to come.

“A strong woman knows she has strength enough for the journey, but a woman of strength knows it is in the journey where she will become strong.” -Luke Easter

So here’s to strong women everywhere. May we know them, may we be them, may we raise them. Happy International Women’s Day 2023 to all you lovelies. Stand up and be proud of who you are!

Rebecca Cronk is a fitness Specialist and Owner of Get Cronk’d Fitness Studio, Fitness Competitor, partner to an awesome guy, and proud stepmom to one amazing kid.

3 March 9, 2023 The North Grenville Times The Voice of North Grenville THOMAS M. BYRNE Barrister and Solicitor General Practice Corporate / Commercial Family Law Estates Real Estate Wills & Powers of Attorney 613.258.1277 222 Prescott St., Kemptville • HVAC • CUSTOM SHEET METAL• VENTILATION Jack Lalonde, RSE, President, Operator Serving The Ottawa, Dundas and Cornwall Areas Residential, Commercial VALLEY AIRWAY MECHANICAL 613- 915- 5820 Valleyairwaymechanical
Send in your letters to the editor to
Submitted by the Old Town Kemptville BIA, who note, “The difference between the old lights and the new lights on the lightpoles in Downtown Kemptville is MASSIVE! The street and sidewalk are now easy to see at any hour of the evening. Thanks to North Grenville Public Works for hearing our concerns and for working with us to make this happen.” photo courtesy : Johanna Ziegler, Merrick Preparatory School

To goat, or not to goat

Embracing equity in the workplace

to express one’s authentic gender identity.

This wife and mother loves animals. Her homestead included three horses, seven chickens and six guineas. What more could she want? Goats! A Pygmy or Nigerian Dwarf goat would be a great addition to the farm. They can herd with horses…or can they? The search began and ended quickly, finding the perfect little buckling we called Gunner. Upon the decision to purchase him when he was weaned, we were asked - Do you have another? You cannot just have one goat!

A small detail I may have missed in my researching goat habitats, personality, and health needs. Goats are herd animals, this detail is an important one. The search began again and ended with a little doe, Winter.

Winter arrived home, we settled her into her indoor stall – with bunk beds because goats love to climb. We let her roam her new pen equipped with a homemade feeder, climbing apparatus and a four-foot fence. We were ecstatic to have her

home. Gunner would join us the following week, until then we would help her feel at home.

Three hours following her arrival, we came home from the gym and went to tuck Winter into her stall for the night…but Winter was gone! It was now dark, rain imminent. Goats do not like rain and getting wet. The search was on!

Four kids, two parents, and flashlights. We searched the nearby neighbors and our property, nothing! We searched for hours. My son and I headed to the bush behind our property. I know the paths, we were safe, my son an avid orienteer. A way into the bush my phone rang, my man asking if there was any sign of her, none. We planned where to meet and told him we were fine. I hung up and continued. My cell battery changed to red, low battery – this was my flashlight, panic! My immediate thought? This is how people die in the wilderness. The rain began…we had to give up and head home.

Distraught and defeated,

I invested in asking a friend for help the following day. This young gal went to social media to post photos and notice of a lost goat. Shortly after, friends arrived and shouted, “get in the truck, your goat has been found!”. Off I went to search a nearby county road into a field where she was seen, no luck. Storm clouds were closing in, more rain. We continued down the road to the golf course. I swallowed my pride, walked into the clubhouse and asked “have you seen my goat?”, well yes! ‘Elvis’ they called her had been treated like a queen and had taken up residence in their mini golf course! I cried with delight.

We spent the next week of holidays building the fence to six feet that Winter can still easily soar over. The day Gunner arrived home, the escape artist stopped jumping the fence. A partnership created.

The goat chronicles continue to this day! The moral to the story, you cannot just have one goat.

This year, women are giving themselves a “hug”. No, it’s not about loving ourselves, although we should, and it’s not about self-care, although it is about care. Women are embracing equity. The goal is to get people talking about why equal opportunities aren’t enough!

So what’s the difference between equality and equity? Equality emphasises same treatment. It’s about giving everyone the same resources or opportunities to reach outcomes. While that may seem fair, people don’t start from the same places in life. Equity recognizes individual differences and allocates the resources and opportunities required to reach the same outcomes.

The goal is equality, and International Women’s Day is a time to celebrate what has been achieved. In Canada, first wave feminists like Nelly McClung won women the right to vote and to own property, but vocational choices were limited, and motherhood was still considered their main role. In the 1960’s and 70’s, second-wave feminists, feeling constrained by the limited choices available to them, asserted their rights for equal opportunities in education, work and politics. Arguably, this wave was initiated primarily by and for white middle class women. Although it drew inspiration from the civil rights movement, it did not necessarily benefit women of colour as much.

If the first and second waves were concerned with equality and levelling the playing field through legal rights and protections, the third wave regarded issues of race, social class and transgender rights as central. Areas of focus were how society shapes gender identity, especially through the media, and freedom

Both equality and equity are important. The assumption underlying equal opportunity is that individuals or groups given the same information, access, and resources will achieve the same outcomes. However, we all know that some people have advantages by virtue of their background, education, socio-economic status etc. that others do not have. Those at a disadvantage are therefore much less likely to achieve the same outcomes. A little girl who is hungry cannot perform as well in school as the girl who had a nourishing breakfast.

In fact, same or equal treatment may unfairly disadvantage a group. Traditional hiring practices, for example, can be exclusionary. According to a recent study of companies in the United States, more than 80% of job postings include a four-year degree requirement. That automatically excludes 76% of Black Americans and 83% of Latinx workers. What about women who are economically disadvantaged? This reality makes it difficult for otherwise qualified Blacks and Latinx workers to gain access to meaningful work and significantly reduces an employer’s ability to build a diverse workforce. An equitable alternative is to focus on skills-based hiring practices. Identify the competencies actually required for the job, the ones that a four-year degree is assumed to provide, and determine where training can be provided.

A study in 2003 showed that applicants with “white sounding” names received 50% more call-backs for interviews than applicants with “Black-sounding” names. An equitable practice is to use blind resumes. This means removing information such as name, address and gender that might unconsciously bias the interviewer. Since many large employers use sophisticated applicant tracking software, this task is not so difficult to do.

Equity recognizes that people are naturally unique, and may require

different resources or opportunities according to their particular needs and circumstances. One size does not fit all. Creating spaces where women can come together for coaching in small groups across roles and levels, to mentor, connect and support each other, and build leadership skills is another way to build an inclusive workplace. Other ideas include:

- Provide opportunities where people can learn about common types of biases that women face at work – including race, sexual orientation, disability, or other aspects of their identity. Most people who were raised in the “inside” group are unaware of the advantages that they enjoy by virtue of their circumstances. Simply listening to understand may help uncover an unintentional bias and possibly generate solutions to challenge it.

- Flexible work schedules – the ability to rearrange one’s schedule around responsibilities for child care can been a huge advantage for working parents, and caregivers who incidentally are most often women.

- Ensure that the language used in job descriptions, emails, policies, during interviews and in day-to-day communications is gender neutral and avoid gendering inanimate objects is another example of an equity initiative. These are just a few ideas for creating workplaces where women, and indeed all people, can thrive. You might start by asking yourself, what are the advantages, gifts and benefits that I have that I might use or leverage to help others? If you are employed, inquire about your company’s recruitment, parental leave, and pay equity policies. If you are retired or not seeking work, support womenowned businesses and leadership programs for girls and young women. We can create workplaces that are fair, just and equitable for all.

Jennifer Friesen-Gow is a retired human resources and organizational development professional.

The Voice of North Grenville 4 The North Grenville Times March 9, 2023
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5 March 9, 2023 The North Grenville Times The Voice of North Grenville

InternationalCelebratingWomen's Week

The road less travelled

My name is Jenny Arcand and I have been a volunteer firefighter in North Grenville for three years. When I was first asked to write an article about my experience as a woman in the fire service I wasn’t sure what I was going to write. I was trying to think of how my experience has been any different from the guys. Well, to be honest I don’t think it has been any different. My experience has been nothing but positive. It’s the best team I’ve ever been a part of. I’ve always played team sports my whole life and I think that has helped me to succeed in the fire service. I’m a team player and as a firefighter you have to be. It doesn’t matter who you are, this job is going to have its challenges. It’s just the nature of it. You need to have the work ethic to work through those challenges and improve. We

all have our strengths and weaknesses and that’s why we work as a team. Your gender doesn’t matter it’s all about what you bring to the table. Can you do the job? For me I prefer hands on physical work rather than working at a desk or in an office. I’ve always been that way. My full time job is a reinforcing ironworker and before that I was a forest fire fighter. All of my jobs have been in male dominant fields and never have I had any challenges due to being a girl. I wanted to become a volunteer firefighter because I love the challenge, the adrenaline rush and pushing myself to the next level. I love learning new skills and in firefighting you never stop learning. There is always more to know, more to improve on and you can always be better. I also like that firefighting gives me the opportunity to make a

difference in my community. Being able to help people in need is rewarding. The camaraderie of the fire service is something I’m grateful be a part of. As a team we have each other’s backs, on and off the job and that is something that I’m thankful for. If I were to give advice to young women wanting to become a firefighter, it would be to learn to take constructive criticism. Don’t let it discourage you. Let it motivate you, learn from it and improve yourself. You don’t need to be the strongest person with the most skills. You can learn those things. The most important thing is your attitude, it needs to be a good one along with your work ethic. Those things go a long way. Put in the work. Don’t give up and you’ll get there eventually.

The Voice of North Grenville 6 The North Grenville Times March 9, 2023 email: website: 2 - 4 Industrial Rd, Kemptville, South Gower Business Park 613 258 3282

My maternal grandmother was a remarkable woman. Born into an impoverished fishing family on the southwest coast of Newfoundland, she had seen her fair share of hunger.

Very occasionally, she would tell us about times when her family had absolutely nothing to eat, sometimes for days. Despite living in a close knit community, they would endure that hunger in silence, out of shame.

It wouldn’t take long, however, for a neighbour to notice and my grandmother described the relief they felt as kids with the delivery of baked bread, some beans and cod fish from families who were not much better off.

At the age of 12, my grandmother realized that she would need to leave school and, ultimately, her

village to have a brighter future. She began working as a full-time domestic servant for another family nearby. Despite her long hours and very hard work, she was treated horribly.

So, after a few months, she bravely made the decision to travel to a neighboring village up the coast and find work there. She proved her worth to a different family who treated her better.

Before long, my grandmother made her way to larger communities, leaving NFLD in her late teens to work as a full-time domestic servant in Sydney NS, Halifax and, ultimately, Toronto where she was employed by a Jewish family who adored her. She travelled long distances and cared for other people’s children’s while being almost completely illiterate.

I wish I could say that the story ended there, but it doesn’t. My grandmother had crossed paths with a charismatic Newfoundlander and member of the navy who was helping stop German Uboats in the North Atlantic. After he was discharged owing to an injury, my grandmother left her life in Toronto, got married and relocated to Port Aux Basques,

Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,

I was disappointed in the latest article penned on the KPS site which made residents who are not happy appear to be selfish whiners resistant to change. Not true. We are all well aware of and not unsympathetic to the housing crisis and we are aware of the provincial government’s pressure to build. We are supportive of a housing unit going on that site. And although the council has done positive things, this is not an ‘A’ in research for them. What we are asking is that a traffic study during high traffic flow be done and that the current 3-story height restriction remain in place. The council does not seem to have a town plan in place and supports any contractor, any structure, any location. In fact they have no concerns

NFLD to start a family at the end of WWII. But all was not well. Her husband, my grandfather, was deeply troubled, and became an increasingly volatile alcoholic as a husband and father.

Despite this, with my grandmother’s considerable support, they were running a successful general Store while raising their growing family, ultimately having 12 kids. My grandfather was very well regarded as a generous and kind businessman in the community - but behind the walls of their home, he was hostile, erratic, and violent.

On a couple of occasions, my grandmother temporarily relocated her large family to get away from the chaos and aggression. Ultimately, however, she returned fearing that she would have no capacity to support her family in the long term, or maybe she thought he would change once and for all.

My grandmother was incredibly resilient and instilled the values of hard work, education, and supporting one another. The darkness of their home life was not something she talked about a lot. Like her early experiences of hunger, the

abuse was rarely acknowledged.

Once her kids left home, multiple valiant attempts were made to get my grandmother to leave her husband. One of my uncles repeatedly offered to build her a house of her own. But perhaps out of pride, fear of not being able to support herself, or something else entirely, she could not do it.

My grandfather passed away a few years before my grandmother did. Many of us were relieved that my grandmother would finally have a few years of peace. In a quiet moment after the funeral, my grandmother turned to me and said something that shocked me, “All those years I wasted waiting for someone to change who never did.” Her face was filled with sadness, and then she carried on.

Many people think that women who don’t leave abusive relationships are weak. Nothing could be further from the truth. My grandmother was such a strong woman - and persisted and persevered in very difficult circumstances. She had to stay very vigilant in order to protect her kids from my grandfather, and instill in them a sense of worth no

matter his behaviour.

As my grandmother, she made the best moose stew, grew a beautiful garden, played a mean hand of cards, loved arguing about politics, and insisted we all get an education. But she carried an enormous amount of grief. When I think about International Women’s Day, I think of women like my grandmother. It’s not so much a happy day for me, but a day to reflect on what all women need to truly thrive.

We have come a long way, but there are still many who suffer in silence in abusive relationships. In North Grenville, there are safe ways to explore options where your confidentiality and privacy will be respected, and where you will not be judged or shamed but, instead, supported and equipped to make informed decisions.

Research demonstrates that women (or anyone) living in an abusive situation can experience a kind of PTSD that is nearly debilitating. The effects of the abuse can linger for generations, but so can taking a positive step to find a way out.

In our community, it is possible to confidentially and slowly explore a new way forward that offers safety, and a better future.

Shortly after moving to Ottawa from Newfoundland, I had the chance to briefly work with women who had left abusive situations. They were in their 30s, 40s and 50s, sometimes older. They had in the midst of some of their darkest moments, found a way to make a call, finally tell a friend, or ask for help as a first step to a different life. It wasn’t easy by any stretch, but once they began down the road, they were unstoppable. Here are some folks that are eager to help if you are living with violence:

Victim Services (North Grenville Community Coordinator) Sherri Pellerin – sherri@ / 343-264-2676 /

Assaulted Women’s Helpline (Ontario) 1-866-863-0511 / www.

Interval House

1-800-267-4409 / www.

Naomi House 613-774-2838 /

about quality or aesthetics. This should not be considered a Reuben Cresc area concern as this will set a precedence for all of Kemptville. Do we want to lose the small town qualities that are so beckoning retirees and families looking for exactly what we have?

Peavey Industries opens applications for 2023 Community Agriculture grant for innovative projects

submitted by Peavey Industries LP

Peavey Industries LP is proud to announce that applications are now being accepted for its 2023 Community Agriculture Grant. First launched in 2013, the grant has already awarded $800,000 in support to community groups across Canada through various agriculturally-based initiatives. The grant aims to fund innovative communitybuilding and agriculturally focused projects that will help strengthen local areas, towns, or cities.

The Community Agriculture Grant awards up to $100,000 annually to registered non-profit organizations or groups of

individuals who have identified a need and developed a strategy to achieve their vision. The grant supports projects such as community gardens and green spaces, agricultural programs, recreational spaces, and rural enhancements.

"Each of us has a community, and most of us have ideas about how our community can be helped to be stronger and better," said Doug Anderson, CEO of Peavey Industries LP. "The Peavey Industries Community Agricultural Grant exists to nourish the entrepreneurial spirit of the people and organizations within our communities with a focus on agriculture. We have been proudly serving

Canadian communities since 1966, and most of these communities have a long, rich agricultural heritage. The Peavey Industries Community Agricultural Grant is one more way that we can connect with the land and help realize tangible benefits for all."

Jest Sidloski, Vice President of Marketing at Peavey Industries LP, stated, "The grant is open to community groups across Canada, from food security to ag societies, community spaces, conservation learning programs, youth in agriculture, indigenous programs, and more.

Applicants must operate within 350km of a Peavey Mart location and must demonstrate a clear understand-

ing of how their project will positively impact their community. We encourage your group to apply.’ Applications for the 2023 Community Agriculture Grant are now open and will close on May 31, 2023. Winners will be announced in August 2023, and the grant funds will be distributed in September 2023. Peavey Industries is proud to support Canadian communities and help bring their innovative agricultural projects to life. For more information on the Community Agriculture Grant and how to apply, please visit our website at

7 March 9, 2023 The North Grenville Times The Voice of North Grenville Mailing Address P.O. Box 1854 Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0 Accounting Pat Jessop OFFICE 613-215-0735 TIMES Production 613-215-0735 Editor Brandon Mayer 613-215-0735 The North Grenville Times is published weekly by North Grenville Times Inc. Marketing/Sales
613 329 0209 ISSN 2291-0301 the north grenville

North Grenville’s Council adopted the 2023 Municipal Budget

Submitted by Jill Sturdy

Council adopted the 2023 Budget earlier this week with an emphasis on affordability during trying economic times alongside strategic long-term investments as we emerge from the pandemic, contend with high inflation and manage supply and contractor issues.

“Council was elected to ensure key investments in several priority areas, including core infrastructure, road safety, fire protection, recreation, preservation of our heritage, as well as arts and culture. These investments are intended to foster a high quality of life for residents and business leaders in North Grenville while ensuring our community remains affordable,” said Mayor Nancy Peckford.

“As a high growth community, it is imperative that we make important infrastructure investments while continuing to forge a strong fiscal path forward,” emphasized Mayor Peckford. “We appreciate the community’s understanding this year as we navigate turbulent economic times.”

Investments in key areas include:

1. Maintenance and improvements to municipal roads and bridges at $3.5 million, plus $1.8 million over for three years for North Grenville’s share of the expansion of CR 43;

2. Addition multi-use pathways, pedestrian crossings, and sidewalk improvements;

amenities and opportunities, including the Riverside Park redevelopment, three neighbourhood parks, enhanced winter and summer trails, as well as financial support to several arts, culture and sports groups;

4. Preserving North Grenville’s heritage through long awaited investments in some of our most cherished buildings, including Maplewood Hall and the Oxfordon-Rideau Township Hall;

5. Taking care of each other through investments in the Kemptville District Hospital, Victim Services, Kemptville Salvation Army Food Bank, Seniors Community transportation services, the Kemptville Youth Centre and the Beth Donovan Hospice;

6. Accelerating progress in three areas: a rural transit system for all ages, physician recruitment, and affordable housing;

7. Continued support for our local economic development and tourism promotion.

In the 2023 Budget, the $26.9 million in operational costs and $7.5 million in capital costs includes key investments in infrastructure and services that residents rely on every day and key priorities that make North Grenville a better place to live. North Grenville’s 2023 budget results in a municipal tax rate increase of 3.87 percent.

As a separate item, Council adopted the Water and Wastewater Budget, that includes $4.5 Million

in operating costs and $18.2 Million in Capital costs.

The majority of capital expenditures for water and wastewater in 2023 is dedicated to fund phase 1 of the expansion of the Wastewater Treatment Centre (a threeyear project). The Water and Wastewater operating and capital budgets are exclusively funded by user fees and development charges. As such, property taxes cannot and will not be utilized.

“The investments highlighted in the 2023 Budget reflect the objectives of the North Grenville Strategic Plan, including balanced growth, environment and sustainability, community services, economic development and efficient government, as well as sustaining a strong sense of community,” added Deputy Mayor John Barclay.

With the proposed County tax rate increase of 6.87 percent, overall property taxes are likely to increase by 4.35% ($198) on an average residential assessed value of $400,050. The budget of the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville will be adopted in early March.

The Municipality held three public consultations in February, two in-person sessions held in Kemptville and Oxford Mills, as well as one virtual session. Details on the North Grenville 2023 Budget are available at:


The Municipal office is open to the public Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Visit our events calendar to find out what’s happening in the community:



Please see the Council agenda for further details on how to participate in Council meetings. All Council meetings will be live streamed on YouTube at: featured and on the Municipality’s website at:

To make a deputation in relation to an item on the agenda, please provide your comments no later than two hours prior to the start of the meeting to Council agendas are available at:

• Wednesday, March 15, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. (Open Session) – Council Chambers

• Tuesday, March 21, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. (Open Session) – Council Chambers


Committees may be meeting in-person or virtually. Please see the Committee agenda for details on how to attend. Agendas can be found on the Municipal website at www.northgrenville.on/meetings.

• Accessibility Advisory Committee – March 13, 2023 at 4:00 p.m.


Summer Student Opportunities – Parks, Recreation and Culture

The Department of Parks, Recreation and Culture is currently accepting applications for various full and part-time spring/summer student positions. For a full list of available positions and information on how to apply, please visit Please submit applications to by 4:00 p.m. Friday, March 10, 2023.

Engineering Co-op Student

The Municipality of North Grenville is seeking to fill three full-time positions of Engineering Co-op Student. Interested applicants may submit a cover letter and resume outlining qualifications in confidence to Human Resources by 4:00 p.m. Friday, March 17, 2023. Visit for details and more information on how to apply.

Advisory Committees

The Municipality of North Grenville is seeking to fill volunteer positions on various Advisory Committees of Council.

• Equity Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee

• Heritage Advisory Committee

• Housing Advisory Committee

• Indigenous Advisory Circle

• Property Standards Committee

Visit for more information on how to apply. For questions, please contact the Clerk by email at or by telephone at 613-258-9569 ext 171. Applications due by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, March 24, 2023.

The Municipality of North Grenville 285 County Rd. 44, PO Box 130 , Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0 Tel: 613-258-9569 Fax: 613-258-9620

Building: 613-258-9569 x130 Fax: 613-258-1441

Fire Services Info: 613-258-9569 x201

What are we teaching our children?

3. More recreational comments about individuals and businesses here in our community, comments with no substance, etc.

I have been thinking a lot about social media and how people use it. For myself, I use it to keep in touch with friends and family around the world. Being in the newspaper business, I know for a fact that everything we put in print had better be backed up with evidence before it goes to print, otherwise we could be sued.

But it seems social media is different. From what I have seen over these past few years, you can post anything, and have people believe it, whether it is true or not. I have seen parents and grandparents posting things that I am shocked by. Nasty

Sometimes we get letters attacking individuals, or businesses, and most of the time these letters are anonymous, or the writer asks us not to print their name. We don’t print these letters, mainly because we don’t know the entire story of what actually happened, nor do we have the means at times to investigate. There is one thing I dislike more than anything else though, and that is anonymous posts. We had two placed last year on our web site during the Provincial Elections, and

those two posts caused a lot of trouble in the months to come. Was that the aim of those posts? We quickly took them down once we were notified. Whoever posted them, I would call a coward.

As a parent and grandparent, I would be shocked if any one of my own children posted anything like some of the comments I have seen on Facebook. Regardless of how they felt towards that individual that they are bashing on social media, there is no excuse for being rude or nasty. I may not have been the best mother, but one thing I hope I have taught my children are morals. Right from wrong. I may not like

Fax: 613-258-1031

By-Law Services: email:

613-258-9569 x211

Police Administration: 613-258-3441

Animal Control: 613-862-9002

you as an individual, but I have no right to bash you on social media, just because I really don’t like you.

This all leads me to wondering what we are teaching our children? If you can stoop as low as name calling on social media, a platform that our children have access to, is this what you are teaching your child? That it is okay to bully and call people nasty names, something the school has been trying to teach the students not to do because of the hurt it can cause? During the Trump

reign, I have seen that man use nicknames for many of his foes - nasty ones - and his audience taking pleasure in this. It is like we are going backwards instead of forwards.

I have no idea what drives a person to be so nasty on social media. Perhaps they have so much pain and anger themselves, that this is how they release it? I don’t know, I am not a psychologist, I don’t have the answers. I sometimes get angry at a person, and in my head call them all kinds

of names; but I know it is morally wrong to post my thoughts, so why don’t others know as well? There is a code of conduct we were raised by: bullying and name calling is just not acceptable. And remember, our children and their children have access to this.

So what are we teaching our children?

The Voice of North Grenville 8 The North Grenville Times March 9, 2023 ••

North Grenville Celebrates International Women’s Day

North Grenville recognizes the many women who work in many different capacities in the Municipality, from the frontline staff who serve the public every day, to the staff who work behind the scenes supporting municipal services, to women in senior leadership roles.

embrace equity, we embrace diversity, and we embrace inclusion. With equal rights, women and girls are given the opportunity to reach their highest potential.

The Municipality of North Grenville celebrates International Women’s Day on Wednesday, March 8, 2023, a day to recognize gender equality and improve the lives of all women and girls (trans and cis) through cultural, legal, economic, and social change.

“International Women’s Day is an opportunity to recognize, celebrate and support the diverse and dynamic women in our community who give generously to make our community stronger every day,” emphasized Mayor Nancy Peckford.

“Council honours the many women who enrich North Grenville through their roles as volunteers, professionals, community and business leaders, life partners, mothers and grandmothers, to name just a few,” highlighted Deputy Mayor John Barclay.

“Our female staff contribute to every aspect of Municipal operations and help to strengthen North Grenville as a whole,” added Councillor Doreen O’Sullivan.

“International Women’s Day is an opportunity to recognize the many women business leaders who make our local economy more vibrant,” said Councillor Debbie Wilson.

“We are fortunate to have many professionals across the Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) fields who call North Grenville home. The impact that these women continue to make each day is important and a key part to fostering equity, diversity and inclusion in our community and workplaces,” added Councillor Kristin Strackerjan.

The theme for International Women’s Day 2023 is #EmbraceEquity. When we

Equity, diversity, and inclusion is defined as the ability to embrace and celebrate difference among our population in ways that provide equity of opportunity and that contribute to inclusive and safe community spaces.

The Municipality of North Grenville is dedicated to strengthening its commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion and is embarking on a process of engaging with diverse communities of North Grenville to gather their input and feedback to develop an equity, diversity and inclusion strategy. For more information on this project visit:

International Women’s Day is a global day to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action to accelerate women’s equality.

For more information visit:

KDH Women’s Health Club brings women together

In response to this positive response, the following year we expanded to include four sessions speaking to a range of topics from managing finances, to understanding hormones, to coping with grief. We also added a showcase of local businesses run by women.

bring together women from all over North Grenville to talk about women’s health and wellness,” said Margret Norenberg, KDHF Chair.

In 2017, the Kemptville District Hospital Foundation held its first ever Women’s Health and Wellness Education seminar. Over 90 women attended our inaugural event.

The success of these events led to the creation of the Women’s Health Club.

The Women’s Health Club is a philanthropic program bringing together likeminded women who care about women's health issues.

“Please join me as we

The KDH Foundation is pleased to announce that we will once again be hosting a free seminar on May 11, 2023. Join us for an evening with Shulamit Ber Levtov, as she discusses Entrepreneurship and Mental Health.

Shula was the first speaker at our inaugural event in 2017 and we are thrilled to have her back.

I moved to Kemptville in 1997, best decision ever! I am foremost a daughter, a mother, and a spouse. I transitioned from a career in food service to law in 2000, became a lawyer in 2010 and opened my own office in 2014. Within my practice I employ five fantastic women who help me provide excellent legal services to this community.

In my spare time I have been an Algonquin College Instructor, past member of the Board of Directors of the Kemptville Youth Centre, the Board of Directors

9 March 9, 2023 The North Grenville Times The Voice of North Grenville 215 Van Buren Street, Kemptville 613.258.7462
Jansen, B.Comm.,J.D. Family Law, Real Estate,
to join her family business
legal services to the community. She supports many local charitable initiatives, is president of the local law association and participates in local sports leagues. Rachel has two young children and looks forward to raising them in such a vibrant and growing community.
International Women's Day from Contact Beth Donovan Hospice at program or 613-258-9611 ext. 0. e Law O ce of Connie Lamble 222 Prescott Street, Kemptville 613.258.0038
Wills & Estates
Rachel Jansen was born and raised in Kemptville. She returned after
her postsecondary schooling
of the Kemptville District Hospital Foundation and the Old Town Kemptville BIA, and continue to donate and provide pro bono legal services to a number of local charities and not-for-profit organizations that benefit North Grenville.
Call 613 258 3200 to book your teeth cleaning appointment County Rd 43, Kemptville (old OPP building) Celebrating
Jen MacDonald, BA, RDH Shulamit Ber Levtov

Tid Bit Musings

Focusing on women is synonymous with focusing on men. Be it roles, fashion, physical attributes, personalities, temperaments, habits, interests, passions and so on, the element of definition is in fact comparison and the resulting justification or refuting. Ironically, much doesn't compute with being sensible or practical. When there is equal focus on men and on women, true respect and equality has blossomed. Where does your mindset rest or perhaps fluctuate?

Our upbringing sets an example for our reactions and perhaps normalizes acceptance of indicators others find objectionable. To develop your understanding, start by defining an expectation and explore why you have that opinion. For starters, why should the woman be the one making breakfast? Perhaps in your background that is what your parents did. If on a farm, the man went out to check the livestock prior to coming in to the kitchen for a breakfast made by his "fraa" (wife). But in today’s world, both can work together to make breakfast or brunch, or take turns. If the wife is sick, had surgery, gave birth, is nursing the child, changing diapers, why does she have to get up to make the breakfast when the male can easily put toast in the toaster or make porridge?

Times do change, as do the roles of women and men. Women need to be respected and treated with dignity, as do everyone else. Behaviors are the objective component. Variance of physique, hair length, dress styles, sexual orientation, ritual, etc, all are as different as the day is long. Ask yourself if it is morally threatening or life threatening for your situation and react accordingly.

Unfortunately, males physically have the equipment to force sex onto the spouse but that is sexual abuse. To force your wife into non-consensual sex is RAPE!!! Sexual assaults of female children is higher than females raping little boys or even boys being sexually abused by males but that is only by reports. Reports are more difficult by males (young or adult) unfortunately. For too many years women were sexual objects with no regard for feelings or respect. The tide has turned. Sadly, the institutionalized abuse is being highlighted and all we can do is change our levels of acceptance AND our own behaviors. Your behavior, attitude and beliefs will be the catalyst for change. As Nike says - JUST DO IT!

Five Days of Fun this March Break at the Library

North Grenville Councillor elected RVCA board chair

and to our future,” said Robinson, who has been a board member since 2018. “I will do what I can and encourage others to do what they can to support and maintain what has been recognized throughout North America as a great watershed planning model.”

There were many new faces around the board table on Feb. 23, the first formal meeting of 2023 and the start of a new four-year board term following municipal elections last October.

Submitted by Rideau Valley Conservation Authority

North Grenville Councillor Kristin Strackerjan is the new board chair for the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA).

Strackerjan was elected at the RVCA’s board meeting on Feb. 23. Anne Robinson, citizen representative for the City of Ottawa, was elected vice chair.

“My time on the RVCA board has been very interesting, and adding the responsibility of chair will allow me to be further engaged in other areas of discussion, such as at Conservation Ontario meetings,” Strack-

erjan said.

She noted that she lives in a high-growth area with many waterways intersecting with development.

“The conservation of land and ensuring that developments proceed with due consideration to science is more important than ever. Protecting our watershed and our green areas is paramount.”

Robinson said she is keen to take on the role of vice chair, having supported the conservation authority’s purpose for many years.

“The work of conservation authorities is vital to the health of our watersheds in Ontario

Departing board chair Pieter Leenhouts brought extensive knowledge and a steady hand to the board during his four-year tenure as chair. Leenhouts was a dedicated board member, having participated as an Ottawa appointee since 2015 and serving as vice chair in 2018.

The RVCA staff and board thank him for his service to conservation in the Rideau Valley watershed.

To find information about RVCA’s governance structure, board meetings and agendas visit

We have family fun for everyone at the North Grenville Public Library this March Break (13th to 17th). Our new children's program coordinator, Caitlin Thorne, has planned a fabulous line-up. All programs start at 10 a.m., except for Wednesday, where we start at 10:30 a.m.

Music Monday (All Ages): Music Bingo featuring classic family favourites and a few radio hits. Then warm up your singing voices and slip on your dancing shoes for a Family Sing-along & Dance Party - especially fun for the little ones.

Tinker Tuesday (All Ages): Everyone is welcome to join us for a morning of LEGO building. Take up a building challenge or use your own creative ideas. At 11:30 a.m. we will share our creations and vote on a number of exciting categories.

Wellness Wednesday (Ages 5+): OmShanti from Bodhi Tree Yoga will be joining us to lead a special family YOGA practice with mindful movements, breathing, and meditation for littles and their caregiver. Space is limited and registration is required. To register, go to our website. 10:30 start time.

Theatre Thursday (Ages 6+): Feeling dramatic? Try out a Theatre Workshop! We will practice warming up, getting our minds and bodies ready with drama games and activities, and then read, rehearse and perform some Reader's Theatre scripts.

Friday Fun Day (All Ages): Happy St. Patrick's Day! There will be something for everyone on Friday Fun Day. Join us for a Story and Build a leprechaun trap, or try out some Colouring and test your luck at some tabletop Games. Don't forget to wear green! For more information, go to or contact Caitlin at

The Voice of North Grenville 10 The North Grenville Times March 9, 2023
New RVCA board chair Kristin Strackerjan.

HISTORICALLY SPEAKING Maple production throughout the years

production in Athens. The operation, the maple syrup processing equipment, the bottling, and the quality control of the products used at Golden Moment Farm are impressive. Norma and John started small in 1997 and over the last 25 years of maple production, their business has grown to produce and sell quality maple syrup and maple products throughout the Leeds and Grenville area.

The Merrickville and District Historical Society invites you to our next lecture on Tuesday, March 28, 7 PM at the Merrickville Legion. The month of March is maple syrup time, so our lecture is timely: “Maple Production Through the Years”.

Norma Banford of Golden Moment Farm will take us through the history of maple production from the early days when Indigenous peoples harvested the sap with its sweet and woody flavour from the maple trees of Canada to Norma and John Banford’s sleek, machinery-operated

If you are familiar with the sugar shack in the forest, sugaring-off parties, maple syrup taffy on snow or tapping yours and neighbours’ maple trees, this presentation has a lot to offer you. Or maybe a new-found hobby will come of it! Join us for an evening of listening, learning, and asking questions to a maple production expert. You might even get a chance to purchase something sweet from the trees! And enjoy a treat from Violets on Main Bakery while you listen!

11 March 9, 2023 The North Grenville Times The Voice of North Grenville
submitted by Donna Ross, MDHS
2950 Highway 43 Kemptville, Ontario To all the Women Past & Present HAPPY NOW BOOM APPLY HR@ASLCONTRACTORS.COM GOOD CAREER VISIT WWW.INNOVATIVECONSTRUCTION.CA NOW HIRING BOOM TRUCK OPERATOR APPLY TO: HR@ASLCONTRACTORS.COM Good Wages & Benefits HELP WANTED The Rideau Glen Golf Club is looking for club house staff & outside workers for the 2023 season. Smart Serve required for club house staff and experience with equipment preferred for outside workers . Students considered with right qualifications Send resume to
A warm embrace of a golden sunset on a home in it's sunset
North Grenville Photography Club Celebrate St Patrick’s Day at Join us at Salamander’s for an evening of songs, poems and stories of Ireland with David Shanahan 6 pm to 9 pm - Reservations Recommended 613-258-2630 28 Clothier Street East, Kemptville FOR RESERVATIONS CALL Irish Menu including Irish Stew, Colcannon, Red Ale Soup, Guinness Cake
Photo by Dorothea Larsen

How times have changed

For international women’s day, I thought I would enlighten the younger generation on how times have changed in my lifetime.

I was born in 1951, making me 71 today. Through the 50’s, women were expected to be housewives and mothers and obey their husbands. They were referred to as Mrs John Smith, not Mrs

Marie, as women were still considered chattels to men. The roles were very well defined. Well into the 60’s, career choices for women were very limited. I was raised in a French Canadian Catholic family. Women were not expected to go beyond grade 12 for education. After that, you either became a secretary (you took the commercial high school course with typing and shorthand), a nurse, a primary school teacher (not high school), or a nun. And you were expected to be married in your late teens or early twenties. Any single woman beyond that age was labelled an old maid.

My father kept the strict roles that were set for men and women at the time. He

was the “breadwinner” and my mother, upon getting married, quit her teaching job to become a housewife. Note that in those days when a woman “showed” that she was pregnant, she lost her teaching job, with no compensation. Heaven forbid that a child would question that bump on her abdomen. But then my father had six girls and contrary to his beliefs for his generation, he put us all through post secondary education so, as he said, that we could all have a career and not depend on a man for a living! He was ahead of his time. But even then, in the late 60’s, university education was limited to women based on “quotas”. There were quotas for those who wanted to

Women’s Day message

giving. The loss of a child is a pain so unbearable that many cannot overcome it, but I chose to overcome. Today and everyday, I look for things that bring me joy. I do things for myself that nurture my own heart and don’t rely solely on others to do that.

be doctors, dentists, veterinarians and engineers. At Queen’s university, the quota for pre-med was 5 out of 65 students. High school boys got in with averages as low as 65, the girls, 92. When I inquired with a professor, he mentioned that the board of governors thought it was a waste of taxpayers’ money to educate women in these careers as they would probably end up as “housewives”. By the early 70’s, this was found to be sexual discrimination and today, the medical careers have more women than men. Also in those days, people thought that girls only went to university to catch a husband. My parents’ generation had well defined roles. My generation had confused

roles. Women were having careers, getting married and having children. Men took a while to adapt. They still hung on to women managing the house and children, but enjoyed the added bonus of a wife contributing financially to the family. Now we were double worked and burning out. And there was lots of strife and many divorces.

Today, we are not shamed and pointed at for being single. And if we do couple up, married or not, we can choose not to have children. And men finally see families as a shared responsibility. They step up to the plate to cook, change diapers, wash dishes, and do the laundry. In my day, we had six weeks of maternity leave. Now it’s a year

or more with shared leave between the parents.

And there was a time, I think into the 80’s, when if a woman wanted to have a tubal ligation, she had to have written permission from her husband. And when a woman wanted to get a bank loan, lets say to start a business, she was required to have a spouse co-sign. Thank God, those days are over. Yes, we can manage very well on our own. Yes, times have changed for the better. I’ve lived it and I’m glad to see it!

“This current chapter of my life is called my turn, and I’m unapologetic about it.” This quote resonates with me.

As a Wife, Mother, Business Owner and Community Volunteer, I’ve spent my entire adult life meeting the needs of those around me. Somewhere along the way, I lost myself and it took special people to nurture me back to where I needed to be. How about you?

Do you give yourself space to be you? Do you have people who nurture you? If not, do you nurture yourself? International Women’s Day is a good day to start reflecting on you!

Last summer was a time of personal reflection and I realized that while meeting the needs of others motivated and inspired me, there was something missing. I forgot to listen to what I needed to be happy and settled far too often. Life was ‘good enough’ and I was blessed with the love of family, goodwill in the community and business success. Yet, I was hurting.

Hurt has a way of disconnecting you. Pain can be so deep that your heart can’t bear to feel anything. When I lost my son to cancer in 2019, grief made me numb. So… I filled my time with more

As women, we grieve for many reasons; relationships that are not healthy, loved ones who are suffering, children who are making bad choices, even our aging appearance. I am my own worst critic. As a young mom, I was frustrated and angry a lot, raising four busy boys. The grief and guilt of not living up to my own standard of motherhood took years to overcome. Eventually though, I learned to forgive myself. We can be so understanding with others, but can we be that to ourselves?

Counselling has been an important part of my healing journey. Recently, my therapist asked me to put my hand on my chest and tell myself loving things. “It’s going to be okay; you’ve endured so much…” I didn’t expect the response I had. My chest was warm with emotions and tears poured from my eyes. Often, we bury our emotions just to cope with the busyness and stresses of life. This lesson taught me how important it is to be a friend to myself and not just others.

A short time ago, I felt inspired to post this on Facebook. “Who needs a friend

today? I’ll bring you a cup of coffee or some flowers or a beer. You pick! I know we all have times where we need a friend. Just want to put it out there.” One Facebook friend said she needed flowers. Her husband had been battling cancer for a few years and life was hard. Bringing her a beautiful, large bouquet of flowers brought joy to both of us. Do you need someone to bring you flowers? Maybe you just need to take time to smell the roses. Give yourself that pleasure and buy some!

My friend’s life is still hard, but a moment of joy broke through her hardship. I don’t know what hardships you’re going through. We aren’t always who we want to be when we go through these times. Sometimes we disappoint ourselves. Regret can weigh heavy on our hearts. Sometimes deciding who we are is deciding who we will never be again.

When our hearts are troubled, it affects every part of our life. We can shut down and avoid life, just to cope. Many of us stop caring about our looks, for this reason. As a mom, my focus was not on my looks or well-being, but on how to be a mom. When I became a business owner, work ruled my time, so I didn’t do things for myself. I realize now that those decisions were based on the needs and expectations of others.

Now that I’m healing and nurturing myself, I look after my skin, my health and

my fitness, as well as my looks. Joining a gym last summer has had a huge impact on my healing journey. Putting 100% effort into a recent wall-sit completion, I was able to place second out of all participating men and women. What a feeling that was! Visiting a naturopath gave me insight into the type of diet I should eat and the vitamins I should take. Even getting my nails done every six weeks makes me feel good about myself and reminds me that I’m worth it.

Do you know what you need to feel good? Are you taking time to look after yourself? There’s no need to pause your life until you are healed, so listen to your heart. Discern what makes you happy and what doesn’t. I chose to dance in the puddle of my tears and not drown in them. I chose to love myself and stop living to please others. We can “remove the ‘I want you to like me’ sticker from your forehead and place it on the mirror where it belongs,” says Psychologist Susan Jeffers.

Let’s make today - International Women’s Day 2023 - about being kind to each other and most especially to ourselves. So, on this day set aside for WOMEN, go ahead… buy the shoes (or the flowers), give yourself grace, be beaYOUtiful.

HAIKU submitted by Katie Nolan

Female scientist/ Gets ignored Her Whole career/ Whoops! Her work's the cure.

For women who love to sing!

Malala Women’s Choir

Invites you to explore uplifting music for treble voices including contemporary and folk songs with emphasis on Canadian compositions

Rehearsals: Wednesday evenings

7:00 – 9:00 pm

March 15– June 1, 2023

Concerts mid June

Location: Spencerville United Church

Director: Sheila Fawcett

To register: contact Sheila at 613-658-5290

No previous choral experience required. Membership fee: $30 to cover cost of music, use of rehearsal space, insurance and accompanist’s honorarium

Proceeds from the choir’s performances are donated to the Malala Fund to support girls’ education projects in vulnerable communities around the world.

The Voice of North Grenville 12 The North Grenville Times March 9, 2023

House of Lazarus thrift store property burglarized

and boxes from others that disrespect our property. We see you, this needs to stop. We are working closely with the OPP to end this.”

Vicki Cane of HOL provided some insight regarding what happened at the property. She explained that a vehicle showed up, and the perpetrators ripped open bags and boxes and left most of what they rummaged through in a mess. The perpetrators did make off with a few items, but only what they could carry in their arms. The license plate of the vehicle that was used in committing the crime is not known, but the Ontario Provincial Police is currently conducting an investigation.

the significant impact of the most recent incident, the organization has chosen to take a firm stance this time, hence the social media post.

“We really respect the donations that the community gives us,” Vicki explained. “It was really disheartening to see those things dumped on the ground and pilfered through like that.”

Exactly what might possess someone to ransack the property of a local and trusted charitable organization?

Just in time for March Break

Family meals are back by popular demand

Once a month!

Pick up Thursday March 9 2023 & Friday March 10 2023 3pm - 5pm

Please Preorder the day before for next day Curbside pick up.

A local charitable organization has been victimized, and it turns out it’s not the first time. The House of Lazarus is a local not-forprofit organization based in Mountain which runs a thrift store in that town, a food bank in South Mountain, and a satellite thrift store and food bank location in Ingleside. The organization also runs over two dozen programs all dedicated to providing human compassion at a time when people

need it the most. During the overnight hours between March 1 and March 2, the donation area of HOL’s main headquarters was burglarized and vandalised.

“To the visitors that destroyed and vandalized our donation area over night, you are not only stealing from us, but those in our community that rely on our support,” reads a social media post made by a member of the HOL team. “This is very disheartening to our staff and volunteers who work so hard day in and day out, to start their day off cleaning up ripped bags

It wasn’t just the property’s donation area that was targeted. A relatively new shed that serves as an electronics recycling shed was also broken into. Although nothing was taken from the shed, the door was badly damaged which is unfortunate because HOL paid to have the shed built just last summer.

This is not the first time that the House of Lazarus property has been victimized. Vandalism and minor thefts have happened periodically in recent years, though nothing has happened to date that was quite as bold as what happened last week. Vicki explained that many people likely see HOL as an easy target, but given

Nursing Sisters from Oxford Mills

saved lives by assisting with medical operations and by caring for convalescing soldiers.

Vicki speculates that it’s a sign of the times. “There are more and more people in the community that are finding it tight,” Vicki added. While falling on hard times is not an excuse for criminal behaviour, it can often help to explain it. Exorbitant prices for necessities such as food, housing, and fuel have all put increasing economic pressure on individuals and families. Ironically, House of Lazarus exists to help people facing those exact struggles.

Vicki is reminding everyone that HOL is here to help, without any need to take drastic measures. “We’re here to support the community in any way we can,” she said. Visit https:// for more information.

Order & Pay online 613-324-3136

$44.95 Complete Meal for 2 + HST $89.95 Complete Meal for 4 + HST

All Family meals are picked up cold. Included are Chef's choice of Soup or Salad or Appetizer, Appropriate Side Dishes & Dessert and gentle heating instructions.

Pork Schnitzel

To start: Soup du Jour

Main: Crispy breaded pork cutlet with lemoncaper butter, Housemade Spaetzle, warm potato salad, Chef’s vegetable medley, Sauerkraut

Dessert: Chocolate cake with chocolate canache

Red Thai Coconut Chicken

Curry (G/F, D/F)

- Vegetarian Option Available

To Start: Vietnamese Mango rice rolls with sweet chili sauce (vegan)

Main: Tender chicken breast in a mild spiced & sweet savory creamy coconut sauce, Jasmine Coconut rice, Chef’s vegetable medley.

Dessert: Chocolate cake with chocolate ganache

the fortunate ones who survived that great Spanish Flu pandemic that took millions of lives worldwide.

Oven Ready Freezer Meals $40.00 each : Cabbage Rolls (10-12 pieces), Mac n Cheese (4Lb)

What’s next at Catered Affairs?...

Looking at a plaque commemorating people from the Oxford Mills area who served during World War I, it takes a moment to realise that two of the names engraved there are women.

Amelia and Florence Greer served as Nursing Sisters with the Canadian Army Medical Corps during the First World War. The Greers were a prominent family in the Oxford Mills area, farming on lot 19, concession 5.

Amelia was 42 when she enlisted in 1914, Florence was four years younger.

Just over 3,100 Canadian women served as Nursing Sisters between 1914 and 1918, more than 2,500 of them overseas. They nursed in France, Belgium, Gallipoli and Egypt, as well as in English hospitals. They earned the nickname “bluebirds” because of their blue uniforms and white veils, as well as “Sisters of Mercy”. Canada’s Nursing Sisters

Fifty-three of these women were killed during the war, from enemy fire, illness, or when a German U-Boat torpedoed and sank the Canadian hospital ship, the Llandovery Castle, in June of 1918. All 14 nurses on board were killed. Twice, also in 1918, Canadian hospitals were hit by aerial bombardment. In one of these attacks, on the 1st Canadian General Hospital in Étaples, three Nursing Sisters were killed. A special memorial to the CAMC nurses was unveiled in 1926, and it is located in the Centre Block on Parliament Hill.

Amelia served in France during the Great War, and was invalided back to Canada in 1919, suffering from Penumonia. She was one of

Both Amelia and Florence died the same year, Amelia in June of 1954, and Florence just shortly after, and they are commemorated in interesting ways. The family tombstone lists their parents and sister on one side, but the two Nursing Sisters have their names and dates engraved together on the reverse side of the stone. A second, small stone lies beside the family monument. On it is engraved the inscription:

Amelia J. Seeley served as Amelia J. Greer Nursing Sister C.A.M.C. C.E.F.

29 June 1954 Age 82 That, it seems, is how Amelia wanted to be remembered.

Coming up:

Takehome meals Thurs March 30 & Fri March 31 2:30 - 5pm pickup

Easter Brunch Buffet 10am - 1:30

Easter Takehome MealsTurkey and all the fixings or Maple glazed Ham

Mother’s Day Brunch Buffet Sunday May 14th 2023 10am - 1:30pm

13 March 9, 2023 The North Grenville Times The Voice of North Grenville
The House of Lazarus donation area at the Mountain location, shown on March 2 after being vandalized. by David Shanahan



Serta Queen mattress with queen box spring. Asking $100. (613)2582604

Firewood for sale. Cut, split, seasoned, mixed hardwood. $105/face cord. Call Ken 613 323

5503 20230201

Dry firewood for sale $110 a cord plus delivery fee. Call or text Jon 613-2273650

For Sale: Never used 1/3 horsepower Emerson motor. $100 firm. Call Reg - 613 258 7606

Saturn Rosewood Acoustic Guitar, 40 yrs old never used, in original pkg, $375 or best offier. 613-567-8533

Wheelchair, Fuse 5.0 with accessories; Shower chair with coasters & commode. $375 each. Call 613-5678533.



Start a book club in time for cooler weather in a hamlet near walking trails and parkettes. Our hall is well equipped for any gathering or celebration, and we offer very competitive rates.


Experienced+local farming family looking to buy a farm. Min. 10ac tillable with a liveable house. Open to creative solutions.

Looking to rent farmland for cash crops. Call or text Mitch @ 613262-1204. (8 weeks)




Renovations, kitchens, bathrooms, additions, decks, home repair. Call George at 613 462 7637


Call Bill 613 774 2922


PROFESSIONAL CLEANING available on a monthly basis or occasionally

Jackie 613-821-6161


KLUB 67 Euchre – Fun, social card playing every 2nd and 4th Wednesday monthly at 1PM, September to May. Location: Kemptville Legion, 100 Reuben Cres, Kemptville. Everyone welcome $5., cash prizes.

BREAKFAST, Kemptville Legion! Every 3rd Saturday from 8-10am - $8 for adults, $6 for children 10 and under. Euchre will be held following breakfast, registration starts at 11:30 am.

Kemptville Legion: Now Open Fridays 1-7. Free Pool and Darts. Everyone Welcome

BINGO, Kemptville Legion, 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month, doors open at noon

North Grenville Duplicate Bridge Club Bridge, Masonic Lodge 311 Van Buren Kemptville, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at 12:15. All Levels of bridge players are welcome. Info call 613-795-7155

Solutions to last week’s Sudoku

Easy Medium Hard

Solution to last week’s Crossword

The Voice of North Grenville 14 The North Grenville Times March 9, 2023
and service
years experience TD SECURITY Todd 416 912-0899
1. Potato 5. Passed with flying colors 9. Choose 13. Glazier's unit 14. Drills 16. Dull pain 17. Goals 18. Glacial ice formation 19. Not fatty 20. Marsh bird 22. Cuts down trees 24. A cleansing agent 26. Storehouse 27. Skilled practitioner 30. Tidy up 33. Cleansing of blood 35. Send, as payment 37. Antlered animal 38. Hillside 41. How old you are 42. Requires 45. Cephalalgia 48. Grab 51. Gains 52. Cables 54. Couch 55. Daytime fantasies 59. Particles 62. False god 63. Call forth 65. Religious ceremony 66. Border 67. Feints 68. Accomplished 69. Russian emperor 70. Current event facts 71. Break in two DOWN 1. Resorts 2. Hurt 3. Valid or accurate 4. Pillage 5. Stomach muscles, for short 6. Open to all 7. Made a mistake 8. Bombard with noise 9. A painter's tool 10. Frosts, as a cake 11. Talk 12. Knows (Scottish) 15. Appraise 21. Not difficult 23. Big laugh 25. Overtake 27. Gulf port 28. Angers 29. Zero 31. Gauntness 32. Not day 34. Between FAH and LAH 36. T T T 39. Vigor 40. Hearing organs 43. Procrastinator 44. Arouse 46. Ruination 47. Provides 49. Belief system 50. Paradise 53. Product of combustion 55. Eat sparingly 56. Combines 57. Eastern discipline 58. Misrepresent 60. Europe's highest volcano 61. Exude 64. S



Get Cronk'd Fitness Studio

The North Grenville Times has partnered with local businesses owned by women to promote International Women’s Day 2023. The lucky winner will receive an amazing gift basket!

9 Clothier Street East Saturday March 4th, 2023

2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

To be eligible you must be a voluntary subscriber. $51 for one year subscription!

Draw will take place March 10th

The winners will be notified , and given 48 hours to respond to claim their prize.

Special commemorative lifetime member presentation at 3 p m


BY PHONE: You may also pay over the phone with a credit card by calling us during business hours at 613-215-0735.

We have so much to celebrate and we want to celebrate with you

BY MAIL: You may subscribe by sending a cheque to: Box 1854, Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0. Be sure to include your name, address and e-mail.

IN PERSON: Drop by our office during business hours – 215 Sanders St Suite 106

Join us for snacks, cake, and coffee. Come see our space, meet some of our trainers, and learn about what we have to offer.

E-TRANSFER: Send an electronic money transfer to with “SUBSCRIBER” in the comment

If you have questions about subscribing, call us at 613-215-0735 or e-mail

The Weather with Connor Featuring Connor Mockett

Hello, everyone! Welcome back to The Weather with Connor. This week’s column will be a little bit different, I’m going to talk about my Top 3 favourite storm chases that I’ve ever been on. There were lots to choose from over the years, but I think I’ve made my mind up!

Number 3: September 5th, 2021.

This day was a complete surprise. I was expecting storms this day, but nothing quite as photogenic as what I ended up seeing. I actually didn’t even prepare for a chase day, because after looking at models, I wasn’t all convinced anything cool was going to happen. Boy, was I wrong.

I was sitting at home, periodically checking radar for most of the afternoon and early evening. Around 5:00pm, I started to get intrigued by a storm over by Casselman, mostly because I could see the crisp updraft in the distance from Winchester, and it was showing some minor rotation

on radar. Because of those things, I quickly prepared my car and cameras for an emergency chase.

I ended up catching up to the storm around Moose Creek. It was a relatively slow moving storm, which is not common around here. Right off the bat, I saw a minor funnel cloud pretty much directly over Casselman, but the storm visually looked like it was dying. I kept with it, though. From Moose Creek, I followed it all the way to just east of Alexandria, and during that drive, it progressively got prettier and prettier, and then I was in shock at what I was seeing.

I stopped the car near Glen Robertson, Ontario, right at the Quebec border. I hopped out of the car, and saw a big beautiful shelf cloud, with the sun from behind the storm shooting directly through it, making the underneath of the storm a bright orange. A gorgeous sight.

Number 2: June 27th, 2022.

This was one of my Alberta chases from my Chasecation last summer. This was one of those days where the Alberta Foothills are playing games with you for a little bit, until storms really pop off. Supercells were expected to fire up off the foothills in the late afternoon and early evening around Calgary.

Right around dinner time, the first storm of the day fired up, but it was a weird one. It was moving straight north, following the edge of the foothills, and was never able to come off the mountains to tap into a better environment. It was also moving about 100km/h, which is very difficult to chase, especially in rush hour in Cochrane, Alberta. I tried my best to follow that storm, but I got stuck in traffic, and the storm later died. I was frustrated, that’s for sure, so I went and parked at a gas station just north of Cochrane, thinking the day was a bust…until it wasn’t.

While on my phone looking for potential hotels

to stay at for the night, I suddenly look up and see a huge updraft off to my south. A new supercell thunderstorm had just come off the Foothills, and was immediately dangerous. It went to a tornado warning pretty quickly, and did show a couple of funnels as other chasers reported. However, I was far away, and had to catch up to it from Cochrane to Strathmore, Alberta. I ended up catching it, and boy was I happy about that. I got out in front of the storm, took the camera out, and started taking photos. This photo was in my 2023 Calendar, and is one of my all-time favourites. This was taken near Hussar, Alberta at 10:15pm. Number 1: July 15th, 2021.

This was another emergency chase type of day. On a Thursday morning, I got to looking at the weather models, because severe storms were expected late in the day for Eastern Ontario. Fun fact, this day was the same day and the same system, which caused the Barrie,

Ontario EF-2 tornado that afternoon.

I was on the couch going over things in my head. I noticed models had a storm or two Thursday afternoon in the Ottawa Valley, so I started looking at the parameters to see if it was worth giving it a shot. I know the Ottawa Valley terrain and road network very well, so it was (and always is) attractive to chase up there. I really contemplated going or not, so I gave myself a 10 minute period to tell myself if I was going or not. Naturally, my storm chasing brain told me to go, so I did. A non-planned chase into the Valley.

Another fun fact, the CASFT Franktown radar that Environment Canada has was not up and running yet, as it was still being installed that summer. So I had no radar to look at before or during this chase, it was completely visual chasing. I got into my target area, just northwest of Renfrew, Ontario. As I’m sitting on a dirt back road in the open

fields, I notice the cloud cover. I actually almost left because of the clouds. Once again, glad I didn’t!

As I’m sitting there, I see my target storm coming into view. At the time, it was just entering the town of Golden Lake/Eganville, but I could still see it. Immediately, I noticed a lowering, right where it should be for a supercell (the southern part of the storm). It started to get closer and closer, close enough where I could visually see strong rotation happening in the clouds and wall cloud. I drove further north, about 1.5km, to get to another dirt road. This is where structure was most amazing. You really don’t see this type of supercell structure around here very often at all. I was really seeing rotation, and to this day I still cannot believe this storm didn’t put down a tornado.

This was, and still is, the most beautiful supercell I’ve ever personally laid my eyes on in my Ontario chasing days.

15 March 9, 2023 The North Grenville Times The Voice of North Grenville
July 15, 2021 September 5, 2021 June 27, 2022

In loving memory Steven Farrell

October 9th 1959-March 10th 2013

In loving memory of a dear son, father, brother and friend who passed away March 10th, 2013.

You are missed so very much I often sit and think about The year's that have passed by And the happiness and joy That was shared by you and I I think of all the laughter, The smiles and all the fun, And, before I even know it, My tears have once again begun For, although it brings me comfort To walk down memory lane

It reminds me how, without you, Life has never been the same. Forever in our heart's, family and friend's

Wallace, William Leslie “Les”

September 26, 1927 – February 25, 2023

It is with deep sadness that we announce Les’s death at the Kemptville District Hospital (KDH). He was predeceased by his wife of 62 years, Mary Jean (Scott) Wallace, and his eldest daughter, Janet Pyefinch (Sid). Les was also predeceased by his eldest sister Ruth McCall (Sam - deceased) and his young brother David. He will be missed by his children, Jane Wynne (Mike Fecteau), Kathy Prosser (Eric), Kristine Wallace (Colin Mitchell) and William Wallace (Mary-Kay Chomitz). He was DeDe to his grandchildren; Jennifer Ouellet (Mark), Kelly Wynne, Leslie Wynne (Rowan Klassen), Katie Warner (Chris Cormier), Michael Warner, Meaghan Wallace, and to his great-grandchildren Emma Ouellet and Del Klassen. He will also be missed by his sisters, Doreen Wallace, June Anderson (Russel – deceased), and Janet Hobbs, as well as many nieces and nephews. Les graduated from UBC Forestry in 1956 and maintained lifelong friendships with his classmates. His career in forestry with the federal government forged his closest friendships and was the source of many of his best stories. Doug MilneSmith and the Peaker girls, Carolyn and Cathy, were especially close - just like family. Les’s wicked sense of humour, kindness, and generosity - all defining characteristics - will be missed by all who knew him. Many thanks to his family at Bayfield Manor for their love and care. Also, the doctors, nurses, and staff at KDH were so good to Dad, and to us. A send-off is being planned for May 2023. Les will be interred along-side his parents Harold and Jessie (Potter) Wallace in Kars, Ontario. Donations in Dad’s memory to Kemptville District Hospital or the charity of your choice would be appreciated.

The family would love to hear your stories about Les. You can send them to William at:


Hulse, Playfair & McGarry


Baldwin's Birds

Widow they wash her body for his soul to rest

shackled in rituals long past their time wrap her with punitive measures bind her cut her locks smudge her makeup no one must talk to her she is an outcast

even after his death she must serve she is evil

they wash her body for his soul to rest

Celebrate the woman here she comes dragging her feet across the wet fields beaten, ten times, maybe more

Celebrate the woman who may cry often but never let you know what is hurting her

Hairy, But Not Scary!

On this miserable snowbound day, which isn't at all cheery at the moment, but as the day is drawing to an end, it is starting to look a bit more like things are starting to look up! At least I can do that now without getting an eyeful of snow and so can the birds, as they continue to come in to my feeders, or to gather the seed scattered on the ground. I am still getting quite a variety of them including a couple of Crows and some Starlings, with their iridescent plumage still in evidence. Of course, these birds, being of a larger variety are not able to use the suspended feeders, so gravitate to ground feeding or using my larger feeders, as do the Pigeons, Doves, Bluejays and Cardinals, who feed at either place depending on what appears to be available for them to eat. Our timid Redwing Blackbird partakes when it plucks up enough courage, but never lingers in one place for very long, as opposed to our two types of Woodpecker, the "diminutive" Downy and the 'huge" Hairy, who enjoy their feeding suspended above the rest and are never in too much of a rush! Both types seem to relish their visits and, at times, seem almost to be asleep, as they cling to whatever hanging feeder they are on, and remain motionless for quite long intervals. Of course, I don't think that they actually drift off to sleep ,but are keeping a vigilant look out for any unwanted intruders wishing to do them and the other birds harm. Fortunately this is a very, very occasional occurrence, so is a very safe spot for them all.

Celebrate the woman who wants to conquer the world but is not allowed stopped at each juncture she wants to cross all boundaries

Celebrate the woman the overachiever, the nari shakti inside her, a raging fire within lifts her spirits burns to aspire leap across greater heights

The Food Corner

by Paul Cormier, Salamanders of Kemptville

How can such an ugly tuber as a sweet potato taste so good! Some folks coming to our restaurant always order the Sweet Potato Fries. Sweet potatoes are a staple in lots of cultures and our family particularly appreciates them as easy to make, flavourful and also very versatile: they can go with practically anything. Today’s recipe tarts up the homely plant with orange and ginger, hence Orange Ginger Sweet Potatoes.

Orange Ginger Sweet Potatoes


• 2 kgs or 4 ½ pounds of sweet potatoes (available practically everywhere)

• 5 tablespoons of butter

• ½ cup of half and half cream

• 1 tablespoon of orange juice concentrate

• 1 teaspoon of ground ginger

• 1 teaspoon of ground black pepper


• Peel the sweet potatoes and cut them into pieces for cooking

• Cover them with water in a sauce pan, bring to a boil,

If you are wondering about my cryptic title for this article I am referring to my picture of a Hairy Male (Aren't we all!?) Woodpecker, giving a close-up view of its face, which, if the paper's version is clear enough, shows how the feathers surrounding the base of the beak look to be quite hair-like in looks and structure. These fine facial feathers, however, do not give it its name, which comes from the long thread-like white feathers that run down the middle of its black back. This fact I have just "Googled" so it must be true, mustn't it?! (tongue in cheek!). It is certainly something I shall be looking out for the next chance that I get. Perhaps you may be lucky enough to see it too, if you haven't done so already. Stay safe and well.


then reduce heat to a simmer

• Let the sweet potatoes cook till tender for a half hour or so, then drain

• Place the cooked and tender tubers in a blender or food processor

• Add the butter, cream, orange juice concentrate, ginger and pepper

• Blend till smooth and pour the mixture into a baking dish (glass preferred)

• Bake at 350F for a half hour or so and serve while hot

To add eye appeal, you can swirl 2 or 3 tablespoons of sour cream or plain yoghurt into the top half inch of your dish. You can actually serve Orange Ginger Sweet Potatoes as a soup, they are that good! Or, have them accompany a leg of lamb or a pork roast. Vegetarians can serve this recipe with pastas or grain dishes.

All the best from Please think kindly of our colleagues at Mr. Mozzarella, who are recovering from a fire. Despite the material damage, we are all thankful that there was no loss of life or injuries; we are also impressed by and grateful for our devoted municipal firefighters, as always.

The Voice of North Grenville 16 The North Grenville Times March 9, 2023
• 3D Design • Interlock Natural Stone • Lighting • Planting • Water Features Services 613-316-7710

The Kemptville Lions Chocolate Easter


With all the snow we've had lately, it's hard to believe that spring is around the corner. Take heart, after an absence of two years due to the pandemic, the Kemptville Lions Club has begun to sell their chocolate bunnies again. Bunnies will be available until Easter (April 9) or while supplies last.

Lions members will be selling the bunnies at Food Basics (2615 County Rd 43, Kemptville) on March 10 - 12th, March 24 - 26th and April 6th. Bunnies will also be available at the B & H (301 Rideau St, Kemptville) on March 17 and 18th, March 31, April 1 and April 9th. The bunnies are all solid chocolate. The large bunnies are $5.00 and the small ones are $3.00.

Please go to for more information.

17 March 9, 2023 The North Grenville Times The Voice of North Grenville by
MELISSA OTTENHOF Marketing Consultant Phone:613 329 0209 Email: the north grenville TIMES Help Support Your Local Businesses SHOP LOCALLY "We are open for your convenience during these troubled times" Monday - Friday 8:30 am to 5:00 pm RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL INTERIOR / EXTERIOR PAINTING-DRYWALL REPAIR-STIPPLE-STUCCOWALLPAPER-EPOXY-PLASTER-CAULKINGSTAINING-PRESSURE WASHING 613 298-7811 TOP SECRET CLEARANCE CANADA (LEVEL lll) DWYER Tree Service Darren Dwyer Certified utility arborist 613.531.1544 TRIMMING & TREE REMOVAL FREE ESTIMATES . FULLY INSURED
Bunnies are
KEVLAR VILLAGE CENTRAL APTS Beside Giant Tiger and Kemptville Retirement Home 1 and 2 Bedroom Luxury Apartments Natural Gas Furnace and Central Air In Suite Washer & Dryer Stainless Appliances Included Bright Open Concept Quartz Counters Private Balconies with Glass Panels Elevator . . . . . . . Independently Owned and Operated AVAILABLE NOW SHOWINGS AVAILABLE, CALL FOR MORE DETAILS OR TO BOOK AN APPOINTMENT. Brokerage Nickname: Trotts #8 Émile Trottier Birthplace : Québec Position: Centre Previous Hockey Club: South Shore Kings Hockey Hero:Connor McDavid Most Inspiring Person: Connor Bédard Favourite Movie: Hunger Games Favourite Musician: Morgan Wallen Favourite Food: Sushi Favourite Hockey Moment: Jeux du Québec Favourite Sport other than Hockey: Golf Life as a Jr. A Player: Living the dream One word that describes me: Working 613.706.1250 2678 COUNTY RD. 43 Kemptville

73’s remain focused as they log four points on the road

with Vom Scheidt to pull the Wolves within one at 16:40.

The Wolves on the prowl as Brady Simpson with help from Lizotte and Mierzejewski counted the only marker of the third at 9:44 at three all to force OT.

Renfrew found themselves riding the pine at :21 into OT when Henry stretched one out to Bennett to bait Hunter Brazier PPG in the rocking chair to drift it through for game winner at 2:17 for a 4 to 3 victory.

gunned by 42 to 26 and the Wolves 1/10 PP and the 73’s 1/6

PK was killer for both squads with stellar stopper support to keep the challenge interesting.

The 73’s have road trips for the next three meetings with Cornwall, Hawkesbury, Brockville and nestle into their own barn on Wednesday, March 15 to face Carleton Place Canadians.

by the sportsguy Road trip into Rockland to face the Nationals on Friday evening turned into a Ty Whyte exhibition as he recorded a hat-trick with an assist, sniping a SO goal and Alex Musielak stood tall to hold on to a 7 - 6 win.

The 73’s dominated the initial frame as Fennell transitioned to O’Doherty onto Ty Whyte tape to put it behind Hadyn Gould at 5:23. Thomas with Vollett to dish it off to Ty Whyte at 8:14 for a 2 zip lead. Rockland countered at 9:17 when Zach Power with assists from Crete and Dostaler blew it by Alex Musielak to spoil his SO. Kemptville with an extra man when Yakubowski held the line into the slot to

find Ty Whyte PPG for his hat-trick at 10:11 to take a 3 to 1 lead.

Going into the second the Nationals bounced back with Yanic Crete with helpers from Leblanc and Dostaler at 14:45. At 16:21 Guillaume Labre with assists from Cousineau and Malay knotted it at three. Man advantage for the 73’s as O’Doherty combined with Yakubowski so Benjamin Campeau PPG could pull the trigger at 18:38 for the tiebreaker.

The Nationals came on into the third for Guilliaume Labre second with help from Leonard with Laurent at 3:49 to level it off. Whyte on PP to set up Yakubowski, back to the point for Cole-

man Bennett PPG to rifle it home at 7:22 to move Kemptville ahead by one. Rockland answered with a Ben Albright marker assisted by Malay with Lanthier at 13:29. Carter Vollett on the tear after O’Doherty on the attack with Yakubowski to even it at six to force OT at 14:32.

OT closed out scoreless to initiate a SO that Kemptville sniped in two discs from Ty Whyte and Hunter Brazier to award them the two points.

Rockland hammered Kemptville 54 to 26 with 0/6 PP and the 73’s 3/6.

Another road venture into Renfrew to battle the Wolves for Saturday evening's contest to give Kemp-

Carbon Monoxide Alarms received for Safe Community Project Zero

and maintained, combination smoke and carbon monoxide alarms help provide the early warning to safely escape from a house fire or carbon monoxide exposure. Carbon monoxide is a toxic, odourless gas that is a by-product of incomplete combustion of many types of common fuels.

tville another win of 4 - 3 in OT.

Renfrew drew first blood on a PP with Joey Kennelly PPG with helpers from Scullion and Phare to beat Jacob Biron at 16:18.

Another man advantage for the Wolves as Biron noted an opportunity to spring Grady Logue SHG on a break away downtown to launch it by Aaron Matthews at :28 to even it at one. C. Bennett put it into the magic hands of Hunter Brazier to drive it home at 11:35 for the 73’s tie breaker. Grady Logue logged his second from Henry and N. Bennett found the back of the net at 16:06 to make it a two goal spread for the 73’s. Elvis Slack assisted from Waivada

Kemptville were out-

NO Quit…just True Grit…see you around the wall.

submitted by Brad Cole, Merrickville Fire Chief

On February 27, Enbridge Gas Inc. and Merrickville Fire Department announced they are working together to improve home safety and bring fire and carbon monoxide-related deaths down to zero.

Merrickville Fire Department received 120 combination smoke and carbon monoxide alarms through Safe Community Project

Zero–a public education campaign with the Fire Marshal’s Public Fire Safety Council (FMPFSC) that will provide more than 8,000 alarms to residents in 50 municipalities across Ontario.

This year, Enbridge Gas invested $250,000 in Safe Community Project Zero, and over the past 14 years, the program has provided more than 76,000 alarms to Ontario fire departments.

When properly installed

“Carbon monoxide is known as the ‘silent killer’ for a reason, and evidence shows that prevention saves lives. We know that the best way to avoid carbon monoxide exposure is to eliminate it at the source by properly maintaining fuel-burning equipment, and that the alarms are a critical second line of defense to protect against carbon monoxide poisoning,” says Ian Presley, Eastern Region Operations Supervisor, Enbridge Gas.

“The objective of Safe Community Project Zero is to deliver combination smoke and carbon monoxide alarms to residents in Ontario communities who need them the most,” says Jon Pegg, Ontario Fire Marshal

and Chair of the FMPFSC. “It’s a program that fire departments can adopt to help educate their communities about the requirement for all Ontario homes to have a CO alarm if they have a fuel-burning appliance or an attached garage.”

“If your CO alarm sounds, move outdoors, make sure you account for everyone in the home and call 911 from the fresh air location. Remain at the fresh air location until emergency personnel arrive to help you,” says Fire Chief Brad Cole.

About the Merrickville Fire Department.

The Merrickville Fire Department is comprised of 30 members including the Chief, and serves about 3200 residents spanning across 214 square km along side the beautiful Rideau Canal. The department responds to over 100 calls for service each year and CO calls make up 10% of the calls the department responds to.

About the FMPFSC

The FMPFSC was es-

tablished in 1993 with a mission to help create “a world where no one is hurt by fire.” Chaired by the Ontario Fire Marshal, the FMPFSC promotes fire prevention and public education through sponsorships and partnerships with various groups and individuals with an interest in public safety. Follow the FMPFSC on Twitter @FMPFSC.

About Enbridge Gas

Enbridge Gas Inc., formed on January 1, 2019, from the amalgamation of Union Gas Limited and Enbridge Gas Distribution, is Canada's largest natural gas storage, transmission and distribution company based in Ontario with a more than 170-years of history in providing safe and reliable service to customers. The distribution business serves about 3.8 million customers, heating over 75 per cent of Ontario homes. The storage and transmission

business offers a variety of storage and transportation services to customers at the Dawn Hub, the largest integrated underground storage facility in Canada and one of the largest in North America. Enbridge Gas Inc. is owned by Enbridge Inc., a Canadian-based leader in energy transportation and distribution.

For more information, visit or follow us on Twitter @ EnbridgeGas.

The Voice of North Grenville 18 The North Grenville Times March 9, 2023 Nickname: Warnzy, Warna, Warns Birthplace & Date: Collingwood, ON, July 10, 2006 Position: Forward Previous Hockey Club: Kemptville 73’s U18 Hockey Hero: Jordan Tootoo Most Inspiring Person: My Dad Favourite Movie: Trains & Automobiles Favourite Musician: Morgan Wallen & Nickleback Favourite Food: Chicken Parm Favourite Hockey Moment: First Junior Game Favourite Sport other than Hockey: Lacrosse Life as a Jr. A Player: Fun, challenging & memorable One word that describes me: Tenacious
613 258 2902 3-15 Precision Dr. Kemptville
Wyatt Warner No quit, just true grit…your 73’s are focussed on the prize, as they secure four points during two road back to back battles on the run
for the playoffs.
Left to right: CAO Doug Robertson, Mayor Michael Cameron, Ian Presley field manager for Enbridge gas, Fire Chief Brad Cole, Deputy Chief Nicholas Wilson, Fire Prevention Officer Steve Templeton, Councillor Margaret Gural, Councillor Ronnie Maitland.

100th trip around the sun

tration at times when people fail to do these simple things to protect their health. But I’ve also acknowledged that changing behaviours can be difficult.

People often ask me, what’s my secret to a long and healthy life? This week, I start my 100th trip around the sun. So I must acknowledge that Lady Luck has been on my side. But it’s not just good luck, or good genes.

As a medical doctor, I learned early that the best way to stay healthy is to avoid getting sick. Doctors can occasionally work miracles. But these are rare, and you should not count on them as a strategy for a long and healthy life.

Your physical body is your only vehicle on this journey of life. It’s been said, “If you don’t take care of your body, where are you going to live?”

So take this to heart. Rule #1 for good health and longevity is to follow a sound lifestyle starting early in life. And Rule #2 is, never forget rule #1.

Even so, problems can creep up.

Over many years now, I’ve told readers to be wary of pharmaceutical drugs. When I suffered a heart attack at 74-years of age, I chose a high dose vitamin C regimen to combat build up of plaque in coronary arter-

ies. Twenty-five years later, my ticker and cardiovascular system are still going.

Doctors advised me to take statins. They said I wouldn’t live 5 years without them.

But I prefer to focus on the fundamentals, not to treat the symptoms. So here are a sample of the common-sense ingredients for good health: Get regular exercise including aerobic and strength training to maintain physical and mental health.

Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Avoid processed foods, sugar, salt, and excess alcohol.

Manage stress using techniques that ease your mind, whether it be meditation and mindfulness, a workout, or a favourite comedy show.

Sleep well, enabling the body and mind to rest and recharge.

Schedule regular medical check-ups, especially to get access to screening tests that help identify and treat heath issues early on.

I have expressed frus-

So I’ve argued that people should build simple and regular habits that promote good health. One of them is stepping on the bathroom scale everyday. It never lies.

On matters of another scale, it confounds me greatly that humankind can be so cruel and misguided. War, pollution, and poverty are among the features of our social landscape that will condemn the chances of many people to reach a healthy old age. But I don’t know how to stop the madness.

In light of it all, there’s little chance of a healthy, long life if you are not happy. Enjoyable social connections with family and friends are undervalued among the determinants of health. The effects of laughter on physical and mental health haven’t been studied enough. But a life of laughter is good practice for old age, when for all its benefits, you also need coping mechanisms – and there is none better than a good laugh.

As I journey for my 100th trip around the sun, I would like to thank all my readers for your birthday greetings and especially for the feedback regarding how this column has occasionally been helpful to you. I always aim to write in a way that is both informative and thought-provoking. And I am not done yet!

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19 March 9, 2023 The North Grenville Times The Voice of North Grenville
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War Amps 2023 key tag mailing begins in

North Grenville


CBC Gardening expert, Ed Lawrence, knew Anstace and gives her credit for promoting local foods long before it was popular: "She felt a value in growing your own, far, far before anybody else was a great advocate for growing their own food."

of production Tracy Duflo. "I don't know if it was because they were a little bit older, because they were Canadian, because Anstace was just so darn cute, but audiences just loved her."

submitted by Martine Lepine

War Amps begins its 2023 key tag mailing to North Grenville and surrounding area this week.

The Key Tag Service was launched in 1946 so that returning war amputee veterans could not only work for competitive wages, but also provide a service to Canadians that would generate funds for the Association’s many programs, including CHAMP. The Key Tag Service continues to employ amputees and people with disabilities and has returned more than 1.5 million sets of lost keys to their owners.

Each key tag has a confidentially coded number. If you lose your keys, the finder can call the toll-free number on the back of the tag or place them in any mailbox in Canada, and The War Amps will return them to you by courier, free of charge.

The War Amps receives no government grants and its programs are possible through public support of the Key Tag and Address Label Service.

For more information, or to order key tags, visit waramps. ca or call toll-free 1 800 250-3030.

Long before the current interest in local food initiatives, two residents of North Grenville were spreading the word on television across North America and encouraging people to find out more about where their food came from, and how to grow it. Anstace and Larry Esmonde-White were popular hosts of “From a Country Garden”, which ran on PBS for fourteen years from 1986, as well as regularly appearing on CBC television and radio programs. The wonderful thing about their long career in television was that it only began after they had retired to North Grenville after a most amazing life together.

Anstace was born at Broomfield, Dublin, Ireland. She and Larry first met each other when they met on a bridge in their native Ireland. Anstace was just 12 and Larry was 14 years old. When Larry died, just a few months short of his 96th birthday, they had been together for 82 years. Anstace graduated from Liverpool College for Young Ladies, and during

World War II she worked at the Remount Depot, Melton Mowbray, England and in Cairo, Egypt for the Catholic Women's League. She and Larry married in Mosul, Iraq, in 1944, where Larry was serving with the Poona Horse of the Indian Army.

Theirs was a very happy marriage, full of adventure. After the war, they came to Canada, where Larry joined the Lord Strathcona Horse of the Canadian Army. Having served around the world, and across Canada, the pair finally retired and most couples would have started to take it easy at that point. But not Laurence George Patrick and Delliana Anstace Esmonde-White.

In 1971, they bought Evergreen Farm, a stone farmhouse with five acres of land in North Grenville, and it was there that Anstace and Larry became international gardening celebrities, hosting gardening shows on CJOH in Ottawa, CBC nationally, and PBS internationally in "From a Country Garden". The program was immensely successful and ran for 17

Anstace was the President of the Ottawa Horticultural Society. On the Edmonde-White Gardens website is a quote which sums up the couple’s approach:

“Growing our own food gives us an additional respect for what the land has provided for us. Equipped with this knowledge and respect, we more readily understand that the foods growing from the earth carry the exact nutrients that our bodies need to be healthy. Growing our food helps enforce the idea that our kitchens are our apothecaries.”

"Anstace and Larry resonated with audiences," said WPBS director

There was international recognition too. There was an acknowledgement from the Government of Canada in 2006 for “outstanding contributions to the gardening world.” In the same year, the President of Ireland publicly noted their lifetime of achievement in gardening. Anstace died in August, 2016 at the age of 96. The couple left behind a legacy in the years of gardening advice and information they had passed on to people everywhere, in the role model they provided on the importance local, sustainable foods, and, most especially, in their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

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Vanessa Parsons, 5, of North Augusta is benefiting from The War Amps Child Amputee (CHAMP) Program thanks to public support of the Key Tag Service.
Anstace Esmonde-White Help Support Your Local Businesses SHOP LOCALLY

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