Nithyananda Times - June, 2014

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Inner Awakening July 15th - August 4th, 2014 Venue: Hardwar September 16th - October 6th, 2014 Venue: Varanasi October 16th - November 5th, 2014 Venue: Bidadi November 14th December 4th, 2014 Venue: Tiruvannamalai December 10th-30th, 2014 Venue: Cambodia For Further Information, reach the IA Support Team: North & South Americas: 800-265-3386 India & Other Countries: +91 7760 982230

Who is Paramahamsa Nithyananda? Paramahamsa Nithyananda is revered as a living incarnation of superconsciousness by millions worldwide. He is a global leader in the science of enlightenment, a spiritual genius, imparting his enlightened insight into everything from management to meditation, from relationships to religion and from success to spirituality. He is continuously sharing a wealth of practical wisdom and meditation techniques and tools for lasting inner transformation. Paramahamsa Nithyananda is a powerful spiritual healer, actively working with researchers to bring scientific understanding to eastern mystical phenomenons such as Kundalini awakening, materialization and spiritual healing. He has designed specific meditations and kriyas which help people with disorders like diabetes, sleep disorders, cancer and depression. He is the most popular spiritual teacher on YouTube with 14 million views. He has authored over 500 books in 27 languages. He has established over 40 temples and over 1000 meditation centers all around the globe, through which he has served thousands of people free food, free medical care, free educational services – making the enlightenment sciences available to the world!

Advaitha, the Best Strategy for Life / June 2014



8 Advaitha, the Gift of Mahadeva

14 Make Advaitha Your Strategy for Succcess



10 Advaitha, the Only Life Insurance

Catch the Context of Advaitha

What is your Thought Trend?

Completion is a Decision





Build an Authentic Identity with Your Teamily

Living Enlightenment is Easy with Your Teamily

Completion with Teamily




Create Your New Reality!

Transform Your Life With Advaitha

Advaitha - the only Cure All



32 Advaitha, Tecnique for Miracle powers

Inner Awakening the Pathway to Experience Advaitha


Inner Awakening Experiences

The Love of the Master is the Answer

Nithyananda Times Volume 3, Issue 6, June, 2014 Owned by: Nithyananda Galleria Private Limited Published By: Global Headquarters, Bangalore, Nithyananda Sangha, Kallugopahalli, Off Mysore Road, Bidadi Bangalore - 562 109 Phone: 7200003322 / + 80 28022101 Printed By: Print-O-Graph Total Print Solution #97, Sultanpet, Bangalore - 53 Phone: +91-802877398, 22259891

Editor Valli Ramanathan E-mail Website Subscription Rates One year (12 issues): Rs 350/= Two Years (24 issues): Rs 700/= Three Years (36 issues): Rs 1050/= Four Years (48 issues): Rs 1400/= To subscribe online visit

Disclaimer The meditation techniques included in this magazine are to be practiced only under the direct supervision of an ordained teacher of Nithyananda Sangha and in consultation with your personal physician to determine your fitness and ability to do the techniques. They are not intended to be a substitute for medical attention, examination, diagnosis or treatment. If someone tries these techniques without prior participation in the meditation programs of Nithyananda Sangha and without the direct supervision of an ordained teacher of Nithyananda Sangha, they shall be doing so entirely at their own risk; neither the author, nor the publisher nor NM shall be responsible for the consequences of their actions. Š2014 Nithyananda Galleria Private Limited All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. In the event that you use any of the information in this book for yourself, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for our actions.

Advaitha, the Best Strategy for Life / June 2014



Advaitha, the Best Strategy for Life / June 2014

MY DEAR ONES, I wanted you to know the deeper principles about Advaitha. Life starts when you decide to cause others’ reality. Because the real you is everyone around you, you included. But what you cognize as ‘you’ is your deep-rooted pain related patterns and incompletions. No matter how much you try to decorate, perfume, scent and garland yourself, you are trying to do all this to the pain part of you, the incomplete part of you. But the more you are going to remember, identify and cognize with the incomplete part of you, what are you doing? You are trying to perfume the drainage! You are trying to perfume the sewage tank! So, the first shift that is required, the first action that is required is not in your doing, but in your cognition. I’m telling you a few important truths. The first truth: what you remember as ‘you’ is the pain part of you. You cognize only your incompletions as ‘you’. But the actual you is all the people around you put together. Third, because what you cognize as ‘you’ is only the deeprooted pain related patterns and incompletions you carry, no matter how much you try to perfume it or even put Kashi chandan on it and garland it, the moment you open up, what comes out? It is only the pain part of you! Listen! The real you is all the people with whom your life is involved and all the lives who are involved with you. All these put together is you. The cognitive shift needs to happen in you that all of them are you and you are them. Then, suddenly, your joy, your pain, your life, your goal, your purpose, your right, your wrong, your dharma, your adharma - everything gets rewritten! That rewriting is what I call ‘rewriting your future’. You rewrite your future full of powerfulness.

Be Blissful!

Paramahamsa Nithyananda (Spiritual Founder of Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam)

Advaitha, the Best Strategy for Life / June 2014



Advaitha, the Best Strategy for Life / June 2014



dvaitha is one of the ultimate truths of life. The word ‘Advaitha’ means nonduality. It does not mean oneness or that everyone is the same. It means that everyone is unique. Why not ‘oneness’? The moment you say, “one”, there is “two”. When you internalize and understand everything in life from the truth that everyone is an extension of you, you are experiencing the true space of Advaitha. Living in this space, internal energy, of Advaitha opens you up to your true nature - you are introduced to YOU.

The Gift of Advaitha Advaitha Sathya, the highest truth, was the precious gift given to the world directly from the inner space of Mahadeva. The research and development of these great truths - the way they are lived, transmitted, contemplated and listened to - is the perfection that happened in the great, loving space of Mahadeva. In the modern world, the great enlightenment science of Advaitha has been branded as a very powerful theology and philosophy. Originally, however, Advaitha evolved as a sweet, personal instruction between the disciple and the Master when Mahadeva shared it with his consort, the Goddess Parvathi.

Advaitha is Available for Everyone Today, in the living presence of enlightened Master, Paramahamsa Nithyananda, the great truth of Advaitha is perfected and made user-friendly for

modern times. In order to fully absorb the great spiritual truths into your system, it is recommended that you spend time around the Master to allow these truths to be transmitted to you. In the loving energy field of the Master, these teachings become a part of your very bio-energy. This phenomenon happens during the Inner Awakening program, where the vast inner space of the Master becomes available to you, allowing you to experientially understand the higher truth of Advaitha. The love of the Master is from the space of his bioenergy - the pure, unpolluted Kundalini Shakthi. Your own dormant potential energy, Kundalini Shakthi, can be awakened just by the Master’s presence, allowing your core being to open up. Unfortunately, if you are afraid of the unknown components of you, your core being, then you will have fear of the pure, compassionate love which comes from the core being of the Master. Understand that the Master’s love will never make you lose yourself - the Master’s love will always make you find yourself, uncovering the great possibility that you are. The more time you spend with the Master, the more transformation happens within your inner space. During the 21 days you spend with the Master, in the Inner Awakening Program, the transformation becomes permanent in your inner space. The Master takes time to teach you and he gives you the direct experience of living the great science of Advaitha. The program opens up an unlimited number of opportunities and paths for higher transformation, in every plane of existence, for you and the world around you.

Advaitha, the Best Strategy for Life / June 2014





Advaitha, the Best Strategy for Life / June 2014


dvaitha is ultimate truth and the purpose of all life. The word ‘Advaitha’ translates to ‘nonduality’. Advaitha is neither difficult nor easy, you just have to live it. Advaitha is the most sure thing on the planet Earth. Sooner or later, either in this janma (lifetime) or in the next janma, you have to achieve the space of Advaitha.

Advaitha is a Practical Science Advaitha, in practice, is the science of making what you want as reality. Advaitha, in thinking, is clarity. If you have an Advaithic approach towards yourself, that will make you more and more sure about yourself. Being sure about what you want will remove all powerlessness from your life. It will make you so powerful and bring you so much success that not only everything you touch, but everything people touch in your name will also become successful. Taking your name, anything people touch will become successful. That is the power of the space of Advaitha. Knowing that whatever you do should be from the space of Advaitha is Dharma (righteousness). Knowing that whatever you want to acquire is already a part of your inner space is the science of Artha (economics). Knowing that every person you want to have in your life is already a part of you is the science of Kama (desires). And knowing that everything is you is the science of Moksha (liberation).

Everything is Part of You

is YOU! If you carry the clarity that the other person is an extension of you, even if he tries to attack you, his whole being will not support him in his attack on you. He will be so foolish that he will collapse and you will not be attacked. All spiritual experiences, whether it is Kundalini awakening or Energy Darshan, Shakthipat, Puja, Homa, Yoga, Pranayama or Kriya, everything is useful as long as it aligns you with the nondualistic truth.

Manage Your Life with Advaitha It is very unfortunate that because Advaitha is an amazing intellectual philosophy, even the intellectual understanding solves many problems and people stop with that. Just because Yoga cures your stomach pain doesn’t mean you should stop with that. Yoga cures your headache; but you should not stop with that. Up to the time you have a head, you need to do Yoga! Yoga is not just for removing the headache; it is for removing the disease of having a body. In the same way, Advaitha is not just for having an intellectual clarity about how to run your life. Living Advaitha is the real life insurance; everything else is death insurance. When you make Advaitha into your own experience, it becomes the greatest Insurance for all crisis management. Otherwise, your instability becomes a horror even for yourself. Advaitha is the only space where you will find rest, where you will find success, where you will find completion and where you will find fulfilment.

Whether you see everything as a joyful addition to you or as a problem added to you, the space of Advaitha is cognizing everything in your life based on the truth that everything is you. Whether you feel that life is a lead or a load, Advaitha is a fact! If you understand everything is you, you will start thinking, “Then I am responsible. How can I make everything around me as a lead instead of a load?” When you know that everything around you is you, you will have tremendous compassion and sympathy and you will not give up on people. You will not even have the arrogance to give up on people. Whether you realize it or not, everyone who is part of your life

Advaitha, the Best Strategy for Life / June 2014




by Paramhamsa Nithyananda


Advaitha, the Best Strategy for Life / June 2014


henever a truth is revealed, there are some people who perceive it as the truth until it is proven as false. There are some other people who take it as false until it is proven true. I am not saying that the first category is right and the second category is wrong. All I am saying is, the first category gets to enjoy the living presence of an incarnation and his leelas, the divine play. The second category has to live with the deities, statues and only pictures of the Master. Krishna says beautifully in the Bhagavad Gita, “Whoever knows the context of my actions understands my inner space!” If you try to find the reasons for my actions, you will only get into inability. Inability always makes you powerless. If anything makes you powerless, you nurture anger towards it. Try to get the context of my actions, not the reasons. My context is always from the space of Advaitha. When you have patience to get the context of my actions, you will not only rise in love with me, you become me!

go to Rishikesh and Haridwar, sit in a calm place and chant “Rama Rama Rama”’.

Strategize Your Life with Advaitha Understand, Advaitha is not retirement plan - it is life strategy plan. It is your “career dating” plan. Before you start your career or planning for dating, get the context of Advaitha, because you need Advaitha before you even start your career and dating! Advaitha is not a retirement plan but the alphabet you need to learn in your life. The Inner Awakening program makes it easy for you to imbibe the truth of Advaitha. The program prepares you to face life and celebrate it from the context of Advaitha. The highest intelligence in you is activated and Advaitha is programmed into your very thinking - not just as a philosophy, but the very context from which you cognize the happenings in your life.

Understand the Context of Advaitha If you look at all my actions from the context of Advaitha, you will experience and become absorbed into that tremendous love, experiencing the space of ‘Nithyanandoham’- ‘I am eternal bliss!’ The moment you know the context from which I am operating, it becomes yours. Understand, the space of Advaitha which I am carrying is an inexhaustible wealth, secretly kept in my heart. Getting the context is very easy. Before you think of starting a debate on it, approach the truth with the clarity that it is true. For example, when you approach this statement, “The Sun rises in the East”, don’t ask for reasons. Instead, try to look into the context. The person who tries to get the context of my actions is a devotee. The one who grasps the context of my actions is Me!

Make Advaitha your Life Strategy Advaitha is the sathya, truth, based on which you should start planning and strategizing your life. It is not something to be experienced when you are old and retired. It is so unfortunate, people always say, ‘When I am old, all my responsibilities are over and I’m retired, I will attend meditation programs. I will Advaitha, the Best Strategy for Life / June 2014




uccess’ is a powerful word because it creates so many different emotions in you. Good or bad, it stimulates all your thought patterns. All successes are achieved because of Advaitha. All failures happen when you fight with Advaitha because you perceive it as incomprehensible, impractical and impossible. Advaitha is the only practical strategy required to steer through life with ease. Advaitha brings the ultimate success when it is understood from the right context - why do you want success? Success is making what you want, from the context you want, as a reality. For example, if you want money for entertainment, you should also have the health to enjoy it. That is the correct context. If you burn yourself out acquiring the money, you have only sold your health! This is the wrong context. Aligning what you want with the correct context of what you want makes you a successful person.

Measure Your Success You can consider yourself a success the moment you cause the reality you want using the context you want. When you don’t have any powerlessness about your future and you are very clear about what you want, how you are going to cause it and can follow the side-effects and the after-effects, then you have fulfilment even before being successful. Once you begin to see the success happen, then you have the knowledge of the science and the ability to reproduce success. Making what you want happen again and again in your life from the context of how you want it, makes you ‘successful’. All the ‘blind spots’ are sorted out and you can move with the clarity of your life’s purpose. The people that you keep around you contribute to your success. The state of mind held by the people you associate with shape or reflect your own state of

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Advaitha, Advaitha,the thePath Bestto Strategy Liberation for Life / June / June 2014 2014

mind because you are a part of everyone around you. It does not matter if you are a housewife or a CEO, you are answerable for your success or the lack of it. Continuously remember to be in the space of Advaitha with everyone you know. Be in tune with them and understand how they reflect your inner space. For example, have you ever noticed why if you are in a low mood, everyone around you treats you with a little impatience or unfriendliness? And on the contrary, when you move about the world with a smile and laughter in your heart, everyone you see can’t help but smile back at you. Now understand how everyone is an extension of you!

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uring the celebration of ‘Colors of Life’ festival or Holi, people throw colored powder on the River Ganges. When people throw the colored powder on the Ganges, the colored powder floats on the surface of the Ganges and then in a few minutes it disappears into the Ganges. Here, the colored powder floating on the Ganges can be called the ‘thought trend’ and the flow of the Ganges is the ‘thought current’.

Thought Trend or Thought Current? Every day, how you perceive yourself, how you consciously choose to align a few thoughts as a part of yourself (your conscious thinking) is your ‘thought trend’. Your whole life’s thinking flow, what you perceive as ‘you’ in your dreams, in your deep sleep, the default thinking style of your being, your


Advaitha, the Best Strategy for Life / June 2014

inner space (your unconscious flow) is your ‘thought current’. Thought trend is the thinking trend, based on which you make your day-to-day decisions like, “Should I drive my car and go to office, or should I go by bus?” You make every day decisions naturally based on thought trend, not by thought current. You make bigger decisions in your life such as marriage, career, etc. based on your whole thought current. But the good news is when you coordinate your thought trend there is no need to worry about your thought current.

Advaitha Begins with a Decision Just decide you will align your thought trend. Most people carry a wrong cognition that only if you transform your thought current you can be complete. From morning till night every day, align

your thought trend to Advaitha. In the morning when you wake up, if you feel bored or tired, just tell yourself, “I am the eternal space, Nithyananda, I cannot be tired or bored.” When one part of you continues to tell you “No, I am tired! I am bored!” Don’t worry about it. Don’t give up, saying, “Oh, God! Unless I transform the whole thought current, I cannot be in the space of Advaitha.” Start with the thought trend in every action and then smaller actions.

Align Your Thought Trend You do not need to worry about your whole thought current. The thought trend being aligned towards the Advaitha is enough, because you are experiencing only thought trend as life! Actually, when you start aligning your thought trend, the

thought current also becomes nondualistic. Start tuning your thought trend to nondualistic. Handle and align your simple actions like what kind of food you eat, how many hours you sleep, what is your simple perception about your neighbors, boss or spouse, and your everyday actions, to Advaitha. Your boss is nothing but one part of you which always wants to rule without explaining. Again, your spouse is also one part of you who goes on explaining which you don’t want to listen. Whether you realize it or not, everyone who is a part of your life is you. In the Inner Awakening program, you get all type of spiritual experiences - Kundalini awakening, Energy Darshan, Puja, Homa, Yoga, Pranayama and Kriya - all of which align your thought trend to the nondualistic truth – Advaitha. In twenty one days, when your thought trend is repeatedly aligned to the truth of Advaitha, your thought current also aligns to the truth of Advaitha.

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uman beings have the power to experience the non-dual space of Advaitha with everyone. But the ideas of impossibility always stop it from happening. This idea of impossibility creates self-doubt, self-hatred and self-denial in a person. It is a common belief that creating whatever we want as our reality cannot happen due to our past failures. This hangover that is carried around, from past incidents, is what is known as an ‘incompletion’. Incompletions act as a wall towards the individual who is trying to realise the state of Advaitha. We can overcome these by completing with them and manifesting what we want as our reality.

What is completion? Completion is a space or a state of being where no negative events, emotions, thought patterns or behaviours from the past can have a hold over us in the present or future. For example, people who have a deep self-sympathy, victim mentality, will always suffer from pain in the back of the head. Their incompletions will manifest as an illness or a disease in their physical body. This can only be resolved by completing with it. “Reliving your past, with a new understanding, deciding not to repeat past mistakes, incompletions and patterns again in future is completion.” Paramahamsa Nithyananda

How can completion be achieved? Once an incompletion is discovered, it can be completed. The very declaration that it will no longer be a part of the cognition can complete that incompletion for us! That is all! There are some patterns which cannot be completed, because the logical source of it cannot be found. Only the patterns that have their source in this birth can be completed by reliving. There are some patterns that are brought from the past births. The patterns for which the source is not known cannot be completed by reliving and relieving, they


Advaitha, the Best Strategy for Life / June 2014

can only be discarded. Discarding is the power of powers. Discarding is the essence of the completion process. When the incompletion can be discarded, it is complete. When it can be discarded, the completion process is no longer required for that thought pattern.

Decide to Be Complete! Completion is not a separate action; it is a simple decision. Constantly try to be in the space of completion for the whole day even while reading, writing, working, talking, planning or anything else we may be doing. Once you pick it up, the way you use it, the way you walk and talk will be different. Whenever agitation or an incompletion happens, take a few minutes to go into the bathroom, lock yourself there, do the completion and then come out. This is a simple decision that no one can question. Once you get a little comfortable with the space of completion, burning all incompletions, especially the ones from the past births, is an easy job for the Master. He can then permanently establish you in the space of completion. In the Inner Awakening program, he bolts this space of completion into the bio-memory of all the participants. As of now, because people are so comfortable with incompletion and impossibilities, he is not able to move them out of it because they don’t even know why they should be moved out of it. But when you go to the Inner Awakening program with the clarity that you want to transform and want to make positive changes in your life, the Master can simply replace your dysfunctioning inner space with a new inner space of completion. Completion is a direct technique leading to the space of Advaitha. With the right understanding and the sincere practice of completion, Advaitha can be easily experienced.

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Advaitha, the Best Strategy for Life / June 2014



iving Advaitha is the ultimate goal of all life. In the presence of an enlightened master, this goal becomes easily achievable by the practice of all the techniques and processes given by the Master to his followers, devotees and disciples. The eventual aim of all spiritual practices is to live Advaitha. Paramahamsa Nithyananda has condensed and given the most profound experience of living advaitha to the world through a spiritual practice called the ‘Living Advaitha’ process with your ‘teamily’. This process is a direct method for being permanently established in the unwavering space of Advaitha.

How can I Live Advaitha with my Teamily? The very structure of the original family system as defined by Manu, Parashara and Yajnavalkya, the great Cosmic constitution writers, was a constant reminder to always be in the nondualistic space, the space of Advaitha. All the great truths that are learned experientially, when they are shared with your family and team, they become your ‘teamily’. Your teamily is an extension of you. Your teamily is your extra hands, brains, hearts and legs. All the Hindu gods are portrayed with many heads, hands and legs; this is because they all have a powerful teamily!

To be established in the space of enlightenment, you don’t need to experience the nondual space with all the seven billion people on the planet. No! If you can experience the nondual space with the eleven people in your teamily, you will always experience living enlightenment and be established in it. This is because your incompletions and root patterns cannot survive more than the extension of eleven lives. When you form your teamily and start practising the Living Advaitha process, you will again and again be re-established in the space of complete completion with yourself and your teamily.

Who is my Teamily? Your teamily is the eleven people with whom you share your life and who share their life with you. They are the people who are a part of your living and your existence. These are the people who comprise your teamily. Even pets, trees, rivers and mountains can be a part of your teamily. To decide who should be on your teamily, you need to see how you hold them in your heart. When you are alone, by yourself, and you remember someone, how you feel about them decides whether they are your teamily or not. It is not necessary that you speak to the person everyday or very often. How you hold them in your heart decides whether they should be on your teamily or not. Advaitha, the Best Strategy for Life / June 2014




Advaitha, the Best Strategy for Life / June 2014


ompletion with your teamily is the first step towards being established in the nondualistic space. Through the practice of the Living Advaitha process, you and your teamily both need to experience complete completion with each other. Completion is more of a decision, rather than a technique. This is the first important truth that needs to be understood. Completion has less to do with doing, and more to do with understanding and deciding. For example, even you know which part of your body is a healthy organ and which part of it is a tumour. Your very understanding about which part is the tumour makes the tumour powerless! The tumour also gets its power from you; but the moment you decide that the tumour is not a part of you, it loses all its power over you and the energy supply to the tumour is stopped.

Share the Power of Completion with Your Teamily As the first step of completion with your teamily, you need to sit with your teamily members with the decision to bring completion to all of you. Before you start doing completion with your teamily members, explain to them what is completion and how it is going to help both of you. Your teamily members should be very clear on how the completion process is going to help them as well. You have to make them understand why completion will be valuable to learn and practice. For example, if your hand is broken, it is not only you who becomes weak, but the broken part of your hand also becomes weak. If the broken part gets healed, not only do you become strong, but the broken part also becomes strong. Any incompletion you have with yourself or others is like a part of you getting broken and in need of healing. Completion

heals the broken parts of you and restores strength to you. Your whole teamily should understand the necessity of completion from the right context. You should be able to speak into their listening. You will be able to do this by listening to yourself with great authenticity when you are speaking. When you are able to listen to your own self, you will be able to listen to the others also. When you listen to someone authentically, everything you speak to them receives their complete listening. Speak into the listening of your teamily members and explain the process of completion to them.

Break the Mould of Incompletions When you sit with your teamily, don’t confront them. You need to explain to them how your pattern was built by you since your young age and you are not holding them responsible for it. Don’t carry a prefabricated mould with you, slapping anyone who falls into that mould with your statement, “My mould is all incomplete because of you.” No! Your patterns are responsible for your incompletions with yourself and others. Go over all the incidents in your life that left you feeling incomplete and explain this to your teamily members until both of you are complete. Remember that your incompletions always cause more incompletion in other people. So, now decide to bring yourself and your teamily back to the space of complete completion through this process.

Teamily Causes Completion With all Patterns When you start doing completion with your teamily, you will see that all your incompletions, root patterns and ignorance will be destroyed! You will be permanently established in a powerful space the whole day. You will be living enlightenment. Then, awakening extraordinary mystical powers and Kundalini Shakti will be a very easy task for the Master.

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Advaitha, the Best Strategy for Life / June 2014



amakrishna Paramahamsa, the great enlightened master, has said very clearly, “It is only from Vidya Ahamkara that you can jump into the space of no ahamkara.” Building an authentic identity for yourself is an important spiritual practice. From the new authentic identity you build for yourself, you can take a quantum jump into the existence beyond all identity. All suffering is because you forget your identity again and again. All the good things are showered when you become authentic. Again and again aligning yourself to authenticity is ‘tapas’ (penance).

Building an authentic identity is Easy! The Living Advaitha process with your teamily is a direct path to creating a new authentic identity for yourself. When you start living complete completion with your teamily, they become a catalyst for you to build your new authentic identity. To build a new authentic identity, you first need to write down in detail the new identity you want to create for yourself. Pen down the most authentic following four identities you want to live:

1. Your inner image: the idea you want to carry

to be ‘Shivoham’, pen down all the qualities of Shiva you want to achieve. If you perceive Shiva as all-powerful, all-knowing and always compassionate, you have to complete with your ignorance, powerlessness and violence. You have to complete and drop them. Completion with these incompletions will not only establish you in these great qualities but rather, once you finish completing with all the incompletions, all the qualities of Mahadeva which you imagined and which you did not imagine will break open as if some floodgates have been opened inside your system.

Your Teamily is a Guide Take the help and feedback of your teamily to find out your incompletions which you need to complete with to live your new authentic identity. Find the root of any incompletions that come up and complete with that. Your teamily’s feedback is like a raw understanding. You will need to track back to the source of the patterns and the root incident from when you developed those incompletions and then complete with them. Have the clarity that anything your teamily gives as feedback, take it as right. Don’t entertain the doubt about whether your teamily is right or wrong. If some incompletion does not exist in you, it will not even come up in your teamily’s feedback. The moment you pen down your incompletions and identify them, they lose power over you. That is the first step towards completion.

about yourself

2. Your outer image: the way you want to project Similarly, study the declarations of each person yourself to others

3. Your life image: the way you want to perceive others and life

4. Others’ image: how you want others to perceive you, for which you are responsible Write down these in great detail. For example, if you want your inner image

in your teamily. Spend time on their declarations, apply your intelligence to it, and help the person to discover all the incompletions they have to achieve their desired identity. Being established in the highest identity is the pathway to being established in advaitha. Throughout the day, align your every step, every action and every thought to what you want to be. Advaitha, the Best Strategy for Life / June 2014



Advaitha, the Best Strategy for Life / June 2014



f you want Advaitha to become a day-to-day living reality for you, first you need to experience Advaitha with the people around you. The next step in the ‘Living Advaitha’ process after completing with your teamily, is to pen down the reality you want to cause. Request your whole teamily to also pen down the reality they want to cause. Remember that the only impossibility in Advaitha is ‘impossible’! When you pen down what you want to cause as your reality, don’t bother about whether it is possible or not. Pen down your reality as you want it to be. In the same way, ask your teamily to pen down the reality they want to cause. Share it with the whole teamily. If the teamily consists of twenty one people, all the twenty one should know all the twenty one realities you want to cause. You should know your reality and all the other twenty people’s realities.

After you have shared the reality you want to cause with your teamily and listened to their reality, decide that you will cause everyone’s reality. Start thinking for everyone. When you start thinking for the whole teamily, the first thing you need to do is to complete and drop your violence and anger towards yourself and others. Any attack coming towards you is the unknown part of you. Get ready to know the unknown parts of you with the knowledge of the known parts of you. Complete with it and decide to cause the reality of your teamily. You have the unique opportunity to experience the teamily process step by step in the Inner Awakening program by undergoing many beautiful processes and initiations from a living enlightened master. Being in the Master’s energy field ensures that you get the direct experience of the ‘Living Advaitha’ process. Advaitha, the Best Strategy for Life / June 2014




hat was your inspiration behind practising the ‘Living Advaitha’ and the teamily process?

Nithyanandam! My name is Dr Shilpa. I am a Homoeopathic doctor by profession from Tumkur. I wanted to do this process because I am very keen about my transformation. Anything Swamiji says is good for me, I jump to do it. After starting the teamily process, I actually felt why did I ever take it up. But I had to do because I had started and it is a responsibility and commitment to my Master. I did it as much as possible as it is all about dealing with people which is not easy.

What was your experience of the process for you and the people in your teamily? Some of the teamily members are devotees and some are non devotees. During the process some have made some sarcastic comments also and a few co-operated. Most of them were non- responsive. I don't know if they have experienced any changes, but for me it has done miracles. I am seeing tremendous change in my attitude towards myself and my teamily members. Because now my mind is very alert on the fact that at any cost I should be in completion with my teamily members and I cannot afford any incompletion as I would have to talk to them and complete. So the way I see them itself is different. I am more loving and caring authentically.

Has the process changed your life in any way? I am able to manifest whatever I want now. Earlier, I


Advaitha, the Best Strategy for Life / June 2014

used to create a space for something and sometimes what I wanted happened and sometimes it wouldn't. I am very calm and I have more clarity. Best of all is that for the very first time I could declare my authentic identity and reality. Earlier, I used to write my identity and reality but never felt good about it. But now after writing & declaring & getting Swamiji's blessing, the more I think of my identity and reality, the more I am excited. My bonding with some of my teamily members is now much stronger and better and now I know whatever I declared as my authentic identity and reality I already see it as happened. Before I had negative thoughts popping up when I made such declarations, but now there is hardly any such negative thoughts. I am very very very grateful to Swamiji for giving this wonderful process.

What was your inspiration behind practising the ‘Living Advaitha’ and teamily process? My name is Sathish Selvakumar. The inspiration was of course Swamiji's teachings. Swamiji's teachings are essential for my expansion.

What was your experience of the process for you and the people in your teamily? The moment Swamiji said that Inner Awakening (IA) in Varanasi will be the best gift that one could give their parents, I had a wish for my parents to experience it in May IA. The teamily conversations helped them to see the value of attending another IA. Both of them participated in May IA at Varanasi. Their first IA was in Bidadi in May 2013.

Has the process changed your life in any way? The process has put me on a path of awareness where I am listening for what I can learn from the situation that is currently unfolding in front of me. I am conscious that what I see is my own creation and anything unpleasant is a function of my own incompletions. There is so much ease and grace as resistance to life is withering away.

“I had a serious technical issue in a development project. It was every difficult to identify the cause. I was working through the night - of course, without any tiredness due to initiations from Swamiji. Suddenly, I thought why not use Advaitha space! I completed with my incompletions with the project and I created an advaithic space with it. Guess what happened! The bug got revealed and resolved it. Which was very surprising even for my manager.”

“My name is Sri Nithya Mukthananda and I live in Seattle. One weekend I was playing catch with my son Suhas. I was teaching him how to catch with a baseball glove; it’s big and unwieldy - not easy to get used to. He was dropping balls left and right. I was trying to give him instructions on how to move, how to put his hands etc. Some of my instructions worked, some did not. Then, suddenly, I remembered what Swamiji said. I asked Suhas - “Do you know that Swamiji is talking about Advaitha? He said “Yes, but I don’t understand it.” I told him, “The ball and glove are one. There is no two. You just need to make that happen. They want to be together - you make it happen, that’s it. That’s the only instruction.” And like magic he started catching beautifully! The ball just started falling into the glove so smoothly. So advaitha is applicable even in the very small things of life!”

-- S. Udhayapriya, Technical Lead, Software

-- Sri Nithya Mukthananda, Seattle, USA

professional, Bangalore

Advaitha, the Best Strategy for Life / June 2014



dvaitha gives you the ability to drop the past and restart your life anew. When you become disintegrated into bits and pieces, Advaitha is the right adhesive, integrating you to bring you out of powerlessness. Recovery through Advaitha is a permanent cure. For example, depression is a symptom of the disease called delusion. With Advaitha, you can destroy both the symptom and the disease to heal yourself. People who trust the Advaithic truths have faster self-healing capabilities while other recovery methods may take days or months and tend to become addictive. When you recover by Advaitha, you become such a beautiful being.

Essence of the Advaithic Space All the best things you have are because of you. All the wrong things you have are because of you. Attend to everyone as you attend to you. Any unawareness, unconsciousness, abuse and arrogance in attending to others means you have the same abuse and arrogance attending to yourself. Learn to speak into your listening - that is, provide authentic listening to yourself - and then try to bring yourself back to the space of completion. That is the easy way to learn how to speak into others’ listening and get others’ listening when you talk to them. When you speak into your listening, you will be able to speak into others’ listening and vice-versa. This is the essence and thought trend of the Advaithic space. When you bring the context of Advaitha into anything you do, everything you do will be right. And even if it is not right now, Advaitha has the power of self purification. While you practice Advaitha, it continues to purify you. Whenever you sit alone, it constantly helps you to do completion, aligning you to the highest truths. Completion itself is nothing but aligning yourself with the Advaithic space. Completion should be used with the context of bringing yourself back to the space of Advaitha. When you do completion, ultimately you will fall into the Advaithic space. Completion happens when you relive the past with a new understanding about you, deciding not to repeat the past pattern in the future. From the context of Advaitha, problems are called incompletions. The word ‘incompletion’ already gives


Advaitha, the Best Strategy for Life / June 2014

you the guarantee that you can come out of it. Even when you address your problems, it is addressed in such a way that you are given confidence. When you practice completion with the context of Advaitha as the base, liberation happens. Even if you bring your worst failures to Advaitha, it will digest and clear them relentlessly, make you powerful and successful and cause your peak potential to become a reality. In a surgery, the body has to be cut open to remove the tumor and then taken care of in the postoperative, recovery phase. But in the space of Advaitha, nothing needs to be done. The Master

simply opens up the Advaithic space in you that is the medicated, self-healing and self-recovery energy - the chemotherapy for your tumor. It heals and does the post-operative recovery. This amazing process happens in the twenty one days you spend with the Master in the Inner Awakening program. He is the master surgeon for your inner space. He knows the best way to remove your incompletions and plant the space of Advaitha in you. From the moment you make the decision to attend the Inner Awakening program, the Master who is an embodiment of the cosmos, starts working

towards causing your desired reality by healing your inner space. Because the space of Advaitha comes from a liberated consciousness, it will also cause liberation to happen for the person who practices it. Advaitha is such a pure lifestyle so that it impossible to be exploited either directly or indirectly. Whether you are having the best moments of your life, in peak joy, or the worst moments of your life, in a survival threat, making decisions based on Advaitha will help you win the game, making your life successful.

Advaitha, the Best Strategy for Life / June 2014





nner Awakening is a 21 day meditation and yoga retreat in which you will transform into a new being, where your highest possibilities will be revealed to you! Through the practice of various guided meditation techniques and initiations by the Master, you will experientially realize the different components that are within yourself. The program helps you understand how your mind directly influences all aspects of your life such as health, success, happiness and relationships.

Experience the Secret to Everlasting Fulfilment Through the direct experience of Advaitha, during Inner Awakening, you will understand that everyone is an extension of you. The program reveals the method to effectively relate to people, removing any helplessness and powerlessness you may nurture in your relationships. The Master works on your deeply embedded mental patterns that have contributed to the way you relate to your own self and others. By identifying your root patterns and completing with yourself and others, you will experience powerfulness in all your relationships. The program


Advaitha, the Best Strategy for Life / June 2014

leads you from bondage to freedom in all the relationships in your life. It makes you experience and express the pure loving energy that is the secret to everlasting fulfilment. Inner Awakening, introduces you to the one thing that is always with you – your body. Through yoga, kriyas and a pure, sattvic diet, you will experience health as your body celebrates your presence, becoming full of life and energy! Being in the space of Advaitha with the body helps you explore and experience your body’s natural intelligence and healing ability.

You are a Great Possibility Rediscovering the space of Advaitha is very important because it leads you to see all the possibilities that exist in your life. Otherwise, you will be stuck with the wrong cognition of impossibility, due to your root patterns, that stops you from living at your peak possibility in all the different dimensions of your life. When you are liberated from the clutches of the root pattern - the first wrong

cognition you developed about you and life - the truth automatically fills your decision making and strategy planning. Your everyday strategy, thinking, experience, life and everything simply becomes based on Advaitha. Everything becomes a possibility and you are able to manifest your reality. Creating your reality never comes by accepting or by resisting. It is created only by DOING from a powerful space of completion and possibility.

The Master Transmits Advaitha to You! Through the deekshas, which are the powerful initiations by the Master, you go through the process whereby the ultimate truth of Advaitha becomes a part of your bio-memory and not just intellectual understanding. These great truths become perfected

in the physical presence of the Master where it is transmitted to you in the supportive, protective, caring, loving ambience and energy field of the Master. The love of the Master engulfs you, fulfills you, completes you and raises you to the space of Advaitha and then returns as love for the Master. With the proper, time-tested, fool proof methodologies of awakening your inner potential energy, Kundalini Shakthi, the cognitive shift is bolted permanently in your system, so that the transformation experienced at Inner Awakening remains with you forever. All components of enlightened living are reproduced in your system experientially, creating a new ‘you’ with renewed energy levels, expanding each moment with a fresh and alive experience of life.

Interested in your own Inner Awakening? Say YES to Transformation NOW and receive a personal Blessing from Paramahamsa Nithyananda! Go to : Advaitha, the Best Strategy for Life / June 2014




Can you tell us something about yourself? My name is Jodhan Basanta and I live in NYC Queens. I went to Technical Trade College and have a degree in Computer Network Engineering. After graduation I worked for the Citi Group, NYC for two years. In 2007 I started my own business in NYC, providing technical support for small to medium size business with printers and copiers.

What made you attend Inner Awakening (IA)?

flowing we have to share love, wealth, joy and smile with others.

Did you feel like there was any change in your relationships with people post IA? Post IA, my relationship with everyone around me has undergone a huge change. With the concept that “life is for others”, I have started to see, treat and support everyone with a higher understanding, knowledge and respect.

I heard about IA while volunteering in our local satsang center in New York. I have always been looking for an opportunity to know more about the Vedic science, meditation and yoga but had never found the appropriate person to give me a higher understanding of these. After knowing that Swami Nithyananda is doing a program where you can spend 21 days with him to explore the science of enlightenment, I knew this is my chance. I had attended this program in July 2012, but it was not enough for me and hence I went again in December 2013 for the IA Yatra in Bali.

Did you feel like you got any big breakthrough in IA? My strongest click and understanding from IA is to enrich others - life is for others. Before IA, I always felt I didn’t care about other people as in what they do or how they do it. After going to IA, I realized our life - success, happiness and joy - are from others. We are all in one interconnected system, depending on each other. Without enriching and sharing with others, life will stop flowing for us. For life to keep


Advaitha, the Best Strategy for Life / June 2014

What was the best part of IA? The best part of the IA for me was when Swami Nithyananda spent time sitting with the group casually telling stories of his life or of other masters who left the body and what great things they did while in the body. And during the sharing session by participants, he would give detailed insights of people’s questions or wrong understandings.

for Working Professionals, and GIS. He is interested in the study of Vedic Sciences and is looking forward to contributing to the development of the Core Curriculum for Urban Practitioners at IIHS.

What made you attend Inner Awakening (IA)? To spend maximum time with the Master was the biggest thing that motivated me to attend IA.

Did you feel like you got any big breakthrough in IA? What would you say to someone who is undecided about attending IA? It is natural for people to be undecided especially with IA, since it is unknown to them or they can't comprehend what they will get at the end of the program. Knowledge of people is very limited when it comes to spirituality. Chances are less to know about an Enlightened Master who gives the knowledge and energy to create and be successful or who will heal their sickness. I will say this is one of the cases when you don't use the mind to decide because it will give you a million reasons why you shouldn't go. But you need to go! You need to do it. Your being is telling you to go, your heart is bidding you to go, but the mind is making all excuses. Drop the mind and go. This will be the best decision you will ever make in your life.

Can you tell us something about yourself? Sathish Selvakumar is responsible for the Urban Practitioners’ Programme at Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS), Bangalore. In this capacity, he is working on capacity development programs in partnership with the Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation (HUPA), State Institute for Urban Development (SIUD) Mysore, UNDP and HUDCO. He holds a Masters in Urban Planning from UIUC, USA and B.Arch (Hons) from IIT Kharagpur. His expertise lies in Leadership Development, Capacity Development

I remember going to a homeopathy doctor about 12 years back for a stomach ailment. Looking at me, he in a way ridiculed me for the state of my health. He said “Look at you, you are much younger than me, but you already look much older than me”. Thanks to IA and doing Nirahara Samyama twice, these days people guess my age to be in and around 30 whereas I am 39 now! I have grown visibly younger! My experience of the body is that it is not ageing the way any other bodies age. This just experientially validates the proof of the scientific studies that showed 1300% increase in Mitochondria level for IA participants. I ran a half marathon with just a couple of months of training. I had not run for more than 200 meters at a stretch for more than 15 years. One of my colleagues had registered for the Goa River Marathon in Nov 2012. My 21st run after I started running was the 21 Km half marathon. I completed the distance in 3 hours flat without a stop! People around me said I looked fresh after the race. There was not a cramp or discomfort in the body! Not sure how many 38 year old people can do this with so little preparation.

Did you feel like there was any change in your relationships with people post IA? Relationship with spouse - my view of her was that she was not intellectual and worried about frivolous things all the time. Me being an IITian and she doing some degree from a local college contributed to this view. When we started doing programs at the ashram, her spiritual experiences were far more significant and deep than what I had experienced. I got the point that intellect has got only a certain limited utility in life. What shifted my view was, when I got the context for a Vedic marriage - marriage is an institution that meant for the husband and

Advaitha, the Best Strategy for Life / June 2014


wife to support each other in their journey towards enlightenment. From being a ‘pain’ in her life that she had to bear with for ‘survival’, I am now a ‘GIFT’ in her life.

What was the best part of IA? Everything about IA is awesome. The darshans with Swamiji are out of this world. The way in which Swamiji takes minute care to make the whole experience of spiritual awakening come alive is unbelievable! The daily routine including yoga and sattvic food is amazing! The processes, kriyas and the group energy of people who are sincere seekers makes IA the experience that is worth many lifetimes.

City. More than this, I just wanted to spend some weeks at the feet (in the breathing space) of Swamiji. This was the main factor.

What would you say to someone who is undecided about attending IA?

Did you feel like you got any big breakthrough in IA?

If you know about the Master and Inner Awakening (IA), whatever stops you from attending IA are the same incompletions that stop you in all other aspects of life. When you look for what is stopping you (patterns related to time, looking good, money) and see where else it operates and binds you in your life, you will gain the awareness to drop them and be there in the next IA!

It was a giant step. It is beyond my comprehension, imagination and expectation. It is beyond words. I am in excellent health since then. No doctor’s visits, no medicine, no ailments. It may be explained in this way: Swamiji cleans up tons of pollution of our inner space. That brings health in both mind and body. Then the society and and world becomes more manageable and livable.

Did you feel like there was any change in your relationships with people post IA? I do not have lasting grudge and grievance against others. I am complete. I no more beg respect, favor and attention from others for my fulfillment.

What was the best part of IA?

Can you tell us something about yourself? I am Gyanendra Baral from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA. I am a teacher with a PhD (all but dissertation) in Economics.

What made you attend Inner Awakening (IA)? My search for spiritual gurus led me to Swamiji through YouTube. Later, I learned about the IA program from former IA graduates from Oklahoma


Advaitha, the Best Strategy for Life / June 2014

Death meditation! Swamiji was there on my way when I was lost in the darkness of death! Since then, I learnt that Swamiji is the ultimate destiny. One mantra started inside me spontaneously after the completion of the death meditation and it still continues for most of the time. I am ‘Mantramaya’ for most of the time.

What would you say to someone who is undecided about attending IA? I wish you are fortunate enough to trust Swamiji and Swamiji's devotees' words! We, devotees of Swamiji, keep one very deep and great secret inside us! We simply cannot express it in words.

Can you tell us something about yourself? My name is Ma Nithya Devatananda and I am from San Jose Madurai temple. I am the Manager of Investments at Bechtel Global Corporation, the world's number one choice for engineering, construction and project management. Education: BSc in Management Science from University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, UK and Certified Financial Analyst (CFA) from the CFA Institute

What made you attend Inner Awakening (IA) ? I attended the two day Life Bliss Program Level 1 which gave me a taste of living life blissfully without stress and worry. This prompted me to want to have this experience permanent in my bio-memory.

Did you feel like you got any big breakthrough in IA? I was going through a stressful period balancing additional responsibilities at work and two young kids. IA made me see the possibility of easily handling any challenges in life easily and without worry and stress. Since IA, I have had three promotions at work, taking on much more responsibility each time and also have two beautiful well-adjusted girls. In addition, I also took up the responsibility of running Nithyananda Bala Vidyalaya in San Jose Madurai temple and growing it internationally.

Prior to IA, I felt intimidated by people in authority and would hesitate to speak up at meetings and share my opinion. Since IA, I am easily able to stand up for my opinions and make things happen at all levels of the organization. Building and maintaining relationships is key to having a blissful life and I am able to connect with all kinds of people easily, from my kids to the CFO in my organization.

What was the best part of IA? Energy darshans and Kalabhairava darshans are the best part of IA. This is when Swamiji infuses cosmic energy and simply locks in the bliss into our systems. The energy being radiated during that time is tremendous and simply lifts you up.

What would you say to someone who is undecided about attending IA? IA and Swamiji are the best thing that could happen in your life - don't miss this opportunity of lifetimes! It is worth every minute of time spent and every dollar of your wealth - the experience is priceless!

Did you feel like there was any change in your relationships with people post-IA?

Advaitha, the Best Strategy for Life / June 2014





o achieve the Advaithic experience, there are thousands of methods that will lead you there. It can be as simple as pouring water on a stone to as deep as finding the source of your thoughts. It can be as simple as this, and as difficult as that. Sometimes, finding the source of your thoughts is much simpler than remembering the right context and pouring water on a stone. But whether you start with this or with that, you will always end up in Advaitha. So, whatever may be the path, Advaitha is the goal.

above all - extraordinary miracle powers!

Please listen! There are tons of methods to achieve Advaitha. For example, Zen also leads you to Advaitha, but in a very dry way. In Zen, you just sit and stare at a wall for ten years. You will achieve Advaitha, that’s true, but in ten years! On the contrary, in only 21 days, I’m giving you the Advaithic experience during the Inner Awakening program.

I tell you, I have travelled almost all living paths for enlightenment - not just through one or two! I have consciously scanned, went through and researched almost all the paths that are still alive and available on the planet Earth. Based on my experience, I have put the best of everything together and created this teamily process of living Advaitha, leading you to the essence. Living Advaitha not only awakens the nondual experience in just 21 days, it also is as deep as the great process of Hatha Yoga, awakening the Ashta Maha Siddhis - the 8 primary siddhis in the Vedic tradition. That is the reason I am telling you that this teamily process, not only awakens the experience of nonduality, in a very short time, but it also awakens the extraordinary powers in you!

An important component of Inner Awakening is the teamily practice for living Advaitha. The process makes you experience Advaitha in all its dimensions. By experiencing that everyone is part of you through the teamily process, you experience the best things in life like good health, wealth, beautiful relationships, completion in your every moment and


Advaitha, the Best Strategy for Life / June 2014

People who have the fear pattern cannot handle a little responsibility of money, a little responsibility of name and fame or recognition, so they hate powers also. There is nothing wrong in living with and having extraordinary powers. Something is seriously wrong with stopping powers, but hating powers is a result of some deep incompletion. You neither need to stop nor hate them. Hating is incompletion. Powers are not wrong.

Advaitha, the Best Strategy for Life / June 2014



Advaitha, the Best Strategy for Life / June 2014


o you want to have health, wealth, fulfilling relationships, spiritual transformation, the power to cause your reality to get what you want in life or enlightenment? Then you need to know that LOVE is the answer for everything in life. Transformation happens when you open your heart to the Master’s Love. He will help you cleanse your inner space, removing all your blockages and tumors to reveal fulfillment, completion and liberation. The Ultimate - Enlightenment - can be reached just by allowing the love of the Master to work on you and heal you.

Cleanse your Inner Space

In the Inner Awakening program, you are in the loving energy field of the Master so that the components, out of which your identity is made, are dismantled, oiled, lubricated and then assembled back into place. Because the dust called ‘incompletions’ has entered into your inner space, different parts of you started getting into friction, wear and tear, dust and rust. Often, as a result, the whole mechanism collapses.

Completion is the technique and the lubricant with which your inner space can be cleansed. When you relive the past with a new understanding of yourself, strongly deciding not to repeat the past negative thought pattern, you are completing and cleansing your inner space. This cleansing process should be done with tremendous love and care. Because only if you are certain that the spare parts will not be destroyed, then you will feel comfortable opening yourself up, knowing that your being is safe. For example, perhaps in your young age, you tried to dismantle the alarm clock or a watch with a lot of enthusiasm and excitement but were unable to put it together again. Then when your parents returned, you hurriedly put the whole thing in a carry bag and hung it up out of the way! You are unable to open you unless you are sure the spare-parts will not be lost and they can be reassembled properly. The being will only allow the dismantling to happen in a very deep, powerful loving space, to be lubricated and assembled back for smooth functioning forever and ever.

Advaitha, the Best Strategy for Life / June 2014


The Power of Love

Master, going back to him, you are ENLIGHTENED!

The Master’s love can enter you in various forms. One such very powerful way to experience the Master’s love is through deekshas - initiations. The Master can give deeksha in the form of a look, a smile, by touching the head such as in the Vak Siddhi initiation or the Healer’s initiation given at Inner Awakening. When the love of the Master enters into you, it is called initiation. Completion is when it fills you. And when it overflows in you, it is a Miracle. In the loving ambiance of Inner Awakening, you will experience all three.

Now, there is nothing more in you that you can call as ‘you’. When the circle is complete, you are complete and he is complete - Advaitha Swaroopa. When the circle is complete, you disappear in him and he disappears in you. It is not that you just become a drop in the ocean - you become the whole ocean in the drop. Nor is it that just you become a drop in the ocean - the whole ocean becomes a drop in you!

With joy, love, and co-operation you allow the Master’s love to work inside you, cleansing and completion in your inner space becomes much easier, simpler and straightforward. When you celebrate the Master’s presence, he also celebrates your presence. When you allow the Master’s love to fill you, allowing yourself to be soaked in his love and his presence, it fills you, overflows and turns as love for the Master.

In my life, I have received so much love from different people - all are very precious for me. I also want to love everyone but many times, I have felt the inability to love. However, once I met Swamiji, I found that His love is very different, because He is the only one I met who is without any sorrow inside Him - there is no worry, no hatred, no expectation and no trading. He Himself is love - complete love, pure love. His love for me is so liberating. He wants nothing from me. He is just helping me to raise my possibility and opening up my ability to love truly.

In Hinduism, this Love is called the space of Advaitha, nonduality - everything is a part of you. The three paths of Hinduism - Vishishtha Advaitha, Dvaitha and Advaitha - are actually the space you are experiencing with the Master, and cannot be inherited from your Guru or your lineage. All these three paths merge when you meet an incarnation and allow his love to enter your being. The three ways to experience the love of the Master are:

Vishishta Advaitha - Love OF the Master enters

into you and fulfills you. He makes you feel so complete that you feel you are a part of the Whole.

Dvaitha - Love FOR the Master radiates through

you. When you are experiencing love FOR the Master, suddenly you feel nothing matters other than you and the Master; you feel that in the whole world, only you both are there!

Advaitha - The circle of Love is complete. The love

OF the Master simply becomes love FOR the Master and now “OF” and “FOR” disappear, only the love exists. When love of the Master is poured into you, he will naturally make it as love for the Master and it will flow back to him. When the love OF the Master gets poured into you and turns into love FOR the


Advaitha, the Best Strategy for Life / June 2014

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