Nithyananda Times - October 2013

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W h o I s P a r a m a h a m s a N i t h ya n a n d a ?


Who is Paramahamsa Nithyananda? >> A Guru For Enlightenment & More


aramahamsa Nithyananda is a global leader in the science of enlightenment and the founder of Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam. Coronated as the 293rd pontiff of the world’s most ancient Hindu organization, the Madurai Aadheenam, Nithyananda is revered as a living avatar (divine incarnation) by millions worldwide. The oldest apex body of Hinduism coronated him as one of their 44 spiritual heads in the 2013 Maha Kumbh, honoring him with the title of the “Mahamandaleshwar of Maha Nirvani Peeth”. Paramahamsa Nithyananda is the most-watched spiritual Guru (teacher) on Youtube with more than 16 million views (, and the author of more than 300 books published in 27 global languages.

A spiritual genius with an enlightened insight into everything from management to meditation, from relationships to religion, and from success to spirituality, Nithyananda has given the world a wealth of practical wisdom, meditation techniques, kriyas and tools for lasting inner transformation. A trained yogi, a powerful spiritual healer and siddha (mystic), Paramahamsa Nithyananda is working actively with scientists and researchers worldwide to decode the mystical yogic sciences of the Vedic tradition, including levitation, teleportation and manifestation (materialization). Despite continued religious persecution on his worldwide organization, Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s spiritual mission continues to thrive and grow, enriching millions everyday through the various spiritual and charity services offered in the Nithyananda Vedic Temples, Satsang Centers and Ashrams established worldwide. When Paramahamsa Nithyananda ascends the traditional seat of Sarvajna Peeta (seat of omniscience) every morning to deliver his live Nithya Satsang (daily morning talk), thousands of people from over 30 countries participate live via 2-way video conferencing and thousands view it live on Nithyananda TV, Sadhana TV and Lotus News TV.



4 Nithyananda Times Volume 2, Issue 10, October, 2013 Owned by: EN Galleria Private Limited

Who is Paramahamsa Nithyananda: ... 3 Words From the Master: My Dear Ones ... 5 Management Mantras: The Recipe for Leadership ... 6, 7 Vedic Renaissance >> Festivals: Navaratri ...8 Vedic Renaissance >> Story: Devi Slays Mahishasur ... 9 Vedic Renaissance >> Rituals: Sri Vidya Homa ... 10 Vedic Renaissance >> Enlightened Masters: Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa ... 11

Vedic Renaissance >> Tirtha: Dakshineshwar Kaali Temple ... 12, 13

Conscious Birthing: Genes Don’t Give Shape to a Baby. You Do. ... 14, 15

Enlightened Lifestyle: The “Why?” of Everything ... 16, 17

Conscious Living: Completion Makes the World Go Round ... 18-21

Technique: Break Free of Your Root Patterns ... 22, 23 Inner Awakening: A Different Life! ... 24-27 Newsboard: Upcoming Programs ... 28 Spiritual Activism: Own & Let Others Own ... 29 Nirahara Samyama: Detox Your Body & Mind ... 30 Nirahara Samyama: Why Nirahara is a Good Choice ... 31 Nithya Kriya: Kriya for Excellence in Sports ... 32 Nithya Yoga: Power Up! ... 33 Siddha & Ayurveda: 3 Quick Energy Boosters ... 34, 35 Nithya Jyotisha: As Above, So Below ... 36 Nithya Jyotisha: Create a Life of Your Choice! ... 37, 38 Creative Juices: Creative Painting of Paramahamsa Nithyananda ... 39

Published By: Sri Nithya Pranananda Swami Global Headquarters, Bangalore, Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam, Kallugopahalli, Off Mysore Road, Bidadi Bangalore - 562 109 Phone: 7200003322 / + 80 28022101 Printed By: Print-O-Graph Total Print Solution #97, Sultanpet, Bangalore - 53 Phone: +91-802877398, 22259891 Editor Valli Ramanathan E-mail Website Subscription Rates One year (12 issues): Rs 350/= Two Years (24 issues): Rs 700/= Three Years (36 issues): Rs 1050/= Four Years (48 issues): Rs 1400/= To subscribe online visit Disclaimer The meditation techniques & kriyas included in this magazine are to be practiced only under the direct supervision of an ordained teacher of Nithyananda Mission (NM) and in consultation with your personal physician to determine your fitness and ability to do the techniques. They are not intended to be a substitute for medical attention, examination, diagnosis or treatment. If someone tries these techniques without prior participation in the meditation programs of NM and without the direct supervision of an ordained teacher of NM, they shall be doing so entirely at their own risk; neither the author, nor the publisher nor NM shall be responsible for the consequences of their actions. ©2013 eN Galleria Private Limited All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. In the event that you use any of the information in this book for yourself, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for our actions.

Words From




My Dear Ones, I have a small story for you: A guy joins a big corporate empire as a trainee. He dials the pantry, shouts into the phone on his very first day at work, ‘Get me a coffee quickly!’ The voice from the other side responded, ‘You fool, you have dialed the wrong extension! Do you know who you are talking to dumbo?’ ‘No!’ replied the trainee. The voice on the other side said, ‘It is the CEO of the company, you fool!’ The trainee was completely shattered, but tries to shout back, ‘Do you know who you are talking to, you fool?’ The CEO on the other side replied, ‘No!’ This guy said, ‘Good! That is what I wanted!’, and kept the phone down! You need to catch it! Hiding is not going to solve the issue. Maybe, in this story, this guy has successfully escaped from this situation. Just like how this guy thinks he is saved because he is not identified, we think in life continuously we can save ourselves if we are not identified. In every step in your life, any incompletion you try to protect by hiding only becomes more and more incompletion, more powerlessness, more suffering; you move out of your life more and more. Moving out of your spouse, moving out of your business partner, moving out of your family or moving out of people who exist in your life, is not an intelligent decision. Please understand, we always think moving out of people to protect our habits and patterns is freedom. No! That is the biggest bondage! People moving out of their lives to save their patterns is the biggest bondage! Listen! Life starts happening if you can be open to every force available in your life. Your child, your business partner, your teachers, are all forces in your life. Anybody whom you see and interact with in your life are all forces in your life. Understand, only the ability to be complete with all the forces in your life allows life to happen in you!

Be Blissful!

Paramahamsa Nithyananda Spiritual Founder of Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam

Management Mantras


The Recipe for Leadership B y A r t i A g a r wa l I n s pi r e d f r o m t h e T e a c h in g s o f P a r a m a h a m s a N i t h ya n a n d a

Management Mantras


>> The Laws of Leadership: A Change of Perspective, an Open Mind & a Willing heart


had a problem – a big problem. My problem was people. I was fed up of them. I worked in a team of people with different attitudes towards their work and I had the great fortune of being their leader. These people were my problem because I was perpetually discontented with their lack of sincerity, lack of improvement and productivity and utter carelessness in the tasks they undertook. I thought I had tried everything to inspire them, motivate them and even pushed myself over the edge to understand them and find solutions for their lack of commitment to their work. Nothing worked - or so it seemed. I was frustrated, discouraged, disheartened and at my wits’ end. I felt unequal to the task of even being their leader. We often find solutions to our problems at moments when we least expect to find them. Many times, I have seen Swamiji’s teachings revealing themselves to me in my moments of contemplation. A few days ago, I was cleaning my house when a sudden realization landed on me – that everything we see and experience in life is a cognition or perception. Even the idea that the table is clean or dirty is a cognition. And every cognition is changeable. At first I couldn’t grasp the full import of this truth, but I kept contemplating on it for a few days. I understood that everything I was seeing in life was being understood by me in a certain way. And in this process of “understanding” or cognizing, I was often missing out on the complete picture of things as they happened. The bigger truth that every cognition is changeable, made more and more sense as I thought about it more and more.


To put this to test for the conflict I had at hand, I started to pen down the many ways in which I felt I was stuck, as well as the ways in which the team had made progress, to weigh both the sides of the problem. I discovered that even though many of my team mates had not shown enough progress for me to be satisfied, it was definitely not zero, and that they had been showing progress but over a longer period of time. But just because I very firmly believed that people were insincere and unwilling to improve, I had continuously been ignoring the progress they had been making. My firm cognition about my team’s lack of progress completely changed the way I even saw my own self as a leader! This is my recipe for tackling every challenging situation in life now. I remind myself how my experience of life comes not from life incidents, but my perception of those incidents, and how that perception is always changeable. This gives me a sense of true power and fortitude to face even the most unpleasant cognition I may have about something – because it is always changeable!

V e d ic R e n a i s s a nc e >> F e s t iva l s

NAVARATRI >> Nine Days of Intense Celebration and completion

8 Navaratri is a festival which celebrates nine different expressions of the Devi energy (Cosmic feminine energy) spanning over a period of nine nights and ten days. Navaratri is a time when people can become more intense in their desired field. It is an auspicious time for one’s own spiritual evolution. Nine forms of Devi are worshipped during Navaratri. They are: Shailaputri, Brahmacharini, Chandraghanta, Kushmanda, Skandamata, Katyayani, Kaalratri, Mahagauri and Siddhidaatri. Navaratri is celebrated in different ways throughout India. In North India, Navaratri is celebrated with much fervor by fasting on all nine days and worshiping Devi in her different forms. The Gujaratis celebrate Navaratri through local gatherings with performances of Garba, a local dance form. The significance of performing Garba is that it awakens Devi from her meditation. It is a prayer to Devi, entreating her to assume her destroyer form to save the Universe. While playing the Garba, a rhythm of three claps is used to invoke the energies of Lord Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Navaratri is the biggest festival of the year in the state of West Bengal, where it is celebrated as Durga Pooja. Exquisitely crafted and decorated life-size clay idols of the Goddess Durga depicting her slaying the demon Mahishasur are set up in temples and local pandaals (tents). These deities are worshiped for five days and immersed in the river on the fifth day. Navaratri is a period of becoming intense in one’s endeavors. Intensity should become a quality. Intensity means radiating the energy that does not create any conflict inside and outside. In these nine days whatever may be the nature of a person, it becomes intense. When fasting and silence is observed during Navaratri, it helps in the growth of intensity in the observants. The celebration and the dance become a complementary support for people to express their intensity.


avaratri – one of the most intensely celebrated festivals of Vedic tradition is an occasion to connect with the feminine form of the divine. Nava means nine and ratri means night and also intensity.

Navaratri is a powerful time to do completion with oneself and others. It is a time to remember one’s own forgotten powers. The first three days of Navaratri are meant for completion with the destroyer energy, or Durga energy. The next three days are spent in completion with Lakshmi energy, the energy responsible for creativity, wealth and well being. The last three days of Navaratri are meant for completion with Sarasvati, the energy responsible for knowledge and wisdom. The rituals, dances and festivity connected with Navaratri helps in healing relationships. The tenth day of the festival is celebrated as Dushehra or Vijaya Dashami, symbolizing the victory of consciousness over negative influences.

V e d ic R e n a i s s a nc e >> S t o r y


DEVI SLAYS MAHISHASUR >> The Pauranic Story of How Devi Incarnates as Goddess Durga to Destroy Mahishasur, a Demon King


indu dharma holds a special place amongst the world’s major religions due to its worship of the Divine Feminine. Devi, also known as Aadi Shakti, is the feminine aspect of the supreme Godhead, of which the male aspect is Shiva, who is the Aadi Purusha. Purusha and Shakti together create the manifest and unmanifest universe.

One unique aspect of Hinduism is the way in which this feminine aspect has been described. Not only does Devi embody the qualities of maternal love, compassion and forgiveness, but also strength, valor and fierceness. Durga and Kaali are her fierce forms which she assumes to protect the world from evil forces. One such evil character was Mahishasur, a demon who challenged her. Mahishasur was the son of Rambha, another demon, and Mahishi, a water buffalo. Mahishasur could change his form to that of a buffalo at will. Through years of austere tapas (penance), he pleased Lord Brahma and obtained a boon from Him that no man or god, not even the Trinity (Shiva, Vishnu & Brahma), could kill him. Because of this boon, he became the king of asuras (demons) and conquered Swarga (heaven) as well, defeating all the gods. He then reached Kailash to challenge Shiva, but saw Devi there instead. He was immediately captivated by her divine beauty and decided to marry her. Devi was furious by his advances, and warned him to not underestimate the power of a woman. Mahishasur, who was blind with lust and arrogance over his boon, did not heed her warnings and challenged her to fight with him. He forgot that the boon only saved him from the gods, not a goddess. Devi fought a fierce battle with him for nine days. On the tenth day, she slayed him with her trishul (trident). This day is celebrated as Vijay Dashami, and the nine preceding days are celebrated as Navaratri, in which nine forms of Devi are worshiped. Durga deities worshipped during Navratri typically depict this scene. This story is a reminder that Hindu scriptures do not show the feminine as powerless. There is a deep respect for women ingrained in the Vedic culture. The slaying of Mahishasur also symbolizes the victory over negative thought patterns. Mahishasur is the embodiment of all the incompletions which try to engulf the innate consciousness of a human being. Devi, or the cosmic divinity, always incarnates in various forms to restore balance and completion to the world by destroying all the negative patterns.

V e d ic R e n a i s s a nc e >> R i t u a l s

Sri Vidya Homa >> An Ancient Vedic Ritual to Connect with the Cosmic Energy



he ancient Vedic seers called rishis, were engineers of the inner world and the outer world. This balance made the Vedic tradition unique and enduring. The rishis’ passion for developing human consciousness inspired thousands of techniques for spiritual fulfillment. They reflected the understanding that blissful living begins with connectedness, where every individual is a reflection of the cosmos. Homas (fire rituals) were designed to link humanity with the cosmic energy. According to the Vedic science, the universe comprises five elements: akaash or space, air/wind, fire, water and earth. Humans have no direct connection with akaash except through thoughts, and meditation or worship is the best way to communicate with the element of space. Fire supplies the means by which all five are energized. Offering samples of each element into a fire while sitting in a meditative state allows humans to experience cosmic consciousness. There are many homas for different purposes: to heal illness, acquire wealth, resolve family conflicts or other life problems. Concentrating one’s attention on an object related to one’s wish while the homa is performed creates a positive connection. For certain homas, the rishis have provided a specific object to gaze at, which puts the meditator in the required state. The Sri Vidya Homa is a clear example of this science. The Sri Vidya yantra (a gometric figure to align with a certain energy) is a design of forty three interlocking triangles. Vedic rishis describe it as a map of the cosmos. Nithyananda defines it as a reflection of the human energy field. Contemplating on the yantra while performing the homa is like looking into a mirror of one’s possibility, seeing how one would look if they were complete. As one connects with the divine model of one’s being, one’s possibility becomes reality. Offering the homa even once opens the door to understanding the universal mind. As all life flows from feminine origins, the Sri Vidya yantra is a symbolic portrait of the Divine Mother or Devi. Nithyananda recommends that devotees bring the image of Devi into their *Ananda Gandha Chakra and allow her tenderness and comfort to infuse a meditative state. This awareness should be held throughout the homa, while the gaze is focused upon the Sri Yantra. The Sri Vidya homa has been described as “a blank check from Devi” by Nithyananda, as whatever one wishes for may be granted by offering this homa. The deeper significance is that it connects humans with the cosmic mind, which confers the capacity to realize one’s own wishes. *Ananda Gandha Chakra - a point in the body between the heart and the navel where the energies of all the seven chakras (prime energy centers in the body) is centered


V e d ic R e n a i s s a nc e >> E n l i g h t e n e d M a s t e r s

Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa >> An Enlightened Master Who Revealed the Power of Devotion to the World

contemplation. His love for the Divine Mother grew beyond all bounds. To him, She alone was real and the world was a mere shadow and he longed for a vision of the Mother. Such was his longing to have Her vision that sometimes, in agony, he would rub his face against the ground and weep bitterly. For a long time, the Infinite played a teasing game of hide-and-seek with him. He reached a point when his agony was so great that life held no more meaning for him. At last, the Divine Mother yielded to the demand of love of the young devotee. When he felt the direct presence of the Divine Mother, he dropped unconscious to the floor, experiencing within himself a constant flow of bliss. Thereafter he would see the form of the Divine Mother often and get Her instructions and guidance. Nithyananda has described an incident from the life of Sri Ramakrishna. In India, devotees often put bangles made of conch shell on the hands of the Devi deity. One day, a lady devotee brought four bangles for Devi and requested Ramakrishna to put it on the deity. He put the three bangles on the three hands of the deity. When he was about to put the bangle on the fourth hand, the lady laughed and said, “How can the bangle be placed on that hand of Devi because the bangle is small and Her hand is holding the head of the demon which is big?” He said, “That is okay”. When Ramakrishna came out of the shrine, Devi was wearing the bangle. Shocked and surprised, the lady asked him whether he broke the bangle or the statue. Ramakrishna simply said that he requested Devi to drop the head so he could place the bangle on her hand and then requested her to hold the head again and Devi did so!

Photo (c) Indraneel Biswas


amakrishna Paramahamsa was born on Feb 18, 1836 in the village of Kamarpukur in Bengal. Ramakrishna’s parents were pious and devoted. His innate spiritual tendencies found expression through devotional songs and the company of wandering monks. At the age of sixteen, he was appointed as the priest of the *Kaali temple in Dakshineshwar. This was a turning point in Ramakrishna’s life as the flood gates of intense devotion burst all bounds in him and he spent hours in loving adoration to Mother Kaali. He poured his whole soul into prayer and sang devotional songs while completely forgetting about other physical needs such as food and sleep. His nights were spent in divine

During his parivrajaka (early wandering days), when Nithyananda went to Dakshineshwar, he touched and inspected the bangle very closely and was shocked to notice that both the bangle and the statue were unbroken. It may be very difficult to relate to this story with a logical mind but such is the power of devotion of Sri Ramakrishna towards Mother Kaali! True devotion has enough power to even make a stone statue breathe with life. Ramakrishna’s life stands as a shining example of this; when one is completely filled with devotion, they start creating a space for miracles to happen in daily life.

* Kaali - A four-handed Hindu goddess with one hand holding the severed head of a demon symbolically representing that ego has to be destroyed for realization of the Self

V e d ic R e n a i s s a nc e >> T i r t h a s


Dakshineshwar Kaali Temple >> A Look at One of the Most Sacred Shrines for Devi Worship in India



V e d ic R e n a i s s a nc e >> T i r t h a s

ituated on the eastern bank of the Ganges river, in Dakshineshwar near Kolkata (India), the famous Dakshineshwar Kaali temple was built by Rani Rashmoni, a philanthropist and a devotee of Kaali in 1855. The presiding deity of the temple is *Bhavatarini, meaning, ‘She who liberates Her devotees from the ocean of existence’. The garbha griha (sanctum sanctorum) of the temple houses the magnificent Goddess Kaali standing on the body of Her divine consort, Shiva (the symbol of the Absolute) placed on a thousand-petaled lotus made of silver. She wears necklaces of gold and pearls, a golden garland of human heads, and a girdle of human arms. The majesty of Her posture combines the terror of destruction with the reassurance of motherly tenderness, a glorious harmony of the pairs of opposite attributes expressing the totality of the universe.


Built in the traditional ‘navaratna’ or nine spires style of Bengal architecture, the three-storeyed south-facing temple has nine spires distributed in upper two storeys, and stands on a high platform with a flight of stairs. The navaratna style with its graceful turrets on the roof is truly majestic and is a special innovation in temple architecture. The main temple courtyard is surrounded by 12 other shrines dedicated to Lord Shiva built facing the east in the typical ‘Aat Chala’ Bengal architecture which are built on either side of the ghat on the scenic Ganges. To the north east of the temple complex is the the Radha Kanta’s Temple also known as the temple of Vishnu. At the northwest and southwest corners of the temple compound are two ‘Nahabats’ (music towers), from which music flows adding to the devotional ambience of the temple. The temple also houses a shrine dedicated to its founder Rani Rashmoni. Dakshineshwar Kaali temple is the place from where the enlightened Master Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa started his remarkable spiritual journey. The sacred chamber in the northwestern side of the temple, just beyond the last shrine of the Shiva temples is of special interest since it is known that Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa spent a considerable part of his life here. Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa was a conduit for divinity into the human world and the presence of that divinity may still be clearly experienced at Dakshineshwar Kaali temple. This temple is visited by millions of devotees seeking the blessings of Ma Kaali and is famous for its amazing sandhya aarti (evening prayers) during which the entire temple is said to echo with spiritual vibrations. One must make a visit to the Dakshineshwar Kaali temple atleast once in their lifetime to have darshan** of the powerful universal mother who reveals Herself to Her children in different aspects and divine Incarnations.

**Connecting with the divine by physical sight

*also called ‘Kaali’ – the Goddess symbolizing strength

C o n s ci o u s B i r t h in g


Genes Don’t Give Shape to a Baby. You Do. B y D r . S r il e k h a K a r t h ik

>> Science Reveals that the Mental & Emotional Set-up of the Parents Play an Active Role in Determining the Characteristics of their Baby.


C o n s ci o u s B i r t h in g Genes cannot self-actualize, that means they cannot turn themselves on or off. Gene expression is under the regulatory control of environmental signals2. The belief that nature determines the biology fosters the feelings of helplessness and victimhood. After all, no one can change the genes they inherited, nor control what genes they will pass on to their child. On the other hand when nurture is the ‘control’ mechanism, parents realize that they have a fundamental impact on the developmental expression of their offspring3.


Science has now proved that nurture, i.e. perception of the environment and the attitude of parents, determines some fundamental characteristics of the baby. The baby begins its life even before conception in the physical, mental and emotional ecology of the parents. Their health and balance of body, mind, and very importantly their emotions, come together to create the baby’s physical, mental and emotional self. Gestation is the first and most vital environment the baby will ever have, and has the greatest impact on him4. 50% of the baby’s intelligence can be determined by the prenatal and pre-conceptional environment. By living in fear, parents can short change the baby’s intelligence by 50%5. “It makes a difference whether we are conceived in love, haste or hate”, says Dr Thomas Verny, an eminent prenatal psychiatrist6.


onceiving and nurturing a healthy child is every parent’s dream. A baby is the miraculous expression of the ultimate creative skill of nature. Two cells unite and manifest as a community of 50 trillion cells working in perfect harmony in a highly structured environment. Is there something more that parents can contribute to this ultimate happening, than just the genes in their germ cells and nourishment to the growing fetus? Are the character, behavior and health of the child a victim to the genes that he inherits? Increasing scientific evidence is proving that parents can actively participate in this evolutionary journey to shape the fundamental characteristics of their baby, including his health and intelligence. Science has come a long way from the days of “genetic determinism” where everything that characterized a person was purely determined by the genes(nature) he inherited to “epigenetics”, where environmental factors and our perception of the same (nurture) are responsible for the genes to ‘turn on’ and express themselves1.

These influences start manifesting even before the conception happens, starting from the time of the germ cell maturation. Interestingly, aboriginal cultures have recognized the influence of the conception environment for millennia. Prior to conceiving a child, couples ceremonially purify their minds and bodies through various practices and processes unique to their tradition. The eN Pregnancy Care program offered by Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam is a blend of modern scientific revelations and ancient Vedic techniques and processes to help a pregnant couple steer through this beautiful journey and actualise the child of their dreams. The question “How?” to consciously shape the baby in the womb will be addressed in the successive issues of the magazine. References: 1. Thaler, Science, 1994, 264: 224-225 2. Symer & Bender, Nature, 2001, 411: 146-149 3. Bruce Lipton, J of Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology and Health 4. Turner JRG, International Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Medicine ISSN 0943-5417 5. Delvin , et al, 1997; McGue 1997 6. Nurturing Your Child from Conception, 2002

E n l i g h t e n e d L if e s t y l e


The “Why?” of Everything >> A Young College Student Musters the Courage to Question Her Decisions in Life, Seeking Answers in Spirituality

B y S h r e ya S u r e s h


E n l i g h t e n e d L if e s t y l e and fallen into depression. I decided to dedicate all my time to answering this question. Swamiji’s teachings have always found me at the right time. I happened to receive what Swamiji has said about this topic through His morning satsang.


There are three states of mind associated with this question - the great WHY of life. One is panic, when there are too many answers to the question. Another is boredom, when the answer is too hard to find, and the third is laziness when a person doesn’t even want to know the answer. No one else can answer this question except the person who is in enquiry. The answer comes only when the person is spiritually mature enough to receive it. It is very similar to a three year old asking his mother where he came from. At three, the only answer his mother can give him is “The stork brought you home”. It is only when he reaches physical maturity that he can receive the actual answer. Another answer to another “Why?” of my life kept coming to my mind. Whenever I’m faced with the question of WHY I am still a devotee of Swamiji despite what the media says about him, I have my answer. It was one that I received when I was fourteen. During my NSP (a four day meditation program by Swamiji) darshan, I realized that I was in the presence of the purest form of love around Swamiji and nothing anybody said could take away that space. I know that I was mature enough to receive this answer and that it would keep me as a devotee for the rest of my life.

This gave me a space of absolute freedom with my spiritual growth. I have never felt like I was “forced” to stay away from non-vegetarian food or alcohol. I have always had a number of choices available and was given the clear message from my peers that I will be “healthier” and “happier” if I eat meat. But I knew that the lightness I feel has everything to do with my hen I applied to study in USA, I was full of answers. vegetarian diet. I was clear that I wanted to continue I knew, or thought I knew the exact reason for feeling this way; hence my choice of vegetarianism. It leaving my sheltered life in India and setting up a new was the same for my life decisions. I know that at any life in a strange land. point in time, I alone am responsible for my choices, and I never feel like I’m tied down to anyone or anything. Two weeks into living here, I realized I was in emotional turmoil. I was confronted with everything I had After I decided that Swamiji is my Guru, even sufferings suppressed about myself and I would wake up almost have been nothing but a message from him telling me to every morning shaking or crying from strange dreams. look at my life. I know that the answer to why I am here All I wanted to do was make my life as hectic as possible is not going to be the answer I gave myself a few months so that I didn’t have to think about all this. However, as ago, and it will be one which I will keep rediscovering my classes hadn’t started yet, I knew I had to use this again and again. I know I have reached a level of maturity time to understand what was happening to me. I realized which prevents me from running away from my upset all this boiled down to just one question - “WHY am I state of mind. I haven’t found my answer yet, but I am here?” willing to be in this state of enquiry and contemplation so that whenever the answer does arise, I will be mature Had I decided to put this question aside and carry on enough to receive it. with my life, I would have been hit by it many years later,


C o n s ci o u s L ivin g




F r o m P a r a m a h a m s a N i t h ya n a n d a ’s D a i ly M o r nin g T a l k s (N i t h ya S at s a n g ) o n t h e S u b j e c t o f “C o m p l e t i o n ” in A u g u s t , 2013, B id a d i A s h r a m , I n d i a


>> An Enlightened Master Reveals How to Live Life to the Fullest



C o n s ci o u s L ivin g



Whenever you act from your incompletions of fear and anxiety, it is literally like you are going through an acid bath. At that time, you don’t know this, and you escape from that situation. I have seen in my life, whoever escaped from a situation which creates fear, they die in that same pattern. So, whenever you are attacked by fear and incompletions of fear, don’t change the situation. The first priority should be completing with the fear, completing with your anxiety, completing with your incompletions. Because, when you change the situation, it may give a temporary relief. Incompletions of fear will be complete only with one truth. You need to internalize this one truth: Anything you resist will persist. So, do the completion wherever you are resisting.

Life is Boring Without Completion


vercome Your Fear!

Listen, if your root patterns are the seed, and your incompletions are the tree, suffering is the fruit, then fear is the sand, the soil on which the seed grows. Fear is the base on which all these incompletions and root patterns grow. All the incompletions related to greed are only in muscle-memory level; meaning, only a little deeper than your skin. But, all the incompletions related to fear are in your bio-memory level, where your whole body responds from, where your whole body goes through a very poisonous chemical change. It is such a dangerous thing! You allowing the chemical change due to fear is the worst punishment you give to yourself. It is worse than drinking alcohol and smoking. It can cause cancer and more diseases than smoking, drinking or taking drugs. That is why I always insist: work on your completion, get out of fear itself, not the situations which you think cause the fear.

Without completion, life will be boring! Anything you do out of incompletion will be boring, even if it is new things. That is why the incomplete society is going mad after these adrenalin related things. Today, you try to go on a roller coaster but that also does not give a ‘kick’; then you move to some other mad entertainment; then finally, you decide do bungee jumping! See, what all you do for the sake of a ‘kick’ and adrenalin! A small joke: Wife: Honey, the doctor has advised me to take a month’s vacation in some serene place like Switzerland or Greece. Where shall we go? Husband: To another doctor! Understand, unless you change the space of incompletion, nothing, nothing, nothing is going to help you, nothing is going to transform your life. This is a very important truth. Stop changing the situation to save yourself! Start changing the incompletion in you.

Respect Your Life!

Listen! Only when completion starts, only when the incompletions melt down, when you reject incompletions from your cognition, even respect for your life starts. When you respect life, when you understand life, when you respond to life out of completion, life will respond to you out of completion. Only after completion, life starts in you. Only after completion, you even relate with Change of Place Will not Change Your Life! your own life. Completion brings a deep respect for your life within It is very unfortunate, sometimes we think that by you. Please listen! Don’t ever think you have respect for changing the situation we can come out of the fear. your life, you have concern for your life. Any addiction But again and again, life will teach you that only by you carry, whether it is alcohol, smoking, or even completing you will come out of any fear, never by addiction to worrying, clearly shows you don’t have changing any situation. But what to do? Everybody thinks respect for your life. Don’t take your respect for your the solution in front of them is the easiest solution and life as guaranteed or granted. Because you don’t have it will be permanent. No! respect for your life, life reacts the same way to you.

C o n s ci o u s L ivin g

20 Full and Fulfilled Completion means creating a space which is full and where you can live. Completion keeps you full and gives you the space to live! Incompletion keeps you full, but never fulfilled; you will never be able to live there. All the modern day CEOs and leaders are filled with stress. You are filled, not fulfilled! You are occupied, but not useful! Before making one decision, you will think about it 200 times, so you are tired! Please understand, reduce the bureaucratic stress you create for yourself. Reduce the incompletions you infuse into yourself. Reduce the abuse you do to yourself.

Be Integrated With Who You Want to Be! Please listen! Maintain Integrity with what you want to BE! Because every thought, whether it happens with awareness or without awareness, gets a ‘tathaastu’ from the Cosmos… a huge ‘tathaastu’, from the Cosmos! You will have to bear the consequences of your thoughts, whether you want it or not, you are aware of it or not. Just understand one thing, bring integrity into your thinking; do completion with your thoughts every time you have a thought which is not aligned with what you want to be. Complete every thought which is not aligned with your authenticity, which is not aligned with your mamakara (what you believe as you), ahamkara (what you project as yourself to others), anyakara (others’ expectation from you) and sva anyakara (what you believe about others and life). By bringing integrity into your thinking, you will radiate completion!


Are you Operating from a Pattern or Possibility? Please listen, whether your inner space is pattern or possibility, can be understood just by looking at the results you produce by your actions. The results you have as the inner and outer reality of your life are the real reflection of the inner space you are carrying which is either a space of patterns or a space of possibility. You need to understand that based on the results you produce, you can very clearly see whether you are established in a space of patterns or possibility.

Stand Up to Your Patterns! A small story: A blonde goes to the doctor with both of her ears and her right hand burnt. “Sit down and tell me how it happened,” says the doctor. “I was ironing my clothes when I received a call. Instead of picking up the phone, I picked up the iron and burned my ear.” “’What about the other ear and your hand?” “I tried to call for an ambulance.”



C o n s ci o u s L ivin g Allowing your patterns to affect your actions and decisions again and again is allowing them to gain power over you. The best way to reach completion is to never allow your pattern to stand up again. Before the fellow stands up, beat it! The biggest problem we have is that today we complete – and if we feel complete, great – then we take rest till the next time when the pattern comes up again and then we feel suffocated. That is wrong. Even if you feel complete, continue the completion process by digging out, digging out, digging out. Ask yourself, ‘Is there any other incompletion, are there any other ideas I carry as impossible?’ Just because you feel light, relieved in your heart, just because the suffocations are less in your heart, don’t think that completion is done. Feeling that no suffocation is there is the first step of completion. With this you get the signal that you are moving in the right direction. The board “Bangalore: 97 Kms” is not Bangalore! The moment you see the board “Bangalore: 97 Kms”, you say, “Come on, great! I have reached Bangalore!” And you just lie down, put your tent and start cooking and rolling on the ground! No! The board “Bangalore: 97 Kms” is not Bangalore itself! Same way, the relief you find for the first few days during the completion is not the end of completion! Completion should be carried on till you become enlightened.

Disown Your Incompletions! Understand, when a robber, burglar and murderer can become Valmiki overnight, when a womanizer like Arunagirinatha Swami can become a great saint overnight, your incompletions are nothing in front of all of them. In front of Tulsidas’ attachments, your attachments and incompletions are nothing! Your incompletions will get more and more powerful as long as you associate yourself with them. Don’t constantly associate with that incompletion! Don’t even own up! Just disown! Disowning your incompletions is complete completion. If you are convinced that you have disowned your incompletions, you are complete! See, there are some incompletions, from which you can simply disassociate yourself. You yourself believe you are disassociated from them. There are some incompletions, even you don’t believe you are disassociated from them. Complete only with those incompletions. Disassociating yourself from all incompletions is real completion. The more you become complete, the more you become a matured soul. The soul which is complete is equivalent to the soul which has seen life, which has experienced everything. Incompletion makes you more and more immature. Completion makes you more and more matured.

T e c h ni q u e


Br e a k Free From Your Root Pattern



hy do people do the things they do. Why do people feel the way they do. Why do some things always go wrong. Why do some things get stuck. Why do we make the same mistakes again and again… These are questions which hit everyone at some point of time or the other. Everyone has the same questions. Few have the answer… When we are children, the world feels perfect. There is no divide between a child’s world and the whole world. Until one day, when something goes wrong and everything seems to fall out of rhythm. The world looks like it is going to collapse. Maybe the child’s older brother towers over him and yells at him, snatching the ice-cream from out of his hands. The child is small and scared and

T e c h ni q u e

23 *Svapoornatva Kriya - Instructions for the process can be found on our website

This limiting or negative cognition that everyone gives to themselves in their moments of powerlessness is called a root thought pattern, and it is the running thread of everyone’s lives. They may or may not be aware of it, it is there nevertheless, like an undercurrent in all their actions and thoughts. It is possible to find out one’s root thought pattern by following a simple but powerful technique which has been outlined below.

Step 1. Remember the earliest incident in your life which has imbalanced you thoroughly; means, which made you feel powerless, cornered, shattered. It may be at the age of three; your mother just made you sit on the dining table so that you will not be playing around. It can be any simple incident also. This is the first time you remember feeling powerless and helpless in your life. Dig out the earliest incident you remember when you felt powerless.

Step 2. Now, relive this incident as if it is happening right now. Visualize that you are back in that moment in time, surrounded by the same people. How do you feel? Re-live it. Go through all those emotions and thoughts.

Step 3.

feels powerless. He forms some ideas about himself and the world in these vulnerable moments. Unfortunately, these ideas or cognitions live inside him for the rest of his life. Little does he know, that these ideas are the root cause of all the things that go wrong in his life as a child, as a teenager, as an adult, as an old man and until his last breath. Everyone was once a child. Everyone has been shaken to their root at some time or the other in their lives. It could be something as life shattering and grave as child abuse and something as small as a mother scolding a child for rolling in the mud. Nevertheless, it is how the child perceives the situation that matters; because whatever the situation may be, it is the cognition or ideas that the child forms about himself and the world at that time that runs his life. This happens with everyone, only that the painful memory gets suppressed somewhere in the archives of the mind and people forget what it was that first jolted their existence.

When you are reliving the incident, see what ideas you give to yourself. See 1) What you think about you 2) What you think about life and others 3) How you projected yourself to the others (What actions did you take when you got jolted? That is what you projected to the others) These three statements are your root cognition that runs your life even now. This is your root pattern. To be free of the root thought pattern, the *svapoornatva and poornatva kriya can be practiced regularly everyday. In the Inner Awakening program, Paramahamsa Nithyananda leads the participants into discovering and completing with their root thought patterns to make a quantum shift in their lives in just 21 days.


I nn e r A wa k e nin g

A Different Life! >> A Conversation with Inner Awakening Graduate, Trisha Singh



Why did you attend Inner Awakening (IA)? What does the program involve?

I think Inner Awakening involves a lot of introspection, which doesn’t always happen at home. At least not to this depth. Also, when we do 4-day programs at the ashram, it sort of breaks that continuity that a 21-day program offers, so whatever progress we have made in 4 days in terms of completions or anything else, is broken once we get home. In 21 days we can start and finish any process, and of course, Swamiji makes sure it is drilled into us permanently. Q) Was there a burning issue that you wanted resolved before going to IA? Actually, just before IA I had discovered my root pattern and completing with it was something I wanted help in. I really felt like IA could help me with that. I had done pretty much every other program of Swamiji’s, but from all I had heard from other devotees, I knew that IA would be the one to really push me miles ahead in my spiritual growth. Q) So, what was your root pattern? My root pattern was the statement I gave to myself, saying, “Nobody likes me and I don’t exist”. Q) What triggered this? Was there a particular incident? There was an incident in my childhood, where my mother was beaten by my father. When I walked into the scene happening in front of me, I remember feeling a very tired kind of emotion, thinking, “Oh God, this is happening again! Why does this always happen to her (my mother)?” So, at that moment I ended up giving myself the statement that God was not there for me, because of which I was not liked by anybody. There were many parts of this incident that I did not remember until reliving it in IA. Actually, Swamiji was in the hall when this process was going on, and when I went back to the memory, there were only two gaps in it, where I couldn’t recall what happened. This time, I remembered what happened in those moments, and also realised that these were the moments when the root pattern was formed. The first one was when I first walked into the scene, which I’ve already mentioned. The second was when I was trying to crawl under the table, to escape from the incident happening in front of me, and I was absolutely terrified that my father would see me and beat me as well. However, when I saw that no one saw me, I felt as though I did not exist. I could not remember crawling under that table until I was in Swamiji’s presence. It was a strange


I nn e r A wa k e nin g experience, because for a few moments, my 19-year-old self disappeared and I was completely that 6-year-old child. It was truly like reliving the entire episode. Q) Do you feel like you’ve achieved some completion with your root pattern at IA? Yes, definitely - especially with my feelings of God ‘not being there’ for me, because the embodiment and idea of God to me is Swamiji. Thinking about it now, I feel ridiculous even carrying this incompletion, because Swamiji has been there with me every step of the way, in whatever I am doing. I’ve gone to him with the silliest of problems and with the bigger decisions as well, and he has been my source of strength since I met him. To think that he did not love me or care for me after all that is ridiculous, and I made sure to complete with him during IA. I’m glad I no longer feel that way now. Also, we were asked to do the Svapoornatva Kriya every night as a part of the program, which really helped. I’m sure I would not have done it at home. The ambience provided at the ashram always helps with such things. Q) What was it like being in the ashram for 21 days? It was amazing! It wasn’t the first time I’d stayed there for such a long period, but it was different this time because I was doing IA. The first week was difficult for me because that was when we were doing the root pattern completion process. I spent days just crying and crying, but after that I felt a lot lighter. There was a lot of pentup emotion that I didn’t even know existed. Other than that, I had a great time. It’s really nice to be spending that much time with Swamiji. It’s also funny how every small incident that happens in the the ashram at this time leads to some kind of ‘click’ or a revelation of sorts. Everything leads to completions in the smallest of ways. Q) Do you feel like a lot of catharsis happened at IA? Yes, quite a bit. It’s difficult to face these incompletions when they surface, but the relief I felt afterwards was worth it. I don’t think I would have gone through with it if I wasn’t at the program. Q) Do you feel any shift in yourself after IA? I do. I’m definitely more aware of when my root pattern is affecting a situation. I’m still in the process of completing with it fully. Ever since I’ve come back from IA, I’ve been going through a lot of churning, and that’s helping me see where my incompletions are. Q) What do you mean by churning? I mean that all my incompletions are coming to the

I nn e r A wa k e nin g


Oct 19 - Oct 28, 2013 Nov 1 – Nov 10, 2013 Dec 5 - Dec 14, 2013

Global Headquarters, Bangalore Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam, Nithyanandanagara, Kallugopahalli, Off Mysore Road, Bidadi, Bangalore - 562109 India Email:

In India: for Details, please call +91 80 2727999


I nn e r A wa k e nin g


Q) What is this completion process that you have mentioned several times? It is called the *Svapoornatva Kriya, where you sit in front of a mirror and visualize that the reflection you see is the incomplete part of you, and you are sitting there as the complete person. So, you just have a conversation with yourself, speaking out loud, as well as relive the incidents that caused the incompletions. While doing this, I’ve noticed that at one point, a liberating cognition will come to you. Once that happens, you feel complete with whatever you were feeling incomplete about. Q) Are you able to trace other incidents where you have felt the same way? Yes, surprisingly, I can see how almost every single incident relates to my root pattern in some way or the other. I was actually very shocked by the amount of influence it has on my decisions and thought patterns. Even a very positive situation will have some trace of it. Even when I feel anxious or irritated, I’m able to trace back which incompletion it’s coming from, almost immediately. Q) What else happens in IA? Is it a meditation or yoga retreat or all of that? All of that happens. We have different meditations throughout the day, and yoga every morning. All of it is aimed towards a person’s completion in some way or the other. Everything from meditation and yoga to the food is designed towards taking the participant to the next level from where they are. That includes completing with your root pattern at the being level and building a healthy, yogic body at the physical level.

Q) What would be one good reason for someone to attend IA? I would say it would be to identify and complete with their root pattern. I cannot stress on this enough! Once a person realises the kind of influence their root pattern has on them, they would definitely not want to continue surface. So, whenever I get upset in a situation, I can see living with it. The reason why we see IA participants’ that there is some incompletion in me that is making lives transformed after going back is s because their me upset. When I identify that incompletion, it is just most basic cognition about themselves and the world has a matter of completing with it. Before IA, I could say changed. Of course, anybody could do the completion that life was easier and such situations never came up. process at home and still overcome their root pattern, However, this is better because I can be sure that nothing but is it better to travel in a bullock cart or fly in a jet? is repressed now, and that everything is coming out so The intensity that is found in this program, in Swamiji’s that I can remove it. presence, cannot be found outside.



Upcoming Programs Durga Pooja & Navaratri Celebrations Oct 5 - Oct 13, 2013 - Nine days of intense celebration.. Oct 10 - Shashti Pooja - Kalparambha, Bodhan, Adhivas, Amantran Oct 11 - Saptami Pooja - Navapatrika sthapan, Mahasnan, Pranaprathishta Oct 12 - Ashtami Pooja - Kumari Puja, Sandhi Puja - Khadali Vriksha Bali (Sacrifice of banana tree) Oct 13 - Navami Pooja - Kushmanda Bali & Ikshu Bali (sacrifice of

white pumpkin & sugarcane) Oct 14 - Dashami Pooja - Visarjan - Darpan visarjan in the morning & Immersion of Devi in the dusk. Location: Bidadi Ashram, Bangalore


Inner Awakening Level 1 (4 Days) Four day program to get initiated into the four tattvas and the science of completion. Oct 19 - Oct 22, 2013 Nov 1 – Nov 4, 2013 Dec 5 - Dec 8, 2013 Location: Bidadi Ashram, Bangalore & Online Via 2-way Video Conferencing

Inner Awakening Level 2 (10 Days) Ten day program to identify and complete with your root pattern and get initiated into completion with yourself, others and Life itself. Oct 19 - Oct 28, 2013 Nov 1 – Nov 10, 2013 Dec 5 - Dec 14, 2013 Location: Bidadi Ashram, Bangalore & Online Via 2-way Video Conferencing

Inner Awakening Level 2+3 (21 Days) Right Intelligence for Life: A unique 21-day yoga and meditation retreat to awaken your Kundalini energy, to hand-craft a successful future and to taste Enlightenment itself! Nov 1 – Nov 21, 2013 Dec 5 – Dec 25, 2013 Location: Bidadi Ashram, Bangalore

En-Genius Level 1 (4 Days) OCt 19 - Oct 22, 2013

Nov 1 – Nov 4, 2013 Dec 5 - Dec 8, 2013 Location: Bidadi Ashram, Bangalore

EN - Genius Level 2 (10 Days) Oct 19 - Oct 28, 2013 Nov 1 – Nov 10, 2013 Dec 5 - Dec 14, 2013 Location: Bidadi Ashram, Bangalore

EN - Genius Level 2+3 (21 Days) Nov 1 – Nov 21, 2013 Dec 5 – Dec 25, 2013 Location: Bidadi Ashram, Bangalore

Nithya Kriya Yoga Nov 23 - 24, 2013 Location: Delhi, India

Nirahara Samyama Starting dates: Oct 1st, 2013; Nov 1st, 2013; Dec 1st, 2013; Dec 5th, 2013 Location: Online Via or Live Satsang on TV Channels (See Back Cover)

THE Samyama Starting dates: Nov 1st, 2013 ; Dec 5th, 2013 Location: Bidadi Ashram, Bangalore

S pi r i t u a l A c t ivi s m


Own & Let Others Own >> Nithyananda Explains the Difference between Owning & Possessing


ure consciousness is like a vast ocean of joy. But after a certain age when root pattern starts, you are not able to live in that space of extreme joy or in pure consciousness. Even when there is nothing to worry, you try to pick up something from the past to ponder over and worry about the incompletions and powerlessness which may happen in the future. Pure space seems to be a little heavy, a bit too much of joy which you cannot afford! It is similar to having the desire to own the beach which can be fenced or prohibited for entry by others and not the vast ocean. You are afraid to own your pure consciousness because you cannot possess it. A small story: A wealthy patron invited Ikkyu, a great Zen master, to a banquet. Ikkyu arrived dressed in beggar’s robes. The host, not recognizing him, chased him away. Ikkyu went home, changed into his ceremonial robe of purple brocade, and returned. With great respect, he was received into the banquet room. There, he put his robe on the cushion, saying, “I expect you invited the robe since you showed me away a little while ago,” and left.

The idea of looking to eliminate others in order to possess is not right. Owning and possessing are entirely different ideas. Anyone can own the ocean, but no one can possess it. This is where the problem starts, because you cannot deny entry for anyone else when you own the ocean. Only if you are able to eliminate others, you feel victorious. Because of this wrong cognition, you are ready to forego the whole ocean and settle for a smaller beach instead. You prefer to settle down with your known boundary of body and mind, defining your identity with patterns. With the practice of four tattvas integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching - you can get into that space of creating the reality you want. But this space will be lost when you do not share it with others. This space is the ocean which you can own only if others also own it.

F r o m P a r a m a h a m s a N i t h ya n a n d a ’s M o r nin g T a l k s (N i t h ya S at s a n g ) o n 14 t h J u n e , 2013, B i d a d i A s h r a m , I n d i a

Anything which you try to possess will dry up, but anything you own and makes others also own, will flourish. When you own yourself and let everyone else own you in all dimensions including your body or mind, you become a great celebrity, be it in the field of beauty or field of knowledge as a great teacher. When you own your consciousness and allow the whole world to own your consciousness, you become an incarnation. In essence, when you own and help everyone own, life becomes a celebration!


N i r a h a r a S a m ya m a


DETOX Your Body & Mind! >> Nirahara Samyama is an Ancient Yogic Process Revealed By Paramahamsa Nithyananda to Awaken the Bio-Intelligence of Every Individual Effortlessly


ith nearly 500 million of the worldwide population being tagged as clinically obese and fast food joints being found at every street and corner, food is becoming man’s biggest enemy. Organisations such as WHO set up regular plans to address such issues, yet there is not much hope unless the root of the problem is identified and tackled. Humanity needs to wake up to the fact that it is not food that is the enemy; it is man’s patterns related to food. Nirahara Samyama is Nithyananda’s unique mystical process to break food related patterns. These patterns are incompletions related to food which can cause overeating and other eating abnormalities.

towards anybody, irrespective of gender. The perversion towards food is the fourth. Society does not allow the first three, but it allows food. This is why, all over the world, 90% of all celibate traditions in all religions suffer from obesity, because the incompletion with sex manifests as over-eating. After this Samyama, the possibility of perversion dissolves and disappears because it removes all incompletions from the root. When someone does Nirahara Samyama and completes with their food patterns, they can easily take up the vow of celibacy.

Nirahara Samyama is recommended as the first spiritual practice in any seeker’s life. It awakens a new A small story: intelligence in the person, which helps them to know the Wife to her overweight husband: Last night there were difference between original feelings and perversions. two pieces of cake in this pantry and now there is only Without overcoming food patterns, attempting to break one. How do you explain that? any other pattern is very difficult. The Nirahara Samyama Husband: I guess it was so dark that I didn’t see the other is a powerful practice to purge all patterns from a piece! person’s system. Nirahara Samyama directly destroys all the root patterns in a person. Directly or indirectly, all root patterns such as love, fear, sex and worry are connected to food. A root pattern cannot be removed like a surgery, destroying everything at once. All patterns are interconnected and intertwined. If the root to which all the root patterns are connected is removed, the rest can easily be destroyed. For example, fear patterns will somehow be related to food because society first threatens an individual with food. Love is related to food because food and love both are received from the mother. Any incompletions with one’s mother will have an effect on both. All early crying is for food. This makes food the root of all root patterns. The purpose of the samyama is not starvation, but liberation from food patterns, going beyond food and living without dependence on food. The beauty of the samyama is that even though the person does not take in any solid food, there is no hunger. The people doing Nirahara Samyama need to use their willpower for completion with food related patterns, not for forcing themselves to deny food to their body! When someone starts leaving food, they will see many of their patterns coming up - denial, anger, irritation, agitation, lust etc. When someone deprives the body of sex, the first thing that happens is a yearning for love, an attention craving. Secondly, attractions towards the same gender arise. Thirdly, the person feels attracted

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N i r a h a r a S a m ya m a


WHY Nirahara is a Great Choice >> A Nirahara Samyama Participant Reveals How the Samyama Improved Her Health & Broke Her Patterns unimaginable for me. However, many of my friends completed the Nirahara Samyama successfully and their results took my breath away. They lost weight, they started to look younger and more joyful; they were transformed in all possible ways. So I told myself that I too have to try it, that I must do it! When I did the Nirahara samyama I was shocked to see that I was able to go through all the 4 levels of Nirahara almost effortlessly. It was so easy that I couldn’t believe it myself. Of course, the secret was the presence of Swamiji. I reached my ideal BMI (Body Mass Index). Moreover, the health tests that I had done before and after the Nirahara samyama showed an amazing improvement in my iron deficiency and that too without any supplements. My protein deficiency came to normal on just simple liquids. My vitamin D levels increased tremendously and my immunity and all other important markers improved. My skin started glowing and I started feeling very light and energetic. Nirahara completely broke my food patterns and other related patterns. My body and inner space felt a ton lighter. I was able to drop my fantasies about food, which were earlier triggered by seeing food. The psychological attachment to food was completely broken. Nirahara means freedom from food where you don’t have to starve yourself or use your will. When you want to eat, when your body signals for food, you can eat. I love having this freedom from food and I wish for all the people to experience the same. Nirahara is not only about losing weight, it is about being detached from the strongest pattern or instinct in our life - food. Nirahara brings us health, it takes care of the body weight, brings more energy and liberates us from food patterns and attachments.


wanted to become the person who can live without food, since Swamiji started conducting the Nirahara Samyama. But I did not have the confidence that I could give up food for 2 days or 7 days, let alone for 11 days. I was so attached to regular eating, that it was

To be a nirahari for me also means being a living temple: a yogic body, a vedic mind and enlightened living. I want to radiate the purest energy and a powerful unclutched inner space and inspire others to do the same. We all can go beyond our body and mind by activating our original bio-memory with the help of an Incarnation, our Swamiji. The Nirahara lifestyle proves that this is possible. I invite all of you to do Nirahara Samyama and experience a tremendous transformation in your life, tremendous liberation in your life. Nirahara rocks!

Ma Nithya Vibhooti Slovakia

N i t h ya K r i ya




Excellence in Sports

Stamina - sustaining physical activity for long without fatigue. Physique - the graceful proportion and movement of your body. These qualities will allow you to excel in sports and beyond. The kriya takes approximately 20 mins to practice. Practice this Nithya Kriya once a day on an empty stomach (in the morning or at least 3 hours after a meal) regularly for 21 days for best results.

INSTRUCTIONS Step 1. Padmaasana

>> This Kriya is a Unique Combination of »» Place the right foot on the left thigh Multiple Yogic Practices to Give a Yogic »» Now place the left foot on the right thigh Body »» Place the hands on the thighs with the palms facing For more information visit:

upwards, »» Concentrating on the tip of the nose, keep the tongue pressed on the upper teeth »» Press the chin on your chest, pushing the air slowly upward »» Exhale slowly »» Do this 3 times and release the chin on your chest and tongue pressed on the upper teeth Remain in Padmaasana for all the remaining steps of the kriya.

Step 2. Kapaalabhaati Pranayama »» Breath out short and fast as you pull your abdomen in and up. »» Allow the body to inhale by itself. »» Do this for 7 minutes.

Step 3. Lahari Pranayama


s the month of October rolls in with its colorful »» Breathe in with short inhalation with one nostril. trees, brisk weather and chill in the wind, the sports »» Then breathe out with the other nostril season is well under way. No better time to get fit and »» Do this rapidly for 3 minutes develop a yogic body with power and stamina! This month’s Nithya Kriya for excellence in sports (level 1) offers all that is needed to develop a true yogic body that radiates joy and energy for success in all walks of life. Nithyananda explains the 4 components of a yogic body as:

Step 4. Andoli Pranayama »» As you breathe in, roll your tongue like a tube. »» Breathe through your nose and mouth. »» When you feel full close the mouth and roll the tongue

in, touching the palate. »» Retain the breath as long as you can. Flexibility - the ability to move the body like a child! »» When you feel you are not able to retain anymore, Power - the shear strength of your muscles. You’ll enjoy a slowly exhale through the nose. powerful vinyasa (yoga seqence) for strength in the yoga »» Do this for 7 minutes. section of this month’s issue.

N i t h ya Y o g a


Power Up! >> Power is an Important Component of a Yogic Body. Learn How to Add Power to Your Daily Yoga Routine

B y R i s h i N i t h ya M i t r a n a n d a


long with flexibility, stamina and graceful physique, power is one of the great qualities of a yogic body. Power is not just the ability to demonstrate shear muscular strength, but also the ability to remain totally centered and meditative. This quality will extend into your life as authenticity to live to your peak capacity. How about a short vinyasa to add power to your regular practice? Vinyasa in Sanskrit means “combination”, “connecting” or “putting together”. It is the natural flow of moving from posture to posture along with the breath. Breath is the vehicle through which the deeper experience of yoga happens, so when power is added to a vinyasa, it is essential to flow smoothly with the breath, even when it gets a little harder.

2. Slide forward inhaling into a high plank, Chaturanga Dandasana. 3. Keeping the plank with strong abdomen and arms, elbows tucked into your body, slowly lower your chest close to the ground. 4. With strong arms and legs, push up to open the heart into Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (upward facing dog). Keep your legs active and strong in the pose to avoid compressing the lower back. Lower the chin slightly while lifting the heart to avoid compressing your neck. 5. Exhale back to Adho Mukha Svanasana. Breathe and continue your flow from here. Want to be authentic? Go for a multiple rounds. Enjoy!

The Sun Salutation, Surya Namaskar, includes one of the basic yet most enjoyable yoga postures, Adho Mukha Svanasana or downward facing dog. From here comes a realm of possibilities: step into lunge, lifting one leg, jumping forward, coming onto side plank or flip dog!

Visit the Nithya Yoga Video channel for inspiring yoga routines: WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/NITHYANANDAYOGA

This power vinyasa will bring vitality, strength and some spice to your regular Sun Salutation practice. Remember to flow with the breath to make it a meditative experience.

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Be in Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward facing dog), making sure your hands are firmly in contact with the ground. Spread your fingers and press the knuckles and palms against the ground. Grow into your arms with strength while keeping your head completely relaxed. Gaze at a point between your feet or towards your navel.


Siddha & Ay urveda

3 Quick Energy Boosters >> An Ayurvedic Solution to Low Energy & Lethargy

B y M a N i t h ya Y o g a n a n d a S wa m ini



eeling tired, low in energy and not getting much done? When we feel like this, we tend to grab comfort food such as sweets, energy drinks, energy bars, coffee or tea. This gives a temporary solution but after some time the energy comes crashing down, leaving us ready to just doze off! This is because boosting and maintaining our high energy can only happen by restoring balance to the body and mind. “A person having equilibrium of doshas (three bodily humours), agnis (digestive fire), dhatus (tissue), mala (wastes) and kriyas (a spiritual yogic practice), and a person who is possessed by spiritual, sensual and mental happiness is called a healthy person.” (Sushruta, founding father of surgery, 2BCE-1CE) According to Ayurveda the entire cosmos is an interplay of the energies of the five elements: air, fire, water, earth and space. The combination and reformation of these five elements that manifest as patterns present in all creation are: vata, pitta and kapha. In our physical body, vata is the subtle energy of movement, pitta the energy of digestion and metabolism, and kapha is the energy that forms the body’s structure. When looking at ways to boost our energy, Ayurveda offers a holistic view that includes lifestyle, yoga, meditation, pranayama and nutrition to restore the balance of vata, pitta and kapha for vigor, vitality, strength and youthfulness. Here are three quick and delicious recipes to get energized, the Ayurvedic way!

Jal-Jeera Kick 4 cups water 1/4 tsp. whole Cumin (Jeera) 1/3 tsp. whole Fennel (Saunf) 2 pinches of Licorice (Mulaithi) 1 pinch of Ashwagandha (optional) First boil the water. Pour the hot water into a thermos flask and add the spices. Sip this water throughout the day to improve digestion and increase your energy. If you are a pitta constitutional type, you may let the water cool to room temperature before drinking.

Pick-Me-Up Shake

Photo (c) Robert Judge

1 cup peeled almonds ½ cup Pistachios ½ cup Cashews 3-5 Dates 1 tbsp Raisins 1 tsp Rose water

Siddha & Ay urveda


a pinch of Cardamom (Elaichi) seeds a pinch of Saffron or ground Fennel seeds (Saunf) 2 cups of water (used to soak the nuts and dried fruits) or milk Soak the nuts and dried fruits for at least 2 hours (preferably overnight). Blend with milk or the water used to soak the nuts till you get a thick shake. Add Rosewater, Cardamom powder and saffron or ground Fennel seeds. Dates add sweetness to it but jaggery can be added to sweeten it further. You can enjoy this drink anytime. It is rejuvenating, toning, strengthening and balances the doshas.

Energy Balls ½ cup Tahini ½ cup desiccated Coconut 1 cup of Dates/ Raisins/ Figs ½ cup of nuts or seeds (peeled Almonds, Cashews, Sunflower seeds, etc.) To coat: Coconut/Sesame seeds/ground Almonds/raw Cacao powder Bring all the ingredients together in a blender and mix on maximum speed until they are of a firm, semi-solid consistency. Roll the mixture into bite sized balls, then roll in shredded coconut, ground almond or sesame seeds. Chill before serving. These balls can also be made with ingredients like goji berries, raw cacao nibs, ashwagandha, ginseng, ground flax seed, etc. You may soak the fruit for easier digestion - if so keep them refrigerated, otherwise they can be left outside.

N i t h ya J y o t i s h a

As Above, So Below >> Vedic Astrology Throws Light on the Nature of the 27 Nakshatras

B y M a N i t h ya C h a n d r a n a n d a

36 karma. Prarabdha is that part of the past karma which is responsible for this birth. It is ready to be reaped and transformed through Guru’s grace, individual conscious will and your cooperation to the grace and sincere effort. It has to be exhausted by being experienced. At the time of birth the cosmic magnetic field and the being’s subtle bodies commune in a way that echoes the level of development of this being’s consciousness. This resonance imprints the basis of the person’s life and personality from birth. The being who takes birth attracts and creates a reality around it that matches its frequency while the cosmic energy field impregnates it, merges it into the Kaala chakra (the wheel of time) and evolves it as per the laws of karmic retribution. The Kaala chakra is set into motion by the movements of the grahas in the sky, acting as the agents of time. There are nine grahas (nine influences that are actual planets/luminars) in our solar system: the Sun (Surya), the Moon (Chandra), Mars (Mangal), Mercury (Buddha), Jupiter (Guru), Venus (Shukra), Saturn (Shani) and two nodes called Rahu (ascending lunar node) and Ketu (descending lunar node). These represent archetypes. Surya, for example, represents consciousness, Chandra represents the cosmic mind, Buddha represents the cosmic intellect, etc. Most of the calendars of the world have been set by Sun’s and Moon’s movements (measuring the day, month and year). They are of great importance for agriculture, because the harvest depends on planting at the correct time of the year. But the Vedic tradition uses a system of 27 nakshatras to calculate months. The nakshatra represents a portion of a constellation around which the Moon travels at a particular time. Each month when the full moon visits a particular constellation, the vedic month will have this nakshatra’s name.


n vedic astrology, grahas are energy centers or energy fields that planets exert in our solar system. Each of the nine main grahas has a specific energy field that creates specific effects on earth’s magnetic field. For example, the moon has a strong impact on the movements of the sea, on plant’s growth, and even influences the mind of human beings. These major energy centers channel the energy field of constellations and produce an effect on living beings, influencing their mental background, monitoring and determining their karmas and the course of their destiny.

Every nakshatra falls under the rule of one or two rashis (signs). Each rashi is assigned three nakshatras. (NB: every nakshatra has a specific graha influencing it, but we will not go into these details in this article.) For example if a child is born when the moon visits Ashvini nakshatra, his birth star will be Ashvini, and his rashi will be Aries (called mesha in Sanskrit). Bharani and Kritika, the two next nakshatras, also fall under the lordship of Aries sign. All three will therefore have similar characteristics and will influence the child’s mind, emotional being at the time of birth, shaping his destiny.

Grahas are referred to as the agents of karmas that entangle the soul to the samsar (earthly existence). Starting next month, we will explore every nakshatra’s A being who takes birth, enters a body, chooses his particularities in a series of articles to help you understand your parents and environment according to his own prarabdha nakshatra .

N i t h ya J y o t i s h a


Create A Life of Your Choice

dimension in the astral plane nor in isolation. There is nowhere to run away. Be realistic and humble in front of all menial tasks. Do it as if your breath was holding on to it. Be complete in your day to day life and practice this wisdom throughout October.

Gemini: Mental tensions are likely to increase. Irritations and frustration level may shoot up due to growing mental pressure. Completion with the fear of not performing to your optimum will help you to relax. Problems related to stomach could increase. You are advised to take precautions to prevent such situations from prevailing - drink neem juice to settle your digestion. It is advised to control your speech and not say rude things to your family members as it would worsen a situation.

>> Monthly Horoscope For Vedic Moon Signs. Vedic Moon Signs can be found in the birth chart or “kundali” which Cancer: October will start with your positive outlook, you will be in a flowing and easy mood, with a skill to can be prepared by an astrologer or promote work. Your ability to create and consolidate generated online on a Vedic astrology your networks will be at its best. You will feel a change after 17th October, 2013 as you will create strength website

B y M a N i t h ya C h a n d r a n a n d a

in what you do and be able to take a stand for the responsibilities you took up. Give your listening to members of your extended family; they will need you and your undivided attention to settle issues.

Leo: Whenever you are looking, moving, relating to any person or object, let your awareness be on the space between you and that object. Feel that all the objects around you are just tiny particles in space. See space, hear space, feel space everywhere. Continuously experience the silent presence of space in and around you. When you work with this technique, you will lose your fascination with the material world and liberate yourself from greedy attachments to gains.

Virgo: Planet Jupiter is sitting in the tenth house of


ries: October is an excellent period to develop

your ability to commit in a partnership. You seek fast results in everything you do! But becoming willing to take responsibility for the effects of your actions on others is a must! Mature your relationships with the power of the *poornatva kriya, undetaking completion with yourself and others. Bring balance between the ‘I’ and the ‘you’. Your impatience and opinions create the tendency to blame others and your irritation may really throw you off balance. Your excessive independence is more a kind of self protection and selfishness, rather than freedom and autonomy!

Taurus: The key word is: practicality! You need to live reality as it is, in all its ordinary flow, trivial duties which you would like to escape for the time being! Enlightenment always happens in the ordinary, in the simple, in the present moment, and not in some remote

your horoscope, so you are likely to get the support of your seniors and colleagues at your workplace. It could also lead to a promotion and a rise in your enthusiasm. The period is excellent to go out and enrich your brothers and sisters with the four tattvas. Be aware of sudden decisions you make, and use your intuition and discrimination in business matters because you could take wrong decisions. If you are into business, make sure you go through all the paperwork carefully when you are about to sign a deal.

Libra: You are advised to recite the mantra “Om Sham Shanaishcharaye Namah” for completion with Saturn energy. Also, worshiping Lord Ganesha will bring good results in all aspects. There is a conflict between the personality you show to the outer world and the personality you reveal in your inner world. The uneasy feeling between these two identities creates tensions. Remember you are much more than these two identities. When you “unclutch” from it, you will realize you are beyond your self-imposed stress.

N i t h ya J y o t i s h a

38 Scorpio: On 19th and 20th October 2013, be aware of your inner space and how your thoughts and feelings are blending together to lead you to action. You may feel surges of irritation towards people on no grounds at all! If you feel puzzled about it then it means you have not analyzed it sincerely. Finding out the root of it and completing will help you stop your impulse for anger as soon it shows up as a slight movement within. Controlling it will keep your pitta dosha (a body humour which controls digestion, metabolism, and energy) balanced. Choose wisdom over egoistic reactions, practice *svapoornatva kriya for completion with yourself!

Sagittarius: The planets are blessing you with a beautiful period of development in and through your social networks as well as rise in your professional status. Your relationships and partnerships are under Jupiter’s blessings, giving you easeness with yourself, fulfillment and an ability to outgrow any difficulties. This whole month planetary energies are gracious, so take up opportunities and step out of your comfort zone to reach your star! All your efforts to break the limits you put on yourself will be very rewarding.

Capricorn: It is up to you to make the best of this time professionally, as you have inner strength to climb up the ladder and outgrow a situation where you have felt stuck for some time. You can rely on your power of communication. Travelling will open and instigate new opportunities. Your learn the art of diplomacy and how to use it to help yourself and others around you. This is an excellent time to practice meditation regularly! Also, any commitment you take up in life now will get strongly imprinted as a vow in your inner space.

Aquarius: Emphasis should be on spiritual progress. You can gain tremendous insights by assessing your patterns and penning down their dynamics in day-to-day life. Lots of insights can be revealed by writing those words! Make yourself empty and know that emptiness is your real nature. The courage to be empty is to be one with the Whole. When you are full, you remain empty, and when you experience your emptiness, you are fulfilled. Use this technique in all areas of life in October.

Pisces: The period until July 2014, shows great potential and will to study a topic in depth. Any spiritual and yogic sciences will be fascinating to you. Offer enough space to your life partner. Let the person be him/herself without feeling your weight upon their shoulders! Be there for this person, listen to their feelings and wishes, be aware of their body language. It will help you to un-entangle situations where the other is not able to share what is in their heart. *Svapoornatva & Poornatva Kriyas - Instructions for the process can be found on our website WWW.NITHYANANDATIMES.ORG


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