Nithyananda Times - January, 2014

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Paramahamsa Nithyananda


January, 2014

Inner Awakening

Who is Paramahamsa Nithyananda? HIS HOLINESS PARAMAHAMSA NITHYANANDA, recognized today as a clear, legitimate, apolitical voice of integrated Sanatana Hindu Dharma, is revered as a living incarnation of superconsciousness by millions worldwide. He is a Maha Mandaleshwar (spiritual head) of Mahanirvani Peeth, the most ancient apex body of Hinduism. He is the most watched spiritual teacher on YouTube with over 16 million views, and the author of more than 300 books published in over 20 languages. His talks are watched live every day on, as well as on multiple international television channels and via video conferencing. Paramahamsa Nithyananda is also a powerful spiritual healer and adept who has successfully demystified yogic sciences like kundalini awakening, levitation, materialization, anti-ageing and going beyond food. He is a survivor of media terrorism and blackmailing yellow jounalists.



He is a new consciousness in your being. He is a new being in your life. Because the Sun never dies, every new day is born. Because the Master never loses the inspiration, he makes inspiration happen every day, again and again, in your life. The Sun which does not die restarts your day. The Master who never loses inspiration, restarts your inspiration. The Master is actually a new language in your being!




Inner Awakening

NITHYANANDA TIMES Volume 2, Issue 13, January, 2014 OWNED BY: EN Galleria Private Limited

Table of contents 3

My Dear Ones


Gr and ‘Avatar Day’


Unlock your four Inner Powers at INNER AWAKENING


Meet your FOUR POWERs


Keys to Unlock the Four Powers


Root Patterns


Science of Completion


Power of Listening

14 Initiation 16

The Power of Darshan from an Avatar


Glimpses of the Vibr ant Vedic Lifestyle

20 Scientific Studies on Kundalini Awakening 22

Nir ahar a Samyama

23 eNGenius 24 Nithyananda Gurukul 26 Bali Inner Awakening - A Glimpse of My Diary 27

Be a Catalyst

28 Do You Suffer From SDHD? 29 The Secret to Fulfill All of Your Desires! K alpataru 30 Ganga - World’s most worshipped deity 31

Sri Nithyanandeshwar a Temple

Reviving Hindu tr adition


EnPregnancy - The Gift of New Life


Nithyananda Mission

38 Your Horoscope 40 Upcoming INNER AWAKENING Dates


PUBLISHED BY: Sri Nithya Pranananda Swami Global Headquarters, Bangalore, Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam, Kallugopahalli, Off Mysore Road, Bidadi Bangalore - 562 109 Phone: + 80 28022101 PRINTED BY: Print-O-Graph Total Print Solution #97, Sultanpet Bangalore - 53 Phone: +91-802877398, 22259891 EDITOR Valli Ramanathan E-MAIL WEBSITE DISCLAIMER The meditation techniques & kriyas included in this magazine are to be practiced only under the direct supervision of an ordained teacher of Nithyananda Mission (NM) and in consultation with your personal physician to determine your fitness and ability to do the techniques. They are not intended to be a substitute for medical attention, examination, diagnosis or treatment. If someone tries these techniques without prior participation in the meditation programs of NM and without the direct supervision of an ordained teacher of NM, they shall be doing so entirely at their own risk; neither the author, nor the publisher nor NM shall be responsible for the consequences of their actions. eN Galleria Private Limited 2013© All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. In the event that you use any of the information in thisbook for yourself, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for our actions. FREE TRIAL COPY

Inner Awakening

My Dear Ones, It is time we rededicate ourselves to Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching and causing enlightenment to ourselves and others, reinventing, rediscovering and recreating ourselves to live the great science of Causing Enlightenment. Be very clear, you and others are not two different things! The extension of others in you is you, the extension of you outside is others. So when you cause enlightenment to you authentically, you will cause enlightenment to others. You will understand this experientially when you attend Inner Awakening. In the Inner Awakening Program, you will be initiated into and taught the science of completion with yourself, into completion with others, and into the science of creation. You will be able to create your reality and teach this science to everyone around you. In the first level of Inner Awakening, you are helped to complete with yourself. The second level is about completion with others. There are so many people involved in your life as part of you, and you are part of

so many others’ lives. So only when completion with others happens, the ground is ready for creating a new reality. In the third level of Inner Awakening, you are given the experiential knowledge, energy and methodology to create your own chosen reality, such as wealth, health, peace, complete relationships and enlightenment. I bless you all: Let you all radiate Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching to cause eternal bliss to yourself and others, Nithyananda!

Be Blissful!

î €

- Par amahamsa Nithyananda


Inner Awakening Gr and ‘Avatar Day’ celebr ations on the occasion of

Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s 37th Jayanti On the auspicious occasion of the Avatar Day celebrations of living incarnation Paramahamsa Nithyananda, there was a grand celebration at the Bengaluru ashram as well as all Nithyananda Vedic Hindu temples worldwide. Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s message to the world on this day was ‘Be a catalyst a sincere cause for everyone to realize their reality’. When you are a catalyst to cause others’ reality, all of them will be a catalyst to cause your reality to happen. The Whole itself will become a cause for you to cause your reality.’ Paramahamsa Nithyananda went on to tell that exploiting people to cause one’s reality is bondage, whereas being the catalyst to make others realize their reality is liberation. He explained that to do this, one needs to listen authentically to oneself and others, and speak into the listening of oneself and others. He reiterated that one should be a cause for others to


realize their reality because being a cause for others is one’s own being’s cause. He went on to dedicate this year to living this great truth. Thousands of people gathered at the Bangalore ashram to witness the celebrations which included a grand sannyas initiation for 40 people declaring for sannyas after undergoing the sannyas training. Spiritual heads from across the nation were present to grace the occasion of Avatar day celebrations including Param Poojya Acharya Mahamandaleshwar Sri 1008 Swami Shukdevanandji Maharaj, Sri Ni Pa Shivanubhava Charumurti Dr. Sri Shantiveera Mahaswamiji of Kolada Matha, Kanchipuram Meykandarpeedam 232nd Peethadhipati Srilasri Thiruvambaladesika Gnanaprakashaswamigal of Thondaimandala Adheenam and Srimad Atmanandji Maharaj – President of Sharada Niketan Educational Institutions, and Sri Shivananda Pulipani Swamigal of Palani Adheenam, among many others.

Inner Awakening

Paramahamsa Nithyananda also released various projects, products and services, including new websites on sannyas, gurukul, spiritual products store, as well as various books and magazine on living spirituality. Nithyananda University which is established in USA and France also conferred honorary doctorates for lifetime contributions in their respective fields – to

Inner Awakening

Atal Acharya Mahamandaleshwar Sri 1008 Swami Shukdevanand Puri Maharaj for his lifetime service to Hinduism, Swami Atmananda ji Maharaj for his contribution in the field of education, and to worldrenowned singer ‘Bombay’ Krishnamurthy for excellence in Vedic music.

More pictures on page 10



Inner Awakening

Unlock your four Inner Powers at INNER AWAKENING Inside each of you is an enormous potential energy known as Kundalini. Kundalini is your own latent potential energy which you may have never used or even known about! Kundalini expresses through you in four different streams, known as the FOUR INNER POWERS. All these inner powers are the different expressions of Kundalini energy in your life. The straight way to health, wealth, success and lasting happiness lies in unlocking these four Inner Powers that are continuously available to you. Though you use these powers every day in your life, you don’t use them consciously, with a clear intention. Please understand, all these powers are great energies, just like electricity or wind-power. If you handle them properly, they can shower you with everything you need. But if you don’t handle them properly, they will continue to impact your life in negative ways. These Powers are related to the four major dimensions of your life – your WORDS, your THINKING, your EMOTIONS and your LIVING. When you awaken your peak possibility in each of these dimensions, it becomes a great power and support in your life!


Inner Awakening


Inner Awakening

POWER OF WORDS - Integrity

The spontaneous intelligence to use the right and most effective words towards yourself and others.


POWER OF THOUGHTS - Authenticity

Focus your thoughts to achieve success in your job, relationships, education, finances and life itself.


OF FEELING - Responsibility

Launch yourself to the next level of life through empowered responsibility. THE


Experience the truth that Life is for enriching yourself and others!

INNER AWAKENING is a process where I work on your body, mind, physiology, psychology and consciousness to awaken all these hidden powers. When your body is prepared with yoga and the mind is prepared with the right spiritual techniques, all the blockages in the path of Kundalini energy (your inner potential energy) are removed. During the 21 initiations you will receive, your body will be flooded with energy which awakens your four inner powers inside you, resulting in better health, the power to attract wealth, fulfillment in relationships and glimpses of spiritual enlightenment. The experience of these new dimensions in you is Inner Awakening!



Because of the experiential nature of the program, we were actually able to realize the truths that were taught right there and then. We got a glimpse of the higher levels of human consciousness – it is possible! -Meena Kalluri



Inner Awakening

Keys to Unlock the Four Powers EACH OF THE FOUR POWERS is guided by a spiritual principle known as tattva. Each tattva is the key to unlock the corresponding power in you. During the Inner Awakening program, you will be guided through the process to open up the powers and given the right knowledge to utilize them in your life.

THE POWER OF WORDS will be available to you when you practice Integrity. Integrity is you fulfilling the words and thoughts you give to yourself and to others and experiencing a state of completion with yourself and with life. THE POWER OF THINKING will be open to you when you practice Authenticity. Authenticity is you being established in the peak of your capability and responding to life from who you perceive yourself to be for yourself, who you project yourself to be for others, and what others expect you to be for them. THE POWER OF FEELING will be possible when you practice Responsibility. Responsibility means living and responding to life from the truth that you are the Source of, and therefore responsible for, all happenings in and around you.


Enlightenment makes you understand the power of life and gives you the keys to make your space into reality - as you want! Inner Awakening is all about living in your peak possibility in the highest human potential consciousness.


- Paramahamsa Nithyananda


You will have access to THE POWER OF LIVING the moment you decide to Enrich others. Enriching is you taking responsibility with integrity and authenticity that you are committed to continuously enriching - expanding yourself and life in and around you.

Inner Awakening

The 4 Levels of the Inner Awakening Progr am The Inner Awakening program is conducted at 4 different levels which will guide you into the deeper layers of transformation, opening up new possibilities and showing you how to respond out of a powerful space! INNER AWAKENING LEVEL 1 - you will be equipped with the tools to experience completion with yourself INNER AWAKENING LEVEL 2 - you will be experientially initiated into completion with others and with Life INNER AWAKENING LEVEL 3 - you will be empowered to manifest the reality of your choice INNER AWAKENING LEVEL 4 - you will be initiated into inspiring everyone around you to manifest their own highest reality! When you Enrich everyone around you, from your family to your coworkers to your community, you will experience powerful harmony and deep fulfillment.

“ It was the best thing that I have ever done - the most amazing experience in my life! I will be eternally grateful to Swamiji for bringing himself and IA into my life. There is no other program that has ever worked this way for me. Every being on earth needs to attend IA! �


- Clarisa Lang



Sannyas initiation

Evening function - Swamiji alongwith other spiritual heads

Bandara - traditional food offering to sants and sadhus

500 Guru homas in progress (rirulistic fire offering for health, positivity and enlightenment)

1008 naivedyam (food offering) from the anna mandir (food temple) of the Bengaluru ashram

Inner Awakening

Inner Awakening

Root Patterns One of the most life-changing processes you will go through at Inner Awakening is the identification and dissolving of the root thought patterns which control our lives.

Any cognition you make out of unawareness, which comes back to you again and again in some form or the other, is a pattern or samskara. A cognition is any idea, perception, understanding, opinion or statement you create inside yourself. Anything that stops you from expanding and making inner or outer world progress, is a pattern. A root thought pattern is a pre-defined way of responding to any situation based on a powerful past experience, usually from your early childhood - like failure, rejection, being punished, being subjected to abuse or witnessing the death of a loved one. During such moments of crisis, you create an idea about yourself and life – ‘I am weak’ or ‘I am a failure’ or ‘Nobody loves me’ or ‘Life is dangerous, so I have to be very careful.’ All your life, you live and operate out of this thought pattern. All thought patterns are based on inadequate cognitions, because life is different every moment. When you identify and complete with your root pattern, you start living life as it should be lived – joyously and spontaneously! 11


Inner Awakening

AT INNER AWAKENING, YOU WILL LEARN THE SCIENCE OF COMPLETION – A POWERFUL PROCESS TO IDENTIFY AND DISSOLVE THE SOURCE OF YOUR SUFFERING. At Inner Awakening, you will discover why you think and behave in a certain way, and how you can realign your inner space through completion, to attract success and fulfillment into your life. Completion is the state which leaves nothing left to be desired, either in the inner world or in the outer world. In completion, there is no space for fear, greed, anger,

Science of Completion doubt, envy or any of the hundreds of low-energy emotions and conflicts you create for yourself. Completion is an unclouded inner space. In such a space, irrespective of what is happening in the outer world, completion alone remains. The process of completion starts with swapoornatva, completing with yourself. First, you will learn to listen to yourself. When you start learning to listen to yourself, then you will know how to listen to others. Listening, listening, listening - that is where the completion starts. Completion makes you a light being, enjoying more spontaneity, freedom, energy, joy, power and totality in the present moment! With deep listening, you will find answers to your life’s questions. Communication starts only when you start listening! You can transform others just by your listening. Just by listening, you will experience God! 12

about root patterns – “ Kit’snowledge such a massive breakthrough!

Getting to the source of suffering in life that we didn’t even know why it existed...So many completions...Knowledge that helps to live and see reality better and how to deal with it.

- Joanna Otrowska, Leicestershire, UK

Inner Awakening

Inner Awakening

Power of Listening When was the last time you really listened?

All your suffering, your stress, your conflicts with yourself and others, even your diseases, are the result of not listening – to yourself and others. Completion starts with listening. When you really start listening to yourself, you will naturally become more aware of the words you give to yourself and others. You will also have the ability to listen to others’ words with integrity. When you listen to others, you will transform them just by your listening. Remember, when people come to you, they almost always don’t want solutions. They just want your listening. In the space of your deep listening, they will find the answers they need. And out of that deep listening, even if you speak, it will be always what the other person needs to hear. Listening is directly connected to your ability to handle reality as it is, without creating your own unconscious ideas and conclusions. When you really listen to yourself, you are hearing your consciousness speak. You will be living the science of completion! 13


Inner Awakening


Transmission of the Lamp

“ Many people tell me

AN ENLIGHTENED BEING CONSTANTLY LIVES IN THE SPACE OF COMPLETION WITH HIMSELF AND LIFE. Initiation or Deeksha is the direct transmission of this space of completion through a touch, a word or a look. When an incarnation initiates you, he transmits his own spiritual power to you and also awakens the same power lying latent within you.

– IA participant

“ The Unclutching initiation

During the Inner Awakening program, Paramahamsa Nithyananda blesses you with 21 initiations - a new one every day - to experience and express the four inner powers, as well as initiations into completion, spiritual healing, unclutching and freedom from the fear of death.


during Inner Awakening, ‘Swamiji, I had heard about this completion process but never had the courage or ability to complete with anybody. Even if I tried, it only created more incompletions! But after initiation, the completion process became so simple!.

was really powerful for me. I realized God, because I felt my brain stop for the first time and was totally unclutched. I knew it was all Swamiji and that’s the greatest gift.

- Ginger Gregory, Los Angeles, USA

Inner Awakening

Inner Awakening initiations IDENTIFY AND COMPLETE PATTERNS Feel the Lightness of your Being! Q&A Enrich yourself and others SHARE WITH OTHERS Discover the joy of Oneness FACE AND RELIEVE PAST TRAUMAS Become Powerful! REFLECTION TIME Establish a relationship with YOU! SOAK IN THE PRESENCE Campfire sessions

feel that IA’s strongest point was uncovering “ Ieverybody’s root patterns, which allowed me to realize why certain instances were being repeated in my life. I realized that my moments were new, but my perceptions of the world were based on my past incompletions that did not allow me to be blissful in my present. Also, the energy and ambience at the ashram really works, to relieve us of our deep pain, and instill feelings of relaxation and bliss.

- Mugdha Sharma, IA graduate


Inner Awakening

The Power of Darshan from an Avatar The first time Swamiji gave me energy Darshan, I closed my eyes and felt as though I was inhaling clean fresh mountain air, inhaling endlessly. Gasping in surprise as my consciousness soared above and looking down, I could see Swamiji putting his thumb on my brow center in a glow of golden light. Then I immediately landed back into the body. After that evening, physical healing began to happen in me, so much so, that I avoided a surgery and overcame an auto-immune disorder.

--Ma Nithya Shivamayananda, Los Angeles, USA Presence of God. It was a feeling beyond words. I could feel Existence hugging me. After the energy Darshan, I knew that so much suffering had been cleared from my inner space, and my Kundalini was awakened. Such an amazing opportunity and such a liberating transformation!

-- Kum Kum Shrivastav, California, USA


Inner Awakening

Inner Awakening

Looking into His compassionate, shining eyes, I experienced the silence of eternity. Nothing else existed. Time stopped. All thoughts left me, sound ceased, and when He placed His hand on my head during Energy Darshan, I felt a swirling, vibrational energy descend and fill my inner space. No experience on Earth compares to Energy Darshan with Swamiji!

– Ma Nithya Oviyananda, Chicago, USA If Swamiji’s words are like arrows of transformation, the darshan is the ‘happening’ that helps you assert the transformed person in you every time! It cannot be described in words. It has to be experienced...

- Ma Nithya Bhaktikananda Swami, Bangalore ashram, INDIA 17


NITHYA YOGA – CRAFTING A YOGIC BODY A yogic body is defined by five components – power, stamina, flexibility, physique and energy. Nithya Yoga guides you to take ownership of your body and sculpt it lovingly into a healthy, blissful body.

Glimpses of the Vibr ant Vedic Lifestyle

SAMYAMA – INTENSE MEDITATION Meditating in the Master’s energy field connects you with the Ultimate Consciousness. It propels you back into yourself. Meditation is falling in tune with Existence. During samyama, you rediscover your natural state of power and bliss.

At Inner Awakening, you get an opportunity to savor the delights of the holistic Vedic Hindu culture – the oldest living culture in the world. In the Vedic culture, every day begins and ends with a celebration of life in all its variety, with the deep understanding that everything is pervaded by a higher consciousness.

PADA POOJA – OFFERING GRATITUDE Every day begins with this soul-stirring sacred ceremony, where we offer gratitude to the Divine. This devotional ritual is your personal way of connecting with the Divine, through the spiritual Guru’s form. We remember and honor the Guru who is the light of intelligence and compassion guiding our lives. SATSANG – CONNECTING WITH THE TRUTH After pada pooja, sit silently in the presence of the master, receiving his energy, and absorbing the highest sacred spiritual truths into your being. PANCHA KRIYA – YOGIC CLEANSES Enjoy five yogic cleansing processes that balance the fire, water and air elements in the body, preparing you to receive and absorb spiritual energy effortlessly. 18

Inner Awakening


Savor high-energy vegetarian food that supports your spiritual practices, and purifies and balances your system.

“ The yoga sessions were very good at

getting me in to doing yoga regularly without making it hard. Classes were geared for people of all levels of expertise and that didn’t make it frustrating in any way. I really enjoyed the sessions and came out refreshed every time!”


“ It was beyond my expectations and very

well done including the format of the program. One of the biggest surprises was all of the interaction with Swamiji and the initiations. There was so much sharing in these 21 days! The cultural events and homas were very entertaining. The processions provided the opportunity to be a participant with Swamiji and the Sangha at a spiritual event, similar to Kumbha Mela, but on a small scale – the energy was off the charts!” – Kathy Robinson, Ohio, USA


Experience the sacredness of all Life with the bright and joyous Vedic ceremonies. Every day you will experience a new aspect of the Divine, and the flow of Cosmic Energy received from these lively and vibrant ceremonies, homas, processions and poojas. The powerful mantras in these rituals lock in every stage of your completion process. 19

Inner Awakening

Scientific Studies on Kundalini Awakening One of the highlights of Inner Awakening is the kundalini awakening initiation by Paramahamsa Nithyananda. Over the past several years, a series of studies have been conducted on Inner Awakening participants where Kundalini awakening and its benefits have been systematically recorded under controlled conditions. In a study conducted on nearly 600 participants, a series of QEEG (brain mapping) tests were performed on participants who had Kundalini awakening to study the effects of Kundalini Awakening on electrical activity in the brain. The same studies were also conducted on a control group. 20

Inner Awakening

The effects were observed at the moment of initiation by Paramahamsa Nithyananda and various mental and cognitive functions were studied. A number of instantaneous changes were recorded in all participants who had active Kundalini awakening, including sharper focusing abilities, higher alertness levels, extremely rapid multi-processing, and better short term memory. This base study illustrated that once awakened, Kundalini brings about extraordinary transformation in the body-mind system of the individual, including a huge surge in energy levels, the healing of chronic diseases, and enhanced mental abilities. The data has repeatedly shown the healing of physical ailments where

participants observed rapid recovery from a range of physical ailments, indicating enhanced immunity levels. The successful healing of psychological disorders, decreased dependency on medication, and the enhanced sense of wellbeing was also recorded. The chart below lists the percentage of participants who experienced significant recoveries from various health issues during the Inner Awakening program, based on tests and surveys conducted on the participants before and after the program.


Inner Awakening

Nirahara Samyama

FOR CENTURIES, YOGIS HAVE LIVED WITHOUT FOOD, gaining health, longevity, energy and higher consciousness. Yogic processes known as samyama are an exploration of your various possibilities and powers, centered on a spiritual process. During the Inner Awakening program, you have the opportunity to participate in this extraordinary process and go beyond the need for food! The Nirahara Samyama has been designed by Paramahamsa Nithyananda to awaken our own natural intelligence to live on prana (the life-energy present in sunlight and air). During the morning meditation, He energetically connects to and supports participants in this samyama.


Your body is the miniature of the Cosmos, with all possible intelligence in it. If a fish can swim, you can swim. If a bird can fly, you can fly. You just need to rediscover and reawaken those possibilities

“ While doing the Nirahara Samyama,

I was able to see how much my awareness has increased. Earlier, when unpleasant situations happened, I would just explode in uncontrollable anger. During Nirahara Samyama, I could actually be aware of the unpleasant situations happening outside of me and the negative emotions rising inside. But instead of responding to the outer situation, the emotions just came down and disappeared inside my system.�

- Abirami Paramanathan, Scarborough, Canada


Inner Awakening

Mini Inner Awakening for Kids

FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THE HISTORY OF CHILDREN, there is a program called eNGenius, where children can experience a space of higher cognition new possibilities become reality! Parents, friends, family and teachers will witness a higher intelligence flowering in them. This incredible science has been designed by Paramahamsa Nithyananda to create the next dimension in human consciousness, providing a glimpse of the reality of the future. In the way that we had the computer age, we will have the spiritual age where miracles will be the lifestyle for the children who have been initiated into these ancient Vedic sciences. In the program, the children will be participating in yoga, pranayama,

theatre, Vedic science, meditation, arts and crafts, quantum memory, brain yoga, fun games and activities held both indoors and outdoors. When children are introduced to this science at a young age, below 16 years, the science can become part of their new expansive cognition. Children are able to grasp this science extremely well as they are living in a space of the inquisitive mind. With innocent intelligence, they easily jump to the next level of consciousness. In the past, a child’s achievements could be measured by winning competitions or good grades, but in the eNGenius program, the floodgates of new possibilities will open as the children are taught the science of miracles in a beautiful, simple way. 23

Inner Awakening

Nithyananda Gurukul Reviving Holistic, Spirituality-Based Learning IN SANSKRIT, GURUKUL MEANS ‘THE EXTENDED FAMILY OF THE GURU OR MASTER’. A gurukul is a unique learning center for children where education is holistic and need-based. Children are guided to blossom into integrated individuals, high-achievers and responsible global citizens who are spiritually anchored. Nithyananda Gurukul was founded with a vision to create a quantum-intelligent civilization based on integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching. Nithyananda Gurukul has been designed with a combination of contemporary and Vedic education that creates successful leaders with sound spiritual strength. The curriculum includes standard academics, along with life sciences, brain yoga, mallakamba, Vedic mathematics, meditation, Sanskrit chanting, ecological awareness, performing and graphic arts and life solutions. Planet Earth needs more and more people who are awakened and enlightened. For that to happen, we first need to provide an enlightening education for our children. The integrated education of Nithyananda Gurukul instills and nourishes children’s development in both the inner and outer worlds. This can create and sustain an enlightened community based on consciousness rather than conscience.


“I want these children to wake up like flowers, with deep love, and live with people who are meditators, so they know how to balance themselves. The children will not absorb the negativity of the outer world and will maintain the purity of the inner world, radiating Nithyananda – Eternal Bliss!” –PARAMAHAMSA NITHYANANDA

Inner Awakening

Inner Awakening

Inner Awakening Yatr a-Level 4 A Vacation for

Enlightenment! Inner Awakening is a tr ansformational, spiritual progr am. In Hinduism, a yatra is a spiritual pilgrimage. This past December in Bali, Indonesia, Paramahamsa Nithyananda brilliantly merged together the spiritual science of Inner Awakening with the spiritual essence of the yatra and spiced it up with fun, laughter and quality time spent with the Master. The result was an unforgettable, divine celebration of life! In this level four program, Paramahamsa Nithyananda shared deeper level Vedic secrets of life, energy, spiritual truths, traditions and more. He also enjoyed leading the group on many excursions to famous Balinese spiritual sites and locations filled with natural beauty. Beachside meditations, Balinese cultural events and starlight campfires along with spontaneous Q&A sessions and mealtime sharings with the Master are just a few of the highlights enjoyed by participants.

Adventures with an Avatar... Don’t miss the event of lifetimes! Plan now for DECEMBER 2014 INNER AWAKENING going to happen in one of the most powerful spiritual epicenters of the universe!

CONTACT: +91 80 2727 9999


Inner Awakening

Bali Inner Awakening - A Glimpse of My Diary IA Day 5 – These Initiations Have Practical Effects Swamiji is building upon the earlier initiations of Shravana and Manana. When we authentically listen, Shravana (Listening), and internalize, Manana (Authentic Thinking), we are automatically in Nidhidhyasana - the space of radiating our highest cognition. Every thought, every word and every action is radiating that cognitive shift and the gap between understanding and radiating in our lives is dissolved. Through the powerful Sangha group exercises, we were able to experience first-hand how to authentically listen, authentically speak and authentically radiate our highest understanding. Then, Swamiji spent nearly 4 hours in sincere, pure listening to each person who shared their experience of the exercises. Every group reported that they saw a big, positive shift in how well the group interacted, listened and spoke, compared with where they were 2 days before. I feel like real maturing happened as a result of the initiations and practicing these new understandings - when we speak from the space of completion and connect with where the listener is, we are able to move the listener into the space of completion.

IA Day 12 – Mutual Completions Today, we were guided into a deeper process of completion with others. The process was done first individually and then with partners. Swamiji says, the eyes of another human being are the best mirrors of your own incompletions. This was such a powerful technique! When you complete with other people, you start listening to them authentically. Then, when you speak into their listening, the incompletions automatically 26

melt away and you experience oneness. In other words, it becomes a mutual completion. We experienced the beauty of this today! We clearly felt that the grip of our life-long incompletions suddenly gave way. Many people were shouting in excitement, I have no root pattern! I have no root pattern! Yay, I am free! It was so wonderful to see and hear. How is this possible? It is because of the powerful energy field of the Master. He makes it happen for us!

Inner Awakening

“ Whatever conditions,

understandings, facts, and concepts constrain you in your own body are ‘bondage’. Whichever concepts, principles, truths, philosophies, and facts expand you are ‘liberation’.”

Be a Catalyst PLEASE UNDERSTAND, THE BEGINNING OF LIFE HAPPENS IN YOU ONLY WHEN YOU CAUSE ENLIGHTENMENT TO YOURSELF AND TO OTHERS. Completion with self-doubt, self-hatred, and self-denial frees you from bondage, allowing you to expand and move towards enlightenment. When you share this science with others, you choose to be a cause to make others’ reality happen. Your very ability to think expands! When you start thinking for others, you consciously become part of them - you become them!

experience this powerful truth. When you bring Completion in you, even the Cosmos responds to you with so much of joy - it gives with so much of love. Tirelessly, without any boredom, align all your activities to go on causing enlightenment to people, being a catalyst for others to realize their reality. Be a light for others to find their goal, a path for people to reach their goal. Be a light unto yourself and others - Cause Enlightenment!

Expansion always brings joy, bliss, and Completion. When you cause enlightenment, you will joyfully


Inner Awakening

Do You Suffer From SDHD? The important truth you need to know is that the biggest human suffering is SDHD - self-doubt, self-hatred, and self-denial. First starts the seed of self-doubt that flowers into self-hatred and becomes the fruit of self-denial. Please understand, this is the worst disease human beings suffer! Only after self-doubt appears, God becomes human! When illusion and delusion called Maya sets in, self-doubt has arrived and God becomes man, macrocosm becomes microcosm and Paramatma (Supreme Soul) becomes Jeevatma (Individual Soul) Whether you want to heal your body or heal a relationship, accumulate wealth, acquire knowledge, or expand in any direction, you will always see that tiredness and laziness enters into you through the door of self-doubt and self-denial. Don’t keep this door open! People who close the door of self-doubt and self-denial win the game of life! The door of self-doubt and self-denial is the most abusive, powerful pattern which makes you powerless.

“ Self-denial is a powerful drug which makes you powerless. That is the exact word I will use: A powerful drug which makes you powerless.” - PAR AMAHAMSA NITHYANANDA


The biggest liberation you will experience on Planet Earth is completion with self-doubt, self-hatred and self-denial. This process awakens so much Kundalini energy in you that the energy will automatically create what you want - your own reality manifests! You will have a great life in front of you with big possibilities. This energy will automatically liberate you and lead you to the ultimate - enlightenment! The Inner Awakening program helps you to drop your SDHD and flower as a new personality.

Inner Awakening

The Secret to Fulfill All of Your Desires


THE WORD ‘KALPATARU’ MEANS, ‘THE POWER TO FULFILL ALL YOUR DESIRES’. One of the biggest practical utility values of our great Hindu philosophy is the ability to cause what you want as a reality. There is no philosophy other than Advaita (philosophy of non-duality), and no religion other than Hinduism, which has done so much work delving into the depths of consciousness, super-consciousness and discovering the science of making space into reality. Kalpataru uses the science of power and mind over matter – controlling, handling and having power over matter. Causing your reality the way you want, and being a catalyst for others to cause their reality is Kalpataru. Each one of you is a Kalpataru. You have power over your mind, and your mind has power over matter. When you have power over the mind, anything can be achieved!

If you learn this one secret of Kalpataru, not only can you cause whatever you want as your reality, you can be a catalyst for others to cause their own reality! Kalpataru Darshan helps you complete with your selfdoubt, self-hatred and self-denial. SDHD stops the flow of Kundalini, which is our inner potential energy. During the Kalpataru darshan, the dormant Kundalini energy is awakened. Incompletions, which act as blocks to the flow of Kundalini, are removed. The creative energy of Kundalini explodes inside you, and whatever you want is achieved! Kalpataru Darshan is designed to help and support you - to cause enlightenment in you and others! Nithya Satsang - daily morning live talk by Swamiji is followed by Kalpataru Darshan for those gathered in the hall and for 2-way centers who have booked in advance. Contact +91 80 27279999. 29

Inner Awakening


WORLD’S MOST WORSHIPPED DEITY To Hindus she is known as the goddess, Ganga, who has been worshipped for centuries, washing away the sins of the millions of pilgrims every year.

GEOLOGICALLY, THE GANGES RIVER IS THE LONGEST RIVER IN INDIA, winding some 1569 miles from the state of Uttarakhand in the Himalayas, to where she empties into the Bay of Bengal. Not only does she sustain millions of lives living on her banks, who rely on her waters for everything from food to bathing and from transportation to farming, but every fragment of her length is worshipped. Recently, during the Inner Awakening Program in Haridwar, Paramahamsa Nithyananda describes the profound spiritual benefits of Ganga: ‘The most worshipped deity in the world is Ganga! She is the Kalpataru for Planet Earth. Whatever, whoever wants, she goes on showering! She is like a mother. Wherever there is not Ganga, you can have stone deities and metal deities as a substitute. But if Ganga is there, nothing else is required. 30

Ganga is the River of Knowledge, the River of Enlightenment! There are some shlokas (sacred verses) which say, just by drinking the water of Ganga you can get enlightened! By living around the Ganga, by drinking the water of the Ganga or by even just remembering the Ganga’s sacredness, one can become enlightened. It is such a powerful method! Anybody on planet Earth who may have some strong incompletions that they are not able to complete with, should just go and spend time living on the banks of the Ganga - drinking Ganga water, eating food cooked using Ganga water; every morning and evening, sit on the lap of the Ganga, sleep in the breeze of the Ganga and meditate on the banks of the Ganga. She can complete you! She is the embodiment of Completion!’

Inner Awakening

Sri Nithyanandeshwara Temple Reviving Hindu tradition A VEDIC HINDU TEMPLE IS THE SACRED SPACE WHERE THE ESSENCE OF THE SPIRITUAL TRADITION IS KEPT ALIVE IN ITS PUREST FORM. The Nithyanandeshwara Temple is located at the International Headquarters of Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam, located near Bengaluru, India. This ashram has been lovingly nurtured and developed by Paramahamsa Nithyananda, who is making its natural, spiritual energy field available for seekers to transform and expand on their spiritual path. Aspirants from around the world come to live and pursue their spiritual disciplines here. Additionally, thousands of visitors arrive at Bidadi every year to attend the various programs, satsangs and celebrations, or to

just experience the Master’s presence, soaking in the peaceful, healing energy. Nithyanandeshwara Temple is the first of over a dozen Nithyananda Vedic Hindu temples worldwide which are preserving and upholding the living heritage of the Vedic Tradition. The presiding deities at the ashram are Sri Nithyanandeshwara (Shiva) and his consort Nithyanandeshwari (Devi). Captured in lustrous panchaloka (a five metal alloy) is the enchanting scene of Nithyanandeshwara delivering techniques on enlightenment to Nithyanandeshwari. The daily spiritual activities at the Temple include homa, puja, abhishekam, mantra chanting, meditation, worship and devotional offerings, sending out ripples of positive energy to the world. 31

Inner Awakening THE WISH-FULFILLING BANYAN TREE & LORD DAKSHINAMURTI Discovered in a spiritual vision by Paramahamsa Nithyananda, the sacred banyan tree is the spiritual hub of the Bengaluru ashram. The healing vibrations here are so distinct that even the casual visitor can feel its effects. Under the vast umbrella of this ancient tree, seekers experience healing, wish-fulfillment and spiritual clarity. Under the sacred banyan tree reigns its presiding deity, Lord Dakshinamurti, silently imparting spiritual wisdom to all. An aspect of Shiva, he is the ultimate Guru, personifying awareness, wisdom and enlightenment. On Guru Poornima, the day when the Guru is honored, devotees symbolically drop their ego and karmas at His feet while praying for spiritual enlightenment. NITHYANANDA LINGAM AND VAIDYA SAROVAR Consecrated by Paramahamsa Nithyananda, this majestic 21-foot Shiva Lingam has been molded from a mixture of 9 healing herbs called navapashana along with 1008 healing herbs. Water fountains soak the lingam, energizing the water before it cascades into the Vaidya Sarovar healing pool below. Bathing in this medicinal water heals many chronic diseases. It also balances the vital energies in the body, rejuvenates the mind and brings about silent spiritual transformation. MEET KALABHAIRAVA THE LORD OF TIME Guarding the entrance to the Bengaluru ashram is the majestic form of Kalabhairava - the Lord of Time. A dimension of Shiva, Kalabhairava embodies Authenticity, destroys negativity and is a powerful protector. Easily pleased by genuine devotion, Kalabhairava is fiercely committed to the rapid spiritual upliftment of his devotees. 32

Inner Awakening

Support the Grand Nithyanandeshwara Temple! Vedic Hindu temples are powerful structures radiating the energy of the deities they house. And when the life energy is installed by an enlightened master through the Vedic science of prana pratishtha, the energy radiated transcends the barriers of space and time. The ancient temples of India stand testimony to this truth. Now, the same science of temples is being revived by living incarnation Paramahamsa Nithyananda, who is spearheading the revival of Hinduism in all its unique dimensions. The grand Nithyanandeshwara temple project is to revive this powerful means to manifest one’s dreams as reality, experience the power of devotion, and ultimately, attain enlightenment. The huge temple is going to be a landmark beauty built under the direct supervision of Paramahamsa Nithyananda. The first phase of the temple will consist of the construction of 5 prakarams (outer passageways) covering over 24 acres, of which the first 3 prakarams


Inner Awakening will be built in stone; 13 gopurams (towers) will also be built, with the majestic raja gopuram standing 108 feet tall. The temple will house the sannidhis (shrines) of the 1000-year-old sacred banyan tree, the naturally formed swayambhu linga, the shrines of NithyanandeshwaraNithyanandeshwari, Meenakshi, Vinayaka, Murugan, Kalabhairava, Venkateshwara and Paramahamsa Nithyananda. The temple will have a Tirumaligai Patti Mandapam, which is double-floor stone mandapam around the sacred banyan tree and will extend 182 feet on each side. This mandapam will be called the Kalpataru Mandapam. Devotees can meditate and get rid of all their negativities and suffering, experience completion and manifest their true desires in this mandapam. It will also showcase the advent of Paramahamsa Nithyananda and the happening of Nithyananda Mission till 2013, in the form of 108 visuals on each floor. The Kalpataru Mandapam will enclose the sacred banyan, peepal and fig tree, as well as the Mukha Mandapam, Ardha mandapam and Maha mandapam.

It will also include a rare collection of the personal artifacts of Paramahamsa Nithyananda from his childhood and wandering days, all of which form part of His leela (divine play) from childhood to date. The 5th prakaram will have public facilities like a huge University tower and Nithyananda Sabha (meditation hall). The five-storey university tower will include the Welcome center, restaurant, Anna Mandir (kitchen) to serve 10000 people, Galleria, the world’s largest library for Hinduism with a million books, studios running live programs in multiple channels worldwide, round the clock, Nithyananda Mission’s Secretariat offices and a grand conference hall for 300 delegates. The Nithyananda Sabha will be built to accommodate over 15,000 people, of whom 10,000 can receive direct darshan, while the other 5000 people can be seated in the amphitheater and gallery outside. The temple structure will be surrounded by a beautiful moat 10 feet wide, with water birds, lotuses and a natural ambience, as well as an 800-foot-long stone arched pathway.

The next prakaram will be the Vasanta Mandapam, to be built in 2015. This will built completely in stone, and will house Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s sanctum and Meenakshi Mandir.

Donate to this Historic Nithyanandeshwara Temple Project! Contribute to this Rare, Historic Happening and experience the Blessings of the Divine in your life! Call the Enriching Temple for more information at +91-80-27279999


Inner Awakening It turned out that, once the kink was removed, the heart was looking better than previously diagnosed. Ajaya recovered quickly!

eNPregnancyThe Gift of New Life IN THE SPRING OF 2013, ABOUT 5 MONTHS INTO OUR PREGNANCY, WE HAD LEARNED THAT OUR BABY HAD A HEART DEFECT. THREE SPECIALISTS HAD RECOMMENDED US TO CONSIDER TERMINATION. The diagnosis was that his heart was hypoplasic (severely underdeveloped) and there was a coarctation (kink) of the aorta. The baby was safe in the womb, but after birth, if not treated immediately, he could die from lack of oxygen. Even in the best case scenario, we were told that the left side of the baby’s heart would be abnormally sized.

Our latest checkup was shocking! Not only was Ajaya doing amazingly well on all levels, but the left side of his heart was now the same size as the right! This calm, beautiful, alert baby is a miracle! If we did not have the belief and trust in existence, the support from EnPregnancy and of course Swamiji, we may have experienced a very different outcome!

Without hesitation, we decided our baby would heal and took the remaining months to work on manifesting this outcome. We were referred to and then supported by the eNPregnancy team, who delivered a beautiful conscious birthing program. We were given specific spiritual practices to facilitate the peaceful birth of a healthy baby, maintaining a strong, positive attitude. We also had the Divine on our side! Swamiji had reviewed our entire situation and blessed us saying, ‘Everything will be ok. I will take care.’ Finally the day arrived! On August 30, 2013 at 2:55 am, little Ajaya Phoenix was born. He was immediately tested to determine the severity of his heart condition. Initially the diagnosis called for two different operations to happen simultaneously. However, in the incubator, one of his lungs collapsed. As a result, only the coarctation operation would be done immediately. What a blessing!


I would highly recommend doing the eNPregnancy program even before conception, if possible, or at least, as soon as pregnancy is discovered. It can help you develop your own personal and spiritual strength. You will be able to bring your own miracle into the world!


Inner Awakening


Nithyananda Mission Services at a Glance

Inner Awakening

YOGA AND MEDITATION CAMPS, and spiritual counseling centers touching over 15 million people in 150 countries Over 9000 ordained spiritual healers healing 20,000 people globally every day

OVER A DOZEN VEDIC TEMPLES AND ASHRAMS worldwide housing, 3720 energized deities, including some of the tallest deities in the world

LIVE MORNING SATSANG viewed in thousands of places in over 30 countries every day, via live streaming, international television stations, and video conferencing

NITHYANANDA LAKSHMI, a non-profit microfinancing scheme for rural entrepreneurs NITHYANANDA VIDYALAYAS - Schools blending modern education with the Vedic system of learning

THE NITHYANANDA SANNYAS ORDER hundreds of aspirants from various religions and walks of life receiving intensive spiritual training and sannyas (monastic vows)

SUPPORT FOR SCHOOLS IN RURAL AREAS, including school uniforms, books, stationery, and infrastructure

ANNADAAN - 10,000 free meals distributed every day at Nithyananda ashrams, schools, medical camps and to the needy

OVER 2000 FREE TALKS by Nithyananda on crossing 16 million views, and 600 meditation techniques and solutions available free online

FREE MEDICAL CAMPS offering conventional and alternative medical care, including free consultation, medicines and follow-up

MORE THAN 300 BOOKS in over 20 languages NITHYANANDA MEDITATION ACADEMY offering courses in meditation, spiritual sciences, and life skills being established across the world 37


Your Horoscope... You are led into inquisitive action with the impulse of a very tenacious mind. Your listening and understanding can lead you to solve conflicts you could be experiencing in some of your relationships. It may lead you to a state of awareness which can break blockages that created these issues in you and the other. Completion is the secret of spiritual growth; whereas irritation and unconsciousness keep on creating entangling karmas for you.

Nothing appears to happen to you, but great things are really happening. All of our spiritual growth is unseen and unknown because it does not happen under the scope of the logical, analytical mind, nor the ego that tries to keep your spiritual transformation under its control. Only the result can be seen, not the progress. Patience is the important factor. This month, keep your perseverance up in all that you do!


Your ability to assess your current situation comes from a deeper wisdom that will bring happiness and more fun to your daily life. This tranquility is a source of constant energy. It is ready to be tapped into and used whenever you need. Use this opportunity and inspiration to do creative work and expand in business, art and travels. It will deeply sooth any restlessness you may feel from time to time.

Do not be afraid to make yourself empty. That emptiness is your real nature. Courage to be empty is all that is needed to be one with the whole. When you are full, you remain empty, and when you experience your emptiness, you are fulfilled. For that to happen, you just need to unclutch and relax into that space. Your astrological planet is the moon. To be receptive to the radiance of your being, emulate the qualities of the moon - an empty recipient that receives the Sun’s light!





It is a good period to complete with your sufferings and self-doubt. You can do so by finding out when is the first time in your life you started believing you cannot be without suffering? Find that incident and complete. You will see the non-mechanical part of the brain, which has the capability to shift suffering to remove it from your life, will be immediately awakened!

Remember that when you complete with self-doubt, immediately, from that moment, the awakened Kundalini energy starts travelling in the direction of self-transformation. Kundalini has only one blockage - self-doubt. You can master any field in your life if you complete with your self-doubt. The education you seek in any field is nothing but getting over the self-doubt.


Inner Awakening


To be in love is to grow wings, but the limitless sky creates fear. When you love truly, you’re on your way to dropping your ego. It can feel uneasy in the beginning because we have been taught to cherish the ego. We have been protecting, decorating, polishing it, and when love knocks on the door, we only need to put aside the ego to open the door to love. It is only the ego that created the idea that, I am separate from existence. Drop the ego, accept love and receive the blessing.


The more you share what you receive and enrich the people around you, the more you expand. We are part of all that is around us, not separated as we think. See what you have to offer and expand yourself in the expression you like the best. The impulse of the month favors you to be fully focused on what you do. Be involved in the community you share - be a light there!


Learn the art of being self-sufficient. It is the ability to be alone without the craving for attention or wanting too much entertainment. You could be seeking too much recognition from others for your talents and performances. As long as you crave for attention and recognition, you will not be able to relax into your inner space. Expand into a space where you are unaffected by others’ appreciation for you. You will experience the peak of your creativity!

Capricorn Maturity is accepting the responsibility for being oneself, no matter what happens, regardless of what age you are. It is risking everything to be fully oneself. Maturity is also going beyond thoughts and feelings to become a pure being. This maturity gives you a very sharp intelligence that becomes an asset for the community in which you live. So start sharing yourself!

Aquarius Only when you move with love towards silence, you will find your home. Right now, you’re living from your mind’s perspective. Now, drop yourself into the heart instead. Move from logic to surrender and complete with life. As long as you apply everything you learn, constantly updating yourself, you will continue to moving forward. The more you add playfulness to your life, the more your life is fresh and full of creativity. Seriousness is like an illness, it will never allow you to celebrate this very moment. Invite bliss into your life by being light and sincere in every task. Your awareness is like an open heart. Remember in whatever you do, such as washing the plates, cleaning the house, sitting at the computer, working, and so on, that this moment is the only real moment!

Pisces 39

Inner Awakening

2014 INNER AWAKENING Dates BENGALURU ASHRAM - February 6 to 26 HARIDWAR - March 6 to 26 MADURAI - April 26 to 16 BENGALARU ASHRAM - Juneยบ 5 to 25






Hear from an Inner Awakening Graduate!

30-MINUTE FREE-SESSION VIA 2-WAY VIDEO CONFERENCING (SKYPE, VSEE, GOOGLE HANGOUT, FACEBOOK) To schedule a session, please contact us at: USA/Canada: +1 800 265 3386 India & Other Countries: +91 80 2727 9999 INNER AWAKENING SUPPORT TEAM USA/Canada: +1 800 265 3386 India & Other Countries: +91 80 2727 9999 EMAIL:,,

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