Nithyananda Times - September, 2013

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The Four Tattvas (Principles): The Essence of Paramahamsa Nithyananda's Teachings

CONTENTS Volume 2, Issue 9, September, 2013

Who is Nithyananda: About Swami Nithyananda ... 6 My Dear Ones: Message from Swami Nithyananda ... 7 Life Strategy: Life & Career Are Not Separate ... 8, 9 Yoga & Kriya: Authenticity to the Core ... 10, 11 Yoga & Kriya: Kriya for Arthritis ... 12, 13 Siddha & Ayurveda: Shad Rasas ... 14-16 Vedic Renaissance: Chandan Maala (Sandalwood Rosary) ... 17 Vedic Renaissance: Ganesh Chaturthi ... 18,19 EN Pregnancy: Birth & Enlightenment ... 20, 21 Enlightened Masters: Adishankaracharya ... 22, 23 Short Reads: Awaken Your Kundalini Shakti! ... 24, 25 Science Meets Spirituality: The Nature of Perception ... 26, 27 Newsboard: Bhagavad Gita Launch, Upcoming Programs ... 28-31 Conscious Living: Life is for Enriching! ... 32-37 Beyond Mind: Nithya Dhyaan ... 38, 39 Short Reads: Completion,Your Very Nature ... 40-42 Nithyananda Vedic Temples: Nithyananda Vedic Temple, Seattle, USA ... 43-45 Nithya Jyotisha: Sade Sati & Saturn ... 46, 47 Inner Awakening: Miracls Do Happen! ... 48, 49 Q&A: Nithyananda Answers Your Questions ... 51 Nithyananda Gurukul: Gurukul Geniuses Answer the Questions of Children ... 52 Crossword: ... 53 Creative Juices: I Am India! ... 54 Creative Juices: Creative Sketch of Paramahamsa Nithyananda ... 55 Nithya Jyotisha: Design Your Life! ... 56, 57 Spiritual Activism: Be a Spiritual Activist! ... 58, 59 Sannyas: Sannyas, Freedom from All Incompletions! ... 60, 61 Sannyas: The Ultimate Fulfillment ... 62, 63 Nirahara Samyama: Freedom from Food ... 64 Nirahara Samyama: A Simple Life! ... 65



Nithyananda Times Volume 2, Issue 9, September, 2013 Owned by: EN Galleria Private Limited Published By: Sri Nithya Pranananda Swami Global Headquarters, Bangalore, Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam, Kallugopahalli, Off Mysore Road, Bidadi Bangalore - 562 109 Phone: 7200003322 / + 80 28022101 Printed By: Print-O-Graph Total Print Solution #97, Sultanpet, Bangalore - 53 Phone: +91-802877398, 22259891 Editor Valli Ramanathan E-mail Website Subscription Rates One year (12 issues): Rs 350/= Two Years (24 issues): Rs 700/= Three Years (36 issues): Rs 1050/= Four Years (48 issues): Rs 1400/= To subscribe online visit Disclaimer The meditation techniques included in this magazine are to be practiced only under the direct supervision of an ordained teacher of Nithyananda Mission (NM) and in consultation with your personal physician to determine your fitness and ability to do the techniques. They are not intended to be a substitute for medical attention, examination, diagnosis or treatment. If someone tries these techniques without prior participation in the meditation programs of NM and without the direct supervision of an ordained teacher of NM, they shall be doing so entirely at their own risk; neither the author, nor the publisher nor NM shall be responsible for the consequences of their actions. Š2013 eN Galleria Private Limited All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. In the event that you use any of the information in this book for yourself, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for our actions.


Paramahamsa Nithyananda is a global leader in the science of enlightenment and the founder of Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam. Coronated as the 293rd pontiff of the world’s most ancient Hindu organization, the Madurai Aadheenam, Nithyananda is revered as a living avatar (divine incarnation) by millions worldwide. The oldest apex body of Hinduism coronated him as one of their 44 spiritual heads in the 2013 Maha Kumbh. He has been honored with the title of “Mahamandaleshwar of Maha Nirvani Peeth”. He is the most-watched spiritual teacher on youtube. com with more than 16 million views, and the author of more than 300 books published in 27 global languages. A spiritual genius with an enlightened insight into everything from management to meditation, from relationships to religion, and from success to spirituality, Nithyananda brings to us a wealth of practical wisdom, meditation techniques, kriyas and tools for lasting inner transformation. A trained yogi, a powerful spiritual healer and a siddha (mystic), Paramahamsa Nithyananda is working actively with scientists and researchers worldwide to decode the mystical yogic sciences of the East, including levitation, teleportation and manifestation (materialization). When Paramahamsa Nithyananda ascends the traditional seat of deeksha daana (initiation) every morning and starts his Nithya Satsang (daily morning talk), thousands of people from over 30 countries participate live via 2-way video conferencing, while thousands view it live on Nithyananda TV, Sadhana TV and Lotus News TV.


My Dear Ones, Understand, you are nothing but the words you utter. You are nothing but the words you listen to. You are nothing but the words you echo inside you. The words you cognize. the words you hear and the words you utter play a major role in your life. The totality of all these three is your life. All these put together is your life. The conversations you have with yourself and others are very important. The conversations in which you actively participate, are very important. Sometimes, one active conversation, one right conversation can just completely transform your life! Same way, one conversation can destroy your life. So, let us all take a very strong decision with integrity that we will have only enriching conversations this whole season, which enriches us and others with integrity, authenticity, responsibility and completion. Till October 13th, Navaratri (Vijaya Dashami) we will decide with integrity and authenticity that we will take the responsibility of enriching ourselves and others. You need to know, if you are enriching with a vested interest, you will give up on people. Don’t have any vested interest. Enrich just for the sake of enriching. Enrich just as a being of enriching. I tell you, enrich just for the excitement you feel while enriching. Enriching brings so much of excitement inside you and outside you.

Be Blissful!

Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Spiritual Founder of Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam


Life Strategy

Life & Career are Not Separate! Adapted from Paramahamsa Nithyananda's teachings

"Work-Life Balance" Every company wants to be profitable, and have its employees working at their peak capacity. The culture of most big organizations these days is founded on the principles of capitalism. Millions of dollars are spent by the big corporate houses every year in providing their employees with the right resources, the right training, the right environment and the right incentives to increase their performance. Companies, management institutes, researchers - all are trying to understand what are the factors that play a role in employee motivation, and how to align them with the organization’s goals while at the same time improving their job satisfaction. Predictable and steady creativity is much sought after in every kind of organizational research. Every issue of Harvard Business Review is filled with articles on creativity, motivation, performance-driven culture, job satisfaction, tips for managers and “work-life balance”.

Life is Neither Capitalist Nor Communist Companies need to understand one important fact about life - life is neither capitalist, nor communist, nor socialist. The most important component of life is life satisfaction, which is neither capitalist nor communist. Capitalism teaches ownership, whoever owns a lot of wealth and property is considered to be big and powerful. Communism teaches that everything belongs to everybody, irrespective of who works for it. Capitalist philosophy is born out of rajas or restlessness, while communism is the way of tamas, meaning inertia. A country may be capitalist or communist. If a country supports capitalism, one may get the benefits of the country’s infrastructure. For example, they may have a bigger house and more wealth, but only when life’s principles support a person, will they have the gift of life satisfaction. Questions about birth, death, disease, desires and mental disorders are not answered by these

ideologies. The principles of life are completely different. Only honouring the principles of life can infuse a tremendous sense of well-being in a person, a feeling that life is overflowing and that it is an eternal romance.

What is the Principle of Life? The principle of life is “responsibilism”. Responsibilism means that only a person who takes responsibility can enjoy life, not the person who owns or the one who grabs things! Just by owning or grabbing wealth people can not become happy and fulfilled. The word “responsibility” should not be interpreted in a narrow way as “duty” or “obligation”. Responsibility means - living and responding to life from the cognition that you are the source of everything, and hence responsible for everything! When someone starts operating from the cognition that they are the source of everything that happens in and around them, the heavy burden associated with the word “responsibility” disappears. When the cognition changes, solutions to even intractable problems can be found. Capitalism and communism can only solve problems related to money, but regarding questions about birth, death, health and so on, it is only through the life principle of responsibility that a solution can be found. An organization may have trained the employees by spending thousands and thousands of dollars, but suddenly if the employee becomes depressed or falls sick, then all that money is completely wasted. Training every employee to live in a holistic way is more important.

Infuse Responsibility Capitalism degenerates into narrow self-interest without a strong ethical foundation. So it is important to rewrite the very thinking process and infuse responsibility in it. Corporate organizations will be

9 successful only when every individual understands his role in not just the company, but his whole life, taking the responsibility for it. It important for organizations and their employees to spend time pondering over important questions like why they are here. What does society around them expect from them? What do they expect from the society around them? This can put things in perspective, making people understand that in a business, it is give and take - if the business gives something of value to the society, only then the business can be successful. If every company spends at least the first one hour in the morning discussing responsibility with their colleagues or subordinates at their workplace, it would be time spent very productively.

Aligning with Life Every individual needs to understand the principle of responsibilism. Responsibility can be used as a tool to chisel one’s whole life and create whatever one

Life Strategy desires! There is no separate strategy for success for the different dimensions of life. For being healthy, taking responsibility of the body in necessary. To live happily, it is important to take responsibility for the mind. To explore the zones of consciousness, responsibility for one’s spiritual evolution is important. Similarly, if one wants wealth, one must take the responsibility in his career. If this is understood, career will no longer be something one does to make a living or earn name and fame. The realization will happen that career is just another dimension of life, which can enrich the person and others at the same time. The contradiction between job satisfaction and life satisfaction will disappear. There will be a smooth flow of energy in all the dimensions of life. There will be no such thing as “work-life balance”, just life. When work no longer means slogging for a certain number of hours everyday, then “life” will no longer mean partying on the weekend or a vacation in a beach resort. Life will be a simple overflowing from one experience to the next.

Yoga & Kriya


Authenticity to the Core By Rishi Nithya Mitrananda

Yoga is Authenticity in Action Authenticity is you being at your peak capacity in every dimension of life. How can you bring authenticity into your physical practice of yoga? Take a simple posture like the plank posture on the forearms (a variation of chaturanga dandasana). This posture can easily be incorporated in the flow of your practice and will bring strength in your abdominal and back muscles (core), legs and shoulders, while maintaining mental determination.

How Do You Get into the Posture? Lie down on your belly (that’s easy!). From here, firmly plant your elbows and forearms onto the ground, keeping the elbows directly below the

shoulders. You can form a fist with one hand and wrap the other hand on top of it. With strong legs and core, use your whole body to lift into a straight plank. Keep the legs, hips, back and neck into a straight line. Draw the shoulders back slightly and avoid to collapse into the shoulder blades. An easier variation would be to keep the knees onto the ground. How long can you authentically hold the pose today? 20 seconds? 60 seconds? How about 3 minutes? Try. That is authenticity in action.

Variations You can also try some variations to increase the intensity by lifting one foot off the mat and touching the ground on the left and on the right sides of the mat, alternating the legs.

Yoga & Kriya


Relax Relax in sphinx posture (shalamba bhujangasana) as a counter posture by simply relaxing your abdomen against the ground and breathing here for a moment. Continue the flow of your practice when you are ready for it.

Bring Authenticity to Your Practice In every asana (posture), you can bring authenticity in your practice by: 1) Increasing the time you hold the asana 2) Going deeper into the posture and its variations 3) Lengthening the breath in the posture 4) Intensely connecting with the inner space that you are creating for yourself

Watch free Nithyananda Yoga Sessions on our youtube channel:

Yoga & Kriya


Kriya for Arthritis Kriya given by Nithyananda in his Nithya Satsangh (daily morning talk) on 2nd December, 2011 in the Bidadi Ashram, Bangalore


rthritis is a form of joint disorder that involves inflammation of one or more

joints. There are over 100 different forms of arthritis. The most common form, osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease), is a result of trauma to the joint, infection of the joint, or age. Other arthritis forms are rheumatoid arthritis, gout, psoriatic arthritis, and related autoimmune diseases. Septic arthritis is caused by joint infection. The major complaint by individuals who have arthritis is joint pain. The pain from arthritis is due to inflammation that occurs around the joint, damage to the joint from disease, daily wear and tear of joint, muscle strains caused by forceful movements against stiff, painful joints and fatigue. Arthritic disorders like lupus and rheumatoid can also affect other organs in the body with a variety of symptoms like inability to use the hand or walk, feeling of tiredness, fever, weight loss, muscle aches and pains, tenderness.

INSTRUCTIONS Step 1. Ardha Padmasana >>Place the left foot under the right thigh >>Now Place the right foot upon the left thigh >>Remain in this asana for the entire kriya

>>Hold the breath >>Exhale slowly making a humming sound like that of a black bee >>Do this 21 times

Step 2. Bhuta Shuddhi Kumbhaka

Step 4. Antaranga Kumbhaka

>>Inhale for 16 maatras (“Maatra� is a unit of measuring time, as per the Yogic sciences. One maatra can roughly be taken as one second) >>Hold the breath for 64 maatras >>Exhale in 32 maatras >>Repeat this with awareness for the seven energy centers in the body (+Chakras)

>>Hold the breath after suddenly exhaling >>Then hold the breath after suddenly inhaling >>Do this 21 times

Step 3. Bhramari Kumbhaka >>Inhale rapidly making a humming sound like that of a black bee


Step 5. Bhastrika >>With a bellowing sound, forcefully blow air out of both the nostrils so that your abdomen gets tucked in >>Slowly allow the body to inhale >>Repeat the cycle 21 times

Chakras - Please refer to Page 39 for a diagram of the seven energy centers in the body.


Yoga & Kriya


Ardha Padmasana

Siddha & Ayurveda


Shad Rasas By Ma Nithya Arunananda

Shad Rasas – Taste and Health ‘Rasa’ or ‘taste’ is the sensation produced on the tongue when something comes in contact with it. Shad rasas are the six different tastes that are perceived by the taste buds: sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter and astringent. In Ayurveda

(the ancient Indian life science) texts, these are known as madhura, amla, lavana, katu, tikta and kashaya respectively.

One may wonder what taste has to do with

health! It turns out that every taste affects the body differently. Each of the six tastes has a

unique role to play in maintaining health and vitality.

Ayurveda states that the six tastes are created by different combinations of the pancha mahabhutas (five elements) - prithvi (earth), jal (water), agni

(fire), vayu (air) and akasha (ether). Among the five elements, prithvi and jal play a major role in the formation of a rasa.


Siddha & Ayurveda

Shad Rasas & The Panch Mahabhootas Name of R asa

Constituent Mahabhootas

Food Items

Madhur Rasa

Earth + Water

Sugar, Jaggery, Milk, Rice, Wheat, Ghee

Amla Rasa

Fire + Earth

Citrus fruits, Tomatos, Tamarind, Yogurt, Cheese

Lavana Rasa

Water + Fire

All salts, Seafood

Katu Rasa

Fire + Air

Spices: Chilli, Pepper, Garlic, Onion, Ginger

Tikta Rasa

Ether + Air

Turmeric, Coffee, Broccoli, Sprouts, Bitter Gourd

Kashaya Rasa

Earth + Air

Tea, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Pomegrante, Lentils

Effect of Individual Tastes on Health Madhura Rasa (Sweet Taste)

increases the strength of the tissues, improves one’s appetite, and adds relish to the food.

The sweet taste is believed to strengthen

Lavana Rasa (Salty Taste)

and immunity. This checks early ageing and

However, excess of salty taste in the diet causes

the body tissues, and enhance ojas (vitality)

maintains the overall physical and mental health of an individual.

Amla Rasa (Sour Taste)

The sour taste enhances the detoxification process, thus checking cellular ageing. It

This taste adds to the palatability of food.

premature greying of hair and hair fall. In extreme cases, it may even lead to infertility, since salt diminishes the strength of the tissues.

Katu Rasa (Pungent Taste)

The pungent (spicy) taste helps in creating a

good appetite. It is the hottest of all the tastes. Also, it has the nature of drying and decreases mucous, fat and pus, thereby controlling the deposition of fat in the body.

Tikta Rasa (Bitter Taste)

This taste balances the effect of the sour and

spicy tastes and reduces appetite. It possesses detoxifying properties, destroys intestinal

parasites and is very effective in healing skin problems.

Kashaya Rasa (Astringent Taste)

Astringent taste leads to dryness of the body

Siddha & Ayurveda

16 Ayurveda advocates the use of herbs as both food and medicine on the basis of their rasas. Regular usage of common herbs and spices like coriander, asafoetida, turmeric, ginger,

pepper, fenugreek, cumin, cinnamon etc. in small quantities in the food maintains the jataragni

(digestive fire), improves the ojas (vitality), checks toxin accumulation and promotes overall wellbeing.

For sustained healthy living, it is vital to include all the six tastes in the daily diet. Excess or lack tissues and decreases the secretions from

mucous membranes. Thus kashaya rasa is highly beneficial in many bleeding conditions.

Rasas and Healthy Living The modern definition of a balanced diet is limited to appropriate proportions of

carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals and

vitamins. Ayurveda provides a whole new way

of looking at food by introducing the role of the rasas, their elemental composition and their effect on health.

Rasas play a significant role in the process of digestion: food items that are sweet (due to

earth and water) are heavy to digest, while foods which are light and easy to digest are pungent

or spicy foods (fire and air). Foods with a sweet, sour or salty taste have the properties of being

heavy, slimy and oily and are mildly laxative. On the other hand foods with a bitter, pungent or

astringent tastes are light and drying by nature and tend to cause constipation.

of one or more rasas leads to an imbalance -

physiologically, mentally and even emotionally. Based on the body’s requirements, one can

fine tune one’s diet to include the rasas in the

proportion which is optimum for them. Using

these principles of Ayurveda, one can enjoy food more responsibly and wisely!

Vedic Renaissance


Chandan Maala (Sandalwood Rosary) Sandalwood or Chandan is soothing, fragrant and has a natural aroma. Fast becoming extinct, Sandalwood is naturally fragrant and exceedingly smooth. Sandalwood has traditionally been regarded as one of the purest substances and is valued for its cooling properties and its medicinal value too. It is believed to promote tranquility as an aid to meditation. Turning the sandalwood beads while chanting is supposed to have therapeutic properties that enhance calmness and give the wearer a positive frame of mind. Sandalwood beads are also called prayer beads or power beads.

Sandalwood necklace is used to keep an individual focused and increase his awareness during meditation. It attracts positive energy, gives a clear perception and promotes tranquility. Wearing Sandalwood acts as an antidepressant and antiseptic. It promotes healing of the cells and assists the immune system in preventing the body from falling into illness. This maala gives control over the senses and energizes the body. It is highly recommended for students. Wearing this maala brings about the renunciation from worldly affairs. The wearer attracts great wealth and prosperity. The wearer enjoys all comforts at his command but still remains unattached to material objects.

The Sandalwood maala is also used to relieve headaches, heart disease and eye disorders. It is also helpful for indigestion and fevers. It improves circulation and protects the wearer against negative energy. The continuous use and wearing of the maala helps in strengthening the aura, healing and maintaining a positive energy. If the wearer practices chanting like ajapa japa, the mantra vibrations are absorbed in the maala and when continuously used, the maala pulsates with the mantra itself. To buy authentic Chandan Maalas personally energized and blessed by Paramahamsa Nithyananda, please

Vedic Renaissance

A Painting of Sri Ganesh by artist Seema Soni Medium: Oil on Canvas


Vedic Renaissance


Ganesh Chaturthi Adapted from Paramahamsa Nithyananda's teachings

Sri Ganesh Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated on the

birthday of Sri Ganesh, the most beloved of Hindu gods. In fact, Sri Ganesh, the elephant-headed god, is considered more of a household member than a god to be worshiped, because his form does not carry with it the seriousness associated with a god. He is always blissful, happy to eat whatever devotees offer him, and above all, does not impose any sort of restrictions on his devotees. Sri Ganesh temples are the only temples where there is no caste system. Anybody can be a priest his temples.

Representing the Cosmos! Sri Ganesh’s form is a representation of the

cosmos. He carries an ankusha or noose in his upper right hand, a paasha or goad in his upper left hand, his own broken tusk in his lower right hand and a

modak (an Indian sweet preparation) in his lower left hand. The ankusha or noose represents the power of unclutching. Even the most chaotic mind can be controlled by one technique - unclutching.

The pasha represents attachment to thoughts. Sri Ganesh does not allow thoughts to

become engraved memories that control a person’s life. On the one hand, he does not allow thoughts to get connected, leading to an unclutched state. On the other hand, he ensures that the state of unclutching is ever present, so no more thoughts are created.

Mahabharat The scriptures describe how Ved Vyas, the

as he recited them. The speed at which Ved Vyas spontaneously recited the verses was tremendous, and he needed someone to pen them down fast enough so that not a single word would be missed. Sri Ganesh agreed on one condition - that Vyasa could cope with his own high speed of writing. If he could not, Sri Ganesh would leave. Vyasa also agreed, on the condition that Sri Ganesh would pen down everything he said only after he completely understood it.

So the writing began. It went on and on, with

neither of them stopping even for food or water. Suddenly, Sri Ganesh's pen broke. He could not stop Vyasa and get another pen, since the flow of Vyasa's verses would be broken. Nor could he miss a single word Vyasa was saying, since he

would be missing an important truth. So he simply broke off his own tusk and continued writing! This incident reveals two dimensions of Sri Ganesh - his uncompromising sense of responsibility, and how much he stretches for it - his authenticity.

Everything Starts with Completion! Sri Ganesh’s two upper hands, holding the

noose and the goad, represent the completion in

his inner space. The third, holding the broken tusk, represents his spontaneity in decision-making and his authenticity and responsibility. When all these happen, life is as sweet as the modak which he holds in his lower left hand! Sri Ganesh is the perfect example of living the **four tattvas. His inner space is one of completion, and he is always in the space of possibility and positivity. This is the reason Sri Ganesh is associated with auspiciousness, and is worshipped before beginning any task. Only when a person connects to a high space of completion

enlightened seer who wrote the epic Mahabharata,

like Sri Ganesh’s can any task flow auspiciously and

asked Sri Ganesh to pen down the verses of the epic

each its right culmination.

** The four tattvas of integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching are the essence of Nithyananda's teachings. For more, see Pg. 3

EN Pregnancy


Birth & Enlightenment Taken from the Akashic Readings by Kaalabhairava through Nithyananda on 26th & 27th September, 2012 on the subjects of Birth and Pregnancy. The words in this section are as delivered by Kalabairava through Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Q) We are sending these questions as the answers to these will have a deep relevance to the pregnancy care program. We would love Swami to speak on what happens when a pregnant lady seeks the blessings of an enlightened Master. This would be of great help in bringing down enlightened souls. - Dr Sita Deepak, Sonologist

When a pregnant lady is touched by the enlightened being, the bio memories of the enlightened being gets into the body of the child in her womb. The umbilical cord is the part

of the body which is built with more percentage of emotion and less percentage of flesh and blood. As this part is built with more percentage of liquid emotion, less percentage of solid flesh and blood, the energy received in her body by the blessing or the touch of enlightened being directly goes and gets stored in the bio memory of that child. When the child's bio memory is stored with highest truth and the true remembrance of its eternal oneness, eternal oneness with the existence it attracts a soul which never feels itself as separate from the whole. As it never feels itself separate from the whole, the part continues to be the part of the


EN Pregnancy whole. From the beginning it does not feel separate and grows expressing its full consciousness as Jeevan mukta.

Q) Can you please let us know why majority of women go through so much pain, anxiety and stress during birthing process though these are the most beautiful cherishing and fulfilling moments in their life? In a few fortunate women who practised meditation, yoga, power of visualisation, listening to music and divine chanting, birthing has been a great joyful experience with minimal pain and stress. Can you please clarify? - Dr Shanthi MP, Obstetrician

Human beings have the tendency to go through the pain and suffering even during the expansion. That is why, even when the health comes to human beings which they were seeking with their whole life, the responsibility of wealth brings suffering and pain to them to maintain the wealth. Same way, when expansion of life happens in the form of birthing, giving birth to a child, the responsibility, body is not able to take. That is why it goes through pain, suffering and torture. Otherwise, the birthing experience is a spiritual experience. The great possibility of expansion happens to an individual when it expands into another one life. The moment of birthing can be used for the enlightenment of both individuals who is giving birth and who is getting birth. So, every moment the child takes birth, the child has a possibility for enlightenment. Mother has a possibility for enlightenment. If both of them take the responsibility, both can get enlightened.

Even if the child is not capable of taking the responsibility, mother can take the responsibility and she can get enlightened. Birthing is a great possibility for enlightenment as it is extension and expansion process of individual body and consciousness. When the birthing happens, if the child is kept without the umbilical cord being cut for at least few minutes, then the mother can experience two souls. The moment child comes out, the individual soul enters. Mother has one individual soul, the child has another one individual soul, the umbilical cord connection exists between two souls, mother taking up the responsibility of birthing and preparing her consciousness for nine months and while giving the birth, she can achieve enlightenment and after the birthing happens, without cutting the umbilical cord, if you remain, keep the child as it is, the individual soul which enters the child's body will have the initiation from the enlightened mother through the umbilical cord which is the most powerful connection. The umbilical cord initiation directly makes the child experience enlightenment and enlightened bio memory basis forms the basic experience of the child. When the enlightened bio memory forms the basis of a child, naturally child will grow as a Jeevan mukta, living enlightened.

Enlightened Masters


Adi Shankaracharya Adapted from Paramahamsa Nithyananda's teachings

Adi Shankaracharya (Shankara) is considered to be one of the greatest enlightened masters and philosophers who walked the planet Earth. Shankara was born in Kaladi, a village in India’s southern state of Kerala. There is uncertainty around the date of his birth, the earliest proposed date being in the 5th century BC. Shankara is most famous for his contributions to the Advaita (non-duality) philosophy and his huge range of books, commentaries, and poetic creations. Almost twenty five hundred years after his birth, there is still no one who can come even close to Shankara’s brilliance. It is often said that in the world of philosophy, there are only two groups - those who accept Shankara, and those who reject Shankara. You can accept Shankara or reject Shankara, but nobody can go beyond Shankara! Shankara was the first acharya (teacher) from South India to reach the Sarvajnapeetha (Seat of Omniscience) or Sharada Peetha in Kashmir. This temple is described as having four doors, one for each of the cardinal directions. The southern door had never been opened, implying that no one from the south had ever entered the temple. Shankara defeated all the Vedic scholars of the temple in debate, and ascended to the highest seat of honor of the temple.

In his short life of just 32 years, he not only studied all the shaastras (scriptures), but also wrote commentaries on many of the traditional scriptures which form the Prasthana Traya (the most sacred scriptures of the Vedic tradition). He composed a number of beautiful stotras (devotional songs) on all the major deities, many of which are regularly chanted or sung in temples and homes even today. They include Vishnu Sahasranama, Bhaja Govindam, Soundarya Lahiri, Dakshinamurti Stotram, Kalabhairavashtakam, Bhavani Ashtakam and Ganesha Pancharatnam, among others. Shankara was a creator of philosophies. He was too vast to be contained inside the Advaita philosophy. He was a space for philosophies to happen. The best

philosophy that happened out of him was Advaita (non duality), so Advaita became his brand. But he was not just an Advaiti. His description of the form of Devi in Soundarya Lahari is mesmerizing. A person who can describe the form so beautifully, can never be called only an Advaiti! Advaita was simply one more breeze which happened in his inner space.

To keep the dharma (sacred doctrine) alive, Shankara established four peethas or seats of wisdom in four corners of modern-day India - Shringeri, Dvaraka, Puri and Badrikashram. It is important to note that at the time of Shankara, these four peethas were in four different countries! At that time, India was not one unified country. The peethas were in the kingdoms or territories known as Chola desha, Kalinga desha, Gurjara desha and Himachala. Three of the peethas still have an unbroken lineage of masters. Only the pontiff of Badrikashram was killed by Aurangzeb during the Mughal invasion of India, before he could initiate his successor. Even so, the then pontiff of the Puri peetha immediately took charge and initiated the next pontiff. The other three peethas have an unbroken lineage of masters till today. Shankara traveled the length and breadth of India to establish the Vedic tradition. Wherever he went, he worked tirelessly to teach and transform the local people. He also had public debates or vada prativada on philosophical subjects with scholars of different sects, faiths and religions. He defeated all the leading scholars, controverting the philosophies opposed to the Advaita philosophy. He thus unified the various sects of Hinduism. Adi Shankara is the architect of whatever we know today as the Hindu tradition. Towards the end of his life, Shankara traveled once again to the Himalayas. He is believed to have left his body by will in the sacred space of Kedarnath. Even today, there stands a samadhi mandir (living tomb and temple) behind the Kedarnath temple dedicated to Shankara. It is not without reason that Shankara is considered by many to be an avatar (incarnation) of

23 Lord Shiva and worshiped as such. Shankara’s extraordinary contribution to the Vedic tradition is still unparalleled by anyone in history.

A Painting of Adi Shankaracharya by artist Seema Soni.

Enlightened Masters

Short Reads

Awaken Your Kundalini Shakti ! From Nithyananda's Nithya Satsang (daily morning talk) delivered on 8th April, 2013 in the Bidadi Ashram, Bangalore

Your inner potential energy called the Kundalini Shakti (energy) is like a big fountain full of water ready to gush out but your negative commitments, the energy clots in your system, are big rocks stacked on top of that fountain blocking the path so that no water can flow. When you choose to live with integrity, you will continuously align your thinking with your being. You won’t create any confusion, contradiction or conflicting thoughts and actions. Practicing integrity and doing completions clear those rocks away. It means that there will be a clear path for the Kundalini energy, your inner potential energy, to travel through your body and express in your life. All the blockages get removed when you take the responsibility to be integrated. If you bring integrity into you, your fantasies of how life should be will disappear, your fears will disappear, your habit of worrying will disappear, your need for attention and approval from others will disappear, any jealousy or comparing will disappear, your serious ego will disappear, and your discontentment with life will disappear. Integrity will dissolve all of the energy blocks and open up all seven chakras for the Kundalini energy to flow! Your health with be at its peak and your life will be beautiful! It is like having all the blockages in a hose cleared so that the water flows easily through it to nourish all the plants and flowers in the garden. Integrity will clear the path for your energy flow.

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Short Reads **Authenticity will awaken the Kundalini energy. Responsibility will send the awakened energy that is in you into the world so that the world will listen to you, the world will take you seriously. And when you enrich yourself and life around you, the world will just follow you! Not only will others listen to you, they will just follow you! When you are integrated and authentic, your Kundalini is awakened very safely. With responsibility, it flows into the world to fulfill your inner visualizations. It will make what you want to become a reality in your life. With enriching - just whatever you are, your peak potential will become reality. You will create a heaven on earth for yourself and others.

** The four tattvas of integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching are the essence of Nithyananda's teachings. For more, see Pg. 3


Science Meets Spirituality

The Nature of Perception

By Dr. Alpana Agarwal

The science of perception is described in detail by eastern

In the next step, identification happens in the visual areas

mystics. According to the Vedic philosophy, information is received through all the five senses but there is a lot that goes on in the brain before actual perception happens. Many recent discoveries in the field of neuroscience provide proof in support of the theory given by the Vedic seers.

of the brain3 , called as manas by Vedic rishis. For example, when one sees a familiar face or object or place, the manas recognizes the image - mother, boss, dog, rose, book, park, school, river. Next, the file moves to a space called ego, where the connection between the individual and the identified objects/ persons/place is established. The information is relayed to the amygdala (a gateway to the limbic system) to recognize the emotional significance of the scene. Past incidents connected to the person/object/place are then retrieved and the information passed on to the limbic system, which produces a response in the person.

How Perception Happens Perception takes place as a series of steps. Taking the

example of eyes, the visual information from the scene in front of the eyes goes to a space called chakshu. Chakshu is just like a digital signal processor. Whatever is seen through the eyes is converted into a bio-signal in the chakshu. For the case of eyes, the chakshu are the rods and cones in the retina which convert the light falling on them into a neural signal. The signal is then sent to a space called chitta, which is the equivalent of a computer's memory storing all the data. The process of comparison and elimination now starts in the memory - "this is not a stone, this is not a tree, this is not an animal." Chitta can be correlated with the primary visual cortex 1 . It has been found by scientists that only 20 percent of the nerves coming to the primary visual cortex are from the eyes, the rest are from other areas of the brain, for example those in charge of memory. It is logical to conclude that only 20 percent of perception is based on input through the eyes, while 80 percent contributions are from the “mind”2 .

Why Do Memories Get Triggered? The process of perception follows a logical path until the

manas. After the manas when the information goes to the ego, the perception gets colored by the individual's ego. It is well recognized both by neuroscience and psychology, that deepseated memories play an important role in perception and decision making. Perception is not factual - perception is facts processed based on memory. Memory of past events, especially their emotional context, is called “Episodic Memory”, and this information is stored in the limbic system. If a scene reminds a person of some unpleasant experience in the past, unconsciously the painful memory gets triggered. For example, if the person was hurt by someone in the past, next time he sees that person,

27 27

he would go through anger or sadness. This serves a purpose in the scheme of things, which is to avoid future hurt.

Root Thought Patterns The problem arises when this memory gets triggered when it

is not needed, due to some similarity between the past painful experience and the scene before the person. Now, even if the person sees anything or anyone which remotely resembles that person who caused the original hurt, or a situation similar to the original incident, he again goes through the same low mood, affecting his decisions. This process can happen quite unconsciously, and in the case of very old or repressed memories, one may not even know the reason for a sudden dislike to a place, person or situation. These kind of deeply engraved memories are called samskaras. It is important to understand, that a memory is not only a memory of the incidents that happened at a certain time, but also the cognition that a person has of those incidents. What the person believes himself

Science Meets Spirituality

and others to be in the situation is also engraved in his biomemory along with the information that is received through the five senses. These cognitions are called the “root thought patterns”. Sometimes, even if one is aware of what is right, one ends up making the wrong decisions due to the root thought patterns. All addictions happen because of an incomplete and inadequate cognition which becomes engraved in a person, and then begins to override the intelligence of the individual. According to Freud, human beings are completely unconscious of 90 per cent of what goes on in their minds. Most of the decisions are not taken consciously, and can be traced back to the unconscious mental patterns. Only when a person has completed with all their root thought

patterns, can true perception happen. *Svapoornatva and poornatva are the two techniques given by Nithyananda to complete with root patterns, and reclaim the ability to perceive life without the interference of the unconscious mental patterns.

References 1

For details of the process of visual perception, refer to “Phantoms in the Brain” by Sandra Blakeslee & V.S. Ramachandran


Richard Gregory, "Brainy Mind", British Medical Journal, 19 December 1998, issue 317: pp. 1693–1695


Refer to the works of Semir Zeki, John Allman, John Kaas, David Van Essen, Margaret Livingstone and David Hubel

* For instructions on the poornatva and svapoornatva kriyas, please visit:



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Upcoming Progr ams Inner Awakening Level 1 (4 Days)

Four day program to get initiated into the four tattvas and the science of completion. Sep 19 - Sep 22, 2013 Sep 27 – Sep 30, 2013 OCt 19 - Oct 22, 2013 Nov 1 – Nov 4, 2013 Dec 5 - Dec 8, 2013 Location: Bidadi Ashram, Bangalore & Online Via 2-way Video Conferencing

Inner Awakening Level 2 (10 Days) Ten day program to identify and complete with your root pattern of suffering and get initiated and established in completion with yourself, with others and ultimately with Life itself. Sept 27 – Oct 6, 2013 Oct 19 - Oct 28, 2013 Nov 1 – Nov 10, 2013 Dec 5 - Dec 14, 2013 Location: Bidadi Ashram, Bangalore & Online Via 2-way Video Conferencing

Inner Awakening (21 Days)

Right Intelligence for Life: A unique 21-day yoga and meditation retreat to awaken your Kudnalini energy, to hand-craft a successful future and to taste Enlightenment itself! Sept 27 – Oct 17, 2013 Nov 1 – Nov 21, 2013 Dec 5 – Dec 25, 2013 Location: Bidadi Ashram, Bangalore

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EN - Genius Sept 27 – Oct 17, 2013 Nov 1 – Nov 21, 2013 Dec 5 – Dec 25, 2013 Location: Bidadi Ashram, Bangalore

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Nithya Kriya Yoga Nov 24 - 25, 2013 Location: Delhi, India

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THE Samyama Starting dates: Sep 27th, 2013; Nov 1st, 2013 ; Dec 5th, 2013 Location: Bidadi Ashram, Bangalore

For Latest Information, please call: +91-80-27279999

Conscious Living


Life is For Enriching! From the recent daily morning talks (Nithya Satsang) of Nithyananda on the subject of "Enriching"

Enriching - The Best Way To Relate Human beings relate with

others in

many ways – through lust, through fear, through confusion, through hatred, through jealousy, through attention need. Enriching is the only possible way you can relate with the universe, with others, which can expand you also. You can relate with others in so many ways, but nothing is going to expand you, make you powerful, make you complete, like the method of enriching. The basic principle through which you relate with others should be ‘enriching’. Whether it is the relationship with others or the relationship with God, it should be from the attitude of enriching. so

You may ask, “How can we enrich God?” Your creativity

can enrich


Your creativity is your contribution to the Cosmos. It is something which was not there in the Cosmos - you created it, you expanded it, you expressed it! Maybe whatever was needed for you to express your creativity was there in the Cosmos, but putting everything together, allowing the alchemy of creativity to happen, and sharing it, enriching it, is your contribution. Whether you look at you or look at others, look at everything with this one angle: “How can I enrich?” The best life on earth is the alchemy of creativity.

Enriching Expands You When you

with the attitude of “How can I enrich me?”, you will be healed, you will feel complete with yourself. look at yourself

In the same way, when you



others with the idea, “How can I enrich them?”, your relationship with them will be healed. You will feel comfortable with them, you will feel complete with them. With just this one attitude shift, you will simply experience Advaita.

One of the most important truths about life which you need to understand and contemplate on is this: enriching others constantly expands the possibilities of your life. Whether it is your business or your relationships in the family or your relationships in society - in every area, in every dimension, when you live with the principle of ‘enriching’, your life will flow so beautifully, so smoothly, so strongly! In fact, in any dimension of your life where you want expansion, just start enriching!

You Can Prove Anything Now you

may wonder,

“Why should I constantly enrich others when nobody cares for me?” You may even have very logical arguments, supporting facts and figures and all kinds of evidence for why you need not enrich others! But those arguments are


Conscious Living

Conscious Living


Conscious Living


only going to be like a grinding wheel in your inner space. Such thoughts will constantly create so much of friction inside you, grinding you continuously, and literally eating you from inside.

Actually, you

case you create; it does not need to be true! You can prove anything you want! You can build the case for the statement, “Everything is God!”, and you can also collect evidence for the statement, “Everything is Devil!” You can create evidence for both. It depends on what cognition you want to support. can collect evidence for any

Remove The Friction Remove the friction

from your thinking.

When you have

the idea, “Why should I enrich others when they are not even ready to receive what I am giving, when they are not even sensitive towards me?”, you only create suffering for yourself. You can go on thinking like this, but you will only be shrinking in life. This constant irritation will naturally make your thinking very limited. You will not take up anything which is new, expansive and adventurous, you will not explore or express your possibilities. Friction will create so much of negativity in your thinking that you will not even reach the space of positivity.

The first step you need to reach for success is the space of positivity; then, the space of possibility; then, the space of leadership; and finally you will reach the space of enlightenment. Understand, only when you remove the friction from your thinking, even the space of positivity will happen.

Life Happens With Others Life is the sum total of your interactions with others. This is a fundamental truth of life. Life is all about relating with others. No one is an island. Every identity, every relationship you carry in your life, will become complete only when the other end of the relationship is also complete. You can be a good mother only when your son is complete with you. Only when your husband is complete with you as a wife, you can be a good wife. Only when your father and mother are complete with you as a good son or daughter, you will be a good son or daughter. Only when your employee is complete with you as a boss, you will be a good boss. Only when each one of my disciples is complete, I am complete as a Guru. Withdrawal from others is not completion. It can only be called irresponsible retirement.

Conscious Living Take The First Step Unfortunately, you

even starting to enrich others that they can never be complete. “You don’t know my boss! Anybody can be complete on earth, but not him! Unless I start twenty-five companies and give them to him, he is not going to be complete!” You start with so much of negative possibility that you never reach the end; in fact, you never even take the first step! come to the conclusion before

Making the other end complete is not difficult. All you need to do is remove the friction you carry about the other person. When you add the lubrication of enriching in your heart, the other end is automatically healed. When you have the attitude of enriching, suddenly so much of the friction in you melts down. With the attitude of enriching, you will feel so fulfilled even in your profession. People tell me, “Swamiji, integrity and authenticity can be practiced in other fields. In my field it is impossible Swamiji.” Constantly, without even applying these principles in life, you come to the conclusion and decide, “This cannot be practiced”. Try to apply this principle; start thinking from the angle of enriching others. You will see how easy it is, because actually everyone is waiting to complete with you. If you are feeling incomplete with somebody, be very clear, they are also feeling incomplete with you. They are waiting for you to complete with them. Nobody is here to exploit you. Nobody is here to cheat you.

Enriching Makes You A King! I tell you

from my experience , from

the age of 14 to 17, I suffered with the attitude that the world is out there to cheat me! Even when I was in my own house, I felt like a poor beggar. At the age of 17 , I left the house, but with completion and the attitude of enriching myself and others. Even though I lived as a wandering monk from the age of 17 to 25, begging even for my food, I felt and lived only like a king. I went on enriching people, even though I never had anything in my hands and was dependent on others for everything. I saw that I was only adding to whoever came into my breathing space. I only felt fulfilled; I only felt expanded.

As long as I was thinking that the world is out there to cheat me, I was only shrinking. The moment I decided to live the principle of enriching, even my sannyas felt like being a king!


Conscious Living


Life Is For Others Vivekananda says

very beautifully,

‘When you

and understand that life is for others, everything is showered on you – wealth, knowledge, energy, everything!’ I tell you from my own experience, when I decided that any wealth which gathers around me is for others, the cosmos showered me with more wealth than I need, even for the work I am doing!


I have

knowledge is for others; I am not going to keep anything secret . I have decided that all my knowledge is for others, and I tell you, the cosmos goes on showering more and more knowledge on me. Even I do not know how I am giving new concepts everyday, giving deeper and deeper insights! also decided that all my

Decide that

life is for others, and

all the best things

will be showered on you!

Jumpstart Enlightenment! Life is for others. What

beautiful words!

Compared to them, words like “Love everyone” are too poor. Life is for others! It is a powerful technique to get out of any root patterns you carry. You will get back to the space you were in when you were born – the purest space of life! If anybody wants to jumpstart enlightenment, enriching is the technique! Decide from this moment, “Life is for others!” Everything will disappear - your insecurity, fear, anger, greed. All your root patterns will become rootless patterns!

Just decide, “Life is for others!” You will be showered by life with wealth, knowledge and energy. Lakshmi, Sarasvati, Durga - all three will start radiating through you!

Beyond Mind


Nithya Dhyaan Adapted from Paramahamsa Nithyananda's teachings

Nithya Dhyaan is a 35-minute meditation designed by Nithyananda to unclutch from the mind and move beyond it. It cleanses and energises the vital energy centers or chakras in the body, which are responsible for the swaying emotions and stored negative memories. It brings intense awareness into the system to awaken the inner intelligence. The meditation causes an experience of a growing explosion in consciousness that can steer a person towards a life of totality and completion.

Nithya Dhyaan is a technique that gives a seeker what he needs to balance himself and be in complete harmony with his body, mind and spirit. It enables him to harness the inner intelligence and to excel in the inner and outer worlds.

STEP 1 Please be seated in a yogic posture called Vajrasana. Sit on your mat on the floor with both your legs stretched out. Next fold both the legs, one after the other at the knees and rest your posterior on your heels with your toes turned outward. This is Vajrasana. With open palms, place your hands on the thigh joint where it meets the hips, with your thumb pointing backwards and the remaining four fingers pointing forwards as if you are holding your hips. You can use a cushion or a rolled towel under your ankles. Sit comfortably with your head, neck and spine in a straight line.

Now close your eyes and breathe chaotically for 7 minutes. Breathe intensely and non

rhythmically. Your entire upper body should move as you breathe. However, do not overstrain yourself. If you have had a recent surgery or have a medical problem or if you are pregnant, please do this step carefully, with the level of intensity that feels comfortable.

STEP 2 Continue to sit in Vajrasana. You now need to form the ‘chin mudra’. A mudra is a symbolic gesture of the hands and fingers. Place your hands on your knees. Your hands with open palms should be facing upward. Let the tip of the index finger touch the tip of the thumb, as if forming a circle. The three other fingers, arms and the hands remain relaxed.

Now, hum intensely for 7 minutes. Breathe in deeply and as you exhale create a humming sound from your navel. Your mouth should be closed. You will feel a vibration starting from your lips and mouth. Be relaxed. Do not strain yourself. If you have had a recent surgery or have a medical problem or you are pregnant, please do this step carefully, with the level of intensity that feels comfortable.

STEP 3 You may now sit cross-legged on the floor if you wish to or continue to sit in Vajrasana. Now, for 7 minutes, take your awareness through each of the body’s seven energy centers, called chakras, starting from the Mooladhara Chakra or Root Center which is the base of the spine to the Sahasrara Chakra, which is the Crown Center. (See figure) When you meditate on each chakra, feel intensely

that: > the chakra is pure > the chakra is filled with energy > the chakra is overflowing with bliss

Beyond Mind


Chakras Sahasrara Chakra (Crown Center) Ajna Chakra (Brow Center) Vishuddhi Chakra (Throat Center) Anahata Chakra (Heart Center)

Manipuraka Chakra (Navel Center)

Svadhishthana Chakra (Being Center) Mooladhara Chakra (Root Center) > the chakra is radiating Nithyananda, or eternal bliss STEP 4 For 7 minutes just be unclutched in silence. Be a witness to whatever is happening inside you and around you. Do not suppress your thoughts. Do not follow your thoughts. Just watch your thoughts as an observer.

STEP 5 For the last 7 minutes remain in a deep mood of gratitude. When your whole being overflows with gratitude, you commune with the existential energy. You may chant the Guru Pooja Mantra or just listen to the mantra and offer your gratitude to Existence and to your Guru. Offer your gratitude with your whole being.

Short Reads

Completion, Your Very Nature Adapted from Paramahamsa Nithyananda's teachings

Completion & Incompletion Incompletion is anything that leaves you with an experience of low energy, low emotions and a general feeling of unfulfillment. Any action that is unfulfilled as per your expectation, either because of an outer hindrance or an inner hindrance, is incompletion. Anything from the past that hinders you from participating in life as it happens, is incompletion.

Completion does not mean accepting everything that happens in life. Completion is not blind acceptance. Completion simply means not resisting the flow of life.

What is the difference between ‘resisting’, ‘accepting’ and ‘not resisting’?

For example, just imagine that you are sitting in your garden one morning and sipping a cup of tea. Suddenly you see a man charging towards you with a knife!

Now, you have three ways of responding to this unexpected happening in your life: One, you can resist the moment, and get angry, panic and say, ‘Oh, this guy has been my neighbor for ten years, I did so much for him, he even borrowed money from me and never returned it, now how can he do this to me?’ and so on – getting caught in your own perceptions, and in the process, completely losing sight of what you actually need to do in the situation. This is acting out of incompletion.

Or you can just accept the situation and feel like a saint, saying, ‘After all, this is life!’ – not even making an attempt to change the situation. This is acting out of powerlessness, and hence, also acting out of incompletion because the root of powerlessness is in incompletion.

Understand, neither of these two attitudes is completion. Completion means simply assessing the situation as it is. A man


Short Reads


rushing towards you with a knife is a man rushing towards you with a knife – that’s all. When you assess the situation without applying your personal filter to it, you will know exactly what action to take – just duck, run away, or stand there and fight him!

Why Incompletion? Incompletion comes out of the assumption that something larger than you exists out there for you, which can complete you. Your life is nothing but a journey from incompletion to incompletion. The idea that something outside you can complete you, can add to you, can fulfil you, immediately reduces you to the level of matter. You forget that you are not matter - you are life! Only life can infuse life into matter; matter cannot infuse life into life! Only you can infuse value into anything that is outside you. Even the socalled positive happenings in your life are usually a result of incompletion. Your success, your relationships, your wealth - everything is triggered by a sense of incompletion. Whether you realize it or not, you are complete unto yourself. Then why do you look to something external to complete you?

Incompletion is like a poison in your life. It is incompletion that drives you to take one birth after another. Any incomplete action is karma. It will pull you to repeat that action again and again till you achieve completion. Any action performed from a state of incompletion will only lead to more incompletion. Anything done from a state of completion will lead to completion in others also. If you feel disturbed by a woman outside, understand: the disturbance is not from the outer woman. It is always from the inner woman. It is always from the woman who is inside with whom you are incomplete.

Completion is Your Nature The Sanskrit word ‘poornatva’ means, ‘the state of completion’.

Completion is the state which leaves nothing left to be desired, either in the inner world or in the outer world. When in completion, there is no space for fear, greed, anger, doubt, envy or any of the low-energy emotions and conflicts you create for yourself. Completion is an unclouded inner space.

Short Reads In such a space, irrespective of what is happening in the outer world, completion alone remains. The Shanti mantra (peace chant) drawn from the Hindu Upanishads says that the whole cosmos resonates with completion.

‘Om poornamadah poornamidam poornaat poornamudachyate Poornasya poornamaadaya poornamevaavashishyate’ Everything in the cosmos resonates innately with completion. It is completion here, it is completion there. Completion is born out of completion. If you remove completion from completion, completion alone remains!

Are You Running Away From You? Listen: Since completion is your innate nature, you are never comfortable with your own incompletions. For the very reason that they remind you of your incompleteness, you never want to face them! All your life, you keep running from the ghost of your incomplete self. The more and more you run away from you, the more you are haunted by the incompletions - through life and across lives.

The only way to be free is to face the incompletion directly. Identify the source of incompletion which is rooted in an inadequate cognition of some situation that happened in your life, and then complete with it. The *poornatva and svapoornatva kriyas are powerful processes to restore this completion to your being.

* For instructions on the poornatva and svapoornatva kriyas, please visit:



Nithyananda Vedic Temples

Nithyananda Vedic Temple, Seattle, USA With Swamiji's blessings and guidance, and amidst great excitement and celebrations, Nithyananda Vedic Temple Seattle was inaugurated on Feb 24, 2008. In under eight months, the temple transformed from a blessing into a reality! This is the fifth Nithyananda Vedic Temple in the USA, and the first near the city of Seattle. It is now a center of socio-spiritual activities, spreading Vedic culture in the Pacific Northwest area of the United States. Apart from being a temple for devotion (bhakti), it is also a school for gaining knowledge (jnana), learning meditation (dhyana) & yoga, and a community for volunteering (seva). SPIRITUAL NAME

When Swamiji blessed the Seattle sangha (spiritual community) to form a temple, He said, ‘Since the skies are always celebrating in Seattle (referring to the rains), let the temple radiate Akasha (sky element) energy! Let you have Chidambaram in Seattle.’ Later, Swamiji blessed the temple with the spiritual name of ‘Seattle Chidambaram’. MAGNIFICENT DEITIES

As in the original Chidambaram temple in Tamil Nadu, India, the presiding deity of the Seattle temple is a magnificent 12 feet tall Nataraja representing Shiva as the cosmic dancer, enchanting the world with His Ananda Tandava (the dance of bliss). This is the largest Nataraja deity in the world outside India. Nithyananda Ganesha is also a special deity – designed by Swamiji Himself - and sculpted in the unique dancing form. The Seattle temple also has the deities of Venkateshwara (10 feet tall), Sivakama Sundari, Subrahmanya, Ayyappa, RadhaKrishna, Ram parivar & Navagrahas.

Certain poojas (worship) are performed in the Nithyananda Vedic Temple, Seattle, that are unique to this temple: special abhishekam (sacred bath) is performed for Nataraja six times a year. Arudra Darshan in December/January and Aani thirumanjanam in July are two of the major celebrations. Every year, on the festival of Shiva Ratri, a spectacular ice linga, carved by a

Nithyananda Vedic Temples

local artist, is brought to the ashram and worshiped. Ganesha Chaturthi is celebrated by taking the dancing Ganesha on a rath yatra (chariot procession) through the local communities. ENRICHING THE COMMUNITY

In the last five years, this vibrant space has seen thousands of devotees experience life-changing miracles and transformation. The temple is served purely by volunteers whose mission is to enrich the world by spreading Swamiji’s teachings. The volunteers of the temple live inspired by the principles of integrity, authenticity, responsibility and they work to enrich others and themselves constantly. The enriching of the community happens in many ways. Recently, the temple organized a blanket drive for homeless people, donated hundreds of dollars worth of toys to the Wellspring Family Services for homeless children, and conducted annadaan (serving free food) for the homeless residents in KCC Church in Kirkland. Events like Peace Prevails were also conducted, where a large group of people meditated near the Seattle Space Needle to celebrate Peace Day. SERVICES & WORKSHOPS Nithya Satsangs (Daily Morning Talk) with Paramahamsa Nithyananda 6.30 – 8.30 pm: Daily pada pooja & satsang with Paramahamsa Nithyananda via 2-way video conferencing Prayer services 7.30 pm Chanting: Hanuman chalisa (Tuesdays), Ganesha Arti (Wednesdays), Lalitha Sahasranamam (Fridays), Vishnu Sahasranamam (Saturdays). Satyanarayana pooja, Sri Vidya pooja and other poojas are performed in the temple. Poojas for life events like Anna Prashnam



Nithyananda Vedic Temples (feeding food to an infant as a religious ritual), Namakaranam (naming of a child), Shraadh (offering one’s respect to the departed souls for their peace) , archanas (devotional offering to a deity) are also performed in the temple. Abhishekam & Alankaram Saturdays 10.30 am: abhishekam to different deities Sundays 5.30 pm: Rudrabhishekam Nataraja abhishekam – 6 times a year, co-ordinated with the main Chidambaram temple in India Annalaya Daily 7–9 pm: free delicious sattvic food is served Free Weekly Life Solutions Workshops Saturday 4-6 pm: Meditations for Health: Introduction to Nithya Kriyas Sunday 4-6 pm: Spiritual Secrets for Success: Introduction to the **Four Tattvas, the Power of Completion Weekends 6 pm: Nithya Dhyaan (rejuvenating daily meditation) Children’s Cultural Education Sundays 10.30 am – 12.30 pm: Nithyananda Vidyalaya classes for children, enriching them to be future leaders in this world with the right approach and attitude as taught by the Vedic tradition. They learn the right skills for body, mind and soul through the teachings of Paramahamsa Nithyananda.

Temple Contact Information: 2877 152nd Ave NE Building #13, Redmond WA 98052 (opposite Mayuri Bakery, near Big Bazaar) Phone: (425) 269-2923 email: Temple hours: 6-9pm daily in addition, on Saturday & Sunday mornings: 9.30 am – 12.30 pm ** The four tattvas of integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching are the essence of Nithyananda's teachings. For more, see Pg. 3

Nithya Jyotisha (Vedic Astrology)

Sade Saati and Saturn By Ma Nithya Chandrananda

Sade Sati (7½ years) is often termed as one of the most dreaded planetary transits afflicting human beings. However, it is not to be dreaded when approached with the antidote of spiritual wisdom.

When Saturn (Shani) transits through the 12th, 1st, and 2nd house from your natal Moon (position of the Moon in the birth chart), the yoga (alignment) is called Sade Sati. In Hindi, Sade means ‘half’ and Sati means ‘seven’. Saturn takes 2½ years to pass through each sign; its passing through 3 signs takes 7½ years, hence the name Sade Sati.

Just as the energy of the Sun’s principle can burn impurities in the person’s chart, Jupiter’s energy can empower through generosity and enriching, while Mercury motivates the person to listen instead of talking, Mars leads to action, Venus inspires to accept the beauty in others with love and Moon creates the feeling of being part of the same family, Saturn teaches the person how to become realistic and thrive in solitude without feeling fearful and depressed. It teaches to face one’s fears and limitations in order to walk the talk and spiritualize one’s life.

Sade Sati is all about facing yourself with maturity and taking up the responsibility for your transformation. To the person undergoing it, this period will appear as if Kaal (time) itself is on hold. Actually this space is necessary to understand your emotions, and your responsibility towards what you create in your world because of them. By doing so, you iron out and destroy your karmas of this life and redefine your existence.

Sharing Guru’s gentle energy through enriching is the ultimate remedy during this period, bringing expansion where Saturn tends to shrink one’s consciousness. Sharing knowledge, blessing others and seeing the good in them even in times



Nithya Jyotisha (Vedic Astrology)

of disputes, dissatisfaction, depression, differences, disharmony or failures are the qualities of the dignified Saturn energy.

The painful effect of Sade Sati, which is known to many, happens only when you are not ready to admit your complete responsibility for what is. The negative side of Saturn then manifests as a current of resistance to the present moment. Saturn then becomes “malefic”, as astrologers say.

The highest frequency of Saturn embodied in this yoga, manifests when you decide to face yourself and complete with your patterns. Completion with yourself gives the courage to handle whatever life brings with integrity and authenticity. In a way, Saturn’s principle represents how you relate to Kaal (time). Since it intensifies any experience, it makes one's consciousness experience it deeply in order to gain maturity. It also sends karmic retribution and points out which aspects of life you have to focus on and clear up in order to grow. The condition of Saturn in a chart shows how permanent and synchronized a person’s connection with their consciousness and awareness is, even during the most challenging times. A well-placed Saturn shows that the person knows when to go slow, when to go fast, when to work, when to surrender, when to have endurance and how to be stable in the most difficult and tricky circumstances.

A challenging placement of Saturn will allow the person to fall into the darkness of ignorance when life hits; no light seems to reach such a person. Saturn becomes the shadow of the Sun and the person refuses any help and behaves in an unwise and foolish way, binding himself in chains of suffering. Saturn then becomes a tamasic force (causing ignorance) on the consciousness of that person. Without grace, proper understanding and techniques, one may lose faith in the ever-auspicious nature of existence. With the practice of the four tattvas, one can go beyond even the ill-effects of Saturn’s weak placement and reach one’s eternally blissful natural state.

Inner Awakening


Miracles Do Happen!

By Radhika Panikar

Q) For how long have you known Swamiji? How did you first get connected to him?

Q) Nithyanandam! Can you tell us something about yourself? A) I am married and live in Bangalore. I work as a teacher at an alternative school. The school for me is an extension of Swamiji’s teachings and a sacred space for me.

A) I have known Swamiji since 2009. I got connected to him through Ma Priya who is a childhood friend of mine. I was inspired to watch his youtube discourses and found a great connect. There was a big shift happening in my life then and my husband and I had just relocated to Bangalore. I was going through a lot of emotional upheavals. I was always seeking for answers but didn’t know where or how to find them. Then there was a night in my life when I had reached the end of the rope and I was tired. That night my whole being cried out in despair – “there is no God!” My self emptied out. After that there was nothing more to say or do. I just went on with my life - till one day when a miracle happened!

49 It was the night after Ganesh Chaturthi. I dreamt that I was running down a path with many others in great happiness, just as a child would run to play in her parents’ home. That was exactly the feeling I had! No agenda. Just the joy of a child. I felt like I was in a magnetic field and my whole body was tuned to the perfect pitch of happiness. It was just perfect, neither high nor low. Then all of us ran into a hall where at the entrance Swamiji was waiting for us. He said something to all of us, which I couldn’t catch, but I remembered three words – “Come to me!” Then I saw Swamiji appearing and disappearing as he helped many of us get together. I felt so uninhibited and free, and danced joyfully. This feeling of happiness was so fulfilling, that when I woke up, I could still feel it in my skin! This dream shook me up and I wanted to see Swamiji. The first time I saw him was at a program called Kalpataru, where you can ask for any blessing from Swamiji. His compassionate words unlocked many, many blocks within me, and I was in bliss for weeks. This whole experience left me with the realization that life is much bigger than what I thought. I also realized that when somebody truly seeks answers, the universe will answer.

Q) How did the decision to attend IA happen? Inner Awakening was like a distant dream and I always wanted to do it, but the cost and the number of days made me feel that it was an impossibility. Fortunately, when Swamiji announced that a thousand people will attend the next IA, I somehow wanted to do it. It was also the first time I heard Swamiji directly endorsing a program. Somehow I always knew that if I really decided to do whatever I could, nothing could actually stop me.

Q) Did you have any difficulties in coming to the program? If so, how did you resolve them? My mind was the biggest block. I had the money, though it was all hard-earned money. I knew that I was the one blocking me. The Bangalore sangha was also constantly enriching me and giving me confidence. There was a stage when I was in the space of complete bliss and really wanted to do

Inner Awakening the program. It was then that I paid up the money. But after a few days, my mind began to play havoc and I could see it questioning my decision, creating artificial fears in me. Inside, however, I was totally ready for transformation. I had reached a point in my life where I knew I was at a crossroads. Finally, I listened to my inner voice and came to the ashram to attend the program.

Q) Was the actual IA program something unexpected for you? I don’t think one can ever be prepared for Swamiji or Inner Awakening. It is always a surprise. I, however, did not know that I would receive the program so well. It was like Swamiji had prepared the participants to transform. We all had our own individual and unique experiences. I had many, many insightful and surprising moments that were mystical and beautiful.

Q) What, according to you, was the most enriching part of IA? A) The death meditation process was the most transformational. That was the turning point in my life when I felt my body actually releasing all the painful engrams. I dropped my old identity and my Kundalini was awakened. After the IA program I felt a big shift in me. My interactions with my family and colleagues became more authentic and natural. I also felt very energetic and light . I was able to do more activities with more energy. My health has never been better. I am still discovering more and more about myself and others.

Q) What would you say is the one thing you got from IA, that helps you in your life even now, perhaps everyday? After IA I feel like a transformed person from deep within. On an everyday basis I am able to look within and see authentically what space I am carrying and change it if needed. I am learning to create the inner space that I want. I have also noticed that no matter what challenges life throws at me, I am able to respond from a space of powerfulness. When I am falling into powerlessness, I am able to catch myself. I feel stronger and more courageous to take on life!

Inner Awakening


Plan for a Miracle in Your Life!

“Inner Awakening is not a program , it is a tremendous possibility! It is your intimate contact with your highest possibilities. Each moment of Inner Awakening will be a fresh introduction, because life is introducing itself to you every moment! No one can predict what your unique

experience of the program will be, but one thing I can tell you, no one, no one ever returns from

Inner Awakening without glimpsing atleast one dimension of jeevan mukti, living enlightenment.� ~


Get blessings from Nithyananda for your intention to be a part of the Inner Awakening celebration,

and see a miracle happen in your own life! Blessings from a living incarnation have the power to remove every obstacle in your life to pave the way for you to meet your highest possibility.

Visit : Live chat available 24X7 to enrich you. Or Call +91-80-27279999


51 From Nithyananda's "Dial The Avatar" program, which is a part of the Nithya Satsang (daily morning talk), on 31st March, 2013 in the Bidadi Ashram, Bangalore, India


Caller: I have been listening to your satsang everyday. What according to you are the main components of integrity? Nithyananda: Integrity has two components. The first part is whatever word you give to you, you either have to honor it or complete it by withdrawing it. Secondly - whatever word you give to others, you either have to honor it or complete it by withdrawing it. For example, if you have told somebody that you will give them one lakh rupees, you have to honor your words even if feel you have to give up your life for it! However, if for some reason you realize that even if you give up your life you will not be able to give that person one lakh rupees, at least complete it by telling them, ‘I won’t be able to fulfill my word; I am completing it.’ In the same way, every thought you give to you is a word you give to you. If you have told yourself, ‘I will buy a car for myself, lots of clothes, and a big house’, remember that it is a promise you have given to yourself! You have to honor it even by giving your life. If you think you can’t honor it, then you have to complete with yourself. You have to do completion even with yourself.

So bring straightforwardness into any dealing – with yourself, with others, with the world, with God, with the Guru. Be straight and keep your word with integrity.

Caller: But what if others don’t reciprocate in the same way? Nithyananda: Even if others don’t reciprocate, it can’t be the reason for you not doing it! Remember, you are not being integrated for the sake of others. You are doing it for your own enlightenment, your own expansion, your own success, your own victory in life! Others may not need to reciprocate because they are not interested in enlightenment, they are not interested in spirituality, they are not interested in success. You are the one who is interested, so you will have to take up the responsibility of establishing yourself in integrity. But you will find that when you establish yourself in integrity, the world also will start reciprocating!

Nithyananda Gurukul

Gurukul Geniuses Answer the Questions of Children! By Sri Nithya Tattvajananda Maharaj & Ma Nithya Tripurananda, Nithyananda Gurukul

Q1) My friends are feeling happy by hurting and hitting me. I really feel bad. What to do ? First sit with yourself and ask yourself whether, by crying for these small reasons,

you are going to achieve the state of a little avatar. If not, tell yourself to come back to the state of powerfulness by raising yourself from your suffering by yourself! By being powerless, nothing great can be achieved. So with this inspiration, call all the friends who are mean to you. Enrich them by asking, "What is it that makes you happy by making others suffer? Do you want life to be like this?" While enriching your friends, don't get powerless in between, as nothing can be achieved by getting powerless. As you continue enriching, your words become more and more powerful. You yourself will start feeling it, and you will REALLY feel like a little avatar! At the end of your session, give them a nice and sweet hug with the space of compassion. Tell them to commit to not repeating the action, and make sure that you also commit to not becoming powerless again! See, how simple life is!

Q2) I have a deep and very strong stage fear whenever I get up to talk in front of people. In the middle of a performance, I ran off the stage, and then I cried really badly. I want to get out of this. Can you help me? Having fear is nothing but you resisting LIFE out there in front of you! Resisting life itself will get you into further fear, which will only become bigger and bigger. But there is one good thing with fear. Fear is a type of energy which, if you can convert it into something that can enrich you and others, does miracles! So take your mirror out of your locker, look at yourself, and start doing the Svapoornatva kriya. *Svapoornatva kriya is a process for completing with all the negative patterns which you don't like in you. In svapoornatva kriya, you find the first incident of your life when you got into each of these patterns and emotions, and then you complete with each one of them. Sit with yourself at least for 45 minutes and dig deep inside you. Ask yourself, what was the first incident? Maybe when you were 3, you went on stage to tell a rhyme and you messed up. Everyone started laughing and you felt guilty! Remember one thing: once your root pattern has started, you stopped growing! Your body might be ageing, but YOU stopped growing. Once you are done with the Svapoornatva kriya, you will know that you are complete in so many ways. Some people feel light, some feel happy, etc. So you will know when you feel complete. Next time you get onto the stage, just remember that you are a little avatar, ready to enrich the whole world with your performance!

* For instructions on the poornatva and svapoornatva kriyas, please visit our website:







5. Name of the samyama which takes one beyond all the patterns related to food 8. In the Vedic tradition He is worshipped as the lord of time 9. Initiation by an enlightened Master 10. In the vedic tradition the concept of nonduality is famously known as ______ 11. Spiritual technique involving combination of asanas, pranayama, bandha, mudra, mantra and visualizations 12. The process of by which the root pattern loses its power over an individual is known as ______

1. The fourth state of consciousness 2. An enlightened master who lived in Tiruvannamalai 3. The holy hill in the temple town of Tiruvannamalai is famously known as ______ 4. Name of the king from the epic Mahabharata who is considered to be the greatest giver of all times 6. The offering of the sacred bath to Lord Shiva with the chanting of Sri Rudram 7. Sanskrit name for the food which is offered to a deity or a guru during pooja



Creative Juices


I am India! By Sri Nithya Turiyananda Swami

I am the one in your heart of hearts I am the deepest quest thou hast I am the one seen all around and yet unseen I am the space of the farthest vision I am the matter of the subtlest thought I am the water which flows as Ganga I am the soil on which walked a million saints I am the sound of the temple bell I am the incense in the morning air I am the life in the innocent village I am the activity with which the city abounds I am the platform on which civilization arose I am the altar at which humanity was shamed I am the one waiting to be discovered I am the one bestowing boons a dozen I am the the one covered in the dust of time I am the one shining through ages immortal I am the one wounded a million times

Photo: Kumbh Mela, Allahabad, India, 2013 by Arti Agarwal, Bangalore

I am the one who still stands shelter to billions I am the prayer on the lips of every seeker I am the heart which beats in every being I am the one which is lost and forgotten I am the one which is preserved and cherished I am the light which shines past Himalayas I am the darkness of the darkest night I am the essence of all science and knowledge I am the culmination of all work and pain I am the mother of all which is known I am the mother of all yet to be known

I Am India!


Creative Sketch of Paramahamsa Nithyananda by artist "Papergirl" Pamela Yee. Medium: Ink on Canvas

Creative Juices

Nithya Jyotisha (Vedic Astrology)


Design Your Life! For Vedic Moon Signs: Vedic Moon Signs can be found in the birth chart or "kundali" which can be prepared by an astrologer or generated online on a Vedic astrology website By Ma Nithya Chandrananda

A ries moon: A background tension may linger in your mind due to relationship issues, causing some amount of irritation. You may feel that you have to struggle with almost everything in life. Watch the pattern related to this belief! Instead of taking the dynamics of this relationship for granted, it is essential to complete with your possible belief that relationship always leads to dispute, since it is not true! September will be auspicious for all of you involved in business, and it is a good period for people in the investment field. Taurus moon: Your family members may wish to go on a journey together, which will be an exciting time related to religious activities too. Why don't you join useful social services? Your communication skills are good, and you have an innate power of healing that is working through your soothing and wise words born from your completions. Be aware of your kidney health, drink plenty of water. You can implement some active strategies at work that will require a lot of planning on your part. Gemini moon:This time is excellent for students who can really learn to walk their talk, and integrate whatever they are learning in all fields. Your social network brings you happiness and much expansion with plenty of encounters and meetings. Those who are involved in business will find opportunities through their own endeavors. Take special care of your skin's health and glow, by ensuring that you avoid too many oily foods, and drink more water than usual! Cancer moon: It will be good to do some energizing sport or yoga practices to kick a lingering laziness pattern out of your system. You can accomplish quite a bit at work with enthusiasm, and raise your targets by doing so. By determining to authentically stretch your limits , you can taste fair success ahead. Nevertheless, Saturn aspecting the tenth house of this month's horoscope and the Rahu/Ketu transit there may cause certain challenges that you will enjoy taking up! Leo moon: These coming months are the best times to spend in the company of sages and saints. Fulfilment comes from your spiritual growth right now. Focus your interest on spiritual practices and meditation. It is a wonderful and most auspicious time to attend the Inner Awakening program; meeting people of other religions and cultures would be very beneficial for you too, and may possibly connect you to past-life memories and skills. Your career dimension of life is well-connected with Guru, therefore especially graced by it during this period. Virgo moon: Your nervousness can be channeled and released through sharing and communication. September is especially good for all completion techniques. You might have to travel for something related to work or business. Travelling for work will be beneficial for your career, opening up new doors. Be extra aware of your dental health, and skin problems or pimples if you are prone to it. You are advised to keep your surroundings hygienic, and drink plenty of water to encourage a good body cleansing process.


Nithya Jyotisha (Vedic Astrology)

Libra moon: Your inner life is rich and intense with ideas and projects, and you can convey and express it very nicely around you in your profession and your relationships, in a way that will inspire colleagues and your significant other. Choose to do *poornatva (completion) with the people in your field, instead of reacting before thinking. Always remember that unnecessary karma gets created through unconscious conflict management. If you feel there is too much competition around you, look in to find out your root pattern related to this resistance you feel. Scorpio Moon: Career and spiritual life are brought forward this month. Be aware of your dreams and what they bring up to your consciousness. Your social life and networking is busy and counteracts a feeling of loneliness you feel sometimes. This feeling can be overcome when you express love and care to yourself and also your family, so that they connect to you on deeper and more fulfilling levels. Find time for them, put them first, spend some time with your children. Sagittarius moon: Suppressed irritation and impulsive decisions with regard to expenses and family matters may affect you. It's better to avoid any sort of action led by irrational moods during this period. Verbal conflict should be avoided at all times with children and friends. Be aware of the words you use! Finding a balance between your inner space, environment and outer activities is important. Practice intense yoga, jogging or any sport that can help your energies to balance. Capricorn moon: Emphasis should be laid on spiritual progress. You can gain tremendous insights by assessing your patterns and penning down their dynamics in day-to-day life. A lot of understanding will be revealed by writing those negative words, and replacing them with positive words that heal and soothe you to the space beyond words! Only when you move with love towards silence will you find your home inside. Right now, you're living from your mind's perspective. Now, drop into your heart. Move from logic to surrender, do not argue with your higher self. Make yourself empty and know that emptiness is your real nature. Aquarius moon:This period is especially good for meditation and visiting holy places. You remain actionoriented and focus on work and progress in your career parallelly, along with your spiritual aspirations. A lot of inner growth can come to you through your community and local sangha as well. This month offers the opportunity to offer love in all its dimensions - by spending quality time with friends, partners and family, and also through bhakti (devotion) and prayer which deepen your connection with the Master and the whole of existence. Pisces moon: Jupiter's grace is showering on you! When you face some unpleasant situation, you can easily improve it by putting simple effort and thought into it. You will experience that this grace helps you untangle difficulties and incompletions. You will be able to tap into determination and will have the power to achieve with the help of the spiritual knowledge that you have gained. It is up to you to use it for the best purpose in your life right now!

* For instructions on the poornatva and svapoornatva kriyas, please visit our website:

Spiritual Activism


Be a Spiritual Activist! Taken from Nithyananda's Daily Morning Talk (Nithya Satsang) delivered on 5th June, 2013 in Bidadi Ashram, Bangalore, India

"When a person actively participates in actions which enrich others, divine birth happens."

Spiritual Activism means actively understanding, analyzing, realizing, cognizing the way you look at the world itself through a spiritual frame. When a person is able to look at the world through the spiritual frame and can cognize birth, life, death, dhan (wealth), tapah (spiritual discipline), vairagya (non-attachment), maturity and any other concept with spiritual understanding, it is spiritual activism. Looking at the various levels of life with the **four tattvas - integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching people - is spiritual activism. It is about having the right understanding of the four tattvas and enriching others as well. This is the way every dimension of life has to be understood to live in fulfillment.

Mental Birth: When the first root pattern is experienced by a being, the second level of birth known as "mental birth" happens. When the root pattern starts, that is the moment the being starts feeling the individual identity. Unfortunately the first level birth - physical birth starts with deep pain, and the second level birth - mental birth - starts with the lack of integrity, which is the source of all of the troubles people face in their lives. When the root pattern accidentally starts in someone’s life, they continue to have accidents in their life until they are complete with the root pattern.

Understanding the meaning of birth with a spiritual cognition :

Conscious Birth: Only when a person does completion with his root pattern, does the real birth (birth in integrity or conscious birth) happen. Integrity starts in a person when he completes with his root pattern. This space of completion will lead to the state of ‘dvija’ - one who is reborn.

Physical Birth: When the newborn body comes in contact with planet earth, it is just physical birth or biological birth, which is well known to everyone.

Authentic Birth: When a person decides to expand or grow and gains awareness about his possibility, authentic birth happens.

Six Levels of Birth


Spiritual Activism

Born into Maturity: When a person starts taking responsibility for the world, maturity happens. Unfortunately the word "maturity" is always linked to physical growth and living a trendy modern lifestyle. People don’t know that having just the physical maturity alone without the actual mental maturity drives a person into depression. Extensive growth and expansion of life happens to the being who takes responsibility for his life and for others’ lives. Divine Birth: When a person actively participates in actions which enrich others, divine birth happens. Raising oneself to the level of creating a spiritual revolution by reaching out to people, making them understand the benefits of living the lifestyle of spiritual activism based on the four tattvas, is divine birth. For a man who has seen all of the above six births, rebirth will not happen. He will be able to live a life filled with energy without any trace of powerlessness. The space of completion is the space of no rebirth. In the Inner Awakening program, Paramahamsa Nithyananda personally works with participants on all these levels of birth, leading the participants towards completion with their root patterns and achieving the state of divine birth. ** The four tattvas of integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching are the essence of Nithyananda's teachings. For more, see Pg. 3



Sannyas, Adapted from Paramahamsa Nithyananda's teachings

Sannyas has always been the pride of the Vedic tradition, but in recent times sannyas has unfortunately been portrayed in a distorted manner. Sannyas can sometimes be viewed as a restriction and a loss of freedom. The loss of freedom is the reason why most people shudder at the very thought of living the sannyas lifestyle. In truth, sannyas is a new dimension to experience freedom. Sannyas frees you from the wrong ideas of freedom. Freedom has two dimensions - freedom from and freedom for. Whatever society has taught you is only freedom from something or the other. It never taught you what this freedom is for. What are you going to do with your freedom?



Freedom from All Incompletions! Sannyas - The Eternal Vacation! Firstly, sannyas needs to be understood in a new light - the eternal vacation that you are searching for in life cannot be found on any beach, resort or any other place, other than in the space of completion. This is the exact space of a sannyasi. The minute you jump into sannyas, you have left behind all illusions of incompletion.

Sannyas is The Greatest Responsibility Modern society sometimes portrays sannyas as an escape from life, family and social responsibilites. On the contrary, sannyas means taking responsibility for the whole world’s inauthenticity. In your normal life, you need to take responsibility only for yourself and your family, if at all. With sannyas, you replace these smaller responsibilities with the greatest responsibility - the responsibility for the entire Cosmos! If someone feels like going back to their old life after taking sannyas, understand that sannyas has not happened in them. After taking the human form, will you want to go back to a pig’s body? In the same way, once you experience the space of a sannyasi, the desire to go back will never happen in you. If somebody feels like going back, it means they have changed their robe, but not their inner space. Sannyas is a single, conscious decision. You do not need any external support for sannyas. It is not supported by the past or by your prarabdha (the karmas you bring from past lives to be exhausted in this birth)

Sannyas is Freedom From Bondage Sannyas gives you freedom from the patterns creating bondage in you. You will be liberated

from the pseudo ideas of freedom that you are carrying, and find the real inner and outer freedom. I tell you, waking up late in the morning is not real freedom! The ability and ambience to wake up every morning at 4:30 AM and do yoga is real freedom. The very fact that you want to wake up at noon instead shows you are a slave to the pattern of sleeping. Real freedom gives you the ability to sleep for a few hours and still wake up fresh. You will no longer be a slave. Sannyas gives you completion, and the ability to look in and see what space these wants are coming from.

The Ultimate Journey Freedom has to be understood from a different angle - what is your freedom for? Sannyas is living with freedom which is for the right reasons. Freedom to travel the ultimate journey is the real freedom. In India, whether someone is living in a slum, making less than fifty rupees a day, or living in a palace, making fifty crores a day - neither of them have experienced the real freedom required to travel the ultimate journey. Only when you see the miracle of the space you carry in the outer world will you have trust in the inner world. Only then you will trust the **four tattvas. Only when you trust the tattvas, you will go out and enrich others. However, a sannyasi can come to this space immediately because he has faced all his inauthenticities and completed with everything. He does not need proof - his very existence and space is the proof! The very thought of taking up sannyas makes you aware of so many incompletions. Taking up sannyas itself will bring the greatest completion!

** The four tattvas of integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching are the essence of Nithyananda's teachings. For more, see Pg. 3



The Ultimate Completion! By Ma Nithya Achalananda Swamini

I am Ma Nithya Achalananda, a sannyasini of the Nithyananda order. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Electronics Engineering from Bombay University and a Master’s degree in Computer Engineering from The Ohio State University, USA with full fellowship. After my studies, I worked as a senior design and research engineer at Intel Corporation, in USA and India. I joined Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam and took the brahmacharyam vows in 2007, and received poorna sannyas from Paramahamsa Nithyananda on the occasion of Maha Shivaratri in March this year. From my school years, I have been wanting to do something memorable in life which makes me feel fulfilled, and when I leave the planet earth, I would have contributed something to the lives of people. My call was answered by the Divine with the happening of living incarnation Paramahamsa Nithyananda in my life. Sannyas was the answer to my quest for fulfillment!

There are so many beautiful moments of transformation in my sannyas life – some sweet, some shocking! Recently Swamiji has been revealing the truths about the **tattvas, and one day He said, 'You are the source of everything.' The way this truth has landed on my cognition so far is, 'Anything I see outside is a projection of what is happening inside me. The inauthenticity outside is the projection of the inauthenticity I am cherishing inside.’ I could see in the following few days, when I was moving with this cognition, knowingly or unknowingly I attracted similar people and situations where I could see my inauthenticity staring me in the face!

Life teaches us in a number of ways, big and small. A recent example was when I took up an additional responsibility of setting up a Vedic library in the ashram (Vedic monastery). One of my tasks was to ensure that the large number of books we had procured were safe in their current temporary



" ... Anything happening outside that is disturbing you is actually life presenting to you an incompletion you are carrying inside you. Life is not about right and wrong. It is only about completion. "

location. My instinctive cognition about setting up the library originally was, ‘I am not qualified, so I am not interested in this task.’ But I decided, just for a split second maybe, that I will shift my cognition to expansion logic. I got living indication that just shifting the cognition really works, when I posted an online ad for a qualified librarian, and got more than ten good resumes on the first day itself! Also, an agent from a top Indological publisher visited us to supply books for our library. The next day, when I got a chance to brief Swamiji, I shared with Him how amazing it is that all the people whom I interacted with were passionate about their work being of value to Hinduism. Swamiji just cut me short and said, 'It is not about the people out there. It is the space you carry that attracts those kinds of people.' I blurted out, 'But it happened immediately!' Swamiji just smiled and said, 'That is the way it is. If something is not happening, sit 10 minutes and do completion. Then talk to the person again and you will see a different response!' I never believed that completion and the tattvas can have such instantaneous results, that life can be so spontaneous!

Another day, when one of the sanyasis was sharing and completing with his inauthenticities, it left me feeling confused and powerless about myself. My sister sannyasini Ma Nithya Maneeshananda clarified for me that anything happening outside that is disturbing you is actually life presenting to you an incompletion you are carrying inside you. Life is not about right and wrong. It is only about completion. When you see that the space from which you are acting is completion, you will be in high energy.

So I consider this at every moment in life: when we feel we are beaten by people or life, we can look at it with the consideration that life is bringing forth an incompletion to us. Either we can recognize the incompletion and complete ourselves, or if we are unaware of the incompletion, life will happen to present that incompletion before us again and again, so we can complete it! ** The four tattvas of integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching are the essence of Nithyananda's teachings. For more, see Pg. 3

Nirahara Samyama


Freedom from Food!

Adapted from Paramahamsa Nithyananda's teachings

Nirahara Samyama is the science of exploring

and discovering your body’s possibilities by awakening your biomemory which carries the intelligence to produce food directly from the space, sun and air.

All the memories related to your basic habits like the way you respond, the way you like or hate certain things, the way you are addicted or allergic to certain things etc. are recorded in your muscles. That is the reason why when you touch a live wire even by mistake, your body jumps out automatically. Medically you may call it ‘instinct’, but that component which has the basic survival instinct and the basic knowledge needed to run this life is called as muscle memory. There are also higher intelligences which you gathered in your past lives, like the ability to fly like a bird, swim like a fish, live underwater and produce food directly from the air and the sun. All these abilities or powers are in your biomemory in a dormant state, and just need to be awakened by the proper techniques and processes to manifest in you. There are two important sacred secrets you

should know. The first is that your body does not need the quantity of food you take in. Almost everyone eats much more than the quantity of food actually required by their body. The second secret is - and this may be much more difficult for you to digest - your body does not even need food to live! Food is simply one of the powerful collective delusory patterns (also called as ‘maaya’). The problem is that food is a sensitive component of human life - it is considered as a symbol of love and prestige. The reason why such variety of food is shared sumptuously in all family and social gatherings is because food is associated with love. It

is so unfortunate that feeding is shown as a symbol of love! Secondly, food is equated with prestige. Often all our pleasures are just to prove our powerfulness: for example some people serve fifty food items in a party just to show others how well off they are. Most of the times, with the food

patterns, hundreds of other patterns are associated. Every one of you will carry some kind of incompletions with food which need to be completed. Nirahara Samyama is the space for completing all your patterns with food and awakening your extraordinary biomemory - the ability to produce food directly from space, ether and air. To make you settle down with the ways of the society, the first fear created in you is food. It is food, which is the first and foremost pattern and incompletion which you will be suffering from. In Nirahara Samyama, you will start doing completion for all the food related incompletions you carry in your life. At the same time, the Nirahara Samyama kriya will awaken your biomemory to produce food directly from space.

Nirahara Samyama is not fasting. Initially only

solid food is removed from your life. You are brought to a liquid diet. Then, slowly the liquid is reduced and you are medically observed. After thorough medical observation, say six months, you are allowed to live as a nirahari and initiated into nirahara. Slowly training your biomemory to produce the energy directly from the space and liberating you from all the patterns you created around food is the purpose of Nirahara Samyama. When you enter into the space of nirahara, not only will you be able to go beyond food, but your consciousness will also rise to the next level.

Nirahara Samyama


A SIMPLE Life! I am initiated by Paramahamsa Nithyananda

into the science of Nirahara. My only consumption now is water, light soups, buttermilk, kanji, juices etc. The ultimate goal is to evolve towards consuming only water and thereafter to fully allow the body to use only prana (life force energy) from space.

After seven months of being a Nirahari I got some blood tests done, in order to check what it looks like when prana takes care of my body. Today I received the results. The doctor informed me, that all the values are super: sugar, iron, kidneys, cholesterol level, adrenal gland is fat-free, iron value is 20. “Everything is super�, she said. In the past, I used to donate blood regularly, but several times due to low iron levels I was not allowed to. Now after living on prana, all values including iron have come to their original state of balance, restoring perfect health. Needless to say, I also feel energetic


healthy. I sleep no more than 4 hours a day, performing a lot of intellectual and physical work, even doing yoga. However this proof from the medical field is important for those who may have doubts about Nirahara Samyama, and whether the body can really sustain itself on prana.

I no longer run my life for buying food, so my

motivation for work has taken a turn towards enjoying my work for a change. I have found the right balance between working and fulfilling my other hobbies, creative skills, and discovering my inner potential. I am finally feeling fulfilled and enriched. I am no longer a slave to work, and not running away from life either. I no longer spend the whole day working and hating it, instead my work has started enriching those involved in it. At 58, I have finally started living and enjoying the experience of life.

Another natural side effect of practicing

Nirahara is that fear, uncertainty and greed have disappeared from my system. The urge to possess things from the external world, accumulation of money, goods, and the madness of consumerism luring people to satisfy the lower pleasures just disappears.

Man is by nature meant to be simple and

blissful, not constantly manipulated and stressed over money and belly. No one can manipulate happy people, and life as a Nirahari will show everyone how very limited the social idea of happiness is in the first place.

Embracing Nirahara as a lifestyle is a concrete,

effective and visible action that has the power to raise the consciousness mankind lives in. It is like a small stone thrown from the top of a snowy mountain that launches an avalanche of tremendous, superconscious power that can only do good for us and those around us. This avalanche can destroy the outdated, hardened patterns of the world and its false order - patterns that are suffocating our innate connection with God, and the divine nature within us.

I don’t know about you, but I certainly cherish

the most sophisticated mechanism in the universe, the human body, and that is why I have chosen to allow it to thrive on pure prana, the life force that is our birthright. Thank God no one has yet thought of bottling prana and selling it!

By Mirjana Brickweg (Ma Nithya Guruswathikananda) Entrepreneur & Event Organizer Rijeka, Croatia

Vedic Renaissance


THE Samyama

Beyond Fasting & Feasting! “Yogis have for centuries lived

without food, gaining health, longevity, energy & higher consciousness. Now is your time to learn”

~ Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Upcoming Program Dates: From 27th September , 2013, Bidadi Ashram, Bangalore, India

To know more about ‘the samyama’ visit Email: Paramahamsa Nithyananda has initiated hundreds of ‘Nirahaaris’ around the world who live healthy lives without solid food.


Photo: Dakshinamurthy Shrine in Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam, Bidadi, Bangalore. Lord Dakshinamurthy is worshiped as an manifestation of Lord Shiva.


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