Nithyananda Times - August, 2013

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Cover Photo: Paramahamsa Nithyananda offering pooja to the sacred 21 ft tall A nanda Linga in the Bidadi A shram, Bangalore, India To know more about the ananda linga, please visit:

33 The Four Tattvas (Principles): The Essence of Paramahamsa Nithyananda's Teachings

CONTENTS Volume 2, Issue 8, August, 2013

Who is Nithyananda: About Swami Nithyananda ... 6 My Dear Ones: Message from Swami Nithyananda ... 7 Life Strategy: The Art of Facing Your Fears ... 8, 9 Yoga & Kriya: What Space are You In? ... 10, 11 Yoga & Kriya: Kriya for Heart Diseases ... 12, 13 Siddha & Ayurveda: Sneha Abhyanga ... 14, 15 In the Life of Nithyananda: The Story of Nithyananda's Enlightenment ... 16-18 Vedic Renaissance: Rudrabhishekam ... 19 Vedic Renaissance: Guru Poornima ... 20, 21 Short Reads: Discover What Controls Your Life ... 22, 23 Science Meets Spirituality: Change the Blueprint of Your Life ... 24 - 26 Newsboard: Rebuilding Lives ... 29 - 31 Be Unclutched: Let Unclutching Grow on You ... 32, 33 Conscious Living: Say NO to Powerlessness! ... 34 - 37 Beyond Mind: Manipuraka Shuddhi Kriya ... 38, 39 Nithya Jyotisha: The Wisdom of Guru ... 40, 41 Nithyananda Vedic Temples: Nithyananda Vedic Temple, San Jose, CA, USA ... 42 - 44 Vedic Renaissance: Tanjore Temple, the Peak of Possibility! ... 46, 47 Short Reads: Nothing Called "Impossible" ... 48, 49 Inner Awakening: My Encounter with Life! ... 50 - 52 Inner Awakening: Glimpses from Inner Awakening ... 54, 55 Tirtha: Kailash ... 56, 57 Spiritual Activism: Why Spiritual Activism? ... 58, 59 Nithya Jyotisha: Create Your Future! ... 60, 61 Sanyas: Sanyas, the Lifestyle of Freedom! ... 62, 63 Samyama: My Haemoglobin and Fulfillment Shot Up by Doing Nirahara Samyama! ... 65 Vedic Renaissance: Ek Mukhi (One Facet) Rudraksha ... 66



Nithyananda Times Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2013 Owned by: EN Galleria Private Limited Published By: Sri Nithya Pranananda Swami Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam, Kallugopahalli, Off Mysore Road, Bidadi Bangalore - 562 109 Phone: 7200003322 / + 80 28022101 Printed By: Print-O-Graph Total Print Solution #97, Sultanpet, Bangalore - 53 Phone: +91-802877398, 22259891 Editor Valli Ramanathan E-mail Website Subscription Rates One year (12 issues): Rs 350/= Two Years (24 issues): Rs 700/= Three Years (36 issues): Rs 1050/= Four Years (48 issues): Rs 1400/= To subscribe online visit Disclaimer The meditation techniques included in this magazine are to be practiced only under the direct supervision of an ordained teacher of Nithyananda Mission (NM) and in consultation with your personal physician to determine your fitness and ability to do the techniques. They are not intended to be a substitute for medical attention, examination, diagnosis or treatment. If someone tries these techniques without prior participation in the meditation programs of NM and without the direct supervision of an ordained teacher of NM, they shall be doing so entirely at their own risk; neither the author, nor the publisher nor NM shall be responsible for the consequences of their actions. Š2013 eN Galleria Private Limited All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. In the event that you use any of the information in this book for yourself, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for our actions.


Paramahamsa Nithyananda is a global leader in the science of enlightenment and the founder of Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam. Coronated as the 293rd pontiff of the world’s most ancient Hindu organization, the Madurai Aadheenam, Nithyananda is revered as a living avatar (divine incarnation) by millions worldwide. The oldest apex body of Hinduism coronated him as one of their 44 spiritual heads in the 2013 Maha Kumbh. He has been honored with the title of “Mahamandaleshwar of Maha Nirvani Peeth”. He is the most-watched spiritual teacher on with more than 16 million views, and the author of more than 300 books published in 27 global languages. A spiritual genius with an enlightened insight into everything from management to meditation, from relationships to religion, and from success to spirituality, Nithyananda brings to us a wealth of practical wisdom, meditation techniques, kriyas and tools for lasting inner transformation. A trained yogi, a powerful spiritual healer and a siddha (mystic), Paramahamsa Nithyananda is working actively with scientists and researchers worldwide to decode the mystical yogic sciences of the East, including levitation, teleportation and manifestation (materialization). When Paramahamsa Nithyananda ascends the traditional seat of deeksha daana (initiation) every morning and starts his Nithya satsang (discourse), thousands of people from over 30 countries participate live via 2-way video conferencing, while thousands view it live on Nithyananda TV.


My Dear Ones, Master is a new possibility happening in your life. He is a new language. He is a new energy. Sometimes I have seen people talking to each other and saying, ‘Why do we need a Guru? Why do we need a Master?’ Yes, you don’t need a Master if you are just going to eat and die. You need a Master only when you want to achieve something extraordinary. The guy who doesn’t have eyes, who is born blind, can never understand what he is missing. Can you explain how the ocean will look? Can you explain how the Himalayas will be? How much ever people with eyes try to explain to him, a blind person will never understand what he is missing. I tell you, a man who has never experienced a Guru in his life will never understand what he is missing in life. A Master is a new language in your being. He is a new consciousness in your being. He is a new being in your life. Because the Sun never dies, every new day is born. Because the Master never loses the inspiration, every new possibility for restarting is available for disciples. The Sun which does not die, restarts your day. The Master who never loses inspiration, restarts your inspiration.

Be Blissful!

Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Spiritual Founder of Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam

Life Strategy

The Art of Facing Your Fears Adapted from Paramahamsa Nithyananda's teachings

Everyone Wants a Fear-Free Life! Fear is the running thread of the lives of most people. Without realizing, most people are only operating from fear or greed in every big and small decision of their lives. Be it the fear of losing their job, their wealth, their reputation, their girlfriend, or the fear of public speaking, most decisions taken by people are taken from fear. Unfortunately, people go on taking decisions based on fear because they do not know how to go beyond fear. No one wants to have fear, but they don’t know how to let go of the fears they are already having.

The “Yes” and “No” Loop In an effort to let go of the fear, there is a continuous struggle inside. The struggle is the conflict between saying a “Yes” and a “No” to the fear. For example, the fear of losing wealth. When someone faces that fear, they don’t need to start believing that they will lose all their wealth one day, but that is what they do. In an attempt to face the fear, people argue with themselves. They tell themselves, “Alright, now I lost my wealth, now what can be done? Let me face what happens when I lose my wealth.” Then, one part of them feels convinced that they really will lose their wealth, and immediately, they argue back, saying, “No, no! How can I live like this? What is this? Why am I thinking all this?” So now, they are caught



Life Strategy between whether they are going to accept that they are going to lose the wealth one day, or to just suppress the fear and tell themselves, “No, I am not going to lose! I am not going to lose! I am not going to lose!” Even when they say that they are not going to lose the wealth, their own hearts do not completely believe it. They are caught in an endless loop of “Yes” and “No”!

Find the Root of the Fear In actuality, every fear has a root, a beginning. No one is born with their fears. They pick it up during the course of their lives. To go beyond any fear, the root of the fear needs to be found. The fear does not have to be denied or accepted, but rather, its root needs to be dug out. Once the person becomes aware of the root of the fear, he needs to complete with that root incident. For example, for someone having a fear of public speaking, they need to trace back when was the first time they experienced the fear, or when was the first time they had an unpleasant experience with public speaking. In reality, the fear of public speaking is nothing but the fear of talking to one’s own self. So, when the root incident of when the fear started is found, the person needs to complete with that incident, and with his own self. This will heal and remove the fear from him. No arguments about the fear will arise, because the fear itself will lose its power over the person.

Integrity, the Key Sometimes, people keep struggling with their fears without being able to find the root of the fears. To be able to go to the root of a fear, integrity in thinking is a must. When someone thinks with integrity, they are able to catch the thoughts that cross their mind, and hence, catch the original incidents of when a fear started. Integrity brings awareness in the entire thinking process. Otherwise, the mind is just a football being tossed around from one thought to the other. With integrity in thinking, the root of every fear can be found. Once completed, the person not only becomes free of the fear, he can also help others overcome their fears!

With integrity in thinking, the root of every fear can be found.


Yoga & Kriya

What Space Are You In? By Rishi Nithya Mitrananda

sufferings in our life, what takes us away from the space of yoga.

The Inner Space heard or thought about the “space” you are in? You may think about the physical space, like living in a city, in nature, in a house or an apartment. Here we are talking about a different space, the inner space, the space you can create within you for life to manifest as a reality.

Have you ever

Nithyananda Yoga is about creating your inner space consciously. The truth is that the space you create inside you is how life will appear for you.

Paramahamsa Nithyananda

explains a

deep secret of yoga: when you move your

body with any thought, intention or inner space, that space will get registered in your muscle memory, in your physical reality. Life will bring forth this reality for you.

Body is a Reflection of Your Space Your body, your outer space is a pure

reflection of your inner space. When you feel angry, your body boils with anger. When you are in fear, your body trembles in fear. When you feel lust, your body responds to the lust. One single thought is enough to activate your whole biology. your inner space is filled with unconscious thoughts and patterns, you will not even know why you act the way you act. It will be an automatic response to life from the limited cognition of the deep thought patterns rooted in your mind. This is the cause of all


Spontaneous Disappearance of Mental Patterns Nithyananda Yoga is the space where

you are free of patterns, where you are a spontaneous expression of the life energy that oozes through you. This is what Patanjali means by “Yogaha Chitta Vritti Nirodaha” in his second sutra (techniques) in the Patanjali Yoga Sutras. Yoga is the spontaneous disappearance of mental patterns. So, freeing ourselves from the root patterns we carry is the space of yoga.

During the yoga practice, deep breathing

and asanas (posture), you continuously tense and relax the muscles, joints, nerves and every organ in your body. When you do these physical movements, you create the same space physically. New cells are born every moment. That new body is going to be a direct reflection of the inner space you carry. In that moment, if you inner space if filled with patterns like anger or worry even on the subtlest level, you are going to fill your body with the same patterns, allowing them to grow deeper roots. You may feel good for some time after the yoga class, but the moment someone steps on your toe, the same anger will come out.

Create a New Space example, if someone’s root pattern is that "I am not good enough", every time they move their body there will be more of this


11 thought filling their muscle memory. After 100 times of repeating this thought in their inner space, this is going to be their very biomemory, at the DNA level. They are going to see, feel and experience more and more of "I am not good enough" in life.

Yoga & Kriya it with a new cognition of expansion and feel fulfilled and free. Do you want a limiting space to see more of the same experiences in your life, or create a free space for expansion to happen? The conscious choice is yours. It is a simple decision, a cognitive shift.

You have a choice: You can create a

limiting space filled with root patterns, or fill

Radiate the Space of Nithyananda Yoga do not simply move the body to achieve a particular pose, or breath. We move the body from a base of completion, where you are no more slave to your mental patterns. With this cognitive shift, your biology and your muscles start expressing and radiating the space of positivity, possibility, leadership and enlightenment.

In Nithyananda Yoga, we


does this look like in the real world?

Our physical bodies glow with life force, our relationships reflect true intimacy, our bank accounts are pouring riches, and our outlook on life is inspiring us to enrich and improve others’ lives to this same optimal standard of living. When these holistic results are radiating from the new found you, you are in the space of Nithyananda Yoga.

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Yoga & Kriya

Kriya for Heart Diseases Kriya Given by Nithyananda on 3rd November, 2011, in Bidadi Ashram, Bangalore, India "Cardiovascular disease" is the name given to any of a number of diseases that affect the heart itself and/ or the vascular system, especially the blood vessels leading to and from the heart. Apart from congenital heart diseases, in which the person is born with the heart disease, the most common types of acquired heart disease are coronary artery disease (CAD) and congestive heart failure (CHF). CAD and CHF are caused by high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, obesity and hereditary factors. Some of the symptoms of heart diseases are pain in the chest, shortness of breath, palpitations, swelling of feet or legs, weakness and cyanosis (skin turning a blue colour). However, it is important to know that often a person can have a heart disease and not feel sick.

Instructions Step 1: Bhujangasana

>>Lie flat on the stomach with legs straight, feet together and soles of the feet facing upward >>Place the palms of the hands flat on the floor, below and slightly to the side of the shoulders >>The fingers should be together and pointing forward >>The arms should be positioned so that the elbows point backward and are close to the sides of the body >>Rest the forehead on the floor and close the eyes >>Relax the whole body, especially the lower back >>Slowly raise the head, neck and shoulders >>Straightening the elbows, raise the trunk as high as possible >>Use the back muscles more than the arm muscles (Be aware of using the back muscle first while starting to raise the trunk. Then use the arm


muscle to raise the trunk further and arch the back) >>Tilt the head backward, so that the chin points forward and the back of the neck is gently compressed >>In the final position, the pubic bone remains in contact with the floor and the navel is raised a maximum of 3 cm (if the navel is raised too high, the bend tends to be in the knees and not in the back) >>The arms may or may not be straight >>Hold the final position for 60 seconds >>To return to the starting position, slowly bring the head forward, release the upper back by bending the arms. Lower the navel, chest, shoulders and finally the forehead to the floor >>Relax the lower back muscles

Step 2: In Bhujangasana, Uddiyana Bandha

>>Get into Bhujangasana

13 >>Exhale completely >>Without inhaling, contract the bowels equably above and below the navel towards the back, so that the abdominal viscera may touch the back >>Hold as long as possible judiciously >>Release the pose while inhaling slowly and rest the forehead on the ground >>Do this for 21 times

Step 3: In Bhujangasana, Jalandhar Bandha

>>Get into Bhujangasana >>Inhale fully >>Place the chin on the chest and contract the throat >>Hold as long as possible judiciously >>Release the pose and the throat lock while exhaling slowly >>Rest with the forehead on the ground for a moment >>Do this 21 times

Step 4: Bhadrasana

>>Bring the sole of the feet

Yoga & Kriya together, and place the heels crosswise under the genitals >>Take hold of the toes with the hands >>Fix the gaze on the tip of the nose >>Stay in this posture for 3 minutes

Step 5: In Bhadrasana, Sheethali Pranayama

>>Continue to sit in Bhadrasana >> Close the eyes and relax the whole body >> Extend the tongue outside the mouth and roll the sides of the tongue up so that it forms a tube >> Inhale slowly through the tongue and fill the abdomen slowly >> At the end of inhalation, roll the tongue in, close the mouth swallow the whole air and retain >> Exhale slowly through the nose >> Do this 21 times

Step 6: In Bhadrasana, Sheetkari Pranayama


Press the lower and upper teeth together and separate the lips as much as comfortable >> Breathe in slowly through the gaps of the teeth >> Listen slowly to the sound of the breath as the air is being drawn in >> Close the mouth at the end of the inhalation >> Hold as long as you can >>Exhale slowly through the nose >> Do this 21 times


Siddha & Ayurveda

Sneha Abhyanga By Ma Nithya Arunananda

Sneha Abhyanga Sneha Abhyanga (anointing the body with oil)

is an ancient Indian Ayurvedic oil massage therapy for healing and detoxifying the body and mind. Abhyanga has been practiced for thousands of years to maintain health, excellent sleep patterns and increase longevity, and also as a therapeutic procedure for many disorders. Abhyanga can be easily incorporated into the daily routine by almost anyone.

that enhance circulation. Abhyanga works along the energy channels of our body in a synchronized manner to restore the flow of vital energy, prana, where it has become blocked. Lymphatic stimulation with ayurvedic herbal oils helps squeeze out toxic accumulation from channels. These herbal infused oils focus on detoxifying the body and eliminating the stored up cellular waste which precipitates into diseases.


The Sanskrit word 'sneha' can be translated as both ‘oil’ and ‘love’. Abhyanga comes from two words, ‘abhi’ and ‘anga’, meaning gentle movements over body parts. Like the experience of being loved, abhyanga can give a deep feeling of stability and warmth. Sneha is subtle; this allows the oil/love to pass through minute channels in the body and penetrate deep layers of tissue.

Abhyanga is recommended for everyone as a daily ritual, but it is especially needed if someone’s routine demands a lot of physical activities like standing, walking, traveling or mental activities like talking, studying, and so on, or when one is stressed out, anxious or afraid.

Skin is the largest organ of our body. It produces naturally occurring anti-depressants, anti-cancerous and anti-aging substances as well as hormones

Sneha Abhyanga,

Why You Need Sneha Abhyanga

• Rejuvenates entire body, delaying aging • Relieves fatigue, promotes deeper sleep


• Enhances complexion and lustre of skin • Removes facial wrinkles and stiffness of neck and

jaw • Makes hair grow luxuriantly thick, soft and glossy • Stimulates internal organs and circulation • Lubricates and imparts firmness to limbs and joints • Coarseness, stiffness, fatigue and numbness of feet are alleviated • Bestows good vision and soothes and invigorates the sense organs • Corrects any digestion related problem and variations in blood pressure

What Oils are to Be Used? Sesame is considered to be the ‘king of oils’ and

it is the preferred choice of oil because it is inherently warming. For increasing strength and stamina, Ashwagandha Oil or the Ksheerabala oil are the best.

For joint pain or weakness, Mahanarayan Oil made from over 30 herbs is recommended. Following this with a warm bath of 1/3 cup baking soda and 1/3 cup ginger powder can further enhance the effects.

Applying Bhringaraj oil or Brahmi oil to scalp

and soles of feet at bedtime reduces excess heat in the body and mind and encourages sound sleep. If medicated oils are not available, olive oil or coconut oil can also be used for abhyanga. If someone spends

Siddha & Ayurveda

a lot of time in the hot sun, Neem oil can be added to the basic abhyanga oil used.

How to Practice Sneha Abhyanga?

• Take around 20 ml of oil in a steel bowl. Make sure

the oil is not rancid. • Place the oil bowl in a pan of hot water until the oil is pleasantly warm. Do not heat the oil directly. • Sit or stand comfortably in a warm room, on a towel or a carpet. Make sure you’re protected from any wind, during and after abhyanga. • Massage the oil into your entire body, beginning with extremities and working toward the middle of the body. Use long strokes on the limbs and circular strokes on the joints. Massage the abdomen and chest in broad, clockwise, circular motions. On the abdomen, follow the path of the large intestine by moving up on the right side of the abdomen, then across, then down left. • Give a little extra time and attention to massaging the scalp, ears and feet. Apply oil to the crown of your head (adhipati marma – a pressure point according to Ayurveda) and work slowly out from there in circular strokes. Put a few drops of warm oil into the opening of the ear canal using the little finger tip. Use the palms of your hands to massage the soles of your feet with a firm pressure, taking care to get in between the toes. • Enjoy a warm bath after a 15-minute massage.


In the Life of Nithyananda

The Story of Nithyananda's Enlightenment Adapted from Paramahamsa Nithyananda's teachings

Listening to the Words of a Master Nithyananda’s first experience of enlightenment happened when he was between eleven and twelve years old, on the day of paurnami, or full moon. It all started when Nithyananda went to listen to Annamalai Swamigal, an enlightened being who was a disciple of Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi. There were a few seekers sitting around him, listening to the spiritual truths he was sharing. From these truths, Nithyananda understood

one thing: “We are not the body. There is no pain or suffering for us”. This really surprised Nithyananda, because he had seen children cry when they were beaten, although he had never been beaten himself. This was the beginning of Nithyananda’s search. Even though he didn’t understand what Annamalai Swamigal said, he was in the pure space of listening, so whatever he had said was intensely working on him.

Sri Ramakrishna says, “An oyster has to receive rain showers during Swaati Nakshatra, and catch that drop of water. Then the oyster goes into the ocean and processes


In the Life of Nithyananda that drop of water, which eventually becomes a pearl.” Because Nithyananda was in the pure space of listening, he could receive the words from the Master and they could work on him to bring out the pearl of enlightenment one and a half years later.

Experimenting with the Truths Although Nithyananda was in the pure space of listening, he was not capable of cognizing what he had heard. If he was, he would have become enlightened right at that moment. But since he wasn’t capable of cognizing what Annamalai Swamigal had said, he only listened. However, because his listening was so pure, the words were working intensely on him. He was possessed by those words! Whatever he was doing physically, the words were working on him.

After a lot of contemplation, Nithyananda decided to experiment on himself to see if he experienced pain or not. He picked up his father’s razor and cut himself on the thigh. He made a very deep and long cut, which later required thirteen stitches. At the time, Nithyananda didn’t have any technique to go beyond pain and he had not experienced enlightenment either, so when the blood started gushing out, he was shaken.

Self Inquiry After a few days, Nithyananda approached Annamalai Swamigal again to ask him why he had said that there is no pain or suffering. Annamalai Swamigal laughed and told Nithyananda, “You have not understood what I said, but your attitude of experimenting is a great quality, you should hold on to it and you will achieve the ultimate". This conversation did not satisfy Nithyananda. He said he need not have gone through this suffering if Annamalai Swamigal had uttered these words before he had cut himself. Annamalai Swamigal just said, “You will understand when the time comes, don’t worry.”

He gave Nithyananda one last teaching. He said, “Find out WHO has the feeling that there is pain or suffering”. For Nithyananda, these words were an initiation. During his free moments, he would sit and contemplate, “WHO is feeling the pain in me?” This self enquiry was done by Nithyananda when he was ten years old, and he was practising it without even knowing he was practising it. About a year and a half later, he had his first experience of enlightenment.

360 Degree Vision He went to the foothills of Arunachala Hill in the evening, where there is a coral hillock called Pavazha Kundru. It is on the same rock that Devi Parvati did tapas and became enlightened, so it is a very powerful space and has a profound connection with spiritual energy. He was practising the same technique of self enquiry and asking himself, “Who am I? Who is having the experience of pain and suffering?”


In the Life of Nithyananda

Between sunset and moonrise, Nithyananda experienced a sudden revelation. His eyes were closed, and he suddenly knew who the experiencer was. He felt alive and being present to everything. He could literally see everything with a 360 degree vision. He could see the temple on one side, the tree on the other and every plant and stone around. He was able to see the whole at a time, simultaneously, and without opening his eyes.

Achieving the Ultimate When he understood, he was able to see and feel everything. In the same way one feels powerfully alive in his own skin and can feel it when someone else touches him, Nithyananda felt powerfully alive with everything - the plants, the hill, the stones. For about an hour and a half, his body did not move. When it was later in the

evening, he slowly descended from the hill and even though it was dark, he did not need light to see. He felt this way for two and a half days. He could see and feel everything as his own presence.

Because Nithyananda was in completion, the words of Annamalai Swamigal entered his being. Because of his integrity, the words were continuously working on him. When Nithyananda cut himself, he was stretching himself to the truth, he was acting from authenticity. He took the responsibility to find the root source of who was feeling the pain and suffering. Nithyananda’s enlightenment experience is a reflection of the power of the four tattvas (principles) - just by living them in a state of completion and in the space of pure listening, one can directly achieve enlightenment itself.

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Vedic Renaissance

Rudrabhishekam Adapted from Paramahamsa Nithyananda's teachings

Lord Shiva is an embodiment of the four tattvas

(principles). He is pure, intense life energy. The Shiva linga - or the aroop roopa (formless form) of Shiva signifies the tattva of responsibility and leadership in the formless form of Shiva. The Shiva linga has four parts – the base, which is like a frustum of a cone, represents the tattva of integrity. The part above that which is a mirror image of the base represents the tattva of authenticity. The baana or the column represents responsibility, and the yoni peetha or the gomukha from where the water falls off, represents enriching.

The first Shiva linga was the Arunachala hill, which

was created when Shiva emerged as a column of light shaft, out of the consciousness of responsibility. Lord Brahma represents integrity and Lord Vishnu represents authenticity and expansion. When there was a clash between Lord Brahma and Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva emerged as a shaft of light, taking responsibility for their inauthenticity. The Skanda purana explains how Lord Brahma and Lord Vishnu had been fighting for years, because of which the world was getting destroyed. Lord Shiva emerged and said – “Who amongst you sees either my feet or my head, my beginning or my end, is dear to me.” In the end, when neither of them succeeded, Lord Shiva made them realize their inauthenticity. Thus, peace in the cosmos was restored. When Lord Shiva took the responsibility,

He became the leader for Lord Brahma and Lord Vishnu.

Even though Lord Shiva was not the reason for the fight between them, He took responsibility for it. There are many situations, where someone may not be the reason for the conflict, but if he or she takes responsibility for the situation, immediately they will be able to be successful in it. Unfortunately, when in conflict, people are not able to take responsibility, whereas that is the time when they need to take responsibility. At this time, some external force is needed to raise their inner space. Worshiping Lord Shiva is nothing but connecting

to His energy, which directly infuses the space of responsibility in the worshiper, and makes leadership happen in the person offering the worship. When someone worships Lord Shiva in the form of a Shiva linga in the Rudrabhishekam, they are connecting with divine energy of Lord Shiva, which will give the worshiper the clarity to resolve the conflict by taking responsibility and create life as he or she wants. Rudrabhishekam is one perfect way of taking control over situations in life and completing conflicts in life. Shiva linga is an embodiment of the whole, and human beings are parts of the whole. When someone connects with the Whole, any of the incompletions they may have get fulfilled because of the totality of the Whole.


Vedic Renaissance

Guru Poornima 22nd July, 2013

Master, a Possibility A Master is a new possibility happening in a person’s life. He is a new language, knowledge and consciousness in their being. One doesn’t need a master if they are just going to eat and die. They need a Master only when they want to achieve something extraordinary! A Master goes on rekindling the inspiration in a person, reawakening the possibilities in them and reaffirming their strength. Even if a person gives up on himself, the Master does not give up on him. Sometimes, even if one gives up on the master, he does not give up on them. The first ape which started walking with two feet showed this possibility to other apes. In the same way, the human being who has realized himself as a divine being shows the rest the same possibility. The Master is much closer to his disciple than the disciple is to himself. He knows the disciple more than the disciple knows himself. He even loves the disciple more than the disciple loves himself. He can sacrifice for the disciples more than they can sacrifice for themselves. He is a new possibility in their lives. The man who doesn’t have eyes, who is born blind, can never understand what he is missing. How much ever people with eyes try to explain to him, he will never

understand what he is missing. This holds true even for those who don’t have enlightened masters in their lives. It is an experience to be experienced.

Guru Poornima is the Master’s Day. It is the day devotees remember, revere, respect and re-dedicate their beings to the sadguru or the Master. It is the day they express gratitude for the very presence of the cosmos in their lives.

The Full Moon of the Guru Guru Poornima translates to ‘The Full Moon of the Guru’. It is a precious opportunity to open one’s self again to the guidance of the Guru. This is the auspicious day when the Guru receives his devotees into his compassion and wipes out even the most terrible karmas of lifetimes with his unconditional grace. Devotees may place any fears, doubts, sorrows, or desires at the Guru's lotus feet on this day and in return, they receive abhaya (fearlessness) and varada (grace). This simple act of offering gratitude is said to burn the accumulated karma of many lives. Just like sunlight can burn a piece of paper if placed under a magnifying glass, one’s karmas can get burnt away in the presence


Vedic Renaissance

Adapted from Paramahamsa Nithyananda's teachings of an enlightened Master who is the bridge between them and the universal consciousness that is called God! It is said that whatever good we offer to the divine comes back to us thousand fold. This offering to the Guru is called bhiksha. It may be anything, some service, cash or kind. The material gifts one gives are

Marking the Beginning of the Vrata To mark the beginning of the vrata, an energized thread is tied on the right hand wrist after making a 'sankalpa' or resolution. This is usually done after performing Guru Puja (offering to the enlightened Master) at

symbolic of the 'ahamkara' (ego) of the disciple; which

the temple or Satsang Center or even at one's home.

is the only thing the Guru asks for - the limited identity

From the day of the resolution to the day of meeting

of the disciples, so they may leave it behind and grow

Swamiji, or offering at his Padukas, following are the

into the limitlessness of the Supreme. In the external

spiritual practices given by the Guru to prepare the

act of placing what one considers important to oneself

body and mind to welcome the Master into one's life.

at the Guru's feet, the devotee gives a bit of one's self to a higher source,

At the End of the Vrata

Jivanmukti Vrata - The Living

The observant carries two items which make the 'Guru

Enlightenment Resolution

even in their own house.

Popularly known as 'Guru Mudi', the Jivanmukti Vrata (the living enlightenment resolution) is a set of simple techniques that we can voluntarily follow for 21 days. These spiritual practices purify one's energy at all levels and prepare one to meet with an enlightened Master's

Mudi' and offers it to Swamiji either at the ashram or

• An unbroken coconut (representing the ego) and, • Uncooked, plain brown rice (representing the seeds of karma)

• These two are tied to the two ends of a clean, dry, white cotton cloth. This is carried on the head when offering to Swamiji or his Padukas.

energy. The Jivanmukti Vrata is done not only to get the

• The thread that was tied when taking the 'sankalpa'

grace of Guru but also to observe gratitude to the gifts

(resolution), is offered at Swamiji's feet when offering

received from the Master.

the 'Guru Mudi '

Short Reads

Discover What Controls Your Life! Adapted from Paramahamsa Nithyananda's teachings

The Root Cause of Behavior All human beings need to know why they behave the way they behave, what drives them to do the things they do. Whatever their profession, whatever attitudes they react with, the cause is always the same: their root pattern is responsible for everything in their lives.

The first strong experience that shocks every human being in early life, which influences them to continue the same behaviors, is called the "root thought pattern".

Once this pattern takes root in people, their growth stops. Only the pattern continues to grow. Unfortunately it becomes so much a part of their identity that people do not realize that it is something separate from them. It becomes the master, directing every decision and causing imbalance and suffering. At times, people even enjoy this suffering because they feel it is a challenge to face, justifying their worthiness. People may create a foolish difficulty and call it “adventure�, to show that they are brave or clever.

Complete the Pattern to Reclaim Energy When a water pond becomes covered with plants, the plants grow so thickly that the water cannot be seen. That is how the root thought pattern covers the consciousness. Once the pattern is cleared, the consciousness can be discovered! Even basic behaviors such as attention need are actually root thought patterns.



Short Reads

Every effort in life - to earn money, to form relationship - are driven only by root thought patterns. This is like being driven by an enemy. Enemies will not drive each other to success! Any pseudo-success that is gained by striving from a root thought pattern cannot bring any fulfillment to the person. Whether the driving emotion is lust, anger or some other emotion, it controls its host and gives a sense of powerlessness. Only enlightened beings have no experience of powerlessness. The best way to help any human being is to assist them to identify their root pattern and complete with it. Once completion has happened, so much energy is released that all powerlessness disappears.

Reclaim Your Life! The first responsibility of every human being is finding their root thought pattern and completing it. This completion itself allows the flowering of the four principles of integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching to happen in the person.

Completing the pattern is necessary to awaken the Kundalini Shakti and to activate the latent strands of DNA. With completion of one’s pattern one becomes a blessing to the world. Without completing, nothing attempted is of any benefit even if it is intended to enrich others.

Either one enriches or encroaches: one is either a blessing or a burden. To enrich and bless, each human being must find their root thought pattern and complete with it. Only then, life really begins.

Science Meets Spirituality


Change the Blueprint of Your Life! By Dr. Srilekha Karthik

A direct correlation exists between the early experiences in life and the subconscious behavioral and emotional patterns in the adult lives of people. At a very early age in life, starting from gestation till about five years of age, when a child is faced with a situation where he experiences powerlessness, anger, hurt or some such emotion, the ideas he forms about himslf and the world from his immature thinking remain embedded in him forever and continue to dictate his life. These are called as root patterns. Root patterns are the blueprints of life. The science behind root patterns has been proven beyond doubt by extensive research in the field of prenatal psychology. The mechanism by which the root patterns get formed is known as “limbic imprinting�. The imprints, i.e. the sensations, emotions and feelings experienced at the time of trauma get recorded in the part of the nervous system called the Limbic system. Limbic system is a set of brain structures that forms the innermost cortex, which is responsible for emotions, behavior, motivation, long term memory and sense of smell. The limbic lobe develops much earlier than the outer layers of the cortex referred to as the neocortex, which is responsible for higher mental functions like logical analysis, conscious thought, spatial reasoning, calculations, planning, language etc. Interestingly, this means that emotions are getting recorded at a stage when even language/logic have not developed in the child! By definition, an experience is traumatic when a particular event, or series of events, comes to define the way people organize their subsequent perceptions. The imprint of any trauma happens in this part of the brain, which is actually subcortical


Science Meets Spirituality

in nature. During gestation, birth and early childhood, the limbic system registers all of our sensations and feelings. These memories live in the body through the rest of our lives whether we know it as root patterns or not. The experience of an identity is nothing but the root patterns formed in early childhood, which lead to a skewed cognition and understanding of life and one's own self. These early experiences of life get so deeply etched in the limbic system, that in the future, as adults, people unconsciously recreate the conditions that were imprinted at birth and through early childhood. Later on in life, even if the rational mind (neocortex) recognizes this as a pattern, since the imprinting had occurred in the part of the brain (limbic lobe) which doesn't have the skill to stop the pattern, people continue to act out of root patterns. The phenomenon of limbic imprinting is not unique to humans. It has been used for years to train animals to serve people. For example, a baby elephant staked to a small wooden pole pulls with all his might to release himself, but when he repeatedly fails in his efforts, he stops. Even when he grows up and has enough strength to free himself - it doesn’t happen because he never tries! As a baby, when he failed in his attempts, he formed the cognition that “I am a failure”, “This task is impossible for me!" As mammals, human beings also have the same design in their nervous systems. These imprints or root patterns continue to dictate the lives of people, until such time that they are able to identify them and complete with them. The process of completion with oneself is called *svapoornatva kriya, and consists of intensely reliving the past incidents and releasing the pain and suffering.

Science Meets Spirituality


By remembering the incident vividly and going through every emotion once again, the same part of the brain gets activated where the limbic imprint had occurred and this allows the healing to take place. Various cathartic techniques can also be used to help the process of healing. As more and more healing happens, even suppressed memories can be recalled and healed. Once the pain associated with the memories is released, the wrong cognition which happened at that time also becomes apparent and one is able to identify his or her root patterns. The blueprint with which the person has been living his or her life so far becomes apparent and can then be changed.

"Discovering your root pattern and completing it is the first step towards Yoga" ~ Paramahamsa Nithyananda * For instructions on the poornatva and svapoornatva kriyas, please visit:


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NEWSFLASH Nithyananda Gurukul Recognized & Affiliated To The World's Largest Education Organization 28th June, 2013, Bangalore, India

The ancient Vedic civilization of India offered a culture and lifestyle that facilitated wholebrain learning. In Nithyananda Gurukul it has been brought back to life, and is being used to create the education system for the 21st century. Cutting edge technology goes hand in hand with ancient cultural art forms to provide the best in class education for your children. The Nithyananda Gurukul will be teaching IGCSE syllabus as per international standards. The curriculum includes standard academics, along with brain yoga for balanced neurological growth, Vedic mathematics, which foreshadowed the software revolution by thousands of years and teaches children to compute easily without the use of calculators, emphasis on ecological awareness and connection with the planet that sustains us, awareness of beauty cultivated through creative performing and graphic arts and many more subjects.

Nithyananda Yoga & Meditation University Has Lifetime Award to Grant Religious Degrees 8th January, 2013, California, USA

In a milestone achievement for the education wing of the Nithyananda Mission, the Nithyananda Yoga & Meditation University (NYMU also known as NMU) was awarded life-time exemption under CEC ( California Education Code) 94874(e)(1), by the Bureau of Private & Post-secondary Education for the State of California, to award religious degrees autonomously. NYMU will be offering a host of degree courses related to meditation, yoga and related fields of the Vedic tradition to people worldwide, as inspired and propounded by Paramahamsa Nithyananda. Vice-Chancellor Ma Nithya Maneeshananda (J. Madhavi Sharma) said, “This is a great milestone for NYMU and a huge opportunity and responsibility for us to take the timeless truths and life solutions of the Vedic tradition to the whole world. This will help us fulfill our mission to transform and raise the consciousness of humanity by enriching the consciousness of every individual.�



Upcoming Progr ams

Init iat ion


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November 1st - November 4th, 2013 Location: Bidadi Ashram, Bangalore

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August 16th - August 25th, 2013 September 27th - October 6th, 2013 Novemeber 1st - November 10th, 2013 Location: Bidadi Ashram, Bangalore EN - G enius L evel 2 August 16th - September 5th, 2013 September 27th - October 17th, 2013 November 1st - November 21st, 2013 December 1st - December 21st, 2013 Location: Bidadi Ashram, Bangalore Nit hya K r iya Yog a September 21st-22nd, 2013 Location: Delhi, India G u r u Poo r nima

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pl e a s e v i s i t : w w w . n i t h y a n a n d a . o r g / e v e n t s


Be Unclutched!

Let Unclutching Grow on You! Adapted from the teachings of Paramahamsa Nithyananda

All the Masters who appeared on the

being alive. You are nothing but the totality of

planet Earth, agree on one point. That one point

your actions. I can say, you are the totality of the

is, that by your very nature, you are bliss. Your

side-effects of your actions! Every action you

nature is eternal bliss. Somehow, on this one

do leaves its imprint on you. Sri Ramakrishna

point, every Master, every mystic agrees. Then

says very beautifully, if you are inside a charcoal

it must be a basic truth. It must be the eternal

godown, how much ever you protect yourself,

truth. So it must be the sanatana or eternal,

the charcoal will settle on you. Life leaves a lot

ever present. When I say ‘Be unclutched’ I mean

of dirt and dust in you and around you. Life itself

experience the true nature of your being, which

for you is nothing but throwing dust – others

is eternal bliss. As of now, all our difficulties all

throwing dust on you and you throwing dust on

our problems are just because of our clutching.

others. By unclutching continuously, you keep yourself pure. Not just keeping yourself pure,

Some devotees come and ask me,

even the dust put on you from the past gets

“Swamiji, if we keep unclutching from everything,


what is the purpose of being alive?”

I will explain the technique of Listen, you have the wrong

unclutching. Whenever any thought rises in

understanding of being alive. Only when you

your inner space, decide that you are not going

unclutch, you will understand the purpose of

to support that thought, you are not going to


Be Unclutched!

destroy that thought, you are not going to

nothing else will be there. Unclutch from that

encourage that thought. You are not going to

thought also. Unclutch even from the technique

create a new thought. When you don’t do the

of unclutching.

job of creation, maintenance or destruction of thoughts, you become one with existence.

So be established in unclutching.

Unclutch from every thought. Don’t miss

Unclutching is like a plant, it can keep on

a single thought that occurs in your inner

growing on you. It needs to grow. You need to

space. Don’t be unconscious. Unclutch from

make it happen. Understand, initiation is like

every thought. When a thought rises in you,

a small seed. No seed fails which is touched by

just decide, “I am not going to support it or

me, no initiation fails which is done by me. I do

encourage it. I will just unclutch from it. I will

my job very perfectly! Understand, it is like a

just distance myself from it.” Just the simple will

growing tree. It is not like a magic wand! At one

that “I will unclutch” is enough. The thought will

moment, when the breakthrough happens, it

lose its power over you. After a few seconds

will be really like magic. Have patience. Work

again some other thought may come. Unclutch

on growing your consciousness in the direction

from that thought also. Slowly, after a few

of unclutching. The purpose of being alive is to

minutes, except for the thought of unclutching,

keep on unclutching.

Conscious Living

Say NO to Powerlessness! Taken from the recent Daily Discourses (Nithya Satsang) of Nithyananda on the subject of "Responsibility"

Responsibility means living, thinking, speaking, acting and responding to life from the truth that you are the source of everything that is happening inside you and around you. Therefore you are responsible for all the happenings inside and outside you.

We are Responsible for Everything The biggest question we now have in our minds is “How can I be responsible for everything happening around me? I can be held responsible for what is happening inside me, but how can I be held responsible for what is happening outside me?” Let me answer this question. Sometimes, you may not be the reason for some happening, but if it is affecting your life you are responsible for that happening. You are responsible for dealing with that situation. Unless you take the responsibility, neither you will improve the situation nor you will expand in the inner space. So whether it is consciously caused by you or not, you are responsible for everything.

Your Body Responds to Responsibility Vivekananda says very beautifully - “Take more and more responsibility, your shoulders will become stronger and stronger”. The number of responsibilities you take from the young age, decides even the growth of your bone structure. Recently I was studying the physical growth ratio in different parts of India and all over the world and the lifestyles of those areas. I can see the direct correlation between the lifestyle of responsibility and the physical growth of the people of different societies. Where people have the freedom that they can cross the sky if they take responsibility, in those kind of communities, their bone structure has grown and evolved to the 100% possibility. In societies where there is a lifestyle



Conscious Living of responsibility, people are well-built and tall. In some places, the growth is even 120%, which means much better growth than your parents and elders.

Responsibility is Freedom In any field, freedom is the basic condition for growth. Responsibility brings the experience of freedom to you. Only with responsibility your consciousness expands. It is so irresponsible that society does not teach people to be responsible! I tell you, responsibility is the greatest key. Responsibility is how kings are made, saints are made, leaders are made, stars are made, celebrities are made; responsibility is the material out of which the elite society is made. Countries may be capitalist or communist, but the law of life is responsibilism. The cosmos functions on responsibilism.

Become Life-Oriented For most of us, the very word ‘responsibility’ creates a heavy feeling, as if a load has been put on our shoulders. But I tell you, thinking or feeling responsibility as a weight is just one of the basic root patterns of human beings. From childhood, human beings unconsciously program themselves with the root pattern of shrinking, limiting themselves, and not taking responsibility, which is the antithesis of life. Most of our lives are actually very death-oriented. If the moment the word "responsibility" is uttered you feel a load, suffocation, heaviness, weight, then your whole pattern is functioning towards death; your root pattern is shrinking, suffocation. You have neither trust over life, nor passion, nor interest towards life. If you are conscious of life, if you are interested in expansion, if you are really living, more responsibility will be like more sweets put in front of you; because if you have tasted responsibility consciously, you will know it opens the doors to so many different possibilities.

Responsibility Brings Extraordinary Powers I tell you, responsibility is the word for consciousness, conscious expansion. More the responsibility you take on your shoulders, more the life oozes into your being. Responsibility is actually the greatest possibility, the way of expansion towards life! This is the touchstone with which you can find out whether you are living a death-oriented life or life-oriented life.

Responsibility even brings out the extraordinary powers hidden inside you. The power of healing has happened in me just because I took the responsibility for all the sickness of the world. If anybody


Conscious Living is sick, in my consciousness I feel that I am responsible. Like this, simply the power of healing came to me. If anybody is ignorant, I feel in my space that I am responsible - and like this the power to initiate people came to me.

Responsibility Transforms your Life Take responsibility not as a pain or suffocation but as a great possibility. When you take more and more responsibility, even your muscles start responding to the world in a different way. Your being starts responding to the world in a different way. The people you attract around you will be of a completely different quality. The life you create around you will have a completely different quality.

Life is not Measured by Profit and Loss What is it that stops you from taking responsibility? It is your constant mental calculation, ‘What will I gain if I take up responsibility?’, which puts you off from taking responsibility. Unfortunately, you never know how to measure your expansion other than with the number of your cars and houses and bank balance. If you measure yourself based on your net worth, you are in the ‘unworthy net’; you are caught in the ‘unworthy net’! Only when you start measuring yourself based on the expansion of your possibilities, real life will start happening in you.

Responsibility Brings You Out of Disease Whenever you take more and more responsibility, you find ways to handle more

and more things, your whole nervous system becomes such a possibility for life and joy. Decide to take more and more responsibilities in your life, you will walk out of even cancer. Taking more responsibility can be a powerful method to heal yourself from cancer. Cancer is nothing but deathoriented thinking, the pattern of shrinking from life itself.

When you decide to take responsibility for anything which comes in your breathing space, your possibility of health, mental wellness, above all psychic powers, spiritual strength, everything expands more and more. Feel responsible for everything, whether it is your blood pressure or diabetes or cough - when you feel responsible, your body will heal itself. Take the responsibility for all your communication; you will simply start expressing the power of telepathy!

Responsibility - the Master Key Look into your life in every level. Sit with yourself. Are you having health issues? Are you having conflicts internally? Are you having mental depression? Are you having incompletions? Are you feeling suffocated? Are you experiencing the moments of powerlessness? Are you feeling like a slave? Are you feeling unfulfilled? Are you feeling suffocated with relationships? Are you having poverty? Are you in spiritual poverty? Sit. Pen down everything one by one and meditate on every item individually, deciding, ‘I am responsible. Now how can I transform it?’ One part of your mind will tell you ‘Oh, you are responsible. Even if you take responsibility now and start altering it, it may take ten years!’ That is okay, just decide ‘Just because it is going to take ten years I can’t be keeping quiet without taking responsibility. I have to take the responsibility.’ If you feel you are not looking beautiful or


Conscious Living handsome, take the responsibility even for that! Whenever you take the responsibility for anything, you will find the solution! You can complete with it.

Say NO to Powerlessness Wherever you feel powerless, take responsibility in each of those areas. You will simply feel the solution is in front of you! You can solve it and life can be full of power. Life should not have even a single moment of powerlessness. Sit and contemplate on what are the moments of powerlessness you feel in your life, and decide to take the responsibility for them. When you do that, you will see that you regain your power, and the solution is simply there in front of you.

Responsibility enriches you, expands you, and adds so much of life to you. It just adds life to your life. Every moment when you take up responsibility, your muscles expand and become energetic, alive, living! Continuously taking more and more responsibility is actually a technique for you to realize your different possibilities. The door for you realizing your possibilities opens when you take up responsibility.


Beyond Mind

Manipuraka Shuddhi Kriya Adapted from Paramahamsa Nithyananda's teachings

Manipuraka Shuddhi Kriya is a powerful dynamic meditation, which is especially useful as a process for completion. This technique is drawn from ancient Christianity. Known as glossolalia, the technique was further adapted by the Sufis as "gibberish". It is a cathartic technique that bypasses mental processes and roots out worries and incompletions in their most elemental form, which is, just negative energy. It is a powerful technique to cleanse the manipuraka chakra or navel energy center, which is locked by stress, worry, powerlessness and other deeply engraved negative mental patterns. The technique works deeply in releasing all the negativities stored in the body and mind due to all the known and unknown incompletions we carry. This technique is a superconscious process in which you retain

awareness while cleansing yourself. It unblocks your unconscious and allows all the negativities stored inside to dissolve. In this technique, one speaks in a language one doesn't know! When one starts using words, all the inner


chatter begins to come up. During this meditation, don't allow your inner chatter. Simply get to the core of your deepest suppressions and pluck them out of your system! Just vomit them out in sounds. This technique should always be practiced on an empty stomach, and at least four hours before sleep.

INSTRUCTIONS Step 1 (20 minutes): • Stand with your feet apart and your eyes closed. For a minute, concentrate on the manipuraka area which is around your navel • All your worries and suppressed negativity will start rising up into your conscious mind. Just experience all the tension and stress come up inside. • Now, bring up a conflict you have had in your mind. If you know your root pattern incident, you can bring up that memory. Go back to the conflict you had, and relive the incident where you experienced the conflict, allowing all your negative emotions to come up. • Visualise and talk to the people involved in the conflicting situation - in a language that you don't know! • Just use nonsense sounds. If anyone is listening, it should not make any sense to them. • Try to convey your problem, your pain, to the other person. But the other person simply doesn't agree with you! • How do you feel? Angry? Throw out your anger on him! • Anything that happens in you, any word that happens in you, express it as a sound. • Do not use words. If you use words, only familiar and recent emotions will surface. Also, words will give rise to only more words without actually working on the emotions beneath them. Shout absolute gibberish; only this will open

Beyond Mind

up your unconscious; only this will bring up the deeply hidden emotions. • Recall all the painful and conflicting incidents of your life. • Visualize the persons involved and feel the emotions involved in those incidents. Bring out all the emotions. Become completely immersed in them. • Be aware of nothing else. • If tears come, let them! Don't stop yourself. • Scream, wail, cry, throw your limbs about, roll on the ground if you feel like. Create as much violence as possible! Once you start, you will find that you really won't be able to stop – so much will be coming out. You may feel like vomiting, so keep your sick bag ready! Nothing to worry, it is a sign that your system is getting cleansed and balanced, that's all. Do the technique sincerely - this is your chance to get rid of a lifetime's suppressions and incompletions. Enter completely into the meditation.

Step 2 (10 minutes): • Stop! Now, simply sit in silence and bring your awareness to your manipuraka chakra (navel center). You will feel a tremendous lightness in that area. • During this silence, just be a witness to your thoughts. Do not suppress them or chase them. Just let them flow before the deep silence of your being. Repeat this meditation every day for 21 days minimum, or until you feel as if you have nothing left inside to throw out during the meditation. Right from the very first day onwards, you will find a change, a great peace blossoming in your being.

Nithya Jyotisha

40 40

The Wisdom of Guru By Ma Nithya Chandrananda

Planet Guru (Jupiter) symbolizes and carries the grace and wisdom of all that is auspicious. Guru just entered the sign of Gemini where it will hold its benevolence until June 2014. It will guide all of us to deeper learning experiences where wisdom will flow through the experience of our practice of the four **tattvas.

These months ahead are therefore a beautiful period to explore our power to share and enrich others through spiritual activism, communication, knowledge and satsangs as a practice for our spiritual growth. Also, Buddha (Mercury) is transiting its own sign of Gemini from May to early August, along with Guru. Buddha develops our interest for study, travels and communication; it energizes our enriching words as well as our written expression. This is a very auspicious time to practice *svapoornatva kriya with oneself, and delve deep into our consciousness in order to heal it. Retrograde Mercury from June 16 to July 20 allows all of us to internalize the wisdom of the Master and expand our spiritual nature exponentially.

Guru and its position in one birth chart is of great significance. It will indicate how much one is connected to the wisdom spoken by the great enlightened ones, how much of a dharmic life one follows, how much of a deep interest and inspiration one holds towards spirituality, expansion of consciousness, faith and practice of the eternal vedic rituals.

The particularity of Guru’s energy is to captivate the deeper Self that lies covered by ignorance within us, in order to inspire it, infuse it with care and wisdom, to awaken its brilliance and foster it towards enlightenment. Jupiter confers everything you ask for, it is the Guru of the Gods, the great benevolent father who gives all you need to realize your deepest aspirations. * For instructions on the poornatva and svapoornatva kriyas, please visit our website: * *The four tattvas of integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching are the essence of Nithyananda's teachings. For more, see Pg. 3


Nithya Jyotisha

The outer Guru, the Master, is a beautiful incarnation of this divine energy which expresses the whole gamut of knowledge, grace and wisdom that leads disciples to their inner Guru, who is also represented by the astrological planet Ketu, the final bestower of moksha (liberation). Therefore, Jupiter is the planet of intelligence that guides the individual’s consciousness to go back to its pristine truth and glory. Guru is also creativity in the inner world. It bestows power of expression that comes from the principles of the tattvas, it loves to share and delight in doing so. Mercury represents how we relate to the society on a practical level, whereas Jupiter shows our connection to our inner worlds, our soul’s Mission that leads us towards fulfillment, bliss and self-realization. Guru helps one to overcome all the challenges, pain and sufferings of life and transform it into a learning experience on the path of evolution.

Guru is also indicative of unexpected rewards. In fact, when Jupiter is with you, all of life, all the universe is with you, and gives you the experience that you are Brahmanyam Bahuputratam - the favourite inheritor of the cosmos! Jupiter reveals the expansiveness of the being, just as Saturn indicates our capacity to contract or concentrate. This is the reason why people all over the world have always sought the energy of this planet for inner as well as outer prosperity and success. It is the energy of grace in our horoscope, which can be used to fulfill our wishes in life until our final enlightenment.

To propitiate it, vedic priests have done pujas and homas since time immemorial in intense energy fields that multiply the effect of the ritual exponentially.


Nithyananda Vedic Temples

Nithyananda Vedic Temple, San Jose, California, USA Nithyananda Vedic Temple, San Jose, California, is the centre of all activities of Paramahamsa Nithyananda's spiritual mission in Northern California. Located in Milpitas, the temple is at the centre of preserving and spreading the core ideals of the Vedic culture, including pujas, homas, vedic chanting and other ceremonies. The temple represents the divine energy of the world famous Madurai Meenakshi temple in North America.

Devi Meenakshi is the presiding deity of this temple, along with the deities of Nithyanandeshwara & Nithyanandeshwari amongst others. All the important festivals and religious observances in the Hindu calendar are celebrated here with great zeal. The entire temple is managed and run completely by volunteers - by devotees who are otherwise full time professionals, committed to enriching the world by their selfless service.

In the San Jose temple, the volunteers passionately work towards not only bringing people to the temple, but bringing the temple to the people. The temple collaborates with local schools, businesses, libraries etc. to teach the science of life solutions to all. The inspiration and activities of the volunteers are purely guided by the four principles of integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching given by Paramahamsa Nithyananda. There is a constant effort towards self transformation as well as bringing the same transformation in others to create an enlightened community serving the society while striving to reach the highest human possibilities.


Nithyananda Vedic Temples

Services Offered

Daily Nayana Deeksha: Everyday 6:30pm - 9:30pm PST Daily pratyaksha pada puja and Nithya Satsang (spiritual discourse) with Paramahamsa Nithyananda on 2-way video conferencing. Anna Mandir and Annalaya: Everyday 6:30pm - 9:30pm PST Free food offering to all. The offerings are purely sattvic in nature. Nithyananda Vidyalaya: Every Saturday Nithyananda Vidyalaya is a program for children. The vision of Nithyananda Vidyalaya is to give children a great foundation for their lives so they will dynamically make decisions with creativity and spontaneity. Weekly Completion Session: Every Sunday 3:00-5:00pm PST Weekly sessions to restore completion to the self and others, as a powerful process to integrate the sangha (spiritual community) and create the space for the four tattvas to express through all. Abhisekham & Alankaram: Every Saturday and Sunday 10:00am - 12:00noon PST Abhishekam or holy bath is offered to the deities with the chants of the Rudram and grand alankaram (decoration) of the deities is done. Puja Services In the healing energy field of enlightened

master Paramahamsa Nithyananda, people experience worship as a deep meditation. The following Puja services are offered at the temple at devotees’ request: Ganapathy Puja, Subramanya Puja, Navagraha Puja, Satyanarayana Puja, Guru Paduka Puja, Mahalakshmi Puja Nithya Spiritual Healing Nithya Spiritual Healers are initiated by Paramahamsa Nithyananda to heal others by connecting with the divine healing energy of Paramahamsa Nithyananda.


Nithyananda Vedic Temples

Upcoming Programs & Workshops Inner Awakening Level 1 : August 15th 25th, 2013, PST Guru Purnima Celebrations : July 21st, 2013 eN-Parenting Workshops Enlightening Parenting workshops focus on bringing up the new age man who can take the civilization to an entirely different plane, by training parents on how to create immense possibilities for their children. Nithya Kriya Workshops Nithya Kriya is a series of healing yogic processes revealed by Paramahamsa Nithyananda. > Milpitas Library (biweekly after July 13th, 2013) > Fremont Library (biweekly after July 27th, 2013) Tattvas (Four Principles) Workshops > Lotus Within Gallery, San Francisco, CA (weekly starting August 17th, 2013) > Cogswell College, Sunnyvale, CA (Weekly) > De Anza College, Cupertino, CA (Weekly) Bechtel Corporation, San Francisco, CA

Temple Contact Info: Address: 513 Los Coches St, Milpitas, CA 95035 Web: Phone: 408.634.3978 Email: Facebook: nithyanandavedictemple.bayarea Temple Hours: Mon-Fri: 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM Sat & Sun: 10:00 AM - 9:30 PM


for upcoming program schedule


Please visit www.nithyananda .org/events


Vedic Renaissance

Tanjore Temple, The Peak of Possibility ! By Ar. Arti Agarwal

The Brihadeeshwarar Temple in Tanjore, also called the Golden Temple, built by King Rajaraja Chola I in the year 1010 AD, is the expression of the peak possibility of a civilization, a celebration of Dravidian

of authenticity to the whole world. For the Tanjore temple to have come into existence, an entire settlement of people would have had to believe that impossible as possible, and have the inspiration and courage to work towards

architecture. A UNESCO World Heritage Site,

something never attempted before. One can

the temple stands tall, with the main temple

say, that Rajaraja’s inspiration to build the

tower or the vimana standing 66m high. Built

temple was taller than the temple itself!

more than a thousand years ago, the temple is a standing testimony of the grandeur, strength,

The construction of the temple was an

authenticity and power of the Vedic culture. The

engineering feat, which was not dreamt of till

temple was built by King Rajaraja not for any

that time, requiring accurate mathematics and

personal gain, but out of his love and devotion

engineering techniques. The top kalasha of the

to Lord Shiva, who is the presiding deity in the

temple was to be a monolithic carved granite

temple. He built the temple for God, his ishta

block, weighing approximately 8 tonnes. A

devata (chosen deity)

platform of 6.2 km was constructed to raise

It is important to understand that the

the kalasha (topmost part of the temple tower) to its present height. It is worth remembering

temple was an unparalleled architectural

that at that time there was no electric power


and all construction was done manually. The


at but

the time when it was more importantly, it

entire temple complex was built as a huge open


the ability of one

courtyard with the main garbha griha at the far


being to believe the

end of it, such that the visitor has a full view

impossible as

of the grand vimana as he enters the temple,

possible, create that space of possibility for his entire kingdom, and then really make

and can enjoy the grandeur of the place. The temple was built as per the Vastu shaastra and the Agamas. The ouer wall of the upper storey of the vimana has hand carvings of the eighty one Shiva karnas, the dancing postures of the

that impossible

Bharatnatyam dance form, as it is known today.

into possible,

The entire temple construction was finished in

proving the power

five years.

47 47 Raja Raja is believed to have used one lakh, thirty thousand tonnes of granite for the construction of the temple. This structure was built completely, fully with granite for the first time on planet Earth. It is also believed that after the construction of the temple, Rajaraja covered the entire temple in gold. The temple walls still have holes in them, where the gold sheets would have been drilled into the stone, proving the veracity of this belief. The entire temple is a hollow structure, a shell of 216 ft high stone.

Rajaraja had an unshakable inner space, with the blessings and initiations of his guru

Vedic Renaissance Karuvoor Chittar, who was the Rajguru of the empire. The samadhi of his guru was built in the temple itself, behind the main garbha griha or sanctum sanctorum of the temple.

Nithyananda calls the Tanjore temple “The ultimate zig zag puzzle of mathematics, the ultimate engineering calculation and a beautiful poetry of creativity.�

The temple is a must see for anyone who wishes to see what the power of an inner space filled with positivity and possibility can achieve.

Short Reads

N othing called "I mpossible " ! From Nithyananda's daily discourse delivered on 29th May, 2013 in the Bidadi Ashram, Bangalore, India

Nothing Called "Impossible"! There is nothing called "Impossible". Each individual can take the responsibility to reach the space of possibility. Then, from the space of possibility, take the responsibility to become what you want to be in life.

Decide if you want to have the space of possibility and transformation or if you just want to cherish and enjoy the powerless space filled with conflicts. Often people are content with the idea that they are doing whatever they can and it is the best they can do. Instead, with integrity they need to come to terms with the experiences they have and move to the space of what they want to have.

The Right Knowledge Your vision and inner space should carry only what you want in life, constantly remember that anything is possible. Avoid using negative words expressing your powerlessness. When you decide you are powerless, the possibility for growth is killed. For example, when a goat eats a sapling, the sapling can never become a tree. Similarly the moment you think that something is impossible, the very possibility is killed.

When you feel powerless and think that something is impossible, you miss the right knowledge. Knowledge makes anything possible when it aligns with responsibility. When you align responsibility and knowledge, anything is possible!

Why You Feel Powerless Your powerless feelings are created by root thought patterns you set for your life and they bring millions of conflicts and contradictions. You are responsible for the patterns and the conflicts. A very simple and easy method for transformation is to change your root thought patterns and rebuild a new pattern consciously.


49 49

Short Reads When the root patterns are changed, the confidence you carry to handle your life by feeling empowered is drastically increased. You believe that you are being innocent and harmless when you feel powerless. You think that powerful people are harmful and wealthy people are egoistic. You believe that to be harmless you have to be powerless and to be humble you have to be poor. Such wrong associations are the reason for the unconscious patterns you choose. It is possible for you to be powerful and harmless, rich and humble, famous and polite, when you can take the responsibility and align your whole inner being.

Create What You Want! Create what you want to create by consciously rebuilding the thought pattern which constantly creates the obstacle of making you believe that you can’t create what you want to create. The job of your old pattern is to constantly shrink you and keep you shying away from life. You have to take action, wake up and move. For example when you constantly watch commercials of exercise equipment to get the six-pack muscles, but never move your body and take action, it is not possible to get the six-pack muscles which you want. You have to move and start working for it.

In the same way, when I talk about the transformed space of possibility, it looks like a six-pack model flexing the muscles. But if you don’t move yourself and take action, you will never experience it. You must make yourself alive with the power of Kalabhairava* and you will see many of the so-called big patterns and sufferings disappear. When you wake up, move with a feeling of power and possibility. When you understand that you can take responsibility with the knowledge, you will see that the easiest path opens for you.

> Understand and believe that anything is possible for you. > Identify clearly what you want to become and what you are now. > Take the responsibility to become what you want to be. > You only need knowledge, since you are always powerful (already) to create your own reality. *Kalabhairava is the lord of time who is the ultimate source of cosmic knowledge whose presence can be invoked for a powerful declaration for completion of root patterns.


Inner Awakening

My Encounter with Life! By Sri Nithya Deekshananda

Q. How did you come to know about Swamiji? A. I was in third year of my Mechanical Engineering course. I remember in those days I used to watch a lot of spiritual gurus on Youtube. One day when I was listening to one such video, I saw a young face in my Youtube suggestion list. I was wondering how someone can achieve enlightenment at such a young age. I remember I became a fan of Swamiji immediately after watching his first video. In those days whenever I got some time, I used to go back to Youtube and try a few of his meditations. After 6 months of living with the teachings of Swamiji, I decided to meet him. It was more of a calling from his end. It was a Kalpataru program. Immediately when the screens opened for the Pada Puja, I felt a gush of

energy up my spine, and I knew I have come back to the source. That evening when I went near him, all my desires disappeared. I just wanted to be there. In that moment the world stopped for me. Tears were flowing continuously for no reason at all. I had never experienced such a blissful state before. I knew I had found my Master, or in other words, my Master found me.

Q. When did you decide to do Inner Awakening (IA) ? A. Immediately after my first darshan I wanted to spend more time around Swamiji and I knew IA is the best platform to be in his presence. I was studying at that time and never looked for possibilities. As soon as I started earning IA was my top priority. But as months passed I was not

51 saving enough to make it into a reality. Then I heard about the power of integrated declaration. I declared for May IA in March 2013 and a lot of miracles happened during this time. I made initial registration and was waiting for rest of the money to come. But just five days before IA, miraculously I started seeing the possibility of where I can get the money and within two days the whole money got arranged. The leave of absence was still an obstacle and I was in a situation where it was almost impossible. There came a moment when I even decided to quit my job. But Kaalabhairava said in one of the akashic readings that I will get a leave and I just stayed with his statement and suddenly I got a call from my boss who convinced a lot of people and made IA happen for me. I somehow showed up on the day IA started and I still get goosebumps when I think of how the entire puzzle unfolded miraculously.

Q. Why did you choose to do Inner Awakening? What was on your mind before deciding to come for IA? A. There came a point in my life where nothing was going right for me. They say nothing fails like success. So here was a boy who has achieved everything he wanted in the outer world and still he was not fulfilled. I was unable to get up in time, was dragging myself through the day and things started getting bad in April when I could not even focus on an iota of my work. I literally felt as if I am even struggling to breathe and I simply knew that I have to be in IA or else I may not survive. There was a strong yearning from within to transform and I knew that the Master will simply transform me.

Inner Awakening Q. Did you get what you were expecting from IA? A. The truth is, I got way more than what I expected. I got my whole life back. I can actually feel the 360 degree shift happening in my being. I realized that I was living with an entirely wrong cognition about life, how I lacked clarity and acted based on some notions which I had formed when I was a kid. More importantly, I realized how everyone around me was living a similar kind of life. I realized how deeply each one of us is connected. Now, after IA, every day I get up being inspired by my own life. Swamiji has freed up a lot of space in us and that is why suddenly the productivity has gone up. I cannot see a sign of boredom and depression in my life anymore, and more importantly, I feel extremely healthy and energetic.

Inner Awakening

Q. What was the most amazing experience you had in IA? A. While we were working on finding our root patterns, during one of the meditations I had a vision that I am in my mother’s womb and she has met with an accident. I could see that in that moment of absolute powerlessness a lot of pain got stored in my system. During this powerful meditation I actually could see the whole scene of where it happened and how it happened with three dimensional clarity. I immediately called my mother and she confirmed that such an accident happened 1.5 months before I was born. I felt so relieved, as if a huge load got lifted off my chest after the entire process.

Q. What was your root pattern and how was it impacting your life? A. I realized that the basic root pattern from which I was suffering was powerlessness and the pattern of quitting. All my life, whenever I have failed, I decided to quit before even exploring alternative possibilities. Be it profession or relationships, I quit many times just before reaching the target and slowly I was losing confidence on me. As a


compensating alternative cognition to hide my weakness I became aggressive and I realized that I have hurt many people in the past. Also I had a deep feeling that life is not fair to me. All these were undercurrents in whatever I did and it always left me unfulfilled. During IA, Swamiji has given us enough protective coating to live a pattern-less life.

Q. What was your biggest takeaway from IA? A. I can say my biggest takeaway was the real “me”. Everything else I got was a bonus, but for the first time in life I was so deeply introduced to myself. The whole architecture of my life got revealed to me and I could see the loopholes in the design I created for myself. More importantly, I could see how I can redesign and alter my reality. Apart from this, the powerful initiations like Vak Siddhi (the mystical power which manifests any declarion of the person into reality) initiation and Healer’s initiation (the initiation to heal anyone) are some of the invaluable gifts of IA. Above all, being in the presence of an incarnation for 21 days is something incomparable. All I can say, is that words are inadequate to define what happens in IA.


Inner Awakening

Plan for a Miracle in Your Life!


Awakening is not a program , it is a tremendous possibility! It is your intimate contact

with your highest possibilities. Each moment of Inner Awakening will be a fresh introduction,

because life is introducing itself to you every moment! No one can predict what your unique experience of the program will be, but one thing I can tell you, no one, no one ever returns from

Inner Awakening without glimpsing atleast one dimension of jeevan mukti, living enlightenment.� ~ Nithyananda

Get blessings from Nithyananda for your intention to be a part of the Inner Awakening celebration, and see a miracle happen in your own life! Blessings from a living incarnation have the power to remove every obstacle in your life to pave the way for you to meet your highest possibility.

Visit : Live chat available 24X7 to enrich you. Or Call +91-80-27279999

Inner Awakening

Glimpses from Inner Awakening Photos taken during the 21 day Inner Awakening program conducted by Paramahamsa Nithyananda in Bidadi Ashra, Bangalore in May, 2013




Inner Awakening



Swamiji Serves Food to IA Participants

Sharing Sessions

Tirtha (Pilgrimage)

Kailash By Sri Nithya Kailashananda

It was a great blessing to be part of the Kailash Yatra 2011. The yatra was filled with laughter and joy. Swamiji was cracking jokes all the time and there was laughter and laughter everywhere! In the yatra, we visited many sacred places and temples including Pashupatinath temple, Gupteshwar temple and Lumbini, the birth place of Buddha. We travelled through unearthly scenic places and extremely beautiful mountains and landscapes. Nepal, what a beautiful place - other than the busy and crowded cities, it was filled with waterfalls, lush green mountains and extraordinary landscapes. Tibet is the land of silent and vast landscapes; distant mountains touching the sky in every direction as far as the eye could see. People were calm, simple and gentle.

The yatra also posed the challenges of

the high altitude and cold weather. The trip was physically and mentally very demanding once we reached the high altitudes like 5000 feet and above. Almost everyone had one or more symptoms of altitude sickness like nausea, sleeplessness or dizziness after reaching the higher altitudes. I got the altitude sickness halfway through the trip; it was extremely hard, but I somehow managed to travel along.

On the way to K ailash, we visited the sacred Manasarovar

lake. It is a vast lake, filled with bluish water, surrounded by white ice clad mountains. With the magic of Swamiji’s prayers, we had the clear darshan of Kailash throughout the four days that we stayed in that area. Travel guides said that the mountain was completely covered and invisible prior to and after our group’s stay for several weeks! We stayed overnight by Manasarovar, took a dip in the lake and went around the lake. The weather was extreme, so we could not go on the parikrama (circumambulation) around the mountain. We spent around a day each at Ashtapath and Yama Dwara, at the base of Kailash. The silence and grandeur of the place is indescribable.

Swamiji shared his wisdom about many mystical topics

during the trip. And simultaneously some things were happening in the inner world. I had just attended the 21 days Inner Awakening meditation program. Because of that, my mind was very calm


57 57

Tirtha (Pilgrimage) throughout the yatra, with very few thoughts. Prior to this IA and the yatra, the receptivity of my system was very low, like a lump of mud or clay. When I returned from the yatra, I realized that many things have transformed in my system. Literally I was feeling like a king, not because of the possessions, but just because my state was like that; money just looked like paper. Sleep was very deep and refreshing. My mind was compassionate inside even to the people who were unfriendly. I was experiencing a silent space inside which was unaffected and unmoving. Upanishad (sitting with the Master) was happening regardless of whether Swamiji was speaking or not. My system was getting energized just by sitting in front of him.

Unclutching was happening automatically. Many

times I could witness the chain of thoughts breaking on their own and my being aware of the gap between the thoughts. Bhava towards the divine changed from dvaita to advaita! Now I could flow with time, I could just sit for hours without getting bored and doing nothing; doing

something or nothing appears the same. All these experiences happened because of Master’s grace and the power of the place, with zero efforts from my side! It was indeed a journey of lifetimes.

I got the spiritual name “Nithya Kailashananda”

from Swamiji after taking a dip in the Manasarovar lake. Later in the trip, Swamiji explained about the spiritual name: it is the path, it is the goal and it is the Guru’s blessing. Meaning of the prefix “Kailash” given by Swamiji was, “Each of us have three components in us: first, the body; second, the mind and its related subtle bodies; third, the consciousness. First two are transient and temporary; the third, the Self, is eternal, indestructible and has no death, and that is the real you”.

I came back from K ailash with a new

spiritual name, and a new being.


Spiritual Activism

Why Spiritual Activism? Taken from Nithyananda's Daily Discourse delivered on 4th June, 2013 in Bidadi Ashram, Bangalore, India

"With completion, a person becomes such a complete being, that neither will he have a conflict, nor will people around him have conflicts." ~ Paramahamsa Nithyananda When a person becomes active in any field, he achieves the peak of success in that particular field, but when one becomes spiritually active, he reaches the peak of all the fields including health, wealth, energy and intelligence. Not only this, he will continue to be active in everything he does. Enriching the self and enriching others continuously and tirelessly is spiritual activism. A spiritual activist is a person who lives the spiritual truths actively, teaches them actively to as many people as possible, while constantly drilling oneself with the spiritual truths and finding the solution for any problem based on the spiritual truths, thus turning his whole life into a continuous miracle.

Spiritual activism will help people to be aware of their whole lives. Such a person will not allow even a single dark corner in their inner space to be left unattended. Clearing the conflicts and contradictions in oneself as well as helping others to clear their conflicts through spiritual truths brings enormous clarity. A spiritual activist will be able to help others only when he is able to listen to others and it does not happen just by constant talking. When a person really listens to others, he he will help many people by enriching them and himself in the process. Such a person will be able to break thousands and thousands of conflicting patterns in themselves. For example, helping others to break their laziness and boredom will actually break the laziness and boredom in his own self. Being established in spiritual activism will help a person achieve the breakthrough in understanding that his idea about difficulty is the

only difficulty he actually encounters. It is his idea of difficulty which needs to be broken to bring integrity in his way of thinking.

Wherever a person may be and whoever he may be working with, when he helps others to find their incompletions and root patterns, and complete with them in addition to completing with himself and others, he blossoms into a new being. With completion, a person becomes such a complete being that neither will he have a conflict, nor people around him will have a conflict. Such people will support and help people to live the four tattvas of integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching. A spiritual activist will use these four tattvas as the lubrication for any kind of friction which is responsible for the moments of powerlessness experienced by him.

When a person has multiple root patterns, he might have found only one or two and completed them. But after he begins to help others to find their root patterns and complete them, he will be able to simply find his own remaining root patterns and complete it. When a person is able to help somebody to find their root pattern of suffering and complete it to get rid of it, he literally gives a new life, energy and intelligence to the other person. Such spiritual activism is jeevan mukti - living enlightenment. Spiritual activists are the real beings who live the four tattvas and continue to expand continuously in their life in every dimension.


Spiritual Activism

Enriching oneself and others continuously and tirelessly is spiritual activism ~ Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Nithya Jyotisha (Vedic Astrology)


Create Your Future! For Vedic Moon Signs: Vedic Moon Signs can be found in the birth chart or "kundali" which can be prepared by an astrologer or generated online on a Vedic astrology website

By Ma Nithya Chandrananda

A ries moon: August is inviting you to use your intuition to solve issues you are facing with a dear one, or at your workplace. The solution to all issues you face can be found within you. When you listen to yourself and your feelings, when you complete each and every emotion you feel, you become whole. Then you can really be with the other and find solutions to all the conflicts. In this space, solutions come from the truth of your completion, rather than from your logic and reasoning. July starts with a very positive energy, you will be in extroverted mood and will be easily promoting your work and activities. Your skills and ability to unite people are at their peak! Taurus moon: Last month's efforts and work will bear fruits as well as expansion on many levels. Family life will be happy and quite fulfilling. Chances of a celebration in the family may even unfold! A special yoga called Dhana Yoga (a planetary combination influencing money gain) graces your horoscope these months. It is an auspicious time for professionals, as gains due to your advice and work would come about. Be ready to receive gains from unexpected sources. Your power of enriching, your inspiration in speech will increase, and you will reach out to others in a new way. Gemini moon: The planet Guru (Jupiter) which manifests the most auspicious qualities of grace and wisdom has entered the sign of Gemini, where it will hold its benevolence until June 2014. Guru will guide you to deeper learning experiences where wisdom will flow through the **tattvas, through your intuition and bliss. Guru will expand communication, enriching, knowledge, spirituality and sadhana amongst all spiritual seekers. Be aware not to lose sight of the goals you set for yourself in life. Make a point to practice what you learn, turn Guru's energy within! Remember to cultivate discernment and discrimination and hold on to the four tattvas. Cancer moon: Bring your focus on raising your energy levels and immunity actively. You should practice anger management kriyas and spend more time in your meditation room. July and August are excellent periods to start the nirahara samyama! Keep yourself away from the controversies connected to people of authority at your workplace, and do not be disturbed by the ongoing competition. Use it as a wave of energy to surf on and expand your activity and work throughout the month. Anger and diet should be controlled after 16th July. Leo moon: This is a beautiful time to socialize and meet new people, new friends and start a spiritual network. Be a spiritual activist! A progressive and gainful period would be noticeable until 16th July. You will get whatever you want from life, be it health, money or bliss, once you become a spiritual activist. Enrich the world and others with the four tattvas, and take it as the cosmic law for you and others. It will help you to keep your stamina high in August and prevent tiredness. Virgo moon: Whenever you utter a negative word to yourself, it is actually a negative commitment you give to you. Be aware and drop it! Sit with yourself and undo layer by layer the negative commitments you gave to you and complete with them. Establish yourself in integrity and authenticity. Look at everything in your life with these fresh eyes: your business plans, your profession, your relationships, your decision about your future, your decision about your life's mission. This technique makes you powerful and enables you to create the reality you want.


Nithya Jyotisha (Vedic Astrology) Libra moon: Planet Guru(Jupiter) will aspect Saturn and Rahu in your own sign, guiding you to lead spiritual lives through your understanding, taking responsibility as an individual and as a collective consciousness. When you think everyone is responsible, no one will be responsible. When you think you are responsible for everyone, everyone will respond with responsibility. When you start completing with all the incompletions, you will become responsible. Why don't we feel responsible? It is our incompletion which constantly makes us avoid responsibility. If you start becoming responsible, incompletions will be healed. Become complete! Scorpio Moon: Listening is attention, and attention is energy! When you genuinely listen to someone, you not only boost their self worth, but also their energy levels! If you listen closely when somebody is sharing, especially if they are sharing a problem, you will see that almost always, what they are looking for is understanding and empathy, not your solutions for their problems. In fact, true power may lie in the ability to be silent and truly listen as this brings real insight into the others' needs and how we can best interact with the other. Practicing this simple technique will shift your whole connection to life from now on. Sagittarius moon: Planet Buddha (Mercury) was retrograde in July, and brought out some interaction problems and tensions that you have been pushing under the carpet. In this situation, it is best to sit down with the individual with whom you have problems, discuss with this person and do poornatva* (completion process) in a relaxed way. This summer is a very good period to travel, to explore the world. If this desire is not fulfilled, you will have to find out and complete with your need of evasion and vacation until you are at peace where you are. This period is inviting you to learn new things. It is an excellent time for studies of all kinds! Capricorn moon: Avoid any animosity with your surroundings. Aggression with superiors in work environment could backfire. You may feel dominated by a colleague or boss, and you could see a rise in opposition to your ideas. Move with humbleness and the attitude to imbibe and communicate. Be porous with everything, do not have prejudice. You will never be cheated with this humble attitude. Try this as a process: sit and mentally decide to pay your respect to all the objects and people around you. Let life itself become divine! Aquarius moon: There is a level of conflict possible during this time. To shift it, you need to bring in the energy to change things which need to be changed in your life, and the intelligence to accept what need not be changed. Understand that whether you change anything or not, life itself is a continuously changing phenomenon. Once you realize this, you will naturally hold on to the one thing that never changes: the eternally unchanging Truth. Then you will automatically be conflict free. When you start living a conflict free life, you start living enlightenment. When there is no conflict inside you, you experience no conflict in the world! Pisces moon: It is required to be aware of your surroundings and not to project enemies where there are none! When you bring authenticity in you, you realize you carry a wrong inner image which is the source of all your sufferings with wrong outer image and wrong others' image. If you think your wrong outer image and wrong others' image is the problem, then you will feel powerless to change both, to fulfill both. Only when you understand your wrong inner image is the basis of all problems, then you will understand that only authenticity can solve the issue. With this in your heart, be cautious about your relationship with your father and children and also with friends after 16th August. Be ready to be supported from seniors and well-wishers during this period.

** The four tattvas of integrity, authenticity, responsibility and enriching are the essence of Nithyananda's teachings. For more, see Pg. 3 * For instructions on the poornatva and svapoornatva kriyas, please visit our website:





Sanyas, the Lifestyle of Freedom! Adapted from Paramahamsa Nithyananda's teachings

"Sanyas is freedom even from the idea of freedom! What is real freedom? It is nothing but surrender to the four tattvas"

~ Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Sanyas is living the highest possibility of oneself with highest sincerity

and taking responsibility for the whole world in a simple, casual and a joyful way. The ultimate fruition of sanyas is completely living every dimension such that there is no experience left unexplored within that individual. Sanyas provides the opportunity for seva (selfless volunteer service) and for ultimate intellectual, emotional, being level fulfillment. People who believe that orderliness is life get into the materialistic world and similarly people who believe in chaos get into a philosophical life. Only people who believe order in chaos and chaos in order and who can digest both, live a sanyas life. The Paramahamsa Upanishad (mystical teachings of the Hindu religion) states that this ultimate choice of living a sanyas life can be made by anyone who feels that they are complete with life, irrespective of whichever ashram (the four stages of life as a student, householder, retirement and an ascetic, described in the Hindu scriptures) or varna (Sanskrit term that referring to the categorization of the Hindu society into different castes) they may belong to. Whoever feels that he is complete with himself and with the world is qualified for sanyas. Completion means feeling empowered, powerful, non violent, without the need for lying spontaneously and feeling no guilt, fear or pain in every incident in life. Completion can only be understood based on how people live their lives and how they perceive life itself. The eternal vacation that everybody is searching in their lives cannot be found in any beach, hill, resort or anywhere except in the space of completion because completion alone gives an individual the ultimate vacation that he or she is searching for.


THE Samyama

Beyond Fasting & Feasting! “Yogis have for centuries lived

without food, gaining health, longevity, energy & higher consciousness. Now is your time to learn”

~ Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Upcoming Program Dates: From 16th August , 2013, Bidadi Ashram, Bangalore, India

To know more about ‘the samyama’ visit Email: Paramahamsa Nithyananda has initiated hundreds of ‘Nirahaaris’ around the world who live healthy lives without solid food.


Nirahara Samyama

My Haemoglobin and Fulfillment Shot Up by doing the Nirahara Samyama! I did the Nirahara Samyama with the second batch for 21 days in Bangalore, India.

As a challenge to the belief that

Nirahari (one who does not intake solid food) can run our life much better than being an ahari (one who takes food normally), I was faced with lot of work at home and on the professional front (three times more than on regular days), which was like eating a piece of cake! I could do a good job of all with such ease and productivity, it was amazing! During the same period, I would sleep for just 4 hours a day and it would be a deep quality sleep without dreams or disturbance of any sort.

I experienced a state of constant bliss, fulfillment, gratitude and devotion

thanks to the constant ajapa Japa (internal repetition of a chosen mantra taken as a spiritual practice) we practiced during the samyama. Every evening between 6-8 pm I had a sweetness in my throat, which was accompanied by a state of indescribable bliss.

My hemoglobin which was 11g% prior to the Samyama, which shot up to 13g% after the samyama (after not eating food for 3 weeks) That beats all logic!

I have resumed to eating as and when I want after the samyama as I have not done the “THE Samyama� yet. Just that everyone at home was very upset with me since I was not eating while I continued to cook for them. It is a wonderful way to live, not bound to be eating regular meals all days. At the same time enjoying your meal better than ever before for all the awareness that has been infused into the process of eating.

I pray to the Divine feet of Swamiji, to bless me with THE Samyama, so that I can live the life of a Nirahari in the near future.

Dr Srilekha Karthik (Pediatrician) Bangalore, India


Vedic Renaissance

Ek Mukhi (One Facet) Rudraksha

The Benefits of Ek Mukhi Rudraksha The ek mukhi rudraksha or one facet rudraksha will be oval in shape, slightly flat and having the shape of an eye when viewed from the sides. This energy bead fulfills all desires and brings prosperity, luck, fortune, and worldly pleasures to the wearer. It is like celestial cow Kamadhenu who helps fulfill desires by worldly comforts and spiritual fulfillment on the wearer.

the bestowing both

It is to be worn by persons requiring the favor of the Sun god, as a planet, or to remove its malevolent effects. It can also be worn by those seeking devotion to God, who wish to reduce attachments to the worldly things to attain nirvana (liberation). Those who are addicted to habits of particular lifestyles, which are not conducive to their physical and mental well being can also wear this energy bead.

How to Differentiate a Genuine Rudraksha Bead from the Fake Ones? Rudrakshas have dividing lines running from top of the seed unto its bottom and are equally spaced. Mostly, the lines or mukh is on the raised mountain portion of rudraksha body and not on the ridges. The number of compartments (clefts) in a rudraksha should be equal to the number of its faces (mukhs). Smaller the size of the rudraksha, better it is in effectiveness. The rudraksha beads must have a natural hole. Its surface should be thorny and hard.

To buy genuine rudrakshas, please visit:


A Painting of Devi Meenakshi by artist Seema Soni. Medium: Oil on Canvas


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