Nithyananda Times - June, 2013

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LISTEN! ‘Listening is GOD’ Paramahamsa Nithyananda


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CONTENTS Volume 2, Issue 6



Nithyananda Times Volume 2, Issue 6 Owned by: EN Galleria Private Limited

Who is Nithyananda: About Swami Nithyananda ... 6 My Dear Ones: Message from Swami Nithyananda ... 7 Life Strategy: Do You Feel Healthy? ... 8, 9 Yoga & Kriya: Asana ... 10, 11 Siddha & Ayurveda:Brahma Muhurta, It's Time to Wake Up! ... 12, 13 Vedic Renaissance: Nachiketa,The Fire of Authenticity ... 14-16 Short Reads: "It's Okey" is Not Okey! ... 18, 19 Enlightened Masters: Gautam Buddha ... 20, 21 Be Unclutched: Unclutch to be Complete! ... 22, 23 Conscious Living: Create Your Reality! ... 24-29 Upcoming Events: ... 30-31 Science Meets Spirituality: Teleportation, a Reality! ... 32, 33 Short Reads: Are You Really Listening? ... 36, 37 In the Life of Nithyananda: Living with Krishna ... 38, 39 Creative Juices: Saffron is the Rising Sun ... 40 Beyond Mind: Sleep Your Way to Enlightenment ... 42-43 Esoteric Realms: Life! ... 44-45 Living Enlightenment: Be a Jeevan Mukta! ... 48, 49

Published By: Sri Nithya Pranananda Swami Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam, Kallugopahalli, Off Mysore Road, Bidadi Bangalore - 562 109 Phone: 7200003322 / + 80 28022101 Printed By: Innovative Printers Total Print Solution #97, Sultanpet, Bangalore - 53 Editor Valli Ramanathan E-mail Website Subscription Rates One year (12 issues): Rs 350/= Two Years (24 issues): Rs 700/= Three Years (36 issues): Rs 1050/= To subscribe online visit Disclaimer The meditation techniques included in this magazine are to be practiced only under the direct supervision of an ordained teacher of Nithyananda Mission (NM) and in consultation with your personal physician to determine your fitness and ability to do the techniques. They are not intended to be a substitute for medical attention, examination, diagnosis or treatment. If someone tries these techniques without prior participation in the meditation programs of NM and without the direct supervision of an ordained teacher of NM, they shall be doing so entirely at their own risk; neither the author, nor the publisher nor NM shall be responsible for the consequences of their actions. Š2013 eN Galleria Private Limited All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. In the event that you use any of the information in this book for yourself, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for our actions.



Paramahamsa Nithyananda is a global leader in the science of enlightenment and the founder of Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam. Coronated as the 293rd pontiff of the world’s most ancient Hindu organization, the Madurai Aadheenam, Nithyananda is revered as a living avatar (divine incarnation) by millions worldwide. The oldest apex body of Hinduism coronated him as one of their 44 spiritual heads

My Dear Ones, Please understand, the subject I am talking is a very subtle, a very important truth.

in the 2013 Maha Kumbh. He has been honored with the title of “Mahamandaleshwar of Maha Nirvani

All human beings need to know why you behave the way you behave, why you

Peeth”. He is the most-watched spiritual teacher on with more than 14 million views, and

do things the way you do. You may be a doctor, engineer, in the corporate field, a

the author of more than 300 books published in 27 global languages. Nithyananda was recently named

politician, in the field of finance or religion, whatever field you may be in; whether

among the world's top 100 most spiritually influential personalities of 2012 by renowned esoteric magazine 'Mind Body Spirit' from Watkins.

you act with softness and peace or agitation and irritation, whatever way you react, whatever way you function, your root thought pattern is responsible for it. Let me define 'Root Thought Pattern': the first strong cognition you go through in your

A spiritual genius with an enlightened insight into everything from management to meditation, from relationships to religion, and from success to spirituality, Nithyananda brings to us a wealth of practical wisdom, meditation techniques, kriyas and tools for lasting inner transformation. A trained yogi,

life which influences you to continue to function based on the same cognition, is the 'root thought pattern'. Once some root thought pattern starts in you, your growth stops! After that, only that pattern will be growing, not you! Unless you find your root thought pattern and complete with it, your independent life does not start. Only

a powerful spiritual healer and a siddha, Paramahamsa Nithyananda is working actively with scientists

when you clear your root thought pattern, you will even know your life! You will even

and researchers worldwide to decode the mystical yogic sciences of the East, including levitation,

know your consciousness!

teleportation and manifestation (materialization).

Be Blissful! When Paramahamsa Nithyananda ascends the traditional seat of deeksha daana (initiation) every morning and starts his discourse (satsang), thousands of people from over 30 countries participate live via 2-way video conferencing, while thousands view it live on Nithyananda TV.

Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Spiritual Founder of Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam


Life Strategy


Life Strategy

Do You Feel Healthy? Adapted from the Paramahamsa Nithyananda's teachings

of a salary that is deposited in the person’s bank account every month.

The Myth of Hard Work

Health is not the Absence of Disease! Health is thought of as some vague concept that is usually translated to an individual having a disease free body. Such misconceptions are the root cause for the very lack of health in modern day man. The modern day man thinks that if he does not have any major health problems he is “healthy”. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Another modern day myth is that working hard leads to stress and diseases and is the root cause of people being unhealthy. “Hard work” as understood by people today is – working in their office from morning to late evening without any trace of enthusiasm or intensity, but rather, working only for the sake of the monthly salary. This kind of work cannot be called intense action. This so called ‘hard work’ is simply actions aimed at a goal

The very myth of hard work can break the root cause of lack of health. The root cause of lack of health is the absence of intense action. Intense action is any action performed with great enthusiasm and responsibility. When an action is performed just for the sake of finishing it, it cannot bring any good to the person performing the action. When the same action is performed after taking into account how the action can make a difference to mankind, to the employer and to the person performing the action, a sense of responsibility takes birth. This responsibility is the sweetness which makes every action enjoyable. When every action from morning till night is performed with great intensity, involvement and responsibility, the very space in the human body that attracts diseases is destroyed!

Take Responsibility for your Health Responsibly thinking, talking, acting and concentrating all one’s energy in one direction is constant performance. Constantly performing

intense actions creates a certain level of prana to be awakened in the person. Constantly when a person aligns himself to responsible performance of intense actions, by the very nature he will not build any mental patterns or samskaras. Deep rooted samskaras are the reason for the lack of health and overall well-being. Any cognition, that is, any understanding, interpretation or perception of a situation that does not leave a person feeling complete leads to the creation of samskaras or patterns. This creation of samskaras does not happen when an individual is constantly acting out of responsibility and is in intense action.

Don't Entertain Powerlessness A healthy body is the result of feeling responsibility for the different dimensions of one’s life. Whenever someone entertains powerlessness in the level of the body, they will be in the space of attracting diseases and a lack of ease with their own body. Responsibility removes the feeling of being powerless. Bringing more and more responsibility in every action and thought in one’s life heals all the existing samskaras and does not allow the creation of any more samskaras, leading to a healthy body and mind.


Yoga & Kriya


Asana Adapted from Paramahamsa Nithyananda's teachings

Tune yourself to the cosmos !

Can you feel a subtle difference? This subtle difference is due to the change of body posture.

In the yoga world nowadays, the word asana generally means body postures: holding a specific pose while bending the body. Asanas may be popular practice for a number of reasons, including their great physical and mental benefits, and of course for aesthetics. On one level, it is, but asanas have a much deeper meaning and purpose.

Sthiram-Sukham Asanam

In the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali states: “sthira-sukham asanam” -Chapter II, v. 46 Paramahamsa Nithyananda translates: “Asanas are steady and comfortable body postures to tune oneself with the Cosmos.” If you look deeply, any body posture is associated with a state of being, with a particular state of consciousness. For example, can you sleep standing up? And how about lying down in a relaxed way and try to shout angrily at someone. You can’t! The body language changes according to your moods and attitudes. Subtle changes in your body posture will cause a major change in the way you feel. A small exercise: Sit straight with eyes closed and the hands in front of you, palms facing up. Just notice how your body feels. Notice the breath. Slowly turn the palms down. Bring awareness to how you feel now.

So, asanas are specific body postures designed in a way so as to reflect the highest possible coherence with the Cosmos. The perfect asana for you depends on you. You will see, in some asanas you will suddenly feel natural, steady (sthira) and comfortable (sukham). Actually, in a deeper way, sthira does not only mean steady, it means, “which cannot be lost, which has become part of your bio-memory”. It should be natural to be in that posture. If after a few weeks without practice you suddenly realize you cannot perform the posture anymore, then the true quality of sthira has not been achieved. Sukham, which is commonly translated as comfortable, is not about cushion luxury! You should be able to be in a posture and feel its effect in your body throughout the day. Every joint should be oozing with nectar, like a sweet feeling of lightness. You can achieve sukham by constant practice, and increasing your ability to stay in that asana.

with the highest qualities of the Cosmos. Aligning yourself is levitation, maligning yourself is gravitation!

Respect Your Body

There are two ways of finding which asanas are best for you: 1) By your own practice, until you find your own sequence, or 2) By the master’s instruction

But understand, the practice of asanas does not mean abusing or disrespecting your body. Our bodies are victims of our self-destructive lifestyle. We often overeat and over-stimulate our bodies. Asanas are conscious practices to make you fall in tune with the deepest you, so it can never be against your body. Asanas are about aligning yourself with the highest possible coherence,

In these particular asanas you will align your body perfectly with the superconsciousness, just like a mirror aligned directly with the source of light. This will allow you to tune yourself to the ultimate state of consciousness, and be established in Yoga.

Yoga & Kriya

Siddha & Ayurveda



Siddha & Ayurveda

Brahma Muhurta, It's Time to Wake Up! By Ma Nithya Arunananda

Brahma muhurta is a period of two muhurtas

This starts with getting up in the morning. The

(time unit of forty-eight minutes), or about one and

quality of our waking up decides the energy

a half hours before dawn. In the Vedic tradition this

level for the day. A peaceful fresh start is always

period is considered as the ideal time for spiritual

6:00 pm to 10:00 pm - kapha

better to a dull, lethargic start with a heavy

10:00 pm to 2:00 am - pitta


2:00 am to 6:00 am - vata

textbook while explaining about the daily regimen

Tuning our biological clock to the

These are not to be considered exact,

to be followed for health and long life is about the

rising and setting of the sun, is the best way

but fluctuate a little according to the season.

importance of brahma muhurta:

for reversing the aging process. Waking up

Through high awareness, one can get an idea of

during this brahma muhurta puts us in perfect

what dosha is predominant at any given time.

practices like prayer and meditation. Waking up during brahma muhurta also has many health benefits. The very first verse written in any Ayurvedic

brAhmI muhUrtaM uttiShTHEt swasthO rakshArthaM

synchronization to the natural clock.

Ayusha: tatra sarvArtha shAntyartham smareccha madhusUdanaM (Ref: Ashtanga Hridayam)

Effect on the Doshas It is important to understand about

The line translates as: ‘One should wake up in the

the relation of doshas with the time of the

brahma muhurta for sustaining perfect health and for

day. A dosha is one of three bodily humors

achieving a long life span, as desired. '

that make up one’s constitution according to Ayurveda. The three doshas of pitta, kapha and

Benefits of waking up in Brahma Muhurta

vata can be roughly said to be the equivalent of Sun, Moon and Air energies of our body. The intricate workings of time and their relation

At this time, a high level of prana (vital life energy)

to the tridoshas are explained in detail in the

which is necessary for the body is adequately present

Vedic literature. The whole day consisting of 24

in the atmosphere. The activities of the entire world and especially of the living beings are yet to be started; hence the pollution is at its minimum. The cheerful atmosphere has a considerable effect on the body and mind.

2:00 pm to 6:00 pm - vata

The Period of Movement Because of the above time frames, the very first activity of the daily routine, i.e. rising, should be done shortly before sunrise in the vata period. Vata is the principle of movement, so to wake up in this period ensures that vata principle will be functioning to help in the elimination of wastes from the body. It is also the quietest time of day. For this reason it is also the best period for prayer and meditation.

hours can be broken down into kapha, pitta, and

Waking up any later than sunrise

vata periods during which the predominating

imbalances the kapha dosha in the body. The

qualities of those doshas are prevalent. During

effects of this dis-balance can be observed

a given 24 hour period there are two time

physically as an increased tendency to get

segments for each dosha as follows:

upper respiratory disorders, constipation or incomplete elimination of wastes from the

Ayurveda has given a deep thought to the daily routine, which when followed aligns our day perfectly

6:am to 10:00 am - kapha

intestines (leading to accumulation of toxins in

to express our maximum potential and capabilities.

10:00 am to 2:00 pm - pitta

the blood), general lethargy and fatigue.


Vedic Renaissance


Vedic Renaissance

Nachiketa, the Fire of Authenticity Although he realized that his father's harsh reply was only the expression of a momentary outburst of anger, he believed that a greater harm might befall his father if his word was not kept. Therefore, he sought to strengthen his father’s resolution by reminding him of the transitory condition of life. Nachiketa said, “Look back to those who have lived before you and look to those who live now. Look at grain; the mortal remains perish and new grain springs up. All things perish, truth alone remains. Why then, do you fear to sacrifice me?” Thus, Nachiketa convinced his father that he should remain true to his word and send him to Yama, the Lord of Death. Nachiketa proceeded to the abode of Yama, but when he reached there he found that Yama was absent. The boy waited without food or drink for three days. Just by his authentic declaration, Nachiketa broke the very pattern of eating, and even breathing. Just telling his body alone would not have been sufficient to accomplish this. It was the authenticity of his declaration which made it possible.

When Yama returned three days later, his assistant told him that a Brahmana had walked into their home with intensity like that of fire and if he was not offered something, it would harm them all greatly. This statement comes from the ancient Vedic ideal that a guest is the representative of God and should be received with due reverence and honor. On hearing this, Yama proceeded to greet Nachiketa. Because Nachiketa waited for three days without food at his doorstep, the lord of death showered him with three boons.

The first boon that Nachiketa asked for is that his father should be free of all anxieties and anger, and that he should welcome Nachiketa home with joy. This shows how Nachiketa was not giving up on his father, even though he sent him to death. His authenticity made him take up the responsibility to make his father also authentic. Yama agreed to grant this, healing Vajasravas’s anger, so much so that he could have a dreamless sleep. Only when one is completely free from inner conflicts, can one have a dreamless sleep.

For his second boon, Nachiketa asked, “Thou knowest, oh Death, The Katopanishad graphically describes the

Though a child, Nachiketa could understand that

power of authenticity and how it can impact life. Nachiketa, the wonder child, is the hero personifying the power of authenticity. Nachiketa, with an innocent curiosity, took part in all the activities performed by his father, King Vajasravas. His father was performing a sacrifice to please the gods, in which the person had to give away all his wealth. Nachiketa saw that the king started donating cows that had given milk and yielded many calves for years, which were old. They were of no more use, but were considered as the objects of donation by the king.

his father was behaving inauthentically. He decided to take responsibility for his father’s inauthenticity. Since the king was supposed to be giving away the best things in his life, Nachiketa asked him where he would be giving him. The king’s ego was unable to handle his own inauthenticity being exposed, and in a fit of anger, he declared that he would be giving Nachiketa unto death. Yet, the boy was unperturbed. He was weighing his own significance in his father’s life, but not out of conceit. He was weighing his merit as a son and a pupil. Would he be a worthy gift to Yama, the lord of death? What would his going to Yama accomplish for his father?

the fire sacrifice that leads to heaven. Tell this to me, I am full of shraddha (authenticity). This I beg as my second boon.”

To this, Yama replied, “I know well the fire that leads to heaven. Listen to me, oh Nachiketa! This is the means of attaining endless worlds and their support it is hidden in the heart of all beings.”

By this, Yama was telling Nachiketa that there is a part of everyone that is non-perishable. He told him to become that part, and time will no longer have an effect on him. Time only has an effect on the gross parts of a person. So, the more subtle a person is, the lesser time affects them. Yama revealing this to Nachiketa is as good as a policeman teaching someone how to escape the law. Thus, Yama explained the process of the fire sacrifice that Nachiketa


Vedic Renaissance


Plan for a Miracle in Your Life!

“Inner Awakening is not a program , it is a tremendous possibility! It is your intimate

contact with your highest possibilities. Each moment of Inner Awakening will be a fresh

introduction, because life is introducing itself to you every moment! No one can predict

what your unique experience of the program will be, but one thing I can tell you, no one, no one ever returns from Inner Awakening without glimpsing atleast one dimension of jeevan

mukti, living enlightenment.” ~ Nithyananda

Get blessings from Nithyananda for your intention to be a part of the Inner Awakening celebration, and see a miracle happen in your own life! Blessings from a living incarnation have the power

to remove every obstacle in your life to pave the way for you to meet your highest possibility. Visit : Live chat available 24X7 to enrich you. asked for. He said that this fire is the beginning of all worlds. Until Nachiketa understood the beginning, he would not understand the end, nor could he live an endless life. The fire altered a being to their next frequency of consciousness, through the mantras (chants) and offerings. Being pleased with his ability to learn well, Yama declared that the first fire sacrifice shall be named after Nachiketa.

Yama continued, “He who performs this Nachiketa fire sacrifice three times, being united with the three, that is mother, father and teacher, and who fulfills the threefold duty to study the Vedas, sacrifice and give alms, will cross over birth and death.

Knowing this worshipful, shining fire, which is born of Brahman, the supreme soul, he attains eternal peace.” With this, Nachiketa’s boon was granted.

For his final boon, Nachiketa was intent on knowing the inner secret of life after death. Through this knowledge, he would help the world.

This was also granted, which Death as a Guru bestowed on him after testing his worth. Nachiketa with his shraddha became the enlightened ruler of humanity, leading the people on a path of aligning with the higher truths. He became a hero because of his powerful authenticity and quality of extreme sacrifice.

Short Reads



Short Reads

"It's Okay" is not Okay! ‘It’s okay’ are the words which can ruin your life! “It’s

of ‘it’s okay’? Don’t think that you will directly start

okay if I miss my tennis practice just today, it’s okay if I have one more chocolate, it’s okay if I cheat on her just this once, it’s okay if I miss only one spiritual vow.” Then finally, one day, anything and everything is okay.

with big crimes! Loss of integrity always starts with

For example, you have made a commitment to

okay’, be aware, it is just a state of powerlessness.

yourself that you will wake up at 5am and practice yoga and meditation every day, as a commitment to improve your health and wellbeing. You do this sincerely for ten days. This is great – you are heading towards being established in integrity. On the eleventh day, you switch off your alarm clock and think, “It’s okay! I’ve done this properly for 10 days.” You might further justify by saying“Anyway today is Sunday, I too deserve a holiday. Let me take this day off and start again tomorrow!” Understand, this is not like an agreement you made with your job, for which you’re paid, and which allows you a Sunday off! This is a commitment you gave to yourself, to improve and better you. Your commitment to your health should not be swayed or compromised with ‘it’s okay’.

Understand - when you are in integrity, there

a small ‘it’s okay’. Unconsciousness enters into your system only through small actions. Even if you feel as if you are having your own way when you say ‘it’s Not performing to your maximum is certainly not power! Never trust the decisions you make when you are feeling powerless. While you are feeling powerless, you can cause irreparable damage to you, which takes years to repair, and even the will to repair can disappear.

‘It’s okay’ is the white ant which will eat away your integrity and destroy you without even you knowing about it. After some time, this attitude will settle in you and you will even forget that you are living in non-integrity. The power of inauthenticity is such after two days it makes you forget that you are inauthentic. Remembering it is very painful, that is why you forget so easily.

are two doors that will open. One is the entrance to authenticity. The other is the entrance to ‘it’s okay’. Be very clear -’it’s okay’ is the door that leads to inauthenticity!

Never think that a little inauthenticity is okay!

Remember this - when you fall into ‘it’s okay’,

extreme situations when you have no other choice.

you fall into inauthenticity! ‘It’s okay’ is the trapdoor to inauthenticity! Again and again and again you will be tempted to fall into the trap of ‘it’s okay’. Each time decide instead to be a possibility of ‘it is not okay’! When you feel the pattern of ‘it’s okay’ rising in you, simply respond with “It is not okay!”. Every time you choose ‘it is not okay’, you become more and more authentic. Authenticity stabilizes your being!

How many times have you stopped yourself from achieving your highest potential, just out of the attitude

You usually keep a little inauthenticity in reserve, justifying to yourself that you will use it only in any That is like storing a little poison in a corner of your house, because you may need it after two years or five years!

No! Declare clearly now that you will not allow ‘it’s okay’ to destroy your possibilities. Post mortem is of no use to your life! Do future-mortem - throw out the ‘it’s okay’ attitude from your inner space before it destroys you.

Enlightened Masters



Enlightened Masters

Gautam Buddha By Shreya Suresh

Gautam Buddha was born as Prince Siddhartha to king Shuddhodana and queen Maha Maya of Lumbini. At the time of his birth, he was declared by astrologers to either become the next king of Kapilavastu or to become an enlightened master when he grew up. His father did everything in his power to ensure that Prince Siddhartha was not exposed to anything that might inspire him to search deeply for enlightenment. He kept himself confined in a palace, surrounded by every imaginable luxury, with everything around him maintained in an unnaturally perfect state. Through the course of his life, Prince Siddhartha married Princess Yashodhara who bore him a son, Rahul. One day, when he decided to venture out into the kingdom out of curiosity, he saw four sights an old man suffering, a sick man, a dead body being carried by grieving relatives, and an ascetic sitting in deep meditation. It is said that these four sights led to many inner realizations, and made him embark on a spiritual journey which culminated in his enlightenment.

The sights which Buddha saw are very common. Everyone sees sickness, suffering and death at some point in their life. But why don’t they lead to enlightenment for everyone? It wasn’t just these sights that made Prince Siddhartha enlightened, it was the responsibility he took for them. When he was going out, when he saw the old man, he felt responsible for him. When he saw a person with disease, he felt responsible for it. When he saw a dead body, he felt responsible for it. He became Buddha! If he had decided to

follow the regular thought patterns and said “I don’t know how the man became sick” or “I did not kill that man, I don’t need to feel responsible for him”, he never would have become Buddha. It is responsibility that made Siddhartha into Buddha. Prince Siddhartha became Gautam Buddha when he applied the science of life - responsibility. The whole of Buddhism is built on responsibility and enrichment, enriching.

Buddha constantly demonstrated responsibility for everything, and intense authenticity. One of his disciples once asked him when would Buddha attain nirvana. He meant videhamukti, or radiating enlightenment after leaving his body. Buddha responded by saying “I will not be achieving nirvana even after I leave the body. Only after the last person in the world achieves nirvana, I am going to achieve it. I will be waiting.”.

This shows Buddha’s level of commitment with his disciples to make himself continuously available. His passion is such, that Buddha works as if you are going to get enlightenment today! But he is ready to wait till the last person gets enlightenment.

Buddha’s last message to the humanity was to be authentic and responsible. When Buddha left his body, his last words were “aatma deepo bhava”, which means “be a light unto yourself”. For each person to be responsible for their own lives and to raise their own levels of consciousness was Buddha’s parting advice to humanity.


Be Unclutched!

Unclutch to Be Complete Adapted from the teachings of Paramahamsa Nithyananda

The Bone Structure of Your Life

starts with these two things. So the words you

Everything starts with words. Everything starts with a declaration.

They are the basis of your actions, inaction

Everything starts with commitment. Honouring the words you give to you and to others as your life, is integrity. Integrity is neither morality, nor ethics. It is beyond both. Inside you, you are constantly giving words to yourself. To bring integrity to you, you need to fulfill every word given to you as your life. Every time you give a word to yourself, or create a desire for yourself, and don't fulfill it, you will be in incompletion.

When you give a commitment to yourself or to others, that is the bone structure of your life. That is the bone structure of life itself. If you continuously

give to you and to others is life, literally Life. and reactions. In order to be a success with yourself and with your life you must keep your word. It is your very life!

You need to understand that not only the words and commitments given to others but even the commitments made to your own self need to be fulfilled to remain in integrity. Integrity starts with completion. When you are incomplete with all the commitments, promises, desires, ideas you expressed to your self, you will struggle to fulfill any more words, promises, ideas you create inside you.

Unclutching is the process which constantly brings you back to the space of completion with yourself and reduces

break the bones of your life, how will your

your inner chatter. Even a few minutes of

life will be? We know it would be full of pain,

unclutching can bring a new awareness in you

distorted, and perverted. The words that

about the words you are constantly uttering

you give to you are the bone structure of

to yourself.

your inner personality. The words you give to others are the inner structure of your success in life. If you are constantly breaking your bones and breaking the bones of your life, life will be painful, suffering, torture.

Your Life is Made up of Words

Just Unclutch! When a thought raises in you without supporting it, encouraging it, entertaining it or being entertained by it, just relax from it. Please understand, when a thought raises in you, without entertaining it, and without

You function based on the words

being entertained by it, without encouraging

and commitments you utter to yourself and

it, without being excited by it, just relaxing!

to others. Am I right? Everything in your life

If you start relaxing from the thoughts which


Be Unclutched!

are raising, you will experience freedom from

which reduces the words you utter inside, and

the identity which you created. Constantly you

infuses an awareness in you about the words

create a shaft of thoughts with thoughts of pain,

and thoughts that do come up. With this new

joy, pleasure etc. Now you can see the flash image

awareness, you will immediately drop any ideas,

of how you create a shaft of thoughts in your

desires or wants that you know you will not be

inner space.

able to fulfill. This keeps you in completion with yourself. Also, you will be reminded of your

Fewer Words

incompletions as new thoughts come up, and now you can complete with those incomplete acts and

When you unclutch with sincerity, you


will see, you will have fewer thoughts, fewer words inside you. You will feel more complete.

Unclutching is the mahavakya (the

Unclutching is a process of completion because

ultimate teaching of an enlightened master)

it again and again brings you back to the space of

which restores a clean inner space of completion

completion. It restores the inner silence in you,

in your being.

Conscious Living

Create Your Reality! Taken from Nithyananda’s Daily Discourses on the subject of love & relationships



Conscious Living

successful, then you have already dictated the plan to the cosmos! You have told the cosmos, ‘I want my life like this only - as a big failure. Please give it

delivered in March, 2013 in Bidadi Ashram, Bangalore, India

to me!’ The cosmos will stitch it and give it to you.

Srishti-Drishti or Drishti-Srishti ?

Your inner space is an order to the Cosmos!

In Sanskrit there are two beautiful phrases

Please understand, the space you carry inside

- “srishti-drishti” and “drishti-srishti”- either you cognize that you are ‘seeing what exists’ or you cognize that you are ‘creating what you want to see’.

Most of us feel that the reality or the world is as it is, and we are just seeing it, this is called srishti-drishti. Because of this we feel powerless to do anything. We put all the blame on what is. Please understand, when you cognize, ‘It is there! I am seeing it!’, you have already lost the game. You are starting a losing battle! The moment you cognize what ‘is’ is perceived by me, the possibility for transformation is closed. The possibility for enlightenment is closed.

The truth is, the space we carry inside directly affects the reality which we and the people around us experience. This is drishti-

is not the result of your life’s happenings - it is the order you are giving to the cosmos. You may blame the external situations for your low mood, you may say ‘So many continuous failures happened in my life. You don’t know! Only if you are in my shoes you will understand why I am like this!’ You may give any number of reasons for the space you are in, but you need to understand the seriousness it carries. The space you are in is the direct order you are giving to the cosmos to prepare your future!

Whatever you carry in your inner space is a possibility. If you are carrying sadness, you are ordering the cosmos for a bigger sadness to come in your life. If you are carrying joy, you are waiting for a bigger joy to come in your life. If you are carrying fulfillment inside you, a feeling of completion in you, you are ordering the cosmos to bring bigger completions in your life. So

srishti. In your mind how you feel things are

understand, anything you carry inside is replicated

going to be, the words you give to yourself

outside. If you feel powerless and don’t know how

about the future, that is what I mean by the

to change the inner space you are carrying, even

words ‘the space you create inside’. If you

then, you are ordering the cosmos to give you more

already believe that no matter what you do, it


is not going to work out, it is not going to be


Conscious Living

Transform Now! You are a human being. You can’t afford to say, ‘Yes, I have problems. But I don’t know how to transform!’ No! You have to transform. You can’t afford to say, ‘I am hungry but I don’t know how to get food!’ You can’t afford to give up on you. You can’t afford to be powerless. You have to stand up. You have to find the method. You have to transform. That is the only way in which life is possible!

The space you carry inside you has to be changed. One good news is that you can change it this moment, because space is not something gross. Gross things takes time to clean. Subtle things can be cleaned immediately. Your inner space is such a subtle thing, just one right declaration and you are

make you excited.

Only one thought of your enemy can aggravate anger in you. If this is the case, only one thought of completion can purify your inner space!

Somehow, you don’t believe that last statement. You think ‘Everything else looks logical, I have experienced it. But the last statement - is it really true?’ Then you say, ‘You are an enlightened being. May be for you it is possible; not for us normal people.’ Whenever you feel you are now cornered to transform, you immediately push me aside with the statement. But you need to know that the inner space can be transformed with just one right declaration.

free! One completion is enough to bring you out of that low mood you


is enough to get out of that deep

Conscious Living

Only one thought of lust can

You are Responsible for

are carrying! One right declaration


Now please

understand, can

negative cognition you are carrying!

somebody else can be responsible

Just Declare your Completion

is your boundary! Your inner space

Only one thought of fear can

be responsible for it. It is only you

make you unsettled.

who can be responsible for it. Even

for what you feel inside you? No! It is your boundary! Nobody else can

if you feel that somebody else is the

in your inner space, whether you are

reason for your suffering - that person

reason or not.

is not suffering! Suffering is to whom? To you! So when something is affecting you, whether you are the reason or not, you are only responsible. The person

Take Control of your Inner Space

who is the reason for the mess will not

The moment you decide you are

always take the responsibility. So many

responsible for the inner space you are

times when you are the reason for the

carrying, you know you have to change

mess in others’ life, you don’t take the

it. Your inner space is nothing but the

responsibility. Now it is time to take the

words you repeat, again and again,

responsibility for whatever is happening

within you. Am I right? Is there anything


Conscious Living else? So, now decide consciously you

problems and will throw a tantrum.

will repeat the right words. You say,

Just because of the wrong inner space,

‘No, no! I tried this, but I failed!’, you


Conscious Living

What you Resist, Persists!

Even your Failures are Success!

you often miss business deals, mess up

It is just your decision to stand up

On a rock, seed cannot sprout as a

forget and go back to the same old

relationships, and stop your expansion in so many dimensions.

in your inner space! But the fears you

tree. The seed can become a tree only

wrong words. How many times have

carry look so real that you don’t want

in the right fertile ground. Only, in the

to transform. You are ready to anything

right inner space teachings can become

else, except what needs to be done.

a reality. Decide to start playing with

Actually, what you don’t want to do is

your inner space to gather courage. Tell

exactly what you have to do! You should

yourself, ‘Yes, with the inner space of

be made to do that! Forcibly! Because

completion, I am declaring, I am in the

that is where your inauthenticity is

space for my spouse listening to me!’

hiding! Please understand, what you

You will see miracles will happen! He or

resist only persists in your life! It is just

she will simply listen to you! When you

pattern! You need to look in, what is

approach your boss, declare “I am in the

the pattern you resist strongly in your

space for my boss granting me vacation!”

life? What is it that you feel you can’t do,

Actually, only when you play with this

you tried? Ten thousand times you have repeated negative words. So, now try at least ten times to repeat the right

You are God!

words. You may fail ten times. Nothing

Now I want you to understand,

wrong! Because of the pattern built by

whether you believe it or not, whether

you, you are failing. Now try ten times.

you accept it or not, understand it or

Bring awareness. Decide, you are the

not, you are God! Your inner space

reason, you are responsible, and you

is all-powerful! It carries the DNA

have to change it because it is affecting

of ‘Aham Brahmasmi’! No matter

you. Your wrong inner space is directly

how many arguments you give, the

affecting you. So, naturally you only

constitution cannot be changed. In

have to change it. You are responsible.

the same way, no matter how many

The inner space you carry has to be transformed, because based on the inner space only you take your decisions. If you are in a peaceful and relaxed mood, even in the big risks, dangers, difficulties of life you will take the right decision with so much of patience, that even those situations will expand you. If you are in an agitated, frustrated mood you won’t be able to handle even small

arguments you give that you are not God and you are not divine and you are not all-powerful, this is the truth. You may say “How can I be all-knowing, all-powerful? I don’t even know what is happening in the next person’s mind, in my spouse’s mind”. You have very silly reasons to deny the possibility of

you can’t manage? If you look deeper, that will be the exact thing which stops you, binds you and keeps you in life imprisonment! If you look inside, the reason for your powerless inner space will be some root-pattern. Break that pattern! Reclaim your freedom! Declare your freedom!

truth and see miracles happening you will understand the power of your inner space. Don’t go with the idea “I will be a failure!” Then naturally you will be a failure. That itself is the miracle! The failure itself is a success of your inner space!

Understand, the inner space you carry is such powerful inner space! It is the

to explore your inner space. How can

Please understand, when Shwethakethu, an Upanishadic

you deny it before even trying?

character, was initiated by his Guru,

created! Your inner space is so powerful

his Guru said only nine times “Tat

that worlds can be created or destroyed

Tvam Asi! Tat Tvam Asi! Tat Tvam Asi!”.

by your inner space! You may be an

Shwethakethu became enlightened!

individual, but your inner space is not

Then why, even if you listen 9,000

individual; it is well-connected with the

times “Tat Tvam Asi”, you don’t become

whole Universe! So, anything you decide

your inner space. You have never tried

enlightened? It is just because of the inner space.

Hiranya Garbha! It is where worlds get

in your inner space becomes a reality in the Cosmos, a reality in life, a reality in Existence!





The Samyama Beyond Fasting & Feasting!

“Yogis have for centuries lived without food, gaining health, longevity, energy & higher consciousness. Now is your time to learn ” Paramahamsa Nithyananda Upcoming Program Dates: Starting 1st July, 2013

Inner Awakening Level 1

Location: Bidadi Ashram,

Location: Bidadi Ashram,

July 1st - July 10th, 2013




August 16th - September 5th,

K ailash Yatra

Also available worldwide via


July 25th - August 10th, 2013

2-way video conferencing

Location: Bidadi Ashram,

Location: K ailash

Location: Bidadi Ashram,

Bangalore August 16th -August 26th, 2013 Location: Bidadi Ashram, Bangalore

Guru Poornima EN - Genius Level 1

July 22nd, 2013

June 8th - June 17th, 2013

Location: To be Announced

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Location: Bidadi Ashram,

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Nirahara Samyama Starting July 1st, 2013

Inner Awakening Level 2

EN - Genius Level 2

Location: Via two-way Video

July 1st - July 21st, 2013

July 1st - July 21st, 2013


To know more about ‘the samyama’ visit Email: Paramahamsa Nithyananda has initiated hundreds of ‘Nirahaaris’ around the world who live healthy lives without solid food.


Science Meets Spirituality


Science Meets Spirituality

Teleportation, a Reality! Adapted from Paramahamsa Nithyananda's teachings

E = mc2 What most of people think of as teleportation involves the physical relocation of an object. The object disappears from one place and pops up in another. Scientifically, this means that the molecular structure of the object is disassembled, the particles of matter are converted into energy, the energy particles are sent to a designated location, and then are re-converted into matter and arranged back into the shape they previously had. Contemporary physicists agree that this process is possible. In quantum physics, entanglement allows sub-atomic units, called quanta, to exchange information over vast distances once they have been energetically connected. Energetic connections can include, but are not limited to, sharing an electric pulse or being exposed to the same chemical while they are close to each other.

Vedic Rishis were Scientists!

The rishis, or researchers, of the Vedic civilization, who were both mystics and scientists, discovered that matter and energy can be interchanged into each other. They are not fixed in any permanent forms. The rishis took this natural occurrence several steps further and discovered how to dismantle matter (solid or liquid objects) completely into the energy particles it was composed from. The particles were then sent to the location where the object was needed and reassembled there into their previous shape, just the way our present-day physicists have theorized.

Making from “Nothing” The rishis were also able to perform materialization, a process in which objects are formed seemingly from “nothing”. Scientifically, energy is transformed into matter without having already had a solid shape. The imagination of the materializer provides the shape, color and design. For example, a yogi might want to give a talisman to a student, but none is available. He can “make” one from “nothing” by gathering energy and mentally forming it into the shape of the amulet

In the Vedic tradition of pre-historic India,

he wants, then directing his energy to condense

technology was developed to a degree far

the molecules around him into solid substance.

surpassing that of the present day. Much of it

Materialization is another ability demonstrated

remains in the hands of sacred literature, in oral

by modern-day yogic masters.

teachings and in the akashic record available to enlightened beings. Some details of the science

Teleportation, a Siddhi

on which it was based have been forgotten through lack of practice, but the foundations

In the Vedic age, teleportation was a common

have been preserved and handed down from

practice. It continues to exist today among

generation to generation.

the spiritual practitioners of India, Nepal and other traditions which descended from the

Turmeric teleportation and materialization on Nithyananda's Padukas in Slovakia Satsang Center


Science Meets Spirituality

Vedas: namely, Hindus, Buddhists, Jains and Sikhs. Teleportation is a siddhi - a power and a natural extension of human capacity. Siddhis are the birthright of each person; capabilities that lie hidden in one’s bio-memory and can be developed through spiritual practice. Teleportation is one of many such abilities.

Scientific Research & Revival of Vedic Science Paramahamsa Nithyananda, has established an experiential renaissance of the Vedic tradition at his retreat center in modern-day

Kundalini - The Access Door to Higher Powers

India. Working actively with scientists and researchers worldwide to decode the mystical yogic sciences of the East, he has conducted research with numerous control populations,

Siddhis draw upon a specialized energy which lies dormant in the body. The human energy field, like an electrical field, surrounds and permeates the body. Just as electricity needs a conduit to concentrate and direct it before it can be used, human energy must be accessed to harness it. The key to the access is stored within each person from birth, but cannot be activated until one reaches a certain level of consciousness. That level is enhanced by meditation, and supplemented by other forms of practice. In their experiments with energy the rishis evolved a name for this access, the door

testing the conditions under which these processes operate and the mechanisms by which they can be duplicated in people without many arduous years of spiritual practice. He has found that awakening the kundalini facilitates the flowering of siddhis even in "ordinary" human beings - those who have not spent a lifetime in yogic pursuits. He already has the knowledge of awakening kundalini in others. He has learned that the first siddhis to manifest in his experiments have been levitation, materialization and teleportation.

to human potential. They called it kundalini, meaning “the coiled one�. It lies curled up like

Much of this ancient science has been lost

a snake at the base of the spine. Once uncoiled

during the course of time, yet a lot still remains

during activation, it flows up the spine to flood

available. Reclaiming this knowledge can create

and nourish the brain, producing heightened

a large short-cut for the step-by-step process of

awareness, clarity of thought, and often

laboratory physics. Paramahamsa Nithyananda,

spontaneous healing of pre-existing illness.

through his experiments, has found a way to offer this short-cut to the world. He is inviting

The rishis evolved a reliable set of practices

scientists to collaborate with him to make Vedic

which awakened the kundalini. They are still

technology available for universal use. The age

in use today and are as effective as they were

of teleportation is no longer a dream of science


fiction. It has already arrived.


The Four Tattvas


Short Reads

Are You Really Listening? Adapted from Paramahamsa Nithyananda's teachings

Be desperate to listen! Listen! Why are you always desperate to speak? Be desperate to listen! Listening - what a powerful tool for transformation! Listening is the only way to receive life. Listening is the only way you can truly relate with yourself and others.

When you listen to yourself, all the unconsciousness in you drops away. Please understand: the hidden, unresolved, incomplete parts of you are crying for your listening. Just listen. When you listen to yourself, your awareness reaches such a peak that there is no space for conflict, no space for non-integrity and inauthenticity to live in you.

People Want Your Listening When you listen to others, you will transform them just by your listening. Remember, when people come to you, they almost always don’t want solutions. They just want your listening. In the space of your deep listening, they will find the answers they need. And out of that deep listening, even if you speak, it will be always what the other person needs to hear.

I always speak what you need to hear, because I listen when you speak. I know what you need, and I speak exactly that. When I listen, I listen to everything - what you speak and what you don’t speak and what you want

to speak! I can transform you because I listen to you.

Empty Your Cup A university professor went to visit a famous Zen master. While the master quietly served tea, the professor talked about Zen. The master poured the visitor's cup to the brim, and then kept pouring. The professor watched the overflowing cup until he could no longer restrain himself. "It's full! No more will go in!", the professor blurted. "This is you," the master replied, "How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup."

Listening means not having an answer ready! We really never ever listen at all in our life. See. When your spouse or your boss your friend is talking to you, see exactly what you are doing. You are not listening. You are preparing your answer to them! Even before they start talking, you are preparing your answer. That is why your answer never matches their question – because you never heard the question!

Listening needs three things from you: One, a passive inner space that invites the other person to pour themselves into your listening. Two, a deep patience that can wait for a solution to emerge on its own. Three, the courage to respond spontaneously, without a prepared answer or a ready made solution.

Listening means just dropping your mind and being available for the other.


Short Reads

In the Life of Nithyananda

Living with Krishna Adapted from Paramahamsa Nithyananda's teachings

In the Vedic tradition, idol worship is a very big part of life. With a tradition that has thousands of Gods and Goddesses, each person has their own Ishta Devata, a worshipper's favourite deity. However, there is a huge difference between worshiping an idol and worshiping through an idol. This incident in Nithyananda’s life explains that difference.

Nithyananda was on his way to Somnath, one of the twelve Jyotirlinga shrines of Shiva. In one of the nearby villages, an elderly woman invited him to stay with her. She was a great Krishna devotee and had a small Krishna idol. She would cook some food and offer it to the idol, and then eat some herself. She led a very simple life, with few possessions and little wealth, but was very content. She would bring food to Krishna every night and would even talk to him. She would sit by the idol casually and talk to it as if it was real. This was her daily routine, which went on for an hour, after which she would eat the food and go to sleep. After one week, Nithyananda started preparing to continue on his journey, and seeing this she began to cry. She promised him that she would never ask him to work, and that he could stay with her without any obligations. Yet, he had to decline, for he was a sadhu, an ascetic, and they were not supposed to stay in a place for more than a few days. Staying anywhere for too long can create attachments, so until they achieved enlightenment, they had to move from place to place.



In the Life of Nithyananda

When Nithyananda did not change his decision, she immediately ran to her Krishna idol and asked him to convince Nithyananda to stay. She kept telling the idol how she was so happy with Nithyananda staying with her, and she begged him to convince him to stay. Then suddenly, she stopped crying. She wiped her tears and said to the the idol, “Oh, you’re saying he has to go? Okay, I understand, he is a sadhu. If you say so, I will stop crying.” Like this, she consoled herself. This was too much for Nithyananda. He could understand her talking to the idol, giving it food, but her asking Krishna to convince him was too much!

Nithyananda thought she is herself replying on behalf of Krishna. He thought she was just imagining Krishna talking to her. He went to her and told her that it is ok for her to have bhakti (devotion) towards Krishna, but the idol cannot talk back to her or convince Nithyananda not to go. He felt that she is in an illusion and she should come out of it. In the Vedic tradition, because all sadhus are a step higher than grihis, or householders, he felt that he was right in what he said. In her innocence, the lady said, “No, no baba, I’m not lying! He is sitting right there!” At that moment, she held his hand. The moment she held his hand, to his utter shock, Nithyananda saw Krishna as a simple child, a small baby, just as it is described in the Bhagavatam. He had a small flute, with his hand on his face and a peacock feather in his unclean hair. His mouth was also unwiped, the food still around it. He was right there, as real as the old lady or the hut around them.

After falling at the feet of Mata Vibhootananda Puri Devi, Nithyananda’s first teacher and inspiration, this old lady was the second person at whose feet he fell. She was

shocked. She was so innocent that she believed that all sadhus and saints were capable of having the darshan or glimpse of Krishna like she had. She did not understand why he was so shaken.

Not only was she living with the divine, she could also transmit this experience to others, just with the touch of her hand. This was initiation. Once she left his hand, he could no longer see Krishna. People meditated for years to get just one glimpse of the divine, and she was living with divinity everyday! He used to observe her as she would leave the house. She always locked the door to her small house with nothing valuable in it, and when he asked her why she bothered, she said, “ What if a dog comes inside and hurts Krishna? What if Krishna goes out and gets hurt on the road?” Such was her connection, her love. Even the way that she looked at the idol was filled with purity. When someone is in the dream state, they cannot conceive the idea of a waking state. They do not remember that there is a different reality than what is happening in the dream. Like this, when they are in the waking state, they cannot understand the concept of a superconscious state. To connect them to the superconscious state, deity worship is used. When one melts and merges into the divine through deity worship, he accesses the superconscious state. However, when there is a belief that the deity is a representation of God, there is a gap between God and the deity. Their ego, what they think they know about that God, will be what they are worshiping, and not the God or Goddess themselves. The old lady’s connection to Krishna only happened because she believed that the deity is God. Only when this understanding happens, one can worship through an idol.

Creative Juices



Saffron is the Rising Sun By Marie Claire Bagnato-Bjorndahl, Nice, France

Saffron is my rising sun, As all colors faint into One. I saw His feet gliding gently Light, in the vast Eternity. The breath of the Banyan Tree, As the bells of Arti Arose a Temple of Absolute. These New Gardens of Innocence Brought me the scent of Existence. Saffron is the wisdom of His dress Golden rhythms of sacredness Since His smile became my face I lost my mind in Emptiness In the calling of millions hearts, I heard His voice from the Altar. Like honey on jasmine day, Rivers always find their way.

For Coming Program Dates & Other Details, visit


Beyond Mind

Sleep Your Way to Enlightenment Buddha once slapped a fly to death on his face. When he came into awareness, he repeated the same action, but slowly and with awareness. A disciple asked, “What are you doing? The fly has already died.” Buddha replied, “Yes, but I killed it unconsciously, so I am now doing prayaschitta or repentance. I am doing the same act consciously.” This story speaks volumes about the importance of awareness in every action. Infuse awareness into every action – walking, talking, sitting, and even breathing. By slowing down, one becomes more conscious of one’s actions and will act with awareness. This is called Zen living or meditative living. When every act is done consciously and with awareness during the whole day, the person also becomes aware and conscious the whole night. Being aware the whole night is called sleeping one’s way to health and enlightenment! What is sleep? By its very nature consciousness is nameless, formless and timeless. Mental patterns, which are

nothing but our automated response mechanisms to situations, keep pulling at the nervous system, creating the world of name, form and time. This is the world as it is experienced by all. The intelligent innate consciousness in everyone always wants to get back to this original state where there is neither name, nor form, nor the experience of time. When one falls asleep, the consciousness floods the body and the nervous system, it packs up all the patterns, almost like packing up a tent. This is what is the experience of deep and dreamless sleep. In the sleep state, however, the patterns do not die. They just remain in their seed state. When the effect of patterns and consciousness on the body is evenly balanced, one has the right experience of the world, dreams and sleep. If the consciousness becomes less, and the effect of patterns is more then natural, sleep disorders are the result. Too much of attachment to what is seen or heard, which is nothing but the effect of patterns, is responsible for insomnia and other sleep disorders. If the effect of consciousness is more on the nervous system as compared to the patterns, that is what leads to the meditative


Beyond Mind

state and super-consciousness. Increased consciousness during the day will naturally lead to awareness in the dream state, and then to awareness during the deep sleep state. When one becomes aware in all the three states - waking, dream and sleep, it is called turiya, the fourth state. Finally, when the effect of consciousness is too much on the nervous system, all the patterns get destroyed permanently. This gives the direct experience of enlightenment. So it is very important to flood consciousness into every action during the day, and sleep in the night. This technique is a direct method to bring awareness into the deep sleep state. It needs to be practiced at night in a darkened room, for one full night. The unique thing about this meditation is that it is sufficient to do it just once to heal all sleep related problems. Instructions Sit in a comfortable posture. You can sit crosslegged on the floor or in a chair. Sit in an upright posture with the head, neck and spine in a straight line. You can support the lower back, but do not allow the head or upper back to rest against any surface, otherwise there will be a likelihood of falling asleep. For this reason it

is better not to sit on the bed while doing this meditation. Close your eyes. You can also tie a cloth around the eyes. This will give a deeper experience of darkness, and avoid the temptation to open the eyes. Now meditate deeply on darkness. Darkness is the nature of deep sleep. So meditate on darkness. Visualize that you are inhaling and exhaling darkness. Visualize darkness flooding you and everything around you. Visualize it entering into each and every cell of your body, until all that exists is darkness. Repeat the word darkness mentally like chanting a mantra. If your mind starts wandering, bring it back to the experience of darkness. When this meditation is done successfully for one full night, one will have the experience of conscious sleep and it will completely heal disorders like insomnia or chronic fatigue. There will be no tiredness from meditating all night, in fact one will feel fresh, alive and full of energy. However, the benefits do not stop with just better sleep and health. The process given here can be a direct way to experience enlightenment itself.


Esoteric Realms


Esoteric Realms

Life! Akashic Readings by Nithyananda Taken from the Akashic Readings by Kaalabhairava through Nithyananda on 6th November, 2012 on the subject of "Life". The words in this section are as delivered by Kalabairava through Paramahamsa Nithyananda

Q: ‘Revered Kalabhairava, what is the right mindset to approach life?’

A: 'Not having any perversion or

illusion or feeling of self-identification with anything is the right mindset. Even if you can afford those objects, places, positions, things, do not yearn or run behind it. Just be performing the physical actions and mental actions necessary for them to be in your life without craving for them is karma yoga. This is the right mental set-up to have in the life. Mahadeva recommends unclutching to be practiced deeply till your bio-intelligence awakens, and then entering into the life of actions will be the best thing for any individual. Do not expect anything from life because life itself is a pure gift.

Reduce your mind’s planningprojections with anxiety association

into planning-projection with micromanagement mental setup. Planning

the ‘life cannot be manipulated’ will bring tremendous reverence to the unexplained events of life. Having reverence to the unexplained events of life is what is tendency of looking at the life as miraculous. Any being who looks at the life as miraculous is saint, siddha purusha. projection with anxiety is worrying; planning projection with micro management will create wondering in your life. Planning is a innate natural expression of life, but do not add worrying or anxiety as the after-effect of planning.

Instead have micromanagement ability as the

aftermath or after-effect of planning. This is the right way to approach the life. Live through the life with the ability of the micro-management. Your heart will realize the unexplained events of the life, adds juice to the life; and even with all your micro-management powers, life cannot be manipulated as you want. Till you do the micromanagement your heart will not realize life cannot be manipulated. Only with the micro-management the realization will land in your heart - ‘life cannot be manipulated’. The realization of

No being has extraordinary

powers in planet earth. All beings are endowed with same powers. The beings who look at the life as accident, whenever an unexplained events are happening in their life if they repent and suffer and feel it is an accident they are called demons. Whenever an unexplained event happens in their life if they just accept and tolerate they are called humans. Whenever an unexplained events happen in your life, if you look at that as a miracle, siddhi, you are called siddha, siddha purusha.

Ability to look at the unexplained

events as a blessing spontaneously is the mental setup of siddha purusha. Mahadeva commands all human beings should be taught this science of being siddha purusha. The science is direct and simple. Learn the spiritual sacred secrets and truths which makes you experience and perceive

any unexplained event in your life spontaneously as miracle. Mahadeva commands all the children on the planet earth should be taught this science of siddha purusha. This science is the most easiest method to become siddha, right path to become a siddha.

When you start perceiving the

life as a great miracle about all the unexplained events, suddenly, with understanding, the unexplained events became part of your planning preparation energy. When these unexplained events happen, if you perceive them as miracle or blessing by analyzing and understanding, you are a jnana yogi, if you perceive them as a blessing directly without even analyzing, you are a siddha purusha.

More and more you perceive all

the unexplained events as a blessing and miracle in your life, you will understand the science of making the unexplained events or miracles possible in your life as blessing. Those sciences of creating unexplainable events which are miracles and auspicious to make it happen in your life spontaneously, attracting them spontaneously in your life starts expressing in you, those powers are only called siddhis.'


For more information, visit


Living Enlightenment

Be a Jeevan Mukta! Taken from Nithyananda's Morning Discourse on 28th May, 2013 in Bidadi Ashram, Bangalore, India

First thing I wanted to tell you, next six months, please continuously do completion – completion with you and with others. Go on completing, completing, completing. When you complete with others, you will find deeper and deeper root-patterns. When you complete with you, you will find deeper and deeper root-patterns. Root-pattern is not one; it is a multiple root-pattern! The root of all the root-patterns will be one. But root-patterns will be many. So, listen: next six months, continuously decide to complete. Whenever you have a panic attack, whenever you have a fear attack, whenever you have a feeling of powerlessness, immediately don’t waste that time, don’t miss that time, don’t miss that opportunity, look in! Find the root-pattern responsible for you feeling powerless. Take the time to complete with you and to complete with others. For next six months, take this completion.

Understand, if you have not attended the Inner Awakening, can you ever imagine what all you would have missed? So, same way I tell you, if you don’t do completion for the next six months with authenticity, you will miss so many things. I can’t even tell you what all you will miss. So, next six months, take this completion process with yourself and others as a lifestyle. Till January 1st, do completion, completion, completion! Continuously complete with you and with others. January 1st is the day you can expect a new being happening in you.

See, this plan for January 1st is just to make you understand, so that you will continuously remember these six months that you have to complete, complete, complete. Decide that on January 1st you are going to have one more initiation in Bidadi campus with Swamiji. So understand, these six months, you have to move yourself to do completion. Even the people you meet on the street, if they have caused some pain or powerlessness in you, you have to complete with them! So, first step is completion. I tell you, when you complete, complete, complete, only in that space of completion, the four tattvas become reality. The space you create will become reality. Only when you create some space and that becomes reality, you will be successful. You may ask, ‘How do I know I have completed, I am in completion, I am complete?’

Simply others around you will be enriched by you! When you are complete, everyone around you will be enriched by you like anything! Nobody



Living Enlightenment needs to tell you to enrich others. Constantly you will be enriching. Others will feel enriched. How many people around you feel enriched is the direct measure we can find out how much of completion you reached, what level of completion you reached.

I also wanted to tell you one thing. Sanyas is more about living the quality of sannyas than changing the robes. If you are authentic, wherever you are, live the qualities of sanyas. Sanyas is nothing but living in completion and enriching others. Wherever you are, if you live in completion, even the grass around you will be enriched! People around you will be vibrating with Nithyananda! When people see you, they should tell “Nithyanandam”! You will radiate that kind of a space. You will vibrate in such a space. So understand, completion, completion, completion, that leads you to the space of completion. That leads you to the space of enriching.

So, whatever you want to achieve in your life, just work on completion. Work on completion, completion, completion; completion with you and with others. When you complete with you and others, the space of enriching will simply be happening in you! How many people are enriched by you decides whether you are in the space of completion or not.

If you live integrity, simply you will be in the space of positivity. Simply you will be in the space of positivity! You will be carrying the space of positive energy. When you are established in integrity, automatically you will be so aware with your whole thinking. During your whole thinking you will not allow negativity in your thinking. You will be in such a positive space! Being in a positive space means always feeling powerful. There is no powerless moment in your life. If you are feeling powerless even for one moment in your life, you are not integrated, you are not in integrity. Powerlessness does not lead to integrity.

So, understand, when you live in authenticity, everything will look possible, possible, possible! You just know you can do it! You can do it! You can do it! You will have intense passion for life due to that space of possibility.

So, Integrity in your thinking is a basic step. Authenticity in your actions, responsibility in the way you carry yourself in your being. Enriching yourself and others through the way you are living. Wherever you are, live like a sanyasi. When I say live like a sanyasi, live like a Jivan Mukta! And, I initiate all of you into Jivan Mukti! Live this! You are a Jivan Mukta!



The sacred Banyan tree in Nithyananda's Bidadi ashram, Bangalore, India. The Banyan tree is a kalpa vriksha , that is, a wish-fulfilling tree. The space around the tree resonantes with a vibrant silence The banyan tree houses the jeeva samadhis of two enlightened masters under it, radiating their powerful cosmic energy to the whole world.

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