Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science №42 part 4

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Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 42/2020 3. Беспалов А.В. Крах шведского «великодер13. Hochedlinger M. Austria’s Wars of жавия». Борьба за балтийские владения Швеции в Emergence. War, State and Society in the Habsburg 1709-1718 годах./А.В. Беспалов: Монография. – М.: Monarchy 1683-1797/ M.Hochedlinger. L.; N.Y. Академия ГПС МЧС России, 2019.-379 с. 2003.-580 p. 4. Гистория Свейской войны (под 14. Memoirs du marechal de Villars. Paris,Vol. 2. ред.Т.С.Майковой). ч.1. М., "Круг", 2004.-655 с. 1903.- 701 p. 5. Молчанов Н.Н. Дипломатия Петра Вели15. Pasquier J.-C. Le Château de Vendôme/ кого/ Н.Н.Молчанов.М., Издательство «Междуна- Pasquier J.-C. Paris, 2000.-118 p. родные отношения», 1986. -443 с. 16. Pelet-Clozeau Jean-Jacques Germain /Mé6. Пузыревский А.К. Развитие постоянных moires militaires relatifs à la succession d'Espagne sous регулярных армий и состояние военного искусства Louis XIV/ Jean-Jacques Germain Pelet-Clozeau. t. 5. в век Людовика XIV и Петра Великого/ А.К. Пузы- Paris. 1852.-318 p. ревский. СПб, 1889.-348 с. 17. Rousset. Histoire militaire du prince Eugen de 7. Фенор В. Фридрих Вильгельм I/ В. Фенор. Savoye, du prince de Marlborougt et de prince de NasМ., 2004.-382 с. sau-Frise. La Mape/ Rousset. 1729-1747.-218 p. 8. Brandani T. Ducato di Milano e Mantova 18. SOURCHES, Louis Du Bouchet de, Médurante la guerra di successione spagnola (1701-1714)/ moires du marquis de Sourches sur le règne de Louis T. Brandani. Mantova, 2007.- 345p. XIV, édités par G.-J. Cosnac et É. Pontal, Paris, 9. Bidrag til den store nordiske krigs historie. Er- Librairie Hachette et Cie/ Louis Du Bouchet de obringen af sverigs tyske provinsen 1715-1716. Bd. 7., SOURCHES. 1889, t. IX.- 578 p. 1918.- 580 p. 19. M. de Villeneuve. Éloge historique de Louis10. Feldzüge des Prinzen Eugen, von Savoyen. Joseph, duc de Vendôme, généralissime des armées de Wien. 1882. S.1, Bd 7.(1705).-1130 p. France et d'Espagne, ouvrage qui a remporté le prix de 11. Hinrichs С. Friedrich Wilhelm I. Konig in l'Académie de Marseille, en 1783/ M. de Villeneuve.Preussen/ С.Hinrichs. Hamburg, 1941.-420 p. 345 p. 12. Luchchero E. Cassano 16/08/1705./ E.Luchchero / / Rivista Storia Militare. Numero 7/2008, p. 4-9. FROM THE HISTORY OF THE INTEGRATION OF KAZAKH LANGUAGE INTO DOCUMENTATION MANAGEMENT Zhumatov D. 1-year doctoral student of KazNU named after al-Farabi, specialty 8D02206 - History. Kazakhstan, Almaty Abstract Based on the identified sources, the article examines the issue of the language policy of the Soviet government in Kazakhstan, which was a priority area of indigenization. This policy was carried out in the framework of the implementation of social justice and self-identity of the people. In November 1917, the Council of People's Commissars adopted one of the first documents of Soviet power - the Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples of Russia. The indigenous policy had two main tasks: firstly, it was aimed at the formation of national cadres of the party and Soviet apparatus, which would be the conductors and executors of power in the region. Secondly, indigenization was accompanied by the introduction of the Kazakh language in office work. Based on the collected information, the features, difficulties and intermediate results on the introduction of the Kazakh language in office work in the 20s of the twentieth century are analyzed. Keywords: kazakh language, documentation management, indigenization, decree, central commission. Introduction. A key element in the formation of the authenticity of any ethnic group is language. Without development of the state language in all sectors of the country's social life, it is impossible to develop public consciousness. The status of the Kazakh language was legally defined, some legislative acts have been adopted. On July 11, 1997, the Law “On Languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan” was enacted, according to article 4 of which the state language of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the Kazakh language, and Russian is the language of interethnic communication. Language policy in Kazakhstan, begun by the Soviet government in the 20s. The twentieth century originally was supposed to introduce the Kazakh language in office work. One

of the main directions of the indigenous policy in Kazakhstan was the translation of office work into the Kazakh language and giving it the status of business communication. Materials and methods. During the writing of the article, the principles of historicism, scientific objectivity, and integrity were used. Specific historical and problem-chronological research methods were applied. A scientific rethinking of the historical past is impossible without a concrete source analysis of both sources, already known and newly introduced into the scientific circulation. Records management forms a complex system of historical sources, created in the process of the apparatus management. The content of the documents and the specific composition of the

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