Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 42/2020
PEDAGOGICAL SCIENCES READINESS OF FUTURE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS TO IMPROVE SPELLING COMPETENCY Vitіuk V. сandidate of рedagogical sciences, associate professor of the department of philology and methods of primary education Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Ukraine, Lutsk, Abstract The article is described the issue of readiness of future elementary school teachers for self-improvement of spelling competency in the context of modern sociocultural challenges and requirements of the New Ukrainian School. Readiness is defined as a psychological state, socially-valuable and motivationally effective personality quality, an integrated result of linguistic and linguodidactic education and self-education, which provides an effective result of training a specialist of a modern university. A professiogram has been concluded for the formation of the spelling of the competence of future primary school teachers. Keywords: readiness, spelling competency, graphics, calligraphy, orthography, punctuation of the Ukrainian language The beginning of the third millennium is characterized by the dynamics of updating the content of education, focusing on a new pedagogical consciousness, meets the sociocultural challenges and requirements of the New Ukrainian School. The educational paradigm system in our time is aimed at preparing a future elementary school teacher who will have not only a steady interest in pedagogical activity, necessary character traits, desire to master knowledge, skills, but also a willingness to carry out educational activities. The problem of the individual’s readiness for activity is one of the key in the context of its professional development as future teachers of the New Ukrainian School. Confirmation of thought is the data of the National Institute for Strategic Studies that “over the past decade, the system of generation and transfer of knowledge has changed dramatically, and their volume has increased many times. Today it is impossible at one time, even for 5 or 6 years, to prepare a person for professional activities for life. Now about 5% of theoretical and 20% of professional knowledge is updated annually ” [12]. G. Tereshchuk’s considerations are suitable: “In modern conditions of rapid changes and total informatization, the readiness of the student comes to the forefront, taking into account personal capabilities and interests, quickly and clearly monitor and select information, design methods of action in order to successfully complete specific tasks in accordance with the didactic goals set by the teacher” [19, p. 7]. An analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature suggests that the problem of readiness for a certain type of activity, the determination of the ways of its formation is the subject of study by many researchers. First of all, we consider the interpretation of the concept of “readiness” in lexicographic sources. The most common are interpretations of the definition as “the desire to do something” [17, p. 148; 4, p. 257]; “Organize something; teach what is needed; give the necessary knowledge ” [14]; “The state of mobilization of all psychophysiological systems of a person, ensuring the implementation of certain actions” [11]; “Such
a state of man, for which she is ready to take advantage of some experience” [1]. The concept of “readiness” is the subject of research by teachers, psychologists, methodologists. So, psychologists consider readiness for activity as a prerequisite for purposeful activity, an integral quality of personality (D. Leontyev [9], K. Platonov [13]), a synthesis of certain personal qualities (A. Krivilova [8], V. Krutetskiy [9], S. Maksimenko [5]), the psychological condition for the success of an activity (V. Borisov [2], I. Shevchenko [20]). Platonov [13], S. Rubinstein [15], consider readiness as a special mental state, an integral manifestation of personality, occupies an intermediate position between psychological processes and personality traits. M. Dyachenko [5], L. Kandibovich [5], V. Krutetskiy [9], V. Slastenin [16] define readiness as a complex multi-level education, a dynamic system with cognitive, volitional, motivational and emotional characteristics. V. Slastenin notes that readiness for pedagogical activity is not an inborn quality of a person, but the result of its preparation in a pedagogical educational institution. The factors that contribute to the optimization of the readiness formation process include theoretical and practical preparation of students for pedagogical activity, the development of adequate motivation and professionally important personality traits. The scientist identifies such components of readiness for pedagogical activity: psychological, scientific-theoretical, practical, psychophysiological, physical readiness [16, p. 205]. M. Dyachenko, L. Kandibovich [5] characterizes readiness both as a state and as an integrative quality of a person. V. Krutetskiy [9] considers readiness as a synthesis of personality traits that determine its suitability for activity. M. Dyachenko calls readiness a stable personality characteristic, acts constantly, it does not need to be formed each time in accordance with the objectives of the activity. Manifesting in advance formed, this readiness, according to the researcher, is a determining prerequisite for successful activity [5]. In this regard, the interpretation of the concept of “readiness”