3 minute read
Bhaarateey Boliyaan–Kashmea
The history of the Haitian Creole
Inspired from Latin and African dialects, the Haitian creole language has a short but intriguing history.
Haitian Creole is a vernacular language that developed in the 17th and 18th century. The history of its origin came from its development on the sugarcane plantations of Haiti between French Colonists and African Slaves. It has been one of Haiti’s official languages since 1987.
One of the queries about this language is its dialect and determining the features from African languages and its grammatical features. As Haitian creole is a derivative of French creole, and it is probably the one that has the most influence from African languages. In addition to being maltreated by cruel slave owners, the African slaves initially had no effective method of communicating with each other, since they came from different parts of West Africa and spoke different languages. scholars have concluded to two factors; one is the high ratio of Africans to Europeans in the early history of the colony. The second is the Haitian revolution where lots of French colonists died.
The French dialect that the slaves were trying to learn from was very different as it was usually spoken by higher class French people, therefore Haitian creole is more commonly known as slang. since it was influenced by Argot or French slang and African-based languages, the grammar and overall language structure is different from standard French.
During the 20th century, stigma and public opinions towards Haitian Creole changed with over 90 percent of the population speaking Haitian Creole, moreover people began seeing the language as something innate to theirculture.
Political dismay and pressure in the 1970s forced an incentive to change the language in schools, pressurising lawmakers to standardise orthography. They then created an orthography that is suitable for school and in 1980 this was official. It made it more than just slang. Popularity for Haitian Creole is rising, and many people are striving to learn it.
By Neesha
Bhaarateey Boliyaan
Bharat mein unnees hajaar paanch sau se jyaada boliyon mein baat hoti hai. Isme se bharatiya sarkar baees bhaashaon ko aadhikaarik taur par pahachaanata hai aur yeh hain: Bangali, Hindi, MaithilI, Nepaali, Sanskrt, Tamil, Urdu, Asamiya, Dogari, Kannad, Gujaraati, Bodo, Manipur, Udiya, Maraathi, Santaalee, Telugu, Panjaabi, Sindhee, Malayaalam, Konkani aur Kashmiri. Hindustan mein itni saari bhaashayen hai, humari mushoor itihaas ki vajay se. Aur iska matlab hai, ki hindustan mein har ek jaane ko kaafi bhaashayen samajhe aur bolni aati hain. Har raajy ki apani bhaasha hoti hai jo uske rahne vaalon ko jaani hoti hai. iske alaava, bharat ke uttar mein, Hindi jaana bahut upayogi hota hai taaki log durse raajy mein rehne vaalon se baat kar sakte hai. Itni bhaashayon ki vajay se, Hindustan mein bhaut saare film udyog hai, in mein se sabse mushoor hai, Bollywood, jo Hindi mein filme bannata hai.
Indian Dialects
In India there are more than nineteen thousand, five hundred dialects in which people converse. Within these, the Indian government officially recognises 20 languages as national languages and these are: Bengali, Hindi,MaithilI, Nepali, Sanskrit, Tamil, Urdu, Asamiya, Dogri, Kannada, Gujarati, Bodo, Manipuri, Udiyan, Maraathi, Santaalee, Telugu, Punjabi, Sindhu, Malayalam, Konkani and Kashmiri. There are so many languages in India due to our renowned history. This means that in India, every single person tends to know and understand quite a few languages. Every state has its own language, which the residents have to know. Apart from this, in the North of India, it has become very useful to know Hindi so that you are more able to converse with people from other states. Due to having so many languages, there are many different film industries in India to cater for the different languages, with the most famous of them being, Bollywood, which is in Hindi.
By Kashmea