ՆՈՐ ՕՐ Շաբաթաթերթ

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N.O. December 19, 2013, no. 49:N.O. Blank


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FING<ABJI% D:KT:MB:R 19% 2013



Tawoutø[lou :r;uan :rjalou Enjazqin Lragro[n;roun Esau&


Mamoule takauin ke .øsi Artaqin Na.arar Afmht Tawoutø[loui w;r=in :r;uan a\z;louj;an masin% or irakanazau 12 D;kt;mb;rin% S;u ’ow;an Famagor‘akzouj;an Artaqin Na.ararn;rou vo[owi a®jiu! Tawoutø[lou a\s a[mkaliz a\z;loujiune katara‘ hr ir;n f;t tan;low .oumb me lragro[n;r! Fima \a\tni ke da®na\ or ;rjalou enjazqin lragro[n;r Tawoutø[louin farzouza‘ ;n 1915-i t;[afanouj;an masin ir kar‘iqe ou an al patas.ana‘ h or inq bazar]akaphs s.al ke


gtnh a\d gor‘adroujiune! ªInc or Ijjifatakann;rou ko[mh katarou;zau% anmardka\in h% m;nq ;rb;q c;nq iurazn;r t;[afanouj;an ga[a'areº esa‘ h Tawoutø[lou! Tawoutø[lou au;lzouz or ;jh t;[afanouj;nh dhpi ;t m;kn;low patmoujiun groui% a\s angam al ke st;[‘oui a\n fanra\in kar‘iqe jh fa\;re dauayan;zin a\s ;rkrin ou arvani dar]a‘ t;[afanouj;an! Tawoutø[lou patas.an;z na;u ;rkou ;rkirn;rou mi=;u safmann;re banalou farzin ;u \a\tn;z anaknkal t;sakht me! Esau& ª:njadr;nq or safmane bazinq% wa[e dar];al 'ak;l ke stipouinq ;jh pat;raxm me ‘agi Fa\astani ou Atrph\yani mi=;u! Am;nhn dvouar gor‘n h sa®a‘ kazouj;an me sa®zal;®e lou‘;l! Asika en;lou enjazqin pat;raxmi al krnaq patya® da®nalº! I

Amhn tari soworoujiun dar]a‘ mi=oza®oum men h a\s ;r;kon% our ke gnafatouin ªNor Ørº <abajaj;rjin a,.atakizn;re% Nor Tarouan ;u Sourb ’noundi na.ør;akin! Fing,abji% D;kt;mb;r 12% 2013-i ;r;ko\;an vame 7&30-in% JMM-i Aljatina\i Ph,khøjiur;an srafin mh= t;[i oun;zau ªNor Ørºi a,.atakizn;rou gnafatanqi ;r;kon% our fauaqoua‘ hin j;rjin a,.atakizn;r% tøn;lou famar mt;rmik Nor Tarouan mjnolort me% miat;[ gnafat;lou na;u a\s tarouan gnafatanqi


Sourio\ enddimouj;an n;rka\azouzic Qasim Saat;ttinine \a\tarara‘ h% or ;rkri mh= enddimadir .mbauoroumn;re miauoroua‘ ;n ªSouriazi apstambn;rou yakatºin^ dimadr;lou famar oc mia\n Pa,ar Al Asati ka®awarouj;ane% a\l na;u mius .mbauoroumn;roun% oronq kapoua‘ ;n ªAl-Qaita\iº f;t! Nor miauorman mh= mta‘ h 15 .mbauoroum% oronz mh=^ Souriakan axat banaki martikn;re! Saat;ttini .øsqow^ f;nz Souriazi apstamb n;rou yakate% oroun npatakn h pa,tpan;l souriazi vo[owourdin ;u p;toujiune% \;taga\in ke da®na\ souriakan banaki mi=ouke! I

Wafh Fap;,;an ªArminien Ouiqliºi mh= ke grh% or 2005-in A\njapi mh= Mouraj anounow gor‘auor me fin tan me 'a\th mhk bavinhn fin bazik me gta‘ h! Bazikin a®=;ui ko[me s;u ;rkar fagoust faga‘% a= ];®qin atryanak me ;u ]a. ];®qin frazan me kro[ knka\ me lousankarn h! Anor kour‘qin .ackap kapoua‘% incphs na;u mh=qin kapoua‘ 'am',takaln;r kan! "am'ou,tn;roun ;u ka,in;rou mh= faxiu n,mar;li h anor ]a. kour‘qin wran gtnouo[ lan=as;[ me kam m;tal me! Bazikin wari ]a. ko[me angl;rhnow ªM& F& Fallay;anº storagroujiune tpoua‘ h% isk a= ko[me t;[anoun me^ ªA\njap% "oqr Asiaº! Bazikin ;t;ue Mourajin an‘anøj ;[o[ l;xouow ];®agir groujiun me ka\% mia\n jouakani me^ 1910 mhk mase anor fasknali h! Mouraj fin toun;rou w;ranorogmamb xba[a‘ ir ,r=anin A\njapi Qa\ayiq ,r=anin mh= gtnouo[ fin tan me 'a\th bavinn;re noroga‘ at;n gta‘ h bazike! |;taga\in A\njap a\z;lo[ fa\;r jargmana‘ ;n bazikin wra\ groua‘ groujiune& ªFangouz;al f;ros Ghorg Cauou,i tikin a\ri F;[inh! M;r \i,ataki nouhre ast(#)% tiar |owfannhs ;u tikin "iran;an% 21 |oulis 1910 F|D% A\njapº! Lousankare grg®a‘ h Mouraji f;taqrqroujiune ;u an oro,a‘ h A\njapi patmoujiune f;taxøt;l! An sorwa‘ h fa\;rhn ;u n;rka\is k*a,.ati A& K;sari% 1945-in Posjoni ªFa\r;niqº-i tparanhn lo\s t;sa‘ ªA\njapi go\amarteº girqin jrq;rhn jargmanouj;an wra\! Fap;,;an ke n,h% or Mouraj a\vm ir anoune Mourat ke grh!

arvani a,.atakizn;re% oronq ir;nz niuja-baro\akan n;rdroume katara‘ ;n a\s tarouan enjazqin% ªNor Ørºi bargauayman ;u go\at;uman a,.atanqn;roun! A\s tari gnafatanqi arvanazan Thr ;u Tik& Ghorg ;u Shsil Qh,i,;ann;r% ir;nz nouir;al ansafman ‘a®a\oujiunn;roun famar% oronq satar;zin j;rjis bar;lauman ;u \a®a=enjazi a,.atanqn;roun! Gnafatanqi arvanazan na;u "ro`& Ø,in Qh,i,;an% or fandi<ar& h= 6


A,.arfaf®cak <a®l Axnauoure w;r=in angam fam;rgow fandhs piti ga\ 2014 j& |ounis 1-in Lontoni Alp;rt-Fol srafin mh=% ke grh ªFrench Radio Londonºe! 2013 j& Fokt;mb;rin Jagauorakan Alp;rt-Foli mh= fandhs galh \;to\ Axnauoure ke w;rada®na\ frav;,ti fam;rgow% a\sphsow ke n,anauoroui anor 90-am;ake! ~ransafa\ fra,ali ;rgice% or bolor vamanakn;rou m;‘ago\n <ar& h= 15

N.O. December 19, 2013, no. 49:N.O. Blank


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NOR ØR% D:KT:MB:R 19% 2013

Ørfan Qhmal Yhnkixi |a.ou®n |ødoua‘e


|akob Martiros;an >MBAGRAKAN KAXM^

Dokt& Minas Goya\;an Sargis |& Minas;an Frac S;';jy;an >acik Yano\;an MARXAKAN BAVUN^

Au;tis Ba\ram;an WARCAKAN KAXM^

Toqj& Âa``i Pal;an Ghorg Grigor;an Karø Giu'hl;an Andranik A`ar;an


F;®& (626)296-2921 F;®atip (626)296-2922

E- Mail: nor-or@sbcglobal.net Dauan;low ®amkawarakan skxbounqn;r% ke fauatanq baxmakar‘ouj;an ;u axat .øsqi irauounqi% f;t;uabar% fraparakoua‘ groujiunn;re anpa\man c;n arta\a\t;r .mbagrouj;ans t;sakhte! Kamqh anka. patya®n;row sprda‘ wripakn;rou famar k*apauininq m;r a,.atakizn;roun ;u enj;rzo[n;roun n;ro[amtouj;an! Nor Or Weekly is published weekly, except two weeks in AUGUST Nor Or Publishing Association, Inc. 1901 N. Allen Ave., Altadena, CA 91001 Annual Subscription rates: As of June 1st, 2007 U.S.A. 2nd Class: West Coast $75 2nd Class: East Coast $85

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91-AM:AK 1922-2013

Ørfan Qhmal Yhnkix ªRati qalºi mh= storagra‘ h \a.ou®n \ødoua‘ me% orow an srtabazørhn ou .ixa.ørhn farz kou ta\ jh ;#rb ard;øq Jourqio\ mh= al warcap;t me qa=oujiune piti oun;na\ ‘ounki galou 1915-i Fa\ nafatakn;rou \i,atakin a®=;u ;u n;ro[oujiun .ndr;lou anonzmh! An miavamanak farz kou ta\ jh ;#rb ard;øq Jourqio\ mh= warcap;t me qa=oujiune piti oun;na\ Jourq vo[owourdin yakthn srb;lou z;[aspanoujiune ouranalou arate! |ødoua‘agire a\s ba.toro, farzoumn;roun ke sksi^ \i,;low G;rmanio\ ;rb;mni Warcap;t Wili Prante% or L;fastani mh= g;rmann;rou i \i,atak ka®ouzoua‘ \ou,ar]anin a®=;u ‘ounki ;kau ou a®anz ba® me artasan;lou ,at ban esa‘ ;[au i \i,atak a\d xof;roun! Ke kardanq! ªWar,auio\ mh= an]r;uot ør men hr% g;tinn;rn al jaz hin% 7 D;kt;mb;r 1970! G;rmanio\ Warcap;t Wili Prant pa,tønakan a\z;louj;amb ;ka‘ hr War,awa! An Frhakan o[=akixman xof gaza‘ Fr;an;rou \ou,ar]an ;kau% na. m;.akn;r drau fon% \;to\ qa\l me ;t gnaz% a\nouf;t;u erau a\n ,arvoume or ambo[= patmouj;an me gnazqe piti 'o.hr! ’;nradr;z ir ‘ounke dn;low jaz fo[in wra\% ];®q;re miazouz ir a®=;u ou fon a\dphs k;zau a®anz .øs;lou! A®anz ba® me isk es;lou an esau a\nqan ,at ban orqane chr krnar es;l ambo[= girq me! An a\dphs ‘nradr;low bar]razouz ir axge% ,hnzouz fr;a\ xof;roun fogin;reº! Ørfan Qhmal Yhnkix saphs ke ,arounakh& ªØr me m;nq al Pranti ca' qa= Warcap;t me piti kar;na#nq oun;nal! Ør me Jourqio\ mh= al piti \a\tnoui# qa=ari a®a=nord me or Jourq vo[owourdin yakthn piti srbh Fa\kakan Z;[aspanoujiune ouranalou arateº! |ødoua‘agire ke n,h or 2009 jouakanin Hrto[an era‘ hr .øsq me% or lauat;soujiun ke n;r,nchr a\s niuji masin! A\n at;n kar‘oua‘ hr

or Hrto[an krnar a\s fango\ze qak;l! Hrto[an esa‘ hr or tarb;r axgoujiun oun;zo[n;re a\s ;rkrhn w®ntoua‘ hin ou asika `a,istakan ararq hr! Hrto[an a\s k;rpow a\s vo[owourdin .[ymtanqe ke 'rkhr sa®;zoumh! Ba\z i@nc m;[q or Hrto[an fonkh au;li andin cgnaz% anor .øsqe ødin mh= mnaz! A\sør Hrto[an 'oqramasnoujiunn;rou masin bnau ci .øsir% ;rb ke .øsi Jourqio\ fa\r;nakizn;roun masin! :u mhtia\i mh= fratarakoua‘ lour;rhn \a\tni ke da®na\ or ka®awaroujiune amour 'ara‘ h fariur tarin;rh i w;r \a®a= q,oua‘ ka[aparn;roun! Hrto[an mhk ko[mh Xouir;zio\ k*a®a=arkh or warago\ri ;t;uhn mi=nordoujiun enh Jourqio\ ou Fa\astani mi=;u% mhk ko[mh al ke =ana\ arg;lq ellal a\n \ou,ar]anin% xor Fa\;re banal k*oux;n Ven;ui mh=! Piulhnt Arenc .orfrdarani mh= ;lo\ji me enjazqin ke patmh or Jourqia 1915-i fariuram;akin a®jiu ke t;snh a\npisi patrastoujiunn;r% oronq krnan axd;l ambo[= a,.arfi wra\! Kar‘;s jh gow;li gor‘ ke t;sn;n! Jourq Patmouj;an Kaya®n al baxmajiu girq;r piti fratarakh ;[;r 1915-i fariuram;aki a®ijow! Warcap;tarann ou Artaqin Na.araroujiune baxmajiu .oumb;r kaxm;r ;n% orphsxi ambo[= a,.arfi bazatroui jrqakan t;sakhte! :u kousakzoujiunn;re% oronq oc mhk .ndri mh= irarou ke mianan% Yh-Fh-"h% Mh-Fh-"h ;u A-Gh-"h% qow qowi ;k;r ;n ou .øs;r ;n fariuram;aki masin! |ødoua‘agire saphs ke w;r=aznh ir \ødoua‘e& ª:jh c;nq krnar \arganqow ‘nradr;l ir;nz k;anqe korsnzouza‘ anfamar anm;[n;rou \i,atakin a®=;u% gonh l®;lou% ban me cen;lou imastoujiune oun;na\inq! :jh ci \a\tnouir Pranti nman warcap;t me or xof;rou \i,atakin a®=;u piti ‘nradrhr% gonh sa ambo[= a,.arfe famox;lou m;r yig;rhn fravarhinq! Qic me mta‘;lou ;nq a\s masinº! ªMarmaraº

|AROUJIUN <IJIL:AN QANATA& BAR}RAZO{ QA{AQAKAN DHMQ ME Dokt& Minas Goya\;an% Monjrhal-Los Any;les D;kt;mb;r 2013 Fokt;mb;r 27-in% keghart.com ka\qh=i na.a];®nouj;amb% Joronjo\i mh= kaxmak;rpoua‘ hr d®nbaz qnnarkoum me^ ªS'iu®qafa\ouj;an antarb;roujiune qa[aqakan k;anqhn n;rs& A®asph#l% jh^ Irakanoujiunº w;rnagrow! Qnnarkman cors masnakizn;rhn ;r;qe ;ritasardn;r hin ;u bolorn al anka. irarmh^ ke matnan,hin fa\ ;ritasardn;rou ;u fa\ fama\nqin f;®ou mnalou paragan t;[akan qa[aqakan a,.o\v k;anqhn! Anonq koc k*enhin jh* fama\nqin ;u jh* ;ritasardn;roun c.ousa'il t;[akan ka®awarman marminn;rou mas kaxm;lou gor‘enjazhn! Masnakizn;re koc k*enhin ou ke ,;,thin qa[aqakan entrouj;anz ou k;anqin masnakz;lou anfrav;,toujiune^ zo\z talow a\n øgoutn;re% xors kar;li h qa[;l nman masnakzoujiunn;rh! (Na\il keghart.com, Political Apathy: Myth or Reality? Video)

|arouj <ijil;an

Oura.ouj;amb ;u fpartouj;amb phtq h n,;m or Monjrhali ,r=anin mh= f;txf;th anoun fano[ ;u Qanata\i qa[aqakankousakzakan k;anqin mh= bar]razo[ dhmq;rhn h |arouj <ijil;an% or jh;u masnagitaza‘ ;u a,.ata‘ h yartaragitouj;an yiu[in f;®afa[ordakzman masnayiu[in mh=% a,.ouvørhn n;rgrauoua‘ h na;u t;[akan qa[aqap;takan k;anqhn n;rs!

G;[adhm a\s ;ritasarde ‘na‘ h Ph\rouj% ourkh ine tar;kanin ‘no[n;roun f;t ga[ja‘ h Qanata! Na.nakan ;u mi=nakarg ousoume staza‘ h FBEM-i Al;qs Manouk;an warvaranhn n;rs% ormh ;tq \aya.a‘ h `rans;rhn l;xoui dproz! Gor‘øn k;rpow masnakza‘ h lo[i% =ragndaki ;u pasqhjpoli marxa];u;roun% a\nouf;t;u auarta‘ h yartagitakan w;ro\i,;al bavine! A,.ata‘ h <ouhtakan Hriqson fimnarkin mh= orphs mi=axga\in gor‘;rou g‘ow .orfrdakan^ Latinakan Am;rika% Ar;umt;an :uropa ;u Miaz;al Nafangn;r! A\nouf;t;u an fimna‘ h ir s;'akan .orfrdatouakan k;drone t;[;katuouj;an ;u f;®afa[ordakzman bnagaua®hn n;rs! 2009-in |arouj <ijil;an ke sksi au;li fangamanørhn f;taqrqrouil qa[aqap;takan k;anqow ;u lr=ørhn ke patrastoui masnakzil entroujiunn;roun ;u k*entroui Monjrhali AfounziqQarjihwili qa[aqa\in .orfourdi andam! Minc;u 2011-i |ounise <ar& h= 12

N.O. December 19, 2013, no. 49:N.O. Blank


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M;nq :nq^ M;r Zau;re

FF QA{AQAZIOUJIUN^ <NORFO{I OU <NORFOUO{I KARGOW PARO|R A{PA<:AN Fa\astani anka.oujiune ;rax men hr% or irakanazau% a®anz ;[ba\raspanouj;an% ariunaf;[ouj;an kam \;[a'o.ouj;an% orowf;t;u a,.arfaqa[aqakan pa\mann;re 'o.oua‘ hin ;u a\lentranq ckar% bazi >orfrda\in Miouj;an qa\qa\oumhn% ormh ªøgtouo[ºn;rhn a®a=ine ;[au Fa\astane! A\sør% ,our= 22 tari anza‘ h anka.ouj;an f®cakoumhn ou gor‘enjazhn% isk Fa\astan arag qa\l;row \a®a=dim;low% \armara‘ h nor irawiyaki pafan=qn;roun% pa\mann;roun ;u a®a=adranqn;roun! A\s enjazqin% an,ou,t% Fa\astan anzau na;u baxmajiu 'or]oujiunn;rh% oun;zau sa\jaqoumn;r% dimagrau;z martafrauhrn;r% jh* n;rfa\astan;an% jh* artfa\astan;an marx;rhn n;rs% 'or];low m;[mazn;l kam \a[jafar;l xanonq! M;r kar‘iqow% am;nhn afauorn ou a[itab;re ;[an na.agafakan% .orfrdaranakan ou marxp;takan stougat;sn;re% oronq vo[owourdin møt .or \ousa.aboujiunn;r a®a=azouzin% fiasja'oujiun patya®;zin% manauand or ;ko[-gazo[ ou gazo[-;ko[ i,.anoujiunn;re^ ir;nz p;takan a\r;rou m;‘amasnouj;amb% au;li .orazouzin fasarakouj;an whrq;re% au;li bar]razouzin fanrouj;an xa\ro\ji aliqn;re! Artaga[je% or ardiunq h go\oujiun oun;zo[ anfarjoujiunn;roun% anirauoujiunn;roun ;u anardaroujiunn;roun% a\sør ;us ke ,arounakoui anarg;l ;u anxousp ja'ow% minc i,.anoujiunn;re% m;[m esa‘% dito[i ;u anxørouj;an d;ri mh= ;n% isk s'iu®qafa\oujiune takauin ckrzau andrada®nal a\s famaxga\in-fa\r;nakan patoufasin% au;li frapourou;low ma\raqa[aqi wardago\n ;r;sn;rou psp[oun xargazoumn;rhn% a\d w;rab;rmounqe% cxarmana*l% nkat;low fa\r;nasiroujiun kam fa\astanasiroujiun! Xo\g w;rab;rmounqn;r^ i,.anoujiun-s'iu®qafa\oujiun% oronq ocincow lauat;soujiun ke n;r,nc;n% ocincow ke \ousadr;n% ocincow ke .andawa®;n% a\nqan at;n or ªcariqºi a[biurn;re c;n c;xoqaza‘! Saka\n% fon jh fos% minc;u ;#rb piti ,arounakoui a\s xaxr;li faukouroujiune% minc;u ;#rb patas.anatoun;r karyat;s piti mnan% minc;u ;#rb a\nt;[i ªantarb;rºn;re piti \am;nan% isk a\st;[i ªfa\r;nashrºn;re piti \ama®in% iuraqanciure ir a.tab;r .ramatin mh=! S.al% no\nisk wnasakar ;n a\s møt;zoumn;re% parxaphs anor famar% or t;[ me ,afagor‘o[ ka\% ouri, t;[ me^ ,afagor‘ouo[% oronq bnau al c;n øgn;r fa\r;napafpanouj;an ou fa\r;napa,tpanouj;an% oc al s'iu®qafa\ouj;an frama\akann;roun! :jh ke kar‘oui% jh famagoumarn;rn ;n or

ke lizqauor;n ou k*orakauor;n Fa\astanS'iu®q \arab;roujiunn;re% isk ,qan,ann;re ke gøt;pnd;n ou ke ,lazn;n% fousk^ ‘anøjoujiunn;re ke fimnauor;n ou ke founauor;n% caracar ke s.alin a\dpisin;r! A\s a®ijow% at;nh me i w;r m;r ou,adrouj;an a®arkan h na;u ouri, paraga\ me% au;li yi,d^ j[ja‘rar me& S'iu®qafa\;roun Fa\astani Fanrap;touj;an qa[aqazioujiun ,norf;lou - yi,d k*ellar orak;l - anfamoxic artoranqe! Askh^ farzoum& - I#nc ardaraziouj;amb - I#nc irauaziouj;amb - I#nc fimounqow - I#nc ca'ani,ow Ouri, farzoum& - Oro#un mta\[azoumow - Oro#un fama]a\nouj;amb - Oro#un gitakzouj;amb - Oro#un .orfrdatououj;amb Antarako\s% ;rkqa[aqazioujiune% karg me p;toujiunn;rou famar% artøn;li ;u endoun;li tnørinoum men h% ba\z% ard;øq o#rqan .of;m h% ghj Libanani paraga\in% dim;l a\s .orfrdauor na.a];®nouj;an% fog ch jh libananzin (ima^ libananafa\e) a\d irauounqe oun;na\! 1975-in% ;rb qa[aqaziakan pat;raxme skixb a®au Libanani mh=% libananafa\ kousakzoujiunn;re ord;gr;zin drakan chxoqouj;an o[=oun;li warqagi‘e% m;rv;low ko[m da®nal ou m;rv;low ;[ba\raspan k®iun;rou ou qandoumn;rou mh= m.ryouil! T;[akan ko[m;rhn mhkoun patas.ane cou,azau& ªBopik ;ka‘ ;n% bopik al ir;nz ;rkire piti [rk;nqº% inc or saka\n% o*c fa\;re wa.zouz% o*c al fravar;zan ir;nz an.a.t dirqoro,oumhn! Yi,d h% jh a\d ko[me \;taga\in n;ro[oujiun .ndr;z% ba\z% minc;u ørs omanz møt ci paksir a\d t.our a\laphs datapart;li mta‘o[oujiune% fauatalow (kam pafan=;lo#w) or fa\;re ør me piti cou;n a\s ;rkrhn% orowf;t;u% est anonz% anika ªvamanakauorº kam ªanzoumºi bnakawa\r men h! 1992-i Jah`i fama]a\nagirin% or w;r= touau n;rlibanan;an pat;raxmin% libananafa\oujiune nouayoum me ar]anagr;z% dasou;low orphs ;øjn;rord m;‘ago\n fama\nq% isk atika qa[aqaziouj;an ou fpatakouj;an ka®ca‘ mnalou fauatamq men hr% grauakan me! Inco#u a\s arag patoume! Fa\astan ;rb qa[aqazioujiun ke ,norfh libananafa\oun kam a\s w;r=ine dimoum ke n;rka\aznh% atika k*ar]anagroui Libanani anzagra\in i,.anouj;an møt% orowf;t;u tou;al anzagire phtq h wau;razoui ankh!

Asika mta‘;l ci# tar% phtq ch#r tar ou ta\% or a\s ª,norfoumºn;re ør me krnan na;u anba[]ali wiyakn;r st;[‘;l kam partadr;l% no\n a\n fiuandka. ardarazoumn;row% jh Libanane ªkamr=a\inº ;rkir men h fa\;roun famar! Baz asti% Fa\astani i,.anoujiunn;re incph#s \akanh-anouanh ke dim;n a\s qa\lin ou qa[aqazioujiun ke ba,.;n% or a®nouaxn Libanani i,.anoujiunn;roun famar krna\ warkab;ko[ kam wirauorakan ellal% isk ouri,n;rou famar al^ anfandourv;li! A\spisi fapy;p ;u anirat;s kargadroujiunn;rou dim;lh a®a=% yi,d ch#r ellar or kar‘iqe a®nouhr libananafa\ axga\in-qa[aqakan-;k;[;zakan w;rin marminn;roun% jhkoux .orfrdakzakan masnakzouj;amb% qnn;lou anonz anpat;foujiunn;rn ou a®au;loujiunn;re! ªAmhn mard axat hº% ªamhn mard ouxa‘e krna\ en;lº es;low ci w;r=anar nman lour= ou ',ot farz me% oc al fa\r;nasiroujiun ou xgazakanoujiun .a[alow% mnaz or^ qa[aqazioujiun stazo[n;roun m;‘ mase Fa\astan isk ch a\z;la‘% no\nisk Fa\astane ci yancnar% ba\z dima‘ h a\lour yambord;lou ªwixaºakan kar;lioujiunn;rhn øgtou;lou! Ou[[aki anfasknali h% or fa\r;ni i,.anoujiunn;re i#nc k*øgtouin a\s ,norfoumn;rhn - fa\r;nasirouji#un jh# fa\r;nakzakanoujiun% ba\z ª,norfouo[ºe o*c Fa\astan fastatou;lou ‘ragir ouni% o*c fon a,.atanqi me l‘ou;lou% o*c al ;ra.tagitouj;amb togorou;lou! I#nc h% our;mn% a\s bolore t;[i k*oun;nan zouzadrouj;an kam p;ryanqi# famar! Xour watnoum me ardar;u! I dhp% ka\ endounoua‘ karg me% or ke kirarkoui ,at me ;rkirn;rou mh=& patouo\ qa[aqaziouj;an ,norfoum^ arvanauorn;rou% wastakauorn;rou ;u ;ra.tauorn;rou% oronq arvani ;n famapatas.an gnafatoumn;rou ou m;‘aroumn;rou! Mius ko[mh% au;li qan xarmanali ch# or s'iu®qafa\e a\s a.orvakin matnoua‘ h% .yyou;lou ou .ouyapou;lou astiyan% 'o.arhne a®anz louma me talou fa\r;niqin% fon n;rdroum me katar;lou kam øgtakarouj;amb me fandhs galou% takauin omanq no\nisk cgitakz;low a\d anzagrin axga\in liarvhqouj;an n,anakouj;an! An.ousa';li t;sanq a\s fimnafarzin andrada®nale% f;®ou qnnadatakan ou v.to[akan ditarkoumn;rh% orphsxi lousar]aki tak pafoui anor qa[aqakan nrboujiune ;u axga\in fratapoujiune% ;jh lso[ ou faskzo[ ka\! Ph\rouj

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NOR ØR% D:KT:MB:R 19% 2013


}iuna®at ør;r k∞apri Falhpe! <abaj me a®a=^ ød;r;uoujabanakan ka\ann;re fa[ord;r hin ardhn% or ]iunamrrikn ou bouqe ir;nz tirap;touj;an tak piti a®n;n Mi=;rkrakani ar;u;l;an a';re% a\sinqn^ Libanane% Pa[;stinn ou Sourian! A\dphs al ;[au! :r;q,abji ;r;ko\;an vam;rhn sks;al^ a®at ]iun sksau t;[al Falhpi ;u ,r=aka\qin wra\! Ambo[= gi,;re% minc;u Cor;q,abji (a\sør) khsørh w;r=ouan vam;re^ ,arounak ;u andadar ke ]iunhr! A®auøtoun% ;rb arjnzanq% m;r wirauor qa[aqe ‘a‘kou;r hr spitak sauanow&&&! Ma\j;roun% taniqn;roun kam inqna,arvn;roun wra\ koutakoua‘ ]iune anz;r hr 8 sm&! K∞esoui% jh ]iune lauat;soujiun ke b;rh! M;‘ ou 'oqr% amhn oq k∞a.orvi ]iunhn% manauand Ar;u;lqi m;r ;rkirn;roun mh=% our ]m;®n;re endfanraphs kou gan-k∞anznin a®anz ]iuni! Falhpi a\s tarouan ]iune artasowor hr saka\n! Lauat;soujiun piti n;rarkh# anika m;r .®ow;al fogin;roun% jh# ‘anrørhn piti ga\ nsti m;r srtin wra\&&&! }IUN ba®e%-est im bari soworouj;an%- mtoroumn;rou a®a=nord;z xis! Mtqis mh= 'or];zi ,ar;l a\n ba®;re% oronq kaxmoua‘ ;n ª]iunº armatow&- ]iunagndak .a[al% ]iuna.a®n an]r;u% ]iunapat Masis% ]iunapsak (kam ]iunagagaj) sar;r% ]iuna‘a[ik (kam ]n‘a[ik)! |;to\ \i,;zi ª}iunajo\reº% or m;r ;r;.an;roun ,at sir;li fhq;aj men h! Ou w;r=aphs^ im mtqhn og;koc;zi ªAxdakºi ;rkaram;a\ a,.atakiz }IUNAKANe% oroun boun anounn hr Yory Abhl;an&&&! Ba\z m;xi^ souriazin;rous famar% gl.auor farzoume (na;u ma[janqe) f;t;u;aln h&- }IUNFAL me piti irakanana#\ a\s qandic pat;raxmin ;rkou ko[m;roun mi=;u&&&! K∞a[øj;nq!

70 <ABAJ MINC:U FA|OZ Z:{ASPANOUJ:AN 100-AM:AK Oc Mhk Noroujiun! Anz;al ,abajouan mh= qa[aqakan a[mkarar iradar]oujiunn;re or;uh nor xargazoum kam ardiunq zo\z ctouin fa\ vo[owourdin famar% s'iu®qi ;u fa\r;niqin mh=! Anfauatali aknkaloujiunn;r sksa‘ hin ,r=aga\il jourqio\ ;u atrph\yani artaqin gor‘oz na.ararn;rou :r;uani a\z;loujiunn;roun a®ncouj;amb% oronq i d;r;u ;lan na.^ atrph\yani na.ararin m;rvo[akan ;u apa jourqio\ na.ararin .ousa'o[akan% anoro, ;u tarb;r npataki a\z;louj;an patrouakow! Saka\n D;kt& 12-in% fa\ vo[owourdi bo[oqi zo\ze :r;uani Armhnia pandokin a®a=% kar;uor iradar]oujiun me fandisazau jourq na.ararin w;r=in ,abajn;rou enjazqin katara‘ \a\tararoujiunn;roun dhm! Fa\ ;ritasard s;roundin ardarouj;an pafan=qi koc men hr ou[[oua‘ jourq ka®awarouj;an% zo\z talou jh^ fa\e% tar;z ;u nor s;roundn;row% takauin ch mo®za‘ Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiunn ou anor f;t;uanqn;re% no\nisk 100 tarin;r anz! Fa\ axge a\sør% lqa‘ h ir pafpano[akan dirqe \a®a=analou famar dhpi pafan=qa\in vamanaka,r=an% minc;u irakanazoum! Fa\ vo[owourdi irauounqn;re 100 tarin;rh i w;r ke mnan ant;soua‘ jourqio\ ka®awaroujiunn;roun ko[mh% our minc;u a\sør ke qandouin m,akouja\in kojo[n;r ;u ;k;[;zakan wa\r;r% ,arounak;low fa\oz z;[aspanoujiune% orn a\vm ke gor‘adroui fa\ vo[owourdi f;tq;rou ocncazoumow! :jh jourqe k∞a®a=arkh na.apa\mann;r Fa\astani f;t 'o.\arab;roujiunn;rou w;rsksman famar% fapa Fa\ axge ;us ouni na.apa\mann;r% oronq au;li fouvkou ;n ir;nz taro[ouj;amb% ;u piti n;rka\azouin ankaska‘! Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100-am;akin enda®a=% nstinq banakzouj;anz% a®anz na.apa\mann;rou! Afauasik ardar pafan=qn;rhn a®a=inn ou anfrav;,te!

OC :US H WASTAKAUOR >MBAGIR VIRA|R NA|IRI Zauow imazanq% or No\;mb;r 27-in% Ph\rouji mh= ir mafkanazoun knqa‘ h libananafa\ mamlo\ a,.arfi ;rizago\n dhmq;rhn% ;rkaram;a\ .mbagir ou fraparakagir Vira\r Na\iri! 84 tar;kan hr! Boun anounow^ Vira\r Jøsoun;an% fangouz;ale karka®oun ou \a®a=apaf dhmq;rhn min hr Fncak;an Kousakzouj;an% our wara‘ hr patas.anatou pa,tønn;r! Ir anoune anqakt;liørhn kapoua‘ hr no\n kousakzouj;an pa,tønaj;rj ªAraratºin% oroun .mbagiri pa,tøne wara‘ hr tasnam;akn;r ,arounak% ir a®a=nordo[ \ødoua‘n;row w;rag‘;low kousakzouj;an ga[a'arakan ou[;gi‘e ou ];uauor;low ir;n fauatarim fanra\in kar‘iq me! 90-akan jouakann;rou khs;roun% V& Na\iri fravara‘ hr ªAraratº øraj;rjhn ou \a=o[a‘ hr ];®q b;r;l A& ’a®ouk;ani ;rb;mni ªNa\iriº ,abajaj;rjin artønagire^ sks;low xa\n w;rafratarak;l nor taraxow ou parounakouj;amb% ibr;u ir s;'akan j;rje! A\s na.a];®nouj;an mh= ir;n j;u-jikounq kangna‘ hr Xouiz;ria\hn bar;rar |owf& Cilinkir;an! A\sphs al% nor ªNa\iriºn sks;r hr lo\s t;sn;l ;rk,abaj;a\ drouj;amb% oun;nalow a,.atakizn;rou ;u gor‘akizn;rou ouro\n .mbak me! V& Na\iri% a\noufand;r]% fin s;roundi ;r;u;li .mbagirn;rhn min ke mnar! Ounhr fratarakoua‘ girq;r al! Ir mafow% ou,agrau h= me ke 'akoui libananafa\ mamouli patmouj;an mh=!

:GIPTOSI MH+ 100 TAROUA| ENJAZQIN AÂA+IN ANGAM }IUN T:{AZA’ H :giptosi mh= 100 taroua\ enjazqin a®a=in angam ]iun t;[aza‘ h^ .a'an;low auandakan dar]a‘ Ourbajør;a\ zo\z;re! :giptazin;re ke katak;n% jh Pa,tpanouj;an na.arare ka.arda‘ h% orphsxi ]a.o[oui Mofamht Moursii ko[mnakizn;rou bo[oqi zo\ze! A®at ]iuni patya®ow 'ak ;n ;rkri mi=;rkra‘ow;an nauafagistn;re!

TAWOUTØ{LOUN ª}:ÂNOUNA|Nº F:ÂAZA’ H :R:UANHN Tawoutø[loun D;kt;mb;ri 12-in vamana‘ hr :r;uan^ masnakz;lou S;u‘ow;an Tnt;sakan Famagor‘akzouj;an Kaxmak;rpouj;an Artgor‘na.ararn;rou >orfourdi nistin! Na.qan anor a\ze pa,tønakan ,r=ann;rou møt kangna‘ jourqakan lratouami=ozn;re ke pndhin% jh ibr Fa\astane banauor fama]a\noujiun toua‘ h Atrph\yanin L;®na\in {araba[i ;rkou ,r=ann;r \an]n;loun a\n bani dimaz% or Jourqian fama]a\ni banal fa\-jourqakan safmane ;u \arab;roujiunn;re kargauor;l! D;kt;mb;r 11-in Fa\astani na.agafi mamlo\ .øsnake fa[ordagroujiun tara‘a‘ hr% or S;rv Sargs;ane Tawoutø[louin piti cendouni! |a=ord øre jourq na.ararin fiuranozi a®=;u dimauor;zin F|D% Sozial-D;mokrat Fncak;an ;u ªVa®angoujiunº kousakzoujiunn;rou ;ritasardakan kaxmak;rpoujiunn;re! Anonq koc k*enhin fa\;rou nkatmamb Z;[aspanoujiun gor‘adra‘ ;rkri na.ararin an\apa[ f;®anal ;rkirhn!

ØGN:*NQ K:ANQI KOC:LOU SIRIAFA|:RI BNAKARANA<INOUJ:AN ªNOR FALHPº ’RAGIRE Sir;li* fa\r;nakizn;r% Siria\oum enjazo[ pat;raxmi ardiunqoum møt 10&000 siriafa\;r t;[a'o.ou;l ;n Fa\astani Fanrap;toujiun! Fa\r;niqoum nranz nkatmamb zouzab;ra‘ =;rmoujiune liarvhq ke lini% ;jh nranq oun;nan s;'akan taniq! Siriafa\;ri^ Ma\r Fa\r;niqoum fastatou;lou famar A,tarak qa[aqin kiz ka®ouzou;lou h ªNor Falhpº ja[amase! Nor ja[amasi ka®ouzman famar p;touj;an \atkazra‘ mi=ozn;riz bazi anfrav;,t h na;u bar;rarn;ri% fowanauorn;ri ;u o[= fanrouj;an a=akzoujiune! ªNor Falhpº ja[amasi ka®ouzman famar ];r n;rdroume karo[ hq oun;nal^ 'o.anzoum katar;low \atouk a\d npatakow bazoua‘ fa,ou;famarn;rin! Fa,w;famarn;r^ AKBA-KR:DIT AGRIKOL BANK ACBA-CREDuT AGRuCOLE BANK 220413350095000 AMD 220413350046001 USD

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Sour Ankiun


Andranik ’a®ouk;an% anoun me fa\ grakanouj;an mh=% or \au;rv \i,atak;li ke mna\ ir dipouk .øsq;row% fa\r;nakan siro\ ;u xgazoumn;rou arta\a\touj;amb ;u ardaramit ou anko[mnakal axga\in gitakzouj;amb! Jhqh;an M,akouja\in Miouj;an% Aljatina\i Ph,khjiur;an srafe l;zoun hr m,akoujashr fo‘ baxmouj;amb me% or n;rka\ hr JMM-i Klhnth\l-"asatina masnayiu[in ko[mh kaxmak;rpoua‘% fa\ m;‘anoun banast;[‘-ar]akagir Andranik ’a®ouk;ani ‘nnd;an 100-am;aki fandisouj;an% Kiraki% D;kt;mb;r 8% 2013i ;r;ko\;an vame 5&00-in! Ørouan fandisawar^ Ghorg Qhø,k;r;an% n;rkan;re o[=oun;lh ;u bari galst;an .øsq;rhn ;tq n;rka\azouz ørouan a®a=in bana.øse^ Tik& Shsil Qh,i,;ane% n;rka\azn;low anor k;nsagrakane fakiry tou;aln;row! An n;rka\azouz na;u anor ;rkaram;a\ axga\in fasarakakan ‘a®a\oujiunn;rou ko[qin% a\l gor‘ounhoujiunn;rou ,arasiun me^ nouiroua‘ na;u bv,kakan asparhxin mh=% Libananhn sks;al minc;u Miaz;al Nafangn;r! Tik& Qh,i,;an ellalow Andranik ’a®ouk;ani far;uane% Libanani mh=% qa=at;[;ak hr anor entan;kan paragan;roun% axga\in ;u m,akouja\in gor‘ounhoujiunn;roun% f;,tørhn nkaragr;low Andranik ’a®ouk;an marde! Stor;u ke n;rka\azn;nq Tik&

Shsil Qh,i,;ani .øsqe!

ANDRANIK ’AÂOUK:AN MARDE ªSir;li grashr bar;kambar;kamoufin;r% =;rmørhn ke ,norfauor;m JMM-i "asatina-Klhnth\l masnayiu[i warcoujiune% or ’a®ouk;ani ‘nnd;an 100-am;ake tøn;lou a\s ];®narke kaxmak;r pa‘ h! Krk nakiørhn ,norfauor;li h JMMioujiune% oroun Los Any;lesi masnayiu[e^ Wach S;m;ry ;ani at;nap;touj;an tak% anor ‘nnd;an 70-am;ake tøna‘ ;u a\d a®jiu% ’a®ouk;ane frauira‘ hin% Los Any;les ;u ir;n matouza‘% ir o[=ouj;an% m;r ga[oujin \arganqn ou shre! :rb JMM-i warcakann;rhn Ghorg Qhø,k;r;an% f;®a]a\n;z in‘i a®a=ark;low or ’a®ouk;an ªmardeº n;rka\azn;m% in‘i sir;li Ø,in Qh,i,;anin f;t% tatamsoums kary t;u;z% orowf;t;u% ’a®ouk;ani fandhp wa[ouz shr ;u famakranq ta‘a‘ ;m% ;u bauakanin \i,atakn;r ounim ir ;u tikno=^ Sona\in f;t! Anmi=aphs ,r=apats t;[;kazouzi or ,norfakal piti ella\i% ;jh ir;nz an]nakan \ou,;rhn in‘i pata®ikn;r 'o.anzhin! Sakauajiu <ar& h= 14

<abaj ør% a[=kans f;t% inqna,arvs tara‘ hi q;n;kalis .anouje% 'o.;l talou famar m;q;na\in iu[e% ;ua\ln! Wana]orzi ;u j;franzi ªam;rikafa\º t[oz bar;un;r 'o.anak;low% mta\ Yoryin gras;n;ake! Mi=in tariqi fndik me nsta‘ hr% ;r;ui ke spashr or inqna,arve sarqoui% isk ko[qhs k*anznhr mi=afasak% qic me girouk mard me% oroun otq;re ke tanhin xinq dhpi xougaran! Yorye faxiu faszouz in‘i fa\;rhnow es;l% or marde datauor h% w;r=ins a[=kans bar;u;z^ 'a[aq,akan% ir tariqin \armar ba®;row ;u ,outow au;lzouz& ªI#nc k*oux;s da®nal apaga\inº! A®anz patas.ani spas;lou% ,arounak;z& ªA\s ;rkrin mh= inc or oux;s ke da®nas% mitqd dn;s ke fasnis& mius ;rkirn;re a\dphs c;nº! A®a=in isk fa\;azqow% ir .øs;lou a.orvakow ou bnauorouj;amb% taq mardou me tpauoroujiune jo[ouz an! Kar‘hq .øso[ ke 'nt®hr ;u afa fima ir wandakin mh=n ;nq! Incphs esi% øre <abaj hr% :uropa ardhn gi,;r% isk m;r qow^ khsør! Yoryn ou ;s ke qnnarkhinq ørouan `oujpoli .a[;roun ardiunqn;re% fndik \aya.ordn al ke 'or]hr masnakzil& bari% lau mard men hr! Xougaranhn w;rada®nalow% mi=afasak datauore qa[aqakanazouz mjnolorte! ~oujpolhn anzanq Fiusisa\in Qorha% \;to\ fasn;low Mi=in Ar;u;lq! Faxiu Jourqia ba®e artasanou;zau% datauor \aya.orde f;t;u;ale patm;z% das ou .rat talow ;rkou fa\;rous& ªFa\kakan nparatoun men hi a\s ko[m;re (Kl;nth\l ;u arouar]ann;r - m;r ko[mh)! :s fa\;rhn kardal c;m git;r% fima ®ous;rhn ke sorwim% ;u ke 'or]hi kardal artadrouj;an me pitake! :rb nkat;zi anor jrqakan ellale% kanc;zi fon a,.ato[n;rhn mhke ;u xarmanqs \a\tn;zi% jh incph#s fa\kakan .anouji me mh= jrqakan apranq ke ‘a.oui! Patas.ane ;[au& ªMo®zh*qº! :s incph#s krnam out;l g;rmanakan artadroujiun me&&&º! A\o% bar;kamn;r% ardhn parx dar];r hr% or m;r \aya.ord datauore fr;a\ hr% isk ir matnan,oume^ t;[in! Saka\n% i#nc es;l% or Los Any;lesi fa\kakan .anoujn;roun mh= ko[q-ko[qi ,aroua‘ ;n fa\kakann ou jrqakane Mi=in-Ar;u;l;an a\l out;stn;rou ,arqin! Fauanabar n;ra‘o[n;rhn omanq no\nisk fa\ ;n% incphs anz;alin ke \i,;m% Ph\rouji mh=% au;li yi,d Poury Famouti mh=% amhn t;[ jrqakan artadroujiune argilo[ pitakn;r ke kpznhin .anoujn;rou% inqna,arvn;rou wra\% ba\z \;to\ k*imana\ir% jh m;r fa\ [;kawar =o=;re ir;*nq h or Jourqia\hn ke n;ra‘hin ka,ih baykonn;r% fiusoua‘;[hn jh snndaniuj! M;r gitza‘e% tasnam;akn;row m;r .øsa‘e% gra‘e% krkna‘e% a\sør fr;a\ datauore m;xi ke w;r\i,;znh&&& ªincph#s out;lº! Akan=e .øsi Iurnh,l;anin% or 1999-in cmiazau dhpi Kilikia m;r ou.tagnazouj;an% es;low jh% fing-w;z ør i#nc piti outh fon! :u fima% auart;low mtamarxanqs% a\s pafoun ke \i,;m Tauoujø[louin anza‘ ørouan a\z;loujiune Fa\astan% safmann;re banalou paragan% 15-i t;[afanoujiunn;roun masin anor artasana‘ arta\a\toujiunn;re% fa\-dauayann;rous gor‘a‘ ªm;[q;reº% ;ua\ln% ;ua\ln% ;ua\ln! ªMo®zh*qº% k*esh kl;nth\lzi fa\ me& ard;øq i#nc ke mta‘h artaqin gor‘oz na.arar Nalpant;an! :rb amisn;r a®a= ke grhinq% jh patra#st ;nq baz ;rk.øsouj;an% patra#st h Jourqio\ ko[mh ªkar‘ramit ou ‘a\ra\;[º nkatouo[ S'iu®qn ou Fa\astane MHK ou MIAKAM n;rka\analou Tauoujø[loun;rou wa[ouan n;ta‘ ];®nozn;roun% a*\s h or nkati ounhinq! A\sør orqano#w ke tarb;rin kam ke no\nana\ axga\in ;r;q kousakzoujiunn;roun ord;gra‘ kam ord;gr;liq ou[in ;u Fa\astani p;takan qa[aqakan ou[[oua‘oujiune! Minc a\d% fr;a\ m;r datauore ci .m;r g;rmanakan gar;=our% c*out;r g;rmanakan nrb;r,ik ;u wstafabar ci q,;r Aouti% M;rshths kam Pi Hm Tapl;ou&&&! N:T OU A{:{ Los Any;les% D;kt;mb;r 16% 2013

>NDAKZOUJIUN Oura.ouj;amb ke t;[;kananq% jh Kl;nth\lhn Thr ;u Tik& Wighn ;u Mirh\ >acatour;ann;r :rkou,abji% D;kt;mb;r 16-in ba.tauoroua‘ ;n a®a=in manc xauakow me% xor anouana‘ ;n KRHKORI WAROUVAN! A\s oura. a®jiu% Thr ;u Tik& Wighn ;u Mirh\ >acatour;ann;r 200 tolar ke nouir;n ªNor Ørºin!

N.O. December 19, 2013, no. 49:N.O. Blank


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NOR ØR% D:KT:MB:R 19% 2013


saza‘ h ªNor Ørºi siun;rhn min% .mbagr;low% a,.atakz;low ;u a=akz;low anor w;r;lqin ;u pafpanman% enk;rn;r Dauij Samouhl;an ;u Frand Atour;an% oronq ir;nz kargin fska\akan øvandakaoujiun zouzab;ra‘ ;n ªNor Ørºin! Isk i bazaka\ouj;an^ gnafatou;zan >acik Yano\;an% ªNor Ørºi a,.atakiz% Silwa Isbir;an% ªNor Ørº Tiknanz |an]na.oumbi at;nap;toufi ;u Tik& F;rminh Yano\;an% ªNor Ørºi nouirafauaqi \an]na.oumbin mh= b;ra‘ ir an]nouhr ‘a®a\oujiunn;roun famar! >øsq a®in enk;rn;r |akob Naxar;an% <r=ana\in warcouj;an at;nap;t% Toqj& Âa``i Pal;an^ 'o. at;nap;t ;u ªNor Ørºi warcakan tnørhn% ;u |akob Martiros;an% ªNor Ørºi .mba-

gir% oronq n;rka\azouzin ªNor Ørºi a\vmou kargawiyake ;u anor apaga\i ‘ragirn;re! N;rkan;re wa\;l;zin yo. enjriq% our ;[an na;u a®a=arkn;r \a®a=ika\i ‘ragirn;rou ,our=% j;rji bar;lauman ;u h=;rou baxmazman famar% orphsxi ªNor Ørºe karo[ana\ au;li la\n ‘aualow enkal;lou gro[n;rou f;[inakoujiunn;re% xanonq faszn;lou famar fa\ fasarakouj;an f;txf;th ayo[ f;taqrqrouj;an! ªNor Ørº <abaj;rje ardhn bolora‘ h ir 91-rd tarin! Amanori ;u Sourb ’noundi a®ijow% jo[ fama\n fa\ouj;an bar;ma[joujiunn;re ellan noranor nouayoumn;rou ou[;lo\se boloris sir;li ªNor Ørºin! J[jakiz


US Deputy Assistant Davutoglu Receives Ruling Party Of Turkey Is Going To Recognize Secretary Of Defense “The Armenian The Armenian Genocide Turkish MP Oktay to Armenia. To Visit Armenia Genocide: Eye-Witness “Instead of protectVural criticised the Testimonies Of ing the interests of Turkish Government, Turkey, the Minister headed by Prime MinSurvivors” Book In ister Recep Tayyip Erbetrayed the history of Turks. “The Justice dogan, saying that Yerevan and Development” Turkey intends to ac-

YEREVAN, ARMENPRESS. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey Ahmet Davutoglu received a unique gift in Yerevan. The Turkish version of “The Armenian Genocide: Eye-Witness Testimonies of Survivors” book was handed to him. “Armenpress” reports that the author of the book, Lead Researcher at the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography at the Academy of Sciences in Armenia, Verjine Svazlian handed it to the Turkish Minister through one of the members of the Turkish delegation. The suggestion was heard by broadcaster Nver Mnatsakanyan at the course of “Interview” TV program on Public TV Company of Armenia when the author of the book Verjine Svazlian was in the reception-room of the program. She accepted the suggestion and asked to hand the book to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey Ahmet Davutoglu. Voluminous “The Armenian Genocide: Eye-Witness Testimonies of Survivors” has been introduced to the international community in the Turkish language. The book, which was published in the Armenian and English languages yet in 2011, encloses 700 eye-witness testimonies of the Armenian Genocide survivors. Prominent Turkish human rights advocate Ragip Zarakolu has also published the book in Turkey and attended the presentation of the book held on December 10 in Yerevan’s National Library. Verjine Svazlian, Lead Researcher at the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography at the Academy of Sciences in Armenia, presented her research on the oral tradition of Armenian Genocide survivors, through their eye-witness testimonies and songs revealing their experience. Svazlian’s presentation was based on the many oral histories of Armenian Genocide survivors, which she personally collected beginning in 1955 from 100 localities in Western Armenia. She undertook these efforts often at great personal risk from authorities in the former Soviet Union and Turkey. Svazlian began collecting Genocide testimonies as a student at the Yerevan Khachatour Abovian Pedagogical University, walking door-to-door and village-to-village, searching for Armenian Genocide survivors who had been rescued. Her work is particularly valuable not only because of its volume, but because of the short amount of time that had passed since Cont. on p. 8

cept 200.000 Armenians and provide them with lands. According to Musavat.com news agency, Vural says that the ruling Party of Turkey intends to recognize the Armenian Genocide. Foreign Minister of Turkey Ahmet Davutoglu also became a target for the deputy’s criticism because of his latest visit

party is going to recognize the Armenian Genocide. I think that the party is going to accept 200.000 Armenians and provide them with lands”, he said. To remind, on his way to Armenia Davutoglu stated that “the deportation of Armenians by the Ottoman Empire had been inhumane”.

Turkish FM Ahmet Davutoglu stated at his parliament that the problems with Armenia cannot be solved by making propaganda against one another behind closed doors. At the Turkish parliament, Davutoglu responded to the opposition MPs that criticized him for his statements made during

his recent trip to Armenia and with respect to the events that occurred in 1915, reports. Haberx website of Turkey. “I, also as a scholar, believe that history can be built solely within a fair recollection. We cannot solve [the problems] by continuing to recite

Turkey’s Davutoglu Gives Parliament Explanations On His Statements In Armenia

Another Davutoglu Meeting In Yerevan Revealed Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu met not only his Armenian counterpart Edward Nalbandian but also veteran politician Vazgen Manukian during his visit to Yerevan last week, it emerged on Monday. . Manukian, who was a key member of Armenia’s first post-Communist government and now heads a body advising President Serzh Sarkisian, said he was invited to speak with Davutoglu immediately after the latter arrived in the Armenian capital on Thursday morning. “A member of the Turkish delegation phoned me in the morning to ask whether I would mind meeting [Davutoglu,]” Manukian told RFE/RL’s Armenian service (Azatutyun.am). “I said I don’t mind. I find it hard to tell why he wanted to meet me, but during our conversation I got the impression that they have come not so

Cont. on p. 8

much to make statements as to gauge public mood here.” Manukian was one of the top leaders of the 1988 popular movement for NagornoKarabakh’s reunification with Armenia that eventually ended Communist rule in the republic and led it to independence from the Soviet Union. He served as prime minister from 1990-1991 and defense minister from 1992-993.

Davutoglu’s visit to Yerevan “staged show” PanARMENIAN.Net Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu’s visit to Yerevan was a “staged show” meant to stress equality between the two countries, an Armenian MP said. According to Mkrtich Minasyan, to become a civilized country Turkey has to face the truth. MP Aragats Akhoyan, in turn, noted that Davutoglu travelled to Yerevan to ex-

plore the political situation. “Turkey has serious issues. On one hand, it declares the “zero problems” policy with the neighbors, on the other hand, there’s no neighboring state that Turkey has no problems with,” the MP said. The parliamentarian urged Turkey to recognize the Armenian Genocide, start a legal case on an international level and declassify archives, Aysor.am reported.

The U.S. Embassy announces the arrival of Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russia/Ukraine/Eurasia, U.S. Department of Defense Dr. Evelyn Farkas, to Armenia for a series of bilateral defense consultations from December 18 to19. During her visit, Dr. Farkas will meet with Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward Nalbandian, Minister of Defense Seyran Ohanyan, and experts from the academic community. This visit highlights the strong and expanding cooperation between the United States and Armenia in the area of defense. Topics of Dr. Farkas’ discussions will include areas of cooperation that are beneficial to both countries such as coalition and peacekeeping operations, training between Armenian military and forces from the U.S. European Command and the Kansas National Guard, and regional security.

President Of France To Visit Armenia Next Year

President of France Francois Hollande will visit Armenia in May 2014 at the invitation of his Armenian counterpart Serzh Sargsyan. The information was confirmed by Hollande personally during his meeting with the representatives of the Coordination Council of Armenian organizations of France Mourad Papazian, Ara Toranian and Alexis Govciyan. During the meeting, Francois Hollande highlighted Council’s work in preservation of Armenian culture and heritage, Nouvelles d'Arménie reported. French president supported the project of national memory center handed over by representatives of the Armenian community. They also discussed preparation for the events on the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in 2015.

German Parliament Confirms Angel Merkel For Third Term

Angela Merkel has been confirmed as German chancellor for a third term, at the head of a grand coalition, by a vote in the Bundestag, the BBC reports. The coalition between her centre-right CDU/CSU bloc and the Social Democrats (SPD) has a huge majority, with 504 of the 631 seats in the lower house. Mrs Merkel was confirmed by 462 votes, with nine abstentions.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday December 19, 2013


Rep. Adam Schiff Requests Armenian Orphan Rug For Capitol Hill Event From The White House Washington, DC – Today, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) sent a letter to President Barack Obama requesting that the White House lend the Ghazir rug, more commonly known as the Armenian Orphan Rug, be lent out for an event on Capitol Hill hosted by Schiff with survivors, historians, members of the Armenian-American community, and Members of Congress and their staff to highlight the efforts made by the American government to aid the Armenian community after the first genocide in the 20th century. Schiff previously had previously encouraged the White House to allow the rug to be displayed at the Smithsonian. In the letter, Schiff writes: “Most Americans, including a great many of my colleagues in Congress, are not aware of the scope and scale of the American response to the genocide. Our efforts, public and private, helped to relocate refugees and to provide relief to survivors and their families throughout the years of the genocide (191523) and after. But America’s generosity was not lost on those we helped. In 1925, a group of Armenian orphans who had been relocated to Ghazir, now in Lebanon, wove a rug, now known as the "orphan rug," and gave it as a gift to US President Calvin Coolidge. To highlight these efforts, I will be hosting an educational event here in the Capitol and plan to invite survivors, historians, members of the Armenian-American community, and Members of Congress and their staff. As part of this event, I believe that it would be fitting to display that Ghazir rug, which embodies the tragedy of the genocide and the rebirth of the Armenian people and I respectfully request that it be made available for the event.” The full letter is below: Dear Mr. President: As the centennial commemoration of the Armenian Genocide draws ever closer, I will be hosting an event in the coming weeks to highlight the American response to the slaughter, including the efforts by American diplomats, journalists, and Near East Relief. Most Americans, including a great many of my colleagues in Congress, are not aware of the scope and scale of the American response to the genocide. Our efforts, public and private, helped to relocate refugees and to provide relief to survivors and their families throughout the years of the genocide (1915-23) and after. But America’s generosity was not lost on those we helped. In 1925, a group of Armenian orphans who had been relocated to Ghazir, now in Lebanon, wove a rug, now known as the "orphan rug," and gave it as a gift to US President Calvin Coolidge. To highlight these efforts, I will be hosting an educational event here in the Capitol and plan to invite survivors, historians, members of the Armenian-American community, and Members of Congress and their staff. As part of this event, I believe that it would be fitting to display that Ghazir rug, which embodies the tragedy of the genocide and the rebirth of the Armenian people and I respectfully request that it be made available for the event. Earlier this year, the White House deCont. on p. 10

Sixth Annual AGBU NYSEC Concert Raises Over $50,000 For Performing Arts Initiatives Carnegie Hall Event Commemorates 25th Anniversary Of Spitak Earthquake

An unexpected combination of Armenian folk songs, classical compositions and Spanish lyrics all came together seamlessly at this year’s AGBU New York Special Events Committee (NYSEC) Performing Artists in Concert. The sixth annual event, held on December 7, 2013, drew hundreds of guests to the Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall to commemorate the earthquake that devastated Armenia 25 years ago. The evening’s program featured a number of well-known Armenian composers, as well as original pieces prepared especially for the NYSEC concert. Making its world premiere was Tomás Barreiro’s “Rossignol Mecanique,” a variation of “The Death of the Nightingale,” which won Barreiro the AGBU 2012 Sayat Nova International Composition Competition and earned him the prize to showcase his work at Carnegie Hall. The duduk, mezzo-soprano, oboe, piano and string trio brought the composition to life. Before taking the conductor’s stand, Barreiro, a Mexico City native, commented on the Sayat Nova poetry that influenced him. He also expressed his gratitude to AGBU, stating, “I have participated in a number of competitions and never before found such an amazing group of people. I cannot claim Armenian roots, but the AGBU Sayat Nova International Composition Competition introduced me to the vibrant Armenian community and its incredibly rich musical heritage, which continue to inspire me.” “Rossignol Mecanique” was one of the concert’s many works to combine Armenian traditional music and more contemporary sounds. Maxime Aulio’s “Odes Arméniennes,” which also debuted at the NYSEC event, rearranged four of Sayat

Nova’s poems. “Tagh to Resurrection” by Tigran Mansurian incorporated medieval melodies while replicating an audio recording of Vartapet Komitas. The audience also enjoyed “Impromptu” and “Verhoush” by the late Alexander Arutiunian and Edward Mirzoyan, respectively, as well as famous pieces by Aram Khachaturian in honor of the 110th anniversary of his birth. The young concert performers are carrying on the legacy of Khachaturian, and other Armenian masters, as they pursue their own careers with support from the AGBU Scholarship Program. Each member of the international ensemble has received an AGBU Performing Arts Fellowship: Pierre Bedrossian (oboe, duduk and English horn); Ani Kalayjian (cello); Henrik Karapetyan (violin and viola); Solange Merdinian (mezzo-soprano); Nazig Tchakarian (violin); Varta Tchakarian (piano); and Adam Tendler (piano). With AGBU’s funding, they have trained at some of the world’s top-ranking institutions, among them the Yerevan State Komitas Conservatory, the Juilliard School of Music, the National Music Conservatory of Paris, and the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester. The concert’s artistic director Nazig Tchakarian, who partnered with AGBU Performing Arts Department director, Hayk Arsenyan, commented, “It was a pleasure to have collaborated with such dedicated and talented artists. After months of preparation, and a great week of rehearsing, it was rewarding to see everything come together so beautifully. I was very pleased to be able to give back to AGBU after all the organization has done for me over the years, and am thankful to AGBU and NYSEC for making this evening such a tremendous success.”

Laughter For Life Wows Los Angeles Audience Annual Event Benefits ABMDR’s Life-Saving Mission

Los Angeles, December 16, 2013 – The 11th annual Laughter for Life, the comedy event organized by the Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry (ABMDR), dazzled a large audience in Los Angeles. The highly anticipated, sold-out event, which benefits the worldwide activities of ABMDR, took place on November 17, at the famed Comedy Store. The lineup of comedians, brought together by Sam Tripoli, included headliner Ahmed Ahmed, host K-von, Fahim Anwar, Jackie Kashian, and Vincent Oshana. “Laughter for Life is all about having a blast while supporting the life-saving mission of ABMDR,” said Tripoli, a veteran comedian whose work has been seen on Showtime and Comedy Central. As in previous years, Tripoli as well as ABMDR Board member Lara Yeretsian, both longtime members of the Registry’s Comedy Night Committee, were instrumental in the success of the event. In her opening remarks, Yeretsian spoke of the vital importance of joining the ranks of ABMDR as potential bone marrow stem cell donors, and highlighted the Registry’s most recent milestones. Among these, she said, are new services provided at ABMDR’s Stem Cell Harvesting Center in Yerevan, including molecular diagnostics and mutation analysis for determining susceptibility to breast cancer and sensitivity to certain drugs and treatments, and pi-

oneering autotransplantation and cryopreservation procedures. “Given its stellar lineup of performers and the enthusiastic support of the community, the 11th annual Laughter for Life has been an unprecedented success,” Yeretsian said. “Ahmed Ahmed and his fellow comedians had the crowd laugh to the point of tears, while K-von, the star of MTV’s hit show ‘Disaster Date,’ kept the energy going in-between acts.” The show also included an artful performance by an ensemble of pole dancers who mesmerized the audience. About the Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry: Established in 1999, ABMDR, a nonprofit organization, helps Armenians worldwide survive life-threatening blood-related illnesses by recruiting and matching donors to those requiring bone marrow stem cell transplants. To date, the registry has recruited over 25,000 donors in 18 countries across four continents, identified 2,135 patients, and facilitated 17 bone marrow transplants. For more information, call (323) 663-3609 or visit abmdr.am.

The sixth annual AGBU Performing Artists in Concert was co-chaired by Nila Festekjian and Sossy Setrakian and organized by AGBU NYSEC. This year, generous supporters of the NYSEC concert donated more than $50,000, which will help sustain AGBU’s performing arts initiatives worldwide. The AGBU Performing Arts Fellowship Program offers grants to full-time undergraduate and graduate students of Armenian descent worldwide who are pursuing their study in the field of Performing Arts. If you would like to make a contribution to sustain and support the enhancement of future Armenian musicians, please contact AGBU at 212-319-6383 or via email at scholarship@agbu.org. Established in 2012, the AGBU Performing Arts Department (PAD) connects young Armenian artists worldwide and introduces Armenian art to diverse audiences. In its pilot year, PAD launched the Musical Armenia Program, an annual summer initiative that brings artists from around the world to Armenia to explore the country’s musical heritage. To learn more about PAD please visit: www.agbu.org/program/culture. Members of the AGBU New York Special Events Committee (NYSEC) stand below performers of the sixth annual NYSEC Performing Artists in Concert. From left to right: AGBU Performing Arts Department director Hayk Arsenyan, Anita Anserian, Carol Aslanian, Maral Jebejian, Vera Setrakian, Sossy Setrakian, Nila Festekjian, Betty Cherkezian, Hilda Hartounian, Maral Hajjar and Serda Belekdanian. Not pictured: NYSEC members Melissa Demirjan and Vesna Markarian. VADIM KRISYAN

Davutoglu Receives “The Armenian...

Cont. from p. 7

the Genocide. Through her interviews, which Svazlian conducted in written, audio taped, and videotaped form and in different dialects and languages, she also captured testimonies about the self-defense actions that took place in several Armenian towns attacked by the Turkish military (as in Van, Shatakh, Shabin-Karahisar, Sassoun, Musa Dagh, Urfa, and others.).

Turkey’s Davutoglu Gives Parliament...

Cont. from p. 7

by heart what has become routine. “Turkey accepts the Azerbaijan-Armenia relations and the situation in the Caucasus in three points: “1) Turkey and Armenia, as two neighbors, shall live side-by-side and respect one another. “2) The conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia shall be settled and Azerbaijan’ occupied territories shall be liberated. “3) The Turks and the Armenians, two people that have lived together for 900 years, shall revive the 900 years of shared recollections and live as nations that are friendly to each other. “Our meeting [in Armenia] along the lines of a shared fair recollection with Armenia and the Armenians is not a crime; it was something that was needed,” Davutoglu said, in particular.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday December 19, 2013


Ara Papyan. “Edward Nalbandian’s Statement Was Weak”

Ahmet Davutoğlu was the first Turkish official that had arrived in Armenia, but he had to enter the hotel from the back door due to the picket organized outdoors. Did we have expectations from this visit? Or, maybe, they should talk about the borders, which was not done, anyway, Turkish media made such publications. And, in this case, who appeared in the advantageous condition: Armenia or Turkey, the President of “Modus Vivendi” Center, political scientist, Ara Papyan, in the conversation with Aravot.am, answering our questions, said, “I do not think that we had expectation, because it was not a visit within the scope of Armenia-Turkey. The Turkish press wrote what they wanted, but, essentially, they also had mentioned about the prerequisites, with which we should establish relationship, the matter is about yielding at least 2 districts of Karabakh. This was an experimental ball that was thrown to see what the reaction would be. And, if we view it from the perspective of advantageous, the protocols are working in favor of Azerbaijan, and they are in advantageous position, because it turns out that there is a process between Armenia and Turkey, a dialogue, intention to find something in common, which is speculated. But, in reality, there is nothing, but it is specu-

lated by the Turks, and pretty successfully.” To the next question whether the Foreign Affairs Minister’s statement on ArmenianTurkish relations was not weak, because it was just said that the relations should be normalized without preconditions, and the attempts of the Turkish side to associate this process with other issues, or to put forward preconditions, are in vein and useless. Maybe we should be tougher, Mr. Papyan answered, “Absolutely yes, by a number of reasons. First, prior to it, the Turkish side had stated about the preconditions, and prescribe them in the Geneva Protocols, the matter, here, is about the recognition of borders, and the establishment of the sub-committee, and the third was the Karabakh issue. Here, a situation is created, in which we are in the role of an expectant and a re-

quester, but, eventually, Turkey is preserving the territory of the Republic of Armenia under occupation, and not vice versa, therefore, we need to remind this, too. And the matter is about the Foreign Affairs Minister of an occupant country, and I would like to emphasize that the matter is about the territory of the Republic of Armenia, and not about the historical Armenia, and whose Minister of Foreign Affairs is Edward Nalbandian, in other words, 70% of it has been occupied, and they say – without preconditions. It has been already 20 years, we move without preconditions, and we haven’t made any success, and they are dictating the preconditions. But, it is time for us to put preconditions. And, the concern that if we dictate preconditions, our relations would be deteriorated, it is not so, because, one way or another, the relations were poor. When they had been good to be worse today, and maybe when we had put forward precondition, tough positions, today, we could have mitigated our positions, by obtaining something for it, and not like this, when Karabakh is becoming a subject of bargaining.” In response to the other question that mission the Black Sea Economic Cooperation organization is the economic cooperation, and we had always pushed the economic relations to the fore-

Etihad Airways To Operate Abu Dhabi-Yerevan Flights From 2014

Etihad Airways, the national airline of the United Arab Emirates, on Monday announced the launch of a four times per week service from Abu Dhabi to Yerevan from 2 July 2014. The UAE flag carrier will operate a twoclass Airbus A320 aircraft with 16 Pearl Business Class and 120 Coral Economy Class seats, offering a total of 1,088 seats per week. The new flights will cater for the significant and growing demand for air travel between the UAE and Armenia. They will also provide better access to and from Armenia for millions of Armenian nationals living around the world, particularly in the

US, which is home to a vast Armenian Diaspora, the company said in a statement. James Hogan, Etihad Airways’ President and Chief Executive Officer, said: “The launch of Etihad Airways’ flights to Yere-

Open Your Heart By Alice Krumian

Open your heart widely with delight, Let everybody get in and reside, People of all races without distinction, Befriend them dearly with recognition. Disregard totally the color of their skin, Behold only the soul that dwells within, White, yellow, black or brown, They reflect the image of the Light Divine. We are all enlisted as world citizens, We are all neighbors in this universe, We share the same sky, water and soil, Let's refrain from discords and deadly broils. Our stay on this earth is of short duration, We are all travellers without exception, We leave this world behind at our appointed time, Let's cherish each moment with mutual affection. Let's advise our children to behave thoughtfully, To treat one another with respect and dignity, To accept all humans with sincere sympathy, Like brothers and sisters of the same family. If they grow and abide by these ideals, They may alter the face of the universe, And one day, who knows, the Earth may revolve, Full of peace, love, harmony and hope.

van is consistent with our strategy of targeting areas of strong growth in emerging markets. “Etihad Airways will be the only fullservice commercial airline from the Gulf region to serve Yerevan. Business and leisure travellers out of Armenia will have great opportunities to seamlessly connect over our Abu Dhabi hub to the entire Gulf network and key North American destinations.” “The new Yerevan service will contribute to the development of tourism in Armenia and strengthen the already strong trade and tourism ties between the UAE and Armenia.

front, however, there is a question here of what economic cooperation are we talking about with Turkey, when one of the member states of the organization imposes a blockade over the other member state of the organization, Ara Papyan notes, “This is what we should have emphasized repeatedly that Turkey being a initiating country of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, today, does not implement the principles stipulated in the spirit and document. Eventually, Azerbaijan can somehow be understood that it wants to present that Armenia is an occupant, though, it is the opposite, but Turkey is still not the aggrieved party, is it? Unfortunately, this issue has ever been raised, and, in fact, the Black Sea Economic Cooperation is missing in the organization. It’s another issue that there is a bilateral Armenian-Turkish economic trade, and to the point, pretty big, about 200 million, in which we more import to Turkey than export.” At the end, Ara Papyan added that any organization, to which we member, we should pursue the objective of use the organization to the benefit of Armenia, whereas, very often, membership to such organizations, in our case, carry a formal character. EVA HAKOBYAN

Armenian President’s Father Dies

YEREVAN. – Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan’s father, Azat Sargsyan, passed away on Monday in Stepanakert, capital city of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, the Office of the President of Armenia informs with deep regret. Azat Sargsyan was 84 years of age.

Armenian Assembly Of America Hosts Youth Conference In Armenia "Neighbors: View From Armenia" Looks At 2013 Regional And World Events From Armenia's Perspective YEREVAN, ARMENIA - From December 2-6, the Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) Yerevan Office held a week-long conference with entitled "Neighbors: View from Armenia." The conference was organized by the Scientific-Analytical Center of Regional Affairs, with the support of Young Scientists Support Program, Armenian Youth Foundation, School for Young Leaders and the Public Administration Academy of the Republic of Armenia. During the conference young Armenian scientists and analysts discussed the developments in the Middle East, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Iran, Georgia and Nagorno Karabkh, summarizing the events of 2013. At a press conference marking the opening of the youth conference, the new generation analysts briefly introduced the reports to be presented in the upcoming week and answered questions from local media. Armina Darbinyan, the Assembly's Country Director, welcomed the participants of the youth conference, emphasizing that "in the framework of the 'Assembly's Young Activists' (AYA) program, we particularly focused on increasing cooperation with representatives of a new generation of Armenian youth." "Hence it is highly important to

provide a platform to young analysts to develop new approaches and new strategies in the sphere of foreign affairs," Darbinian stated. Conference coordinator Artak Shakaryan also thanked the participating youth organizations for their support and welcomed the willingness of the participants to take part in the week-long event. He added that every person who deals with foreign policy, first of all, should know about their neighboring states. The purpose of the conference, according to Shakaryan, was to fill in that gap among experts who have less knowledge about developments in the countries other than those within their focus.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday December 19, 2013


Composer In Repose

Syria In Brief - Syria In Brief - Syria In Brief - Syria In Brief

The Syrian Army Continues To Tighten The Noose Around Foreign-Sponsored Militants In Several Areas Across The Country

By Photolure Nighttime winter sky, vapor lights and snow compose the image of Armenia's great composer Komitas, in central Yerevan. Temperature today is -7C (19F).

100th Anniversary Of Armenian Genocide Was Commemorated In Moscow

On December 12 the commemoration of Armenian Genocide 100th anniversary was marked in Armenian Embassy in Russia. As the press and information department of the Armenian MFA informs, Armenian deputy MFA Shavarsh Kocharyan, representatives of Armenian community in Moscow, representatives of Armenian Apostolic Church, consular of Armenian Ministry of Diaspora, representatives of Armenian andforeign universities, students, political scientists attended the event. Armenian Ambassador in Russian Federation Oleg Yesayan delivered a welcoming speech. He welcomed the guests and underlined that the recognition of Armenian Genocide was an issue of national se-

curity for Armenian natio and it must be put in a historical context. Mr. Ambassador also underlined that the international recognition of Armenian Genocide was an issue of humanity and was important in order to escape such tragedies in future as well. Political scientist, journalist A. MelikShahnazarov delivered speech after the Ambassador. He underlined that the gecocide was an issue of both politics and morality and was important not only for Armenians but also for the whole humanity. Some other guests also delivered speeches during the event. On the end of the meeting Ambassador Yesayan awarded some guests with the medals by Armenian Ministry of Diaspora.

Karabakh President Receives OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs

STEPANAKERT – President of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic Bako Sahakyanon Tuesday received OSCE Minsk group co-chairs Igor Popov (Russian Federation), Jacques Faure (France), James Warlick (USA). Issues related to resolution of the Azerbaijani-Karabagh conflict and regional processes were discussed during the meeting, NKR presidential press service reported. The importance of peaceful settlement of the Azerbaijani-Karabagh relations within the frameworks of the OSCE Minsk Group and exclusion of forceful scenarios were mutually underlined. President Sahakyan considered the restoration of the full-fledged negotiation format with the comprehensive participa-

tion of the official Stepanakert and the cessation of Azerbaijan’s aggressive and destructive policy among pivotal preconditions of the process. NKR Foreign Minister Karen Mirzoyan, personal representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Ambassador Andrzej Kasprzyk and other officials were present at the meeting.

A couple of tablets, dissolved in water then gargled – not swallowed – reduced sore throat pain intensity within two hours in a study by the University of Cardiff Common Cold Centre, Daily Mail reports. ‘It provides relief from nasal congestion by causing a cool sensation in the nose and also relieves the symptoms of sore throat and cough by a local anaesthetic action,’ said Professor Ron Eccles, who led

the study. Some types of honey can fight throat infections as it naturally contains hydrogen peroxide which has antibacterial properties, according to experts at Waikato University, New Zealand. One other rather more unusual remedy found to be effective was acupuncture in the ear. ‘It’s may be a placebo effect but it still works,’ said Prof Eccles.

clined a request to loan the rug for display at an event held at the Smithsonian, stating that a book signing was not considered an appropriate venue. At the time, the White House indicated that it would consider a display of the rug in another setting, and I believe that this would be an appropriate venue and occasion for a viewing.

I hope that you will grant my request expeditiously and that the White House curator’s office will work with my staff and me to arrange a mutually acceptable date in January or February of 2014. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Adam B. Schiff

According to an unnamed military source, the Syrian army continued its mopup operations in al-Nakarin, Kafer Kar and Binan al-Hos in Aleppo, killing a number of the militants. Scores of foreign-backed militants were killed by the army forces in the villages of Kaskis, Erbid, al-Jadideh and Kwairis, the source added. In Aleppo’s al-Lairamoun, the Syrian troops killed at least 19 “terrorists” in a building which they were using to target civilians, including women and children, in the area. Moreover, a number of the militants were killed by the troops near Aleppo Central Prison. Dozens of the militants were killed by the forces in similar operations in Abu alDouhur, Serjeh and Binnish in Idlib countryside. The army killed a large number of the militants in the village of Kastoun alGharbi in Hama countryside. In recent days, army units have made fresh gains in the strategic town of Yarbud, which lies near the border with Lebanon. Army troops also took control of the strategic Damascus-Homs highway after seizing most of al-Nabk in the mountainous Qalamoun region.

Syrian 'Peace Game': A Lasting Solution Is A Monumental Task

By PJ Crowley Former US Assistant Secretary of State

Aspirin Tablets Dissolved And Gargled Are The Best Remedy For A Sore Throat

Rep. Adam Schiff Requests Armenian...

Cont. from p. 8

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad won't seek peace because he believes he's winning the war With the announcement on Wednesday that the US is suspending all non-lethal aid to opposition forces in northern Syria due to rebel infighting and increasing Islamist influence, peace seems increasingly out of reach. PJ Crowley, a former US assistant secretary of state and currently a professor of practice and fellow at the George Washington University Institute of Public Diplomacy and Global Communication, offers his take on the best achievable diplomatic outcome. Three years into a brutal sectarian civil war in Syria, the only thing outside powers agree on is that there is no purely military

solution to the tragedy that has claimed an estimated 120,000 lives, created perhaps three million refugees, and broken the country if not beyond repair, then at least for the next 25-50 years. With no cavalry on the horizon to impose a solution on Syria, what might a "best possible" diplomatic solution look like? What would it take to get there, and how long? These were questions posed by the United States Institute of Peace and Foreign Policy Magazine to a group of former national security practitioners and regional experts at a "peace game" earlier this week

Storm Alexa sweeps through Aleppo, forces school closures Storm Alexa continues to sweep through Syria’s Aleppo, Perio News said. Aleppo residents have to battle for survival under grave domestic, economic and political conditions, with the country being gripped by civil war. Besides, they face severe weather conditions, which are part of a storm, dubbed Alexa, pounding much of Lebanon and parts of northern Syria since Wednesday. Fuel shortage and power outage add to the tough situation in Aleppo.

Syria's Battle For bread

Lyse Doucet: "Even bread - the denial of bread - has become a weapon of war" In a punishing war, bread is now a barometer of Syrians' suffering. Even their most basic food has become hard to find, even harder to afford. In the past two years of a worsening crisis, bread prices have risen by 500% in some areas, according to a new survey obtained by the BBC from the International Rescue Committee (IRC). Four out of five Syrians say their greatest worry is that food will run out. "These findings show us that starvation is now threatening large parts of the Syrian population," warns IRC President David Miliband. In many embattled cities and towns, shortage of fuel, flour and electricity means bakeries and bread can be almost impossible to find.

Syria crisis: UN Launches Record $6.5bn Aid Appeal

The United Nations has announced its biggest ever appeal, seeking $6.5bn (£4bn; 4.7bn euros) for humanitarian aid to Syria, the BBC reports.The UN estimates nearly three-quarters of Syria’s 22.4 million population will need humanitarian aid in 2014.The appeal coincides with a new study by the International Rescue Committee, which warns that starvation is now threatening the Syrian population.Bread prices have risen by 500% in some areas, according to the report.Four out of five Syrians said their greatest worry was that food would run out, the survey found.

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WASTAKA<AT TNØRHN ARA JO"Y:AN (1915 Polis – 2008 Ph\rouj) Akanauor banashr ou krjakan m,ak% ÂAK-i ;ra.tauor Dokt& |akob Jo'y;ani ordin Aran ‘na‘ h Polis 1915-in% M;‘ :[;®ni arg;laranhn fra,qow 'rkoua‘ nora‘ine piti da®nar iskakan patas.ane fa\a=in= jourqin^ mardkouj;an dhm gor‘adra‘ m;‘ago\n ou ann;r;li oyirin% nouirou;low fa\ak;rtoumi srbaxan a®aq;louj;an! Jo'y;ann;rou famar 1918-in mia\n kar;li piti ellar w;rada®nal Polis% our fa\re^ Dokt& |akobe piti ,arounakhr ir krjakan ou fasarakakan nouir;al a,.atanqe Polso\ mh=! Na.nakan ousman famar Ara Jo'y;ane k*ou[arkoui "arix% our gi,;røjik krjouj;an \atouk warvarani mh= patanin fasak piti a®nhr ‘anøjanalow `rans;rhn l;xouin% fa\;rhni ou jrq;rhni ko[qin! 1929-in krjakan gor‘ow fa\re k*oro,h entan;øq fastatouil Ph\rouj ou 14-am;a\ patanin al ke miana\ ir ‘no[az^ \aya.;low Ph\rouji |isous;an Fa\r;rou warvarane ir mi=nakarg ousoume auart;lou! 1932-in k*oro,h dar];al m;knil "arix% a\s angam ambo[=azn;lou ir ;rkrordakan ousoume% fmtanalow `ransakan grakanouj;an mh=! Ara Jo'y;ani famar na.entroujiun k*ella\ mnal ~ransa ou ,arounak;l ir bar]rago\n ousoume Lioni famalsaranhn n;rs f;t;u;low irauagitouj;an yiu[in% or piti auarthr 'a\loun \a=o[ouj;amb^ 1937-in! No\n tarin Mi=in Ar;u;lqi mh= gor‘o[ fa\ouj;an ga[jøya.n;rhn n;rs% xark toua‘ hr nor ;r;uo\j me^ axga\in-fasarakakan ou krjakan ;®oux;ri a,.o\v møt;zoumow! Ph\rouji mh= piti lo\s t;snhr ªXarjønqº øraj;rje banast;[‘n;rou i,.an Wafan Jhqh;ani .mbagrakanow% isk Dokt& |akob Jo'y;an piti stan]nhr Kiprosi M;lgon;an Krjakan Fastatouj;an tnørhni pa,tøne! Dokt& Jo'y;an mi,t fauataza‘ hr Bar;gor‘akani a®aq;louj;an% ou anor kar;uorouj;an krjakan marxi mh= b;r;liq npastow% or m;‘anoun miouj;an famar kar;uor axdak me ke nkatouhr! Pat;f a®ij me ;[au Ara Jo'y;anin famar fastatouil Kipros% mianalou ir entaniqin! Kiprosi mh= a®ije piti oun;nar ;ritasard irauaghte ‘anøjanalou angl;rhn l;xouin% ir katar;lagor‘a‘ `rans;rhni ko[qin! Doktorakan auartaya®e patrast;lou lauago\n a®ijn hr ir;n famar a,.atil Kiproshn% ba\z Fama,.arfa\in :rkrord Pat;raxme piti endfathr ir patrastoujiune^ manauand ~ransa\i a\d ør;rou wiyakn al nkati a®n;low! Aran ke stan]nh M;lgon;anhn n;rs `rans;rhn l;xou ;u grakanoujiun dasauand;lou pa,tøne! Ousouzcakan a\s pa,tønn hr or Ara Jo'y;ani ;rkaram;a\ ou baxmab;[oun wastakin skixbe piti da®nar! M;lgon;anhn n;rs an piti ‘anøjanar at;no\ krjakan wastakauor m,akn;rou% incphs na;u ir;n fasakakiz a\l ;ritasardn;rou% oronq nouiroumow stan]na‘ hin fa\ pataniin ousoum =amb;lou kar;uor a®aq;loujiune! Miouj;nakan kar;uor ‘ragroumn;rou al masnakiz sksa‘ hr da®nal Ara Jo'y;ane% Kiprosi angliakan fogatarouj;an \arab;rabar fandart tarin;roun kar;li ;[au fon oron;l axga\in-fasarakakan oro, ‘ragirn;r ;us! Kaska‘h w;r hr a\l;us% or ;ra.tauore piti f;t;uhr ir før tipar ørinakin% ga[a'ari ‘a®a\ouj;an yambow ‘a®a\;lou Âamkawar Axatakan Kousakzouj;an% oroun [;kawarouj;an ous;roun wra\ droua‘ hr axgapafpanman kar;uor a®aq;loujiune!


Fama,.arfa\in B& Pat;raxmi tarin;roun% ou anor \a=ordo[ fa\r;nadar]i axgafauaqi ‘ragirn;roun% kar;uor axdak me dar]a‘ hr w;raka®ouzoume s'iu®qafa\ ga[oujn;roun% manauand :uropa\i ;u Mi=in Ar;u;l;an ;rkirn;rhn n;rs! Ara Jo'y;ann al ardhn a\d ]gtoumin gitakiz .oraphs ke fauatar krjakan a®aq;louj;an FBEMiouj;an ‘ragirn;roun% oronz kar;uorago\ne piti da®nar 1947-in libananafa\ ga[ouji nor s;roundin talou fa\ak;rtoum au;to[ jarm ,ounc me! Ph\rouji mh= Ara Jo'y;an ke n,anakoui fimnadir tnørhne FBEMiouj;an |owakim;an-Manouk;an manc;rou ;rkrordakan norabaz warvaranin! No\n tarin ir før Dokt& |akob Jo'y;ani M;lgon;an Krjakan Fastatouj;an tnørhnouj;an tasnam;a\ ,r=ane auart;low kou ga\ Ph\rouj% our Gar;gin |owsh';anz Kajo[ikosi frauhrow ke da®na\ M;‘i Tann Kilikio\ Kajo[ikosouj;an .orfrdatou! Nor h= me piti bazouhr FBEMiouj;an krjakan gor‘e wstafou;lou 32-am;a\ ouvakan nkaragrow øvtoua‘ krjouj;an fa[ord ou ;ritasard mitqi dastiarak Ara Jo'y;anin! Afauasik m;‘anoun Miouj;an a®aq;louj;an s;rm;roun ‘a[koume libananafa\ ga[oujin famar% na. 1939-i Daroufi |akob;an a[=kanz ;rkrordakan warvarani ou 1947-in |owakim;an-Manouk;an manc;rou ;rkrordakan warvarani fimnou;low% fa\ak;rtoumi ];®nfas ;u imastoun gor‘;lak;rpow! M;‘ :[;®ni arfauirqe famt;sa‘ s;roundin famar% drakan ;[au s'iu®qafa\ \a=ordakan s;roundn;roun krjakan ou m,akouja\in kaxmauorman mh=! A\d partakanouj;an gitakiz fo\lin ke patkani ;ra.tauor Ara Jo'y;ane! Tnørhnouj;an pa,tønin fangamanqe Ara Jo'y;anin% au;li amrapndou;zau ;rb manc;rou ;rkrordakan warvarani 'o. tnørhn n,anakou;zau ‘anøj mtauorakan ou krjakan m,ak^ ÂAK-i ;ra.tauor Martiros Thr St;'an;ane% or ,our= ;rkou tari% minc;u ir fa\r;niq ga[j;le^ 1949-in øgtakar fandisazau Ara Jo'y;ani tnørhnouj;an b;ra‘ noroujiunn;roun fa\;zi krjouj;an ‘ragirn;roun mh=! Ou Ara Jo'y;ani wstafou;zau na;u tnørhnouj;an A[=kanz Daroufi |akob;an ;rkrordakan warvaranin% pa,tøn me% or an parb;rabar na;u piti warhr \a=ord tarin;roun ;us! Kary vamanaki mh= akn;r;u dar]au ;ra.tauor Ara Jo'y;ani axd;zou-

jiune libananafa\ warvarann;rou krjakan ‘ragirn;roun mh=! FBEMiouj;an |owakim;an-Manouk;an warvarane piti øvtouhr nor ;u ardiakan ,hnqow me ir marxakan .a[awa\row% orowf;t;u warvaran \aya.o[ a®a=in ,r=ani a,ak;rtn;re ke \i,;n ir;nz ar]anagrouj;an ;u moutqi qnnoujiunn;rou wa\r% F:E-i Xar;f-Noupar akoumbe! 1950-in% ir f;tapndoumn;roun orphs f;t;uanq% kar;li ;[au Ph\rouji fa\kakan na.akrjarann;rhn n;rs a,ak;rtoujiune patrast;l certificat p;takan qnnoujiunn;roun% oroun \a=o[ wka\oujiune fa\ pataniin piti en‘a\hr diuroujiunn;rou ;rkrordakan warvaran \aya.;lou a®anz na.apatrastakan qnnouj;an! Ph\rouji mh= an k;anqi enk;r entr;z Âija Papo\;ane% or tarin;r ,arounak piti da®nar Jo'y;ani anbavan jikounqe% anonq ke 'a.tauorouin xo\g manc xauakn;row! Tasnam;ak me cbolora‘% Ara Jo'y;ani krjakan fmout a®a=nordoujiune ardhn s'iu®qafa\ ga[oujn;rhn n;rs ir bar;b;r ar]agange oun;zau Jo'y;ani wstafou;zau na;u krjakan ‘ragroume ;u ousouzicn;rou oronoume FBEMiouj;an Libanani ,r=anaki na.akrjarann;roun! 1956-in :rouand T;miry;an na.akrjaranin ou apa 1968-in L;uon K& Naxar;an warvaranin% oronz tnørhnoujiunn al parb;rabar inq piti warhr na.nakan ,r=anin! Libanani fa\kakan sakauajiu ;rkrordakan warvarann;rhn n;rs \atkan,akan ;[au p;takan paqalorha A& wka\akani patrastoujiune% auarto[ dasarani a,ak;rtn;roun famar% oroun na.a];®no[ ;[au Ara Jo'y;an^ 1958-in! A\s qnnoujiunn;re fmtoujiun touin famalsaran moutq gor‘o[ ;ritasardouj;anz% au;li oro,aki entr;lou ir;nz bar]rago\n ousman oronoume! |atkan,akan ;[au Jo'y;ani tnørhnouj;an a®a=in tasnam;akin |owakim;an-Manouk;an manc;rou ;rkrordakan warvarani san;roun ko[mh lo\s t;sno[ ªNouiroumº fratarakoujiune% our t;[ trou;zau warvarani a,ak;rtouj;an groujiunn;roun! Phtq h es;l jh \ødoua‘agir a\d san;rhn ,at;r% warvarani ;rkrordakan ousoume auarta‘% \;taga\in dar]an ga[oujafa\ ‘anøj gor‘icn;r% .mbagirn;r% dastiarakn;r ou fraparakagirn;r^ gitakiz ir;nz fa\;zi an,;[ dastiarakouj;an! (Mnaz;ale \a=ord jiuow)

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NOR ØR% D:KT:MB:R 19% 2013

SIMON SIMON:AN :rgi‘ankari Me Odisakane


A\s tari frataraka‘ ª:rgi‘ankarn;rºou fatoris |a®a=abanin mh= zauow ke n,hi jh Libanan;an qa[aqaziakan pat;raxmin ;u t;[a'o.oujiunn;rous f;t;uanqow korsoua‘ hin ,at me antip g‘agroujiunn;r% oronz ,arqin masnauorabar t.our ke gtnhi bar;kamn;rhs^ Simon Simon;ani% Warouvan P;tik;ani ;u Andranik "olat;ani ;rgi‘ankarn;rou korouste! Simon;ani paraga\in bazatroujiun men al toua‘ hi f;taqrqrouo[n;roun% jh bnørinake \an]na‘ hi graght Ghorg Ay;m;anin% or ;r;uoujaphs xa\n korsnzouza‘ hr! :rb a\s ªkoroustºi masin t;[;ak k∞ella\ Simon;ani ph\roujabnak ordin^ Sasoun Simon;ane% lour k∞enh Dokt& Wach {axar;anin or inq in]mh ouni&&& ;rkou ªSimon;anºn;r% oronzmh mhke gta‘ h ir før ar.iuin mh=% isk anor tarb;rakn al Ay;m;ani jou[j;roun mh=% anor mafhn ;tq (Ay;m;ane ir q;®in k∞ella\)! A®a‘e ke pat,ayhr a\s paraga\in& ªKo\re oux;z mhk acq% Astoua‘ touau ;rkou acqº! Stor;u fratarakouj;an kou tanq Simon Simon;ani j[ja‘rarin mh= gtnouo[e! In‘i fauastiazno[ ka\ jh banast;[‘ Warouvan P;tik;ani ;rgi‘ankare na;u ªo[= ;u a®o[=º ke gtnoui ir orduo\n møt% oroun faszhn an‘anøj ke mna\ in‘i! |ousam møt ørhn fay;li ]a\n men al ke lsoui irmh! Grigor Qhøsh;an

an na.agafn hr Monjrhal qa[aqi qa[aqa\in .orfourdi% qa[aqi na.agafouj;an \an]navo[owi [;kaware ;u 'o.-na.agafe qa[aqa\in bar;lauman >orfrdakzakan Warcouj;an! 20 |ounis 2011-in |& <ijil;an 30 tar;kanin k*entroui Monjrhali% (Qhphq) Qa[aqa\in >orfourdi at;nap;t^ fandisanalow am;nhn ;ritasard at;nap;te Monjrhali patmouj;an mh=! 2012-i D;kt;mb;rin% \;t fravarman Monjrhali qa[aqap;t Ma\qel A'lpomi% <ijil;an ir j;kna‘oujiune ke dnh Monjrhali qa[aqap;ti 'o.anzman ,r=ani pa,tønin ;u saka\n mia\n ]a\n;rou cncin tarb;rouj;amb ir dirqe ke xi=i Loran Pla,ar j;kna‘ouin! Bolorowin w;r=;rs% 2013-i a,nan% Monjrhali qa[aqap;takan entroujiunn;rou a®ncouj;amb krkin a,.ouvoujiun ke tirhr qa[aqin mh=! No\;mb;r 3-in% Portø-Qarjihwili qa[aqazin;re w;rentr;zin |arouj <ijil;ane orphs ir;nz Qa[aqap;takan >orfourdi andam^ stanalow entramasi qouharko[n;rou endfanour ]a\n;roun 48&88 tokose! Ir f;t fing;rord angam ellalow w;rentrou;zau na;u Mari Thros Cauou,;ane! Entrapa\qarin ke masnakzhin w;z fa\ j;kna‘oun;r! Qanata\i t;[akan-qa[aqap;takan k;anqin mh= f;txf;th bar]razo[ fa\axgi m;r ;ritasard fanra\in spasauore No\;mb;r 18-in n,anakou;zau Monjrhal qa[aqi Gor‘adir War-

couj;an 'o.-na.agafi pa,tønin! An miavamanak patas.anatoun piti ella\ Warcakan Bar;'o.oumn;rou Smart City ;u T;[;katuouj;anz Arou;stagitouj;an (Information Technology)! :[i,h Car;nz d;®;us fariur tari a®a= gra‘ hr& ªJh ouxoum ;s ]a\nd ls;n% vamanakid ,ounce dar]irº! Afauasik a\n tipar ;ritasarde% or Qanata\i mh=% ansalow ir n;rqin ]a\nin ou wstaf;low ir ouv;roun ou fa\ fama\nqi anw;rapaf xørakzouj;an% na;u mhkdi dn;low xanaxan na.apa,aroumn;r% dar]a‘ h ir vamanaki ,ounce% or jarmoujiun ou noroujiun ke .ostana\! M;r aknkaloujiunn h or ,at fa\ ;ritasardn;r f;t;uin |arouji ørinakin ;u an;rkiu[ n;touin ir;nz famar fa\r;niq entra‘ ;rkirn;rou qa[aqakan ;®oux;®in mh= ou a\d yanaparfow øgtakar fandisanan bolor qa[aqazin;roun an.tir ou masnauorabar fa\ fama\nqin ou fa\r;niqin! |i,;zn;nq or |arouj <ijil;an 2010-in Monjrhali a\n at;nouan qa[aqap;t Y;rar Jramplhi f;t a\z;la‘ hr Fa\astan! |aroujiun <ijil;an kaxma‘ h fa\kakan ir bo\ne atamnabo\v Øl;a Margar;ani f;t! Noranor \a=o[oujiunn;r |aroujiun <ijil;anin ;u Mari Thros Cauou,;anin! |a=ordiu piti andrada®nanq Mari Thros Cauou,;ani masin

JMM "asatinaKl;nth\l Masnayiu[i kaxmak;rpouj;amb T;[i piti oun;na\

>joumi Ya, ;u >ra.yanq (DJ ) (n;ra®;al gini) Kiraki% 5 |ounouar 2014-i \;t mi=ørhi vame 2!00-in Aljatina\i Ph,khøjiur;an k;droni srafe (1901 N. Allen Ave., corner of New York Dr.) Moutqe nouhr $35 isk 12 tar;kanhn war^ $20 T;[ apafow;lou famar ke .ndrroui f;®a]a\n;l Siranin^ (626)827-1952 Ghorgin^ (626)833-3102


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|AKOB MANOUK:AN 2013-in% Ph\rouj% ªXinkokra` Q;st;n;anº tparanhn lo\s t;sa‘ h libananafa\ ;rkaram;a\ krjakan m,ak ;u Ph\rouji Fa\ au;taranakan qol;yi tnørhn Xauhn Mserl;ani ªMamoulhn "rzoua‘ H=;rº .oragr;al fatore^ m;k;nasouj;amb thr ;u tikin Armhn ;u Mimi |aroujiun;ann;rou! F;[inake ‘na‘ h Ph\rouj! Fa\ Au;taranakan Qolhyhn ,r=anauart ellalh ;tq% Ph\rouji Am;rik;an Famalsaranin mh= f;t;ua‘ h patmouj;an ;u staza‘^ psakauor arou;stiz tit[ose% apa 1963-in staza‘ h magistrosi tit[ose! Fa\astani Gitoujiunn;ri Axga\in akad;mian 2003-in ir;n ,norfa‘ h patouo\ toqjori tit[os^ fa\agitouj;an mh=! Xauhn Mserl;an 1960-hn minc;u a\sør ke ‘a®a\h ibr;u krjakan m,ak Ph\rouji Fa\ Au;taranakan Qolhyin mh=% oroun tnørhnouj;an pa,tøne ke warh 1967-hn minc;u a\sør! 1986-in M;r]auor Ar;u;lqi Fa\ Au;taranakan :k;[;zin;rou Miouj;an ko[mh staza‘ h wastakauor ‘a®a\ouj;an osk;a\ ,qan,an! Ir krjakan a,.atanqin 50 am;akin a®ijow% 2010-in% Libanani Fanrap;touj;an na.agafin framanagrow arvanaza‘

h Libanani ªKrjouj;an <qan,anº-in! Isk 2011-in Fa\astani Krjouj;an ;u Gitouj;an na.arar Armhn A,ot;an ir;n ,norfa‘ h na.ararouj;an Osk;a\ ,qan,ane^ ªKrjouj;an ;u gitouj;an olortoum n;rdra‘ m;‘ago\n auandi famar ;u axganouhr ou fa\anpast gor‘ounhouj;an famarº! Ibr;u patmaban^ f;[inak h f;t;u;al ;rk;roun& 1&- ªFa\kakan Farzi Masinº (Ph\rouj% 1978)% 2&- ª:r;q Da,nagr;rº (Ph\rouj% 1979)% 3&- ªMkrtic Mserl;ani Axga\in-qa[aqakan Gor‘ounhoujiuneº (Ph\rouj% 1981)% 4&- ªThe premeditated Nature of the Genocide perpetrated on the Armeniansº% (Anjilias% 2001)% 5&- ªAm;rika\i Miaz;al Nafangn;rou Artaqin Qa[aqakanoujiune ;u Fa\kakan Farze% 1900-2009º (Ph\rouj% 2010)% 6&- ªFa\oz Z;[aspanouj;nhn A®a= ;u :tqº% (Anjilias% 2011) ;u 7&- ªFa\kakan farzi folowo\je 1939-2010º (Ph\rouj% 2012)! An gra‘ h 95 ousoumnasiroujiunn;r% oronq lo\s t;sa‘ ;n parb;rakan mamoulin mh=! :[a‘ <ar& h= 15

ªM;r ;t;u mnaz Fin a,.arfeº! Pa\‘a® ;rkinq men h! Lo\se k*enk;rana\ m;xi! Ware% zir ou zan amp;roun mh=hn Atlant;ani kapo\tn h% or m;rj end m;rj ke dit;m^ kar‘;s ko[mnoro,ou;lou famar parxaphs! Takauin ;rka@r vam;r kan m;r a®=;u% vam;r^ w;r\i,;lou famar a\n amhne% or ]g;zinq Fin a,.arfin! Gafirh^ Taf;r ja[amasi m;r bnakarane% our anzau mankoujiuns ou wa[ patan;koujiuns! M;r tounhn o*c ,at f;®ou^ Sourb Grigor Lousauoric ;k;[;zin% oroun sourb;re fa\ou acq;r ounhin! Ja[e^ fanraka®qi y®nciunn;row ou ,r=ik waya®ordn;rou anw;r= kanc;row! Dpro@zs^ Galoust;an Axga\in Warvarane% oroun pat;rhn fa\oujiun ke ‘orhr m;r fogin;roun mh=% ;u our anzan k;anqis am;nhn kar;uor tarin;re! ª|ousab;rºe^ ,hnqe% j;*rje manauand%or ir fma\qin tak a®au xis! Fa\kakan mius akoumbn;re% mius dprozn;re% a\l kaloua‘n;re! A®a=nordarane^ ;k;[;ziin ko[qin! Mius ;k;[;zin;re!º A\sphs ke sksi a\s fatore% or iura\atouk ];uow ke n;rka\aznh Wrhv-Armhni anza‘ ou[in^ 20-rd darou khs;rhn minc;u m;r ør;re! Anor \ou,;roun endmh=hn% :giptoshn Ganata% enj;rzo[e masnakiz ke da®na\ m;r axga\in k;anqi tarb;r iradar]oujiunn;roun% oronz akanat;se ;u \aya. d;rakatare fandisaza‘ h gro[e inqe% anonq a®ncoua‘ ellan m;r krjarann;roun% kaxmak;rpoujiunn;roun jh mamoulin% kam fa\r;niqi f;t kap;-

roun% a\l;u fa[ordakize ke da®na\ a\n ogiin% or a\d bolorin yambow 'o.anzoua‘ h gro[in ou ir s;roundin! A[biurn;re c;n paksa‘ a\d bolore w;r\i,;lou ;u irarou qow b;r;low f;taqrqrakan patoumi me w;ra‘;lou famar! ªBar;ba.tabar a\n m;‘ sntouke% or m;xmh a®a= yamba\ hr ;la‘ ardhn% oc mia\n m;r kaf-karasin ou fagoust-kapouste ke 'o.adrhr% a\l;u m;r faxarauor grq;roun f;t na;u m;r jou[j;re^ ,aradrouj;an t;trakn;rhs% namakn;rhs% ørat;tr;rhs sks;al minc;u fratarakoua‘ \ødoua‘n;rs% lousankarn;rou mi qani tasn;ak alpomn;re% oronq ma\rs kaxma‘ hr tarin;rou enjazqin% incphs na;u ir al ørat;tr;rn ou namakanin! A\s j®icqe era‘ pafous% d;® chi git;r ;#rb piti gar a®ije øgtou;lou a\d bolorhn ou gr;louº% ke kardanq grqin n;ra‘akanin mh=! Øgtagor‘oua‘ h no\nphs f;[inakin ,our= khs <ar& h= 15

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NOR ØR% D:KT:MB:R 19% 2013

ANDRANIK ’AÂOUK:ANI ’NND:AN 100-AM:AKI |OU<-:R:KO| <ar& h= 5-hn

vamanakakiz an];rhn^ Masis Ararat;ane fandisazau gl.auore! <norfakal ;m ir;n% incphs na;u wastakauor krjakan gor‘ic Tik& F;rminh ~;rman;anin% ;u mi,t patrastakam% ‘a®a\ashr mtauorakan^ P;ry Colaq;anin% Posjenhn mtauorakan% ªPa\qariº na.kin .mbagir^ Grigor Qhøsh;anin! 1967-i amran% l;®na\in Libanani ama®anoz% Touari mh= drazioujiun era‘ hinq ;u xirar a\z;la‘% ;u møthn ounkndra‘ ’a®ouk;ani mta‘oumn;re fa\kakan farz;rou masin% ;k;[;zakan tagnapali a\d ør;roun! Na;u% Na\irin% ir mhk fatik a[=nake ªph\pi Sijº k∞enhr m;r mancoukin^ Alhqin ;rb m;nq ir;nz a\z;lhinq! :rkrord \i,atake or wa® ke mna\ mtqis mh=% Siran S;xa\i i patiu% Ph\rouji mh= m;r sarqa‘ \ob;linakan fandisoujiunn hr% oroun gl.auor .øso[e inqn hr% Siran S;xa\i na.kin sirafar^ Andranik ’a®ouk;ane! Ir .øs qin mh= gnafata‘ hr na;u m;x% or 5 tikinn;row krza‘ hinq krjakan na.arare b;r;l% S;xa \in gor‘ounhoujiune drouat;lou ;u ir;n ,qan,an me apafow;low! ªRømanjiqº Andranik ’a®ouk;an% ;ritasard tariqin sirafaroua‘ hr g;[;zik% zanka\a®o\z% acqa®ou igakan s;®i ;u ª`;minixmiº pa,tpan% Majhos Xari`;ani qro=e^ Siran

S;xa\i ;u 'or]a‘ an]naspanoujiun me% saka\n atryanake krak;low ir a= xistin% 'o.anak srtin% zk;ans inqxinqin mna\oun ka[oujiun patya®;low! Z;[aspanouj;nh axata‘ s;roundin patkano[% arvhqauor gro[n;rhn mhke fandisazau Andranik ’a®ouk;an% or phs q;rjo[% ar]akagir% fraparakagir ;u fasarakakan gor‘ic! ’a®ouk;an ‘na‘ h Kiuriun 1913-in! 1915-i spandin Andr& ’a®ouk;ani entaniqhn k∞axatin mia\n inqe^ Andranike^ 3 tar;kan ;u ir ma\re! Ga[jakan% anonq ke fasnin Falhp! Andranik ke patsparoui t;[uo\n orbanozn;rhn mhkoun mh=! Orbanozi k;anqe \;taga\in an piti nkaragrh fra,aliørhn ªMankoujiun Coun;zo[ Mardikº fatorow! Afa a\d fatorin a®a=in glou.in moutqe% or ke sksi f;t;u;al farzoumow% ou[[oua‘ iuraqanciuris! Mtik en;nq farzadroume ;u 'or];nq m;r patas.ane paf;l mtq;rnous mh=% qan ls;l ’a®ouk;ani patas.ane! W;rnagirn h^ :jh Trouhr ª:jh esouhr% fog;warqi w;r=in pafoud% jh ør me ;us ke ,norfoui q;xi a\s a,.arfin mh=% anzouza‘ k;anqid or# øre k∞ouxhir ap ril krkin% h@\ imastoun bar;kam! O#r g;[;zik øre anw;radar] ør;roud^

piti ouxhir or ;t gar vamanakin .or;rhn! A®a=in siro\d a®a=in jrji#®e ard;øq% g;rago\n psakou#me \a[janakid% ;rb 'a®qd da'nii w;ra‘ou;zau arvanauor yakatid ,our= O#r ørd piti ouxhir or ;t gar% ;r=anik ør;row faroust o@w ;r=anik mard% ;rb ma\ramout h ardhn ;u forixonid wra\ mouj stou;rn;re k∞i=n;n!º Afa ;u ir patas.ane! ª:jh trouhr% ø@ ;jh trouhr w;rapril ør me k;anqhs% ;raxi go\n acq;row a\n qnqo\, hake ch@r% or piti ouxhi gtn;l krkin% \a[janaki ginowoujiuns chr% n;r,ncoumi m;‘ pafs chr@% wa\;lqi ;u ;r=ankouj;an gi,;rn;rs chin% a®agasti irikouns chr ;u a®a=in xaukis yice chr! :jh trouhr% ø@ ;jh trouhr mafouan a®=;u ø*r me ;us apr;lou k;anq% piti ouxhi% or gar in‘i% mankoujiunsº! ªIn]mh a®a= mhke era#‘ h a\s farzoume% mhke toua#‘ h a\s patas.ane! Ba\z ;s git;m% jh ;rk ragounti mardoz ;r;q qa®orde ir mankoujiune ke 'nt®h ;u mius qa®orde d;® mankoujiun k∞;raxh! :s git;m% jh bolor srt;re ka®ca‘ ;n ir;nz mankouj;an ou bolor acq;re ga[tni arzounqow ou .anda[atanqow ke na\in vamanakin mh= korsoua‘ manouki me ;t;uhnº% k∞esh ’a®ouk;an! A\o*% ;[;®ne go[za‘ hr am;nhn jankagin ør;re a\s orb;roun! Go[za‘ hr ir;nz ªmankoujiuneº% korsnzouza‘ hin xa\n! ’a®ouk;an a\s hr or ke zankar oun;nal! ’a®ouk;an ta®apagin mankoujiun me bolora‘ hr orbanozin mh=! Orb;re bopik hin ama® ou ]m;®! An 8 tar;kan hr ;rb kø,ikn;r bavnou;zan orb;roun% ;u Anndranike nor kø,ike paf;z% kia\n Kiraki ør;re fagn;lou! Patas.anatou ma\rikn;rhn mhke% Kiraki me xir;nq ;k;[;zi a®a=nord;z% fa[ordoujiun a®in ;u ma\rike xgou,azouz or ªfa[ordoujiunh ;tq bopik pttile ªm;[qº ke fa,ouhr! A\nouf;t;u% ’a®ouk;an ba®aziørhn a®n;low ma\rikin .øsqe^ 3 ør gi,;r-z;r;k otqhn cfan;z kø,ikn;re! Ouri, a®ijow :rouand Øt;an Falhp vamana‘ hr! Xinqe

tara‘ hin ªShpiliº ,r=ani orbanoze% or ;rkou .øsq esh orb;roun! Øt;ani acq;re ke l;zouin% kokorde ke ymltoui \ouxoumhn% ci krnar oc mhk ba® artasan;l% i t;s xarfour;li% qstmnaliz a\d otabo pik orboukn;roun patk;rin a®=;u! Incphs ke t;snhq% orboujiune an=n=;li f;tq;r dro,ma‘ h Andraniki nkaragrin wra\! A®a=in f;rjin^ ir embost bnauoroujiune ir groujiunn;roun% ir warmounqin% jh kousakzakan gor‘ounhouj;an mh=! An piti cfandourvhr ;rbhq k;[‘iqin% anardarouj;an kam soutin! Piti qnnadathr% piti .araxanhr% a®aqino[ l;xouow% sramit bnoro,oumn;row^ tg;[e% anarvhqn ou wnasakare! Amdr& ’a®ouk;an ke m;‘na\ orbanozin mh=% apa ke \aya.h Falhpi Fa\kax;an na.akrjarane% isk ;rkrordakan ousoume ke stana\ Ph\rouji N,an "alany;an y;marane% dasatoun;r oun;nalow g;rmanakan kargapafouj;an .nkarkou% ta[anda,at% .stabaro\ Polsafa\ graght^ L;uon <anje% ;u a\s w;r=no\n fakapatk;re fandisazo[% ªthrwi,º ;u an'o\j% ba\z no\nqan arvhqauor ousouzcap;te^ Nikol A[bal;ane! Anonz ,ounci tak a®au;l ;us an piti jr‘oui orphs kousak zakan ;u jh axga\in fasarakakan gor‘ic! <r=an me piti pa,tønawarh orphs ousouzic ;u tnørhn! Piti da®na\ axd;zik kousakzakan [;kawar me! ’a®ouk ;an k∞a,.atakzi Falhpi ªAr;u;lqº j;rjin! Ke da®na\ ,outow axd;zik% \argoua‘ kousakzakan [;kawar% fasn;low minc;u ªK;dronakan Komithº (K&K&)i andamakzouj;an! Ir frataraka‘ gor‘;re mhkh au;li angamn;r artatpoua‘ ;n% isk ªMankoujiun Coun;zo[ Mardikº k;nsawhpe% groua‘ 1955-in% jargmanoua‘ h ®ous;rhni% ar;u;lafa\;rhni% arab;rhni% angl;rhni% parsk;rhni% tarb;r tarin;rou enjazqin! Andranik ’a®ouk;ani grakan a®a=in qa\ l;re% drakan k;rpow dimauoroua‘ ;n Wafan Jhqh;ani ;u |akob Ø,akani ko[mh! (Mnaz;ale \a=ord jiuow)

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<ar& h= 13-hn

h .mbagrakan kaxmi andam ª<irakº amsagri (1965-1985 ;u 1997) ;u ªKamarº parb;rakani (2005-hn i w;r)! 2004-hn i w;r at;nap;tn h M;‘i Tann Kilikio\ kajo[ikosouj;an ªÂicert ;u Jina Garolanº fratarakcakan fimnadrami \an]na.oumbin! Stan]na‘ h patas.anatou pa,tøn Libananafa\ ga[ouji m,akouja\in mioujiunn;rou mh=% 1958-1983! :[a‘ h at;nap;t Fa\ Famalsaranakan Ousano[az Miouj;an (1958-1961)! Am;na\n Fa\oz Kajo[ikos Gar;gin B& Fa\rap;takan Kondakow 2007-in ir;n ,norfa‘ h ªS& Safak _ S& M;sropº ,qan,ane! Fatorin mh= lo\s t;sa‘ ;n baxmabno\j farz;r ,ø,a'o[ a\l \ødoua‘n;r ;u ousoumnasiroujiunn;r% oronq na.aphs fratarakoua‘ ;n ª<irakº amsagri% ªFiusis;an fa\agitakan tar;girqºi% ªFaskº Fa\agitakan Tar;girqi% ªKamarº parb;raj;rji ;u patmakan ousoumnasiroujiunn;r mamouli mh=! Xauhn Mserl;an a\laxan a®ijn;row \ødoua‘n;r storagra‘ h s'iu®qafa\ mamoulin mh=% incphs^ ª>øsnakº% ªXarjønqº% ªPatan;kan Ar]agangº% ª+anashrº% ªAraratº øraj;rj ;u a\ln! F;[inake w;ro\i,;al ;u a\l j;rj;rou mh= frataraka‘ h na;u gra.øsakann;r% namakn;r% mafagrakan bno\j kro[ \ødoua‘n;r% dasa.øsoujiunn;r% ya®;r ;u a\ln! >mbagra‘ h na;u Anjiliasi tparanhn lo\s t;sa‘ Wardan Matjhos;ani ªFaraua\in Ko[mn A,.arfiº% Anjilias% 2005% |akob Colaq;ani ªAntioqi m;r]aka\ Âouyi fowiti fa\;reº% Anjilias% 2006 ;u Isabel Kaprielian-Churchill% ªSisters of Mercy and Survival, Armenian Nurses, 1900-1930º, Antelias% 2012% .oragr;al girq;re! ªMamoulhn "rzoua‘ H=;rº w;rnagrow fatore ouni yo. bowandakoujiun% or ke ba[kana\ 328 h=;rh ;u k∞endgrkh f;t;u;al 15 ;njabavinn;re& 1&- Famalsaranakann;r 2&- Fa\kakan dat 3&- M;‘ :[;®ni _ Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an tar;lizn;r 4&- Z;[aspanouj;an farze MAK-i a®=;u 5&- Jouranakanoujiun 6&- Ga[oujn;r 7&- Fa\r;niq 8&- Fa\ dproz 9&- FBEM 10&- Miouj;nakan 11&- Namakn;r 12&- Tomsak 13&- W;r\i,oumn;r% mafagroujiun% dambanakan 14&- F;[inakin k;nsagroujiune 15&- Mat;nagitoujiun^ Xauhn Mserl;ani Incphs ke parxouin w;ro\i,;al bowandakouj;nhn% f;[inakin ar‘ar‘a‘ niuj;re ke w;rab;rin a®fasarak Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an datin% fa\ m,ako\jin% fa\ ;k;[;ziin ;u fa\ dprozin ir;nz ‘a®a\oujiune matouza‘ fa\ vo[owourdi axganouhr ;ra.tauorn;roun! Phtq h es;l% or ,af;kan fratarakoujiun men h ªMamoulhn "rzoua‘ h=;rº .oragr;al fatore% troua‘ ellalow% or so\n na.a];®nouj;amb Xauhn Mserl;ani groujiunn;re piti cn;r'akouin a\souf;t;u mamouli h=;roun% a\l da®nan k;nsa.a\t ;u warakic aproume enj;rzo[n;rou imazakan mtoroumn;roun! Ph\rouj


f;[inakn;rhn ;u ;rav,taghtn;rhn mhkn h% M;‘n Britanio\ mh= a®au;lago\n \a=o[ouj;an fasa‘ hr ir ªSheº ;rgow% or \a\tnoua‘ h ªNojing filº `ilmi mh=! 60 taroua\ st;[‘agor‘akan k;anqi mh= <a®l Axnauoure ouni 100 milion waya®oua‘ alpom ;u 1200-hn au;li ;rg! An nkarafanoua‘ h 80 `ilm;rou mh= ;u faxarauor fam;rgn;r toua‘ ambo[= a,.arfi mh=!

Y<DOUM ªNor Ørº ,abajaj;rji D;kt;mb;r 12% 2013-i% h= 11-i wra\ ªFa\ S;[anauorn;rº kro[ w;rta®ouj;an f;[inakn h Dokt& Minas Goya\;an! K*apauininq m;r enj;rzo[n;rou ;u f;[inakin n;ro[amtouj;an!

Srti da®n kski‘ow ke gouv;nq m;r sir;z;al ;[bør% an;r]agin% axgakanin^

ØNNIK YINKHØX:ANi (1951-2013) mafe% or pataf;zau D;kt;mb;r 15% Kiraki a®auøt;an vame 10-in% \;t karyat;u fiuandouj;an! Ja[man karge katarou;zau entan;kan paragan;row! Fog;fangst;an araro[oujiune piti kataroui Kiraki% D;kt;mb;r 29-in% Perphnqi Srboz {;uond;anz Ma\r Tayarin mh=% \auart S& Pataragi! Sgakirn;rn ;n^ Qo\re^ Thr ;u Tik& Sargis ou Xarmoufi Minas;an :[ba\re^ Thr ;u Tik& Karpis ou Sona Yinkhøx;an Qo\re^ Thr ;u Tik& Waxghn ;u Art;mis Po\ay;an (Monjrhal) Qro= xauakn;re^ Thr ;u Tik& >acik ;u Fouri Manyik;an ou xauakn;re^ Thr ;u Tik& |owik ;u Hlixa Minas;an ou doustre :[bør xauakn;re^ S;rv Yinkhøx;an Thr ;u Tik& Sarø ;u Lisa Yinkhøx;an ou xauake Qro= xauakn;re^ Au;tis Po\ay;an (Monjrhal) Thr ;u Tik& >acik ;u Youli Po\ay;an ou doustre (Monjrhal) Incphs na;u^ >any;an% Miraq;an% Gley;an% Agel;an% Minas;an% <iriqy;an% Agesgal;an% |akob;an entaniqn;re ;u fama\n axgakann;re! Fangouz;alin \i,atake \argo[n;rhn ke .ndroui n;rka\ gtnouil fog;fangistin!

ZAUAKZAKAN O[baz;al ØNNIK YINKHØX:ANi mafouan t.our a®ijow% m;r .or zauakzoujiunn;re ke \a\tn;nq fangouz;ali qro=^ Thr ;u Tik& Sargis ou Xarmoufi Minas;ann;roun% incphs na;u entan;kan bo lor paragan;roun! ÂAK <r=ana\in Warcoujiun F;r;an Akoumbi Warcoujiun ªNor Ørº ,abajaj;rj

LO|S T:SAU ªIM OU{:PATOUMEº <ar& h= 13-hn

darou ar.iue^ fauaqoua‘ Ganata\i mh=! Wrhv-Armhni k;anqi ou[in ke xougadipi :giptosi fa\ ga[ouji bar]rakhtin% a\l;u k‘koumi skxbnauorouj;an% apa Ganata\i% \atkaphs Monjrhali fa\ ga[ouji k;rtman ou xargazman tarin;roun! |akob >acik;an ke wka\h& ªIm Ou[;patoumeº wa® go\n;row n;rka\azoua‘ inqnayanacman ou[i men h! Xa\n kardalow na. ;u a®a= ke ‘anøjananq gro[in entaniqin ou ir ;ritasard ør;rou inqnouj;ane% a\nqan møthn^ incphs k;rparn;rou ke ‘anøjananq grakanouj;an mh=&&& A\s qnarakan ou yartarafius \ou,agroujiune ;r;uan ke b;rh a,.arf me^ mtauorakann;rou ;u grakan fskan;rou 'arjam ou gounag;[ k;rparn;row ;u cna,.arfik ar;u;l;an t;sarann;row! Isk Karhn Simon;an k*au;lznh& Wrhv-Armhne m;r dimaz baz;l ou '®;l h iradar]oujiunn;ri masin \i,o[oujiunn;re ;u enj;rzo[e t;snoum h a\n gl.auore% ince baza\a\tuoum h f;[inaka\in

iurørinak ar]aki k,®o\jow! Armatn;#re&&& An,o*u,t armatn;re&&& Armatn;re ‘il ;n talis% y;[qoum ;n tasnam;akn;ri ta'ana‘ g;tine% dhpi lo\sn h ]guoum en]iu[e&&& Orphsxi da®na\ ,iu% \;to\^ dalar mi ‘a®&&& Orphsxi da®na\ mardka\ini% fa\kakani% fog;uori ;u axatagrouj;an ga[a'ari fauati ka[nin! G;[atip ou \i,atakn;re k;ndanazano[ lousankarn;row faroust a\s fatore fratarakoua‘ h Famaxga\in fa\ krjakan ;u m,akouja\in miouj;an Ganata\i <r=ana\in warcouj;an ;u ªForixonº ,abajaj;rji fowanauorouj;amb! Fatorin gin n,anakoua‘ h $30! A®aqman ‘a.se^ \au;l;al% est ;rkri! No\n ‘rarow a®aqoua‘ mhkh au;li grq;rou a®aqman ‘a.se girq glou. nouax k*ella\! Stanalou famar dim;l Famaxga\ini Ganata\i ,r=ana\in warcouj;an^ info@hamazkayin.ca% kam f;[inakin^ Vrej-Armen Artinian. 1(514) 334-5454 vrejarmen@hotmail.com

N.O. December 19, 2013, no. 49:N.O. Blank


4:33 PM

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NOR ØR% D:KT:MB:R 19% 2013


AM"O"OUM :NQ FF AÂA+NOUJ:AN AÂA+IN <R+ANE <arounakoum ;nq am'o';l FF a®a=nouj;an a®a=in ,r=ani ardiunqn;re! A\s angam ke .øs;nq :r;uani ªOulisiº masin! _ :s oc bauarar ;m gnafatoum jimi ;lo\jn;re mrza,r=ani a®a=in khsoum% qani or m;nq 7-rd t;[oum ;nq ;u qic miauorn;r ;nq fauaq;l! A\o .a[i orake bar;lauou;l h% ba\z kar‘oum ;m% or m;x ci \a=o[ou;l au;li ,at miauorn;r wastak;l! C;m zankanoum .øs;l patya®n;ri masin% qani or dranq fauanabar \a\tni ;nº% as;l h armsport–i f;t xro\zoum jimi gl.auor marxic Karhn Bars;[;ane! N;rka\oums jime ar]akourdoum h% ore ke t;ui minc;u D;kt;mb;ri 23-e% inciz \;to\ ke fauaq;nq mhk ,abajow% orphsxi j;j;u marxoumn;r anzkazn;nq! Amanoriz \;to\% |ounouari 6-in krkin fauaqou;l ou ;nq! ’ragroum ;nq 2 fauaq anzkazn;l% kar‘oum ;m mhke artasafmanoum% miuse^ ~oujpoli akad;mia\oum! W;r=in ,r=anoum ªOulisiº kaxme lq;l ;n mi qani a`rikazi `oujpolistn;r! Lraz;l h Lih Pato\i f;t pa\managri vamkhte% ow m;r jimi a®anzqa\in .a[azo[n;riz mhkn h! <at k*oux;na\inq% or Paton mnar! Na m;kn;l h fa\r;niq% ba\z m;nq nra f;t banauor pa\manauoroua‘oujiun oun;nq% or na ke w;rada®na\ ;u ke ,arounaki .a[a[ m;r jimi kaxmoum! Zankanoum ;nq jime ouv;[azn;l nor `oujpolistn;row% ba\z au;li ,at k*oux;na\inq% orphsxi a\n `oujpolistn;rn% oronq ªOulisiº dhmqn ;n fandisanoum mna\in jimoum! >ndirn a\n h% or oro, `oujpolistn;ri f;t pa\managr;ri vamkhtn;re lranoum ;n ;u a\vm akoumbe banakzoujiunn;r h waroum nranz f;t! M;nq oun;nq lau darpasapafn;r! Karhn Isra\hl;ane ;rkar vamanak w;rakangnoum hr wnasoua‘qiz! Na lau fandhs ;kau w;r=in .a[;roum! M;nq nra f;t m;‘ \o\s;r ;n kapoum% incphs na;u m;r mius darpasapafn;ri^ Tigran Dauj;ani ;u Arjour :ranos;ani dhpqoum! >øs;low \a=ord taroua\ f;®ankarn;ri masin% as;m& ª:jh m;nq xba[;zn;nq 7-8-rd t;[;re% apa an]amb ;s da ]a.o[oum ke famar;m! N;rka\ drouj;amb 6-rd t;[e lau ardiunq ke famaroui% isk ;jh fangrouan;nq 4-5-rd t;[;roum kam hl \a\tnou;nq mrzanakakirn;ri ,arqoum% apa da ,at lau ardiunq ke lini! Isk% a.o\;anouj;an masin .øs;ln au;lord ;m famaroum!

:UROPA|I A>O|:ANN:RI LIKA|I >MBA|IN "OULI AM"O"OUM Auartou;z A.o\;ann;ri lika\i .mba\in 'oule! |a\tni dar]an 1/8-rd ;xra'akici bolor^ 16 masnakizn;re% incphs na;u :urolika\i ou[;gir nouaya‘ 8 jim;re! Afa 1/8-rd ;xra'akic dours ;ka‘ jim;re& >oumb A&-iz^ ªManc;sjer :ouna\jetº^ 14 miauor% ªBa\;rº^ 10% .oumb B&-iz^ ªÂhalº Matrit^ 16% ªGalajasara\º^ 7% .oumb G&-iz^ "SV^ 13% ªØlimpiakosº^ 10% .oumb D&-iz^ ªBauariaº^ 15% ªManc;sjer Sijiº^ 15% .oumb :&-iz^ ªC;lsiº^ 12% ª<alkhº^ 10% .oumb X&iz^ ªBorousiaº^ 12% ªArs;nalº^ 12! A\s .mboum Dordmounti ªBorousia\iº kaxmoum hr fandhs galis FF fauaqakani kisapa,tpan F;nri. M.ijar;ane% ow ir .a[ow ;us npast;z jimi 1/8-rd ;xra'akic dours galoun! A\s .mboum ªNapolinº ;us wastak;z 12 miauor% saka\n ªBorousia\iº ;u ªArs;nali f;t .a[;roum gndakn;ri au;li wat zouzani, ounhr! >oumb H&-iz ªAjl;tikøº^ 13% ªX;nijº^ 6% .oumb E&iz^ ªBars;lonaº^ 13% ªMilanº^ 9!




A.o\;ann;ri lika\i .mb;roum 3-rd t;[;re graua‘ jim;re ir;nz ;lo\jn;re ke ,arounak;n :urolika\oum! A.o\;ann;ri lika\i 1/8-rd ;xra'akici wiyakafanoujiune ka\azau D;kt;mb;ri 16-in!

:UROLIKA|I >MBA|IN "OULI AM"O"OUM Auartou;z :urolika\i .mba\in 'oule! |a\tni dar]an .mba\in 'ouliz 1/16-rd ;xra'akic dours ;ka‘ 24 ou;gr;ri faszhathr;re! Afa a\d jim;re& >oumb A&-iz^ ªWal;nsiaº ;u ªSouonsiº% .oumb B&-iz^ ªLoudogor;zº ;u ªC;rnomor;zº% .oumb G&-iz^ ªCalzbourgº ;u ªHsb;rgº% .oumb D&-iz^ ªÂoubinº ;u ªMariborº% .oumb :&-iz^ ª~ior;ntinaº ;u ªDniprøº% .oumb X&-iz^ ªA\ntra.tº ;u ªMaqabiº J;l Awiw% .oumb H&-iz^ ªG;nkº ;u ªTinamøº Qi;u% .oumb E&-iz^ ªS;uiliaº ;u ªLib;r;zº% .oumb J&-iz^ ªLionº ;u ªB;tisº% .oumb V&-iz^ ªTrabxonsporº ;u ªLaziøº% .oumb I&-iz^ ªTot;nf;mº ;u ªAnviº% \i,;zn;nq% or ªAnviiº kaxmoum h fandhs galis FF fauaqakani kisapa,tpan Ka®lhn Mkrtc;ane% .oumb L&-iz^ ªAX Alkmarº ;u PAØK! A\s .mboum fandhs ;ko[ Karaganda\i ª<a.t\orº% ori kaxmoum fandhs h galis FF fauaqakani kisapa,tpan Ghorg {axar;ane% .mboum grau;z w;r=in t;[e! A\s jim;rin ke mianan :uropa\i a.o\;ann;ri lika\i .mb;roum 3-rd t;[;re graua‘ jim;re! Dranq ;n& Don;zki ª<a.t\oreº% ª:ouw;ntouseº% ªB;n`ikanº% ªWiktorianº% ªBax;leº% ªNapolinº ;u ªPortounº!

~I~A-I WARKANI<A|IN NOR A{IUSAKE ~I~A-n fraparak;l h fauaqakann;ri No\;mb;r amsoua\ dasakargman a[iusake! Cna\a‘ FF fauaqakane w;r=in vamanakafatoua‘oum fandipoum ci anzkazr;l% a\noufand;r] 29 miauorow au;lazr;l h ir miauorn;ri qanakn ou bar]raz;l 4 t;[ow! A\vm FF entranin 716 fa,ouarka\in miauorow 34-rd t;[oumn h! Dasakargman a[iusake ,arounakoum h gl.auor;l Ispanian lauago\n tasn;akn a\spisi t;sq ouni& 1& Ispania^ 1554 miauor% 2& G;rmania^ 1318% 3& Arvanjin^ 1251% 4& Qoloumpia^ 1200% 5& "orjougalia^ 1172% 6& Ourougoua\^ 1132% 7& Italia^ 1120% 8& Xouiz;ria^ 1113% 9& Folandia^ 1106% 10& Praxilia^ 1102! Na.kin >SFM-i fanrap;toujiunn;r& 18& Ouqrania^ 907% 22& ÂD^ 870% 34& FF^ 716% 68& Ouxb;kstan^ 526% 82& P;la®ous^ 431% 95& Atrph\yan^ 363% 96& Hsjonia^ 360% 97& Moltowa^ 359% 101& Wrastan^ 330% 102& Lijouania^ 326% 116& Tayikstan^ 286% 119& Lajwia^ 272% 132& {axa.stan^ 216% 137& Jourqm;nstan^ 195% 146& {r[xstan^ 155!

MI+AXGA|IN ~OUJPOLI >YANKAR • OU:~A-n entr;l h A.o\;ann;ri lika\i .mba\in 'ouli lauago\n `oujpolistin ;u jimin! Lauago\n `oujpolist h yanacou;l Matriti ªÂhaliº \ar]akouo[ Kri,tianou Âonaltoun% ow .mba\in 'ouli .a[;roum .';l h 9 kol% safman;low mrza,ari a\d 'ouli mrzani,! Lauago\n jim h yanacou;l Matriti ªAjl;tikonº% ore 5 \a[janak h tøn;l .mba\in 'ouli 6 fandipoumn;roum!

• ªWorld Soccerº f;[inakauor fandhse Matriti ªÂhaliº ;u "orjougalia\i fauaqakani a®a=atar Kri,tianou Âonaltouin yanay;l h 2013 jouakani Taroua\ lauago\n `oujpolist! • Miun.;ni ªBauaria\iº ;u ~ransia\i axga\in fauaqakani kisapa,tpan ~ranq Âib;rin `ransiakan France Football amsagri ko[miz arvanaz;l h ªTaroua\ lauago\n `ransiazi `oujpolistº kocmane! A\s mrzanakin Âib;rin arvananoum h ;rrord angam (2007% 2008 ;u 1013 jj&)!

FA| FANTPOLISTN:RE :RRORD T:{OUM :r;uani ªTinamøº marxadafliyoum auartou;z ];®qi gndaki (fantpol) ªFF warcap;ti gauajiº mi=axga\in 4-rd mrza,are% orin masnakzoum hin 4 jim;r! Fa\astani ;ritasardakan fauaqakane% or na.ord 2 fandipoumn;roum partou;l hr ÂD-i (13-45) ;u Wrastani (21-32) fantpolistn;rin% mrzoumn;ri w;r=in øre w;r=aphs oura.azr;z fa\ marxashrn;rin! Ouqraniazin;ri f;t mrza.a[oum m;r marxikn;re f;nz skxbiz tir;zin na.a];®nouj;ane ;u \a[j;zin 22-20 fa,ouow ;u grau;zin 3-rd t;[e! Mrza,ari \a[jo[e oro,ou;z Âousastani ;u Wrastani fauaqakann;ri mrzawhyoum! 33-28 fa,ouow \a[j;low wrazin;re^ nouay;zin gl.auor mrzanake! A\n Wrastani fauaqakanin \an]n;z FF warcap;t Tigran Sargs;ane! Bolor jim;ri n;rka\azouzicn;re orphs \ou,anouhr ];®qi vamazo\zn;r stazan! Mrzanakn;r \an]n;zin na;u mrza,ari lauago\n .a[azo[n;rin% ®mbarkouin% darpasapafin!

ARJOUR DAUJ:ANE BAXMAMARTOUM AR’AJH M:TAL NOUAY:Z Sporta\in marmnamarxouj;an :uropa\i a®a=nouj;an \;nazatki pronxh m;talakir Arjour Dauj;ane fianali ;lo\j oun;zau moskow;an mrza,aroum arvananalow ar‘ajh m;tali! Mrza,are nouiroua‘ hr .orfrda\in anouani marmnamarxik^ ølimpiakan .a[;ri krknaki% a,.arfi bazar]ak ;u :uropa\i a.o\;an Mi.a\il Woronini \i,atakin! Mi=axga\in a\d mrza,are anzkazuoum hr 20rd angam! Arjour Dauj;ann ir;n g;raxanz drs;uor;z 23 ;rkrn;ri n;rka\azouzicn;ri f;t pa\qaroum! Arjoure baxmamartoum grau;z 2-rd t;[e arvananalow ar‘ajh m;tali! Na xi=;z Dmitri Gogotowin (ÂD)! |;nazatkoum na grau;z a®a=in t;[e% nvo\gaja';roum yanacou;z 2-rde% isk ø[akn;ri wra\ warvoujiunoum zo\z tou;z 3-rd ardiunqe! FF mius masnakiz Arshn Gaspar;ane ;ritasardn;ri mrzawhyoum grau;z 7-rd t;[e!

SIUXI Q:NTIK:ANE PA<TPAN:Z TIT{OSE G;rmanian n;rka\azno[ fa\axgi b®nzqamartoufi Siuxi Q;ntik;ane pa,tpan;z WBA-i warka‘ow a,.arfi a.o\;ani kocoume italoufi Simona Galassii dhm martoum! D;kt;mb;ri 8-in ka\aza‘ 10 ®aountanoz m;namartoum mrzawarn;ri mia]a\n oro,mamb (98&5-94% 99-91&5% 97-95&5) \a[janake ,norfou;z Q;ntik;anin!

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