ՆՈՐ ՕՐ Շաբաթաթերթ

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Nor Or, August 24, 2017, No. 32_N.O. Blank 8/23/17 5:50 PM Page 1

Vol. 95, # 32, Thursday, August 24, 2017

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Nor Or, August 24, 2017, No. 32_N.O. Blank 8/23/17 5:50 PM Page 2


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!ÇÙ"áõ#Í 1922-Ç" (üñ»$"û) Established 1922 (in Fresno)

An ADLP Publication ÊØ´%¶Æ' !ñ#ã ê»÷»Ã)»#"

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Nor Or, August 24, 2017, No. 32_N.O. Blank 8/23/17 5:50 PM Page 4


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Nor Or, August 24, 2017, No. 32_N.O. Blank 8/23/17 5:50 PM Page 5

Üáñ úñ !Ç"·ß#µÃÇ« 24 ú·áëïáë 2017

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Sossie Naccashian 11848 Rue Filion, Montreal, Quebec, H4J 1T3 CANADA n.sossie@yahoo.ca

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Thursday, August 24, 2017 Vol. 95, #32


Trump's top priority is to protect US against threat from N. Korea

US is ready to use the full range of capabilities to protect American citizens against the growing threat from North Korea, U.S. disarmament ambassador Robert Wood said on Tuesday during the Geneva forum, Reuters reported. "North Korea's ballistic missile and nuclear weapons programs pose grave threats to the entire world," Robert Wood said. Robert Wood noted that President Donald Trump's top priority was to protect the United States and its allies against the "growing threat" from North Korea. To do so, he said, the country was ready to use "the full range of capabilities at our disposal". At the same time he noted that the path to dialogue still remains an option for Pyongyang.

Portantino Responds to Americana Decision Glendale, CA: Upon hearing of the decision reached by Caruso Affiliated Holdings regarding the billboard advertising at The Americana at Brand for the documentary, Architects of Denial, State Senator Anthony J. Portantino issued the following statement: “Though not immediate, it was the correct decision. The grassroots advocates who emphasized the significance and symbolism behind the placing of appropriate advertising for the documentary are to be commended for their continued commitment to genocide education and for their civil rights leadership. Let’s be clear, there is only one side, not two sides to recounting the history of the atrocities that began in 1915. The State of California is spending millions of dollars to teach our school children about the first genocide of the 20th century and locally we need our business community to stand with that mission. Today, activists who passionately stood together to generate this outcome deserve our respect and appreciation. I look forward to seeing the billboard go up!” Portantino represents the 25th Senate District, which is home to the largest Armenian American community in any legislative district in the country. He is also a former filmmaker. Earlier in the year, he successfully included funding for Armenian Genocide curriculum implementation and the Armenian American Museum in the California State Budget signed by Governor Brown. He chairs the California State Senate Select Committee on California, Armenia and Artsakh Trade, Art and Cultural Exchange.

US corporation General Electric interested in construction of power plant in Hrazdan US corporation General Electric is interested in construction of a power plant operating on waste processing in Armenian town of Hrazdan, Regional director of the company in Russia and the CIS countries, Ivan Saprikin said on Tuesday during meeting with Minister of Energy Infrastructures and Natural Resources of Armenia, Ashot Manukyan.

To this end, the members of the delegation that arrived in Armenia presented engines of different types and ways of using them, including the industry for generating electricity through household waste. As it was noted, interlocutors agreed to jointly study the technical data of the construction of waste processing plant in Hrazdan and possibility of cooperation.

Armenian member of Turkey parliament files lawsuit against columnist Garo Paylan, Istanbul Armenian MP of the opposition pro-Kurdish People’s Democratic Party (HDP) of Turkey, has filed a lawsuit against Yeni !afak (New Dawn) newspaper columnist Hayrettin Karaman, reported T24 Internet newspaper of Turkey. Karaman had entitled his article dated August 18 as “You can’t have friend from a gavur [i.e. non-Muslim, Christian], pelt from a pig.” According to the HDP statement, in this connection, Paylan filed a lawsuit with the Istanbul Public Prosecutor’s Office against Hayrettin Karaman, and on the grounds that he had provoked people toward hatred and hostility and debased a part of the people.

Hollywood preparing for the opening of Charles Aznavour’s star AFP agency presented a video of preparations for the opening of Charles Aznavour star on Walk of Fame in Hollywood. Ana Martinez, Producer of the Walk of Fame ceremonies, said Aznavour performed hundreds of songs and got numerous awards and is still performing at his age “which is wonderful”. The local Armenians are incredibly proud to share Aznavour with the world, said Baydsar Thomasian. Legendary singer-song-writer Charles Aznavour, 93, has already left for Los Angeles where he will receive a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on Thursday, August 24, 2017.

ILLINOIS CONGRESSMAN RAJA KRISHNAMOORTHI JOINS GROWING ARMENIAN CAUCUS WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) announced that Freshman Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL) joined the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues, supporting United States-Armenia relations. Congressman Krishnamoorthi of Illinois' 8th District currently serves on the House Committee on Education and the Workforce and the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. As part of the Terjenian-Thomas Assembly Internship Program, Hugh Rabjohns, who attends Texas Christian University and grew up in Wilmette, Illinois, interned in Congressman Krishnamoorthi's office this summer in Washington, D.C. "It is an honor to have Congressman Krishnamoorthi join the Armenian Caucus. His broad view of the world and respect for history uniquely equips him to play a leading role," Illinois-based Assembly Board Member Oscar Tatosian said. "His entrepreneurial spirit is the kind of friend Armenia needs," he added. Rep. Krishnamoorthi attended the Armenian Genocide Commemoration this past April on Capitol Hill and signed a bipartisan letter to President Donald Trump

urging him to reaffirm the Armenian Genocide. The Congressman also issued the following statement commemorating the Genocide: "Today, on the 102nd anniversary of the beginning of the Armenian Genocide, we recognize the murder of 1.5 million Armenian men women, and children in the years that followed under the direction of the Ottoman Empire. Despite the truth of this history and the magnitude of these crimes, our government remains one of only three in the world not to recognize the genocide committed against the Armenian people. To deny the Armenian Genocide is to deny the humanity of its victims and the demands of our own." In June, Rep. Krishnamoorthi wrote an op-ed in The Hill titled "Did Turkey's payments to Michael Flynn delay our military

operations against ISIS?" where he explained: "Press and public attention have been focused largely on the Trump administration's relationship with Russia, and there is much to be learned. Questions regarding Turkey, however, reveal most clearly how personal considerations may have overridden our national interests." Earlier this year, the Assembly highlighted Turkey's attempts to gain surreptitious influence over U.S. officials and media to the detriment of U.S. national security, and urged the Senate and House Intelligence Committees to investigate the matter. The Assembly's letter to the Senate Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr (R-NC), Vice Chairman Mark Warner (D-VA), House Intelligence Chairman David Nunes (R-CA), and Ranking Member Adam Schiff (D-CA) read in part: "We are writing to urge your thorough investigation of President Erdogan's Turkey in an expanded review of foreign governments and their activities that compromise America's democratic institutions to allow massive human rights violations and work against the United States in ways that are totally out of legal or diplomatic bounds." !

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Thursday« August 24, 2017

AGBU Spearheads The Promise to Educate Movement to Foster Armenian Genocide Education

On August 14, the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU), in partnership with Survival Pictures, the production company behind The Promise, and major Armenian organizations in North America, launched The Promise to Educate campaign to raise funds for the advancement of Armenian Genocide education across the United States. Expanding on the social impact mission of The Promise and recognizing the gaps in genocide education in the U.S., AGBU and its partners have initiated a campaign to send copies of the film and relevant curriculum resources to public educational institutions across the country. While human rights issues and related history are included in the social studies curricula of the vast majority of public schools, the

Armenian Genocide goes largely ignored. Currently, the Armenian Genocide is not a required subject in history courses in most schools and lack of awareness and teaching materials leaves it on the sidelines. "The primary goal of the filmmakers of The Promise was not only to bring our history to light, but to encourage a dialogue among middle school and high school students and their teachers," said AGBU Central Board Member Ani Manoukian. "The AGBU Alternative Education Department works to provide a diverse range of resources on various topics of Armenian language, history and culture for classrooms. The distribution of The Promise DVDs, along with tailored study materials, provides access to trustworthy information about the Armenian Genocide, challenging the powerful forces of denial." Donations will allow AGBU to supply Keep The Promise Educational Packages to American public middle and high schools, higher educational institutions and libraries. Each package includes a copy of The Promise DVD, a letter from filmmaker Terry George, a tailored The Promise Study Guide and a reference of Armenian Genocide curriculum resources and contacts. The package is developed in cooperation with well-known genocide education organizations, such as the Armenian National Institute (ANI), The Genocide Education Project and the Zoryan Institute. Following the successful grassroots outreach campaign for the movie, AGBU and major Armenian organizations in North America, including the Armenian Assembly of America, the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA), Children of Armenia Fund (COAF), the Dioceses and Prelacies of the Armenian Church of the United States and Canada, as well as other religious and cultural institutions, are again joining efforts to bring Keep The Promise

Led by Arch. Derderian, prayers offered for ABMDR patients at Diocese churches

The ABMDR team at the meeting with Archbishop Hovnan Derderian (center) and the Very Rev. Fr. Dajad Yardemian. Los Angeles, August 22, 2017 — On Sunday, August 20, during Holy Mass at St. Leon Cathedral in Burbank, Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate of the Western Diocese, offered special prayers for patients of the Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry (ABMDR). In his sermon, the Archbishop praised the life-saving mission of ABMDR, and called on congregants to continue to support its work. To raise public awareness of the ABMDR mission and encourage grassroots involvement in the organization’s activities, the Western Diocese has observed a special Prayer Day in honor of ABMDR patients for the past several years. The Prayer Day is marked at St. Leon Cathedral as well as Armenian churches across Southern California. In the course of his sermon on August 20, Archbishop Derderian stated that participating in the work of ABMDR is tantamount to praying and accomplishing a Godly mission. The Archbishop pledged the continuous support of the Diocese and appealed to all parishes to embrace the work of ABMDR, by joining its ranks as potential bone marrow stem cell donors, signing up as volunteers, and attending its public-benefit events — such as the upcoming “Match for Life,” the ABMDR’s 18th annual Gala, which will be held on

Sunday, August 27, in Los Angeles. “Archbishop Derderian, who is one of ABMDR’s most avid and longtime supporters, exemplifies the type of leadership that works tirelessly for the well-being of our community,” said ABMDR president Dr. Frieda Jordan. “We are honored and grateful for the Primate’s ongoing guidance and support.” Following the church service, numerous parishioners had the opportunity to become more familiar with the activities of ABMDR, as a team of Board members and volunteers from the organization answered questions and handed out information about becoming donors. Subsequently Archbishop Derderian, along with the Very Rev. Fr. Dajad Yardemian, met with the ABMDR team at the Diocese. The discussion centered on ABMDR’s most recent achievements as well as its plans for the immediate future. At the conclusion of the meeting, Archbishop Derderian presented scarves from Holy Echmiadzin to all members of the ABMDR team, as tokens of his appreciation. For more information, call (323) 663-3609 or visit abmdr.am. Photos courtesy of the Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry.

Educational Packages to classrooms. "Tell the world about the Armenian Genocide, and every genocide taking place across the globe. We owe it not only to the descendants of the Armenian Genocide, but all people who are vulnerable, to learn about and learn from our history so that it is never repeated again," said filmmaker Terry George in his letter addressed to educators. "Together, through education we can raise awareness so that future generations will never forget and never stay silent." A minimum donation of $100 distributes Keep The Promise Educational Packages to five public institutions in the United States. AGBU encourages all members and friends to support the campaign by making online donations at www.thepromisetoeducate.org. Educators and administrators are welcome to sign up online to receive the packages. Established in 1906, AGBU (www.agbu.org) is the world's largest non-profit Armenian organization. Headquartered in New York City, AGBU preserves and promotes the Armenian identity and heritage through educational, cultural and humanitarian programs, annually touching the lives of some 500,000 Armenians around the world. For more information about AGBU and its worldwide programs, please visit www.agbu.org.

AGBU London Press Release

Film Premier 5 Sept. 2017 VOSKAN YEREVANTSI: THE EPIC FIRST PRINTING OF THE ARMENIAN BIBLE Thousands of Armenian manuscripts were written prior to the 15th century, when Gutenberg's invention of the printing-press provided a technological breakthrough for the future progress of mankind. Armenians at that time were not free, but they were able to harness the new technology to print books thousands of miles away in Europe. In 1512, Hakob Meghabard set up the first Armenian press in Venice. Half a century later, Abgar Dbir, who came to Rome to seek support for the liberation of his homeland, developed the notion of "book - homeland" - a national identity sustained through print. Printing became a means of Armenian national rejuvenation. The film, Voskan Yerevantsi, is about this epic struggle to produce Armenian books in the 16th-17th centuries. The central character of the film is Voskan Yerevantsi, who became the first Armenian publisher of the Bible. He set on his mission at Saint Sarkis Monastery of Ushi in Aragats (in present-day Armenia) and ended up in Rome, Amsterdam and Marseilles. One of the results of these endeveavours was the spread of Armenian presses into Ottoman Turkey and Persia, predating those of Turks and Persians. The printing of the Bible in Armenian, between 1666 and 1668, raised the standing of Armenians to that of other powerful nations in the world. A magnificent illustrated copy of the book was sent as a gift to the Sun King, Louis XIV of France.

Armenia musicians’ performance amazes Russia’s Putin at jazz festival Over the weekend, Russian President Vladimir Putin attended the Koktebel Jazz Party festival in Crimea. As per project founder Dmitry Kiselyov—a renowned Russian journalist, there was admiration in the eyes of the president, according to 360 news agency. Musicians from Armenia also performed at this event; but via the Internet. The drummer, contrabassist and pianist played from Armenia, whereas the saxophonists performed directly from the festival. “Of course the president was delighted,” Kiselyov declared. “This amazed him, too.”

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« August 24, 2017


USC Hosts 3rd Annual INNOVATE ARMENIA Festival

Armenian EyeCare Project Embarks on 25th Anniversary Trip to Armenia

An upbeat, outside-the-box festival explores what it means to be Armenian in the 21st century and celebrates innovation and innovators

Trip Highlights Include Grand Opening of AECP Kapan Regional Eye Clinic; Armenia Minister of Health Honoring AECP’s 25-Year History; and a Gala Party in Yerevan!

ON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, the USC Institute of Armenian Studies presents INNOVATE ARMENIA 2017, a day of discovery, technology, music, food, wine, chess and lively conversation headlined by a pair of celebrity-journalist brothers and two 2016 Pulitzer Prize winners. The brothers are Washington Post columnist David Ignatius and Harvard Business Review editor Adi Ignatius. The Pulitzer Prize winners are poet Peter Balakian, of Colgate University, and novelist Viet Thanh Nguyen, a USC professor of English and American studies. A Vietnamese-born English literature professor headlining an Armenian diaspora festival may seem strange, but it goes to the heart of the USC Institute of Armenian Studies’ outward-looking, internationalist philosophy. “We take global Armenian questions and explore them as part of big world issues,” says director Salpi Ghazarian. “INNOVATE ARMENIA is the platform where we make the best of scholarship accessible.” The Armenian diaspora experience has lessons for everyone, according to David Kang, a featured speaker at Innovate Armenia 2016. A professor of international relations, business and East Asian languages, Kang heads USC’s Korean Studies Institute. His presentation last year focused on the fluidity of hybrid identities. “Armenians are going through very similar issues that Koreans have,” he said in his talk. In a city as multiethnic as Los Angeles, the immigrant experience is something most of us can relate to, Ghazarian says. “Anyone, including those whose ancestors arrived on the Mayflower, will find something to pique their interest at Innovate Armenia.” Last year’s festival, which focused on digital humanities, drew 3,000 attendees and 20,000 more watched online. This year’s program — with a focus on rethinking, relearning and reimagining identity, language, history and technology —is expected to draw even larger crowds. Some highlights of the day’s events, starting at 10 am: • Back-to-back presentations in USC’s Bovard Auditorium include a session on rearing global citizens, featuring the Ignatius brothers—both prominent public intellectuals; and a session on new approaches to teaching the humanities, pairing literary icons Nguyen and Balakian. Other provocative speakers include Hovig Etyemezian, chief of the Mosul operation for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees; and Paul Berberian, CEO of Denver-based Sphero, maker of smartphonecontrolled toy robots used in education. • A panel discussion on teaching excellence features five Luys Scholars, recipients of an Armenian government program which supports the education of students of Armenian descent at.tending top universities in the United States and around the world. Another panel tackles the education of at-risk and immigrant youth to excel in Southern California schools, and pursue higher education in top universities. • A speaker stage in Alumni Park hosts fast-paced TED-style talks, with scientists, scholars and educators from across the Ar-

menian diaspora, including Jet Propulsion Lab roboticist Richard Ohanian and Houston-based International Space Safety Foundation president Michael Kezirian. • More than a dozen exhibitor booths showcase innovators in STEM education, many from Armenia, including: Armath Labs and Real School, programs that bring after-school computer coding classes to youngsters across urban and rural Armenia; ed-tech company Dasaran.com, creator of Armenia’s first comprehensive e-learning portal; SoloLearn, a free, code-teaching app that took the grand prize in the 2017 Facebook Start App of the Year contest. Also attending the festival is the head of the Dilijan campus of United World College, a network of 14 mixed-nationality boarding schools; and teachers from the Yerevanbased Ayb School, who together with other colleagues attending from Armenia, churn out math and science Olympiad winners year after year. • On the entertainment stage, the music and dancing never stops with performances by eclectic Armenian artists from Beirut, Vanadzor, Philadelphia, Paris, Yerevan and Glendale. • Interactive experiences include chess games with woman grandmaster Tatev Abrahamyan and international master Andranik Matikozyan; a maker space where scientists and festival-goers can collaborate hands-on to solve or observe engineering challenges; and complimentary tastings hosted by Armenia Wine Company, maker of ancient Armenian wines using 21st-century viniculture techniques. The festival coincides with “Undeliverable: Postcards and Photos of Lives Interrupted," a unique installation in Doheny Library of vintage postcards of Armenian life in the pre-genocide years, interlaced with mind-bending contemporary imagery by Brazilian photographer Norair Chahinian. A panel discussion with Chahinian, postcard collector Orlando Carlo Calumeno and exhibition co-curator Narineh Mirzaeian takes place in Bovard Auditorium during INNOVATE ARMENIA. Armenian fusion delicacies will be available all day.

Festival information: Innovate Armenia 2017 takes place Saturday, September 23, 10 am to 6 pm in Alumni Park and Bovard Hall on USC’s University Park Campus. Admission is free. All-day parking is easily available for $12 in USC parking structures.

About the Institute: Established in 2005, the USC Institute of Armenian Studies supports multidisciplinary scholarship to re-define, explore and study the complex issues that make up the contemporary Armenian experience—from post-genocide to the developing Republic of Armenia to the evolving diaspora. The institute encourages research, publications and public service, and promotes links among the global academic and Armenian communities.

For More Information: USC Institute of Armenian Studies, 3518 Trousdale Parkway (VKC 351), Los Angeles, CA 90089-0043, tel. (213) 821-3943, email: armenian@usc.edu

Eric and Diane Thomas said, “A trip of a lifetime!” Others described their Armenian Adventure as “Remarkable” and “Memorable.” And another, “I don’t want to wake up from this dream.” These are just some ways friends of the Armenian EyeCare Project describe their recent trip to Armenia with staff and physicians in celebration of the organization’s 25th Anniversary. The EyeCare Project visits Armenia twice a year on Medical Missions, but this was the first time a group of donors joined the trip to learn more about the organization they support and to see firsthand how the Project provides eye care for people in Armenia. One of the most noteworthy events donors got to witness was the Grand Opening of the Project’s newest Regional Eye Clinic in Armenia — the AECP Kapan Regional Eye Clinic — located in the town of Kapan in the Syunik province. Benefactors, along with AECP physicians and staff, joined Syunik Governor Vahe Hakobyan and representatives from Armenia’s Ministry of Health for a ribbon-cutting ceremony followed by a small reception. Located in the southernmost province of Armenia, the organization’s newest Regional Eye Clinic will allow those living in the southern part of the country to receive the quality eye care they need without having to travel several hours. Other AECP programs donors had a chance to visit and tour were the Project’s Subspecialty Eye Clinics inside the Malayan Ophthalmological Center in Yerevan; the AECP John and Hasmik Mgrdichian Regional Eye Clinic located in Spitak, Lori; and the Mobile Eye Hospital while stationed in the Gegharkunik province of Armenia. The Mobile Eye Hospital, the hallmark of the EyeCare Project, was a favorite among guests. Carol Chiesa, traveling from New Jersey, said “It was wonderful to visit and learn so much about how the AECP is helping so many Armenians — seeing the Mobile Eye Hospital and witnessing it in action really put the AECP's mission in perspective.” Another guest said, “Next time they plan this trip they need to tell people, ‘You’re going to cry every day.’” Pearl Apisson, a nurse and an attorney, along with her husband, John, a retired ophthalmologist, traveled to Armenia from Florida. Pearl was so moved and enthusiastic about seeing the patients on the Mobile Eye Hospital that she greeted each one with a big hug! Inside the Mobile Eye Hospital, guests saw a cataract surgery being performed in real-time through a TV monitor just a few feet away from the surgery itself. This was John’s favorite part, as the retired ophthalmologist carefully observed the delicate surgery on the screen, calling the techniques used in the mobile clinic a “world standard.” In addition to visiting several AECP programs across the country, the more than 25 guests who embarked on the special Anniversary Trip also experienced rich historical and cultural tours during the 12-day excursion throughout Armenia from July 17-29. These included trips to some of the world’s oldest churches and monasteries, evenings filled with great food and traditional Armenian singing and dancing and

much more. “This trip was a great way to meet lots of wonderful people from all over the U.S. with a common goal: a love for Armenia and a passion to help those less fortunate through eye care,” Sossie Dermenjian, from Fresno, California, said. “The relationships I cultivated with other like-minded guests on the trip was very meaningful to me. We were all at home.” For many on the trip, this was their first time in Armenia, which made their journey all the more important. “I never thought I would go to the land of my heritage,” said Chiesa, who is half-Armenian. “I cannot explain the inner warmth and connection that I now have with Armenia — more than I ever expected.” Making the journey to her motherland “even more special,” Carol made the trip to Armenia with her brother and his family. Another guest, Ann Christoph, said some of her favorite moments from the trip were the spiritual singers at Geghard Monastery, the Armenian dance performance at Megerian Carpet, the beautiful landscape throughout the country, visiting the Armenian Genocide Memorial and seeing the need for the EyeCare Project. The EyeCare Project’s 25-year involvement in Armenia enabled guests to participate in a number of activities that most visitors to Armenia do not have available to them. These activities included an Award Ceremony with Armenia’s Ministry of Health, in which Health Minister Levon Altunyan honored AECP physicians for their work in advancing eye care in Armenia. Guests also had a meeting with the Catholicos, in which the leader of the Armenian Apostolic Church expressed his gratitude to the organization for bringing sight to so many needy Armenians for 25 years. And as a special treat — lunch in a private home where everyone learned to make Lavash bread. Culminating a fun-filled two weeks, the EyeCare Project celebrated one of its last evenings in Armenia with a special 25th Anniversary Gala at the Radisson Blu in Yerevan. Overlooking a panorama of Armenia’s stunning capital city — with views of Mount Ararat and the Mother Armenia statue — guests enjoyed the company of new and old EyeCare Project friends, donors, physicians and staff while sipping local wine, savoring a delicious buffet dinner, and dancing the night away. The party was the Project’s way of saying “thank you” to all its donors and friends who support the organization’s programs in Armenia. The Armenian EyeCare Project’s mission is to eliminate preventable blindness in Armenia and to provide access to quality eye care for all Armenians — regardless of their economic status. If you would like to support the organization, or learn more about it, please visit eyecareproject.com.

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« August 24, 2017


Armenia looks to ed tech for country's future By Amy Lieberman KARINJ, Armenia — The jourter’s unique, individualized ney from Yerevan to the northern model, and unanticipated student engagement, has come in tandem, province of Lori normally takes four hours, but with the one main road as the center has expanded to other undergoing repairs in the summersmall cities in Armenia, with suptime, the car trip through Armenia’s port of the Central Bank of Armenian and some private sector wild green mountains can now stretch on all day. groups. The public-private partA few visitors finally reach the nership model is also at play in the public school in Karinj, a village Yerevan, where it rents out space to tech companies, including the of about 700 people in this rural, sparsely populated region bordering image software application Picon Georgia. The stately, Soviet-style sArt. Students work on the computer workstations in the Tumo Moving beyond Yerevan, Arbuilding still holds many of the era’s Center in Yerevan, Armenia. Photos: Sam Dolgin-Gardner relics — musty gymnasium equipmenia’s largest, capital city, to adment, wooden desks and chairs, and dress “brain drain” across the The work also has the potential to replieven the same strict teaching method once country is a shared goal of COAF, a partner cate in other countries facing similar proborganization that has opened up six modeled decades ago. lems of high rates of youth unemployment In one tucked-away, bright classroom “SMART” ed tech rooms, including the one and migration, and so Armenia’s experion a recent Saturday afternoon, a group of in Karinj, over the last two years. Students, ences could have much to teach the rest of and also adults in the community, can ac13 students chatted freely in a semi-circle the world, according to COAF and Tumo cess these rooms to research — not just play and giggled at the presence of guests. Their Center. teacher encouraged them to stand up and games, as they sometimes do at home — on “The biggest disease this country has is share family traditions, and to also show computers to learn about the environment, a lack of belief in the future,” explained Tim health and to also build robots. Some inhow they constructed their completed Straight, the honorary consul of Norway LEGO mindstorms robots — customizable, struction is in English. and Finland and the founder of a fair trade moveable creations they program by ap“We understood that traditional, everyhandicrafts organization, Homeland Deplying lessons of physics, math and engiday approaches were not possible, so we velopment Initiative. “In the IT sector, these decided to start a SMART initiative to bring neering. kids are smart, really smart. They are going In a poor, rural school in Armenia, this best available practices here. We see potento do really well in this country, but there is mix of science and free-flowing creativity tial in Lori,” said Hakobyan, a teacher origthe reality that they could earn five times inally from the region. “We needed a in a classroom is still rare — but it might inmore elsewhere. And it becomes a choice creasingly be what is necessary to help the creative working space for kids, who are of, ‘My language, my kitchen, my culture,’ country face some of its most challenging not used to going to a classroom and being or is it the money that matters?” comfortable there, but having very strict socioeconomic problems. COAF and the Tumo Center, both rules of behaving. You never see a kind of Leading Armenian health and educafounded by members of the Armenian diopen work space in a classroom unless you tion NGOs are driving forward a progresaspora — Turkish-born, New York-based go to very fancy schools. Here furniture is sive educational technology strategy to businessman Garo Armen and Lebanese movable. There are walls you can write rethink development in this lower middleborn, Dallas-based telecommunications on.” income, south Caucasus country: Infuse businessman Sam Simonian, respectively COAF, which traditionally centers is creative, technology-centered education — are both quickly scaling up ed tech iniwork in education, health care and infrainto the classroom to provide youth with tiatives throughout the country. structure, will open a SMART Center in adaptable work and life skillsets, and boost The six-year-old Tumo Center has a early 2018 in Lori — a building now untheir chances of finding jobs in their homeflagship, soaring building in Yerevan — derway whose vision could match the towns, or within Armenia. originally constructed for $20 million — grandeur and scale of the Tumo Center. The “When you go to these villages you see where it hosts up to 7,000 students aged 12glass, one-level structure will flow with the that these kids are kind of hopeless, in a 18 at any time for free, tailored four-week mountains, explained the architect, Paul way. They are disappointed and their main long after-school programs. Students deKaloustian, of Beirut, giving visiting stuangle is to come to Yerevan, or think about velop their own personal learning plans dents an immersive feeling when they leaving to work in Russia, as their fathers through a software system that encourages come to take free courses in technology, have done, and this is a real problem,” said them to take different courses in animation, business and civil engagement, arts and Ester Hakobyan, a programs director for game development, web development, digmusic and environmental practices. the Children of Armenia Fund, or COAF. ital media and other creative fields based One challenge is to draw in adults from She led the session in the “SMART” classon their preferences and performance. surrounding communities. They might room on storytelling, designed to teach Teachers are Armenian experts, and also instruggle to either physically reach the cenkids the art of collecting family historical ternational field experts who travel for the ter, or feel like they have nothing to gain stories and sharing tales, skills they could short courses. from it. There is a sharp divide between Aruse if they go into the local tourism indus“It [the work of the Tumo Center] is menia’s younger and older generations, extry. complimentary. We are not substituting, plained Straight, who spoke of Armenia’s “What we try to do is create some kind saying we replace the Armenian schools,” “lost generation” of older women in particof future in the villages for these kids,” she explained Marie Lou Papazian, the managular, who learned few skills — beyond explained. ing director of Tumo Center, a Lebanesesewing, cooking and farming during the While migration from Armenia has born Armenian who moved from New Soviet times — that they are now able to slowed since the 1990s, weak economic York to oversee the center. translate into work. conditions have contributed to more than “The school has a specific mission. They Shahane Halajyan, COAF’s SMART Ini250,000 people leaving the landlocked teach language, math, geometry and we tiative manager, says that Armenia has no country of just 3 million since 2008. About don’t teach those materials. But through option but to ensure that communities can 30 percent of Armenians live below the natech, through the Internet, you have access be engaged with ed tech. tional poverty line and in Lori — the to so many possibilities. You can create so “We know that for each individual resprovince with the highest rate of migration many interesting things and when you enident, the condition of the schools is very — it is common to find households temgage the kids, you see results fast.” important and we try to enhance commuporarily absent of men, who have gone to She spoke from her office inside the nity involvement. But to try to enhance work in Russia. Tumo Center, a hub of constant activity, late Yet despite the lack of available jobs community involvement is not easy to do,” one recent afternoon. Students streamed within Armenia, which faces an unemshe said. “What we struggle with is, when throughout the glass building to play ployment rate of about 16 percent, the you are in schools, things go easier. When games and work on mobile computer country has seen a recent growth in its IT you move into the community you have to workstations — individual computer desksector. And Armenian health and education go into effective implementation. With top and chair sets, whose power and etherNGOs such as COAF and the learning iniSMART, we have no option but to be sucnet cable are connected to the ceiling, tiative the Tumo Center for Creative Techcessful. We have to make sure it works, beallowing the user to move seamlessly nologies, are finding they can bring cause of the investment. There is great across a room. Down the hall, auditions for low-income, rural students into the wave of potential here we need to access.” an advanced music class were underway. Armenia’s rising tech scene. www.devex.com International interest in the Tumo Cen-


Join Dr. Henry Theriault, recently elected as President of the International Association of Genocide Studies (IAGS), in conversation with NAASR’s Academic Director Marc Mamigonian, on the state of genocide studies today and the place of Armenian Genocide studies within the field as a whole. The event, entitled “Setting the Agenda: Genocide Studies Today and the Place of the Armenian Genocide,” will take place on Thursday, October 21, 2017, at the National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR) Center, 395 Concord Ave., Belmont, MA 02478. The program is presented as the first of the 20172018 NAASR / Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Lecture Series on Contemporary Armenian Issues. Dr. Theriault has served as founding coeditor of the peer-reviewed journal Genocide Studies International, chaired the Armenian Genocide Reparations Study Group and was lead author of its 2015 final report, and his autobiographical narrative, “Out of the Shadow of War and Genocide,” was included in Advancing Genocide Studies: Personal Accounts and Insights from Scholars in the Field (2015), edited by Samuel Totten. After 19 years on the faculty in the Philosophy Department at Worcester State, in 2017 he became Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs. As a scholar who has been a leading voice among of genocide studies over the past decade and more, and now as President of the IAGS, a position to which he was elected in June 2017, Theriault is among those setting the agenda for genocide studies. In his inaugural address, he stated that “genocide studies has been at the forefront of recent human rights advances. … Demagogues attack the sensibilities genocide studies engenders. Our work is a crucial challenge to their propaganda. IAGS must strive against this marginalization while innovatively expanding the field, especially creating space for emerging scholars particularly vulnerable to this backlash.” For more information about this program, contact NAASR at 617-489-1610 or hq@naasr.org.

Armenian products’ exhibition-fair opens in Moscow An exhibition-fair of Armenian products has opened Monday in Moscow. The products of Armenian light industry and agricultural processing industry companies as well as Armenian souvenirs are presented at the event, which will run until August 27.

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âáñù#Ø!ñ+å!%Ç#$!Ûñ»%!Ïó!Ï!% ØÇáõû!%#!õ!%&!Ï!%#&!ßï!Ñ!%&¿ëÁ i"$% ?-$I2-)& G-'$*)-38-3-) ?&"#,*-) (-$*3-) E-D(-;)-8"#,&#)7 (*F& "#)*8-# ]&$-3&, 23 V"#<&+& -9K"FC J$7, R-) f*$)-)(J G"H&(& Woodley Park-&) 96CA @9-B"#-) (J, *F-)-3&), K)"#,&#)7 K-8-B-K-$ K-$*)2-+( *# '-$-K*$-K-$ '"#<&+*-) 9*F9 JE 97 2-$;*#*8, -9K"FC J$7 0-Y*<& E-$:)*<"HA ]6+J$"#-) 9J(, H-$4"#,*-) -(*)-2*(7 [$). R-$;&+ ?&)-+*-) 3O"FC"#)6$ )*$3-)*$7, J$"#-) '-'(-;&$7 )*$3-'-8)*<"HA V*(9&CJ$6&) S-97 1&), -$E6) 0*$,& 3*8-5 6&) )*$3-)*$7 Y-D& 9-("#89-) 0-9-$A M)426+ 9&D(, Raffi Catering 37 0$-98)6$ 2-($-+(-5 0-9*F ."$"H-57 &$ <$-8"#8&4)*$"HA D.J. Mahig 37 .-)E-H-B6$ 9,)"<"$(7 0-'3-3-) *# *#$"2-3-) *F-)-3)*$"HA Z$"#-) '-'(-;$&) '-C"$E-K-$ 9-+ 37 3-I96&) L&)&-,-'& .-F7Q L"%$*$"#) 0-9-$, 2<",& "# )-$(&& 9$8-D-$%*$7A M+3 >&3. c*)- U-<-'Y*-)& 3"F96 2-($-+("#-5 H&Y-3-0-)"#,&#)7, I"$ >&3. c"#+&)6 [-<*-) 37 H-$6$ K-$:$-.J+6), 37 K-.(-#"$6$ -#*<& %-) (-+)*-3 97 -):*$A `"#B) 2-'%-$6 97 *(%, )-$(&& 9$8-D-$%& -."'*-) 37 0-)E&+-)-$ [$). R*E$-3 =-I7<*-), &+3 2<",& 96C '-F,-3-) 37 E-B)-$ V"H0-))6+ /"$7)5-'*-) – R-$;&+ [I(&3*-) I"';7. J$"#-) -."'*-))*$7 3O-$S-)-)-'&) '-("#3 2-($-+("#-5 K-S-3)*$"#A T-D(-0-)E6+&) 9,)"<"$(6) .-)E-H-B"#-5, +$(-K"#. )"#&$-("#"#,&#))*$ 37 3-(-$6&)Q >6$ *# >&3. @$(-#-IE *# @$"#+ U-<-'Y*-))*$ $1000 >6$ *# >&3. @)E$-)&3 *# c*)- U-<-'Y*-) 500 >&3. ^"F&3 U-)($-<*-) 200 >6$ *# >&3. P-27$, *# g<&I-26, [-<*-) 100 @'+ -B&,"H, 37 3-(-$"#6$ 3-$*#"$ '-'(-$-$"#,&#) 97. -$E-$*#, '-B-C&3-' G"3(*9K*$ 8&), ]&$-3& '*(9&CJ$6& S-97 4&), '-("#3 0-)E&+"#,*-9K 2&(& (J)-3-(-$"#& c"+ @)Y*<7+& i"$% ?-$I2-)& G-'$*)-38-3-) ?&"#,*-) G&9)-E$"#,*-) 25-9*-37, [$26)%& De Luxe D%*F Y-D-$-)&) 96CA R$(-;&) D)"$0-3-<"#,&#))*$ K"<"$ )"#&$-("#)*$"#), "# 3-9-#"$ -D.-("F)*$"#), "$")% &$*)8 )2-+(7 K*$&) 0-'-2-02-)9-) -'+ )-.-:*B)"#,*-)A !m!@]MW

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RESERVED#DATES A.G.B.U. Satamian Theatre Group will present “Caught In The Net”, a sequel to “Yergou Gnig Meg Erig”, on November 18, 19, 25, 26. As well as December 2, 3, 9, 10, 16, 17, 2017. This comedy by Ray Cooney will be performed at the A.G.B.U. Vatche & Tamar Manoukian Performing Arts Center in Pasadena. Please take notice of the above dates.

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Üáñ úñ !Ç"·ß#µÃÇ« 24 ú·áëïáë 2017


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