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Vol. 95, # 36, Thursday, September 21, 2017

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Thursday, September 21, 2017 Vol. 95, #36


6th Armenia-Diaspora Pan-Armenian Conference

On September 16, the 6th Armenia-Diaspora Pan-Armenian Conference kicked off at Karen Demirtchyan Sport and Concert Complex. During the plenary session, RA Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan delivered her opening remarks, His Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians gave his blessings to the participants of the conference. President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan gave a speech, President of the Artsakh Republic Bako Sahakyan expressed his greetings to the attendees, and His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia gave his blessings. The 6th Armenia-Diaspora Pan-Armenian Conference is being held under the title “Mutual Trust, Unity and Responsibility” and with the participation of more than 1,800 representatives. The geography has expanded. There are more than 1,500 leaders and representatives of Armenian structures and organizations from 71 countries around the world, Armenian Members of Parliaments and ministers of different countries and Armenians elected as representatives of local authorities. Artsakh is represented by a 40-member delegation, and over 400 state, political and cultural figures, scholars and journalists are participating in the conference as representatives of the Republic of Armenia. There are large

delegations from the Russian Federation (259), the USA (213), France (92), Lebanon (107), Syria (44), Iran (56), Argentina (35), Canada, Turkey and Georgia. Representatives of the communities of Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Japan, Mexico, Ethiopia, Sudan and Myanmar are participating in the conference for the first time. More than 35 percent of the participants are women, and nearly 20 percent are young people. During the conference, there will be 2 more plenary sessions, as well as 16 panel sessions devoted to 4 topics. The panel sessions will be devoted to the development of Armenia’s economy, regional challenges and the national security agenda, the foreign policy agenda, the elimination of the consequences of the Armenian Genocide and the preservation of the Armenian identity. The panel sessions will be moderated by the relevant ministries, including the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of International Economic Integration and Reforms and the Ministry of Diaspora. Two roundtable discussions will be held during the conference. The first roundtable discussion will be devoted to the creation of a Pan-Armenian Council. The second roundtable discussion will be devoted to the preliminary plans for organizing and conducting the celebrations

dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the declaration of the Republic of Armenia, the 100th anniversary of the Battles of May and the 2,800th anniversary of Erebouni-Yerevan. RA Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan will deliver a speech entitled “The Main Provisions of the Economic Policy of the Government of the Republic of Armenia” during the plenary session of the second day of the conference. Speaker of the RA National Assembly Ara Babloyan will give a speech during the final session, and the moderators of the panel sessions devoted to the four topics will present the results of the panel sessions. The participants of the conference will adopt a declaration after the results of the sessions are summed up. Pavilions have been set up at the Sport and Concert Complex where organizations like TUMO Center for Creative Technologies, Ayb Innovative School and Kvant School are showcasing their achievements. The achievements of Armenia’s winemaking, brandy and textile industries are showcased in separate pavilions. Megerian Carpets is presenting the past achievements of Armenian carpet-making and the current growth. Artsakh is presenting its achievements in culture and economy. There is also a pavilion devoted to the “Nation-Army” ideology.

UN humanitarian leader in Mosul headlines Innovate Armenia festival Hovig Etyemezian is only 35, but he has witnessed suffering most people couldn’t imagine in their worst nightmares. “This is my tenth operation with the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees,” he says, without a hint of weariness in his voice. If anything, Etyemezian exudes unfaltering idealism and optimism. “What I have been struck by is the resilience of people,” he says. “We, as Armenians, have shown that in our history.” Etyemezian, who will headline this Saturday’s INNOVATE ARMENIA festival, currently leads the UN refugee agency’s Mosul office, where 950,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) look to his team and dozens of partner humanitarian groups for their basic needs. UNHCR runs 13 IDP camps around Mosul, with more under construction. Thousands of displaced Iraqis continue to stream into the city, which was liberated from ISIS control in July 2017. New arrivals receive a tent and emergency supplies— consisting of quilts, mattresses, kitchen sets,

a fuel can and a solar lantern. Partner agencies provide food, water and other essential services. The goal, Etyemezian says, it to help displaced Iraqis return to “a dignified life in a sustainable way.” The emotional toll on those who never left Mosul presents another set of challenges for aid workers. “The level of trauma is huge,” says Etyemezian, “and we have to deal with it. It’s very worrisome to me that ISIS spread its brutal teachings through Mosul schools. Children as young as you can imagine were taught how to kill people, how to decapitate people. A lot of work needs to be done to remedy this.” Each day, Etyemezian rides to work in an armored vehicle with a military escort. “We are not yet allowed to sleep in Mosul for security reasons,” he says, explaining why he commutes 50 miles from Erbil. Conflict is nothing new to Etyemezian. Born and raised in Beirut, his childhood

was spent against the backdrop of the Lebanese civil war and Syrian occupation. With deep roots in the capital’s Armenian community, he studied political science at Haigazian University before attending the UN’s University of Peace in Costa Rica. He returned home in 2005, just as Lebanon again plunged into war, this time between Hezbollah and Israel. UN emergency team postings have taken Etyemezian to DR Congo, Algeria, Tunisia, Mauritania, Jordan and, most recently, Iraq. !

6th Armenia-Diaspora conference wraps up in Yerevan

The 6th Armenia-Diaspora Pan-Armenian Conference has concluded on Wednesday. A summary statement was adopted as a result of this three-day event, which was held in Armenia’s capital city of Yerevan. President Serzh Sargsyan of Armenia, President Bako Sahakyan of the Republic of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh Republic/ NKR), Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II, and Catholicos Aram I of the Armenian Church Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia delivered addresses at the opening of this conference. Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan of Armenia spoke on the second day of this event, and President Ara Babloyan of the National Assembly Armenia—on the third day.

Diaspora ministry: Islamized Armenians no longer afraid to speak about themselves YEREVAN. – Islamized Armenians are no longer afraid to speak about themselves. The Minister of Diaspora of Armenia, Hranush Hakobyan, on Wednesday stated the aforesaid in her address at the 6th Armenia-Diaspora Pan-Armenian Conference being held in capital city Yerevan. In her words, even though it is commonly accepted that around 7 million Armenians live abroad, 2 million Islamized Armenians, who are no longer afraid to say who they are, should be added to this number. Armenians live in 118 countries, and there are 30 thousand Armenian organizations, 38 pan-Armenian organizations, 712 Armenian churches, 1,004 Armenian schools, 34 Armenian museums, 103 Armenian Studies centers, and 637 Armenian cultural centers currently functioning outside Armenia. “And the matter of the Armenian nation’s repatriation and preservation has been specified by constitutional reforms,” Hakobyan added. “And those [Armenians] who live abroad need to be the law-abiding citizens of their countries, so as to inspire respect for the Armenian nation, and at the same time preserve their language, traditions, and the Armenian family.”

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Thursday« September 21, 2017

Statement by the President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan at the general debate of the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly in New York On September 19, President Serzh Sargsyan partook in the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly in United Nations headquarters in New York. President of the Republic delivered a speech. Distinguished President of the General Assembly, Ladies and gentlemen, I congratulate and wish success to Mr. Miroslav Laj!ák upon his election as the President of the 72nd Session of the General Assembly. I avail myself of this opportunity and congratulate anew Mr. António Guterres upon his election to the office of the UN Secretary General. Distinguished Mr. Secretary General, we wish you success in carrying out your important mission. The priorities you declared enjoy Armenia’s support. Ladies and gentlemen, In 2017 we marked the 25th anniversary of Armenia’s accession to the United Nations. On March 2, 1992 the Armenian tricolor flaunted at this headquarters of the United Nations family as a logical and sought for outcome of the exercise by our people of its fundamental right to self-determination. Over the years, Armenia has become a fully-fledged and responsible member of the international community. There had been numerous challenges in before of us, and we withstood them with dignity. The most important and intricate one was the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. It is for the fifth time that I have an opportunity to speak from this eminent podium and again I am compelled to address the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. I should have rather preferred to talk of peace, progress and cooperation, but unfortunately we are not there yet. Hence, it is my duty to explain why we are so much away from that desirable stage. The new phase of the struggle for self-determination by the people of Artsakh began almost 30 years ago. The peaceful calls by the Armenians of Artsakh to exercise their inalienable right to self-determination as well as every step to that effect was met by use force, to which Azerbaijan continuously resorted to. The policy of the official Baku culminated in the massacres, ethnic cleansing and mass deportation of the Armenian population of Azerbaijan. Once flourishing Armenian-populated districts in their entirety have been wiped out of the Armenians, and the Government of Azerbaijan continues with its policy of systematic destruction of the vast Armenian cultural and spiritual heritage on the territories under its control. It is obvious that, under such circumstances, the people of Artsakh were left with no other choice than to resort to self-defense. The grievous war of 1992-1994, its aftermath and negotiations that followed did not serve as a lesson for Azerbaijan. Last year in April, Azerbaijan unleashed a four-day war, which came to prove that Azerbaijan pursues the objective of extermination of the people of Artsakh. In the course of the military offensive unleashed in 2016, the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan committed a number of war crimes against civilian population and the prisoners of war. Here I am compelled to mention that a serviceman who committed such atrocities has been decorated with a high state award, and the President of Azerbaijan personally decorated him in front of the cameras. Distinguished Mr. President, It has been for years that hate speech and Armenophobia was made part and parcel of the Azerbaijan’s state policy. It has taken deep root in the school curricula, intoxicating the younger generation. It has been for years that a number of inter-governmental and non-governmental specialized organizations dealing with racism and xenophobia have been ringing alarm bells about it. All of these leads us to believe that the exercise of the right to self-determination by the people of Artsakh is of existential significance. In this regard, I convey the consolidated view of Armenia and Artsakh as well as the one shared by Armenians from all over the globe. I bring this message from Yerevan, where right now Armenia-Diaspora conference is taking place.

Everyone should be aware that for the democratically developing Artsakh Azerbaijan simply symbolizes medieval backwardness. Azerbaijan has got no legal or moral ground whatsoever to present any claims towards Artsakh. Artsakh has never been part to independent Azerbaijan, and therefore the attempts of its annexation to that particular state framework cannot be justified. Ladies and gentlemen, Today free Artsakh is an established democratic society. Our shared motto and commitment of “Leaving no one behind” should be the milestone guiding the work of the United Nations family. It is exactly for that reason, I believe, that people of Artsakh should never be isolated from the implementation of the sustainable development goals. I strongly believe that the unresolved status of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict should have no impact on the people of Artsakh as they exercise their rights. It is, first and foremost, about inalienable rights for any human being. It is about the right to life, the right to organize public life, the right to form freely one’s own government, the right to communicate unimpededly with the outer world, and many other rights. Armenia consistently contributes and will contribute to the improvement of the living conditions of the people of Artsakh, its sustainable and democratic development. No one has a right to create hindrances to the implementation of initiatives and projects to that effect. The legal status of Artsakh, or, to be more precise, the lack of the international legal recognition, is not and cannot constitute an obstacle for the women and men who live there to exercise their rights. We strongly believe that there is no alternative to the peaceful resolution of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. Right now, from this eminent podium, I reiterate our commitment to that effect. Meanwhile, everyone should be aware that the Nagorno Karabakh issue is a human rights issue. It can be resolved exclusively through one of the fundamental and inalienable human rights – the people’s right to selfdetermination. At the end of the day, whatever option for the conflict resolution we arrive at, the Republic of Artsakh should not enjoy a status and liberty that might be inferior to the one it enjoys today. Azerbaijan shall recognize and respect the right of the people of Artsakh to decide its own future through a free expression of will. All available international and domestic mechanisms should guarantee the security of the Armenian population of Artsakh. All remaining issues are collateral. All remaining issues will find their logical and fair solution in parallel to the general resolution process. Distinguished Mr. President, When I last time spoke from this eminent podium and addressed the process of international recognition of the Armenian Genocide, I considered it my duty to express our gratitude one by one to all nations that recognized the horrendous crime that was committed against my people in the Ottoman Empire. It is my duty to express gratitude from this eminent podium of Honor and Responsibility to all those countries that have recognized or reiterated their position on the Armenian Genocide. I thank them for it, regardless of the format and language adopted. I thank the numerous countries and individuals, state bodies, regional entities and organizations, who called

things by their proper names. That is, indeed, important since denial paves the way for new crimes of genocide. In this context, we recall that next year the family of the United Nations will mark the 70th anniversary of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. Armenia will bring up a new initiative upon that occasion, and we invite all to join us and defend that initiative. We, nevertheless, have never made the recognition of the Armenian Genocide a precondition for the normalization of the bilateral relations between Armenia and Turkey. Moreover, it was upon the initiative of Armenia that a normalization process was launched, resulting in the conclusion of the Zürich protocols in October 2009. Up to this day, those documents have not been ratified, instead, they have landed in some dark drawers of the official Ankara. The Government of Turkey came up with preposterous preconditions for their ratification that run counter to the letter and spirit of the Protocols. I expressed the clear-cut views of the Armenian people on this issue three years ago, when I spoke from this eminent podium. Now the time has come for additional explanations. The leadership of Turkey are mistaken if they think that those documents can be held hostage forever and ratified only at the most opportune occasion from their very point of view. The Protocols were negotiated in the existing circumstances in order to find solutions to the actually existing issues. Armenia will declare those two Protocols null and void since they continuously lacked any positive progress towards their implementation. We will enter the spring of 2018 without those, as our experience has demonstrated, futile Protocols. Armenia, nevertheless, continues to believe that any two neighboring states need to establish and enjoy normal relations in order to address all possible disagreements between them and find solutions to such a discord. This is the conviction we are guided by in our engagement with various integration processes. Today, Armenia is an active member of the Eurasian Economic Union and with its active work spares no effort in order to contribute to the unimpeded movement of goods and services in that large economic area and, hence, contribute to and promote welfare for all. We have already registered certain achievements in that regard, and that makes us feel hopeful for future. We also plan to conclude this November Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement with European Union, which, in our view, will help us to give a new impetus to the institutional reforms implemented in Armenia. Dear ladies and gentlemen, The current instability in the Middle East regretfully remains as a serious challenge. It is with great pain that we have been following the crisis in Syria and the humanitarian situation there, which has brought about suffering of the civilian population, including the Armenian community of the country. Within its means, Armenia strives to mitigate the suffering of the Syrian people by providing humanitarian assistance. We also express our willingness to engage into possible discussions on the peacemaking efforts in Syria under the UN auspices and with an appropriate mandate. Distinguished Mr. President, I have no doubt that our family of the United Nations is able to guarantee a new quality of cooperation that will allow us to withstand the contemporary global and regional challenges. It is with that objective in mind that Armenia participates in a number of the UN peacekeeping operations. Moreover, we stand ready to increase our contribution in Lebanon and Mali to UNIFIL and MINUSMA missions, respectively. Armenia, as a landlocked country located in the complicated region, a country with scarce natural resources, has continuously emphasized that human capital is its most valuable resource. It is, indeed, correct both for Armenia and for our whole family of the United Nations: we should focus on people, we should strive for peace and a decent life for all, on a sustainable planet. I thank you.

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« September 21, 2017

Lights. Camera. Action! AGBU Gala - 2017

ARMENIAN ASSEMBLY URGES CONGRESSIONAL INVESTIGATION OF WORLDWIDE AZERBAIJANI CORRUPTION SCHEME WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) sent a letter to the House Oversight and Government Reform and House Select Committees on Intelligence expressing concern regarding the undue influence of Azerbaijan’s caviar diplomacy, especially given a recent report revealing the “Azerbaijani Laundromat.” In their letter to House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Trey Gowdy and Ranking Member Elijah Cummings alongside House Intelligence Chairman David Nunes (R-CA) and Ranking Member Adam Schiff (DCA), Assembly Co-Chairs Anthony Barsamian and Van Krikorian stated: “We are writing to bring to your attention our serious concerns regarding Azerbaijan’s attempts to undermine western democratic values and institutions, and the most recent revelations that it ‘operated [a] secret $3bn slush fund,’ in Europe,” as reported in a September 5, 2017 BBC article. The scheme has been labeled the “Azerbaijani Laundromat” because of the vast sums that passed through it were funds laundered by a series of shell companies. According to an investigation of the Azerbaijani Laundromat published by the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), “from 2012 to 2014, even as the Azerbaijani government arrested activists and journalists wholesale, members of the country’s ruling elite were using a secret slush fund to pay off European politicians, buy luxury goods, launder money, and otherwise benefit themselves.” “We should not turn a blind eye to Azerbaijan’s out of bounds and corrupt influence on American democracy. Congress is familiar with the reasons why the Aliyev autocracy is trying to whitewash its human rights record, resolve the Nagorno Karabkah conflict by wiping out the Christian Armenian population, and ally itself against United States values. Azerbaijan’s unprecedented April 2016 attacks against Nagorno Karabakh and Armenia, where its ISIS-style mutilations and beheadings of Armenians have gone without conseq- uence, speak for themselves. The recent revelations only confirm the vast amounts being spent to corrupt officials from doing what their electorates expect,” Assembly Co-Chairs Barsamian and Krikorian said. The Assembly Co-Chairs concluded: “On Wednesday, the European Parliament – voting 578 to 19 with 68 abstentions – condemned Azerbaijan’s attempts to influence decision makers through illicit means and authorized a deeper investigation of its behavior. We urge your respective committees to do no less in factoring these new revelations in your ongoing investigations.” In prior letters written to the House and Senate this year, the Assembly emphasized that: "we must ensure that Azerbaijan's rampant corrupt practices do not compromise U.S. policies and objectives."


"AGBU is in our blood, AGBU is family." - Dr. Yervant Zorian On Saturday, September 9, 2017, the AGBU Western District hosted its 2017 Gala Banquet. The Globe Theatre at Universal Studios Hollywood was strategically selected as the venue for the Old Hollywood themed gala as the Western District launched two new programs this year: the Los Angeles Media Internship Program and the International Short Film Contest. Upon arrival guests were greeted by “paparazzi” who snapped photos as they made their way down the red carpet in grand Hollywood style to enjoy champagne and appetizers while surrounded by movie sets. Doors opened at 8 o’clock to re-

Dr. Yervant Zorian and his wife, Dr. Rita Zorian, with AGBU Central Board Members, Sinan Sinanian, Lori Muncherian, and the Western District Board College. He is the founder of Synopsis Armenia, chair of AGBU Northern California, a Trustee of the Board of American University of Armenia, and a member of the AGBU Central Board. During his acceptance speech, Dr. Zorian stated, “If you look at our diaspora, it is mainly based on its identity. On improving its content. And that comes with education, with understanding our heritage, learning about our language and history, our church, our culture. It is a necessity in order to maintain our identity in the diaspora of seven million Armenians around the world; which is exactly why we created the Armenian Virtual College. To bring all

has participated as an official selection in over a dozen film festivals, winning several awards.

The AGBU Western District Committee recognized Mr. Paul Turpanjian for his work on Crows of the Desert

The Gala Committee with Honoree, Dr. Yervant Zorian, and Western District Chair, Talin Yacoubian veal a banquet hall arrayed with touches of gold and black, with the gorgeous red rose centerpieces adding a pop of color throughout. The Western District was proud to pay tribute to a distinguished and lifelong member of the AGBU community, Dr. Yervant Zorian. Dr. Zorian’s contributions to the Armenian community include the founding of the AGBU Armenian Virtual

that knowledge to any Armenian who desires to learn.” The program concluded with the WDC presenting a special recognition to Mr. Paul Turpanjian, executive producer of the documentary Crows of the Desert, a film that recounts the heroism of an Armenian Genocide survivor. The AGBU WD first premiered the film on the west coast in October 2016. Since then, Crows of the Desert

In the entertainment capital, of course no gala would be complete without performances from a group of remarkable musicians. Areni Agbabian, an experimental improvising vocalist, folk singer and pianist, alongside cellist, Artyom Manukyan, presented the audience with the soothing sounds of their vocal and instrumental renditions of well-known Armenian and American songs. Capping off the evening, popular Armenian performer, Super Sako along with DJ Sevag, brought the crowd to the dance floor. A special thanks goes out to the 2017 Gala Committee, as well as the AGBU WD Board and staff, for their tireless efforts in organizing a successful and memorable event for AGBU members, family, and friends alike. The AGBU WDC extends its sincerest gratitude to all the attendees and donors of the 2017 Gala. For more information on upcoming events and to receive AGBU WD news, please email news@agbuca.org.

Super Sako shared his stage with excited guests as they danced to his hit songs

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« September 21, 2017


The parish family of St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Church in Pasadena received the episcopal blessings of the Diocesan Primate on Sunday, September 10, 2017 who celebrated the Divine Liturgy.

Assisted by Archpriest Fr. Sarkis Petoyan at the Holy Altar, the Primate ordained eleven altar servers. Armand Yerjanian and Alex Giragosian were ordained into the Diaconate. Shant Kurdian, Nareg Kurdian,

Second Annual Banquet of Fresno’s Armenian Cultural Conservancy September 23

Subsequent to last fall’s Inaugural Banquet of Heritage Fresno’s Armenian Cultural Conservancy (ACC), a series of monthly programs (speakers, panel discussions, and movie nights) were presented to the community in keeping to its mission. On Saturday, September 23, 2017, ACC’s Second Annual Banquet will be held in the scenic west Quad of the historic Old Administration Building of Fresno City College: Social Hour, 5 PM and Dinner, 6 PM. Keynote remarks will be delivered by Lena Maranian Adishian, the Founder of The 100 Years, 100 Facts Project. Lena holds dual degrees in Economics and Psychology, as well as an M.B.A. Michael Retting, the Editor of CSUF’s Hye Sharzhoom newspaper, will serve as emcee for the evening. Michael, a graduate student of History at California State University, Fresno, is a descendent of survivors of the Armenian Genocide. The ACC’s mission is “to collect, preserve and interpret the evidence of the Armenian experience in Central California in an enduring institution of learning.” At last year’s Inaugural Banquet, Dr. Matthew Ari Jendian stated, “We need a place where we can grow roots, an institute that will preserve our heritage to benefit our Armenian Community and the

broader community.” We welcome your support for the mission of Fresno’s Armenian Cultural Conservancy with your contribution and/or attendance at the banquet. Please R.S.V.P. for dinner reservations ($50.00 per person, college students with I.D. $25): Armenian Cultural Conservancy, 2930 N. West Avenue, Fresno, CA 93704. For further information, call 559-226-1984. Heritage Fresno and the Foreign Language Department of Fresno City College are supporters of this project. ACC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, community benefit organization. ACC’s ad hoc committee members are: Chuck and Midge (Anoushian/Sweet) Barrett, co-chairs; Linda Hamilton, treasurer; Gary Becker, secretary; Mike Kilijian, banquet chair; Deacon Allan Y. Jendian, program and public relations; Mary Ekmalian, newsletter editor and invitations; Margaret Hokokian, membership and reservations; Herb Arden, mailing; and Larry Johnson and Deacon Van Der Mugrdechian, website. Lena is the founder of The 100 years; 100 facts Project, and Michael is the Editor of HYE Sharzhoom and the great grand child of the late mudavoragan and former editor of Nor Or, Vahe Haig. Nor Or

Johnathan Dergazarian and John Yagubian were ordained as subdeacons. Alexander Mnatsakanian, Andre Mnatsakanian, Garen Matossian, Saro Matossian and Armen Matossian were granted four levels

of acolyte. In his message to the altar servers, the Primate said “Today’s ordinations is most uplifting for us all. These young servants have shown the willingness to serve God and this holy sanctuary. As they were ordained to become acolytes, sub-deacons and deacons, through their ordination, all of have been ordained in the service of God. In particular, I would like to extend my deep appreciation to Deacon Alex and Deacon Armand who from an early age have continuously and relentlessly served St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Church. They have given us hope for a brighter future. It is through this kind of celebrations that anniversaries become meaningful.” Archbishop Derderian also performed the blessing of the veils of the choir members of St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Church. Following the service, a luncheon celebrating the newly ordained altar servers was held in Geragos Hall. Directed by Mrs. Elise Tashjian, the St. Gregory Choir presented a special choral program to celebrate the auspicious occasion. www.wdacna.com

Shavarsh Kocharyan: We will welcome Spring 2018 without Armenian-Turkish protocols YEREVAN. – We will welcome the spring of 2018 without Armenian-Turkish protocols. The Deputy Foreign Minister of Armenia, Shavarsh Kocharyan, on Wednesday stated the aforesaid in his address at the 6th Armenia-Diaspora Pan-Armenian Conference being held in capital city Yerevan. In his words, the key issue is the recognition and condemnation of Armenian Genocide, and the prevention of genocides. Kocharyan noted that considering what has occurred in the Middle East, condemnation of genocides is very important. “The wave of recognition of the Genocide has led to it that a situation is ripening in Turkey, when the country itself shall recognize the Armenian Genocide,” stressed Kocharyan. But he added that, unfortunately, today Turkey does not follow the path of democracy. “It’s no coincidence that the Zurich [Armenian-Turkish] protocols failed, and it coincided with those processes when Turkey took the path of dictatorship,” added the Armenian deputy FM. “For that reason, the President of the Republic of Armenia clearly announced from the UN podium that they should not think that we [Armenia] can remain captives of those terms, since those protocols will be invalidated.”

Garo Paylan: Armenians of Turkey live in fear YEREVAN.- Armenians of Turkey live in fear, they prefer to be silent, but even wordlessness does not bring peace, Istanbul Armenian MP of the opposition pro-Kurdish People’s Democratic Party (HDP) of Turkey, Garo Paylan stated on Tuesday at a panel discussion within the framework of the 6th Armenia-Diaspora Pan-Armenian Conference being held in Armenia’s capital city of Yerevan. "There are many Islamized Armenians in Turkey," Paylan said noting that at the end of 1990th people were afraid to say that they had Armenian roots but in 2013 they spoke about their origin with pride. But he added that now, when the president is Erdogan, they keep it in secret again. "Hundreds of Islamized Armenians live in Hamshen, many of them, by the way, speak Armenian, but they try to keep it in secret. Other Armenians living in Turkey are also in fear, they are silent, but I want to tell them that the wordlessness does not lead to calmness at all. If you are Armenian, then you can't be calm in these conditions, "said Paylan.

Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry threatens US congressmen who visited Karabakh Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry explicitly expressed the viewpoint regarding US congressmen, who visited Karabakh. As Azerbaijan's Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hikmet Hajiyev told journalists, the visit of members of the US House of Representatives – Frank Pallone and Tulsi Gabbard – to the occupied Azerbaijani territories is being investigated. After the investigation is over, appropriate steps will be taken in relation of these persons, Hajiyev noted. “These persons have long been funded by Armenia and the Armenian lobby in the US. They are completely depended on the US-based Armenian lobby,” he added.

Nor Or, September 21, 2017, No. 36_N.O. Blank 9/20/17 4:28 PM Page 7

Üáñ úñ !Ç"·ß#µÃÇ« 21 ê»åï»Ù'»ñ 2017

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