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Nor Or Sep. 7, 2017, No. 34_N.O. Blank 9/6/17 3:49 PM Page 1

Vol. 95, # 34, Thursday, September 7, 2017

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Nor Or Sep. 7, 2017, No. 34_N.O. Blank 9/6/17 3:49 PM Page 2


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NOR OR ENG.August 31 copy:Layout 1 9/5/17 12:00 AM Page 1

Thursday, September 7, 2017 Vol. 95, #34


The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) was blocked in Azerbaijan On 5 September, the website of the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) was blocked in Azerbaijan. The block occurred hours after OCCRP published a major investigation into corruption, bribery, and money-laundering, in which President Aliyev, his family, and other powerful figures are alleged to have been involved. The investigation, known as the Azerbaijani Laundromat, is based on leaked banking records, and details the way in which $2.9 billion was laundered through a series of shell companies and then used to bribe European politicians, buy luxury goods, or move money abroad for other purposes. 'The goal of independent journalism is to hold those in power accountable,' Drew Sullivan, editor and co-founder of OCCRP, told Meydan TV. 'The Azerbaijani Laundromat investigation sheds light on secretive transactions worth billions of dollars made by powerful, wealthy elites. Its publication is in the interest of all Azerbaijani citizens who wonder whether their government is working for

them or against them. The authorities’ decision to block OCCRP’s web site immediately after the publication of the investigation shows that its priority is to keep its own citizens in the dark. Unfortunately, it comes as no surprise. 'It’s part of the government’s long-standing crackdown on free expression, which has been amply documented by the world’s leading human rights organizations,' continued Sullivan. 'OCCRP, its local and international partners, and the world’s other investigative journalists will continue their work to expose corruption and inform the public about official wrongdoing.The truth always wants to get out. Azerbaijanis will find the truth -- and no amount of blocking will stop it.' At the time of writing, the Azerbaijani Ministry of Communications and High Technologies had not responded to Meydan TV's requests for comment. !

AGBU CENTRAL BOARD TO DONATE $50,000 IN SUPPORT OF HURRICANE HARVEY RELIEF EFFORTS The American Red Cross is workThe Central Board of Directors of ing along the Gulf Coast to rescue the Armenian General Benevolent people, evacuate homes and provide Union (AGBU), through special relief emergency supplies, food, water, contributions, will donate $50,000 to shelter, counseling and other assisthe American Red Cross in support of tance. Approximately 42,000 people Hurricane Harvey Emergency Relief. sought refuge in 258 Red Cross and As part of its longstanding compartner shelters across Texas while mitment to humanitarian aid, AGBU some 2,000 disaster workers are on has always responded to the plight of the ground. people impacted by conflict and natThe Eastern Diocese of the Arural disasters. Local chapters and menian Church of America is advoYoung Professionals groups also carry cating to help provide relief to the on this longstanding tradition mobipeople of the St. Kevork Church comlizing to address local needs during La Grange, Texas. Red Cross volunteer assess flood damage times of crisis. in La Grange, Texas. Photo by Chuck Haupt for the Ameri- munity, as many Armenian families are now displaced. Please visit Natural disasters like Hurricane can Red Cross. (c)The American National Red Cross 2017 https://armenianchurch.us/donate/ Harvey create more needs than any and coordinate emergency relief efforts. We to support the Diocese's relief efforts by dosingle organization can meet on its own. encourage our members and supporters nating to the St. Kevork Flood Relief. The American Red Cross is collaborating worldwide to continue to donate to organTo donate to the American Red Cross, with communities, government agencies, izations that are providing relief efforts. please visit https://www.redcross.org non-profits and businesses to help fund

APPEAL BY HIS EMINENCE ARCHBISHOP H. DERDERIAN PRIMATE OF THE WESTERN DIOCESE Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. Mary Armenian Apostolic Church, His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian Primate of the Western Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church has issued an appeal to all Parish Priests for funds to be donated to the Red Cross to help victims of flooding in Houston and the surrounding area. As noted by His Eminence, there is a moral obligation for us to offer assistance because Hurricane Harvey has caused extensive damage and has affected many people, especially many elderly persons and children. Father Moushegh Tashjian advises that donations can be sent to St Mary Church Relief Fund. All donations received will be forwarded to the Diocese to send to the Red Cross.

Houston Parish Needs a Helping Hand A week ago, no one could have predicted the effect Hurricane Harvey would have on America’s Gulf Coast. But as our entire country has witnessed with dismay, the flooding in Houston has become one of worst natural disasters in U.S. history. This "local" story has now captured the attention of the world. Regrettably, our parish in Houston, the St. Kevork Church community, has not been spared in the devastation. Parish pastor Rev. Fr. Martiros Hakobyan and parish council chair Areg Sahakian estimate that a quarter of the parishioners have been severely affected—with many Armenian families displaced, their family homes uninhabitable, their personal belongings lost. In a directive this week, Diocesan Primate Archbishop Khajag Barsamian called on all parishes to hold special collections on each of the Sundays of September—starting September 3, and continuing on September 10, 17, and 24—to help provide relief to the affected people of St. Kevork Church. Checks should be made out to the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016), with the memo: St. Kevork Flood Relief. The Diocese will be transferring funds to the Houston parish every few days, as proceeds from each week’s parish collections arrive. Donations can also be made on the Eastern Diocese’s secure server (please select “Other” in the drop-down menu, and type “St. Kevork Flood Relief” in the space provided). While our immediate focus is on our brothers and sisters in Houston, please recognize that this is a disaster of national proportions; the Diocese encourages everyone to help with the general relief effort to our fellow American citizens. Above all, we must not allow ourselves to be demoralized at a time like this. To the contrary, at such times we are given a powerful opportunity to help our fellow man—to truly enact the Christian virtues of charity, outreach to those in need, and prayer to God for the deliverance of His people from affliction. Let us all renew these virtues in our hearts, during the coming weeks and beyond.

Anthony J. Portantino Appointed to International Genocide Memorial Commission Sacramento, CA – The State Senate Rules Committee appointed Senator Anthony J. Portantino to the International Genocide Memorial Commission. The Commission was established in 2006 through legislation. It is tasked with creating an International Genocide Memorial in the Historic Region of the State Capitol. “I am tremendously honored to have been entrusted to serve on the International Genocide Memorial Commission. California is an amazingly diverse state, home to many survivors and descendants of the world’s horrific genocides. It’s humbling to have been chosen to help establish a memorial honoring the victims of crimes against humanity and appropriately respecting their descendants,” commented Portantino. Portantino has a long and distinguished record of cooperation with the Armenian American community. Prior to being elected to the State Senate, he served on the board of the Pasadena Armenian Genocide Memorial Committee. The nonprofit facilitated the construction of the Pasadena Armenian Genocide Memorial, unveiled in April 2015. This year, Portantino successfully authored a resolution to place freeway exit signs on the 210 directing attention to the Pasadena memorial. As Mayor of La Cañada Flintridge, Portantino was the first city mayor to issue a proclamation recognizing the genocide and commemorating April 24. He has proudly co-authored Assembly and Senate Resolutions commemorating the genocide and urging the return of church properties to their rightful congregations. “We as a community must always remember and learn from the past. I look forward to working through the commission to create a memorial that appropriately commemorates the victims while highlighting the resilience of genocide survivors,” added Portantino.

NOR OR ENG.August 31 copy:Layout 1 9/5/17 12:01 AM Page 2

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Thursday« September 7, 2017


AGBU Hye Geen organized a most original debate about a cultural question which has divided different age-groups. The perennial question is whether “amote” is meant to shame by seeking the preservation of traditional values, or whether as a right, it must yield to the trends of our times. After all, we now live “in a culture that teaches us to promote and advertize ourselves and to master the skills required for success.” The challenge of “amote” had intrigued a large group gathered at the newly renovated AGBU Vatche and Tamar Manoukian Center in Pasadena, on Saturday August 19, 2017. After the welcoming remarks of AGBU Hye Geen Committee member Silva Kardjian, well-known actress and playwright Lory Tatoulian presented an entertaining song and dance sketch. Performing in the theater since she was 8-years old, Lory is recognized for her contributions to the Armenian-American theater and was awarded a grant from the National Endowment of the Arts. Touching upon the challenge of “amote,” she addressed lighthearted instances of “amote” to the attendees of different ages and warned them about the consequences of gossiping, which travels with the speed of lightning. She also

advised them to be cautious when “picking an odar” as a companion. After the pleasant interlude, the guest speakers took up the challenge of “amote.” Armenia-born Armenui (Amy) Ashvanian, a distinguished prosecutor also teaching at Glendale University College of Law, was recently selected to participate in the U.S. State Department’s Overseas Prosecution Department Assistance and Training Program, and traveled to Armenia for the introduction of reforms in the criminal justice system. Presenting “The Benefits of Amote,” the speaker referred to the responsibility of preserving Armenian traditions and stated that “amote” is a component of culture, which connects people, transmits enduring moral values and reinforces our national identity. She also warned that excessive use or abuse of “amote” causes undue confusion, humiliation and resentment. However, in times of rapid social change and uncertainty, “amote” is a useful tool of moral guidance for parents, provided it assures equal treatment of sons and daughters. Then she dwelt on discriminatory practices prevalent in authoritarian societies, where “amote” arouses feelings of distress. In this sense, Armenian patriarchal households should beware of “amote” for

RALLY SUNDAY OPENS 120TH YEAR AT FAPC The First Armenian Presbyterian Church of Fresno will open its 120th year of ministry in Central California on Rally Sunday, September 10, 2017. The milestone year of California’s oldest Armenian Congregation will begin with the following ministry events, services, and activities: ! Christian Education classes for all age ranges, from PreSchool through Adults, beginning at 9:37 a.m. and carrying the theme “Chasing After God.” ! Rally Sunday Joint Worship Service at 11 a.m. in the English and Armenian Languages. ! Rally Sunday “Pit Stop” Carnival at 12:30 p.m. with Boardwalk-style games, picnic lunch menu, dunk tank, and photo ops with a classic Roadster.

fear of rendering girls too submissive and robbing them of their self-confidence, selfrespect and honest self-confrontation. Finally, she cautioned that “amote” should adapt to living conditions and national needs. She also warned that in oppressive atmospheres, “amote” is internalized and domestic violence prevails to the detriment of the social fabric. The first speaker’s thoughtful presentation was followed by another with a different perspective. Armenia-born Angela Barseghian, an attorney in private practice took the stand that “ “Amote” Restricts Personal Achievements.” She began with a bold statement about the validity of “amote” as a means of preserving traditions and enriching Armenian life. Instead, she denounced it as a means of enslaving people and controling women. She was critical of church teachings and overlooked the role of the Church as the only institution that had unified and sustained Armenians throughout much of their turbulent history. She was also critical of the post Soviet Armenian state, accusing it of protecting special interests, instead of empowering the people and promoting their civil rights. Bluntly renouncing conformity to the tenets of religious and secular national institutions, as well as the traditional strictures of “amote,” she concluded that instead of being guided by shared values, free speech should be encouraged, personal needs should take precedence, and that we should be motivated by conscious personal choices. Angela Barseghian’s failure to acknowledge the function of national institutions and a whole system of human values necessary for insuring stability and for building character raised many questions and energized a lengthy exchange of opinions. AGBU Hye Geen’s trendsetting event created great interest. The challenge of “amote” was taken up by an appreciative audience and the debate continued…

All events will take place at the Church Campus, 430 South First Street at Historic Huntington Boulevard near Downtown Fresno. The new Church Year will continue with a 120th Anniversary Celebration on the evening of Saturday, October 21, 2017, and Autumn Merchants’ Lunch and Country Store on November 9, 2017. More information about the Rally Week schedule and fall events is available by calling the church offices at (559) 237-6638 or visiting www.fapc.net. Forty immigrants from Marsovan and Trebizond chartered FAPC in a rented Fresno hall on July 25, 1897. Reverend Gregory V. Haroutunian is the Senior Pastor; Reverend Mgo Mekredijian is the Associate Pastor of Young Families’ Ministries; Reverend Philip C. Garo, Jr. is the Associate Pastor of Youth Ministries; Arpi Keledjian and Maryvonne Gagliardi are the Coordinators of the FAPC Sunday School. FAPC is a member congregation of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church and the Armenian Evangelical Union of North America. The 2017 theme of the congregation is “Love God. Love Others. Make Disciples.”

2017 Professional of the Year: Noubar Afeyan Please join us at the Armenian Professional Society (APS) Annual Gala on November 12, 2017 to honor APS 2017 Professional of the Year, Noubar Afeyan. This year’s event will be held from 5-9 PM on Sunday, November 12th at the Vertigo Event Venue in Glendale, CA. We are looking forward to a night of community, celebration and connection with APS members and their families and friends. During the Gala we will

also present this year’s scholarship recipients. Mr. Afeyan has been selected based on his incredibly successful business career and remarkable contributions to the Armenian community: Founder and CEO of Flagship Pioneering, a venture capital firm that has backed over 75 ventures and created more than $19 billion of aggregate value since the firm’s founding in 2000.

Co-Founder of the 100 Lives Initiative and started the Aurora Prize award in 2016. Actor George Clooney and Nobel Peace Prize winner Elie Wiesel serve as co-chairs of the prize committee. Member of the MIT Board of Trustees and Senior Lecturer at MIT’s Sloan School of Management teaching courses on technology and entrepreneurship. !

In Memoriam: Rev. Fr. Arnak Kasparian 1920-2017

The Eastern Diocese mourns the loss of the Rev. Fr. Arnak Avak Kahana Kasparian, who passed away peacefully on the evening of August 28, at his home in New Milford, N.J. He was 97. Der Arnak was a pillar of our Diocese, whose ministry to our Lord approached 70 years of service as a priest and pastor, educator and ecumenist, patriot and community leader. Whether he was inspiring his flock through acts of human kindness, or challenging them through his incisive grasp of the Gospel, Der Arnak led countless souls to embrace their faith more deeply and consciously. Der Arnak was a member of the historic “Class of 1948”: a group of seminarians from the Jerusalem Patriarchate, who were hand-picked by the late Primate of our Diocese, Archbishop Tiran Nersoyan, to serve the church in America. A brotherly spirit prevailed among these men throughout their lives; besides Fr. Arnak they included Fr. Vartan Megherian, Fr. Arten Ashjian, Fr. Shahe Altounian, Fr. Garen Gdanian, and Deacon Hagop Nersoyan. Der Arnak was the last surviving member of the group, whose passing closes a critical chapter in the story of the Armenian Church in America. Fr. Arnak is survived by Yeretzgin Violet, his devoted wife of 66 years, their children Stephen, Laurie, Maro, Ardis, and Thomas; nine grandchildren, and his younger brother Hagop. Visiting hours will be held at the St. Leon Church (12-61 Saddle River Road, Fair Lawn, NJ) on Monday, September 11, from 2 to 4 p.m. and from 6 to 9 p.m. The dahn gark (wake) service will be at 8 p.m. The Divine Liturgy and Final Anointing will be held on Tuesday, September 12, at St. Leon Church, beginning at 10:30 a.m. The family has asked that in-lieu-offlowers donations in Fr. Kasparian’s name be made to St. Nersess Armenian Seminary. Parishes in the Eastern Diocese will observe the 40th-day karasoonk service on Sunday, October 8. !

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« September 7, 2017

15-day military service for Diaspora Armenians Acts of valor by the Armenian Armed Forces have always been the source of inspirational stories about heroism, especially after 2016 April War. Current challenges and obstacles combine inspiration with discontent, picturing a contradictory image of the Armed Forces. Armenian Ministry of Defense in cooperation with Arar Civilizational Research Foundation launched Marar pilot program, which allows Armenian diasporans to personally get acquainted with the Armenian Army. This program became the practical expression of the essential “DiasporaArmy” idea. 10 Armenian young men from around the world were “called up” for military service on August 21. They lived in military reality for 15 days, exercising, practicing shooting, visiting military units, combat position and bordering communities. Executive Director of Arar George Tabakyan said that the program is aimed encouraging repatriation, as well as creating connection between young Armenian diasporans and the Armenian Army. The organizers hope that participants would probably wish to become a part of the Armed Forces, through which they discovered Armenia. “The Armenian diaspora has mainly emotional perception of our Army. They have not yet understood what Army is about and why we attach so much importance to having one. The diaspora has always admired Armenian fedayis. Armenia needed them at some point in history, and of course, we are grateful and respect all of them. Nevertheless, it is necessary now to strengthen the Armenian Army, and professional military service is an important tool to bring our goal into reality. The work of servicemen should become attractive and demanded,” George Tabakyan said. The program involves healthy young men (aged 20-35) without previous convictions, who did not escape military service. Soon after the completion of registration, the representatives of the program study all applications in detail. Participants take care of their transportation to Armenia and pay a fee that covers accommodation, food, uniform, insurance. The program received 15 applications this year. 32-year-old Davit Sargsyan left Armenia at the age of 8, and this was his first visit since. He says that his age and family status do not allow him to think about military service, yet he decided to see the Armenian Army with his own eyes rather than just listen to what people tell about it. “First and foremost I wanted to visit Armenia. Secondly, I

wished to get acquainted with the Armenian Armed Forces, live like a serviceman and see historical monuments, involved in the program.” The organizers have not yet summed up Marar, but they already speak about successes. Participants understood what army is about and how it works. One of them even expressed the desire to get Armenian citizenship. George Tabakyan said that diaspora has been highly interested in the Armenian Armed Forces after the April War in 2016. They have organized a number of fundraising campaigns, aimed at supporting the Army and families of the deceased. Many people in Armenia and diaspora asked themselves questions about their role and responsibilities if the situation repeats. The initiators of Marar hope that participation in this program will encourage young Armenians diasporans to fill the ranks of the Armenian servicemen. “Around 800-1000 families repatriate to Armenia every year. They start businesses, create jobs and make investments. We are hopeful that there are also many Armenian diasporans ready to work in the Armed Forces. It is not about money, it is about the necessity of developing this profession in our country. Armenian Minister of Defense Vigen Sargsyan also noted that the Armed Forces are open to diaspora. We should make sure that if diasporans want to serve in the army, they can easily do it,” Executive Director of Arar said. The initiative inspired both participants and servicemen. Major Vazgen Kocharyan thinks about welcoming a new group, while he has not yet said goodbye to this one. He remarked that the program was equally efficient for participants and soldiers. “I and my fellow servicemen inspire our friends and relatives a lot when we tell them about professionals from various areas coming to Armenia from around the world to spend 15 days in the Armenian Army. Participants can also tell their stories to everyone, describe what servicemen wear or eat, what kind of knowledge they get, so that their fellows also wish to serve in the Army.” On September 3, the organizers will sum up the first stage of Marar and announce the start of the next one. The intervals between the stages will be determined depending on the number of applicants. Military units are not yet ready to accept girls, but organizers plan their “call-up” in the future. Probably one of the groups will involve exclusively girls. Lusine Gharibyan Photos: Arar Foundation


Notre Dame Football Helmets Will Honor Ara Parseghian in ’17

Brian Kelly addressed his team on Tuesday to reflect on Ara Parseghian in the wake of Ara’s unfortunate passing early Tuesday morning. Much has been said about Coach Parseghian today as sports writers across the country have talked about Ara the coach and Ara the man. In addition to reflecting on what Ara Parseghian meant to Notre Dame, Kelly also noted in the video above that the Irish helmets in 2017 will honor the late great. Notre Dame helmets will simply say “ARA” across the middle of the helmet replacing the traditional “IRISH” that is normally in that place. The tribute is more than fitting of one of the all time greats not just at Notre Dame or in college football, but in all of sports. The mark left by Ara Parseghian is still felt today. As Kelly noted, a quote from Parseghian is featured in the Notre Dame locker room. His statue is also one of four outside of Notre Dame Stadium. Hopefully the 2017 Fighting Irish honor the man whose name will be on their helmets. Ara Parseghian loved Notre Dame football so much that he would be proud of the boys in blue and gold regardless of their record, but with his name on their helmets this fall, hopefully the Fighting Irish play up to the expectations Ara had for his teams. If you listen closely to the video, you can hear one player take Kelly’s message on Coach Parseghian to heart. One player can be heard saying, “No breaking point,” as Kelly huddled his team in. That comes from part of the quote of Parseghian’s in the Notre Dame locker room.

Turkey-Owned Bank Implicated In Money Laundering Case Hires Trump-Connected Lobbying Firm A bank controlled by the Turkish government that has been implicated in a massive money laundering scheme has hired a Florida-based lobbying firm with close ties to the Trump White House. The lobbying firm, Ballard Partners, and the bank, Halkbank, signed a $125,000-amonth contract last week, according to a Foreign Agents Registration Act disclosure filed with the Justice Department. Brian Ballard, the owner of Ballard Partners, was a top Trump campaign fundraiser in Florida. He was also appointed by Trump to serve as vice chairman of the Republican’s Inaugural Committee and served as a member of the Presidential Transition Finance Committee. According to the Ballard-Halkbank contract, it appears that Ballard plans to leverage those White House connections to help the bank. The firm will represent Halkbank “before the Departments of Treasury, State, and Justice, and the Executive Office of the President,” the contract reads. Mehmet Hakan Atilla, a deputy CEO at Halkbank, has been accused by the Justice Department of conspiring with Reza Zarrab, a wealthy Iranian-Turkish gold trader who allegedly helped Iran launder money through the U.S. financial system in order to avoid sanctions. Atilla was arrested in March just after he landed at JFK International Airport. He and Zarrab are slated to go to trial in October. The Turkish government has been intensely interested in the Zarrab case. Many Turkey analysts say that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan fears that a public trial of Zarrab will expose illicit activities by the Turkish leader and his family. Erdogan has reportedly brought up the case during meetings and conversations with U.S. officials, including President Donald Trump and President Barack Obama. He has

also publicly suggested that he is holding U.S. citizens as prisoners in Turkey as leverage to force Zarrab’s release. Besides using rhetoric to free Zarrab, the Turkish government has also lobbied U.S. government agencies and the White House on the case. In May, the Turkish embassy in the U.S. directly hired Ballard Partners, a lobbying shop based in Florida. As with the Halkbank contract, Ballard is paid $125,000 per month by the Turkish government. Ballard Partners is not the only firm hired to quash the Zarrab matter. Zarrab himself hired former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, an outside adviser to Trump, and former Attorney General Michael Mukasey as part of his legal team. Zarrab’s hiring of Giuliani and Mukasey has stoked concerns that the two Trump associates are using their political clout to help out their client. There has been some speculation that the Turkish government is also funding Zarrab’s legal effort. Aykan Erdemir, a senior fellow at Foundation for Defense of Democracies and former member of the Turkish parliament, calls the timing of the Ballard hiring “conspicuous” given that the trials for Zarrab and Atilla are set to begin in the next couple of months. “Turkish public lender Halkbank seems to be joining the Turkish government’s lobbying efforts in the Reza Zarrab case, and the bank doesn’t seem to be worried about the optics,” Erdemir told The Daily Caller. He also noted that Halkbank’s contract appears to replicate the Turkish government’s agreement with Ballard. “This move, which came only three days after President Erdogan had granted himself by decree the authority to make swap deals, will only add fuel to the rumors that Ankara is looking for a swap deal for Reza Zarrab,” Erdemir says. http://dailycaller.com/

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Üáñ úñ Thursday« September 7, 2017

Alex Demirdjian Wins 3rd Place at Spa - Puts Armenian Cause on Global Map across the globe, due both to the continuous 24 hours of driving and the challenging weather conditions characteristic of the region. Demirdjian recognized the race as an important opportunity to represent both the Armenian and Lebanese communities, honoring the history of his people and creating hope for their future. The Ferrari 488 GT3 that Demirdjian raced in proudly displayed the red, blue, and orange colors of the Armenian flag with the words “Drive for Life” just below. The front of the racecar displayed the Lebanese flag with the country’s national Cedar tree leading the way. “It was a wonderful feeling to cross the Armenian and Lebanese flags across the finish line,” said Demirdjian. “This achievement really goes to show that teamwork is more important than any individual endeavor, and I hope future generations will Spa, Belgium – Armenian Lebanese driver Alex Demirdjian has won 3rd place at the world-famous Total 24 Hours of Spa race in Belgium, which is part of the Blancpain GT Series. 64 cars began the race at the historic Spa-Francorchamps circuit but only 35 finished the challenging feat. Demirdjian and his Ferrari AF Corse teammates Nicolas Minassian, Davide Rizzo, and Toni Vilander came in 3rd place, a major achievement in the racing world and a great source of pride for the Armenian community. “It was important for me to race for the Armenian people,” said Alex Demirdjian. “This race was about remembering our past but also letting the world know that we are present and our future is strong.” The Total 24 Hours of Spa race is widely recognized as one of the most difficult races

be inspired to work together in pursuit of their ambitions while honoring their history.” Prior to this event, Demirdjian raced in the Blancpain GT Endurance Race in Monza, Italy where he won 1st place with his Ferrari AF Corse teammates Davide Rizzo and Abbie Eaton.

Two Conservative MPs banned from Azerbaijan for visiting occupied territories Conservatives MPs Tony Clement and Rachael Harder have been banned from the Central Asian nation of Azerbaijan for visiting disputed territories occupied by Armenia that have been the scene of sporadic and bloody clashes over the past 16 months. Azerbaijan's foreign ministry has accused the MPs of falling for the "propaganda of the Armenian side" and ignoring four resolutions of the United Nations Security Council calling for the immediate, unconditional withdrawal of Armenian troops from the enclave of NagornoKarabakh that was seized in a war in the early 1990s. The Conservative MPs are visiting the region on a trip paid for by One Free World International, a Toronto non-profit group headed by a Muslim-turnedChristian that advocates for persecuted minorities. They are accompanied by Armenian National Committee of Canada executive director Sevag Belian, who helped set up meetings with top government officials. Azerbaijan has lodged a protest with the Canadian government about the MPs' trip and placed them on its list of undesirable persons. "One million Azerbaijanis have been subject to ethnic cleansing. Imagine Canadian MPs visiting these territories and, in a way, giving their support to this ethnic cleansing," Azerbaijani foreign ministry chief spokesperson Hikmat Hajiyev told The Globe and Mail. "That is completely immoral and against the values of the Canadian government and Canadian so-

ciety. It is completely unacceptable." In a telephone interview from Armenia's capital of Yerevan on Friday, Mr. Clement said he was taking part in a documentary that is being produced by One Free World. "I am not here endorsing anyone. I want both sides to have a negotiated settlement of the situation but I am here on a fact-finding and humanitarian mission along with Rachael Harder," Mr. Clement said. However, he conceded that he accepts Armenia's claims that Azerbaijani forces have committed atrocities, citing beheadings and cutting off of the ears of Armenian soldiers. "What I saw with my own eyes is very disturbing in terms of the atrocities that were committed by Azerbaijani forces. In terms of the political situation, I am sure I echo Global Affairs Canada when I say it is better to have a negotiated solution than a continuing war," Mr. Clement said. A spokesperson for Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland did not directly criticize the two MPs, but made clear that the Canadian government does not wish to take sides in the territorial dispute. "It should be noted that Canada recommends against all travel to the Nagorno-Karabakh region. We fully support the [Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe's] efforts to forge a peaceful and comprehensive settlement between Armenia and Azerbaijan in the region," press secretary Adam Austen said. "A military solution is not the an-

swer. This is a position we have communicated to the governments of both Armenia and Azerbaijan." Nagorno-Karabakh is located within Azerbaijan and it is internationally recognized as being part of that country, but a large part of it is governed by Armenian separatists who seized control of the mountainous region from ethnic Azeris in the 1990s. Despite a ceasefire signed by the two foes in 1994, the two have never signed a peace treaty. There have been repeated flare-ups between the two countries, as recently as Friday. The United States, Russia and France, which co-chair the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe's Minsk Group for conflict mediation, have been working to secure a binding peace resolution. The OSCE Minsk Group is seeking the removal of snipers along both sides of the conflict and international peace observers to monitor ceasefire violations. The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988 when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. In 1992, Armenian armed forces occupied 20 per cent of Azerbaijan, including the Nagorno-Karabakh region and seven surrounding districts. Armenia has not yet implemented UN Security Council resolutions on withdrawal of its armed forces from NagornoKarabakh and the surrounding districts. As many as 3,000 people, mostly soldiers, have been killed in the conflict since 2009. !

Armenia is 29th in the list of world's most welcoming countries Armenia is ranked 29th in the list of the most welcoming countries in the world issued by Passport Index. The countries are ranked by how many passports they accept visa-free, with visa on arrival or with Electronic Travel Authorization. According to Passport Index, 133 countries are welcomed by Armenia. Among the neighboring countries, Turkey (22) and Iran (12) are several spots higher. Georgia is ranked 51, while Azerbaijan 87th.

Film on Armenian’s and Turk’s love story to be screened in Turkey The screening of the movie, entitled Unfinished, and which is about the love story of a young Armenian woman and a young Turkish man, will commence on Friday in Turkey. The film tells about the great love story between Iskuhi, who comes to Istanbul from Armenia to study, and Mert, who meets her in Istanbul, according to NTV television of Turkey. But Iskuhi’s older brother, Aram, and Mert’s family oppose to this love between them. And under these difficulties, Iskuhi and Mert are forced to strive for the sake of love. “Love is above all religions and nationalities in the world,” notes the movie trailer.

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Üáñ úñ !Ç"·ß#µÃÇ« 7 ê»åï»Ù'»ñ 2017



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¶)!ôàô!Ì Âàô!Î!Üܺ) -Hg8 C+1+6/+' V+%/)+,#06D; 4; '/)4+>+'+> «R)4#0 9'&4 874 j)&4»& A+)#0'+4#01&0'; /5#5 «R)4#0 9'&4 874 j)&4, /)4)#)@ 6+$» '/)4+>+*#06#G, #) %/5& .&%& #0'/'+> L#>/6D/) 18, 19, 25, 26 /0 e/4%/6D/) 2, 3, 9, 10, 16, 17, 2017B Q/)#>&A/+= 4+%+4/)"#01&0'; %/5& .&%& #0'/'+> -Hg8&#01/+' Z+$+%&'+>& Q+K7 /0 V+6+) 8+'#04/+' 9+%+)#5+4+' ()#0/$%& 4/@)#'&' 67FB 9; ,'@)#0& K,+K+I/0/=B

RESERVED"DATES A.G.B.U. Satamian Theatre Group will present “Caught In The Net”, a sequel to “Yergou Gnig Meg Erig”, on November 18, 19, 25, 26. As well as December 2, 3, 9, 10, 16, 17, 2017. This comedy by Ray Cooney will be performed at the A.G.B.U. Vatche & Tamar Manoukian Performing Arts Center in Pasadena. Please take notice of the above dates.

Nor Or Sep. 7, 2017, No. 34_N.O. Blank 9/6/17 3:49 PM Page 10

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