ՆՈՐ ՕՐ Շաբաթաթերթ

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THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 2013 91 TARI% JIU 17 VOLUME 91, NO. 17

Monj;p;llo\i Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an |ou,ar]ane



NOR ØR% APRIL 25% 2013



|akob Martiros;an >MBAGRAKAN KAXM^

Dokt& Minas Goya\;an Sargis |& Minas;an Frac S;';jy;an >acik Yano\;an MARXAKAN BAVUN^

Au;tis Ba\ram;an WARCAKAN KAXM^

Toqj& Âa``i Pal;an Ghorg Grigor;an Karø Giu'hl;an Andranik A`ar;an |owik :øxkajl;an >mbagroujiun

F;®& (626)296-2921 F;®atip (626)296-2922 E- Mail: nor-or@sbcglobal.net Dauan;low ®amkawarakan skxbounqn;r% ke fauatanq baxmakar‘ouj;an ;u axat .øsqi irauounqi% f;t;uabar% fraparakoua‘ groujiunn;re anpa\man c;n arta\a\t;r .mbagrouj;ans t;sakhte! Kamqh anka. patya®n;row sprda‘ wripakn;rou famar k*apauininq m;r a,.atakizn;roun ;u enj;rzo[n;roun n;ro[amtouj;an! Nor Or Weekly is published weekly, except two weeks in AUGUST Nor Or Publishing Association, Inc. 1901 N. Allen Ave., Altadena, CA 91001 Annual Subscription rates: As of June 1st, 2007 U.S.A. 2nd Class: West Coast $75

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91-AM:AK 1922-2013

Jh a\l i#nc og;kocoumn;r t;[i oun;zan April 24-i Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an \i,atakouj;an ørouan enjazqin! Møtik anz;alin% a,.arfatara‘ fa\ axge xgou,azoua‘ hr xanaxan t;[;katououakan mi=ozn;row% jrqakan p;takan i,.anouj;anz ko[mh taroua‘ fakafa\kakan a,.atanqn;rou masin% oronz wra\ kou gar au;lnalou atrph\yanakan fakafa\kakan pa\qare ;u a\s bolore^ Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100-am;aki na.ør;akin! A\s tari% April 20-24-in jourq;re oro,a‘ ;n 1885-1919 jouakann;rou vamanakami=ozin ªjourq ;u fr;a\º xof;rou og;kocoume \i,atak;l Miaz;al Nafangn;rou Oua,inkjen nafangi% jrqakan d;spanatan mh=% a®au;l anpatka® \andgnouj;amb .;[ajiur;lou famar oc mia\n fa\oz patmoujiune% a\l na;u ‘i‘a[;liørhn^ mi=axga\in patmoujiune ;u orphs noroujiun^ fr;an;roun =arde 'arj;low fa\oun wra\! Anbauarar ;n lok am;rik;an fanrouj;an kar‘iqe% \;nil Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an yanacman ;u pafan=atirakan a,.atanq;rou irakanazoumi famafa\kakan a,.atanqn;row% ;rb a\d vo[owourdin m;‘amasnoujiune makenjaza\in fosanqn;rou ;njaka\ b;korn;rou nman ;n% or;uh npastauor ‘owa'i wra\ '®ou;lou famar! Isk inc tarb;roujiun gor‘a‘ h Miaz;al Nafangn;rou 43 kam au;li nafangn;rou Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an yanacoume% ;rb o*c n;rka\azouzic n;rou ;u o*c al ‘;rako\ti toun;re% mhk .øsqow^ p;toujiune pa,tønaphs takauin ch yancza‘ xa\n% a\l p;toujiunn;roun nman! >;[ajiuroua‘ patmouj;an n;rka\azoume fanrouj;an me% or bolorowin ant;[;ak h no\nisk ir mi=awa\ri qa[aqakan% a,.arfagrakan ;u patmakan patafarn;roun% fauanabar oun;na\ fakasakan ardiunqn;r% manauand ;rb a\n fanrouj;an n;rka\azoui .arda.anqn;row \;riuroua‘ ;u \ouxic patmoujiunn;row! Miaz;al Nafangn;rou ªJourq-Am;rik;an Fa-

magoumarn;rou Fama.mboumeº nman mi=oza®man me ];®narka‘ h Oua,inkjen nafangi jrqakan d;spanatan mh=% oroun npatakn h mhk milion jourq ;u fr;a\ xof;rou \i,ataki og;kocoumn ou am;rik;an fanroujiune t;[;ak paf;lou famar 1915 jouakanin% Wani mh=% ªfa\ embostn;rouº ko[mh =ardoua‘ jourq ;u fr;a\ ªanm;[º bnakcoujiun me% jiuow^ mhk milion jourq ;u fr;a\! Qa\l me ;us a®a= ;rjalow% anonq k∞oux;n og;koc;l na;u% fa\;roun ko[mh mhk milion b®ni ga[jakanazoua‘ ;u aqsoroua‘ jourq;rou masin% oronz ªaqsoreº sksa‘ hr 1885 jouakanhn sks;al! ªXarmanaliørhnº jh \imarouj;amb ke xougadipin jourq;rou ;u fr;an;rou xof;roun patafarn;rn ou jiu;re fa\ vo[owourdi xof;rou jiu;roun! Jourqin og;kocoume kar;li ch#r ,iu[ me gonh qic me tarb;ril Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an iro[ouj;nhn! Ba\z% ªfnaragitoujiuneº jrqakan h% ;u askh au;li ‘i‘a[;li chr krnar ellal a\d! :u apa^ mi=oza®man patmakan nkaragrakane k∞;rkari xarmanaliørhn^ k;dronanalow mia\n Wani fa\ dimadrakan ;u enbostakan ,arvoumn;roun ;u ®ousakan banakin f;t gor‘akzouj;an wra\% fasn;low minc;u 1974-akan jouakann;re% fanrouj;an n;rka\azn;lou famar fa\ou enbost ogin% or ASALA-i ;u a\l kaxmak;rpoujiunn;rou mi=ozau% oronq ªm;‘ jiuowº 70 jourq diuanaghtn;r spann;zin ;u 700 fogi wirauor;zin a,.arfi mh=! A\d isk patya®ow^ jrqakan d;spanatoune kaxmak;rpa‘ h a\s mi=oza®oume% \i,atak;lou famar Wani kotora‘e% Am;rika\i jourq fanroujiune t;[;ak paf;low iro[ouj;an ;u xgou,azn;lou famar xir;nq ªFa\oun wa\rag ‘a\ra\;[oujiunn;rhnº! A,.arfe ambo[=% minc;u ;#rb piti l®h nman anpatka® aspatakoujiunn;rou% .arda.oujiunn;rou ;u ardarouj;anz otnako.man! Jh^ anonq xba[a‘ ;n a\l ;rkirn;rou n;rqin farz;row! !

FA|OZ Z:{ASPANOUJ:AN NOUIROUA’ "ASTAGRAKAN MI KAR:UOR A<>ATOUJ:AN MASIN "RO~& AU:TIS "A"AX:AN 1965 j& Aprili 24-in Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 50 am;a\ tar;lizin a®jiu% Fa\astanoum ;u s'iu®qafa\ ga[oujn;roum fa\ vo[owourde miasnabar bar]razr;z ir bou®n bo[oqe 1915 j& anm;[ xof;ri \i,atakin! Imi=i a\loz >orfrda\in warcakargi tarin;rin Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an \i,atakoume farkadrabar matnou;l hr mo®azouj;an! Afa a\d ør;rin (1966 j&) a®a=in angam ®ous;rhn l;xouow lo\s t;sau ªFa\;ri Z;[aspanoujiune Øsman;an Ka\sroujiunoumº .oragrow fatore% our am'o'oua‘ hin 'astagrakan niuj;r 19-rd dari w;r=in Aptoul Famit;an b®natirouj;an ;u 20-rd dari skxbin ;ritjourq;ri ariunot i,.anouj;an ørøq t;[i oun;za‘ fa\;ri z;[aspanouj;an masin! |;taga\oum% 1982 j& a\n w;rafratarakou;z! Fa\;rhne lo\s t;sau 1991 j&! N,;m% or a\s kar;uor ;u bowandakaliz 'astagrakan fatore kaxmo[ f;[inakn;rn hin wastaka,at patmaban ;u fraparaka.øs Fa\astani Gitoujiun-

n;ri Akad;mia\i Akad;mikos Mkrtic N;rsis;ane (1909-1999) ;u GA-i Ar;u;lagitouj;an Institouti jourqaght patmaban^ Dokt& "ro`& Âoubhn Safak;ane (1929-1998)! Fark h n,;l% or Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 50 am;aki ør;rin fratarakou;zin na;u a\l kar;uor fatorn;r ;us! A\d bolori masin m;nq k*andrada®nanq \;taga\oum! A®a\vm \i,;nq 1119 h=anoz m;‘a‘aual f;t;u;al .oragrow fatore& ª|ou,amat;an M;‘ :[;®ni% 1915-1965º! Patrast;z G& Afaron;an% Ph\rouj% frat& ªXarjønqºi% tp& ªAtlasº% 1965! <outow ke lrana\ Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100 am;ake! Bnakanabar lo\s ke t;sn;n nor bowandakaliz ;u arvhqauor fatorn;r! Bnakanabar mi=axga\in ca'ani,ow pa,tønaphs ke yanacoui ;u ke datapartoui Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune ;u ardar fatouzoum ke stana\ nra niujakan ;u fo[a\in pafan=atiroujiune! Stor;u w;ro\i,;al 758 h=anoz stouara‘aual fatori masin

fangamanaliz ga[a'ar kaxm;lou famar na.abaniz b;roum ;nq qa[oua‘abar mi ;rkou parb;roujiun! *** A®a=in Fama,.arfa\in Pat;raxmi tarin;rin Øsman;an ka\srouj;an mh= t;[i oun;zau mardkouj;an m;‘ago\n o[b;rgoujiunn;riz mhke! I,.anouj;an glou. anza‘ axga\namol ª:ritasard Jourq;riº kousakzoujiune kaxmak;rp;z fa\;ri anørinak z;[aspanoujiun ;u ‘.azo[ anapati w;ra‘;z ambo[= Ar;umt;an Fa\astane! Ar;umtafa\;ri xangoua‘a\in =ard;ri qa[aqakanoujiune% saka\n% skixb a®au d;®;us 19-rd dari w;r=;rin! Davan ou n;ng souljan Aptoul Famite mia\n 1890-akan jj& sri qa,;z ,our= 300%000 mard! 1909 j& Kilikia\i Atana qa[aqi fa\ bnakcouj;an xof;ri jiue kaxm;z møt 30%000! Ousti% ;rb .øsq h linoum Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an masin% apa phtq h nkati oun;nal oc mia\n 1915-1916 jj& famendfanour <ar& h= 13



QA{AQAKANOUJIUNE MI+IN AR:U:L:AN B:MAFARJAKI WRA| SARGIS |& MINAS:AN Am;rika\i kam Ar;umoutqi a\s qa[aqakanouj;an ke fakadroui Âousakan Da,nouj;an ®axmawaroujiune Farau-Ar;umt;an K;dronakan Asio\% Kowkasi ou Mi=in Ar;u;lqi mh=! K®oua.n]ore% gl.auorabar ,r=ani qariu[i faroust ,t;marann;rn ou ®axmagitakan tara‘oujiunn;rn ;n! A\s fakamartouj;an mh= Jourqian ;u Irane kar;uor d;rakatarn;r ;n! |;to\ kou gan Iraqe% Atrph\yane ou Sourian! A\s endfanour fama\napatk;ri b;mafarjakin wra\% ;rb nkati oun;nanq m;‘ p;touj;anz ‘aualo[ qa[aqatnt;sakan pa\qarn;re% au;li emb®n;li ke da®nan Mi=in-Ar;u;l;an fakamartouj;anz w;riwa\roumn;re! Our;mn% fakadrou;low M& Nafangn;rou ;u Ar;umoutqi ‘ragirn;roun% Âousakan Da,noujiune% kowkas;an ir xga\oun gøtiin ou K;dronakan Faraua\in Asio\ mh=% ke warh no\nqan f;t;uo[akan% ant;[itali ®axmawaroujiun me! Atika lauago\ns baza\a\tou;zau C;cnio\ (1999-2009) ;u \atkaphs Wrastani na.a];®nouj;an paraga\in% ;rb Mi.a\il Saka,wili% 2008 Øgostos 7-in% anaknkal \ar]akoum gor‘;z fanraqouhow inqxinq inqnawar f®caka‘ Faraua\in Øs;jio\ wra\% incphs na;u^ Ab.axio\ mh=% miavamanak% xin;al ba.oumn;rou dim;low! Âousastani fakaxd;zoujiune ;[au ktrouk% anor xørq;re ,outow tirazan kazouj;an% ou mi=axga\in yn,oumi tak xinadoul f®cakou;zau Øgostos 15-in% bnakanabar Wrastani famar xi=oumi pa\mann;row% ;u i npast ®ousakan axd;zouj;an xørazman! A\nouf;t;u% Âousia banaka\in ir .aris.e xørazouz na;u Fa\astani mh=% a\s qa\le axdararoujiun me ellalow miangama\n Jourqio\ ;u Atrph\yani tirap;takan a.orvakn;roun! Incphs Parskastani% no\nphs souriakan tatano[ i,.anouj;an% Âousio\ xørawige ouri, mhk ø[ake ke kaxmh ,r=anin mh= axd;zouj;an gøti me oun;nalou anor ®axmawarouj;an! *** W;ro\i,;al endfanour patk;razoume ibr;u m;knakht a®n;low% at;nh me iw;r Mi=in Ar;u;lqi famar sarqoua‘ h b;madroujiun me^ ªArabakan Garouneº taraxin tak% or 2010 D;kt;mb;rin ‘a\r a®au Jounouxhn% gr;jh miavamanak \a=ordabar klan;low Lipian% :giptose% Arabakan J;rak[xin% fasn;low minc;u Souria% our .ars.oua‘ h ;rkou tarin;rh iw;r% .o'e va\®in fandip;low! ªGarnana\inº orakoua‘ a\s .or,ake takn ou wra\ era‘ h ,r=ane% mardka\in baxmafaxar k;anq;r .l;low% bnakcouj;anz xangoua‘a\in ga[jakanoujiun patya®;low% baxmatara‘ au;roumn;r gor‘;low qa[aqn;rou mh=% incphs na;u^ yartarap;takan% patmakan kojo[n;rou ou yartararou;sti ;u ;rkragor‘ouj;an wra\! Oc mia\n ch fastatoua‘ aknkaloua‘ vo[owrdawaroujiune% a\l endfaka®ake% san]aw;r‘oua‘ h wa\ragoujiune ir bolor ;rangauoroumn;row! Parskastani w;r=in ,afe^ Mofammht Âexa "aflauin (1979-in)% Iraqi Sattam Fiush\ne (2003-in)% Jounouxi Xinh hl Apatin Phn Alin (2011) |ounouarin)% :giptosi Fiusni Mouparaqe (2011 ";trouarin)% :hmhni Salhfe (No\;mb;r 23% 2011-in)% bolor al ];uow me

,prtou;zan% ;rb ir;nz frafangoua‘ ou[ihn ,;[;zan% korsnzn;low i,.anoujiune! "o.arinoua‘ ka®awaroujiunn;re% saka\n% Ar;umoutqi fandhp aknkaloua‘ lman fauatarmoujiune czouzab;r;zin! W;r;u matnan,oua‘ bolor ;rkirn;roun mh= armatakan siunni .mbauoroumn;re .ar.aboumn;row ke ka®awar;n ir;nz ;rkirn;re! Isk Iraqi mh= ke tirap;th m;‘amasnakan ,ii fama\nqe% gor‘;low anou[[aki axd;zouj;ane tak drazi% krønakiz Iranin! Our;mn% Ar;umoutqi f;tapnda‘ qa[aqakanoujiune% fama]a\n ‘ragri ardiunauoroua‘ cellalow% n;rka\is baxmat;sak mi,atoujiun ke kataroui Sourio\ warca];uin dhm% niujakan la\n øvandakouj;ambe Shoutakan Arabio\% Qajari ;u Hmiroujiunn;roun! Jira.e Irann h% ba\z b;madrouj;anz ,arqe sksa‘ h Jounouxhn! Ardiunqe .ndrakan dar]a‘ ellalow% ar;umt;an qa[aqakanouj;an npastauor ka®awaroujiunn;re 'o.arinoua‘ ;n islam armatakan i,.anoujiunn;row! A\s w;r=inn;roun wra\ fakak,i®e korsoua‘ ellalow% n;rka\is ouv ke taroui kaxm;lou famar nor a®anzq me^ Jourqio\ ;u Isra\hli p;touj;anz gor‘akzouj;amb! A\s w;r=in .a[ajou[je ;[au Jourqio\ ;u Isra\hli ªfa,toujiunºe% xørazn;lou famar yn,oume Sourio\ wra\! *** >a[a[oujiune% ardaroujiune% .i[ye% mardka\in irauounqn;re% tramabanoujiune% a®arka\akan tou;aln;re qic a[;rs ounin dhpq;rou t;[;katououj;anz at;n! Ko[m;rou lratou gor‘akaloujiunn;re xanonq ke fa[ord;n% ;rb anonq npastauor ;n ir;nz kht;rou kam ;rkirn;rou ,af;roun ou npatakn;roun! K*ant;souin ambo[=akan iro[oujiunn;re% jmbkafarou;low masnaki warka‘n;r! :rkou ca'% ;rkou k,i® ke gor‘adroui farz;rou m;knabanouj;anz at;n% ko[mnakal ;xrakazouj;anz \ang;low! Krknouo[ ,;'ofaroume irakanouj;an fangamanq ke stana\% fanra\in kar‘iq kam famoxoum \a®a=azn;low mi=in mardoun møt% manauand ;rb an klanoua‘ h ir a,.atanqow ;u a®ør;a\ fogs;row% ou vamanak couni m;knaban;lou% wiyark;lou kam w;rlou‘oumi ;njark;lou fa[ordoua‘e! Mi=in Ar;u;lqi qa[aqakan jofou'ofi a\s endfanour parounakin mh=% i#nc k,i® ke n;rka\aznh m;r .or mtafogoujiune falhpafa\ouj;an m;r ma\r ga[ouji da®n yakatagrin nkatmamb! "oqramasnoujiunn;r% fa\r;niqhn dours% piti ,arounak;n otqi ko.an da®nal% ;rb qa[aqaziakan kam ,r=ana\in pat;raxmakan ba.oumn;r t;[i oun;nan! A\sqan da*®n h ;u ano[oq fa\ axgi darauor patmouj;an yakatagire! A\nqan fra,ago*r‘ h w;rapro[ fa\ vo[owourdin go\;rje qa[aqakrjouj;an yanaparfin!

(<ar& na.ord jiuhn ;u w;r=)


NOR ØR% APRIL 25% 2013



ªRMCº-i ;u ªFrance 3º-i lragro[oufi ~ransouax Âosiin ªArarati Xauakn;reº w;rnagirow girq gra‘ h! Girqe ouni na;u ªWka\oujiunn;r ;njaw;rnagir^ Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an yanacman famarº! Girqi na.abani f;[inake :ouri Yorkah`n h% ke t;[;kaznh ªNouvelles d'Armenieº-in! ªA®ncou;low bolorin^ 1915 j& Z;[aspanoujiune w;rapra‘n;rhn minc;u 1991 j& Fa\astanhn vamana‘n;roun ;u anonz% oronq 19701980 jj& 'a.a‘ ;n jrqakan yn,oumn;rhn% a\s girqe wka\oujiunn;rou mi=ozow k*ourouag‘h `ransafa\;rou patmoujiune% oronz famar ,a[ouile ;u fanrap;touj;an arvhqn;rou nkatmamb \arganqe iskakan warqagi‘ dar]a‘ ;n! Gr;jh mhk fariuram;ak anonq ke sgan ir;nz nafatakn;rou korouste i fakadroujiun Jourqio\% oroun ;uropakan nkrtoumn;re k*ar]anagr;n anor 1915 j& iradar]oujiunn;rou .;[ajiurmambº% ke grh f;[inake! Lragro[e qrtna=an a,.atanq katara‘ h^ fauaq;low tasn;ak wka\oujiunn;r! Girqe f;taqrqrakan h ;u ou,adroujiun ke grauh fratapouj;amb^ fa\ vo[owourdi patmoujiune kap;low n;rka\i f;t!

FFK gor‘adir marmni nisti vamanak% FFK [;kawar% Fa\astani na.agaf S;rv Sargs;ane n;rka\azr;l h gor‘o[ warcap;t Tigran Sargs;anin ;u \a\tn;l% or na krkin ke n,anakoui warcap;ti pa,tønoum! S;rv Sargs;ane a®a=ark;l h na;u ir;nz pa,tønn;roum jo[n;l pa,tpanouj;an na.arar Sh\ran Øfan;anin ;u AG na.arar Hdouard Nalband;anin! Bolor a®a=arkn;rn endounou;l ;n mia]a\n! A\s masin lragro[n;rin \a\tn;l h FFK mamouli qartou[ar Hdouard <armaxanowe! |i,;zn;nq% or na.agafakan entroujiunn;roum w;rentroua‘ S;rv Sargs;ani Aprili 9-i ;rdmnakaloujiuniz \;to\ Fa\astani Safmanadrouj;an fama]a\n^ warcap;t Tigran Sargs;ane norentir na.agafin h n;rka\azr;l ka®awarouj;an fravarakane!

<AÂL AXNAWOURE^ ~RANSOUA ØLANTIN& ª:RB INC-OR BAN KA| FA|:ROU FAMAR% SOZIALISTN:RE KE QOUHARK:N M:R DHMº A,.arfa®cak ;rgic <a®l Axnawoure ªRTLº f;®oustaenk;rouj;an mi=ozow andradar]a‘ h ~ransa\i na.agaf ~ransoua Ølanti qa[aqakanouj;ane^ na.agafin .ndr;low ª'o.;l qa[aqakanouj;an ou[[oujiuneº ;u ªa\d en;l fnarauorins aragº% ªNouvelles d'Armenieº-in! Andrada®nalow Sozialistakan kousakzouj;an qa[aqakanouj;ane% an esa‘ h& ªSozialistakan kousakzoujiune xis k*endwx;znh% orowf;t;u amhn angam% ;rb inc-or ban ka\ fa\;rou famar% anonq ke qouhark;n m;r dhmº! Axnawoure nkati oun;za‘ h Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an v.toume dataparto[ ørhnqe% or zankoujiun ounhr anzn;l Sarqoxin% ba\z ]a.;re anor ke m;[adrhin anor famar% or k*a,.athr baza®aphs na.entrakan nkta®oumn;rh ;ll;low! A\doufand;r]% anonq qouhark;zin ørhnqi øgtin% oroun a®a=in na.a];®no[n;re% fark h \i,;l% or f;nz ir;nq hin!

ASSOCIATED PRESS-E PATMAKAN IRADAR}OUJIUNN:RI ZANKOUM 1915-I APRILI 24-E N<:L H ORPHS FA|OZ Z:{ASPANOUJ:AN ØR Associated Press-e n;rka\azr;l h Aprili 24-in kataroua‘ patmakan fama,.arfa\in iradar]oujiunn;ri zanke% oroum 1915 jouakani a\d øre n,uoum h orphs Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an \i,ataki ør! 1915 jouakani Aprili 24-e famaruoum h Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an m;knarki ør% qani or Øsman;an ka\sroujiune Kostandnoupolsoum f;nz a\d ørn h kotor;l qa[aqakan ;u m,akouja\in fa\ a®a=nordn;rin!% Aprili 24-i øroua\ karga.øs h entrou;l g;rmanakan fin asazoua‘q^ ª"o.;le ;u bar;lau;le ;rkou tarb;r ban;r ;nº! Parxuoum h% or taroua\ 114-rd øre n,anauorou;l h mi ,arq kar;uor patmakan iradar]oujiunn;row! A\spisow^ 1792 jouakani a\d ørn h st;[‘ou;l ~ranisa\i Fanrap;touj;an p;takan Ørfn;rge^ ªMarshlixºe! 1800 jouakanin AMN Qongr;se fastat;l h Qongr;si gradarani st;[‘man masin Ørinagi‘e! 1916-i Aprili 24-in 1600 irlandakan axga\nakann;r apstamboujiun ;n bar]razr;l^ xauj;low Touplini mi qani kar;uor n,anakouj;an wa\r;r! 1953 j&i a\d øre M;‘ Britania\oum n,anauorou;l h nranow% or :[isabhj :rkrord jagoufin asp;ti tit[os h ,norf;l p;takan gor‘ic Ouinsjen Cercilin! 1970 j& Aprili 24-in ªAr;u;lqe Karmir Hº ;rgi n;rqo\ Cinastani Vo[owrdakan Fanrap;toujiune ir a®a=in arban;akn h ar]ak;l ti;x;rq! 1980 j&i a\d øre Miaz;al Nafangn;rn an\a=o[ 'or] h katar;l^ axat;lou Iranoum am;rikazi patandn;rin! A®aq;loujiune ]a.o[ou;l h^ \ang;zn;low AMN ouj xin‘ara\o[n;ri mafouan! Isk fing tari a®a= Aprili 24-in Spitak toune m;[adr;l h Fiusisa\in Qorha\in^ Siria\i ga[tni mi=ouka\in ‘ragrin a=akz;lou famar^ \a\tarar;low% or 2007 j&in Isra\hli ko[miz ocncazoua‘ siriakan mi=ouka\in ®;aktore na.at;soua‘ ci ;[;l^ .a[a[ npatakn;ri famar!

QONKR:SAKAN ATAM <I~E KOC ERA’ H AMN NA>AGAF PARAQ ØPAMA|IN YANCNAL FA|OZ Z:{ASPANOUJIUNE Øpama\in faszhagroua‘ namaki mh= Atam <i` masnauoraphs gra‘ h& ª:s koc k*en;m };x yancal Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune a\s tarua\ };r ;lo\ji mh=% Z;[aspanoujiune anouan;l Z;[aspanoujiun% kangnil Z;[aspanoujiune w;rapra‘ ;u anendfat nouaxo[ mardkanz% xof;rou va®angn;rou ko[qin! Faka®ak paraga\in anonq ke ,arounak;n ta®apil zauhn ;u v.tman nouastazoumhn! Orphs ‘;rakoutakan Douq \aya. .øsa‘ hq Øsman;an ka\srouj;an i,.anouj;an vamanak fa\;rou xangoua‘a\in spanoujiunn;rou masin orphs Z;[aspanoujiun! A\d t;sakhte ke kis;n patmabann;rou xgali m;‘amasnoujiune% n;ra®;al oro, \a\tni jourq patmabann;r! Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune yanczoua‘ h na;u AMN baxmajiu t;[akan ;u nafanga\in i,.anoujiunn;rou% a,.arfi baxmajiu ;rkirn;rou ko[mhnº! N,;nq% or AMN mh= Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune yancza‘ ;n 42 nafangn;r!

FA|ASTANI AXGA|IN GRADARANI MH+ BAZOUA’ H ~RANZ W:R~:LI ªMOUSA L:RAN QAÂASOUN ØR:REº WHPI 80-AM:AKIN NOUIROUA’ ZOUZADROUJIUNE Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an jangaran-institouti ;u FF Axga\in gradarani famagor‘akzouj;amb April 17-in% bazoua‘ h zouzadroujiun^ nouiroua‘ ~ranz W;r`;li ªMousa L;ran Qa®asoun Ør;reº f®cakauor whpi a®a=in fratarakouj;an 80-am;akin! Bazman fandisauor .øsqow ;lo\j oun;za‘ ;n FZJI tnørhn Fa\k D;mo\;ane ;u FF Axga\in gradarani tnørhn Tigran Xargar;ane! FZJI tnørhne Axga\in gradaranin \an]na‘ h Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an jangaran-institouti ko[mhn a\s a®ijow ª:ra.tagitoujiunº ,arqow st;[‘oua‘ ª~ranz W;r`;lº oskh \ou,am;tali mhk ørinak! ªMousa L;ran Qa®asoun Ør;reº patmawhpe% or ke nkaragrh Z;[aspanouj;an tarin;roun kilikiafa\ouj;an go\amarti f;rosakan drouagn;rhn mhke% oroun f;t;uanqow ;u `ransakan ®axmanau;rou ,norfiu w;rafas bna=n=oumhn fra,qow 'rkou;zan au;li qan cors faxar mard% irauamb ke famaroui kojo[a\in st;[‘agor‘oujiun me% oroun bowandakoujiune mhk g;[arou;stakan st;[‘agor‘ouj;an safmann;rou mh= liarvhqørhn ke n;rka\aznh Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an sarsa'n;rn ou inqnapafpanouj;an famar m[oua‘ pa\qare! Axga\in gradarani mh= n;rka\azoua‘ zouzadrouj;an mh= n;ra®oua‘ ;n patmawhpi tarb;r tarin;roun ;u tarb;r l;xoun;row lo\s t;sa‘ au;li qan \isoun fratarakoujiunn;r% oronq Axga\in gradarani ;u Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an jangaran-institouti fauaqa‘oun;rou mas ke kaxm;n!







Na.kin ’;rakoutakan (n;rka\ P;takan Qartou[ar) Yon Q;rri ªPa\qarºi .mbagratan mh=% Ara\ Gala\y;ani (]a.in) ;u Grigor Qhøsh;ani f;t

Miaz;al Nafangn;rou noran,anak P;takan Qartou[ar Yon Q;rri minc;u w;r=;rs n;rka\azouz m;r Nafange orphs M;s;coushzi da,nakza\in entr;al ‘;rakoutakan% f;t;uabar ir pa,tønawarouj;an \a=ordakan 28 ;rkar tarin;rou enjazqin bnakan phtq h nkatoui ir a\z;loujiune Pa\qar Fastatoujiun ;u ªPa\qarºi .mbagroujiun% no\nphs na;u^ an]nakan ‘anøjoujiuns ir f;t! Fanrap;takann;rou famakargoua‘ .a'anararoujiune^ ouri, t;san;li j;kna‘oui me entrouj;an% patya® fandisazau or na.agaf Øpama Q;rriin \an]nh war;lou ;rkrin artaqin qa[aqakanoujiune% pa,tøn me or ir mtas;u;®oumn hr 2004 jouakanin na.agafakan entroujiunn;re korsnzn;lh ;tq Yory Pou,i dimaz% orphs d;mokrat j;kna‘ou! Q;rri yanczoua‘ hr orphs \a®a=adhm ;u ga[a'arakani thr xørauor an]nauoroujiun% oroun m;‘ das ;[a‘ hr Wihjnami pat;raxme! Ir nor pa,tønin \a\tararoujiune inqnab;rabar xis 'o.adr;z 23 tari ;t% y,dørhn 26 ";trouar 1990 jouakane% ;rb inq k∞a\z;lhr ªPa\qarºi .mbagratoun% our m;r angliatar Arminien MirerS'hqjh\jer ,abajaj;rji .mbagir o[baz;al Ara\ Gala\y;ani f;t miasin ;rkar .øsakzoujiun me oun;za‘ hinq ir f;t% brojøqola\in safmann;rhn dours! |a=ord ør ’;rako\te piti qouharkhr Fa\kakan Z;[aspanouj;an yanacman bana];ue% oroun n;rka\azman mh= kar;uor d;r me oun;za‘ hin inq ;u ’;rako\ti Fanrap;takan "oqramasnouj;an [;kawar Pap Tol! :rkou m;‘ ;u wstaf;li fa\ashrn;r% incphs ke yancna\inq xir;nq! <abaj me a®a=% 19-21 ";trouarin% Fa\kakan Z;[aspanouj;an 75- am;akin a®jiu ’;rako\ti mh= fa\kakan S.J. Res. 212 bana];uin qnnarkman enjazqin ‘aga‘ wiyabanoujiunn;re w;ra‘oua‘ hin j;r ou dhm bou®n banak®iui! A\s masin .øs;low Q;rri esau jh bana];uin dhm qouharko[ fanrap;takan 49 ‘arakoutakann;re gl.auorabar m[oua‘ hin ªqa[aqakan ,afa.ndrouj;nh% da,nakiz me cw,tazn;lou mtafogouj;ambº! Q;rri ir ko[mh axdou mi=amtouj;amb me pa,tpana‘ hr bana];uin endounoume% koc en;low or ‘;rakoutakann;re ,arvin ir;nz ªfauaqakan .[ymtanqow% qan jh qa[aqakan fa,iun;rowº% ou pafan=a‘ ;u endounil toua‘ hr or ’;rako\tin mh= ambo[=ouj;amb granzouin d;span Morkenjaoui ªAxgi me Spanoujiuneº wka\oujiune ;u :rkrord A,.arfamarthn ;tq :ritjourq;rou datawarouj;anz ar]anagroujiune! Isk fima bolors mtafog hinq \a=ord ør ’;rako\tin ørakarge kaxmo[ Bana];uin qouharkouj;an ardiunqow% faka®ak npastauor pa\mann;rou! Ir isk na.a];®nouj;amb% Yon Q;rri ªPa\qarºi f;®a]a\now kapou;zau ‘;rakoutakan Pap Toli f;t% i Oua,inkjen% t;[;ak ellalou famar 60 ]a\n;rou m;‘amasnouj;amb bana];uin endounman gor‘enjazin! Farzouz manramasnoujinn;r tarouo[ a,.atanqin masin% ir ko[mh talow na;u ir kar‘iqe! >øsakize ir \o\se korsnzouza‘ ke jouhr ellal% ;u chr t;sn;r fnarauoroujiune a\d fam;matouj;amb ]a\n;rou fama.mboumin! Q;rri m;xi .ostazau \a=ord <ar& h= 15

Loure kou gar G;rmanio\ Ma\nz qa[aqhn! Ardar;u% fa\kakan News.am t;[;katou gor‘akaloujiune ";trouar 7% 2013 jouakanin ke fa[ordhr jh G;rmanio\ mh= gor‘o[ jourq tas mioujiunn;r bo[oq n;rka\azouza‘ hin Ma\nzi qa[aqap;t Miqa\hl Hplinkin^ no\n qa[aqi Kiujhnphrk jangaranin mh= bazoua‘ Fa\ Tpagrouj;an 500 am;akin nouiroua‘ zouzafandhsi mh= Jourqio\ dhm ªFa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an farzowº ;[a‘ pndoumn;roun ;u w;ragroumn;roun kapakzouj;amb! ªJh;u qa[aqap;tn enjazq ci tou;l jourqakan ko[mi pafan=n;rin ;u an'o'o. mnazin Z;[aspanouj;an masin patmo[ zouzanakn;reº% ke grh t;[;katou gor‘akaloujiune% ªsaka\n au;lazou;z na;u jourq;ri n;rka\azra‘ namakiz mi fatoua‘% ort;[ n,ououm hr ªo[b;rgouj;anº% ª;rkou ko[mi 'o.adar] w,ti masinº% baza\a\t mh=b;roumn;r en;low pa,tønakan Angara\i møt;zoumn;rizº! No\npisi fakaya®ouj;an me jat;rab;me ;[a‘ h na;u Gobhnf;keni mh= Daniakan Arqa\akan Gradaranin ;u Fa\astani Fanrap;touj;an d;spanatan miat;[ =anq;row 2012 jouakani D;kt;mb;r amsouan enjazqin kaxmak;rpoua‘ zouzafandhse^ ªFa\kakan Z;[aspanoujiune ;u Skantinau;an ;rkirn;rou fakaxd;zoujiuneº .oragrow! Ardar;u% jourq d;spanatoune bou®n k;rpow bo[oqa‘ h a\s zouzafandhsin dhm% stip;low or gradarani tnørhn Hrlant Qoltink Nilshn fama]a\n gtnoui møtik apaga\in jrqakan jhx;re baza\a\to[ ;u pa,tpano[ faka-zouzafandhsi me kaxmak;rpoumin! At;nin fa\ mamoule andradar]au a\s ;rkou dhpq;roun% ou manauand ar]agang fandisazau 37 Jourq mtauorakann;rou ko[mh storagroua‘ a\n bo[oq namakin% orow anonq ke ]a[khin Jourq p;touj;an^ Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an ;u a\s zouzafandhsi kapakzouj;amb ord;gra‘ v.to[akan dirqe ;u qa[aqakanoujiune! I dhp phtq h n,;l jh ;uropakan j;rj;r ;u fratarakoujiunn;r la\nørhn andradar]an a\s ;rkou dhpq;roun! Ørinaki famar% ªTe Gobhnf;ken "osjº øraj;rje ir 14 D;kt;mb;r 2012 jiuin mh= t;[ kou tar Daniakan ªO[=akixouj;an ;u Z;[aspanouj;an F;taxøtakan Fimnarkºi tnørhn Shsili Panqh\in \ødoua‘in% our an ke grhr& ªA\s ør;roun m;nq ke spas;nq or p;toujiun me endouni ir \anzanqe% srbagrh ir ørinaxanzoujiunn;re ;u xof;roun fatouzoum enh! Yi,d asor dhm h or ke k®oui Jourqiaº! Ardar;u% a\s ;rkou dhpq;rou farzow Jrqakan fakaxd;zoujiune irarmh an=at% ;u irarou f;t kap coun;zo[ dhpq;r c;n% a\l mas ke kaxm;n jrqakan ®axmawarakan .orq ;u bno\j oun;zo[% ;u tarin;rh i w;r gor‘adrouo[% ‘ragr;al pa\qari me^ Fa\ Dati ;u fa\ vo[owourdi dhm! A\s pa\qare% au;li yi,de piti ellar es;l a\s pat;raxme% ke miti amhn mi=ozn;row pa\qaril Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 'ast;roun ;u mi=axga\in makardaki wra\ ;[a‘ pndoumn;roun dhm% t;san;li ;u ant;san;li amhn mi=ozn;row! A\d pa\qare k*enjana\ xirar ambo[=azno[ ;r;q ou[[oujiunn;row! A®a=ine akad;makan% ;rkrorde qa[aqakan-diuanagitakan% isk ;rrorde t;[;katouakan bno\j oun;zo[ ;u irarou agouzoua‘ ‘ragra\in la\n ,r=ag‘ow ®axmawaroujiun men h% or i gor‘ ke droui tarin;rh i w;r ou nor ja' k*a®nh orqan ke møt;na\ Fa\kakan Z;[aspanouj;an 100 am;aki n,oume^ 2015 jouakanin! <ar& h= 15


NOR ØR% APRIL 25% 2013



(Fatoua‘ ª|ou,;ris f;tº antip grqiz^ \apauoumn;row)


A& ªAprilº amis h krkin% ou Mafouan tar;li#z&&&! - OC% ke patas.an;m ;s in‘i% a\l&&& ªKOC:M APRO{AZ&&&º N;ra,.arfis dou®n h or ke jak;n! Amhn tari April amisin% n;rqin ou.tagnazoujiun me ke katar;m dhpi Anfoune! ’anøj ;u an‘anøj n;rqin ouv;r k*a[mk;n n;ra,.arfis mh=! M;rj ke w;r\a\tnouin ibr;u patk;r ou .of;r&&& m;rj^ dasakan ;rav,toujiun% fatoua‘n;r fog;fangst;an famanouagn;rh kam pataragn;rh&&&! Wi,ts ke qa[zrana\ kar‘hq fogihs n;rs% ou ;s w;rstin k*aprim a\n pafs% ;rb% ibr;u ou.tauor ke gtnouhi yi,d a\n Fo[in wra\% or 1915-1918 ;[;r hr an,irim g;r;xmanatoune m;r mhk milion ou khs nafatakn;roun! Falhphn minc;u Thr-Xør inqna,arvow ;r;q vamouan yanaparf hr! T;[-t;[ ªaf;[awax :'ratnº hr% or ke g‘agrouhr bnouj;an mh=! :'ra@te&&& or ke kalanauorhr mta‘oumn;rs ou ke w;rartadrhr faxar angam faxar anpatanq diakn;roun an‘hs \ordafos =our k;ndani% ‘na‘ l;®na,.arfhn fa\kakan% or cfasau saka\n ellalou =our emp;li ;u \ag;zn;lou qa[zn ou ‘araue faxar angam faxar nøji ou ‘arau taragirn;rou! Ou ;s :'rati kamour=hn k*ou[[ouim dhpi Nafatakaz |ou,ar]an-Matou®e! Thr-Xør% Kiraki ;u April 24! A\sinqn^ kiraknør;a\ ‘hs ou patarag! An]natour n;ra,.arfa\in al;ko‘oumn;rous% ke møt;nam \ou,aqar;roun&&& akna‘anqow! >acqar ;u anmar boze krakin! Cgroua‘ banast;[‘oujiun! Matn;rs ke .r;m s;u fo[in mh=% a' me fo[ a®n;lou famar f;ts ;u \an]n;lou arou;staght bar;kamis% or k*ouxhr w;rst;[‘;l Warouvanin ªKarmir Fo[eº q;rjoua‘in w;renj;rzoumin parg;ua‘ g;[arou;stakan paf;re! Ou fo[e ke srbana\ matn;rous mh=! K*ella\ si*rte baba.oun^ Komitasin ou Warouvanin! K*ella\ ;rg ou

q;rjoua‘^ mta‘oumn;rous mh=% forow;l ou ,arakan^ ,rjn;rous wra\% arzounq ou fa®ac fogiis .ore! Sa fo@[e&&& or qic a®a= j;r;us parx fo[ men hr takauin% minc fima ardhn k*a\rh matn;rs ou k*ella\ krakh \i,o[oujiun&&&! Git;m% \ou,-\i,atakn;rn ;n or ,ounc ;u fogi kou tan a\s fo[in! Fog;fangi@st ke kataroui a\st;[% |ou,ar]an-Matou®in storg;tn;a\ .orfrdatoune! K*i=n;m war sandou.n;rou paro\rhn% ourkh wa\rafak na\oua‘qs |ou,asiune ke parourh! Osk;rotiqn h nafatakn;roun! Srbaza‘ ou n,.ar dar]a‘ osk;rotiq! Komitas;an ªThr O[orm;a*ºn k*;rgouhr baxkatara‘ ;u^ ªTour a,.arfis .a[a[oujiunº k*a[;rshr! ’hsn ou patarage^ jo[ or ,arounakouhr w;re% .oranhn% isk ;s^ ella\i an]natour m;‘ago\n .orfourdin^ l®ouj;an ]a\nani,;re w;r‘ano[! Ella\i a\d pafoun .orfrdakir pataragic me^ ansq;m ou anw;[ar% wa®hi \o\si ;u lo\si kanj;[-mom me% ;rkouq;r;q&&& ªwasn ];r ;u baxmazº% bolorin% ªorq ankan \enjazs m;‘ ;[;®niº! Jo[hq xis minak% nafatakaz srbaxan \ou,asiunin f;t% orphsxi ;s anor mh= o[=oun;m k;ndanaza‘ ou w;rak;ndanaza‘ .orfourde m;r lin;liouj;an ;u a\s \ou,aqarin møt% jo[hq or ellam fa\r;ni banast;[‘in .orfrdakiz ou&&& ªcoq;m ‘ounki% qaranam a\st;[ a®anz arzounqi&&&º ;u ,arounak;m anauart xro\zs srbaza‘ ou qaraza‘ n,.arn;rous f;t! Orphsxi% \;to\% w;rada®nam krkin im a,.arfs ;u nafatakn;rou jiuin fauasar qar ou n,.ar w;ra‘ouin lous;[hn siuni% stanan marmi∞n ou ;rg;n 'a®qe FRA<ALI |AROUJ:AN! B& ªKoc;m apro[azº%- k*ar]agang;nq banast;[‘in frauhrin! Tasnam;akn;re a\sqa#n aragørhn saf;zan ou m;x faszouzin Z;[aspanouj;an 100-am;aki ,hmin! N;ra,.arfis dou®e ke jak;n baxma.orfourd mta‘oumn;r! Axgowin% kangna‘ ;nq% bolors^ s;roundn;r taragir% Z;[aspanouj;an 100-am;aki ,hmin% ou <ar& h= 14

WAFAN BAFAR:AN 1915 j& fa\;ri taragroujiunn ou kotora‘e anmardka\in mi=ozn;row% no\n ];®agrow hr kataruoum Ar;umt;an Fa\astani ;u Kilikia\i bolor fa\abnak wa\r;roum% a\d juoum Isk;nt;rouni San=aqoum ;u ,r=aka\qoum% Ph\lanoum ;u ,r=aka\ bnakawa\r;roum% oronz fa\ouj;ane ;us faszr;zin Siria\i anapatn;re^ bna=n=;lou npatakow! Taragroua‘ fa\;re Thr Xøri anapatn;roum dvo.qi k;anqe t;san minc;u nafatakou;le! Nranq a[acoum hin Ast‘oun% or mi wa\rk;an ,out a®ni fogin;rn ou axatou;n^ ir;nz patoui aratauoroumiz% tan=anqn;riz% carcaranqn;riz% anøjoujiuniz% ‘a®auoujiuniz% fiuandoujiuniz ;u m;rkoujiuniz! Fa\;rin spannoum hin faraxatn;ri acq;ri a®=;u a\landak fnarn;row% oronz minc a\d ‘anøj chr mardkoujiune! Aqsoroua‘n;re baxmajiu faraxatn;r korzr;zin! Aqsoroum o[= mnaza‘n;re w;radar]an bnørrani ir;nz bnakawa\r;re! Taragroujiuniz \;to\ San=aq w;radar]an na;u Our`a% Qilis% A\njap ;u a\l wa\r;riz aqsoroua‘ fa\;ri 'rkoua‘ ,a®aui[n;ri mi mase% oronq ga[ji vamanak korzr;l hin ir;nz faraxatn;rin kam nranz m;‘amasnouj;ane ;u chin imanoum our gnal% ort;[ patsparou;l&&&! Dar;r ,arounak fa\ vo[owourde f;‘‘;l h jourqakan l‘i tak ir isk fo[i wra\% xourk lin;low mardka\in am;natarrakan irauounqn;riz% qani or ci karo[az;l fama.mboua‘ dours gal pa\qari enddhm jourqakan p;touj;an! Fa\kakan a®an]in bnakawa\r;roum b®nkoua‘ embostoujiunn;re drakan ardiunq c;n tou;l fa\ vo[owrdi apr;lak;rpe 'o.;lou gor‘oum% endfaka®ake% dranq davanørhn yn,ou;l ;n ;u patya® dar];l fa\;ri noranor kotora‘n;ri ou fala‘anqn;ri^ fa\ vo[owrdi wra\ au;lazn;low p;takan fark;re ;u hl au;li storazn;low nranz mardka\in ;u entan;kan baro\akan arvaniqn;re! A\s bolori f;t;uanqow fa\ ,inakane ;u qa[aqazin \a\tnou;zin bant;roum% aqsorawa\r;roum^ anlour ta®apanqn;ri ;njarkou;low ou kotorou;low% ;u stipoua‘ f;®azan% artaga[j;zin ir;nz bnørraniz% ama\ouj;an matn;low Fa\oz a,.arfe! 19-rd dari ;rkrord khsin fa\;ri axga\in axatagrakan ,arvoumn;rn au;li a,.ouvazan% ;rb :uropa\i g;rp;toujiunn;ri^ Âousastani% Anglia\i% ~ransia\i ;u G;rmania\i ,af;re ba.ou;zin K& Polsi darpasn;rin! Amhn mhke ]gtoum hr tiranal au;li m;‘ pata®i Jourqia\i fa,ouin% ori l‘i tak ta®apoum hin fa\;re ;u baxmajiu a\l axg;r! Nranq ,afagor‘oum hin Fa\kakan farze% a\n ‘a®a\;zn;low ir;nz npatakn;rin! 1877-78 jj& ®ous-jourqakan pat;raxmoum Jourqia\i partoujiune ;u 1878 j& Marti 3-i San St;`ano\i pa\managroum 16-rd \ødoua‘ow fa\kakan farze mtzn;le% orow pafan=uoum hr Jourqia\iz^ fa\kakan ,r=ann;roum t;[akan pafan=n;rin famapatas.an bar;norogoumn;r anzkazn;l ;u fa\;ri anwtangoujiunn apafow;l minc;u ®ousakan xørq;ri dours gale% \o\s;r n;r,nc;zin fa\;rin! Ba\z \;taga\ tarin;ri iradar]oujiunn;re zo\z touin% or Jourqian amhn k;rp .ousa'oum h katar;l pa\managri pafan=n;re ;u ‘ragr;r m,ak;l a\d gl.azauanqiz axatou;lou famar! 1878 j& |oulisi 13-in knqoua‘ P;®lini pa\managri fama]a\n Fa\kakan farzin w;rab;ro[ 16-rd \ødoua‘e dar]au 61-rd \ødoua‘% orin Âousastani f;t anmi=akan masnakiz dar]au Anglian ;us! Est a\d pa\managri bar;norogoumn;r phtq h anzkazouhin ®ousakan xørq;ri f;®analouz \;to\ a\d ,r=ann;riz! Fa\kakan farze fa\ vo[owrdin b;r;z ankan.at;s;li f;t;uanqn;r% oronz fimnakan m;[qn enknoum h g;rp;toujiunn;ri wra\! A\st;[ phtq h kar;uor;l 3 farz& 1) G;rp;toujiunn;re ,afark;low Fa\kakan farze% ouxoum hin ir;nz kamqe partadr;l Jourqia\in% qa[aqakan ,af;r apafow;lou <ar& h= 13


President Sargsyan Lays Wreath To Armenian Genocide Memorial Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan, along with First Lady Rita Sargsyan, visited the capital city Yerevan’s Armenian Genocide Memorial early in the morning on Wednesday, April 24, and laid a wreath to the monument (Photo). The President was accompanied by National Assembly Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan, PM Tigran Sargsyan, Constitutional Court President Gagik Harutyunyan, interim Government members, and MPs. At the memorial, Catholicos of All Arme(#8(%&<8"$=#(&>>&-9$"$,&8&"$?'#$5&%$"4#!$& in memory of the 1.5 million innocent victims of the Genocide. Thousands of Armenian citizens, Diaspora Armenians, and foreign guests are visiting the Armenian Genocide Memorial since early morning. At present, the heads of diplomatic missions accredited in Yerevan are laying wreaths to the monument. To note, on Wednesday, April 24, Armenians living worldwide commemorate the 98th anniversary of the Armenian Geno!#,$;&)2$&0"%)&@$(-!#,$&-A&)2$&BC)2&!$()'"/6

Civilized Mankind Must Finally Hear Our Voice And Condemn The Terrible Crime Committed By Ottoman Turkey President of Artsakh Republic Bako Sahakyan issued an address on the occasion of Armenian Genocide anniversary. As Armenpress was informed from NKR presidential press service the letter mainly reads: “Dear compatriots, Every year on this very day the entire Ar5$(#8(&1$-1*$&#(&8**&?'8")$"%&-A&)2$&:-"*,& pay homage to the memory of 1,5 million innocent victims of the 1915 Genocide. We once again raise our voice against violence and massacres, evil and crime, for the victory of historic justice and exclusion of further genocides. 72$&!#4#*#D$,&58(=#(,&5'%)&0(8**/&2$8"& our voice that calls for protecting and developing national and human values must condemn the terrible crime carried out by the Ottoman Turkey. The Armenian nation has many friends who have helped us both at that critical moment, giving harbor to our barely-survived compatriots and today standing beside us supporting our demands. We remember everyone and are profoundly grateful to all of you. Strengthening day by day the independent Armenian statehood and cementing the Armenia-Artsakh-Diaspora unshakable )"#(#)/;&:$&5-4$&:#)2&0"5&8(,&%)$8,/&%)$1%& towards secure and safe future, building a strong and developed homeland for the generations to come. This is our response to all the hardship; this is the only way of keeping alive the memory of all the victims”.

The Armenian Genocide By Kevork Keushkerian

Under the instruction of the Ottoman rulers, a massacre and a mass deportation of the Armenians had commenced on this day in 1915. The victims of these atrocities exceed 1.5 million. The fact of the Armenian Genocide is rec-@(#D$,&./&('5$"-'%&!-'()"#$%6&>)&:8%&0"%)& recognized in 1965 by Uruguay. The Armenian Genocide is also recognized by Russia,

France, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Poland, Lithuania, Slovakia, Switzerland, Sweden, Greece, Cyprus, Lebanon, Canada, Venezuela, Argentina, Chile, and 42 US states. The Armenian Genocide is also recognized by The Vatican, the European Parliament, and the World Council of Churches.

Obama Refers To Armenian Genocide As “Meds Yeghern” U.S. President Barack Obama issued a statement on the Armenian Remembrance Day. The statement reads as follows: ”Today we commemorate the Meds Yeghern and honor those who perished in -($&-A&)2$&:-"%)&8)"-!#)#$%&-A&)2$&BC)2&!$(tury. Ninety-eight years ago, 1.5 million Armenians were massacred or marched )-& )2$#"& ,$8)2%& #(& )2$& 0(8*& ,8/%& -A& )2$& H))-58(& I51#"$6& J$& 18'%$& )-& "$F$!)& -(& the lives extinguished and remember the '(%1$8=8.*$&%'9$"#(@&)28)&-!!'""$,6&>(&%-& doing, we are joined by millions across the world and in the United States, where it is solemnly commemorated by our states, institutions, communities, and families. We also remind ourselves of our commitment to ensure that such dark chapters of history are not repeated. I have consistently stated my own view of what occurred in 1915, and my view has not changed. A full, frank, and just acknowledgement of the facts is in all of our interests. Nations grow stronger by acknowledging and reckoning with painful elements of the past, thereby building

a foundation for a more just and tolerant future. We appreciate this lesson in the United States, as we strive to reconcile some of the darkest moments in our own history. We recognize those courageous Armenians and Turks who have already taken this path, and encourage more to do so, with the backing of their governments, and mine. The history and legacy of the Armenian people is marked by an indomitable spirit, and a great resiliency in the face of )"$5$(,-'%&8,4$"%#)/&8(,&%'9$"#(@6&72$& United States is stronger for the contributions Armenian-Americans have made to our society, our culture, and our communities. In small measure we return that contribution by supporting the Armenian people as they work toward building a nation that would make their ancestors proud: one that cherishes democracy and respect for human liberty and dignity. Today we stand with Armenians everywhere in recalling the horror of the Meds Yeghern, honoring the memory of those *-%);&8(,&8K"5#(@&-'"&$(,'"#(@&!-55#)ment to the people of Armenia.”

On Behalf Of The Armenian Rights Council Of America, Western Region. The anticipated scenario has happened. After a long period of poor communication and antagonistic work, the Armenian community is now, unfortunately, divided in its $9-")%&)-&$%)8.*#%2&8&3$(-!#,$&E$5-"#8*&#(& the City of Pasadena. Each year on April 24th, the Armenian Genocide is usually commemorated in an atmosphere of solemnity and unconditional unity throughout most cities and towns in Armenia and in the diaspora. Armenian Genocide observances are rare occasions when everyone in the community shares a core and common mindset, namely to mourn, remember, and demand restorative justice. April 24th belongs to all Armenians,

irrespective of their citizenship, age, and political, cultural or spiritual preferences. For the record, the Armenian Rights Council of America, Western Region, refuses to sponsor an Armenian Genocide Memorial project, which is in rivalry with another similar project. Further, it will not get #(4-*4$,& #(& 8& !-(F#!)& -A& 1$"%-(8*& 8@$(,8%& aimed at one-upmanship, and discrediting fellow Armenians and worthy projects. Today, more than ever, it is imperative )28)&-'"&!-55'(#)/G%&$9-")%&.$&!-5.#($,6& Only through collaborative work, mutual respect, and cooperative spirit to achieve a !-55-(&@-8*;&:#**&:$&.$&8.*$&)-&A'*0**&-'"&

Continued on page 9

This year is the 98th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. 98 years seem to be a long time, but the memory of the 1.5 million innocent Armenians is still alive because they lost their lives in vain. They were not criminals, rather ordinary citizens of the Ottoman Empire, who were tending to their daily business of working hard to make a decent living for their families. We can still hear the deafening cries of the young women who threw themselves in the mighty Euphrates River, to escape rape by the barbaric soldiers of the Ottoman Army. We can still hear the sharp whistle of the bullets shot from the guns of the soldiers, aimed at the innocent men lined up as war criminals. We can still hear the heartbreaking cries of the children who were left behind because they were too weak to walk, as their mothers marched on in the deportation lines. We will keep hearing those terrible !"#$%&'()#*&+'%)#!$&#%&,-($&./&0"%)&1"-1$"& recognition of the Genocide by the Turk#%2&3-4$"(5$()6&72$(&0(8(!#8*&!-51$(sation will be due for the lost lives, for the stolen property and wealth, and for the physical harm and the mental anguish caused by the forced deportation, which was conducted under the false pretense of relocation. What happened 98 years ago was a %/%)$58)#!& $9-")& )-& 8((#2#*8)$& 8& :2-*$& nation, perpetrated by the government of the Young Turks, who had just come to power, after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. The ambitious trio of Government Ministers; Talaat, Anver and Jemal, did everything in their power to solve once and for all the Armenian problem. The current Turkish Government denies that there has ever been Genocide. They claim that there was an uprising 8(,&#(&)2$#"&$9-")&)-&%'11"$%%&)28);&)2$"$& were casualties on both sides. But this is what then US Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire Henry Morgenthau Sr. wrote to the Secretary of State in Washington on July 16, 1915. The letter was numbered 858. “Have you received my 841? Deportation of and excesses against peaceful Armenians is increasing and from harrowing reports of eye witnesses it appears that a campaign of race extermination is in progress under a pretext of reprisal against rebellion. Protests and as well as threats are unveiling and probably incite the Ottoman government to more drastic measures as they are determined to disclaim responsibility for their absolute disregard of capitulation and I believe nothing short of actual force which obviously United States are not in a position to exert would

Continued on page 9


Nor Or Weekly - Thursday April 25, 2013

!"#$%&"#'(%)"*#'+#,"-(%.#/+.0123-"4#5%6".73.#/8(%28"1#5.4#/8(%28#91-3-"1 !"#$%&'(#)*+#,-.+"/0"#1+213+#24#)*+#5+1673/8#24#,-.+"/0(#)*+#5+1673/8#24#90:2-"2;<0-070=*#0">#)*+#>/0?12-0#@/33#82..+.2-0)+#)*+#&%%)*#0""/A+-?0-B#24#)*+#,-.+"/0"#C+"28/>+#82../))+>#7B#)*+#D))2.0"#E.1/-+F In 1915, more than 1.5 million Armenians became victims of genocide. The survivors on the roads of exile found shelter in Eastern Armenia, present-day Republic of Armenia, Syria, Lebanon and other Arabic nations, and in a number of other countries of the world. The Genocide victims and the internally displaced people who lived under the jurisdiction of the Ottoman Empire in Western Armenia, Cilicia, and other regions of the Ottoman Empire, along with their own personal estates, also lost estates and holdings owned by the church - churches , sanctuaries and monasteries; religious, educational and charitable institutional centers; treasures of cultural and religious value - cross-stones (khachkars), illuminated manuscripts, icons and other items of value; and holdings 2@"+>#7B#)*+#G)0)+#24#H6-=+B#6">+-#)*+#830??/I80)/2"#24#J070">2"+>#+?)0)+?KF 98 years after the Genocide the present Turkish nation, as the successors of the Ottoman Empire, not only deny that its predeces?2-?#132))+>#0">#82../))+>#)*+#C+"28/>+(#76)#03?2#82")/"6+?#/)?#0")/;,-.+"/0"#123/8B(#?)/33#-+)0/"/":#82"I?80)+>#8*6-8*#+?)0)+?#0"># properties, and religious and cultural treasures of the Armenian people. Therefore, We call on the Republic of Turkey and demand the following: 1- To recognize the Armenian Genocide; $;#H2#4633B#82.1+"?0)+#)*+#,-.+"/0"?#@*2#?6L+-+>#32??+?#0">#)*+#A/230)/2"#24#)*+/-#*6.0"#0">#"0)/2"03#-/:*)?M 3- To immediately return the Armenian churches, monasteries, church properties, and spiritual and cultural treasures, to the Armenian people as their rightful owner. Remembering the victims of the Armenian Genocide with prayers, We condemn any violation against God- given life, human dignity and the peaceful coexistence of people “For God is not the God of discord, but of peace “ (Corinthians 14.33), and has called on people for love, solidarity and cooperation. With gratitude We honor all nations and peoples who gave shelter to the Armenians displaced by Genocide, and showed compassion and brotherly love for the dispersed and exiled Armenians. The Armenian nation will also be eternally grateful to all the nations who, guided by the principles of humanity and justice, have 82">+."+>#0">#2N8/033B#-+82:"/O+>#)*+#,-.+"/0"#C+"28/>+F D"#)*+#+A+#24#)*+#&%%)*#0""/A+-?0-B#24#)*+#,-.+"/0"#C+"28/>+#@+#.6?)#16)#033#26-#+L2-)?#/")2#08)/2"#)2#-+03/O+#)*+#>+.0">?#24# the Armenian nation for the sake of justice and defense of the rights of all Armenians.



FG363#/3??1#5%6".73.#H31132%"1#F."#FI#'8"#!+%1-#9C".-1#FI#JK'8#/".-(%*#L# 56G31134+%#M"N"%. U.S. Ambassador to Armenia John Heffern and his spouse Libby visited the Memorial to the Armenian Genocide victims. ,4)+-# 30B/":# P2@+-?# )2# )*+# Q+.2-/03(# Ambassador said they had come there to honor memory of the dead people. President Obama calls massacres of 1.5 million Armenians one of the worst events 24#)*+#$%)*#8+")6-B(#,.70??0>2-#?0/>F The fact of the Armenian Genocide is rec2:"/O+>#7B#.0"B#?)0)+?F#!)#@0?#I-?)#-+82:nized in 1965 by Uruguay. In general, the Armenian Genocide in Ottoman Turkey has already been recognized by Russia, France, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Poland, Lithuania, Slovakia, Switzerland, Sweden, Greece, Cyprus, Lebanon, Canada, Venezuela, Argentina, and 42 U.S. states. Armenian Genocide was recognized by the Vatican, European Parliament and the World Council of Churches.

>3?"%7"#@+*"%#A.#B"%"C3.#'+#D+7.#5%6".73.1#E+%#=".+274"#/+66"6+%3-7+.#9C".-1 French MP, author of the Armenian Genocide bill Valerie Boyer has arrived in Armenia. In Yerevan, she held a meeting with the members of the Armenia-France parliamentary friendship group. Welcoming the guest, head of the group Ara Babloyan said they are hosting a person whose approach and actions displayed France’s attitude toward Armenia. Valerie Boyer thanked her colleagues for warm reception, noting it is her second visit to Armenia. Boyer stressed she had come to Yerevan to join Armenians and

honor memory of the Armenian Genocide victims. She informed about creation of a friendship group with Nagorno-Karabakh, noting that several former French MPs are engaged in the activities of the group. Armenian MP thanked Valerie Boyer for her visit on the eve of April 24. They restated their readiness to do their best to expand friendly ties between the states. In her turn, Valerie Boyer said she will continue her work to raise the Armenian issue.

A.#A1%3"?O#@+-8#/+3?7-7+.#5.4#F;;+17-7+.#$%&"# Remembrance Of Armenian Genocide Both coalition and opposition members Tuesday commemorated the Armenian genocide by the Ottoman Turks, despite !?-0+3R?#+L2-)?#)2#10)8*#)*/":?#61#@/)*#H6-=+B#2A+-#)*+#-0/>#2"#)*+#C0O0#P2)/330#)*-++# years ago in which eight Turkish nationals died, says an article in Haaretz.com. Because of Jerusalem’s past close relations with Ankara, the government has "+A+-# 2N8/033B# -+82:"/O+># )*+# +A+")?# 0?# genocide, says the article. “How many of us are really familiar with the Armenian holocaust? Why are we indifferent when Turkey does not take responsibility?” said MK Ayelet Shaked (Habayit

Hayehudi). MK Israel Hasson (Kadima) called on his colleagues to support the Armenian people. “We’ve formed an Israeli-Armenian friendship association, and I call on any MKs who want to express solidarity to join /)(#+A+"#/4#)*+#:2A+-".+")#*0?#>/N863)B#42-mulating a statement.” MK Zahava Gal-On (Meretz) referred to the reconciliation talks with Turkey as “an important and strategic process. It’s not that we have to either recognize the genocide or have relations with Turkey; we can do both.” DI-# ,=6"/?(# 0# >+16)B# ./"/?)+-# /"# )*+#

S-/.+#Q/"/?)+-R?#DN8+(#?0/>#)*0)#J0?#T+@?# and Israelis we have a moral obligation to remember human tragedies. One of them was the massacre of the Armenian people. The State of Israel has never denied these terrible events.” The Armenian Genocide has been recognized and condemned by Uruguay (1965), the Republic of Cyprus (1982), Argentina (1993), Russia (1995), Canada (1996), Greece (1996), Lebanon (1997), Belgium U&VVWX(# !)03B# U$%%%X(# Y0)/80"# U$%%%X(# Z-0"8+# U$%%&X(#G@/)O+-30">#U$%%[X(#G32A0=/0#U$%%\X(# H*+# 9+)*+-30">?# U$%%\X(# S230"># U$%%'X(# C+-.0"B#U$%%'X(#Y+"+O6+30#U$%%'X(#]/)*60"/0#U$%%'X(#^*/3+#U$%%_X(#G@+>+"#U$%&%XF#H*+# Armenian Genocide has been recognized by Vatican, the Council of Europe and the World Council of Churches.

9:;"%-#<3*1#=".+274"# Crime Against Human Values Head of Modus Vivendi Center, political expert Ara Papian stressed the need to start the Armenian Genocide compensation process. JH*+# I-?)# ?)0:+# ?*263># 7+# /.13+.+")+># on the level of individuals, with the second one to demand for compensation on the community level. The third stage envisages return of lost territories,” the expert said. He further termed genocide as a crime against both humanity and human values, noting that Turkey will probably pursue contradictory policies ahead of the geno8/>+#&%%)*#0""/A+-?0-BF “Ankara will toughen position on the Armenian community and Armenia in general,” Mr. Papian said. J,-.+"/0#.6?)#2L+-#0#"+@#>286.+")#)2# replace the protocols,” the expert said, adding that a large number of genocide-related documents have not been studied yet.

Genocide Scholar Israel Charny Donates His Library To Armenian Genocide H(1"(6LA.1-7-(-" The Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute (AGMI) will continue to present the true history not only through the permanent exhibition but also in exhibition halls of large world capitals, AGMI Director Hayk Demoyan told a news conference on Tuesday. Demoyan stressed the importance of the exhibitions held in the hall of the Catholic Church of Beirut and in Copenhagen Royal Library last year. “These exhibitions triggered a response from the Turkish embassy, which led to a harsh response by the Danish public. ,726)# $'%# 8-/)/803# 0-)/83+?# @+-+# 1673/?*+># in Denmark. The key thesis was that Turkey has no right to voice an opinion denying the Armenian Genocide in Denmark,” Demoyan said. Demoyan said that AGMI is planning to sign a number of agreements including with the Canadian Museum of Human Rights. “We pretend to become a big research center that will carry out researches not only on the Armenian Genocide but also on genocide studies in general,” he said. The AGMI Director added that famous genocide scholar, editor-in-chief of the Encyclopedia of Genocide Israel W. Charny has donated his personal library to the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute.


Nor Or Weekly - Thursday April 25, 2013

!"#"$%&'(&)&*+,+-.&)$#/''0(+$1-2$30($1(4&*-,5$$$$$$$$ 1(+),675$8,.,676$1*2$1+9%-)6$:-22;&$<,)+$1(4&*-,*)

1''&,;=$>7&$?@(0A&))B$#70/;2$C/(D$>7&$E&F,+-0*-)4$ C&G0(&$>7&$HII>7$1**-.&(),(D$JG$>7&$K&*0A-2&

Congressional Armenian Caucus CoChairmen Frank Pallone (D-NJ) and Michael Grimm (R-NY) were joined by over twenty of their colleagues in calling on leading House foreign aid appropriators to increase aid to Armenia, expand assistance for Nagorno Karabakh, target allocations for Javakhk, and support refugee resettlement funding for displaced Christian Armenian populations in the Middle East, as &+#() !"8!/9#) &+#) :-,9!') ;#!5) <=>?) @.5#-2/) aid bill, reported the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA). “All friends of Armenia join in expressing our appreciation to each and every legislator supporting this initiative to advance our interests and values in a vitally important region of the world,” said Aram Hamparian, Executive Director of the ANCA. “We look forward to working in partnership with these friends, and others, as we continue to support Armenia’s growth, Artsakh’s security, Javakhk’s development, and the welfare of at-risk Armenians and other Christians in the Middle East.” In a letter sent to the leadership of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on State-Foreign Operations, Chairwoman Kay Granger (R-TX) and Ranking Democrat Nita Lowey (D-NY), a bipartisan group of legislators made the case for supporting the U.S.-Armenia strategic relationship through economic development and secu5-&()!,,-,&!/9#0)A+#-5)B#()5#$%#,&,)C#5#)!,) follows: -- At least $5 million in U.S. humanitarian and developmental aid to Nagorno Karabakh. DD)E&)'#!,&)>=F).@)G010)!,,-,&!/9#)&.)H#.5gia to be earmarked for job creation programs in the Samtskhe-Javakheti region of that country. DD)E&) '#!,&) IJ=) *-''-./) -/) G010) #9./.*-9) aid to Armenia. -- Funds for humanitarian and resettle*#/&)!,,-,&!/9#),K#9-79!''()&!52#&#")&.)E5menian and other Christian populations as

Turkey observes for months a “process” of which the title, goals, perspectives and !KK'-9!&-./)C!(,)@5#$%#/&'()%/"#52.)*."-79!&-./,0 E/) -**#"-!&#) #/") &.) &+#) ,%L#5-/2) @.5) fallen youths, a rapid democratization of the country and recognition of freedom !/")#$%!'-&().@)5-2+&,)@.5)A%5B#(W,)!'')K#.ples are the common demand of the country’s all democratic forces. However, if this peace and democratization move is conducted under the banner of “Islamic brotherhood”, it will never bring nothing other than exclusion and humiliation of our peoples belonging to other origins and beliefs who had established many civilizations before the Turkish-Islamic 9./$%#,&) .@) &+#,#) '!/",) !/") ,%6Z#9&#") @.5) centuries to pressures and discriminations under Ottoman and Republican rules. This why, the principal actors of the “process” should declare that they recognize the 1915 Genocide of Armenians and Assyrians of which the 98th anniversary to

C#'')!,).&+#5)*-/.5-&()9.**%/-&-#,)!L#9&ed by the recent unrest in the Middle East. DD) M!/2%!2#) ,&5#/2&+#/-/2) 1#9&-./) N=O) restrictions on U.S. aid to Azerbaijan. -- Removal of barriers to contact and communication with representatives of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic. -- Language calling for the participation of Nagorno Karabakh leaders in the OSCE Minsk Group negotiations Joining Congressmen Pallone and Grimm as signatories were Representatives: Bruce Braley (D-IA), Judy Chu (DCA), David Cicilline (D-RI), Jim Costa (D-CA), Joe Crowley (D-NY), Anna Eshoo (D-CA), Chaka Fattah (D-PA), Rush Holt (D-NJ), Jim Langevin (D-RI), Barbara Lee (D-CA), Daniel Lipinski (D-IL), Stephen Lynch (D-MA), Ed Markey (D-MA), Jim McGovern (D-MA), Grace Napolitano (DCA), Gary Peters (D-MI), Linda Sanchez (D-CA), Loretta Sanchez (D-CA), Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), Brad Sherman (D-CA), Jackie Speier (D-CA), John Tierney (D-MA) and Henry Waxman (D-CA). The letter comes just weeks after Presi"#/&) P6!*!) 5#'#!,#") +-,) :;) <=>?) 6%"2#&) C+-9+) -/9'%"#") !) QRF) 9%&) -/) :-,9!') ;#!5) <=>?) S:;>?T) #9./.*-9) !-") &.) E5*#/-!U) !) proposal that, if approved by Congress, would reduce U.S. assistance to Armenia to -&,)'.C#,&)'#8#'),-/9#)&+#)>NRR)#!5&+$%!B#0 A+#) V5#,-"#/&W,) K5.K.,!') .@) I<?UO>NU===) in Economic Support Funds for Armenia was dramatically less than last year’s actual #9./.*-9)!-")!''.9!&-./).@)I?=)*-''-./U)!/") '#,,) &+!/) +!'@) &+#) IJ=) *-''-./) -/) :;>?) !-") 5#$%#,&#")#!5'-#5)&+-,)(#!5)-/)!/)E5*#/-!/) Caucus letter and ANCA Congressional testimony. The White House’s proposal did, however, maintain parity in terms of appropriated military aid to Armenia and Azerbaijan, with International Military Education and Training (IMET) assistance set !&)IX==U===)!/"):.5#-2/)Y-'-&!5():-/!/9-/2) S:Y:T),#&)!&)I<UO==U===0

1(4&*-,*$K&*0A-2&$L044&40(,+-0*$<.&*+)$ Held In Kazakhstan Commemoration events to honor memory of the Armenian Genocide victims were held in 14 settlements of Kazakhstan on April 22-24. A+#)K!5&-9-K!/&,)'!-")].C#5,)!&)B+9+B!5) (cross stone) installed in the territory of the Armenian center in Almaty. Genocide commemoration events were held in Karaganda, Astana and other cities. The fact of the Armenian Genocide is rec.2/-_#")6()*!/(),&!&#,0)4&)C!,)75,&)5#9.2nized in 1965 by Uruguay. In general, the Armenian Genocide in Ottoman Turkey has already been recognized by Russia, France, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Poland, Lithuania, Slovakia, Switzerland, Sweden, Greece, Cyprus, Lebanon, Canada, Venezuela, Argentina, and 42 U.S. states. Armenian Genocide was recognized by the Vatican, European Parliament and the World Council of Churches.

On Behalf Of From page 7

sacred duty to our forefathers, who sacri79#") &+#-5) '-8#,) 6#&C##/) >N>JD>N<Q) -/) "#fense of our nation and faith. It is not too late to get our act together. `#U)!,)!)9.**%/-&(U),-*K'()9!//.&)!L.5") to allow alternative plans and competing agendas. NR)(#!5,)+!8#)K!,,#"),-/9#)&+#)75,&)2#/.9-"#).@)&+#)<=&+)9#/&%5(a)&+#)E5*#/-!/)H#/ocide. Over the past two decades and with advancements in technology, civil society in many countries throughout the globe, including in Turkey, are learning, accepting and recognizing the unspeakable horrors of the Armenian Genocide. Each year will bring us closer to restorative justice and reparations, in memory of our martyrs.

be observed to-morrow. Also they should .[9-!''() K5.*-,#) &.) 5#/"#5) &+#) %,%5K#") rights of 1.5 billion victims of the genocide and the deportation. This is a duty to humanity. Furthermore, the principal actors of this “process” should guarantee that they will, ./)&+#).99!,-./).@)&+#)>==&+)!//-8#5,!5().@) &+#)H#/.9-"#)-/)<=>JU)9./,&5%9&-8#'()K!5&-9ipate in the campaigns, not only in Turkey but in all world, especially in the countries where Turkish migrants and Armenian, Assyrian, Kurdish, Yezidi and Greek diasporas live side by side. On the occasion of the 98th anniversary of the 1915, we share by heart the pain of our peoples, victims of genocide and deportations, and call on all democratic forces of our country to adopt a resolved stand for &+#)>==&+)!//-8#5,!5(0 \5%,,#',U)EK5-')<QU)<=>Q INFO-TURK FOUNDATION

Traditional Torch March To Tsitsernakaber Launched In Yerevan Traditional march with torches from 4/"#K#/"#/9#) 1$%!5#) &.) A,-&,#5/!B!6#5) launched in Yerevan on the eve of 98th anniversary of Armenian Genocide. As Armenpress reporter informs, thousands of young people from public organizations, parties, students’ unions and just individual citizens participate in the march. As a protest sign participants burnt the

A%5B-,+)]!2)#^K5#,,-/2)&+#-5)!/2#5).8#5)&+#) denial policy of the country. Attendees are very determined and united, demanding Turkey and international community to recognize events of 1915 in Ottoman Empire as Armenian Genocide. That is the 14th march with torches held in Yerevan.

The Armenian Genocide From page 7 !"#$%!&#'() *##&) &+#) ,-&%!&-./0) 1%22#,&) you inform belligerent nations and mission boards of this.” Here is what Fridtjof Nansen, the Norwegian scientist, diplomat, humanitarian and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate wrote about the Armenian problem in his book “Armenia and the Near East”. 34&) ,##*#") +-2+'() "#,-5!6'#) &.) 7/") some solution. For by being so one might hope to do something, at least, to procure for the Armenians that ‘national home’ which the Western Powers of Europe and the United States of America had pledged themselves to give to the Arme-

nian nation, and of which the League of Nations had repeatedly held out a prospect.” “The Armenian people have never abandoned hope. They have gone on bravely working, and waiting…waiting year after year. They are waiting still.” In 1991, Armenia became independent, but it is not whole yet until the Eastern Provinces of Turkey are combined to present day Armenia. That day will come, may be not in our lifetime, but it will eventually come and we will be patiently waiting for that sunny day!


Nor Or Weekly - Thursday April 25, 2013

United States, Russia Agree To Try To Revive Syria Plan

!"#$%&''($)*+,#&%)-#./0'.)*1#22)3#..#%45 Church sources: No sign that 2 bishops kidnapped by gunman near Aleppo have been freed; no report of contact with abductors. BEIRUT - Two Syrian bishops kidnapped by gunmen on Monday are still missing, church sources in Damascus and Aleppo said on Wednesday, contradicting a report that the men had been freed. A source at the Syriac Orthodox Archdiocese of Aleppo said the bishops had not been released and he was unaware of any contact with their abductors. At the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate in Damascus, a source also said there was no indication they had been freed. Greek Orthodox archbishop Paul Yazigi and Syriac Orthodox archbishop Yohanna Ibrahim were seized near the northern commercial and industrial hub of Aleppo, which is contested by rebels and forces loyal to President Bashar alAssad.

Authorities blamed the abduction on a “terrorist group”, the label they usually give to anti-Assad rebels, but opposition !"#$%&'()*($#%(+&,-)*.%(/%*)%/($#%0(#1/( kidnapped the two and said they were working for their release and trying to !*/(,2$(3#,(#1/($14%*($#%56 The bishops were the most senior .#2&.#(!"2&%'(.12"#$(2+()*($#%(!"#$(7%tween Assad’s forces and rebels trying to end four decades of family rule by Assad and his late father. 8#%(.,*9).$(#1'(4)::%/(5,&%($#1*(;<=<<<( people and frightened minority groups as the mainly Sunni Muslim rebels gain "&,2*/( )*( *,&$#%&*( >0&)1=( 3#%&%( >1:1!( and jihadi groups, including the al Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front, have emerged as among the most formidable insurgent formations

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Tuesday he and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov had agreed to look for ways to revive a Syrian peace plan, but admitted that do)*"(',(3,2:/(7%(%U$&%5%:0(/)K.2:$6 Kerry, speaking after talks with Lavrov and NATO colleagues in Brussels, also backed away from earlier comments suggesting he was calling for increased NATO contingency planning on Syria. Kerry said he and Lavrov had discussed ways to revive a peace plan agreed in Geneva last June that called for a transitional government. “We are both going to go back, we are going to explore those possibilities, and we are going to talk again about if any of those other avenues could conceivably be pursued,” Kerry said. He said that while there might be a difference of opinion between Russia and the United States about when and how Syrian President Bashar al-Assad might :%1-%( ,K.%=( NA( /,*T$( $#)*4( $#%&%T'( 1( /)Lference of opinion that his leaving may either be inevitable or necessary to be

By David Brunnstrom

able to have a solution.” But, he stressed: “I would say to you $#1$T'()$T'(1(-%&0(/)K.2:$(&,1/(666(V,(,*%( should think there is an easy way to move forward on this.” Moscow has for months been calling for implementation of the Geneva Declaration agreed by world powers including Russia and the United States, but disagrees with Washington’s assertion that it &%W2)&%'(E''1/($,('$%+(/,3*6 Lavrov said last week that pressing for Assad’s removal would increase the threats posed by militant Islamist groups such as the rebel al-Nusra Front, which formally pledged allegiance this month to al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri. Lavrov told a news conference on Tuesday the Geneva agreement could “not be interpreted in various ways; it has no ambiguity.” “Everyday more people are killed. However I see a growing understanding of the urgency to go from calls for election to real actions. That is why I hope we will see concrete actions on everybody’s side,” he said.

6('71+)*'(&8(,)9:);,&%#&%)3&<2#.)=0)=7,8(+>) ?&%$)@0A(,($)B#1/)-200$)9:)C,D(%#&%.);.)E0F) Covered With Blood Of Syrians The hand covered with the blood of the Armenians is now covered with the blood of the Syrians, First Deputy Speaker of Iranian Majlis Mohammad Hassan Abutor17)MX1&/( )'( W2,$%/( 1'( '10)*"( 70( $#%( E:)4( daily of Tehran. In his remarks at an event organized by the Armenian National Committee of Tehran as part of the programs to mark the 98th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, the Deputy Speaker of Iranian Majlis mentioned the Armenians and Assyrians killed during the Genocide, saying, in

part, “If military and political strength and wealth do not unite with high human and divine values, they will lead to such horrible crimes as the genocide of our Christian sisters and brothers. The hand which was yesterday covered with the blood of the Armenians is now covered with the blood of our sisters and brothers in Syria.” Armenian MP in the Iranian Majlis Karen Khanlarian in his remarks expressed the hope that Iran will recognize and condemn the Armenian Genocide.

G.)=0)H#A()IJKL)3#22#0%)3#2#1&,+)C#$)M&N8&4() To Syrian Rebels As Syria’s opposition forces and their main international allies meet in Istanbul, the US Secretary of State, John Kerry, has announced that the US will double its nonlethal military aid to Syria’s rebels. The US$123 million defense aid package was announced by Kerry at the meeting in the Turkish capital on Sunday. The Secretary of State said the new non-lethal military supplies would go beyond the current provisions of food rations and medical kits,

but did not elaborate. “We want to see the coalition lead the way by ramping up its ability in order to be able to provide assistance, deliver services and respond to the needs of the Syrian people,” Kerry said. He added that the Syrian opposition and foreign backers have agreed that all future aid to rebels will be channeled through opposition’s supreme military command.

Associated Press/Mohammed Zaatari - Lebanese Sunni Muslim men queue as they register their names for jihad in Syria, at a mosque in the southern port city of Sidon,

Syrian War Increasingly Drawing In Lebanon ?@ABC8(DEFG(H(E'(!"#$)*"(&1"%'(I2'$( across the border, Lebanese are giving signs of joining the battle on rival sides of Syria’s civil war — Sunnis on the side of the rebels, Shiites on the side of the regime — raising fears that Lebanon with its volatile sectarian divisions will be /&1""%/()*$,($#%(.,*9).$6 83,( )*92%*$)1:( J%71*%'%( >2**)( .:%&ics this week called on members of their community to wage “holy war” in Syria to defend their brethren. They accused Lebanon’s Shiite Hezbollah group of '%*/)*"(!"#$%&'($,(1$$1.4(>0&)1*(>2**)'=( who make up the backbone of that country’s rebellion. On Tuesday, around two dozen men :)*%/( 2+( )*( $#%( ,K.%( ,L( ,*%( ,L( $#%( .:%&ics in the southern coastal city of Sidon, signing up to join the jihad. In recent days, tensions have been L2%:%/( 70( #%1-0( !"#$)*"( )*')/%( >0&)1( close to the border with Lebanon, where regime forces have made strong gains in a campaign to secure a corridor from the capital Damascus to the Mediterranean coast. The Syrian military has been helped in $#%(!"#$(70(>#))$%(J%71*%'%(!"#$%&'(3#,( are supported by Hezbollah. The powerful Lebanese militant group says it is *,$('%*/)*"(!"#$%&'(72$('2++,&$'($#%(',M called “popular committees” that have I,)*%/($#%(!"#$)*"($,(/%L%*/($#%)&(L%::,3(

Shiites in Syria. Rockets from Syria have hit mostly Shiite areas in Lebanon on daily basis, apparently from Syrian rebels in retaliation for Lebanese Shiite help to the regime forces. Rockets killed at least two people this week and are reaching deeper into Lebanese territory. There are also fears that Islamic militants among the Syrian rebels could carry out direct attacks in Lebanon in revenge for Hezbollah’s support of the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad. NJ%71*,*( )'( ,*( $#%( %/"%( ,L( $#%( .:)O=P( warned lawmaker Sami Gemayel. “We 1&%(/&1"")*"($#%(.,*9).$(L&,5(>0&)1()*$,( our country. It’s like the border between the two countries no longer exist,” he told reporters Tuesday. Lebanon is sharply split between supporters and opponents of Assad, a legacy of decades of Syrian political and military dominance over its smaller neighbor. The split largely falls along sectarian lines, with Sunnis opposing Assad and Shiites backing him. That mirrors the divisions within Syria itself, where mainly Sunni rebels are battling Assad’s regime, /,5)*1$%/( 70( $#%( E:13)$%( '%.$=( 1*( ,Oshoot of Shiism. >)*.%( )$( 7%"1*( )*( Q1&.#( R<SS=( >0&)1T'( .,*9).$(#1'(L2%:%/(:,.1:($%*'),*'(7%$3%%*( the communities in Lebanon, with bouts ,L('$&%%$(!"#$)*"(1*/(4)/*1++)*"'6



SOURIAFA|OUJ:AN ØGNOUJ:AN ~ONT - SARF 15 April% 2013 |arg;li axgakiz% Takauin anoro, wiyak ke tirh ambo[= Sourio\ tara‘qin! Anzno[ ;rkou tarin;rh i w;r n;rqin pat;raxmi ;u manauand anoro,ouj;an ibr;u ardiunq =latoua‘ h bnakcouj;an ouvn ou korowe! Qa\qa\oua‘ h na;u fon dar;rh i w;r apro[ patmakan m;r ga[ouje! Axga\in g;rago\n gitakzouj;nhn m;kna‘ Fa\r;niqi ;u S'iu®qi mh= k;anqi kocoua‘ ;n \an]na.oumb;r% niujaphs n;zouk kangn;low apafow;lou famar m;r fa\r;nakizn;roun `ixiqakan pafpanoumn ou go\at;uoume! Bolors al ke fauatanq% or souriafa\ouj;an n;rka\ t.our irawiyakn ou anonz ,outa'o\j niujakan øgnoujiun faszn;lou hakanoujiune^ axga\in m;‘ partakanoujiun men h droua‘ m;r bolorin .i[yin ;u ous;roun wra\! A\s a®jiu ,r=anis SARF- Souriafa\ouj;an Øgnouj;an ~onte ‘ragra‘ h m;‘ dramafauaqi bno\j kro[ fraparaka\in ];®nark me Foliwouti Dolby srafin mh=% or t;[i piti oun;na\ Kiraki% |ounis 9% 2013-in! Ard% au;li drakan k;rpow xørakz;lou famar m;r faraxatn;roun% a\s namakow ke dim;nq ];xi% or ];r kargin douq al ];r gricow% t;[uo\s fa\ ;u øtar mamoulin ar]agang da®naq% t;[;ak paf;low fama\n ga[ouje a\s bolor iradar]oujiunn;roun% oronz famar endoun;zhq ;ra.tagitakan ;u ,norfakal m;r .øsq;re!

|arganqn;row% Souriafa\ouj;an Øgnouj;an ~onti Mamlo\ |an]na.oumb


FA|OZ Z:{ASPANOUJ:AN 98-RD AM:AKI OG:KOCMAN FAUAQI GL>AUOR BANA>ØSN H MI+AXGA|IN DATAUOR^ Y:~RI ÂOPERJSEN Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an Og;kocman Los Any;lesi Miaz;al Marmni kaxmak;rpcakan a,.atanqn;re ke ,arounakouin bou®n ja'ow^ Monj;p;llo\i Nafatakaz |ou,ar]anin a®=;u% Apr;l;an :[;®ni 98-rd am;ake fandisauor k;rpow n,;lou% or t;[i piti oun;na\ Cor;q,abji% April 24% khsørh ;tq vame 1!30-in! Øroua\ gl.auor bana.øsn h^ Britanio\ qa[aqazi% mi=axga\in irauaban ;u datauor% Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an mi=axga\in yanacman ko[mnakiz% mardka\in irauanz ørhnqi dasa.øs^ Yh`ri Âoperjsen% or Miaz;al Marmni \atouk frauhrin enda®a=;low Los Any;les piti ga\ Lontonhn% ;u ir patgame piti 'o.anzh n;rkan;roun! Y;`ri Âoperjsen gor‘a‘ h baxmajiu ;rkirn;rou mh= ibr;u 'astaban^ safmanadrakan% qrhakan ;u mi=axga\in ørhnqi marx;rhn n;rs% incphs na;u ‘a®a\a‘ h MAK-i mh= ibr;u datauor ;u a®a=in na.agafe^ MAK-i Si;®a Lioni pat;raxmakan oyiri at;anin! An f;[inakn h mi=axga\in oyra\in ørhnqi a®a=atar girqin^ ªMardkouj;an dhm oyirn;r - pa\qare fama,.arfa\in ardarouj;an famarº! 2011 jouakanin staza‘ h Niu :orqi irauabann;rou miouj;an ªMi=axga\in ørhnq ;u qa[aqakanoujiunº mrzanake! Âoperjsen ;rkar tarin;rou enjazqin ousoumnasira‘% apazo\zn;r fauaqa‘% ;u frataraka‘ h Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an masin! An f;[inakauor ir w;rlou‘oume katara‘ h% 'ast;low% or jourqe z;[aspanoujiun gor‘a‘ h a\nphs incphs or ke safmanoui mi=axga\in ørhnqow! An na;u apazouza‘ h% or Anglio\ m;rvoume a\s irakanouj;an ke b.i a\n wa.hn% or jourq;re tnt;saphs krnan fakadar];l! F;[inakn h na;u Mardka\in Irauounqn;rou :uropa\i dataranin n;rka\azoua‘ a\n pa,tønagrin our ke fastatoui L;®na\in {araba[i pafan=atiroujiune anka. p;takanouj;an! Bana.øshn xat .øsq piti a®n;n qa[aqa\in% nafanga\in ;u da,nakza\in makardakn;rou wra\ gor‘o[ pa,tønatarn;r! Drø,aki araro[ouj;an ir;nz masnakzoujiune piti b;r;n F&M&E&M&i ;u F&B&E&M&i skaoutn;re ;u apa^ ‘a[k;psakn;r piti x;t;[ouin masnakiz au;li qan 50 kaxmak;rpoujiunn;rou ;u mioujiunn;rou ko[mh! |arg;li fa\r;nakizn;r% Cor;q,abji April 24-in .ou®n;ram ou[[ouinq dhpi Monj;p;llo\i Nafatakaz |ou,ar]an% \arg;lou famar \i,atake m;r 1&5 milion anm;[ nafatakn;roun ;u angam me ;us \i,;zn;lou a,.arfin jh m;nq piti ,arounak;nq pafan=atirakan m;r pa\qare minc;u mi=axga\in yanacoum ;u ardar fatouzoum! "o.adrakarg;r tramadr;li ;n&S& Astoua‘a‘in :k;[;zi% Kl;nth\l% S& Karap;t :k;[;zi% Foliwout! Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an Og;kocman Miaz;al Marmin Los Any;les


NOR ØR% APRIL 25% 2013


Ønnik Famal;an

Faxouagiut h% m;r axga\infasarakakan k;anqhn n;rs% kaxmak;rpoume ];®narkn;rou% our m;r ;ritasardouj;an a®ij k*en‘a\oui% arta\a\t;lou famar ir;nz t;sakhtn;re% w;rlou‘oumn;rn ou dirqoro,oumn;re s'iu®qafa\ k;anqi fimnafarz;rou masin! A\dpisi baza®ik a®ij me st;[‘ou;zau% afauasik% April 18-i Fing,abji ;r;ko\;an% ;rb San ~;rnantø Fowiti F&B&E& Miouj;an W;j;rann;rou Warcoujiune na.a];®na‘ hr fraparaka\in dasa.øsakan fandipoum me% Miouj;an Manouk;an-T;miry;an warvarani A[ayan;an srafin mh=! Warcouj;an at;nap;t Prn& Ønnik Famal;an ir bazman .øsqow \atkaphs n;rka\azouz at;nawar Prn& |arouj Thr Dauij;ane% \o\v gor‘oun;a\% ‘anøj fasarakakan gor‘ice% or enjazq touau ørouan fauaqo\jin% sks;low g;[arou;stakan iura\atouk \a\tagrow! |a=ordabar b;m bar]razan Manouk;an-T;-

|arouj Thr Dauij;an

miry;an warvarani mi=nakarg dasarann;rou cors a,ak;rtn;r! Anonzmh a®a=ine^ Nar;k Famal;an da,naki wra\ nouag;z A& >acatour;ani ªSour;rou Parºe! Apa% Lilia :aral;an% fa\kakan taraxow% qanoni wra\ nouag;z ªAl A\lou[sº! Anor f;t;u;zau Nanor Thr P;tros;an% da,naki wra\ katar;low A& >acatour;anhn ªSonada% 3-rd masº% isk Al;qsantra :aral;an% no\nphs qanoni wra\^ ªWa[a,apati Parºe! M;r patani ;ritasardn;re arvanazan =;rm ‘a'o[=o\nn;rou^ ;rav,takan ir;nz orakauor kataroumn;roun famar! Apa% ørouan famadro[ Prn& |& Thr Dauij;an% kary n;ra‘akanh me ;tq% n;rka\azouz A& dasa.øse^ Ørd& Souxanna P;tros;ane! ’na‘ Giumri% Fa\astan% entan;øq Los Any;les fastatoua‘% Ørd& P;tros;an ,r=anauart h UCLA-hn Psakauor Gitouj;anz tit[osow Psychobiology–i mh=% lrazouzic k;rpow^ M;r]auor Ar;u;l;an L;xoun;rou ou M,ako\ji bavnin^ fa\agitakan niu-

j;rou mh=! UCLA-i David Geffen School of Medicine-i tarralou‘aranhn n;rs ir f;taxøtoujiune lo\s t;sa‘ h Molecular Cancer Therapeutics Scientific Journal-in mh=! A®o[=apafakan Na.ararouj;an ko[mh \atkazoua‘ krjajo,akow ke f;t;ui CSUN-i masnagitakan dasenjazqn;rou Magistros Gitouj;anz tit[osin tiranalou famar! Xougaf;®abar% vra=an at;nadpirn h fa\kakan Âen;sans ,arvoumi Los Any;lesi masnayiu[in! Ørd& P;tros;an kar;uor nkat;z po\qoji ;njark;l jrqakan an.tir bolor t;saki artadroujiunn;re% oronzmh omanz ;kamoute k*;rjar jourq axga\in banaki a\laxan phtq;roun! Anika \i,atak;z na;u Toqj& :[ia\;ani f;t;uo[akan datakan f;tapndoumn;re% Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an xof;rou va®angordn;roun ko[mh% oronq pafa‘ hin øtar dramatoun;rou mh= ir;nz ‘no[az k;anqi apafowagroujiunn;re ou kaloua‘ajou[j;re! Xougaf;®abar% artasafmani fa\;re% oc mia\n ir;nz masnakzoujiune b;r;lou hin fa\r;niqi xargazman a\laxan ‘ragirn;roun% a\l;u fastatou;lou hin Fa\astani mh=% pa\qar;low v.takan ;r;uo\jn;rou dhm% ou npast;low fa\r;niqi bargauayman! :rkrord arta\a\touo[n hr Toqj& Grigor Simon;an! ’na‘ Ph\rouj% ir na.nakan ;u ;rkrordakan ousoume a®n;lh ;tq Bar;gor‘akani T;miry;an ;u |owakim;an-Manouk;an warvarann;rhn n;rs% 1981-in entan;øq anza‘ ;n Los Any;les! <r=anauart k*ella\ USC-hn^ k;nsabanouj;an% 'iliso'a\ouj;an ;u apa^ atamnabouvouj;an masnagitouj;amb% wka\ou;low ibr;u wirabo\v-atamnabo\v% Diplomate of the American Board of Perindontology tit[osow! A\s w;r=in masnagitouj;amb% miavamanak dasa.øs h no\n famalsaranin mh=! An mas ke kaxmh F&B&E&

Miouj;an Ar;umt;an <r=& |an]navo[owin! Pafan=atirouj;an iragor‘;li ‘ragir me m,ak;lou famar% Toqj& Gr& Simon;an am'o' a\l ambo[=akan aknark me n;t;z w;r=in 98 tarin;rou kar;uor anzoudar];roun wra\^ Fa\astani jh artasafmani mh=! Nkati oun;nalow na;u jrqakan fakag®ofe m;r pafan=atirouj;an dhm% fa\ vo[owourde fa\r;niqi jh artasafmani mh=% n;rqin .ocendotn;re w;razn;low% kariqn ounhr n;rqin famaxga\in famagor‘akzouj;an% k;dronanalow Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an ti;x;rakan yanacoumin ou wnasouz fatouzoumn;roun wra\% lrazouzic k;rpow iragor‘;low Arza.i miazoume Fa\astanin% xougaf;®abar =r;low na;u jrqakan .;[ajiuroumn;re patmouj;an bnagaua®hn n;rs! :rrord x;kouzo[e^ Prn& L;uon Ghorg;an% 2007-in auarta‘ h Qali`ornio\ "omona qa[aqi 'olij;qniq famalsarane% stanalow Psakauor Arou;stiz tit[ose patmouj;an mh=% ;u apa 2011-in k*auarth Perqli famalsarani irauabanouj;an yiu[e! "or]a®akan a,.atanqn;r tara‘ h Fa\astani Artaqin Gor‘oz Na.ararouj;an (2005)% Oua,inkjeni fa\kakan d;spanatan (2006)% Folanta\i Tr Fh\ki Oy®a\in Mi=axga\in At;anin (2009)% ou San ~ransisqo\i Da,nakza\in A®;utrakan |an]nakatarouj;an (2010)% incphs na;u^ Los Any;lesi Qa[aqa\in Dataranin (2012-13) mh=! Est irauaban L& Ghorg;ani m;r pafan=atiroujiune enjanalou h banakzouj;anz yambow% qani couninq anfrav;,t ouve! Our;mn% m;nq n;rka\analou ;nq patrastoua‘ j[ja‘rarow% Fa\astani ka®awarouj;an f;t s;rt gor‘akzouj;amb! Fa\astane xørazn;lou ;nq fa\r;niqin mh= fastatou;low! Xougaf;®abar% qa=al;r;lou ;nq mtauorakan ou qa<ar& h= 13


TARAGROUJIUN <ar& h= 6-hn

famar! Fa\ vo[owrdi wiyake bolorowin chr f;taqrqroum nranz! 2) Souljanakan Jourqian faskanalow g;rp;toujiunn;ri .a[aza‘ d;re Fa\kakan farzoum% a\d patrouakow oc jh bar;norogoumn;r hr kataroum% a\l au;li hr ‘anraznoum fa\ vo[owrdi wiyake! 3) Nkati oun;nalow Fa\kakan farzi ªnpastauorº axd;zoujiune ;u Souljani noranor yn,oumn;re% au;li a,.ouvazan fa\ vo[owrdi axga\in axatagrakan ,arvoumn;re% oronq m;‘ dvba.toujiun b;rin nran! Fa\kakan farze mi=axga\in at;an mtn;louz \;to\% Jourqakan ka®awaroujiune npatakadr;z ;u sks;z ga[tni ou baza\a\t mi=ozn;row bna=n=;l fa\ bnakcouj;ane ir isk bnørranoum^ Ar;umt;an Fa\astanoum% orphsxi Fa\kakan farzn endmi,t lou‘oua‘ lini! A\d npatakow fa\kakan =ard;rn sks;zin au;li m;‘ bno\j stanal! 1915 j& t;[afanoujiunn ou =arde fa\ axge bna=n=;lou npatakadroua‘ ‘ragir hr :ritjourq;ri ko[miz% oronq cna\a‘ ckaro[azan lriu bna=n=;l nran% ba\z 1%5 milion fa\ kotor;louz \;to\ tirazan Ar;umt;an Fa\astanin ou Kilikia\in% s;'akanazr;zin fa\;ri ambo[= oun;zoua‘qe ;u d;® ,arounakoum ;n fa\kakan m,ako\ji ;u yartarap;takan \ou,ar]ann;ri f;tq;re w;razn;lou barbarosakan a,.atanqin Ar;umt;an Fa\astanoum ;u Kilikia\oum% orphsxi dranz ispa® w;razoumow apaga\ s;roundn;rin fauastiazn;n% or a\d tara‘qn;re ;[;l ;n jourqakan% a\nt;[ fa\kakan ocinc go\oujiun ci oun;z;l! Jourqian mo®anoum h% or 15-rd dariz \;to\ ar;u;lqiz galow ir fordan;row% a\d tara‘qn;rin tiraz;l h ar;an ly;r st;[‘;low% ore fnarauor ch =n=;l patmouj;an h=;riz! Sa ardhn mi ouri, j;ma h% ore kap couni m;r patmouj;an f;t! Jourqian phtq h patas.an ta\ ir katara‘ bolor oyragor‘oujiunn;ri ou anmardka\in ararqn;ri famar% ba\z o#um% g;rp;toujiunn;ri#n% oronq mia\n ir;nz ,af;rn ;n t;snoum am;nour;q&&&! Qa[aqakrjouj;an 21-rd daroum% wa\ri k;ndanin;riz au;li wa\r;naza‘% wa\ri gaxann;riz au;li gaxanaza‘ axg;ri far;u anouj;amb apr;lou ;u go\at;u;lou famar phtq h lin;l ouv;[% isk ouv;[ lin;lou famar oun;nal m;‘ jouaqanak% anka. mardakor‘an t;.nika\i g;r\ag;za‘oujiuniz! Fa\ vo[owourde jouaqanakow qic lin;low ci karo[ dimaka\;l a\søroua\ tasn;ak milionn;r kaxmo[ ir far;uan axg;ri g;raka\ouj;ane% manauand% ;rb g;rp;toujiunn;re xofab;roum ;n 'oqramasnoujiun kaxmo[ axg;rin ir;nz tnt;sakan ou qa[aqakan ,af;ri famar! Nkati oun;nalow n,oua‘ fangamanqn;re% fa\ axge chr karo[ 2%5 milion vo[owourdow apafow;l ir anwtangoujiune bnørranoum^ Ar;umt;an Fa\astanoum% ore fska\ tara‘q hr% incphs na;u Kilikia\oum! Afa jh incou phtq h baxmanal% mi=ozn;r gtn;l baxmanalou% fama.mbou;lou ou kaxmak;rpou;lou! :jh axge baxmamilion h ;u kaxmak;rpoua‘% na ci spasi kam .ndri% or ouri,n;re lou‘;n ir farze% a\n ke lou‘i ir ];®qow ;u xof ci gna\ g;rp;toujiunn;ri qmafayo\qn;rin! Møt;noum h Fa\;ri Z;[aspanouj;an 100-am;a\ tar;lize! Fauatoum ;nq% or nra 98-rd tar;lize kaxmak;rpoua‘ ou lour= ‘ragr;row ke n,oui% oronq ke lin;n 100-am;a\ tar;lizi ‘ragr;ri ba[kazouzic mas;re! Bolor mi=ozn;row phtq h dim;l mi=axga\in fanrouj;ane ;u p;toujiunn;rin% w;r=inn;ris ª.oulº akan=n;rin ls;li dar]n;lou ou stip;lou ªko\rº acq;rin% t;sn;lou irakanoujiune^ Jourqia\i ko[miz fa\ vo[owrdin bna=n=;lou ou nra m,ako\je ocncazn;lou gor‘adra‘ ‘ragr;re% oronq d;® ,arounakoum ;n! Fa\;ri Z;[aspanouj;an 100-am;akin ;s ;us a,.atoum ;m masnakz;l mi 'oqrik louma\ow! Ardhn patrast h ªAqsor;ali go[gojanº grqi ;rkrord fratarakoujiune% ore gr;l ;m nor møt;zoumn;row! A\n gnafatanqi h arvanaz;l banasirakan gitoujiunn;ri doktor 'ro`;sor% FF GAA j[jakiz andam% ªM;r L;xoun ;u M;r >øsqeº ;u ªDarº fa[orda,ar;ri f;[inak Art;m Sargs;ani ko[miz! Na hl gr;l h grqi ª:rkou >osqeº! Nra a®a=arkow% qnnark;zinq møt 100 h=anoz a\d girqe øtar l;xoun;row jargman;lou ou mi=axga\in fanrouj;ane n;rka\azn;lou farze! Grqoum akanat;s f;rose korzn;low g;rdastani 25 andamn;rin ou mafouan yirann;riz mi k;rp axatou;low% d;® 17 tar;kane clraza‘% stipoum h% or ir;n kamauor gr;n% faraxatn;ri ou fa\ nafatakn;ri wrhve lou‘;lou


:RITASARDOUJ:AN }A|NE FA|OZ&&& <ar& h= 12-hn

[aqakan a\n jourq dhmq;re% oronq sksa‘ ;n draphs andrada®nal Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an irakanouj;an! Corrord ou w;r=in x;kouzo[e^ parskafa\ Aroujin Farjoun;an% ,r=aauart J;frani F&B&E& Miouj;an Nouard Kiulphnk;an na.akrjaranhn% 2008-in ,r=anauart ;[a‘ h UCLA-i Qa[aqakan Gitouj;anz yiu[hn% isk 2012-in^ Southwestern Law School-hn! Anika b;[oun gor‘ounhoujiun ke ‘aualh Los Any;lesi mh= ibr;u Miaz;al Fa\ :ritasardn;rou Miouj;an at;nap;t! 2007-hn iw;r% fanra‘anøj h amhn April 24-i% Foliwouti mh= .ou®n;ram mas;ritasardakan nakzouj;amb zo\z;rou ibr;u gl.auor kaxmak;rpic! |i,;al Mioujiune na;u krjajo,akn;r ke tramadrh ;ritasardn;rou% oronq ir;nz bar]rago\n ousoume ke ,arounak;n Fa\astani mh=! A\s kaxmak;rpoujiune =atagow h Arza.i mi=axga\in yanacman! Farjoun;an mas ke kaxmh na;u Kl;nth\li ostikanouj;an fama\nqa\in .orfrdakzakan marmnin! Anor x;kouzmin gl.auor kht;rn hin& 1) Yanacoum ;u fatouzoum Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an xof;rou ,a®a-

ui[n;roun% 2) Mi=axga\in yanacoum Arza.i Fanrap;touj;an% 3) +aua.qi xørakzoujiun% 4) Mi=fama\nqa\in laroua‘ouj;an m;[mazoum% 5) An.tir endfanour fasarakouj;an ou[[oua‘ ];®narkn;rou kaxmak;rpoum% 6) Fa\ fasarakouj;an xøra,arvi xargazoum% 7) |ou,ar]ann;rou ou Virtual jangarani fastatoum% 8) Axd;zik ka\qh=i fastatoum! Ørouan famadro[ ou ;rkrord s;roundi n;rka\azouzic Prn& |arouj Thr Dauij;an% or mna\oun n;rka\oujiun men h m;r ga[ouji enk;ra\in-fasarakakan k;anqhn n;rs% b;m;rh ;u ;j;rhn ir bowandakaliz ;lo\jn;row% incphs na;u fraparakagrakan \ødoua‘n;row% ];®nfasørhn war;z ou ,a[kap;z m;r ;ritasardouj;an ;rrord ;u corrord s;roundn;rou t;sakhtn;rn ou g;[arou;stakan ]irq;re! M;r ;ritasardn;roun ;lo\jn;re% a\d ;r;ko\% fog;kan m;‘ bauararoujiun 'o.anz;zin n;rka\ fandisouj;an! Tiknanz |an]na.oumbi fiurasirouj;amb w;r= gtau a\s ;xaki fauaqo\je! J[jakiz

famar j,namouz! Na Fa\kakan L;ghoni kaxmoum masnakzoum h Arara\i yakatamartin% ori ,arq;roum masnakza‘ bolor fa\ kamauorn;ri f;t% angliakan ou `ransiakan banakn;ri ko[qin% partouj;an ;n matnoum j,namoun! Grqi fratarakman farze qnnarkuoum h na;u FF-i S'iu®qi na.ararouj;an f;t! Prn& Art;m Sargs;ane farzaxro\z oun;zau in] f;t USArmenia f;®ousta‘ragrow% ;u f;®oustadito[n;rin parxaban;zinq grqi fratarakman kar;uoroujiune% orphsxi m;k;nasn;r gtnou;n^ a\n tarb;r l;xoun;row fratarak;lou famar! Iuraqanciur l;xouow jargman;lou ;u :r;uanoum 1000 ørinak fratarak;lou famar% ori mh= ke lini m;k;nasi anounn ou nkare% pafan=uoum h 2 faxar tolar% endfanour goumare^ 15 faxar tolar^ 7 l;xoun;row (fa\;rhn% ®ous;rhn% jourq;rhn% angl;rhn% `rans;rhn% ispan;rhn ou arab;rhn)! A\s ];uow m;nq karo[ ;nq mi=axga\in fanrouj;ane lousaban;l 1915 j& Jourqia\i ko[miz fa\;ri bna=n=man ou a\d npatakow ‘ragroua‘ anmardka\in davan kotora‘n;ri masin&&&! Iuraqanciur m;k;nas karo[ h mi l;xoui jargmanoujiune fowanauor;l! Fa\;ri Z;[aspanouj;an 100-am;a\ tar;lizin satar;lou famar% sa karo[ h am;nalau nouhre lin;l m;k;nasi oun;za‘ nafatakn;ri \i,atake \au;rvazn;lou famar! Lrazouzic t;[;koujiunn;ri famar% f;taqrqrouo[n;re karo[ ;n dim;l f;t;u;al f;®a.øsafamarn;row^ Prn& Art;m Sargs;anin^ 1-818-575-0999% f;[inakin^ 818-977-8845! Los Any;les% April 13% 2013


kotora‘e% a\l;u 19-rd dari w;r=;ri ;u 20-rd dari skixbi xangoua‘a\in =ard;re! *** So\n vo[owa‘ououm% or nouiroua‘ h Øsman;an ka\srouj;an mh= t;[i oun;za‘ Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;ane% am'o'oua‘ ;n 'astaj[j;r ou niuj;r fa\kakan% ®ousakan% arabakan% g;rmanakan% `ransiakan% am;rik;an ;u a\l a[biurn;riz! "astaj[j;ri g;rak,i® mase tarb;r ar.iun;roum \a\tnab;roua‘ pa,tønakan x;kouzagr;r% fa[ordoumn;r% dimoumn;r ou namakn;r ;n^ groua‘ fiupatosn;ri% d;spann;ri% na.ararn;ri% bar]rastiyan pa,tøn;an;ri% tarb;r p;toujiunn;ri ka®awaroujiunn;ri [;kawarn;ri ;u andamn;ri ko[miz% incphs ;u fog;uor an]anz ou misionarn;ri toua‘ zouzmounqn;r Jourqia\oum fa\;ri xangoua‘a\in kotora‘i masin! <at ko[m;row arvhqauor ;u fauasti a\d 'astaj[j;re y,grit patk;razoum ;n talis fa\ vo[owrdi m;‘ago\n o[b;rgouj;an masin&&&!


NOR ØR% APRIL 25% 2013

PAF:R OU >OF:R^ ENDAÂA+&&& <ar& h= 6-hn

QRDAKAN P:TOUJ:AN BAZAKA|OUJIUNE^ ªFAKAFA| PAFOUA’QI F:T:UANQº ªQrdakan p;touj;an bazaka\oujiune na;u f;nz ir;nz^ qrd;ri% na.ord daraskxbin drs;uora‘ fakafa\ pafoua‘qi f;t;uanq hº% - Xaman øraj;rji kiraknør;a\ famaroum nman kar‘iq h \a\tn;l am;na\a\tni vamanakakiz jourq gitnakann;riz mhke^ Niu :orqi famalsarani "ro`;sor% soziolog ;u patmaban Do[ou Hrgile! Gitnakane \i,;znoum h% or 1920 jouakani Øgostosi 10-in knqoua‘ S;uri pa\managire na;u anka. Qourdistani st;[‘oum hr na.at;soum% incin saka\n qrd;rn a\n vamanak g;radas;zin enddimanal! ªQrd;rn anka. p;touj;an st;[‘oum chin zankanoum mi qani patya®ow! Dranziz a®a=na\ine no\n tara‘qn;roum anka. Fa\astani st;[‘man mtadroujiunn hr! Qrd;re zankanoum hin kan.;l iradar]oujiunn;ri nman xargazoumeº% nkatoum h jourq gitnakane^ miavamanak n,;low% or Øsman;an ka\srouj;an fpatak fandisazo[ qrd;ri fakafa\ pafoua‘qe xgazuoum hr d;® minc;u S;uri pa\managri storagroume^ 1915 jouak ani Z;[aspanouj;an ,r=anoum! ªQrd;re famagor‘akz;zin jourq;ri f;t fa\;rin wtar;lou% nranziz \;to\ mnaza‘ oun;zoua‘qn ou s;'akanoujiune iurazn;lou farzoumº% n,oum h Hrgile^ manramasn;low& - ªAr;u;l;an Anatolia\oum fa\;rn ou qrd;re mi,t ko[q ko[qi ;n apr;l! Qrd;re% saka\n% aktiuørhn famagor‘akz;zin jrqakan pa,tønakan ,r=anakn;ri f;t^ a®a=atar d;r .a[alow jh fa\;ri artaqsman% ;u jh nranz oun;zoua‘qi ou fo[;ri \;taga\ w;raba,.man farzoum! Ka\in angam fa\;r% oronq ir;nz ;r;.an;rin fauata'o. hin anoum ;u \an]noum qrdakan entaniqn;rin! Qrd;ri famar ,at \stak hr^ fa\;ri w;radar]e ke n,anaki a\d amhni w;rana\oumn ou w;radar]eº! Jourq gitnakani .øsqow^ a\n vamanak iradar]oujiunn;re xarganoum hin islami drø,i n;rqo\% ince ,at faskanali ou endoun;li hr qrd;ri famar% saka\n% ;rb Ajajourqi ørøq m;knark;z jrqakan axga\in p;touj;an ka®ouzoume% fa\;riz axatoua‘ fo[;re f®cakou;zin jrqakan! ªQrd;rin ant;s;z a\n no\n p;toujiune% ori st;[‘mann ir;nq m;‘aphs npast;l hinº% n,oum h Hrgile! Hrgile famaruoum h axga\in .ndirn;row xba[ouo[ am;naf;[inakauor jourq gitnakann;riz mhke! Na a®a=inn hr% or 1995 jouakanin ‘aualoun mi a,.atoujiun fraparak;z^ nouiroua‘ qrdakan fimna.ndrin! 2012-in hl na fandhs ;kau fa\-jrqakan \arab;roujiunn;ri kargauorman s;'akan ‘ragrow% ori fimqoum droua‘ hin ziuri.;an ar]anagroujiunn;ri wau;razoume% Jourqia\i ko[miz fa\;riz pa,tønaphs n;ro[oujiun .ndr;ln ou Z;[aspanouj;an xof;ri va®angn;rin^ oro,aki dramakan 'o.fatouzoum mou‘;lou a®a=arke! A\s w;r=in khte k;anqi koc;lou famar gitnakann angam a®a=arkoum hr Jourqia\oum \atouk g;rat;scoujiun st;[‘;l!


piti artasan;nq m;r datapartagire! A\o% piti .ostowaninq% jh^ 1915 April 24-ow .orfrdan,oua‘ yakatamarte% m;nq FA|:Rs korsnzouzinq! Saka\n^ pat;raxme m;r lin;louj;an ke ,arounakoui takauin! M;‘ago*\ne ;u ‘anrak,i∞®e m;r koroustin^ FO{n hr fa\r;ni%- 90 a® fariur tokose m;r patmakan fa\r;niqin! A\nt;[% ir bnørranin mh= apro[ m;r ;rkou milion nafatakn;roun f;t^ koro*ustn h na;u m;r darauor m,akouja\in va®angouj;an! 1915-e jouakan men h mia\n Z;[aspanoujiune .orfrdan,o[! Patmakanørhn an skixb a®au 19-rd darou a®a=in khsin% ;rb au;li qan mhk ou khs milion fa\;r b®ni jrqazou;zan% i fakadroujiun fa\aba*r go\at;uo[ ,our= 3 milion m;r axgabnakcouj;an! Anor f;t;uanqow h

or ‘nound a®in axatagrakan m;r ,arvoumn;re ;u o∞c jh fa\oun apr;lou ;u w;rapr;lou ba[]anqe .orfrdan,;lou kocoua‘ m;r andranka,ounc drouagn;re patya® fandisazan% ardhn isk na.a‘ragr;al øsman;an ;[;®nagor‘ouj;anz! Ardar;u% 100 am;aki s;min% m;r ou,adroujiune ke s;u;®;nq f;t;u;al fimnakan kht;roun& a) Fa\kakan Datin w;rlou‘oumn ou qnnoujiune dours b;r;l n;raxga\in ir n;[ parounakhn ou \an]n;l xa\n masnaght fa\ jh øtar irauabann;rh kaxmoua‘ mi=axga\in ca'ani,ow \atouk \an]navo[owi me! :rb 'oqr taro[ouj;amb dat;r k*oun;nan ir;nz j[ja‘rarn;rn ou 'astabann;re% inco#u cf;tapnd;nq m;r Date bar]rago\n makardakow! (Mnaz;ale \a=ord jiuow)

FRATARAKCAKAN ’RAGIR TOLORHS XØFRAP LIPMAN FIMNADRAM JP MORGAN CHASE BANK, TRUSTEE Fayo\qow ke fa[ord;nq% jh Tolorhs Xøfrap Lipman Fimnadrame niujaphs piti øvandakh or fratarakouin entr;al a& wardap;takan auartaya®;r fa\agitakan niuj;rou masin% b& fa\oz fin patmouj;an ;rk;r fa\ patmabann;rou% g& 19-rd darou ;u au;li wa[ ,r=ani fa\ grakanouj;an ;rk;r! N;rka\azouo[ a,.atasiroujiunn;re krnan ellal ka*m fa\;rhn ka*m angl;rhn l;xouow! :jh gor‘ me fa\;rhn l;xouow h% anor phtq h enk;rana\ angl;rhn orakauor jargmanoujiun me! Dimoumnagirn;re n;rka\azn;l amhn tarouan April 15 ;u No\;mb;r 15 jouakann;rhn a®a=! |au;loua‘akan t;[;kouj;an ;u dimoumnagri j;rjik stanalou famar dim;l& LIEBMANN FUND-PUBLICATIONS c/o Mr. M. Haigentz 1518 11th Street Fort Lee, NJ 07024





A& AKAD:MAKAN PA|QAR Jourqia 1982 jouakanhn i w;r am;rik;an akad;makan ;u famalsaranakan fastatoujiunn;rou ,norfa‘ kar;uor niujakan npastn;rou mi=ozow ke 'or]h acqa®ou patmaghtn;r ;u gita,.ato[n;r ir datin sira,afil% orphsxi anonq al ir;nz kargin Jourqio\ jhx;re pa,tpan;n am;rik;an qa[aqakan ,r=anakn;rh n;rs! A\s ;r;uo\je tarin;rh i w;r graua‘ h am;rik;an mamoulin ou,adroujiune! Ardar;u% Niu :orq Ja\mx øraj;rje a®a=inn;rhn ;[a‘ h a\s masin fraparaka\in k;rpow andrada®nalou! A\sphs% Ma\is 22 1996-in% Ouil;em Foneni storagrouj;amb lo\s t;sa‘ \ødoua‘i me mh= (Princeton is accused of fronting for the Turkish government) f;[inakauor am;rik;an j;rje ar]agang ke fandisanar akad;makan ,r=anakn;rh n;rs tiro[ a\n kar‘iqin jh am;rik;an Brinsjen famalsarane Jourq ka®awarouj;nhn niujakan npast me endoun;low^ a\d ka®awarouj;an qaroxcakan m;q;na\in .øsnake dar]a‘ hr am;rik;an famalsaranakan ,r=anakn;rhn n;rs! Ou a\d warka‘in ibr;u 'ast% \ødoua‘agire ke n,hr jh Brinsjen famalsarane a\d jouakanin ir patmouj;an ampioni tnørhni pa,tønin koca‘ hr patmaban Fij Laurin% or na.aphs Jrqakan Ousoumnasirouj;anz Fimnarki (Institude of Turkish Studies-ITS) gor‘adir tnørhni pa,tøne wara‘ hr Oua,inkjeni mh=! Ardar;u% w;ro\i,;al Jrqakan Ousoumnasirouj;anz Fimnarke fastatoua‘ hr Oua,inkjeni n,anauor ;u fanra\a\t Yoryjaoun famalsaranin kiz 1982 jouakanin Jourq p;touj;an ,norfa‘ 3 milion tolari fimnadramow^ qa=al;r;lou ;u apafow;lou famar jrqakan patmouj;an% qa[aqakanouj;an ;u enk;ra\in k;anqin fa\o[ ousoumnasiroujiun;rou tara‘oume^ Am;rika\i Miaz;al Nafangn;rou akad;makan ;u qa[aqakan ,r=anakn;rh n;rs! Phtq h endounil jh Jrqakan na.a];®nouj;an ardiunq ;[o[ a\s fimnarke zard \a=o[a‘ h ir ªa®aq;louj;anº mh=! An tarin;rou enjazqin krza‘ h takau endla\n;lou ir a,.atanqa\in ‘ire! An n;rka\is s;rtørhn k∞a,.atakzi am;rik;an 33 famalsarann;rou mh= fastatoua‘ jrqakan patmouj;an ampionn;roun f;t! A\s ampionn;rhn omanq ke gor‘;n ,norfiu jourq ka®awarouj;an skxbnakan npastin ;u \atkazoumn;roun! A\spisi jrqakan ousoumnasirakan ampionn;r n;rka\is ke gor‘;n am;rik;an n,anauor famalsarann;rh% i ,ars a\loz% Qoloumpia\i% Yoryjaouni% Farwerti% Brinsjeni% Sjan`orti ;u <iqako\i nman f;[inakoujiun oun;zo[ fastatoujiunn;rhn n;rs! <norfiu akad;makan a\s fastatoujiunn;roun Jourqia \a=o[a‘ h oc mia\n ir jhx;roun famakar‘iq karg me patmabann;r sira,afil% a\l na;u apafow;l ;ritasard patmabann;rou .oumbi me kaxmoujiune% or krna\ apaga\in ir qaroxcakan pa\qarin gor‘iq ‘a®a\;zn;l! Am;rik;an famalsarann;rh n;rs npastn;r ;u jrqakan ousoumnasirakan k;ndronn;r st;[‘;lou a\s ®axmawaroujiune mia\n mhk ;r;sn h qaroxcakan a\n pa\qarin% xor jourq p;toujiune ,[ja\ax;r‘a‘ h ou ke m[h fa\ vo[owourdin ;u Fa\ Dati a,.atanqn;roun dhm tasnam;akn;rh i w;r! A\s \ar]akoume kou ga\ n;rka\is xanaxan ou[[oujiunn;rh ;u marminn;rh% oronq ke gor‘;n Jourqio\ i,.anoujiunn;roun f;t fama.orfourd% =r;lou famar Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an jhxe% ns;mazn;lou xof;roun jiue ;u \i,atake^ a®a=in fama,.arfa\in pat;raxmi taknouwra\ouj;anz w;ragr;low% ir;nz bnoro,oumow% ªpatafa‘ zauali dhpq;reº! A\s no\n a[biurn;re ke .øsin ªfa\;rou Wani mh= kaxmak;rpa‘ apstambouj;anº% ;u ªfa\;rou^ Øsman;an i,.anouj;anz dhm dauadir anfauatarmouj;an ;u dauayanouj;anº masin% a\spisow ªinqnapa,tpano[akan ararqn;rouº w;ragr;low Ar;umt;an Fa\astani ;u fa\abnak gaua®n;roun mh= gor‘oua‘ jrqakan =ard;rn ou spandn;re! A\s no\n a[biurn;re ke pnd;n na;u jh ªqriston;a\º fa\;rou ko[qin fariur faxarauor jourq ªislamn;rº m;®a‘ ;n a\d tarin;roun% a\sphsow mi=axga\in fanra\in kar‘iqin a®=;u oyir gor‘o[i inqnouj;an ou xofin mi=;u n;ngamit k;rpow ,'ojoujiun me st;[‘;lou famar! A\s jhx;rou baza\a\toumin ir;nz masnakzoujiune ke b;r;n karg me øtar patmabann;r ;u fraparakagirn;r! Ørinaki famar 2010 jouakanin fratarakoua‘ h Ganatazi lragro[ Scott Taylor-i f;[inakouj;amb lo\s t;sa‘ Unreconciled Differences: Turkey, Armenia and Azerbaijan .oragirow girqe% or ªapspranqiº fiman wra\ ,aradroua‘ ellalou bolor \atkani,n;re ke krh ir wra\! Girqe safmana'ak a[biurn;rou øgtagor‘oumow la\n t;[ kou ta\ w;ro\i,;al jrqakan ‘anøj \ank;rgn;roun! W;r=;rs fraparak i=a‘ h na;u Maqsim anounow `ransazi patmaban me% or patmagitouj;an toqjora\i j;kna‘ou h Angara\i Mi=in Ar;u;lqi Gitarou;stakan Famalsaranin (The Middle East Technical University) mh=! An miavamanak ke pa,tønawarh Angara fastatoua‘ Mi=axga\in Âaxmawarakan Fimnarki (International Strategic Research-USAK) mh= ;u Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an pndoumn;roun dhm fakafa\ \ødoua‘n;r ke sto-

ør ir Oua,inkjen w;radar]in yig c.na\;l 3-4 D;mokrat ‘;rakoutakann;r - oronq v.takan qouharka‘ hin - tarfamox;lou famar! >mbagratan mh= anfauatali hr mjnolorte! Afa am;rikazi ‘;rakoutakan me% or ogi i brin k∞a,.athr% ke na.a];®nhr ou manauand^ chr oux;r wfatil% fa\kakan Z;[aspanouj;an yanacoumin ;u a® a\d^ bana];uin wau;razman i .ndir% orphs jh ellar Fa\kakan kaxmak;rpouj;an me Fa\kakan Datin nouir;al mhk patas.anatoun! M;nq m;r kargin ke \a\tnhinq na;u m;r \ousa.aboujiune D;mokratn;rhn% oronz m;‘amasnabar n;zouk kangna‘ ;nq% minc mius ko[mh ,arq me fanrap;takan ‘;rakoutakann;r bana];uin i npast qouharka‘ hin% faka®ak na.agaf Pou,i Warcouj;an ‘anr yn,oumn;roun! Am;rik;an ’;rako\te ";trouar 27-i ir nistin m;rv;z bana];ue% orphsxi ªaptakº me cxarnh ª,at% ,at kar;uor da,nakizº Jourqio\% incphs or ir ;rkar mi=amtouj;amb \a\tarara‘ hr D;mokrat ‘;rakoutakan Âaperd Pert% or gl.auor g;r;xmana'ore ;[au bana];uin% minc bana];ui gl.auor knqafa\r Pop Toli sqanc;li% srtagrau .øsqe gnafatou;zau ibr mia\n Y,martoujiune ,;'oro[ ya®! Bana];ue ]a.o[a‘ hr qouhn;rou ousoumnasiroua‘% ‘ragroua‘% f;®awaroua‘ ;[anakow! <abaj me a®a= qouhn;rou 49 j;r ;u 49 dhm ]a\n;row endounoua‘ bana];ue% w;ra‘oua‘ hin 48 j;r ;u 51 dhm qouhn;rou ba.toro, qouharkouj;an øre! M;xi ke nouirhin s'o'anqe ,afa‘ ellalou 48 ‘;rakoutakan ]a\n;r&&&! Bani*r% bani*r ya.arak! Qic mnaz or mo®na\i grouj;ans mitq banin! M;r m;‘ bar;kam Yon Q;rrin P;takan Qartou[arouj;an pa,tøne stan]n;lhn ami=aphs ;tq ke ta®aphr \ou,aja'ouj;nh! Mo®za‘ hr ªFa\kakan Z;[aspanoujiunº ;xre% or ir ko[mh fima ke patk;rouhr au;li ;rkar na.adasouj;amb& ªMiaz;al Nafangn;rou ka®awaroujiune \stakørhn k*endouni patmakan 'aste% or Øsman;an ka\srouj;an ma\ramoutin mhkoukhs milion fa\ kotoroua‘ kam spannoua‘ h t;[afanouj;an enjazqin% ;u ke zaui ator famar! A\d iradar]oujiunn;re dar]an 20-rd am;nasarsa';li wa\ragoujiunn;rhn mhkeº! Amhn inc esoua‘ hr ];uow% bazi amhn inch! Ba\z s.al h Q;rrin qnnadat;l (bazi ];uakanhn) xanzaroua‘ ba®;roun famar! Marde m;[adr;li ch qani inq dadra‘ h ‘;rakoutakan ellalh% ir an]e n;rka\azn;lh! Fima inq m[oua‘ h% ir isk ba®;row% ªqa[aqakan ,afa.ndrouj;nh% da,nakiz me cw,tazn;lou mtafogouj;ambº% f;®ou^ ªfauaqakan .[ymtanqhº! Z;[aspanouj;an yanacman farzow na.agaf Øpama\i ørow Oua,inkjeni famar]akoujiune fasa‘ h minc;u ªM;‘ :[;®nº ;xrin gor‘a‘oujiune! Tarin;rou 'or]a®oujiune m;xi das phtq h ;[a‘ ella\% jh o*w or al ella\ m;xi lousin ;u ast[ .ostazo[e% an piti mna\ Am;rik;an p;takan qa[aqakan ou[;g‘in fauatarim% ;jh k∞ouxh paf;l ir bar]r pa,tøne% minc;u or ;rkrin qa[aqakanoujiune 'o.oui% kam a®nouaxn p;takan ,af;re cwtangouin y,marta.øsouj;amb! M;nq phtq h dadrinq nman paragan;roun ;u amhn angam m;r ª\ousa.aboujiuneº po®alh% kam jh entroujiunn;rh a®a= m;xi ªpartadirº .ostoum ,®a\lo[n;re ªsta.øs pitak;lh! Phtq h qic men al qnnadat;nq nman .ostoumn;rou fauatalou m;r ansrbagr;li j;roujiune! A\s bolorow% kar;uore m;r anwfatoujiunn h ,arounak;lou Axga\in Dati andoul f;tapndoume% minc;u or p;toujiunn;r gonh n;rfak cgtn;n ir;nz qa[aqakan ,afe m;rinin f;t% ;u - incou ch - na;u npastauorouin anor xørakzouj;amb! Poston ragrh :uropa fratarakouo[ xanaxan Jrqakan fratarakoujiunn;rou mh=! A\s =anq;re k∞ambo[=azouin na;u xørakocoumowe ªbar;kam ou famakirº patmabann;rou% incpisin ;n Vasjin Meqgarji Ph®nar Louis ;u Kounjhr Lhwi% oronq ir;nz frataraka‘ \ødoua‘n;row ou girq;row jikounq ke kangnin Jourqio\ jhxin^ farzakani tak a®n;low Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an fimounqn;re ;u krkn;low Z;[aspanoujiune v.to[ dirqoro,oumn;r% oronq \ar ;u nman ;n Angara\i pa,tønakan møt;zoumn;roun! Ardar;u% Kounjhr Lhwii w;r=in girqe fratarakoua‘ 2005 jouakanin% The Armenian Massacres in Ottoman Turkey- A Disputed Genocide .oragrow% ke miti ªA®a=in Fama,.arfa\in Pat;raxmi .a®nakoujiunn;roun w;ragr;l patafa‘ dhpq;reº m;rv;low ‘ragr;al Z;[aspanakan or;uh \anzagor‘oujiun Øsman;an ka\srouj;an ko[mh! F;taqrqrakan h n,;l jh no\npisi ;u \aranman ªpatmakanº bazatroujiunn;r t;uabar ke krknouin fanrap;takan Jourqio\ n;rka\ i,.anoujiunn;roun ko[mh ir;nz ;njaka\ .o[owakn;roun b;ranow! (Mnaz;ale \a=ord jiuow)


NOR ØR% APRIL 25% 2013





AU:TIS BA|RAM:AN Aprili 20-21-in ka\azan FF bar]rago\n .mbi a®a=nouj;an 38-rd mrza'ouli fandipoumn;re% oronq auartou;zin f;t;u;al ardiunqn;row& ªImpoulsº-ª"iunikº^ 1-0 ªBananzº-ªGan]asarº^ 1-1 ªOulisº-ª<irakº^ 0-0 ªAraratº-ªMikaº^ 1-0 Mrza,ara\in a[iusak G& M& >& |& F& P& <irak 38 23 9 6 63-36 78 Mika 38 22 7 9 52-37 73 "iunik 38 18 5 15 64-48 59 Gan]asar 38 16 11 11 42-33 59 38 17 6 15 62-56 57 Impouls Oulis 38 9 11 18 35-47 38 Ararat 38 9 4 25 26-64 31 Bananz 38 4 15 19 34-58 27 FF `oujpoli 1-in .mbi a®a=nouj;an auartiz 4 mrza'oul a®a= Martounou ªAla,k;rteº nouay;z a®a=in .mbi a.o\;ani kocoume!

FF GAUAJI :XRA"AKICE KE KA|ANA| ªFRAXDANOUMº FF gauaji .a[arkouj;an ;xra'akic fandipoume Giumrii ª<irakiº ;u :r;uani ª"iunikiº mi=;u ke ka\ana\ ªFraxdanº marxada,toum Ma\isi 7-in! ª<irakeº fanrap;touj;an gor‘o[ gauajakirn h! Anz;al tari ª<irakeº \a[j;low ªImpoulsinº a®a=in angam nouay;z FF gauaje! Minc a\d ,irakzinj;re 4 angam fandhs ;n ;k;l gauaji ;xra'akicoum% saka\n m,taphs partou;l hin! ª"iunikeº gauaji .a[arkoujiunn;roum au;li m;‘ \a=o[oujiunn;ri h fas;l! Jime 5 angam nouay;l h patouauor mrzanake! ª"iunikeº 9-rd angam fandhs ke ga\ gauaji ;xra'akicoum! Jh;u ª"iunikeº ou ª<irakeº gauaja\in fandipoumn;roum m;‘ 'or] oun;n% saka\n a®a=in angam ;n mim;anz f;t fandip;lou ;xra'akicoum!

FA|ASTANI FAUAQAKANN:RI FANDIPOUMN:RE • Fa\astani minc;u 17 tar;kann;ri fauaqakane Ma\isi 20-24-e ke masnakzi OU:~A-i ko[miz kaxmak;rpoua‘ ªUEFA Development Tournamentº (OU:~A-i xargazman mrza,ar) mrza,arin% ore ke ka\ana\ Foungaria\oum! M;r jimi mrzakizn;re ke lin;n Slow;nia\i% Foungaria\i ;u C;.ia\i minc;u 17 tar;kann;ri axga\in entranin;re! Fandipoumn;re na.at;soua‘ ;n Ma\isi 21-in% 22-in ;u 24-in! • Fa\astani axga\in fauaqakane Øgostosi 14-in Alpania\oum enk;rakan fandipoum k*anzkazni Alpania\i entranou f;t! ~I~A-i dasakargman a[iusakoum FF fauaqakane 90-rdn h% isk Alpanian^ 48-rde! N,;nq% or FF fauaqakane ;rkou angam fandip;l h Alpania\i fauaqakani f;t 1998 j& a,.arfi a®a=nouj;an entrakan 'ouli ,r=anakn;roum! Tirana\oum ka\aza‘ .a[n auartou;l h oc-oqi^ 1-1 fa,ouow% isk :r;uanoum m;r entranin \a[j;l h 3-0 fa,ouow!

2014 J& A<>ARFI GAUAJI >A{ARKOUJ:AN >MBA|IN MRZA<AR:ROUM A\s famarow w;r=aznoum ;nq ];x ‘anøjazn;l a\l ma\rzamaqn;ri .mbakn;ri mrza,ara\in a[iusakn;ri f;t!

A~RIKA >oumb A& >& |& F& P& G& M& :jowpia 3 1 1 0 4-1 7 Far& A`rika 3 1 2 0 4-2 5 K;nt& Abrik& Fan& 3 1 0 2 2-4 3 3 0 1 2 2-4 1 Botswana >oumb B& Jounis 3 3 0 0 7-3 9 Si;ra L;onh 3 1 1 1 5-5 4 Fasarak& Gw;nia 3 1 1 1 7-8 4 Qa'h W;rdh k[x& 3 0 0 3 5-8 0 >oumb G& "[oskria A'ounq 3 2 1 0 7-2 7 Janxania 3 2 0 1 5-4 6 Maroqqø 3 0 2 1 4-6 2 Gampia 3 0 1 2 2-6 1 >oumb D& Xampia 3 2 1 0 5-1 7 Kana 3 2 0 1 11-1 6 L;sojø 3 0 2 1 1-8 2 Soutan 3 0 1 2 0-7 1 >oumb :& Qonkø 3 3 0 0 5-0 9 Bourkina ~asø 3 1 0 2 4-4 3 Nik;r 3 1 0 2 3-5 3 Gabøn 3 1 0 2 1-4 3 >oumb X& Niy;ria 3 1 2 0 3-2 5 Malawi 3 1 2 0 2-1 5 Namipia 3 1 0 2 1-2 3 Q;nia 3 0 2 1 1-2 2 >oumb H& :giptos 3 3 0 0 7-3 9 Gwin;a 3 1 1 1 3-3 4 Moxampik 3 0 2 1 0-2 2 Ximpapouh\ 3 0 1 2 1-3 1 >oumb E& Mali 3 2 0 1 4-3 6 B;nin 2 1 1 0 2-1 4 Alvir 2 1 0 1 5-2 3 Âouanta 3 0 1 2 2-7 1 >oumb J& Qam;roun 3 2 0 1 4-3 6 Lipia 3 1 2 0 3-2 5 Qonko\i D&F& 3 1 1 1 2-1 4 Togø 3 0 1 2 2-5 1 >oumb V& S;n;kal 3 1 2 0 5-3 5 Lip;ria 3 1 1 1 3-3 4 Ankola 3 0 3 0 2-2 3 Oukanta 3 0 2 1 2-4 2 A\s ma\rzamaqi 10 .mb;roum a®a=in t;[;re graua‘ jim;re ke kaxm;n 5 xo\g;r! Xo\g;re mim;anz f;t ke .a[an ir;nz ;u faka®akordi da,toum ;u 5 xo\g;roum \a[ja‘ jim;re ke stanan 2014 j& ;xra'akici ou[;gr;r!


DAUIJ GRA~E KRKIN |A{J:Z NOKAOUTOW G;rmanian n;rka\azno[ ‘anr qa,a\in arf;stawarv b®nzqamartik Dauij Gra`e (Wafagn Safak;ane) vamkhtiz ,out f;rjakan \a[janake tøn;z! Wi;nna\oum na 8 ®aountanoz m;namarti ardhn 2-rd ®aountoum nokaouti h ;njark;l foungarazi Voxh` Nagoua\in! Dauij Gra`e arf;stawarv ®ingoum 10-rd \a[janake tøn;z% oriz 7-e nokaoutow! M;namartiz \;to\% fa\ b®nzqamartike \a\-

tarar;l h% or \a[janake nouiroum h Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an xof;ri \i,atakin!

WA>JANG DARCIN:ANE KE M:NAMARTI >AUI:R GALO|I F:T Qa,a\in 2 karg;roum a,.arfi na.kin a.o\;an Wa.jang Darcin;ane ®ing ke w;rada®na\ Ma\isi 11-in! Nra mrzakize 10 ®aountanoz m;namartoum ke lini m;qsiqazi >aui;r Galon! M;namarte t;[i k*oun;na\ AMN-i T;.asi nafangi Lar;dø qa[aqoum! >aui;r Galon arf;stawarv ®ingoum anzkazra‘ 25 m;namart;riz 18-oum \a[j;l h% 6-oum partou;l h ;u mhk fandipoum hl auart;l h oc-oqi! Wa.jang Darcin;ann ir mrzakziz au;li 'or]a®ou h! Na 44 m;namart h anzkazr;l% oriz 38-oum \a[j;l h (27-e nokaoutow)% kr;l h 5 partoujiun% mhk fandipoum auart;l h oc-oqi!

FA| SAMBISTN:RI FAROUST AUARE Kiprosi Limasoul qa[aqoum auartoua‘ sambo\i :uropa\i patanin;ri% ;ritasardn;ri ;u a[=ikn;ri a®a=noujiunoum w;r;lqow fandhs ;kan fa\ sambistn;re! A®a=nouj;ann masnakza‘ 22 fa\ sambistn;riz ou[i[ khsn arvanazan m;taln;ri^ 3-akan oski ;u ar‘ajh% 5 pronxh!

<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • L;uon Aron;ane Aprili 21-iz minc;u Ma\isi 1-e ke masnakzi "arixoum ;u Sankt ";t;rpourgoum anzkazou;liq Al;qsandr Al\o.ini \ou,amrza,arin! Aron;ani mrzakizn;re ke lin;n Anande% Kramnike% Swidl;re% G;l`ande% Adamse% Wa,ih-Lagraue% Din Lir;ne% ~r;sin;n% Wit\ougowe! A®a=in 5 mrza'oul;re ke ka\anan Aprili 21-25-e "arixoum^ Louwri jangaranoum% isk ;xra'akic corse^ Aprili 28-iz minc;u Ma\isi 1-e Sankt ";t;rpourgi ®ousakan p;takan jagaranoum! Aron;ann a®a=in mrza'ouloum partou;z Din Lir;nin% isk 2-rdoum \a[j;z Kramnikin! • Grosma\st;r Tigran {aram;ane (~ransia) ~ransia\i Lil qa[aqoum auartoua‘ mrza,aroum 9 fnarauoriz wastak;low 6&5 miauor 179 masnakizn;ri mh= bavan;z 3-8-rd t;[;re! Lrazouzic zouzani,n;row Tigrane 6-rdn hr! Grosma\st;r :ug;nia Dolou.anowan (FF) 5&5 miauorow xba[;zr;z 29-rd t;[e! Mrza,ari \a[jo[e 7&5 miauorow dar]au Antrh Vigalkon (P;la®ous)! • Grosma\str;rn;r Wladimir |akob;ane ;u Gabrihl Sargs;ane Toupa\oum auartoua‘ baz mrza,aroum 9 fnarauoriz wastak;zin 6&5-akan miauor ;u 192 masnakizn;ri mh= grau;zin 10-rd ;u 13-rd t;[;re! Mi=axga\in warp;t |owik Fa\rap;t;ane wastak;z 6% grosma\st;rn;r Tigran L& P;tros;ane ;u Lilij Galo\;ane^ 5-akan miauor! 7&5 miauorow \a[jo[ dar]au Al;qsandr Âa.manowe (ÂD)! • Lilij Mkrtc;ane Fndkastanoum auartoua‘ mrza,aroum 11 fnarauoriz wastak;low 7&5 miauor 12 mrzakizn;ri mh= xba[;zr;z 2-rd t;[e ;u khs miauorow ;t mnaz Gir\a\iz (ÂD)!

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