ՆՈՐ ՕՐ Շաբաթաթերթ

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FING<ABJI% MA|IS 2% 2013

THURSDAY, MAY 2, 2013 91 TARI% JIU 18 VOLUME 91, NO. 18


2015-in fa\ vo[owourde Fa\astani Fanrap;touj;an% L;®na\in {araba[i Fanrap;touj;an ;u S'iu®qi ambo[= tara‘qin piti n,h Øsman;an Jourqio\ ko[mh kaxmak;rpoua‘ Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100 am;ake! 1915-i Z;[aspanouj;an xof gazin au;li qan mhkoukhs milion

FF NA>AGAF S:RV SARGS:ANI OU{:R}E Z:{ASPANOUJ:AN XOF:RI |I<ATAKI ØROUA| AÂJIU Sir;li* fa\r;nakizn;r% A\sør m;nq glou. ;nq .onarfoum m;r anm;[ nafatakn;ri \i,ataki a®=;u! Nafatakn;r% oronz m;‘ mase no\nisk ,irim coun;zau! Tara‘a,r=ani bnik ;u fnago\n vo[owourdn;riz mhke bna=n=ou;z ir tane ;u b®naga[ji yanaparfin! Tara‘a,r=ani bnik ;u fnago\n vo[owourdn;riz mhke 20-rd dari a®a=in Z;[aspanouj;an f;t;uanqow korzr;z faxaram;akn;ri enjazqoum koutaka‘ fog;uor-m,akouja\in arvhqn;r% oronq% lin;low axga\in^ fa\kakan% orphs arou;sti st;[‘agor‘oujiunn;r ;u qa[aqakrjakan nouayoumn;r^ ounhin na;u fama,.arfa\in n,anakoujiun! Tara‘a,r=ani bnik ;u fnago\n vo[owourdn;riz mhke Z;-

fa\;r% aqsori yamboun wra\ w;rapra‘ fa\;re apastan gtan Ar;u;l;an Fa\astani^ n;rka\is Fa\astani Fanrap;touj;an% Sourio\% Libanani ;u a\l arabakan ;rkirn;rou mh= ou a,.arfi tarb;r p;toujiunn;rou møt! Anfatakan s;'akan kaloua‘<ar& h= 13


[aspanouj;an f;t;uanqow korzr;z faxaram;akn;ri enjazqoum koutaka‘ niujakan arvhqn;r% oronq iurazou;zin jourqakan p;touj;an ;u nra bnak<ar& h= 13

AMN NA>AGAF P& ØPAMAN O{:R} |{A’ H FA|OZ Z:{ASPANOUJ:AN 98-RD TAR:LIZI AÂIJOW SAFMANA"AKOU:LOW^ ªM:’ :{:ÂNº :XROW ªA\sør m;nq ke n,;nq M;‘ :[;®ne ou ke \arg;nq \i,atake a\n mardkanz% oronq mafaza‘ ;n 20-rd darou am;nasarsa';li gaxanoujiunn;rhn mhkou vamanak! 98 tari a®a= 1%5 mln fa\;r spannou;zan kam t;[afanou;zan Øsman;an ka\srouj;an go\ouj;an w;r=in ør;rounº% esoua‘ h AMN na.agafi ou[;r]i mh=! Øpaman a®a=arka‘ h dadar w;rzn;l^ mtor;lou fangca‘

<ar& h= 4


}a.hn^ Enk;rn;r |akob Naxar;an ;u Ghorg Grigor;an

Gali`ornio\ Los Any;lesi gaua®i Monj;phllø qa[aqin mh=% 40 tarin;r a®a= ka®ouzoua‘ h Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune og;koco[ \ou,akojo[e% our amhn tari% April 24-in fa\ vo[owourdi xauakn;re ke fauaqouin ir;nz \arganqi tourqe matouzan;lou fa\ axgi xof;roun% <ar& h= 4

ªSir;li fa\ bar;kamn;rs fos ;u a,.arfi cors ko[m;rh! A\sør^ Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 98-rd tar;lizi øre% .øsqs k*ou[[;m ];x^ N;rka\azouzicn;ri palati ampioniz% ];r m;‘ fa\r;rou l;xouow! L;xou% orow ir;nq k*arta\a\thin ir;nz \o\x;re% k;anqe% ;®andn;re ;u shre 1915-iz a®a=º% n,a‘ h <i`e ;u \au;l;l& ª};x f;t ke .øsim a\n l;xouow% orow .øso[n;re Øsman;an ka\s-

<ar& h= 4


NOR ØR% MA|IS 2% 2013


A P R I L : A N Fimnoua‘ 1922-in (~r;xnø) Established 1922 (in Fresno) PA<TØNAJ:RJ MIAZ:AL NAFANGN:ROU ÂAMKAWAR AXATAKAN KOUSAKZOUJ:AN AR:UMT:AN <R+ANI An ADL Publication PATAS>ANATOU >MBAGIR^

|akob Martiros;an >MBAGRAKAN KAXM^

Dokt& Minas Goya\;an Sargis |& Minas;an Frac S;';jy;an >acik Yano\;an MARXAKAN BAVUN^

Au;tis Ba\ram;an WARCAKAN KAXM^

Toqj& Âa``i Pal;an Ghorg Grigor;an Karø Giu'hl;an Andranik A`ar;an |owik :øxkajl;an >mbagroujiun

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91-AM:AK 1922-2013

Fa\astani na.agafakan entroujiunn;re auarta‘ hin ";trouari 18-in% na.agaf S;rv Sargs;ani w;rentrouj;amb! Saka\n tarakar‘oujiunn;r st;[‘ou;zan enddimadir yakati [;kawar Âa``i |owannhs;ani ;u ir f;t;uordn;roun ko[mh% oronq farzakani tak ke dnhin entroujiunn;roun ørinakanoujiune! Entroujiunn;rhn ;tq ;u anor \a=ordakan 50 ør;rou enjaz qin% enddimadir yakatin ko[mh fa\r;niqi xanaxan ,r=ann;rou mh= tarou;zan vo[owrdawarakan ;u enddimadir ,arvoumi st;[‘man qaroxcakan a,.atanqn;r% oronq ir;nz axd;zoujiune oun;zan fa\r;niqi vo[owourdi xgastazman mh=% fine norow 'o.arin;lou t;ncanqow! Endimadir ,arvoume skxbnakan ,r=anin ounhr ws;m npatakn;r% fa\r;niqi vo[owrdakanazman ;u bar;kargman npatakn;row% ;jh n;rmou[ o\v;r xa\n cw;ra‘hin anfatakan ]gtoumn;rou% oronq ,;[;zan enddimadir yakati na.nakan ør;rou npatakn;rhn% \aya. fakasakan xgazoumn;rh ;u gor‘ounhoujiunn;rh taroua‘! Fa\r;niqin mh=% enddimadir ,arvoume vo[owrdawarakan ga[a'arn;row sna‘% ;u a\d fauat qow fasak a®a‘ ,arvoum phtq h ella\! Axg me% or faxarauor tarin;r apra‘ h tarb;r p;takan ka®o\zn;rou tirap;touj;an n;rq;u% a®au;l ;us >orfrda\in Miouj;an m;natirouj;an møtik anz;ali 70 tarin;rou enjazqin% chr karo[ jøja';l ir darauor soworoujiunn;rn ou apr;lak;r pe 50 ørouan mh=! |ousalqou;lou ch ,arvoume a\sør% orowf;t;u an ‘nound a®a‘ h ardhn fa\r;niqi ;ritasard fa\ s;roundin mh=% ir ]a\ne% kar‘iqe ;u n;rdroume b;r;lou famar fa\r;niqi ,af;roun% ir qa[aqakan ;u fasarakakan fa\;zo[ouj;amb! Vo[owourdi a®a=nordn;r% kousakzap;t;r% oronq ke nmanin banaki framanatarn;rou% c;n krnar lq;l f;t;uord vo[owourde ;u fasa-

| OU < : R rakoujiune f;®analow pa\qari da,thn kam .ousa';low yakatoumh! |ousa.a' f;t;uordn;r oronq a®anz a®a=nordi moloroua‘ hin :r;uani 'o[ozn;roun mh=% piti c\ousafatin ;jh ke fauatan ir;nz ga[a'ara.øsouj;an% orowf;t;u fauatqn h fimqe 'o'o.ouj;an ;u npatakn;rou irakanazman! Endimadir ,arvoume saka\n% ke w;ra'o.oui nor auiunow ;u a®a=nordn;row% nor ga[a'arn;row ;u founauoroumow% orowf;t;u a®a=nordn;re ga[a'arn;rou miak =afakirn;re c;n vo[owourdn;rou mh=% vo[owourde inqn h 'o'o.ouj;an ]gtoumin a®a=nordn ou k;rtice! Isk 'o'o.oujiunn ou bar;kargoume ke sksi vo[owourdin n;rja'anzoumow i,.anoujiunn;rou mh=% xanonq bar;'o.;low astiyanabar% vamanakafatoua‘n;row% nor s;roundin o\vow ;u n;rdroumow% orowf;t;u nor s;roundn h fa\r;niqin apagan% ;u nor s;rounde parti xinouil ga[a'arakan fastatoun fauat qow% ou[[ou;lou famar dhpi y,grit 'o'o.oujiun% a®anz artaqin ga[a'ara.øsouj;anz f;t;uo[akanouj;an% pa,tpan;low ;u paf;low fa\r;niqin fxøroujiune% srboujiunn ou anwtangoujiune! Cka\ or;uh ,arvoum or coun;na\ ;u axd;zoujiunn;re ;u f;t;uanqn;re! Fa\r;ni p;toujiune% a\sørouan w;rentroua‘ i,.anouj;amb% ci krnar ant;s;l vo[owourdi m;‘ masi me bar;'o.oujiunn;rou t;ncanqe! Faka®ak anor or bar;'o .oujiunn;r ;u bar;kargoumn;r go\oujiun ounhin na.ordo[ 5 tarin;rou enjaz qin% fauanabar au;li m;‘ xargazoumn;r k∞aknkalouin n;rka\ ka®awarouj;an ko[mh \a=ord 5 tarin;rou enjazqin% fa\ axge au;li ;us møt;zn;lou vo[owrdawarakan k;rp;row a®a=nordouo[ ka®awaroujiunn;rou! Fauatanq a\d bar;kargoumn;roun!

FA|OZ Z:{ASPANOUJ:AN% GALI~ORNIO| KL:NTH|L QA{AQI OG:KOCMAN FANDISOUJIUNE Gali`ornio\ xanaxan qa[aqn;rou ;u fama\n a,.arfi tara‘qin t;[i oun;za‘ Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an og;kocman fandisouj;anz ,arqin% Kl;nth\li fa\afo‘ ga[oujin mh=% Kl;nth\li qa[aqap;taranin ko[mh% ;u \a=ordakan 12-rd tarin ellalow% a\s tari ;us kaxmak;rpoua‘ hr Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an og;kocman ];®nark me% April 24-i ;r;ko\;an% Kl;nth\li Alhqs jatronin mh=! Alhqs jatrone .®noua‘ hr fa\ordin;rou \or]anoutow% oronq ;ka‘ hin og;koc;lou fa\ vo[owourdi z;[aspanouj;an vamanakami=ozin ir;nz xofoua‘ na.nin;roun \i,atake! A\s tari fandisouj;an kaxmak;rpouj;an masnakzoujiun ke b;rhr Kl;nth\li qa[aqap;tarani ambo[= pa,tønhoujiune% ørouan fandisoujiune stan]n;low Ara Nayar;ane% or o[=o\ni bazman .øsqhn% Am;rik;an ;u Fa\kakan ørfn;rgn;rhn ;tq b;m frauir;z Ma\q Kajøn% or Gali`ornio\ nafangi 43-rd ,r=ani n;rka\azouzicn h% ir .øsqe n;rka\azn;lou famar ørouan fandisouj;an!

Ørouan bana.øsn;rhn a®a=inn hr jrqakan inqnouj;amb Oumij Qiurj! An ‘na‘ h A\njap% jourqia% ousana‘ Isjanpouli mh=% wka\oua‘ ;uropakan gitoujiunn;rou ;u diuanagitouj;an yiu[;rou mh= ;u f;[inak h ,arq me fratarakoujiunn;rou! An a\vm Mhshcoushz nafangi Qlarq famalsarani ousoumnakan h ;u ke f;t;ui mi=axga\in ;u Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an ousoumnasirouj;an dasenjazqn;roun! Qiurji bana.øsouj;an niuje ke k;dronanar Z;[aspanouj;an ;u anor \a=ordo[ tarin;rou enjazqin% jourq;roun ko[mh b®nagrauoua‘ fa\ vo[owourdin incq;roun% ;k;[;zin;roun% kaloua‘n;roun ;u farstouj;anz t;[;kou-

jiunn;roun wra\! Qiurjin bana.øsoujiune a®au;l t;[;kagrakan ;u fa[ordagrakan bno\j ounhr a®anz or;uh m;knabanouj;anz kam ørinakan pafan=qn;rou ;u mi=ozn;rou n;rka\azman! Saka\n f;taqrqrakan hr n;rka\azoua‘ bana.øsoujiune% nkati a®n;low or Polso\ Patrarqarane ;u Am;rik;an p;toujiune ardhn nman pafan=qn;r n;rka\azouza‘ ;n jrqakan p;touj;an møt! Mi,elin Afaron;an Marqøm ørouan ;rkrord bana.øsn hr! Shoutakan Arabia ‘na‘% Los Any;lesi mh= fasak a®a‘ Mi,eline f;[inakn h cors girq;rou% oronq arvanaza‘ ;n xanaxan gnafatanqn;rou ;u mrzanak<ar& h= 13




ATRPH|YANE^ JOURQIO| GL>AUOR MARTAFRAUHRE LAMI|A ATEL{EXE Jourqio\ kowkas;an qa[aqakanoujiune ]a.o[a‘ ke nkatoui% \atkaphs Art& Gor‘oz Na.arar Afmht Tauoutø[loui ord;gra‘ ªXhrø farz drazin;rou f;tº qa[aqakan karga.øsi kapakzouj;amb! Jourqia% mi,t% masnauor ou,adroujiun dar]ouza‘ h ir ;rkko[mani \arab;rouj;anz Atrph\yani f;t% miavamanak acqi a®=;u oun;nalow Fa\astane^ artaqin qa[aqakanouj;an mh=! Anqara\i ;u :r;uani 'o.\arab;rouj;anz mh= st;[‘oua‘ h bard kazoujiun% or krna\ f;txf;th spa®naliq da®nal% orqan ke møt;na\ Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an og;kocman fariuram;akin! 2015 jouakane ca'axanz xga\oun tari me piti ella\ fa\-jrqakan \arab;rouj;anz t;sakhthn! Jourqio\ qa[aqakanouj;an o[na\arn h Atrph\yani f;t baruoq 'o.\arab;roujiunn;re! Xørakzoujiune ;rkou ;rkirn;rou mi=;u \o\v korowi h% Atrph\yani g;ri,.o[ k,i®ow ,r=anin mh=% \atkaphs ;rb farze ke w;rab;ri Fa\astanin! A\s paraga\in% \atkan,akan h Wan-:r;uan na.at;soua‘ ødanaua\in j®icqi a®ka.oume% ore f;t;uanq h Jourqio\ wra\ kataroua‘ atrph\yanakan yn,oumin! Ar;u;l;an Jourqio\ Wan qa[aqi ;u Fa\astani ma\raqa[aq :r;uani mi=;u ødanaua\in ;rj;u;kouj;an gi‘ me piti bazouhr anzno[ April 3-in! Porayhj enk;rouj;an ko[mh a®a=in angam ellalow iragor‘ou;liq ,abajakan ;rkou j®icqn;re fa\ xbøsa,r=ikn;re piti 'o.adrhin ;rkou ;rkirn;rou safmanhn oc ,at f;®ou gtnouo[ Wan qa[aqe% or at;nin ke gtnouhr patmakan ir;nz fa\r;niqin fo[amasin wra\! A\nouf;t;u% inqnab;rabar qa=al;roua‘ piti ella\in na;u ;rkko[mani xbøsa,r=ikoujiunn ou waya®akanoujiune! Saka\n% Atrph\yani enddimouj;an wra\% Jourqia a®ka.;z øda\in jourixmi a\s na.a];®noujiune% enda®a=;low ir ®axmawarakan da,nakizin kam;zo[ouj;an! Est atrph\yanzi mi=axga\in farz;rou qa[aqakan masnaght Qawous Apou,owi% fa\-jourq 'o.\arab;rouj;anz mh= bar;lauoum me \o\v .orfrdan,akan piti dar]nhr Fa\astani ,r=a'akoume Jourqio\ ko[mh! 1990-hn iw;r diuanagitakan \arab;roujiunn;re dadra‘ ;n Atrph\yani ;u Fa\astani mi=;u! Xørawig kangn;lou famar da,nakiz Atrph\yanin% Jourqia 'ak;z zamaqa\in ir safmane Fa\astani f;t! Tnt;saphs m;kousazou;low ou xrkou;low øgtou;lh ,r=ani tnt;sakan ‘ragirn;rhn% k*aknkalouhr or a\s mi=oza®oume piti m[hr Fa\astane .a[a[ fama]a\nouj;an me galou Arza.i fakamartouj;an farzow% or 'akou[ii mh= ke ,arounakh mnal saka\n ;rkou tasnam;akh iw;r! Irakanouj;an mh=% Fa\astani møt;zoum zo\z talow% Jourqio\ na.agaf Aptoulla Kiuli ª`oujpola\inº na.a];®noujiune ke npatakadrhr% go\at;uo[ an;l kazoujiune 'o.;low% .a[a[ lou‘oum me gtn;l L;®na\in {araba[i fakamartouj;an! A\s ou[[ouj;amb 2006in Ziuri.i 'rojoqoln;rou fama]a\nagrin na.a];®noujiune ;us zo\z touau% or Fa\astani tnt;sakan ,r=a'akoume or;uh \a®a=dimoujiun chr ar]anagra‘ dhpi .a[a[oujiun! Isjanpouli mh= fastatoua‘ Mi=axga\in Tagnapi Fama.mboumi :uropa\i tnørhn Sapin ~rh\xeri fama]a\n% Anqara \aya. \a\tarara‘ h% jh piti cmi=amth Faraua\in Kowkasi mh= irakanazouo[ s;'akan gor‘ounhoujiunn;roun% n;ra®;al Fa\astani mh=! A\soufand;r]% anika cqa=al;r;z Porayhji na.a];®noujiune^ :r;uan-

Wan ødanaua\in gi‘i fastatoume! Atrph\yani Artaqin Gor‘oz Na.ararouj;an banb;r Hlman Aptoulla\;u cou,azau \a\tn;lou ir ;rkrin gofounakoujiune% au;lzn;low jh bolorowin fasknali hr {araba[i farzow Jourqio\ k;zoua‘qe^ xørawig kangn;lou ir qa[aqatnt;sakan enk;ro=^ Atrph\yanin! A\sphs kocoua‘ Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100 Am;ake% kam Jourqio\ famar 2015 banali jouakane orqan møt;na\% Fa\astan piti pafan=h% or mi=axga\in yanacoumi arvananan 1915-in gor‘adroua‘ 1&5 milion fa\;rou fauaqakan =ard;re! Nman w;ragroum me% ir axga\in patiuin famar spa®naliq me nkat;low% Jourqia ardhn ke fakaxdh% \a\tn;low jh \i,;al =ard;re chin npatakadr;r z;[a\in \atouk maqragor‘oum me% a\l f;t;uanq hin Fama,.arfa\in A& Pat;raxmi mjnolortin! Fa\ xof;rou og;kocoumi n,anak;li a\d tar;dar]in% ~rh\xer ke j;ladrh Jourqio\% orphsxi kish fa\;rou zaue% \a\tn;low ank;[‘ n;ro[oujiun! ªAsika Jourqio\ patas.anatououjiunn h% ;u asor famar Atrph\yane mtafogou;lou patya® me couniº! W;r=iw;r=o\% fa\-jrqakan bnakanon 'o.\arab;roujiunn;re npastauor piti da®nan Faraua\in Kowkasi mh=! Diuanagitakan kap;rou fastatoume Jourqio\ ;u Fa\astani mi=;u% piti a®a=nord;n ;rkou ;rkirn;rou oc mia\n safmann;rou% a\l lrazouzic 'o.adrouj;an yamban;rou bazoumin% a\l na;u^ jrqakan n;rdroumn;rou! A\n at;n^ :r;uan ;us piti taroui Anqara\i f;t bar;lau;lou diuanagitakan ir \arab;roujiunn;re% oronq piti jo\latr;n Jourqio\ au;li kar;uor d;r me w;rzn;lou L;®na\in {araba[i fakamartouj;an baruoq lou‘man kapakzouj;amb! Saka\n Atrph\yan xørauor k,i® oun;nalow Jourqio\ kowkas;an qa[aqakanouj;an wra\% jrqakan i,.anoujiunn;re arg;lq fandisazan \a\tararoua‘ :r;uan-Wan øda\in gi‘i bazoumin! *** W;ro\i,;al tou;aln;rou lo\sin tak% a\l;us Jourqio\ na.agaf Aptoulla Kiuli ª`oujpola\inº na.a];®noujiune^ m;r];nalou famar Fa\astani f;t% Ziuri.i ª'rojoqoln;rouº Ar;umt;an wiva‘ na.a];®noujiune% ødanaua\in ;rj;u;koujiun fastat;lou w;r=in 'or]e% ke m;knabanouin kam ke tarouinq dit;lou parxaphs ibr;u yamartakoujiunn;r! Takauin c;nq andrada®nar "oqr Asia\hn% Faraua\in Mi=in kam K;dronakan Asia\hn minc;u Ar;umt;an Cinastan ;rkaro[% "anJouran;an Ka\sroujiun me st;[‘;lou Jourqio\ mna\oun ‘ragrin! Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an fariuram;aki na.ør;akin% ~rh\xeri frauhr-a®a=arke Jourqio\^ kis;lou fa\oz zaue ;u ank;[‘ n;roum me .ndr;lou% inqnab;rabar ke da®na\ p[p=oun a®a=arkoujiun me! W;r=aphs% Arza.;an tagnapi kam fakamartouj;an lou‘man kapakzouj;amb% incph#s kar;li h ko[mnakal mi=nordi me^ Jourqio\ a=akzoujiune miamtørhn a®a=ark;l!

Jargm&^ Sargis |& Minas;an (ªJouth\x Xamanº% April 4% 2013)


NOR ØR% MA|IS 2% 2013


AMN NA>AGAF P& ØPAMAN O{:R}&&& <ar& h= 1-hn

k;anq;rou masin% \i,;lou a\n anas;li ta®apanqn;re% or kra‘ ;n mardik! ªM;x miaza‘ ;n milionauor mardik o[= a,.arfi mh= ;u Miaz;al Nafangn;rou mh=% ort;[ a\s øre ke n,oui nafangn;row% fama\nqn;row ;u entaniqn;row! M;nq na;u ke \i,;zn;nq m;x% or fauatarim ;nq ;ra,.auor;lou% or patmouj;an nman mouj h=;re phtq ch krknouinº%- endg‘a‘ h an! Øpaman \a\tarara‘ h% jh baxmizs n,a‘ h ir s;'akan dirqoro,oume 1915j& kataroua‘i w;rab;r;al! ª:u im dirqoro,ume ch 'o.oua‘% n,a‘ h an ;u au;lzouza‘& ª"ast;rou liakatar% baza\a\t ;u ardarazi endounoume bolorin ,af;rhn ke b.i! Axg;re k*amranan^ endoun;low ;u fa,oui nst;low anz;ali zauot tarr;rou f;t% fimq st;[‘;low a®au;l ardarazi apafow apaga\i famar! M;nq Miaz;al nafangn;rou mh= ke gnafat;nq a\d dase% qani or ke ]gtinq fa,t;zn;l m;r s;'akan patmouj;an m®a\l paf;rhn mhke! M;nq arvanin ke matouz;nq a\n .ixa. fa\;roun ;u jourq;roun% oronq kangn;zan a\d yanaparfin ;u og;koc;zin ,arounak;l a\d gor‘o[oujiunn;re ir;nz ka®awarouj;an% na;u im a=akzouj;ambº% esa‘ h Øpaman! Na.agafi .øsqow% fa\ vo[owourdi patmoujiunn ou va®angoujiune ke bnoro,ouin ankas;li ogiow ;u m;‘ ka\ounouj;amb^ af®;li dvba.touj;an ;u ta®apanqn;roun dhm fandiman! N,;nq% or d;® ir a®a=in entrar,aui vamanak Øpaman .ostaza‘ hr yancnal Z;[aspanoujiune% saka\n a® a\sør .ostoume ch krza‘ katar;l!

<ar& h= 1-hn

D:MOKRAT QONKR:SAKAN ATAM <I~E&&& <ar& h= 1-hn

oronq inkan jourqi ariunajaja. ;aja[anin faroua‘ow% patmakan Fa\astani fo[;roun wra\% Sourio\ ;u Iraqi anapatn;roun mh=% aqsori yanaparfin kam :'rati ;u Tigrisi =our;rou xof da®nalow! April 24-e% a\s tari ke xougadiphr Cor;q,abji ørouan% or faka®ak a,.atanqi ør ellaloun% fa\ vo[owourdi xauakn;re .[ymtørhn ke \arghin ir;nz ‘no[az ;u na.nin;roun \i,atake% ir;nz fastatoujiunn;re ;u a,.atat;[in;re 'ak;low% ;ka‘ hin ir;nz masnakzoujiune b;r;lou Z;[aspanouj;an \i,atakouj;an nouiroua‘ ];®narkn;roun% Foliwouti mh= qa\lar,auow% Monj;phllo\i mi=oza®oumow% Jrqakan fiupatosaranin a®=;u bo[oqi zo\zow% Klhnth\li ;u a\l qa[aqn;rou mh= og;kocman fandisouj;amb ;u a\l mi=oza®oumn;row! Monj;phllo\i \ou,akojo[in a®=;u a\d ør% khsørh ;tq vame 1&30-in% Los Any;lesi Fa\kakan Miaz;al Marmnin ko[mh kaxmak;rpoua‘ hr Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an \i,atakouj;an mi=oza®oum me% our n;rka\ hin baxmafaxar jiuow fa\ordin;r% oronq ‘a‘ka‘ hin \ou,akojo[in blrafarjake! Og;kocman fandisoujiune bazau Miaz;al Marmni diuani .øsnak Jomik Al;qsan;an% Am;rik;an ;u Fa\kakan qa\l;rgn;row ;u b;m frauir;z ørouan fandisaware Ouiliam Pa\ram;ane or \i,atakouj;an ;u bari galst;an ma[janqn;rh ;tq b;m frauir;z Los Any;lesi qa[aqap;t Anjoniø Wiarakosan% orphsxi n;rka\aznh Los Any;les qa[aqin patgame ørouan pat,ay a®ijow! Wiarakosa a®o\g%

a,.o\v ;u og;uoric .øsq;row gnafat;z fa\ ga[ouje Los Any;lesi mh=% Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an xof;roun \i,ataki og;kocman arta\a\toujiunn;row% Siamanjo\hn mh=b;roumn;r en;low ;u a\pan;low Miaz;al Nafangn;rou da,nakza\in ka®awaroujiune Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an yanacoumi j;razman famar! FF gl.auor fiupatos Grigor |owannis;an .øsq a®n;low \i,atak;z fa\ axgi am;nanouirakan pafe% z;[aspanouj;an xof dar]a‘ anm;[ fa\ vo[owourdi me odisakane ;u n,;z Miaz;al Nafnagn;rou Ar;u;l;an ,r=anin mh= Atrph\yani ka®awarouj;an% Miaz;al Nafangn;rou ka®awarouj;an n;rka\azouza‘ a®a=arke our ke 'or]hin 1915-in fa\ vo[owourdin patafarn;re \;[a,r=oua‘ k;rpow n;rka\azn;l! Saka\n incphs mi,t% ]a.o[ouj;an datapartoua‘ 'or] me ;us ;[a‘ hr a\d% ,norfiu fa\kakan lopii a,.atanqn;roun! An n,;z na;u jh^ Gali`ornio\ nafangi ~r;xnø gaua®e ;us Mh\n nafangin ko[qin% pa,tønaphs yancza‘ h {araba[i fanrap;touj;an anka.oujiune! |arouj Sasoun;an n;rka\azouz ørouan gl.auor bana.øs Yh`eri Âaperjsene% anor fakiry k;nsagrakane talow! Yh`eri Âaperjsen andradar]au April 24-i ørouan \i,atakouj;an orphs ªZasman ;u Ardarafatouzmanº ør% ;u o*c t.rouj;an! An parx;z Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an ararqin% øsman;an p;touj;an \;tin npatakn;rn ou kirarkoua‘ oyirn;re% oronq est Cerceli^ ªananoun oyragor‘oujiunn;rº hin a\n vamanak%

rouj;an tara‘qoum tasn;ak faxarn;row =ardou;zin% ;r;.an;ri% oronq mi kajil =our hin a[;rsoum% kananz% oronq b®nabarou;zin% ma\r;ri% oronq mafazan nora‘inn;rn ir;nz grkoum% w;rapro[n;ri% oronq Am;rika ;kan axatoujiune wa\;l;lou ;u nor k;anq fius;lou famarº! Est <i`i% Jourqian mhk dar f;rqoum h Z;[aspanoujiune^ v.t;low a\n! ªA\sør bolors fa\ ;nqº% as;l h na ;u n,;l% or am;rik;an vo[owourde qa=ørhn h .øs;l bolor sarsa'n;ri masin ;u dranq koc;l ir;nz anounow! Na wstafoujiun h \a\tn;l% or øre galou h% ;u Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune yanacou;lou h! minc;u 1948 jouakane% ;rb Limbqini a®a=adranqow Miaz;al Axg;rou kaxmak;rpoujiune ørinaphs xa\n orak;z Z;[aspanoujiun% i tarb;roujiun a\l axg;rou z;[aspanoujiunn;rou% oronq p;takan framanagr;r counhin% incphs or hr paragan Fa\ vo[owourdi z;[aspanouj;an! An \a\tarar;z jh^ a\s bolor iro[oujiunn;re ;u ;[;loujiunn;re \stakørhn patmagroua‘ ;u 'astagroua‘ ;n Âousakan% Am;rik;an ;u :uropakan p;toujiunn;rou ar.iun;roun mh=! An n,;z na;u {araba[i ;u Na.i=;uani paragan;re% ;rb Sjalin 1922 jouin Atrph\yani i,.anouj;anz [;kawarouj;an \an]n;z fa\kakan fo[;re% ;u nkaragr;z ir a\z;loujiune {araba[% ;u a\pan;z St;'anak;rti ødaka\anin dhm kataroua‘ anirau ;u ®axmat;nc \a\tararoujiunn;re! An auart;z ir .øsqe es;low^ kar;li ch n;r;l jourqin% a®anz Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an yanacman ;u fatouzman! |a=ordabar .øsq a®in p;-

takan an]nauoroujiunn;r Jam Jorlaqsen% Yan Ciank% Ma\q Kajø% Qarmhn Jriujanic% Ouhnti Krouel ;u "ol Grigor;an! N;rka\ hin na;u m;‘ jiuow p;takan n;rka\azouzicn;r incphs^ Xar;f Sinan;an% Ara Nayar;an% Âa``i Manouk;an% Yhq Rapinsen% Yan Fa\rap;t;an% Yhq Fatin;an% Nairi Fa\rap;t;an% Krhk Grigor;an% Armina Karap;t;an% Phn Qartinhx% Yhri Kouxman% J;r;xa Âial% Pap Apoul;da ;u a\l an]nauoroujiunn;r! Fa\kakan Miaz;al Marmnin ko[mh .øsq a®in angl;rhnow^ Âa``i Fambar;an% Frac S;';jy;an fa\;rhnow ;u Karø {axar;an fa\ irauabann;rou miouj;an ko[mh! Arous {axar;an apa \ou,akojo[ frauir;z miaz;al marmni andam mioujiunn;rou n;rka\azouzicn;re% orphsxi ‘a[k;psakn;r x;t;[;n a\nt;[% ormh ;tq t;[i oun;zau fog;fangst;an pa,tøn!

NOUIRATOUOUJIUN O[baz;al WAROUVAN >ACATOUR:ANI mafouan qa®asounqin a®jiu% Thr ;u Tik Wighn ;u Mirh\ >acatour;an 500 tolar ke nouir;n ªNor Ørº ,abajaj;rjin!





ARAM S:":JY:AN (<ar na.ord jiuhn ;u w;r=)

(<ar na.ord jiuhn ;u w;r=)


b) A® a\d% fark h kaxmoujiune Fa\kakan (fa\r;ni ;u art;rkri) Irauabanakan Kaya®i me% or wa\;lh na;u yanacoume mi=axga\in at;ann;roun% ;u a\s Kaya®e pa,tønaphs f;tapndh m;r axga\in date! g) Ar;umtafa\ taragir s;roundn;rou ardar irauounqn;rou pa,tpan MIAZ:AL >ORFOURDI me kaxmoujiune au;li* qan ;rb;q% anfrav;,t h a\sør% kocoua‘ n;rka\azn;lou ;u f;tapnd;lou m;r patmakan koroustn;re! A\sinqn^ ;ka‘ h vamanake AXGA|IN PAFAN+ATIROUJ:AN! d) Minc;u ;#rb piti \a=ord;n irarou amoul tasnam;akn;r^ a®anz t;sn;lou irakanazoume m;r M;‘ :raxin! M;r vo[owourdin patmakan fo[;roun mhk tasanordin wra\ fastatoua‘ inqni,.an ;u anka. fa\r;ni p;takanoujiune korixn h mia\n apaga\ m;r \o\s;roun irakanazoumin! "aril fa\r;ni fo[in pa,tpanouj;an ;u anor ambo[=akanouj;an^ partqn h iuraqanciur Fa\oun! >ortak;l^ patn ou patnh,e mi=axga\in l®ouj;an ;u antarb;rouj;an^ partakanoujiunn h iuraqanciur \an]na®ou fa\ mtauorakanin% patmaghti*n jh fraparakagirin! ’anøjazn;l fa\kakan datin irauoujiunn ou irauakan arvhqe mi=axga\in at;ann;roun^

an\;ta]g;li partauoroujiunn h qa[aqakan ;u diuanagitakan nrbanzqn;roun mh= ;rj;u;ko[ inqnakoc jh axgentir gor‘icn;roun% oronz ant;[itali f;tapndoumn;row piti katarouin fa\anpast ar]anagroujiunn;r! Fa\ vo[owourdi ba[kazouzic bolor tarr;re ounin ardar irauounq ;u partq b;r;lou ir;nz masnakzoujiune a\s m;‘ xofab;roumin% en‘a\ab;roumin! Miasnakan ou miasnakam k;zoua‘qe^ f;®o*u amhn fatoua‘akan møt;zoumh% Mh*k \a\tarari n;rq;u fark h or fauaqh n;rka\azouzcakan fangamanqn;re fa\ vo[owourdin! A\s a®a=in 'or]in na.a];®noujiune piti ga\ fa\r;ni p;touj;an ko[mh! An h or Axga\in Vo[owin a®enj;r s'iu®qafa\ n;rka\azouzcakan marmin me phtq h st;[‘h ir \atouk ‘ragrauoroumow ;u a®aq;louj;amb! :rb Fa\kakan farzn h m;r m;‘ago\n ørakarge% ;rb m;r fo[a\in pafan=atiroujiunn h or ir lou‘oumin ke spash% ;rb mi=axga\in .orfrdavo[own;re a®mi,t v.takan møt;zoum ;u lou‘oum ke partadr;n fa\ vo[owourdin% vamanakn h or April 24-ow .orfrdan,oua‘ b®nzqauoroume% miazoume cmnan ibr;u ank;ndan ba®;r% a\l^ iskakan patk;re a\n w;favo[o<ar& h= 14

Jourqia f;t;uo[akan k;rpow ªlopiºakan ;u qa[aqakan a,.atanq ke tani Am;rika\i Miaz;al Nafangn;rou ;u :uropa\i mh=^ tarfamox;lou famar .ndro\ a®arka\ ;rkirn;rou p;takan famakarg;re^ Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an kapakzouj;amb fa\anpast or;uh dirq b®n;lh! A\s war]kan jrqamit ª'or]aghtºn;re% marminn;rn ou a[biurn;re mianouag k;rpow ke krkn;n Angara\i ‘anøj \ank;rgn;re amhn a®ijn;row ou =anq ke tanin fa\anpast o;uh xargazoum .;[d;lou ir skxbnakan xargazoumin mh= isk! Ardar;u% Jourqio\ ka®awaroujiune amhn tari milionn;r ke ‘a.sh na.kin gonkrhsakann;r ;u ‘;rakoutakann;r war];lou^ fakafa\kakan ir date pa,tpan;lou famar! Am;rika\i Miaz;al Nafangn;rou Ardaradatouj;an na.ararouj;an ";trouar 2011 jouakanin frataraka‘ `inansakan t;[;kagrin fama]a\n Jourqia 2010 jouakanin AMN-i mh= mia\n ‘a.sa‘ h møtauoraphs 3&3 milion tolari goumar me^ ir loppiakan qaroxcakan a,.atanqn;roun famar! Mart 3% 2010 jouakanin ªOua,inkjen "osjº øraj;rji mh= lo\s t;sa‘ t;[;kagrouj;an me fama]a\n% or ke fimnoui Da,nakza\in i,.anouj;anz fraparaka‘ no\n `inansakan t;[;kagirn;rou wra\% na.kin d;mokrat gonkrhsakan Tiq Khbarti gl.auora‘ 'or]aghtn;rou .oumbe amise 70%000 tolar war]atroujiun me ke stana\ Jourqio\ ka®awarouj;nhn anor i npast lopiakan a,.atanq tan;lou famar! No\npisi ªlopiºakan a,.atanq ke tani na;u na.kin gonkrhsakan Pop Liwinksjen! Jourqia ;u anor pa,tønakan ;u anpa,tøn gor‘akizn;re miavamanak \ar]ako[akan nor xhnq men al au;lzouza‘ ;n ir;nz ªakad;makan xrafinº wra\! W;r=in tarin;roun Am;rika\i ;u Ganata\i mh= gor‘o[ jourq marminn;r ;u kaxmak;rpoujiunn;r sksa‘ ;n a\s ;rkirn;rou datarann;roun dim;l fanra\in i,.anouj;anz fa\anpast oro,oumn;re ka*m kan.;lou% ka*m b;kan;lou famar! Takauin mitq;rou mh= jarm ;n anzno[ mi qani tarin;roun Jourq enk;rakzoujiunn;rou Masacoushjs nafangi ;u Joronjo\i krjakan marminn;rou dhm baza‘ dat;re^ anonz krjakan fastatouj;anz ‘ragirn;rhn n;rs argil;lou Fa\kakan Z;[aspanouj;an ousouzoume! A\spisi kan.arg;lic mi=ozn;rhn kar;li h nkat;l na;u Am;rika\i Jourq Famada,nakzouj;an (Turkish American Coalition-TAC) a®a‘ oro,oume No\;mb;r 2010 jouakanin dat banalou Minhsøjja nafangi famalsaranin% ou anor ªZ;[aspanouj;an ;u O[=akixoumi F;taxøtakan K;ndroninº dhm% orowf;t;u a\s w;r=ins patmagitakan ca'ani,n;rou fiman wra\ TAC-i ka\qh=e patmakan ousoumnasirouj;anz famar ªoc wstaf;liº a[biur me f®caka‘ hr% Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an farzow fon wiy;li 'astarkoumn;r t;[adra‘ ellaloun patya®au! Ardar;u% patafakanouj;an ardiunq ch or TAC dat ke banar Minhsøjja nafangi famalsarani ªZ;[aspanouj;an ;u O[=akixoumi K;ndroninº dhm nkat;low or a\s k;ndrone AMN-i mh= Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an jhxi amhnhn =;rm =atagown;rhn ou pa,tpann;rhn min ;[a‘ h ir go\ouj;an a®a=in ørhn! Angam me ;us i \a\t kou gar Jourq i,.anouj;anz boun npatake&mhk ko[mh amh∞n ];uow arg;lq fandisanal akad;makan ,r=anakn;rh n;rs Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an axat qnnarkoumin^ kan.;lou famar fa\anpast o;uh dirqoro,oum% ;u mius ko[mh qa=al;r;l jrqakan jhx;rou tara‘oume fon our kar;li h^ jrqamit patmabann;rou gor‘akzouj;an mi=ozau ;u ,norfiu! G& DIUANAGITAKAN-QA{AQAKAN PA|QAR Phtq ch mo®nal na;u jh Jourqia ke gor‘a‘h ir diuanagitakan la\n zanze ;u n;rka\oujiune fama,.arfa\in marminn;rh n;rs qa[aqakan ;u tnt;sakan spa®naliqi o\vow kan.;lou famar fa\anpast or;uh arta\a\toujiun a,.arfi or;uh ankiunh! A\sphs% |ounouar 25% 2013 jouakanin Oua,inkjeni møs Jourqakan d;spanatoune ir ka\qh=in wra\ ke \a\tararhr jh no\n amsoua\ 27in d;spanatounhn n;rs piti \i,atakouhr Endfanour Fiupatos Mhfmht Pa\tari ;u Fiupatos Pafatir Thmiri Am;rika\i Miaz;al Nafangn;rou mh= afab;kcouj;an qa®asoun am;ake! No\npisi araro[oujiun men al t;[i oun;zau anz;al S;pt;mb;rin Ganata\i ma\raqa[aq Øjjawa\i mh=^ \i,atak;lou famar Jourq Xinouorakan kzord Gnd& Ajila Aljiqaji \i,atake! A\spisi \i,atakoumn;rou f;tapnda‘ npatake parx h! Ardar;u% bau hr f;t;uil jourq mamouli w;r=in tarin;roun frataraka‘ groujiunn;rou bowandakouj;an^ emb®n;lou famar jh i@nc =anq;r ke ja'hr Jourq fanrap;toujiune Ganata\i% Am;rika\i ;u <ar& h= 15


NOR ØR% MA|IS 2% 2013



;k;[;zakan% miouj;nakan% marxakan% krjakan% fa\r;nakzakan% ;ritasardakan ;u fasarakakan kaxmak;rpoujiunn;r! Miaz;al Marmine ke kaxmak;rph famafa\kakan ];®narkn;r ga[oujhn n;rs! Ørouan fandisawarn hr Miaz;al Marmni diuani andam Jomik Al;qsan;an! An n;rkan;re frauir;z \otnka\s ounkend-

101 tar;kan Ar,alo\s-<a®lota Q;ciy;an

:rkou,abji% April 23-i ;r;ko\;an t;[i oun;zau Los Any;lesi mh= Fa\kakan Miaz;al Marmni tar;kan ya,k;ro\je% or ;rkrord tarin ellalow dar]a‘ h auandakan soworoujiun% patou;lou famar Aprili 24-in Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an Monj;phllo\i \ou,akojo[i og;kocman fandisouj;an ;lo\j oun;zo[ gl.auor bana.øse! A\s tari a\d patiue ke n;rka\azouhr ‘noundow Australiazi% a\vm Angliabnak% mi=axga\in ørinsgitouj;an masnaght irauaban ;u data.ax% Yh`eri Âaperjsenin% or n,anauor ;[a‘ h ir mardka\in irauounqn;rou pa,tpanouj;an a,.atasiroujiunn;row! Los Any;lesi Fa\kakan Miaz;al Marmine a\sør^ ir fimnadrouj;an corrord tarin ellalow% k∞endgrkh au;li qan 50 fa\kakan kaxmak;rpoujiunn;rou n;rka\azouzicn;r% oronq ke n;rka\azn;n ga[oujis kousakzakan%

r;lou Am;rik;an ;u Fa\kakan ørfn;rgn;re% apa bari galousti ma[janqn;row o[=oun;z n;rkan;re ;u ørouan fiure! ªGali`ornia Qourierº j;rji tnørhn |arouj Sasoun;an b;m frauirou;low n;rka\azouz ørouan fiure% orphsxi ta\ ørouan patgame! Yh`eri Âaperjsen Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an ‘nound toua‘ patya®n;re% øsman;an p;touj;an ko[mh ‘ragroua‘ npatakn;re% ;u anor f;t;uanqn;roun masin endfanour ;u fakiry t;[;koujiunn;r n;rka\azouz% orowf;t;u an no\n niujow piti .øshr \a=ord ørouan ];®narki enjazqin% Monj;phllo\i mh=! Ya,k;ro\je enjazau entan;kan mt;rmik mjnolorti mh=% Dauij Samouhl;ani ;u Aram Lh'hy;ani fa\r;nasirakan ;u axga\in ;rg;rou kataroumow! J[j&

ª:RB:Q PITI CMOÂNAM OU PITI CMOÂZN:M FA|KAKAN Z:{ASPANOUJIUNEº Qim Qarta,;ani 24 Aprili |a\tararoujiune F;®at;sila\in n,anauor ast[;rhn Qim Qarta,;an .øs;zau 1915-i Fa\kakan Z;[aspanouj;an masin ;u esau or ;rb;q piti cmo®na\ jh ir pap;re incpisi ta®apanqn;rou ;njarkou;zan Fa\;rou dhm gor‘oua‘ Z;[aspanouj;an enjazqin! An au;lzouz or amhn yig piti ja'h orphsxi ir ,our=inn;rn al imanan a\d masin! Qarta,;an% famazanzi ir h=in wra\ gr;z or fpart ke xga\ ir Fa\kakan armatn;row! ªA\s patya®au in‘i famar ,at kar;uor h patm;l Fa\kakan Z;[aspanoujiune% in‘i famar ,at kar;uor h na;u apr;zn;l \i,atake 1%5 milion Fa\;rou oronq spannou;zan a\d Z;[aspanouj;an enjazqinº% esau Qarta,;an! An dit;l touau or a[øjqn;re ;u ir mta‘oumn;re mi,t piti ellan Fa\ vo[owourdi ir bar;kamn;roun f;t! ª:rb;q piti cmo®nam a\n wa.e xor apr;zan im pap;re ;u ];®qhs ;ka‘e piti en;m or a\d masin ga[a'ar me oun;nan na;u ,our=inn;rsº% esau am;rikafa\ ast[e!

Niu :oqi Srboz Nafatakaz Fa\z& ;k;[;zin miakn h Ar;u;l;an a'in Miaz;al Nafangn;ri mh=% or kroum h Nafatakn;ri anoune% ort;[ Aprili 13-in kaxmak;rpou;z |ou,afam;rg^ nouiroua‘ Z;[aspanouj;an 98-rd tar;lizin! Fam;rgiz a®a= bazman .øsq asaz Srboz Nafatakaz amhnør;a\ warvarani a,ak;toufi Tanihla A=paf;ane angl;rhn l;xouow% isk Niqøl Marqe^ Fa\;rhn! Fam;rgi ‘ragire bazou;z Komitasi ªGaroun aº st;[‘agor‘ouj;amb% ore =oujaki wra\ katar;z warvarani ,r=anauart a,ak;toufi^ Niqøl Marqe% da,naki enk;rak zouj;amb ,r=anauart^ Arjiur Ibhqi! Tigran Mansour;ani ªNostalgianº warp;touj;amb katar;z am;rikafa\ yanacoua‘

da,nakafaroufi^ Jania Gabrihl;ane! A\nouf;t;u farjake tramadrou;z ªXouarjnozº lara\in qa®;akin% ori kaxmoum endgrkoua‘ hin^ Sisi Pantik;ane (a®a=in =oujak)% Nikita Moroxowe (;rkrord =oujak)% Al;qsandr Naxar;ane (Wiola) ;u Dauij Pagamy;ane (jau=oujak)! Masnagitakan sqanc;li kataro[ouj;amb fandisat;sin baza®ik wa\;lqi paf;r st;[‘;zin n;rkan;rin \a=ordabar framzn;low :douard Mirxo\;ani ;u Tworvaqi st;[‘agor‘oujiunn;riz! Fam;rgi Patouauor fiurn hr^ Z;[aspanouj;nhn w;rapra‘ 101 tar;kan Ar,alo\s<a®lota Q;ciy;ane% orin n;rkan;re endoun;zin ;rkarat;u ‘a'afaroujiunn;row!

Y<DOUM ªNor Ørºi na.ord jiuow lo\s t;sa‘ Grigor Qhøsh;ani P;takan Qartou[ar Yon Q;rrii nouiroua‘ grouj;an mhk na.adasouj;an mh= inka‘ ba®e anfrav;,tabar karøt h ou[[oumi! H= 15% ;rrord parb;roujiun% 9-rd to[e ke .ndroui kardal^ ªA\d iradar]oujiunn;re dar]an 20-rd darou am;nasarsa';li wa\ragoujiunn;rhn mhkeº!

GRAUOUA’ JOUAKANN:R Sir;li enk;r-enk;roufin;r ;u bar;kamn;r% ke .ndr;nq nkati oun;nal kaxmak;rpoua‘ \a®a=ika\i mi=oza®oumn;roun f;t;u;al jouakann;re! Ma\is 18% 2013 ªNor Ørº-i tiknanz |an]na.oumbi ];®nark! Ma\is 31% 2013 Dokt& Minas Goya\;ani girqi ,norfandhs!


Archbishop Aram Ateshyan Told About Concealed Armenians In Turkey YEREVAN, APRIL 30, ARMENPRESS: The General Vicar of the Armenian Patriarchate of Constantinople, Archbishop Aram Ateshyan gave an interview to the Turkish Bugun TV channel, where he told about the concealed Armenians living in Turkey, the number of which makes about a million. As reported by Armenpress, the Archbishop Aram Ateshyan stated that those people were made to conceal their nation and become Muslims during the World War I, because of the well-known events, occurred to Armenians in the Ottoman Turkey. “There are about a hundred thousand people in the present generation in Turkey, whose parents are Armenians and they are Muslims. They talk Armenian and wear a cross secretly. I cleared it out due to my personal contacts. They do not want to attend church, as it will reveal their identity. The liturgy held in the Saint Kirakos Church in Diyarbakir was attended by more than 400 people, half of which having Armenian roots. My family as well lives in Diyarbakir as Muslims. The sons of my elder sister also live in Diyarbakir. They accepted Islam under pressure in 1950. My son-in-law was told if he does not accept Islam, he will be killed. I was born in 1954. When I was 4-5, my sister became a Muslim. Their children became Muslims as well. My sister wore her cross secretly and spoke Armenian. I lost them, as they did not attend our church and I could not christen them. Many of the concealed Armenians told about their being Armenians only before the death. A 30-year-old man came to me and asked to christen him. I told him to prove his being Armenian and he could not. Then his father called me and asked to accept his son. He said that he worked in the municipality and when he retires, he will return to his roots. According to his son, 90% of the population of Tunceli are Armenians and now he is a member of our church”, - told the General Vicar of the Armenian Patriarchate of Constantinople, Archbishop Aram Ateshyan.

Names Of Lost Armenian Villages Read In Istanbul’s Sultanahmet Square

Armen Sargsyan, former Armenian Prime Minister, co-author of “Yerevan-My Love” Fund, organizer of Prince Charles’ Armenia visit, arrived in Yerevan along with the Buckingham Palace security officers to prepare Prince Charles’ visit, Hraparak daily says. Sargsyan’s Yerevan office confirmed the information of former Prime Minister’s visit, adding that Sargsyan left for London with the British security officers. The date of the Prince’s visit is not yet clear, the office added. Commemoration In Taksim It’s April 24, 2013. In Sultanahmet Square in Istanbul. People have gathered in front of the Turkish-Islamic Arts Museum which, in 1915, served as the Central Prison that held Armenian intellectuals kept before they were sent to their deaths. But something very unusual is happening. From a loudspeaker, people hear some Armenian names of places. The names of lost Armenian villages. The voice says: “Vaspuragan province… Avants… Lezk… Shahbaghi… Akhzia… Shoushants… Kouroubash… Gentanants… Pertag… Dzevestan… Ardamed… Tarman… Vosgepag…”

ian communities living in these villages were annihilated. They changed the names. Some of them were wiped off the map altogether; some became the home of others. “We wanted our ears to hear these names. We wanted them to penetrate deep into our souls. Here, on these panels, you can see them. You can come closer and read them one by one. These are lost Armenian communities. We want the Turkish people to remember and never forget these names.” Then the volume rises again, and we listen to the names of the lost villages for another five minutes.

Names Of Destroyed Armenian Villages There are big panels on the wall, showing these names and the provinces or districts they are connected to. People come and take photographs. I recognize some of them; Armenians from abroad with a delegation are visiting Istanbul for the commemoration activities, taking photographs of these names from a certain province. I guess these are the provinces of their ancestors. Eren Keskin starts to speak as the volume of the sound and voices goes down. “These names you are hearing now are the names of the Armenian villages in Asia Minor before 1915, together with the provinces and districts they belong to—a total of 2,300 settlements. In fact, they are more in number. The work to compile the names of all the Armenian settlements before the genocide is still under way. Our guest, Historian Ara Sarafian, the director of the Gomidas Institute based in London, will give more details of this work. “The names you listen to now, constitute the solid proof of the genocide. The Armen-

When Death Becomes A Salvation Keskin continues, “The genocide put an end to the social existence of Armenians and other Christian peoples of what is now Turkey by exterminating not only their lives but also their institutions, cultural and social organizations, their historical heritage, their civilizations, even the traces of their mere existence. “Genocide is not only the massacres. Genocide is also dehumanizing people by putting them in circumstances where death becomes a salvation, something they crave to put an end to their suffering. But genocide is not only condemning people to inhuman conditions. It as also an enormous plunder, a wide-scale robbery of the wealth created by generations through skillful and hard work. “And the Genocide still goes on. It continues through its denial. It goes on with the audacious, shameless lies told to people’s faces. It continues with the hatred and hostility that targets Armenians and other nonMuslims in Turkey. It continues by Continued on page 8

Members Of European Parliament Visit Tsitsernakaberd

Members of the European Conservatives and Reformists group of the European Parliament today visited Tsitsernakaberd Armenian Genocide Memorial in Yerevan, Armenian parliament’s press service reported. The members of the European Parliament laid flowers at the Memorial of the Armenian Genocide victims and observed a minute's silence in memory of the 1.5 million innocent victims. The parliamentarians

Former Prime Minister Visited Armenia To Prepare For Prince Charles’ Visit

also visited the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute. Head of the delegation Martin Callanan told reporters: “Terrible events have occurred. It is important for modern politics that we learn lessons from what has happened in the past so that such things do not recur.” The Armenian Genocide has been recognized and condemned by Uruguay (1965), the Republic of Cyprus (1982), Ar-

gentina (1993), Russia (1995), Canada (1996), Greece (1996), Lebanon (1997), Belgium (1998), Italy (2000), Vatican (2000), France (2001), Switzerland (2003), Slovakia (2004), The Netherlands (2004), Poland (2005), Germany (2005), Venezuela (2005), Lithuania (2005), Chile (2007), Sweden (2010). The Armenian Genocide has been recognized by Vatican, the Council of Europe and the World Council of Churches.

Turkey Relieved Obama Did Not Use 'G' Word “Today, we commemorate the Meds Yeghern and honor those who perished in one of the worst atrocities of the 20th century,” President Barack Obama said on April 24. He then went on to say: “I have consistently stated my own view of what occurred in 1915, and my view has not changed. A full, frank and just acknowledgement of the facts is in all of our interests. Nations grow stronger by acknowledging and reckoning with painful elements of the past, thereby building a foundation for a more just and tolerant future.” The Turkish media has expressed relief that Obama once again ignored to use the word “genocide.” However, the Turkish Foreign Ministry released a written statement late evening [April 24] condemning Obama's remarks. "We find [President Obama's] statement [on Armenian Remembrance Day] troubling in all ways, and condemn it. These kinds of one-sided statements under the influence of domestic politics and with a selective sense of justice in interpreting a controversial historical event [like this one] not only harm Turkish-US relations, but also make it more difficult for Turks and Armenians to achieve consensus over a just memory," the Turkish Foreign Ministry said.

Armenian Patriarch Of Jerusalem Calls For Genocide Recognition Armenian Patriarch Nourhan Manougian wrote – in a missive read on Sunday, April 28, at a conference in Jerusalem – that he cannot understand Israel’s ongoing refusal to recognize the Turkish massacre of 1.5 million Armenians as Genocide. Manougian’s message was read at the Hebrew University, where Prof. Michael Stone, the founder of the Armenian Studies program at the university’s Institute of Asian and African Studies, annually conducts a symposium and commemoration of the Armenian Genocide.


Nor Or Weekly - Thursday May 2, 2013

Special Screening Of Dr. Kay Mouradian’s Documentary, “My Mother’s Voice” At AGBU Vatche & Tamar Manoukian Center Pasadena, CA – On April 7, 2013, more than 300 guests gathered at the AGBU Vatche & Tamar Manoukian Center as the AGBU Pasadena-Glendale Chapter welcomed Dr. Kay Mouradian along with USC Professor Donald Miller and his wife, Lorna Touryan Miller. Krikor Satamian, renowned stage director and actor, as well as Artistic Director for the AGBU, welcomed the guests on behalf of organizers. The event was emceed by Dr. Alice Petrossian, educator and former deputy superintendent for the Glendale and Pasadena School Districts. The Event featured “My Mother’s Voice”-- a genocide survivor documentary based on Dr. Kay Mouradian’s novel “A Gift in the Sunlight”. The short film recounts Mouradian’s mother’s journey as a young teenager from the town of Hadjin, through the forced deportation marches of the Armenian Genocide, to Aleppo, Syria. An orphaned, young Flora Munushian finally makes her way to the United States to marry a man she knew only through a photograph.

Dr. Kay Mouradian

Dr. Alice Petrossian

historical documents, as well as old family photographs depicting family members who did not survive the horrid massacres. The narration of the film, carried out by Dr. Kay Mouradian, is gripping as she recounts the story of her family’s tragic destiny in the hands of the Ottoman Turks. My Mother’s Voice premiered at Toronto’s Pomegranate Film Festival in October 2012, and was also featured at Los Angeles’ ARPA Film Festival in December 2012. The presentation of the film was fol-

Miller. The Millers have done extensive research on genocide, including oral history projects on the Armenian genocide that occurred in 1915 and the Rwandan genocide in 1994. A thoughtful Q & A session with all guests present brought the evening’s event to a close. Addressing the audience, Dr. Alice Petrossian relayed Dr. Kay Mouradian’s wish to see her documentary used as a teaching tool at high schools in California, thus ensuring that the history of the Armenian Genocide does not die out. Dr. Petrossian urged the audience to participate in donating copies of the documentary to school libraries throughout the state of California, beginning with schools in Los Angeles County. AGBU Pasadena-Glendale Chairperson, Aleen Khanjian, Esq. concluded the event by sharing her own memories of Professor Miller lecturing about the genocide during her days as a student at USC. Khanjian adds, “It was a tremendous honor to feature an event of this caliber as one of our cultural events throughout the month of April. By bringing “Flora’s Voice: The Voice of All Victims and Survivors of the Armenian Genocide” to AGBU, we hope to have done our part in sharing a visual interpretation of an unforgettable chapter of our history that still impacts us all.”

Professor Donal Miller and his wife Lorna Touryan Miller Co-directed by award-winning filmmaker Mark Friedman, who was also present, the film includes original film footage,

lowed by a poignant talk on the “Experience of Women in the Armenian Genocide” by Prof. Donald Miller and Lorna Touryan

Author Peter Balakian Speaks At Illinois Holocaust Museum PanARMENIAN.Net - Early in April, author Peter Balakian spoke to an audience of more than 250 people at the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center in Skokie, a suburb of Chicago, and a town that is still remembered for the controversial march of neo-Nazi groups there in 1979, Asbarez reported. The Museum is the second largest of its kind after the U.S. Holocaust Museum and Memorial in Washington, DC. Balakian lectured for the occasion of the 98th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide commemorated on April 24. He also commenced his work with the Museum as Senior Scholar for the Armenian Genocide exhibit it will mount in 2015 for the genocide’s 100th anniversary. In his opening remarks, Museum Executive Director Rick Hirschhaut said: “Our young people – our future – must be a bridge to the future, and ensure that we realize the lessons that were set forth by us, by the Armenian genocide, the Holocaust, and all such terrible atrocities. We must speak for those whose voices were silenced and for those who survived so we may remember and pledge never to forget. Today,” Hirschhaut continued, “at this gathering, we are reminded of a history that must be recognized, and remembered, and calls to the importance of lighting the torch of truth for the world community.”

Nairee Hagopian of the ANCA then introduced Balakian and expressed her gratitude to the Museum for initiating such an important and timely project. Balakian thanked Hirschhaut and the Illinois Holocaust Museum for their leadership in partnering with the ANCA to build an Armenian Genocide exhibit for the 2015 anniversary, “a project,” he said, “that will serve as a model for others to come.” Balakian also noted how crucial the ongoing support and intellectual work of the Jewish community has been, and continues to be, “from Ambassador Henry Morgenthau, Franz Werfel, and Raphael Lemkin to the work and support of so many superb scholars in our time including Elie Wiesel, Deborah Lipstadt, Robert Melson, Robert Jay Lifton, Andrew Goldberg, and many others, Jews who have made a decisive difference in clarifying our understanding of what happened to the Armenians in 1915.” For the April 24 commemoration of the Armenian Genocide, Balakian then gave a lecture, “Raphael Lemkin, Cultural Destruction, and the Armenian Genocide.” He discussed Lemkin’s deep thinking about what happened to the Armenians in 1915 as a seminal case of genocide, noting how Lemkin’s intellectual commitment to what he came to call genocide was heavily influenced by his study of the Turkish mass killing of Ar-

menians. It was Lemkin, he said, who first coined the term Armenian genocide in the 1940s, and explained the concept on a special CBS Television broadcast about the UN Genocide Convention, in February 1949. Balakian also explored how the destruction of Armenian culture (intellectuals and artists, churches, schools, libraries, forced conversions to Islam, etc.) constituted a key component of genocide. In an extensive PowerPoint presentation, Balakian showed arresting images of magnificent, thriving Armenian churches before 1915, and those same churches, in Turkey, that are in ruins today. He concluded by observing that this kind of cultural destruction still has complex reverberations, and impacts on Armenians in Armenia, in the diaspora, and in Turkey.

SARF Presents Plans For HyeAID2 Concert Urges To Keep Up With Assistance Efforts For Syrian Armenians

Glendale , CA.- (April 23, 2013) The Syrian Armenian Relief Fund (SARF) plans to hold a new HyeAID2 concert on Sunday, June 9, 2013, at 6 pm, at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles to help raise funds for Syrian Armenians. The program includes the Gevorkian Dance Academy , singers Leyla Saribekyan and Silva Hakobyan from Armenia ; and local artists, including Razmig Mansourian. On April 18, 2013, the SARF Executive Committee of the held a press conference at the Armenian Relief Society of Western USA, regional headquarters in Glendale in regards to upcoming SARF events. Executive Committee Chairperson Zaven Khanjian and Secretary Sona Madarian were on hand, along with Vartan Gevorkian, founder and artistic director of the Gevorkian Dance Academy . Khanjian provided an overview of the humanitarian crisis, which continues to overwhelm the Syrian Armenian community, as needs for basic daily necessities are not met. He was pleased with the ongoing support of the community, which helped to raise and transfer $450,000 to the Emergency Committees set up by the Syrian Armenian Communities through their account at the Catholicosate of Cilicia. He urged to keep up with assistance efforts for Syrian Armenians.

Names of From page 7 terrorizing Armenians in Samatya with brutal attacks on old Armenian women, the children of genocide survivors. It continues through an environment that doesn’t allow Armenians to feel safe in Turkey. This fact was dramatically demonstrated with what happened to Sevag Şahin Balıkçı, who was shot dead in Batman, Turkey, while he was serving the Turkish Armed Forces, on April 24, 2011, the day of the commemoration of the Armenian Genocide, and the day the court ruled that his death was an accident. “We, the human rights defenders, repeat one more time: Officially recognize the genocide! This is a call to the government of the Republic of Turkey, as well as the Turkish public. Return the property seized during and after the genocide to the descendants of the owners. Compensate all of the material and immaterial damage done. Recognize the rights of Armenians scattered all around the world—their legitimate right to their homeland. “Without recognition of the genocide, without confronting the crimes committed, no peace, no real democracy, no justice can ever be attained in this country. “Refusal to recognize the genocide is a confirmation of the possibility of new genocides. Therefore we once more demand that the Turkish authorities put an end to the denial of genocide! We want JUSTICE to be served!” Ara Sarafian then speaks in Armenian, with simultaneous translation to Turkish. He talks about the futility of denialism in the face of bare facts, about the growth in the number of people joining the genocide commemoration events in Turkey, about his visit to Diyarbakir and his interviews with the local people—how truthful many of them were about the genocide, how one of them talked about his grandfather who participated in the massacres.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday May 2, 2013


Three Stages Of Man’s Inhumanity To Man A Bird's -Eye-View


By KHATCHATUR I. PILIKIAN Whenever and wherever it happened, and alas it still happens, genocide is always premeditated, conceptualised and its execution meticulously organised at the highest governmental levels. Significantly, implementing genocide’s execution always demanded a world turbulence characterising each historical epoch. During centuries of colonial expansions and endemic wars, genocide and slavery were the necessary masts of the pirating strategy for land and raw material conquest. All colonial powers were engaged in it. World opinion, still in its infancy, was no more than a feeble gesture. The epoch of Imperialism of the 20th century made a World War somehow the ‘prerequisite’ for any attempt of implementing the execution of genocide as a ‘final solution’. World opinion was starting to bite. The UN was founded and ‘man’s inhumanity to man’ had finally a name— Genocide, and an International Tribunal (Nuremberg) was set to condemn and punish its perpetrators. But, even after World War Two, another epochal turbulence, the full-fledged Cold War epoch, ‘acted’ as a ‘shock absorbent’ for horrendous genocides… Towards the end of the 20th century and beginning the 21st, the Cold War finally melted away in the heat of the arrogance of the epoch of Globalisation, while Genocide persists to remain on the threshold of rampant conflicts in all corners of the world. The new world turbulence is now labelled as the Long War, the latest neo-con synonym for War on Terror. Wars were not causes but excuses for Genocides. In the case of the Genocide of the Ar-

cuted mercilessly . . .” Prof. Em. Dillon (1854-1933), the Irish linguist and journalist.

menians, the crucial vicious acts were already initiated and were being executed before the Ottoman Turkey's declaration of War, on Nov.5th, 1914. In a nutshell, the Armenian tragedy did not start because of the WWI in 1915 -- as the Ottoman Young Turk government, then all subsequent Turkish governments were and are still keen to link the magnum historical criminal act with 1915 WWI, hence their claim of the 'betrayel' of the Armenians. And even, alas, our In Memoriam April 24 1915, took the date of the rounding up of Armenian intellectuals as the 'starting' point of our magnum tragedy, thus for sure unwittingly, albeit apparently ‘yielding’ to the criminal excuse. Here are the stages of that Man’s Inhumanity to Man before 1915. A) PRELIMANARY IMPLEMENTATIONS “If we nurtured snakes in our midst in Europe, we should not repeat the same folly in AsiaticTajkastan [Turkey]. […]Thus, we must eliminate, leave behind no traces of that Armenian nation. And to accomplish this task, we are lacking in nothing; […]We can declare a religious war--waged against a nation that has no arms, no army, and no defender, whereas, in contrast, we have one of the greatest and richest states of the world as our comrade-in-arms and the guardian of our Asian world.“ Kâmil Pasha (1838-1912), the Grand Vizier or the Prime Minister of the Ottoman Empire Sultan Abdul Hamid’s Prime Minister four times over During 1894-1896 at Sassun, Van, Zeitun and Diarbekir, resulting in the massacre of 300,000 Armenians, 3000 villages were burned. “It is already proven that the pillage and the massacres of Sassun is the deliberately organised act of the Sublime Porte, an act planned in advance meticulously and exe-

The massacres at Adana in Cilicia of April 1909 resulted in 30,000 Armenian deaths. “This massacre was more terrible than those in the days of Abdul Hamid . . . Those Armenians who had succeeded in escaping the first carnage are now destroyed. Adana has become a veritable inferno.” Helen Davenport Gibbons, an eyewitness of the Adana massacres On July 27, 1914, the government of the Young Turks started conscripting Armenians, before the First World War broke out, to deplete the Armenian nation of its ablebodied male population who were herded into amele tabourou=labour battalions, eventually to order them to dig their own mass graves… On August 2, 1914, the Young Turks decided to create, out of its Teshkilati makhsusa=special formation, a new structure to deal with ‘interior matters’, to start and implement their proto-Nazi party conference decisions. On August 6, 1914, a secret agreement between Turkey and Germany promised Caucasus (including Eastern/Russian Armenia) to Turkey. Before Ottoman Turkey’s declaration of war on the Entente powers (November 5) and until December 1914, 200,000 Armenian civilians, mostly women, the elderly and children already were uprooted and decimated, not counting the imminent tragedy, as mentioned above, prepared for the 300 thousand conscripted Armenian male population. Few thousand Armenians had managed to flee and reach Russian occupied Eastern Armenia. Many of them served in the volunteer regiments of the Tzar fighting in Western so called Turkish Armenia. An estimated 300,000 Armenians fought with the Entente powers in Europe and the Middle East including Palestine--a classic example of cannon fodder of 600,000 Armenians obliging their lives, country and all for the Imperialist

A Century On, Turkey's Muslim Armenians Come Out Of Hiding They dropped their language and religion to survive after the 1915 genocide, but close to 100 years on Turkey's "hidden Armenians" want to take pride in their identity. Some genocide survivors adopted Islam and blended in with the Kurds in eastern Turkey's Dersim mountains to avoid further persecution. Several generations down the road, the town of Tunceli hosted a landmark ceremony Wednesday for Genocide Remembrance Day, something which has only ever happened in Istanbul and the large city of Diyarbakir. The massacre and deportation of Ottoman Armenians during World War I, which Armenians claim left around 1.5 million dead, is described by many countries as genocide although Ankara continues to reject the term. Speaking in front of the ruins of the Ergen church -- one of the few remnants of Christian Armenian heritage in the region - Miran Pirginc Gultekin, president of the Dersim Armenian Association, explained it was still rare to declare oneself openly as Armenian in Turkey. "We decided that we had to get back to our true nature, that this way of living was not satisfactory, that it was not fair to live with another's identity and another's faith," he said. Despite converting to Alevism, a heterodox sect of Islam, and taking Turkish

names, the ethnic Armenians who stayed on their ancestral land suffered from continued discrimination and the elders often struggle to summon their memories. "My mother told me how her family was deported. She was a baby at the time and her mother considered drowning her in despair," said Tahire Aslanpencesi, a sprightly octogenarian from the village Danaburan. "My mother used to say all the misery that came after would have been avoided had her mother drowned her," she recalled. After converting to Islam, many of the so-called "crypto-Armenians" said they still faced unfair treatment: their land was often confiscated, the men were humiliated with "circumcision checks" in the army and some were tortured. Hidir Boztas' grandfather converted to Islam, gave his son a Turkish name and the clan intermarried with a Kurdish community in the village of Alanyazi. "We feel Armenian nonetheless and in any case the others always remind us of where we come from. No matter how many of their daughters we marry, and how many of ours we give them, they will continue to call us Armenians," he said. The Armenian community shared the Kurds' suffering when the regime cracked down on Kurdish rebellions, from the 1938 revolt to the insurrection started by the

PKK group in 1984. For a long time, only those who had left the ancestral homestead dared to make their Armenian roots known. "Armenians in Istanbul are in a big city, they have their neighbourhoods, their churches, nobody can do anything to them. But in these villages, there's rejection and insults," said Hidir Boztas, 86. One of Hidir's nephews, 42-year-old Mustafa, a businessman, is one of a growing number of Muslim Armenians who want to be proud of their identity. Mustafa has decided to name his construction firm Bedros after Hidir's grandfather, who was deported during the genocide. "It symbolised my past. My greatgrandfather was called Bedros, and I wanted his name to live on. I am against radicalism, and I don't do this through racism or religious extremism, but I don't deny my origins -- everyone knows them." He said he hoped the unprecedented ceremony in Tunceli Wednesday would encourage more members of the community to come out in the open. "The aim is to allow people to assert their identity more freely and also to generate more interest for the little Christian heritage left in the region," said Miran Pirginc Gultekin. His society was created three years ago and has around 80 members.

appetites of both the Entente and the Central powers. The First World War set the stage for the Final Solution. C) STRATEGIC EXECUTIONS / FINAL SOLUTION “It is imperative that the Armenian people be completely exterminated; that not even one single Armenian be left on our soil; that the name, Armenian, be obliterated. We are now at war; there is no more auspicious occasion than this; This country must be purged of all nonTurk elements”. Nazim Bey Selanikly (18701926), the executive secretary of the Young Turks Central Board, early in 1915, during a Central Board meeting presided over by comrade-brother Talaat: Starting on April 24, 1915 and until mid-May, the Armenian civic population was practically depleted of its intellectuals; 196 writers, 575 musicians, 336 doctors, 176 teachers and college professors, 160 lawyers, 62 architects, 64 actors...all arrested, deported, disappeared for good... On June 15, 1915, twenty prominent members of the Armenian Social Democratic Henchakist Party were hanged in Bayazit square in Istanbul. The Henchakist stood in opposition to the Ittihadists. That was a mortal sin! The culminating act of the genocidal scheme was thus set in motion; the elderly, the women and the children, nearly the entire Armenian population of Asia Minor was ordered out, southward towards the deserts of Northern Syria. Vandalism, rape, extortion, sadistic torture, starvation, murder raids and all ad infinitum. The rest is...the scream of humanity at its most infernal. When genocides, torture, poverty and wars are justified as “human nature” or as a historical and economic necessary evil, nay even as historical inevitability of “so called” clashing civilisations, then and there silence acquires an obscene eloquence in support of inhumanity-- sheer Barbarism of Total Terror. April 24, 2013, London

International Organizations Called On UN To Demand From Azerbaijan To Account On Failing To Protect Human Rights The member states of the United Nations should hold Azerbaijan to account during its Universal Periodic Review (UPR) on 30 April 2013 for its failure to protect basic human rights. The International Partnership Group on Azerbaijan, coordinated by Article 19, and local organizations urge the UN to take Azerbaijan to task for failing to implement the commitments it made after its first review in 2009. The statement which has been placed on the Reporters Without Borders site says that in its national report to the UPR, Azerbaijan stated that the right to freedom of association and assembly is guaranteed in its Constitution. It also stated that freedom of assembly is further guaranteed through international treaties to which Azerbaijan is party. However, this assertion is at odds with the experiences of the many Azerbaijanis who voice critical or opposing views in the traditional media, online or in protests.


Nor Or Weekly - Thursday May 2, 2013

Armenia To Open Embassy In Sweden

UN Office In Armenia Inaugurate Renovated Depository Library

YEREVAN, APRIL 29, ARMENPRESS: Armenia will open an Embassy in Kingdom of Sweden allocating about AMD 168 million for it. As reports Armenpress, this issue is included in May 2 session agenda of the government. In accordance with the justification, opening of Armenian Embassy in Sweden will be an impetus for the development of Armenian-Swedish bilateral relations mainly in trade and economic sphere. Opening of Armenian Embassy in Stockholm may be conducive for opening a Swedish one in Armenia. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Armenia en Sweden active political dialogue has been formed, together with high level mutual visits. Sweden is the only Scandinavian country the parliament of which recognized the Armenian Genocide (2010). There is a wellorganized Armenian community in Sweden which is the largest in Scandinavian region.

PanARMENIAN.Net Representatives of the UN Office in Armenia together with the management of the National Library of Armenia inaugurated the newly renovated venue of the UN Depository Library, which is hosted by the National Library of Armenia (NLA). The event is dedicated to the completion of the year long programme “Yerevan World Book Capital 2012”, and to mark the World Book and Copyright Day within the framework of the Library Week in Armenia. UN Depository Libraries are estab-

An Internet Sales Tax Will Not Destroy Your Freedom By LYDIA DEPILLIS If there's one thing Democrats and Republicans can agree on these days, it's that the Internet ought to be free. Both parties included an "internet freedom" plank in their 2012 platforms. Just last week, a House committee passed another resolution to head off international control of the internet, less than a year after doing essentially the same thing. That's fine as long as we're talking about the global Internet, in the context of a United Nations body seeking to place restrictions on it, or authoritarian nations that wish to control the flow of information. The problems start when people use "Internet freedom" to justify other ideological ends.

lished in many countries and their aim is to provide the public with information about the UN, about what is going on in the world and the UN Member States. Armenia hosts two UN Depositories. The UN Depository Library stock at the NLA contains more than ten thousand UN documents, books, journals, posters and multimedia materials. They are mainly in Armenian, English and Russian languages. The stock is continuously being updated by the UN Headquarters and the UN Department of Public Information Office in Yerevan.

Israel Joins US-UK-al-Qaeda Plot To Depose Assad The United States, Britain, and their allies Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey are providing weapons and funds to terrorist groups in Syria, such as the al-Qaeda affiliated group Jabhat al-Nusra, which are fighting to depose Assad. The Israeli regime has joined forces with the United States, Britain, and alQaeda terrorists in the plot to depose Syrian President Basher al-Assad. Speaking at a conference in New York on Sunday, former Mossad director Meir Dagan said Tel Aviv must “do whatever it can to make sure that Syrian President Basher al-Assad is removed from power.” Dagan added that the ouster of Assad would be hugely beneficial for Israel from a strategic point of view and asserted that it would weaken Iran and the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah. And Tel Aviv should not be too worried about the possibility of hostile forces taking power in Syria, since Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf states will make every effort to install a “moderate” regime in Damascus, the former Israeli spy chief said.

The United States, Britain, and their allies Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey are providing weapons and funds to terrorist groups in Syria, such as the al-Qaeda affiliated group Jabhat al-Nusra, which are fighting to depose Assad. The Syria crisis began in March 2011, and many people, including large numbers of soldiers and security personnel, have been killed in the violence. The Syrian government says that the chaos is being orchestrated from outside the country, and there are reports that a very large number of the militants are foreign nationals. In an interview recently broadcast on Turkish television, Assad said that if the militants take power in Syria, they could destabilize the entire Middle East region for decades. “If the unrest in Syria leads to the partitioning of the country, or if the terrorist forces take control… the situation will inevitably spill over into neighboring countries and create a domino effect throughout the Middle East and beyond,” he added.

Obama Stresses Syria Chemical Weapons Sarah Palin Calls For Worries In Call With Putin Invasion Of Czech Republic By STEVE HOLLAND

Sarah Palin called for the invasion of the Czech Republic today in response to the recent terrorist attacks in Boston. In an interview with Fox News, the former governor of Alaska said that although federal investigators have yet to complete their work, the time for action is now. "We don't know everything about these suspects yet," Palin told Fox and Friends this morning, referring to Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who allegedly carried out the Boston Marathon attacks. "But we know they were Muslims from the Czech Republic. "I betcha I speak for a lot of Americans when I say I want to go over there right now and start teaching those folks a lesson. And let's not stop at the Czech Republic, let's go after all Arab countries. "The Arabians need to learn that they can't keep comin' over here and blowing stuff up. Let's set off a couple of nukes in Islamabad, burn down Prague, then bomb the heck out of Tehran. We need to show them that we mean business.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama took U.S. concerns about Syrian chemical weapons to Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday, reaching out to one of the Syrian government's staunchest allies. The United States is trying to determine the facts around alleged Syrian use of chemical weapons. Last week U.S. officials said they had "varying degrees of confidence" that Syria had likely used the nerve agent sarin on a small scale against rebel fighters. If proved with certainty, the chemical weapons' usage could triggered unspecified U.S. actions against the Syrian government. Russia has been one of the Syrian government's staunchest allies. "President Obama and President Putin reviewed the situation in Syria, with President Obama underscoring concern over Syrian chemical weapons," a White House statement said. The two leaders agreed to stay in touch on the issue and that Secretary of State

John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov would continue discussions on Syria. White House spokesman Jay Carney said the United States would proceed in a deliberate fashion in determining whether forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar alAssad used chemical weapons to attack his own people. Obama has vowed that all options will be considered if Syria is shown to have used chemical weapons but the White House is worried about the prospect of acting without definitive proof and aides say formulating a U.S. response will take time. "It's very important that we take the information that's been gathered thus far and build upon it, because an assessment of varying degrees of confidence is not sufficient upon which to base a policy reaction," Carney said. He said a U.N. team was ready to deploy to Syria in 24-48 hours to investigate chemical weapons allegations, if the Assad government let it in.

Belarus To Host Armenian Culture Days PanARMENIAN.Net - Belarus will host Armenian culture days on April 30-May 5, with 40-member delegation, led by deputy minister of culture Artur Poghosyan, participating in the events. The days will feature performances by Barekamutyun (Friendship) ensemble, exhibition of artist Arevik Petrosyan’s paintings and screening of Armenian films. The opening ceremony is due on May 1, with "If Only Everyone” film to be screened on May 2. Barekamutyun ensemble will perform in CIS cultural capital Mogilev on May 3.

Foreign Ministry: No Info On Armenian Victims In Damascus Blast PanARMENIAN.Net - Foreign Ministry has no information on Armenian victims in a blast that rocked the district of Marjeh in Damascus, where Armenian embassy is located, the ministry spokesman said, noting that the reports are being verified. Also, none of the embassy employees were injured, Tigran Balayan told PanARMENIAN.Net Earlier on Tuesday, April 30 a powerful explosion rocked the Syrian capital Damascus. The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said nine people were killed and dozens wounded in the blast in the district of Marjeh. It is not clear what caused the blast. Gunfire was reportedly heard in the area immediately after the explosion.

Two Armenians Injured In Aleppo PanARMENIAN.Net - 20 people were injured in Aleppo bomb blasts on April 29, with 2 Armenians among them, a local Armenian prelacy spokesman said. In a conversation with a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter, Jirair Reyisian said the lives of those injured were not endangered. “Blasts were reported outside Holy Cross Armenian church, causing major damage,” he said, adding that the closed airport further exacerbates the situation.

Lebanon's First Civil Marriage A Sign Of Change Months after the contract was signed [Oct. 10, 2012], the Lebanese Interior Ministry agreed on April 25, 2013, to register the first civil marriage contract "made in Lebanon." The issue does not end here for some religious officials, particularly those from the Sunni community. It also does not end here for activists defending human rights and civil society in Lebanon. It is a step that will be recorded in the history of Lebanon's political, legal and constitutional system, as will the names of those involved: Kholoud Sukkarieh and Nidal Darwish.



April 15-in% 2013% J;makal A®a=nord^ G;r,& T& |ownan Arq;piskopos Thrthr;an% enk;rakzouj;amb Arv& T& Taj;u Qfn\& |aroujiun;ani% Arv& T& Aso[ik Qfn\& Vamkoc;ani% Arv& T& |owhl Qfn\& Øfan;ani ;u Arv& T& M;srop Qfn\& A,i ;u fama\nqi andamn;rou% fauaqou;zan Nafangi ma\raqa[aq Saqam;njo\i mh=% our Srbaxan Fa\re a[øjqow bazoume katar;z >orfrdarani! Srbaxan Før a[øjqin \a=ord;z n;rka\azoume >orfrdarani Miaz;al Ban];u 2-i% ªGali`ornia\i mh= ,abjouan me \i,atakoujiune Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an^ 1915-1923º% or n;rka\azou;zau >orfrdarani Andam Ma\q Kajo\i (43-rd <r=an)% >acø Aqay;ani (35-rd <r=an) ;u Artin Naxar;ani (46-rd <r=an) ko[mh! Fog;uorakann;r fandipoum oun;zan na;u >orfrdarani Andam Ma\q Kajo\i f;t% or pa,tønaphs frauir;z A®a=nord Srbaxan Fa\re bazman a[øjqe katar;lou! Fauataz;aln;roun ke n;rka\azn;nq A®a=nord Srbaxan Før Bazman A[øjqe ambo[=ouj;amb! ªAm;nakaro[ Astoua‘% Minc ke fauaqouinq 'a®aban;lou Qou Sourb Anound% m;r a[øjqn;roun mh= .orin ;ra.tagitouj;amb ke \i,;nq bolor bari au;tisn;re ;u ;rkna\in bariqn;re% or Doun ,norfa‘ ;s m;xi! Gofoujiun ke \a\tn;nq Q;xi^ \atkaphs Gali`ornia\i P;takan >orfradaranin ;u bolor nouir;al ;u patouarvan andamn;roun% oronq k*og;koc;n \arat;uørhn \arganqe 1915 joui Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an xof;rou ørfn;al \i,atakin% orphs inqnakrjouj;an ;u axnououj;an ararq% or m;r mh= ke .oraznh fog;or \arganqe fandhp k;anqi! O[orma‘ Astoua‘% Qou øfnoujiunn;rd ke fa\z;nq Gali`ornia\i P;takan >orfrdarani bolor andamn;roun ;u Am;rika\i Miaz;al Nafangn;rou vo[owourdin^ og;koc;lou April 24-e orphs sourb ør% ;rb 1&5 milion Fa\;r a®a=nordou;zan dhpi nafatakoujiun^ ir;nz k;anqe xof;low ir;nz fauatqi ;u axatouj;an famar! Ow Thr% Lousauorh mitq;rn ou fogin;re bolor mardoz^ patou;lou ;u \arg;lou y,martoujiune% orowft;u m;nq xørauor k;rpow ke fauatanq% or cpatvoua‘ Z;[aspanoujiune 1915-i patya® dar]au ouri, axg;rou z;[aspanouj;an% a\spisow partauor;zn;low bolor patas.anatououj;an xgazoumin^ y,martoujiune yancnalou! K*a[øj;nq Am;nagouj Astou‘o\^ Ti;x;rqi Ararcin% orphsxi bolor axg;rou srt;roun mh= dro,mh .a[a[ouj;an t;silqe ;u xøroujiune Qou ;rkna\in siro\! K*a[øj;nq Am;nakaro[ Astou‘o\ irauasoujiun talou Gali`ornia\i P;takan >orfrdarani andamn;roun% orphsxi da®nan nouir;al [;kawarn;re^ a®a=nord;lou famar ir;nz wstafoua‘ vo[owourde anz;ali das;row ;u farstazn;lou n;rkan au;li .or xgazoumow dhpi patas.anatououjiun^ patou;lou famar k;anqe t;silqow ;u .onarfouj;amb% m;x a®a=nord;lou au;li pa\‘a® apaga\i^ m;r xauakn;rou siro\n! Amhn! M;r a[øjqe k*;xra'ak;nq Sourb Girqhn a®noua‘ mh=b;roumow% our Sourb Pø[os A®aq;al Kornjazin;rou k*ou[[h f;t;u;al ba®;re& ªAstoua‘ kaxm;z marmine ;u nouax patouauorin au;li patiu touau% orphsxi bavanoumn;re cellan marmnin mh=% a\l orphsxi a\d andamn;re no\n foge oun;nan irarou fandhp! :jh o;uh mhk andame zau xga\% anor f;t zau ke xgan bolor andamn;re& ;u ;jh o;uh mhk andame 'a®auoroui^ anor f;t k*oura.anan bolor andamn;reº (A& Kornj& 12!24-26)º! Na.qan bazman a[øjqe katar;le% Srbaxan Fa\re t;[;kazau "Boston Marathon"i enjazqin patafa‘ a[itali dhpqi masin ;u esau& ªM;r srtabou. a[øjqe k*a®aq;nq a\s a[hti f;t;uanqow xofoua‘n;rou entaniqn;rounº! ªAmøjali ararqe or gor‘adrou;zau anm;[ mardoz dhm% Poston Qa[aqi .a[a[oujiune .angar;z! Koc k*ou[[;nq J;mis fauataz;aln;roun mianalou m;xi srtabou. a[øjqi^ Astou‘mh .a[a[oujiun .ndr;low a\s A,.arfinº!


SOURIO| FA|OUJ:AN A+AKZOUJIUNE <AROUNAK:LOU ’RAGIRN:R KE N:RKA|AZOUIN GHORG P:TIK:AN KL:NTH|L&- Fing,abji% 18 April% 2013-i khsørh ;tq vame 2-in% kaxmak;rpouj;amb SARF-Souriafa\ouj;an Xørakzouj;an Miaz;al ~ontin% FØM-i Ar;umt;an Am;rika\i <r=ana\in warcouj;an Kl;nth\li k;dronat;[ii srafe t;[i oun;zau \atouk mamlo\ asoulis me% oroun enjazqin kaxmak;rpic marmine parx;z møtik apaga\in ir ‘ragra‘ m;‘ ;u fasoujab;r dramafauaqi ];®narkin manramasnoujiunn;re! Asoulisin% ~onti n;rka\azouzicn;r Xauhn >any;ani ou Sona Matar;ani ko[qin n;rka\ hin na;u arou;staght Wardan Ghorg;ann ou Qali`orniafa\ mamouli ;u f;®at;sili n;rka\azouzicn;re! Na. SARF-i anounow .øsq a®au at;nap;t Xauhn >any;an% or parx;z souriafa\ouj;an ;u \atkaphs falhpafouj;an n;rka\ t.our irawiyake ;u ankh m;kna‘^ ,outa'o\j niujakan øgnoujiun faszn;lou hakanoujiune^ ibr;u mardka\in ;u axga\in m;‘ partakanoujiun! ªSouriafa\ouj;an tagnape ir ;rkrord tarin bolor;z^ au;li bardanalow ;u lour= wtangi ;njark;low s'iu®qafa\ ma\r ga[ouji bolor fa\ fatoua‘n;reº% esau >any;an! Apa x;kouzab;re parx;z m;r fa\r;nakizn;roun k;nsakan kariqn;rou paragan! ªSouriabnak souriafa\oujiune go\ouj;an ;u k;anqi pa\qar ke m[h! Isk m;nq^ axgowin% s'iu®qi ;u fa\r;niqi mh= kourza‘^ c;nq t;sn;r tagnape a\nphs% incphs or h! Amhn t;[ ya,k;ro\j% fandhs% April 24% 100 am;ak% na.agafakan entroujiunn;r% Ra``ii vo[owrdakan pa\qar ;u a\ln! A\s bolore axga\in ;u fama\nqa\in m;r k;anqi anbavan masnikn;rn ;n! Ba\z m;r axga\in anmi=akan ørakargi wra\^ o*c a®a=naf;rjº! Apa >any;an m;r vo[owourdin \a\tn;z ir ;ra.tagitoujiune anz;al tarouan w;r=auorouj;an kaxmak;rpoua‘ ªHye Aidº ];®narki \a=o[ouj;an a®jiu! ªZard% a\s a®jiu kataroua‘ a,.atanqn;rhn fanganakoua‘ au;li qan 500 faxar tolarin 450 faxare 'o.anz;zinq Souriafa\ouj;an <tap Øgnouj;an Miaz;al Marminin^ Kilikio\ kajo[ikosouj;an .o[owakowº! At;nap;t >any;an andradar]au na;u souriafa\ouj;an dimagraua‘ xanaxan ;u baxmaxan martafrauhrn;roun ;u xanonq orak;z ibr;u ªax a\in a[htº! ªArd% koc k∞ou[[;m fama\n fa\ouj;an% or axga\in a[hti famapatas.an tramadrouj;amb% patrastouj;amb ;u mi=oza®oumn;row xøra,arvi ;njark;nq m;nq xm;x^ dimagrau;lou famar a[hte ;rkou yanaparfn;row& a& <arounak;l mardka\in amhnhn tarrakan øvandakoujiune^ <ar& h= 14


NOR ØR% MA|IS 2% 2013

FA|OZ Z:{ASPANOUJ:AN OG:KOCMAN LOS ANY:LESI MIAZ:AL MARMINE ØRHZØR FAMALRUOUM H NANH AUAG:AN Iuraqanciur tari% Aprili 24-in Los Any;lesi ;u \arakiz ,r=ann;ri fa\oujiune fauaquoum h Monj;b;lo\i ªPiqn;l "arqºoum gtnouo[ Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an \ou,ar]ani a®=;u^ og;koc;lou 1&5 milion nafatakn;ri \i,atake! |ou,ar]ani møt t;[i h oun;noum fog;fangst;an araro[oujiun^ fog;uorakann;ri matouzmamb% frauiroua‘ bana.øsn;re^ fa\ ;u øtar qa[aqakan% irauakan olorti gor‘icn;re% ;lo\jn;r ;n oun;noum^ 'o.anz;low øroua\ f;t a®ncouo[ patgamn;r! A\s \ou,afandhse tarin;r ,arounak kaxmak;rpoum ;u irakanaznoum h Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an Og;kocman Los Any;lesi Miaz;al Marmine% or kaxmoua‘ h fa\ fama\nqoum gor‘o[ \isouncors mioujiunn;riz% kousakzoujiunn;riz ou kaxmak;rpoujiunn;riz! A\s ka®o\zi bolor andamn;re m;‘ nouiroumow amhn tari a,.atoum ;n M;‘ :[;®nin nouiroua‘ mi=oza®oumn;ri mi=ozow na;u øtarn;rin ls;li dar]n;l m;r patmouj;an am;naw,tali h=n ou ardar pafan=e! Miaz;al Marmni ,our= fauaqouo[ kaxmak;rpoujiunn;ri jiun ørhzør au;lanoum h% gor‘a®o\jn;rn enla\nuoum ;n% ;u a\s kaxmak;rpoujiune da®noum h fa\i miasnakan ouvi fnarauoroujiunn;re .orfrdan,o[ ka®o\z! Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an og;kocman Los Any;lesi Miaz;al marmni% a\s kaxmak;rpouj;an ‘ragr;ri ;u Aprili 24-in enda®a= mi=oza®oumn;ri masin patmoum ;n Miaz;al Marmni andam kousakzoujiunn;ri ou mioujiunn;ri [;kawarn;re! Van Gosak;an- Fa\ |;[a'o.akan Da,nakzoujiun& Fa\kakan Z;[aspanouj;an og;kocman Los Any;lesi Miaz;al Marmni st;[‘man npatakn hr kaxmak;rp;l fama\nqin Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an tar;lizin nouiroua‘ \ou,afandhsi famar ;u fama.mb;l fa\ fama\nqin Monj;p;llo\i Z;[aspanouj;an nafatakn;ri \i,atakouj;an \ou,ar]ani a®=;u m;r ko[miz kaxmak;rpouo[ ];®narki ,our=! Cors tari a®a= a\s na.a];®nouj;an ,our= fauaqoua‘ kousakzoujiunn;ri% tarb;r olortn;roum gor‘o[ mioujiunn;ri ou kaxmak;rpoujiunn;ri% fog;uor dasi n;rka\azouzicn;ri jiue tasn;rkousn hr! A\sør ardhn% a\d jiue fas;l h \isouncorsi! M;nq bolor ouv;re k;ntronaznoum ;nq Aprili 24-i mi=oza®oumn;ri anzkazoume pat,ay k;rpow irakanazn;loun ;u amhn tari m;‘ \ou,afandhs ;nq kaxmak;rpoum! A\s tari ;us% Monj;p;llo\oum% Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an \ou,ar]ani a®=;u \ou,afandhs t;[i k∞oun;na\% ori pa,tønakan bavine ke sksoui vame 1!30-in! Fog;uorakann;re k∞anzkazn;n fog;fangst;an araro[oujiun% a\nouf;t;u ;lo\j k∞oun;nan fasarakakan-qa[aqakan gor‘icn;r! A\s tari Miaz;al marmine orphs fimnakan bana.øs frauir;l h mardou irauounqn;ri pa,panouj;an olortoum mi=axga\in irauaght +;`ri Âob;rtsonin% ow \a\tni h ir fa\anpast k;zoua‘qow! Karø {axar;an - Fa\ irauabann;ri mioujiun& A\s tari Miaz;al marmine oro,;z frauir;l +;`ri Âob;rtsonin% ow mi=axga\in irauakan farjakoum n;rgrauoua‘ h Fa\kakan farz;row! 2008 jouakanin Londonoum Fa\kakan k;ntrone dim;l hr Âob;rtsoni ‘a®a\ouj;ane% parxaban;lou^ ard;ø#q jourq;ri ko[miz irakanazoua‘ 1915 jouakani fa\;ri t;[afanoumn;rn ou =ard;re mi=axga\in ørhnqi ca'ani,n;row karo[ ;n orakou;l orphs Z;[aspanoujiun! Âob;rtsone ousoumnasiroujiunn;r h katar;l britanakan ;u mi=axga\in ar.iun;roum ou ;xra-

kazr;l h& ª1915 jouakanin fa\;ri fandhp zouzab;roua‘ w;rab;rmounqe famapatas.anoum h Z;[aspanoujiun nkaragrouj;aneº! Na fandhs h ;k;l ir ;rkri ord;gra‘ qa[aqakan g‘i dhm ;u m;[adr;l h Britania\i Artaqin gor‘;ri ;u famagor‘akzouj;an farz;row na.ararouj;ane ªZ;[aspanouj;an v.tmanºe n;rgrauou;lou mh=% qani or ªFa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an yanacoume faroua‘ ke faszni Jourqia\i f;t \arab;roujiunn;rin^ a®anz Britanakan or;uh tnt;sakan kam diuanagitakan ,af;ri fatouzman a®au;louj;anº! Âob;rtsone na;u aktiuørhn n;rgrauoua‘ h L;®na\in {araba[i yanacman farzoum% fa\ spa\in kaznafara‘ adrb;=anzi Sa`arowi dhm datakan gor‘oum! Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100 am;aki ,hmin m;r =anq;re phtq h a®au;l aktiuazn;nq mi=axga\in irauakan farjakoum a\s farze n;rka\azn;lou ou[[ouj;amb! Miaz;al marmine n;rka\oums miauoroum h 50-iz au;li fa\kakan mioujiunn;r% ;u m;nq hl patrastuoum ;nq oun;nal m;r n;rdroume^ Âob;rtsonin frauir;ln hl qa\l h a\d ou[[ouj;amb! Koc ;nq anoum fa\ fama\nqin% or Aprili 24-in a\z;l;n Monj;p;llø^ \arganqi tourq matouz;lou m;r nafatakn;rin% na;u^ ;ra.tagitoujiun \a\tn;lou +;`ri Âob;rtsonin! Âaxmik |owfannis;an - Fa\ Krjakan Fimnarkoujiun& Fa\kakan Z;[aspanouj;an og;kocman Los Any;lesi Miaz;al marmni endla\nmane xougenjaz% oro,;zinq m;‘azn;l na;u m;r gor‘ounhouj;an ,r=anakn;re! Est a\dm% m;r a,.atanqn;rn a\l;us c;n safmana'akuoum Aprili 24-i \ou,afandhsi kaxmak;rpmamb! Taroua\ enjazqoum Miaz;al Marmine kaxmak;rpoum h Z;[aspanouj;an tarb;r farz;ri f;t a®ncouo[ ];®narkn;r^ irax;kman% yanacmann ou[[oua‘ s;minarn;r% tarabno\j a\l mi=oza®oumn;r! Ørinak% ;rkou tari a®a= S;uri pa\managri 91 am;akin nouiroua‘ ];®nark oun;zanq% 2012-in hl^ frauir;l hinq ban& git& j;kna‘ou% doz&% jourqaght Lousinh Safak;anin^ n;rka\azn;lou ir ªFam,hni manrat;[anounn;reº a,.atoujiune! A\s taroua\ ‘ragr;riz n,;m Qali`ornio\ Norjriy famalsarani Fa\kakan ‘ragr;ri bavni f;t Aprili 6-i famavo[owe^ ªFa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an dhm dimadroujiuneº j;ma\ow% ori gl.auor fowanauorn;riz hr na;u Miaz;al Marmine! Aprili 22-in% :rkou,abji% "asatina\i S& Grigor ;k;[;zou srafoum +;`ri Âob;rtsonin nouiroua‘ ;r;kon% Marmni gor‘ounhouj;an ;u ‘ragr;ri masin t;[;koujiunn;re t;[adruoum ;n m;r ka\qoum http!//ww.uacla.com% sozialakan ~h\spouq zanzi m;r h=oum UACLA News! Miaz;al marmine endounoum h iurqanciur a®a=ark% or n;rka\aznoum ;n m;r andam kaxmak;rpoujiunn;re% oronq qnnark;louz \;to\% a\nouf;t;u iuraqanciur mioujiun a\n n;rka\aznoum h ir warcouj;ane ;u w;r=oum marmine% fama.ofouj;amb% ka\aznoum h w;r=nakan oro,oum! M;r ka®o\zi endfanour vo[own;re t;[i ;n oun;noum ;rkou amise mhk% isk Gor‘adir >orfourde fandipoum h gr;jh amhn ,abaj^ qnnark;lou endfanour vo[owoum n;rka\azoua‘ a®a=arkn;rn ou dranz fnarauor irakanazoume! Arous {axar;an- FASK& Miaz;al Marmine møt mhk tari a®a= sks;z aragørhn famalrou;l nor mioujiunn;row% ;u a,.atanqi ‘auale m;‘azau! Orphsxi karo[ananq bolori ouv;re a®au;lago\ns gor‘a‘;l^ oro,;zinq st;[‘;l tarb;r a,.ata.mb;r% a\d juoum^ fanra\in kap;ri%

];®narkn;ri kaxmak;rpman% dramafauaqn;r na.a];®no[ bavinn;r! A\sphs m;nq a\vm a®au;l ardiunauhtørhn ;nq fasnoum m;r fama\nqin% ‘anøjaznoum ;nq Marmni gor‘ounhouj;ane f;®a.øsaxang;row% namakn;r ou[ark;low% sozialakan zanz;ri mi=ozow t;[;kaznoum ;nq a®a=ika\ ‘ragr;ri masin! Oura.ali h% or vo[owrdi ko[miz nkatuoum h f;taqrqroujiun% ;u a,.atanqe .;lazi k;rpow kaxmak;rp;low% m;nq karo[ ;nq a®a= tan;l endfanour gor‘e! Miaz;al Marminn a\n ka®o\zn h% ori andam ;n tarb;r kousakzoujiunn;ri% fa\;azqn;ri thr anfatn;r% owq;r saka\n mia]a\n ;u n;rda,nakørhn fama.mboua‘ ;n mhk ga[a'ari^ Fa\kakan farzi ,our=! Miaz;al Marmine baz h bolor fa\kakan kaxmak;rpoujiunn;ri famar% isk anfatn;r% owq;r ke zankanan mianal m;x ;u ir;nz n;rdroumn oun;nal a\s famafa\kakan n,anakouj;an gor‘oum^ karo[ ;n entr;l m;r \an]na.mb;riz mhke ;u n;rgrauou;l a\nt;[! |atkan,akan h% or Marmnoum m;‘anoum h na;u ;ritasardakan kaxmak;rpoujiunn;ri jiue% or m;x m;‘ oura.oujiun h patya®oum! Tigran Mouso\;an- Los Any;lesi Iranafa\ Mioujiun& Lranoum h Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100 am;ake% ;u a\d famamardka\in oyragor‘ouj;an masin \i,o[oujiunn;re tarin;ri enjazqoum anmar ;n paf;l fa\kakan kousakzoujiunn;rn ou mioujiunn;re! A\sør Miaz;al Marmine miauoroum h tasn;ak fa\kakan kaxmak;rpoujiunn;r% owq;r fama.mbou;l ;n a\d fi,o[ouj;an ;u m;r ardar pafan=i ,our=% ou m;x bavan;l a\l;us fnarauor ch! |ousow ;m% or m;r andamn;ri jiue au;li ke m;‘ana\% ;u axga\in gitakzoujiun kro[ iuraqanciur fa\ ir n;rdroume ke b;ri m;r ‘ragr;rin! Oura.ali 'ast h% or mardik% owq;r ir;nz a®aq;loujiunn ;n famaroum na;u axga\inin nouiroume^ gtnoum ;u mianoum ;n m;x! Marmni gor‘ounhouj;ane kar;li h a=akz;l tarb;r ];u;row^ nouiratououjiunn;ri mi=ozow ;u kamauor a,.atanqow! M;nq kar;uoroum ;nq arf;stawarvn;ri ;u mtauorakann;ri masnakzoujiune^ masnauoraphs Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100 am;akin enda®a=! Dauij Samouhl;an - Âamkawar Axatakan Kousakzoujiun& Miaz;al Marmine% bazi fimnakan a,.atanqn;riz% patrastuoum h na;u Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100 am;aki mi=oza®oumn;ri ‘ragrmane! Aprili 24-iz \;to\ m;nq au;li konkrht a,.atanqn;r ke sks;nq katar;l a\s ou[[ouj;amb! Miavamanak% Fa\kakan Z;[aspanouj;an og;kocman Los Any;lesi Miaz;al marmine famagor‘akzoum h Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100-rd tar;lizin nouiroua‘ mi=oza®oumn;re famakarg;lou npatakow% FF na.agaf S;rv Sargs;ani framanagrow st;[‘oua‘ P;takan \an]navo[owi f;t! Fa,oui a®n;low m;r 'or]n ou gor‘ounhoujiune% Miaz;al Marmine liaxørou;z n;rka\azn;lou Los Any;lese ;u dar]au ,r=ani |an]na.mbi Gor‘adir Marmine! :us mhk angam zankanoum ;m n,;l% or Miaz;al Marmni npatake mhkn h% ;u m;nq ]gtoum ;nq mhk irakanouj;an^ \arg;l m;r nafatakn;ri \i,atake ;u m;r \i,o[oujiunn ou ardar pafan=e 'o.anz;l galiq s;roundn;rin! Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an og;kocman Los Any;lesi Miaz;al Marmine so\n fa[ordakzouj;amb koc k∞ou[[h ,r=ani bolor fa\ordin;roun% or .ou®n;ram n;rka\ gtnouin \ou,afandhsin% incphs na;u masnakzoujiun b;r;n ga[oujin mh= kaxmak;rpouo[ Z;[aspanouj;an nouiroua‘ bolor mi=oza®oumn;roun! <ar& h= 13




couj;an ko[miz! Tara‘a,r=ani bnik ;u fnago\n vo[owourdn;riz mhke Z;[aspanouj;an f;t;uanqow korzr;z ir fa\r;niqoum apr;lou fnarauoroujiune ;u irauounqe! Sir;li* fa\r;nakizn;r% M;r partqn h gitakz;l% incphs na;u mi=axga\in fanrouj;an ou,adroujiune frauir;l a\n 'asti wra\% or Z;[aspanouj;an v.toume no\n \anzagor‘ouj;an ou[[aki ,arounakoujiunn h% ;u a\d \anzagor‘oujiune vamanakakiz Jourqia\oum ,arounakuoum h! Omanq m;x a®a=arkoum ;n ª100 tari a®a=oua\ fin whrq;re c'or'r;l% a\l na\;l a®a=º! M;r patas.ane nman fordorn;rin f;t;u;aln h^ Ørfan "amoukin ;u Frand Tinqin 100 tari a®a= c;n dat;l! Dat;l ;n m;r acqi a®a=! Jh* jourqakan% jh* fa\ fasarakoujiunn;ri famar a\s .ndirn ardiakan h ;u fratap! Sir;li* fa\r;nakizn;r% Iuuraqanciur Aprili 24 a®ij h norog;lou m;r ou.te^ fauatarim lin;l fa\oz p;takanouj;ane% ori go\oujiunn ardhn baza®oum h ;u baza®;lou h Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an krknoujiune! :u m;nq^ orphs p;toujiun ou orphs vo[owourd% pa\qar;l ;u pa\qar;lou ;nq a,.arfi or;uh ankiunoum mardkouj;an dhm ou[[oua‘ am;nadavan \anzagor‘ouj;an^ Z;[aspanouj;an bolor drs;uoroumn;ri dhm^ axgat;azouj;an s;rmanoumiz minc;u bna=n=oum% antarb;r l®oujiuniz minc;u v.toum! Pa\qar;lou ;nq famoxmounqow% qani or da h m;x partadroum w;rapra‘ vo[owrdi m;r kargawiyake! !


Isk a\n kaxmak;rpoujiunn;re% oronq ke 'a'aqin mas kaxm;l Miaz;al marminin% saka\n zard a®ije c;n oun;za‘ masnakiz ellalou anor a,.atanqn;roun% ke .ndroui% or kapouin Gor‘adir Marminin f;t^ f;t;u;al faszhow& secretary@uacla.com! T:{:KANQ& Fa\kakan Z;[aspanouj;an og;kocman Los Any;lesi Miaz;al Marmni andam kaxmak;rpoujiunn;re& Fa\ |;[a'o.akan Da,nakzoujiun% Âamkawar Axatakan Kousakzoujiun% ªAraratº fimnadram% ªFa\ Dprozº fimnadram% A\njapzin;rou M,akouja\in Mioujiun% Fa\-Am;rik;an Tar;zn;ri Mioujiun% Los Any;lesi Iraqafa\;ri Mioujiun% Fa\ Irauabann;ri Mioujiun% Fa\ Kajo[ikh a®a=nordaran% Fa\ pa,tøn;an;ri Los Any;les gaua®i .mbauoroum% Our`a\i Fa\r;nakzakan Mioujiun% Fa\ Krjakan Fimnarkoujiun% Fa\ Au;taranakan Fama\nq% Fa\ ~ilmi Fimnadram% Fa\ Marmnakrjakan Endfanour Mioujiun% Fa\kakan Bar;gor‘akan Endfanour Mioujiun% Fa\kakan |ou,ar]ani >orfourd% Fa\-am;rik;an Bouvqo\r;ri Mioujiun% Fa\ Øgnouj;an Mioujiun% Los Any;lesi Iranafa\ Mioujiun% AMN-i Fa\ W;j;rann;ri Mioujiun% Qali`ornia\i Fa\ Gro[n;ri Mioujiun% Qali`ornia\i Fa\ :ritasardaz Mioujiun% ª";riaº Am;rikafa\ M,a-

kouja\in Mioujiun% TarønTouroub;rani Fa\r;nakzakan Mioujiun% Corq Marxpani Fa\r;nakzakan Mioujiun% Nor +ou[a\i Bar;kamn;r% Fa\ Dro,magitakan Mioujiun% Waspourakani Fa\r;nakzakan Mioujiun% |ounafa\ Mioujiun% ªFASKº fa\am;rik;an s'iu®qi k;ntron% +an Jaurix Fa\r;nakzakan Mioujiun% Wardananz Asp;tn;r% Dauj;an ;u Mariam;an krjakan fastatoujiun% Qali`ornia\i Mousa L;® Fa\r;nakzakan Mioujiun% Polsafa\ Mioujiun% Sis Fa\r;nakzakan Mioujiun% Fa\kakan Miaz;al Fimnadram% Ourmio\ Fa\r;nakzakan Mioujiun% USC Famalsarani fa\kakan ousoumnasiroujiunn;ri k;ntron% Fiusisa\in Am;rika\i Fa\astan;az ;k;[;zou Ar;umt;an J;m% AMN-oum Fa\ A®aq;lakan :k;[;zou Ar;umt;an J;m% Fa\ Dramagitakan Enk;rakzoujiun% Qali`ornio\ Norjriy Famalsarani Fa\kakan ‘ragir% Famaxga\ini Krjakan ;u M,akouja\in Mioujiun% Miaz;al fa\ ;ritasardn;r% Fa\ ariakan b®ounzq (Fa\kakan Va®angoujiun Fimnarkoujiun)% A.alz.h Fa\r;nakzakan Mioujiun% ªAR"Aº fimnark% Fa\ Inv;n;rn;ri ;u Gitnakann;ri Mioujiun% Am;rika\i Fa\kakan Famagoumar% Al`a Hpilsøn Øm;ga% Am;rikafa\ Xin;aln;r% Fa\astani Yartarap;tn;ri Mioujiun!


n;rou koroustin ko[qin% Øsman;an ka\srouj;an ;njaka\ Ar;umt;an Fa\astani% Kilikio\% incphs na;u Jourqio\ a\l ,r=ann;rou mh= apro[ fa\oujiune korsnzouz na;u ;k;[;zapatkan kaloua‘n;r^ ;k;[;zin;r% srbat;[in;r% wanq;r% krønakan% krjakan ;u bar;sirakan k;dronn;r% m,akouja\in ou krønakan m;‘ arvhq oun;zo[ ir;r^ .acqar;r% ];®agirn;r% srbankarn;r ;u a\ln! Z;[aspanouj;an ;njarkoua‘ ou b®ni mi=ozn;row t;[afanoua‘ fa\ vo[owourdin patkano[ bolor kaloua‘n;re s;'akanazou;zan Jourqio\ p;touj;an ko[mh^ ªlq;al kaloua‘n;rº anounin tak! Z;[aspanouj;nhn 98 tarin;r ;tq% Jourqio\ n;rka\ p;toujiune% orphs iraua\a=orde Øsman;an ka\srouj;an% oc mia\n ke m;rvh endounil ir na.ordn;roun ‘ragra‘ ou gor‘adra‘ Z;[aspanoujiune% a\l ke ,arounakh ir fakafa\ qa[aqakanoujiune^ b®nagrauoua‘ paf;low fa\ vo[owourdin krønakan ou m,akouja\in arvhqn;re% ;k;[;zapatkan kaloua‘n;rn ou ir;re! F;t;uabar koc k∞ou[[;nq Jourqio\ p;touj;an ;u ke pafan=;nq& 1) Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an yanacoum& 2) Ambo[=akan fatouzoum fa\ vo[owourdi kra‘ koroustn;roun ;u mardka\in ou axga\in b®nagrauoua‘ irauounqn;roun& 3) Fa\kakan ;k;[;zin;roun% wanq;roun ou ;k;[;zapatkan kalua‘n;roun ;u fog;uor ou m,akouja\in arvhq n;rka\azno[ ir;roun an\apa[ w;radar]e fa\ vo[owourdin^ orphs anonz irauathre! A[øjqow \i,;low Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an xof;re^ ke datapart;nq amhn b®nararq^ ou[[oua‘ astoua‘aparg;u k;anqi% mardou arvanapatououj;an ;u mardkouj;an .a[a[ famak;zouj;an dhm% orowf;t;u ªAstoua‘ .®owouj;an Astoua‘ ch% a\l^ .a[a[ouj;anº (A& Kornj& 14%33)% ou mardike ke frauirh siro\% fam;ra,.ouj;an ;u gor‘akzouj;an! :ra.tagitouj;amb ke \i,;nq a\n bolor vo[owourdn;rn ou p;toujiunn;re% oronq Z;[aspanouj;an ør;roun apastan touin t;[afanoua‘ fa\;roun ;u fogataroujiun ou ;[ba\rakan shr zouzab;r;zin fa\r;naxrkoua‘ ou taragroua‘ fa\;roun fandhp! Fa\ vo[owourde \auht ;ra.tapart piti mna\ na;u a\n bolor p;toujiunn;roun% oronq mardasirouj;an ;u ardarouj;an skxbounqn;row a®a=nordoua‘^ dataparta‘ ou pa,tønaphs yancza‘ ;n Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune! Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an fariuram;aki s;min m;r bolor kar;lioujiunn;re i gor‘ piti dn;nq miasnabar irakanazn;lou fa\ vo[owourdin pafan=n;re^ \anoun ardarouj;an ;u fa\ouj;an irauounqn;rou pa,tpanouj;an! GAR:GIN B& KAJO{IKOS AM:NA|N FA|OZ MA|R AJOÂ% S& H+MIA’IN ARAM A& KAJO{IKOS M:’I TANN KILIKIO|% ANJILIAS% LIBANAN April 24% 2013


n;rou! Ir ª:r;q >n]orn;r Inkan :rkinqhnº girqin mh=% an ke n;rka\aznh ir m;‘ ma\rn ou anor kra‘ carcaranqn;rn ou tan=anqe% z;[aspanouj;an ;u taragrouj;an ,r=anin! Ir \ou,;roun mh= an ke w;rada®na\ a\d davan ør;roun ou paf;roun% krkin ou krkin nkaragr;lou famar ir entaniqin kra‘ ou anmo®anali t.our \i,atakn;re! Mi,elin Afaron;an apa b;m frauir;z ir ma\re% n;rkan;re \oux;lou famar srtabou. fa\kakan m;[;diow me! Ørouan fandisouj;an g;[aru;stakan \a\tagrin mh=% <aml;an warvarani a,ak;rtakan

;rgca.oumbe asmounqow ;u ;rkou ;rg;row ;lo\j oun;zau% [;kawarouj;amb Nora Pa\ram;anin! |owfannhs <afpax;an Âoubhn |aroujiun;ani ;u .oumbin enk;rakzouj;amb ;rkou ;rg;row% Isk Wardan ;u Sirano\, Ghorg;ann;rou para.oumbe ;r;q par;row .andawa®;zin n;rkan;re! Fandisoujiune 'akou;zau Wach Srbaxan |owsh';ani% Patou;li |owsh' Majos;ani ;u Miu®on Wardap;t Kiur;[;ani throunakan a[øjqow! J[j& !


NOR ØR% MA|IS 2% 2013



<ar& h= 11-hn

<ar& h= 5-hn

apafow;lou famar souriabnak souriafa\ouj;an go\apa\qare! b& M[;l qa[aqakan% ;k;[;zakan ;u bar;gor‘akan m;r [;kawaroujiune ;u fa\r;niqi diuanagitakan ambo[= karo[akanoujiune^ pafan=;lou a® or ank h w;r= tal a\s kor‘anic ;u gaxanabaro\ pat;raxmin! M;nq partakan ;nq a\d souriakan fa\r;niqin ;u vo[owourdin! Cmo®nanq% or z;[aspane ir ‘anøj d;rin mh= h a\s tagnapi folowo\jin! Phtq h amhn gnow wiv;zn;l anor ‘ragirn;reº% ir .øsqe ambo[=azouz >any;an! Ir kargin% SARF-i patas.anatoun;rhn Sona Matar;an andrada®nalh ;tq Souriafa\ouj;an øvandak marmini ‘noundin^ ;ra.tapart xgazoumn;row arta\a\tou;zau dramafauaqi bno\j kro[ zard kaxmak;rpoua‘ ];®narkn;roun^ m;r fa\ ga[oujin zouzab;ra‘ xørakzouj;an masin! ªA®anz m;r vo[owourdi xørakzouj;an% kar;li ch ‘ragir \a=o[zn;l! Fa\ou fauatqow% fa\ou kamqow ;u gitakzouj;amb% m;r ‘ragirn;re \a=o[ouj;amb psakou;zanº% esau Tik& Matar;an! >øs;low nor ‘ragiri masin^ Matar;an parx;z% jh \a®a=ika\ |ounis 9-in% Foliwouti Dolby Theatre-in mh= t;[i piti oun;na\ SARF-i kaxmak;rpa‘ ªHye Aid-2º ‘ragire% sira\øvar masnakzouj;ambe ga[oujis ªGhorg;anº pari akad;mio\% incphs na;u^ fa\r;ni fanra\a\t ;rgcoufin;r Lh\la Saribhk;ani ;u Silwa |akob;ani! ª:khq ;u miazhq m;xi% miasnabar wa\;l;lou ir t;sakin mh= anxougakan para\in ;u g;[arou;stakan a\s m;‘ \a\tagire! :kh*q ou miazhq m;xi ];r n;rka\ouj;amb% ];r louma\ow ;u miasnakan ouv;row% axga\in gitakzouj;amb ;u fog;kan fpartouj;amb \a=o[ouj;amb psak;lou famar m;r a\s m;‘ ou nor na.a];®noujiune% \anoun m;r ma\r ga[ouji kariqn;rounº! ªGhorg;anº pari akad;mio\ fanra‘anøj [;kawar ;u parouso\z Wardan Ghorg;an% ir srti .øsqow na. andradar]au 20 tarin;rh i w;r ga[oujis mh= m;‘ \arganq ;u dirq wa\;lo[^ au;li qan 500 ;rks;® (5-25 tar;kan) andamn;rh ba[kaza‘ ir .oumbin% apa^ ªHye Aid-2ºi nor ];®narkin! ªBolors git;nq% jh i*nc h kataruoum Siria\oum! Fa\e fa\in ];®q phtq h ;rkari! M;r a\s m;‘ fam;rgow piti karo[ananq m;r .øsqe as;l ;u m;r bavine b;r;l fa\apafpanman a\s m;‘ a,.atanqoum! Bolors faskanoum ;nq% jh sa soworakan tar;kan fam;rg ch% a\l bar]rorak mi m;‘ ];®nark! Frauiroum ;nq bolord ];r n;rka\ouj;amb souriafa\i øgnouj;an ga[a'arin n;zouk kangn;louº! Apa an \i,;z% jh bazi fa\r;ni ;rkou ;rgcoufin;rhn% ga[oujis arou;staghtn;rhn Âaxmik Mansour;an ;u ouri,n;r na;u% sira\øvar k;rpow mas piti kaxm;n ørouan yo. \a\tagirin! Mamlo\ asoulisi pa,tønakan bavini auartin t;[i oun;zau farz patas.ani bavin% oroun enjazqin at;nap;t >any;an parx;z SARF-i ba[adric marminn;re% oronq ardhn sksa‘ ;n lour= a,.atanqi^ ‘ragroua‘ famo\je \a=o[ouj;amb psak;lou famar! A® i \i,;zoum% \a\tararou;zau^ };®narki jouakan^ Kiraki% 9 |ounis% 2013% ;r;ko\;an vame 6-in& Wa\r^ Dolby Theatre (6801 Hollywood Blvd. Los Angeles)& };®narki \a\tagir^ Ghorg;an Pari Akad;mia% masnakzouj;amb Lh\la Saribhk;ani% Silwa |akob;ani^ Fa\astanhn% incphs na;u ga[oujhs arou;staghtn;rou! Toms;rou famar% dim;l 818-618-2348 ;u 818-265-0506 jiu;roun% kam^ Itsmyseat.com/HyeAid

win% or piti fama.mbh m;r a,.arfakan jh krønakan bolor fatoua‘n;re! Fa\r;niqin xougaf;® m;xi partadr;al a\s irawiyake ci n,anak;r ;u phtq ch n,anakh fakadrouil fa\r;ni irakanouj;an ;u anor p;takan warcam;q;na\in! Fa\ vo[owourdin darauor pafan=qin ou datin irauathre fa\r;ni p;takanoujiunn h% oroun patmakan fo[;rhn b®nørhn t;[afanoua‘ ar;umtafa\ouj;an va®angordn h ss'iu®qafa\oujiune% or jh* iro[aphs ;u jh* irauakanørhn ke n;rka\ana\ ibr;u \;tnord s;rounde 1915-i nafatakouj;an! Anfrav;,t h w;ramiauoroume m;r axga\in ba[adratarr;roun%- a®anz g;raka\ouj;an jh storaka\ouj;an xga\noujiunn;rou ;u bardo\jn;rou%- fark h or fama.mbh s'iu®qafa\oujiune% oroun n;rka\azouzcakan .orfourdn h or ir liirau masnakzoujiune piti b;rh Axga\in G;rago\n Vo[owin% fa\r;ni p;touj;an fowaniin n;rq;u! A\s mhke krnanq irakanazn;l gitakan ;u a®arka\akan ca'ani,n;rou kirarkoumow! :rk.øsoujiune baxmakar‘iq m;r fauaqakan k;anqin mh=% fimnakan d;r me phtq h .a[a\! Fandourvo[ k;zoua‘qn ou fauaqakan n;rka\azouzcakan droujiune axga\in ka®o\zn;rou mh=% phtq h m;na,norfe da®na\ inqxinq \arg;l gitzo[ bolor ba[adratarr;roun! Fa\r;ni P;toujiune% i∞nq piti ella\ miakn ou a®a=ine^ a\s ªkanac axdalo\sºin n,ane touo[ nor famakargin% ;rb ke fauata\ kar;liouj;ane Mhk ;u Ambo[=akan Fa\astan& Mhk Fa\ vo[owourd ;u Mhk Fa\z& A®aq& ;k;[;zi karga.øsin% oroun xinouoragr;aln;rn ;nq m;nq% ounkndir^ m;r milionauor nafatakn;rou ;raxin% t;silqin ;u ar;an kancin! ;) >orfrda\in karg;rou inq-

nalou‘aroumow skixb a®a‘ Fa\astani w;ranka.aza‘ p;takanouj;an a®a=in qsanam;akin ar]anagroua‘ spitak ariunafosoujiune^ ima∞ ARTAGA{Je% 1990-i 3&75 milion axgabnakcouj;an jiuin nouaxoumow fasa‘ h m;rør;a\ 2&5 milioni! Ba\z ;jh ke fauatanq FA|OUN OUVAKANOUJ:AN% m;xi famar partadir h m;r acq;re \a®;l AXGAFAUAQI k;narar OUVin% ou fngam;a\ 'lann;row xa\n faszn;l 5 milion fa\ axgabnakcouj;an! Afauasik m;‘ago\ne martafrauhrn;roun% xor ke dimagrauh fa\r;ni p;takanoujiune a\sør! Inco#u ;u incph#s fa\r;nabnak fa\oujiune ir mhk-;rrordow lq;z fa\r;ni tounn ou t;[e ;u fastatou;zau øtar ;rkinqn;rou tak! Wiyakagroujiunn;re m;xi kou tan faroust tou;aln;r ;u niuj;r! Famakargca\in fa,ouarkoumn;re ke diurazn;n farz;roun ou[i[ patas.ann;re! *** Z;[aspanouj;an 100-am;aki n;rka\ fangrouane yakatagrakan ou ba.toro, krna\ fandisanal fa\ vo[owourdin famar^ endfanraphs! Fa\kakan diuanagitouj;an kar;lioujiunn;re ;[a‘ ;n safmana'ak% nkati oun;nalow m;r axga\in liirau anka.ouj;an fam;matabar karyat;u ,r=ann;re! Fark h or ellanq xgo\, ;u sja'! A\nqan diurafauat c;nq% or kar;nanq ;rkou tari ;tq t;sn;l ªAnkar;lin^ kar;liº! M;nq ouninq famaxga\in t;silq ou t;slakan% oroun irakanazoumin ke fauatanq annafan= FAUATQow! Minc a\d% patrast ellanq dimakal;lou amhn martafrauhr ou xofo[oujiun% \anoun m;r anvamanz;li datin ;u apaga\i \a[janakin!

OU<ADROUJIUN Aljatina\i mh= war]ou h Jhqh;an M,akouja\in Miouj;an W;ranorogoua‘ ou bar;xardoua‘ Ph,khøjiur;an k;droni g;[at;sil srafe% \armar bolor a®ijn;rou famar Manramasnouj;anz famar kar;li h f;®a]a\n;l Ghorg Qhø,khr;anin^ f;t;u;al jiuow&



JOURQIO| AKAD:MAKAN&&& <ar& h= 5-hn

:uropa\i fa\ fama\nqn;roun yitin 'ajj;lou afab;kcouj;an a\s ararqn;re% a\dphsow arat b;r;lou fa\ vo[owourdi pafan=atirakan pa\qarin! W;r=in tas-tasnfing tarin;rou patafa‘ mi=axga\in dhpq;rou lo\sin tak afab;kcoujiune ibr;u gor‘;lak;rp ci krnar ir ko[mnakizn;re oun;nal ardi qa[aqakirj a,.arfi enk;rouj;anz endouna‘ ;u enkala‘ ca'ani,n;roun mh=% ou f;t;uabar afab;kcakan ararqi me w;ragroume masnauor .oumbi me% fama\nqi me ;u kam kaxmak;rpouj;an me krna\ patya® da®nal anonz mi=axga\in marminn;rou ko[mh datapartoumin% pativin kam qrhakan ørhnqn;rou tramadrouj;anz! A\s pa\qare masnauor ;rang me staza‘ h manauand Ganata\i mh= a\d ;rkri fanra\in kar‘iqi ;u t;[akan i,.anouj;anz møt v.takan tramadroujiunn;r st;[‘;lou famar Fa\ Dati ;u anor pafan=atirakan nkata®oumn;rou kapakzouj;amb! Phtq ch mo®nal or Ganata pa,tønaphs 2004 jouakanin yancza‘ h Fa\kakan Z;[aspanoujiune ou Jourqia tarin;rh i w;r ke tqni a\d oro,oume \;ts koc;lou ;u safmanoua‘ tramadroujiunn;r st;[‘;lou ;rkri qa[aqakan [;kawarouj;an møt! Ardar;u% 8 April 2013 j&in Ganatakan mamoulin f;t ka\aza‘ farzaxro\xi me enjazqin% .øs;low jourq-ganatakan 'o.-\arab;roujiunn;rou masin% Jourqio\^ Øjjawa\i noran,ak d;spane^ Jounyh\ Papali k*eshr& ªJourqia k*ouxh ir a®;utrakan \arab;roujiunn;re .orazn;l Ganata\i f;t! Ba\z A®a=in Fama,.arfa\in Pat;raxmi enjazqin patafa‘ spanoujiunn;re Z;[aspanoujiun orak;le arg;lq k*ella\ a\s \arab;roujiunn;rou xargazoumin! Kar;li ch bnakanon \arab;roujiunn;r oun;nal% ;rb axg me z;[aspanouj;amb k*ambastanoui! Asika lour= farz men h% or phtq h ørinakan ;u patmakan g;tni wra\ na. 'ast;lº! Oc oq mo®za‘ h na;u jh Jourq ka®awaroujiune diuanagitakan incpisi a,.atanq tarau anzno[ 28 ";trouar 2012 jouakanin ~ransa\i Safmanadrakan At;ani ko[mh anwau;r f®cak;l talou famar ;rkri ørhnsdir marminn;rou wau;razouza‘ ªZ;[aspanouj;an V.toume Qrhakanazo[º ørhnqi tramadroujiunn;re! Jh;u ~ransafa\ouj;an Miaz;al Marmine a\d ørinagi‘i ørhnsdir marminn;roun ko[mh wau;razman famar fska\akan ;u ,norfakal a,.atanq tara‘ hr amisn;row% saka\n anor andamn;re chin na.at;sa‘ Jrqakan KAXMAK:RPOUA’ enddimouj;an taro[oujiune ;u axd;zoujiune! C;nq krnar ant;s en;l na;u Mi=in Ar;u;lqhn n;rs Jourqio\ tara‘ diuanagitakan a,.atanqn;re w;r=in tarin;roun! Ardar;u% tasnam;akn;row Isra\hli f;t xinakzakan s;rt \arab;roujiunn;r m,ak;lh ;tq% Jourqia \ankar‘ arabakan ;u islamakan a,.arfn;rhn n;rs w;r=in cors tarin;roun ke 'or]h n;rka\anal ibr;u Pa[;stin;an farzi ou arabakan ;rkirn;rou =atagow ou pa,tpan^ anonz bar;azakamoujiune sira,af;lou baza\a\t npatakow! Ardar;u% Jourqia Mi=in Ar;u;lqhn A®a=in Fama,.arfa\in pat;raxmi auartin ªd®nhn dours wtarou;lh ;tq% a\vm ke 'or]h patoufanhn krkin n;rs mtn;lº% ou a\d ,r=anin mh= ir n;rka\oujiune amrapnd;l^ diuanagitakan% qa[aqakan% tnt;sakan ;u m,akouja\in na.a];®noujiunn;row! Bnakan h or a\s ®axmawarouj;an npatakn;rhn min h amhn ];uow fakaxd;l a\d ;rkirn;rou mh= gtnouo[ fa\kakan ga[oujn;rou gor‘ounhouj;an^ vo[owrda\in ;u p;takan makardaki wra\ Jourqio\ nkatmamb au;li npastauor kar‘iq me ;u tramadroujiun me st;[‘;lou^ t;[akan fasarakoujiunn;rou møt! D& T:{:KATOUAKAN PA|QAR W;r=in tarin;roun jrqakan ko[mi faka-fa\kakan qaroxcakan pa\qare nor fangamanq me ;u bno\j me staza‘ h na;u! Jourqia xørakoci ;njarka‘ h xanaxan ;rkirn;rou mh= fastatoua‘ jourq fama\nqn;re% ir;nz fpatak ;rkirn;rou patkan i,.anouj;anz møt faka-fa\kakan qaroxcakan a,.atanq tan;lou famar! Ardar;u% famazanzi wra\ gor‘o[ jrqakan ka\qh=n;r bou®n ;u endar]ak faka-fa\kakan qaroxcakan pa\qar me ke m[;n! ~ransakan axd;zik ªLe Montº øraj;rji K& Polso\ j[jakiz Ki\om "hrihr andrada®nalow a\s masin Mart 7% 2011 jouin lo\s t;sa‘ \ødoua‘i me mh= ªJrqakan |;riuranqn;rou a,.arfeº .oragrin tak ke grhr f;t;u;ale& ª"oqr% kaxmak;rpoua‘ ‘a\ra\;[akann;rou .oumb;r famazanzin wra\ san]ar]ak k;rpow pa\qar ke m[;n bolor anonz dhm% oronq ke 'or];n y,grit t;[;katououjiun me n;rka\azn;l fon&&&! A\s \ar]akoumn;roun jira. ke ‘a®a\;n lragro[n;r% gro[n;r% akad;makann;r% oronq ke famar]akin qnnadat;l Jourq i,.anoujiunn;re! Ard;øq Jrqakan p;toujiu#nn h% or a\s kaxmak;rpoua‘ ar,aue ke `inansauorh &&&dimakal;lou Am;rika\i ;u ~ransa\i fa\ kaxmak;rpoujiunn;rou z;[aspanouj;an yanacoumin famar tara‘ a,.atanqeº! Apa ªLe Montiº j[jakize ba®azi k;rpow k∞;xrakaznhr! ªA\s mardike o∞c mhk za‘ouj;an a®=;u k∞enkrkinº! Miavamanak% Oua,inkjeni% "arixi ;u a\l ;uropakan ;rkirn;rou mh= fastatoua‘ jrqakan d;spanatoun;rou ka\qh=n;re fakafa\ qaroxcakan \ødoua‘n;r% niuj;r ;u ªpatmakanº bno\j oun;zo[ t;[;koujiunn;r ke par'ak;n% jrqakan jhx;rou =atagowoume apafow;lou famar! No\npisi t;[;koujiunn;r na;u zo\z ke trouin Oua,inkjeni mh= gor‘o[ ªJourq Am;rik;an Mioujiunn;rou Fama-


goumarºi (Assembly of Turkish American Associations- ATAA) ka\qh=in wra\! Inco#u saka\n jrqakan a\s bou®n fakafa\ qaroxcakan pa\qare! Ardar;u% Jourq i,.anoujiunn;re anzno[ tasnam;akn;roun 'or]a‘ ;n ka*m \auit;nakan l®ouj;an qø[ow me ‘a‘k;l Fa\kakan Z;[aspanouj;an pndoumn;re% ;u ka*m al 'or]a‘ ;n xanonq n;rka\azn;l ibr;u ªwarkab;kic ;u caramitº ambastanoujiunn;rou ,arq me% xor phtq h ambo[=owin m;rv;l ;u angitanal! A\s fiman wra\ Jourq p;toujiune v.to[akan ®axmawaroujiun me kirarka‘ h \acs^ fama,.arfa\in fanra\in kar‘iqin% Fa\kakan Z;[aspanouj;an ararqe mo®azouj;an talou famar! Mhk ko[mh an ke v.th Fa\kakan Z;[aspanouj;an me ;u Fa\ Dati me go\oujiune^ xanaxan bazatroujiunn;r% warka‘n;r kam patmakan .;[ajiuroumn;r framzn;low mi=axga\in diurafauat ounkndirn;rou% mius ko[mh mi=axga\in fanra\in kar‘iqi a®=;u ke 'or]h zo\z tal jh ba[datmamb anz;alin% a\søroua\ Jourqian% ;u anor ka®awaroujiune% ibr;u ardi p;toujiun% drakan qa\l;r k*a®n;n anz;ali s.aln;re ,tk;lou kam ;rk.øsoujiun me st;[‘;lou fa\ vo[owourdin f;t^ ªanz;ale mo®zouk hº tramabanouj;an me fiman wra\! A\s ;rkou paragan;roun al Jourqia yarpik ®axmawarouj;amb ke =ana\ .ousa'il fimnakan kam drakan o;uh lou‘oum a®a=ark;lh ;u gor‘adrouj;an dn;lh% orowf;t;u a\d lou‘oumn;rou bno\je ;u taro[oujiune lour= wtang me ke n;rka\azn;n ir n;rka\ safmann;roun mh= 1923-in fastatoua‘ Jourq fanrap;touj;an go\ouj;an famar! Jourqia .oraphs ke gitakzi a\n iro[ouj;an jh Fa\ Dati gor‘enjazqin mh= ir ko[mh a®noua‘ o;uh s.al qa\l me% sa\jaqoum me kam xi=oum me krna\ lour= f;t;uanqn;r oun;nal Mouja`a Qhmal Ajajiurqi 1923-in fimna‘ Jourq p;touj;an famar! Miavamanak 1915-i Z;[aspanouj;an møt;zo[ 100 am;aki daradar]in a®ijow Jourqia ke gitakzi jh a,.arfi amhn ko[m;rhn ar]agangn;r piti lsouin 20-rd darou a®a=in Z;[aspanouj;an masin! An;rkba\ h or mi=axga\in mamouln ou akad;makan ,r=anakn;re piti andrada®nan angam me ;us Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an pndoumn;roun masin% ou fauanakan h or amhn ko[mh \ødoua‘n;r% ousoumnasiroujiunn;r% ];®narkn;r% fraparaka\in fandhsn;r ;u fauaqo\jn;r a\s farzin wra\ piti k;dronazn;n angam me ;us a,.arfi fanra\in kar‘iqi ou,adroujiune! Ir \ar]ako[akan a\s dirqow Jourqia ke =ana\ Fa\kakan Z;[aspanouj;an farzi kapakzouj;amb fraparake fimakouenh grau;l ;u o[o[;l ir qaroxcakan bolor mi=ozn;row^ chxoqaxn;lou kam anhazn;lou famar fa\kakan ,r=anakn;rou o;uh na.a];®noujiun% or krna\ fimnakan wnas faszn;l ir ,af;roun! A\s \ar]ako[akan pa\qarin a®ncouj;amb i#nc krna\ ellal fa\ouj;an patas.ane! :jh ke fauatanq jh Fa\ Date ;u fa\kakan farze piti \a[janak;n ªavanº mi=ozn;row% caraca*r ke s.alinq! :jh ke fauatanq jh Fa\ Dati kapakzouj;amb Jourq fanrap;toujiune kam fasarakoujiune n;rqnaphs piti 'o.ouin mi qani anfat Jourq mtauorakann;rou Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an masin arta\a\ta‘ axniu ga[a'arn;roun ,norfiu% caraca*r ke s.alinq! :jh m;r mh= bar;mitn;r kan% oronq ke fauatan jh Jourqio\ xanaxan fimnarkn;rou f;t ir;nz oun;za‘ an]nakan ,'oumn;roun ,norfiu krnan xi=oumn;r apafow;l Jourq fanrap;touj;nhn% caraca*r ke s.alin! A\nqan at;n or p;takan ;u pa,tønakan Jourqian ke \ama®i Fa\ Dati ir m;rvo[akan dirqin ;u k;zoua‘qin mh=% a\nqan at;n or Jourqia ke 'or]h spa®naliqi% ,anjavi ;u qa[aqakan pa\qari yambow o∞c mia\n ouranal patmakan dhpq;re% o*c mia\n v.t;l fa\ vo[owourdi ardarouj;an pafan=qn;re% a\l k;*[‘ akad;makan pa\qari ;u pat;raxmi yambow arfamarf;l ;u ns;mazn;l 'or];l m;r xof;rou \i,atake% kar;li ch ;rk.øsouj;an yambow gor‘nakan or;uh ardiunq aknkal;l Jourqia\hn! Fasknali h or n;rka\is fa\ vo[owourdin famar a\s kazouj;nhn diurin ;lq cka\% bazi ,arounak;lh pa\qare^ ardiunauht a,.atanqow% ‘ragroumow ;u anonzmh b.o[ gor‘adir karo[akanouj;amb! Ardiunauht k;rpow ,arounak;l pa\qare k∞;njadrh au;li* .;lazi% au;li* kaxmak;rpoua‘ ;u au;li* axdou k;rpow ‘ragroua‘ ou gor‘adroua‘ a,.ata];u me s'iu®qi tara‘qin! A\s pa\qare k∞;njadrh manauand møt;zo[ 100 am;aki kapakzouj;amb kou®% baxmako[mani% akad;makan% gitakan ;u qaroxcakan la\na‘aual a,.atanq% or masnagitakan .orq ;u taro[oujiun ouni ;u o*c jh siro[akan ka®o\z ;u bno\j! Fa\ Dati ;u Fa\kakan Z;[aspanouj;an pa\qare baxmako[mani ;r;s oun;zo[ farz;r ke par'ak;n ir;nz mh=% xor kar;li ch lou‘;l kam f;tapnd;l anfatakan kaxmak;rpoujiunn;rou% anfatn;rou kam fastatoujiunn;rou =anqow ;u a,.atanqow mia\n! At;nn h or m;r famas'iu®qa\in karo[oujiunn;re ;u o\v;re mianan ,;,t;lou andadroum% ‘ragr;al ;u f;t;uo[akan k;rpow% our or phtq h% incphs or phtq h% gor‘oua‘ oyirin afauoroujiune fama\nakan mardka\in ørhnqn;rou ;u irauounqn;rou t;sakhthn! A\d a,.atanqe ‘ragr;lou karo[oujiunn;re a®ka\ ;n s'iu®qi tara‘qin ;u fa\r;niqhn n;rs! Bau h f;®at;soujiune% kamqe ;u t;silqe oun;nal qow qowi b;r;lou a\s karo[oujiunn;re fasarakaz fimounqn;row a,.atanq tan;lou famar miasnabar^ amh∞n marx;rh n;rs! Oua,inkjen% 14 April 2013


NOR ØR% MA|IS 2% 2013




Aprili 27-in ka\azan FF bar]rago\n .mbi a®a=nouj;an 39-rd mrza'ouli fandipoumn;re% oronq auartou;zin f;t;u;al ardiunqn;row& ªAraratº-ªImpoulsº^ 1-2 ªMikaº-ªOulisº^ 2-0 ª<irakº-ªBananzº^ 2-0 ªGan]asarº-ª"iunikº^ 1-1 Mrza,ara\in a[iusak >& |& F& <irak 39 24 9 Mika 39 23 7 "iunik 39 18 6 Gan]asar 39 16 12 39 18 6 Impouls Oulis 39 9 11 Ararat 39 9 4 Bananz 39 4 15

P& 6 9 15 11 15 19 26 20

G& 65-36 54-37 65-49 43-34 64-57 35-49 27-66 34-60

M& 81 76 60 60 60 38 31 27

FA|KAKAN ~OUJPOL FF fauaqakani kisapa,tpan F;nri. M.ijar;ane Ouqrania\i a®a=nouj;an 26-rd mrza'ouli ªM;talistiº dhm a.o\;anakan .a[oum% ir 100-rd pa,tønakan fandipoumn anzkazr;z Don;zki ª<a.t\oriº kaxmoum (a\d juoum a®a=nouj;an% Ouqrania\i gauajn;ri ;u :urogauajn;ri .a[arkoujiunn;roum)! • F;nri. M.ijar;ane ª<a.t\oriº kaxmoum ;rrord angam dar]au Ouqrania\i a.o\;an! • ª<a.t\oreº f;taqrqroua‘ h% or F;nri. M.ijar;ane mna\ jimoum% \a\tarar;l h akoumbi gl.auor marxic Mirxa Louc;skoun! ªF;nri. M.ijar;ani 'o.adrman w;rab;r;al m;nq a®a=ark c;nq staz;l! 20-40 milion ;uron nra 'o.adrman famar oro,akiørhn ca'axanzoua‘ hº&- as;l h Mirxa Louc;skoun! N,;nq% or angliakan ªLiw;rpouleº patrast h ª<a.t\orinº wyar;l pafan=ouo[ goumare! • Incphs githq :oura Mowsis;ane wnasua‘q hr staz;l^ BKMA_i dhm .a[oum% wnas;l hr axdri mkann;re ;u ,arqiz dours hr mnaz;l nouaxago\ne ;rkou ,abajow! Na m;kn;l hr Dania ir an]nakan bvi,ki møt ;u afa :oura\i ªSpartakeº Moskoua\oum 2-0 fa,ouow \a[j;z Ma.ackara\i ªAnviinº ;u a\vm 44 miauorow xba[;znoum h 4rd t;[e% 3-rd t;[oum enjazo[ ªAnviinº xi=oum h 3 miauorow! FF fauaqakani \ar]akouo[ :oura Mowsis;ane fandipoume baz jo[;z wnasoua‘qi patya®ow! N,;nq% or Mowsis;ane fandipmane \a\tararoua‘ mius `oujolistn;ri f;t na.awarvanq anzkazr;z a\s .a[iz a®a=! • ÂD-i a®a=in diuixia\oum fandhs ;ko[ :kathrinbourgi ªOuraleº% ori kaxmoum .a[oum h FF fauaqakani \ar]akouo[ Hdgar Manoucar;ane nouay;l h Âousastani bar]rago\n .mboum fandhs galou irauounq! N,;nq% or a\s jimoum ;n fandhs galis na;u fa\axgi `oujpolistn;r D;nis Joumas;ann ou Nikola\ Sa`ronidin! • FF fauaqakani ou c;.akan ªC;skh Boudh\wizhiº pa,tpan Fra\r Mko\;ane wnasoua‘q hr staz;l ou wirafatou;l h G;rmania\oum! 26-am;a\ `oujpoliste ;rkou ,abaj ke mna\ G;rmania\oum% isk \;to\ ke w;rada®na\ Fa\astan! Na ke karo[ana\ liarvhq marxou;l ;rkou amsiz ;u baz ke jo[ni FF fauaqakani a®a=ika\ fandipoumn;re!



• ÂD-i bar]rago\n .mbi 26-rd mrza'ouli ªX;nijiº dhm .a[iz a®a= FF fauaqakani ou Krasnodari ªKobaniº kisapa,tpan Arax Øxbilise w;rsks;l h marxoumn;re% saka\n gl.auor marxice ke spasi bvi,kn;ri .orfrdin% oc oq ci patrastuoum wtangi tak dn;l `oujpolisti a®a=noujiune% as;l h marxike! N,;nq% or Araxn ir jimi na.ord ;rkou .a[;re wnasoua‘qi patya®ow baz hr jo[;l! • {axa.stani a®a=nouj;an f;rjakan .a[oum FF fauaqakani ou {axa.stani ªAktobhiº pa,tpan Âob;rt Arxouman;ane wnasoua‘q hr staz;l ;u 'o.arinou;l hr 25rd rophin! Na bouvxnnoum h anz;l% oriz \;to\ parx h dar];l% or apaqinman famar ke pafan=oui møt mhk ,abaj% na mhk ,abaj phtq h fangstana\% oriz \;to\ ;jh a®a=enjaz lini% ke sksi marxou;l! • FF fauaqakani ;u l;fakan ªL;.ia\iº pa,tpan L;uon Fa\rap;t;ane xro\zoum patm;l h% or anfatakan marxoumn;re wa[ouz w;rsks;l h ;u bvi,kn;ri .øsq;row Ma\isi khs;riz ardhn ke karo[ana\ marxou;l jimi f;t! ª<at ;m ouxoum Malja\i ;u Dania\i fauaqakann;ri dhm .a[;rin faszn;m patrast lin;l ou øgn;l jiminº% as;l h L;uone!

:UROGAUAJN:RI >A{ARKOUIJUNOUM Aprili 23-24-in ka\azan :uropa\i a.o\;ann;ri lika\i kisa;xra'akici fandipoumn;re ispanakan ;u g;rmanakan xo\g;ri mi=;u% oronq auartou;zin g;rmanazin;ri =a.=a.ic \a[janakn;row! Dortmoundi ªBorousianº 4-1 fa,ouow \a[j;z Matriti ªÂhalinº% isk Miun.;ni ªBauarianº^ 4-0 fa,ouow ªBars;lona\inº! Patas.an fandipoumn;re ka\azan Aprili 30-in ;u Ma\isi 1-in! ªÂhalº Matrit-ªBorousiaº^ 2-0 ªBars;lonaº-ªBauariaº^ 0-3 A\spisow ;xra'akicoum% Ma\isi 25-in Lontoni ªOuhmpliº marxada,toum ke fandip;n g;rmanakan^ ªBorousiaº ;u ªBauariaº jim;re! Isk Aprili 25-in ka\aza‘ ;urolika\i kisa;xra'akici fandipoumn;rn auartou;zin a\spisi ardiunqn;row& ª~;n;rpafchº-ªB;n`ikaº^ 1-0 ªBax;lº-ªC;lsiº^ 1-2! Ma\isi 2-in ke ka\anan patas.an fandipoumn;re!

FA| MARMNAMARXIKN:RN :UROPA|I AÂA+NOUJIUNOUM 37 ;rkrn;ri a®a=atar marmnamarxikn;re Moskoua\i ølimpiakan marxasrafoum wiyark;zin sporta\in marmnamarxouj;an :uropa\i a®a=nouj;an parg;un;re! FF-n a\d mrzoumn;roum n;rka\aznoum hin 5 marxikn;r! Mrzoumn;ri a®a=in øre masnakizn;re fandhs ;kan orakauorman 'ouloum! Baxmamartoum spas;liqn;rn ardarazrin Arjour Dauj;ann ou S;rob So[omon;ane% oronq irauounq stazan pa\qare ,arounak;l ;xra'akic 'ouloum! :xra'akic 'oulin masnakzo[ 24 marmnamarxikn;ri mh= baxmamartoum Arjour

Dauj;ane 85&032 miauorow 8-rdn hr% isk S;rob So[omon;ane 80&596 miauorow^ 19-rde! A®an]in gor‘iqn;ri wra\ warvoujiunn;roum 6-rd ardiunqow ;xra'akic 'ouli ou[;gir nouay;z |aroujiun M;rtin;ane% ow a\dt;[ 15&366 miauorow nvo\gaja';roum bauararu;z 5-rd t;[ow! Pronxh m;talakrin |aroujiune xi=;z 0&134 miauorow! |;nazatk;roum \a=o[ fandhs ;kau Arjour Dauj;ane% ow 6rd ardiunqow irauounq stazau pa\qare ,arounak;lou m;taln;ri famar! 20-am;a\ Arjour Dauj;ane \;nazatki ;xra'akicoum g;raxanz ;lo\j oun;zau ;u 14&866 miauorow dar]au pronxh m;talakir% ar‘ajh m;talakrin xi=;low 0&021 miauorow! A\s mrza];uoum a.o\;an dar]au D;nis Abliaxine (ÂD)! M;r mius ;rkou marxikn;re^ Wafagn Dauj;ann ou Arjour Jowmas;ane no\nphs wat fandhs c;kan!

FA| SAMBISTN:RI FAROUST AUARE Kiprosi Limasol qa[aqoum auartoua‘ sambo\i :uropa\i patanin;ri% ;ritasardn;ri ;u a[=ikn;ri a®a=noujiunoum w;r;lqow fandhs ;kan fa\ sambistn;re! A®a=nouj;ann masnakza‘ 22 fa\ sambistn;riz ou[i[ khsn arvanazan m;taln;ri^ 3-akan oskh ;u ar‘ajh% 5 pronxh! :uropa\i a.o\;ann;r f®cakou;zin ;ritasardn;ri mrza,arin masnakza‘ +iuan {axar;ann (48 qk&) ;u Grigor M.ijar;ane (52 qk&) ;u patanin;ri mrza,ari \a[jo[ Hdik P;tros;ane (87 qk&)! Ar‘ajh mrzanakakirn;r dar]an ;ritasardakan mrza,ari masnakizn;r Maqsim Manouk;ane (57 qk&)% patan;kan a®a=noujiunoum fandhs ;ka‘ Qnarik Stamboulz;ane (40 qk&) ;u Alb;rt Sargs;ane (87 qk&-iz bar]r)! Pronxh m;taln;row parg;uatrou;zin Âoxa >acatr;ane (52 qk&)% Arjour |akob;ane (74 qk&)% Dauij >acatr;ane (48 qk&)% Karhn Minas;ane (52 qk&) ;u |aroujiun A®aq;l;ane (65 qk&)!

L:UON ARON:ANE AL|O>INI |OU<AMRZA<AROUM |A{JO{ Sankt P;t;rbourgoum auartou;z Al;qsandr Al\o.ini \ou,amrza,are! A®a=in 6 mrza'oul;re ka\azan "arixoum! L;uone "arixoum 1-in mrza'ouloum anaknkal partoujiun kr;z cinazi Din Lir;niz! 2-rd mrza'ouloum g;[;zik oyow \a[j;z% Wladimir Kramnikin ;u wrhv lou‘;z \auaknordn;ri mrza,aroum kra‘ partouj;an dimaz! 3rdoum oc-oqi .a[az a,.arfi a.o\;an Anandi f;t! 4-rd mrza'ouloum L;uone dar];al wrhv lou‘;z ir;n ªn;[azno[º Swidl;riz% isk 6-rdoum oc-oqi .a[az G;l`andi f;t! Sankt P;t;rbourgoum L;uone spitakn;row oc-oqi .a[az Adamsi% Wit\ougowi% ~r;sinhi f;t ;u w;r=in mrza'ouloum \a[j;low Wa,ihLagrauin 5&5-akan miauorow G;l`andi f;t kis;zin 1-2-rd t;[;re! Lrazouzic zouzani,n;row (tara‘ \a[janakn;ri jouow) L;uone dar]au mrza,ari \a[jo[!

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