ՆՈՐ ՕՐ Շաբաթաթերթ

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FING<ABJI% MA|IS 16% 2013

THURSDAY, MAY 16, 2013 91 TARI% JIU 20 VOLUME 91, NO. 20


AÂANZ ARARO{AKARGI& S:RV SARGS:ANIN ARZA>ZIN:RE KARØT:L HIN A\s ør;rin Arza.i ma\raqa[aq St;'anak;rti k;ntronakan fraparkoum ;n FFAV% FFK% BFK% F|D% ªVa®angoujiunº .mbakzoujiunn;ri patgamauorn;re! W;r=in ,r=anoum Ma\isi 9-e a\n baza®ik ørn h% ;rb bolore^ i,.anoujiun% jh enddimoujiun% miafamou® n,oum ;n |a[janaki tøne! A\st;[ h na;u fanra\in .orfrdi na.agaf% 92-93-in FF pa,tpanouj;an na.arar Waxghn Manouk;ane% ow ªHenaran.amºi f;t xro\zoum n,;z% or sa baza®ik ør h% bar]r tramadrouj;amb phtq h n,;l! Farzin% j; fauasti h ard;øq a\n t;[;koujiune% or L;uon ThrP;tros;ane framan chr tou;l tara‘qn;r axatagr;lou% Waxghn Manouk;ann asaz^ dra masin ke .øsi \;to\! Fauaqoua‘n;rin miazan FF na.agaf S;rv Sargs;ane% L{F na.agaf Bakø Safak;ane% o[=oun;zin% ,norfauor;zin bolorin ;u ,arvou;zin dhpi xofoua‘ axatamartikn;ri \ou,afamalir! A\s fraparakoum pa,tønakanoujiun cka\% araro[akarge bnakaniz xi=oum h! |a[ja‘ vo[owrdi \a[ja‘ xauakn;rn ;n bolore^ anka. nraniz na.agaf ;s% jh ,inakan! S;rv Sargs;ann Arza.i barba®ow o[=ounoum hr fraparakoum fama.mboua‘n;rin!

ØPAMA G:RAGO|N AT:ANHN >NDRA’ H CQNNARK:L FA|OZ Z:{ASPANOUJ:AN W:RAB:R:AL FA|ZE Na.agaf Paraq Øpama\i warcam;q;nan Miaz;al Nafangn;rou G;rago\n At;anhn pafan=a‘ h cqnnark;l 9-rd ,r=ana\in w;raqnnic at;ani 2012-i oro,oume^ Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an enjazqin% k;anqi apafowagrouj;an wyaroumn;rou w;rab;r;al pafan=n;rou n;rka\azman vamkhte ;rkara]g;lou^ Qa-

li`ornio\ ørhnqi 'o'o.oujiune c;[;al famar;lou fa\ze! Na.agaf Øpama Jourqio\ warcap;t Â;yhp Ja\i' Hrto[ani^ Oua,inkjen katar;liq a\z;louj;an na.ørhin oro,a‘ h qa[aqakan nouhr matouz;l Angara\in% .orazn;low Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an v.tman mh= ir warcakargin m;[sakzoujiune!

JOURQIA DATAPART:Z NOR FARAUA|IN OU|HLX NAFANGI BANA}:UE Angara .størhn datapart;z Øsman;an Jourqio\ mh= 1915-22-in t;[i oun;za‘ fa\;rou% asorin;rou ;u \o\n;rou dhm gor‘adroua‘ z;[aspanoujiunn;re yanczo[ Australio\ Nor Faraua\in Ouh\lx nafangi .orfrdaranin bana];ue^ axdarar;low% jh a\d oro,oume krna\ bazasakan f;t;uanqn;r oun;nal! Est ªFiurri\hjºi^ Jourqio\ Artaqin Gor‘oz na.araroujiune Ma\is 8 jouakir \a\tararouj;an mh= ke pndh% jh australiakan nafangi .orfrdaranin bana];ue patmakan 'ast;rou wra\ ch fimnoua‘! Australio\ am;na,at bnakcoujiune oun;zo[ nafange fandisazo[ Nor Faraua\in Ouh\lxe% 1997-in pa,tønaphs yancza‘ ou dataparta‘ hr Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune% isk anz;al tarouan a,nan yancza‘ hr na;u Arza.i anka.oujiune!

Fa\astani fanrap;touj;an na.agaf S;rv Sargs;an ,norfauorakan ou[;r] me \[;z |a[janaki ;u .a[a[ouj;an tøni a®jiu! Ou[;r]in mh= k*esoui& ªSir;li* fa\r;nakizn;r% <norfauoroum ;m boloris |a[janaki ;u .a[a[ouj;an tøni kapakzouj;amb! Ma\isi 9-e m;r vo[owrdi famar krknaki .orfourd ouni! M;‘ fa\r;nakanoumbaxmajiu vo[owourdn;ri f;t miasin na;u m;r fa\r;ri ou pap;ri s.ranqow nouayoua‘ pan‘ali \a[janake^ oc mia\n m;r ;rkire

'rk;z w;rafas a[htn;riz% a\l;u fnarauoroujiun tou;z ka®ouz;lou .a[a[ ou st;[‘agor‘ apaga\! ~a,ixmi dhm pa\qaroum <ar& h= 4

FSKA| T{OUZS IN} B:R:ZIN CORS OSKOR&&& SARSA":LI PATMOUJIUN Armhn |owfannis;ane mi ;raxanq ounhr^ \a[janak tøn;louz \;to\ m,taphs fastatou;l B;rda]oroum! Saka\n fastatou;z Arza.;an pat;raxmi \ou,afamaliroum^ :®ablour panjhonoum! Ma\isi 9-in f;rosi ma\re ordou ko[qin h% nra f;t h n,oum \a[janaki øre! Henaran.am_i f;t xro\zoum Armhni ma\re^ Laoura >o=oum;ane \i,;z t[a\i karyat;u k;anqiz manramasn;r! ªArmhne chr mta‘oum amousnanalou masin% asoum hr^ mam gouzh xofou;m% c;m ouxoum orb;r jo[n;mº! 31 tar;kanoum f;rosabar k;anqiz f;®aza‘ Armhni møre a\sør

m.ijaroum h a\n% or ordin fas;l h ir npatakin! ªOrdous anounow anouanakocou;l h :r;uani 194 dproze! :s hl dranow oura.anoum ;m% mi,t ;r;.;qe hst;[ ;n% \aya. h \i,uoum ordis% aproum h ir ara‘owº% pamoum h tikin Laouran! <ar& h= 4

L{F NA>AGAFI MAMOULI QARTOU{AR& ª{ARABA{I VO{OWRDIN OC MIA|N |A+O{OU:Z PA<TPAN:L IR AXATOUJIUNE% A|L:U FAKAÂAKORDIN >A{A{OUJIUN PARTADR:Lº Ma\isi 12-n iskaphs n,anakaliz ør h! "astazi% zankaza‘ pat;raxmi auarte ,at kar;uor h% da faxarauor k;anq;r h 'rkoum% jo\l h talis ;rkrin ,arounak;l f;t;uo[akan xargazoume! A\s masin NEWS.am-i j[jakzi f;t xro\zoum asaz L{F na.agafi mamouli .øsnak Dauij Baba\;ane! N,;nq% or Ma\isi 12-in lranoum h [araba[;an fakamartouj;an gøtoum fradadari fama]a\nagri storagrman 19-am;ake! ªAtrph\yani ko[miz L;®na\in {arba[in partadroua‘ pat;raxme dadar;z% {araba[i vo[owrdin oc mia\n \a=o[ou;z pa,tpan;l ir axatoujiune% a\l faka®akordin .a[a[oujiun partadr;l! Fradadari ®;vimi pa,tapnouj;an ,norfiu% a®a=in f;rjin^ fa\kakan ko[mi ;u mi=axga\in fanarouj;an =anq;row% \a=o[uoum h pafpan;l tara‘a,r=anoum ka\ounoujiuneº% endg‘;z Dauij Baba\;ane!


NOR ØR% MA|IS 16% 2013



|akob Martiros;an >MBAGRAKAN KAXM^

Dokt& Minas Goya\;an Sargis |& Minas;an Frac S;';jy;an >acik Yano\;an MARXAKAN BAVUN^

Au;tis Ba\ram;an WARCAKAN KAXM^

Toqj& Âa``i Pal;an Ghorg Grigor;an Karø Giu'hl;an Andranik A`ar;an


F;®& (626)296-2921 F;®atip (626)296-2922 E- Mail: nor-or@sbcglobal.net Dauan;low ®amkawarakan skxbounqn;r% ke fauatanq baxmakar‘ouj;an ;u axat .øsqi irauounqi% f;t;uabar% fraparakoua‘ groujiunn;re anpa\man c;n arta\a\t;r .mbagrouj;ans t;sakhte! Kamqh anka. patya®n;row sprda‘ wripakn;rou famar k*apauininq m;r a,.atakizn;roun ;u enj;rzo[n;roun n;ro[amtouj;an! Nor Or Weekly is published weekly, except two weeks in AUGUST Nor Or Publishing Association, Inc. 1901 N. Allen Ave., Altadena, CA 91001 Annual Subscription rates: As of June 1st, 2007

A\s tari% fa\r;niqi ;u s'iu®qi tara‘qin% baxmajiu ];®narkn;r t;[i oun;zan Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 98-am;aki og;kocman a®ijow! :rkirn;r^ oronz mh= fa\ bnakcouj;an go\ouj;an no\nisk ant;[;ak hr s'iu®qe% a\sør^ ,norfiu famazanza\in sourfandakn;roun ke kardazouhr% ke lsouhr kam ke t;snouhr t;[abnak a' me fa\ vo[owourdi xofoua‘ pap;roun ;u mamikn;roun \i,atakn;rou og;kocman nouiroua‘ na.a];®noujiunn;re! Fa\r;niqi% :uropa\i% Asio\% Mi=in Ar;u;lqi ;u Am;rikan;rou tara‘qin% famar;a\ iuraqanciur qa[aqi mh= t;[i oun;zan nman ];®narkn;r% oronz n;rkan;rou a[øjqn;roun% ;k;[;zin;rou xangakn;rou [ø[ancn;rn ou mhk ou khs milion xofoua‘ anm;[ fa\;rou ;rkna\in kanc;re% angouj ;u sa®nasirt qa[aqakanouj;an ko[in .ij piti fandisanan% minc;u ardarouj;an \a[janake! Fa\ dati irakanazman ou[iow taroua‘ anfatakan ;u masnaki a,.atanqn;re nman ;n a\n a®ouakn;roun% oronq a®anz xirar .aca];u;lou kou gan founauor;lou ;u mianalou a\d famafa\kakan ma\r g;ti founin% kaxm;lou famar orotazo[% 'r'rot ;u fxør ght me% or fasni ir npatakin% barouj;amb o®og;low angjouj;an ;u anirauouj;an .opan da,t;rn ou a\g;stann;re! Saka\n kaxmak;rpoua‘ bolor mi=oza®oumn;roun mh= g;raxanzørhn gnafat;li hr t;sn;l Los Any;lesi mh= t;[i oun;za‘ baxmajiu mi=oza®oumn;rou jiun ou qanake% oronq ardhn sksa‘ hin April amsouan skixbin% xanaxan fasarakakan kaxmak;rpoujiunn;rou% famalsarann;rou% kousakzoujiunn;rou ;u mioujiunn;rou gitavo[own;row ;u lsarann;row% our fa\ ;u øtar patmabann;r% ousoumnakann;r ;u akad;makann;r tarb;r møt;zoumn;row ke n;rka\aznhin Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an anzoudar];rn ou f;t;uanqn;re ir;nz m;knabanoujiunn;row% ,at;rn al \aya. molor;low ;u molor;zn;low ounkndire tarb;r ou[in;rou mh=! Takauin jarm ;n m;r \i,o[ouj;an mh=% 1965 jouin% Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an og;kocman araro[oujiune Ph\rouji mh=% ;u minc;u a\sør% ;rb qa\lar,auin skixbe ardhn fasa‘ hr Pouryi fraparak% mincd;® w;r=auoroujiune takauin chr ,arva‘ Tøra\hn! Miak qa\lar,aun hr or tpauora‘ hr a,.arfe% oroun f;t;uanqow arjnzau Jourqian! Arvani h n,;l na;u jh^ iuraqanciur ;rkir% iuraqnciur qa[aq ouni z;[aspanouj;an \i,atakouj;an mhk \ou,akojo[% kam mhk k;dron% fama-


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.mbou;lou famar anor ,our=% mia]a\n sgalou Z;[aspanouj;an xof;re ;u ou.t;lou fa\ vo[owourdi ardar pafan=atirouj;an f;tapndoume minc;u irakanazoum! Tarin;r a®a=% Klhnth\l qa[aqin mh= famafa\kakan \an]na.oumb me kaxmak;rpoua‘ hr% npatak oun;nalow qa[aqa\in fo[a,;rti me wra\ fa\oz z;[aspanouj;an \ou,akojo[i me fastatoume% or bolorowin ant;[i hr% nkati oun;nalow or Los Any;lese% ardhn ounhr Monj;phllo\i Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an |ou,akojo[e! Boloris ‘anøj h a\d \an]na.oumbin ;u ‘ragrin wa.yane% or møt 50%000&00 tolari watnoum me fandisazau! A\sør^ a\d ‘ragrin \atkazoua‘ t;[e takauin go\oujiun ouni% a'sos saka\n a®anz \ou,akojo[i kam \i,atakouj;an or;uh n,oumi% our mia\n .ot ke bousni! No\n 'or]a®oujiune \[k;lou mtadranqow% fauanabar% ;u ;rkrord tarin ellalow% "asatina qa[aqe k∞anzni no\n yanaparfow% ;u a\vm taran=atoua‘ ;rkou tarb;r ‘ragirn;row ;u ;rkou tarb;r \an]na.oumb;row! Famafa\kakan Famat;[ gor‘akzouj;amb ‘nound a®a‘ a\s ‘ragire% npatak ounhr "asatina\i Wiqjeri 'arqin mh=% z;[aspanouj;an \ou,akojo[i me x;t;[oume% ;u i mi=i a\loz^ "asatina\i mh= fa\ vo[owourdin irauounqn;rou f;tapndoume! Âamkawar Axatakan Kousakzoujiune% ir Fa\ Irauanz >orfourdi qa[aqakan masnayiu[ow% a\d \an]na.oumbin mh= gor‘øn masnakzoujiun ke b;rhr mius auandakan kousakzoujiunn;rou% mioujiunn;rou% ;k;[;zin;rou ;u a\l fasarakakan kaxmak;rpoujiunn;rou ko[qin% minc;u 2013 tarouan skixbe! |an]na.oumbi karg me andamn;rou b;u;®azman% fa[ordakzouj;an pakasin ;u anonz f;t;uanqn;row st;[‘oua‘ anfama]a\noujiunn;roun patya®ow% no\n \an]na.oumbe bavnou;zau ;rkouqi% gor‘;lou famar tarb;r npatakn;row ;u ou[in;row! Ko[m;rou fa,t;zman ;rkar% an\a=o[ =anq;rh ;u apardiun a,.atanqn;rh ;tq% Fa\ Irauanz >orfourde oro,oum ka\azouz a\l;us masnakzoujiun cb;r;l ko[m;roun f;t ;u "asatina\i Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an \ou,akojo[i x;t;[man \an]na.oumb;rou farz;roun mh=! Fa\ Irauanz >orfourde% Fa\kakan a\s ga[ouje masnat;lou or;uh gor‘ounhoujiun anendoun;li ke gtnh! :u w;r= i w;r=o\% Los Any;lesi mh=% ;rkrord \ou,akojo[i me kariqe ka#\!

W;r=;rs fa\ mamouli h=;roum ou,adrouj;amb kardazi W;fa'a® Fa\rap;tn;ri^ (Gar;gin B& Kajo[ikos Am;na\n Fa\oz Ma\r Ajo®% S& H=mia‘in ;u Aram A& Kajo[ikos M;‘i Tann Kilikio\% Anjilias) \a\tararoujiune f;t;u;al .oragrow ªJourqia\hn ke pafa=;nq w;radar]n;l fa\kakan b®nagrauoua‘ ;k;[;zin;rn ou ;k;[;zapatkan kaloua‘n;reº% groua‘ 24 April% 2013 j&! A\o% møt;noum h Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100 am;ake ;u a\d farz;ri bar]razoume% incphs n,oua‘ h a\nt;[% .ist kar;uor ;n mi=axga\in a®oumow Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an

yanacman% fa\ vo[owrdi kra‘ koroustn;ri fatouzman ;u patmam,akouja\in arvhqn;ri w;radar]man famar! Patmakan aknark n;t;low anz;ali wra\% n,;nq% or d;®;us 1974 jouakani :OUN:SKØ-i tou;aln;row Øsman;an ka\sroujiunoum Fa\astani ;k;[;zakan ,inoujiunn;ri endfanour jiue 1915 j& ;[;l h 2549! Fa\;ri z;[aspanoujiuniz \;to\ kangoun mnaza‘ 913 ka®o\zn;riz 464-e ambo[=aphs fauasarou;l hr fo[in ;u anf;taz;l! 252-iz mnaz;l ;n au;rakn;r% isk 197-e gtnuoum hr kisau;r wiyakoum ;u kariq ounhr w;ranorogman!

Mi .øsqow Patmakan Fa\astani tara‘qiz cqazan fa\kakan fnago\n yartarap;touj;an glou.gor‘ozn;re! Incphs ørinak S& Jhodoros :k;[;zin (17-rd dar) Bagaranoum% M,o\ S& Karap;t :k;[;zin (7-rd dar)% S& Waraga\ Wanqe (10-rd dar)% <irakauani :k;[;zin (9-rd dar)% >‘konqi Wanqa\in famalire (9-rd d&) ;u a\l baxoum ;k;[;zin;r ou wan q;r! Afa a\spisi o[b;rgakan wa.yan oun;zau mi=nadariz sksa‘ fa\ m,akouja\in arvhqn;ri ocncazman gor‘enjaze! Fark h n,;l% or mi=nadari fa\kakan ;u jourqakan patmagitakan a[biurn;roum kan baxmajiu 'ast;r ;k;[;zin;ri qandman kam mxkiji ];ua<ar& h= 15

THURSDAY, MAY 16% 2013


FA| VO{OWOURDIN JOUAKAN AYE FIMNAKAN ANFRAV:<TOUJIUN ME SARGIS |& MINAS:AN Fa\r;niqi jh S'iu®qi mh=% ;rb p;takanoujiun% patmabann;r% kaxmak;rpoujiunn;r% [;kawarn;r% patas.anatoun;r% anfat axga\inn;r kam parx fa\;r patrastou;lou wra\ ;n lauago\n kaxmak;rpouj;amb og;koc;lou Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an Fariuram;ake% ke tarouin katar;lou f;t;u;al fimnakan farzadroume& npataka\in% ,ø,a';li ardiunauoroujiun oun;naliq o#r mhk axdake amhnhn au;li k,i® piti oun;na\ m;r go\at;uoumi pa\qarin mh=! Øsman;an Ka\srouj;an mh=% 19-rd darou w;r=auorouj;an ou 20-rd darou skixbe% fa\;rou fandhp gor‘adroua‘ kotorta‘n;rhn% b®naga[j;rhn ou m;‘ z;[aspanouj;nhn yo[opra‘ m;r fa\r;nakizn;re% w;raproumi g;rago\n xofo[oujiunn;row% \a=o[;zan w;rakangn;l ir;nz entan;kan% enk;ra\in% krjakan ou m,akouja\in k;anqe a\n ga[oujn;roun mh=% our fangruana‘ hin! C;nq .øsir a,.arfi 'oqr ou m;‘ a\n ;rkirn;roun kam qa[aqn;roun masin% our fastatoua‘ anfat fa\;r kam no\nisk 'oqrajiu fa\ .mbauoroumn;r% f;txf;th korsnzouza‘ ;n ir;nz patkan;lioujiune% ;u a®\auht kora‘ fa\ouj;an famar! >øsqe ke w;rab;ri fa\afo‘ kam \arab;rabar stouar ga[oujn;rou masin% incphs^ Souria% Libanan% ~ransa% Anglia% Miaz;al Nafangn;r% Qanata% Arvanjin% Praxil% Ouroukouh\% :giptos% Italia% Âousastan% ;uln&! Asonzmh ,at;r% oc mia\n bavin ke w;rzn;n t;[akan% fasarakakan k;anqhn n;rs% a\l \a®a= ke tanin axga,hn ‘ragirn;r! |i,atak;nq% a\s a®ijow% fa\kakan dati ou[[ouj;amb ];®q ]goua‘ patouab;r oro,oumnagr;r% minc;u isk^ Z;[aspanouj;an p;takan% pa,tønakan yanacoum 1965-hn sks;al au;li qan ;rkotasn;ak me ;rkirn;rou ko[mh! Gnafat;li \o\v gow;li ;n a\s bolore! 98 tarin;r anza‘ ;n Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;nhn% ;u saka\n danda[ h a\s ou[[ouj;amb ja'oua‘ =anq;roun ,ø,a';li% armatakan ardiunauoroume m;r pafan=atirouj;an ou[[ouj;amb! Afab;kic p;toujiune^ Jourqian% a\sør fxør p;toujiun dar]a‘ h% ou Mi=in Ar;u;l;an ,r=anin mh=^ kar;uor d;rakatar! <norfiu ir a,.arfagrakan dirqin% \;nou;low xargazo[ ir tnt;souj;an ou xørauor banakin wra\% anika k*ourana\ ir dafiyi d;re^ diuanagitakan la\na‘aual na.a];®noujiunn;row% incphs na;u^ t;[akan ou mi=axga\in fakaxd;zoujiunn;row! <our= 10 milion fa,ouo[ 'oqrajiu fa\ouj;an ke mna\% ir w;ro\i,;al a,.atanqn;roun mh=% a\souf;t;u ,;,te dn;l fa\ vo[owourdi jouaqanaki bar]razman wra\! A\s npatakakhtin ardiunauoroume masnauor imast piti oun;na\ \atkaphs Fa\astani mh=! Fa\oujiune ir ambo[=ouj;ane mh=% lr=ørhn mtafogou;lou h ir fa\r;niqi bnakcouj;an sakauouj;an jiuow! Fa\r;ni i,.anoujiunn;re% i masnauori% ‘ragr;al ;u a®a=na\in ir;nz npatakakhte dar]n;lou ;n fa\ vo[owourdi joua\in bar]razoume! Bnakanabar na.aphs st;[‘ou;lou h bar;npast ;njafo[ ou mi=awa\r% nman ardinauorman fasn;lou famar! Tnt;sakan ‘a[koum \a®a= b;r;lou famar% gor‘ fa\ja\jou;lou h xangoua‘n;roun! A®arkoujiunn;re kam inqnardarazoumi patya®abanoujiunn;re endoun;li c;n! Fa\astani mh= go\at;uo[ v.takan bolor ;r;uo\jn;re an]nax;r‘ou;lou ;n! "ore anøji xinouore o*c inqnapa,tpanouyj;an ;u oc al \ar]akoumi atak h& i skxbanh wiva‘ h anor xinouorakan d;rakataroume! Ktrouk k;rpow% miangamendmi,t a®a=qe a®nou;lou h xangoua‘a\in artaga[jin! Miavamanak% Arza.i xørazoume ;u inqnapa,tpanoujiune an\;ta]g;li jiu mhk ørakarge da®nalou h fa\r;ni p;touj;an! Anor anka.oujiune ];®q ]gou;zau ,our= 22%000 martikn;rou ar;an \;[ou-

mow% ou m;nq w;ratirazanq a\d ,r=ani patmakan m;r fo[;roun! Øgtou;lou h zard m;xi en‘a\oua‘ an'o.arin;li jikounqhn% miavamanak wstaf;low mia\n t;[akan fa\ordin;row kaxmoua‘ qa=ari banakin! L;®na\in {araba[e% Fa\astani mh=qin% ke xøraznh fa\r;ni endla\noua‘ zamaqamasin dimadrakanoujiune! Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an na.ør;akin% m;r pafan=atirouj;an ko[qin% ;u ibr;u anor lrazouzic% ;rkou fimnakan ;u a®a=na\in npatakakht;r a\souf;t;u m;r a®ør;a\ ørakargin mas kaxm;lou ;n&1& Bar]razn;l fa\abnakcouj;an jouaqanake fa\r;niqi mh=% 2&- Xørazn;l Arza.i pa,tpanoujiune% t;[i ctalow mi=axga\in partadrouj;anz! Irakanazn;lou famar w;ro\i,;al ;rkou npatakakht;re% st;[‘ou;lou ;n bar;npast% anfrav;,t pa\mann;r ou tnt;souj;an bar;lauoum^ bar]r gor‘axrkouj;an w;r= talow! Arg;lak;l artaga[je Fa\astanhn! :khq axgowin l‘ouinq w;ro\i,;al a®a=na\in ;u an\;ta]g;li npatakn;rou irakanazman ;us!

:ÂABLOURE JNDAZ^ :RGE FASAU SIR:LI ªAR+INº ª>acakirn;rº =okati martikn;re^ Ma\is 9-in <ou,ii axatagrman tøni a®ijow :®ablouri panjhon ;ka‘ hin^ \arg;lou ir;nz xofoua‘ enk;rn;rou \i,atake! Anonq fauaqoua‘ hin fimnadir-framanatar Karø Qafk;=;ani^ ªspitak ar=iº ,irmaqari møt! Ke patmhin% ke \i,hin% ke katakhin% ke w;raprhin b;rdaqa[aqi nouayman fpartoujiune! A\sør ardhn xinoua‘ ouv;rou gndap;t Arjour Pø[os;ane Henaran.am-i f;t kisou;zau patmakan a\d ørouan manramasn;row& ªJhkoux ;u anz;l ;n tasn;ak tarin;r% ba\z fpartouj;an xgazo[oujiune ci lqoum m;x% ;s xgoum ;m% or m;nq axgowi w;f ;nq% fxør ;nq ou ;jh Astoua‘ mi araszh noriz j,namin pat;raxmakan gor‘o[oujiunn;r sksi% m;nq krkin ke dimaka\;nqº!

MOWSHS |AKOB:AN& ªFA|KAKAN BANAKE TARA’A<R+ANI >A{A{ GO|AKZOUJIUNE APAFOWO{ KAR:UOR GOR’ØNN:RHN MHKN Hº Ma\isi 9-e L;®na\in {araba[i Pa,tpanouj;an banaki ørn h! L{F Pa,tpanouj;an na.arar% Pa,tpanouj;an banaki framanatar% g;n;ral-l;\t;nant Mowshs |akob;ani .øsqow^ a\s enjazqin Pa,tpanouj;an Banaki oun;za‘ ];®qb;roumn;rou ;u j;razoumn;rou w;rab;r;al am;na,i tak gnafatakane krna\ tal vo[owourde! ªAsor am;naaxniu patas.ane atrph\yana[araba[;an fakamartouj;an gøtiin mh= ardhn møt 20 tari ,arounakouo[ '.roun% ba\z t;uakan .a[a[oujiunn h% or a®a=in f;rjin pa\manauoroua‘ h f;nz m;r banaki ];®qb;roumn;rowº% esa‘ h Mowshs |akob;ane! An nkat;z% or fa\kakan banake ;[a‘ h ou ke mna\ m;r tara‘a,r=ani anwtangoujiunn ou .a[a[ go\akzoujiune apafowo[ kar;uor gor‘ønn;rhn mhke!


NOR ØR% MA|IS 16% 2013



Pa,tpanouj;an na.arari mamouli qartou[ar Ar‘roun |owfannis;ane m;knaban;l h Axatouj;an fraparakoum nstazo\z ano[ axatamartikn;ri bar]razra‘ .ndirn;re% oronq pafan=oum ;n w;rana\;l ir;nz k;nsajo,aki fa,ouarkman karge! Na asaz% or a\d farz;re gtnuoum ;n Pa,tpanouj;an na.ararouj;an ou,adrouj;an k;ntronoum% ;u amhn tari Ka®awarouj;ane dim;lis mi,t w;rana\man .ndir ;n bar]raznoum! Ar‘roun |owfannis;ane t;[;kazr;z% or Pa,tpanouj;an na.arari \an]nararakanow^ sozialakan warcouj;an p;te ;rkou angam a\z;l;l h axatamartikn;rin% qnnark;l ;n nranz bar]razra‘ .ndirn;re% fnarauor lou‘man ou[in;re! Mamouli qartou[arn asaz% or ;jh Ka®awaroujiune axatamartikn;ri namake faszhagri ir;nz% apa ir;nq patrast ;n ir;nz øgnoujiune zouzab;r;l! ªM;x d;® ka®awaroujiune oc mi ban ci 'o.anz;l% ;jh 'o.anzi nranz dimoume% apa safmanoua‘ vamanakoum ke lini patas.anº% n,;z na!


|i,oum h ouri,i dardow sgazo[ Armhnin& ªM;r far;uani ';san xofou;l hr 1992 jouakanin% ;kanq :®ablour% inqn hl ira enk;rn;ri f;t g;r;xmani ko[qe kangna‘ hr! Fska\ marmine a®a‘ hnphs hr 'oqraz;l% asoum ;m^ Armhn =an% hs inci hs hdphs 'oqraz;l% asoum a^ mam =an ;s amacoum ;m% or ;s kam% iranq ckanº! Pat;raxmi jhv kht gnazo[ Armhnin sparap;t^ Waxghn Sargs;ann as;l h& ªArmhn =an% oura. ;m% or dou a\s t[an;ri f;t ;s% apafow ;m&&&º! Ma\re ckaro[azau a®anz arzounqi \i,;l ordou mafouan fangamanqn;re& xofou;l h 1994 jouakanin^ Martak;rti ,r=ani Karmirauan giu[i møtaka\qoum! 4 fogow ,r=a'akman mh= ;n enk;l% Armhne ci zankaz;l \a\tnou;l j,namou ];®q;roum! Ma\rn asoum h% or t[an nman dhpqi famar mi,t møte n®nak hr pafoum& ªInqe pa\j;zr;l h ir;n! Fska\ t[ouzs in] b;r;zin 4 oskor ou mi bou® fo[% ori wra\ hl sgoum ;m a\sqan tari% sgoum ou fpartanoum&&&º!


Ør;rs Arza.i Pa,tpanouj;an Banaki framanatarouj;an a=akzouj;amb% banak-fasarakoujiun amrapndman kapi ,r=anakn;rou mh=% kaxmak;rpoua‘ h ªDhpi Fa\qº fimnadrami mi=ozow AMN-hn% ~ransa\hn ;u Âousastani Da,noujiunhn Arza. vamana‘ ,our= 30 s'iu®qafa\ ousano[n;rou a\ze ;rkri ar;u;l;an ou[[ouj;amb t;[aka\oua‘ xøramas;rhn mhke! L{F Pa,tpanouj;an na.ararouj;an mamouli ‘a®a\ouj;nhn ke \a\tn;n% or S'iu®qi tarb;r ankiunn;rhn vamana‘ m;r fa\r;nakizn;re ;[a‘ ;n na;u fa\-atrph\yanakan ,'man gi‘i tara‘a,r=an ;u ‘anøjaza‘ martakan f;rjapafouj;an a®an]na\atkoujiunn;roun! Ma\is;an \a[janakn;roun nouiroua‘ nman a\z;r kaxmak;rpoua‘ ;n na;u safmanagi‘i a\l fatoua‘n;r% oronz mh= n;rgrauoua‘ ;n fanrap;touj;an fasarakakan kaxmak;rpoujiunn;rou n;rka\azouzicn;re!

BAKØ SAFAK:AN& ª:K:{:ZIN M:’ N:RDROUM OUNI FA|R:NIQI F:T KAP:ROU AMRAPNDMAN :U ENDLA|NMAN MH+º Arza.i Fanrap;touj;an na.agaf Bakø Safak;ane Ma\is 12-in endouna‘ h Fa\ A®aq;lakan ;k;[;zuo\ M;‘i Tann Kilikio\ Fiusisa\in Am;rika\i Ar;umt;an J;mi A®a=nord Mou,;[ Arq;piskopos Martiros;anin% Fa\ A®aq;lakan ;k;[;zuo\ J;frani J;mi A®a=nord S;pouf Arq;piskopos Sargs;anin% Nor +ou[a\i J;mi A®a=nord Babkhn :piskopos Car;anin% S'iu®qhn vamana‘ .oumb me bar;rarn;rou! Fandipmane% oroun ke masnakzhr Arza.i J;mi A®a=nord Parg;u Arq;piskopos Martiros;ane% qnnarkoua‘ h p;toujiun-;k;[;zi kap;rou% Arza.i sozial-tnt;sakan irawiyakin ;u tara‘a,r=ana\in gor‘enjazn;roun w;rab;ro[ tarb;r farz;r! :rkri [;kaware kar;uora‘ h Fa\ A®aq;lakan ;k;[;zuo\ d;re S'iu®qi mh= fa\apafpanouj;an gor‘i mh=% n,;low or ;k;[;zin m;‘ n;rdroum ouni fa\r;niqi f;t kap;rou amrapndman ;u endla\nman mh=! :rkoust;q kar;uoroua‘ h p;toujiun-;k;[;zi 'o.\arab;roujiunn;rou ,arounakakan .orazoume% xa\n famar;low Fa\r;niq-S'iu®q kou® miasnouj;an a®anzqa\in fimq;rhn mhke% ke \a\tn;n Arza.i na.agafi gras;n;aki lratououj;an warcouj;nhn!

<ar& h= 1-hn

fa\axgi martikn;re krkin angam zouzadr;zin m;r vo[owrdi axatat;nc ogin ou s.ranqn;ri gnalou fastatakamoujiune^ iurørinak og;,ncoum da®nalow ardhn Arza.;an go\amarti tarin;rin! <ou,ii axatagroumiz \;to\ Ma\isi 9-e m;x famar stazau ;us mhk n,anakoujiun% dar]au \a[janaki ;u .a[a[ouj;an nor .orfrdani,! A\n m;x famar 'rkouj;an ;u axatouj;an ør h% nor \o\s;ri% nor k;anqi skixb% fa\oz norago\n patmouj;an n,anakali fangrouan! A\sør \stak h am;nakar;uore& m;nq m;r tan mh= apr;lou famar o;uh mhki bar;fayouj;an kariqe coun;nq ;u armatiz ke ktr;nq or;uh b®noujiun! Ma\isi 9-e ‘anrak,i® apazo\z h a® a\n% or anfrav;,touj;an dhpqoum inqnapa,tpanouj;an m;r irauounqiz a\sou\;t ;us øgtou;lou ;nq a®anz waran;lou ;u a®au;lago\n k;rpow! Sa h .a[a[ouj;an n;rka\ bana];ue! Sir;li*fa\r;nakizn;r% zauøq .a[a[oujiune \aya. partadruoum h xof;ri gnow! "a*®q m;r f;rosn;rin! Nranz s.ranqe m;nq \au;rvazn;lou ;nq amour ;u w;r;lq apro[ p;toujiun ka®ouz;low! Krkin ,norfauoroum ;m Fa\astani Fanrap;touj;an% Arza.i ou S'iu®qi m;r bolor fa\r;nakizn;rin% ma[joum \arat;u .a[a[oujiun ;u st;[‘agor‘ a,.atanqº! !

ARKADI {OUKAS:AN& ª<OU<II AXATAGROUME ARZA>:AN PAT:RAXMI |A{JANAKI FIMQN HR <ou,ii axatagroume arza.;an pat;raxmi \a[janaki fimqn hr! A\s masin \a\tarara‘ h L{F na.kin na.agaf Arkadi {oukas;ane! ª:jh% astoua‘ mi araszh% <ou,ii axatagrman gor‘o[oujiune tapalouhr% baza®oua‘ ch% or pat;raxmi ;lqn a\l ke linhrº% nkat;l h Arkadi {oukas;ane! Na \i,;zr;l h% or Ma\isi 9-e na;u L{F Banaki ørn h! ªInc w;rab;roum h G;rmania\i nkatmamb M;‘ \a[janakin% apa sa sourb ør h! Phtq h \i,;nq m;r pap;ri ;u fa\r;ri s.ranqn;re ;u nranz arvani f;tnordn;re lin;nqº% endg‘;l h Arkadi {oukas;ane! Ma\isi 9-n fa\ vo[owourde tønoum h Fa\r;nakan m;‘ pat;raxmoum tara‘ |a[janaki øre% <ou,ii axatagroumn ou L{F banaki st;[‘oume! L{F na.agafi mamouli qartou[ar& {araba[i vo[owrdin oc mia\n \a=o[ou;z pa,tpan;l ir axatoujiune% a\l;u faka®akordin .a[a[oujiun partadr;l!

THURSDAY, MAY 16% 2013

SOURIO| FARZE ARABAKAN MAMOULIN MH+ Sourio\ farze ;rkou tarih i w;r mamouli mh= ir kar;uor t;[e gta‘ h ;u d;® ke ,arouanakh! W;r=;rs arabakan karg me j;rj;rou mh=% oronq Sourio\ oc bar;kam kam parxaphs j,nami a[biurn;r ;n% ,arq me f;taqrqrakan \ødoua‘n;r lo\s t;sa‘ ;n! Shoutakan Arabio\ ªHl Yaxiraº j;rjin mh= Afmht Hl ~array gra‘ h Sourio\ ªGarnanº masin% est anor% arabakan \;[a'o.oujiunn;rou .andawaoouj;an ør;roun% ;rb AMN-i na.agafe :giptosi Mouparaqin esau& ªPhtq h or fravaris ;u m;nq ;rb k*es;nq fima% nkati ouninq fima ;u oc jh wa[eº% ou anor f;t;u;zan qani me ar;umt;an ;rkirn;rou na.agafn;r! Am;rikazi \a\tni mtauorakan Noam Comsqi (Noam Chomsky) baza\a\tou;zau es;low& ª:s c;m fauatar ar;umt;an ;rkirn;rou ;u i masnauori AMN-i ko[mh a=akzoujiun stazo[ \;[a'o.oujiunn;roun% orowf;t;u anonq c;n krnar a=akzil axatoujiun t;ncazo[ \;[a'o.oujiunn;roun ;u iskakan ®amkawarouj;an arabakan ;rkirn;rou mh=º! Hl ~array ke ,arounakh es;low% or Comsqin a\n vamanak arab mtauorakann;rou \ar]akman ;njarkou;zau ;u ke farznh jh ard;øq i#nc h anonz k;zoua‘qe% ;rb ke t;sn;n a\d ;rkirn;rou n;rka\ wiyake ou an k*au;lznh es;low% jh Mouparaqe ir w;r=in datawarouj;an .oramank vpitow k*aknarkhr jh incpisi# ankoumi mh= h ;rkire% mius ko[mh Lipio\ m;‘ago\n npatake 'oqr p;toujiunn;r st;[‘;l% ke joui ;jh Qata`in o[= ellar% an al oura. piti ellar% isk :hmhni masin .øs;lou kariq cka\% an al miusn;roun nman h! Ard;øq incpisi#n h Sourio\ wiyake! An ke ,arouanakh es;low& ªSkixbhn gra‘ ;nq jh oc oq ouxa‘ h Sourio\ \;[a'o.ouj;an \a=o[ile% npatake ;rkrin ocncazn;le ;u ;rkire bavn;l Iraqi nman! G;rmanian ;u ~ransan dhm hin Iraqi pat;raxmin% saka\n au;li ou, \a\tni ;[au% or anonq al masnakza‘ ;n Iraqi pat;raxmin ;u ke joui jh Âousastann ou Cinastane no\ne k*en;n Sourio\ f;t ;u apagan zo\z piti ta\ jh anonq mas ke kaxmhin mius m;‘ ;rkirn;rou .a[inº% est anor% Sourio\ ocncazman ‘ragire ir w;r=in 'oulin fasa‘ h ;u an k*;xra'akh es;low& ªN;rka\is ;jh fanraqouh me kataroui% kaska‘ couni or Sourio\ vo[owourde m;‘amasnouj;amb piti pafan=h% or na.apat;raxmi kazoujiune w;rada®na\ ;u an al oc jh Pa,ari kata[i warcakargin siro\n famar% a\l inc or ke kataroui ;rkou tarih i w;r \;[a'o.ouj;an ‘ragir me ch% a\l ;rkire kor‘an;lou endfanour ‘ragir me! Anzninq ouri, \ødoua‘i me a\s angam Arabakan Miaz;al Hmirhjn;rou ªHl >aliyº j;rjin mh=% our Soulh\man Jaqi Hl Tin gra‘ h% jh Sourio\ ygnavame Øpama\i ;u "oujini fandipoumin ke spash% or t;[i piti oun;na\ \a®a=ika\ |oulisin! P;toujiune ;u faka®akord ouv;re ke =anan ir;nz dirq;re amrapnd;l! Parsikn;re ke banakzin bolor enddimadir ko[m;roun f;t ;u a\d ke bazatrh parsikn;rou famoxoume n;rka\ warcakargi go\at;uman ankar;liouj;an masin% ba\z famoxoua‘ ;n jh ;rkri bolor fastatoujiunn;re phtq h go\at;u;n ;u xba[a‘ ;n apafow;l apaga\i ir;nz axd;zoujiune! AMN-e ;u Âousastane kar;uor ke famar;n banakin paf;le% or ;rkri o[na,arn h% saka\n AMN-e ir bavine k*ouxh ankh% or kar;li h ];®q ]g;l ªAxat banakiº miazoumow ;rkri banakin f;t! Møtalout lou‘oumi kar;lioujiun cka\ ;u p;touj;an a[biurn;re fauanakan ke t;sn;n ;rkou ko[m;re kisoua‘ dirq;r oun;nanle ,arounak;n% ,r=ani p;toujiunn;re lou‘oumi c;n ]gtir% AMN-i ;u Âousio\ ,af;rn al k*;rkarin bolor ,r=anin mh= ;u kar;li ch møt lou‘oum me aknkal;l bolor farz;roun masin! Isk Libanan;an ªHl Sh`irº j;rji \ødoua‘agir Mi,hl Qilou gra‘ h% jh mi qani amis a®a= koc ou[[oua‘ h Sourio\ d;mokratakan ouv;re miazn;lou famar% nkati oun;nalow or Sourio\ ®;vimi ankoume ;rkire qaosi piti matnh ;u piti faroua‘h lou® mnazo[n;re% oronq vo[owourdin m;‘amasnoujiunn ;n ;u a,.o\v d;r oun;za‘ ;n \;[a'o.ouj;nhn a®a= ;u w;r=% saka\n anonz d;re joulaza‘ h p;touj;an b®nouj;an patya®ow% arabakan ;u ,r=ani qa[aqakanouj;an patya®ow% islamakan ouv;rou k;zoua‘qow% oronq i,.anouj;an ke ]gtin ;u enddimadir ouv;rou dhm ke pa\qarin au;li ,at qan jh p;touj;an dhm! Xhnqe ;jh tirap;th p;touj;an ankoumhn \;to\% kazoujiune iskakan a[ht me piti ella\% cna\a‘ jh or ko[mn h tirap;to[e% ;jh vo[owourdi n;ka\azouzicn;re masnakiz cellan! Our;mn ,at kar;uor h or miazn;nq bolor d;mokratakan ouv;re na.qan ;rkri mh= m;‘ 'o'o.oujiun oun;nale! Jounixi ;u :giptosi 'or]a®oujiunn;re m;x sorw;zouzin jh vo[owrdawarakan ouv;rou zrouile kar;li piti enh ªI.ouan Hl Mousliminº (Islam :[ba\rn;rou) Kousakzouj;an ];®q dn;le i,.anouj;an wra\& phtq ch 'o'o.ouj;an pafe fasni Sourio\ mh= ;u ir d;mokratakan ouv;re zroua‘ kam irar fakasa‘ c;n% kam mrzoumi mh= ;n% orowf;t;u an oc jh mia\n d;mokratakan tarb;rake piti qa\qa\h% a\l ;rkrin ;u \;[a'o.ouj;an dauayanoujiun piti ella\% mincd;® islamakan oro, fosanqn;r k*a,.atin miazn;l ir;nz


YANCNANQ VAMANAKAKIZ M:R GITNAKANN:RE GHORG QHØ<KHR:AN ª:r;uanº angliatar parb;raj;rje% ir |ounouar-";trouar 2013-i jiuow% la\nørhn andradar]a‘ h fa\ouj;an patiu b;ro[ ;r;q gitnakann;rou masin! Stor;u% fama®øt k;rpow t;[;koujiun piti fa\ja\j;nq anonz ];®q ]ga‘ \a=o[ouj;anz masin! Toqj& Yh\ms Pak;an

:rkraca'% bvi,k ;u ast[anauord% Toqj& Pak;an ;rkou angam yamborda‘ h an=rp;t% 1989-in Discovery ast[anauow ;u 1991-in Columbia ast[anauow! An a®a=in angam ‘ragroua‘ hr an=rp;t yambord;lou 1986-in% Challenger ast[anauow% saka\n yambordouj;nhn mi qani amis a®a= ir .oumbe 'o.arinou;zau ouri, .oumbow me% or incphs githq% arka‘i me f;t;uanqow w;r= gtau a\d yambordoujiune ;u anor ;øje ast[anauordn;re dvba.tabar mafazan! Our;mn krnanq anw;rapaf es;l jh ba.te vpt;zau fa\ouj;an famar ;u m;nq a\sør ouninq a\s m;‘ gitnakane! Saka\n an=rp;ta\in yambordoujiunn;rhn xat% Toqj& Pak;an f®cak a®a‘ h ir fnara‘ giutow! 1989-in% an krzau darman;l ast[anauordn;rou an=rp;ta\in ,arvoumi fiuandoujiune (space motion sickness, SMS) Phenergan kocoua‘ as;[ow% or ke srskoui ast[anauordi mkanin! Zard a\d darmanoume i xørou h ;u or;uh ouri, d;[ takauin ch \a\tna-

b;roua‘! 1980-1995 Toqj& Pak;an a,.ata‘ h NASA-i (National Aeronautic and Space Administration) mh=! 1999-2010 an Waric Tnørhnn hr W;j;rann;rou Kaxmak;rpouj;an% Apafowouj;an Fiuandn;rou K;dronin! Isk a\vm% Toqj& Pak;an Waric Tnørhnn h Mi,ikeni Famalsarani Fiuandanozin% Fiuandn;rou Apafowouj;an K;dronin! >ist f;taqrqrakan h gitnal or Toqj& Pak;an j®icq katar;lou ir shre va®anga‘ h ir førmhn% ~ili' Pak;anhn% or ;[a‘ h xinouorakan ødacou! Ir fa\re masnakza‘ h :rkrord Fama,120 .arfa\in Pat;raxmin j®icqa\in a®aq;loujiunn;row% oronz famar an staza‘ h baxmajiu m;taln;r% oronzmh kar;li h \i,;l Ar‘ajh >acn (Silver Cross) ou J®co[ >ace (Flying Cross)! Our;mn Toqj& Pak;an ke fandisana\ arvanauor føre% arvanauor xauake% ;u a\sphsow an patiu ke b;rh o[= fa\ouj;an&&&! Dokt& Sargis Maxman;an

Manrhak;nsaban (Microbiologist) Sargis Maxman;an ‘na‘ h Ph\rouj ;u mhk tar;kan fasakin% entan;øq 'o.adroua‘ ;n Miaz;al Nafangn;r ou fastatoua‘ Los Any;lesi m;r]aka\% San ~;rnantø Fowite! Sargis ;u ir ;rkou qo\r;re \aya.a‘ ;n Faliwouti Alhqs "ilipos ;rkrordakan warvarane! Sargis endounoua‘ h Qali`ornio\ Los Any;lesi Famalsarane (UCLA), our entra‘ h Angl;rhn Grakanouj;an yiu[e% orphs masnagitoujiun! <outow% an ir masnagitoujiune 'o.a‘ h na. tnt;sagitouj;an ;u apa k;nsabanouj;an! <ar& h= 14

,arq;re% øgtou;low arabakan ;u mi=axga\in niujakan øgnoujiunn;rhn% mardoz .i[y;re ke gn;n% enddimadir ouv;re ke 'yazn;n% milizian;r ke kaxm;n ;u ,arq;rnin k*amrapnd;n! Fnarauoroujiun cka\% or yanczoua‘ islamakan .oumb;re mianan nor islamakan ko[m;rou ªyifatiº .oumb;rou f;t% oronq faka®ak ;n ªi.ouann;rouº ;u bar;.a®n islamn;rou ørinakn;roun% a\dpisow ªi.ouann;rouº tirap;toujiune fnarauor ch% minc d;mokratakan ouv;re vo[owourdi a=akzoujiune ke wa\;l;n! M;nq kariqe ouninq souriakan vo[owrdawarakan .mbakzouj;an me% or ke n;rka\aznh vo[owourdi m;‘amasnoujiune ;jh ;rkar banakzoujiunn;rh ;tq karo[azanq na.agi‘ me patrast;l a\d ou[iiow! Jargm&^ Fambar]oum A[pa,;an


NOR ØR% MA|IS 16% 2013


MA|IS 9% 1992 Arza.;an axatagrakan pa\qari \i,atak;li ;u ;xaki \a[janaki ør me fandisazau <ou,ii axatagrouj;an øre! A\d øre dro,mou;zau fama,.arfa\in patmouj;an h=;roun mh= orphs fa\ vo[owourdi 'a®apan‘ \a[janakn;rhn min% w;r= talow sjalin;an oro,oumn;roun ;u ax;ri b®nakaln;rou tirap;touj;an! :jh mia\n% gonh ;r;uaka\ouj;an ja'ow% kar;li ellar 1992i Ma\isi 8-9-i gi,;rouan mouj .auarin mh=% fa\ qa=ari axatamartikn;rou \a®a=.a[azoume t;sa;rixi nman dit;l kam mtowin saua®nil a\nt;[% piti parxouhr ano[na,ar ax;ri banaki me ;u fa\ xinouori me tarb;roujiune! Jo[ Yxrtozi ta'astann ou andoundanman kirye bar]ra]a\n a[a[ak;n fa\ xinouorn;roun qa=ari pa\qarin i t;s enddhm ax;ri b®natirouj;an% orowf;t;u anonq akanat;s wkan;rn hin a\d a®anz lousni gi,;rouan% |a[janaki a®auøt;an!

Ma\is 9% 1992-e f®cakou;zau fa\oz \a[janaki ør% ;rb <ou,in% arza.;an bar]rauandakin wra\ ja®a‘ Fa\oz axga\in inqnouj;an axat ;u anka. apr;lou frama\akanow liaza‘ <ou,in% fa\ vo[owourdi darauor m,ako\ji ;u dprouj;an k;dron <ou,in% axatagrou;zau fa\ arin;rou ariunow% skixb fandisanalow Arza.i axatagrouj;an! 1918 jouakanin% anirauørhn st;[‘oua‘ Atrph\yan anounow ;rkir me% ir anmardka\in% ®axmat;nc ;u tirap;takan ]gtoumn;rou f;®ankarn;row% ke n;rja'anzhr Arza.i ;u Fa\astani fa\kakan giu[;rn ou qa[aqn;re% fa\aja'man a,.atanqn;row ;u ª;[ba\rakanº loxoungn;row xinoua‘% \ousalow or ør me% jiui ;u qanaki a®au;louj;amb krnar thr da®nal fa\kakan fo[;roun ;u incq;roun% mo®nalow fa\ axgi orakin a®au;loujiune! Fa\r;ni f;rosn;r ;u martikn;r% ];®q ];®qi toua‘ s'iu®qi <ar& h= 15

F;qiaja\in piti ellar ;jh patmhinq Arza.i axatagrman pa\qari f;rosoujiunn;rn ou \a[janakn;re a®anz koroustn;rou ;u ariuni! Patmouj;an enjazqin% incphs mi,t% pat;raxmn;rou mh= inka‘ xof;rou ;u wirauorn;rou jiue \aya. g;raxanza‘ h o[= mnaza‘n;re% no\ nisk \a[janaki paragan;roun! :u Arza.;an axatagrman pa\qare oun;zau no\nphs^ xof;r ou wirauorn;r ;u fa,mandamn;r% oronq inkan oso.in dhm taroua‘ pat;raxmi enjazqin% fa\ axgi nouirakan% fa\kakan fo[;rou axatagrman yanaparfin! Fing,abji% Ma\is 9% 2013-i ;r;ko\;an vame 8&00-in% fa\r;ni ªSATARº kaxmak;rpouj;an patrastouj;amb% Kl;nth\li "ihr Karten ya,aranin mh= t;[i oun;zau mi=oza®oum me% nouiroua‘ <ou,ii axatagrman 21-am;akin! ªSatarº kaxmak;rpoujiune ke n;rka\aznh arza.;an pat;raxmi fa,mandamn;rou kaxmak;rpoujiun me% St;'an Kiumrik;ani na.agafouj;amb% ir;nz kar;liouj;an safmann;roun mh= øgtakar fandisanalou famar arza.;an axatagrman pat;raxmin mh= wirauoroua‘ fa,mandam f;rosn;roun ;u anonz entaniqn;roun! Wardoufi {oukas;ani yartar fandisawarouj;amb% g;[;zik ;r;ko\ me oun;zan n;rkan;re% oronz .andawa® ;r;ko\je w;ra‘ou;zau \a[janaki tønakatarouj;an% ;rgi% pari% zn‘ouj;an ou srti .øsq;row l;zoun! Ørouan gl.auor bana.øsn hr Samouhl Jaua\;anz% or fakiry k;rpow touau arza.;an pat;raxmi patmakane! >øsq a®in na;u Wafh M;srop;an% ªNor Ørºi .mbagir |akob Martiros-

;an ;u a\l n;rkan;r! |a\tagri g;[arou;stakan bavnin mh=% Wardoufi {oukas;an enj;rz;z banast;[‘akan q;rjoua‘n;r ;u n;rkan;rhn ;lo\j oun;zan fandisakann;r% fa\r;nakan ;u axga\in srta'ou. ;rg;row! :lo\j oun;zau na;u 10 am;a\ ,norfali ;r;.a\ me% Al;qs M;lqoum;anze% or ir astoua‘atour ]a\now ;u ;rkou ;rg;row fma\;z n;rkan;re! Fa\ pat;raxmikn;rou% axatamartikn;rou ;u na;u fa,mandam axatamartikn;rou kaxmak;rpoujiune m;‘aphs arvani h fa\ vo[owourdi f;taqrqrouj;an ir tara‘ a,.atanqn;row% oroun npatakn h øgnouj;an ];®q ;rkar;l m;r fpart fa,mandam axatamartikn;roun% oronz arvanapatououjiune ci n;r;r a\l mi=ozn;rou dim;lou! Qa=al;r;nq m;r fa\ axatamartikn;re% oronq j,namoun kour‘q talow inkan fa\r;niqi pa,tpanouj;an g‘in wra\% fa\r;niqi axatouj;an ou anka.ouj;an siro\n!

GRAUOUA’ JOUAKAN Ma\is 18% 2013 ªNor Ørº-i

A’ U O G tiknanz A} T : | |an]na.oumbi

];®nark Ke .ndroui c.aca];u;l



Armenian President Congratulates Nation On Victory And Peace Day

President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan made a congratulatory address to the nation on May 9, which is celebrated as Victory and Peace Day. “For our nation, May 9 holds double significance. Glorious victory achieved through the heroic deeds of our fathers and grandfathers side by side with many other nations, not only saved our country from the imminent catastrophe but also allowed to build a peaceful and creative future. In the fight with fascism, the Armenian soldiers had once again manifested the freedom-loving nature of our people and determination to accomplish heroic deeds, becoming thus unique inspiration in Artsakh’s fight for freedom. With the liberation of Shushi, May 9 acquired a new meaning, became a new symbol of victory and peace,” said President Sargsyan, according to his press service. “For us, May 9 is the day of deliverance and freedom, a new beginning for new hopes, a new life, a historic milestone in the modern history of the Armenian nation. Today, the most important thing is crystalclear: we don’t need anyone’s lenience to live in our own home and will cut out any violence on its root. May 9 is a weighty proof that in case of need, we will not hesitate to exercise our right for self-defense and will do so to its utmost. This is the present formula for peace.” “Regrettably, peace is often to be paid for by lives: eternal glory to our heroes. We will immortalize their deed by building a strong and rising state. I once again congratulate all compatriots in the Republic of Armenia, Artsakh and Spyurk (Diaspora) and wish lasting peace and creative work.”

Armenia To Open Consulate In Lyon Armenia will found a consulate general in Lyon, France. The matter of approving the President of Armenia’s respective draft decree is included in the agenda of Thursday’s session of the Government of Armenia. To note, with a population of approximately 500,000, the Armenian community of France is one of the world’s most populous Armenian communities. The French-Armenian community primarily lives in capital city Paris and in Lyon and in Marseille.

Belarus Interested In Armenian Nuclear Experience Belarus is keenly interested in Armenia’s experience in the peaceful use of atomic energy and hopes to receive Armenian technical assistance after constructing its first-ever nuclear plant, President Alexander Lukashenko said during an official visit to Yerevan on Monday. Lukashenko also called for deepening ties between the two former Soviet republics “in all directions” after meeting with President Serzh Sarkisian for talks that focused on economic issues. The two leaders presided over the signing of several bilateral agreements. One of them relates to “cooperation and exchange of information” on nuclear safety. “We are also interested in Armenia’s experience in atomic energy,” Lukashenko told a joint news conference with Sarkisian. “You probably know that Belarus is building its first-ever nuclear power plant. An exchange of information about safe exploitation of nuclear plants as well as new approaches to building energy blocks is of mutual interest.” “You have serious experience in exploiting such facilities and we hope that Armenia will be able to send at least a dozen good specialists so that they assist us in the initial stages of operating the under-construction nuclear plant,” he said. Belarus, whose population bore the brunt of the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster, plans to finish the ongoing construction of two nuclear reactors in 2016 and 2020. Lukashenko is scheduled to visit on Tuesday Armenia’s nuclear power plant at Metsamor, more than 30 kilometers west of

Yerevan. The Soviet-era plant built in the 1970s generates around 40 percent of the country’s electricity. “I am very pleased to pay yet another visit to friendly Armenia which is an important and very close partner of Belarus in the Transcaucasus,” the long-serving Belarusian leader said. “The development of multi-faceted cooperation with Armenia stems from our long-term foreign policy and economic priorities.” Lukashenko added in that regard that boosting bilateral commercial links is the chief priority of the two governments. He described as “shameful” the annual volume of Armenian-Belarusian trade, which stood at roughly $60 million last year. “I am confident that our negotiations today here in Armenia will definitely result in the doubling of our commerce in the next 1.5-2 years,” he said.

How Is Diaspora Ministry Solving Syrian Armenians’ Problems?

Failure Of ArmeniaTurkey Protocols Is Ankara’s Fault: Says US Ambassador

YEREVAN. – An official told 169 Zham daily that he has found himself in an unpleasant situation by renting his apartment to a Syrian-Armenian family, the daily reports. “The Syrian-Armenian family refused to pay the pre-determined amount, and when he demanded that they vacate the apartment, the Syrian-Armenian family applied to the Ministry of Diaspora. They called him from there and warned that if he does not leave this family alone, they will publicize his name as a nation traitor and a soulless person who wants to evict people in misfortune from his apartment. The official informed that he may lose his job, and that is why he decided to anonymously complain. If the problem of one or several families is solved in this way, hundreds of other [such] families could be deprived of the opportunity to find housing [in Armenia], since the proprietors now avoid renting real estate to Syrian Armenians,” 168 Zham writes.

YEREVAN. – Failure of ArmeniaTurkey protocols is Turkey’s fault, U.S. Ambassador John Heffern said during the meeting with Synopsys Armenia students. Armenia has been doing everything for 3-4 years, and we think it is a great success for Armenia, Lragir.am quotes Ambassador. He said the two presidents displayed courage on protocols, but the documents were not ratified by Turkey as the latter is trying to link them to the Karabakh issue. Ambassador stressed that there should be no preconditions related to signing of the protocols. Armenia extended a hand but Turkey did not take a move, he added.

President Alexander Lukashenko

Syrian Oil Sector Suffers Losses The Syrian oil minister's interview was quietly received, just as his predecessor’s was two years ago. Suleiman al-Abbas talked about fuel prices, import policies, and petroleum processing. The minister also alluded to additional catastrophes that could exacerbate the ongoing Syrian tragedy, the consequences of which no one can predict. Abbas explained that at least nine oil wells in the eastern sector had been set on fire as a result of the state’s total absence. He also said that other wells in the same sector were being plundered and their oil sold on the Turkish market, which has become an outlet for stolen Syrian goods. This migration to Turkey started with factories that were dismantled, transported in their entirety, and sold in bulk or retail, and has gone all the way to grain storage depots emptied of their strategic reserves. In addition, cotton crops, and now raw petroleum, have been sold.

Jordan Fears Military Intervention In Syria By TAMER AL-SAMADI

Jordanian Prime Minister Abdullah Ensour said that the Syrian situation has “become very complicated, in particular following the recent Israeli attacks on Damascus,” adding that efforts to avoid the internationalization of the Syrian conflict have failed and that his country fears military intervention against Syria and its possible division into smaller, conflicting sectarian states. In an interview with Al-Hayat yesterday [May 8], Ensour added that several factors have “added to the Syrian crisis in the past few days and that the situation is no longer as it was two weeks ago.” The Jordanian prime minister revealed communications between Jordanian and Syrian officials at various levels, saying that the Jordanian Embassy “is still operating in Damascus and the Syrian Embassy is still operating in Amman, but communications between them are not at summit or governmental level.” On the local level, the prime minister said there is intervention from foreign parties that “we know well and we are well aware of, who are trying to tamper with the security of Jordan, but will not succeed,” pointing out that he obtained the Jordanian king’s authorization to introduce a ministerial amendment to ensure the involvement of MPs in his government in the upcoming period.


Nor Or Weekly - Thursday May 16, 2013

Armenian Genocide Scholar Taner Akcam Presents New Book At The Western Diocese

Taner Akçam, the first scholar of Turkish origin to publicly acknowledge the Armenian Genocide, was the keynote speaker at a book presentation and signing event at the Nazareth and Sima Kalaydjian Hall of the Western Diocese on April 21, 2013. Held under the auspices of His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate, the event was organized by the “Zvartnots Cultural Committee” of the Western Diocese. Presenting the keynote speaker was Zvartnots Cultural Committee Chair Dr. Simon Simonian, Chair of the Zvartnots Cultural Committee. The presenting scholar noted the importance of the previously unreleased archives which clearly attest to the Ottoman Empire’s carefully drafted plan to systematically exterminate the Armenian population. Also in attendance was U.S. Congressman Adam Schiff who emphasized the importance of recongition of historical facts and vowed to continue to pursue the recognition of the Armenian Genocide in the United States government.

In his remarks, the Primate noted Professor Akcam’s the significant achievement in obtaining the archival evidence to the astonishing number of documental evidence presently denied by the Turkish government. The artistic portion of the program included musical performances of “Lerner Hayreni” and “Cilicia” by soprano soloist Mannik Manukyan, a moving musical duduk performance my Albert Vardanyan and heartfelt recitation of Hovhaness Shiraz’s poems by Nune Avetisyan. In the newest publication “The Young Turks' Crime Against Humanity: The Armenian Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing in the Ottoman Empire,” Akcam introduces new evidence (previously inaccessible) from more than 600 secret Ottoman documents and demonstrates in unprecedented detail that the Armenian Genocide and the expulsion of Greeks from the late Ottoman Empire resulted from an official effort to rid the empire of the Christian population. Akcam is the Chair in Armenian Genocide Studies at Clark University.

NAASR Launches Leadership Circle In Southern California The National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR) launched a campaign for its Leadership Circle of membership in the Southern California Armenian community on April 13, 2013, at the Pasadena home of David and Margaret Mgrublian. The evening was organized by NAASR’s Southern California Board members Bruce Roat and Dr. Gregory Ketabgian, working closely with a dedicated committee. Following a buffet dinner, the nearly 100 individuals present gathered to listen to remarks by Master of Ceremonies Paul Ignatius, a dialogue between Dr. Carla Garapedian and Prof. Peter Balakian, and comments by members of the NAASR leadership. Ignatius introduced acclaimed documentary filmmaker Carla Garapedian and writer and scholar Peter Balakian, who engaged in a half-hour-long discussion on the topic of “Scholarship and the Pursuit of Justice.” Garapedian and Balakian discussed the fraudulent academic apparatus supported by the Turkish government to further their project of denial of the Armenian Genocide. Balakian spoke of the need to counter this campaign both through scholarship and through the kind of informed activism that scholarship makes possible. He pointed to the example of the exposure and shaming of Princeton’s Heath Lowry by Robert Jay Lifton in the 1990s, when it was found that Lowry was working closely with the Turkish Embassy in Washington, D.C., as a key moment in demonstrating the relationship between academia and the Turkish state. The publicity surrounding this affair had

Noubar and Ann Mahdessian Honorary Booklet UCSB Armenian Genocide Co-Chairpersons Of The HMADS 2013 Remembrance Week Dinner Dance By OVSEP OUZOUNIAN


Commitment and passion are the cornerstones upon which Noubar and Ann Mahdessian have built their successful family business, and they are values shared by the Holy Martyrs Armenian Day School (HMADS). Mr. & Mrs. Mahdessian are living proof that, through hard work and dedication, the pursuit of entrepreneurship can yield great results. After years of working in his uncle’s dry cleaning store while attending night school, Mr. Mahdessian, then an aspiring accountant, found himself committed to the family business. He chose to seize the opportunity and, with the help of his devoted and savvy wife Ann, learned the dry cleaning operation and eventually purchased Madame Paulette’s from his uncle. Together, along with their son, the couple grew the business into a renowned onestop bridal service boutique catering to Manhattan’s elite. “As parents and grandparents, we’ve instilled the importance of family,” Mr. & Mrs. Mahdessian said. “As longtime members and supporters of HMADS, the Armenian Church of the Holy Martyrs, and various Armenian causes, we’ve taken pride in our roots to appreciate the value of

our community.” Mr. & Mrs. Mahdessian are known in the Holy Martyrs family for their generosity and liveliness. They applaud the ongoing efforts of the school to offer an excellent Armenian-American education to our community's youth. Members of Friends of HMADS are honored and thankful to have Noubar and Ann Mahdessian as Honorary Booklet Co-Chairpersons. Their leadership will inspire the Armenian Community and turn the commemorative booklet into a financial success. On behalf of the entire Friends committee and this year’s Gala chairpersons Mina Hovsepian and Siran Saroyan, Mr. & Mrs. Mahdessian cordially invite you to join them for a special night of celebration on Saturday, June 8th at the Garden City Country Club in Long Island. The evening’s festivities will begin at 7:30 p.m. with a lavish cocktail hour followed by a sumptuous multi-course dinner served at 9 p.m. Musical entertainment will be provided by Montreal’s talented Kevork Artinian and his band. Your Gala Dinner Dance contribution of $130 will significantly support the efforts of the Friends committee and HMADS, thus benefiting the worthwhile cause that is the preservation of our Armenian culture through future generations. For further information about this highly anticipated event please contact the school office at (718) 225-4826, Negdar Arukian at (718) 423-4813, Siragan Varolian at (718) 6317131.

On April 23rd, members of the Armenian Student Association, along with their non-Armenian friends, gathered in the university and marched around the neighboring community of Isla Vista while chanting protests such as; “Turkey guilty of genocide” and “the people, united, we’ll never be divided.” This showed the UCSB community that the Armenians will never stop fighting injustice until proper recognition has been met. Wednesday: On the night of April 24th, the Armenian students and their friends gathered in front of Davidson Library in a candlelight memorial for a few moments of silence. One student told her story of how her grandmother was a survivor of the

Armenian Children In Foster Care By SHAKEH BAGHDASARIAN I’m reaching out to you for help, to identify Armenian families or individuals interested in providing foster care to the Armenian children in foster care ( in L.A). As some of you know, I’m an ER (emergency response) social worker at L.A. County . Recently, we Armenian workers came across the fact that while there are about 3,000 Armenian families who have children in the system, there are only 2 Armenian foster homes. Therefore, the majority of the Armenian children are placed in non-Armenian homes. Fortunately, or unfortunately, some

brought the denial issue out in the open in the mid-1990s. Although—or perhaps because—the Armenian Genocide today receives far greater coverage in scholarly work, on television, and in social media than in previous decades, denial persists. The discussion turned to Turkey’s attempt to pressure the Rwanda Genocide Museum to remove materials on the Armenian Genocide. A last hour effort by genocide scholars and writers, including Balakian, who had gathered there to give a symposium helped to block that effort. Peter Balakian stated at the conclusion: “We need to move into a much higher level of professionalism, it needs to involve creative thinking and needs to be proactive. It should be emerging as we walk out tonight.” The evening came to an end with former Chairman Nancy Kolligian thanking the speakers, the MC and the host, as well as the organizing committee. After dessert as the guests were leaving, each received a signed copy of The Burning Tigris by Peter Balakian. For further information about NAASR, its Leadership Circle, or its programs for the advancement of Armenian Studies, please contact: Gregory Ketabgian or Bruce Roat 818-952-8009 310-826-1404 E-mail: gketabgian@yahoo.com bwroat@yahoo.com or contact the NAASR Headquarters at 617-489-1610 or hq@naasr.org. genocide, and another told how she met a Turkish man who had an Armenian grandmother, a survivor of the genocide. These families had gone through many countries to finally reach their place in the United States. Thursday: On April 25th, a commemoration presentation was held in an auditorium where every seat was filled. The theme of this year’s presentation was to show the audience how far the Armenians have come since the genocide, and so they presented on several famous ArmenianAmericans and of the world that have contributed in a wide range of fields such as machinery, the arts, music, military, and more. Much of the information presented here has been gathered from a book compiled by Stepan Partamian called - “Yes hay em” - “Yes, It Is Us.” Towards the end of the presentation the students introduced Father Vazgen Movsesian who notably discussed his trip to Darfur, and he stressed how the local people there look to the Armenians as heroes. of them have also been adopted by these families… We plan to recruit Armenian families, or individuals who would be interested in becoming foster parents / adoptive parents, or just a special friend for these children. You may help in the following ways: • Simply, spread the word • If you are interested, or know anyone interested, please let me know. I’ll provide more detail • If you know anyone who could host at their home or work place, a presentation with our recruitment unit, please let me know • If you have any ideas, as to how reach out to our community effectively, please share your idea(s) Thanks for your commitment to the Armenian children in foster care.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday May 16, 2013


“Remembering Moushegh Ishkhan” By YERVANT BABAYAN

Yervant Babayan One hundred year old educator, writer, and community leader Yervant Babayan’s book “They Should Not Be Forgotten” highlighting the legacy of prominent Armenian writers and community leaders, was published in 2009 in Los Angeles. The following is Dr. Marie Dakessian’s English translation of an excerpt from this book. Born in Sivri Hisar [Eskişehir ProvinceTurkey] in 1913, Moushegh Ishkhan is exiled with his family in 1915. After moving from one place to another, he settles in Damascus. Following his graduation from the local elementary school, he leaves for Cyprus. He completes two years of study at the Melkonian Educational Institute, where he is a student of Hagop Oshagan. He moves to Beirut in 1930, and graduates in 1935 from the Nshan Palandjian College, where he teaches for three years. Ishkhan takes literature and pedagogy courses in Belgium from 1938-1940, after which he returns to Beirut. He works as a lecturer in literature at the Palandjian College until his retirement. At one point, he simultaneously serves as editor of both the daily and weekly editions of Aztag. Moushegh Ishkhan passes away in 1990. As a poet, prose writer, playwrite, and teacher, he has penned 17 books: The Song of the Homes; The Fire; Armenia; Life and Dreams; For Bread and Light; Three Great Armenians; For Bread and Love; Greetings, Fatherland; Golden Autumn; Affliction; It Is So Difficult to Die; The Wait; The Man from the Refrigerator; Plays; My Teachers; Sunset; Twilight Under the Shelling; Modern Armenian Literature (three-volume textbook); and Farewell, Childhood. With the latter book, Moushegh Ishkhan seeks to revisit his miserable childhood, one overwhelmed by the burden of deprivation and horror experienced during an itinerant existence, as his family moved from one country to another, from one city to the next. Like an expert psychologist, Ishkhan examines the painful recollections of his youth. The most heart-wrenching of these is his mother’s outpouring of grief at his father’s gravesite. At the end of World War I, the survivors of the Genocide return to their ancestral cities with great hopes. Ishkhan’s family, along with others, returns to Sivri Hisar and settles in a meager house. Their splendid, two-story residence is now inhabited by a Turkish military doctor. Sometimes they go to church to pray. The young Moushegh says his own special prayer: “Dear heavenly Father, protect us. Please don’t allow the Turks to find out where we’re hiding. Save us from deportation. Amen. ”When his father dies, Ishkhan considers his paternal uncle to be his father and

his wife becomes his mother. Because Ishkhan’s biological mother has gone to Jerusalem, she is known as his “haji” (pilgrim) mother. The survivors speak only about the deportations. They tell of the starvation, the horrifying Turkish criminals, the massacres. This is all that Moushegh ever hears. His inner world is filled with “deathly phantasms.” Terrifying visions torment him at night. Father wants to teach him how to read Armenian. He resists, maintaining that he is incapable of learning. Father and Mother insist. Moushegh is upset and begins to cry. It is obvious that, in this condition, he can’t learn anything. However, he cheers up when Father brings him a colorful book. “Curiosity,” he says, “conquers fear.” Suddenly everything changes. More Turkish soldiers arrive, and the relative tranquility is disrupted. The Turks are infuriated by the triumph of the Greeks, and the Armenians are gripped with dread. One night, the remaining men—including Father—are taken, God knows where. Everything changes once again. The Greeks occupy the city. Moushegh recalls Father’s words: “The Greeks will win only if the British want it.” The Armenians, especially the children, are happy. They see automobiles for the very first time. What an exciting novelty! Steam issues forth from the front of the vehicle. “It’s going to explode!” someone exclaims. Mother suddenly carries him away. Although he says nothing, Moushegh’s pride is hurt. The other novelty introduced by the Greeks is chocolate. When Mother brings some home from the market and passes it out to them, they consume it eagerly. Moushegh notices that the piece of chocolate given to him is bigger than the rest. “I wasn’t dissatisfied, of course, but I felt an inexplicable uneasiness in light of the injustice meted out to my sister and brother,” writes Moushegh. Unfortunately, the Armenians aren’t happy for long. It is said that the Greeks have been defeated and have begun to withdraw. Haste and alarm—the Armenians despair. The only solution is to flee. The decision is made and, with innumerable difficulties, they reach Bursa. Bursa has several silk mills. Moushegh’s “haji” mother and his cousin find work in one of the silk factories. Bursa is also known for its mineral springs. Moushegh frequently suffers from anuria, or urine retention. Mother takes him to the springs, in an effort to cure him. A naked girl standing at the edge of the pool captures the attention of our pubescent youth. Embarrassed, he avoids looking at her nude body, especially at her shivering breasts. But he senses that it is difficult not to stare. Mother leaves him in her care. Regarding this he says: “We are together for two or three days now, and she is the one who carries me out of the water to hand me to Mother. At night I secretly pray that I won’t pass my stones so that the Turkish girl and I may continue to descend into the pool of happiness for a long time.” A year after their arrival in Bursa, worrisome news begins to circulate. Mustafa Kemal advances, and the Greeks withdraw. Bursa is in danger. It is necessary to leave as soon as possible. Armenians arrive in trucks at one of the gulfs of Marmara. Everyone is sad, but Moushegh is happy: he sees the sea for the first time. Everyone gathers upon the wharf, rush-

ing to board the steamship docked nearby. There is pushing and shoving, confusion and disorder. Some, like Moushegh’s family, don’t attempt to join the crowd. They move away and situate themselves in some abandoned wagons. In the morning, they are distressed to learn that the wharf’s pier has collapsed and many have drowned. A few days later, a ship arrives and transports them to Istanbul. Through a special arrangement, they settle in an old school. They are happy because there is no danger of deportation or massacre. However, serious challenges exist. In particular, the danger of Mustafa Kemal looms. It is said that on any given day he can capture Istanbul. In order to avoid new troubles, the Armenians begin to depart. They leave for Greece, Bulgaria, and other countries. Moushegh and his family go to Damascus. A few years later, the family is split apart. Moushegh’s biological grandmother and uncle propose, in successive letters, that they come to live with them in Greece. Mother agrees to “haji” mother’s relocation along with Moushegh’s younger brother and sister. However, Moushegh will remain with Mother, naturally, since he has already been officially registered with the government as her child. They depart, bidding their loved ones farewell with affectionate yet anguished kisses. This sad separation is followed by a happy reunion. Moushegh Ishkhan writes: “It took thirty-seven long years for the ‘gates of hope’ to open. I had the good fortune to visit Yerevan in 1962 and to embrace my ‘haji’ mother, sister, and brother there.” EDUCATION Istanbul. Along with refugee children who share his fate, Moushegh begins to attend the Ortakiugh school. Only he recognizes the Armenian alphabet. “I’m not a bad boy,” he writes. “My sickly constitution undoubtedly prevents me from doing anything evil….Regarding laziness, why conceal my sin? I’m afraid that I’m a bit lazy. When Father would teach me the alphabet, I would pretend to have a stomach ache.” There are events that unexpectedly reveal hidden talents. This is what happens to Moushegh during geography class. When he names the various places that the refugees have been as he describes their sufferings, the local boys listen with astonishment. His teacher, interested in and moved by his story, praises him. “The local boys’ dumbfounded curiosity makes me happy,” he writes. “Not only have I overcome my usual timidity, but I feel like the hero of a famous epic novel as well.” Moushegh’s self-confidence is further bolstered during religion class. He, only he, answers the teacher’s questions. Father has recounted all of the biblical episodes to him. In response to the question, “What did Moses give the Jews when he came down from the mountain?” he immediately replies: “the testament of the Ten Commandments.” In response to a second question, “What is the difference between the Jews who leave Egypt and the Armenian refugees?” After thinking for a moment, he states: “The Jews go to their land; we go elsewhere.” Damascus. Moushegh is nine; his sister is six. His brother is very young. They attend the Catholic Sisters’ Arabic school. Arabic is the primary language, but French is also taught. Arabic is a difficult language

Moushegh Ishkhan to learn. After suffering for a month, he finds the means of success. With the help of others, he writes his lesson using Armenian letters, memorizes it overnight, and earns his teacher’s praise the next day: “Afek yah walad” (“Well done, boy”). However, he isn’t happy. The environment is strange, and so sad that “my childhood died from day to day, pale and exhausted.” The second school that he attends is the Franco-Arménienne school. All of the students are Armenian, but they speak Turkish. The teachers are Armenian, too. The principal is a Jesuit priest who preaches Catholicism. The teachers’ struggle against Turkish fails. Here is Moushegh’s evaluation: “At the Franco-Arménienne school, I forgot the Arabic that I had learned at the Sisters’ school, my Arabic improved, I learned the Armenian grammatical cases quite well, and I struggled endlessly to learn French.”

Damascus’ third school is the Protestant one. Moushegh is a fourth-grade student there. This school is unique for its morning worship. Every morning one teacher, in turn, discusses a biblical episode. Then they sing spiritual songs. In Moushegh’s opinion, the best speaker is an Armenian teacher named Baron Boghos. He only emphasizes patriotism. In a conservative school, Baron Boghos’ audacity is worthy of praise, according to Moushegh. Furthermore, he manages to foster Moushegh’s love for reading by providing him with books and encouraging him to write. Here is his opinion: “Baron Boghos was one of those exceptional teachers to whom students connect with unreserved adoration. A familial feeling had been created between us.” At the year-end ceremony, the best students are awarded honor pins. Moushegh receives one as well. The following year, a young man is appointed principal. His affectionate manner towards the students quickly makes him everyone’s favorite. Soon thereafter they begin to criticize him. Yet the criticism and slander do not undermine his authority. The cordial principal-student relationship endures. Cont. on page 10


Turkey Bans Australian Legislators From Gallipoli SYDNEY, Australia—The Republic of Turkey has sensationally stated that certain Australian legislators are not welcome to take part in Anzac celebrations in Gallipoli, as a consequence for passing a motion recognizing the Armenian, Assyrian and Greek Genocides. Both Houses of the New South Wales State Parliament (Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly) passed motions over the last week, affirming the reality of the 1915 Genocides which Turkey still denies. In response, the Turkish Foreign Ministry has released a statement stating that those who were responsible for this motion will “doubtlessly be deprived of the hospitality and friendship” normally extended to Australians. More specifically, the official statement says: “These persons who try to damage the spirit of Çanakkale/Gallipoli will also not have their place in the Çanakkale ceremonies where we commemorate together our sons lying side by side in our soil.” Anzac Day is a national day of remembrance in Australia, commemorating the Australian and New Zealand soldiers who lost their lives during World War I after landing in Gallipoli, Turkey on April 25th

Turkey Says It Won't Be Drawn Into Syrian Conflict ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — Turkey's prime minister vowed Sunday his country won't be drawn into Syria's civil war, despite twin car bombings the government believes were carried out by a group of Turks with close ties to pro-government groups in Syria. The bombings left 46 people dead and marked the biggest incident of violence across the border since the start of Syria's bloody civil war, raising fears of Turkey being pulled deeper into a conflict that threatens to destabilize the region. Syria has rejected allegations it was behind the attacks. But Turkish authorities said Sunday they had detained nine Turkish citizens with links to the Syrian intelli-

“Remembering Moushegh Ishkhan” Continued from Page 9

Near the end of May, he organizes a May 28th commemoration along with a group of students. Tasks are assigned, and a program is prepared. Moushegh is to recite a poem by Siamanto. Everyone at school is excited about the upcoming event. Alas, the Board of Trustees cancels it. As a result, the principal decides not to return the following year. A group of disgruntled students decides to enroll at another school. A year later, Moushegh is a senior at Damascus’ National School. The school is run by a senior teacher. One morning, he enters the classroom accompanied by a man wearing a fez. “Your Armenian teacher is poet Aris Shaklian. I wish you all success.” After he leaves, whispers circulate in the classroom: “Who ever heard of a poet with a fez?” Moushegh and others are disappointed: “Based upon the photos found in books, this man does not have a writer’s appearance at all.”

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday May 16, 2013 1915. Every year, thousands of Australians make a pilgrimage to Gallipoli for commemoration ceremonies. The Armenian National Committee of Australia (ANC Australia) says that this statement technically means that all members of both Houses of New South Wales Parliament cannot make this pilgrimage, and will not be treated hospitably if they visited Turkey due to this legislation, which affirms the reality of the Armenian Genocide, as well as the genocides of Assyrians and Greeks. ANC Australia Executive Director, Vache Kahramanian said: “The Turkish Republic is once again trying to gag a democratic state because of their desire to speak the truth.” “Turkey has time and time again tried to interfere in the legislative affairs of nations and legislatures who have the moral standing to recognize the heinous crime of genocide.” “Turkey is attempting to utilize the sacred memory of Gallipoli as a political football. This is a deplorable action and should be condemned by all,” Kahramanian added. Kahramanian noted that Turkey has had a long history of making such threats against nations who have recognized the Armenian genocide, including France and Canada. None of these threats, which include ceasing trade and diplomatic relations, have ever materialized. gence agency in connection with the bombings in the border town of Reyhanli, a hub for Syrian refugees and rebels just across from Syria's Idlib province. Harsh accusations have flown between Turkey and Syria, signaling a sharp escalation of already high tensions between the two former allies. But Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan suggested that Turkey would not be drawn militarily in retaliation. He insisted Turkey would "maintain our extreme cool-headedness in the face of efforts and provocations to drag us into the bloody quagmire." "Those who target Turkey will be held to account sooner or later," he said. "Great states retaliate more powerfully, but when the time is right... We are taking our steps in a coolheaded manner." Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu told reporters in Berlin those detained were linked to a Marxist terrorist group. However, this negative impression is rectified gradually. The instructor’s teaching skill, his obvious efforts to be helpful, and his gentle smile secure the students’ sympathy. He becomes a well-respected and loved teacher. One day, Moushegh composes a poem and submits it to the teacher as a composition. The next day, as the teacher hands back the corrected compositions, he reads Moushegh’s poem. After making a few comments, he adds that Moushegh has the talent to write, and that he should develop this talent because he could become a famous poet someday. Moushegh writes about the poetteacher Aris Shaklian: “It’s true. My spelling didn’t improve, my analytical knowledge didn’t advance, but from him I received the Holy Communion of fine literary arts.” Later, he adds: “Now Baron Shaklian was unveiling the miraculous world of poetry before my dazzled eyes.” Moushegh graduates with highest honors. He delivers the commencement address and is awarded a prize. Here is his conclusion regarding his graduation from elementary school: “The edifice of my education is complete. Its lower floor was built by the Catholics; its

Photographic Journey To Armenia And Karabakh GLENDALE, CA Author-photographer Matthew Karanian will speak about his book Armenia and Karabakh: the Stone Garden Travel Guide on Wednesday, June 05, 2013, at 7pm at the Glendale Central Library Auditorium, at 222 East Harvard Street in Glendale. Admission is free; seating is limited. The presentation is in English. Library visitors receive 3 hours FREE parking across the street at The Market Place parking structure with validation at the Loan Desk. The program is sponsored by the Library, Arts & Culture Department. Armenia and Karabakh: the Stone Garden Travel Guide is a unique book. It is the largest and most colorful guidebook available for Armenia and Karabakh. Its 320 pages are filled with 150 vibrant color images and 27 detailed color maps, including a map of historic Armenia that was created shortly after the Armenian Genocide and which depicts Armenia as it existed in 1915. The book also highlights nature and conservation, and is considered a “green guide” to Armenia. Karanian dedicated the book to his parents, Henry and Agnes Karanian, who are both the children of Armenian Genocide survivors. The Los Angeles Times featured this book in a major story on April 18, 2013 issue and describes it as "a fresh view on ancient Armenia."

Rome Rniversity To Build Children’s Hospital In Armenia

If Only Everyone: A Movie About Karabakh War Wins Awards At Beijing Int’l Festival A movie of joint Armenian-Russian production telling about the Karabakh war has won two top prizes at the 3rd International Film Festival in Beijing, China. According to the official website of the Festival, which ended on April 23, the movie, ‘If Only Everyone’, by Natalija Bieliauskiene, received awards for ‘Best Supporting Actor’ (Vahagn Simonyan) and ‘Best Music’ (Vahagn Hayrapetyan). The plot of the 94-minute movie weaves around the daughter of a Russian officer who was killed in the Karabakh war; she comes to Armenia 20 years after her father’s death and is trying to find his lost grave to plant the birch seedling she has brought along from home. The authors of ‘If Only Everyone’ stress that while being a recollection of the 19921994 hostilities in and around Karabakh, the movie is more about peace than war and is a unique call for forgiveness and tolerance. ‘If Only Everyone’ has also won awards at other international film festivals, including at Golden Apricot in Yerevan, and was on the long list of the Oscar Academy Award as the Best Foreign Language Film in 2012.

YEREVAN. – Armenia’s Minister of Health, Derenik Dumanyan, received a delegation, led by Rector Renato Lauro of Tor Vergata University of Rome, which is in the country on a charitable mission. “I am happy that you are in Armenia on the extremely important mission of creating a children’s hospital [in Armenia],” Dumanyan noted. In his turn, Lauro informed that their aforementioned project was born as a result of their talks with Ruben Karapetyan, Armenia’s former Ambassador to Italy. Tor Vergata University of Rome, which has 40,000 students, has built children’s

hospitals in Albania and in Congo. The aforesaid delegation’s Italian Government member informed that this time Armenia was chosen for such project by considering the friendship between the two countries, the fact that Armenia is the cradle of Christianity, and because the Armenians have given a lot to Europe, specifically to Italy. In addition, the Italian delegation expressed willingness to collaborate in bone marrow transplantation and in pharmacy. “The [children’s] hospital shall not compete with your other clinics. But we will assist that center, and it will have a positive impact on the progress of pediatrics; your country has considerable foundations in this direction,” the Tor Vergata University rector stated. In his turn, Armenia’s health minister extended his thanks to the Government and the people of Italy for such assistance.

middle floor was constructed by the Protestants; and its upper floor—more correctly, its dome—was raised in the style of the Mother Church. Is it possible to imagine a more cohesive and complete education than this?” During those years, few elementary school graduates could afford to continue their education. Many would enter a trade profession. Moushegh decides to become a shoemaker. His first master, a rude man, compels him to seek another master, and he finds one. A benevolent man, his new master, Vartan, tries to help him. One day, after work, Vartan takes Moushegh to the Progressivists’ Club. Moushegh enjoys their company, and he goes to the Club often. He registers as a member of the Youth Union, and he is put in charge of the library. Lectures are sometimes held at the Club. Poet and educator Armen Anoush visits the Club one day. Moushegh befriends him. On another occasion, Nigol Aghpalian, Education Minister of the Republic of Armenia, is greeted with great enthusiasm. A festival is organized in his honor, and a program is prepared. Moushegh recites Siamanto’s “To: Idea.” At the conclusion of the event, he is intro-

duced to the Minister as a studious youth. There is talk about the college to be opened in Beirut two years later. Two years later? Moushegh isn’t very excited by the prospect of such a distant likelihood. He continues to work as a shoemaker’s apprentice. One evening, on his way home, he runs into his dear Armenian teacher, Aris Shaklian. In response to his questions, he replies that he has decided to become a shoemaker. “No, Moushegh my son, no, you weren’t meant to be a tradesman,” he says and proposes that he continue his education at the Melkonian Educational Institute in Cyprus. He assures Moushegh that, if he is willing to go, he will arrange it for him. Moushegh thankfully accepts his teacher’s proposal and, after passing the entrance exams, departs for Cyprus. Here is his assessment of his meeting with his teacher: “This chance meeting, in front of a coffeehouse on a Saturday evening, fatefully determines my entire future. Instead of becoming a shoemaker, I become an educator.” The book’s conclusion: “My persecuted and exiled childhood comes to an end here. Farewell, childhood.”

THURSDAY, MAY 16% 2013



}a.hn^ Tnørhnoufi Tik& Lina Arslan;an% Thr ;u Tik& Alphrj ;u Jhri Phxy;ann;r% Dokt& Wafh Nalpant;an ;u Thr ;u Tik& Yory ;u Wiwian Lousarar;ann;r

}a.hn^ Tik& A,.hn Isbhny;an ;u Dokt& Wafh Nalpant;an

Tari me ;us au;lzau M;rtin;an Fa\ Au;taranakan Warvarani tariqin wra\! 31 tarin;r a®a= ‘nound a®a‘ hr an% orphs qani me ªFauatauor Fa\;rouº irakanaza‘ t;slakan^ 13 a,ak;rtn;row! 31 tarin;r ;tq an dar]a‘ h amrakou® fim;rou wra\ kangna‘ a®o[= fastatoujiun me% a,ak;rtouj;an ;u pa,tønhouj;an jiue baxmapatkoua‘% 'a\loun dirq;rou fasa‘ ,r=anauartn;rou 'a[ang me jikounqin ;u ,r=apatoua‘^ xinq fogazo[ baxmafariur anfatn;row! Anor niujakan baruøq wiyake k∞apafow;n ansakark nouiroumow ‘a®a\o[ Fogabar]akan kaxme% ’no[a-Ousouzcakan kaxmak;rpoujiune ;u Tiknanz Øvandak Marmine^ ir;nz ,arq me tar;kan ];®narkn;row! April 7% 2013-in t;[i oun;zau fogabar]ouj;an tar;kan ya,k;ro\je^ Perphnqi Srboz {;uond;an tayari ko[qin Gala\y;an srafin mh=% ;r;ko\;an vame 5!30hn sks;al% n;rka\ouj;amb au;li qan 250 fiur;rou% bar;kamn;rou ;u ‘no[n;rou! Kaxmak;rpic \an]na.oumbe yig chr .na\a‘ fasoujab;r a\s ];®narke dar]n;lou fay;li ;u oura. ;r;ko\ me% our bolorin møt akn\a\t hr M;rtin;an m;‘ entaniqin patkan;lou fpartoujiune kam axniu npataki me

irakanazman i .ndir xofo[oujiun me kataro[i n;rqin gofounakoujiune! A\s tarouan ];®narke ke tarb;rhr na.ordn;rhn! Ardar;u \a\tagrin mh= bavin w;rzno[n;re oc jh m;‘anoun patgama.øsn;r kam fandisawarn;r ou arou;staghtn;r hin% a\l warvarani ,r=anauartn;rn ou n;rka\ a,ak;rtn;re! Jh;u anonq arf;stawarv arou;staghtn;r chin% saka\n no\nqan ;u gouzh au;li fayo\q patya®;zin n;rkan;roun! :r;ko\i bazoume katar;z kaxmak;rpic \an]na.oumbi xo\g at;nap;toufin;rhn min^ Tik& Âija Mhnh,;ane& an bari galousti =;rm .øsq;row o[=oun;z n;rkan;re% apa n;rka\azouz ørouan fandisawarn;re^ 2000-i ,r=anauartn;rhn irauaban Ward Th`jhrthr;ane ;u 2003-i ,r=anauart Atrinh Gasap;ane% or ,outow ke stana\ ir Architectural Interior Design-i tit[ose! Am;rik;an ;u Fa\kakan axga\in qa\l;rgn;rou ounkndrouj;nhn ;tq W;r& Wach Hqmhqy;ane katar;z bazman a[øjqe% apa .øsq a®au warvarani .andawa® ou siroua‘ tnørhnoufi Tik& Lina Arslan;ane! An na. n;rkan;roun touau fakiry t;[;koujiunn;r^ warvarani w;r=in \a=o[oujiunn;rou

masin% srtagin ,norfauorouj;an ;u ;ra.tagitouj;an .øsq ou[[;z ];®narki kaxmak;rpic \an]na.oumbi andamn;roun% Fogabar]ouj;an ;u a\l patkan marminn;roun% ‘no[az% Warvarani ousouzcakaxmin ;u pa,tønhouj;an% incphs na;u M;rtin;an warvarani a®aq;louj;an fauatazo[% anor niujaphs ou baro\aphs jikounq kangno[ amhn mhk anfati^ endfanraphs ;u fin ou nor m;‘ bar;rarn;roun^ masnauorabar! Fousk apa% an ir =;rmagin ,norfakaloujiunn;rn ou ,norfauoroujiunn;re \a\tn;z warvarani fa\;rhni ousouzic ;u an]nouhr dastiarak^ Tik& A,.hn Isbhny;anin% M;rtin;an Warvaranin en‘a\a‘ ir 30 tarin;rou ‘a®a\ouj;an famar! Tpauoric hr warvarani anz;aln ou n;rkan n;rka\azno[ safikn;rou zouzadroujiune% patrastouj;amb Pr& ~rht Sa\ajxors m;knaban;zin ;anin% ørouan fandisawarn;re! G;[arou;stakan \a\tagri a®a=in masin mh= ;lo\j oun;zau warvarani A& - G& karg;rou a,ak;rtn;rhn kaxmoua‘ para.oumbe% parouso\z^ Ørd& Jalija {axan;an% isk 8-rd kargi a,ak;rtn;re artasan;zin fa\;rhn banast;[‘oujiun me ;u S& Gra\in famarn;r! :r;ko\i pa,tønakan mase Fogabar]ouj;an ko[mh na.a];®noua‘ gnafatagr;rou n;rka\azoumn hr% or katarou;zau kaxmi ];®n;rhz at;nap;t Dokt& Wafh Nalpant;ani ];®amb! Gnafatanqi arvanazan Thr ;u Tik& Alphrj ;u Jhri Phxy;ann;re^ ir;nz mhk milion

tolari i,.anakan nouiratououj;an famar% or piti \atkazoui gras;n;akn;rou ,hnqin wra\ ;rkrord \ark me au;lzn;lou ‘ragrin! Gnafatou;zan Thr ;u Tik& Yory ;u Wiwian Lousarar;ann;re^ ir;nz fariur faxar tolari nouiratououj;an famar! Enjriqhn ;tq ,arounakou;zau gnafatagr;rou toucoujiune& mhke Prn& Yhq Mounchr;ann hr% or gnafatou;zau warvarani nor famakargicn;rou t;[auorman ;u ‘ragrman gor‘in tramadra‘ kamauor a,.atanqin famar! Apa% ir fangst;an kocou;loun a®ijow% \atouk gnafatanqi arvanazau warvarani 30 tarin;rou ousouzic ;u fa\;rhni bavanmounqi patas.anatou Tik& A,.hn Isbhny;ane! G;[arou;stakan \a\tagri ;rkrord bavnow ;lo\j oun;zan warvarani ,r=anauartn;rhn Armhn Geuer;ane^ toutouki nouagakzouj;amb% Ani Qh,i,;ane^ fa\kakan m;naparow ;u 8rd kargi a,ak;rtn;re fa\kakan parow me% parouso\z^ Ørd& Sarin Gaxany;an! W;r& Van >any;ani ørfnouj;an a[øjqow w;r= gtau ;r;kon! Wstaf ;nq% incphs tnørhnoufin ir .øsqin mh= esau% ªM;rtin;an Warvarane ir ,afa‘ bari fambauow ;u ];®q b;ra‘ patouab;r ardiunqn;row% wa® \o\s;row piti na\i galiqin ou piti fasni lauago\ninº! Patiun arvanauoraz& War]qe kata*r bolor an]nouraz a,.ato[n;roun! J[jakzoujiune warvaranhn


NOR ØR% MA|IS 16% 2013

Øqlant Kartenx- Niu :orq Niu :orqi Srboz Nafatakaz Am;nør;a\ Warvarani na.a];®nouj;amb% 2013% Aprili 28-in Jhqh;an M,akouja\in Miouj;an ªMf;r Mkrtc;anº jat;ra.oumbe n;rka\azr;z ir nor b;mad-


roujiunr^ :rouand Øt;ani ªShr ;u ’i‘a[º kom;dian ore% famenkau na;u Z;[aspanouj;an 98rd tar;lizin% ori w;rapra‘n;riz hr na;u fa\ anouani ;rki‘aban :rouand Øt;ane% ore fra,qow 'rkuoum ;u w;rada®noum h Polis! ªB;madrouj;an mi=ozow m;nq no\nphs fnc;znoum ;nq ma\r;ni l;xoun% orphsxi m;r xauakn;rn ou jo®n;re ls;n ;u \i,;n% or fa\oz l;xoun k∞apri ;u ke \arat;ui! N;rka\azoumiz a®a=aza‘ goumare% orphs fanganakoujiun ke tramadroui warvaranin krjajo,aki ;u a\l kariqn;ri famar&&&º n;rka\azoumiz a®a= ir bazman .øsqoum asaz warvarani tnørhnoufi^ Xarminh Pø[os;ane ;u ,norfakaloujiun \a\tn;z JMM-i jat;ra.oumbi bolor andamn;rin oronq bolorn hl an.tir kamauorn;r ;n! Inqstinq;an pihse ,at ou,agrau hr ;u oura.% ore m;‘ f;taqrqrouj;amb dit;zin n;rkan;re! Yanacoua‘ b;madro[ ®;visor Grigor Sajam;anin \a=o[ou;l hr gor‘o[oujiunn;re .tazn;l ;u a\n m;‘ foumorow ;u manramasnoujiunn;row n;rka\azn;l fandisat;sin% grot;sqi mi=ozow n;rka\azn;l k;nza[oum tiro[ barq;rn ou vamanakin tiro[ soworoujiunn;re! Grigor Sajam;ani bazaka\ouj;an^ a\s ;lo\jin b;madrouj;an øgnakan b;madricn hr baxmata[and d;rasan^ |arouj Cajmay;ane% or na;u fandhs ;kau Mi,hli d;row! Iuraqanciur d;rakatar ardarazr;l hr ir b;makan k;rpare^ .ind ou oura.oujiun patya®;low fandisakanin! Ir;nz d;rasanakan warp;touj;amb ;u anmi=akan .a[ow acqi enkan d;rasann;r^ Misaq Pø[os;ane^ mi=nord M;lqoni d;row% Ga®nik N;rshs;ane^ Arjin a[a\i% M;linh >iko\;ane^ N;mxari% Jalin Garakiullh;ane^

So[omhi% Hlixaphj Aq;ane^ :u'imhi% <mauon Adam;ane^ Toqj& <auar,i% |arouj Jaguor;ane^ Agripasi d;row% Dalar Xøq;ane^ farsnazou Âoxi% Tiran Y;p;y;ane "a\laki% Garolin M;lqon;ane^ Nouardi d;row! Qa=al;rakan ;r;uo\j hr na;u ;ritasard d;rasan-d;rasanoufin;ri masnakzoujiune oronq n;rka\aznoum hin am;rika ‘na‘-m;‘aza‘ s;rounde incphs^ Tiran Y;p;y;an% S;lin Peleqtan;an% M;lani "lhjner% Ar,ø Garay;l;an ;u Ar'i Canqar!


:rav,takan ];uauoroume katar;l hr Sirafar Htouari d;row fandisazo[% yanacoua‘ ;ravi,t^ |arouj Parsoum;ane! No\nqan gnafat;li hin qoulisa\in a,.atanqow ir;nz n;rdroume b;ro[n;r^ Jalin <h,hj;an ou Frac Xøq;ane! Isk taraxn;rou patas.anatoun;r hin^ Tik& Mari Dour;ane ;u b;mi endfanour patas.anatou vra=an andamoufi^ Tik& Mari Xøq;ane! N;rka\azoume% orn anzau m;‘ \a=o[ouj;amb^ n;rkan;ri ko[miz

endounou;z =;rmouj;amb ;u m;‘ gnafatanqow! N;rka\azoumin \a=ord;z warvarani fogabar]ouj;an frauhrow mi g;[;zik endoun;loujiun^ i patiu jat;ra.mbin! |a=ordabar ir;nz gnafatanqn ou

,norfakaloujiune \a\tn;lou famar .øsq a®in fog;uor fa\r;rn ou warvarani fogabar]ouj;an fama-at;nap;t Ar;g N,an;ane ;u Tnørhnoufin! |anpatrastiz g;[arou;stakan \a\tagrow ;lo\j oun;zan .mbi andamn;rn ou n;rkan;riz ,at-,at;r% oura. paf;r st;[‘;low bolorin! Niu :orq !

THURSDAY, MAY 16% 2013


ARAMA|IS MIRXA>AN:ANI PA|’AÂ |I<ATAKIN Jouakanis Aprili 11-in 70 tar;kan fasakoum k;anqiz anvamanak f;®azau iranafa\ mtauorakan% fasarakakan gor‘ic ;u fama lsarani dasa.øs Arama\is Mirxa.an;ane! Arama\ise ‘nou;l hr Spafani ;rb;mni fa\abnak ";ria gaua®i Namag;rd giu[oum% tarrakan ;u mi=nakarg krjoujiune staz;l hr Nor +ou[a\i fa\oz dprozn;roum% a\nouf;t;u auart;l hr :r;uani polit;.nikakan famalsarane stanalow hl;ktrot;.nika\i doktorakan kocoum! Tarin;r no\n famalsaranoum dasauand;louz \;to\ Arama\is Mirxa.an;ane 1979 jouin tikno= Yokonda\i ;u dst;r Manou,i f;t w;rada®noum h Iran ;u a,.atanqi h anznoum Spafani ªSanajiº famalsaranoum! A\s% jhkoux ;u oc a\nqan ;rkarat;u vamanaka,r=anoum na aktiu masnakzoujiun h b;roum Nor +ou[a\i ;u <afin,afri fa\ fasarakakan k;anqin% katar;low kaxmak;rpcakan axd;zik d;r fama\nqi mh= ‘aualoua‘ vo[owrdakan ,arvman% Vo[owrdakan Vamanakauor Komithi (VVK)% incphs na;u Iranafa\ Axga\in ;u M,akouja\in Miouj;an (IAMM) Nor +ou[a\i masnayiu[i fimnadrman gor‘oum! A\nouf;t;u qa[aqakan pa\mann;ri b;roumow entan;øq m;knoum h artasafman ;u a,.atanqi h anznoum Sjoqfolmi ªThe Royal Institute of Technologyº famalsaranoum! Fa\r;nasiroujiune ;u s;'akan vo[owrdi yaktagire Arama \isi famar bar]rago\n ;u ansakark arvhqn;r hin% oronz fauatarim mnaz minc;u ir k;anqi w;r=e! Na t;uabar kapi mh= hr Ma\r Fa\r;niqi f;t! Ir sowora‘ famalsaranoum fimn;l hr gitakan laboratoria ;u \aya. hr a\nt;[ linoum gitakan dasa.øsoujiunn;r kardalou! Arama\is Mirxa.an;ane gor‘øn masnakzoujiun oun;zau na;u arza.;an axatamarti enjazqoum% na.a];®no[ fandisanalow <ouhdoum mardasirakan øgnouj;an kaxmak;rpman ;u Arza. 'o.adr;lou gor‘oum! Arama\ise fa\r;ni vo[owrdi apagan t;snoum hr ardar ;u vo[owrdawar p;touj;an mh= ;u w;r=in ,r=ann;roum .ist anfangstanoum hr Fa\astanoum tiro[ qa[aqakan-fasarakakan \o®i ;r;uo\jn;rin i t;s ;u ir \andougn ou anaca® w;rab;rmounqn hr arta\a\toum baxmajiu \ødoua‘n;row! Na axniu hr ;u skxbounqa\in! Nra fxør% titanakan artaqini tak baba.oum hr .ist bari ;u \ouxa®at mi sirt! Na aproum hr banast;[‘ouj;amb% xba[uoum hr g;[ankarcouj;amb! Karøtoum hr ir ‘nndawa\r Namag;rd Giu[e! |arganq nra pa\‘a® \i,atakin ;u m.ijaroujiun nra entaniqin% faraxatn;rin ou enk;rn;rin! Nor +ou[a\i ;u <afin,afri enk;rn;r

FA{ORDAGROUJIUN FRATARAKCAKAN ’RAGIR TOLORHS XØFRAP LIPMAN FIMNADRAM JP MORGAN CHASE BANK, TRUSTEE Fayo\qow ke fa[ord;nq% jh Tolorhs Xøfrap Lipman Fimnadrame niujaphs piti øvandakh or fratarakouin entr;al a& wardap;takan auartaya®;r fa\agitakan niuj;rou masin% b& fa\oz fin patmouj;an ;rk;r fa\ patmabann;rou% g& 19-rd darou ;u au;li wa[ ,r=ani fa\ grakanouj;an ;rk;r! N;rka\azouo[ a,.atasiroujiunn;re krnan ellal ka*m fa\;rhn ka*m angl;rhn l;xouow! :jh gor‘ me fa\;rhn l;xouow h% anor phtq h enk;rana\ angl;rhn orakauor jargmanoujiun me! Dimoumnagirn;re n;rka\azn;l amhn tarouan April 15 ;u No\;mb;r 15 jouakann;rhn a®a=! |au;loua‘akan t;[;kouj;an ;u dimoumnagri j;rjik stanalou famar dim;l& LIEBMANN FUND-PUBLICATIONS c/o Mr. M. Haigentz 1518 11th Street Fort Lee, NJ 07024

XARJNI*R LAØ&&&& W;r=;rs facebook-i mh= kardazi zauali ;u mtafogic mi omn lragro[i pa®aktic% apat;[;ak ;u tgitouj;an ardiunqi arta\a\toujiune! Fa\astani mh= a\sør% S'iu®qafa\ouj;an ;u Fa\astani P;touj;an =anq;row ke gor‘h Souriafa\ ;r;.an;roun st;[‘oua‘ Kilik;an famar dproze! A\nt;[ ke dasauandouin fa\;rhn% arab;rhn ;u angl;rhn l;xoun;row% Sourio\ p;takan ousoumnakan ‘ragr;roun famapatas.ano[ dasenjazqn;r! A\d fa[ordagrouj;amb% Slak.am-i lragro[in jounauor n;te ou[oua‘ hr w;ro\i,;al dprozi faszhin orphs jh^ ªousano[n;rin f;®aznoum ;n fa\ouj;nhnº% .oragrow \a\tararoujiun me! Lragrakan asparhxi mh=% lragro[i me a®aq;loujiune phtq h ella\ ,inic% faraxat ;u a®anz anfatakan ;xrakazoujiunn;rou! Afauasik asonq ;n lragro[i me \atkoujiunn;re! Lragro[ me% fanrouj;an phtq ch n;rka\aznh sout% k;[‘% qandic ;u pa®aktic qnadatoujiunn;r ;u \a\tararoujiunn;r% oronq wnas ke faszn;n vo[owourdin! A*\ .;lazi lragro[% ;jh imazakanoujiun ;u arvanapatououjiun ounis% qa= imazir jh souriafa\ fama\nqe Z;[aspanouj;nhn maxapour‘ 'rkoua‘ s;round men h ou anor \a=orde% or A|B% B:N% GIM&&;n sks;al Fa\oz patmoujiune sorw;zan Thr hl Xori anapati auaxn;roun wra\! Isk Fa\astani Kilik;an warvaranin mh= ousana‘ ;r;.an;re a\d s;roundi jo®n;rn ou ‘o®;rn ;n! Souriafa\e a\n FA|N H% xor w;rapr;lou pa\qari enjazqin% cmo®zau a®a=naf;rji kargin das;l galiq s;roundin :k;[;ziin ;u anor ko[qin fa\kakan dprozin apafowoume%

minc inq takauin k*aprhr jij;[;a\ tnakn;rou mh=! :s souriafa\ ;m% na.akrjoujiuns staz;r ;m Kilik;an dprozhn% or ka®ouzou;zau Z;[aspanouj;nhn 'rkoua‘ ‘no[n;roun ouv;roun ,norfiu ;u ;[a‘ anor a®a=in fimnaqare t;[adro[e! Tarin;r \;to\ a®ije oun;za‘ ;m a\d dprozin mh= dasauand;lou Fa\oz patmoujiun% krønqi dasauandman anouan tak% orowf;t;u a\n vamanak ;u minc;u fima a\nt;[ p;takan ørhnqow argiloua‘ h axga\in patmoujiunn;rou dasauandoume! >orfourds ella\ a\s lragro[in% incphs na;u bolor lragro[n;roun% oronq k^a[aua[;n fa\;rhne øtaramout ba®;row% \aya.;l Fa\astani Kilik;an dproze% ir;nz git;liqn;rou fa\;zman ;u xargazman famar! Zauow ke n,;m m;r axgi patmoujiune fnouz minc a\sør% our ;[a‘ ;n pa®akticn;r% dauayann;r% i,.anakan% jagauorakan% fanrap;takan% no\nisk `;ta\akan vamanakami=ozn;roun! Dar;r ,arounak .øsoua‘ h ;u minc;u a\sør ke .øsoui anonz masin a®anz kar;nal ];rbaxatou;lou sounki phs ‘lo[ nman anfatn;rhn! Orowf;t;u fa\ axgn h ;[a‘ m;[auor% or i farkin mafake ‘anrago\ns ch i=;zouza‘ anonz gl.in a\l mi,t n;ra‘ h ;u mius ;r;sn al dar]ouza‘! Kilik;ani a,ak;rtn;roun ;u ,r=anauartn;roun ko[mh ke pafan=;m a\d lragro[hn n;ro[oujiun .ndr;l Kilik;anzin;rhn ;u souriafa\;rhn% orphsxi bolors miasnabar a®o[= mta‘;nq ;u gor‘;nq m;r fa\r;niqi ;u vo[owourdi barørouj;ane famar! Xarjnir Laø&&&! |owsh' Ouxoun;an


NOR ØR% MA|IS 16% 2013

OC :US H ANAFIT JOQAJ:AN (’n;al Al;qsandria% 1936-in)


A\sou srti anfoun kski‘ow ke gouv;nq m;r sir;z;al tikno= ;u mør ANAFIT JOQAJ:ANI mafe% or t;[i oun;zau :rkou,abji% Ma\is 13-in% ~r;xno\i mh=% \;t ;rkarat;u fiuandouj;an! Fangouz;ale m;r ;rkaram;a\ kousakzakan% miouj;nakan ;u jhqh;anakan gor‘øn andmn;rhn Enk& Noupar Joqaj;ani 53 taroua\ ko[akizn hr! |ou[arkauoroujiune t;[i piti oun;na\ Cor;q,abji% 22 Ma\isin! |i,atake \argo[n;rhn ke .ndroui n;rka\ gtnouil! Enk& Noupar Joqaj;an% xauakounq ;u fars;r *** ÂAK Ar;umt;an AMN-i <r=ana\in Warcoujiunn ou ªNor Ørºe ir;nz .oraxgaz zauakzoujiunn;re ke \a\tn;n w;j;ran enk;ro= ;u paragan;roun!

OU<ADROUJIUN Aljatina\i mh= war]ou h Jhqh;an M,akouja\in Miouj;an W;ranorogoua‘ ou bar;xardoua‘ Ph,khøjiur;an k;droni g;[at;sil srafe% \armar bolor a®ijn;rou famar Manramasnouj;anz famar kar;li h f;®a]a\n;l Ghorg Qhø,khr;anin^ f;t;u;al jiuow&


Qali`ornio\ Los Any;lesi Famalsarane auart;lh ;tq 2002 jouakanin% Manrhak;nsabanouj;an mh= Doktora\i Tit[osow% Sargis Maxman;an \aya.a‘ h M;s;cous;z nafangi Farwert Famalsarane! An ir gitakan ousoumnasiroujiunn;re katar;lh ;tq fon% w;radar]a‘ h Qali`ornia ;u sksa‘ h pa,tønawar;l "asatina\i f®cakauor California Institute of Technology Famalsaranin mh=! A\s an famalsarann h% our vamanakin pa,tønawara‘ h na;u n,anauor gitnakan Alphrj A\n,ja\ne! Maxman;ani giute ke fandisana\ mardka\in marmni karg me fiuandoujiunn;re bouv;l% manrhn;rou (bacteria) øgnouj;amb! Jh;u manrhn;re fiuandoujiun ke patya®;n% esa‘ h an% saka\n kan na;u manrhn;r% oronq mardka\in marmnin fiuandouj;anz dhm pa\qar;lou dimadro[akanoujiune ke xørazn;n! A\n fiuandoujiunn;rhn% oronz bouvman famar an karo[aza‘ h darman gtn;l% kar;li h n,;l MS-e (Multiple Sclerosis): Maxman;ani giute dasoua‘ h a\n faxouagiut \a\tnab;roujiunn;rhn% oronq krnan gitakan a,.arfe \;[a'o.;l! A® a\d% 2012 jouakanin% an arvanaza‘ h MacArthur Fellowship-i Genius Grant-in% or ke gnafatoui patka®;li 500%000 tolari goumarow me! A\d goumare an krna\ gor‘a‘;l ir ousoumnasiroujiunn;re xargazn;lou famar! Fos phtq h gnafatanqow \i,;l or Sargis Maxman;an ch mo®za‘ ;rb;q ir fa\ouj;an armatn;re! Ardar;u% 2008 jouakanin% an gaza‘ h Fa\astan ;u :r;uani famalsaranin mh= dasauanda‘ manrhak;nsabanoujiun! Isk w;r=in ;rkou tarin;rou enjazqin% an qanizs gaza‘ h fa\r;niq ;u ir staza‘ goumarhn mas me i spas dra‘ h gitakan ir ousoumnasiroujiune fon xargazn;lou famar% \øgout karg me fiuandouj;anz darman oron;lou! Patius% arvanauoraz!

Dokt& Ara Mirxo\;an

Dokt& Mirxo\;an Ga®nii ªKhlhqsiº enk;rouj;an Tnørhnn h& A\s enk;rouj;an wstafoua‘ hr ka®ouz;l 560 jøn k,®o[ mi=axga\in ªChrhnqowº f;®aditakin wra\ x;t;[ou;liq 900 fa\;lin;re! Chrhnqow f;®aditake% or ‘anøj h na;u orphs HESS II ‘ragir% gor‘a‘ouj;an drou;zau |oulis 2012-in% A'rik;an zamaqamasi Namipia ;rkrin mh=% orowf;t;u anor kliman \armarago\n pa\mann;re ke st;[‘h ousoumnasirouj;anz famar! A\d f;®aditake ouni 20 \arkanoz ,hnqi me bar]roujiune! Isk Chrhnqow f;®aditaki pa,tønakan bazoume katarou;zau 28 S;pt;mb;r 2012-in% oroun n;rka\ gtnou;zan 170 gitnakann;r% 12 ;rkirn;rou 32 f;taxøtakan k;dronn;rhn vamana‘! A\d gitnakann;roun mas ke kaxmhin na;u .oumb me fa\;r% :r;uani bnagitouj;an fimnarkhn ;u gitoujiunn;rou kaya®hn! Sa iskaphs fpartouj;an arvani na.a];®noujiun men h m;r 'oqr fa\r;niqin famar% a\dphs ch#q .orfir! Galow Dokt& Mirxo\;anin% an jh;u gitnakan men h% masnagitaza‘ ast[abnagitouj;an mh= (astrophysics), saka\n vamanak me ‘a®a\a‘ h orphs Fa\astani Fanrap;touj;an Fiupatos% Los Any;lesi mh=! Isk :r;uani mh=% an na.aphs Endfanour Tnørhnn hr Qoqa Qøla Enk;rouj;an! Fos phtq h au;lzn;l or Dokt& Mirxo\;ani fa\rn al% Loujoui Mirxo\;an ;[a‘ h ast[abnagitouj;an "ro`hsør ;u a,.ata‘ h Biurakani Ast[aditaranin mh=% Ast[aght Wiqjor Fambar]oum;ani ko[qin! Like father, like son, piti eshr% am;rik;an asazoua‘qe!

THURSDAY, MAY 16% 2013



A|S MAT:ANE (Wafan Jhqh;an Banast;[‘in)

<ar& h= 2-hn

'o.man masin! |a\tni h% or K& Polsi grauman 1453 j& \a=ord øre S& So`ia tayare w;ra‘ou;z mxkiji! No\n yakatagrin arvanazau na;u S& A®aq;aln;ri tayare ;u a\l ;k;[;zin;r! Souljanakan frowartakow arg;lou;z nor ;k;[;zin;ri ka®ouzoume! A\s carabastik ;r;uo\je ,arounakou;z na;u \;taga\ dar;roum oc mia\n K& Polsoum% a\l;u Patmakan Fa\astani qa[aqn;roum ;u giu[;roum! Mi=nadari fa\ patmicn;rn ou vamanakagirn;re srti .ore kski‘ow nkaragr;l ;n jourq tirakaln;ri ko[miz qriston;a\ ;k;[;zin;re qand;lou% jalan;lou% frd;f;lou 'ast;re% incphs na;u a,.atauor vo[owrdi da®e bo[oqn ou ta®apanqn;re! Afa a\spisin h møt anz;aloum fa\ vo[owrdi kra‘ m,akouja\in ‘anr korousti patmoujiune! Dvba.tabar m;r ør;roum hl ,arounakuoum h a\d t.our ;u zauali gor‘enjaze! A\sør% m;‘ jouow fa\kakan wanq;rn ou ;k;[;zin;re qarouqand% au;roua‘ wiyakoum ;n kam w;ra‘oua‘ ;n mxkiji% jangarani% ba[niqi ;u arf;stanozn;ri! A\s masin m;nq anmi=akan patk;razoum ;nq kaxmoum fa\ ;u øtar mamouli fa[ordoumn;riz% incphs na;u Jourqia a\z;la‘ fa\ ou.tauor xbøsa,r=ikn;ri tpauoroujiunn;riz! Lousafogi Frand Tinqi frataraka‘ ªAkøsº ,abajaj;rji 1998 j& Øgostos 10-i jourq;rhn mi=ouki mh= lo\s hr t;s;l mi \ødoua‘ ªAnthr ;k ;[;z in;r e au;r uo um ;nº (Sahipsiz Kiliseler Harabeleziyor) w;rnagrow! |ødoua‘i f;[inakn hr Salif Hrøle Pajman qa[aqiz! B;roum ;m mi fatoua‘ a\d groujiuniz! Jargmanoujiune imn h! ªPajmani B;,iri gaua®i giu[;roum gtnouo[ anthr ;k;[;zin;re giu[azin;ri ko[miz øgtagor‘uoum ;n orphs apastaran ;u \ard ou .oti paf;stanozn;r! :k;[;zin;roum gtnouo[ patmakan arvhqn;re giu[azin;ri ko[miz waya®uoum ;n cncin gn;row! Fa\;re ir;nz fo[;riz f;®analouz \;to\% ;k;[;zin;re au;ru;zin! A\d juoum kar;li h \i,;l B;,iri gaua®oum gtnouo[ A\ranyi% Q;w;rxov;r (N;rqin Nora[biur) ;u F;mxø giu[;ri ;k;[;zin;re! A\s ,r=anoum 200 taroua\ fnoujiun oun;zo[ ;u orphs fa\;ri a[øjawa\r ;u fauaqat;[i fandisazo[^ D;raq;w;rxø ;k;[;zin bolorowin anthr wiyakoum h ;u kar‘;s .®owa\o\x t;sqow bar;uoum h ;ko[-gnazo[n;rin! Yi,d ir vo[owrdi yakatagri nman% na hl h aqsoroua‘ ou lqoua‘º! Kar;li h ,at ørinakn;r b;r;l% ba\z ;xrakazn;low n,;nq% or ,at t;[in h ;u ardarazi W;fa'a® Fa\rap;tn;ri ardarazi pafan=e!

ÂAK AR:UMT:AN AM:RIKA|I <R+ANAKI ENDFANOUR ANDAMAKAN :U MI+-AKOUMBA|IN VO{OW ÂAK Ar;umt;an Am;rika\i <r=ana\in Warcoujiune ke \a\tararh fama\n Ar;umt;an <r=anaki Akoumbn;roun ;u andamakzouj;an% jh 2013 jouakani endfanour andamakan vo[owe t;[i piti oun;na\ |ounis 26% 2013-i ;r;ko\;an vame 7&00-in% Aljatina\i Ph,khøjiur;an k;dronin mh=! T;[i piti oun;na\ tar;kan t;[;katououj;anz fa[ordagroujiun ;u \a=ord ,r=ani ‘ragirn;rou m,akoum! Bolor akoumbn;rou andamakzoujiune sirow frauiroua‘ h a\n fauaqin! T;[i piti oun;na\ enjriqi fiurasiroujiun ÂAK Ar;umt;an Am;rika\i <r=ana\in Warcoujiun

ÂAK ÂOUBHN F:R:AN AKOUMB ENDFANOUR ANDAMAKAN VO{OW :rkou,abji% Ma\is 27% 2013 ;r;ko\;an vame 8!00-in soworakan wa\rin mh= Warco uji un

Mat;ann a\s moun= ;rg;rou% xor ke banas j;rj a® j;rj% A';roud mh= tro'o[ kar‘;s jh sirt me ella\& Xa\n \ørino[e jh;u k;anqhn m;kna@‘ h \auht% Ba\z t;nd;rown ir a\nqan h k;ndani ou anmaf&&&! H=;rn anor ke jouin ellal ‘alq;re sirtid% Oroun .orq;re jaqoun afa mhk mhk ke bazouin&&& :rg;rn^ fanoua‘ anonzmh^ adamandn;r x;rd wyit^ Ir;nz ka.ard zolq;row acq;roud dhm ke 'a\lin&&&! Ke fauaq;s doun xanonq gourgouranqow srtagin% Or pafpan;z ankoroust^ troua‘ a\d gan]e q;xi% Orphs aua*nde anm;® mafkanazou a\s sirtin&&&! :rb ke 'ak;s mat;ann a\s^ sirtd h ano*w famakoua‘% Ou foguo\d mh= ke mnan ;rgn ou ;rgicn anmo®az& K*es;s^ apri*n piti \ar% orqan or Marde apri&&&!

|aroujiun Maj;an <ar& h= 6-hn

MA|IS 9% 1992

fa\ martikn;rou f;t% tarin ariunarbou grof% axatagr;lou famar hakan dirqi wra\ ja®a‘ <ou,in% amhn gnow 'rk;lou famar arza.afa\oujiune ;u masnauoraphs qarouqand ;u fa,mandam dar]a‘ St;'anak;rte% or gi,;r ou z;r;k ke tokar ax;rin;rou f;®ar]ak ;u t;[atara' ®oumb;roun tak! St;'anak;rte 'rkouj;an ;u axatouj;an .or ,ounc ke qa,hr Ma\isi 9-i a®auøt;an% ;rb axat arza.;an drø,e ke ‘a‘anhr <ou,ii b;rdin wra\% fryouanqi ;u axatouj;an xgazmounqn;rou aliqe tara‘;lou arza.;an axatagrouj;an famar taroua‘ pa\qari amhn mhk yakati wra\% amhn mhk martiki ogiin mh= n;r,nc;lou fpartoujiun% o\v ;u korow% xir;nq \au;rvazn;lou famar fa\r;niqi pa,tpanouj;an ;u axatagrman pa\qarin mh=! 22 tarin;r anza‘ ;n a\d \atkan,akan \a[janaki% fa\ou ariunow axatagroua‘ fa\kakan fo[;rou axatagroumhn% ;u 'astørhn iro[oujiun dar]a‘ axat anka. Arza.i patmouj;an ørhn i w;r% ;u saka\n minc;u a\sør% mi=axga\in qa[aqakanou-

jiune b;madroua‘ yartarouj;amb% ke xlana\ Arza.i anka.oujiune yancnalou irauasouj;nhn! :u saka\n^ takauin kan mardka\in ;u ørinakan irauounqn;rou pa,tpan p;toujiunn;r% ;rkirn;r% qa[aqn;r kam gaua®n;r% oronq ardhn gta‘ ;n mi=axga\in qa[aqakanouj;an anqakt;li k‘ikin ga[tni ;xre% xa\n 'o.anz;lou famar a\l p;toujiunn;rou ;u ;rkirn;rou% oronq takauin ke tatamsin Arza.i anka.ouj;an ;u Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an anmar datin yanacman \a\tararoujiunn;roun mh=! Arza.i ;u fa\r;ni fo[;rou axatagrman f;rosakan pa\qari ;u a\nt;[ inka‘ fa\ xinouorn;rou ;u martikn;rou ariunow ø‘oua‘ axat Arza.e a\sør kangna‘ h a,.arfi a®a=% fpart ou an;r;r% fama\n fa\ouj;an axga\in gitakzouj;amb togoroua‘% ;u miasnakan ou miafamou® b®ounzqow patrast% xa\n krkin ou krkin pa,tpan;lou minc;u maf! |auht mnas ansasan% Fa\ou amroz <ou,i! |&M&


NOR ØR% MA|IS 16% 2013


FF BAR}RAGO|N >MBI AÂA+NOUJIUNOUM Ka\azan FF bar]rago\n .mbi a®a=nouj;an na.aw;r=in^ 41-rd mrza'ouli fandipoumn;rn% oronq auartou;zin f;t;u;al ardiunqn;row& ªMikaº–ª"iunikº^ 1-0 ªAraratº-ªBananzº^ 1-1 ªOulisº-ªImpoulsº^ 4-1 ª<irakº-ªGan]asarº^ 2-2 Mrza,ara\in a[iusak G& M& >& |& F& P& <irak 41 25 10 6 68-38 85 Mika 41 24 7 10 57-39 79 Gan]asar 41 17 13 11 47-37 64 41 18 6 17 65-51 60 "iunik Impouls 41 18 6 17 66-63 60 Oulis 41 10 12 19 39-50 42 41 9 6 26 28-67 33 Ararat Bananz 41 5 16 20 37-62 31 A\spisow% anka. w;r=in mrza'ouli ardiunqn;riz% FF a®a=nouj;an oskh% ar‘ajh ;u pronxh m;talakirn;r dar]an famapatas.anabar^ ª<irakeº% ªMikanº ;u ªGan]asareº! |a\tni dar]an na;u :urogauajn;roum FF-i n;rka\azouzicn;re! ª<irakeº fandhs ke ga\ :uropa\i a.o\;ann;ri lika\oum% isk FF gauajakir^ ª"iunikeº ;u 2-3-rd mrzanakakirn;r^ ªMikanº ;u ªGan]asareº^ :urolika\i .a[arkoujiunn;roum! D;®;us \a\tni ch% jh o#r jime^ ªArarateº jh# ªBananzeº frav;,t ke ta\ FF bar]rago\n .mbin! W;r=in mrza'ouloum ke fandip;n ª"iunikº-ªAraratº ;u ªBananzºªOulisº xo\g;re% a\d fandipoumn;rn hl k*oro,;n ;tnapafin! <at fauanakan h% or w;r=in t;[e xba[;zno[ jime ke mna\ bar]rago\n .mboum! Incphs ardhn fa[ord;l ;nq a®a=in .mbi \a[jo[ Martounii ªAla,k;rteº \a=ord tari fandhs ke ga\ FF bar]rago\n .mbi a®a=noujiunoum! Au;lazn;nq% or ªAla,k;rtiº gl.auor marxic h n,anakou;l Armhn Sanam;ane! FF fauaqakani na.kin gl.auor marxic Sourhn Bars;[;ann hl n,anakou;l h :r;uani ªOurartouº jimi gl.auor marxic!

:UROLIKA|I |A{JO{ Ma\isi 15-in Amst;rtami ªAmst;rtam Ar;na\oumº ka\azau :urolika\i .a[arkouj;an ;xra'akic fandipoume^ angliakan ªC;lsiiº ;u 'orjougalakan ªB;n`ika\iº mi=;u! Fandipoumn auartou;z ªC;lsiiº \a[janakow^ 2-1 fa,ouow% orn hl dar]au :urolika\i \a[jo[!

PASQ:JPOLI FF AÂA+NOUJIUNOUM M;knark;l h pasq;jpoli FF t[amardkanz a®a=noujiune% orin masnakzoum ;n 6 jim;r! A\s tari a.o\;ani tit[osi famar ke pa\qar;n :r;uani ªNa\irinº% ªKrant Sporteº ;u ªInv;n;reº ou Arjiki% Giumrii ;u Arza.i famanoun jim;re! A®a=in fandipoumn;re ka\az;l ;n Giumrioum ;u Arjikoum! Afa a\d fandipoumn;ri ardiunqn;re& ªInv;n;rºªKrant Sportº^ 91!105% ªInv;n;rº-ªGiumriº^ 82!69% ªKrant Sportº-ªGiumriº^ 91!57% ªNa\iriº-ªArjikº^ 36!81% ªArza.º-ªNa\iriº^ 92!50% ªArza.º-ªArjikº^ 73!68!





WA>JANG DARCIN:ANE |A{J:Z NOKAOUTOW Arf;stawarv b®nzqamarti ;rkou qa,a\in karg;roum a,.arfi na.kin a.o\;an Wik Darcin;ane Ma\isi 11-in AMN-i T;.as nafangi Lar;dø qa[aqoum 10 ®aountanoz m;namart anzkazr;z m;qsiqazi >awihr Galo\i f;t! Fa\ b®nzqamartike \a[j;l h nokaoutow! M;namarti m;knarkiz Wa.jange nkat;li a®au;loujiun h oun;z;l% isk 2-rd ®aountoum 2 angam nokaouti h ;njark;l mrzakzin! Corrord ®aountoum Galon ;us mhk angam \a\tnou;l h ®ingi \atakin^ partou;low nokaoutow! A\spisow Wa.jange arf;stawarv ®ingoum anzkazr;z 45-rd mrzamarte% oronziz na \a[jo[ h yanacou;l 39-oum% 5 m;namartpum partou;l h% isk 1-n auart;l h oc-oqiow!

WAN:S MARTIROS:ANI NOR KAÂAWARICE Arf;stawarv b®nzqamarti a®a=in mi=in qa,a\in kargoum fandhs ;ko[ Wan;s Martiros;ane (31-0-1) pa\managir h knq;l \a\tni ka®awaric Q;m;ron Danqini f;t% ore na;u \a\tni b®zqamartikn;r Jimodi Br;dlii% Br;ndon Âa\osi% Q;li Pawliki% Nonitø Don;ri ka®awaricn h!

’ANRAMARTI A<>ARFI :RITASARDAKAN AÂA+NOUJIUNOUM ";roui ma\raqa[aq Lima\oum auartou;z ‘anramarti a,.arfi ;ritasardakan a®a=noujiune! FF-n a\d mrzoumn;roum n;rka\aznoum hin 3 ‘anrordn;r! A®a=ine mrzafarjak dours ;kau 58 qk& qa,oum fandhs ;ko[ giumr;zi Ixap;lla :a\l;ane! Na ;rkamarti 194 qk& ardiunqow grau;z 4-rd t;[e! Na mhk qilokramow f;t h mnaz;l 3-rd t;[e graua‘ |ousl;di ~igou;roa\iz (W;n;xou;lla)! A.o\;an h dar];l Qs;nia Maqsimowan (ÂD) ;rkamarti 205 qk& ardiunqow! 69 qk& qa,a\in kargoum ÂD_n n;rka\azno[ Ani Sargs;ane ;rkamarti 209 qk& (90+119) ardiunqow 9 masnakizn;ri mh= grau;z 4-rd t;[e! 77 qk& qa,a\inn;ri pa\qaroum FF-n n;rka\azno[ a,.arfi ;u :uropa\i patanin;ri a.o\;an ;u mrzani,akir Andranik Karap;t;ane ;rkamartoum zo\z tou;z 340 qk& (160+180) ardiunq xba[;zn;low 3-rd t;[e! No\npisi ardiunqow Ni\aj Âamirowe (Atrph\yan) arvanazau ar‘ajh m;tali! Na fa\ ‘anrordiz au;li j;j;u h ;[;l! A.o\;ani tit[ose nouay;z ÂD-n n;rka\azno[ Âaxmik |ounan;ane% ow ;rkamartoum zo\z tou;z 345 qk& (153+192) ardiunq! N,;nq% or Andranike pokoum warvoujiunoum zo\z hr tou;l 160 qk& ardiunq 7 qk&ow g;raxanz;low 2-3-rd t;[;re nouaya‘ ‘anrordn;rin! G;r‘anr qa,a\inn;ri pa\qaroum FF-n n;rka\azno[ Go® Minas;ane ;rkamarti 403 qk& (183+220) ardiunqow nouay;z ar‘ajh m;tal! Oskh m;tale nouay;z wrazi La,a Tala.a];u bar]razn;low 411 qk& (190+221)% isk pronxh m;tale nouay;z Âousastane n;rka\azno[ Karhn Martiros;ane^ 385 qk& (180+205)!

ØF+ +RAGNDAKI FA|KAKAN AKOUMBE QALI~ORNIA|I GAUAJAKIR ØF+-i (Ølimpiakan F;rja'o.i +ragndaki) jime \a=o[ fandhs ;kau Qali`ornia\i gauaji .a[arkoujiunoum nouay;low patouauor mrzanake! :ran;li bar]ounqe nouay;lou famar fimnakanoum fa\axgi =ragndordn;row famalroua‘ jime bauakanin ;rkar yanaparf anzau! Na. m;r =ragndordn;re \a[jo[ yanacou;zin Faraua\in Qali`ornia\i lika\i mrza,aroum% ort;[ anzkazra‘ 15 fandipoumn;riz 14-oum \a[j;zin! Âiw;rsa\t qa[aqoum anzkazoua‘ ;xra'akic mrza,aroum hl ØF+-n ,af;z bolor 5 mrza.a[;re! Fa\ marxikn;rn irauounq stazan gauaje wiyark;lou Fiusisa\in Qali`ornia\i lika\i \a[jo[ ªAm;rikan Âiw;riº f;t! :xra'akic .a[n acqi enkau pa\qari artakarg laroua‘ouj;amb ou auartou;z ocoqi^ 10-10! Gauaji ba.te wy®ou;z 5 m;jranoz tougana\in faroua‘n;row! M;ronq 5 angam grau;zin mrzakzi darpase% isk mrzakize faroua‘n;riz mhke ckaro[azau iurazn;l! ØF+-i kaxmoum fandhs ;kan |akob Kaplan;ane% Asatour Gal`a\;ane% Martin Cajal;ane% Arman Mom=;ane% Manouk "ilo\;ane% |akob Ba[oum;ane% Artak Arxouman;ane% Hdouard Gal`a\;ane% Danihl Sargs;ane ;u ouri,n;r! Jimi auag marxice Wafagn A®aq;l;ann h% marxice^ Al`r;t Jamax;ane!

<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • Folandia\i Sn;k qa[aqoum anzkazoua‘ ;rkri minc;u 16 tar;kann;ri a.o\;ani kocoume nouay;l h Alik Tigran;ane! Fa\ ,a.matiste 9 fnarauoriz wastak;l h 6&5 miauor ;u mian]n;a\ arvanaz;l h a®a=in mrzanakin! • ~ransiazi minc;u 18 tar;kann;ri a.o\;ani kocoume nouay;l h Âoudol` Grigor;ane! Na S;n "ol Jroua <ajø qa[aqoum anzkazoua‘ a®a=noujiunoum 9 fnarauoriz wastak;l h 7&5 miauor ;u mian]n;a\ arvanaz;l a®a=in mrzanakin! • L;fastani L;gniza qa[aqoum auartin h møt;noum :uropa\i t[amardkanz anfatakan a®a=noujiune! >a[arkoua‘ 10 mrza'ouliz \;to\ FF n;rka\azouzicn;riz lauago\ne S;rgh\ Mowsis;ani ;u Frand M;lqoum;ani ardiunqn h 7 miauor! A®a=atare Al;qsandr Mois;nkon h^ 8 miauorow! • ~ID:-n grosma\st;ri kocoum ,norf;z Fa\astani n;rka\azouzicn;r Karhn F& Grigor;anin ;u |owik Fa\rap;t;anin! • L;uon Aron;ane Norw;gia\i Stawang;r qa[aqoum ka\aza‘ ka\‘akna\in mrza,aroum 2&5 miauorow grau;z na.aw;r=in^ 9-rd t;[e! Isk g;rmrza,ari 7-rd mrza'ouliz \;to\ 4-akan miauorow Anandi f;t bavanoum h 3-4-rd t;[;re! L;uone \a[j;l h Nakamoura\in% Fam;rin% oc-oqi h .a[az;l Anandi% Swidl;ri% Âa=abowi% Wan Fao\i f;t ;u partou;l Kar\akiniz! 5&5 miauorow a®a=atare Kar\akinn h!

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