FING<ABJI% MA|IS 30% 2013
THURSDAY, MAY 30, 2013 91 TARI% JIU 22 VOLUME 91, NO. 22
ARQA|AXN CARLXE VAMANA’ H :R:UAN An jagauorakan entaniqi masnauor a\zow Fa\astan a\z;la‘ a®a=in andamn h% ;u a\st;[ ke gtnoui minc;u Ma\isi 30-e& M;‘n Britania\i d;spanatan mamouli ‘a®a\ouj;nhn \a\tn;zin% or arqa\axn Carlxe Fa\astan vamana‘ h orphs ª:r;uan% im shrº bar;gor‘akan fimnadrami fiur% oroun gor‘ounhoujiune ou[[oua‘ h :r;uani \ou,ar]ann;rou ;u yartarap;takan va®angouj;an pafpanman ou w;ra‘nmane^ fa,mandam ;r;.an;rou% ;ritasardouj;an ;u anapafow entaniqn;ri k;anqe bar;lau;lou npatakow! Arqa\axn Carlxe ;u M;‘n Britanio\ møt Fa\astani na.kin d;span Armhn Sargs;ane fimnadrami mi=ozow bar;gor‘akan ‘ragir k*irakanazn;n! A\zi enjazqin arqa\axn Carlxe a\z;la‘ h ªMat;nadaranº fin fa\kakan ];®agr;rou jangaran-institout% or :OUN:SKØ-n yancza‘ h fama,.arfa\in m,akouja\in arvhq% ;u ort;[ ke pafouin fnago\n ];®agirn;r fa\;rhnow% ®ous;rhnow% arab;rhnow% ya'on;rhnow ;u parsk;rhnow! An a\z;la‘ h na;u Fa\astani fog;uor k;dron H=mia‘in% ort;[ xa\n endouna‘ h Am;na\n Fa\oz Kajo[ikos Gar;gin B&-n! Arqa\axn Carlxe a\z;la‘ h na;u Sp;ndiar;ani anouan Ø';ra\i ;u palhti axga\in akad;miakan jatron% ort;[ fam;rg t;[i oun;zau% a\nouf;t;u masnakz;zau ª:r;uan% im shrº bar;gor‘akan ‘ragri ir patouin kaxmak;rpoua‘ endoun;louj;ane! W;r=in vam& K* imanan q% jh ar qa \axn Car lxe f andi po um o un;z a‘ h na;u na.agaf^ S;rv Sargs;ani f ;t!
FA{ORDAGROUJIUN Arvanawa\;l ,ouqow piti tønoui fa\ mankawarvouj;an nafap;t Tiar :rouand Papa\;ani ‘nnd;an fariuram;a\ \ob;l;ane^ 16 |ounis 2013-in% Fa\astan;a\z A®aq;lakan :k;[;zuo\ Fiusisa\in Am;rika\i Ar;umt;an J;mi Srboz {;uond;anz Ma\r Tayarin mh=! Tiar :rouand Papa\;an ouje tasnam;ak oun;zau ousouzcadastiarakcakan% tnørhnakan% axga\in fasarakakan% miouj;nakan ou grakan baxmab;[oun gor‘ounhoujiun me Mi=in Ar;u;lqhn minc;u fiusisa\in ;u faraua\in Am;rikan;r% ;u Australia! Ir acqa®ou ‘a®a\oujiune m;‘aphs gnafatoua‘ h Fa\r;niqi ;u S'iu®qi p;takan% axga\in ou ;k;[;zakan fastatoujiunn;rou ko[mh% no\nphs an gnafatoua‘ ou parg;uatroua‘ h xanaxan ;rkirn;rou p;takan patkan marminn;rou ko[mh! A® i \arganq ;u gnafatanq m;r m,ako\ji m;‘ ;ra.tauorin% Fa\astan;a\z A®aq;lakan :k;[;zuo\ Fiusisa\in Am;rika\i Ar;umt;an J;mi A®a=nordoujiune arvanawa\;l k;rpow ke koch La Qrhshnja Fowiti Fa\astan;a\z A®aq;lakan :k;[;zuo\ <abajør;a\ Warvarane ª:ROUAND PAPA|:AN <ABAJØR:A| WARVARANº% ir ‘nnd;an fariuram;aki a®ijow! |ob;l;ari ‘nnd;an fariuram;aki a®ijow kataroua‘ nouiratououjiunn;re piti \atkazouin <abajør;a\ warvarani ardiakanazman ou bar;xardman! A\s na.a];®noujiune ;ra.tagitouj;an ou ,norfakalouj;an .øsoun ou fam;st arta\a\toujiun men h i dimaz baxmawastak Tiar :rouand Papa\;ani krjakan ou axga\in wij.ari ‘a®a\ouj;an! Arvan ;u irau! DIUAN AÂA+NORDARANI
FA|ASTANI NA>AGAF& ª95 TARI AÂA+ M:NQ YAKATAGRAKAN QNNOUJIUN HINQ |AN}NOUMº 95 tari a®a= {araqilisa\oum% Ba,-Aparanoum ;u manauand a\st;[^ Sartarapatoum m;nq yakatagrakan qnnoujiun hinq \an]noum! A\d masin Sartarapatoum^ Fanrap;touj;an øroua\ tønakatarouj;an kapakzouj;amb \a\tarar;l h Fa\astani na.agaf S;rv Sar-
gs;ane! ª|an]noum hinq axgowin^ m;‘ow ou 'oqrow% fog;uorakanow ou xinouorakanow% da,nakzakanow ou komounistow% pa,tøn;a\ow ou ,inakanow! Boloro*w! Patmakan Fa\astani gonh mi 'oqr masi go\ouj;an famar k®uoum hr <ar& h= 12
XOUIZ:RIA MAK-I VEN:UI K:DRONIN MH+ FA|OZ Z:{ASPANOUJ:AN |OU<AR}AN PITI X:T:{OUI Xouiz;rio\ fa\ fama\nqe mtadir h Ariana Park-in mh=% our ke gtnoui na;u MAK-i Ven;ui k;dronat;[in% Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an xof;roun \i,atakin \ou,ar]an me x;t;[;lou! Ven;ui qa[aqap;takan .orfourde ardhn toua‘ h ir fauanoujiune! |ou,ar]anin f;[inake^ 'arixabnak arou;staght M;liq Øfan;ann h! Ariana Park-e ‘anøj h orphs bnakan xbøsa\gi% our ardhn kan baxmajiu \ou,ar]ann;r! Tar;kan ,our= 100&000 a\z;lou k*oun;na\! JRQAKAN KO{ME KE BO{OQH! Ven;ui jourq fama\nqe ke 'or]h .ocendot;l \ou,ar]ani x;t;[man ‘ragire^ es;low% or ªXouiz;rian mi,t anko[mnakal% anaca® ;rkir ;[a‘ h% phtq ch t;[i ta\ fa\kakan anfimn pndoumn;rounº!
SAÂNA{BIURZIN:RE A{N OU FAZE JO{:L :N JOURQ:RI KOKORDIN Giumriiz 22 qilom;jr f;®auorouj;an wra\ gtnouo[ Sa®na[biur giu[i ;k;[;zou bakoum n,ou;z sa®na[biurzin;ri^ 95 tari a®a=^ 1918 jouakani Ma\isi 18-22_e jourq;ri dhm m[a‘ inqnapa,tpanakan mart;roum tara‘ \a[janake! A\n patmouj;an mh= mnaz Sog\oujlwa f;rosamart^ giu[i na.kin anounow! Sa®na[biuri inqnapa,tpanakan gor‘o[oujiunn;re øgtakar ;n ;[;l Ba, Aparani ;u Sardarapati \a[janakn;ri famar! Ixour ch% or a\sør sa®na[ biur-
zin;re par‘;noum hin% jh a[n ou faze jo[;zin jourq;ri kokordin! Sa®na[biurzin;re iurat;sak hin patrastou;l a\s tø<ar& h= 12
NOR ØR% MA|IS 30% 2013
|akob Martiros;an >MBAGRAKAN KAXM^
Dokt& Minas Goya\;an Sargis |& Minas;an Frac S;';jy;an >acik Yano\;an MARXAKAN BAVUN^
Au;tis Ba\ram;an WARCAKAN KAXM^
Toqj& Âa``i Pal;an Ghorg Grigor;an Karø Giu'hl;an Andranik A`ar;an
F;®& (626)296-2921 F;®atip (626)296-2922 E- Mail: nor-or@sbcglobal.net Dauan;low ®amkawarakan skxbounqn;r% ke fauatanq baxmakar‘ouj;an ;u axat .øsqi irauounqi% f;t;uabar% fraparakoua‘ groujiunn;re anpa\man c;n arta\a\t;r .mbagrouj;ans t;sakhte! Kamqh anka. patya®n;row sprda‘ wripakn;rou famar k*apauininq m;r a,.atakizn;roun ;u enj;rzo[n;roun n;ro[amtouj;an! Nor Or Weekly is published weekly, except two weeks in AUGUST Nor Or Publishing Association, Inc. 1901 N. Allen Ave., Altadena, CA 91001 Annual Subscription rates: As of June 1st, 2007 U.S.A. 2nd Class: West Coast $75
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91-AM:AK 1922-2013
|:{A"O>OUJI#UN JH ªNOR T:SAKIº WAYAÂAKANOUJIUN Souriakan enddimadirn;rou kaxmak;rpa‘ \;[a'o.oujiune ør est ørh ke xargana\ noranor ;r;uo\jn;row! W;r=in vamanaka,r=anin nor xargazoumn;row ;r;uan kou gan anfatn;rou a®;uangman ;u xanonq anwnas ;u axat jo[;lou 'o.arhn% ar;an gini ast[a\in goumarn;rou pafan=qi waya®akanakan ararqn;r! A\s paragan;re an,ou,t nor ;r;uo\jn;r c;n patmouj;an mh= ;u \aya. krknoua‘ ;n dar;rh i w;r% i,.anauorn;rou ;u m;‘afaroustn;rou dasakarg;roun mh=! Saka\n dvba.tabar ;u manauand Somalii ‘owafhnn;roun katara‘ a®;uangoumn;re sksa‘ ;n ørinak fandisanal Sourio\ ª\;[a'o.akann;rounº famar% oronq ir;nz ªgor‘% banºe jo[a‘ sksa‘ ;n ªa®;uangman waya®akanouj;anº! |;[a'o.akann;rou ga[a'ara.øsoujiune ;rb ke ka\ana\ .a.out fimq;rou% niujakan npastn;rou snanoumow ;u ko[opouti wra\% kar;li h ;xrakazn;l a\sørouan Sourio\ ª\;[a'o.ouj;anº npatakn;re ;u anonz \a=o[ouj;an apagan! Amisn;r a®a=% fama\n a,.arfi acqin a®a=% ke tønhinq Falhpi gor‘arann;roun parpoume ;u sarq;roun 'o.adroujiune dhpi Jourqia% mi qani manhjn;rou 'o.arhn% a\d norat;sak ªwaya®akann;rouº ªm;‘auor ast‘ounº 'a®abanouj;an a[a[akn;row! O#ur mnazin our;mn \;[a'o.akan ga[a'ara.øsoujiunn;rn ou vo[owrdawarakan ithaln;re% oronz anouan n;rq;u ‘nound a®au souriakan enddimouj;an ,arvoume% incphs arabakan garnan xof dar]a‘ mius ;rkirn;re% oronq ir;nz ;rkri tnt;sakan ;u qa[aqakan kor‘anoumh xat ocinc krzan irakanazn;l! Sourio\ mh= a\vm ke gtnouin 70-h au;li enddimadir yakatn;r% oronq endfanraphs irarmh anka. ke gor‘;n% iuraqanciure oun;nalow ir ‘ragirn ou ørakarge% ;u `inansauoroua‘ tarb;r a[biurn;row! Paragan m;x \i,;zn;l kou ta\ libanan;an qa[aqaziakan pat;raxmi tarin;re% our iuraqanciur ja[amas ke patkanhr
ªa\sincinº kam ªa\nincinº% ;u mhk ,r=anhn miusin yambordoujiune ke wtanghr an]in apafowoujiune! A®;uangoumn;r ke patafhin na;u Libanani mh=% saka\n anonq endfanraphs k∞ella\in qa[aqaziakan% krønqi ;u patkan;liouj;an patya®n;row! Faxouadhp hin ªa®;utouriº kam ªwaya®akanakanº mta\nouj;amb patafa‘ a®;uangoumn;re% ;u manauand^ fa\ axgi xauakn;re orphs ªchxoqº libananzin;r chin ;njarkou;r a\l axgoujiunn;rou yakatagrin! Dvba.tabar% Sourio\ mh= ‘a\r a®a‘ a\s ;r;uo\je% endfanraza‘ h Falhpi ,r=anin mh=% est stazoua‘ t;[;koujiunn;roun% ;u a®anz anfatakan kan z;[a\in .trakanouj;an! Anfatn;r% oronq ke tqnin ir;nz ørapafiki apafowouj;an famar% manauand Sourio\ a\sørouan ygnavama\in paf;roun% xof ke da®nan ir;nz ørapafiki kam an]nakan apafowouj;an yamboun wra\! I#nc krna\ ellal a®;uangoua‘ an]in wa.yane% ;jh ir entaniqe ckaro[ana\ pafan=oua‘ goumarin fa\ja\joume apafow;l! Incph#s kar;nal famox;l a\n a®;uangice% jh a®;uangoua‘ anfate arou;staght me% gor‘auor me% a,.atauor me kam mtauorakan men h ;u niujakan a\d karo[oujiune couni gofazn;lou famar xinq! >[yafarouji#un% fauanabar o∞c% orowf;t;u ardhn isk an korsnzouza‘ h mardka\in bolor bari ;u .;lazi skxbounqn;re% inqxinq nouir;low sourin ou carin% a®anz imanalou jh^ sourow tiraza‘e sourow ke korsoui! Tou;aln;rou fiman wra\% ke joui jh souriakan \;[a'o.oujiune ‘na‘ ørhn ardhn datapartoua‘ hr mafouan% orowf;t;u enddimadir yakate w;ra‘oua‘ h .ouvani ;u ir ª\;[a'o.ouj;anº yanaparfe ou[[oua‘ h dhpi kor‘anoum% ir ,r=aka\qi safmann;roun mh=^ f;te qar, talow \;[a'o.akan ga[a'ara.øsoujiune! A\vm^ irakanazo[ miak ma[janqe souriafa\ fama\nqin jo[ ella\ apafowoujiun ;u anwtang go\oujiun% isk a®;uangoua‘n;roun^ bari axatoujiun!
PAFAN+ATIROUJIUNE^ ANB:KAN:LI M:R MTAS:U:ÂOUME ASATOUR THWL:J:AN (<ar na.ord jiuhn ;u w;r=) Jourq i,.anoujiunn;rou ko[mh% 1915-i Aprilhn sks;al% fa\;rou dhm gor‘adroua‘e kan.amta‘oua‘ z;[aspanoujiun hr% qa[aqakan \stak npatakn;r f;tapndo[! M;r vo[owourdin gaxana\in spande ;u xangoua‘a\in t;[afanoujiune% kan.a‘ragr;al k;rpow% i katar a‘ou;zan% orphsxi% pap;nakan m;r fo[;rou fa\aja'oumow% kar;li ella\ irakanazn;l qa[aqakan ‘a\r astiyan axga\namol ‘ragir me^ jrqal;xou z;[;rou mia]ouloumow go\analiq 'anjouranakan ka\srouj;an .;laznor ;raxi marmnauoroume! F;t;uabar fa\;rou dhm kataroua‘ z;[aspanouj;an aknark;low^ ªanz;aliº% ªariunaliº% ªt.ourº% ªpa.arak;liº dhpq;rou masin zau \a\tn;le% ª;rani jh patafa‘ cella\inº es;le% o[b;rgakan
;[;loujiunn;re no\nisk ªamøjaliº kam au;li ‘anr a‘akann;row orak;ln ou xanonq bnoujagr;le orphs ª;[;®nº kam ªkotora‘º bazar]akaphs o*c mhk arvhq ke n;rka\azn;n% ;jh mia\n a\dqann h or piti ella\!
Fa,toujiune axniu ]gtoum men h% gitakiz amhn mardou ko[mh ba[]ali! Ba\z fa,touj;an famar ansakark;li na.apa\man h or \anzagor‘e ambo[=owin gitakzi ir gor‘a‘ s.alin% <ar& h= 15
THURSDAY, MAY 30% 2013
AM:RIK:AN ÂAXMAWAROUJ:AN F:GNANQE RICHARD N. HAASS Âicert N& Faas (‘n;al |oulis 1951-in) am;rikazi diuanaght men h% or 2003-hn iw;r na.agafn h Artaqin Gor‘oz Na.ararouj;an >orfourdin! Anika f;[inakn h w;r=;rs lo\s en‘a\oua‘ ªForeign Policy Begins at Homeº fatorin! ªForeign Affairsº parb;rakann h Miaz;al Nafangn;rou Artaqin Gor‘oz Na.ararouj;an Artaqin |arab;rouj;anz >orfourdin! 2013 Ma\is-|ounis jiuin mh=% (vol. 92, No. 3) Â& Faas fandhs kou ga\ w;rlou‘akan \ødoua‘ow me% xor stor;u ke n;rka\azoui^ axat jargmanouj;amb ;u \apauoumn;row! ’anøj >mb& MI+IN AR:U:LQI |ATOUK F:ÂA NKARE Miaz;al Nafangn;r Pa[ Pat;raxmhn (1945-1991) dours ;kau ibr;u bazar]ak% \arab;rakan tirakan ouv! P;rlini Pati qandoumhn (1989) ;tq% au;li qan tasnam;ak me% anor [;kawaroujiune anoro,ouj;an mh= mnaz% cord;gr;low \atkan,akan ®axmawaroujiun me! 2001% S;pt;mb;r 11-i afab;kakan dhpqe fimnowin 'o.;z a\s enjazqe! Fama,.arfa\in afab;kouj;an dhm pat;raxm \a\tararou;zau! A®a=in faroua‘e i=au A`[anistani wra\% tapaloumowe Jalipani ka®awarouj;an& npatakn hr a®a=qe a®n;l Al-Qaita\i apaga\ \ar]akoumn;roun! 17 amisn;r ;tq% 2003-in% ;rkrord na.a];®noujiune ;[au Iraqi wra\ ar,auanqe! A\s ;rkrin dhm pat;raxmi ;rjalou patya®abanoujiune oc afab;koujiunn hr% ;u oc al^ xangoua‘a\in kor‘anoumi xhnq;re (weapons of mass destruction)% a\l^ qma\qot na.a];®noujiun me! Fimnakan mta‘o[oujiune a\n hr% \atkaphs na.agaf Niqseni orakoumow% jh M& Nafangn;re ª.[yali% anøgnakan fska\ me chrº% jh Iraqe ,outow piti da®nar ou®yazo[ ®amkawaroujiun (democracy) me% or ørinak piti ‘a®a\hr Mi=in Ar;u;lqi mnaz;al ;rkirn;roun! A\soufand;r]% A`[anistani pat;raxme anfrav;,toujiun men hr% ;u ator famar al na.agaf Øpama \ankar‘ xgaliørhn au;lzouz am;rik;an xørq;rou jouaqanake (2009-in^ 98%000-i)! :rkrin fiusisa\in dvouaramato\z l;®na,[ja\in patya®ow% or ke tara‘ouhr na;u "aqistanhn n;rs% j,namiin dimadroujiune ambo[=owin cb;kanou;zau! F;t;uabar% ;rkara]gouo[ pat;raxme (2001-hn iw;r) ke da®nar qic ardiunauht% ba\z manauand^ xgaliørhn ‘a.saliz! 2011-i Garounhn iw;r% Mi=in Ar;u;lqi ;rkirn;roun mh=% ;rb ‘a\r touin vo[owrdakan xangoua‘a\in bo[oqn;re% M& Nafangn;re xgou,azau .oraphs n;rakzil (involve)% na.entr;low gor‘;l ªwarago\ri ;t;uhnº! ’anøj h Am;rika\i d;re Lipio\% :giptosi% :mhni ou Sourio\ paragan;roun! Isk Arabakan J;rak[xii bar;kam jagauorouj;an kam i,.anouj;anz fandhp enddimadrouj;anz nkatmamb gr;jh l®oujiun pafou;zau! :xrakazn;low% kar;li h es;l% jh Mi=in Ar;u;lqi dhpq;re ;kan tirap;t;lou am;rik;an artaqin ou pa,tpano[akan qa[aqakanouj;an wra\% .;[adriur;low xa\n! Ardar;u% kariqe t;snou;zau au;li ou,adroujiun dar]n;lou% ou[[;lou ;u fauasarak,®;lou am;rik;an qa[aqakanouj;an enjazqe Asio\ nkatmamb% our ke xargana\in a,.arfi m;‘ago\n tnt;soujiunn;re% ;u oronq fauanakanørhn piti oro,hin a,.arfi yakatagire! Cinastani fastatakan ;u \o.ort qa[aqakanouj;an ;jh enddimoujiun czouzab;rouhr% ,r=ani ;rkirn;re – n;ra®;al M& Nafangn;rou da,nakizn;re – piti stipouhin ir;nz \arab;roujiunn;re pat,ay;zn;l ayo[ tirap;touj;an! Mi=in Ar;u;lqi dhpq;re saka\n ke dvouaraznhin Am;rika\i gor‘e^ safmana'ak;lou ir \an]na®oujiunn;re ,r=anhn n;rs! Ardar;u% faka®ak ir kamqin% Oua,inkjen m.ryou;zau ,r=anin mh=% korsnzn;low au;li qan 6000 xinouorn;r% oun;nalow 40%000 wirauorn;r% ‘a.s;low 1&5 jrilien% watn;low ;rkar vamanak ou koroust!
NOR MI+IN AR:U:LQE 2006-in% am;rik;an tirap;toujiune ir way.anin ke \anghr% Mi=in Ar;u;lqi ;rkara]gouo[ .a[a[ouj;an watjarazoumow! A\sphs% :giptos k*a®a=nordouhr Islam :[ba\rakzouj;an ko[mh% na.agafn al ]gt;low liaxørouj;anz tiranal! W;r=in ;rkou tarin;roun% mafazou qa[aqaziakan k®iu ke m[ouhr Sourio\ mh=! Pafrh\ni mh= zo\z;re ke ,arounakouhin parb;rakan borboqoumn;row! Ka\s;rakan Irane møt hr fiulhakan xhnq;rou tirap;touj;an! Sattami ankoumhn ;tq% .a®nak go\awiyak me st;[‘oua‘ hr Iraqi mh=! Shoutakan Arabia ke ta®aphr va®angord i,.ann;rou pakashn! Am;rika\i famar amhnhn anmi=akann ou dvouarine oro,;l hr ord;grou;liq qa[aqakanoujiune Sourio\ mh=! Wa. kar or souriakan fakamartoujiune tara‘oui drazi ;rkirn;rhn n;rs! Xin;al ba.oumn;re zard .la‘ hin au;li qan 70%000 k;anq;r! Enddimadroujiune bavanoua‘ hr jh* k®iui ;u jh f;®ankarn;rou kapakzouj;amb! N;rka\is amhnhn ];®ntou mi=oza®oumn;rn hin s;[m;l tnt;sakan ou qa[aqakan ,r=a'akoume% xinouorakan øvandakouj;anz a®enj;r dim;l diuanagitakan na.a];®noujiunn;rou% gor‘akzil Jourqio\ ;u |ordanani f;t! Mius ko[mh% Pafrh\ni% |ordanani ou Shoutakan Arabio\ mh= tiro[ qa[aqakan .®ow;al kazouj;anz dhm \andiman% xørauor n;zouk en‘a\;l \i,;al bar;kam ka®awarouj;anz% oronq ;jh aknkaloua‘ bar;kargoumn;re cgor‘adr;n% krknaphs .orfil na. qan anonzmh f;®anale! N;rka\is or qa[aqakan 'o'o.oujiun t;[i oun;za‘ h Lipio\% Jounouxi ;u :giptosi mh=% Am;rika\i \arab;roujiunn;re pa\manauor ellalou ;n! Galow Irani% M& Nafangn;r baxmajiu patya®n;r ouni arg;lq ellalou% orphsxi anika ckar;na\ tiranal fiulhakan xhnq;rou! Nman iradar]oujiun me ;jh irakanana\% Iran piti kaxmak;rph faka-am;rik;an pa\qare Mi=in Ar;u;lqi mh=! Kan.;lou famar fauanakanoujiun oun;zo[% anka\oun ou kor‘anarar f;t;uanqn;row nman kazoujiun me% faroua‘ me (strike) tramabanakan ke joui ellal! Saka\n nman na.a];®noujiun me bar]r pa\manauoroumh phtq h anzni! Irani f;t na.at;s;li banakzoujiunn;roun% n;rka\azou;lou ;n \stak a®a=arkoujiunn;r ou tramabanakan 'o.xi=oumn;r! Galow arab-isra\hl;an fakamartouj;an% fa,touj;an ou .a[a[ouj;an f;®ankarn;re wtit ;n! N;rka\azou;lou h .a[a[ouj;an ka\oun ‘ragir me% or gofazoum ta\ bolor ko[m;roun! Famas masnakz;lou h banakzouj;anz% ;jh \øvar h gor‘akzil Frhastani f;t! Isra\hl xgou,azou;lou h miako[mani na.a];®noujiunn;r a®n;lh% n;ra®;al apørini bnakouj;anz (settlements) ,inoujiunn;re^ pa[;stinzin;roun w;rapafoua‘ fo[amas;rhn n;rs! St;[‘ou;lou h apr;li (viable) pa[;stin;an p;toujiun me! Mi=in Ar;u;lqi mh= M& Nafangn;r ouni kar;uor ou k;nsakan ,af;r% n;ra®;al^ .or \an]na®oujiun Isra\hli fandhp ou ,r=ani k;nsouvi a[biurn;roun nkatmamb% enddimoujiun^ afab;kouj;an ;u fiulhakan xhnq;rou tara‘man% ;u ouv;[ ;rkri me go\a®man! Am;rika\i famar Mi=in Ar;u;lqe m;‘ ;rkirn;rou mrzakzouj;an famar krkhs me ch% ;u oc al ‘a®a\;lou h m;‘ ;rkri me ibr;u bnkawa\r! Am;rik;an n;rakzoume (involvement) a\s ,r=anin mh=% phtq h ella\ baxmako[mani diuanagitakan a®a=adranqn;row% tnt;souj;amb% ga[tni spasarkouj;amb% xinouorakan xørakzouj;amb% axd;lou famar ;rkri me artaqin qa[aqakanouj;an wra\% ou masnauor paragan;rou^ anor n;rqin i,.anouj;an ko[mnoro,oumin ;u f;t;u;liq enjazqin! Jargm&^ Sargis |& Minas;an (<ar 1)
NOR ØR% MA|IS 30% 2013
ARZA>I NA>AGAFN ENDOUN:L H ªFA|ASTANº FIMNADRAMI N:RKA|AZOUZICN:RIN Arza.i Fanrap;touj;an na.agaf Bakø Safak;ane Ma\isi 24in endoun;l h ªFa\astanº Famafa\kakan Fimnadrami fogabar]oun;ri .orfrdi mi .oumb andamn;ri! Arza.i na.agafi a,.atakaxmi t;[;katououj;an gl.auor warcoujiuniz \a\tnoum ;n% jh fandipmane qnnarkou;l ;n Arza.i sozial-tnt;sakan xargazmane fanrap;touj;an n;rqin k;anqin ;u artaqin qa[aqakanouj;ane w;rab;ro[ mi ,arq farz;r! Na.agaf Safak;ane kar;uor;l h fimnadrami gor‘ounhoujiune^ a\n orak;low orphs famafa\kakan am;naka\aza‘ ka®o\zn;riz mhke% orn ir st;[‘man øriz a,.ouvørhn masnakzoum h fa\r;niqi xargazman ou xørazman gor‘in^ \au;l;low% or a®anz a\s ka®o\zi anfnarin ke linhr \a[jafar;l baxmajiu dvouaroujiunnn;r ;u amour kangn;l ka\oun xargazman ou[ou wra\! Fandipmane n;rka\ hin ªFa\astanº Famafa\kakan Fimnadrami gor‘adir tnørhn Ara Wardan;ane% pa,tønatar a\l an]inq!
FA| MTAUORAKAN S:UAN N<AN:AN 13%5 AMIS BANTARKOUJ:AN DATAPARTOUA’ H Ma\is 22-in jrqakan mamoule ke t;[;kaznhr% jh Moufammht margarhin faszhin wirauorakan arta\a\toujiunn;rou m;[adranqow datakan f;tapndoumi ;njaka\^ fa\ ‘anøj mtauorakan S;uan N,an;an 13%5 amis bantarkouj;an datapartoua‘ h! ªÂatiqalº øraj;rje ke grhr% or jourq ‘anøj da,nakafar ~axel Sa\hn ;tq^ fima al polsafa\ gro[-fraparaka.øse ke datapartoui! Mia\n jh minc da,nakafarin pative ;[a‘ hr touganqi safmanoumow% N,an;anin troua‘ pative ;[a‘ h bantarkoujiun! Anor dhm ;[a‘ m;[adranqn hr ir plokin mh= margarhin faszhin wirauoranq parounako[ groujiunn;rou fraparakoume! Ke n,ouhr na;u% or m;[adro[ ko[me dataranhn pafan=a‘ hr N,an;ani famar 1%5 tari bantarkoujiun!
K A R Ø T "RO~& AU:TIS "A"AX:AN Im bnakawa\re gtnuoum h yi,d Foliwout n,ani (Hollywood Sign) dimaz bauakanin f;®ou tara‘ouj;an wra\% bar]ra\ark ,hnqi am;naw;r;ui \arkoum! |aya.aki nstoum ;m pat,gamboum ;u ditoum foliwout;an l;®na,[jan% bnoujiune% ,hnq;re ;u a\dphs vamanak anzkaznoum! Mi ør nkat;zi% or dimaze M;‘ Masisi nman mi sar ka\ ;u oro, f;®auorouj;an wra\ 'oqr Masisi nmanouo[ mi sar! Na\oum ;m% na\oum mtqis mh= krkn;low%- :jh a\d sare t;[a'o.oui M;‘ Masisi ]a. ko[me% ke stazoui yi,d m;r Ararat l;®e! Mi ør im mt;rim fa\r;nashr bar;kamis^ |owsh' Asatr;anin \a\tn;zi a\s masin! Asaz& - A\ t[a\ a\d gor‘e milionauor tolarn;r k*arv;na\! Ort;[iz piti gtn;nq a\dqan goumar! Dvouar farz h% vamanak tour mta‘;lou! Mi qani ør anz oura.-oura. \a\tn;z& - Patrastouir :r;uan gnalou! Los Any;les - :r;uan inqnaji®i tomsd kargadr;l ;m! :r;uanoum gtnouo[ enk;ro=s patouir;l ;m bar]ra\ark fiuranozi am;naw;r;ui \arkiz mi s;n;ak war];l% ori pat,gambe phtq h na\i ou[i[ Ararat l;ran! Mhk amis ke mnas a\nt;[% axat vam;rin ke nst;s pat,gambin% liajoq ke dit;s Ararate% karøtd k*a®n;s ;u mhk amis \;to\ ke w;rada®nas& ;[a#u! <at ,norfakal ;m% inc an;m% or qo katara‘ lauouj;an takiz dours gam! - Ararat L;®e ke b;r;s&&& mi m;‘ ktaui wra\ gounauor nkaroua‘!
FIMA O#R MI ØLIGAR>I ORDIN H M:KNOUM ’AÂA|:LOU :PF patmouj;an `akoult;ti d;kan Hdik Minas;ane lragro[n;ri f;t fandipmane% andrada®nalow Ma\isi 28-in n,ou;liq A®a=in fanrap;touj;an f®cakmane% nkat;z% or da katarou;z pa\mann;roum! ª:rkroum a®ka\ hr sow;aln;ri ou ga[jakann;ri m;‘ .oumb% Hdik Minas;an a,.atat;[;ri bazaka\oujiun% n;rqin laroua‘ irawiyak% Ma\is;an Apstamboujiunn! Da ir axd;zoujiune oun;zau vo[owrdi pa®aktman ;u banaki wra\ bazasakan axd;zouj;an a®oumowº%- asaz na^ \au;l;low% or A®a=in fanrap;touj;an [;kawar an]inq n,oua‘ pa\mann;roum anoum hin fnarauore p;touj;an ka\azman famar! ªM;r am;nam;‘ nouayoume m;r A®a=in fanrap;touj;an kaxmauoroumn hr 70%000 qm-i wra\º% n,;z patmouj;an `akoult;ti t;kane! Andrada®nalow A®a=in fanrap;touj;an korstin^ bana.øse n,;z% or orphs das phtq h qa[;l an]nakan ,af;ri ;rkrordakan plan m[;le& ªAn]nakan ,af;re phtq h dn;l mi ko[m% ,arounak;l m;r p;takanouj;an ];uauoroume% katar;l banaki fxørazman mi=oza®oumn;r ;u am;nakar;uore^ vo[owrdi sozialakan wiyake bar;lau;l% ince jo\l ke ta\ kan.;l artaga[jeº! Xougaf;®n;r tan;low A®a=in ;u :rrord fanrap;toujiunnn;ri [;kawarn;ri mi=;u^ bana.øse n,;z& ªA®a=in warcap;t |owfannhs Qa=axnounin waya®;z ir w;rarkoun AMN gnalou ;u a\nt;[iz Fa\astani famar øgnoujiunn b;r;lou famar! Da fauasti tou;al h! Am;rika m;kn;louz a®a= qani or goumarn;r cka\in% p;toujiune counhr `inansn;r% |owfannhs Qa=axnounin stipoua‘ hr waya®;l ir w;rarkoun ;u toms gn;l! Ma\isin stazoua‘ a®a=in øgnoujiune ou[[aki ;r=ankoujiun parg;u;z nran! Fima hl kan nouir;aln;r% saka\n a\n ;r;uo\je% or a\n vamanak bolor gor‘icn;ri møt kar% fima a\dqan hl a\dphs ch! Endfanour a®mamb% ;rb [;kawarn;rin fam;matouj;an mh= ;nq dnoum% a\vm;an gor‘icn;ri møt axououj;an pakas ka\º! Hdik Minas;ane n,;z% or A®a=in fanrap;touj;an i,.anoujiunn;re chin .or,oum ir;nz ordin;rin banak ou[ark;louz& ªWarcap;t Famø Øfan=an;ani ordin mafazau mart;roum! Isk fima o#r mi øligar.i ordi h m;knoum ‘a®a\;lou% kam gnoum ;n banaki a\npisi olortn;r% ort;[ soworakan qa[aqazou ordin ci karo[ gnalº!
JOURQIA|OUM TASN:AK XO|G:R FAMBOUROU:L :N^ I N<AN ISLAMAZMAN DHM BO{OQI Anqara\i m;jro\oum tasn;ak xo\g;r fambourou;l ;n^ a\d k;rp bo[oq \a\tn;low islamazman dhm! Nranziz omanq angam ªAxat fambo\rº grouj;amb pasta®n;r ;n parx;l! Akzian anzkazou;l h m;jro\oum au;li wa[ fambourouo[ xo\gin i,.anouj;an ko[miz na.axgou,azn;louz \;to\! Møt 20 mard hl bo[oq;l h ;ritasardn;ri akzia\i dhm% saka\n ostikanoujiune ba.oumn;r jo\l ci tou;l% fa[ordoum h ªÂosbalteº! <abajoua\ skxbin Anqara\i m;jro\i warcakaxme \a\tarar;l hr% or ou[;uorn;re phtq h ªbaro\akanouj;an kanonn;rinº famapatas.an paf;n ir;nz!
ÂAK AR:UMT:AN AM:RIKA|I <R+ANAKI ENDFANOUR ANDAMAKAN :U MI+-AKOUMBA|IN VO{OW ÂAK Ar;umt;an Am;rika\i <r=ana\in Warcoujiune ke \a\tararh fama\n Ar;umt;an <r=anaki Akoumbn;roun ;u andamakzouj;an% jh 2013 jouakani endfanour andamakan vo[owe t;[i piti oun;na\ |ounis 26% 2013-i ;r;ko\;an vame 7&00-in% Aljatina\i Ph,khøjiur;an k;dronin mh=! T;[i piti oun;na\ tar;kan t;[;katououj;anz fa[ordagroujiun ;u \a=ord ,r=ani ‘ragirn;rou m,akoum! Bolor akoumbn;rou andamakzoujiune sirow frauiroua‘ h a\n fauaqin! T;[i piti oun;na\ enjriqi fiurasiroujiun ÂAK Ar;umt;an Am;rika\i <r=ana\in Warcoujiun
THURSDAY, MAY 30% 2013
Alin >any;an
G;ra,norf |ownan Arq Thrthr;an% A®a=nord% Fiusisa\in Am;rika\i Ar;umt;an J;mi% |argarvan Paron Jomik Al;qsan;an% "o.-At;nap;t FBE Miouj;an Ar;umt;an A'i <r=anaka\in |an]navo[owi% Fog;uor Fa\r;r% |arg;li Andamn;r FBE Miouj;an Ar;umt;an Am;rika\i <r=anaka\in |an]navo[owi ;u andamn;r |arg;li Warcakan Andamn;r% Miouj;nakann;r ;u Bar;kamn;r Fa\kakan Bar;gor‘akan Endfanour Miouj;an "asatinaKlhnth\l ;u Los Any;les-San ~;rnantø fowiti ;u Ørhny Qaounjii Warcoujiunn;roun anounow ,norfakaloujiun ke \a\tn;m ou k*o[=oun;m ];r n;rka\oujiune! A\sør ;r=anik ;nq or m;xi ke wiyakoui miasnabar o[=oun;lou Fa\kakan Bar;gor‘akan Endfanour Miouj;an fariur ;øje tarin;rou wastake! Bar;siroujiune ou Bar;gor-
‘oujiune Fa\ vo[owourdi patmouj;an nman ,at fin vamanakn;rh m;r na.niqn;rhn m;xi auand mnaza‘ a®aqinoujiun men h! FBE Mioujiune a\d axga,hn auande 107 tarin;rh i w;r au;li g;[;zkazn;low k;nsounak pafa‘ h ou piti ,arounakh paf;l i 'a®s Fa\ vo[owourdin! FBE Miouj;an fimnadirn;rou npatakn hr bolor fa\;re fama.mb;l kaxmak;rpouj;an me ,our=% a®anz dauananqi% dasakargi ;u kousakzakan .trouj;an% orphsxi anonq ];®q];®qi toua‘ miasnabar gor‘;n Fa\ vo[owourdi bariqin ;u fa\apafpanoumi srbaxan pa\qarin famar^ ªMioujiune Xøroujiun hº n,anabanow! FBE Mioujiune m;‘ago\n bar;sirakan kaxmak;rpoujiunn h% or m;r vo[owourdi srthn a®a‘ h a\n inc or a\d srtin am;nhn g;[;zik ou axniu farstoujiuunn h ;u xa\n baxmapatk;low i spas dra‘ h fa\ axgin! Fpartouj;amb k*oux;m ];r ou,adrouj;an \an]n;l% or a\s tønakataroujiune kaxmak;rpo[ \an]na.oumbe a\s ];®narke nouira‘ h fa\ ;rtasardouj;an ;u piti nkathq or a\sør ;lo\j oun;zo[n;re% bolorn al FBE Miouj;an dprozn;rou .ostoumnaliz a,ak;rtn;re ;u ,r=anauartn;rn ;n! A\vm b;m ke frauir;m A®a=nord |ownan Arq;piskopos Thrthr;ane% or katarh ørfnouj;an A[øjqe!
GL>AUOR BANA>ØS^ TOQJ& GRIGOR SIMON:ANIN >ØSQE FBE MIOUJ:AN 107 AM:AKIN 20-rd darou skxbnakan ,r=anin% Fa\ axge k*aprhr toua\tanqi ør;r! P;rlini W;favo[owin% Qriston;a\ axg;re ir;nz ];®q;re louaza‘ hin fa\kakan .ndirhn! Fa\ vo[owourde ke fala‘ouhr ir pap;nakan fo[;roun wra\% parxaphs ibr;u mard% arvanapatiu ;u apafow k;anq me ba[]aloun famar! Takauin 1895-i famit;an =ard;rou fariur faxarauor xof;rou wi,te chr j;j;uza‘! Fa\e ir faxaram;akn;rou fa\r;ni fo[in wra\ isk anapafow hr! Dar;rou jrqakan davan lou‘in tak^ baro\aphs enkyoua‘% tnt;saphs qa\qa\oua‘% arvanapatuoujiune korsnzouza‘% .ajaroua‘ inqnagitakzouj;amb% molar .l;akn;rou w;ra‘oua‘ hr! Øtarhn \o\s ckar! Fa\e phtq hr or inq i∞r ouv;row lou‘hr ir farz;re! Famit;an sarsa'n;rhn .o\s toua‘ ar;umtafa\ mtauorakann;r% artasafmani axat pa\mann;rhn øgtou;low% ;rkri vo[owourdin apafowouj;an ou barørouj;an a,.atanqin ke l‘ouhin! Ardhn qa[aqakan fosanqn;r ;u inqnapa,tpanakan =okatn;r kaxmoua‘ hin! Saka\n pafan=qe kar tnt;sakan ou baro\akan xarjønqi! Afa a\spisi ygnavama\in pafoun h or% .oumb me fa\r;nanouhr mardik% Gafirhi mh= t;slakane oun;zan fimnadr;lou Fa\kakan Bar;gor‘akan Endfanour Mioujiune! 15 April 1906-in% Pø[os Noupar "a,a\i aparanqin mh=% 10 nouir;aln;r ke storagrhin a®a=in warcakan vo[owe! A\sør% a\s srafin mh=^ fimnadirn;rou \i,atakin nouiroua‘ a\s fandisouj;an a®ijow% ardar h or fnc;n \aya. mo®zoua‘ anounn;re a\d t;slapat mardoz^ - Pø[os "a,a Noupar - :agoup Arjin "a,a - :rouand Ph\ A[ajøn - Karap;t Ph\ <;rity;an - A®aq;l Ph\ Noupar - Mkrtic Ph\ Markoso` - Grigor :[ia\;an <ar& h= 13
FARIURAM:A| B:ÂAN TAK KANGOUN MNAZA’ :RITASARDE (:ROUAND PAPA|:ANI ’NND:AN DARADAR}IN AÂIJOW) DOKT& AU:TIS :A"OUY:AN A\o*% Prn& :rouand Papa\;ane ke bolorh ir ‘nnd;an a®a=in daradar]e! Tarin;re anza‘ ;n% saka\n% Prn& :rouand Papa\;ane mnaza‘ h ;ritasard! Mnaza‘ h ;ritasard oc mia\n ir baxmafaxar a,ak;rtn;roun mat[a, ,ouncowe% a\l;u ir krjakanmtauorakan-fasarakakan b;[oun gor‘ounhouj;an faroust argasiqowe% or ke mna\ ibr;u |ou,ar]ane ir ;rkar tasnam;akn;rou wastakin! :rouand Papa\;ane qafana\i ordi h! Ir fa\re^ :r=anka\i,atak Thr N;rshse% ;jh Astou‘o\ patgame ke 'o.anzhr ir føtin% no\nisk M;‘ :[;®ni mafa,ounc ør;roun% ir ordin^ :rouand Papa\;ane% M;srop Ma,tozi patgamn h or ke 'o.anzhr ir fa\kakan foga‘ouj;an \an]noua‘ mata[ati s;roundn;roun irara\a=ord! Fa\kakan a®a‘e k*esh& ªAnou, l;xoun ø]e ‘akhn dours ke fanhº! Ardar;u% Libanani qa[aqaziakan davan pat;raxmi ør;roun% ;rb fa\ martikn;re libananafa\ouj;an apafowoujiune ke pa,tpanhin% Prn& :rouand Papa\;ane% ir anou, l;xouow% ir famoxk;r .øsqow% ir anbasir warkow% ®oumb;rou akan= .lazno[ pa\jiunn;rn ou karkouti nman t;[azo[ 'am'ou,tn;re arfamarf;low% ke ,r=hr xanaxan Fa\aga[oujn;r% ;u Libananafa\ouj;an kariqn;roun fasn;lou famar% fanganakoujiunn;r ke katarhr! :u oc mia\n a\sqan! Ir no\n a\d anou, ;u famoxk;r w;rab;roumow% ir a\nqan sir;li Wafan Jhqh;an Warvaranin famar% oroun anoune an=n=;liørhn ir anouan f;t a®ncoua‘ piti mna\ endmi,t% kam al Bar;gor‘akani Warvarann;rou famar% ,ounc fatzn;low% dramafauaq ke katarhr kam bar;rarn;r ke gtnhr% anonz ka®ouzoume% go\at;uoume ;u \an]noume apafow;low! :u anor anspa® ,ounce an.ousa';liørhn% ir bar;npast ardiunqe kou tar t;uaphs! Prn& :rouand Papa\;ane% ir maqramaqour nkaragrin b;roumown al% ke wa\;lhr M;‘n Al;q Manouk;ani anw;rapaf famakranqn ou wstafoujiune! Prn& :rouand Papa\;an% ir krjakan titanakan a®aq;louj;an a®enj;r% ke m,akhr na;u grakanoujiun me mna\oun arvhqow ;u bar;rar axd;zouj;ambe m;r fasarakouj;ane wra\! Prn& :rouand Papa\;an% incphs or inq ;ra.taght ordin ;[a‘ h ir før% anor \i,atake anmafazn;low% ir;nz kargin% ir xauakn;rn al ;ra.taght^ ir gor‘;re mhke miusin ;t;uhn ke fratarak;n% anonz talow a\s a,.arf galou pat;foujiune! W;r=in tasnam;akn;roun% faka®ak ir ‘;rounaxard tariqin% ;ritasardakan auiunow ou .andow% an ke st;[‘agor‘hr^ a®anz \oumphts watn;lou ir fangst;an koc;lou argasab;r ou mtauorakani \ou®ji mitqe% or baxoum tasnam;akn;rh i w;r ke gor‘h an.a'an ou andadroum! Daradar]i |ob;l;anakan a\s ;r=ankab;r pat;fouj;amb% kar;li ch mo®nal ir k;anqi enk;roufin^ Tik& Âoxine% or a\n ørhn ;rb ir yakatagire kap;z axga\in-fasarakakan gor‘ounhouj;an ir k;anqe nouirab;ra‘ a\s Mardoun% m;‘ata® Mardoun% ke bavnh anor oura.oujiunn;rn ou \ousa.aboujiunn;re% anor k;anqi bolor ;l;uh=n;roun al orphs n;zouk apr;low% anor f;t wa\;l;low anor \a[janakn;roun ptou[n;re! War]qd katar% k;anqd ;rkar% sir;li Prn& :rouand Papa\;an! Australia% Ma\is 2013
WKA|OUJIUNN:R :ROUAND PAPA|:ANI MASIN TIGRAN OSKOUNI :rouand Papa\;ani ª|i,atakn;rou Araf;tn;rowº girqin w;r=in mase \atkazoua‘ h Libananin! Fon% møt ;øjanasoun h=;rou mh=% .tazoua‘ ke gtn;nq o*c mia\n irapa,t patk;rn;r mardka\in o[b;rgoujiunn;rou% o*c mia\n banast;[‘akan fogii faraxat arta\a\toujiunn;r% a\l ;u ,ø,a';li 'ast;re ir a\n fauatqin% jh inco#u anenky;li h ariunaqam a\d ;rkire! Ou ;rb% tarin;r ;tq% Papa\;an k*;rja\ Libanan% ªw;ragtn;lou xa\n ibr;u ankoroust mt;rmoujiunº% ir anenky;li fauatqow ke warakh na;u m;x% na.kin libananzin;rs% orowf;t;u% <ar& h= 14
NOR ØR% MA|IS 30% 2013
GHORG:AN PARA>OUMBI "AÂA<OUQ }:ÂNARKE I NPAST SOURIAFA|OUJ:AN >ACIK YANO|:AN (Souriafa\ouj;an Øgnouj;an Fimnadrami Warcouj;an Andam)
Kiraki% |ounis 9% 2013-in% ;r;ko\;an vame 6!00-in% Los Any;lesi fanra‘anøj ;r;q faxar cors fariur ajo® oun;zo[ Dolby Theatre-i mh= (na.kin Kodak srafe)% faszh^ 6801 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90028 (Hollywood ;u Highland po[otan;rou ankiune)% t;[i piti oun;na\ 'a®a,ouq ];®nark me% or ir axga\in npatakow ou manauand drs;uora‘ ogiow% parxaphs anna.enjaz ;r;ko\ me piti ella\! A\d ør m;r ga[ouji bolor .au;re^ qa[aqakan% ;k;[;zakan% bar;sirakan% ousano[akan% ;ritasardakan miauorn;re sirow frauiroua‘ ;n n;rka\ ellalou a\s bar]rorak ];®narkin ;u wa\;l;lou fog;.®ow ;rg;rou ;u par;rou annman frawa®oujiun me! Koc k∞en;nq bolorin% or anpa\man n;rka\ ellan a\s ];®narkin ;u boloris n;rka\ouj;amb% miasnabar% m;r xørakzoujiune \a\tn;nq Sourio\ mh= apro[ m;r ta®apafar% baxmat;sak dvouarouj;anz mh= gtnouo[ m;r fa\r;nakizn;roun! A\d ør axga\in .orago\n gitakzouj;amb% kamauorabar ;u sira\øvar ;lo\j piti oun;nan ga[oujis par‘anqn;r fandisazo[^ Wardan ;u Siranou, Ghorg;ann;rou para.oumbe% parouso\z oun;nalow ir;nz ,norfa,at doustre^ Sona Ghorg;an! A\d ør møt 400 parman-parmanoufin;rou masnakzouj;amb% fa\kakan a\laxan par;row pi-
ti fma\;n n;rkan;re! Nmanaphs a\d ];®narkin a®ijow fa\r;niqhn piti vaman;n ;rkou lousa,o[ ast[;r% axga\in ;u vo[owrda\in ;rg;row% sqanc;li m;knabann;r^ Lh\la Saribhk;an ;u Silwa |akob;an! :r;uo\je .ist \ouxic h! Fa\astani m;r arou;staghtn;re ;u Ghorg;an para.oumbi banake% bolorn al ;ritasardn;r% nman axniu ;u mardka\in gor‘i me l‘oua‘ ;n% Sourio\% a\d f;®auor a';roun wra\ apro[ ir;nz qo\r;roun% ;[ba\rn;roun ;u faraxatn;roun% ir;nz astoua‘atour ta[andow øgtakar fandisanalou famar! };®narke kaxmak;rpoua‘ h SARF Los Any;lesi mh= gor‘o[ souriafa\ouj;an Øgnouj;an Miaz;al Fimnadramin ko[mh% oroun mas ke kaxm;n m;r auandakan kousakzoujiunn;re% ;k;[;zakan p;t;re ;u bar;sirakan m;‘ago\n mioujiunn;re^ F&B&E&M&-e ;u FØM-e! Oc oqi famar noroujiun men h% jh w;r=in ;rkou tarin;roun% Sourio\ axniu vo[owourde ‘anr ør;r k∞apri! Anor f;t dvouarin ør;r k∞aprin na;u fon apro[ møt 80%000 fa,ouo[ lau kaxmak;rpoua‘ fa\adro,m ;u fa\atro' fa\ ga[ouj me! Souriafa\oujiune 1915-i Z;[aspanouj;nhn minc;u a\sør% ke fandisana\ s'iu®qafa\ouj;an baba.oun sirte! Minc;u Fa\astani anka.anale% souriafa<ar& h= 11
Fing,abji% Ma\is 9-i ;r;ko\;an% Kl;nth\li Renaissance famaliri 'oqr srafhn n;rs% t;[i oun;zau gnafatanqi ya,k;ro\je^ 150-h au;li kocnakann;rou n;rka\ouj;an% ;rkar tarin;rou wastake m;‘ar;lou^ ANCA kaxmak;rpouj;an tarin;rou na.agafoufi Tik& M;ntoufi Marti ros;anin! M;‘ar;ali doustrin^ Louix Martiros;an-Kili na.a];®nouj;amb b‘a.ndrouj;amb kaxmak;rpoua‘ mi=oza®oume% i mi b;ra‘ hr Los Any;les gaua®i% incphs na;u xanaxan qa[aqn;rou p;takan pa,tønatar a]nauoroujiunn;r% ga[oujis fa\ata® ;u angliata® j;rj;rou .mbagirn;r ou fasarakakan kaxmak;rpouj;anz n;rka\azouzicn;r! |anoun Martiros;an entaniqi na.a];®no[ doustre% ;r;ko\i bazman .øsqow fandhs ;kau% ,norfakaloujiun \a\tn;low n;rkan;roun% oronq kary vamanakami=ozi enjazqin% n;rka\ gtnoua‘ hin \arg;lou M;ntoufi (Mhti) Martiros;ane! Apa enjazq trou;zau øroua\ \a\tagrin% a®a=in a®ijow ta[andauor =oujakafar^ M;rouvan Margar;ane ir nouaga.oumbow wa® paf;z øroua\ mjnolorte! Apa gnafatakan .øsq;row ;u p;takan ,norfauoragr;row fandhs ;kan Gali`ornio\ 43-rd entra,r=ani patgamauor^ Ma\q Kajo\i n;rka\azouzic^ Mari Manouk;ane% Kl;nth\l qa[aqi qa[aqa\in .orfourdi andamn;r^ Ara Nayar;ane ;u Xar;f Sinan;ane% incphs na;u Los Any;les qa[aqi data.ax^ Garmhn Jroujanice! Apa ir gnafatakan .øsq;row fandhs ;kau Kl;nth\li Srb& Astoua‘a‘in :k;[;zuo\ Fowiu^ Arv& Thr Waxghn Qfn\& Ajmay;ane% or na;u ir kargin enj;rzoume
katar;z Bar]r& Mou,;[ Arq& Martiros;ani gnafatagire% ou[[oua‘ m;‘ar;al Tik& Martiros;anin! |a\tagri enjazqin .øsq a®in FØM_i Ar;umt;an Am;rika\i <r=& Warcouj;an at;nap;toufi L;na Poxo\;ane% fasarakakan ;rkaram;a\ gor‘ic ;u fraparaka.øs^ enk& Ara Afaron;ane% incphs na;u ta[andauor asmounqo[ ;u d;rasanoufi^ <aqh Jou.man;ane! Øroua\ yo. \a\tagrin ir;nz masnakzoujiune b;rin dasakan ;rg;rou ta[andauor m;knaban ;rgcoufin;r^ Hlsi ";fliwan;ane ;u Anafit N;rsis;ane ou apa vo[owrda\in ;rgic^ N,an +a[azpan;ane! M;‘aranqi \atouk a\s mi=oza®oume ;kau angam me ;us drs;uor;lou los any;lesafa\ ga[oujin famar ar]anagroua‘ gnafatanqi ;u qa=al;ranqi ardar wastake bnoro,o[ ];®nark me% oroun famar m;r ;ra.tagitouj;an .øsqe k*;rja\ m;‘ar;ali ko[akizin^ Prn& Wiqjor Martiros;anin na;u! J[j&
Prince Charles Arrives In Yerevan
President Sargsyan: We Created Armenia’s Statehood Right In The Battle Field
YEREVAN. – His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales has arrived in Armenia. He is the first British royal family member to pay a visit to Armenia where he will stay from May 28 to 30. Prince of Wales visits Armenia as a guest of the Yerevan My Love Charitable Foundation. During his stay, the Prince of Wales will pay visits to Armenia’s most important historical monuments, and attend a gala concert and dinner for the benefit of the charity work aimed at preserving the cultural heritage of Armenia’s capital city Yerevan. In addition, the heir to the British throne will visit Yerevan’s Mesrop Mashtots Institute of Ancient Manuscripts (Matenadaran), and the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin where he will be received by Catholicos Karekin II. Furthermore, Prince Charles, together with Armen Sarkissian— the Yerevan My Love Charitable Foundation Chairman, Armenia’s former PM, and First Ambassador to UK—, will meet with President Serzh Sargsyan. Also, Prince Charles will attend a concert, which will be followed by a reception and gala dinner in honor of the donors of the Yerevan My Love Charitable Foundation.
PanARMENIAN.Net - Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan delivered a congratulatory speech on the Republic Day. “95 years ago at Gharakilisa, BashAparan and particularly here, in Sardarapat, we were put to a fatal test. It was a nationwide test for old and young, clergy and military, Dashnaks and Communists, officials and peasantry. All of us. In the last patch of historic Armenia, the last handful of Armenians living in their Fatherland were combating. Here we stopped and forced back the enemy; and the world had neither illusions nor doubts about the adversary’s racist and anti-Armenian intentions. Here the Armenians of Eastern Armenia averted the impending calamity. The Genocide that started in the Ottoman Turkey and was consistently perpetrated and proliferated was stopped here owing to our spirit of unity. For many nations the declaration of independence was a political act and even a grand ceremony whereas for us it was an ordeal. We did not even know that one or two days after the courageous May battles we would declare independence. We created Armenia’s statehood right in the battle field at the expense of enormous casualties and losses, thanks to blood and faith, standing behind each other, looking forward. United! May 28, 1918 heralded our physical deliverance and political rebirth; consequently, our people’s valor and vigor were superbly manifested during the Great Pa-
Prince Charles Impressed By Armenia’s Cultural Heritage YEREVAN. – Prince Charles was impressed by exposition of the Mesrop Mashtots Institute of Ancient Manuscripts Matenadaran, institute director Hrachia Tamrazyan told Armenian NewsNEWS.am. Charles, Prince of Wales, the eldest child and heir apparent of British Queen Elizabeth II attended Matenadaran in the framework of his private visit to Armenia. According to Tamrazyan, British Prince attended the presentation of charitable program in Matenadaran, however, Prince of Wales also familiarized himself with the main collection of the institute, which significantly impressed him. “All exhibits of Matenadaran are rare and unique, and they impress all visitors. Prince Charles has also been impressed,” said Hrachia Tamrazyan. “He said that the exposition is outstanding and he enjoyed it.” In front of the institute Charles was welcomed by Armenian environmentalists, who organized protests to pass their message to the British Prince. “British mining industry will kill us”, “STOP”, “Environmentalist Charles, join Armenian environmentalists” read the posters.
triotic War and in the battle of Artsakh. Today, here at Sardarapat, the Armenian soldier’s firm tread and victorious spirit testify in the best possible way that we know the formula of survival and victory. We are capable not only of restoring our statehood and independence disrupted for centuries but making considerable achievements. Their foundations were laid here and today we are standing here proudly as citizens of a free and independent country, the heirs of heroic grandfathers. Once again, I congratulate all of us on the occasion of this magnificent holiday. I wish happiness and success to our people, and peace and progress to our nation. Glory to the Armenian people who fought the heroic May 28 battle! Glory to the Republic of Armenia! Glory to the armed forces of the Republic Armenia!,” President Sargsyan’s statement reads.
Syrian Opposition Talks In Stalemate As Geneva Peace Conference Looms
George Sabra (L), a veteran Christian opposition figure and acting President of the Syrian National Coalition, speaks during the opening session of a meeting by members of the Syrian opposition in Istanbul May 23, 2013 (Reuters / Bulent Kilic) Syrian opposition talks in Istanbul have so far failed to unite liberal leaders and Islamists of the Syrian National Council. The opposition risks being unable to present a coherent front at the forthcoming Geneva conference, making it irrelevant. The two opening days of negotiations of the Syrian opposition have been fruitless as the Islamist-dominated Syrian National Coalition refused to admit liberal opposition leaders into its ranks. Also, the opposition failed to elect a new leader of the coalition, which remains without a chief since the resignation of Moaz al-Khatib, a former Damascus reli-
gious leader, in March. "We are back to square one," a source in the Syrian National Coalition (SNC) told Reuters before the start of the third day of negotiations. The source said the participants in the talks would now focus on international demands for a broadening of the Islamistdominated group, leaving leadership issues for later. Still, Syrian National Council representatives believe they could take part in the peace conference – if their central demand for President Bashar Assad to leave power is satisfied, Al Arabiya reports.
Expert Dismisses Turkey’s Role In Karabakh Issue
PanARMENIAN.Net - Azerbaijan always aimed to involve Turkey in Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement, political expert said. Sergey Shakaryants noted that Azeri steps yielded no positive results for the country, with the superpowers standing against Turkey’s intervention. The expert further said OSCE Minsk Group co-chair Russia ruled out Ankara’s involvement in the negotiations. “Putin said Turkey is unlinked to Karabakh issue. The rest of the co-chairs also shared Russia’s point,” Mr. Shakaryants said, adding that the negotiations format may change if the conflicting parties reach an agreement.
Scotland Declares April 24 Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day
PanARMENIAN.Net - The Scottish Parliament passed a motion to announce April 24 as the Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day. The motion, presented by a parliamentarian Marco Biagi, was signed by 65 MPs. According to the motion posted on the Scottish Parliament's website, "the Parliament notes that 24 April is the anniversary of the government of the Ottoman Empire arresting Armenian intellectuals in 1915, which is generally considered to be the beginning of the forced relocations and expulsions that led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Armenians in a systematic genocide over the course of eight years; believes that the Armenian tragedy gives the people of every nation reason to pause and reflect; commemorates all those who have fallen victim to genocide or attempted genocide, and recognizes this and all other genocides as tragedies that should never be repeated in any part of the world."
US Policy On Armenian Genocide Aimed At Reconciling Armenians And Turks - Ambassador YEREVAN. – The U.S. position on the Armenian Genocide is a manifestation of the desire for reconciliation between Turkey and Armenia, Ambassador John Heffern said. The U.S. policy on the Armenian Genocide is presented in the annual message of President n April 24. The message clearly indicates that 1.5 Armenians were massacred and deported during the last years of the Ottoman Empire, Heffern added. He stressed that the policy is based on necessity of reconciliation between the Armenian and Turkish nations. The words which are to contribute to the reconciliation process are chosen.
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday May 30, 2013
LA Children Raise Funds For Children In Armenia At AMAA Luncheon On April 13
The Crystal Ballroom of the Beverly Hills Hotel was adorned with beautiful butterflies for the AMAA Child and Orphan Care luncheon and children’s fashion show, where the theme was “Children Helping Children Spread Their Wings.” The luncheon co-chairs, Joyce Stein and her daughter Tina Segel, welcomed the crowd and introduced the vivacious emcee for the day, Araksya Karapetyan, the anchor for KTTV Fox 11. The co-chairs of this event worked tirelessly to make every aspect of the luncheon enjoyable for all the guests. Kyle Kevorkian, who had been to Armenia in the last year, gave a moving devotional about his experience there. The ballroom looked spectacular with beautiful bird cage centerpieces that were overflowing with flowers generously donated by Zareh David Ghoukassian of David Z. Design in Beverly Hills. Jessica Vartoughian once again donated the wonderful favor bags full of Jessica Cosmetics products for each guest! All of our guests were thrilled with their goodie bags…. There were so many wonderful items available to bid on at the silent auction! This year’s silent auction was tremendously successful-- Paulette Geragos and Leslie Kevorkian, the silent auction cochairs, and their wonderful committee procured many amazing items, including incredible jewelry, beautiful Lalique and
Waterford pieces, many children’s toys, dining certificates, and much more. Argine Jean Kelegian and Christine Minasian made the auction room look absolutely breathtaking. After lunch, Lisa Karamardian talked about her recent trip to Armenia and encouraged everyone to sponsor a needy child and make a difference in their lives. A video was shown describing the poor and substandard conditions which many of Armenia’s children live in. Tina Segel said “our committee is so excited to help the needy children and their families in Armenia and Karabagh.” After a delicious dessert with beautiful edible butterflies, the children’s fashion show was introduced by Ani Zakari, who along with Marilyn Bezdikian and Caroline Tufenkian, coordinated this year’s show. The fashion show was sponsored and produced by Nordstrom Glendale. The Nordstrom Glendale team, along with the committee, worked tirelessly to make the fashion show a huge success and to make sure the presentation of more than fifty children and teenagers in this year’s show was seamless. This year, Jessica Vartoughian’s granddaughter, Alia Shamsi, opened the fashion show and walked with her father down the runway. Nordstrom was thanked for its partnership and participation in this year’s event which is very much appreciated. As a special sur-
Diaspora Ministry’s 2013 ‘Come Home’ Program To Start Next Month
prise at the end of the fashion show, Hoy Lari entertained the audience with their wonderful performance! Assistance with the video presentation of the fashion show was expertly coordinated by Julia Aghishian, who oversaw all technical, sound and lighting for the event. The finance and reservations chair, Sandra Kalemkiarian, was thanked for her tremendous contribution towards the success of the event by making sure the reservations and silent auction are run efficiently and accurately. Sandra works tirelessly every year, to seamlessly close out the auction. “We are grateful for every donation and sponsorship we receive,” explained Sandra, “this was the third year we had an enormous crowd. We are grateful for all our guests who come every year to support the needy children in Armenia.” In closing, Lori Muncherian and Arsine Phillips, the West coast co-chairs of the committee, thanked the chairs, the entire committee and all the donors for their continued support of this event for the children in Armenia. Many children in Armenia lack the basic necessities--food, clothing and shelter. “We are giving hope for a better future, one child at a time,” explained Elizabeth Agbabian, who along with Savey Tufenkian and Mary Najarian have worked on this very worthy program since the 1988 earthquake in Armenia.
Good-bye School!
Writer: Every Turkish Citizen Has Moral Obligation To Genocide Victims PanARMENIAN.Net - Every citizen of Turkey has a moral obligation to the victims of the 1915 Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire, famed Turkish writer Murathan Mungan said. At an Istanbul-hosted Democracy and Peace Conference, Mungan urged for an end to denial ahead of the Genocide 100th anniversary in 2015. “Not only Kurds and Turks, but Armenians as well live in this country. We all have a debt to the victims of the Genocide, and we have to cover it in 2015,” he stressed. The conference was initiated by Nobel laureate Orhan Pamuk and Rakel Dink, the wife of the slain Turkish journalist or Armenian origin Hrant Dink. The event, which hosted representatives of Armenian, Turkish and Kurdish intellectual elite, focused on the settlement of the Kurdish issue as well as problems of Turkish Armenians, Agos daily said.
Armenia To Host Exhibit Of Rockefeller Archive Center’s Photos
PanARMENIAN.Net - An exhibition titled “Along the Trails of the Armenian Orphans” opened in Yerevan. The event to feature unique photos from the archives of American Committee for Relief in The Near East will run until June 8, Narekatsi Art Center’s press service reported. About 200 archival photos depicting the lives of Armenian orphans in the U.S. orphanages in 1915-29 will be showcased at the exhibit. The photos are brought from Rockefeller Archive Center in New York. The event will also feature a screening of video documentaries titles “Armeniernot unt Christenhilfe” and lectures by Director of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute Hayk Demoyan and historian Raffi Papoyan.
Karabakh Army Reveals Secret Of Azeri Soldiers’ Deaths The fifth Ari Tun (Come Home) program will kick off June 16 to bring about a thousand Diaspora Armenians to their historical homeland this summer. The coordinating commission for the 2013 Come Home program and its inter-departmental working group held their first joint meeting on Thursday. The meeting was chaired by Diaspora Minister Hranush Hakobyan. “This is the fifth year that we will be hosting Diaspora children and youths in Armenia as part of the Come Home program,” Minister Hakobyan said, expressing gratitude to the ministries and departments, administrative districts, their leaders, the host families and communities for supporting the
program. A video telling about last year’s program was shown during the session, which was followed by a discussion. The 2013 Come Home program envisages sight-seeing tours as well as other cultural events. Participants of the program will spend nine days with their host families and five days at a camp in Aghavnadzor. This year’s program will also include daily Armenian language classes that will be held at Shahumyan School N 1 in Yerevan. The program will kick off on June 16 and will run until August 31. During the past four years about 3,000 Diaspora Armenians visited their historical homeland as part of the Come Home program.
Visitors of the Armenian capital today, May 24, can come across curious scenes of young school graduates with bells and ribbons attached to their shirts, taking strolls or car rides around the city in groups with balloons and flowers, which is their way to say good-bye to school and welcome what comes next. Traditionally this day, called Last Bell, starts with school events and performances, followed by the stroll and candle-lighting at church; a festive dinner party completes the day in the evening.
STEPANAKERT. – The leading echelons of Nagorno-Karabakh Republic Defense Army have not breached the ceasefire, the Defense Army spokesperson Senor Hasratyan informed Armenian News-NEWS.am. Hasratyan disproved the information of Azerbaijani media, which reported that allegedly Azeri soldier died as a result of ceasefire breach by Armenians. According to the Karabakh Army official, information reported by Azerbaijani media is false. As for the Azeri soldier’s death, Hasratyan recommends to look for its causes and motives in the prevailing appalling conditions in Azeri army. Earlier today Azerbaijani media informed about the death of the soldier Namig Hamidov born in 1994.
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday May 30, 2013
Direction Change: Armenian Emigration May Be Turning From Russia To EU Zone By NAIRA HAYRUMYAN ArmeniaNow Correspondent
While Armenia is trying to establish ties with the European Union, Russia is gradually tightening its immigration laws, and it is quite possible that very soon emigrational outflows from Armenia will be changing their direction. Russia has adopted a law according to which migrants from former Soviet countries beginning on January 1, 2015 will be required to enter the country only with so-called ‘foreign’ passports (as opposed to internal passports used within their own countries). They will be met at stations by immigration officials and will have to get registrations at immigration centers. At present, Armenia and Russia have a visafree regime. The Russian government explains this decision by the high level of crime among immigrants from post-Soviet countries and the need to reduce the flow of migrants. At the same time, Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed immigration officials not to obstruct the entry of skilled professionals to the country. In addition, Russia is going to pass a law, according to which young male migrants will have to serve in the Russian army, even if they already served in the armies of their countries. This law is certain to deter many young Armenians from going to Russia. Meanwhile, Armenia intends to sign an
Association Agreement with the European Union, which implies simplification of the visa regime. One related act was already signed by Armenia and the EU in December, but it has not yet been ratified by the European Parliament. As European experts say, there is a risk of a sharp increase in the number of Armenian migrants after the enactment of the agreement. At present, more than 90 percent of migrant workers from Armenia prefer going to Russia. About 85 percent of transfers in Armenia are also received from Russia, which provides almost a third of the consumer turnover in Armenia. Among those who go for work to Russia are mainly people who are ready to engage in construction, do unskilled work not always in very good conditions. Professionals in the field of information and other technologies choose to go to the United States. Students, as well as multi-lingual professionals try to get to Europe. Emigration is becoming a major problem for Armenia, although Armenian authorities say that people thus have found a good way to support their families. However, many who go abroad, particularly to the West, no more want to come back, which affects family ties and changes destinies of people. Observers say Armenia itself should be interested in signing an agreement with Russia on the regulation of migration. Meanwhile, at present Yerevan appears to prefer not to deal with issues of emigration, leaving it all to the laws of the countries to where Armenians emigrate in search of work, opportunities or justice.
95 Years Have Passed Since Sardarapat Battle
Ninety-five years ago these days the Armenian nation celebrated one of its glorious victories in history, stopping the Ottoman army’s advance into Eastern Armenia and preventing the nation’s complete destruction. The Battle of Sardarapat, which took place from 21 until 27 May 1918, was between the Armenian regular troops and militia, and the Turkish military units that had invaded the country. The Soviet Russian government, which came to power after the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, announced that the country was withdrawing from World War I. The situation for the Armenians grew extremely dangerous after the Russian troops quit the Caucasian military front. The Armenian military corps units had to confront the Turkish forces all alone. The situation gave an advantage to Turks, who launched military operations in February 1918 (violating an earlier agreement signed in Yerznka) in an attempt to seize not only the Western Armenian provinces occupied by Russia but also Eastern Armenia. The Turkish Army invaded Alexandropol (Gyumri) on May 15 after getting hold of the
fortress cities of Erzurum and Kars,.Aram Manukyan, who was the de-facto dictator of the Yerevan province, undertook the region’s protection. He issued an order for appointing Russian Army’s Major General Movses Silikyan (the commander of the Armenian corps’ Yerevan division) the commander of Sardarapat (which is 40 km of Yerevan). Major-General Tovmas Nazarbekyan was tasked wit heading the troops in the direction of Vanadzor. Drastamat Kanayan (better known in history as Dro), a military commissar of the Armenian corps, was appointed a front commander near the Aparan city. The first group launched its attack on May 21. The Turkish troops had an infantry division a shock brigade, and a battalion of engineers, as well a regiment of riders and an artillery (with 50 canons). The Turkish army retreated after heavy losses, thus suffering a crucial defeat in the battle. Outstanding heroes in the Battle ofSardarapat were Lieutenant-General Daniel BekPirumyan (First Republic), Major General Pogos Bek-Pirumuan, Deputy Colonel Karo Hasanpashyan, Captain Hovhannes Baghramyan (who later became a USSR marshal) and many fedayeens (voluntary fighters) . Around 8,500 Armenians and 500 Yezidi partisans are known to have taken part in the battle. The first Republic of Armenia was proclaimed on May 18, 1928. The monument complex eternalizing the Sardarapat heroes was built in 1968.
Armenian Origins Of The Earliest Settlers Of Britain And Ireland B- How the Armenian people from VAN region migrated and settled in British and Irish Islands? The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle is not the only historical record that confirms that Britain and Ireland were peopled from Armenia. Following the Ice-Age meltdown. as the ice sheets receded, most of Europe and Britain became ice free, abound in grass and forests and animal life. In this Section B, we shall trace the trail of the VAN people from Armenia (Lake Van area) who travelled across Anatolia, through middle Europe and settled in Britain. The reader must be aware that the history of the British and Irish Islands is complex, that several races and tribes at different ages have invaded and settled in the Islands, eventually amalgamating into distinct nations: the Welsh or the Britons, the Scots and the Irish. When in the 19th century A.D., some Hittite writings were translated, the European linguists, especially the Germans, saw a relationship between Germanic, Hittite and Indian languages. They called this language that expanded from Europe through Asia Minor to India, as the Indo-European Language. For these linguists who had limited exposure to the Hurri-Mitanni, Vanian (Araratian/Urartian) inscriptions and lack of knowledge in Armenian history and culture, all the major events in civilizations were attributed to the Hittites and the Pheonicians (who dwelt in what is today Lebanon-Palestine). Today it is an established fact that not only the Indo-European languages originated in Armenia but the Nostratic, the Mother Tongue of Humanity, was evolved in the Highlands of Armenia. Our source records that will be used to show that the British and Irish Isles were first populated by Armenians are many. One source, even though written in 1926, is the book by L. Austin Waddell, the most prominent historian of British ancient history: The Pheonician Origin of Britons, Scots and Anglo Saxons discovered by Phoenician and Sumerian Inscriptions in Britain by preRoman Britons. Waddell analyzes ancient coins; inscriptions; artifacts; topographic names of rivers, mountains and villages and towns; carvings and remnants of inscribed languages to solve the very complex problem as where from did the earliest inhabitants of Britain and Ireland come. That the original inhabitants of the Isles did not grow as mushrooms out of the Sherwood Forest of Robin Hood legend, is apparent. The Islanders came from somewhere. That somewhere will be proven to be Mountains of Ararat or Armenia. The Isles, as well as most parts of Europe
were under heavy ice sheets during the Ice Age. Only some two millennium after c. 10,500 B.C. as the Ice Age meltdown began, the ice receded and once ice covered lands began to flourish with flora and fauna. Neandarthals had vanished some 20,000 years ago, leaving the lands to hunter, food gatherer stone age humans. In order to trace the movement of a people it is necessary to recognize the specific landmarks and place names that these migrants left. In the 1490 printed Ptolemaic Map of the Isles (see picture), Britain is called ALBION - INSULA BRITANNICA (Albion, the Island of Britannica). And Ireland is called IBERNIA - BRITANNICA INSULA (Ibernia, the Island of Britannica). These two names, Albion and Ibernia are basically the same as ALBANIA and IBERIA shown as Caucasian nations in both the 1477 and 1490 printed maps of Ptolemaic Armenia. Both Albion and Ibernia have Britannica as their common denominator. Note that the Ptolemaic printed maps were copied from original hand drawn maps of Ptolemy, c. 140-150 A.D., during the Roman period. It is important to note that according to linguistic dialectic equivalency or variations, the labial sounds of V, B, P, and F are interchangeable. And the V may also be pronounced and written as W or as OU/IOU in Greek. Thus, BIAINA, the ancient capital city of Armenia (Vanian Kingdom, Ararat, Urartu) on the south-eastern shore of Lake Van, was also read as VAN. In Europe and the Isles, the word VAN was pronounced also as WAN or FENE or FEINE, BAN or BEAN. Irish-Scot traditional records, myths and legends relating to pre-history, were compiled into books by medieval bards. These legends refer to the invasion of Ireland or Erin, by the Pheonicians c. 400 B.C. This was millennium later wave of immigrations, the first being the invasion of a nomadic hunting people with Stone Age culture. These people were basically hunter-gatherers and had no experience in agriculture, animal husbandry and metallurgy. The Old Erin was thus first peopled by Stone Age populations, who as the traditions relate was headed by a woman named Ceasair. This tradition of a woman leading the immigrants to Erin is actually refering to a Materiarchal Society, when the consciousness of male dominance of Patriarchy, of the later developing Aryans, did not exist. In the Patriarchal societies the role of womanhood was degraded and a man’s inheritance was determined through Fatherhood and Marriage (as later with Judaism, Christianity and Islam). Cont. on page 10
Armenia-Turkey: Cancellation Of Yerevan-Van Flight Aggravates Old Wounds The recent cancellation of the first Turkish-run flight from Yerevan to Turkey underlines for many Armenians the persistent difficulty of normalizing ties with their longtime foe. But where business interests lie, hope seems hard to quash. The planned 40-minute, twice-weekly flights to the city of Van in southeastern Turkey, run by the private Turkish carrier Bora Jet, were scheduled to begin on April 3, but were canceled on March 28. The announcement followed outspoken criticism from Turkey’s close ally, Azerbaijan, that the flights would violate the two countries’ 20-year blockade of Armenia’s western and eastern borders, the result of war between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the
Nagorno-Karabakh territory Organized by two travel agencies in Yerevan and Van, the flights were designed to encourage Armenian tourists to travel to a remote area of modern-day Turkey that played a central role in Armenia’s own early history. Representatives of the Armenian travel agency co-organizing the flights, Narekvank, are now claiming that the flights may commence after the April 24 anniversary of the World-War-I-era massacre of ethnic Armenians in Ottoman Turkey. “We hope to have flights soon,” Narekvank coowner Armen Hovhannisian told EurasiaNet.org. “At least, after April 24 will have passed.”
Turkey And Syria: From Friends To Foes
A man stands in a damaged building on May 12, 2013 on a street hit by a car bomb explosion which went off on May 11 in Reyhanli in Hatay, just a few kilometres from the main border crossing into Syria (AFP Photo / Bulent Kilic) As Turkey and Syria trade blame for the twin bombings that killed 46 people in a Turkish border town, RT’s Maria Finoshina travels to the Turkey-Syria border to investigate how the former allies have become bitter enemies. Turkey shares its longest border with its one-time ally Syria. The Turkey-Syria border is now closed, and both sides are trading blame for the bombing in Reyhanli, Turkey, on Saturday. Turkey accused Damascus of perpetrating the attack, while the Syrian government has denied its involvement, and said the attack is being used to justify a foreign intervention. Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu claimed that those behind the attacks were from an "old Marxist terrorist organization" with ties to the Assad government. "It is time for the international community to act together against this regime," he said in a news conference on Sunday. Syrian Information Minister Omran alZoubi dismissed Turkey's accusations: “No one has the right to make false accusations… Syria did not commit and would never commit such an act because our values would not allow that.” Officers work on May 12, 2013 on a street damaged by a car bomb explosion which went off on May 11 in Reyhanli in Hatay, just a few kilometres from the main border crossing into Syria (AFP Photo / Bulent Kilic) Relations were not always so strained between the two countries, Finoshina reported from the Turkey-Syria border. “It’s hard to imagine now but in 2009 the two countries even held joint military drills across that frontier, in what was a brief thaw in relations between the two,” Finoshina reported. Just several years ago the two nations inked a free trade agreement, visa-free movement and held several presidential visits. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad (L) during a meeting with Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu in Damascus on March 7, 2010 (AFP Photo / Sana) Residents in the border regions of both countries grew close, with families on both sides feeling that they shared a common home. But now, with warlike rhetoric and accusations in the air, “relations between the two neighbors are strained like never before,” Finoshina said. Cont. from page 9
Armenian Origins Archeological evidence in Ireland support the traditions and estimate that the first immigrations to Erin began after the end of the Ice Age, c. 10,000 B.C.. The Physical type of these early inhabitants reflect the modern day populations of Ireland, who are of small stature, of darker complection Mediterranean type and distinct from the taller and fairer skinned Aryans.
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday May 30, 2013
EU End To Arms Embargo In Syria Weighs On Russia Associated Press/SANA - In this photo released on Sunday, May 26, 2013, by the Syrian official news agency SANA, Syrian forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar Assad take their position during a clashes against …more Syrian rebels, in Aleppo, Syria. Syria's Information Ministry says rebels have killed a TV correspondent who was covering clashes near the border with Lebanon. BRUSSELS (AP) — Fears grew Tuesday of a foreign-fed arms race in Syria as European Union countries decided they could provide weapons to the rebels and Russia disclosed it has signed a contract to provide the Syrian government with sophisticated anti-aircraft missiles. Each development could significantly raise the firepower in a two-year civil war has already killed more than 70,000 people and sent hundreds of thousands fleeing the country. It also comes as the U.S. and Russia are preparing for a major peace conference in Geneva that diplomats have called the best chance yet to end the bloodshed under Syrian President Bashar Assad's regime. The EU move late Monday lifting an arms embargo on Syria sparked broad political fallout Tuesday.
Russia, which has been a strong supporter of the Syrian government, criticized the decision and acknowledged its anti-aircraft missile sale. Israeli answered Russia's pledge by warning that it would be prepared to attack any such missile shipments. EU nations continued to express divisions within their 27-nation bloc over sending arms to the rebels while both sides fighting in Syria spoke out on the decision. Analysts, however, said the EU's move would have little immediate impact on the fighting. In Moscow, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov called the EU's decision to end its arms embargo "a manifestation of double standards" that will hurt the prospects for the Geneva talks, which are expected to happen next month.
Caretaker Premier Miqati: Lebanon Determined To Defend Sovereignty On May 27, three mortar shells fired by the foreignbacked militants in Syria hit residential neighborhoods in Bdaita, on the outskirts of Hermel in Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley. A 17-year-old girl was killed and a woman was wounded in the attack. Lebanese caretaker Prime Minister Najib Miqati says the recent attack on three soldiers near the Syrian border will not prevent Lebanon from defending its sovereignty. Miqati made the remarks on Tuesday shortly after armed men opened fire on a military checkpoint near the town of Arsal, eastern Lebanon, killing three soldiers. “Any attack on the army will not deter us from going ahead with preserving security and defending Lebanon’s sovereignty and independence,” Miqati stated.
He also said that people in Lebanon support the army “at this difficult stage.” Miqati added that the Lebanese government and the Higher Defense Council had given the authority to the army to take appropriate measures in regard to such attacks. On Monday, three mortar shells fired by the foreign-backed militants in Syria hit residential neighborhoods in Bdaita, on the outskirts of Hermel in Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley. A 17-year-old girl was killed and a woman was wounded in the attack. Two rockets also hit the southern district of Zahyieh in Lebanon’s capital, Beirut, on May 26, injuring several people. In another incident on the same day, four mortars slammed into the heart of Hermel, which is situated about 100 kilometers (62 miles) northeast of Beirut. The incidents in Lebanon came amid recent deadly clashes between supporters and opponents of the Syrian government in the country’s northern city of Tripoli.
At Least 28 Dead, 250 Wounded In Sunni-Alawite Clashes In Tripoli At least 28 people were killed and 250 wounded in weeklong clashes between Sunni and Alawite Muslims in Tripoli, Lebanon, according to security officials. The violence is another sign of the Syrian conflict spilling over to Lebanon. Last night, four Sunnis and one Alawite died in clashes, the Daily Star reported. The casualties raised this week’s death toll to 28. Fierce fighting has raged in Tripoli since last Sunday, with assailants firing rocket-propelled grenades, mortars and machine guns. The violence is seen as a spillover from the recently intensified fighting between rebels and government forces in Qusayr, Syria, near the border with Lebanon. A damaged building is seen through a hole in a wall in the Sunni district of Bab alTabbaneh following overnight clashes with the Alawite neighbourhood of Jabal Mohsen in the northern Lebanese port city of Tripoli, on May 25, 2013 (AFP Photo / Ghassan
Sweidan) Most of the clashes in Tripoli were between residents of the Sunni-majority Bab el-Tebbaneh district and the Alawite-majority Jabal Mohsen district. A third party in the conflict is the Lebanese Army, which has so far failed to quell the unrest. Although the clashes subsided in the morning, the area is still reportedly controlled by snipers. The week-long conflict brought life to a halt in Tripoli, home to 500,000 residents, with schools and shops closed because of the violence. This is not the first time Tripoli has witnessed an outbreak of violence between Sunnis supporting the Syrian rebels and proregime Alawites, the religious branch of Shia Islam to which Syrian President Bashar Assad belongs. The Lebanese Army deployed in the city last October to broker a ceasefire.
Russia: S-300 Missiles Stabilizing Factor In Syria
Russia has defended its decision to supply Syria with sophisticated S-300 antiaircraft missiles, saying the system will help deter foreign intervention in the Arab country. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on Tuesday that the air defense system was a "stabilizing factor" that could dissuade "some hotheads" from entering the unrest in Syria. "We consider these supplies a stabilizing factor and believe such steps will deter some hotheads from considering scenarios that would turn the conflict international with the involvement of outside forces," Ryabkov said. He added that Moscow would go ahead with the decision since the contract for the delivery of the system had been signed several years ago. Russia's envoy to NATO Aleksandr Grushko has also defended Moscow's decision, saying his country was acting "fully within the framework of international law." "We are not doing anything that could change the situation in Syria," Grushko said on Tuesday, adding that "The arms that we supply are defensive weapons." US, Israel and several Western countries have been pressing Russia not to go through with a promised delivery of S-300 missiles to the Syrian government. Meanwhile, Israel’s Minister of Military Affairs Moshe Yaalon has said the S-300 missiles destined for Syria have not left Russia yet, adding that Israel will know how to react once the missiles get on the way to Syria.
Jordan King Says Extremism ‘Grown Fat’ On Israeli-Palestinian Conflict PanARMENIAN.Net - Jordan's King Abdullah II says extremism has "grown fat" off of the longstanding conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. "Good faith talks must get going," he said in Saturday, May 25 remarks at the opening of a two-day meeting of the Geneva-based World Economic Forum on the shores of the Dead Sea. He pointed to an Arab peace initiative that offers Arab recognition to Israel in exchange for land to Palestinians based on the 1967 borders. The king called on a halt to Jewish settlement construction in territories claimed by the Palestinians for a future state. The World Economic Forum has gathered 900 participants from 23 countries to discuss Mideast economic growth.
THURSDAY, MAY 30% 2013
FANQARDIUNAB:RAKAN ENK:ROUJIUNE }:ÂNOZ H N:TOUM FANROUJ:ANE ªDinø Gold Ma\ningº qanatakan enk;roujiune 2013 j& |ounouarin datakan fa\z h n;rka\azr;l fa\ bnapafpan aktiuist :[ia N;rshs;ani dhm^ m;[adr;low nran xrpartouj;an mh=! Bann a\n h% or :& N;rshs;ane 2012 jouakani D;kt;mb;rin AMN-oum fa\ fama\nqi f;t fandipman vamanak n,;l h% or fanqagor‘n;ri nkatmamb ªDinø Gold Ma\ningº enk;roujiunn hl;ktra,ok h kira®;l! Saka\n enk;roujiune v.toum h hl;ktra,oki masin lour;re% pafan=oum h f;rq;l bar]ra]a\noua‘ t;[;koujiune ;u caratauor;l ir bari fambaue! Fa\kakan mamoule baxmizs andradar];l h ªDinø Gold Ma\ningº enk;rouj;ane% ince fnarauoroujiun h talis ‘anøjanal enk;rouj;an gor‘ounhouj;ane ;u parx;l% jh orqanow h a\d fambaue ªbariº! ªDinø Gold Ma\ningº enk;roujiune qanatakan ªDandi 'r;,ex m;talxº mi=axga\in fanqardiunab;rakan enk;rouj;an masnayiu[;riz mhkn h! 2004 j&-iz gor‘oum h Siuniqi marxi Kapan qa[aqoum! ªDandi "r;,ex M;jalsº kaxmak;rpoujiunn ir pa,tønakan ka\qoum n;rka\azr;l h ord;gra‘ arvhqn;re^ ja'anzik gor‘;laoy% \arganq mardou arvanapatououj;an nkatmamb% anwtang a,.atanqa\in pa\mann;r% ,r=aka\ mi=awa\rin wnas cfaszn;lou partauoroujiun ;u a\ln! A\spisi arvhqn;r n,oua‘ ;n gr;jh bolor fanqardiunab;ro[ enk;roujiunn;ri ka\q;roum% saka\n dranq irakanoum c;n gor‘oum Fa\astani nman ;rkrn;roum% oronq% est houj;an% dar];l ;n a\l ;rkrn;ri fanqafoumqa\in kzordn;r! Baza®oujiun ch na;u ªDinø Gold Ma\ningºe% orn ir gor‘ounhouj;an enjazqoum baxmizs .a.t;l ;u .a.toum h w;ron,;al arvhqn;re! ’anøjanalow fa\kakan mamouli baxmajiu fraparakoumn;ri fiman wra\ m;r kaxma‘ \a\tararouj;ane^ ke famoxouhq% or ªDinø Gold Ma\ningº enk;roujiune baxmizs otnafar;l h ir a,.atakizn;ri irauounqn;re% ir gor‘ounhouj;amb wnas h faszr;l ,r=aka\ mi=awa\rin ou mardkanz a®o[=ouj;ane% ci apafow;l ir ko[miz ,afagor‘ouo[ fanqi pocambari anwtangoujiune% minc;u ørs ci tramadr;l fanrouj;an ko[miz pafan=ouo[ t;[;katououjiune% ;u% a\sqanow fand;r]% <afoum;ani oskou fanqe baz ;[anakow ,afagor‘;lou ‘ragr;r ouni% a\n dhpqoum% ;rb nor fanqi ,afagor‘man dhm baxmajiu masnagitakan 'astarkn;r kan! W;ron,;al \a\tararoujiune n;rka\azou;l h na;u ªDandi "r;,ex M;jalsº kaxmak;rpouj;ane% W;raka®ouzman ;u xargazman ;uropakan bankin ;u a\l mi=axga\in kaxmak;rpoujiunn;ri!
Yi,t h% enk;roujiune m;rvoum h hl;ktra,ok kira®;lou masin lour;re ;u datakan fa\zow 'or]oum h w;rakangn;l ir% a\sp;s kocoua‘% bari fambaue! Saka\n fark h n,;l% or a\s masin t;[;koujiune mamouloum \a\tnou;l h :[ia N;rs;s;ani ;lo\jiz ,at au;li wa[! Est ªSiun;az :rkirº parb;raj;rji^ ªDinø Gold Ma\ning Qam'niº "BE-i na.kin gl.auor tnørhn Âob;rt ~al;ttan anfnaxand fanqagor‘n;ri fandhp hl;ktra,ok kira®;lou patrastoujiun hr t;snoum! J;rji oun;za‘ t;[;koujiunn;row% ªa\d masin enk;rouj;an s;'akanathre t;[;kazou;l h 'oqr-inc ou,azoumow% ince ;u dar];l h a®an]na\atouk qnnarkman a®arka\º! 2011 j& Aprilin bnapafpan aktiuistn;riz Mariam Sou.oud;ann a\s masin n,;l h ir farzaxro\zoum% saka\n enk;roujiune nraniz a® a\sør oc mi f;rqoum ci pafan=;l! I dhp% 1in.am-oum t;[adroua‘ mi niujoum n,uoum h% or ªA®a=in lratouakanºin \a=o[ou;z y,t;l% or irakanoum hl;ktra,ok gn;l hin oc jh anfnaxand banouorn;ri% a\l \atouk dhpq;roum øgtagor‘;lou famar! Saka\n lratouakan ka\qin migouzh no\nph#s phtq h farzaqnnouj;an kanc;l& fnarauor h^ nranq y,grt;n% jh konkr;t oumiz ;n staz;l a\d t;[;koujiune! |atkan,akan h% or enk;rouj;an tnørhn Âob;rt ~al;ttan pa,tønank arou;z 2011 j& enk;roujiunoum bar]raza‘ gor‘adouln;ri aliqiz% datakan gor‘;riz ;u a\d no\n hl;ktra,oki masin t;[;koujiunn;ri tara‘oumiz \;to\! Farz h ‘agoum% jh inco#u datakan fa\z n;rka\azou;z :[ia N;rshs;ani dhm ;u inco#u f;nz 2012 j& AMN-oum oun;za‘ ;lo\jiz \;to\! Kar;li h ;xrakazn;l% or :[ia N;rshs;ani^ AMN-oum fnc;zoua‘ .øsq;rn au;li la\n ar]agang gtan% ;u ªDinø Gold Ma\ningºe% lin;low m;‘ ca'i wark stanalou yanaparfin% pafan=oum h caratauor;l ir bari fambaue^ zankanalow m;‘azn;l bankiz wark stanalou ir fnarauoroujiune! Enk;roujiune pafan=oum h caratauor;l ir bari fambaue% saka\n FF baxmajiu qa[aqazin;r j;rafauat ;n enk;rouj;an asa‘n;ri nkatmamb% qani or ardhn t;s;l ;n enk;rouj;an ko[miz f®cakoua‘ arvhqn;ri% asoua‘ .øsqi ;u gor‘nakanoum katarouo[ qa\l;ri mi=;u lour= fakasoujiunn;r! Isk enk;rouj;an bari fambaue aratauoruoum h f;nz enk;rouj;an ko[miz jo\l toua‘ bazjo[oumn;ri% ørina.a.t ou mafab;r gor‘ounhouj;an ardiunqoum! M;nq fimq;r oun;nq kar‘;lou% or aktiuisti nkatmamb kira®ouo[ yn,oume npatak ouni l®;zn;lou bnapaf<ar& h= 12
<ar& h= 6-hn
\oujiune m;r bolor ga[oujn;roun mtauorakan% k[;rakan% ousouzic% d;rasan mardouv matakararo[ ga[ouj me ;[a‘ h! Au;lin^ 1946-in% dhpi Fa\astan kaxmak;rpoua‘ n;rga[ji ør;roun% Sourio\ fa\oujiune m;‘ajiu .oumb;row Fa\astan t;[auorou;zau ;u Sow;takan Miouj;an ør;roun Fa\astane a®an]in fanrap;toujiun me ;[au% a\laphs krnar kisanka. ,r=an me ellal% ouri, fanrap;touj;an me mh=! Ardar;u% souriafa\ouj;an a\s af®;li ør;roun% o[=fa\oujiune% ella\ fa\r;ni p;takan a\r;re% s'iu®qafa\ouj;an na.araroujiune% fa\r;nabnak m;r jankagin vo[owourde% fog;uor p;t;re ;u s'iu®qi a,.arfatara‘ fa\oujiune% mhk mardou nman% a\laxan ];®narkn;row ;u a,.atanqn;row n;zouk kangna‘ ;n souriafa\ ta®apafar m;r fa\r;nakizn;roun! A\sør g;[;zkago\n ;r;uo\j me ke t;sn;nq Am;rika\i Ar;umt;an A'i mh= apro[ fa\ouj;an møt! M;‘atoune^ ir gan]ow% fam;st a,.atauorn;re^ ir;nz louman;row% arou;staghtn;re (nkaric% paro[% ;rgo[% as-
mounqo[ ;u a\ln)% ir;nz arou;stow satar ke fandisanan souriafa\ouj;an i npast baxmaxan ‘ragirn;rou% m;r dvba.taza‘ souriafa\ouj;an øgnouj;an fasn;lou famar! A\s patmakan ];®narki toms;re apafow;lou famar% kar;li h f;®a]a\n;l (818)618-2348 jiuin% kam% ;rjal Itsmyseat.com/HyeAid ka\qh=in% kam al^ kar;li h toms;r ];®q ]g;l Kl;nth\li Prant po[ota\in wra\ gtnouo[ Beyond The Star srafhn% ;u kam al^ Ghorg;an Arou;sti K;dronhn! Sir;li fa\r;nakizn;r% bolors .ou®n;ram n;rka\ ellanq a\s w;f ;u patouakan gor‘in! Iuraqanciur ca'afas qani me patanin;rou ];®qhn b®na‘% a\d ør ir;nz xauakn;re b;r;n Dolby sraf% ;u m;r xauakn;roun 'oqr tariqhn ir;nz k;anqe imastauor;nq% orphsxi ;rb m;‘nan% ir;nq al fpartørhn es;n& ª:s souriafa\ouj;an øgna‘ ;mº% ª:s Fa\astan Fimnadramºi% kam ;rkra,arvin øgna‘ ;mº% ª:s April 24-i qa\lar,aun;roun masnakza‘ ;mº! |ounis 9-in% bolors^ dhpi Dolby sraf!
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fa\r;nabnak fa\ouj;an w;r=in fatoua‘e! A\st;[ m;nq dimagrau;zinq ;u f;t ,prt;zinq j,namoun% ori ®asixmi ;u fakafa\ ‘ragr;ri masin a,.arfoum oc oq a\l;us counhr o*c patranqn;r ;u o*c hl kaska‘n;r! A\st;[ Ar;u;l;an Fa\astani fa\oujiune 'rkou;z w;rafas a[htiz! Øsman;an Jourqia\oum skixb a®a‘ M;‘ :[;®ne% or f;t;uo[akanørhn ,arounakuoum hr ou tara‘uoum% kas;zou;z a\st;[^ ,norfiu m;r miasnakan ogou! :jh ,at axg;ri famar anka.ouj;an f®cakoume qa[aqakan akt hr ;u no\nisk^ fandisauor araro[oujiun% apa m;x famar a\n ‘anr ;rkounq hr! M;nq no\nisk cgithinq% or Ma\is;an F;rosamart;riz mhk-;rkou ør anz anka.oujiun ;nq f®cak;lou! p;takanoujiune Fa\astani m;nq k;rtoum hinq ou[[aki k®oui da,toum^ m;‘ago\n xofo[oujiunn;ri ou koroustn;ri gnow! Ar;amb ou fauatow% irar jikounq paf;low ou a®a= na\;low! Miasin! 1918 jouakani Ma\isi 28-e ar]anagroumn h m;r `ixikakan 'rkouj;an ;u qa[aqakan w;ra‘nndi! Ar]anagroumn h m;r vo[owrdi ariouj;an ou baxki ouvi% ince \;taga\oum 'a®af;[ørhn drs;uorou;z na;u M;‘
nin% axga\in ;rg;row% par;row% banast;[‘oujiunnn;row% fiurenkal;l hin marxi bolor bar]rastiyan pa,tøn;an;rin^ <iraki marxp;t ~;liqs Zolak;anin% <iraki marxi endfanour irauasouj;an datarani na.agaf Hdouard Manouk;anin% data.ax Karhn <afbax;anin% FF AV patgamauor Samouhl Niko\;anin% ow ‘noundow f;nz Sa®na[biuriz h! Fandisauor mi=oza®oume sksou;z <irak J;mi A®a=nord Miqa\hl :piskopos A=apaf;ani ørfnouj;amb! ªSir;li fa\ vo[owourd% ma\is;an g;[;zik ør h a\sør% ;u "a®q Ast‘o\% or ma\is;an a\s øre apafow pa\mann;roum ;nq% ;u jourqe m;r giu[i wra\ ci ar,auoum! Bnakan h saka\n% or mitqe phtq h gna* tasnam;akn;r a®a=% ;rb ];r pap;re a\s l;ran lan=;rin mi qani frazanow ;u 'caza‘ jndanøjow f;®azr;zin jourq frosakn;rin ;u jo\l ctou;zin% or mtn;n giu[! !
Fa\r;nakani yakatn;roum ou arza.;an go\amartoum! :u a\sør a\st;[^ Sartarapatoum kangna‘ fa\ xinouori .ro.t qa\l;rjn ou \a[jakan ogin lauago\n apazo\zn ;n a\n bani% or m;nq git;nq lin;lou ou \a[j;lou bana];ueº! ªInco#u ;nq m;nq a\st;[ \ou,ar]an kangn;zr;l ;u inco#u ;nq parb;rabar galis a\st;[! S;uakn asoum hr& ªS;roundn;*r% douq ];x yanachq Sardarapatizº! M;nq kariq oun;nq \i,;lou ;u \i,;zn;lou% ;ritasard s;roundn;rin na;u 'o.anz;lou kar;uor patgamn;r% or m;x jo[;l ;n Ma\isi 28-e na.apatrasto[n;rn ou k;rto[n;re! :[h*q miasnakan! :[h*q p;takanørhn kaxmak;rpoua‘! Apauinh*q s;'akan ouv;rin! A\s paraga\oum m;nq i xørou ;nq oc mia\n w;rakangn;l dar;row endmi=oua‘ p;takanoujiunn ou anka.oujiune% a\l;u a\d p;toujiune tan;l dhpi lour= bar]ounqn;r! Dranz m;knarke trou;l h a\st;[% ;u a\sør m;nq a\st;[ kangna‘ ;nq baz yakatow^ orphs axat ou anka. ;rkri fpart qa[aqazin;r% orphs f;ros pap;ri va®angordn;rº% n,;l h na.agafe! !
pann;ri ]a\ne ;u iragor‘;lou enk;rouj;an \a=ord na.agi‘e^ baz fanqi ,afagor‘oum bnak;li tara‘qiz endamhne 1%5-2 qm& f;®auorouj;an wra\! Pafan=oum ;nq% or ªDandi "r;,ex M;jalxº enk;rouj;ane patkano[ ªDinø Gold Ma\iningº enk;roujiune fauatarim mna\ ir ko[miz f®cakoua‘ arvhqn;rin% f;t;ui ,r=aka\ mi=awa\rin cwnas;lou^ ir ko[miz endounoua‘ partauorouj;ane% \argi a,.atakizn;ri irauounqn;rn ou apafowi a,.atanqa\in a\npisi pa\mann;r% ort;[ c;n wtangoui mardkanz k;anqn ou a®o[=oujiune! Qanata\oum ;u a\l ;rkrn;roum apro[ m;r fa\r;nakizn;rin koc ;nq anoum f;t;u;l bolor a\n enk;roujiunn;ri gor‘ounhouj;ane% oronq fanq;r ;n ,afagor‘oum Fa\astanoum ;u c;n kataroum ir;nz partauoroujiunn;re^ wnas faszn;low fa\ vo[owrdin ou Fa\astani bnouj;ane! O[= fa\ouj;ane koc ;nq anoum anmasn cmnal fa\r;ni bnouj;an pa,tpanouj;an gor‘iz% qani or ir;nz anmi=akan masnakzoujiunn ou a=akzoujiunn a\d farzoum .ist kar;uor h! Zankali ke lini% or m;r fa\r;nakizn;re no\nphs ir;nz bo[oqi ]a\ne bar]razn;n g;rmanakan% qanatakan% am;rik;an% ®ousakan enk;roujiunn;ri anpatas.anatou ;u apørini gor‘ounhouj;an dhm! S'iu®qoum bnakouo[ m;r
fa\r;nakizn;rin koc ;nq anoum arta\a\t;l ir;nz bo[oqe ørhnqow carg;loua‘ bolor mi=ozn;row^ koc;r% \a\tararoujiunn;r% dimoumn;r% bo[oqn;ri kaxmoum ;u fraparakoum% farzaxro\zn;r XLM-ow% bo[oqi akzian;r a\s enk;roujiunn;ri gl.auor gras;n;akn;ri warcakan ,hnq;ri dimaz ;u a\l mi=oza®oumn;r! Bnapafpann;ri dhm \arouzoua‘ or;uh gor‘ ci karo[ m;x kangn;zn;l^ pa\qar;lou enddhm Fa\astani hkoga[oujazman ;u \anoun m;r fa\r;ni bnouj;an pafpanouj;an ou sozialakan ardarouj;an fastatman! Famat;[ =anq;row m;nq au;li f;,touj;amb ou au;li arag ke karo[ananq w;r= tal Fa\astanoum a®ka\ baxmajiu bnapafpanakan .ndirn;rin! T;[;kazhq% miazhq% a=akzhq ;u mi* mo®azhq% or bnapafpanoujiune fa\astanapafpanoujiun h! Isk bolor a\n kaxmak;rpoujiunn;rn ou bank;re% oronz gor‘ounhouj;an ardiunqoum ke wnasoui m;r bnoujiune% ke wtangoui FF qa[aqazin;ri a®o[=oujiunn ou k;anqe ;u farzakani tak ke droui nranz anwtangoujiune% k*arvananan fanrouj;an .ore anwstafouj;ann ou ke warkab;k;n ir;nz gor‘arar anounn ou fambaue! Famafa\kakan bnapafpanakan yakat ~;\sbouq;an .oumb^ HYPERLINK "https://www.facebook.com/groups/
THURSDAY, MAY 30% 2013
- Toqj& Naxarhj Ta[auar;an - Mkrtic Andranik;an - |owfannhs |akob;an FBE Mioujiune ir fimnakan kanonagrin mh= ke npatakagrhr&^ 1& Npast;l bnagaua®i fa\ vo[owourdi mtauor ;u baro\akan xargazman! 2& A,.atil anor niujakan ;u tnt;sakan kazouj;an baruoqman! 3& Qa=al;r;l a\s ardiunqe \a®a= b;r;lou ‘a®a\o[ or;uh ];®nark kam fratarakoujiun! Apa vo[owe ke fastathr jh^ 1& Miouj;an krna\ andamakzil% a®anz s;®i% dauananqi% dasakargi ;u kousakzakan .trouj;an% amhn fa\ or \an]n k*a®nh \arg;l fimnakan kanonagire! 2& Enk;roujiune haphs mardasirakan h% couni or;uh qa[aqakan fangamanq! A\spisi w;f npatakow yamba\ ;la‘ Bar;gor‘akane bnakanabar% a®a=in ørhn isk% piti cmnar lok a[qata.nami safmanin mh=% a\l piti fandisanar fa\r;nasirakan tara‘oun ];®nark% fa\ vo[owourdin `ixiqakan ;u mtauor .a[a[ xargazoumin sataro[ famaxga\in fastatoujiun! Fimnadir nouir;lan;re chin krnar na.at;s;l a\n afauor w;riwa\roumn;re or fa\ axge piti dimagrauhr \a=ordo[ fariur tarouan endazqin! Saka\n% anonq pa\‘a® t;silqe oun;za‘ hin amour fim;rou ;u nouiroumi fxør ga[a'arakanin wra\ fastat;lou Bar;gor‘akane! Faxiu fimnoua‘% Mioujiune ir a®a=in øvandakoujiune ke 'oujaznhr jajarakan \ar]akman xof kowkasafa\ a[ht;aln;roun% incphs na;u Tarøni ;u Waspourakani sowafar vo[owourdin! An ke
npasthr na;u dvouar pa\mann;rou mh= gtnouo[ wanq;rou ;u orbanozn;rou! Apa% Fa\e ir pap;nakan bnørranin ka®ca‘ paf;lou famar% fa\kakan gaua®n;roun ke fa\ja\jhr s;rmnzou% l‘kan k;ndani% fo[ ;u fo[agor‘akan gor‘iqn;r! Ke fimnhr na;u 38 warvarann;r% m;‘ masamb jrqa.øs% qrta.øs ;u araba.øs giu[;rou mh=! Wra\ ke fasnhr a®a=in fama,.arfa\in pat;raxme% ;u m;r baxmacarcar vo[owourdi amhnas;u h=e! Jourq z;[aspann;r ke kotorhin ou ke t;[afanhin ar;umtafa\oujiune! Faxaram;akn;rou m;r fa\r;niqe ke fa\aja'ouhr! Fra,qow w;rapro[n;re ke da®na\in anapati ja'a®a,r=ik% øtar a';rou wra\ n;toua‘ .l;ak^ anthr ou anpa,tpan! Bar;gor‘akane ke l‘ouhr andoul a,.atanqi! Ke fimnhr orbanoz% a\rianoz% markaparthx% warvaran% arf;stanoz! Takauin xinadadarhn a®a=% sks;low da,nakizn;rou ko[mh axatagroua‘ ,r=ann;rhn% Bar;gor‘akane k*anznhr t;ndagin a,.atanqi% .ouxark;low an‘a\r anapatn;rn ou aqsorawa\r;re- m;r z;[in ani‘apart spandanozn;re- gtn;lou% 'rk;lou% no\nisk gn;lou ;u w;rstin fa\azn;lou famar z;[in zirouzan b;korn;re! Bar;gor‘akane ke fasnhr na;u Fa\astani Fanrap;touj;an% ;u anor \a=ordo[ >orfrda\in Fa\astanin! Ke fimnhr ga[oujafa\ giu[;r% giu[;rou warvarann;r% ma\ranoz% ;ua\ln! La\nørhn k*øvandakhr Fa\astani Famalsaranin! Fauatalow jh wtarandi vo[owourde phtq h or mhkt;[oui ir fa\r;niqin mh=% Bar;gor‘akane ir bolor mi=ozn;row masnakz;r na;u 1946-7-i fa\r;nadar]in! Orbafauaqin \a=ordo[ tasnam;akn;roun% taragr;al xangoua‘e ent;lazau øtar pa\mann;roun! F;txf;th 'arat;zan anøjouj;an% j,oua®ouj;an% ;u ma*nauand orbouj;an m[]auan=e! Takau a® takau% ga[jakan fama\nqn;r \a=o[;zan fa\ja\j;l ir;nz aprouste! :u f;t;uabar% nouax;zau tarrakan npast ou darman faszn;lou frama\akan pafan=e! Bar;gor‘akan% ,arounak;low fand;r] fasnil karøt;alin ou cqauorin% f;®at;sørhn^ orphs fa\apafpanman am;naamou® k®ouan% ir gor‘ounhouj;an gl.auor a®anzqe dar]ouz krjakan-m,akouja\in gor‘e! Fimn;low mhkt;[ ir s;pfakan warvarann;re% Bar;gor‘akane øvandak;z baxmajiu fa\kakan krjakan øya.n;rou! <ar& h= 15
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faka®ak tarin;rou bavanoumin% m;r k;anqin mhk mase% g;[;zkago\ne% kapoua‘ ke mna\ a\d annman ;rkrin% ormh qa[zr \i,atakn;r ke ,arounak;n a\sør ;us l;zn;l m;r fogin! Ir patk;rn;re znzo[ ;n ou xørauor% nman a\n faroua‘n;roun% oronq au;r;zin k;nsa.a\t ;rkir me! Afauasik patk;r me% our ke nkaragroui fa\ ousouzici me qandoua‘ bnakarane& ªXar mana li@ ;r;uo \j! :r ; q \ar k ;re% jh;u ‘ak ‘k o ua‘% k a*n! Kango un h f ing;ro rd \ar k n a l! Ango \ \ark e i*rn h% m;r o uso uz icine! W;r k e bar]r anan q k i sa qand astiyann;rhn! Ke f asnin q cor ro rd \ark! Kan mia \n ®o umb;rhn ‘ak ‘k o ua‘ ;r; q pat ;r ;u mh=t;[e wir auor siun me^ a[øj qi me phs t.o ur ;u \o usaf atº! A[øjqi phs t.our ou \ousafat! Mia\n fogiow banast;[‘ me a[øjqi me \ousafat t.roujiune krna\ t;sn;l wirauor siuni me \ouxic pa[atanqin mh=! Ou% \atkaphs% Papa\;an banast;[‘i fogi ouni! Saka\n% srt;re k;[;qo[ a\s patk;rhn anmi=aphs ;tq% Papa\;an m;x anmi=aphs ke tani a\lour% ke tani m;r f;ros t[oz anxougakan qa=ouj;an! Axga\in .or gitakzouj;an ambo[=akan ‘anroujiune apro[ a\s mardoun famar% kar;li ch ªFamafa\kakan a\s ‘anr dvba.touj;an mh= candrada®nal m;r ;ritasardouj;an an]naxofouj;an% or axga\in m.ijaranqi ;u fpartouj;an a®ij h antarako\sº! Orowf;t;u% ir isk ba®;row% ªinqnapa,tpanouj;an% ,tap øgnouj;an% ,inararouj;an ;u a\l marx;rou mh=% m;r ;ritasardn;roun matouza‘ ‘a®a\oujiunn;re arvani ;n oc mia\n gnafatanqi% a\l;u^ fiazoumiº! Mi* f arznh q% jh o ron q hin a \d ;r itasar dn;re! Fncak ;a#n hin! Da,nak z ak a#n! Âamk awa#r! Mi* f arznh q! Parxaphs% f a*\ hin! Ou a \d arvani qe% f a \ el la lo u pat iue% f a \awa \;l qa=o uj;amb war o u;lo u ir ;nz an]no ur az patr astak amo ujiune bauak an h% o rphsxi m;n q a \sør ørfno uj;amb \i,;n q bo lor e% naf atak n;rn o u o[=;re% o ronz m;‘ago \n arvani qe ir ;nz f am;sto ujiune ;[au! AU:TIS :A"OUY:AN Libanani qa[aqaziakan pat;raxmi am;nataq ør;roun% ir faraxatn;re jo[a‘ krakn;rou tak% srtin wra\ qar dra‘% ,r=;zau ga[oujh ga[ouj% ir a[ht;al ,r=apatin famar fanganakoujiunn;r kaxmak;rp;lou npatakow! :u a®au;l qan .[yafarouj;nh m[oua‘% ir an]nakan fma\qow% ir famoxic 'astarkoumn;row a®inqna‘% amhn oq la\nørhn ke banar ir sirte! Gor‘i me \a=o[ouj;an grauakann h ir masnakzoujiune anor! Wafan Jhqh;an warvaranin anoune endmi,t a®ncoua‘ piti mna\ ir anouan f;t! 1971 jouakanin% anor fimnadrman 25 am;akin ;u anor ,hnqin bazman a®jiu% zn‘ouj;an incpisi ør;r
k*aprhr! Fogin incph#s ke .a\tar% or ir fog;faraxatn;re a\l;us piti am'o'ouin lousauor ou ,hn ,hnqin mh=% oroun wra\ inka‘ amhn mhk ®oumb% oroun pat;re ‘ak‘ko[ amhn mhk 'am'ou,t wstaf ;nq% na. k*anznhr ir srthn! An a\s warvarane faszouz ;u paf;z m;‘ banast;[‘in anouan arvani bar]rouj;an! Annkoun kousakzakan% kousakzoujiune ir;n famar ;[au ir fa\r;niqin ou ir vo[owourdin ‘a®a\;lou mi=oz% ;u oc jh npatak! :rb;q c]gt;zau ajo®n;rou% jh;u fasau al anonz% ba\z ir;n famar dastiaraki% tnørhni ajo®e mnaz bar]rago\ne% am;nanouirakane% ;u a\d ogiow al dastiarak;z s;roundn;re! Ir;n famar ajo®e oc jh 'a®qi fasn;lou mi=oz men h% a\l a®aq;loujiun me% ;u a\d patya®au al f;®ou mnaz anonzmh% xanonq nkat;low ir dastiaraki a®aq;louj;an .ocendot! MINAS GOYA|:AN ª|i,atakn;rou Araf;tn;rowºe ke ba[kana\ ;r;q bavinn;rh% oronq fayo\qow ;u \a',takouj;amb ke kardazouin ªsoworakanº enj;rzo[in ;u b‘a.ndir grashrin ko[mh! A®fasarak :rouand Papa\;ani l;xoun ou grice ke \atkan,ouin ªparxouj;an mh= g;[;zkoujiunº skxbounqow% or kou ga\ ir tasnam;akn;rou mankawarvakan 'or]a®ouj;nhn! ª|i,atakn;rou Araf;tn;rowºe jarmoujiun me b;rau s'iu®qafa\ grakanouj;an mh=! :rani@ jh a\s girqe la\n tara‘oum gtnhr noranka. Fa\astani mh=% oroun lou® m;‘amasnoujiune k*apri tagnapi mh= ;u \ousafatoujiune krna\ ambo[=ouj;amb klan;l a\d xangoua‘e! ª|i,atakn;rou Araf;tn;rowºe \o\si ;u lo\si ,o[ me krna\ matouzan;l m;r fa\r;nakizn;roun! ANDRANIK SAR:AN Mi=amtouj;an a\s anmi=akanouj;an patya®e nranoum h% or tramadroua‘ ;m gra®oumi niuj dar]n;l mhk-;rkou .ndirn;r% f;[inaki a,.atouj;an nkatmamb! A®a=ine a\n% or Papa\;ane 1986-in Tik& Âoxini f;t w;r=nakanaphs fastatou;low Los Any;lesoum% parap cmnaz! Orqan git;m% oro, kargi \an]na®oujiunn;r h w;rznoum ;u xba[uoum fasarakakan ;u ªNor Ørº ;®ør;a\ j;rji a®ncouj;amb! Partq ;m famaroum a\st;[ ar]anagrouj;an \an]n;l mi kar;uor paraga\% ore liaphs arvani hr \i,atakouj;an b;rou;lou ir ª|i,atakn;rou Araf;tn;rowº grqoum% ba\z ore c;m faskanoum inco#u dours h mnaz;l grqiz! Parxaphs fam;stoujiun! Da% i*r na.a];®nouj;amb% ;u =anq;row fimnadroua‘ ª<irak Grakanº enk;rakzoujiunn h% ore masnauor ‘ragir-kanonagri skxbounqn;row% mi qani tari ,at øgtakar% a\l;u b;[oun a,.atanq tarau los any;lesafa\ m,akouja\in asparhxoum! Fimnaphs^ grakanouj;amb!
THURSDAY, MAY 30% 2013
x[=alow endouni xa\n ;u manauand^ \øvari stan]n;l famapata.an to\v% orphsxi ;ra,.auoroui or tou;al s.ale a\l;us ;rb;uh piti ckrknoui! Au;lin& z;[aspanoujiune fama\n mardkouj;an dhm gor‘oua‘ qrhakan m;‘ago\n \anzagor‘oujiun h% or ci* krnar anpativ mnal ;u phtq ch mna\! F;t;uabar% ou[[;l z;[aspanouj;an patmakanørhn .ist ‘anrak,i® s.ale% inqnab;rabar ke n,anakh o*c mia\n ir ambo[=akan taro[ouj;amb endounil yanacoume gor‘oua‘ afagnago\n oyirin% a\l manauand^ \an]na®oujiune a\d a®ncouj;amb an.tir bolor partauorouj;anz% tramabanakan k;rpow gofazouzic fatouzoumn;r katar;low mardka\in m;r fska\akan koroustin% axgowin m;xmh \a',takoua‘ ;u anw;radar] k;rpow au;roua‘ m,akouja\in farstoujiunn;roun% incphs na;u m;r vo[owourdin kaloua‘a\in% incqi% stazoua‘qn;rou ;u ast[aba,.akan arvhqow a\l koroustn;roun dimaz% ba\z masnauorabar^ w;radar]n;low b®nagrau;al m;r fo[atara‘qn;re! Ankar;li ellalou astiyan dvouar piti ellar% an,ou,t% y,grit k;rpow katar;l gnafatoume fa\kakan bolor koroustn;roun! Saka\n mi=axga\in fasarakoujiune% st;[‘a‘ h - qic jh ,at - tramabanakan na.enjazn;r% est oronz% oro, ousoumnasirouj;nh ;tq% kar;li h \angil ;xr;rou ;u bana];uoumn;rou% oronzmow kar;li k*ella\ gtn;l endoun;li lou‘oumn;r! A\s paraga\in oc mhk a\lentranq ouninq% bazi a\dpisi ;xra\angoumn;rou apauin;lhn! Jrqakan p;toujiune m;xmh .la‘ ou b®nagraua‘ h NA:U au;li qan ;rkou fariur faxar qa®akousi qilom;jr tara‘ouj;amb fo[& a\sinqn^ gr;jh ;øje angam au;li m;‘^ qan Fa\astani Fanrap;touj;an n;rka\ tara‘qe! Ardar piti ellar% an,ou,t% or a\d ambo[=oujiune w;radar]ouhr m;xi! Ba\z irat;soujiune m;xi ke j;ladrh or safmana'ak;nq m;r a.orvakn;re% orphsxi m;r pafan=qe o*c mia\n tramabanakan ;u iragor‘;li joui% manauand øtarn;roun% a\l^ oun;na\ na;u irauakan \stak fimq! Yi,d piti cellar% an,ou,t% a\s fangrouanin% banawhy st;[‘;l pafan=ouo[ fo[atara‘qn;roun ;u anonz safmann;roun masin! Mius ko[mh% saka\n% s.al piti ellar a\s a®ncouj;amb bazar]akaphs oc mhk ko[mnoro,oum oun;nale! Vamanakn h ardhn% or sksoui patrastoujiune a\s kapakzouj;amb ousoumnasiroua‘ ambo[=akan j[ja‘rari me! A® a\d^ fauanørhn irauakan au;li qan \stak fimq oun;zo[ ;u miangama\n tramabanakan fo[a\in pafan=q krnan n;rka\azn;l Ouilsen;an Safmann;re% a\sinqn^ ,our= 68%500 qa®akousi qilom;jr ‘aualow fo[atara‘q me! A\l .øsqow% møtauoraphs mhk ;rrorde jourq;rou ko[mh m;xmh b®nagrauoua‘ fo[;roun! Incphs ‘anøj h% Fama,.arfa\in A®a=in Pat;raxmi auarthn ;tq% .a[a[oujiune w;rafastato[ pa\mann;rou ka\azman famar% Da,nakiz P;toujiunn;rou ;u Jourqio\ mi=;u storagrou;zau S;uri da,nagire% 1920 Øgostos 10-in! ’anøj h na;u jh% est \i,;al da,nagri 89-rd% 90-rd ;u 91-rd \ødoua‘n;roun% Miaz;al Nafangn;rou na.agaf Ououtrø Ouilseni irauararouj;an \an]nou;zau Fa\astani ;u Jourqio\ fasarakaz safmann;rou y,doume! |a=ordo[ qani me amisn;roun% masnaghtn;rou ousoumnasirouj;nhn ;tq% irakanazau \i,;al safmanag‘oume ;u no\n tarouan% a\sinqn^ 1920-i No\;mb;r 22-in fraparakou;zau ªOuilsen;an safmann;rowº Fa\astani qarthse! Git;nq% an,ou,t% jh a\s oro,oume ;rb;q cgor‘adrou;zau! Ann;r;li miamtouj;amb me xinq qa=al;ro[ sow;takan i,.anouj;an øgnouj;amb ;u `ransazin;rou ou britanazin;rou fayouj;amb% Q;malakan Jourqian \a=o[;zau pat®;l S;uri da,nagire! Fa\kakan Farzn al% ;r;q tari ;us qa,k®tou;lh ;tq% fa,ou;\ardari ;njarkou;zau 1923-i |oulis 24-in storagroua‘ Loxani Da,nagrow! Yi,d h% jh fon yanacoum ,norfou;zau Jourqio\ ko[mh b®ni ouvow partadroua‘ bolor kargadroujiunn;roun% oronq endounou;zan ibr;u kataroua‘ iro[oujiun! Ba\z o*c Loxani da,nagrow% oc al or;uh a\l a®ijow ourazou;zau S;uri oro,oumin ardaroujiune% fakasou;zau fa\;rou fo[a\in pafan=qin irauakanoujiune% kam al^ a®arkoujiun b;rou;zau jh Ouilsen;an Safmann;re chin fimnoua‘ patmakan irauounqi wra\! A\l .øsqow% Loxani Da,nagrow% faka®ak or% 'astørhn% =n=ou;zan S;uri ,arq me oro,oumn;re ;u kargadroujiunn;re% \am;na\n dhps ;rb;uh c.a.t;zau m;r fo[a\in pafan=qin irauakan fimqe! Ibr;u ;xrakazoujiun% m;r vo[owourdi \atkaphs ar;umtafa\ fatoua‘in famar% axga\in ardar m;r bolor irauounqn;roun ambo[=akan pafan=atiroujiune o*c mia\n bazar]akaphs ansakark;li h% a\l;u^ anb;kan;li mtas;u;®oum h% or anpa\manørhn% mna\oun k;rpow mas phtq h kaxmh z;[aspanouj;an ,our= an.tir bolor t;saki .orfrdakzoujiunn;rou ;u banakzoujiunn;rou ørakarg;roun! Nikosia% Kipros
1970-akan jouakann;roun^ ;rb ardhn fauasa®ak,roujiun me st;[‘oua‘ hr^ ;u fa\kakan ga[jøya.n;r% jh* tnt;saphs% ;u jh* baro\aphs bar;k;zik ou ka\oun k;anq me fastata‘ hin% Mi=in Ar;u;lqi qa[aqakan w;riwa\roumn;re nor znzoumn;r ou martafrauhrn;r st;[‘;zin! Apa fasau 1988-i afauor ;rkra,arve% ;u Arza.;an pat;raxme! Fa\ vo[owourde angam me ;us inqxinqe gtau ørfasakan pa\qari mh=^ faroua‘oua‘% pa,aroua‘% qa[aqakirj a,.arfhn lqoua‘! Zourti ou j,oua®ouj;an a\d ør;roun% Bar;gor‘akane dar];al l‘ou;zau 'rkarar ou ,tap øgnouj;an gor‘in! {rk;z 'rkarar gor‘iqn;r ou norast;[‘ p;touj;an me anfrav;,t tarrakan sarqauoroum! A[ht;aln;roun \atkazouz npast! Tnt;sakan bar;lauman famar fimnou;zan Am;rik;an ;u `ransakan Famalsarann;re! Axat fa\r;niqi fog;uor xarjønqin famar a,.at;zau H=mia‘no\ Sourb Ajo®in f;t^ w;ranorg;low fnauourz ou lqoua‘ wanq;r% ;u npast;low mankakan ou ;ritasardakan xanaxan ‘ragirn;rou! :u fa\ m,ako\ji ou ta[andi ,arounakman ou ‘a[kman satar;lou famar^ fowanauor;z xanaxan ];®narkoujiunn;r% incphs ørinak^ Fa\kakan ~ilfarmoniqe! Sir;lin;r% bar;ba.tabar a\d dvouar tarin;re m;r ;tin ;n ardhn% saka\n 'or]anqn;r ke \am;nan m;r fa\r;niqin wra\! M;r a,.arfagrakan dvouar dirqe% m;r ;rkrin bnakan farstouj;an pakase ;u anfa,t ou xørazo[ j,namin;row ,r=apatoua‘ ellale^ anouranali iro[oujiunn;r ;n! Patmouj;nhn ardhn zauot 'or]a®ouj;anb sorwa‘ ;nq jh øtarn;roun wra\ phtq ch \o\s dn;l! M;nq m;r ouv;row h or piti lou‘;nq m;r .ndirn;re! FBE Miouj;an anz;al 100 taroua\ [;kawaroujiune^ n;r,ncoua‘ Pø[os Noupari ;u Alhq Manouk;ani m;‘ t;slakanow% ørouan frama\akanin ansalow fasau fama\n fa\ouj;an am;natarrakan phtq;roun! Dare 'o.oua‘ h fima! Frama\akann;re tarb;r ;n! M;r Fa\r;niqe a\sør% ;u f;®at;s;li apaga\in% phtq piti oun;na\ xørauor% gitakiz ;u fa\r;nanouhr s'iu®qi me! Gitakiz fa\ nor s;roundi k;rtoumn ou go\at;uoume kar;li h mi∞a\n m;r m;‘asqanc l;xouin enkaloumow ou pafpanouj;anb! M;r s;roundin ou Bar;gor‘akani n;rka\ ;u galiq a®a=nordn;roun ous;roun ke ‘anrana\ a\d frama\akane! Sirlin;r& 1906-in% ;rb m;r fimnadir fa\r;re a\s m;‘ mioujiune ke kaxmhin% chin krnar ;r;uaka\;l jh an i*nc 'rkarar d;r piti .a[ar fa\ axgi \a=ord 100 am;aki endazqin! Saka\n% patmoujiune i*nqn h or zo\z kou ta\ ga[a'ari me m;‘oujiune! Bar;gor‘akane na. ;u a®a= mitq men h^ ga[a'ar me^ t;silq me- Fa\e i*r mi=ozau% kaxmak;rpoua‘ ou miaz;al ouv;row% fasn;lou ;u øgn;lou inqn ir;n! :u a\sør% au;li qan ;rb;q% m;nq phtq ouninq a\d ithalin! Incphs m;r qa\l;rge k*esh& Fa\;r miananq mhk sirt% mhk fogi% Axga,inouj;an ws;m gor‘in ,our=!
NOR ØR% MA|IS 30% 2013
ªBAUARIANº A>O|:ANN:RI LIKA|I GAUAJAKIR Ma\isi 25-in Lontoni ªOuhmpliº marxada,toum ka\azau :uropa\i A.o\;ann;ri Lika\i ;xra'akic fandipoume g;rmanakan Miun.;ni ªBauariaº ;u Dortmoundi ªBorousiaº jim;ri mi=;u! Fandipman fa,iue bazou;z 60-rd rophin% koli f;[inak dar]au Mariø Man=oukice! 68rd rophin Hlka\ G\oundo[ane 11 m;jranoz faroua‘ow fauasar;zr;z fa,iue! >a[auartiz mhk roph a®a= Ar\;n Âobb;ne karo[azau wy®;l .a[i ;lqe ;u ir jimin parg;u;l a\dqan ;rkar spasoua‘ A.o\;ann;ri Lika\i gauaje!
~OUJPOLA|IN >YANKAR • Krasnodari ªKoubaniº ;u FF fauaqakani kisapa,tpan 28-am;a\ Markos Pix;llin t;[a'o.ou;l h ªKrasnodarº! • ’noundow Qonko\iz ouqra\inoufi ;rgcoufi Ga\tanan .ostaz;l hr ;rg;l fa\;rhn% ;jh F;nri. M.ijar;ane da®na\ 25 koli f;[inak% ;rb F;nri.e .';z ir 25-rd kole% ;rgcoufin katar;z ir .ostoume! Na M.ijar;anin f;t katar;z ªOw% Siroun% Sirounº ;rge! • Moskoua\i BKMA-n ir \arki tak oc-oqi^ 0-0 .a[az Krasnodari ªKoubaniº f;t ;u anka. mnaza‘ ;rkou .a[;ri ardiunqn;riz f®cakou;z ÂD-i a.o\;an! Au;lazn;nq% or BKMA-n ÂD-i qa®aki a.o\;an dar]au! BKMA-n ÂD-i a.o\;an h ;[;l na;u 2003% 2005% 2006 jj&-in! Ar‘ajh m;taln;re nouay;zin San ";t;rpourgi ªX;nijiº% isk pronxh m;taln;re^ ªAn Viiº `oujpolistn;re! • ÂD-i minc;u 17 tar;kann;ri patan;kan fauaqakane nouay;z :uropa\i a.o\;ani tit[ose% ;xra'akicoum 11 m;jranoz faroua‘n;row 5-4 fa,ouow \a[j;low Italia\i fauaqakanin! • ~ransakan PSV-i kisapa,tpan Th\wit B;kf;me \a\tarar;l h% or auartoum h ir arf;stawarv `oujpolisti gor‘ounhoujiune! 38-am;a\ angliazin ir gor‘ounhoujiune sks;l h 1992-in ªManc;sjer :ouna\jhtoumº! Na dar];l h cors ;rkrn;ri^ Anglia\i% Ispania\i% ~ransia\i ;u AMN-i a.o\;an! • Atrph\yani na.agaf Ali;ue a®a=ark;l h 2020 j& :uropa\i a®a=noujiune anzkazn;l Atrph\yanoum! • Foungaria\oum auartou;z patan;kan mrza,arn% orin masnakzoum hr FF minc;u 17 tar;kann;ri patan;kan fauaqakane! M;r patanin;re ;r;q fandipoumn;roum hl xi=;zin mrzakizn;rin% foungarazin;rin^ 1-4% ,ouh\zarazin;rin^ 1-6 ;u Slownia\in^ 2-3 fa,ouow!
FA|ASTANI :U ISLANDIA|I :RITASARDAKAN FAUAQAKANN:RE KE FANDIP:N ªFRAXDANº MARXADA<TOUM |ounisi 6-in Fa\astani ;ritasardakan fauaqakane :urø-2015-i entrakan 'ouli ,r=anakn;roum% ªFraxdanº marxada,toum ke fandipi Islandia\i ir fasakakizn;ri f;t! |i,;zn;nq% or entrakan 10-rd .mboum Âa`a\hl Naxar;ani san;ri mrzakizn;re% bazi Islandia\iz ke lin;n na;u ~ransia\i% P;la®ousi ;u {axa.stani fauaqakann;re! Gl.auor marxice fraparak;l h FF ;ritasardakan fauaqakani kaxme% ori mh= mt;l ;n ª"iunikiº 13% ªBananziº^ 5% ª<irakiº^ 3% ªGan]asariº^ 2% ªImpoulsiº ;u ªMika\iº mhkakan `oujpolistn;r% incphs na;u A[ouan Papik;ane (Moskoua\i ªSpartakizº) ;u Sar-
gis Adam;ane (Âostoki ªFanxa\izº^ G;rmania)!
<OUHDIAN TA"Ø{AKOW FOQH|I A<>ARFI A>O|:AN <ouhdia\i fauaqakane Stoqfolmoum ka\aza‘ a,.arfi a®a=nouj;an ;xra'akicoum 51 fa,ouow \a[j;low <ouh\zaria\i entranoun 9-rd angam dar]an a,.arfi a.o\;ann;r ;u a®a=in angam^ 2006-iz \;to\! Pronxh m;taln;ri arvanazan AMN-i fauaqakani fok;\istn;re% oronq \;t.a[;a\ boulitn;row \a[j;zin `inn;rin! ÂD-i fauaqakane qa®ord ;xra'akicoum 3-8 fa,ouow xi=;z AMN-i entranoun!
W:R+APHS NORMAL KANONN:R FASTATOU:ZIN Kar‘oum ;m% or lau patrastoua‘ marxikn;ri famar nor kannon;row gøt;mart;re dvouar ci lini% emb,amarti kanonn;ri 'o'o.oujiunn;ri f;t kapoua‘ News.amsport–i j[jakzi f;t xro\zoum n,;l h \ounaf®omhakan oyi emb,amarti FF fauaqakani gl.auor marxic L;uon +oul`alak;ane! ªNor kanonn;rin ardhn ‘anøj ;m% saka\n au;li liarvhq patk;razoum ke kaxm;m \a®a=ika\ mrza,ar;ri vamanak% ;rb dranq ke t;sn;m gor‘nakanoum! Drakan ;m w;rab;roum 'o'o.oujiunn;rin! W;r=aphs normal kanonn;r fastatou;zin! Kar‘oum ;m% or lau patrastoua‘ marxikn;ri famar nor kanonn;row gøt;mart;re dvouar ci lini! Est nor kanonn;ri^ mrzawarn;rn au;li qic ;n mi=amt;lou gøt;martin% gr;jh amhn inc marxiki ];®q;roum h! Wstaf ;m% or 'o'o.oujiunn;rn au;li ditarvan ke dar]n;n emb,amarteº%- n,;l h L;uon +oul`alak;ane!
CORS MRZANAKAKIR :UROPA|I AÂA+NOUJIUNOUM Fa\ sambistn;re f;rjakan angam \a=o[ ;lo\jn;r oun;zan sambo\i :uropa\i a®a=noujiunoum nouay;low 2-akan ar‘ajh ;u pronxh m;taln;r! M;r sambistn;riz a®au;l \a=o[ fandhs ;kan Tigran Kirakos;ane (52 qk&) ;u Wacik Wardan;ane (68 qk&)% oronq \a[j;low ir;nz mrzakizn;rin mtan ;xra'akic! Wy®oro, gøt;martoum fa\ sambistn;re partou;zin ou dar]an ar‘ajh mrzanakakirn;r! Pronxh m;tal nouay;zin Søsh Balasan;ane (52 qk&) ;u Maurik Nasip;ane (74 qk&)!
}A>O{OUA’ NORAMOUT Austria\oum ka\aza‘ minc;u 19 tar;kan fantpolistoufin;ri :uropa\i a®a=nouj;an entrakan mrza,aroum noramoute n,a‘ FF fauaqakane ,at an\a=o[ ;lo\j oun;zau! M;r marxoufin;re 8!42 fa,ouow xi=;zin tanthr;rin% 5!60 fa,ouow^ folantazin;rin ;u 15!45 fa,ouow^ poulkaroufin;rin ;u entrakan .mboum ;xra'ak;zin a[iusake! >mbi \a[jo[ yanacou;z Folandia\i fauaqakane% ore \a[j;z mius ;rkou mrzakizn;rin ;us! A\d an\a=o[oujiunn;riz \;to\ fauaqakani gl.auor marxic Ast[ik Giur=in;ane fravarakan h tou;l!
HDOUARD WARDAN:ANE |A{J:Z NOKAOUTOW Moskoua\oum Ma\isi 25-in anzkazuoum hr .a®e m;namart;ri kanonn;row ,oou-mrza,are% ori gl.auor m;namartn hr Al;qsandr :m;lian;nko\i ;u Pap Sapi mi=;u mrzamarte! <ooui ;rkrord m;namartoum ®ousastanzi Hdouard Wardan;ane fandip;l h ®ous S;rgh\ >andavko\i f;t! 77 qk& qa,a\in Wardan;ane ;rkrord ®aountoum \a[j;l h t;.nikakan nokaoutow!
ART |OWFANNIS:ANI |A+ORD MRZAKIZE ARA< OUSMANIN H Kisaj;j;u qa,a\in kargoum fandhs ;ko[ arf;stawarv b®nzqamartik Art |owfannis;ane (Los Any;lesiz) m;namart k*anzkazni Qanata\i drø,i n;rqo\ fandhs ;ko[ a[ouanakan ‘agoum oun;zo[ Ara, Ousmanii (20-1-0% 10 nokaout) f;t! N,;nq |owfannis;ani mrzani,e arf;stawarv ®ingoum^ 15-1-2% 8 nokaout!
ANAND-KAÂLS:N MRZA<ARE^ FNDKASTANOUM ~ID:-n mtadir h Anand-Ka®ls;n mrza.a[n anzkazn;l Fndkastani C;nna\ qa[aqoum% a\s taroua\ No\;mb;ri 6-26-e! A®a\vm dvouar h as;l% or a\s oro,oume w;r=nakan h! Bann a\n h% or Magnous Ka®ls;ne fama]a\n ch .a[al Anandi fa\r;niqoum! ª:s xarmaza‘ ;m ;u fiasja'oua‘% or ~ID:-n fravarou;z a,.arfi a.o\;anouj;an mrza.a[i famar entr;l chxoq ;rkirº% as;l h Ka®ls;ne! ªFpart ;m% or im ;rkirn ou fa\r;ni qa[aqn entrou;z orphs a.o\;anakan mrzamarti anzkazman wa\r! Anfamb;rouj;amb ;m spasoum fandipmane! A\nouam;na\niu% ;s faskanoum ;m% or mrzamarte fiurenkalo[ qa[aqi entrouj;an gor‘enjaze øptimal chrº%- as;l h Anande!
<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • Grosma\st;rn;r Lilij Mkrtc;ane% Maria Koursowan% Lilij Galo\;ane ;u mi=axga\in warp;t Anna Fa\rap;t;ane ke masnakz;n |oulisi 22-iz minc;u Øgotosi 4-e S;rpia\i ma\raqa[aq B;lkratoum anzkazou;liq :uropa\i kananz 14-rd anfatakan a®a=nouj;ane! • Ølimpiakan a.o\;ann;r grosma\st;rn;r S;rgh\ Mowsis;ane% Wladimir |akob;ane% Gabrihl Sargs;ane ;u mi=axga\in warp;t A,ot Nadan;ane ke masnakz;n |ounisi 6-10-e ÂD-i >anti Mansi\sk qa[aqoum anzkazou;liq a,.arfi arag ;u ka\‘akna\in .a[i a®a=noujiunn;rin! • FF-i n;rka\azouzic mi=axga\in warp;t Andranik Martikox;ane Los Any;lesoum auartoua‘ 27-rd M;tropolit;n mrza,aroum 10 fnarauoriz wastak;low 7&5 miauor mian]n;a\ nouay;z a®a=in mrzanake ;u miavamanak khs miauorow g;raxanz;z grosma\st;ri zouzani,e! • FF ,a.mati da,nouj;an na.agaf w;rentrou;z FF Na.agaf^ S;rv Sargs;ane!