N.O. June 6, 2013, No. 23:N.O. Blank
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THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 2013 91 TARI% JIU 23 VOLUME 91, NO. 23
Am;na\n Fa\oz Kajo[ikosin f;t^ Souxanna Thr Karap;t;an% Sanjiakø Taghs;an% Silwia Thr Karap;t;an% Karhn Kako\;an% Armhn Manouhl;an% Waxghn Hsqiy;an% Wafh Darbin;an% Ma\q >arap;an% |akob Naxar;an% S;rviø Nafap;t;an ;u Ø,in P& Manouk;an
ÂAK K;dronakan Warcouj;an s'iu®qi ;u fa\r;niqi n;rka\azouzicn;re% gl.auorouj;amb at;nap;t Enk& Miqa\hl >arap;ani% .orfrdakzakan patmakan fandipoumn;r oun;zan fa\r;niqi mh= Ma\is 24-31! A\s enjazqin Ma\is 28-in anonq endounou;zan N&S&Ø&T&T& Gar;gin B& Kajo[ikos N;rsis;ani
ko[mh^ Ma\r Ajo®hn n;rs! Fandipoume anzau =;rm mjnolorti me mh=% oroun enjazqin .orfrdakzouj;an niuj dar]an fa\r;niqn ou s'iu®qe \ouxo[ xanaxan farz;r% oronq .ist a\vmhakan ;n fama\n fa\ouj;an famar! Qnnouj;an a®arka\ dar]an s'iu®qi fxørazoumin npasto[
~ransa\i Axga\in Vo[owi patgamauor Wal;ri Poua\hn Ma\is 29-in masnakza‘ h :uro.orfrdarani mh= kaxmak;rpoua‘ ªFa\oz Z;[aspanoujiun& Vo[owourdn;rou fa,touj;an kamour=º .orfrdavo[owin! Xa\n a\d .orfrdavo[owin frauira‘ hr ;uropazi patgamauor ;u :uropa-Fa\astan bar;kamouj;an .oumbi andam Hl;ni J;o.arouse% oroun f;t Poua\hn April 24-hn \;to\ a\z;la‘ hr Fa\astan ;u Arza.% ke fa[ordh Nouvelles d'Armenie-n!
~ransa\i .orfrdarani patgamauore% or z;[aspanoujiunn;rou v.toume qrhakanazno[ ørinag‘i f;[inakn h% \i,;zouza‘ h z;[aspanoujiunn;rou v.tman dhm pa\qari kar;uorouj;an masin% or na;u ;uropakan pa\qar h! ª~ransan phtq h ir axga\in ørhnsdrouj;an mh= mtznh :M ,r=anaka\in oro,oume ®asixmi ;u a\lat;azouj;an dhm pa\qari masin! Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100-rd tar;lizi møt;naloun xougaf;®% jrqakan ;u atrph\yanakan v.tman qaroxcoujiune ke ,arounakh tara‘ouil ~ransa\i mh=! A\sør a®au;l qan ;rb;uh m;r ;rkri ]a\ne phtq h bar]rana\ i pa,tpanoujiun mardou irauounqn;rou ;u fimnarar axatoujiunn;rou .orfrdavo[owi arvhqn;rou! Qariu[ow c;s krnar gn;l oc \i,o[oujiune% oc al^ mardou irauounqn;reº% \a\tarara‘ h Poua\hn!
axdakn;r% souriafa\ouj;an dimagraua‘ qa[aqakan tagnapn;re% fa\r;niqhn artaga[ji paragan incphs na;u m;r ;rkrin n;rqin dvouaroujiunn;re! W;fa'a® Fa\rap;te ir .øsqin mh= ,;,t;z kar;uoroujiune an\apa[ k;rpow farj;lou <ar& h= 13
Jourqio\ na.agaf Aptoulla Kiul% ;rkrin mh= tiro[ laroua‘oujiune m;[mazn;lou npatakow \a\tarar;z% jh zouzararn;roun patgame fasau i,.anoujiunn;roun! An pafan=;z dadr;zn;l bo[oqi fauaqn;re! Isjanpouli Jaqsim ,r=ani K;xi a\gin qand;lou Jourqio\ ka®awarouj;an oro,oumin dhm sksa‘ bo[oqi ,arvoume% tara‘ou;zau 67 qa[aqn;rou mh=! Fariur faxarauor qa[aqazin;r i=an Isjanpouli% Angara\i% Ixmiri% Anjalio\ ;u a\l qa[aqn;rou gl.auor po[otan;re! Fauaqn;roun enjazqin ba.oumn;r t;[i oun;zan ostikanouj;an ;u zouzararn;roun mi=;u! Ostikanoujiune ];rbakal;z møtauoraphs ;rkou faxar qa[aqazin;r! Ba.oumn;roun f;t;uanqow inkan fing an];r! Wirauorn;roun jiue anzau fing fariure! Akanat;sn;rou wka\ouj;amb ostikanoujiune zouzararn;roun dhm øgtagor‘a‘ h iskakan 'am'ou,t!
:RITASARD IRANAFA|E^ J:FRANI QA{AQA|IN >ORFOURDI J:KNA’OU :ritasard iranafa\ gor‘ice ir j;kna‘oujiune a®a=adra‘ h J;frani qa[aqa\in .orfourdi famar^ 4-rd ,r=ani! 30-am;a\ Armhn Naxar;ane Qi,i famalsarani famakargca\in masnayiu[in mh=% gitakan astiyan staza‘ h ª"a\amh Nou®º famalsarani qa[aqagitakan bavni mh=! <ar& h= 4
FA|ASTAN KE PATRASTOUI ARBAN:AK AR}AK:L DHPI TI:X:RQ Fa\astani fa[ordakzouj;an ;u kapi na.ararouj;an a,.atakaxmi [;kawar Grigor Grigor;an \a\tarar;z% jh n;rka\is na.araroujiune ti;x;rakan j®icqi irauounq ];®q b;r;lou npatakow^ famapatas.an mi=axga\in dimoum n;rka\azouza‘ h <ar& h= 4
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NOR ØR% |OUNIS 6% 2013
M;nq :nq^ M;r Zau;re
|akob Martiros;an >MBAGRAKAN KAXM^
Dokt& Minas Goya\;an Sargis |& Minas;an Frac S;';jy;an >acik Yano\;an MARXAKAN BAVUN^
Au;tis Ba\ram;an WARCAKAN KAXM^
Toqj& Âa``i Pal;an Ghorg Grigor;an Karø Giu'hl;an Andranik A`ar;an
F;®& (626)296-2921 F;®atip (626)296-2922 E- Mail: nor-or@sbcglobal.net Dauan;low ®amkawarakan skxbounqn;r% ke fauatanq baxmakar‘ouj;an ;u axat .øsqi irauounqi% f;t;uabar% fraparakoua‘ groujiunn;re anpa\man c;n arta\a\t;r .mbagrouj;ans t;sakhte! Kamqh anka. patya®n;row sprda‘ wripakn;rou famar k*apauininq m;r a,.atakizn;roun ;u enj;rzo[n;roun n;ro[amtouj;an! Nor Or Weekly is published weekly, except two weeks in AUGUST Nor Or Publishing Association, Inc. 1901 N. Allen Ave., Altadena, CA 91001 Annual Subscription rates: As of June 1st, 2007 U.S.A. 2nd Class: West Coast $75
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91-AM:AK 1922-2013
PARO|R A{PA<:AN ªDhpi apafow Fa\astanº karga.øse ke patkani Fa\astani Fanrap;touj;an na.agaf S;rv Sargs;anin% or% ;rkrord ,r=ani me famar% ir na.agafakan j;kna‘oujiune a®a=adr;lou vamanak% xa\n fraparak;z ir na.entrakan qaroxar,aui enjazqin! Irøq% sirt fryou;zno[ fo\akap loxoung men h% a\nqan at;n or Fa\astani apafowoujiune ke ,;,toui% a\l;u^ ke pa,tpanoui% or ødi ou =ouri nman anfrav;,toujiun men h fa\ vo[owourdin famar! Saka\n% ;jh arag aknark me n;t;nq \a=ordakan na.agafn;roun ar]aka‘ ª,®ndalizº nmanørinak karga.øsn;roun wra\% farz piti cta#nq% jh anonzmh o*ronq (;u o*rqanow) iragor‘ou;zan! Ba\z% farz talou phtq ka#\% ;rb t.our patk;re m;r acqin a®=;un h ou ke t;sn;nq a\d karga.øsn;roun m;‘ masin&&& 'oucikoujiune kam 'r'roujiune! Patya®n;re kam pa\mann;re inc al ellan anonz angor‘adr;liouj;an (kam kisagor‘adr;liouj;an)% o*c n;r;li% o*c al ardaranali ;n% a\nqan at;n or vo[owourde sksa‘ h (ardhn wa[o@uz) cfauatal anonz% j;rafauat ;u anwstaf da®nalow ;ko[-gazo[ ou gazo[-;ko[ i,.anoujiunn;rou nkatmamb! Qa[aqama\r :r;uani ardiakanazoume^ norago\n ,inararakan go\n;row ou patk;rn;row% i#nc imast ouni kam krna\ oun;nal% ;rb anika ke kataroui auandakan :r;uane a[aua[;low% m,akouja\in kojo[n;re 'yazn;low% patmakan ,hnq;re qand;low ;u anonz bnakicn;re 'o[oz n;t;low! Isk afauo*re^ ,q;[ ka®o\zn;rou% p;ryanqi k;dronn;rou ou pynanqi ;r;uo\jn;rou s;'akanathr;re gith#q owq;r ;[a‘ ;n% ;u ;*n& no\ninqn i,.anauorn;re% p;takan a\r;re% endfoup^ ªDhpi apafow Fa\astanº an'ou, ;u anarg;l yamba\ 'nt®o[n;re! A\s a®jiu% dar];al inqxinq partadro[ farzoume (oroun masin qanizs arta\a\toua‘ ;m)& Inco#u na.agafakan palatin a®=;u takauin ke ,arounakouin a\n ma\r;roun bo[oqn;re% oronq k*oux;n patas.an me stanal% banaki mh= ir;nz xauakn;roun .orfrdauor maf;roun kam spanoujiunn;roun masin! :jh arka‘% patafakanoujiun kam fog;banakan ararq piti esoui% atika au;li qan .o,o@r anf;j;joujiun men h% orowf;t;u ørinakn;re bolorowin a\l tarb;rakn;rou k*a®a=nord;n% wka\ouj;ambe ou t;[;kouj;ambe oc mia\n ‘no[n;roun%
a\l;u^ famatara‘ fraparakoumn;roun! Incph#s kar;li h ªDhpi apafow Fa\astanº go®al% ;rb apafowouj;an ;ra,.iqn;re a\nqan al ,ø,a';li ou xgali c;n! >øsqe% an,ou,t% ci w;rab;rir mia\n `ixiqakan apafowouj;an% or ,at kar;uor h% a\l na;u^ qa[aqaziakan% qa[aqakan% vo[owrdawarakan ;u axatakan% a®au;l^ k;nza[a\in% aprousta\in% barøra\in ;u apr;lak;rpa\in gor‘ønn;roun! W;ro\i,;aln;rhn o∞r mhke ke gtnoui ir ba[]ali% no\nisk kisaba[]ali wiyakin mh=% ;rb wife gor‘o[ i,.anoujiunn;rou ou fasarakouj;an la\n .au;roun mi=;u% f;txf;th au;li ke ,atna\ ou ke .orana\% minc a\na\la\lørhn takauin ke .øsoui ªDhpi apafow Fa\astanº diurab;k n,anabanin masin! A\s gafawiva\in enjazqhn i#nc ‘na‘ h kam krna\ ‘nil! Mijh parx ch#% a\n frh*,e% or ke kocoui& ARTAGA{J A\s t.raf®cak ou xaxr;li ;r;uo\jin masin% ,a@t m;knabanoujiunn;r% w;rlou‘oumn;r ou qnnarkoumn;r fnc;zin ou ke fnc;n patkan ko[m;rhn% oronz m;‘ mase anbauarar% ouri,n;r^ anendoun;li! Incph#s ;u inco#w kar;li h bazatr;l^ Fa\astanhn tar;kan% mi=in fa,ouow% 40-50 faxar mardou f;®azoume kam cououme! Inco#u a\s artafosqe ke ,arounakoui! Est m;xi% orowf;t;u^ - I,.anoujiunn;rou nkatmamb wstafoujiune i spa® cqaza‘ h% znda@‘! - Fa\astani mh= apaga\ ct;sno[n;r kan! - Gor‘axrkoujiune yn,o[ y,martoujiun h! - Sakauap;toujiune^ ir a®an]na,norfoumn;row% isk sakauap;tn;re^ ir;nz a\landakoujiunn;row k*ariunaqam;n Fa\astann ou fa\astanzin! - I,.o[ w;rna.aui ;u i,.ouo[ storna.aui% a®a=ine^ ,afagor‘o[i% ;rkrorde^ ,afagor‘ouo[i d;r;row% Fa\astane ke .r;n mouj ;u anw;r=anali 'apou[ii me mh=! W;r=in fa,ouow% a\s cor matnan,oumn;re (wstafabar lrazouzic a\l v.takanoujiunn;row)% inci# k*a®a=nord;n% ;jh oc mna\oun \ousafatouj;an ;u \arat;u fiasja'ouj;an% fousk^ artaga[ji (;jh kar;lioujiunn;r oun;nan m;kno[n;re) ;u kam^ famak;rpouj;an (;jh ckan a\l fnarauoroujiunn;r)! |stak jo[ ella\& oc oq miamtoujiune phtq h oun;na\ kar‘;lou jh^ artaga[je
ARMHN |AROUJIUN:ANIN F:T |aroujiun;ani al;f;r max;re chin .angara‘ ir mtqi arjnoujiunn ou ;rkar tarin;rou namakanin;rou endmh=hn ‘orazo[ a\la.of ;rgi‘akan dipouk farua‘n;re! Ir famar esoua‘ h jh ªardaroujiune dra.ti mh= hº loxoungi thr mard h! Ousti a\d a®aqinouj;amb ;u a®aq;louj;amb xinoua‘% orowf;t;u ir nman qic;rn ;n oronq ª;njaka\º ;n kam ªka.oua‘º ;n ªasor kam anorº framanin% Armhn |aroujiun;an% ir 3 fatorn;rou ;u 4000-h au;li namakn;rou endmh=hn% ªa®anz arg;lakiº qnnadata‘% gowa‘% ardaroujiun orona‘% .rata‘ kam parxaphs ,a®aciun aptaki karo[ouj;amb% ir grici faroua‘e toua‘ anørinakanouj;an ;u anardarouj;an ;r;sin! Kar;li ch ba[datoujiun dn;l
|aroujiun;ani namakn;roun ;u a\l namakagro[n;rou mic;u% ;jh c;n kardazoua‘ ir namakn;re!
<ar& h= 13
Anonq siro\ namakn;r c;n% qnqou, ;u f;xabaro\% faka®ak anonz 'a'ouk grouj;an! K∞es;n^ ªfaskzo[in^ faxar bar;uº% ;jh imanan i#nc k∞esh |aroujiun;ane! Axga\in fasarakakan gor‘ounhoujiunn;re ke xanaxanouin tarb;r ;rangn;row% oronz go\n;roun mh= akna®ou k∞ellan a\n anfatn;re% oronq ir;nz nouiroua‘oujiune \a\tna‘ ;n axgin% ir;nz niujakan kam baro\akan n;zoukow ;u a,.atakzouj;amb! |aroujiun;ani namakn;re \aya. ir;nz k‘ou aknarkn;row wirauora‘ ;n xga\oun anfatn;r% oronzmh ,at;re c;n famoxoua‘ ir;nz fandhp ;[a‘ qnnadatouj;an% a®a=arkin% .ratin% zouzmounqin kam aknarkin% ;u endwxa‘ ir dhm .øsqow kam gricow! Saka\n inchs w;r;ue n,ou;zau ªmardeº anaca® h a®anz ªarg;lakiº! >onarfaphs endounil ir qnnadatakan .øsqe <ar& h= 14
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I#nc ke N,anakh W;radasauoroum Âaxmawarouj;an 2011-hn asdin Miaz;al Nafangn;rou diuanagitoujiune wy®akan ,our=dar] me oun;zau% masamb qa,ou;low M;‘n Mi=in Ar;u;lqhn% fauasarak,®;low^ k;dronazn;lou famar ir xinouve Asio\ mh=% Cinastani ;u anor drazin;roun dhm \andiman! Am;rik;an xinouorakan n;rka\oujiune ,r=anin mh= piti au;lna\! Ardhn 2500 nauastin;r fastatoua‘ ;n Australio\ mh=! Isk nkata®;li jiuow% 28%000 am;rik;an xinouorn;r mna\oun k;rpow ke gtnouin Faraua\in Qorha\i mh=! Xougaf;®abar% tnt;sakan øvandakoujiun ;us tramadr;li h% qa[aqakan ou tnt;sakan xargazoum \a®a= b;r;lou famar ,r=anin a[qat ;rkirn;roun mh=! Qa[aqakan ka\ounoujiune pafpan;lou famar Asio\ mh=% Miaz;al Nafangn;r gor‘øn n;rka\oujiun me piti ella\ ,r=anin mh=% ibr;u wstaf;li ®axmawarakan bavn;kiz ouv% arg;lak;lou famar ba.oumi me w;ranorogoume% ;u orphsxi Cinastan fakak,®h Fiusis Qorha\i ir da,nakize! Miaz;al Nafangn;rou dvouarin npatakakhte piti ella\ Cinastane n;rqa,;l ,r=ana\in ;u fama,.arfa\in fama]a\nouj;an me mh=% mhk ko[mh^ tnt;sakan ou klima\akan bar;lauoumi% ou mius ko[mh^ xangoua‘a\in qandoumi xhnq;rou tara‘man dhm! Miavamanak% a,.at;lou h ;rkou Qorhan;rou .a[a[ miazoumin% ou "aqistani warqag‘i bar;'o.ouj;an famar! Minc Cinastani [;kawaroujiune n;rka\is xba[a‘ h ir n;rqin farz;rou kargadrouj;amb% miavamanak bar]razn;lou famar ;rkrin warke% Miaz;al Nafangn;r ]gt;lou h gor‘akzil a*\n marx;roun mh= our kar;lioujiun ka\% miavamanak paf;low saka\n diuanagitakan% tnt;sakan ou xinouorakan axdou n;rka\oujiun me ,r=anin mh=% st;[‘;low t;[akan ;rkirn;roun f;t kap;rou .it osta\n me! :jh Cinastan couxh endgrkouil ,r=ana\in ;u fama,.arfa\in famagor‘akzouj;an me mh=% Am;rika\i famar ,at au;li sou[i piti nsti nman wargag‘i me safmana'akoume!
F;gnanqhn Andin Miaz;al Nafangn;r inqxinq m.ry;z Mi=in Ar;u;lqi mh=% ;rb qic patya® ounhr a\dphs souxou;lou! Isk fima or lau patya®n;r ouni ir \an]na®oujiunn;re safmana'ak;lou% a\nphs ke joui jh dvouar piti ella\& dvouaroujiun me saka\n or ankar;lioujiun me ch \a[jafar;lou! Oua,inkjen ,at ban piti c,afi n;rka\is au;li*n en;low ,r=anin mh=% ;jh au;lin n,anakh endar]ak% ;rkarat;u xinouorakan mi=amtoujiun% or ke miti w;rakaxm;l enk;roujiunn;r (societies)% oronq tfas ;n (patrast c;n) vo[owrdawarouj;an famar! A`[anistani mh=% zauali piti ellar ;jh Jalipann;re w;ragtn;n ir;nq xir;nq! Atika ci n,anak;r% jh anfrav;,tabar anonq antan;li piti da®nan% ;jh Al-Qaita\in kam anor \;tnordn;roun cjo\latroui gor‘;lou A`[anistani fo[amas;rhn! :jh Islam :[ba\rakzoujiune (Muslim Brotherhood) ;u anor da,-
nakizn;re i,.anouj;an glou. gan baxmajiu ;rkirn;rou mh=% atika patya® me ellalou ch xin;al mi=amtouj;an! Fin Mi=in Ar;u;lqe anf;tanalou wra\ h& 'o.anzoume skxbnakan wiyakin mh= h! Anoro, h f;t;uanqe! Wstafabar la\n d;r piti oun;na\ qa[aqakan islamoujiune! Fauanakan h or ;rkirn;rou safmann;r bar;'o.oujiunn;r kr;n% ou kar;lioujiun h nor p;touj;anz go\a®oume! Fauanakanoujiun ka\ mi=-p;takan fakamartouj;anz! Lauago\n h% kar;liouj;an safmanin mh=% m;kousazoum ,r=ana\in dhpq;rh% ,arounak;low k;nsouvi a[biurn;roun xargazoume Mi=in Ar;Âicert N& Faas u;lqhn dours% a®a]gakan da®nalow afab;kcouj;an dhm! Miaz;al Nafangn;r kariqn ouni w;rafastat;lou ir tnt;sakan ouve% orphsxi fnarauoroujiunn;r oun;na\ a,.arfi mh= gor‘;lou axatørhn a®a=nordo[i d;rin mh=% orphsxi kar;na\ mrzakzil% ou x;r‘ mnal ‘ag;liq spa®naliqn;rh% i farkin^ dimagrau;low xanonq% nouax .oz;li da®nalou famar mi=axga\in anfakak,®;li xargazoumn;rou fandhp% ørinak da®nalow ouri,n;rou! Iraqi ;u A`[anistani pat;raxmakan ‘a.s;re c;n or patya® dar]an m;r axgin enjazik piutyhakan kam tnt;sakan n;[ kazouj;an% ba\z^ npast;zin anor! :jh n;rka\is ‘a.s;nq axga\in apafowouj;an au;li ;us xørazoumin famar% au;li piti dvouarana\ bar;lauoume kazouj;an! Npatake phtq h ella\ w;rakangnoume m;r patmakan ou tnt;sakan ayin% kryat;low p;takan partqin fam;matakan tarb;roujiune ;rkrin endfanour ;kamouthn (ba[dat;low GDP–in f;t)% miavamanak bar;lau;low axga\in n;rqin ka®o\zn;re (infrastructure) ou mardka\in dramaglou.e! |a®a=ika\ ;rkara]gouo[ tarin;roun% mrzakiz kam go\akzakan (existential) m;‘ ouv me cmnalow% Miaz;al Nafangn;r fauanakan h or wa\;lh ®axmagitakan (strategic) fangist me (respite)! Farze a*\n h% or Miaz;al Nafangn;re piti kar;na#\ øgtouil w;ro\i,;al dadarhn% w;ranorog;lou famar ir ouva[iurn;re% kam a\laphs% piti watnh xanonq% fasn;lou famar Mi=in Ar;u;lqi kariqn;roun^ cøvandak;low Asio\ mh=% ;u anfrav;,t n;rdroume ckatar;low ;rkrhn n;rs!
(<ar& 2 ;u w;r=) Jargm&^ Sargis |& Minas;an !
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NOR ØR% |OUNIS 6% 2013
LOUIXIANA|I ’:RAKO|TE ARZA>I ANKA>OUJ:AN A+AKZO{ BANA}:U ENDOUNA’ H Louixiana nafangi ’;rako\te L;®na\in {araba[i Fanrap;touj;an anka.ouj;an a=akzo[ bana];u endouna‘ h ;u koc ou[[a‘ h AMN Qonkr;sin ou na.agafin a=akz;lou L{F inqnawar ;u vo[owrdawar anka.ouj;an! Louixiana nafangi ’;rako\ti bana];uin mh=% masnauoraphs esoua‘ h& ªLouixiana\i Ørhnsdir Marmni ’;rako\te k*a=akzi ;u k*o[=ounh L;®na\in {araba[i Fanrap;touj;an =anq;re orphs axat ;u anka. p;toujiun% or apafowh ir qa[aqazin;rou^ axat ;u anka. fasarakoujiunn;roun bnoro, irauounqn;re! Miaz;al Nafangn;rou na.agafin ;u ’;rako\tin koc ;[a‘ h a=akzil L{F inqnoro,man ou vo[owrdawarakan anka.ouj;ane ;u anor ka®ouzo[akan masnakzouj;ane mi=axga\in fanrouj;an =anq;roun% orphsxi ardar ;u amour kargauoroum ella\ ®axmawarakan kar;uoroujiun oun;zo[ a\d tara‘a,r=ani anwtangouj;an farz;rou mh=º!
Z:{ASPANOUJIUNN:ROU :U O{+AKIXOUMI V>TOUME QRHAKANAZNO{ ØRINAGI’ ME N:RKA|AZOUA’ H |OUNASTANI >ORFRDARAN ªÂIA Nowosjiº ke fa[ordh% or |ounastani warcap;t Anjonis Samarasi gl.auora‘ ªNor Vo[owrdawaroujiunº .orfrdaranakan .mbakzoujiune |ounastani .orfrdaranin n;rka\azouza‘ h ørinagi‘ me% or qrhakan patas.anatououjiun ke na.at;sh z;[aspanoujiunn;re ;u O[=akixoume v.t;lou% incphs na;u øtarat;azouj;an drs;uoroumn;rou famar! Lratou gor‘akaloujiune ke n,h% or ªørinagi‘e qrhakan patas.anatououjiun ke na.at;sh |ounastani .orfrdaranin ko[mh yanczoua‘ z;[aspanoujiunn;re% O[=akixoume% incphs na;u naziakan G;rmanio\ ko[mh gor‘oua‘ \anzagor‘oujiunn;rou 'ast;re .;[ajiur;lou% f;rq;lou kam xanonq pa,tpan;lou famarº! Bolor anonq% oronq banauor% grauor% mamouli% famazanzi mi=ozow kam or;uh a\l ];uow ke f;rq;n ou ke .;[ajiur;n mardkouj;an dhm kataroua‘ \anzagor‘oujiunn;re% est ørinagi‘in% piti patvouin minc;u 3 tari bantarkouj;amb ;u 5-hn 20 faxar ;urø touganqow! |i,;zn;nq% or |ounastan 1996-in yancza‘ h Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune!
F;®afa[ordakzouj;an Mi=axga\in Miouj;an (FMM)! FMM-i ko[mh ou[;‘ra\in dirqi irauounqi ar]anagrouj;an ;u f;taxøtakan a,.atanqn;roun auar-
thn ;tq% banakzoujiunn;r t;[i piti oun;nan arban;aki na.ag‘man ;u ka®ouzman% xa\n `inansauor;lou ;u arban;aki ar]akman vamkht;roun w;rab;r;al!
M:’A|ARG OUSOUZCAP:T TIAR :ROUAND PAPA|:AN +;rmørhn ,norfauoroum ;m };r ‘nnd;an 100-am;a\ \ob;l;ane ;u ;rkaram;a\ a,.atanqa\in b;[oun wastake! :s fpartanoum ;m };r ;rkaram;a\ mankawarvi ;u tnørhni qrtna=an a,.atanqow% };r axga\in-fasarakakan ;u kousakzakan an.on= gor‘ounhouj;amb% incphs na;u };r f;[inaka‘ grakan arvhqauor ;rk;row% dasagrq;row% mamouloum lo\s t;sa‘ fraparaka.øsa\in bowandakaliz \ødoua‘n;row! Ifarkh a\s bolori famar arvanaz;l hq p;takan ;u axga\in kaxmak;rpoujiunn;ri ,norfa‘ baxmajiu patouogr;ri% ,qan,ann;ri ;u bar]r tit[osn;ri! Krkin =;rmørhn ,norfauor;low% zankanoum ;m qa=a®o[=oujiun% ;r=anik ør;r };x ;u };r axnoua'a\l tikno=^ Tik& Âoxinin% };r xauakn;rin ;u jo®n;rin! |arganqn;row^ "ro`& Au;tis "a'ax;an |ounis 2% 2013% Los Any;les
S:RV JANG:ANIN CI XARMAZN:R Z:{ASPANOUJIUNE F:RQO{ JOURQIO| MH+ >A{A{ ZOUZARARN:ROU NKATMAMB KIRAÂOUO{ BÂNOUJIUNE Xarmanali ch% or 1%5 mln fa\;rou% asorin;rou ;u \o\n;rou Z;[aspanoujiune f;rqo[ ka®awaroujiune b®noujiun ke kira®h .a[a[ zouzararn;rou nkatmamb! A\s masin Facebook-i ir pa,tønakan h=i mh= gra‘ h ;ravi,t ;u ;rgafan S;rv Jang;ane! ªXarmanali ch% or lragro[n;roun a®anz fimnauorman bant nst;zno[ ;u 1%5 milion fa\;rou% \o\n;rou ;u asorin;rou Z;[aspanoujiune v.to[ ka®awaroujiune c*amacnar .a[a[ zouzararn;rou dhm ouv kira®;lh! Jaqsim fraparaki ªK;xiº xbøsa\gin% a\n ,r=apato[ mi=axga\in fiuranozn;row% ka®ouzoua‘ h fin fa\kakan g;r;xmanozi wra\! };r a\søroua\ pafoua‘qow chq krnar jaqzn;l anz;ali oskorn;re! :s znzoua‘ ;m Øpama\i ;u Hrto[an anounow ;rk;r;sani^ Jourqio\ warcap;ti mt;rmouj;nhnº% gra‘ h ;ravi,te!
ÂAK AR:UMT:AN AM:RIKA|I <R+ANAKI ENDFANOUR ANDAMAKAN :U MI+-AKOUMBA|IN VO{OW ÂAK Ar;umt;an Am;rika\i <r=ana\in Warcoujiune ke \a\tararh fama\n Ar;umt;an <r=anaki Akoumbn;roun ;u andamakzouj;an% jh 2013 jouakani endfanour andamakan vo[owe t;[i piti oun;na\ |ounis 26% 2013-i ;r;ko\;an vame 7&00-in% Aljatina\i Ph,khøjiur;an k;dronin mh=! T;[i piti oun;na\ tar;kan t;[;katououj;anz fa[ordagroujiun ;u \a=ord ,r=ani ‘ragirn;rou m,akoum! Bolor akoumbn;rou andamakzoujiune sirow frauiroua‘ h a\n fauaqin! T;[i piti oun;na\ enjriqi fiurasiroujiun!
<ar& h= 1-hn
Hyeli.com ka\qin toua‘ farzaxro\zi mh= Naxar;ane \a\tna‘ h% jh fa\;re 400 tarih au;li k*aprin Irani mh=% phtq h ir;nz liirau qa[aqazi xgan a\d ;rkri mh= ;u f;nz a\d famoxmounqow al% an% orphs Irani qa[aqazi% k*ouxouh% or ir drakan d;rn ou axd;zoujiune oun;na\ jh Irani% jh fa\ fama\nqi kariqn;rou ;u .ndirn;rou lou‘man famar! Farzin% j; inco#u an miak fa\ j;kna‘oun h% Armhn Naxar;ane patas.ana‘ h% jh t;[;katououj;an pakase ;u inc-or t;[ al antarb;roujiunn h patya®e! Est anor fa\;re Irani mh= yancoua‘ ;n orphs lau arf;stauorn;r% .ofararn;r% isk qa[aqakan olorti mh= bauararoua‘ ;n mia\n .orfrdarani patgamauorn;row!
ÂAK Ar;umt;an Am;rika\i <r=ana\in Warcoujiun
Bavanordagrou;lou famar Âamkawar Axatakan Kousakzouj;an ;l;ktrona\in mamoulin% };r e-mail faszhn krnaq [rk;l ragmamoul@gmail.com
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FA|ASTAN:A|Z AÂAQ:LAKAN :K:{:ZUO| <ARAKANN:ROU F:{INAKN:RE :&-VD& DAR:ROU A,.atasir;z^ Bar;,& Ghorg Sark& "ano\;an >ACIK YANO|:AN
Fowanauorouj;amb ÂAK Fa\ Irauanz >orfourdi (ARCA)% Ourbaj% Ma\is 31-i ;r;ko\;an% Kl;nth\li Fanra\in gradaranin mh= t;[i oun;zau Dokt& Minas Goya\;ani ªMormoqo[ Anz;ali Araf;tn;row% Ou.tagnazoujiun Dhpi Patmakan Fa\astanº g;[atip fatorin n;rka\azoumn ou gin;]øne! Girqe fangamanørhn n;rka\azouz gitouj;an na.kin ousouzic Prn& Ghorg |akob;an! Srti .øsqow ;lo\j oun;zau Prn& Mifran Joumayan \anoun Fa\ Irauanz >orfourdi! O[=o\ni .øsq;r artasan;zin Bvi,k |akob A\njapl;an% Prn& Martiros Wardan;an ;u Dokt& Art;m Sargs;an! G;[arou;stakan \a\tagir^ Lili Sara`;an^ artasanoujiun% Tik& Ar,ø Axat;anM;liq;an^ enj;rzoum noratip fatorhn% Dauij Samouhl;an^ ;rg% da,namouri enk;rakzouj;amb Aram Lh'hy;ani! T;sa;rixow zouzadrou;zau a\sørouan Xh\joune m;‘ pasta®i wra\! <norfakalakan .øsq^ Dokt& Minas Goya\;an! Fandisoujiune auart;zau Dokt& Thr Xauhn Auag Qfn\& Arxouman;ani mtoroumn;row ou gin;]øni araro[ouj;amb! Ke ,norfauor;nq f;[inake ;u ke ma[j;nq% or anor 'a'aqe i møto\ irakanazoui% girqe jargmanou;low angl;rhni ;u jrq;rhni! Manramasnoujiunn;re \a=ord jiuow!
W;r=;rs m;‘ago\n gofounakouj;amb staza\ w;ron,;al .ist arvhqauor girqe% or patrasta‘ ;u famadra‘ h Fa\ A®aq;lakan :k;[;zuo\ auag Sarkauag^ grabar l;xoui ;u ,arakanagitouj;an .orounk ousoumnasiroujiunn;rou wastak oun;zo[% ;u m;r ko[mh au;lzn;nq% fo\akap an]nauoroujiun% jankagin bar;kam^ Ghorg "ano\;an! Fing,abji% |ounis 20% 2013% ;r;ko\;an vame 7!00-in% "asatina\i S& Grigor Lousauoric ;k;[;zuo\ (faszh^ 2215 E. Colorado, Pasadena), t;[i piti oun;na\ a\s ,af;kan ;u f;taqerqrakan girqin n;rka\azoume ;u gin;]øne! };®narke ke fowanauorh Ar;umt;an J;mi A®a=nord^ G;r,& T& |ownan Arq& Thrthr;an! Girqe piti n;rka\aznh m;r ga[ouji baxmawastak gitnakan-k[;rakann;rhn% fa\ ;k;[;zuo\ ,r=oun fama\nagitaran^ Dokt& T& Xauhn Auag Qfn\& Arxouman;an! A\d ør piti ;rgouin Fa\ A®aq;lakan :k;[;zuo\ gofar ,arakann;r% n;rkan;roun fog;uor m;‘ bauararoujiun parg;u;low! A\s fatore f;[inakin ;rkrord ousoumnasiroujiunn h% or nouira‘ h ,arakanagitouj;an! A®a=in girqin nman^ a\s f;taqrqrakan fatore% f;[inake nouira‘ h ir jankagin ko[akzin^ `rans;rhn l;xoui ousouzcoufi^ ;rgcoufi ;u ta[anda,at nkarcoufi^ o[b& Lousi "ano\;ani qa[zr \i,atakin! Fatori moutqin% f;[inake xgazoua‘ ,norfakalouj;an .øsq me dra‘ h% ir .orin ,norfakaloujiune \a\tn;low ir q;®a\rin^ Srk& Marja\;anin (Niu :orq)% fog;uor ;u a,.arfik ;rav,touj;an m;‘anoun masnaght% mankawarv% ªLarqº :rav,tanozi [;kawar^ Wach Parsoum;anin% baxmawastak% mtauorakan-fog;uorakan Dokt& Thr Xauhn Auag Qfn\& Arxouman;anin% ;ravi,t^ Grigor "ithy;anin% fa\;rhn fin ;rg;rou masnaght^ P;tros Alafa\to\;anin% A®a=nordarani pa,tøn;an;rhn^ Fa\k Mato\;anin% U.C.L.A. gradarani patas.anatoun;r^ Nora Au;t;anin ;u wastaka,at gradaranawaroufi^ Silwa-Najali Manouk;anin! A\s bolor masnaghtn;rou fama.a®n ;u manrakrkit srbagrouj;anz ;u w;rana\oumi argasiqn h a\s fatore! Fa\ vo[owourde p;takanørhn a®a=in qriston;a\ vo[owourde ellalow% .oraphs kapoua‘ h a\s krønin fimq fandisazo[ S& Girqin ;u 1700 tarih i w;r ir
k;anqe imastauora‘ h Sourb mat;anow ;u fa\ ;k;[;ziow! "akagi‘ me banalow \i,;nq% jh Astoua‘a,ounc S& Girqe groua‘ h møt 1600 tarin;rou enjazqin! Qristosh a®a= 1500 jouakanhn sks;al% minc;u^ Qristosh ;tq 100 jouakane! A\nphs or Astoua‘a,ounce 3%500 taroua\ k;anq ouni! S& Girqe ba[kaza‘ h 66 girq;rh (18^ patmakan% 5^ banast;[‘akan% 18^ margarhakan% 4^ au;taranakan% 21^ namakani)! S& Girqe ouni 1%189 glou.& 41%173 famarn;r! Astoua‘a,ounce groua‘ h 45 an];rou ko[mh^ jagauorn;r% mtauorakann;r% 'iliso'an;r% dpirn;r% maqsauorn;r% bvi,kn;r% irauabann;r% ;u a\ln! Astoua‘a,ounce xanaxan an];rou ko[mh groua‘ ellalow ;u 1600 tarin;rou enjazqin m,akoua‘ ellalow fand;r]% ouni sqanc;li miabanoujiun me% n;rda,nakoujiun me ;u fam;ra,.oujiun me! S& Girqe ;[a‘ h a,.arfi amhnhn ,at kardazoua‘ girqe! Jargmanoua‘ h 1%659 l;xoun;rou ;u amhn tari 30 milion ørinak ke tpoui a\s girqhn! Fa\ vo[owourdi qristonhakan fauatqin a\sqan .orounk kapou;loun mh=% m;‘ d;r oun;za‘ ;n an,ou,t S& Girqe% m;r ;k;[;zuo\ S& Patarage ou manauand m;r FA| <ARAKANN:RE! Incphs or f;[inake ardarørhn esa‘ h girqin mh=% ªFa\ vo[owourde ir mitqe% ir xgazoumn;re ;u fog;kan a,.arfe .a®na‘ h ,arakann;roun mh= ;u anonz mi=ozau a[øja‘ h a® Astoua‘% ;*u ir oura.oujiunn;roun% t.roujiunn;roun% \a=o[oujiunn;roun ;*u ta®apanqn;roun vamanakº! A\s fatorow% Bar;,& Ghorg Srk& "ano\;an m;xi kou ta\ møt faxar tarouan k;anq oun;zo[^ <ar& h= 14
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Bar;u% Im anouns Al;qsantra Aki,;an h! :r;q tar;kanhs minc;u a\sør ke \aya.;m Fa\kakan Bar;gor‘akan Endfanour Miouj;an Manouk;an-T;miry;an warvaran! Ke \i,;m Karmir dasarane% øriord Mhrin% øriord L;nan% incphs na;u dasenk;rn;rs% oronz f;t afauasik 15 tarih i w;r amhn ør miasin ;nq! Oura. ;m% or fa\kakan dproz [rka‘ ;n im ‘no[n;rs! <norfakal ;m ;u fpart% or a\sør in‘i a\s a®ije trou;zau% orphsxi .øsqs 'o.anz;m ];xi! FBEM-e im ;rkrord touns ;[a‘ h tarin;r ,arounak! Al;qsantra Aki,;an C;m krnar patk;razn;l inqxinqs ouri, mi=awa\ri mh= mankouj;ans ;u patan;kouj;ans a\s tarin;roun! FBE Mioujiune fimnoua‘ hr fa\oz ;rkarat;u ;u zauatan= patmouj;an am;nat.our ør;roun! Dvouar h lriu fasknal bar;gor‘ouj;an d;re^ or m;r m;‘ Mioujiune stan]na‘ hr dimagrau;lou srbaxan a\d partakanoujiune! Bar;gor‘akan kaxmak;rpoujiun me fastat;lou ga[a'are% or phtq h ka®awaroui fo\l me m;‘afaroust ;u tit[osauor warcakann;rou ko[mh% ‘nound a®a‘ hr 1904-in^ Ar'iar Ar'iar;ani ko[mh! An \a\tni f;[inak me ellalou ko[qin^ hr na;u fa\oz axatagrman ®afwiran;rhn min! 1905 jouakani Fokt;mb;r amsoun% :rouand A[ajøn w;ro\i,;al ga[a'are ke n;rka\aznh Pø[os Noupar "a,a\in ;u anonq miasnabar k*oro,;n fimn;l Fa\kakan Bar;gor‘akan Endfanour Mioujiune! 1905 ;u 1906 jouakann;roun^ :giptosi m;‘afaroust ;u f;[inakauor fa\;re m;‘aphs .andawa®oua‘ hin fastat;lou kaxmak;rpoujiun me% or øgtakar piti fandisanar fa\;roun% \atkaphs anonz oronq ke ta®aphin Øsman;an b®natirakan i,.anouj;an n;rq;u! :u afa 15 April% 1906-in^ Pø[os Noupar "a,a ir bnakarane ke frauirh tase anouani mardik ;u anonq ke fimn;n FBE Mioujiune! Sa na.a.namakan ankiunadar] me fandisazau m;r patmouj;an mh=! Ar;umt;an Fa\astani irawiyake^ \;t 1905 jouakani Fa\Jajar pa\qarn;roun% kixakhte fandisazau m;r miouj;an [;kawarn;roun! :r;uaka\;zhq or Miouj;an ;rkrord isk vo[owin^ Ma\is 21% 1906% anonq oro,;zin niujakan øgnoujiun a®aq;l pat;raxmi a[ht;aln;roun% npastafato\z warcouj;an mi=ozau! Ir fimnadrouj;nhn i w;r^ FBE Mioujiune ch j;raza‘ øgn;lou fa\ vo[owourdin! An øgna‘ h fa\oz axatagrman pa\qarin% Fa\astani a®a=in anka. fanrap;touj;an% Sow;takan Fa\astani ;rkrord fanrap;touj;an% incphs na;u norøq anka.oujiun staza‘ Fa\astani ;rrord fanrap;touj;an! M;r m;‘ Mioujiune mi,t al dimagraua‘ h dvouarin martafrauhrn;r ;u ;rb;q t;[i ch toua‘ dvouarin kazouj;anz enda®a=! Anor qa[aqakanoujiune ;[a‘ h mi,t øgn;l fa\ouj;an ;u Fa\astani ka®awarouj;an% inc or al ;[a‘ h anor i,.anouj;an ga[a'ara.øsoujiune! Fima jo\l touhq or ];xi n;rka\azn;m m;r miouj;an karg me gor‘ounhoujiunn;re% anka. Fa\astani Fanrap;touj;an mh=! Sa kou ga\ fastat;lou a\n iro[oujiune or m;r mioujiune k*øgnh oc jh mia\n Ar;umt;an Fa\astani fa\ouj;an% a\l;u bolor fa\;roun an.tir^ n;ra®;al Ar;u;l;an Fa\astani fa\ouj;an! FBE Mioujiune niujaphs øvandaka‘ h ,at me krjakan% m,akouja\in% enk;ra\in ;u krønakan ‘ragirn;rou^ Fa\astani mh=% ir anka.ouj;nhn i w;r! A\s ‘ragirn;rou gor‘adroumow^ m;r bar;rarn;re øgnouj;an fasa‘ ;n 100%000 fa\;rou% a®anz tariqi ;u dasakargi .trouj;an ou amhn amis gor‘ fa\ja\ja‘ h 2%000 fa\r;nakizn;rou! FBE Mioujiune ir fimnadrouj;an 107 tarin;rou enjazqin a,.arfow mhk zroua‘ fa\;rou øgnouj;an fasa‘ h tramadr;low au;li qan mhk milia® tolar^ ;ritasardakan% a®o[=apafakan ;u a\l ‘ragirn;r fowanauor;low! A\s patka®;li goumarin au;li qan 160 milon tolare fa\ja\joua‘ h noranka. Fa\astani ‘ragirn;roun! Fima k*oux;m ];xi n;rka\azn;l karg me ‘ragirn;r% oronq gor‘a-
G;ra,norf |ownan Arq;piskopos Thrthr;an |argarvan Prn& Sinan Sinan;an^ "o. Na.agaf FBE Miouj;an Fog;uor Fa\r;r% FBE Miouj;an Ar;umt;an Am;rika\i |an]navo[owi At;nap;t Prn& Grigor Garakhøx;an ;u andamn;r% sir;li miouj;nakann;r% axniu ou \arg;li bar;kamn;r! Tøn h a\sør% tøn zn‘ouj;an ou fpartouj;an! Imastoun% .of;m ou mi,t ;ritasard FBE Miouj;an 107-rd tar;dar]n h or miasnabar ke tøn;nq a\sør! Na.a.namakan xougadipouj;amb% an fimnou;zau 1906 April 15-in% Xatkoua\ Tønin^ Srb& |arouj;an øre% Gafirhi mh=% :giptos! FBE Miouj;an fimnadroujiune ;[au m;r vo[owourdi April;an Garoune ;u dar]au mafouan yirann;rhn maxapour‘ axata‘ m;r vo[owourdi |aroujiune ;u anor w;raproumi ;u go\at;u;lou .orfrdani,e! :rb fala‘anqi ;njaka\ ;u bant;rou mh= hin% axge a®a=nord;lou kocoua‘ kaxmak;rpoujiunn;re ou [;kawarn;re% FBE Mioujiunn ou m;r ;k;[;zin ;[an miak fastatoujiunn;re% oronq mnazin mafouan yirann;roun mh= gtnouo[ vo[owourdi ko[qin% talow anor apr;lou \o\s ou korow% \arat;u;lou fauatq ou kamq! FBE Mioujiune ibr;u k;nsatou ar;u^ ‘nound a®au m;r vo[owourdi am;namouj ou ampama‘ ;rknakamarin wra\% an mnaz ou piti ,arounakh mnal% ibr;u pa\‘a® ar;u snouzan;lou ;u \au;rvazn;lou m;r m,akouja\in arvhqn;rn ou fa\ou an.ortak ogin! FBE Mioujiune 107-e tarin;rou enjazqin srbaxan nouiroumow ‘a®a\;z m;r vo[owourdin! 107-e tarin;r ,arounak% mia\n ou mia\n bariq% \o\s ou lo\s s'®;z% Øsman;an davan tirap;touj;an tak yn,oua‘ m;r karøt;al vo[owourdin% Fa\astani A®a=in Fanrap;touj;an% Sow;takan I,.anouj;an ;njaka\ fa\ouj;an% a,.arfi cors ‘ag;roun fastatoua‘ s'iu®qafa\ouj;an ;u noranka. fa\r;niqi w;rakangnoumin! Z;[aspanouj;an af®;li =ard;rhn w;rapra‘ au;li qan mhk milion a[htafarn;r dar]an aqsorakan ou taragir% fariur faxarauor orb;r% a\rin;r% fiuandn;r ou j,oua®n;r taragrou;zan Mi=in Ar;u;lqi xanaxan ;rkirn;rou mh=! FBE Miouj;an fimnadir na-
<ar& h= 12
Ari Gaxany;an
.agafe^ Pø[os Noupar "a,an esau ªFBE Mioujiune 'oqrik fanrap;toujiun men hº! A\s 'oqrik fanrap;toujiune^ mafouan yirann;rhn maxapour‘ axata‘ taragirn;roun øgnouj;an fasau% fimn;z arf;stanozn;r% darmanatoun;r% dprozn;r% orbanozn;r ou bnak;li toun;r! A\s 'oqrik fanrap;touj;an ,norfiu m;r vo[owourde a\d taraba.t ør;roun coun;zau mourazkann;r ou antoun ja'a®akann;r (Homeless)n;r 'o[ozn;rou mh=! :u a\sør a\d jouakanhn fariur tarin;r ;tq% 21-rd daroun mh=% a,.arfi am;nhn faroust ou xørauor fska\ p;toujiune ankaro[ h takauin ];rbaxatouil Los Any;losi 'o[ozn;rou mourazkann;rhn ou antoun ja'a®akann;r (Homeless)n;rhn! FBE Mioujiune faroust h ir fogiow ;u au;li xørauor ir fauataz;al ou nouiroua‘ andamn;row! An miak kaxmak;rpoujiunn h or ke patkani ambo[= fa\ouj;an% a®anz kousakzakan% \aranouanakan% dasakarga\in kam s;®i .trouj;an! Aragenjaz a\s daroun% k;anqe \arat;u \;[a,r=ouo[ ;r;uo\j men h% k;anqi pa\mann;rou irapa,t gnafatoume katar;l ou ardiakan k;rpow ‘ragr;l ou gor‘;le an\;ta]g;li pafan=q men h irakanazn;lou famar m;r miouj;an fimnadirn;roun npatakn ou ;raxe! A\sør m;xi spa®nazo[ wtange% a\las;roumn h% fa\ ogiin t;[atououjiune% fa\ anz;ali ;u m,ako\ji nkatmamb& nor s;roundn;roun angitoujiune ;u ankh \a®a=azo[ antarb;roujiunn ou arfamarfanqe! A\sør m;r a®=;u zzouo[ am;nafratap farze% øtar ,lazouzic <ar& h= 12
Louisiana State Senate Recognizes Karabakh Independence
The Louisiana State Senate adopted a resolution saluting the Nagorno Karabakh Republic’s independence and urging the U.S. President and Congress to support the self-determination and democratic independence of this developing democratic state. The resolution, introduced and spearheaded by Senator Edwin Murray, states that the “Senate of the Legislature of Louisiana hereby encourages and supports the Nagorno Karabakh Republic’s continuing efforts to develop as a free and independent nation in order to guarantee its citizens those rights inherent in a free and independent society.” The resolution goes on to call on the President and Congress to “support the
self-determination and democratic independence of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic and its constructive involvement with the international community’s efforts to reach a just and lasting solution to security issues in that strategically important region.”
Istanbul Protests Spread To Baku: Police Disperses Protests Supporting Demonstrations In Turkey
On Monday at 4:00pm, Baku police prevented a group of young people trying to hold a rally of solidarity with the protesters in Istanbul, the Azerbaijani information agency Turan reports. It says that about 50 people gathered in front of the Turkish Embassy in Baku, calling to meet the demands of demonstrators in Istanbul. They called on the Turkish government to stop pressure on the protesters, and to abandon plans for the restructuring of Taksim Square, according to correspondents from the scene. The police, however, pushed the crowd away from the embassy. Young people told reporters they continue to hold solidarity actions in other locations in central Baku, without naming specific addresses.
Street protests continue to be held in several cities in Turkey (Istanbul, Ankara, Antalya, Izmir and Konya) from the end of May. Demonstrators protest against the government’s plans to build a shopping and entertainment complex in the park of Gezi in Istanbul. Opponents of the construction of the shopping center claim that Gezi Park is one of the few green areas in the center of Istanbul. The protests began as a protest of local environmentalists. But the action quickly grew into a demonstration of dissatisfaction on the policy of the Turkish prime minister and the ruling party. Turkish police used violence to disperse the protesters. Catherine Ashton, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission, mentioned about the "disproportionate use of force by the police." Peaceful demonstrations "are part of manifestations of democracy", and the long-term stability in Turkey can only be ensured by provision of "fundamental freedoms of expression, assembly and unification," said USA White House spokesperson Laura Lucas. Source: Panorama.am
Advanced Russian Missiles ‘Deployed In Armenia’ Russia has deployed in Armenia stateof-the-art ballistic missiles capable of striking targets more than 400 kilometers away, according to a source in the Armenian Defense Ministry. Speaking on the condition anonymity, the source told RFE/RL’s Armenian service (Azatutyun.am) over the weekend that several Iskander-M systems are currently stationed at undisclosed locations in the country. The source declined to clarify whether they were delivered to the Armenian armed forces or the Russian mili-
tary base headquartered in Gyumri. The Defense Ministry in Yerevan did not officially confirm or refute the information as of Monday. Citing an unnamed Russian military source, the Russian news agency Regnum reported on May 15 that Moscow is likely to deploy the advanced surface-to-surface missiles as part of the ongoing modernization of its base in Armenia.
Turkey Police Brutality: Cops Attack Protesters, Use Gallons Of Tear Gas
Riot police use a water cannon to disperse anti-government protesters in front of Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan's Istanbul office June 1, 2013 (Reuters / Murad Sezer) The brutal suppression of a peaceful environmental sit-in in Istanbul ignited a nationwide protest against the Turkish government. Allegations of police crossing the line between keeping the order and oppression are mushrooming in the social media. Over the days of clashes with the protesters, Turkish police excessively used water cannons and tear gas, drawing condemnation from Amnesty International and calls for restraint from Turkey’s closest
allies. “The use of tear gas against peaceful protestors and in confined spaces where it may constitute a serious danger to is unacceptable, health breaches international human rights standards and must be stopped immediately,” Amnesty stressed in a statement, calling on the Turkish government to investigate all reports of abuse. Photos and video footage of officers clubbing activists and spraying them with irritants at point-blank range are circulating across social media, further inflaming the Turkish riots. The online anger is fueled by the dismissal of the protesters as “simple looters” by the government and the apparent downplaying of the importance of the protest in the official media. The Turkish government insists that the protests are irrelevant and inspired by extremist forces. As he was leaving the country on Monday for a North Africa visit, Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan said that the Turkish intelligence services are investigating possible foreign links to the weekend riots. He also said the protest have nothing to do with the Gezi Park sit-ins.
Belgium: Europalia Festival Invites Turkey In 2015!
Serzh Sargsyan Meets With Kuwaiti National Assembly Speaker
On May 23, 2013, the Board Europalia International chose Turkey as the guest country in 2015. Turkish Arts will be honored for several months in the fall of 2015. With a budget of 7 million euros, the Europalia festival is supported by major corporate sponsors but also by the different levels of government in Belgium. Administrators include the National Bank of Belgium, but also the European Parliament and the Council of Europe, which, respectively, have recognized the Armenian Genocide in 1987 for one and 1998 for the other ... Launched in Brussels in 1969, Europalia is an international arts festival held every two years most of the cultural heritage of a country. This year India will present his music, arts, literature, cinema ... The festival showcases all artistic practices: music, visual arts, theater, dance, literature, architecture, design, fashion, gastronomy ... Jean Eckian / Paris
President Serzh Sargsyan received on Saturday the delegation of the National Assembly of the State of Kuwait headed by Speaker of the NA Ali Fahad Al-Rashed. President Sargsyan greeted the guests and underscored that in Armenia, we are always happy to welcome delegations from the friendly Kuwait. Serzh Sargsyan noted that parliamentary ties between Armenia and Kuwait and cooperation have commenced from the very beginning of the relations established between the two friendly states. According to the President of Armenia, our common history clearly testifies to Armenia’s and the Armenian people’s relations with the Arab world. Today that history has become a base for the development of the interstate relations. The parties noted with pleasure reciprocal visits on different levels which contribute to the enhancement of the political dialogue. Speaking about his visit to Kuwait conducted back in 2009 and agreements reached in the framework of the visit, Serzh Sargsyan stated with satisfaction that they are being implemented: there are embassies in both states, this year the intergovernmental commission will hold its second meeting in Kuwait which will relate to the ongoing programs and the prospects of deepening cooperation in different areas, and encouragement of investments. The parties also discussed regional issues and challenges, presidential press service reported.
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday June 6, 2013
Hayastan All-Armenian Fund Board Of Trustees Dream Fund At UCLA’s Contribution To Holds Annual Meeting Merdinian School
On May 30, the Board of Trustees of Hayastan All-Armenian Fund held its annual meeting at the RA Government Reception House chaired by the President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan. The President of Armenia welcomed the participants of the 22nd meeting of the Board and underscored that just as it was with the previous meetings, that meeting too would be of a strictly working nature. He said that decisions would be made not only to provide for a smooth functioning of the Fund but also with the aim of responding efficiently to the problems existing in Armenia, Artsakh and Spyurk. Before referring to the agenda items, in his introductory remarks the President noted that last year Armenia has been full of events, the election year: there took place parliamentary, presidential and then Yerevan City Council elections which have become an excellent occasion to highlight all these problems, to discuss them publicly and view the entire spectrum of possible solutions. According to the President, there has been no major issue of a national, social, economic or any other nature which in that period of time was not voiced and considered. The President of Armenia deemed it normal that the elections have also formed great expectations within our society which the responsible officials have to meet. “I believe in the coming years not only for the
authorities of Armenia but also for the entire Armenian nation should be years of hard and efficient work. I also believe that we have the necessary base to register serious results and the fact that these will be no-election years is the perfect opportunity to talk less and work more. There is no doubt that problems of Spyurk continue to be numerous and diverse. However, nowadays the situation in Syria and situation of the Armenians in Syria continues to be an open wound for us all. We, as the Armenian state and as the Armenian nation have been supporting and will continue to support our brothers and sisters in Syria regardless of whether they have come to Armenia or stayed in Syria. No other all-Armenian structure reflects the aspirations and potential of the Armenian nation and of the Armenia-Artsakh-Spyurk triumvirate as it does the AllArmenian Hayastan Fund. Thus we have to work and with this I invite you all to work,” the President of Armenia said. After adopting the agenda of the meeting and watching the report film on the activities conducted through the Fund’s financial means in 2012, the members of the Board of Trustees discussed the agenda items. The Executive Director of the Fund Ara Vardanian presented the report on the works conducted by the executive department in 2012. The Board approved the report, taking note of the report of the oversight commission. The Board also discussed and approved the issue related to the Fund’s Marathon-2013 key subject matter which was presented by the President of Nagorno Karabakh Bako Sahakian. Source: Panorama.am
Richard Hovannisian Receives UCLA Honors Collegium Distinguished Teaching Award
UCLA—On May 23, Professor Richard Hovannisian was named the recipient of the UCLA Eugen Weber Honors Program Distinguished Teaching Award for his years of service to the honors division. He has been singled out for his motivational teaching, especially of the Honors Comparative Genocide colloquium, which has steadily won the praise of students, who attest that the course has deeply influenced them to strive for human rights and the prevention of the crime of genocide. The Rose Gilbert Honors Spring Tea was opened by Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, Patricia A. Turner, who spoke of the excellence of teaching and student scholarship at UCLA. Assistant Vice Provost for Honors, G. Jennifer Wilson, then lauded Professor Hovannisian for his inspirational work, reading three examples of the student evaluations that described the instructor and the course in superlative terms. She invited Hovannisian to the podium to receive his award. In thanking the Honors Program, the professor reflected on the role of the late UCLA Dean of Social Sciences Eugen Weber, a world renowned historian of Western Civilization, and of Mrs. Rose
Gilbert, an outstanding teacher of English at Palisades High School, where she helped develop the writing skills of Raffi, Armen, and Ani Hovannisian and then to the next generation through Raffi’s son Garin. Rose Gilbert, who was present at the awards ceremony and continued to teach into her nineties, is a major benefactor of the scholarship programs at UCLA. Although Richard Hovannisian is now an emeritus faculty member at UCLA, he is recalled annually to interact with bright, motivated students in the comparative study of genocide, with the Armenian Genocide being one of the major subjects.
The Board of Directors, Administration, and Faculty are proud to announce that the Dream Fund at UCLA has made a generous contribution to C. & E. Merdinian Armenian Evangelical School located in Sherman Oaks, CA. We express our deep gratitude and appreciation to the Dream Fund at UCLA for the assistance that will help Merdinian to continue its mission. The Merdinian School focuses on providing our students with a solid foundation for them to pursue their higher education goals and to grow and de-
velop into successful, responsible citizens. The Dream Fund was established by what Chancellor Gene Block called “the extraordinarily generous and inspirational gift” from Kirk Krikorian through the transfer of assets of the Lincy Foundation. Chancellor Block recognized the philanthropic gift as crucial in helping UCLA “. . . to thrive as a center for transformational research, innovative instruction, and durable and effective community partnerships.” The Merdinian School community is pleased and proud to be a part of this initiative.
President Sargsyan Meets With PACE President President Serzh Sargsyan met with President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Jean-Claude Mignon on Saturday. Noting that he was glad to welcome the President of PACE to Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan stressed the importance of Jean-Claude Mignon’s visit to our country, particularly, since it is taking place in the framework of the first events conducted by Armenia in its capacity as the Chairman of the Committee of Ministers – PACE Bureau and Standing Committee sessions. The President said that the assumption of the Chairmanship by Armenia after twelve years of membership to the CoE is a great honor and responsibility for our country. He noted that in these twelve years, Armenia has traveled a long road and now is carrying out active work in
the framework of the Organization. At the meeting, the parties also spoke about the process of implementation of the commitments assumed by Armenia towards the Council of Europe, completed and ongoing reforms in a number of areas and priorities of Armenia’s Chairmanship in the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. They also exchanged views on the NK peace process and the regional situation, presidential press service reported.
New Armenian Patriarch Of Jerusalem To Be Enthroned July 4 PanARMENIAN.Net - The newly elected Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem Archbishop Nourhan Manougian will be enthroned on July 4 in the patriarchal residence. In April, Abdullah II Ben Hussein, The Hashemite King of Jordan met Archbishop Manougian to congratulate him and grant him the Royal Decree issued earlier to approve his election as the 97th Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem having a jurisdiction over the Holy Land and Jordan.
Bloody oligarchs: Calls for Syunik governor’s resignation resume after Goris murder Online social networking sites in Armenia on Sunday reacted stormily to a shootout near the house of Syunik Governor Surik Khachatryan in which one person was killed and two others were wounded. According to a police report, shots were fired near the house of the Syunik Governor in Goris as a result of which former mayoral candidate Avo Budaghyan was killed and his brother Artak, a commander at a military unit in Karabakh, was seriously wounded. Nikolay Abrahamyan, a relative and bodyguard of Khachatryan, was also wounded. According to media reports, another bodyguard of Khachatryan, Zarzand Nikoghosyan, is among the arrested persons, and Khachatryan himself was summoned for interrogation. Khachatryan is one of the notorious ‘oligarchs’ in Armenia who has retained his positions in government since the times when the “guys who fought in the [Karabakh] war” ruled in Armenia. He is said to have ruled Syunik, a predominantly mining region, with an iron fist, which sometimes re-
sulted in public controversies. During the last year Khachatryan’s name figured in the media in connection with the infamous intent to lease vast alpine pastures of Syunik to Iranian sheep breeders. The idea appears to have been abandoned after a strong reaction from the public. Despite repeated calls for Khachatryan’s resignation from political and civil society circles, President Sargsyan only awarded him with a medal recently. The case of Khachatryan will be another acid test for President Sargsyan’s intention to reform the system of government in the country and get rid of the all-powerful oligarchs to create a system of justice.
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday June 6, 2013
Visiting Prince Charles Attends Charity Event In Armenia Amid Environmental Protest
A small group of environmental activists staged more protests on the second day of Prince Charles’ three-day private visit to Armenia as the 64-year-old heir to the British throne attended a charity event at the Opera House in Yerevan. Accompanied by top Armenian officials and clergy, including President Serzh Sargsyan and Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II, Prince Charles attended a concert by the State Youth Orchestra of Armenia Wednesday night. Environmentalists claim Armenia is being turned into an ‘environmental colony’, directing their protest to the British royal who has been paying a visit to Armenia upon the invitation of the country’s former prime minister, Armen Sargissian. He is officially presented as a guest of Yerevan My Love, a charity project
initiated by the London-based former official. Earlier, information was spread that the prince would participate in the opening of a gold mine in Amulsar, in the Vayots Dzor province of Armenia, where the investor is the British company, Lydian International. Incidentally, Sargissian is a member of Lydian International’s Board. But Tony Halpin, a Yerevan My Love press advisor, denied these allegations. “Complete fiction, I don’t know where this idea appeared. There is no relationship with the Prince’s visit and the existence of the mine. They make the connection that Armen Sargissian is in the board of this mine and this must be why the Prince came, but it completely isn’t, he isn’t going anywhere near the mine, that’s for sure,” Halpin told ArmeniaNow.
BBC: Azerbaijani Authoritarian Government Glorifies The Murderer Of Ramil Safarov And Persecutes Writer Aylisli Over the last two years dozens of journalists, opposition activists and bloggers have been arrested in Azerbaijan, accused of possessing drugs or weapons or charged with hooliganism, the BBC correspondent Damien McGuinness reports. “But according to human rights groups, the charges are trumped up - an authoritarian government's attempt to stamp out any Arab Spring-style uprising, they say. And now, faced with presidential elections in October, the authorities are accused of clamping down even more heavily,” the article reads. As the author notes participants in antigovernment demonstrations in the city centre face heavy fines worth more than the yearly earning of many Azeris. And tough new libel laws are criminalising criticism online. “In Baku's Fountain Square, I meet a young man, Araz, who tells me how police violently broke up a peaceful protest he took part in here. Araz says police beat him and then sprayed tear gas into his eyes while he was being held by another officer,” the author says. As the young man says, “Somebody has to do something at some point. If you want big changes, at least one generation has to sacrifice itself. And I think that we are that generation,” he says. “President Ilham Aliyev, whose family has ruled for decades, looks set to win October's elections. But now there are signs that dissatisfaction is spreading beyond the traditionally small opposition circles of young, digitally minded youth activists,” the article reads. According to the author recent protests have also involved middle-aged mothers, outraged by the unexplained deaths and abuse of their sons conscripted into the Azeri army. “And there are suspicions that the government is trying to counter this growing dissent, and bolster support, by appealing to nationalist sentiment,” McGuinness writes.
"I think the president's family is using the nationalist card to distract people from the real problems, such as corruption," says investigative journalist Khadija Ismayilova. "They need an external enemy to keep people under control." And in Azerbaijan, that enemy is Armenia. “Earlier this year, just as the country was seeing an unusually high number of anti-government protests, a scandal erupted over an Azeri book which portrayed Armenians sympathetically. Fortuitous timing to distract from the unrest, whispered government critics. The novel had actually been published months before,” the article notes. It also reads that the author of the book, the renowned Azeri writer Akram Aylisli, was stripped of his literary awards and pension by President Aliyev. His books were publicly burned and protesters gathered outside his home chanting death threats demonstrations which the authorities did not disperse. This once-revered writer suddenly found himself castigated as a national villain. Azeri soldier Ramil Safarov, on the other hand, was turned into the nation's hero. He chopped the head off a sleeping Armenian with an axe in 2004 in Hungary, the BBC writes. Last year he returned to Azerbaijan, where he was supposed to serve out the rest of a life sentence. Only he did not. He was given a hero's welcome, was pardoned by the president and promoted to the rank of major. "Of course he's a hero," one of Ramil Safarov's neighbours told the BBC correspondent. The other one said Armenians are not human. "I would have done the same." "I think the leaders just love this conflict, they embrace it," the journalist Khadija Ismayilova believes. "The right thing to do right now would be to embrace Armenian citizens in Azerbaijan. But that would end the conflict. And the government doesn't want that." Source: Panorama.am
The Unraveling of Sykes-Picot By Patrick Buchanan The thrice-promised land it has been called. It is that land north of Mecca and Medina and south of Anatolia, between the Mediterranean Sea and the Persian Gulf. In 1915 — that year of Gallipoli, which forced the resignation of First Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill — Britain, to win Arab support for its war against the Ottoman Turks, committed, in the McMahon Agreement, to the independence of these lands under Arab rule. It was for this that Lawrence of Arabia and the Arabs fought. In November 1917, however, one month before Gen. Allenby led his army into Jerusalem, Lord Balfour, in a letter to Baron Rothschild, declared that His Majesty’s government now looked with favor up on the creation on these same lands of a national homeland for the Jewish people. Between these clashing commitments there had been struck in 1916 a secret deal between Britain’s Mark Sykes and France’s Francois Georges-Picot. With the silent approval of czarist Russia, which had been promised Istanbul, these lands were subdivided and placed under British and French rule. France got Syria and Lebanon. Britain took Transjordan, Palestine and Iraq, and carved out Kuwait. Vladimir Lenin discovered the SykesPicot treaty in the czar’s archives and published it, so the world might see what the Great War was truly all about. Sykes-Picot proved impossible to reconcile with Woodrow Wilson’s declaration that he and the allies — the British, French, Italian, Russian and Japanese empires — were all fighting “to make the world safe for democracy.” Imperial hypocrisy stood naked and exposed. Wilson’s idealistic Fourteen Points, announced early in 1918, were crafted to recapture the moral high ground. Yet it was out of the implementation of Sykes-Picot that so much Arab hostility and hatred would come — and from which today’s Middle East emerged. Nine decades on, the Sykes-Picot map of the Middle East seems about to undergo revision, and a new map, its borders drawn in blood, emerge, along the lines of what H.G. Wells called the “natural borders” of mankind. “There is a natural and necessary political map of the world,” Wells wrote, “which transcends” these artificial states, and this natural map of mankind would see nations established on the basis of language, culture, creed, race and tribe. The natural map of the Middle East has begun to assert itself. Syria is disintegrating, with Alawite Shia fighting Sunni, Christians siding with Damascus, Druze divided, and Kurds looking to break free and unite with their kinfolk in Turkey, Iraq and Iran. Their dream: a Kurdistani nation rooted in a common ethnic identity. Shia Hezbollah controls the south of Lebanon, and with Shia Iran is supporting the Shia-led army and regime of Bashar Assad. Together, they are carving out a sub-nation from Damascus to Homs to the Mediterranean. The east and north of Syria could be lost to the Sunni rebels and the AlNusra Front, an ally of al-Qaida. Sectarian war is now spilling over into Lebanon. Iraq, too, seems to be disintegrating. The
Kurdish enclave in the north is acting like an independent nation, cutting oil deals with Ankara. Sunni Anbar in the west is supporting Sunni rebels across the border in Syria. And the Shia regime in Baghdad is being scourged by Sunni terror that could reignite the civil-sectarian war of 2006-2007, this time without Gen. Petraeus’ U.S. troops to negotiate a truce or tamp it down. Sunni Turkey is home to 15 million Kurds and 15 million Shia. And its prime minister’s role as middle man between Qatari and Saudi arms shipments and Syria’s Sunni rebels is unappreciated by his own people. Seeing the Shia crescent — Hezbollah in Lebanon, Assad’s Syria, Nuri al-Maliki’s Iraq, the Ayatollah’s Iran — imperiled by the potential loss of its Syrian linchpin, Tehran and Hezbollah seem willing to risk far more in this Syrian war than does the Sunni coalition of Saudis, Qataris and Turks. Who dares, wins. Though the Turks have a 400,000-man, NATO-equipped army, a population three times that of Syria and an economy 12 times as large, and they are, with the Israelis, the strongest nations in the region, they appear to want the Americans to deal with their problem. President Obama is to be commended for resisting neocon and liberal interventionist clamors to get us into yet another open-ended war. For we have no vital interest in Assad’s overthrow. We have lived with him and his father for 40 years. And what did our intervention in Libya to oust Moammar Gadhafi produce but a failed state, the Benghazi atrocity, and the spread of al-Qaida into Mali and Niger? Why should Americans die for a Sunni triumph in Syria? At best, we might bring about a new Muslim Brotherhood regime in Damascus, as in Cairo. At worst, we could get a privileged sanctuary for that al-Qaida affiliate, the Al-Nusra Front. As the Sykes-Picot borders disappear and the nations created by the mapmakers of Paris in 1919-1920 disintegrate, a Muslim Thirty Years’ War may be breaking out in the thrice-promised land. It is not, and it should not become, America’s war.
New U.S. Global Strike Weaponry Have China Worried
When the United States carried out a successful test recently of an advanced high-speed, long-range weapon ostensibly designed to reduce U.S. reliance on nuclear arms in a crisis, it set alarm bells ringing in China. DARPA Has been testing various super-fast unmanned aircraft over the past few years as part of a futuristic program called Prompt Global Strike (PGS). DARPA has been testing an experimental arrowhead-shaped plane, the Falcon Hypersonic Technology Vehicle 2.
How America Became A Third World Country
The streets are so much darker now, since money for streetlights is rarely available to municipal governments. The national parks began closing down years ago. Some are already being subdivided and sold to the highest bidder. Reports on bridges crumbling or even collapsing are commonplace. The air in city after city hangs brown and heavy (and rates of childhood asthma and other lung diseases have shot up), because funding that would allow the enforcement of clean air standards by the Environmental Protection Agency is a distant memory. Public education has been cut to the bone, making good schools a luxury and, according to the Department of Education, two of every five students won’t graduate from high school. It’s 2023 — and this is America 10 years after the first across-the-board federal budget cuts known as sequestration went into effect. They went on for a decade, making no exception for effective programs vital to America’s economic health that were already underfunded, like job training and infrastructure repairs. It wasn’t supposed to be this way. Traveling back in time to 2013 — at the moment the sequester cuts began — no one knew what their impact would be, although nearly everyone across the political spectrum agreed that it would be bad. As it happened, the first signs of the unraveling which would, a decade later, leave the United States a third-world country, could be detected surprisingly quickly, only three months after the cuts began. In that brief time, a few government agencies, like the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), after an uproar over flight delays, requested — and won — special relief. Naturally, the Department of Defense, with a mere $568 billion to burn in its 2013 budget, also joined this elite list. On the other hand, critical spending for education, environmental protection, and scientific research was not spared, and in many communities the effect was felt remarkably soon. Robust public investment had been a key to U.S. prosperity in the previous century. It was then considered a basic part of the social contract as well as of Economics 101. As just about everyone knew in those days, citizens paid taxes to fund worthy initiatives that the private sector wouldn’t adequately or efficiently supply. Roadways and scientific research were examples. In the post-World War II years, the country invested great sums of money in its interstate highways and what were widely considered the best education systems in the world, while research in wellfunded government labs led to inventions like the Internet. The resulting world-class infrastructure, educated workforce, and technological revolution fed a robust private sector.
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday June 6, 2013
Hezbollah Is Launching An Offensive That Will Profoundly Change The Syrian War By MICHAEL KELLEY (Business Insider REUTERS/Jamal Saidi) Lebanon's Hezbollah militants hold flags as they walk towards the cemetery where their fellow fighters were buried during a ceremony conducted one day after Hezbollah's Martyr's Day, in the Beirut's suburbs, November 12, 2010. Thousands of Lebanese Hezbollah militants are amassing around the northern Syrian city of Aleppo in preparation for an assault on the city, Loveday Morris of The Washington Post reports . The deployment demonstrates the group's complete commitment to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and may profoundly affect the 26-month conflict. “The Aleppo battle has started on a very small scale; we’ve only just entered the game,” a senior Hezbollah commander told The Post. “We are going to go after strongholds where they think they are safe. They are going to fall like dominoes.” The commander had been overseeing five units in Qusair, a town near the Syria-Lebanon on border where Hezbollah has been spearheading a regime offensive to retake the town for the last three weeks. The increased presence of the militant group, in addition to the arrival of sophisticated military technology such as Iranian surveillance drones and Russian anti-mortar systems, has helped solidify recent gains made by forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Hezbollah's preparations to attack Aleppo, which is nowhere near the Lebanon-Syria border, significantly raises the stakes in the war. “A deployment so deep into Syria and in such a crucial place would be a clear indication that Hezbollah’s role in Syria was never limited to defensive aims but is geared toward helping Assad score major victories,” Emile Hokayem, a Middle East-
based analyst at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, told the Post . Aleppo is Syria's largest city and served as the country's commercial hub before the war. David Barrett of The Telegraph reports that the metropolitan population, about three million before the war, has grown to about 3.5 million since the opposition seized half the city last July. Rebels, primarily al-Qaeda-affiliated Jabhat al-Nusra, have been administering city services in areas under their control while a stalemate persists. The guerrilla fighters of Hezbollah are training and advising the growing irregular militias being deployed by Assad. At least 50,000 militiamen — known as Jaysh al-Sha‘bia i.e. "People's Army" — are now fighting for Assad, and Iran aims to increase the force to 100,000 by sending fighters to a secret base in Iran for guerrilla combat training. Last week Jeffrey White, a defense fel-
US Army Creates NATO Rapid-Deployment Forces The U.S. Army has shifted its focus to the Pacific, but the service now has a plan to support its NATO allies with rapid-deployment forces based in the United States if necessary, Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno said Wednesday. The Army’s footprint in Europe continues to reduce dramatically from the Cold War force that numbered more than 200,000 soldiers. As the Pentagon pivots to the Pacific theater, while maintaining a presence in the Middle East, Army leaders maintain that a new strategy is in the works for managing European ground forces as well. The service recently pulled another 12,000 soldiers out of Europe, which leaves two brigade combat teams and some logistics assets to work with NATO. In addition to those permanently-stationed forces, the Pentagon recently approved a plan to provide a brigade-sized combat unit to be part of the NATO Response Force, Odierno said. “In the past, we have supported it but never with a brigade,” Odierno told an audience at the Atlantic Council in Washington, D.C. “That brigade will come from the United States.”
‘IDF Studying Syria’s Combat Doctrines, Deployments’ Israel tracks every heavy missile fired in the Syrian civil war, keen to study Damascus’s combat doctrines and deployments and ready to fend off a feared first attack on its turf, a senior Israeli military officer said on Thursday. Colonel Zvika Haimovich of the air defense corps said southward launches against Syrian insurgents by President Bashar Assad’s forces gave Israel mere seconds in which to determine it was not the true target – a distinction that could prove crucial for warding off an unprecedented regional conflagration.
low at The Washington Institute, wrote that "Hezbollah's all-in commitment is perhaps the single most important development of the war thus far and will profoundly affect its course." Israel, which has bombed Syria three times this year amid suspicions of weapons transfers to Hezbollah, is surely watching the developments closely. One unintended consequence of the Shia group's assertiveness inside Syria is an unprecedented galvanization of the fractured opposition. Another immediate implication is increased sectarian tensions in Lebanon, where Hezbollah is one of two major political parties . “The presence of Hezbollah units around Aleppo will only deepen the divide in Lebanon and confirm, in the eyes of its rivals, Hezbollah’s complete alignment with Assad,” Hokayem told the Post, adding that it's now plausible that Hezbollah is and will be utilized anywhere in the country.
Anti-Armenian Report Removed From Euronest Agenda
PanARMENIAN.Net - Azerbaijan put the draft report on “Armenian water resource limitation and the possible threat to Azeri nature protection” on Euronest Parliamentary Assembly’s 3rd session agenda, head of RA delegation said. Artak Zakaryan noted that Armenian delegation was against the inclusion of the issue in the agenda, in consideration of Azerbaijan’s attempts to use the platform for anti-Armenian propaganda. “We managed to remove the issue from the agenda,” the MP said, adding that according to the agreements reached, the Azeri and Georgian sides, as well as two European MPs withdrew offers that were inadmissible for the Armenian side. Prosperous Armenia parliamentary group member Naira Zohrabyan, in turn, said Baku tries hard to promote own political interests.
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ASMOUNQI WARP:T |AKOB GOU|OUMY:AN M:R MH+ Libananafa\ \a\tni mtauorakan% arou;sti gor‘ic% yartarap;t enk;r |akob Gou\oumy;ani n;rka\azouza‘ asmounqi ;r;kon Ourbaj% 7 April 2013-in% angam me ;us la\nørhn ar]agang gtau Amman _ |ordanani mh=! |akob Gou\oumy;ane% ir oun;za‘ axga\in ;u mi=axga\in yartarap;takan oyow ;u bar]r kataro[akanouj;ambe ;u miavamanak ir oun;za‘ ;rkar tarin;rou b;makan 'or]a®ouj;amb ªgow;rg;zº Fa\ banast;[‘n;rn ou ;rgafann;re% incpisiq hin Wafan Jhqh;ann ou Silwa Kapoutik;ane% Ghorg Hminn ou Wafagn Dauj;ane% :[i,h Car;nzn ou Paro\r S;uake% Wafan Thr;ann ou Sa\aj Nowan! Enk;r |akob Gou\oumy;an Asmounqi \arg;li warp;te^ ir matouza‘ q;rjo[akan iuraqanciur ktori masin oro, bazatroujiunn;row krzau ,a[kap;l bolorin ou,adroujiunn ou f;taqrqroujiune% srafe b;rnh b;ran l;zouza‘ arou;sti sirafarn;roun! Ir ;lo\ji bolor \a\t;row an m;‘aphs gofazouz :rkir |ordanani Gro[n;rou Miouj;an Arab fandisat;sn;re% ir arab;rhn l;xouow toua‘ bazatroujiunn;row! Øroua\ \a\tagire k*endgrkhr ªGowq Fa\astaniºn% ªLousam'o'i phs a[=ikºe% ª:rkir Na\irhºn% ªA,nan m;[;diºn% Sa\aj Nowa\in nouiroua‘ 'oun= me
Niu :orqi Srboz Nafatakaz Amhnør;a\ warvaranoum% :rkou,abji^ 6 Ma\isi 2013-in% Galoust;an Srafin mh= t;[i oun;zau ªVa®angoujiunn;ri <abajº% nouiroua‘^ Z;[aspanouj;an 98-rd tar;lizin! A,ak;rtn;ri moutqow warvarani qa\l;rgi fnciunn;ri n;rqo\ ;r;kon bazou;z% oriz \;to\ Drø,aki araro[ouj;amb fnc;zin AMN i ;u Fa\astani Fanrap;touj;an ørfn;rg;re! - Na.krjarani tariqi a,ak;rtn;roun f;t% a\s dprozi paraga\oum m;nq zankanoum ;nq m;r nor ‘la‘% nor s;roundow \arganqi tourq matouz;l anm;[ xof;ri \i,atakin m;r a,ak;rtn;ri ta[andn;re framzn;low m;r fama\nqin! Mhk angam ;us jalajn;rin as;lou% or ka*nq% ke mna*nq ;u ke ,atana∞nq! Jourq;ri zankoujiunn hr^ mnar mhk fa\ a\n hl jangarani famar! Afauasik m;nq nor s;round k∞ay;zn;nq ir;nz ta[andn;row 'a\l;lou ;u a.arfin ir;nz as;liqe as;lou;r;kon baz;low asaz warvarani tnørhnoufi^ Xarminh Pø[os;ane! Tikin Pø[os;ane n;rkan;rin ou,adrouj;ane frauir;z Va®angoujiunn;ri <abjoua\ a®jiu dasarann;riz n;rs kataroua‘ a,.atanqn;rin% oronq g;[;zik ];uow srafe ke
xardarhin! mankamsouri ;r;.an;re ir;nz anouan skxbnata®;re nkar;l hin% mankaparthxe^ fa\kakan taraxn;r nkar;l ou gounauor;l hin% a®a=in dasarane patrast;l hr entan;kan ‘a®;r% ;rkrord dasarane a\z;l;l hin Fa\astani t;saravan wa\r;r% corrord ;u fing;rorde^ n,anauor am;rikafa\;ri masin- miavamanak sorw;low ;u jargman;low fa\kakan asazoua‘qn;re angl;rhniz fa\;rhni! Fa\;rhn dasapaf;riz gri a®;l hin inc or sowor;l hin ouilson;an Fa\astani qarthsin ;u S;uri Da,nagri masin! Fam;rgi ‘ragrin masnakz;zin warvarani mankaparthxhn minc;u 6-rd dasarani a,ak;rtn;re! Auartakan dasarani a,ak;rtn;re Sa\aj Nowa\i ;rav,touj;amb par;low moutq gor‘;zin% apa b;m bar]razan ;u ªGir Sirh% {alam Sirh% Ta`jar Sirhº artasan;low n,;zin Sa\aj Nowa\i 300-am;ake! :rgca.mbi .mbawar Anafit Pø[os;ani [;kawarouj;amb% tarb;r tariqi ;r;.an;ri ;rgca.mb;re katar;zin fa\ ;u mi=axga\in ;rgafann;ri st;[‘agor‘oujiunn;re^ dprozi da,nakafar Nouard Tatour;ani nouagakzouj;amb! <ar& h= 14
q;rjoua‘n;r% ªØre mjn;zºe% ªFama\n a,.arfi fa,ouic m;q;nan;rinºe% ª:[izi lo\sºe% ªA[øjq wa[ouan s;min a®=;uºe% ªÂhqoui;mºe ;u ªSasounzin;ri pareº! Fandisouj;an bazman .øsqe katar;z AMM-i M,akouja\in |an]na.oumbi vra=an andam enk;roufi Lilij M;lqon;ane% isk Miouj;an Warcakan andam Pr& Fra\r Simon;ane arab;rhn l;xouow enj;rz;z :[i,h Car;nzi k;nsagrakane! Ør& |asmik Dauj;an :[i,h Car;nzi ko[mh Sa\aj Nowa\i famar groua‘ gow;rgn ou ;ra.tiqe g;[axardou;zau% Fa\r;niqhn orphs AMM-i parouso\z ;rkirs gtnouo[ Ør& |asmik Dauj;ani m;naparow! Ankaska‘% or warp;t |akob Gou\oumy;ani n;rdroume AMM-i asmounq kataro[n;rou ;u siro[akann;rou \a®a=.a[azman wra\ ;[a‘ h angnafat;li! Oura.ali h% or n;rka\is \ordananafa\ ga[ouji asmounqi kataro[n;re% grakan bar]r makardake% orake ;u axga\in nkaragire ke k;rt;n ga[oujin! Zankali h na;u% or enk;r |akobe asmounqi ir \aya.aki a®aq;louj;anz enjazqin n;rgrauh ;us |ordanane% n;r,nc;lou ;u og;uor;lou Fa\ patanin ;u ;ritasarde% incphs ;u asmounqi nor s;rm;r zan;lou m;r d;®ati xauakn;roun mh=! Maral N;rshs;an
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droua‘ ;n Louix Manouk;an-Simoni ;u P;ry S;drak;ani na.agafouj;anz tarin;roun! 1988-i Spitaki afauor ;rkra,arve a®ije n;rka\azouz Na.agaf Louix Simoni or an w;rakoch FBE Miouj;an skxbnakan a®aq;loujiune% or h øgn;l Fa\r;niqin! Louix Simoni Na.agafakan ,r=ane xougadip;zau Spitaki ;rkra,arvin% Arza.i axatagrakan ,arvoumin% Fa\astani ,r=a'akoumin% anka.ouj;an f®cakoumin ;u enk;ra-tnt;sakan t.our irawiyakin% or \a=ord;z a\s bolorin! FBE Mioujiune^ Louix Simoni [;kawarouj;an n;rqo\% a®a=in kaxmak;rpoujiunn hr% or Fa\astani mh= 1990-in fastat;z ,tap øgnoujan ‘ragire! Fa\astani ka®awaroujiune a\n vamanak ounhr mia\n mhk Telex-i ;u mi qani Fax-i m;q;nan;r! Mi=axga\in f;®a]a\ni gi‘;r go\oujiun counhin! FBE Mioujiune anmi=aphs fa\ja\j;z ardiakan 75 Telex-i m;q;nan;r% 25 famakargicn;r (Computer) ;u fing mi=axga\in f;®a]a\na\in gi‘;r% oronq drou;zan Fa\astani ka®awarouj;an tramadrouj;an tak! Sa kou ga\ fastat;lou FBE Miouj;an kar;uor d;re^ anka.ouj;an skxbnakan ,r=ani am;nadvouarin pa\mann;roun mh=! Stor;u a\n karg me ‘ragirn;re% oronq fastatou;zan ;u fowanauorou;zan FBE Miouj;an ko[mh! 1& Fa\astani Am;rik;an Famalsarane! 2& Fa\astani ~ilfarmoniq Nouaga.oumbe% incphs na;u Kiumrii ;u St;'anak;rti (Arza.) Nouaga.oumb;re! 3& Ma\r Ajo® Sourb H=mia‘ni ‘ragirn;re! * Sb& Grigor Lousauoric :k;[;zin% :r;uan! * S;uani Waxghn;an y;marane! * Kar;uor ka®o\zn;r^ Sb& H=mia‘ni ,r=a'akin mh=! * Fa\astani xanaxan ,r=ann;rou ;k;[;zin;rou ;u wanq;rou norogoumn;re! 4& Sb& N;rshs Fiuandanoz^ :r;uani mh=! 5& L;uon ;u Qlotia Naxar;an ya®aga\ja\in k;dron^ :r;uani mh=! 6& Fa\ord;az Toun;r^ Norq% Arabkir ;u Malajia ,r=ann;roun mh=! 7& Ya,asrafn;r m;‘afasakn;rou famar (Soup Kitchens)! 8& Fa\ Kin^ \[i kananz k;dronn;r! 9& Fa\astani ~ransakan Famalsarane! 10& Mhkh au;li ‘ragirn;r Arza.i mh=% n;ra®;al Nora,hn giu[e! 11& Fa\kakan Famazanza\in Gol;ye (Virtual College)! 12& Ama®na\in yambarn;r^ Fa\astan% ~ransa% Miaz;al Nafangn;r% Moskoua% Poulkaria% Souria ;u Libanan! 13& Z;[aspanouj;an Jangaran^ :r;uani mh=! Incphs na;u bolor p;takan na.araroujiunn;re% famalsarann;re% fiuandanozn;re ;u m,akouja\in k;dronn;re staza‘ ;n niujakan kar;uor npastn;r% orphsxi kar;nan ardiakanazn;l ir;nz ka®o\zn;rn ou sarqauoroumn;re! Ir 107 taroua\ patmouj;an enjazqin% FBE Miouj;an imastoun na.agafn;rn ou k;dronakan warcouj;an nouir;al andamn;re kar;uor d;r oun;za‘ ;n paf;lou m;r Mioujiune ir a®aq;louj;an mh=% orn h pafpan;l m;r axga\in nkaragirn ou m,akouja\in faroust va®ange! FBE Mioujiune ba.tauor ;[a‘ h oun;nalou arjoun ;u .;lazi [;kawarn;r% oronq na.at;s;low apagan% ];®narka‘ ;n a\npisi ‘ragirn;r oronq piti gofazn;n anw;r= 'o.ouo[ vamanaki ;u ør est ørh xargazo[ m;r enk;rouj;an xanaxan pafna=qn;re! Stor;u ;rkou wka\oujiunn;r% m;r Miouj;an kar;uorouj;an nkatmamb! Miaz;al Nafangn;rou Na.agaf Yory Pou,% 26 Ma\is 2006! ªFa\;r^ a,.arfow mhk% zouzab;ra‘ ;n mardka\in ogiin dimadro[akanoujiune% \a[jafar;low ta®apanqn;r ;u pafpan;low ir;nz m,ako\je% soworoujiunn;rn ou krønqe! };r gor‘e ørinak ke fandisana\ kar;kzouj;an ;u pat,ayouj;an% oronq ke ]gtin m;r apra‘ a,.arfe bar;lau;louº! *** Paronhs Qarola\n Qøqs% "o. Na.agaf^ Britanio\ Lort;rou Palatin! ªFBE Mioujiune kar;uor d;r oun;za‘ h oc mia\n pafpan;lou Fa\kakan nkaragirn ou va®ange% a\l;u xargazn;lou ;u bargauay wiyaki me faszn;lou s'iu®qi fa\ouj;an enk;ra\in k;anqeº! *** FBE Miouj;an d;re ;rb;q piti cauarti% a\l piti ,arounakh% our or fa\oun go\at;uman pafan=qe ka\! FBE Mioujiune fa\oun go\at;uman pa\qare wa® paf;z ;u ];rbaxat;z ir ogin^ mafouan yirann;rhn! FBE Mioujiune h* ;u piti ,arounakh ellal^ fa\ ogiin \au;rv marmnazoume! <norfakaloujiun!
;rknakamarn;rou tak% øtar frapouric m,ako\jn;rou ka.ardanqin an]natour^ nor s;roundin fa\;zi dastiarakoujiunn h% kam gonh fa\ arvhqn;rou ‘anøjazoume^ nor s;roundin møt fa\ ‘na‘ ellalou fpartoujiune ;u fa\ apr;lou wy®akamoujiune 'o.anz;lou anfrav;,t frama\akane! Wa[ouan \o\se% fa\ vo[owourdi apagan% a\søroua\ ;ritasardoujiunn h& ls;nq ou gor‘;nq nor s;roundi kariqn;roun ansalow% ‘ragr;nq ou øgn;nq ;ritasardouj;an øgn;lou famar axgapafpanoumin! Kaxmak;rp;nq ;ritasardoujiune% kaxmak;rp;lou famar m;r fauaqakan k;anqe% apafow;lou famar Bar;gor‘akani isk apagan i 'a®s fa\ vo[owourdin! Oura.ouj;amb ;u fpartouj;amb ke nkat;nq or FBE Miouj;an ;ritasard na.agafe P;ry S;drak;an ir a®aq;loujiune ke nkath jikounq kangnil ou qa=al;r;l ;ritasardoujiune ;u anw;rapaf øvandak;l anonz a\vmhakan ‘ragirn;rou \a=o[ouj;an! Phtq h ,;,t;l or FBE Miouj;an a\vmou ‘ragirn;roun m;‘amasnoujiune nouiroua‘ h ;ritasardouj;an% i masnauori s'iu®qi ;ritasardouj;an% orphsxi anonq ‘anøjanan ;u sir;n fa\r;niqe% fa\ m,ako\je% Srb& H=mia‘ine ou fpartanan ir;nz va®angouj;amb! W;r=azn;lh a®a= im .øsqs k*oux;m a\s a®ijow na;u mh=b;r;l m;r \aranouanoujiunn;rou m;‘ago\n p;t;rou srtabou. gnafatakan arta\a\toujiunn;re FBE Miouj;an masin tarb;r vamanaka,r=ann;rou enjazqin! - Waxghn A& Paly;an% Kajo[ikos Am;na\n Fa\oz ªFa\kakan Bar;gor‘akan Endfanour Mioujiune% ‘a®a\ouj;an ;u xofab;rouj;an ou.t men h&&& Amhn fa\ou nouirakan partqn h gnafat;l ;u xørawig kangnil anor% amrakour ou ansasan paf;l xa\n ;u satar;l
baro\aphs ;u niujaphs anor axga,hn a,.atanqinº! - Gar;gin A& |owsh';an% Kajo[ikos M;‘i Tann Kilikio\ ªBar;gor‘akan fastatoujiune Astou‘o\ ørfnoujiunn h m;r axgin famar! I srth kam;noum ;m or amhn entaniq partakan xga\ andam lin;l a\s fastatouj;an% orphsxi karo[ana\ øgn;l kariqauorn;rin! Astoua‘ ørfnh FBE Mioujiune ;u nra ogin dnh bolor fa\;ri taq srtoumº! -Fma\ak P;tros VH& Khtik;an% Kajo[ikos Patriarq Tann Kilikio\ (Kajo[ikh Fama\nqi) ªFBE Mioujiune fa\;lazoumn h fa\ axgin axnouago\n bar;masnoujiunn;roun! An a\sør dar]a‘ h baba.oun sirte fama\n fa\ouj;an! Ar;ui ya®aga\jn;roun nman^ ja'anza‘ h fa\kakan bolor olortn;rhn n;rs ir bar;gor‘oujiunn;row! An ke ]gti fa\ouj;an mh= st;[‘;l ou t;uakanazn;l zankali mioujiune m;r vo[owourdinº! - W;rapatou;li A& A& P;tik;an% Au;taranakan Fama\nq ª:k;[;zin ;u FBE Mioujiune ;rkou siun;rn ;n m;r axga\in k;anqin% phtq h xørazn;l xanonq! Bar;gor‘akani yamban ;rb;q ci ktrouir% a\n mia\n k*;rkari fo*n our axgapafpanman koce ;u pafan=e kan! Bar;gor‘akane m;r go\apa\qarin mh=^ anor marmine o[= paf;z ;u anor fogin al mafouan yankhn axat;zº! :khq andamakzinq ou miasin a,.atinq Bar;gor‘akani ;rhkuan ou a\søroun \o\si% fauatqi ou lo\si =afe anma® paf;lou famar! Incphs csir;l% csqancanal% cfpartanal ou c.onarfil a\s an'o.arin;li m;‘ kaxmak;rpouj;an% Fa\kakan Bar;gor‘akan Endfanour Miouj;an ;u anor axga,hn iragor‘oumn;rou a®=;u! <norfakaloujiun! Mart 2013
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FA|ASTANI FANRAP:TOUJ:AN GITOUJIUNN:ROU AXGA|IN AKAD:MIA F& AYAÂ:ANI ANOUAN L:XOUI INSTITOUT Sirow t;[;kaznoum ;nq% or grakan ar;umtafa\;rhni ;u endfanraphs fa\;rhni ousoumnasirouj;an gor‘oum Fa\astani ;u S'iu®qi fa\aghtn;ri ouv;re fama.mb;lou npatakow FF AA F& Aya®;ani anouan l;xoui institouti gitakan .orfrdi oro,mamb ar;umtafa\;rhni bavni a,.atanqn;rin masnakz;lou ;n frauiruoum s'iu®qafa\ mtauorakann;re& Minas Goya\;an (banasirakan gitoujiunn;rou doktor) Ø,in Qh,i,;an (doktor% lragro[) Wafan Bafar;an (gro[% fraparaka.øs) Wach S;m;ry;an (ªNor Ørºi wastakauor na.kin .mbagir) Karø P;tros;an (gro[% .mbagir) |owsh' Nalpant;an (banashr% gro[% fratarakic) Wa[ar,ak Wardan;an (t;.nikakan gitoujiunn;ri doktor)! +;rmørhn ,norfauor;low FF GAA LI ar;umtafa\;rhni bavni norentir gor‘enk;rn;rin^ ma[joum ;nq qa=a®o[=oujiun ;u aknkaloum ardiunauht famagor‘akzoujiun! |arganqn;row^ Wiktor Katwal;an FF GAA F& AYAÂ:ANI anouan l;xoui institouti tnørhn Art;m Sargs;an FF GAA LI ar;umtafa\;rhni bavni waric
ªDHPI APAFOW FA|ASTANº&&& <ar& h= 2-hn
ÂAK--i n;rka\azouzicn;r^ Frano\, |akob;ani f;t ÂAK-hn n;rs tiro[ n;rqin farz;rn ou .ndirn;re! An kar;uor;z na;u ÂAK-i fxørazoume jh* s'iu®qi ;u jh* fa\r;niqi mh=% orphsxi an da®na\ qa[aqakan kar;uor ou axd;zik ouv me% orphsxi ir ga[a'ara.øsoujiune tara‘h ou amrapndh fa\r;ni vo[owourdi la\n .au;rou mh=! Fandipman w;r=auorouj;an W;fa'a® Fa\re \a\tn;z ir lauat;soujiune a\s ou[[ouj;amb ;u 'o.anz;z ir bar;ma[joujiunn;re! *** Fa\astani S'iu®qi na.arar Frano\, |akob;ane% Ma\is 31-in% endouna‘ h AMN-hn% Qanata\hn% Arvanjinhn% Praxilia\hn vamana‘ Âamkawar Axatakan Kousakzouj;an pa-
touirakouj;an^ at;nap;t Ma\q >arap;ani [;kawarouj;amb! S'iu®qi na.ararouj;an mamlo\ ‘a®a\ouj;nhn ke \a\tn;n% or fandipman a®anzqe Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100-rd tar;lizin enda®a= irakanazouo[ mi=oza®oumn;roun a®ncouo[ farz;rn hin! FF S'iu®qi na.arare \ordora‘ h n;rkan;roun fama\nqn;rou mh= t;[;koujiunn;r% lousankarn;r ou 'astajou[j;r fauaq;l Z;[aspanouj;nhn w;rapra‘n;rou va®angn;rhn% ince oc mia\n patmakan m;‘ago\n arvhq krna\ n;rka\azn;l% a\l na;u arvhqauor k*ella\ ;ritasard s;roundin 'o.anz;lou famar!
sarsa'axdou makardaki ch fasa‘ ;u a\dqan al tagnap;lou patya® cka\! Fimnowin s.al h a\s mta‘oume ;u ke s.alin a\dphs mta‘o[n;re% no\nisk atonq wtangauor ;n^ fa\ vo[owourdin ou fa\r;niqin go\at;uman famar% ;rb j,namiin en;liqe (kam cera#‘e) m;nq m;r ];®qow k*en;nq! Dvba.tabar% fa\r;ni i,.anoujiunn;re gr;jh OCI@NC k*en;n artaga[ji toun touo[ patya®n;re kas;zn;lou% endfaka®ake^ ir;nz antarb;rouj;amb ou joulamorjouj;amb% ou[[akiørhn jh anou[[akiørhn% ke qa=al;r;n xa\n% cgitakz;low jh incpisi@ oyir ke gor‘;n Fa\astani ou fa\ vo[owourdin dhm! Na.agaf S;rv Sargs;an% ;rb ir na.entrakan qaroxar,aui karga.øse^ ªDhpi apafow Fa\astanº fraparak ke n;thr% ard;øq i mti ounh#r% or a\d apafowoujiune&&& apafow;lou famar% anfrav;,t hr na;u vo[owourdin arvanapatououjiune paf;l-apafow;l% a®a=in f;rjin artaga[ji patya®n;re a.tayanac;low ;u% f;t;uaphs% astiyanabar darman;low! :jh chr era‘ (ou piti cenh)% a\d karga.øse o*c fam% o*c al bo\r ouni% orowf;t;u ªDhpi apafow Fa\astaneºe piti 'o.arinoui ªDhpi apafow&&& artfa\astanºow! A\s axga\in g;r.ndire nman srouj;amb ke dn;nq ou tagnapo[ouj;amb ke dit;nq xa\n% fog ch jh omanq ªanfangstananº ankh% ouri,n;r al^ ª.lrtinº% ba\z% a*\s h m;rkaparanoz irakanoujiune!
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fing;rord darhn minc;u tasncorrord dar ,arakann;rou f;[inakn;re! Iuraqanciur ,arakani kanonn;re% a®an]na\atkoujiune! Iuraqanciur ,arakani .mbauoroume! Ardar;u% ,arakanagitoujiune ,at .rjin ellalow fand;r]% f;[inake ,at parx oyow ;u enj;rzo[in fasknali bazatrouj;amb kou ta\ iuraqanciur f;[inaki patkana‘ ,arakane ;u ke parxabanh a\d gor‘e% fog;uor m;‘ fayo\q patya®;low enj;rzo[in! A\s girqe fayo\qow kardalh
;u 'ak;lh ;tq% ke fiananq Ghorg Srk& "ano\;ani a\s gor‘in wra\% orqan vamanak% yig dra‘ h a\s fatori patrastouj;an famar% orphsxi fa\ vo[owourde% fa\ ,arakann;roun .orounk ‘anøjouj;amb% andrada®na\% jh incpisi m;‘ farstouj;an thr h an% ;u arv;uorh xa\n! +;rmørhn ke ,norfauor;nq m;r ,at sir;li ªM,ak A®anz Amøjo\º% Ghorg Srk& "ano\;an a\s astoua‘afayo\ gor‘in famar% ma[j;low anor noranor fatorn;r!
Srafi .ou®n;ram fandisat;si famar fay;li hr 'o.n i 'o. ls;l manoukn;ri kataroumow^ ªLousin :lauº% ªTø% Rh% Miº% ªTarouan :[anakn;reº% ªAlag;axº% ª:raxanqº% ªHtelua\xº% ªMa\ ~h\w;r;j Jfinkxº% ªFa\ Aprinqº ;rg;re! |a=ordabar ;lo\j oun;zan SNAW-i a,ak;rtn;re anfatakan kataroumn;row% da,namouri% =oujaki nouagn;row^ incphs ;u m;n;rgn;row >acatour;an% Prafms% Phjfowhn! Mi qani a,ak;rtoufi ir;nz ta[ande zouzadr;zin pararou;stow (irlantakan marmnamarx)! Tpauoric hr =oujakafarn;ri ansampli ;lo\je^ Tiana Wasil;ani [;kawarouj;amb! :r;ko\i Patouauor fiurn hr% ar;umtafa\ anouani gro[^
z;[aspanoujiuniz w;rapro[^ Aram Fa\kaxi doustre^ A\ris Fa\kaxi - C;q;n;ane% orin n;rkan;re endoun;zin \oteka\s ‘a'afaroujiunn;row! SNAW-i \a=ord fandhsn;re ;n oun;nalou |ounis 7-in^ Mankaparthxi wka\akann;ri ba,.man fandhs% isk Na.akrjarani 31-rd foun]qin wka\akanaz ba,.oume^ Ourbaj% |ounis 14-in% :r;ko\;an vame Oujin! Fam;rgi auartiz \;to\ Srboz Nafatakaz ;k;[;zuo\ fowiu^ Arv& T& Abrafam Qfn\& Mal.as;ane ir gofounakoujiunn ou ,norfakaloujiune \a\tn;z warvarani% ousouzcakan kaxmin% tnørhnouj;an ;u ‘no[n;rin! Niu :orq
OU<ADROUJIUN Aljatina\i mh= war]ou h Jhqh;an M,akouja\in Miouj;an W;ranorogoua‘ ou bar;xardoua‘ Ph,khøjiur;an k;droni g;[at;sil srafe% \armar bolor a®ijn;rou famar Manramasnouj;anz famar kar;li h f;®a]a\n;l Ghorg Qhø,khr;anin^ f;t;u;al jiuow&
ke n,anakh .of;mouj;an ;u gitouj;an astiyan me au;lzn;l anfatakan gitakan pa,arin mh=% orowf;t;u |aroujiun;anin axgasiroujiune katar;al fa\ou k;nza[i ;u fa\r;niqi k;rtoumi iragor‘man mitoumn h a®anz .trakanouj;an! Ir namakn;re ke ,ø,a';n qa[aqakan% krønakan% fa\r;nakan kam ga[ouja\in% ;u bolorn al^ fa\kakan farz;r% \aya. aknarkoujiunn;r en;low Am;rika\i% Âousio\% Jourqio\ kam Fa\astani p;toujiunn;roun ;u na.agafn;roun ;us% mi,t paf;low ir ;rgi‘akan ;®ande! |aroujiun;an% ir fa\r;nasirouj;an \atkan,akan xgazoumn;rou kargin ke dash na;u fa\ ;k;[;zin ou krønqe% ;u fa\ l;xoui ou m,ako\ji pafpanman or;uh a,.atanq! Isk orphs 'ast^ an ke n;rka\ana\ fa\ fasarakouj;an% fa\ giri ou grakanouj;an nouira‘% fa\ gro[n;-
rou girq;rou fratarakman famar% 25-h au;li girq;rou katara‘ m;k;nasouj;amb% ir tikno= Mimiin f;t miat;[! Ir namakn;rhn mhkoun mh=% an k∞arta\a\touhr or;uh anfati ªastoua‘azouminº masin% ;u a\spisow^ chr 'a'aq;r no\nisk ir katara‘ niujakan øvandakoujiunn;roun ;u bariqn;roun \i,atakoume a\st;[% saka\n k∞arvh \i,;l jh an minc;u a\sørs ;[a‘ h fa\r;niqin% ;k;[;ziin% xanaxan fa\kakan ga[oujn;roun ;u Falhpi karg me warvarann;roun bar;rare% i masnauori Falhpi Krjasiraz warvaranin% or fama\n falhpafa\ouj;an f;t miat;[% a\sør ke ta®api Sourio\ n;rqin .®owoujiunn;roun patya®ow! Armhn |aroujiun;an% ir tikno= Mimiin f;t miat;[% a\vm k∞a\z;lh Los Any;les! Bari galoust sir;li Armhn! J[j&
STAZOUA’ FRATARAKOUJIUN ªNor Ørº ,abajaj;rje ,norfakalouj;amb staza‘ h ªNor A\njapº fatore% fratarakoua‘ Falhp^ 2012 jouakanin% ªLibananabnak A\njapzin;rou Fa\r;nakzakan Miouj;anº ko[mh% 300 h=;rou mh= am'o';low a,.arfas'iu® a\njapafa\;rou grakan ;u m,akouja\in grakan gor‘;r! Fatorin .mbagroujiune kataroua‘ h Joros Joran;ani ;u øgnakan .mbagri^ Armhn |aroujiun;ani a,.atanqn;row! M;k;nasouj;amb Thr ;u Tik& Armhn ;u Mimi |aroujiun;ann;rou! Fatore ke n;rka\aznh na;u Falhpi Krjasiraz warvarani masin noranor t;[;koujiunn;r% oronq ke fasnin minc;u Sourio\ n;rqin tagnapi na.ør;akn;re! Girqe stanal 'a'aqo[n;re krnan gr;l! Toros Toranian MD P.O.Box 6872 Aleppo Syria kam^ ir;nz .ndranqe ou[ark;l f;t;u;al hlhqjrona\in faszhow! ani_toranian@yahoo.com
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FA|ASTAN-MALJA FF axga\in fauaqakani gl.auor marxic Wardan Minas;ane fraparak;l h a\n 22 `oujpolistn;ri zanke% oronq |ounisi 3-iz na.apatrastuoum ;n a®a=ika\ 2 entrakan mrza.a[;rin! |ounisi 7-in Fa\astani fauaqakane ªFanrap;takanº marxada,toum ke fiurenkali Malja\i entranoun% isk |ounisi 11-in Dania\oum ke mrzi tanthr;ri f;t! Wnasoua‘qn;ri patya®ow a\s angam dar];al fauaqakan c;n frauirou;l L;uon Fa\rap;t;ann ou Fra\r Mko\;ane! Baza®oua‘ ch% or ;ritasardakan fauaqakani mi qani `oujpolistn;r% oronq ke masnakz;n |ounisi 6-in :r;uanoum ka\analiq Fa\astan-Islandia entrakan mrza.a[in ;us ke frauirou;n axga\in fauaqakan! I mi=ia\loz Fa\astan-Islandia fandipoume ke ka\ana\ ªFraxdanº marxada,toum% moutqn axat h! Axga\in fauaqakane frauiroua‘ `oujpolistn;ri marxawiyake lour= mtafogouj;an t;[iq h talis! Ga[tniq ch% or art;rkri jim;roum fandhs ;ko[ `oujpolistn;ri m;‘amasnoujiune .a[a\in praktika\i pakas oun;n! Nranq ;us \aya.aki ;n \a\tnuoum paf;sta\inn;ri nstaranin! A\d patya®ow Markos Pix;lin ªKoubanizº 'o.adrou;l h ªKrasnodarº! Hdgar Manoucar;ane% :oura Mowsis;ann ou Arjour Sarkisowe nor ;n apauinou;l wnasoua‘qn;riz ;u d;®;us lau marxawiyakoum c;n! J;r;us kar;li h a®an]nazn;l mia\n F;nri. M.ijar;anin% orn ir bar]rouj;an wra\ h! N,;nq% or enjazik mrza,r=ane F;nri.i `oujpola\in gor‘ounhouj;an enjazqoum kar;li h lauago\ne famar;l na 3-rd tarin anendmh= ª<a.t\oriº kaxmoum dar]au Ouqrania\i a.o\;an ;u gauajakir% 25 gndakow yanacou;z Ouqrania\i lauago\n ®mbarkou g;raxanz;low ardiunauhtouj;an mrzani,e% incphs na;u yanacou;l h Ouqrania\i a®a=nouj;an lauago\n `oujpolist! Mnoum h M.ijar;ane ardiunauhtouj;an mrzani, safmani na;u FF fauaqakanoum% ori kaxmoum a®a\vm nra fa,ouin 10 kol h granzoua‘! N,;nq% or FF fauaqakani mrzani,akire Arjour P;tros;ann h% ow axga\in fauaqakanoum anzkazoua‘ 69 fandipoumn;roum 11 koli f;[inak h dar];l! |ousanq% or Malja\i ;u Dania\i fauaqakann;ri f;t entrakan mrza.a[iz \;to\ M.ijar;ane ke da®na\ FF fauaqakani lauago\n ®mbarkoun! N,;nq na;u% or FF a®a=noujiunoum fandhs ;ko[ `oujpolistn;ri .a[amakardan hl a\nqan bar]r ch! Inc;uh% jh;u a®ka\ .ndirn;rin `oujpolistn;re fauaqakaniz mia\n \a[janak ;n aknkaloum! :jh Malja\i fauaqakani f;t .a[oum da irat;sakan h% apa Dania\oum m;r entranoun ca'axanz lour= 'or]oujiun h spasoum! Fauaqakan ;n frauirou;l f;t;u;al `oujpolistn;re& darpasapafn;r^ Âoman B;r;xowski% Ghorg Kasparow% Arjour |aroujiun;an% pa,tpann;r^ Âob;rt Arxouman;an% Wal;ri Al;qsan;an% Kamø |owfannis;an% Tarøn Oskan;an% Waraxdat Faro\;an% Art\om >acatourow% Arjour Auag;an% kisapa,tpann;r^ Ka®lhn Mkrtc;an% Dauij Mano\;an% Arjour :digar;an% Arax Øxbilis% F;nri. M.ijar;an% Markos Pix;li% Ghorg {axar;an% Nora\r Aslan;an% Arjour :ouxpa,;an% \ar]akouo[n;r^ Hdgar Manoucar;an% :oura Mowsis;an% Arjour Sarkisow! :uropakan gøtou B& .mbi mrza,ara\in a[iusakn a\spisi t;sq ouni&
Italia Poulkaria C;.ia Dania Fa\astan Malja
>& 5 6 5 5 4 5
|& 4 2 2 1 1 0
F& P& G& M& 1 0 12-4 13 2 0 11-4 10 2 1 6-4 8 3 1 6-5 6 0 3 2-7 3 0 5 1-14 0
N,;nq% or m;r entrakan .mboum endgrkoua‘ Italia\i fauaqakane enk;rakan .a[oum 4-0 fa,ouow \a[j;l h San Marino\i% isk Poulkaria\i fauaqakane 2-0 fa,ouow^ Ya'onia\i entranoun! |ounisi 7-in ke ka\ana\ na;u C;.iaItalia fandipoume! Fa\astan-Malja .a[e ke spasarkoui Fiusisa\in I®landia\i mrzawarakan kaxme A®nolt Fanthri gl.auorouj;amb! |ounisi 11-in Dania\oum ka\analiq Dania-Fa\astan entrakan mrza.a[i gl.auor mrzaware ke lini ®ousastanzi Al;qsh\ Nikola;ue!
~OUJPOLA|IN >YANKAR • ~oujpoli FF axga\in fauaqakani \ar]akouo[ Arjour Sarkisowe Nivni Nowgtori ªWolga\oumº war]awyarow fandhs galou vamkhte lraz;l h ;u na |ounisi 1-iz w;rada®nalou h Moskoua\i ªLokomotiuº! • {axa.stani ªAktophoumº fandhs ;ko[ Âob;rt Arxouman;ane ;rkri a®a=nouj;an f;rjakan .a[oum baz;l h kol;ri fa,iue jimi kaxmoum! 34-rd rophin na grau;l h ªIrti,iº darpase^ baz;low .a[i fa,iue! ªAktop;nº \a[j;l h 3-0 fa,ouow! • FF ;ritasardakan fauaqakani mrzakiz Islandia\i entranin Marti 26-in Vodino\oum :urø-2015-i ,r=anakoum 2-1 fa,ouow \a[j;l h P;la®ousi ir fasakakizn;rin! |i,;zn;nq% or 10-rd .mboum bazi n,oua‘ jim;riz fandhs ;n galis na;u ~ransia\i ;u {axa.stani ;ritasardakann;re! • Yibraljari `oujpola\in enk;roujiune dar]au OU:~A-i 54-rd andame! OU:~A-i na.agaf Mi,hl Pratinin \a\tarar;l h% or Yibraljari ;u Ispania\i jim;e ;rkou p;toujiunn;ri bard qa[aqakan irawiyaki patya®ow% phtq h tarb;r .mb;roum fandhs gan! ªM;r møt no\natip irawiyak h Fa\astani ;u Atrph\yani dhpqoumº%- as;l h Pratinin! • ÂD-iz :uropa\i a.o\;ann;ri lika\i mrza,arin masnakz;lou irauounq ;n staz;l BKMA-n ªX;nijeº% isk :urolika\i mrza,arin ªAnvinº% ªSpartakeº% ªKoubaneº ;u ªÂoubineº! • OU:~A-n fastatoum h% or 2014-15 jj& mrza,aroum :urolika\i \a[jo[e irauounq ke stana\ fandhs gal a.o\;ann;ri lika\oum! Kaxmak;rpicn;ri kar‘iqow% a\s 'o'o.oujiune ke bar]razni f;taqrqroujiune :uropa\i akoumba\in `oujpoli ;rkrord n,anakouj;an mrza,ari nkatmamb!
EMB<AMARTE ØLIMPIADA-2020-I KARY ZOUZAKI MH+ Ølimpiada 2020-i ‘ragri kary zouzaki mh= ;n mt;l^ ph\spole (so`jpol)% badmintone ;u emb,amarte% a\d masin \a\tn;l h MØK-e! W;r=nakan ‘ragri mh= mtn;lou h mhk marxa];u! A\n \a\tni ke da®na\ 2013-i
S;pt;mb;rin Pouhnos A\rhsoum ka\analiq MØK-i nsta,r=anoum!
M:TALN:RI FAROUST AUAROW J;qwanto\i ªAr-Marº akoumbi 10 patani marxikn;row famalroua‘ FF fauaqakane g;raxanz ;lo\jn;r oun;zau Wrastani patan;kan baz a®a=noujiunoum! M;r marxikn;re nouay;zin 2 oskh% 3 ar‘ajh ;u 4 pronxh m;tal! Ir;nz g;raxanz drs;uor;zin ;u mrza,ari \a[jo[n;r dar]an Arjour Wardan;ann ou Sargis Grigor;ane! Ar‘ajh m;taln;row parg;uagrou;zin F;nri. Badal;ane% Arjour Galst;ann ou Gagik A®aq;l;ane% pronxh m;taln;r nouay;zin Âoubhn A®aq;l;ane% Âoman Fa\rap;t;ane% Slawa >acatr;ann ou Âa`ik Souqias;ane! Mrzawarn;ri juoum hr Dauij {aframan;ane! Fa\ j;qwanto\istn;re patrastuoum ;n Øgostosin Poulkaria\oum ka\analiq a,.arfi patan;kan a®a=nouj;ane!
MINSKOUM ÂING DOURS KE GAN :ØJ FA| BÂNZQAMARTIKN:R |ounisi 1-in P;la®ousi ma\raqa[aq Minskoum m;knark;z b®nzqamarti :uropa\i a®a=noujiune% ori parg;un;re ke wiyark;n 36 ;rkirn;ri ,our= 300 b®nzqamartikn;r qa,a\in 10 karg;roum! Fa\astane% incphs ];x ardhn t;[;kazr;l hinq% :uropa\i a®a=noujiunoum ke n;rka\azn;n 7 b®nzqamartikn;r! Ara Pouloux;ane (64 qk&) a®a=in m;namartoum \a[j;louz \;to\% ;rkrordoum partou;z! Partou;z ;u mrza,ariz dours mnaz na;u Nar;k Abgar;ane (52 qk&)! |a[janakow ;n m;knark;l Arman |ownik;ane (75 qk&)% Armhn Xaqar;ane (ÂD)% Art\om |aroujiun;ane (G;rmania% 2-n hl 64 qk&)% Ara\ik Marouj;ane (G;rmania% 69 qk&) ;u Waxghn Sa`ar;ane (P;la®ous% 60 qk&)!
<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • |ounisi 16-24-e Wrastani Ou®;ki qa[aqoum k*anzkazoui :uropa\i tarb;r tariqa\in .mb;ri patan;kan gauajn;ri .a[arkoujiune! Minc;u 8% 10% 12 tar;kann;ri mrza,aroum FF-iz fandhs ke gan 44 patani ,a.matistn;r! • Igor Xa\z;u-A[a\;ane 75 tar;kan h! Fanra\a\t ,a.mata\in t;saban ;u marxic grosma\st;r Igor Xa\z;ue ‘agoumow fa\ h% nra fa\re Arkadi A[a\;ann h! Igor Xa\z;ue ;[;l h mi ,arq f®cakauor ,a.matistn;ri% a\d juoum a,.arfi 9-rd a.o\;an Tigran P;tros;ani marxic-martawkan! • Grosma\st;r Tigran Qojan=;ane Libanani ma\raqa[aq Ph\roujoum auartoua‘ 6-rd mi=axga\in baz mrza,aroum 9 fnarauoriz wastak;z 7&5 miauor ;u 65 masnakizn;ri mh= grau;z a®a=in mrzanake! • Xauhn Andrhas;ane ;u Fra\r Simon;ane ªSamozw;tº jimi kaxmoum ª<a.matna\a plan;taº ka\qi kaxmak;rpa‘ int;rn;ta\in ka\‘akna\in mrzoumn;roum endfanour ardiunqn;row grau;zin a®a=in t;[e!
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