ՆՈՐ ՕՐ Շաբաթաթերթ

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N.O. June 20, 2013, No. 25:N.O. Blank


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FING<ABJI% |OUNIS 20% 2013

THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 2013 91 TARI% JIU 25 VOLUME 91, NO. 25

ØPAMAN :U "OUJINE PA|MANAUOROUA’ :N SOURIAKAN FAKAMARTO{ KO{M:ROUN BANAKZOUJIUNN:ROU S:{ANIN <OUR+ NST:ZN:LOU MASIN AMN-n ;u Âousastane pa\manauoroua‘ ;n a,.ouvazn;l Souria\i fakamartouj;an kargauorman .a[a[ banakzoujiunn;re! A\s masin Fiusisa\in I®lantio\ G-8-i gagajavo[owi enjazqin am;rikazi gor‘enk;r P& Øpama\i f;t banakzoujiunn;rhn \;to\ \a\tarara‘ h Âousastani na.agaf Wlatimir "oujine! ªM;nq pa\manauoroua‘ ;nq Ven;ui mi=axga\in .orfrdavo[owin^ souriakan fakamarto[ ko[m;roun drd;l% orphsxi banakzoujiunn;rou s;[ani ,our= nstinº% - "oujini .øsq;re mh=b;ra‘ h ITAÂ-TASS-e! ªOro, farz;rou mh= m;r dirqoro,oumn;re c;n famenknir% saka\n m;x ke miauorh b®noujiune dadr;zn;lou% Sourio\ xof;rou joui aye dadar;zn;lou% .ndire .a[a[ yanaparfow lou‘;lou ]gtoumeº% Øpama\i f;t xro\zhn \;to\ \a\tarara‘ h "oujine% ke \a\tnh ªÂIA Nowostinº! AMN-i na.agafe \a\tna‘ h% or ir a,.atakaxmin ke \an]nararh Sourio\ irawiyaki kargauorman farzow ;rkrord mi=axga\in .orfrdavo[owi na.apatrastouj;amb xba[ouil& ªM;nq endfanour ,afagrg®oua‘oujiun ouninq katarouo[ b®nouj;ane w;r= talou% incphs na;u a\n qimiakan xhnqe wnasax;r‘;lou famar% or karo[ h gtnou;l Sourio\ mh=^ anor kira®oumn ou tara‘oume kan.;lou npatakowº% banakzoujiunn;rhn \;to\ \a\tarara‘ h Øpaman!

ÂOUSASTANE JO|L CI TAR SOURIO| WRA| ANJÂICQ GØTI ST:{’:L Âousastane jo\l ci tar% Sourio\ wra\ anj®icq gøti st;[‘oui% \a\tarara‘ h ÂD AGN pa,tønakan n;rka\azouzic Al;qsandr Louka,;uice! ªAnj®icq gøti st;[‘;lou farzin mh= m;nq ouninq ,at \stak ;u skxbounqa\in dirqoro,oum! Anj®icq gøtii ;u xanaxan fasarakakan mi=anzqn;rou ,our=

a\d bolor fnarqn;re ou[[aki k*apazouzou;n a\n% or c;n \arg;r mi=axga\in irauounqe! A\n% jh incphs ke mtzoui a\d gøtin ;u incphs k*irakanazoui nman oro,oumn;re% m;nq \stak t;sa‘ ;nq Lipio\ ørinakow! M;nq c;nq oux;r souriakan fakamartouj;an mh= nman krknoujiunº!

LOS ANY:LESI MH+ "AÂAUOR K:RPOW N<OU:ZAU :ROUAND PAPA|:ANI 100 AM:AKE Kiraki% 16 |ounis 2013-in% Fa\z& A®aq;lakan :k;[;zuo\ Ar;umt;an J;mi Kaxmak;rpouj;amb% bar]r fowanauorouj;amb A®a=nord T& |ownan Arq& Thrthr;ani ;u masnakzouj;amb A\njapi Fa\r;nakzakan Miouj;an% 'a®a,ouq k;rpow n,ou;zau baxmawastak krjakan m,ak% fasarakakan gor‘ic% miouj;nakan ;u f;[inak Tiar :ROUAND PAPA|:ANI ‘nnd;an 100 am;ake% Qali`ornio\ Perp;nq qa[aqi Srboz {;uond;anz Ma\r Tayari Xøra\;an jangarani srafin mh=^ i n;rka\ouj;an fo‘ baxmouj;an me% oronz

<ar& h= 15

S:RV SARGS:ANE <NORFAUOR:L H FASAN ÂOFANIIN^ IRANI NA>AGAFI ENTROUJIUNN:ROUM TARA’ |A{JANAKI AÂJIU Na.agaf S;rv Sargs;ane ,norfauorakan ou[;r] h \[;l Fasan Âofaniin^ 2013 j& |ounisi 14-in t;[i oun;za‘ entroujiunn;roum \a[janaki ;u Irani Islamakan Fanrap;touj;an Na.agafi bar]r ;u patas.anatou pa,tønoum entrou;lou kapakzouj;amb! ªFauataza‘ ;m% or Fa\astani Fanrap;touj;an ;u Irani Islamakan Fanrap;touj;an auandakan bar;kamoujiune ;u bar]r qa[aqakan ;rk.øsoujiune ke ,arounak;n ir;nz xargazman w;renjaz ou[in^ ar]anagr;low noranor ];®qb;roumn;r^ i ,af ;rkou ;rkrn;ri vo[owourdn;ri bar;k;zouj;an! |argarvan gor‘enk;r% +;rmouj;amb ;m \i,oum m;r fandipoumn;re :r;uanoum ;u J;franoum! Famoxoua‘ ;m% or famat;[ =anq;row fa\-iranakan mi=p;takan \arab;roujiunn;re ke bar]razn;nq orakaphs nor makardaki! Ma[joum ;m };x qa=a®o[=oujiun ;u noranor nouayoumn;r Irani Islamakan Fanrap;touj;an ka\oun a®a=enjazi apafowman ;u Irani bar;kam vo[owrdi i[];ri irakanazman gor‘oumº% asoua‘ h FF Na.agafi ,norfauorakan ou[;r]oum

IRANI NA>AGAFE DAR}A’ H BAR:"O>ICN:ROU N:RKA|AZOUZIC FASAN ÂOUFANIN Bar;'o.icn;rou n;rka\azouzic Fasan Âoufanin ]a\n;rou w;r=nafa,ouarki ardiunqow entroua‘ h Irani na.agaf% \a\tarara‘ h Irani NGN [;kawar Mosta`a Mofamat-Nayare! Anor kar‘iqow% entroujiunn;roun masnakza‘ ;n granzoua‘ 50 mln& entro[n;rhn gr;jh 37 milione% masnakzoujiune kaxma‘ h 72%7 tokos! ªFasan Âoufanin fauaqa‘ h

18%613 mln& ]a\n ;u ;rkri norentir na.agafn hº% esa‘ h NG na.arare! Ar;umt;an lratouami=ozn;rou gnafatmamb% bar;'o.icn;rou n;rka\azouzci entroujiune ke wka\h Irani fasarakouj;an møt bar;'o.oumn;rou ]gtoume% ;rb fasarakoujiune c*a=akz;zau fog;uor a®a=nord Ali Fam;nhii ko,t gi‘i j;kna‘oun;roun!

JOURQIO| GR:JH O{+ TARA’QE^ ZO|Z:ROU OU QA|L:RJN:ROU MH+ Na.ørhin Stampouli Jaqsim ;u Anqara\i Qexela fraparakn;r ,arvil 'or]o[ zouzararn;rou ou ostikann;rou mi=;u ba.oumn;rou patyarow ];rbakaloua‘ ;n baxmajiu zouzararn;r! Jrqakan ªWajanº øraj;rji tou;aln;row^ endfanour a®mamb ];rbakaloua‘ h 455 mard! Anqara\hn ou Stampoulhn bazi Jourqio\ baxmajiu a\l bnakawa\r;rou mh= ;us qa[aqazin;re bo[oqi dours ;ka‘ ;n! Hsqi,;firi mh= 20&000 zouzararn;r dima‘ ;n bo[oqi qa\l;rji^ wankark;low ªHrto[an% fravarakan tourº% ª|;[a'o.oujiun% apstamboujiun% axatoujiunº% ªBolor t;[;re Jaqsim ;nº karga.øsn;re! Ixmiri Giundo[dou fraparaki mh= fauaqoua‘ h 10&000 zouzarar

;u m;knarka‘ bo[oqi qa\l;rj dhpi Pasnamhi fraparak! Samsouni mh= fariurauor mardik% dours galow bo[oqi qa\l;rj \a\tarara‘ ;n! T;nixlii mh= au;li qan 10&000 zouzararn;r ir;nz xørakzoujiune \a\tna‘ ;n Khxi xbøsa\gii pafpanouj;an famar pa\qaro[n;roun ;u ,arq me po[otan;<ar& h= 4

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NOR ØR% |OUNIS 20% 2013



|akob Martiros;an >MBAGRAKAN KAXM^

Dokt& Minas Goya\;an Sargis |& Minas;an Frac S;';jy;an >acik Yano\;an MARXAKAN BAVUN^

Au;tis Ba\ram;an WARCAKAN KAXM^

Toqj& Âa``i Pal;an Ghorg Grigor;an Karø Giu'hl;an Andranik A`ar;an


F;®& (626)296-2921 F;®atip (626)296-2922 E- Mail: nor-or@sbcglobal.net Dauan;low ®amkawarakan skxbounqn;r% ke fauatanq baxmakar‘ouj;an ;u axat .øsqi irauounqi% f;t;uabar% fraparakoua‘ groujiunn;re anpa\man c;n arta\a\t;r .mbagrouj;ans t;sakhte! Kamqh anka. patya®n;row sprda‘ wripakn;rou famar k*apauininq m;r a,.atakizn;roun ;u enj;rzo[n;roun n;ro[amtouj;an! Nor Or Weekly is published weekly, except two weeks in AUGUST Nor Or Publishing Association, Inc. 1901 N. Allen Ave., Altadena, CA 91001 Annual Subscription rates: As of June 1st, 2007 U.S.A. 2nd Class: West Coast $75

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91-AM:AK 1922-2013

1984 - 2013 1984 jouakanin% Am;rika\i miaz;al nafangn;roun mh= st;[‘oua‘ hr p;takan apafowouj;an f;ta.ouxakan bavin me% NSA (Axga\in Apafowouj;an Gor‘akaloujiun) anouan tak% oroun partakanoujiunn hr miaz;al nafangn;roun ;u anor vo[owourdin apafowouj;an fsko[oujiune% f;®a.øsa\in% namakagrakan% yambordakan% dramatan fa,iun;rou ;u lrt;sakan xanaxan mi=ozn;row% oroun npatakn hr fsk;l ;rkrin ;u vo[owourdin apafowoujiune! A\sør^ 2013-n h ardhn% ;u gitouj;an xargazman gagajnakhtin fasa‘ Miaz;al Nafangn;rou p;toujiune ke tirap;th gitakan olortn;rou bolor fasan;lioujiunn;roun% fnaragitoujiunn;roun ;u famazanza\in ou arban;akn;rou mi=ozau xark talow na;u f;ta.ouxouj;anz norago\n ;u an;r;uaka\;li mi=ozn;roun% oronz forixonn;re k∞;rkarin minc;u a,.arfi w;r=in safmann;re! Anz;al ,abaj% 27-am;a\ ;ritasard me% Newton Snowden anouamb% Cinastani Fonk-Qonk qa[aqin mh=% fraparakau anaknkal baza\a\toum me katar;z NSA-i katara‘ gor‘ounhoujiunn;roun masin% gor‘akalouj;an ga[tniqn;re tara‘;low famazanzi wra\ ;u m;‘ wrdowoum \a®a=azn;low Miaz;al Nafangn;rou ;u a,.arfi p;toujiunn;rou ;u vo[owourdn;rou mh=! T;[;koujiunn;rou fraparakoume k∞endgrkhr na;u f;®a.øsa\in ounkndrouj;an% famazanza\in fa[ordakzoujiunn;rou ;u a\l xanaxan øgtagor‘oua‘ mi=ozn;rou manramasnoujiunn;r% oronq ke parounakhin an];rou anfatakan% fastatoujiunn;rou ;u p;toujiunn;rou masin ar]anagroua‘ t;[;koujiunn;r! Farze a\vm^ ke ka\ana\ zankapatin o#r ko[mhn dit;lou wra\! An]iq^ oronq ke gangatin a\s patafarin dhm% a®ark;low jh^ NSA fastatoujiune fimnoua‘ hr vo[owourdi apafowouj;an famar ;u o*c vo[owourdin fsko[ouj;an% krnan oun;nal anfati axatouj;an ørhnqi .a.tman f;nakhte! Isk tarb;r farz h paragan p;toujiunn;roun% oronq andadar ke lrt;s;n xirar tnt;sakan% ®axmakan ;u a\l marx;rou mh=! Saka\n i#ncn h 'o.oua‘ 1984 jouakanhn minc;u a\sør! 1984-in% Miaz;al Nafangn;rou mh=% ka\in møt 200 faxar islamn;r% isk fama,.arfa\in makardakow afab;kicn;#r% cka\in an,ou,t% ;jh nkati c∞a®n;nq t;[uo\n oyragor‘a\in

ararqn;re% ;u a\n vamanak^ Pa[;stin;an ,arvoumi w;rab;r;al afab;kcakan ararqn;re% oronq f;®ou hin Miaz;al Nafangn;rou safmann;rhn% ;u or;uh wtang chin spa®nar Miaz;al Nafangn;rou vo[owourdin kam p;touj;an! Isk a\sør^ 8 milionh au;li islamn;r kan AMN-i mh=% afab;kicn;r bo\n dra‘ ;n boloris ;raxa\in au;t;az ;rkrin mh=% oyragor‘oujiunn;re dar]a‘ ;n amhnør;a\ ;r;uo\j ir;nz tarb;r taraxn;row% isk vo[owourde ,ouara‘ wiyaki mh=% f;u i f;u waxqow ke =ana\ ir entaniqi aprouste apafow;l st;[‘oua‘ a\s anyarak wiyakin ;u .a®niya[anyin mh=! 2000 jouakanhn ;tq% Miaz;al Nafangn;roun mh= kataroua‘ afab;kcakan gor‘ounhoujiunn;roun orphs f;t;uanq% ke joui jh am;rik;an p;toujiune inqxinq m.rya‘ h an;l wiyaki mh=% =analow ,arounak;l 1984-in ir;n wstafoua‘ axga\in apafowouj;an pafpanoume ;rkrin mh=% mhk ko[mhn% isk mius ko[mhn^ =analow artaqin a,.arfi p;toujiunn;roun afab;kcakan .mbakn;rou chxoqazman ;u vo[owrdawarouj;an \;[a'o.ouj;an a,.atanqn;r tanil% ;rkrin n;rqin .a[a[ouj;an ;u apafowouj;an famar! :u a\s bolore \a=o[;zn;lou famar% dim;low bolor kar;li ;u ankar;li mi=ozn;roun% oronz yanaparfin ke xofouin na;u anm;[n;re% ir;nz f;®a.øsa\in% ka\qh=i% p;takan ;u dramatan ir;nz fa,iun;rou ;u 'o.anzoumn;rou% a\l fa[ordakzoujiunn;rou ;u yambordoujiunn;rou enjazqin% incpisin h TSA-e% a\vm^ Miaz;al Nafangn;rou mh= ;u a\l tarb;r fsko[oujiunn;rou fimnarkn;r% a,.arfi xanaxan ødaka\ann;roun mh=! Ba\z cmo®nanq na;u jh^ Google-e% Facebook-e% Yahoo-n ;ua\ln% ardhn ounin bolor anfrav;,t t;[;koujiunn;re bolor a\n anfatn;roun% oronq ke gor‘a‘;n ir;nz ka\qh=n;re! Kam^ a\n Credit card-e kam inqnouj;an or;uh 'astajou[j or ke kr;nq m;r wra\% ounin ardhn bolorin anfatakan ,arvoumn;roun ;u t;[a'o.ouj;anz patk;re% ir;nz wra\ kr;low oro, axdararn;r! Our;mn^ =ananq m;r axga\in ;u anfatakan apafowouj;an git;liqn;roun tara‘man mi=ozn;rou gor‘a‘ouj;an mh= xgo\, ellal&&& ;jh mnaz or;uh an\a\t ban! !

FA|ASTANIZ OU{:{N:RI ARTAFOSQ H T:{I OUN:NOUM Artaga[je Fa\astaniz f;t;uanq h% da \stak \anzauor qa[aqakanoujiun h^ ou[[oua‘ ;rkri bnak couj;an kryatmane% ore sksou;l h 90-akan jouakann;riz! A\s masin |ounisi 17-in ka\aza‘ mamouli asoulisi vamanak \a\tarar;l h Fa \astani fasarakakan gor‘ic Larisa Alaw;rd;ane! ªFarkauor h .ostowan;l% or Fa\astaniz artaga[j iskaphs t;[i h oun;noum! A\s masin wka\oum ;n na;u MAK-i tou;aln;re% oronz fama]a\n 1 mln& 200 faxar mard a\søroua\ drouj;amb Fa\astani bnakic c;n% jh;u fa,ouarkuoum ;n orphs a\dpi sinº% endg‘;l h Larisa Alaw;rd;ane! Nra .øsqow^ Xargazman ;urasiakan panqi f;taxøtou-

Larisa Alaw;rd;an

jiunn;re zo\z ;n tou;l% or bar]r masnagiazoua‘ouj;amb artaga[jo[n;ri juoum a®a=in forixonakanoum h Hstonian^ 11&5 tokos% ;rk rordoum Fa\astann h^ 9 tokos% apa f;t;uoum ;n Latwian ;u Lit-

wan! ªDa n,anakoum h% or Fa\astaniz ou[;[n;ri artafosq h t;[i oun;noum! Da \ang;znoum h m;r fasarakouj;an oc mia\n qanakakan% a\l;u orakakan kaxmi 'o'o.ouj;an! Artaga[joum ;n na;u a\n mar dik% owq;r ka\az;l ;n a®;utroumº% endg‘;l h Alaw;rd;ane! >øs;low artaga[ji kan.man ;ra,.iqn;ri masin% na endg‘;l h% or anfrav;,t h qa[aqakan i,.anouj;an bolor j;u;re ;u qa[aqaziakan fasarakouj;ane faskazo[ ;u gitakzo[ gor‘ci a®ka \oujiun& ªFamoxoua‘ ;m% or Fa\astanoum mnaza‘ mardkanz juoum kan a\npisiq% owq;r i wiyaki ;n m;r ;rkroum karg ou kanon fastat;lº!

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FA|R:NABA{}OUJIUN Fa\abnak ,at me ;rkirn;r a\z;la‘ ;m! :[a‘ ;m qo\r;rous% ;[ ba\rn;rous% axgakann;rous ou bar;kamn;rous møt! Niujaphs omanq au;li ba.tauor ;[a‘ ;n miusn;rhn! Los Any;lese arqa\oujiunn h ;rkri wra\! A\l ;rkirn;rou qa[aqn;roun mh= ;us fa\;re anpat;foujiunn;r c;n kr;r ir;nz inqnouj;an f;t;uanqow! Norhn% t.our ou ja.‘ot ke da®nam amhn angam or ke w;rada®nam fa\abnak \i,;al wa\r;rhn! A\d ;rkirn;rou fa\r;nakizn;rs nouaxago\ne ke ta®apin fa\r;naba[]ouj;amb% kam ir;nz entaniqn;rou baxmafatouj;amb (fragmentation)! W;rada®nalou a\l;us kar;lioujiun ckar anonz famar% faka®ak or anonz entaniqin mhk mase ir;nz bnørranin mh= mnaza‘ hin! Ambo[=akan ;r=ankoujiun me piti coun;na\in anonq ;rb;uizh! Gnafat;low fand;r] ir;nz ord;gra‘ ;rkire% anonq piti eshin& ªFa\r;ni øya.in mh= aprile tarb;r hº! A\s xgazoumow anonz klanoua‘ ellale xis ,at ke t.r;znh! M;nq k*aprhinq m;r na.afa\r;rou fo[;roun wra\% our ke gtnouhin m;r ;k;[;zin;rn ou g;r;xmann;re% ba\z a\l;us m;r axgakizn;roun f;t chinq! Chi krnar t;sn;l% jh incphs im xarmikn;rs m;‘za‘ ou kaxmauoroua‘ hin! :rb anonz fandip;za\ a®a=in angam% ardhn ir;nz qsanakann;roun mh= hin! Ounim ,at møt axgakann;r xors takauin c;m yancza‘! Anatoloui qa[aqn;roun toua‘ a\z;loujiunn;rs al no\nqan ke t.r;zn;n xis! Afauasik a\d \i,atakn;rhn mhke! Coroum qa[aqe frauiroua‘ hi% masnakz;lou famar wiyabanakan asoulisi me% our qrtakan farze piti ar‘ar‘ouhr! Bar;kamn;rs^ Filiz Ga'lan ou P;qir P;raj Høxiu';kn al ke masnakzhin! Fa\ ellalous famar in‘i farzoumn;r ou[[ou;zan 1915-i dhpq;rou masin al! A\s ou[[ouj;amb% fska\akan 'o'o.oujiun me k*enjanar Jourqio\ mh= w;r=;rs! Tinq piti eshr& ªM;r jourq ;[ba\rn;rn ou qo\r;re t;[;ak c;n 1915-i masin! :jh imana\in iro[oujiune% anxga\oun piti cella\in a\s o[b;rgouj;an fandhpº! Jourqio\ mh=% w;r=in 10 tarin;roun% mardik irax;k ke da®nan ir;nz anz;alin! Anonq parxaphs farz kou tan& ªW;r=in tase tarin;roun% p;touj;an ko[mh gor‘adroua‘ oyire% or dati mh= h% k*apazouzanh or m;xi auandoua‘ pa,tønakan warka‘e s.al h! No\nphs% s.al ;n na;u S;pt;mb;r 12% 1980-i ou ";trouar 28% 1997-i p;takan faroua‘n;re m;xi n;rka\azoua‘ ];uin mh=! Baxmajiu kaska‘;li mi=adhp;r ;u spanoujiunn;r kaxmak;rpoua‘ hin i,.anouj;anz ko[mh! Warcap;t Â;yi' Hrto[an n;ro[oujiun .ndr;z T;rsimi =ard;roun famar! A\n at;n% pa,tønakan patmoujiune 1915i dhpq;rou masin inco#u yi,d piti ella\! Incph#s krna\ patafil% or oc-islamn;re% oronq 1914-in 40 a® fariure ke kaxmhin endfanour bnakcouj;an% inco#u nouaxa‘ ;n a\sør% i=n;low 0&01 a® fariuriº! Coroumi mh=% nmanørinak farzoumn;r ou[[ou;zan in‘i% fastat;low fanrouj;an xarjnoumn ou f;taqrqroujiune! Patas.an;zi farzoumn;roun! Frauiro[ kaxmak;rpouj;an inqna,arvow w;radar]i yamboun wra\% ls;zi ‘anøj [ø[an=e ;k;[;zii xangaki me% or o[na\ars iwar znz;z xis! Paf me korsoua‘ hi! Ard;øq diura.aboua‘ hi% mta‘;low jh Coroumi mh= gor‘o[ ;k;[;zi me mnaza‘ hr! ªFos fa\kakan ;k;[;zi# ka\º diura\o\x ]a\now farz toui enk;rn;rous! Farzoums ;u dhmqis parxamtoujiune t.r;zouzin bar;kamn;rs! Kary tatamsoumh ;tq% anonq \a\tn;zin% jh a\d xang;re kou ga\in a,tarakhn qa[aqi xangakin% or au;rakoua‘ ;k;[;zih me a®nou;low% x;t;[oua‘ hr a,tarakin wra\!

DIT:LOW QANDOUA’ |OU<AKOJO{N:RE Zauali h t;sn;l au;rakn;re fa\kakan \ou,akojo[n;rou! A\z;loujiunn;rous enjazqin dhpi Anatoloui qa[aqn;re% in‘i famar% fa\kakan nman f;tq;rou f;t;uo[akan maqragor‘oume a\s bna,.arfhn kaxmak;rpoua‘ hr p;touj;an ko[mh! |atkaphs% minc;u 1980-i p;takan faroua‘e% ;k;[;zin;rou a,tarakn;re qandoua‘ hin jnda-

nøjn;row! A[jamari ;k;[;zin w;r=in wa\rk;anin 'rkoua‘ hr ,norfiu f;[inak :a,ar Q;mali! Dvouar h fasknal a\s at;loujiune! I#nc orak;l a\s ga[a'arabanoujiune% ;rb faxarauorn;r b®naga[ji ;njark;lh ;tq% \ama®;zau qand;lou na;u f;tq;re fin qa[aqakrjouj;an me% or kou gar darauor anz;alhn& esh*q in‘i! Fska\akan 'o'o.oujiun me n,mar;li h Jourqio\ p;takan mta‘;lak;rphn n;rs w;r=in tase tarin;roun! Asika lau n,an men h! Saka\n dvouar h fastat;l% jh ourazoume w;r= gta‘ h! Jourqia sksa‘ h danda[ørhn gitakzil go\ouj;ane ;u irauounqn;roun 15 milioni fasno[ ir qiurt qa[aqazin;roun! Saka\n% ,at au;li \a®a=dimouj;an kariqe ka\! Lau ko[me a\n h% or aknkaloua‘ a\s 'o'o.oujiune 90 tari piti ct;uh% a\l au;li ,out piti kataroui! Ou,agrau xargazoum men h% or Los Any;lesi ~;sjiwalin% A[jamari ;k;[;zin entrou;zau% Wan qa[aqe .orfrdan,o[ ibr;u patmakan \ou,akojo[! Isk Polso\ Patriarqouj;an 'o.anord^ Aram Arq& Ajh,;an% fon orphs patouo\ fiur% \a=o[;zau \ouxic patgam me tal& amhn banh a®a= st;[‘oua‘ h bar;npast mjnolort me! Jourqia ir anz;ali oronoumin mh= h& k*ouxh w;ragtn;l ir fin farstoujiune! :rkar piti ct;uh% or nman k;zoua‘qow a®a=nordoui i,.anoujiune% ;u ord;groui au;li baro\akan ou .[yamit dirqoro,oum me 1915-i dhpq;roun a®ncouj;amb! Fa\oz b;rmamb ir qa[aqakanouj;an mh=% Jourqio\ pa,tønakan i,.anouj;anz k;zoua‘qin gl.auor tarre fa\kakan s'iu®qin a\safaroumn h (demonization)! A\s dirqoro,oume i xørou h takauin! Mi=axga\in g;tni wra\ Jourqio\ n;rka\azouzcakan yanczoua‘ Fixmhj(*) <arvoume% lour= =anq;r ke ja'h% Los Any;lesi ir;n drazi fa\;roun f;t kap;r fastat;lou% ;u anonz f;t miaz;al ];®narkn;r kaxmak;rp;lou! Na.apa,aroumn;re ba®nalou lauago\n ];ue bar;kamakan xro\zn;r oun;naln h! Jourqia m;napa,t (monolithic) ch% ;u s'iu®qn al miat;sak ch! M;r partakanoujiunn h 'o.adar]abar jøja';l fin soworoujiunn;re! Mi=in ou[in w;ramiazoumn h qo\r axg;rou% miasnabar kr;lou famar o[be! C;m \auaknir y,martørhn es;lou amhn ban! A*\s h im k;zoua‘qs ibr;u jrqafa\% or ke yancna\ oro,aphs ;rkou ko[m;re! C;m krnar es;l or;uh mhkoun a\nphs kam a\sphs ,arv;lou! Fimnou;low im famoxoumn;rous wra\% amhn banh a®a= mafkanazoun;r ;nq! Mardik c;n krnar ir;nz inqnoujiune% z;[e kam go\ne entr;l% saka\n karo[ ;n mardka\in ellal! Oc mhk axg krna\ ambastanouil z;[aspanouj;amb! Oyirn;re ke gor‘ouin anfatn;rou kam kaxmak;rpouj;anz ko[mh! Lour= oyirn;r gor‘ou;zan 1915-i dhpq;roun! Oyragor‘n;re a*\d oyirn;roun ‘anøj ;n! Ambo[= axge patas.anatou ci krnar nkatouil a\d oyirn;roun famar! Faka®ake pnd;low krnanq gtnouil amhnhn gh, dirqoro,oumi mh=^ ardarazi dati me nkatmamb! (<ar& 2 ;u w;r=) Jargm&^ Sargis |& Minas;an Today's Zaman, 5/24/2013 (*) Kiulhn ~;jfoullafi <arvoume – jrq;rhnow^ Fixmhj kocoua‘ – qa[aqaziakan (civic) na.a];®noujiun men h% oroun armatn;re kou gan islamouj;an fog;kan ou mardka\nakan auandouj;nhn! Fixmhj ,arvoume Jourqio\ mh= sks;low 1960-akan jouakann;roun% famaxga\in dar]a‘ h 1980-akann;roun% fama,.arfa\in bno\j stanalou famar 1990-akann;roun% tara‘ou;low Jour qia\hn dours 140 ;rkirn;rou mh=% gl.auor a®anzqe ellalow krjakan a®aq;loujiune% oroun npatakn h% miavamanak% kamour=n;r fastat;l islam a,.arfin ;u Ar;umoutqin mi=;u% incphs na;u^ endmh= faroustin ;u a[qatin!

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:R:UANOUM <OUQOW KE N<OUI WARDGHS P:TROS:ANI 80-AM:AKE :r;uanoum fa\ gro[% jat;ragir% fraparaka.øs Wardghs P;tros;ani 80-am;ake ke n,oui \ob;l;anakan fandisouj;amb! ªArm;n'r;sºi fa[ordmamb^ fandisoujiune t;[i oun;zau |ounisi 18-in Gabrihl Soundouk;ani anouan axga\in akad;miakan jatronoum! |ob;l;anakan fam;rge kaxmak;rpou;l hr FF M,ako\ji na.ararouj;an fowanaworouj;amb! Wardghs P;tros;ane ‘nou;l h 1932 jouakani Øgostosi 9-in A,tarakoum! 1954 j& auart;l h :r;uani P;takan Famalsarani banasirakan `akoult;ti vou®nalistika\i bavine! Wardghs P;tros;ane skxboum fandhs h ;k;l orphs banast;[‘% \;to\ anz;l h ar]aki! Nra st;[‘agor‘oujiunn;re jargmanou;l ;n litw;rhn% lati,;rhn% angl;rhn% s;rbø-.orwaj;rhn% c;.;rhn% wraz;rhn ;u a\l l;xoun;row! Âous;rhn lo\s ;n t;s;l nra ªMama% ;s ardhn m;‘ ;mº (Moskoua% 1964)% ªQa[aqi kisabaz lousamoutn;reº (Moskoua 1973)% ªD;[atoun ªAniº (Moskoua 1979% grqi mh= mtnoum ;n ªW;r=in ousouziceº wipake ;u mi ,arq patmoua‘qn;r)% ªFatentirº (1982 j& wipakn;ri ;u patmoua‘qn;ri vo[owa‘ou) ;u ouri, grq;r!

FAUAQO|J% 1915-IN KA>A{AN FANOUA’ QSAN FNCAK:ANN:ROU |I<ATAKIN Kalajasara\i Yhxa\ir fandisasrafin mh= ka\azau anørinak fauaqo\j me or nouiroua‘ hr 1915-in ka.a[an fanoua‘ qsan Fncak;ann;rou \i,atakin! Fauaqo\je m;‘ f;taqrqroujiun st;[‘;z! >øs;zan Rakep Xaraqøloun% Masis Qiurqyiukile% Mousja`a Gaf;a\e% Fncak;an Kousakzouj;an andam Al;qsan Qhø,khr;ane% or ;ka‘ h artasafmanhn! Fandisawarn hr ~erthws "hriø[loun! Rakep Xaraqøloun esau or ,at ;r=anik h or n;rka\ ke gtnoui a\s patmakan fauaqo\jin! ªEnk;rwarakan =arvoumi go\ouj;an masin a®a=in angam lsa‘ hi 1970akan jouakann;roun! Øsman;an ,r=ani a®a=in enk;rwarakann;re Fa\;re ;[a‘ hin! Øsman;an ,r=ani mh= al a®a=in qa[aqakan qa\lar,aun;rn ou zo\z;re kaxmak;rpoua‘ hin Fa\ enk;rwarakann;rou ko[mh! 1890-in Patriarqaranhn ;lan ou qal;zin dhpi Pape-Ali! Ijjifatakann;re møtauoraphs 140 Fa\ enk;rwarakann;r spann;zin! 15 |ounis 1914-in qsan Fa\ enk;rwarakann;r Ph\axeti k;drone droua‘ ka.a[ann;rou wra\ mafouan datapartou;zanº% esau Xaraqøloun ;u \a\tn;z jh \arganqow ke .onarfi anonz \i,atakin a®=;u! Øsman;an ,r=ani Fa\;roun masin t;[;koujiunn;r touau na;u Mousja`a Qhf;a\e! Artasafmanhn \atkaphs vamana‘ Al;qsan Qhø,khr;an esau or ,at \ouxoua‘ h ;u ;r=anik h or ke gtnoui qa=ari mardoz ,r=anakin mh=! An bolorin ,norfakaloujiun \a\tn;z! A\s a®jiu fratarakoua‘ hr na;u grqo\k me our mhk a® mhk ke ‘anøjazouhin ka.a[an fanoua‘ 20 Fncak;ann;re% gl.auorouj;amb "aramaxi (Matjhos Sargs;an)! Asonq hin Wafan Pø\ay;an% Abrafam Mourat;an% Aram Aceqpa,;an% P;tros Joros;an% Arm;nak Fambar]oum;an% Smbat Geley;an% |akob Pasmay;an% Minas Qh,i,;an% Frand :kau;an% Gar;gin Pø[os;an% :r;mia Manand;an% :rouand Jø'oux;an% Mkrtic :rhz;an% G;[am Wanik;an% |owfannhs Thr {axar;an% Ga®nik Pø\ay;an% Pø[os Pø[os;an% Mourat Xaqar;an% Jowmas Jowmas;an! A\s an];roun Fa\;rhn ou jrq;rhn k;nsagroujiunn;roun k*enk;rana\in anonz nkarn;re! ªMarmaraº

JOURQIO| MH+ ZO|Z:R&&& <ar& h= 1-hn

row qa\l;rj irakanazouza‘ M;rsini mh= au;li qan 5&000 zouzarar bo[oqi ]a\n bar]razouza‘ h Khxi xbøsa\gii mh= ostikanouj;an ko[mh anfamaca' ouvi kira®man kapakzouj;amb! Anonq ;us bo[oqi qa\l;rj irakanazouza‘ ;n! Jouny;lii mh= ,our= 150 zouzararn;re fanrap;touj;an po[ota\i k;droni mh= m;‘ krak wa®a‘ ;n i n,an bo[oqi! Htirnii mh= i,.anoujiunn;rou dhm ir;nz bo[oqe arta\a\t;lou famar 'o[oz dours ;ka‘ h au;li qan 2&000 mard! Anonq a=akzoujiun \a\tna‘ ;n Khxi xbøsa\gin ocncazoumhn 'rk;lou famar pa\qaro[n;roun! Faxarauor zouzararn;r a=akzoujiun \a\tna‘ ;n dvgof xangoua‘n;roun ;u zo\z;rou dours ;ka‘ ;n na;u Poursa\i% Potroumi% Anjaqia\i ;u Canaqqala\i mh=!

NOR ØR% |OUNIS 20% 2013

:AFK M> FAMANA>AGAF-:RKRN:RI AÂA+NORDN:RE FF :U ATRPH|YANI {:KAWAROUJ:ANE KOC :N AR:L VO{OWOURDN:RIN >A{A{OUJ:AN NA>APATRAST:L {araba[;an fakamartouj;an kargauormamb xba[ouo[ :AFK Minski .mbi famana.agaf-;rkrn;ri a®a=nordn;re famat;[ \a\tararouj;amb ;n fandhs ;k;l! Incphs fa[ordoum h Qr;mli mamouli ‘a®a\oujiune% Wladimir "oujine% Paraq Øpaman ;u ~ransoua Øllanti \a\tararoujiunoum asuoum h& ªM;nq^ :AFK M> famana.agaf-;rkrn;ri a®a=nordn;rs% ke ,arounak;nq a=akz;l [araba[;an fakamartouj;an ko[m;rin^ ka\oun ;u .a[a[ kargauorman farzoum! M;nq m;r .orin fiasja'oujiunn ;nq arta\a\toum% or banakza\in gor‘enjazoum 'o.anak famat;[ f;taqrqroujiunn;ri wra\ fimnoua‘ .ndri lou‘oum gtn;loun^ ko[m;re ,arounak;l ;n ]gt;l miako[mani ,af stanaloun! Na.kini phs wstaf ;nq% or w;r=in 4 tarin;ri enjazqoum m;r ;rkrn;ri ara‘ \a\tararoujiunn;roum a®ka\ dro\jn;re phtq h fimq fandisanan [araba[;an fakamartouj;an ardar ;u ka\oun kargauorman famar! A\d dro\jn;re phtq h ditark;l orphs mhk ambo[=oujiun% qani or iuraqanciur 'or]^ ou[[oua‘ dranziz mhkin na.apatououjiune taloun% baza®oum h fauasarak,®oua‘ oro,oum ka\azn;lou fnarauoroujiune! Fastatoum ;nq% or mia\n banakzoujiunn;ri mi=ozow kargauoroume karo[ h .a[a[ouj;an% ka\ounouj;an ;u fa,t;zman \ang;zn;l^ tara‘a,r=ana\in xargazman ;u famagor‘akzouj;an fnarauoroujiunn;r st;[‘;low! Âaxmakan ouvi kira®oume% ori ardiunqoum st;[‘ou;l h a®yakatman ;u anka\ounouj;an a\s wiyake% .ndire ci lou‘i! Âaxmakan gor‘o[oujiunn;ri w;rsksoume a[htali f;t;uanqn;r k*oun;na\ tara‘a,r=ani bnakicn;ri famar ;u mardka\in xof;ri% \;taga\ kor‘anoumn;ri% 'a.stakann;ri ayi au;lazman% af®;li `inansakan ‘a.s;ri patya® ke da®na\! M;nq fastatakamørhn bolor ko[m;ri [;kawarn;rin koc ;nq anoum ;us mhk angam fastat;l f;lsink;an skxbounqn;rin fauatarim lin;le% masnauoraphs^ ouv ckira®;l kam nman spa®naliqn;row fandhs cgal% \arg;l ;rkrn;ri tara‘qa\in ambo[=akanoujiunn ou vo[owourdn;ri irauafauasarouj;an ;u inqnoro,man irauounqe! Koc ;nq anoum na;u x;r‘ mnal gor‘o[oujiunn;riz ;u \a\tararoujiunn;riz% oronq karo[ ;n au;lazn;l tara‘a,r=anoum a®ka\ laroua‘oujiunn ou npast;l fakamartouj;an bar]razman! {;kawarn;re vo[owourdn;rin phtq h .a[a[ouj;an% a\l oc jh pat;raxmi na.apatrast;n! M;r ;rkrn;re patrast ;n famagor‘akz;l ko[m;ri f;t% saka\n fakamartouj;ane w;r= dn;lou patas.anatououjiune nranz wra\ h! M;nq .oraphs famoxoua‘ ;nq% or .ndri lou‘man \;taga\ ]g]goumn anendoun;li h ;u koc ;nq anoum Fa\astani ;u Atrph\yani a®a=nordn;rin nor hn;rgia\ow k;ntronanal a®a\vm baz mnaza‘ farz;ri lou‘man wra\º!

ÂAK AR:UMT:AN AM:RIKA|I <R+ANAKI ENDFANOUR ANDAMAKAN :U MI+-AKOUMBA|IN VO{OW ÂAK Ar;umt;an Am;rika\i <r=ana\in Warcoujiune ke \a\tararh fama\n Ar;umt;an <r=anaki Akoumbn;roun ;u andamakzouj;an% jh 2013 jouakani endfanour andamakan vo[owe t;[i piti oun;na\ |ounis 26% 2013-i ;r;ko\;an vame 7&00-in% Aljatina\i Ph,khøjiur;an k;dronin mh=! T;[i piti oun;na\ tar;kan t;[;katououj;anz fa[ordagroujiun ;u \a=ord ,r=ani ‘ragirn;rou m,akoum! Bolor akoumbn;rou andamakzoujiune sirow frauiroua‘ h a\n fauaqin! T;[i piti oun;na\ enjriqi fiurasiroujiun ÂAK Ar;umt;an Am;rika\i <r=ana\in Warcoujiun

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QA{AQAGHT AÂA+NORD^ MIFRAN SWAXL:AN (SWAXLE) (1860^ Ixmir - 1943^ Niu :orq) ARA AFARON:AN ÂAK-i m;‘ ;ra.tauor^ Mifran Swaxl;an ‘na‘ hr ir ‘no[az \arkin tak Ixmiri mh= 1860-in! An fasak k*a®nh ir ‘nndawa\ri Øsman;an mjnolortin mh=% our øtar l;xoui warvarann;r go\oujiun ounhin ardhn! ’no[az oro,oumow an ke \aya.h t;[uo\n Angliakan Golhye% \a=o[ouj;amb auart;low ;u fmtanalow angl;rhn l;xouin mh=! Isk ir ma\r;ni fa\;rhne piti katar;lagor‘hr an]nakan dasatou oun;nalow^ Matjhos Mamour;ane! Swaxl;an ke \a=o[i a,.atanqi frauirouil angliakan ka®awarouj;an famar% orphs qartou[ar ;u k*ou[arkoui Kipros% or San St;`ano\i da,nagrhn ;tq ke mnar angliakan fogatarouj;an n;rq;u! :ra.tauorin famar ardhn patan;kan tariqhn% axga\in ;u fa\r;nasirakan skxbounqn;re fimnadroua‘ hin% manauand Kiprosi mh=% an \aya. ke \;tapndhr t;[;koujiunn;r fauaq;lou a,.atanqe^ angliakan a[biurn;rh ªJou[jh <;r;'ºin masin! Øsman;an ka\srouj;an safmann;rhn n;rs fasak a®no[ gr;jh amhn ;ritasard% ir ousoume ,arounak;lou fnarauoroujiune k*oronhr `ransakan bar]rago\n fastatouj;an møt! :ritasard Swaxle a\d 'a[angin ke patkanhr% ou Kiprosi mh= ir a,.atanqin a®enj;r an ousoumnasiroujiun ke katarh `ransakan imastasirouj;an masin% qic men al ‘anøjanalow `rans;rhn l;xouin! Faxiu 25 tar;kan% Swaxl;an k*oro,h fastatouil "arix^ katar;lagor‘;lou ir ousoume! A\d ør;roun "arixi mh= |owfannhs Prousal;an anounow 'astaban me ke qa=al;rhr fa\ ;ritasardn;re% or møthn ‘anøjanan fa\kakan farzin! A\d ;ritasardn;rhn mhke piti da®nar Mifran Slwaxl;an% or ir Aqs-Th-"rowansi irauabanakan fastatouj;an møt ousano[ouj;an tarin;roun% \aya. k*enk;rakzhr Prousal;ani! Anor mi=ozau ke ‘anøjana\ fa\kakan farzi =atagow spanazi Hmiliø Qaj;lanin! 1887-in ir ousoume auart;lh ;tq an piti da®nar Prousal;ani arf;stawarv gor‘akize! Miasnabar k*oro,;n m;knil Manc;sjer (Anglia)% our Kiprosi mh= ];®q ]ga‘ ir 'or]a®oujiune piti npasthr or ‘anøjana\ Anglio\ mh= gor‘o[ axatakan ga[a'ara.øsoujiune tara‘o[ gor‘icn;rou! A\d ør;roun Manc;sjeri mh= go\oujiun ounhr 'oqrajiu fa\kakan ga[ouj me% or .andawa®oua‘ Prousal;ani ;u Swaxlei axga\in qaroxcouj;nhn% ke \atkaznh kokik goumar me% or piti ‘a®a\hr :uropa\i mh= a®a=in fa\kakan j;rjin fratarakouj;an! 1889-in lo\s ke t;snh ªFa\astanº j;rje Lontoni mh=% orphs grakan fandhs% oroun a®a=in jiuin mh= ir o[=o\ni .øsqow masnakzoujiun ke b;rh angliazi ‘anøj axatakan lort Pra\se! No\n tarin Swaxle k*oro,h xinouoragrouil ;rkou tari a®a= Ven;ui mh= kaxmoua‘ Fncak;an Kousakzouj;an% or Lontoni mh= ounhr ir masnayiu[e! :ra.tauorin famar axga\in-fa\r;nasirakan ir m[oumn;re \ag;zoum piti stana\in arvamabar kousakzakan k;anqhn n;rs% qani 1885-in Wani mh= kaxmoua‘ Arm;nakan kaxmak;rpoujiune mia\n ke gor‘hr Waspourakan nafanghn n;rs ou Parskastani mh= mia\n! ªFa\astanº j;rji ørinakn;re ardhn moutq gor‘a‘ hin Øsman;an ka\srouj;an oro, qa[aqn;r% ou Souljan Famit t;[;ak dar]a‘ hr Swaxlei gor‘ounhouj;nhn ;u Anglio\ jourq d;spanin mi=ozau% Lontoni ostikanoujiune ke f;tapndh Swaxlei gor‘ounoujiune! A\s ,r=anin an na;u k*a,.atakzhr ªDaily Newsº ;u ªNew Reviewº angliakan j;rj;roun ;u Lort Pra\si mi=ozau f;tapndoumn;re w;r= ke gtn;n! Swaxlen ardhn dar]a‘ hr ‘anøj anoun me angliakan ,r=anakn;rhn n;rs% manauand orphs \ødoua‘agir 'iliso'a\akan ;u imastasirakan prptoumn;rou! A\s ;r;uo\e a®ij me k*ella\ kaxm;lou ªAnglo-Armenianº enk;rakzoujiune% or ;xaki ;r;uo\j men hr Salxperii ka®awarouj;an ,r=anin! Swaxlei ko[qin na;u enk;rakzouj;an k*andamagroui Lort Pra\se% oroun mi=ozau kar;li piti da®nar Anglio\ p;takan ,r=anakn;roun møt famoxoum st;[‘;l% ªFa\kakan Farzºi nkatmamb ;u Souljan Famiti dhm tramadrou;lou orphs Øsman;an ka\srouj;an tara‘qin 'oqramasnouj;anz ;u qriston;a\ vo[owourdn;rou irauounqn;re anargo[ ;u otnako.o[! Swaxl;ani famar ardhn baza\a\t dar]a‘ hr% fa\ vo[owourdi anirauoua‘ ou srtkaza‘ wiyake Øsman;an ka\srouj;nhn n;rs% or phtq ounhr arjnouj;an ;u qa[aqakan ou \;[a'o.akan gor‘ounhouj;an! 1894-in an lq;low Lontone arvamabar% piti w;rada®nar Kipros kousakzakan a®aq;louj;amb! |a=ord tarin Kilikia m;kno[ Fncak;an kamauorn;rou .oumbe ;ka‘ hr Kipros fandip;lou Swaxlein! M.ø <afhn% Ml;f ;u Apaf møthn piti ‘anøjana\in ir;nz <ar& h= 13

Vira\r Jiujiuny;an .mbagirn h Keghart.com ka\qi angl;rhn bavinin! An k*apri Joronjø% Qanata ;u ;rkar tarin;r ;[a‘ h lragro[ ;u .mbagir angliata® mamoulhn n;rs! Los Any;les katara‘ ir a\z;louj;nhn øgtou;low% ÂAK Fa\ Irauanz >orfourdin frauhrow% <abaj% |ounis 15-i a®auøt;an% t;[i oun;zau fandipoum me \arg;li fiurin f;t! N;rka\ hin mtauorakann;r% axga\in qa[aqakan kaxmak;rpoujiunn;rou n;rka\azouzicn;r! Bari galousti .øsqe ar-

Vira\r Jiujiuny;an

}a.hn^ Toqj& Âa``i Pal;an% Vira\r Jiujiuny;an ;u Dokt& Minas Goya\;an

tasan;z ÂAK Fa\ Irauanz >orfourdi at;nap;t^ Toqj& Âa``i Pal;an! Apa ªNor Ørºi .mbagrakan kaxmi andam% Keghart.com ka\qi fa\;rhn bavni patas.anatou Dokt& Minas Goya\;an n;rka\azouz Vira\r Jiujiuny;ani k;nsagrakan gi‘;re! Jiujiuny;an ‘noundow :rousa[hmhn h% apa anza‘ h Libanan ;u fonkh^ Qanata! Goya\;an n,;z% or anor groujiunn;re endfanraphs ;rkarapatoum \ødoua‘n;r c;n% a\l^ kary ou am'o'% t;[e t;[in! N;rka\is% an na.agafn h Multi Media Inc&-in! Jiujiuny;an ,norfakaloujiun \a\tn;z nman a®ij me st;[‘;loun famar ;u ou[[aki anzau ir niujin& Fa\astane% S'iu®qe ;u Fa\e^ a\sør! An 'o.anz;z ir an]nakan kar‘iqn;re% oronq endfanraphs bolors \ouxo[ .ndirn;r ;n% ;rb;mn au;li famar]ak gtnou;low% mate drau ou[[aki whrqin wra\% m;r zau;roun wra\! D;[ami=o#z& a\o*% ounhr! Afauasik% anor ;lo\jin s[agroujiune! A\sørouan Fa\astani .ndirn;re& _ Artaga[je fasa‘ h m;‘ ca';rou! _ Âa``i |owfannhs;anhn \ousa.ab h vo[owourde! Kariqe

ka\ xørauor emddimadir [;kawari! _ >øsqi axatoujiune farzakani tak h% ka\ enddimadir mamoul% ka\ enddimoujiun% saka\n enk;ra\in farz;re patya® ke da®nan% or vo[owourde waxh ørouan fazin ;t;uhn! _ Aprousti famar vo[owourde ir masnagitouj;nhn dours a\l gor‘;row ke xba[i! _ Fa\astan a\sør ouni 600650 fanq% oronq øtarn;rou ];®qn ;n ;u kam i,.anauorn;rou fsko[ouj;an tak! I#nc en;l! D;[ami=ozn;r& _ Ar;umt;an Fa\astani Qonkrhse% ªSardarapatº ,arvoume% ªNa.a.orfrdaranºe (Preparliament.org)% incphs na;u ªFa\kakan W;ra‘noundº Armenian Renaissance kaxmak;rpoujiunn;re ardhn isk ];uauorouo[ ka®o\zn;r ;n Fa\astani ;u S'iu®qi mh=% oronz ,our= orak kaxmo[ axga\inn;rou jiu me go\oujiun ouni! A\s ka®o\zn;re s'iu®qi mh= ke gor‘;n dasakan kousakzoujiunn;rhn anka.! Anonq ‘noundn ;n n;rka\i frama\akann;roun! _ S'iu®qi mh= gor‘o[ "Armenian Renaissance"-e k*ouxh .a[a[ k;rp;row ;rkire bar;'o.;l! _ Ar;umt;an Fa\astani >orfrdaran kaxmak;rpouj;an a,.atanqn;rhn min h^ Jourqian <ar& h= 13

N.O. June 20, 2013, No. 25:N.O. Blank


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NOR ØR% |OUNIS 20% 2013

Sour Ankiun

PATRA#ST :NQ% FA|:*R&&& W;r=in qa®ord daroun incphs ambo[= a,.arfe% no\nphs al fa\a,.arfe apr;zau qa[aqakan nor ,r=an me% oroun akanat;se ;[anq qic me amhn ør% qic me amhn t;[! Jaze corin f;t% core corin f;t% no\nisk core jazin f;t a\r;zan ou a\r;zin m;r sirt;re! - Korpacow;an ";r;sjro\qa\in^ w;raka®ouzoumin% ;u Klaxnosjin^ .øsqi axatouj;an% - Arza.;an ,arvoumin% xauake ir mør^ {araba[e Fa\astanin w;radar]n;loun% - >orfrda\in Miouj;an 'louxoumin% ;u - Fa\astani anka.ouj;an irakanouj;an% patrast chinq jh* fogiow ou sirtow% ;u jh al qa[aqakan fasounouj;amb% fota®ouj;amb! Takauin k*aprhinq ka*m^ ;raxat;souj;amb% jh ør me piti w;rada®nanq ;u axatagr;nq Fa\astane komounistn;rhn% ;u ka*m^ kourørhn wardago\n ke t;snhinq >orfrda\in Fa\astani amhn mhk øre! A\soufand;r]% bar;ba.tabar% kama\ jh akama\% fauatazinq m;r n;rqin ouvakanouj;an% ;u na.^ Fa\astani vo[owourde ;u apa S'iu®qafa\oujiune miasnouj;an ;®ago\nin ,our= .mbou;zanq% ;raxn;re dar]an irakanoujiun^ S;p t;mb;r 21% 1991! A\sør% m;r dimaz zzoua‘ h a\l% saka\n no\nqan a\vmhakan .ndir me& Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100-am;akin enda®a= a\sørouan Jourqio\ ;u jourq vo[owourdin f;t m;r \arab;roujiunn;roun .ndire! Patra#st ;nq! Mian,anak O*c! Ph#tq h patrastouil& A\o*! O#u, ;nq& au;li lau h ou,% qan au;li ou,! Our;mn% i#nc en;l% orphsxi axga\in m;r g;rago\n .ndirn;roun% farz;roun masin Fa\oujiunn ambo[= oun;nanq \stak% ,inic% famoxic% grauic% irat;s ‘ragir% orphsxi n;rka\azn;nq m;r jourq far;uanin% draziin% fasakakizin% 21-rd darou m;r s;rndakizin% jh m;nq a\s ;nq% afa m;r ‘ragire% afauasik ];r bolor farzoumn;roun patas.ann;re! A\o% a\nn hinq ;rhk% a\s ;nq a\sør ;u wa[e saphs kam naphs h m;r ‘ragire! Do#uq inc ouniq m;xi f;t kis;liq! :rani jh&&&! Dvba.tabar patrast c;nq! Bar;ba.tabar jourqn al patrast ch! Ba\z ke patrastoui*% ke bazoui*% ardhn l;xou a®a‘ h% ke .øsi ir ;rkrhn n;rs vo[owrdawarouj;an masin% ke famar]aki warcap;t qarko‘;l% fanrafauaqn;r kaxmak;rp;l% nstazo\z;r ;u minc;u angam polsafa\ ªNor Xarjønqº kaxmak;rpouj;an n;rka\azouzicn;r ke masnakzin a\d zo\z;roun% ;u Isjanpouli Khxi xbøsa\gii ir;nz wranin tak ªNor Âatiøºn (norradyo.com ouje l;xoun;row f;®as'®ouo[ ]a\nas'iu®i ka\ane) ke n,h ir tar;dar]e! O#ur h dasakan s'iu®qe% o#ur h nor s'iu®qe% i#nc qa\l;r k*a®n;n Fa\astani na.agafe% S'iu®qi na.araroufin% qa[aqakan m;r kaxmak;rpoujiunn;re fa\r;niqi jh s'iu®qi! Patra#st ;nq ;rk.øsouj;an& m;‘ata® OC! Axga\in qa[aqakan m;r kousakzoujiunn;rhn ÂAK-i ª’ragirºin ªNpatakºn;roun a®a=in khte k*esh& ªF;tapnd;l axatagroume Jourqio\ b®nagrauman tak gtnouo[ Fa\oz patmakan fo[;roun^ oronz kzoumowe n;rka\ Fa\astanin% piti irakanana\ fa\ vo[owourdin darauor ;raxeº! ªFa\;r% a,.arfi fa\;rº incphs k*;rgh ;rgice% o@w fa\;r% patas.anatou ajo®n;rou wra\ nsta‘% jh a\d ajo®n;re ;raxo[ fa\;r% vamn h jmbirhn ;ll;lou% ]m;®naqounhn arjnnalou% mafaqounhn xarjn;lou% vamn h artakarg famagoumarn;rou% a,.arfe ,at arag ke 'o.oui% ckrkn;nq 25 tari a®a=ouan m;r s.aln;re% patrast gtnouinq a\sørouan ;rk.øsouj;an% or ardhn sksa‘ h&&& ba\z m;nq c;nq t;sn;r! A,.arfe arjnza‘ h% Jourqian no\nphs& ªArabakan Garounº men al m;xi h phtq% qic me amhn t;[% qic me amhn ko[m! N:T OU A{:{ Los Any;les% |ounis 15% 2013

Bavanordagrou;lou famar Âamkawar Axatakan Kousakzouj;an ;l;ktrona\in mamoulin% };r e-mail faszhn krnaq [rk;l ragmamoul@gmail.com


:'rat g;te

Dokt& Minas Goya\;an ir s;rndakizn;rhn ,at;rou nman m;‘za‘ h ir ga[jakan dar]a‘ ‘no[n;roun% m;‘-fa\r;roun ou m;‘-ma\r;roun gourgourot ,ouncin tak! Manouk tariqhn sks;al lsa‘ h anonz pap;nakan giu[in mh= anzouza‘ lau ou wat ør;rou patoumn;re% f;rosakan inqnapa,tpanouj;an s.rali drouagn;re ;u i w;r=o\ ir;nz partadroua‘ taragrouj;an arfauirqn;re! Anonq .onau acq;row ir;nz xauakn;roun ou jo®n;roun 'o.anz;zin fa\r;ni ;rdiqin karøte% ‘nndawa\ri qa[zr \ou,;re ;u korous;al fo[in mormoqe! S'iu®qafa\ ga[jøya.n;rhn ;u fa\r;niqhn xanaxan .oumb;rou ou.tagnazoujiunn;re dhpi patmakan Fa\astan ;u Kilikia% Minas Goya\;ani foguo\n mh= ke \a®a=azn;n andimadr;li pafan=q me% mianalou a\d .oumb;rhn mhkoun% irakanazn;lou famar ir k;anqin g;rago\n ;raxn;rhn mhke! :u a\sphs% ansalow fa\r;ni fo[i kancin% 2011-i |oulis 30-in ke sksi ir 14 ør;a\ ou.tagnazoujiune! W;r=;rs no*r lo\s t;sau a\s fatore orphs a®an]in girq! Saka\n anor parounakoujiune mas a® mas;r;uza‘ hr ªNor Ørºi \a=ordakan 60 jiu;roun mh=! Minc a\d% Minas Goya\;an 2012-in ];®narka‘ hr ir ;rkrord ou.tagnazouj;an% enda®a=;low .oumbi a®a=nord^ libananafa\ mtauorakan Au;tis Ca'ar;ani frauhrin! 36 glou.n;rh ba[kaza‘ a\s fatore ke parounakh na;u qarthsn;r ;u g;[;zik ou gounauor `ojønkarn;r! A\s gor‘e o*c mia\n f;[inakin a\z;la‘ wa\r;roun jouarkoumn ou t;[;kagroumn h% a\l na;*u ou manauand anor .orfrda‘oujiunn;roun% mtafogoujiunn;roun% qnnarkoumn;roun ;u aproumn;roun arta\a\toujiune! Dokt& Goya\;an ir fa\;rhn l;xoui faroust ba®apa,arow ou

.or fmtouj;amb% incphs na;u fa\oz patmouj;an ;u fa\ m,ako\ji amhnhn nourb ‘alq;roun ou manramasnoujiunn;roun endar]ak t;[;koujiunn;row% ir safoun ;u fa[ordakan oyow enj;rzo[in ke parg;uh mtauorakan wa\;lqi paf;r! Enj;rzo[e k*oun;na\ a*\n xgazoume% or kar‘;s sin;ma\i 'anøramiq pasta®i wra\ ke f;t;ui ou[;uorouj;an xanaxan fangrouann;roun! Ødanaue Los Any;leshn ke fasni Polis! Polishn dhpi Antioq% ;u \a=ord øre^ Mousa L;ran fa\abnak Wage` giu[e% our bou® me fa\;r ke ,arounak;n ka®ca‘ mnal ir;nz pap;nakan fo[in! Bari galousti .øsq;roun ke \a=ordh f;rish\i auandakan fiurasiroujiune! Mousa L;®hn dhpi Ph\lan% ;u apa^ Al;qsantrhj (Isqhnthroun)% Goya\;ani mør ‘nndawa\re! Afauasik Sb& Qa®asoun Mankanz ;k;[;zin% our knqoua‘ hr f;[inakin ma\re ;u qic me andin gtnouo[ Axga\in Noupar;an warvarani ,hnqe! Isqhnthrounhn .oumbe k*ou[[oui dhpi Corq Marxpan (Thørj :ol)% a®asp;lakan narn=astann;rou g;[at;tsil auane% orou w;r=in fa\ qa[aqap;tn hr ir m;‘ før ;rhz ;[ba\re^ |owfannhs Garasargis;ane! Srtatro' ;u \ouxajajau acq;row Minas f;u i f;u ke ,r=i ir pap;roun ‘nndawa\ri 'o[ozn;re! Ke 'nt®h ou ke gtnh ir før;nakan toune! Ke 'nt®h na;u Sourb Astoua‘a‘in ;k;[;zin% our knqoua‘ hr ir fa\re% ;u our psakoua‘ hin ir m;‘ ‘no[n;re! Ke gtnh xa\n lqoua‘ ou au;rak wiyaki mh=! Ir ;rkrord a\z;louj;an% Minas ;u ir xarmikn;re k*ou.t;n maqr;l tal ;k;[;zin ou ,r=abake% ;u zankapatow me pa,tpan;l ambo[= famalire! Corq Marxpanzin;roun ;r;q f;rosamart;roun patmoujiune <ar& h= 14


Karabakh Status Quo ‘Unacceptable’ To U.S., Russia, France

The presidents of the United States, France and Russia on Tuesday criticized Armenia and Azerbaijan for failing to resolve the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and said the status quo is unacceptable to the three mediating powers. “We express our deep regret that, rather than trying to find a solution based upon mutual interests, the parties have continued to seek one-sided advantage in the negotiation process,” Presidents Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin and Francois Hollande said in a joint statement issued during a G8 summit in Northern Ireland. “We strongly believe that further delay in reaching a balanced agreement on the framework for a comprehensive peace is unacceptable, and urge the leaders of Azerbaijan and Armenia to focus with renewed energy on the issues that remain unresolved,” they warned. The three leaders, whose nations cohead the OSCE Minsk Group on Karabakh, repeated their belief that the bitter dispute can be resolved by only peaceful means. Cont. on page 8

Sarkisian Congratulates New Iranian President

President Serzh Sarkisian on Monday congratulated Hassan Rohani on winning Iran’s presidential election, expressing confidence that Armenian-Iranian relations will grow even closer during his tenure. “I am convinced that the traditional friendship and high-level political dialogue between the Republic of Armenia and the Islamic Republic of Iran will continue an upward course of development by registering new achievements to the benefit of the welfare of the two countries,” read a congratulatory letter released by Sarkisian’s office. “I remember with fondness our meetings in Yerevan and Tehran,” wrote Sarkisian. “I believe that with joint efforts we will elevate Armenian-Iranian inter-state relations to a qualitatively new level.”

G8 Leaders Agree Not To Pay Ransoms To Terrorists

Leaders of the G8 unequivocally rejected the payment of ransoms to terrorists. The final communiqué issued on Tuesday says Al Qaeda-affiliated and other Islamist extremist groups worldwide have collected tens of millions of dollars in ransoms. “The payment of ransoms to terrorist groups is one of the sources of income which supports their recruitment efforts, strengthens their operational capability to organise and carry out terrorist attacks, and incentivises future incidents of kidnapping for ransom, thereby increasing the risks to our nationals,” the text reads.

“We unequivocally reject the payment of ransoms to terrorists in line with the UN Security Council Resolution 1904 (2009) which requires that Member States prevent the payment of ransoms, directly or indirectly, to terrorists designated under the UN Al Qaeda sanctions regime through the freezing of funds and other assets.” The leaders agreed to provide mutual assistance to States responding to terrorist kidnaps including, as appropriate and feasible, through information sharing and specialist expertise or assistance, or the provision of resources related to hostage rescue.

Turkish Police Break Up Armenian Gravestones To Throw At Protesters

PanARMENIAN.Net - Social media users report that during the anti-government protests in Turkey, police officers entered an Armenian cemetery in Sisli district of Istanbul. According to the posts, the policemen use the gravestones as barricades. They also break up the stones to throw them at the protesters.

Istanbul’s Gezi Park Built In Place Of Armenian Cemetery

Armenians may make use of the ongoing protests in Turkey against a government plan to redevelop Istanbul's Gezi Park adjoining Taksim, Turkologist Artak Shakaryan told yerkir.am.

He says Armenian cemetery was in the place of the present park. Besides, there are many hotels and numerous shopping and entertainment centers, even the building of TRT TV which Turks want to donate to the UN. The building will house the UN regional structures. All the aforesaid have been constructed on the Armenian burial ground. "When we emphasize the universal recognition of the Armenian Genocide before 2015, we, first of all, speak about our claims, which also include our cemeteries that were illegally seized from us," he said.

China Urges US To Explain About Spying Programs

The Chinese government has called on the Obama administration to explain about Washington’s global spying programs, showing mounting tensions between the two countries. China’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said on Monday that Washington should explain its surveillance programs to the international community. "We believe the United States should pay attention to the international community's concerns and demands and give the international community the necessary ex-

planation," Hua was quoted as saying by Reuters. She also said that the allegation that former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden is a Chinese spy is "sheer nonsense."

Russia: Assad Foes Cannot Set Conditions For Syria Talks

Reuters - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov looks on after a meeting with his Italian counterpart Emma Bonino in Moscow Moscow (Reuters) - The Syrian opposition must not be allowed to set conditions for attending a peace conference, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in comments published on Tuesday. Despite pressure on President Vladimir Putin at a G8 summit to tone down Russian support for Bashar alAssad, Lavrov signaled there was no change in Moscow's view that the Syrian leader's exit cannot be a precondition for the peace talks. He said both sides in Syria's civil war must "refrain from setting any preconditions," a reference to a statement by the Syrian opposition last month that it would attend the peace conference only if a deadline was set for a settlement forcing Assad to leave power. "We categorically oppose ... affirmations that the conference should become a kind of public act of capitulation by the government delegation, with the subsequent handover of power in Syria to the opposition," he said in remarks published on the Russian Foreign Ministry's website. Russia and the United States are working together to arrange the peace conference. Suggesting Russia had done its part to get Assad to the negotiating table, Lavrov said Syria's government had agreed to take part in the conference and formed a negotiating team to be led by Foreign Minister Walid al-Moualem. "With the opposition it is more difficult," he said, adding that Syrian opposition calls for the government's removal were out of line with efforts to reach a consensus on a path to peace.

Missiles Launched From Neighboring Regions Reach The Armenian Districts Tert.am - The Aleppo diocese of Armenian Apostolic Church (AAC) reports on its Facebook page that a missile caused slight wounds to some Armenians. Blasts were heard in a number of Armenian districts - Sulaymaniyah, Nor Gyugh, Villaner. Material damage has been reported. The government forces and the opposition are getting ready for a `decisive battle.'


Nor Or Weekly - Thursday June 20, 2013

HyeAID2 Continues To Show The Southland’s Determination To Help Syrian Armenians SARF Will Transfer Another $150,000 Hollywood, CA.- (June 17, 2013) The Dolby Theatre has now been imprinted in the Armenian psyche as yet another location for showing the determination of southern Californians’ that they still care for the survival of the Armenians in Syria. Nearly 3,000 supporters, 300 dancers, entertainers from Armenia and the southland and 56 sponsors came together to raise funds for the Syrian Armenian Relief Fund (SARF) with the HyeAID2 concert on June 9, 2013. Since October 2012, SARF has transferred $500,000 to Syrian Armenians. Following a SARF Executive Committee (EC) meeting after the concert, Zaven Khanjian, the Chairperson of the SARF EC, reported that the next transfer would be for $150,000. A thank you letter from the Syrian Armenian Committee for Urgent Relief and Rehabilitation dated June 1, 2013, in Aleppo, Syria, published in the concert program confirmed that the effort is reaching those in need in Aleppo, Damascus, on the western coast (Lattakia, Kessab), and Jezireh. Funding is being provided for food essentials, health care, housing and education. The letter also hoped that the efforts will continue to the same vigor for the sake of the existence of the Armenian community in Syria. Manoug Seraydarian, as emcee, welcomed everyone seated on all four levels of the Dolby Theatre and invited Zaven Khanjian, Chairperson of the SARF Executive Committee, to the stage. Khanjian welcomed the guests and speaking in a poetic fashion in Armenian, remarked that the purpose of the concert is to help the enduring Syrian Armenians with songs and music as symbols of our wishes for light,

hope and prayers for peace, and with each call and scream it is an invitation for the white dove with an olive tree branch in its beak to come back and perch on the facade of the fort, the dome of the church or the minaret of the mosque in Syria. The event dignitaries included the SARF member representatives including Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Prelate of the Western Diocese, Most Rev. Bishop Mikael Mouradian of the Armenian Eparchy in United States and Canada, the Western Prelacy Prelate was on an overseas trip and was represented with Very Rev. Fr. Muron Aznikian, Rev. Joe Matossian of the Armenian Evangelical Union of North America, Avedik Izmirlian of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation of Western USA, Gabriel Moloyan of the Social Democrat Hunchakian Party-Western U.S.A., Hagop Nazarian of the Armenian Democratic Liberal Party, Lena Bozoyan of the Armenian Relief Society of Western USA, Krikor Karaguezian of the Armenian General Benevolent Union, Manoug Choukhajian of the Hamazkayin of Western USA, sponsoring Armenian school principals, event sponsors Mr. & Mrs.

Eddie and Talin Amroyan and Mr. & Mrs. Krikor & Marlene Yerevanian, media representatives, and volunteers who provided technical services. For over three hours, the concert was a grand event to show the great love that this diverse community in Southern California has for the people who are suffering in Syria. They came together with the hope that their performances will uplift the spirits both here and in Syria, and provide sustenance for the physical existence in Syria. The following churches, charities and organizations came together to form the Syrian Armenian Relief Fund: Armenian Catholic Eparchy in North America; Armenian Evangelical Union of North America; Western Diocese of the Armenian Church; Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America; Armenian General Benevolent Union; Armenian Missionary Association of America; Armenian Relief Society of Western U.S.A.; Armenian Democratic Liberal Party; Armenian Revolutionary Federation-Western U.S.A.; and Social Democrat Hunchakian Party-Western U.S.A. The web site address follows: www.SyrianArmenianReliefFund.org.

Happy Birthday Aram Khachaturian June 6, 2013, marks worldrenowned Armenian composer Aram Khachaturian’s 110th birthday. Throughout the year, the beloved composer will be celebrated with various events throughout the world. Armenia is no exception. Among the many traditional concerts and performances that will take place, a unique performance — Sabre Dance on the Street — was unveiled in the streets of Yerevan. The Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU), in partnership with the Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra (APO) and Emporium, presented a modern take on Khachaturian’s Sabre Dance, from the ballet Gayane. Passers-by, tourists and on-lookers were surprised by the Sabre Dance on the Street, which took place at the Cascade Complex and Cafesjian Sculpture Garden. At first glance, they thought a real fight, over a girl, had broken out. But, as APO Artistic Director and Principal Conductor Maestro Eduard Topchjan appeared, joined by the Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra and the Armenia State Dance Ensemble “Barekamutyun”, spectators relaxed and began to enjoy the show. Mrs. Vera Setrakian, wife of AGBU President Berge Setrakian, and Mrs. Sossie Kelegian, longtime AGBU member and supporter, were present to enjoy the Sabre Dance on the Street. To celebrate his 110th anniversary, UNESCO declared 2013 as the Year of Khachaturian. His vast repertoire includes numerous works for piano, violin, cello, orchestras, ballets and much more. Khachaturian passed away on May 1, 1978, leaving a rich musical legacy for the world to enjoy.

ABMDR Wine-tasting Event Draws Enthusiastic 2013 “Come Home” Program For Young Diaspora Armenians Kicks Off Community Support Elegant Fundraiser Hosted By Vicken And Salpi Mankerian Los Angeles, June 14, 2013 – Over 300 wine connoisseurs and supporters attended the fourth annual wine-tasting of the Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry (ABMDR), held on May 31. Among ABMDR’s most popular fundraisers, the elegant event was once again sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Vicken and Salpi Mankerian of Mission Wine and Spirits, and hosted by the Mankerians at their residence in Sierra Madre, California. The evening’s Master of Ceremonies was Raffi Kendirjian.

The evening featured a wide range of vintages and varietals, with wine stewards from 33 wineries pouring more than 100 brands. Guests mingled and enjoyed the wine offerings, as well as beautifully set up finger foods, across the three terraces of the property. Guests also relished sumptuous hors d’oeuvres which were passed around throughout the evening by the hosts’ young daughters and their friends. In her opening remarks, Salpi Mankerian welcomed the guests and thanked them for their enthusiastic attendance of the now-traditional wine-tasting event, in sup-

port of ABMDR’s life-saving mission. Dr. Frieda Jordan, president of ABMDR, also delivered remarks. After she commended the Mankerians for hosting the wine-tasting event for the fourth year and with great dedication, Dr. Jordan acknowledged all those in attendance for their ongoing support of the registry’s cause. In a joyous atmosphere complemented by wonderful wine and food as well as the upbeat sounds of a DJ, guests enjoyed the event well into the night. About the Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry: Established in 1999, ABMDR, a nonprofit organization, helps Armenians worldwide survive life-threatening bloodrelated illnesses by recruiting and matching donors to those requiring bone marrow stem cell transplants. To date, the registry has recruited over 24,000 donors in 18 countries across four continents, identified 2,135 patients, and facilitated 16 bone marrow transplants.

Yerevan. – The Ministry of Diaspora was the venue on Monday for the first phase of the 2013 “Come Home” Program for young Diaspora Armenians. Deputy Diaspora Minister Vahe Jilavyan welcomed the Diaspora-Armenian youth, who have arrived in Armenia for a two-week visit to get to know their homeland. In this phase of the program, the youth will be hosted in the administrative regions of capital city Yerevan and in Yeghvard, Byureghavan, and Masis cities that are located close to Yerevan. This year’s “Come Home” Program

will be held between June 16 and August 31, and in eight phases. The participants will take intensive courses in Armenian language. The program includes a four-day camping this year, too. Also, the participating Diaspora-Armenian youth will meet with Armenia’s statesmen and prominent cultural personalities. In addition, lessons will be taught on Armenian national song and dance, and training and other sports activities will be held. About ninety Diaspora-Armenian youth from ten countries are taking part in the first phase of the 2013 “Come Home” Program.

Continued From Page 7

currently trying to arrange a fresh meeting of Armenia’s and Azerbaijan’s president in hopes of ending the impasse. No agreement on the summit has been reached so far. Azerbaijan’s Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov suggested last month that the negotiating process will gain new momentum after an Azerbaijani presidential election due in October. Armenia was quick to react to the latest statement by Obama, Putin and Hollande, with Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian saying that Yerevan agrees with its main points. In a written statement, Nalbandian blamed Baku for the lack of progress. He also said that the Basic Principles of a Karabakh settlement are largely acceptable to the Armenian side. There was no immediate reaction to the statement from Azerbaijan.

Karabakh Status Quo

“A renewal of hostilities would be disastrous for the population of the region, resulting in loss of life, more destruction, additional refugees, and enormous financial costs,” they said. Obama, Putin and Hollande also made clear that the mediating powers stand by the key elements of framework peace accords that have been proposed to the conflicting parties in recent years. “These elements should be seen as an integrated whole, as any attempt to select some elements over others would make it impossible to achieve a balanced solution,” they said. American, French and Russian diplomats co-chairing the Minsk Group are

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday June 20, 2013


Changes Around: Geopolitical Developments Gathering Pace In Armenia’s Neighborhood Active geopolitical developments start taking place increasingly closer to Armenia and the recent forecasts by President Serzh Sargsyan that changes will start in the region in the time to come appear to be already coming true. The situation has, in particular, changed in neighboring Iran where moderate reformer Hassan Rouhani was elected president late last week to succeed Mahmoud Ahmadinejad under whom relations between the Islamic Republic and the West grew even tenser. Leading international analysts expect some softening in the relations between Iran and the West in the near future. It has been said for quite a while that the United States and Iran would like to improve their relations. If it happens and if the West removes at least part of the sanctions currently imposed on Iran, Armenia may have even greater prospects in its relations with the Islamic Republic that remains one of only two gateways to the outside world that the landlocked South Caucasus nation blockaded by Azerbaijan and Turkey now has. Some Russian media have already begun to speculate about Iran’s intentions to start supplying Georgia with natural gas via Armenia. Among other things this would also mean that Armenia will be able to get cheaper gas and reduce its dependence on Russia, while Georgia will apparently become less depend on Azer-

baijan for fuel. This would also completely change the geopolitical balance in the region. The situation is also changing in another country bordering on Armenia – protests in Turkey have continued into a third week. While until recently the matter concerned only an environmental movement protesting against plans for development in Istanbul’s Gezi Park, later it also focused on the intention to overthrow the not-so-much democratic government of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, then now the main focus is on

The Armenian Origins Of Bavaria, Germany By MELKON ARMEN NERCISSIAN KHANDJIAN Aquarian Millennium Armenological Institute

Ptolemaic map of NORICUM and modern of BAVARIA Bavaria.- Freistaat Bayern is a German state in the southeast of Germany. Bavaria is 27,200 sq. miles or at 20% is the largest land mass in the German Federation. With about 13 million inhabitants, Bavaria is the second most populated and largest state in Germany. Its capital city is Munich or Munchen in German and is the third largest city. Scottish and Irish monks brought Christianity to Bavaria. Martin Luther started the Protestant Reformation in 1517. Bavaria withstood the Reformation and became a major stonghold for the Counter-Reformation. In 1806, Napoleon elevated Bavaria to the status of kingdom. Bavaria joined the French in the invasion of Ruassia and suffered thousands of deaths. After Prussian-Austrian war of 1866, Bavaria joined the new established German Empire. Bavaria disappeared after the defeat of Germany in WWI, but survived as an autonomous state during the 1920’s. During Hitler’s rule, 1933-1945, Munich and Nuremberg became Nazi headquarters. Bavaria was heavily bombed by the Allies. After WWII, it fell under American occupation. Rapid rebuilding began and now due to its rustic scenery and fairly tale castles, it has become the main tourist attraction in Germany. Bavaria has a robust industry, is headquarters of BMW Bavarian Motor Works, producer of some 40 types of beer and over 4,000 brands, home of artists and musicians. As author-separatist Scharnagl

states, Bavaria is a wonderful state and its people are special! Bavaria was first established as a duchy and is one of the oldest states in Europe. Since 1918, Bavaria has been a free republic in the German Federation. After withdrawal of Roman armies in c. 520, the remaining population of different tribes coalesced to form the Bavarian nation. Saint Boniface is the first who in 792 mentioned Bavaria. The detailed history of its rulers will not be discussed here.

Coat of arms of Munich, Bavaria and Germany. Note the Armenian Eagle and Lions Rampant and Passant The Bavarians differ from their neighboring nations by their physical appearance, culture, dress, courage and character. For a Bavarian, even today, he is first a Bavarian and then a German. Prior to 1949, when the German Federal Republic was formed, since 1800’s the state of Bavaria was independent. Recently, RT, the Russian Television, had an interview with author and separatist Wilfreied Scharnagl. Scharnagl gave his reason why 25% of the Bavarians today want to be separated from German Federation and form an independant state but sharing solidarity with other German states. Bavaria contributes 39% greater share in economy to the German Federation. It pays more to health care fund than any other state. Asked what is the Bavarian national character, the author-separatist answered that the Bavaria and the Bavarians are special. They have a different mentality from

the movement against Islamism and for preservation of identity. The large scope of groups taking part in the protests lead many experts to believe that people belonging to different ethnic and religious groups do not like the excessive ‘Turkish’ and ‘pro-Islamic’ policies of the current government in Ankara. They do not seem to like also the excessively confident foreign policy of Turkey aimed at reviving the Ottoman Empire. It is not without reason that Erdogan has been talking about an external trace behind the events in Turkey – it is clear the other Germans, are confident and more focussed on themselves and life, are proud of their land and love it, and are confident in their ability. In other words, the Bavarians are different from the other Germans and consider themselves Bavarian first and German second. From 280 to 1100, there have survived five historical books, where the name Bavaria has not been mentioned, except above mentioned by Boniface. Only between 1106 to 1181 books and chronicles of legends and poems appeared where Bavaria was mentioned. The writings tell as who were the Bavarians, why were they called Bavarians and where from they came. But none give the reason as to why did the Bavarians migrate into that part of Europe. The eleven books that speak about the Bavarians and that they came from Armenia are: Anno Lied 1106-1126 (Song of Anno), Altmani Vitae, 1125-1141, Kaiser Chronik 1160 (Chronicle of Kings), Rolandlied 1160-1175 (Roland Songs), book written by Karl 1240, World Chronicles 1240, Regenburg by Andreas 1300-1350, book by Ulich Fuetrer 1478-1481, Veit Anpeck 1493, book by Johannes Turmer 1530-1532, book written by Peter Harr 1638, etc. Altmani (a priest b. 1035 and d. 1091) Vitae is the oldest book written in Bavaria and not outside as the Annolied. In chapter 28 we read: ”...And why do we call them Norikian?” Continues: “From our ancestors has reached us that the origins of the Bavarians is from Armenia, from where they in large numbers emigrated and occupied the country, by ousting those who had been living there before, and occupying their place, they called the land Bavaria in the name of their leader “Bevarus.” “The newcomers for a long time held the country in their hand, until the son of Herkle (Roman Emperor) occupied the country, after which the country was called NORICUS and he built Tirbouria which later (1140) was named Ratisbon.” Here we see that the said land was first called Bavaria and then Noricum– –that is the newcomers in Armenian. The Chronicles of Kings, c. 1150, is the first book written in the language of the people, that is, German instead of Latin or

that many countries also do not like the imperial policies of modern Turkey. And it is possible that after Syria the hottest spot in the world will be shifted to Turkey – near the border with Armenia. Meanwhile, the situation is becoming tenser around Syria as the United States last week announced it would start arming the rebels after what it said was a confirmed use of chemical weapons by the forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad. Quite tough elections are apparently ahead in Azerbaijan where President Ilham Aliyev is seeking a third consecutive term. This time around the local opposition is likely to field a single candidate who enjoys great prestige among the people – playwright Rustam Ibragimbekov, whose candidacy is also supported by Azerbaijan-born Russian billionaires. It is now difficult to predict what exact changes the possible developments in neighboring countries will bring for Armenia. But expectations in Armenia are more positive than negative. Changes in the region are also expected in connection with year 2015, when Armenians around the world will be commemorating the centennial of the Armenian Genocide in Ottoman Turkey. Now even the new head of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Francis, has promised to come to Armenia on April 24, 2015.

An Armenian horse carved in Persepolis, Persia. Typical Noriker horse of Bavaria Greek. Acclaimed as the great source of German history, the lines 287-324, speak about the brave Bavarians who fought valiantly against the Roman Emperor. This a portion of the text: “The Swabians fought against Julius Caesar, When he invaded Bavaria, Where lived many heroes. Belmut was their duke, His brother was named Ingram, Who immediately called his men, Immediately, many young heroes came with arms, They violently defended themselves. They, waged against Caesar a national battle, Both in the past and after so many heroes had fallen, And this the pagan books witness, Where we read, Norikian Sword, That is Bavarian sword, They struck with their swords, which cut through, The helmets of those who fought against them, They were from the Bavarian dynasty, Who came from Armenia, Where Noah came out of the ark, to receive the olive branch from the pigeon, Where, the trail of the ark can be seen, On the mountain called Ararat, Caesar, who got his victory, With great price of blood.” Priest Conrad wrote the book of ROLANDLIED, that is the Song of Roland, in 1170, in Regenburg. It is based on Frankish Ronaldlied, written in 1100. In line 7787, a prince named Nemes the Great, prepares war against the Romans: “Nemes is readying for battle, A renowned Bavarian, This is a grace from God, That I have to battle against him, A genuine birth of Armenia, I chose the Bavarians, For this holy war, 20,000 shall be his (Caesar’s) loss, With their sharp swords, The Bavarians made difficult his victory, Before such a brave people, He had not met in the battlefield.” In this narative again the brave Bavarians are from Armenia and are of genuine Armenian birth. To be continued


Dozens Arrested As Turkish Police Raid Private Addresses in Ankara, Istanbul

Turkish police are conducting raids on left-wing groups in Istanbul and Ankara, making dozens of arrests. The unrest that has gripped the country for over two weeks shows little sign of abating, and the government has threatened to deploy the military. Police in Ankara made 25 arrests on Tuesday in multiple raids at addresses across the Turkish capital, local media reported. In a similar crackdown in Istanbul officers took 66 activists into custody, as well as 13 in the western city of Eskisehir. Clashes erupted once again on Monday as police in Istanbul sought to disperse striking trade union workers who were demanding an end to police violence. Officers used teargas and water cannons on protesters who scuffled with police at different points around the city. Separately, a number of demonstrations were held across the country in solidarity with the ‘Occupy Gezi Park’ movement. The Turkish government condemned the unrest on Monday, and said it may deploy the military to bring the anti-government protests under control.

Gulf Source: Saudi Supplying Missiles To Syria Rebels By AMENA BAKR

Dubai (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia, a staunch opponent of President Bashar alAssad since early in Syria's conflict, began supplying anti-aircraft missiles to rebels "on a small scale" about two months ago, a Gulf source said on Monday. The shoulder-fired weapons were obtained mostly from suppliers in France and Belgium, the source told Reuters. France had paid for the transport of the weapons to the region. The supplies were intended for General Salim Idriss, leader of the Supreme Military Council of the Free Syrian Army (FSA), who was still the kingdom's main "point man" in the opposition, the source said. The Gulf source said without elaborating that the kingdom had begun taking a more active role in the Syrian conflict in recent weeks due to the intensification of the conflict. A foreign ministry spokesman was not immediately available for comment. King Abdullah returned to Saudi Arabia on Friday after cutting short a holiday in Morocco to deal with what state media described as "repercussions of the events that the region is currently witnessing". Diplomatic sources in the kingdom say Riyadh has grown increasingly concerned after the entry of Lebanese Shi'ite militia Hezbollah into the conflict and the subsequent rebel defeat in Qusair. Speaking to Reuters on Friday, Idriss urged Western allies to supply anti-aircraft and anti-tank missiles and to create a no-fly zone, saying if properly armed he could defeat Assad's army within six months. Idriss said his forces urgently needed heavier weapons.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday June 20, 2013

Russian Gas Monopolist Seeks Full Control Of Armenia’s Distribution Russia’s state-owned Gazprom Company is considering full control of its subsidiary distributing fuel in Armenia. The matter was discussed during the Monday meeting at the Gazprom central office in Moscow between the company’s CEO Alexey Miller and Armenian Energy Minister Armen Movsisyan. According to the official website of Gazprom, the meeting focused on issues pertaining to the development of RussianArmenian cooperation in the natural gas sphere, including Gazprom’s participation

in energy projects in Armenia. “Issues concerning the formation of the price of Russian natural gas for consumers in the Republic of Armenia were also considered during the negotiations. The possibility of Gazprom’s increasing its stake in the ArmRosGazprom venture to 100 percent from current 80 percent was also considered,” the company said.

Armenia Set To Sell Power Plants To US Investor The Armenian government is in talks with US-based power company ContourGlobal over the sale of three major hydropower plants that together account for almost 40% of the country's capacity. ContourGlobal said in a statement quoted by Armenian media on June 12 that negotiations are at an advanced stage and commercial terms are being finalised. The company added that the purchase price for the three power plants on the Vorotan River in the southeastern Syunik province would be "very significant". Financing for the deal "will be sourced from outside of Armenia using a combination of ContourGlobal's own resources and those of prestigious international financial institutions," the statement continued. The US Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) and the International Finance Corporation are expected to support the deal. ContourGlobal plans to invest in reno-

vation of the generating equipment at the three power plants, which were built 30-40 years ago, and have suffered from a lack of investment in recent years. However, the three plants have combined capacity of more than 400MW, almost as much as the Metsamor nuclear power plant which accounts for around 40% of Armenia's electricity generation. Armenia's Energy Minister Armen Movsisian recently denied that Yerevan planned to sell the hydropower plants to Russia in return for a discount on gas imports. Should the deal with ContourGlobal go ahead it will see a major US investment into a country and sector very much seen as Moscow's territory. Complicating matters further, Yerevan is also looking at the possibility of importing gas from Iran, following a hike in Russian gas prices. Iranian gas exports face US-led international sanctions due to concerns over Tehran's nuclear programme.

Serj Tankian Joins Amnesty International Campaign Against Using Force In Turkey

Serj Tankian has called to join campaign launched by the Amnesty International calling to end use of force against peaceful protesters in Turkey. Tankian posted the link of the Take Action Now campaign on his Facebook. “Today’s Turkey is a sad reality of a polarized society naively supported by the West as a model Middle Eastern ‘democracy’- one with powerful control over the media, and the most journalists in jail in the world. Turkey needs a strong awakening of this type-hopefully the beneficiaries will be

Henrikh Mkhitaryan Major Summer Signing For Liverpool Liverpool boss Brendan Rodgers is expecting to complete the deal with the Armenian international by the end of the week. Liverpool have beaten off the challenge of Juventus of Italy and Paris SaintGermain of France to stand on the verge of a £22million swoop for Henrikh Mkhitaryan. “Mkhitaryan has gained an excellent reputation in club and international football for his ability to play a number of central midfield roles. Liverpool and Donetsk are in advanced negotiations on the fee for the Armenian, with the Ukraine club holding out for £22m.

justice, equity, historical reflection and the like instead of more repression,” he wrote.

Georgia Alone Cannot Permit Armenia To Use Baku-Tbilisi-Kars Railway NEWS.am - Georgia alone cannot permit Armenia to make use of the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway, Giorgi Khukhashvili, the Georgian PM's economic advisor, told Armenian News-NEWS.am. To note, an Azerbaijani Railways Company representative had recently stated that the aforesaid railway link will be launched at the end of 2014. And the Azerbaijani MFA had stressed its intention to block Armenian companies from making use of this railway. "Considering the extremely specific relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan, the matter is truly complicated because not solely the Georgian, but the Azerbaijani and the Turkish parties will become the cofounders of the operators of the railway. We alone do not set the rules of the game," Khukhashvili noted.

International News In Brief ! Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin criticized the Obama administration's decision to supply weapons to the rebels in the civil war in Syria, arguing that the U.S. should "Let Allah sort it out" until there is a stronger leader in the White House. ! The threat of imprisonment or murder will not stop the truth from coming out, Edward Snowden, the whistleblower who blew the lid on the massive National Security Agency surveillance program, told the Guardian in a live Q&A. Edward Snowden kicked off the session by describing the targeted campaign by the US government to paint him as a traitor, “just as they did with other whistleblowers." The smear campaign, he argues, has destroyed the possibility of a fair trial at home. In this regard, his decision to leave the United States was not based on any desire to evade justice, especially since he believes he can “do more good outside of prison.” ! Iran will deploy 4,000 Revolutionary Guards to Syria to bolster Damascus against a mostly Sunni-led insurgency, media reported. Meanwhile, US F-16s and Patriots will stay in Jordan – speculatively, to help establish a no-fly zone to aid Syrian rebels.The deployment of the first severalthousand strong military contingent was reported by The Independent on Sunday who quoted Iranian sources tied to the state’s security apparatus. The sources said the move signals Iran’s intention to drastically step up its efforts to preserve the government of President Bashar Assad. ! Arming the Syrian rebels would be “pressing weapons into the hands of maniacs and Al-Qaeda thugs,” London’s mayor has warned. His is the latest call in a wave of rhetoric urging the UK prime minister not to provide the Syrian rebels with weapons. Writing for British publication The Telegraph, Boris Johnson wrote that the UK must not use Syria as “an arena for muscle flexing.” He joins a number of prominent British political and social figures in an attempt to dissuade Prime Minister David Cameron from sending arms to the Syrian opposition. ! Former Republican Congressman Rom Paul says the administration of President Barack Obama has launched “a deception campaign” by claiming that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons against the militant and crossed the US red lines. “The process was identical to the massive deception campaign that led us into the Iraq war,” Paul wrote in his weekly column in The Washington Times on Monday. Referring to the reports by the UK and US intelligence agencies about Iraq’s then-ruler Saddam Hussein’s purported possession of weapons of mass destruction and setting that as an excuse for waging the war, Paul said, “That is exactly what the Obama Administration is doing with Syria: fixing the intelligence and facts around the already determined policy.” ! Even before Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin could meet to discuss what to do about Syria, the Russian foreign ministry has made it clear that a no-fly zone is off the table. Speaking from Moscow, before the G-* summit could get underway, Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said, "I think we fundamentally will not allow this scenario," echoing earlier comments from Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov that such a move would violate international law.

N.O. June 20, 2013, No. 25:N.O. Blank


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:ROUSA{HMAFA|E NAFAP:T M:LQON:AN (<ar na.ord jiuhn ;u w;r=) :rousa[hmafa\oun acqhn ban ci wripir! :jh no\nisk wripi% inq ke st;[‘h a\d nore&&& ;u ,norfiu bambasanqi \atkouj;an% diurau ke marsoui bolorin ko[mh! Wanqin ja[;re kam n;[ anzq;re&&& qowh qow s;n;akn;re% akan=n;r ounin pat;roun wra\% xor Astoua‘ sa[imafa\oun famar st;[‘a‘ au;lord akan=n;re n;t;lou 'o.arhn% an;r;uoujabar 'akzouza‘ h wanqin pat;roun wra\! Amhn anz ou dar] an ke lsh&&& ir tane mh= nsta‘! :jh tane mh= clsh% ba*u h wanqin dran a®=;u k;nal qani me wa\rk;an% ;u a\d at;n% o*c mia\n ke lsh% a\l ke t;snh bolor anonz% oronz masin inc;@r lsa‘ hr gi,;r me a®a=! I@nc 'o\j% ;jh no\nisk an wanqhn f;®o@u k∞apri% jhkoux ;rkrhn al dours&&& sa[imafa\e ke lsh our or al gtnoui&&& jhkoux a,.arfi f;®auo@r mhk ankiune% our an st;[‘a‘ h ir wanqe% ir :rousa[hme% oroun karøtowe k∞apri! :rousa[hmafa\oun k;anqi andorre \aya. .angaroua‘ h arab-fr;a\ pat;raxmi f;t;uanqow% isk ;rb pat;raxm ch ;[a‘% inq .angara‘ h fa\ k;anqi andorre% ‘anøj^ ªTiran:[i,hº patriarqakan entrapa\qarow! *** :rousa[hmafa\e \arganq ;u shr ouni Qristonhakan a®a=in Sourb Ajo®in fandhp ou \atkaphs anor arvanauor gafakaln;roun% Grigor <[ja\akiri% Grigor Paron Thri% :[i,h Dour;ani% oronz anounn;re an ke \i,atakh \atouk ;ra.tagitouj;amb! :rousa[hmafa\e a\nqa@n \arganq ke ta‘h fa\ k[;rin fandhp% or krna\ srbazn;l ir sira‘ wardap;te ªfa\r sourbº kocoumow% ;u kam wanqi Patriarqe% orphs ªpapa mardº anouan;low! Isk krna\ ;u ªsatana\azn;lº% ;jh ir csira‘ k[;re ella\! _ ªM;nq asonz f;t wanq apr;r ;nq% asonz i#nc ellale m;nq git;nqº es;low% akanat;si wka\ouj;amb lor]na,ourjn krnan fastat;l wanqhn n;rs ªsprda‘ºn;re% oronq jhpht ba.te c;n oun;za‘ :rousa[hm ‘n;lou% ;u saka\n au;li ou, galow :rousa[hm% satanan \a=o[a‘ h wanqi ];®agirn;rn ou adamandakou® skifn;re ‘a.o[ ª.acago[ºn;roun al ®oung;rhn n;rs mtn;l ou t;[auorouil anonz srt;roun mh=&&& patmoujiune wka\! *** :rousa[hmi Srboz |akob;anz miabanoujiune patmakanørhn ;u ardarørhn ke kocoui ªXinuor;al Miabanoujiunº% qanxi dar;row pa,tpana‘ ;n fa\oz ;k;[;zin;rn ou wanq;re ;u manauand fa\oz irauounqn;rn ou irauasoujiunn;re Qristosako. srbawa\r;roun mh=!

Ou orphs Qristosi ;u Au;tarani fauatarim ªxinouorºn;r 'o.anak fog;uor pat;raxmi mh= ellalou satana\in dhm% \aya. ªpat;raxmºi mh= ;[a‘ ;n ªfog;uor ;[ba\r i Qristosº fog;uorakann;rou dhm&&& fog;uor tan mh=! Afa jh inco#u ir mh=hn ch wana‘ ªfin mardºe% ;rb frauiroua‘ h xg;n;lou Au;tarani m,ak ellalou ªnor mardºe! Afa a\s ;rkou mard;rn ;n ir mh=&&& or ke ‘a®a\;n ;rkou tiro=% mhke Astou‘o\% miuse&&&! Incphs spitakn ou gounauore kar;li ch loual miasin% ardar ellalou famar es;nq% or a\s taraxe kar;li ch fagzn;l anonz% oronq y,martaphs ;u o*c kar‘høq ªbari fowiuºn;r ;n ou fog;uor k;anqi ‘a®a\ouj;an mh= ke gtn;n fayo\qe k;anqi! *** ‘anøj h :rousa[hmafa\e dvo.qin% a®anz dvo.q ;rjalou! :rousa[hmi S& H=mia‘in ;k;[;zuo\ mh= pathn ka.oua‘ kisabolora];u dvo.qi nkare^ bau ;[a‘ h anor dvo.qi ‘anøjouj;an% bnakicn;roun&&& krakin ou bozin&&& satanan;roun% oronq \;taga\in mas kaxma‘ ;n ir k;anqin! Ir m;[q;rou qauouj;an famar tasn;ak me mom ke wa®h S& Gl.adri mat®an mh=% isk ir m;[q;re ke loua\ amhn amanorin^ |ordanan G;ti ørfnoua‘ =ourow% S& ’nnd;an ;u Astoua‘a\a\tnouj;an tønin a®jiu! A\d ør% Astoua‘ angam me ;us ke \a\tnoui ;rousa[hmafa\oun \i,;zn;lou famar Pø[os A®aq;ali ;rkrord namake Timojhosin! ªIbr;u Qristos |isousi fauatarim mhk xinouore% patrast ;[ir ir;n phs carcarou;lou! Xinouorakan ‘a®a\oujiun eno[e qa[aqaziakan xba[oumn;rhn f;®ou ke mna\% ir xørawarin acqe mtn;lou famar! No\nphs al% o;uh marxik mrzanakin ci krnar tiranal^ ;jh droua‘ kanonn;roun fama]a\n cmrzi! ’anr a,.atanqe tano[ fo[agor‘e na. inq arvani h artin b;rqhn wa\;l;lou! Faskzi∞r inc or es;l k∞oux;m% orowf;t;u Thre q;xi imastoujiun piti ta\ or fasknas amhn incº! Ou ªastoua‘a\in ,norfqow ;u i w;roust troua‘ a\d imastouj;ambº ;[an ªxinouorºn;r% oronq o*c mia\n f;®o@u mnazin qa[aqaziakan xba[oumn;rh% a\l ant;s;low droua‘ kanonn;re% orphs ª‘anr a,.atanqº tano[ fo[agor‘n;r% ªwanqi b;rqeº wa\;l;zin% ;u ko[opt;lh ;tq ark[e wanqin&&& anf;tazan moujin mh=! :rousa[hmafa\e ;rb "or]ouj;an l;® bar]rana\% inqxinq au;li møt xgalow Astou‘o\% glou.e w;r ke pafh ou acq;re ;rkinq \a®a‘ k∞a[øjh% 'a.ous<ar& h= 15

MAF :U JA{OUM ENK& HTMON SARGIS:ANI >or zauow imazanq ;rkaram;a\ w;j;ran enk;r Htmon Sargis;ani anaknkal mafouan loure% or patafa‘ h |ounis 11% 2013-in% apa ja[oume t;[i oun;zau |ounis 19-in! *** :rkaram;a\ w;j;ran enk;r Htmon Sargis;ani mafouan a®ijow^ Âamkawar Axatakan Kousakzouj;an Ar;umt;an Am;rika\i <r=ana\in Warcoujiune% San ~;rnantø Fowiti Âoubhn F;r;an Akoumbi warcoujiunn ou fama\n andamakzoujiune ;u ªNor Ørº ,abajaj;rje ir;nz .orin zauakzoujiune ke \a\tn;n enk;ro= a\riin^ Aniin% xauakn;roun% entan;kan paragan;roun ;u faraxatn;roun! Ayiunid fangist sir;li enk;r! *** Enk;r Htmon Sargis;ani \i,atakin% 'o.an ‘a[k;psaki nouiratououjiunn;re kar;li h ou[ark;l Nor Or Weekly 1901 N. Allen Ave. Altadena, CA 91001

ZAUAKZAKAN Enk;r Htmon Sargis;ani mafouan t.our a®jiu% enk;r Dauij Samouhl;an ir .oraxgaz zauakzoujiunn;re ke \a\tnh fangouz;ali a\riin^ Aniin% xauakn;roun% entan;kan paragan;roun% faraxatn;roun ;u 'o.an ‘a[k;psaki 100&00 tolar ke nouirh ªNor Ørº ,abajaj;rjin!

OC :US H ENK:R |AKOB WARDAN:AN (1944-2013) :rkarat;u fiuandouj;nh ;tq ir mafkanazoun knq;z yartarap;t% nkaric ;u ÂAK-i fauatauor andam Enk& |akob Wardan;an! Mafe t;[i oun;za‘ h :r;q,abji% |ounis 18-in! Fangouz;ale ‘na‘ hr Ph\rouj 1944 jouakanin! "oqr tariqhn i \a\t ;ka‘ h ir nkarcakan ta[ande% or xargaza‘ h FBEM M;lgon;an Krj& Fastatouj;nhn n;rs! A\nouf;t;u an ir bar]rago\n ousoume ,arounaka‘ h :r;uani Polit;.nikakan Institouti mh= ;u wka\oua‘ orphs yartarap;t! Enk& |akob Wardan;an mtauorakan kousakzakan men hr% or ir ouro\n nkarcakan ou[[oujiune st;[‘a‘ hr g;[ankarcouj;an bnagaua®hn n;rs^ yartarap;touj;an a®enj;r! Fangouz;al enk;ro= Tan Karge t;[i oun;zau Fing,abji% |ounis 20-in% ;r;ko\;an% Foliwouti Srb& |owfannou Karap;t :k;[;zuo\ mh=% isk \ou[arkauoroujiune^ Ourbaj% |ounis 21-in a®auøt;an! ÂAK Ar;umt;an AMN-i <r=ana\in Warcoujiune% ªF;r;anº Akoumbn ou ªNor Ørºe ir;nz w,takzoujiune ke \a\tn;n fangouz;ali a\riin ;u faraxatn;roun! |;taga\in k*andrada®nanq fangamanørhn!


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;ka‘ ;n Fa\astanhn ;u fastaªGhorgn al fa\ men h% or nor FANDIPOUMN:R toua‘^ Sjraxpourk! Takauin fastatoua‘ h Sjraxpourkº! Fa\r tari me a®a= Artak krza‘ h F;relt Nafap;t;ane kou ga\ ];®q ]g;l k;zouj;an \atouk Qanata\hn& an fog;uor fowiun h artønagir^ ir qa[aqaziakan Sjraxpourki Ankliqan ;k;[;zuo\! au;li ªapafowº irawiyake :r;q,abji% 25 D;kt;mb;r 2012-in^ dar]n;low! S& ’nnd;an ørouan pa,tamounFRA|R YHPHY:AN Tirann ou Naxike falhpafa\;r qin% an patgam;z Qristosi ;n% oronq au;li qan qa®asoun ‘nnd;an arvhqin masin! ªQristosi ‘nnd;an jouakane krna\ \stak cellal% ;tin \stak k;rpow k∞artazola\in mtafogou- tarin;rh i w;r fastatoua‘ ;n Sjraxpourk! ba\z ;u a\nphs ke tøn;nq amhn tari% qani jiunn ou \ouxoume! Ghorgin n;rka\ouj;an Fauanabar mia\n ir;nq ;u mhk;rkou a\l or ka\ arvhqeº% esau an! Ba\z f;taqrqra- in‘i na\;low ;u Fa\astanhn artaga[jo[ entaniqn;r artasafmanhn ;ka‘ ;n% mnaz;al kan hr a\n% or ir katara‘ mh=b;roumin mh= bolor fa\;roun aknark;low ou anonz wiyake bolor fa\;re kou gan fa\r;niqhn! Tirann ou ibr;u ørinak \i,;z ir før paragan&&& ªFa\rs matnan,;low^ esau& ªC;m git;r^ incph∞s Naxike la\n sirt ;u endoun;loujiun ke zouzab;r;n bolor fa\;roun nkatmamb% oronq al ir ‘nnd;an jouakane chr git;r% ba\z ;u k∞en;nº! Kno=s f;t xrouz;low^ ke ja'a®hinq ou ke kariq ounin øgnouj;an! Ir;nz toune ];uow a\nphs amhn tari ke tønhinq ir tar;dar]eº% esau an! ªK∞ouxhinq t;sn;l førs ap- fiana\inq Sjraxpourki ;u Alxasi ,r=ani me ªbaz dou®º h% our fa\;r krnan mtn;l% ;jh ra‘ ou apr;liq k;anqin arvhqeº% ;xra'ak;z g;[;zkouj;amb% na;u ke sqancana\inq S& k∞oux;n ;u ke 'nt®;n qic me ªapafowoujiunº! ’noundi a®ijow g;[;zkørhn xardaroua‘ Ba\z a\s bolorhn w;r^ anonq ke \a\tn;n na;u an! |stak hr Fa\r Nafap;t;ani før ‘nnd;an 'o[ozn;roun ;u zouza';[k;roun i t;s! Si- ir;nz zaun ou mtafogoujiune% jh fa\r;niqe jouakanin an\stakoujiune! Z;[aspanouj;- ranou,e ls;z m;r fa\;rhn .øsakzoujiune^ ke parpoui ir faraxat xauakn;rhn! Ba\z ,arounak;zi ls;l ar;u;lafa\;rhn^ fos nhn yo[opra‘ fa\re fos ou fon ja'a®;lh vptalow% =;rmouj;amb møt;zau m;xi ;u esau& ª:s al fa\ ;m º! S iranou, bauakanazau^ jh fon% alxas;an a\s g;[;zik qa[aqin mh= ;tq fasa‘ hr Qanata^ ir;n f;t b;r;low mia\n inq ir an]e! K;anqe k;rta‘ hr fon^ es;low% or ;ka‘ h Falhphn! ªBa\z Falhp mhk ,abjouan k;zouj;ans enjazqin! Kar‘;s Qanata% a®anz \i,;lou ir ‘nnd;an joua- ar;u;lafa\;rhn c;n .øsirº% ;[au im arag \ag;za‘ ella\i fandipoumn;rhn ou anor mi=ozow fastatoua‘ fa[ordakzoujiunn;rhn kane% ba\z lauaphs \i,;low ou ka®c;low a\n aknarkoujiuns! Siranou,i patmoujiune cou,azau! ’no[qe ou fa[ordakanoujiunn;rhn^ ckrza#\% jh# wy®akamouj;an% or fa\oun k;anqe piti ,arounakoui! Isk F;relt Nafap;t;an laua- qani me tarih i w;r fasa‘ ;n Alxasi a\s coux;zi (;s al c;m git;r) vamanak tal go\n k;ndani ørinake ke fandisana\ a\d a';re! Inq 'or]a‘ h amhn ];uow ª;lqº me k;nalou ;u es;lou fa\;rhn .øso[n;roun% jh^ ,arounakakanouj;an% manauand or anor gtn;l^ dours galou famar fa\r;ni tounhn! ªBar;∞u% ;s al fa\ ;mº! Kaska‘h w;r hr% jh k;anqe nouiroua‘ hr Qristosi ;u anor Falhpe ;[a‘ h a®a=in fangrouane! Falhphn oura. hi% or ke lshi fa\;rhn% ba\z Fa\r ;tq ªba.te bazoua‘ hº% fasa‘ ;u miaza‘ h Nafap;t;anin xarmanq-farzoumhn m;kn;low^ ;k;[;zuo\ qaroxcouj;an! Fa\r Nafap;t;an ;u ;s xrouz;zinq ir entaniqin! Siranou, apra‘ hr Falhpi ;u kar no\n f;t;uo[akanouj;amb ouri, farzoum fa\;rhnow% ba\z kar ankh au;lin^ inqnouj;an fa\kakan ga[ouji =;rmoujiunn ou fa[orda- me% or ke carcrkhr mitqs ou fogis^ ªC;m ;u patkan;liouj;an =;rmoujiune% or kar‘;s kanoujiune% isk a\sør a\d bolore ke 'nt®hr git;r^ inco*u k∞en;nº! Inco#u phtq h ]g;l ir;n famar tarb;r ban me k∞au;lznhr a\d Sjraxpourki mh=! >øs;zanq% apa bav- s;'akan toun% fo[% fa\r;niq% faraxat% ørouan ;k;[;zi-vo[owourd fa[ordakzouj;an nou;zanq% isk qic anz Siranou, w;radar]au fa\ørhn ou fa\kakanørhn apr;lou a®an]namh=% manauand or bolor fauataz;aln;re oc ;u esau& ªFima .øs;za\ mørs f;t% ke bar;uh ,norfoumn;r ;u gal fos jh fon% no\nisk ;rb a\d bolor wa\r;re ,at g;[;zik ;n% saka\n fa\;r hin! F;relt .andawa® hr% or ke ];xi ;u k∞ouxh% or anpa\man m;xi a\z;lhqº! Jh;u ckrzanq Siranou,i .ndranqin enda- f;®ou ;n armathn% inqnouj;nhn% fa\kakanouxrouzhinq fa\;rhnow% anor .andawa®ouj;an wra\ ban men al au;lzau% ;rb Ghorgin ];®- ®a=;l% ba\z apr;zanq ;u wa\;l;zinq pafe j;nhn! Ba\z ch# or tarin;r ,arounak ;raqhn s;[ma‘^ qows ;kau ;u ‘anøjazn;low fa\oun karøtin ou anor fa[ordakzouj;an x;zinq ;u 'a'aq;zanq fa\r;niq oun;nal% a\s =;rmoujiune! Siranou, ke 'nt®hr xa\n^ karø- t;slakanow apr;zanq ;rkar tarin;r! Ba\z \a\tn;z% or an al fa\ hr! te% karøt fa\oun% fo[in% tan% bar;kamou- incph#s bazatr;l a\n sou[ 'or]a®oujiune% Ghorg ;r;q amis a®a= ;ka‘ h Fa\astaj;an^ ir tarb;r ;r;sn;row ;u ‘alq;row! xor apr;zanq ibr;u vo[owourd^ korsnzn;low nhn! :ritasard ou korowi^ fa\ou ;u ir fa\r;’anøj an‘anøjn;r hinq% m;r kapin mh=hn jiu ou fo[^ jh* kaloua‘ ;u jh* mtauorakan ni tan =;rmouj;an karøtow% xrouz;z in‘i ;u Fa\r Nafap;t;anin f;t! :k;[;zuo\ zouza- piti a®ka\‘hr fa\oun k;anqin f;t fa\ørhn m,akouja\in arvhqn;r& au;li*n% ª‘nnd;an ta.takin wra\ t;sa‘ hr Fa\r Nafa- fa[ordakz;lou fryouanqe^ jhkoux ,at kary jouakanºe no\nisk! :jh tnt;sakan ou p;t;anin anoune^ fa\ me% ;u qa=al;roua‘ hr pafouan me famar% saka\n^ ,at arvhqauor aproust yar;lou m[]auan=n h fa\r;niqhn artafosqi m[o[e% ba\z ard;øq o#ur h a\n ;k;[;zi mtn;lou% ‘anøjanalou ;u inqxinq ou pitani drs;uoroumow! Artake 35 tar;kan ouv;[ ;u vptoun apafow wa\re% \atkaphs^ w;r=in tarin;roun% ‘anøjazn;lou! Karø#tn hr mia\n% jh# ar;an ou inqnouj;an kance ;us! :u ,arounak;zinq ;ritasard men h% or ardhn tase tarih i our mard ci tagnapir ir tnt;sakan m;r xro\ze! ªI#nc gor‘ow ke xba[is% i#nc w;r fastatoua‘ h Sjraxpourk! ’no[qn ou wiyakn;roun baruoq lou‘oum me gtn;lou! :jh m;r fa\r;ni n;rka\ irawiyakin ou piti en;s fosº% ;[au Nafap;t;anin a®a=in ;[ba\re Fa\astan ke gtnouin% isk inq farzoume^ Ghorgin ou[[oua‘! ª|a\tni chº% a®an]ine k∞apri a\s qa[aqin mh=! "or]a‘ anor toun touo[ artaga[jin patya®n;rn ;[au patas.ane! ªI#nc h irauakan kar- h famalsaranakan ousoum me korx;l^ fa- ou anonz baruoq lou‘oumn;roun gor‘enjaze gawiyakd a\s ;rkrin mh=º farzoumin pa- ,ououa‘-cfa,ououa‘ ir k;zouj;an tase diurin c;n% ;u ;jh patas.ann;re qic me tas.ane ;us ª\a\tni chº hr! Ba\z ka\ tarin;roun enjazqin% ba\z apardiun! Isk k∞ou,anan% ba\z ke mna\ farzoume% oroun ;tin au;li∞n& ªI#nc ke ‘ragr;s en;lº& ªC;m git;rº% fima an jargmanakan gor‘;r ke katarh! ka\ zaun ou \ouxoume& ªC;m git;r^ inco*u patas.an;z Ghorg! :s bauakanaza\ mia\n Tirap;t;low `rans;rhnin^ ke 'or]h fa\;rhni (incph*s) k∞en;nº! mtik en;low% isk Fa\r Nafap;t;ani dhmqin jargmanoujiunn;r en;low øgtakar fandiwra\ ourouag‘oua‘ hr 'oqr vpit me% oroun sanal au;li qan ouj faxar fa\;rou% oronq


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ga[a'ari enk;ro= ou \;taga\ tarin;roun anonq piti da®na\in anbavan gor‘akizn;r^ ir;nz wiyakoua‘ a®aq;louj;an yambow! Fncak;an Kousakzouj;an mh= dvba.tabar axatakan ;u enk;rwarakan yiu[auoroumn;rou tarakar‘ouj;an patya®au^ 1896-in Lontoni mh= goumaroua‘ endfanour vo[owin pa®aktoum t;[i oun;zau ou enk;rwarakan dauananqn ou skxbounqn;re cbavno[ kousakzakann;re fime drin w;rakaxm;al Fncak;an Kousakzouj;an% a®au;labar orphs a®a=nord oun;nalow^ Mifran Tamat;ann ou Mifran Swaxl;ane! Norakaxm ba\z fimnauoroua‘ axatakan armatn;r oun;zo[ w;rakaxm;al jiuow krzau qa[aqakan fasounoujiun tara‘;l norakaxm ga[oujn;rh n;rs ou ir ca'auor;al jiue 1908-in mianalow Arm;nakan Kousakzouj;an f;t% fime drou;zau Safmanadir Âamkawar Kousakzouj;an^ A[;qsandrio\ mh= Swaxlei f;t;uo[n;re^ axatakan ga[a'ara.øsouj;an% kaxm;zin Axatakan Kousakzoujiune a®au;labar Ar;umt;an :uropa\i mh= gtnouo[ ga[oujn;rhn n;rs ;u Posjoni mh= fimnauorou;low! Swaxl;ani ko[qin% Ar,ak Cøpan;an ;u Frac :rouand dar]an Axatakan Kousakzoujiune a®a=nordo[ ;®;ake! Lontoni ªFa\astanº j;rje ;[au Axatakann;rou .øsa'o[e ;u Posjoni mh= ªPafakºe dar]au Axatakan a®a=in fratarakoujiune Miaz;al Nafangn;rou mh=! Øsman;an ka\srouj;an 1908-i safmanadrouj;an f®cakoumhn ;tq% Swaxl;ani famar \stak dar]a‘ hr a\l;us% or axga\in pafan=atiroujiune yakatagrakan kar;uouj;amb phtq h f;tapnd;l^ famaga[ouja\in ;u miasnakan =anq;row! Fama,.arfa\in A®a=in Pat;raxmhn a®a= an ir ko[akzin^ Mariin f;t ;ka‘ hr fastatou;lou Posjon% our \arab;rabar art;rkri at;no\ m;‘ago\n ga[oujn;rhn mhke go\oujiun ounhr! Posjoni mh= orphs irauabanakan .orfrdatou gor‘;lou ko[qin na;u an orphs \ødoua‘agir masnakzoujiun ke b;rhr angliata® mamoulin! Ir baxmal;xoun;rou ‘anøj ou fmout ellale% diuanagitakan møt;zoum me kou tar% ;rb ªfa\kakan farzºin masin øtar diuanaghtn;rou møt k*arta\a\touhr% oronz mh= hr na;u \ounarhn l;xoun% or sorwa‘ hr Kipros gtnoua‘ ,r=anin! 1917 Martin k;anqi piti kocouhr Am;rika\i Fa\ Axga\in Mioujiune% masnakzouj;amb Am;rika\i mh= gor‘o[ fa\ axga\in kousakzoujiunn;rhn% FBEMiouj;nhn% Fa\ A®aq;lakan ;u au;taranakan ;k;[;zin;rhn! Axga\in Miouj;an kar;uor npatakn;rn hin^ kaxm;l fa\ axatagrakan kamauorakan ,arvoum% fa\ karøt;aln;rou ;u Fa\astani w;ra,inouj;an øvandakoujiun% incphs na;u diuanagitakan fa\anpast qaroxcoujiun! Fa\ Axga\in Miouj;an na.agafoujiune ke wstafoui ;ra.tauor Mifran Swaxl;anin! A\s kar;uor iragor‘oume axga\in datin famar% ardhn ir bar;b;r ar]agange ar]anagra‘ hr ;giptafa\ouj;an møt% our ardhn miaz;al ka®o\z me go\oujiun ounhr ;giptafa\ouj;an famar! :giptafa\ ga[oujin ko[mh patouirakoujiun me gl.auorouj;amb Mifran Tamat;ani (®amkawar) ;u masnakzouj;amb Artauaxd Fanem;ani (da,nakzakan) ou St;'an Sapaf-Kiul;ani (fncak;an) kou gan a\s a®ijow Am;rika% .orfrdakz;lou Am;rika\i Fa\ Axga\in Miouj;an [;kawarouj;an f;t^ ‘ragr;lou kamauorakan kar;uor ,arvoume% or \;taga\in piti k;rthr ªArara\iº pan‘ali \a[janake% orphs ªAr;u;l;an l;ghonº! Tamat;ani ;u Swaxl;ani gor‘akzoujiune orphs kousakiz enk;rn;r m;‘ k*ella\ l;ghoni kaxmouj;an irakanazman mh=! Fa\ Axga\in Miouj;an ko[mh fing taroua\ enjazqin na;u fangrouann;row piti irakananar 1 milion tolari fanganakoujiune! Isk diuanagitakan fa\anpast qaroxcoujiunn al piti wstafouhr Pø[os Noupar "a,a\i gl.auora‘ Axga\in Patouirakouj;an% oroun famar Swaxle ke frauiroui "arix! Axga\in Patouirakoujiune am;rik;an ka®awarouj;an møt n;rka\azouzic ke n,anakh Swaxlen% a®au;labar ir baxmal;xou karo[ouj;an famar! 1919-in Axga\in Patouirakouj;an oro,oumow% an a®vamabar ke m;kni |ounastan% orphsxi \ounakan p;takan ,r=anakn;rou møt parxh Øsman;an partoua‘ ka\srouj;an safmann;rhn n;rs Kilikio\ inqnawarouj;an ‘ragire% incphs na;u Axga\in Patouirakouj;an møt;zoume^ Fa\ Dati f;tapndman% Fa\ ;u F;llhn vo[owourdn;rou gor‘akzouj;an ;[anake! Swaxl;ani famar |ounastanhn n;rs a®au;loujiun me ;us f;taqrqrakan piti da®nar! Axatakan Kousakzouj;an orphs [;kawar an \aya. ke fandiphr Âamkawar Kousakzouj;an patas.anatoun;roun f;t^ Ajhnqi kam Polso\ mh= ou anonz ke parxhr Kilikio\ inqnawarouj;an ‘ragire ou manauand Mifran Tamat;ani a®aq;loujiune a\d a®ncouj;amb! 1920-in Kilikio\ inqnawarouj;an ‘ragri miør;a\ anka.ouj;nhn ou manauand Fa\astani .orfrda\nazoumhn ;tq ;ra.tauor Swaxl;ane piti da®nar =atagowe Âamkawar ;u Axatakan Miauorman! A\d npatakow Ajhnqi mh= fandipoum k*oun;na\ ir wa[;mi w;rakaxm;al gor‘akizin^ Tamat;ani f;t! 1921 jouakani a®a=in kisoun% Swaxle Frac :rouandi ;u Louj`ik Gou\oumy;ani f;t miasin f;rjakan fandipoumn;r k*oun;na\ Âamkawar Kousakzouj;an k;droni n;rka\azouzicn;roun f;t% oronz ,arqin hr banast;[‘n;rou i,.an^ Wafan Jhqh;ane! Amisn;rou ‘ragroumi orphs ardiunq% k*irakanana\ Âamkawar



Mi=axga\in Dataran tanil! Kaxmak;rpoujiune ouni ,our= 250 andam& n;rka\is a,.atanq ke taroui bazou;lou fanrouj;an ;u andamar,auow baxmapatkou;lou! _ Fa\astani a\sørouan i,.anauorn;re ke 'or];n miavamanak jh* da,nakiz mnal ®ousin ;u jh* paf;l :uropakan Miouj;an ;u NAJØ-i f;t s;rt kap;r! ’anr h Fa\astani irawiyake^ ®ousakan l‘akin tak ellal ;u no\n at;n Ar;umoutqin møt;nal! _ Âouse k*ouxh or Fa\astan ka.;al mnal irmh! S'iu®qe& _ Irakanouj;an mh= s'iu®qafa\ouj;an tase tokose mia\n fa\ k;anqhn n;rs gor‘øn h ;u ka*\ 'astørhn! _ Phtq h fa\r;ni vo[owourde fo[in wra\ paf;l& a\dphs s'iu®qn a*l au;li xørauor k*ella\! _ High-tech industry-in wra\ dn;l ,;,te% ou[;[e ouninq% phtq h a,.atanq st;[‘;l% orphsxi

mnanq fo[in wra\! _ }a. ;u a= ga[a'ara.øsoujiunn;re phtq h mo®nanq ;u k;dronananq s'iu®qafa\oujiune 'rk;lou ]ouloumh! - Øtar amousnoujiunn;row% fa\ l;xoun korsnzn;low% fa\ou inqnoujiune ke korsnzn;nq! - {;kawaroujiun h phtq% k;dronaza‘ ‘ragir& ørinak% axga\in tourqi ga[a'arow yamba\ ;ll;l& amhn mhks phtq h xganq m;r d;re& vamn h xgastouj;an! W;r=auorouj;an farzoum-patas.anow n;rkan;re kis;zin ir;nz mtafogoujiunn;re& fa\ouj;an baxma,;rt ;rkoua‘oujiunn;re ke mnan Fa\e kotorako[ jiu mhk .ndire! M;nq h or m;r ];®qow k*en;nq a\d bolore% esau an% ;u n;rkan;re 'nt®;zin a\n ª,a[a.eº% or piti fama.mbh ;u ouvakan dar]nh m;r n;rka\ irakanoujiune! Anika no\ninqn Fa\n h! F&S&

Axatakan Kousakzouj;an kaxmoujiune Polso\ mh=% Fokt;mb;r 1% 1921-in! Âamkawar Axatakan Kousakzouj;an f®cakagri artagro[n;rhn mhke piti da®nar Swaxl;an! Fimnadir vo[owi oro,oumow ke kaxmoui A& K;dronakan Warcoujiune^ at;nap;touj;amb Wafan Jhqh;ani% isk Swaxle ke da®na\ 'o. at;nap;te! Ajhnqe orphs au;li apafow wa\r% 1922-in ÂAK-i k;drone ke 'o.adroui Polishn% our ardhn kaxmoua‘ hr ÂAK-i ,r=ana\in warcoujiune! Swaxl;an minc;u 1926 ke gor‘h ÂAK K;dronakan Warcouj;an mh=% ;rb fastatoua‘ hr takauin |ounastan! No\n tarin ke w;rada®na\ Miaz;al Nafangn;r ou w;r=nakanaphs ke fastatoui Niu :orq! Dvba.tabar Swaxl;an amole ba.tauoroujiun chin oun;za‘ xauak oun;nalou ou fangst;an ir;nz vamanake ke tramadrhin axga\in fasarakakan gor‘ounhouj;an! Tik& Mari Swaxl;ann al mamlo\ a,.atakzouj;an ir bavine ke b;rhr ÂAK-i Posjon fratarakouo[ ªPa\qarº pa,tønaj;rjin! Enk& Swaxl;an Niu :orqi mh= ke nouiroui Fa\ Dati pafan=atirouj;an qaroxcouj;amb% manauand am;rikafa\ nor s;roundin famar angl;rhn fratarakoujiunn;row ;u dasa.øsoujiunn;row fandhs galow! 1933-in \atkaphs ir =anq;row ;u gor‘akzouj;amb at;no\ ,r=ana\in warcouj;an [;kawarouj;an% Miaz;al Nafangn;rou Ar;u;l;an ,r=anakhn n;rs ke kaxmoui Âamkawar krts;rn;r .mbauoroume% or a®fasarak ke n;rgrauh Am;rika\i mh= fasak a®no[ ;ritasardoujiune% oronq kou gan bolorou;lou ÂAK-i angliata® pa,tønaj;rj ªThe Armenian Mirror Spectatorº ,abajaj;rjin ,our=! Swaxl;an mia\n ke xba[hr dasa.øsakan ];®narkn;roun ir masnakzoujiune b;r;low% ;rb ke frauirouhr Am;rika norafastat ga[oujn;re! An \aya. ;ritasardn;roun ou[[;low ir .øsqe ke krknhr% jrqasiroujiune 'o.anzik fiuandoujiun men h% or phtq h wirafatoui! |a®a=aza‘ tariqin% 1943 Ma\isin% a\s ;ra.tauorn al ir acq;re piti 'akhr 83 tar;kan fasakin% ir ;tin jo[;low m;r axga\in axatagrakan pa\qarin famar an'o.arin;li qaroxcakan wastak me! Ja[man araro[oujiune ke kataroui Niu :orqi Srb& Grigor Lousauoric ;k;[;zuo\ mh=% na.agafouj;amb Ar;u;l;an J;mi a®a=nordakan t;[apaf^ Mambrh ’& Wardap;t Gal`a\;ani! Axga\in-kousakzakan pat,ay \arganqow ;u \a\tagrow^ frav;,ti .øsqe k*artasanh ÂAK Ar;u;l;an Am;rika\i <r=ana\in Warcouj;an at;nap;t^ Enk& Tiratour Tiqiy;an! Swaxl;an ;ra.tauorin anounow Posjoni ,r=ane gor‘o[ ÂAK-i akoumbn;rhn mhke kocou;zau ªMifran Swaxl;anº akoumb! Isk ÂAK-i wastaka,at .mbagirn;rhn^ :rouand M;siaz;an .mbagr;z ou fratarak;z 200 h=noz fator me% or fatentir men h m;xi tramadroua‘^ Swaxl;ani groujiunn;roun!

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GHORG |AKOB:ANI >ØSQE&&& <ar& h= 6-hn

kar;li h kardal ªPatmoujiun Corq Marxpaniº \ou,amat;anpatmagirqin mh=% xor frataraka‘ h Dokt& Minas Goya\;an 2006-in! Thørj-:olin frav;,t talh ;tq% Atana\i da,tin mh=hn yambord;low .oumbe k*a\z;lh L;uon M;‘agor‘i b;rde% ;u apa ke fasni Sis! Afauasik Sisi amrakou® b;rdaqa[aqe ;u M;‘i Tann Kilikio\ Kajo[ikosarane% au;rak wiyaki mh=! |ouxoumnaliz aproumn;row .oumbe k*ou[[oui dhpi Atana! Ou[;uorn;roun mitq;roun mh= ke zzoui 1909-i Atana\i kotora‘e! <at canza‘% ke t;snoui Miaz;al Nafangn;rou ;u Atlant;an Ou.ti (NAJØ) Inyirliqi ®axma.aris.e% ,inoua‘^ fa\apatkan fo[;rou wra\! :r;ko\;an% Taurosi l;®na,[jan y;[q;low 'o.adraka®qe ke fasni Kapadowkio\ Ourkou' qa[aqe! Ankh^ dhpi K;saria% Hw;rhk ;u ouri, giu[;r ou auann;r! |a=ord øre% ªAr;u :lau Xh\jounzin;rº qa\l;rgin k,®o\jn;row% .oumbe ke fasni ar‘ou;bo\n Xh\joun% orou f;rosakan anz;ali s.ragor‘oujiunn;re .andawa®ouj;amb ;u fpartouj;an xgazoumn;row ke famak;n ga[jakan fa\ouj;an nor s;roundn;re! Xh\jounhn dhpi Mara,% ;u ankh^ :'rati Anzqe% M;‘ Fa\q! Ou.tauorn;re fasa‘ ;n Ar;umtafa\astan! |a=ordo[ ør;roun% ou[;uorn;re k*a\z;l;n >arb;rd% ’owq% Balou% M;sropa\ Sar ;u Fauau giu[e% our t;[i k*oun;na\ anmo®anali anaknkal fandipoum me% orou manramasnoujiunn;re g;[;zkørhn nkaragra‘ h f;[inake a\s fatorin mh=! |a=ord ka\ann h M,o\ Souljan Sourb Karap;te% ;rb;mni a®asp;lakan ou.tat;[in% orou famalirhn mnaza‘ ;n pat;r% .orann;rou f;tq;r ;u tart[noua‘ g;[aqandak b;korn;r! Apa .oumbe ke fasni Mou,% our au;li qan 150 fa\;r ke \ama®in ka®ca‘ mnal ir;nz pap;nakan qa[aqin! "o.adraka®qe k*ou[[oui dhpi Manaxk;rt ;u apa^ patmakan wa\r;rh anzn;low ke møt;na\ fa\ vo[owourdi darauor ;raxn;roun .orfdani,e fandisazo[ srbaxan l;ran! Afauasik k*;r;ui Ararate ir ambo[= w;fouj;amb! Jo\l touhq mh=b;r;l f;[inakin f;t;u;al to[e& ªS;roundn;r% ‘na‘ øtar a';rou wra\% ir;nz ;r;uaka\ouj;an acq;row t;sa‘ ;n srbaxan l;®e% artasoualiz acq;row ;rga‘ ;n ir;n nouiroua‘ ;rg;r ;u artasana‘^ banast;[‘oujiunn;rº! Ararathn dhpi Kars% gir ou grcouj;an anmo®anali k;dronn;rhn mhke ;u ma\raqa[aqe Karsi Bagratouni jagauorn;roun! Karshn ;tq^ Ani% Bagratoun;az farstouj;an ;rb;mni ma\raqa[aqe% or at;nin Fa\asta-

ni amhnhn bargauay% waya®a,af% baxmamard ;u taranzik a®;utouri ostann hr! F;[inake dar];al mitqow ke 'o.adroui fin dar;rou ka.ardakan mjnolorte! Xro\zi ke b®noui Anii Sourb Astoua‘a‘in Ma\r Tayari k;rtic Trdat yartarap;ti f;t! A\s fo\akap ka®o\ze qristonhakan yartarap;touj;an glou. gor‘ozn;rhn mhke ke famaroui! Anin ir;nz ;tin jo[a‘% ou[;uorn;re k*anznin fa\r;ni bna,.arfi k;dronakan sirte famarouo[ wa\r;rh! Ke wa\;l;n B;rkrii =rwhvi ambo[= g;[;zkoujiune ;u ke fasnin Waraga\ Wanq! >rim;an Fa\riki ;u Waspourakani ar‘iun;roun fogin;re takauin ke saua®nin wanqi au;rakn;roun mh=! |a=ord ka\ann h Wane% fa\kakan p;takanouj;an a®a=in ma\raqa[aqe% fimnoua‘ Q&A& 9rd daroun% Ararat;an jagauorouj;an fxør arqa\ Sardouri A&-i ko[mh! 19-rd darou w;r=auorouj;an ;u 20-rd darou skixbe f;rosakan inqnapa,tpanouj;an s.ragor‘oujiunn;r t;sa‘ h a\s qa[aqe% ,norfiu Arm;nakan% Fncak;an ;u Da,nakzakan Kousakzouj;anz [;kawarn;rou ørinak;li famagor‘akzouj;an! |a=ord øre .oumbe k*i=nh Wana\ Liy! Apa k*a\z;lh A[jamari a®asp;lakan Sourb >ac ;k;[;zin% or ka®ouzoua‘ h Gagik Ar‘rouni jagauori patouhrow ;u Manouhl yartarap;ti ];®qow! 2011-in ardhn t;[adroua‘ hr m;ta[;a\ fska\ .ace gmbhjin wra\! A[jamarhn ;tq ou.tauorn;re k*a\z;l;n Sasoun! 19-rd daroun sasounzi axatamartikn;re katar;zin s.ragor‘oujiunn;r% i .ndir fa\ axatagrakan pa\qari! F;rosakan a\d drouagn;re ,arounakoujiunn hin Sasouni qa=ari vo[owourdin darauor maqa®oumn;roun ;u ir;nz go\ouj;an pafpanoumi martn=oumn;roun! Ou.tagnazouj;an w;r=in fangrouann;rn hin Tiarphqir% Our`a (kam :d;sia)% A\njap ;u ankh oc ,at f;®ou^ F®omkla b;rdaqa[aqe% or biuxanda-fa\kakan yartarap;touj;an glou. gor‘ozn;rhn ke famaroui! Ou.tauorn;roun a\z;la‘ qa[aqn;roun m;‘ mase dar;row oun;za‘ ;n fa\afo‘ bargauay bnakcoujiun ;u ;[a‘ ;n krjouj;an ;u m,ako\ji ostann;r! |a\tni ;[a‘ ;n fa\ warp;t arf;stauorn;row ;u a®;utrakann;row% oronz na.a];®no[ ogiin ,norfiu dar];r hin ardiunab;rouj;an a®a=atar k;dronn;r! :rb;mni fa\kakan ja[amas;rou toun;roun ;u a\l ,inoujiunn;roun mh= takauin kar;li h t;sn;l fa\kakan gir;rou ;u ar]anagroujiunn;rou \am;zo[ f;tq;re! F;[inake .oumbin a\z;la‘ bolor wa\r;roun masin kou ta\

patmakan manramasn t;[;koujiunn;r% f;taqrqrakan patmoujiunn;row ;u finauourz a®asp;ln;row fam;m;low ir groujiunn;re% mi,t kamr=;low anz;ale n;rka\in! Dokt& Minas Goya\;ani mtoroumn;re% .of;re% n;rqin .®owqe% zasoume ;u \ouxoumnaliz aproumn;re% ir;nz ank;[‘ouj;amb ;u anmi=akan fa[ordakanouj;amb ke warak;n enj;rzo[e% \aya. .onauzn;low anor acq;re ;u al;ko‘;low anor sirte! Fa\r;ni bnouj;an fra,aliqn;roun w;rab;ro[ ir nkaragrakan to[;re% incphs na;u m;r vo[owourdi davan yakatagrin baxmabno\j fangamanqn;roun a®ncouo[ bazatroujiunn;re% oc mia\n ke zolazn;n f;[inakin patmagitakan .orounk pa,are% a\l;u ke fandisanan g;[arou;stakan grakanouj;an go[trik pata®ikn;r ;u arvhqauor nmo\,n;r! Patmakan Fa\astani ;u Kilikio\ ;rb;mni fa\abnak qa[aqn;roun ;u giu[;roun mh= apro[ bnakcouj;an bazar]ak m;‘amasnoujiune qiurt;r ;n a\sør! Anonz zouzab;ra‘ siralir w;rab;rmounqe ;u møtikoujiune xgali ;n amhn t;[! |aya. lsouo[ arta\a\toujiunn;r ;n& ªBari ;ka‘ hq ];r touneº% ;u kam^ ªAnz;alin ,at s.al ban;r

;[a‘ ;nº! F;[inake ke n,h na;u% or no\nisk ;rkrord ;u ;rrord s;roundi patkano[ jourq;*r sksa‘ ;n zo\z tal faskazo[oujiun ;u m;x ls;lou zankoujiun! W;ro\i,;al xargazoumn;re% incphs na;u A[jamari% Anii% Tiarphqiri Sb& Kirakos ;k;[;zii ;u karg me a\l fa\kakan srbat;[in;rou norogouj;anz ;u w;rakangnoumin a®ncouo[ ;r;uo\jn;re sksa‘ ;n lauat;soujiun n;r,nc;l! Dokt& Goya\;an ;u ouri, fa\ mtauorakann;r ke fauatan% or a\s nor xargazoumn;re phtq h ou,adrouj;an a®arka\ da®nan m;r a\søroua\ [;kawarouj;an! Jo\l touhq mh=b;r;l f;[inakin f;t;u;al fastatoume girqin n;ra‘akanin mh=& ªAt;nn h or m;nq% a®anz skexbounqa\in xi=oumn;rou% nor oraki ;rk.øsouj;anz mh= mtn;nq mhk ko[mhn Jourqio\ p;touj;an% mius ko[mh jourqiazi parx vo[owourdin f;t% orphsxi kar;nanq fo*[e patrast;l wa[ouan au;li ardiunauht gor‘akzouj;anº! War]qd kata*r% sir;li Minas! Ke ma[j;nq% or ,outow iragor‘ouin a\s arvhqauor fatorin angl;rhni ;u jrq;rhni jargmanoujiunn;re! !

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:ROUSA{HMAFA|E <ar& h= 11-hn

ti matn;low satanan;re! Isk ;rb l;®nhn war i=na\% dhpi :rousa[hm yamboun wra\ k∞enk;rakzi qani me satanan;rou% ir glou.e paf;lou famar :rousa[hmi mh=! *** :rousa[hmafa\e a®fasarak waya®akan h! Osk;ric% d;r]ak% lousankaric% vamagor‘ ;u kø,iki waya®akan! Sa[imafa\e fauatarim h% ou vo[owrda\in asazoua‘qow% ªacqe kou,tº h% qanxi Astoua‘ a\dphs h st;[‘a‘ Ir hake! :rousa[hmafa\e fauatarim h na;u siro\ mh=! Ir sira‘ a®a=in hake fr;,tak men h ir;n famar% or ke pafh ir srtin mhk ankiune&&& ga[tnabar% nkati oun;nalow or :rousa[hmi pat;re akan= ounin! Ou ;rb tarin;@r w;r= fandipi ir sira‘ a[=kan% ke .ostowani a®a=in shre&&& pat®;low warago\re p[atonakan siro\! Ou Astoua‘ gith&&& incqa@n a\l shrhr ‘a[ka‘ hin wanqi Camja[i ‘a®;roun tak% ou \;taga\in ',roua‘ '.roun qar;rou nman! :rousa[hmafa\e axgashr h ou fa\r;nashr! Øtar amousnoujiun knq;lou paraga\in% an ;rb;q ci f;®anar ir armatn;rhn% ir l;xouhn ou m,ako\jhn% a\l ir ko[akize ke fa\aznh ir bolor pat-kan;lioujiunn;row% ir xauakn;rn angam paf;low axgin ‘ozin mh=! Pa[;stini mh= ‘na‘ ou apra‘ sa[imafa\e% oroun armatn;re k∞;rjan minc;u VA kam VB dar% fa\kakan warvarani cgo\ouj;an patya®au% au;li tirap;ta‘ hr arab;rhn l;xouin! :u orqa@n al =anq ja'hr fa\;rhn .øs;lou ou fa\;rhnow arta\a\tou;lou% osk;[nike dvouar ke ‘a[khr ir ,rjn;roun wra\! Minc ;[;®n t;sa‘ s;rounde&&& faka®ak mi=in ar;u;l;an a\l fa\a,at qa[aqn;rou% ga[jakan sa[imafa\e f;®o@u mnaz jrqa.øsouj;nh! :u incphs amhn fa\kakan gaua® ounhr ir barba®e% a\nphs al ;rousa[hmi t;[azi fa\;re ounhin ir;nz barba®e% ;rb fa\ ga[jakani me kam fa\ wardap;ti me f;t ke .øshin fa\;rhn l;xouow% arab;rhnh jargman;low ir;nz mitqe! :rb tønakan ør;roun fa\ wardap;te toune a\z;lhr% fiurashr ;rousa[hmazin farz kou tar& _ +ard;m q;xi k∞out;#s .i\ar! Kam& _ >i\ar srbaxan =ard;m k∞out;#s! _ Fa\rsourb b;r;m q;xi ankh or k∞enh `e, `e,! (Øde taq ellalow k∞ouxhr xowazouzic framzn;l!) I t;s ga[jakan s;roundi xauakn;roun \a®a=dimouj;an an k∞esh&&& _ Ga[jakann;re gazin ;kan a®anz wartik% ;[an mardik! (ocincow vamana‘ ga[jakan fa\;re% mard dar]a‘ ;n!) Qa[aqi \orda®at an]r;un;roun ;u patya®a‘ wtangin

famar% ke xgou,aznh ,r=apate% es;low& _ A\s tari an]r;un;re ;k;r ;n ,at ,at% for;re l;zouhr ;n ljmmø% kar;uoroujiune es;r h% =our;re tapkhq ou .mhq! (es;l k∞ouxhr% or \orda®at an]r;un;roun patya®au% for;re minc;u b;ran l;zoua‘ ;n ou ka®awaroujiune frafanga‘ h =our;re ;®azn;l apa .m;l!) :u w;r=aphs pat;raxmi npastenkal ør;roun ir 'a'aqe k∞arta\a\th es;low&&& __ Asika i#nc h Thr Fa\r% amhnoun .oj;zir ;u in‘i c.oj;zir! (Pat;raxmi ør;roun fa\oz wanqe bolor vo[owourdin npast ke bavnhr! Minc wardap;t me k∞ar]anagrh anounn;re kariqauorn;roun% kin me ke møt;na\ ou ke 'a'aqi or ir anounn al ar]anagrh wardap;te!) Fiurenkal qa[aqazi fa\e% ;rb fa\oz ja[ vamana‘ ‘anøj me t;snh% ke frauirh ir toune es;low&&& _ M;r wra\hn al anzir% kam^ M;r wran al c;#s gar! W;ro\i,;al barba®e% orqan al ‘i‘a[;li jouhr ;rhk ;u kam a\sør% ke mna\ ;rousa[hmafa\oun l;xouin farstoujiune&&& i@nc 'o\j ;jh a\sør akan= tanq nor s;roundin .øsa‘ fa\;rhnin&&& fa\;rhn ba®;re dvoua@r jh ir;nz ªqimqe ø‘h ;u kam sirtn ir;nz s'o'hº incphs piti eshr banast;[‘ Wafan Jhqh;an! *** Ir fo[in wra\ an kotorakoua‘ k;anq me k∞apri% isk øtar fo[in wra\ miouj;an =atagow men h! :rousa[hmafa\e ;k;[;zashr ellaloun ca' al ªmiouj;nashrº h% ;rb&&& fa\ axgi nafatakn;roun \i,atake ke og;koch! Jhpht mioujiunhn au;li ke sirh ir \aya.a‘ akoumbe ou akoumbhn au;li ir;n fama.of .a[enk;rn;re! Faka®ak grashr cellaloun% girq ke karda\ ;jh&&& tramadroui ir;n! *** A®fasarak fam;st h&&& ir ,r=apa-tin mh=! Isk ankh dours ouni ir fpartoujiune% or mas ke kaxmh øtarin w;rhn na\;lou ir .a®noua‘qin! Qije m;‘ ch% ba\z sour h fota®oujiune fog;uor k;anqin mh=% i@nc 'o\j% ;jh an S& |akobi ,ouqin tak apr;low fand;r]% f;®ou h fog;uor k;anqi tasnaban;a\hn! Xga\oun h sirte% or ke 'a'a.h axgin famar% ou axghn au;li Sourb |akobin ou Sourb Gl.adrin famar! Qa[aqakan annpast pa\mann;rou mh= apr;low% ir k;anqe ªm;®;al ‘owº men h% our ci krnar lo[al ir ouxa‘in phs% ;u oroun a[e m;rj k∞a\rh ir marmine ou m;rj k∞amoqh ir zau;re sa[imakan auandoujiunn;row% miouj;nakan ];®narkn;row% ba\z manauand ou.tauorn;rou fosqow% oronq qic me ªar;uº ke b;r;n Fa\ :rousa[hmi ampama‘ ;rknqin!

M:R GOW:LI KANA|Q O@f Prisqh% Prisqh Doun andadar mi,t waxh A,.arfqd ,arounakh Astoua‘ al q;x pit ørfnh O@f Lisa% Lisa Doun fam;st qriston;a\ Mardike q;xi wka\ Piti mnas Astou‘o\ ‘a®a\! O@f Mariana% Mariana% Qou fog;rd q;x cmna\ Amhnqe pit anf;tana\ Ma\rd ko[qid pit ella\! Lousinh qa[zrik Lousinh Mardike qou ]a\nd pit lsh Doun amhnqin mi,t sirh Orphsxi Astoua‘ al q;x ørfnh!

:rousa[hmafa\e ir k;anqe ci krnar ;r;uaka\;l a®anz fog;uor k;anqi! A\d isk patya®au ir k;anqhn anpakas ;n fog;uorakann;re ;u fog;uorakann;roun o*c a\nqan fog;uor k;anqi fam;moua‘ drouagn;re! :rousa[hmafa\e auandapa,t h! A,.arfi o#r ankiunn al gtnoui an% ke 'nt®h :rousa[hmi fin tomari auandoujiunn;re! B;j[;fhmi Sourb ’nnd;an araro[oujiunn;re% Auag <abjou ;u Yragalo\zi fog;xma\l araro[oujiunn;re% Fambar]man Tøni ;u kam S& Astoua‘amør Tøni fandisoujiunn;re! Amhn ;rousa[hmafa\ a®anz ca'axanzouj;an dpir h! Ghj qani me angam ,apik faga‘ h ;k;[;zuo\ mh=% ou masnakza‘ S& |arouj;an tayari ja'ørn;roun ;u kam ªirauounqºi k®iun;roun! :rousa[hmafa\e S& Patarage angir gith! Gith na;u ;k;[;zakan gl.auor tøn;rou auandoujiunn;rn ou ,arakann;re! :jh ;k;[;zi c;rja\% an ir toune ke katarh ir ªpatarageº! Ir;n famar ;k;[;zin Astou‘o\ Tounn h! Amhn ;k;[;zi an ke ba[dath :rousa[hmi ir S& |akoba\ tayarin f;t% oroun ar‘aj;a\ kanj;[n;roun lo\se ;u gmbhji patoufanhn ar;uin ,o[ar]akoua‘ ya®aga\jn;re% tayari .orfrdauoroujiune% .nkabo\r a[øjqn;roun ou ,arakann;roun f;t l;zouza‘ ;n ir sirte% fogin ou akan=n;re! Øtar a';rou wra\ ;rousa[hmafa\e ;rb ;k;[;zi ;rja\% ma-

O@f Xaroufi% Xaroufi% Ma\r me ;[ar ;ran;li Xauakn;r m;‘zouzir sqanc;li Anonz famar ;[ar anmo®anali! O@f doun siroun Silwa T;sno[e q;x ke fiana\ :u doun ;rb;q c;s par‘;na\ A\l ke mnas Astou‘o\ ‘a®a\! Atrinh anouni,k Atrinh Bolore q;x ke qowh Doun al anonz mi,t sirh Thre jo[ q;x pa,tpanh! No upar Jo qaj;an (Au;li qan 70 taro ua \ k o usak z ak an enk ;r)% ~r ;xnø

nauand Auag <abjou enjazqin% anpa\man ke w;r\i,h wanqi ør;re&&& ir k;za‘ t;[hn ke ]a\nakzi dpraz dasi ;rg;zo[ouj;an ;u \;to\ srtn;[a‘ dours kou ga\ ;k;[;zihn% es;low& - A\sphs otnloua#\ me k∞ella\% fogin sir;m ;s m;r :rousa[hmin% i@nc .orfrdauor k∞ellar otnlouan! Isk Xatikin øre% au;li srtn;[a‘ k∞esh& _ :rousa[hm i@nc a[ouor hr% S& |aroujiun k∞;rja\inq% <abaj khsør Qristosi Sourb G;r;xmanhn lo\se k∞;llhr% qani me \o\n ke ‘;‘hinq% apa ,arakann;r ;rg;low ja'ør ke da®na\inq Qristosi g;r;xmanin ,our=&&& ou lo\se a®a‘ wanq ke w;rada®na\inq! Fam fot kar% ke xga\inq or Xatik hr! A\st;[% o*c al ke xgas tønakan ør;re! Tøn;@r ou auandoujiunn;r% oronq ke =;rmazn;n sa[imafa\oun k;anqe&&& :rousa[hmhn al andin! :rousa[hmafa\e ci mo®nar :rousa[hme% orowf;t;u ir akan=n;roun ø[ ;[a‘ ;n Astoua‘a,nc;an .øsqe% ª:rousa[h@m% :rousa[h@m% ;jh q;x mo®nam% l;xous qimqis kpciº! :u ;jh kan ban;r% oronq ;rb;*q ci mo®nar sa[imafa\e% a\n al Sourb Gl.adirn h% Sourb |akobi xangakn;roun ]a\nn h% wanqi kocnakin ]a\nn h% or kar‘;s ir;n ke kanch amhn sa[imafa\&&& owkianosn;rhn al andin! !


,arqin ke gtnouhin fariuram;a\ Nafap;tin a,ak;rtn;re% faraxatn;re% axga\inmiouj;nakan kaxmak;rpoujiunn;rou n;rka\azouzicn;r! |enjazs Sourb Pataragi enj;rzou;zau Gar;gin B& Am;na\n Fa\oz Kajo[ikosi Ørfnouj;an Gire! Prn& :rouand Papa\;an min-

c;u ørs k*a,.atakzi fa\ mamoulin% na;u^ ªNor Ørºin! ÂAK Ar;umt;an AMN-i <r=ana\in Warcoujiunn ou ªNor Ørºi .mbagrakan kaxme ir;nz oura.oujiune ke \a\tn;n a\s a®jiu ;u Nafap;tin ke ma[j;n ar;u,atoujiun! |;taga\in a\s masin piti andrada®nanq fangamanørhn!

N.O. June 20, 2013, No. 25:N.O. Blank


6:01 PM

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NOR ØR% |OUNIS 20% 2013


DANIA_FA|ASTAN^ 0-4 (0-2) Fa\astani axga\in fauaqakane Qo';nfak;ni ªPark;nº marxada,toum 4-0 fa,ouow a®au;louj;an fasau Dania\i fauaqakani nkatmamb% ore w;r=inis gl.auor marxic Mart;ni Øls;ni gl.auorouj;amb w;r=in 13 taroum a\spisi .o,or fa,ouow partoujiun chr kr;l! N,;nq na;u% or FF fauaqakane 1996 j& :uropa\i a®a=nouj;an entrakan mrza,aroum Dania\in :r;uanoum partou;l hr 0-2% isk fiurenkalou;lis^ 1-3 fa,ouow! Incphs git;nq fa\kakan f;®oustavam;re FF fauaqakani fandipoumn;re art;rkroum c;n zouzadroum! :u im enk;rn;re a\d ør;rin anendfat xangafaroum hin in] ;u ouxoum hin imanal fandipoumn;ri ardiunqn;re! FF fauaqakani Malja\i jimi f;t fandipman øre ,at xba[oua‘ hi! :u ;rb enk;rn;rizs mhkn in] xangafar;z ;u oux;z imanal fandipman ardiunqe% ;s a\n cgithi! Famakargice baz;low ;s ap,;zi m;ronq partou;l hin mi jimi% ore 5 .a[;roum oc mi miauor chr wastak;l ;u au;lin% m;ronq Malja\oum tøn;l hin miak \a[janake a\d jimi nkatmamb! :u a\vm hl% ardhn fiasja'oua‘% ;rb baz;zi famakargice% orphsxi imanam Dania-Fa\astan fandipman fa,iue kardazi Dania-Fa\astan^ 0-4! Acq;ris cfauatazi% kar‘;zi s.al ;n gr;l phtq h lini Dania-Fa\astan^ 4-0! Ba\z ;rb t;sa\% or bolor cors kol;rn hl m;r t[an;rn ;n .';l% fauatazi m;r \a[janakin! I#nc hr pataf;l! Tam im bazatroujiune! Malja\i f;t m;r entranin da,t hr mt;l f;,t \a[janak tan;lou mtadrouj;amb% ori famar hl m;r t[an;re patvou;zin! Maljazin;re 8-rd rophin .'a‘ koliz \;to\ fmout pa,tpanou;zin ;u taran ir;nz famar ,at patouauor \a[janak! M;r `oujpolistn;re phtq ch arfamarhin Malja\i entranoun% orn ir da,toum 0-2 fa,ouow partou;z Italia\i phs ouv;[ago\n jimin ;u oronq ckaro[azan iragor‘;l Italia\i darpasin n,anakoua‘ 11 m;jranoze ;u mi angam hl italazin;rin wrafas koliz 'rk;z darpasa]o[e! Inc;uizh Malja\i f;t fandipoumiz \;to\ F~D-i na.agaf Âoubhn Fa\rap;t;ane FF fauaqakani `oujpolistn;ri f;t lour= .øsakzoujiun hr oun;z;l no\nisk nranziz mhkin f;®azr;l hr fauaqakaniz% \;taga\oum gl.auor marxci .ndranqow nran ;t hin endoun;l! ª~oujpolistn;riz omanz otq;re ktrou;l hin ;rkriz% nranziz mi qanise kariq oun;n krkin xgalou% or .a[oum ;n ir;nz vo[owrdi ;u axgi famar! :s vo[ow frauir;zi ou bolor `oujpolistn;rin asazi% or in] famar f;[inakoujiunn;r ckan! Nranziz mhkin stipoua‘ hi mhk ørow f;®azn;l fauaqakanizº% asaz F~D-i na.agaf Âoubhn Fa\rap;t;ane F-1 f;®oustaaliqi kaxmak;rpa‘ ªFarzaxro\ziº vamanak! A\n inc t;[i oun;zau m;r f;t Malja\i fauaqakani fandipman vamanak% t;[i oun;zau na;u daniazin;ri f;t m;r fandipman vamanak% a\dphs ;m kar‘oum ;s! Daniazin;re mta‘;zin Fa\astane ir da,toum partou;z no\nisk maljazin;rin% m;r da,toum ke partou;n na;u m;x! :u caracar s.alou;zin! M;r t[an;re da,t hin mt;l ir;nz sasanoua‘ f;[inakoujiune w;rakangn;lou mtadrouj;amb! :u dran npast;z na;u




:oura Mowsis;ani .'a‘ arag kole! Fandipman 27-rd wa\rk;anin :ouran 'o.anzoum stanalow Øxbilisiz ]a. j;uoum ,r=anz;low Cimlingin ir;n \atouk oyow ]a. otqi faroua‘ow baz;z fandipman fa,iue! 19-rd rophin ardhn acqi enkau Øxbilise! Araxe endoun;low Al;qsan;ani f;®afar 'o.anzoume% g;[;zik k;rpow \a[jo[ dours ;kau pa,tpani f;t pa\qaroum! A®a= enkn;low n,;nq% or Øxbilise a\s .a[oum zo\z tu;z ir o[= karo[oujiune pa,tønakan .a[oum ;u patafakan chr Asmfootball.com–i 6 balanoz famakargow Araxi staza‘ am;nabar]r^ 5&5 gnafatakane! Daniazin;re ,at aktiu sks;zin ;rkrord .a[akhse! Da,ti thr;ri grofn;rn astiyanabar au;li wtangauor hin da®noum% saka\n Âoman B;r;xowskin ,at wstaf hr gor‘oum% mi qani angam ir jimin 'rk;low koliz! Minc Dania\i jime 'or]oum hr gtn;l B;r;xowskou pa,tpana‘ darpasi banalin% FF fauaqakane .';z 3-rd gndake! :oura Mowsis;ane dar]au doubli f;[inak! Qic anz gndake karo[ hr corrord angam \a\tnou;l Dania\i fauaqakani darpasoum% ba\z F;nri. M.ijar;ane \armar dirqiz wrip;z! A\nouam;na\niu F;nrike .a[i w;r=namasoum asaz ir .øsqe! 82-rd rophin na sa®nasrtørhn anzn;low ;rkou pa,tpann;riz g;[;zik w;r=akht dr;z a\d ditarvan fandipmane! FF axga\in fauaqakane f;rjakan fay;li anaknkale matouz;z ir ;rkrpagoun;rin% Malja\i fauaqakaniz kra‘ .a\ta®ak partoujiuniz \;to\ endamhne 4 øroum k;rparana'o.ou;z ;u =a.=a.;z daniazin;rin% oronq 3-0 fa,ouow C;.ia\oum \a[j;l hin da,ti thr;rin% isk w;r=inn;rn hl :r;uanoum no\n fa,ouow^ m;r fauaqakanin! Phtq h n,;l% or a\s fandipoume w;r=in 2 tarin;ri enjazqoum m;r entranou lauago\n .a[n hr! W;r=aphs m;nq t;sanq a\n .a[e% ore bnoro, hr m;r `oujpolistn;rin% m;r jimi .a[n a\nphs hr tpauor;l marxada,t ;ka‘ daniazi ;rkrpagoun;rin% or nranq fandipoumiz \;to\ ‘a'afaroum hin m;r `oujpolistn;rin! M;r fauaqakane fandhs ;kau a\spisi kaxmow& Âoman B;r;xowski% Kamø |owfannis;an% Âob;rt Arxouman;an% Waraxdat Faro\;an% Wal;ri Al;qsan;an% Ka®l;n Mkrtc;an% Arjour :digar;an (Markos Pix;li% 86)% Ghorg {axar;an% Arax Øxbilis (Nora\r Aslan;an% 90+1)% F;nri. M.ijar;an% :oura Mowsis;an (Arjour Sarkisow% 84)! A\st;[ ouxoum ;m n,;l m;r k;ntronakan pa,tpann;riz^ ;ritasard Waraxdat Faro\;ani .a[e ;u ;jh m;r marxicn;re yi,d a,.at;n Waraxdati f;t% apa m;nq k*oun;nanq bar]rakarg k;ntronakan pa,tpan! Imi=ia\loz |ounisi 14-in Kl;nth\li k;ntronakan gradaranoum ka\azau Dokt& Art;m Sargs;ani ª"rkouj;an Banalinº whpi gin;]øne ;u n;rkan;rin ]ri bavanou;z grqi ørinakn;riz! :rb \arg;li f;[inake makagroum hr im girqe asaz& ªAu;tis ªUSArmeniaº f;®oustaaliqe irauounq couni f;®ar]ak;lou FF axga\in fauaqakani fandipoumn;re! Incphs githq FF fauaqakani fandipoumn;re f;®ar]akoum h ªArmeniaº f;®oustaaliqe!

Da patas.an hr m;r j;rjoum tpagroua‘ ªArfamarfakan w;rab;rmounq s'iu®qafa\ `oujpolistn;ri nkatmamb \ødoua‘in! N,;nq% or Art;m Sargs;ani ordin h ªUSArmeniaº f;®oustaaliqi tnørhne! Qani or art;rkroum aproum ;n au;li ,at fa\;r% qan Fa\astanoum% apa F~D-e phtq h mta‘i s'iu®qafa\;ri f;taqrqroujiune bauarar;lou a\l ];u;r ;u \an]narari a\n aliqin% ore karo[ h a\d an;l! M;r fauaqakani \a=ord fandipoume S;pt;mb;ri 6-in h^ C;.ia\i f;t! Anz;al ,abaj a,.arfi a®a=nouj;an mius gøtin;roum ka\azan f;rjakan fandipoumn;re! Afa dranz ardiunqn;re& :uropa% .oumb G& <ouhdia-~;rar;an k[xin;r^ 2-0% .oumb J& P;la®ous-~inlandia^ 1-1% Asia% Far& Qorha-Ouxb;kstan^ 1-0% IranLibanan^ 4-0% Australia-|ordanan^ 4-0% Iraq-Ya'onia^ 0-1% Fiusisa\in% K;ntronakan Am;rika ;u Karapian auaxani gøti% AMN-Ya'onia^ 2-0% M;qsiqa-Qosja Âiqa^ 0-0% Fondouras-Yama\qa^ 2-0% Faraua\in Am;rika% W;n;xou;lla-Ourougoua\^ 0-1% CiliPoliwia^ 3-1% Hqouator-Arvanjin^ 1-1% Qoloumpia-";rou^ 2-0!

~ID:_I NOR WARKANI<A|IN A{IUSAKE ~ID:-i |ounis amsoua\ warkani,a\in zouzakoum 100 lauago\n ,a.matin;stn;ri mh= ;n L;uon Aron;ane (2813 miauor% 2-rde)% S;rgh\ Mowsis;ane (2699% 48-rd)% Wladimir |akob;ane (269% 55-rd)% Gabrihl Sargs;ane (2671% 72-rd) ;u Tigran {aram;ane (~ransia% 2655% 97-rd)! A[iusake gl.auoroum h norw;gazi Magnous Ka®ls;ne^ 2864% kananz warkani,a\in zouzaki ara=atare foungaroufi Foudij Polgarn h^ 2696 miauorow! 100 lauago\nn;ri mh= ;n Hlina Danihl;ane (2475% 28-rd)% Lilij Mkrtc;ane (2466% 31-rd)! Fa\astane ~ID:-i andam 144 ;rkrn;ri ,arqoum ir 10 ouv;[ago\n ,a.matistn;ri mi=in warkani,ow (2659) xba[;znoum h 4-rd t;[e! Fa\astane n;rka\aznoum ;n 36 grosma\st;rn;r ;u 23 mi=axga\in warp;tn;r! An'o'o. ara=atare Âousastann h (2747)% orn ouni 217 grosma\st;r ;u 502 mi=axga\in warp;t! 2-rd t;[oum h Ouqranian (2700)% 3-rde^ Cinastane^ 2665! Lauago\n tasn;akoum ;n na;u ~ransian (2657)% AMN-n (2655)% Foungarian^ (2655)% Folandian (2636)% Fndkastane^ (2634) ;u Isra\hle^ 92630)! Atrph\yane 2622 warkani,ow 12-rdn h% Wrastane^ (1590) 17-rde!

<NORFAUORANQ |arg;li Prn& :rouand Papa\;an% };r ‘nnd;an 100 am;aki kapakzouj;amb% ,norfauoroum ;u marxakan a®o[=oujiun ;nq zankanoum ];x! |arganqn;row^ Au;tis Ba\ram;an

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