FING<ABJI% D:KT:MB:R 5% 2013
FBEM-I LOS ANY:LESI <R+ANAKE S:RV SARGS:AN& ª"OUJINI ARVANIN MATOUZ:Z THR :U TIKIN A|Z:LOUJIUNE FA|ASTAN >ORFRDAN<AKAN HRº SHM :U SILWA SIMON:ANN:ROUN D;kt;mb;r 2-in p;takan pa,tønakan a\z;louj;amb Giumri vaman;z Âousio\ na.agaf Wlatimir "oujin! N.agafin a\z;loujiune 102-rd ®ousakan ®axmaka\an m;‘ .jan fandisazau anor ambo[= an]nakaxmin famar! An ir pa,tønakiz S;rv Sargs;ani f;t masnakz;zau fa\-®ousakan mi=,r=ana\in ;rrord famavo[owin! Ir .øsqin mh= na.agaf S;rv Sargs;an kar;uor nkat;z fa\-®ousakan darauor bar;kamoujiune^ n,;low
a\n tnt;sakan a®au;loujiunn;re% or Fa\astanin piti apafowh Maqsa\in Miouj;an anda<ar& h= 4
ªF:ÂOUSTAMARAJON _ 2013º-IN FAUAQOU:ZAU 22%661%372 TOLAR }a.hn^ Enk& |akob Naxar;an% Thr ;u Tik& Shm Simon;ann;r ;u Thr ;u Tik& Toqj& Âa``i Pal;ann;r
Fa\kakan Bar;gor‘akan Endfanour Miouj;an Miaz;al Nafangn;rou Ar;umt;an a'i tar;kan ya,k;ro\je 'a®auoraphs ka\azau No\;mb;r 16-in% Phwerli Filjen fiuranozin mh=% na.agafouj;amb^ FBEM-i 'o.-na.agaf ;u JOUMØ k;droni fimnadir Thr ;u Tikin Shm ;u Silwa Simon;ann;rou! Auandoujiun dar]a‘ tar;kan ya,k;ro\jin ambo[= faso\je piti tramadroui FBEMF:E-i ;ritasardakan ‘ragirn;roun! Shm Simon;an arvaniørhn arvanazau nman bar]r patiui! Anor st;[‘a‘ k;drone fnarauoroujiun kou ta\% or fa\ ;r;.an;r jhqnoloyii noroujiunn;roun mi=ozow kapouin ma\r fo[in! Simon;an amole k*irakanaznh na;u bar;gor‘akan a\l ‘ragirn;r! Au;li qan 400 miouj;nakann;r ;u fiur;r n;rka\ gtnou;zan% oronz ,arqin ÂAK-i n;rka\azouzicn;r enk;rn;r |akob Naxar;an ;u Toqj& Âa``i Pal;an! Bar]rørhn gnafat;low Shm Simon;ani fa\r;nanouhr a,.atanqn ou FBEM-hn n;rs 'o.-na.agafi patas.anatou pa,tøne% ke ,norfauor;nq xinq% ma[j;low noranor nouayoumn;r s;'akan jh axga\in asparhxn;rh n;rs! FBEM-i tar;kan ya,k;ro\jin j[jakzoujiune t;sn;l j;rjin angl;rhn bavnin mh=% h= 8!
ªFa\astanº Famafa\kakan Fimnadrami gor‘adir warcoujiune fraparak;z mamlo\ fa[ordagroujiun me% oroun mh= n,ou;zau% or ªJ;l;jon 2013º-e fauaqa‘ h 22%661%372 tolar% or piti npatakaou[[oui Fa\astani ;u Arza.i ,arq me ‘ragirn;rou iragor‘man ;u gl.auorabar Fimnadrami Fogabar]oun;rou >orfourdin ko[mh tarouan ®axmawarakan ‘ragir yanczoua‘ ,our= 116 qm& ;rkarouj;amb Ward;nis-Martak;rt ma\rou[ii ka®ouzman! Stor;u^ fanganakoujiunn;roun na.nakan tou;aln;re^ est ;rkirn;rou& Âousia^ 12%350%000 tolar%
Miaz;al Nafangn;r Ar;umt;an ,r=an (Los Any;les)^ 2%000%000 tolar% ~ransa% G;rmania% Xouiz;ria% Folanta% |ounastan% P;lyiqa (Fama;uropakan f;®a.øsamarajon)^ 1%984%000 tolar% Fa\astan^ 1%648%372 tolar% Xouiz;ria (anfat-bar;rar)^ 1%200%000 tolar% Arza.^ 1%000%000 tolar% Miaz;al Nafangn;rou Ar;u;l;an ,r=an (Niu :orq)^ 1%000%000 tolar% Arvanjin^ 700%000 tolar% Joronjø^ 225%000 tolar% Praxil^ 170%000 tolar% Monrhal^ 120%000 tolar% Britania^ 100%000 tolar% Libanan^ 94%000 tolar% Iran^ 60%000 tolar% Austria^ 10%000 tolar!
FANDIPOUM {ARABA{I NA>AGAF BAKØ SAFAK:ANI F:T Âamkawar Axatakan Kousakzouj;an Ar;umt;an Am;rika\i <r=ana\in Warcouj;an patouirakoujiun me fandipoum me oun;zau L;®na\in {araba[i na.agaf norin Ws;-
moujiun Bakø Safak;ani f;t% or Los Any;les ke gtnouhr Fa\astan Famafa\kakan Fimnadrami 16-rd dramafauaqi j;ljonin a®ijow! Fandipoume <ar& h= 3
Armenian-EU-Flag-mixed_ :uropakan Mioujiunn ou Fa\astane oun;n s;rt kap;r ;u w;rafastatoum ;n ir;nz \an]na®oujiune au;li xargazn;l ;u amrapnd;l Ar;u;l;an gor‘enk;rouj;an ,r=anakn;roum 'o.adar] f;taqrqroujiun n;rka\azno[ bolor olortn;roum famapar'ak famagor‘akzoujiune! |;nou;low endfanour arvhqn;ri wra\% ;rkou ko[m;re \an]na®ou ;n xargazn;l famagor‘akzoujiune^ ou[[oua‘ vo[owrdawarakan fastatoujiunn;ri ;u datakan famakargi ,arouna-
kakan bar;laumane% mardou irauounqn;ri ;u ørhnqi g;raka\ouj;an .janmane% ardiunauht ka®awarmane% 'ta‘ouj;an dhm pa\qarin% qa[aqaziakan fasa<ar& h= 13
NOR ØR% D:KT:MB:R 5% 2013
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E- Mail: nor-or@sbcglobal.net Dauan;low ®amkawarakan skxbounqn;r% ke fauatanq baxmakar‘ouj;an ;u axat .øsqi irauounqi% f;t;uabar% fraparakoua‘ groujiunn;re anpa\man c;n arta\a\t;r .mbagrouj;ans t;sakhte! Kamqh anka. patya®n;row sprda‘ wripakn;rou famar k*apauininq m;r a,.atakizn;roun ;u enj;rzo[n;roun n;ro[amtouj;an!
GORGI ME ODISAKANE :U PATMOUJIUNE LÂOUJ:AN MATNO{ D:RAKATARN:ROU M:{SAKZOUJIUNE |OWSH" M:LQON:AN Anzno[ mi qani ,abajn;roun fa\ mamoule jh* artasafmani ;u jh* Fa\astani mh= la\nørhn ar]agang fandisazau Am;rika\i Miaz;al Nafangn;rou axd;zik øraj;rj;rhn ªOua,inkjen "osjºi mhk \ødoua‘in our ke parxouhr jh Spitak Toune arg;lq fandisaza‘ hr fa\ orb;rou fiusa‘ mhk gorgi fraparaka\in zouzadrouj;an! Ardar;u% ªOua,inkjen "osjº ir 22 Fokt;mb;r 2013 jiui ªM,ako\jº bavnin mh= ª1915-i Z;[aspanouj;an anmatc;li dar]a‘ wkanº .oragrin tak% ;u arou;sti qnnadat ~ili' Qhniqoji storagrouj;amb% frataraka‘ hr ou,agrau \ødoua‘ me% or manramasn t;[;koujiunn;r kou tar a\s a®ijow! A\s t;[;koujiunn;roun fama]a\n% am;rik;an ma\raqa[aqi Smijson;an Fastatoujiune% or jangarana\in ;u f;taxøtakan kar;uor ;u f;[inakauor axga\in k;ndron men h Oua,inkjeni mh=% ‘ragra‘ hr 15 D;kt;mb;r 2013 jouakanin fa\axgi Toqj& |akob Thran;ani angl;rhn l;xouow fratarakoua‘ ªNa.agaf Qalwin Qouliy ;u Fa\ Orb;rou Gorgeº .oragrow girqi me ,norfandhse kaxmak;rp;l! Girqi fratarakoujiune a®ij piti ‘a®a\hr na;u n,;lou fa\ orboufin;rou ];®qow fiu-
soua‘ gorgi me nouiratououj;an dhpqe^ Am;rika\i Miaz;al Nafangn;rou ;r;soun;rord na.agaf Qalwin Qouliyi (Calvin Coolidge, 1872 1933)! Qouliyi na.agafoujiune ke xougadiphr 1923-1929 ,r=anin! Gorge fiusoua‘ hr Z;[aspanouj;an anmi=aphs \a=ordo[ tarin;roun Libanani {axir giu[in mh= patsparoua‘ fa\ orboufin;rou ];®qow% ;u \an]noua‘ hr Na.agaf Qouliyi 4 D;kt;mb;r 1925-in pa,tønakan araro[ouj;an me enjazqin^ ibr;u ;ra.tagitouj;an n,an Am;rika\i Miaz;al Nafangn;rou vo[owourdin^ M;‘ :[;®ni tarin;roun fa\ouj;an nkatmamb anor zouzab;ra‘ mardasirakan øgnouj;an famar! Gorge 5&7 m;jr ;rka\nqow ;u 3&6 m;jr la\nqow fiusoua‘q men h ou ke krh famapatas.an ;ra.tagitakan makagroujiun me! |i,;al gorge ;rkar tarin;r gtnou;lh ;tq Qiuliy entaniqi an]nakan fauaqa‘o\in mh=% ir patmakan n,anakouj;an famar mi qani tasn;ak tarin;r a®a= \an]noua‘ h Spitak Tan warcouj;an ou a\d jouakanhn i w;r gorge ke mnar na.agafakan paf;stanozin mh=! Smijson;an fastatouj;an patas.anatoun;re ke ‘ragrhin girqi ,norfafandhsin a®ijow <ar& h= 15
FA|ASTANI^ 1988 J& :RKRA<ARVI 25-RD TAR:LIZE Nor Or Weekly is published weekly, except two weeks in AUGUST Nor Or Publishing Association, Inc. 1901 N. Allen Ave., Altadena, CA 91001
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91-AM:AK 1922-2013
’anøj& ª|ou,;ris f;tº antip grqiz enj;rzo[i ou,adrouj;ann ;m n;rka\aznoum qro=s a[=ka\^ A,.hni 1988 j& D;kt;mb;ri 13-i namake :r;uaniz% 1988 j& D;kt;mb;ri 7-i ;rkra,arvi masin% a®anz m;knabanouj;an!
ªSir;li mør;[ba\r% czankanalow groum ;m q;x a\s namake! };®qs ci gnoum angam gric b®n;lou! A\s afauor ;u soskali dvba.toujiune ',rou;z m;r gl.in orphs lrazoum m;r vo[owrdi 9 amis kra‘ ta®apanqi ou
xrkanqi% otnafarman ou arfamarfanqi! Inc as;m% .øsq angam c;m gtnoum q;x nkaragr;lou% jh inc h kataruoum fima Fa\astanoum! Ke n;r;s% na. as;m% or m;nq bolors% Aramike (A,.hni t[an) ;us% or giu[oum h tatiki ou mamiki møt% anwnas ;nq! :r;uanoum% ;rkra,arv kocouo[ a\d g;fhne ounhr 6-6%5 bal ouvgnoujiun% au;ra‘oujiunn;r ckan% mardka\in xof;r qic kan% a\n hl nranq% owq;r ;[;l ;n a\d ørfasakan qa[aqn;roum ou giu[;roum! Amhn inc m;x møt tar;ra\in ou ankaxmak;rp h% ,oune tiro=e ci yanacoum% katar;al qaosi a\s pa\mann;roum% afauor dvba.touj;an b;®i tak oc mhki acqiz arzounq ci ja' uoum! Hl oc mhkin ouv ci mnaz;l angam artasou;lou! Ambo[= a,.arfe m;x ];®q mhkn;z øgnouj;an! Inqnaji®n;r ;n galis a,.arfi bolor ‘a\r;riz% zauakzakan f;®agr;r ;n stazuoum a\npisi ;rkrn;riz% oronq ;r;ui a\s dhpq;ri f;t kapoua‘ ;n a®a=in angam lsoum <ar& h= 13
ªAPROUA’ K:ANQI |OU<:Rº Fa\astan;a\z :k;[;zuo\ Fiusisa\in Am;rika\i Ar;umt;an J;mi A®a=nord% G;r,& |ownan Arq& Thrthr;ani ªAproua‘ K;anqi |ou,;rºe& sks;al 1960-akann;rhn% pata®ikn;r ;n anor mankouj;nhn% patan;kouj;nhn% wardap;takan fowououj;nhn ;u a®a=nordouj;an tarin;rhn! Anonq k*endgrk;n \atkaphs Libanani% Qanata\i% Am;rika\i Ar;umt;an J;mi fa\afo‘ ga[oujn;re% Fa\astane^ S& H=mia‘now! Ans;j;u;j oyow matouzoua‘ an]nakan a\d \i,o[oujiunn;re 304 h=noz fatori me mh= troua‘ ;n n;r,nco[ manrapatoumn;rou endmh=hn% a®a=nord;low mtoroumn;rou% oronq ke baza\a\t;n fog;uor før astiyanakan kaxmauoroume% ;u f;txf;th ayo[ anmnazord nouirab;roume ir astandakan føtin ou vo[owourdin fandhp% S& H=mia‘ni anqakt;li a®a=nordouj;amb! Anor k;anqi k[;rakan nauarkoujiune% a®a=in ør;rhn sks;al% ke farstaznh ir fowouakan a®ør;an% \a=ordakan \a\tagirn;rou ardiunauoroumn;row! A\s xargazo[ wiyaki ambo[= t;uo[ouj;an% b;[mnauor ir;nz npaste ke b;r;n øragra\in kam dipoua‘a\in patafarn;r% 'or]a®ou ;u imastoun axga\inn;r% ou no\nisk parx mardik^ manoukhn minc;u ;rhze! ’araui ir fogin k*emph anendmh=% ou w;rlou‘o[ mitqe ke lousauorh ir yanaparfe! Anenky;li ir fauatqe ke m[h xinq noranor na.a];®nouj;anz! Mhk .øsqow% aproua‘ k;anqi dhpq;re k*imastauor;n ir k;anqe! Fa\astan;a\z ;k;[;zin iura\atouk a®aq;loujiun me stan]na‘ h ir fimnadrouj;nhn iw;r! M;r fa\r;niqi a,.arfagrakan dirqe% m;‘ ka\srouj;anz ou qa[aqakanouj;anz .acm;roukin% fa\ vo[owourdin patya®a‘ h .or w;riwa\roumn;r! Dar;rou ;rka\nqin% fa\kakan p;touj;an inqnawarouj;an kam anka.ouj;an korousti ,r=ann;roun% fa\oz ;k;[;zin stan]na‘ h axgapafpanman ‘anr patas.anatououjiunn;r! A\s fimnakan tou;aln;rhn m;kn;low% fa-
ka®ak m;r ør;rou Fa\astani Fanrap;touj;an irakanouj;an% faka®ak øtar a';rou wra\ baxmat;sak m;r kaxmak;rpouj;anz enk;ra\in% bar;sirakan% krjakan% marxakan ou m,akouja\in gor‘ounhouj;anz% artasafmani mh= fa\ ;k;[;zin ke pafh ir kar;uor d;re! P;touj;anz møt an ke wa\;lh artakarg ;u an'o.arin;li wark! Manauand% a\n f;®auor a,.arfamas;rh n;rs% our nøsr ga[oujn;r kam fa\ mardoz fama.mboumn;r ke go\at;u;n% fa\ ;k;[;zin a®an]in ke katarh inqnapafpanoumi d;re! ªAproua‘ K;anqi |ou,;rºoun mh= kar;uor t;[ ke grau;n S& H=mia‘na\ Kajo[ikosn;re% oronz patgamn;rn ou gor‘ounhoujiunn;re \arat;u n;r,ncoumi a[biur dar]a‘ ;n G;r,& |ownan Arq& Thrthr;ani! Aknarkoujiun ka\ na;u Fa\z& :k;[;zuo\ bar;kargouj;an% oroun kapakzouj;amb ir;nz a®a=arkoujiunn;re b;ra‘ ;n \atkaphs Gou,ak;an ;u Ørman;an patriarqn;re% Kiulhshr;an ou Mouratbhk;an Kajo[ikosn;re! Isk Waxghn A& ou Gar;gin A& W;fa'a®n;rou oc mia\n an]nakan qa=al;ranqe wa\;la‘ h% a\l anonz qaroxn;rn ou patgamn;re minc;u a\sør ke ,arounak;n
ka\azau na.agafin nstawa\rin mh=% No\;mb;r 26% 2013-i% :r;q,abji a®auøt;an vame 11&00-in! Fandipoumi enjaz qin Na.agaf Safak;an t;[;koujiunn;r fa[ord;z {araba[i mh= t;[i oun;za‘ bar;'o.oujiunn;rou% tnt;sakan ;u a\l xargazoumn;roun masin! ÂAK-i patouirakoujiune mtafogoujiunn;r \a\tn;z {araba[i apafowouj;an% qa[aqakan ;u tnt;sakan marx;roun mh= oun;za‘ xargazoumn;roun masin% nkati a®n;low atrph\yanakan ka®awarouj;an ®axmat;nc dirqe ;u mi=axga\in qa[aqakan xargazoumn;re {araba[i fanrap;touj;an fandhp! Na.agaf Safak;an krkin fastat;z {araba[i vo[owourdi
ir;n parg;u;l fog;xardnoum% ‘a®a\ouj;an gitakzoujiun% fa\r;niqi =;rmoujiun% mardasirakan ou y,marit fa\r;nasiroujiun! Ar;umt;an Am;rika\i a®a=nordouj;an tasnam;aki ir gor‘ounhouj;anz mh=% n,anak;li ke gtn;nq miabann;rou patrastouj;an makardaki xgali bar]razoume^ xargazoumow ou kocoumow! >ixa. ou patas.anatououjiun pafan=o[ a\l na.a];®noujiun men h na;u enk;ra\in k;anqi bar;lauoume fa\ entaniqn;rou% oronz bnakan k;anqe .angaroua‘ h anonz andamn;rou mi=awa\ri warvouj;an dvouarouj;anz f;t;uanqow% angor‘ouj;amb% fiuandouj;amb% xartou[i gor‘;lak;rpow kam enjazqow! Enk;ra\in ‘a®a\ouj;an% a\s gor‘ounhoujiune ke karøti masnagitaza‘ tnørhnn;rou ;u ‘a®a\o[n;rou% orphsxi \a=o[i w;rakangnoume entan;kan k;anqin! F;t;u;low |ownan Srbaxani vra=an fowouap;takan gor‘ounhouj;anz% m;nq \atkaphs ke n,mar;nq jh incphs tiramør fogatar =anq;re pt[auoroua‘ ;n% jh incphs a[øjqe .mora‘ h fog;uorakann ou fowiue% apr;zn;low anor mh= n;rka\oujiune Astou‘o\% minc;u anhanalou famar Anor mh=! Ir;n famar fa\ ;k;[;zin fa\;lin h axgin% ou S& H=mia‘ine ;u Fa\astane ke mnan \auit;nakan n;r,ncarane ir fa\r;nasirouj;an! Axga\in patkan;liouj;an bou®n gitakzoujiune xinq k*a®a=nordh 'a\'a\oumin ambo[=akan Fa\astani t;slakanin! Wka\akoc;low G;r,& |ownan Arq;piskoposi ;k;[;zanouhr ;u axga,hn baxmabno\j iragor‘oumn;re% paf me ke tarouinq mta‘;lou% jh mardka\in a\s ªtinamonº orqa@n ouvakanoujiun ambara‘ h% or xinq ke m[h gor‘;lou a®anz dadari! Srtagins ke ma[j;nq qa=a®o[=oujiun ;u anma® korow% orphsxi m;r sir;li A®a=norde Astoua‘afayo\ ou vo[owrdanouhr ir aproua‘ a®aq;loujiune an.a'an ,arounakh s'iu®qi a\s fa\afo‘ ga[oujhn n;rs% \a=s fa\r;niqi ;u S& H=mia‘ni xørazman! Sargis |& Minas;an No\;mb;r 28% 2013
annkoun kamqn ou ord;gra‘ yanaparfi ou[;gi‘e dhpi axat ou anka. fanrap;touj;an go\at;uoum% xark talow ;rkri tnt;sakan ayin% ;rkri apafowouj;an% far;uann;rou f;t .a[a[ apr;lak;rpi ;u bar;kargman fxørazman apaga\i ‘ragirn;row! Fandipoumin n;rka\ hr na;u Fa\astani Fanrap;touj;an noran,anak Fiupatos Shrkh\ Sargisowe! ÂAK-i patouirakoujiune ,norfauor;z fiupatose ma[j;low \a=o[oujiun ir stan]na‘ a®aq;louj;an mh= ;u .ostanalow a®an]in fandipoum ir f;t% ga[oujis farz;rou qnnarkman f;tamtouj;amb! Na.agaf Safak;an ,norfakaloujiun \a\tn;z na;u kousakzouj;an b;ra‘ nouir;al ‘a®a\oujiunn;re {araba[i fanrap;touj;an xargazman ‘ragirn;roun a®enj;r! J[jakiz
NOR ØR% D:KT:MB:R 5% 2013
FF WARCAP:T& ªØTAR L:XOUN:RI DASAWANDOUME M:X FAMAR LIN:LOU H AÂA+NAF:RJOUJIUNº Warcap;t Tigran Sargs;ane ªJhqh;an M,akouja\in K;ntronºoum fandip;l h Âousaz l;xoui k;ntronn;roum w;rapatrastoum anza‘ mankawarvn;rin! Ka®awarouj;an lratouakan ‘a®a\oujiuniz t;[;kaznoum ;n% or Tigran Sargs;ane kar;uor;l h ousouzicn;ri w;rapatrastman gor‘enjaze% ince fnarauoroujiun h talou dprozn;roum bar]razn;l ®ous;rhni imazouj;an makardake! ªA\sør t;snoum ;nq% or øtar l;xoun;ri imazoujiunn haphs bar]raznoum h p;takan marminn;roum m;r a,.atakizn;ri artadro[akanoujiune% ;u faka®ake& karo[ ;nq n,;l% or ;jh marde tirap;toum h endamhne mhk l;xoui% apa oun;noum ;nq lr=ago\n .ndirn;r! Arag 'o'o.ouo[ a,.arfoum% orn aragørhn da®noum h ,at 'oqr% ,'oumn;rn oun;n hakan n,anakoujiun% manauand 'oqr p;toujiunn;ri famar% orowf;t;u miazman gor‘enjazn;re bar]raznoum ;n m;r tnt;souj;an% fasarakouj;an makardakeº%- as;l h warcap;te! Tigran Sargs;ani .øsqow% ;uropakan ;rkrn;roum a®nouaxn ;rkou øtar l;xoui imazoujiunn a\sør da®noum h partadir% orowf;t;u ,'oumn;rn a\nqan ardiunauht ;n% or dranz imazoujiune iuraqanciur qa[aqazou famar da®noum h anfrav;,toujiun! Tigran Sargs;ani ditarkmamb% a\d .ndirn ardiakan h na;u FF-i famar! ªØtar l;xoun;ri dasauandoume m;x famar lin;lou h a®a=naf;rjoujiun% orowf;t;u a\d yanaparfow karo[ ;nq apafow;l m;r ;rkri a®a=enjaze! Ousouzicn;ri w;rapatrastoume ‘a®a\oum h f;nz a\d gor‘in% orowf;t;u ];r dasauandman \atkoujiune% nor m;jodn;re bnakanabar npast;lou ;n% orphsxi karo[ananq dprozn;roum bar]razn;l l;xoui imazouj;an makardake! A\d gor‘in h ‘a®a\oum na;u >acatour Abow;ani anouan Fa\kakan P;takan Mankawarvakan Famalsarane% orn ir ‘ragr;roum au;li m;‘ ou,adroujiun h sks;l dar]n;l f;nz a\d .ndri lou‘maneº%- n,;l h ka®awarouj;an [;kaware! Panorama-n' t;[;kaznoum h% or ®ousaz l;xoui k;ntronn;roum w;rapatrastman dasenjazn;rin masnakz;l ;n fanrap;touj;an bolor marx;ri 137 ousouzicn;r! Dasenjazn;rn anzkazou;l ;n Moskoua\i Pou,kini anouan l;xouabanouj;an institouti masnaghtn;ri ko[miz! Mankawarvn;riz mi qanisin w;rapatrastman wka\akann;re \an]n;l h an]amb warcap;t Sargs;ane!
72 <ABAJ MINC:U FA|OZ Z:{ASPANOUJ:AN 100-AM:AK A,.arfi mh=% z;[aspanoujiunn;rou kan.arg;lman famar% m;‘ throujiunn;rou ko[mh taroua‘ a,.atanqn;rn ou \ordorn;re% endfanraphs ke mnan ]ri qaroxar,aun;rou% \a\tararoujiunn;rou ;u jou[ji wra\% a®anz gor‘adrouj;an% tarou;low ir;nz qa[aqakan ørakargi wra\ \armarago\n ,afarkoumi a®a=adranqn;row! Our;mn^ a,.arfi bnakan ano[oq ørhnqow% tkar axg;re mi,t datapartoua#‘ piti ellan z;[aspanoujiunn;rou% =ardi% t;[afanman kam bna=n=man! Yi,d a\s farzin orphs 'rkarar lou‘oum 1945 jouin st;[‘oua‘ hr Miaz;al Axg;rou Kaxmak;rpoujiune% k;dron oun;nalow Miaz;al Nafangn;rou Niu :orq qa[aqe% oroun frafangow% a,.arfi wra\ piti tirhr .a[a[oujiun ;u fam;ra,.oujiun! Ba\z bolors ardhn git;nq MAK-i ankaro[ouj;an% kam safmana'ak øgtakaroujiunn;roun masin% manauand w;r=in tasnam;akn;roun! Ousti^ i#ncn h tkar axg;rou pa,tpanouj;an lou‘oume! Farz me% oroun patas.ane ke ka\ana\ axgi me mianpatak ;u miasnakan ®axmakan ;u tnt;sakan fxørazman wra\! A\sør^ Fa\astani ;u {araba[i anka. fanrap;toujiunn;re karøt ;n fa\ axgi xauakn;roun miasnakan nouiroua‘ouj;an% orphsxi anonq i f;youks jourq ;u øtar axg;roun% go\at;u;n orphs anka. fa\r;ni p;toujiunn;r% ;u dimakal;n anonz ®axmakan spa®naliqn;re fxør kamqow ;u o\vow! Fa\ axge patmouj;an enjazqin ;njarkoua‘ h baxmaxan kotora‘n;rou ;u bna=n=man spa®naliqn;roun! O*c a\l;us! A\sør^ vamanake fasa‘ h a\l;us fa\ axgi xauakn;roun gitakzouj;an arjnouj;an! Fa\ axgi fxørazoume ke ka\ana\ Fa\astani ;u {araba[i p;touj;anz fxørazman ,inic a,.atanqn;rou n;rdroumow% w;r= talow fakafa\ xgazoumn;roun kam qaroxcouj;anz ;u da®naza‘ fogin;rou n;ro[ouj;amb xinoua‘% orphsxi fa\ axgi b;korn;r% a\nt;[ fa\r;niqin mh=% norhn ;njaka\ cda®nan noranor z;[aspanoujiunn;rou ;u kotora‘i% manauand^ Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100-am;aki na.ørhin!
BOLOR NRANQ% OWQ;R K*ARTAGA{J:N :R:UANIZ% KE KORZN:N IR:NZ S:"AKAN BNAKARANN:RE 1992-in am;nakaro[ g;n;ral Samouhl Baba\;ane {araba[oum mi ,at iurørinak ou kar;uor qa\l ar;z! Da a\sør ,at;re piti or \i,;n! Na ou[[aki .l;z bolor a\n mardkanz s;'akanoujiun fandisazo[ tn;re% owq;r lq;l hin {araba[e ;u tan d®n;re ko[p;low% f;®az;l :r;uan ou Moskoua! Lqoua‘ tn;re Baba\;ane \an]noum hr drsiz ;ka‘ m;r fa\r;nakizn;rin! No\nisk ørinakanørhn tn;re granzoum hr ;kouorn;ri anounow! Anz;l ;n tarin;r&&& :u afa mi nor a®a=arkoujiun h ,r=ana®ouj;an mh= druoum w;rin i,.anakan ªmi=anzqn;roumº! A®a=in fa\;azqiz anf;j;j h juoum ;u anirakanali! Ba\z ;u artaga[ji af®;li ca';re kan.;loun mitoua‘ a\s a®a=arkoujiune fnarauor h ,outow ørhnsdrakan fimnauoroum stana\! Isk i#nc h a®a=arkuoum! :r;uane wa[ouz lqa‘% tarin;r ,arounak tan d®n;re ko[pa‘ ou am;rikan;r kam ;uropan;r m;kna‘ qa[aqazin;re fnarauor h korzn;n ir;nz bnakarann;re! |i,o#um hq% ;rb na.agaf S;rv Sargs;ane \a\tarar;z% jh artaga[je :r;uan qa[aqoum kaxmoum h 12%! Na stoum hr% kam% or qic fauanakan h% ir;n .ab;l hin! Irakanoum :r;uanoum toun a® toun% ja[amas a® ja[amas fa,oua®oum hr anzkazr;l Axga\in Anwtangouj;an ’a®a\oujiune! Ardiunqoum 22% artaga[j hr granzou;l! Saka\n AA’-oum oro,;l hin 10% i=;zn;l ;u na.agafin hin n;rka\azr;l 12 tokosi tou;aln;r! Gith#r a\s masin na.agafe% ir gitouj;a#mb hr sa arou;l! Dvouar h as;l! Ba\z a\s masin ardhn ªw;r;uoumº git;n! :u fima% orphs artaga[ji kan.man mi mi=oz% phtq h% ørhnsdrakan da,t apafow;low% datark tn;re \an]n;n n;rga[jo[ m;r fa\r;nakizn;rin&&&
makzoujiune! ªStoragroua‘ h Fa\astani ka®awarouj;an ;u :urasiakan tnt;sakan \an]na.oumb;rou mi=;u \ou,agir me! St;[‘oua‘ ;n 22 a,.atanqa\in .oumb;r% oronq a,.atanqn;r ke tanin anfrav;,t na.a];®noujiunn;rou ;u ørhnsdrakan 'o'o.oujiunn;rou na.apatrastman ou[[ouj;amb! A\sør ardhn kargauorua‘ ;n Fa\astani nkatmamb ;rkko[mani kargow ,arq me kar;uor artønoujiunn;rou ;u a®au;loujiunn;rou kira®man m;qanixmn;re% oronq ke kirarkouin Maqsa\in miouj;an ;rkirn;rou mi=;u 'o.adar] \arab;roujiunn;roun mh=º% esau Fa\astani na.agafe! An andradar]au na;u Fa\astani marx;roun ;u Âousio\ ,er=ann;roun mi=;u famagor‘akzouj;an% incphs na;u .øs;zau APF-i m,akouja\in ma\raqa[aq f®cakoua‘ Giumrii mh= kataroua‘ ];®narkn;roun masin ;u n,a‘ h% or "oujini a\z;loujiune Fa\astani famar .orfrdan,akan h! Wlatimir "oujin ir .øsqin mh= endg‘;z a\n tnt;sakan a®au;loujiunn;re% xors Fa\astan piti stana\ Maqsa\in Miouj;an andamakzouj;an ,norfiu! An ,;,t;z% or Âousia piti cf;®ana\ Andrkowkashn ;u au;li piti amrapndh a\st;[ ir dirq;re^ fimnou;low lauago\nin wra\% or va®angoua‘ h ir;nz na.nin;rhn! An au;lzouz% or Âousia piti fimnoui na;u lau \arab;roujiunn;rou wra\^ ,r=ani bolor ;rkirn;roun% oronz ,arqin Fa\astani f;t! A\nouf;t;u ;rkou na.agafn;re a\z;l;zin Giumrii S& Am;na'rkic ;k;[;zuo\ ko[qin gtnouo[ 1988 jouakani Spitaki au;ric ;rkra,arvi xof;rou \i,atakin% incphs na;u 'rkararn;roun ;u Fa\astanin øgnouj;an ];®q ;rkara‘ bolor p;toujiunn;roun ;u vo[owourdn;roun nouiroua‘ \ou,akojo[in ;u ‘a[k;psak x;t;[;zin a\nt;[! N,;nq% or Sargs;an^ Wlatimir "oujinin so\n a\z;louj;an a®jiu^ fandipman me enjazqin ,norfakaloujiun \a\tna‘ h na;u :r;uani mh= bazoua‘ fa\-®ousakan bar;kamoujiune .orfrdan,o[ ªMiasnakan >acº anouamb \ou,ar]ani ;u Giumri t;[adroua‘ ;rkra,arvi xof;rou \i,atake \au;rvazno[ \ou,akojo[i f;[inak% qadakagor‘ ~rid So[o\;anin!
ªNOR ØRºI A<>ATAKIZN:ROU GNAFATANQI :R:KO| Sir;li ªNor Ørº ,abajaj;rji a,.atakiz% ªNor Ørºi Warcoujiune sirow ke frauirh ];x% masnakz;lou D;kt;mb;r 12% 2013-i ;r;ko\;an vame 7&30-in% Aljatina\i JMM-i Ph,khøjiur;an k;droni w;r;ui srafin mh=% ir a,.atakizn;rou gnafatanqi tar;kan fauaqo\jin! ªNor Ørºi bolor a,.atakizn;re sirow frauiroua‘ ;n! T;[i piti oun;na\ enjriq ;u fiurasiroujiun! Ke .ndr;nq t;[;kazn;l ];r n;rka\oujiune f;®a]a\n;low ªNor Ørºi gras;n;ak% 1-626-296-2921 jiuin!
}a.hn a=^ W& Addar;an% M& Goya\;an% A& P;tros;an% :& :a[ley;an ;u Toqj& T& Abrafam;an
Kiraki% No\;mb;r 24% 2013-i ;r;ko\;an vame 6-hn sks;al% Kl;nth\li Filjen pandoki ,q;[ fandisasrafin mh= t;[i oun;zau Fa\astan Famafa\kakan Fimnadrami 16-rd tar;kan j;l;jonin nouiroua‘ .ra.yanqe! A\s tarouan j;l;jone ke xougadipi No\;mb;ri 28-in% incphs mi,t am;rik;an Gofabanouj;an ørouan enjazqin% f;®oustat;sili ;j;row s'®oua‘ \a\tagirow% or ke tara‘oui Gali`ornio\ mh=! Vame 6&00-hn sks;al% enk;ra\in vami mt;rmik ;®oux;r me ke ,r=aga\hr pandokin spasman srafn;roun mh=% our vaman;zin na;u {araba[i na.agaf% Norin Ws;moujiun Bakø Safak;an ;u FF noran,anak gl.auor fiupatos Tiar S;rgh\ Sargisow% ir;nz ,qa.oumbow% n;rkan;roun f;t masnakiz da®nalou ørouan fandisouj;an! Ørouan fandisawarn hr fanra‘anøj d;rasan ;u .øsnak Frand Jo.at;an% or bazoume katar;z fandisouj;an% Am;rik;an% Fa\astan;an ;u {araba[;an ørfn;rgn;row Âa``i G;rpap;anin ko[mh% ;u Mou,;[ Arq& Martiros;ani ørouan fandisouj;an ;u FF Fimnadrami a\s tarouan ‘ragri ørfnouj;amb ;u a[øjqow! FF Fimnadrami Ar;umt;an Am;rika\i ,r=ani n;rka\ at;nap;t Tiar Andranik Pa[tasar;an .øsq a®n;low n;rka\azouz a\s tarouan ‘ragire% or ke ka\anar Fa\astani ;u {araba[i kapi amragrman famar ka®ouzou;liq yanaparfe% or piti ;rkari Fa\astani Ward;nis qa[aqhn minc;u {araba[i Martak;rt qa[aqe! An n;rka\azouz yanaparfin tnt;sakan ;u ®axmawarakan øgtakaroujiunn;re% oronq piti bar;lau;n ;u f;,tazn;n {araba[i tnt;sakan ;u ®axmawarakan \arab;roujiunn;re Fa\astani ;u far;uan ;rkirn;roun f;t! Prn& Pa[tasar;anhn ;tq .øsq a®au FF Fimnadrami tnørhn Tiar Ara Wardan;an% or i kargin n;rka\azouz FF Fimnadrami tar;kan gor‘ounhoujiun-
n;rou t;[;koujiunn;re% katar;lagor‘oua‘ ‘ragirn;rn ou ,inararoujiunn;re% oronq korix fandisazan fa\r;niqi tnt;sakan bar;kargoujiunn;roun! An m;‘aphs gnafat;z s'iu®qi b;ra‘ gor‘nakan a=akzoujiune FF Fimnadrami ‘ragirn;roun ;u koc ou[[;z fama\n fa\ouj;an satar k;nalou Ward;nis-Martak;rt yanaparfi ,inararouj;an k;nsakan ‘ragrin! M;‘anoun bar;rar% Tiar Alphr Po\ay;an ;us ir kargin% drouat;z FF Fimnadrami kaxmin tara‘ fa\r;nak;rt gor‘ounhoujiunn;re% oronq piti npast;n fa\r;niqi tnt;sakan ayin! >øsq a®au na;u Fa\astani Fanrap;touj;an noran,anak gl.auor fiupatos tiar S;rkh\ Sargisow% or faka®ak ir pa,tøni stan]man kary vamanakin% fogiow ;u srtow nouiroua‘ h Fimnadrami ardiunab;r gor‘ounhouj;an! An ,norfakaloujiun \a\tn;z n;rkan;roun ir;nz niujakan nouiratououjiunn;roun famar% oronq fastatørhn piti \atkazouhin FF Fimnadrami a\s tarouan ‘ragri gor‘adrman! Apa .øsq a®au {araba[i fanrap;touj;an na.agaf% norin ws;moujiun Bakø Safak;an! Na.agafe andradar]au na. {araba[i k;nza[a\in% tnt;sakan ;u ®axmawarakan kargawiyakin% {araba[i anka.ouj;an a®a=in ør;rhn sks;al ;u a\nt;[ kataroua‘ fska\akan tnt;sakan% ,inararakan ;u enk;ra\in olortn;rou mh= ;[a‘ \a®a=.a[azoumn;rou masin! An ,norfakaloujiun \a\tn;z FF Fimnadrami tnørhnouj;an% {araba[i mh= katara‘ ir;nz n;rdroumn;roun famar% incphs anz;al tarin;roun mh= iragor‘oua‘ =ouri matakararman% fiuandanozn;rou% dprozn;rou ;u tnt;sakan xargazman ‘ragirn;rou \a=o[ iragor‘oumn;re% oronq npast;zin ;rkrin tnt;sakan ayin ;u bar;kargman! Na.agaf Safak;an% drouat;z na;u bolor nouiratoun;rou <ar& h= 11
keghart.com ka\qh=a\in fratarakoujiunn ou Qanata\i FBEM-e (Joronjo\i ;u Monjrhali masnayiu[;r)% miazn;low ir;nz yig;re% cors bar]rorak enk;raqa[aqakan ;u m,akouja\in ];®narkn;r framzouzin Joronjo\i ;u Monjrhali FBE Miouj;an srafn;rhn n;rs! A®a=in ];®narke t;[i oun;zau Joronjo\i Âamprant Srafin mh=% nouiroua‘ libananafa\ wastaka,at krjakan m,ak% banast;[‘% fraparakagir ;u fasarakakan gor‘ic Wafh-Waf;ani (Sargis Aptal;an) an]nakan ;u grakan bowandakouj;amb namakn;rou vo[owa‘ou^ ªBanast;[‘in Sirteº fatorin! W;z tasnam;akn;rou wra\ ;rkaro[ namakn;re (1930-akann;rhn sks;al)% oronq ke gtnouhin banast;[‘in auag orduo\n^ Zolakin møt% .mbauora‘ ou fratarakouj;an n;rka\azouza‘ hr libananafa\ mtauorakan% gro[ ;u fraparakagir Aram S;';jy;an! Au;li qan 800 h=;rh ba[kaza‘ fatore fangamanørhn n;rka\azou;zau qanatafa\ mtauorakan% Monjrhalhn Wighn L& Addar;ani ko[mh! Fandisouj;an n;rka\ hin na;u Wafh-Waf;ani na.kin a,ak;rt-a,ak;rtoufin;re! N;rka\azman auartin aragørhn spa®;zan waya®qi droua‘ fatorn;re! keghart.com-i a,nana\in ;rkrord fauaqe qnnarkoum men hr^ ªS'iu®qafa\ouj;an antarb;roujiune qa[aqakan k;anqhn n;rs& A®asp;#l% jh^ Irakanoujiunº w;rnagrow! Fauaqe krkin t;[i oun;zau Joronjo\i FBE Miouj;an srafin mh=% Fokt;mb;r 27-in! Qnnarkman ke masnakzhin Arhn P;tros;an% Htouart :a[ley;an (Kanac kousakzouj;an Ønjariø nafangi 2011-i ;r;s'o.anakan entroujiunn;rou j;kna‘oun;r)% Dokt& Minas Goya\;an (lragro[% fasarakakan gor‘ic) ;u Wighn Addar;an (Ganata\i ~;t;ral Axatakan kousakzouj;an Q;p;qi farz;row qa[aqakan ou[;gi‘ m,ako[ masnayiu[i waric)! Anka. irarmh^ cors masnakizn;rn al fimnou;low ir;nz an]nakan 'or]a®oujiunn;roun wra\% fama]a\n gtnou;zan a\n khtin ,our= jh^ oro,aki antarb;roujiun me ke tirh s'iu®qafa\ouj;an mh= t;[akan
qa[aqakanouj;an folowo\jn;roun ou xargazoumn;roun fandhp! Anonq n;rka\azouzin a\s ;r;uo\jin toun touo[ patya®n;re ;u framzouzin karg me ga[a'arn;r jh incph#s ;u inco#u famar phtq h qa=al;r;l s'iu®qafa\;re% orphsxi au;li gor‘øn k;rpow masnakzin ir;nz fastatoua‘ ;rkirn;rou qa[aqakan k;anqhn n;rs! T;[akan qa[aqakan-fasarakakan k;anqhn n;rs n;rgrauman oc-gofazouzic masnakzouj;an a®ncouj;amb qnnarkman cors masnakizn;rn al katar;zin f;t;u;al a.tayanacoumn;re^ xgou,auoroujiunn ou wa.e% or a;li za\toun h \atkaphs Mi=in Ar;u;lqhn ;ka‘ fa\;rou møt% oronz mh= auandabar ke tirh ªqa[aqakanoujiune wtangauor mrzafraparak men hº famoxoume! :njaka®ouza\inn% t;[;katouakan a[biurn;rou ;u fama\nqa\in bavanoumn;re no\nphs ke nkatouin hakan patya®n;r% oronz f;t;uanqow s'iu®qafa\oujiune ke n;rka\ana\ orphs qa[aqakan n;rqin k;anqin mh= bazaka\ tarr me orphs fama\nq! Z;[aspanoujiune m;r ou,adrouj;an miak kixakhte dar]n;lou 'aste safmana'aka‘ h m;r mtaforixone ;u ªk;jjo\azouza‘º h m;x! Qani me qnnarko[n;r b;rin na;u a\l paraga\ me ;us% or patya® k*ella\ ;ritasardn;rou qa[aqakan ,r=anakn;rh f;®ou mnalou& ‘no[n;r ke pnd;n or ir;nz xauakn;re phtq h f;t;uin bv,kouj;an% irauabanouj;an% yartaragitouj;an ;u kam tnt;sagitouj;an^ au;li barør k;anq me apafow;lou ir;nz famar! Cors qnnarko[n;rn al fama]a\n hin a\n farzi ,our=% jh fa\ s'iu®qe ir ou,adrouj;an kixakhte phtq h dar]nh ;rkara,ounc qa[aqakanoujiune ;u inqxinq csafmana'akh lok z;[aspanouj;an f;tapndman ‘irin mh=! Qa[aqakan oro, axd;zoujiun me apafow;lou% incphs na;u fa\kakan n;rka\oujiune xgali dar]n;lou famar qa[aqakan k;anqhn n;rs% fa\;rn ou ir;nz n;rka\azouzicn;re phtq h n;rgrauouin ir;nz fastatoua‘ ;rkirn;rou t;[akan% qa[aqap;takan% nafanga\in ou p;takan% qa[aqakan% enk;ra\in-fasarakakan% <ar& h= 14
NOR ØR% D:KT:MB:R 5% 2013
Sour Ankiun
PATAÂIKN:R J:L:JON:AN XRO|ZN:RH :rkou tatikn;r f;®at;sili fa\kakan alilqi me mna\oun n;rka\ouj;an tak% fiusqi ir;nz xba[oumin enjazqin& - H@f% Marø =an% 'a®q Astou‘o\% a\s tari al krzanq qow-qowi gal% mianal ;u qsan milionh au;li fauaq;l! - I#nc k*es;s Alis qo\rik% AMGA-hn ct;sa#r% incphs jo\n ke ja'hin dram touo[n;roun-fauaqo[n;roun gl.oun&&& *** ~h\spouq;an gra®oumn;rhn& - &&&Ardhn ambo[= drame ma`ia\in k*;rja\% mi* øgnhq! - Yi,d chq% jo\l touhq cfama]a\nim ];xi f;t! Fimnadrame amhnhn wstaf;lin h% ;u ;s 110% ke wstafim ;u ;jh chq oux;r nouir;l% sout patya®abanoujiunn;r mi gtnhq! *** - :rb retired ellam% ;s al piti ;rjam Fa\astan apr;lou&&& Fa\oufii me srtanz ou ank;[‘ arta\a\toujiune% or ou[i[ ;j;row s'®ou;zau% ,at;rou mitqin mh= faka®ak tpauoroujiune st;[‘;z& ªFa\astane g;r;xmano#z h&&&º! *** J;l;joni auartin ,our= mhk vam mnaza‘% zouzadrou;zau Alla L;uon;ani mhk t;safolowake% or fa\r;nasirakan ellalow fand;r]% ®axmakan gor‘o[oujiunn;row ou ª‘anrº patk;rn;row pat,ay chr zouzadr;lou! Fa\ ma\r me a\sphs arta\a\tou;zau& - Asika a\s vamoun% ;rb amhn toun ke dith% \arma#r h or ;r;.an;r nman ban t;sn;n% ariun% whrq;r% wtang% maf&&&! Am;rika\i mh= Am;rika ke 'nt®;nq&&& *** Fa\ ;ritasard me f;t;u;ale esau& - Amhn tari gr;jh no\nn h% vamanakn h% or ban me 'o.oui% noroujiun me ella\% orphsxi mardik au;li kapouin J;l;jonin% dit;n% .andawa®ouin% nouir;n! Pepsi-n no\n Pepsi-n h% ba\z ;rb;mn;rb;mn ,i,in ca'e% go\ne ke 'o.;n&&& *** - Wstafouj;an .ndire mi,t al piti ella\% o*c mia\n ªFa\astanº Famafa\kakan Fimnadramin paraga\in% a\l;u a,.arfi bolor bar;sirakan kaxmak;rpoujiunn;roun gor‘ounhoujiunn;roun enjazqin! *** :rkou fa\;r ke .øsakzin& - Paragan% or tarin;rh iw;r niujakan m;r mi=ozn;re ke k;dronazn;nq Arza.i mh=% kaska‘;liouj;an phs ban me k*esh in‘i% or ;jh a\d fo[;re ør me korsnzn;nq% amhn inc =oure piti ;rja\! - Bar;kam% a\o*% ;jh q;xi phs mta‘o[n;r oun;nanq% oc jh Arza.e% Fa\astann al ke korsnzn;nq S'iu®qn al&&& *** J;l;jonin øre% fa\ ;u fr;a\ ;rkou drazin;r ke xrouz;n Los Any;lesi mh=& - Douq fa\;rd ouri, hq% irarou lau b®n;l githq% isk m;nq% mhk 'o[ozi wra\ ;r;q k;dron ouninq ;u mhke miusin f;t ci .øsir! - Git;s inc% m;nq al ];xi famar mi,t no\n bane k*es;nq& ørinak phtq h a®n;nq fr;an;rhn% incph@s git;n ];®q-];®qi tal&&& *** - :rkou milio#n% mia\n ;rkou milion fauaq;#z Qali`ornian% Ar;umt;an a'e! - Jajan% Armhncike% Nounhn% Lilije ;u miusn;re ;jh 2014-i W;kas;an kam Los Any;lesi ir;nz tar;kan fam;rgn;roun toms;roun tase tokose J;l;jonin nouir;n% ;rkou ch% cors milion al krnanq fauaq;l! - O#ur hq patas.anatoun;r% ls;zh*q! Jo[ a\d milionn;row fa\ ;rge ‘a[ki giu[h giu[% safmanh safman! *** :u a\s .øsakzouj;nhn ‘nau nor ga[a'ar me ;us& - Fima% or m;nq ke fpartananq fanrayanac `oujpolistn;r F;nri. M.ijar;anow% :oura Mowsis;anow% Arax Øxpilisow ;u ‘a[ko[ nor% ;ritasard% mi=axga\in makardaki `oujpolistn;row% yi,d vamanakn h% or m;r t[aqe 'oqri@k masnik me ir;nz ;kamoutn;rhn nouirab;r;n Fimnadramin^ \anoun fa\kakan `oujpoli ‘a[koumin Fa\astani ;u Arza.i safmanam;r] gøtin;roun mh=! *** Sir;li enj;rzo[n;r% ;jh w;r=in ;rkou ga[a'arn;re gor‘nakan ke t;snhq% ke .ndr;m or Fimnadramin imaz taq& f;[inaka\in irauounq c;m pafan=;r! N:T OU A{:{ D;kt;mb;r 1% 2013 Los Any;les
|:TMAFOU ANMAFOUJIUN SONA TIGRAN:AN Bar;masnouj;anz ca'n ou Arvhqe oro,;lis^ mi,t Fauate phtq h gtn;nq amhniz Bar]r ou g;raxanz% Qanxi nranow kar;li h lok M;r];nal bolor srboujiunn;rin! Grigor Nar;kazi ªMat;an O[b;rgouj;anº 2013_i Øgostosi 9-e gro[% fraparaka.øs% axga\in-fasarakakan% axga\in-p;takan gor‘ic Wardghs Famaxaspi P;tros;ani famar f;rjakan ‘nnd;an ør h% ‘nnd;an ør% or galis h amhn tari% no\n øre% incphs amhnqis famar% ou m;nq spasoum ;nq% git;nq% n,oum ;nq% oura.anoum% a\ninc^ mhk tarow ;us au;lanoum h m;r tarin;ri b;®e ;u mhk tarow ;us kryatuoum m;r apr;lou vamanake! Parxuoum h saka\n% or da Wardghsin a\l;us ci w;rab;ruoum! Nra apra‘ tarin;ri fa,ouarke m;r \i,o[ouj;an vamkhtn h! Orqan ke \i,;nq% a\nqan na ke ,arounaki apr;l! Barouj;amb% antarb;rouj;amb% carouj;amb% sirow^ mi;uno\nn h! Kar;uore^ \i,;ln h! Isk m;nq nran \i,oum ;nq ank;[‘ zauakzouj;amb ;u gnafatanqow! Afa m;r sqanc;li fa\ gro[n;ri mtoroumn;re% \i,o[oujiunn;re% Wardghs P;tros;ani ‘nnd;an 80-am;a\ \ob;l;ani a®ijow% ore n,;zinq S'iu®qoum ou Fa\r;niqoum^ incphs karo[azanq! Ifarkh oc a\nphs m;‘ ou ,q;[% or ke wa\;lhr W& P;tros;anin! Jhpht^ na ibr;u Gro[n;ri Miouj;an na.agaf faszr;z m;r m;‘;ri grakan \ob;l;ann;re tøn;l oc mia\n Fa\astanoum^ a\l na;u Fa\r;niqi safmann;riz dours% vamanaki .o,orago\n gro[n;ri% arou;staghtn;ri% ;rkri a®a=in dhmq;ri masnakzouj;amb% am;na,q;[ dafliyn;roum ;u m;‘ ,ouqow% incphs \arir hr m;r grakanouj;an fskan;rin^ >& Abow;anin% |owf& Jouman;anin% Au& Isafak;anin% :& Car;nzin % P& S;uakin! Zouzake ;rkar h! :u% \iraui% fska\akan h W& P;tros;ani d;re m;r m,ako\je a,.arfin n;rka\azn;lou gor‘oum! Wardghs P;tros;ane minc;u ørs est houj;an ci ousoumnasiroua‘ ou gnafatoua‘ o*c ibr;u gro[% o*c ibr;u axga\in-p;takan-fasarakakan gor‘ic! Arou;staght% ori mh= miavamanak aproum h ;*u iskakan m;‘ gro[e% ;*u iskakan m;‘ fa\r;na-
shre% ;u iskakan m;‘ frapaka.øsn ou fraparakagire% diuanaghte% na;u&&& '.roun banast;[‘e! Bnau hl ca'axanzoujiun ch! M;nq fangist ªfanyarº ;nq anouanoum ,arqa\in gro[in% na\a‘ ;rb ;u oum h ];®ntou a\d pafin m;‘ar;l% saka\n wa.;noum ;nq iskakan m;‘oujiunn;rin ir;nz anoune tal% orowf;t;u iskaphs a\dphs h! A\o% iskaphs a\dphs h% mi wa.;zh*q% fauatazh*q! M;r isk ,af;riz h b.oum% ;jh ifarkh m;r vo[owrdi ;u m;r m,ako\ji axniu% .ixa. xauakn;rin a\sør k*oux;nanq iraumamb m;‘ar;l! :rhk a\dphs chr! A\dphs chr% a\laphs chr karo[ t;[i oun;nal a\n^ inc t;[i oun;zau W& P;tros;ani paraga\oum! :u oum m;‘ar;zin! |i,;nq% jh oc f;®auor anz;aloum inc ya®;r hin artasanoum m;r 'a®apan‘ sow;tafa\ gro[n;re% ;rb w;r=in fangrouan hin ou[;kzoum |akob |akob;anin% isk f;nz no\n gi,;r :r;uani bantiz fazi m;q;na\ow :[i,h Car;nzi an,ncaza‘ marminn hin t;[a'o.oum&&& an\a\t ou[[ouj;amb! Fam;matoujiuns s.al cfaskanaq! Amhn m;‘oujiun ir% mia\n ir t;[n ouni! Inc;uh! ªW& P;tros;ani n;ra,.arfi ‘nouzice hr^ ou ke mnar Grigor Nar;kazin% orin fr;[hn ba®;rou auaxanin mh= mktrou;l hr an ir ambo[= grakanouj;an ;u imazakan .orqowº! Aram S;';jy;an& ªMasisº 2012 ª0@% im vo[owourd% dou fauaqakan Nar;kazi% gouzh arda#r hr% or dou% f;nz ;u mia\n dou patas.an ta\ir a,.arfi m;‘ ou 'oqr m;[q;ri famar ;u f;nz qo <ar& h= 14
APAQINMAN MA{JANQ K*imananq jh Tik& Anvhl Gara\;an anfangstouj;an patya®ow 'o.adroua‘ h fiuandanoz% our ;njarkoua‘ h srti \a=o[ gor‘o[oujan! Tik& A& Gara\;an% ardhn toun w;radar]a‘ ellalow% ke bolorh kaxdourman ,r=an me! F&B&E& Miouj;an M;lgon;an Sanouz Mioujiune anor ke ma[jh ,outa'o\j apaqinoum!
Larry King Plans To Visit Karabakh
Renowned American television and radio host Larry King participated in “Telethon 2013” of the “Hayastan” All-Armenian Fund, which was held Thursday in Los Angeles, USA. King also met with visiting NagornoKarabakh Republic (NKR)—or Artsakh— President Bako Sahakyan, who invited the famous television and radio personality to the NKR, Armenpress news agency reports. Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate of the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America, informed during live broadcast of the telethon that King had accepted the invitation. “In all probability, Larry King will visit Artsakh in a foreseeable future,” the archbishop added. King also made a donation to “Telethon 2013.”
Azerbaijanis Offer To Kill Larry King
US TV announcer Larry King is the top theme in nearly all Azerbaijani media and formus. Azerbaijanis are too angry with the news about Larry King's readiness to visit Artsakh. Remind, that he said about this during the conversation with Artsakh President Bako Sahakyan. There are hundreds of comments about this news in Azerbaijani biggest forum, disput.az. "As you see, the "black list" doesn't work. We must decide something, and this is really important", the moderator of the forum writes. There are really unusual offers in teh comments. Some of Azerbaijani users offer to kill Larry King. The others claim that the murder will be especially cruel in order to show that Azernbaijani Ministry of Foreign Affairs isn't joking, and Azerbaijani society doesn't like visits to Karabakh. "May be we should create an organization like Israely "Mossad" and kill all those who dared to visit Artsakh. So we will protect our country's honour", offers of the users. The reaction of the Azerbaijani media doesn't differ from the forum mood much. It is not known for sure whether L. King will visit Artsakh or not, but he has already appeared in Azerbaijani "black list". Remind that hundreds of intellectuals, politicians, cultural activists are included in Azerbaijani "black list". They try to make people refuse the idea of visiting Artsakh.
Armenian President Calls On Turkey To Reconcile Its Own Past On The Eve Of Armenian Genocide Centennial The Eastern Partnership should become a natural bridge that promotes integration from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans, Armenian president Serzh Sargsyan said today in a statement made at the third Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius. “In this sense we are committed to undertake consistent efforts towards building a more inclusive Europe free of dividing lines,’ he said, adding that this very understanding is the guiding milestone of Armenia’s foreign policy, “and it is precisely in this vein that we seek to settle problems with our neighbors by attempting to internalize the success stories of reconciliation in Europe at a regional level.” “I believe that consistent adoption of the European values can help Turkey to rec-
oncile with its own past. Today thousands of Turkish people condemn the Armenian Genocide and stand by us to commemorate the victims of the Genocide. I believe that on the eve of the Armenian Genocide Centennial the Turkish authorities should be able to demonstrate will and decline the policy of denial. In order to continue its integration with
President Of The Russian Federation Is In Armenia On A State Visit Armenian, Russian Presidents To Set Up Interstate council Armenia and Russia plan to set up an interstate council at the president level, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan announced after talks with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Yerevan. Speaking about the Russian President’s state visit to Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan said, “We agreed to continue intensive contacts with a broad range of issues on the agenda. The intergovernmental and interparliamentary commissions, the commission on military- technical cooperation will continue their work.” “Besides, we plan to set up an interstate council at the president level. We instructed our administrations to work out draft documents coordinating the council’s work and present them for signing at our next meeting,” Serzh Sargsyan said. Putin: Russia to supply gas to Armenia for $189 per 1,000 cubic meters
In 2014-2018, Russia will supply gas to Armenia for about $189 per 1,000 cubic meters , Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a joint press conference with Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan in Yerevan. According to the Russian leader, Russia will one-sidedly set up some privileges for Armenia before Armenia joins the Customs Union. In particular, he said, Armenia can purchase armament from Russia at domestic prices. As for oil products, Russia will exempt 30% export customs duty envisaged by the law, Putin said.
YEREVAN. – The very fact that protest actions staged in Yerevan were approved by the authorities is a step forward on the way to freedom of expression and free speech, head of EU delegation to Armenia said. Traian Hristea’s came in response to a question on protest against Customs Union staged in the capital Yerevan on Monday. “I was following through media the protests and actions of police. I hope that issues will be clearly investigated and will be
proceed in accordance with law. If we compare what happened in Kyiv and what happened here, we have the answers,” he said. In any case EU will be looking forward to see the results for investigation, and “we do hope that the investigations will be undertaken with respect for freedom of expression and all principles that member states of the Council of Europe are subscribed to,” Hristea emphasized.
Fact That Protest Actions Staged In Yerevan Were Approved By Authorities Is A Step Forward - EU
the European Union in a capacity of a European nation Turkey still faces the challenge of opening the last closed border in Europe and establishing diplomatic relations with Armenia. We expect that the EU member States, as our partners, will fully engage themselves and display consistency in order to remove the illegal blockade of Armenia by Turkey,’ the president said. Turkey and Armenia have no diplomatic relations; the border between the two countries was closed in 1993 by Ankara. Relations between Armenia and Turkey remain tense because of Ankara’s biased stance on Karabakh problem and its painful reaction to Armenia’s efforts to obtain worldwide recognition of the fact of Armenian Genocide.
Al-Jazeera: Turkey, By Help Of Jewish Lobby, Has Broken Processes Carried Out For Recognition Of Armenian Genocide At U.S.
Al-Jazeera has presented a movie dedicated to the Turkish-Israeli relations, which refers also to the Armenian Genocide, reports the Iranian – Armenian “hayeli.com” site. According to the information recently, Al-Jazeera TV channel has presented a documentary movie entitled “Disagreements in Mediterranean” which touches upon the Turkish and Israeli relations. The film starts with an introduction to the Turkish – Jewish historical relations, then the it presents the existing problems between of two countries and it especially stresses the Israeli and Palestinian conflict, the development around Gaza, the incident that happened in Marmara sea, the fact on gas discovery in Mediterranean sea, trading ties between Israel and Cyprus, as well as Israeli-Azerbaijani strategic relations. In the second part of the film they touch upon the Armenian Genocide where it presents how Turkey tries to use the Jewish lobby in breaking the recognition processes of the Armenian Genocide carried out in the U.S. The film touches upon the issue of recognition of the Armenian Genocide in the Israeli Parliament, about which there is no decision made yet, and despite the pressure of the Armenian community the government doesn’t want to worsen its relations with Turkey even more.
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday December 5, 2013
AGBU WDC Annual Gala Banquet Raises Funds for District's Youth Programs Honors Sam & Sylva Simonian
Excitement was in the air for the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) Annual Fundraising Gala Banquet which was held at the Beverly Hilton on Saturday, November 16th. The sold-out event, attended by more than 400 people, raised substantial funds for the Western District’s Youth Programs. The evening also commemorated the organization’s 107th anniversary. The evening’s honorees were Mr. and Mrs. Sam and Sylva Simonian, Founders, of the TUMO Center for Creative Technologies in Armenia, who have displayed great dedication and commitment to the youth of Armenia. The Simonians said they desire to give back to education because of the tutelage they received at AGBU schools. Sam is presently a Vice President of the Central Board of Directors of the AGBU. "Sylva and I were both touched and re-
tion about the imagination and activities behind the TUMO Center for Creative Technologies, Mr. Sinan Sinanian, Vice President of the Central Board of Directors of the AGBU introduced the honorees, Sam and Sylva Simonian. They were both presented with a plaque and a gift for their unconditional dedication and support to the TUMO Center and the AGBU. “Having our dear friends Sam and Sylva Simonian as the highlight of the AGBU Western District’s Gala Banquet is most fitting and an opportunity to present them to our community,” said Mr. Sinanian. “Sam and Sylva Simonian are the individuals who had the vision, provided the funds and implemented one of the most advanced, contemporary and comprehensive initiatives of our times, the Tumo Center for Creative Technologies in Armenia. It is a gigantic technology center, that aims to
Derderian, Primate Western Diocese. Guests were warmly welcomed by Mistress of Ceremonies, Mrs. Nora J. Balikian. “A large portion of the audience tonight is comprised of our dynamic and capable young professionals who want to move this organization forward and advance the ideals of the AGBU.” expressed Balikian. Her words were followed by remarks made by the AGBU Western District Committee Chair, Mr. Krekor Karaguezian. "AGBU is proud of its glorious past, excited by its energetic present and confident of its hopeful and bright future. The Union has the prudence and farsightedness to skillfully adopt its projects to all its districts, as well as to all the prevailing needs of its future generations,” Mr. Karaguezian said. “Today’s youth are tomorrow’s hope and the future of the Armenian nation. We should listen and act according to the needs
this honor and would like to thank the Central Board of the AGBU, the dedicated ladies of the special events committee and my many friends of the Western district of the AGBU. This honorary membership is dear to my heart because AGBU has always been the greatest source of inspiration for me.” Mrs. Janoyan said. Gala guests enjoyed a dynamic video about the youth activities and programs of the AGBU which was professionally produced by talented volunteer Mr. Peter Mussurlian of Globalist Films. Popular Singer Ani Christy and the magnificent Arthur Hakobyan (formerly known as Mister X) entertained the guests with several beautiful songs and duets. The guests danced the night away to the music of DJ Chahan. Some of the special guests present at the Gala included Grand Benefactors Vatche and Tamar Manookian, Primate Arch-
ally overwhelmed by the warm reception and the support we received for our center last Saturday at the AGBU LA gala.” Mr. Simonian said. “We also received many words of encouragement and several offers of help from various individuals and organizations, for which we are very thankful. AGBU and the Armenian community have always considered modern education as the most essential investment to improve the lives of our youth in our nation and abroad. This was a night we will always remember." Following an inspiring video presenta-
expand young people’s horizons and gives them the resources to achieve their full creative potential, through state of the art technology tools and a highly versatile and rigorous learning system that develops their technical, artistic and professional skills”. The event’s program featured a flag ceremony by AGBU LA/San Fernando and Glendale/Pasadena Scouts, a moving video montage of the United States, Republic of Armenia and AGBU anthems and an Invocation by Archbishop Hovnan
of our new generation. Let us plan and assist our youth and preserve our identity, our beloved AGBU and our glorious nation." The fundraising gala was under the auspices of the AGBU’s Western District Committee and organized by the Special Events Committee. Chairlady of this event and the SEC, Mrs. Hermine Janoyan, received the Lifetime AGBU Honorary Member Award for her dedicated service to the organization for the past three decades. “I am very surprised and humbled by
bishop Hovnan Derderian, Former Primate, Archbishop Vatche Hovsepian, AGBU Central Board of Director Members Sinan Sinanian, Sam Simonian and Yervant Demirjian. Among the local political figures in attendance were CA Assemblyman Adrine Nazarian, and LA City Councilman Paul Krekorian. Organizations represented included the Armenia Fund, United Armenia Fund, the Armenian Democratic Liberal Party, the Armenian Revolutionary FederaCont. on p.10
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday December 5, 2013
CPJ's International Award Goes To Hrant Dink's Friend By Hambersom Aghbashian
Four journalists who face imprisonment for exposing realities in their countries, Nedim Sener (Turkey) Janet Hinostroza (Ecuador),Bassim Yousif( Egypt) , and Nguyen Van Hai ( Vietnam ), were honored with the Committee to Protect Journalists' (CPJ- New York, USA) 2013 International Press Freedom Awards. They are confronting severe nemesis for their work, including legal inconvenience, physical threats, and imprisonment. Nedim Sener is one of them, he is a Turkish writer and journalist, born in 1966 in Germany. An investigative reporter at the Turkish daily national newspaper (Milliyet) and a leading investigative journalist with the Turkish daily (Posta). He is considered a terrorist by his government and is charged with terrorist activity for his critical reporting and could be sentenced to 15 years in prison. Sener is particularly known for his 2009 book “Hrant Dink Cinayeti ve Đstihbarat Yalanları” (The Hrant Dink Murder and Intelligence Lies) on the assassination of Hrant Dink , the 52 years old managing editor of the bilingual TurkishArmenian weekly Agos, who was shot outside his newspaper's offices in Istanbul. In his book, Sener uncovered the involvement of Turkish security agencies and alleged that police officers responsible for the Ergenekon investigation were responsible for the murder. (Ergenekon is the secret secularist ultra-nationalist organization in Turkey with possible ties to members of the country's military and security forces, and whose motivation is overthrowing the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP)led current government, Rejeb Tayeb Erdogan's government). Following the publication of ( The Hrant Dink Murder and Intelligence Lies) in February 2009, many high ranked police officers filed criminal complaints against Sener. In May 2009 the police claimed that Sener was part of Ergenekon's propaganda network. He was arrested in March 2011 and held in pre-trial detention for over a year. He was released in March 2012 pending trial. The arrest was protested by activists. In a TV interview with Turkish CNN , after receiving International Press Institute's (IPI) award, Sener had admitted he was “really scared” to receive an award which has already been awarded to two dead Turkish journalists (Abdi Ipekci and Hrant Dink ). He further reiterated the concern to IPI. “I am afraid. You cannot feel safe in Turkey; the condition of communications and media freedom is very bad. You can be killed if you write about the
Dink murder. It is very dangerous. "I chose to write about Hrant Dink’s murder because firstly he was a human and he had the human right to life. He was a very good journalist in Turkey. He wanted to protect minorities’ rights and that is very important. But also, I wrote it because Dink was my friend." Nedim Sener has received a number of journalism awards, including the Turkish Journalists' Association Press Freedom Award, the Vienna-based International Press Institute's World Press Freedom Heroes award(2010), and PEN Freedom of Expression Award of Netherlands (2010). Turkish Publishers Association Freedom of Thought and Expression Prize (for the book The Dink Murder and Intelligence Lies) (2010), and many other awards. The Turkish Journalists' Association has twice named Sener "journalist of the year." He wrote more than a dozen of books. Expressions of non-violent opinion are safeguarded by Article 10 of the (European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms), ratified by Turkey in 1954, and various provisions of the (International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights), signed by Turkey in 2000. Nevertheless, more than 300 provisions constrained freedom of expression according to the Turkish Human Rights Association (2002). Articles 301, and 312 are frequently used in such provisions. In the' Reporters Without Borders' 2010 Annual Worldwide Press Freedom Index, Turkey was ranked 138 , in 2011-2012 it was ranked 148 out of 169 countries. All Internet traffic passes through Turk Telecom’s infrastructure, allowing centralized control over online content and facilitating the implementation of shutdown decisions. Following the killing of Armenian journalist Hrant Dink in Istanbul on 19 January 2007 various lists of journalists killed in Turkey since the early 20th century were published. One such list was published by the Turkish Association of Journalists, it contains 64 names of journalists. A "Platform of imprisoned journalists" published a list in April 2012 contained 112 names. Within the framework of negotiations with the European Union, the EU has requested , among many other things, that Turkey issues various legal reforms in order to improve freedom of expression and press. Will Turkey do that? and will it implement such reforms? I think we have to ask Turkish Journalists, Human Rights activists and other Turkish intellectuals.
Why The Armenian Genocide Impacts The Treatment Of the Jewish Community In Turkey
TORONTO — Mr. Rifat Bali, a noted scholar and author of Model Citizens of the State: The Jews of Turkey during the MultiParty Period, deals with the treatment of the Jewish community in Turkey since 1950. His studies deal also with the period 1923-1949, an era that includes the Varlik Vergisi (wealth tax law, November 1942), a law which ruined many Jewish families financially. Bali details the process by which the Jewish community strived to accommodate the demands of state and society to become “model citizens.” Jews were pressured to speak Turkish in public and Turkify their names. Yet, no matter how much they strived, they were always subject to second-class rights, intimidation, antiSemitism, and violence. Bali demonstrates that all the non-Muslim minorities in Turkey—Armenians, Greeks and Jews—have faced similar challenges in their relationship with the Turkish state and society. Greeks, for example, underwent a terrible pogrom in 1955. They all had to deal with issues of maintaining their language, religion, culture and identity in a society that demands total conformity, but they responded to the challenges in different ways. Thus, the book gives insight into the challenges of all minorities in Turkey today. The opportunity arose for the Jewish community to become “useful” to the state by using their influence with Israel and the Jewish political lobby in the US to advance Turkish interests. In particular, they worked against Armenian and Greek interests in Washington, particularly to thwart efforts at gaining recognition of the Armenian Genocide in the US. The Zoryan Institute’s interest in Bali’s work arose for three reasons. First, its relevance to the Jewish community in Turkey and the US, as the Turkish State denial of the Armenian Genocide has been an important element in Turkish-Jewish and Turkish-Israeli relations. It is also an important obstacle in relations between Armenia and Israel. Even though many Jewish scholars affirm the Armenian Genocide, the official position of the State of Is-
rael is that Armenians did not experience anything comparable to the Holocaust, and therefore it is not a genocide. Second, the human rights aspects of the minorities in Turkey, particularly the treatment of the Jewish community, both before and after their instrumentalization by the Turkish State in its denial of the Armenian Genocide, as Zoryan is a human rights organization with educational and publication programs in that area. Third, to show a Diaspora could be used by a host state as an instrument of its foreign policy, as Zoryan is also devoted to the study of Diaspora and Diaspora-Homeland relations. One may view Bali’s lecture on YouTube by clicking on the link above. Rıfat N. Bali is a graduate of the distinguished École Pratique des Hautes Études at the Sorbonne in Paris. Since 1996, he has been an independent scholar specializing in the history of Turkish Jewry and is an associate member of the Alberto-Benveniste Centre for Sephardic Studies and the Sociocultural History of the Jews in Paris. Has written or edited 28 books in English, French and Turkish, dealing primarily with Jewish history and society within the Republic of Turkey. He has also written numerous articles in newspapers and scholarly journals, and contributed chapters to scholarly collections and encyclopedias. He is the winner of the Alberto Benveniste Research Award (Paris) for 2009 for his publications on Turkish Jewry and of the Yunus Nadi award (Istanbul) in 2005 and 2008 for original research in the social sciences.
Civil war in Syria has forced tens of thousands of people to flee their country of residence. Like Syrian civilians, thousands of Syrian-Armenians moved to other countries, including Armenia and Artsakh. A couple of dozen Syrian-Armenian families, many from Kamishli, have made new homes in the Nagorno Karabakh Republic. Some are living in Berdzor - the regional center of Kashatagh (Lachin) or Ishkhanadzor, while the majority live in Kovsakan. The NKR Government and others have implemented various projects to support resettlement in Kovsakan, solve housing and other problems. Several families have already been provided with apartments; in addition, an apartment building is being built. Most of the Syrian-Armenian families were experienced farmers in Syria. Having received land and agricultural loans, they have already begun sowing wheat and barley. Located on the banks of the Voghj River in southwestern Artsakh, Kovsakan is a fertile area, similar to Kamishli. To support the Syrian-Armenians now living there, the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) recently initiated an important agricultural project. Our compatriots have received new
agricultural equipment: 3 tractors (Belarus MT 3-82.1 model), seeders, disks, fertilizer distributors and pesticide sprinklers. Syrian-Armenians involved in farming in Karabakh, enthusiastically welcomed AGBU’s gift. This project will provide a stimulus for Syrian-Armenian farmers, many of whom left their agricultural equipment in Syria, to settle in Kovsakan, and become productive farmers. A parking and storage area has been acquired for the equipment. Vartan Boghos, a Syrian-Armenian immigrant now living in Karabakh with his family, will coordinate the program and oversee the usage schedule. AGBU has invested around $120,000 USD in this program that will contribute to Kashatagh’s agricultural development and support Syrian-Armenians as they adapt to their new lives.
Syrian-Armenians In NKR Benefit From AGBU Agricultural Program
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday December 5, 2013
Putin Vows Stronger Russian Role In South Caucasus
President Vladimir Putin vowed to strengthen Russia’s geopolitical presence in the South Caucasus and insisted that Armenia decided to join a Russian-led union of ex-Soviet states on its own. Putin praised his Armenian counterpart Serzh Sarkisian’s pro-Russian strategic choice during an official visit to Armenia which he from Gyumri, the country’s second largest city hosting a Russian military base.
Putin: Russia To Supply Gas To Armenia For $189 Per 1,000 Cubic Meters
In 2014-2018, Russia will supply gas to Armenia for about $189 per 1,000 cubic meters , Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a joint press conference with Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan in Yerevan. According to the Russian leader, Russia will one-sidedly set up some privileges for Armenia before Armenia joins the Customs Union. In particular, he said, Armenia can purchase armament from Russia at domestic prices. As for oil products, Russia will exempt 30% export customs duty envisaged by the law, Putin said.
Pope Francis Meets Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu
The Pope was given a silver hanukkhiah or nine-branched menorah for Hanukkah Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has had his first face-to-face talks with Pope Francis. The two leaders discussed the Middle East peace process, according to the Vatican. Iran's nuclear programme, and the Pope's visit next year to Israel and the Palestinian territories, were also likely to have been on the agenda. After meeting the Pope, Mr Netanyahu held talks with Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta. Mr Netanyahu, accompanied by six ministers, is on a two-day official trip to Italy. He presented the pontiff with a copy of a book on the Spanish Inquisition by his late father, the historian Ben-Zion Netanyahu. In his inscription, Mr Netanyahu described Pope Francis as "a great shepherd of our common heritage".
Russian President Visited Tsitsernakaberd
Before the commencement of the official meetings and negotiations at the Presidential Palace, the RF President Vladimir Putin, who is in Armenia on a state visit, together with President Serzh Sargsyan visited the Tsitsernakaber Memorial and laid a wreath at the monument dedicated to the victims of the Mets Eghern. Press service of Armenian President informs about this. The Director of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute Hayk Demoyan handed
to the President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan and President of Russia Vladimir Putin golden replicas of the medals which were issued in Petrograd with charity purposes, to help the survivors of the Armenian Genocide of 1915. The medal depicts the coat of arms of the Russian Empire with the two-headed eagle and the traditional Armenian cross and carries the inscription which reads “From the Russians to the Armenians in the time of great peril.”
On the eve of the 25th anniversary of the devastating Spitak earthquake of 1988, Presidents of Russia and Armenia Serzh Sargsyan and Vladimir Putin laid a wreath at the memorial to the earthquake victims in Gyumri, paying tribute to their memory.
Russian President Vladimir Putin is paying an official visit to Armenia at the invitation of Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan. The two Presidents are also scheduled to visit the 102nd Russian military base in Gyumri, Armenia.
At least 110 people were detained in Yerevan on Monday as riot police clashed with hundreds of anti-government activists protesting against Russia’s visiting President Vladimir Putin and Armenia’s plans to join a Russian-led customs union. The mostly young protesters waving Armenian
national flags and holding posters denouncing Putin and President Serzh Sarkisian marched through the city center to demand that Armenia stay away from the union. They ignored police warnings that the rally was not sanctioned by the municipal authorities.
Armenian, Russian Presidents Lay Wreath At Spitak Earthquake Memorial
Anti-Putin Protests End In Mass Arrests
Syria Militants Take Part Of Syrian Christian town Of Ma'loula
Foreign-backed militants operating inside Syria have moved into the center of the Christian town of Ma'loula after several days of fighting. The militants, including the al-Qaedalinked al-Nusra Front terrorists, stormed the Orthodox Mar Takla convent in the middle of the city, the official SANA news agency reported. The report added that the foreign-sponsored militants took several nuns hostage in the convent, which is home to 40 nuns and orphans. Given past atrocities, security sources and observers do not rule out the possibil-
ity of violence against the Christian residents of the historic town. Meanwhile, sources say that the militants took part of Ma'loula after five days of clashes, while Syrian forces have recaptured the town of Qara and Deir Attiyeh, and are currently battling the foreignbacked militants for control of Nabak. The militants had attacked Ma'loula early in September and captured some parts of it. However, they were pushed out of the town by the Syrian troops. The beautiful town is regarded as a symbol of the ancient Christian presence in Syria.
An annual telethon broadcast from Los Angeles late on Thursday and early Friday has raised more than $22.6 million in donations and pledges in favor of a major road project to connect Armenia and Karabakh. The Hayastan All-Armenian Fund will spend the money raised through the traditional Thanksgiving Day event held for the 16th time for the construction of a 116-km Vardenis-Martakert highway, which is of great social and economic importance for the two Armenian republics. Below is the initial list of pledges: Russian Federation_ 12 350 000 US dollar US Eastern Region_ 2 000 000 US dollar Phoneathon (including Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands, Greece, Bel-
gium)_ 1 984 000 US dollar Armenia_ 1 642 372 US dollar Switzerland /individual donor/_ 1 250 000 US dollar Artsakh_ 1 000 000 US dollar US Western Region_ 1 000 000 US dollar Argentina_ 700 000 US dollar Toronto (Canada)_ 225 000 US dollar Brazil_ 170 000 US dollar Montreal(Canada)_ 120 000 US dollar Great Britain_ 100 000 US dollar Lebanon_ 94 000 US dollar Iran_ 60 000 US dollar Austria_ 10 000 US dollar
Over $22,6 Raised At Armenia Fund Telethon
Sargsyan, Putin Visit Russian Military Base In Gyumri
Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan and visiting Russian President Vladimir Putin visited the 102nd Russian military base in Gyumri, the presidential press service reported. The two Presidents listened to reports of commanders of Armenian-Russian military unit and Russian military base, visited the Russian church near the military base as well as observed the military equipment at the military base. The Presidents left Gyumri for Yerevan in order to attend other events as part of the Russian President’s state visit to Armenia.
Iraqi Foreign Minister Visits Armenia On the invitation of Armenian Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward Nalbandyan Iraqi Minister of Foreign Affairs Hoshiar Zebari will visit Armenia on December 2-3 with an official visit. As the Press and information department of Armenian MFA informs, Iraqi MFA will meet Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan. H. Zibari will also have meetings with the speaker of Armenian Parliament Hovik Abrahamyan, deputy PM Armen Gevorgyan. On December 3 Armenian and Iraqi MFAs will have negotiations and then they will hold a joint press-conference. On the same day Iraqi Foreign Minister will visit Tsitsernakaberd.
AGBU WDC Annual Gala...
Cont. from p.8
tion, the Armenian Jewelers Association, the Armenian Bar Association, the Ararat Home, and the Armenian Chamber of Commerce among others. “I also thank the District Committee of AGBU’s Western Region”, added Mr. Sinanian, “and its Chairman Mr. Krekor Karaguezian for organizing this annual gala, upholding a beautiful tradition and providing an opportunity, year after year, to our community to come together to celebrate our achievements and strengthen our commitment to the mission we all cherish. My heartfelt thanks and appreciation go especially to Mrs. Hermine Janoyan, Honorary Member of AGBU, for her capable leadership along with the members of the Special Organizing Committee for their hard work and dedication in making this event a glamorous festivity.” The evening’s major sponsors were: George & Barbara Aghazarian, Baghdassarian Family, Yervant and Melissa Demirjian, Jack Munushian Trust, Vazrik & Alice Makarian, Harry and Cheryl Nadjarian, Sinan & Angele Sinanian and the TF Educational Foundation - Jerry and Patricia Turpanjian. Once again, the success of this year’s AGBU Annual Gala Banquet was a testament of the dedication and generosity of its members and supporters.
Oski t[a\! A\s kocoumow yanczanq xinq ;u a\dphs al mnaz m;r \i,o[ouj;an mtapatk;rin mh=% ,at;rou f;t miat;[% mnaz an enk;rashr% bar;azakam% axnouafogi oski t[an^ Arjø Asatour;ane! Das;rou mh= a®a=naf;rjouj;an f;t famaxør^ an m;‘ f;taqrqroujiun ounhr marxakan .a[;rou nkatmamb! Kiprosi 100 ;u 200 m;jr waxqi mrzanakakir% na;u mhk ;u ;r;q qa\l;rou zatqi mrzanakakir hr Arjøn! Ckar a\l marxakan .a[% oroun masnakzoujiun cb;rhr an% anpa\man 'a\loun t;[ me grau;low! M;r mt;rmoujiune sksau Arjo\in f;t% mi;uno\n marxakan ;u enk;ra\in f;taqrqroujiunn;re oun;nalow% manauand `oujpoli mh=% or fandisazau miak pa\qari da,te irarou dhm% dasarana\in `oujpoli auagakan mrzanakin tiranalou famar! A®a=in tpauoroujiuns tarb;r hr M;lgon;an fastatouj;an fandhp! Saka\n orphs nor;k t[a\% M;lgon;ane pa,t;lous patya® fandisazau Arjøn! 12 tar;kan patani men hi% ;rb mta\ a\d nor mi=awa\re! A®a=in fa\azqow% tpauoroujiuns a\n ;[au jh k;anqe mipa[a[ piti ellar fin ou ,q;[% fska\akan ka®o\zn;row a\d ,hnq;rhn n;rs! Saka\n% vamanaki enjazqin oun;za\ enk;rn;r Arjo\in nman% oun;za\ na;u bar]rago\n dasaran;rhn fogatar enk;rn;r% oronq ir;nz m;‘ ;[ba\rakan bari ou lau .orfourdn;row diurazouzin m;r ,a[a.oume M;lgon;ani mi=awa\rin mh=% ;u qa=al;r;low m;x masnakz;lou tarb;r ,arvoumn;rou% marxakan% skaoutakan% ;u a\l mi=oza®oumn;rou% oronq dprozin a,.atanqn;roun øgtakar krna\in fandisanal! A\s ;u nmanørinak gor‘ounhoujiunn;row M;lgon;ani mh= k;anqe ke w;ra‘ouhr enk;ra\in =;rm ;u anmo®anali mjnolorti! Do[alow ke mtnhinq a\d ;®afark ,hnqe&&& ke souxouhinq ;u ke ,a[ouhinq gi,;røjik a\d k;anqin mh=% \;taga\in ko'oua‘ dours galou famar k;anqi asparhx% annkoun fa\ou martnco[ fogiow togoroua‘ ;u patrastoua‘% anwaran qal;lou no\nisk^ øtar ;rkinqn;rou forixonn;roun n;rqo\! A\d ,hnq;rhn n;rs^ patani fogiis famar bazou;zau nor a\g% ort;[hn acq;rs s;u;®;zi Fa\oz
a,.arfi forixonin wra\! A\d ,hnq;rhn n;rs Prn& N;rshs Jamam;ani ,rjn;rhn fa\oz l;xoui Grabare enkal;zinq! M;r mat[a, fogin;roun ;u mtq;roun mh= fala‘ oskii nman fos;zan^ M;‘ar;nze% Jhqh;ane% Dour;ane% Warouvane% Siamanjøn% Thr;ane ;u anfamar fa\ arvhqauor gro[n;rou st;[‘agor‘oujiunn;rn ou anonz grakan wij.ari wastake! <arqe ;rkar h na;u anfounørhn an]nouhr FA| ousouzic n;rou n;rarka‘ fa\kakan ogiin ;u axga\in arvanapatououj;an! N,an |owfannhs;an% Wafram Maw;an% S;pouf Abgar;an% Ayhm;an ;u ouri, fa\ak;rt ousouzicn;r% oronz nouiroua‘oujiune ardiunauorou;zau M;lgon;ani ousoumnakan ;rkar tarin;rou ,r=anauartn;rou banaki me k;rtoumin% oronz iuraqanciure xinoua‘ ousoumnakan lousauor kanj;[n;row% s'®;zin xa\n s'iu®qi tara‘qin! |;tadar] fa\;azqow% fima fpartørhn krnam srti .øsqs es;l ir;rou isk b;roumow^ M;lgon;ane ;u ir fowani^ FBEM-e% s'iu®qafa\ouj;an famar fandisazan axgapafpanman srbaxan gor‘in ;jh oc miake% a\l m;‘ago\n n;r,nc;aln ou nouir;al ‘a®an! M;lgon;ane^ wstafabar ir ,hnq;row ;u mi=awa\row chr fimnakane! An apr;zau ir oskh tarin;re% ir oskh t[an;row ;u oskh patmakanow! Tasnam;akn;r ,arounak% an norafas fa\ s;roundn;r faszouz grakan ;u ousoumnakan tarb;r bar]r makardakn;row% oronq k;anqi asparhx n;tou;zan a®anz waranoumi% fasn;low na.an];li dirq;rou! Saka\n Wajsounakan jouakann;rou skixbn;rhn sksa‘ ir ousoumnakan ;u tnørinakan makardaki .a.toume% xinq an\armar wiyaki mh= ]ga‘ hr! Baxmajiu apardiun 'or];r ;[an w;rak;ndanazn;lou famar fog;warqi mh= ta®apo[ fiuande! <at;roun famar \stakørhn ‘anøj h ,r=ani qa[aqakan ;u tnt;sakan watjarazo[ kargawiyake a\n vamanak! :u w;r=aphs^ a\n mouj ør;rhn mhke% M;lgon;ane \au;t 'ak;z ir ousman d®n;re% kar‘hq auarta‘ ellalow fa\ orb;rou axatagrman ;u pafpanman ir a®aq;loujiune! |auht 'a®q ou patiu q;x M;lgon;an% mi,t anmo®az!
ZAUAKZAKAN >or zauow imazanq mafe Safak "anyary;ani% or patafa‘ h :rkou,abji% 2 D;kt;mb;r 2013-in! M;r srtagin zauakzoujiunn;re ke \a\tn;nq o[baz;ali qro= ;u q;®a\rin% Thr ;u Tik& Andranik ;u Owsanna Fa\k;ann;roun! Jo[ Astoua‘ fogin lousauorh ;u ir faraxatn;roun parg;uh ;rkna\in m.ijaroujiun! JMM "asatina-Kl;nth\l Masnayiu[i Warcoujiun
axga\in gitakzouj;amb katara‘ nouiratououjiunn;re% oronq a\s tari piti ‘a®a\;n au;li k;nsakan ;u yakatagra\in ‘ragri me irakanazman% orn h Ward;nis-Martak;rt yanaparfi ,inararoujiune! An n,;z yanaparfi anfrav;,t ouvakanoujiunn ou n;rdroume {araba[i tnt;souj;an ;u safmann;rou amrapndman famar% dimakal;lou famar Atrph\yani \arat;u ®axmat;nc \a\tararoujiunn;re ;u apafow;lou famar fa\ vo[owourdin .a[a[ a,.atanqn ou apr;lak;rpe% ir;nz s;'akan fo[;roun wra\! Na.agaf Safak;ani ank;[‘ ;u imastaliz .øsq;rhn ;tq% fandisouj;an 'akman .øsqe katar;z Fa\z& A®aq;lakan ;k;[;zuo\ A®a=nord |ownan Arq& Thrthr;an% ir ou[;r]ow% gnafat;low FF Fimnadrami katara‘ srbaxan a®aq;loujiune% or ke miti bar;lau;l Fa\astani ;u {araba[i kargawiyake% vo[owrda\in ;u p;takan makar-
dakn;row% ;u qa=al;r;low fama\n fa\oujiune orphsxi ir;nz kar;lioujiunn;rou safmann;roun mh= katar;n ir;nz nouiratououjiunn;re a\s nouirakan ‘ragrin% or fska\akan taro[ouj;amb piti ‘a®a\h {araba[i ;u Fa\astani safmann;rou amrapndman ;u anonz tnt;sakan ayin ;u \arat;uman! Fandisouj;an enjazqin g;[aru;stakan \a\tagrow ;lo\j oun;zan na;u ;rav,takan n;rka\azoumn;row% Armhn Mowsis;an ;u |owfannhs <afpax;an% axga\in ;rg;row! |o\v gnafat;li ;u qa=al;r;li h FF Fimnadrami bolor nouiratoun;roun axga\in gitakzouj;amb katara‘ nouiratououjiunn;re ;u manauand anor at;nap;t Andranik Pa[tasar;ani tara‘ an.on= a,.atanqn;re a\s tarouan ‘ragri \a=o[ouj;an famar! J[jakiz
JMM "asatina-Kl;nth\l Masnayiu[e ke n,h
Andranik ’a®ouk;ani ’nnd;an 100-am;ake :lo\j k*oun;nan
Tik& Shsil Qh,i,;an^ ’a®ouk;an Marde "ro`& Ø,in Qh,i,;an^ ’a®ouk;an Gro[e G;[arou;stakan \a\tagir
S;drak Pronx;an^ asmounq >acik Nafap;t;an^ m;n;rg
Kiraki% 8 D;kt;mb;r 2013-i ;r;ko\;an vame 5!00-in% Aljatina\i Ph,khøjiur;an k;droni srafe!
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Moutqe axat
:r;q amis a®a=% Polso\ Jaqsim fraparaki wra\ gtnouo[ ªKhxiº kocoua‘ xbøsawa\ri patya®au b®nka‘ dhpq;rou vamanak% gor‘enk;rn;rhs mhke% or q;malakan mta\noujiun oun;zo[ jrqoufi men h% a®auøt me kanou. n;rs mtau =[a\naza‘^ fa\fo\;low anonz% oronq qouharka‘ hin warcap;t Hrto[ani kousakzouj;an% gitnalow fand;r] or ;s al anonzmh m;kn hi! +anazi ir;n bazatr;l jh incou famar qouharka‘ ;m a\d kousakzouj;an i npast% orowf;t;u% esi% ke fauatam or an] me qnnadat;lh a®a= phtq h patya®e farzn;l! Ostikan me ;rb ke ];rbakalh mardaspan me% ke farznh anor jh inco#u famar spana‘ h xa\n! Arf;stawarv f;taqnno[h a\d ke pafan=oui! F;t;uabar ;s al oux;zi ir;n bazatr;l jh incou famar ;s% ;u im nman ,at;r% oronq ka∞m oc-islamakan ;n ;u kam c;n patkanir islam krønqin% islamakan krønam;toujiun counin% a\l^ a,.arfik mta\noujiun% ke ,arounak;n qouhark;l :rto[ani kousakzouj;an i npast! A\sphsow ke mta‘hi jh inq piti kar;nar famakranq ;u kam faskazo[oujiun zo\z tal ;u fasknal jh a\s fo[;rou wra\ apro[ fpatakn;roun kar;li h khsh au;lin i@nc m;‘ dvouaroujiunn;rou mh= apra‘ h% i@nc ta®apanqn;r qa,a‘ h% farstafaroua‘ h na.ordo[ Q;malakan mta\noujiun oun;zo[ bolor ka®awaroujiunn;rou vamanak% oronq gauaxane ];®qin i,.;zin ,our= ;øjanasounine tari! Kouxhi ir;n bazatr;l jh m;nq% masnauoraphs 'oqramasnoujiunn;rs% Htro[ani ,norfiu h or fima qic me ,ounc krnanq qa,;l! M;r axga\in fastatoujiunn;roun kaloua‘n;re% oronq m;xmh ke grauouhin xanaxan anfimn patrouakn;row% w;r=;rs sksan m;x w;radar]n;l! M;r fastatoujiunn;re fima irauounqe stazan ir;nz kaloua‘n;re ,afagor‘;low apafow;l ir;nz go\at;uoume! M;r axga\in fastatoujiunn;rou matakarar
NOR ØR% D:KT:MB:R 5% 2013
JOURQ GOR’ENK:ROUFIIS F:T MTA’OUMN:R WIYABANOUJ:NH ME :TQ Ø<IN HLAKHØX marminn;re% oronq a®a= wa.i ou do[i mh= hin% orowf;t;u amhn wa\rk;an krna\in ];rbakalouil anfimn patrouakn;row% carcaranqi ;njarkouil ;u bantarkouil% fima axat ;n ;u a\s axatouj;an ,norfiu h or m;r fama\nqin ]a\ne fima au;li xørauor k*;llh% ;rb anardarouj;an me f;t dhm dimaz gtnouinq! A\s bolore =anazi bazatr;l ir;n% orowf;t;u a\s ;rkrin mh= kan ir nman ,at an];r% oronq faka®ak or k*aprin Jourqio\ mh=% Jourqian ir;nz famar ba[kaza‘ h mia\n Polso\ qani me bar;k;zik ou ,q;[ ja[;rh ;u faraua\in Jourqio\ mh= gtnouo[% ;rkrin m;‘afaroustn;roun ;u ir;nq xir;nq ªhlijº nkato[n;roun \aya.a‘ ama®na\in ‘owa'n;a\ ar]akourdi giu[aqa[aqn;rh! Anonq ;rb;q c;n f;taqrqroua‘ jh ouri,n;r i#nc pa\mann;rou mh= k*aprhin a\s ;rkrin mh=% anonz irauounqn;re ke \argouhi#n ard;øq% anonq a\s ;rkrin mh= or;uh anfangstoujiun ounhi#n ard;øq! Kar;uore a\n hr or ir;nq fangist hin% isk ;jh patafhr or vo[owourde ir anfangstouj;an ]a\ne bar]raznhr% a\n vamanak ir;nz xørauor banake ir gauaxanowe xanonq kargi ke b;rhr! Angam me isk c;n f;taqrqroua‘ jh ir;nzmh xat a\s ;rkrin wra\ apro[ a\l fa\r;nakizn;r i∞nc farz;r ounin! A\sphsow ke kar‘hi jh piti \a=o[hi im gor‘enk;roufiis mh= famakranq me arjnzn;l% orphsxi faskna\ jh incou famar m;nq ke qouhark;nq warcap;t Hrto[ani kousakzou-
j;an i npast! :rb ;s a\s patya®abanoujiune toui% im Jourq gor‘enk;roufis% oroun f;t tasneouje tarin;rh i w;r ørakan ouje% tase vam miasin a,.ata‘ ;nq% m;r lau ou wat vamanakn;re miasin anzouza‘ ;nq m;r gor‘at;[iin mh=% oroun f;t au;li ,at vamanak anzouza‘ ;m qan im entaniqis andamn;roun f;t% oroun f;t entan;øq ke t;snouhinq minc;u a\d ør% xa\raza‘ in‘i f;t;u;al patas.ane touau& ª:jh douq a\s ;rkrin mh= a\sca' m;‘ ta®apanqn;r kra‘ hq% our;mn jo[ ]ghiq a\s ;rkire ;u f;®ana\iq! Bolord al artasafmani mh= axgakann;r ouniq% incou# famar chq ga[j;r ;u ke ,arounakhq april a\s ;rkrin mh= ou anfangstoujiun patya®;l m;xiº! A\s wiyabanouj;nhn w;r= angam me ;us andradar]a\ jh ;rb;q kar;li piti cella\ a\s ;rkrin mh= 'o.;l Q;malakann;roun at;louj;an xgazoume 'oqramasnoujiunn;rou ;u jourq c;[o[n;rou fandhp% orowf;t;u anonq mta\in a\n fasounoujiune counin orphsxi endounin jh m;∞nq al a\s ;rkrin thr;rn ;nq ;u no\nisk ir;nzmh ,at au;li fin ;nq a\s fo[;rou wra\! Anonq takauin ke f;t;uin a\n ijjifatakan qaroxcouj;an oroun karga.øsn h& ªJourqia ke patkani jourq;roun% anonq oronq jourq c;n% mia\n jourq ;[o[n;roun ‘a®a\;lou famar h or a\s ;rkrin mh= irauounq ounin apr;louº! A\s dhpqe angam me ;us andrada®nal touau in‘i% or minc;u or Jourqio\ mh= cfimnoui :uropakan vo[owrdawarakan skxbounqn;rou wra\ .ars.oua‘ kousakzoujiun me% m;nq a\s ;rkri mh= minc;u a\sør arfamarfoua‘ axg;rs% warcap;t Hrto[anhn ;u ir AQ kousakzouj;nhn xat a\lentranq couninq! Polis I
JOURQIA|OUM ’PT:AL FA|:RI MASIN NOR BAZA|A|TOUMN:R :N N:RKA|AZOU:L Fa\kakan ªAkøsº parb;rakani na.kin gl.auor .mbagir Frand Tinqi kine^ Âaq;l Tinqe% enj;rzo[n;ri datin h n;rka\azr;l Tinqi fimnadrami frataraka‘ ;rkou nor girq^ ªSriz "rkoua‘n;re& Jourqia\i ’pt;al ;u Islamaza‘ Fa\;reº ;u ªMartini ’anouzoumn;reº! Incphs fa[ordoum h ªArmhn'r;sºe% a\s masin t;[;kaznoum h jourqakan T24-e! >øs;low a®a=in grqi masin Âaq;le patm;l h% or 1915 jouakaniz møt fariur tari anz lragro[% enk;rwarakan Lor;ns Âij;re ;u lousankaric Maqs Siwasl;ane spannoua‘n;ri o[= mnaza‘ jo®n;rin f;taxøt;lou npatakow tasn;ak mardkanz ;n fandip;l Jourqia\i ar;u;lqoum ;u fiusis-ar;u;lqoum% :uropa\oum! ªIncphs asoum hr Frande% ªA\s ;rkroum apro[n;ri masin au;li bard h .øs;l% qan mafaza‘n;ri masinº! Minc;u w;r=in vamanakn;re islamaza‘ kam ‘pt;al fa\;ri masin .øs;le% owq;r aproum hin jourq;ri% qrt;ri kam hl fa\;ri ,r=anoum% ªtabouº hr! A\s j;ma\ow .øsoum hin j;r;us mia\n a\n ‘a\ra\;[akan axga\nakan ,r=anakn;re% oronq 'or]oum hin ‘pt;al fa\;rin n;rka\azn;l ibr;u ‘pt;al qa[aqakan dauadroujiunn;ri masº%patm;l h Tinqi a\rin! Na n,;l h% or a\s fa\;ri jiui masin tarb;r tou;aln;r ;n n;rka\azuoum% saka\n ªSriz "rkoua‘n;riº irakan patmoujiune d;® ,arounakoum h mnal cbaza\a\toua‘! ªOwq;#r ;n a\s mardik! Incph#s ;n aproum! Incpisi# dvouaroujiunn;ri mi=ozow ;n anznoum% i#nc ;n xgoum% incph#s ;n ir;nz n;rka\aznoum! A\s girqe 'nt®oum h w;ron,;al farz;ri patas.ann;re f;nz nranziz! |stak h mi ban& nranq ;rb;mn fa\ ;n% ;rb;mn^ jourq% ;rb;mn^ qourt% ;rb;mn^ qriston;a\% ;rb;mn^ a\s bolore miasn ;u ;rb;mn hl sranziz ;u oc mhke! ªSriz 'rkoua‘n;re nor y;[q ;n bazoum a\n pati wra\% ore sks;l h znzou;lº%- patm;l h Âaq;l Tinqe! Andrada®nalow ªMartini ’anouzoumn;rº grqin^ na patmoum h% or a\st;[ n;rka\azoua‘ ;n janximaj;an ,r=aniz (1838 j&) minc;u miakousakzakan ka®awarman 15 tarin;rn (1938 j&) enka‘ vamanakafatoua‘e Martinoum p;takan qa[aqakanouj;an axd;zoujiune m,akouja\in k;anqi% k;nza[i% tnt;souj;an% hjnik ;u krønakan ba.oumn;ri wra\! ªA\s fo[;roum ,at vo[owourdn;r% l;xoun;r% m,ako\jn;r ja[amas;r ocncazou;zin ;u orqan ,at hin ocncanoum ja[amas;re% a\nqan fin qa[aqakrjoujiunn;ri ørran famarouo[ a\s tara‘qn;rn anapati hin w;ra‘uoum% a®atoujiune% shrn ou oura.oujiune nranz f;t anf;tanoum! L;xoun;ri pakas;loun xougaf;® mhkt;[ a\st;[i k;anqn hl l®;z! Nman fandipoumn;re% vo[own;re 'or] ;n ar;l .a.t;l mafouan a\s l®oujiuneº%- \a\tarar;l h Âaq;l Tinqe!
WARP:TN:ROUN M:R :RGI O@w m;r ;rgi warp;tn;r% ];xmh o@r mhkn ;rg;m ;s&&& Yakatagrow da'n;xard acq;rous dhm ke \a®nhq% :rg;re ];r w;rslaz% j;@u ke banan fogihs% Xis ir;nz f;t tan;low t;silqi a'n an;x;rq&&&! Ariunaqa@m% anpa,tpan^ magiln;rou mh= an\ag% K;anqi@% siro*\% ;raxi ;rkn;ziq ;rgn anendfat% Minc;u ];r ,ounce w;r=in \o\si ,o[ow apr;zaq% A\l m;kn;zaq lok wi,town ;raxn;roun anauart&&&! Ja@z ;n acq;rs ou fogis k*a\ri@ ];xi famar ard^ Amhn mhkoud \i,;low yakatagirn anmhkin&&& A@f% ghj za\tqhn fiazqis zø@[ me zajhr ];r zauin&&&! |anoun a\gin ‘ag;liq^ ];x ;raxin k;nsa.a\t% Fpartouj;amb% fauatqow douq ke xinhq biur s;round K*a®a=nordhq d;® xanonq ;raxn;roun a'e lourj&&&! |aroujiun Maj;an
FA|ASTANI FANRAP:TOUJ:AN&&& <ar& h= 1-hn
rakouj;an amrapndmane% a®;utri ou n;rdroumn;ri endla\nman famar mi=awa\ri \;taga\ katar;lagor‘mane% ,arvounakouj;an gor‘enk;rouj;an ,arounakakan irakanazmane ;u olorta\in famagor‘akzouj;an endla\nmane! :uropakan Mioujiunn ou Fa\astane ar]anagroum ;n% or auart;l ;n Enk;rakzouj;an fama]a\nagri% a\d juoum >ore ;u famapar'ak axat a®;utri gøtou ,our= banakzoujiunn;re% saka\n% c;n na.astoragr;lou a\n% qani or Fa\astann ouni nor mi=axga\in \an]na®oujiunn;r! Ko[m;re fama]a\n ;n% or anfrav;,t h ardiakanazn;l :uropakan Mioujiun -Fa\astan :uropakan far;uanouj;an qa[aqakanouj;an gor‘o[oujiunn;ri ‘ragire!
FA|ASTANI :RKRA<ARVI&&& <ar& h= 2-hn
fa\i anoune! Yakatagri incpisi@ ‘a[r&&&! A\o% ke ka®ouzou;n m;r ;r;q qa[aqn;rn ou ke w;rakangnou;n 180 giu[;rn ou auann;re% zauoq srti mardka\in k;anq;re w;radar]n;l fnarauor ch! :rhk zo\z hin talis mi giu[ (cls;zi anoune)% ort;[ xofou;l hin bolor ;r;.an;rn ou ;ritasardoujiune% mnaz;l hin kouc ;ka‘ mi qani tatik-papik% ;u mi kin n;rka\aznoum hr a\s amhne! C;nq ouxoum na\;l davan wa\r;riz fa[ordoumn;re% ba\z c;nq karo[anoum! Astoua‘ pafi m;r axgin au;li m;‘ arfauirqn;riz! Ankotroum Arza. a,.arfe% orn inqn h karøt m;r øgnouj;ane% m;x øgn;lou famar 700%412 fa,ouin ardhn 'o.anz;l h 3 milion 700 faxar ®oubli&&&% ou[ark;l h ir o[= t;.nikan% inc or ouni&&&% incpisi anardaroujiun! Mi qani wa\rk;ann;ri enjazqoum ocncaz;l h L;ninakani 80 tokose% Spitake ambo[=ouj;amb fauasarou;l h g;tnin% mi 'oqr lau h wiyake Kirowakanoum% ort;[ bnak;li ,hnq;riz 'louxou;l ;n 180-e% cfa,oua‘ fimnarkoujiunn;r% dprozn;r% mankaparthxn;r ;u a\ln! M;nq bolors lau ;nq% sowora-
kan! Silwa\iz 2 ør a®a= f;®agir hr ;k;l% ,at hr wa.;z;l! Ara\iki (A,.hni amousine) tramadroujiune t;[e ch% møt 17 fogi xofou;l ;u kor;l ;n L;ninakanoum (qro= 2 jo®e% møraqro= jo®e% før;[bør 2 t[an;re entaniqn;row ;u a\ln)! No\nisk zauakzakan .øsq;rn ;n korzr;l ir;nz imaste! Patmoum ;n% or L;ninakanoum ;rb faraxati diakn ;n gtnoum% oura.oujiuniz cgit;n inc an;n! Mardik arvani c;n angam daga[i% incpisi soskali yakatagir! :u ls;l ;nq% or douq hl ,at m;‘ øgnoujiun hq kaxmak;rpoum touva‘n;ri famar! Astoua‘ pafi k;ndani mnaza‘n;rin% ta\ Astoua‘% or m;r .;[y axge c.;lagaroui 9 amisn;ri enjazqoum ir t;sa‘n;riz&&&! Lau h m;x møt ,at zourt ch% d;® ]iun cka\ ;u ardhn 6-rd ørn h a[hti% ba\z d;® ,at ou ,at mardik gi,;roum ;n .aro\kn;ri møt! Fariur faxarn;row mnaz;l ;n anøj;uan! Q;®i =an c;m karo[anoum gr;l! "or]oum ;m ouri,-ouri, ban;ri masin gr;l% ba\z ci stazuoum! C;m ouxoum im a\s gouvkan namakow qo fog;kan a,.arfn hl taknouwra\ an;l&&&! &&&Fambouroum ;m^ A,.hnº! Los Any;les
G:R<& THR |OWNAN ARQ& THRTHR:ANI Na.agafouj;amb^
TOQJ& ALP:Â GARAMANOUK:ANI Kaxmak;rpouj;amb^ J&M&M Ar,ak Tigran;an Warvarani ’no[aOusouzcakan Miouj;an na.kin At;nap;tn;rou% <r=anauartn;rou% ’no[n;rou ;u A,ak;rtn;rou
50-am;aki |ob;l;anakan Fandisoujiun |arg;lou
WARDGHS GOUROU:ANI 50 tarin;rou krjakan% kousakzakan% miouj;nakan% m,akouja\in% ;ritasardakan% ;k;[;zakan% enk;ra\in ;u fama\nqa\in ‘a®a\oujiunn;re T;[i k*oun;na\ Kiraki% 2 ";trouar% 2014% k&;& vame 5!00-in Ta[l;an M,akouja\in K;dronin mh= 2001 N. Vine St., Hollywood, CA 90038 G;[arou;stakan yo. \a\tagir Fiurasiroujiun |i,ataki grqo\kin mh= masnakz;lou famar f;®a]a\n;l
Facebook – honoringvk@gmail.com
NOR ØR% D:KT:MB:R 5% 2013
K:NSOUNAK M<AKOUJA|IN A<OUN&&& <ar& h= 5-hn
tnt;sakan ;u m,akouja\in ,arvoumn;rou mh=! G:{ARD-i ;rrord ;u corrord (28 Fokt;mb;rin Joronjø% 30-in Monjrhal) ];®narkn;re nouiroua‘ hin Dokt& Minas Goya\;ani ªMormoqo[ Anz;ali Araf;tn;rowº fatori n;rka\azman! Fatore k*artazolaznh f;[inakin dhpi Kilikia ;u Patmakan Fa\astan (2011-2012) katara‘ ou[;uoroujiun-ou.tagnazou jiunn;rou a®jiu oun;za‘ .of;re% mtoroumn;re% anz;ali ou n;rka\i dhpq;rou gnafatoumn;re% qa[ou;liq das;re ;u i t;s a\sørouan Jourqio\^ nor irakanouj;an me w;rarv;uoroume! F;[inakn ou ir gor‘e n;rka\azouz ;rkaram;a\ wastaka,at .mbagir-lragro[% ªG;[ardº ka\qh=i angl;rhn bavni .mbagir Vira\r Jiujiuny;an! An zo\z touau fatorin arvaniqn;re jh∞ orphs ];uauoroum ;u jh∞ orphs iura\atouk ªyambordakanº fratarakoujiun me% or a\z;loua‘ wa\r;rou jouarkoum ch% a\l anonz xougaf;®^ \a=o[ famadroujiun me \o\x;rou% aproumn;rou% dhmq;rou ;u dhpq;rou% oronq k*a®ncouin fa\r;ni wa\r;rou f;t! ªF;[inakeº% esau V& Jiujiuny;an% ª;r;q makardakow ke xargaznh ir st;[‘agor‘oujiune^ t;[anqi n;rka\azoum% vamanakauoraphs korsoua‘ fa\r;niqin ;u ‘nndawa\rin koroustin% karøtin ;u anor f;rosakan kam o[b;rgakan anz;alin mormoqe% ;u ;rkrord fa\r;niqin% ir paraga\in^ Libanani koroustin kottazo[ zaue! An ke grh parx ou fasknali patoumow% incphs or erau na;u ir n;rka\azman at;n! N;rkan;re gnafat;zin a\s møt;zoume! Lragrakan ;u ou.tagnazakan fratarakouj;nh me andin k*;rja\ ªMormoqo[ Anz;ali Araf;tn;rowº girqe! Ardar;u% anika qa[aqakan n,anakoujiun oun;zo[ 'astagroujiun men h%esau V& Jiujiuny;an! Orphs a\dpisin girqe koc men h ou[[oua‘ bolor fa\;roun \a\tarar;lou ;u fastat;lou famar jh ;*u anz;alin ;u jh* a\vm fa\oujiune irauathrn h ir patmakan fo[;roun% oroun m;‘amasnoujiune .loua‘ h irmh! F;[inake ouvgnaphs ke \an]nararh ir fa\r;nakizn;re orphsxi Ar;umtafa\astan a\z;l;low paf;n ou amrazn;n fog;kan ou `ixiqakan kape grau;al fa\r;niqi f;t^ akanat;se ellalow afauor koroustin ;u xgalow a\n anpatm;li zaue% oroun ;njarkou;zan m;r tar;zn;re anzno[120 tarin;rou enjazqin! :rb fa\;r k*a\z;l;n Ar;umt;an Fa\astan ;u Kilikia% anonq phtq ch xgan orphs xbøsa,r=ikn;r% oronq kar‘;s ouri, ;rkir me k*az;l;n% endg‘;z f;[inake! Phtq h a\n gitakzouj;amb otq dn;n or ir;nz toun;re% ir;nz l;®n;re% liy;re% g;t;re k*a\z;l;n! ªKe \ousam girqe ke n;r,nch enj;rzo[n;re ;u zankoujiun k*a®a=aznh anonz mh= norog;lou pap;nakan ;rkir w;rada®nalou
ou.te% ;rkir me% our fa\oujiune apra‘ ou st;[‘agor‘a‘ h faxarauor tarin;rº! Qani or a\sør Ar;umt;an kam b®nagrau;al Fa\astane bazar]ak m;‘amasnouj;amb bnak;zoua‘ h qiurt;row% ªm;nq phtq h fa[ordakzouj;an mh= gtnouinq anonz f;t ;u anfrav;,t h nor t;saki ou oraki ;rk.øsouj;an mh= mtn;nq ir;nz f;t% phtq h ka®ouz;nq kamour=n;r m;r ;rkou vo[owourdn;rou mi=;u% ;jh phtq h% farkauor h no\nisk n;zouk k;nal \anoun anka.ouj;an m[a‘ ir;nz pa\qarin ;u% inco#u ch% i w;r=o\ stanal mas me m;r patmakan fa\r;niqhnº% esau Dokt& Goya\;an! ªNor irakanoujiunn;r kan a\sør Jourqio\ mh=% or nsta‘ h frabou.i wra\% or krna\ or;uh at;n pa\jil% f;t;uabar m;nq phtq h w;rana\inq ou w;rarv;uor;nq m;r \arab;roujiunn;re jourq fasarakouj;an xanaxan .au;rou f;t% manauand Frand Tinqi afab;kman orphs ardiunq jourq fasarakouj;an mh= kataroua‘ nor .moroumn;rou ;u fanra\in po®jkoumn;rou lo\sin takº% n,;z f;[inake ;u au;lzouz jh a\d gor‘enjazin øgtakar k;nalou npatakow ‘ragra‘ h girqe jargman;l angl;rhn ;u manauand jrq;rhn l;xoun;row% f;t;uabar% esau an% fa\;rhn fratarakouj;an ambo[= ;kamoute piti \atkazoui a\d ‘ragrin! Dokt& M& Goya\;an ir .øsqin xougenjaz n;rka\azouz na;u ir ko[mh kataroua‘ lousasafikn;rou yo. zouzadroujiun me% or znzo[ axd;zoujiun ]g;z n;rka\ fasarakouj;an wra\! Joronjo\i ;u Monjrhali mh= kaxmak;rpoua‘ n;rka\azoumn;roun a®jiu waya®qi droua‘ bolor girq;re spa®;zan isko\n! F;[inake frauirou;zau na;u fandipoum me oun;nalou FBEM Armhn-Qhphq Al;q Manouk;an warvarani bar]r karg;rou a,ak;rtouj;an f;t% oronz famar matc;li ;u diurafa[ord l;xouow an xrouz;z ir ou.tagnazoujiunn;roun masin^ m;‘ f;taqrqroujiun st;[‘;low ;rks;® a,ak;rtouj;an møt! Dokt& M& Goya\;an ‘na‘ h Ph\rouj! |aya.a‘ h t;[uo\n FBEM-i |owakim;an-Manouk;an warvarane% a\nouf;t;u m;kna‘ h ~ransa% bar;lau;lou famar ir `rans;rhne% isk famalsaranakan ousoume staza‘ h :r;uani P;takan Famalsarani Banasirouj;an ;u Patmouj;an bavanmounqn;rhn n;rs^ tiranalow Gitoujiunn;rou Doktori astiyanin! :rkar tarin;r dasauanda‘ h Kiprosi FBEM-i M;lgon;an Krjakan Fastatouj;an ;u apa Qali`ornio\ FBEM-i Manouk;an-T;miry;an warvarann;rhn n;rs! :[a‘ h lragro[% .mbagir ;u gor‘øn k;rpow masnakza‘ h ou ke ,arounakh ir npaste b;r;l miouj;nakan% axga\in-kousakzakan bnagaua®n;rh n;rs! An keghart.com-i fa\kakan bavni .mbagirn h miavamanak!
ªo[ba]a\n a[a[akeº clshr a,.arfe% jhpht dou a[a[ak;l ;s f;nz nra ba®;row! Ø@% im vo[owourd% dou fanyar;[ ]a.o[ak! Dou% or sqanc;li banast;[‘n;r oun;zar% ba\z oc mi diuanaght ;u p;takan mard (;jh oun;zar^ ouri,n;rin ‘a®a\;zin)% dou% or srbazrir bolorin% or oux;zan% ygn;zin q;x ‘a®a\;l% q;x øgn;l^ a®asp;li Artauaxd arqa\ordouz minc;u&&& :s cgit;m^ cgit;m^ a\sør% wa[e% dou o#um ;s .ac;lou&&& :s k®iu oun;m vo[owrdis f;t% isk dou asoum ;s in] faxaram;a\ qo f;®ouiz& Mi* k;[;qir in]% \ø,otoua‘ ;m% t;s% Ardhn =ardoua‘is hl mi =a.=a.ir% Hl mi bxktir% mormoqoua‘ ;m ;s% Mjna‘is noriz mi* kourazrou&&& W& P;tros;an ªFa\kakan Hsqixn;rº ª&&&Anfawatali h% ba\z irau! Incphs piti k®afhr jh% an‘anøj ør me^ .acou;lou f;rje piti gar na;u ir;n% na.^ xinq ªo[=akix;lowº ir isk ªKrakh <apikºin m;=% apa^ 1994-i Ap rili 15-in% ir fo[aniuj ,inoua‘qe dar]n;low xof fa\aspan 'am'ou,ti% gor‘adroua‘ .orfrdauor pa\mann;rou tak% or piti wa\;lhr ªpa,tpanoujiuneº anpatv;liouj;an m;na,norfi me ‘.a‘a‘ko\j;nº! A& S;';jy;an ªMasisº 2012 ª&&&1958_in Wardghs P;tros;ani ªW;r=in Gi,;reº wipake ardhn k∞au;thr wa[ouan galiq =our;roun wararoume m;r ar]akhn n;rs! Ardar;u% 1960-akan jouakann;rou skxbin ke katarouhr spasoua‘n ou f;rja'o.e m;r ar]akin% oroun na.akarap;tn ou a®a=norde phtq h fandisanar P;tros;an% m;r grakanoujiun b;r;low ,q;[ ir ar]akin nor yayancoume% ir jarm ou .ixa. ,ouncow% cor ou zamaq sow;takan ar]akhn n;rs mt;rmouj;an jarmag;[ ,ounc me mtzn;low ;u axnouazn;low ja.i‘n aqsor ;al! Anor d;re orphs grakan [;kawar ;u patas.anatou .mbagir ;[au wy®oro,! An la\n bazau ªGarounº amsagrin 70 faxar tpaqanakow h=;re banast;[‘ouj;an ;u ar]akin nor f;[;[in a®=;u% jo\l talow% or n;rm[oua‘ bolor da®noujiunn;re% ka,kandoua‘ bolor j®icqn;re x;[oun ou \ordin% orphsxi ardar ou maqour .[yi wra\ bar]rana\ nor ka®o\ze fa\r;ni grakanouj;an! &&&Grakan ir fauatamqe& t;[ me gra‘ h an& ªOuxoum ;m% or grakanoujiune øgni mardoun^ ir k;anqe ibr;u ar;u
apr;louº! T;slakan me^ grakanouj;an w;ra'o.ic% anxougakan d;re endg‘o[ ;u mardoun lin;lioujiune ,r=a'ako[! Mard-ar;uin inqxinqn spa®;low ,r=apatin lo\s yam'o[ mardoun g;rago\n ;u ws;mago\n ga[a'arn h a\s t;slakane! Øgtapa,ti orakoume fos ke mna\ tvgo\n! Orowf;t;u% an c∞ardarazn;r P;tros;an g;[apa,ti al ]gtoume! Au;li yi,t piti ellar% our;mn% g;[apa,tørhn ]gtoumnauor grakanouj;an orakoume tal! A\s h afa W& P;tros;ani ar]aki banalin% a®anz oroun dvouar piti ellar y,grtørhn bnoro,;l st;[‘agor‘akan ir a,.arfn ou fa\;zo[oujiune! Mardn ou ir wastake ke baza\a\touin a\s t;sada,tin mh=º! Sargis Wafagn% ªMasisº 2013 ª&&&Wij.ari ;u \ouxic na.a];®noujiun men hr kataroua‘e% qani or ambo[= s'iu®qi tara‘qin wra\ a®a=in angamn hr% or grakan ørgan me ke fandgnhr a\sqan m;‘a‘a.s ;u famafa\kakan k;rpow tøna.mb;l ir 25-am;ake! ª<irakiº .mbagrakan marmine i ,ars s'iu®qafa\ baxmajiu grakan dhmq;rou ;u a,.atakizn;rou ou[[oua‘ frauhrin^ fandisouj;anz na.agaf;lou frauir;z Fa\astani Gro[n;rou Miouj;an na.agaf W& P;tros;ane% oroun n;rka\oujiune ke fastathr na;u a\n m;‘ irakanoujiune jh mh*k h fa\ vo[owourde% mh*k grakanouj;amb! Orqan oura. ;u fpart ;[anq or an enda®a=;z m;r frauhrin% ;kau ®mbako‘oujiunn;rou tak auiroua‘ ;u sgafar Libanan% ;kau ;u ir f;t b;rau garoun ou b;rkranq ;u .a[a[oujiun! Inc 'o\j% jh ktor me mia\n ;u karyat;u ;[au a\d .a[a[oujiune ;u m;nq kar;lioujiunn isk coun;zanq o[=;rj ma[j;lou ir;n arvanawa\;l k;rpow! Ir qsanmhkør;a\ k;zouj;an enjazqin ta[andauor gro[hn ;u jat;ragirhn anka. m;nq m;r mh= gtanq =;rm xrouzakize% .ixa. b;mbasaze% or gith s;uin es;l s;u% ;u y;rmakin al y;rmak% ba\z na;u gith ces;l oc mhk ban% or krna\ ellal anpat,ay ou wnasakar! :u m;nq fpart ;[anq irmow% ir an]in mh= gtn;low na;u ykoun ;u karo[ warcaghte! :u a\nouf;t;u m;xi famar parx dar]au% jh incphs ;u incou d;® ;ritasard Wardghse nouay;z na.agafouj;an ajo®e% or Warp;tin mafhn \;to\ ja'our ke mnarº! Fa\k Naga,;an% 10 no\;mb;r% ªMasisº 2012 (Mnaz;ale \a=ord jiuow)
zouzadr;l na;u patmakan arvhq ;u n,anakoujiun oun;zo[ a\s gorge% or toun toua‘ hr w;ro\i,;al girqi patrastouj;an ;u fratarakouj;an! Girqe oc mia\n k*ar]anagrhr gorgi patrastouj;an xanaxan fangrouann;re% a\l anglia.øs enj;rzo[in ke n;rka\aznhr 1915-i tarin;roun fa\ vo[owourdi dhm kataroua‘ z;[aspanouj;an a\laxan ‘alq;re ;u f;t;uanqn;re! ªA\s gorgin masin patm;l ke n,anakh patm;l Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an masin ou ;s a\d partakanoujiune \an]n a®i baza\a\t;lou ator patmakan n,anakoujiune orphsxi enj;rzo[e au;li lau emb®nh patafa‘eº ke grh Toqj& |akob Thran;an ir girqi na.abanin mh=! Saka\n anaknkal k;rpow% Spitak Tan patas.anatoun;re ke m;rvhin gorge fraparaka\in zouzadrouj;an famar 'o. tal w;ro\i,;al f;[inakauor fastatouj;an! Spitak Toune a\s a®ijow fa[ordagroujiun me ke fraparakhr \a\tarar;low& ª{axiri gorge fa\ ;u am;rikazi vo[owourdn;rou bar;kamouj;an mhk kar;uor wkan h! Ke zauinq or kar;li ch gorge zouzadrouj;an famar 'o. tal a\s vamanakº! Spitak Tan a\s oro,oume kar;li c;[au \;ts koc;l faka®ak Fa\astani møt Am;rik;an d;span Yon Fh`erni =anq;roun% ;u Am;rik;an Gongrhsi mh= fa\ouj;an bar;kam nkatouo[ n;rka\azouzicn;rou mi=amtouj;an or a\s gorgi zouzadroujiune warcakan .a'anoumi c;njarkoui! Na.agaf Øpama\i ou[[oua‘ 8 No\;mb;r 2013 jouakir namaki me mh= gonkrhsakann;r Atam <i` ;u Th\wit Walatou ke grhin& ªOrb;rou gorge Am;rik;an patmouj;an mas ke kaxmh ou ibr;u a\dpisin ke patkani Am;rika\i vo[owourdin! Am;rikafa\oujiune ;rkar at;nh i w;r ke pafan=h anor fraparaka\in zouzadroujiune ;u dvba.tabar a\d pafan=qin gofazoum ch troua‘ takauinº! Spitak Tan a\s anaknkal oro,oume m;knaban;low \ødoua‘i f;[inak ~ili' Qhniqoj ke ,;,thr jh gorgi zouzadrouj;an a\s anaknkal =n=oume kap ounhr Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an farzow Jourq ªda,nakiz p;touj;an xga\noujiunn;re cwirauor;louº mtafogouj;an f;t! A\s kapakzouj;amb \ødoua‘agir ~ili' Qhniqoj ªOua,inkjen "osjºi enj;rzo[n;roun ke \i,;znhr jh Am;rika\i Miaz;al Nafangn;re ibr;u p;toujiun takauin c;n yancza‘ Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune ou ke xgou,anan pa,tønakan or;uh dirqoro,oumh or krna\ jourq-am;rik;an ;rkko[mani \arab;roujiunn;roun or;uh wnas faszn;lh! Am;rika\i Miaz;al Nafangn;rou xanaxan warcakarg;rou jrqanpast a\s mtafogoujiune noroujiun me ch! Ardar;u% Am;rikazi qa[aqaghtn;r ir;nz entrakan ar,aui enjazqin ,®ndaliz fa\anpast \a\tararoujiunn;r k*en;n% saka\n entroujiunn;rhn ou i,.anouj;an galhn ;tq a\d .ostoumn;re \øds ke zndin ou ªaxga\in ,af;rh ;u nkata®oumn;rh m;kna‘º faxaroumhk patya®abanoujiunn;r ke gtn;n ir;nz skxbounqa\in ,r=adar]e bazatr;lou ;u ardarazn;lou famar! Miavamanak soworakan dar]a‘ h a\s no\n ,r=anakn;roun enddimanalou Fa\ Dati farzi qnnarkoumin am;rik;an gongrhshn n;rs patya®aban;low or ªfama,.arfa\in kazouj;an n;rka\ bardoujiunn;re ba[]ali c;n dar]n;r a\d farzi qnnarkoumeº! A®anz baza®ouj;an a\s no\n dirqe b®na‘ ;n i,.anouj;an wra\ gtnouo[ am;rikazi qa[aqaghtn;r ;u p;takan pa,tønatarn;r% inc or al ellan anonz kousakzakan patkan;lioujiune kam qa[aqakan ko[mnoro,oume! A\s qa[aqaghtn;rou dasin ke patkani na;u Am;rika\i Miaz;al Nafangn;rou a\vmou na.agafe Paraq Øpama ;u anor warcakargin mas kaxma‘ ;u kaxmo[ na.kin ;u a\vmou dhmq;r! Ardar;u% 2008 jouakani entrakan ar,aui enjazqin ‘;rakoutakan Paraq Øpama ir entrakan ka\qh=in mh= t;[ gta‘ grauor axdi me mh= ke \a\tararhr& ªFa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune xrpartoujiun me% an]nakan kar‘iq me kam ga[a'ar me ch% a\l gitakan wka\akocoumow patmakan iro[oujiun me! Am;rika phtq ouni na.agafi me or y,martaziørhn ke .øsi Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an masin ;u ouvgnørhn ke fakaxdh bolor z;[aspanoujiunn;rounº! A\d jouakanhn i w;r% ou na.agaf entrou;lhn ;tq% Prn& Paraq Øpama cors angam a®ije oun;za‘ hr i pa,tønh krkn;lou% ;u fastat;lou% April 24-i |i,atakouj;an Ørouan a®ijow a\n inc or ibr;u na.agafakan j;kna‘ou an;rkba\ k;rpow krkna‘ hr xanaxan a®ijn;row! Na.agaf Øpama o*c mia\n ir .øsqe c\arg;z% a\l incphs k*;r;ui ªOua,inkjen "osjºi \ødoua‘i toua‘ t;[;koujiunn;rhn% ir isk Spitak Tan pa,tønhoujiune ou[[aki k;rpow arg;lq ke fandisana\ Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an or;uh pa,tønakan n,oumin kam anor f;t kapoua‘ fraparaka\in or;uh arta\a\touj;an^ jrqakan fakaxd;zouj;an me a®a=qe a®n;lou famar! Irmh a®a= na.agaf Yory Pou, ordi no\nørinak warqagi‘i me f;t;ua‘ hr! Ardar;u% 19 ";trouar 2000 jouakanin% am;rik;an na.agafakan entroujiunn;rhn ouje amis a®a=% Pou, ke \a\tararhr& ªFa\oujiune mardkouj;an dhm gor‘oua‘ oyiri mhk ariunali dara,r=anin z;[aspanouj;an ararqi me xofe dar]au! :rb na.agaf entrouim kar;lis piti en;m or m;r axge fa\ vo[owourdi o[b;rga-
kan ta®apanqe yancna\º! A\d jouakanhn tari me ;tq saka\n% ;u April 24-i ørouan am;rik;an pa,tønakan \i,atakouj;an a®ijow% Na.agaf Yory Pou, ordi ke drvhr fa\ouj;an toua‘ ir .ostoume% ou no\ne ke krknouhr anor i,.anouj;an bowandak t;uo[ouj;an! A\spisi dirq me patmoujiune l®ouj;an matn;lou apikar 'or] men h or qa[aqakan% akad;makan% ;u lragrakan a,.arfhn n;rs gor‘o[ karg me mi=axga\in d;rakatarn;rou ª'a.ousti yambanº ke fandisana\! Dvba.tabar% a\s ,r=anakn;re ir;nz p;takan% tnt;sakan ;u enk;ra\in marx;rhn n;rs wa\;la‘ dirqin patya®ow% i wiyaki ;n ir;nz lou® m;[sakzouj;amb karg me farz;r npatakadr;al ];uow ‘anr qø[i me tak ‘a‘k;l% orowf;t;u anonz baza\a\toume ;u fraparaka\in qnnarkoume .otor ke fam;matin ir;nz ªaxga\inº ,af;roun f;t ;u krnan ªgl.azauanqº patya®;l! Patmoujiune l®ouj;an matn;lou ‘ragr;al a\s møt;zoume akad;makan a,.arfi a®=;u baza\a\to[ a®a=in f;[inakn;rhn ;[a‘ h fanra\a\t Yon Fo'kinx famalsarani dasa.øsn;rhn Mi,hl-Rol` Jrou\;ø% or ir ªAnz;ale L®;zn;lou Ou[;gi‘eº (Silencing The Past) girqin mh= 1995-in ke grhr& ªA\s apikar 'or]in npatakn h miavamanak ja[;l m;®no[n;roun \i,atake ;u o[=;roun zaue! A\s npatakin fasn;lou famar xanaxan d;rakatarn;r ‘ragr;al ou[;gi‘i me wra\ fimnoua‘ ke 'or];n ir;nz fakak,®in ;njark;l patmakan 'ast;rou fauaqoume ;u n;rka\azoume% ar.iun;rou patrastouj;an ;u anonz patmakan m;knabanouj;an a,.atanqe a\d ];uow ªant;san;liº dar]n;lou famar patmakan dhpq me kam dhpq;rº! |stak h or a\spisi =anq me patmoujiune .;[ajiur;lou% partk;lou% mardka\in enk;rouj;an karg me fatoua‘n;re ,ouqi mh= ]g;lou ‘ragra\in a,.atanq men h oroun npatake 'ast;l h jh ªw;r= i w;r=o\ patafa‘e a\dqan a[;tali kam kar;uor chrº ;u jh phtq h a\d farze ]g;l patmaghtn;rou \au;l;al qnnarkoumin! Patmoujiune l®;zn;lou qa[aqakan a\s pat;fapa,touj;an xanaxan ‘alq;roun masin la\nørhn andradar]a‘ h Britanakan ªThe Independentº øraj;rji Ph\rouji j[jakiz Âophrj ~isq ir groujiunn;roun ;u j[jakzoujiunn;roun mh=! ~isq ªQa[aqakrjouj;an famar m[ouo[ M;‘ Pat;raxmeº (The Great War for Civilization) girqin mh= ;rkar bavin me \atkazouza‘ h Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an dhpq;rou nkaragrouj;an% qnnarkoumin ;u manauand ar;umt;an karg me ;rkirn;rou ,afaditakan npatakn;row Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an patmoujiune partk;lou =anq;roun! A\d bavnin mh= ~isq ke patmh na;u jh incphs Jourqia% ;u anor famakir ,r=anakn;r% 'or]a‘ ;n Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an masin ir gra‘ \ødoua‘n;re =r;l ;u ibr;u ªn;ngº ;u ª.arda.º fimq oun;zo[ møt;zoumn;r n;rka\azn;l fanrouj;an! ~isq ir girqi h= 337-in mh= ke grh& ª:rb a®a=in angam fa\kakan =ard;rou masin gr;zi 1993-in% Jourq;r datapart;zin im \ødoua‘e a\nphs incphs era‘ ;n a\d jouakanhn a®a= ou ;tqe fratarakoua‘ girq;rou paraga\in! Jourq enj;rzo[n;r namak gr;zin ªThe Independentº øraj;rji .mbagrouj;an pafan=;low or pa,tønaxourk en;n xisº! ~isq ir girqin mh= fangamanørhn k*andrada®na\ na;u mi=axga\in g;tni wra\ Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an pndoumn;roun dhm ar;umt;an ;rkirn;rou [;kawarn;rou b®na‘ ga\jak[ali k;zoua‘qi masin^ ]a[k;low anonz k;[‘auor dirqoro,oumn;re ;u pat;fapa,takan nkata®oumn;re% oronq baro\aphs k*arv;xrk;n mardka\in irauounqn;rou ;u ardarouj;an kar;uorouj;an masin katara‘ ir;nz fraparaka\in \a\tararoujiunn;re ;u qaroxcakan fimq oun;zo[ ir;nz pa,tønakan dirqoro,oumn;re! ~isq ir girqi w;rlou‘akan bavnin mh= manramasn k;rpow k*andrada®na\ `ransakan% am;rik;an% ;u M;‘n Britanio\ ka®awaroujiunn;rou ;u i,.anoujiunn;rou Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an nkatmamb b®na‘ ;rkdimi dirqin ;u jrqamht fakoumn;roun masin% pa.arak;low anonz tmardi w;rab;rmounqe a\s patmakan dhpqi kapakzouj;amb! (Mnaz;ale \a=ord jiuow)
OU<ADROUJIUN Aljatina\i mh= war]ou h Jhqh;an M,akouja\in Miouj;an W;ranorogoua‘ ou bar;xardoua‘ Ph,khøjiur;an k;droni g;[at;sil srafe% \armar bolor a®ijn;rou famar Manramasnouj;anz famar kar;li h f;®a]a\n;l Ghorg Qhø,khr;anin^ f;t;u;al jiuow&
NOR ØR% D:KT:MB:R 5% 2013
FF BAR}RAGO|N >MBI AÂA+NOUJIUNOUM ªARARATEº AÂA+IN <R+ANI |A{JO{ FF bar]rago\n .mbi a®a=noujiunoum ka\azan a®a=in (a,nana\in) ,r=ani w;r=in mrza'ouli fandipoumn;rn% oronq auartou;zin a\spisi ardiunqn;row& ªAraratº-ª"iunikº^ 2-0 ª<irakº-ªMikaº^ 1-1 ªOulisº-ªGan]asarº^ 0-0 ªBananzº-ªAla,k;rtº^ 7-0 Mrza,ara\in a[iusak >& |& F& P& G& M& Ararat 14 9 3 2 20-7 30 <irak 14 6 4 4 24-18 22 Gan]asar 14 5 5 4 26-18 20 Bananz 14 4 7 3 18-11 19 Mika 14 4 7 3 16-14 19 "iunik 14 4 5 5 22-20 17 Oulis 14 3 4 7 12-19 13 Ala,k;rt 14 2 3 9 15-46 9 Âmbarkoun;r& Ghorg N®an;an (Ararat)^ 9 S;rv D;blh (<irak)^ 9 Mifran Minas;an (Ala,k;rt)^ 7 Artak Da,;an (Gan]asar)^ 7
FA|KAKAN ~OUJPOLI >YANKAR • FF fauaqakani ;u Moskoua\i ªSpartakiº \ar]akouo[ :oura Mowsis;ane Los Any;lesoum ‘nki \a=o[ wirafatouj;an h ;njarkou;l! ªSpartakiº bv,kakan an]nakaxmi [;kawar Mi.a\il Wardap;towe n,;l h% or :ouran ;u wnasoua‘q oun;zo[ mius `oujpolistn;re ar]akourdi vamanak phtq h \atouk ‘ragrow marxou;n% orphsxi aragørhn w;rakangnou;n \;taga\oum jimi endfanour .mbi f;t parapmounqn;rn anzkazn;lou famar! • FF fauaqakani ;u Moskoua\i ªSpartakiº mhk a\l fa\ `oujpolist^ kisapa,tpan Arax Øxbilise kisat h jo[;l jimi marxoume j;j;uaki wnasoua‘qi patya®ow! Bvi,kn asaz% or Araxi møt oc mi .ndir cka\% na ouni fin wnasoua‘q% ore ;rb;mn \i,;znoum h ir masin! • Dortmoundi ªBorousianº% ori kaxmoum fandhs h galis FF fauaqakani kisapa,tpan F;nri. M.ijar;ane :uropa\i a.o\;ann;ri lika\oum 3-1 fa,ouow \a[j;z italakan ªNapoliinº! F;nri.e masnakz;z ambo[= fandipmane ou lauago\nn;riz mhkn hr .a[ada,toum! Est italakan La Gazzetla Dello Sport j;rji fandipman lauago\n `oujpolist h yanacou;l M.ijar;ane% ow staz;l h 7&5 gnafatakane! • OU:~A-i ,tab bnakaranoum ka\azau :uropa\i minc;u 19 tar;kann;ri a®a=nouj;an orakauorman 'ouli wiyakafanoujiune! FF fauaqakann endgrkoua‘ h 4-rd .mboum% ort;[ ke mrzi Slowakia\i% Foungaria\i ;u Atrph\yani fauaqakann;ri f;t! Mrza,are ke ka\ana\ Foungaria\oum% isk .a[;re ke ka\anan 2014-i No\;mb;ri 10-in% ;u 15-in! Isk FF minc;u 17 tar;kann;ri entranin endgrkou;z 3-rd .mboum% ort;[ \a=ord^ hlit ®aounti ou;gri famar ke pa\qari Islandia\i% Italia\i ;u Moltowa\i fauaqakann;ri f;t! • F~D-n ,arounakoum h axga\in fauaqakani gl.auor marxci oronoumn;re^ banakz;low mi ,arq masnaghtn;ri f;t! Nranziz mhke 51-am;a\ arvanjinazi Goustauø Al`aron h% a\d masin \a\tn;l h F~D-i na.agaf Âoubhn Fa\rap;t;ane! Na n,;l h% or FF fauaqakani nor gl.auor marxci a®=;u .ndir h drou;lou :urø-2016-i ;xra'akic 'ouli ou[;gir nouay;l! 2010-iz Al`aron arvanjin;an ªArs;naliº gl.auor marxicn h! 2012in na jimin ;rkri gauajakri ;u g;rgauajakri tit[osn;rin h arvanazr;l% ;u dar];l h Arvanjini garnana\in a®a=nouj;an \a[jo[! Al`aron minc;u a®a=nouj;an auarte
pa\managir ouni akoumbi f;t% orn endamhne 2 miauor h xi=oum a®a=atar ªSan Lor;nzo\inº!
ARVANJINAFA| DAUIJ NALPANT:ANE MASNAKZ:Z ZOUZADRAKAN MRZA<ARIN Arvanjinafa\ j;nisist Dauij Nalpant;ane masnakz;z Cilii Santiakø qa[aqoum anzkazoua‘ j;nisi zouzadrakan mrza,arin! Dauije 4-6% 2-6 fa,ouow partou;z ciliazi Nikolas Masouin! Mius mrza.a[oum a,.arfi 2-rd ®ak;t Nowak +okowice \a[j;l h ispanazi Âa`a\hl Nadalin (7-6% 6-4)! Pouhnos A\rhsoum ka\aza‘ zouzadrakan mrza.a[oum a,.arfi a®a=in ®akht Âa`a\hl Nadale 6-3% 6-4 fa,ouow \a[j;l h Dauij Nalpant;anin! A\d mrza.a[e nouiroua‘ h ;[;l a,.arfi na.kin 3-rd ®akht Dauij Nalpant;ani kari;ran auart;loun! :r;ko\i enjazqoum Nalpant;ann ou arvanjinazi >ouan Monakon xouga.a[oum mrz;l ;n Âa`a\hl Nadali ;u Nowak +akowici f;t^ kr;low partoujiun! |i,;zn;nq% or 31-am;a\ Nalpant;ann ousi wnasoua‘qi patya®ow gor‘ounhoujiunn (kati;ran) auart;lou masin \a\tarar;l hr Fokt;mb;rin! Ir gor‘ounhouj;an vamanak Dauije m;na.a[;roum nouay;l h 11 tit[os% isk 2002-in fas;l h minc;u ªOuimbldoni mrza,ari ;xra'akic% ort;[ partou;l h austriazi Lh\jon Fiuijin!
FA| SAMBISTN:RE MASNAKZ:ZIN A<>ARFI AÂA+NOUJ:ANE A<OT DANIHL:ANE A<>ARFI A>O|:AN Oura.ouj;amb n,;nq% or fa\ sambistn;rn fa\r;niq w;radar]an faroust auarow nouay;low 5 m;tal! G;raxanz fandhs ;kau A,ot Danihl;ane% ore ;®am;a\ endmi=oumiz \;to\ krkin a,.arfi a.o\;an f®cakou;z! Minc;u 82 qk& qa,a\in kargoum fandhs ;ka‘ st;'anak;rtzi sambiste \a=ordabar partouj;an matn;z qorhazi S;oung Kwon Co\in ??auritanazi Marouan Øoul;ua\in% iranafa\ |oxh` Qaram;anin% poulkarazi Iwa\lø Iwanowin ;u S;rgh\ Â;abowin (ÂD)! FF-in a®a=in m;taln;re parg;u;zin kananz mrza,arin masnakza‘ :r=anik Karap;t;ane (48 qk&)% t[amardkanz mrzawhyi masnakizn;r Tigran Kirakos;ann (52 qk&) ou Mawrik Nasib;ane (74 qk&)% Søsh Balasan;ane (52 qk&)% oronq arvnazan pronxh parg;un;ri! FF sambo\i da,nouj;an na.agaf L;uon Fa\rap;t;ane sambo\i xargazman gor‘oum n;rdra‘ m;‘ auandi ;u marxa];ui fimnadrman 75-am;aki a®ijow parg;uatrou;z \ob;l;anakan m;talow! Mrzakzoujiuniz dours hin ÂD-i sambistn;re% oronq nouay;zin 15 oskh% 4 ar‘ajh ;u 8 pronxh m;tal! A.o\;ani tit[osin arvanaza‘ ®ousastanzin;ri juoum hr na;u minc;u 90 qk& qa,a\in Arshn >an=;ane% ow ;xra'akicoum \a[j;z ouqraniazi Iwan Wasilcoukin! Nran oskh m;tale \an]n;z mrzoumn;ri enjazqin f;t;uo[ ÂD na.agaf Wlatimir "oujine!
<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • 13-am;a\ ~ID:-i warp;t Samouhl S;u;ane (AMN) Bouta';,toum ,r=ana\in kargow anzkazoua‘ ªA®a=in ,abaj ørº mrza,aroum 9 fnarauoriz wastak;low 5&5 miauor
nouay;z 2-rd mrzanake! 6&5 miauorow mrza,ari \a[jo[ dar]au mi=axga\in warp;t S;rgh\ Maz;nkon (ÂD)! • War,aua\oum auartoua‘ :uropa\i jima\in a®a=noujiunoum Lilij Mkrtc;ane kananz mrza,aroum 2-rd ta.taki wra\ nouay;z ar‘ajh m;tal! L;uon Aron;ane t[amardkanz mrza,aroum a®a=in ta.taki wra\ parg;uatrou;z pronxh m;talow! • Jourqia\i Anjalia qa[aqoum ,arounakuoum h a,.arfi jima\in a®a=noujiune! A®a=in mrza'ouloum FF fauaqakane oc-oqi^ 2-2 .a[az ÂD-i fauaqakani f;t! Bolor partian;roum granzou;zin oc-oqi ardiunqn;r! A\s 'ouli mius^ Ouqrania-AMN fandipoumn auartou;z ouqraniazin;ri \a[janakow 2&5-1&5 fa,ouow 2-rd mrza'ouloum FF fauaqakane 3-1 fa,ouow \a[j;z :giptosi entranoun! Mius f;taqrqroujiun n;rka\azno[ fandipoumn;rn auartou;zin a\spisi ardiunqn;row& AMN-ÂD^ 3-1% CinastanOuqrania^ 1&5-2&5! I dhp AMN-i fauaqakani kaxmoum fandhs h galis Warouvan |akob;ane! :rrord mrza'ouloum FF fauaqakane 2&5-1&5 fa,ouow \a[j;z AMN-i entranoun! M;r jimin \a[janak parg;u;z L;uon Aron;ane% ow \a[j;z Fikarou Nakamoura\in! A\s mrza'ouloum mi;uno\n^ 2&5-1&5 Ouqranian \a[j;z Atrph\yani% isk Âousastane^ Cinastanin! 4-rd mra'ouloum FF fauaqakane kr;z a®a=in partoujiune^ 1&5-2&5 fa,ouow xi=;low cinazin;rin! Aron;ane \a[j;z Gabrihl Sargs;ane oc-oqi .a[az% isk Mowsis;ann ou |akob;ane xi=;zin mrakizn;rin! Mius f;taqrqroujiun n;rka\azno[ fandipoumn;rn auartou;zin a\spisi ardiunqn;row& Atrph\yan-ÂD^ 1&5-2&5% Ouqrania-G;rmania^ 3-1! 5-rd mra'ouloum FF fauaqakane mrz;z Atrph\yani entranou f;t! Fandipoumn auartou;z oc-oqi^ 2-2! N,;nq% or a\s a®a=noujiunoum Atrph\yane fandhs h galis a®anz ir a®a=atarn;r^ Mam;d\arowi ;u Âa=abowi! Mius fandipoumn;re& Folandia-:giptos^ 3-1% ÂD-G;rmania^ 3&5-0%5% AMN-Cinastan^ 1&5-2&5! 6-rd mrza'oul& G;rmania-Fa\astan^ 3-1% Atrph\yan-AMN^ 1&5-2&5% Folandia-Ouqrania^ 2&5-1&5! Fa\astan-Jourqia^ 3-1% Fa\astan-Folandia^ 3&5-0&5
MAFAZ:L H KAÂLHN MANOUK:ANE Mafouan gouv stazanq :r;uaniz! 80 tar;kan fasakoum% ;rkarat;u fiuandoujiuniz \;to\% mafaz;l h fa\kakan pasq;jpoli akna®ou n;rka\azouzicn;riz mhke^ Ka®lhn Manouk;ane! ’nou;l hr L;ninakanoum 1933 j& Øgostosi 14-in! >a[az;l h :r;uani ~IMA% Qi;ui BMA ;u ªStroit;lº jim;roum% >SFM ;ritasardakan ;u m;‘afasakn;ri% Fa\astani ;u Ouqrania\i fauaqakann;roum! >SFM-i sporti patouauor warp;t hr% F>MF_i wastakauor marxic! :[;l hr mi ,arq jim;ri ;u fauaqakann;ri marxic! 1954-iz a,.at;l h :~KI-i marxa.a[;ri ampionoum orphs øgnakan% dasa.øs% mankawarvakan gitoujiunn;ri j;kna‘ou hr% "ro`&% `akoult;ti d;kan! Los Any;lesoum gtnouo[ nra enk;rn;re srtanz zauakzoum ;n nra entan;kan paragan;rin!