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FING<ABJI D:KT:MB:R 26% 2013

91 NOR OR - WEEKLY 1901 North Allen Ave. Altadena, CA 91001



91 TARI% JIU 50 VOLUME 91, NO. 50

ÂAK AR:UMT:AN AM:RIKA|I <R+ANA|IN WARCOUJIUNE KE <NORFAUORH FAMA|N FA|OUJ:AN NOR TARIN :U SOURB ’NOUNDE Ma[j;low or 2014 tarin ir f;t b;rh bargauayoum% fam;ra,.oujiun ;u .a[a[oujiun^ a,.arfi vo[owourdn;roun% Fa\astanin ;u Arza.in% incphs na;u yanacoum^ fa\ vo[owourdi ardar irauounqn;roun ;u anor srbaxan datin!


NOR ØR% D:KT:MB:R 26% 2013



|akob Martiros;an >MBAGRAKAN KAXM^

Dokt& Minas Goya\;an Sargis |& Minas;an Frac S;';jy;an >acik Yano\;an MARXAKAN BAVUN^

Au;tis Ba\ram;an WARCAKAN KAXM^

Toqj& Âa``i Pal;an Ghorg Grigor;an Karø Giu'hl;an Andranik A`ar;an >mbagroujiun

F;®& (626)296-2921 F;®atip (626)296-2922 E- Mail: nor-or@sbcglobal.net Dauan;low ®amkawarakan skxbounqn;r% ke fauatanq baxmakar‘ouj;an ;u axat .øsqi irauounqi% f;t;uabar% fraparakoua‘ groujiunn;re anpa\man c;n arta\a\t;r .mbagrouj;ans t;sakhte! Kamqh anka. patya®n;row sprda‘ wripakn;rou famar k*apauininq m;r a,.atakizn;roun ;u enj;rzo[n;roun n;ro[amtouj;an!

Nor Or Weekly is published weekly, except two weeks in AUGUST Nor Or Publishing Association, Inc. 1901 N. Allen Ave., Altadena, CA 91001 Annual Subscription rates: As of June 1st, 2007 U.S.A.

A,.arfi vo[owourdn;r% a\sør ke tøn;n |isous Qristosi ‘nounde ;u bari galoust ke ma[j;n Nor Tarouan% 2014-in% bar;gouj ;u ank;[‘ ma[janqn;row% ,norfakaloujiun \a\tn;low anz;al tarouan b;ra‘ bariqn;roun! M;nq ;us% ªNor Ørº <abajaj;rji warcakan ;u .mbagrakan kaxme% m;r kargin% anfoun ,norfakaloujiun ke \a\tn;nq m;r enj;rzo[n;roun% famakirn;roun ;u bar;kamn;roun% oronq qa=al;r;zin m;x ir;nz niujakan ;u baro\akan n;zoukow! Axnouakan ogiow sna‘ fa\ordin;r ;n anonq% oronq ir;nz fayo\qi s;[ann;rhn masnik me ke \atkazn;n fa\ m,ako\ji% giri ou grakanouj;an pafpanman famar taroua‘ =anq;roun% nouiratououj;an g;rago\n fayo\qn embo,.n;low! ªNor Ørºe kangoun mnaza‘ fa\ mamouli masnik men h a\sør% 91 tarin;rou axgapafpanman ‘a®a\oujiunn;row b;®nauoroua‘% or Miaz;al Nafangn;rou Ar;umt;an Am;rika\i a';roun wra\% fa\ ga[oujin m,akouja\in mi=oza®oumn;roun ;u k;rtoumn;roun ar]agang fandisanalou ;u fa\ girn ou grakanoujiune tara‘;lou srbaxan gor‘ounhouj;an l‘oua‘ h ir a,.arfatara‘ gor‘akizn;row ;u a,.atakizn;row! Biur ,norfakaloujiun a\n bolor grcakiz mtauorakann;roun% oronq ga[oujis ;u a,.arfi f;®auor ankiunn;roun ‘ouara‘ qa[aqn;roun mh=% ir;nz andorri ;u fangisti pafe nouira‘ ;n fa\ axgin l;xoui ;u grakanouj;an pafpanman! ªNor Ørºe a\s tari tøn;z g;raxanz paf;r ir 90-am;aki tønakatarouj;anz ør;roun% apr;low 90 tarin;rou a,.atanqi ardiunab;r \i,atakn;r% ir fimnadrouj;an a®a=in ør;rhn sks;al minc;u a\sørs iragor‘a‘ anfoun ou anfamar axga\in ;u m,akouja\in ‘a®a\oujiunn;rou s.ranqn;row! Axg me ir l;xouow ke mna\ kangoun% ;u a\s loxoungow xinoua‘% ªNor Ørºi a,.atakaxme ke .ostana\ \a®a=ika\ tarin;roun ;us ,arounak;l ir ous;roun wra\ \an]na®a‘ a\s srbaxan axga\in partakanoujiune% tara‘;lou ;u pafpan;lou famar fa\ l;xoun% girn ou grakanoujiune iura-

qanciur fa\ordii fogiin ;u tan mh=% a\nt;[ .øs;lou famar Fa\;rhn% ;u apr;lou famar orphs Fa\! ªNor Ørºe ke dauani fa\apafpanman fauatqin ;u ke fauata\ jh^ m;r nor s;roundn;re fa\kakan ogiow ;u anor skxbounqa\in a®a=naf;rjouj;amb xinoua‘% phtq ch tarouin ;u g;ri da®nan øtarin frapouric ,afamolouj;anz% qmafayo\qin ;u anonz fama,.arfa\naza‘ ga[a'ara.øsouj;anz% fa\r;niqin ;u s'iu®qin mh=% anirakanali bo[oqn;row% gangatn;row ;u zo\z;row! ªNor Ørºe mi,t ;u a\vm% fa[ordakiz kamour=e fandisaza‘ h Fa\ norafas s;roundin ;u anonz pafan=qn;roun irakanazman% \arat;u =atagowe ellalow fa\;zi dastiarakouj;an ;u ousman ou[iow fasn;lou famar ir;nz k;anqi k;nza[a\in ;u gor‘ounhouj;an npatakn;roun ;u f;®ankarn;roun! 2013 tarouan enjazqin patafa‘ iradar]oujiunn;re% fa\r;ni ;u a,.arfatara‘ fa\ordin;roun famar ;[au qa[aqakan iradar]oujiunn;row l;zoun tari me% masnauoraphs Souriafa\ fama\nqin al;ko‘ w;riwa\roumn;row ;u ta®apanqn;row! Anjarj fa\azqow fa\ vo[owourde f;t;u;zau fa\r;niqin ;u Souriafa\ouj;an kargawiyakin ;u ir kar;liouj;an safmann;roun mh= ];®q ;rkar;z anonz øgnouj;an% zankalow or ør me% Thrn am;nakal piti iskaphs gja\ fa\ axgi xauakn;roun% xanonq x;r‘ paf;low 'or]anqn;rh! Amanori ;u Sourb ’nnd;an og;,ounc a\s ør;roun% ªNor Ørº ,abajaj;rji a,.atakaxmin axniu ;u srtanz ma[janqe ou[[oua‘ piti ella\ fama\n fa\ vo[owourdi xauakn;roun% amhnour;q% Fa\r;niqin ;u s'iu®qi tara‘qin% orphsxi oun;nan bar;b;r% .a[a[ouj;amb l;zoun nor tari me! Isk Souriafa\% {araba[i ;u Fa\astani m;r ;[ ba\rn;roun ;u qo\r;roun% famb;roujiun ;u qa=oujiun% a®anz f;,t kam mak;r;sa\in .øsqi kam ma[janqi% a\l ank;[‘ =anq;row ;u kar;lioujiunn;row ke ma[j;nq .a[a[oujiun% fa,toujiun ;u ano[oq fogin;rou 'a'kazoum ;u mardka\nazoum!

69 <ABAJ MINC:U FA|OZ Z:{ASPANOUJ:AN 100-AM:AK Pata®ik Me Faz A,.arfi mh= z;[aspanouj;an mi=ozn;rn ou k;rp;re baxmaxan ;n% oronz kargin kou gan na;u sowe% famayarakn;re% fiuandoujiunn;rn ou anonz f;t;uanqow^ mafe!

A'rikhi% Asio\% ;u farauam;rik;an karg me ;rkirn;rou mh= \aya.aki ;r;uo\j h a\s w;r=ine% ;jh bar;gouj p;toujiunn;r kam kaxmak;rpoujiunn;r øgnouj;an cfasnin bar;mtørhn ªt;[a'o.oua‘º kam^ caramtørhn aqsoroua‘

vo[owourdn;roun! Paragan a\sør no\nn h Sourio\ mh=% our ardhn 100 faxarhn au;li xof;r ;[a‘ ;n% oronz jiue takauin k∞ayi ør est ørh% 'am'ou,tn;rou% ®oumb;rou ;u qimiakan xhnq;rou gor‘a‘ouj;an f;t;uanqow! Souria a\vm ouni 2 milionh au;li ga[jakan% oronq zroua‘ ;n ,r=aka\ kam f;®auor ;rkirn;rou mh=%

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© 2009 Nor Or Weekly Periodical Mail Postage Paid at Altadena, CA. & Additional office, USPS: 391-380 - ISSN: 0029-1161 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Nor Or Publishing Association, Inc.

91-AM:AK 1922-2013

A|S H+E KE FOWANAUOR:N TOQJ& :U TIK& ÂA~~I :U "HJI PAL:ANN:R Amanori ;u S& ’nnd;an tøn;roun bar;bastik a®ijn;row k*o[=oun;nq m;r faraxatn;rn ou bar;kamn;re ma[j;low or 2014 tarin ir f;t b;rh bargauayoum% fam;ra,.oujiun ;u .a[a[oujiun^ a,.arfi vo[owourdn;roun% Fa\astanin ;u Arza.in% incphs na;u yanacoum^ fa\ vo[owourdi ardar irauounqn;roun ;u anor srbaxan datin



AN<R+:LI IRO{OUJIUNN:R SARGIS |& MINAS:AN 2013-i tar;w;r=in% ;rb ke 'or];nq acq me n;t;l fa\r;niqin ;u s'iu®qin endfanour go\awiyakin wra\% ke 'a'aqinq andrada®nal karg me kar‘r irakanoj;anz% oronq fimnakan% ,arvic ouv;rn ;n axg;rou 'o.\arab;rouj;anz! :rkirn;rou a,.arfagrakan dirqe% tara‘oujiune% bnakcouj;an jiue% bnakan farstoujiunn;re% yartararou;ste% tnt;sakan ou xinouorakan ouve% diuanagitakan ykounoujiune% ;uln&% k;nsakan axdakn;r ;n% oronz øgtagor‘oumow m;‘ ;rkirn;re ke war;n mi=axga\in 'o.\arab;roujiunn;re% 'or];low ir;nz ti;x;rakan% ,r=ana\in% kam draziakan tirap;toujiune fastat;l! Lrazouzic k;rpow% kar;uor ;n m;‘ ;rkirn;rou axd;zouj;an gøtin;re% oronz masin qic andradar] t;[i k*oun;na\% ba\z oronq amhnhn xga\oun% safmanam;r] tara‘oujiunn;rn ;n a\d ;rkirn;roun! Ørinakn;r ,at kan! A\sphs% Qoupa\i mh= at;nin (Fokt& 1962) >orfrda\in Miouj;an ko[mh t;[adroua‘ fiulhakir frji®n;re m[;zin M& Nafangn;re axdarar;lou% or anonq w;razouin! Moskoua .of;moujiunn oun;zau 14 ør ;tq t;[i talou w;ro\i,;al lour= axdararouj;an% ;jh oc fiulhakan pat;raxme an.ousa';li piti da®nar! Kowkas;an l;®na,[jan k*;rkara]goui S;u ’owhn minc;u Kaspiz ’ow% ;x;r;low Fiusishn^ Wrastane% Atrph\yane% ou miavamanak^ Âousastani Farau-Ar;umt;an ,r=ane! A\s w;r=in masin mh= gtnouo[ C;cnian% ;rb 'or];z axatagrakan pa\qar m[;l% 'arjixanakan k®iun;re (1999-2009) ariuni mh= .;[dou;zan% orowf;t;u \a=o[ouj;an paraga\in% Âousio\ Farau-Ar;u;l;an ;rkramasi jourqjajarakan ;rkirn;re ;us piti qa=al;rouhin ir;nz faka®ous qa[aqakanouj;an mh=! A\l ørinak men h Wrastani anaknkal \ar]akoume (Øgostos 2008) Faraua\in Øs;jio\ wra\! Âousakan Da,noujiune a®anz axdararouj;an anmi=aphs fakadar];z% ir xørabanake ar,au;low Wrastani wra\% oroun øgnouj;an c'oujaz Ar;umoutqe! :uropakan Miouj;an ou Âousakan Da,nouj;an mi=;u% 2008-hn iw;r enjazo[ pa\qare w;r=;rs au;li baza\a\t dar]au% Ar;u;l;an :uropa\i karg me ;rkirn;re – Ouq-

rania% Moltowa – ou mius ko[mh^ Fa\astane% Wrastane ;u Atrph\yane ;us axd;zouj;anz ir;nz ‘irin mh= paf;lou famar! Diuanagitakan ou tnt;sakan .oul pa\qare ke ,arounakoui manauand a\s w;r=in ;rkou tarin;roun! :uropakan Miouj;an mianalou ir fauanoujiune toua‘ h mia\n Wrastane% skxbnakan storagrouj;amb me% or piti ambo[=azoui mhk tari \;to\ w;r=nakan fama]a\nagrow (>or ;u Endar]ak Axat A®;utrakan Fama]a\nouj;amb - DCFTA)! Atrph\yane mi=in yamba\ me ord;gra‘ h! Mhk tarih iw;r ®axmawarakan enk;rakzouj;an fama]a\noujiune :uropakan Miouj;an f;t ørakargi wra\ h! Ali;ui na.agaf w;rentrou;lhn ;tq% :uropakan Miouj;an .orfrdaranin ou[[oua‘ h namak me% our ke fa[ordoui% jh Atrph\yan krna\ ;t k;nal mianalh :uropakan Enk;rakzouj;an! N;rka\is% Atrph\yan ke pafh kary vamanakow ;uropakan wixa\i droujiun me! Cinastani Fiusis-Ar;umt;an ‘owa'i a';roun% qani me k[x;akn;rou tirap;touj;an famar Ya'oni f;t laroua‘ mrzakzoujiune% kam% au;li Faraue% Cinakan ’owi =our;rou tirap;touj;an pa\qare% nmanaphs lauago\n ørinakn;r ke fandisanan axd;zouj;an gøtin;rou k;nsakan kar;uorouj;an! Cinastan ir ;rkri safmann;roun pa,tpanouj;an famaxør kar;uoroujiun piti en‘a\h anonz! :r;q tarin;rh iw;r ,arounakouo[ souriakan fakamartouj;an enjazqin% Âousastani f;t;uo[akan ou gor‘oun;a\ n;zouke% anor axd;zouj;an gøtii pafpanman mhk a\l arta\a\toujiunn h Faraua\in Kowkasi safmanam;r] gøtiin mh=! M;‘ ;rkirn;rou axd;zouj;anz gøtin;re% anb®nabar;li nkatou;low% 'o.adar] faskazo[ouj;amb ke \argouin% a®anz or a\d ou[[ouj;amb grauor \an]na®oujiunn;r ellan! Or;uh kopit .a.toum krna\ pat;raxmi a®a=nord;l! A\s aknarkow ou w;ron,;al fing ørinakn;row 'a'aq;zanq ,;,t;l an,r=;li a\d irakanoujiune! M;‘ ;rkirn;rou – Miaz;al Nafangn;r% Âousakan Da,nouj;an% Cinastan% Fndkastan – incphs na;u :uropakan Miouj;an axd;zou-

j;anz ‘irin mh= gtnouo[ ;rkirn;re% dvouar jh kar;nan axd;l w;ro\i,;al p;touj;anz fimnakan qa[aqakanouj;anz wra\% ;u f;t;uabar% kama\ jh akama\ ke 'or];n ir;nz famapatas.an dirqoro,oumn;re a®n;l% famak;rp;low anonz f;t;ua‘ endfanour ou[iin! A\nphs or% ga[a'arakan% krønakan% baro\akan ;u ørinakan skxbounqn;re% kam axga\in famoxoumn;rn ou t;ncanqn;re ke w;rapafouin% ;u a®au;lago\n paraga\in^ k*øgtagor‘ouin kam ke ,afagor‘ouin ouri,n;rou ko[mh! Fa\astani vo[owourde ;u s'iu®qafa\oujiune ir;nz axga\in ,af;re famakarg;lou ;n w;ro\i,;al tou;aln;rou lo\sin tak! Lragra\in% f;®oustat;sa\in a[mkararoujiunn;re% fa\r;niqi jh s'iu®qi mh=% \aya. ke katarouin s;'akan dirq;rou pafpanoumin famar% ;u a®au;lago\n paraga\in ,at safmana'ak axd;zoujiun krnan oun;nal! Irauounqi ;u ardarouj;an g;[;zik loxoungn;re 'a\'a\;low fand;r]% a,.atanq tan;lou h fa\ axgin xørazoumin i .ndir! Fa\astane& miangamendmi,t% armataphs bar;lau;lou h vo[owourdin k;nsamakardake% a®a=qe a®n;lou famar xangoua‘a\in artaga[jin! Ma\r ;rkire an\;ta]g;li kariqn ouni tnt;saphs xøranalou% ørinaphs kargauorou;lou% bolor bnagaua®n;rh n;rs ir orakauor bar]razoume amrapnd;lou famar! P;toujiune a\nqan me xøranalou h n;rqnaphs% ;u fa\kakan s'iu®qin al n;zoukow% or ir \arab;rouj;anz mh= or;uh ;rkri f;t% ir warke oun;na\ \arab;rakan oro, k,i®! Nor Tarouan s;min% ;u Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an Fariuam;aki na.ør;akin% nkati oun;nalow axg;rou 'o.\arab;rouj;anz mh= w;r;u matnan,oua‘ oro,ic gor‘ønn;re% fa\r;niqs'iu®q fauaqakan miasnakanoujiune an\;ta]g;li miak grauakann h% dimaka\;lou famar fa\ vo[owourdin dhm ‘a®azo[ 21-rd darou martafrauhrn;re!

oronz m;‘amasnoujiune k∞apri cqauorouj;nh au;li stor pa\mann;rou mh=% manauand a\s tarouan ]mran b;ra‘ tarørinakørhn zourt ou sa®namaniqin mh=! Souriafa\ vo[owourde an,ou,t ouni ir bavine a\s ta®apanqin mh=% akama\ dim;low ga[jakanouj;an% au;li fandart forixonn;rou oronoumin% kam^ ka®c;low ir tan% toka-

low anøjouj;an% a®o[=apafakan wtangn;roun% .o,tangoumn;roun ;u apa^ amhnør;a\ ®mbako‘oumn;roun ;u dipoukafaroua‘n;rou t;[atara'in! Isk pata®ik me fazi famar% fraxhnn;rou krakozn;roun tak ,arqi kangna‘ fariurauor mardik% mouralou astiyan nouastaza‘% ard;øq orqano#w fayo\ali piti jouin an.i[y ou anfogi a\d b®nakaln;roun ano[oq fa\azqn;roun tak!

Amanori ;u Sourb ’nnd;an a®ijow% ke ma[j;nq or souriafa\oujiune ,outow ke jøja'h a\s dvnadak ør;re% ;u Amanore ir;nz ke b;rh .a[a[oujiun ;u barøroujiun! Z;[aspanoujiune ouni baxmajiu ;r;sn;r% oronz jat;rakan t.our ararn;rou ;tin ke pafouetin b;madricn;re% siniq qm‘i‘a[ me dhmq;roun wra\% kar‘hq noranor fpartanqi ;lo\j me ellar ir;nz famar!

D;kt& 12% 2013 I

A|S H+E KE FOWANAUOR:N THR :U TIK& |AKOB :U ANO|< MARTIROS:ANN:R Fa\r;niqis ke ma[j;m fxøroujiun% Kousakzouj;ans^ bargauayoum ;u \a[jakan ;rj% a,.arfin^ am;na\n bariq ;u .a[a[oujiun% isk entaniqis^ qa=a®o[=oujiun% \a=o[oujiun ;u ;rkarak;zoujiun


NOR ØR% D:KT:MB:R 26% 2013




Fa\ Au;taranakan Fama,.arfa\in >orfourdi ko[mh

ª:rani or k;rizh ya, \arqa\ouj;an Astou‘o\& :u na ash zna! A\r omn gor‘;az enjris ;u frauir;az xbaxoums! :u a®aq;az x‘a®a\ iur i vamou enjr;azn koc;l xfrauir;alsn jh ;ka\q% xi afauasik patrast h am;na\n incº ({ouk& 14!15-17)! Sir;li bar;pa,t ;u fauatauor qriston;a\% |isous Qristosi Astoua‘ordou ’nounde frauhrn h ou[[oua‘ mardkouj;an% orphsxi fandipinq Araric Astou‘o\ f;t! Au;tarann;roun mh= ar]anagroua‘ m;‘atounin ko[mh sarqoua‘ farsan;az fandhsn h |isousi ’nounde% oroun mh= phtq h t;sn;l :rkinqhn :rkir .onarfoume Astoua‘ordou! Farsan;az a\s tøna.mbouj;an frauir;ale ;rb patrastakam h masnakzouj;an% apa a\dpisin inqxinqin a®ij kou ta\ Qristosow bar]ranalou a® Astoua‘! A\l .øsqow% ir houj;ane mh= fastat;lou k;anqi nor orak ou makardak% orn ouri, ban ch% ;jh oc qristonhakan fauatqow aproua‘ ou jj.moroua‘ k;anqe! ªQristos ’nau ;u \a\tn;zau Ørfn;al h |a\tnoujiunn Qristosiº! O@w fauataz;al Fa\ Qriston;a\% afauasik angam me ;us frauhr ;nq staza‘ enda®a= ;rjalou ;u .onarf;lou |isousi ’noundi a®=;u% orphsxi Anor ’nounde dar]n;nq na;u nor ‘nounde astoua‘aparg;u m;r k;anqin! Qanxi Qristosow april ke n,anakh nkaragir ou ;rang tal m;r k;anqin% xa\n dar]n;low a®aq;loujiun ou npatak% a®au;l ;us mardkoujiune møt b;r;lou a® Astoua‘! Qristosi ’nounde ke .orfrdan,h .onarfoume Astoua‘ordou :rkinqhn :rkir% or ir wra\ w;rzouz mardka\in k;rparanq ;u ‘a®a\;z a,.arfin ou mardkouj;an! |isousi ’nounde% f;t;uabar% frauhr men h% orphsxi an.tir bolors .onarfoumow f;t;uinq Qristosi ørinakin% da®nalou famar axniu ‘a®an;r^ mardn a®a=nord;lou famar a® Astoua‘% orowf;t;u a\d isk h qristonhouj;an g;rago\n npatake! A\s yanaparfin mh= fastat mnal ke n,anakh april qristonhakan fauatqi k;anqi ogow ou gitakzouj;amb% april Qristosi nmanakzouj;amb ‘a®a\ak;rp k;anq% or m;x k*a®a=nordh m,taphs katar;lou Astou‘o\ kamqe% orphsxi aprinq sourb k;anqow% Au;tarane dar]n;low ou[;zo\ze m;r k;anqin ;u m;r k;anqi ørinakow da®nalou oski ø[akn;r mardkanz ;u Astou‘o\ mi=;u! ªQristos ’nau ;u \a\tn;zau Ørfn;al h |a\tnoujiunn Qristosiº! M;‘atounin frauhre^ enda®a= ;rjalou ou .onarf;lou Manouk |isousi a®a= ou[[oua‘ h boloris! Orphs anfat qriston;an;r% orphs vo[owourd% orphs qriston;a\% p;toujiun ;u :k;[;zi% incph#s piti patas.an;nq a\s kocin! Antarako\s qristonhakan qa= fauatqow apr;lou patrastakamoujiune zo\z piti tanq% orphsxi m;r fog;uor houj;ane mh= imastauora‘ ellanq |isousi ’nnd;an tøna.mbouj;an .orfourde! Qanxi ;jh |isousi ’nounde fauatqi gor‘nakan ;r;sow ir arta\a\toujiune coun;na\ m;r a®ør;a\ k;anqin mh=% apa m;xi troua‘ frauhrin ardar patas.an me toua‘ c;nq! M;‘atan frauhrin patas.an;l ke n,anakh fauatqow |ownan Arq;ps& Thrthr;an A®a=nord Sourb ’nound - 2014

’noundi ;[anake ardhn fasa‘ h! :r'n;rang lo\s;row% ar‘aja,o[ ou osk;'a\l xard;row% ;u arou;stakan yiu[;rou kam ‘a[ikn;rou kamarn;row norhn pynoua‘ ;n qa[aqn;rou m;‘ po[otan;re! >anoujn;r ou waya®atoun;r ir;nz zouza';[k;re 'arjamørhn xardar;r ;n gounag;[ a®arkan;rou% baxmat;sak apranqn;rou yo.ouj;amb% frapour;lou mardik S& ’noundi a®jiu ir;nz en‘a\;liq nouhrn;re gn;lou famar! Ba\z j;r;us anonzmh ,at qic;r ke \i,;n jh oro*un ‘noundn h or ke tøn;n! |owfannhs A®aq;al ke \i,;znh m;xi or S& ’nounde^ marmnaz;al ;u mardaz;al Astoua‘ordiin fra,a'a® ‘nnd;an tar;dar]n h% or k*og;koc;nq! ª:u Bane marmin ;[au ou m;r mh= bnak;zau% ;u anor 'a®qe t;sanq% Førmhn Mia‘nin 'a®qin phsº (|owf& 1!14)! Inco#u marmin ;[au ;u m;r mh= bnak;zau! Mard;[ouj;an a\s m;‘ ;u sqanc;li .orfourdin npatake liakatar Astoua‘a\a\tnoujiunn hr! |isous Qristos a,.arf ;kau Astou‘o\ Houj;an boun patk;re \a\tn;lou famar! An ;kau zo\z talou Astou‘o\ ansafman shrn ou kar;kiz fogin fandhp ir st;[‘a‘ mardoz! An ir ªan]e .onarf;zouz ou no\nisk ‘a®a\i k;rparanq a®auº 'or]a®abar f;tamout ellalou mardka\in tkaroujiunn;roun% karøtoujiunn;roun ;u kariqn;roun! A®aq;alin .øsqow% ªAn or faroust hr% m;xi famar a[qatazau% orphs xi anor a[qatanalow m;nq farstananqº! Qristosi Astoua‘a\a\tnouj;an m;‘ ;u sqanc;li >orfourdin ws;mago\n npatakn hr m;[auor ;u molor;al mardike Ir;n f;t fa,t;zn;l! |isous ;kau orphs ª>a[a[ouj;an I,.anº% orphs xi Astou‘o\ m;[auor arara‘n;re ir;nz Araricin ou :rknauor Føre f;t fa,t;znh! Mardaz;al Astoua‘ordin% |isous Qristose% orphs "rkic endoun;low h% or mardik krnan .a[a[oujiun oun;nal Astou‘o\ f;t ;u atkh ;tq bar;fayoujiun ;u bar;azakamoujiun oun;nal ir;nz nmann;roun f;t! A*\d h pa\manadir axdake irakanazn;lou^ B;jl;f;mi fowiun;roun lsa‘ fr;,takaz au;tise ª"a®q i bar]ouns Astou‘o\% \;rkir .a[a[oujiun ;u mardoz mh= fayoujiunº! :rani jh .a[a[ouj;an ‘araui mardik ir;nz anøgout oronoumn;rhn fravarhin ;u imastoujiun oun;na\in ;rjalou ª.a[a[ouj;an I,.anºin ;u Anor ªamhn mtqh w;r ;[o[º .a[a[oujiune stanalou! Jo[ Astoua‘ ;rkna\in ,norf ;u astoua‘a\in imastoujiun ,norfh bolor mardoz% orphsxi a\d .a[a[ouj;an tiranan! Qristos ‘nau ;u \a\tn;zau% };xi m;xi m;‘ Au;tis!

A[øjarar^ W;r& Dokt& Wafan |& Joujik;an% Gor‘adir Tnørhn Fa\ Au;taranakan Fama,.arfa\in >orfourdi

<ar& h= 35


THR :U TIK& GHORG GRIGOR:ANN:R Amanori ;u S& ’nnd;an tøn;roun bar;bastik a®ijn;row k*o[=oun;nq m;r faraxatn;rn ou bar;kamn;re ma[j;low or 2014 tarin ir f;t b;rh bargauayoum% fam;ra,.oujiun ;u .a[a[oujiun^ a,.arfi vo[owourdn;roun% Fa\astanin ;u Arza.in% incphs na;u yanacoum^ fa\ vo[owourdi ardar irauounqn;roun ;u anor srbaxan datin



INCO#U FA|ASTAN MAQOUR FA|:RHN BAÂAPA<AR C:N GOR’A’:R FA|ASTAN BAR}RAGO|N OUSOUM STAZA’ FA|E :JH MAQOUR FA|:RHN C>ØSI OU CGRH% LIARVHQ FA| CH TOQJ& |AKOB A|NJAPL:AN Axga\in patkan;liouj;an ;u arvanapatououj;an farz h maqour fa\;rhn .øsiln ou gr;le! Dvba.tabar Fa\astani anka.ouj;nhn 22 tari ;tq% oro, an]iq ;u p;takan ka®o\zn;r c];®nark;zin l;xoui maqraxtman gor‘in ;u a\sør famayaraki w;ra‘oua‘ h øtar ba®;row .a®n fa\;rhni gor‘a‘oujiune! Axga\in anwtangouj;an axdakn;rhn kar;uorago\nn;rhn h l;xoui maqroujiune! Kar‘;s Fa\astani mh= ;u Fa\astanhn artaga[ja‘ oro, fa\ fatoua‘i mh=% fog;kan fakakroujiun ka\ s'iu®qi mh= fratarakoua‘ ba®arann;rou gor‘a‘ouj;amb iskakan fa\;rhn ba®;rou kira®man! Fa\astani mh= tpagroua‘ ba®arann;re ke w.tan anyo®ni ;u anf;j;j øtaramout ba®;row% sks;al ou[[a.øsakan ;u ou[[agrakan d;rminabanakan (phtq h ella\ ;xrabanakan) ba®aranhn% minc;u dprozn;rou famar patrastoua‘ ba®arann;re! A\s ba®arann;rou mh= x;t;[oua‘ ba®;roun 10-15 tokose øtar ba®;r ;n! Fa\;rhn l;xoun m;‘asqanc h% ;rb =in= ou ana[art h! Fa\astani a\vmou banauor ;u grauor fa\;rhne ti[majaj h ;u amøjali! :jh Fa\astani pa,tønakan l;xoun grakan (maqour) fa\;rhnn h% est Fa\astani safmanadrouj;an% inco#u a\s anf;j;j ;u .a®niya[any øtar ba®;rou gor‘a‘oujiune! Fimnakan maqraxtman ;u w;rat;souj;an phtq h ;njarkouin a\s ba®arann;re ;u w;rafratarakouin dasakan-m;srop;an ou[[agrouj;amb% orphsxi no\n ba®azanke oun;na\ fa\oujiune no\n faraxat ou[[agrouj;amb Fa\astani% Arza.i ;u S'iu®qi mh=! Kar;li ch a\s axgawnas ;u fa\;rhnaspan .orj ou a[aua[oua‘ fa\;rhne ,arounak;l øgtagor‘;l ;u dasauand;l Fa\astani mh=! Stor;u n,;nq Fa\astani mh= gor‘a‘oua‘ acq ‘ako[ ªFa\;rhn ba®apa,ariº mi qani ørinakn;r& Fa\astan dramatoun cka\% a\l pank Namakatoun cka\% a\l^ post :l;umoutqi% faso\ji na.araroujiun counin% a\l^ `inansi A®;utrakan enk;roujiun cka\% a\l^ `irma Ousoumnaran% fimnark cka\% a\l^ institout Famalroum counin% a\l^ inthkroum Enk;ra\in na.araroujiun counin% a\l^

soz;al Ouvaniuji na.araroujiun counin% a\l^ hnhrk;tika\i Xbøsa,r=ouj;an na.araroujiun cka\% a\l^ tourixmi Tnt;souj;an na.araroujiun counin% a\l^ hgonomika\i Fa\astani mh= .ndirn;r ckan% a\l^ 'robl;mn;r Fa\astan dimagi‘i% dimapatk;ri .ndir couni% a\l^ imayi 'robl;m Fa\astani fa\e xga\noujiun couni% a\l^ s;nsazia Couni na;u tnt;sakan ostoum% a\l^ saljø – (ital;rhn ba® gor‘a‘oua‘ Tigran Sargs;ani ko[mh)! Fa\astan pakasord couni% a\l^ dh`isit Banast;[‘oujiun% q;rjoua‘ c;n gr;r% a\l^ pohxia Banast;[‘ counin% a\l^ pohj No\nphs counin a®asp;l a\l^ lhkhnd Fa\astan arf;stawarv c;n% a\l^ 'ro`;sional T;[;kanq c;n n;rka\azn;r% a\l^ ®;portav C;n fastat;r% a\l^ ke `igs;n Wka\akan c;n tar% a\l^ diploma Fa\astan inqna,arv c;n war;r% a\l^ autom;g;na\ Nora];uouj;an c;n f;t;uir% a\l^ møta\i Ørhnq counin% a\l^ norm Fa\astan c;n kaxmalou‘;r kam qand;r% a\l^ k*apamonjav;n <r=anak% kir counin% a\l^ gatr;r Mrzani, counin% a\l^ rhgort Bnapafpanoujiun counin% a\l^ hgolokia :rav,taght counin% a\l^ gompoxitor :rav,tanoz counin% a\l^ gons;rwatoria Da,noujiun ba®e counin% a\l^ `;t;razia Npasta®oun;r counin% a\l^ soubitauoroua‘n;r Ka®o\zn;r counin% a\l^ øb;ktn;r Wka\agir c;n tar% a\l^ liz;nzia Enk;rakzoujiun counin% a\l^ asosazia Fiuande fiuandanoz c;n pa®k;zn;r% a\l^ ke fospitalakanazn;n Ørinauor ba®e counin% a\l^ l;gidim M,ako\j counin% a\l^ goultoura Fakamartoujiun counin% a\l^ gon`ligt Fa\astan fo[agor‘ouj;amb% giu[atnt;souj;amb c;n xba[ir% a\l^ akrara\in tnt;souj;amb! Agarakapanoujiun counin% a\l^ `hrmhra-

\in Famalsarani mh= t;souc counin% a\l^ ®hgtor Ousoumnap;t counin% a\l^ d;gan Dasenjazq counin% a\l^ gours Ke sir;n latin;rhn shnat es;l% 'o.anak ‘;rako\ti! |o®;t;s c;n% a\l^ p;simist Fama,.arfa\in farz;r counin% a\l^ klobal Gor‘øn% gor‘oun;a\ ba®e c;n sir;r% a\l^ agtiu :r;uo\j ba®e counin% a\l^ asb;kt Bazasakan c;n% a\l^ pasiu Drakanoujiun c;n sir;r% a\l^ poxitiu S;®% t;sak counin% a\l^ vanr Gor‘enjaze c;n sir;r% a\l^ proz;se Iskaphs& sto\g ;u fastatørhn ba®;r ir;nz famar .orj h% a\l^ entanin gonkrht Jat;rgoujiun ba®e% gr;jh c;n gor‘a‘;r% a\l øp;ra (yi,d ambo[=akan ou liarvhq ba®e opera teatrale ‘agoumow ital;rhn% or ke n,anakh jat;rakan% arar kam gor‘% x;[=oua‘ ;u kryatoua‘ ];ue ;[a‘ h vo[owrdakan ªoperaº-n! Fa\astanhn artaga[j cka\% a\l^ mikrazia Fa\astan datakaxm arta\a\toujiune c;n sir;r% a\l^ viuri! :rav,takan ;u ,arvapatk;ri marxi mh= øtar ba®;re tirakan ;n% fa\;rhni mh=% incphs ®hvisor% øp;rator% z;nar% wogal% libjhttø% touht% gam;ra\in% dirivor% protiuser ;ua\ln! No\nphs gitabv,kakan marxi mh= gor‘a‘oua‘ ba®;re (anatomia% ourolokia% `ixika% maj;matika% piolokia% ;ua\ln)! Krnam a\sphs ,arounak;l ;u 100 h=noz grqo\k me patrast;l øtaramout ba®;row% fastat;lou famar jh Fa\astan ]a.o[a‘ h ir anka.ouj;nhn minc;u ørs fa\oujiune mia]oul;lou ;u axgapafpanouj;an fimnakan gor‘ounhoujiun tan;lou npatakin mh=! :jh a\d npatake oun;za‘ ;n anka.azoumhn iw;r% Fa\astani na.ord ;u n;rka\ i,.anoujiunn;re! A®anz no\n ba®azanki ;u no\n dasakan ou[[agrouj;an kira®man fa\oujiune wtangoua‘ h Fa\astani% Arza.i ;u S'iu®qi mh=! A\las;rman gl.auor npasto[ axdakn;rhn mhkn al øtaramout ba®;rou go\oujiunn ou ab;[;anakan ou[[agroujiunn h s'iu®qi mh=! (T;s na.ord \ødoua‘n;rs a\s niuji masin ªNor Ørº-i Øgostos 29% 2013% jiu 32-33 ;u <ar& h= 37

A|S H+E KE FOWANAUOR:N THR :U TIK& >ACIK YANO|:ANN:R Amanori ;u S& ’nnd;an tøn;rou a®ijow% srtagin bari ma[janqn;r ouninq m;r bolor faraxatn;roun! Jo[ 2014-e ella\ \a=o[oujiunn;rou ;u 'a'aqn;rou irakanazman tari me


NOR ØR% D:KT:MB:R 26% 2013


ªA|D I@NC SROUNQN:R :N&&&º MINAS GOYA|:AN K;anqe i@nc a®;[‘oua‘n;row ou anaknkaln;row li h! Patafaka#n ;n anaknkal fandipoumn;re% na.a.namouj;an ];#®qe ka\ mijh mardous k;anqin mh= t;[i oun;zo[ ªtarørinakº ;r;uo\jn;rou kam drouagn;rou ,[ja\in mh=! Yakatagi#rn h ard;øq tnørino[e i w;r=o\% jh# patafakanoujiune! K∞;r;ui jh m;nq anz;al darou w;r=auorouj;an ;u a\s darous ar,alo\sin% ;rb ,at \aya. ke t;[a'o.ouinq ou ke yambord;nq% øgtou;low gitouj;an ou yartaragitakan bariqn;rhn^ 'o.adrakan mi=ozn;rhn% patya® k∞ellan patafakanoujiunn;rou! Fo*s phtq h 'nt®;l ga[tniqe! Soworakanin phs a®toun vame w;zoukhsin ;s ;u s;n;kakizs Wafhn Fa\ Ousano[az Ostanhn ;lanq ;u ou[[ou;zanq m;r møtaka\ 'orj Torlhani m;jroka\ane^ amhn mhks m;r ka\ane i=n;lou ou m;r a®ør;a\ gor‘;roun ;t;uhn wax;lou! A\s ka\aranhn m;‘ago\n jouow øgtouo[n;re baxmaxg ousano[oujiunn h Famalsaranakan Qa[aqin (Cite Universitair)! Anonq ke ,tap;n oc jh yi,d vamoun% a\l;u \aya. au;li ,out fasn;lou ir;nz famalsarann;re^ qic me ;us w;raqa[ en;lou ørouan das;re! Wafhin f;t% incphs mi,t% grau;zinq no\n nstarane! Dasagirqs ou n,oumn;rou t;traks fan;low angam me ;us oux;zi acqh anzen;l stougo[akan grauoris niuj;re! Wafhn soworakanin phs ir j;rje fan;z ou sksau kardal^ acqe \aya. ptetzn;low ,r=apatin wra\% mi,t aknayafo\ a[=ik me orsalou a.orvakow! Jo[ 'nt®h% ke mta‘;m ;s% mia\n ir ant;[i ou nkaragris cfamapatas.ano[ arta\a\toujiunn;r katar;low c.angarh xis! Wafhin famar igakan s;®e mi,t no\n hgn h% bazi ir&&& qro=mh ou mørmh! Knam;‘ar h% ;jh ªlour=º igakan s;®i me fote a®nh ir jira.hn% \ar]ako[akan h% ;rb mia\n hge t;sna\ dimazinin mh=% a\n at;n qij ou b;ran ke ‘®h% ;jh :ua\i a\d dvba.t va®ange cfamapatas.anh ir qimqin! Wafhn^ Wafhn h! A\r;r kan% oronz acqe ci k,tanar& no\nisk ;jh anonq g;[;zkoufii me f;t ke kis;n anko[ine% acq;rnin piti cjarj;n ;u waua,ot fa\;azqow piti cfravarin na\;lh patoufanin takhn anzno[ igakan s;®i n;rka\azouzicin! Wafhn car chr% ba\z mi,t ankou,t ban me kar ir mh=! Ka®a,are takauin ci ,arvir ;u ou[;uorn;re f;txf;th ke l;zn;n axat t;[;re! >orasouxoua‘ ;m grauoris patrastouj;an mh= manauand a\d a®tou% orowf;t;u na.ord gi,;r minc;u vame ;r;q ban=ar;[hn hinq t;[a'o.a‘ b;®natarn;rhn dhpi m;‘aqanak ban=ar;[hni a®;utouri paf;stn;rou thr axniu Paron Tønap;t;ani mj;ranozn;re ;u ousano[akan kazaran fasa‘ hinq vame corsin! Vamanak% mi*,t vamanaki phtq ounim

das;rs patrast;lou! In‘i jou;zau jh ,ouq me anzau a®=;uhs ;u dimazi nstarann al l;zou;zau! Oro#un foge& glou. bar]razn;lou at;n angam counim! Qic ;tq ke xgam or Wafhn j;uow ke frm,th xis ou k∞esh& - Sa dimazinid na\h& t;s i@nc apranq h& s;u margrit! ªNorhn sksauº% ke mta‘;m ou far;uanzi ke na\im dimazs nsta‘ iskaphs s;u margritin! Sksa@nq&&& - ’ø*% lau na\h% t;s i@nc apranq h! - Wafh% mi* sksir norhn& in‘i i#nc% i#nc en;m! }gh dass s;rt;m% grauor ounim! Wafhn j;rje ke ‘allh! |a\tni h or ;rkar at;n k∞ouxh fa\;azqow wa\;l;l ªs;u margritiº dhmqe% kour‘qe% irane ;u \atkaphs srounqn;re! Ke yancnam enk;rs! - ’ø*% gozh sa girqd ou mh\ me na\h i,th% .ajris famar%- ke ,arounakh Wafh%- asank s;u me ];®qs anzni nh&&& - ’ø*% l®h*% ge-ra-uor ounim%- ke krkn;m ak®an;rs ky®t;low! Paf me ;tq norhn ke frm,th xis! - Alla*f% alla*f%- ke m®ltam qjis takhn%‘ø*% doun mard piti cellas! W;*r=! Mhk fat al ,arounak;s% Alisid ke patm;m a\s masin%stipoua‘ ke spa®nam! Alise ir farsnzoun h% ,at axniu `ransafa\oufi me! M;jrøn ke soura\! Mardik k∞i=n;n% nor;re ke j.mouin! Ka®q;roun ba[adroujiune ke 'o.oui^ Wafhin a.orvake no\n t;[n h! - Git;#s asonq incphs ;n anko[inin mh=% kra*k% Falhpi pip;®! - A\d pip;®e qows ellar ou b;rand qshi%ke barkanam ou ,ikn;low ke na\im ªs;u margritinº! |a\tni or ousano[oufi men h mardkouj;an ørran ma\r zamaq A'rikhhn ;ka‘! S;uouk ch% a\l sryago\n% yakatin tak ke 'a\lin y;'-y;rmak ou psp[oun ;raxkot acq;r! Qij ou b;rane ita-

lakan nkarici me ];®qow g‘oua‘ ;n kar‘;s ou a\n .o,or ;u oura‘ ,rjn;row a'rikoufin;rhn ch! Max;rn al gangour c;n! Kar‘;s A`rodithn h% tourmi mh= mta‘ ;la‘! Iskaphs g;[oufi men h^ s;u margrit me! Wafhn nkat;low ousoumnasiroujiuns^ ke ,arounakh& - Fe*% ygnauor% fama]a\n c;#s in‘i f;t! Amhn inc kou tam mhk gi,;r&&& - L®h*% gozh sa xxou;li b;rand%- ke barkanam%- qani# ka\aran mnaz or korsouis i=nas sa wakonhn! Ka\aran men al k∞anzninq ;u ankou,t Wafh ke patrastoui i=n;l! Ba\z d;® ou,qn ou mitqe a'rik;zi jagoufiin wran h^ waua,ot ‘i‘a[e ,rjounqin wra\! I=n;lou at;n ke fasznh vptil øriordin ou in‘i da®nalow ke .rath& - >øs;zour ir;n% gitzir o#ur k∞apri! Ze*! - I=i*r al axatouim q;xmh! Amczir ‘ø*% amczir% lau or a[=ike fa\;rhn ci fasknar% a\laphs ak®an;rd ke ja'hr&&& ªW;r=aphs fasarº% ke mta‘;m ou ke na\im ka\aranin vamazo\zin& d;® fing ka\aran ounim - bauakan vamanak ,arounak;lou w;raqa[s! Ka®a,ari d®n;re ke 'akouin ou aniun;roun y®nciunn;re ke sksin! A\s enjazqin paf me fa\;azqs ke fandipi ªs;u margritinº ;u% i ,,m;zoumn in‘i ke dimh maqour fa\;rhnow& - };r enk;#rn h% miasi#n k∞apriq&&& Paf me ke joui jh tarb;r a,.arfh ke fasni farzoume! Ba\z oc% amhn inc ;u amhn ba®% xor ls;zi irakan hr! Dhmqis wra\ ke xgam taqouj;an me ‘ak‘koze! >a\ta®akouji#un% ga\jak[ouji#un% inc k∞ouxhq koc;zhq% a\d bolore ;s k∞aprim a\d pafoun! S;uoulike ke ja'anzh takn ou wra\ ;[a‘ houj;ans mh= ;u ir kanazi qnq,oujiune dn;low mhn mi ba®i mh= ke ,arounakh& - <norfakaloujiun paron% douq lau paf;ziq inqxinqnid% fauanabar ];r enk;re ;jh gitnar jh ªs;u margriteº fa\;rhn ke fasknar% a\dphs an,norfq ban;r chr es;r! Wirauoroua‘ ;u ouri,i me patya®ow tfay wiyaki me matnoua‘ ;m! - Øriord%- ke .ndr;m pa[atagin%- eshq o*r ,hnqe ;u o#r s;n;ake k∞apriq% ;s a\sør isk enk;rs ];r qow ke b;r;m ou ke partadr;m or fa\ ;ritasardi me nman n;ro[oujiun .ndrh ];xmh! S;u g;[;zkoufin anfrav;,t ci nkat;r% ;[a‘e ;[a‘ h ardhn^ ke patya®abanh& ;s ke pnd;m jh \anoun im .[yis fangstouj;an phtq h kataroui a\d araro[oujiune! Kou tam m;r faszhn% inq^ ire% ke ‘anøjananq! ªS;u margritº ir fa\kakan anounn al kou ta\^ Wars;nik% or ;[a‘ h ir før kardaza‘ fa\kakan whpi me gl.auor k;rpare% apa ke bazatrh jh inc ke n,anakh a\d ba®e! C;m endmi=;r xinq% a\l ke jo[oum or ,arounakh .øsil maqour fa\;rhnow ou im mh=s koutakh

A|S H+E KE FOWANAUOR:N THR :U TIK& KARØ QOU":L:ANN:R Nor Taroua\ ;u S& ’nnd;an xo\g tøn;roun a®jiu% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bar;kamn;re% ma[j;low bolorin a®o[=oujiun ;u \a=o[oujiun fama\n fa\ouj;an

<ar& h= 31



+;rmaphs ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bolor faraxatn;roun% axgakann;roun ;u bar;kamn;roun Nor Tarin ;u S& ’nounde% ma[j;low ;r=ankoujiun ;u a®o[=oujiun


+;rmaphs ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bolor faraxatn;roun% axgakann;roun ;u bar;kamn;roun Nor Tarin ;u S& ’nounde% ma[j;low ;r=ankoujiun ;u a®o[=oujiun



NOR ØR% D:KT:MB:R 26% 2013

AMANOR:AN MTOROUMN:R ARAM S:":JY:AN Fama\n a,.arf k*;®;u;'i ygnavama\in ‘anra‘anr k;nsakan ;u lr=ago\n iura\atouk .ndirn;rou f;t;uanqn;row! ª&&&:u \;rkir .a[a[oujiun ;u i mardik fayoujiunº sourbgra\in to[e ;rax men h zankali! Ba\z ;u^ aniragor‘;li! Anzno[ tarin (2013 j&)% frav;,t k*a®nh m;xmh% mianalou^ Patmouj;an an\i,atak jh grauor baxmafaxar gra®oume h=;rou b;®natar gnazqin% or anw;radar] ke soura\ ir;n f;t tan;low gra®oume fama\n mardkouj;an m;xi ‘anøj jh an‘anøj% amhn kargi ararqn;rou! Ararq ;u araroum% oronq kou gan m;xi xgal ou mta‘;l gitzo[ mard anfatn;rou bari jh car \[azoumn;rhn ou ‘ragirn;rhn! BARIn^ ke b.i 'o.adar] siro\ wra\ fimnoua‘ fog;uor ;u imazakan st;[‘agor‘oumn;rhn% isk CARe mi,t n;rka\ h m;r ,our=% ou ke frafrh at;lawa® molouzqh b.o[ anmardka\in a,.arfaqand pat;raxmn;r% fakenddhm oyra\in ararqn;r% ;u ke fastath ir tirap;toujiune BARIin wra\! :r;uo\j men h a\n% or ke mna\ mardka\in fakak,i®hn dours ;u i xørou ke dar]nh fnadar;an wa\ri anta®a\in gaxana\in anxousp a.orvakn;re! Baxoum h jiue a\n ;rkirn;roun our \a\tararoua‘ kam oc^ pat;raxmn;r ke m[ouin% ou ke .l;n amhn ør fariurauor xof;r ;u ke patya®;n niujakan af®;li koroustn;r! No\nqan zau ou ta®apanq ke w;ra‘oui famas'iu® cariqi% or ke b.i baro\a-tnt;sakan ygnavam;rhn! Ardar;u% Amanori ;u anor \a=ordo[ Astoua‘a\a\tnouj;an .orfourde% dar;rh i w;r% h∞ ou ke mna\ Mard Anfatin w;radastiarakouj;an ou fog;kan k;rparana'o.ouj;an lauago\n a®ije! K*endwxinq CARin dhm%- our;mn go\oujiun ouninq ibr;u mard arara‘%- incphs ke bana];uh ir mitqe Alphr Qamiu `ransazi m;‘ graghtn ou imastashre% oroun ‘nnd;an 100-am;ake 2013-i No\;mb;rin n,;z mi=axga\in grakanoujiune! Mard arara‘e dhm \andiman ke gtnoui ir VAMANAK anoun ªDatauorºin n;rka\ouj;an! Isk m;xi famar% ibr;u Fa\ Mard% no\nqa*n kar;uor h m;r fa\kakan inqnouj;an yanaco[oujiune% axga\in gitakzouj;an =amboume n;rka\ ou galiq norafas s;roundn;roun% S'iu®qi tara‘qin jh m;r anka. fa\r;niqi ;u Arza.i fo[in wra\! Anzno[ tarin^ 90-am;akn hr partadir fa\ taragir S'iu®qin! Wafan Jhqh;ani ªS'iu®qº w;rnagr;al q;rjoua‘e ke krh 1923 jouakane! Baxmizs fratarakoua‘ a\s q;rjoua‘e k*arvh w;rstin kardal% ibr;u mna-

\oun arvhqow h= me m;r Patmagirqhn! M;‘ T;sano[e a\d q;rjoua‘in mh= .tazouz;r h an=n=;li imastoujiune a,.arfas'iu® fa\ vo[owourdin% or kou ga\ m;xi m;r yakatagirhn! &&&ª>loua‘ ir;nz armatn;re amhnqn al M;r fin% fin axge afa% Oc ci krnar ir fo[;roun wra\ menal% Xornal ouri, t;[ k*;rja\&&& Astoua‘% ;s i#nc a[øjq krnam ou[[;l q;x% Ta#s% anonz k;anq me anwi,t% Fangci@n% fangcin a\l;us% jh oc wrivakhx A\rin% ou ;t na\in mi,t&&&º Tasnam;akh tasnam;ak% w;r=in qa®ato[e ke krkn;nq \aya.! K*aprinq xa\n ørn i boun! :rb;mn% m;xmh omanq k*aprin^ ªK;anq me anwi,tº S'iu®qi mhk a'in% isk no\n at;n% m;xmh ,at;r ou ,at;r ªWrivakhx (k*)a\rin ou ;t (ke) na\in mi,tº! Ou faka®ak a\s pa\mann;roun% s'iu®qafa\e ir ankotroum fauatqow kaxmak;rpoua‘ ;u dar]a‘ h inqnabau^ fa\ axga\in fauaqakanoujiun me% ka®ca‘^ ir ar;umtafa\;rhn l;xouin ou m,ako\jin! Fa\oun baxmadar;an fa\r;niqe ke kocoui Fa\astan! Amanori s;min% angam me ;us anmnazord sirow ou gourgouranqow k*o[=oun;nq fa\r;ni ;rkir-vo[owourd-p;toujiun% m,ako\j ou ma\r ;k;[;zi amrakou® fimqe m;r go\ouj;an! Vamanakakiz fa\ marde ir mh= ambara‘ h anz;al dar;rhn m;xi va®angoua‘ ambo[=akan patma-m,akouja\in 'or]a®oujiune fa\ vo[owourdin! An ir mh= ke .taznh vamanaki enjazqin koutakouo[ t;silqn;r% \o\s;r ;u \ousa.aboujiunn;r! An qa\l ke pafh anz;ali m;r \a[janakn;roun ou partoujiunn;roun xougaf;®^ a\s ør;rou frama\akann;rou f;t! An% ibr;u ousano[e m;r s;'akan va®angoujiunn;roun% gith n;r,ncouil anz;ali fparta®ij iragor‘oumn;rhn ou nouayoumn;rhn% ba\z ;u gith das;r qa[;l øtarn;rhn m;xi ªpartadroua‘º ;[ba\rat;az xgazoumn;rh% oronq piti ckrknouin a\l;us! Ibr;u^ kaxmak;rpoua‘ S'iu®qi mtafog mhk andame% liowin o[=oun;low na. ;u a®a= noranka. fa\r;niqi mh= kataroua‘ DRAKAN amhn kargi \a=o[oujiunn;r ;u iragor‘oumn;r% Amanor;an m;r bar;ma[janqn;roun

xougaf;®% k*aknkal;nq nor xargazoumn;r^ i .ndir fa\r;ni fo[in ou vo[owourdin barørouj;an! 1&- Miangam endmi,t kas;zn;l artaga[je oroun 'o.arhn xark tal axgafauaqi m;‘ gor‘in! 2&- Fa\r;niqin ;u ir vo[owourdin anwtangouj;an farzin miazn;l na;u fa\;rhn l;xouin p;takan ;ra,.iqe% ibr;u ªmiak pa,tønakan ;u tirap;to[ l;xouº a®anz ;rkrordi kam ;rrordi me anarg;l moutqin! Fa\;rhn l;xoun h∞ na;u m;r fa\r;niqe! 3&- Fa\astani axgabnakcouj;an qa[aqaziakan 'o.\arab;roujiunn;rou ‘irhn n;rs% M:RV:L amhn kargi oc-bnakanon ª;rknago\nº kocoua‘ \arab;roujiunn;rou pa,tønakanazoume% ibr;u faka-qristonhakan ;u apabaro\akan ,arvoumi na.adr;aln;r! 4&- ªOCº es;l gitnal ØTAR l;xoun;rou ousouzman \atouk warvarann;rou bazman npasto[ oro,oumn;rou% saka\n% a=akzil fa\ axga\in-p;takan dprozn;rou ;u bar]rago\n ousoumnarann;rou mh= øtar l;xoun;rou bar]rakarg ousouzman! 5&- |stakørhn m;rv;l a[andauorakan ,arvoumn;rou moutqe Fa\astanhn n;rs ;u n;zouk kangnil H=mia‘na\ Ma\r Ajo®i f;[inakouj;an amrapndman! M;nq% s'iu®qafa\;rs ke 'a'aqinq t;sn;l sourbgra\in tasnaban;a\i kirarkoume ibr;u krønabaro\agitakan ousouzoum ;u k;nsagor‘oum fa\ a,.arfakan jh fog;uor das;roun famar AN>TIR ;u a®anz m;na,norf;al kargawiyakn;rou! 6&- Fa\;rhn l;xoui ANA{ART gor‘a‘oujiune fraparaka\in bolor ;lo\jn;rou enjazqin! F;®ou mnal øtaramout ba®;rou ,®a\l kirarkoumhn% manauand p;takan ka®o\zn;rh n;rs! 7&- Nkati a®n;l safmanam;r] giu[;rou kisadatark wiyake ;u ;rkra,arvi patafari 25-rd tar;lizin a®ijow% au;li qan 4000 bnakarann;rou ,inoujiune faszn;l ir auartin! 8&- W;r= tal Fa\oz Patmouj;an .;[ajiuroumin npasto[ axgaqand øtara‘in ,arvoumn;roun% xa\n \an]n;low ira∞u fa\r;nashr Axga\in Gitoujiunn;rou Akad;mia\i fsko[ouj;an% orphsxi ]gtinq oun;nal m;r Axga\in ’ragire% minc;u Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100-rd tar;lize% or i møto\ piti jakh m;r fogin;roun dou®n;re! A\s mta‘oumn;row o[=oun;nq Nor Tarin ou ma[j;nq irarou ª\;rkir .a[a[oujiun ;u i mardik fayoujiunº!

A|S H+E KE FOWANAUOR:N THR :U TIK& ARTØ GALA|Y:AN Amanori ;u S& ’nnd;an tøn;rou a®ijow% srtagin bari ma[janqn;r m;r bolor faraxatn;roun! Jo[ 2014-e ella\ \a=o[oujiunn;rou ;u lauago\n 'a'aqn;rou irakanazman tari me





AM:RIK:AN QA{AQAKAN OU{{OUJ:AN <R+ADA#R} MI+IN AR:U:LQI MH+ |OWSH" M:LQON:AN Anz;al amsouan skixbe Ven;ui mh= knqoua‘ Fiulhakan ouvaniuji gor‘a‘ouj;an ;u ,afagor‘man skxbnakan fama]a\noujiune mhk ko[mh Am;rika\i Miaz;al Nafangn;rou (AMN)% :uropa\i fasarakaz ,ouka\i gl.auor andamn;rou% Âousakan Da,nakzouj;an ;u Cinastani isk mius ko[mh Parskastani mi=;u la\n ar]agang gtau am;rik;an ;u mi=axga\in mamouli mh=! A\d louri ar]agange masnauor m;knabanoujiunn;rou% farzadroumn;rou ;u w;rapafoujiunn;rou niuj fandisazau endfanraphs Am;rika\i% ba\z masnauoraphs&&& Isra\hli mh=% our a\d fama]a\nouj;an fauanakan andradar]n;re .or mtafogoujiun patya®;zin jh* p;takan ;u jh* vo[owrda\in ,r=anakn;rh n;rs! Farzadroume bnakanabar mhk fimnakan .orq ounhr! I#nc ke n,anakhr a\s xargazoume Isra\hli famar ;u i#nc f;t;uanqn;r krnar oun;nal Mi=in Ar;u;lqhn n;rs! Ard;øq a\s xargazoume Mi=in Ar;u;lqhn n;rs am;rik;an qa[aqakan ,r=adar]i me na.an,ann;#rn hin% jh anoro, apaga\i me ourouag‘oume^ forixonin wra\! Ardar;u% a\s farz;rou kar;uoroujiune ;r;uan ;kau Oua,inkjeni mh= 6 D;kt;mb;r minc;u 8 D;kt;mb;r 2013 jouakanin goumaroua‘ Prouqinkx F;taxøtakan Fastatouj;an kaxmak;rpa‘ tar;kan famagoumarin% orou enjazqin% i mh= a\loz% ;lo\j oun;zan AMN-i na.agaf Paraq Øpama ;u P;takan Qartou[ar Yon Qhrri! Ir;nz ;lo\jn;roun mh= Am;rikazi ;rkou p;takan [;kawarn;re an;rkba\ k;rpow n;rkan;roun bazatr;zin am;rik;an qa[aqakan warqagi‘i me nor møt;zoumn;re% anor ardarazoumn;re ;u ,r=ana\in qa[aqakanouj;an me la\n gi‘;re% oronq zard enkaloua‘ ;u endounoua‘ w;rlou‘akan ;njadroujiunn;rhn tarb;r fimi me wra\ .ars.oua‘ hin! A\s famagoumarin kar;uoroujiune kar;li h dat;l a\n d;rhn xor f;taxøtakan fastatoujiunn;re ke .a[an am;rik;an fasarakakan k;anqhn n;rs! A\s f;taxøtakan fastatoujiunn;re% oronq fanra\in% qa[aqakan% tnt;sakan ;u ®axmawarakan farz;rou ,our= =atagowakan ousoumnasiroujiunn;r ;u t;[;kagirn;r ke patrast;n% ;u ke tara‘;n am;rik;an fasarakakan ,r=anakn;rhn n;rs%

axd;zik n;rka\oujiun me ke fandisanan ir;nz ga[a'ara.øsakan møt;zoumn;rou ;u jhx;rou wra\ fimnoua‘ ousoumnasirakan a,.atanqn;rou ;u t;[;kagirn;rou fratarakouj;amb! Miavamanak phtq h n,;l jh a\s f;taxøtakan fastatoujiunn;rou m;‘amasnoujiune ke patkani a=ako[m;an fakoum oun;zo[ ,arvoumn;rou% ;u axd;zik kap;r ouni am;rik;an fasarakakan ;u qa[aqakan k;anqi xanaxan d;rakatarn;roun f;t% ;u møthn ke gor‘akzi Frhakan kaxmak;rpoujiunn;rou ;u Isra\hl;an loppiakan n;rka\azouzicn;roun f;t! Prouqinkx Fastatoujiune% ørinaki famar% Na.agaf Yory Pou, ordii pa,tønawarouj;an ,r=anin anor artaqin qa[aqakanouj;an amhnhn =;rm =atagown;rhn ;[au% ou satar fandisazau Iraqi pat;raxme ardarazno[ m;knabanoujiunn;roun! Faka®ak asor Prouqinkx Fastatoujiune% or go\oujiun oun;zo[ am;rik;an f;taxøtakan fastatoujiunn;rhn fnago\nn h% ou yanczoua‘ h ibr;u amhnhn f;[inakauore 1916 jouakanhn i w;r% ke sirh am;rik;an fasarakouj;an mh= inqxinq ªanka.º% ªaxatamitº ;u no\nisk ª\a®a=dimakanº n;rka\azn;l% zo\z talow jh an incpisi drakan d;r .a[aza‘ h Miaz;al Axg;rou Kaxmak;rpouj;an (MAK) fimnadrouj;an% :rkrord Fama,.arfa\in pat;raxmi auartin :uropa\i w;ra,inouj;an (MARSFAL BLAN)% Am;rik;an Artaqin Øvandakouj;an% ;u Axga\in Enk;ra\in Barørouj;an ‘ragirn;rou m,akoumin b;ra‘ ir npastow! F;t;uabar% anor kaxmak;rpa‘ tar;kan famagoumarn;re ;u fraparaka‘ t;[;kagirn;re m;‘ ou,adrouj;amb ke kardazouin am;rik;an irauasou ,r=anakn;roun ko[mh! Prouqinkx F;taxøtakan Fastatouj;an kaxmak;rpa‘ a\s tar;kan famagoumare a\s taroua\ D;kt;b;r amsoua\ skixbe bnakanabar kar;uor fasarakakan ;[;loujiun me fandisazau Oua,inkjeni mh=% \ar ;u nman a\n famagoumarn;roun xor kaxmak;rpa‘ h a\s fastatoujiune anz;alin! Na.% a\s kapakzouj;amb mi qani y,doumn;r ;u fastatoumn;r! A& Famagoumari bnabann hr ªOuv;rou T;[a,arve Mi=in Ar;u;lqi mh= ;u AMN-Isra\hl 'o.-\arab;roujiunn;rou bno\je anonz lo\sin takº!

B& Famagoumarin ke masnakzhin Am;rik;an axd;zik ,r=anakn;rou n;rka\azouzicn;r% Am;rika\i mh= gor‘o[ Frhakan kaxmak;rpoujiunn;rou gl.auor patas.anatoun;r% ;u Isra\hlhn vamana‘ baxmajiu qa[aqakan ;u xinouorakan dhmq;r% incpisin hin Artaqin Gor‘oz Na.arar Auiqtor Liphrman% Ardarouj;an na.arar Jsi`i Liwni ;u a\l bar]rastiyan pa,tønatarn;r! Isra\hli Warcap;t Phn\amin Nhjan;afou f;®aka\ kargow ]a\nagir ;lo\j me oun;zau! G& Famagoumarin ambo[= t;uo[ouj;an Parskastani f;t knqoua‘ Fiulhakan Xhnq;rou Fakak,®oumi skxbnakan fama]a\nagire ;lo\j oun;zo[n;rou fimnakan mtafogouj;an ;u ou,adrouj;an a®arkan fandisazau! Na.agaf Øpama ;u Qartou[ar Qhri ir;nz ;lo\jn;roun mh= a\d mtafogoujiunn;re =ro[ ;u nor forixonn;r baza\a\to[ møt;zoum me parx;zin ;u bazatr;zin am;rik;an qa[aqakanouj;an a®a=naf;rj npatakn;re! A\s vo[owi enjazqin Na.agaf Øpama kar;uor \a\tnoujiun me erau ;rb \a\tarar;z! ªIm npatake ibr;u Am;rika\i Na.agaf% incphs or ;s baxmizs krkna‘ ;m fraparaka\in ;u ;rkko[mani .øsakzouj;anz mh=% arg;lq fandisanal h Parskastani fiulhakan xhnq;rou tiranaloun! Ba\z na;u esa‘ ;m or a\s npatakin fasn;lou m;r na.entra‘ ou[in ke ka\ana\ famapar'ak% stoug;li ;u diuanagitakan lou‘oumi me 'nt®touqin mh=% a®anz acqajo[ en;lou a\l lou‘oumn;rou kar;lioujiune ;u fauanakanoujiune^ ]a.o[ouj;an paraga\inº! A\s no\n fandipoumi enjazqin Qartou[ar Qhrri nmanørinak fastatoum me ke katarhr ;us! ªM;r xinouorakan karo[akanouj;an ;u da,nakizn;rou øvandakouj;an ko[qin m;nq phtq ouninq xørauor% korowi diuanagitouj;an me% or krna\ ardiunqn;rou \angil fon our xinouorakan o\ve i wiyaki ch npatakadr;al kazoujiun me st;[‘;louº! :rkrord n,anakaliz khte% or Na.agaf Øpama ;u P;takan Qartou[ar Qhrri ,;,t;zin a\d famagoumarin pa[;stin;an farzi baruoq lou‘man ª;rkou axg% ;rkou p;takanoujiunº fiman wra\! (Mnaz;ale \a=ord jiuow)

A|S H+E KE FOWANAUOR:N TOQJ& :U "RO~& SARGIS :U SILWA GARA|:AN TOQJ& :U TIK& >ACIK :U X:LA GARAKHØX:AN JAMAR :U "AJIL Amanori ;u S& ’nnd;an tøn;rou a®ijow% srtagin bari ma[janqn;r m;r bolor faraxatn;roun! Jo[ 2014-e ella\ \a=o[oujiunn;rou ;u 'a'aqn;rou irakanazman tari me


NOR ØR% D:KT:MB:R 26% 2013

M;nq :nq^ M;r Zau;re

ªPRN& NA>AGAF% KE >NA|H#Q&&& MOWSHS >OR:NAZIºN ªTIK& NA>ARAROUFI% KE >NA|H#Q&&& M>IJAR GO<ºE PARO|R A{PA<:AN Fa\astan-S'iu®q \arab;roujiunn;re% oronzmow fpartanalou kam oura.analou ,at ban kar% a\sør o#rqanow liarvhq irakanoujiun me kam patk;r me ke n;rka\azn;n% ;rb arv;ca';re fimnowin .a.ta‘ ;n% gnafatanqi arvaniqn;re .;[ajiuroua‘% \arganqi w;rab;rmounqn;re k;[‘oua‘% isk 'o.adar] ,afagor‘oumn;#re% Astoua‘ im&&& a®a\vm c.øsinq a\d masin! Iuraqanciur ,r=afa\;az ;u o[=mit fa\% o∞ur or al gtnoui% phtq h farz ta\% jh inco#u ke 'or]oui s'iu®qafa\ouj;an nkatmamb ta‘;l .ndrarkouj;an warqagi‘ ;u kam^ inco#u s'iu®qafa\oujiune% ou[[akiørhn jh anou[[akiørhn% inqxinq ke dnh .nkarkou wiyaki me mh=! An,ou,t% a\s endg‘oumn;re ir;nz masnauorouj;an ‘irin mh= phtq ch dit;l% saka\n% anonq fasa‘ ;n mtafogic safmann;rou% ;rb Fa\astane ca'i ou k,i®i anfauasarak,®ouj;amb ke w;rab;ri S'iu®qi a\s kam a\n ;r;uo\jn;roun ou fatoua‘n;roun nkatmamb% minc S'iu®qe ke .andawa®oui@% \aya. al&&& ke .;ndana@\ atonzmh! Fa\astane p;toujiun h a\l;us% f;t;uabar% phtq h p;takan mta‘o[ouj;amb ou faskazo[ouj;amb gor‘h% farz;re dith ;u% est a\nm% ko[mnoro,oui% no\nisk ;rb ir dimaz gtnh fa\r;nakizn;r (ima^ s'iu®qafa\;r)! P;takanouj;an lr=mtoujiune asika* ke pafan=h% p;takan kargousarqe atika* ke farkadrh% p;takan gor‘icn;roun ];®nfasoujiune a\l entranq ci ]g;r% oc mia\n mi=p;takan \arab;roujiunn;rou enjazqin% a\l;u^ mi=-fa\aga[ouja\in% saka\n% mi,t a®anz xgazakanouj;an ou x;[ounouj;an! Isk S'iu®qe% phtq h faskna\ a\l;us% or fa\r;ni p;takanouj;an kargawiyaki f;t kar;li ch \arab;ril ªoux;lou-pafan=;lou kam aknkal;lou-.ndr;louº tramabanouj;amb% no\nisk a\n paragan;roun% ;rb a\dpisi ªmom;ntºn;r st;[‘ou;lou a®ijn;r kan kam ke st;[‘ouin! Dvba.tabar% S'iu®qi oro,aki ankiunn;roun mh= (omanz famar an;r;u;li% omanz famar al^ .ist ;r;u;li)% a\n fiuandagin fog;banoujiune ka\% jh^ fa\r;nasirakan marxanqn;row ou ,arvou];u;row% krnan fasnil&&& anfasan;lioujiunn;rou% Fa\astani i,.anoujiunn;rhn korx;low&&& ,qan,an% tit[os% patouagir% gnafatagir% ;ua\ln (t;sakn;re baxmab[ht ou baxmabxxiun ;n)! Wsta*f phtq h ellal% or fa\r;ni patkan i,.anoujiunn;re ‘anøj ;n a\sørinak% m;[m esa‘% anfandourvo[oujiunn;rou% saka\n% xarmanal jh oc% oc mia\n ke l®;n% a\l;u ke qa=al;r;n% ir;nz grpann;rhn ;u ‘oz;rhn&&& gnafat;low angnafat;li angnafatn;re% no\n a\d ªparg;uºn;row!

Pataf;zau or% ør me% fa\r;ni kar;uor patas.anatoui me farz toui& - Inco#u S'iu®qi f;t a\sphs ke w;rab;rouiq ;u inco#u fa\r;ni p;touj;an angin nouirakanoujiune a\s ];u;row ke stou;rhq! Patas.ane f;t;u;aln hr& - Gith#q inc% m;nq amhn inc lau ;nq imanoum% saka\n% i#nc an;nq or ª];ronqº ;n ouxoum% .ndroum ou pafan=oum! Fasknali ;n ªm;ronzº ouxa‘n;re (;u couxa‘n;re)% ba\z% anfasknalin a\n h% or p;touji#une piti famak;rphr a\s ;u a\l ]a.likoujiunn;roun% jh#^ piti da®nar kary ou ktrouk% p;takanawa\;l lr=ouj;amb ou f;[inakafxørouj;amb patas.an;lou& - Da m;r an;liqn h ou ke gor‘;nq onz or a®ijn h kam arvanauorn h&&&! *** Inco#u a\s (krknouo[ ou clou‘ouo#[) fpoumn;re! Mijh parx ch#! O*c fa\r;ni patkan ko[m;re ke fasknan (kam k*oux;n fasknal) ;u o*c al S'iu®qe% jh a\s ];uow kam enjazqow% kar;li ch Fa\astanS'iu®q \arab;roujiunn;re amrazn;l ;u founauor;l% \atkaphs mtauorakan makardaki wra\! O;uh mhke krna#\ fakadrouil a\s warka‘in kam fakaya®;l% jh fa\ mtqi ou st;[‘agor‘ ogii nouir;aln;re inco#u a\s dv.;m yakatagirin ªxofº ke da®nan! C;nq git;r kam k*angitananq% ;jh Fa\astani mh= kan mtauorakann;r ;u irat;sn;r% oronq ke bavn;n a\s mtafogoujiunn;re ou ke t;sn;n ator anpat;foujiunn;re ou wtangauor safanqn;re! O;uh mhke dhm ch or Fa\astane gnafath S'iu®qi arvanauor xauakn;re% oronq^ xanaxan makardakn;rou wra\% fasa‘ ;n bar]rago\n dirq;rou% i masnauori fa\aga[ouja\in% ba\z% ;rb farze% paragan kam a®ije ke fasni yamartakouj;an% yapa[ouj;an ou yapou®ouj;an astiyanin% a\l;us phtq h ;r;uaka\;l^ o#ur fasa‘ ;nq ;u o#ur faszouza‘ m;r arv;ca';re! Fa\astani Fanrap;touj;an na.agafe% gr;jh am;nør;a\ drouj;amb ;u \aya.akanouj;amb% ke m;‘arh ou ke m;‘arh@& Inco#w^ Mowshs >or;naziow! Fos inqxinq partadro[ farzoume% ou[[oua‘ na;u fa\r;ni xgast mtauorakanouj;an& - Mowshs >or;nazin m;r axga\in patmouj;an ang;raxanz;li patmafa\rn h% oroun arv;uoroume oc mia\n fa\ patmabann;rou ko[mh ke kataroui% a\l;u^ øtar fa\aghtn;rou% orphs .or;naziagitoujiun! Incph#s kar;li h a\dqan davan gtnouil Mowshs >or;nazii nkatmamb ou xa\n a= ou ]a. ªba,.;lº kam ª,norf;lº% oronzmh ,at;r

no\nisk c;n git;r anor patma-axga\in arvhqe! Phtq h \i,;l& Âop;rj Qocar;an Mowshs >or;nazi nouira‘ hr&&& xinouorakani me% na. warkab;k;low Patmafa\re% apa^ zo\z talow katar;al tgitoujiun me% minc a,.arfaf®cak marxiki me ,norfoua‘ hr&&& Pø[os Noupar "a,a! A\s o@ur lsoua‘ h% or na.agafakan kam a\l makardakow parg;uatroumn;r ellan% an]nakan na.a];®noujiunn;row kam mi=nordakan .o[owakn;row% mincd;® atonq phtq h anznin \atouk \an]na.oumbi me bowhn% paf;lou famar na.agafakan warke% parg;uin arvhqin ‘anrak,®oujiune ;u% am;nhn kar;uore% parg;uatrouo[i bazar]ak arvanapatououjiune% ir la\nafounc imastow! :jh ckan a\s gor‘ønn;re% oc ,norfo[e ;u oc ,norfouo[e k*ardarazn;n toucouj;an nman bolor b;madroujiunn;re% isk ;jh na.agafoujiune ke kar‘h% jh a\d bolore ir;n famar animast ;n% inqn h or k*oro,h ;u inqn h or k*entrh% a\n at;n krna\ na.agafakan \atouk mrzanakn;r ,norf;l% a®anz m;r axga\in% patmakan% m,akouja\in% st;[‘agor‘akan nouirakanoujiunn;re b®nadat;lou ou ,afagor‘;lou% \atkaphs ;rb anonq ke \an]nouin anarvann;rou% kisarvann;rou kam ªfhcºarvann;rou! Ouri, patk;r me ;us! S'iu®qi na.ararouj;an mrzanakn;rou ou ,qan,ann;rou a®atoujiune gl.apto\t a®a=azno[ h% \aya. ªka[and papanº \i,;zn;low% ;rb;mn al mta‘;low jh a\s orqa@n parg;un;rou paf;stn;r kan% apa% kamazkamaz fauatalow or møtik apaga\in iuraqanciur fa\ordi&&& mrzanakakir me piti ella\ (j;r;us% bazi xanonq&&& touo[n;rhn)! M.ijar Gø,e mi=nadar;an m;r m;‘ago\n ;u ankrkn;li datastanagirn ou a®akagirn h ;u% \anka@r‘% anor anouamb ,qan,an ke ,norfoui ,ouka\akan marxi gor‘ici me% (a® i gnafata#nq) anor b;ra‘ fa\r;nakan n;rdroumin! Saka\n% ard;øq a\s parg;uatrouo[e gith# M.ijar Gø,in o#w ellale ;u anor b;ra‘ npaste fa\ banasirouj;an ou fama,.arfa\in datastanagrouj;an! Incph#s k*ella\ or a\spisi ,outikouj;amb ou karyat;souj;amb% M.ijar Gø,e&&& ke fasarakzoui% orowf;t;u ,ouka\iki me .ostazoua‘ h atika ;u kam&&& pafan=oua‘! I#nc tramabanoujiun h asika ;u incph#s ke tnørinouin a\spisi apa,norf ararqn;r! A\s safmananzoumn;re ph*tq h xspouin% fousk^ i spa® w;ranan% parg;uatroumn;rou gor‘enjaze ]g;low akad;makan-masnagitakan ,r=anakn;rou% fog ch jh anonq fowanauorouin na.agafakan kam na.ararakan

A|S H+E KE FOWANAUORH IRAQAFA| MIOUJIUNE Nor Taroua\ ;u S& ’nnd;an xo\g tøn;roun a®jiu% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bar;kamn;re% ma[j;low bolorin a®o[=oujiun ;u \a=o[oujiun fama\n fa\ouj;an


<ar& h= 33




Sour Ankiun

KA{ANDCHQN:R KA{AND PAPA|IN ’AK TOPRAKHN Fø% fø% fø@% o[=o\nn;r Masis sari gagajhn% ªNor Ørºi enj;rzo[n;roun srtamøt l;®nhn% Faxar \arga*nq ];r fauatarmouj;an% Or xark kou taq mamoulin s'iu®q;an! :rkou faxar tasncors bar;uagir ªNor Ørºin% No\nqan ou fariurapatik oskin;r angin% Orphsxi amhn ør k;anq ta\ fa\ girin% Hl;qjrona\in tarb;rakhn al andin!

FAMBAR}OUM A{PA<:AN ªArabakan Garounºe% or karo[azau ,arq me arabakan ;rkirn;rou na.agafn;re ;u ka®awaroujiunn;re tapal;l% Jounis% Lipia% :giptos ;u :mhn% qa[aqakan .andawa® ,r=an me bolor;lh \;to\ ir a,nan ør;roun fasau! Sourio\ Garoune% oroun no\n yakatagire ‘ragroua‘ hr ouri, ;rj oun;zau! Shoutakan Arabian ir qariu[i ;raxa\in

:giptos (8-10) mil i o n % Souria (2&25 milion)% Libanan% ;rkri 4%140%000 bnakcouj;an 39% (1&65 milion)! Iraqi qriston;a\ fama\nqe 1987 j& (1&4 milion) hr% isk 2003 j& (1&5 milion) ;u n;rka\is ke kar‘oui jh anonz jiue mia\n khs milion h% a\l mhk .øsqow ;rkri bnakcouj;an 8%% 5%

;kamoutow am;nam;‘ d;re oun;zo[n h a\d anzoudar];rou a®ncouj;amb! Qajarn al ir kaxi m;‘ ;kamoutow m;‘ d;r oun;zau skixbi ,r=anin% saka\n w;r=;rs ;t;ui nstaranin wra\ t;[auor;zin xinq! Jourqian al ir kor‘anic d;re ouni a\d am;noun mh= ;u i masnauori Sourio\ kapakzouj;amb% nmanaphs ,at me ouri, ;rkirn;r! Arabn;re m;‘amasnouj;amb Islam krønqi ke f;t;uin! Islamn;re ;rkou m;‘ mas;r ;n Sounni ;u <ii% Sounnin;re a®a=in ;r;q .ali`an;rou f;t;uordn;rn ;n (Apou Phqr% Ømar ;u Øsman)% isk <iin;re corrord .ali`a\in% (Ali)in f;t;uordn;rn ;n! Arabakan mas me ;rkirn;rou mh= m;‘ jiuow qriston;an;r al kan%

;u i w;r=o\ mia\n 1&5%! Soutani faraua\in mase anka.azau ir 11-13 milion qriston;an;row& |ordanani ;u Pa[;stini mh= al qriston;a\ fama\nqn;r kan% isk mnaza‘ ;rkirn;rou mh= ;jh gtnouin% 'oqr jiu;row ;n! Arabakan garoune% bazi :mhni mh=% krønamol ka®awaroujiunn;r mh=t;[ b;rau% saka\n ‘a\ra\;[ i.ouann;re :giptosi mh= yambou drou;zan& Jounisi ;u Lipio\ mh= milizian;roun .øsqn h% or ke lsoui& :mhnn al .a[a[ ch% isk Pafrh\ne Shoutio\ fowaniin tak ke go\at;uh! M;r m;‘ wi,te Sourian h% a\d aspn=akan ;rkire our tasn;ak faxarauor fa\;r apastan gtan Z;[aspanouj;an tarin;roun% fon fas-

<norfakaloujiun ªNor Ørºe lo\sin b;ro[in^ Âamkawar ou Axat ga[a'ara.øsakanin Anor [;kawar ;u marminn;roun bolor^ Ka[and Papan b;ra‘ h Mioujiun fxør! Bari ma[janqn;r ªNor Ørºi qo\r-;[ba\rn;roun% Bari \i,atak^ andar] m;kno[n;roun% ªXarjønqºin^ xarjønq% ªAr;uºin al^ ar;u mna\oun% ªApaga\inº^ apaga\ ;u ªNor Ørºin^ nor ør b;[oun! ªAxgºe jo[ ,arounakh axga\ine% ªSardarapatºe^ Sardarapat;an ;rje% "Mirror"-e ella\ fa\;lin angliata® :u ÂAK Mamoule da'n;psake pa\‘a®! Axga\in-;k;[;zakan ka®o\zn;roun% Qa[aqakan-fasarakakan mioujiunn;roun% S'iu®qi fama\n kaxmak;rpoujiunn;roun^ Arjnouji*un% Arjnouji*un ;u Arjnouji*un! A,.arfi [;kawar bolor ouv;roun^ Ka[and Papa\hn .ndranq-pafan=q 'a\l'loun& ªFa\;liin mh= \a®;zhq ];r acqe ];r acqin Orphsxi w;r= taq ariunafosouj;ane sinº! ÂAK Fa\ Irauanz >orfourdin^ <arounak;l pa,tpan;l irauounqn ardarin! Jhqh;an M,akouja\in Miouj;an^ <arounak;l Jhqh;anakan ,ouncow bar]ranal yamban! JMM Ar,ak Tigran;an Warvaranin^ <arounak;l w;ren]iu[ouil krkin ou krkin! Fa\kakan Bar;gor‘akan Endfanour Miouj;an^ <arounak;l ir anouan famaxør gor‘e Noupar;an! ªFa\astanº Famafa\kakan Fimnadramin^ <arounak;l \o\s ou lo\s s'®;l m;r fa\ axgin! Fa\r;nakzakan Mioujiunn;roun^ Ou.tagnazoujiunn;r ‘nndawa\rn m;r pap;roun! Fa\astan m;r fa\r;niqin^ Ka\ounoujiun Fa\astani vo[owourdin^ Famb;roujiun Arza.in fa\oz^ Xgønoujiun Drazi p;toujiunn;roun^ >;lamtoujiun A,.arfi fxør axgaz^ Vouvkaloujiun Mi=in Ar;u;lqin^ >a[a[oujiun

<ar& h= 29

Qriston;a\ :uropa\in^ ’n;lioujiun Miaz;al Nafangn;roun^ Ardar-a-mit-oujiun 2014-i Socii }m;®na\in O[impiakanin^ ªTaqº }m;®% isk^ Praxili ~oujpoli A,.arfi .a[;roun^ Ditarvanoujiun ;u Kola®atoujiun! N:T OU A{:{ Los Any;les% D;kt;mb;r 19% 2013

A|S H+E KE FOWANAUORH DAUIJ SAMOUHL:AN Nor Taroua\ ;u S& ’nnd;an xo\g tøn;roun a®jiu% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bar;kamn;re% ma[j;low bolorin a®o[=oujiun ;u \a=o[oujiun fama\n fa\ouj;an


NOR ØR% D:KT:MB:R 26% 2013

(<ar na.ord jiuhn ;u w;r=)

Tik& Shsil Qh,i,;ani .øsqe


ANDRANIK ’AÂOUK:AN MARDE ’a®ouk;an ir embost ;u \andougn .a®noua‘qow% anka. mta‘;lak;rpow% cfandourv;z 1960-akan jouakann;roun Libanani mh= patafo[ ;[ba\raspan k®iun;roun% kousakzakan ir;ram;rv mjnolortin% fravar;zau Fa\ |;[a'o.akan Da,nakzoujiun kousakzouj;nhn! Ir .mbagra‘ ªNa\iriºn% a\nouf;t;u dar]au anaca®% anko[mnakal% fauasarak,®oua‘% fa,tarar .øsqi =atagowe! ir .mbagrakann;re \a',takou;zan ir na.kin enk;rn;roun% a\vm ir endimadirn;roun% incphs na;u ir fauatarim% irmow mi,t .andawa® enj;rzo[n;roun ko[mh! An ,r=apatou;zau ir vamanakakiz karg me faroust grashrn;row% oronz kargin^ Ph\rouji F&B&E&M-i fa\agitakan ampioni fimnadir-bar;rar Fiusis;ane% Ita lio\ St;'an Srap;ane% Ph\rouji Wafh S;j;ane% ~ransa\hn Âoyer +rba,;ane% Gali`ornia\hn Ar,ak Tigran;ane% <iqako\hn n,anauor wirabo\v toqj& Qhqliq;ane ;u ouri,n;r! A\d faroustn;rn hin or k∞øgnhin ir;n niujaphs% inq ch or k∞ouxhr% anonq h or kou ta\in ir;n! Fiusis;ani Ph\rouji mhk a\z;louj;an a®jiw% A& ’a®ouk;an .ndra‘ hr% ir;n a,ak;rt% apa a,.atakiz% mt;rim bar;kam% s'iu®qafa\ ;rgi‘ankaric^ Masis Ararat;anin^ or Fiusis;ane a®a=nordh ªQaxinø Tiu Lipanº% ªYiuniiº ‘owa'in! W;radar]i yamboun wra\ Fiusis;an ke .ndrh Masishn or øgnh ir;n% orowf;t;u an k∞ouxhr gn;l A& ’a®ouk ;ani .mbagratoune ;u nouir;l ’a®ouk;anin! Orphsxi ’a®ouk;anhn cm;rvoui% Masis ke j;ladrh gnman gor‘o[oujiunn;re katar;l Tik& Sona ’a®ouk;ani f;t! A\sphs al k∞ella\! (Masise m;r mh= h a\sør)! A\dphs chr# Masis! |;taga\in ’a®ouk;an ke ‘a.h ir .mbagratoune% ke ‘a.sh dramin mhk mase ir yambordoujiunn;rou enjazqin% isk mnaz;a low ke m;knin "arix% fon fasta-

ou anaca®oujiune ke pafan=;n or S;silin \ødoua‘n al droui i patas.an Marxp;ti grouj;anº! A\dphs al ;[au% sirts pa[;zau! ’a®ouk;an y,marit fa\r;nashr hr% apazo\z^ ªJou[j A® :r;uanº pohme ;u ir 1940-akan jouakann;roun gra‘ mhk q;rjoua‘e^ ªOu.t Araratinº or Masis Ararat;ane \i,o[ouj;an \;n;low m;q;nagr;z in‘i% oroun a®a=in ;u w;r=in toun;re piti kardam!

Ou.t Araratin

Tik& Shsil Qh,i,;an

tou;lou! A\d .na\o[ouj;an ;kamoutow anonq (kinn ou Na\irin% Nanike) k∞apafow;n ir;nz k;zoujiune "arixi mh=! Orphs ;xrakazoujiun! Andranik ’a®ouk;an Marde bnoro,o[% anor nkaragire \atkan,o[ gi‘;rhn kar;li h jou;l f;t;u;aln;re! 1&- ’a®ouk;an .ro.t hr ;u fpart! Incphs w;re esinq% faroustn;roun ;t;uhn chr wax;r% faroustn;re ir ;t;uhn! Chr mourar% a\l ir;n ke ,norfouhr! 2&- An\i,acar% ano.akal hr! "ast;lou famar a\s mhke Posjen% ªPa\qariº na.kin .mbagir ;u arou;staban^ Grigor Qhøsh;ani mhk wka\oujiune% our k∞esh& ªAt;n me oro,aphs axdoua‘ hi ir nkaragri an\i,acarouj;nhn! ªXarjønqºi mh= ;rkou angam ir dhm gra‘ hi% oronzmh mhke bauakan bou®n^ <afan <afnouri a®ncouj;amb% oronz f;t;uanqow bar;unis dadra‘ hr ;rb irarou fandiphinq m;r ,hnqin a®=;u% Ph\rouj% oroun kiz hr ªNa \iriºi gras;n;akn;roun ,hn qe! Saka\n "arix ªinqnaqsoroua‘º m;r ,r=anin% inq ør me anaknkalørhn ya,i frauir;z xis% ir;nz toune% mo®azouj;an talow anz;ale! Au;lin^ tarin;r ;tq ªPa\qarº ,abajaj;rje drouato[ namak men al [rk;z Posjen% ;rb j;rjin .mbagirn hi% faka®ak or irarou f;t namakagroujiun counhinqº! Ke t;snhq i@nc m;‘oujiun ’a®ouk ;ani ko[mh! 3&- ’a®ouk;an ardaramit

;u anko[mnakal hr% baniu ou gor‘ow! An]nakan \ou, me% a\s mhke apazouzano[! Prn& Alhq Manouk;an% oroun anoune dra‘ ;nq m;r a®a=n;k t[oun% FBEM-i dprozn;rou bolor ,r=anauartn;re% Daroufi |akob;an% |owakim;an-Manouk;an% M;lgon;an <r=anauartiz Mioujiun me kaxm;lou npatakau% fraui ra‘ h Tijro\j 3 ørouan k;zouj;amb% inq fogalow fariurauor masnakzo[n;roun k;zoujiune! A\d fandipoumn;roun% ya,k;ro\j ;u shminarn;rou enjazqin% ;lo\j oun;zo[n;rou kargin% ;s al ;lo\j me oun;za‘ hi ,norfakaloujiun \a\tn;low Prn& Alhq Manouk ;anin ;u xinq \or=or=a‘ orphs m;r ør;rou ªW®am,apouf jagauoreº% or mi,t g;[;zike% barin ke fowanauorhr! Qani me ,abaj w;r=% Dokt& Marxp;t Markos;an groujiun me i=;zouza‘ hr ªNa\iriºi h=;rhn% ‘a[r;low or ªM;nø'oxiº fasno[ an];r% Alhq Manouk;ane^ ªW®am,apouf ,inarar jagauorinº nmanzouza‘ hin! ªJass n;t;zº orowf;t;u |owakim;anhn ,r=anauart ªdoktºauor Marxp;t Markos;ane n;rka\ isk chr m;r ;®ør;a\ fauaqin! :rkto[ow me groujiuns [rk;zi ’a®ouk;anin% i=a\ Marxp;tin wra\% or ª;s hi a\d .øsqe eso[e% ;u jh^ ªmono'oxhnº ,at f;®ou hi takauin ;u manauand or Marxp;te n;rka\ isk chr m;r fauaqin! ’a®ouk;an fratarak;z \ødoua‘s% .mbagrakan ‘anøjouj;amb me es;low^ ª;rkou gro[n;rn al bar;kamn;rs ;n! Ardaroujiunn

Piti fasni*nq srbaxan l;®% katarid :rb =rf;[n;re ®oumb;roun gtnh w;r= Ou ariuni ‘ow;rn fagnin ‘ia‘an! :rb morjoua‘ .a[a[ouj;an a[aunin W;rada®na\ arfauirqi wif;rhn }ij;nii fa,tarar yiu[e b;rnin Piti fasninq katarid! &&& T;*s m;r ,arq;re .andaborb ou ari% T;*s m;r karøte .o\anqow Wafagni% T;*s m;r fogin qou ]iun;roud phs maqour% Ou kamqe m;r t;*s% va\®;roud phs amour% :u fauata* k®anij;a\ o@w astoua‘ Srbaxan l;® fauata*% jh ke fasninq M;nq ke fasninq katarid! Groua‘ 1940-akan jouakann;roun% FMEM-i S& Xatkouan ,norfauorakan qarjin a®ijow! 1989-in "arixi mh=% fa\ouj;nh f;®ou ke mafana\ Andranik ’a®ouk;an! >;[y ;u an'a®ounak \ou[arkauorouj;nh me ;tq% ke \an]noui fo[in% ja[ou;low FBEM-i 'anjhoni g;r;xmanatan mh=! Bar;ba.tabar saka\n% ’a®ouk ;an cm;®a‘% fiuand pa®ka‘ ir anko[nin mh= m.ijaroujiun oun;zau akanat;s ;u akan=alour dar]au ir;n ,norfoua‘ famaxga\in siro\n% famaroumin% gnafatanqin% ;rb :r;uani fraparakin wra\% mhk milion vo[owourdi qa\lar,auin% fska\ pasta®n;r parxou;zan% oronz wra\ ar]anagroua‘ hr ’a®ouk ;ani f;t;u;al groujiune! ªAriunid ‘oran ;rix me karmir :rkinqhn pokoua‘ ktor me


|AROUJIUN :SA|:AN Øgn;nq m;r fa\r;niqin go\at;u;lou famar

<ar& h= 37





}a.hn^ Ara Jo'y;an ;u Al;q Manouk;an

(<ar na.ord jiuhn ;u w;r=) :ra.tauor Ara Jo'y;ani axga\in ga[a'arakan patkan;lioujiune xinq m[;z ir før Dokt& |akob "o'y;ani s;rmana‘ qaroxcouj;an% oroun mafouenh 10 tarin;r ;tq 1961-in Aran dar]au ÂAK K;dronakan Warcouj;an andam% or ke gor‘hr k;dron oun;nalow Ph\rouje orphs at;no\ s'iu®qafa\ amhnhn k;nsounak ga[ouje! Ph\rouji mh= Jo'y;ani famar fasarakakan k;anqe axdak me dar]au% krjakan kar;uoroujiun oun;zo[ ka®o\zn;rh n;rs! :rkar tarin;r an mas kaxm;z FBEM-i Libanani krjakan \an]na.oumbin% incphs na;u patouakal at;nadpiri pa,tøne war;z Galoust Kiulphnk;an Fastatouj;an fa\kakan bavnin% oroun npastenk;al krjajo,akn;roun øvandakoujiune m;‘ ;[au libananafa\ famalsaran \aya.o[ ousano[ouj;an famar! Libanani krjakan k;anqi \arayoun w;r;lqin f;t qa\l paf;z |owakim;an-Manouk;an warvarani ousoumnakan ‘ragire% ou warvarani ,our= 20 tar;,r=ann;rou auartin^ Jo'y;an a\s angam ‘ragr;z ou \a=o[zouz libanan;an B& paqalorha dasarani \au;loume |owakim;anManouk;ani krjakan ‘ragrhn n;rs^ 1966-67 tar;,r=anin! A®a=in fa\kakan ;rkrordakan warvarann hr a\s mhke Mi=in Ar;u;lqi mh= oun;nalou a\d

‘ragra\in dasarane% oroun famar tarb;r ;rkrordakan warvarann;rh ,r=anauartn;r dim;zin \aya.;lou! A\s fangrouanin Ara Jo'y;an ke wa\;lh famendfanour f;[inakoujiun ou baro\akan wark% warvarani ,r=anauartn;roun k;rta‘ \a=o[oujiunn;r 1971-in |owakim;an-Manouk;an warvarani B& paqalorha\i dasarane ir 19 ;rks;® gitakan bavni ousano[n;row k;rt;z 100 tokos \a=o[ouj;an mrzani,e^ p;takan qnnouj;anz mh=% da®nalow a®a=ine a\d fam;matoujiune apafowo[! Libanani at;no\ krjakan na.ararn al \atouk gnafatanqow parg;uatr;z Jo'y;ane ou manauand ir ko[mh 'or]a®ou ousouzicn;rou oronoume% oronz mi=ozau kar;li ;[au k;rt;l a\d \a=o[oujiune dar]n;low xa\n warakic \a®a=ika\ tar;,r=ann;roun! Tnørhn Ara Jo'y;ani qa=al;ranqe ankaska‘ ir npastauor d;re oun;zau auarta‘ fa\ ousano[n;roun% f;t;u;lou FBE Miouj;an :rouand N;rsis;an krjakan fimnarki dasenjazqn;roun% our bar]rago\n fa\;zi krjoujiun a®n;low% anonq katar;lagor‘;zin fa\agitouj;an ir;nz masnagitoujiune wastaka,at ;ra.tauorin na;u a\s ,r=anin wstafou;zau kaxmoujiune^ FBE Miouj;an arf;sti yartararou;sti warvaranin! A\s warvarane phtq h es;l or fa\kakan a®a=in warvarane ;[au ir t;-

sakin mh= libananafa\ ga[oujin møt% oroun gi,;ra\in dasenjazqn;row orphs wa\r oun;zau |owakim;an-Manouk;an warvarani ,hnqi w;rna\arke! Krjakan 'a\loun ;r;q tasnam;akn;r bolora‘% Jo'y;ani tnørina‘ manc;rou ;rkrordakan warvarani a,ak;rtouj;an jiue oro, nouaxoum kr;z Libanani mh= 1975-in ‘a\r a®au qa[aqaziakan pat;raxmin f;t;uanqow! Ba\z Ara Jo'y;an ;rb;q enkerkoumi n,o\ln;r zo\z ctouau% ou mnaz ir pa,tønin gitakiz! An baxmizs arvanazau Libanani miaz;al tnørhnn;rou gnafatanqin! Mia\n 1987-in hr or ir tnørhnouj;an qa®asnam;a\ wastaka,at fangrouane auart;lh ;tq oro,;z fangst;an kocouil ir pa,tønhn% da®nalow FBE Miouj;an Krjakan |an]na.oumbi \atouk .orfrdatoun! No\n tarouan Aprilin% Ara Jo'y;an arvanazau Am;na\n Fa\oz W;fa'a® Waxghn A& Fa\rap;tin ko[mh ªSourb SafakSourb M;sropº ,qan,anin ou srbata® kondakin! Isk 1986-in "arixi mh= ka\aza‘ FBEM-i endfanour vo[owin a®enj;r ka\azau |owakim;an-Manouk;an warvarani 40 am;ake% our na.agaf Al;q Manouk;an parg;uatr;z wastaka,at Ara Jo'y;ane ªAkanauor Krjakan M,akº tit[osow! Jo'y;an 40 tarin;rou tnørhnouj;an ir patas.anatououj;an ;u a®aq;louj;an gitakiz% warvarani a,ak;rtn;re m[;z mas kaxm;lou libananafa\ouj;an miouj;nakan ‘ragirn;rou ;ritasardakan ;®oux;rin% ou a\d san;rhn ,at;r l‘ou;zan fasarakakan k;anqi kar;uor patas.anatououj;an! >andawa®ouj;an ;r;uo\j me ;[au na;u 1970-in Ph\rouji mh= |owakim;an-Manouk;an warvarani ,r=anauartn;rou ya,k;ro\j fauaqe% ormh ;tq s'iu®qafa\ xanaxan ga[oujn;rh n;rs fastatoua‘ famanoun warvarani san;re kaxm;zin ,r=anauartiz mioujiunn;r% FBE Miouj;an ka®o\zi ‘irhn n;rs! Isk 1988 S;pt;mb;rin Los Any;lesi mh= fastatoua‘ san;rou

fama.mboumi frauhrow% ;ra.tauor Jo'y;an ;kau Gali`ornia% our Whn Na\si ,r=anhn n;rs tønou;zau |owakim;an-Manouk;an warvarani 40-am;ake% oroun gl.auor .øsq a®no[e ;[au wastaka,at Jo'y;ane% fimnakan npatake tønakatarouj;an ;[au% warvarani bar;lauman ‘ragirn;rou npaste% Jo'y;ani pa,tøne stan]na‘ no\n warvarani ,r=anauart^ banashr ou krjakan m,ak Prn& Vira\r Danihl;ani orona‘ ardiakan gitakan tarralou‘aranin! Isk au;li ou, 1990 |ounisin Gali`ornio\ mh= kaxmou;zau Daroufi_|owakim;an san;rou mioujiune^ at;nap;touj;amb a\s to[;rou f;[inakin (,r=anauart 1970-in)% ,our= 400 san;rou andamakzouj;amb% oronq zard ke ,arounak;n npast;l san;rou miouj;an ‘ragirn;roun! Anwaran krnanq es;l jh wastaka,at ou gnafatanqi arvani ;ra.tauore% krzau iragor‘;l ir;n wstafoua‘ a®a=nordouj;an fa\as;rm a®aq;loujiune% a,ak;rtn;rou ;u ir tarin;rou gor‘akiz dhmq;rou wka\ouj;amb! Jo'y;ani k;anqi w;r=in tarin;re \orda®at ;[an ir st;[‘agor‘ouj;an fatorow! 2001-in `rans;rhn l;xouow 384 h=;rh ba[kaza‘ ªPoemes de ma vieº q;rjo[agirqe lo\s t;sau% 'o.adr;low xinq mankawarvouj;an anz;alhn dhpi st;[‘agor‘akan mtauorakane% zo\z talow ir fmout karo[oujiune orphs s'iu®qafa\ øtaral;xou f;[inak! |a®a=aza‘ tariqin% Ph\rouji mh= Ara Jo'y;an 2008 ";trouar 4-in ir mafkanazoun knq;z 93 tar;kan fasakin% ir ;tin jo[;low ;ra.ta,at wastak me ankaska‘^ s'iu®qafa\ s;roundn;r dastiarak;lou kar;uor a®aq;louj;an mh=!

A|S H+E KE FOWANAUORH TIK& ANAFIT MANOUK:AN Nor Taroua\ ;u S& ’nnd;an xo\g tøn;roun a®jiu% ke ,norfauor;m m;r bar;kamn;re% ma[j;low bolorin a®o[=oujiun ;u \a=o[oujiun fama\n fa\ouj;an



A\sphs h kocuoum 2012-i :r;uanoum lo\s t;sa‘ fa\ vo[owrdi akanauor xauak% wa® anfatakanoujiun% ;rkri tar;grouj;an mh= ir mna\oun h=e jo[a‘% vo[owrdi shrn ou \arganqe wa\;lo[% k;anqiz anvamanak f;®aza‘ p;takan gor‘ic Karhn D;miry;anin nouirua‘ nra kno=^ Âima D;miry;ani ko[miz groua‘ girqe! Karhn D;miry;ane 14 tari (1974-88& jj&) ;[;l h F>SF Komounistakan Kousakzouj;an K;ntronakan Komithi a®a=in qartou[are% isk 1999 j& |ounisiz^ FF Axga\in Vo[owi na.agafe! 1999 j& Fokt;mb;ri 27-in Axga\in Vo[owi dafliyoum dauadrabar spannou;z i,.anouj;an arvanauor ouj n;rka\azouzicn;ri f;t miasin! Pa,tønakan warka‘e f®cakoum hr% or afab;kcakan gor‘o[oujiun hr t;[i oun;z;l i,.anoujiune b®nagrau;lou npatakow! Kaxmak;rpicn;ri% patouiratoun;ri go\oujiune wy®akanørhn v.tuoum hr% cna\a‘ bolor \anzagor‘n;re \a\tni hin ;u b®noua‘! FF ;rkrord na.agaf Âob;rt Qocar;ann a\n vamanak asaz% or afab;kcouj;an \a\tnab;roume fasarak giu[akan oucastkowo\i (ostikanouj;an bavni a,.atakzi) gor‘ h! :u cna\a‘ dran% \anzagor‘n;riz omanq mafazan kaska‘;li fangamanqn;roum% mhke ;l;ktrakan fosanqi farua‘iz% miuse^ ka.ou;z ;u a\ln! Minc;u a\vm hl an\a\t h jh i#nc t;[i oun;zau% ow hr kangna‘ dauadrouj;an ;t;uoum! N,;nq% or girqe jargmanoua‘ h ®ousakan tarb;rakiz ;u ba[kaza‘ h møt 570 h=iz! Âima D;miry;ane groum h& ªDvouaranoum ;m girqe w;ragr;l or;uh oro,aki vanri^ \ou,;r% hssh kam parxaphs patmoujiun! Saka\n% anka. vanri maqrouj;an astiyaniz% soub\;ktiuouj;an gor‘øniz fnarauorins .ousa';lou famar% a,.at;l ;m a®a=nordou;l mia\n 'ast;row! Da a\n h% inc t;s;l ;m an]amb kam ls;l ;m Karhniz% vamanakakizn;ri \ou,;roum kam m;mouarn;roum b;roua‘ 'ast;rn ;n% ar.iua\in niuj;re! Oro, ca'ow øgtagor‘;l ;m na;u Karhni gra®oumn;re%

NOR ØR% D:KT:MB:R 26% 2013


Karhn D;miry;an

Âima D;miry;an

dranow apafow;low nra k;ndani n;rka\oujiune! Karhni masin patm;lis a,.at;l ;m pafpan;l skxbounqe^ ocinc cau;lazn;l ;u ocinc cpakas;zn;l! As;l a\n inc ka\! Bolor dhpq;roum^ gr;l ;m axniu ;u y,martazi girqº! ªSa Karhn D;miry;ani k;nsagroujiune ch% oc hl patmakan a,.atoujiun kam gitakan manrakrkit ousoumnasiroujiun% a\l endamhne mi 'or] h^ c\auakn;low liarvhq nkaragrouj;an% s;'akan n;rdroumn oun;nal Karhni k;anqi patmoujiune% k;ndani% irakan% ambo[=akan k;rpare n;rka\azn;lou gor‘oumº& groum h Âima D;miry;ane! Girqe kaxmoua‘ h au;li qan 50 bavinn;riz% ort;[ n;rka\azoua‘ ;n Karhn D;miry;ani entaniqe% dprozakan ;u ousano[akan tarin;re% a,.atanqe ªHl;ktrat;.nikakanº gor‘aranoum% kousakzakan marminn;roum minc;u 1986 j&% w;raka®ouzoum% \arab;roujiunn;re Korpac;ui f;t% w;raka®ouzoume est Karhn D;miry;ani% {araba[;an ,arvoum% a®a=in qartou[ari pa,tøniz f;®anale% 1988 j& ;rkra,arve% jo,aka®oun% w;radar]e ;ua\ln&&&! Anfrav;,t ;m famaroum .øs;l entaniqi masin! ’nou;l h 1932 j& Aprili 17-in! <at ‘anr ‘nndab;roujiun h ;[;l! Ma\re Liusia |owsh'i D;miry;an (fa\rakan anoun axganoune^ Lousnjag Kara.an;an)

‘nou;l h Wan qa[aqoum% 1906 jouakanin! Fa\re S;rob N,ani D;miry;ane ‘nou;l h Qoj;r giu[oum (Hrxroumi wila\hj)! Kotora‘i vamanak D;miry;ann;ri ambo[= entaniqin% baza®ouj;amb mi qanisin spann;l hin! S;robe ,at dvouaroujiunn;ri h fandipoum% minc;u fasnoum h A,tarak% ort;[ hl giu[;riz mhkoum (a\vm Baxma[biur) orbanoz kar! S;robi na.nin;re tofmik darbinn;r hin ;u nranz axganoune Darbin;an hr! :rb S;robin farznoum ;n% jh ‘no[n;rn owq;r ;n% incow ;n xba[ou;l% na patas.anoum h^ damrci (jourq;rhn^ darbin)! A\dphs hl nran granzoum ;n^ D;miry;an% ort;[iz hl sksuoum h a\s axganoune! 1918 j& D;miry;ani føre^ S;robin t;[a'o.;l ;n Al;qsandrapoli am;rik;an orbanoz% ort;[ hl na ‘anøjazau ir apaga\ kno= Liusia\i f;t! |;taga\oum nranq ir;nziz anka. patya®n;row irar korznoum ;n ;u dar];al gtnoum 1927 j&% a\s angam ardhn nranq endmi,t kap;zin ir;nz yakatagr;re! 1928 j& S;pt;mb;rin ‘nou;z nranz a®a=n;ke^ Karøn! 20-akan jouakann;ri w;r=oum føre n,anak;zin Qanaq;®g;si kouskomithi qartou[ar! Nran \atkazr;zin mhk s;n;ak Kondoum% ort;[ hl ‘nou;z nranz ;rkrord ordin^ Karhne^ 1932 j& Aprili

17-in! :u ;rb Karhne ‘anøjazau Âima\i f;t% S;robe ardhn a,.atoum hr orphs Fa\fitrohn;rgo,inoum% arfmiouj;an Komithi na.agaf! Karhne soworoum hr :r;uani% isk auag ;[ba\re^ Kamon L;ningradi polit;.nikakanoum! <at fam;ra,. ;[ba\rn;r hin ;u dasakan ;rav,touj;an m;‘ sirafarn;r! Karhnn hl a®a=in koursn auart;louz \;to\ Kamo\i f;t xougaf;® \a=o[ouj;amb \an]n;low qnnoujiunn;re moskow;an \an]navo[owin% endounou;l hr Moskoua\i auiazion institout^ MAI! Saka\n entan;kan .orfrdoum oro,ou;l hr% or ;rkou t[an;riz mhke mia\n karo[ h gnal dours! Karhne mnaz ‘no[n;ri f;t! ª:rb m;nq fandip;zinq Karhne ardhn soworoum hr m;.anikakan bavni ;rrord koursoum% isk ;s qimiakan bavni a®a=in koursoumº% \i,oum h Âiman! |;taga\oum m;nq ªOusano[akan gitakan enk;roujiunoumº (OuGE) miasin hinq% Karhne na.agafn hr% isk ;s qartou[are! Tara‘oua‘ kar‘iqe% or t;.nikakan bouf;re jo[arkoum ;n mia\n miako[mani xargaza‘ ªt;.narn;rº% lauago\n ];uow f;rqou;z m;r institouti ørinakow! Qa[aqi ousano[oujiune githr% or polit;.nikakanoum xba[uoum ;n oc mia\n na.ag‘;row ;u maj;matika\ow% a\l;u aproum ;n baxmako[mani fog;uor k;anqow! Institoutoum Karhnn a®an]nanoum hr ;u g;raxanz sowor;low ;u aktiu fasarakakan a,.atanqow! A\d tarin;ri m;.anikn;riz ,at;re \;taga\oum dar]an gor‘arann;ri tnørhnn;r% ];®narkoujiunn;ri [;kawarn;r% gitakan ;u kousakzakan a,.ato[n;r! Ousoumna®ouj;an o[= enjazqoum Karhnn entruoum hr `akoult;ti kom;ritakan kaxmak;rpouj;an qartou[ar ;u% orphs a\dpisin% endgrkuoum hr na;u institouti kom;ritmiouj;an komithi kaxmoum!

A|S H+E KE FOWANAUOR:N THR :U TIK& YORY :U "OLIN PASMAY:AN A\s Nor Taroua\ s;min a®o[=oujiun ;u ;rkar k;anq ke ma[j;nq ªNor Ørºi bar;kamn;roun ;u m;r sir;li enk;r-enk;roufin;roun

<ar 1



JMM WARCOUJIUNE KE PATOUH MF:R MKRTC:AN JAT:RA>OUMBI FIMNADIRN:RHN^ |AKOB WARDIWAÂ:ANE JMM Mf;r Mkrtc;an jat;ra.oumbi warcoujiune ir fimnadrouj;an 15-am;ake n,;z fandisauor ya,k;ro\jow me! :rkør;a\ bar;\a=o[ n;rka\azoumn;rou na.agafoujiune stan]na‘ hr na.kin Ph\roujafa\ mi=axga\in a®;utrakan ou ga[oujhn n;rs bar;sirt axga\in F;nri Timiy;ane! A\s a®ijow fratarakou;zau na;u g;[;zkørhn patrastoua‘ arvhqauor \i,ataki alpom me% or ke .orfrdan,hr 15 am;ake jat;ra.oumbin! Kiraki% No\;mb;r 24% 2013-in% J;ne`la\i Sb& Jowmas ;k;[;zuo\ srafin mh= Mf;r Mkrtc;an jat;ra.oumbe m,akouja\in yo. ;r;ko\ji me enjazqin patou;z jat;ra.oumbin ir;nz ansakark ‘a®a\oujiune b;ro[ ou fam;størhn gor‘o[ an]nakaxme! Ya,k;ro\je ir;nz n;rka\ouj;amb patoua‘ hin JMM Mf;r Mkrtc;an jat;ra.oumbi fimnadir andamn;r% ÂAK M;‘ago\n Niu :orqi fauatauor andamn;r% incphs na;u JMM m;‘ entaniqin bar;kamn;rn ou faraxatn;re! :r;ko\jin fandisawaroujiune stan]na‘ hr Tiran Y;p;y;an% or ir;n wa\;l b;makanouj;amb war;z patouo\ ;r;ko\je! Am;rika\i a\s a';roun% ;rkør;a\ drouj;amb Fa\ jatroni .a[arkoujiun me dit;lh ;tq% fa\kakan yo. ;r;ko\ji me n;rka\ gtnou;low% mia\n kar;li hr april fa\ou fpartoujiun me% or oc mia\n tarb;r hr a\l mjnolortn;rh% a\l;u no\ninqn fa\kakan a\n ;r;uo\jn;rhn% or øtar m,ako\jn;rou .a®narani me patk;re krna\in n;rka\azn;l! :r;ko\ji enjazqin yo. tramadrouj;amb ke fnchr fa\ ;rgn ou ;rav,toujiune% ,norfiu Sb& Lousauoric Ma\r ;k;[;zuo\ ª|o\s;rº ;rav,takan .oumbin% [;kawarouj;amb |arouj Parsam;anin! A\d ør baza®ik g;[;zkouj;amb m;knabanou;zan fa\kakan dasakan ;rg;re^ kataro[ouj;amb Maria Parsoum;ani% Tiran Y;p;y;ani ;u |arouj Parsoum;ani% oronq jh* b;makan kataro[ouj;amb ;u jh* ;rav,takan ta[andow øvtoua‘ fandhs ;kan fa\kakan siroua‘ ;rg;row! M,akouja\in \a\tagrin ir masnakzouj;amb ;lo\j oun;zau Fa\kakan ®atiøvami .øsnak ªDhmq;r ;u Dhpq;rº bavni waric Tik& S;da Y;p;y;an% asmounq;low |owf& <iraxi ª:r;uann h Kancoumº q;rjoua‘e! Jhqh;an M,akouja\in Miouj;an K;dronakan Warcouj;an anounow ,norfauorakan .øsq 'o.anz;z Pa\‘ik Gala\y;an! An \;tadar] aknark me n;t;low jat;ra.oumbin patmakan anz;alin^ \a\tn;z ªbolors qa=at;[;ak ;nq jh incpisi dvouar pa\mann;rou mh= st;[‘ou;zau an% orowf;t;u anor anfrav;,toujiune ke xgazouhr amhnour;q! Ardar;u .or fauatqow ou jhqh;anakan ogiow togoroua‘ a,.atanqin ,norfiu Mf;r Mkrtc;an jat;ra.oumbe ,arounak;z ir go\;rje ou m;xi 'o.anzoua‘ =afe anmar paf;low^ lousauor;z ir enjaza‘ ou[in% yamba\ bana-

low \a=ordakan norafas s;roundinº! Arv;uor;low mkrtc;anakann;roun ‘auala‘ gor‘ounhoujiune% an andradar]au% jh ª15 am;a\ ir yanaparfin% fa\ jat;rarou;sti patmouj;an mh= JMM Mf;r Mkrtc;an jat;ra.oumbe ir iura\atouk dro,me ]g;low% fa\ b;min wra\ to[anz;zin fpartørhn% n;rka\azn;low fama,.arfa\in ;u axga\in lauago\n gor‘;r ;u a\dpisow^ fa\ m,ako\ji st;[‘arar da,tin mh= paf;zin fa\ fandisat;seº! Gala\y;an ir ;ra.tagitakan .øsqe ou[[;low M;‘ago\n Niu :orqi JMM-i at;nap;tin^ |akob Wardiwa®;anin% ªor nouir;al ou an,afa.ndir ir houj;amb% an fandisazau a®a=nordo[ lousauor 'aros me jh* t;[uo\n masnayiu[in ;u jh* jat;ra.oumbin endfanraphsº! JMM Mf;r Mkrtc;an jat;ra.oumbi anounow ir srti .øsqe 'o.anz;z jat;ra.oumbi fimnadir andamn;rhn |arouj Cajmay;an% or ir;n \atouk ªfiumerºow n;rka\azouz ørouan m;‘ar;al^ |akob Wardiwa®;ane! Cajmay;an ir .øsqhn ;tq b;m frauir;z |akob Wardiwa®;ane% JMM K;dronakan Warcouj;an waric tnørhn^ Pa\‘ik Gala\y;ane ;u ;r;ko\je na.agafo[ JMM axniu bar;rar^ F;nri Timiy;ane \an]n;lou famar JMM-i warcouj;an ko[mh nouiroua‘ patouo\ ta.take! Ir kargin Wardiwa®;an 'o.anz;low ir .øsqe% andradar] me katar;z JMM ga[a'ara.øsouj;an& ªIr fimnadrouj;an ørhn sks;al% JMM-i g;rago\n npatake ;[a‘ h fxørazn;l axatagroua‘ Fa\astane ;u anor Fa\r;ni p;toujiune% ibr;u miak grauakane fa\oz axga\in go\at;uoumin! F;tapnd;l ar;umtafa\oz fo[a\in irauounqn;roun fatouzoume^ m;r nouirakan ou ambo[=akan Fa\r;niqin mh=! A\dphs enjazau JMM-i go\;rje& pa,tpan;z ou amrapend;z s'iu®qafa\;roun fogin;roun mh= axga\in ogin^ wa® paf;low anonz mh= fa\r;nasirouj;an =afe% shre^ fandhp >orfrda\in Fa\astani% xraf;z ;ritasardoujiune Fa\ m,ako\jow% fa\kakan auandoujiunn;row ou

a\dpisow JMM-e a®au;l ;us ;ritasardazau ou a®au;l ;us biur;[azau Fa\oz patmouj;an h=;roun mh=º! Wardiwa®;an \atouk ;ra.tagitakan ir .øsqe ou[[;z bolor anonz% oronq ];®q ];®qi talow fime drin JMM Mf;r Mkrtc;an jat;ra.oumbin% fauatalow anor a®aq;louj;an ;u t;silqe oun;nalow a\søroua\ \a=o[oujiune t;sn;lou! An ir ,norfakalakan am;na=;rm .øsq;re \a\tn;z JMM-i fauatauor bar;kam% ;rkør;a\ jat;rakan ;r;ko\jn;rou na.agafoujiune sirow stan]no[ F;nri Timiy;anin% or .or fauatq ta‘;low Fa\ ;ritasardouj;an% anor endmh=hn krna\ t;sn;l wa[ouan \a=o[ak Fa\ anfate! Ardar;u% warcoujiune arvanawa\;l k;rpow patou;z jat;ra.oumbi andamn;re% gor‘o[ an]nakaxmn ou b;madric^ Gagik Karap;t;ane% or tarin;rou wra\ ;rkaro[ fauatarmouj;amb% arou;sti s;rm;r zan;z jat;ra.oumbin ou para.oumbin mh= ;u a\vm \a[jafar;low 15-rde% k*ou[[ouin dhpi noranor \a=o[oujiunn;r! <norfauorakan ir .øsqe 'o.anz;z na;u Niu :orqi Famaxga\in M,akouja\in Miouj;an at;nap;t Frand Margar;an% or ,norfauor;lh ;tq JMM-e ir noranor jat;rakan nouayoumn;roun a®jiu .øsqe ou[[;low ørouan m;‘ar;al^ |akob Wardiwa®;anin% bar]r gnafat;low anor ‘auala‘ gor‘ounhoujiune% \ognil cgitzo[ an]nauoroujiune ;u w;r=aphs anor mh= ansasan k;rpo[ apro[ Âamkaware% \a\tn;z jh faka®ak or ir;nq ;rkouqe tarb;r ga[a'ara.øsoujiunn;row a®a=nordouo[ anfatn;r ;n% saka\n ;rkouqin al g;rago\n shre Fa\r;niqn h% or amhn banh w;r h! :xra'ak;low ;r;ko\jin fandisauor bavine jat;rakan warcoujiune b;m frauir;z Thr ;u Tik& Wardiwa®;ann;re fat;lou famar karkandake! Warcouj;an wastakauor andamn;rhn^ Misaq Pø[os;an \armar nkat;low a®ije drouagn;r patm;z jat;ra.oumbi andamn;rou a®ør;a\hn fam;m;low anonz enk;ra\in k;anqi ;r;uo\jn;re% ormh ;tq \auour pat,ayi \atkan,akan parg;uatroum me katar;z Tik Mari Xøq;anin% or 15 taroua\ t;uo[ouj;an enjazqin oc mhk yig .na\a‘ hr Jhqh;anin ou jat;ra.oumbin \a®a=enjazin satar fandisanalou famar! |;t fandisauor araro[ouj;an% n;rkan;re oura.ouj;amb f;t;u;zan minc;u ou, ;r;ko\;an ,arounakouo[ fa\kakan yo. \a\tagrin% our fin ou nor jhqh;anzin;r ir;nz axga\in nkaragri .andawa®ouj;amb a®au;l ;us ,hnzouzin mjnolorte% k;nazn;r bar]razn;low \anoun Fa\r;niqin% Axgin ou Jhqh;anin! N;rka\ me


Nor Taroua\ ;u S& ’nnd;an xo\g tøn;roun a®jiu% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bar;kamn;re% ma[j;low bolorin a®o[=oujiun ;u \a=o[oujiun fama\n fa\ouj;an


NOR ØR% D:KT:MB:R 26% 2013

Amanori ;u S& ’nnd;an tøn;roun bar;bastik a®ijn;row k*o[=oun;nq m;r faraxatn;rn ou bar;kamn;re ma[j;low or 2014 tarin ir f;t b;rh bargauayoum% fam;ra,.oujiun ;u .a[a[oujiun^ a,.arfi vo[owourdn;roun% Fa\astanin ;u Arza.in% incphs na;u yanacoum^ fa\ vo[owourdi ardar irauounqn;roun ;u anor srbaxan datin


ªNor Ørº^ ør;rd baxmapatkouin ;u bavanordn;rd ,atnan% qanxi ou[id y,martouj;an yanaparfin mh= h! Ke ,norfauor;nq bolor enk;rn;roun ;u bavanordn;roun Nor Tarin% ma[j;low qa=a®o[=oujiun ;u ;r=ankoujiun




+;rmaphs ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bolor faraxatn;roun% axgakann;roun ;u bar;kamn;roun Nor Tarin ;u S& ’nounde% ma[j;low ;r=ankoujiun ;u a®o[=oujiun



ªJara`ºhn Jou[pa J;q;r;qin katara‘ j[jakzoujiunn;re^ 'oqramasnoujiunn;roun patkano[ incq;roun w;rab;r;al% in‘i \i,;zouzin dhpq me% or patafa‘ hr 11 tari a®a=% famalsarani ør;rous! Angara\i Kaxi famalsarani patmouj;an bavanmounqi ousano[ouj;ans ,r=anin% no\n bavinhn enk;rn;rs ar.iua\in bavni ‘ragri me wra\ k∞a,.athin% or ke w;rab;rhr kaloua‘oz ;u qatasjri endfanour tnørhnouj;an! A\d ør;roun kataroua‘ a\d a,.atoujiune ke npatakadrhr 1914-1918 ,r=anin patkano[ øsman;rhn kaloua‘a\in ar]anagroujiunn;re w;ra‘;l ardi jrq;rhni! Ir;nz katara‘ a,.atanqin masin xrouz;lou vamanak enk;rn;rs anfangist ke jouhin% k∞eshin% or ir;nz ];®qin tak gtnouo[ 'astajou[j;re famaxør hin p;takan ga[tniqi& anonq ke w;rab;rhin fa\ ;u \o\n fa\r;nakizn;rou patkano[ kaloua‘ajou[j;rou ar]anagrouj;anz! ’ragirin patas.anatoun;re enk;rn;rous patouira‘ hin% or ir;nz t;sa‘ 'astajou[j;re ‘a\r astiyan kar;uoroujiun oun;zo[ kaloua‘a\in ar]anagroujiunn;r hin% ;u jh^ anonz w;rab;r;al or;uh t;[;kouj;an dours sprdile famaxør hr famarou;lou ªaxga\in anwtangouj;an farziº! :*s al% ibr;u 21 tar;kan ;ritasard patmaban% a\d vamanak sksa\ f;taqrqrouil% jh inco#u p;toujiun me a\s astiyan ke wa.nar i*r isk kaloua‘a\in ar]anagroujiunn;rhn ;u xanonq k∞arv;uorhr ibr;u ªaxga\in anwtangoujiunº! A\s farzoume na. xis a®a=nord;z a\d vamanaka,r=ani p;takan na.arar <oua\i' Iu,;nm;xi ko[mh fratarakoua‘ 21 |ounis 2001 jouakir na.ararakan ,r=ab;rakani me% est oroun% kaloua‘oz ;u qatasjri tnørhnoujiune k∞argilhr or;uh gor‘o[oujiun katar;l pafan=oua‘ kaloua‘ajou[j;roun wra\% oronq ke w;rab;rhin na.qan 6 Øgostos 1924 jouakane! :jh nman pafan= n;rka\anar% ke pafan=ouhr% or a\d an]in inqnoujiune t;[;kazouhr kaloua‘oz ;u qatasjri endfanour tnørhnouj;an!

NOR ØR% D:KT:MB:R 26% 2013

6-7 S;pt;mb;ri Jalane


P:TOUJIUN ME INCO#U KE WA>NA| IR KALOUA’A|IN AR}ANAGROUJIUNN:RHN HØMHR JANS:L "o qramasno ujiunn;ro un Incq;re Ke B®nagrauouin 2001 jouakir a\d ,r=ab;rakanin ;tin mnaza‘ patmakan irakanoujiunn al kap ouni askh fariur tari a®a= patafa‘n;roun! Øsman;an p;touj;an mh= dramaglou.in m;‘ mase ke gtnouhr oc islamn;roun ];®qe! 1914-hn a®a= t;[i oun;za‘ palqan;an pat;raxmn;re ;u islam bnakcouj;an wra\ anonz patya®a‘ fog;kan b;koume% patya® dar]an% or Ijjifat ;u j;raqqe ka®awaroujiune 'o.hr ir k;zoua‘qe^ fandhp 'oqramasnoujiunn;roun! Tnt;sakan g;tni wra\ ijjifatakann;roun gl.auor npatakn hr st;[‘;l jourqislamakan qa[q;ni dasakarg me! A\s k;rpow% 1915-i dhpq;roun ibr;u f;t;uanq% ir;nz fa\r;niqe lq;lou partadroua‘% m;®a‘ ;u spannoua‘ mhk milion fa\;roun jo[a‘ incq;rn ou kaloua‘n;re% irauakan tarb;r mi=ozn;r øgtagor‘;low% anzan jourq-islam ;r;u;lin;roun ];®qe! Isk :ghakani ,r=anin mh= dramaglou.i a\s 'o.anzoume irakanazou;zau \o\n;rou dhm gor‘adroua‘ yn,oumn;row ;u tnt;sakan s;[moumn;row! Faxarauor \o\n;r stipou;zan lq;l ir;nz fo[;re! 1918 jouakanhn ;tq w;radar]o[ fa\;roun jh;u tramadroujiun me kar ir;nz incq;re w;radar]n;lou% saka\n axga\in axatagrouj;an pa\qare sks;loun phs Angara\i axga\in ka®awaroujiune ord;gr;z ,at .ist ;u anfam;ra,. qa[aqakanoujiun me^ incq;r w;radar]n;lou farzin ,our=! 1923-1925 irakanaza‘ \o\n ;u jourq bnakcouj;an 'o.anakoumin ibr;u f;t;uanq^ Anatolouhn møt 1%5 milion \o\n;r stipou;zan ga[j;l dhpi |ounastan! A\s ga[jhn ;tq baxmajiu lqoua‘ kaloua‘n;r jourq ;r;u;lin;roun ];®qe anzan ørinauor ;u kam

anørhn mi=ozn;row! 1920-1930 tarin;roun gor‘adroua‘ axga\nazoumi ibr;u f;t;uanq^ oc islamn;rou d;re tnt;souj;an mh= takau tkarazau! 1934-in pataf;zau fr;an;rou dhm =arde% or patmouj;an mh= ‘anøj h orphs ªJrakio\ dhpq;rº% oroun ibr;u f;t;uanq^ Jrakio\ bnik fr;a\ bnakcouj;an m;‘amasnoujiune stipou;zau ga[j;l dhpi Polis!

Oun;uorouj;an Tourq B& A,.arfamarti ør;roun <iuqriu Sarayø[loui ka®awarouj;an irakanazouza‘ Oun;uorouj;an tourqeiskakan a®oumow o[b;rgoujiun men hr% oroun ibr;u f;t;uanq^ Polso\ oc islam bnakcouj;an tnt;souj;an mh= oun;za‘ dirqe piti cqanar w;r=nakanaphs! M;‘ jiuow \o\n% fa\ ;u fr;a\ waya®akann;r snankazan gor‘adroua‘ tourqin patya®ow& au;li*n% anonq% oronq ckrzan wyar;l oro,oua‘ tourq;re% yambou;zan a,.atanqi yambarn;r (masnauorabar^ A,qalh-Karin% bnouj;an ,at .ist pa\mann;rou tak% G& K&) ;u% a\spisow% w;r=nakanaphs dours mnazin tnt;sakan k;anqhn! <norfiu Oun;uorouj;an tourqin irakanazouza‘ dramaglou.i 'o.anzoumin^ qa[q;ni jourq dasakargin dirqe ,at au;li xørazau! "oqramasnoujiunn;roun ;u manauand \o\n;roun gangatn;re Oun;uorouj;an tourqin w;rab;r;al nkati ca®nou;zan ka®awarouj;an ko[mh! A\d ør;rou warcap;t <iuqriu Sarayø[lou Axga\in vo[owi ampionhn an]naphs \a\tarar;z% or a\s qa[aqakanouj;an npatakn hr tnt;souj;an jrqazoume% ;u a\spisow stan]na‘ ;[au ijjifatakann;rou ør;rhn i w;r gor‘adrouo[ a\s qa[aqakanouj;an banb;ri partakanoujiune!

Fasn;low 1950-akan jouakann;roun& kiprakan farze Jourqio\ ;u |ounastani mi=;u takau m;‘zo[ .ndiri w;ra‘ou;zau! A\s farzin patya®ow ;rkou ;rkirn;rn al ir;nz s;'akan 'oqramasnoujiunn;re jira.i w;ra‘;zin! 6-7 S;pt;mb;r 1955-in Polso\% Angara\i ;u Xmiu®nio\ mh= kaxmak;rpou;zan ko[opout ;u jalan endfanraphs 'oqramasnoujiunn;roun% ba\z masnauoraphs \o\n;roun dhm& ibr;u f;t;uanq^ 'oqramasnoujiunn;roun k;anqi ;u incqi apafowouj;an farze gl.auor ørakargi niuj dar]au! A\s dhpq;rhn ;tq Polso\ \o\n;roun tnt;sakan k;anqin mh= oun;za‘ dirqe aragørhn wa\rh=q ar]anagr;z% ;u anonq kamazkamaz sksan lq;l ;rkire! Isk am;na‘anr faroua‘e Polso\ \o\n;roun ;kau 1964-in% ;rb Inhøniui ka®awaroujiune oro,;z ;rkrhn f;®azn;l a\n \o\n;re% oronq \ounakan anzagr;r ke krhin& a\s ];uow ;r;soun faxar \o\n;r partadrou;zan f;®anal Jourqia\hn! A\sørouan^ 2013-i Jourqio\ mh= 'oqramasnoujiun kaxmo[ m;r fa\r;nakizn;roun jiue no\nisk fariur faxari ci fasnir& 76 milionnoz ;rkri me mh= fariur tarouan enjazqin axga\in ;u tnt;sakan a®oumow ;rkire maqragor‘ou;zau oc-islam bnakcouj;nhn ;u jrqazou;zau! Asika ke 'asth \a=o[oujiune a*\ n qa[aqakanouj;an% or sksa‘ hr ijjifatakann;roun ør;roun% ;u or npatakadra‘ hr jrqazn;l tnt;soujiune! Grouj;ans skxbnauorouj;an farzouza‘ hi% jh p;toujiun me inco#u ke wa.nar kaloua‘a\in ir 'astajou[j;rhn! Est in‘i% ibr;u patmaban ;u qa[aqazi% m;r wa.e fariur tarouan a\d kaloua‘a\in 'astajou[j;re c;n% a\l m;r boun wa.e fariur tarouan m;r m;[q;rn ou anonz f;t a®;r;sou;lou qa=oujiune coun;nalnis h! Ke \ousam% or ør me ke karo[ananq a®;r;souil a\s ªga[tniqinº f;t% or ‘anøj h bolorin% ;u k∞axatinq fariur tarouan m;r wa.;rhn ;u japoun;rhn! ªJara`º% Fa\azouz^ G& K&

Thursday, December 26, 2013 Volume 91, No. 50


Armenian Parliament With 71 Votes ‘For’ Approves Gas Agreement Signed With Russia

YEREVAN. – Armenian parliament in the second reading approved with 71 votes ‘for’ the agreement, according to which 20 percent of the ArmRusGazprom shares will be sold to Russia’s Gazprom, the Armenian NewsNEWS.am correspondent reports. Members of non-coalition parliamentary factions were absent from the hall and did not participate in the vote. Before the session started, speaker Hovik Abrahamyan said that the commission counting the votes received an application indicating a mistake: 77 votes ‘for’ instead of 72 were registered during the previous voting. A large number of activists have gathered across the entrance of the Armenian National Assembly building, since Monday morning. They are protesting against the natural gas agreements that were signed between the Armenian and the Russian governments on December 2. Pursuant to these agreements, the remaining 20 percent of the ArmRusGazprom Company shares, which the Government of Armenia owns, will be sold to the Russian energy giant Gazprom Company. As a result, Armenia is expected be deprived of the chance to import natural gas from other countries, or to change the terms for the import of gas, until the year 2043.

Armenian Genocide Discussed In Iran

An event, devoted to the 65th anniversary of the adoption of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, was held on December 15 at the Armenian Club in Tehran, Iran. Armenian deputy FM Shavarsh Kocharyan is in Tehran on a working visit, informs the Armenian MFA press service. “The Genocide is the pain of every Armenian. And the recognition of the Armenian Genocide, which was perpetrated during the years of the Ottoman Empire, is a binding factor for mankind to avert such a crime,” Kocharyan noted at the event.

Moscow May Recognize NagornoKarabakh If Baku Tries To Bring It Back By Force

Christmas & New Year Greetings From ADLP Western District Nor Or Weekly Armenia To Deepen Military Ties With U.S.

Armenia will deepen its military ties with the United States despite planning to join new Russian-led alliances of former Soviet republics, First Deputy Defense Minister Davit Tonoyan said on Thursday after two-day U.S.-Armenian “defense consultations.” “Our president, defense minister and foreign minister have repeatedly stated that there are no obstacles, no changes in our military and security cooperation,” he said. “Joining one or another economic bloc does not inhibit Armenia. On the contrary, our defense cooperation with the United States will develop and deepen further.” Tonoyan argued that that cooperation is regarded by the Armenian leadership as “one of the important factors” of national security. He insisted that Russia, which has a close military alliance with Armenia, does not object to it. Tonoyan as spoke at a joint news conference with Evelyn Farkas, the U.S. deputy assistant secretary of defense for Russia and Eurasia who headed a delegation of U.S. military officials during the consultations. Farkas held separate talks with Defense Minister Seyran Ohanian and Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian on Wednesday. “Armenia is a significant partner to the United States in many ways,” Farkas told reporters. “As a partner in the Caucasus region, as a partner with NATO in the Partnership for Peace [program,] as a partner

with the U.S. European Command in promoting regional stability, and as a partner with the Kansas National Guard.” Armenia - Armenian troops board a U.S. military transport plane bound for Kosovo at Yerevan airport, 6Jul2012. “These bilateral defense consultations are an opportunity for us to talk about how we can continue to expand and deepen our defense relationship,” the Pentagon official said. She added that the two sides concentrated on continued U.S. assistance to an Armenian army unit providing troops to ongoing NATO-led missions in Afghanistan and Kosovo. It was announced that the Pentagon will allocate $1.5 million in fresh aid designed to expand Armenia’s “peacekeeping capabilities” in 2014-2015. Tonoyan clarified that it will be spent on exercises and training programs that will facilitate Armenians deployments in other trouble spots. In particular, Yerevan plans to contribute 60 troops to a United Nations peacekeeping force in Lebanon next year. Around 200 Armenian soldiers currently serve in Afghanistan and Kosovo. Farkas lavished praise on those servicemen, saying that they have turned Armenia into a “net exporter of security.” “That allows Armenia to continue to elevate its stature internationally,” she said. Armenia in the area of defense,” the U.S. Embassy in Yerevan said in a statement issued earlier this week.

Mikhail Chernov, deputy director of the Russian Center of Strategic Situations, told an international gathering of political experts in Yerevan today that Moscow would recognize Nagorno-Karabakh as an independent state should Azerbaijan try to bring it back to its jurisdiction by the use of force, citing the case of Georgia’s breakway region of South Ossetia. However, he stressed that a military solution to the Karabakh conflict is highly unlikely and is possible only in case of emergence of new negative external influences. Chernov also noted that the prospect for a military solution to the Karabakh conflict has become far unlikely after Armenia’s decision to join the Russia-led Customs Union. "In this sense Azerbaijan is pursuing a very correct and cautious policy waiting to see whether it should also join the trade bloc on favorable terms ," he added.

Armenia joins U.S. Global Peace Operations Initiative

Armenia has become a partner country in the United States Government-funded Global Peace Operations Initiative, the U.S. Embassy in Armenia announce on Thursday. Under this initiative, the U.S. expects to provide approximately $1.5 million over two years to support the development of Armenia’s peacekeeping capabilities. The initiative aims to improve the capabilities of partner countries like Armenia to contribute to UN and regional peace operations. “This new partnership is a strong signal of the close cooperation between the U.S. and Armenia, and is recognition of Armenia’s commitment to international peace operations such as those in Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Lebanon,” the statement released by the Embassy said.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday December 26, 2013


AGBU Scholarship Program Distributes Over $1.1 Million In 2013-2014 Academic Year Funds Support Hundreds Of Performing Arts, Religious Studies And International Students Around The World

A Swiss production of “Le Huron” stars opera singer Aram Ohanian, who is pursuing an M.A. in Specialized Music Performance with an AGBU scholarship.

As the fall semester comes to a close, university students worldwide are enjoying the benefits of the AGBU scholarships that help to make their educations possible. For the 2013-2014 academic year, the AGBU Scholarship Program distributed more than $1.1 million internationally, of which $400,000 was awarded to 100 students studying in the U.S. These scholarships are supporting over 400 undergraduate and graduate students at top-ranking schools in nearly 35 countries, including those focusing on performing arts and religious studies. An AGBU scholarship provides students with more than financial assistance. It signals they are part of a global community that recognizes their talents. For Monika Mani!ak, a Turkish citizen in her senior year at "zmir’s Ege University, this is especially significant. After obtaining her B.A. in American Culture and Literature, Mani!ak hopes to teach at her alma mater, the Getronagan Armenian High School in Istanbul. Rima Karapetyan, an LL.M. student at Leiden University in the Netherlands, intends to join Armenia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs after she completes her Public International Law Program. Next year, she, along with a select few graduates of the Diplomatic School of Armenia, plans to

After completing her bachelor’s degree at Ege University in Turkey, Monika Mani!ak hopes to one day teach at her Armenian high school in Istanbul. Photo credit Mirko Hrbek.

Martiros Vartanov, a Film & Television M.F.A. student at the University of California, Los Angeles, joins William Saroyan’s granddaughter Cream Kate Saroyan and actor Jon Voight during the Beverly Hills Film Festival. Vartanov organized a tribute to William Saroyan at the festival. begin working at the Ministry. Aram Ohanian, an opera singer studying at the Bern University of Arts in Switzerland, will soon perform with the renowned vocal ensemble La Cetra in the city of Basel, as well as in Amsterdam. Vardan Gasparyan, a Yerevan native and student at The Colburn Conservatory in California, is another rising artist who has caught the attention of industry leaders.

AGBU Performing Arts Fellowship recipient Vardan Gasparyan plays a 1926 Carl Becker cello that was lent to him by The Colburn Conservatory. With AGBU’s support, he is saving funds to purchase his own instrument.

An AGBU scholarship allows Rima Karapetyan to attend Leiden University in the Netherlands, where she is receiving her LL.M. before returning to Armenia to work for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Whether AGBU is supporting their work on stage or on the silver screen, all scholarship recipients are committed to keeping the Armenian culture alive. Martiros Vartanov, a Film & Television M.F.A. student at the University of California, Los Angeles, is currently producing a short documentary in Armenian, a rarity in his department.Vartanov organized a tribute to William Saroyan at the Beverly Hills Film Festival in California, and curated the world’s first joint retrospective of Armenian masters Sergei Parajanov and Mikhail Vartanov at Korea’s Busan International Film Festival, the largest in Asia. Award-winning composer Arpine Kalinina is also introducing Armenian artists to diverse audiences. Now a master’s student at the London Royal Academy of Music, for several years Kalinina was the Artistic Director of the classical ensemble she founded, Kantegh, which performs within and outside of Armenia. This year, many of Kalinina’s compositions will premiere across London, including a choir piece inspired by the Armenian poet Yeghishe Charents. AGBU Religious Studies Fellowship recipient Donna Rizk is a Ph.D. candidate at the King’s College London Department of Theology & Religious Studies. She is studying a Christian text that has been dated to the 10th century. Rizk would be able to share ideas with a number of AGBU scholarship recipients who are already enrolled at St. Nersess. They are the future leaders

of the Armenian Church, though for now they are enjoying their studies and expressing gratitude to those who have contributed to the AGBU Scholarship Program. Kathryn Ashbahian, who is working toward her M.A. in Theology and Youth Ministry. The generosity of the AGBU community, and the Armenian American community as a whole, is a blessing—one that is simply unparalleled.” For almost a century, the AGBU Scholarship Program has championed the higher education of thousands of promising young Armenians enrolled in leading college and universities around the world. Financed through endowment funds established by generous AGBU donors since the 1920s, the AGBU Scholarship Program has proudly contributed to the academic achievements of gifted young Armenians, offering financial assistance to full-time students of Armenian descent from close to 40 countries across six continents. Today, through its AGBU U.S. Fellowship Program and added focus on specialized fields of study, such as the performing arts and religious studies, the AGBU Scholarship Program offers financial assistance to a broader range of Armenian students across the globe. To learn more about the AGBU Scholarship Program, please visit www.agbuscholarship.org. To read the stories of AGBU scholarship recipients in the U.S., visit www.bit.ly/J2A7e3.

Top UK Doctor Lord Ara Darzi Speaks At AGBU YP London Annual Networking Event Professor Ara Darzi is among the United Kingdom’s most sought after surgeons. He is also, the AGBU Young Professionals (YP) of London will affirm, a truly inspirational speaker. Professor Darzi was the featured guest this year at the YP London Annual Networking Event, which drew over 100 attendees, the highest number to date. Over the years, YP London’s signature event has introduced the city’s Armenian young professionals to many prominent industry leaders. This was the very first speaker, though, to have received the honorary title of knighthood. In 2002, Professor Darzi was knighted for his services in medicine and surgery and five years later was introduced to the U.K. House of Lords. He has published over 800 peer-reviewed papers and is an authority on global health policy and innovation. Delivered in central London’s Grand Connaught Rooms, his address to the YPs highlighted his expertise and anecdotes from a decades-long career. While dis-

cussing best surgical practices, Professor Darzi advised aspiring medical practitioners to always act quickly, recounting the time he took immediate action to save the life of a colleague experiencing a heart emergency at the House of Lords. That story, as well as Professor Darzi’s presentation of his research to help improve patient safety and the quality of healthcare, was well-received by all guests. Ruzanna Gulakyan, the event Chair, commented, “We were so pleased by the positive feedback from everyone who came to see Professor Darzi speak. Whether or not they were in the medical field, all of the participants learned something new. This was a great forum for our YPs to exchange ideas, and their contact information, to keep our network strong and growing.” YPs in attendance also generously contributed over $800 for the Lord Byron School in Gyumri, Armenia, which has been supported by AGBU. Professor Darzi holds the Paul Hamlyn Chair of Surgery at Imperial College Lon-

Members of the AGBU Young Professionals of London board stand with Professor Ara Darzi at the group’s Annual Networking Event. Photo credit Raffi Youredjian. don, the Royal Marsden Hospital and the Institute of Cancer Research. He is Director of the Institute of Global Health Innovation at Imperial College London and Chair of Imperial College Health Partners. He is an Honorary Consultant Surgeon at Imperial College Hospital NHS Trust. For more information on YP London, please contact yp@agbu.org.uk.

The AGBU Young Professionals is a growing network of groups and supporters around the world who are committed to preserving and promoting the Armenian identity and heritage through educational, cultural and humanitarian programs for young Armenians between the ages of 22 to 40. For more information, visit www.agbuyp.org.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday December 26, 2013


U.S. Charter School Of Influential, Turkish Islamist Raided By FBI The school is part of the charter school network of Fethullah Gulen, a powerful Turkish Islamist who resides in Pennsylvania. By Ryan Mauro The FBI raided a Turkish-run charter school in Baton Rouge, Louisiana yesterday. No information has been given to the public except that there is no threat to public safety. The school is part of the network of Fethullah Gulen, a powerful Turkish Islamist residing in Pennsylvania. The search took place at Kenilworth Science and Fethullah GulenTechnology Charter School, which had been under investigation since 2011 due to evidence of violations at another Gulen school in the state. Both Gulen-linked schools are part of the Pelican Educational Foundation. The other school is the Abramson Science and Technology Center. Its charter was revoked by the state after an investigation found multiple disturbing incidents,

including sexual abuses including an accusation of rape. “We cannot afford to have a charter school operator in Louisiana that is putting our kids in a potentially unsafe and unstable learning environment,” said Ollie Tyler, the Acting State Superintendent of Education. Inci Akpinar, a business associate of the Abramson Center even tried to bribe an official of the Louisiana Department of Education after the probe started. “I have $25,000 to fix this problem: $20,000 for you and $5,000 for me,” the official recalled being told. The findings at the Abramson Center

A Special Day Of Celebration Rev. Haig Kherlopian Ordained At New York’s Armenian Evangelical Church By Florence Avakian

led to an investigation of the Kenilworth School. Kenilworth was accused of misconduct in two lawsuits, one by a parent and the other by two terminated teachers. The parent stated that her child urinated on herself after she was repeatedly denied permission to go to the bathroom. The teachers argue that they were fired because of discrimination. Gulen is ranked as the most influential Muslim in the U.S. and the 11th most influential Muslim in the world. He fled to the U.S. in 1998 after the Turkish government charged him with trying to overthrow its secularism. He has erected a parallel state in Turkey and was instrumental in enabling the Islamist takeover of the country. Gulen has since had a falling out with Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan. Leaked documents show Erdogan’s government planned to act against Gulen’s network in Turkey. Glen resides in a 28-acre compound in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania and has a reported net worth of $25 billion. He set up his first charter school in the U.S. in 1999 and now has 135 of them, making it the largest charter school network in the country. Sharon Higgins, a researcher who closely follows the Gulen network, wrote a thoroughly referenced article about the network in the Washington Post in March 2012. The article states that “the United

States is the only country where the Gulen Movement has been able to establish schools which are fully funded with public money.” Philly.com spoke with Ruth Hocker, the former president of the parents’ group at the Young Scholars of Central Pennsylvania Charter School in State College because of her experience with a Gulen school. Hocker’s statements substantiate the accusations of discrimination in staffing. Hocker said that she learned that unqualified Turkish teachers were replacing the well-qualified American teachers that were originally hired. When questioned, the Gulen school officials claimed that the Turks were more qualified even though some of them weren’t even fluent in English. The FBI is investigating whether the schools have a kickback scheme to fund the Gulen movement as a whole. The Abramson Center is known to have sponsored teachers’ trips to Turkey, where they were given literature about the Gulen movement. However, no proof has surfaced of the curriculum indoctrinating students with his ideological teachings. Gulen preaches the doctrine of gradualism, an incremental and non-violent approach towards implementing Sharia (Islamic) law. In 1999, Turkish television showed a private speech he gave to supporters outlining this strategy towards changing the secular identity of Turkey. He

Protesters Oppose Gazprom Deal While Parliament Debates Its Ratification By Narek Aleksanyan The freezing weather that has enveloped Yerevan during the past week has raised the issue of future natural gas import prices from Russia to the fore of public discussion. Braving the bone-chilling cold, a small number of citizens gathered outside the National Assembly, while inside, MPs were set to ratify or reject a number of energy treaties with Russia. The protesters voiced their opposition to a December 2 treaty signed by Armenia and Russia that would transfer the Armenian government’s remaining 20% stake in

preached: “You must move in the arteries of the system without anyone noticing your existence until you reach all the power centers … If they [Muslim allies] do something prematurely, the world will crush our heads … you must wait until such time as you have gotten all the state power, until you have brought to your side all the power of the Constitutional institutions in Turkey.” He emphasized that his listeners must not share what he has told them: “Now, I have expressed my feelings and thoughts to you all in confidence …

trusting your loyalty and secrecy. I know that when you leave here, [just] as you discard your empty juice boxes, you must discard the thoughts and the feelings that I expressed here.” Gulen’s network was the subject of a 60 Minutesinvestigation in May 2012. Reporter Leslie Stahl was mostly favorable to Gulen but conceded that his group “does lack transparency — its funding, hierarchy and ambitions remain hidden — leading our State Department to wonder in cables between Ankara and Washington if Gulen has an ‘insidious political agenda.’” The problem goes well beyond Gulen. The Islamist Turkish government is building a $100 million mega-mosque in Maryland and is reaching out to Native American tribes. While the British government plans to officially classifying “Islamist extremism” as an ideology, it continues to spread in the U.S.

Salaries of Armenian Srvicemen To Rise Fr om January 1st

HayRusGazArd to Russia’s Gazprom. A few of the protesters temporarily blocked traffic on Baghramyan Avenue before being dispersed by police. The special session is scheduled to last until 8pm.

Irish Times: “An Armenian Sketchbook” Among Non-Fiction Books Of 2013 NEW YORK, NY - Sunday afternoon, December 15 was a day of great celebration as Haig Kherlopian was ordained as the minister of the Armenian Evangelical Church of New York, in an impressive and elegant service before more than 200 in attendance, including family, friends, supporters, and clergy from sister churches.

“An Armenian Sketchbook” by Vasily Grossman was included in top 12 non-fiction books of 2013 issued by Eileen Battersby, literary critic of he Irish Times. “Just when life could not be worse – the KGB had confiscated the manuscript of Love and Fate, his marriage had collapsed

and he had discovered he had cancer – Vasily Grossman accepted an invitation to travel to Armenia to retranslate an Armenian novel. He went, without a word of Armenian, and wrote this travelogue that soars with life and humour,” says the review published by the Irish Times.

The Armenian government has made amendments and additions to an earlier decision in connection with the fact that by the 2014 draft budget, funds will be allocated to Armenian Defense Ministry in order to increase servicemen’s salaries by 10% from January 1, 2014. The decision does not apply to rank and file conscripts.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday December 26, 2013


Will Erdogan Visit Genocide Memorial In 2015? By Orhan Kemal Cengiz

"It is very likely for the prime minister to go to Armenia, lay a wreath at the socalled Armenian genocide memorial and apologize to Armenians." This earth-shattering prediction is not based on information or reports. It's the accusation of a Turkish nationalist against Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Erdogan has done so many things to upset us, this nationalist is saying, don’t be surprised if he apologizes to the Armenians. Turkey’s official position is not likely to change on the 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide. True. Erdogan’s trip to Diyarbakir, his use of the word "Kurdistan" and admitting openly that his government is negotiating with Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) leader Abdullah Ocalan, are all breaking important taboos for Turkey. Can Erdogan break a similar taboo on the issue of the Armenian genocide? What the non-Muslims have suffered in Turkey has rarely been on the prime minister's agenda. He hasn’t repeated his 2009 remarks that surprised everyone: "Those with different ethnic identities were expelled from our country. This, in fact, was the consequence of a fascist approach." No doubt that remark was alluding to the 1915 tragedy and other unfortunate events in

Turkey’s history. Erdogan now frequently describes Turkey as a mosaic made up of diverse ethnic identities. We often hear him mention Arabs, Kurds, Turks, Circassians and the Laz, but when describing this mosaic Erdogan never mentions Turkey’s long-standing non-Muslims such as Armenians, Greeks, Jews and Syriacs. In my various articles for Al-Monitor, I have written that the Armenian genocide is no longer a taboo subject in Turkey, that new books on the subject are coming out daily and that there is a free, tolerant media environment for the subject. Civil society now remembers the victims of the Armenian genocide in observances on April 24. As the 100-year anniversary of the genocide approaches, civil society is debating what to do in 2015 and is preparing action plans to explain the genocide. All these observances and publications indicate that the approach of the Turkish government to the issue has somewhat changed. Otherwise, the police would not have protected activists on April 24 from protesting extremist, nationalist groups. But the freedom the government allows to civil society and intellectuals to debate and observe the genocide doesn’t mean a change to Turkey's official position on 1915. Reports leaked to the media about the preparations for 2015 by the government indicate that former official policies are going to prevail. Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, in a visit to Switzerland at the end of October, conveyed to Swiss authorities Turkey’s sensitivity about a statue Armenians want to erect in Geneva. From these "sensitivities," we can conclude that there hasn't been an iota of change in Turkey’s official position. From the leaked reports, we also understand that Davutoglu asked Switzerland to mediate between Turkey and

Armenia. According to Foreign Ministry sources, if Armenia promises to withdraw from five of seven Azeri plots it is holding in the Karabakh region, Turkey would be ready to open the Armenian border. The recent dialogue between the foreign minister and members of the parliamentary foreign affairs committee suggests that there are actually preparations to open the border. When a member of parliament from Igdir at the Armenian border said he was aware of some work at the closed border crossing, Davutoglu said, "We have such work going on. If we can persuade Azerbaijan, we can make a surprise. We are working on the border crossing." Other aspects of Turkey’s preparations for 2015 can be detected from remarks by government spokesman Bulent Arinc: "2015 is the 100th year of both the Dardanelles and the claims of the Armenian genocide. We are working seriously. There is work on symposiums, conferences, panels, publications and documentaries. But we are also engaged in very special public diplomacy activities that could affect the entire world." We also know that leading members of the government and opposition have met in the parliament to discuss Turkey’s 2015 strategy. Sadly, all these strategies don’t ap-

pear to be anything else but mere repetition of Turkey’s routine approaches. The Turkish Historical Society is also preparing for 2015. Mehmet Metin Hulagu, president of the society, said it is working on a complete works of Turkey-Armenian relations in preparation for 2015. When we put all these preparations and views of government officials together, we can predict that Turkey’s defensive attitude based on denials is not going to change in 2015. Though the Foreign Ministry is striving to improve Turkey’s image related to the Armenian issue with gestures such as opening the border, it also seems determined to combat the Armenians’ campaign for 2015. In short, if Erdogan doesn’t turn the world upside down with a last-minute surprise, we are likely to see in 2015 a more refined and sophisticated version of Turkey’s denial policy of the past century. Orhan Kemal Cengiz is a human rights lawyer, columnist and former president of the Human Rights Agenda Association, a Turkish NGO that works on human rights issues ranging from the prevention of torture to the rights of the mentally disabled. Since 2002, Cengiz has been the lawyer for the Alliance of Turkish Protestant Churches.

Medieval Armenian chronicles corroborate the Greek sources. In particular, Movses Khorenatsi (5th c. AD) writes that Armenian prince Paruyr Skayordi helped the Median king Cyaxares and his allies conquer Assyria, for which Cyaxares recognized him as the king of Armenia, while Media conquered Armenia only much later—under Astyages. The name “Urartu” was simply stopped being used when the Persians stopped making trilingual and bilingual inscriptions and dropped Assyro-Babylonian altogether. Different peoples throughout different times used to refer to Armenia by different names. The Sumerians in around 2,800 BCE called Armenia – Aratta, while the Akkadi-

ans that succeeded them in the second half of Third Millennium BCE called Armenia – Armani or Armanum. The Hittites who rose in the Second Millennium BCE called Armenia – Hayasa, while the Assyrians who arose in the second half of Second Millennium BCE called Armenia – Uruatri or Urartu (Ararat of the Bible). With their disappearance from the historical arena, the different names that they used to refer to Armenia and the Armenian people disappeared with them. However, Armenia and the Armenian people, always found the strength for renewal throughout the long millennia of their epic history and continued to fight on for both preservation and progress.

Armenia The Heir Of Urartu Art of Urartu Urartu was an Iron Age Armenian kingdom famed for one of the finest examples of ancient art. Urartu at its zenith had a profound cultural influence on its neighbors reaching as far as Asia and Europe. Supported by discoveries of Urartian artifacts inside Etruscan burials, it has been hypothesized that much of Etruscan culture has its origins in Urartu. Observations by Boris Piotrovsky suggest that decoration and production techniques of Scythian belts and scabbards were borrowed from Urartu. ] The Urartian way of decorating cauldrons spread over the ancient world, and it is believed that Armenian art is based on the Urartian traditions.

Urartu and Armenia Armenian tribute bearer from Persepolis (5th c. BCE) That historic Armenian kingdom was in fact a continuation of the kingdom of Urartu also known as “Kingdom of Van” is apparent from ancient records. In the trilingual Behistun inscription, carved in 521 BC by the order of Darius the Great of Persia, the country referred to as Urartu in Assyrian is called Arminiya in Old Persian and Harminuia in Elamite. Armenia, Urartu, (Biblical) Ararat and Herminuia are therefore synonyms. Ancient people of the region did not distinguish Armenia from Urartu. Some modern scholars however proposed that Urartu fell to a Median inva-

sion and was later replaced by Armenians. The evidence, however, for the so called “fall of Urartu” is absent. There are no records of invading Armenians. Urartu in fact maintained its independence and power, going through a mere dynastic change, as a local Armenian dynasty (later to be called the Orontids) came to power. Ancient sources support this explanation: Xenophon, for example, states that Armenia, ruled by an Orontid king, was not conquered until the reign of Median king Astyages (585– 550 BC) – long after Median invasion of the late 7th century BC. Similarly, Strabo (1st century BC – 1st century AD) wrote that: “In ancient times Greater Armenia ruled the whole of Asia, after it broke up the empire of the Syrians, but later, in the time of Astyages, it was deprived of that great authority …”

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday December 26, 2013


Turkey, the Armenian Genocide and the politics of memory “Victims of genocide die twice: first in the killing fields and then in the texts of denialists who insist that “nothing happened” or that what happened was something “different,” Colin Tatz, Professor of Politics and International Relations at Australian National University, writes in an article published by The Conversation. The article runs as follows: On the eve of two centennial anniversaries in 2015 — the Gallipoli landings, and the start of the genocide of long-settled Armenians, Assyrians and Hellenes in Ottoman Turkey – the Turkish denial of events of the latter continues to evoke serious political debate in Australia. The South Australian and New South Wales state parliaments have officially recognized the genocide of these three minorities. After the NSW parliament’s vote recognizing the Assyrians and Pontian Greeks as genocide victims (the genocide of Armenians was recognized earlier), the Turkish foreign affairs ministry announced that parliamentarians will not get visas to attend the centenary commemorations at Anzac Cove. Led by NSW premier Barry O’Farrell, the response to this announcement has been one of outrage at the politicisation of Anzac memory. For all Turkey’s threats that officially recognizing the genocide would destroy the Australian–Turkish friendship, elaborate plans to mark the Anzac centenary continue, with Turkey set to reap rich financial rewards from battlefield tourism. At this stage, the Australian federal government does not officially recognize the genocide, but may well do so after Gallipoli 2015.

‘Demographic’ change The Ottoman Empire (and, later, the Republic of Turkey) implemented a plan of unprecedented forced demographic change from 1914 to 1924. It sought the physical elimination of the long-settled non-Muslim populations as the only way of securing their territorial, cultural, religious and linguistic integrity. The Turkish imperial parliament adopted the Tehcir Law in May 1915. It squarely blamed the Armenians, Assyrians and Hellenes for their own destruction: those living near the war zones had hindered the movements of – and logistical support for – the Ottoman armed forces. It said they had collaborated with the enemy, attacked the Ottoman troops and innocent Muslim civilians, and so on. The international community acknowledged the events at the time. In the words of British Secretary of the Admiralty Winston Churchill, this “administrative holocaust” prompted immediate international reaction. Relief committees arose worldwide. AJoint Allied Declaration in May 1915 stated: In view of these new crimes of Turkey against humanity and civilization, the Allied governments announce publicly…that they will hold personally responsible…all members of the Ottoman government and those of their agents who are implicated in such massacres. In a decade, between two and three million Armenian, Assyrian and Hellene men, women and children were murdered, while another two million became destitute refugees. Tens of thousands of female

teenagers and children were abducted and forcibly assimilated. The Christian minorities of Anatolia were virtually wiped out.

genocide in 1998, Turkish sanctions were threatened. In 2012, France retained its position yet bilateral trade with Turkey was worth US$13.5 billion.

Denialism in Turkey Since president Kemal Ataturk came to office in 1923, the official Turkish position has been constant: there was no plan to destroy the long-settled Christian populations of Anatolia. Those who died were “merely” and “only” victims of international war, civil war, famine and disease. Article 301 of the current Turkish Constitution – though no longer enforced – makes it a criminal offence to discuss the genocides as “denigrating Turkishness”. Among those prosecuted was Nobel Laureate Orhan Pamuk. The battle for the memory of the destruction of non-Muslim minorities rages on, with the denialists now very much on the defensive, inside and outside Turkey.

International responses: France France’s parliament not only recognised the genocide, but under former president Nicolas Sarkozy, denial of the Jewish and Armenian genocides was criminalised. Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan attacked the statute as a “discriminatory, racist” bill, and a: …grave, unacceptable and historic mistake…which denigrates Turkish history. That bill was declared unconstitutional in February 2012, though current French president Francois Hollande asserts he will re-introduce the legislation. When France officially recognized the

The Australian context With Turkey using the 2015 Gallipoli event to threaten Australia not to further recognize the genocide, the relevance and sensitivity of the issue even today is clearly on display. Recently, controversial history professor Justin McCarthy was invited by the Australian Turkish Advisory Alliance (Stand Up Against Armenian Lies) to give lectures in Melbourne, Sydney and Canberra on “What Happened During 1915–1923? The Armenian Question”. MelbourneUniversity’s Faculty of Arts and the NSWArtGallerycancelled the events scheduled there when apprised of the tenor of the lectures. McCarthy is known for arguing that there is: …no evidence, no proof that the Turks wanted to act in this way. What is said is based on emotion in this case and a desire to prove there is genocide instead of first looking at the facts. McCarthy did address a very small “invitation-only” gathering in a federal parliament committee room, organised by Labor MP Laurie Ferguson. Two MPs and one senator attended. These genocides are recognised by 22 nation states, 60 regional governments and a dozen world bodies. It’s time for the Australian government to do the same.

The Road to Western Armenia Runs Through Bolis By Sako Arian Ever since the end of the armed struggle that came to the fore in the mid 1970s, the overall battle for a just resolution of the Armenian Question appears to have entered a dormant stage. That’s to say, the armed struggle set in motion by the actions of Gourgen Yanikian, which lasted till the late 1980s and beyond, with all its sacrifices, has come to a halt. The personal acts of courage, of talking to the Turks in a language they understand, of demanding an eye for an eye, slowly faded away. Our guns fell silent. There were many reasons for that silence, and perhaps the most important was the need to transfer the struggle to a new phase. That period gave rise to a generation for whom the battle for Artsakh was of primary importance. And, in retrospect, this was correct. There was a new battle to be fought, and those who had proved their mettle in past battles wound up in Artsakh. And they came from all corners of the world. New pages of valor were written. An entire experience of struggle was transferred to Artsakh. And, despite the fact that the numbers of Diaspora young people who participated was insignificant, those who went endeavored to prolong the umbilical cord of the national liberation struggle. And in this they succeeded.

What is taking place today in the Diaspora? Today, in any real sense, there are not even any perceptible signs that the Diaspora will suddenly rise as one body and usher in a new stage of the armed struggle. Even if there are some who speak and write about such things, their actions give lie to their pronouncements.

I would say that what has been happening in the Diaspora in the last ten years has been a process to squander the mental and emotional energy of the recent past and to confine the Armenian Cause to offices and hotels. The annual banquets, oratory, vain exercises of speech and thought… Instead, what should have derived from all of this was some force to comprehend the overall situation and to impart a renewed vigor to the backbone of the struggle being carried out by segments of western Armenians.

Hrant forged a new path But it wasn’t the Diaspora that opened the doors to this new road. While prominent figures of the Diaspora, who had assumed positions of leadership, were busy collecting money in the various capitals of Europe and America, Hrant Dink was planting new seeds in the belly of Bolis. And this was a process not in words alone but at the cost of his life… We all know the details. Hrant Dink was martyred. The spirit of continuing down the path he opened, of seeing a new horizon of struggle, and of carrying the torch he lit, entered into each of us. Today, this is the path. For those who understand the weight of what happened, it is clear that the path of the struggle for the Armenian Cause now runs through Bolis. And, doubtlessly, if the key segments of the Diaspora could get beyond their theatrical adventurism and think, just for a moment, about that sacred Cause, they must see that the continuation of the strug-

gle begins in Bolis. Today, going to Bolis is no longer the taboo it once was. And it is evident that, on various occasions, we are hearing the voice of Diaspora young people emanating from Bolis and Diyarbekir. The time has passed for observations and opinions voiced from afar, for lamentation and tears. Conversing with Turks doesn’t mean agreeing with them. Mentioning the name Turk doesn’t mean that one agrees with the Turkish political “grand scheme” or is duped by it. In the current phase, it is only natural that certain work needs to be coordinated with those Turks for whom the word ‘genocide’ and historical truth are no longer taboo. This is a fundamental premise when the two sides, western Armenians and Turks ready to talk, start to cooperate. And all this must happen without prejudice. In addition to the Turks, we must also not forget the Kurds, with whom I am certain positive movement can result from coordinated action. Today, and this should not sound pie in the sky, it is clear that the real ‘battlefield’ is Bolis; Turkish Armenia. It is enough to only see one side of the dream to believe that the account of the first step, the first candle and the first flame, must become the new path for us, the real path.

The fundraising will continue in the Diaspora, and no one is against collecting money or having meetings under the lights of posh hotels. All of it is necessary and vital for our existence. But what’s also important is for those in positions of leadership in the Diaspora (and my article is mainly directed to them), to understand that our struggle today has entered a new phase entitled - return to western Armenia. As of today, there is much to do in Turkey. Sitting comfortably in the Diaspora and merely making demands every April 24 will not move us one inch closer to the lands we once inhabited. Burning the Turkish flag has become a senseless act, for it is not accompanied by serious work. It resembles the yearly toasts, now routine, that we drink while waxing poetically about Moush and Van. Ideological differences should not lead to clashes or tension within our ranks. Let us not forget that Hrant Dink was neither Hntchak, Dashnak, nor Ramkavar. Hrant explained that our differences are actually an asset. He paved a new path for us; all on his own. All that remains is for us to embrace this path. I repeat, the struggle of our people will commence from Bolis – not Brussels, Paris, or Geneva. These capitals are important. But I am convinced that if the flame of hope still flickers in the hearts and minds of some, they too will see this roadmap, the one laid out by Hrant, as the only viable and real path of return to western Armenia. There is nothing more to say. Otherwise, the profound and powerful words of Gersam Aharonian, “Next Year in Van”, will have become mere rhetoric, long buried under the dust of history. Today, the only path leading to western Armenia starts from Bolis.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday December 26, 2013


THE SYRIAN ARMENIAN CRISIS WILL YOU BE THE FIRST TO CALL? By Zaven Khanjian “Nearly a century after the Armenian Genocide, these people are still being slaughtered in Syria” British Journalist, Robert Fisk No one would foresee it coming. With the flash of the first bullet they were terror-struck. They all lost their means of survival. Some lost their homes. Many lost their lives. They have no power most of the time. No heating oil, no cooking oil. They have no running water. Bread is a scarce commodity, if one has the means to afford it. Their schools have been bombarded, damaged, destroyed. Some have been closed. School children are dispersed all over. Kindergartners are killed on their way to school. Their places of worship are desecrated. Some are not serviceable. Some have been abandoned. Others are occupied by vicious mercenary bandits. Families are broken. Families are dispersed in a geographic maze. A community is under siege. Some have been kidnapped or killed because of their faith. Some have been kidnapped or killed because of their identity. Dozens have been killed. Those left are struggling to hold on, resist, endure and survive. I am not talking about the Genocide. I am not talking about what the Young Turks perpetrated in 1915. I am talking about the crimes that current day Turkey and it’s financiers in the West and the Arab Gulf are committing every day in Syria. I am talking about Syria today, in the year of our Lord 2013. And yet we seem to be in a deep coma. Yes, it’s thousands of miles away. Our TV stations do not disseminate pictures of the sufferings. Our mainstream media does not cover the crime. They don’t talk about it. Some think it’s surreal. But we know what’s going on. And we know who the culprits are. Do we share the guilt? Do we realize our role in it? Do we raise our voice and condemn? What’s wrong with us? The mother of the Diaspora communities is suffocating. The mother of the Diaspora communities is moribund. Here’s how a community leader recently described Aleppo, Syria.

“Syria and specially Aleppo is the cradle of the Western Armenian Diaspora. The name Aleppo is indelibly etched in the psyche of the post genocide generation because Aleppo means survival, rebirth and safety from the bloody sword of the Ottoman Turk. Aleppo means revival of the Armenian spirit. Losing Syria and Aleppo to the destructive machine of war will mean losing very vibrant Armenian communities and a cultural heritage that took 100 years to build, and will leave a gaping hole in the soul of every Armenian.” Speaking of 100 years, it took a valiant British journalist, Robert Fisk, to recently remind the world: “Nearly a Century after the Armenian Genocide, these people are still being slaughtered in Syria” Our pundits every day prey on Turkey, Azerbaijan, Hay Tad, Artsakh, the Orphan Rug and Armenia but rarely scratch the surface of the extinction that our Syrian communities are facing. Our pundits are elated by their knowledge and expertise. Our pundits are blinded with their knowledge and expertise. Our newspaper headlines herald news of munificent gifts and contributions. Thousands, hundreds of thousands of dollars gallantly donated to good causes. Our well-to-do graciously fund music and art, knowledge and education, roads and churches. More power and resources to them. But little notice is given to funding LIFE to a community facing the perils of physical destruction. If they are ignorant of the facts, we are to blame. If we haven’t reached them, shame on us. But if we have reached and failed, we humbly apologize. We don’t have medals or certificates to bestow. We don’t have decrees and encyclicals to confer. We have no ability, nor the desire for lavish parties and receptions. We will not beg or plead. It’s not a favor to ask. It’s an obligation. It is MY obligation. It is YOUR obligation. It’s simply a human obligation, a national obligation, a divine obligation. Call on your conscious today. Look at the mirror and respond. We will not judge anyone. Act now. Act today. Tomorrow WILL be too late. Zaven Khanjian can be reached at Zaven@kanjyanrealty.com Zaven Khanjian is Chairman of the Syrian Armenian Relief Fund Executive Committee. www.syrianarmenianrelieffund.org Info@syrianarmenianrelieffund.org SARF POBox 1948 Glendale, CA 91209-1948

The West Turns Its Back On Syrian Opposition The prevailing opinion in the West today is that a final victory of the Bashar alAssad forces is the best of possible scenarios for Syria, the Voice of Russia said. European and US officials have not yet been outspoken to that end, but both the EU and the US have started to cut back their aid to the Syrian rebels. Meanwhile, Damascus has been consistently honouring the terms of the agreement on scrapping its chemical weapons. Russia has said it will see to it that the process is safe. Russia will provide its warships to ensure safe and secure transportation of war chemicals from Latakia to some European seaport, where the chemical agents will be reloaded to a special-purpose US vessel for destruction. This came in a statement by the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov

earlier this week. Later on, the Deputy Russian Ambassador to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, Vassily Titushkin, said that the Syrian war chemicals would be scrapped off the Italian coast. The presence of the Russian Navy will help avoid provocations by insurgents. Hardly had the agreement to scrap the Syrian chemical weapons been reached in Geneva, when radical fighters said they would prevent it from being implemented. Meanwhile, the West's attitude to the rebels has been changing recently. Officials make it clear that Assad's victory would prove a great boon for Syria. This is what an expert with the Institute for Strategic Studies and Analysis, Sergei Demidenko, says about it in a comment.

Syria 'Extends Air Campaign On Aleppo Region' Beirut (AFP) - Syrian warplanes pounded northern Aleppo for a fifth consecutive day Thursday, unleashing their firepower against several rebel-held villages in the province, activists and a monitoring group said. The latest attacks have killed at least 11 people in just two of the targeted villages, among them four women and two children, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. "After four days of helicopters dropping barrel bombs on Aleppo city, the regime changed the direction of its raids and struck the village of Tal Alam near Sfeira" southeast of Syria's second city, the Aleppo Media Centre said on Facebook. Another activist network in the province, Shahba Press, reported air raids on Daret Ezza, Marea, Minbej and Anadan north of Aleppo city. The villages targeted have been

rebel-held for more than a year and have suffered frequent bombing. But activists called Thursday's raids an extension of a deadly five-day aerial campaign against the provincial capital itself. The Observatory also reported the attacks, adding that the Aleppo area of Sheikh Najjar was hit with makeshift barrel bombs which are packed with TNT and are highly destructive. The Britain-based group also updated its toll from warplane and barrel bomb attacks on Aleppo city to 161 people killed between Sunday and Thursday.

Syrian Rebels Seize Strategic Hospital In Aleppo BEIRUT (AP) — Syrian rebels seized control a strategic hospital near Aleppo, giving a boost to beleaguered anti-government forces in the northern city after days of relentless airstrikes on opposition-held neighborhoods there, activists said Saturday. The rebels' capture of Kindi hospital does not drastically alter the broader battle for Aleppo, which has been divided for more than a year between opposition and government forces. But it does provide a lift to a rebel movement that has been dogged in recent months by infighting that allowed President Bashar Assad's forces to chip away at rebel-held territory on several fronts. For months, rebels had been trying to capture Kindi hospital, which is close to the besieged central prison on the edge of town and where the government is believed to be holding thousands of detainees. The hospital finally fell to the rebels on

Friday, according to two activist groups — the Aleppo Media Center and the Britainbased Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. Aleppo-based activist Abu al-Hassan Marea said the rebels who overran the hospital included both conservative Muslim groups and al-Qaida-linked factions. Observatory director Rami Abdurrahman said at least 42 government troops were killed in Friday's fighting, and at least 19 Syrian rebels and an unknown number of foreign fighters.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday December 26, , 2013

Red Cross Ready To Protect Armenian Village Kindergarten The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) stands ready to assist in the protection of the kindergarten of Aygepar village, in Armenia’s Tavush Region, from the shooting. ICRC delegate Matthias Weinreich told the aforesaid to reporters following his visits to Armenia’s border villages of Aygepar and Nerkin Karmiraghbyur. To the query as to whether the ICRC has programs to protect the civilian population, Weinreich responded that there are such programs and that they had spoken with the prefect of Aygepar. “We discussed the plan to build a protective wall. The wall is intended to protect the kindergarten building,” the Red Cross delegate noted stressing that the traces of shooting are visible on the walls of the building.

In his words, the matter of the village providing the necessary building materials is discussed at present. “We hope that, with our help, the plan will be implemented in the near future,” Matthias Weinreich stated. Similar projects on protection of civilians were carried out by ICRC on Azerbaijani side.

Aram Khachaturian’s Works Digitized PanARMENIAN.Net - The legacy of great composer Aram Khachaturian has been digitalized owing to the cooperation between VivaCell-MTS, Ministry of Culture and Prolighting company. The set comprising 9 audio discs, 1 video disc and a booklet has been created using the recordings in possession of the Public Radio of Armenia and the materials provided by the Aram Khachaturian house-museum. The set produced on the occasion of the 110th birth anniversary of the great composer will come up in 1000 copies. This is the first digitalized version of Khachaturian’s works. The recordings include famous pieces of a variety of genres performed by world-known Armenian and foreign musicians. Many of the symphonic performances appear under the conductorship of the author. “Time moves forward ... technologies develop, offering new solutions to the future generations. But real values continue to shine regardless of time. Aram Khacha-

turian's cultural heritage is one of these values: it allows us to perceive life through the eyes of our soul and feel the immense power of music. We are proud to support this project,” VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian commented. This unique collection is not aimed for commercial purposes or for sale. It is expected to be distributed to the libraries of the largest universities of the world, music festivals and institutions, as well as composers’ unions and radio stations popularizing the classical music.

porters on Friday. He said wine production increased by 30 percent, brandy production – by 10, while vodka production is at the same level. Simultaneously, wine and brandy imports reduced by 10 percent. In January-September 2013, wine export made $3.06 million with 80 percent of export falling on Russia.

Pro-Armenian Former Mayor Nominated For Kars Mayor Turkey’s main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) nominated Naif Alibeyoglu as its mayoral candidate for the City of Kars, which borders Armenia. Alibeyoglu was elected Mayor of Kars in 1999, and he was reelected in 2004. In the 2009 elections, however, he was not reelected to this post. In his capacity as the Mayor of Kars, Alibeyoglu had paid a special attention to the restoration of the historical buildings of Kars, including the ArmenianHolyApostlesChurch which, however, currently serves as a mosque. In addition, Alibeyoglu had collected 50,000 signatures in favor of opening the border with Armenia; this is a considerable number because the population of Kars was about 70,000 at the time. But the nationalists and the Azerbaijanis living in Kars “accuse” Naif Alibeyoglu

Construction Of Vardenis-Martakert Road To Begin In 2014 January YEREVAN, The construction of the 116 km-long Vardenis-Martakert road that will link Armenia with Nagorno-Karabakh will commence in 2014 January, the Hayastan All-Armenian Fund said today. The highway is expected to be a boon to the further socio-economic development of Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia alike. By functioning as a direct road link, it will become a second lifeline between northern Armenia and northern Karabakh, significantly cutting down travel times, boosting the economies of Karabakh communities along its path, stimulating inter-community ties, and vastly improving geographic access for implementing local development initiatives. Currently the only land-travel link between Karabakh and Armenia is the GorisStepanakert highway. The construction of the second road will be funded by donations raised by the annual Thanksgiving Day Armenia Fund telethon that secured more than $22.6 million for the project. The Fund said today it had signed contracts with companies which won a tender to build the road.

Over 20 years of its existence Hayastan funded construction of roads (over 476 kilometers), water mains (517km), gas pipelines (144km) and 70 kilometers of power lines. Apart from this, it constructed or reconstructed 334 schools, 424 dwelling buildings, 70 public health institutions, 53 sports and cultural centers. Hayastan All-Armenian Fund was established in 1992 to implement projects of national importance and help develop infrastructures in Armenia and NagornoKarabakh Republic. In general, projects worth a total of over $235.8 million were implemented in Armenia and Karabakh over 20 years of the Fund’s existence.

Tatyana Sharbina: Armenians Cooked Tolma When There Was No Such Country As Azerbaijan

Armenia’s Wine Export increased By Nearly 70 % YEREVAN. – Armenia’s wine export increased by nearly 70 percent in Jan.-Nov. 2013, said Armenian Wine Makers’ Union President Avag Harutyunyan. Brandy export has decreased by 10 percent, but the price of exported brandy increased by 10 percent. “Thus, we started exporting more expensive brandy,” Harutyunyan told re-


of being pro-Armenian. Incumbent Mayor of Kars, Nevzat Bozkus, on the other hand, is known for statements that instill enmity toward the Armenians. The ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) has nominated Bozkus as its candidate for the next Mayor of Kars.

“And here I am, its 2010 and I’m for the first time in Baku, Azerbaijan. Intellectuals of Azerbaijan, all Azerbaijanis have gathered around a big table. During the last twenty years Baku ceased to be a cosmopolitan city,” writes Russian journalist Tatyana Sharbina in the article published in “Moscow News” newspaper’s website. The author notes that as she was a guest in Baku they started to ask her questions. The first question was about what she thinks about the Armenians. “In Moscow, before leaving I was warned not to utter a single word about Armenia and I didn’t intend either,” states Sharbina adding that her answer to the question was “nothing” to be able to get away from the topic, especially when she treats different people in different ways, including the Armenians. However, as the author notes, her answer only provoked a wave of tension. “So, you are on Armenians side?” “No, I don’t belong to any of the sides. I’m Russian, Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict is far from me,” answered the journalist. After that, the Azerbaijanis started to tell their guest eagerly “what kind of things they (the Armenians, ed.) did.” The journalist noted that she also knew about the massacres of the Armenians in Sumgait and suggested to change the topic. However, the answer from Azerbaijani side was the following; “They (the Armenians, ed.) washed your brains. They captured the whole Russian television”. Sharbina replied, she doesn’t watch TV, after which she was told that “Armenia is Western Azerbaijan, and the Soviet Union created Armenia in order to destroy Azerbaijan.” “I clearly realized that if I started speaking about the ancient history of Armenia, they would assume that I was an Armenian spy. I didn’t want that to happen as I had to stay in Azerbaijan a few more days. I replied quite sharply that I didn’t want to speak about Armenia and started to praise food; tolma, dyushbara, kutaby, pilaf with dried fruit and eat with sheer appetite,”

adds Sharbina. “Did you know that the Armenians stole our Tolma? And its name as well, which is outrageous!” the Azerbaijanis declared. The journalist answered that she didn’t know because she hadn’t been to Armenia. “I hardly kept myself from saying that the Armenians started to cook Tolma from the times when there was no such country as Azerbaijan. However, we came to the dessert, to Baklava observing that “it is a native Azerbaijani dish and should be declared such, as the Armenians messed it up as well.” I burst out telling them that baklava (which I am fond of) is known from the 8th century,” writes the author. Tatyana Sharbina also stated, “Pie with chopped nuts and sugar impregnation was firstly cooked by the chef of Sultan in Minor Asia (Turkey didn’t exist at that time and I’m not even speaking about Azerbaijan) and thin sheets soaked in honey were first made by the Greeks. Baklava is a Greek dish! One historian in Turkey told me that Ancient Greece is a myth and in the reality it was Turkey. I, being an ancient Greek nationalist, got angry.” As it is stated in the article, nowadays the ethnic/confessional identity is exaggerated and artificially enriched, while professional civic and intellectual identity is emasculated. “Everyone has a reason to hate, defend or attack. I’m not ready to condemn anyone until my personal identity is not hurt, which first of all gets hurt by the hatred and insidious lie,” Sharbina concludes.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday December 26, 2013


Pope 'To Make First First Pan-Armenian Winter Games To Be Held Holy Land Trip In May' YEREVAN. – The Pan-Armenian Games World Committee held a consultation during which the organization of the first-ever Pan-Armenian Winter Games was discussed.

Jerusalem (AFP) - Pope Francis is to make a brief visit to Israel and the Palestinian territories from May 25, his first to the Holy Land, Israeli newspaper Yediot Aharonot said on Thursday. According to the top-selling daily, which published what it said was a preliminary papal programme, Israeli authorities are unhappy with the brevity of the 48hour visit and the fact that the prelate will not celebrate mass in Israel, but in the West Bank city of Bethlehem, Christ's traditional birthplace. Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said he could not comment on travel plans. "It is in the first instance up to the pope himself to decide upon and to announce such a visit," he told AFP. But he said that officials had made preparatory "contacts and a site visit." A trip could be announced by the Vatican in the weeks following Christmas, an official said on condition of anonymity. Yediot said that a vatican delegation made a preparatory visit to Israel this week.

Armenia Defense Minister Heads To China YEREVAN. – An Armenian delegation, led by Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan, left for the Chinese capital city Beijing on December 21, on an official visit. The delegation is invited by Chang Wanquan, Minister of National Defense of the People’s Republic of China. During his visit, the Armenian defense minister will meet with several high-ranking officials of China, informs the Armenian MOD press service. In addition, the Armenian delegation will pay visits to the special-purpose brigade, military regions, various military units, and large military industry enterprises of China.

2013 Was “Hazy” For Armenia’s Economy YEREVAN. – Former chairman of the Central Bank of Armenia said the passing year was “hazy” for Armenia’s economy. “We have shameful inflation which is resulted in constant and growing migration. We will have decreasing birth rate and growing mortality rate this year,” Bagrat Asatryan told reporters on Monday. Unless he had a meeting with journalists, Asatrayn said he would willingly join the citizens for protest at the National Assembly. “People are not fighting against gas prices, but against injustice. Our authorities want to solve the issue with Russian government by themselves . They do not care about what people think,” Asatryan added. A protest action against selling 20 percent of ArmRusgazprom shares to Gazprom has been held near the National Assembly building since 11:30 on Monday.

The First Pan-Armenian Winter Games will be held between February 24 and March 2, 2014. The participating athletes will compete in skiing, alpine skiing, snowboarding, and hockey. The skiing, alpine skiing, and snowboarding competitions will be held in Tsaghkadzor city, whereas the hockey tournament will take place in capital city Yerevan. e Committee already has received participation applications from fourteen countries, and the respective applications can be submitted until January 25, 2014.

The organizing committee will cover the accommodation and food expenses of the participating athletes. The Pan-Armenian Games World Committee also discussed the matter of the symbol of the First Pan-Armenian Winter Games.

Armenia’s Aronian Ends Year As World No. 2 2700chess.com posted the updated list of the World Live Chess Ratings. In the new list, Grandmaster (GM) Levon Aronian—who plays first board for the three-time World Chess Olympiad champions and the previous World Team Chess champions, Armenia, and who is ranked second in the FIDE ratings—is still in second place. Aronian’s rating has increased by 9.5 points, and it is 2,812.5, at present. Newly-crowned 2013 World Chess Champion, GM Magnus Carlsen (Norway), continues to top the list, with 2,872 points. Levon Aronian won a silver metal in

the blitz chess tournament of the World Mind Games, which was held recently in Chinese capital city Beijing. In addition, he showed the best performance on the first boards at the men’s World Chess Team Championship 2013, which was held in Antalya, Turkey.

Extremely Successful Year For Armenia - FIFA

FIFA drew attention to the success of Armenian national squad in the passing year. On Thursday FIFA issued the final rankings of 2013 where Armenia is ranked 35th, up 259 points since December 2012. “It has also been an extremely successful year for Armenia,” says the articles on FIFA website. “World and European champions Spain top the final ranking of the year for the

sixth time in a row, securing themselves once again the title of Team of the Year. The highest climbers of 2013, thanks to nine wins, two draws and only one defeat, are Ukraine, who have collected no fewer than 312 points since December 2012, moving up 29 places to 18th and gaining the title of Mover of the Year for the first time,” FIFA said.

Turkish PM’s Wife On Photo With Arrested Azerbaijani Businessman Many photos with the Turkish authorities and those arrested on fraud charges are appearing on the web amid corruption scandal in Turkey. According to Sozcu newspaper, Turkish PM’s wife Ermine appeared on a photo together with Azerbaijani business-

man Reza Zarrab who is charged with fraud. Besides, the wife of Internal Minister Muammer Guler and EU negotiator Egemen Bagis are on the same photo. Several high ranking officials, including the sons of Turkish ministers were arrested on December 17.

Turkish PM Purges Police, Facing Biggest Threat Of His Rule

Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan pressed a widening purge of the police command on Friday, tackling the biggest challenge of his rule from what he describes as a foreign-backed conspiracy to undermine him and create a "state within a state," Reuters reported. The gathering crisis raised fears of damage to the Turkish economy and a fracturing in Erdogan's AK Party, helping drive the lira to a historic low. Friday saw 14 more senior officers removed over a series of anti-corruption raids and the detention of senior businessmen close to Erdogan as well as sons of three cabinet ministers. The powerful Istanbul chief was sacked on Thursday following the dismissal of dozens of unit chiefs. "This is not one of those crises from which Erdogan can come out stronger," said Henri Barkey, a Turkey specialist at Lehigh University's department of international relations. "The public will ask if this is the result of an evil probe (or) foreign plot, then why are all of these police chiefs sacked? "People will not forget the talk of money (found) at people's houses, and there will be a reflection of it at the ballot box." Erdogan has refrained from naming U.S.-based Islamic cleric Fethullah Gulen, a man with strong influence in the police and judiciary, as the hand behind the raids which have shaken the political elite. But Gulen's Hizmet (or Service) movement has been increasingly at odds with Erdogan in recent months. Erdogan, who has called the raids and detentions a "dirty operation" to tarnish the government, is under strong pressure to resolve the crisis before it hits the Turkish economy hard. "The problem is this is not happening at a time when the economy is given enough of a buffer to withstand political turbulence. The fear is that the authorities start to loosen fiscal policy," said Manik Narain, emerging-markets strategist at UBS in London.

Armenia Ranked 35th In Year-Ending FIFA Rankings Armenian national is ranked 35th in the updated FIFA ranking issued on Thursday, which is the final ranking in 2013. Armenia has 716 points. The previous ranking (34) was the highest spot in Armenian squad’s history. Spain again tops the standings followed by Germany and Argentina. 1. Spain – 1507 points 2. Germany – 1318 3. Argentina – 1251 4. Columbia – 1200 5. Portugal – 1172 6. Uruguay – 1132 7. Italy – 1120 8. Switzerland – 1113 9. The Netherlands – 1106 10. Brazil – 1102



+;rmaphs ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bolor faraxatn;roun% axgakann;roun ;u bar;kamn;roun Nor Tarin ;u S& ’nounde% ma[j;low ;r=ankoujiun ;u a®o[=oujiun




Jo[ or lini siro\ tari Cgit;m inc gr;l Incphs gr;l >a®na,boj a\s a,.arfoum Zankananq% or a\s Nor Tarin A\nph@s .a[a[ tari lini Or oc mi t;[ a\s a,.arfoum Oc mi karøt siro\ cspasi Amhn mi toun oura.ana\ Sirow tøni galiq tarin&&& Manoukn;re oura. lin;n <our=par b®n;n tøna‘a®i :rg;n ;rge galiq taroua\ }m;® papin ir sa\lakin Toprake li nouhrn;row Amhn mi toun oura. jo[ ga\ Bavan;low nouhrn;re <norfauori Nor Tarin&&&!



TOQJ& GRIGOR ATANAL:AN ªFalhpafa\ouj;an kariqn;re a\sørº

SARGIS PALMANOUK:AN ªFalhpafa\ k;anqe anmi=akan anz;alinº N;lli


GHORG QHØ<K:R:AN Nor Taroua\ ;u S& ’noundi tønakan ør;roun oura. a®ijow% m;r bolor faraxatn;roun% bar;kamn;roun ke ma[j;nq barør ;u \a=o[ tari me

N;lli Margar;an

G;[arou;stakan \a\tagir OURBAJ% 17 |OUNOUAR% 2014 ;r;ko\;an vame 7!30-in JMM PH<KHØJIUR:AN SRAF% Aljatina 1901 N. Allen ave. Altadena, CA 91001 Fiurasiroujiun Moutqe axat


|i,o[oujiun& :rb baki ;r;.an;row ªk®iw-k®iwº hinq .a[oum% ªj,namakanº ko[mn in] anouanoum hr ªa.parº! Da \;tpat;raxm;an% vargoni tara‘oua‘ arta\a\toujiunn;riz hr% ore ‘amøni nman kp;l hr 1947 jouakanin n;rga[ja‘ fa\;rin! Dvouaranoum ;m as;l% a\d ªa.parnº hr au;li g®;fik ou akan= ‘ako[% qan a\søroua\ baxara\in ªap;røºn% orn anw;r= øgtagor‘oum ;n gr;jh bolor .au;ri n;rka\azouzicn;re^ faroust% jh a[qat% ous;al% jh kisagraght! >a[enk;rn;rs in] ªa.parº hin kancoum im ‘agman patya®ow% saka\n ªa.parn;reº 1927-in Fa\astan n;rga[ja‘ ‘no[n;rs hin! :s ‘nou;l ;m :r;uanoum! Mørs polsafa\ g;rdastane fra,qow ktr;l-anz;l hr Thr Xøre ;u fas;l Falhp! ªJourq;re m;x kotor;zin% nranq mousoulman hin! Arabn;rn hl hin mousoulman% ba\z kis;zin ir;nz taniqn ou faze m;x f;t%inqn ir;n% \aya. krknoum hr lousafogi tatsº! Fangouz;al mør;[ba\rs^ ,norfali dramatourg Dauij Gaxax;ane ir wau;ragrakan patmoua‘qoum nkaragroum h% jh incpisi anmardka\in tan=anqn;riz \;to\ Falhp fasa‘ nranz entaniqe apastan h gt;l arab Fa`ix ~afouri tane% jh incphs mafouan spa®naliqi tak a\d arabe pa,tpan;l h nranz t;[i jourq cinownikn;riz ;u kaxmak;rp;l 'a.ouste Damaskos^ 'rk;low 'astørhn ir;n an‘anøj fa\;ri k;anqe! Irøq% fa\;re mousoulman sounnin;ri øgnouj;amb% nranz bar;azakam w;rab;rmounqi ,norfiu amrazan siriakan fo[oum% otqi kangn;zin% st;[‘;zin bar;k;zik k;anq% ‘a[koun fama\nq! Ifarkh% nranq ocnci chin fasni% ;jh clinhin ‘a\rastiyan a,.atashr% npatakaslaz% axniu ou nouiroua‘! Nouiroua‘ a\n vo[owrdin% orn endoun;l hr ir;nz ;u fnarauoroujiun en];®;l go\at;u;lou ou xarganalou siriakan fo[i wra\! A\d vamanak araba.øs sounnin;re ;rkri bnakcouj;an m;‘amasnoujiunn hin^ 74 tokose! :u qani or m;r fa\r;nakizn;ri krjakan ;u mtauorakan makardakn au;li bar]r hr% nranq mi t;sak g;raka\oujiun ];®q b;r;-

NOR ØR% D:KT:MB:R 26% 2013

SIRIAFA|OUJIUNE^ I<>O{ ALAUIXMI :U MARTNCO{ ISLAMIXMI MI+:U ARMAN NAUASARD:AN Artakarg ;u liaxør d;span zin arabn;ri nkatmamb% ;u nranz mi=;u st;[‘ou;z fog;banakan anfamaca'oujiun! Saka\n a\d anfauasaroujiunn am;n;uin arg;lq cfandisazau siriafa\;ri a®a=enjazi ;u bargauayman famar^ endfaka®ake% \arab;rakan a®oumow fa\kakan 'oqramasnouj;an ;*u k;anqi% ;*u krjakan-m,akouja\in makardakn au;li bar]razau% qan t;[ab nakn;rinn hr! Cmo®ananq% or fa\-sounniakan \arab;roujiunn;ri ar,alo\sin armatakan islamn ir kor‘anarar bno\jow d;®;us ];uauoroua‘ qa[aqakan kat;goria chr% oc hl afab;kcoujiune soworakan ;r;uo\j hr% incphs a\sør! Fa\kakan 'oqramasnouj;an ;u sounni mousoulmann;ri bar;kamoujiune sks;z mjagn;l% ;rb Siria\i a®a=nord dar]au n;rka\ na.agaf Pa,ar Asati fa\re^ Fa`hx Asate! T;[;katouakan& Fa`hx al Asate patmouj;an mh= ke mna\ orphs arabakan a,.arfi lid;rn;riz mhke% orin anouanoum hin m;r]auorar;u;l;an Bismark% na;u arabakan Stalin! :r;soun tari na jau,h ];®noz faga‘ ;rkaj;a\ ];®qow ka®awar;z Sirian^ st;[‘;low ;rrord a,.arfi fxør% inqnabau ;rkrn;riz mhke% martounak banakow ou anwtangouj;an famakargow! Asati ørøq gor‘oum hin irariz anka. 15 f;ta.ouxakan ;u fakaf;ta.ouxakan ørgann;r (mou.abaraj)% oronq acalr=ørhn apafowoum hin na.agafi m,tak;zoujiunn ou andorre! Møt \arab;roujiunn;r fastat;low skxboum >SFM-i% a\nouf;t;u Âousastani f;t% Fa`hx Asate dar];l hr Ar;umoutqi ;u arabakan jagauoroujiunn;ri acqi 'ou,e! Saka\n na karo[anoum hr fmtørhn man;ur;l ;rkou blokn;ri mi=;u ;u paf;l fauasarak,®oujiun Isra\hli f;t! Ouve \arguoum h! :rb 1982-in sounnin;ri end;rqoum ‘noua‘ ª:[ba\r mousoulmann;reº 'or];zin dhm gnal Asatin% w;r=ins \a\tarar;z& ªVamanakn h wy®;l% kam nranq^ m;x% kam m;nq^ nranzº! Ifarkh% ;[au Asate^ nranz! Fa-

ma qa[aqe% ort;[ ª:[ba\rn;riº ,tab-bnakarann hr% w;ra‘ou;z ;[ba\rakan g;r;xmani& spannou;z 20 faxar mard% a\d juoum 4 faxar ;r;.a\% 800 faxar mard 'a.au ;rkriz! I dhp% am;rikazin;re ka.;zin Sattam Fiush\nin Falaba=i giu[i 5 faxar bnakic spann;lou famar! Isk AMN-i na.agaf Qarj;re a,.arfow mhk \a\tarar;z% jh Fa`hx Asate% ori ];®q;rin 20 faxari ariune kar% ª'a\loun an]nauoroujiun hº! Nra masin gow;stow h .øs;l Qisiny;re! A\sør Fa`hx Asati ordin^ Pa,ar Asate før fam;matouj;amb anm;[ patani h% saka\n am;rik;an qaroxcakan m;q;nan nran patk;roum h orphs arna.oum mardaspan! Sa m;‘ throujiunn;ri qa[aqakan d;mokratia\i ;u krknaki fa,ouapafouj;an dasakan ørinakn;riz mhkn h mia\n! Fa`hx Asati i,.anouj;an galouz \;to\ Siria\i fa\ fama\nqn sks;z astiyanabar f;®anal sounnin;riz% ;u ir anw;rapaf fauatarmoujiunn ou nouiroua‘oujiune zouzab;r;z Asatin% ore s;roum h alaouin;ri axga\in 'oqramasnoujiuniz! T;[;katouakan! Alawixme islamakan ,ia dauananqi yiu[auoroumn;riz mhkn h! Alaouin;re% oronq kaxmoum ;n ;rkri bnakcouj;an 10-12 tokose% c;n endounoum mousoulmanakan patouirann;re^ namaxe% ou.tagnazoujiune% ‘ome% jlpatoume! "o.arhne fauatoum ;n ogou w;rabnak;zmane% .onarfuoum ;n ar;uin% lousnin ou ast[;rin% n,oum ;n qristonhakan tøn;re% kardoum ;n Astoua‘a,ounc^ fa[ordou;low sourb marmnin ;u ar;ane! Isk i#nc 'o.ou;z% ;rb fa\;re sounnin;rin 'o.arin;zin alaouin;row! M;‘ fa,ouow% ocinc! Nranq dar];al mnazin no\n øtarn;re! Isk mousoulmann;re n;[azan fa\;riz! W;r=;rs Fa\astanoum bnakoujiun fastata‘ siriafa\ ‘anøjn;rizs mhke% ore .ndr;z cn,;l anoune% nkat;z% or fa\;rn ir;nz shrn Asati ;u nra z;[akizn;ri fandhp ,at bou®n ou

anmnazord arta\a\t;zin% kamauor k;rpow ir;nz storadas;low alaouin;rin! "o.arhne% incphs or linoum h k;anqoum% fa\;rin sks;zin na\;l w;r;uiz% incn ir;nz jo\l chin talis mousoulmann;re! Alaouin;re% est m;r fa\r;nakzi% fa\;ri nkatmamb entr;zin \arab;roujiunn;ri siux;rhn-wasal mod;le! Fauanabar% na yi,t h! Dvouar h fima as;l^ fa\;re yi#,t warou;zin ard;øq! Cmo®ananq mia\n% jh inc 'or]oujiunn;riz \;to\ nranq fasan Siria% fog;banakan inc wiyakoum hin gtnuoum% ;u jh incpisi lousapsak hr ,o[,o[oum .arixmatik Asat-na.agafi gl.aw;r;uoum! A\doufand;r]% siriafa\ouj;an apagan yi,t kan.at;s;lou famar% im kar‘iqow% kar;uor h t;sn;l a\n n;rqin xspanakn;re% faskanal motiun;re% oronq drd;zin nranz f;®anal mousoulmann;riz ;u møt;nal alaouin;rin! Wa#.^ bar]razo[ armatakan islami dhm \andiman% inqnapa,tpanakan bna#xd% qa[aqakan fa,oua#rk! Karo[ ;n in] a®ark;l% jh fa\;re Fa`hx Asatin nouiroua‘ lin;low fand;r]% nra ørøq coun;zan \a=o[oujiunn;r Siria\i p;takan-qa[aqakan k;anqoum! Yi,t h% coun;zan! Isk endfanraphs% o#r ;rkrn;roum ;n n;rga[jo[n;re fasnoum i,.anakan bar]ounqn;ri! Baza®oujiunn;r linoum ;n (AMN% ~ransia% Libanan)! Karo#[ hq \i,;l .orfrda\in patmouj;an o[= enjazqoum jhkoux mi dhpq% or n;rga[ja‘ fa\e xba[;zra‘ lini p;takan or;uh pa,tøn! Chq karo[! Isk or siriafa\;re asatn;ri tirap;touj;an tak lau pa\mann;roum hin aproum% kaska‘iz w;r h! A\d isk patya®ow fa\ fama\nqe ;[;l h lo\al% chxoq dirqoro,oum oun;zo[ axga\in 'oqramasnoujiun! Saka\n pat;raxmakan irawiyakoum ®;vimn% est ;r;uo\jin% a\nqan hl gof ch fa\;ri chxoqoujiuniz% isk mousoulmann;ri famar a\n fauasaraxør h j,namanqi! F;[inaki ar.iuiz! Siria\i arabakan fanrap;touj;an na.agaf Fa`hx al Asate endoun;z FF artgor‘na.arar Wardan Øskan;anin^ Damaskosi ir nstawa\roum! Ou[;kzoum hin Siria\oum FF d;span L;uon Sar-

A|S H+E KE FOWANAUOR:N THR :U TIK& TOQJ& SIMON :U TOQJ& ’OWINAR QHØ<KHR:ANN:R +;rmaphs ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bolor faraxatn;roun% axgakann;roun ;u bar;kamn;roun Nor Tarin ;u S& ’nounde% ma[j;low ;r=ankoujiun ;u a®o[=oujiun

<ar& h= 32




Fa\ A®aq;lakan S& :k;[;zou Fiusisa\in Am;rika\i Ar;umt;an j;me ,our= ine tasnam;ak ‘aualoum h axga\in ou fog;uor baza®ik gor‘ounhoujiun! Dar;r i w;r a®anz Fa\ A®aq;lakan S& :k;[;zou cka\ axga\in dproz! |atkaphs s'iu®qoum inqnouj;an pafpafman ;u xanaxan martafrauhrn;ri a\s dara,r=anoum a®anz ma\r ;k;[;zou dvouar h patk;razn;l mat[a, s;rndi ;u ;ritasardouj;an arv;famakargi ];uauorman .ndire! A\d a®aq;louj;amb h% or Fa\oz ;k;[;zin 'or]oum h paf;l m;r fauatn ou m;r axga\in t;sake^ n;rda,nak bnakan fama]ouloua‘qi mh=! A®a=nordouj;an tase tarin;ri enjazqoum% Fa\astan;a\z A®aq;lakan S& :k;[;zou Fiusisa\in Am;rika\i Ar;umt;an j;mi vra=an A®a=nord% G;r,& T& |ownan Arq& Thrthr;ane% i jius biurauor ‘ragr;ri f;t;uo[akanørhn m;‘ ou,adroujiun h dar]noum AMN-oum fa\ manoukn;ri krjouj;ann ou fa\;zi dastiarakouj;ane! Lauago\n apazo\zn;riz mhkn h a®a=nordanist S& {;uond;anz Ma\r Tayari ª"oqrik Fr;,takn;rº ,abajør;a\ dproze% ore cors tari a®a= w;rakaxmauorou;low a®a=nordarani^ lousauor \arki n;rqo\% dar];l h iurørinak axga\in darbnoz% our j;ua‘oum h ;k;[;zasiroujiune% axga\in arvhqn;ri nkatmamb akna‘anqe ;u osk;[;nik ma\r;nii nkatmamb pa,tamounqe!! A\d sourb gor‘in ir;nz nouiroumn ;n b;roum dprozi baxma'or] ou banimaz ousouzicn;rn ou o[= a,.atakax-

me^ gl.auorouj;amb^ tnørhn% bar;,norf |owfann;s Sarkauag Goumrou;ani% ori anmi=akan fsko[ouj;amb ou ansakark nouiroua‘ouj;amb dprozi a®ør;an lzuoum h hl au;li =;rmouj;amb! Warvarann am;nam;‘ ,abajør;a\ krjakan fastatoujiunn;riz h% our ousanoum ;n møt 200 a,ak;rt! Famakargoua‘ ;u ardiakan ‘ragr;rn ou m;jodn;rn apafowoum ;n fra,ali ardiunq% orow krjø=a.e ];®q h b;r;l m;‘ fambaw^ da®nalow am;namrzounak ,abajør;a\ warvarane^ o[= Los Any;lesi tara‘qoum! Dprozi ørn sksuoum h ;k;[;zou fowiu arvanapatiu T& >avak Qafana\ <afbax;ani^ fog;uor ou .ratakan xro\zow! Fark h n,;l% or fastatouj;an a®ør;an \ag;za‘ h oc mia\n fa\;rhni bar]rorak dasauandouj;amb% a\l na;u axga\in ;rav,touj;an ousouzmamb! Dprozoum ];®q b;ra‘ git;liqn;ri famagoumare ;r;uan ;n galis auandoujiun dar]a‘ fandhsn;ri ou mi=oza®oumn;ri vamanak! 2013 j&-i D;kt;mb;ri 14-in t;[i oun;zau Amanor;a\ ;u S& ’nnd;an fandisoujiune% orn auandouj;an fama]a\n sksou;z Throunakan a[øjqow! Mi=oza®mane masnakzoum hin 1-5-rd dasarann;ri san;re! "oqrik fr;,takn;re^ ir;nz mankakan ,ourj;riz fnc;zn;low osk;[nik fa\ .øsqe 'a®abanoum hin |isous Qristosi fra,a'a® ‘nounde! Shr ou fog;\o\x baba.oumn;r ka\in manoukn;ri srt;roum% oronq l;zoun hin astoua‘asirouj;amb% axga\in arvanapatououj;amb ;u ir;nz ma\r;ni l;xoui nkat-

SOURIO| GAROUNE :U ’A|RA|:{&&& tatou;zan ;u bargauay% xargaza‘ ou ‘a[koun ga[ouj me kaxm;zin& wa.e an h or Shoutakan Arabian al Iraqi wiyakin piti fasni ;u ;rkire mouj 'akou[ii mh= piti mtnh% \;to\ qriston;a\ fama\nqe ;u i mi=i a\loz fa\ fama\nqe% Iraqi qriston;a\ ;u fa\ fama\nqe no\n yakatagire piti oun;nan! Est arabakan ªAl-Ma\atinº patk;ras'iu®in (D;k& 2013)% souriafa\ouj;an jiue 2011 j& .®owoujiunn;rhn a®a= 100 faxar hr oronzmhn 75 faxare Falhpi fa\;rn hin& n;rka\is Falhpi mh= mia\n 20 faxar fa\;r mnaza‘ ;n& orqan al or y,grit cellan a\d jiu;re saka\n fastat git;nq jh m;‘ jiuow fa\;r ;rkrhn f;®aza‘ ;n pat;raxmi patya®ow! Sourio\ .®owoujiunn;re sksan Sounni I.ouann;rou pa\qarow% oronz Qajare ;u Shoutakan Arabian jikounq kangn;zan ;u 'or];zin miusn;rou ørinakow pata® me fazi nman kll;n Sourian% saka\n Pa,ar Asate ,at ',ot ellaloun kokordnin mnaz! Parskastane m;nak cjo[ouz ir xinakiz Souria\in% fon n;rka\ gtnou;zau ir da,nakiz Iraqi <ii milizian;row ;u libanan;an <ii Fexpallafow! Shoutakan Arabian [;kawaroujiune stan]n;z Qajarhn% ;u Sourian pat;raxmi da,t dar]au <ii Parskastani ;u SouniOuafapi Shoutakan Arabio\ mi=;u% our fxørazan ªYhpfhj Hl Nasraºi Sounni krønamoln;re ;u \;to\ mh=t;[ ;lau ªTai,º (Islamakan p;toujiune Iraqi ;u patmakan Sourio\ mh=) kaxmak;rpoujiune% or Shoutakan Arabian ouafapin;rou f;t fastat kap;r ouni ;u mh=t;[ ;lan ,arq

me Sounni ;u <ii ouri, xin;al .oumb;r& ke \i,oui jh au;li qan 100 ;rkrh ‘a\ra\;[ islam krønamoln;r n;rka\ ;n Sourio\ mh=% m;‘amasnoujiune Jourqio\ safmanhn anza‘! Jourqian ;rb;q ;t cmnaz ir kor‘anic ‘ragirn;rhn% Sourio\ wnas faszn;lou ;u ;rkire tkarazn;lou famar! Souriakan xhnq;re% 'oqr t[aqe% ;ritasard a[=ikn;re ;u amhn t;saki sarqauoroumn;r m;‘ ,ouka\ ounin Jourqio\ mh=! M;‘ p;toujiunn;rn al ir;nz ,af;re apafow;lou famar ir;nz ‘a‘ouk a®yakatoume ounin Sourio\ mh=! Âousastane ;u Cinastane Sourio\ ko[me% Am;rikan% ~ransan ;u ouri,n;r faka®ak ko[me! F®omi ~ransis Pape kary ktrouk ke m;rvh ;u dhm h Sourian datark;l ir qriston;a\ fama\nqhn! AMN-e% ibr dvgofouj;an drs;uoroum% ir d;spanatoune 'o.adra‘ h Watikanhn ;u t;[auora‘ F®om gtnouo[ ir d;spanatan mh=! Cmo®nanq jh Isra\hli famar al miaz;al ;u fxør Sourian mi,t spa®naliq men h% oroun qa\qa\oume ;u kor‘anoume ir ,afin h! Fima oro#u gl.oun h .a[e% Pa,ar Asatin% Sourio\ arab n;roun (Sounni jh Alaoui <iin;roun)% Sourio\ banakin (oroun 70%-hn au;li Sounni islamn;r ;n% ba\z Alaoui Pa,arin ;u ir p;touj;an ko[mn ;n) Sourio\ qriston;a\ fama\nqin% or am;nafin fama\nqn h% jh Sourio\ gl.oun ibr anka. ;rkir% kam au;lin bolor ,r=ani masin! Ke ma[j;nq or a\d bolore cella\ ;u ør a®a= .a[a[ouj;amb w;r= gtnh amhn inc% orowf;t;u m;nq al bavin piti oun;nanq or;uh wnasi mh=!

mamb oun;za‘ bar]r patas.anatououj;amb! Orqa@n ana[artoujiun ou mankakan =;rmoujiun kar nranz .øsq;roum% or j;ua‘oum hr ;k;[;zou .nkabo\r ou sourb kamarn;ri n;rqo\! Mi=oza®man auartin ir ,norfakalakan .øsqn asaz dprozi tnørhn% bar;,norf |owfann;s sarkauag Goumrou;ane% oriz \;to\ j;makan A®a=nord |ownan Srbaxann ir ørfnoujiune ba,.;z n;rkan;rin! A®a=nordn ir .øsqoum bar]r gnafat;z dprozi tnørinouj;an ;u ousouzcakan kaxmi a,.atanqe% incphs na;u

masnauor ir gnafatoujiunn;rn ou[[;z ‘no[n;rin% oronq na.an]a.ndir ma\r;ni l;xoui ;u qristonhakan fauati pafpanouj;an apafowoum ;n ir;nz xauakn;ri fa\;zi dastiarakoujiune! W;r=oum a,ak;rtn;ri ‘a'o[=o\nn;ri ou ;rg;ri n;rqo\ vaman;z Ararati 'h,;roum bnakouo[ }m;® Pape^ ir auandakan =;rm bar;ma[janqn;row ou baxoum nouhrn;row! Âima :sa\;an ousouzcoufi

<ar& h= 11-hn

A|S H+E KE FOWANAUOR:N THR :U TIK& SARGIS QA+IK:AN +;rmørhn ke ,norfauor;nq Fama\n Fa\ouj;an Nor Tarin ;u Sb& ’nounde


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+;rmaphs ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bolor faraxatn;roun% axgakann;roun ;u bar;kamn;roun Nor Tarin ;u S& ’nounde% ma[j;low ;r=ankoujiun ;u a®o[=oujiun


Nor Tarouan ;u Sourb ’noundi bar;bastik a®ijn;row% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bolor axgakann;rn ou bar;kamn;re% qa=a®o[=oujiun ;u barøroujiun ma[j;low bolorin

Thr ;u Tik& Wafan ;u Maral Osk;ann;r

Nor Tarouan ;u Sourb ’noundi bar;bastik a®ijn;row% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bolor axgakann;rn ou bar;kamn;re% qa=a®o[=oujiun ;u barøroujiun ma[j;low bolorin Thr Manouk Margar;an

Nor Tarouan ;u Sourb ’noundi bar;bastik a®ijn;row% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bolor axgakann;rn ou bar;kamn;re% qa=a®o[=oujiun ;u barøroujiun ma[j;low bolorin >avak Sargis;an

Ke ,norfauor;nq bolorin Nor Tarin ;u S& ’nounde% ma[j;low \a=o[% a®o[= ;u .a[a[ tari <aq;l;an A\ta

+;rmaphs ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bolor faraxatn;roun% axgakann;roun ;u bar;kamn;roun Nor Tarin ;u S& ’nounde% ma[j;low ;r=ankoujiun ;u a®o[=oujiun




ªA|D I@NC SROUNQN:R :N&&&º <ar& h= 6-hn

nor farzoumn;r! A®;[‘oua‘n;rou k‘iki me a®=;u ke xgam inqxinqs! - A\sør% ;rb Wafhn qou qowd b;r;m% q;xi Wars;nikin patmoujiunn al k∞en;m! A\d whpe fos% a\s qa[aqin mh= groua‘ h! I@nc w;raqa[% inc das ;u ;us fing ka\aran! Znzo[ dhpqe klana‘ tara‘ h xis! Grauors bauakan \a=o[ \an]n;lh ;tq ke ,tap;m gor‘is% ba\z ambo[= øre ke mta‘;m% ke ‘ragr;m% ke dauadr;m - incph#s en;l or na. Wafhn amcna\ minc;u ir oskorn;roun ‘ou‘e ;u angam men al yancza‘-cyancza‘ a[=ikn;rou masin lpir, arta\a\toujiunn;row c.angarh xis! Phtq h lau das me a®nh an a\s bolorhn! Ba\z o#w h a\s a'rikafa\oufin - afauasik nor t;saki fa\ me xanaxanafa\;rou ,arqin! K∞a®n;m kou tam inqxinqis& wstafabar .a®nourd men h! T;sn;s ma\re o#r ;rkri a'rikoufi h! In‘i ke joui jh '[oskr;a\ A'i% kam Kana\i a[=ikn;rhn phtq h ella\ ma\re% orowf;t;u fon ,at libananafa\;r ga[ja‘ ;n gor‘i b;roumow! >a®na‘in ellale fog;kan .®owqi dou® ke bana\ mh=s! A\d tarin;roun m;xi famar endfanraphs øtar amousnoujiune a\pan;li ;r;uo\j men hr Mi=in Ar;u;lqi mh=% gr;jh anendoun;li ararq me% amøj me no\nisk% our mnaz s;ui me f;t amousnanale! Fa\ ;ritasard me .a',iki f;#t&&& Øre ,out k∞anzni ;u ;s ,tapow ke w;rada®nam ousano[akan auan^ Wafhin gl.oun znzo[ .a[ me .a[alou f;®ankarhn anfamb;raza‘! ªSpash Wafh% t;s i*nc øri piti ]g;m q;xiº ke mta‘;m! S;n;kakizs w;radar];r h ou ke mra'h! K∞arjnzn;m! - :*l ‘ø% qowi ,hnqhn a[=ik me q;xi farzouz a\sør ;u&&& - S;qsi# hr%- mra';low ke patas.anh knamols! - Priyij Partøn ou Qajrin Tenhøwe x;®ø ;n ir qow! - <o*ut% sa qowi .anouje cgozoua‘ 'oun= me ‘a[ik a® ou ;rjanq! Wafh ke tnkoui mafyakalin mh= ou ‘o\l ‘o\l ke farznh& - A[=ike xi*s oux;r h t;sn;l% do#un inc phtq ounis galou! <hnqin anounn ou s;n;akin jiue tour ou das;rd sorwh*% ab;[a\% i#nc h% mo#m piti b®n;s m;r gl.oun&&& ª:s q;xi zo\z kou tam ab;[anº% ke mta‘;m ou koto,auor sout me ke glor;m eslow jh fa\ enk;roufi me ouni ;[;r Lionhn! - :alla*f% gazinq! Dauadrouj;an a®a=in soute kll;zouza‘ ellalow yamban ke .øsim% ke .rat;m% ke .ndr;m or ªsilikoujiunn;rº cenh! Lau ke yancnam s;n;kakizs! - Lsh* ‘ø% dou®e banaloun phs .øsq-møsq cn;t;s&&& Wafh ‘ou®-‘ou® xis ca';low ou gr;jh arfamarfanqow k#esh& - Doun xis lakoti t;#[ dr;r ;s% ;s q;xmh mhk tari m;‘ ;m ;u 'or]a®ou& cesi#r me or enk;roufin fa\ h&&& ª:s q;xi zo\z kou tam 'or]a®oujiundº% ke mta‘;m ;u gof ke xgam ;rkrord .oramankouj;nhs! Orqan ke møt;nanq kazarani s;n;akin a\nqan ir grkin mh= mh= k∞a®nh xis møtalout ga\jak[ouj;nhn b.;liq fryouanqe! Ke patk;razn;m jh orqa@n piti amcna\ Wafh% apa xis m;[adro[ fa\;azqow dit;lh ;tq piti mta‘h& ªAs i#nc apour ;';zir gl.ous% spash ;s q;xi zo\z kou tam&&&º% apa% ;rbor ªs;u margritinº qowhn dours ganq^ piti sasth xis es;low^ ª’ø*% srika\% ;s q;xi zo\z piti tam&&&º ;u a\ln% ;u a\ln! Dou®e ke jak;m& Wafh ‘a[ikn;re ke 'or]h jaqzn;l! Dran s;min k∞;r;ua\ Wars;nik% or kisamouj s;n;aki .orqin wra\ ir '[oskr;a\ katar;al atamna,arow ou ]iunaspitak xo\g me acq;row n;rs ke frauirh m;x! Wafh k∞apri ,'ojouj;an ithalakan pafik me% xis ke dith farzakan acq ou \ønqow% ba\z drouj;an o[b;rga-katak;rgakan wiyake 'rko[e k∞ella\ Wars;nik& - N;rs fram;zhq%- k∞esh fa\;rhnow^ a*l au;li ,'ojouj;an matn;low .;[yaza‘ Wafhn%- fram;zhq! Wafhi fa\;azqe fima n;ti phs ou[[oua‘ h im ko[ms% isk ;s wrhvs lou‘a‘ ellalou a®a=in ararin fayo\qe k∞aprim ;u øgtou;low Wars;niki .ofanozi t;[ ‘a®a\o[ ankiune gtnou;lhn% pa[-pa[ k∞au;lzn;m& ªIn‘i ke .angar;s% ch#% fima lau na\h sa paya.n;roun% or .;lqd glou.d vo[w;s&&&º! M;r xro\ze anmi=aphs ke mtnh ir soworakan founin mh=% oroun famar phtq hr ,norfauor;l Wars;nike! Kar‘;s ocinc patafa‘ hr a®auøt;an! Soury ke fiurasirh% .n]or ke maqrh ou qic ;tq 'ou®hn kou ga\ 'i‘a\i xgl.ic bourmounqe!

Ke patm;nq ou ke xrouz;nq m;r a®ør;a\ xba[oumn;rou masin! :r;qs al mhkakan k;rparn;r% amhn mhks m;r ;raxn;rou irakanazman npatakow n;toua‘ a\s qa[aqe! >øsakzouj;an niuje ;r;q ;ritasardn;rous mi=;u inqnab;rabar% kar‘;s fosanqh me taroua‘% ke ,ø,a'h axga\in ou fa\ ;ritasardakan farz;r! Ke qnnadat;nq m;r [;kawarn;re% ;k;[;zin% a,.arfi anardaroujiunn;re% k∞endwxinq Fa\kakan Z;[aspanouj;an anyanac mnaza‘ ellalou 'asthn% phtq h ban me en;l% ke mta‘;nq ou ke 'or];nq d;[atoms;r gtn;l! Wafh amhn inc mo®za‘ h fima% oc srounq% oc s;qsi a[=ik ;u oc mhk lpir,oujiun! Wafhn h% iskakan jound fa\r;nashr Wafhn% a\nphs incphs or hr Ph\rouji mh=% incphs or h axga\in k;anqi mh=! |ankar‘ ke \i,h jh ban me phtq h esa‘ ellar ou paf me 'o.;low niuje ;u ginii gauaje bar]razn;low k∞esh& - Wars;nik =a*n% partq me ounim q;xi fandhp&&& - Phtq cika\% Wafh%- k∞endmi=h Wars;nik^ kardalow Wafhi mitqe%;jh gitna\ir fa\ ellals% a\dpisi ban;r chir es;r% j;r;us ;s al m;[qi bavin me ounim% fauanabar a®a=in wa\rk;anhn phtq h \a\tnhi ow ellals&&&! Axnououj;an ou ja'anzikouj;an tipar me k∞;r;uar fima Wars;nik im acqis! W;fan]noujiune endo‘in hr ;u oc arf;stak;al! Ba\z o#w hr a\s fa\oufin! :rkouqs al a®a=in angam ellalow m;r k;anqin mh= ke fandiphinq katar;al fa\;rhn .øso[ ou gitakiz s;uamorj fa\oufii me! Ga[tniq me% a®;[‘oua‘ me kar a\s bolorin mh=! Patas.ane cou,azau! Qic ;tq dou®e ke jak;n! Wars;nik est ;r;uo\jin fiur me ke spashr! ªMt;rim bar;kams h% Abrafame% .ndra‘ hi or inqn al ga\ a\s gi,;rº% k#esh ou k∞;rja\ dou®e banalou! Wafhn ou ;s m;r farzakan na\oua‘qn;row ke 'or];nq ban;r me k®af;l! N;rs mtno[e parj;u fasakow% gangour max;row% vptoun dhmqow ou ,oqolaji morjow ;ritasard men h! Minc otqi ;la‘ ke bar;u;nq xirar ou ke ‘anøjananq irarou f;t fa\;rhn l;xouow% m;nq% ;rkou anna.an];li fasak oun;zo[ ;ritasardn;rs m;r wra\ ke xganq parj;uafasak Abrafami tirap;to[ n;rka\oujiune! Afauasik q;xi nor fan;louk me ;us% ke mta‘;m! Abrafam ,at cspaszn;r m;x ou anmi=aphs ;rkou .øsqow ko ta\ m;r mtqin mh= ‘aga‘ farzoumn;roun patas.ane! - :s al ;jowpafa\ ;m% m;r entaniqn;re ,at møt ;n irarou f;t% ;rkouqs al \aya.a‘ ;nq Atis Ap;pa\i axga\in Ghorgo` warvarane! K‘ike ke sksi qakouil! ªIncphsºn;rn ou ªincouºn;re kamaz kamaz ir;nz patas.ann;re ke sksin gtn;l! Fa\ou yakatagir% au;li yi,d^ Z;[aspanouj;nhn 'rkoua‘ fa\ manoukn;rou yakatagri me vapauhne ke qakoui! M;‘ o[b;rgouj;an tarin;roun ;u anor \a=ordo[ ,r=anin :jowpio\ fa\ashr ka\sre thr k;za‘ hr fa\ orboukn;rou^ anonz talow arvanapatiu apr;lou% ousoum stanalou ;u mard da®nalou amhn fnarauoroujiun% bolorn al p;takan gan]hn! Ka\sre møtikhn f;t;ua‘ ellalow krønakiz axgin ta®apanqn;roun ou go[goja\in% ouxa‘ hr øgn;l! Afauasik a\d s;roundin xauakn;rn hin m;x fiurenkalo[ Wars;nikn ou ir bar;kame Abrafame! K‘ike au;li arag ke sksi qakouil% ;rb Wars;nik ke framznh ;jowpakan f®cakoua‘ karmir taqd;[i a[azoua‘ 'o,in% m,akoua‘ xanaxan fam;mn;row% enk;rakzouj;amb nor bazouo[ ginii ,i,;rou! Abrafami ma\re ;rkri bar]r .aui entaniqh s;ra‘ ;jowpoufi me ;[a‘ hr% or ke ‘a®a\hr ka\s;rakan gan]aranin mh=% our nor a,.atanqi anza‘ hr ;ritasard Smbat% ,r=anauart Lontoni famalsarani tnt;sagitakan dprozhn^ ka\srin \atkazouza‘ jo,akow! Mnaz;ale ardhn parx hr^ sirafaroujiun% ka\sri ørfnoujiun ;u apa ‘nound a®=in;k xauki% or phtq h krhr xofoua‘ m;‘ før anoune! Abrafamin ou Wars;nikin mt;rmoujiune soworakan chr jouar in‘i& a\st;[ ke t;snhi lour= \arab;rouj;an me na.a‘il;re! :rkou yakatagrakizn;r xirar gta‘ hin ou amhn patya® kar ;njadr;lou or tramabanakan w;r=auoroujiun me piti oun;nar a\s ambo[=e! A\vm xis anfangist k∞enhr mitq me^ ard;øq a®touan ana.orv dhpqin masin ban me esoua#‘ hr ir;n! Kar‘;s jh t;[;ak chr Abrafam! Au;li lau! Wafhn% ardhn mo®za‘ ir a®touan an,norfqoujiune% fandiman;lou phs ke farznh& - Inco#u m;r ];®narkn;roun chq gar% endamhne qani me ,hnq f;®ou ;nq irarmh! >orfrdauor vpitow me xirar dit;lh ;tq Wars;nik fandartørhn%

A|S H+E KE FOWANAUORH ANDRANIK A~AR:AN Lauago\n ma[janqn;r bolor faraxatn;rous ;u bolor ga[a'ari enk;rn;rous

<ar& h= 37


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58 h=;rh ba[kazak 'oqr grqo\k me% or ke n;rka\aznh fa\ pa[;stinzi taragiri me ja'a®akan k;anqi nkaragrakane% Mi=in Ar;u;lqi arabakan ;rkirn;roun mh=! Grqo\ke fratarakoua‘ h no\ninqn f;[inakin% Ghorg Qhø,k;r;anin anfatakan ‘a.s;row ;u fogatarouj;amb% npatak coun;nalow waya®qow bav n;l xa\n! Fog;kan wrdowmounqi ;u zasoumi po®jkoum men h grqo\ke% or ke n;rka\aznh f;[inakin k;anqi mankapatan;kan ;u ;ritasardakan vamanaka,r=ann;roun kra‘ ta®apanqn ou carcaranqe orphs pa[;stinzi ga[jakan% minc;u Miaz;al Nafangn;r fastatouile! Qhø,k;r;ani ‘no[n;re ;[a‘ ;n a\n ªba.tauorn;rhnº% oronq kra‘ ;n ;rkou ga[jakan zoup;r% min^ fa\oz z;[aspanouj;an% ;u miuse^ Pa[;stin;an kortora‘n;rou vamanak% fa\r;ni toun;rhn artaqsoua‘ minc;u :rousa[hm ;u apa krkin w;radar] dhpi Falhp% Souria% apa^ Libanan ;u w;r=aphs Miaz;al Nafangn;r% orphs w;r=nakht! Ke kar‘ouhr jh pa[;stinzi ga[jakan me fangist apastaran phtq hr gtnhr or;uh a\l

arabakan ;rkri me mh=% ;[ba\rakan xgazoumn;row taroua‘% saka\n irakanoujiune faka®ake 'asta‘ h minc;u a\sør! Qhø,k;r;ani k;anqe nman ;[a‘ h qaroushli me ou[;koro\s aniuin% w;r=aphs fangc;lou famar Miaz;al Nafangn;rou Los Any;lesi a';roun% kaxm;lou famar toun ou entaniq! Anor k;anqi ;l;uh=n;re a\nqan baxmaxan ;n t;[a'o.ouj;an% ousman% a,.atanqi% aprousti% ;u apafowouj;an famar taroua‘ anqoun gi,;rn;rou a,.atanqow ;u tan=anqn;row% oronq \aya. ke jouin par;ni pa\ousake k®nakin% xbøsa,r=ikouj;an ;la‘% anfati me arka‘a.ndroujiunn;roun% oronq zroua‘ ;n a,.arfi cors ‘ag;roun% a®anz kar;nal fangist t;[ me fasn;lou! Fa\ vo[owourdi yakatagrin arvanaza‘ a\l axg;rou kargin ;n dasoua‘ na;u pa[;stinzi vo[owourdn ou nman a\l axg;r% kr;low aqsor% kotora‘ ;u z;[aspanoujiun! Isk pa[;stinzi fa\oun famar yakatagire ;[a‘ h krknaki davan! Grqo\ke fratarakoua‘ h angl;rhn l;xouow ;u f;taqrqro[n;re krnan dim;l f;[inakin!

<norfauor Nor Tari ;u S& ’nound% .a[a[oujiun ;u \a=o[oujiun bolorin

Silwa Is'ir;an

SIRIAFA|OUJIUNE^ I<>O{&&& <ar& h= 28-hn

gs;ane ;u Libananoum FF d;span Arman Nauasard;ane&&&! A\nouf;t ko[m;rn andradar]an fa\-siriakan \arab;roujiunn;rin! :rkou ;rkrn;ri famagor‘akzouj;an n;rka\ makardaki ;u xargazman fnarauor f;®ankarn;ri qnnarkoumiz \;to\ .øsou;z fa\ fama\nqi masin! Asate bar]r gnafat;z fa\;ri auande ;rkri xargazman gor‘oum! Na.agafe \atkaphs ,;,t;z fa\;ri fauatarmoujiunn ou lo\aloujiune siriakan i,.anoujiunn;ri nkatmamb^ n,;low% or a\n 'o.adar] h! Orphs ir .øsq;ri apazo\z% Asate \a\tn;z% or ir an]nakan .ofarare fa\ hr^ Q;sapiz! :u a'sosanqow au;lazr;z% or a\d ªfra,ali marde ;u ir gor‘i warp;teº f;®az;l h k;anqiz! :xrakazoujiun! Siria\oum qa[aqaziakan pat;raxm h! Bolore k®uoum ;n bolor dhm! Dhpq;ri \;taga\ xargazman kapakzouj;amb go\oujiun oun;n tarb;r kar‘iqn;r% m;knabanoujiunn;r ;u kan.at;soumn;r% ;rb;mn^ iraram;rv! No\ne^ na;u fa\ fama\nqi apaga\i w;rab;r;al% orn a\sør astiyanabar qa\qa\uoum h! A\d kapakzouj;amb in] au;li fauanakan h juoum f;t;u;al kan.at;soume% ore xro\zi enjazqoum n;rka\azr;z Falhpiz :r;uanoum vamanakauor bnakoujiun fastata‘ siriakan banaki pa,tønajo[ g;n;ral Au;tis Arslan;ane! :s a\n ,aradroum ;m ambo[=ouj;amb% a®anz 'o'o.ouj;an& ª:jh Asati ®;vime tapaloui% armatakan mousoulmann;rn a®anz acq jarj;lou ke w;razn;n fa\ fama\nqe^ i,.anoujiunn;ri ko[me b®n;lou% sounnin;rin dauayan;lou% gor‘a‘ ;u cgor‘a‘ m;[q;ri% parxaphs% qriston;a\ lin;lou famar! Nranz% ifarkh% k*øgn;n jourq;reº! ª:jh Asate cenkni% alaouin;re fa\;riz pafan=;lou ;n k;ndani mnalou 'rkagin% ore ,at bar]r h lin;lou! Fa\;re `ixikaphs% j;r;us% ctouv;n% saka\n k*enkn;n tnt;sakan ;u fog;banakan afauor yn,man tak! Pa,are fa\;ri chxoqoujiune nranz ci n;ri! :rkou dhpqoum hl siriafa\ fama\nqe touv;lou h! M;r]auor Ar;u;lqi fa\oujiunn apaga\ couni! Na a,.arfi a\d masoum datapartoua‘ hº% kar‘oum h g;n;rale!

Ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bolor axgakann;rn ou bar;kamn;re% ma[j;low ir;nz ,norfauor Nor Tari ;u S& ’nound! Ke fauatanq no\nphs% jh Jourqia piti enh YI<DE pa,tønaphs yancnalow Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune 100 am;akhn a®a=

Thr ;u Tik& Noupar Kostand;an

Nor Tarouan ;u Sourb ’noundi a®ijow% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bolor axgakann;rn ou bar;kamn;re% qa=a®o[=oujiun ;u barøroujiun ma[j;low bolorin

|arouj Markos;an Lori "ampouq;an

A|S H+E KE FOWANAUOR:N THR :U TIK& ANDRANIK :U S:UTA GARAKHØX:AN Nor Taroua\ ;u S& ’nnd;an xo\g tøn;roun a®jiu% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bar;kamn;re% ma[j;low bolorin a®o[=oujiun ;u \a=o[oujiun



ªPRN& NA>AGAF% KE >NA|H#Q&&& <ar& h= 10-hn

l‘akn;row! Au;lin^ douq krnaq ,arounak;l ];r mrzanakaba,.oujiunn;rn ou parg;uatroumn;re% ba\z% oc ANYI<D% ANT:{I ;u ANIMAST gor‘arqn;row% oronz akanat;sn ou akan=aloure ;[anq ou k*ellanq! Our;mn% minc a\d& ªPrn& na.agaf% .na\;zhq Mowshs >or;naziºn! ªTik& na.araroufi% .na\;zhq M.ijar Gø,ºe! *** W;r=azn;lou famar& >orfrda\in karg;rou ør;roun% fa\ mtauorakann;re% arou;staghtn;re% .mbagirn;re% krjakan m,akn;re% fasarakakan gor‘icn;re anfatouzørhn ;u an'o.adar]ørhn ke war]atrouhin fa\r;niqhn^ S'iu®qafa\ouj;an F;t M,akouja\in Kapi Komithin mi=ozow% saka\n% a®anz&&& ,qan,ann;rou% mrzanakn;ou% parg;un;rou% tit[osn;rou! Fa\r;niq a\z;loujiunn;re% tarb;r pitakn;rou tak - fauaqn;r% .orfrdavo[own;r% famagoumarn;r% am;akn;r ;u a\l bar;bastik ];®narkn;r% a®ijn;r k*ella\in frauir;aln;re m;‘ar;lou% masna\atouk fogatarouj;amb% gourgouranqow% fangstauht ou kaxdouro[akan pa\mann;row% lauago\n ;u \armarago\n tnørinoumn;row% isk a\d w;rab;rmounqn;re frauir;aln;rou fog;kane ke w;ranoroghin% st;[‘agor‘akan lizqe k*amrapndhin% fauatqe ke xøraznhin% au;li ka®c;lou ir;nz a®aq;louj;an ;rjou[iin! Asonzmh au;li ª,qan,ann;rº o#ur kar;li h gtn;l kam ormh# kar;li h stanal! (Ph\rouj) |& G& A\s \ødoua‘e patrastoua‘ hr% a®nouaxn% ;rkou amis a®a=% saka\n% oro, nkata®oumn;row% ,r=ana®ouj;an mh= ch droua‘% a\n bar;mtouj;amb% jh t;[ me ªxgastºouj;an n,drake ir fatou d;re ke katarh! Saka\n% s.ala‘ hinq% orowf;t;u ,arounakou;zau% ørinaki famar% >or;naziin ªn;tafaroumºe&&& na.agafakan makardakow ;u \aya.^ s.al entrouj;amb% m;x m[;low dar];al a\s fratap farze lo\sin b;r;lou% .auarin mh= cmnalou mtafogouj;amb! P& A&

Nor Tarouan ;u Sourb ’noundi bar;bastik a®ijn;row% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bolor axgakann;rn ou bar;kamn;re% qa=a®o[=oujiun ;u barøroujiun ma[j;low bolorin Minas ;u Nax;li Goya\;ann;r

Nor Taroua\ ;u S& ’noundi tøn;rou oura. a®ijow% =;rmaphs ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bolor bar;kamn;rn ou faraxatn;re% anonz ma[j;low a®o[=oujiun ;u gor‘;rou \a=o[oujiun Toqj& ;u Tik& Arjø ;u A\ta "olat;ann;r

Jankagin grc;[ba\rn;r% Krkin m;r minouyar ;rkragounde Ar;ui ,our=e da®nale lrazn;low piti ,arounakh ir no\n ,r=apto\te% mardkouj;an nouir;low Nor Tari&&& M;r fanyar;[ Wafan Thr;ani qa®;ake fo\akap ba[]anq men h% ore arvh krkin w;r\i,;l ;rb ke ma[j;nq xirar <NORFAUOR NOR TARI :U SOURB ’NOUND :u our;mn^ Vam h% ;*l noriz% im ‘iranawa®% Xrafauoroui*r .andow .ndagin% Wa®i*r ;rkounqi gi,;roum .auar% Frow mkrtoua‘ Na\ir;an fogin! :u ;r;uaka\;l or m;r vo[owourdi dvo.a\in arfauirqi 1915-i ør;roun h% or fanyar;[ Thr;ane pafan=q xgaza‘ h gr;lou w;ro\i,;al ta[;re&&& Na\ir;an ‘iranawa®i ;lqe jo[ mi,t frow mkrtoui&&& Sirow^ >acatour "ilik;an

}M:Â PAP% XGO|<^ CKRAK:N ªBar;u }m;® papik =an% incph#s ;s! :s anfamb;r spasoum ;m ];r galoun! Ouxoum ;m% or a,.arfin lini .a[a[oujiun% bolor mardik apr;n .a[a[ ;u fam;ra,.! Dou mi qic xgo\, ari% or q;x wra\ c\ar]akou;n% orowf;t;u m;r giu[iz mhk qilom;jr a\n ko[m m;r j,namin;rn ;n! Dou ,out ari ;u m;x oura.azrou qo nouhrn;row!

A|S H+E KE FOWANAUORh ALIS PILHMY:AN +;rmagin bari ma[janqn;r! 100 am;aki yanacoum% fatouzoum ;u ardaroujiun


NOR ØR% D:KT:MB:R 26% 2013

+;rmaphs ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bolor faraxatn;roun% axgakann;roun ;u bar;kamn;roun Nor Tarin ;u S& ’nounde% ma[j;low ;r=ankoujiun ;u a®o[=oujiun






april ba®in lman a®oumow% ank;[‘ srtow% siro[ fogiow% n;ro[amit ou gja®at aproumn;row% .onarfouj;amb ou ‘a®a\asirouj;amb% mhk .øsqow^ Qristosi Au;taranin fa[orda‘ bolor patouirann;row! Tøna.mb;l |isousi ’nounde parx bazatrouj;amb ke n,anakh Manouk |isouse dar]n;l fa\;lin m;r fog;uor k;anqin ;u soskoum ou amøji xgazoumhn j;ladroua‘ jøja';l m;r houj;an mh= ‘anraza‘ ou jan]raza‘ bolor t;saki \o®i barq;rn ou soworo\jn;re% oronq Qristos ;u qristonhoujiun c;n bour;r! Tøna.mb;l |isousi ’nounde% a\sør% ke n,anakh k;anqn april Manouk |isousi ’nounde .orfrdan,o[ srbouj;amb! A\d h patya®e na;u% ;rb Qristos matnazo\z erau manoukn;re ;u \i,;zouz bolorin es;low& ªOrowf;t;u a\dpisin;roun h Astou‘o\ arqa\oujiuneº! Sir;li bar;pa,t ;u fauatauor qriston;a\% iuraqanciur ’nound qriston;a\i k;anqi mh= fog;uor yanaparfordouj;an nor skixb men h! |isousi ’nounde frauhrn h nor k;anqi! Astoua‘a\in n;rgor‘oujiunn h |isousi ’nounde a,.arfi k;anqin mh=% orphsxi Anor f;t w;ra‘ninq m;r k;anqe ou xa\n fra,agor‘;nq! |isousi ’nounde^ frauhrn h% or marde ir k;anqe dar]nh n;rgor‘oujiun a,.arfi k;anqin mh=% st;[‘agor‘ouj;an mh=! Our;mn% m;xi troua‘ frauhrin patas.an;nq fauatqi bari araroumn;row% ‘a®a\ouj;amb ou xofo[oujiunn;row% orphsxi Astou‘o\ ko[mh m;xi bavin troua‘ m;r Ma\r :rkrin% \au;rvakan Fa\astanin ou Sb& H=mia‘nin% fa\ arvhqn;roun ou t;silqn;roun a®=;u .onarfoumow imastauor;nq qriston;a\i m;r k;anqe! ªQristos ’nau ;u \a\tn;zau% Ørfn;al h |a\tnoujiunn Qristosiº!

Nor Tarouan ;u Sourb ’noundi bar;bastik a®ijn;row% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r a,ak;rtn;re% ‘no[n;re ;u \a=o[oujiun ke ma[j;nq bolorin JMM <abajør;a\ Warvarani Fogabar]oujiun% Tnørhnoujiun ;u Ousouzcakan kaxm

M;r bolor enk;rn;roun ;u bar;kamn;roun Nor Taroua\ lauago\n ma[janqn;r

Armhnoufi Nalpant;an

2010 j& sksa‘ ªJhqh;an K;ntronº fimnadramn irakanaznoum h ªAnwyar dasagrq;rº ‘ragire^ øvandak;lou \atkaphs kariqauor ;r;.an;rin% oronz ‘no[n;re ‘anr sozialakan pa\mann;roum parxaphs ankaro[ ;n fogal dasagrq;ri ‘a.s;re! ’ragri ,afa®oun;rn ;n Fa\astani ;u Arza.i W& Jhqh;ani anouan fing dprozn;ri san;re! ªAnwyar dasagrq;r-2013º ‘ragri ,r=anakoum% ªJhqh;an K;ntronº fimnadrami tnørhn A& ’oulik;ann a\z;l;z :r;uani% Giumrii% St;'anauani ;u Karbi giu[i^ W& Jhqh;ani anouan krjø=a.n;re^ qnnark;lou ‘ragrin a®ncouo[ mi ,arq farz;r^ a\n au;li ardiunauht dar]n;lou npatakow! Ardiunqoum^ 319 anapafow a,ak;rt apafowou;z 20132014 taroua\ 3%958 dasagrqow! Isk ‘ragri irakanazman cors tarin;ri enjazqoum endfanour a®mamb fimnadrame tramadr;l h 5%785 dasagirq FF 4%561%901 dram arvo[ouj;amb! ªAnwyar dasagrq;rº ‘ragirn irakanazuoum h baza®aphs nouiratououjiunn;ri ,norfiu% ousti amhn tari fimnadrame dramafauaq h na.a];®noum!

A\s gor‘oum m;‘ d;r h kataroum JKF fimnadir marmin Lontoni Jhqh;an Jraste% ori =anq;ri ,norfiu iuraqanciur tari dasagrq;ri `ond h koutakuoum% incn hl fnarauoroujiun h talis irakanazn;l ‘ragire! ªJhqh;an K;ntronº fimnadrame npatak ouni oc mia\n cdadar;l% a\l na;u endla\n;l ªAnwyar dasagrq;rº ‘ragire% ousti fa\zoum ;u aknkaloum h fa\astan;an ;u S'iu®qi kaxmak;rpoujiunn;ri ;u anfatn;ri t;uakan famagor‘akzoujiunn ou øvandakoujiune so\n ‘ragrin! Nouiratououjiun karo[ hq katar;l^ ªJhqh;an K;ntronº Fimnadram /FF% :r;uan 0025% >an=;an 50/ Farka\in kod^ 01518359 Pank^ HSBC Panq Fa\astan "BE Panka\in fa,iu^ 001-008820-101 (AMN tolar) Panka\in fa,iu^ 001-008820-002 (FF dram) Swift code: MIDLAM22 ªJhqh;an K;ntronº fimnadrame \a\tnoum h ir .orin ;ra.tagitoujiune bolor nouiratoun;rin fa\ dprozi xargazman ;u bargauayman fa\r;nanouhr gor‘in a=akz;lou famar!

Nor Tarouan ;u Sourb ’noundi a®ijn;row% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bolor axgakann;rn ou bar;kamn;re% qa=a®o[=oujiun ;u barøroujiun ma[j;low bolorin

Thr ;u Tik& Parg;u Famal;an

A|S H+E KE FOWANAUORh AUIK TH|IRMHNY:AN Nor Taroua\ ;u S& ’nnd;an xo\g tøn;roun a®jiu% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bar;kamn;re% ma[j;low bolorin a®o[=oujiun ;u \a=o[oujiun fama\n fa\ouj;an


NOR ØR% D:KT:MB:R 26% 2013

ÂAK :RITASARDAKAN <ARVOUME +;rmørhn ke ,norfauorh ir andam-andamoufin;re Amanori ;u Sb& ’nnd;an tøn;rou a®jiu

ÂAK ÂOUBHN F:R:AN AKOUMBI WARCOUJIUNE +;rmørhn ke ,norfauorh ir andam-andamoufin;re Amanori ;u Sb& ’nnd;an tøn;rou a®jiu

ÂAK G:RSAM AFARON:AN AKOUMBE +;rmørhn ke ,norfauorh ir andam-andamoufin;re Amanori ;u Sb& ’nnd;an tøn;rou a®jiu

ÂAK MKRTIC AU:TIS:AN AKOUMBE +;rmørhn ke ,norfauorh ir andam-andamoufin;re Amanori ;u Sb& ’nnd;an tøn;rou a®jiu

ÂAK HØVHN BABAX:AN AKOUMBE +;rmørhn ke ,norfauorh ir andam-andamoufin;re Amanori ;u Sb& ’nnd;an tøn;rou a®jiu

ÂAK FA| IRAUANZ >ORFOURDE +;rmørhn ke ,norfauorh ir andam-andamoufin;re Amanori ;u Sb& ’nnd;an tøn;rou a®jiu

JMM ~RHXNO|I MASNAYIU{E +;rmørhn ke ,norfauorh ir andam-andamoufin;re Amanori ;u Sb& ’nnd;an tøn;rou a®jiu



ANDRANIK ’AÂOUK:ANI ’NND:AN 100-AM:AKI |OU<-:R:KO| <ar& h= 12-hn

|owfannhs Jouman;ani .øsqow^ ªmafe m;rn h% m;nq mafine% mardou gor‘n h mi,t anmafº! ’a®ouk;an k∞anmafana\ ir girq;row% gor‘;row% groujiunn;row! Fo[e j;j;u ga\ wrad% lo\s;rou mh= a® \auht apro[% m;xi sir;li ;u annman Andranik ’a®ouk;anº! Ghorg Qhø,k;r;an% ,norfakaloujiun \a\tn;z Tik& Shsil Qh,i,;anin \i,atak;li bana.øsouj;an famar ;u b;m frauir;z >acik Nafap;t;ane% orphsxi n;rka\aznh m;‘ar;alin foguo\n møtik fa\r;nakan ;rkou ;rg;r% |owf& Jouman;ani ªFa\r;niqis F;tº ;rge% Al;qsandr |aroujiun;ani ;rav,touj;amb ;u :[i,h Car;zi ªFa\r;niqº q;rjoua‘e% Armhn Mandakoun;ani ;rav,touj;amb! G;[arou;stakan \a\tagrhn ;tq b;m frauirou;zau "ro`& Ø,in Qh,i,;an% n;rka\azn;lou famar Andranik ’a®ouk;ani gor‘ounhoujiune! Stor;u ke n;rka\azn;nq "ro`& Ø& Qh,i,;ani fama®øt bana.øsoujiune! ªAndranik ’a®ouk;an s'iu®qafa\ grakanouj;an ou,agrau m,akn;rhn mhkn h% or i w;roust a®aqoua‘ ir ta[ande i spas drau fa\ vo[owourdin a®=;u ;u inq m;‘zau% ay;zau% fasounzau ou bar]razau^ da®nalou famar endfanraphs fa\ grakanouj;an fastaboun ansasan ka[nin! ’a®ouk;an \;t ;[;®n;an s;roundin am;nhn øvt;aln;rhn mhkn hr! Tase fator fratarak;z ir apra‘ vamanaka,r=anin ;u cors fatorn;r% oronq fratarakou;zan ir mafouenh ;tq% endamhne 14 fatorn;r! Anonzmh omanq arvanazan qani me angam tpagrou;lou ba.tin% isk 'a®a\;[ ªJou[j A® :r;uaneº a®-

nouaxn 25 fratarakoujiun oun;zau^ fastat;low mrzani, me fa\ grakanouj;an famar ;u bar;ni, me ’a®ouk;anin famar! Banast;[‘ouj;an% ar]aki ou manauand graqnnadatouj;an kaloua‘in mh= mnaz bar]rakht me% or manauand ir .mbagra‘ ªNa\iriºn lo\s en‘a\;z 40 tari^ ibr;u parb;ragir% amsagir ;u apa ,abajaj;rj% lo\s en‘a\;low s'iu®qafa\ gr;jh bolor lau gro[n;rou ;rk;re enj;rzo[in ya,ake bar]razn;low! :[;®ni 'or]a®ouj;nhn n;r,ncoua‘ ir whp;re jargmanou;zan xanaxan l;xoun;rou! Fratarak;z baxmajiu antipn;r ;u ];®agirn;r% baza®ik jiu;r% a®ij en‘a\;z or nor gro[n;re ‘anøjazouin fa\ enj;rzo[n;roun! Am;nhn ou,agrau ir n;rdroumn;re ;[an ir gra.øsakann;re% oronq zor;ne oromhn xanaxan;low enj;rzo[in ya,ake bar]razouz% isk tkar gor‘;re gr;jh an.na\ qnnadat;z% ;rb;mn f;gn;low a®anz fa,iui a®n;lou gro[in qa[aqakan patkan;lioujiune kam gro[in no\nisk axgakanakan kape! ’a®ouk;an ir grakan gor‘;row ;u ªNa\iriºi fratarakouj;amb% s'iu®qi grakanak;rtman kar;uor axdakn;rhn mhke ;[au ;u s'iu®qi kape au;li amrazouz Ma\r Fa\r;niqi f;tº! |a\tagri w;r=in ararow% S;drak Pronx;an jat;rakan n;rka\azoumow n;rkan;roun framzouz g;[;zik ;u .øsoun k;rparow f;[inakin ªMankoujiun Coun;zo[ Mardikº girqhn mi qani fatoua‘n;r% oronq arvanazan fandisakann;roun gnafatanqin! |ou,;r;kon auart;zau fiurasirouj;amb! J[jakiz

JMM "asatina-Kl;nth\l Masnayiu[i kaxmak;rpouj;amb T;[i piti oun;na\

>joumi Ya, ;u >ra.yanq (DJ ) (n;ra®;al gini) Kiraki% 5 |ounouar 2014-i \;t mi=ørhi vame 2!00-in Aljatina\i Ph,khøjiur;an k;droni srafe (1901 N. Allen Ave., corner of New York Dr.) Moutqe nouhr $35 isk 12 tar;kanhn war^ $20 T;[ apafow;lou famar ke .ndrroui f;®a]a\n;l! Siranin^ (626)827-1952 Ghorgin^ (626)833-3102


S;pt;mb;r 5% 2013% jiu 34! I w;r=o\ i#nc h a\s endfanraza‘ øtar ba®;rou gor‘a‘ouj;an npatake Fa\astani mh=! L;xouamta‘o[akan strkamtouji#un% axga\in storadauouji#un% jh tgitoujiun! Øtar ba®;rou gor‘a‘oujiune ke \a®a=aznh øtaramoloujiun ;u apa kamaz-kamaz a\las;roum! A\sør Los Any;lesi dprozakan tariqi fa\ a,ak;rtouj;an 10 tokose mia\n fa\kakan dproz ke \aya.h! 50 tar;kanhn za‘ ª‘agoumow fa\;rouº khshn au;lin fa\;rhn kardal c;n git;r! N;rka\is famalsaranauart ;ritasardn;rou ;u patanin;rou faxiu 20 tokose tarrakan fa\;rhn kardal ou gr;l git;n ;u fa\;rhn j;rj ou girq c;n kardar! 20 tari ;tq fa\;rhn j;rj fauanabar ctpoui Gali`ornio\ mh=% ;jh fa\oujiune miasnazno[ l;xouakan farz;re clou‘ouin a\sør ;u f;®at;sili ;u famazanzi mi=ozau ]ri fa\;rhn cousouzanoui! Irapa,tørhn nkati piti a®n;nq% or pa,tønaphs 3-4 milion fa\ ka\ a,.arfi wra\ ;u 6-7 milion ª‘noundow fa\;rº% oronq aragenjaz k*a\las;rin ou ke ]oulouin! Fa\aastani x;.% ,®a\l ou 'arjam k;anq waro[n;re phtq h xgastanan ;u ª‘agoumow fa\;rouº fa\apafpanman ou fa\r;nadar]ouj;an npast;n% a\laphs ªjrqakan f;[;[ºi wtange dran ,;min h&&&! Ousti i#nc h w;ro\i,;al farz;rou lou‘oume% incphs n,a‘ hi na.ord \ødoua‘n;rous mh=% Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100-am;aki \i,atakman na.ørhin na.agafi framanagrow^ 1& Fastat;l fa\astan;an ;u s'iu®q;an fa\;rhnaght masnaghtn;rou \an]na.oumb me% maqraxt;lou Fa\astani ;u endfanour fa\;rhn ba®apa,are øtar ba®;rh ;u anf;j;j ba®ak;rtoumh! (F;®oustamarajon% f;®oustaenk;roujiun% auia[oui% ;ua\ln) 2& W;razn;l ab;[;anakan ou[[agroujiune ;u fastat;l dasakanM;srop;an ou[[agroujiune! 3& Fratarak;l fa\;rhni maqour ba®apa,ari zankn ou ambo[=akan fa\;rhn ba®arane! <r=ana®ouj;nh f;®azn;low bolor .;[ajiuroua‘ ou a[aua[oua‘ ba®azankow ba®arann;re! Mia\n nman armatakan qa\l;row miasnakan fa\oujiun ke go\ana\! A\laphs ]oulman ;u a\las;rman \or]anoute 50 tarouan mh= fa\;rhn j;rj;rou w;r=in daga[je ke tani s'iu®qi mh=&&&! Jourqio\ iragor‘a‘ Z;[aspanouj;an axdou ;u bar;'o.oua‘ manga[n ou g;randin ]ouloumi mi=ozow takau ke ,arounak;n fn];l fa\oujiune s'iu®qi mh=&&&! Ou,aza‘ gor‘ounhoujiune animast h&&& ardhn ;rkou s;round 22 tarouan mh= fa\;rhn sorw;lou ;u kardalou kar;lioujiune korsnzouzin! Gor‘nakan pafe fima h! Jh;u ou,aza‘&&&! |ousanq ou spas;nq&&&!

ªA|D I@NC SROUNQN:R :N&&&º <ar& h= 31-hn

ba\z jaqnoua‘ wirauoranq me koul toua‘i phs k*esh& - :rkou tari a®a= Fa\astanhn banast;[‘oufi Silwa Kapoutik;ane ;ka‘ hr% m;nq al gazinq&&&;rani@ c;rja\inq&&& Vapauhne ke qakoui Abrafamin ko[mh! - Wars;nike ,at lau k∞artasanhr ª>øsq Im Ordounº banast;[‘oujiune%- ke patmh Abrafam%- .;njazau ;rb ls;z or gragitoufin ];r kazaranin fiurn h% ;rkouqs miasin a®a=inn;rhn hinq% or n;rka\azanq ];r gradarane&&& mnaz;ale jo[ inqe ,arounakh&&& Wars;niki sirte ,at arag ke .'hr a\d ;r;ko\& w;r=aphs piti fandiphr a\n bansat;[‘oufiin% oroun otanauore goz sorwa‘ hr takauin ;øje-ouje tar;kanhn% no\nisk patrastou;r hr artasan;l ou anaknkal me matouz;l fiurin! Ba\z a®a=in isk wa\rk;anhn anfiurenkal dhmq;r hr sks;r nkat;l ir;nz ,our=! N;rs mtno[n;rhn ,at;r tarørinak ou wano[ fa\;azqn;r sks;r hin n;t;l ir;nz wra\% no\nisk akan=in fas;r hr sa .øsqe& ªAs .a',ikn;re i#nc gor‘ ounin fosº% isk anor bar;kame au;lzouz;r hr& ª’a®;roun wra\hn i=;r fos wax;r ;n&&&º! - Lau% lau% mi* ,arounakhq%- k;zouz Wafh^ xgalow arjnza‘ tfay \ou,in patya®;liq wnase a\s fay;li ;r;ko\in%- anza‘ ella\% askh \;to\ ;s mi,t frauhr ke [rk;m ];xi ;u douq in‘i f;t ke nstiq& wa*\ or mhke famar]aki ban me es;l! Khs gi,;rn ardhn anz;r hr% ;rb andradar]anq jh qani me vamhn k;anqe piti ,arounakouhr ir soworakan founow^ famalsaran% gor‘% s;rto[oujiun% f;uq ;u m;‘ qa[aqi a\laxan k;nza[in \atouk a®ør;a\! Gi,;re im ou s;n;kakizis qoune chr tan;r% faka®ak or ginin phtq h m;x mor'hosi girke [rkhr! - Git;#s inc%- esau Wafh%- ,hnqin \an]na.oumbin f;t .øsim ou asmounqi ];®nark me kaxmak;rp;nq! <at karo[ ou fa\r;nashr xo\g me k∞;r;uan! - Kar‘;m Abrafame ;rav,touj;an ke f;t;ui% an al ke miazn;nq ou anaknkal ];®nark me k∞en;nq%- au;lzouzi ou minc ke patrastouhi .i[ys fangist w;rmakin tak mtn;l% Wafhn k∞enh ir wafhoujiune^ glou.e mius ko[m dar]n;low& - Ba\z ,at g;[;zik srounqn;r ounhr anpitane&&& - ’ø*% l®h% srika\%- gr;jh ke go®am wran ou ];®qs anza‘ bar]e ke ,p®t;m ir ou[[ouj;amb%- mard piti cella*s doun!


NOR ØR% D:KT:MB:R 26% 2013

M;r bolor bar;kamn;roun ;u enk;rn;roun ke ma[j;nq bar;\a=o[ tari me

Thr ;u Tik& Wach ;u Søsi S;m;ry;an

Nor Tarouan ;u Sourb ’noundi bar;bastik a®ijn;row% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bolor axgakann;rn ou bar;kamn;re% qa=a®o[=oujiun ;u barøroujiun ma[j;low bolorin MI OMN

<norfauor Nor Tari ;u S& ’nound% =;rm ma[janqn;r Toqj& |akob Kiul;qy;an

M;r lauago\n ma[janqn;re Nor Taroua\ ;u S& ’noundi a®ijow bolor m;r faraxatn;roun ;u bar;kamn;roun

Âa``i% Silwa% Bajriq ;u Garhn Hqix;an

<norfauor Nor Tari ;u S& ’nound m;r bolor sir;li axgakann;roun ;u bar;kamn;roun

Thr ;u Tik& Frand Atour;an

Nor Tarouan ;u Sourb ’noundi bar;bastik a®ijn;row% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bolor axgakann;rn ou bar;kamn;re% qa=a®o[=oujiun ;u barøroujiun ma[j;low bolorin Thr ;u Tik& Sargis ;u Nouard Qilhy;an

<norfauor Nor Tari ;u S& ’nound bolor m;r axgakann;roun ;u bar;kamn;roun

Thr ;u Tik& S;rob ;u Marø P;tros;an

A\s Nor Taroua\ s;min a®o[=oujiun ;u ;rkar k;anq ke ma[j;nq ªNor Ørºi bar;kamn;roun ;u m;r sir;li enk;r-enk;roufin;rounn Garl% Maria% Aliq ;u Ar;u Partaq;an



Sourb ’noundi ;u Nor Taroua\ a®jiu% ke ,norfauor;m ªNor Ørºi ;u ÂAK-i m;r bar;kamn;rin ;u enk;rn;rin! Qa=al;r;nq% or galiq Nor Taroum ªNor Ørºi ;u ÂAK-i gor‘ounhouj;an npatakaslaze a®au;labar k*ou[[oui s'iu®qoum fa\apafpanouj;an ;u fa\ pafan=atirouj;an w;f gor‘in

|a=o[ouj;an lauago\n ma[janqn;row ªNor Ørºi 91 am;akin a®ijow

Fa\r Par;t :rhz;an

Martiros Wardan;an

M;r bolor enk;rn;roun ;u bar;kamn;roun Nor Taroua\ lauago\n ma[janqn;r

Amanori ;u S& ’noundi a®jiu% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r faraxatn;re% axgakann;re ;u bar;kamn;re% ke ma[j;nq ardarouj;amb .a[a[oujiun a,.arfin

Thr ;u Tik& Ghorg Ja,y;an Thr ;u Tik& Warouvan% Qristo`er (B.S.) ;u Xarik (B.S.) Gray;ann;r

Amanori ;u S& ’nnd;an tønakan ør;rou oura. a®ijow% =;rmagin ,norfauoroujiunn;r m;r bolor axgakann;roun ou bar;kamn;roun% srtagins ma[j;low bolorin ar;u,atoujiun% ;r=ankoujiun ;u \a=o[oujiun Thr ;u Tik& Toqj& |owik ;u Lita M;liton;ann;r

Nor Tarouan ;u Sourb ’noundi bar;bastik a®ijn;row% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bolor axgakann;rn ou bar;kamn;re% qa=a®o[=oujiun ;u barøroujiun ma[j;low bolorin

Nor Taroua\ ;u S& ’noundi xo\g tøn;roun oura. a®ijow% srtagin ,norfauoroujiunn;r ;u lauago\n ma[janqn;r m;r bolor faraxatn;roun ;u bar;kamn;roun Thr ;u Tik& Ghorg ;u Silwa |akob;an

Nouiroumow 'ara‘ hr% Orakauor fratarakouj;an% R;nakan axgi pafpanman! Ørn i boun lo\s en‘a\;low% Rak;rt ,anajaj;rn anxougakan! Ke ma[j;m ];x .ind ou korow

|arouj Markos;an S;da T;miry;an


NOR ØR% D:KT:MB:R 26% 2013

<norfauor Nor Tari ;u S& ’nound m;r bolor sir;li axgakann;roun% bar;kamn;roun ;u ga[a'ari enk;r-enk;roufin;roun

Srtanz ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bolor ank;[‘ bar;kamn;roun Nor Tarin ;u S& ’nounde

Wardghs ;u Alis Gourou;an Thr ;u Tik& Grigor Garakhøx;an

Nor Taroua\ ;u S& ’noundi a®ijow% m;r lauago\n ma[janqn;re m;r faraxatn;roun ou bar;kamn;roun

Nor Taroua\ ;u S& ’noundi bar;bastik a®ijn;row% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bolor axgakann;rn ou bar;kamn;re% qa=a®o[=oujiun ;u barøroujiun ma[j;low bolorin P;ryoufi Lonk

Thr ;u Tik& |owsh' Joqaj

Nor Tarouan ;u S& ’nnd;an tøn;roun oura. a®ijow% m;r bolor bar;kamn;roun ke ma[j;nq ;r=ankoujiun% qa=a®o[=oujiun ;u 'a'aqn;rou irakanazoum Ma\qel Minas;an

M;r bari ma[janqn;re^ Nor Taroua\ ;u S& ’noundi a®jiu% m;r bolor faraxatn;roun% bar;kamn;roun ;u enk;rn;roun Thr ;u Tik& Grigor Colaq;an

Nor Tarouan ;u Sourb ’noundi bar;bastik a®ijn;row% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bolor axgakann;rn ou bar;kamn;re% qa=a®o[=oujiun ;u barøroujiun ma[j;low bolorin Andranik ;u L;na Gala\y;an

<norfauor Nor Tari ;u S& ’nound m;r bolor sir;li axgakann;roun ;u bar;kamn;roun

Andranik Ta[l;an



Nor Taroua\ ;u S& ’noundin a®ijn;row% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bar;kamn;re% ma[j;low a®o[=oujiun ;u \a=o[oujiun

Ghorg% Silwa% Maral ;u L;uon Qhø,khr;ann;r

Anenky;li \arat;uoujiun

Manouhl G\oxal;an

<NORAFAUOR NOR TARI :U SOURB ’NOUND Sir;lin;r% Ma[j;nq or Nor Tarouan f;t w;ranan a,.arfi cariqn;re ;u mard arara‘e mardka\nørh*n apri% \argh ,our=inn;re ;u oc mhk ‘no[q xauki korousti patya®ow arzounq coun;na\ acq;roun! >a[a[oujiun a,.arfin manauand^ m;r ta®apo[ ;rkir Sourio\! Lauago\n bar;ma[joujiunn;row^

Amanori ;u S& ’nnd;an tøn;roun oura. a®ijn;row% am;na=;rm ,norfauoroujiunn;r m;r axgakann;roun% bar;kamn;roun ;u ‘anøjn;roun Gaspar {axar;an

|a=o[ouj;an lauago\n ma[janqn;row

Yia A\wax;an

Nor Taroua\ ;u S& ’noundi tønakan ør;roun oura. a®ijow% m;r bolor faraxatn;roun% bar;kamn;roun ke ma[j;nq barør ;u \a=o[ tari me Toqj& ;u Tik& L;uon Qhlh,;an

Misaq ;u Xarminh Pø[os;an

1922-hn i w;r fratarakouo[ sir;li ªNor Ørº ,abajaj;rjin ke ma[j;m biurauor 1922-n;r

P;tros Caqmaqy;an

|arat;uoujiun ªNor Ørºin

Thr ;u Tik& |akob Thr;an

42 NOR ØR% D:KT:MB:R 26% 2013

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2014 and best wishes for my family and friends, relatives and whole world peace, success, prosperity, happiness, joy, good health. Mr. and Mrs. John Jacqueline Motts

<norfauor Nor Tari me ke ma[j;m a,.arfis zroua‘ im axgakann;rous% bar;kamn;rous% gor‘akizn;rous% miavamanak a\n andimak ‘anøjn;roun% oronz f;t fayo\qe k*oun;nam \arab;r;lou zanzin wra\

Amanori ;u S& ’nnd;an tøn;roun oura. a®ijn;row% am;na=;rm ,norfauoroujiunn;r m;r axgakann;roun% bar;kamn;roun ;u enk;rn;roun Fa\astani ,r=anauartn;r

Nor Tarouan ;u Sourb ’noundi bar;bastik a®ijn;row% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bolor axgakann;rn ou bar;kamn;re% qa=a®o[=oujiun ;u barøroujiun ma[j;low bolorin >acik ;u Ani Nafap;t;ann;r

Mari Jhrx;an Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an fariuram;akin% Fa\r;niq-S'iu®q miaz;al yakatow pafan=atiroujiun katar;l Sargis ;u Xarmoufi Minas;ann;r

Nor Taroua\ ;u S& ’nnd;an xo\g tøn;rou a®jiu% ke ,norfauor;nq ;u ke ma[j;nq ;r=ankouj;an ;u .a[a[ouj;an tari me

Au;tis Jijo\;an Nor Taroua\ ;u S& ’nnd;an xo\g tøn;rou a®jiu srtagin ma[janqn;rs ªNor Ørºi .mbagirin% .mbagrakan kaxmin ;u bolor a,.atakizn;roun% ir;nz tara‘ a,.atanqin famar! Jo[ barin Astoua‘ parg;uh ];x ouv ;u korow

S;da |akob;an-J,apour;an Lauago\n ma[janqn;rs Nor Taroua\ ;u S& ’noundi a®jiu% zankanoum ;m noranor \a=o[oujiunn;r ªNor Ørº ,aba-

jaj;rji .mbagrouj;an ;u .namakal marmnin Thr ;u Tik& "ro`& Au;tis "a'ax;an

Fa\ l;xoui go\at;uman pa\qarin mh= annafan= ;rj ªNor Ørºin Alis Maxman;an

Ke ,norfauor;m ªNor Ørºi .mbagrakan kaxmi andamn;roun Nor Tarin ;u ke ma[j;m ouv ou korow% ,arounak;lou ir a®aq;loujiune^ axgapafpanman ,at dvouarin gor‘ounhoujiune

M;linh Darbin;an

Amanori ;u S& ’nnd;an tøn;rou a®jiu% qa=a®o[=ouj;an% ar;u,atouj;an ;u ;r=ankouj;an srtagin bar;ma[janqn;row

Lousward M;ldo\;an




AM"O"OUM :NQ FF AÂA+NOUJ:AN AÂA+IN <R+ANE A\s angam .øs;lou ;nq :r;uani ªMika\iº masin! A,nana\in ,r=aniz \;to\ ªMikanº a[iusakoum xba[;znoum h 5-rd t;[e! Jimi gl.auor marxic Aram Oskan;ane n,oum h% or 5-rd forixonakane gofazno[ ardiunq ch! M;nq oc partadir miauorn;r korzrinq% ,at oc-oqin;r .a[azinq! Fimnakanoum chinq karo[anoum øgtagor‘;l kola\in paf;re! M;x famar na;u lour= .ndirn;r a®a=azrin `oujpolistn;ri koroustn;re! Tarin sks;zinq mi kaxmow% auart;zinq^ mhk ouri,ow! L;uon Paca=;ann ou Sargis <afin;ann art;rkir t;[a'o.ou;zin% ;rkrord ,r=ani skxbiz jimiz f;®azau Shm\on Mourat;ane! M;x famar da dvouaroujiunn;r a®a=azr;z \ar]akman g‘oum! Ifarkh jime kol;r .';z% ba\z \ar]akouo[e mnoum h \ar]akouo[! M;r jimi bolor kol;re .'ou;l ;n jima\in .a[i ,norfiu! M;nq ambo[= jimow \ar]akoum ou pa,tpanuoum hinq! A\n farzin% oum k*a®an]naznhinq jimoum% gl.auor marxice patas.an;z& ªM;r jimoum lauago\nn ;n bolore! :s c;m zankanoum a®an]nazn;l or;uh mhkin! Ba\z ;jh phtq h n,;m inc or mhkin% apa na.entroum ;m 5-i anoun n,;l^ Wardghs Sajoum;an (jimi ®mbarkoun h% .';l h 5 kol)% Andranik Oskan;an% Al;qs Hnrikh Da Silwa% Armhn P;tros;an ;u Ghorg Pø[os;an! Wardghs Sajoum;ann ou Andranik Oskan;ane ,at ;n ay;l! Nranq a\vm fauaqakani j;kna‘oun;r ;n famaruoum% isk Al;qsn a\s pafin a®a=nouj;an lauago\n pa,tpann;riz mhkn hº! Jime gnaz;l h fangsti% ba\z ;s c;m fangstanoum ;u a,.atoum ;m! Ardhn kan `oujpolistn;r% oum t;snoum ;m m;r jimoum! M;x a®a=in f;rjin phtq ;n a\npisi `oujpolistn;r% owq;r kouv;[azn;n \ar]akman gi‘e! :s mi qani `oujpolisti acqis tak oun;m% owq;r karo[ ;n øgout tal m;r jimin! A®a\vm anounn;r c;m ta\% ba\z famalroumn;r anpa\man ke lin;n! Jim h ;k;l darpasapaf Ghorg Kasparowe! |ounouari 9-iz ke sks;nq ousoumnamarxakan fauaqe m;r baxa\oum minc;u ";trouari 2-e! K*oun;nanq mhk enk;rakan .a[ fa\kakan akoumbn;riz or;uh mhki f;t! ";trouari 8-22-e k*anzkazn;nq w;r=in fauaqe Kiprosoum% ort;[ k*anzkazn;nq 2 enk;rakan fandipoum ªValgirisiº ;u Prafa\i ªDoukla\iº f;t& asaz Aram Oskan;ane! Isk a\n farzin& ªI#nc spas;liqn;r ounhq 2014 jouakaniz gl.auor marxice patas.an;z& ªIfarkh spasoum ;nq ke lauazn;nq m;r .a[n ou au;li bar]r t;[;ri ke \auakn;nq a®a=noujiunoum! Na;u \a=o[oujiun k*oun;nanq gauaji .a[arkoujiunoum! M;x phtq h ,at a,.at;l ;u amhn inc irat;sakan ke lini!

FA|KAKAN ~OUJPOLI >YANKAR • FF axga\in fauaqakane ke gl.auori ourougoua\zi masnaght Gr;goriø P;r;se! Nra øgnakann;re ke lin;n >osh Hnrikh dh Los Sanjose ;u Danihl Kou;rbon! A\s masnaghtn;re |ounouar amsin ke vaman;n :r;uan! Nranz a®=;u .ndir h drou;l :URØ2016-i ou[;gir nouay;l!




P;r;se marx;l h ourougoua\akan ªP;n\arolº akoumbe% ore 4 angam dar];l h a\d ;rkri a.o\;an ;u a\ln! • FF axga\in fauaqakane 2016 j& :uropa\i a®a=nouj;an entrakan mrza,aroum endgrkoua‘ h 4-rd xambiu[oum! A\st;[ ;n na;u L;fastani% <otlandia\i% ~inlandia\i% Lajwia\i% Ouhlsi% Poulkaria\i% Hsjonia\i ;u P;la®ousi fauaqakann;re% oronziz oc mhki f;t entrakan mrza,aroum m;r entranin ci karo[ fandip;l! A®a=nouj;ane ke masnakz;n 53 fauaqakann;r% oronq ke bavnou;n 9 .mbi! Qa[aqakan nkata®oumn;riz ;ln;low entrakan mi;uno\n .mboum c;n endgrkoui Fa\astann ou Atrph\yane% Âousastann ou Wrastane% Ispanian ou +ibraljare! Au;li manramasn;re m;r j;rji \a=ord famarn;roum! • ~I~A-n fraparak;l h a\s taroua\ w;r=in dasakargman a[iusake! FF axga\in fauaqakane nafan=;l h mhk t;[ow ;u tarin k*;xra'aki 35-rd t;[oum! • Incphs n,;l hinq :urø-2015-i entrakan 'ouloum Fa\astani ;u Atrph\yani minc;u 19 tar;kann;ri fauaqakann;re endgrkoua‘ hin mi;uno\n .mboum! Saka\n OU:~A-n oro,;l h qa[aqakan nkata®oumn;riz ;ln;low 'o.;l h jim;ri .mb;re ;u Fa\astane \a\tnou;l h no\n .mboum Italia\i% S;rpia\i ;u San Marino\i f;t! Mrza,are t;[i k*oun;na\ S;rpia\oum!

~OUJPOLI :UROLIKAN:RI WIYAKAFANOUJIUNN:RE <ouh\zarakan Nion qa[aqoum ka\azan :uropa\i likan;ri wiyakafanoujiunn;re! :uropa\i A.o\;ann;ri lika\i 1/8-rd ;xra'akici wiyakafanouj;an ardiunqoum ke fandip;n& ªManc;sjer Sijiº (Anglia)-ªBars;lonaº (Ispania) ªØlimpiakosº (|ounastan)-ªManc;sjer :ouna\jhdº (Anglia) ªMilanº (Italia)-ªAjl;tikøº Matrit (Ispania) ªBa\;rº L;u;rkoux;n (G;rmania) – "SV (~ransia) ªGalajasara\º (Jourqia)-ªC;lsiº (Anglia) ª<alkhº (G;rmania)-ªÂhalº Matrit (Ispania) ªX;nijº (Âousastan)-ªBorousiaº Dortmound (G;rmania) ªArs;nalº (Anglia)-ªBauariaº (G;rmania) xo\g;re! N,;nq% or 1/8-rd ;xra'akicoum Anglia\iz% G;rmania\iz masnakzoum ;n 4-akan% Ispania\iz^ 3 jim! 1/8-rd ;xra'akici a®a=in fandipoumn;re t;[i k*oun;nan 2014-i ";trouari 18-19-in ;u 25-26-in% isk patas.an .a[;re^ Marti 11-12-in ;u 18-19-in! :urolika\i 1/16-rd ;xra'akici xo\g;re&

ªDniprøº (Ouqrania)-ªTot;nf;mº (Anglia) ªB;tisº (Ispania)-ªÂoubinº (Âousastan) ªSouonsiº (Anglia)-ªNapoliº (Italia) ª:ouw;njousº (Italia)-ªTrabxonsporº (Jourqia) ªMariborº (Slow;nia)-ªS;uiliaº (Ispania) ªWiqjoriaº Plx;n (C;.ia)-ª<a.t\orº Don;zq (Ouqrania) ªC;®nomor;zº Ød;ssa (Ouqrania)-ªLionº (~ransia) ªLaziøº (Italia)-ªLoudogor;zº (Poulkaria) ªHsb\;rgº (Dania)-ª~ior;ntinaº (Italia) ªA\aqsº (Folandia)-ªXalzbourgº (Austria) ªMaqabiº J;l Awiw (Isra\hl)-ªBax;lº (<ouh\zaria) ªPortouº ("orjougalia)-ªA\ntra.tº ~rank`ourt (G;rmania) ªAnviº (Âousastan)-ªG;nkº (P;lyiqa) ªTinamøº ( Qi;u)-ªWal;nsiaº (Ispania) PAØK (|ounastan)-ªB;n`ikaº ("orjougalia) AX ªAlkmarº (Folandia)-ªSlowan Lib;r;zº (C;.ia)

<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • L;uon Aron;ane ";qinoum fama,.arfa\in mtauor .a[;ri ‘ragrow anzkazoua‘ ka\‘akna\in mrza,aroum arvanazau 2-rd mrzanakin! L;uone 30 fnarauoriz wastak;z 19&5 miauor^ no\nqan% orqan oskh m;talakir S;rgh\ Kar\akine (ÂD)% orin xi=;z mia\n lrazouzic zouzani,n;row! L;uone arag .a[i mrza,aroum 16 masnakizn;ri mh= grau;z 14rd t;[e% isk Bask;an famakargoum^ 11-rd t;[e (16 masnakizn;ri mh=)! • Grosma\st;r Tigran L& P;tros;ane War,awa\oum auartoua‘ :uropa\i arag ,a.mati a®a=noujiunoum arvanazau 3-rd mrzanakin! Na 11 fnarauoriz wastak;z 9&5 miauor^ no\nqan orqan 1-2-rd t;[;re xba[;zra‘ Âicart Âaporte (Foungaria) ;u Wladimir Mala.owe (ÂD)% oronz xi=;z mia\n lrazouzic zouzani,n;row! M;r mius masnakizn;r Gabrihl Sargs;ann ou Xauhn Andrhas;ane 8&5-akan miauorow grau;zin 12-rd ;u 26-rd t;[;re% Karhn Grigor;ane^ 8 miauorow^ 30-rd t;[e! • Grosma\st;r Samouhl Thr-Safak;ane a®a=in mrzanake nouay;z Fndkastani Kalkaja qa[aqoum anzkazoua‘ mrza,aroum! Samouhle 10 fnarauoriz wastak;z 7&5 miauor ;u a®a= anzau 95 masnakizn;riz% a\d juoum 23 grosma\st;rn;riz! ~ID:-i warp;t Tigran S& P;tros;ane no\nphs 2 a\l masnakizn;ri f;t wastak;z 7&5-akan miauor% ba\z nranq \a[jo[in xi=;zin lrazouzic zouzani,n;row! N,;nq% or Tigran S& P;tros;ane lrazr;l h grosma\st;ri zouzani,e! • Fa\astani 28 n;rka\azouzicn;r masnakzoum ;n D;kt;mb;ri 18-28-e AMH-i Al H\n qa[aqoum anzkazouo[p a,.arfi 8-18 tar;kann;ri a®a=noujiunn;rin!


:ROUAND THMIRY:AN Amanori ;u S& ’nnd;an tøn;rou a®ijow% srtagin bari ma[janqn;r ouninq m;r bolor faraxatn;rous! Jo[ 2014-e ella\ \a=o[oujiunn;rou ;u 'a'aqn;rou irakanazman tari me


NOR ØR% D:KT:MB:R 26% 2013

ªNor Ørº ,abajaj;rje anfoun ;ra.tagitouj;amb k∞o[=ounh axgashr ;u m,akoujashr m;‘anoun bar;rar me% or asp;takan ogiow ke nouirh 2%000 tolar Nor Tarouan Baza®iki a\s jiuow! ªNor Ørºi warcakan kaxmn ou a,.atakizn;re% srtanz ke ,norfauor;n bar;rare^ entan;øq% or fam;størhn na.entr;z cfraparak;l ir anoune% mnalow fa\kakan y,marit nouiroua‘ouj;an jr‘oua‘ ogiow^ ªnouir;l a®anz yanacoumi aknkalouj;anº! Nor Tarouan ;u Sourb ’noundin a®ijn;row% ªNor Ørºin bar;ma[joujiunn;re jo[ ellan };xi pafapan!

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