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N.O. January 2, 2014, No. 1:N.O. Blank


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MA|R AJOÂE SOURIO| FA|KAKAN DPROZN:ROUN NOUIRA’ H 100 FAXAR TOLAR N&S&Ø&T&T& Gar;gin B& Am;na\n Fa\oz Kajo[ikosi ou Ma\r Ajo® Sourb H=mia‘ni ou,adrouj;an k;dronin ke ,arounak;n mnal Sourio\ mh= tiro[ irawiyake ;u souriafa\ouj;an ‘anr kazoujiune! Est Armhn'rhsº-in^ Ma\r Ajo®i t;[;katouakan famakarghn t;[;kazouza‘ ;n% or Sourb ’nnd;an tøn;roun a®ijow Ma\r Ajo® Sourb H=mia‘ine 100&000 tolar goumar 'o.anza‘ h Damaskosi fa\oz j;min^ Sourio\ fa\kakan dprozn;rou kariqn;roun famar! Fa\ A®aq;lakan :k;[;zuo\ a,.arfas'iu® j;m;re Ma\r Ajo®i mi=ozow parb;rabar a=akzoujiun ke zouzab;r;n souriafa\ouj;an^ \a[jafar;lou dvouarin pa\mann;re!

AMN D:SPANI FA|:RHN <NORFAUORANQE AMANORI AÂJIU Fa\astani møt AMN d;span Yon F;`;rne ir ;u kno=^ Lippi anounow fa\;rhnow ,norfauora‘ h fa\;roun^ Amanori ;u Sourb ‘nnd;an a®jiu! ªA\s tari m;nq .orazouza‘ ;nq m;r tnt;sakan ;u qa[aqakan famagor‘akzoujiune \atkaphs n;rqin bar;'o.oumn;rou olorti mh=! |o\s ounim% or 2014 j& vo[owrdawaroujiun% bargauayoum ;u .a[a[oujiun ke b;rh fa\ vo[owrdinº% ir ,norfauoranqi .øsqin mh= esa‘ h d;spane!


Falhpi Nor Giu[ fa\a,at ja[amasi mh= anz;al ,abaj t;[i oun;za‘ ®mbako‘ouj;an f;t;uanqow tar;z fa\ kin me xofoua‘ h!

Fark h n,;l% or D;kt;mb;ri 26-in Falhpi fa\a,at ja[amas;rou mh= irawiyake fam;matabar fandart ;[a‘ h! I dhp% D;kt;mb;ri 23-in% Sourio\ enddimadirn;re \ordora‘ hin bnakicn;roun 48 vamoua\ enjazqin f;®anal fa\a,at ;u qristonhakan Soulh\manih ;u Nor Giu[ ja[amas;rhn^ t;[;kazn;low% or piti ®mbako‘;n n,oua‘ ja[amas;re

LIBANANOUM PA|JIUNI F:T:UANQOW NA>KIN NA>ARAR H XOFOU:L Ph\roujoum pa\jouzikow lzoua‘ inqna,arv h pa\j;zou;l! Pa\jiuni f;t;uanqow xofou;l h na.kin na.arar Mofammht <ajafe ;u ;us 5 mard! Tasn;ak mardik wirauorou;l ;n! Ph\rouji fa\;ri ,r=anoum xof;r ou touva‘n;r ckan!

WIKILEAKS-I GA{TNAX:R’A’ NAMAKAGROUJIUNIZ& ª{ARABA{I FA|:RE AN:R:UAKA|:LI KATA{I XINOUORN:R :N% J:R:US LAUAGO|NE TARA’A<R+ANOUMº Wikileaks-e fraparak;l h ªStratforº am;rik;an f;ta.ouxakan-w;rlou‘akan k;ntroni a,.atakizn;ri ga[tni namakagroujiunn;re% oronzoum f;taqrqir t;[;koujiunn;r kan na;u Fa\astani ;u Arza.i w;rab;r;al! Famazanzoum fasan;li h :urasia\i farz;row ªStratforºi auag w;rlou‘aban Loourhn Goudri.i^ 2011 j&-i ";trouari 23-in jouagrouo[ famazanzi namake! F;[inake enk;rouj;ann h x;kouz;l L;®na\in {araba[ katara‘ ir a\zi ;u staza‘ tpauoroujiunn;ri masin! W;rlou‘abane% fauanabar% ,'man

vamanak ,'oj;l h arza.zin;ri barba®e zouzanakn;ri wra\ aroua‘ groujiunn;ri f;t% oronq% irakanoum% groua‘ ;n jh* FF% jh* L{F p;takan l;xouow^ grakan fa\;r;now! ªL;®na\in {araba[oum zouza<ar& h= 4

GRO{ :U ASALA-I FOG:UOR FA|R GOURGHN :ANIK:ANI ’NND:AN ØRN H A\s ør;roun yartarap;t% gro[ ;u ASALA_i fog;uor fa\r Gourghn :anik;ani ‘nnd;an ørn h! An \a\tni h na;u Jourqio\ fiupatosi ;u 'o. fiupatosi spanouj;amb Sanja Parpara\i mh=! Anor wrhve Z;[aspanouj;an xof gaza‘ ir faraxatn;roun patas.ann hr! An ‘na‘ h Hrxroum^ 1895 jouakanin% maxapour‘ ;[a‘ h Z;[aspanouj;nhn% ousana‘ h Moskoua\i famalsarani mh=% \;to\ artaga[ja‘ h AMN% ort;[ qani me whp frataraka‘ h^ ª|ouda Iskarioti trioum`eº% ªQristosi ‘noundeº ªAm;rikazi ]a\neº ;u a\ln! 1973 j& |ounouar 27-in :anik;ane Sanja Parpara\i ªBaljimorº fiuranoz frauira‘ h Los Any;lesi møt Jourqio\ gl.auor fiupatos M;fmht Pa\toure ;u 'o. fiupatos Pafatour T;mire^ .ostanalow arou;sti \a\tni gor‘ nouirab;r;l jrqakan ka®awarouj;an% ormh \;to\ fana‘ h atryanake ;u kraka‘ diuanaghtn;rou wra\! Dati vamanak :anik;ane \a\tarara‘ h& ª:s ;rkou mard c;m spanna‘% ;s ;rkou cariq ocncazouza‘ ;m! In] famar anonq mard chinº! <ar& h= 4

ARAM |AKOB:ANE <A>MATI A<>ARFI A>O|:AN :r;uanzi Aram |akob;ane AMH_i Al H\n qa[aqoum auartoua‘ a,.arfi patan;kan a®a=noujiunoum minc;u 12 tar;kann;ri (M 12) .mboum% ckr;low oc mi partoujiun ;u 11 fnarauoriz wastak;low 9&5 miauor% nouay;z a,.arfi a.o\;ani tit[ose! |a=o[ fandhs ;kan Mourad;an Âo<ar& h= 15

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NOR ØR% |OUNOUAR 2% 2014



|akob Martiros;an >MBAGRAKAN KAXM^

Dokt& Minas Goya\;an Sargis |& Minas;an Frac S;';jy;an >acik Yano\;an MARXAKAN BAVUN^

Au;tis Ba\ram;an WARCAKAN KAXM^

Toqj& Âa``i Pal;an Ghorg Grigor;an Karø Giu'hl;an Andranik A`ar;an


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Nor Tarouan S;min^ Bar;ma[joujiunn;r! :jh a,.arfi mardkouj;anz mia\n bari zankoujiunn;re irakanana\in% ardhn ke w;ranar amhn cariq% au;r ou kotora‘! Mardik ,arounak .a[a[oujiun ke zankan ;u saka\n ke patafi faka®ake% au;r ou kotora‘ ;u noranor pat;raxmn;r b;r;low a,.arfin% 'o.an .a[a[ouj;an! Arabakan garounn;rou ,arqe anfatnoum ke joui ellal a,.arfi ;r;sin% a\s angam ariunow gounaxard;lou famar faraua\in Soutane% ma\r Soutani bavanoumhn faxiu tari me ;tq! Faxarauor bnakicn;r% oronz mhk mase spannoua‘% isk mius mase ardhn t;[afanoua‘% anøji ou ‘arau ke spas;n ir;nz anoro, yakatagrin% Soutani anapatn;roun mh=% famayarakn;rou ‘a\r talow! Isk i#ncn h patya®e a\d bolorin ;jh o*c&&&mia\n ou mia\n qariu[e% oroun fosqin mh= ke korsouin ardaroujiun% mardka\noujiun% axatoujiun ;u timaqresi! |aya. gofounakouj;an xgazoumow k∞arta\a\touinq% ;rb k∞es;nq jh ªlau or Fa\astane qariu[ couni ;[;rº% apa jh oc no\n yakatagrin piti ;njarkouhinq% incpisin ;[an Lipian% Iraqe% Sourian ;u :mhne% ;u oronz ,arqe anw;r= ke joui ellal! Qristosi ‘noundhn ;tq 2013 tarin;r anza‘ ;n ;u ke j;uako.;nq 2014-rd tarin! :jh karo[ana\inq t;sa;rixi nman patk;razn;l a,.arfi 2000 tarouan k;nza[a\in% qa[aqakan% gitakan ;u mardka\in anzoudar];re% ke t;snhinq jh mardkoujiune xargazoum ar]anagra‘ h mia\n gitakan asparhxin mh=! K;anqi mnaz;al asparhxn;roun mh=% incphs^ mardka\nouj;an% dasakarga\in% k;nza[a\in% qa[aqakan ;ua\ln% aspatakoujiunn;rn ou anirauoujiunn;re mardoz fogin;roun mh= ke mnan no\ne^ 'o.oua‘ kam xargaza‘ mia\n noranor gitoujiunn;row! A\s tønakan ør;roun% boloris fa\;azqe ou[-

[oua‘ dhpi ;rkinq% k®apa,takan soworoujiun% ke ma[j;nq ;u ke kam;nanq barin% no\nisk a\n xin;alin% or 25 tolari famar mardka\in ,ounc me ke .lh \anoun ir fauataz;al allafin kam grpanin% ;rhk Libanani mh=% a\sør^ Sourio\! :r;uaka\;l jh^ mardka\in ogin kam ou[;[e orqan stornaza‘ piti ellar orphsxi endounak ellar nman ararqn;rou! :u saka\n^ 21-rd darous mh=% a,.arfi am;naqa[aqakirj ;u fxørago\n axg;rou fa\azqn;roun n;rq;u% ke patafi anspas;lin&&& ir;nzmh ‘agoum a®a‘ n;ngamit dauadroujiunn;row ;u mardka\in o[b;rgoujiunn;row! A,.arfi ;r;sin ;[a‘ ;n fxør krønqn;r% oronq st;[‘oua‘ ;n a,.arfi bariqin% siro\% fam;ra,.ouj;an ;u .a[a[ouj;an npatakn;rou b;roumn;row% orphsxi axg;r% qow qowi aprin miat;[ faskazo[ouj;amb ;u .a[a[ouj;an mh=! Saka\n ow# h ansazo[e ir krønqin% ;jh o*c tkare mia\n! Ocinc 'o.oua‘ h k®apa,touj;an vamanaka,r=anhn minc;u a\sør mardka\in \arab;roujiunn;roun mh=! A\sør^ dasakarga\in .trakanoujiune g;ri,.o[ h tarb;r xg;sn;row% sakauap;toujiunn ou i,.anoujiune mia\n jag;rou pakasn ounin% qourm;re (krønap;t;re) oskin;row ,[ja\oua‘ ;n ir;nz fauatqin% faroust dasakanin ke ,arounakh k;[;q;l a[qate ;u giu[azin% vo[owourdi n;rka\azouzicn;re ke ,'oj;n vo[owourdin ,afe ir;nz anfatakan ,afin f;t% isk na.agafn;re^ lara.a[azn;rou nman% mamlo\ asoulish mamlo\ asoulis ke zatk®t;n couann;rou 'o.arhn ;u \;to\% ke m;knin ar]akourdi% ,at \ogna‘% ªban me eno[iº gofounakouj;amb! Inchs# ;u or# astou‘o\ a[øj;nq or Fa\ vo[owourde axgowin mna\ ansasan% fxør ou miafamou®% ir l;xouow ou ;rkrow% fin ou nor miaza‘% ;u care \au;t .a'anoui m;r gl.hn! A@.% ;jh mia\n bari ma[janqn;rn ou zankoujiunn;re irakana\in!

ªKAR~OURIº MOUTQE KE SPAÂNA| ª:R:UAN SIJIINº Farzaxro\z Qanata\i ªNa.i=;uanº gitaousoumnakan k;ntroni na.agaf% Monjrhali ªQ;p;qº famalsarani mi=axga\in \arab;roujiunn;ri magistros% qa[aqaght Andranik P;tros;ani f;t Paron P;tros;an% Maqsa\in miouj;ann andamakz;lou w;rab;r;al Fa\astanoum kar‘iqn;re fimnakanoum b;u;®azoua‘ ;n! Omanq asoum ;n% or Fa\astane korzn;lou h ir inqni,.anoujiune% p;takanoujiune% kapitouliazia\i (grauoum) h ;njarkou;lou! Miusn;rn asoum ;n% or Fa \astane ke lini au;li pa,tpanoua‘ ®axmakan t;sankiuniz ;u ke xargana\ tnt;saphs! O#rn h };r kar‘iqe! Jh* ;uropakan enk;rakzouj;an ‘ragire% jh* Maqsa\in miouj;an ‘ragire a®a=in f;rjin .ndir oun;n lou‘;lou :uropakan Miouj;an ;u Âousastani tirap;to[ dramaglou.i mrzakzakan ;u farstouj;an w;rabavanman farz;re! Anonq :uropa\i vo[owourdn;rou ;u Âousastani vo[owourdin ,af;roun f;t a®ncoujiun counin! Gor‘o[ fama,.arfa\naza‘ dramatirouj;an famakargi mh= :uramiouj;an ka®o\zn;re% Âousastani ;u Fa\astani p;toujiunn;re gl.auorabar ke zolazn;n tirap;to[ dramaglou.i dasakarga\in ,af;re! Fa\astani øligar.n;re mrzakzoujiun ke xgan ;uropakan dramaglou.i ouv;rhn% qani or ;uropakan kaxmak;rpoua‘ dramaglou.e ;jh mtnh Fa\astan% inqnab;rabar mrzakzouj;an yanaparfow krna\ tkarazn;l kam dours m[;l Fa\astani øligar.n;re! Ørinak% ªKar`ouriº fauanakan moutqe Fa\astan ke spa®na\ ª:r;uan Sijiinº ;u anor ;tin kangna‘ øligar.i bargauayman! Bnakan h% or Fa\astani øligar.ian na.entrh ®ousakan dramaglou.in f;t gor‘;l% qani a,.atanqa\in m,ako\jn;re famafounc ;n irarou ;u karo[ ;n miasin enjanal! Isk galow inqni,.anouj;an^ k*oux;m es;l% or

na.% inqni,.anoujiune bazar]ak arvhq ch% a\sør \arab;rakan h! :rkrord^ Fa\astane inqni,.anouj;nhn mas me korsnzouza‘ h ardhn% ;rb dar]au Mi=axga\in a®;utouri kaxmak;rpouj;an andam! Fa\astan ‘anr partqi tak h! Jh ;uropakan enk;rakzoujiun ;u jh Maqsa\in miouj;an paraga\in inqni,.anouj;an masnaki karoust piti ella\! Or;uh p;touj;an famar w;rp;takan ;u w;raxga\in ka®o\zn;rou andamakzoujiun jh .or gor‘akzoujiun k*;njadrh inqni,.anouj;an oro, irauounqn;rh xi=oum kam fravaroum! Inqni,.anoujiune ªbazar]ak arvhq chº xargazo#[ ;rkrn;ri famar% incpisin% ørinak% Fa\astann h% jh# bolor ;rkrn;ri famar% a\d juoum m;‘ throujiunn;ri! Bolor p;toujiunn;roun famar inqni,.anoujiune bazar]ak ch! Ba\z m;‘ throujiunn;re% fimq oun;nalow ir;nz n;rqin karo[akanoujiunn;re ;u t;[e mi=axga\in famakargin mh=% inqni,.anouj;an g;tni wra\ \arab;rakanørhn gor‘;lou au;li la\n ,r=agi‘ ounin% \atkaphs inqxinqnin ouri,n;rou partadr;lou g‘ow! A\sør ke t;sn;nq% jh incphs g;rmanazin;re karo[ ;n ir;nz kamqe ;u lou‘oumn;re partadr;l Faraua\in :uropa\i ;rkirn;roun (|ounastan% Italia% Spania% "orjoukal) :uropakan Miouj;an yambow! A\st;[ g;rmanakan dramaglou.e inqxinq ke partadrh :uramiouj;an andam ,at me ;rkirn;roun! Paron P;tros;an% Âousastaniz Fa\astani ka.oume endoun;li# ca';ri h^ fa,oui a®n;low fand;r] Fa \astani qa[aqakan da,toum fnco[ a\n \a\tararoujiunn;re% or ªdarauor kap;r <ar& h= 13

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HRTO{ANI ’RAGR:AL >A{:RE }A>O{ANQI MATNOUA’ APTOULLA POXQOURD Jrqakan Today's Zaman angliata® j;rji siunakagir Aptoulla Poxqourd 32 tar;kan h! Anika wka\oua‘ h Isjanpouli Pos`ori Famalsaranhn Psakauor Arou;stiz tit[osow^ Mi=axga\in "o.\arab;rouj;anz ;u Fanra\in Warcagitouj;an mh=% isk Niu :orqi Qoloumpia Famalsaranhn Magistros Arou;stiz tit[osow^ Mi=axga\in Farz;rou mh=! Stor;u w;ro\i,;al j;rji D;kt;mb;r 9% 2013-i lo\s en‘a\oua‘ mhk \ødoua‘in axat jagmanoujiune! ’& >mb& Warcap;t Â;y;' Ja\\ip Hrto[an ir qa[aqakan gor‘ounhouj;an ];®nark;z \a®a=dimakan \a\tagrow% or npastauor ar]agang gtau entro[n;rou la\n fasarakouj;an me møt! <outow% saka\n% anika ord;gr;z \;tadimakan \a\tagir me% our tirap;to[ dar]au qa[aqakan islamoujiune! Vo[owourdin mh= ou®yazo[ a\s \ousa.aboujiune ckrzau manauand øgtagor‘;l tkar enddimadroujiune! Amrazn;lou famar tirap;takan ir dirqe% n;rka\is Hrto[an ke 'or]h jøja';l ir au;lord nkata‘ na.a];®noujiunn;re% ardhn gor‘;low karg me s.aln;r% xors piti ckar;na\ darman;l! A®a=ine% ank,®adat ir na.a];®nouj;an% ord;groumn hr islamisj ‘ragrin^ n;rqin jh artaqin qa[aqakanouj;an bnakagaua®n;rhn n;rs% lq;low bar;kargic ir gor‘;re% patya® da®nalow axatakann;rou ou ca'auorakann;rou irmh f;®azoumin! A\s w;r=inn;re a\l;us c;n .a'ouir ,aqarapat ou .ab;patir ørhnsdrakan bar;norogoumn;rhn% ;rb i xørou ke mna\ \;tadimakan \a\tagir me! Ørinakan bar;kargoumn;rou ,arqe% or ;njadrabar jrqakane piti famakargouhr Mardkanz Irauounqn;rou :uropakan At;anin f;t% w;r=in pafou bar;'o.oumow me ke nouax;znhr pative ir;n møtik \anzagor‘n;roun% oronq ms.a‘ hin vo[owourdhn gan]oua‘ tourq;re! W;r=;rs% wau;razman famar .orfrdaran n;rka\azoua‘ ®amkawarazman (democratization) \andougn ‘ragri me mh=% .ist pativn;r k*a®a=adrouhin bolor anonz dhm% oronq fauaqo\ji axatouj;an (freedom of assembly) irauounqe ke gor‘adrhin! Kar;li ch qa[aqazin mhk angamh au;li .ab;l! :rkrorde% ga[a'arakan famoxoumn;rh m[oua‘% ko[mnoro,oumn hr artaqin qa[aqakanouj;an me% or Jourqian a®a=norda‘ h gr;jh m;kousazoumi Mi=in Ar;u;lqi ;u Fiusisa\in A'rikhi mh=% ;u ankh andin! Jh;u Artaqin Gor‘oz Na.arar Afmht Tauoutø[lou mian,anak ke m;rvh nman qnnadatoujiunn;r% matnan,;low maqoqa\in ir ou[;uoroujiunn;re dhpi baxmajiu ;rkirn;r% .orfrdakz;lou famar jourq fiupatosn;roun f;t! Saka\n zauali iro[oujiunn a*\n h% or Jourqia lousanzqi mh= ]goua‘ h ir isk ,r=anin mh=% ou bnakanabar ,at au;lin^ mi=axga\in farz;rou kapakzouj;amb! Hrto[an ke pndh takauin% jh a,.arf iw;r=o\ piti ord;grh Jourqio\ t;sakhte :giptosi ou Sourio\ nkatmamb% oronz f;t ir \arab;roujiunn;re .xa‘ h! Mius ko[mh% Iraqi f;t ir watjar 'o.\arab;roujiunn;re% ou w;r=aphs% ;rkar tatanoumn;rh ;tq% fama]a\n gtnouile ir w;rendounman^ gor‘arkouj;an famar :uropakan Miouj;nhn n;rs% famaxør ;n ]a.o[ qa[aqakanouj;an! N;rqin yakati wra\ Hrto[ani vo[owrdawar patk;re lour= enkrkoumn;r oun;zau! A\sphs% 'or]ou;zau 'ak;l% anfatn;rou ko[mh `inansauoroua‘ ,our= 4000-i fasno[ a\laxan makardaki warvarann;r - Jourqio\ ;u a\l ;rkirn;rou mh=-% oronq \au;loua‘akan dasenjazq-

n;r fastata‘ ;n% \a=o[oujiun ];®q ]g;lou famar bar]r mrzakzoujiun oun;zo[ p;takan qnnouj;anz mh=% inc or xa\ro\j \a®a=azouza‘ h milionauor ‘no[n;rou møt! I,.anoujiune no\nisk nkato[ouj;an chr a®a‘ nman na.a];®nouj;an me niujakan wnasin taro[oujiune^ so\n dprozn;re 'ak;lou famar% takauin a®anz nkati a®n;lou ørinakan ;u enk;ra\in dvouaroujiunn;re! Dafliyin ou tiro[ kousakzouj;an karg me andamn;r a®arka‘ ellalow% nman traqon;an% Aptoul la Poxqourd an.of;m qa\lin famar% Hrto[an% t;[i talow% a®vamaphs fravara‘ h a\s mi=oza®oumhn! :rrorde% ke w;rab;ri ªJara`º øraj;rjin ko[mh \a\tnab;roua‘ Axga\in Apafowouj;an >orfourdi 2004 jouakane kro[ 'astajou[j;roun% oronq storagroua‘ hin Hrto[ani ;u ir na.ararin ko[mh% ‘ragr;low b;kanoume (crack-down) fauatqi .mbauoroumn;rou (faith-based groups)% n;ra®;al Fiqmhji ,arvoume% or n;r,ncoua‘ ou g.auoroua‘ h fanra‘anøj ~;jfoulla Kiulhni ko[mh! So\n 'astajou[j;re ke baza\a\thin na;u minc;u m;r ør;roun% f;tapndoume Al;uin;roun ou qriston;a\ misionarakan .mbauoroumn;roun! Mincd;® nor fraparakoua‘ 'astajou[j;r ke \a\tnab;rhin s;u zanki wra\ anza‘ mardik ou .mbauoroumn;r – Al;ui kam qriston;a\-% oronz m;rvoua‘ hin fanra\in pa,tønn;r% kam^ ,norfaxrkoua‘ hin! Ibr;u w;r=in mi=oz% Hrto[an dim;z spa®naliqn;rou% incphs k*enhin ;rkire ka®awaro[ na.kin xørawarn;re% farka\in gras;n;aki ko[mh fa,ou;qnnouj;amb% ;u oyra\in ou qa[aqa\in (civil) dat;r banalow j;rj;rou% ou xanonq f;taxøto[ lragro[n;rou dhm% oronq ke qø[ax;r‘hin p;touj;an a[tot laj;re! Hrto[ani a\s ;rkrord m;‘ s.aln hr mhk amsouan mh=! Mincd;® anika fraparaka\in parx n;ro[amtoujiun me krnar \a\tn;l% w;ro\i,;al ‘ragirn;rou dhm kataroua‘ otn]goujiunn;rou dhm% kam% anfatn;rou safmanadrakan irauounqn;rou b®nabarman famar% ardaradatakan anka. marmni me qnnarkman 'o.anz;low \anzauorn;rou f;tapndoume! Hrto[an ir fraparaka\in ya®;row ko.krt;z i,.anouj;an gor‘adir ;u ardaradatakan marminn;rou mi=;u gtnouo[ nourb safmanagi‘e! Est ir;n% ;jh ardaradatoujiune cmi=amthr% b®nadatoua‘ k*ellar safmanadroujiune! ªJara`º j;rje% ir kargin% xinq ambastan;z safmanadrouj;an na.atoua‘ ellale axat .øsqi b®nabarouj;amb! Jourqio\ xørauor marde^ Hrto[an% k*ouxh otnako. en;l or;uh enddimoujiun& ;rhk% xørawarn;rn hin% isk a\sør^ axatamit ou pafpano[akan .mbauoroumn;rn ;n% Kiulhne^ n;ra®;al& isk wa[e^ na.agaf Aptoulla Kiuli fauatarimn;re! Warcap;te ke 'or]h jourq fanrouj;an partadr;l qa[aqakan islamouj;an ou[[a'a® arvhqe& Jourqio\ a\s f;®ankarin faka®akordn;re piti ,arounak;n ba.oum oun;nal Hrto[ani f;t! Tnt;sakan famakarge dvgof h anor artaqin qa[aqakanouj;nhn% orowf;t;u Jourqia ,ouka\ korsnzn;lou wra\ h! A\s enjazqow% qa[aqaziin partq;re piti au;lnan% manauand inqna,arvn;rou ou Jargm&^ Sargis |& Minas;an <ar& h= 13

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NOR ØR% |OUNOUAR 2% 2014

68 <ABAJ MINC:U FA|OZ Z:{ASPANOUJ:AN 100-AM:AK :#rb Mia]a\n Piti Irakanazn;nq M;r Pafan=atiroujiune! Ør;rn ou ,abajn;re anxga\ørhn ke jaualin safoun ;u an]a\n% a®anz or s'iu®qafa\oujiune kar;na\ Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an pafan=atirouj;anz% ;u takauin^ 100 am;aki \i,atakouj;anz ørinakan ;u mian,ak n;rka\azouzicn;r oun;nal! Anz;al ,abaj% fa\kakan ;r;q auandakan kousakzoujiunn;rou fandipoumin enjazqin% Ph\rouji mh=% Libanan% incpisi# ardiunqi fasa‘ krnan ellal kousakzoujiunn;re% bazi ir;nz miaz;al \a\tararouj;nhn! Or;uh frafang kam ou[[oujiun piti fraparako#ui ard;øq% jh an piti mna\ \a\tararouj;an kam koci farjakin wra\! Ar;umt;an :uropa\i mh= ardhn ke gor‘;n ;u \a\tararoujiunn;r k∞ar]akouin xanaxan kaxmak;rpoujiunn;rou ko[mh% oronzmh omanq qa=oujiunn ounin Ar;umt;an Fa\astani ka®awaroujiun anouan;l ir;nq xir;nq! Miaz;al Nafangn;rou Ar;umt;an ,r=anakin mh=% 5 tarin;rh i w;r go\oujiun oun;za‘ Fa\kakan Miaz;al Marmin me% or ir ,our= fauaqa‘ h 50-h au;li fa\kakan kaxmak;rpoujiunn;r ;u mioujiunn;r% fimnakan gor‘ounhoujiun oun;nalow Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an og;kocoume tarouh tari! A\s marmine ke patrastouhr famaga[ouja\in masnakzouj;amb ;u 100 am;aki pat,ay ,ouqow og;koc;lou Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100 am;ake! Saka\n^ tari me a®a=% st;[‘ou;zau a\l g;rago\n famakargo[ marmin me% or piti [;kawarhr a®a=in Miaz;al Marmine! Isk a\vm^ a\d marmine ke =ana\ st;[‘;l 5 a\l ;njaka\ \an]na.oumb;r% oronq piti xba[in 100 am;aki tarouan mi=oza®oumn;rou kaxmak;rpman a,.atanqn;row! Minc a\l ;rkou ªMarminn;rº% oronz ;njaka\oujiune takauin \stak ch fa\ ga[oujin% min "asatina\i mh=% ke =ana\ a®an]in a,.atanqow irakanazn;l \ou,akojo[i me ka®ouzoume ir marmnow% isk miuse% Kl;nth\li mh= a\l ªMarminowº! ªMarminn;reº ;u ª\an]na.oumb;reº baxmaza‘ ;n kar‘hq Los Any;lesi mh= ;u c;nq git;r inci# wra\ ;u inco#u ke pa\qarin! Npatake MHK h ch#% mia,ounc ;u mia]a\n og;koc;l Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100-am;ake!

WIKILEAKS-I GA{TNAX:R’A’&&& <ar& h= 1-hn

nakn;re groua‘ ;n incphs {araba[i fa\;rhnow% a\nphs hl ®ous;rhnow! {araba[i fa\;rhni ;u soworakan fa\;rhni mi=;u tarb;roujiun ka\! Ou,adroujiun dar]rhq% or soworakan fa\;rhnow groua‘ c;n fasarakakan zouzanakn;reº% gr;l h na% apa katar;l mhk a\l ou,agrau ditarkoum& ª{araba[i fa\;re fauatarim ;n a®a=ine Âousastani% apa nor Fa\astani nkatmambº! Am;rikazi w;rlou‘abane ir fiazmounqn h arta\a\t;l Arza.i bna,.arfi ;u yartarap;takan \ou,ar]ann;ri nkatmamb& ªL;®na\in {araba[e iskaphs lau wa\r h a\z;l;lou famar! A\n g;[;zik h% b;rri% yanaparfn;re ;u fiuranozn;re lau ;n ka®ouzoua‘% gr;jh amhn qa\la'o.i kan ;k;[;zin;r% \anzagor‘oujiunn;ri makardake za‘r hº% nkat;l h na! Apa andrada®nalow arza.zi xinouorn;rin^ w;rlou‘abane pnd;l h% or nranq tara‘a,r=ani lauago\n xinouorn;rn ;n! ª{araba[i fa\;re an;r;uaka\;li kata[i xinouorn;r ;n% j;r;us lauago\ne tara‘a,r=anoum! D;® c;c;nakan pat;raxmi tarin;rin Pasa\;ue ir mardkanziz ,at;rin ou[ark;l h {araba[i fa\;ri møt marxou;lou npatakow! Atrph\yanzin;re git;n a\s masin! Atrph\yanzin;re patrast c;n pat;raxm;l a\nphs% incphs ®ousn;re c;c;nn;ri dhmº% gr;l h na! N,;nq% or am;rikazi w;rlou‘abane ,'oj;l h na;u patmakan 'ast;re! |a\tni h% or 1993 jouakanin <amil Pasa\;ue c;c;n grofa\inn;ri f;t masnakz;l h L{F dhm m[ouo[ Atrph\yani pat;raxmoum! Atrph\yane Pasa\;ui .mbauormane oc jh goumarow% a\l xinamj;rqow hr war]afato\z linoum% oronq ;u tramadroum hr c;c;n an=ato[akann;rin ÂD Da,na\in i,.anoujiunn;ri dhm pa\qari famar!



|ousali ma[janqn;r 1& Anpa,tpan;aln;roun% ardaramit ou .[yamit p;takan an]iq jo[ pa,tpan kangnin! 2& Fa\r;niqin ‘a®a\o[ xinouorin Astoua‘ mi,t pafapan ella\! 3& Fa\astan bar;k;zikoujiune famafauasar ella\! Anøjin;re^ snound% isk antounin;re^ bnakaran oun;nan! 4& Ardar bo[oqn;rou ]a\ne ls;li da®na\% no\nphs safmanadrouj;an ørhnqn;re partadir da®nan bolorin an.tir! 5& Axgawnas artaga[jo[n;rou fosanqe kas;zoui! 6& Anz;alin ;u n;rka\in ;rkrin oun;zoua‘qe iurazno[n;roun .[yafaroujiune \au;rvakan da®na\! 7& Wa,.a®oun;rn ou m;na,norf;aln;re .stago\n pativi ;njarkouin ;u anf;tazouin! 8& Ardarouj;an wra\ vo[owourdi \o\sn ou fauatqe amrapndoui! 9& Fa\astani mh= au;li maqour fa\;rhn gr;n ou .øsin! 10& Fa\astane iskaphs bolor fa\;rou fa\r;niqe da®na\! 11& P;toujiune ‘a®a\;zn;l vo[owourdin ;u oc jh vo[owourde da®na\ p;touj;an ‘a®an! 12& Fa\ ;k;[;zakanin amrakou® fauatq ;u fa,t sirow ø‘oun .nkabo\r .oran! 13& Fa\ manoukin srtax;[oun% anm;[^ vpit ou ‘i‘a[! Pa®au mamikin =;rm entan;kan fogatar øya. ;u qa[zr \i,atak apra‘ ør;rou! 14& Fa\astani mh= ;u s'iu®s a,.arfi% dasakan-M;srop;an ou[[agroujiune \aroujiun a®nh ;u ørhnqow amragroui% isk Ab;[;anakan ou[[agrouj;an daga[e droui .orqe ananoun dambani! 15& S'iu®qafa\in go\at;u;lou an,;[% annkoun kamq% a®a=adranq ou pafan=atirouj;an \arat;u pa\qar! I


:anik;ane \o\sow hr% or datawaroujiune jo\l kou ta\ bar]razn;l Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 'aste% oroun wkan;re d;® o[= hin% saka\n data.ax T;uid Minn;re jo\l ctouau gor‘enjaze w;ra‘;l Z;[aspanouj;an .orqow bazatr;lou arari me! :anik;ane fandhs ;kau orphs Z;[aspanouj;an miak wka\in enk;r ;u jargmanic Aram Saro\;ane! An patm;z% jh incphs jourq;re spanna‘ ;n ir 26 faraxatn;re% incphs an% jaqnou;low% t;sa‘ jh jourq;re ke ktr;n ir ;[bør wixe! An \a\tarar;z% or spanna‘ h jourq diuanaghtn;re orphs ªir vo[owrdin ocncazouza‘ ka®awarouj;an andamn;rouº! 1973 j& |oulisin an datapartou;zau zmaf bantarkouj;an! 1984 jouakanin an axat ar]akou;zau a®o[=akan wiyaki watjarazman patya®ow ;u mafazau mhk amis anz! ASALA-n skxbnakan ,r=anin ke kocouhr ªKalanauor Gourghn :anik;ani .oumbº! I

A|S H+E KE FOWANAUOR:N THR :U TIK& ASP:T FAMAL:AN Amanori ;u S& ’nnd;an tøn;rou a®ijow% srtagin bari ma[janqn;r ouninq m;r bolor faraxatn;roun! Jo[ 2014-e ella\ \a=o[oujiunn;rou ;u 'a'aqn;rou irakanazman tari me

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(<ar na.ord jiuhn ;u w;r=) Ardar;u% Na.agaf Øpama\i ;u Qartou[ar Yon Qhrrii a\s a®ijow toua‘ bazatroujiunn;re a\nphs ke j;ladr;n or Mi=in Ar;u;lqi kapakzouj;amb nor mta‘o[oujiun me k*ourouag‘oui am;rik;an p;takan warcakarghn n;rs% ;u jh a\d mta‘o[oujiune anaknkal xargazoum me ch% a\l am;rik;an axga\in ,af;rh ;u nkata®oumn;rh ‘na‘ tramabanakan mtadroujiun me% or ir =atagown;re ouni ;*u warcakan% ;*u f;taxøtakan% ;*u qa[aqakan marminn;rh n;rs! I#nc ;n a\s nor mta‘o[ouj;an fimnakan tarr;re! -Am;rika \ognaspa® h tasn;ak tarin;rh i w;r t;uo[ irara\a=ord pat;raxmn;rou st;[‘a‘ niujakan% tnt;sakan ;u baro\akan tagnapn;rhn ;u anonz st;[‘a‘ anbar;npast f;t;uanqn;rhn! Ardar;u% Iraqi ;u A`[anistani xo\g pat;raxmn;re zard Am;rika\i fanra\in gan]atounin% ;u vo[owourdin% arva‘ ;n a®asp;lakan goumarn;r% or xanaxan `inansaghtn;rou gnafatanqow ke taroub;ri 3&5 ;u 4 ;®ilion (Drillion) tolari safmann;roun mh=% a®anz mo®nalou faxarauor mafaza‘% wirauoroua‘ ;u fa,mandam ;[a‘ xinouorakan an]nakaxmi paragan;re! F;t;uabar% 2008 jouakanhn i w;r t;uo[ ;u ,arounakouo[ tnt;sakan sour tagnape ke partadrh or Am;rika x;[=h fimnakan k;rpow ir xinouorakan ‘a.s;re% f;®ou mna\ artaqin xinouorakan mi=amtoujiunn;rh ;u anonz st;[‘a‘ qa[aqakan tagnapn;rhn% oronq n;rqin qa[aqakan k;anqe ;u tnt;sakan na.apatououjiunn;re taknouwra\ k*en;n! -N;rka\ am;rik;an warcakarge ;ka‘ h a\n famoxoumin or am;rik;an artaqin xinouorakan mi=amtoujiunn;re apardiun 'or];r ;n qa[aqakan nor iro[oujiunn;r st;[‘;lou kam t;uakanazn;lou o*c mia\n Mi=in Ar;u;lqi a\l a,.arfi o;uh mhk ankiunin mh=! Ardar;u% w;r=in fariur tarin;roun tiro[ ;u i,.o[ mta\nouj;an faka®ak a®a=in angamn h or am;rik;an warcakarg me a\s kar;uor fastatoume k*enh% ou Iraqi ;u A`[anistani pat;raxmn;rou 'or]a®ouj;an lo\sin tak farzadroumi k*;njarkh xin;al mi=amtoujiunn;rou qa[aqakan patya®abanoujiunn;re ;u ardarazoumn;re! -Iraqi ;u A`[anistani pat;raxmn;re patya® fandisaza‘ ;n or Mi=in Ar;u;lqi mh= ;r;uan gan nor ouv;r% oronq ir;nz ,r=ana\in mi=amtoujiunn;row arg;lq ke fandisanan am;rik;an famapar'ak qa[aqakanouj;an me kirarkoumin ;u gor‘adrouj;an! A\d a®an]naki mi=amtoujiunn;re% ;u xanonq fanra\in kar‘iqi a®=;u pa,tpan;lou safmanoua‘ fakadir loppiakan a,.atanqn;re Am;rika\hn n;rs% ke st;[‘;n nor tagnapn;r Am;rik;an warca];ui% N;rka\azouzicn;rou Tan ;u ’;rako\ti Palatin mi=;u% dvouarazn;low gor‘adir marmni qa[aqakan ou[;gi‘i me ;u ‘ragiri me m,akoume ;u an.a'an gor‘adroujiune jh* n;rqin ;u jh* artaqin yakatn;rou wra\! -Pa[;stini anlo\‘ farze Am;rik;an axga\in ,af;re ;njaka\ ke dar]nh t;uakan t;[akan ;u ,r=ana\in ouv;rou ;u bnakcoujiunn;rou fakadrouj;an ;u j,namouj;an% iro[oujiunn;r oronq v.takan andradar] me k*oun;nan Am;rika\i mi=axga\in 'o.-\arab;rouj;anz wra\% safmana'ak;low anonz taro[oujiune ;u karo[akanoujiune ;u na;u ;rkrin wra\ frauir;low ‘a\ra\;[ fakadir ouv;rou wriva®akan gor‘o[oujiunn;re! 1948 jouakanhn i w;r Isra\hli nkatmamb Am;rika\i b®na‘ bazar]ak famakir k;zoua‘qe ir v.takan andradar]e oun;za‘ h o*c mia\n arabakan ;rkirn;rh n;rs% a\l na;u endfanraphs Islamakan ;rkirn;rh n;rs% amhn a®ijow bardouj;an nor .au me ;u fango\z me au;lzn;low Am;rika\i artaqin 'o.\arab;rouj;anz houj;an wra\! -ªArabakan Garounºi b;ra‘ \;[a,r=oumn;re anzno[ ;rkou kam ;r;q tarin;roun nor kazoujiun me ;u irakanoujiun me st;[‘a‘ ;n Mi=in Ar;u;lqhn n;rs! Am;rik;an warcakarge% incphs na;u ,at ouri,n;r% anaknkali ;ka‘ ;n a\d \;[a,r=oumn;rou ;tin ;[o[ vo[owrda\in po®jkoumhn ;u embostazoumhn% or karg me auandakan fasarakarg;r tapal;z ou takauin ke spa®na\ au;li .or 'o'o.oujiunn;r \a®a= b;r;lou a\l fasarakarg;rh n;rs! A\s nor kazouj;an mh= ir f;t;ua‘ na.kin qa[aqakan warqagi‘;roun f;t;uanqow Am;rikan i wiyaki ch a\s nor ouv;roun mh= ir;n wstafo[ da,nakizn;r kam fama.ofn;r gtn;lou% inc or ke safmana'akh ;u ke nouax;znh anor ®axmawarakan d;rakataroujiune! A\s ditarkoumn;rhn m;kna‘ Mi=in Ar;u;lqi nor qa[aqakan ou[;gi‘i me m,akoume ;u gor‘adroujiune vamanakh me i w;r dar]a‘ h Øpama\i warcakargi diuanagitouj;an fimnakan farz;rhn min! Na.agaf Øpama\i warcakarge ;ka‘ h a\n famoxoumin% or n;rka\ \arab;roujiunn;rou mjnolorte o*c mia\n wnas ke fasznh Am;rika\i axga\in ,af;roun% a\l na;u arg;lq ke fandisana\ gor‘øn k;rpow nor forixonn;r baza\a\t;lou a,.atanqn;roun! A\s nor forixonn;rou 'nt®touqe soworakan marx;rhn dours mta‘o[oujiun ke <ar& h= 14

Vira\r Na\iri

Fa\oujiune .or zauow imazau Vira\r Na\irii mafouan go\ve! Âatiø S;uani ka\ane ir fa[ordoumn;rou enjazqin gouv;z mafe^ ªLibananafa\ ga[ouje korsnzouz ir arvanauor xauakn;rhn fraparakagir% 1929-in ‘na‘ Vira\r Na\irin% boun anounow vira\r Jøsoun;anº! Mhk tari ;us ;jh aprhr% piti n,hinq ir ‘nnd;an 85 am;ake% fasarakakan ansakark ‘a®a\ouj;an 65 am;ake ;u ir j;rjin^ ªNa\iriºi 20 am;ake! A\sør% an.a®n fpartouj;amb% krnanq es;l or 65 ;rkar tarin;rou enjazqin% yanczanq Vira\r Na\irin^ ibr;u .mbagir% kousakzakan enk;r ou [;kawar% ‘anøjazanq ir mta‘;lak;rpin ou ga[a'arakan skxbounqn;roun mhk .øsqow% ir wastakin^ m;r kaxmak;rpouj;an ou axgin! M,taphs patnh,i wra\ mnalou ;u enj;rzo[n;rou f;t f;t;uo[akanørhn fa[ordakz;lou ir \an]na®ouj;an dimaz% ;rb ke kardanq ªNa\iriºin% ªXro\z enj;rzo[is f;tº ir jankagin .orfourdn;re% \arganqow k*endouninq xanonq! Ir .mbagrakann;row nouaya‘ hr tasn;ak faxarn;rou shre^ lo\s a,.arf b;ra‘ hr y,martouj;an anl®;li ]a\ne% ir gricowe satara‘ hr^ fauatqi% \o\si ou lo\si&&& axatagrakan fauaqakan pa\qarin% Fa\ Datin! Arza.e ir sirtn hr% ir ogin% ir ariune! Gitakiz hr or axg;r k*aprin ou ke go\at;u;n mia\n fa\r;niqow! An patk;rn hr Ma\r Fa\r;niqin! A\nqan axniu% a\nqan bari! Ir am;najankarvhq s;'akanoujiune ank;[‘oujiunn hr! |andougn ou \a.ou®n hr fa\;azqow ou k;zoua‘qow! Kangna‘ hr va\®i katarin% bar]r% bar]r! Fpa*rt hr ir fa\ouj;amb fa\oz bar]r sar;rou phs! Imazakan bar]r karo[ouj;an thr f;[inakoujiun men hr an! Dasa.øsouj;an enjazqin farz;re ke w;rlou‘hr ir ;[anakow! Møt;zoume gitakan hr% fangrouana\in farze ke bavnhr

Vira\r Jiujiuny;an

mas;rou% apa^ ;njabavanoumn;rou ;u iuraqanciur bavin spa®ic k;rpow ke w;rlou‘hr% a®anz yapa[;lou% irar .a®n;lou! Ke mnar mi,t kixakhtin wra\! Vam;r ,arounak% otqi wra\% ke .øshr% ke lousabanhr ou ke patas.anhr! Ke magnisaznhr q;x! O*c mhk tatamsoum! Fraparaka.øsi ;lo\jn;rou iskakan banauor mardn hr an! Fa\ouj;an ;u ambo[= mardkouj;an fandhp ir oun;za‘ shre \au;rvakan a[øjq hr a® Astoua‘! Amhn inc anzau! Ba\z&&& amhn inc ch% or mo®zou;zau&&& Ir sira‘ amsouan^ No\;mb;rin% 'ak;z ir acq;re a\s ;rkri wra\% ‘a®a\ouj;an patnh,i wra\&&& ir k;anqe xofab;ro[ martike Nor Tarouan ªNa\iriºi baza®ike ke srbagrhr! Grice d;® jaz h minc fima! Ir jank k;anqe sir;nq m;r fa\r;ni ;rg;rou phs% no\nisk bavanoumhn \;to\! An ke ,arounakh april \auit;nakan k;anqow m;r srt;roun mh=&&& Srtis anjiu acq;roun mh= ir acq;rn ;n d;®&&& Fogiis anjiu akan=n;roun mh= ir =;rm .øsq;rn ;n d;®&&& m;r f;xanau S;uani phs&&& sirts k*out;n \ou,;rn m;r&&& m;r ør;re fin&&& ke w;rak;ndananan anz;ali qa[zr \i,atakn;row! Vira\r Na\irii g;r;xmanow% g;r;xman c*i=au ir a,.arfn ou ;raxn;re ;u w;ranorog k;anqi kocou;zau anor shre% ‘a®a\oujiunn ou pa\qare fa\r;niqin famar% fama\n mardkouj;an barørouj;an famar! Fa\r;nashr% mardashr% ;xaki an]nauoroujiun! :[ba\rouj;an da,t;r akøso[ Vira\r Na\irin arvanaza‘ h xanaxan parg;un;rou% mrzanakn;rou% ,qan,ann;rou ;u a\ln! Cors girq;r f;[inaka‘ h^ ªFa\r;ni Ktouri Takº% ªFa\oun Ar;umoutqeº% ª|isnam;ak W;ra‘nouj;an ;u "a®qiº ªFncak;an Kousakzoujiune ;u Fa\kakan Fo[a\in Dateº! A\s w;r=ine span;rhni jargmanou;low lo\s en‘a\oua‘ h 1969-in% Arvanjini mh=! Vira\r Na\iri fauasaraphs ke ‘a®a\hr arvhqn;rou^ Fa\astanin ou fa\ vo[owourdin% apa na;u ir kousakzouj;an ou fa\ouj;an% mnalow anxi=o[ ir Fncak;ani krakow warakoua‘ skxbounqn;row [;kawarou;lou warqag‘in! Fa\ vo[owourdin ou fa\r;niqin g;rago\n ,af;re amhn banh a®a*= ou amhn banh w;*r nkata‘ hr! Fpartørhn ka®ca‘ hr fa\ m,akouja\in arvhqn;roun fa\ m,ako\je ir houjiunn hr! Y,marit gor‘i% fauatqi% orakauor gor‘i mardn hr! M;‘ hr an% m;‘ hr ou angin! A\nqan axniu% a\nqan bari! Imastoun fa\r hr&&& kirj ou qa[aqawari! L;ran nman amour ;u fauatarim hr ir entaniqin% <ar& h= 14

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NOR ØR% |OUNOUAR 2% 2014

Thursday, January 2, 2014 Volume 92, No. 1


Armenia Changes Ambassador To Mexico

YEREVAN. – Serzh Sargsyan, President of the Republic of Armenia, has signed a decree on Thursday. Pursuant to the decree, Tatul Margaryan has been relieved of his duties as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Armenia to the United Mexican States. President Sargsyan has signed another decree. With the aforesaid decree, Grigor Hovhannisyan is appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Armenia to the United Mexican States. Ambassador Hovhannisyan’s diplomatic residence will be in the Mexican capital, Mexico City.

EU Voices Concern Over Corruption Scandal In Turkey

Anti-corruption protesters clash with the Turkish riot police on in Istanbul, Turkey, on December The European Union has voiced concern over a growing corruption scandal targeting the administration of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. In a statement issued on Friday, EU Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighborhood Policy Stefan Fule said he had been monitoring the developments in Turkey with “growing concern.” The EU official called on the Turkish government to “take all the necessary measures to ensure that allegations of wrongdoing are addressed without discrimination or preference in a transparent and impartial manner.” The EU statement came after dozens of Turkish officials and prominent businessmen close to Erdogan were arrested for inquiry on graft charges on December 17. However, the premier responded to the investigation by dismissing dozens of police chiefs.

Armenia, China To Cooperate In The Field Of Defense China will provide Armenia with military aid worth USD825,000 a year under an agreement signed by the two countries on 26 December. The Armenian Ministry of Defence (MoD) said in a statement that the funding was agreed during meetings in Beijing between Chinese de-

fence minister Chang Wanquan and his visiting counterpart, Seyran Ohanyan. The Armenian MoD added that the two sides also pledged to enhance collaboration in areas related to military medicine, education, and training, as well as military-technical co-operation.

Reception At NKR President’s Office On 28 December a solemn ceremony of awarding a group of people who had registered outstanding achievements in various spheres took place at the Artsakh Republic President’s residence. In his speech President Sahakyan underlined that daily painstaking work directed at strengthening the country, making it more prosperous, cementing our independent statehood was a unique expression of patriotism that deserved high appreciation. The President congratulated everybody on

being awarded and expressed confidence that it would give a renewed impetus to work with dedication and achieve new successes adding that achievements registered in different spheres were the victory of the entire nation contributing greatly to the overall progress.

I Wish Peace In The Whole World – Hakobyan Diaspora minister Hranush Hakobyan believed in New Year fairy-tale in her childhood, in the existence of Santa Claus and in the implementation of all the wishes while now her greatest wish for the New Year is peace in all parts of the world. “I wish peace in the whole world,” Hranush Hakobyan said speaking to Nyut.am. Hakobyan said her brightest New Year

memories are connected with her childhood. “I was the tallest in the school and had a strong voice that is why for few years I was playing Santa’s role, wearing Santa’s beard and giving presents to children. These were very impressive and pleasant moments. I was happy to give presents to the children,” the minister said.

Dozens Of Syrian Rebels Die In Government Ambush

Karabakh Armenians Are The Best Soldiers Of Region

Syrian state media distributed photos of the operation in the Qalamoun mountains Dozens of Islamist rebels have been killed by a Syrian army ambush in a strategic area near the capital Damascus. Activists and state media say the attack took place on Friday morning to the north of the town of Maaloula. State media said the men were linked to the al-Qaeda-affiliated al-Nusra Front. The region lies next to key roads linking Damascus with the north of the country and has been the scene of fierce fighting in recent months. The state-run Sana news agency said that an army unit had "ambushed terrorists, killing dozens of them and seizing their criminal tools".

The site of WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files, secret e-mails from the Texas headquartered "global intelligence" company Stratfor, which contain interesting information about the NagornoKarabakh. In particular the Senior Eurasia Analyst of Stratfor Lauren Goodrich reports in the letter written on 23 of February 2011 about his travel to Nagorno Karabakh. “The Karabakh Armenians are incredibly fierce fighters, perhaps the best in the region,” he writes. Then Goodrich notes that Nagorno Karabakh is very nice place. “It is beautiful, fertile, the roads and hotels are well built, there are churches on nearly every corner, crime is low,” the letter reads. He also notes that signs in NagornoKarabakh are in both Karabakh-Armenian and Russian. The language between Karabakh-Armenian and regular Armenian is different, he notices.

Vahan Hovhannisyan Appointed Armenia's Ambassador To Germany

YEREVAN, ARMENPRESS. Upon the decree of the President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan, Amen Martirosyan was relieved of his duties as the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to the Federal Republic of Germany. The Mass media and Public Relations Department of the President’s Office informed “Armenpress” that upon another presidential decree, the Deputy of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia Vahan Hovhannisyan has been appointed the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to the Federal Republic of Germany (resident in Berlin).

Lebanese Caretaker Premier Urges National Unity

Lebanese caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati has condemned the deadly bombing in the capital Beirut, calling for national unity. At least eight people were killed and over 70 others injured after a huge car bomb went off near the headquarters of Lebanon’s March 14 Alliance and the parliament in the capital, Beirut, on Friday. A senior figure of the March 14 Alliance and former finance minister, Mohammad Shatah, and a companion of his were among those killed in the blast. Shatah also served as an adviser to the country’s exprime minister, Saad al-Hariri. Mikati on Friday described the explosion as a crime, underlining the need for dialog among various political factions. “It is not the time for political battles and accusations,” he said. Mikati also called for an end to all violence, saying, “The Lebanese people have had enough.” No group has yet claimed responsibility for the Friday bombing.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday January 2, 2014


The Significance Of Christmas By Alice Krumian Once again, we come to the Holiday Season, to Christmas, which is the biggest festival for all, over most of the world. Different countries and cultures celebrate the birth of Christ in their own ways and traditions. However, the tradition of sending special Christmas greetings and spreading the spirit of Christmas are almost universal. Christmas poems, stories, and quotes mostly tell us what Christmas is all about. They all remind us that Christmas is the perfect time to spread the message of love among our brothers and sisters all over the world, apart from decorating our homes and workplaces, and exchanging gifts. The message of Christmas is very simple: It is loving others. That is why, many of us consider this holiday as an opportunity to act as volunteers and help the poor and the needy. Christmas began with the gift of the Christ Child. Because God gave Him to us at Christmas, we give gifts to loved ones to express our gratitude and appreciation for them. Thus, more than being a time or season, Christmas is a state of mind: to cherish peace and goodwill, to be filled with mercy, charity, kindness, forgiveness, and the feeling of human brotherhood, which is the true spirit of Christianity. A Christmas card once had made the following gift suggestions:

To your enemy, forgiveness; To an opponent, tolerance; To a friend, your heart; To all, charity; To every child, a good example; To yourself, respect. Thus, Christmas is a time to expand our giving, including the needy and the friendless, near and far. It is an occasion of sharing our blessings and making a difference in the world. A simple act of kindness and generosity can go a long way improving human life. We wait a year to celebrate it with our friends and family. Let's not forget those who are less fortunate and in distress all over the world, especially our brothers and sisters in Syria and Armenia. It is said that he, who does not have Christmas in his heart, will never find it under a tree. May the joy of Christmas give our nation the key to every closed door, dispel the darkness of animosity and darkness from our national life, and may God grant our Motherland peace, love, prosperity, and hope for the future. May our dear brothers and sisters, all over the world, be blessed with an abundance of happiness, goodwill and cheer. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR.

Nor Or Shapataterti undanik, The Holy Martyrs Armenian Day School (HMADS- New York) family extends very best wishes as we all greet you to say: Shunorhavor NOR DAREE YEV SOORP DSUNOONT Best wishes for a healthy, happy and productive year. With sincere appreciation for your year around support, Zarmine Boghosian HMADS Principal

AUA’S AGBU Papazian Library Hosts University Librarians From All Over Armenia YEREVAN, Armenia – On November 18, 2013, librarians from different universities of Armenia, as well as from the NGO Bridge of Hope, visited the American University of Armenia (AUA)’s AGBU Papazian Library in the framework of the EU Tempus IV project, entitled Access to Society for People with Individual Requirements. Library Director Satenik Avagyan and Head of Reference Hasmik Galstyan gave a tour of the Library facilities and presented the services available to patrons and students with special needs. The AGBU Papazian Library at the American University of Armenia is a mod-

AUA President Meets With Armenian High School Principals In California

ern, state-of-the-art research facility that serves over 12,000 patrons throughout the Republic of Armenia. The library is home to over 42,000 volumes of books and over 65,000 online journals and is equipped with individual study carrels, group study rooms, 35 computer workstations, and both wired and wireless internet access.

From left: Dr. Manoug Seraydarian, TCA Arshag Dickranian Armenian School; Talin Kargodorian, AGBU Vatche & Tamar Manoukian High School; David Ghougasian, Armenian Mesrobian School; John Kossakian, Holy Martyrs Ferrahian High School; Dr. Alina Dorian, Rose & Alex Pilibos, Dr. Hasmig Baran, Prelacy Armenian Schools Board of Regents; Dr. Bruce Boghosian, American University of Armenia; Maggie Sarkuni, Prelacy Armenian Schools Board of Regents; Sako Berberian, Prelacy Armenian Schools Board of Regents; Chris Keosian, Prelacy Armenian Schools Board of Regents GLENDALE, California – On Monday, December 16, 2013, President of the American University of Armenia (AUA) Dr. Bruce M. Boghosian met with the academic leadership of Armenian high schools in Southern California. Dr. Boghosian presented the broad range of AUA’s programs and fielded questions about student life and academics at AUA. The principals were overwhelmingly supportive of AUA, noting that they will encourage their students to consider applying to AUA as an option. They were eager to learn more about AUA’s Summer 2014 program, which may appeal to many graduates of these Armen-

ian high schools. Dr. Boghosian welcomed all prospective students to visit and learn more about AUA. To arrange for a group visit or a tailored individual tour of AUA’s campus, please email visitaua@aua.am. Founded in 1991, the American University of Armenia (AUA) is a private, independent university located in Yerevan, Armenia and affiliated with the University of California. AUA provides a global education in Armenia and the region, offering high-quality, graduate and undergraduate studies, encouraging civic engagement, and promoting public service and democratic values.


Celebrating The 22nd Anniversary Of The Independence Of Armenia On November 23rd 2013 internationally renowned Armenian singers and musicians direct from Armenia stormed the stage at the North Sydney Leagues Club on the occasion of the 22nd Anniversary of the Independence of Armenia. MC Vardouhi Lepejian introduced the artists one by one with their short biography and the artist’s achievement in their life time. The artists included Sona Shahgeldyan, Leyla Saribekyan, Arsen Grigoryan accompanied by wellknown musicians Garik Saribekyan and Tatevik Hayrumian led by the representative of Minister of Diaspora Greta Mnatzakanyan. The concert hall was filled with more than 500 people attending the concert to hear their favourite singers live on stage. The first part of the concert consisted of an introductory and welcoming speech from the representative of the Minister of Diaspora Greta Mnatzakanyan who delivered a wonderful opening speech about the mission of Minister of Diaspora and the development and the implementation of several projects such as Ari Tun, Pan-Armenian educational programs, my Armenia Festival, development of Diaspora Armenian public and Sunday schools dissemination of Armenian cultural heritage, which was then highlighted on the wide screen the Minister of Diaspora’s inspiring message to the audience about the Minister of Diaspora’s past 5 year plans and accomplished achievements. Sona

Shahgeldyan was the first on stage and received heavy applaud and cheering from the audience who were left astonished and amazed with her magical voice. One after another performed including Leyla Saribekyan and Arsen Gregoryan and the audience rushed to the dance floor and starting chanting accompanied by the talented maestro Garik Saribekian. The crowd continued dancing untill midnight, this was the first time in the history of the Armenian Community of Australia where the concert was dragged until midnight. The concert was under the auspices of his Grace Bishop Haigazoun Najarian Primate of Australia and New Zealand. To end the evening, His Grace delivered his speech highlighting the importance of the role of the Minister of Diaspora and indispensable importance of strengthening ties between Motherland and Diaspora and concluded the concert with a prayer. Special thanks go to the managing director of the organising committee Haig Lepejian committee member Vartouhi Lepejian, Minister of Diaspora’s adviser in Australia Edward and Alla Darpinyan, Arthur and Ira Grigoryan, Hasmig and Edgar Grigoryan and the rest of the committee members Jiro,Datev, Haig, and Jessica. The Concert was proudly sponsored by the Minister of Diaspora, and organised by Hayastan-Spyurk Australian Cooperative Committee. Armenian social Facebook pagehyetimez@hotmail.com

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday January 2, 2014


Gaddafi, The African Who Cleansed The Continent From The Humiliation Of Aparthei The Lies Behind The West's War On Libya

Pope Francis Named 'Time' Person Of The Year (2013)

By Jean-Paul Pougala, Pambazouka News, 14 April 2011

statements Time magathe urging zine has picked Church to be Pope Francis as closer to the its 2013 Person poor and to be of the Year, more merciful with the popuand less conlar pontiff beatdemning. ing President Time ManBarack Obama aging Editor several and Nancy Gibbs others for the said, "Rarely top honor. The has a new former Jorge player on the Bergoglio was stage world selected from a so captured short list of much attention so quickly, In his nine candidates including Syrian President months in office, he has placed himself at Bashar Assad, Amazon founder and Washthe very center of the central conversations ington Post owner Jeff Bezos, Iranian Presof our time: about wealth and poverty, fairident Hassan Rouhani, National Security ness and justice, transparency, modernity, Agency leaker Edward Snowden, Obama, globalization, the role of women, the nature Cruz, gay rights activist Edith Windsor, of marriage, the temptations of power." Health and Human Services Secretary Gibbs pointed out that the 76-year-old Pope Kathleen Sebelius, and entertainer Miley has "no army or weapons, no kingdom beCyrus, all of whom, for better or worse, yond a tight fist of land in the middle of made top headlines in 2013. Rome, but with the immense wealth and Pope Francis; born Jorge Mario weight of history behind, to throw down a Bergoglio (17 December 1936), is the 266th challenge." and current Pope of the Catholic Church. The Pope's message is also spreading to Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, as the son people beyond the church, said of Italian parents, Bergoglio worked briefly Gibbs."When he kisses the face of a disfigas a chemical technician before entering the ured man or washes the feet of a Muslim seminary. He was ordained a priest in 1969, woman, the image resonates far beyond the and from 1973 to 1979 was Argentina's boundaries of the Catholic Church," Gibbs Provincial Superior of the Society of Jesus. wrote in a piece explaining the magazine's He became the Archbishop of Buenos Aires selection. Pope Francis was chosen over all in 1998, and was created a Cardinal in 2001. the others, for many reasons, noted Gibbs, Following the resignation of Pope Benedict including his powerful message of "don't XVI on 28 February 2013, the subsequent just preach; listen. Don't scold; heal". Furpapal conclave elected Bergoglio as his sucther, Gibbs said Pope Francis "is a humble cessor on 13 March. He chose the papal man with a sense of timing who lives in a of Francis name Francis in honor of Saint hostel instead of the papal palace". More Assisi. Francis is the first Jesuit Pope, the than 3 million people showed up to see him first Pope from the Americas, the first Pope on Copacabana Beach in Rio de Janeiro last from the Southern Hemisphere, and the summer, said Gibbs, and churches report a first non-European Pope since Pope Gre“Francis effect” of lapsed Catholics returngory III, 1272 years earlier. ing to Mass and confession." Throughout his life, both as an individConcerning the Armenian GENOual and as a religious leader, Pope Francis CIDE, in 2006 , During events marking the has been noted for his humility, his concern 91st anniversary of the Armenian Genocide for the poor, and his commitment to diain Buenos Aires, then Archbishop of logue as a way to build bridges between Buenos Aires Jorge Mario Bergoglio urged people of all backgrounds, beliefs, and Turkey to recognize the Armenian Genofaiths. He is known for having a simpler cide as the “gravest crime of Ottoman papacy. the to approach and less formal Turkey against the Armenian people and Pope Francis, while affirming the present the entire humanity”. In 2010, Cardinal Church teachings, has stated that Catholics Jorge Mario Bergoglio, now Pope Francis, have concentrated officiously on condemnand Argentinean Rabbi Abraham Skorka, ing abortion, contraception, and homosexpublished a book entitled “On Heaven and ual acts, while neglecting the greater need Earth” (“Sobre el Cielo y la Tierra”) that for tenderness, mercy and compassion. was re edited in 2013. In the section “On the Furthermore, he emphasized the Christian Holocaust”, the Pope said: “The great obligation to assist the poor and the needy, powers washed their hands and looked the while upholding the orthodox teachings of other way because they knew much more the Catholic faith with clemency and optithan what they said, just like they washed mistic tone, as well as promoting interfaith their hands in the Armenian Genocide. At dialogue. that time the Ottoman Empire was strong, According to Reuters (12/20/2013), the world was in war and looked the other More than two million people have flocked way”. According to Newsmax (6.10,2013), to Pope Francis' general audiences in St. Pope Francis intends to visit Armenia in Peter's Square since his election in March, 2015 to commemorate the 100th anniverfour times the number that Pope Benedict sary of the Armenian genocide. The pontiff drew in all of 2012. The pope has drawn also referred to the mass killings of Armepeople to the Vatican because of his simple nians during World War I as "the first genoand friendly style. Pope Francis has also cide of the 20th century." proven to be hugely popular because of his Sources: 1- Time magazine (Vol.182,No.26, Dec.23,2013) 2- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope_Francis 3-http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/12/20/pope-francis-audience_n_4479891.html 4-http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/pope-Time-man-of-year-Francis/2013/12/11/id/541181 5- http://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2013/03/new-pope-francis 6- http://www.armradio.am/en/2013/05/01/pope-francis-the-great-powers-washed-their-hands 7-http://www.newsmax.com/TheWire/pope-francis-armenian-genocide-comment/2013/06/10/

Dear comrades-in-pen Though disgusted by the ECHR's recent 'wisdom' about 'free thought' and the Genocide... but I am not surprised at all to witness how 'prestigious institutions 'sell' their souls to the highest bidder ... Such 'controversies' are the usual and now already become ad nauseam ramblings of neo liberal politicians of the left and of the right, here and there, to exorcise their guilt of shameful denial of a historical veracity. No wonder the State of Israel 's official denial is echoed by the 'mother of all parliaments' too, not to mention Uncle Sam's lip service ramblings to Sagons 'officially unaccounted' $ 8.5 trillions for Mammon's military tentacles, caressing Turkey's denialist tail ... All these seem to mimic, alas, Hitler's conclusion of 'who cares about the Armenian massacres'... ECHR has conveniently forgotten the Preamble of the Verdict of the Permanent People's Tribunal of April 16th, 1964 --“Indeed, acknowledging genocide itself is a fundamental means of struggling against genocide. " No wonder why Bertold Brecht’s theatrical aphorism still continues to pinch and punch us all: “If sharks ruled the world, they would teach the little fish that it is a great honour to swim into the mouth of a shark.” The attached containes two articles illustrating Brecht's aphorism with factual, historical data when considered Africa in general and Libya in particular. The said lies are still functioning as Africa's invisible chains while being emulated in Syria and the whole Middle East ...Genocide has indeed become the warmongers collateral damage for their global plunder while chanting Hosanna in Mammon's Hell... I cannot resist pondering how easy it must have been for the Turkish Proto-Nazis to accomplish their macabre bestiality under the seemingly 'distressed' watchdogs of the great powers of the day, when public awareness/communication, media and IT were at their infancy compared to what it is now, albeit warmongers still continue their voracious 'sharky' appetites... Let's face the music of Christmas and dance...

Khatchatur Pilikian

Nelson Mandela and Muammar Gaddafi, Tripoli, October 1997 This article was first published on April 2011. Following the death of Nelson Mandela and in light of the ongoing struggle in Libya, it is an appropriate time to read these words again. It was Gaddafi’s Libya that offered all of Africa its first revolution in modern times – connecting the entire continent by telephone, television, radio broadcasting and several other technological applications such as telemedicine and distance teaching. And thanks to the WMAX radio bridge, a low cost connection was made available across the continent, including in rural areas. It began in 1992, when 45 African nations established RASCOM (Regional African Satellite Communication Organization) so that Africa would have its own satellite and slash communication costs in the continent. This was a time when phone calls to and from Africa were the most expensive in the world because of the annual US$500 million fee pocketed by Europe for the use of its satellites like Intelsat for phone conversations, including those within the same country. An African satellite only cost a onetime payment of US$400 million and the continent no longer had to pay a US$500 million annual lease. Which banker wouldn’t finance such a project? But the problem remained – how can slaves, seeking to free themselves from their master’s exploitation

ask the master’s help to achieve that freedom? Not surprisingly, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the USA, Europe only made vague promises for 14 years. Gaddafi put an end to these futile pleas to the western ‘benefactors’ with their exorbitant interest rates. The Libyan guide put US$300 million on the table; the African Development Bank added US$50 million more and the West African Development Bank a further US$27 million – and that’s how Africa got its first communications satellite on 26 December 2007. China and Russia followed suit and shared their technology and helped launch satellites for South Africa, Nigeria, Angola, Algeria and a second African satellite was launched in July 2010. The first totally indigenously built satellite and manufactured on African soil, in Algeria, is set for 2020. This satellite is aimed at competing with the best in the world, but at ten times less the cost, a real challenge. This is how a symbolic gesture of a mere US$300 million changed the life of an entire continent. Gaddafi’s Libya cost the West, not just depriving it of US$500 million per year but the billions of dollars in debt and interest that the initial loan would generate for years to come and in an exponential manner, thereby helping maintain an occult system in order to plunder the continent. To be continued

By Hambersom Aghbashian


Nor Or Weekly - Thursday January 2, 2014

Al Monitor: Turkish Academia And The Armenian Genocide Al Monitor presents an article about Armenian Genocide, which is presented here: Thousands of master’s theses and Ph.D. dissertations in the social sciences are written each year in Turkey. The Higher Education Board (YOK) keeps an electronic database of their topics and titles. A search in the database of dissertations on the Armenian genocide returns a striking result: Only four theses have been written on the issue and, as their titles immediately suggest, they all reflect Turkey’s official position on the massacres. The four titles are as follows: “Armenian genocide claims in view of international law,” “The importance of pressure groups, lobby activities within the context of the socalled Armenian genocide,” “Turkish-Armenian relations in history and the impact of Armenian genocide claims on Turkey’s European Union membership process” and “Armenian genocide claims in international law.” That is all Turkish universities have been able to produce in terms of theses on the topic of the Armenian genocide. How is this possible? Are there no academics willing to write dissertations contesting Turkey’s official history line and argue, for instance, that the 1915 events were a genocide? Or is there a state mechanism in place that doesn’t leave it up to chance? A Dec. 12 report in the bilingual Turkish-Armenian weekly Agos reveals that academics working on dissertations about the Armenian genocide are under the close scrutiny of the Turkish Historical Society (TTK). According to Agos, the TTK has asked YOK for the details of academics studying the Armenian issue and the YOK chairman, in turn, has asked universities to provide that information. A document Agos published indicates that the YOK chairman had asked universities to supply “the names of master’s and doctoral students working on the Armenian problem, the titles of their researches and contact information, in view of making them available to the Turkish Historical Society in the work it conducts.” As I mentioned in my previous article

for Al-Monitor, various government institutions in Turkey are busy making counter preparations for 2015, the 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide. The TTK is one of them. The society is likely to have requested the said information from YOK with a view of using it in those preparations. When Agos asked the TTK why they needed that information, a TTK official stated that scholarships might be offered to academics working in this realm. Agos then asked whether the TTK would give a scholarship to someone whose thesis qualifies the 1915 events as genocide. The official responded that, since the TTK does not officially recognize the Armenian genocide, providing a scholarship to such a study might not be possible. Agos argues that the TTK’s real motive is to control the academia and keep records of those working on the Armenian problem. A subsequent report in the Taraf daily backed up Agos’ argument that those studying the Armenian genocide are being secretly profiled. Two former presidents of Istanbul’s Bogazici University, interviewed by Taraf, shed light on how the censorship mechanism works in the academia. Ustun Erguder confirmed he had received letters from YOK with requests for information. “During my term as university president, YOK would send such letters, but we would dismiss them as [those requests] had nothing to do with our understanding of academic freedom. That’s

something that has been done for years. We had even received letters suggesting we made sure that theses 'supporting Turkish unity' were written. … It is out of the question for me to approve of YOK requests seeking out the names and details of those writing theses on the Armenian problem,” Erguder said. Another former Bogazici University president, Ayse Soysal, made the following comments: “I used to receive similar letters from YOK, while I was university president. It was routine. Two types of letters would come from YOK. One would be in the form of [suggestions] that we support studies backing the state’s official view on subject X or subject Y.” The insight the two former presidents provide on how the system functions explains why only four dissertations have been written on the Armenian genocide and why all happen to be in line with Turkey’s official view. In another article for Al-Monitor, I had written also about how Turkey’s non-Muslims' birth registries were marked with secret codes and how the non-Muslims could not become army officers, judges or policemen. And this latest example — the lack of even one academic thesis contesting Turkey’s official position on the Armenian problem — is another indication that certain taboo realms are besieged by unwritten but stern rules. True, the Armenian taboo has been broken in Turkish civil society and intellectual life. Yet, it continues to exist in this or that form in the “official” realm. Thanks to the exposure of practices such as the TTK request for information about academics studying the Armenian problem, we are getting clues on how Turkey’s official theses are being produced and sustained. No doubt, the exposed practices represent only part of the whole picture. To understand fully why, how and in what atmosphere Turkey’s official theses remain intact, the known pieces need to be brought together with the pieces that remain beyond our knowledge. Only then will we be able to know how Turkey’s official history theses are able to survive unchanged.

What Weapon Should Be Used To Fight Against Authorities...

“That his right, and from the point of view of the outcome, I do not think that something will change”,- so responded Ara Papyan, Head of “Modus Vivendi” Center, to the question of Aravot.am of how he assesses Nikol Pashinyan’s “Civil contract” initiative. He is pessimistic that it is possible to change something in Armenia with a political initiative. According to him, the fight has been moved to a pretty harsh field, when “the government openly says that it has the majority and nothing can stop it.” Mr. Papyan brings the example that the European countries conducted a referendum on EU membership, they amended even the Constitution, and in Armenia, the fate of 2-3 million people is decided by 70-80 people. To our question of what weapon should be used to fight against the authorities speaking in a language of “jerk” and “nothing can stop me”. Ara Papyan replied, “I particularly do not see a form of struggle as the main form of fighting is the elections. And, I do not think that the elections may change something in Armenia, consequently, people have chosen age-old proven form of fight, the migration.”

Tatev Harutyunyan

Grand Mufti And Patriarch Yazigi: Dialogue And Peaceful Solution Only Path To Salvation

From Qamishli To Kovsakan: Planting New Roots In Artsakh By Mary Mamyan do.

Sipping coffee in their apartment in Kovsakan, a town in southern Artsakh, Jirayr takes a friendly jibe at his mother-inlaw, 71 year-old Mrs. Khatoun. “She’s more Dashnak than even the most committed Dashhnak.” Mrs. Khatoun came to Kovsakan from the Syrian town of Qamishli last December. Now, she spends her time following the news, both local and international. She also likes to read the New Testament, a copy of which is placed at her bedside. “She read it so much, she knows it by heart,” jokes Jirayr. Mrs. Khatoun attended Armenian school in Qamishli up to the sixth grade. She knows how to read and write Armenian. When the school closed, local Armenians refused to send their kids to the Arab school. They felt it wasn’t the right thing to

Mrs. Khatoun has three daughters and a son. She was 24 when her husband died in a car crash. According to local Armenian tradition, she never remarried. “An Armenian woman must take care of her children,” she notes, adding that the community took care of widowed families. She now lives with her son Viken and his family in an apartment building allocated to Syrian-Armenians who have relocated to Artsakh. Viken Ohan and his wife Tamar have four children – Samvel, Bardi, Maral and Bekor. Viken proudly points out that in Syria, Armenian parents give their children only Armenian names. Samvel is the name of Viken’s father. It’s important because local Arabs address others as the ‘father of so and so’. For example, Viken must be addressed as, ‘the father of Samvel’. The father confesses that it was difficult

when they first moved to Kovsakan. The kids encountered various language problems in school, especially since many words used in class were Russian. Viken says that he misses Syria. He worked as a lathe turner and also owned land which he cultivated. He visited Armenia in 2005 and in 2010. Deciding to relocate, he first wanted to sell of his belongings so that he could start his own business here. But, when war broke out in Syria, he was forced to flee. He only had

time to sell his car. In Artsakh, Viken has fifty acres on which he grows wheat and barley. The family is now waiting to move into an apartment building in Kovsakan now being erected especially for Syrian-Armenians.

Damascus, (SANA) – Heads of Christian denominations in Syria performed prayers for peace in Syria at the Mariamete Cathedral in Damascus led by Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and all the East, John X Yazigi. After prayers, Grnd Mufti of the Republic, Ahmad Badreddin Hassoun, called for promoting amity and peace and mercy as preached by Jesus Christ, stressing that Syria will survive whatever its enemies do. The Grand Mufti warned Christians and Muslims against immigration, calling for investing their knowledge and money in the homeland and discarding fears of the destruction of Syria because it is the Syrian people who built the homeland and they will rebuild it. For his part, Patriarch Yazigi stressed that dialogue and peaceful solution are the only path for Syria's salvation. Patriarch Yazigi said, "The prayers and gathering at this church is a message of peace on behalf of us all on the occasion of Christmas. It is a message that cannot be expressed in words."

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1954 j& |ounisin Karhne pa,tpan;z diploma\in na.agi‘e% stanalow g;raxanzouj;amb diplom! Institoutoum Karhnin dasa.øsn;re gitakan apaga\ hin kan.at;soum! Karhne oro,;z ir a,.atanqa\in gor‘ounhoujiune sks;l masnagitouj;amb a,.at;low! 1954 j& S;pt;mb;rin na a,.atanqi endounou;z orphs auag inv;n;r-konstrouktor L;ninkrati gitaf;taxøtakan 'ak institoutoum! 1955 j& Fokt;mb;rin Karhne endounou;z Hl;ktrat;.nikakan gor‘aran% orphs inv;n;r-t;.nolog ;u no\n taroua\ No\;mb;rin amousnazau Âima\i f;t! 1958-in ‘nou;z nranz auag ordin^ Samouhle% isk \;taga\oum St;'ane! Hl;ktrat;.nikakan gor‘arane% our a,.atanqi endounou;z% no\n vamanak m;‘ chr^ sarqauoroumn;re fnaza‘% \;tpat;raxm;an% an]nakaxm^ 'oqr% saka\n Ør]oniki]hi ,r=anoum am;na.o,orn hr ;u gtnuoum hr qa[aqi k;ntronoum! Gor‘aranoum a,.at;lou tarin;rin Karhnn ardhn ];uauorou;z orphs [;kawar% orphs tnt;sawar% i \a\t ;kan% w;r=nakanaphs ];uauorou;zin ;u amrapndou;zin nra gor‘nakan skxbounqn;re ;u møt;zoumn;re a,.atanqi% a,.atauor mardou nkatmamb% ;u dranq an'o'o. mnazin nra ambo[= k;anqi enjazqoum! Karhne gor‘aranoum a,.atanqn sks;z gor‘iqa,inakan artadramasoum% jh;u ];uak;rpuoum hr orphs inv;n;rt;.nolog% saka\n a,.at;z orphs warp;t! Karhnin ,outow \a=o[ou;z artadramasoum normal


a,.atanq kaxmak;rp;l% masnaghtn;ri 'oqrajiu kol;ktiu fauaq;l% artadramase nor makardaki bar]razn;l! Da a®a=in \a\tn hr yanac;lou ir inv;n;rakan% gor‘nakan ;u kaxmak;rpcakan ounakoujiunn;re! :u a\n endounou;z gor‘arani [;kawarouj;an ko[miz! <outow nran t;[a'o.;zin mi ouri, kar;uorago\n^ ]oulman artadramas ;u dar];al orphs warp;t! A,.arfoum hr soworabar minc;u ;r;ko\;an vame 10-11-e! ªA\dphs hr a,.atoum Karhne ;u artadramasoum% ;u \;taga\oum bar]rago\n kousakzakan dprozn auart;louz \;to\% gor‘arani gl.auor inv;n;ri ;u tnørhni pa,tønn;roum! "o.uoum hin gor‘ounhouj;an olortn;re%

mas,tapn;re% patas.anatououj;an ca';re% saka\n a,.atanqi nkatmamb skxbounqn;re^ oc! Bolor makardakn;roum na mnoum hr a,.atauorº% \i,oum h tikin Âiman! A\d ,r=anoum Karhne mius inv;n;rn;ri f;t% orphs famaf;[inak% n;rka\azr;z mi ,arq norarakan a®a=arkoujiunn;r% oronz n;rdroume artadrouj;an mh= lour= .na\o[oujiun b;r;z! 1961-in kousakzakan bar]rago\n dprozn auart;louz \;to\ D;miry;ane sks;z a,.at;l orphs Hl;ktrot;.nikakan gor‘arani gl.auor invin;r% isk mhk tarouz qic anz^ orphs tnørhn! 1961-65 jj& ,at b;[mnauor hr nra k;nsagroj;an% incphs na;u% gor‘arani patmouj;an mh=! Karhne fnarauoroujiun stazau liowin øgtagor‘;l ];®q b;ra‘ 'or]e% git;liqn;re^ gor‘arani gitat;.nikakan a®a=enjaze apafow;lou% gor‘arane orphs vamanakakiz ];®narkoujiun ka\azn;lou famar ;u% miavamanak% farstazn;lou artadroujiune ka®awar;lou ir 'or]e! Mioujiunoum a®a=in angam iurazou;z nor s;rndi hl;ktra,arvicn;ri artadroujiune% ince fnarauoroujiun tou;z ambo[=owin fravarou;l fnaza‘ modi`ikazian;riz! Gor‘arani t;.nikakan a®a=enjaze anfnarin ke linhr a®anz gitouj;an f;t s;rt kapi% inci =atagown hr mi,t Karhne! D;taln;ri =;rmam,akman ;u ]oulman farz;roum chr bauararuoum

masnagitakan grakanoujiun enj;rz;low% \aya. .orfrdakzoum hr dasa.øsn;riz mhki^ yanacoua‘ gitnakan% m;ta[aght S& A& Saltikowi f;t! W;r=ins hl D;miry;anin frauir;z m;ta[agitoujiun a®arka\iz dasa.øsoujiun kardal institouti m;.anika-m;q;na,inakan `akoult;toum! :u f;nz a\d dasauandoumn;ri endmi=oumn;ri vamanak ousouzcanozoum a®a=in angam t;sa\ Karhn D;miry;anin! :s ;ritasards% ow a,.atoum hr t;sakan m;.anika\i ampionoum orphs øgnakan ou,adrouj;amb lsoum hi m;r institoutn auarta‘ masnaghti øgtakar .orfourdn;re! |;taga\oum ardhn D;miry;anin \aya.aki hinq fandipoum :r;uani m;tropolit;ni ªL;nini fraparakº ka\arani srafi wra\ a,.at;lis% ;rb [;kawaroum hi ousano[akan ,inararakan =okate! Lau \i,oum ;m% 1983 jouakanin :r;uanoum ka\analou hr ‘anramarti a,.arfi a®a=noujiune! Ousano[n;rin tar;l hinq marxafam;rga\in famalire kargi b;r;lou% spasoum hinq D;miry;ani \a\tnou;loun% or m;x \a\tni^ a®a=noujiune ka\analou h% jh oc! Na i=n;low s;u m;q;na\iz møt;zau fauaqoua‘n;rin ;u asaz& ªVo[owourd ocinc% m;nq a\st;[ ouri, oura. a®ijn;row ke fauaqou;nqº% asaz ;u \ouxoua‘ arzounqakala‘ acq;row f;®azau! Minc;u a\vm hl m;x famar fan;louk mnaz% inco#u a®a=noujiune :r;uanoum cka\azau! <ar 2








ªFalhpafa\ouj;an kariqn;re a\sørº


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ªFalhpafa\ k;anqe anmi=akan anz;alinº






G;[arou;stakan \a\tagir OURBAJ% 17 |OUNOUAR% 2014 ;r;ko\;an vame 7!30-in

G;[arou;stakan \a\tagir

JMM PH<KHØJIUR:AN SRAF% Aljatina 1901 N. Allen ave. Altadena, CA 91001 Fiurasiroujiun Moutqe axat

KIRAKI% 26 |OUNOUAR% 2014 ;r;ko\;an vame 6!00-in JMM PH<KHØJIUR:AN SRAF% Aljatina 1901 N. Allen ave. Altadena, CA 91001 Fiurasiroujiun Moutqe axat

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NOR ØR% |OUNOUAR 2% 2014

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Ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bolor axgakann;rn ou bar;kamn;re% ma[j;low ir;nz ,norfauor Nor Tari ;u S& ’nound


Xi doun xauakn ;s fima vo[owourdi m*\a[jakan% Or ke k;rth ir ostann ou nor k;anqn ir anau;r% Ou ke wa®h four ast[;rn ;raxn;roun ir wa[ouan&&&! |aroujiun Maj;an

Amanori ;u S& ’nnd;an tøn;rou a®jiu% qa=a®o[=ouj;an% ar;u,atouj;an ;u ;r=ankouj;an srtagin bar;ma[janqn;row Andranik Catry;an

Ke ,norfauor;nq bolorin Nor Tarin ;u S& ’nounde% ma[j;low \a=o[% a®o[= ;u .a[a[ tari

Arm;noufi Nalpant;an

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ªKAR~OURIº MOUTQE&&& <ar& h= 2-hn

oun;nqº% ªÂousastani phs m;‘ ;rkri f;t c;nq karo[ fauasare fauasari phs .øs;lº! A\s farze a®ncoujiun ouni 1991-hn i w;r a,.arfi ;u Fa\astani partadroua‘ famakargin^ nor axatakanouj;an f;t! Tnt;souj;an apakanonakargoume% masnauor;zoume fimnakan mi=ozn;rhn min h dramaglou. fastat;lou ;u tara‘;lou! Fama,.arfa\in dramatan pa\mann;rhn min hr fanra\in .o,or s;'akanoujiune masnauor;zn;l^ i npast andraxga\in dramaglou.in! Fa\astani paraga\in mrzakzoujiune k*enjanar ®ousakan% ;uropakan ;u am;rik;an dramaglou.i mi=;u! A\d gor‘enjazn;roun ibr;u ardiunq% \atkaphs w;r=in 15 tarin;roun fanra\in .o,or s;'akanouj;an 'o.anzoume Âousastanin% Fa\astane drau a\s ka.;al wiyaki mh=! Fa\astan-Âousastan \arab;roujiunn;re gor‘nakan a®oumow c;n karo[ fauasar dirq;rh m;knil% qani Âousastane m;‘ p;toujiun h! No\ne piti ellar na;u Fa\astan-AMN \arab;roujiunn;rou paraga\in! :rb;q phtq ch kar‘;l% or am;rikazin;re kam ;uropazin;re ke warouin Fa\astani f;t ªfauasarh fauasarº ];uow! |aya. n,maroua‘ h% or :uramiouj;an pa,tønatarn;re ;rb Fa\astan k*a\z;l;n% ke warouin a\nphs% kar‘hq ga[oujarar pa,tøn;an;r ;n% ;ka‘ ;n Fa\astanin frafang talou! A\n% or ;uropakan ka®o\zn;re mi,t ªmhk qa\l a®a=º ;n gnafatoum fa\astan;an entroujiunn;re^ cna\a‘ t;[akan ditordn;rn ar]anagroum ;n xangoua‘a\in kopit .a.toumn;r% ard;øq d;r ouni# nranoum% or fa\astanzin;rn a\nphs c;n arta\a\toum ir;nz anfama]a\noujiune MM-in andamakz;loun% incphs% ørinak% ouqranazin;re! :uropazi ditordn;re ir;nz dirqoro,oumn;roun mh= anko[mnakal c;n! Anonq ;rb or Fa\astani entroujiunn;re ke t;[;kagr;n au;li ca'auor ];uow% a\d ke b.i ;uropakan ,af;rhn% orowf;t;u ir;nq aknkaloujiunn;r ounin Fa\astani i,.anouj;nhn! :jh entroujiunn;rhn a®a= Fa\astani i,.anoujiunn;re \a\tararhin ir;nz dirqoro,oume Maqsa\in Miouj;an masin% j;r;us ;uropazin;re au;li kopit t;[;kagir fraparakhin! 2013 j& entroujiunn;re ;uropakan ditordn;re gnafat;zin ªmhk qa\l a®a=º^ };r gnafatmamb% \anoun ir;nz ,af;ri! Ba\z


kaloua‘agr;rou (mortgages) bnagaua®hn n;rs% ;u ;rkrin tkarazo[ tnt;soujiune piti ckar;na\ dimagrau;l fama,.arfa\in ,ouka\in znzoumn;re! :rkrin spa®nazo[ w;ro\i,;al dvouaroujiunn;re ba®nalou famar% Hrto[an dima‘ h xartou[i mi=ozn;rou! Anika sksa‘ h st;[‘;l ;r;uaka‘a\in dauadrakan t;soujiunn;r! A\sphs% Ar;umt;an ;u Frhakan diuanagitoujiune l‘oua‘ h ir ka®awarouj;an warkab;kman! A\s tarouan (2013_i) K;xi "arqi zo\z;re frafroua‘ hin anonz ko[mh% Jourqia n;zouk kangna‘ ellalow Morsii% oroun tapaloume ;us anonz gor‘n hr! No\ne patafa‘ h na;u Fixmhj ,arvoumi ou Kiulhni paragan;roun! Jourqio\ entrouj;anz na.ør;akin% nman warka‘n;r taq ,ouka\ ke st;[‘;n% qa[aqaghtn;rou ko[mh ,afagor‘ou;lou famar% entro[n;rou ou,adroujiune k;nsakan ;u irau farz;rh ,;[;lou famar! Hrto[an f;txf;th ke dimh ªCauhxº;an f®;torouj;an! *** Fanra‘anøj iro[oujiun h maqiau;liakan nkaragire jrqakan diuanagitouj;an! A\d ªykounºoujiune ir ardiunauhtoujiune oun;za‘ h% ;rb grp;touj;anz ,af;re sour mrzakzouj;an mh= ;[a‘ ;n! <norfiu Ar;u;l;an :uropa\i ;u Asio\ mh= Jourqio\ a,.arfagrakan k;dronakan al dirqin% ou ,norfiu anor bargauay tnt;souj;an ou xinouvin% Ar;umoutqe ;u Ar;u;lqe =anaza‘ ;n sira,afil anor ko[mnakzoujiune! Saka\n% m;‘ p;touj;anz g;rago\n ,af;re% no\nisk tarb;r patya®n;row% ;rb oro,aphs no\naza‘ ;n% Jourqio\ ko[mnoro,oume bolorowin ;rkrordakan ke da®na\! A\nphs or Jourqio\ lara.a[azoujiune% a\s paraga\in^ Hrto[ani qa[aqakan marxanqn;re lousanzqa\in dar]a‘ ;n% datapartou;low ]a.o[ouj;an! Hrto[ani krakot ya®;re krnan ou,adroujiunn;re paf me ,;[;l% ba\z i w;r=o\% v.takan f;t;uanqn;r k*oun;nan! :jh Hrto[an \a[jakan dours ga\ \a®a=ika\% møtalout entrouj;anz% siunakagir Aptoulla Poxqourdi ko[mh nman \andougn \ødoua‘n;r% oc mia\n ir;n% a\l ambo[= axata.of jourq lragrouj;an famar krnan sou[ arv;l! 12/22/2013

Fa \astane oro,;z andamakz;l MM-in! Karo#[ ;nq as;l% or ;uropazin;ri aknkaliqn;re .abou;zin! Yi,t h% or ;uropazin;re ir;nz aknkaloujiunn;rou mh= cstazan a\n% inc ke spashin! Ba\z ;uropazin;re ir;nz ,af;re ounin a\s ,r=anin mh=! Skixbe anonq au;li xgou,auor hin! Faraua\in Kowkasi mh= ir;nz ‘ragirn;rou f;tapndoume ke katarouhr^ ®ousakan n;rka\oujiune endoun;low orphs bavn;kiz ;u ,afakiz! An,ou,t% ;uropakan ‘ragirn;roun ;tin ka\in ;u kan na;u am;rikazin;re! |;taga\in tnt;sakan% a,.arfaqa[aqakan ;u anwtangouj;an a\s mrzakza\in ;u fakasakan gor‘enjazn;roun mh= ;uropazin;rou ‘ragirn;re au;li .orqa\in bno\j a®in! Âousastane a\s bolorin mh= t;sau xinq ,r=a'ak;lou ;u no\nisk dours m[;lou mitoumn;r! Inc or xinq m[;z au;li kopit dirq;r zouzadr;lou Faraua\in Kowkasi mh= na.aphs Wrastani% a\sør al Fa\astani nkatmamb! Asaziq% or ;uropazin;ri ‘ragr;ri f;t;uoum phtq h am;rikazin;rin t;sn;l! Faka®ak mi t;sakht h \a\tn;l fa\astanzi blog;r Samouhl Martiros;ane! Na `h\sbouq;an ir h=oum kar‘iq h \a\tn;l% or angloam;rik;an da,inqn amhn inc anoum h% or noriz ®ousakan ka\sroujiun ];uauoroui% isk ;uropazin;re c;n faskanoum% jh inc h ir;nz phtq! };r kar‘iqow fnarauo#r h% or MM-n ;u :urasiakan mioujiune ];®ntou lin;n AMN-in ;u Anglia\in! A\s parxaphs warka‘ h ;u ch fimnauoroua‘! An,ou,t jh a,.arfaqa[aqakan a®oumow angloam;rik;an da,inqe piti ]gthr Âousastann øgtagor‘;l^ islamakan a,.arfe ;u na;u Cinastane pa,ar;lou fiusishn ;u oc saka\n oun;nal ibr;u lour= mrzakiz! Saka\n Âousastane ouni ir ‘ragirn;re ;u mi=axga\in jat;rab;min wra\ ir t;[e grau;lou ditankiune! A®au;l ;us% a,.arf a\sør k*enjana\ baxmab;u;® ou[[ouj;amb! Âousastane% Cinastane% Fndkastane ;u ouri, ;rrord a,.arfi p;toujiunn;r a\d kaxmauorouo[ baxmab;u;® a,.arfi kar;uor d;rakatarn;re kocoua‘ ;n ellalou :uropa\i ;u AMN-i ko[qin! Mi=axga\in qa[aqakanoujiune kariqe ouni a\d fauasarak,®ouj;an% or .angaroua‘ h >orfrda\in Miouj;an 'louxoumhn i w;r! Fa\astani paraga\in ;s ko[mnakiz ;m bolor ko[m;rou f;t tnt;sakan \arab;roujiunn;rou xargazman^ :uropa\i% Âousastani% Irani f;t! A,.arfaqa[aqakan g;tni wra\% saka\n% Fa\astane stipoua‘ piti ella\ ,arvou;lou ;uropazin;rou aknkalouj;nhn tarb;r ];uow! Faraua\in Kowkase Âousastani ;u Iranin møt tara‘a,r=an h% ;u Fa\astan% fimq oun;nalow ir a,.arfaqa[aqakan ;u anwtangouj;an ,af;re% partauor h fa,oui a®n;lou Âousastani ;u Irani a\s olortn;r;n ;ko[ ,af;re ;u anor famapatas.an qa[aqakanoujiun war;lou! Phtq ch na;u mtafan en;l Arza.i farze! Mi=axga\in xinouorakan ouv;rou moutq axatagroua‘ tara‘qn;r ir f;t piti b;rh anonz m;‘amasnouj;an korouste! Fa\astan phtq h karo[ana\ inq xargazn;l ir tnt;sakan% a,.arfaqa[aqakan ;u anwtangouj;an ou[in;re^ fa,oui a®n;low tara‘a,r=ani xargazoumn;re! A\sinqn^ phtq ch spas;l% or ;uropazin kam ®ouse ‘ragr;n% jh Fa\astane incphs phtq h otqi kangn;zn;l! Fa\astani vo[owourde s'iu®qafa\ouj;an masnakzouj;amb gl.auor patas.anatoun h a\d w;rakangman ou 'rkouj;an! Farzaxro\ze war;z^ Sona Auag;an

JMM "asatina-Kl;nth\l Masnayiu[i kaxmak;rpouj;amb T;[i piti oun;na\

>joumi Ya, ;u >ra.yanq (DJ ) (n;ra®;al gini) Kiraki% 5 |ounouar 2014-i \;t mi=ørhi vame 2!00-in Aljatina\i Ph,khøjiur;an k;droni srafe (1901 N. Allen Ave., corner of New York Dr.) Moutqe nouhr $35 isk 12 tar;kanhn war^ $20 T;[ apafow;lou famar ke .ndrroui f;®a]a\n;l! Siranin^ (626)827-1952 Ghorgin^ (626)833-3102

N.O. January 2, 2014, No. 1:N.O. Blank


4:48 PM

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NOR ØR% |OUNOUAR 2% 2014


Ke ,norfauor;nq fama\n fa\ouj;an Nor Tarin ;u S& ’nounde% ma[j;low bolorin \a=o[oujiun ;u a®o[=oujiun

<ar& h= 5-hn

pafan=h! A\s patya®ow Parskastani f;t m,akouo[ ;rkko[mani .øsakzoujiunn;rou paraga\in anonq \a®a= ke tarouhin ga[tnapaf mjnolorti me mh= Arabakan ’ozi ;rkirn;rhn Ømani ma\raqa[aq Masqaji mh=! Oua,inkjeni mh= Prouqinkx Fastatouj;an kaxmak;rpa‘ tar;kan famagoumarin a\d ga[tni k;rpow \a®a= tarouo[ n;rqin .orfrda‘oujiunn;re fraparaka\in .øsakzouj;an ;u kar‘iqn;rou 'o.anakouj;an niuj dar]an i w;r=o\! Xinouorakan ouvi npatakadir gor‘a‘ouj;an ,our= ;[o[ kaska‘n;rou ko[qin% Am;rikazi qa[aqakan masnaghtn;r ;u Na.agaf Øpama\i warcakargi andamn;r w;r=;rs sksa‘ ;n krkn;l jh Pa[;stin;an farzi kapakzouj;amb Isra\hli n;rka\ warcakargi anxi=o[ ;u kar‘r k;zoua‘qe ke dvouaraznh Am;rik;an axga\in ,af;rou f;tapndoume Mi=in Ar;u;lqhn n;rs ;u jh vame ;ka‘ h or Am;rika mtax;r‘oui tiro[ ka,kandoumn;rhn% oronq mi,t anaknkaln;r ke st;[‘;n ir;n famar! A\s andradar]oume saka\n miavamanak arg;lq ci nkatouir Isra\hli fandhp am;rik;an a=akzouj;an ;u xørakzouj;an pndoumn;rou krknouj;an! F;t;uabar% bnau xarmanalou ch ;jh \a®a=ika\ amisn;roun Na.agaf Øpama\i ;u manauand P;takan Qartou[ar Qhrrii =anq;roun f;t;uanqow qa[aqakan nor kazoujiun me ourouag‘oui Mi=in Ar;u;lqhn n;rs or jh;u .orqow no\n Am;rik;an qa[aqakanouj;an me ;u axga\in ,af;rou f;tapndoume fa,oui a®n;low fand;r]% tarb;r gor‘;lak;rpi ;u møt;zoumi me wra\ fimnoua‘ nor \arab;roujiunn;r m,ak;lou ;u qa=al;r;lou safmanoua‘ h! Fauanabar a\s nor ou[;gi‘e anpa\manørhn gof ci ]ghr n;rka\ fastatoua‘ kargousarqi jh* n;rqin ;u jh* artaqin ko[mnakizn;re% oronq ardhn gor‘i l‘oua‘ ;n anor fimnakan ga[a'arn;roun ,our= farzadroumn;r ;u kaska‘n;r st;[‘;lou famar! A\d fakadir o\v;re ke bavnouin fimnakan ;r;q .mbauoroumn;rou! A& Isra\hl;an Loppin% or bauakan m;‘ axd;zoujiun me ke n;rka\aznh ;rkri qa[aqakan% tnt;sakan% `inansakan ;u t;[;katouakan marminn;rhn n;rs! Isra\hli nkatmamb or;uh kaska‘;li 'o'o.oujiun a\s loppin anmi=aphs gor‘i ke m[h! A\s loppiin ke mianan na;u Am;rik;an Gonkrhsi andam ;u ‘noundow Frha\ 10 ‘;rakoutakann;r ;u 22 n;rka\azouzicn;r% oronq au;li axd;zik ke da®nan ,norfiu ir;nz wa\;la‘ qa[aqakan kap;roun! A\s loppiakan a,.atanqi npatakn h amhn ginow Isra\hle g;rak,i® paf;l am;rik;an qa[aqakan fa,iun;roun mh=% ;u anor apafow;l am;rik;an tnt;sakan% xinouorakan ;u `inansakan kar;uor npastn;r! Pa[;stin;an farzi baruoq lou‘oume krna\ a\d \arab;roujiunn;rou .orqe 'o.;l! B& N;rqin yakati wra\ Na.agaf Øpama\i a\s ‘ragirn;rou dhm ];uauorouo[ fimnakan enddimoujiune kou ga\ na;u Isra\hli famakir Qriston;a\ a[andn;rhn% oronq ir;nz krønakan famoxoumn;rou ;u fauataliqn;rou fiman wra\ ªFin Ktakaraniº .orfrdan,a\in Isra\hle ke ,'oj;n n;rka\ qa[aqakan houjiun staza‘ Isra\hli p;takanouj;an f;t% ou amhn =anq ke ja';n anor jhx;roun m;na,norf;al wiyak me parg;u;lou^ am;rik;an fasarakargi nkata®oumn;roun mh=! G& Fauanakan 'o'o.ouj;an me fakadir ko[m ke nkatoui na;u xina\in yartararou;sti n;rka\azouzicn;rou .mbake% or ,afaditakan kar;uor npatakn;r ke f;tapndh xinouorakan ‘a.s;rou ayow ;u \au;loumow! Ardar;u% Am;rik;an xinouorakan ‘a.s;re axga\in piutyhhn n;rs kar;uor fam;matoujiun me ke kaxm;n ;u xina\in yartararou;sti m;q;nan ªxba[a‘º ke paf;n! Am;rika\in axga\in piutyhn 2013 jouakanin ke fasnhr 3&45 ;®ilion (Drillion) tolari! A\s piutyhhn xinouorakan ‘a.s;rou famar \atkazoua‘ h 670 milia® tolar% or endfanour piutyhin 19 a® fariure ke n;rka\aznh! A\s xinouorakan ‘a.s;rou na.at;soua‘ goumarhn m;‘ mas me ke \atkazoui xanaxan xhnq;rou ,inouj;an ;u patrastouj;an pa\managroujiunn;rou% oronq tar;kan 500 milia® tolar k*apafow;n xina\in yartararou;ti fskan;roun! F;t;uabar xina\in yartararou;sti fskan;re loppiakan fska\ a,.atanq ke tanin am;rik;an Gonkrhshn n;rs xinouorakan ‘a.s;roun apafow;lou famapatas.an goumarn;r% ;u bou®n k;rpow ke pa\qarin a\d ‘a.s;re ktrat;lou kam x;[=;lou or;uh 'or]i dhm! A\s ,r=anakn;re a\nqan axd;zik ;n or krnan ir;nz loppiakan a,.atanqin ,norfiu ;u am;rik;an Gongrhsi mi=ozau Am;rik;an warcam;q;na\in partadr;l xinouorakan ‘a.s;r ;jh no\nisk ankar;uor ke nkatouin am;rik;an warcam;q;na\in ko[mh&&&! Xina\in yartararou;sti a\s annkaragr;li axd;zouj;an masin andrada®nalow na.agaf xørawar Toua\j A\xenfauour (1953-1961)% or :rkrord Fama,.arfa\in pat;raxmin am;rik;an ouv;rou endfanour framanatarn hr :uropa\i jat;rab;min wra\% ir na.agafakan pa,tønawarouj;an auartin Am;rika\i vo[owourdin ou[[a‘ ir frav;,ti ya®in mh=% ke xgou,aznhr Am;rika\i vo[owourde a\s xina\in yartararou;sti oun;za‘ axd;zouj;nhn ;u anor anba[]ali f;t;uanqn;rhn! ªAm;rika\i 'or]a®ouj;an ;u patmouj;an mh= a\s animanali taro[ouj;amb xinouorakan o\vi ka®o\ze% ;u anor xougakzo[ xhnqi yartararou;ste% xgali axd;zoujiun me ounin ;rkri


amhn qa[aqi% nafanga\in ka®awarakan amhn gras;n;akh% ;u da,nakza\in ka®awarouj;an amhn marx;rhn n;rs! M;nq xina\in a\s yartararou;sti kar;uoroujiune k*emb®n;nq m;r ;rkrin famar saka\n miavamanak phtq ch jo\latr;nq or an m;xi a[itali kazoujiunn;rou a®a=nordhº! Xør& A\xenfauouri .øsq;re takauin a\vmhakan bno\j ounin% incphs ke wka\h Iraqi ;u A`[anastani mh= m[oua‘ anzno[ 12 tarin;rou pat;raxmn;rou patmakane! *** |stak h or Na.agaf Øpama\i ;u P;takan Qartou[ar Qhrrii sksa‘ Mi=in Ar;u;lqhn n;rs gor‘adrouo[ qa[aqakanouj;an w;raqnnoujiune ke kataroui Am;rik;an axga\in ,af;rou ditankiunhn ;u k*a®a=nordoui anor ®axmawarakan nkata®oumn;rhn! |stak h na;u or Am;rika piti a®a=nordoui ,r=ani ;rkirn;rou f;t oun;za‘ 'o.-\arab;roujiunn;rou patmakan% xinouorakan ;u qa[aqakan nkata®oumn;rhn! Asow fand;r] \stak ke da®na\ na;u jh Am;rika\i Miaz;al Nafangn;re% n;rqin irakanoujiunn;rh m[oua‘% ke 'or];n ir;nz ba®agan]hn xinouorakan mi=amtoujiun ba®e x;[=;l anz;ali 'or]a®ouj;anz lo\sin tak! Jh inc bno\j ;u taro[oujiun krna\ stanal Am;rik;an qa[aqakanouj;an a\s w;raqnnoujiune ;u anor f;t;uo[ Xargazoumn;re apafowabar xgali piti cellan anmi=aphs! Na.agaf Øpama ;u ir fama.ofn;re minc;u \a®a=ika\ na.agafakan entroujiunn;re takauin møtauoraphs 36 amis ounin Am;rika\i qa[aqakan ou[;gi‘e ;u t;slakane nor fim;rou wra\ dn;lou ;u gor‘nakan houjiun me talou ir;nz a®a=naf;rj npatakn;roun! Jh orqanow a\s 'o'o.oujiunn;re piti satar;n Mi=in Ar;u;lqhn n;rs \arab;rabar qa[aqakan .a[a[ pa\mann;rou ‘aualoumin% incphs na;u tnt;sakan ayi ;u xargazoumi f;®ankarn;roun^ Pa[;stin;an farzi baruoq ;u ardar lou‘oumow% \a\tni c;n takauin! Ba\z wstafabar \arab;roujiunn;rou nor kargousarqi me fim;re ke drouin ardhn! Kar;li# h a\d xargazoumn;re am;rik;an qa[aqakanouj;an mh= t;[a,arv me nkat;l ;u ;jh a\o a\dpisi t;[a,arv me i#nc ];uow piti enkaloui Mi=in Ar;u;lqhn n;rs jh* ,r=ani p;takan auandakan ka®o\zn;rhn ;u jh* vo[owrda\in ,r=anakn;rh n;rs! I w;r=o\ 'o. \arab;roujiunn;rou yi,d enkaloume no\nqan kar;uor h orqan qa[aqakan ou[;gi‘i me tramadroujiunn;re! Oua,inkjen


qar;rou a,.arf Fa\astanin! Ir ;r;q xauakn;roun^ :u'imhin% Maralin ;u |akobin =amba‘ hr bar]r krjoujiun% masnagitoujiun! Amousnazouza‘ hr ;u jo®n;roun f;t miasin kapa‘ hr m;r vo[owourdi arvhqn;roun f;t^ g;[;zkørhn mardka\nørhn% n;r,nc;low% \o\s% fauatq ;u xanonq dar]n;low iskakan fa\! Mardka\in w;fago\n skxbounqn;rou thr a\s marde^ Vira\r Na\irin ambo[= ir gitakzakan k;anqi enjazqin sir;z ir ko[akizin^ im mhkfatik qro=s Mariin% arvanazouz xa\n \arganqi ou anor f;t miasin ka®ouz;z irarfaskazo[ouj;an ou fam;ra,.ouj;an tayare! Yi,t k*es;n& orqan bari h fogin% a\nqan au;li bard h yakatagire! Zauali h

a\spisi bavanoume! K*a[øj;nq% or Bar]r;aln Astoua‘ a\ri Mariin ;u xauakn;roun parg;uh qa=a®o[=oujiun ;u Sourb Foguo\n mi=ozow m.ijarh xanonq! Jo[ fangouz;ali \i,atake wa® mna\ m;r fogin;roun mh=! Vira\r Na\irin m;®a‘ h% ba\z ch mafaza‘! M;‘oujiunn;re ke m;®nin% ba\z c;n mafanar! Ke fa\z;nq Am;nabarin Astou‘mh% or :rkna\in :ranakan .a[a[ouj;an mh= endouni Vira\r Na\irii (Jøsoun;an) fogin ;u xinq \auit;nakan k;anqi arvanaznh! :[ba\rakan siro\ o[=o\now ;u w,takzouj;amb^ VIRA|R JIUJIUNY:AN

N.O. January 2, 2014, No. 1:N.O. Blank


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ARAM |AKOB:ANE <A>MATI A<>ARFI A>O|:AN <ar& h= 1-hn

b;rte (M 8% 7&5 miauor% 10-rd t;[_% Mamikon Darbin;ane (M 10% 7&5% 20)% <anj Sargs;ane (M 12% 8% 7)% Tigran |aroujiun;ane (M 16% 7&5% 19)% |owfannhs Gabouc;ane (M 18% 7&5% 7)% Manh |owfannis;ane (M 10% 7&5% 15)% Sousanna Gabo\;ane (M 18% 7% 19)!





MRZA<R+AN-2013-I DA"N:KIRN:RE DAUIJ SA~AR:ANE^ FA|ASTANI TAROUA| LAUAGO|N MARXIK • FF sporti ;u ;ritasardouj;an farz;ri na.araroujiune a®a=in angam \atouk ca'oro,icn;r hr m,ak;l Fa\astani 10 lauago\n marxikn;rin oro,;lou npatakow! Anzkazoua‘ qouharkouj;an ardiunqoum FF 10 lauago\n marxikn;r ;n yanacou;l& 1& DAUIJ SA~AR:AN – axat oyi embi,% a,.arfi ;u :uropa\i a.o\;an 2& ARJOUR AL:QSAN:AN - \ounaf®omhakan oyi embi,% :uropa\i a.o\;an% a,.arfi 'o.a.o\;an 3& ARSHN +OUL~ALAK:AN - \ounaf®omhakan oyi embi,% a,.arfi a®a=nouj;an pronxh m;talakir 4& ÂOMAN AMO|:AN - \ounaf®omhakan oyi embi,% a,.arfi a®a=nouj;an pronxh m;talakir 5& A<OT DANIHL:AN – sambø oyi embi,% a,.arfi a.o\;an 6& :OURA MOWSIS:AN - `oujpolist 7& F:NRI> M>IJAR:AN - `oujpolist 8& MOUSA MOURJAXALI:U – axat oyi embi,% :uropa\i 'o.a.o\;an 9& TIGRAN KIRAKOS:AN – sambø oyi embi,% a,.arfi a®a=nouj;an mrzanakakir 10& ARAM AUAG:AN – b®nzqamartik% a,.arfi a®a=nouj;an mrzanakakir! ª~lor;nsº ®;storana\in famaliroum FF sporti ;u ;ritasardouj;an farz;ri na.araroujiune kaxmak;rp;l hr Fa\astani 10 lauago\n marxikn;ri m;‘arman ;u parg;uatrman araro[oujiun% orin n;rka\ hr warcap;t Tigran Sargs;ane! Na =;rmørhn ,norfauor;z mrza,r=an 2013-i da'n;kirn;rin ou dramakan parg;un;r \an]n;z nranz! Marxikn;rin o[=o\ni .øsq \[;z FF sporti ;u ;ritasardouj;an na.agaf :ouri Wardan;ane% n,;low% or a\s tari FF marxikn;re mi=axga\in asparhxn;roum bar]r ;n paf;l fa\kakan sporti patiue^ endfanour a®mamb nouay;low 143 m;tal (31 oskh% 45 ar‘ajh% 67 pronxh)! Mi;uno\n vamanak na n,;z% or phtq ch bauararou;l ];®qb;ra‘ow% fark h w;razn;l t;[ gta‘ j;roujiunn;re! :ouri Wardan;ane FF sporti wastakauor warp;ti wka\akan \an]n;z Dauij Sa`ar;anin! A,.arfi a.o\;ann;r Dauij Sa`ar;ann ou A,ot Danihl;ane parg;uatrou;zin 2-rd astiyani m;taln;row! FF `ixiqakan koultoura\i ;u sporti wastakauor gor‘ici wka\akann;r \an]nou;z "a,ik Alaw;rd;anin% Waxghn Badal;anin% S;rob :[iaxar;anin% Smbat Lpout;anin% L;uon |owfannis;anin% |akob "anos;anin ;u Samouhl |aroujiun;anin! FF wastakauor marxci wka\akann;r stazan Parg;u Grigor;ane% Abdoula Magom;zowe% H®n;st Mirxo\;ane% Arjour P;tros;ane% Au;tiq Wardan;ane ;u Andranik Jar.an;ane! • FAØK-e ;us tar;w;r=in m;‘arman ;r;ko\ hr kaxmak;rp;l% ore t;[i oun;zau noraka®o\z ª"arauonº ®;storana\in famaliroum! Marxikn;rin parg;un;r \an]n;z an]amb Gagik ’a®ouk;ane! Lauago\n tasn;akoum a®a=in t;[e xba[;zra‘ lauago\n marxik Dauij Sa`ar;ane Gagik ’a®ouk;aniz nouhr stazau bnakaran :r;uanoum% ;rkrord t;[e xba[;zra‘ Arjour Al;qsan;ane ªFanth\º makni,i yi' autom;q;na\% mius ouj marxikn;re FAØK-i na.agafi ko[miz nouhr

:oura Mowsis;an

F;nri. M.ijar;an

stazan ªNiwaº makni,i autom;q;nan;r! FAØK-i ko[miz dramakan parg;un;r stazan axat oyi emb,amarti FF fauaqakani gl.auor marxic Ara\ik Ba[dad;ane% \ounaf®omhakan oyi emWardan Minas;an bi, Karap;t Cal;ane% Arjour Al;qsan;ani an]nakan marxic Ghorg Al;qsan;ane% :uropa\i a®a=nouj;an pronxh m;talakir \ounaf®omhakan oyi embi, Wacik :[iaxar;ane% \ounaf®omhakan emb,amarti FF fauaqakani gl.auor marxic L;uon +oul`alak;ane% marxic Samouhl Ghorg;ane% ;ritasardakan fauaqakani marxic Armhn Babalar;ane! FAØK-i ,qan,anow parg;uatrou;zin FAØK-i fimnadir na.agaf Âoubhn |akob;ane% sporti warp;t Dauij Sa`ar;ani fa\r ou marxic |owik Sa`ar;ane% FF emb,amarti da,nouj;an gor‘adir tnørhn |owfannhs So[o\;ane ;u ouri,n;r! Parg;un;ri zankoum FAØK-i na.a];®nouj;amb au;laz;l h na;u Alb;rt Axar;ani ;u Wladimir :ngipar;ani anouan m;taln;re! W;r=in m;talow parg;uatrou;z Gagik ’a®ouk;ani an]nakan marxic Al;qsandr Sargs;ane! N,;nq% or :ouri Wardan;ane ir mi=oza®mane frauir;l hr FAØK-i na.agaf Gagik ’a®ouk;anin ;u F~D-i na.agaf Âoubhn Fa\rap;t;anin% oronq chin ;k;l mi=oza®mane! :ouri Wardan;ann hl ir f;rjin cmasnakz;z FAØK-i mi=za®mane! • Marxikn;ri ir tasn;akn hr fraparak;l na;u marxakan lragro[n;ri da,noujiune! A\n ounhr f;t;u;al t;sqe^ Dauij Sa`ar;an% Arjour Al;qsan;an% Arshn +oul`alak;an% Âoman Amo\;an% A,ot Danihl;an% Arjour Dauj;an (marmnamarxoujiun)% Aram Auag;an% Maqsim Manouk;an (\ounaf®omhakan emb,amart)% Mousa Mourjaxali;u% Arjour <afin;an (\ounaf®omhakan emb,amart)!

F:NRI> M>IJAR:ANE FF LAIAGO|N ~OUJPOLIST WARDAN MINAS:ANE^ LAUAGO|N MARXIC Am'o'ou;zin ªTaroua\ lauago\n marxicº ;u ªTaroua\ lauago\n `oujpolistº anouanakarg;roum anzkazoua‘ mrzo\ji ardiunqn;re% oronz qouharkouj;ane masnakz;l hin marxakan lragro[n;re% bar]rago\n .mbi akoumbn;ri na.agafn;re% gl.auor marxicn;rn ou auagn;re% F~D gor‘komi andamn;re 237 miauorow taroua\ lauago\n marxic yanacou;z FF fauaqakani a\vm ardhn na.kin gl.auor marxic Wardan Minas;ane! F~D na.agaf Âoubhn Fa\rap;t;ane Wardan Minas;anin \an]n;z mrzanake% diplome ;u 2 milion dram parg;ue! FF ;ritasardakan fauaqakani ;u ªAra-

}a.hn^ Arjour Al;qsan;an% Arshn +oul`alak;an% Dauij Sa`ar;an% :ouri Wardan;an% A,ot Danihl;an% Âoman Amo\;an% Aram Auag;an% Tigran Kirakos;an% Mousa Mourjaxali;u (nkaroum bazaka\oum ;n :oura Mowsis;ane ;u F;nri. M.ijar;ane)

ratiº gl.auor marxic Abrafam >a,man;ane 115 miauorow 2-rdn h! Lauago\n ;®;ake ;xra'ak;l h Giumrii ª<irakiº gl.auor marxic Wardan Bica.c;ane (77 miauor)! 3-rd tarin anendmh= FF lauago\n `oujpolist h yanacou;l FF fauaqakani ;u Dordmoundi ªBorousia\iº kisapa,tpan F;nri. M.ijar;ane (244 miauor)! F;nri. M.ijar;anin ªOskh gndaknº ou 4 milion dram parg;uawyare \an]n;z F~D na.agaf Âoubhn Fa\rap;t;ane! F;nri.e ardhn 4-rd angam h arvananoum lauago\ni tit[osin (a®a=in angam 2009-in)! Farzman ardiunqn;row 2-rd t;[e grau;l h FF fauaqakani ;u Moskoua\i ªSpartakiº \ar]akouo[ :oura Mowsis;ane (177 miauor)! Lauago\n ;®;ake ;xra'ak;l h nra jimakiz Arax Øxbilise (47 miauor)! F~D tar;w;r=;an mrzanakaba,.oujiune anzkazou;z ªFarsnaqarº ®;storana\in famaliroum! :oura Mowsis;ane ;u Arax Øxbilise n;rka\ chin% ousti ªAr‘ajh gndaknº ou ªPronxh gndakeº% incphs na;u famapatas.anabar 2&8 milion ;u 2 milion dram parg;uawyarn;re `oujpolistn;rin ke \an]noui au;li ou,! Mi=oza®man auartin F~D na.agaf Âoubhn Fa\rap;t;ane ,norfauor;z da'n;kirn;rin% bolor `oujpolistn;rin ou marxicn;rin ;u \o\s \a\tn;z% or 2014-in FF axga\in fauaqakane ir ;rkrpagoun;rin k*oura.azni lau .a[ow! F;nri. M.ijar;ann hl kisou;z ir tpauoroujiunn;row& ª<at fay;li hr FF lauago\n `oujpolist yanacou;le! <norfakal ;m axga\in fauaqakanoum fandhs ;ko[ bolor .a[enk;rn;rizs% oronz ,norfiu karo[aza\ fasn;l a\s \a=o[ouj;ane! :oura Mowsis;ann ou Arax Øxbilise ;us arvani hin a\s kocmaneº! Mi=oza®man masnakizn;rin anaknkal matouz;z OU:~A-i na.agaf Mi,hl Platinin% orn hkraniz fa\;rhnow \a\tarar;z% or taroua\ lauago\n `oujpolist h yanacou;l F;nri. M.ijar;ane!

<NORFAUOR NOR TARI :U S& ’NOUND Amanori ;u S& ’noundi a®ijow% m;r lauago\n ma[janqn;rn ou ,norfauoroujiunn;rn ;nq \a\tnoum m;r vo[owrdin% na.kin ;u m;rør;a\ marxikn;rin% marxa,.arfi n;rka\azouzicn;rin% marxashrn;rin% ma[j;low nranz \a=o[oujiunn;r% ;r=anik ;u bar;b;r tari! Marxakan h=i patas.anatou^ Au;tis Ba\ram;an

N.O. January 2, 2014, No. 1:N.O. Blank


4:48 PM

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NOR ØR% |OUNOUAR 2% 2014

+;rmaphs ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bolor faraxatn;roun% axgakann;roun ;u bar;kamn;roun Nor Tarin ;u S& ’nounde% ma[j;low ;r=ankoujiun ;u a®o[=oujiun THR :U TIK& TOQJ& GRIGOR GRIGOR:AN

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