ՆՈՐ ՕՐ Շաբաթաթերթ

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N.O. January 9, 2014, No. 2:N.O. Blank


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ª:s ;m yanaparfn ;u y,martoujiun ;u k;anqº (|owf& VD 6)! Sir;li fauatauor vo[owourd i Fa\r;nis% Arza. ;u i S'iu®s& Qristosi^ m;r Tiro= Sourb ’nnd;an b;rkranqow a\sør m;r zn‘agin gofabanoujiunn ;nq bar]raznoum a® Astoua‘! "a®abanoum ;nq m;r "rkcin^ B;j[;f;moum ‘noua‘ manouk |isousin! Sourb ’nnd;an ørf n;al øre ;rkire ;rkinq dar]au% ;u nranoum ‘ag;z Ardarouj;an ar;gake^ y,martouj;an lo\sow lousauor;lou famar mardka\in fogin;re% orphsxi yanac;n% t;sn;n ou gtn;n ir;nz 'rkoujiune! Astou‘o\ Ordin .onarfou;z ;rkna\in bar]ounqn;riz% mar<ar& h= 14


Amanori ;u Sourb ’nnd;an tøn;ri a®ijow Gar;gin B& ’a\rago\n Patriarq ;u Am;na\n Fa\oz Kajo[ikose fa\rap;takan ørfnouj;an grow ir ,norfauoranqn;rn ou bar;ma[janqn;rn h ou[[;l Siria\i fa\ fa<ar& h= 15

NA>AGAF S:RV SARGS:ANI AMANORI <NORFAUORAKAN OU{:R}E Sir;li* fa\r;nakizn;r% Srtanz ,norfauoroum ;m ];x Amanori kapakzouj;amb! Anzno[ tarin \ag;za‘ hr baxoum na.a];®noujiunn;row ou iradar]oujiunn;row% ba\z am;nakar;uore% kar‘oum ;m% Fa\astani tnt;sakan w;r;lqin ;u anwtangouj;an makardaki bar]razmane mitoua‘^ .ore gitakzoua‘ a,.atanqn hr! M;nq au;li s;rtazrinq Fa\astani tnt;sakan% qa[aqakan ou ®axmakan famagor‘akzoujiune Âousastani Da,nouj;an f;t% isk galiq tari% wstaf ;m% ke da®nanq Maqsa\in Miouj;an liirau andam! Fa\astane st;[‘oum h nor irakanoujiun% ort;[ lin;lou h au;li pa,tpanoua‘ ;u au;li mrzounak! M;nq ,arounak;zinq ;u f;t;uo[akanørhn ,arounak;lou ;nq bar;'o.oumn;ri m;r yanaparfe! A\st;[ m;r famagor‘akzoujiune :uropa\i ;u Am;rika\i Miaz;al Nafangn;ri f;t oc mia\n ci joulanalou% a\l;u .oranalou h! M;r npatakn an'o'o. h% ;u ouxoum ;nq% i dhms Fa\astani% t;sn;l ardiakan p;toujiun^ amour fasarakakan \arab;roujiunn;row ;u ka\aza‘ irauakan famakargow! >ostowan;nq% or anzno[ tarin na;u 'or]oujiunn;ri tari hr! Cna\a‘ bolor dvouaroujiunn;rin^ m;x \a=o[ou;z irakanoujiun dar]n;l a,.atawar];ri ;u k;nsajo,akn;ri parb;rakan bar]razman^ .ostazoua‘ qa[aqakanoujiune! M;nq gtanq fimnarar lou‘oumn;r% oronq ke gor‘;n oc mia\n galiq tari! Sir;li* fa\r;nakizn;r% An,ou,t% Amanorn ir f;t b;roum h nor \o\s;r% nor spasoumn;r ou ‘ragr;r! Famoxoua‘ ;m% or a\d \o\s;ri ;u ‘ragr;ri irakanazoume m;r ];®qb;roumn h! Iuraqanciur entaniq ouni ir aknkaliqn;re% ir ‘ragr;re% ir fogs;rn ou ir ;r=ankoujiune! Omanq spasoum ;n banakiz ordou w;radar]in% omanq^ ir;nz ø=a.i ,inararouj;an auartin ;n l‘ou;l% omanq^ nora‘in mankan yicn ou b;rkranqn ;n aknkaloum ;u a\sp;s ,arounak! Ma[joum ;m% or Fa\astani amhn mi entaniq nor^ 2014 jouakanin karo[ana\ k;anqi koc;l ir ;raxanqn;re! Iuraqanciur ;r=ankaza‘ entaniq fauaqakanørhn au;li ouv;[ h dar]noum m;r ;rkire% au;li lauat;s h dar]noum m;x boloris! Zankanoum ;m% or lauat;sakan tramadroujiunn;row ;u lour= ‘ragr;row mtn;nq 2014 jouakan& a®au;l ;us% dra fimq;rn oun;nq% <ar& h= 13

IRANI NA>AGAFE 350 FAXAR TOLAR NOUIRA’ H FA|KAKAN FIUANDANOZIN Irani na.agaf Fasan Âoufanin 10 milia®d ®ial (møt 350 faxar tolar) nouira‘ h J;frani fa\kakan fiuandanozin! Na.agafin .orfrdakan Fosh\n ~;rh\toune a\z;la‘ h fiuandanoz ;u n,a‘% or Irani mh= mafm;takann;rou ;u oc mafm;takann;rou go\oujiune lau ørinak h tara‘a,r=ani ;rkirn;rou famar! Irani na.agafe ir f;rjin a\z;la‘ h iran;an banaki mh= ‘a®a\a‘ ;u xofoua‘ qani me fa\;rou bnakarann;r! Mowsis;ann;rou bnakarani mh= Âoufanin n,a‘ h% jh mafm;takann;re ke fauatan% or |isous Qristose barouj;an ;u mardasirouj;an margarhn h! Spafani Fa\oz J;mi A®a=nord% Arq;piskopos Babghn Car;ane n,a‘ h% jh krønakan 'oqramasnoujiunn;rou irauounqn;re Irani >orfrdarani mh= fra,ali n;rka\azoua‘ ;n% isk Irane tarb;r krønn;rou .a[a[ go\akzouj;an lauago\n ørinak h!

FRANOU< |AKOB:AN ÂAKOUSAKZOUJ:AN K:NTRONAKAN WARCOUJ:AN AT:NAP:T PARON MA|Q >ARAP:ANIN Farg;li Paron >arap;an% +;rmørhn ,norfauoroum ;nq Amanori ;u Sourb ’nnd;an tøn;ri a®jiu ;u ma[joum% or 2014 jouakane lini .a[a[ouj;an% ka\ounouj;an% ];®qb;roumn;ri ou w;r;lqn;ri tari! |iraui% };r fa\anpast ou fa\r;nanouhr gor‘ounhouj;amb Douq tarb;r ;rkrn;roum au;li hq endla\noum axga\in .ndirn;ri% famaxga\in npatakn;ri irakanazman ,r=anakn;re% nranz masnakizn;ri jiue! Wstaf ;nq% or m;r famat;[ =anq;row% 'o.wstafouj;an ;u gor‘enk;ra\in \arab;roujiunn;ri fiman wra\ hl au;li ke xørazn;nq ou ke ,hnazn;nq m;r Fa\r;niqe! Øgtou;low a®ijiz^ ,norfauoroum ;m Âouminia\oum Fa\ Dati masnayiu[i st;[‘man a®ijow% ore ka®o\zi b;[oun ;u npataka\in gor‘ounhouj;an wka\oujiunn h! Jo[ Fa\r;niq-S'iu®q miasnakan gor‘akzouj;amb k;anqi kocou;n fa\anpast baxoum ];®narkn;r^ i barøroujiun fa\ vo[owrdi ;u a,.arfas'iu® fa\ou<ar& h= 4


M;‘n Britanio\ warcap;t Th\wit Q;m;rone amanor;a\ ka\qh=i mi=ozow koc era‘ h ,otlantazin;roun fanraqouhi vamanak dhm qouhark;l anka.azoumin% ke fa[ordh BBC News-e! Q;m;rone \a\tarara‘ h% or <ar& h= 15

N.O. January 9, 2014, No. 2:N.O. Blank


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NOR ØR% |OUNOUAR 9% 2014



|akob Martiros;an >MBAGRAKAN KAXM^

Dokt& Minas Goya\;an Sargis |& Minas;an Frac S;';jy;an >acik Yano\;an MARXAKAN BAVUN^

Au;tis Ba\ram;an WARCAKAN KAXM^

Toqj& Âa``i Pal;an Ghorg Grigor;an Karø Giu'hl;an Andranik A`ar;an


F;®& (626)296-2921 F;®atip (626)296-2922

E- Mail: nor-or@sbcglobal.net Dauan;low ®amkawarakan skxbounqn;r% ke fauatanq baxmakar‘ouj;an ;u axat .øsqi irauounqi% f;t;uabar% fraparakoua‘ groujiunn;re anpa\man c;n arta\a\t;r .mbagrouj;ans t;sakhte! Kamqh anka. patya®n;row sprda‘ wripakn;rou famar k*apauininq m;r a,.atakizn;roun ;u enj;rzo[n;roun n;ro[amtouj;an!

Jourq patmaban Janhr Aqcam sksa‘ h ªJara`ºi mh= fratarak;l Ajajiurqi ko[mh \a\tnoua‘ ga[a'arn;r% oronq \stakørhn ke datapart;n Fa\oz t;[afanouj;an ou anonz dhm gor‘oua‘ spandn;roun patas.anatoun;re ou ke pafan=;n or patas.anatou Ijjifatakann;re patvouin% ba\z patvouin o*c jh jou[ji wra\% a\l gor‘naphs% orowf;t;u Ijjifatakann;rou mta\nouj;an w;rak;ndanazoume krna\ wnasakar ellal ;rkrin! Enj;rzo[n;re piti \i,;n or Janhr Aqcam na.ord \ødoua‘ow me dit;l toua‘ hr or Warcap;t Hrto[an Ti\arpa qeri mh= ªQiurtistanº anoune artasana‘ hr ;u inqxinq ardarazouza‘ hr \i,;zn;low or Mousja`a Q;maln al (Ajajiurq) artasana‘ hr a\s anoune! :jh a\sør kar;li hr Qiurtistan anoune ardarazn;l Mousja`a Q;malin .øs q;row% ard;øq no\ne kar;li ch# en;l na;u datapart;lou famar 1915-i Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune! Janhr Aqcam .ostaza‘ hr ir;ra\a=ord k;rpow fratarak;l 'astajou[j;r% oronz mh= Mousja`a Q;mal datapartas‘ h pat;raxmi enjazqin Fa\oz dhm gor‘oua‘ oyirn;re! Mousja`a Q;malin a\d ga[a'arn;re a\sør Jour qio\ [;kawarn;roun krnan øgnakan ellal% orphsxi anonq endounin z;[aspanouj;an irakanoujiune ou w;r= tan ourazoumi qa[aqakanouj;an! A\s npatakow h or Janhr Aqcam ;rhk ir ;rkrord \ødoua‘ow ke \i,;znhr a\n 'rojoqoln;re% oronq Amasio\ mh= storagroua‘ hin 1919-in Mousja`a Q;mali gl.auora‘ N;rka\azouzicn;rou Vo[owi ou Isjanpouli Ali Âexa "a,a ka®awarouj;an mi=;u! A\s 'rojoqoln;rou storagrouj;nhn a®a= Mousja`a Q;mal f;®agir me [rka‘ h Isjanpoul ;u pa,tpana‘


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h a\n ga[a'are jh Ijjifatakan [;kawarn;re phtq h patvouin pat;raxmi enjazqin ir;nz gor‘a‘ \anzanqn;roun famar! A\d pative phtq ch mna\ jou[ji wra\% a\l phtq h fandisauor k;rpow gor‘adroui% orphsxi t;sn;n Jourqio\ bar;kamn;rn al% j,namin;rn al! Mousja`a Q;mali asouj;amb% ªPat;raxmi \anzagor‘oujiunn;roun \a\tnab;roumn ou patvouile zo\z piti ta\ or m;r fa\r;niqin mh= patas.anatououjiunn;re fauasaraphs ke bavnouin jh* m;‘;roun% jh* pxtikn;roun mi=;u! Mousja`a Q;mali kar‘iqn;roun mh= artasanoua‘ h na;u ªT;[afanoujiunº ba®e! Janhr Aqcam ke \i,;znh anor sa na.adasoujiune& ªIjjifatakann;rou mta\nouj;an w;rak;ndanazoume% a\d ou[[ouj;amb karg me axdan,ann;rou \a\tnoujiune qa[aqakan t;sakhth wnasakar h! Anonq oronq t;[afanouj;an patya®au \anzanq gor‘a‘ ;n% an.ousa';liørhn phtq h patvouin datakan ;u qa[aqakan t;sankiunhnº! Janhr Aqcam ke \i,;znh a\l na.adasoujiun men al% xor kar;li h artagr;l orphs Mousja`a Q;mali mta‘oume! Mousja`a Q;mal 24 April 1920-in .orfrdarani bazman a®jiu erau ;rkar ya®a.øsoujiun me ;u fon Fa\oz dhm gor‘oua‘ spandn;roun masin .øs;zau gor‘a‘;low ª`hxafajº ba®e or ke n,anakh amøjali ararq! Janhr Aqcam ke \i,;znh or at;nøq lragro[ Hrjou[roul Høxqhøq ir wra\ \ar]aka‘ hr pnd;low or Ajajiurq a\dpisi ban me ch esa‘% ba\z \;to\ an stipo[ouj;an tak mnaza‘ hr ir jqa‘e lix;lou! Janhr Aqcam ke grh or a\s niuji ,our= park me l;zoun 'ast krna\ \i,;zn;l Ajajiurqhn ou piti ,arounakh anonzmh ørinakn;r n,;l!

Gourghn M;liq;an

Krkin Angam Gourghni F;t Gourghn M;liq;an ;u gor‘nakan fa\r;nasiroujiun fomani,n;r ;n! :u asika noroujiun me ch ir k;anqin mh=% or ‘nound a®a‘ ella\ fa\r;niqi anka.ouj;an ou Arza.i axatagrouj;an aliqn;rou wra\ mia\n! Gourghne mi,t a\dphs h ;[a‘! Ir;n famar qare qarin wra\ dn;le% akøs me ;us banale fa\r;ni parthxin mh=% ‘a® me ;us dhpi ar;u bar]razn;le ;[a‘ h k;anqi fimnakan npatak ou mtas;u;®oum! :u a\s bolore mankawarva-dasa.øsakan baxmaxba[ ou .ist patas.anatou asparhxi me xougaf;®! Our or phtq ouni fa\r;niqe% Gourghne a®a=inn;rhn mhkn h% or ª\a[jafasak ke kangniº martafrauhrn;rou dimaz! Patafakanouj;an ou vamanakauor .andawa®ouj;an ardiunq me

chr% ;rb xinq t;sanq Arza.i axatagrakan pa\qari jhv ør;roun% martenk;rn;roun møt% oronzmh ,at;re ir ousano[n;rn hin ;[a‘! Bolorowin xougadipoujiun chr na;u% ;rb an mi,t Monjh M;lqon;ani ko[qin hr! A\dphs k*ella\ iskakan m;‘ ;[ba\re! F;t;uabar ;u patafakan chr or Gourghn M;liq;an ke fimnhr ªQa,aja[i Baxmandam Entaniqn;ri Fimnadrameº% oroun mh= otqow-gl.ow endgrkoua‘ ;n ir axnouakan kine^ Laouran ;u doustre! Ow or yancza‘ h Gourghne% phtq couni frauhr spas;lou Aramaxdi a\s ordihn% a\l qa= gitnalow jh incpisi an]i f;t gor‘ ouni% a®an]na,norfoum ke nkath ir louman n;rdn;lou Fa\astan-Arza.i am;nhn '.roun wa\r;rhn mhkoun^ Qa,aja[i xargazman fa\r;na,hn gor‘enjazin mh=! Qa,aja[e a\n tara‘qn h% or ke gtnoui Fa\astani ;u ankh b®nouj;amb an=atoua‘ ;rb;mni L;®na\in {araba[i Inqnawar Marxi mi=;u! A\sør Qa,aja[e ambo[=ouj;amb axatagroua‘ tara‘q men h% oroun bnakcoujiune phtq ouni iuraqanciur fa\ou n;zoukin% ;jh ke 'a'aqinq or ,r=ane xargana\% da®na\ inqnabau ;u \auht mna\ orphs Fa\ki ordin;rou ørran! Fimnadrame%

incphs ke j;ladrh anoune% ke miti gor‘nakan øvandakoujiun zouzab;r;l a' me fa\ouj;an% or k*ouxh ka®ca‘ mnal pap;nakan va®angouj;an ;u ir xauakn;rou ariunow axatagroua‘ ou srbagor‘oua‘ fa\r;ni fo[in! W;r=;rs Bar;rar ;u Fimnadrami Gor‘adir Tnørhn Gourghn M;liq;an% krkin angam m;xi f;t hr No\;mb;r 17-in% Los Any;lesi ªSi'anº (Banquet Hall) ,q;[ ya,aranin mh=% our f;rjakan angam ellalow an]amb ke n;rka\anar ir ;ra.tiqi .øsqe ou[[;lou nouiratoun;roun ;u am'o' x;kouzagir me n;rka\azn;lou anonz! N;rkan;re mi,t al ir x;kouzoumn ou boza,ounc ;lo\jn;re ke dimauor;n liabou®n ‘a'afaroujiunn;row ;u ke ,arounak;n tal ir;nz fauastiazoumn;re ,arounak;lou ir;nz xørakzoujiunn ou n;zouke! Fauaqoua‘ hin ,our= oujsoun nouiratoun;r% oronzmh bazi omanq ya,k;ro\jhn a®a=% ouri,n;r al ankh ;tq% n;rka\azan Gourghnin ;u ir;nz qa=al;rakan arta\a\toujiunn;roun a®enj;r norog;zin ir;nz ou.te! Anzno[ tar;,r=ani gor‘ounhouj;an a®ncouj;amb Prn& M;liq;an lousar]ak patk;rn;rou zouzadrouj;amb n;rkan;re 'o.adr;z Qa,aja[ ;u zo\z touau nor ‘a®atnkoumn;rou drouagn;r% <ar& h= 14

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M;nq :nq^ M;r Zau;re

BOLO∞RE OU<AZA’ :N% BA|Z% MINC:U :#RB&&& PARO|R A{PA<:AN A\s .oragire% j;r;us% omanz famar tarørinak kam arta®oz joui% ba\z% a\dphs phtq ch ella\% ;rb anika ke w;rab;ri m;r axga\in fimnafarz;roun ou g;r.ndirn;roun% oronq% ka[nika[ ou karktan ellalou ca'% mtafogic ou tagnap;zouzic gor‘enjazi me mh= ke toua\tin ;u kam^ a\d yn,o[ bowhn k*anznin! Isk axga\in-ga[ouja\in% enk;ra\in-fasarakakan% kousakzakan-krjakan k;anqin mh=% ørinak% o#ur ckan t;[qa\l;r% makenjazoujiunn;r ou ‘an‘a[outn;r% oronq zo\z kou tan% a®noua*xn% t.our patk;rn;rou ;u atonz f;t;uanqow pakasauoroujiunn;rou ou j;roujiunn;rou ayo[ koutakoumn;r! Iuraqanciur marxh n;rs ka\ baz me% y;[q me% whrq me% or a\sørouan t.our ou zauzno[ ardiunqin fasa‘ h^ oc jh fima% a\l^ wa[o@uz% ghj qani me tasnam;ak a®a=% ba\z% gafawivoume ;u ankoume ,arounakoua‘ ;n% nor ;u \au;l;al au;rn;r gor‘;low! Inqnardarazoumn;re kam patya®abanoujiunn;re% oronq kama\akan ou paraga\akan ];uow fraparak ke n;touin% \aya. ª\anzauorº nkat;low a\s kam a\n ,r=anin% ;rkrin% ;r;uo\jn;roun ;u iradar]oujiunn;roun v.takan axd;zoujiunn;re s'iu®qafa\ k;anqin wra\% a\dqan al irapa,t ;u a®arka\akan c;n% oc al endoun;li kam^ famoxic! Atonq diurin ;u avan ];u;r c;#n% ard;øq% m;r zau;roun sour ko[m;re ct;sn;lou% bjamtabar fauko\r ];uanalou kam ];uazn;lou% inqna.abhoujiun .a[alou% ;rb^ au;li qan \stak ou t;san;li h% xgali ou ,ø,a';li% jh axga\in [;kawarouj;amb \auakno[ karya,ounc;r ou karyat;sn;r% c;n oux;r t;sn;l ir;nz qijhn a\n ko[m% ba\z% ke 'or];n ,r=anak% fama\nq% kaxmak;rpoujiun kam ga[ouj [;kawar;l (#)! N;rka\is% bolor makardakn;rou wra\ ou marx;rh n;rs% ke n,marouin yig;r ou 'or];r% na.a];®noujiunn;r ou kargadroujiunn;r% npatakdr;low ªban meº 'o.;l axga\in k;anqin mh=% go\at;uoum a®a=azn;lou kam w;ranorogoum apafow;lou gnow! Orqan al gow;li ;u o[=oun;li ellan atonq% ke mnan pakasauor ou angofazouzic% orowf;t;u axga\in k;anqi gor‘ønn;rn ou axdakn;re otqi ou k;ndani paf;lou famar% anfrav;,t na.adr;aln;rn ou ;njafo[;re tkaraza‘ ;n% ces;lou famar% ghj karg me paragan;rou% fiu‘oua‘ ou amlaza‘ ;n kam ke gtnouin a\d safanqin mh=! Oro, ,r=anakn;r takauin k*aprin anz;alin mh=% anz;alapa,touj;amb ke gor‘;n% ocinc ounin taliq% oc al ke wa\;l;n vo[owr-

dakanoujiun% ba\z% ke ,arounak;n ‘'‘'al fos ou fon% dasaranakrknouj;an&&& amøj.a‘ouj;amb! Ouri,n;r ke .øsin ou ke barba®;n% ke .ostanan ou ke zouzadrouin% saka\n% oc karo[oujiune ounin% oc mardouve% oc al fma\qe a\d bolore ardarazn;lou% saka\n% lauago\n paraga\in% inqxinqnin ke dn;n&&& ªpocikº;an gor‘;la];ui me mh=! Kan ko[m;r al% oronq fnam;ni% ta'ak% m®a\l ou miapa[a[ soworamolouj;an mh= ke tapltkin% ocinc en;lou% ocinch .andawa®ou;lou ou ocincow orakauor;lou snamh=ouj;amb ou datarkaportouj;amb! Omanq al ke ta®apin 'a®at;n=ikouj;nh ou m;‘amtouj;nh% manauand ;jh ja®a‘ ;n yiu[i me wra\ ou ke kar‘;n a\nt;[hn dit;l ou [;kawar;l (#) axga\in k;anqe% mincd;® anonq parxaphs anfayo\ patk;rn;r ;n ;u anfa[ord dhmq;r! Isk anonq oronq fa\r;nasirouj;an nouirakanoujiune ou srboujiune ke ,afagor‘;n ir;nz .;lapatiki arv;ca';row% takauin \auakn;low a\loz ouna\nakan kam mak;r;sa\in ªdasº;r talow% \au;l;al a[ht men ;n fa\ irakanouj;an famar! Inco#u a\s endfanrakan% ba\z ªo[b;rgakanº endg‘oumn;re% a\laphs al^ ir;nz ja'anzik parounakn;row! |stak ou m;ki∞n! Amhn inci mh= ou,azoum ka\! |apa[oume famatara‘ bno\j staza‘ h! Ou,azoume dar]a‘ h tirakan ;r;uo\j! |apa[oume inqxinq xgazn;l kou ta\ am;nourhq! Kar;li# h faka®akil ou,azoumi a\s qa[aqakanouj;an% ;rb amhn ør dhm \andiman ke gtnouinq anor apa®o[= ‘alq;roun% manauand i t;s axga\in .a\tab[ht ka®o\zn;rou m;‘ masin tvgounouj;an% orakaja'ouj;an! O#w krna\ cendounil% or^ - Fama\nqa\in (ima^ ga[ouja\in) gor‘ounhouj;anz ];ui ou orakin% oyi ou bowandakouj;an mh= ckan w;riwa\roumn;r% anfarjoujiunn;r kam fiuandka.oujiunn;r% oronq ke stou;r;n ga[oujn;rou k;nsounakouj;an kam a,.atounakouj;an go\awiyake! O#w krna\ cendounil% or^ - Enk;ra\in k;anqe% ir xanaxan ,;rtauoroumn;row% .ajaroua‘ wiyaki me mh= ci gtnouir% gonh ir safmana'akoumn;row% gounaxrkouj;amb ;u ªqli,hºouj;amb% oronz darmanoume kam srbagroume an\;ta]g;liørhn .orfrda‘;li h! O#w krna\ cendounil% or^ - Kousakzakanoujiune a\n ch inc or hr f;®auor jh møtik anz;alin% korsnzouza‘ ellalow ir ouvakanouj;an ou qa,o[akanou-

j;an fma\qe% isk a\s \;tadimoujiune or;uh lo∞ur= qnnarkoumi niuj ch dar]a‘ (gouzh dar]no[ cka#\)! O#w krna\ cendounil% or^ - Mamoule a\sør ci ta®apir baxmat;sak fiuandoujiunn;rh% oronz gl.auorn;rhn ;n^ .mbagiri ;u a,.atakizi% fraparakagiri ou j[jakizi% enj;rzo[i ou bavanordi nøsrazoumn;re% a®anz axdo*u kam darmanic mi=ozn;r gtn;lou% 'nt®;lou (jh yar;lo#u)! O#w krna\ cendounil% or^ - Krjakan fasta'or j[ja‘rare^ ir a,ak;rtakan ;u ousouzcakan kargawiyakow% dasagrqa\in ardi pafan=arkn;row% fa\;rhnagitakan mankawarvn;rou patrastouj;amb% takauin ch gta‘ ir gofazouzic lou‘oumn ou ardiunqe! O#w krna\ cendounil% or^ - Ar;umtafa\;rhn l;xoun ci t;r;uaja'ouir% aragenjaz qa\l;row% ir grauor ou .øsakzakan arta\a\toujiunn;row% isk a®noua‘ karg me qa\l;re kam a\d enjazqe kan.argilo[ mi=ozn;re .ist danda[ ;n% m,ou,apat! W;ro\i,;al juoumn;rou lo\sin tak% phtq ch# go®al^ A|O*% AMHN INC OU<AZA’ H% OU<AZOUA*’ Isk fima% a\d bolore ªfatouzan;lºou famar% .ouyapi matnoua‘ ;n s'iu®qafa\ouj;an axga\in ka®o\zn;re% saka\n% .ist do[do=oun kam \amraqa\l ,arv;row% fousk^ siro[akan kam oc-arf;stawarv møt;zoumn;row! :jh ou,azoumn;re ardhn isk au;ric ;n% no\nqan al qandic ;n mak;r;sa\in ou '.roun tnørinoumn;re% atonq inc bnagaua®i al patkanin% orowf;t;u axga\in k;anqe a\l;us ci dimanar ou,azoumi qa[aqakanouj;an% oc al n;r;li h a\d tramabanouj;an mh= \am;nal! Faka®ak taroua‘ bar;'o.;li oro, tou;aln;rou ou na.an,ann;rou a®ka\ouj;an% \o®;t;s ou j;rafauat ellalou al patya®n;r kan% ;rb axga\in ka®o\zn;roun mh= t;slapa,touj;an o*u banimazouj;an f;[inakn;r ke paksin% v.takan andradar]n;r ou f;tq;r ]g;low anonz wra\% minc ou,aza‘oujiune ci krnar w;ranal% ;jh ªou[;[a\in ou,aza‘ºn;re piti mnan&&& i patoui% isk ou,aza‘oujiune fimnowin w;razn;lou f;uqe^ zouza';[ka\in qaroxcoujiun! W;r=in fa,ouow% o*c mhk kaska‘% ou,azoum ka\% ba\z minc;u ;#rb kar;li h a\d mra'in mh= mnal% ou,azoume dar]n;low mna\oun&&& karga.øs! Ph\rouj

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NOR ØR% |OUNOUAR 9% 2014

SOURIAKAN ENDDIMOUJIUNE MOSKOUA KE VAMANH 2014 J& |OUNOUAR 13-14-IN Sourio\ enddimadir Axga\in da,nouj;an patouirakoujiune mtadir h a\z;l;l Moskoua banakz;lou famar ÂD AGN-oum 2014 jouakani |ounouar 13-in ;u 14-in% \a\tna‘ h ªÂIA Nowostiº gor‘akalouj;ane Axga\in Miouj;an gl.auor qartou[ar Patr +amouse! ªMoskoua a\z;louj;an amsajiue na.aphs fama]a\n;zoua‘ h Âousastani AGN f;tº% esa‘ h +amouse! An \a\tna‘ h% or patouirakoujiune ke gl.auorh Axga\in Miouj;an a®a=norde% oroun entroujiunn;re ke ka\anan |ounouari skixbe Stampouli mh=^ Sourio\ enddimadir ouv;rou famagoumari enjazqin! A\vm Axga\in Mioujiune ke gl.auorh Afmht +arpan% or krna\ w;rentrouil a\d pa,tønin! ªMinc entroujiunn;re m;nq c;nq krnar fastat es;l% jh a\ze k*anzni a\d vamkhtin! Pa,tønaphs m;nq ke \a\tarar;nq a\d masin entroujiunn;rhn \;to\º% n,a‘ h Axga\in Miouj;an gl.auor qartou[are! Sourio\ famar .a[a[ .orfrdavo[owe MAK-i gl.auor qartou[ar Pan Qi Mouni oro,mamb ke ka\ana\ |ounouari 22-in ,ouh\zarakan Montro\i mh=!

FÂOMI PAPIN SOURB ’NND:AN AUANDAKAN OU{:R}E ~ranziskos Pape t;[i vamanakow z;r;ke orphs F®omi ;piskopos enj;rza‘ h ir a®a=in Sourb‘nnd;an qaroxe! An Sourb‘nnd;an ou[;r]ow dima‘ h fauataz;aln;roun^ ,norfauor;low xanonq tøni kapakzouj;amb! An :rkri bnakicn;roun .a[a[oujiun ou bar;k;zoujiun ma[ja‘ h! An koc era‘ h anmi=aphs dadr;zn;l Souria\i ariunali pat;raxme^ tagnapow \i,;zn;low na;u a\l ø=a.n;rou masin^ FAF% Faraua\in Soutan% Qonko\i D;mok ratakan Fanrap;toujiun% Iraq! A\s masin ke fa[ordh ªIJAÂJASSº-e! Papi ;lo\jin f;t;ua‘ ;n oc mia\n tayari møt faua qoua‘n;re% a\l;u faxarauor f;®oustadito[n;r!

67 <ABAJ MINC:U FA|OZ Z:{ASPANOUJ:AN 100-AM:AK Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune v.to[n;re 69 am;rik;an patmaban-ousoumnakann;rhn% oronq oc mia\n ke f;rq;n kam k∞ouranan Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an ;[;loujiune% a\l;u^ takauin ke qarox;n ;u ke v.t;n anor patmakan ;u 'astagrakan tou;aln;re% a\sør^ mnaza‘ ;n mia\n mi qanin! Anonz m;‘amasnoujiune lq;low fakafa\kakan ;u fa\oz z;[aspanouj;an dhm tara‘ ir;nz arou;stakanørhn ,in‘ou pa\qare% omanq andrada®nalow ir;nz baro\akan patiuin% isk ,at;roun imazakan xarjnoumin f;t;uanqow kam ir;nz fakafa\kakan a,.atanqn;roun 'o.arhn staza‘ war]atroujiunn;roun kryatoumin patya®n;row! Anonzmh n,anauorn;rn ;n w;r=;rs Australia\hn dours ,prtoua‘ Yasjin Meq Qarjin% (Justin Mc Carthy)% Pernart Louise% (Bernard Lewis)% Fiijf Løoueri% (Heath Lawery)% oronq takauin ke \ama®in pa\qaril% wstaførhn^ \anoun ir;nz war]atrouj;an% or ke fogazoui jourq p;touj;an ko[mh! Isk a\l a\la.of;r% oronq ke v.t;n ªZ;[aspanoujiunº anouanoume% ;u oronq ;n^ Kounjer Lioui% (Guenter Lewy)% Hperfart Yaqal (Eberhard Jackal)% ;u Sjhn`ørt <aou (mafaza‘) Stanford Shaw! Isk w;r=;rs^ Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune f;rqo[n;rou ,arqin au;lza‘ h na;u Nørmen Sjone% (Norman Stone)% Angara\hn% akn\a\t war]atroua‘ jourq gor‘akal me! Incph#s ou[[;l kam dar]i b;r;l ir;nz fogin;re ‘a.a‘ mardik oronq ke =anan x;[‘;l patmoujiun% ouranal mardka\in irauounqn;r% otnako.;low ;u ,;[;low patmakan ørinakan bolor 'ast;re ir;nz anfimn ou soutow ,a[a.oua‘ noranor 'iliso'a\oujiunn;row ;u \;riuroua‘ patmoujiunn;row! Fakafa\kakan qaroxcoujiunn;re sra‘ ke jouin ellal Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100-am;akin!

AMN-OUM OUV:{ }NARBOUQ H AMN-i fiusisar;u;l;an ,r=anoum ouv;[ ]narbouq h% ori f;t;uanqow f;ta]gou;l ;n faxarauor j®icqn;r! |a\tnoum h bbc.com-i ®ousakan ‘a®a\oujiune! Nor Anglia\oum \a\tararoua‘ h artakarg droujiun% i,.anoujiunn;re koc ;n ar;l vo[owrdin dours gal tniz mia\n .ist anfrav;,t dhpq;roum! Mi;uno\n vamanak Masacous;zi nafangi qa[aqn;riz mhkoum t;[azo[ ]\an fastoujiunn ardhn 53 sm h! |a\tararoua‘ h% or Niu :orqi oro, dprozn;r a\s ør;rin 'akou;lou ;n!

ªHURRIYET DAILY NEWSº& ªFA|ASTANE KORZR:L H JOURQIA|I FANDHP WSTAFOUJIUNEº Fa\astani ou Jourqia\i mi=;u fa,t;zman =anq;ri a®oumow \;tnab;moum gor‘o[ a®anzqa\in k;rpare^ Samson Øxararte% kar‘oum h% or Jourqia\i AG na.arar Afm;d Tauoujø[loui \a\tararoujiunn;re^ kapoua‘ 1915-in fa\;ri davan artaqsman f;t% ,at kar;uor hin! A\s masin groum h ª Hurriyet Daily Newsºe! ª:s githi 1915-i iradar]oujiunn;ri w;rab;r;al Tauoujø[loui fa\;azqn;ri masin m;r xro\zn;riz! A\nouam;na\niu% minc a\s m;nq ;rb;q c;nq ls;l nman ban pa,tøn;an;riz! A\n% inc na orphs AG na.arar fraparakaw \a\tarar;l h% fska\akan qa\l h! A\vm da patmouj;an mi mas hº% as;l h Øxararte! Saka\n est nra% Fa\astane korzr;l h Jourqia\i fandhp wstafoujiune^ \arab;roujiunn;ri kargauorman w;rab;r;al ar]anagroujiunn;ri tapaloumiz \;to\! Jourqakan Qonia k;ntronakan nafangi fa\ lin;low^ Øxararte Jourqia\i ou Fa\astani m;r];zman a®anzqa\in dhmq;riz hr w;r=in qsan tarin;ri enjazqoum! Øxarartn% or fima ~ransia\i qa[aqazi h ou bnakuoum h Nisoum% ;rkou ,abaj a®a= f;®a.øsaxang h staz;l Jourqia\i AG na.arariz! Na frauhr h staz;l ou[;kz;l na.ararin :r;uan katara‘ a\zi vamanak! A\nouam;na\niu% Angaran 'or];l h ,ø,a';l irawiyakn ou t;sn;l% ard;øq t;[ ka\ man;ur;lou famar!


j;an% i xørazoumn m;r anka. p;touj;an ou bowandak S'iu®qi! Zankanoum ;nq };x% };r entaniqin ;u };r kaxmak;rpouj;an bolor andamn;rin a®o[=oujiun% \a=o[oujiun% b;[mnauor ou ardiunauht a,.atanq ;u .ndroum 'o.anz;l m;r ,norfauoranqn;rn ou bar;ma[janqn;re! Jo[ a,.arfoum tiri .a[a[oujiunn ou fandourvo[akanoujiune% jo[ shrn ou ;r=ankoujiunn ou[;kz;n amhnqin ;u amhnour! 2014 jouakanin ;us m;r =anq;rn ou[[ord;nq Siria\i pat;raxmiz touva‘ m;r fa\r;nakizn;ri a=akzouj;ane ;u ma[j;nq% or ør a®a= .a[a[oujiun tiri Siria\oum! Wstaf ;m% or m;r fama.mbmamb ou kaxmak;rpoua‘ouj;amb a®au;l ke s;rtazn;nq kap;re a,.arfas'iu® fa\ vo[owrdi ;u Fa\r;niqi f;t% ke ,arounak;nq pa\qare Fa\ Dati ardar lou‘man famar!


APAQINMAN MA{JANQ Zauow imazanq% Ar;umt;an J;mi Nafap;te^ baxmawastak na.kin A®a=nord^ Fa\ A®aq;lakan :k;[;zuo\ G;rago\n >orfourdi ;rkaram;a\ andam% Gali`ornio\ fa\ ga[ouji kaxmak;rpman% ];uauorman ;u nkaragiri k;rtman gl.auor yartarap;tn;rhn min^ G;r,& T& Wach Arq& |owsh';an anfangstouj;an me patya®au fiuandanoz 'o.adroua‘ hr! M;‘ago\n oura.ouj;amb imazanq% or m;r sir;li Wach Srbaxane% katar;al bouvou;lh ;tq% An toun w;radar]a‘ h ;u apaqinman ,r=an me k*anznh! Katar;al apaqinoum ;u a®o[=oujiun ke ma[j;nq Wach Srbaxanin! M;r a[øjqn h% or Astoua‘ Wach Srbaxanin katar;al a®o[=ouj;amb% ;rkar tarin;r parg;uh% anor ,ouqe ;u ørfnab;r n;rka\oujiune anpakas enh ir entaniqin ;u fauataz;aln;roun wra\hn! Iraqafa\;rou Miouj;an K;dronakan Warcouj;an At;nap;t^ >acik Yano\;an

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Sir;li* t[as% Ka[andi a\s gi,;roua\ anzo[aki vamanzn;rhn farba‘ ou \ogna‘% mta‘;zi gonh mna\oun ban me ]g;l a\sør^ q;xi namak me gr;low% minc doun s;n;ak me andin% staza‘ nouhrn;rowd ;r=anik ke qnanas! A\s namake ke gr;m q;xi Nor Tarouan s;min% ;rb au;li qan tasnam;ak me anza‘ h nor dara,r=anhn% or ir mh= ke krh m;‘ \o\s;r% .ostoumn;r ;u ]gtoumn;r! <at fauanakan h or% t[a∞s% qou k;anqid enjazqe ;rkari 21-rd daroun t;uo[ouj;an^ ;rrord faxaram;akin a®a=in darin mh=% or est na.at;souj;ans% faroust piti ella\ nor iragor‘oumn;row% xors m;nq a\sør ;rax ke nkat;nq ;u anfasan;li patranqn;r! |a®a=ika\ tarin;re% t[a*s% d®n;r piti banan dhpi an\a\te% anbazatr;lin ;u dhpi takauin ko\s ti;x;rqe! Piti ella\ dar me% oroun enjazqin piti iragor‘ouin a\søroua\ mta‘o[n;roun ;raxn;re% nor vamanakn;r^ k;anqi au;li lau pa\mann;row! Bargauayoumi ;u aragouj;an ,r=an me% axat^ vamanaki ,[jan;rhn% our mard arara‘e piti ];rbaxatoui miørinak k;anqi ka,kandoumn;rhn% axatørhn j®c;low dhpi ti;x;rq% iragor‘;low vamanaki endmh=hn yambordoujiunn;r% au;li .ore piti ousoumnasirh mardka\in ‘in;re% axatagrou;low yakatagrakan mafazouj;nhn d;r;us!

NOUAYOUMN:R Gi,;roua\ l®ouj;an parg;ua‘ a\s a®ije k∞øgtagor‘;m paf me .okalou ;u .orfrda‘;lou! Anz;alin ke na\im^ xa\n arv;uor;lou npatakow% na;u apaga\in ke na\im^ lo\si ;u \o\si t;souj;amb! A\s ;rkou vamanakn;roun mi=;u ka\ n;rkan% or fimnoua‘ h anz;ali ;raxn;roun wra\ ;u ir mh= ke parounakh ,at me \a[janakn;r% iragor‘oumn;r ;u an,ou,t&&& s.aln;r ou ]a.o[oujiunn;r! Anza‘ 20-rd dare faroust hr giutararoujiunn;row% oronz orakn ou qanake m;‘aphs ke g;raxanz;n mardka\in qa[aqakrjouj;an ambo[= patmouj;an enjazqin kataroua‘ giut;re! 20-rd daroun enjazqin^ mardkoujiune ar,au;z dhpi ti;x;rq% grau;low Lousine^ fasn;low Frat! Fastat;z ti;x;ragnazn;row


>of;r Nor Tarouan S;min

NAMAK^ XAUAKIS bnakoua‘ ti;x;ra\in ka\ann;r% oronq krnan na.aqa\l;re ellal apaga\in ti;x;ra\in a\l ,r=ann;rou mh= mardka\in fauaqakanoujiunn;rou bnak;zman! Bv,kouj;an asparhxin mh= ar]anagroua‘ \a®a=dimoujiune mardkoujiune 'rk;z ,at me famayarakn;rh% oronq mafazou hin anz;alin! Wirabouvouj;an mh= ar]anagroua‘ \a=o[oujiunn;re% incphs^ mardka\in marmni gor‘arann;rou 'o.anakoume% qa[zk;[i ou®;rou wirafatoume% ,at me mardik 'rk;zin sto\g mafh! <at;roun ;raxn;re irakanazan g;[;zkagitakan ;u s;®a'o.akan gor‘o[oujiunn;row! <at;r ma\razan argandh dours iragor‘oua‘ \[oujiunn;row! 20-rd daroun h or na;u mardkoujiune fasau qloninki gitouj;an 20-rd daroun enjazqin tpagrouj;an arou;ste gr;jh fasau katar;louj;an! <at me 'o.adrakan mi=ozn;r fnarou;zan% oronq ir;nz aragouj;amb g;raxanz;zin xirar! Famakargice fnarou;zau! Fska\ qa\l;r a®nou;zan f;®a.øsakan da,tin mh= ;u fnarou;zau b=i=a\in f;®a.øse! Arou;stagitoujiunn ou gitoujiune a®ije en‘a\;zin mardkouj;an% 'o.;lou ,at me ban;rou masin anz;alin ir;nz oun;za‘ faskazo[oujiune! A\s iragor‘oumn;re satar;zin enk;ra\in% tnt;sakan% ;u gitakan 'o.anakoumn;rou ;u gor‘akzouj;an^ tarb;r axg;rou ;u zamaqamas;rou mi=;u% m;r ambo[= :rkir molorake w;ra‘;low famazanzi fowanauorouj;an tak gor‘o[ fama,.arfa\in giu[aki me! Anzno[ dare% t[a*s% kar;li h koc;l mardka\in patmouj;an ‘anøj bolor dar;roun dare!

}A>O{OUJIUNN:R Orqa@n dvouar h% t[a*s% anz;ali iragor‘oumn;re am'o';l a\s to[;roun mh=% no\nqa*n dvouar h na;u jou;l fon gor‘oua‘ s.aln;re! M;q;nan or fnarou;zau mardoun ko[mh^ k;anqi \a®a=.a[azqin mh= anor øgn;lou famar% marde w;ra‘;z ir g;riin ;u ,at

angam grau;z mardoun t;[e% xinq ]g;low angor‘! Mardoz ko[mh fastatoua‘ gor‘arann;re an.na\ sksan wnas faszn;l k;nsolortin an;r;uaka\;liørhn apakan;low xa\n% wtang;low k;anqe a,.arfi ;r;sin! Jh;u nor dara,r=an me ardhn ,atonz j;uako.a‘ ;nq% saka\n takauin m;‘ jiuow mardik anøj;uan ;n% anous ;n ;u ke kr;n mafazou fiuandoujiunn;r! Takauin akanat;sn ;nq sowamaf manoukn;rou t;saranin% zauatan= ma\r;rou arzounqin% tar;z mardkanz anøgnakan wiyakin% \ousafatouj;nh ;u a[qatouj;nh ta®apo[ mardka\in fauaqakanoujiunn;roun! Takauin kan mardik% oronq ir;nz mitq;re axatørhn arta\a\t;loun \anzanqow^ ke bantarkouin \aya. al ke nafatakouin ;u ouri,n;r% oronq karøt ;n pata® me fazi ;u dprozakan gras;[ani% ‘arau ;n^ kajil me =ouri ;u&&& axatouj;an! Katar;lagor‘oua‘ ødanau;r ;u ti;x;ranau;r takauin ke =a.=a.ouin j;qniq ;u mardka\in s.aln;rou patya®ow% fn];low mardka\in ,at me k;anq;r! Bv,koujiune dar];al ke dimakalh spa®naliqn;r% incphs Sitan% or takauin bouvoum couni! Skxbounqow anm;[ vamanzi famar patrastoua‘ g;rardiakan karg me withø.a[;re davanørhn ke fn];n ou k∞a[aua[;n mat[a, s;roundin anm;[ ;r;uaka\oujiune^ anonz fogin;roun mh= s;rman;low wa\ragoujiun ou anasnakan v.takan ];ui kirq% f;®ou paf;low xir;nq axniu arou;sth% girh ou grakanouj;nh% marmna\in ou mta\in fandartouj;nh ;u&&& fogin;rou .a[a[ouj;nh! Mardka\in anz;ali arvhqn;re ]orn i war ke glorin! Mardoz fogin;re ke l;zouin bnaxda\in kirq;row! Oyirn;rou jiue ke baxmapatkoui! Mafapativn;rou anfrav;,toujiune dar];al ke droui ørakargi wra\% 'or];low san];l mardoz wa\ragoujiune% or warakic fiuandouj;an me nman ke fn]h ;[ba\rakizn;rou k;anq;re a®anz axdou;lou ørhnqin safmana‘ pativn;rhn! Anzno[ dara,r=ane% t[a*s% iraphs kar;li h koc;l dar;roun dare! Dar me or akanat;s ;[au ;rkou fama,.arfa\in pat;raxmn;rou% <ar& h= 13

N.O. January 9, 2014, No. 2:N.O. Blank


3:16 PM

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NOR ØR% |OUNOUAR 9% 2014



X:NOB QFN|& NALPANT:AN ªY,marit ;r=ankoujiune fog;kan .a[a[ouj;an mh= hº! Fa,ou;\ardar h krkin! Safmanoua‘ vamanake fasau ir lroumin! Mardkoujiune akndht ou srtatro' spas;z Nor Tariin! :j;rin mh= \o\si ou lo\si% xouarjouj;an ou aknkalouj;an tramadroujiun ka\! Faka®ak oro, mardkanz \o®;t;souj;an% a,.arf d;®;us ke pafh ir g;[;zkoujiune% jarmoujiune ;u k;nsounakoujiune! Bnoujiune^ Astou‘o\ mhk fra,ali st;[‘agor‘oujiune% m;‘ago\n ou an'o.arin;li parg;un h^ en‘a\oua‘ mardkouj;an! Mards saka\n k*au;rh xa\n ørestørh ou ke .ajarh anor biur;[ patk;re! K;nsolorte k*apakani wasnxi mardik ir;nz \arganqe korsnzouza‘ ;n sqanc;li bnouj;an fandhp! Andin% baxmaxan qa[aqakirj \or=or=;al axg;r% oronq kocoua‘ ;n masnakz;lou a,.arfi ka®ouzman ou bar;xardman% .a[a[ouj;an ou go\akzouj;an% anfog ou antarb;r^ k;anqi fandhp% xirar ke \ø,ot;n gaxani nman ;u a,.arfe ke dar]n;n katar;al gaxananoz! Akn\a\t h% or mardka\in .i[ye nirfa‘ h% a®o[= gitakzoujiune^ paksa‘% o[=mtoujiune^ ant;soua‘! M;[qe

ir car katake ke .a[a\ krkin^ sirt;r .oz;low% fogin;r .ortak;low ;u mardkoujiune dhpi wif a®a=nord;low! Tar;w;r=in% mardkouj;an a®=;u droua‘ fimnakan farze a\n h jh i#nc iragor‘;zinq fauaqabar! Omanq f;rosakan yigow bar]ounqn;r nouay;zin^ giri arvani ari ou bari gor‘;r katar;low% a\lq^ f;tamout ;[an lok ir;nz an];rou fangstouj;an ou 'a®abanouj;an! Mhk ban \stak h% or a,.arf ;r=ankouj;an f;tamout ;[au% ba\z irakan ;r=ankoujiune% dvba.tabar% bauakan f;®ou kangn;zau irmh! Sto\g% or a,.arf f;®ou mnaz na;u .a[a[ouj;nh% y,martouj;nh% ardarouj;nh! A\s ;r;q a®aqinoujiunn;re% a\o% 'arsa.n;row f;®ou mnazin irmh! Mards ,at barba®;z% qic gor‘;z! Xa\ls qnnadat;z% ba\z inq gor‘nakan ou drakan sakau qa\l;r a®au! M,takan .a[a[ouj;an ,;'or fnc;zouz% ba\z pat;raxmh ou ariunaf;[ouj;nh ;t cmnaz! Shr ou mioujiun qarox;z% ba\z pa®aktouj;nh ou bavanararouj;nh ;rb;q cf;®azau! Baro\akan a®at das;r ba,.;z% ba\z inq ti[mi mh= glor;zau! <ar& h= 12


}a.hn^ Vira\r Joros;an% Wiktor Martiros;an ;u Dokt& K& Thr :[ia\;an

Ma,toz Qolhyi Tiknaz Øvandak Marmine a,.o\v gor‘ounhoujiun h ‘aualoum qolhyiz n;rs! Fa\ kno= gnafatanqi mi=oza®man% apa Gofabanouj;an tøni a®jiu kaxmak;rpoua‘ ];®narkn;riz \;to\% afauasik a\vm^ Nor Taroua\ s;min kaxmak;rpoua‘ Amanori ou Sb& ’nnd;an tøna.mboujiune% ore t;[i oun;zau Kiraki% D;kt& 15-in% ªOlympic Banquet Hallºi dafliyoum! Tiknaz Øvandak Marmni at;nap;toufi Ar'i Ar'ay;ane bazman .øsqow o[=oun;z n;rka<ar& h= 15

}a.hn^ Dokt& K& Thr :[ia\;an ;u Ghorg Garayry;an


Karabakh President Congratulatory Address On New Year And Christmas

STEPANAKERT. – President of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic Bako Sahakyan issued a congratulatory address on New Year and Christmas. “Dear people of Artsakh, Respected compatriots, Time has come to bid farewell to the year of 2013 and meet the New Year with new expectations and hopes. We all wish that the coming year will be more efficient than the passing one, that we will have new successes and achievements, that all our goals and aspirations in personal, family, state or national levels come true. In the passing year, our nation has continued its creative work, registered new success, further strengthened the Fatherland's freedom and independence. Each of you through hard work has contributed to the development of different economic branches, putting into operation strategically important facilities, launching of various strategic projects. The year of 2013 was also a jubilee year. We celebrated on a nationwide scale the 25th anniversary of the Artsakh National-Liberation Movement. Of course, there have been also difficulties and omissions, we face numerous problems, and much must be done. Unfortunately, we had also irretrievable loss. Brave sons of the Armenian people were perished while defending our state borders. Their memory will always remain alive in our hearts. But one thing is very much clear and absolutely unchanged. We are resolute and will continue to do everything possible for the development and strengthening of Artsakh, improving living conditions of our population and strengthening the Armenia-Artsakh-Diaspora trinity. For achieving all these, we must work much harder, consolidated and united, in an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust. This is the most reliable guarantee of progress and the basis of natural development. Dear Compatriots, On this festive day, I want to remember first of all our perished friends and congratulate their families on the New Year: Eternal glory and honor to the patriots of the nation! I would like to congratulate all the privates and officers who are now in the trenches and positions safeguarding the native country's peace, the whole staff of our heroic army and wish them safe service. I congratulate all our people, our sisters and brothers in Armenia and the Diaspora. I wish everyone peace, robust health, happiness, prosperity and great success. Let the year of 2014 bring only joy and abundance to your families. Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

Karabakh Resolution Submitted To California State Assembly PanARMENIAN.Net - Assemblyman Mike Gatto (D-Los Angeles) joined with people of Armenian descent around California and the world in calling for the United States to recognize the Nagorno Karabakh Republic as a sovereign state. The resolution, AJR 32, invokes strong language from the

United States’ own history regarding the rights of the people to “self-determination and democratic independence.” If Gatto's resolution passes, it would make California the most populous governmental entity to call for Nagorno-Karabakh recognition, or to recognize it outright.

Not Even Trend Exists In Improvement Of Armenian-Turkish Relations YEREVAN. – There is no positive move in the Armenian-Turkish rapprochement, Prosperous Armenia Party National Assembly (PAP NA) Faction Secretary Naira Zohrabyan told Armenian NewsNEWS.am. In Zohrabyan’s words, there is not even a trend toward the improvement of Armenian-Turkish relations. “I had spoken with the senior officials of Turkey. These conversations led me to the belief that as long as the figures who continue the Ottoman Turkey policy rule in Ankara, there are no chances for the im-

provement of ArmenianTurkish relations,” the PAP NA Faction secretary said. In her words, despite the Turkish authorities’ announcement that they should have zero problems with their neighboring countries, in practice, this is yet another trick by the Turkish diplomacy. “At the same time, some segments of the Turkish society do not consider the Armenian Genocide issue to be closed. But this is not enough for the Turks’ consciousness to change en masse,” Naira Zohrabyan noted.

Kocharian Lashes Out: 'We Can’t Afford The Luxury Of Having A Flawed Prime Minister In Armenia'

In an interview published today, former Armenian President Robert Kocharian lashed out at Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan, labeling the latter’s attempts to shift the blame for the housing construction slump on him as “mental degradation”. Kocharian described Sargsyan’s explanations for the slump as “having nothing to do with reality.” Kocharian blamed the construction slump as a direct result of the exodus of large numbers of citizens leaving Armenia. “Many of the apartments they leave behind inevitable wind up in the secondary market, leading to a housing surplus. The fall in demand and prices thus makes new investment in the housing market less attractive.” Kocharian also blamed the worsening conditions of the country’s mortgage credit market for the construction slump, arguing that less and less people are willing to risk taking out loans. “And the banks aren’t at fault. They merely reflect the overall economic situation and the problematic liquidity of real estate,” Kocharian said. The former president also pointed to the rise in poverty levels, thus making the dream of home ownership more and more out of reach of average citizens. Like many political analysts, Kocharian

noted that people have less faith in the future and that if given the chance 40% of the population would leave Armenia. “No one intending to leave will invest in real estate or in business,” Kocharian said. Concluding, Kocharian said that neither the previous government nor the financial crisis was the reasons for the slump and that the current prime minister needs to take full responsibility. “If the prime minister does not understand this, then he his mental powers have degraded. If he is lying while at the same time understanding, attempting to place the blame on Andranik Margaryan’s government and on me, then his sense of morality has degraded.” Kocharian’s parting shot at Sargsyan minced no words. “In any event, we can’t afford the luxury of having a flawed prime minister in Armenia.”

New Year’s Message Of His Holiness Karekin II

On this festive day of New Year we extend Our Pontifical love and blessings to you, dear faithful people of Armenia and the Diaspora. We are welcoming the redemptive year of 2014. With the sacrament of Our Lord’s Holy Nativity we enter a new year. When the clock strikes twelve, we will extend our prayers from our churches to heaven, wishing that the year of 2014 be full of divine blessings and graces, bringing world peace, and the hope that one blessed day, hostility and wars will end, and life will blossom in solidarity, prosperity and joy. With God’s will, 2013 was a year of benevolent results; but there were also difficult times in the Homeland as well as in the Diaspora. We are facing deep- rooted problems such as making our country prosperous, defending our rights, reinforcing our statehood and improving our national and religious life. We are concerned with the predicament of the Armenian people living amongst the conflicts in the Middle East. We are hopeful that the children of Armenia will unite in the name of love for the Homeland and nation, overcoming the troubles in the Homeland and uniting all Armenians under her roof. We must reconcile to support each other and promote the Homeland- building and nation- preserving projects. Dear ones, in this regard, as the Apostle Paul has stated: “I have a great confidence in you; I take great pride in you…” (2 Corinthians 7.4), because our faithful people have bravely endured all the hardships, shown tolerance when in distress and lived with the determination to forge a bright future, unwaveringly traversing the path of a life renewed and independent. On this New Year’s Day, I exhort our beloved people to fill their lives with spiritual healing and pilgrimage this year. Let us lead our lives based on honesty and justice, cherish our Christian values, learn from our mistakes and misdeeds, deny and banish all the circumstances hindering our progress, so that we can build a prosperous and flourishing life in the Homeland and Diaspora and enter the year of 2015 with a clear conscience before the memory of our martyrs. In front of the Mother Cathedral we extend our plea to the Almighty, that 2014 bring peace to all the corners of the world, good will to all the people and nations, and new paths to resolve the disputes and establish a joyful and prosperous life. We exhort God to bring His blessings and abundant graces to our country and all our people dispersed throughout the world. We pray for the children of our nation in distress and facing difficulties. We also offer Our congratulations to the Armenian Army soldiers who defend our native borders and to all those in service. Dear ones, let Our Lord grant us all a year of strong health, benevolence and happiness. Happy New Year!

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday January 9, 2014


Mislata First City In Spain To Recognize The Armenian Genocide Los Angeles, California - Having concluded the preliminary data analysis of the Thanksgiving Day Telethon held November 28th, 2013, Armenia Fund U.S. Western Region is pleased to report that $22.7 million dollars was raised globally. Proceeds from the 16th International Telethon will benefit the construction of the strategically important Vardenis-Martakert Highway, linking the northern regions of Armenia and the Nagorno Karabakh Republic. The project has already commenced with engineering works starting as of December 2013. Armenia Fund U.S. Western Region also recorded a growth in the total number of donors and the overall amount of pledges. A total of $2 million was pledged in the Western U.S. compared to last year’s $1.5 million. Mr. Antranik Baghdassarian, Owner and CEO of Karoun Dairies (Major Los Angeles Partner of Telethon 2013) and volunteer Armenia Fund President, pledged $275,000, matching contributions during 2 hours of the live Telethon and underwriting a number of Armenia Fund functions throughout the year. “I want to thank each and every donor of Armenia Fund as well as all Diaspora organizations that stood by this monumental effort. Our strength is in our unity. Armenia and Artsakh are our national Homeland and we have a special opportunity in our modern day history to help Armenia survive and flourish in a very unfriendly neighborhood. With all the challenges along the way, Armenia and Artsakh are developing and moving forward steadily. The land and the people are unequivocally close to my heart and I will continue my support regardless of anything…it’s that simple,” stated Mr. Baghdssarian. Below is the initial list of pledges by country breakdown as of December 2013. Russian Federation $12,350,000 U.S. Western Region $2,000,000 European Phone-a-thon: France, Germany,Switzerland, Netherlands, Greece, Belgium $1,984,000 Armenia $1,642,372 Switzerland $1,250,000 Artsakh $1,000,000 U.S. Eastern Region $1,000,000 Argentina $700,000 Canada (Toronto) $225,000 Brazil $170,000 Canada (Montreal) $120,000 Great Britain $100,000 Lebanon $94,000 Iran $60,000 Austria $10,000 Armenia Fund, Inc. would like to extend its gratitude to the greater Armenian-American community as well as global Armenian communities for making 2013 a successful year for the Fund. Regardless of where our donors and general public stand politically or religiously, we as a global Diaspora once more proved that despite our differences we are able to unite and help make the Homeland a better place to live.

Armenian FM To Visit Peru, Panama And Cuba

From January 6 to 11 Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian will visit Peru, Panama and Cuba, Press and Information Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Reports. Minister Nalbandian is expected to meet with legislative and executive authorities in the above-mentioned countries.

Thursday, December 26, 2013 is already a historic day for the people of Mislata and the Armenian people. At its plenary council of the City of Mislata has unanimously approved the official recognition of genocide and crimes against humanity carried out by the former Ottoman Empire against Armenians. Mislata thus became the first Spanish city Mislata to do. Mislata is a municipality in the metropolitan area of Valencia (Valencia Province, Valencian Community, Spain) located in the comarca of Horta Oest. "It is important to promote the integration of all citizens in a municipality where the density of the highest population in Europe (around 20,000 persons per km ² is the third in the world in 2012, after Bombay and Calcutta) and comprising more than 100 different nationalities, including stateless "claimed the party Esquerra Unida del País Valencià (EUPV) (Izquierda Unida Valencian section). Izquierda Unida (IU, United Left in French) is a Spanish political left coalition formed in 1986 by different parties, the most important being the Communist Party. The motion filed by EUPV chose the proposal of Ararat Armenian Association, which is organized around the largest Armenian community in Spain with more than 300 persons and which coincides with the 98th anniversary of the genocide. The objective of this partnership is that many cities and autonomous regions make

The New York Times Dear Diary

this official recognition until 2015, when will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the genocide. While Turkey continues to deny its existence, this recognition has been done by the UN in 1984 and by the European Parliament in 1987 and countries such as Uruguay, Argentina, Belgium, Canada, Chile , France, Greece, Italy, Lebanon, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, Venezuela, Vatican, etc.. It has also been recognized three autonomous communities of Spain (Basque Country, Catalonia and the Canary Islands) and 44 states of the United States of America. The municipality of Mislata account since 2010 the first memorial of the Armenian Genocide in Spain. A khatchkar (The cross of life) three meters high is located in L'Hort Sendra in the historic heart of Mislata. It is the work of Dzhivan Mzrzoyan. It contains the main symbols of the Armenian culture, including Noah's Ark and the symbol of eternity.

By JON MORGENSTERN Dear Diary, Last week I was at J.F.K., shivering my way into a taxi, en route to Park Slope. Relieved to be heading home, I decided not to plug in my headphones and talk to Carl, the driver, instead. I gave him my address. We talked about the weather. He asked where I was from. Somehow we got around to my parents living in Los Angeles. Carl: “No kidding. I used to live out there. There’s a big Armenian population over in Glendale.” Me: “Wait, you’re Armenian? I’m Armenian. Well, 25 percent. My mom’s last name is Tutelian.” (Armenian names typically end in “ian.”) Carl: “My man!” He thrust his hand in my direction for a shake. “Bakalian, that’s my name.” The conversation immediately steered toward all things Armenian, especially

food. I mentioned that I loved lahmajun, a thin-crusted “Armenian pizza” with minced lamb and spices. Carl moaned, “Ahhhh, lahmaJUN! When was the last time you had some good lahmajun?” “Not for a long while,” I said. “Well you’re not going find it in Brooklyn,” Carl declared. “Massis in Sunnyside is it. I can bring you some.” Me: “Seriously?” Carl: “Yeah, seriously!” Fast forward five days. My phone rings. “Come down and meet me on the corner,” said the voice. “I’m in a hurry.” I sprinted down and rushed over to Carl’s car. The trunk is open. He pulled out two dozen lahmajun and handed them to me. “This is my Armenian Christmas gift to you,” he said. “I gotta run.” I could barely utter “thank you” before he got in his car and drove away. Merry Christmas, Carl.

This image taken by expedition doctor Andrew Peacock of www.footloosefotography.com on December 30, 2013 shows the ship MV Akademik Shokalskiy still stuck in the ice off East Antarctica, as it waits to be rescued. (AFP Photo) A Russian-built ship stranded in the Antarctic ice has started moving away from the ice fields after a change of wind cleared its path. A Chinese icebreaker, which was caught herself on the way to rescue the vessel, has already reached clear waters. The ‘Akademik Shokalskiy’ research ship, which left the port of Bluff in New

Zealand on December 8 with 52 passengers and 22 crew members onboard, got stuck in Antarctic ice on December 24. Chinese, Australian and French icebreakers tried to rescue her, but none of them managed, and the Chinese vessel herself got stuck. The passengers on the vessel were evacuated last Thursday by helicopter to the Australian Aurora Australis, while crew members stayed behind. Luckily, as the weather changed the danger threatening the trapped vessels decreased.

Antarctic Break: Russian, Chinese Stranded Ships Navigate Out Of Ice Trap

Thoughts On The Centennial: Taking History To Turkey In Turkish

Dear Friends of the Zoryan Institute: We take pleasure in sharing with you a recent article by Raffi Bedrosyan, which appeared in the Armenian Weekly and other papers, entitled, “Thoughts on threshold of centennial.” It recommends, in essence, taking Armenian history in Turkish to Turks. It is gratifying to see him articulate so well Zoryan’s long-term approach to enlightening Turkish and Armenian civil societies about the Armenian Genocide, through education and scholarship, as part of their shared history. Bedrosyan explains “…the objective of conveying to them [Turks] the historical truth of 1915 and its consequences, which are still felt today. This truth is best served when delivered to the people of Turkey in Turkish, based on archival material and historic facts—from the 1880s to 1922—directly from Turkish sources and their allies, including the factual consequences of the ongoing cover-up and denial by the state.” As Bedrosyan has written, “Dialogue between two conflicting parties can be meaningful only after both are aware of the truth and the facts. Even though the Turkish state has not allowed the truth to come out until recently, there are now clear signs that the taboos about 1915 are finally being broken and that there is an emerging ‘common body of knowledge’ among Turkish citizens and, more importantly, among the opinion makers.” The Zoryan Institute adopted the “Common Body of Knowledge” Project in 2001 with a view to providing indisputable information about the Armenian Genocide in English, Turkish, and Armenian, and making it available to scholars and Turkish and Armenian civil societies, with the hope that this knowledge would facilitate dialogue between these two peoples. In this regard, Zoryan’s efforts have included such publications in Turkish as Hitler and the Armenian Genocide, the Ottoman Military Tribunals, as well as the documents from the German Foreign Office Archives. Similarly, as part of the educational program, some fifteen students from Turkey have been sponsored with full travel, boarding and tuition scholarships over the years to participate in Zoryan’s annual Genocide and Human Rights University Program. Some of these students have gone on to publish articles and books, further contributing to this “Common Body of Knowledge” in their own right. We hope you also are pleased with Bedrosyan's article and ask you to disseminate it to your friends, as the author has expressed some critical thoughts, as we approach the eve of the centennial of the Armenian Genocide. Happy New Year.

Miley Ray Cyrus Wished Armenia A Happy Christmas

American singer Miley Ray Cyrus has wished Armenia a Happy Christmas. ‘HAPPY ARMENIAN CHRISTMAS,’ she tweeted. More than 10,000 Twitter users retweeted.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday January 9, 2014


The Lies Behind The West's War On Libya

Turk Intellectuals Who Recognized The Armenian Genocide

Continued from Vol.92, #1

By Hambersom Aghbashian


The US$30 billion frozen by Mr Obama belong to the Libyan Central Bank and had been earmarked as the Libyan contribution to three key projects which would add the finishing touches to the African federation – the African Investment Bank in Syrte, Libya, the establishment in 2011 of the African Monetary Fund to be based in Yaounde with a US$42 billion capital fund and the Abuja-based African Central Bank in Nigeria which when it starts printing African money will ring the death knell for the CFA franc through which Paris has been able to maintain its hold on some African countries for the last fifty years. It is easy to understand the French wrath against Gaddafi. The African Monetary Fund is expected to totally supplant the African activities of the International Monetary Fund which, with only US$25 billion, was able to bring an entire continent to its knees and make it swallow questionable privatisation like forcing African countries to move from public to private monopolies. No surprise then that on 16-17December 2010, the Africans unanimously rejected attempts by Western countries to join the African Monetary Fund, saying it was open only to African nations. It is increasingly obvious that after Libya, the western coalition will go after Algeria, because apart from its huge energy resources, the country has cash reserves of around €150 billion. This is what lures the countries that are bombing Libya and they all have one thing in common – they are practically bankrupt. The USA alone, has a staggering debt of $US14,000 billion, France, Great Britain and Italy each have a US$2,000 billion public deficit compared to less than US$400 billion in public debt for 46 African countries combined. Inciting spurious wars in Africa in the hope that this will revitalise their economies which are sinking ever more into the doldrums will ultimately hasten the western decline which actually began in 1884 during the notorious Berlin Conference. As the American economist Adam Smith predicted in 1865 when he publicly backed Abraham Lincoln for the abolition of slavery, ‘the economy of any country which relies on the slavery of blacks is destined to descend into hell the day those countries awaken’.


To destabilise and destroy the African union which was veering dangerously (for the West) towards a United States of Africa under the guiding hand of Gaddafi, the European Union first tried, unsuccessfully, to create the Union for the Mediterranean (UPM). North Africa somehow had to be cut off from the rest of Africa, using the old tired racist clichés of the 18th and 19th centuries ,which claimed that Africans of Arab origin were more evolved and civilised than the rest of the continent. This failed because Gaddafi refused to buy into it. He soon understood what game was being played when only a handful of African countries were invited to join the Mediterranean grouping without informing the African Union but inviting all 27 members of the European Union. Without the driving force behind the African Federation, the UPM failed even be-

fore it began, still-born with Sarkozy as president and Mubarak as vice president. The French foreign minister, Alain Juppe is now attempting to re-launch the idea, banking no doubt on the fall of Gaddafi. What African leaders fail to understand is that as long as the European Union continues to finance the African Union, the status quo will remain, because no real independence. This is why the European Union has encouraged and financed regional groupings in Africa. It is obvious that the West African Economic Community (ECOWAS), which has an embassy in Brussels and depends for the bulk of its funding on the European Union, is a vociferous opponent to the African federation. That’s why Lincoln fought in the US war of secession because the moment a group of countries come together in a regional political organisation, it weakens the main group. That is what Europe wanted and the Africans have never understood the game plan, creating a plethora of regional groupings, COMESA, UDEAC, SADC, and the Great Maghreb which never saw the light of day thanks to Gaddafi who understood what was happening.


For most Africans, Gaddafi is a generous man, a humanist, known for his unselfish support for the struggle against the racist regime in South Africa. If he had been an egotist, he wouldn’t have risked the wrath of the West to help the ANC both militarily and financially in the fight against apartheid. This was why Mandela, soon after his release from 27 years in jail, decided to break the UN embargo and travel to Libya on 23 October 1997. For five long years, no plane could touch down in Libya because of the embargo. One needed to take a plane to the Tunisian city of Jerba and continue by road for five hours to reach Ben Gardane, cross the border and continue on a desert road for three hours before reaching Tripoli. The other solution was to go through Malta, and take a night ferry on ill-maintained boats to the Libyan coast. A hellish journey for a whole people, simply to punish one man. Mandela didn’t mince his words when the former US president Bill Clinton said the visit was an ‘unwelcome’ one – ‘No country can claim to be the policeman of the world and no state can dictate to another what it should do’. He added – ‘Those that yesterday were friends of our enemies have the gall today to tell me not to visit my brother Gaddafi, they are advising us to be ungrateful and forget our friends of the past.’ Indeed, the West still considered the South African racists to be their brothers who needed to be protected. That’s why the members of the ANC, including Nelson Mandela, were considered to be dangerous terrorists. It was only on 2 July 2008, that the US Congress finally voted a law to remove the name of Nelson Mandela and his ANC comrades from their black list, not because they realised how stupid that list was but because they wanted to mark Mandela’s 90th birthday. If the West was truly sorry for its past support for Mandela’s enemies and really sincere when they name streets and places after him, how can they continue to wage war against someone who helped Mandela and his people to be victorious, Gaddafi? To be continued 2

1. Orhan Pamuk

Ferit Orhan Pamuk (simply known as Orhan Pamuk - Born, June 7, 1952, Istanbul, Turkey) is a Turkish novelist, screenwriter, academic and recipient of the 2006 Nobel Prize in Literature. One of Turkey's most prominent novelists, his work has sold over eleven million books in sixty languages, making him the country's best-selling writer. Pamuk is a Professor in the Humanities at Columbia University (NY). His novels include The White Castle, The Black Book, The New Life, My Name Is Red and Snow. As well as the Nobel Prize in Literature (the first Nobel Prize to be awarded to a Turkish citizen), Pamuk is the recipient of numerous other literary awards. My Name Is Red won the 2002 Prix du Meilleur Livre Étranger, 2002 Premio Grinzane Cavour and 2003 International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award. The book was translated into 24 languages. In 2005, Pamuk was put on trial in Turkey after he made a statement regarding the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire. “Thirty thousand Kurds have been killed here, and a million Armenians. And almost nobody dares to mention that. So I do”, remarked Pamuk. “What happened to the Ottoman Armenians in 1915 was a major thing that was hidden from the Turkish nation; it was a taboo. But we have to be able to talk about the past.” added Pamuk. A criminal case was opened against

him based on a complaint filed by ultra-nationalist lawyer Kemal Kerinçsiz*. The charges were dropped on 22 January 2006. Rallies were held to burn his books. However, Kemal Kerinçsiz, appealed to the Supreme Court of Appeal which ordered the court in Şişli to re-open the case. On March 27, 2011, Pamuk was found guilty and ordered to pay 6,000 liras fine for his stand point. The charges against Pamuk caused an international outcry and led to questions in some circles about Turkey's proposed entry into the European Union. *Kemal Kerinçsiz (B.1960 in Edirne, Turkey) is a Turkish lawyer, famous for filing complaints against more than 40 Turkish journalists and authors (including Orhan Pamuk and the late Hrant Dink) for "insulting Turkishness". On 5 August 2013 Kerinçsiz was sentenced to aggravated life imprisonment as part of the Ergenekon ( a Turkish nationalist underground organization) trials.

Armenian Genocide Issue May Become Part Of Election Campaign Agenda - Mateusz Piskorski

Turkey is a hostage of Azerbaijan, this is reasons that implementation of the Armenia-Turkey protocols is unlikely, says political analyst Mateusz Piskorski. “I think you must not expect changes in Turkey’s foreign policy in 2014. The visit of Turkish FM Ahmet Davutyoglu most likely was nothing but Ankara’s intention to show its readiness for dialogue as this was demanded by the U.S., Turkey’s ally,” Piskorski told Armenian News-NEWS.am. Piskorski, Director of the European Center of Geopolitical Analysis, said in the context of presidential elections in 2014 and

parliamentary elections in 2015 in Turkey, one must not expect serious steps aimed at thaw in relations with Yerevan. “This refers to the Genocide recognition, too. Most likely the issue will become a part of the agenda of the election campaign,” he resumed. In October 2009 Armenia and Turkey signed protocols in Zurich to normalize diplomatic relations between the states. In 2010 the Armenian president suspended the process due to Turkey’s non-constructive stance. Ankara set preconditions and linked the reconciliation process to resolution of the Karabakh conflict.

Exclusive Photos Ahead Of Genocide Centennial

An exclusive archive-collection of photos featuring episodes of the Armenian Genocide will be published on the ARA NAKHSHKARYAN website in the run-up to the 100th anniversary of the big tragedy. The collection will comprise 5,000 photos. The images posted to date portray characters and events directly linked back to the Genocide era, as well as historical-cultural events, and towns and villages of the historical Armenian homeland.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday January 9, 2014


Of Human Beings

Ararat – The Central Province Of Ancient Armenia

By Alice Krumian

How hard has it been to lead an honest life, Not to cheat, not to fake, not to lie, Withstanding social pressure at any time, To stay loyal to the truth, at all time. If your words always mean what you think, Facts are never distorted for your own profit, If such policy is your life's guiding rule, Appreciation will rarely be your reward. A lifestyle reflecting integrity and goodness, Is not, as a rule, the main key to success; If ideals are upheld as your life's precepts, You are the exception to the rule, my dear friend. Moral values are viewed as concepts out of date, Adherence to divine ethics as an absurd waste, The rules to live by are formulated by each man, And turned into a true Commandment to obey. Such is the standard guiding to-day's society, How far it has strayed from divine authority, And you, Armenian friend, can you honestly state, "I have consistently chosen life's truthful path"?

Rev. E. Smith, who made an exploring tour in Persia and Armenia in 1830 and 1831, remarks in the Biblical Repository, 1832, p. 202, “The name of Ararat occurs but twice in the Old Testament (Gen. viii, 1, and Jer. li, 27), and both times as the name of a country, which in the last passage is said to have a king. It is well known that this was the name of one of the fifteen provinces of Armenia. It was situated nearly in the center of the kingdom ; was very extensive, reaching from a point above seven or eight miles east of the modern Erzroom, to within thirty or forty miles of Nakhchewan ; yielded to none in fertility, being watered from one extremity to the other by the Araxes, which divided it into two nearly equal parts; and contained some eight or ten cities, which were successively the residences of the kings, princes, or governors of Armenia from the commencement of its political existence, about 2000 years B.C. according to Armenian tradition, until the extinction of the Pagratian dynasty, about the middle of the eleventh century; with the exception of about 230 years at the commencement of the Arsacian dynasty, when Nisibis and Oria were the capitals. It is therefore not unnatural that this name should be substituted for that of the whole king-

Armenian Yogurt May Be Produced In Japan

About three dozen Armenians live in Japan, Hrant Poghosyan, Armenia’s Ambassador to Japan, told Armenian News-NEWS.am. In Poghosyan’s words, around half of these Armenians resides in capital city Tokyo. “The number has grown several times in the last decades. Our small [Armenian] diaspora in Japan lives quite harmoniously, and it gets together regularly on national holidays and events,” the ambassador noted. And according to Japanese data, solely

On December 31, 2013 6’5” Garen Spendjian, a power forward for the Armenia national basketball team, led Cortland University with 30 points against Utica College. Spendjian shot 12-15 from the field, including 5-6 from the 3 point line with 7 rebounds.

6’4” Mike Boornazian, a candidate for the Armenia national basketball team, led Bates College on December 30, 2013 with 23 points against Berkeley (NY) College. Boornazian shot 8-16 from the field, including 4-7 from the 3 point line with 6 rebounds. One night earlier against Salem State University, Boornazian scored 23 points again on 8-14 shooting from the field, including 4-8 from the 3 point line with 7 rebounds.

seven Japanese permanent residents are registered in Armenia. But the diplomat did not give any numbers in response to the query on the goods turnover between Armenia

Sardur King of Ararat by Rubik Kocharian

dom, and thus become known to foreign nations, and that the king of Armenia should be called the king of Ararat.” See Cuneiform Inscriptions. From: Cyclopædia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature Tags: Ancient Armenia, Ararat, Biainili, Biblical Ararat, Mount Ararat, Nairi, Urartu

Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra To Perform In Europe In 2014

and Japan. “The bulk of the Japanese products reaches Armenia through third countries. Armenia exports medical serum, cognac [i.e., brandy], and the ‘Narine’ probiotic to Japan. The possibility of starting Armenian yogurt production in Japan is looked into,” Hrant Poghosyan said.

YEREVAN. – In 2014, the Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra (APO) will head for a huge concert tour devoted the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. Visits to Spain and the Scandinavian countries are expected during the tour, APO Chief Conductor and Artistic Director Eduard Topchjan told Armenian NewsNEWS.am. In his words, concerts will be held in Italy in August, subsequently, in Austria and in Germany, then again in Italy, and in Slovakia. Topchjan noted, however, that the

PanARMENIAN.Net - One of the creators of the image of Yerevan, the author of numerous buildings and monuments, renowned architect Jim Torosyan, died January 5 in the Armenian capital. He was 85. The holder of multiple titles and awards, Torosyan was named the People's Architect of the USSR, Professor of International Academy of Architecture, Academi-

cian of the Moscow department of The International Academy of Architecture, Member of the USSR Academy of Arts, Foreign member of Russian Academy of Architecture and Building Sciences, among other honors. As the chief architect of Yerevan (19721982) Torosyan revived a plan for the construction of The Cascade complex based on the original concept by architect Alexander Tamanyan.

Renowned Architect Jim Torosyan Dies At 85

Syrian Schools To offer Russian As Second Foreign Language Syrian government announced it will be offering Russian as a second foreign language in schools starting with the fifth grade. The new decision was posted Students attend a class at a school in Aleppo's Bustan al-Qasr on Syria’s ministry (Reuters/Mahmoud Hassano) of education web“All necessary preparations for the site. Fifth graders will have the choice belaunching of the Russian language protween Russian and French as part of their gramme at Syrian schools will be comsecondary school curriculum. pleted by the next academic year,” Itar-Tass The language was chosen because of quoted Minister of Education Hazwan "sympathies to Russia, from the interest to Wazz as saying. its great culture,” according to the ministry.

last two years were not good for the orchestra in terms of concert tours. According to APA artistic director, a concert visit was planned to Japan, but this was not brought to fruition because of the devastating earthquake that hit this country. “A very large tour was planned throughout Spain in November 2013, which was put off due to the huge [economic] crisis in their country. “But I am glad that all of these [concert] programs were not canceled, but rather solely rescheduled,” Eduard Topchjan stressed.

Saudi Arabia, France Make Their Move In Lebanon

The Saudi decision to give $3 billion in aid to the Lebanese army to purchase French weapons and ammunition came as a surprise to both supporters and opponents of the move. The amount is the highest ever to the army, but the most alluring aspect of the initiative is not limited to the allocated sum. In fact, rarely has the Lebanese state received any donations. Rather, the bigger surprise is the emerging Saudi-French partnership, which constitutes a turning point in the Middle East. With the shrinking US role in the area, a void has opened that regional forces and terrorist organizations from everywhere

are rushing to fill.

Tunisian Lawmakers Vote Against Sharia Constitution

PanARMENIAN.Net - Tunisian lawmakers have rejected plans to make Islam the main source of law for the country, in a setback for hardline Islamist campaigners. The politicians blocked proposed amendments to the draft constitution, which would have made the Koran its main legal reference point, Jewish News One reports. In a compromise agreed by the outgoing Islamist government and opposition, Tunisia has been defined as a republic, with Arabic as its state language and Islam as its religion. However, a January 14 deadline for adoption of the new constitution may not be achieved due to stalled discussions and infighting.

N.O. January 9, 2014, No. 2:N.O. Blank


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A®a=noujiune ka\azau Moskoua\oum! M;r diuzaxnakan :ouri Wardan;an% :ouri Sargs;an% Øqshn Mirxo\;an ;®;ake :r;uan w;radar]au a,.arfi a.o\;ann;ri tit[ose nouaya‘! :s :ouri Wardan;aniz t;[;kaza\% or nranq (Wardan;an ;u Sargs;an :ouran;re ;u Øqshn Mirxo\;ane) oskh m;taln;ri wra\ 'oragroua‘ hr :r;uan-1983% isk ar‘ajh ;u pronxh m;taln;ri wra\^ Moskoua-1983! A\o% Karhn D;miry;ane ,inarar hr% marxashr hr% arou;stashr hr! ªFo[e k;anqi fimqn hº asoua‘ h Karhn D;miry;ani gra®oumn;roum! Na gtnoum hr% or xargaza‘% faroust giu[i a®ka\oujiune Fa\astani go\ouj;an ;u xargazman famar partadir pa\man h! Famapatas.anabar ,at ou,adrouj;an ;u =anq;r n;rdrou;zin giu[atnt;souj;an xargazman ou[[ouj;amb^ 70-80-akan jouakann;rin! ªFanrap;touj;an sakauafo[ouj;an pa\mann;roum w;rab;rmounqe fo[i^ gl.auor farstouj;an nkatmamb% bazar]akaphs antnt;sawar ;u anpatas.anatou hr! Tar;ztari kryatuoum hin war;lafo[;ri tara‘qn;re! Armataphs s.al% ir houj;amb wnasakar jhxe a\n masin% or fanrap;touj;an giu[atnt;soujiune anf;®ankara\in h% Fa\astane phtq h da®na\ ardiunab;rakan fanrap;touj;an faszr;z giu[i ankmane! Tnt;soujiunn;ri .o,orazman anouan tak w;razou;zin au;li qan 300 giu[akan bnakawa\r;r% ama\azan l;®na\in ;u na.al;®na\in ,r=ann;r! Arvhqauor fo[;re zruoum hin ardiunab;rakan ;u a\l ];®narkoujiunn;ri ,inararouj;an tak% mia\n jh oc giu[atnt;sakan ,inararouj;an! War;lafo[;re \atkazoua‘ hin bnakarana\in ,inararouj;an famar! :jh a\dphs ,arounakouhr apa m;nq fastataphs ke xrkouhinq fo[iz! Fanrap;touj;an sakaua=rouj;an pa\mann;roum anjo\latr;li an'o\j% antnt;sawar w;rab;rmounq kar =ra\in ®;soursn;ri nkatmamb! Bnapafpanouj;an .ndirn;ri masin% endfanraphs% oc oq chr mta‘oum! No\nisk ªbnapafpanoujiun kat;gorian ,at;rin an‘anøj hrº! O[b;rgakan dasauorou;z S;uani yakatagire! Hn;rg;tik ;u o®ogman npatakn;row =ri baz jo[oume i=;zr;l hr =ri makardake 18 m;jrow! Liye 'rk;lou miak \o\sn hr famaruoum Ar'a-S;uan joun;li ka®ouzoume% orn anca' ]g]gou;z! Mi .øsqow m;nq fas;l hinq a\n



}a.hn^ Øqshn Mirxo\;an% :ouri Wardan;an ;u :ouri Sargs;an%

;xrag‘in% or phtq hr kang a®n;l% .oraphs w;rlou‘;l st;[‘oua‘ iradroujiune ;u gtn;l ;lq;r% a\lentranqa\in lou‘oumn;r! A\d lou‘oumn;re gtnou;zin! Giu[atnt;souj;an xargazman ;u fanrap;toujiune parhnow apafow;lou m,akoua‘ ;u fastatoua‘ fa\;zakarge xourk hr kar‘ratip;riz ;u fimnoua‘ hr bolorowin nor møt;zoumn;ri wra\! Agrara\in qa[aqakanoujiune n;rgrauoum hr oun;za‘ tnt;souj;an int;nsi`ikazoume^ a®au;lago\n ardiunauhtouj;amb øgtagor‘;low bolor t;saki pa,arn;re^ fo[a\in% =ra\in% t;.nikakan% int;l;ktoual ;u% miavamanak% nori xargazoume^ o®ogouo[ fo[;ri ;u fo[atara‘qn;ri endla\noum% .o,or =rowi na.ag‘;ri irakanazoum% gitouj;an nouayoumn;ri n;rdroum giu[atnt;souj;an mh=% bolor olortn;roum entro[akan a,.atanqn;ri xargazoum% anasnabouvakan .o,or famalirn;ri st;[‘oum ir;nz fxør ;njaka®ouzoua‘qow (z;[akan anasounn;ri gor‘arann;r% tnt;soujiunn;r ;u `;rman;r% k;ndanin;ri arf;stakan s;rmnauorman ka\ann;r% nor% bar]r ardiunauhtoujiun oun;zo[ z;-

[at;sakn;ri st;[‘oum 'o.patouastman mi=ozow ;u a\ln)% j®cnabou‘akan `;rman;ri st;[‘oum% ]knatnt;soujiunn;ri endla\noum% =;rma\in tnt;soujiunn;ri st;[‘oum% pt[atou ;u .a[o[i nor a\gin;ri fimnoum% snk;ri arf;stakan ay;zoum ;u ,at a\l mi=oza®oumn;r! Ir;nz \ou,;roum ~& Sargs;ane ;u W& Mowsis;ane n,;l ;n% or a\n koc;l ;n ªD;miry;ani ’ragirº! Miavamanak% axatoua‘ fo[;ri wra\ st;[‘ou;z nor^ Ba[ram;ani ,r=ane! Da nor tipi ,r=an hr^ mta‘oua‘ 'lanauoroumow% ka®ouzoua‘qn;row ;u m;‘ apaga\ow! D;miry;ani ørøq irakanazou;z Fa\astani ;u Atrph\yani mi=;u fo[aøgtagor‘man safmann;ri w;rana\oum% ori ,norfiu \a=o[ou;z w;radar]n;l <am,adini ,r=anoum korzra‘ fo[;re ;u apafow;l normal fo[aøgtagor‘oum! Fanrap;touj;an giu[atnt;souj;an xargazman gor‘oum fska\akan n,anakoujiun oun;zau mi ouri, gor‘øn ;us^ ardiunab;roujiune ª;kauº na;u giu[akan ,r=ann;r! Amhnour;q st;[‘uoum hin ardiunab;rakan ];®narkoujiunn;ri masnayiu[;r! Fa\astane w;ra‘ou;z indoustrial agrøardiunab;rakan fanrap;touj;an% lou‘ou;zin bnakcouj;an famar k;nsakanørhn kar;uor baxmajiu sozialakan .ndirn;r! Giu[akan bnakcouj;an bar;k;zouj;an bar]razmane npastoum hr na;u j;j;u ardiunab;rouj;an olortoum tna\nagor‘ouj;an famakargi st;[‘oume% masnauoraphs^ gorgagor‘oujiune! Baza®ik ou,adroujiun hr \atkazoua‘ l;®na\in ;u na.al;®na\in ,r=ann;rin^ fa,oui a®n;low nranz klima\akan ;u a,.arfagrakan ,at ‘anr pa\mann;re! N;rdroua‘ =anq;ri ardiunqe ;[au a\n% or m,akou;z a®an]in ‘ragir% ori fama]a\n st;[‘ou;zin artøn;al pa\mann;r% w;rabnakou;lou dhpqoum truoum hr mianouag npast! Miavamanak% st;[‘ou;zin o®ogman famakarg% maqr;zin ;u endar]ak;zin qarqarot fo[atara‘qn;re Fraxdani traktori masnayiu[oum st;[‘oua‘ \atouk m;.anixmn;ri ,norfiu! 60-akan jouakann;ri w;r=in% ;rb D;miry;ane d;® qa[komi qartou[ar hr% Agaraki p[n]amolibd;na\in kombinati tnørhn Sabir St;'an;ani f;t gnazin Agoulis% ore gtnuoum hr Na.i=;uani autonom fanrap;toujiunoum! (<ar 3)

N.O. January 9, 2014, No. 2:N.O. Blank


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NOR ØR% |OUNOUAR 9% 2014

AMAW:R+I >OF:R <ar& h= 6-hn

Hakan partakanouj;anz mh= j;razau ;u ;rkrordakan ou ankar;uor gor‘;roun ;t;uhn wax;z! Mi#jh fakasoujiunn;row li ch a,.arfe! Mi#jh mardkoujiune fakasakan ch ir bnouj;amb! Axniu ou a®aqini mardik lok ke f;t;uin ir;nz qaroxa‘in! M;‘amasnoujiune ke gor‘h ir skexbounqin ou fauatamqin faka®ak! I w;r=o\% a®aqinoujiunn al ;rb i gor‘ ci drouir% bnakanabar% ke mo®zoui! Baro\akanouj;an ørhnqn;re diurau kar;li h .a.t;l% ba\z m;‘ xofo[ouj;amb ou .orin gitakzouj;amb kar;li h paf;l ou pafpan;l! A,.arfi pasta®in wra\ na\;low% a\sør% t.rouj;amb krnanq wka\;l% or mardkoujiune endfanraphs bavnoua‘ ke mna\! Z;[akrønoujiune% krønakan mol;®andoujiune ;u anfandourvo[oujiune% axgami=;an at;lawa® xgazoume% a,.arfakor‘an mi=oukakorixa\in ouv;re san]ax;r‘;lou tramadroujiune ;u karo[oujiune% qimiakan jounauor niuj;rou gor‘a‘oujiune ;u xangoua‘a\in =ard;r katar;lou i[]e d;®;us k;ndani ;n fraparaki wra\! Fxør axg;r% wiyak®iui mh= ;n irarou f;t cncin farz;rou masin^ mta\in anøgout pto\tn;r ou oloroumn;r katar;low! Incqa@n ]a.o[oujiunn;r oun;zanq m;r an.of;mouj;an ou caramtouj;an patya®ow! Fin Ktakarani Siraq girqe incqa@n yi,d

ke n,h^ ªLau h mard or jaqouzanh x\imaroujiun iur% qan xmard or jaqouzanh ximastoujiun iurº (Sir& I& 33)! M;r anyarakoujiune ;u \imaroujiune zouzadr;zinq am;nour;q a®anz do\xn amøji ou patka®anqi! Mards ir ariun®ou,t ellale zouzadr;z qic me amhn t;[! Qic;r lok ];®nark;zin patouakan gor‘;rou irakanazman! M;‘au masamb enkrk;zanq ou \ousaktour dar]anq^ zo\z talow m;r \an]na®oumi ankaro[oujiune! M;r an]nakan k;anqhn n;rs^ ,r=apatoua‘ .ovo®adhm ou v.takanamit mardozmow% ‘ou‘apakas ou argafat;li mardoukn;row% parxaphs qand;zinq m;r a®o[= mta‘o[oujiune% 'yazouzinq m;r xouarj tramadroujiune ;u .ajar;zinq m;r k;nza[e! A,.at;zanq m;r baro\akan skxbounqn;roun ou famoxoumn;roun dhm^ fanapax nkrt;low ardaranal \acs y,martouj;an ou mardkouj;an! Mi#jh m;r g;rago\n fayo\qe c'nt®;zinq fayo\ ;r;ualow mardkanz! Mi#jh m;r ,af;re cf;tapnd;zinq \arat;u^ otnako.;low a\loz irauounqn;re% zankanalow anonz ankoume ou no\nisk ant;s;low anonz biurauor kariqn;re ;u .oz;low anonz arvanapatououjiune! Carakam ou .;lakoro\s mardik ]an]ra.th ta®ap;low% mardakor‘an ararqn;rou dim;zin ir;nz s;u fayo\qe ou war-

]atroujiune gtn;low a\loz zauin ou dvba.touj;an mh=! <norfaxourkn;r ir;nz apa,norfouj;amb 'a\l;zan^ vprførhn b®na.l;low% jalan;low% spann;low ;u frkix;low! I,.anamol b®nakaln;r anlour carcaranqn;rou ;njark;zin ir;nz fpatak qa[aqazin;re ;u anonzmh pafan=;zin apa,au;l ir;nz cgor‘a‘ m;[qe! A\sqan anardaroujiun anm;[ mardkanz fandhp katar;laphs anfandourv;li h! Anzno[ taroua\ enjazqin% \aya. znorakan \o\s;row patou;zanq% anfasan;li ga[a'arn;row ou ;raxn;row parourou;zanq! |aya. m;r f;tamtoujiune ,;[;zau baro\akanouj;nh ;u lok cariq b;rau ou artasouq! Ap;r=anik mardik ;r=ankouj;an m,taphs f;tamout ;[an^ a®anz ;rb;uh fasn;lou anor! Mardik \o\si g;[aditakow =anazin dit;l amhn inc% a\lq^ .o,orazo\zow^ t;sn;lou ir;nz enk;ro= j;roujiunn;re ;u matnan,;lou anonz tkaroujiunn;re! I xour anm;[ mardoz patya®;zinq anfamar ou .orin wi,t;r ou anonz emp;l touinq da®nouj;an bavake zmrour! Ard% inco#u srdo[il ou trtmil% ;rb mard andadar ir ];®qow ke ,inh ir darane^ jakardou;lou anor mh= ;u apa ir da®n wiyake wa\;lou ou o[ balou! Incqa@n dvba.t h marde ou gayay% ;rb kamauoraphs ke stornana\ ou inqxinq ke dash payarn;rou ,arqin! A®au;l qan t.our h wka\;l% or mards a\sør al d;®;us ke ta®api ir an-

mardka\nouj;amb ou xga\axerkouj;amb! :#rb piti bar]rana\ an ;u gtnh ir arvanawa\;l t;[e ou patouab;r dirqe! Incph#s katar;louj;an ]gtil a\s n;.a‘ ou apakana‘ mjnolortin mh=! W;r=aphs% incph#s f;[]am[]ouk cellal a\sqan car;az owkianin mh=! Anfamar vamanakn;r to[anza‘ mardkoujiune n;rka\is am;nour;q ke kancoui bar;gor‘ouj;an^ armata.l;low caroujiune ;u na.an]e ir mh=hn% w;razn;low koptoujiune ou gaxanabaro\oujiune ir bnouj;nhn! Mards w;rstin kocoua‘ h mardka\nanalou ;u \argaliz w;rab;rmounq zouzab;r;lou ir nmanin fandhp! :rb;mni a\s tarrakan gitakzoujiune ;jh w;raxarjni mardoun mh=% apa an ke w;ragtnh ir korsnzouza‘ warke ;u anoune! Nor tarin ir f;t ke b;rh nor ou wa® \o\s;r% anfamar ];®qb;roumn;rou kar;lioujiunn;r! An kouga\ m;xi fimnowin w;ranorog;lou% kaxdour;lou ;u m[ic ouv fandisanalou orphsxi fauaqabar \a®a=ananq dhpi m;r ;raxn;rou ou t;nc;rou irakanazoum! Amanori ou Sb& ’nnd;an a®ijow% ke ma[j;nq ou =;rmagins k*a[øj;nq or bowandak nor tarin ella\ .a[a[ouj;amb ou ørfnouj;amb li ,r=an me fama\n a,.arfi mardkouj;an! Jo[ ella\ an bar;b;r ou baxoum drakan ardiunqn;row l;zoun! <norfauor Nor Tari ;u Sourb ’nound!

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JHQH:AN M<AKOUJA|IN MIOUJ:AN >JOUMI }:ÂNARK JMM-i "asatina-Klhnth\l masnayiu[i warcoujiune% Kiraki% |ounouar 5% 2014-i \;t-mi=ørhin% Fa\z& A®aq;lakan ;k;[;zuo\ ’nnd;an na.ør;akin% kaxmak;rpa‘ hr >joumi ya,k;ro\j me% Aljatina\i Ph,khøjiur;an k;dronin mh=! Kokik ;u mt;rmik mjnolorti mh= fauaqoua‘ hin entaniqn;r ;u bar;kamn;r% miat;[ tøn;lou famar Fa\kakan ’noundi >joumi ;r;kon! Fandisouj;an bazoume katar;z Ghorg Qhø,k;r;an Nor Tarouan% S& ’noundi ;u bari galst;an ma[janqn;row! >acik Nafap;t;an ir k[;rakan kargow katar;z s;[ann;rou ørfnhqe% ormh ;tq n;rkan;re wa\;l;zin entan;kan =;rm mjnolort% fay;li ;u m;[m ;rav,takan m;[;din;row! Ti Yh\i ;rav,touj;an ko[qin% >acik Nafap;t;an ;rg;rou fay;li 'oun=ow me og;uor;z n;rkan;re% oronq ,arounak;zin ir;nz .ra.yanqe minc;u ;r;ko\! K;dronis mh= nman mi=oza®oumn;rou w;radar]e m;‘aphs gnafat;li h% ;u ke ma[j;nq anonz krknoujiune% n;rka\ s;roundin m,taxba[ kargawiyakhn paf me ];rbaxat;lou^ gonh tønakan ør;roun% fa\ entaniqn;rou^ tar;z ;u ;ritasard s;roundn;roun mhkt;[oumin% ;u \anoun fa\ entaniqi srbouj;an ;u soworoujiunn;rou pafpanman siro\n! J[jakiz

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oronq fn];zin milionauor k;anq;r% fa,mandam ]g;low faxarauorn;r% oronq xofe ;[an mardka\in \ar]ako[akanouj;an ou wa\ragouj;an!

ISK WA#{E W;rapro[n;re saka\n kar‘;s ,at ban sorwa‘ c;n anz;alin kataroua‘ s.aln;rhn ou wyaroua‘ sou[ ginhn! Axg;r takauin andadar ke ]gtin oun;nalou xangoua‘a\in kor‘anman xhnq;r ;u matn;re takauin patrast ke mnan xhnq;rou bljakn;roun wra\! Nor pat;raxmn;rou ka\‘;re bnau al fanga‘ c;n% spa®nalow w;r= tal a\s 'oqrik ou g;[;zik molorakin wra\ go\oujiun oun;zo[ k;anqin! :s ba.tn ou dvba.toujiune oun;za\% t[a*s% apr;lou anzno[ daroun w;r=in ;r;q tasnam;akn;re! Fima ardhn isk na;u bolora‘ nor dara,r=ani me a®a=in au;li qan mhk tasnam;ake^ ,at wstaf c;m% xauaks% jh doun incph#s piti arv;uor;s qou go\ouj;and patya® ellalous 'aste% i t;s a\s bolor fakasoujiunn;roun! Faka®ak a\n famoxoumis% jh mardkoujiune dours galow qara\rabnakouj;nhn fowiui ou fo[agor‘i ir parx ou anm;[ k;nza[hn ;u gtnou;low ;t dar]i ankar;liouj;an dimaz% ,at ban korsnzouz% a\sør sksa‘ ;m saka\n fauatal mius ‘a\ra\;[ouj;an% orn h^ gitouj;an øgnouj;amb fasnil katar;louj;an! Mi,t i mti oun;nalow% or ;jh ;rkaje kar;li h øgtagor‘;l jh* bnakarann;r ka®ouz;lou^ mardik patspar;lou famar ;u jh* xhnq;r ,in;lou^ mardik spann;lou famar% \anzauore ;rkaje ch an,ou,t&&&! F;t;uabar% ke .ostanam kar;lis en;l q;xi =amb;lou lauago\n dastiarakoujiunn ou qa=al;r;lou q;x orphsxi stanas lauago\n ousoume% orowf;t;u .oraphs ke fauatam or krjoujiunn ou gitoujiunn ;n miak xhnq;re apaga\in k;rt;lou gl.agir Marde% a®ije talow q;xi or fastat ou famar]ak qa\l;r a®n;s a\s nor dara,r=anin mh=% our lau dastiarakoujiunn ou bariin mia\n ]gto[ gitoujiune piti fandisanan 'rkoujiune fama\n mardkouj;an% oroun ke fauatam .oraphs! Q;x siro[ fa\rd^ S:UAK |AKOB:AN

NA>AGAF SARGS:ANI OU{:R}E <ar& h= 1-hn

;u dranq m;xniz iuraqanciuri mh= ;n! Incphs tramadrou;nq ou a,.at;nq% a\npisi ardiunqn;r hl k*oun;nanq! Sir;li* fa\r;nakizn;r% Auando\ji fama]a\n^ a\sør m;nq bavak ;nq bar]razn;lou fa\r;niqi xinouorn;ri famar% owq;r a\s pafin zrta,ounc l;®n;roum fskoum ;n safmann;re! Pa,tpanoum ;n ir;nz ou m;r l;®n;re! Pa,tpanoum ;n ir;nz ou m;r ;raxanqn;re! Pa,tpanoum ;n \a[janaka‘ ;rkirn ou axga\in i[];re! C;m kaska‘oum% m;nq m;r warqow ou a,.atanqow arvani ;nq lin;lou nranz ou m;r bar]r npatakn;rin! <hnazn;lou ;nq m;r giu[;rn ou qa[aqn;re% ‘a[k;zn;lou ;nq m;r fo[i amhn mi qa®akousi m;jre% øtar ;x;rqn;riz toun ;nq w;radar]n;lou m;r faraxatn;rin! M;nq da karo[ ;nq ;u an;lou ;nq miasin! Isk Nor Tarin m;x fa[ord;lou h nor lizq;r ;u krknapatkoua‘ ;®and! Sir;li* fa\r;nakizn;r% <norfauoroum ;m na;u Arza.i ;u S'iu®qi m;r bolor fa\r;nakizn;rin! A®an]na\atouk ,norfauoranqn;r ;m \[oum siriafa\ m;r ;[ba\rn;rin ou qo\r;rin% owq;r anznoum ;n ‘anr 'or]oujiunn;ri mi=ow! Nranz zaue boloris zaun h! A\s tønakan øre a[øj;nq ou fauatanq% or wa[e^ galiq 2014 jouakanin% nranz spasuoum ;n .a[a[oujiun ;u \a=o[oujiun! :u nranz ;r=ankoujiune no\nphs lin;lou h bolorins! Fa\astani Fanrap;touj;an bolor qa[aqazin;rin ;u fama\n fa\ouj;ane ma[joum ;m am;na\n bariq! A®o[=oujiun ];x% ];r xauakn;rin ou ];r ‘no[n;rin! <norfauo*r Amanor ;u Sourb ’nound!

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dazau ou a,.arf ;kau^ bansarkoui .abhouj;amb dra.tiz wtaroua‘ mardoun axat;lou m;[qiz ;u m;[q s;rmano[ satana\i i,.anoujiuniz! :kau% patouiranaxanzouj;amb Astou‘o\ dhm ;la‘ na.ast;[‘ mardou korous;al s;roundn;rin w;rstin ;rknqi arqa\oujiun w;radar]n;lou ;u Astou‘o\ ord;girn;re dar]n;lou! ªZo*\z tour in] yanaparfn a\n% orow piti gnam% qanxi dhpi q;x% Th*r% bar]razri fogisº (Sa[m& Y>B 8)% i patas.an mardkouj;an a\s a[;rsi% or sa[mos;rgoui ,ourj;row ;rkinq hr bar]ranoum^ fnc;z m;r "rkci ]a\ne& ª:s ;m yanaparfe ;u y,martoujiune ;u k;anqeº! Y,martoujiune ;u k;anqe Ir an]i f;t no\nazn;low^ m;r Thre y,martoujiune fauasar arvhq f®cak;z k;anqin! Na y,martouj;an ya®aga\jn;row zr;z mardka\in moloroujiunn;ri ou m;[sagor‘oujiunn;ri .auare ;u parg;u;z mardkanz Y,martouj;an Sourb Fogin (|owf& VD 17)% orphsxi mardkouj;an enjazqe fastatoui .a[a[ouj;an ou ardarouj;an% mim;anz fandhp siro\ ;u axnououj;an wra\ fimnoua‘ k;anqi mh=! Tiro= 'rkagor‘ouj;amb partoujiun kra‘ carn a\sør hl mol;gnouj;amb pat;raxmoum h mardka\in fogin;ri famar% 'or];low m,ou,ow pat;l Qristosi b;ra‘ y,martouj;an lo\se% orphsxi mardik ct;sn;n dhpi ;rkinq tano[ yanaparfe ;u .abhouj;an oroga\jn;roum molorou;low^ xrkou;n ;rkna\in arqa\ouj;an \auit;nakan k;anqiz! Care dadar couni% gor‘oum h ørniboun ;u gor‘oum h mardkanz mi=ozow! Care yanaparf h farjoum% ;rb k;anqoum pakasoum h na.an]a.ndroujiune y,martouj;an fandhp% ;u soute gtnoum h ir famakirn;rin! Cari .ab;patir enjazqn;re xøranoum ;n% ;rb marde f;®anoum h Qristosi ousouzana‘ skxbounqn;riz^ k;anqe lzn;low k;[‘iqn;row ou .;[ajiuroumn;row! A\sphs h% or iro[oujiunn;ri n;rka\azoume ];ua'o.uoum h bansarkouj;an ;u anyi,t gnafatakann;ri% krøni enkalman mh= kama\akan ou ,afa.ndir m;knabanoujiunn;re ‘nound ;n talis a[andn;ri% mardou irauounqi pa,tpanouj;an pafan=ow partadruoum ;n ;rb;mn na;u fasarakouj;an mta‘;lak;rpin ou arv;famakargin an\arir barq;r! A\sphs h% or a,.arfoum baro\akanoujiune t;[i h talis apabaro\akanouj;an a®=;u% .øsqi axatoujiune w;ra‘uoum h .øsqi san]ar]akouj;an% wka\oujiune^ y,martouj;an .;[oumi! Y,martoujiune n;nga'o.;low qa[aqakan ,af;re \aya. fakadruoum ;n ardarouj;ann ou .a[a[ouj;ane% niujakani molouzqe% ;sak;ntron ]gtoumn;re^ gjouj;ann ou mardasirouj;ane^ a,.arfoum baxmazn;low fakamartoujiunn;re% wi,te% kariqn ou n;[oujiunn;re! K;anqn al;ko‘o[ a\spisi iro[oujiunn;riz a,.arfe ke ];rbaxatoui% ;rb mardik endoun;n Qristosi y,martoujiune% ;rb ir;nz fauatauor gor‘;row wka\;n Tiro= n;rka\oujiune ;u a®aq;ali phs bar]ra]a\n;n& ªIm mh= ka\ Qristosi Y,martoujiuneº (B Kornj& VA 10)! Y,martoujiune kr;low mia\n mardkoujiune karo[ h apafow;l k;anqi a®a=enjaz% bar;'o.oum% bari ardiunq ou xargazoum% qanxi ocinc mna\oun ci ka®ouzuoum .abhouj;an wra\% oc mardka\in \arab;roujiunn;r% oc barouoq fasarakakan k;anq ou p;takanoujiun! :rb y,martoujiune mardkanz mh= ch% arv;xourk ;n nouiroum% ardaroujiun% ;[ba\rsiroujiun% ba\z y,martouj;amb a®noum ;n xøroujiun ;u gor‘i w;ra‘ou;lou ouvakanoujiun! M;r irakanouj;an mh=% sir;li bar;pa,t vo[owourd% no\nphs% zauøq% t;[ ;n gtnoum watabanoujiunn ou bansarkoujiune% antarb;roujiune ;rkri endfanour bariqi nkatmamb! Nafan= ;n aproum entan;kan auandakan arvhqn;re% dvouaroujiunn;ri a®=;u^ \an]na®ouj;an ogin! Patas.anatououjiune storadasuoum h irauounqin% anxousp pafoua‘qn ou wirauoranqe enkaluoum h orphs qa=oujiun! S;'akan kar‘iqn arta\a\t;lou irauounqe \aya. i cars h gor‘adruoum y,martoujiunn a[aua[;lou% ko[mnakal t;sakhtn;r tara‘;lou famar! A\spisi mta\nouj;anz mh= soute qø[arkuoum h y,martouj;an dimakow% banawhye da®noum h wiyabanoujiun% qnnarkoume w;ra‘uoum qamafranqi ou datapartouj;an .øsqi% oronziz f;®anoum h Astou‘o\ y,martouj;an Fogin% Astou‘o\ imastoujiune% ;u m;nq dvouaranoum ;nq% a\o% no\nisk dadaroum ;nq t;sn;l barin% ardare% ou m;r k;anqoum tkaranoum ;n mim;anz fandhp fauatn ou wstafoujiune ;u galiqi \o\sn ou lauat;soujiune! B;j[;f;moum ‘noua‘ Manoukn h% sir;li fauatauor vo[owourd% yanaparfe% y,martoujiune ;u k;anqe! Nran piti apauin;nq% m;r srt;roum Nra y,martoujiune kr;nq% or w;ra'o.oui m;r k;anqe% lzoui an;rkiu[ wstafouj;amb% dvouaroujiunn;re \a[jafar;lou ;u am;n ban Astou‘o\ bar;rar kamqow ou[[;lou xørouj;amb! Y,martoujiunn axatarar h! ª:u ke yanachq y,martoujiune% ;u y,martoujiune k*axati ];xº (|owf& E 32)%- asoum h m;r Thre! Apr;nq ou gor‘;nq Qristosi y,martouj;amb% Nra .øsqn ou patgamn;re dar]n;nq m;r k;anqi .auarazir lo\se% m;r fandhp Nra shrn ou o[ormoujiune^ m;x miauoro[ ouve% axgi miasnoujiune k;rto[ xøroujiune! An.a.t ou amour paf;nq m;r miabanoujiune% fam;ra,.ouj;an ogin% .namq tan;nq ;u foganq mim;anz famar% m;r ;rkri% fog;uor ;u axga\in m;r k;anqi w;r;lqi famar! Mia\n a\sphs% mimia\n a\sphs piti k;rt;nq ,hn ou barør m;r Fa\r;niqe! Mia\n a\sphs karo[ piti lin;nq Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100-am;a\ tar;lize dar]n;l m;r ardar dati \a[janaki fangrouan ;u barouoq% ardar lou‘man a®a=nord;l arza.;an fimna.ndire! A\sphs k;nsounak piti paf;nq S'iu®qe% \o\s ou apauhn da®nanq

SILWIA PA|RAM:AN (’n;al^ |ounouar 21% 1926-in% Libanan) Fangouz;al Silwia Pa\ram;ani mafouan A& tar;lizin a®ijow% fog;fangst;an pa,tøn piti kataroui Kiraki% |ounouar 12% 2014-in% Kl;nth\li S& Astoua‘a‘in ;k;[;zuo\ mh=% 500 Central Ave., Glendale \auart S& Pataragi! Sgakirn;r^ Doustre^ G;[anou, ;u Manouhl Abrafam;an Xauake^ |aroujiun Pa\ram;an ;u xauakn;re^ Ouil;em ;u "ajriq% Doustre^ ’owinar ;u Grigor Gasnaqy;an ;u xauakn;re^ <afan ;u Lousinh Xauake^ Au;tiq Pa\ram;an Jo®n;re^ Manouhlla ;u Xangou Arm;n;an :ratø ;u S;uak Gountaqy;an Frand ;u Nax;li Pa\ram;an Qo\re^ Vaqlin Aljoun;an Qro= doustre^ Axniu ;u Miqa\hl J;rx;an ;u xauakn;re^ L;uon% Âob;rt ;u Â;b;ka :u fama\n Pa\ram;an% Abrafam;an% Gasnaqy;an% Aljoun;an% J;rx;an% Markos;an% M;liq;an% Armhn;an% Gountaqy;an% Paron;an% A®aq;l;an (Fa\astan)% Martik;an (|ounastan) entaniqn;rn ou faraxatn;re! *** Fog;fangst;an araro[ouj;nhn ;tq fog;soury piti matouzoui fangouz;ali xauakn;roun bnakaranin mh=% 3212 Francls Ave., La Crescenta, CA 91214. ;u n;zouk lin;nq fakamartouj;an dvouaroujiunn;re kro[ siriafa\ m;r ;[ba\rn;rin ou qo\r;rin! :u jo[ m;r bolor gor‘;re Tiro=ow lin;n! A\s ma[janqow% Sourb ’nnd;an au;tisow M;r o[=o\nn ;nq \[oum A®aq;lakan m;r Sourb :k;[;zou Nouirap;takan Ajo®n;ri Gafakaln;rin^ Aram A M;‘i Tann Kilikio\ Kajo[ikosin% :rousa[hmi Fa\oz Patriarq Am;napatiu T& Nourfan Arq;piskopos Manouk;anin% Kostandnoupolsi Fa\oz Patriarq Am;napatiu T& M;srop Arq;piskopos Mouja`;anin% Fa\ :k;[;zou ou.tapaf ou nouir;al o[= fog;uor dasin% m;r qo\r :k;[;zin;ri ,norfaxard fog;uor P;t;rin! Fa\rap;takan ørfnouj;amb ;u Sourb ’nnd;an ,norfn;ri fa\zow o[=ounoum ;nq Sourb Pataragi araro[ouj;ane n;rka\ Fa\astani Fanrap;touj;an Na.agaf tiar S;rv Sargs;anin ;u a®a=in tikno=e! M;r o[=o\nn ;nq \[oum L;®na\in {araba[i Fanrap;touj;an Na.agaf tiar Bakø Safak;anin% fa\oz p;takan auaganoun% Fa\astanoum fauatarmagroua‘ diuanagitakan a®aq;loujiunn;ri [;kawarn;rin% mi=axga\in kaxmak;rpoujiunn;ri n;rka\azouzicn;rin! Jo[ m;r Thr |isous Qristosi ’nnd;an lousaxard;al ,o[;re pa\‘a®azn;n m;r Sourb :k;[;zin% m;r Ma\r Fa\r;niqe% a,.arfas'iu® fa\ k;anqe% or a\n lini 'a®abanoujiun Bar]r;aln Ast‘oun ;u parg;ui axgis m,taphs fog;uor anfoun oura.oujiun% ;u m;nq a\sør ;u mi,t .ndouj;amb au;t;nq& Qristos ‘nau ;u \a\tn;zau% };x ;u m;x m;‘ au;tis!

GOURGHN M:LIQ:ANI QA<AJA{I&&& <ar& h= 2-hn

oronz mh= ir;nz masnakzouj;amb ke g;raxanzhin ;rks;® famalsarakann;re! I dhp^ Fimnadrami =anq;row zard tnkoua‘ ;n au;li qan 230&000 ‘a®;r! Fimnadrame øgnouj;an fasa‘ h ,our= 250 kariqauor entaniqn;rou^ anonz tramadr;low s;rmnazou ;u kajnatou anasounn;r! Fimnadrame fowanauora‘ h na;u xanaxan fratarakoujiunn;r ;u øgnouj;an ];®q m;kna‘ kariqauor ousano[n;rou krjajo,akn;rou ];®q b;rman! |a=o[oujiun ;u ar;u,atoujiun ke ma[j;nq a®iu‘asirt ou mi,t ;ritasardakan auiunow l;zoua‘ Gourghnin! Fa\r;niqe ke k;rtoui ou ke ,hnna\ na;u Gourghnn;rou nman an]naxof fa\;rou ansakark nouirab;roumn;roun ,norfiu! <norfakaloujiun na;u nouiratoun;roun% oronz anw;rapaf a=akzouj;an ,norfiu au;li* k*amrana\ fa\r;ni ,hnqe! Dokt& Minas Goya\;an Banashr% dasa.øs% ;rkaram;a\ mankawarv Los Any;les

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ma\nqi fog;uor a®a=nordn;rin% a,.arfik ou fog;uor spasauorn;rin% fama\nqa\in pa,tønhouj;ane% axga\in warvarann;ri t;scakan ou ousouzcakan kaxm;rin% san;rin ;u fama\n siriafa\ouj;ane! ªA\s ør;rin% ;rb qriston;a\ a,.arfi f;t miasin fama\n fa\oujiune patrastuoum h n,;lou Sourb ’nnd;an tøn;re% M;r mtqoum ou amhnør;a\ a[øjqn;roum hq douq% or Siria\i o[= vo[owrdi f;t miasin kroum hq ;rkroum ‘a\r a®a‘ fakamartouj;an ‘anr ou anda®nali f;t;uanqn;reº% n,;l h W;fa'a® Fa\rap;tn ir groum! ªSir;li fa\ordin;r% siriafa\ ga[ouji patmouj;an mh= baza®ik d;rakataroujiun ;n katar;l fa\kakan warvarann;re% ort;[ k;rtou;l ou ];uauorou;l ;n fa\ord;az fogin;re% n;r,ncou;l ma\r;ni l;xouow ;u axga\in arvhqn;ri fandhp sirow ou na.an]a.ndrouj;amb! Kotora‘n;riz maxapour‘ ou :[;®n w;rapra‘ ];r fa\r;re amhn dvouaroujiun ou xofo[oujiun \an]n a®an% orphsxi ir;nz xauakn;re ousman karøt cmnan! A\sør a®ij oun;nq drouatanqow andrada®nalou% or na.enjaz tasnam;akn;ri enjazqin Siria\i axga\in Warvarann;re krj;l ;n 'a\loun s;roundn;r% owq;r Siria\oum ;u a,.arfi cors ‘ag;roum s'®oua‘% ‘a®a\oum ;n m;r vo[owrdin ou Sourb :k;[;zoun% auand b;roum fa\ m,ako\ji% arou;sti% grakanouj;an ou gitouj;an xargazmane! &&&Warvarann;ri sir;li san;r% Ma\r Ajo® Sourb H=mia‘niz fa\rakan M;r shrn ou ørfnoujiunn ;nq \[oum ];x ;u a[øjoum ];r ou ];r ‘no[az% Siria\i bolor manoukn;ri apafowouj;an famar! Jo[ ];r ‘no[n;ri ou ousouzicn;ri na.an]a.ndroujiune^ fandhp krjouj;an gor‘e% .ra.o\s lin;n ];x famar% orphsxi ,arounakhq =anadir sowor;l^ apaga\in ];r k;anqow ou fa\r;na,hn gor‘;row auand b;r;lou axga\in ou fog;uor m;r k;anqi a®au;l ,inouj;ann ou pa\‘a®ouj;aneº% asoua‘ h Fa\rap;takan ørfnouj;an groum!

Amanori ;u S& ’nnd;an tøn;roun oura. a®ijn;row% am;na=;rm ,norfauoroujiunn;r m;r axgakann;roun% bar;kamn;roun ;u enk;rn;roun Fa\k Nagga,;an



n;rin% apa nranz ,norfauor;z møtalout Nor Tarin ;u Sb& ’nounde% oriz \;to\ qolhyi tnørhn Dokt& Karpis Thr :[ia\;anin ambion fraouir;z ir patgame 'o.anz;lou famar! Dokt& K& Thr :[ia\;ane ,norfauorakan bar;ma[janqn;riz \;to\ .øs;z tønakan ør;ri ogou ou n,anakouj;an masin% ,;,t;low% jh nor tarin nor .andawa®ouj;an% og;uorouj;an ou f;t;uo[akan a,.atanqi tari h% au;li b;[mnauor a,.atanqn;ri irakanazman ou bar;b;r tari h n;r,ncoum Amanorn ou Sb& ’nounde! Fandisouj;an enjazqoum Dokt& K& Thr :[ia\;ane \atouk patouo\ gr;row m;‘aphs gnafat;z f;t;u;al an];ri gor‘ounhoujiune&- Fa\ Am;rik;an :rav,taja-

t;rakan Miouj;an fimnadir na.agaf Wiktor Martiros;ane arvanazau ªTaroua\ Mardeº kocoumin^ ir 50-am;a\ nouir;al ‘a®a\ouj;an famar! - ªPatouo\ Dasa.øsºi kocman arvanazau wastaka,at yartarap;t Ghorg Garayry;ane^ Mi=in Ar;u;lqiz minc;u Miaz;al Nafangn;r ir masnagitakan ;u axga\in ‘aualoun gor‘ounhouj;an famar! Fandhse m;‘aphs .andawa®;z Sarø Asatour;ane% ore Ka[and Papa\i fagoustow ou d;row n;rka\azau ;u amanor;an ;rav,touj;amb par;r sowor;zr;z n;rkan;rin! T;[i oun;zau na;u wiyaka.a[% ;u trou;zin arvhqauor nouhrn;r! Au;li qan ;rkou vam n;rkan;re wa\;l;zin tønakan =;rm ou .andawa® mjnolorte!

TH|WIT Q:M:RONE KOC ERA’ H&&& <ar& h= 1-hn

Anglio\% Ou;lsi ou Fiusisa\in I®landia\i bnakicn;re ke zankan% orphsxi <otlantian mna\ M;‘n Britanio\ kaxmi mh=! Warcap;te endg‘a‘ h& ªA\d qouharkoujiune n,anauor k*ella\ oc mia\n \;taga\ tarin;rou famar! A\n krna\ endmi,t 'o.;l ;rkireº! An fauastiazouza‘ h& ªMiasin m;nq krnanq ka®ouz;l au;li fxør Miaz;al jagauoroujiun m;r ;r;.an;rou ou jo®n;rou famarº% ke fa[ordh Lenta.ru-n!

Amanori ;u S& ’nnd;an tøn;roun oura. a®ijn;row% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r axgakann;re% bar;kamn;re ;u enk;rn;re% ma[j;low bolorin \a=o[oujiun ;u a®o[=oujiun Thr ;u Tik& Ghorg Garayry;an

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NOR ØR% |OUNOUAR 9% 2014

K*ANZKAZOU:N FAMAFA|KAKAN }M:ÂA|IN >A{:R 2014-i ";trouari 24-iz Marti 2-e Fa\astanoum a®a=in angam k*anzkazou;n Famafa\kakan ]m;®a\in .a[;r% ori ‘ragroum endgrkoua‘ h 4 marxa];u^ dafouka\in sport% l;®nadafouka\in sport% ]iunata.tak (snoport) ;u ta'ø[akow foqh\! A®a=in 3 marxa];u;riz mrzoumn;re k*anzkazou;n ’a[ka]oroum% isk foqh\i masnakizn;rin ke fiurenkali :r;uani marxafam;rga\in famalire! >a[;ri anzkazman komithn ardhn 14 ;rkrn;riz masnakzouj;an \a\t;r h staz;l! |a\t;ri endounman w;r=nakan vamkhte |ounouari 25-n h! Marxikn;ri gi,;rawar]i ;u snndi ‘a.s;re ke foga\ kaxmkomithn!

2013-I MARXAKAN AKNJARJN:RE ªNOR ØRºI MARXAKAN H+:ROUM Auartou;z 2013 jouakane! M;r marxikn;re fandhs ;kan 'o'o.akan \a=o[oujiunn;row! 2013-i fa\astanzi marxikn;re a,.arfi ;u :uropa\i a®a=noujiunn;roum nouay;l ;n 143 m;tal (31 oskh% 45 ar‘ajh% 67 pronxh)! Oro,;l ;nq w;r\i,;l 2013-i kar;uor marxakan iradar]oujiunn;re^ ªNor Ørºi marxakan h=;row! |OUNOUAR • ~oujpoli patmouj;an ;u wiyakagrouj;an mi=axga\in da,noujiune (JFFHS) am'o';l h a,.arfi am;na\a\tni `oujopolistn;ri qouharkoujiune^ est a,.arfamas;ri! FF axga\in fauaqakani ;u Don;zki ª<a.t\oriº `oujpolist F;nri. M.ijar;ane yanacou;l h :uropa\i am;na\a\tni `oujpolist! • Tigran L& P;tros;ane 2-rd tarin anendmh= dar]au Fa\astani ,a.mati a.o\;an ;u irauounq stazau FF fauaqakani kaxmoum :uropa\i ;u a,.arfi a®a=noujiunn;rin masnakz;lou! • FF `oujpoli axga\in fauaqakane ~ransia\i Walans qa[aqoum ckaro[azau \a[j;l Liuqs;mbourgi entranoun^ 1-1! • :oura Mowsis;ane ir a®a=in fandipoumn;rn anzkazr;z Moskoua\i ªSpartakiº kaxmoum! :ouran mi qani kol;r .';z^ a\d juoum na;u a®a=in .a[oum! • Wh\k an X;hi mrza,aroum L;uon Aron;ane Anandi f;t bavan;z 2-3 t;[;re! Mrza,ari \a[jo[ dar]au Magnous Ka®ls;ne! ":TROUAR • 81 tar;kan fasakoum% Los Any;lesoum k;anqin frav;,t tou;z M;lpou®ni Ølimpiakan .a[;ri a.o\;an% :uropa\i ;®aki ;u >SFM baxmaki a.o\;an Wladimir :ngibar;ane! |ou[arkauoroujiune katarou;z :r;uanoum! • Art (Art\om) |owfannis;ane arf;stawarv ®ingoum a®a=in partoujiune kr;z! MART • Fa\axgi ,a.matistn;r Âob;rt A[asar;ane% Karhn Grigor;ane ;u Nikita Matin;ane (ÂD) lrazr;zin grosma\st;ri% isk Arminh Baba\;ane^ mi=axga\in warp;ti zouzani,e! • Grosma\st;r Grigor S;uak M.ijar;ane dar]au Praxilia\i a.o\;an! • :oura Mowsis;ane ÂD-i a®a=nouj;an a®a=in .a[oum% Groxnou ªJ;rhqiº dhm% dar]au 3 koli f;[inak! • Axat oyi embi, Dauij Sa`ar;ane Jbilisioum auartoua‘ :uropa\i a®a=noujiu-




noum nouay;z :uropa\i a.o\;ani kocoume^ 66 qk& qa,a\in kargoum! • Gagik ’a®ouk;ane w;rentrou;z FAØK-i na.agaf! • |ounaf®omhakan oyi embi,n;re Jbilisioum auartoua‘ :uropa\i a®a=noujiunoum nouay;zin mhkakan oskh ;u ar‘ajh ;u ;rkou pronxh m;tal ;u jima\in fa,ouarkoum grau;zin 6-rd t;[e! Arjour Al;qsan;ane dar]au :uropa\i a.o\;an% Mousa Mourjaxali;ue (84 qk&)^ ar‘ajh% isk Arjour <afin;ann (84 qk&) ;u g;r‘anr qa,a\in Wacik :[iaxar;ane^ pronxh m;talakirn;r! • A,.arfi gauaji .a[arkouj;an .mba\in mrza,aroum FF `oujpoli fauaqakane :r;uanoum 0-3 fa,ouow partou;z C;.ia\i entranoun! • Arjour Abrafami wnasoua‘q stanalow t;.nikakan nokaoutow partou;z Âob;rt <tigliziz ;u korzr;z a.o\;anakan gøtin! APRIL • <a.mati a,.arfi a.o\;ani \auaknordn;ri mrza,aroum Magnous Ka®ls;ne dar]au \auaknord% isk L;uon Aron;ane lrazouzic zouzani,n;row 2-rd t;[e xi=;z P;t;r Swidl;rin! • Marmnamarxikn;r Arjour Dauj;ane (\;nazatk) ;u Arjour Jowmas;ane (ø[akn;r) a,.arfi gauaji .a[arkoujiunoum dar]an pronxh m;talakirn;r! • Aprili 13-in m;r fa\r;nakiz a,.arfi 13-rd a.o\;an Gari Kasparowe dar]au 50 tar;kan! • ÂD_n n;rka\azno[ Dauij B;van;ane (105 qk&) f®cakou;z ‘anramarti :uropa\i a.o\;an! • Ta,q;ndoum auartoua‘ ‘anramarti a,.arfi patan;kan a®a=noujiunoum g;r‘anr qa,a\in Simon Martiros;ane nouay;z a,.arfi a.o\;ani tit[ose! • G;rmanian n;rka\azno[ ‘anr qa,a\in arf;stawarv b®nzqamartik Dauij Gra`e (Wafagn Safak;ane) 2-rd ®aountoum nokaouti ;njark;z foungarazi Voxh` Nagoua\in! Da Dauiji 10-rd \a[janakn hr% oriz 7-e nokaoutow! • Kiprosi Limasol qa[aqoum auartoua‘ sambo\i :uropa\i patanin;ri% a[=ikn;ri ;u ;ritasardn;ri a®a=noujiunoum fa\ sambistn;re arvanazan 3-akan oski% ar‘ajh ;u pronxh m;taln;ri! (Mnaz;ale \a=ord jiuow)

K:ANQIS AM:NAKAR:UOR M:NAMARTE Âob;rt <tiglizi dhm 'o.wrhve a\s pafin k;anqis am;nakar;uor m;namartn h! Amhn inc an;lou ;m \a[janaki famar! :jh c\a[j;m% ke mta‘;m ®ingiz f;®analou masin! 2014-i Marti 1-in ke ka\ana\ Âob;rt <tiglizi dhm ;rrord m;namarte! A\vm da im k;anqi am;nakaruor m;namartn h! A\n ke ka\ana\ G;rmania\i Magd;bourg qa[aqoum! WBO warka‘ow gøtin a\n gøtin h% ore iuraqanciur b®nzqamartik ;raxoum h ounnal! Phtq h w;radar]n;m a\n% orphsxi gi,;rn;re fangist qn;m! Arf;stawarv gor‘ounhoujiuns% ;r;ui% kauart;m 35 tar;kanoum!

Marxakan gor‘ounhouj;an masin .øs;le d;® wa[ h! Fa\astan ;m ;k;l fangstanalou famar% as;l h No\;mb;rin ka\aza‘ mamlo\ asoulisoum Arjour Abrafame! No\;mb;ri 20in Abrafame n;rka\ ;[au n;rqin Carba.i jiu 99-e dprozi marxakan akoumbi bazmane! Dprozi tnørinoujiunn anaknkal h patrast;l Arjouri famar^ marxadafliyoum baz;low Arjour Abrafami anoune kro[ anka\oun!

M:X :N GROUM ENJ:RZO{N:RE |arg;li Prn& Ba\ram;an% <norfauoroum ;m };r Nor Tarin ;u S& ’nounde! <at oura. ;nq ];x \a\tn;lou% a\dqan g;[;zik marxakan lour;rou ou groujiunn;rid famar! Astou‘o\ øgnouj;amb a\d g;[;zik ;u ,norfali a,.atanqd ,arounakh qa=a®o[= wiyakow 2014 jouakanin! :u m;r enj;rzo[e in] h ou[ark;l ªThe Press-Enter Priceº j;rjiz mi \ødoua‘ MMA (.a®e martarou;st) 2013 j& D;kt;mb;ri 17 ka\aza‘ marti masin% ort;[ m;r fa\r;nakiz Ghorgi Kara.an;ane% ow aproum h Âiw;rsa\toum% a,.arfi a®a=nouj;an f;rjakan 'ouloum \a[j;l h Lans Palm;rin (7-1 fa,ouow)! <at ,norfakaloujiun };x! M;r j;rji m,takan kardazo[^ Ghorg Kiur;[;an M;nq hl ];x ;nq ,norfauoroum Nor Taroua\ ;u S& ’noundi a®ijow% zankanalow qa=a®o[=oujiun% \a=o[oujiun ;u am;na\n bariq!

<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • |ounouari 10-26-e folandakan Wh\q an X;h qa[aqoum ke m;knarki auandakan mrza,are! A\s angam 14-i 'o.arhn mrza,arin ke masnakz;n 12 ,a.matistn;r% oronz juoum h na;u L;uon Aron;ane! Nra mrzakizn;re ke lin;n Fikarou Nakamouran% ~abiø Karouanan% Poris G;l`ande% S;rgh\ Kar\akine% Lh\nihr Domingou;se% Ani, Girin% Ou;sli Son% Arkadi Na\dice% P;ntala Farakri,nan% Âicert Âaporton ;u L\ouk Wan W;lin! • Grosma\st;r Xauhn Andrhas;ane Folandia\i Groning;n qa[aqoum auartoua‘ mrza,aroum 9 fnarauoriz wastak;low 7-akan miauor% 3 a\l ,a.matistn;ri f;t bavan;l h 1-3-rd t;[;re! Lrazouzic zouzani,n;row na dar];l h mrza,ari \a[jo[!

APAQINMAN MA{JANQ Oura.ouj;amb imazanq% or marmni wa\;lcouj;an ;u ‘anramarti g‘ow mi=axga\in kargi mrzawar Gar;gin Simon;ane% ow kotroua‘qn;r hr staz;l% dours h grou;l fiuandanoziz ;u a\vm apaqinuoum h tane! Qa=a®o[=oujiun ;nq zankanoum m;r w;j;ran enk;rin!

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