ՆՈՐ ՕՐ Շաբաթաթերթ

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<ok ;u anoro,oujiun&&& Sourio\ mh= qani me fa\;rou b®ni is lamazman masin wka\o[ t;saniuj;r ou lousankarn;r \a\tnoua‘ ;n famazanzi mh=! Fa\ fama\nqi n;rka\azouzicn;re ;u mi=axga\in 'or]aghtn;re a\vm ke 'or];n fasknal% jh or qano#w anonq ke famapatas.an;n irakanouj;an! Akanat;sn;rou^ famazanz;rou mh= tara‘oua‘ wka \oujiunn;rou fama]a\n% ‘a\ra\;[akan .mbauoroumn;re ke spa®nan gl.at;l a\n qriston;an;roun% oronq ke fravarin dauana'o. ellal!


Vamanakakiz Jourqio\ tara‘qi mh= mnaza‘ fa\kakan bnakawa\r;re ke ,arounak;n mnal


gan] orono[ arka‘a.ndirn;rou ou,adrouj;an k;drone! :jh na.aphs anonq ga[tni ke 'orhin fa\kakan toun;re% a\gin;rn ou bak;re% apa a\sør gan];re au;li f;,t gtn;lou npatakow YouTube-i mh= t;[adroua‘ ;n \atouk t;saniuj;r ªgan] oron;louº famar! Incphs ke fa[ordh ªArmhn'r;sºe^ wka\akoc;low jrqakan ªJara`º parb;rakane% t;sa<ar& h= 4

ªTRANSCONFLICTº FA|OZ Z:{ASPANOUJ:AN OU FA|-JOURQAKAN |ARAB:ROUJIUNN:RI MASIN ªTransconflictº kaxmak;rpoujiune tpagr;l h ;giptazi akad;mikos Afmht Magdi Al- Soukarii^ ªYanacman ;u v.tman mi=;u& Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an farze ;u fa\-jourqakan \arab;roujiunn;reº .oragrow \ødoua‘e! Incphs asuoum h \ødoua‘oum% ªfa\-jourqakan \arab;roujiunn;ri kargauorman gor‘enjazn a\vm gr;jh ambo[=ouj;amb da-


dar;zou;l h& Jourqian ,arouna-

ªFiurrihjº j;rje Ani qa[aqi nkarn;rou ,arq patrasta‘ h^ anouan;low xa\n ªFnadar;an fa\kakan Ani qa[aqe ]iuni w;rmaki takº! ªVamanakin Anin mi=nadar;an fa\kakan jagauorouj;an ma\raqa[aqn hr% or ke nkatouhr a\vm;an Fa\astani ;u Ar;u;l;an Jourqio\ xga li mase! Ar;u;l;an ko[mhn Anin pa,tpanoua‘ h A.our;an g;ti kiryow% isk ar;umt;an ko[mhn^ Postanlari kam ’a[koza]ori fowitow! A.our;ane Araqs ja'ouo[ g;t;rhn h% an skixb k*a®nh Fa\astani ;u Jourqio\ a\vm;an safmani møtº% ke grh jrqakan j;rje!

<ar& h= 12


PanARMENIAN.Net- ªFa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune G;rmania\i AGN 1915-1916 jj& ar.iun;roumº grqi angl;rhn jargmanoujiunn h fratarak;l Berghahn Books-e! Girqe lo\s h t;s;l Wol`gang Gousti .mbagrouj;amb! A\nt;[ x;t;[oua‘ ;n fariurauor f;®agr;r% namakn;r ou [;ko\zn;r Øsman;an ka\sroujiunoum fauatarmagroua‘ g;rmanazi fiupatosn;riz^ faszhagroua‘ G;rmania\i AG na.ararouj;ane% ort;[ manramasn nkaragroua‘ ;n Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an afasarsou® t;sarann;re! "astaj[j;re wka\oum ;n :ritjourq;ri mtadroujiunn;ri ;u g;rmanakan ka®awarouj;an pa,tønakan fama]a\noujiunn ou m;[sakzoujiune ka\srouj;an fa\ bnakcouj;ane bna=n=;lou farzoum! A\d 'astaj[j;ri baza®ik kar;uoroujiun endg‘oum h 'aste% or

Jourqian% Sourio\ f;t safmanin 4 m;jr bar]rouj;amb pati ka®ouzoumow% mtadir h kryat;l souriazi 'a.stakann;rou n;rfosqe! A\s masin lour tara‘a‘ h TRT Turk f;®oustat;soujiune! Pate ke ka®ouzoui farau-ar;u;l;an Gaxianjhp nafangi mh=! Nman 'or] me anz;al tari garnan^ ardhn kataroua‘ hr! Faja\ nafangi safmani ;rka\nqow ',alar;rou 2&5 qilom;jranoz arg;lapatnh, t;[aka\oua‘ hr% or ke fskouhr t;sa.zikn;row! A,nan sksoua‘ ,inararoujiune% saka\n% dadar;zoua‘ hr qrtamht ª>a[a[oujiun ;u Vo[owrdawaroujiunº kousakzouj;an ko[mnakizn;rou bo[oqhn \;to\!

<ar& h= 14



Isra\hli na.kin warcap;t Arihl <arone mafaza‘ h! Anza‘ Kiraki na.kin warcap;ti bouvo[ bvi,k Xh;u Âot,th\ne \a\tarara‘ hr% or <aroni wiyake ktrouk watjaraza‘ h ;u n,a‘ h% jh <arone mi qani øroua\ k;anq ouni! |a=ord øre na.kin warcap;tin bvi,ke \a\tarara‘ hr% or <arone ‘a\ra\;[ ‘anr wiyaki mh= h% mi qani k;nsakan kar;uor ørgann;rou cgor‘;lou patya®ow! <arone qoma\i mh= hr w;r=in ouje tarin;re!

Møt;rs ke lrana\ \a\tni kino®;visor S;rgh\ "ara=anowi ‘nnd;an 90 am;ake! Ji`lisi mh=% ort;[ ‘na‘ h "ara=anowe% a\d a®ijow baxmajiu mi=oza®oumn;r ke na.at;souin! ªFa\artounº M,akouja\in k;droni mh= bazoua‘ h S;rgh\ "ara=anowi lousankarn;rou zouzafandhse% a\d mi=ozin piti zouzadroui na;u Âon Followh\i ª"ara=anow& Â;qoui;mº `ilme!

S;rgh\ "ara=anow

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NOR ØR% |OUNOUAR 16% 2014



|akob Martiros;an >MBAGRAKAN KAXM^

Dokt& Minas Goya\;an Sargis |& Minas;an Frac S;';jy;an >acik Yano\;an MARXAKAN BAVUN^

Au;tis Ba\ram;an WARCAKAN KAXM^

Toqj& Âa``i Pal;an Ghorg Grigor;an Karø Giu'hl;an Andranik A`ar;an


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Qa[oua‘ Sourio\ w;r=in patafarn;rhn! 3 tar;kan ;r;.a\ me% Sourio\ Damaskos ma\raqa[aqin mh=% fapy;p fiuandanoz ke b;roui% pat;raxmin f;t;uanqow staza‘ marmna\in wnasua‘qn;row% kotroua‘qn;row ;u n;rqin ariunafosouj;amb! :r;.an^ ;r;.a\ h a®anz tarb;rouj;an ir krønqi f;t;uo[akanouj;an kam patkan;liouj;an% orowf;t;u an% ir anm;[ fasakin mh=% piti cimanar Poutta\akanouj;an% Mowsisakanouj;an% Qristonhouj;an% Islamouj;an ;u kam a\l krønqn;rou tarb;roujiune% anonz fauatqn;roun ga[a'ara.øsoujiune kam 'iliso'a\oujiune! Kam^ i#nc tarb;roujiun 3 tar;kan ;r;.a\in famar% anor o#r krønqi patkana‘ ellale% ;rb an ir mata[ fasakin mh=% ardhn ke gitakzhr ir møtalout mafouan! An ir m;‘afogi 'oqrik srtin m;‘ zauow% k;anqhn frav;,ti w;r=in .øsq;row% ke \a\tnh ir gangate kam incou ch^ ir an;‘qe% xinq darmano[ bvi,kn;roun ;u fiuandapafoufin;roun% ou[[oua‘ a\n oyragor‘n;roun% oronq patya® dar]an ir nman baxmafaxar anm;[n;rou mafouan! An^ ir ankaro[ouj;an yicow% or;uh ban piti ckar;nar 'o.;l a\st;[ ;rkri wra\% a\l mia\n% piti gangathr Ast‘oun a\d oyragor‘n;roun masin% ;rb ir qow ;rjar! :u ;r;.an vam me ;tq gnaz a\nt;[&&& Astou‘o\ møt% gangat;lou famar jh^ car mardik ware% ;rkrin wra\% ir apra‘ qa[aqin% ;rkrin mh= caragor‘oujiunn;r ;u mardaspanoujiunn;r k∞enhin&&& ir anouamb ;rdou;low% orowf;t;u anonq al dra.tin mh=% Astou‘o\ ko[qin t;[ ounin ;[;r&&& a\dphs ke fauatan a\d mardike! Ard;ø#q mardik a,.arfi wra\ ke pa\qarin% xirar ke spann;n% ke go[nan ;u xanaxan anardaroujiunn;r kam caragor‘oujiunn;r k∞en;n% ir;nz mafhn ;tq dra.ti arvananalou famar! Jh^ mafhn ;tq krønqn;r go\oujiun c;n oun;nar a\l;us% ;u mardik fauasar ke n;rka\anan Astou‘o\ a®a= a®anz krønqi .trouj;an! Our;mn^ a\n mardoz% (;jh arvani ;n mard kocou;lou) era‘e parxaphs a®a=in ankrøn mardkouj;an qaran-

]aun;rou k;nza[a\in kam bnaxda\in gaxanoujiunn h or t;[i k∞outa\% a®anz or;uh krønqi j;ladrouj;an! Mardka\in .ofi% dato[ouj;an% gouji% .i[yi ;u gitakzouj;an ounakoujiunn;re takauin tfas ke mnan mardkouj;an vo[owrda\in xanaxan .au;rou møt% oronz qaran]aua\in bnaxde takauin g;ri,.o[ h ir;nz fogin;roun mh=% no\nisk 21-rd darou qa[aqakirj a\s a,.arfin mh=! 2013 tar;,r=anin 2000-h au;li qriston;an;r spannoua‘ ;n a,.arfi mh=% oronz m;‘ mase xofoua‘ ;n Sourio\ mh=% a®;uangman% fala‘anqi% spanouj;an ;u pat;raxmi au;rn;roun f;t;uanqn;row! Saka\n qriston;a\ xof;roun dimaz kan 100 faxarh au;li islam ;u a\l krønqn;rou f;t;uordn;r% oronz mhk mase ;[a‘ ;n embost pat;raxmikn;r% .oulikann;r% pat;fapa,tn;r% war]kann;r% mol;®and oyragor‘n;r ;u banaka\inn;r% isk mnaz;al m;‘amasnoujiune^ ;[a‘ ;n anm;[ qa[aqazin;r% oronq bolorn al fauanabar n;rka\anan Astou‘o\ a®a=% pa\qar;lou famar jh^ o#w piti mtnh dra.t% orowf;t;u bolorn al ke fauatan dra.ti arvanouj;an% min^ Astou‘o\ anounow spann;loun famar% isk miuse^ spanou;loun famar! Fapa our mnaz dvo#.qe% o#w arvani piti ella\ dvo.qin! Ch# or carin wa.yane dvo.q ;u bariin t;[e dra.t hr! :jh a\n 3 tar;kan anm;[ ;r;.a\in f;t dra.t% kam no\nisk Astou‘o\ a®a= datastani piti n;rka\ana\in a\n oyragor‘n;rn ou mardaspann;re% our;mn o#r Astoua‘a\in kam mardka\in datastane endoun;li piti gtnhr a\d! A\n bvi,kn;rn ou fiuandapafoufin;re oronq ke .namhin a\d ;r;.an minc;u ir w;r=in ,ounce% takauin c;n krnar mtn;l a\n s;n;ake our an acq;re 'ak;z% Astou‘o\ qow ;rjalou ;u a,.arfi car;roun masin gangat;lou famar! J;r;us a\s angam Astoua‘ lsh a\d anm;[ ;r;.a\in ]a\ne!

SAFMANAM:R} GIU{I BNAKICN:RN IR:NZ MIAK "RKOUJIUNE GIU{E LQ:LN :N FAMAROUM GRI<A BALASAN:AN G;[arqouniqi marxi Ka.akn giu[n Atrph\yaniz bavanoum ;n bar]r sar;re! Fama\nqe :r;uaniz gtnuoum h 180 qilom;tr f;®auorouj;an wra\! Est pa,tønakan jou;ri^ giu[oum aproum h møt 450 bnakic% saka\n giu[azin;re 'astoum ;n% or fama\nqe tar;ztari datarkuoum h% ;u 4-5 taroum giu[oum mard ci mna\! Giu[i miak .anoujpan Sw;ta Ghorg;ane m;r xro\zoum asaz% or giu[e lriu anthrouj;an h matnoua‘ ;u ir;nzow f;taqrqrouo[n;r ckan! Ka®awaroujiune safmanam;r] giu[azoun ];®q ci m;knoum^ no\nisk bnakan a[htn;ri dhpqoum! ªGiu[iz gnoum ;n% vo[owourde \ogn;l h% xxou;l h! <at lau hr% a\st;[i ;ritasardoujiune% bnakcoujiune ,at lau hin% giu[e lzoua‘ hr% gonh mhk toun axat chr% ba\z fima mardik ir;nz d®n;re 'ak;l gnaz;l ;n! Enjaz qoum bolore ke gnan% ;jh a\sphs ,arounakoui! Oc mhkin

hl ci f;taqrqroum% ;jh gnan% giu[e datarkoui% o#nz piti lini! Jhkoux gnan qa[aq% sowa‘ mnan% m;nak jh a\s giu[iz dours ganº% asoum h tikin Sw;tan! Ka.aknoum oc marxadproz ka\% oc mankaparthx% oc hl m,ako\ji toun! Sw;ta Ghorg;ani as;low^ giu[ pa,tøn;an;r hl c;n galis% or gonh ir;nz dard ou zaui masin nranz patm;n% jh;u \o\s hl coun;n% or bar]razra‘ .ndirn;re lou‘oum ke stanan! Tikno= as;low^ pa,tøn;an;r giu[;roum \a\tnuoum ;n mia\n entroujiunn;riz entroujiun! Farzin% jh dvouaroujiunn;re \a[jafar;lou famar i#nc lou‘oum ;n t;snoum% Sw;tan asaz% or lou‘oume mia\n giu[e lq;ln h% qani or ir;nzow f;taqrqrouo[n;r ka®awaroujiunoum ckan! ª>ndroum ;m% mhk hl mi 5 tari \;to\ ;khq! :jh a\øroua\ drouj;amb giu[oum ;r;ui mi 90 toun h mnaz;l% da hl ci lini! Anza‘ tarouaniz ardhn mi 10 entaniq gnaz;l

I ;nº% asoum h Sw;tan! Tikno= patm;low^ giu[oum ;ri tasardn;re c;n amousnanoum kam hl^ ,at ou,! W;r=;rs 40 tar;kan mi t[amard h amousnaz;l% isk nraniz m;‘ ;[ba\re ci hl mta‘oum amousnouj;an masin% qani or fnarauoroujiun couni! Sw;ta Ghorg;ann asoum h% or giu[oum ‘noua‘ ;r;.an ir ap ra‘ k;anqiz ocinc ci faskanoum& oc giti karous;lsn inc h% oc hl :r;uani t;[e giti! Est nra^ qc;re karo[ ;n ir;nz jo\l tal% or ;r;.an;rin gonh tarin mhk angam tan;n k;ndanabanakan a\gi kam karous;l% qani or da ardhn ªyo.oujiunº h! Ørinak^ inqe ir ;r;.an;rin karous;l ci tar;l% qani or fnarauoroujiun couni! Ka.akne na.kinoum ;[;l h adrb;=anabnak! Nranz f;®ana louz \;to\^ 1980-akann;ri w;r=in% giu[e w;rabnak;zou;l h atrph\yanafa\;row! Tn;re atrph\yanzin;ri ka®ouza‘n h% ;u giu[azin;re fnarauoroujiun coun;n gonh amrazman a,.atanqn;r katar;l! Da h patya®e% or no\nisk j;j;u qamin;riz kam taniqn;rn ;n 'oul ga lis% kam^ pat;re! :r;uan% Fa\astani Fanrap;toujiun

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FA|ASTAN^ XARGAZOUMI YANAPARFIN Niu :orq fratarakouo[ ªArtaqin Gor‘;rº (Foreign Affairs) ;rkams;a\ ‘anøj parb;rakane% 210 h=noz ir a\s tarouan a®a=in jiuin mh=% 11 lman h= \atkazouza‘ h Fa\astani xargazman% fastat;low kar;lioujiunn;re anor bargauayoumin! N,;lh ;tq patmouj;an enjazqin m;r fa\r;niqi a,.arfagrakan kar;uor dirqe^ :uropa\i% Mi=in Ar;u;lqi ;u Asio\ .acm;roukin% k*andrada®na\ n;rka\ Fa\astani n,anak;li f;t;u;al irakanazoumn;roun&1& Baz <ouka\i Qa[aqakanoujiun Fa\astan n;rka\is ke yanczoui n;rdroumi ibr;u wstaf;li ;u aspn=akan ;rkir me! Nman droujiun me k*a®a=nordh tnt;sakan xanaxanouj;an ou mrzakzouj;an! Armatakan bar;kargoumn;rou ibr;u f;t;uanq a®;utrakan marxhn n;rs% 2012-in 550 milion tolari n;rdroumn;r kataroua‘ ;n% \atkaphs Âousakan Da,nouj;an% :uropa\i ;u Arvanjini ko[mh! 2014-i s;min% World Bank-i f;t gor‘a®nouj;anz mh=% Fa\astan 37-rd kou ga\% ~ransa\hn a®a=! Est Heritage Foundation-i 2013-i tou;aln;roun% tnt;sakan axatouj;an a®oumow% Fa\astan ke grauh 38-rd dirqe% or bar]r h axg;rou fama,.arfa\in ou ,r=ana\in mi=inhn! W;raka®ouzmi ou Xargazman :uropakan Miouj;an Dramatan tnørhn Marq Th\wis f;t;u;al wka\oujiune katara‘ h& ªLau ;rkir h waya®akanoujiun en;lou& mardik ke .øsin n;rdroumn;r kataro[n;rou l;xoun! |arg;li makardaki wra\ h ja'anzkouj;an (transparency) ou gor‘enk;rouj;an (partnership) makardake t;[akan enk;roujiunn;rou f;t! Kar;li h n;rdroum katar;l ;u \a=o[oujiun gtn;l! N;rdroumn;rou ;u øtar pa,tøn;an;rou jiui nkatmamb s;[moumn;r (limitation) ckan! S;pt;mb;r 2013-in% na.agaf S;rv Sargs;an \a\tarar;z Fa\astani masnakzoujiune :uro-asiakan Miouj;an^ Âousastani% P;la®ousi ou {axa.stani f;t! Jh;u a\s na.a];®noujiune krnar oro, fakamartoujiun st;[‘;l :uropakan Miouj;an f;t% a\soufand;r]% Fa\astan piti pafh fauasarak,®oua‘ gor‘akzoujiun me :uropakan Miouj;an ou Miaz;al Nafangn;rou f;t% est warcap;t Tigran Sargis;ani!

2& Dramatna\in Bar]r Mrzakzoujiun Fa\astani dramatna\in bnagaua®e \a=o[;zau dimagrau;l fama,.arfa\in tnt;sakan ygnavame% ,norfiu ir bar]r dramaglou.in ;u f;[oukouj;an (liquidity)% orowf;t;u øtar n;rdroumn;r counhr% ou tan;li hin ir kary t;uo[ouj;amb partq;re% w;rafsko[oujiune pafpano[akan hr% ou 'o.a®oujiunn;re 2013-in nor ay me ar]anagr;zin! Dramatna\in ,oukan a,.ouvaza‘ h& n;rka\is ke gor‘;n 21 tnt;sakan dramatoun;r% tirap;touj;amb HSBC, Credit Agricole, VTB ou Piplos dramatoun;roun% inc or k*a®a=nordh mrzakzouj;an mjnolorti me!

3& Fanqa\in Farstoujiun Fa\astani mh= fanqagor‘oujiune ouni fnadar;an auandoujiun! Anor Molipt;nemi - ;rkaji ou po[pati .a®nourd - faroust paf;stn;re a,.arfi artadrouj;an 7&6 a® fariure ke kaxm;n! P[in]i ;u oskii fanq;re no\nphs au;li k*artadr;n ,r=ani ;rkirn;rhn! Fa\astan ouni 30 m;ta[a\in ;u 70 oc-m;ta[a\in fanqa\in paf;stn;r! :rkrin mh= ke gor‘;n Cronimet Mining AG (1995-hn iw;r)% Dundee Precious Metal Inc., Geo Promining, Global Gold Corporation, Global Metals ou Lydian International enk;roujiunn;re! 2013-in% m;ta[a\in endfanour artafanoumn;re bar]raza‘ ;n 31

milion joni% gr;jh krknapatkou;low 2010-i artadrouj;an ba[datmamb! :rkrin gl.auor ;kamoutn;rhn h fanqa\in ardiunab;roujiune% or gor‘ ke fa\ja\jh ,our= 15%000 banouorn;rou% miavamanak tnt;sakan fogataroujiun en‘a\;low au;li qan 100%000 fogii! Anika ke st;[‘h na;u \arakiz gor‘;r% ou ke npasth giu[akan ,r=ann;rou xargazman! Kar;uore apafow;l h a\s w;renjaz ou[in% ord;gr;low ;rkara,ounc ‘ragirn;r! Cronimet Mining AG enk;roujiune% or 3200 pa,tøn;a\ k*a,.atznh% 500 milion tolari n;rdroum katara‘ h tiranalow Xang;xouri Copper Molybdenum Combine–i (ZCMC)% or dar]a‘ h Faraua\in Kowkasi m;‘ago\n gor‘arane! Anika xørawig ke kangni dprozn;roun ;u famalsarann;roun! Global Metals Fa\astani mh= gor‘i ];®narka‘ h 2011-in! Fiusisa\in Fa\astani mh=% norago\n sarq;row øvtoua‘ anor Sakamari fanqa\in ];®narkoujiune k*artafanh p[in] ;u osk;.a®n xinki fana‘on;r! Zard enk;roujiune au;li qan 100 milion tolari n;rdroum katara‘ h% ou ke ‘ragroui no\nqan goumari \au;l;al n;rdroum men al katar;l% ,in;low nor xatic (concentrator) me faraua\in Fa\astani mh=! Dastak;rti a\s nor ‘ragire% or piti iragor‘oui 2017-i auartin% Sakamari gor‘aranin qa®apatik artadroujiune piti oun;na\! Bnakanabar% a\s bolore irakanazn;lou famar% p;toujiune piti fa\ja\jh famapatas.an ørinakan ou dramatna\in famakarg% xargaza‘ masnaghtn;row!

4& :l;ktrouvi Kar;lioujiunn;r Fa\astani f;®ankara\in bargauayoume ka.;al h ;l;ktrouvi mna\oun fa\ja\joumhn! Fa\troqarponi paf;stn;rh xrkoua‘ ellalow% ;rkire krza‘ h fa\ja\j;l mia\n 35 a® fariure ;l;ktrakan ir phtq;roun! Qariu[n ou bnakan kaxe ke kaxm;n ghj 15 a® fariure ir n;ra‘oumn;roun% xors ke fa\ja\j;n Âousastane% Irane ou Wrastane! Asika ‘anr h ir a®;utrakan k,i®in famar! Fa\astani fiulhakan ouvaniuji fnhaza‘ ka\ane ke fa\ja\jh mia\n 40 a® fariure ;l;ktrouvi ir kariqn;roun% ;u ardhn ke karøti an\;ta]g;li 'o.arinman! F;t;uabar% ;l;ktrouvi fa\ja\joume ke karøti fimnakan ardiakanazman! Ardhn% :r;uani mh=% 2010-hn sks;al% ];®narkoua‘ h fastatmane kaxa\in ouvaniuji nor ka\ani me% or ke fa\ja\jh ,our= 25-hn 30 a® fariure ;rkri phtq;roun! A\s ka\ane kar;li ;[a‘ h iragor‘;l% gor‘akzouj;ambe mhkh au;li ;rkirn;rou øvandakouj;anz% \atkaphs^ Ya'oni% incphs na;u^ G;rmanio\% Xouiz;rio\ ;u Faraua\in Qorha\i!

5& <inararoujiun Anka.ouj;nhn iw;r% ,inararoujiune xargaza‘ h bnakarana\in ;u a®;utrakan marx;rhn n;rs% st;[‘oumowe miavamanak ,inararakan nor enk;roujiunn;rou! Bar;kargoumi ;njarkoua‘ ;n ka®ouzoumi ørhnqn;re% artønagirn;re% fakak,®oume ,inouj;anz! :rkar vamkhtow ou za‘ tokosow wark;r ke tramadrouin% qa=al;r;lou famar ,inararoujiune! ’anøj ;n Elite Group ;u ªSpitak Tounº enk;roujiunn;re% ir;nz orakauor ka®ouzoumn;row! A\s w;r=ine stan]na‘ h ka®ouzoume na.ararouj;anz ;r;q ,hnq;rou% oronq piti auartin 2015-in! A\s enk;roujiune ke f;taqrqroui na;u mi=axga\in ‘ragirn;row! Axat Jargm&^ SARGIS |& MINAS:AN (<ar 1)

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NOR ØR% |OUNOUAR 16% 2014

’AÂOUK:ANE 150 MLN& TOLAR ARVO{OUJ:AMB QAXINØ KE KAÂOUZH ªVamanakºi t;[;kazmamb^ BFK a®a=nord Gagik ’a®ouk;ane ka®awarouj;an a=akzouj;amb ke patrastoui 150 mln& tolar arvo[ouj;amb nor qaxinø ka®ouz;l W;rin Pt[ni giu[i mh=! FF ka®awaroujiune anz;al taroua\ w;r=in fauanoujiun toua‘ h tnt;souj;an na.arar Dauij Sargs;ani n;rka\azouza‘ oro,man na.agi‘in% or jo\latra‘ h ªØnira qlabº enk;rouj;ane Kota\qi marxi W;rin Pt[ni giu[i :r;uan-Abow;an .you[i 5 wa\ri mh= vamanzi ;u fangsti k;dron ka®ouz;l .a[atoun kam ,afoumow .a[ kaxmak;rp;lou famar!

ANNA>ADHP SAÂNAMANIQE G:{:ZIK SAÂZH PATK:RI W:RA’A’ H NIAKARA +RWHVE Anna.adhp sa®namaniqe AMN ;u Qanata\i mh= sa®;zouza‘ h a,.arfi am;na.o,or =rwhve^ Niakaran! +oure% minc;u \atakin fasnile w;ra‘oua‘ h fska\ sa®zako\ti! Cna\a‘ davan zourtin% d;® kan og;uoroua‘ xbøsa,r=ikn;r% oronq a\s patmakan iradar]oujiune inc-or k;rp wau;razn;lou famar patrast ;n fasnil =rwhvin! Ch or a\spisi iradar]ouj;an amhn ør c;s fandipir% w;r=in angam Niakaran ambo[=ouj;amb sa®a‘ h 1848 ;u 1912 j&j&! Mincd;® Am;rika\i bnakicn;re anfamb;r ;[anaki taqazmane ke spas;n% inc or% est ød;r;uoujabann;rou% fnarauor h møt apaga\in! Am;rika\i qani me nafangn;rou mh= ødi =;rmastiyane 0-hn za‘ h 30 astiyanow! Sa®namaniqe 21 mardou k;anq .la‘ h!

JOURQIO| MH+ T:SANIUJ:ROW&&& <ar& h= 1-hn

niuj;rou mh= parxabanoum ke kataroui a\n masin% jh incphs kar;li h gtn;l ªfa\;rou jaqzoua‘ gan];reº! T;saniuj;re w;rnagroua‘ ;n f;t;u;al k;rp& ªIncphs ke \a\tnab;rouin lqoua‘ fa\kakan toun;reº% ªG;r;xmani 'orman m;jodn;rº% ªIncphs \a\tnab;r;l g;tni tak gtnouo[ g;r;xmanajmb;reº% ªGan];rou n,ann;re% imastn;re% lou‘oumn;rn ou a®a=arkn;reº% ªOrt;[ 'nt®;l gan];rº ;u a\ln! Bauakanin ‘i‘a[;li ;u mi;uno\n vamanak mtafogic ;n t;saniuj;rou mh= a®ka\ bazatroujiunn;rn ou ª.orfourdn;reº! Masnauoraphs% anonzmh mhkoun mh= kan f;t;u;al ªa®a=arkn;reº& ªFa\kakan gan];re 'nt®hq toun;rou ;u a\gin;rou mh=% anonq qarthxagroua‘ kam \atouk n,ann;row a®an]nazoua‘ c;n! Fa\;rou aqsori vamanak 'o[;r ;u gan];r oun;zo[ fa\;re anonq ja[a‘ ;n toun;rou kam a\gin;rou mhk ankiuneº! F;taqrqrakan h% or t;saniuj;rhn iuraqanciure ditoua‘ h au;li qan tase faxar angam!

FAJA|I OSTIKAN XINOUORN:RE S>ALMAMB >OUXARK:L OUX:ZIN ªMIJºI (JOURQIO| GA{TNI GOR’AKALOUJ:AN) PATKANO{ B:ÂNAKAÂQ ME B:ÂNAKAÂQE |A|TNAPHS XHNQ KE "O>ADRHR DHPI SOURIA _ KOUSAKALE FRAFANG:Z OR ASIKA P:TAKAN GA{TNIQ H :U B:ÂNAKAÂQE PHTQ CH >OUXARKOUI Karg me pa,tøn;an;rou anyarakoujiu#nn h or ;rb;mn patya® ke da®na\ or p;takan ga[tniq me ;r;uan fanoui ou fraparakoui% jh oc karg me pa,tøn;an;rou an.arda. partayanacoujiune! Na.enjaz gi,;r ;u ;rhk ambo[= øre Jourqia a\spisi ansowor .ndri me f;t dhm \andiman mnaz! Ostikan xinouorn;r (vantarma) fska\ TIR b;®naka®q me Faja\i Qreq.an _ Rh\fanle yamboun wra\ k;zouzin% orowf;t;u lratououjiun me kataroua‘ hr ir;nz or a\d b;®naka®qe 'a.stakan xhnq ke 'o.adrhr! Ostikan xinouorn;re oux;zin .ouxark;l b;®naka®qe ou t;sn;l jh 'a.stakan xhnq;r ka\i#n iraphs! Ba\z b;®naka®qin mh= gtnouo[ pa,tøn;an;re% incphs na;u b;®naka®qin f;t;uo[ `iaj makni,ow ka®qi me an]nakaxme ostikan xinouorn;roun \a\tn;zin jh ir;nq MIJ _i pa,tøn;an;r ;n ou ostikan xinouorn;re c;n krnar .ouxark;l ka®qe! Ostikan xinouorn;re pnd;zin .ouxark;lou ir;nz pafan=in wra\% Data.axin al lour trou;zau! A\d mi=ozin Faja\i kousakale grauor frafangow me t;[;kazouz or b;®naka®qe MIJ-in ke patkani% asika p;takan ga[tniq men h% ou ka®qe phtq ch .ouxarkoui! B;®naka®qe yamba\ ;lau% ba\z ostikan xinouorn;re ;rkrord angam men al k;zouzin xa\n% Souria ;rjaloun arg;lq fandisazan! I w;r=o\ Qereq.ani data.axouj;an ko[mh at;nagroujiun gri a®nou;zau! Frafangou;zau or b;®naka®qe axat ar]akoui fon gtnouo[ pa,tøn;an;roun inqnouj;an y,doumhn ;tq! |a\tni h or b;®naka®qe xinaniuj ke 'o.adrhr dhpi Souria! |a\tni h na;u or Jourqia Sourio\ mh= oro#un h% or xhnq krna\ ou[ark;l! Ga[tniq ch or Jourqia k*øgnh Asati pa,tønakan ouv;roun dhm k®ouo[ apstamb ouv;roun! A\s øvandakoujiunn al% oroun inc ellale kar;li c;[au stoug;l% ke [rkouhr a\dpisi anoro, faszhi me! Norentir n;rqin na.arar H`qan Ala% or ;rhk .orfrdarani mh= ir ;rdoume erau ou partakanoujiune stan]n;z% takauin a®a=in wa\rk;anin dhm \andiman mnaz a\s niuji ,our= lragro[n;rou farzoumin f;t! N;rqin na.arare touau patas.an me or bnau famoxic ch! An esau& ªFon jiurqmhnn;r kan! A\s ka®qe jiurqmhnn;roun øvandakoujiun ke tanhr! Amhn mard ir partakanoujiune jo[ gitna\º! Qani me lragro[n;r anmi=aphs f;gnanqow dimauor;zin n;rqin na.ararin jiurqmhnn;rou \i,;zoumow era‘ \a\tararoujiune! A\sphs Faja\i ostikan xinouorn;re anyarakouji#un i gor‘ drin% jh oc ir;nz partakanoujiune katar;zin! Amhn paraga\i p;takan ga[tniq me a\s k;rpow ;r;uan fanou;zau! Gonh \a\tni cdar]au jh b;®naka®qe y,grit k;rpow inc ke tanhr Souria!

66 <ABAJ MINC:U FA|OZ Z:{ASPANOUJ:AN 100-AM:AK Islamaza‘ kam islamazoua‘ Fa\;r Kar‘hq Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an vamanaka,r=anin bauakan chin jourqin ;u qiurtin ];®qow b®ni islamazoua‘ fa\;re% a\vm^ 9 entaniqow k∞au;lna\ anonz jiue Sourio\ mh= ;[a‘ f;tapndoumn;roun ;u fala‘anqn;roun f;t;uanqow! Ls;zinq jh^ w;r=;rs Sourio\ giu[aqa[aqn;rhn mhkoun mh= fastatoua‘ 9 fa\ entaniqn;r ªendouna‘º ;n islamoujiune! A\s entaniqn;re k∞aprin mhk ,hnqi mh=% or kocoua‘ hr ªfa\;rou ,hnqº ;u spandh .ousa';lou famar partadrabar kam kamowin krøna'o. ;[a‘ ;n% islamaza‘! Orqano#w y,grit krna\ ellal a\s t;[;koujiune% c;nq git;r! Saka\n% dar;rh i w;r go\oujiun oun;zo[ farze ke w;rar‘ar‘oui a\st;[% ko[mnoro,;lou famar k;anqe april skxbounqow% kam^ k;anqe apr;lou siro\n apr;lou mardka\in fauatamqn;rhn! Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an vamanaka,r=anin% faxarauor fa\oufin;r ;u fa\ordin;r% pa\qar;zan kam dhpi ir;nz maf n;tou;zan g;t;rou kam andoundn;rou mh=% \anoun ir;nz fauat qin% skxbounqin ;u patiuin! Saka\n faxarauorn;r islamazan kam islamazou;zan k;anqe apr;lou siro\n% kamowin kam b®ni! K;anqe tarin;rou baz vamanaka,r=an men h mardoz go\at;uman famar! <at;r k∞aprin skxbounqi f;t;uo[akanouj;amb% isk ,at;r apr;lou siro\n% or;uh pa\mani n;rqo\!


Amanori ;u S& ’nnd;an tøn;roun oura. a®ijn;row% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r axgakann;re% bar;kamn;re ;u enk;rn;re% ma[j;low bolorin \a=o[oujiun ;u a®o[=oujiun

Thr ;u Tik& Yory Mantos;an

<norfakaloujiun ªNor Ørºi orakin famar

Thr Gar;gin A& Qfn\& Gaspar;an

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Axga\in ’a®a\ouj;an 50-Am;ak





Kiraki% ";trouar 9% 2014% ;r;ko\;an vame 5!00-in% Foliwouti Ta[l;an ,q;[ srafin mh=% Los Any;lesi fa\oujiue endfanraphs ;u JMM-i Ar,ak Tigran;an Warvarani ,r=anauartn;re ;u ‘no[n;re masnauorabar% \atouk ];®narkow% ardarørhn piti m;‘ar;n ;u gnafat;n s'iu®qafa\ arvanauor krjakan m,ak% iskakan s;rndak;rt% maqramaqour fa\r;nashr% =[out ;u ansakark;li skxbounqn;rou thr mankawarv% JMM-i Los Any;lesi a®a=in ;u zard miak amhnør;a\ Warvarani 31 tarin;rou arvanauor% siroua‘ ;u \argoua‘ a®a=in tnørhne^ Wardghs Gourou;anin% anor krjakan% fasarakakan baxmab;[oun ‘a®a\ouj;anz \isnam;akin a®ijow! 1968-hn i w;r ‘anøj ;nq m;r sir;li m;‘ar;alin! Miasin pa,tønawara‘ ;nq F&B&E& Miouj;an |owakim;an-Manouk;an Warvaranin mh=! Wa\;la‘ ;nq a\s qa[zrabaro\ ;ritasard ousouzicin =;rm bar;kamoujiune! Wardghs Gourou;an m;r warvarani siroua‘ ;ritasard ousouzicn;rhn min hr% or githr a,ak;rtouj;an f;t mt;rmanal% anonz sira‘ niuj;roun masin .øsil% ;u amhnhn kar;uore^ a,ak;rtoujiune axga\in k;anqow .andawa®;l ;u anonz fa\r;nasirouj;an ;u axgasirouj;an ogi 'o.anz;l! Asika diurin gor‘ me ch! Atika ousouzichn ke pafan=h .or gitakzoujiun% nouiroum ;u t;silq! M;r sir;li Wardghs Gourou;ane a\d bolore va®anga‘ h ir ‘no[qhn% ousouzicn;rhn ;u \aya.a‘ F&B&E&Miouj;an M;lqon;an Warvaranhn! Ph\rouji Am;rik;an Famalsarane auart;lh ;tq% Wardghs Gourou;an enda®a=;low ir ar;an kancin ;u ir m;‘anoun ousouzicn;rhn staza‘ dastiarakouj;an ;u ogiin% bnau cmta‘;z a®;utrakan gor‘i anznil% a\l^ an mhk npatak ke f;tapndhr k;anqin mh=% orn h ‘a®a\;l m;r ª'oqr a‘ouinº ou manauand m;r norafas s;roundi fa\;zi dastiara-

kouj;an gor‘in! A\sphs% Prn& Gourou;an Ph\roujhn anzau Qouh\ji Axga\in Warvarane% apa Kiprosi Nar;k Warvarane% \;to\ M;lqon;an krjakan fastatoujiune% ormh ;tq% anzau AMN ;u 31 tari andadar fauatarmørhn% m;‘ nouiroumow ‘a®a\;z JMM-i Ar,ak Tigran;an Warvaranin! Ardar;u% Prn& Gourou;ani tnørhnouj;an ,r=anin warvarane \a=o[ouj;nh \a=o[oujiun ar]anagr;z% ,r=anauartn;roun m;‘amasnoujiune Fa\astanhn nor ga[jakann;r ellalow fand;r]% anonq krzan AMN-i lauago\n famalsarann;re endounouil! Warvaranin krjakan ba\z manauand fa\kakan bavine fo\akap hr amhn t;sakhtow! Krjakan yo. ‘ragiri ko[qin% Ar,ak Tigran;an Warvaranhn n;rs% fa\;zi ,at l;zoun ‘ragir me ke gor‘adrouhr! A\s bolorhn xat^ asmounq% par% ;rg% endfanour git;liqn;rou ;u ,aradrouj;an mrzoumn;r% gradarani vam% a\lat;sak marxa.a[;rou ousouzoume anj;ri kargapafouj;amb ke trouhin% ;u a\s bolorin ;tin kangna‘ hr% kar ou ke mnar ;u ou,i-ou,ow ke f;tapndhr Prn& Tnørhne^ Wardghs Gourou;an! A®auøt;an kanou. vam;rhn minc;u ;r;ko\;an ou, vam;roun% \aya. ;rb or;uh vo[owi me famar dproz k∞;rja\inq% fon ke t;snhinq J&M&M& Ar,ak Tigran;an Warvarani ªYgnauorºe^ Prn& Gourou;ane% or a\laxan gor‘;row ;u \a=ord ørouan patrast;liq partakanoujiunn;r dasauor;lou famar% a\d ou, vam;roun dproz hr takauin! Prn& Gourou;ani 31 tarin;rou pa,tønawarouj;an ,r=anin% tnørhnoujiun% ousouzcakan kaxm fogabar]ouj;an kam krjakan \an]na.oumbe% siro\% fam;ra,.ouj;an ;u bar]r tramadrouj;amb% na.an];li miasnakanouj;amb warvarani a\s sourb gor‘e ke tanhin! Anonz dhmqin wra\ mi,t vpit% oura.oujiun kar ;u a\s drakan mjnolortin a[biurn hr Warvarani tnørhn^ Prn& Gourou;ane! Anor famar hr% or fangouz;al Ar,ak Tigran;an m;‘aphs ke gnafathr Prn& Gourou;ani a,.atanqn ;u anor nouiroume ;u ;rb .øsq k∞ellar o[b& Ar,ak Tigran;anin famar Wardghs Gourou;an oc jh parx tnørhn hr% a\l ªm;r tnørhnºe makdire ounhr ir;n famar! Prn& Gourou;an 31 mhk tari m;‘ago\n sirow ‘a®a\;z a\s warvaranin ;u m;nq baxmajiu ‘no[n;rh ;ra.tagitakan =;rm .øsq;r ;u gnafatakann;r lsa‘ ;nq a\sørouan m;r m;‘ar;alin masin! Prn& Gourou;an ir ax<ar& h= 13

Lrazau wastaka,at gro[% grakanaght ;u fasarakakan an.on= gor‘ic^ St;'an Ala=a=;ani ‘nnd;an 90 am;ake (19242010 jj&)% ‘na‘ hr Falhp |ounouari 3-in! St;'an Ala=a=;ane ;rkar tarin;r ir b;[oun grcow t;uaphs nouirou;l h fa\ grakanouj;an% fa\ m,ako\ji% fa\oz patmouj;an xargazman w;f gor‘in! Mi;uno\n vamanak% lini fa\r;niqoum ;u kam øtarouj;an mh=% l‘ou;l h ir baxmacarcar vo[owrdi barørouj;an ;u bargauayman dvouarin pa\qarin! St;'an Ala=a=;ane mhke miusiz f;taqrqir% mhke miusiz bowandakaliz ou go[trik møt 27 fa\r;nasirakan whp;ri ou wipakn;ri ;u a\l baxmajiu fraparaka.øsakan \ødoua‘n;ri f;[inak h% nra st;[‘agor‘oujiunn;ri mi stouar mase jargmanou;l h na;u øtar l;xoun;row! |iraui% iura\atouk l;xouakan oyow ,aradroua‘ nra grakan faroust va®angoujiune est arvanuo\n bar]r h gnafatou;l ;u m;knabanou;l jh fa\ ;u jh øtar grakanaghtn;ri ;u mtauorakann;ri ko[miz! St;'an Ala=a=;ane tarb;r vamanakn;roum ;[;l h ªSow;takan Grakanoujiunº amsagri gl.auor .mbagri t;[akal% ªFa\astanº fratarakcouj;an .mbagrouj;an bavni waric% Fa\astani Gro[n;ri G;[arou;stakan Grakanouj;an Miouj;an Warcouj;an qartou[ar% Grakanouj;an ;u Arou;sti P;takan Jangarani tnørhn% incphs na;u Arabakan Bar;kamouj;an Enk;rouj;an na.agaf! Mi;uno\n vamanak gor‘oun masnakzoujiun h oun;z;l fasarakakan-m,akouja\in mi ,arq kaxmak;rpoujiunn;ri a,.atanqn;rin! Ir anbasir a,.atanqi famar arvanaz;l h Fa\astani Fanrap;touj;an wastakauor gor‘ici kocman% A,.atanqa\in G;raxanzouj;an kr‘qan,anin% ªPatouo\ N,anº ;u ªVo[owourdn;ri Bar;kamouj;anº ,qan,ann;rin! St;'an Ala=a=;ani f;t an]naphs ‘anøjaz;l ;m :r;uanoum% isk mt;rmaz;l Los Any;lesoum! A\sphs& 1981 jouakani skxbn;rin hr! Ar;u;lagitouj;an Institouti

gras;n;akiz m;r qartou[aroufin in] t;[;kazr;z% or Car;nzi anouan grakanouj;an ;u aru;sti jangaraniz f;®a]a\n;l ;n ;u .ndr;l% or mi \armar ør ;s lin;m ir;nz møt! Githi% or norentir tnørhne St;'an Ala=a=;ann h! Nra f;t an]amb ‘anøj chi% ba\z ir vamanakin m;‘ f;taqrqrouj;amb kardaz;l hi f;[inaka‘ ;u m;‘ vo[owrdakanoujiun wa\;lo[ gerq;re% a\d juoum ªAnapatoumº% ªA®anz Fa\r;niqiº% ª:[;gn;re C.onarfou;zinº st;[‘agor‘oujiunn;re! A®anz \apa[;lou \a=ord ørn isk gnazi jangaran ;u n;rka\analow gras;n;ak \a\tn;zi% or tnørhne zankaz;l h in] f;t fandip;l! A& Ala=a=;ane \argaliz endoun;z in] ;u zankoujiun \a\tn;z% or ;s øsman;rhniz jargman;m jangarani ar.iuoum pafouo[ Grigor Xofrapi mi groujiune! :s sirow fama]a\n;zi ;u kary vamanakoum katar;low \an]n;zi! Afa a\sphs% gor‘nakan ,at kar;uor \;nqi wra\ sksou;z m;r ‘anøjoujiune St;'an Ala=a=;ani f;t! |atkan,akan h% or nra f;t mt;rmaz;l ;m 1994 j& ªNor Ørº ;®ør;a\i ,r=anakn;roum% tou;al vamanaki an.on= lragro[ ;u fasarakakan gor‘ic^ |akob Pø[os;ani st;[‘a‘ =;rm mjnolortoum! M;r fandipoumn;ri enjazqoum St;'an Ala=a=;anin \a\tn;zi% or oun;m mi antip a,.atoujiun ªJrqakan Wau;ragr;re Fa\astani ;u Fa\;ri Masinº (16-17-rd dd&) .oragrow <ar& h= 12

ZAUAKZAKAN O[baz;al <AQH KOSTAN:ANi (Monjrhal% Ganata) mafouan t.our a®jiu% Ør& Arsinh Qhøsh;an ;u Prn& Grigor Qhøsh;an (Poston) 'o.an ‘a[k;psaki $50 ke nouir;n ªNor Ørº <abajaj;rjin! Stazoua‘ h ,norfakalouj;amb!

N.O. January 16, 2014, No. 3:N.O. Blank


1:58 PM

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NOR ØR% |OUNOUAR 16% 2014


Sour Ankiun

PH|ROUJHN KOU GAM >a®n xgazoumn;row ke w;rada®nam Libananhn! Ph\rouje ‘nndawa\rs ellalh au;li*n h in‘i famar! Libanann ou libananafa\oujiune% Sourian ;u souriafa\oujiune nor Fa\astan ou nor Kilikia hin ;u ;*n ardhn ine tasnam;akh i w;r! Ph\rouji mh= fa\ou m;r inqnoujiune paf;le .ndir chr anz;alin ;u takauin a\nqan al t.our ch anor n;rkan! Isk Libanane% orphs p;toujiun% ke ,arounakh mnal jo\l% t;[i talow mi=axga\in% ,r=ana\in ;u t;[akan baxmajiu ou baxmaxan fa,ouarkn;rou! Qa[aqakanørhn no\n Libanann h% qa[aqaziakan pat;raxmi ,our= qsanam;a\ tarin;roun nman% ormh qsanam;ak men al anz;r h% saka\n ke ,arounakoui krknouil no\n ]a\napnake% qic me au;li ma,a‘% qic me au;li \ogna‘! A\o% \ogna‘ h vo[owourde% couni famb;roujiun& ;u irauounq al ouni! Ørhnqe ka\% saka\n gor‘adro[e cka\! :u na. ;u a®a= ørhnsdi*re phtq h gor‘adrh% partadrh ir isk endouna‘ ørhnqe! |i,;nq mhk ørinak& k;nza[a\in% am;nør;a\ .ndir me! P;takan patkan marminn;r ord;gra‘ ;n inqna,arv war;lou amhnhn tarrakan ørhnqn;re& yamban;re bauakan o[ork ;n% ma\rou[in;rou wra\ gi‘;re kanonauor g‘oua‘& ba\z ;kour t;s or% oc mhke ke gor‘adrh% ;u oc mhk ostikan al ke touganh! Kam^ inqna,arvi ajo®n;roun amragøtin;re kap;lou paragan! Imaza\ jh% faxiu amis me ostikann;re .stapafan= k;rpow gor‘adr;r ou tougan;r ;n ,arvawarn;r% isk \;to\^ amhn mard ir .;lqin ou ba.tin! No\nn hr paragan ‘.;loun! Ya,aranh me n;rs mtn;low fiurenkalou;zanq s;[ani me ,our=! ’.;le soworakan ;r;uo\j h Libanani mh=% amhn t;[ h anor jounaliz n;rka\oujiune! ’ou.;roun mh=hn nkat;zi ªC‘.;lºou n,anake ;u glou.s ,arv;zi! Saka\n au;li f;taqrqrakane a\n ;[au% ;rb spas;ak ;ritasarde møt;nalow m;r s;[anin% o[=oun;z ou farzouz& ª’.;l 'a'aqo[ ka#\º (.øsqe klklaki% narkilhi% fouqa\i masin hr)! Asank ban;r! Souria\hn Libanan moutq gor‘a‘ ga[jakann;rou paragan mtafogic ;r;uo\j me parxa‘ h t;[azi bnakcouj;an qow! Ga[jakann;re% oronz jiue ke gnafatoui ,our= mhk milion% cors milion libananzin;roun ko[qin t;[auoroua‘ ;n fama]a\n ir;nz fnarauoroujiunn;roun! Bar;k;zikn;r bnakarann;r war]a‘ kam gna‘ ;n% ir;nz s;'akan a,.atanqe w;radasauora‘ nor ;rkrin mh=% saka\n m;‘ jiuow ga[jakann;r minc;u isk fa\adro,m A\nyar fa\auan mta‘ ou wrann;r lara‘ ;n! A\s endfanour irawiyake axda‘ h ;rkrin enk;ra\in ou tnt;sakan k;anqin wra\& artaqin avan a,.atawar]i patya®ow t;[azin;rou gor‘axrkouj;an ay me ka\! Sourio\ mh= tiro[ qa[aqakan laroua‘ouj;nhn bnakanabar Libanann al axdoua‘ h! Fiusise^ Jri'oli% pa\jouzik h% Ph\rouji faraua\in arouar]ann;re^ no\nphs! :rkou ,abjouan k;zouj;ans enjazqin ;rkou akanafaroumn;r znz;zin vo[owourdin tønakan tramadroujiunn;re! Saka\n k;anqe ke ,arounakoui% piti* ,arounakoui! |i,;nq k;nza[a\in ouri, kar;uor .ndir me% fazi .ndire! S[oujiune glou. a®a‘ ke soura\& cka\ w;rafsko[oujiun! Oc mia\n am;rik;an a\s a,.arfi gin;rn ;n% a\l^ au;lin% au;li jank! N;ra‘oua‘ apranqn;rou paraga\in ;jh a\nqan al bo[oq;lou t;[ couni vo[owourde% ba\z t;[akan artadroujiunn;rou famarvhq gin;re parxaphs znzic ;n! Ka\ na;u faka®ak paragan& fiusoua‘;[hni ,oukan graua‘ ;n cinakan ;u jrqakan artadroujiunn;re& t;[akan ,apik me% tabat me ;rb;mn no\nisk au;li jank ;n ;u nouax orak;al% qan^ avan ou orak;al n;ra‘oumn;re! Saka\n% Ph\rouje miavamanak ke ,nch a,.ouvouj;amb% am;na,q;[ ou baxmapisi ya,arann;row% fiuranozn;row% m,akouja\in jh vamanza\in srafn;row% t;[akan jh artasafman;an nouaga.oumb;row% ;rgicn;row&&& angor‘ouj;an ko[qin ke ms.ouin milionn;r amhn ør% amhn gi,;r! Z;r;ka\in .yo[oumn;rou ;u inqna,arvn;rou ,cakn;rou fana‘ au;lord a[moukin ko[qin% gi,;ra\in maqramaqour Libanane ir l;®n;row% ‘owow ou g;[at;sil bnouj;amb% ke ,arounakh mnal gofar me Mi=;rkrakani a'in! A\o% faroustn ou a[qate% laun ou wate% g;[;zikn ou tg;[e% maqourn ou k;[te% amhnhn ardiakan ,inararoujiunn;rn ou 'latakn;re% g;[;zik kamour=n;rn ou n;[ ou an.nam 'osot yamban;re% norn ou fine miasin k*aprin% miasin ke ,nc;n Libanani mh=! A\l .øsqow% ca'axanzoujiunn;rou jat;rab;m men h Ph\rouje% Libanane! Fiurashr% axniu% mardka\in% saka\n no\n at;n^ qa[aqakan anfam ou anw;r=anali anapafowouj;an qø[in tak^ pa\qar i gin mardawa\;l k;anqi! N:T OU A{:{ |a=ordiu^ Libananafa\oujiune incphs or t;sa\ Los Any;les% |ounouar 11% 2014


Girqe Orphs Artadroujiun Girqe orphs spa®o[akan apranq% incphs or;uh a\l artadroujiun% k∞;njarkoui artadrouj;an ;u pafan=qi (supply & demand) ørhnqn;roun! Faka®ak a\n irakanouj;an or angragitouj;an ;r;uo\je bauakan nouaxa‘ h fa\ vo[owourdi xauakn;roun møt% namanauand ;ritasard s;roundin møt% fa\;rhn girqi fratarakouj;an yartararou;ste ;u fon øgtagor‘ouo[ gitarou;ste takauin bauakanin tkar ;n ;u anbauarar% fam;mata‘ ouri, vo[owourdn;rou girq;rou artadrouj;an yartararou;stin! Iuraqanciur mhk milion an]i fam;matouj;amb fratarakoua‘

girqanounn;rou jiue m;r møt ,at au;li nouax h qan qa[aqakrjoua‘ axg;rou artadra‘ girqanounn;rou jiue! Ørinak^ Fa\astani mh=% or tramabanakanørhn ke fandisana\ fa\;rhn l;xouow fratarakouo[ girq;rou bnørrane% wiyakagroujiunn;re zo\z kou tan jh 1996-in fon apro[ bnakcouj;an iuraqanciur mhk milion an]i fam;matouj;amb fratarakoua‘ h mia\n 105 anoun girq (est w;r=in sto\g tou;alin or ouninq a\s ou[[ouj;amb Fa\astani masin% stipou;low no\n tar;,r=ani tou;aln;roun wra\ fimn;l a\l ;rkirn;rou jiu;re)! Anonz wra\% ;jh k∞ouxhq% kar;li h au;lzn;l <ar& h= 15


Catholicos Aram I To Geneva For Talks On Syrian Christians Catholicos Aram I of the Great House of Cilicia today departed for Geneva to participate in two conferences that will discuss the plight of Christian communities in Syria. Aram I is being accompanied by Archbishop Sebouh Sarkissian, Primate of the Armenian Apostolic Church Diocese of Tehran.

Syrian-Armenians Facing Real Genocide The violence against the Armenians of Syria amounts to a real crime of genocide, according to Sergey Shakaryants, an Armenian political analyst. Speaking to reporters on Monday, the expert said the leading western media are now voicing concerns in this connection. “That’s literally a genocide,” he said, adding that the continuing expulsions of Armenians from the country cannot be characterized otherwise. “Everybody knows the Armenians constitute the biggest Christian community in Syria, so if those are the policies pursued, they are evidently directed against the Armenians.” Shakaryan blamed United States, as well as France and Turkey, for the pressures against the Syrian-Armenians. “They are at the head of a new anti-Armenian race,” he added.

Another Azerbaijani Mercenary Killed In Syria PanARMENIAN.Net - One more Azeri mercenary has been killed in Syria, according to Azerbaijan Press Agency reports. Mujahid aka Abdurrahman, who was a member of al Qaeda-linked Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), was killed by Free Syrian Army. He was reportedly from Sumgayit town and was a boxer. The mujahid’s family is also in Syria, with his brother Suleyman fighting on the side of the Islamist rebels, APA says. A group of Azerbaijani citizens went to Syria and fought among the radical groups. Nearly 100 Azerbaijanis have been killed in these fights. Photos of most of them have been posted on the social networks.

A Month Of Awareness On The Genocide Of Azerbaijani Armenians The mass killing and deportation of Armenians from Baku started on this day 24 years ago. The massacre organized on the highest state level has neither an explanation nor an excuse. Although known, the organizers have not been punished yet. President of the Assembly of Azerbaijani Armenians Grigory Ayvazyan has declared a month of awareness on the massacre of Azerbaijani Armenians. According to Grigory Ayvazyan, the Baku massacres are comparable only to the Jewish Holocaust. Armenia has long recognized the genocide of Armenians in Azer-

baijan from 1988 to 1992 de jure, evidenced by the statements of high-level officials and corresponding legislative decisions. After the official recognition of the genocide of Azerbaijani Armenians the Assembly suggests holding a trial and sentencing the guilty to a maximum punishment. “If we don’t speak about this, it will seem Azerbaijan has “digested” the crime and is now trying to present itself as a victim on the international arena,” Ayvazyan said. Aida Avetisyan

YEREVAN. – Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian’s official visit to Cuba kicked off Friday with the laying of a wreath to the monument of Cuba’s National Hero, José Martí. In capital city Havana, Armenia’s FM was received by Ricardo Cabrisas Ruíz, Vice President of the Council of Ministers of Cuba, informs the Armenian MFA press service. Ruíz noted that Cuba has a very warm disposition toward Armenia, and he expressed confidence that this high-level visit will give new impetus to bilateral relations

and multilateral cooperation between the two countries. In turn, Nalbandian stressed that his visit aims to strengthen Armenia’s relations with Cuba.

Cuba Has Warm Disposition Toward Armenia

Armenia, Russia To Remove All Airline Restrictions Russia and Armenia have agreed to remove all airline restrictions on routes between the two countries. According to the Russia’s Federal Air Transport Agency, Rosaviatsia, authorities will revoke limits on the number of carriers, frequencies, aircraft types and number of destinations. The new rules will be introduced this year, the Air Transport World reports. Because of the significant Armenian diaspora in Russia, flights to these destinations are in high demand, especially

between the countries’ capitals. YerevanMoscow is the fifth most popular international route in Russia. According to Russia’s Air Transport Sourcebook, Russian airlines carried 587,945 passengers between the cities in 2012. Russia’ Aeroflot, Transaero and S7 Airlines operate flights to Armenia. In October, Armenia authorities designated Air Armenia to fly between the capitals and on several other routes in Russia.

At least 11,557 Azerbaijani soldiers were killed during the 1991-1994 war for Nagorno-Karabakh, military authorities in Azerbaijan have said in first-ever official data on the country’s combat death toll. The Azerbaijani APA news agency said on Monday that the names of those “martyrs” have been posted on the website of the State Service for Mobilization and Draft. It said among them are soldiers who went missing and are still unaccounted for. “Although the lists [of dead soldiers] from some districts are not complete, they can be considered the first official data on the number of Azerbaijani servicemen killed in 1991-1994,” explained APA. Official and non-governmental sources in Baku have long reported conflicting information about Azerbaijan’s war casual-

ties. President Ilham Aliyev said in a 2011 interview with the Al-Jazeera TV network that between 12,000 and 15,000 of his countrymen, including civilians, died or went missing in the bitter war. His late father and predecessor, Heydar Aliyev, had spoken of some 21,000 Azerbaijani casualties. Some Azerbaijani media outlets and civic groups have cited similar figures. The Armenian side, which emerged victorious from the bloody conflict, claims to have lost around 7,000 soldiers and over 1,260 civilians, most of them Karabakh Armenians. With the names of those soldiers kept in military records and publicized, this official combat death toll is not disputed by nongovernmental sources.

Baku Reports Karabakh Combat Death Toll

Jailed PKK Leader Honors Memory Of Turkish-Armenian Journalist Dink Hrant Dink, the renowned editor-inchief of Agos, which has been the voice of the small Armenian community in Istanbul for several years, was murdered seven years ago. Abdullah Öcalan, the jailed leader of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), has honored the memory of Hrant Dink, an Armenian-Turkish journalist killed seven years ago in an ultranationalist plot. “I greet the memory and the struggle of the precious child of the Armenian people, our brother Hrant,” Öcalan said in a message which was conveyed to the public on Jan. 11 following a visit to Đmralı Island by two deputy parliamentary group chairs of the Peace and Democracy Party (BDP), Đdris Baluken and Pervin Buldan, and People’s Democratic Party (HDP) deputy Sırrı Süreyya Önder. “I hope to address our Armenian citizens with a comprehensive letter and have it ready for the anniversary of the massacre of Hrant,” Öcalan said. Dink, the renowned editor-in-chief of Agos, which has been the voice of the small Armenian community in Istanbul for several years, was shot dead by Ogün Samast in front of his office in Istanbul on Jan. 19, 2007. Samast was sentenced to over 22 years in jail for the murder.

Armenian Conductor Aram Gharabekyan Dies In US

Armenia's Ministry of Culture reports with a deep sorrow that renowned conductor Aram Gharabekyan has died unexpectedly in the United States. He was aged 58. The US-born musician was the artistic director and principal conductor of the National Chamber Orchestra of Armenia. In 1983 he founded and until 1991 directed and conducted the Boston SinfoNova Orchestra. As a guest musician, he has been the principal guest conductor of the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra, and appeared with the Sinfonietta München. He has also led the Ukrainian National Symphony, the Ukrainian State Opera and Ballet, the West Ukrainian Philharmonic, Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra, Shreveport Symphony Orchestra, Fresno Philharmonic, Zhejiang Symphony Orchestra and Hangzhou Symphony Orchestra and Chorus. He was a merited artist of the Republic of Armenia and a holder of the Movses Khorenatsi medal.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday January 16, 2014


AGBU Western District Committee’s Annual Gala Banquet Raises $125,000 For Youth Programs Event Honors TUMO Center Founders Sam And Sylva Simonian

The 2013 AGBU Western District Annual Gala Banquet brought together over 400 guests in Los Angeles, California

The AGBU Western District Annual Gala Banquet, one of Los Angeles’s most anticipated events, drew over 400 guests this year for an evening of fundraising and celebration. Together, the attendees donated a record $125,000 for local youth programs as they honored AGBU Central Board Vice President Sam Simonian and his wife Sylva for their groundbreaking educational initiatives in Armenia. Now leading philanthropists, the Simonians attribute their success to the AGBU education and support they received from an early age. Both are graduates of AGBU Lebanon schools and Mr. Simonian was granted financial aid by the AGBU Scholarship Program while a university student in the U.S. They have worked tirelessly to create the same opportunities for children in Armenia today. Their most recent venture, the TUMO Center for Creative Technologies, is the first multimedia institute of its kind in Armenia. As the couple has shared, it is a way to give back to the community that has given so much to them. Since the Center opened its doors over two years ago, it has served thousands of students ages 12-18, giving them access to state-of-the-art technologies and courses led by industry professionals. AGBU Central Board Vice President Sinan Sinanian remarked on the positive impact that the Simonians have had through the TUMO Center. Before introducing them at the gala event, he stated, “Sam and Sylva Simonian had the vision, provided the funds and fully implemented one of the most advanced initiatives of our time. The TUMO Center for Creative Technologies allows young people to develop

Photo credits: Arka Photography.

their technical skills, expand their horizons and find the resources to achieve their full creative potential. We are so pleased to

Guests gather at the AGBU Western District Annual Gala. From left to right: Western District Committee Vice Chair Thomas Alexanian; Tamar Krekorian and Los Angeles City Councilman Paul Krekorian; gala honorees Sylva and Sam Simonian; Luci Karaguezian and Western District Chair Krekor Karaguezian; and Western District Committee Treasurer Avedis Markarian.

touched and overwhelmed by the warm reception we have been met with here tonight. Over the years, we have received

AGBU Western District Gala honorees Sam and Sylva Simonian (right) join Western District Chair Krekor Karaguezian and Luci Karaguezian.

honor them here tonight.” The gala attendees saw the ways students’ imaginations come to life every day at the TUMO Center through a special video presentation. Following the screening, Mr. Simonian accepted the honorary plaque, remarking, “Sylva and I are both

AGBU Western District Chair Krekor Karaguezian and AGBU Central Board Vice President Sinan Sinanian present Hermine Janoyan, the Western District Special Events Committee Chair, with the AGBU Lifetime Achievement Award.

many words of encouragement and offers of support for our Center from various individuals and organizations, for which we are also very thankful. AGBU and the Armenian community have always considered modern education the most essential investment in the lives of our youth. This is

a night we will always remember.” Throughout the evening, the master of ceremonies Nora J. Balikian also turned the guests’ attention to the many initiatives that the AGBU Western District offers to youth across California. A video on local activities highlighted the District’s scouts groups, Generation Next mentorship program, Krikor Satamian Theatre Group, athletic teams and marching bands. Hermine Janoyan, chair of the AGBU Western District Special Events Committee, which organized the gala, has helped make many of those activities possible. She was presented with the Lifetime AGBU Honorary Member Award in recognition of three decades of dedicated service to AGBU. This year’s AGBU Western District Gala Banquet was completely sold-out. A number of public figures attended, among them Primate Archbishop Hovnan Derderian; Former Primate Archbishop Vatche Hovsepian; Los Angeles City Councilman Paul Krekorian; and California Assemblyman Adrin Nazarian. Several generous sponsors contributed to the AGBU Western District Gala, including: George and Barbara Aghazarian, the Baghdassarian Family, Yervant and Melissa Demirjian, the Jack Munushian Trust, Vazrik and Alice Makarian, Harry and Cheryl Nadjarian, Sinan and Angele Sinanian, and the TF Educational Foundation Jerry and Patricia Turpanjian. To learn more about the AGBU Western District, please email agbuwdc@gmail.com. To learn more about the TUMO Center for Creative Technologies, please visit www.tumo.org.

S. and S. Simonian receive a special plaque and gift from the AGBU Western District Chair Krekor Karaguezian at the District’s Annual Gala. The Simonians, who founded the TUMO Center for Creative Technologies in Yerevan, were honored for their support of educational initiatives.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday January 16, 2014


Turk Intellectuals Who Recognized The Armenian Genocide

2- Hassan Cemal (Djamal) By Hambersom Aghbashian

Hasan Cemal ( born in 1944 in Istanbul, Turkey) is a Turkish journalist, writer and the grandson of Ahmed Djemal Pasha*. He is best known for acknowledging and apologizing for the Armenian Genocide, a crime which was perpetrated by (Ittihat ve Terakki party and its leaders Enver Pasha, Talaat Pasha and Hasan's grandfather Djemal Pasha). His 2012 book on the Armenian Genocide (written in response to the 2007 assassination of his friend, Agos editor-in chief, Hrant Dink) is titled (1915: Ermeni Soykırımı), (1915: Armenian Genocide). In 1965, Cemal graduated from Ankara University with a Political Science degree, and in 1969 began working for the weekly Hakkı Devrim. Between 1981-1992, he was the chief editor of the Cumhuriyet newspaper. In 1992 he became the editor of the Sabah newspaper until 1998. From 19982013, he worked for Milliyet newspaper. He conducted interviews with notable PKK leaders such as Abdullah Öcalan and Murat Karayilan. Some of Hasan Cemal's works include, "1915: Armenian Genocide;

2012", "Be One with Peace; 2011", "Turkey's Military Problem; 2010", "I Liked This Republic; 2005", "Kurds; 2004", "No one should be mad, I Wrote Myself; 1999", "The Story of Özal; 1989","Fear of Democracy; 1986", "Waking up to the Sound of Tanks; 1986", etc.. Hasan Cemal always believed in the official Turkish governmental narrative that the genocide did not occur. However, after he traveled to Armenia and visited the Armenian Genocide memorial, he published a book entitled "1915: The Armenian Genocide". The book would go on to be a bestseller in Turkey. Cemal remarked in his book, “To deny the Genocide would mean to be an accomplice in this crime against humanity”. The book highlights Cemal's personal transformation and his experiences in Armenia and how he turned from a Genocide denier to a recognizer. While Cemal was in Armenia, he had an opportunity to meet and have lunch with Armen Gevorkyan, the grandson of the man who executed his grandfather Djemal Pasha in

Cemal apologized to all Armenians for the Arm e n i a n Genocide. He also has insisted that the Turkish government should also apologize to the Armenians for the Armenian Genocide as well.

1922. According to Armenpress (13 Nov., 2013), Cemal wrote in an article published in Turkey’s T24 online newspaper that" Turkey must understand the pain felt by Armenians in the aftermath of 1915, and it must share that pain and present the tragedy to society at large, ahead of the forthcoming centennial of the genocide". He also added that “Armenians are a people from Anatolia. Their roots and their motherland is in Anatolia. Armenians, like the Kurdish people, had lived in Anatolia before the Turks appeared there. The truth is that Turkey has not yet accepted the fact that the Armenians were cut off from their historical roots and their motherland in 1915”. On March31, 2011,during an event which was organized by the AGBU Asbeds at UCLA, Cemal was the main speaker and said that he came to express his grief and apologize for the 1915 genocide. He also added that “History cannot be covered up. You cannot forget your roots”. Hassan

* Ahmed Djemal Pasha was a key figure in the Young Turks'- Ittihat ve Terakki party's government and an Ottoman military leader (Minister of Marine) and one of the military triumvirate known as the Three Pashas ( Enver, Talaat, Djemal) that ruled the Ottoman Empire during World War I, and is seen as one of the perpetrators of the Armenian Genocide. He was executed in July 1922 in Tbilisi, Georgia, by Stepan Dzaghigian and Petros Ter Poghosyan, as part of Operation Nemesis, in retribution for his role in the Armenian Genocide.

only 20 per cent of incarcerated people. 3. Equality in status and wealth: A look at the Forbes 2010 list shows who the richest people in each of the countries currently bombing Libya are and the difference between them and those who earn the lowest salaries in those nations; a similar exercise on Libya will reveal that in terms of wealth distribution, Libya has much more to teach than those fighting it now, and not the contrary. So here too, using Rousseau’s criteria, Libya is more democratic than the nations pompously pretending to bring democracy. In the USA, 5 per cent of the population owns 60 per cent of the national wealth, making it the most unequal and unbalanced society in the world. 4. No luxuries: according to Rousseau there can’t be any luxury if there is to be democracy. Luxury, he says, makes wealth a necessity which then becomes a virtue in itself, it, and not the welfare of the people becomes the goal to be reached at all cost, ‘Luxury corrupts both the rich and the poor, the one through possession and the other through envy; it makes the nation soft and prey to vanity; it distances people from the State and enslaves them, making them a slave to opinion.’ Is there more luxury in France than in Libya? The reports on employees committing suicide because of stressful working conditions even in public or semi-public companies, all in the name of maximising profit for a minority and keeping them in luxury, happen in the West, not in Libya. The American sociologist C. Wright Mills wrote in 1956 that American democracy was a ‘dictatorship of the elite’. According to Mills, the USA is not a democracy because it is money that talks during elections and not the people. The results of each election are the expression of the voice of money and not the voice of the people. After Bush senior and Bush junior, they are already talking about a younger Bush for the 2012 Republican primaries. Moreover, as Max Weber pointed out, since political power is dependent on the bureaucracy, the US has 43 million bureaucrats and military personnel who effectively rule the country but without being elected and are not accountable to the

people for their actions. One person (a rich one) is elected, but the real power lies with the caste of the wealthy who then get nominated to be ambassadors, generals, etc. How many people in these self-proclaimed democracies know that Peru’s constitution prohibits an outgoing president from seeking a second consecutive mandate? How many know that in Guatemala, not only can an outgoing president not seek re-election to the same post, no one from that person’s family can aspire to the top job either? Or that Rwanda is the only country in the world that has 56 per cent female parliamentarians? How many people know that in the 2007 CIA index, four of the world’s best-governed countries are African? That the top prize goes to Equatorial Guinea whose public debt represents only 1.14 per cent of GDP? Rousseau maintains that civil wars, revolts and rebellions are the ingredients of the beginning of democracy. Because democracy is not an end, but a permanent process of the reaffirmation of the natural rights of human beings which in countries all over the world (without exception) are trampled upon by a handful of men and women who have hijacked the power of the people to perpetuate their supremacy. There are here and there groups of people who have usurped the term ‘democracy’ – instead of it being an ideal towards which one strives it has become a label to be appropriated or a slogan which is used by people who can shout louder than others. If a country is calm, like France or the USA, that is to say without any rebellions, it only means, from Rousseau’s perspective, that the dictatorial system is sufficiently repressive to pre-empt any revolt. It wouldn’t be a bad thing if the Libyans revolted. What is bad is to affirm that people stoically accept a system that represses them all over the world without reacting. And Rousseau concludes: ‘Malo periculosam libertatem quam quietum servitium – translation – If gods were people, they would govern themselves democratically. Such a perfect government is not applicable to human beings.’ To claim that one is killing Libyans for their own good is a hoax. To be continued 3

The Lies Behind The West's War On Libya By Jean-Paul Pougala, Pambazouka News, 14 April 2011 Continued from Vol.92, #1, #2


And what if Gaddafi’s Libya were more democratic than the USA, France, Britain and other countries waging war to export democracy to Libya? On 19 March 2003, President George Bush began bombing Iraq under the pretext of bringing democracy. On 19 March 2011, exactly eight years later to the day, it was the French president’s turn to rain down bombs over Libya, once again claiming it was to bring democracy. Nobel peace prize-winner and US President Obama says unleashing cruise missiles from submarines is to oust the dictator and introduce democracy. The question that anyone with even minimum intelligence cannot help asking is the following: Are countries like France, England, the USA, Italy, Norway, Denmark, Poland who defend their right to bomb Libya on the strength of their self proclaimed democratic status really democratic? If yes, are they more democratic than Gaddafi’s Libya? The answer in fact is a resounding NO, for the plain and simple reason that democracy doesn’t exist. This isn’t a personal opinion, but a quote from someone whose native town Geneva, hosts the bulk of UN institutions. The quote is from Jean Jacques Rousseau, born in Geneva in 1712 and who writes in chapter four of the third book of the famous ‘Social Contract’ that ‘there never was a true democracy and there never will be.’ Rousseau sets out the following four conditions for a country to be labelled a democracy and according to these Gaddafi’s Libya is far more democratic than the USA, France and the others claiming to export democracy: 1. The State: The bigger a country, the less democratic it can be. According to Rousseau, the state has to be extremely small so that people can come together and know each other. Before asking people to vote, one must ensure that everybody knows everyone else, otherwise voting will be an act without any democratic basis, a simulacrum of democracy to elect a dictator.

The Libyan state is based on a system of tribal allegiances, which by definition group people together in small entities. The democratic spirit is much more present in a tribe, a village than in a big country, simply because people know each other, share a common life rhythm which involves a kind of self-regulation or even self-censorship in that the reactions and counter reactions of other members impacts on the group. From this perspective, it would appear that Libya fits Rousseau’s conditions better than the USA, France and Great Britain, all highly urbanised societies where most neighbours don’t even say hello to each other and therefore don’t know each other even if they have lived side by side for twenty years. These countries leapfrogged leaped into the next stage – ‘the vote’ – which has been cleverly sanctified to obfuscate the fact that voting on the future of the country is useless if the voter doesn’t know the other citizens. This has been pushed to ridiculous limits with voting rights being given to people living abroad. Communicating with and amongst each other is a precondition for any democratic debate before an election. 2. Simplicity in customs and behavioural patterns are also essential if one is to avoid spending the bulk of the time debating legal and judicial procedures in order to deal with the multitude of conflicts of interest inevitable in a large and complex society. Western countries define themselves as civilised nations with a more complex social structure whereas Libya is described as a primitive country with a simple set of customs. This aspect too indicates that Libya responds better to Rousseau’s democratic criteria than all those trying to give lessons in democracy. Conflicts in complex societies are most often won by those with more power, which is why the rich manage to avoid prison because they can afford to hire top lawyers and instead arrange for state repression to be directed against someone one who stole a banana in a supermarket rather than a financial criminal who ruined a bank. In the city of New York for example where 75 per cent of the population is white, 80 per cent of management posts are occupied by whites who make up

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday January 16, 2014


Critic's Pick: Dilijan Chamber Music Series' 'Celebrating Mansurian' The Dilijan Chamber Music Series Will Salute Tigran Mansurian On Sunday At The Zipper Concert Hall. (Karen Tapia-Andersen) By Mark Swed, Los Angeles Times Music Critic

Tigran Mansurian, Armenia’s most celebrated composer, will turn 75 this month and the Dilijan Chamber Music series will celebrate Sunday afternoon at the Zipper Concert Hall of the Colburn School with a survey of the Mansurian’s chamber music over the past half century. It will be, no doubt, a joyous occasion, what with the composer present and Dilijan, which is devoted to Armenian music, being among Mansurian's most important of champions in America. That is joyous, not joyful, and of the deep-down variety. Joy can certainly be found in Mansurian’s intensely spiritual music, but the surface is not where to look. There, in a haunting eloquence, is where

Our Glorious Mother Tongue By Alice Krumian

Our mother tongue, for centuries kept alive, Lucid and vivid, expressive and precise, In this free country, willingly cast aside, Forsaken, neglected, is dying in exile. How can we confront Saint Mesrob Mashtots, How can we ignite our Illuminator's light, And how can we still be called Armenian, When we ignore our tongue, spoken and written. Who is the author of this "white" slaughter? You and I, my friend, all of us together, Every site, every center and every home, Where our glorious tongue is not spoken. To put a lasting end to this bitter fate, And prevent our tongue from imminent death, Let every Armenian, old and young, of any age, Preserve with passion, our treasured heritage.

6’5” Mike Boornazian, a candidate for the Armenia national basketball team from Bates College, was named the state of Maine’s NCAA Div. III player for the week for the first week of January 2014. Boornazian, a sophomore, is averaging 18.7 points per game and 8 rebounds per game for Bates College. 6’7” Gor Plavchyan of the Armenia national basketball team, a native of Etchmiadzin, Armenia, continues to show improvement in his sophomore year at Glendale C o l l e g e . Plavchyan, an all conference selection as a freshman in 2013, is averaging 18 points and 10 rebounds per game for Glendale College.

the suffering, never overstated or exaggerated but always throbbing like a chronic pain, lies. It is a beautiful pain, the exquisite anguish of a grave wound not healed but rather transcended. hat transcendence is the nature of Mansurian’s most mature music. And through stunning recordings on ECM it has made him a cult figure like such other spiritually inclined Eastern European com-

posers as the Estonian Arvo Pärt. Also in common with composers who came out of the former Soviet bloc, Mansurian’s hardwon spirituality is all the more illuminating for having grown out of an aggressive musical rebellion against Soviet musical populism. Through it all, Mansurian’s inspiration has been the plight of the Armenian people in the 20th century and their sustaining culture. He is a formal composer who never wastes a note. His sound world is mystical. He knows wherein lies an instrument’s most hauntingly beautiful sounds, particularly when it comes to strings, the voice and percussion. Once heard, a Mansurian piece is not forgotten.

Graffiti To Civil War: 3 Years Of Syrian Turmoil By Lori Hinnant

PARIS (AP) — It started as a challenge to Bashar Assad, scrawled in graffiti on a school in a small Syrian border town. Security forces swept into the school and rounded up a handful of boys. The March 2011 protests to free the teens metastasized, sending Syria into a full blown civil war, complicated by a proxy conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran, with Cold War overtones thrown in for good measure. More than 120,000 people have died and 2 million have fled their homes. Syria's descent into turmoil explains the low expectations for the peace conference in Geneva in a week. In Paris on Sunday, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and 10 other foreign ministers are pressuring the opposition to attend the talks. — March 2011: Protests erupted in Daraa, Syria, over security forces' detention of a group of boys accused of painting antigovernment graffiti on the walls of their school. On March 18, security forces opened fire on a protest in Daraa, killing four people in what activists regard as the first deaths of the uprising. Demonstrations spread, as did the crackdown by President Bashar Assad's forces. — June 2011: Police and soldiers in Jisr al-Shughour joined forces with the protesters they were ordered to shoot, and the uprising claimed control of a town for the first time. Elite Syrian troops, tanks and helicopters regained the town within days. — August 2011: President Barack Obama called on Assad to resign and ordered Syrian government assets frozen. — July 2012: A bombing at the Syrian national security building in Damascus during a high-level government crisis meeting killed four top officials, including Assad's brother-in-law and the defense minister. — Summer 2012: Fighting spread to Aleppo, Syria's largest city and its former commercial capital. Rebels seized control of some neighborhoods, but the battle for control rages to this day and much of the city is

in ruins. — August 2012: Obama said the use of chemical weapons in Syria would be a "red line" that would change his thinking about military action. — November 2012: The Syrian National Coalition was created, bringing together the main opposition groups. The council was hampered from the outset by crippling infighting and accusations that its members are out-of-touch exiles. — March 2013: After advancing in the north, rebel forces captured Raqqa, a city of 500,000 on the Euphrates and the first major population center controlled by the opposition. That month, the number of U.N.-registered refugees topped 1 million, half of them children. — May-June 2013: Regaining the offensive with the help of thousands of Hezbollah fighters, Assad's forces re-captured the strategic down of Qusair near Lebanon's border. — June 2013: U.S. officials concluded that Assad's forces had used chemical weapons against the opposition. Obama authorized direct support for the rebels. — August-September 2013: A chemical weapons attack in the Damascus suburbs killed hundreds. Obama, blaming Assad's government, said the United States had a responsibility to respond and puts it up to a vote in Congress. Russia proposed instead that Syria give up its chemical weapons, and military strikes were averted. — September 2013: Eleven rebel groups left the Syrian National Coalition and form their own alliance intended to create an Islamic state. — October 2013: Syria destroyed the equipment to produce chemical weapons. — January 2014: Infighting among rebels, pitting a variety of Islamic groups and moderate factions against the al-Qaidalinked Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, killed nearly 500 people in a week. The first batch of toxic chemicals was shipped out of Syria.

Armenian Cycling Sensation, Hovhannes Hovhannisyan, Brings Pride to his Country By Anahid Yeremian

Hovhannes Hovhannisyan, a 19 yearold Armenian cycling sensation medals in every international competition of his age group that he participates in. Born and raised in Yerevan, Armenia, Hovhannisyan trains with master trainers Albert Soloyan

and Armen Gyozalian, at the Olympic Cycling School in Yerevan. If you want to see this young man in action visit the following and other You Tube videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D11x 4hStZCo

Tigran Mansurian Inaugural Concert Of The Armenian Music SUNDAY, JAN 26, 2014, 2:00 PM Schoenberg Hall, 445 Charles E. Youn Drive East, Los Angeles, CA 90095

The UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music announces the Inaugural Concert of the Armenian Music Series at UCLA celebrates 75th birthday anniversary of Armenia’s foremost composer Tigran Mansurian, with the performance of his choral masterpiece, Ars Poetica and chamber music works by Mirzoyan and Spendiaryan. Performed by Lark Musical Society Choir, Vatsche Barsoumian, conductor, and members of the Armenian Music Ensemble at UCLA - Vanessa Vasquez, soprano, VEM String Quartet. Admission for Public is $14.00. For UCLA Faculty, Staff and Students (with ID) is $11.00.

Body Of Israel's Ariel Sharon Lies In State

JERUSALEM (AP) — Hundreds of Israelis lined up outside Israel's parliament building on Sunday to pay their last respects to Ariel Sharon, the hard-charging former prime minister and general who died over the weekend. Sharon's coffin was displayed in a plaza in front of the Knesset, where a stream of visitors passed by to snap photos and say farewell. A funeral service to be attended by dignitaries from around the world, including U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, is scheduled for Monday. The 85-year-old Sharon, one of Israel's most iconic and controversial figures, died Saturday, eight years after suffering a stroke that left him in a coma.

Sharon: Peacemaker, Hero... And Butcher By Robert Fisk

I was respected in his eight years of near-death, with no sacrilegious cartoons to damage his reputation; and he will, be assured, receive the funeral of a hero and a peacemaker. Thus do we remake historyAny other Middle Eastern leader who survived eight years in a coma would have been the butt of every cartoonist in the world. Hafez el-Assad would have appeared in his death bed, ordering his son to commit massacres; Khomeini would have been pictured demanding more executions as his life was endlessly prolonged. But of Sharon – the butcher of Sabra and Shatila for almost every Palestinian – there has been an almost sacred silence. Cursed in life as a killer by quite a few Israeli soldiers as well as by the Arab world – which has proved pretty efficient at slaughtering its own people these past few years – Sharon was respected in his eight years of near-death, no sacrilegious cartoons to damage his reputation; and he will, be assured, receive the funeral of a hero and a peacemaker. Thus do we remake history. How speedily did toady journalists in Washington and New York patch up this brutal man's image. After sending his army's pet Lebanese militia into the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in 1982, where they massacred up to 1,700 Palestinians, Israel's own official enquiry announced that Sharon bore "personal" responsibility for the bloodbath. Abbriviated.

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Agoulise mi=nadaroum Ar;u;lqi a®;utrakan .o,or k;ntronn;riz hr% ort;[iz anznoum hin Âousastani% Parskastani ;u Ar;umt;an :uropa\i f;t kapo[ a®;utrakan qarauana\in kar;uor yanaparf n;re% miavamanak% a\n m,akouja\in krjakan k;ntronn;riz mhkn hr qa[aq% ore f®cakoua‘ hr ir arf;stn;row% g;[;zik tn;row ;u auandakan faroust k;nza[ow! Saka\n m;nq t;sanq bolorowin a\l Agoulis! Ank;anq^ kar‘;s wa[ouz lqoua‘ ;u m;®a‘! Xarmanali xgazoum oun;zanq^ jouaz jh vamanaki m;q;na\i øgnouj;amb wa\rk;anaphs \a\tnou;l hinq f;®auor mi=nadaroum! :u a\d 'o,ou% kaui d;[nago\n ‘owi mh= or bazoua‘ hr m;r a®=;u% w;r hin slanoum wa\;lcat;s% nrbaka®o\z fa\kakan tasn;rkou ;k;[;zin;re^ fa\kakan n;rka\ouj;an ;u qa[aqi anz;al ,q;[ouj;an lou® wkan;re! <our= bolore ja'oua‘ hin d;®;us pafpanoua‘ tapanaqar;r ;u .acqar;r% ba\z au;li ,at dranz ktortanqn hr! Karhne ;rkar qnnoum hr \ou,ar]ann;re! Tpauoroujiune ynco[ hr% acq;rnis a®=;u srbap[‘uoum ou korcoum anf;tanoum hr patmoujiune! W;radar]i yanaparfin Karhne% t;sa‘iz enkyoua‘% ;rkar vamanak lou® hr! Mia\n a\n vamanak% ;rb ;s 'or];zi .øs;l tpauoroujiunn;ri masin% na \ankar‘ asaz& ªA\spisi yakatagir h spasuoum na;u M;[riin% ;jh møtik apaga\oum anfrav;,t mi=ozn;r c];®narkou;n! <at ktroua‘ ;u m;kousazoua‘ ,r=an h% t;[i bnakcoujiune f;®anoum h% isk atrph\yanzin;re npatakadroua‘ a\n bna-


M;[rou tnt;souj;an arag xargazman famar m;‘ n,anakoujiun oun;zau ‘ragrow na.at;soua‘ ®axmawarakan ,at kar;uor n,anakoujiun oun;zo[ M;[ri-Liyq-Qa=aran AU:TIS BA|RAM:AN inqna,arva\in yanaparfi ,inararoujiune% ore ,r=ane miaznoum hr oc mia\n Xang;xouri ardiunab;rakan k;ntronn;ri% a\l;u ªM;‘ :rkriº k;ntronakan Fa\astani f;t! Yanaparfe \an]nou;z 1980 j&! Dvouar h patk;razn;l% jh inc hr spasuoum M;[riin% ambo[= faraua\in Xang;xourin 88 jouakaniz \;to\% ;jh clinhr a\d yanaparfe ;u fa\r;niqi f;t kapn irakanazouhr Na.i=;uanow% incphs na.kinoum hr! M;[ri-Qa=aran yanaparfi ,inararouj;an skxboum Fa\tar Ali;ue fandhs ;kau a®a=arkouj;amb^ ka®ouz;l na;u Atrph\yane Na.i=;uani f;t kapo[ yanaparf atrph\yanakan Niuwadli giu[i mi=ow% ore Atrph\yani safmaniz f;®ou hr 15 qilom;jrow% Karhn D;miry;ani anouan miavamanak w;raka®ouz;l 18 qm& fo[a\in Marxafam;rga\in Famalir yanaparf^ Na.i=;uaniz minc;u Niuwadli! k;znoum ;n! Karhni møt da tagnapi a®a=in A\d yanaparfi ,inararoujiune n,anakoum drs;uoroumn hr fanrap;touj;an ®axmawa- hr npast;l atrph\yanzin;ri bnak;zmane rakan kar;uorago\n n,anakoujiun oun;zo[ M;[rou ,r=anoum% isk f;®ankaroum ambo[= faraua\in ,r=ann;ri famar! Mi qani tari Xang;xouroum! F;nz a\d npatakn hr f;taanz% ;rb Karhne ardhn a®a=in qartou[ar pndoum Ali;ue% dra famar hl chr fama]a\nhr% patafakan chr% or a\d .ndirn;ri lou- uoum yanaparfi a\lentranqa\in tarb;rak‘oume nra famar dar]au a®a=naf;rjn;riz n;ri f;t% or a®a=arkoum hr fa\kakan ko[me! mhke! Mi angam w;rada®nalow Moskoua\iz Ka1975 j& garnane Karhnn a\z;l;z M;[ri% rhne mtafogoua‘ asaz% or gor‘e bardanoum t;[oum ‘anøjazau bolor clou‘oua‘ fimna- h% qani or Ali;ue dim;l h ;rkri ®axmakan .ndirn;rin ;u no\n taroua\ Ma\isin ambo[- [;kawarouj;ane ir na.ag‘a‘ yanaparfe =aphs m,akoua‘ ;u fastatoua‘ hr M;[rou \a\tarar;low ®axmawarakan kar;uor n,a,r=ani sozial-tnt;sakan xargazman fa- nakoujiun oun;zo[ yanaparf ;u a\vm a\d malir ‘ragire XI fngam;aki famar% mas- farzow xba[uoum h xinoua‘ ouv;ri framananauoraphs Agaraki p[n]amiolibd;na\in tar Mar,al Sokolowe! Karhn D;miry;ani fastatoujiune% M;[rou pafa‘on;ri gor‘a- g;rbnakan imastouj;an ;u .orfrdauor rani w;raka®ouzoum ;u endla\noum% 500 jon- fimnauoroumn;ri ,norfiu \a=o[ou;z pa,tpana miavamanak;a\ taro[ouj;amb sa®na- n;l ir fanrap;touj;an ,af;re! rani ka®ouzoum% yanaparfn;ri% ødanaua<ar 4 ka\ani ,inararoujiun ;ua\ln!

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;u ou[in;r ;m oronoum a\n fratarak;lou masin! - B;r% mi angam na\;m ;u ke mta‘;nq a\n fratarak;lou masin%- asaz na! Faka®ak a\d ør;rin ir baxmaxba[oua‘ouj;an% na ou,i-ou,ow enj;rz;z im a,.atoujiune ;u sira\øvar gr;z grqi n;ra‘akane% arta\a\t;low ir f;[inakauor kar‘iqn ou gnafatakane kataroua‘ a,.atanqi masin! No\n fogatar w;rab;rmounqe zouzab;r;z ;u krkin mi n;ra‘akan gr;z im \a=ord a,.atouj;an masin ªFa\;ri Z;[aspanoujiune Jourq Qa[aqakan Gor‘icn;ri |ou,agroujiunn;roumº .oragrow% ore lo\s t;sau 2001 jouakanin! Bnakanabar ;s .oraphs ,norfakal ;[a\ ;u ;ra.tapart kataroua‘ an,afa.ndir øgnouj;an ;u .ra.ousanqi famar! *** St;'an Ala=a=;ane ir ;rk;roum am;na\n manramasnouj;amb kang h a®;l na;u fa\kakan farzi ou M;‘ :[;®ni o[b;rgouj;an mouj ‘alq;re baza\a\t;lou gor‘i wra\! Patmakan ;u qa[aqakan iradar]oujiunn;ri wra\ ,aradroua‘ nra ª:[;gn;re C.onarfou;zinº% ªCspiaza‘ Whrqº ;r;q fator;a\ ‘anrak,i® gor‘;rn ou mius ;rk;re ,aradroua‘ ;n 'astagrakan niuj;ri fiman wra\ ;u oun;n wau;ragrakan y,grtoujiun% qani or f;[inake fnarauoroujiun h oun;z;l øgtagor‘;lou K& Polsi Patriarqouj;an ar.iua\in faroust niuj;re! A\s farze am;na\n .orouj;amb bar]razoua‘ h na;u nra fraparaka.øsa\in \ødoua‘n;roum% incphs na;u Liparit Axat;ani ªFa\ Orb;re M;‘ :[;®niº fatorn;ri skxboum groua‘ nra n;ra‘akann;roum! Ir k;anqi w;r=in tarin;rin St;'an Ala=a=;ane ,[ja\akan \a=ordakanouj;amb Los Any;lesoum lo\s en‘a\;z ir \ou,agrakan 7 grq;re% oronq grakanaghtn;ri ko[miz arvanazan bar]r gnafatanqi! Afa a\d grq;ri .oragr;re& 1& ªLousauor;al >orann;rº% JMM frt&% 1993 2& ªCspiaza‘ Whrqº% g& girq% (whp)% ªNa\iriº frt&% 1995 3& ª&&&Atrou,ann;rº% JMM frt&% 1995 4& ªYamb;xri Wra\º% ªNor K;anqº frt&% 1998 5& ªWajsounakann;rº% ªNor K;anqº frt& 2002 6& ªPatmoua‘qn;rº% Kl;nth\l 2005 W;r=in fratarakoujiune 2008 j& Los Any;lesoum lo\s t;sa‘ ªFa\ Mamouli H=;roumº (19572005) .oragrow fatorn h% ore bowandakoum h \ødoua‘n;r% aknarkn;r% qnnakan ousoumnasiroujiunn;r% gra.øsoujiunn;r% dimankarn;r% farzaxro\zn;r!

N,;nq na;u% or t;uaphs ir vo[owrdi barørouj;an% gir ou grakanouj;an xargazman nouiroua‘ a\s an.on= m,ake% 2001 j& Fokt;mb;rin% Am;rika\i f;®auor a';roum lo\s a,.arf b;r;z ªA®agastº .oragrow axga\in% grakan% m,akouja\in ;u fasarakakan fandhse% ori bowandakaliz \ødoua‘n;re enj;rzuoum hin m;‘ f;taqrqrouj;amb! Irøq% or ir k;ndanouj;an w;r=in tarin;rin hl anw;r= lzoua‘ hr st;[‘agor‘;lou bou®n t;ncow! Isk n;rqoust% nra amhnør;a\ fogse ir vo[owourdi da®n yakatagirn hr% amhnør;a\ dvouaroujiunn;re! Ba\z na fogow-srtow lauat;s hr ir fa\r;niqi apaga\i bargauayman nkatmamb% ore nra .øsq;row fncoum hr a\sphs& ªFa\r;niqe srti mh= h% mtqi mh= h% ariun h% mis h% fo[ h&&& Xarmanali ban men h% Fa\astann hº!

FA|OZ Z:{ASPANOUJ:AN&&& <ar& h= 1-hn

koum h ktrakanaphs dhm dours gal Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an mi=axga\in yanacman farzoum fa\;ri ko[miz kaxmak;rpoua‘ mi=axga\in qaroxar,auin! Fa\kakan farze kam Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune tasnam;akn;r ,arounak Jourqia\i ;u Fa\astani \arab;roujiunn;ri mi=;u laroua‘ouj;an patya® ;n dar];l! 2015j& Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100 am;akin enda®a= mi ,arq ditordn;r kar‘oum ;n% or a\n karo[ h fa\jourqakan \arab;roujiunn;roum ,r=adar]a\in 'oul fandisanal! <at;rn hl pndoum ;n% or Jourqian ci yanaci Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune^ pnd;low% or spanoujiunn;re inqnapa,tapanakan mi=oz ;n ;[;l A®a=in Fama,.arfa\in Pat;raxmi vamanak! Jourqia\i ;u Fa\astani \arab;roujiunn;re ‘anrab;®noua‘ ;n mi ,arq mi=p;takan .ndirn;row! Nranq tara]a\noujiunn;r oun;n A®a=in Fama,.arfa\in pat;raxmi vamanak fa\;ri xangoua‘a\in spanoujiunn;re bnoujagr;lou farzoum! 2002 j&-in ;rb ªArdaroujiun ;u Xargazoumº kousakzoujiune i,.anouj;an glou. ;kau% na sks;z patrastou;l :uramiouj;an f;t banakzoujiunn;rin! Saka\n a\s yanaparfin ªArdaroujiun ;u Xargazoumº kousakzoujiune faskazau% or mia\n tnt;sakan ;u qa[aqakan ca'oro,icn;re bauakan c;n liirau andam da®nalou famar! Z;[aspanouj;an farzoum m;[adranqn;re ;u 'ak safmann;re m;‘ d;r ;n .a[oum Jourqia-:uramioujiun \arab;roujiunn;roum! <at fa\;r fauatoum ;n% or AXK-i ka®awaroujiune patrast h ,antavi ;njark;l iuraqanciur ka®awarouj;an% ore 'or]oum h yanac;l Fa\oz z;[aspanoujiune! Jourqian phtq h \stak qa\l;r ];®narki Fa\astani f;t ;rkko[m \arab;roujiunn;re bar;lau;lou famar ;u 'or]i Z;[aspanouj;an farzoum fasn;l qa[aqakan 'o.xi=manº% asuoum h fraparakman mh=!

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AP<:ZOUZIC :N ATRPH|YAN JOURQIA ANTI* - QA{AQAKRJAKAN FAMENKNOUMN:RN OU XOUGAF:ÂN:RE M;nq% orphs norago\n xin;al axga\in axatagrakan pa\qari ;u axga\in p;takan inqnapa,tpanouj;an ‘ragri f;t;uordn;r^ m,taphs endg‘;l ;nq ªOyir ;u pativº safmanman bowandaka\in \atouk \;nqn ou skxbounqa\in n,anakoujiune! :u axga\namol mardaspan Âamil Sa`arowi dhpqoum hl famoxoua‘ ;nq% or dranq anwrhp ;n gor‘;lou! Oyragor‘in tar\an]n;lou mi=ozow axat ar]ak;lou Atrph\yan-Foungaria a\s anna.adhp gor‘arqe mi ,arq farz;r h ‘noum% oronziz mhke gor‘arqi f;tapnda‘ npatakn h! Lau h% or tara‘a,r=ana\in nor laroua‘oujiun st;[‘;lou a\d 'or]e% npatake liowin baza\a\tou;z fa\kakan lratouami=ozn;roum% ori mi 'a\loun ørinakn hl Arkadi Thr _ Jad;uos;ani toua‘ w;r=in farzaxro\zn h! A\noufand;r] ,at farz;r mnoum ;n! A®a=in farze% or ‘agoum h^ a\n h% jh a\d incph#s pataf;z% i#nc fnarqow% or NAJØ-i ];uaca'oum t;[i oun;za‘ ®axmakan \anzagor‘oujiune qnnouj;an a®nou;z Foungaria\i qa[aqaziakan gor‘;row at;anoum! A\vm mi#jh xarmanali h% or oyragor‘ mardaspan spa\in Atrph\yani na.agafi ko[miz n;roum ,norf;lou 'aste l®ouj;an matnou;z NAJØ-i [;kawarouj;an ko[miz! "astørhn NAJØ-i [;kawaroujiune ;rkou dhpqoum hl g;radas;z mnal warago\ri ;t;uoum% mnal annkat% lauago\n dhpqoum 'or];z fauasarouj;an n,an dn;l xofi ou oyragor‘i mi=;u ou m;‘afogabar ko[m;rin xspoua‘ouj;an koc;l! A\st;[iz hl \a=ord farzn h ‘agoum! NAJØ-n famagor‘akzoum h ;u Atrph\yani% ;u Fa\astani f;t% ba\z oro#nq ;n nra famar a®a=naf;rjoujiunn;re& kaxme amhn gnow famalr;#le% no\nisk oyragor‘% a\lat;az mardaspann;ro#w% jh# a\noufand;r] anwtangouj;an ou .a[a[ouj;an farz;row mtafog xinouorakann;row! :u o#w h% or phtq h fravaroui NAJØ-i f;t famagor‘akzoujiuniz% Atrph\ya#ne% jh# Fa\astane! Farze mian,anak \stak ch na;u :uromiouj;an f;t andamakzouj;an .ndirn;roum% ort;[ :uromiouj;an [;kawaroujiune no\nphs g;radas;z skxboum l®;l% apa ko[m;rin xspoua‘ouj;an koc;l! F;taqrqir h& ;jh mi=axga\in ;u mi=p;takan \arab;roujiunn;ri farz;roum :uromiouj;an ;u Atrph\yani patk;razoumn;rn famenknoum ;n% apa i#nc ;n anoum Ar;u;l;an gor‘enk;rouj;an ‘ragroum Wrastane% Fa\astane% Moltowan P;la®ousn ou Oukrainan! :jh c;n famenknoum% apa i#nc h anoum a\nt;[ Atrph\yane! Stazuoum h% or mi ko[miz :uromioujiune% mius ko[miz^ n,oua‘ p;toujiunn;riz iuraqanciurn a®an]in-a®an]in .ndir oun;n \stak;zn;lou ir;nz patk;razoumn;re a\s gor‘enjazi npatakn;ri ;u f;®ankarn;ri w;rab;r;al! A\dpisi .ndir couni Atrph\yane% orowf;t;u baxmizs fastat;l h ir anti - qa[aqakrjakan bowandakoujiune ;u fima hl marxuoum h FAFGB-i anouniz k;[‘ \a\tararoujiunn;r gr;lou ou tara‘;lou marxoum! :rrord farze Jourqia\i :uromiouj;an andamakzouj;an farzn h! A\st;[ ;us lour= .ndirn;r kan! Bann a\n h% or :uromiouj;an ko[miz Jourqia\i a®=;u droua‘ partauoroujiunn;roum endgrkoua‘ ch Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune yanac;lou na.apa\mane! A\s farze :uropa®lam;nte ];uak;rp;l 1987-i ªFa\kakan farzi qa[aqakan lou‘-

* Anti - d;®afas

M:’ARANQI :R:KO| I PATIU&&& <ar& h= 5-hn

ga\in-fasarakakan ou krjakan ‘a®a\ouj;an famar arvanaza‘ h baxmajiu gnafatakann;rou ba\z anor m;‘ago\n gnafatanqe ke mnan ir patouakan a,ak;rtn;re% oronq ir;nz tnørhnin phs axga\in ogiow øvtoua‘% bar;kirj% fa\ouj;an ;u ir;nz entaniqn;rou patiu b;ro[ ;ritasardn;r ;n! Gr;l Prn& Gourou;anin warvaranin famar katara‘ dramafauaqi ;u warvarani bar;rarn;re ,atzn;lou gor‘in masin% ke n,anakh fasta'or girq me gr;l! Prn& Gourou;an 31 tari ,arounak% faka®ak ir krjakan fasarakakan baxmat;sak ;u baxmajiu partauorouj;anz% ir;n \atouk qa[zra.øsouj;amb ;u bari warou;lak;rpow% baxmajiu ];®narkn;row m;‘ jiuow nouiratoun;r krzau b;r;l dprozi ‘a.s;re fogalou famar! A\sør% a\s .it ou s;[m to[;-

row% Prn& Gourou;ani krjakan% axga\in-fasarakakan ‘a®a\ouj;an \isnam;akin a®ijow% srtanz ke ,norfauor;nq m;r jankagin tnørhne% ga[a'ari enk;re ;u miouj;nakan ;[ba\re a\s n,anakaliz ørouan a®ijow% ,norfauoranqi \atouk .øsq ouninq m;‘ar;ali jankagin kno= ;u k;anqi iskakan enk;roufiin^ annman Tik& Alisin! Orqan ;ran;li xo\g men ;n ;rkouqe% or astoua‘aparg;u ir;nz k;anqin MHK mase% nman sourb ;u patouakan axga\in ;u krjakan .orimast ‘a®a\ouj;amb krza‘ ;n l;zn;l! K;anqin mhk mase esinq% qani or Thr ;u Tik& Gourou;ann;re takauin ,at taliq ounin m;r axgin ;u m;r kaxmak;rpouj;anz! >onarf;low };r wastakin a®=;u% ];xi k∞es;nq^ };r war]qe faxar katar ella\% jankagin enk& Gourou;an! Patius arvanauoraz!

man masinº bana];ui dro\jn;roum% ort;[ mi ko[miz fastat;l h% or 1915-17 jj& Øsman;an Jourqian p;takanørhn irakanazr;l h Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiun% mius ko[miz^ n,;l% or n;rka\i Jourqian ªqa[aqakan% irauakan kam niujakanº partauoroujiun ci kroum fa\;ri fandhp! A\s jn=ouke incph#s lou‘;l! :jh Fa\kakan farzi lou‘man a\s tarb;raki w;rab;r;al :uromiouj;an ;u Jourqia\i patk;razoumn;re famenkoum ;n% apa i#nc h anoum a\nt;[ Fa\astane! :jh c;n famenkoum% apa i#nc gor‘ ouni a\nt;[ Jourqian! Corrord .ndirn Atrph\yan Jourqia (ªMhk axg% ;rkou p;toujiunº% incphs siroum ;n krkn;l jourq [;kawarn;re) anti -qa[aqakrjakan famenknoumn;ri ou xougaf;®n;ri .ndirn h% a\d juoum^ oyragor‘% a\lat;az mardaspann;rin amhn gnow f;rosazn;lou marma#=e% jh# apaga\in mitoua‘ ‘ragire! A\s farzoum ou[[aki ap,;zouzic ;n anti - qa[aqakrjakan famenknoumn;rn ou xougaf;®n;re% jh;u tarb;r ;n tramaca';re! Jourqian 'or]oum h f;rosazn;l Jal;ajin% Hnw;rin% +;malin ;u mius a\lat;az \anzagor‘n;rin% oronziz ,at;rin% i dhp% f;®aka\ kargow mafouan hr datapart;l K& Polsi ®axmakan at;ane^ Øsman;an ka\sroujiune pat;raxmi mh= n;rqa,;lou ;u p;touj;an qa[aqazin;rin ‘ragroua‘ k;rpow ocncazn;lou m;[adranqn;row! Atrph\yane ir f;rjin ]gtoum h oyragor‘ a\lat;azn;r ay;zn;l^ 'or];low f;rosazn;l nranz! 1983 jouakanin Yon Kirakos;ane ª:ritjourq;re Patmouj;an Datastani A®a=º grqoum groum hr& ª1982 j& Marti 15-in Stampouli <i,lii g;r;xmanatan ªAxatouj;an blouri wra\º n,ou;z Jal;aji spanouj;an 61 tarin! Noriz ‘a[k;psakn;r xinoua‘ ouv;ri framanataroujiuniz% Stampouli kousakaloujiuniz% qa[aqap;taraniz&&& ya®;r% \arganqi famaxark! N;rka\ hr xørawar Q;mal :ouqs;le! Isk a\d pafin Jourqia\i bant;roum 81 faxar 346 bantark;al karº! A\st;[ ;us Atrph\yan Jourqia xougaf;®n;rn ap,;zouzic ;n! Fandingjone fastat s.alou;l h! Na bar]ra]a\n;lou hr oc jh qa[aqakrjoujiunn;ri ba.man masin jhxe% a\l vamanakakiz a,.arfoum anti -qa[aqakrjakan ko[mnoro,oumn;rin ou dranz famafounc gor‘o[oujiunn;rin l‘oua‘ \ar]ako[pakan p;toujiunn;ri ou kaxmauoroumn;ri ko[miz qa[aqakirj a,.arfin ou[[oua‘ miangama\n irakan spa®naliqe! :u a\d amhne faka®ak groua‘ ou cgroua‘ n;rqin ou mi=p;takan ørhnqn;ri ou% takauin% faxaram;a\ wa[;mouj;an patouirann;ri! :rb 2009 jouakanin kaxmauoruoum hr :uromioujiune m;nq anfangstoujiun \a\tn;zinq^ n,;low% or mi# gouzh a\dpisow% Fin F®omi ørinakow% a,.arfoum ke st;[‘oui mi nor g;rthroujiun - ostikanap;toujiun% orn ir kamqe ke j;ladri ;*u miouj;an n;rsoum% ;*u draniz dours! :r;q tari h anz;l ;u n;rka\i :uromiouj;an% NAJØ<ar& h= 14

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LOULOU (>A|:AN) ~:RMAN:AN LOULOU (>A|:AN) ~:RMAN:ANi mafouan tasncorrord tar;lizin a®ijow fog;fangst;an pa,tøn piti kataroui Kiraki^ 26 |ounouar% 2014-in% S& P;tros Fa\z& A®aq;lakan :k;[;zuo\ mh= 17231 Sherman Way, Van Nuys, \auart S& Pataragi! Fangouz;ali \i,atake \argo[n;rhn ke .ndroui n;rka\ gtnouil! Sgakirn;r^ Thr ;u Tik& Ara ~;rman;an Wighn Gou\oumy;an

LO|S H T:S:L&&& <ar& h= 1-hn

mia\n g;rmanazi pa,tøn;an;rn ou xinouorakan pa,tøn;an;re karo[ hin A®a=in A,.arfamarti tarin;rin a®anz graqnnouj;an x;ko\zn;r ou[ark;l Jourqia\iz! Am;rikazin;riz bazi% oronq minc;u 1917 jouakani Aprili 6-e chxoq hin% g;rmanazi diuanaghtn;rn ou nranz irax;kicn;re Pa[tati ;rkajou[ou n;rka\azouzcoujiuniz kam a,.atakizn;ri jouiz% Z;[aspanouj;an am;nakar;uor oc fa\ akanat;sn;rn hin! Baza®aphs n;rqin øgtagor‘man famar na.at;soua‘ 'astaj[j;re% oronq ;njaka\ chin fratarakman% acqi ;n enknoum ir;nz anaca®ouj;amb ou ank;[‘ouj;amb! No\nisk orphs Øsman;an ka\srouj;an da,nakizn;r g;rmanazi pa,tøn;an;re partauoroua‘ hin famaroum ir;nz baro\akan ;u qa[aqakan patya®n;row \a\tn;l fa\;ri dhm katarouo[ wa\ragoujiunn;ri masin! Wol`gang Gouste groum h& ª<oki mh= hi% ;rb t;sa\% jh g;rmanazin;rn inc m;‘ d;r ;n oun;z;l :uropa\i ‘a\ramasoum xangoua‘a\in spanouj;an gor‘oum! G;rmanian chr na.a];®n;l a\d Z;[aspanoujiune% ba\z ;ritjourq;ri am;nam;r]auor da,nakizn hr ;u kapoua‘ hr pa,tønakan ®axmakan da,inqow! Mijh# nazistn;re cpaty;n;zin Fa\;ri Z;[aspanoujiunn irakanazra‘ ;ritjourq;ri m;jodn;reº! Kostandnoupolsoum G;rmania\i d;span "ol Wol` M;j;rni.e gr;l h ka\s;rakan Kanzl;r T;obald `on B;tman-Golw;\gin B;®lin 1915 jouakani D;kt;mb;ri 7-in& ª&&&Fa\;ri fala‘anqn;ri dhm m;r dvgofoujiune phtq h \stak arta\a\toui mamouloum ;u da ke lini jourq;ri f;t gor‘akzouj;an w;r=e! Inc hl nranq ara‘ lin;n% kapoua‘ h m;x f;t^ m;r .orfrdakann;ri% jndanøjn;ri% 'o[;ri&&& Fa\kakan farzoum or;uh \a=o[ouj;an fasn;lou famar f;t;uanqn;row ke wa.;zn;nq jourqakan ka®awarouj;ane! :jh ®axmakan nkata®oumn;row c;nq famar]akuoum dimaka\;l nranz au;li ko,t dirq;riz% apa a\l entroujiun c;nq oun;na\% qan ko[qiz f;t;u;l% jh incphs h da,nakize ,arounakoum kotora‘eº! Kanzl;re patas.an;l h& ªPat;raxmi enjazqoum da,nakzi nman fanra\in parsauanqe nmane chr oun;na\ patmouj;an mh=! Miak npatakn h orphs da,nakiz m;r ko[qin paf;l Jourqia\in minc;u pat;raxmi w;r=e% anka. nraniz^ dra f;t;uanqow fa\;r ke xofou;n% jh^ ocº!

Fangouz;al |owfannhs So[omon;ani mafouan qa®asounqi a®ijow% fog;fangst;an pa,tøn piti kataroui Kiraki% |ounouar 19% 2014-in% S& {;uond;anz Ma\r Tayarin mh=% 3325 N Glenoaks Blvd, Burbank. Sgakirn;r^ A\rin^ Ana\is So[omon;an Xauakn;re^ Karø So[omon;an ;u xauakn;re Waxghn ;u Alis So[omon;an ;u xauakn;re |arouj So[omon;an ;u xauake^ |owik :[ba\re^ Ghorg ;u Fa\astan So[omon;an :[bør xauakn;re^ Mifran ;u <o[ik So[omon;an ;u xauakn;re |akob ;u <o[ik Gol;r;an ;u xauakn;re Mifran% Xaroufi ;u Marø So[omon;ann;r (Fa\astan) Qro= xauakn;re^ |akob ;u Sona Taghs;an ;u xauakn;re (Libanan) Tigran ;u <aqh Garaga,;an ;u xauakn;re S;drak ;u Maral Taghs;an ;u xauakn;re (Ganata) Au;tis ;u :ua Taghs;an ;u xauakn;re (Libanan) :rouand ;u Marø Vamkoc;an ;u xauakn;re (New York) Naxarhj Thr Wardan;an (Libanan) Nora\r ;u Sirward Thr Wardan;an ;u xauakn;re |owsh' ;u Garin Kanim;an ;u xauake ;u fama\n Kanim;an% Gax;x;an% :ousou`;an% M;lqon;an% ’atour;an% Thr Wardan;an ;u Ban;an entaniqn;r!

AP<:ZOUZIC :N ATRPH|YAN&&& <ar& h= 13-hn

i andam Foungaria\i ;u :uromiouj;an Ar;u;l;an gor‘enk;rouj;an ‘ragri masnakiz% :uromiouj;an andamakzouj;an ]gto[ Atrph\yani mi=;u oyragor‘ - a\lat;azi axatouj;ann \ang;zno[ gor‘arqe galis h fastat;lou% or m;r anfangstoujiunn;re t;[in hin ;u or a®a=in qa\l;rn a\d ou[[ouj;amb ardhn kataruoum ;n! M;r dhpqoum farzi patas.ane \stak h! Fa\astanin partadroua‘ yanaparfe mhkn h ;u bar;ba.tabar oc am;nawate% da anka.ouj;an ;u inqni,.anouj;an w;rakangnman yanaparfn h% ori mi=ozow ke trou;n w;rofi,;al bolor farz;ri bnakanon patas.ann;re! A\d ;#rb h ;[;l% or Fa\astane masnakz;l h a,.arfoum t;[i oun;zo[ a\landakoujiunn;rin ;u anti - qa[aqakakrjakan gor‘enjazn;rin! Ch or^ f;nz a\d ko[mnoro,oumn h ;[;l fa\ouj;an ou Fa\astani \arat;uman grauakane^ a\n dhpqoum% ;rb fxør ou anpart;li jouazo[ ,at;r partadroua‘ lq;l ;n patmouj;an jat;rab;me! Qa[aqakrjakan xargazman ou[in;roum anka.oujiunn ou inqni,.anoujiune a\lentranq couni! Wka\^ :uromiouj;an fa,ouin ir;nz anka.oujiuniz fravaroua‘ ;u lok ir;nz inqni,.anouj;ann apauina‘ :uromiouj;an andam mi ,arq ;rkrn;ri% a\d juoum^ Foungaria\i% n;rka\i t.our wiyake! ªOu.t Araratiº% Fa\astani Axatagrouj;an Fa\ Ga[tni Banaki axatamartikn;ri ;u na.kin qa[bantark;aln;ri fasarakakan na.a];®noujiun

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na;u s'iu®qi mh= no\n tarin fratarakoua‘ fa\;rhn girq;roun anounn;re% oronz jiue lauago\n paraga\in^ piti canzni ];®qi matn;roun jiuin^ iuraqanciur mhk milion s'iu®qafa\i fam;matouj;amb&&&% mincd;® m;r ko[mh nouax qa[aqakirj yanczoua‘ Jourqio\ mh= mi;uno\n tarin% mhk milion bnakcouj;an fam;matouj;amb fratarakoua‘ h w;r i waro\ no\nqan anoun girq! Mi=axga\in ca'ani,;row mardka\in xargazman makardakhn nouax makardaki wra\ gtnouo[ arabakan a,.arfin mh=% mhk milion bnakcouj;an fam;matouj;amb% dar];al fratarakoua‘ h no\nqan anoun girq! Mius ko[mh% 1996 tarouan enjazqin^ Am;rika\i Miaz;al Nafangn;roun mh= mhk milion bnakcouj;an fam;matouj;amb fratarakoua‘ h 248 anoun girq% Isra\hli mh=^ 416 anoun girq% isk Ya'oni mh=^ 450 anoun girq&&&! F;t;uabar% ;jh endouninq a\n khte% jh girqe orphs spa®o[akan apranq^ k∞;njarkoui artadrouj;an ;u pafan=qi ørhnqn;roun% a\sinqn^ c∞artadrouir ;jh pafan=qe cka\% piti t;sn;nq jh karg me Fa\ a[biurn;rou toua‘ patya®abanoujiune jh^ :l;ktrona\in sarq;rou go\oujiune% famakargici go\oujiune ;u arf;stagitouj;an srenjaz xargazoume bazasakan ;r;uo\jn;r ;n kam patya®n;r fa\ vo[owourdi møt enj;rzasirouj;an


;u f;t;uabar girqi pafan=qi nouaxoumin% a\nqan al yi,d ch% namanauand ;rb nkati oun;nanq jh Fa\astani mh= ørinaki famar% famazanz (unternet) øgtagor‘o[ an];roun jiue ke kaxmh Fa\astani bnakcouj;an 4% tokose% minc Ya'oni mh= famazanz øgtagor‘o[ an];roun jiue ke kaxmh Ya'oni bnakcouj;an 40% tokose&&&! Ya'oni mh= øgtagor‘ouo[ ;l;ktrona\in sarq;rou ;u famakargicn;rou jiu;rou fam;matoujiune ;u arf;stagitouj;an xargazoume kar;li ch o*c mhk ];uow ba[dat;l Fa\astani f;t% minc incphs w;re \i,;zinq^ Ya'on fratarakouo[ girqi anounn;rou jiui fam;matoujiune qa®apatik au;li h qan Fa\astani mh= fratarakoua‘ girq;rou jiu;rou fam;matoujiune! An]nakan f;taqrqrouj;amb katara‘ a\z;loujiunn;row gra.anoujn;rou% girq;rou zouzafandhsn;rou ;u gradarann;rou% incphs na;u fimnou;low ‘no[n;rou ;u ousouzicn;rou f;t 'o.anaka‘ .øsakzoujiunn;rou ardiunqn;roun wra\% in‘i famar \stak h a\l;us jh tarb;r tariqn;rou ya,akn;rn ou f;taqrqroujiunn;re gofazno[ fa\;rhn girq;rou xanaxanoujiun me go\oujiun couni fraparakin wra\% isk am;nakar;uore^ go\oujiun couni orphs artadroujiun% girqi waya®ounakman (marketing) oc mhk s;rtoua‘ ou gitakan ];u! <at \aya. fa\;rhn girq;r ke

fratarakouin^ fratarakou;lou siro\n% trzakn;row dixou;lou famar fratarako[ axga\in fastatouj;anz ambarn;roun mh=! Grashr anfatn;rou m;k;nasoujiunn ou a\l bar;sirakan fastatoujiunn;rou niujakan m;‘ n;rdroumn;rn al ke watnouin a\s ];uow! F;t;uabar% ;jh dar];al fimnouinq artadrouj;an ;u pafan=qi ørhnqin wra\% kar;li h ;xrakazn;l jh fa\;rhn girqin bowandakoujiunn ou ];ue ;jh vamanakawrhp ;n ;u oc qa,o[akan ;u spa®o[in (enj;rzo[in) ya,akn ou phtqe c;n gofazn;r ;u ;jh manauand ci \argouir waya®ounakman gitakan mi=ozn;re% oronq ;n^ Artadrouj;an Pitan;loujiune% Gine% N;rka\azman ];un ou anor øgtakaroujiune zo\z talou a,.atanqe ;u Zruoumi m;q;nakanoujiune (The Four "P"s! Product, Price, Promotion, Place)% a\s paraga\in^ fa\ girqi pafan=q t;[i piti coun;na\% a\sinqn fa\;rhn girqi pafan=qe piti paksi% f;t;uabar^ na;u fa\;rhn enj;rzasiroujiune! Anzninq a\l kar;uor farzi me% orn h^ enj;rzasirouj;an pakase!

Enj;rzasirouj;an C;xoqazoume Enj;rzasirouj;an c;xoqazman (aliteracy) .ndire ;u ankh b.o[ f;t;uanqn;re ,at au;li lour= ;u wtangauor ;n% qan inqnin^ angragitoujiune! Enj;rzanouj;an shre korsnzno[ an]iqe% a\n an];rn ;n oronq karo[oujiune ounin kardalou% saka\n na.entra‘ ;n ckardal! Anonz

gragitakan karo[oujiunn;re ,at \aya. bauarar ;n famalsaranakan pafan=qn;roun% saka\n anonq fayo\q me c;n t;sn;r enj;rzanouj;an mh= ;u oc al anor ke ];®nark;n bazi ca'axanz kar;uor paragan;roun% our anonq partadroua‘ ke xgan qani me to[ kardalou kam gr;lou! Enj;rzanouj;an fandhp antarb;roujiune ke ‘nani angragitoujiun% ;u ;rb anonq ‘no[q ke da®nan% ,at gh, ørinak ke fandisanan ir;nz xauakn;roun% qani oc mhk ];uow c;n qa=al;r;r kam c;n m[;r ir;nz xauakn;re girn ou grakanoujiune sir;lou! Entaniqe^ manoukn;rou dastiarakouj;an gor‘enjazin mh= a®a=in kar;uor axdakn h! Fon h or 'oqrike a®a=in angam k∞enkalh mard arara‘i \atouk k;nsakan git;liqn;r% isk a\d enkaloume ,at \aya. ke kataroui ‘no[n;re kapk;low! F;t;uabar ;rb tan me mh= ‘no[qe ci kardar^ 'oqrike piti ckarda\! Gitakan lour= 'ast;r ckan jh enj;rzasiroujiune ke 'o.anzoui va®angouj;amb! Our;mn% enj;rzasiroujiune% incphs a\l arvhqn;r kam v.takan moloujiunn;r% tan mjnolortin ardiunqn ;n% or ,at kar;uor d;r ke .a[an a\s ;u nman paragan;roun! Mius ko[mh% enj;rzasirouj;an xargazman ,at au;li wtang ke fandisanan enj;rzanoujiune cqa=al;ro[ ousouzic-ousouzcoufin;re% manauand ;jh anonq l;xoun;rou ;u grakanouj;an dasatoun;r ;n! (Mnaz;ale \a=ord jiuow)

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NOR ØR% |OUNOUAR 16% 2014

2013-I MARXAKAN AKNJARJN:RE ªNOR ØRºI MARXAKAN H+:ROUM (Skixbe m;r j;rji na.ord famaroum) MA|IS • Marmnamarxouj;an :uropa\i a®a=noujiunoum Arjour Dauj;ane \;nazatki warvoujiunn;roum nouay;z pronxh m;tal% isk baxmamartoum^ 8-rdn hr! • L;uon Aron;ane dar]au Sankt ";t;rpourgoum auartoua‘ Al;qsandr Al\o.ini \ou,amrza,ari \a[jo[! • A,.arfaf®cak ‘anrord :ouri Wardan;ane n,anakou;z FF sporti ;u ;ritasardouj;an farz;ri na.arar! • Wig Darcin;ane 10 ®aountanoz m;namartoum \a[j;z m;qsiqa\i >aui;r Galo\in! • ";roui ma\raqa[aq Lima\oum anzkazoua‘ ‘anramarti a,.arfi ;ritasardakan a®a=noujiunoum Andranik Karap;t;ane (77 qk&) 340 qk& ardiunqow ;rkamartoum nouay;z pronxh m;tal% isk g;r‘anr qa,a\in Go® Minas;ane ;rkamarti 403 qk& ardiunqow^ ar‘ajh m;tal! ÂD-n n;rka\azno[ Âaxmik |ounan;ane (77 qk&) f®cakou;z a,.arfi a.o\;an! • <a.mati Folandia\i minc;u 16 tar;kann;ri a.o\;an f®cakou;z Alik Tigran;ane% isk Âoutol` Grigor;ane dar]au ~ransia\i minc;u 18 tar;kann;ri a.o\;an! • Sambo\i :uropa\i a®a=noujiunoum Tigran Kirakos;ane (52 qk&) ;u Wacik Wardan;ane (68 qk&) dar]an ar‘ajh% isk Søsh Balasan;ane (52 qk&) ;u Mawrik Nasip;ane (74 qk&)^ pronxh m;talakirn;r! • FF na.agaf S;rv Sargs;ane w;rentrou;z FF ,a.mati da,nouj;an na.agaf! • Giumrii ª<irakeº dar]au `oujpoli FF a.o\;an! |OUNUS • FF fauaqakane `oujpoli a,.arfi a®a=nouj;an entrakan mrza,ari :r;uanoum ka\aza‘ .a[oum 0-1 fa,ouow xi=;z \;tnapaf Malja\i entranoun% isk 4 ør anz artagna\ .a[oum 4-0 fa,ouow \a[j;z Dania\i entranoun! • Minskoum auartoua‘ b®nzqamarti :uropa\i a®a=noujiunoum \a=o[ fandhs ;kan tarb;r ;rkrn;ri drø,n;ri n;rqo\ fandhs ;ka‘ fa\ marxikn;re! Pronxh m;taln;ri arvanazan Aram Auag;ane (FF% 56 qk&)% Art\om |aroujiun;ane (G;rmania% 64 qk&)% |owik Fa\rap;t;ane (ÂD% 52 qk&)! :uropa\i a.o\;ann;r f®cakou;zin ®ousastanzin;r Dauij Fa\rap;t;ane (49 qk&) ;u Armhn Xaqar;ane (64 qk&)! Ar‘ajh m;taln;ri arvanazan Waxghn Sa`ar;anze (P;la®ous% 60 qk&) ;u na.kin arza.zi Ara\ik Marouj;ane (G;rmania% 69 qk&)! • Wan;s Martiros;ane f;rjakan \a[janake tøn;z Âa\an D;uisi nkatmamb! • A,.arfi a.o\;an% :uropa\i ;u >SFM-i qa®aki a.o\;an N,an Mounc;ane dar]au 50 tar;kan! (Mnaz;ale \a=ord jiuow)

:OURI +ORKA:U& ªFPARTANOUM :M IM FA|KAKAN ARMATN:ROWº Football.ua ka\qi farzoumn;rin patas.an;l h ~ransia\i fauaqakani na.kin .a[azo[ :ouri +orka;ue% ow 1998 j& ~ransia\i fauaqakani kaxmoum nouay;l h a,.arfi gauaje% isk 2000-in^ :uropa\i gauaje! N;rka\aznoum ;nq nra patas.ann;re (oro,) ka\qi farz;rin! Farzoum&- :ouri% douq Ouqrania\oum hq




ardhn oc a®a=in angam! I#nc tpauoroujiun ounhq Ouqrania\iz! Patas.an&- Yi,d h ;s ardhn ;[;l ;m ];r møt! In] dour h galis Ouqranian ;u Qi;ue! Da fiasqanc qa[aq h% iura\atouk patmouj;amb ;u m,ako\jow! Bazi a\d in] dour ;n galis mardik^ ouqraniazin;re! F&_ |a\tni 'ast h% or douq ounhq fa\kakan armatn;r! Douq lino#um hq patmakan fa\r;niqoum! P&_ :s fpart ;m im fa\kakan armatn;row ;u ]gtoum ;m mi,t kap paf;l! :s ,at møt ;m a\d ;rkri f;t! No\nisk oro, ca'ow l;xoun git;m! :rb;mn m;nq tane no\nisk fa\kakan `raxn;r ;nq øgtagor‘oum! Faskanoum hq% da im ariunn h ;u im famar da ,at kar;uor h! F&- Douq .a[az;l hq 1998-i a,.arfi ;u 2000-i% :uropa\i a®a=noujiunn;roum ;u ;rkousoum hl \a[j;zinq! Douq karo#[ hq dranq fam;mat;l ;u o#r parg;un h ];x famar kar;uor! P&_ Cna\a‘ dranq tarb;r mrza,ar;r ;n% ba\z ambo[=ouj;amb irar nman ;n! As;m a\sphs% ba\z ;u a\nphs a,.arfi a®a=noujiune am;naf;[inakauor mrzoumn h! Patk;razrhq ];x ;n f;t;uoum milionauor mardik ambo[= a,.arfoum! Bazi a\d% a\nt;[ n;rka\azoua‘ ;n a,.arfi lauago\n fauaqakann;re% a\d juoum^ Arvanjini ;u Praxilia\i! Da ,at-,at ‘anr mrza,ar h! Phtq ch mo®anal% or 1998-in m;nq \a[jo[ dar]anq m;r fa\r;niqoum% ore ,at fay;li h! F&_ :ouri% mi 'oqr patmhq ];r masin% inco#w hq a\vm xba[oua‘ ;u incpisi#n ;n ];r \;taga\ ‘ragr;re! P&_ :s a\vm ardhn 7 tari h aproum ;m Niu :orqoum! A\nt;[ ;s xba[oua‘ ;m AMN-oum mankakan `oujpoli (soccer) xargazman ‘ragrow! Da bauakanin ‘a.satar ‘ragir h! |aya. masnakzoum ;m bar;gor‘akan fandipoumn;ri% bazi a\d% ;s baz;l ;m im bar;gor‘akan fimnadrame! }gtoum ;m øgn;l nranz% ow dra kariqe ouni! Im ko[miz (Au;tis Ba\ram;an) n,;nq% or :ouri +orka;ue ‘nou;l h Lionoum (~ransia) 1968 j& Marti 9-in! Ma\re fa\ h^ Mari Øfan;an% isk fa\re^ kalmik! :[;l h ~ransia\i fauaqakani auage! 1999 j& :uropa\i a®a=nouj;an entrakan mrza,ari ,r=anakn;roum ~ransia\i fauaqakani kaxmoum .a[az;l h Fa\astani fauaqakani dhm^ "arixoum ;u :r;uanoum! Na fravarou;l h masnakz;l Stampouloum ka\analiq Jourqia~ransia fandipmane!

FA|KAKAN ~OUJPOLI >YANKAR • Moskoua\i ªSpartakiº ;u FF fauaqakani \ar]akouo[ :oura Mowsis;ani ‘a®a\oujiunn;row f;taqrqruoum ;n angliakan ou g;rmanakan mi ,arq akoumbn;r% :ouran a®anzqa\in `oujpolist h ;u ªSpartakeº ci zankanoum bavanou;l nraniz! • {axa.stani gor‘o[ a.o\;an ªAktob;nº Anjalia\oum ousoumnamarxakan fauaq h anzkaznoum% orin |ounouari 11-in miaz;l h na;u FF fauaqakani ;u ªKrasnodariº kisapa,tpan Markos Pix;lin nra 'o.adrouj;an farze lou‘ou;lou h a®a=ika\ ;r;q-cors ør;rin! |i,;zn;nq% or ªAktob;oumº h fandhs galis FF fauaqakani pa,tpan Âob;rt

Arxouman;ane% isk FF fauaqakani pa,tpan L;uon Fa\rap;t;ane ;u ª<irakiº na.kin \ar]akouo[ S;rv D;bl;n a\vm 'or]a,r=an ;n anznoum jimoum! • Ar]akourdiz \;to\ marxoumn;rn h w;rsks;l :r;uani ª"iunikeº^ jimi nor gl.auor marxic Sargis |owsh';ani gl.auorouj;amb! Jime famalrou;l h mi ,arq nor fa\ .a[azo[n;row Âousastaniz! Jimi kisapa,tpan Dauij Mano\;ane bard wirafatouj;an h ;njarkou;l AMN-oum ;u apaqinman famar ke pafan=oui møt 6 amis! {oukas Pø[os;ane% ow wirafatouj;an hr ;njarkou;l G;rmania\oum ,outow ke sksi marxou;l endfanour .mboum% isk pa,tpan Arman |owfannis;ane sks;l h marxoumn;re% ba\z pa,tpanic dimakow! ª"iunikiº ;u FF fauaqakani pa,tpan Waraxdat Faro\;ane ªÂostowiº f;t gtnuoum h jimi ousoumnamarxakan fauaqoum^ Toupa\oum! ªÂostowinº arg;l;l ;n nor `oujpolistn;r granz;l% ba\z jimi 'o.na.agafn as;l h& ªSarsa';li ban cka\% m;nq ke lou‘;nq a\d farzeº! • Cna\a‘ a®a\vm FF fauaqakani gl.auor marxci farze d;®;us lou‘oua‘ ch% ba\z ardhn \a\tni ;n FF fauaqakani enk;rakan 2 fandipoumn;ri ør;re! Marti 5-in ~I~A-i .a[azankow enk;rakan fandipoumn;ri ør h! Fnarauor h% or a\d øre FF axga\in fauaqakane mrzi ouqraniazin;ri f;t! |ounisi 6-in G;rmania\i Ma\nz qa[aqoum FF axga\in fauaqakane enk;rakan-bar;gor‘akan fandipoum k*anzkazni G;rmania\i axga\in fauaqakani f;t! Ma\nzoum ka\analiq fandipoume ke lini w;r=ine G;rmania\i fauaqakani famar% a,.arfi a®a=nouj;ane m;kn;louz a®a=!

<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • |ounouari 12--in :r;uanoum m;knark;z Fa\astani t[amardkanz 74-rd ;u kananz^ 69-rd a®a=noujiune! T[amardkanz a®a=nouj;ane masnakzoum ;n grosma\st;rn;r Tigran L& P;tros;ane% Frand M;lqoum;ane% Xauhn Andrhas;ane% Arman "a,ik;ane% Âob;rt |owfannis;ane% Karhn Grigor;ane% Samouhl Thr-Safak;ane% Au;tiq Grigor;ane% L;uon Babou=;ane ;u Tigran Qojan=;ane! A.o\;ane k*endgrkoui FF fauaqakanoum! Kananz a®a=nouj;ane masnakzoum ;n Maria Ghorg;ane% Siranou, {oukas;ane% Narinh Gaspar;ane% Sw;tlana Mirxab;k;ane% Anna Fa\rap;t;ane% |asmik {ambar;ane% Anafit Ghorg;ane% <ou,anna Sargs;ane% Arminh Baba\;ane ;u Sousanna Gabo\;ane! • L;uon Aron;ane oc-oqiow m;knark;z Folandia\i Wh\k an X;h qa[aqoum enjazo[ Tata Steel Chess mrza,aroum! Na s;u;row oc-oqi .a[az fndik P;ntala Farikri,na\i f;t! 2-rd mrza'ouloum L;uone \a[j;z italazi ~abianø Karouana\in! |i,;zn;nq% or L;uone Wh\k an X;hi g;rmrza,ari ;®aki \a[jo[ h! L;uone andradar];l h na;u atrph\yanzi ta[andauor 27-am;a\ ,a.matist Wougar Fa,imowin% ow mafaz;l h ;rkarat;u ‘anr fiuandouj;an patya®ow! Nra mafouan loure ,at zauali hr! M;‘ t.roujiun h% ;rb o;uh mhke mafanoum h a\d tariqoum% a\n hl^ a\dqan ta[andauor ,a.matist!

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