ՆՈՐ ՕՐ Շաբաթաթերթ

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N.O. January 23, 2014, No. 4:N.O. Blank


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|ounouar 16-in Sourio\ ka®awaroujiune pa,tønaphs fastata‘ h ir masnakzoujiune^ ªVen;u-2º .a[a[ gagajnavo[owin! A\d masin \a\tarara‘ h MAK gl.auor qartou[ari pa,tønakan n;rka\azouzici t;[akal ~arfan >ane^ au;lzn;low% or Damaskose a\d masin pa,tønaphs namak [rka‘ h Pan Gi Mounin% oroun mh= ªoro,aki ];uak;rpoumn;r ke parounak;nº! >ane fravara‘ h fraparak;l namaki bowandakoujiune! ªOrqan ;s faskza‘ ;m% banakzoujiunn;re Sourio\ patouirakoujiune piti gl.auorh AGN [;kawar Oualit Moualhmeº! Sourio\ farz;row ªVen;u2º .a[a[ gagajnavo[owe m;knark;z |ounouar 22-in xouiz;riakan Montriø qa[aqin mh=% vo[owhn mhk ør ;tq souriakan fakamartouj;an kargauorman ou[in;rou oronoume piti ,arounakoui ardhn Ven;ui mh=^ mi=axga\in mi=nordn;rou masnakzouj;amb! Gagajnavo[owin masnakzouj;an \a\t n;rka\azouza‘ ;n ardhn 30 p;toujiun!

FA{ORDAGROUJIUN FRATAP KOC SIRIA|OUM ARDAR >A{A{OUJ:AN FASTATMAN |ounouari 15-17-e Ven;uoum^ Mi=axga\in k;ntronoum% t;[i oun;zau :k;[;zin;ri Fama,.arfa\in >orfrdi Endfanrakan .orfrdakzoujiun Siria\i w;rab;r;al% orin masnakz;zin tarb;r :k;[;zin;ri fog;uor a®a=nordn;r ;u n;rka\azouzicn;r Siria\iz% Mi=in Ar;u;lqi :k;[;zin;ri >orfrdiz% Watikaniz ;u :k;[;zin;ri Fama,.arfa\in >orfrdiz! >orfrdakzouj;ann Am;na\n Fa\oz Kajo[ikosoujiune n;rka\aznoum hr :F> K;ntronakan komithi andam T& Wighn Arq& A\qax;ane (Fa\ :k;[;zou Am;rika\i Fa\oz Ar;u;l;an j;m)! >orfrdakzouj;an ardiunqoum masnakizn;re fandhs ;kan \a\tararouj;amb^ ou[[oua‘ a®a=ika\oum Siria\i w;rab;r;al ka\analiq ªVen;u-2º famagoumarin% oroum masnauoraphs asoua‘ h& ªQriston;an;re Qristonhouj;an tara‘oumiz i w;r ,arounak n;rka\oujiun ;n pafpan;l Siria\i ;rkroum! A\sør% orphs :k;[;zin;r ;u :k;[;zoun a®ncouo[ mardasirakan ka®o\zn;r% m;nq amhn ør Siria\i vo[owrdi f;t ;nq ;*u ;rkri n;rsoum% ;*u 'a.stakann;ri f;t! A\st;[ m;nq ou[in;r ;nq 'nt®oum bar]razn;lou nranz ]a\ne! <ar& h= 4


CNN f;®oustaenk;roujiunn andradar];l h Jourqia\i tara‘qoum gtnouo[ w;z oc a\nqan \a\tni t;sarvan wa\r;ri masin% oroum na;u n,uoum h Wana\ lyi A[jamar k[xou^ fa\kakan Sourb >ac ;k;[;zou% Ararat l;ran ;u No\;an Tapani masin! ªLiyn ouni minc;u 400 m;jr .oroujiun ;u møt 120 qm& ;rkaroujiun% karo[ h famarou;l n;rqin ‘ow! A\n couni ;lq dhpi ‘ow% saka\n =r;re faroust ;n fanqa\in a[;row% oronq =rin kajna\in kapo\t go\n ;n fa[ordoum! Au;li qan 1000 tari a®a= liye Fa\kakan jagauorouj;an mas hr kaxmoum! Mia\n mhk t;saki ]ouk h a\st;[ fandipoum^ ta®;.! Fin fa\kakan Sourb >ac ;k;[;zin A[ja-


Gali`ornia\i nafangap;t Y;rri Praoune frafanga‘ h artakarg irawiyak \a\tarar;l nafangin% isk bnakicn;roun .orfourd toua‘ h sksil .na\;l =oure

xørauor ;ra,ti f;t;uanqn;rhn .ousa';lou famar! Est anor^ anfrav;,t h kamauor k;rpow =ouri ‘a.se kryat;l 20 tokosow! Nafangap;te n,a‘ h% or nafange \a\tnoua‘ h anna.adhp lour= irawiyaki mh=% oroun patya®ow anfrav;,t h% orphsxi bolore fasknan .ndire ;u patas.anatououj;amb møt;nan anor! Nafangin mh= fastatoua‘ h ca'axanz cora\in ;[anake% isk =ouri pa,arn;re anza‘ ;n nouaxago\n makardake

mar k[xou lyi a'iz gtnuoum h 3 qm& f;®auorouj;an wra\% xardaroua‘ h fianali ormnankarn;row ou qandakn;row% oronq w;r=in vamanakn;roum w;rakangnou;l ;nº! N,ou;l h na;u% or No\i Tapane gtnuoum h Ararat l;ran gagajin^ 5137 m;jr bar]rouj;an wra\! ª<at;re fauatoum ;n% or a\n <ar& h= 4


Jrqakan Sozcu parb;rakane ªAnmo®anali lousankarn;rº .oragri tak n;rka\azouza‘ h ,arq me \a\tni lousankarn;r% oronz mh= \a\tnoua‘ h na;u atrph\yanzin;rhn ir toune pa,tpano[ 106-am;a\ fa\ kno= lousankare! Saka\n Sozcu parb;rakane fa\ kno= lousankari ko[qin au;lzouza‘ h ª106 am;a\ fa\ kine tan mh=º groujiune! N,;nq% or amisn;r a®a= ;us a\s lousankare \a\tnoua‘ hr jrqakan \a\tni lratouami=ozn;rou lousankarn;rou ,arq;roun mh=^ ª106 am;a\ fa\ kine ke pa,tpanh ir touneº anouan n;rq;u% isk mhk masn al no\nisk ªfa\º ba®n al chr øgtagor‘a‘! |i,;al lousankare a®noua‘ h Arza.hn% 1990 jouakanin!

BANAKA<INOUJIUNE^ AÂANZQA|IN OU{{OUJIUN L;®na\in {araba[i Fanrap;touj;an na.agaf Bakø Safak;ane masnakza‘ h Pa,tpanouj;an banaki ®axmakan .orfourdi nistin^ nouiroua‘ 2013 j& ardiunqn;rou am'o'man ;u ir ;lo\jin mh= n,a‘ h% or Atrph\yane ke ,arounakh koptørhn .a.t;l xinadadari ®;vime% spa®naliqn;r fnc;zn;l Arza.i ;u Fa\astani faszhin! Bakø Safk;ann andradar]a‘ h banaka,inouj;an gor‘enjazin% n,;l ];®qb;roumn;rn ou a®ka\ fimna.ndirn;re! L{F na.agafn endg‘a‘ h% or banaka,inoujiune ;[a‘ h% ka\ ;u ke mna\ L{F p;takana,inouj;an a®anzqa\in ou[[oujiunn;rhn mhke!

N.O. January 23, 2014, No. 4:N.O. Blank


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NOR ØR% |OUNOUAR 23% 2014

M;nq :nq^ M;r Zau;re


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E- Mail: nor-or@sbcglobal.net Dauan;low ®amkawarakan skxbounqn;r% ke fauatanq baxmakar‘ouj;an ;u axat .øsqi irauounqi% f;t;uabar% fraparakoua‘ groujiunn;re anpa\man c;n arta\a\t;r .mbagrouj;ans t;sakhte! Kamqh anka. patya®n;row sprda‘ wripakn;rou famar k*apauininq m;r a,.atakizn;roun ;u enj;rzo[n;roun n;ro[amtouj;an!

25 tari anza‘ h fa\r;ni Kiumrii patoufasoua‘ tar;ra\in ;rkra,arvhn% saka\n% anor ]ga‘ f;tq;re takau ke \am;nan% oc mia\n vo[owourdi mta‘o[ouj;an ;u \i,o[ouj;an mh=% a\l;u^ anor a®ør;a\in ou k;nza[in! >øsqe ke w;rab;ri% an,ou,t% tounow ou t;[ow% bnakaranow ;u wa\r;row touva‘n;roun% oronz =a.=a.ic m;‘amasnoujiune takauin anthr-antirakan h% vamanakauor kazarann;rou ou tnakn;rou mh= ka\q fastata‘ h ou ke spash a\n ørfnab;r ørouan ;u au;tab;r lo\sin% ;rb piti oun;na\ ir patsparan-øya.e! Cmo®na*l% or Kiumrin% Spitake% Nalbante ou Wana]ore davan ou birt ]m;®na\in ;[anakn;r ounin% isk ªantouniºn;re stipoua‘ ;n dimagrau;l xanonq ;u incpisi@ xrkanqn;row% n;[oujiunn;row ou dvouaroujiunn;row! 25 tari a\d a[it;aln;re nman da®n yakatagiri me a®=;u ke gtnouin ou c;nq git;r jh takauin orqa@n piti toua\tin a\d zau;roun ou spasoumn;roun mh=! Tarako\s cka\% or i,.anoujiunn;rou ko[mh ka®ouzo[akan patrastakamoujiunn;r kan% ‘ragirn;r m,akoua‘ ;n% omanq irakanaza‘ kam w;rakangn;li% ba\z% xgali xangoua‘ me ke mna\ karøt;al ou kariqauor% oun;nalou ir apafow ;u ardiakan apastan-bnakarane^ øvtoua‘ bolor (kam tan;li) \armaroujiunn;row! Inqnin farz ch#% jh icno*u a\sqan danda[;zoum ou ‘anra,arvoujiun ka\ patkan i,.anoujiunn;roun møt% j;r;us al ja'j'a‘oujiun ou antarb;roujiun i t;s a[it;aln;rou (c)øgnouj;an ;u (c)øvandakouj;an% xanonq dours b;r;low a\d anm.ijar ;u anbar;\o\s wiyakhn! Ard;øq 25 tarin ,at ch# a[it;al gøtin;r paf;lou ;u a[itafar bnakicn;r ta®ap;zn;lou% oronq amhn wa\rk;an ;u ør k*aprin k;nza[a\in m[]auan= me% go\atan=anq me% spas;low ª\ouso\

d®n;rouº bazoumin! Or;uh qa[aqakirj ;rkri me famar% or;uh bar;.nam p;touj;an me famar% or;uh axgashr [;kawarouj;an me famar% i#nc ka\ au;li nouirakan ;u a®a=naf;rja\in% ;jh oc ir fa\r;niqin ou vo[owourdin barørouj;an satar kangn;lou a®a=adranqe% frama\akanouji∞une! K*esoui jh^ Kiumrin ke g;[;zkana\% ke w;raka®ouzoui% k*ardiakanana\% oroun famar o#w oura. ou fpart piti cxga\% ba\z% incph#s bazatr;l ;rkra,arvhn 25 tari ;tq% anpatsparn;rou% anapauhnn;rou ;u anpa,tpann;rou w.tazo[ ou d;g;ro[ go\oujiune! Qa[aqama\r :r;uane dar]ouzin psp[oun ou plploun% 'a\l'loun ou 'o['o[oun% saka\n% i#nc gnow^ t;[abnkin;rou kam s;'akanathr;rou la\n ,r=anakn;rou b®ni tnaqandoumow kam t;[afanoumow% orphsxi a\s kam a\n p;takan a\r;rou% cinownikn;rou% gor‘ararn;rou% ma`ioxn;rou% a®anz a\d al parart qsakn;re au;liow yarpakalouin! No\n na.a];®noujiunn;re% omanz al na.an]a.ndroujiunn;re baza®ou;zan giu[akan ,r=ann;roun nkatmamb% oronz m;‘ mase a\sør ke galaroui tarrakan phtq;rou pakashn% patya® da®nalow anonz parpoumin ou mardaja'oumin! S'iu®qafa\ bar;rarn;rou ou bar;sirakan ,r=anakn;rou a\laphs gow;li npastn;rn ou n;rdroumn;re a\d tara‘qn;rhn n;rs% c;n krnar bauarar ;u ambo[=akan ellal% ;jh fon ke bazaka\in^ p;takan n;rka\oujiune% ka®awarakan foga‘oujiune ;u% am;nhn kar;uore% gor‘nakan xørakzoujiunn;re! Zauali h% or Kiumrii mh= al sksoua‘ h no\n anfandourv;li w;rab;rmounqe kirarkouil% a\s angam t;[a\nakan axd;zik ;u anfp;li ouvakann;rh (oronz j;l;re kapoua‘ ellalou ;n k;drona<ar& h= 13


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A®a=in fa\;azqiz mim;anz f;t kap coun;zo[ Sa\;aj-Nowan ou <irak a,.arfe miangamiz ke kapou;n irar% ;jh a®a=ine ditark;nq orphs ;r;uan;an po[ota\% ort;[ qic vamanak a®a= irakanazuoum hin as`altapatman a,.atanqn;r% isk miusi mi=p;takan yanaparfn;row% awtom;q;nan =ardo[ 'os;ri ou jr.kozn;ri ou[;kzouj;amb ;u wa[ mi=nadar;an sa\li aragouj;amb% Giumriiz fasn;nq minc;u +aua.qi safmann;re^ Baura-Nino‘minda safmana\in anzakht! Qau lizi% a\st;[ bnau im mh= ci .øsoum na.an]n^ a® a\n% jh incou phtq h Sa\;aj-Nowa po[otan as`alt oun;na\% isk <irake^ ;rb;mni as`alti f;tq;r! Bna*u! Farzn a\st;[ a\n h% jh incou h m;r p;touj;an mh= mi qa[aqoum% bnakicn;ri wka\ouj;amb% oro, vamanak a®a= fimnowin w;ranoroga‘ ;u a\vm ba®is boun imastow oc mi yaq% oc mi j;roujiun coun;zo[ as`alte krkin q;ruoum% krkin au;ruoum% t;[e mak;r;sa\in barak ,;rtow noriz as`altapatuoum mi po[ota\% isk mhk a\l marxoum

T;saran me Sa\;aj-Nowa po[ota\hn

mi=p;takan yanaparfn;re getnuoum ;n amøjali wiyakoum! Krknoum ;nq^ Sa\;aj-Nowa po[otan ibr w;ranoroguoum hr% saka\n oc ma\j;rin% oc ;xraqar;rin% oc ko\ou[a\in anzq;rin ];®q chr xarnuoum% qani or irakanoum dranz kariqn hl ckar% a\l mia\n anj;ri as`alte fa',tap q;ruoum ;u% no\nqan arag% angam an]r;uin% barak ,;rtow ,paruoum hr nor as`alt! F;taqrqir h% i w;r=o\% incou h :r;uani qa[aqap;taranin tra-

madruoum a\dqan dramaglou.% orn hl ir;n jo\l h talis qa[aqazin;ri fark;riz ];uauorouo[ a\d no\n dramaglou.e ‘a.s;l a\dqan zinikørhn% a\dqan animast% isk 'o.arhne marx;roum coun;nq angam mi=p;takan qic jh ,at bar;karg yanaparf^ a\n astiyan% or ;rkir mtno[ iuraqanciur inqna,arv stipoua‘ h% ma\rou[in jo[a‘% q,;l margag;tinn;row! :r;uan% Fa\astani Fanrap;toujiun

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FA|ASTAN^ XARGAZOUMI YANAPARFIN 6& Tnt;sakan Ay Yartarap;takan qa[aqakanouj;an n;rka\i npatakn h au;li mzakzakan da®nal% ;u \arayoun tnt;sakan bargauayoum ar]anagr;l! Fa\astani Xargazman Spasarkouj;an waric-tnørhn Âoperj |aroujiun;ani fama]a\n% a\d xargazoumn;re piti npast;n ;rkri tnt;souj;an xørazman% f;t;u;al bnagaua®n;rhn n;rs&- y,grit yartaragitoujiun (precesion engineering)% fo[agor‘oujiun% out;st;[hni pafa‘on;r% .micq-gini% ø[i% qon;aq-% fanqagor‘oujiun% d;[agor‘akan artadroujiunn;r% kajn;[hn% adamandi yartararou;st% k;nsabanakan yartararou;st (biotechnology)! Bnakanabar% ardiakanazman famapatas.an mi=oza®oumn;r piti st;[‘ouin w;ro\i,;al ‘ragirn;rou \a=o[ouj;an famar& baz ,oukan na.apa\mann;rhn mhkn h orphsxi artadroujiunn;re spa®oum oun;nan! Nor .jan me piti fandisana\ Fa\astani masnakzoujiune :uro-asiakan Miouj;an axat ,ouka\in! |au;l;al ca'auor yigow me% a®a=in f;rjin% xbøsa,r=ikoujiune% a®o[=apafoujiune% dastiarakoujiune ;u fo[am,akoume \atkan,akan kar;lioujiun piti oun;nan \au;l;al xargazoumi! ~inansakan ‘a®a\oujiunn;rou marxin mh=% Fa\astan ouni anfrav;,t qatr;re! A\s ou[[ouj;amb% p;toujiune qa=al;r ke fandisana\ gor‘akzoujiune anfat n;rka\azouzicn;rou f;t^ Miaz;al Nafangn;rhn% Âousastanhn% :uropakan Miouj;nhn ou Mi=in Ar;u;lqhn% manauand jourixmi% a®o[=apafouj;an ;u ousoumnakan marx;rhn n;rs! Axga\in Mrzakzouj;an Fimnarkoujiune (National Competitiveness Foundation) ke xba[i a,.arfawarouj;an xargazoumi ou n;rdroumi xøra,arvow% incphs na;u gor‘adrouj;amb ‘ragirn;rou% oronq krnan bargauayoum st;[‘;l a\laxan bnagaua®n;rh n;rs!

7& <r=ana\in A®a=nordoujiun^ "o.adrouj;an% Fo[am,akoumi ;u Out;liqi Arta‘man Mh= Fo[agor‘oujiune anbavan;li mase ;[a‘ h Fa\astani darauor tnt;sakan auandouj;an! :rkrin banouorakan ouvin 40 a® fariure n;rgrauoua‘ ;n out;st;[hni ‘a®a\ouj;an marxhn n;rs% apafow;low giu[aziouj;an kar;uor apr;lak;rpe! Out;st;[hnn;rou ardiunab;roujiune 14 a® fariure ke kaxmh Fa\astani endfanour arta‘oumn;roun! Anxougakan fo[e% klima\akan npastauor pa\mann;re% ou parartazouzicn;rou safmana'ak gor‘a‘oujiune k*en‘a\;n ;rkragor‘akan orakauor artadroujiunn;r% oronq ke gnafatouin ,ouka\i wra\% \atkaphs^ Âousastani mh=! Kar;li h \i,atak;l jarm ptou[n;rn ou ban=ar;[hnn;re% pafa‘o\ out;st;[hnn;re kam t';[hnn;re% ø,arakn;rn ou .micqn;re! :r;uani S'a\qa 'o.adrakan enk;roujiune – fimnoua‘ 2001-in – ir 115 b;®nakarq;row% ;u a\laxan wa\r;rou mh= x;t;[oua‘ ir pafa‘o\-sa®narann;row% gor‘o[ m;‘ago\n enk;roujiunn h Wrastani% Atrph\yani% Faraua\in Âousio\ ;u Fa\astani mh=! Anika stan]na‘ h \i,;al ;rkirn;rou n;ra‘oumn;roun ;u arta‘oumn;roun (minc;u 20%000 jon) 50-52 a® fariure! A\s enk;roujiune n;rka\is sksa‘ h na;u ir makni,ow artadr;l paf;sti out;st;[hn – t';[hnn;r% ptou[n;r ou kanac;[hn – minc;u isk jo[ark;low na;u

j;j;u% ];uenkal (plastic) sntoukn;r^ 'o.adrouj;an famar! Takauin ke npatakadroui 1000 b;®naka®qi bar]razn;l 'o.adrami=oze% fasn;lou famar minc;u :uropa!

8& }knabou‘oujiun (Fish-Farming) Unifish-e fimnoua‘ h 2006-in! Gl.auorabar S;uana\ Liyin ;u a\l =ra\in wa\r;rou mh= ardhn 100%000 jon ]ouk \a=o[a‘ h artadr;l% ;u fima m;‘aqanak ]ouk-jara' (sturgeon) ou karmra.a\t (trout) – ou karmir .au;ar (12 jon) k*arta‘ouin dhpi ®ousakan ,oukan;r!

9& Fa\astani O[ko\xn;re Fa\astani end;rqn;rhn mhkoun mh=% 2011-in gtnoua‘ h ginii patrastouj;an t;[ (Q&a& 6100 jouakani) qaranzaui me mh=! Vitis vinifera .a[o[i o[ko\xin ke patkanhin fon gtnoua‘ fount;re% oronq takauin ke gor‘a‘ouin m;r vamanakn;roun gin;gor‘ouj;an mh=! Fa\astani ginin;re ;u ø[in \a=o[oujiun ar]anagra‘ ;n mi=axga\in makardakow! 19-rd darou w;r=;rhn sks;al k*artadroui ªAraratºe% isk n;rka\is^ :r;uani ø[ii enk;rouj;an ko[mh! Anika k*arta‘oui masnauorabar dhpi Âousakan Da,noujiun% P;la®ous% {axa.stan ;u Ouqrania! N;rka\is kan au;li qan ;r;soun artadro[n;r% ou mia\n Âousastani ke waya®oui 15 milion lijr ø[i! Fa\astani ø[ii (brandy - qon;aq) arta‘oume nouaxago\n 2&8 a® fariure ke kaxmh fama,.arfa\in arta‘man! Gin;gor‘ouj;an bnagaua®hn n;rs mh=t;[ ;ka‘ h nor s;round me! A\sphs Golden Grape Arm As LLC (fimnoua‘ 2007-in) ardiakan sarq;row øvtoua‘ Enk;rouj;an 180 f;qjarnoz kaloua‘e ke gtnoui Araga‘otn nafangin mh=% ;u ir a®a=in a\g;koujqe oun;zau 2012-in! Anika ir andranik arta‘oume piti katarh 2015-in% gl.auorabar dhpi Âousastan ou Miaz;al Nafangn;r! *** Foreign Affairs fandhsin mh= lo\s t;sa‘ w;ro\i,;al t;[;kagroujiune fanauabar fowanauoroua‘ h! Fa\ja\joua‘ tou;aln;re% Fa\astani a\laxan bnagaua®n;rhn n;rs ‘aualo[ irakanazoumn;rou masin% \o\v qa=al;rakan ;n^ ;rkrin ka®o\zn;rou ardiakanazman% ;u anor tnt;sakan bargauayoumin ou[[ouj;amb! Drakan lauat;souj;amb ke dimauor;nq m;r fa\r;niqin f;®ankara\in w;r;lqe% ank;[‘ørhn ba[]alow or w;ro\i,;al .ra.ousic tou;aln;re lrazouzic k;rpow k*amrapndouin gor‘axrkouj;an xgali nouaxoumow% enk;ra\in ;u ørhnsdrakan vo[owrdawar bar;kargoumn;row% incphs na;u tnt;sakan go\awiyaki bar;lauoumow! (<ar& 2 ;u w;r=) Axat jargmn&^ Sargis |& Minas;an I

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1990 jouakani |ounouar 13-in sksoua‘ na.yirin^ atrph\yanizn;re w;r= touin mia\n ;øje ør ;tq% ;rb >orfrda\in xørq;re mtan qa[aq! Fariurauor k;anq;r .la‘ oyragor‘oujiune^ Atrph\yani patas.ann hr^ Arza.i inqnoro,man irauounqi famar pa\qarin! 1990-i ariunot |ounouare^ bar]r makardakow kaxmak;rpoua‘ Hjnik xtoum hr% oroun f;t;uanqow Paqoui mh= apro[ 250 faxar fa\;re 'a.stakan dar]an!

Dvouar ba\z qa[zr partakanoujiun men h ir ;rkrauor k;anqe liowin apra‘ ou m;xmh andar] bavnoua‘ an]i me masin \i,ataki .øsq me artasan;l! |owfannhs So[omon;ani apra‘ innsoun tarin;re Ph\rouj ;u Los Any;les^ arvanauoraphs ke 'a®auor;n o;uh s'iu®qafa\% na.^ ibr;u fa\ mard ;u apa^ ga[a'arapa,t an]nauoroujiun! Xinq lauaphs yancnalou a®ije oun;za‘ ;m Ph\rouji Nor Mara, ja[i m;r ,r=anakhn n;rs! :k;[;zi% Kiraknør;a\ Dprozn;rou Øvandak Miouj;an Jat;rakan bavnhn n;rs% apa^ Jhqh;an M,kj& Miouj;an Warcakan andam xinq dar]ouz;r hin m;r ja[in fa\r;nashr ;u arou;stashr a®a=nordn;rhn mhke^ gor‘akzouj;amb ir anouanakiz ou ga[a'ari enk;r |owf& Japag;ani! A\s \i,atakn;re m;xi ke \ou,;n Libananafa\ k;anqi 1950-hn 1975-i vamanakafatoua‘e% ;rb m;r fam;st ja[amasin mh= ke gor‘hin fa\ giri ou dprouj;an% jatroni ou ;rav,touj;an sqanc;li ;ritasard tarr;r! Au;li ou,% qa[aqaziakan 20-am;a\ pat;raxme qarouqand erau libananafa\ m,akouja\in k;anqe! M;‘ mrrik me m;x irarnh f;®azouz ;u møtauor anz;ale dar]au \ou,-\i,atak! A\vm^ na.kin Ph\roujafa\ouj;an m;‘ mase t;[a'o.oua‘ h Los Any;les ;u fon fauaqoua‘ ;n m;r am;namøtik bar;kamn;re^ \atkaphs So[omon;ann;r% Taghs;ann;r% "arjam;ann;r% Ban;ann;r% Galoust;ann;r% Jouma\;ann;r ;u entir 'a[ang me m;r ga[a'ari ou sirti bar;kamn;rou! M;r w,takzoujiune o[baz;al m;r auag enk;r= bolor faraxatn;roun i Ph\rouj ;u i Los Any;les ;u a\lour! |au;rv lo\s ;u ørfnoujiun ir \i,atakin!

O[b& |owfannhs So[omon;ani |i,atakin

CNN& <AT:RE FAUATOUM :N&&& <ar& h= 1-hn

d;® Ararati gagajin h! Ararat l;ran bar]raqandake .ordoubord h ;u ar,aua.mb;re phtq h pa\qar;n a\nt;[ bar]ranalou famar! L;ran am;nabar]r gagajn ambo[= tari ‘a‘koua‘ h ]iunow ;u amrane a\nt;[i =;rmastiyane karo[ h fasn;l 30 C-iº!


Sgakir bar;kam me^ A& S&

Jourqio\ warcap;t% Âhyip Ja\ip Hrto[an% anz;al ,abaj% Jour qio\ a,.arfatara‘ d;spann;roun f;t fandipoumin enjaz qin xgou,azouz xir;nq ªpatrast gtnou;lou ;u fakaxd;lou 2015 jouakani iradar]oujiunn;re qa[aqakan ar,aui w;ra‘;louº fa \;rou =anq;roun! An \a\tarara‘ h na;u jh d;spann;re phtq h iradar]oujiunn;re dimakal;n gitakan% irat;sakan ;u a®arka\akan ];uow ;u est a\nem patrastouin% orowf;t;u^ fa\;re ardhn patrastoujiunn;r ke t;sn;n a\d ou[[ouj;amb! C;nq git;r warcap;t Hrto[ane ;u ir d;spann;re o#r iradar]oujiunn;roun piti patrastouin dimakal;lou% Jourqio\ n;rqin .®owoujiunn;roun% ka,a®ak;roujiunn;rou f;t;uanqn;roun patya®ow ir ,our= st;[‘oua‘ 'a'ouk mjnolortin% jh^ jourqio\ arta qin qa[aqakan ;u tnt;sakan ankoumin f;t;uanqn;roun! Anz;al tari% Fa\astani mh=% S'iu®qi na.ararouj;an kaxmak;rpa‘ irauabann;rou famagoumari enjazqin endounou;zan ardar% xga \oun ;u \stak \a\tararoujiunn;r% inc ke w;rab;ri Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100-am;akin% ;u anor f;t;uanqn;roun masin! Gl.auor \a\tararoujiune% or ;[au Fa\astani na.kin gl.auor data.ax% A[ouan |owsh';anin ko[mh% nkatou;zau Fa\astani p;takan pa,tønakan dirqe% fandhp 1915-in fa\ vo[owourdin dhm kataroua‘ Z;[aspanouj;an% anor f;t;uanqn;roun ;u fatouzoumi pafan=qn;roun w;rab;r;al! A[ouan |owsh';an \a\tarar;z jh^ fa\ vo[owourde phtq h go\qa\in niujakan 'o.fatouzoum stana\ ;u ;k;[;zin;roun w;radar]ouin ir;nz kaloua‘n;re! Warcap;t Hrto[ani famar farze ke bardana\ kar‘hq% orowf;t;u 1915-i patafarn;re ardhn qa[aqakanazoua‘ ;n% ke mna\ ar,aue dhpi pafan=qn;rou irakanazoum!


ZAUAKZAKAN Zauow imazanq ga[oujis ‘anøj axga\inn;rhn% Los Any;lesi Iranafa\;rou Miouj;an ;rkaram;a\ anmdan;rhn^ O[b& WARDAN FOW:ANi mafouan t.our loure! A\s t.our a®ijow% m;r .oraxga‘ w,takzoujiunn;re ke \a\tn;nq fangouz;ali bolor faraxatn;roun ou manauand o[baz;ali tikno=^ ‘anøj lragro[^ Tik& Anou, Al;qsan;an-Fow;anin% incphs na;u ga[oujis Iranafa\ Miouj;an m;‘anoun [;kawarn;rhn% FBEMiouj;an Farau& Gali`ornio\ <r=anaka\ini Warcouj;an vra=an 'o. at;nap;t^ Tiar Jomik Al;qsan;anin! Jo[ Am;rika\i fo[e j;j;u ga\ fa\r;nashr O[b& Wardan Fow;ani wra\! ªNor Ørºi >mbagrakan Kaxm ;u Warcakan Marmin

FRATAP KOC SIRIA|OUM&&& <ar& h= 1-hn

M;nq anfangtanoum ;nq bolor a\n mardkanz famar% owq;r touv;l ;n Siria\oum an.na\ b®nouj;an ;u mardka\in a[hti patya®ow! Anfamar jouow anm;[ ;r;.an;r% kana\q ;u t[amardik ;n spannuoum% wirauoruoum ;u f;®azuoum ir;nz tn;riz! M;nq lsoum ;nq nranz lazi ]a\ne^ git;nalow% or ;rb ªmhke ta®apoum h% m;nq hl ;nq ta®apoum ir f;tº (A Kornj& 12!26)! :rkroum tiro[ ygnavamin oc mi ®axmakan lou‘oum ci lini! +analow fauatarim lin;l bolor mard arara‘n;ri fandhp Ast‘o\ siroun ;u na;u mi=axga\in mardka\in irauounqi famat;qstoum^ m;nq n;rka\aznoum ;nq .a[a[oujiun fastatmann ou[[oua‘ gor‘o[oujiunn;ri ;u ou[;ni,;ri a\s pafan=e! M;nq koc ;nq anoum ];x% orphs ªVen;u-2º famagoumari masnakizn;ri^ 1& F;tapnd;l bolor xinoua‘ fakamartoujiunn;ri ;u j,namouj;an anmi=aphs dadar;zoume Siria\oum! M;nq koc ;nq anoum fakamartouj;an bolor ko[m;rin axat ar]ak;l ];®bakaloua‘ ;u a®;uangoua‘ an]anz! |ordoroum ;nq MAK-i Anwtangouj;an .orfrdin mi=ozn;r ];®q a®n;l w;r= talou Siria xhnqi ;u øtar;rkr;a\ xinouorn;ri fosqin! 2& Apafow;l% or Siria\i bolor fama\nqn;re ;u far;uan ;rkrn;roum apastan gta‘ 'a.stakann;re pat,ay mardka\in øgnoujiun stanan! A\nt;[% ort;[ a\spisi m;‘aqanak bnakcoujiun lour= wtangi mh= h% ambo[=akan mardasirakan moutqe kar;uor h^ fama]a\n mi=axga\in irauounqi ;u pa,tpanouj;an patas.anatououj;an! 3& Xargazn;l baxmako[mani ;u endgrkoun gor‘enjaz ardar .a[a[ouj;an fastatman ;u Siria\i w;raka®ouzman famar! Fasarakouj;an bolor fatoua‘n;re (n;ra®;al ka®awaroujiun% enddimoujiun ;u qa[aqaziakan fasarakoujiun) phtq h n;ra®ou;n sirakan .ndri lou‘man mh= Siria\i vo[owrdi famar! M;nq gitakzoum ;nq kananz ;u ;ritasardn;rin a\s gor‘enjazn;roum n;rgrau;lou anfrav;,toujiune! ªVn;u-2º-e phtq h ];ua'o.oui .a[a[oujiun ka®ouzo[ gor‘enjazi^ ar]agang;low Siria\i o[= vo[owrdi ørinauor spasoumn;rin! M;nq a®a=arkoum ;nq f;t;u;al ou[ini,;re& - >a[a[ouj;an fastatmann ou[[oua‘ or;uh gor‘enjaz phtq h Siria\iz a®a=nordoui! A\n phtq h lini ja'anzik ;u wstaf;li% orphsxi siriazin;re karo[anan wy®;l ir;nz ;rkri yakatagire! Nman gor‘enjaze pafan=oum h Arabakan Liga\i% MAK-i ;u n;rka\ ygnavamoum n;rgrauoua‘ bolor ko[m;ri ka®ouzo[akan n;rgrauoua‘oujiun! - Bolor =anq;re phtq h gor‘adrou;n^ apafowagr;lou Siria\i .a[a[oujiune% tara‘qa\in ambo[=akanoujiune ;u anka.oujiune! - Siria\i fasarakouj;an baxmaz;[a\in% baxmakrøn ;u baxmadauan bno\je ;u auando\je phtq h pafpanoui! Siriakan fasarakouj;an wa® .yankare pafan=oum h fauasar irauounqn;r ir bolor qa[aqazin;ri famar! Mardou irauounqn;re% arvanapatououjiune ;u krønakan axatoujiune amhnqi famar phtq h .janou;n ;u pa,tpanou;n mi=axga\in norm;rin famapatas.an! Orphs qriston;an;r^ m;nq mia]a\n ;nq an;lis Sira\oum ardar .a[a[ouj;an fastatman famar! A\s .a[a[ouj;ane fasn;lou npatakow m;nq phtq h miasin a,.at;nq m;r mafm;takan qo\r;ri ;u ;[ba\rn;ri f;t% oronz f;t oun;nq endfanour patmoujiun% incphs na;u fog;uor ;u sozialakan arvhqn;r! M;nq wstafouj;an ka®ouzman mi=ozow ;nq =anoum a,.at;l \anoun axga\in fa,touj;an ;u apaqinman! ª:rani .a[a[ararn;rinº (Matj& 5!9)º!

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Toqj& Grigor Atanal;an

Kiraki% |ounouar 12% 2014-i ;r;ko\;an vame 6&00-in% Kl;nth\li Prhntwiou ,q;[ fandisasrafin mh= t;[i oun;zau A\njapzin;rou M,akouja\in Miouj;an tar;kan ya,k;ro\je% or kaxmak;rpoua‘ hr miouj;an vra=an warcouj;an a,.atanqn;row! |atkan,akan ;n A\njapzin;rou M,akouja\in Miouj;an tar;kan mi=oza®oumn;re oronq ke mitin øgtakar fandisanal Fa\astani% Sourio\ ;u a\l ,r=ann;rou mh= gtnouo[ A\njapzin;rou m,akouja\in fastatoujiunn;rou ir;nz tar;kan mi=oza®oumn;rhn go\aza‘ ;kamoutn;row ;u nouiratououjiunn;row! Fandisasrafe% ir taro[ouj;amb l;zoun hr fiur;row ;u A\njapzin;rou fo‘ baxmouj;amb me% oronq n;rka\ hin na;u patou;lou ;rkou fa\ m,ako\ji nouir;al ‘a®an;r% min^ ousoumna-

kan ;u dastiarakcakan asparhxi ;rkaram;a\ ousouzcoufi% tik& F;rminh Wardan;an ~;rman;ane ;u miuse^ fa\ mamouli ;u grakanouj;an nouir;al ;rkaram;a\ ;rgi‘ankaric Masis Ararat;ane! Miouj;an at;nap;t^ Prn& Au;tis Thmiry;an bari galousti .øsq;row bazau fandisoujiune% frauir;low Tik& Jagoufi Arxouman;ane orphsxi warh ørouan fandisoujiune! Tik& Arxouman;an o[=oun;z n;rkan;re g;[;zik asmounqow me% apa frauir;z Thr {;uond qfn& Qirax;ane% orphsxi katarh s;[ann;rou ørfnoujiune! Thr {;uond Qirax;an srti .øsqow \[;z ir patgame n;rkan;roun% gnafat;low warcouj;an tara‘ a,.atanqn;re ir;nz axganouhr ;u øgta,at øvandakoujiunn;roun fa<ar& h= 15

2011 jouakanhn sks;al% Sourio\ faraua\in qa[aqn;rhn mhkoun pat;roun wra\ \a\tnab;roua‘% .oulikann;rou ko[mh faka-ka®awarakan loxounqn;rou grauor arta\a\toujiunn;re ‘a\r touin Sourio\ n;rka\ qa[aqakan ;u tnt;sakan sour tagnapin! Ardhn ;rkou tarin;rh i w;r Souriakan n;rka\ i,.anoujiune ke pa\qari qa[aqaziakan a\s pa\qari f;[inakn;roun dhm% or \aya. ke w;ra‘oui krønakan ;u z;[a\in pa\qari! A\s f;taqrqir ;u ,af;kan niuje ankar;li hr ant;souj;an ;njarkouil Los Any;lesafa\ ga[oujin ko[mh% oronz mh= m;‘ bavin ouni na;u Souriafa\oujiune! Fa\ vo[owourdi ;rkou falhpafa\ akna®ou axga\in gor‘icn;r% min^ fmtaza‘ fa\ axgi yartarap;touj;an marxin mh=% nouir;low ir st;[‘agor‘oujiunn;re fa\ axgin ou ;k;[;ziin% isk miuse^ bv,kakan asparhxin mh=% darman;low fa\ axgin marmnakan fiuandoujiunn;re% anor xgazakan ;u fog;kan tagnapa\in ør;roun% n;rka\azouzin falhpafa\ouj;an n;rka\ kazoujiune% a\s ygnavama\in ør;roun! Jhqh;an M,akouja\in Miouj;an Los Any;lesi Masnayiu[e% Sourio\ n;rka\ kazouj;an n;rka\azoumin pat,ay mi=oza®oum me kaxmak;rpa‘ hr JMM-i Aljatina\i Ph,khøjiur;an k;dronin mh=% Ourbaj ;r;ko\;an vame 7&30-in% |ounouar 17% 2014-in! Srafe l;zoun hr fa\ fama\nqi n;rka\azouzicn;row% oronq ;ka‘ hin imanalou fog;fator Souriafa\ouj;an ;u manauand Falhpafa\ouj;an ga[oujin w;r=in lour;re! Ørouan gl.auor bana.øsn;rhn hin yartarap;t Sargis Palmanouk;ane Los Any;leshn% ou Toqj& Grigor Atanal;ane% or kary vamanakh i w;r ke gtnoui Los Any;les! Ørouan Fandisawarn hr Ghorg Qhø,k;r;an% or n;rka\azouz a®a=in bana.øse% Sargis Palmanouk;an% n;rka\azn;low anor k;nsagrakane fama®øt k;rpow% ;u n,;low anor st[‘agor‘oujiun-

Sargis Palmanouk;an

n;re% Falhpi Sourb Qa®asoun mankaz ;k;[;zii ka®ouzman ;u yartarap;takan a,.atanqn;re% Sourio\ Thr Xør qa[aqin mh= ka®ouzoua‘ Fa\oz :[;®ni \i,atakin bar]raza‘ kojo[n ou \ou,afamalire ;u a\l st;[‘agor‘oujiunn;r oronq ke mnan \i,atak;li yartarap;tin anouan n;rq;u% fa\ vo[owourdi ardi patmouj;an mh=! Sargis Palmanouk;an zasoumow arta\a\tou;zau barbarosa\in ararqn;roun fandhp oronq ke kirarkouin minc;u a\sør Sourio\ mh=% a®anz .trakanouj;an% kor‘an;low arvanauor patmakan% gitakan ;u ousoumnakan ka®o\zn;r% jalan;low gor‘arann;r ;u a,.atanozn;r% oronz m;‘ mase ke patkani fa\ axgi b;korn;roun% oronq 100 tarin;rh i w;r ir;nz yakti qrtinqow ardiunab;ra‘ ;n Sourio\ yartararou;ste% ;u a= ou ]a. kotor;low anm;[ qa[aqazin;r a®anz or;uh fog;kan kam .[yi xgazman! An ,;,t;z jh Sourio\ tagnape a\sør xarfour;li f;t;uanqn;r jo[a‘ h Sourio\ ;u fa\ bnakcouj;an wra\% saka\n a®anz kar;nal enky;lou fa\ vo[owourdin fog;kane% wsataførhn^ 'iuniki nman w;rakangn;lou famar Sourian% incphs or hr na.kinin% Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;nhn yo[opra‘ fa\ou b;korn;rou ];®q;row ka®ouzoua‘ Sourian ou Falhpe! An n;rka\azouz Falhpafa\ouj;an patmakan k;zoujiune Falhpi mh= andrada®nalow anor vamanaka,r=ann;rou enjazqin t;[i oun;za‘ 'o'o.oujiunn;roun% xargazoumn;roun ;u na;u fala‘anqn;roun kam artaga[ji pa\mann;roun f;t;uanqow a,.arfatara‘ falhpafa\ouj;an kargawiyake! Palmanouk;an apa safikn;row zouzadr;z Falhpi ja[amas;re% fa\afo‘ ,r=ann;re% warvarann;rn ou ;k;[;zin;re% ,hnq;rou yartararou;ste ;u g;[axardaroume% fin ;u mi=nadar;an fnoujiun oun;zo[ Falhpi b;rdn ou anor f;t kapoua‘ ,hnq;rn ou palatn;re% ;u endfanraphs ^ a\n Falhpe% or <ar& h= 14

NOUIRATOUOUJIUN Gnafat;low ªNor Ørº ,abajaj;rje% Thr ;u Tik& Ø,in Qh,i,;an $200 ke nouir;n j;rji ~ontin!

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NOR ØR% |OUNOUAR 23% 2014


Sour Ankiun



A\z;loujiuns na.atønakan ;u tønakan ør;roun xougadipa‘ ellalow% a\nqan al a®ije coun;za\ apr;lou fama\nqa\in k;anqow& saka\n% ;rk.øsoujiunn;rou ;u fandipoumn;rou mi=ozow staza\ anfrav;,t fog;kan bauararoujiune! :jh tasnam;ak me a®a= fa\ Ph\roujin fa\;lin m;r ;r;q øraj;rj;rn hin^ ªAxdakº% ªAraratº ;u ªXarjønqº% oronq ke ,arounak;n fratarakouil am;nør;a\ drouj;amb% n;rka\is% ;rkou ®athøka\ann;re^ ªS;uanºe ;u ªWana\ }a\nºe ga[ouje ke paf;n otqi% k;nsounak% fa\a.øs ou fa\adro,m! Inqna,arvn;roun mh=% a,.atanqi pafoun jh bnakarann;rou mh=% bnakan ;r;uo\j h fa\;rhn ls;le^ ;rg% fa[ordoum% lour;r% .a[;r&&& ban me% or bar;ni, men h libananafa\ouj;an famar! Incphs esi% j;rj;re kan% anonz ka\q;re^ no\nphs! Karøtow j;rj;zi øraj;rj;re& anonz m;‘a‘aual h=;re dar]n;le tarb;r fam me ouni% hl;ktrona\ine^ tarb;r! :rkouqn al^ sir;li! Tønakan ør;rou tønakan mjnolorti mh= t;sa\ Anjiliasi kam Naqqa,i FBEM-i Karmir;an warvarann ou T;miry;an k;drone% our patafakan fandipoumn;r oun;za\ na.kin gor‘enk;rn;rou f;t! Jh;u kary% saka\n fay;li xro\zn;r hin& gta\ a,.ouvoujiun% fa\kakanoujiun! Akan=s orqa@n karøt hr patanin;rou b;rnhn ;la‘ ar;umtafa\;rhnin& anonq axat ke xrouzhin T;miry;an k;droni astiyann;roun wra\ ;u oc isk nkat;zin im akan=is sroujiune a\d pafoun! Andranik-Anjiliasi skaoutn;roun Ka[and Papa\i mi=oza®man enjazqin fnc;z mia\n fa\;rhn! Dprozakan tariqi t[aq ou a[=ikn;r irarou f;t ke .a[a\in fa\;rhnow& ban me% oroun karøte ke qa,;n am;rikafa\;re! Isk FBEM-F:E Andranik-S;uani ar;nou,n;roun patrasta‘ ];®a\in a,.atanqn;rou s;[ane mall-i me mh=% m;x tarau tasnam;akn;r ;t! <a*t apriq% skaoutn;r! Yi,d ampama‘ a\d ørouan nman m,ou,ot mtoroumn;row anzanq Naqqa,i Bar;gor‘akani ªapaga\ dproza,hnqinº a®=;uhn% our ;raxn;r fiusou;zan anz;alin& ard;øq a\d ;raxn;re takauin ka#n&&& Saka\n% au;li sirt ymlo[e qa[aqi Al;q Manouk;an k;dronin golor,iazoumn hr& kar‘hq jh irakanoujiun chr m;r acq;roun t;sa‘e! Fska\akan ,hnqe cka\ a\l;us& nor thr;r ;u nor ‘ragirn;r! Kar;uor h na;u n,;l% jh FBEM-e Amanosi ,r=anin mh= n;rka\is ouni ir k;drone% na.kin axga\in Hframy;an warvarane% or FBEM-i kaloua‘ ellalow% ;k;[;zin w;radar]ouza‘ h Bar;gor‘akanin! A\z;l;zi& kokik fauaqawa\r men h! Libanani nman ;rkri me mh=% anfrav;,t h au;li ou,adroujiun dar]n;l fa\ ;ritasardouj;an% famalsaranakann;roun& k*a®a=ark;m% or axga\in fastatoujiunn;r ;u anfatakan fimnadramn;r kar;uor;n a\s paragan% orowf;t;u jiu;rn ou 'ast;re faka®ake zo\z kou tan! |ounouar 1-i a®auøt;an førs f;t Anjiliasi Ma\rawanqin mh= ;nq! Tar;mout h% ;k;[;zin gr;jh l;zoun h fa\r;nakizn;row! Qowe^ April;an Nafatakaz matou®-\ou,ar]ane fimnakan nororgouj;an mh= h& mnaz;ale^ no\n karøtali srbawa\re& 'oqrik Kilikia me Mi=;rkrakani ar;u;l;an a'in! Aram A& kajo[ikose ørouan pat,ay .øsq;r artasan;z% isk W;faranhs n;rs n;rkan;re Amanor;an ir;nz ,norfauoroujiunn;re \a\tn;zin Anor! Lour= ;u tpauoric! Ke mta‘;m% jh inco#u a\dqan ‘anr ke pafhr inqxinq& k*;njadr;m% or mi,t al a\dphs ;[a‘ h Ma\rawanqhn n;rs! Inco#u ;lqi pafoun fog;uorakan me ®ous safmanapafi me nman% a®anz ou,adroujiun dar]n;lou ,our=e gtnouo[n;roun anm;[ acq;roun% \a®a=ana\ dhpi dours&&& Am;rika#n 'o.;z m;r mta‘;lak;rpe% jh Am;rika\i mh= ‘a®a\o[ fa\ fog;uorakann;re au;li mardamøt ou fam;st ;n! W;faranin mh= fay;li hr t;sn;l Dpr;wanqi a,ak;rtn;rou% kisasarkauagn;rou ;u sarkauagn;rou% ;ritasard fog;uorakann;rou tpauoric qanake! Libanane piti* ,arounakh mardouv tramadr;l fa\ s'iu®qin% incou ch na;u Fa\astan fa\r;niqin! A\nyar ;u ]m;®! Oura. chr A\nyare ]m;®na\in sauani tak! Oura. c;[an na;u tpauoroujiunn;rs! Giu[e k*ama\ana\% ;ritasardoujiune ke f;®ana\! Nkat;l toui% or gor‘arann;r fimnouin% orphsxi a,.atanq oun;na\ ;u giu[in kapoui ;ritasardoujiune! Esin 'or]oua‘ h% c*ellar! Esin% jh fariurh au;li ;ritasardn;r møtaka\ giu[;rhn galow k*a,.atin A\nyari ya,arann;roun mh=&&& za‘ a,.atawar]ow% isk a\nyarziin acqe doursn h! Axga\in ir dro,me ke ,arounakh paf;l Poury Famoute% oroun kar;uor n,anakoujiune w;rafastat;zi D;kt;mb;r 31-i a®auøt;an% ;rb enk;ro=s f;t pto\t me katar;zi mtn;low Araqs 'o[oz! Fasn;low M;srop;an warvaran^ fa\ lo\si wa®aran% j;qou;zanq a=% orphsxi m;r ªpto\teº ,arounak;nq Araqsin xougaf;® Mara, 'o[ozow! A\d tase-tasnfing wa\rk;ane a,.arf me arv;z in‘i famar! Oc mia\n acq;rs ke nkarhin ;u akan=n;rs ke ]a\nagrhin t;sa‘n;rs ou lsa‘n;rs% a\l^ qijs ke ,nchr fay;lin ou tfaye& jarm fazi bo\rhn minc;u pistak;[hni% ka,ii% inqna,arvn;rh ar]akoua‘ iu[;rou ou wa®;laniuji fot;r% ar;u;l;an fam;mn;r% inqna,arvn;rou anw;r=anali ,cakn;r% fa\;rhnow fa\fo\anq% arab;rhn .øsakzoujiunn;r% Am;rikazi dasa.øs me&&& or a\d pafoun inco#u fon hr ;u ard;øq i#nc gn;lou famar&&&% ‘anøj ;rkou-;r;q dhmq;r% jourq;rhn <ar& h= 13

(<ar na.ord jiuhn ;u w;r=) :rb a\d ousouzic-ousouzcoufin;re% anmakardak k;rpow ke n;rka\azn;n ir;nz kar;uor niuj;re% anonz dasapaf;re anfrapo\r ;u wano[akan k∞ellan ;u xourk^ endfanour git;liqn;rh ;u ke safmana'akouin dasagirqi parounakoujiune mia\n goz sorwil talow% a®anz nor ;u f;taqrqrakan t;[;koujiunn;r 'o.anz;lou a,ak;rtin% oroun famar dasapafe ke w;ra‘oui pativi% embostazn;low 'oqrikn;re ;u anonz mh= s;rman;low ousouzicin% f;t;uabar^ anor sorw;zouza‘ girin ou enj;rzanouj;an dhm v.takan ko[mnoro,oum! A\sør 'ast h jh a\n 'oqrikn;re% oronq ir;nz dprozakan tarin;re orphs a,ak;rt k∞anzen;n anenj;rzashr ousouzic-ousouzcoufin;roun dasarann;roun mh=% ir;nz kargin anenj;rzashr da®nalou lour= wtangin a®=;u ke gtnouin! Isk ;rb a\d 'oqrikn;re kou gan na;u anenj;rzashr kam angraght toun;rh kam ‘no[n;rh% wtangn ou 'or]anqe ke da®nan krknapatik! Girqin ;u enj;rzasirouj;an fandhp shre^ manoukin qow ke xargana\ ir k;anqin a®a=in tarin;roun% a\sinqn^ na.adprozakan ;u dprozakan a®a=in tarin;roun! Ousoumnasiroujiunn;re zo\z kou tan% jh enj;rzashr toun;rhn ;ko[ 'oqrikn;r ,at au;li lau ardiunq ];®q ke ]g;n dprozin mh=! F;t;uabar^ enj;rzashr s;round me patrast;lou mh= m;‘ d;r ounin ‘no[n;r ou manauand mankaparthxi ;u na.akrjarani ousouzic-ousouzcoufin;re! Kanou. tariqin^ angam me or girqe 'oqrikin \a=o[inq sirzn;l% an fayo\q piti xga\ xa\n kardalow! :u orowf;t;u a\søroua\ 'oqrike wa[oua\ mardn h% apaga\i famar m;nq st;[‘a‘ piti ellanq enj;rzashr gl.agir Mardik!

Fa\;rhn L;xoui :rkououj;an Farze Fa\ 'oqrikn;roun famar fa\;rhn enj;rzanoujiune ouni ir dvouaroujiunn;re! S'iu®qafa\ (ar;umtafa\) 'oqrikn;re% oronz bazar]ak m;‘amasnoujiune ardhn isk ar;u;lafa\ grakanoujiun enj;rz;lou ankar;liouj;an a®=;u kegtnouin% ounin na;u a\l ,at kar;uor dvouaroujiun me% orn h^ a\n fska\ tarb;roujiune or ka\ a\sør s'iu®qafa\ tan .øsakzakan l;xouin ;u s'iu®qafa\ grakan l;xouin mh=! A\s irawiyake lour= paraga\ men h% or f;[inakn;re% manauand 'oqrikn;rou grakanouj;amb xba[o[ f;[inakn;re phtq h m[h parxazn;lou ir;nz gor‘a‘a‘ grakan l;xoun% ba®;rn ou oye% or-

phsxi enkal;li ellan 'oqrik enj;rzo[in ko[mh! Enj;rzo[n;re ir;nz 'or]a®ouj;nhn git;n% jh ;rb ke kardan ban me or lau c;n fasknar% a\s mhke k∞a®a=nordh xrkoua‘ouj;an xgazoumin (frustration)% f;t;uabar^ girqe mhk ko[m n;t;lou 'or]ouj;an! Ardhn isk go\oujiun oun;zo[ l;xouakan dvouaroujiunn;roun wra\^ phtq h au;lzn;l na;u fa\;rhn l;xoui ousouzman ];un ou mi=ozn;re% fa\;rhn l;xoui dprozakan ‘ragirn;rou ;u dasagirq;rou% a\l l;xoun;rou girq;rou f;t fam;mata‘% anfrapouric% vamanakawrhp ;u a[qat orakow ellalou 'aste% oronq bnau c;n gofazn;r Fa\ a,ak;rtin enk;ra\in% mta\in ;u dastiarakcakan phtq;re! W;ro\i,;al t.our irakanoujiune au;li ;us wano[akan ke dar]nh enj;rzasiroujiune fa\ a,ak;rtin møt!

Lou‘oumn;rou A®a=arkn;r Or;uh farzi armatakan lou‘oume^ kariqn ouni gitakan lour= ousoumnasirouj;an% ban me or dvba.tabar ke paksi m;r vo[owourdin møt% our endfanraphs lou‘oumn;r ke 'or];nq gtn;l ,at \aya. fimnou;low m;r o[=mtouj;an (common sense) wra\% or krna\ dvba.tabar xourk ellal gitakan fimqh! Lou‘oumn;rou oronoumi yamboun wra\^ gitakan ousoumnasiroujiunn;r phtq ;n f;t;u;al kht;roun mh=& a&- Masnaghtn;rou ko[mh katarou;liq .orounk ousoumnasiroujiun me% arv;uor;lou go\oujiun oun;zo[ fa\;rhn l;xoui dprozakan ‘ragirn;rn ou girq;re% masnauorabar mankaparthxi ;u na.akrjarani mh=! b&- Dprozn;roun mh= gor‘adrouo[ enj;rzanouj;an dasapaf;rou xnnoujiun (observation)! g&- S'iu®qi mh= go\oujiun oun;zo[ mankapatan;kan fratarakoujiunn;rou w;rarv;uoroum ;u xargazoum! d&- Ousoumnasiroujiun^ toun;<ar& h= 15


California Assembly Panel Unanimously Adopts Genocide Curriculum Measure

The California State Assembly Education Committee unanimously adopted a bill AB-659, a measure introduced by Assembly member Adrin Nazarian which would bolster the commitment of the State of California to teach of the Armenian Genocide to public school students in Grades 7-12. As Nazarian said a bill AB-659 will call for the adoption of an oral testimony component in teaching students about the Armenian Genocide. In addition to the Armenian Genocide, the bill also “encourages the incorporation of survivor, rescuer, liberator and witness oral testimony into the teaching of human rights, the Holocaust, and genocide, including but not limited to, the Armenian Genocide, Cambodian, Darfur, and Rwandan genocides. In his remarks, ANCA Western Region Legislative Affairs Director Haig Baghdassarian commended the Assembly members “for recognizing Turkey’s transparent attempt to distract (them) by engaging in genocide denial campaigns every time that the issue comes up before the Legislature. Following a 30-minute discussion, the Education Committee adopted the measure with a unanimous vote of 7-0. The bill now goes to the Assembly Committee on Appropriations for consideration.

Turkish Leader Urges Envoys To Counter Armenian “Campaign” Ahead Of 2015 Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Wednesday said Turkey should be “ready and wellequipped” to counter Armenian efforts “to turn the events of 1915 into a po-

Large-Scale Project For 25th Anniversary Of Armenian Pogroms In Baku Will Be Initiated “The bloody week, 13-19 January 1990, in Baku, as well as the events of 1988-1989 still remain as poorly explored pages of Nagorno Karabakh conflict.” Marina Grigoryan, the head of the project “Ordinary Genocide” said in an interview with Panorama.am. “24 years passed after the Black January but still we don’t know enough about the realities of the third genocide of 20th century as well as about the persecution, repression, violence and deportation carried out towards the Armenians of Baku just after the events of the “Sumgait.” The pogroms of 13-19 January became the culmination of a chain of monstrous events

that took place during the 2 years and that can be characterized as mass organized crime against the Armenian people of Azerbaijan.” Grigoryan said. She stated that as a result of 1990 January tragedy and preceding events hundreds of thousands of Armenians of Azerbaijan were forcefully deported and expelled from the places where they lived for centuries. The Armenians lost their home and property, many of them lost their loved ones who became the victims of the genocide. Some of the refugees settled in Armenia, most of them had to move to other countries, many people migrated to the United States.

Thousands In Istanbul Pay Respects To Hrant Dink’s Memory

Azerbaijan Accused Of Sabotage After Deadly Fighting In Karabakh

Head Of KGB In Azerbaijan About Pogroms Of Armenians In Baku

In January 1990, in Baku, the capital city of Azerbaijan SSR, pogroms of Armenian were being carried out by the Azerbaijani nationalists for a week. Information about these events are mentioned in the book written by the former KGB of Azerbaijan SSR chairman Vagif Huseynov; excerpts of the book are published by the "Haqqin.az" portal. Former Chairman of KGB of Azerbaijani SSR writes that during two weeks crowds of Azerbaijani nationalists who were led by Khalil Rza and Vekila Hajiyev were going to ministries and governmental agencies with lists of Armenians who were holding jobs. Huseynov notes while describing the situation: "Pogroms of apartments of those who have Armenian nationality continue. In Baku airport the youth groups (40-50 people) beat Armenians, or rather to say, those whom among the passengers they consider to be Armenians. In Narimanov district of Baku the NFA demands the withdrawal of all military units. Otherwise, they promise to attack and seizure the weapons."

litical campaign”, writes the Hurriyet Daily News. Speaking to a conference of Turkish envoys, Erdogan mentioned that 2015 marks the 100th anniversary of the “1915 event.” “We should all be ready and wellequipped so that the 1915 events can be dealt in an objective, scientific and realistic way. The Armenian Diaspora is making its preparations to turn the events of 1915 into

a political campaign by [distorting] the historical reality. In contrast to this political campaign, we will firmly stand against them by highlighting historical and scientific data,” Erdogan told the Turkish envoys. On April 24 next year Armenians around the world will commemorate the centennial of the Genocide committed in Ottoman Turkey in 1915.

Azerbaijan 'Subversive Acts Undermine Mediators' Efforts

In the early hours of January 20, the armed forces of Azerbaijan committed two simultaneous subversive acts on the Line of Contact with the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR) in the northeastern (Jraberd) and the southeastern (Korgan) directions. The subversive acts of the Azerbaijani side, especially on the eve of the forthcoming meeting of the Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan, prove Azerbaijan’s aggressive intentions and seriously undermine the efforts of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chair countries aimed at a peaceful settlement of the conflict between Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh. Yet another flagrant violation of the ceasefire by the armed forces of Azerbaijan that led to bloodshed should be strongly condemned and receive an adequate assessment of the international community.

Assad: Significant Chance I Will Stand For Next Elections

Mourning and protest demonstrations were held Sunday, in numerous Turkish cities, on the occasion of the seventh anniversary of the assassination of Hrant Dink; but the main remembrance event was held in Istanbul. Thousands of ordinary people, NGO representatives, artists and politicians gathered at Taksim Square in Istanbul. After short speeches, the demonstrators marched toward the building where the editorial of Agos Armenian weekly is located. The participants in the march of mourning held signs that read “We are all Hrant, we are all Armenian,” “For Hrant, for justice,” “We are here, ahparig [brother, in Armenian],” etc. Hrant Dink, the founder and former chief editor of Agos, was killed on January 19, 2007 in front of the building where Agos’ editorial is located. The ongoing trials into Dink’s murder, however, have not yet exposed those behind this assassination.

Armenia accused Azerbaijan on Monday of sabotaging fresh peace talks planned by international mediators after an Armenian soldier was killed in NagornoKarabakh in what military authorities there called an Azerbaijani armed incursion. Karabakh’s Defense Army said that Azerbaijani “sabotage groups” attacked its positions overnight at two different sections of the “line of contact” around the disputed territory. In a statement, the Armenia-backed army said its soldiers repelled the simultaneous attacks. One of the soldiers, Sergeant Armen Hovannisian, was shot dead in the firefights, added the statement. Karabakh President Bako Sahakian posthumously awarded Hovannisian a medal the following morning. The Karabakh military claimed to have inflicted “considerable human and material losses” on the enemy. The Azerbaijani side reported no casualties, however.

President Bashar Assad said in an exclusive interview to AFP that he has decided to participate in Syria’s future presidential elections. He also stressed that the War on Terror should be the major focus of the Geneva 2 peace conference. With the Geneva 2 peace talks starting on Wednesday, January 22, Assad set the record straight on what he and his government expect from the negotiations with the Syrian opposition in Switzerland. “I see no reason why I shouldn’t stand [for elections],” said Assad, hosting foreign journalists at the presidential palace in Damascus. Since “there is public desire and a public opinion in favor of my candidacy, I will not hesitate for a second to run for election,” he told AFP, adding that chances for his candidacy are “significant.” After two days of heated debate, the Syrian National Coalition of opposition forces has voted in favor of going to Switzerland for peace talks scheduled for January 22.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday January 23, 2014


AMAA Child And Orphan Care Luncheon And Children’s Fashion Show

Saturday, February 22, 2014, Beverly Hills Hotel

The AMAA Orphan and Child Care Luncheon and Fashion Show is almost here! All final preparations are well underway and it looks like it is going to be another fabulous event. This year’s theme is “It's A Small World After All…”. An appropriate theme for Children helping Children in this small world of ours. The show will feature exclusive fashions from Bloomingdale's, Sherman Oaks! Nearly 60 beautiful and handsome young models are expected to walk the runway. The luncheon co-chairs, Alice Chakrian and Eileen Keusseyan have a wonderful and industrious committee which includes fashion show chairs, Christina Jabarian, Betty Balian and Caroline Tufenkian. There is still time to include your children in the fashion show. If you are interested, please contact the numbers listed below, or simply send an email to eilesq@aol.com. This year, similar to last year, a very special and theme appropriate child sponsorship pin will be introduced by Tina Segel “which will allow the sponsor to be recognized as a guardian of these angelic little faces who are in so much need of our help”, says Tina. The Committee is certain that each sponsor will wear the pins with love and pride and encourage others to sponsor as well and claim their own pin. And once again, we are overjoyed and very excited to announce that Jessica Vartoughian will be donating to each guest an exclusive gift bag, containing wonderful items from her personal cosmetic line.

What a treat for our attendees! Of course, no AMAA luncheon can be complete without an over-the-top silent auction. This year, the co-chairs of the Auction, Nicole Nishanian and Leslie Shahinian are shepherding their extraordinary 24/7 Silent Auction Committee and doing a phenomenal job. The impressive items at the luncheon are simply amazing!! The list is just too much to include in this announcement but Alice and Eileen are delighted with the great support they are receiving from their 34 committee members with their input and their procurements!! On February 22, 2014, the Beverly Hills Hotel is the place to be – amongst family and friends – to be part of an event that can change the lives of so many children in a land that is far away by distance, but so very close in our hearts…because it’s a small world after all… For reservations or further information, please contact Alice Chakrian at (818) 3886734, Eileen Keusseyan at (818) 404-5686 or Elizabeth Agbabian at (310) 476- 5306. Ticket donations are $95.00. But please hurry…. We are limited in capacity and are selling out very quickly… And if you are on our mailing list, watch out for your invitation to arrive in the next week! Make sure you RSVP immediately to reserve your coveted spot at this exclusive event. We wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year and we look forward to seeing you all on February 22nd, 2014!

Media Advisory

The Depopulation Crisis In Armenia International Speaking Tour 2014 LOS ANGELES – The Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) in collaboration with the Kololian Foundation is hosting “The Depopulation Crisis in Armenia,” an international speaking tour. The DEPOP Research Group will present its findings from “The Depopulation Crisis in Armenia” research report, which was funded by the Kololian Foundation of Toronto. The DEPOP Research Group consists of the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University Research Team; the Research and Business Center of the Faculty of Economics of Yerevan State University,; the Hrayr Maroukhian Foundation; and academics Arshak Balayan, Armen Gakavian, and Avetik Mejlumyan. Their field work on emigration from Armenia was conducted from 2012 - 2013, and the findings were first presented in Yerevan at the United Nations Population Fund conference, October 2013. Other international locations include Beirut, Paris, Toronto, and New York. For more information please visit: www.depop.am. Who: AGBU and the Kololian Foundation What: The Depopulation Crisis in Armenia International Speaking Tour When: Tuesday, February 11, 2014, 7:30PM Where: Glendale Central Library, 222 E. Harvard Street, Glendale, California Contact: (626) 794-7942

Agricultural Project Supports Syrian Armenians In Nagorno-Karabakh Republic Displaced Families Receive New Tractors And Equipment

As Syria’s war continues, AGBU is helping displaced Syrian Armenians put down new roots in the NagornoKarabakh Republic (NKR). AGBU, in collaboration with the Cherchian Family Foundation and local NKR authorities, is distributing state-of-the-art tractors and agricultural supplies to families in need, allowing them to plant a new future. In its first few months, the agricultural program has served over two dozen families, among them experienced farmers. Forced to flee their homes, they left behind almost everything, including agricultural equipment, the main source of their livelihoods. Now, many are resettling in Kovsakan, in NKR’s southwest. Their adopted town sits on the fertile banks of the Voghj River, where the farmers have already sowed wheat and barley. While those crops grow, they’re continuing to harvest something else: hope. Hovig Eordekian, deputy director of the AGBU Armenia Representation office, commented, “This project gives Syrian-Armenian farmers the resources and tools they need to support themselves as they adapt to their new lives. We are so pleased to help these families with a fresh start, knowing that they are also contributing to the sustainable development of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. We all look forward to seeing what their farms produce, and to working together as they continue to make the transition into their new communities.” With a generous donation from the Cherchian Family Foundation, AGBU has purchased three new tractors, disk harrows, seeders, fertilizer and pesticide systems, and equipment storage space. The initiative is part of AGBU’s expansive relief efforts in response to the crisis in Syria. Across the country, AGBU volunteers are

delivering food, healthcare, shelter and emergency assistance to thousands of Syrian Armenians struggling to survive. In Armenia and Lebanon, where thousands more have found refuge, AGBU is distributing housing stipends, grocery coupons and school fees. Providing academic scholarships is also a key part of AGBU’s work. To date, the AGBU-Gulbenkian Tuition Program has administered over $150,000 to close to 340 students in Armenia. Developed in partnership with the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and Armenia’s Diaspora Ministry and Education and Science Ministry, the program supports the higher education of Syrian Armenians who have been forced to leave their country. As the devastating conflict unfolds with no end in sight, this aid is a critical lifeline for countless families. AGBU’s humanitarian work on the ground is made possible by donations to the Humanitarian Emergency Relief Fund for Syrian Armenians. To make a contribution to this critical cause, please visit www.agbu.org/syriarelief. To make a pledge by phone, please call +1-855-AID-AGBU (243-2428) from Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm (EST). You can also send checks to: AGBU Emergency Relief Fund 55 East 59th Street New York, NY 10022. Please make checks payable to AGBU and indicate “Emergency Relief Fund” in memo line.

Armenian Tsovinar And Hittite Inara

In a fragment of Hittite mythology the weather god is defeated by the serpent. The god’s daughter, Inara, with her human lover, invites the serpent and its children to her home. The guests become drunk. The lover binds the serpent with a rope, and the weather god arrives and kills it. In the first part of the Daredevils of Sasun the pagan king from foreign land, Tsovinar’s husband and her sons’ step father, tries to sacrifice the twins. Their mother, Tsovinar, finds out and admonishes the brothers. They, in turn, bind the king, drink wine, and defeat the king and his troops. Tsovinar is etymologized as cov ( ‘sea’) + Nar. * Nar is a reconstructed theonym which appears in the refrains of folk songs

( Hoy Nar ‘great Nar’, etc.) In the considered texts the characters and names of Tsovinar and Inara are comparable. Some Indo – European deities are close to Covinar, such as German goddess Nerthus ( * ner – to – ), Island Njorthr ( the father of Freyr and Freyja ), Greek Nereus, Nereids, Sabinian Nerio (like Tsovinar they are connected with water and the sea).

By Armen Petrosyan. The Hittites who rose in the Second Millennium BCE called Armenia – Hayasa, Land of Hay. Hay is self designation name meaning “Armenian.” Painting by Martin Akoghlyan. Tsovinar with twins- Sanasar and Baghdasar.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday January 23, 2014


The Lies Behind The West's War On Libya

Turk Intellectuals Who Recognized The Armenian Genocide

Continued from Vol.92, #1, #2, #3

By Hambersom Aghbashian

By Jean-Paul Pougala, Pambazouka News, 14 April 2011


After 500 years of a profoundly unequal relationship with the West, it is clear that we don’t have the same criteria of what is good and bad. We have deeply divergent interests. How can one not deplore the ‘yes’ votes from three sub-Saharan countries (Nigeria, South Africa and Gabon) for resolution 1973 that inaugurated the latest form of colonisation baptised ‘the protection of peoples’, which legitimises the racist theories that have informed Europeans since the 18th century and according to which North Africa has nothing to do with sub-Saharan Africa, that North Africa is more evolved, cultivated and civilised than the rest of Africa? It is as if Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Algeria were not part of Africa, Even the United Nations seems to ignore the role of the African Union in the affairs of member states. The aim is to isolate sub Saharan African countries to better isolate and control them. Indeed, Algeria (US$16 billion) and Libya (US$10 billion ) together contribute 62 per cent of the US$42 billion which constitute the capital of the African Monetary Fund (AMF). The biggest and most populous country in sub Saharan Africa, Nigeria, followed by South Africa are far behind with only 3 billion dollars each. It is disconcerting to say the least that for the first time in the history of the United Nations, war has been declared against a people without having explored the slightest possibility of a peaceful solution to the crisis. Does Africa really belong anymore to this organisation? Nigeria and South Africa are prepared to vote ‘Yes’ to everything the West asks because they naively believe the vague promises of a permanent seat at the Security Council with similar veto rights. They both forget that France has no power to offer anything. If it did, Mitterand would have long done the needful for Helmut Kohl’s Germany. A reform of the United Nations is not on the agenda. The only way to make a point is to use the Chinese method – all 50 African nations should quit the United Nations and only return if their longstanding demand is finally met, a seat for the entire African federation or nothing. This non-violent method is the only weapon of justice available to the poor and weak that we are. We should simply quit the United Nations because this organisation, by its very structure and hierarchy, is at the service of the most powerful. We should leave the United Nations to

register our rejection of a worldview based on the annihilation of those who are weaker. They are free to continue as before but at least we will not be party to it and say we agree when we were never asked for our opinion. And even when we expressed our point of view, like we did on Saturday 19 March in Nouakchott, when we opposed the military action, our opinion was simply ignored and the bombs started falling on the African people. Today’s events are reminiscent of what happened with China in the past. Today, one recognises the Ouattara government, the rebel government in Libya, like one did at the end of the Second World War with China. The so-called international community chose Taiwan to be the sole representative of the Chinese people instead of Mao’s China. It took 26 years when on 25 October 1971, for the UN to pass resolution 2758 which all Africans should read to put an end to human folly. China was admitted and on its terms – it refused to be a member if it didn’t have a veto right. When the demand was met and the resolution tabled, it still took a year for the Chinese foreign minister to respond in writing to the UN Secretary General on 29 September 1972, a letter which didn’t say yes or thank you but spelt out guarantees required for China’s dignity to be respected. What does Africa hope to achieve from the United Nations without playing hard ball? We saw how in Cote d’Ivoire a UN bureaucrat considers himself to be above the constitution of the country. We entered this organisation by agreeing to be slaves and to believe that we will be invited to dine at the same table and eat from plates we ourselves washed is not just credulous, it is stupid. When the African Union endorsed Ouattara’s victory and glossed over contrary reports from its own electoral observers simply to please our former masters, how can we expect to be respected? When South African president Zuma declares that Ouattara hasn’t won the elections and then says the exact opposite during a trip to Paris, one is entitled to question the credibility of these leaders who claim to represent and speak on behalf of a billion Africans. Africa’s strength and real freedom will only come if it can take properly thought out actions and assume the consequences. Dignity and respect come with a price tag. Are we prepared to pay it? Otherwise, our place is in the kitchen and in the toilets in order to make others comfortable. End

3- Fethiye Çetin

Fethiye Çetin (born in Maden, Elazığ Province - Turkey) is a Turkish attorney, human rights activist and writer. She is the author of "My Grandmother", a book about her discovery of her dying grandmother’s Armenian roots. Also she is the co-author of "The Grandchildren", a book of first-person retellings of other grandchildren’s coming to terms with their grandparents’ Armenian ancestry. In her capacity as a lawyer, among others, Çetin has represented the family of murdered Turkish-Armenian, Agos newspaper's editor-in-chief , Hrant Dink, a prominent member of the Armenian minority in Turkey. Dink was assassinated in Istanbul in January 2007. Çetin also defended his case prior to his assassination, when he was prosecuted three times for denigrating Turkishness . Growing up in the small town of Maden in Turkey, Fethiye Çetin knew her grandmother as a happy and respected Muslim housewife called Seher. Only decades later did she discover the truth. Her grandmother’s name was not Seher but Heranush. She was born a Christian Armenian. Most of the men in her village had been slaughtered in 1915. A Turkish gendarme had stolen her from her mother and adopted her. Çetin’s family history tied her directly to the terrible origins of modern Turkey and the organized denial of its Ottoman past as the shared home of many faiths and ways of life. Writing about genocide is always a highly political issue in Turkey. In Fethiye Çetin’s case, it is even a dangerous one. For nearly a whole century Turkey has not only been denying the Armenian Genocide, but actively prosecutes civilians who use the term to refer to the ethnic cleansing of 1915. In 2004, Çetin dared to publish her memoir in which she recounts the life of her grandmother. Her grandmother is just one example of so-called “leftovers of the sword” (according to Bilefsky ,a Canadian Jornalist,2010). Mostly female survivors who were saved were forced to assimilate into Turkish society. Heranush, Çetin’s grandmother, who was torn from her mother’s arms by a Turkish military officer during the death marches, became a servant girl,

married a Turkish man and vanished from the surface of the Armenian post-genocidal narrative. After the “murder of the Armenian leadership and men of military age”, women and children were sent on death marches in the Syrian deserts where they experienced “kidnapping and sex slavery” and in the case of women forced re-marriage. Turkey’s policy of denial affects precisely and most severely exactly those survivors, Cetin discusses in her memoir. Women, who were assimilated into Turkish culture, have been non-existent in diasporas narrative for decades and even suffered from discrimination among the Turkish as well as the Armenian communities. Now there are many Armenian women among the Turks. They were taken in and remained with them, married and gave birth to their children. They were forced to convert to Islam in one way or another and considered Turks.The children don’t know their identity, only their mothers do. Fethiye Çetin didn’t manage to get her grandmother in touch with her family, whom she found through a classified ad in an Armenian newspaper. Her grandmother's father turned out to be still alive, but then had a heart attack and died. She told her grandmother that he called his daughter Heranush. That made her feel good, Heranush was sure that she was never forgotten, but she was too weak to travel to the United States and she died without ever seeing her Armenian family again. Çetin did meet them when they celebrate the eightieth birthday of her grandmother’s sister. She apologized for all the pain they suffered because of the way the Turkish society handled the things that happened. The pain caused by the silence, and by the history books in schools that depict Armenians as enemies. Maureen Freely ( an American journalist, novelist, professor, and translator) who translated her book" My Grandmother" into English, said “In life, as in this book, her first aim is to give voice to those whom history has silenced.” ”I hope my apologies are accepted " said Çetin in one of her interviews.

Gomidas Vartabed By Alice Krumian

We then glorified God in a new liturgy, We performed our songs in new melodies, His lyrics filled us with bliss and ecstasy, And inspired future generations to attain mastery.

His late melodies, grievous and melancholic, Reflect the anguish of his tormented spirit, Overshadowed by those stormy days and nights, When fatally darkened his beloved nation's light.

The Great Master, our composer of high renown, Roamed through Armenian villages, nostalgic, all alone, Listened, with rapture, to the songs of the peasants, The birds, the brooks, the woods and the flowers.

In his cherished folk songs, joyful and sublime, He dignified our villages and their rustic charm, He glorified our plains, rivers, valleys and hills, And filled our hearts with rapture and thrill.

His divine inspiration, serene and crystalline, His numerous creations, amazingly refined, His enormous sacrifice and exceptional genius, Have been dazzling art lovers of the entire universe.

Uplifting his hands reverently to the skies, He gracioully harvested a handful of stars, Mixing them harmoniously with his collected melodies, He offered them to all Armenians as national legacy.

He suffered the agony of the deportation, He witnessed the slaughter of the entire nation, He saw, he heard, he tasted the maddening tortures, To the detriment of his body, delicate mind and soul.

To his prolific art and outstanding talent, To his prodigious mind, intellect and pure heart, To his melodies, the pride of our nation, We bow our heads in profound veneration.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday January 23, 2014


Armenia Prepares For Basketball Championship

Yerevan - Armenia plans to take part in the FIBA Europe Division C Basketball Championship in the summer of 2014. Other participating countries will include Scotland, Wales, Malta, Moldova, San Marino, Gibraltar, and Andorra. The plans were originally announced Mr. Artur Nazaryan, Secretary General of the Basketball Federation Carl Bardakian (second from right) and team members in of Armenia, last August, as Yerevan last August. Photolure Armenia's Men's National to be a competitive team right from the outBasketball Team concluded its intensive set." Members of the national team, Zareh training camp sessions in Yerevan. The Zargaryan and Mike Danielian, emphatraining camp included candidates for the sized how honored they felt to represent national team from both Armenia and the Armenia on the basketball court. Armenian diaspora. While in Yerevan, the team held a reHead Coach Carl Bardakian stated, quiem service at the Armenian Genocide "Due to the vision and leadership of the Memorial Monument, Dzidzernagapert, in President of the Basketball Federation of memory of the victims of the genocide. The Armenia, Hrachya Rostomyan, we expect

Turkey doomed to collapse? Is this a chain reaction or mass epidemic? Either way, the fact remains - the political upheavals in the Muslim world that began in Tunisia swept across North Africa and Syria, and now a wave of instability has reached Turkey. A member of the Presidium of the Academy of Geopolitical Issues Araik Stepanyan analyzed this complex, ambiguous situation in the country. "We will identify the external and internal factors that have caused, for the lack of a better word, social unrest in Turkey. Internal factors have deep roots. The main reason is the collapse of the Ottoman Empire after the First World War and the Turkish Republic established by the "father of the Turks" Kemal Ataturk. He decided to raise the status of the ethnic Turks that was low in the Ottoman Empire, turning them into an overriding ethnic group and create a political nation - the Turks. In 1926, a law was passed stating that all residents of Turkey were ethnic Turks, and different names - the Kurds, Armenians, Laz, Circassian, and so on - were insulting to the Turkish national identity and must not be used. Everybody was recorded as Turks. And, although many years have passed, the first problem in Turkey is a problem of national identity. There is a huge mass of people, more than half of today's Turkish population, who do not consider themselves Turks. They see themselves as citizens of Turkey, but ethnically they do not identify themselves with the Turks, and do not want to. But because they live in the country where they have to be Turks to have a chance for a career, they are considered Turks. In 20002002, Western funds conducted a secret survey of the Turkish population and obtained evidence that only 37 percent of all Turkey residents saw themselves as ethnic Turks. The national issue has aggravated, and rallies and slogans are convincing evidence. The second internal factor that undermines today's Turkey is a debate about the type of the government - secular or theocratic. The elite of modern Turkey have serious disagreements about this. The heirs of the Ottoman Empire believe that the highest level of prosperity in Turkey was in the days of the Ottoman Empire, where all citizens were equal, except for Christians, and ethnicity was not emphasized. That means, people were Osman regardless of the eth-

nicity - the Turks, Circassian, or Kurds. The secular government afraid of Islamic influence is holding to the legacy of Kemal Ataturk. This is the army general staff who until recently served as the guarantor of the Constitution by the secular power. But Erdogan came to power and abolished that item of the Constitution. Incidentally, this is a revolutionary step, and can be compared with the constitution of the Soviet Union whose sixth article stated that the Communist Party was the governing body of the Soviet state. Once it was removed, the state has collapsed. Eliminating his "sixth paragraph," Erdogan dealt a crushing blow to the General Staff and the army. Naturally, the army is very unhappy and wants to overthrow Erdogan, although it is not directly involved in the rallies. Third internal factor is the Kurdish issue. The Kurds are seeking autonomy in Eastern Anatolia (the largest region of Turkey), their number is approximately 20 million. Despite the talks started by Erdogan (negotiations with Barzani, president of the Kurdish autonomy in northern Iraq, and Ocalan, the PKK leader) armed clashes between Kurdish rebels and the official Turkish army continue, with daily casualties on both sides. Thus, this is the third most important factor. The fourth factor is the Armenian issue. Armenians living in the south-eastern and eastern Anatolia, the original Armenian territories of Western Armenia, have, so to speak, their hidden aspirations. They are hidden because they have bitter experience of being eliminated and thrown out. The Turkish elite, the intelligentsia, too, in turn, realizes that it is impossible not to recognize the Armenian Genocide. About three thousand Turkish intellectuals on Turkish websites apologized to the Armenians for the Genocide and eviction. Then there was football diplomacy with signing the agreement on opening the border between Turkey and Armenia. The Armenians are now fighting with diplomatic methods. Turkish demographic policy denies all other nationalities. Turkey strongly advocates that 82 percent of the population is

Basketball Federation of Armenia also arranged for the team to visit the Republic of Artsakh upon the conclusion of training camp. National team updates 6'5" Mike Boornazian, a candidate for the Armenia national basketball team from Bates College, on December 30, led Bates College with 23 points against Berkeley (NY) College. Boornazian shot 8-16 from the field, including 4-7 from the 3 point line with 6 rebounds. One night earlier against Salem State University, Boornazian scored 23 points again on 8-14 shooting from the field, including 4-8 from the 3 point line with 7 rebounds. On December 31, 2013 6'5" Garen Spendjian, a power forward for the Armenia national basketball team, led Cortland University with 30 points against Utica College. Spendjian shot 12-15 from the field, including 5-6 from the 3 point line with 7 rebounds.

Turks. But for obvious reasons this is not the case. There is a vast array of Greek Muslims who do not even speak the Turkish language and as many Bulgarian Muslims. There are Armenians who speak Kurdish, Armenians who speak Turkish and Armenians who speak the Armenian dialect. But the state considers them all Turks. This is not the case, but a reason to oppose the government in one form or another. The fifth factor is internal - it's Alawites, a religious movement with millions of people who adhere to the same religious beliefs as Bashar al-Assad, the Syrian Alawi. When I see banners proclaiming "Erdogan, you are a thief!" I understand that these are Alawites. In the course of combat activities in Syria, Aleppo in particular, gunmen took out everything - from machines to museum exhibits, and exported them to Turkey, with the connivance of the authorities, and sold or appropriated them. But Gezi Park or Taksim Square where rallies are held now is a special topic that overlaps, incidentally, with the Armenian issue. First, in 1500 sultan Suleiman presented this territory to his Armenian assistant who uncovered a conspiracy. In 1560, an Armenian cemetery was laid there. The cemetery existed until late 19th century and was eliminated after a well-known cholera epidemic, but the ownership was left to the Armenian community. After the genocide in 1915, when the Armenians were expelled, the owner clearly changed. Barracks were built there, then a park. When the authorities planned to build a shopping center, the community exploded. All ethnic minorities, anti-globalization activists, gays, lesbians, football fans, the "green" joined against the destruction of the park. Clearly, everyone had different views and goals, but the only reason was rejection of the current government that none of these social groups liked. Yes, individually they are in the minority, but this is the case where the sum of minorities produces the majority, incidentally, in contrast to Russia. There is also an external factor. The U.S. lost interest in Turkey after the collapse of

Armenian Violinist Receives Credit Suisse Young Artist Award 2014

Armenian violinist Sergey Khachatryan has won this year’s Credit Suisse Young Artist Award. The announcement was made Vienna, over the weekend by the jury chaired by LUCERNE FESTIVAL’s Executive and Artistic Director, Michael Haefliger, after the candidates auditioned for them in the Vienna Musikverein, the Art Journal reports. The award comes with a cash prize of 75,000 Swiss francs (about $82,300) – one of the highest awards in the field – and also involves appearing in concert with the Vienna Philharmonic as part of LUCERNE FESTIVAL in Summer. The concert will take place on 13 September 2014 under the direction of Gustavo Dudamel.

the Soviet Union. The Turks tried to start building a new Turkic empire, the so-called Great Turan based on pan-Turkism, but the Turkic-speaking states, newly formed in the Soviet Union, gave the initiative a cold shoulder despite the extent of the economic expansion of Turkey in these regions is impressive. The U.S. does not really support these imperial ideas. Especially when Turkey did not provide its territory for ground operations during the recent war in Iraq, did not let the American ships into the Black Sea during the Russian-Georgian conflict in 2008, incidentally, rightly so, in accordance with the international status of the Black Sea and the Bosporus and the Dardanelles. The White House is beginning to move away from its ally. Moreover, according to the plan of a military expert Ralph Peters of the National Military Academy of the United States, in accordance with the concept of the Greater Middle East, Turkey is disintegrated. A large Kurdistan is created, and Mount Ararat goes to Armenia. Most important task, of course, is to take control of the Bosporus and the Dardanelles, close access for Russia to the Mediterranean Sea, and so on. The U.S. has a clear plan and is implementing it. The European Union, of course, agrees with this plan. America will not save Erdogan despite the fact that he supported the Muslim extremists against Assad. Only Assad is winning, and Turkey has lost its authority with the nearby neighbors. It is likely to face open hostility, because no one has forgotten the Ottoman Empire or the imperial motives of the Turkish foreign policy. Turkish leaders have painted themselves into a geopolitical trap. There are still chances of getting out of it, but, judging by Erdogan's recent statements, they are becoming slimmer every day. All of these factors combined lead Turkey to a collapse. It will not happen overnight, but the trend is moving in this direction. All mass movements just show the causes, both external and internal. Therefore, even if the military who wants to overthrow Erdogan comes to power, and the constitution and the role of the General Staff is restored, it will be impossible to stop the process of globalization and crush the rebellion of ethnic groups. Araik Stepanyan

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Yanaparfi ,inararouj;an dimaka\;lou farzoum Karhnin øgn;zin ~& Sargs;ane ;u W& Mowsis;ane% fnarauor h na;u a\l an]inq! Fa\kakan tara‘qn;rou \atkaphs faraua\in ,er=ann;roum% atrph\yanzin;ri bnak;zman 'or];re kroum hin ‘ragroua‘% npatakam[oua‘ bno\j ;u irakanazuoum hin am;natarb;r ou[in;row! Da manramasn m,akoua‘ p;takan qa[aqakanoujiun hr! Asoum hin% or go\oujiun ounhr \atouk fimnadram% ore niujakan øvandakoujiun hr zouzab;roum w;rabnakicn;rin% or a\d øgnoujiune irakanazuoum hr fog;uor an]anz mi=ozow! Amhn mi lqoua‘% kisaau;rak gom safmana\in gøtoum aragørhn bnak;zuoum hr atrph\yanzi fowiuow% orin aragørhn mianoum hr o[= entaniqe ;u no\nisk% faraxatn;re! Anasounn;rin ara‘aznoum hin n;r.ouv;low fa\kakan arøtawa\r;r! Fa\;ri mh= gtnuoum hin mardik% oronq ir;nz tn;re waya®oum hin oc jh fa\;rin% a\l au;li ,afauht pa\mann;row atrph\yanzin;rin! Karhne 14 tari ,arounak \ama®ørhn ;u f;t;uo[akanørhn pa\qaroum hr tara‘qn;ri atrph\yanzman dhm! D;miry;ane mi angam ~adh\ Sargs;anin asaz% or anfrav;,t h w;ranouan;l atrph\yanakan anounn;row giu[;re! |;taga\ oro,oumn;roum faxarauor giu[;r w;rstazan au;li bar;founc% fa\kakan patmakan anounn;r! 70-80-akan jouakann;ri qa[aqakanouj;an ,norfiu an.a'an gor‘oum hr miak \ousali yanaparfe^ ªk;anqi yanaparfeº% ore Fa\astane M;[rou mi=ozow kapoum hr Irani ;u artaqin a,.arfi f;t! |;taga\oum D;miry;ane dhm h ;[;l Atrph\yan-Na.i=;uan yanaparfi ka®ouzoume% Lacini mi=zanqi dimaz% a\n yanaparfi% ori ka®ouzmane \ama®ørhn% dvouarouj;amb% saka\n \a=o[ouj;amb na dimaka\;z 1980-in! Na jouark;z a\n bolor kht;re% inco#u ci kar;li a\d an;l! Phtq h n,;l% or D;miry;ani ko[qin hin mi,t gtnuoum mi ,arq [;kawarn;r Fa\astaniz% oronq nra f;t kisoum hin bolor \a=o[oujiunn;re% isk ;rb;mn na;u an\a=o[oujiunn;re! Dra f;t mhkt;[% fnarauor ch g;ragnafat;l [;kawari% fanrap;touj;an a®a=in



:r;uani Karhn D;miry;ani anouan M;tropolit;ni :ritasardakan ka\ane

dhmqi d;re% a®anz ori gitouj;an kam anmi=akan masnakzouj;an oc mi a®au;l kam pakas kar;uor farz gor‘nakanørhn chr lou‘uoum! Na amhn inci famar patas.anatou hr ;u w;r;un;ri ;u fanrap;touj;an kousakzakan kaxmak;rpouj;an ;u vo[owrdi a®=;u! A\st;[ phtq h anpa\man n,;l D;miry;ani d;re Fraxdani l;®nam;talourgiakan kombinate w;ramasnagitazn;l ou a\n ®atiøhl;ktrona\in apranqn;ri artadrouj;an k;ntron dar]n;lou farzoum! F;taqrqir h n,;l% incph#s h a,.at;l D;miry;ane% oro#nq ;n nra gor‘ounhouj;an a®an]na\atkoujiunn;re% incpisi# øb\;ktiu ;u soub\;ktiu gor‘ønn;r ;n øgn;l nran \a=o[oujiunn;ri fasn;lou famar! Amhniz a®a= da >orfrda\in famakargi en];®a‘ fnarauoroujiunn;re liowin øgtagor‘;lou karo[oujiunn hr^ dramakan% niujakan% baxmako[mani kap;re ;u a\ln% oronz a®ka\oujiune anwiy;li h! |a=orde^ t;[akan fnarauoroujiunn;re iraphs gnafat;lou ;u yi,d% anfrav;,t ou[[ouj;amb øgtagor‘;lou ounakoujiune! Saka\n orphsxi a\d ;rkou gor‘ønn;re ªa,.athinº anfrav;,t hr na;u ;rrord gor‘øne^ oro,aki drakan orakn;ri a®ka\oujiune [;kawari møt! Ch# or% i w;r=o\% famakarge fauasar pa\mann;r hr n;rka\aznoum bolorin% ba\z bolore ch% or fasnoum hin xargazman a\dpisi makardaki! A\vm Karhni bnauorouj;an% orakn;ri% a®an]na\atkoujiunn;ri masin% oronq npas-

toum hin nra \a=o[ouj;ane! Afa jh inc h asoum Âima D;miry;ane Karhni masin! ª<at;rin juoum h% or ir;nq lau githin ;u faskanoum hin Karhnin% saka\n% dvouar jh da fnarauor linhr! A\o Karhne ,at k;nsoura. hr% anmi=akan^ mardkanz f;t \arab;roujiunn;roum% karo[anoum hr amhn t;[ st;[‘;l anka,kand iradroujiun% dhpi ir;n ]g;l mardkanz! :u a\d bolore ,in‘ou ;u zouzadrakan chr% nra bnakan wiyakn hr! Ba\z in] mi,t ap,;znoum hr nra ounakoujiune^ bolor paragan;roum mi,t mnal 'ak! F;nz 'ak% a\l oc ga[tnapaf% qani or jaqzn;lou ocinc counhr! Mardka\in anfarki f;taqrqroujiuniz soworabar 'rkuoum hr katakow! Mia\n ‘anr iradrouj;an pa\mann;roum% ;rb fasounanoum hr anfrav;,toujiune% na bazoum hr fogin kam im% kam ;[bør møt! Nra dirqe% ir mh= dastiarak;l hr imastoun xgou,auoroujiun! In] an]amb juoum h% or% lin;low ,at bari mard% anpa,tpan ;u f;,touj;amb .oz;li% oun;nalow biur;[;a\ maqour fogi% Karhne .namqow jaqznoum hr ir a\d orakn;re% (yi,d h% oc mi,t \a=o[ ];uow)% orphsxi cfaskazo[n;re a\n cfamar;n jouloujiun! Na ,at tinamik mard hr% chr siroum miapa[a[oujiun% miørinakoujiun% lyazoum% an,arvoujiun^ oc k;nza[oum% oc \arab;roujiunn;roum% oc hl% a®au;l ;us% a,.atanqoum! }gtoum hr m,taphs farstazn;l ;u baxmaxan dar]n;l irakanoujiune! Artaqoust da arta\a\tuoum hr ;®andoun% k;nsoura.% a,.o\v bnauorouj;amb% fa\;azqn;row% katakn;row% isk k;nza[oum^ no\nisk anspas;li t[a\akan drs;uoroumn;row! Isk irakanoum t;[i ounhr mtqi ;u ogou n;rqin .or% ouv;[ a,.atanq! Nra møt m,taphs \[anoum hin ga[a'arn;r! Ga[a'arn;re ‘nuoum hin anendfat% mhke miusi ;t;uiz ;u Karhne ,tapoum hr irakanazn;l% k;anqi koc;l dranq% lau imanalow% or mardou k;anqe% \atkaphs qa[aqakane% ,at kary h% ;u phtq h faszn;l irakanazn;l mta‘a‘e! Norar hr a\d ba®i am;nala\n imastow! F;nz nman% oc kar‘ratipa\in% a\l nor% jarm møt;zoumn;re% ou[[oua‘ mi ,arq qa[aqakan ;u tnt;sakan farz;ri lou‘mane% w;r;un;roum kam fauanoujiun hin stanoum% kam hl (cendounou;lou dhpqoum) stipoum hin yanac;l møt;zoumn;ri nataka\armaroujiune ;u gnal xi=oumn;ri! Norararoujiune Karhnin iura\atouk hr nra o[= gor‘ounhouj;an enjazqoum% saka\n fanrap;toujiune [;kawar;l ou vamanak a\n a®an]na\atouk drs;uoroumn;r stazau&&&º! <ar 5

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SIROUN TAÂ:R& FA| GL>AXARDAGROUJIUN^ W:RAK:NDANAZA’ NKARCOUFI SIROUN :RHZ:ANI KO{MH :rkar at;nh spasouo[^ fa\ gl.axardagrouj;an nouiroua‘ fratarakoujiune% SIROUN TAÂ:R% t;[azi nkaric Âoslin arou;sti patk;rasrafi tnørhn SIROUN :RHZ:ANi ko[mh% fanrouj;an piti n;rka\azoui Cor;q,abji% ";trouar 5% 2014% ;r;ko\;an vame 7!30-in% Kl;nth\li K;dronakan Gradarani srafe _ 222 Farwert '[&! Moutqe axat h& piti f;t;ui fiurasiroujiun! :lo\j piti oun;nan girqe ];uauoro[ WAFAN M:SROP:AN ;u fa\kakan ousoumnasirouj;anz banashr WACH MANKR:AN! :r;kon piti fandisawarh ARNØ :RHZ:AN! |a\tagire piti endgrkh ;rav,takan bavin! ªSiroun ta®;r& fa\ gl.axardagroujiun - Anz;alhn N;rka\^ Apaga\i famarºe bar]rakhtn h an.on= ;u an]nouhr a,.atanqi% vamanakakiz nkaric Siroun :rhz;ani ko[mh! Mi=in dar;roun fa\ manrankaroua‘ ];®agr;rou h=;rhn% fa\ gl.axardagr;re angam me ;us ke ,nc;n 21-rd daroun% :rhz;ani ];®qow! A\s fatore faxouagiut iragor‘oum men h% nouiroua‘^ \a\tnab;r;lou a\s .ora.orfourd gir;roun n;r\atouk g;[;zkoujiune! Bazhq Siroun ta®;rou ko[qe% gtn;lou famar g;[agitakan arta\a\touj;an% 'arjam go\n;rou ;u 'a®af;[ nrbag;[ouj;an gan] me% au;li qan 850 fa\ gl.axardagr;row% oronz 248-n ir^ nkarcin f;[inakoujiunn ;n _ bolorn al iragor‘oua‘ manrankarn;row% xardaroumn;row ;u .oraja'anz fmtouj;amb! SIROUN :RHZ:AN \a=o[a‘ nkaric men h% k;rparou;sti ;u nkaraxardman mh= g;raxanz ,norfn;row! A® a\sør% an miak ‘anøj vamanakakiz nkaricn h% or fa\ gl.axardagrouj;an ,alaui[hn ke ,arounakh enjanal% a\d oyow 17 ambo[=akan a\boub;nn;r patk;r;low! An baxmajiu an]nakan .mba\in zouzadroumn;row fandhs ;ka‘ h! Ir gor‘;re an]nakan n,anakaliz fastatouj;anz fauaqa‘on;roun mh= ke gtnouin! :rhz;an ir g;[arou;sti psakauori astiyane staza‘ h Øjis"arsenx arou;sti y;maranhn% 1985-in! 1995-in fimna‘ h Âoslin arou;sti patk;rasrafe% Kl;nth\l% Gali`ornia! Fa\ g;[ankaricn;rou gor‘;re a®a= m[;lou nouiroua‘ patk;rasrafe% incphs inq k*esh% ªa,.atanqa\in patk;rasrafº men h% our \aya. kar;li h xinq gtn;l g‘;lou kam nkaraxard;lou enjazqin! 2012-in% :rhz;an a.toro,ou;zau Lou K;frik fiuandouj;amb! An a® a\sør ke ,arounakh st;[‘agor‘;l! N;rka\azno[n h APRIL gratoun fratarakcoujiune!

NOR ØR% |OUNOUAR 23% 2014

BAZAÂIK OU>TAGNAZOUJIUN DHPI AR:UMTAFA|ASTAN% KILIKIA :U KAPADOWKIA Kaxmak;rpouj;amb^ Ma,toz Golhyi Enda®a=;low gnafat;li jiuow axgakizn;rou 'a'aqin ;u qa=al;rou;low w;r=in 10 tarin;rou enjazqin kaxmak;rpoua‘ ou.tagnazoujiunn;rou ar]anagra‘ \a=o[ouj;nhn^ Ma,toz Qolhye kaxmak;rpa‘ h baza®ik ou.tagnazoujiun me dhpi Ar;umtafa\astan% Kilikia ;u Kapadowkia |oulis 5_20% 2014% a®a=nordouj;amb Qolhyi na.agaf^ Dokt& Karpis Thr :[ia\;ani! Mrzanakakir European Travel yambordakan enk;rouj;an wstafoua‘ h ou.tagnazouj;an kaxmak;rpcakan ‘ragri famadroume! M;r axga\in patmakan armatn;rou f;t vamadroujiune a®ije piti en‘a\h ou.tagnazouj;an masnakzo[n;roun a\z;l;lou patmakanørhn fa\apatkan ;u fa\abnak qa[aqn;r ou giu[;r% incphs^ Atana% A\njap% Phrhyik% Our`a% Tigranak;rt% B;rkri% Wan_A.jamar_Artamht% Iktir% Ph\axit% Ararat L;®% Kars% Ani% Hrxroum% Mou, >arb;rd% S;bastia% K;saria% Hwhrhk% Oucisar% Khørhmh% Cawou,in% ;u a\l qa[aqn;r! Ou.tagnazouj;an auartin% masnakzo[n;r a®ije piti oun;nan a\z;l;lou Polis ;u fandipoumn;r oun;nalou fa\ fama\nqin

f;t ou møthn ‘anøjanalou t;[uo\n axga\in ka®o\zn;roun% masnauorabar^ Fa\oz Patriarqaranin% ;k;[;zin;rou ;u dprozn;rou! Ou.tagnazoujiune \a=o[ouj;amb psak;lou famar^ Qolhye m,aka‘ h baza®ik ‘ragir me% incphs na;u katara‘ h a®a=in kargi pandokn;rou% ya,;rou ;u 'o.adrami=ozn;rou \atouk kargadroujiun! Ou.tagnazouj;an famar oro,oua‘ h n;ra®;l mia\n 32 masnakiz! Orphs sakagin oro,oua‘ h^ $3%490&00 (a®au;l tourqe) mhk an]i% ;rkou foginoz s;n;aki mh=% n;ra®;al ødanauow ;rjoudar]e% ya,;re% 'o.adraka®qow n;rqin yambordoujiune% patmakan wa\r;rou moutqi tomsakn;re% incphs na;u ;r;q gi,;r Polso\ pandoke% ya,;re% ;u bolor pto\tn;re! Wyaroumi vamkhtn h^ Mart 15% 2014! "o.gire gr;l European Travel anounow ;u pafarane faszhagr;l Mashdots College, P.O. Box 250063, Glendale, CA. 91225. F;taqrqrouo[n;r krnan dim;l Ma,toz Qolhy^ (818)548_9345 jiuow% kam^ mashdots@aol.com \au;l;al manramasnoujiunn;rou famar!

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kan i,.anouj;an karg me a[biurn;rou f;t)% oronq ou[[aki ke xauj;n ou ke \a',tak;n ja[amas;r ou fraparakn;r% xanonq ardiakanazn;lou ou ,hnzn;lou patrouakn;row% ba\z% ir;nz an]nakan dramaglou.n;re \au;l;al dixoumn;rou ;njark;low! <,oukn;r kan% or Kiumrii sqanc;li k;dronakan fraparakin ;us ke spasoui nman yakatagir - xa\n ktrat;lou% 'oqrazn;lou kam safmana'ak;lou n;ng ‘ragirow% orphsxi fon al pandoka\in-ya,arana\in-vamanza\in-zouza';[ka\in ka®o\zn;r slanan! Incph#s k*artønoui a\s apikaroujiune kam inco#w k*ardarazoui a\s .a[qoujiune% ;rb stouar jiu me kiumr;zin;rou takauin ch ];rbaxatoua‘ ;rkra,arva\in toua\tanqhn% ir fog;banakan% `ixiqakan% qa[aqaziakan ;u irauakan aproum-pafan=arkn;row% mnalow an;rdiq% antaniq ;u anktour pa\mann;rou mh=! Fa\astani ;rkrord na.agafe% or baxoum .ostoumn;rou baxmabaxoum .ostmnadrvouj;an a.o\;an me dar]au% gr;jh ocinc erau a[it;al gøtiin ;u a[ht;aln;roun whrq;re amoq;lou% minc n;rka\ na.agafe^ au;li lr=ouj;amb møt;zau a\s j[ja‘rarin% ba\z% na\a‘ koutakoua‘ kariqn;roun ou pafan=qn;roun% atonq k*;njadr;n ,at au;li la\n taro[ouj;amb% faso[ouj;amb ;u aragouj;amb ,ø,a';li iragor‘oumn;r! Âousio\ Da,nouj;an na.agaf Wlatimir "oujini Fa\astan a\z;louj;an a®a=in fangrouane Kiumrin ellale barazouzakan ch#^ baxmajiu ko[m;row! Qa[aqakani% ®axmawarakani ;u safmanapafakani ko[qin% na;u fa\r;nakan ;rkrord qa[aqe t;sn;l na. apafowoua‘ artaqin wtangn;rh% apa^ kaxdouroua‘ ir zau;rhn% \atkaphs ;rkra,arva\in t.our f;t;uanqn;rhn! :jh ®ous;roun (na;u ouri,n;roun) famar Kiumrin ®axmaqa[aqakan n,anakoujiun ouni% anor qa[aqakanouj;an ou qa[aqag;[;zkouj;an tpauoric fimq talou famar% partauoric h a[ht ;u a[it;al faskazo[oujiunn;re ;us w;razn;l% orphsxi kar;li ella\ es;l% jh an% irø*q% mo.irn;rhn ‘nound a®a‘ h% k;ndanaza‘ ;u a®o[=aza‘! Saka\n% a#\s \amraqa\louj;amb ;u joula,arvouj;amb% oroun akanat;s k*ella\ fa\ vo[owourde 25 tarih i w;r% amhn tarouan 7 D;kt;mb;rin w;r\i,;low xa\n% \arg;low xof;rou \i,atake% mincd;® ªk;ndani-xofº;re fanapaxør;a\ drouj;amb FO∞N ;n% isk ,at;r% Fa\astani jh S'iu®qi mh=% ke famar]akin es;l% jh ªau;roua‘ Kiumrin w;rakangna‘ hº! Fa\ vo[owourde% amhn tari% {araba[in famar ke kaxmak;rph .a\tab[ht ªj;l;jønºn;r% inc or gnafat;li ;u o[=oun;li h% saka\n% inco#u k*ant;souin Kiumrin ;u ir ,r=aka\qe% inco#u no\n ja'ow ci dimouir Kiumrii a[ht;aln;roun xørakz;lou a,.atanqin! C;nq oux;r a\l m;knabanoujiunn;rou mh= m.ryouil% saka\n% anbazatr;li anardaroujiun me ka\ ªbazød;a\º apro[ a[it;aln;roun nkatmamb% or% a®noua*xn% anfa\r;nakzakan ;u anmardka\in h! Ke \ousanq or^ minc;u \a®a=ika\ 7 D;kt;mb;r% ban me 'o.oua‘ k*ella\% orowf;t;u^ ;jh {araba[e m;r fogin h% Kiumrin^ m;r sirtn h% ardarørh∞n ou fauasaraph*s!

fa\fo\anq% fa\;rhn arta\a\toujiun me drazi .anoujpanin% jh a\s marde faun;r h apranqd% gin me tour (wstafabar \aya.orde fa\ chr ;u fa\;rhn chr fasknar)% ,hnq;rou pat;roun wra\ s;u s'rh\ow kardazi "F... Turkey"% isk ouri, t;[ me^ "Turkey you will pay"&&& ;u fasn;low Arm;nia ma\r po[ota\% kang a®inq Poury Famouti fam;[ ap.tawaya®i me .anoujin dimaz! Piti eshq no\n Poury Famoutn h! :s piti es;m au;lin! Qa[aqap;tarane lau gor‘ ke katarh! Qanin;r a\d masin arta\a\tou;zan! Karøtn hr% or xis tarau ou faszouz Libanan! Karøte% a\sørouan ba®apa,arow^ ªlizqauorouilº% charge ellal% incphs m;r ];®qi f;®a]a\nn;re&&& ;u ;s lizqauoroua‘ w;radar]a\% bari xgazoumn;row ;u bari ma[janqn;row! Libananhn staza‘ endfanour tpauoroujiuns a\n h% or minc;u a\n at;n% or Ph\rouji mh= \arab;rakan fandartoujiun ke tirh% m;r fa\ fama\nqe piti ,arounakh ir ka®o\zn;row go\at;u;l! "iunik;an Ph\rouje 'iuniki me nman ke ,arounakh paf;l dproz ;u ;k;[;zi% akoumb% m,ako\j ;u&&& qa[aqakan .a[;r! Tarb;r ca';row% jiuow nouax% saka\n no\n fauatqow ou axga\nasirouj;amb!


N:T OU A{:{ |a=ordiu^ :rkou girq ;u mhk ørazo\z Libananhn Los Any;les% |ounouar 18% 2014

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takauin dro,moua‘ ke mna\ boloris mtqin mh=% anor qa[aqaziakan pat;raxmi au;rn;rhn a®a=! Toqj& Grigor Atanal;an ;rkrord bana.øsn hr% or kary vamanakh i w;r ke gtnoui Los Any;les! Arf;stow an bvi,k h% n;rqin fiuandoujiunn;rou masnaght ;u fmtaza‘ srtabanouj;an mh=! An \aya.a‘ h Falhpi Laxar-Nayar;an% Galoust Kiulphnk;an ;rkrordakan warvarane ;u auarta‘ :r;uani p;takan famalsarane masnagitanalow bv,kakan asparhxin marmnakan n;rqin fiuandoujiunn;roun mh=! An ,arounaka‘ h ir masnagitoujiune na;u srtabanouj;an mh=% wka\ou;low 1984-in% ;u w;rada®nalow Falhp% ir ‘a®a\oujiunn;re n;rka\azn;low falhpafa\ ga[oujin minc;u a\sør! Toqj& Atanal;an ir axga\in ;u fasarakakan gor‘ounhoujiunn;re ke n;rka\aznh fa\ axgin% ir miouj;nakan ;u kousakzakan nouiroua‘ouj;amb% a,.atakz;low FBEMiouj;an% JMMiouj;an ;u Âamkawar Axatakan Kousakzouj;an gor‘ounhoujiunn;roun% faka®ak Sourio\ mh= tira‘ qa[aqakanouj;an! Toqj& Atanal;an ir .øsqin mh= na. n;rka\azouz Souriakan qa[aqakan kazoujiune% anor n;rqin .®owoujiunn;roun skxb-

nakan ,r=anin ‘a\r a®a‘ anfangstoujiunn;rn ou anor f;t;uanqow b®nka‘ qa[aqaziakan pat;raxmin manramasnoujiunn;re! Isk artaqin yakatin wra\% Enk& Toqj& Atanal;an% n;rka\azouz karg me far;uan ;rkirn;rou m;[sakzoujiune Sourio\ n;rka\ tagnapin a®ncouj;amb% oronq krønakan molouzqow frafr;zin% xinamj;rqow ;u niujaphs øvandak;zin ‘a\ra\;[ krønamoln;re orphsxi tapal;n Souriakan ka®awaroujiune% xa\n ;njaka\ dar]n;lou famar ir;nz qmafayo\qin! A\d ;rkirn;rhn gl.auorn;rhn ;n Jourqian% or minc;u a\sør% faka®ak ir ;rkrin mh= ‘a\r a®a‘ n;rqin .®owoujiunn;roun% artaqin qa[aqakan anka\oun kargawiyakin% takauin k∞a,.ati pat;raxmikn;r patrast;l ;u xin;l% xanonq [rk;low Souria! Jourqakan ga[tni banaki xinouorn;r% embostn;roun a=akzouj;amb% ardhn jalana‘ ;n Falhpi ;u anor ,r=ann;roun mh= gtnouo[ gor‘arann;re% 'o.adr;low xanonq Jourqia! Isk mi=axga\in g;tni wra\ ;[a‘ iradar]oujiunn;roun andrada®nalow% Toqj& Atanal;an n,;z jh \o\v kar;uor ;u tnt;sakan nvare ko[mnoro,o[ \a\tnab;roume ;[au nauja\in fska\akan pa,arn;rou go\oujiune% souriakan ‘ow;x;r;a\ a';roun% Mi=;rkrakan ‘owoun mh= 13 naujafor;rou farstouj;amb% oronq

piti g;raxanzhin no\nisk Qouh\ji naujafor;rou qanake! A\s \a\tnab;roume% patya® piti da®nar Sourio\ n;rka\ qa[aqaziakan pat;raxmin% k®oua.n]or da®nalow mi=axga\in fxør ouv;roun mi=;u% or takauin ke ,arounakh xangoua‘a\in au;rn;r gor‘;low ;rkrin mh=% xa\n g;tnin fauasar;zn;low% tnt;saphs a[qatazn;low ;rkire! Toqj& Atanal;an apa n;rka\azouz fa\ fama\nqin kazoujiune n;rka\ pa\mann;roun mh=! Falhpi fa\a,at ,at me ja[amas;r% manauand arouar]ann;rou ,r=ann;re% esau an% ardhn fa\aja'oua‘ ;n% anonz toun;re qandoua‘ ;n ;u bnakicn;re mnaza‘ antoun ou anpatspar! Anonzmh ba.tauorn;re% apastan gta‘ ;n ir;nz axgakann;roun møt% kam øgnoujiun ke stanan axgakizn;rh! <at;r% oronq karo[aza‘ ;n axatil n;rka\ kazouj;an arfauirqhn% ga[ja‘ ;n dhpi Fa\astan% :uropa% far;uan ;rkirn;r kam Am;rika! Falhpi k;dronakan ja[amas;re \arab;rabar au;li apafow ;n arouar]ann;rhn% saka\n \aya. anonq ;us k∞;njarkouin ®mbako‘ouj;an ;u gndakafarouj;an% xof;r patya®;low! Toqj& Atanal;an m;‘aphs gnafat;z Falhpi fa\ fama\nqin miasnakanouj;an ogin! An drouat;z fa\ fama\nqin miasnakan ogin% or mhkdi jo[;low \aranouanoujiun% patkan;lioujiun ;u a\l tarb;roujiunn;r% xirar

øgn;lou ;u an]naxofouj;an g;raxanz xarjønqe anonz fogin;roun mh=% manauand n;rka\ kazouj;an mh=% n;[ drouj;an matnoua‘ ;u øgnouj;an karøt fa\ordin;rou 'rkouj;an ke fasnin! An an.tir gnafat;z na;u bolor mioujiunn;rou% kousakzoujiunn;rou ;u manauand^ fa\ ;k;[;ziin tara‘ an‘a\ra‘ir ;u mafouan spa®naliqin dhm dra‘ ‘a®a\oujiunn;roun famar% oronq gi,;r-z;r;k% ant;s;low 'am'ou,tn;rou kam ®oumb;rou souloze% øgnouj;an ke 'oujan anpatspar fa\ordiin anmi=akan kariqn;roun ;u 'rkouj;an! G;[arou;stakan \a\tagrin mh= ;lo\j oun;zan Tik& Maral Osk;an% or enj;rz;z Xauhn >any;ani ªFalhp% A®a=in Ka\aranº girqhn ;rkou fatoua‘n;r% ;u >acik Nafap;t;an% or ;rg;z ;rkou axga\in ;rg;r% ª:rkir Fa\r;niº ;u ªM;r Fa\oz L;xounº! Fandisoujiune auart;zau fiurasirouj;amb% our n;rkan;re% takauin cbauararoua‘ n;rka\azoua‘ bana.øsoujiunn;rhn% ,arounak;zin ir;nz mt;rmik xro\ze% srafin mh= .oumb;rou bavnoua‘% kis;lou famar kar‘iqn;r% ;u au;lin^ falhpafa\ouj;an øgnouj;an 'oujalou yanaparfn;rou oronman ;u mi=ozn;rou .orfrdakzoujiunn;row! J[jakiz I

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rou mh= enj;rzanouj;an f;t kapoua‘ mjnolortin! W;ro\i,;al a,.atanqn;roun f;t xougaf;® ;u fimnou;low anonzmh b.o[ ardiunqn;roun wra\% phtq h kaxmak;rp;l ‘ragroua‘ a,.atawarvanist;r (workshops) ou[[oua‘^ ‘no[n;roun% ousouzic-ousouzcoufin;roun% gradaranap;t;roun ;u 'oqrikn;roun f;t a,.ato[ a\l anfatn;roun! :rb 'oqrikn;re kou gan enj;rzasirouj;an mjnolorth xourk toun;rh% anonz grayanacoumi ;u enj;rzasirouj;an ‘anøjanalou a®ije piti \;ta]goui minc;u ir;nz dproz moutq gor‘;le% our dar];al ,at me paragan;roun^ farzakan ke mna\ a\s ou[[ouj;amb katarouo[ y,grit a,.atanqe! F;t;uabar^ manouke xerkoua‘ piti ella\ girn ou girqe sir;lou a®ijhn% ir k;anqi skxbnakan ,at kar;uor tarin;roun! :jh k∞oux;nq bar;'o.;l a\s t.our irawiyake ;u manoukin a®ije tal lauago\ns øgtou;lou enj;rzasirouj;an kapou;lou a\d ,at k;nsakan tarin;rhn% fimnakan 'o'o.oujiunn;rou phtq h ];®nark;nq ;u 'or];nq ‘no[n;rn ou ousouzic-ousouzcoufin;re ousouzan;l ;u marx;l a\d ou[[ouj;amb! Anonz phtq h troui bolor kar;uor t;[;koujiunn;rn ou ®axmawarakan mi=ozn;re% orphsxi karo[anan xanonq i gor‘ dn;l^ enj;rzashr s;roundn;r patrast;lou famar! 1&- ’no[n;rou ou[[oua‘ warvanist;re phtq h nkati oun;nan f;t;u;al kht;re% a&- K;nsakan git;liqn;r 'o.anz;l ‘no[n;roun% ir;nz 'oqrikn;roun yi,d l;xouamta‘o[oujiun sorw;zn;lou! b&- Ousouzan;l ‘no[n;roun% jh kardale ke sksi manoukin ‘noundhn ;u jh orqa@n kar;uor h patmoujiunn;r kardal 'oqrikn;roun! g&- Enj;rzanouj;an i#nc niuj;r entr;l d&- Incph#s kardal 'oqrikn;roun ;&- O#ur ;u ;#rb kardal 'oqrikn;roun x&- Incph#s qa=al;r;l 'oqrikn;re or ir;nz mitq;re gr;low ;u g‘;low arta\a\t;n! h&- Incph#s 'oqrikn;roun f;t .a[alou vamanak tramadr;l% or m;‘ npast ke b;rh xargazn;lou anonz l;xoun ;u fa[ordakzouj;an kar;lioujiunn;re! 2&- Ousouzic-ousouzcoufin;roun ou[[oua‘ warvanist;re phtq h nkati oun;nan f;t;u;al kht;re&a&- St;[‘;l ;u gor‘a‘;l fa\;rhn dasagirqi \arakiz (supplementary) enj;rzanouj;an grqo\kn;r% ;u a\l mi=ozn;r^ mankaparthxi ;u na.akrjarani makardaki \armar! b&- St;[‘;l% xargazn;l ;u gor‘a‘;l vamanakakiz grakanoujiun% oroun mh= m;‘ t;[ ke grau;n 'oqrikin enk;ra\in ;u xgazakan ]irq;re ;u ir qnna-

datakan mta‘o[oujiune (critical thinking) xargazno[ niuj;r! g&- Xgou,anal dasaranin .øsakzouj;anz a®anzqe ellalh% a\l jo\l tal 'oqrikn;roun% or axatørhn arta\a\t;n ir;nz mitq;re ;u qa=al;r;l xanonq! d&- "oqrikn;roun ko[mh ,at siroua‘ jatronn ou .amayike øgtagor‘;l% n;r- mou‘;low xa\n dastiarakcakan a,.atanqin mh=! An ir ou[[aki n;rdroume ouni 'oqrikin enj;rzasirouj;an mh= ;rb manauand ir;nz tramadroui ir;nz t;sa‘ .amayiki kam jatroni niujin grqo\kn;re! ;&- Sorw;zn;l m,ako\ji endmh=hn% a\sinqn^ gor‘a‘;l nkarcoujiun% ;rg% ]a\na;rix ou t;sa;rix oronz yi,d øgtagor‘oume dar];al ke npasth 'oqrikin% xa\n qa=al;r;low gr;lou ;u kardalou ir t;sa‘n ou lsa‘e! x&- Ousouzic-ousouzcoufin;re øvt;l w;ro\i,;al kht;roun gor‘adroujiune ousouzano[ ;u zouzmounqn;r touo[ girq;row ;u a[biurn;row! Girq;rou go\oujiune m;‘aphs ka.;al h anonz st;[‘a‘ pafan=qhn! Tariqa\in .oumb;rou f;t \armaro[ fa\;rhn l;xouow groua‘ qa,o[akan ;u f;taqrqrakan girq;rou cgo\oujiune ir v.takan axd;zoujiune ouni fa\;rhn enj;rzasirouj;an xargazoumin wra\! Miouj;nakan jh anfatakan fratarakcatoun;rn ou f;[inakn;re phtq h nkati oun;nan a\s paragan! Girq st;[‘;lh au;li kar;uor h^ yi*,d grakanoujiun st;[‘;le! Lau k∞ella\ øgtouil ar;umt;an a,.arfin a\s da,tin mh= katara‘ 'or]hn ;u anonz frapouric ou øgtakar mankakan fratarakoujiunn;rhn! Apa jh oc^ fa\;rhn girq;roun m;‘amasnoujiune piti fratarakoui fratarakou;lou siro\n ;u i xour piti ;rjan anor famar tramadra‘ mardouve% vamanake ;u manauand niujakane! M;rør;a\ 'oqrikn;roun ou[[oua‘ grakanoujiune phtq h artazolaznh anonz vamanakakiz enk;ra\in% mta\in ;u m,akouja\in phtq;re! Isk niuj;re ellan imastaliz ;u øgta,at ;u andrada®nan m;rør;a\ kar;uor enk;ra\in arvhqn;roun% incphs^ gor‘akzouj;an ogi% ‘aga‘ farz;rou .a[a[ lou‘oum% patas.anatououj;an gitakzoujiun% fandourvo[akanoujiun% ;ua\ln! Am;nakar;uore^ l;xoun phtq h ella\ fasknali% orphsxi diuraznh 'oqrikin ir kardaza‘ girqhn enkala‘ t;[;koujiunn;re ir f;rjin øgtagor‘;lou ir amhnør;a\ .øsakzouj;an% mta‘;lak;rpin ;u warou;lak;rpin mh=! Ganq a\l k;nsakan farzi me& fratarakouj;amb xba[o[ ko[m;re phtq h lauat;[;ak ellan waya®ounakoumi (marketing) bolor mi=ozn;roun ;u git;liqn;roun% amhn a®ijow gor‘i dn;low xanonq!


mar% apa s;[ann;re ørfn;z throunakan a[øjqow% frauir;low n;rkan;re ya,ak;lou fa\kakan .ofanozin patrasta‘ fam;[ ya,;re! Dokt& Silwa Gara\;an .øsq a®au n;rka\azn;lou famar ir før^ 100-am;a\ \au;rv ;ritasard% A\njapzin;rou nafap;t ;rkaram;a\ dastiarak ;u axga\in gor‘ic tiar :rouand Papa\;ani .øsqe namaki me mi=ozau% orowf;t;u an chr karo[aza‘ n;rka\ gtnouil fandisouj;an a®o[=akan patya®n;row! Dokt& Gara\;an ir før o[=o\nn;re 'o.anz;z n;rkan;roun% ,norfauor;low ;rkou m;‘ar;aln;re% Tik& ~;rman;ann ou Prn& Ararat;ane! };®narki enjazqin t;[i oun;zau g;[arou;stakan yo. \a\tagir% our ;lo\j oun;zau Sona Au;tis;anin para.oumbe naxani par;rou 'oun=ow ;u St;'an |owakim;ane xouarya.øsouj;an fay;li paf me st;[‘;low n;rkan;roun mh=! Tik& Gojo\;an angl;rhn l;xouow n;rka\azouz Tik& F;rminh Wardan;an ~;rman;anin k;nsagrakane% ormh ;tq m;‘ar;ale b;m frauirou;zau gnafatagir \ou,ata.taki \an]noumin ;u ir srti .øsqin famar! An .orin ,norfakaloujiun \a\tn;z warcouj;an ;u n;rkan;roun ir;nz ta‘a‘ \arganqin ;u gnafatanqin famar! |a=ord m;‘ar;aln hr prn& Masis Ararat;ane! Miouj;an warcakan% yartaraght Sargis Palmanouk;an n;rka\azouz prn& Ararat;ane% k;anqi skxbnakan ,r=anhn sks;al% our fasak a®a‘ hr Falhpi mh=% ousouzicn;r oun;nalow Andranik

Isk O#w Piti Enh A\s Bolore Patas.an;lou famar a\s farzin% na. piti ,;,t;m jh kar;nalou famar oun;nal \arayoun ;u ,arounakakan mardka\in xargazoum (Sustainable Human Development)% axg me kariqn ouni P;touj;an ;u fasarakakan ou anfatakan fastatoujiunn;roun% oronq ;rb;mn ];®q ];®qi talow% ,at \aya. al irar ambo[=azn;low^ satar;n ir;nz vo[owourdi xargazman! I cgo\oujiun ªS'iu®qafa\ P;touj;anº% a\s farzi lou‘man na.a];®no[n;re phtq h ellan fa\kakan fastatoujiunn;rn ou mioujiunn;re^ ir;nz n;rka\azouza‘ axga\in-;k;[;zakanfasarakakan kaxmak;rpoujiunn;row ;u lratouakan mi=ozn;row (media)% incphs na;u m;nq^ orphs girow% grakanouj;amb ;u s;roundn;rou dastiarakouj;amb xba[ouo[ anfatn;r% iuraqanciurs ir karo[oujiunn;row ;u fmtoujiunn;row% or bnau c;n paksir% ;jh an,ou,t yi,d ];uow øgtagor‘ouin! A\o*% m;nq ouninq ouv;r ;u arvhqn;r% oronq m;-

’a®ouk;anin nman .ro.t axga\in dastiarakn;r% entr;low ;rgi‘ankarcoujiune orphs k;anqi asparhx% qnnadatouj;an arvananalow ‘no[qin ko[mh% orowf;t;u fa\ entaniqn;rou møt nman k;anqi asparhxn;r ];®ntou chin nkatouhr entaniqi aprousti apafowman famar! :u saka\n Ararat;an \a=o[;zau ir k;anqi entra‘ ou[iin mh=% a,.atakz;low Sourio\% Libanani ;u Miaz;al Nafangn;roun mh=% fa\ ;u øtar mamouln;roun% amhn ør% amhn ,abaj fasarakouj;an n;rka\azn;low ir ;rgi‘ankarn;rou tara'e% qnnadat;lou kam gnafat;lou famar ir grici faroua‘in ;njarkoua‘ anfate kam anor ararqe! Ararat;an a\vm k∞a,.atakzi Los Any;lesi mh= lo\s t;sno[ ªAsparhxº øraj;rjin! Palmanouk;ani .øsq;rhn ;tq b;m frauirou;zau Masis Ararat;an stanalou famar ir gnafatanqi \ou,ata.take% ormh ;tq% inq ;us ir srti .øsqe n;rka\azouz ,norfakaloujiun \a\tn;low A\njapzin;rou M,akouja\in Miouj;an ;u anor warcouj;an andamn;roun! Tik& Jagoufi Arxouman;an fmtørhn war;z fandisoujiune m;rj end m;rj n;rka\azn;low q;rjoua‘n;rou asmounqn;r% andrada®nalow na;u a,.arfatara‘ A\njapzin;rou b;ra‘ øgta,at ‘a®a\oujiunn;roun fa\kakan axga\in ;u fasarakakan marx;roun mh=! Arxouman;an fandisoujiune 'ak;z n;rkan;roun ,norfakaloujiun \a\tn;low! J[jakiz I

‘aphs krnan satar;l a\s ;u nman farz;rou lou‘man! Saka\n o#ur ;n anonq! Patmakanørhn^ fa\;rs baza®ik karo[oujiune ouninq n;[azn;lou ou .rtc;zn;lou m;r fanyarn;rn ou arvhqn;re% oronq ,at \aya. fa\ouj;an mh= gor‘;lada,t cgtn;low ;u kam srtn;[a‘^ ke 'nt®;n ou ke gtn;n øtar da,t;r% our k∞a,.atin ou ke 'a\lin orphs anfat a,.arfaqa[aqazin;r ;u bnakanabar a\l;us fa\ c;n mnar! Ouninq na;u a\l moloujiun me% orn h t;[ tal mi=akoujiunn;roun% oronzmow dvba.tabar qic baza®ouj;amb ke [;kawarouin m;r axga\in ;u krjakan fastatoujiunn;re patya® da®nalow anonz ]a.o[ouj;an! A\s moloujiune ;jh csrbagroui^ arvhqauor t[aq piti ,arounak;n ;rjal a,.at;lou øtar da,t;roun mh=^ 'a®q ou patiu stanalou lour= ampionn;rou wra\ isk fa\kakan fastatoujiunn;re piti ckar;nan katar;l ir;nz wstafoua‘ lour= d;re! I

N.O. January 23, 2014, No. 4:N.O. Blank


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NOR ØR% |OUNOUAR 23% 2014

2013-I MARXAKAN AKNJARJN:RE ªNOR ØRºI MARXAKAN H+:ROUM (Skixbe m;r j;rji na.ord famarn;roum) |OULIS • :uropa\i ;ritasardakan a®a=noujiunoum axat oyi embi, Karap;t Cal;ane (74 qk&) nouay;z a.o\;ani tit[ose! • W;n;xou;la\oum anzkazoua‘ sambo\i a,.arfi gauaji f;rjakan 'ouloum Maurik Nasip;ane (74 qk&) \a[jo[ yanacou;z% isk Dauij Grigor;ane (90 qk&) dar]au 2-rd mrzanakir! • G;rmanian n;rka\azno[ Siuxi K;ntik;ane 'o.wrhv m;namartoum \a[j;low AMN n;rka\azno[ Karina Mor;no\in w;radar]r;z WBA-i a.o\;anakan gøtin! • Fama,.arfa\in ousano[akan .a[;roum b®nzqamartikn;r Arjour Qira=;ane (64 qk&)% Mi,a Alo\;ane (ÂD% 51 qk&) dar]an ar‘ajh% isk F;nrik Moko\;ane (56 qk&)^ pronxh m;talakirn;r! Yiuto\ist^ ølimpiakan a.o\;an Arshn Galst;ane (ÂD) (60 qk&) a\s angam bauararou;z ar‘ajh m;talow! Axat oya\in Dauij Sa`ar;ane (66 qk&) arvanazau ar‘ajh m;tali! Sambist Tigran Kirakos;ane (52 qk&)% m;r fauaqakani famar nouay;z oskh m;tal! |ounaf®omhakan oyi embi, Maqsim Manouk;ane (84 qk&) ;u ,a.matist Xauhn Andrhas;ane arvanazan ar‘ajh m;tali! Ar‘ajh m;tali arvanazau na;u \ounaf®omhakan oyi embi, Arjour Al;qsan;ane (96 qk&)% isk Arshn +oul`alak;ane (74 qk&)^ pronxh m;tali! Pronxh m;talakirn;r dar]an sambistn;r Mf;r Karap;t;ane (82 qk&) ;u |akob A®aq;l;ane (100 qk&)! • Axat oyi emb,amarti :uropa\i a®a=noujiunoum Ara |owfannis;ane (55 qk&)% Arhn Al;qsan;ane (66 qk&)% <amir Aj;ane (84 qk&) ;u Wiqjor >axi,wilin (96 qk&) dar]an pronxh m;talakirn;r! • :uropa\i j;j;u ajl;tika\i patan;kan a®a=noujiunoum 18-am;a\ L;uon A[as;ane ;®azatki mrzoumn;roum zo\z talow 16&01 m;jr ardiunq f®cakou;z :uropa\i a.o\;an! • :urogauajn;rin masnakzo[ fa\kakan bolor `oujpola\in jim;re dours mnazin \;taga\ pa\qariz! ØGOSTOS • FF `oujpoli axga\in fauaqakane Tirana\oum 0-2 fa,ouwo xi=;z Alpania\i entranoun! • Poulkaria\oum anzkazoua‘ axat oyi emb,amarti a,.arfi ;ritasardakan a®a=noujiunoum Karhn Aslan;ane (60 qk&) ;u Karap;t Cal;ane (74 qk&) dar]an :uropa\i a.o\;ann;r% isk ÂD-n n;rka\azno[ Âoubhn Minas;ane^ ar‘ajh m;talakir! Axat oya\inn;ri pa\qaroum 96 qk& qa,a\in Wiqjor Kaxi,wilin arvanazau ar‘ajh% isk Artak |owfannis;ane (55 qk&)^ pronxh m;tali! • Øgostosi 15-in fa\ anouani mtauorakan `oujpolist |owsh' Asatr;ane dar]au 90 tar;kan! • S;rpia\oum auartoua‘ \ounaf®omhakan emb,amarti a,.arfi patan;kan a®a=noujiunoum Fa\astane nouay;z ;rkou pronxh m;tal! M;talakirn;r dar]an Slawik Galst;ane (42 qk&) ;u Koriun Amir;ane (63 qk&)! • Arjour Abrafame 12 ®aountanoz m;namartoum miauorn;row \a[j;z Wilb;`ors <f;po\in! • B®nzqamarti :uropa\i ;ritasardakan a®a=noujiunoum FF n;rka\azouzic Go® +;r;lik;ane (69 qk&) arvanazau ar‘ajh% isk F;nrik Sargs;ane (81 qk&) pronxh m;tali! • Grosma\st;r Lilij Mkrtc;ane :uropa\i kananz anfatakan a®a=noujiunoum nouay;z pronxh m;tal! • FF pasq;jpoli axga\in fauaqakane




:r;uanoum anzkazr;z ousoumnamarxakan fauaq ;u ;rkør;a\ a\zow m;kn;z Arza.! (Mnaz;ale \a=ord jiuow)

NA>APATRASTUOUM H MARTOUNOU ªALA<K:RTEº Incphs githq 2013-in Martounou ªAla,k;rteº ;xra'ak;z FF bar]rago\n .mbi a,nana\in ,r=ani a®a=nouj;an a[iusake! Jimoum katarou;zin m;‘ 'o'o.oujiunn;r! |ounouari 17-in% Auani `oujpoli akad;mia\oum ka\azau ªAla,k;rtiº baz marxoume% oriz \;to\ jimi gl.auor marxic Armhn Giulbouda[\;anze patas.an;z lragro[n;ri farz;rin ;u patm;z jimi a®a=ika\ npatakn;ri ;u ‘ragr;ri masin! Giulbouda[\;azn andradar]au na;u ªAla,k;rtoumº t;[i oun;za‘ baxmajiu 'o'o.oujiunn;rin! ª|ounouari 7-19-e marxuoum hinq Auani `oujpoli akad;mia\oum% oriz \;to\ ;rk,abaj;a\ ousoumnamarxakan fauaqi ke m;kn;nq Anjalia% ort;[ ;r;q enk;rakan fandipoum k*aznazn;nq% oriz \;to\ ";trouari 3-in ke w;rada®nanq :r;uan! :rkrord ousoumnamarxakan fauaqe krkin k*anzkazn;nq Anjalia\oum% our ke m;kn;nq ";trouari 10-in ;u ardhn cors enk;rakan fandipoum k*oun;nanq! ";trouari 21-in ke w;rada®nanq Fa\astan ;u a\st;[ ke patrastou;nq Marti 2-in ªOulisiº f;t ka\analiq 15-rd mrza'ouli fandipmane! ªAla,k;rteº famalrou;l h 9 nor `oujpolistn;row% bazi a\d% a®a=ika\oum ;us% ;r;q l;gion;rn;r ke mianan m;x! Nranziz mhke pa,tpan h% mhke^ kisapa,tpan% miuse^ \ar]akouo[! Bazi a\d banakzoum ;nq ;us 4 fa\ `oujpolistn;ri f;t! Im a®a=na\in npatake ka\oun% ir .a[aoyow% ouv;[ bnauorouj;amb jim st;[‘;ln h! :jh a\s \atkani,n;re lin;n% wstaf ;m% or ardiunqn;rn ir;nz ;rkar spas;zn;l c;n ta\! ªAla,k;rt-2ºi f;t kapoua‘% n,;m% or 'or]oum ;nq jime famalr;l 15-16 tar;kan `oujpolistn;row% orphsxi mi qani tari anz karo[ananq apauin;l m;r t[an;rin! |;taga\i famar mankapatan;kan dproz fimn;lou na.agi‘ ;us ka\º& au;lazr;z Armhn Giul bouda[\;aze!

FA|KAKAN ~OUJPOLI >YANKAR • Irani fauaqakani gl.auor marxci øgnakan Margar A[a=an;ane n,;l h% or iranafa\;re m;‘ f;taqrqrouj;amb ;n f;t;uoum G;rmanoa\i Bound;sliga\in a\n baniz \;to\% ;rb F;nri. M.ijar;ane famalr;z Dortmoundi ªBorousia\iº ,arq;re! Irani fa\;re m;‘ oura.ouj;amb ;n spasoum ªBorousia\iº iuraqanciur fandipman ;u \aya. ªAraratº m;r]auanoum miasin ditoum ;n M.ijar;ani ;lo\jn;re% par‘;noum ;n nranow ;u ,at ;n oura.anoum nra .a[ow ;u ,norfauoroum ;n F;nri.in% or na karo[az;l h a\dqan a®a= gnal! • {axa.akan ªAktob;nº% ori kaxmoum fandhs ;n galis FF fauaqakani `oujpolistn;r Âob;rt Arxouman;ane% L;uon Fa\rap;t;ane ;u Markos Pix;lin% |ounouari 16-in Jourqia\oum% 2-1 fa,ouow \a[j;l h ªAnkaragiu=ouº jimin!

• ~I~A-n fraparak;l h axga\in fauaqakann;ri warkani,a\in nor a[iusake! FF fauaqakane nafan=;l h ;r;q forixonakanow ;u xba[;znoum h 38-rd t;[e! A[iusaki a®a=in 25 t;[;roum 'o'o.oujiunn;r c;n granzou;l! • ªIm fandhp^ m;‘ akoumbn;ri zouzab;rouo[ f;taqrqroujiunn% ifarkh% fay;li h! Ba\z ;s nouiroua‘ ;m ªSpartakinº ;u in]% n;rka\oums% dour h galis fandhs gal a\d jimoum! <at ;m zankanoum jimis f;t da®nal a®a=nouj;an \a[jo[ ;u endfanraphs% c;m mta‘oum inc-or ouri, akoumb t;[a'o.ou;lou masin! Nman ‘ragr;r coun;mº& n,;l h :oura Mowsis;ane! • FF ;ritasardakan fauaqakani ;u Giumrii ª<irakiº \;nakhta\in kisapa,tpan Karhn Mourat;ane sks;l h 'or]a,r=an anzn;l l;fakan ªÂou.º jimoum% orn enjanoum h a®a=nouj;an 5-rd t;[oum! Mourat;ane masnakz;l h ªKatowizhiº dhm enk;rakan .a[in% a®anz 'o.arinman% orn auartou;l h 0-0 fa,ouow! • ~ransia\i liga\i gauaji .a[arkouj;an qa®ord ;xra'akicoum Mi,hl Thr-Xaqar;ani gl.auora‘ ªNanteº s;'akan \arki tak 4-3 fa,ouow kama\in \a[janak tøn;z ªNiza\iº nkatmamb ;u dours ;kau kisa;xra'akic!

ÂONALDOUN ARVANAZAU ªOSKH GNDAKINº Matriti ªÂhaliº 'orjougalazi \ar]akouo[ Kri,tianou Âonaldoun yanacou;z a,.arfi lauago\n `oujpolist ;u parg;uatrou;z ªOskh gndakºow! Na a\d parg;uin arvanazau ;rkrord angam (a®a=ine^ 2008-in)! Âonaldoun g;raxanz;z ~ranq Âib;riin ;u Lion;l M;siin! 2013-in Âonaldoun m;‘aphs npast;l hr "orjougalia\i fauaqakani^ 2014 j& a,.arfi a®a=nouj;an ;xra'akici ou[;gir nouay;loun!

<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • Folandia\i Wh\k an X;h qa[aqoum auartin møt;zo[ mrza,aroum \a=o[ h fandhs galis fa\kakan ,a.mati a®a=atar L;uon Aron;ane% ow 8 mrza'ouliz \;to\ 6&5 miauorow a®a=atarn h! L;uone \a[j;l h Karouana\in% Nakamoura\in% Na\dicin% So\in ;u oc-oqi h .a[az;l Farikri,na\i ;u Âapporti% G;l`andi ;u Tirii f;t! 9-rd mrza'ouloum L;uone spitakn;row fandip;lou h Kariakini f;t ow 0&5 miauorow ;t h ir;niz! • :r;uanoum auartou;z FF t[amardkanz ;u kananz a®a=noujiunn;re! T[amardkanz a®a=oujiunoum 9 fnarauoriz wastak;low 6&5 miauor a.o\;an f®ackou;z Tigran Qojan=;ane! No\nqan miauorow 2-rd t;[e grau;z Âob;rt |owfannis;ane% ow \a[jo[in xi=;z lrazouzic zouzani,n;row! 5&5-akan miauorow 3-rd% 4-rd t;[;re bavan;zin Arman "a,ik;ane ;u Au;tiq Grigor;ane! Ardhn na.kin a.o\;an Tigran L& P;tros;ane 4 miauorow xba[;zr;z 8-rd t;[e! Kananz a®a=noujiunoum miangamiz 3 ,a.matistoufin;r <ou,anna Sargs;ane% Maria Ghorg;ane ;u Siranou, {oukas;ane wastak;zin 7-akan miauor! Lrazouzic zouzani,n;row f®ackou;z <ou,anna Sargs;an% 2-rd t;[oumn h Maria Ghorg;ane! Anz;al taroua\ a.o\;anoufi Anna Fa\rap;t;ane 5 miauorow 6-rdn hr!

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