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PanARMENIAN.Net - |ounouar 30-in Spitak Tan ka\qh=i mh= x;t;[oua‘ .ndragire koc k*enh Øpama\in yancnal Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune! >ndragire x;t;[oua‘ h AMN na.agafi a,.atakaxmi ka\qi ªWe the Peopleº bavnin mh=! >ndragiri mh= masnauoraphs k*esoui& ªV.tman 99 tari% 1&5 mln& spannoua‘ fa\;r! 1915 jouakani
Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune d;® ch yanczoua‘º! Minc;u enjazik taroua\ Marti 1-e .ndragire phtq h 100 faxar storagroujiun fauaqh% faka®ak paraga\in AMN i,.anoujiunn;re a\d farze c;n qnnark;r! Incphs ir ka\qh=i mh= gra‘ h t;[;katououj;an anwtangouj;an 'or]aght Samouhl Martiros;ane% no\n øre^ |ounouar 30-in% am;rikafa\ouj;an na.a];®nouj;amb Jouij;ri mh= ka\azau Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an w;rab;r;al ousouzo[akan gra®oumn;r j;ma\i w;rab;r;al fandipoum^ øgtagor‘;low Armenian Genocide pitake! Orphs f;t;uanq% a\n dar]au am;naqnnarkouo[n;rhn mhke AMN-i mh=!
S:RV SARGS:AN& ªM:NQ KARO{ :NQ LIN:L KAPO{ KAMOUR+º P;takan a\zow C;.ia\i Fanrap;toujiunoum gtnouo[ Na.agaf S;rv Sargs;ane ;u C;.ia\i Fanrap;touj;an Na.agaf Milo, X;mann C;.ia\i ardiunab;rouj;an ;u a®;utri na.araroujiunoum masnakz;l ;n fa\c;.akan gor‘arar famavo[owin% t;[;kaznoum ;n Fa\astani na.agafi lratouakan ‘a®a\oujiuniz! Est a[biuri% na.agafn;re
o[=oun;l ;n nman ];uaca'ow gor‘ararn;ri fandipoume ;u dra <ar& h= 4
Fa\astani møt AMN d;span Yon F;`;rne FF qa[aqazin;roun dima‘ h fa\;rhn ou[;r]ow^ \atkaphs n,;low% or a\souf;t;u piti a,.ati au;li ,at fa\;rhn .øsil! Ir ou[;r]i mh= AMN d;spane ke \stakaznh d;spanatan a,.atanqn;rou ou[[oujiune^ ";trouarin! An fa\;rhn ir ou[;r]i mh=% masnauoraphs% ke \a\tnh& ªA\s tari k*oux;m au;li ,at .øsil fa\;rhn! ";trouarin d;spanatan ‘ragirn;rou mh= k*endgrkoui fa,mandamoujiun oun;zo[ mardkanz irauounqn;rou niuje! Vo[owrdawarouj;an mh= ,at kar;uor h anonz^ fasarakouj;an mh= n;ra®man farze! Anka. s;®hn% tariqhn% axga\in patkan;liouj;nhn% fa,mandamouj;nhn% krønhn kam s;®akan ko[mnoro,oumhn% an]e phtq h irauounq oun;na\
masnakz;lou qa[aqakan% fasarakakan ;u tnt;sakan k;anqin! Miaz;al Nafangn;re% orphs Fa\astani gor‘enk;r% patrast h .jan;l vo[owrdawarakan arvhqn;re% orphsxi fnarauoroujiunn;r st;[‘ouin bolorin famar! <at ,norfakaloujiun% \o\sow ;m ke fandipinq Twitter-i ;u Facebookºi mh=!
G:RMANIA|I >ORFRDARANOUM HRTO{ANIN KOC :N AR:L YANAC:L FA|OZ Z:{ASPANOUJIUNE :U N:RO{OUJIUN >NDR:L G;rmania\i >orfrdarani ªQriston;a\-D;mokratakanº Kou sakzouj;an patgamauor Hrika <th\npa.e Jourqia\i warcap;t Â;=h' Ja\i' Hrto[anin koc h ar;l yanac;l fa\;ri ;u asorin;ri dhm irakanazra‘ Z;[aspanoujiune ;u n;ro[oujiun .ndr;l! G;rmanakan Deutsche Welle-i jourqakan ‘a®a\ouj;an 'o.anzmamb^ Hrika <th\npa.e% dim;low Jourqia\i warcap;t Hrto[anin% as;l h& ªKoc ;m anoum fravarou;l sraniz 99 tari a®a= Øsman;an ka\sroujiunoum :ritjourqakan i,.anoujiunn;ri vamanaka,r=anoum kira®a‘ Z;[aspanoujiune v.t;louz! 20-rd dari a®a=in Z;[aspa-
nouj;an xof;ri faraxatn;riz n;ro[oujiun .ndr;lou ;u .a[a[ouj;an ];®q m;kn;lou vamanake wa[ouz ;k;l ;u no\nisk anz;l h! Phtq h t;sn;l irakanoujiune ;u jourqakan patmouj;an a\d vamanakafatoua‘e phtq h n;ra®;l dasagrq;roumº% as;l h Hrika <th\npa.e!
Anz;al Cor;q,abji ;r;ko\;an Libanani fa\oz j;mi a®a=nordaranin mh= t;[i oun;zau Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100-am;aki Libanani K;dronakan Marmini endla\noua‘ niste! Nistin masnakz;zan Libanani fa\ a®aq;lakan% kajo[ikh ;u au;taranakan \aranoua-
Fa\astani Axga\in anwtangouj;an ‘a®a\oujiune fraparak;z Fa\astani mh= qa[aqakan apastan .ndra‘ atrph\yanzi 5 foginoz entaniqi andamn;roun anounn;re! Axga\in anwtangouj;an ‘a®a\oujiune \a\tarar;z% or entaniqe oro,oum toua‘ h Fa\astani mh= apastan gtn;l^ atrph\yanakan \atouk ‘a®a\oujiunn;roun ko[mh yn,man ;njarkou;loun patya®ow! ª|ounouar 29-in fa\-wrazakan ªBagrata,hnº fskic-anzagra\in
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NOR ØR% ":TROUAR 6% 2014
|akob Martiros;an >MBAGRAKAN KAXM^
Dokt& Minas Goya\;an Sargis |& Minas;an Frac S;';jy;an >acik Yano\;an MARXAKAN BAVUN^
Au;tis Ba\ram;an WARCAKAN KAXM^
Toqj& Âa``i Pal;an Ghorg Grigor;an Karø Giu'hl;an Andranik A`ar;an
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E- Mail: nor-or@sbcglobal.net Dauan;low ®amkawarakan skxbounqn;r% ke fauatanq baxmakar‘ouj;an ;u axat .øsqi irauounqi% f;t;uabar% fraparakoua‘ groujiunn;re anpa\man c;n arta\a\t;r .mbagrouj;ans t;sakhte! Kamqh anka. patya®n;row sprda‘ wripakn;rou famar k*apauininq m;r a,.atakizn;roun ;u enj;rzo[n;roun n;ro[amtouj;an! Nor Or Weekly is published weekly, except two weeks in AUGUST Nor Or Publishing Association, Inc. 1901 N. Allen Ave., Altadena, CA 91001 Annual Subscription rates: As of June 1st, 2007 U.S.A. 2nd Class: West Coast $75 2nd Class: East Coast $85
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92-AM:AK 1922-2013
:jh pat;f a®ije oun;naq a,.arfi a[qatn;roun ;u faroustn;roun sand[ake ousoumnasir;lou% piti t;snhq jh ;rkrord \arki sand[aki me kariqe ouninq kar;nal n;rka\azn;lou famar faroustin ;u a[qatin mic;u go\oujiun oun;za‘ tarb;roujiunn;re! :jh nkati a®n;nq mi=in fa,ouow% amsakan 4-5 faxar tolar a,.atawar] stazo[ anfat me% or n;rka\ tnt;sakan pa\mann;roun mh=% ;u gor‘athr;rou ,arounakabar \au;l;al ;u b;®zoua‘ pafan=qn;re amhn gnow iragor‘o[ a,.atauore% an gofaza‘ piti ellar a\d a,.atawar]hn% a\n wa.ow jh krnar gor‘h ar]akouil! Dramatirakan kargin mh=% gor‘athre^ ir gor‘athri fog;banouj;amb% mi,t k∞aknkalh ir framann;rou ansakark ;u anmi=akan gor‘adroujiune% a®anz nkati a®n;lou or;uh gor‘auori a®o[=akan% entan;kan kam a\l kariqn;rou paragan;r! An k∞aknkalh na;u jh^ gor‘auore phtq h pafan=h% a\s paraga\in^ .ndrh% ir pafan=qe gor‘athrhn% ellan anonq a,.atawar]i \au;loumn;r% kam a\l pafan=qn;r! :u saka\n% or;uh s.al arta\a\toujiun kam møt;zman k;rp% krna\ faka®ak ardiunq jo[oul pa,tøn;a\in pafan=qin wra\! Our;mn^ nkati oun;nalow a\s kazoujiune% k∞;xrakazn;nq jh pa,tøn;an gof piti ellar ir staza‘ a,.atawar]hn% ;jh an,ou,t cimanar jh^ ir amsakan a,.atawar]e famaxør hr ir gor‘atiro= fauanabar^ ;rkwa\rk;anakan% wa\rk;anakan kam vamakan a,.atawar]in! 1976 jouin% ;rb anfati me mi=in ,abjakan a,.atawar]e 150 tolar hr% nauji enk;roujiunn;rou bar]r makardaki pa,tøn;a\i me vamakan a,.atawar]e anor qa®apatikn hr! Isk a\sør% nkati a®n;low k;anqi s[aye fam;matabar 1976 jouakanin% ;jh a\d no\n a,.atawar]e krknapatkoua‘% ;®apatkoua‘ kam qa®apatkoua‘ ella\ mi=in fa,ouow a,.atauorin møt% ;r;uaka\;zhq orqanow baxmapatkoua‘ krna\ ellal faroustin møt! A,.arfi ;r;sin a\sør go\oujiun ounin b®natirakan% dramatirakan% enk;rwarakan kam a\l ªtirakanº kam ªwarakanº ka®awaroujiunn;r! 1917-in st;[‘oua‘ fama\nawarakan famakargin k;anqe a[htow auart;zau 1990 jouakanin! Fama\nawaroujiune famakarg men hr%
or ke .ostanar fauasaroujiun% ;[ba\roujiun ;u fam;ra,.oujiun axg;rou ;u dasakarg;rou mi=;u! Dvba.tabar^ mardka\in an]nashr ogin% irauounqn;rou anfauasar bavanoume ;u .ab;ba\oujiune t;[i talow qand;zin a[qat ;u mi=ak dasakarg;rou ;raxe t;[i talow a®au;l wtangauor kazoujiunn;rou! A\sør a,.arfi ;r;sin% kan 85 milia®athr faroustn;r% ;u \;to\^ an\a\t farstoujiunn;rou thr anfatn;r kam enk;roujiunn;r% oronz farstoujiune kar;li ch gnafat;l mia\n niujow% orowf;t;u anonq thrn ;n na;u a,.arfi niujakan pa,arin% an,arv go\q;rou ;u kaloua‘n;rou m;‘ago\n bavnin! Mi=in dasakargi vo[owourde% m;‘ago\n a,.atauor o\vn h a\s darous mh=% or ke pa\qari ir entaniqi apafowouj;an ;u k;zouj;an famar% =analow paf;l ir dirqe sand[akin mh=% \anoun faxar ou mhk xofo[oujiunn;rou ;u carcaranqn;rou! Mi=in dasakarghn faxouagiutn;rn;rn ;n mia\n or faxar ou mhk ou[in;row ;u mi=ozn;row karo[aza‘ ;n bar]ranal farstouj;an makardakin ;u paf;l xa\n! Isk a[qat dasakarge% bar;ba.toujiune ouni karg me dramatirakan ;u enk;rwarakan ;rkirn;rou mh=% wa\;l;lou apafowoua‘ aprousti nouaxago\n mi=ozn;re! Saka\n a,.arfi mnaz;al ;rkirn;roun mh=% an ke ta®api cqauorouj;nh% sowh% fiuandoujiunn;rh ;u takauin^ mhk mase k∞apri na.nakan vamanaka,r=ani mh=! Isk a,.arfi m;‘afaroustn;re% oronq ke dasouin f;t;u;al kargow% nauja\in enk;roujiunn;r% dramathr;r% m;‘ gor‘athr;r% qa[aqakan dhmq;r% d;rasann;r% marxikn;r% ;u a\l marx;row xba[a‘ anfatn;r% ke wa\;l;n a,.arfi bariqn;re ir;nz a®au;lago\ne tramadra‘ kar;lioujiunn;row% x;.ouj;an bar]rago\n ca'ani,n;row! A,.arfi vo[owourdn;rou aprousti ;u famakargi sand[ake f;txf;th ke f;®ana\ irakanoujiunh^ da®nalow a®asp;la\in! Isk a\s irakanouj;an akanat;s tnt;saghtn;r% .ostaza‘ ;n nor yar me gtn;l astiyanabar xargazo[ a\s an;l irawiyakin% or 'a\loun apaga\ ci .ostanar! Dar;rou enjazqin% 'or]arkoua‘ famakarg;re minc;u a\sør% takauin drakan ;u t;uakan ardiunqi c;n fasa‘! |a=o[oujiun \ousanq nor gitaf;taxøto[n;roun!
OU { : R } FF XINOUA’ OUV:RI TAR:DAR}I AÂJIU GNDAP:T SAMOUHL ÂAMAX:AN (|ounastanoum ;u Kiprosoum FF Âaxmakan kzord) Iuraqanciur tari fa\ vo[owourde ;u Fa\astani Fanrap;touj;an pa,tpann;rn fandisauor pa\mann;roum n,oum ;n Xinoua‘ Ouv;ri st;[‘man ;u kaxmauorman tar;dar]e! A\s tari m;nq n,oum ;nq Fa\oz banaki w;rakaxmauorman 22-rd tar;dar]e% incn an.x;liørhn kapoua‘ h 20-rd d& w;r=in m;r vo[owrdi m[a‘ axga\in-axatagrakan pa\qari f;t! :rkar mi vamanakafatoua‘% ince% saka\n% endamhne mi 'oqr fangrouan h faxaram;akn;row fa,ouo[ fa\oz patmouj;an h=;roum! Fa\oz banake w;ra‘nou;z axga\in p;takanouj;an w;rakangnman f;t miasin^ da®nalow FF ;u fa\ vo[owrdi anwtangouj;an fimnakan ;ra,.iqe! M;r axga\in hposi f;ros Sasounzi Dauji phs a\n ay;z ou xørazau% tokaz faka®akordi
\ar]akoumn;ri dhm% kangn;zr;z ariunarbou oso.in ;u% i w;r=o\% \a[jakan dours ;kau m;x partadroua‘ anfauasar pat;raxmiz! Fa\oz banakn a\n ouvn hr% or karo[azau srbagr;l w;r=in fariuram;akoum fa\oz patmouj;an mh= t;[ gta‘ zauali sa\jaqoumn;rn ou wripoumn;re% 500
taroua\ p;takanouj;an korstiz \;to\ a®a=in angam axatagr;z m;r fa\r;nakan ou k;nsakan tara‘qn;re ;u% am;nakar;uore^ fa\oujiuniz jøja';z partouo[akanouj;an ;u anliarvhqouj;an da®e bardo\jn;re! Apaga\i patmabann;re d;®;us <ar& h= 15
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FRAND TINQI |I<ATAKI OG:KOCOUM ÂOPHR FATTHY:AN Stor;u k*artatp;nq ªMarmaraº øraj;rji mhk x;kouzagire% or k*andrada®na\ Frand Tinqi spanouj;an \i,ataki og;kocman nouiroua‘ fandisouj;an me% or t;[i oun;za‘ h Angara\i mh= |ounouar 18% 2014-in! T;[;kagrouj;an ke f;t;ui Prn& S&|& Minas;ani katara‘ karg me m;knabanoujiunn;re a\s masin! ’& >mb& Frand Tinqi og;kocman na.a];®noujiunn;rou ,arqin% 18 |ounouar <abaj ør% Angara\i mh= kaxmak;rpou;zau og;kocman `oroum me! ªAngara\i Mtqi Axatouj;an Na.a];®noujiunº ;u ªAr;umtafa\oz Axga\in Famagoumarºi famat;[ na.a];®nouj;amb irakanaza‘ `oroumin w;rnagirn hr^ ª2015-i f;®ankarow^ Frand Tinqi spanoujiuneº! ~oroumin masnakz;zan ªAr;umtafa\oz Axga\in Famagoumarºi anounow Fa\astani Axga\in Vo[owi ;r;s'o.an Araga‘ A.o\;an% ªAr;umtafa\oz Axga\in Famagoumarºi n;rka\azouzic S;uak Ar‘rouni% am;rikafa\ fanra\in gor‘ic Yory A[ya\;an% >a[a[oujiun ou Vo[owrdawaroujiun (Ph& Th& "h&) kousakzouj;an 'o.famana.agaf ou Wan qa[aqhn ;r;s'o.an Naxmi Kiur% Ph& Th& "h& kousakzouj;an artaqin \arab;roujiunn;rou \an]na.oumbi andam S;lattin Hsmhr% "ro`& Tqj& Pasqen Øran% "ro`& Tqj& Yhnkix Aqjar% Tqj& Isma\il Ph,iqci% ªAkøsº ,abajaj;rji gro[ Xaqaria Miltanø[lou% Mardka\in Irauounqn;rou Miouj;an andam% lragro[ Frand Gaspar;an% irauaban Hrtal To[an% irauaban Hrhn Qhsqin% asori fama\nqhn 'astaban Hrqan M;jin% Toc& ~iqrhj Pa,qa\a% J;mhl T;mirhr% Sa\ij Chjinø[lou% Iumij Qourd ;u a\l fa\% asori% al;ui% jourq ;u qiurt mtauorakann;r! Katarou;zan xanaxan ya®a.øsoujiunn;r% ou masnakiz vo[owakann;re a®a=ark;zin ir;nz t;sakhtn;re vo[owi ma\r j;ma\i a®ncouj;amb! ~oroumi auartin% ªAngara\i Mtqi Axatouj;an Na.a];®nouj;anº .øsnak^ Sa\ij Chjinø[loun kardaz stor;u n,oua‘ fousk banq \a\tararoujiune% or ke n;rka\aznh ªAngara\i Mtqi Axatouj;an Na.a];®nouj;anº `oroumi ;xrakazoujiune! ~OROUMI :XRA"AKIC |A|TARAROUJIUNE :xra'akic \a\tararouj;an mh= fraparakou;zan baxmajiu a®a=arkn;r% oronq ke mitin 1915-i yanacman% wnasn;rou fatouzman% ou Jourqio\ fasarakoujiune a\s amøjhn 'rk;lou! Fon saphs esoua‘ h& 1915-i Z;[aspanouj;an 100-am;aki ,;min% Z;[aspanouj;nhn touva‘ vo[owourdn;re inqnin piti oro,;n% jh z;[aspanouj;an \anzagor‘n;rhn i#nc ];uow inc;#r piti pafan=ouin! M;r partqn h anw;rapaførhn a\s pafan=atirouj;an n;zouk kangnil! Stor;u n,oua‘ a®a=arkn;re% .orfrdan,akan ;u skxbounqa\in nouaxago\n ªvhsjº;r ;n% oronq Z;[aspanouj;an 100-am;akhn a®a= Jourqio\ ko[mh Z;[aspanouj;nhn touva‘n;rou i npast phtq h gor‘adrouin! 1& Yanacoum% n;ro[oujiun .ndr;l ;u fatouzoum 20-rd darou a®a=in z;[aspanouj;an yanacman gor‘enjazi a®a=in qa\le phtq h ella\ ank;[‘ k;rpow n;ro[oujiun .ndr;l% ou datapart;l oyirin patas.anatoun;re \akanh anouanh! Phtq h Øsman;an qriston;a\ vo[owourdn;rou \i,o[oujiune w;rakangn;l% ørinak% Hlmata[ ja[amase phtq h w;ranouan;l Komitas%
our bnaka‘ h wardap;te! A\vmou Jourqio\ mh= kan .orfrdan,akan ,inoujiunn;r% oronq b®nagrauoua‘ ;n Øsman;an ka\srouj;an qriston;a\ qa[aqazin;rhn! A® a\d% ørinak% Z;[aspanouj;an yanacman .orfrdan,akan a®a=in qa\l;rou ,arqin% Canqa\a\i mh= ibr;u na.agafakan aparanq øgtagor‘ouo[ Gasap;an entaniqi toune phtq h w;radar]oui Gasap;ann;rou a\sørouan va®angordn;roun! Trapixoni ªAjajourqi Touneº ;t phtq h \an]noui ir s;'akanathr^ Qapa\;annis entaniqi a\sørouan va®angordn;roun! 2& W;r= tal Z;[aspanouj;an v.tman gor‘o[oujiunn;roun |;ts koc;l ou c;[;al \a\tarar;l warcap;touj;an tramadrouj;an tak gor‘o[ ªAnfimn z;[aspanoujiunn;rou pndoumn;rou dhm pa\qar;lou \an]na.oumbºe! |a\tarar;l Z;[aspanouj;an v.toumi npatakau ];®narkoua‘ bolor gor‘ounhoujiunn;roun w;r= talou oro,oum% =n=;l Z;[aspanouj;an v.toumi gor‘o[oujiunn;roun famar 2014-i warcap;takan gan]aranhn tramadrou;liq goumarin w;rab;r;al parb;roujiune! 3& An]nagir ou qa[aqazioujiun Baza\a\t;l ou ja'anzik dar]n;l Øsman;an an]nagra\in ar.iun;re% w;r= tal qa[aqaziakan irauounqi .a.toumn;roun ;u oc-islamn;rou artaqsoumn;roun% fa\r;naxrkoua‘ qriston;a\ vo[owourdn;roun ;t \an]n;l qa[aqaziakan irauounqe% zankazo[n;roun tal an]nagir! 4& W;radar] ou w;rabnak;zoum Ir;nz patmakan fa\r;niqin mh=% patmakan fo[ ou =ouri wra\ w;rapr;lou ;u bnak;lou zankoujiun oun;zo[n;roun artøn;l w;rada®nal% .ra.ous;l xanonq ;u anonz famar st;[‘;l w;rapr;lou pa\mann;r! 5& Fasan;li en;l kaloua‘agr;rou ar.iue ou w;r= tal gor‘o[ safmana'akoumn;roun |;ts koc;l ou c;[;al \a\tarar;l warcap;touj;an a\n ,r=ab;rakann;re% oronq an]nagri ar.iun;roun fasnile k*argil;n! A\s a®jiu c;[;al \a\tarar;l na;u Axga\in Anwtangouj;an >orfourdi oro,oume! F;taxøtoujiunn;rou famar baza\a\t;l Kaloua‘agr;rou ;u Qatasjro\i (tapu-kadastro) tnørhnouj;an ko[mh joua\nazoua‘ Øsman;an kaloua‘agr;rou ar.iue% or a\vm jaqoun h! 6& Fasan;li dar]n;l Øsman;an ar.iun;re% n;ra®;al^ Xin;al Ouv;rou ar.iue Bolori famar fasan;li ou ja'anzik dar]n;l ou baza\a\t;l Øsman;an bolor ar.iun;re% n;ra®;al^ xin;al ouv;rou tramadrouj;an tak gtnouo[ ar.iue! F;taxøtoujiunn;rou a®oumow w;r= tal safmana'akoumn;roun% ar.iun;re fratarak;l na;u joua\nazoua‘ ];uow!
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HØYALANI NAMAKE% FA|:ROU OU{{OUA’ Mamoule anz;al ,abaj ka\‘akna\in aragouj;amb t;[;kazouz or "QQ-i {;kawar Aptoullaf Høyalan fraparaka‘ hr Fa\;rou ou[[;al ir namake! Esou;zau or a\s namake fratarakou;zau ªAkøsºi mh=! Angara\hn Nameq Tourouqani ko[mh fratarakoua‘ louri me fama]a\n Høyalani a\s spasoua‘ namake Datakan Na.ararouj;an mi=nordouj;amb \an]nou;zau Imrale gazo[ patouirakouj;an! Patouirakoujiunn al fratarakouj;an touau xa\n! Høyalan Fa\;rou ou[[;al a\s namake gri a®a‘ hr "arixi mh= spannoua‘ ;r;q "QQ-zi kin;rou spanouj;an a®a=in tar;lizin a®jiu ;u anor gl.auor npatakn hr 'arat;l a\n gangatn;re oronq Fa\;rou møt st;[‘oua‘ hin Qh-Yh-Qhi Na.agaf Phsh Foxaji ko[mh ªXougaf;® p;toujiunn;rºou kapakzouj;amb artasanoua‘ .øsq;row! Incphs piti \i,oui% Phsh Foxaj "arixi mh= kataroua‘ a\s spanoujiunn;rhn patas.anatou b®na‘ hr Jourqio\ mh= a®ka\ xougaf;® p;toujiune! Jourqio\ mh= xougaf;® p;toujiunn;r kan% Kiulhni fama\nqe a\dphs h% Isra\hli% |o\n;rou ou Fa\;rou fama\nqn;re a\dphs ;nº esa‘ hr an! Fa\;rou møt m;‘ endwxoum \a®a=azouza‘ hr a\s .øsqe! Høyalan a\d dvgofoujiune 'arat;l ke =anar ir namakin mh=% k*eshr or Qrtakan ,arvoume o*c mhk vo[owourdi axatouj;an wnas ke fasznh% a\d ,arvoume ke pa,tpanh bolorin axatoujiune! Høyalan k*artasanhr na;u ªZ;[aspanoujiunº ba®e% k*ouxhr or Fa\kakan Z;[aspanoujiune yanczoui!
noujiunn;rou fog;uor p;t;re% SDFK-i% F|D-i% ÂAK-i ;u FBEM-i patas.anatou marminn;rou n;rka\azouzicn;re! Vo[owakann;re na. ls;zin 2014-2015 tarouan% 100-am;aki a®ijow na.at;soua‘ endfanour ‘ragirin masin x;kouzoum! X;kouzoumin f;t;u;zau qnnarkoum na.at;soua‘ a,.atanqn;roun endfanour ou[[oua‘ouj;an% bno\jin% ,;,tadroumn;roun ;u na.afa,iuin w;rab;r;al! 100-am;aki tarouan irakananaliq ];®narkn;rou endfanour ‘ragire \aranouanakan% qa[aqakan ;u miouj;nakan bolor vo[owakann;roun ko[mh fastatou;lh ;tq% s;'akanoujiune piti da®na\ fanrouj;an% \atouk asoulisow!
63 <ABAJ MINC:U FA|OZ Z:{ASPANOUJ:AN 100-AM:AK Kiul& ªJourqian patrast h baz;l ar.iun;re^ Fa\;ri Z;[aspanouj;an farzi ousoumnasirouj;an famarº Jourqio\ mh= t;[i oun;za‘ 100-am;a\ wa[;mouj;an iradar]oujiunn;re% oronq oro, p;toujiunn;r orphs ªFa\oz Z;[aspanoujiunº k*orak;n% farkauor h ousoumnasir;l patmakan t;sankiunhn! A\spisi kar‘iq \a\tna‘ h Jourqio\ na.agaf Aptoullaf Kiule^ ir `ransazi gor‘enk;r ~ransoua Ølanti f;t famat;[ mamlo\ asoulisi enjazqin! W;r=ins^ a\zow Angara ke gtnouhr! ªA\s j;man parb;rabar m;r \arab;roujiunn;rou wra\ stou;r ke gzh! Ke zankam es;l% or fariur tari a®a= t;[i oun;za‘ iradar]oujiunn;re oc mia\n jourq;rou kam fa\;rou% a\l;u m;r endfanour zaun ;n! Yi,t ch s;roundh s;round a\d zaue tanile! Farkauor ch krkin banal whrq;re% a\l phtq h% or a\d niujow patmabann;re xba[ouinº! Kiule n,a‘ h na;u% or miako[maniørhn a\s farze ci lou‘ouir% farkauor h miasin a,.atil% ;u ªJourqian patrast h banal ir ar.iun;reº! Ølante ir f;rjin esa‘ h% or ªpatmouj;an f;t a,.atanqe krna\ zauagin ellal% saka\n farkauor h atika en;lº! Incph#s kar;li h faskzn;l jourq i,.anauorn;roun jh patmabann;re fasa‘ ;n a\n ;xrakazouj;an ardhn% jh patafa‘e^ Z;[aspanoujiun h ;u farze dar]a‘ h qa[aqakan! Møt ;r;q tasn;ak p;toujiunn;r zard a\sør endouna‘ ;n a\d oro,oume% isk w;r=ine^ Sourian! Our;mn endounil xa\n ;u nstil fatouzman .orfrdakzouj;anz!
ªINCO#U FA|ASTANE CKA| SIRIA|I FARZOW BANAKZO{ 39 :RKRN:RI <ARQOUMº& WARDAN ØSKAN:AN :R:UAN% ªNiouxº&_ 22 |ounouarin Sourio\ farzow Monjrhø qa[aqin mh= ka\analiq ªVen;u-2º banakzoujiunn;roun ke masnakzin 39 ;rkirn;r% oronz kargin ;n na;u ;rkirn;r% oronq jh* a,.arfagrakanørhn% ;u jh a\laphs bauakan f;®ou ;n Souria\hn% incphs^ M;qsiqa% Liuqs;mpourke% Faraua\in Qorhan% Italian% Praxile ;u a\ln! Ou,agrau h% or Fa\astan cka\ a\d p;toujiunn;rou zankin mh=! A\s farze ar‘ar‘a‘ ;u Fa\astani cmasnakz;lou ;r;uo\jin andradar]a‘ h Fa\astani artaqin gor‘oz na.kin na.arar% BFK .mbakzouj;an patgamauor Wardan Øskan;ane! ªSiria\in w;rab;ro[ farz;roum in] møt oc mia\n banakan mitqn h ,arvuoum% a\l;u xgazmounqa\ine! W;r= i w;r=o\ ‘nou;l ;u m;‘az;l ;m a\nt;[% siroum ;m ;rkire% zauoum ;m nra o[b;rgouj;an famar! >ist mtafog ;m na;u a\nt;[ apro[ fa\;ri anwtangouj;an ;u S'iu®qi am;na‘a[koun fama\nqn;riz mhki datarkman f;®ankari famar! :rb siriakan fakamartoujiune jhvazau% ;u fa\ fama\nqi wiyake sks;z bardanal% \atkaphs^ Falhpoum% ;s asoum hi% or a\n% inc fnarauor hr an;l nranz^ Fa\astanoum apastan talou% k;zoujiun apafow;lou ;u jhkoux cncin øgnoujiun apafow;lou farzoum% Fa\astani p;toujiunn ir fnarauorouj;an safmann;roum ar;l h! Miavamanak qnnadat;l ;m m;r diuanagitouj;ane% or a\s farzoum ;rkko[m% tara‘a,r=ana\in ;u global a®oumn;row antarb;roujiun h zouzab;r;l ;u or;uh n;rgrauoua‘oujiun ci oun;z;l! Afauasik% |ounouari 22-in Siria\i farzow ,ouh\zarakan Montrø qa[aqoum t;[i k∞oun;nan a\sphs kocoua‘ ªVen;u-2º banakzoujiunn;re! Na\oum ;m masnakiz ;rkrn;ri zouzake! I lroumn fakamarto[ ko[m;ri^ banakzoujiunn;rin masnakzoum h 39 ;rkir! :rkrn;r% oronq a\s kam a\n ca'ow a®ncoujiun oun;n .ndrin% bnakanabar^ Siria\i bolor far;uann;re% arabakan mi ,arq ;rkrn;r% mi=nordn;r ;u a\l ,afagrgi® ko[m;r! Ou,agrau h% or a\nt;[ ;n na;u Siria\iz a,.arfagrakanørhn ;u oc mia\n a,.arfagrakanørhn a\npisi f;®ou p;toujiunn;r% incpisiq ;n M;qsikan% Liuqs;mbourge% Faraua\in Korhan% Italian% Braxilian ;u ,at ouri,n;r! Fandipmane masnakzoum h na;u Watikane% ore% famoxoua‘ ;m% n;rka\ h% qani or partauoroua‘ h xgoum pa,tpan;lou Siria\i kajolik fama\nqi ,af;re! Fa\astane zouzakoum cka\! Farz h ‘agoum^ inco#u% ;rb m;nq kroum ;nq a\s fakamartouj;an anmi=akan axd;zoujiune& Fa\astanoum apastan ;n gt;l Siria\i ,our= 15 faxar fa\ qa[aqazin;r% a\nt;[ d;® fa\kakan stouar fama\nq ka\% ori `ixikakan go\oujiunn anmi=akan spa®naliqi tak h% \atkaphs^ fa\a,at Falhpoum ;u ,r=aka\qoum% ort;[ am;najhv mart;rn ;n enjanoum! Fa\;re Siria\i bolor 'oqramasnoujiunn;riz miakn ;n% oronq ir;nz jikounqoum oun;n ma\r p;toujiun! A\søroua\ frama\akann h% or Fa\astane n;rka\ lini ven;u;an banakzoujiunn;rin^ anka. dra ardiunqiz% orphsxi a®nouaxn a®a=in ];®qiz t;[;ak lini ;u anfrav;,touj;an dhpqoum pa,tpani fa\ouj;an ,af;reº!
,r=anakn;roum storagrou;liq 'astaj[j;re! Na.agaf X;mane kar;uor;l h \atkaphs Fa\astani ;u C;.ia\i a®an]in tara‘a,r=ann;ri mi=;u storagrou;liq fama]a\nagr;re% oronq lau fimq ;n st;[‘oum apak;ntronazoua‘ famagor‘akzoujiune xargazn;lou famar! S;rv Sargs;ane ;u Milo, X;mane famakar‘iq ;n ;[;l% or fa\c;.akan tnt;sakan \arab;roujiunn;re m;‘ n;rouv oun;n ;u a\n liarvhq øgtagor‘;lou famar xgali d;r ;n w;rapaf;l gor‘ararn;rin^ wstaf;zn;low% or ;rkoust;q p;takanørhn fnarauorins ke .ra.ous;n gor‘ararn;ri mi=;u kap;ri endla\noumn ou 'o.gor‘akzouj;an xargazoume! Na.agaf S;rv Sargs;ann ir .øsqoum n;rka\azr;l h na;u Fa\astani tnt;sakan fnarauoroujiunn;re% gor‘arar ;u n;rdrouma\in mi=awa\ri ,arounakakan bar;lauman ou[[ouj;amb a,.atanqn;re% na.a];®noua‘ la\namas,tab tnt;sakan bar;'o.oumn;re% oronz ardiunqn;rn ir;nz artazoloumn ;n gt;l na;u mi=axga\in warkani,a\in x;ko\zn;roum! Dranz fama]a\n% Fa\astane masnauoraphs^ Fama,.arfa\in panqi ;u Mi=axga\in Dramakan Enk;rouj;an ko[miz fraparakoua‘ ªDouing Bixn;sº-2014 tar;kan x;ko\zoum 185 ;rkrn;ri ,arqoum grauoum h 37-rd t;[e!
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TOQJ& |AKOB A|NJAPL:AN Tase tari spas;lh ;tq&&& ª]a\n barba®o\ \anapatiº&&& Ko*cs wrdowoumow krkin k*ou[[;m% j;r;us au;li .[yamit ;u patas.anatou ªFa\astani Gro[n;rou Miouj;anº% orphsxi bari ørinak da®na\ Fa\;rhn l;xoun maqraxt;lou! |ousanq ;u spas;nq&&& N;rq;ui kocs tase tari a®a= frataraka‘ \ødoua‘is mh= (ªNor Ørº% ";trouar 7% 2004) am'o'oua‘ h% or a\vmhoujiune ch korsnzouza‘! Fa\ vo[owourde dar;rou enjazqin apra‘ h øtar tirap;toujiunn;rou lou‘in tak% ;rb;mn ir go\oujiune^ p;takan ka®o\zn ou vo[owourdi k;anqe x;r‘ paf;lou famar wtangn;rh% npastauor ;u annpast da,inqn;r knqa‘ anonz f;t! Ousti kama\ akama\ ,'man mh= ellalow parsikn;rou% biuxandazin;rou% arabn;rou% jourq;rou ;u a\l z;[a.oumb;rou f;t% inqnab;rabar ba®apa,ari 'o.a®oujiun oun;za‘ h ;u vamanaki enjazqin n;rmou‘a‘ øtar ba®;r .øsakzouj;an ;u na;u grakan st;[‘agor‘ouj;anz mh=% incphs kanon% dar% dram% .ajar;l% j,nami ba®;re% oronq qani me ørinakn;r ;n øtar ‘agoum oun;zo[ ba®;rou! Fa\e orphs \a®a=adhm vo[owourd% gitouj;an ou m,ako\ji \arat;u xargazman ]gto[% =anaza‘ h ouri, axg;rh lizqauorouil% an,ou,t ir anfatakanoujiunn ou axga\ine ,a[a.;low øtarhn a®a‘in ;u apa xa\n farstazouza‘^ w;radar]n;low ir fanrouj;an! M;r m,ako\je% g;[arou;ste% l;xoun% yartarap;toujiune ousoumnasiro[ 19-20-rd darou ;uropazin;re fa\;rs koca‘ ;n ªMi=in Ar;u;lqi g;rmanazin;reº orphs ,inarar% st;[‘agor‘o[% k;rto[&&& fiaza‘ m;r l;xoui ykounouj;an% ba®ak;rtman% kaxmoua‘qin ;u ba®apa,ari farstouj;anz wra\! M;r grakan l;xouin mh= n;rka\is gor‘a‘oua‘ øtaramout ba®;rou jiue faxarn;rou ke fasni&&& Fa\ grakanouj;an w;ra‘noundi ,r=anin% gl.auoraphs M.ijar;an fa\r;rn ou ir;nz a,ak;rtn;re m;‘ yig ja'a‘ ;n polsafa\ j;rj;rou ;u fratarakoujiunn;rou mh= gor‘a‘oua‘ jrq;rhn ba®;rou maqragor‘man i .ndir% no\nphs na;u npasta‘ ;n m;r osk;dar;an ba®apa,ari endfanrazoumow ir;nz jargmanakan gitam,akouja\in ;u patmakan girq;rou fraparakoumn;row! Ar;umtafa\ 20-rd darou m;r lauago\n gro[n;re^ P;tros Dour;an% Misaq M;‘ar;nz% Grigor Xøfrap% Siamanjø% Danihl Warouvan gor‘a‘a‘ ;n gr;jh biur;[aza‘% wyit fa\;rhn ba®apa,ar! Ar;u;lafa\ gro[n;re nouax na.an]a.ndir gtnoua‘ ;n ba®apa,ari biur;[azman mh=% j;r;us axdoua‘ øtar a[biurn;rou ba®;rhn kam al% j;r;us ir;nq nouax xgaza‘ ;n ]ouloumi wtange&&& f;t;uabar |owfannhs Jouman;ani% Au;tiq Isafak;ani% :[i,h Car;nzi% Wafan Thr;ani banast;[‘oujiunn;roun mh= a\d fakoume ka\ ;u ke fandipinq ªpoht% pohm% pohxiaº ;u a\l øtar ba®;rou gor‘a‘ouj;an! >orfrda\in warcakargi ,r=anin oro, nafan= nkat;li h fa\;rhn maqour ba®apa,ari gor‘a‘ouj;an paraga\in% jh;u m;‘ \a®a=dimoujiunn;r ar]anagrou;zan patmabanasirakan% barba®n;rou% wipagrouj;an% l;xouabanakan ;u banast;[‘akan ou a\l st;[‘agor‘akan marx;rou mh=! >orfrda\in Fa\astani ªPartia\i koceº fa\ anfati mh= s;rman;z ªinj;rnazionalixmiº oromn;re ;u ®ousamoloujiune! J;r;us partadrabar fa\ ousano[e% orphsxi pa,tøni tirana\ ®ousakan dproz \aya.;z% kam xargaza‘i tpauoroujiun jo[n;lou famar% latin;rhnhn 'o.a®noua‘ ®ousakanaza‘ ba®;rou gor‘a‘oujiune soworoujiun dar]ouz% incphs^ institout% qons;rwatoria% ministroujiun% hnhrk;tika% øb\;ktiu% gonkrhs% anajomia% ourologia% d;poutat ;u a\l a®ør;a\ .øsakzouj;an fimq dar]a‘ ba®;r% or d;® ke ,arounak;n da®nal! A\s masin at;nin \ødoua‘ me gra‘ ;m na.agaf Â& Qocar;ani S'iu®q-Fa\astan famagoumarin enjazqin gor‘a‘a‘ øtaramout ba®;rou a®ncouj;amb ªNor Ørº |ounis 15% 2002 famarin mh=! M;‘ gofounakouj;amb krnam es;l% or n;rka\is na.agafi ;lo\jn;re ªau;li maqourº fa\;rhn k*artazolazn;n! Fin moloujiunn;rh kar;li ch ,out ];rbaxatouil k*es;n&&& saka\n m;nq fa\;rs partauor ;nq m;r axga\in \atkani,e .orfrdan,o[ oun;zoua‘qe% farstoujiune na.an]a.ndrørhn pafpan;l! M;r pap;nakan fo[e% m;r yartarap;takan g;[arou;sti ka®o\zn;re% l;xoun% m;r acqi lo\si nman ;jh cpafpan;nq% ard;ø#q øtare piti pafpanh&&&! ªAsparhxº øraj;rji |ounouar 16 jiuin mh= ke kardanq& _ Fa\astani Gro[n;rou Mioujiune piti fraparakh ª20-rd dari Fa\ Pohxiaº 14 fatornoz mat;na,are&&& Fa\;rhn sorwa‘% no\nisk øtar mtauorakann;re grakan kam .øsakzakan ir;nz arta\a\touj;an mh=% fa\;rhnow ªbanast;[‘oujiunº <ar& h= 14
>ACIK YANO|:AN Kiraki% ";trouar 9% 2014% a®auøt;an vame 10!30-in% "asatina\i S& Grigor Lousauoric :k;[;zuo\ mh= piti pataragh ;u qaroxh J;mis Bar;=an A®a=nord^ G;r,& T& |ownan Arq& Thrthr;an! A®a=nord Srbaxan Før bar;.øsouj;amb ;u mi=nordouj;amb% a\d ør Sargis Minas;an ardarørhn piti arvanana\ ;piskoposap;tn m;r ;u patouakan fa\rap;t^ N&S&Ø&T&T& Gar;gin B& Am;na\n Fa\oz Kajo[ikosi ko[mh^ ir;n ,norfa‘ fa\rap;takan S& Kondakin ;u S& N;rshs <norfali <qan,anin! A\s b;rkrali parg;uatrman a®ijow% FBE Miouj;an Faraua\in Gali`ornio\ m;‘ entaniqe^ gl.auorouj;amb <r=anaka\ini Warcouj;an vra=an at;nap;t^ Grigor Garakhøx;ani% g;[;zik mta‘oume oun;za‘ ;n arvanawa\;l fiurasirouj;amb me patou;lou ;u ,norfauor;lou FBE Miouj;an Libanani <r=anaka\ini warcouj;an møt ;r;soun tarin;rou waric tnørhn% Miouj;an pa,tønaj;rj^ ª>øsnakºi tas taroua\ .mbagir% fraparakagir% girq;rou f;[inak% qa[aqakan farz;rou fmout m;knaban^ Sargis Minas;anin! *** An] me yancnalou famar% k*es;n phtq h or anor f;t gor‘ oun;naq% møthn ,'oum oun;naq ;u qani me tarin;rou wra\ ;rkaro[ ‘anøjoujiun me fastathq! M;nq Sargis Minas;anin møt 40 tarih au;li ‘anøj ;nq Libananhn-Los Any;les! Anor f;t gor‘a‘ ;nq \atkaphs fasarakakan k;anqin mh=& orqan xinq møthn yanczanq% ansafmanørhn arvanazau m;r siro\n ;u \arganqin& orqan møthn ‘anøj ;[anq ir wastakin% fiazanq anor fasarakakan 'or]a®ouj;an ;u a,.at;laoyin wra\! Ba\z a\s bolorhn w;r ;u au;lin% m;xi famar an]naphs% Sargis Minas;an an=n=;li dro,m me dra‘ h m;r k;anqin mh=% patya® da®nalow or m;nq an.x;liørhn kapouinq fraparakagrouj;an ;u mamouli a,.atanqn;roun! An hr or xis m[;z% or im k;anqi a®a=in ;r;q j[jakzoujiunn;re gr;m ª>øsnakºi famar% orphs Ph\rouji FBE Miouj;an M,akouja\in |an]na.oumbi at;nadpir ;u Iraqi FBE Miouj;an gor‘ounhouj;anz j[jakiz! Anor m[oumow% qa=al;ranqow ;u f;tapndoumow [rkoua‘ a\d ;r;q j[jakzoujiunn;re oc mia\n ª>øsnakºi mh= ;r;uzan% a\l^ anonq ªXarjønqº ;u ªAraratº øraj;rj;roun mh= al lo\s t;san^ ,norfiu Prn& Sargis Minas;anin! Anonq fay;li anaknkal hin in‘i
famar% ;u a\d ørouenh sks;al m;‘ago\n fayo\qow kapou;za\ fa\ mamoulin^ j[jakzoujiunn;r ;u \ødoua‘n;r gr;low anor! Sargis Minas;anin famar fa\ mamoule% krjakan fastatouj;an me nman% fa\ dprouj;an srboujiun men hr! Anor famar% fa\ mamouli mh= ;r;uzo[ iuraqanciur ba® ;u na.adasoujiun% phtq h or ella\ xousp% bar;kirj ;u ans.al% .oraphs famoxou;low or ªckar‘hq enj;rzo[e ci t;sn;r% ci .øsirº! A\d bolore t;sa‘ ;nq ª>øsnakºin .mbagrouj;an ;u manauand ªNor Ørºin .mbagrap;touj;an ør;roun! Ba®in .orago\n imastow b‘a.ndir% kou® tramabanouj;amb ;u kaxmak;rpcakan karo[oujiunn;rou thr h Sargis Minas;an! Ph\rouji ir gras;n;ake% Los Any;lesi ir .mbagratoune ir;nz kokikouj;amb ou maqrouj;amb m;‘aphs ke tpauorhin a\z;loun;re! Sargis Minas;ani fraparakagrouj;an ªfauatamqºe ;[a‘ h% or fa\ mamoule fa\ dati% fasarakakan k;anqi% m;r m,ako\ji tara‘man% fa\;rhn l;xoui ousouzman% vo[owrdakanazman m;‘ago\n axdakn h! Fa\ mamoule a®anz s;[ani ;u grata.taki fa\ dprouj;an famalsaran men h! Isk fa\ vo[owourdi ;u m,ako\ji apafow go\at;uoumi ;u m;r axga\in bolor ;raxn;rou irakanazman amrakou® .aris.e ke fandisana\ Ma\r Fa\r;niqe! *** Sargis Minas;an ‘na‘ h Damaskos! "oqr tariqin Libanan ke 'o.adroui ;u ke \aya.h Ph\rouji `ransakan mi=nakarg dproze% apa FBE Miouj;an |owakim;an Manouk;an ;rkrordakan warvarane% ormh ;tq k*anzni Ph\rouji Am;rik;an Famalsaran ;u 1957-in k*auarth a\s famalsarani :uropa\i Ardi Patmouj;an bavine! No\n tarin ke sksi ‘a®a\;l FBE Miouj;an orphs <r=anaka\ini Warcouj;an waric tnørhn! Ir ;ritasardakan auiunow ;u an]nouraz nouiroumow% ir pa,tønawarouj;an ,r=anin FBE Mioujiune Libanani mh= ir Osk;dare apr;zau! A\d tarin;roun% FBE Mioujiune Libanani mh= oun;zau baxmajiu nor miauorn;r% Wafram "a'ax;an Jat;ra.oumbe% Sargis "asqal;ani para.oumbe% skaoutakan ,at a,.o\v .oumb;r% Sanouz mioujiunn;r% Asp;tn;rou .oumb% ,at a,.ouvazau :ritasardaz Enk;rakzoujiune% baxmat;sak gor‘ounhoujiunn;r oun;nalow% Fa\astanhn mtauorakann;r ;u arou;sti gor‘icn;r frauir;low! A\d tarin;roun Miouj;an <ar& h= 13
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NOR ØR% ":TROUAR 6% 2014
Sour Ankiun
BAXMA|ISOUN AR:U OU BAR:U^ WARDGHS GOUROU:ANI |ISNAM:A| WASTAKIN S;rmnazann h \a[jafasak ou kangoun% I t;s fariurauor ir san;roun% Oronq a\sør a,.arfi amhn ankiun Ke \i,;n Wardghs Gourou;an anoun! Fa\ou% s'iu®qafa\ou yakatagir% Srbaxan fo[hn dours ou taragir% ’na‘ ou sna‘ f;®oun Fa\astani >ars.;low k[xin Mi=;rkrakani! O@f% owasis krjouj;an% Fastatoujiun M;lgon;an& Doun dar]ar toun øj;uan Fa\ patanuo\n Gourou;an! Wardghse dar]au san ;u dasatou% Dastiarak;z s;round pt[atou% Gtau k;anqi enk;roufi Alis% Fasn;low qa[aqn Fr;,takanist! Bar;gor‘akan - Jhqh;an qo\r-;[ba\r% Nor ou patas.anatou pa,tøn ou wa\r% Tnørhnoujiunn dprozin ªTigran;anº^ Wardghsin m[;z ‘o@w famb;rouj;an! |a=o[oujiunn;rou fing tasnam;ak% S;roundn;rou to[anzqin tak& Krjakan jh m,akouja\in% Fasarakakan ou axga\in% Baxma\isoun bar;u ir wastakin <norfauoroujiunn;*r kajogin! N:T OU A{:{ Los Any;les% ";trouar 2014 ***
<NORFAUO*R ª<NORFALIºD% MINAS:AN SARGIS }a\n me fnc;z Sourb H=mia‘inhn% Am;na\n Fa\oz Kajo[ikoshn% Ardar .ndranqown Ar;umt;an J;min Parg;uatr;lou ir an,;[ ordin! An,;[e qic h& ou[i[% anka,a®% Fauatarmouj;an ca'ani,% nvar% S;uin s;u eso[% y;rmakin y;rmak^ Fa\r;nasirouj;an amour wafanak! S'iu®qafa\ou xauakn a\s iskakan% Kou ga\ ’ozhn Fa\oz Kilik;an% Thørj-:olzi kam Corq-Marxpanzi Mi;uno\n at;n libananzi! Bar;gor‘akani tipar Ardar datauor axgin Diuanap;ti pa,tønow Fasau Libanani fa\oz
nouir;al% katar;al% ou[[;al karøt;al!
Fastatou;low f;®auor a\s a';roun% Minas;an mnaz shrow annkoun Fandhp m;r axgi y,marit ou[oun% Amhn banh w;r^ fo[ ou fa\oujiun! Jo[ Sourb N;rshsi ,qan,anow Xardaroui ];r lambakn a\sør% <norfauo*r ª<norfaliºd% Minas;a*n Sargis% Incou ch na;u^ anounowd apris! N:T OU A{:{ Los Any;les% ";trouar 2014
(Ou.tagnazoujiun Dhpi Patmakan Fa\astan) F;[inak^ Minas Goya\;an% 320 h= + 32 h= n;rdir lousankarn;r% Los Any;les% 2013 ARAM S:":JY:AN Amhn taragir fa\ordi% ;rb a®an]nouj;an ir;n parg;ua‘ faroust fog;wiyake k*apri% ,at \aya. k*ella\ ounkndir ir n;ra,.arfa\in ]a\nin% or ke kocoui ªKance Fo[in Korous;alº! Fo[e fa\r;nin% or knqoua‘ hr anzno[ ;r;q faxaram;akn;roun ibr;u patmakan Fa\astan% a\vm^ m;r s;roundin famar h* Fo[ Korous;al% oroun andadroum kancin k*ounkndr;nq i vamou ;u i taravamou%- minc;u m;r axga\in pafan=atirouj;an ardarafato\z øre! Dokt& Minas Goya\;anin famar% Fo[in Kance srbaxan ‘hs ou patarag men h! Lsa‘ hr xa\n ir pap;rou s;roundhn% ;u ir srtin yambow! Iurazouza‘^ ir a,ak;rtakan tarin;rhn% fasn;low Ph\rouji Axga\in Âoubin;an warvaran ;u F&B&E&M&-i |owakim;an-Manouk;an :rkr& warvaran apa^ minc;u ir ousano[ouj;an t;slawa® ,r=ane^ :r;uani P;takan Famalsaranhn n;rs! Our;mn% a\s fatorin \[azqn ou bowandakoujiune ir fogihn n;rs ;[;r hin faraxat aproum ;u xgazo[oujiun% ankh anzn;lou famar Mitqi ou taragir .øsqi s.ranqin! Saka\n% ir n,anauor ousouzicn;rhn ir;n =amboua‘ fa\agitakan a®arkan;rou srbaxan foure% ,ouncn ou ogin inq ;us 'o.anz;z ir fogatarouj;an \an]noua‘ a,ak;rtn;rou 'a[angn;roun% na.^ M;lgon;an Krj& Fastatouj;an ;u apa^ Los Any;lesi F&B&E& Miouj;an Manouk;an-T;miry;an :rkr& warvaranhn n;rs% ir ousouzcakan ,our= qa®asnam;a\ vamanakafatoua‘in! Afa* jh incou% faxiu j;uako.a‘ fangst;an kocou;lou ªpartadirº tariqin ou mianalow 2011 ;u 2012-in \a=ordakan ;rkou tarin;r ou.tagnaz .oumb;rou% k*iragor‘h ;ritasardi \atouk .andawa®ouj;amb ir patan;kan ou ;ritasardakan tarin;rou anmar ;raxe%- t;sn;l ;u april a\n Fo[e Korous;al% Fa\oz ’ozhn minc;u Kars% Wan ou Masis% Patmakan Fa\astani tara‘qe^ ghj nouaxago\n ca'ow me an,ou,t! Afauasik% jh i∞nc ke n,anakh girq me f;[inak;l% or ir mh= .taznhr manouk ør;rou ir anfas ;raxe% patani ou ;ritasard Minasin fauatqn ou t;silqe! Amh*n qa\la'o.in% iuraqanciur noroujiun piti o[=ounhr ibr;u a®aq;loujiun% kangoun paf;lou famar enj;rzo[in mh= qandakoua‘ ir xgazoumn;roun ou mta‘oumn;roun fog;faraxat t;silqe^ ibr;u fog;kan ka®o\z! M& Goya\;anin n;rka\ fatorin \[azqn ou ‘nounde m;‘ ban ke parti ir mtauorakan kaxmauoroumin% ga[a'ara.øsazoumi fauato\ fanganakin% ;u ir staza‘ fog;kan ou imazakan
lizqauoroumin! :r;uo\j me^ or qa\l a® qa\l ke f;t;ui ir ,r=aga\oujiunn;roun% ir f;t kr;low angir era‘ fa\ girn ou banast;[‘oujiune% patmoujiun% a,.arfagroujiun ;u fnagitakan ‘anøjoujiunn;r% ;u afa yi,d fos h tarb;roujiune grakan xanaxan s;®;rou patkano[ xanaxan girq;rou! Orowf;t;u% g;[arou;stakan \ørinoumn;r^ ounin partadir ørhnqe g;[;ziki oronoumn;rou% isk% ou[;uorakan tpauorapa,t h=;re ke pafan=;n fauatarim mnal f;[inakin n;ta‘ a®a=in fa\;azqhn minc;u anor anmi=akan ,r=apati ar]anagroujiune! Ardar;u% y,martoujiun ;u y,grtoujiun partadir pa\mann;r ;n a\s ou nman girq;rou paraga\in! irqin bazoume ke katarooui Danihl Warouvan anmafanoun q;rjo[in }ØN .oragr;al q;rjoua‘in ambo[=akan w;rartadrouj;amb! Arva*n ;u irau! ª:[;gn;a\ grcow ;rg;zi "a® q;r% _ Q;xi en‘a\ im fa\r;niqº! Girqin n;ro\ve fandisazo[ .øsqin ou girin fr;[hn ,ouncn ou ogin M;‘n Warouvanhn ke s'®oui so\n mat;ani h=;roun mh= ou ke yambordh m;xi f;t% ibr;u ou[;kiz ;u a®a=nord m;r n;rqin .®owqin ;u ou.tagnazouj;an! Na.abane fatorin%storagroua‘ F&F& Axga\in Akad;mia\i J[jakiz Andam "ro`& Art;m Sargs;anhn%- ke w;rafastath f;[inakin an]nakan wka\oujiunn;re ;u anor ardar mtafogoujiunn;re^ oronq arta\a\toua‘ ;n ir n;ra‘akan to[;roun mh=% our M& Goya\;an ke .ostowani ir ªanw;rapaf an]natououjiunºe w;r=in tase tarin;roun dhpi Patmakan Fa\astan ou.tagnazoujiun me katar;lou ir ª;raxºin! A\sphs% h= a® h= enj;rzo[in ke parxh ir n;ra,.arfe! Anz;al me endgrko[ tase tarin;rou ;rax me ke w;ra‘oui irakanouj;an% ;rb ªØdanauºe ke ,arvi dhpi Polis&&& ou ªTasn;r;q vam ankanga® j®icqe ke møt;na\ ir auartin! Afauasi*k ;u Marmara\i ‘own ou Wos'ori n;[ouzeº! Ardar;u%- ke fastath f;[inake%- ªWos'ori nouhrn h Polise% a®anz oroun qa[aqe piti ellar a,.arfi amhnhn anfrapo\r ou ]an]rali bnakawa\r;rhn mhkeº! Ou cmo®nanq% or n;rka\ Polise^ møtik anz;ali 5 milionanoz qa[aqe ch a\l;us% a\l m;ka-qa[aq me 14 milion bnakcouj;amb (h= 27)! Asiakan ødaka\ane ke kocoui ªSapifa Khøqcanº% a\n m;‘ darpase or k*a®a=nordh dhpi jrqakan j;rak[xi minc;u ar;u;l;an a,.arfn anor% or m;xi famar ke kocoui <ar& h= 15
Jailed PKK Leader Pens Letter Urging Support From Armenian Community
The jailed leader of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) has penned a letter to the Turkish-Armenian weekly Agos, calling on the Armenian community to support the demands of Kurds in Turkey. “The Kurdish people’s fight for freedom and the cure for the Armenian people’s sorrows have overlapped in the fight to [be able to] live in this land as citizens who share the same rights,” Abdullah Öcalan said in the letter, published Jan. 30. The letter came after the co-chair of the Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK), Bese Hozat, controversially described the Armenian, Jewish and Greek lobbies as a “parallel state,” echoing Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s accusations against the movement of the U.S.-based Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen (Cemaat). In the letter, Öcalan also accused antidemocratic powers “from inside and outside of” Turkey of hampering the resolution of the Kurdish issue. “Every time that we undertook peaceful paths, they have interrupted it with provocations,” Öcalan wrote. He cited “capital lobbies” and “structures such the Cemaat” as groups that sought to hamper the processes. He also said the killing of former Agos editor Hrant Dink was perpetrated with the same logic. “The true friend of the people Hrant Dink was massacred by the representatives of this dirty mentality, to serve the purpose that I have attempted to describe above,” Öcalan wrote, urging the Armenian community to stand against such networks. “I invite everyone to be more vigilant and consider matters more objectively against deep, open or parallel structures, and different structures as lobbies, or the Cemaat, which intend to frustrate our endeavor for the people,” he said. In the letter, the jailed PKK leader also urged the Turkish state to reckon with its past “regarding the Armenian genocide.” “In our time, it is necessary that the whole world recognizes the Armenian people’s tragedy, paving the way for the mourning of their sorrows. It is inevitable that the Turkish Republic will approach the matter with such maturity and reckon with this bitter history,” Öcalan said. The letter comes amid growing uncertainty about the stalled Kurdish peace process. Öcalan had previously argued the graft probes launched on Dec. 17 were attempting to prevent the peace process launched over a year ago.
Czech President Says Ottoman Mass Killings 'Genocide'
PRAGUE - Czech President Milos Zeman says the mass killings of ethnic Armenians in Ottoman Turkey amounted to "genocide." "Next year it will be 100 years since the genocide of the Armenian people in the year of 1915, when 1.5 million of Armenians died," Zeman said during Armenian President Serzh Sarkisian's official visit to Prague on January 30. The Czech Republic, a member of the European Union and NATO, is not among the 23 countries that formally recognize the mass killings as genocide. Zeman took office last year. EU powers and NATO members France
and Germany are among those who have recognized it as "genocide." NATO member Turkey, the modernday successor of the Ottoman Empire, strongly rejects genocide accusations. Armenia and Turkey have no diplomatic relations.
“The issue of Turkey’s membership in the European Union is first of all an affair of EU member states. Each of the 28 countries has to give its consent, which is a complex process,” Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan stated at a joint press conference with Czech President Milos Zeman in Prague. “To Armenia, Turkey’s membership of the EU means first of all the opening of borders. It will become easier for us to deal with a democratic and predictable country. Being an EU member means such a thing. We believed and continue to believe that Armenia and Turkey should establish relations without preconditions. Membership in the EU creates such prerequisites,” S. Sargsyan said. “I don’t doubt that many European
countries have their interests in Turkey, but I don’t doubt either that values, rather than interests prevail within the EU. I am also sure that Turkey’s membership will create sufficient grounds for Turkey to face its history without fear,” the Armenian president said.
Armenian President: Turkey’s Membership Of EU Means Border Opening
John Kerry: We’re Working On Nagorno-Karabakh
There is no place in the world that the United States are retreating, Secretary of State John Kerry said. “I can’t think of a place in the world that we are retreating, not one. And I believe we are engaged in a profoundly proactive and visionary way to try to give life to this partnership in ways that make a difference,” he said at the Munich Security Conference. John Kerry touched upon the Karabakh conflict and the Cyprus dispute. “We’re working on Cyprus quietly. You’re not hearing about it. We’re working on Nagorno-Karabakh, the Caucasus,” he added.
Czech Senator Welcomes President's Decision To Recognize Armenian Genocide Czech Senator Jaromír Štětina welcomed the recent statement by the President of the Czech Republic about the Armenian Genocide. Armenian news agency Armenpress informs about this. The Senator has regularly been in favor of the recognition of the Armenian Genocide in the course of his career. In a conversation with Armenpress, Jaromír Štětina said that he intends to introduce a declaration on the recognition of the Armenian Genocide to the foreign relations and defense committees of the Czech Parliament in the lead up to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. “The declaration will be introduced in 2015 ahead of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. I would like the Czech Senate to join the civilized parliaments which have recognized the Armenian Genocide. Preparatory work towards the declaration will be launched in late 2014,” the Czech Senator stated.
Azerbaijan Suffers Eight Killed And Over Twenty Wounded In Attacks On Karabakh
STEPANAKERT. Azerbaijani army suffered total casualties of 8 killed and over 20 wounded during its attacks on the line of contact with Nagorno-Karabakh in the period from January 20 to 31, press office of Nagorno-Karabakh ministry of defense reported. Azeri commandos left also certain amount of specific weapons, says the report. Karabakh suffered two killed as a result of two commando-type reconnaissance operations and about three thousand cases of violation of the cease-fire by Azerbaijan. Tension continued throughout last week. Apart from different caliber firearms, the enemy took certain amount of armored force to the frontline, according to the report. Azerbaijani subversive groups made attempts to penetrate into NagornoKarabakh overnight into Monday January 20, but were thrown back and suffered losses. A junior sergeant of Karabakh Army of Defense Armen Hovhannisyan was killed in the clash. Tuesday soldier of Karabakh army of defense Karen Galstyan was killed by a sniper. The press office said Karabakh air defense spotted training and combat carriers of the enemy flying 30-35 kilometers away from the frontline.
Armenian Peacekeepers Attend Drills In Germany
A 75-member Armenian peacekeeping subdivision took part in multi-national military exercises in Germany from 13 January until 2 February. The training was organized as part of the Kosovo Forces program. US air forces organized the subdivision’s transportation to Germany and back, reports the Armenian Defense Ministry’s press service. The trainings also attracted servicemen from the United States, Germany, Romania, Portugal, Slovenia, Albania and other countries. The program was aimed at raising capacities and the mutual cooperation level. Armenian peacekeepers have been involved in the Greek- and US-led Kosovo peace missions since 2004 and 2012, respectively.
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday February 6, 2014
French Minister Of Justice, Christiane Taubira, Confirms Law On Criminalization Of Genocide WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) congratulates board member Rachel Kaprielian on her new appointment as the Massachusetts State Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development. "I am thrilled that Rachel has agreed to take on this new role, and I am confident that she is prepared to continue the difficult work of getting our residents back to work, and preparing both our workers and employers for the jobs of the 21st century economy," Governor Deval Patrick said in a statement. Throughout her life, Rachel Kaprielian has been a leader - whether serving as a Member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives or within the ArmenianAmerican community. Throughout her career, Rachel has been a tireless advocate of Armenian Genocide affirmation and education. From working with the Armenian International Women's Association (AIWA) to playing an integral role in the establishment of the Armenian Heritage Park in
Boston, Kaprielian's dedication and enthusiasm is contagious. Joining the board of the Armenian Assembly of America in 2007, Rachel continues her service for the betterment of all Armenians. In 2008, Kaprielian was first appointed by Governor Deval Patrick as the Registrar of Motor Vehicles. Kaprielian previously served as a State Representative for Massachusetts' 32nd District (Middlesex) from 1995-2008, and as Watertown Councilor atlarge from 1992-1995. "Rachel is someone that the entire community and especially the Assembly is proud of," said Assembly Board President Carolyn Mugar. "We know she will do a great job and wish her every success." Established in 1972, the Armenian Assembly of America is the largest Washington-based nationwide organization promoting public understanding and awareness of Armenian issues. The Assembly is a non-partisan, 501(c)(3) taxexempt membership organization.
Armenian Bar Association Accepting Applications For Its Ninth Annual Scholarship Program
Los Angeles, California: – The Armenian Bar Association is pleased to announce that it is accepting applications for its Ninth Annual Scholarship Program. The Program is designed to support meritorious students of Armenian descent attending, or accepted for admission to, an approved law school in the United States, Armenia or elsewhere. Recipients must demonstrate an outstanding academic record as well as a strong commitment to the Armenian community, particularly in humanitarian and/or lawrelated endeavors. The Scholarship Program is primarily funded by donations and by fundraising events hosted by the Armenian Bar Association. In addition to the Scholarship Program, the Armenian Bar Association supports Armenian law students through its varied programs and events including the mentorship and internship programs and presentations by legal scholars. Students interested in applying for an Armenian Bar Association scholarship should obtain an application at the Armenian Bar Association’s website (www.arme-
nianbar.com). The application deadline is March 31, 2014. The application must either be postmarked by March 31, 2014 or if emailed, it should be received no later than midnight (PST) of March 31, 2014. The Armenian Bar Association is the largest organization of Armenian lawyers in the world. The Armenian Bar Association performs many functions on behalf of the Armenian community, such as responding to the press or media about topics relating to Armenians, educating AmericanArmenians regarding their legal rights, and advocating the rule of law in Armenia, all of which are important aspects of advancing both the economic and the humanitarian well-being of Armenia. The Armenian Bar Association also has engaged in many cross-national efforts between the United States and Armenia, such as hosting Armenian attorneys and judges in the United States and promoting Armenian-American attorneys’ involvement in the Armenian business and legal world, both as educators and as advisors.
On January 29, anniversary day when France recognized the Armenian Genocide (2001), the Coordination Council of Armenian Organizations of France (CCAF) presented during an annual dinner in the presence of many French personalities (political, Arts, News clergy) under the patronage of Charles Aznavour, the official logo that will be used to mark the 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide. During this important event, the Minis-
Member Of Bundestag Urges Erdogan To Apologize For The Armenian Genocide
Erika Steinbach, a member of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union Party urges Turkey to apologize for the Armenian Genocide. The call came ahead of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s visit to Germany, Bild reports. “I urge Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan to stop denying the genocide of Armenians and Assyrians by the Young Turk govern-
draws on these. She will also discuss her most recent work on the sculpture that decorates a window at the seventh-century Armenian church of Ptghni and the family of its founders, the Amatunis, and their ideas and claims concerning political authority. She will reflect on the similarities between King Alfred and King Gagik, the importance of the Amatunis to the Artsrunis and some links between Amatuni Ptghni and King Gagik’s early-tenth-century Church of the Holy Cross on Aghtamar, Lake Van. These are the foundations for her next book, whose working title is Christian Kingship in England and Armenia from the Late-Ninth to the Mid-Eleventh Century; Liturgy, Law and Self-Representation (Edwin Mellen Press). Anne Elizabeth Redgate is Lecturer in History at Newcastle University (Newcas-
ment of the Ottoman Empire 99 years ago,” Steinbach said. She added it’s time to apologize to the descendants of the victims of the first genocide of the 20th century. “It is Erdogan’s duty to face the truth nearly 100 years after that terrible crime and ensure that the Turkish textbooks do not disturb this part of Turkish history,” Erika Steinbach stated.
Armenia Accelerates Plan To Join Customs Union
The Armenian government is planning to complete the roadmap to join the Russia-led Customs Union and the Eurasian single economic area by September. On Saturday, a document called “The action plan of membership with the Customs Union (CU) and the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and Russian Federation” – the so-called roadmap – was posted on the official website (e-gov.am) of the RA government, which the cabinet approved on January 23. As Prime Minister Tigran
Sargsyan explained, the document was not published the same day for technical and translation-related reasons. The timetable of the steps to be taken for the implementation of the roadmap has been posted as well, consisting of 249 pages and 262 objectives. The 20chapter action plan implies extensive work in the total of 20 spheres, among them customs administration, technical regulation, sanitary, phytosanitary and veterinarian measures, transport and infrastructures, trade policy, etc.
The Azeri Seeking Shelter From Armenia The Azeri seeking shelter from Armenia with his family is the bodyguard of President Ilham Aliyev’s brother According to our sources, on January 29, the person arriving to Armenia through Baghratashen Custom’s checkpoint, with his family (wife and 3 children), and seeking for a political
At Ararat-Eskijian Museum Presents An Illustrated Lecture On “Portrait And Representations: Alfred Of Wessex And Gagik of Baspouragan: Progress And Prospects”
Dr. Anne Elizabeth Redgat will present an illustrated lecture on “portrait and Representations: Alfred of Wessex and Gagik of Vasouragan: Progress and Prospects, on Sunday, February 10, 2014, a 7:00 p.m. at the Ararat-Eskijian Museum, Sheen Chapel, 15105 Mission Hills Road, Mission Hills, CA. The event is sponsored by the Ararat-Eskijian Museum and the National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR). In this lecture Dr. Redgate will present her work comparing the early-tenthcentury King Gagik Artsruni of Vaspurakan with his near-contemporary, the late-ninthcentury King Alfred of Wessex (in southern England), and their ideas about kingship. Both kings commissioned works of art and historical writings, and the comparison
ter of Justice, Christiane Taubira, confirmed that the "French government works on a legal instrument" condemning the denial of the Armenian genocide. CCAF also presented the actions of the "Mission 2015" that preside over ceremonies. For an example, April 24, 2015 the church bells will ring throughout France at 7:15 PM (19 h15 in french time). Jean Eckian, Paris
tle upon Tyne) in the UK, where she has taught Anglo-Saxon history, Armenian history, and World History. She is the author of The Armenians (Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1998) and Religion, Politics and Society in Britain, 800-1066 (in press, Routledge), con-tributions to conferences and volumes in the UCLA Historic Armenian Cities and Prov-inces series, and other articles. She is especially interested in the centuries between 300 and 1100 AD, in questions of national identity, vernacular liturgy, heresy, the use of ar-tistic imagery as a medium of political expression, and comparative history. For more information contact the AraratEskijian Museum at 818-838-4862 or ararat-eskijian-museum@netzero.net or NAASR at 617-489-1610 or hq@naasr.org.
asylum in our country, introduced himself as a bodyguard of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev’s brother. He said to respective services of Armenia that pressure had been exerted on him in Azerbaijan, and that Armenia is the most secure country for him and his family.
First Armenia-Made Tablet Computer Officially Presented In Yerevan
YEREVAN. – The first Armenia-made tablet computer (Armtab) was officially presented during the ceremony in Armenia Mariott on Tuesday. Armenian-American joint venture Technology and Science Dynamics Inc./ Armtab Technologies corporation has launched the manufacturing of the firstever tablet computers in Armenia. Corporation founder Vahan Shakaryan said the tablet parts are imported, but the software is fully produced in Armenia. The event was attended by PM Tigran Sargsyan, Education Minister Armen Ashotyan, Economy Minister Vahram Avanesyan, President of Minno Tablet Eric C. Ryan.
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday February 6, 2014
By Alice Krumian
Turk Intellectuals Who Recognized The Armenian Genocide
5 - Ayşe Gül Altınay
By Hambersom Aghbashian
Ayşe Gül Altınay received her Ph.D. in Cultural Anthropology from Duke University and has been teaching at Sabancı University since 2001. ( B.A. in Sociology and Political Science, Boğaziçi University -1994, and Women's Studies Certificate, Duke University -1997). Her Ph.D. research and writing have focused on militarism, nationalism, violence, memory, gender, and sexuality (1). A well known Turkish intellectual and the director of Hrant Dink Foundation which was established in 2007 in order to keep alive the dreams, struggle, words and cause of assassinated Turkish-Armenian journalist and editor-in-chief of Agos newspaper, Hrant Dink, who was a prominent member of the Armenian minority in Turkey. Ayşe Gül Altınay has many published articles and researches. Her article “Gendered silences, gendered memories: new
memory work on Islamized Armenians in Turkey”, (L’homme: European Journal of Feminist History, Vol.24, No.2) is a study concerning the Islamized Armenians in Turkey during the Armenian Genocide at the beginning of the 20th century. She was one of the main organizers and the speakers in The Conference on Islamized Armenians which was organized by Hrant Dink Foundation with the cooperation of Boğaziçi University History Department and Malatya HAYDer and with the support of Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Chrest Foundation and Olaf Palme International Center took place at Boğaziçi University's during 24 November 2013. In her speech she focused on Islamized Armenians in Turkey and stated that “These stories, which started out as whispers, are now turning into flowing waters, into increasing numbers of memoirs, literature, research and documentaries", and in her “The Historical and Historiographical Silence on Islamized Armenians and New Memory Work along the Axis of Ethnicity, Nation, and Gender” she emphasized the necessity for a new academic language, and she maintained that Turkey has remained deaf and blind to this important topic for the past century (2). Ayşe Gül Altınay is the author of many
3.http://www.reporter.am/index.cfm?furl=/ go/article/2013-05-24-time-to-consider-thehidden-armenians-of-turkey&pg=3
Surp Giragos, after reopening two years ago, has become a focal point for ethnic Armenians rediscovering their identity in southeast Turkey. (Photo: Dorian Jones) A recently restored 13th-century church has become a focal point for ethnic Armenians seeking to rediscover their cultural identity in Turkey’s predominantly Kurdish southeast. St. Giragos Armenian Apostolic church is located in the back streets of the Sur quarter in Diyarbakır, one of southeastern Turkey’s largest cities. It was derelict and abandoned until restored to its full splendor two years ago, and now serves as a testament to the once large and wealthy ethnic Armenian community that for centuries lived in the city. “It means everything to me. It is our history, it is our culture and it is our legacy,” proudly declared 60-year-old church caretaker Armen Demircian. “It’s the gift of our ancestors to us. As an Armenian, I can see myself here.” Demircian’s story is typical for the region’s ethnic Armenians. His grandparents and great-uncles died amid Ottoman Turkey’s 1915 slaughter and expulsion of hundreds of thousands of ethnic Armenians. Officials in Armenia are pushing for international recognition of the events as genocide; the Turkish government links the events to World War I, rather than to a
genocide policy. During the bloodshed, a family friend hid Demircian’s father, then five, in a barn. A local Kurdish family brought the boy up; he later married one of the daughters. Demircian describes his own upbringing as entirely Kurdish. “I was raised as a Kurd, with Kurdish songs, Kurdish traditions,” he recounted. “I knew nothing of my Armenian identity, until an elder in the town explained to me that my father was Armenian and I was Armenian. It was a big shock and I was very confused.” St. Giragos remained closed for much of the last century, but now is a symbol of the growing self-awareness and confidence among Turkey’s remaining handful of ethnic Armenians. “Before, no one would say it,” Demircian said of the ethnicity of local Armenians, most of whom converted to Islam. “Now, since the church re-opened, many people come here and say; ‘My grandmother or my grandfather was Armenian.’” City government worker Melike Günal is among them. “My closest family always knew about our Armenian identity, but it was something kept within the family,” she recalled after lighting a candle and saying a prayer. Melike’s father died during the Turkish government’s war against Kurdish militant separatists in the 1990s; a brutal campaign
that also took the lives of many civilians. The Kurds’ struggle for greater minority rights gave an opportunity to ethnic Armenians. “It all came out with the Kurdish struggle for their identity; that opened the door to us,” said one 25-year-old schoolteacher, who, fearing potential retribution because she is a state employee, declined to give her name. “Kurds can’t deny the same rights for us.” The Turkish government recently began tentatively expanding cultural rights for ethnic Kurds. It also has introduced reforms to ease restrictions on Christian minorities, including returning properties seized by the state, and restoring individual churches, such as nearby Van’s Armenian Holy Cross Church, which are allowed occasional religious services. The teacher, however, claims greater freedom to express her identity also creates new problems. “When we say we are Armenians, we are not actually Armenians because we don't know anything about the Armenian language, and Armenians single us out” as outsiders, she asserted. “Are we Kurds? We live as Kurds, but Kurds discriminate against us,” the teacher said. “When we show genuine interest in Islam, we cannot fully integrate and we are discriminated by them as well. Whatever we do, we are always discriminated against.”
Vanity, all is vanity, The sad story of human destiny; We acknowledge it with despondency, Yet accept the rule of Mammon willingly. Respect is due to the wealthy, Who are acclaimed with glory, No one cares to investigate, The actual source of their money. Few are those who genuinely resent, The fraudulent hoarding of their wealth, Or their unfair employment of manpower, As long as the end is money and power. It is so sad to think of the fact, That one is judged by the extent of his wealth, He is listened, cared and esteemed, According to the standard of his living. One may expend all his energy, To the well-being of his community; Yet, little will be his appreciation, Rarely will be publicized his contribution. However, the moment money is donated, The giver is highly honored, respected; His name is soon read in publications, He is advertised, applauded, revered. This vain practice is regrettably true, It is ridiculous, degrading and low; We deplore it with indignation, Yet do nothing to challenge and change it.
Sharmazanov To Gul: Problems Of The Past Must Be Solved, Not Forgotten “Prickly problems of the past must be solved rather than be forgotten,” said ViceChairman of the Armenian National Assembly Eduard Sharmazanov in reply to Turkish President Abdullah Gul’s most recent comments regarding the Armenian genocide. At a joint press conference with visiting French President Francois Hollande, Gul urged Armenia and its Diaspora “to leave the pains of the past behind and not to pass them from generation to generation.” At the same time, Hollande, as quoted by AFP, urged the Turks to “uncover history” even if it is painful as he referred to the Ottomanera massacres of Armenians that France has recognized as genocide. “The genocide of 1.5 million Armenians in their native land is nothing but a vivid manifestation of a crime against humanity. Forgetting crimes ever committed against the human race begets new crimes, and the Holocaust during World War II is an example,” emphasized Sharmazanov, who is also a spokesman for the ruling Republican Party of Armenia led by President Serzh Sargsyan. The Armenian official also stressed that denying genocide is no lesser crime than the one committed by the Young Turk government against Armenians.
books and the co-author of many others, the lists are too long. Some of her books are translated into English, French and other languages. (Torunlar-Altınay, Ayşe Gül and Çetin, Fethiye , Istanbul - October 2009), is Translated into English by Freely Maureen, New Jersey, and titled (The grandchildren: the hidden legacy of lost Armenians in Turkey), also into Armenian by Gasparyan Lilit and Hratarakchatun Tigran , Yerevan, May 2011, and titled (TornerGrandchildren). Through her articles, researches, books and other activities concerning the Islamized Armenians in Turkey during the deportation, massacres and finally the GENOCIDE era, Ayşe Gül Altınay is supporting the Armenian cause by describing the existence and emergence of the hidden Armenians in Turkey, carried from one generation to the next, all originating from the 1915 Armenian orphans ,those who are defined in Turkey today as the ( 'remnants of the sword' -kilic artigi) (3). 1.http://socialdifference.columbia.edu/people/ay%C5%9Fe-g%C3%BCl-alt%C4%B1nay 2 . h t t p : / / w w w. h r a n t d i n k . o r g / ? D e tail=753&Lang=&Home&Lang=en
Turkey: Armenian Church Catalyst For Change In Kurdish Region
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday February 6, 2014
Basques And Armenians
The founders of Basque national historiography Esteban de Garibay, Andres de Posa and Baltasar de Echave considered Armenia as homeland of Basques. The Armenian origin of Basques was strongly supported by several prominent researchers, such as Joseph Karst Gaspar Eskolano, Edward Spencer Dodgson, and Bernardo Estornes Lasa By the end of 19th century the English lingust Edward Spencer Dodgson absolutely accidentally made a very interesting discovery. Being already a well-known basqologist, Dodgson studied Armenian in Parisian “Ecole Special”, in the class of the famous philologist Ogust Career. The result was highly unexpected: already after 2 months studies, Dodgson noticed that many Armenian and Basque words are practically identical. Dodgson published an article “Basque words in Armenian” in the journal “Euskera” (“Basque language”), in 1884. The list mentioned the parallels between more than fifty words. It was like thunder in the clear sky for the scientists, who long maintained the hypothesis of Georgian origin of Basques.
For example, (with transcriptions) BSchar «bad, evil» – ARM. char «bad, evil», BS. anti «from there» – ARM. anti «from there», BS. ais «wind» -ARM. ais «wind», BS. zati «separate» – ARM. zati «separate», BS. tegi «place» – ARM. tegh «place» .….
The second important discovery on this subject was made later. In 1920s Basque philologist Bernardo Estornes Lasa, a prominent scientist and academician, was collecting Basque folklore items in Rapcal valley, in the eastern part of province Navarra. In the village Isaba, Estornes Lasa wrote down a local legend according to which the village Isaba was founded by the Armenians, the first inhabitants of Navarra and the ancestors of Basque people. The legend says that the leader of Basques was called Haytor who arrived from Armenia with his seven sons and in their honour founded seven settlements in Navarra. It also said that the ancestor of Basques knew the secret of processing metal. Later, an ancient manuscript was found in the archives of the village, an ancient historical chronical, which confirmed the spoken legends. Highly notable that in Basque language Isaba is translated as “The trace of ancestors”. Although this can seem absolutely incredible, but the fact remains the fact, in village Isaba exists a road, which has the name Erminia (Armenia), in honour of the first colonizers of Navarra.
In Basque language the name of their ancestor Haytor means “Received from Haya” which correlates to Armenian ’hay tor’ (“a Grandson of Armenian”). Joseph Karst also mentioned this fact. The ancestor of Armenians, Hayk, indeed, had a grandson, whose name was Pask (in some Armenian dialects Bask). The first time the possible relationship between Armenian name Pask and etnoname of Basques was indicated by N. Marr. It’s interesting that the Basque term for thoroughbred ‘haytoren seme’ means “the son of Haytor”. All these facts were only the top of iceberg of the greatest secret of the European civilization. The theory of the Armenian origin of the oldest people of Europe has its deep roots in the historical collective memory of Basques and found its reflection in their written sources. As far back as XVIXVIIcc., the founders of Basque national historiography Garibay, Andres de Posa and Baltasar de Echave considered Arme-
nia the prehomeland (or original homeland) of Basques and tried to prove this on the basis of Basque-Armenian toponymic parallels… Araks (the name of a river in Armenia and in the Land of Basques), Apalar, the mountain in the land of Basques and biblical Ararat, the symbol of Armenians. Moreover, de Posa insisted that Basques are from Armenia. He mentioned that the city Taragona meant “commune of shepherds” and compared it with Armenian Taron, the ancient form of which is – Tarawna. A spanish historian of 17th century Gaspar Eskolano, in his book about the history of Valencia (1610), wrote that after the Worldwide flood the patriarch Tubal and his people disembarked on the coast of Spain and they spoke Armenian.
Besides, Gaspar Eskolano described the place, where, according to the legends, Armenians – the first inhabitants of Spain were buried. Today, on those locations, mainly in modern Catalonia, churches can be found, indicating that the they have been considered sacred for centures. All this information was defied because the subject wasn’t discussed and made out with the help of Armenian language. When German linguist Joseph Karst undertook the detailed study of Basque-Armenian parallels, the hypothesis about Georgian origin of Basques was firmly motivated. Georgian words in Basque language were obviously borrowings from Armenian, this was indicated by Basque academician Bernard Estorence Lasa. To be continued
Secretary of State John Kerry has lost faith in his own administration’s Syria policy, he told fifteen U.S. Congressmen in a private, off-the-record meeting, according to two of the senators who were in the room. Kerry also said he believes the regime of Bashar al Assad is failing to uphold its promise to give up its chemical weapons according to schedule; that the Russians are not being helpful in solving the Syrian civil war; and that the Geneva 2 peace talks that he helped organize are not succeeding. But according to the senators, Kerry now wants to arm Syria's rebels—in part, to block the local al Qaeda affiliates who have designs on attacking the U.S. (Kerry's spokesperson denied that he now wants to supply weapons, but did not dispute the overall tenor of the conversation.)
Syrian Aircraft Pound Rebel-Held Areas Of Aleppo
airport to hand over these weapons to the armed terrorist groups in Syria, referring to the graduation of a new batch of 1500 gun-
men, of al-Zaatari camp residents, who were trained for fighting and using weapons to join nearly 50000 others existing in Syria. US Security officials have unveiled that the US congress had secretly endorsed a bill to fund weapon shipments to the armed terrorist groups in Syria through Jordan.
tional Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon, Bishop Elias Toumeh, representative of the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, and Bishop Armash Nalbandian, Primate of the Armenian Church of Damascus. Syria’s top Christian leaders have called on the US to stop supporting Syria militants as They are joined by Reverend Riad Jarjour, Presbyterian pastor from Homs, and Bishop Dionysius Jean Kawak, Metropolitan of the Syrian Orthodox Church.
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) — Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah issued a royal decree on Monday that punishes citizens who fight in conflicts outside the kingdom, with prison sentences ranging from three to 20 years in jail. The statement issued by the Saudi Royal Court also says that any Saudi citizen who joins extremist terrorist groups or supports them materially or through in-
citement would face an even harsher punishment ranging from five to 30 years in jail. The decree appeared aimed at stemming the flow of Saudi fighters going to Syria. The region's civil war is believed to have drawn hundreds of young Saudis, worrying some in the kingdom that fighters could return radicalized and turn their weapons on the monarchy.
Syria Christian Leaders: Stop Supporting Militants Conditions continue to worsen for the religious minority in the crisis-hit Arab country. Leaders of five Christian denominations have called on the US government to change its policies and stop calling the militants “freedom fighters.” They are also urging Washington to put pressure on countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey to stop sending foreign militants into Syria. The group comprises of Reverend Adeeb Awad, vice moderator of the Na-
Kerry: Our Syria Policy Is Failing
BEIRUT (AP) — Syrian government aircraft unleashed a wave of airstrikes on more than a dozen rebel-held neighborhoods in the northern city of Aleppo on Sunday, as President Bashar Assad's forces inched into areas controlled by opposition fighters for more than a year, activists said. Aleppo has been a key battleground in Syria's civil war since rebels swept into the city in mid-2012 and wrested most of the eastern and southern neighborhoods from the government. Assad's air force for weeks has pounded those areas with barrel bombs — crude containers packed with explosives, fuel and scraps of metal — that cause massive damage on impact. On Sunday alone, Syrian military helicopters and warplanes targeted 15 opposition-held neighborhoods, said an activist who goes by the name of Abu al-Hassan Marea.
US Airplane Loaded With Weapons Lands In Al-Mafraq, Jordan
Amman, (SANA)-Jordanian news and press sources revealed that a US airplane, loaded with fatal weapons, landed in alMafraq airport in Jordan to deliver the weapons to the armed terrorist groups in Syria. Al-Wahda news network quoted Jordanian sources as saying that a US aircraft, loaded with weapons arrived in al-Mafraq
6’5” Mike Boornazian, a sophomore at Bates College in Maine and a candidate for the Armenia national basketball team, scored a career high 39 points today versus Connecticut College. Boornazian shot 1118 from the field, 6-10 from the 3 point line, as well as 11 of 12 from the free throw line to go along with 10 rebounds.
Saudi King Abdullah Orders Punishing Jihadi Fighters
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FOG:FANGIST XAROUFI (FAMAL:AN) ARO|:AN (’n;al^ Falhp% 1922-in) Fangouz;al Xaroufi Aro\;ani mafouan qa®asounqin a®ijow (mafaza‘^ Posjen)% fog;fangst;an pa,tøn piti kataroui Kiraki% ";trouar 16% 2014in% S& P;tros Fa\z& A®aq;lakan ;k;[;zuo\ mh=% 17231 Sherman Way, Van Nuys% \auart S& Pataragi!
Ørouan bana.øsn;re
7 Tari a®a=% no\n øre% no\n n;ng jourqe% anargørhn k®nakhn faroua‘;z Polso\ ªAkosº j;rji .mbagir Frand Tinqe% parxaphs orowf;t;u an FA| hr! Tinqi diake 'o[ozi ma\jin wra\ '®oua‘ mnaz vam;r ,arounak% ‘a‘koua‘ ann,an 'lasjiqi ktorow me% jourqin argafatanqi arta\a\touj;amb% a®anz do\xn isk am;na=n=in fogatarouj;an! |ounouar 19% 2014% ;r;ko\;an vame 5&00-in% Los Any;lesi Polsafa\ Miouj;an% Frand Tinq fandisasrafin mh= t;[i oun;zau (Kapilari Achmak) ªD®n;re Banalº t;sa;rixi me n;rka\azoume! T;sa;rixe patrastoua‘ hr fa\% qiurt ;u Jourq fasarakouj;an møt;zman npatakn;row% n;rka\azn;low fa\kakan% jrqakan% atrph\yanakan ;u qrtakan ;rg;rou ;u par;rou kataro[oujiunn;r% Polso\ ªSa\aj Nowaº ;rgca.oumbin masnakzouj;amb! Polsafa\ ªSa\aj Nowaº ;rgca.oumbe% a\z;la‘ hr :r;uan% n;rka\azn;lou famar so\n ;lo\je% fa\% jourq ;u qiurt vo[owourdn;rou fam;ra,.ouj;an ;u bar;kamouj;an a®a=arkn;row% ;rg;rou ;u par;rou endmh=hn% ;u xanonq arg;la'ako[ safmann;re w;razn;lou npatakn;row! T;sa;rixi zouzadroujiunhn ;tq% miouj;an w;ri fandisasrafin mh= t;[i oun;zau Frand Tinqi 7-rd tar;lizi \i,atakouj;an nouiroua‘ mi=oza®oum me% srafin taro[ouj;amb l;zoun fandisat;sn;row! N;rka\ hin Fa\z& A®aq;lakan ;k;[;zouo\ Ar;umt;an j;mi a®a=nord% Thr |ownan Arq& Thrthr;an% Mou,;[ Arq& Martiros;ane ke n;rka\aznhr Âaxmik Qfn\& >acatour;an% Au;taranakan fama\nqi n;rka\azouzic W;rapatou;li |owsh' Majos;an% a\l k[;rakann;r% ;u fa\ kousakzoujiunn;rou% mioujiunn;rou% mamouli ;u fama\nqi a\l n;rka\azouzic n;r! Fandisoujiune sksau .orfrdauor l®ouj;amb me% our% qoulisa\in kataro[ouj;amb me lsou;zau Toqj& |owfannhs Au;tiq;ani ªSari A[=ikº ;rge% toutoukafar Alphr Wardanan;ani masnakzouj;amb! Toqj& Au;tiq;an fama®øt k;rpow n;rka\a-
zouz ørouan fandisaware% irauaban Htwin Minas;ane% n,;low polsafa\;roun fska\akan n;rdroumn;re Jourqio\ fa\ ga[oujin ;u jourq vo[owourdin mh=% Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an tarin;rhn minc;u a\sør! Ørouan fandisawarn hr irauaban Htwin Minas;an% ‘na‘ Polis% \aya.a‘ t;[uo\n warvarane% apa m;kna‘ Am;rika ;u ir ousoume ,arounaka‘ Los Any;lesi USC famalsaranin mh=% masnagitanalow irauabanakan yiu[in mh=! Htwin Minas;an n;rka\azouz ørouan fandisouj;an gl.auor npatake% og;koc;low \i,atake Frand Tinqin ;u anor spanouj;an gl.auor patya®n;re% orowf;t;u an mi,t ke .øshr Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an masin! An bari galousti .øsq;row b;m frauir;z ørouan a®a=in bana.øse% A\ta Hrpal! Ørd& Hrpal .øs;zau Jourqio\ n;rka\ qa[aqakan kazouj;an masin% manrakrkit k;rpow ousoumnasir;low artaqin gor‘oz na.arar Afmht Tauoutø[loui wara‘ qa[aqakanoujiune% :r;uani a\z;loujiune% era‘ \a\tararoujiunn;re Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an nkatmamb% ;u anor fandipoumn;re! An n;rka\azouz na;u 'oqramasnoujiunn;rou kazoujiune Jourqio\ mh=% anonz anoro, apagan% manauand^ polsaf;roun apagan! An .øs;zau na;u fa\kakan kaloua‘n;rou s;'akanouj;an ;u anoz w;radar]e fa\ ;k;[;ziin ;u anonz thr;roun iradar]oujiunn;roun masin! Hrpal w;r=azouz ir .øsqe es;low jh qiurt;rou bantarkoua‘ [;kawar Øcalane namak me piti \[hr fa\ vo[owourdin a\s ør;rou enjazqin! |a=ord bana.øsn hr >acik Mourat;an% Armenian Weekly ,abajaj;rji .mbagire% or piti n;rka\azouhr b;madric Hriq Naxar;anin ko[mh% saka\n anor bazaka\ouj;an patya®ow% Htwin Minas;an b==a\in f;®a.øsow kardaz anor \[a‘ xga\ounz patgame a\d ørouan% ou[[oua‘ >acik Mourat;anin! >acik Mourat;an fa\;rhn l;xouow ,nor-
Sgakirn;r^ Xauakn;re^ Martiros ;u Høvhni Aro\;an Søsi Aro\;an Gourghn ;u Nora Aro\;an ;u doustr;re^ Jamar ;u Karni :[ba\rn;re^ Sargis ;u Salbi Famal;an ;u xauakounq Ønnik ;u Søsi Famal;an ;u xauakounq Qro= amousine^ |akob Cincin;an ;u xauakounq :[bør kine^ Xaroufi Famal;an ;u xauakounq ;u fama\n Aro\;an% Famal;an% Cincin;an% :a[sex;an% <aml;an% :ousou`;an% Thr {axar;an% Martir;an% Inyh\;an% S;ra\tar;an% Finto\;an% Arslan;an% ~;rman;an% Arey;an% P;tros% Qarkotor;an% Part entaniqn;rn ou faraxatn;re! Fog;fangst;an pa,tønhn ;tq fog;ya, piti matouzoui ;k;[;zuo\ kiz ªGarakhøx;anº srafin mh=! Fangouz;alin \i,atake \argo[n;rhn ke .ndroui n;rka\ gtnouil!
fakalouj;amb arta\a\tou;zau enk;ro=e^ Hriq Naxar;anin% ir;n ou[[oua‘ axniu .øsq;roun famar% or ke gtnouhr Polis% masnakz;lou baxmafaxar bo[oqarkoun;rou f;t% Frand Tinqi spanouj;an 7-rd tar;lizi zo\z;roun% oroun f;[inakn;re takauin ke mnan anpativ! Mourat;an apa ,arounak;low angl;rhn l;xouow n;rka\azouz Ar;umt;an Fa\astani a\z;louj;an ir tpauoroujiunn;rn ou .of;re% safikn;rou zouzadrouj;amb! Mourat;an .orin xgazmounqow ke \i,hr a\n wa\r;re% wanq;re% ;k;[;zin;re% ou b;rd;re% oronq fa\ vo[owourdi qa[aqakrjouj;an ørran hin dar;r a®a=% ;u a\vm^ bolore w;ra‘oua‘ au;rakn;rou% t;[azi vo[owourdn;roun ];®amb% ªa\nt;[ ja[oua‘ fa\oz gan];rouº p;[oumn;rou auaxakouj;amb% oronq m;rj end m;rj miamtabar ke \a\tnab;rouhin fa\ xbøsa,r=ikn;roun a®a=% jh^ ªna\;zhq% mia\n asonq gtanqº! Mourat;ani .øsq;row% oskin chr or ke f;taqrqrhr m;x% a\l^ a\n m,ako\ja\in faroust ka®o\zn;rn ;n% oronq kor‘an;ziq ];r tgitouj;amb% ;u auaxaka\in fog;banouj;amb! Ir a\z;louj;an enjazqin% Mourat;an fandipa‘ hr islamaza‘ fa\;rou% oronzmh mi qanin takauin ke .øshin fa\;rhn% kam anonz xauakn;roun% oronq k∞endounhin ir;nz fa\ axgin patkan;lioujiune! Auart;low ir .øsqe& >acik Mourat;an esau jh^ a\nt;[% Ar;umt;an Fa\astani mh=% l;ran kam blouri me gagajin nsta‘% miak 'a'aqs piti ellar
a®an]nanal a\nt;[% .okal ou mta‘;l jh^ incpisi# xgazoumn;row% inc# krnanq irakanazn;l kam 'o.;l a\d bolorhn! |a=ordabar .øsq a®in na;u Polsafa\ ;ritasardouj;an n;rka\azouzice angl;rhn l;xouow% Fa\astanhn vamana‘ Va®angoujiun Kousakzouj;an na.agaf^ Âa``i |owannis;ane% or =atagow;z fa\ axgin axatouj;an ;u ardarouj;an t;nci pa\qare% es;low jh^ a\sør% a\d pa\qare 'o.adroua‘ h Polis ;u incphs Frand Tinq esa‘ hr% a\l;us .øsinq o[=;roun masin! >øsq a®au na;u fa\ irauabann;rou miouj;an na.agaf Karø {axar;ane% or ir;n \atouk k;nsounak a®ogabanouj;amb% gnafat;z ;u .ostazau ,arounak;l fa\ vo[owourdin pafan=atirakan ardar pa\qare minc;u irakanazoum! |ownan Arq& Thrthr;an ir .øsqow gnafat;z mi=oza®oume kaxmak;rpo[ \an]na.oumbin a,.atanqn;re% ir patgame ou[[;low n;rkan;roun% fa\ axgin ;u ;k;[;ziin pafpano[ouj;an ;u anor f;t;uo[akanouj;an kocow% fa\ axgi \arat;uouj;an ;u go\at;uman famar! W;rapatou;li |owsh' Majos;an ir kargin ørfn;z n;rkan;re ir bari ma[janqn;row! Fandisoujiune auart;zau Toqj& |owfannhs Au;tiq;anin ªAtana\i kotora‘eº ;rgow% ormh ;tq n;rkan;re fiurasirou;zan ko[qi srafin mh=! J[jakiz
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NOR ØR% ":TROUAR 6% 2014
:[;l ;n na;u xout% qa[aqakan bno\ji farz;r% oronq qnnuoum ;u wy®uoum hin baza®aphs kousakzouj;an am;nabar]r [;kawar at;ann;roum^ na. qartou[aroujiunoum% our a®a=in qartou[are ªmtnoum hrº famapatasan grouj;amb% \;to\ Qa[biuro\oum! A\st;[ a®a=in qartou[are mia\nak hr pa,tpanoum ga[a'are% famoxoum ;u ir wra\ hr w;rznoum ambo[= patas.anatououjiune! Miangama\n akn\a\t h% or qnnarkman ;lqe^ ke stana#\ ard;øq% farze drakan lou‘oum% jh ke m;rvoui% m;‘ ca'ow pa\manauoroua‘ hr qartou[ari ounakoujiunn;row ;u orakn;row! Qa[aqakan bno\ji farz;rin ;n w;rab;ruoum Z;[aspanouj;an% p;takan l;xoui% s'iu®qi f;t \arab;roujiunn;ri% ;k;[;zou f;t 'o.\arab;roujiunn;ri farz;re% oro, tøn;ri farz;re! *** Mi qani tasnam;ak >SFMoum 1915 jouakani Z;[aspanouj;an j;man gtnuoum hr c\a\tararoua‘ arg;lqi tak% a\d masin pa,tønaphs chr .øsuoum ;u chr gruoum! :u sa a\n dhpqoum% ;rb fa\kakan famar;a iuraqanciur entaniqoum patmakan o[b;rgouj;an manramasnoujiunn;ri masin githin anmi=akanørhn fa\r;riz ;u pap;riz% oronq anz;l hin dvo.qi mi=ow% korzr;l hin faraxatn;rin ;u fra,qow k;ndani mnaz;l! A®a=in angam a\d masin sks;zin .øs;l mia\n 1965-in% ;rb o[b;rgakan iradar]oujiunn;ri møt;zo[ 50-am;a\ tar;lizi kapakzouj;amb mamouloum sks;zin ;r;ual% \ou,;r% patmakan aknarkn;r ;u \ødoua‘n;r Z;[aspanouj;an masin! FKK KK_i a\n vamanakoua\ a®a=in qartou[ar :akow Xarob;ani .ndranqow moskow;an i,.anoujiunn;re jo\l tou;zin fanrap;toujiunoum
p;takan makardakow n,;l a\d tar;jiue! Miouj;nakan mamouloum kary% endamhne mi qani to[ow fa[ordagroujiun trou;z Jourqia\oum fa\;ri kotora‘i 'asti masin! Ou jh;u a\d ør;rin ;[an ªankargoujiunn;rº% vo[owrdin zroum hin =row% ;[an ];rbakaloujiunn;r% saka\n j;ragnafat;l l®ouj;an pate ªy;[q;louº 'asti patmakan n,anakoujiune^ fnarauor ch! Miouj;nakan i,.anoujiunn;re w;r=aphs faskazan% or ocinc ci mo®azou;l% o[b;rgakan iradar]oujiunn;re \i,uoum ;n% dranq ariunot ta®;row n;rgroua‘ ;n vo[owrdi% iuraqanciur fa\i patmakan \i,o[ouj;an mh= ;u a\d famaxga\in farzoum vo[owourde ;u [;kawaroujiune katar;laphs miasnakan ;n! Fa\astani Komounistakan Kousakzouj;an K;ntronakan Komithn ;u Ministrn;ri .orfourde% farze fama]a\n;zn;low Moskoua\i f;t% famat;[ oro,oum endoun;zin 1915-i xof;ri \i,atakin nouiroua‘ \ou,akojo[ ka®ouz;lou masin! Z;[aspanouj;an fimna.ndri nkatmamb w;rab;rmounqe Fa\astani komkousi bar]rago\n [;kawarouj;an ko[miz \a=ordakanouj;an fianali ørinak h! |ou,akojo[i ka®ouzman masin oro,oumn endounou;z :akow Xarob;ani na.a];®nouj;amb% ,inararoujiunn sksou;z ;u auartou;z Anton Qocin;ani ørøq^ 1966-67 jj&! A,.atanqn;rin% KK-i \an]nararouj;amb% f;t;uoum hr :r;uani qa[komi norentir qartou[ar Karhn D;miry;ane% na m;‘ =anq;r n;rdr;z% orphsxi \ou,ako[jo[i bazoume ka\ana\ na.an,oua‘ øre^ 1967-i No\;mb;ri 27-in! 1974-in D;miry;ane da®nalow fanrap;touj;an [;kawar sks;z xba[ou;l Z;[aspanouj;an møt;zo[ 60-am;a\ tarlizi f;t kapoua‘ oc diurin farz;row! No\n jouakanin mhk ;rkou ørow \aya. m;knoum hr Moskoua% Qa[biuro\i iuraqanciur andami f;t a®an]in banakzoujiunn;r hr waroum bazatr;low patmakan iradar]oujiunn;ri houjiune% .ndroum hr em®noum ;u a=akzoujiun farzi qnnarkman vamanak! Na ;[au Qa[biuro\i andamn;r P;l,hi% Souslowi% Gromiko\i ;u ouri,n;ri møt! Enddimanoum hr \atkaphs Gromikon% ow ir;n famaroum hr sow;tajourqakan \arab;roujiunn;ri
gl.auor masnaght! I w;r=o\ Karhnin c\a=o[ou;z famox;l Qa[biuro\i andamn;rin^ Aprili 24-n endoun;l orphs Z;[aspanouj;an xof;ri \i,ataki ør% saka\n oro,oum endounou;z mi ambo[= ,arq mi=oza®oumn;r anzkazn;lou masin! Da ,at hakan qa\l hr dhpi a®a=! 1975-i Aprili 24-i a®auøt;an vame 10-in m;nq akanat;s ;[anq% jh incphs Fa\astani [;kawaroujiune ambo[= kaxmow% a®a=in angam a\z;l;z \ou,akojo[% ‘a[k;psakn;r dr;z i \i,atak Z;[aspanouj;an xof;ri! O#w karo[ hr imanal% or da ke da®na\ auando\j! Dran f;t;u;z sgo\ baxmafaxaranoz ;rje^ minc;u ou, gi,;r! :r;ko\;an vame 7-in ®atio\ow ;u f;®at;silow m;nq ls;zinq FKK KK-i a®a=in qartou[ari a®a=in patmakan ;lo\je 60-am;a\ anz;ali iradar]oujiunn;ri masin! A®a=in angam pa,tønakan makardakow fnc;z Z;[aspanoujiun ba®e! A®a=in angam ª"rautaº ;u ªIxw;stiaº j;rj;roum lo\s t;san \ødoua‘n;r^ 1915 j& Z;[aspanouj;an masin^ F>SF Gitoujiunn;ri Akad;mia\i na.agaf Wiqjor Fambar]oum;ani storagrouj;amb! 1985-in% møt;zo[ 70-am;a\ tar;lizi kapakzouj;amb% noriz h dimoum ;rkri [;kawarouj;ane^
a®a=ark;low Aprili 24-e \a\tarar;l Z;[aspanouj;an xof;ri \i,ataki ør! A\d no\n vamanak hl na dim;z mi a\l a®a=arkouj;amb ;us^ oro,oum endoun;l :r;uan qa[aqi xargazman masin! Z;[aspanouj;an masin a®a=arkoujiune >MKK KK_i Qartou[aroujiunoum anzau% saka\n Qa[biuro\i nistoum cors ]a\now m;rvou;z! Dhm hin M& Xim;anine% N& Ti.onowe% W& Gri,ine ;u A& Gromikon! Qnnarkoume zo\z tou;z a\d am;naxør marmni andamn;ri snankoujiune! A\sphs% Ti.onowe \a\tarar;z^ ;jh a\d farze ci qnnarkou;l L;nini n;rka\ouj;amb% apa a\vm hl a\n phtq ch qnnarkoui! Bolorin xarmazr;z ªd;mokratº ;u fraparaka\nouj;an nouir;al Gorpac;ue^ \a\tarar;low& ªKarhn S;robowiciz bazi n;rka\azra‘ a®a=arkoujiunn;ri masin a®a\vm d;® oc oq cgiti ;u phtq ch% or a\d masin o;uh mhke imana\º! Oro,oum endounou;z Z;[aspanouj;an 70-am;ake no\n mi=oza®oumn;ri ,r=anakn;roum% incphs 1975-in! Miavamanak endounou;z mi a\l% ir n,anakouj;amb baza®ik kar;uoroujiun oun;zo[ oro,oum :r;uani masin% \atkazou;z a\npisi goumar% ore møtauoraphs fauasar hr F>SF-i ;rkou taroua\ biutyhin% ince >SFM-i ambo[= patmouj;an enjazqoum anna.adhp hr! <ar 7
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miazan libananafa\ ga[ouji bar;gor‘ouj;an titann;r% oronz ,norfiu baxmazan FBE Miouj;an warvarann;re Libanani mh=! Oun;zanq FBE Miouj;an :rouand Fiusis;an fa\agitakan fimnarke ;u a\s baxmabno\j ou baxmajiu gor‘ounhouj;amb tasnapatik angam au;lzan fa\ ousano[n;roun troua‘ Miouj;an krjajo,akn;re! Isk 1972-in bazoume katarou;zau libananafa\ouj;an par‘anqe fandisazo[% Ph\rouji Xoqaq hl Plaj ja[amasin mh= slazo[ Al;q Manouk;an g;[ak;rt k;drone% no\ninqn FBE Miouj;an axgam;‘ar na.agaf Tiar Al;q Manouk;ani n;rka\ouj;amb! No\n tarin bazoume katarou;zau na;u Jhqh;an M,akouja\in Miouj;an Yemmh\xi ja[i fo\ak;rt k;dronin! A\s bolori ;tin% incphs mi,t ;u amhnour;q% kangna‘ ;n Miouj;an andamakzoujiune% Miouj;an gor‘icn;re ;u pa,tønhoujiune% oronz [;kawarn hr Sargis Minas;an! 1986-in Sargis Minas;an Los Any;les ke t;[a'o.oui! An Los Any;les fasn;loun phs% takauin toun-t;[% gor‘ cgta‘ mas kaxm;z <r=anis FBE Miouj;an% Jhqh;ani ;u ÂAK-i ,arq;roun% da®nalow ªNor Ørºi .mbagrap;t! An axga\in-qa[aqakan \ødoua‘n;row ;u jargmanoujiunn;row% ba\z manauand ir maqramaqour ;u m;[rafam fa\;-
rhnow% mi,t al 'nt®oua‘ gro[ me ;[au ;u ke ,arounakh mnal! Sargis Minas;ani \ødoua‘n;re inc niuji masin al or ellan% m;‘ fayo\qow ke kardazouin! 1990-hn i w;r Sargis Minas;an orphs ªNor Ørºi .mbagrakan kaxmi andam ;u a,.atakiz% ir m;‘ n;rdroume oun;za‘ h m;r j;rjin! Sargis Minas;an fraparakagrakan ir faroust wastakin ko[qin frataraka‘ h na;u w;z fatorn;r oronzmh omanq jargmanoua‘ ;n angl;rhni! Fatorn;roun m;‘ mase qronikagroujiunn;r% Fa\ Dati nouiroua‘ ;u FBE Miouj;an k;anqhn a®noua‘ niuj;r ;n! M;r sir;li bar;kame ;rkar tarin;r na;u gor‘a‘ h% orphs Los Any;lesi dprozakan zanzi gradaranap;t! Fimnadirn;rhn h Los Any;lesi Corq Marxpani Fa\r;nakzakan Miouj;an ;u 2012-hn sks;al ke warh a\s miouj;an warcouj;an at;nap;ti pa,tøne! A\sør% m;r ;rhz enk;ro=^ Sargis Minas;ani parg;uatrman oura. a®ijow% srtax;[oun oura.ouj;amb ke ,norfauor;nq s'iu®qafa\ a\s baxmawastak gor‘ice% ir;n ;u ir jankagin ko[akiz^ ;rkaram;a\ krjakan m,ak Tik& Xarminhin k*es;nq& ªArvani ;u ardarº ;u ma[j;low anonz qa=a®o[=% ;rkar k;anq ;u noranor ‘a®a\oujiunn;r ;u st;[‘agor‘oujiunn;r% \øgout ;u i 'a®s m;r vo[owourdin!
kht dima‘ h Atrph\yani qa[aqazi% Paqou qa[aqi bnakic% 1976 jouakanin ‘na‘ Yauit Ørouy;u^ ir kno= ;u ;r;q mankafasak xauakn;roun famar qa[aqakan apastan .ndr;lou npatakow! A\s oro,oume fimnauoroua‘ h atrph\yanakan i,.anoujiunn;roun ko[mh anor nkatmamb gor‘adroua‘ fala‘anqn;rowº% esoua‘ h Axga\in anwtangouj;an ‘a®a\ouj;an mamlo\ k;droni tara‘a‘ fa[ordagrouj;an mh=! Ørouy;u% est Axga\in anwtangouj;an ‘a®a\ouj;an% patma‘ h% or ir nkatmamb atrph\yanakan \atouk ‘a®a\oujiunn;rou yn,oumn;re sksa‘ ;n fa\kakan armatn;row kno=^ Paqoui bnakic% 1983 jouakanin ‘na‘ Âo\a Mirxo\;ua\i f;t amousnanalhn ;tq! ªCdimanalow anmardka\in k;[;qoumn;roun% Yauit Ørouy;u partadroua‘ fama]a\na‘ h famagor‘akzil Atrph\yani \atouk ‘a®a\oujiunn;roun f;t% ;u kno=^ artasafman bnako[ axgakann;roun mi=ozow tou;aln;r fa\ja\j;l Fa\astani ;u S'iu®qi w;rab;r;al! Gitakz;low ir;n ;u ir entaniqin spa®nazo[ irawiyakin^ Ørouy;u an\a=o[ 'or] katara‘ h bnakoujiun fastat;l ;uropakan ;rkirn;rhn mhkoun mh=% ourkh Paqou artaqsou;lhn ;tq anor nkatmamb au;li xøraza‘ ;n Axrph\yani \atouk ‘a®a\oujiunn;roun yn,oumn;re! ª|a\tnou;low a\spisi an;lan;li irawiyaki mh= ;u xgalow ir entaniqin spa®nazo[ irakan wtange% Yauit Ørouy;u oro,a‘ h qa[aqakan apastan .ndr;l Fa\astani i,.anoujiunn;rhnº% n,oua‘ h Axga\in anwtangouj;an ‘a®a\ouj;an fa[ordagrouj;an mh=! MAK-i fa\astan;an gras;n;ake ;u Fa\astani ga[jakanouj;an gor‘akaloujiune a\vm ke xba[in a\d entaniqin \;taga\ yakatagirow!
|ounouari 15-in Jhqh;an K;ntronoum bazou;z ªPatoufan dhpi a,.arfº mi=axga\in lousankarcakan zouzafandhse% ore ke ,arounakoui minc;u ";trwari 15-e ;u a\nouf;t;u ke t;[a'o.oui Fa\astani a\l qa[aqn;r! Zouzafandhse na.a];®n;l h ªPhotoPodium.comºe^ FF-oum ªÂousfamagor‘akzouj;anº n;rka\azouzcouj;an ;u ªJhqh;an K;ntronº fimnadrami fowanauorouj;amb! ªSa fimnadrami a\s taroua\ a®a=in mi=oza®oumn h% ;u a\n ,at .orfrdan,akan h% qanxi% fa,oui a®n;low% or lousankarcoujiune ardhn dours h ;k;l 'astagrakan olortiz ;u dar];l h arou;st% Jhqh;an K;ntronoum nmanørinak zouzafandhsn;ri kaxmak;rpoumn auando\j h da®noum% - n,;l hr ªJhqh;an K;ntronº fimnadrami tnørhn A& ’oulik;ann zouzafandhsi bazman vamanak! ªPatoufan dhpi a,.arfº na.ag‘in masnakzoum h 41 f;[inak ÂD-iz% AMN-iz% Australia\iz% G;rmania\iz% Nid;rlandn;riz% Ouqraina\iz% Wrastaniz ;u Fa\astaniz! Zouzafandhsi npatakn h fa\ fasarakouj;ane ‘anøjazn;l a\n f;[inakn;ri f;t% oum a,.atanqn;re na.kinoum c;n zouzadrou;l Fa\astanoum! Zouzafandhsin n;rka\azoua‘ h au;li qan 80 lousankar% oronq artazoloum ;n ,r=apato[ irakanoujiune f;[inaki t;sankiuniz% isk lousankarcakan vanr;ri baxmaxanoujiune a,.arfi tarb;r ankiunn;ri gounag;[oujiunn ou ankrkn;lioujiunn h n;rka\aznoum& a\s amhnn hl patoufan dhpi a,.arf!
|A|TARAROUJIUN JHQH:AN M<AKOUJA|IN MIOUJ:AN FA|KA<HN OUXOUN:AN 37-RD GRAKAN MRZANAK-2014 Jhqh;an M,akouja\in Mioujiune a\sou kou ga\ \a\tarar;l ;rkou tarin angam me katarouo[ FA|KA<HN OUXOUN:AN GRAKAN MRZANAK-2014-i pa\mann;re! Kar;li h 37-rd mrzanqin n;rka\azn;l& 1& Grakan g;[arou;stakan st;[‘agor‘oujiunn;r% 2& Fa\agitakan ;u patmagitakan a,.atoujiunn;r! Mrzanaki arvanazo[ f;[inakn;re ke stanan famapatas.an wka\agir ;u dramakan nouhr! a& Kar;li h mrzo\jin n;rka\azn;l 2012-2014 jouakann;roun fa\;rhn l;xouow na.aphs fratarakoua‘ girq;r! };®agir kam a\l ];uow n;rka\azouo[ gor‘;r nkati piti ca®nouin! b& Mrzo\jin krnan gor‘;r n;rka\azn;l Fa\astanhn ;u S'iu®qi tarb;r ga[oujn;rhn anfat gro[n;r% ar]akagir% banast;[‘% jat;ragir% ousoumnasiro[n;r% patmabann;r kam banashrn;r! g& Mrzanaki Datakan Kaxmi andamn;re ;u anonz faraxatn;re c;n krnar masnakzil mrzo\jin! d& N;rka\azouo[ gor‘;rhn ;r;qakan ørinak [rk;l f;t;u;al faszhn;rhn mhkoun& Taline Avakian-Ouzounian 19 Route de la Capite, 1223 Cologny, Switzerland kam% TCA Haigashen Ouzounian Literary Award 50 Khanjian Erevan- Republic of Armenia Gor‘;re n;rka\azn;lou vamkhtn h 2014 |oulis 19! Ardiunqn;re piti \a\tararouin 2014-i Fokt;mb;rin! JMM Fa\ka,hn Ouxoun;an Grakan Mrzanaki |an]navo[ow
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MAFAXD :{SA :AFIN:AN KIL:AN (’n;al Fokt;mb;r 10% 1926 Ph\rouj% Libanan) Srti da®n kski‘ow ke gouv;nq mafe m;r sir;z;al qro=% mør ;u m;‘ mør% or t;[i oun;zau Kiraki% ";trouar 2% 2014-in% "asatina\i mh=% Gali`ornia! |ou[arkauorouj;an araro[oujiune t;[i piti oun;na\ "asatina\i Sourb Grigor Lousauoric ;k;[;ziin mh=% :rkou,abji% ";trouar 10% 2014% khsørh ;tq vame 1%30-in! Isk ja[man araro[oujiune "asatina\i Mountain View% g;r;xmanatan mh=% Fair Oaks, Pasadena, California& Sgakirn;rn^ Qo\re Øwsanna ;u Mifran Mourat;an Xauakn;re Wardan ;u Sona Kil;an ;u xauakounq Samouhl ;u Âox Nasan;an Wardan ;u Siuxan Jasmay;an ;u xauakounq Tik& Silwa Rous;an entan;øq Jo®n;re Frak Nasan;an ;u Nia Oua\perk Ari ;u Fourik Manouk;an Yhq ;u Hlixaphj "ilau;an :u fama\n Kil;an% :afin;an% Mourat;an% Nasan;an% Jasmay;an% Rous;an% Niko[os;an% Thr;an% Majos;an% Pafloun;an ;u Nalpant;an entaniqn;re!
ZAUAKZAKAN O[baz;al :{SA :AFIN:AN KIL:AN-i mafouan t.our a®ijow% m;r .oraxgaz zauakzoujiunn;re ke \a\tn;nq Thr ;u Tik& Wardan ;u Siuxan Jasmay;ann;roun% incphs na;u entan;kan bolor paragan;roun! ÂAK <r=ana\in Warcoujiun ÂAK G;rsam Afaron;an Akoumb ªNor Ørº <abajaj;rj
BIUXAND QH|WAN:AN (’n;al^ 1935-in% Falhp% Souria) Srti da®n kski‘ow ke gouv;nq m;r sir;z;al amousno\n% før% m;‘ før% ;[bør% an;ro=% mør;[bør% før;[ bør ;u faraxatin^ Biuxand Qh\wan;ani anaknkal mafe% or pataf;zau Kiraki% |ounouar 26% 2014-in% Libanani mh=! |ou[arkauorouj;an ;u ja[man araro[oujiunn;re katarou;zan Ourbaj% |ounouar 31% 2014-in% Libanani mh=! Fangouz;alin foguo\n \atouk fog;fangst;an pa,tøn piti kataroui Kiraki% ";trouar 9% 2014% khsørhn ;tq vame 2-in% Hnsino\i Srboz Nafatakaz ;k;[;zuo\ mh=% 5300 White Oak Ave., Encino, CA 91316! Sgakirn;r^ A\rin^ Â;na Qh\wan;an ;u doustre^ Q;ji (Libanan) Xauakn;re^ Sargis ;u Qarla Qh\wan;an ;u xauakn;re (Libanan) Wach ;u Anna Qh\wan;an ;u xauakn;re N;pil ;u P;ji Qh\wan;an-Axxoux ;u xauakn;re (~ransa) Qo\r;re^ Anvhl ;u Biuxand Thr Grigor;an ;u xauakn;re Alis ;u |akob Sara`;an :u fama\n Qh\wan;an% J;rx;an (Libanan)% Moupa\;ay;an (Libanan)% Narp;k;an% Axxoux (Libanan)% <afin;an% Thr Grigor;an% Porouy;an% Gax;x;an% Bagla\;an% Finto\;an% Ta[l;an% Gley;an entaniqn;rn ou faraxatn;re!
;u oc jh ªpohxiaº ke gor‘a‘;n&&&! A\d ;#rb h% or ªPohxianº fa\;rhn dar]au&&& omanq piti a®ark;n or ar;u;lafa\;rhni mh= ªPohxianº endoun;li h! :& Car;nz% W& Thr;an ;u a\l ªPohtºn;r gor‘a‘a‘ ;n&&& ;jh øtar ba®;re n,anauor f;[inakn;rou gor‘a‘ouj;amb piti fa\azouin^ >acatour Abow;ann al gor‘a‘ h& ªsafaj% dou,man% [arib% masal% .al.% wa.t% [ou,º ;ua\ln& ard;ø#q a\s ba®;rn al phtq h fa\azouin! Lr=ananq ;u w;rlou‘;nq! A\sør% Fa\astani mh= mia]o\l vo[owourd me k*apri& bnakan ;u frama\akan h or Gro[n;rou Mioujiune axgapafpanman ou[;zo\z me phtq h ella\! Phtq h ªbari ørinakº da®na\ a\n bolor p;takan ka®o\zn;roun% pa,tøn;an;roun% na.araroujiunn;roun% .mbagir-lragro[n;roun% fastat;low or fa\;rhne ouni faroust ba®apa,ar (oroun fa\aght ;uropazin;rn angam na.an]a‘ ;n) ;u patya® cka\ øtar ba®;rou gor‘a‘ouj;ane .øsakzakan jh grauor arta\a\toujiunn;rou mh=! Øtar ba®;rou øgtagor‘oume arfamarfanq h fa\ l;xouin fandhp! Fa\e^ manauand Fa\astani n;rka\ fa\e phtq h ir akounqn;re% osk;dar ;u w;ra‘nound ;rja\% ir n;rka\ a[aua[oua‘ ba®amj;rqe maqragor‘;lou famar&&&! A\o*% ªPohxiaº ba®e fa\;rhn ch% mijh# m;nq anor famapatas.an ;u no\n imaste arta\a\to[ ba® couninq& a\o*% ªbanast;[‘oujiunº ba®e% or au;li ambo[=akan mitq k*arta\a\th qan jh ªPohxianº! I w;r=o\ i#nc h npatake ªPohxiaº øtar ba® gor‘a‘;loun% ;rb fa\;rhn ªbanast;[‘oujiunº ba®e ouninq! S'iu®qi ga[jøya.n;rou mh= .øsakzakan fa\;rhni mh= \aya. ke w.tan t;[akan øtar ba®;r& ;jh grakan fa\;rhni mh= a\d øtar ba®;re gor‘a‘ouin% incpisi fa\;rhn l;xou k*oun;nanq! :jh Fa\astani Gro[n;rou Mioujiune candrada®na\% or ªPohxiaº ba® gor‘a‘;low fa\ patanin;rou mh= øtaramolouj;an ;u a\las;rman g;randin ke srh% a'sos ou wa@\ anor or ariun qrtinq ke ja'h fa\apafpanman famar! Farze mia\n ªPohxiaº ba®e ch% a\l øtar ba®;r gor‘a‘;lou skxbounqn ou anonz anardaranali go\oujiune^ n;rka\ fratarakoujiunn;rou mh=! I w;r=o\ o#w ørinak;li tipare piti ella\ maqour fa\;rhn .øs;lou ;u gr;lou% ;jh oc Fa\astani Gro[n;rou Mioujiune&&& Fa\astan fa\ouj;an fog;kan ;u l;xouakan snouzman akounqe phtq h da®na\&&& ou[[;nq m;r wripoumn;re&&& fa\ouj;an ;u m;r m;‘asqanc l;xouin siro\n! I
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SAMOUHL ~ESJEGY:AN (’n;al^ 1941-in% Falhp) Srti da®n kski‘ow ke gouv;nq m;r sir;z;al amousno\n% før% ;[bør ;u faraxatin mafe% or pataf;zau :rkou,abji% |ounouar 27% 2014-in! |ou[arkauorouj;an araro[oujiune katarou;zau Ourbaj% |ounouar 31% 2014-in S& Nafatakaz ;k;[;zuo\ mh=! Sgakirn;r^ A\rin^ Tik& Anafit ~esjegy;an Thr ;u Tik& Wighn ;u Naxik ~esjegy;an ;u xauake Thr ;u Tik& Âop;rj ;u Lili ~esjegy;an Thr ;u Tik& Alhn ;u Karinh Minnhj;an ;u xauakounq Thr ;u Tik& N;rshs ;u Alis ~esjegy;an ;u xauakounq Thr ;u Tik& |akob ;u Lousin ~esjegy;an ;u xauakounq Thr ;u Tik& Parg;u ;u S;da Famal;an ;u xauakounq ;u fama\n Gala\y;an% Famal;an% Nafap;t% Au;tiq;an% Suagy;an% T;miry;an% Partagy;an% Thr Galoust;an% Jou.man;an% Souri entaniqn;re ;u faraxatn;re!
OU { : R } <ar& h= 2-hn
ke gnafat;n a\s astoua‘a,norf s.ranqe% qanxi fa\oz banake kaxmauorou;z ou[[aki martakan gor‘o[oujiunn;ri enjazqoum% ince or ci t;[auoruoum or;uh ®axmakan t;souj;an ,r=anakn;roum! N;rka\ vamanakafatoua‘oum enjazo[ banaka,inouj;an gor‘enjaze mitoua‘ h famapatas.an;l vamanakakiz Xinoua‘ Ouv;ri ardi ca'ani,n;rin ;u a®ka\ martafrauhrn;rin% anwtangouj;an ka\oun mi=awa\r apafow;l fa\ vo[owrdi k;nsagor‘ounhouj;an famar! |atkan,akan h% or FF Xinoua‘ Ouv;re n;rka\oums fandhs ;n galis oc mia\n orphs mi=axga\in anwtangouj;an spa®o[% a\l;u liarvhq masnakiz! 2013 j& enjazqoum a®au;l amrapndou;z fa\-\ounakan ®axmakan famagor‘akzoujiune% ,ø,a';li famagor‘akzoujiun ar]anagrou;z na;u FF ;u Kiprosi Xinoua‘ Ouv;ri mi=;u! Dar;ri .orqiz ;ko[ fa\ ;u \o\n vo[owourdn;ri bar;kamoujiunn a®au;l qan fanra\a\t h& est houj;an% a\n ardhn armataza‘ h m;r srt;roum% ar;an ;u qa[aqakrjouj;an mh=! Fa\-\ounakan ®axmakan famagor‘akzouj;an patmouj;an drouagn;rn anw;r=analiørhn kar;li h jouark;l^ sksa‘ Tigran B& M;‘i ;u Mifrdat :upatori vamanakn;riz% parsiz% arab ;u apa na;u øsmanzi nouayo[n;ri dhm famat;[ pa\qariz&&& Nor vamanakn;roum .nkarkman ;n arvani Pontosi ;u "oqr Fa\qi l;®n;roum fa\ ;u \o\n fa\douka\in marta.mb;ri m[a‘ famat;[ go\amarte% Sardarapati yakatamarte \o\n f;ros Sak;l;uariow ;u |ounakan banaki "oqrasiakan ar,auanqn ir fa\ f;rosn;row ou masnakizn;row^ Fa\kakan l;ghon% Xørawar Jorgom% fayenzin;ri goumartak&&& |i,atakouj;an ;n arvani 1940-44 jj& |ounastani axatagrouj;an famar nafatakoua‘ ;u martnca‘ fariurauor fa\ martikn;re ;u 1974 j& Kiprosi pa,tpanouj;an vamanak f;rosabar nafatakoua‘ Bars;[ Bib;r;ane! A®aw;l nor vamanakafatoua‘oum^ Arza.i M;fmana giu[i inqnapa,tpanouj;an \o\n martikn;re! To[;ris f;[inakin ir fa\ ;u \o\n enk;rn;ri f;t tarin;r a®a= \a=o[ou;l h oro,aki mis ou ariun tal nman \an]na®ouj;ane% inci ardiunqoum Ajhnqoum bar;kamn;ri an,afa.ndir a=akzouj;amb fratarakou;l h ªFa\-\ounakan ®axmakan a®ncoujiunn;ri ;u famagor‘akzouj;an patmoujiunº ;rkl;xou girqe! Saka\n wstaf ;nq% or ªwasn fa\r;n;az ;u wasn fauato\º xofoua‘ iuraqanciur fa\ xinouori k;anqe ;u% endfanraphs% fa\-\ounakan ®axmakan famagor‘akzouj;an or;uh drouag arvani h a®an]in ;u manraxnin ousoumnasirouj;an! :u da phtq h lini bolori oc mia\n famoxmounqe% a\l;u |i,o[ouj;an ambo[=azmann ou[[oua‘ gor‘o[oujiunn;ri .jane! M;nq phtq h \i,;nq% or \o\n vo[owrdi ,r=anoum fa\ouj;an wa\;la‘ ;xaki \arganqe ;u wstafoujiune f;t;uanq h amhniz a®a= |ounastani famar patmakan ‘anr vamanakafatoua‘n;roum m;r xinouorn;ri ja'a‘ jankagin ar;an ;u xofab;roujiunn;ri! Drazi vo[owrdiz a®a=in f;rjin f;nz da h gnafatuoum% a\l oc jh auandakan ørinapafoujiune kam a,.o\v a®;utrakan gor‘ounhoujiune! Ousti% m;r fauaqakan partakanoujiunn h w;rfan;l% w;rajarmazn;l ;u \au;rvazn;l m;r xinouorn;ri ;u jankagin xof;ri \i,atake! (Mnaz;ale \a=ord jiuow)
Ar;umtafa\astan% anfas ;raxe m;r taragir s;roundn;roun! Isk ou.tagnazouj;an ma\r dou®e ke kocoui Antioq% ibr;u m;knark% a\z;l;lou famar a\n qa[aqn;rn ou wa\r;re oronq ;[a‘ hin m;r m;‘ fa\r;roun ou pap;roun bnørrann ou fa\r;niqn ou bnakawa\re! A\vm% ibr;u enj;rzo[% dar]n;nq h=;re girqin% ;u a\z;l;nq Mousa L;ran ªa\n 'oqrik giu[;re% oronq m;‘zan ;rb bnakic coun;zanº (W&J&)% t;sn;nq w;fapan‘ ;u am;fi darauor Søsi ‘a®e% >terphki ;u Wage` giu[i S& Astoua‘a‘in ;k;[;zin ir qani me tasn;ak entaniqn;row% oronq partakanoujiun stan]na‘ ;n ellalou k;ndani wkan;rn ou pa,tpann;re f;rosakan Yhphl Mousa\i! |a=orde^ ªQa=;rou fa\r;niqº% Corq-Marxpan (Thørj-:øl) narn=astan qa[aqn h ;u ‘nndawa\rfa\r;niqe f;[inakin ;u ir fa\r;nakiz m;‘-fa\r;rou s;roundin% (no\ne^ a\s to[;re gro[in famar)! F;[inake 'nt®a‘ ou gta‘ h ir g;rdastanin finauourz s;'akan bnakaran ,hnqe^ takauin ir yanac;li wiyakin mh=! Apa^ ke ,arounakoui ou.tagnazoujiune dhpi L;uon B;rd ou kajo[ikosaranist Sis qa[aqe (a\vm^ Qoxan)% Atana% K;saria% Oulnia-Xh\joun^ faroust^ patmakan ir qa=amartikn;row! No\n yambow ke fasni ou.tagnaz .oumbe G;rmanik-Mara, qa[aqe apa^ :'rat ;u ’owq% ou ke lsh ªMormoqi yic;r liyi \atakhnº xor k*anmafaznh g;[aru;stakan ar]ak h=i me \ørinoumow! No\n ogin ke .øsi Ara‘aniin% M,o\ Souljan S& Karap;ti Wanqhn ou mtik erhq ];r srtin .orhn ar]agango[ B& Kanac;ani .mb;rg ªNanorºin ou ;jh kar;naq^ xsp;zhq ];r fogin;roun .®owqe! Ou piti famoxouiq% or a\s ;u nmanørinak \ou,-qandakn;rou girq;r piti anznin zakin norafas s;roundn;rou ];®qin gtnouo[ øvandak dasagirq;rou! >oumbe ke \a®a=ana\ dhpi Manaxk;rt ou Masis% Kars ou Ani% B;rkri ou Mf;ri dou®e auandaxro\zi% A[jamar ou Wana\ ‘ow% ªkrkin mkrtou;lou famarº ibr;u taragir ou ga[a'arapa,t fa\ordi! W;radar]i yamban k*anzni Tiarp;qir-Amid qa[aqhn% :d;sia-Our`a\hn% A\njaphn ;u N;rshs <norfalii ‘nndawa\re F®omkla\hn% orphsxi Antioqi ødaka\anhn j®icqe xir;nq fasznhr Polso\ mi=axga\in ødaka\an% ourkh piti w;rada®nar ou.tagnaz .oumbe dhpi Los Any;les! Minas Goya\;an fa\ gir ou grakanouj;an ou fa\oz patmouj;an na.kin ousano[n ou a\vmou
dastiarakn ou dasa.øse ir pa,tønawara‘ dprozn;rh n;rs% no\nphs^ au;li qan qa®asoun tarin;rou fa\ mamouli ga[a'arapa,t ou arvanauor .mbagir ;u fraparakagire (F&B&E&M&Â&A&K& - Jhqh;an M,kj& Miouj;an ;®;ak ‘a®a\ouj;amb) n;rka\ fatori patrastouj;nhn a®a=% tasnam;a\ anmnazord a,.atanqow .mbagra‘ ou patrasta‘ hr ªPatmoujiun CorqMarxpaniº stouara‘aual ou kojo[a\in fatore% or lo\s t;sau 2006-in Los Any;lesi Corq-Marxpani Fa\r;nakzakan Miouj;an ko[mh% m;k;nasouj;amb Thr ;u Tik& |owfannhs ;u Wiqi Manouk;ann;rou ;u ir;nz xauakn;roun! A\d jouakanhn ;tq% dhpi Kilikia ;u Patmakan Fa\astan ou.tagnazouj;an ga[a'are ;[;r hr amhnør;a\ \aya.anq me% xor krzau iragor‘;l sirti ou mitqi fauasaraxør ou n;rda,n xougakzouj;amb! ªJh% incou^ grou;zau a\s girqeº farzoumin ke patas.anh f;[inake!ªOrowf;t;u &&& gazi im armatn;rous snound toua‘ fo[e t;sn;lou! Gazi% au;li lau yancnalou a\n marde% or a\sør k*apri fon ;u inqxinq thre ke nkath a\d fo[;roun% xor m;nq ke koc;nq Fa\astan% kam M;‘ ou "oqr Fa\q ;u Kilikia&&&º% (h= 317) ;u ªir sirte ktor-ktor k*ella\ dit;low Patmakan Fa\astani a\s =ra®at g;t;re ;u anonz ,our= '®oua‘ b;rri da,t;rn ou auann;re (h= 131)! Gl.auor \atkani,;#re a\s girqin&- Axga\in inqnayanaco[oujiun% gitakzoujiun ;u y,martouj;an oronoumn;r^ m;r axga\in ga[a'ara.øsouj;an ];uauoroumin mh=! -Patmagitakan git;liqn;rou 'o.anzoum^ iuraqanciur qa\la'o.in! - Axga\in ,ounc ;u ogi% oroun ‘a®a\;z inq ibr;u ousano[ ;u ousouzic qa®asnam;ak me ambo[=! - F;[inakin Fauato\ fanganakn h so\n girqe ;u ir Fauatqi qnnouj;an lauago\n 'astawau;ragrakan mat;ane! Ir isk .ostowanouj;amb% so\n girqe ke ]gti dou® banalou nor oraki ;rk.øsouj;anz% jourq vo[owourdi ;u anor mtauorakanouj;an f;t% (h= 15)! Srtabou. ou mtauorakan yig pafan=o[ girq men h a\s% oroun lo\s en‘a\oume ke partinq Toqj& ;u Tikin |akob ;u Loutowika A\njapl;ann;rou ;ra.ta,at m;k;nasouj;an! <norfakaloujiun na;u a\s a®ijow f;[inakin ko[mh \i,atakoua‘ an]nauoroujiunn;roun! |args arvanauoraz!
Bavanordagrou;lou famar Âamkawar Axatakan Kousakzouj;an ;l;ktrona\in mamoulin% };r e-mail faszhn krnaq [rk;l ragmamoul@gmail.com
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2013-I MARXAKAN AKNJARJN:RE ªNOR ØRºI MARXAKAN H+:ROUM (Skixbe m;r j;rji na.ord famarn;roum) FOKT:MB:R • <a.mati :uropa\i patan;kan a®a=noujiunoum minc;u 14 tar;kann;ri .mboum Fa\k Martiros;ane nouay;z ka\‘akna\in .a[i a.o\;ani tit[ose% isk minc;u 18 tar;kann;ri .mboum |owfannhs Gaboux;ane arvanazau pronxh m;tali! Pronxh m;tali arvanazau na;u 18 tar;kann;ri .mboum fandhs ;ko[ Karhn Grigor;ane^ arag ,a.mati mrza,aroum! • :r;uanoum m;‘ ,ouqow tønou;z ªArarat73ºi ªoskh doubliº 40 am;ake! • Hstonia\i ma\raqa[aq Tallinoum auartoua‘ ‘anramarti :uropa\i minc;u 20 ;u minc;u 23 tar;kann;ri a®a=noujiuniz FF marxikn;re w;radar]an m;taln;row! Minc;u 20 tar;kann;ri mrzapa\qaroum Smbat Margar;ane (56 qk&) ;rkamartoum nouay;z pronxh m;tal! No\n tariqa\in .mboum no\npisi m;tali arvanazau Ixab;la :a\l;ane (58 qk&)! Wladik Karap;t;ane (69 qk&) arvanazau pronxh m;tali! Minc;u 23 tar;kann;ri mrzawhyoum Fa\k |akob;ane (g;r‘anr qa,) nouay;z a,.arfamasi 'o.a.o\;ani tit[ose! • B®nzqamarti minc;u 16 tar;kann;ri a,.arfi a®a=noujiunoum FF n;rka\azouzic Anou, Grigor;ane (50 qk&) nouay;z ar‘ajh m;tal% isk Ani |owsh';ane (54 qk&)^ pronxh m;tal! A\s m;taln;rn a®a=inn ;n FF fauaqakani famar! • L;uon Aron;ane dar]au ªM;‘ Sa[auartiº 6-rd .a[arkouj;an \a[jo[% ore 2-rd nman mrza,arn hr L;uoni famar (1-in angam L;uone ªM;‘ Sa[auarteº nouay;l hr 2009-in)! • Fokt;mb;ri 11-in FF `oujpoli axga\in fauaqakane a,.arfi a®a=nouj;an entrakan mrza,aroum w;r=aphs :r;uanoum wa\;l;z \a[janaki b;rkranqe^ 2-1 fa,ouow skxbounqa\in .a[oum \a[j;low poulkarazin;rin% isk Fokt;mb;ri 15-in Nhapoloum m;r entranin 2-2 fa,ouow oc-oqi .a[az Italia\i ouv;[ago\n fauaqakani f;t ;u mrza,arn auart;z 5-rd t;[oum! M;r .mbi \a[jo[ dar]au Italia\i entranin% orn irauounq stazau masnakz;lou 2014-i a,.arfi gauaji ;xra'akicin masnakz;lou! • Arjour Abrafame 12 ®aountanoz m;namartoum miauorn;row \a[j;z italazi +iowani dh Karolisin! • Atlantik sijioum 30-am;a\ Karø Mourade miauorn;row partou;z B;®nard Fopkinsin! • |ounastani Salonik qa[aqoum anzkazoua‘ sambo\i a,.arfi patan;kan ;u ;ritasardakan a®a=noujiunoum fa\ sambistn;re 4 pronxh m;tal nouay;zin! Mrzanakakirn;r dar]an :r=anik Karap;t;ane (48 qk&)% Âoxa >acatr;ane (52 qk&)% Grigor M.ijar;ane (52 qk&) ;u Hdik P;tros;ane (87 qk&)! (Mnaz;ale \a=ord jiuow)
FA|KAKAN ~OUJPOLI >YANKAR • AMH-oum ousoumnamarxakan fauaq anzkazno[ Moskoua\i ªSpartakeº fandip;z ouxb;kakan ªBoun\odkoriº f;t! >a[n auartou;z ªSpartakiº \a[janakow^ 2-1 fa,ouow! FF fauaqakani kisapa,tpan Arax Øxbilise .a[ada,t dours ;kau endmi=oumiz \;to\! Na na. øgn;z Øbou.owin da®nal koli f;[inak% apa ardhn inqe dar]au g;[;zik koli f;[inak% orn hl \a[jakan ;[au jimi famar! :oura Mowsis;ane% ow apaqinou;l h wnasoua‘qiz ardhn sks;l h marxou;l endfanour .mboum% a\s fandipmane ci mas-
nakz;l! Auag marxic Wal;ri Karpowe n,;l h% or \a=ord fandipmane ,at fauanakan h :oura Mowsis;ane 'o.arinman dours ke ga\! • FF fauaqakani pa,tpan L;uon Fa\rap;t;ane a\s ør;rin gtnoum h Anjalia\oum% ort;[ marxuoum h [axa.akan ªIrti,iº f;t! N;rka\ pafin fauaqakanoujiune m;‘ h% or ko[m;re fama]a\nouj;an ke gan! Mi;uno\n vamanak Fa\rap;t;ane a®a=ark h staz;l C;.ia\i a®a=nouj;an ouv;[ago\nn;ri .mboum fandhs ;ko[ ªPribramº akoumbiz! • |ounouari 31-in :r;uani ªArarateº m;kn;l h Poulkaria% ort;[ masnakz;lou h ªAlbena cup 2014º-in! Kiprosoum a\s amis ka\aza‘ fauaqin% a\nphs hl a\s angam ªArarateº 19 .a[azo[n;row h m;kn;l Poulkaria% saka\n kaxmoum kan oro, 'o'o.oujiunn;r! Poulkaria\oum ªArarateº ,arounak;lou h 'or]ark;l artasafmanzi .a[azo[n;ri! ª|o\s oun;nq% or d;® nor famalroumn;r k*oun;nanqº% as;l h ªAraratiº gl.auor marxic Abrafam >a,man;ane! Mrza,arin ke masnakz;n 4 jim;r^ poulkarakan ªSpartakeº (Wa®na)% ªÂakowskinº% ®ouminakan KSMM-n ;u ªArarateº! Fnarauor h% or mrza,ari auartiz \;to\ ªArarateº ;us 1-2 fandipoum anzkazni! • :r;uani ª"iunikeº Anjalia\oum ousoumnamarxakan fauaqi ,r=anakn;roum mrz;l h ÂD_i ;rkrord diuixioni n;rka\azouzic Woron;vi ª~ak;liº f;t! >a[n auartou;l h 1-1 fa,ouow! ª"iunikizº koli f;[inak h dar];l A[ouan Papik;ane! ";trouari 4-in Sargis |owsh';ani san;re mrz;zin ouqraniakan ªGow;rlaº jimi f;t! • Giumrii ª<irakº w;radar]au S;rv D;bl;n% ow a®a=arkn;r ounhr artasafman;an mi ,arq akoumbn;riz! D;bl;n npataka\armar gtau% or au;li kar;uor h mrza,r=ann auart;l ª<irakoumº! Na mtadir h ,arounak;l ardiunauht .a[ zouzadr;l a®a=noujiunoum ;u da®nal FF a.o\;an ;u .a[al A.o\;ann;ri lika\oum! N,;nq na;u ªGan]asarizº ª<irakº t;[a'o.oua‘ k;ntronakan pa,tpan Fra\r Mko\;ane ª<irakiº f;t 2 taroua\ pa\managir h knq;l! • ªBananziº ;u ªGan]asariº na.kin pa,tpan Ararat A®aq;l;ane% ow FF fauaqakani kaxmoum 33 fandipoum h anzkazr;l ;u 2 kol h .';l% 'or]a,r=an h anznoum [axa.akan ªV;tisououmº! 30-am;a\ `oujpoliste na.kinoum fandhs h ;k;l ªMalajia\oumº% Don;zki ªM;talistoumº ;u iranakan ªM;soumº! • FF fauaqakani kisapa,tpan Ghorg {axar;ane w;radar];l h Don;zki ªM;talourgº ;u masnakz;l h Xagr;bi ªTinamo\iº f;t stougo[akan fandipmane! Fandipman w;r=oum {axar;ani .'a‘ koli ,norfiu ªM;talourgeº \a[j;l h 3-2 fa,ouow!
<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • Am;rikafa\ ,a.matist Samouhl S;u;ane% ori 13 tarin lraz;l h mia\n mhk amis a®a=% AMN-i Ma,antouk;t qa[aqoum auartoua‘ .o,or baz mrza,aroum lrazr;z grosma\st;ri zouzani,e! Samouhle 9 fnarauoriz wastakk;z 6&5 miauor ;u 41 masnakizn;ri mh= mian]n;a\ nouay;z 2-rd mrzanake! • Praxilafa\ grosma\st;r Grigor-S;uak M.ijar;ane G;rmania\i Bad Zwi,;nan qa[aqoum auartoua‘ .o,or baz mrza,aroum 7 fnarauoriz wastak;z 6 miauor ;u 210 masnakizn;ri mh= bavan;z 1-5-rd t;[;re!
Lrazouzic zouzani,n;row Grigorin ,norfou;z 2-rd mrzanake% isk mrza,ari \a[jo[ yanacou;z grosma\st;r Li Caon (Cinastan)! • FF arag ,a.mati 16-rd a®a=noujiunoum ;rkri a.o\;ani kocoume nouay;z grosma\st;r |owfannhs Gaboux;ane% ow 8 fnarauoriz wastak;z 7 miauor! |a[jo[iz mhk miauorow ;t mnazin grosma\st;rn;r Xauhn Andrhas;ane% Âob;rt |owfannis;ane% Frand M;lqoum;ane! Lrazouzic gor‘akizn;row 2-rde Andrhas;ann hr% 3-rde^ |owfannis;ane! Mrza,arin masnakzoum hin 50 ,a.matistn;r! • Grosma\st;r M;liqshj >aci\;ane (AMN) Gali`ornia\i Konkord qa[aqoum auartoua‘ ªOskh Nafangº baz mrza,aroum 7 fnarauoriz wastak;z 5&5 miauor ;u bavan;z 1-3-rd t;[;re grosma\st;rn;r Wiqjor Mi.al;uskou ;u Ma\qel Âo\xi (Isra\hl) f;t! Lrazouzic zouzani,n;row >aci\;anin bavin fasau 2-rd mrzanake! Mrza,ari \a[jo[ dar]au Mi.al;uskin! • Ziuri.oum auartou;z 6 ,a.matistn;ri masnakzouj;amb g;rmrza,are% ort;[ fandhs ;ko[ bolor grosma\st;rn;re t;[ hin xba[;znoum ~ID:_i dasakargman a[iusaki a®a=atar tasn;akoum! Mrza,ari a®a=in øre masnakizn;re ka\‘akna\in mrza,ari mi=ozow oro,;zin ir;nz famarn;re mrza,aroum! L;uon Aron;ane \a[j;z Anandin ;u G;l`andin% oc-oqi .a[az Ka®ls;ni ;u Karouana\i f;t ;u partou;z Nakamoura\in! Ardiunqoum 3-akan miauorow 1-2 t;[;re bavan;zin Ka®ls;nn ou Aron;ane! Lrazouzic zouzani,n;row a®a=ine yanacou;z norw;gazi ,a.matiste! A\nouf;t;u m;knark;z dasakan ,a.mati mrza,are% ore ba[kaza‘ hr 5 mrza'ouliz A®a=in mrza'ouloum L;uone spitakn;row \a[j;z a,.arfi na.kin a.o\;an Anandin! 2-rdoum s;u;row oc-oqi .a[az a,.arfi a.o\;an Ka®ls;ni f;t% 3-rdoum hl oc-oqi .a[az G;l`andi f;t% isk 4-rdoum \a[j;z Nakamoura\in! 4-rd mrza'oulin n;rka\ hr Xouiz;ria\oum FF d;span <arl Axnauoure% ow \a[janakiz \;to\ xrouz;z L;uon Aron;ani f;t! 4 mrza'ouliz \;to\ a®a=atare Ka®ls;nn h% ow \a[j;l h G;l`andin% Nakamoura\in% Karouana\in ;u oc-oqi h .a[az;l Aron;ani f;t ;u wastak;l 7 miauor! Aron;ann ouni 6 miauor! W;r=in mrza'ouloum Aron;ane s;u;row mrz;z Karouana\i f;t ;u partou;z grau;low ;rkrord t;[e% mrza,ari \a[jo[ dar]au Ka®ls;ne 8 miauorow! N,;nq% or mrza,aroum \a[janaki famar truoum hr 2 miauor% oc-oqii famar^ 1 miauor! Arag ,a.mati mrza,aroum L;uone 3 miauorow grau;z 3-rd t;[e! Na \a[j;z Anandin% Ka®ls;nin% oc oqi .a[az G;l`andi% Karouana\i f;t ;u partou;z Nakamoura\in! |a[j;z Karouanan 4 miauor! Ka®ls;ne 2 miauorow 4-rdn hr! Endfanour^ 3 mrza,ar;ri ardiunqoum a®a=in t;[e 10 miauorow grau;z Ka®ls;ne! 2-3-rd t;[;re miauorow kis;zin Aron;ann ou Karouanan! • M;knark;l h +ibraljari 'a®atøne% ori ªMasj;rsº mrza,aroum fandhs h galis S;rgh\ Mowsis;ane% praxilazi ,a.matistn;r Grigor-S;uak M.ijar;ann ou Armhn Brout;ane% incphs na;u Norw;gian n;rka\azno[ :raxik >acatour;ane! • Moskoua\oum m;knark;l h Moskoua\i baz a®a=noujiune% orin masnakzoum ;n Xauhn Andrhas;ann ou mi ,arq a\l fa\ ,a.matistn;r! A\s ;rkou mrza,arn;ri masin au;li manramasn \a=ord famaroum!