ՆՈՐ ՕՐ Շաբաթաթերթ

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N.O. February 13, 2014, No. 7:N.O. Blank


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FING<ABJI% ":TROUAR 13% 2014



Jrqakan ªFiuri\hjeº oro, manramasnoujiunn;r n;rka\azouza‘ h ør;rs t;[i oun;za‘ Hr-

to[an-M;rk;l fandipoumhn! J;rje ke t;[;kaznh% or jourq ou g;rmanazi [;kawarn;re .øsa‘ ;n Jourqio\ mh= \a®a=ika\in t;[i oun;naliq na.agafakan entroujiunn;roun Hrto[anin a®a=adrou;lou% incphs na;u Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an masin! Entroujiunn;rou masin M;rk;li farzin Hrto[ane paf me \apa[a‘ h patas.an;l% oroun enjazqin M;rk;le fiumorow esa‘ h& <ar& h= 4

FF NA>AGAF S:RV SARGS:ANE ENDOUN:L H :AFK MINSKI >MBI FAMANA>AGAFN:RIN Na.agaf S;rv Sargs;ane ";trouari 5-in endoun;l h :AFK Minski .mbi famana.agafn;r Igor Popowin (Âousastan)% Yh\ms Ouorliqin (AMN)% Vaq ~orin (~ransia) ;u :AFK gor‘o[ na.agafi an]nakan n;rka\azouzic An=h\ Kaspr,ikin! Fandipman vamanak famana.agafn;re n;rka\azr;l ;n Paquoum ir;nz oun;za‘ fandipoumn;ri tpauoroujiunn;re ;u Fanrap;touj;an Na.agafi f;t

qnnark;l [araba[;an fimna.ndri .a[a[ kargauorman gor‘enjazi \;taga\ qa\l;rin w;rab;ro[ farz;r! FF Na.agafe ;u famana.agafn;rn andradar];l ;n na;u Fa\astani f;t safmanin ;u Atrph\yani ou {araba[i ,'man g‘oum \aya.aki dar]a‘ xinadadari .a.tman dhpq;rin^ nman mi=adhp;re mtafogic famar;low banakza\in gor‘enjazi \;taga\ a®a=enjazi famar!


"ARIXI QA{AQAP:TI J:KNA’OU& ªJOURQIAN KARO{ H ANDAMAKZ:L :M-IN MIA|N YANCNALOW FA|OZ Z:{ASPANOUJIUNEº ~ransa\i i,.o[ Sozialistakan kousakzouj;nhn "arixi qa[aqap;ti j;kna‘ou Ann Italgon \a\tarara‘ h% or Jourqian karo[ h andamakzil :M-in mia\n yanac;low Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune% ke \a\tnh Cihan Haber-e! Est anor% ir famar Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an yanacoume na.apa\man h :uramiouj;ane Jourqia\ andamakzouj;an famar! Yancnalow Fa\oz

Z;[aspanoujiune^ Jourqian au;li ouv;[ ke da®na\% esa‘ h na!

":TROUAR 9-E WAFAN THR:ANI ’NND:AN ØRN H ";trouar 9-e% fa\kakan banast;[‘ouj;an am;napa\‘a® dhmq;rhn mhkou^ Wafan Thr;ani ‘nnd;an ørn h! Wal;ri Briusowi bnoro,mamb% fa\ qnari ka.ardi masin fa\ enj;rzo[in d;®;us

amhn inc \a\tni ch! Wafan Thr;ani k;anqi ;u st;[‘agor‘ouj;an^ tasnam;akn;r ,arounak 'ak gxrozn;rou mh= pafouo[ manramasn;re^ ªVameº lratouakan .mbagrakani mh=!

SOCI-2014 }M:ÂA|IN ØLIMPIADAN M:KNARK:Z ";trouari 7-in m;knark;l h Soci-2014 }m;®a\in Ølimpiakan .a[;ri bazman araro[oujiune! }m;®a\in 22-rd Ølimpiada\i fimne katar;l h ;rgcoufi Anna N;tr;bkon! Bazman araro[oujiune ka\az;l h Socii ª~i,tº marxada,toum! Patouirakoujiunn;ri ,q;rje sksou;z |ounastani ;u auartou;z Âousastani marxikn;row! <ar& h= 16


Kiraki% 9 ";trouar 2014-in% "asatina\i (Qali`ornia) S& Grigor Lousauoric ;k;[;zuo\ mh=% Enk& Sargis Minas;an% bar;.øsouj;amb j;mis Bar;=an A®a=nord T& |ownan Arq& Thrthr;ani% arvanazau N&S&Ø&T&T& Gar;gin B&-i Fa\rap;takan Kondakin ;u S& Safak-S& M;srop <qan,anin! Enk& Sargis Minas;an au;li qan wajsoun tarin;r ir mtauorakani ;u fa\r;nashri karo[oujiunn;re i spas dra‘ h s'iu®qa<ar& h= 4

Kiraki% 9 ";trouar 2014-in% ªTa[l;an M,akouja\in K;dronºin mh= (Foliwout)% i n;rka\ouj;an .ou®n;ram fa\r;nakizn;rou% \ob;l;anakan 'a®auor fandisouj;amb me n,ou;zau Enk& Wardghs Gourou;ani krjakan% m,akouja\in% miouj;nakan% ;ritasardakan% ;k;[;zakan% enk;ra\in ;u fama\nqa\in ‘a®a\ouj;anz \isnam;ake^ fowanauorouj;amb Thr |ownan Arq& Thrthr;ani% na.agafouj;amb Toqj& Alphr Garamanouk;ani ;u kaxmak;rpouj;amb JMM Ar,ak Tigran;an Warvarani ’no[aOusouzcakan Miouj;an na.kin at;nap;tn;rou% ,r=anauartn;rou ;u ‘no[n;rou! ªNor Ørºi .mbagroujiunn ou Warcakan Marmine ke ,norfauor;n Enk& W& Gourou;ann ou Tik& Alis Gourou;ane a\s a®jiu ;u ke ma[j;n ;rkar ;u qa=a®o[= tarin;r!

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|akob Martiros;an >MBAGRAKAN KAXM^

Dokt& Minas Goya\;an Sargis |& Minas;an Frac S;';jy;an >acik Yano\;an MARXAKAN BAVUN^

Au;tis Ba\ram;an WARCAKAN KAXM^

Toqj& Âa``i Pal;an Ghorg Grigor;an Karø Giu'hl;an Andranik A`ar;an


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E- Mail: nor-or@sbcglobal.net Dauan;low ®amkawarakan skxbounqn;r% ke fauatanq baxmakar‘ouj;an ;u axat .øsqi irauounqi% f;t;uabar% fraparakoua‘ groujiunn;re anpa\man c;n arta\a\t;r .mbagrouj;ans t;sakhte! Kamqh anka. patya®n;row sprda‘ wripakn;rou famar k*apauininq m;r a,.atakizn;roun ;u enj;rzo[n;roun n;ro[amtouj;an! Nor Or Weekly is published weekly, except two weeks in AUGUST Nor Or Publishing Association, Inc. 1901 N. Allen Ave., Altadena, CA 91001 Annual Subscription rates: As of June 1st, 2007 U.S.A. 2nd Class: West Coast $75 2nd Class: East Coast $85

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Xga\ounz ;u fa\r;nakan xgazmounqn;row l;zoun farz men h% or ,at me fa\;rou fa\;zo[ouj;amb% v.takan møt;zoum h xanaxan m;knabanoujiunn;row! Patmakan Fa\astani a\z;loujiune krna\ fakasakan jouil karg me fa \;rou famar% oronq ke m;rv;n a\nt;[ a\z;l;l% orowf;t;u anonq Jourqio\ ko[mh grauoua‘ fo[;r ;n ;u c;n 'a'aqir jourq p;touj;an xbøsa,r=ikoujiune ;u tnt;soujiune qa=al;r;l a\d a\z;louj;amb! Incphs na;u^ anonq .ist faka®ak ;n jrqakan apranqn;rou n;ra‘man ;u gor‘a‘man! :u a\s bolore f;t;uanq ;n mi=in dar;rhn sks;al% jrqakan darauor b®natirouj;an% fa\ vo[owourdi k;[;qman% f;tapndman% 20-rd ;u 21-rd dar;roun t;[i oun;za‘ patafarn;roun ;u manauand^ 100-am;a\ Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an o.akal xgazmounqin fandhp jourq ka®awarouj;an v.tman ;u ourazman qa[aqakanouj;an! Isk a\n inc ke w;rab;ri anonz oronq tarin;rh i w;r k*a\z;l;n Ar;umt;an Fa\astani fo [;re% ,at;re^ fog;kan gofounakouj;an par'akoumow% ir;nz pap;nakan fo[;roun fa\kakan kojo[n;rn ou fnoujiunn;re t;sn;lou% ;k;[;zin;rou 'latakn;roun mh= a[øj;lou% ir;nz ‘no[n;roun b®nagrauoua‘ toun;re ;u kaloua‘n;re t;sn;lou% ;u apr;lou .or anfatakan kam axga\in xgazoumn;rou .okoumow! Anendoun;li ;n an,ou,t t;[azi bnakicn;rou arf;stakan ;u k;[‘auor fiurenkaloujiunn;re% ;rb k*es;n ªframm;zh*q% asika ];r tounn hº! Fa\kakan taqariunouj;amb kar;li h patas.an;l jh^ ;jh im touns h% dours ;l our;mn% ;u w;radar]our xa\n ir ørinauor tiro=! Saka\n ou,qi andradar]ow ;u xgastazoumow paf me l®;low jh^ øtar ;u j,nami p;touj;an

JOURQIAN ANFANGSTAZA’ H C:>IO| KO{MHN FA|OZ Z:{ASPANOUJIUNE YANCNALOU FNARAUOROUJ:AMB Jourqio\ mh= anfangstaza‘ ;n Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100 am;a\ tar;lizin enda®a= 1915 j& iradar]oujiunn;re Z;[aspanoujiun yanczo[ ;rkirn;rou \au;lazmamb! Incphs ke fa[ordh ªArmhn'rhsºe% jrqakan ª>ap;rl;rº lratouakan ka\qn a\d a®ncouj;amb ke grh% or møt apaga\in% fnarauor h% Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an yanacman masin bana];u \a\tnoui na;u C;.ia\i Fanrap;touj;an ørakargi mh=! ªC;.ia\i Na.agaf Milo, X;mane fa\ gor‘enk;ro=^ S;rv Sargs;ani f;t fandipman vamanak 1915 j& t;[i oun;za‘ fa\kakan koto-

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ra‘n;re oraka‘ h orphs Z;[aspanoujiun! Møt apaga\in C;.ia\i Fanrap;toujiune ;us karo[ h famalr;l Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune pa,tønaphs yanczo[ ;rkirn;rou ,arqeº% gra‘ h ka\qe! An anfangstoujiun \a\tna‘ h% or Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100

am;a\ tar;lizi na.a,;min fnarauor h% or Z;[aspanoujiune yancnan ;us qani me ;rkirn;r! Ka\qe ke n,h% or FF Na.agafi f;t mamlo\ asoulisi enjazqin C;.ia\i Fanrap;touj;an Na.agaf Milo, X;mani era‘ ªGaliq tari ke lrana\ Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100 tarin! 1915 j&-in 1&5 mln& fa\ spannoua‘ hº \a\tararoujiune Z;[aspanoujiune pa,tønaphs yancnalou na.an,an h% oroun ,our= a,.atanqn;re ke sksin møtaka\ amisn;roun! I


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me mh= ke gtnouis% or takauin fala‘anqi k*;njarkh ir 'oqramasnoujiunn;re% manauand^ fa\ bnak coujiune a\nt;[% ;u takauin nkati ca®n;low ir oun;za‘ n;rqin .®owoujiunn;rn ou artaqin \arab;roujiunn;re far;uan ;rkirn;roun f;t% partadrabar^ ke l®;s! A\l mitoumow% Ar;umt;an Fa\astani a\z;loujiunn;re kar;li ;n das;l jourq ;u qiurt vo[owourdn;rou norafas s;roundin ou[[oua‘ fa\amht qaroxcouj;anz masnaki a,.atanq! Irakanoujiun h a\sør% jh Jourqio\ bnakic vo[owourdn;re% lriu t;[;ak c;n fama,.arfa\in a®a=in pat;raxmin ;u ankh ;tq% ir;nz ;rkrin mh= kataroua‘ iskakan ariunali ;[;loujiunn;roun% ir;nz ousana‘ ;u .;[ajiuroua‘ patmouj;an dasagirq;rhn% oronq ditoumnauor k;rpow patrastoua‘ hin jourq p;touj;an ko[mh! A\vm^ ;rb Jourqio\ nor s;roundn;r k*andrada®nan es;low^ ªa\s kam a\n giu[in mh= an] me ka\ or t;[;ak h a\st;[ patafa‘ ;[;loujiunn;roun%º xarjønqi kam x[=oumi axdan,ann;r ;n% oronq krnan npast;l fa\ dati a®aq;louj;an ;u pafan=atirouj;an a,.atanqn;roun! Saka\n anpatas.an ke mna\ no\n farze% anfatakan famoxoumn;rou ;njaka\! A\z;l;#l Patmakan Fa\astan jh oc! Ard;ø#q ke diuranar patas.ane% ;rb Jourqia endounhr ir na.nin;roun \anzanqe% endounhr Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune ;u anor f;t;uanqn;re% safmann;re banar a®anz na.apa\mani% ;u au;lin^ w;radar]nhr fa\ vo[owourdin fo[;re% Z;[aspanouj;an 100-am;akin a®jiu! :r;uaka\oujiun ch% parxaphs^ a®a=ark ardi jourq ka®awarouj;an!

20-rd darou m;‘anoun ;rgafan Aram >acatr;ani (19031978) ];®agr;re endgrkoua‘ ;n :OUN:SKØ-i ªA,.arfi \i,o[oujiuneº zanki mh=! FF m,ako\ji

na.arar |asmik Pø[os;ane :OUN:SKØ-i ou[arka‘ fauastagire \an]na‘ h Aram >acatr;ani Toun-Jangarani tnørhn Arminh Grigor;anin! Fa\astani n;rka\azouza‘ ªAram >acatr;ani ];®agir niuj;re ;u ,arvankari ;rav,toujiuneº \a\te :OUN:SKØ-i ªA,.arfi \i,o[oujiunº ‘ragri

Mi=axga\in zouzakagri mh= (Memory of the World International Register) granzoua‘ hr d;® 2013-i |ounisin! |a\te n;ra®a‘ h 15 ];®agir ‘anøjagroujiunn;r% incphs na;u qani me 'astajou[j% oronq n;rka\azouza‘ h anor ordin^ Karhn >acatr;aneº% esa‘ h toun-jangarani tnørhne% ke \a\tnh IJAR-JASS-e!

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FRAND TINQI |I<ATAKI OG:KOCOUM ÂOPHR FATTHY:AN 7& Lq;al go\qi ar]anagroujiunn;rou baza\a\toum Lq;al go\qi b®nagrauoumi ou w;ra\atkazoumi 35 tara‘qa\in \an]na.oumb;roun ko[mh pafoua‘ mat;ann;re joua\nazoua‘ ];uow fratarak;l% xof;rou va®angordn;roun ;u f;taxøticn;roun n;rka\azn;l! Baza\a\t;l na;u Øsman;an qriston;a\ vo[owourdn;rou go\q;roun ba,.oumi w;rab;r;al Lq;al Go\qi \an]na.oumbn;roun oro,oumn;re! Fanra\in fastatoujiunn;roun kam anfatn;roun \an]noua‘ fa\kakan go\q;roun zanke patrast;l! So\n go\q;re s;'akanathr;rou va®angordn;roun w;radar]n;l kam fatouzan;l! Ocncazoua‘ kam vamanaki enjazqin pa,tpanouj;an bazaka\ouj;an patya®au ocncazman ;njarkoua‘ go\q;roun% qriston;a\ vo[owourdn;rou patmam,akouja\in arvhqn;roun zanke patrast;l ;u fatouzan;l! Irakanazn;l dramatoun;roun mh= pafpanouo[ ;u \;to\ ko[optoua‘ dramn;roun% oskin;roun% jankarvhq a\l jou[j;roun ;u ir;roun baza\a\toume ;u fatouzoume! Bolor a\s ar]anagroujiunn;re fraparak;l joua\nazoua‘ ];uow! 8& Qa[aqakan ;u a®;utra\in fastatoujiunn;roun tramadrouj;an \an]noua‘ go\q;r Qa[aqakan gor‘ounhouj;an famar oro, ka®o\zn;rou ;u fastatoujiunn;rou% oro, patgamauorn;rou% lragro[n;rou ou masnauor enk;roujiunn;rou xargazman famar anonz ou dramatoun;roun tramadrouj;an \an]noua‘ go\q;roun zanke patrast;l! :t a®n;l n,oua‘ go\q;re ;u kam fatouzan;l! 9& Takauin p;touj;an tramadrouj;an tak gtnouo[ go\q;r :lmtakan Na.ararouj;an% Fimnarkoujiunn;rou (Waqe`n;rou) Endfanour Tnørhnouj;an ou qa[aqap;tarann;rou nman p;takan marminn;rou tramadrouj;an \an]noua‘ go\q;roun zanke patrast;l ou xanonq w;radar]n;l s;'akanathr;rou va®angordn;roun 10& };®q droua‘ kana\q ;u orb;r Phtq h vam a®a= kaxmak;rp;l a®;uangoua‘ kam a\l ;[anakn;row ];®q droua‘ kam p;touj;an ko[mh a\l entaniqn;roun ba,.oua‘ kananz ;u orb;rou zouzakn;rou baza\a\toume! A\s a®jiu% baza\a\t;l warcap;touj;an kiz Øsman;an ar.iun;roun mh= gtnouo[ 11 Øgostos 1915 jouakir ;u jiu^ ªDH.SFR., nr. 54A/382º N;rqin Gor‘;rou Na.ararouj;an f;®agire% or ou[arkoua‘ h marx;roun (wila\hjn;roun)! F;®agrow ke \a\tnouhr& ªKrøna'o. ;[a‘% amousnaza‘ ou wstaf;li an]anz møt \an]noua‘ ;ra.an;roun oun;zoua‘qe (go\q;re) ke pafpanouin% isk anonz% oronz ‘no[qe (va®ange \an]no[n;re) m;®a‘ ;n% bavin me ke trouiº! Baza\a\t;l so\n f;®agri patya®ow ];®q droua‘ orb;rou oun;zoua‘qe \a',tako[ entaniqn;re ou patrast;l ko[optoua‘ go\q;rou zanke!

11& Fauaqakan patas.anatououjiun N;ro[oujiun .ndr;le% z;[aspanouj;an \anzanqi endounoume amøjhn 'rkou;lou ;u w;ranorogou;lou am;nakar;uor fangrouann;rn ;n& our;mn% phtq h endounil fauaqakan patas.anatououjiun! 12& Bolor touva‘n;re So\n spasoum ;u pafan=n;re i xørou ;n na;u fa\r;naxrkoua‘ Asorin;roun% Pontosi |o\n;roun% F;llhnn;roun famar! *** Pasqen Øran ;u oro, qani me vo[owakann;r% ;xra'akic \a\tararouj;an a®encouj;amb \a\tn;zin ir;nz mitqe ;u \an]narar;zin% or z;[aspanouj;an arta\a\touj;an anmi=aphs qowe g‘ik me qa,;low phtq h au;lzoui na;u ªkotora‘º ba®e% bolor anonz famar% oronq 1915-i iradar]oujiunn;re c;n yancnar ibr;u z;[aspanoujiun! Vo[owakaln;rou ;xra'akic \an]nararouj;amb% \a\tararouj;an au;lzou;zau 12-rd khte% oroun mh= n,ou;zan 1915-i Z;[aspanouj;nhn touva‘ Asori% Pontosi |o\n ;u F;llhn vo[owourdn;re! (<ar 2 ;u w;r=) *** Kaxmak;rpoua‘ fauaqo\je acqa®ou h axatamtouj;amb% incphs na;u^ ‘anøj kaxmak;rpouj;anz n;rka\azouzicn;rou% wark wa\;lo[ an]nauorouj;anz ou mtauorakann;rou masnakzouj;amb! ª~oroumºi ;xra'akic \a\tararoujiune ke \i,atakh 12 a®a=arkn;r% oronq gor‘adrou;lou ;n Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100 am;akhn a®a=% touva‘n;roun i npast! Ca'axanz miamit ellalou h% aknkal;lou famar or kataroua‘ a®a=arkoujiunn;re gor‘adrouin Z;[aspanouj;an 100 am;akhn a®a=! A\sphs% øgtagor‘ouo[ na.agafakan aparanqe w;radar]n;l Gasap;ann;roun% Trapixoni Ajajiurqi Toune w;radar]n;l Qapa\;annisi a\sørouan va®angordn;roun% artøn;l Jourqia w;rada®nal 'a'aqo[n;re^ anonz famar bnak;zoumi \armar pa\mann;r st;[‘;low% fasan;li dar]n;l xin;al ouv;rou ar.iun;re% ;uln&% w;ro\i,;al bolor pafan=qn;re parxaphs aniragor‘;li ma[janqn;rou safmane c;n anznir! :jh a®au;lago\n lauat;souj;amb dimauor;nq 2015-i f;®ankare% j;r;us% ];uak;rpouj;an famar% qani me amoqic \a\tararoujiunn;r ou bar;azakam v;sj;r katarouin& n;ro[oujiun .ndr;l% datapart;l oyirin patas.anatoun;re% Z;[aspanouj;an v.toumi 'ro'akante dadr;zn;l% w;ranouan;l ja[amas me% ou w;radar]n;l karg me ,hnq;r kam kaloua‘n;r qriston;a\ fama\nqn;roun! S&|&M&

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}a.hn nsta‘^ Sarkauag Alen Y;nt;an% G;r,& Thr Aris Arq& <irwan;an% Thr Wardan Auag Qfn\& Gaspar;an! Otqi ]a.hn^ "ro`& Abrafam D;r;an% Sargis <irwan;an% Thr <afh Auag Qfn\& Aljoun;an% Thr Ghorg Auag Qfn\& A®aq;l;an ;u Thr :[ia Auag Qfn\& Fa\rap;t;an

FANDIPOUM :ROUSA{HMI G:R<& THR ARIS <IRWAN:ANI F:T :rousa[hmi G;r,& Thr Aris Arq& <irwan;an fandipoum oun;zau ~r;xno\i ;k;[;zuo\ patas.anatoun;roun f;t% fandipman enjazqin qnnarkou;zau :rousa[hmi ;u s'iu®qi fa\ouj;an irawiyake!


ªKe >ostanam oc oqi c;m es;rº! A\nouam;na\niu Hrto[ane \stak patas.an ch toua‘ es;low& ªA\s pafoun m;r ørakargi mh= Mart 30-in (TIM) entroujiunn;rn ;n! Mius niujin (na.agafakan entroujiunn;r) k*andrada®nanq a\n vamanak% ;rb a\n ørakarga\in ke da®na\º! Fandipman ørakarghn dours ch mnaza‘ na;u Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an farze% ore% incphs ªFiuri\hjº ke n,h% ko[m;rou mi=;u sa®noujiun \a®a=aza‘ h! Farzin a®a=ine andradar]a‘ h Hrto[ane ;u esa‘& ª1915 jouakani dhpq;rou 100-am;aki famar ];r ko[mhn baxmagoumar wyaroumn;r ke \atkazouin! A\d .ndri nkatmamb au;li xga\oun phtq h ellaq! Anfrav;,t h% or xgou,aznhq ];r .oumbinº! M;rk;le i patas.an esa‘ h& ªG;rmanian vo[owrdawarakan ;rkir h% c;nq krnar mi=amtoujiunn;r en;l! Jourqia\in al anfrav;,t h a®;r;souil patmouj;an f;t! Fa\astani mh= apro[ fa\;roun phtq ch no\nazn;l a\n fa\;rou f;t% oronq stipoua‘ ;[a‘ ;n zrouil a,.arfi tarb;r ;rkirn;row mhk! Fa\astani fa\;re dvouar kazouj;an mh= ;n! Jourqian phtq h bana\ Fa\astani f;t safmaneº! Hrto[ann al ar]aganga‘ h M;rk;li .øsq;roun es;low& ªK*ouxhq m;x stip;l% or endouninq ban me% or c;nq era#‘! M;nq patmabann;rou a®=;u baza‘ ;nq m;r bolor ar.iun;re! Ambo[= a,.arfin galou ;u ousoumnasir;lou koc era‘ ;nq% saka\n oc oq ch ;ka‘! Jourqio\ nkatmamb anardar mi ellaqº!


fa\ouj;an go\apa\qarin^ orphs F&B&E&M-F&:&E&-i m,akouja\in-jat;rakan ,arvoumnrou gor‘øn andam ;u [;kawar% F&B&E&M&i Libanani <r=anaka\in |an]navo[owi Waric Tnørhn% ÂAK-i ,arqa\in% F&B&E& Miouj;an Libanani ª>øsnakº amsaj;rji .mbagir% ªWafram "a'ax;anº jat;ra.oumbi (Ph\rouj) fimnadir% d;rasan ;u patas.anatou% Bar;gor‘akani ;u Am;rik;an P;touj;an npastaba,.oumi patas.anatou gan]apaf% Ph\rouji ªXarjønqº ;u Qali`ornio\ ªNor Ørºi a,.atakiz% \;taga\in na;u w;r=inis .mbagir% ;u a\l Miouj;nakan ou axga\in partauoroujiunn;r stan]na‘ fa\r;nashr! F;[inaka‘ h ªMa\rin;rou :rkrin Au;rakoumeº qronikagroujiune! :rkou tarih i w;r an at;nap;tn h Corq-Marxpani Fa\r;nakzakan Miouj;an ;u .mbagire Miouj;an ªT;[;katouºin! ªNor Ørºi Warcakan ou >mbagrakan kaxm;re a\s bar;bastik a®jiu i srth ke ,norfauor;n Enk& Sargis Minas;ann ou Tik& Xarmoufin^ ir;nz ma[j;low qa=a®o[=oujiun ;u a,.atanqa\in nor korow! |a®a=ika\ jiu;roun mh= piti andrada®nanq a\s masin!

|ounouar 21-23% 2014-in :rousa[hmi mh= ka\azau S& Ajo®o\s Miabanakan Endfanour Vo[ow% or t;[i oun;zau Patriarqaranis w;ranorogoua‘ dafliyin mh=! Am;n& T& Nourfan Arq& Manouk;ani ;u Tnørhn Vo[owi frauhrow n;rka\ gtnou;zan na;u artasafmani S& Ajo®o\s G;r,& ;u Fog,& miaban fa\r;r! Vo[owin masnakzo[ Miabanouj;ans endfanour jiun hr 30 G;r,& ;u Fog,& fa\r;r% na.agafouj;amb Am;n& T& Nourfan Arq& Manouk;ani ;u at;nap;touj;amb Fog,& T& Par;t ’& Wrd& :rhz;ani% ørouan at;nadpirn;rn hin Fog,& T& Tiran Ab[& |akob;an ;u Fog,& T& <norfq Ab[& Palo\;an! Na.qan vo[owi ørakargin anznile% Am;n& Srbaxan Patriarq Fa\re Foguo\n artasan;z miabanouj;nhs \auht bavnoua‘ Fog,& T& N;rshf ’& Wrd& Bapouy;ani fogiin famar! Ørakargi a®a=in khtn hr Am;n& Srbaxan Før x;ko\ze% our Am;n& Srbaxan Fa\re qnnark;z S& Ajo®o\s ;u Miabanouj;ans f;t a®ncouo[ kar;uor farz;r incphs kaloua‘akan% S& T;[;az% ;k;[;zakan% krjakan% m,akouja\in% warcakan% kargapafakan ;u a\l farz;r! Vo[ows Patriarq Srbaxan Før x;ko\ze endoun;z .andawa®ouj;amb ;u gnafatanqow! Vo[owin gl.auor ørakargi farz;rn hin A& :piskoposakan j;kna‘oun;rou entroujiun B& Tnørhn Vo[owi nor andamn;rou entroujiun G& Kaloua‘akan farz;r D& Kanonadrouj;an w;ram,akoum :piskoposouj;an entr;lin;rou zankin entrou;zan ;rkou Fog,& Fa\r;r^ Fog,& T& Samouhl ’& Wrd& Ado\;an ;u Fog,& T& Par;t ’& Wrd& :rhz;an ]a\n;rou bazar]ak m;‘amasnouj;amb! Tnørhn Vo[owi andam entrou;zan G;r,& T& Aris Arq& <irwan;an% Fog,& T& Samouhl ’& Wrd& A[o\;an% Fog,& T& Par;t ’& Wrd& :rhz;an% Fog,& T& Fambar]oum Wrd& Qh,i,;an% Fog,& T& Nora\r Wrd& Gaxax;an% Fog,& T& Koriun Wrd& Ba[dasar;an! Tnørhn Vo[owi diuane kaxmou;zau f;t;u;al ];uow& G;r,& T& Aris Arq& <irwan;an^ At;nap;t Fog,& T& Par;t ’& Wrd& :rhz;an^ "o. At;nap;t Fog,& T& Nora\r Wrd& Gaxax;an^ At;nadpir Fog,& T& Koriun Wrd& Ba[dasar;an^ "o. At;nadpir Ørakargin ;rrord khtn hr kaloua‘akan bno\j oun;zo[ farz;r! Vo[ows m;‘ f;taqrqrouj;amb ;u manramasnouj;amb qnn;z ir;n n;rka\azoua‘ Wanqapatkan kaloua‘n;rou farz;r% Wanqi 'astabann;rou n;rka\ouj;amb! Ørakargis corrord kar;uor khtn hr kanonadrakan 'o'o.oujiun ;u kam w;ram,akoum! Am;n& Patriarq Srbaxan Før a®a=arkow f;t;u;al an]inq n,anakou;zan \an]na.oumbi nor andamn;r^ G;r,& T& Aris Arq& <irwan;an% Fog,& T& Samouhl ’& Wrd& A[o\;an ;u Fog,& T& Par;t ’& Wrd& :rhz;an! Nkati a®n;low or Fog,& T& Par;t ’& Wrd& :rhz;an entrou;zau tnørhn vo[owi andam kanonadrouj;ans fama]a\n 'o. at;nap;t Fog,& T& Bagrat Wrd& Pouryhq;an anzau At;nap;ti pa,tønin! Vo[owe ir auartin fasau Patriarq Srbaxan Før a[øjqow ;u S& Ajo®o\s ørfn;al ,arakanow! Diuan S& Ajo®o\

M:R :K:{:ZIN :U VO{OWOURDE SOURIO| MH+ |ounouar 21-23% 2014-in :rousa[hmi Srboz |akob;anz Miabanouj;an Endfanour Vo[owe angam me ;us nkati a®n;low Sourio\ Fa\ouj;an srta\o\x wiyake% or jira.e dar]a‘ h krønakan qa[aqakan^ Sounni ;u <ia iraram;rv \ar]akoumn;roun^ oro,;z jh& Am;n& Srbaxan Patriarq Før a®a=arkow ;u Miabanouj;ans fauanouj;amb :rousa[hmi Fa\ Patriarqoujiune 50%000 am;rik;an tolar ke \atkaznh Sourio\ m;r ;[ba\rn;rou ;u qo\r;rou kariqn;roun! Sourio\ kazoujiune incphs na;u Iraqi krna\ krknouil ouri, t;[ ;u au;li wat! I#nc krna\ patafil^ Astoua‘ gith! S& Ajo®o\ Miabanoujiune fand;r] ir Patriarqow k*a[øjh Astou‘o\ or .a[a[oujiun parg;uh Sourio\ ;u Mi=in Ar;u;lqi vo[owourdn;roun% fa\z;low Am;nakalhn or apafow pafh ir ;k;[;zin ;u vo[owourde% \atkaphs^ amhnhn .oz;lin^ ;r;.an;re! M;r a[øjqn;roun na;u phtq h enk;rana\ ];r bari kam;zo[oujiune% or k*a,.atiq .a[a[ouj;an famar! Amhn inc c;nq fasknar ba\z git;nq or Tiro=e l®oujiune ci krnar ;rkar mnal! Amour k;zhq [;r fauatqin mh=% orowf;t;u chq git;r ;rb h vamanake Anor galoun! ª:rb a\s ban;re sksin ellal% ;lh*q ou w;rzouzh*q ];r glou.e% orowf;t;u ];r axatagroujiune ke møt;na\º ({ouk& 21-28)!

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Faxouadhp ;r;uo\j ch% or an]i me tar;dar]e tønoui a,.arfhs anor anw;radar] m;kn;lhn ;tq al! Nman \i,atakoumi k*arvananan anonq% oronq k;rta‘ ;n faroust wastak% st;[‘a‘ ;n fska\akan ou jankarvhq va®angoujiun% f;t;uabar% mnazo[n;rous es;l kou tan% jh gor‘ ouninq anmafn;rou f;t! M;nq^ fa\;rs baza®oujiun c;nq! Ouninq baxmajiu anmafn;r% oronz tar;dar]e ke tøn;nq wastakauorin mafhn tasnam;akn;r ou dar;r ;tq ;us! Qa[aqakan ou xinouorakan m;‘;rou ko[qin% a\d 'a[angin mas ke kaxm;n m;r m,ako\ji k;rticn;re^ arou;staght% gro[ jh vo[owrda\in gor‘ic! Fa\ anmafn;rou panjhonin ,our= ;rkou tari a®a= miazau St;'an Ala=a=;an% or patka®;li va®angoujiun jo[ouz m;r grauor m,ako\ji gan]aranin mh=! 3 |ounouare anor ‘nnd;an 90-rd tar;dar]n hr! Gro[in tar;dar]i \i,atakoume katar;low% c;nq \auaknir a\s s;[m siunakin mh= liakatar arv;uoroum me katar;l% a\l k*oux;nq paf me kang a®n;l anor wastakin% va®angouj;an gl.auor gi‘;roun% m;r norago\n patmouj;an mh= anor ou s;rndakizn;rou- d;rakatarouj;an a®=;u% orowf;t;u bar;ba.tabar an anapati mh= ‘a[ka‘ mia\nak ‘a[ik chr% a\l masnakiz dar]au drø,ar,aui me% or m;r norago\n patmouj;an mh= sksa‘ hr >acatour Abow;anow ou ar]anagra‘ hr baxmajiu ta[andn;r! St;'an Ala=a=;an mhkn h a\n faxouadhp fa\ordin;rhn% oronq S'iu®qn ou Fa\astane marmnauora‘ ;n ir;nz k;anqin ou gor‘in mh=% gor‘^ or ke krh grakanouj;an ;u grakanagitouj;an kniqe! Anor k;anqi yambordoujiune sksa‘ h Falhphn% anza‘ h Ph\roujhn% isk ;ritasardouj;an a®a=in tarin;rhn sks;al an apra‘ h ou st;[‘agor‘a‘^ ma\r fa\r;niqin mh=! Tasnam;akn;r ;tq% pa\mann;rou (fimnakanin mh= a®o[=akan) b;roumow t;[a'o.oua‘ h Los Any;les% a®anz bolorowin .xou;lou ma\r fo[hn! Fa\astan moutqi ør;roun% ardhn ];®q b;ra‘ hr ;ritasard

banast;[‘i wka\akane% ‘anøj anoun hr Falhpi ou Ph\rouji mh=% isk k;anqi \a=ord 'oul;roun% anor mh= tirakan dar]an ar]akagirn ou grakanaghte% st;[‘agor‘akan kaloua‘n;r^ oronz mh= au;li ou, la\n t;[ b®n;z \ou,agroumn ou wau;ragroume! Skxbnakan tarin;rou banast;[‘akan st;[‘agor‘oujiunn;roun \a=ord;zin patmoua‘qn;rou ;u whp;rou ªdara,r=aneº! Mas kaxm;z s;roundi me% or .orfrda\in tarin;roun% \;t-stalin;an fam;matabar bar;npast pa\mann;roun mh=% banalin gtau fa\ouj;an axga\in ogiin wra\hn jøja';lou partadrabar koutakoua‘ 'o,in% warp;tørhn .ousanau;low a\laphs b®natirakan ou mia];u mta‘;lak;rp pafan=o[ .or.oratn;rou mh=hn! A\d s;roundhn mhk qanin ir;nz k;anqow% kam k;anqhn .loua‘ tarin;row wyar;zin \andgnouj;an gine% ouri,n;r w;rapr;zan ou ,r=anz;zin spa®nakan aliqn;re! S& Ala=a=;ane kar;li h das;l ªba.tauorn;rhnº! :jh mia\n \i,atak;nq% or .orfrda\in graqnnouj;an pa\mann;roun mh= st;[‘ou;zan ;u fratarakouj;an arvanazan ª:[hgn;re C.onarfou;zinº ;u ªCspiaza‘ Whrq;rº anoun fatorn;re% ardhn w;rstin arv;uora‘ k*ellanq a\s gro[in t;[n ou arvhqe^ .orfrdafa\ ba\z axga\in m;r grakanouj;an mat;nadaranin mh=! Paro\r S;uaki phs s;rndakizn;rou nman% St;'an Ala=a=;an ;[au fauatarim va®angorde oc mia\n m;r diuzaxnakan f;rosamart;roun% a\l na;u m;r axga\in m;‘ o[b;rgoujiunn;re g;[arou;stow wau;ragro[n;rhn mhke fandisazau% ,arounak;low St;'an Xør;ann;rou% >acik Da,t;nzn;rou% inco#u ch na;u Gourghn Mafarin;rou ;u Mkrtic Armhnn;rou ou[in! 20-rd darou a®a=in jh ;rkrord khs;rou fa\ouj;an k;anqin ou apra‘ o[b;rgoujiunn;roun fa\;lin fandisazo[ a\s gro[e% ir \ou,agrakan stouar va®angouj;amb% fraparak ;kau na;u b®natirakan tarin;rou ªspitak bi‘;rºe l;zn;lou d;rakatarouj;amb% fska\akan foum ata[] 'o.anz;low \i,;al tarin;rou fa\r;ni m;r k;anqn ou gro[mtauorakann;rou wiyakoua‘ pa\mann;re ousoumnasiro[n;roun! Kardalow fa\r;ni mtauorakanouj;an ou gro[-grakanaghtn;rou k;anq;roun ou tarat;sak (.orfrda\in tarin;roun artøn;al) gor‘ounhouj;an masin Ala=a=;ani \ou,agrakan h=;re% ;rhki ou wa[ouan enj;rzo[e irax;k ke da®na\% jh incpisi martafrauhrn;rou kour‘q toua‘ h fa\ouj;an ira*u mtauorakanoujiune% mincd;® a\sør% fam;matabar au;li jo\latou <ar& h= 15

Patriarqarani moutqe

S& |akoba\ tayare

A& :rousa[hmi Am;napatiu Patriarq Før T& Nourfan Arq& Manouk;ani kargadrouj;amb frauiroua‘ h Sourb Qa[aq! A®a=in angam ellalow pat;foujiune piti oun;na\i gtnouil ;r;q krønqn;rou ‘nndawa\r ørrane! Takauin 'oqr tariqhs qriston;a\i me dastiarakouj;amb m;‘za‘ an]is famar baza®ik yambordoujiun me ke spashr in‘i% manauand or wa[ ;ritasardouj;an tarin;rous akanat;s ;[a‘ hi anor mhk ];®qhn miusin anzn;loun 1967-in! Takauin yamba\ c;la‘% ,r=apatis mh= omanq sksa‘ hin f;gnakan ;rangow me farzn;l jh^ Frhasta#n k∞;rja\i! Im patas.ans mi,t no\nn hr^ ;s :rousa[hm k∞;rja\i% Dauiji% margarhn;rou% Mkrticn;rou% |isous Qristosi qa[aqe% or m;r qa[aqakrjouj;an wra\ dra‘ hr ir anwiy;li kniqe! Qa[aq me% oroun mh= fa\oun n;rka\oujiune k∞;rjar minc;u a®a=in dar Qristosh ;tq% qa[aq me% oroun mhk mase ba®aziørhn fa\kakan s;'aanoujiun h% our bou® me fa\oujiun takauin ke pafh ir krønakan% ;k;[;zakan m,akouja\in darauor auando\jn;re!

A®anz or;uh bardouj;an k∞anznim anzagra\in stougoumh% minc ke spashi or Ph\rouj ‘na‘ ellals oro, qa,q,ouqn;rou patya® da®nar% jh;u g;rfxør p;touj;an me qa[aqazii fangamanqow ke yambordhi! Xis ke dimauor;n Patriarqi Gauaxanakir Nora\r Wrd& Gaxax;ann ou Fastatouj;an inqna,arvn;rhn mhkoun warorde^ f;xafambo\r Sagøn! Khs gi,;rouan møt qa®asoun wa\rk;anhn ke fasninq lo\s;rou mh= o[o[oua‘ fin qa[aqi moutqin% :a`a\i darpasin møt ;u apa ktrouk dar]oua‘qow me^ in] famar nkati a®noua‘ Kloria pandoke! :rkou faxar tari ;t gaza‘ ;m kar‘;s! Qara,hn fska\akan parispn;r% ,hnq;r% .anoujn;r ou qarh salafatakoua‘ fin ou n;[lik 'o[ozn;r! W;r=in angam a\spisi 'o[ozn;rou mh=hn qala‘ ;m Polis ou Falhp! Ke mtab;r;m ‘nndawa\r qa[aqs^ Ph\rouje% oroun k;dronakan masin mh= gtnouo[ Souq Soursoqi% Souq Jaouili% osk;ricn;rou% kø,kawaya®n;rou ;u ]ouk;rou ,ouka\in \i,o[oujiune anz;ali karøte k∞arjnzn;n mh=s% fog ch jh osk;[hnn;rou% gofar;[hnn;rou <ar& h= 14

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NOR ØR% ":TROUAR 13% 2014

:RKOU ARVHQAUOR GRQ:RI MASIN "RO~& AU:TIS "A"AX:AN 2013 jouakanin nouhr staza\ ;rkou patmagitakan .ist arvhqauor grq;r! 1& Dokt& Minas Goya\;an% ªMormoqo[ Anz;ali Araf;tn;rowº (Ou.tagnazoujiun dhpi Patmakan Fa\astan)% Los Any;les – 2013% 319 h=% nkaraxard! 2& Warouvan Ag,;firl;an% ªFa\-Italakan Yartarap;takan A®ncoujiunn;rº% :r;uan% 2012% 152 m;‘adir h=% nkaraxard! :rkou grq;rn hl lo\s ;n t;s;l Thr ;u Tik& Toqj& |akob A\njapl;ann;ri fa\r;nasirakan =;rm xgazoumn;ri fowanauorouj;amb% ori famar f;[inakn;re \a\tnoum ;n ir;nz .orin ,norfakaloujiunn;re! *** Dokt& Minas Goya\;ani grqoum b;roua‘ ;n 2011 ;u 2012 jouakann;rin dhpi Patmakan Fa\astan% Kilikia% incphs na;u Jourqio\ na.kin fa\abnak wa\r;r katara‘ ou[;uorouj;an nkaragroujiunn;re% oronq kardazuoum ;n m;‘ f;taqrqrouj;amb! N,;nq% or a\n parb;rabar lo\s hr t;s;l na;u ªNor Ørº ,abajaj;rjoum! Grqoum troua‘ ;n ou.tagnazouj;an manramasnoujiunn;re! Bazi a\d girqe ,aradroua‘ h f;[inaki patmagitakan git;liqn;ri fiman wra\% øgtagor‘;low na;u fauasti skxbna[biurn;r! Dokt& Minas Goya\;ani a\s f;taqrqir grqi bowandakouj;an masin oro,aki ga[a'ar kaxm;lou famar b;r;lou ;m mi fatoua‘ na.abaniz% ore gr;l h FF GAA j[jakiz andam% Dokt& "ro`& Art;m Sargs;ane! (H= 12)! ªJ;rj;low girqin h=;re% m;nq al kar‘;s f;[inaki f;t miasin k*a\z;l;nq Mousa L;®% kr ,r=inq Ph\lan sqanc;li wa\r;row% k*ellanq Corq-Marxpani mh= (ardhn M& Goya\;ani ‘no[n;re Cors-Marxpan-Thørj:olhn ;n)% ke t;sn;nq Kilikio\ b;rd;re% f;[inaki acq;row ke wa\;l;nq Atana\i% Xh\jouni ou Mara,i% >arb;rdi ou Mou,i a\sørouan patk;rn;re% a[yatoua‘% ocncazman ;xrin fasa‘ kam al ambo[=owin bna=n=oua‘ fa\kakan f;tq;reº! Mi .øsqow fatore nouiruoum h Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100 am;akin! 2014 jouakann h ;u fa\ vo[owourde Fa\astanoum ;u jh s'iu®qoum kangna‘ h M;‘ :[;®ni 100 am;ake n,;lou na.a,;min! 2015 j& Aprili 24-in lranoum h fa\ vo[owrdi nkatmamb gor‘adroua‘ a\d ‘an-

rago\n o[b;rgouj;an 100-rd tar;lize! A\nphs or a\spisi grqi angl;rhn ;u jourq;rhn jargmanoujiune ;u fratarakoujiune anfrav;,toujiun h! *** Dokt& Warouvan Ag,;firl;ane baxmako[mani w;rlou‘;l h fa\ yartarap;touj;an xargazman a®an]na\atkoujiunn;re ;u a®a=in angam lin;low ousoumnasir;l fa\-;uropakan yartarap;takan a®ncoujiunn;re ;u fa\-italakan yartarap;takan darauor 'o.axd;zoujiunn;re baza\a\to[ niuj;re! Bnakanabar kang h a®;l na;u Italia\oum fa\ ga[jawa\r;ri a®a=azman farzi ,our=! F;[inake tou;l h yartarap;takan \atakag‘a\in bnoujagroujiunn;r! A,.atoujiune ba[kaza‘ h na.abaniz% ;rkou endar]ak glou.n;riz% ;xrakazoujiuniz% mat;nagroujiuniz! Angl;rhn ;u ®ous;rhn am'o'oumiz! Troua‘ h na;u ,at f;taqrqir fa\italakan yartarap;takan a®ncoujiunn;ri zouzadrakan mas (Pasta®n;r)! A\s a,.atoujiune gitakan auartaya® lin;lou famar w;r=oum ;n gnafatanqi groujiunn;r :r;uani 3 f;[inakauor yartarap;tn;ri ko[miz! A\d juoum Dokt& "ro`& G& <a.k ;an% Dokt& doz;nt M&A& Gaspar;an% Dokt& doz;nt Hmma |aroujiun;an! A\s masnaghtn;re est arvanuo\n bar]r ;n gnafat;l Warouvan Ag,;firl;ani katara‘ tqna=an a,.atanqe! Ørinak yartarap;takan gitoujiunn;ri Dokt& doz;nt M&A& Gaspar;ane a\spisi gnafatanq h tou;l& b;roum ;m mi fatoua‘ (h= 147)! ªF;[inake katar;l h m;‘ ou bowandakaliz a,.atanq! F;taxøtouo[ j;ma\i famat;qstoum baxmako[mani w;rlou‘ou;l ;n fa\ yartarap;touj;an xargazman a®an]na\atkoujiunn;ri f;t a®ncouo[ fimnakan .ndirn;re% patmakan aknarkiz minc;u yartarap;takan \atakag‘a\in ;u g;[arou;stakan bnoujagroujiunn;re% ousoumnasirou;l ;n yartarap;touj;an oyakan ];uauorman skxbounqn;reº! *** |arg;li enj;rzo[ zankali h% or oun;naq a\s .ist arvhqauor grq;re! Dranow na. ke farstanhq ];r gradarane ;u øgtakar ke linhq a\d grq;re a\l l;xoun;row jargmanouj;an .ist kar;uor gor‘in! I


Minas Goya\;an

Ghorg Qhø,khr;an

Ara Afaron;an ;lo\ji pafoun Kiraki% |ounouar 25-i ;r;ko\;an vame 6%00-in% Aljatina\i ªPh,khøjiur;anº srafin mh= t;[i oun;zau Ara Afaron;ani w;ro\i,;al girq;roun n;rka\azoume% or kaxmak;rpoua‘ hr Los Any;lesi Jhqh;an M,akouja\in Miouj;an masnayiu[in ko[mh! :r;ko\jin n;rka\ hin j;mis bar;.nam a®a=nord T& |ownan Arq& Thrthr;an% Fa\ Au;taranakan fama\nqi n;rka\azouzic W;rapatou;li |owsh' Majos;an% FF 'o. fiupatos Artak Galst;an% k[;rakan dasi ;u fama\nqi a\l n;rka\azouzicn;r! Fandisawar Wach S;m;ry;an bari galoust ma[j;lh ;tq bolorin% ,arounak;z& ªA\sør% J&M&Miouj;an Los Any;lesi masnayiu[i girq;rou n;rka\azoumi f;rjakan a\s fandisouj;an% patiu h m;xi famar ;u oura.oujiun n;rka\azn;l Ara Afaron;ani w;r=in ;rkou girq;re% oronq Ara\in 4-rd ;u 5-rd fratarakoujiunn;rn ;nº! |i,;zn;lh ;tq% jh ª:ra.tauorn;rou Ou[in B&ºe ,arounakoujiunn h ª:ra.tauorn;rou Ou[in A&º fatorin% S;m;ry;an gnafatanqow ,;,t;z Ara Afaron;ani a,.atanqe% orow n;rka\azoua‘ h Âamkawar Kousakzouj;an na.kin [;kawarn;roun k;anqn ou gor‘ounhoujiune! Apa% am'o' k;rpow touau Ara\i k;nsagroujiune&_ ’na‘ h Libanan! Na.akrjoujiune staza‘ h Jri'olii >rim;an/Noupar;an warvaranin% ;rkrordakane^ F&B&E&Miouj;an |owakim;an-Manouk;an warvaranin% isk bar]rago\ne^ Fa\kax;an golhyi mh=! Au;li ou,% 1976-in% Gali`ornio\ famalsaranin mh=! |i,;zn;lh ;tq% jh Aran 1970-in mta‘ h ÂAK-i ,arq;re%

,;,t;z% jh an axga\in% kousakzakan% fama\nqa\in k;anqin mh= mi,t gor‘oun;a\ ;[a‘ h ;u takauin h! Fing tari ‘a®a\a‘ h J&M&Miouj;an! A,.atakza‘ h ªNor Ørºin ;u a\d g‘ow^ ÂAK-i mamoulin! Ir a®a=in girqe ;[a‘ h^ ªF;rosakan dhmq;rºe% or lo\s t;sa‘ h fa\;rhn% angl;rhn ;u span;rhn& ;rkrorde^ ªL;®na\in {araba[i Fanrap;toujiunº^ fa\;rhn ;u angl;rhn& apa% ª:ra.tauorn;rou Ou[in A&º% ª:ra.tauorn;rou Ou[in B&º ;u ªFa\astani Fanrap;touj;an Martafrauhrn;reº% ª‘aualow 'oqr ba\z f;taqrqrakan ;u ou,agrau bowandakouj;amb grqo\keº! ªN;rka\is ke pa,tønawarh apafowagrakan enk;rouj;an me mh= orphs ‘ragro[! W;r=;rs% ir pa,tøni b;roumow entrou;zau Gali`ornio\ `inansi ;u apafowagrouj;an .orfrdatoun;rou axga\in enk;rakzouj;an 'o. na.agafº! Ir .øsqi auartin% W& S;m;ry;an ampion frauir;z dokt& Minas Goya\;ane% orphsxi n;rka\aznh ªFa\astani Fanrap;touj;an Martafrauhrn;reº grqo\ke! Dokt& Goya\;an% n;ra‘akanow me sks;low ir .øsqe% erau karg me da®n fastatoumn;r! ªA,.arfi qarthsin wra\ gr;jh ann,an tara‘oujiun xba[;zno[ m;r Fanrap;toujiune% irmh tase% qsan ;u \isoun angam au;li m;‘ martafrauhrn;r ouni dimagrau;lou^ Ar;u;lqi ou Ar;umoutqi% Fiusisi ;u Faraui \arab;rabar m;‘ p;toujiunn;rou ,af;rou ba.man .acm;roukin wra\! Tnt;sakan ,r=a'akoumin wra\ ;ka‘ h au;lnalou fiusisi darauor drazi^ Wrastani anka\oun <ar& h= 14


Armenia To Keep Troops In Afghanistan

Afghanistan- Armenian Defense Minister Seyran Ohanian (C) and his first deputy Davit Tonoyan (R) inspect Armenian troops in Afghanistan, Armenia intends to keep a small military contingent in Afghanistan after the formal completion of NATO-led combat operations there at the end of this year, First Deputy Defense Minister Davit Tonoyan said on Tuesday. NATO’s International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan is due to end its mission before January 2015. The U.S.-led alliance will remain engaged in the war-torn nation through a new multinational mission dubbed Resolute Support. It will concentrate on advising, training and assisting the Afghan army that is gradually taking the lead in security operations. Armenia -- A German army general gives medals to Armenian soldiers serving

in Afghanistan. “We have informed NATO and our main ISAF partner Germany that a political decision has been made and Armenia has the capacity to continue assisting in stabilization efforts in Afghanistan after the end of the ISAF mission in December,” Tonoyan told the Mediamax news agency. Armenia has kept around 130 soldiers on the ground for the past few years. They have served in northern Afghanistan under German command.

NATO Gets First US Destroyer For Missile Shield

Brussels (AFP) - The first of four US high-tech destroyers arrived in Spain Tuesday to form a key part of a ballistic missile shield for Europe which Russia says directly threatens its security.The USS Donald Cook took up station in the southern port of Rota from where it will operate as an anti-missile platform and take part in other tasks such as maritime security and NATO deployments, a statement said."For the first time, a ship of the United States Navy equipped with the Aegis ballistic missiledefence system is permanently based in Europe" NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said. "The arrival of the USS Donald Cook marks a step forward for NATO, for European security, and for transatlantic cooperation," Rasmussen said.Three other Aegis destroyers will be deployed over the next two years as the

missile shield takes form after NATO agreed its deployment at a summit in 2010. The system is designed to "protect all NATO European populations and territory," the

statement said. Supporters cited a major concern as being the threat to Europe from Iranian missiles, especially if Tehran were to acquire nuclear weapons. Russia however says the system directly threatens its security and the issue has become a major bone of contention with Washington which in turn insists that Moscow's fears are groundless. The Aegis ships will operate in tandem with land- and other air- and space-based systems to monitor for possible hostile missile launches and then direct missiles to destroy them.

Turkish Ambassador Was Ordered To Turn Out His Pockets At Azerbaijani Parliament Entrance

Today, Turkish ambassador to Azerbaijan Ismail Alper Coskun was subjected to a real search at the Azerbaijani parliament. According to the Azerbaijani news portal "Haqqin.az" the ambassador arrived in Parliament to attend the meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Trade Commission of Turkic-speaking countries (TurcPA). "The Security Service of the Parliament demanded that the ambassador showed the content of his pockets. The surprised ambassador was explained that it is no longer allowed to enter the Parliament with such phones as smartphones," writes the portal. The diplomat was forced to leave his phone under the protection of security service of the Parliament. According to the article, after the introduction of new safety rules in the Azerbaijani parliament deputies have already been subjected to such inspections. "But this was the first time when vigilantes of the Speaker

Two Elected Members Of The State Of Hawaii House Of Representatives Introduce Anti-Armenian / Anti-Artsakh Legislation

Two elected members of the State of Hawaii's House of Representatives, Rida Cabanilla (Dem - 41st District) and Mark Takai (Dem - 33rd District), traveled to Azerbaijan together in 2013 on an $8,000 trip that was paid for by the Azerbaijani government. They have since co-sponsored anti-Armenian/anti-Artsakh legislation that’s been set for a hearing on Wednesday, February 12, 2014. Here are summaries of the two items of legislation that Cabanilla and Takai are introducing before the Hawaii House of Representatives tomorrow, the first of which is grossly offensive and inaccurate: • House Resolution 13 recognizes the 22nd anniversary of the Khojaly tragedy which, according to the resolution, involved the slaughter of hundreds of innocent civilians in Azerbaijan in February 1992. • House Resolution 9 calls on the United States to strengthen its efforts to facilitate a political settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict. Here's an ominous excerpt, quoting Cabanilla, from an article in Civilbeat, which has fortunately been covering this story: h t t p : / / w w w. c i v i l b e a t . c o m / a r t i-

cles/2014/02/11/21151-why-do-twohawaii-lawmakers-care-so-much-aboutazerbaijan/ "Maybe (the resolution) is not 100 percent accurate — I don’t know if it is or not — but the fact that they’re an ally and support our troops (in the region), they don’t have to say anything more after that," Cabanilla said, explaining her decision to introduce the legislation. My takeaway: What Cabanilla actually meant to say is: "They lined my pockets with cash so I will co-sponsor this trash no matter what it says." Are American lawmakers reaching new levels of stupidity? Clearly showing a disinterest in conducting basic due diligence, these two state lawmakers are actually OK with sponsoring bills for which they have no idea of the historical accuracy? Will our Armenian advocacy groups in Washington address the proposed offensive legislation with respect to Khojaly, and mobilize our grass-roots network of Armenians based in Hawaii? Sincerely, MIHRAN TOUMAJAN

Armenia Will Carry Out Defense System Development Programs With Russia And Belarus

Armenia will join the agreement on the establishment of “Defense systems” interstate financial-industrial group between Belarus and Russia of February 11, 2000. The draft of the latter is included in the agenda of the session of the Government of the Republic of Armenia to be held on February 13. The aim is by the development of interstate financial-industrial group to promote the establishment of high technological and competitive military production, double and of civil significance production, as well as repair and modernization of existing samples.

For the realization of the mentioned programs scientific-technical, productive, repair and investment potential of industrial enterprises of Armenia, Belarus and Russia, will be used which will in its turn contribute to the strengthening of Armenia’s defense potential,” the program notes. “Armenpress” reports that joining the agreement will create conditions for providing commercial ties among the industrial complexes of the mentioned countries. Armenia, Belarus and Russia are also included in the same defense system being members of the Collective security Treaty Organization.

Syria Crisis: 'First UK Jihadist' In Suicide Attack

Oktay Asadov searched a foreign diplomat," reads the article. During the autumn session of the parliament, journalists had recorded on their smartphones the MPs voting instead the others. These records have been spread through all media and called criticism on the MPs behavior. After that, press secretary of the Azerbaijani parliament Akif Tevekkyuloglu announced a ban on bringing smartphones in to the legislative Assembly.

The prison in central Aleppo was the scene of heavy fighting between rebels and Syrian forces last week UK officials believe a British man may have carried out a suicide bombing in the Syrian city of Aleppo last week. If confirmed, this would be the first known attack of its type by a Briton in Syria. The al-Qaeda-linked rebel group in Syria, al-Nusra Front, named the man as Abu Suleiman al-Britani. He is thought to be from Sussex. Hundreds of British nationals are re-

ported to have gone to Syria to fight against government forces. One in 10 foreign militants is believed to be from Europe, while most of the others are thought to have come from Saudi Arabia, Tunisia and Libya

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday February 13, 2014


Dr. Margaret Simonian PhD In Advanced Medicine

Dr. Simonian’s medical research interest focuses on utilizing Proteomics and Molecular Biology in biomarker discovery of diseases, such as Brain Arteriovenous Malformations (AVMs), Brain Tumours, Alzimers disease, Parkinsons disease, etc Over the past 3 years she has been utilizing proteomics to identify unique protein targets in human brain Arteriovenous Malformation post radiosurgery, to develop a new treatment that is effective and safer than the current methods of surgery and radiosurgery. She has been conducting this research at UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine (USA) and Macquarie University, School of Advanced Medicine (Australia) She published articles and presented her research work at many international scientific and medical conferences. Most recently, The Society for Neuroscience conference in San Diego/USA, The Molecular Neurodegeneration Conference in Cannes/ France, The Human Proteome Organization Conference in Geneva/ Switzerland, Metabolomics &System Biology Conference in San Francisco and Chicago/USA and many more. She is a Reviewer for the following Scientific and Medical journals; - Arthritis Research &Therapy Journal - Proteomics Journal - European Proteomics Journal For those who are interested can keep in touch with her at; Margaret Simonian, PhD UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine Dept of Biological Chemistry 611 Charles E. Young Drive East CA. 90095, USA T: +(1) 310-794-7308 Mobile+ (1) 310-893-4593

$50,000 To Syrian-Armenians

ALEPPO. – The Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem of the Armenian Apostolic Church will provide $50,000 to the Armenian community of Syria. The press service of the Diocese of Aleppo of the Armenian Apostolic Church informed the aforesaid. The respective decision was taken at a general meeting that was convened at the recommendation of the Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem. Before the ongoing bloody events in Syria, about 60,000-70,000 Armenians were living in the country.

Greater Voice For Georgia's Armenian Community:

Akhaltsikhe Residents Can Now Elect Own Mayor

According to a new bill adopted by the Georgian parliament, the mayor of an Armenian-populated city in Georgia can now be directly elected by the citizens, lending a greater voice to Georgia's Armenian community. Georgia's parliament yesterday adopted in its third reading a new bill on local self-government bodies that, as conveyed by Georgia's Armenian community, stipulates only those cities that are considered regional centers will have self-governing status. Among those cities with self-governing status is Akhaltsikhe, the capital of the region of Samtskhe-Javakheti, where the population is comprised of 40% Armenians (16,879 people) and 28,473 Georgians. According to the new bill, the mayor of Akhaltsikhe will now be directly elected.

Ararat-Eskijian Museum And Natural Asociation Of Armenian Studies And Research Will Present An Illustrated Lecture

“The Armenians Of The Crimea And Romania As Seen Through Their Art”

Professor Levon Chookaszian will present an illustrated lecture on “The Armenian of the Crimea and Romania as seen through their Art”. On Sunday, February 16th, 2014, at 4:00 p.m. at the Ararat-Eskijian Museum, Sheen Chapel, 15105 Mission Hills Road, Mission Hills, CA. The lecture is sponsored by the Ararat-Eskijian Museum and the National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR). The study of the artistic legacy of the Armenians in medieval Crimea and Romania allow for the reconstruction and imagining, to a certain degree, of a broader picture, a kind of mosaic of the culture of immigrants from Armenia. The Armenian churches and monasteries, and illustrated manuscripts are the main art works testifying to the presence of Armenians in the middle of Crimea and Romania and their cultural activity there. Prof. Levon Chookaszian will explore the rich, and for many little known cultural heritage. Professor Levon Chookaszian is the UNESCO professor of Armenian Art History at Yerevan State University and one of the leading authorities in the world on Armenian Art. Since 1992 he had delivered around two hundred lectures at universities, libraries and museums across the, United States, Canada, Great Britain, Italy, Lebanon, Greece, Germany France Hungry and Romania. For more information contact the Ararat-Eskijian Museum at 818-838-4862 or ararat-eskijian-museum@netzero.net or hq@naasr.org.

Syrian Armenians To Receive Food Aid

YEREVAN. – The “Help Your Brother” Foundation continues its assistance to the Armenians of Syria and, in particular, to those Syrian Armenians who have moved to the homeland, Armenia. Starting from Wednesday, the foundation and the Armenian Christian Medical Association will provide food aid for five days, and to about 500 SyrianArmenian families that have settled in Armenia.

Our Holy Sharagans By Alice Krumian

Our Almighty Creator, one day long ago Summoned an angel and pronounced what follows: "The chorus of angels, for centuries endlessly, Are singing the same songs without variety". The nimble angel, grasping God's implication, Spread his wings wide and flew on his mission; Orbiting the Earth, attentive and watchful, He stopped above the main cities of the world. Free-falling on the most opulent cathedrals, He hid behind icons, holy statues and alters; Invisible of the choir and the congregation, He listened to every prayer, hymn and oration. None of the holy carols could he take to his heart, None of the liturgies filled his spirit with delight, Deploying, once again, his wings toward the sky, He proceeded, full of concern, with his cosmic flight. He flew over oceans, lakes, and mountain tops, The tormenting dilemma distressing his thoughts: "Where shall I be able to find that amazing song, Worthy to be presented to my Almighty God?" Amid his most helpless and hopeless wanderings, He suddenly caught sight of a village in ruins; When he got closer to that dilapidated site, He heard some music heavenly and dignified. Among the songs and prayers within an old church, Were heard the supplications of the worshippers; "Der voghormia, der voghormia, You, Almighty Christ, Give peace to the world, and have mercy on us". The angel listened, transfixed on the spot, He was mesmerized by the heartwarming song, Collecting the Armenian hymns in their entirety, He presented them proudly to the Holy Divinity. From that lucky day on to the present moment, Elated with the Offering, our Almighty God Has been listening daily, blissful and triumphant, To our mystic SHARAGANS, whether new or ancient.

AGBU Lebanon And The Armenian Embassy Co-Host Khachaturian Tribute Event

2013 marked a milestone anniversary: the 110th birthday of the great Armenian composer Aram Khachaturian. In Beirut, AGBU Lebanon celebrated through a special evening organized in collaboration with the Armenian Embassy. The commemorative event, which featured musical performances and an exclusive film screening, drew over 400 attendees to the local AGBU Demirdjian Center. Several distinguished guests filled the center to pay tribute to the Armenian icon. Among those in the audience were Archbishop Kegham Khatcherian; Members of Parliament Shant Chinchinian and Jean Oghassabian; ambassadors from Argentina, Malta and Russia; as well as representatives of the Czech Republic, German and Ukraine Embassies. AGBU Lebanon District Committee president Gerard Tufenkjian, and AGBU benefactors Avedis and Rita Demirdjian and Sarkis and Seta Demirdjian were present. AGBU-AYA chair Vicken Tchertchian was also in attendance. Anita Lebiar, the AGBU Lebanon executive director, welcomed the crowd, stating, “We are so pleased to see such a wonderful turnout here tonight. Your presence shows that though it has been over a century since Khachaturian’s birth, and decades since his death, his music continues to live on in each and every one of us today.”


Following opening remarks by honored guest Ashot Kocharian, Armenia’s Ambassador to Lebanon, presentations brought Khachaturian’s work to life. Documentary footage acquired from the Aram Khachaturian Museum in Armenia, and a discussion by Harout Fazlian, the principal conductor and the artistic director of the Lebanese Philharmonic Orchestra, highlighted Khachaturian’s countless contributions to the arts. Pianists Armen and Suzanne Ketchek and violinist Boris Mirzoyan performed some of Khachaturian’s beloved compositions. Waltz from “Masquerade”; “Sabre Dance” from his ballet “Gayaneh”; and “Adagio of Spartacus” and “Phrygia” from his ballet “Spartacus” all drew rounds of applause. In the reception that followed, guests looked back on their favorite Khachaturian symphonies, concertos and film scores, all of which helped make him a legend. To learn more about the AGBU Lebanon

District, please email agbu@agbu.org.lb.

We are pleased to announce that The Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fund will provide financial assistance toward the publication of certain select doctoral dissertations on subjects related to Armenian studies, works on ancient Armenian history by Armenian historians, and works of Armenian literature of the 19th or earlier century. These works could be either in Armenian or English. In the case of the former, they must be accompanied by an English translation. Applications for publication grants must be submitted before April 15 and November 15 of each year. For further information and application forms, please write to: LIEBMANN FUND— PUBLICATIONS

c/o Mr. M. Haigentz 1518 11th Street

Fort Lee, NJ 07024

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday February 13, 2014

Armenians In Syria, After The Conflict By Racha Abi Haidar


Turk Intellectuals Who Recognized The Armenian Genocide

6 - Elif Shafak

By Hambersom Aghbashian

Integration not fusion,” has been the slogan of the Armenian diaspora since being the target of genocide at the hands of the Ottoman Empire nearly a century ago. But since the start of the Syrian conflict, the Armenian community in Syria has felt increasingly patriotic, despite the fact that the fighting has displaced thousands of them. “I feel both envious and A worshiper receives communion as he attends a service at the proud when I see the Syrian Syrian Saint Sarkis Church for Armenian Orthodox in Damascus diplomatic delegation. I to celebrate the Armenian Christmas on January 6, 2014. wish I could get the chance menian Orthodox Patriarchate of Aleppo in the future to defend my country with my has been trying to continue its social and words and my mind. Our Syria deserves humanitarian activities, such as caring for our utmost love, diligence, and sacrifice,” orphans, the elderly, and the poor. Gerayr wrote Syrian-Armenian activist Kivork AlRissian, spokesperson for the Patriarchate, masian, 27, commenting on the Geneva II told Al-Akhbar, “The schools, universities, talks on his Facebook page. culture clubs, and charities are still operatIn May 2011, Harut, 25, Kivork’s ing, albeit at a smaller pace.” brother, was kidnapped with his girlfriend Rissian refused to characterize the Arby Liwaa al-Tawhid, which contacted his menians’ exit from Syria as “immigration.” family to demand a ransom of $40,000. The He said, “We do not think of it this way befamily convinced the kidnappers to bring cause the majority have left temporarily, the figure down to $12,000. and will return as soon as the crisis is over.” Kivork said, “The massacre we face He put the percentage of Armenians distoday is similar to the one our ancestors placed at a quarter to a third of the total suffered at the hands of the Turks.”Harut number. Concerning the causes of their and Kivork’s father went to the al-Dan reflight, he said, “Many have lost their busigion in Idlib to pay the ransom and get his nesses. Factories and warehouses in the inson back. Harut had been tortured, both dustrial area, al-Midan, al-Arqoub, and physically and psychologically, according Sheikh Maqsoud have been completely to Kivork. The family then left to Lebanon. looted.” Three years into the Syrian crisis, ArFor her part, Maria has not left Damasmenians of different denominations – Orcus since the beginning of the conflict. She thodox, Catholic, and Evangelical – have still teaches at a school in the Syrian capireceived their “fair” share of suffering, tal. She said, “I never felt that I had to murder, kidnapping, and displacement beleave.” cause of the conflict, just like the rest of the Meanwhile, like many other historical Syrians. churches that have been ransacked by exBut the Armenians also discovered that tremist groups, three Armenian churches Syria is their home rather than their “host have been destroyed in Aleppo, Deir alcountry.” In truth, the Turkish involvement Zour, and al-Raqqa. Despite their relatively in the Syrian war has reinforced this sentismall numbers in Syria, Maria said, “ Arment. Kivork said, “The massacre we face menians have suffered like all other comtoday is similar to the one our ancestors munities in Syria. Many businesspeople suffered at the hands of the Turks.” and industrialists lost their businesses, not Kivork said that “integration, not futo mention the martyrs, wounded, absion” is a slogan that Armenians in the ductees, and refugees.” Arab Levant have lived with for decades. In the latter case, militants from the IsHowever, he argued, “The war in Syria has lamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) set fire shown that this is not true, because my to the church and took down the cross from home is Syria and my allegiance is to it.” the top of the church tower, replacing it The number of Syrian Armenians bewith ISIS flags. fore the conflict was estimated to be 80,000, Syrian-Armenians like to emphasize of whom up to 80 percent lived in Aleppo, their Syrian identity. They say that they 10 percent in Damascus, and 10 percent in have lived in Greater Syria since before Deir al-Zour, Hassakeh, Qamishli, and alChrist. True, their numbers increased Raqqa. The bloody events, especially in greatly after the Armenian genocide, but Aleppo, forced them to flee to other areas Armenian convoys had always passed within Syria including Damascus, Latakia, through Syria, including through areas like and Tartous, or to Lebanon and Armenia. Deir al-Zour and al-Raqqa. Since the outbreak of the war, the Ar-

Elif Şafak (born 25 October 1971, Strasbourg, France) is a Turkish author, columnist, speaker and academic. She holds a Masters degree in Gender and Women's Studies and a Ph.D. in Political Science. "As Turkey's bestselling female writer, Şafak is a brave champion of cosmopolitanism, a sophisticated feminist, and an ambitious novelist who infuses her magical-realist fiction with big, important ideas...". She is one of the most distinctive voices in contemporary Turkish and world literature. Her books have been published in more than 40 countries, and she was awarded the honorary distinction of Chevalier of the Order of Arts and Letters in 2010. (1) Shafak has published twelve books, eight of which are novels. She writes fictions in both Turkish and English. Her first novel, Pinhan (The Mystic) was awarded the "Rumi Prize" in 1998. Her second novel is Şehrin Aynaları (Mirrors of the City). Shafak greatly increased her readership with her novel Mahrem (The Gaze), which earned her the "Best Novel-Turkish Writers' Union Prize" in 2000. Her next novel, Bit Palas (The Flea Palace), has been a bestseller in Turkey and was shortlisted for the Independent Best Fiction Award. Shafak wrote her next novel in English. The Saint of Incipient Insanities was published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Her second novel written in English is The Bastard of Istanbul, which was the bestselling book of 2006 in Turkey and was long listed for the Orange prize. The novel, which tells the story of an Armenian and a Turkish family through the eyes of women, brought Shafak under prosecution but the charges were ultimately dismissed. In her book Black Milk. Shafak explored the beauties and difficulties of being a writer and a mother.. . The Forty Rules of Love sold more than 600 000 copies, becoming an all time best-seller in Turkey and in France, awarded with the Prix ALEF Mention Spéciale Littérature Etrangère..Her latest novel, Iskender (Honour), has topped the best-seller lists (2) After publishing her book "The Bastard of Istanbul" in 2006, Julie Bosman wrote on Feb.10, 2007 (The New York Times Books) that "it is the best seller in Turkey", and that " She travels with a bodyguard

Aram Khachaturian's Manuscripts, Film Music Included In UNESCO Register

Armenian Duduk Player To Perform At Winter Arts Festival In Sochi

PanARMENIAN.Net - Collection of note manuscripts and film music of a world renowned Armenian composer Aram Khachaturian has been included in UNESCO's Memory of the World Register. The relevant UNESCO certificate was handed by the Minister of Culture Hasmik Poghosyan to the Aram Khachaturian Museum director

Armine Grigoryan, ITAR-TASS reported. “The application to the UNESCO was filed in 2012 on the initiative of the Minisitres of Culture and Foreign Affairs. Fifteen note manuscripts and film music included in the register are reposited in the museum, as well as several documents provided by the composer’s son Karen Khachaturian,” Gigoryan said.

PanARMENIAN.Net - Armenian duduk player Gevorg Dabaghyan will travel to Sochi on Feb 18 at the invitation of famous Russian musician Yuri Bashmet to participate in the closing ceremony of the 7th International Winter Arts Festival that kicked off in the Russian resort city a day before the start of the Olympic Games. As Dabaghyan told PanARMENIAN.Net his 15-minute performance dur-

now and has been placed under official police protection in Turkey". "Ms. Shafak was sued by a nationalist Turkish lawyer, Kemal Kerincsiz, whose rightist group has also sued dozens of others, including Orhan Pamuk, Turkey’s best-known novelist". (3) According to Armenpress, May 21,2013, " The Bastard of Istanbul" was translated into Armenian by Maro Madoyan- Alajanian (American Armenian literary critic), who underscored that "Elif Safaq must be known to the Armenian society. Her novel is dedicated to the consequences of the Genocide. Safaq is hiding because of continuous persecution initiated against her by the Turkish extremists".(4) According to Aravot.am (May 30 2013), Elif Şafak, was charged under Article 301, which is about insulting national identity. In order to escape the persecutions of nationalists, the 42-year-old Turkish woman now lives in London. (5) On December 24, 2007,Myrthe Korf wrote some details of the story which are interesting.(6) Elif Safaq is also one of TED's guests. TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is a global set of conferences owned by the private non-profit Sapling Foundation, under the slogan "ideas worth spreading". In addition to writing fictions, Shafak is also a political scientist. She continues to write for Haberturk, a major newspaper in Turkey, as well as several international daily & weekly publications, including The Guardian website. She has been featured in major newspapers and periodicals, including the Washington Times, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, The Economist and The Guardian. 1.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elif_%C 5%9Eafak 2. http://www.elifshafak.com/biography.asp 3.http://www.nytimes.com/2007/02/10/ books/10shaf.html?_r=0 4.http://armenpress.am/eng/news/7196 15/ 5.http://en.aravot.am/2013/05/30/15459 0/ 6. http://myrthekorf.nl/2007/12/thebastard-of-istanbul-by-elif-shafak/

ing the concert to take place on Feb 20, will include Komistas and Vahe Sharafyan’s works. “I have been cooperating with Bashmet for 5 years already, but this offer was quite unexpected for me, as we worked on some other projects,” the duduk player said, adding that he was excited and happy to get the invitation. “It’s an important task to represent Armenia at the highest level,” he said.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday February 13, 2014


Artifacts From Ancient Site Ani On View At Kars Museum

Objects unearthed during excavations in the ancient Ani, as well as metal work, glass work and coins are on display at the Kars Museum

Thousands of objects unearthed in Ani have been taken to the Kars Museum for display since 1965. The objects date back to 2,000 years ago at least. AA Photo Ancient pieces that have been unearthed since 1965 during excavations at the ancient site of Ani, which is located between the border of Armenia and the eastern Turkish province of Kars, are being displayed at the Kars Museum. The pieces date back to at least 2,000 years ago. Kars Museum Director Necmettin Alp said the ancient site of Ani was the first trade city from the Caucasus to the en-

Basques And Armenians

Alp said archaeological excavations had been completed at the Ancient Road, Ebu Manucehr Mosque, the Seljuk Bath and Polatoğlu Church in Ani, and for this year’s excavations, they had determined a new area close to the Bostanlı River outside the city walls. He said thousands of objects unearthed in Ani were in the museum. “During the first three-year excavation term, between 1965 and 1967, Balkan brought more than a thousand pieces. Karamağaralı brought a similar number of objects over the 16 years. New ones were also brought to the museum after 2005. Now, the museum is home to thousands of pieces. These pieces are from the early Bronze Age, 5,000 years ago. The closest objects to our day dates back to 1,500 years ago. They are earthenware and metal work.” KARS - Anadolu Agency

speaking part of Catalonia). Karkar (area in Western Armenia) – Karkar (famous toponym in Gascony), etc. Basques call themselves ‘euskaldun(ak)’, which derives from the root word ‘eusk’, in different dialects it has different forms – eusk, usk, esku, asketic. The word is etymologically linked with Armenian word ‘voski’ “gold”, with the variations: iski, veske, aske, ioski. The Armenian word voski “gold” is the root of the proper name ‘Voskan’, which means “one who owns gold” and it reminds the ethnic name of Basques ‘baskon’, and in latin sources fixed as ‘Vaskon’. In Armenian – Araratyan Kingdom (“Urartian kindom”), the southeastern coast of the lake Van, which was the crandle of Armenian people, is called ’Khubushkia’ which means “valley of usks” that is to say “valley of gold “. In medieval Armenian sources Khubushkia, “valley of usks” or ” golden valley” was renamed into ‘Hayots dzor’ which means “Armenian valley”. On the other hand, the Ushkiani mountains are mentioned in “Urartian” inscriptions on the northeastern coast of lake Urmia. In the time of Strabo, the Ushkiani mountains were already identified as ‘Armenian mountains’, but in Armenian sources they are known as ‘Voskean’ -”golden”. All these facts allow us to conclude that for our ancestors the notions “gold-miner” and “Armenian” were synonymous, which is also evidenced by Basque legends. In conclusion, there was a genetic study

done in different regions of Armenia, that detected that the characteristic genetic code prevalent in Welsh, Basques and Irish, called the Atlantic Modal Haplotype, is also present in Armenian population of Syunik and Artsax. These are two Armenian provinces predominantly isolated in the mountains, which precluded genetic admixture with neighboring ethnic groups and nations». The Armenian modal haplotype is also the modal R1b3 haplotype. For a proximate examination of European affiliations to Armenians, you may also refer to a study done by Michael E. Weale, Rolf F. Jager and Neil Bradman in 2001 called “Armenian Y chromosome haplotypes reveal strong regional structure within a single ethno-national group, revealing prevalent link between Welsh, Basques and Irish to the Armenian populace in Syunik and Karabakh. You may access this study by contacting: Departments of Biology and Anthropology, University College London, University of London, Darwin Bdg, Gower St, London WC1E 6BT, UK e-mail: m.weale@ucl.ac.uk, Tel.: +44-207-4043040, Fax: +44-2074042081 Another fact: Ireland is an Armenian term, which is derived from the word Eyre, meaning to burn, he burns and any other variation, and it was associated with the Celtic God Eyre. You can also see the similarities between Armenian and Celtic stone carvings, which no other similarity is present anywhere else in the world. Also, is not a coincidence that the word Spain, is a Basquederivative term of Espanna. Anyone claiming these are coincidental suppositions are more claims of an inferiority complex rather than strict examinations of their unlikely coincidences and due to mere probabilistic terms, a coincidence is astronomically unlikely. Remember what Robert Ellis, a British scholar once declared, “Armenian conquests of Europe were during pre-historic and pre-traditional times.” Think about it… According to the papers published by Vahan Sargsyan and Vahan Setyan End

Cont. from issue #6

In 1928 Joseph Karst published the results of his studies which caused resonance in the scientific world. He presented more than 300 Basque-Armenian lexical, phonetic and grammatical similiarites, including a shared systems of declension, conjugations and others. Karst came into conclusion that Basque and Armenian languages are two varieties of one linguistical type, which he named Alarodian. Besides, Karst handled the ethnography and the anthropology of Basques and Armenians; new data and proofs shed light on this matter . In 1993 Armenian centre of Yerevan state university founded Armenian-Basque international scientific journal “Araks”, which is edited by armenologists and basqologists from different countries of the world. Some examples on Armenian – Basque similarities BS.’elki’(exit)-ARM.’elk’(exit) BS.’ete’(if)-ARM.’ete’(if) BS.’jaraunsi’(to inherit)-ARM ‘jarangel’(to inherit) BS.’muruncha’(snarl)-ARM.’merenchots’(snarl) BS.’murtsa’(fist)-ARM.’murts’(fist) BS.’orma’(wall)-ARM.’vorm’(wall) BS.’tegi’(place)-ARM.’tegh’(place) BS.’toil’(weak)-ARM.’tuil’(weak) BS.’laino’(size,breadth)ARM.’lain’(broad) BS.’irurden’(third)-ARM.’erordn’(third) BS.’astadun’(weighty)-ARM.’hastatun’(strong, steadfast) BS.’astatu’(to prove)-ARM.’hastatel’(to prove) . In the Armenian Highlands and in the land of Basques there are enourmous amounts of toponyms, which sometimes get to the level of simple repetition, such as Ashtarak (a town in Armenia) – Astarak (a settlement in south of France). Goris (a city in southeast Armenia) – Goris (a settlement in Gascony). Deba (a river in north Armenia) – Deba (a name of a river in Gascony). Shubria (the ancient name of Sasun province) – Shuberoa (tha name to Basque province in France). Araks (a famous river in Armenia) – Arakses (a famous river in Gascony). Aran (the name of terrain in Armenia) – Aran (Wide-spread toponym in Gascon-

years. The Kars Museum Directorate has also been leading the excavations since 2001.”

trance of Anatolia and therefore it had international significance. He said the pieces unearthed in Ani, one of the most important ancient sites in Turkey, were covering an area of 85 hectares, adding, “Ani had a population of 20,000 people and trade vas very active there. Life continued in the ancient city until the 15th century. During this time, mosques, churches, baths, palaces, structures of civil architecture examples and castles had been built within a five-kilometer long city wall.” Alp noted the whole ancient city was a first-degree archaeological area and continued, “Its vicinity was also declared as a third-degree archaeological area. Excavations have been continuing there since 1965. Earthenware pieces found during these excavations, metal work, glass work and coins are on display at the Kars Museum. Excavations started in 1965 with Professor Kemal Baltan are still ongoing. Between 1989 and 2004, Professor Beyhan Karamağaralı maintained excavations. Since 2005, work continued under the leadership of Professor Yaşar Çoruhlu for five

New Area

Olympics Open In Russia’s Most Armenian City

Four Armenian athletes to take part in skiing competitions By Emil Sanamyan

Hrachya Rostomyan, President of the Basketball Federation of Armenia (center middle), during the opening ceremonies of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. Armenian alpine skier Arman Serebrakian of Novato, CA is to Rostomyan's right (the middle athlete in the line without the Armenian flag).

Washington - The 22nd Winter Olympics got underway in Sochi, Russia, the first time an international event of this magnitude is being held in the Caucasus region and Armenia's neighborhood. "As a Sochi native, I was very proud to watch an amazing display of history, elegance, and sportsmanship during the opening ceremonies of the Olympic Games," Sam Tatevosyan, now resident in Washington told the Armenian Reporter. "Sochi has undergone an unprecedented transformation over the last several years and many of its Armenian residents have contributed significantly to this historic occasion."

The Russian Glendale

The city of Sochi carries the distinction of having the largest proportion of ethnic Armenian population in Russia. Official estimates put the Armenian population of Sochi at between 50 and 70,000 out of the city's total population of 368,000. By contrast, according to the 2010 U.S. census, Glendale's Armenian population numbers over 65,000 or more than onethird of the total population of under 200,000. Sochi is of course much closer to Yerevan, just an hour and fiften-minute flight. Like Glendale, Sochi is a relatively new city. A military fort was established in the 1830s and a resort began in 1900s. First Armenians began to settle in what soon became Sochi in the 1860s, they were mostly Hamshen Armenian refugees from Turkey. More arrived in the consequence of the Genocide and continued to arrive throughout the Soviet and post-Soviet periods. In the 1990s, the Sochi community saw the establishment of four Armenian Apostolic parishes and an Armenian Evangelical Church. There is also an Armenian Catholic community originally from Georgia. Perhaps best known Sochi Armenian is comedian Mikhail Galustyan. Billionaire Sergey Galitsky, who is of part-Armenian descent, was born in nearby Lazarevskoye.

N.O. February 13, 2014, No. 7:N.O. Blank


11:59 AM

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| I < A T A K


1985-in >MKK KK_i qartou[ar :gor Ligacowe Ma\isin Fa\astan a\z;l;z ;u ;rb M;‘ :[;®ni \ou,ar]ane dit;louz% \au;rvakan kraki møt ‘a[ikn;r dn;louz \;to\ w;r;u bar]ranalow% Ligacowe dit;z ,r=apate% t;sau or ir f;t mia\n D;miry;ann h (miusn;re mi qic \;t hin mnaz;l)% dim;z nran& ªEnk;r D;miry;an%- asaz na%;njadr;nq% jh Jourqian inc-or vamanak da®na\ sozialistakan p;toujiun% Fa\astani ;u fa\;ri bazasakan w;rab;rmounqe nra nkatmamb ke 'o.oui#% ard;øq% jh# oc! - Ifarkh oc%- patas.an;z D;miry;ane! - Inco#u%- cfangstazau Ligacowe%- douq%

|AKOB ALJOUN:AN Fangouz;al |AKOB ALJOUN:ANI mafouan B& tar;lizin a®jiu% fog;fangst;an pa,tøn piti kataroui \auart S& Pataragi% Kiraki% Mart 2% 2014-in S& |owfannou Karap;t ;k;[;zuo\ mh=% 1201 N. Vine St. Hollywood, CA 90038! Sgakirn;r^ A\rin^ Tik& Ma\ta Aljoun;an Xauakn;re^ Tigran Wafh Aljoun;an Ara Âa``i Aljoun;an ;u fama\n Aljoun;an% M;n;,;an% Qilhy;an% entaniqn;rn ou faraxatn;re! Fangouz;ali \i,atake \argo[n;rhn ke .ndroui n;rka\ gtnouil! *** Fog;fangst;an pa,tønhn ;tq% fog;ya, piti matouzoui Fangouz;ali bnakaranin mh=% 8234 Laurelgrove Ave., N. Hollywood, CA 91605.

Ouiliem Saro\;ani sirte fangrouan;zau Komitasi anouan xbøsa\gii panjhonin mh=

inc h% nazionali#st (axga\nakan) hq! D;miry;ane ,r=ou;z dhpi Ararat l;®e% orn a\d øre ,at \stak ou g;[;zik hr! ªNa\;low Araratin m;r gitakzouj;an mh= bo[oq h a®a=anoum patmakan anardarouj;an ;u a\n katara‘ jourq;ri ;u Jourqia\i fandhpº%- patas.an;z D;miry;ane! - Our;mn a\d farze lou‘oum couni#%- farzr;z Ligacowe! - ªInco#u oc! :jh };x nman% ;njadr;nq% or Jourqian inc-or vamanak% inc-or pa\mann;riz drdoua‘ endouni Z;[aspanouj;an 'aste% Fa\astanin w;radar]ni xauja‘ fo[;re% apa fa\;re k*a,.at;n mo®anal oc mia\n kra‘ tan=anqn;re ;u :[;®ne% a\l;u ke 'o.;n ir;nz bazasakan w;rab;rmounqe jourq;ri nkatmamb! M;nq nazionalistn;r c;nq% enk;r Ligacow% m;nq fa\r;nashrn;r ;nq&&&º! Aprili 24-e |i,ataki ør yanac;le Karhni famar oc inqnanpatak hr% oc hl w;r=nakan npatak% a\l mia\n anfrav;,t ,r=an^ >SFM-i ;u a\l ;rkrn;ri ko[miz Z;[aspanoujiune yanac;lou gor‘oum! Na gtnoum hr na;u% or orqan au;li xargaza‘ ;u ouv;[ lini Fa\astane% a\nqan fauanakan ke lini Z;[aspanouj;an yanacoume! 1987-in D;miry;ane noriz h dimoum Qa[biuro\i andamn;rin ir;n a=akz;lou .ndranqow Aprili 24-e |i,ataki ør yanac;lou gor‘oum! A& :akowl;ue^ >MKK KK_i qartou[are Karhnin f;t;u;ale asaz& ªKarhn S;robowic% };r galou anfrav;,toujiunn a\l;us cka\! :s na.aphs ke xangafar;m };x ;u oro,oume ke fraparakoui a,.atanqa\in kargowº! Saka\n ,outow Gorbacowi ou[[aki zouzoumow% ankas;li ar,auanq sksou;z fanrap;touj;an [;kawarouj;an ;u% a®a=in f;rjin% a®a=in qartou[arin warkab;k;lou ou[[ouj;amb! *** A\sør ,at h .øsuoum l;xoui baza®ik d;ri masin axga\in mta‘o[ouj;an% inqnagitakzouj;an ];uauorman% axga\in inqnatipouj;an pafpanman ;u nra n;rgor‘ouj;an olorti endla\nman anfrav;,touj;an masin! 1977-in% ;rb st;[‘uoum hr ªxargaza‘ sozialistakan fasarakouj;anº safmanadroujiune% oro,ou;z w;razn;l bolor fanrap;toujiunn;roum ma\r;ni l;xoun ;u p;takan l;xou yanac;l ®ous;rhne% ince% bnakanabar fanrap;toujiunn;roum m;‘ dvgofoujiunn;r a®a=adr;z% \atkaphs gitakan ;u st;[‘agor‘akan mtauorakanouj;an ,r=anoum! Mi ,arq fa\ mtauorakann;r baza\a\t arta\a\t;zin

ir;nz anfama]a\noujiune% namakn;r gr;zin K;ntkom% t;[;ak clin;low% jh incpisi fska\akan =anq;r h n;rdnoum D;miry;ane \a[jafar;lou ;rkri kousakzakan bar]rago\n [;kawarouj;an dimadroujiune a\d farzoum! Patmoum h Âima D;miry;ane! ª1978-i skxbin m;nq Moskoua\oum hinq% ;rb mi angam Karhne w;radar]au >MKK KK-iz ,at mtafogoua‘^ \ouxou;low bazatr;z% or qartou[aroujiunoum ir;n \a\tn;l ;n Safmanadroujiunoum l;xoui w;rab;r;al \ødoua‘e 'o.;lou w;r=nakan oro,man masin% inci famar pafan=uoum hr ir fama]a\noujiune! Qani or Karhne ktrakanaphs fravarou;l hr% nran trou;l hr mhk ør vamanak mta‘;lou famar^ .orfourd talow nran na.qan w;r=nakan patas.an tale lau mta‘;l! Qartou[aroujiuniz dours galis Karhne fandip;l h <;uartna]hin ;u nraniz imaz;l% or inqe ;u Ali;ue ardhn tou;l ;n ir;nz fama]a\noujiunn;re Safmanadrouj;an mh= l;xoui kargawiyake 'o.;lou masin! Da Karhni famar st;[‘oum hr ‘a\ra\;[ bard irawiyak ;rkri [;kawarouj;an f;t dvouarin fakamartouj;an pa\mann;roum mia\nak ;u ir wra\ w;rzn;low ambo[= patas.anatououjiune! Karhnin da ckangn;zr;z! |a=ord ør;rin orqan hl famox;zin% partadr;zin% no\nisk spa®nazin% na ir fama]a\noujiune ctou;z! Gor‘e fasau nran% or stipoua‘ hr as;l^ ;jh l;xoui masin oro,oume% a\nouam;na\niu endounoui% da ke lini ardhn nor a®a=in qartou[ari ørøq% orowf;t;u inqe fravarakan ke ta\ ;u patrast h f;®analou masin dimoum gr;l jhkoux f;nz a\s pafin! >SFM-i akn\a\t \a=o[oujiunn;ri ;u [;kawari bar]r f;[inakouj;an a®ka\ouj;amb KK-oum dra f;t fama]a\n;l chin karo[% a\d patya®ow hl K;ntkome stipoua‘ hr enda®a=;l^ saka\n mhk partadir pa\manow% or l;xoui masin \ødoua‘i t;qste nor Safmanadrouj;an famar gri inqe^ Karhneº! Karhne w;rada®nalow fiuranoz sks;z a,.at;l \ødoua‘i grouj;an wra\% jh;u dra bowandakoujiune wa[ouz ardhn fasounaz;l hr nra mtqoum! :rb m;nq a®auøt;an arjnazanq Karhne ardhn gnaz;l hr% isk gras;[ani møti xambiu[e li hr \ødoua‘i tarb;rakn;ri ymrjoua‘ j[j;row! Karhni ar.iuoum pafpanou;l h \ødoua‘ 10 tarb;rak% oronziz mhki wra\ ir ];®qow ®ous;rhnow groua‘ h ªW;r=in tarb;rakº! Qa[biuri nistoum Karhne fastatoun k;rpow pa,tpanoum h ir tarb;rake! >MKK KK_i qartou[ar M& Souslowe kopit k;rpow endfatoum h nran^ ªIsk douq% ;ritasard% au;li lau h^ nsthq ;u mi .angarhqº! Karhne .øsqi tak ci mnaz;l% no\npisi ktrouk jonow patas.an;l h% or inqe^ Souslowe% patk;razoum couni qnnarkouo[ farzi masin% or artasafmanoum go\oujiun ouni m;‘ajiu fa\kakan s'iu®q% ore F>SF-n famaroum h ir fa\r;niqe ;ua\ln&&&! I mi=i a\loz D;miry;ane Gorbacowiz nkato[oujiun h staz;l Art;m Sargs;ani ªM;r l;xoun m;r .øsqeº f;®oustat;sa\in fa[ordman famar% orak;low a\n nazionalistakan! <ar 8 I

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NOR ØR% ":TROUAR 13% 2014


Ørouan bana.øs^ Parj;u Kiulium;an

Fandisawar^ Tik& Sipil Abrafam;an

wra\% tirap;to[ kataroumow% \a=ordabar nouag;z Gagik Fauounii ªIntonationºe ;u A& >acatour;ani ªSour;rou Parºe! Tik& Ast[ik Tatour;an% incphs mi,t% fa[ordakan ;u fianali asmounqow% n;rka\azouz ørouan pat,ay niujow F;nrik Jouman;ani ªMat;an Go\ouj;anº banast;[‘oujiune! Apa b;m frauirou;zau ørouan bana.øse! F&B&E& Miouj;an ;rkou ;rkrordakan warvarann;rou^ Manouk;an-T;miry;an ou Wach ;u Jamar Manouk;ani krøni% fa\oz patmouj;an dasatou% ;u ;rgca.oumbi .mbawar Prn& Parj;u Kiulium;ane% or sksau So[omon Imastounhn ‘anøj mh=b;roumow& ªKrjh* manouke ir yamban sksa‘ at;n% orphsxi ;rb m;‘na\% ankh c.otoriº! N;rka\ dare f®cakauor h krjouj;an gor‘enjazow ;u \a®a=enjazow! Krjouj;an ou dastiarakouj;an npatakn h patrast;l a) marde^ a\sørouan a,.arfin famar% b) y,marit qa[aqazin^ a\sørouan fa\r;niqin famar% g) tipar axga\ine% d) Lau qriston;an! Manouke krj;lou h 'oqr tariqhn% orphsxi care cxargana\ ir mh=% orphsxi an ctaroui ir lsa‘ow% t;sa‘ow% ;u ir ,r=apathn 'co[ fow;row ou bazasakan axd;zoujiunn;row! Krjouj;an gl.auor axdak-

n;rn ;n& 1& Entaniqe% or anfatakan% axga\in ou krønakan a®o[= dastiarakouj;an amhnhn k;nsakan% an'o.arin;li ou gor‘nakan a®a=in øya.n h! 2& Dproze% or enk;rouj;an f;t fandipoumi ;u \arab;rouj;an andranik g;tinn h! Fa\ dprozin mh= h or% ousoumh andin% a,ak;rtn;re piti dastiarakouin% k;rt;lou famar wa[ouan bar;kirj ou tipar axga\ine! 3& Enk;ra\in ;u axga\in ,r=anakin mh= h% or piti kaxmauorouin pataniin ;u ;ritasardin axga\in inqnouj;an ogiin% qristonhakan k;anqin k;rtoume! N;rka\ fandisoujiune ca'axanz gof hr% or Fowiti W;j;rann;rou Warcouj;an fraparaka\in dasa.øsoujiunn;rou ,arqe k*ambo[=anar% ousoumnakan k;anqi m;r nor vamanakn;roun mh= ant;soua‘% axga\in ou krønabaro\akan dastiarakouj;an xgali t;[atououj;an matnan,oumow! Incphs auandoujiun h% ørouan dasa.øsoujiune ;xra'akou;zau Miouj;an Tiknanz |an]na.oumbin ko[mh kaxmak;rpoua‘ fiurasirouj;amb% ;u anor enjazqin^ a®at kar‘iqn;rou 'o.anakouj;amb! J[jakiz

<AF:KAN DASA>ØSOUJIUNN:R Tik& Ast[ik Tatour;an

Danihl Sara`;an

Fowanauorouj;amb J;mis Bar;.nam A®a=nord T& |ownan Arq& Thrthr;ani Kaxmak;rpouj;amb ªNOR ØRº <abajaj;rji Ke dasa.øs;n fa\r;ni anouani grakanaghtn;r

Ar‘roun Auag;an Niuj^

ª<AFAN <AFNOUR :U :{:ÂNI GRAKANOUJIUNEº Fandisouj;nhn t;saran me

F&B&E&Miouj;an San ~;rnantø Fowiti Masnayiu[i W;j;rann;rou Warcoujiune fraparaka\in dasa.øsoujiun me kaxmak;rpa‘ hr |ounouar 31-i ;r;ko\;an vame 7!30-in% Miouj;an Manouk;anT;miry;an Warvarani A[ayan;an srafin mh=! Ørouan fandisawar Tik& Sipil

Abrafam;an% iura\atouk oyow ou dipouk wr]inoumow n;rka\azn;lh ;tq W;j;rann;rou warcouj;an andamn;re ;u anonz miouj;nakan gor‘ounhoujiune% enjazq touau ørouan g;[arou;stakan \a\tagrin! Miouj;an Manouk;an-T;miry;an Warvarani 14-am;a\ san^ Danihl Sara`;an% da,naki


Samouhl Mourat;an Niuj^

ª:R:Q |OB:L:ARN:R& |OWFANNHS <IRAX% FAMØ SAF:AN% PARO|R S:UAKº T;[i k*oun;na\ :rkou,abji% 3 Mart 2014-in% ;r;ko\;an vame 7!30-in% A®a=nordarani ªGala\y;anº srafin mh= G;[arou;stakan Bavin

Moutqe Axat Fiurasiroujiun

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11:59 AM

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OU { : R }

Ke fratarakoui a®a=in angam



GNDAP:T SAMOUHL ÂAMAX:AN (|ounastanoum ;u Kiprosoum FF Âaxmakan kzord) (<ar na.ord jiuhn ;u w;r=)

A®anz or;uh ca'axanzouj;an% m;r ;rkko[m \arab;roujiunn;roum patmakan \i,o[ouj;an pafpanoume ®axmawarakan makardaki farz h% inci famar famat;[ =anq;r phtq h n;rdrou;n! Fa\astane faroust ch bnakan pa,arn;row% ;u a\d t;sakhtiz ;rkarat;u tnt;sakan ,af ci karo[ n;rka\azn;l a,.arfi ,at ;rkrn;ri% a\d juoum^ na;u |ounastani famar! Mnoum h ªardiunafan;lº m;r famat;[ pa\qari patmoujiune% incn enkal;li h oc a\l mhk% a\l f;nz \o\n vo[owrdi famar! Hakan h% or ;rkko[m \arab;roujiunn;roum mi qani dar ,arounak kar;uorago\n ba[adric h ;[;l ®axmakan famagor‘akzoujiune! Vamanakakiz a,.arfoum a®ka\ mi=axga\in martafrauhrn;re n;rka\oums haphs kar;uoroum ;n ;u anfrav;,t dar]noum tarb;r ;rkrn;ri mi=;u ®axmakan famagor‘akzouj;an ‘aualoumn i npast axga\in ,af;ri ;u f;taqrqroujiunn;ri pa,tpanouj;an% anwtangouj;an ;u ka\ounouj;an mi=awa\ri st;[‘man! |o\n;rn ou fa\;rn a\d t;sakhtiz bauakanin ;rkar famat;[ yanaparf ;n anz;l% incn ardhn isk fog;banørhn ;u patmakanørhn fimnauoroum h n;rka\ ®axmakan famagor‘akzouj;an% j;r;us% anfrav;,t amrapndman an.ousa';lioujiune! Endfanour a®mamb% na.ord taroum fa\-\ounakan ®axmakan famagor‘akzoujiunn ar]anagr;l h \stak qanakakan ;u orakakan ay% ince xargazman mitoumn;r ouni^ ardhn isk ];®q b;roua‘ ;rkko[m pa\manauoroua‘oujiunn;ri fa,oua®mamb! W;ro\i,;ale miangama\n kar;uoruoum h fama,.arfa\in tnt;sakan ygnavami pa\mann;roum% miow baniu% ;rkou ;rkrn;ri pa,tpanakan g;rat;scoujiunn;ri mi=;u ardhn isk ];uauorou;l h ka\oun famagor‘akzoujiun% ince drs;uoroum h ,arounakakan xargazman mitoumn;r! A®au;l kar;uoruoum h |ounastanoum m;r spa\akan kaxmi patrastoujiune ;u w;rapa-

Mi 'oun= banast;[‘oujiunn;r nouiroua‘ siro\ WARDOUFI NALBAND:AN Sir;li enj;rzo[% Walenja\ni tøni a®ijow ];r ou,adrouj;ann ;nq \an]noum inqnous st;[‘agor‘o[ Wardoufi Nalband;ani siro\ nouiroua‘ banast;[‘oujiunn;ri mi 'oun=! Wardoufin ‘nou;l h :r;uanoum% auart;l h :r;uani Nor Ar;, ja[amasi Grigor Xøfrapi anouan famar 43 dproze! A,ak;rtakan tarin;rin nra møt au;li endg‘oua‘ hr ;rg;lou ounakoujiune ir xouarj bnauorouj;an f;t miasin! :u afa xarmanalin& khs dar apr;louz \;to\% k;anqi taq ou pa[ ør;ri mi=ow anzn;low% manauand ansalow fogou ]a\nin% Wardoufin sksoum h gr;l famar]ak ou anka,kand k;rpow banast;[‘oujiunn;r! A\s banast;[‘oujiunn;ri n;r,ncman a[biure shrn h% andauayan shre% ore Wardoufou famoxoumow karo[ h fra,qn;r arar;l!

trastoujiune% ince w;rab;ruoum h skxbnakan spa\akan ousoumna®ouj;ane% .a[a[apafouj;an olortin% \atouk n,anakouj;an xørq;ri ;u a®an]in masnagitakan warvanqn;ri! FF Xinoua‘ Ouv;ri n;rka\azouzicn;re ,arounakoum ;n ir;nz ousoumna®oujiunn a,.arfi ®axmakan akad;mian;ri lauago\n tasn;akin mas kaxmo[ \o\n spa\ouj;an auandakan darbnozoum^ Zamaqa\in Xørq;ri ªHw;lpidonº ®axmakan akad;mia\oum% apa na;u^ Saloniki Martakan apafowman span;ri ®axmakan dprozoum% F;tlaki dprozoum ;u a\l ®axmaousoumnakan fastatoujiunn;roum% au;lin^ a®a=in angamFF XOU-iz span;r ;n gor‘ou[ou;l Axga\in pa,tpanouj;an ;u Pat;raxmakan dprozn;r! Anna.adhp \a=o[ouj;amb ;n irakanazou;l na.ord tar;w;r=in^ S;pt;mb;r-No\;mb;r amisn;rin ;rkko[m bar]r makardaki 'o.a\z;loujiunn;re! Na.% 25&09&2013 j& FF a\z;l;z |ounastani Axga\in pa,tpanouj;an Gl.auor <tabi p;t% g;n;ral Mi.a\il Kostarakosi patouirakoujiune% t;[oum storagrou;z 2014 j& famagor‘akzouj;an ;rkko[m ‘ragir! Møt 1 amis anz :r;uan a\z;l;z Axga\in pa,tpanouj;an na.arar Dimitris Auramopoulosi patouirakoujiune ;u apa No\;mb;ri 20-21-n ardhn Ajhnqoum hr FF pa,tpanouj;an na.arar Sh\ran Øfan;ane! :rkou ko[m;rn hl t;[;roum endounou;l ;n ;rkrn;ri bar]rago\n [;kawarouj;an makardakow^ incphs FF na.agafi% a\nphs hl |ounastani warcap;ti ko[miz! Tou;al asparhxoum kar;uoruoum h na;u \ounafa\ fama\nqi masnakzoujiunn ou n;rdroume fa\r;niqi pa,tpanounakouj;an amrapndman gor‘oum! Gnafat;li h ª:r;uanº .namakal miouj;an ;u m;r mius bar;kamn;ri an.x;li øvandakoujiune% or takauin zouzab;ruoum h t;[oum ousoumna®oujiun anzno[ FF XOU koursantn;rin! <ar& h= 15

|AUIT:AN SHR Incpisi@ oura. vam;r oun;zanq Irar grk;low Ou m;r fambo\re mi ,ounc da®nalow M;nq lau faskazanq% Or a®anz irar apr;l c;nq karo[! Ou no\nisk irar ];®q ];®qi talow M;nq lau faskazanq% Or a\d matn;re irar fpou;low C;n karo[ gnal f;®ou% m;nauor! Ou m;r acq;re irar na\;low M;nq lau faskazanq% Or a\d acq;re .ab;l ;rb;q c;n karo[&&& Qani or qo a\d kapo\t acq;ri Shrn ou ja.i‘n h wa®oum im fogin! Anz;l ;n ardhn ;rkar tarin;r&&& M;r shre mnaz \auit;an m;x f;t! :rani ke tam ;s a\n bolorin% Or shr k∞oun;nan anmo®anali! 11/7/2012

ANMAR :RAXN:R Ou hl or gnam q;x ;m ;raxoum% Dou talis ;s in] ar;ue taqouk% Ast[;re y;rmak% ;rkinqe kapo\t% Or bozkltalow wa®woum h im mh= Incphs mi krak% Or no\nisk% angam mar;l c;s karo[ krake an\o\s! Ba\z mia\n dou ;s% or a\s a,.arfoum

Talis ;s in] k;anq% vpit% t.roujiun! Ou d;® na\;low im acq;ri mh= T;snoum ;s mia\n shroura.oujiun! I@nc lau h mardik aproum ;n \o\sow Ou faskanoum ;n .orfourde k;anqi! C;nq karo[ 'o.;l ocinc a\s k;anqoum% Qani or k;anqe dvouar h da®noum :rb oc oq ardhn q;x ci faskanoum! 11/27/2013

:S K*OUXHI APR:L NORIZ :rb ke gnam tniz% fauatazhq in] Jo[ mard cimana\& :u emp;low da®e ginin Ke mo®anam in] ou nran% Or a\d zauot siro\ famar Dou mo®azar in]% q;x% nran! <at k∞ouxhi ;s qo møt gal Qnq,anq ou shr q;x tal noriz% :raxn;rs qamoun talow Mo®ana\i arzounqn acqis% Or sa®;l h a\tis wra\ Ou lo\s talis&&& :rb na\oum ;m fa\;lou mh=% :s t;snoum ;m wi,t ou ja.i‘% Ba\z \i,;low m;r shrn anza‘ <at k∞ouxhi apr;l noriz! Isk jh in] tas nor shr% nor \o\s% Fauata* in]% k*apr;m noriz Ou ;rb .m;s m;r jound ginouz gonh mi koum& A\n vamanak dou k∞imanas% Or im k;anqi mi masn ;s dou! 01/02/2014

Bavanordagrou;lou famar Âamkawar Axatakan Kousakzouj;an ;l;ktrona\in mamoulin% };r e-mail faszhn krnaq [rk;l ragmamoul@gmail.com

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NOR ØR% ":TROUAR 13% 2014


<ar& h= 6-hn

Astoua‘anist ;rki@nq h kamare w;f .oranin% Our a[øj;rgn fog;bou. ke glgela@\ wararoun& >ounki qoulan^ x;rd ;ram fr;,takn;rou zn‘agin% Ke j;ua‘h =af;rou acq;roun dhm fma\oun&&&! <arakani ørfn;rgak amhn jrji® qa[zra‘or% Pap;rous ]a\nn h jowic or fogiis ke ba.i% }a@\ne^ oroun karøtow ja'a®;za\ ;s molor% Ba\z o*c mhkoun mh= gta\ .orann;rhn a,.arfi&&&! Bo\re .ounkin xgl.ic fon ke ‘‘;m an\agourd% Or im na.n;az srbaxan kar‘;s fogin ella\ lourj% Ou t;slawa® fauatqi ke xgam xraf kour‘qis dhm&&&! :k;[;zis fnam;a\% fera,ak;rt srbaran% Our patmoujiuns im af;[ ou vo[owourds im ws;m% :s gtn;lo@u ke mtn;m% or anonz f;t no\nanam&&&! |aroujiun Maj;an

Ø@% :ROUSA{HM% :ROUSA{HM&&& <ar& h= 5-hn

adamandakou® xard;rou 'a\lhn anmi=aphs ;tq ke \a\tnouhinq ]kan andour fotow l;zoun ,ouka\in mh=&&& Pandokin mh= ke .øsin arab;rhn ou bari galousti .øsq;rhn ;tq k∞a®a=nordouim taqouk s;n;aks! Dourse zourt h ]iuni bourmounq me ka\! A®toun kanou. k∞arjnnam wa[ouz mo®zoua‘ ou ‘nndawa\ris bnoro, ;k;[;zin;rou [ø[an=n;rou% mxkijn;rou bar]ra.øsn;rhn lsouo[ kanc;row! Faxar cors fariur tari a\sphs ko[q ko[qi Astou‘o\ anounow ;u i 'a®s Astou‘o\ ou Allafin^ fauataz;aln;roun koc ou[[oua‘ h a[øj;lou sks;lou \anapaxør;a\ fazi pa\qare! Ankaska‘ ;r;q krønqn;rou ‘nndawa\rin mh=n ;m! Ar;uot% pa\‘a® ba\z zourt a®auøt men h! No\n ar;un h or faxaram;akn;rh i w;r ke =;rmaznh bolors fauasaraphs% a®anz xato[oujiun dn;lou go\ni% z;[i% krøni a\l patkan;lioujiun ou inqnoujiun oun;zo[ asounn;rou ;u anasounn;rou wra\! Ba\z inco#u m;nq sa ardar ar;uoun tak k∞aprinq anfa,t ou \auit;nakan k®iui mh=! A,.arfn ou mardkoujiune mi#jh c;n krnar :rousa[hm fin qa[aqin phs april ou go\at;u;l ko[q ko[qi! A\s .of;row k∞anznim Ou[[a'a®n;rou ;u Maronijn;rou ,hnq;roun ou ja[;roun a®=;uhn! A=is Dauji dou®n h% qowe ostikanatoune ;u ke mtn;m fa\kakan ja[amas! Araf;tanman yamban minc;u Sourb |akoba\ m;r tayare faszn;le ]a.in ou a=in qarako' ,inoujiunn;rou wra\ fpartouj;amb ke nkat;m m;r ;®ago\ne% ªFa\kakan Ya,aranºe% fa\;rou s;'akanoujiune ;[o[ \ou,anouhrn;rou .anoujn;re&&& Ko[q ko[qi apr;r ;n mardik^ fr;an% \o\ne% arabe% fa\e% [ptin% latine g;raxanzaphs .a[a[ go\at;umamb ;rb;mn al manr mounr

why;row ou mrzakzouj;amb! W;r=ins bnakan phtq h nkat;l krønqn;rou axg;rou a\s qa[aqin mh=! M;r m;‘ fa\r;niqe^ ;rkragounte ard;øq ;#rb piti nmani a\s k;nza[in! Ørn h :rkou,abji% S& St;'anos Na.awka\i tønn h m;r wanqhn n;rs! Kanq k∞a®n;m ªWanq Fa\oz Srboz |akob;anzº ;r;q l;xouow groua‘ ma\r dran a®=;u! Fastab;st 'a\t;a\ darpase baz h! A\nqan lsa‘ ;m sa[imafa\ enk;rn;rhs a\s n,anauor darpasin masin% or wanqn ou bnakicn;re artaqin a,.arfhn ke ktrh amhn gi,;r vame 10-in% ow n;rs mtau% k∞;rja\ ir bnakarane kam kazarane% ow cfasau^ gl.oun yarin ke na\i dourse! Faraxat darpash me mtno[i tantiro= xgazoumow ke \a\tnouim&&& mi=anadar;an mi=anzqin mh=! Paf me ;rkou faxar tari ;t k∞;rjam patmouj;an mh=! :rg;zo[oujiune wa[ouz sksa‘ h isk .ounki bo\re k∞aragaznh qa\l;rs dhpi ma\r tayar moutq! :rkiu[ me ke path xis a\n pafoun% ;rb glou.s akama\ .onarfa‘ AÂA+IN angam ellalow ke mtn;m S& |akoba\ wanqi ma\r dou®hn n;rs! In‘i ke joui jh vamanaki tara‘ouj;an mh= bolor ca';re .a.toua‘ ;n ;u endamhne ;rhk hr% ;rb 46 tari a®a= no\n ;rkiu[a‘ouj;amb anzn;low xangakatan kamarn;roun takhn% ke \a\tnouhi S& H=mia‘ni tayarin mh=! S& |akoba\ tayarin w;fambar] gmbhje% nsta‘ cors fastab;st siun;rou wra\% amrakou® fowanii me tak gtnou;lou apafowoujiune kou ta\ in‘i! :k;[;zin fa\kakan^ ‘owoun dimaz al;ko‘ Nauafangist m*h .a[a[& zourt gi,;rin^ four boz! W& Jhqh;an (<ar& 1)


qa[aqakanoujiune m;r Fanrap;touj;an fandhp ª+aua.qi ;u A.alqalaqi fa\ouj;an fandhp m;r far;uani ko[mh gor‘adrouo[ axga\namol ou .trakan qa[aqakanoujiune% Jourqio\ f;t sirabanoujiune ;u a\s w;r=inin bor;niakan qa[aqakanoujiune^ kar‘r aqzani mh= a®n;low m;r '.roun Fanrap;toujiune% Na.i=;uani iurazouile Atrph\yani ko[mh ;u anor m,akoujaspanakan wa\rag ararqn;re^ fa\kakan darauor \ou,akojo[n;rou% .acqar;rou ;u g;r;xmann;rou bna=n=oumowº! A\s bolore kar‘;s bauarar cella\in% ardhn 15 tarih i w;r wtit ;kamoutow ir go\oujiune qar, touo[ m;r vo[owourdin kokordin wra\ ir;nz yank;row i=a‘ ;n n;rqin bor;nin ou txrouke% qam;low 2%5 milion mnaza‘ bnakcouj;an ariuneº! Dokt& Goya\;an fastat;lh ;tq% or a\s bolore qnnarkoua‘ ;n Ara Afaron;ani ªFa\astani Fanrap;touj;an martafrauhrn;reº fatorin mh=% ,;,t;z% jh i f;youks a\s bolorin% m;nq phtq ch dadrinq ls;li dar]n;lh m;r pafan=atiroujiune .oul a,.arfi me akan=n;roun^ Z;[aspanouj;an 100-am;aki s;min! :u oc mia\n asonq% a\l phtq h \i,;zn;nq na;u Miaz;al Nafangn;rou na.agaf Woutrø Ouilseni ko[mh yanczoua‘ S;uri da,nagire% or i xørou h minc;u a\sør% ;u Moskoua\i 1922-i da,nagire% or anirauørhn .l;z m;xmh Karse% Artafane% Sourmaloun% Anin ;u a\l tara‘qn;r \øgout Jourqio\! Ara Afaron;ani grqin endgrka‘ patmakan% a,.arfagrakan ;u bnakca\in tou;aln;re n,;lh ;tq% \arg;li bana.øse zauow fastat;z% jh m;nq^ fa\oujiune ckrzanq miasnakan m;r fxør ]a\ne bar]razn;l ;u a,.arfin ls;li dar]n;l m;r pafan=atiroujiune! A\soufand;r]% an wstafoujiun \a\tn;z% i f;youks \i,;al bolor dvouaroujiunn;roun% or +aua.qn ou A.alqalaqe ør me anpa\man piti gtnouin ir irauakan tiro=^ fa\ouj;an fakak,®in tak! A\sphs% Ara Afaron;ani ªFa\astani Fanrap;touj;an Martafrauhrn;reº kht a® kht% glou. a® glou. n;rka\azn;lh% karg me matnan,oumn;r en;lh ;u gnafat;lh ;tq% jh an farstaza‘ h qarthsn;row ;u wau;ragrakan nkarn;row% Dokt& Goya\;an ;xrakazouz& ªIm famoxmamb% fatore ir npatakin ,at au;li ‘a®a\a‘ piti ellar% ;jh \;taga\in jargmanouhr angl;rhni% `rans;rhni% span;rhni% arab;rhni ;u ®ous;rhniº! +;rmouj;amb dimauorou;zan g;[arou;stakan \a\tagrin^ Paro\r S;uaki ªMi paf x[=oum ;mº ;u ªMiangamizº banast;[‘oujiunn;re asmounqo[ Arminh <aql;ane& sringow^ ªFa\r;niqº ;u ªBari aragilº vo[owrdakan ;rkou ;rg;row fandhs ;ko[ Xouarj +oulfa\;ane& dastiarak% ousouzic Nax;li Goya\;ani^ ª:ra.tauorn;rou ou[in - B&º fatorhn katara‘ fatoua‘i me enj;rzanoujiune% nouiroua‘ Fa\ka,hn Ouxoun;anin% ;u w;r=aphs% >acik

Nafap;t;ani ko[mh g;[;zkørhn ;rgoua‘^ Armhn Mandakoun;ani ;rkou ;rg;re! Mandakoun;an% ir axniu tikno= f;t n;rka\ ellalow srafi mh=% arvanazau fandisakann;rou =;rm ‘a'afarouj;anz! Dokt& Minas Goya\;an \a\tarar;z srafin mh= n;rka\oujiuneº% :ra.tauorn;rou ou[in B&º fatorin mh= n,oua‘% fangouz;al ®amkawar [;kawarn;r^ Martiros Thr St;'an;ani% Aris <aql;ani% Fa\ka,hn Ouxoun;ani ;u Xofrap Qh,i,;ani xauakn;roun ;u jo®n;roun! Ørouan ;rkrord bana.øse^ Ghorg Qhø,khr;an% kocoua‘ hr n;rka\azn;lou 2010-in J&M&Miouj;an ko[mh Los Any;lesi mh= fratarakoua‘ ;u ÂAK-i fimnadrouj;an 90 am;akin nouiroua‘ Ara Afaron;ani^ ª:ra.tauorn;rou ou[in - B&º fatore! ª196 h=;rh ba[kaza‘% nkaraxard ;u wau;ragrakan a\s grqi h=;roun endmh=hn ke to[anz;n 30 ;ra.tauorn;r%_ sksau ir .øsqe Qhø,khr;an%_ oronz ansakark nouirua‘oujiune^ kousakzouj;an g‘ow ‘a®a\;lou Axgin% Fa\r;niqin ;u :k;[;ziin% phtq h ørinak fandisana\ nor s;roundn;rounº! Fatore ªmatc;li ;u .ist diurenj;®n;liº famar;lh ;tq% \arg;li bana.øse n,;z% or ª;ra.tauorn;rou ,arqe ke sksi ‘nnd;an jouakani kargow& a\sinqn^ a®a=in ;ra.tauor |owfannhs Goulø[l;an ‘na‘ h 1860 jouakanin& ;rkrorde^ Toqj& Naxarhj Ta[auar;an% ‘na‘ h 1863 jouakanin& 20-rde^ Martiros Thr St;'an;an% ‘na‘ h 1894 jouakanin& ;u a\sphs ,arounakabar% minc;u 30-rde^ Xofrap Qh,i,;an% or ‘na‘ h 1935 jouakanin! Kousakzouj;ans ,arq;re miazo[in famar ‘anøj ;n a\s dhpq;rn ou dhmq;re% oronz matouza‘ ‘a®a\oujiune% mafouan gnow pa,tpan;lou m;r fo[;rn ou vo[owourde% xir;nq ke xatoro,;n parx mafkanazoun;rhs ;u ke dar]n;n mhkakan ,o[azo[ ast[;r fa\r;ni ;rknakamarin wra\º! Ghorg Qhø,khr;an \a\tni ;ra.tauorn;rhn n,;z a\l kar;uor anounn;r^ Miqa\hl Najan;an% Tigran Smsar;an% Fma\;ak Gran;an% Âoubhn F;r;an% Mkrtic Mserl;an% Aris <aql;an% Fa\ka,hn Ouxoun;an% ;ua\ln! Wach S;m;ry;an% kardalh ;tq |akob Wariwa®;anhn (Niu :orq)% |akob Au;tiq;anhn (Fa\astanhn) ;u ÂAK-i K;dr& warcouj;an at;nap;t^ Ma\q >arap;anhn stazoua‘ ,norfauorakan namakn;re% ou[[oua‘ Ara Afaron;anin% ambion frauir;z FF Los Any;lesi Gl.auor fiupatosi t;[akal Artak Galst;ann ou fiupatos Sourhn Wardan;anze% Ara Afaron;anin \an]n;lou S'iu®qi na.arar Frano\, |akob;ani gnafatagire! Ørfnouj;an ;u srti .øsqow fandhs ;ko[ A®a=nord |ownan Arq& Thrthr;an esau% jh pafe ke j;ladrh ir;n \;tadar] fa\;azqow \i,;l møtik anz;ali sir;li dhmq;rhn M;jr Frac;a\ S;drak;ane% ªoroun f;t Monjrhali m;r a®a=nordouj;an <ar& h= 15

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:u øgtou;low bar;pat;f a®ijiz^ ke zankana\i FF Pa,tpanouj;an na.ararouj;an ;u im anouniz .orin ,norfakaloujiun ou ;ra.tagitoujiun \a\tn;l m;r bolor fa\ ;u \o\n bar;kamn;rin% owq;r iraphs masnakz;l ;u masnakzoum ;n Fa\oz banaki famar a\s kar;uor gor‘ounhouj;ane% ,norfauor;l ardhn nouirakanaza‘ Fa\oz banaki f;rjakan tar;dar]i a®jiu! Wstafabar owq;r or phtq h^ faskazan% jh fa\-\ounakan xinakzoujiunn anvamanz;li h% or;uh bnakan pa,ari famat;[ øgtagor‘oumn i xørou ch a\n \;t ,r=;l kam a®au;l ;us stou;r;l ou safmana'ak;l! Da,nakza\in \arab;roujiunn;re ;u 'o.adar] ;[ba\rakan xgazmounqn;re mi øroum% angam fariur taroum ;u mi qani daroum datark g;tni wra\ c;n ];uauoruoum! Dra famar an.ousa';liørhn vamanak h pafan=uoum ;u 'o.adar] wstafoujiunn amragro[ ørinakn;r% oronq armatanoum ;n ar;an mh=% fogin;roum ;u srt;roum! Ca'axanzoujiun ci lini% ;jh as;nq% or fa\;rn ou \o\n;re mim;anz famar 'o.go\akzouj;an ;u 'o.øgnouj;an am;nabnakan mi=awa\rn ;n st;[‘oum% ;u or;uh axgi f;t m;x a\nqan xgazmounqn;r c;n miauoroum% orqan \o\n;ri! Famoxoua‘ ;nq% or mi;uno\n ogin ;n oun;z;l oc mia\n |ounaz ;u Fa\oz anz;ali 'a®auor xauakn;rn% a\l;u angam a\søroua\ ,arqa\in \o\n;rn ou fa\;re mi;uno\n fog;banouj;an kro[n;rn ;n! Angam patmakan dhpq;ri ;u wa\riw;roumn;ri b;roumow safmann;ri imastow f;®analow mim;anziz^ m;nq anbazatr;liørhn ,arounakoum ;nq mim;anz ]gt;l% angam a,.arfi tarb;r ankiunn;roum! A\sør wstafabar kar;li h as;l% or m;r axga\in fastatoujiunn;ri ou ka®o\zn;ri ,arqoum vo[owrdakanoujiun ;u wstafoujiun wa\;lo[ a®a=nago\ne ,arounakoum h mnal Fa\oz banake! Saka\n an.ousa';li qnnadatoujiune phtq h lini srtazau% bouvic% a\l oc jh kor‘anarar ou au;ric! Or;uh qnnadatoujiun phtq h anpa\man ‘a®a\i a®ka\ j;roujiunn;ri w;razmane% a\l oc jh =our lzni faka®akordi =ra[azin! A®au;l ;us S'iu®qoum or;uh% m;[m asa‘% oc srtazau qnnadatoujiun ou[[aki kam anou[[aki mitoua‘ h lin;lou Fa\oz banaki warkab;kman ar,auin% incn hl% an,ou,t% faka®akordi ørakarga\in .ndirn;riz h! Am;na\n xgou,ouj;amb phtq h w;rab;rou;l banaka\in j;ma\ow or;uh t;[;katououj;an% angam dra artatpman ;u% 'astørhn% tara‘man ou fanra\nazman imastow! :u a\st;[ kar;uoruoum h XLM-n;ri patas.anatououj;an s;'akan bavni \an]na®oujiune! Or;uh lragro[ a®a=na\in phtq h dar]ni oc jh masnagitakan n;[ f;taqrqroujiunn;ri ou ,af;ri ,r=anakn;roum ªs;nsazian;riº oronoumn ou na;u ;rb;mn arf;stakan a®a=azoume% a\l s;'akan qa[aqaziakan partqi gitakzoujiune%

ince m,taphs phtq h g;radas;li lini! :jh xinouorakane qa[aqazi h famaxg;stow% apa lragro[n a®au;l qan qa[aqazi h^ s;'akan iurørinak ªxhnq;rowº! Banakin w;rab;rouo[ or;uh niuj m,ak;louz ;u tara‘;louz a®a= gonh 5 roph irau fa\ lragro[e partauor h .orf;l& - Ard;ø#q kama\ jh akama\ ci npastoum Fa\oz banaki warkab;kman j,namakan ar,auin% - Ard;ø#q anou[[aki ci gor‘akzoum faka®akordi f;t% - Ard;ø#q ci wnasoum m;r pa,tpanounakouj;ane&&& :jh 5 roph a®nouaxn mta‘;nq minc gor‘o[oujiunn;ri dim;le% wstaf ;m% jh endounoua‘ oro,oumn an.ousa';liørhn yi,te ke lini! Or;uh ®axmakan fakamartouj;an anpa\man na.ordoum h fog;banakan pat;raxme! Pat;raxmn;re ,afuoum ;n minc dranz m;knarke^ pa\manauoroua‘ martounakouj;amb ;u baro\afog;banakan makardakow! Baro\alqou;low ;u fog;banakan pat;raxmoum partou;low^ ªa®iu‘n angam 'isik h da®noumº! M;r \a[janakn;re m;nq oun;z;l ;nq m;x bnoro, fog;banouj;amb! An.a.t famoxmounqow% jh Fa\ Xinouorn a®iu‘ h% ;u m;r mhk qa=e pat;raxmoum ;u partouj;an h matnoum j,namou tasin! Sasna\ ‘®;riz ;ko[ a\s faua tamqn h% or m;r xinouorn;rin s.ranqn;ri h dimoum angam am;nadvouar iradroujiunn;roum% wkan^ w;r=in ør;ri f;rosakanoujiune! Wkan^ endamhne ,abaj a®a= f;rosi mafow nafatakoua‘ fa\ordin! Ci kar;li kotr;l a\s fauatamqe% ci kar;li baro\alq;l Fa\ Xinouorin ;u nran snouzo[ vo[owrdin! Sir;nq m;r banake% øvandak;nq nra fxørazmann ou a®o[=azmann amhn k;rp% fnarauor bolor mi=ozn;row! Ci kar;li krkn;l 1920 j& Karsi o[b;rgoujiune^ mhk angam ;us kangn;low axga\in a[hti ;xrin! N;rsiz baro\alqoua‘ or;uh banak ci karo[ dimaka\;l artaqin ouv;ri angam cncin jouazo[ farua‘n;rin! Isk m;nq mia\n mhk banak oun;nq! Faskananq% or m;r anka.ouj;an a\s kary vamanakafatoua‘oum ouv;ri g;rlarmamb \a=o[ou;l h ];uauor;l m;r anwtangouj;an kar;uorago\n grauakane! Orqan fxør ;[au m;r banake% a\nqan axga\in ,af;ri farzoum anxi=oum h lin;lou m;r diuanagitoujiune! :u anka. a®ka\ da®n iro[oujiunn;riz^ phtq h a®au;l bar]razn;l banaki martounakoujiune% xargazn;l m;r pa,tpanakan famakarge% incn an;rkba\ørhn fnarauoroujiun ke ta\ wa[e m;r astoua‘a,norf \a[janakn;rn amrapnd;l na;u diuanagitakan yakatoum! >onarfoum \anoun Fauatqi% Axgi ;u Fa\r;niqi nafatakoua‘ xinouorn;rin! "a*®q Fa\oz banakin! Astoua‘ ;u m;r Banake pafapan Fa\ Axgin ou Fa\astani Fanrap;touj;ane!

<ar& h= 14-hn


ør;roun k∞oun;na\inq \aya.aki fandipoumn;r% oronq fog;uin l;zno[% farstazno[ hin! An ir .onarfouj;an mh= m;‘ an]nauoroujiun men hr! Antarako\s% ke \i,;nq na;u m;‘argo\ tiar Fa\ka,hn Ouxoun;ane% or iraphs ir mh= ke krhr m;‘ a,.arf me& na.an]a.ndir ‘a®a\ouj;an ogin% or ir mh= kar% ke fa[ordhr bolorin! Nman ;ra.tauorn;rou m;nq fandip;zanq m;r k;anqi enjazqin! Anonz ,arqin ;[an na;u Andranik ’a®ouk;ann;r% Mou,;[ I,.ann;r% a\l gro[n;r% ;ra.tauorn;r% oronq ];uauor;zin m;r fog;mtauor a,.arfeº! ªM;nq a\s ;r;ko\ wa\;lqe oun;zanq% a\s ;rkou grq;rou n;rka\azmamb% embo,.n;lou xanonq ;u yancnalou na;u ];r n;ra,.arfe% ];r mtaforixone% ];r t;silqn;re% na;u ];r ;ra.taght srti xgazoumn;re^ ];r grq;re n;rka\azno[ dasa.øsn;rou mi=ozowº! ªM;nq ke ,norfauor;nq ];x^ ];r w;r=in ;rkou fratarakoujiunn;rou a®ijow ;u ];x ke ma[j;nq a®au;l korow% a®au;l

;®and% orphsxi vamanakin f;t qal;low^ nor vamanakn;rou% nor anfatn;rou% nor mta‘o[ouj;anz ogin karo[anaq ;us grci faroua‘ow grqi w;ra‘;l% orphsxi galiq s;roundn;r kardan ;u fa[ord da®nan na;u ];r mta‘oumn;roun ;u aprin vamanakn;rou patk;rn;re! M;nq tarako\s couninq% or ,arounak;low ];r axganouhr gor‘ounhoujiune% douq na;u ørin arvani ke da®naq au;li bar]r mrzanakn;rou ;u ,qan,ann;rou! Astou‘o\ ørfnoujiune jo[ ];xi f;t ella\ ;u m;nq i srth ke ,norfauor;nq ];x% ke ,norfauor;nq na;u a\s na.a];®noujiune% Jhqh;an M,akouja\in Mioujiune% or \an]na®ou ;[au a\søroua\ grqi n;rka\azoume kamak;rp;l% ore na;u m;xi famar \o\v qa=al;rakan h! Incqan ];rn h patiue% a\nqan na;u patiue kaxmak;rpouj;an h or k∞;rja\º! Fandisouj;an auartin t;[i oun;zau gin;]øn ;u pat,ay fiurasiroujiun! Lousankarn;re |owfannhs Y;r;y;ani (<irax)

INCO*U C:N MOÂZOUIR&&& <ar& h= 5-hn

pa\mann;rou mh=% fimnafarz;rou nkatmamb au;li tirap;to[ dar]a‘ ;n krauorakanoujiunn ou ;njarkoua‘oujiune& baza®oujiunn;re c;n bazaka\ir&&&! Mamouli h=;roun jo[a‘ ir va®angouj;an mh=% Ala=a=;an na;u m;‘arvhq wau;ragroum katara‘ h mtauorakann;rou a\n a,.atanqn;roun masin% oronq% faka®ak .orfrda\in lrt;sakan ou kapto[ fsko[ouj;an% m;‘ n;rdroum ar]anagra‘ ;n fa\ouj;an pafan=atirouj;an ou Datin ‘anøjazman ou f;tapndman yamboun wra\% Fa\astann ou fa\ mitqe (fog ch jh ,;,takiørhn karmir gounauoroua‘) kamr=;low mi=in ar;u;l;an% ;uropakan jh a\l ;rkirn;rou mtauo-

rakanouj;an f;t! Takauin% kar;li h \i,atak;l fa\kakan ,arvapatk;ri kaloua‘in mh= anor n;rdroume% F;nrik Mal;ani phs titani me f;t gor‘akzouj;an yambow% gi‘ me^ or a\laphs a\vmhakan j;ladroujiun ouni m;r ,arvapatk;ri ou patk;ras'iu®i a,.arfe mourazkani ou ya.ya.outi w;ra‘o[&&& ªnorararn;rounº! Ala=a=;ani s;roundin w;ragroua‘ ªm;[q;rºe (oronq partadroua‘ hin fimnakanin mh=) k*anznin patmouj;an% vamanake ke jøja'h 'o,in;re ;u kojo[akan va®angoujiune ke mna\ m;xi ou \a=ord s;roundn;roun^ ibr;u mhk masnike m;r grauor m,ako\ji farstouj;an!

|A|TARAROUJIUN JMMIOUJ:AN FA|KA<HN OUXOUN:AN 37-RD GRAKAN MRZANAK-2014 Jhqh;an M,akouja\in Mioujiune a\sou kou ga\ \a\tarar;l ;rkou tarin angam me katarouo[ FA|KA<HN OUXOUN:AN GRAKAN MRZANAK-2014-i pa\mann;re! Kar;li h 37-rd mrzanqin n;rka\azn;l& 1& Grakan g;[arou;stakan st;[‘agor‘oujiunn;r% 2& Fa\agitakan ;u patmagitakan a,.atoujiunn;r! Mrzanaki arvanazo[ f;[inakn;re ke stanan famapatas.an wka\agir ;u dramakan nouhr! a& Kar;li h mrzo\jin n;rka\azn;l 2012-2014 jouakann;roun fa\;rhn l;xouow na.aphs fratarakoua‘ girq;r! };®agir kam a\l ];uow n;rka\azouo[ gor‘;r nkati piti ca®nouin! b& Mrzo\jin krnan gor‘;r n;rka\azn;l Fa\astanhn ;u S'iu®qi tarb;r ga[oujn;rhn anfat gro[n;r% ar]akagir% banast;[‘% jat;ragir% ousoumnasiro[n;r% patmabann;r kam banashrn;r! g& Mrzanaki Datakan Kaxmi andamn;re ;u anonz faraxatn;re c;n krnar masnakzil mrzo\jin! d& N;rka\azouo[ gor‘;rhn ;r;qakan ørinak [rk;l f;t;u;al faszhn;rhn mhkoun& Taline Avakian-Ouzounian 19 Route de la Capite, 1223 Cologny, Switzerland kam% TCA Haigashen Ouzounian Literary Award 50 Khanjian Erevan- Republic of Armenia Gor‘;re n;rka\azn;lou vamkhtn h 2014 |oulis 19! Ardiunqn;re piti \a\tararouin 2014-i Fokt;mb;rin! JMM Fa\ka,hn Ouxoun;an Grakan Mrzanaki |an]navo[ow

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NOR ØR% ":TROUAR 13% 2014

SOCI-2014 }M:ÂA|IN ØLIMPIADAN M:KNARK:Z <ar& h= 1-hn

|ounastane^ orphs Ølimpiakan .a[;ri st;[‘o[ ama®a\in ;u ]m;®a\in .a[;roum mi,t a®a=inn h dours galis% isk ;xra'akoum h ,q;rje endouno[ ;rkri patouirakoujiune! A\s ølimpiada\in masnakzoum ;n 88 ;rkri møt 3000 marxikn;r% owq;r ke .a[ark;n m;taln;ri 98 fauaqa‘ou! Gl.auor ølimpiakan =afe bozawa®;l ;n anouani .orfrda\in marxikn;r^ g;[asaford Irina Âodninan ;u foq;\ist Wladislau Tr;tiake! Bazman araro[ouj;ane n;rka\ ;n ;[;l baxmajiu ;rkrn;ri na.agafn;r% a\d juoum FF na.agaf S;rv Sargs;ane! Fa\astaniz .a[;ri bazmane n;rka\ ;n gtnou;l FAØK-i na.agaf Gagik ’a®ouk;ane% qartou[ar Frac;a\ Âostom;ane ;u FF sporti ;u ;ritasardouj;an farz;ri na.arar :ouri Wardan;ane! Socii Ølimpiada\oum Fa\astane n;rka\aznoum ;n S;rgh\ Miqa\hl;ane (FF patouirakouj;an drø,akakir)% Arjour :[o\;ane% Kat\a Galst;ane (;r;qn hl dafoukawaxq) ;u Arman S;r;brak;ane (AMN-iz% l;®nadafouk)! Patouirakoujiunn;ri ,q;rjiz \;to\ b;makanazoua‘ n;rka\azman mi=ozow n;rka\azou;z Âousakan Ka\srouj;an% >orfrda\in Miouj;an ;u vamanakakiz Âousastani patmoujiune! T;sarann;riz ;rkousn ou[;kzou;zin fa\ ;rgafann;r A®nø Baba=an;ani ;u Aram >acatr;ani ;rav,touj;amb! Fnc;zin fatoua‘n;r Baba=an;ani ªA,.arfi lauago\n qa[aqeº ;rgiz ;u >acatr;ani ªSous;row Parizº! Patouirakoujiunn;ri ,q;rji vamanak fnc;z na;u Miqa\hl Jariw;rdi;ui m;[;din;riz! Âousastani Da,nouj;an na.agaf Wladimir "oujine pa,tønaphs \a\tarar;z Socii Ølimpiakan .a[;re bazoua‘!

2013-I MARXAKAN AKNJARJN:RE ªNOR ØRºI MARXAKAN H+:ROUM (Skixbe m;r j;rji na.ord famarn;roum) NO|:MB:R • W;z fa\ ‘anrordn;r^ A,ot B;gfax;ane% Dauij Gaspar;ane% Margarita {axar;ane% Na\ira |aroujiun;ane% Andranik Karap;t;ann ou Go® Minas;ane minc;u 2015 jouakane orakaxrkou;l ;n ’anramarti Mi=axga\in Da,nouj;an ko[miz arg;loua‘ .janic-d;[ami=ozn;r øgtagor‘;lou famar! W;r=in ;rkouse phtq h ;t w;radar]n;n nouayoum m;taln;re! • Wrozlau qa[aqoum auartoua‘ ‘anramarti a,.arfi a®a=noujiunoum :uropa\i a.o\;an ÂD-n n;rka\azno[ Dauij B;van;ane (105 qk&) dar]au a,.arfi 'o.a.o\;an! • No\;mb;ri 9-e an\a=o[ ør hr anouani fa\ b®nzqamartikn;r Wanhs Martiros;ani ;u Wig Darcin;ani famar! Wan;se partou;z D;mitrious Andradhin% isk Wige^ nokaoutow Nonitø Don;rin! • Baxkamarti a,.arfi ;u :uropa\i baxmaki a.o\;an Wladimir Mnazakan;ane (86 qk&) War,aua\oum anzkazoua‘ a,.arfi gauaji .a[arkoujiunoum ]a. ];®qi warvoujiunoum dar]au \a[jo[! • L;fastanoum auartoua‘ :uropa\i ,a.mati jima\in a®a=noujiunoum t[amardkanz mrzoujiunoum \a[j;z Atrph\yani entranin (14 miauor)! FF fauaqakane ~ransia\i ;u Âousastani fauaqakann;ri f;t 13-akan miauorow bavan;zin 2-4-rd t;[;re! Kananz a®a=noujiunoum a.o\;an dar]au Ouqrania\i entranin (15 miauor)! FF kananz fauaqakane 12-akan miauorow Wrastani fauaqakani f;t kis;zin 4-5-rd t;[;re! • ÂD-i Anapa qa[aqoum auartoua‘ b®nzqamarti :uropa\i patan;kan a®a=noujiunoum FF n;rka\azouzic Dauij Asatr;ane (48 qk&) nouay;z :uropa\i a.o\;ani tit[ose! Wardan Qhøsh;ane (70 qk&) arva-




nazau pronxh m;tali! • FF b®nzqamarti da,nouj;an nor na.agaf entrou;z na.kin b®nzqamartik Arjour Ghorg;ane! • 6&5-3&5 fa,ouow \a[j;low fndik grosma\st;r Wi,wanajan Anandin% norw;giazi Magnous Ka®ls;ne dar]au a,.arfi 16-rd a.o\;ane! (Mnaz;ale \a=ord jiuow)

LOS ANY:LESI ªGALAQSIºGIUMRII ª<IRAKº^ ";trouari 8-in Gali`ornia\i Qarson qa[aqi ªStubhubº marxada,toum ka\azau Los Any;lesi ªGalaqsiº ;u FF anz;al taroua\ a.o\;an Giumrii ª<irakiº enk;rakan fandipoume! >a[e m;‘ f;taqrqroujiun hr a®a=azr;l \atkaphs fa\ marxashrn;ri ,r=anoum! Marxada,toum t;[ hin xba[;zr;l møt 10 faxar fandisakann;r! Fandipoumn anzau =;rm% bar;kamakan mjnolortoum ;u auartou;z da,ti thr;ri \a[janakow^ 2-1 fa,ouow! <irakzin;riz koli f;[inak dar]au S;rv D;bl;n!

ÂOUSAKAN AÂA+IN ALIQE N:RKA|AZR:Z AÂASP:LA|IN <AUAR< KARAP:T:ANIN Armsport.am ka\qoum karo[ hq dit;l t;saniuj (02&07&14) a®asp;la\in marxik% =rasouxa\in lo[i 17-am;a\ a,.arfi a.o\;an <auar, Karap;t;ani masin% ow 1976 jouakanin mia\nak karo[azau 'rk;l møt 20 mardkanz k;anqe! <auar,e baxmizs \a\tnou;l h a\n t;[;roum% ort;[ anfrav;,t h! Incphs t;[;kaznoum h w;ro\i,;al ka\qe <auar, Karap;t;ani masin `ilm (vapauhn) ke nkarafanoui! ªLogos Film Companyºn oro,;l h a®asp;la\in marxiki masin ,arvankar patrast;l! Na.kinoum fanra\a\t lo[orde f;®auor 1976 jouakanin karo[az;l h 20 mardkanz k;anq 'rk;l :r;uanoum! F;nz a\d iradar]ouj;ann hl% fimnakanoum% nouiroua‘ h lin;lou drama vanroum nkarafanou;liq vapauhne% ori na.nakan anounn h ª20 k;anqº!


}a.in^ Waxghn So[o\;an

|ounouari 25-26-e Los Any;lesi ªConvention Centerºoum ka\azau Gali`ornia\i baxkamarti a®a=noujiune% orin masnakz;zin na;u far;uan nafangn;ri ,our= 150 marxikn;r! A®a=nouj;ane masnakzoum hr na;u a,.arfi ;u :uropa\i baxmaki a.o\;an Waxghn So[o\;ane! 70 qk&noz Waxghne fandhs ;kau minc;u 75 qk& qa,a\inn;ri pa\qaroum;u baza\a\t a®au;louj;amb \a[j;low ir bolor mrzakizn;rin^ nouay;z a= ];®qow warvouj;an a.o\;ani kocoume! Na na;u fandhs ;kau ªoc martakanº^ ]a. ];®qow war-

vouj;an mrzoujiunoum! A\st;[ Waxghne øgtagor‘;low ir m;‘ marxakan 'or]n ou warp;toujiune karo[azau \a[jo[ da®nal! A\vm Waxghne patrastuoum h masnakz;l Martin Øfa\ø nafangoum ka\analiq Arnold Classic f;[inakauor mi=axga\in mrza,arin!

<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • ~ID:-n fraparak;l h a,.arfi 100 ,a.matistn;ri zanke% ore ,arounakoum h gl.auor;l a,.arfi a.o\;an norw;gazi Magnous Ka®ls;ne (2872)! 100 lauago\nn;ri zankoum FF-n a\s angam ouni 4 n;rka\azouzic% qani or Tigran L& P;tros;ane dours h mnaz;l ouv;[ago\nn;ri zankiz! L;uon Aron;ane ir warkani,e bar;lau;l h 14-ow ;u a\vm ouni 2826 miauor! Wladimir |akob;ane krkin 62-rdn h (2682)% S;rgh\ Mowsis;ane^ 71-rde (2677)% Gabrihl Sargs;ane^ 77-rde (3671)! {aram;an Tigrane (~ransia% 96-rd% 2655)! Kananz 100 lauago\nn;ri mh= Hlina Danihl;ane 29-rdn h (2467)% Lilij Mkrtc;ane^ 30-rde (2465)! Almira Skripc;nkon (~ransia% 40-rde% 2442)% Taj;u Abrafam;ane (AMN% 82-rde% 2377)! :rkrn;ri zankoum Fa\astane 2650 miauorow 6-rdn h! Zanke gl.auoroum h Âousastane (2743)! A\nouf;t;u galis ;n Ouqranian (2701)% Cinastane (2674)% ~ransian (2664)% Foungarian (2656)% AMN-n (2649)% Fndkastane (2645)% Folandian (2642)% Isra\hle^ (2630)! • Auartou;z +ibraljari 'a®atøne% ori ªMasj;rsº mrza,arin masnakzoum hin mi ,arq fa\ ,a.matistn;r% oronziz lauago\n ardiunqe^ 18-rd t;[e zo\z tou;z S;rgh\ Mowsis;ane% ow 10 fnarauoriz wastak;z 7 miauor! Praxilafa\;r Grigor-S;uak M.ijar;ane 6 miauorow 63-rdn hr% isk Armhn Brout;ane^ 5&5 miauorow 101-rde! Norw;gian n;rka\azno[ :raxik >acatr;ane 4 miauorow 187-rdn hr! Mrza,ari masnakizn;ri jiue 256 hr! 8-akan miauorow 1-3-rd t;[;re xba[;zrin Wasili Iwancouke% Nikita Wit\ougowe ;u Iwan C;arinowe% oronq hl lrazouzic zouzani,n;row no\n f;rjakanouj;amb t;[;r grau;zin! • Moskoua\oum auartou;z Moskoua\i baz a®a=noujiune% ore anzkazuoum hr tarb;r karg;roum! A& mrza,arin masnakzoum hin mi .oumb fa\ ,a.matistn;r&^ Karhn Grigor;ane% |owfannhs Gaboux;ane% |owik Fa\rap;t;ane% Âob;rt A[asar;ane% Dauij P;tros;ane% Ghorg |aroujiun;ane% Dauij Ghorg;ane (FF-iz)% S;rgh\ Grigor;anze% Arjour Gabrihl;ane% Dauij Pa®au;ane% Mifran Øfan;ane (ÂD-iz) ;u :ouri Fa\rap;t;ane (Ouqrania\iz)! Ousano[n;ri mrza,arin masnakzoum hr Xauhn Andrhas;ane% ow 4&5 miauorow grau;z 4-rd t;[e! |a[j;z Wladislau Art;m;ue (ÂD)^ 8 miauorow! Mi ,arq fa\ ,a.matistn;r masnakzoum hin A, C, F, H t[an;ri ;u a[=ikn;ri mrza,ar;rin! };x ;nq n;rka\aznoum A mrza,arin masnakza‘ fa\ ,a.matistn;ri ardiunqn;re! A\s mrza,aroum \a[j;z Al;qsandr Mo\is;nkon (Ouqrania)^ 7 miauor! S;rgh\ Grigor;anz (ÂD)^ 12-rd% Karhn Grigor;an^ 20-rd% 6&5-akan miauor% Âob;rt A[asar;an^ 24-rd% :ouri Fa\rap;t;an (Ouqrania)^ 27-rd% 6-akan% |owfannhs Gaboux;an^ 34-rd% Tigran |aroujiun;an^ 49-rd% Manouhl P;tros;an^ 52-rd% Ghorg |aroujiun;an^ 53-rd% 5&5-akan miauor ;ua\ln! Mrza,arin masnakzoum ;n 150 ,a.matistn;r!

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