N.O. September 4, 2014, No. 33-34:N.O. Blank
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FING<ABJI% S:PT:MB:R 4% 2014
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2014 92 TARI% JIU 33-34 VOLUME 92, NO. 33-34
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NOR ØR% S:PT:MB:R 4% 2014
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WASTAKA<AT L:XOUAGHTN OU PATMABANE Nor Or Weekly is published weekly, except two weeks in AUGUST Nor Or Publishing Association, Inc. 1901 N. Allen Ave., Altadena, CA 91001 Annual Subscription rates: As of June 1st, 2007 U.S.A. 2nd Class: West Coast $75 2nd Class: East Coast $85
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92-AM:AK 1922-2014
(Lousafogi Ali,an Ba\ram;ani ’nnd;an 100-am;aki a®ijow) "RO~& AU:TIS "A"AX:AN Lrazau wastaka,at mtauorakan% ousouzcap;t^ Dokt& "ro`& Ali,an Ba\ram;ani ‘nnd;an \ob;l;anakan 100-am;ake! (’noua‘ |ounouar 27% 1914 j& Qilis% Kilikia)! Na.nakan ;u golhyakan ousoume staz;l h Falhpoum% isk bar]rago\ne^ Ph\roujoum! Dokt& "ro`& Ali,an Ba\ram;ane au;li qan 60 tarin;ri mankawarvakan-dasa.øsakan ;u gitaf;taxøtakan a,.atanqi b;[oun wastak ouni! M;r]auor Ar;u;lqi arabakan mi ,arq ;rkrn;ri bar]rago\n ousoumnakan fastatoujiunn;roum fimnakanoum dasauand;l h latin;rhn% `rans;rhn ;u angl;rhn l;xoun;r! Isk fa\r;nadar]oujiuniz \;to\% 1946-1972 jj& ;[;l h auag dasa.øs :r;uani W& Briusowi anouan mankawarvakan øtar l;xoun;ri institoutoum% incphs na;u :r;uani P;takan Famalsaranoum!
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farzoum go\oujiun oun;zo[ skxbna[biurn;ri% 'astagrakan niuj;ri manramasn w;rlou‘oumn h ;u dranz wra\ fimnoua‘ f;[inaki anaca® m;knabanoujiunn;rn ou ;xrakazoujiunn;re! Bane nranoumn h% or dar;riz i w;r Siria\in patkano[ a\d fo[atara‘qe% mi=axga\in diuanagitakan n;ng .a[;ri f;t;uanqow% :rkrord Fama,.arfa\in Pat;raxmi na.ør;akin `ransiakan i,.anoujiunn;ri ko[miz \an]nou;z Jourqia\in! A\d anardarazi ararqe% o[b;rgakan f;t;uanqn;r oun;zau na;u Al;qsantrhji Sanyaqi fa\ bnakcouj;an famar! A\s .ist ,af;kan a,.atoujiune% orn a®a=in angam 1993 j& fratarakou;z arab;rhn l;xouow Damaskosoum% bar]r gnafatanqi arvanazau na;u ambo[= arabakan a,.arfoum! Fark h n,;l% or Aram A& W;fa<ar& h= 14
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S"IUÂQ:AN MARMINN:R% KAXMAK:RPOUJIUNN:R :U AXGA|IN I<>ANOUJIUN |OWSH" M:LQON:AN S'iu®qi la\n tara‘qin ke gor‘;n m;r xanaxan axga\in% enk;ra\in% krønakan% kousakzakan% bar;sirakan ;u marxakan kaxmak;rpoujiunn;re ;u fastatoujiunn;re! Ounin ir;nz \atouk a®aq;loujiun% ‘ragir-kanonagir% gor‘;lou iura\atouk ;[anak ;u oy% warcakan kaxm% piutyh ;u an,ou,t andamn;r! S'iu®qi mh= faxiu gtnoui fa\ me or m;r kaxmak;rpoujiunn;rou gor‘ounhouj;an kar;uoroujiune kam anfrav;,toujiune gitakzabar ourana\ kam j;ragnafath! Amhnqs ke gitakzinq anonz kar;uor% \aya. patmakan% d;ri anfrav;,touj;an ou est a\nm ke gnafat;nq anonz orakakan n;rdroume m;r axga\in k;anqhn n;rs! Farz h saka\n jh irarmh an=at gor‘o[ a\s kaxmak;rpoujiunn;re orqano#w ke lrazn;n s'iu®qi mh= k;ndronakan ªAxga\in I,.anouj;anº me bnoro,ic \atkoujiunn;re ;u gor‘ounhoujiune% famapar'ak t;slakani me ;u ‘ragri me ‘ir;rhn n;rs! Axga\in I,.anoujiun me or s'iu®qhn n;rs go\oujiun oun;zo[ kaxmak;rpoujiunn;rhn ;u marminn;rhn g;riw;r d;r me ke .a[a\% ou[[oujiun talow m;r fama\nakan% fasarakakan ;u fauaqakan k;anqin! Axga\in I,.anoujiun me or ir mh= ke n;rgrauh s'iu®qi amhn ga[oujn;re% kaxmak;rpoujiunn;re ;u marminn;re% vo[owrdawar ;u n;rka\azouzcakan drouj;amb ;u gor‘adir i,.anouj;amb me% da®nalow m;r fauaqakan kamqi ;u t;slakani gor‘adir ørkane! A\s i,.anoujiune ci gar =n=;lou kaxmak;rpoujiunn;re% \apau;lou anonz iura\atouk d;rakataroujiune kam irauasoujiunn;re% grau;lou anonz andamn;re% ;u kam mrz;lou anonz f;t! A\s Axga\in I,.anoujiune s'iu®qi fauaqakan kamqi arta\a\tice ellalou kocoua‘ I,.anoujiun men h! I,.anoujiun me or s'iu®qi apaga\ k;anqi xargazoumn;rou f;[inaki% ‘ragro[i ;u gor‘adro[i partauoroujiunn;re% irauasoujiunn;re ;u f;[inakoujiune ke stan]nh% ;u anonzmh b.o[ fama\nakan taro[oujiun oun;zo[ ‘ragirn;re k*iragor‘h! I,.anoujiun me% or baxmajiu% baxmago\n ]a\n;re ke dar]nh mhk ]a\n% mhk kamq% mhk arta\a\toujiun amhnous famar hakan% k;nsakan% ;u frama\akan s'iu®q;an farz;rou ,our=! Omanq krnan a®ark;l jh a®a=arkoua‘e ªI,.anoujiunº me ch a\l ªS'iu®qi ka®awaroujiunº me! A\dph*s jo[ ella\! I@nc tarb;roujiun ouni a\s paraga\in a®a=arkoua‘ ªi,.anoujiunº kam ªka®awaroujiunº ba®e ;jh amhnqs fama]a\n ;nq s'iu®qi fimnakan farz;re fauaqakan =anqow lou‘;lou kar;uorouj;an% ;u a\d kar;uorouj;an famarvhq tramabanakan drouj;an me fastatoumin ;u ord;groumin! S'iu®qi fa\ vo[owourde ir amhn ba[kazouzic tarr;row ke fa,ouh møtauoraphs w;z kam ;øj milion an]! A\d w;z kam ;øj milion anfatn;re ounin partadir qa[aqaziakan patkan;lioujiun ;u ‘ina\in axga\in patkan;lioujiun! Qa[aqaziakan patkan;lioujiune ke pa\manauorh m;r anfatakan k;anqe a\n ;rkirn;rhn n;rs our ibr;u fa\ bnakoujiun fastata‘ ;nq% ‘na‘ ou sna‘ a\d ;rkirn;rou enk;ra\in% tnt;sakan% qa[aqakan ;u fama\nakan kargousarqi j;ladra‘ tramabanouj;an ca'ani,;row% ;u anonz famapatas.an qa[aqaziakan irauounqn;r ke wa\;l;nq a\l qa[aqazin;rou ko[qin! F;t;uabar% ibr;u vo[owrdawar karg;rou qa[aqazi masnakiz ;nq fasarakakan k;anqi xargazoumn;roun% ;u m;r masnakzouj;amb ke tnørin;nq na;u anonz en-
jazqe! Isk axga\in patkan;liouj;an paraga\in o#ur ke gtnouinq m;nq! Ga[tniq ch or s'iu®qe m;‘ wtangi me a®=;u ke gtnoui! Wtang me or ke \atkan,oui kamaz kamaz ou‘azoumi% øtarazman ;u ]ouloumi tano[ yamba\ow me our fa\oujiune krna\ ir axga\in patkan;lioujiune korsnzn;l vamanaki enjazqin! M;r patmoujiune k*ar]anagrh jh nman ban;r askh a®a= patafa‘ ;n karg me ga[oujn;rou paraga\in! Anonz krknoujiune a\s angam a,.arfagrakanørhn au;li la\na‘ir% \arat;u k;rpow 'o.ouo[ a,.arfi me mh= ca'axanzoua‘ ;r;uaka\ouj;an ardiunq ch% a\l parxaphs bard kazouj;nh me b.o[ f;t;uanqn;r% oronq krnan a[itali ellal m;xi nman axga\in fauaqakanouj;an me famar! Karg me ga[oujn;r ba[datmamb a\l ga[oujn;roun fauanabar piti kar;nan au;li ;rkar dimanal! Ouri,n;r jouan,a\in ayi .abousik ‘akozin tak patsparoua‘ piti ct;sn;n ;u piti c*andrada®nan jh incph@s gitakza\in axga\in patkan;lioujiune s;roundh s;round &&& \i,ataki piti w;ra‘oui! An,ou,t tarin;rh i w;r a\s \ank;rge ke krknoui ba\z lou‘oumi me kar;lioujiunn;re c;n t;snouir forixonin wra\! A\s lou‘oumn;re inqna‘in c;n krnar ellal ;u o*c al fra,qi ardiunq! S'iu®qe ,r=apato[ .rjin ou bard a,.arfin mh= inqna‘in lou‘oumn;r ckan! A\l kan pat;foujiunn;r ;u a\d pat;foujiunn;re gor‘nakan ardiunqn;rou w;ra‘;lou atak mta‘oumi% ‘ragroumi ;u iragor‘oumi kariq! Kan na;u wtangn;r xors phtq h kan.;l fakami=ozn;rou ;u kam 'o.ak;rpic axdakn;rou a,.ouvazoumow! S'iu®qi ou‘azoumi ;u korousti a\s wtange ;u anor f;t;uanqn;re au;li m;‘ fam;matoujiunn;r ke stanan ªaxga\inº endfanour antarb;rouj;an patya®ow! Ke .øsinq% ke ya®a.øs;nq% ke gr;nq ba\z endfanour \ognoujiun me ka\% antarb;roujiun me orowf;t;u lou‘oumn;r ckan% xgali 'o'o.oujiun cka\% ;u \a®a=dimoujiun cka\! Ou a\s patya®ow ka\ endfanour antarb;roujiun! M;xmh omanq ibr;u famakir% andam kam gor‘oun;a\ tarr ke masnakzin s'iu®qafa\ fasarakakan k;anqi xanaxan ;r;sn;roun go\oujiun oun;zo[ kaxmak;rpoujiunn;rhn n;rs! Asonz nouiroumin ,norfiu h% or ke bani s'iu®qafa\ warcakan m;q;nan! Saka\n anouranali 'ast h% or s'iu®qafa\ouj;an =a.=a.ic m;‘amasnoujiune antarb;r ditordi d;rin mh= ke mna\ ;rb .ndire ke fa\i axga\in% fasarakakan% krønakan ;u enk;ra\in farz;roun! :u asika iro[oujiun h s'iu®qi amhn .au;roun famar! Ørouan dhpqi me a®ja‘ anzo[aki .andawa®oujiune ;u kam st;[‘a‘ \ouxmounqe ;u andradar]e phtq ch ,'oj;nq xinouoragr;al \an]na®arouj;an ;u f;tamtouj;an f;t! An,ou,t c;nq krnar spas;l or amhn .aui patkano[ s'iu®qafa\% amh*n wa\rk;an% amh*n ør% amh*n pafoun no\n fama\nakan gitakzouj;amb faskna\ ;u emb®nh ir axga\in patkan;liouj;an a®=;u zzouo[ wtangn;rou taro[oujiune% est a\nm dath ;u est a\nm ,arvi! Ba\z wtange ka\ ;u a®ka\ h amhn ør% no\nisk ;jh m;r a®ør;a\ k;anqin mh= anor f;t;uanqn;re c;nq t;sn;r la\n pasta®in wra\ ;u kam s'iu®qi ga[oujn;re ir;nz a®an]naza‘ kam k[xiaza‘ tramabanouj;amb c;n t;sn;r a\n inc or ke patafi a\l ga[ouji me mh=! (Mnaz;ale \a=ord jiuow)
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WAROUVAN GRAY:AN <our= tase tari a®a= a\s ;rkou ka®o\zn;rou wiyake (`inansakan) ,at tkar hr% ;u ke kar‘ouhr or mia\n qani me tari ;tq piti ckaro[anan anonq wyaroumn;re lriu katar;l! Tarih me iw;r saka\n% a\s ;rkou gor‘akaloujiunn;rou niujakan wiyake ,at bar;lauou;zau ;u anonq piti kar;nan phtq ;[a‘ wyaroumn;re katar;l minc;u 2035! A\soufand;r]% w;rtarouj;an a\s ;rkou ka®o\zn;re phtq h niujaphs bar;lauouin% orphsxi \a=ord s;roundn;re kar;nan irauounqnin gan];l! Est kar;uor w;rlou‘abani me% Medicare–e a®o[= wiyaki mh= ;[au% orowf;t;u na.agaf Øpama\i diuramatc;li a®o[=apafakan droujiune bauakan paks;zouz ‘a.s;re! Isk Social Security-i paraga\in% SSI (a\sinqn a®anz Am;rika\i mh= a,.ata‘ ellalou ;u tourq wyara‘ ellalou) jo,ak stazo[n;rou tokose ,at paksa‘ h% orowf;t;u øtar ;rkirn;rh ;ko[ taragirn;rou jiue nouaxa‘ h! M;r ko[mh au;lzn;nq% or ;jh an] me wyara‘ tourq;roun% fangst;an kocou;lou vamanak stanaliq a,.atanqi goumare ,at qic h% lau k*enh ;jh ir oun;za‘ kaloua‘e ;u dramaglou.e dasauorh ;u stana\ na;u SSI! A\s paraga\in kar;li h na;u anwyar a®o[=apafakan apafowagroujiun stanal! Iskaphs dvouar h% or entaniq me kar;na\ april Social Security-i ;kamoutow!
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N.O. September 4, 2014, No. 33-34:N.O. Blank
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NOR ØR% S:PT:MB:R 4% 2014
XAUHN KOSTAN:AN (1925^ Lajaqia – 1985^ Ph\rouj) ARA AFARON:AN
Xauhn Kostan;an
:ra.tauor Kostan;an ‘na‘ hr Lajaqia (Souria) 1925-in% ;rkrord manc xauake fayenzi ‘no[n;rou% oronq entra‘ hin ‘ow;x;r;a\ qa[aqe orphs apafow bnakouj;an wa\r% Fiusisa\in Kilikio\ Fayen qa[aqi fa\ouj;nh parpoumin f;t;uanqow! "oqr tariqin Xauhne ir;n tar;kiz manc;roun f;t% ke \aya.h t;[uo\n na.akrjarane% ou entan;kan tofmik mjnolortin mh= an ke famt;sh axga\in a®o[= dastiarakouj;an iskakan ord;groua‘ a®aq;loujiune% ou patani tariqin k*andamagroui t;[uo\n Bar;gor‘akani masnayiu[in% mas kaxm;low patan;kan ,arvoumn;roun! Kostan;an g;rdastani anw;rapaf n;rdroume ga[oujafa\ ‘aualo[ ;®oux;rin% piti .janhr Xauhn Kostan;ani \;taga\ tarin;rou axga\in fasarakakan gor‘ounhouj;an kar;uoroujiune! Kostan;ani miouj;nakan masnakzoujiune Lajaqio\ Bar;gor‘akani fowanauoroujiune wa\;lo[ fa\ ;ritasardaz enk;rakzouj;an piti m;‘aphs npasthr ;ritasardakan masnayiu[i a,.ouvazman% ou apa orphs au;li ;rhz an mas piti kaxmhr t;[uo\n Bar;gor‘akani masnayiu[i warcouj;an! 30-akan jouakann;roun manauand FBEMioujiune kar;uor a®aq;louj;an me a®=;u ke gtnouhr% A[;qsandrhji Sanyaqin parpoumi f;t;uanqow! Falhpi fa\kakan ga[ouje ir kar;uor a®aq;louj;amb% k;dron dar]a‘ hr npastenk;al ‘ragirn;rou m,akmamb% Sourio\ safmann;rhn n;rs ga[jakan fa\;roun fasn;low! Lajaqio\ fa\kakan 'oqrajiu ga[oujn al anmasn piti cmnar Sanyaqin t;[a'o.oua‘ entaniqn;roun øvandak;lou^ Bar;gor‘akani mi=ozau! Xauhn Kostan;ani n;rdroume 1942-in m;‘ ;[au a\d a®aq;louj;an mh=% incphs na;u ,r=;low Fiusisa\in Sourio\ xanaxan ,r=ann;re^ Bar;gor‘akani andamagrouj;an a®aq;louj;amb! 1943-in f;txf;th Kostan;an entaniqi andamn;re% kou gan t;[auorouil Ph\rouj! :ritasard Xauhnn al ke miana\ ir entaniqi andamn;roun% ou Ph\rouji mh= k*oronh a®;utrakan asparhxe f;t;u;low ªEcole Technique de Commerceº warvarani dasenjazqn;roun% arf;stawarv wka\akanow wka\ou;low! Ph\rouji mh= Kostan;an an-
}a.hn^ Xauhn Kostan;an% G;rsam Afaron;an ;u Xøfrap Qh,i,;an
masn piti cmnar fasarakakan k;anqi ir masnakzoujiune b;r;lh% ou ga[a'arakan ir famoxoumow an moutq ke gor‘h Âamkawar Axatakan Kousakzouj;an ,arq;re! Lajaqio\ ir Bar;gor‘akani andamakzoujiune an ke ,arounakh Ph\rouji mh=% da®nalow t;[uo\n Bar;gor‘akani warcouj;an andam! 1946 jouakani axgafauaqi n;rga[jin kaxmak;rpcakan a,.atanqn;roun% Kostan;an orphs ;ritasard ir masnakzoujiune ke b;rh kaxmoua‘ \an]na.oumbin% da®nalow N;rga[ji Komithi qartou[are! Ir an.on= a,.atanqow Xauhne acqa®ou ke da®na\ orphs fa\r;niqi =atagow libananafa\ ga[oujhn n;rs! F;txf;th ir;n ke wstafoui kousakzakan kar;uor pa,tønn;r ÂAK-i Libanani ayo[ ,r=anakhn n;rs% our t;[a'o.oua‘ hr ÂAK-i K;dronakan Warcoujiune% ou ir kar;uor a®aq;loujiune ounhr ªXarjønqº øraj;rjin! Anfatakan ir st;[‘a‘ qa[aqakan kap;roun ,norfiu% an bar;kam dar]a‘ hr Libanani anka. fanrap;touj;an at;no\ ;rkrin banali an]nauorouj;anz ou ke wa\;lhr anonz arvani ganqe! Kostan;ani fasarakakan gor‘ounhoujiune \atkaphs Libanani mh= orphs ÂAK <r=ana\in Warcouj;an andam% kar;uor dar]au ir oun;za‘ n;rdroumow% M;‘i Tann Kilikio\ Ajo®in famar ‘a\r toua‘ pa\qarin vamanak ou au;li ou, 1958-in ir kar;uor masnakzoujiune b;rau anw;rapaf øvandak;lou libananafa\ karøt;aln;roun% oronq wnasoua‘ hin a\d tarin Libanani mh= ‘a\r toua‘ qa[aqakan 'a.oumn;roun f;t;uanqow! Âamkawar Axatakan Kousakzouj;an [;kawarouj;an mi=ozau% kar;li dar]au 1959-in Libanan frauir;l Jhqh;an M,akouja\in Miouj;an frauhrow Fa\astani ;rgi-pari famo\je! Fa\astani .orfrda\nazoumhn asdin a\s mhke ;[au m,akouja\in kap;rou a®a=in na.a];®noujiune! Ph\rouji mh= ;u \;taga\in M;r]auor Ar;u;lqi tarb;r ga[oujn;r fiurenkal;zin ;rgi-pari fa\r;ni famo\je Xauhn Kostan;ani
wstafoua‘ hr ambo[=akan kaxmak;rpcakan ‘ragire% ou an ];®nfas kaxmak;rpice ;[au famo\ji \a=o[ ;lo\jn;roun% oronz \a=o[oujiune skixb me drau fa\r;niq-s'iu®q m,akouja\in kap;rou amrapndman! A®;utrakan ir oun;za‘ ];®nfasoujiune% ankaska‘ Xauhne dar]ouza‘ hr \a=o[ak s;[anauor me Ph\rouji \argoua‘ a®;utrakan ,r=anakn;rhn n;rs% ou manauand øtarn;rou møt! Ph\rouji mh= ;ra.tauore k;anqi enk;r piti entrhr <aqh Gou\oumy;ane% ou anonq ke 'a.tauorouin ;r;q xauakn;row% doustr me% X;la ;u ;rkou manc xauakn;r^ Parht ;u S;uak! Miouj;nakan ir masnakzoujiune or sksa‘ hr Lajaqio\ mh=% Bar;gor‘akani t;[akan masnayiu[in famar% piti gnafatouhr Miouj;an ko[mh 1962-in arvananalow w;j;ran wka\akanin! A\s ,r=anin na;u Kostan;an ir kar;uor n;rdroume piti oun;nar% Poury Famouti mh= Wafan Jhqh;an warvarani noraka®o\z ,hnqi ‘ragroumin mh=! 1965-in Kostan;an orphs patgamauor ir masnakzoujiune ke b;rh ÂAK V&B& Endfanour Patgamauorakan Vo[owin% n;rka\azn;low Libanani ;u Sourio\ ,r=anake% ou k*entroui ÂAK K;dronakan Warcouj;an andam! :ra.tauore kaxmi andam ke da®na\ \a=ordakan 7 tarin;r! Isk 1971-in mas ke kaxmh JMM_i Fimnadirn;rou Marmnin% ou a\d tarin norak;rt k;droni bazoume ke kataroui Ph\rouji mh=^ 2 No\;mb;rin% p;takan makardakow! Kousakzakan w;rin makardaki fandipoumn;roun% ÂAK-i ko[mh ir masnakzoujiune \aya. an ke b;rhr mi=-kousakzakan ou axga\in i,.anouj;anz møt! 1974-in dar];al andam ke da®na\ ÂAK Libanani <r=ana\in Warcouj;an ou ir;n ke wstafoui ;ra.tauor G;rsam Afaron;ani f;t masnakzil Libanani mh= mi=-kousakzakan kar;uor fandipoumn;roun% oronq piti ;xra\anghin M;‘ :[;®ni 60-am;aki famaga[ouja\in tønakatarouj;anz miasnakan =anq;row!
1975-in ;ra.tauore na;u kar;uor d;r w;rzouz% Libanani qa[aqaziakan pat;raxmin% fa\kakan ga[ouji drakan chxoqouj;an irakanazman mh=% masnakz;low dar];al mi= kousakzakan kar;uor vo[own;rou% incphs na;u a\z;l;low p;takan kar;uor pa,tønatarn;rou^ orphs ÂAK-i n;rka\azouzic! 1976-in a\s to[;rou f;[inakn al Kostan;ani f;t møthn gor‘;lou a®ije oun;zau% ou ‘anøjazau anor nouiroua‘ouj;an ou xofab;rouj;an Libanani tagnapali ou anka\oun ør;roun% ;rb ;ra.tauore ke fandisanar a\n qic;rhn% oronq Ph\rouji anapafow ,r=ann;re ke fasnhin ,at;rou øgnouj;an! Libanani qa[aqaziakan 'a.oumn;re xgaliørhn dhpi fanrap;touj;an sksa‘ hin tanil ;rkire% ;rb 1977-in ÂAK-i V&:& Endfanour Patgamauorakan Vo[owe% dar];al Xauhn Kostan;ane k*entrh andam ÂAK K;dronakan Warcouj;an! Norakaxm endar]ak;al ou \arab;rabar au;li ;ritasard andamn;rh ba[kaza‘ K;dronakan Warcoujiune% farkadroua‘ hr kar;uorouj;amb xba[il s'iu®qafa\ ga[oujn;rou t;[a,arv;row% manauand Libananhn ‘a\r toua‘ artaga[je nkati a®n;low! K;dronakan Warcouj;an ou JMM fimnadirn;rou kaxmi andamakzouj;an ir pa,tønn;roun mi,t al gitakiz gtnou;zau ;ra.tauore% ou l‘ou;zau ga[oujn;rou axga\in ;®oux;ri amrapndman kar;uor a®aq;louj;an! Ba\z ir ‘ragroumn;re ir;nz liakatar lroumin chin fasa‘% a®o[=akan ir watjarazo[ wiyakin patya®au! 1985-in \a®a=azo[ qa[zk;[e Kostan;ani k;anqin w;r= piti tar 60 tar;kan fasakin! :ra.tauor Kostan;an dar]au tipar fa\r;nashre% ir ga[a'ara.øsakan dauanqin ‘a®a\;low ,our= cors tasnam;ak! *** Fparta®ij ;r;uo\j me dar]au m;r ko[mh møthn ‘anøjanalou ;ra.tauori ;rhz orduo\n^ Parhtin% or f;t;u;low ir før ga[a'ara.øsouj;an% mtau ÂAK-i ,arq;re ou dar]au ;ritasardakan a®a=nord Libanani mh=! M;nq a®ije oun;zanq xinq møthn yancnalou% ;rb m;r ,r=anakhn n;rs an mas kaxm;z Fa\ Dati >orfourdin! Isk ;ra.tauorin ko[akize^ <aqhn% ir anw;rapaf xofab;rouj;amb mas kaxm;z Ph\rouji mh= miouj;nakan a,.o\v gor‘ounhouj;anz% ir warcakan masnakzoujiune b;r;low Jhqh;an Warvarani Tiknanz Øvandak Marmnin% ou a\d masnakzoujiune dar]au kar;uor \;narane fasarakakan k;anqi \arat;uman mh=! <aqh Kostan;an ir miouj;nakan .andawa® masnakzoujiune b;rau Monjrhal t;[a'o.ou;lhn ;tq ;us! 2006-i Martin% w;r=in angam me a®ij oun;zanq ;ra.tauor Kostan;ani ko[akizin^ <aqhin fandip;lou Los Any;lesi mh=% ormh ;tq 2013-in inq ;us k;anqhn frav;,t piti tar 82 tar;kan fasakin!
Artsakh Marks 23rd Anniversary Of Independence
PanARMENIAN.Net - The Nagorno Karabakh (Artsakh) Republic celebrated its 23rd independence anniversary on September 2. On September 2, 1991, the joint session of the Nagorno Karabakh regional council and the council of people’s deputies of Shahumyan region proclaimed the Nagorno Karabakh Republic, adopting the Declaration of Independence. The declaration reads that the Nagorno Karabakh Republic exercises the authority envisaged by the USSR constitution and legislation and is entitled to determine its legal status. Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan issued a congratulatory message on Independence Day of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic.
Armenian PM: Artsakh’s Independence Is One Of Greatest Achievements In Armenian History
Davutoglu: We Will Continue Moves Towards Normalization With Armenia Turkey's newly appointed Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu presented his Cabinet's program which mentioned relations with Armenia and Karabakh conflict, Milliyet newspaper reported. One of Turkish government's strategic priorities is stability in the South Caucasus and reducing regional tensions, Davutoglu said, while briefing the lawmakers on his government's foreign policy priorities. In this context, Turkey will continue efforts aimed at finding peaceful settlement of conflicts in the South Caucasus, putting an end to “occupation” of Azerbaijani lands” and eliminating tensions between Armenia and Azerbaijan, PM said. “We will continue moves towards nor-
Armenian FM: It's Hard To Say When Turkey President Will Respond To Invitation It's hard to say what decision Tu r k i s h president will make regarding invitation to visit Yerevan on April 24, Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian said. President of Turkey Erdogan was handed over Serzh Sargsyan’s official invitation to attend the Armenian Genocide commemoration ceremony, which will take place on April 24, 2015 in Yerevan.
malization with Armenia,” Davutoglu said. He added that Ankara expects from Armenia seeking ways to cooperate, finding a fair memory and responding to initiatives rather than displaying historic revenge.
Ukraine Conflict: UN Says Million People Have Fled Many of those leaving Ukraine have crossed the border into Russia More than a million people have left their homes because of the escalating conflict in eastern Ukraine, a UN official says. In the past three weeks alone, the number of people displaced inside Ukraine itself has doubled to at least 260,000, according to the UN's Vincent Cochetel in Geneva. Another 814,000 people have crossed the border into Russia this year, he says. Pro-Russian rebels have been fighting Ukrainian forces since April. Separatists in the eastern regions of Donetsk and Luhansk declared independence after Russia annexed Crimea from Ukraine. Since the violence erupted, some 2,600 people have been killed and thousands more wounded.
Armenian President Visits Stepanakert Memorial Complex
Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan, who is in Artsakh on a working visit, visited the Memorial Complex in capital Stepanakert, accompanied by Karabakh President Bako Sahakyan and official delegation from Armenia, Artsakh residents and foreign guests participating in the events dedicated to the 23rd anniversary of Nagorno-Karabakh’s independence, the press service of the Armenian President reports. Serzh Sargsyan paid tribute to the soldiers who died for the independence of Artsakh, laid flowers at the tomb of first Chairman of NKR Supreme Council Arthur Mkrtchyan and tombs of Artsakh Liberation War heroes.
WHO Provides Food To Record 4.1 Million People In Syria
St. Paul Armenian Church Fresno, California Armenian Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan addressed a congratulatory message to Nagorno-Karabakh Prime Minister Ara Harutyunyan on Nagorno-Karabakh Independence Day, the Armenian government’s press service reports. “Artsakh’s independence is one of the greatest achievements in the Armenian history, which became possible thanks to the unity of all Armenians, invincible morale of Armenian soldiers and the Armenian people’s firm will to master their own fate. “I am sure that the determination of the Artsakh people and the consistent steps by the republic’s authorities will lead to the international recognition of the NagornoKarabakh Republic in the near future, particularly as long ago it gained the right to become a member of the large global family through the establishment of a democratic system and respect for the norms of international law,” the Armenian PM said.
St. Paul Armenian Church of Fresno is pleased to announce the appointment of Rev. Fr. Yessai Bedros as its new Parish Priest. His appointment was made by Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate of the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church, on August 6. Fr. Yessai was born in Kamishli, Syria and graduated from the Armenian Seminary of the Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia in 2006. He was ordained into the sacred order of priesthood that same year and has served in parishes in Isfahan, Iran and Lebanon. Fr. Yessai recently joined the Burbank, California-based Western Diocese of the Armenian Church. He is married to Vartine and they have two young sons. While Fr. Yessai has been a guest celebrant at St. Paul on several occasions since May, his first service as Parish Priest will be on Sunday, August 10 at the annual Grape Blessing Picnic on the grounds of the California Armenian Home located at 6720 E. Kings Canyon Road. Services will begin at 10:30 am with the Grape Blessing ceremony at 12 noon. At 29 years of age Fr. Yessai is an energetic young priest, who brings to the St. Paul parish a new level of excitement. His dedication to the Church and the Armenian people is founded in a deep level of spirituality. We extend an invitation to the Fresno Community to welcome and meet Fr. Yessai at the Grape Blessing Picnic.
PanARMENIAN.Net - The World Food Program said it provided food to a record 4.1 million people inside Syria last month. The UN agency said it was able to reach more people because of a Security Council resolution adopted in July that authorized the movement of humanitarian aid to Syrians in rebel-held areas without government approval. The aid is moved through crossings with Turkey, Jordan and Iraq. Previously, the Syrian government had to approve all aid shipments. The UN agency said in a statement on Tuesday, Sept 2, that over the last six weeks, it has reached more than 580,000 people with deliveries that crossed across battle lines. That number includes five cross-border convoys that delivered rice, lentils, oil, pasta and other staples for 69,500 in hardto-reach zones in Aleppo, Idlib, Quneitra and Daraa provinces.
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday September 4, 2014
Reflection On Life And Times Sebouh Apkarian
TCA Arshag Dickranian School Starts Its 2014-2015 Academic Year
Armenian International Women’s Association Hon. Jackie Lacey, District Attorney Of Los Angeles County, Guest Speaker At September 9
By Mark Chenian
Luncheon Of The AIWA
Sebouh Apkarian name was and will remain associated with two institutions, Melkonian Educational Institute, Cyprus, and KOHAR Symphony Orchestra and Choir, Armenia. He was a privileged beneficiary of both, and a contributor to their missions. To participate in the impact that these two institutions had on the Armenian experience worldwide is a privilege indeed. The genesis of Melkonian, a rockfellerian undertaking, was the response to the one of the saddest chapters in the history of mankind. The Institute, from its inception, became that safe harbor for the intellectuals who miraculously survived, Parsegh Ganatchian, Boghos Kevorkian, Hagop Oshagan, Vahan Tekeyan, to name a few, the pioneers who christened the mission and the legacy of MEI. In 1959, a “revolution” took place on the eastern shores of the Mediterranean with Armenia’s Song and Dance Ensemble’s tour. Sebouh Apkarian was part of the Cyprus delegation to UNESCO auditorium, in Beirut. That “revolutionary” wave penetrated the whole region. In schools and cultural associations, the repertoires expended with Song and Dance model. The Armenian radio program in Nicosia Cyprus, with Sebouh Apkarian’s voice, was a major catalyst in that penetration. Almost forty years later, that same impact was the catalyst for the Genesis of KOHAR. KOHAR’s founder, the son of a beneficiary of the MEI legacy, recognizing the “voice” of the Armenian radio hour from Cyprus, invited Sebouh Apkarian to participate in KOHAR’s mission, the second revolutionary wave, this time with symphony orchestra and choir model. With this second privilege vested in him, the Maestro, with KOHAR, reached three continents, with the state of the art technology and logistics, a penetration that Armenians all over the world needed to re-christen with KOHARS “AYP” “PEN” “KEEM”. And now, from the theater of Heavens, the Maestro will follow the continuation of the legacies of both Melkonian and KOHAR, with utmost satisfaction, and reciting our poet’s “Inch Vor Deveer… Ruggiero Leoncavallo's "Vesti la giubba..." in Pagliacci, perhaps paints the real "Life and Times" of Sebouh Apkarian. As for KOHAR, in Canio's words, "On with your costume...". There is a world waiting for your AYP PEN KEEM...!!! Vartsket Gadar Maestro…!!!
With the pomp and circumstance of its traditional Opening Ceremony, TCA Arshag Dickranian School re-opened its doors for its 34th consecutive scholastic year to its students on Monday, August 25, at 8:30 a.m. The guests of the event included Archpriest Manoug Markarian, Pastor of St. John Church, School Benefactor Mr. Hmayak Baltayan, TCA Board Member and former ADS teacher Mr. Vatche Semerdjian and TCA Boatd Member Mr. Kevork Keushkerian. Among the ADS Board Members attending were Chairman Mr. George K. Mandossian, Vice Chair Mr. Parsegh Kartalian, Treasurer Mrs. Angine Garibyan, PTO Liaison Mrs. Shirley Kandralyan and Alumni Liaison Dr. Lisa Meneshian. The Opening Ceremony took place at the School courtyard, where students ranging from pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade gathered under the supervision of their teachers, along with the presence of dedicated parents. Dr. Lisa Meneshian, welcomed students, teachers, board members and guests and asked them to rise for the renditions of the US, Armenian and School anthems. She then invited Archpriest Manoug Markarian to the podium. Father Manoug first conveyed the blessings of His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate of the Western Diocese, and then started the ceremony with his prayers, blessing attendants and the new scholastic year. Dr. Meneshian invited Mr. Mandossian to deliver his message on behalf of the Board of Trustees. Mr. Mandossian greeted the students, parents, teachers and guests, and noted the exciting developments that took place at the School during the summer vacation, such as the installation of a security surveillance system throughout the School campus to ensure efficient safety measures and upgrading teachers' kitchen to a brand new one, which was a donation from parent Mr. Gagik Kniazian and the labor Mr. Andy Asatryan of Apple Home Developer Inc. Mr. Mandossian thanked Mr. Kniazian and Mr. Asatryan for their generous effort
in supporting the School. Another highlight of Mr. Mandossian's speech was thanking high School art history teacher, Mrs. Polet Zargarian, and middle & elementary School art teacher, Miss Ani Vardanyan, for adding creative artwork to the walls of the courtyard with the help of students from 5th through 9th grades. Mr. Mandossian concluded his speech by wishing everyone a productive year and reaffirming the Board's pledge to face all challenges with resolution to serve the community for years to come. Next, Dr. Meneshian invited Principal Dr. Manoug Seraydarian to deliver his speech. Dr. Seraydarian greeted the attendants and welcomed the students to the new academic year and reminded all of the importance of the roles knowledge, education and discipline play in our lives. He continued by introducing the new teachers, the new addition of a Dean of Students at TCA Arshag Dickranian School and the shift the School has made in the textbooks to be used this academic year, in compliance with new standards of education. Following Dr. Seraydarian's speech, tenth grade students Lily and Ani Sarafian delivered two heartfelt recitations of the poems "Hayots Lezoun" and "Keechenk Payts Hayenk" by Barooyr Sevag, igniting an air of commitment within the hearts of the attendants to work on the betterment of their education in order to serve their Armenian community. First grade students then released balloons with the colors of the Armenian flag and sounded the first bell of the School day. In conclusion of the program, MC Dr. Meneshian wished everyone a fruitful new scholastic year and asked parents and guests to enjoy the refreshments and the assortment of cookies served by the PTO, while students headed to their classrooms to attend their first lesson of the year. Located at 1200 North Cahuenga Blvd., Los Angeles, the TCA Arshag Dickranian Armenian School is a federally tax exempt, Pre-K to 12th grade private educational institution. For more information visit www.dickranianSchool.org.
Shipment To Artsakh In order to continuously improve the infrastructure of Artsakh and the lives of those who occupy these lands we have to continuously provide humanitarian and medical assistance to our compatriots back home; and were glade to say that today with the help from community volunteers and activists, we were able to compile in total 11 boxes, making this our biggest and most vital shipment yet. Of the 11 packages sent 10 consisted of of crucial medical supplies, and 1 box consisted of new school supplies for a newly built kindergarten in Lernahovit; none of which would have been possible if it were not for the constant support of Maggy Armenians, Sherman Oaks Hospital, and Encino Hospital who helps facilitate us with constant medical supplies day in and day out. With more and more community members of all ages
coming together we also want to thank UPiCK Café for their continual support when it comes to feeding our hungry group members, and always lending a helping hand. We are hopeful that our efforts will only bring us closer together and progress in order to ensure the prosperity of Artsakh and its citizens. Please visit us at www.Hyerunited.org and give us a helping hand by clicking on the “Donate” tab so you too can become apart of the cause!
The Los Angeles Affiliate of the Armenian International Women’s Association are proud to announce that the Honorable Jackie Lacey, District Attorney of Los Angeles County, will be the Guest Speaker at a luncheon on September 9. This special event will be held at The Athenaeum, California Institute of Technology, 551 South Hill Street, Pasadena, California, with a reception at 11:30 a.m., followed by luncheon at 12:00 noon. Silva Katchiguian, President of AIWALA, stated that a capacity crowd is expected to hear from the first woman and first African –American to serve as Los Angeles County District Attorney since the office was created in “We are very excited that District Attorney Jackie Lacey will take time from her busy schedule to address our guests and to bring us up to date on the operations of the office, the major types of crimes and cases prosecuted by the office and the high-level policy decisions affecting the pursuit of justice.” The Hon. Jackie Lacey was sworn in as the 42nd District Attorney on December 3, 2012, and oversees roughly 1,000 lawyers, nearly 300 investigators and about 800 support staff employees. She has spent most of her professional life as a prosecutor, manager, and executive in the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office. A Los Angeles native and graduate of the University of Southern California Law School, Ms. Lacey joined the largest local prosecutorial office in the nation in 1986 as a Deputy District Attorney and worked her way through the ranks as a front-line prosecutor. While serving as a Deputy District Attorney, Ms. Lacey prosecuted hundreds of serious criminal cases, winning national attention for her successful prosecution of the county’s first race-based hate crime murder. She was recognized by the U.S. Department of Justice in May 2000 for prosecuting this case and for participating on the Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee. Starting in 2000, Ms. Lacey took on management and executive roles in the District Attorney’s Office. Her duties included reviewing nearly every major case the office prosecuted; serving on the office’s special circumstance committee that reviews death penalty cases, and making decisions affecting the management of the office In 2011, Ms. Lacey was named Chief Deputy District Attorney responsible for overseeing the day to day operations of the office. She has overseen the development of several ground breaking crime-fighting initiatives within the office, including the nation’s first Animal Cruelty Protection Program, the Graffiti Prosecution Program, and the Project Safe Neighborhoods Gun Prosecution Program. As a result of Ms. Lacey’s career achievements in trial, and her leadership efforts, the Los Angeles and San Francisco Daily Journal named her one of the Top Women Litigators of 2009. Many prominent members of the Armenian community have had successful careers in the Los Angeles County District Attorneys Office. The alumni include the Cont. on p. 10
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday September 4, 2014
Turkish Group Wants To Perform Friday Prayer In Armenia
Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide
29 - Ayse Gunaysu By Hambersom Aghbashian
A group of Turkish NGOs have by Delta toolbar" id="_GPLITA_0"applied to the Foreign Ministry asking permission to perform the Friday prayer at the Blue Mosque of Yerevan in the Armenian capital. Led by the “Organization for Fighting Against Baseless Armenian Allegations” (AS!MDER), the NGOs released a statement saying they would like to perform Friday prayer on Sept. 5, 2014 in Yerevan. The Head of AS!MDER, Göksel Gülbey, said the move is “a step toward dialogue and overcoming problems between Turkey and Armenia and we now expect Armenia to make a [friendly] gesture toward us.” The group made an official by Delta toolbar" id="_GPLITA_1"application to the Turkish Foreign Ministry on Aug. 16, disre-
garding the fact that the majority of Muslims in Turkey adhere to the Hanefi Sunni tradition, though the mosque is primarily open to service Shiite Muslims. “We, as the grandsons of Muslim Turkish families that were forced to migrate from the place formally known as the Erivan Khanate, we would now like to pray in the Blue Mosque in Yerevan,” he said. “In Turkey, the Armenian community is practicing their religion in a free and by Delta toolbar" id="_GPLITA_2"secure way. Why can we not practice our religion on those lands, from whence our ancestors were forced to migrate? We grew up with the stories of those lands and now we want to see them and perform prayers there,” Gülbey added. !
Armenian Engineers and Scientists of America
IT Industry In Armenia, And Diaspora's Involvement by Harmik Baghdasarian, Al Eisaian, and Aram Ter-Martirosyan Tuesday, September 16, 2014, 7:30 pm Location: Parsons Corporation, 100 W Walnut St, Pasadena, CA 91124 Three entrepreneurs from Los Angeles who have established various successful Information Technology (IT) related bossiness in Armenia will present their stories, successes, and difficulties. They will address how to be profit-driven and not philanthropy-driven, establish and maintain high standards, how to compete and operate in Armenia, and most importantly how to commit time and resources This will be a great opportunity for people who are thinking to establish businesses in high tech in Armenia to hear how these three have succeeded. Speakers Harmik Baghdasarian has a B.S. in Computer Science from London University, England. He has been involved in implementation of large scale ERP systems for various global organizations, such as Epson Inc, Sony Enterprises, and Able Freight in US. Harmik has been an active member of the community and has been actively involved in working with Armenia in pursue of creating IT related jobs. Al Eisaian is an entrepreneur, technology investor, and advisor. He has an MBA from Pepperdine University and a BSEE from Oklahoma State University. His most recent company, IconApps, Inc., where he served as founder and Chairman & CEO, was acquired by Science Inc. Al has served as the Global Head of Product Strategy and Marketing for Opera Solutions, a global Big-Data analytics company from 2010-2011. Aram Ter-Martirosyan holds a B.S. from UCLA in Computer Science and Engineering and M.S. in Business Administration from Pepperdine University. He started his professional career in 1993 at Lexi International, a telecommunications company, as a software engineer and very rapidly advanced to senior software engineer, project manager, and ultimately, software architect. Please RSVP by e-mail so your name will be with the guards at the entrance which will expedite your signing in process - Areg.gharabegian@parsons.com The lecture is free and open to the public with validated parking.
ISIL Beheads Another US Journalist The ISIL terrorist group has released a video that claims to show the beheading of Steven Sotloff, a US journalist being held hostage by the militants. Last month, the White House confirmed the authenticity of a gruesome video showing the beheading of US journalist James Foley by ISIL. The video shows a black-masked ISIL militant beheading Foley in retaliation for US airstrikes against the group in Iraq. It also warns that the group would slay Sotloff, if the US president did not halt the airstrikes. “The life of this American citizen, Obama, depends on your next decision,” the ISIL militant said.
Ayse Gunaysu is a Turkish Human rights advocate, feminist and a professional translator. She has been a member of the Committee Against Racism and Discrimination of the Human Rights Association of Turkey (Istanbul branch) since 1995, and is a columnist for Ozgur Gundem( Free Agenda). Since 2008, she writes a column titled "Letters from Istanbul," for the Armenian Weekly. Her research Interests are Space and Place, Turkish and Middle East Studies, Kurdish Question in Turkey, Turkish Nationalism, Middle East Studies, and Modern Turkey. She is also involved in Genocide issues, specially the Armenian Genocide and its consequences and continuation till current days. Through her articles, researches, interviews and active participation in Genocide commemoration events and conferences, she is working very hard with many other intellectuals to change the official Turkish view and position, demand and get the Armenian Genocide recognized by the Turkish government.(1)(2). On March 23, 2009, at the Genocide Conference "Legacy of the 1915 Genocide in the Ottoman Empire" in Stockholm, Ayse Gunaysu said " Nearly a century after the genocide of Armenians and Assyrians/Syriacs as well as other Christian peoples of the Asia Minor,Turkey is still being poisoned by the suppression of the truth. Suppressed truth poisons the suppressor, it also poisons those who are deprived of the knowledge of the truth. Not only that, suppressed truth poisons the entire environment in which both the suppressor and those who are subjected to that suppression live. So it poisons everything.(3) According to " hyeforum.com, Aprl 30, 2009", on April 24,2009, the Istanbul branch of the Human Rights Organization of Turkey organized an event commemorating the Armenian Genocide in Istanbul. Ayse Gunaysu , one of the organizers quoted Lawyer Eren Keskin saying "Today is the 24th of April, the 94th anniversary of the arrests in Istanbul which started the Armenian Genocide in 1915." She added, "The official history [in Turkey] denies the genocide, but we know what happened and we believe it's important to tell people the truth. So, today we will commemorate the most brilliant intellectuals of the Ottoman Armenians: the poets, writers, physicians, lawyers, and members of parliament, who were taken away on the 24th of April,1915 and murdered."(4) At the invitation of the Armenian Council of Europe & Surb Khach Tebrevank, Ayse Gunaysu, representative of the League of Human Rights in Turkey, and Ara Sarafian, a historian and President of the Komitas Institute in London , gave a lecture on April 27, 2012 at the Alex Manoogian Cultural Centre (AGBU) in the Rue de Courcelles in Paris. In her lecture , Ayse Gunaysu said “ I want you to know that for me to be here is an honor. I am proud. But I also have a sense of shame. The origin of this shame that I have today is because I come from that State. That State who is the author of this genocide. “she said. Continuing on to say that “ if there was no genocide in 1915, the Armenian population would rise to 17 million today. At that time, one in five was not a Muslim, which the Armenians. Today they represent only a drop in the ocean. That is why today I have this feeling of shame."(5)
In a review of "Rifat Bali"s book titled " Devlet in Ornek Yurttaslari –Cumhuriyet Yıllarında Türkiye Yahudileri 19502003," , “ The Model Citizens of the State–Jews of Turkey in the Republican Period 1950-2003.”, Ayse Gunaysu wrote on how Turkey threatened and manipulated Turkish and other Jews. She said " In his 670-page book, Rifat Bali gives a detailed account of the Turkish government’s efforts to mobilize its Jewish subjects to win the support of the Jewish lobby in the United States against the Armenian campaigners. At the same time, Bali shows, how the Turkish authorities played the Israeli government against U.S. policymakers for the same purpose. The book also offers rich material about how Turkish diplomats and semi-official spokesmen of Turkish policies, while carrying out their lobbying activities, threatened both Israel and the U.S. by indicating that if the Jewish lobby failed to prevent Armenian initiatives abroad—Turkey might not be able to guarantee the security of Turkish Jews. But this is not all. Rifat Bali throughout his book unfolds the entire socio-political setting of the process of making the Jewish community leaders active supporters of Turkish governments’ struggle against the “Armenian claims” in the international arena.(6) In an interview (January 19, 2014), concerning Hrant Dink's assassination, (hetq.am/eng/news/32061), Ayse Gunaysu mentioned that their committee knew of him since the first issue of Agos in 1996, and they were in close contact since then. Hrant Dink was the person who was able to change the perception of Armenians in the eyes of a large section of Turkish society , she said . Her Answer to a question "why do you think Hrant Dink was killed? was "I think it’s because genocide is not something that happened and finished between 1915 and 1923. It still continues with an aggressive, crude, and gross denial."(7) According to http://artsakhpress.am (April 24, 2014), The American Jewish Committee issued a commemorative address on the 99th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. Also a number of French, Turkish and Armenian public figures, intellectuals and artists called Turkey to commemorate the 99th anniversary of Genocide in coming a step closer to justice and democracy, Le Monde daily said. Among those undersigned are: Charles Aznavour, singer; Bernard-Henri Lévy, French public intellectual and author; Bernard Kouchner, ex-foreign minister of France; Adam Michnik, editor-in-chief of Poland's largest newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza; Paul Morin, executive director of the European Grassroots Antiracist Movement(EGAM); Ayse Gunaysu, the president of the Istanbul branch of the Human Rights Association of Turkey; and many others.(8) On March 11, 2014, The Armenian Mirror- Spectator wrote " Relics from the Armenian genocide will be unveiled during a conference focusing on the heroes and survivors of the genocide at the Ararat-Eskijian Museum on March 22. Filmmaker Bared Maronian along with British journalist Robert Fisk, Prof. Vahakn Dadrian, Dr. Hayk Demoyan, Ayse Gunaysu, Missak Keleshian, Shant Mardirossian, Dr. Rubina Peroomian and Prof. Vahram Shemmassian will take part in the daylong conference honoring those who aided in the rescue of Cont. on p.10
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday September 4, 2014
Open Music Society Foundation Pays Tribute To Aram Gharabekian
Open Music Society Foundation (OMSF) will be hosting a special evening celebrating the life and work of Aram Gharabekian, on Sunday, September 21, 2014, 6:00pm, at The Colburn School, Zipper Hall, 200 S. Grand Ave., Los Angeles, CA. Performances by Aida Amirkhanian, Nune Badalyan, Suren Bagratuni, Steve Amerson, Tamara Petrosyan, Ara Ghukasyan, Ella Melik-Husyan and Nona Alakhverdova in honor of Aram, his passion for music and his devotion to his homeland.
Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry Community Joins Together To Celebrate 15th Anniversary Of ABMDR Crystal-year Gala attended by hundreds; special awards conferred on longtimesupporters Los Angeles, August 14, 2014 – Match for Life, the annual Gala of the Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry (ABMDR), celebrated the 15th anniversary of the organization. More than 400 supporters, reflecting a cross section of the Los Angeles Armenian community and including church and community leaders, elected officials, and representatives of various health organizations, attended the jubilant event, which was held on the night of August 10, 2014, at the Glendale Hilton, in Glendale, California. Featuring a distinguished roster of speakers, the Gala served as a pan-national occasion to salute 15 years of ABMDR achievements, and also honor numerous individuals and organizations for their extraordinary support of its mission. The Gala was made possible by the major sponsorship of Glendale Adventist Medical Center. Following a cocktail hour and silent auction in the foyer and terrace of the hotel’s Glendale Ballroom, the evening’s main program began inside the hall, with opening remarks delivered by ABMDR Board member and Mistress of Ceremonies Taleen Khatchadurian. In the concluding segment of the event, a large Crystal-anniversary cake was cut to the delight of the audience, and the winners of the 2014 ABMDR Lottery were announced following a drawing by the young ABMDR Angels.
Dean Kay Appoints New Armenian Institute Director And Faculty
Salpi Ghazarian, a senior nonprofit and education sector professional, will lead USC Dornsife's Institute of Armenian Studies. Armenian studies scholars Richard Antaramian and Richard Hovannisian will bring their expertise to the institute as affiliated faculty. On August 14, USC Dornsife College of Letters Arts and Sciences Dean Steve Kay announced the appointment of Salpi Ghazarian as director of USC Dornsife's Institute of Armenian Studies (IAS) at a gathering of the IAS leadership council and supporters. In addition, Kay appointed Armenian studies scholars Richard USC Dornsife Dean Steve Kay (second from right) announced the Antaramian as the Turappointments of Richard Antaramian (left), Richard Hovannisian panjian Early Career and Salpi Ghazarian (right) during a gathering of the leadership Chair in Contemporary council and supporters of USC Dornsife's Institute of Armenian Armenian Studies and Studies. Photo by Shahe Melelian. assistant professor of hisholder of the Turpanjian Early Career Chair tory, and Richard Hovannisian as adjunct in Contemporary Armenian Studies. He professor of history. brings with him a vast knowledge of ArEstablished in 2005 as part of the long menian history and culture. He was repartnership between USC and the Armencently awarded his Ph.D. in history from ian community, the institute is structured the University of Michigan with a dissertaas a multidisciplinary center of learning tion titled: "In Subversive Service of the and research. Sublime State: Tanzimat, Consolidating JuGhazarian begins her post on Aug. 18. risdiction, and Armenian Reform in the OtShe arrives from the think-tank and advotoman Empire, 1844–1896." cacy group Civilitas Foundation, where she Hovannisian will take a leading role in was founding director. Managing a team of advising USC Shoah Foundation – The In60 professional and support staff, Ghazarstitute for Visual History and Education in ian helped introduce a new culture of civic its efforts to integrate nearly 400 interviews activism to Armenia's struggling democof Armenian Genocide survivors into its Viracy by establishing and expanding the sual History Archive, a collection of 53,000 foundation's programming to include civil testimonies of the Holocaust and other society strengthening, Internet media, and genocides. research and publishing. !
Antaramian will be the inaugural
Is now accepting scholarship applications for the 2014-2015 academic year Scholarship Criteria Armenian Descent or Special Interest in Armenian Medical Causes Armenian Community Service Completed Application Package. (Postmarked by September 30, 2014). $1,000 will be awarded to students enrolled in an American accredited medical, pharmacy, dental, physician assistant, nursing or other professional healthcare schools For applications visit www.aamsc.com Phone (818) 980-7777
Armenian International Women’s Association Cont. from p.8 Hon. Robert Philibosian who served a twoyear term as District Attorney; former Supreme Court Justice Armand Arabian, former member of the California Legislature Walter Karabian, Paul Geragos, and Arthur Avazian served as Deputy District Attorneys. Lily Balian served as Executive Assistant to District Attorney Evelle J. Younger during his two-term tenure. Tickets for the luncheon are $75.00. For information and/or reservations contact Houry Aposhian, 1215 Flintridge Avenue, LaCanada, CA 91011, (818) 434-5295; email: houry@phbancorp.com. Lily Ring Balian (310) 472-2454 Silva Katchiguian (909) 625-3413
Ayse Gunaysu ARPA Institute Presentation by Dr. Arda Jebejian On “The Urgency Of Maintaining And Revitalizing Western Armenian, An Endangered Mother Language” Thursday, September 11, 2014 @ 7:30PM In the Boolghoorjian Hall of the Merdinian school: 13330 Reverside Dr., Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
City Of Los Angeles Adopts Resolution Commending ABMDR Councilmember Paul Krekorian Presents Plaque During Ceremony In Council Chambers Los Angeles, August 18, 2014 – On the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry (ABMDR), the Los Angeles City Council honored the organization by adopting a Resolution commending its life-saving mission. Councilmember Paul Krekorian presented the Resolution to ABMDR President Dr. Frieda Jordan and other representatives of the registry during a ceremony held in Council Chambers on August 12, 2014. The ceremony was attended by the Los Angeles City Council. The ABMDR team
accepting the honor included, in addition to Dr. Jordan, ABMDR Executive Director Dr. Sevak Avagyan, Honorary Chair Dr. Bella Kocharian, Arpine Zohrabian, Alique Topalian, and Mr. and Mrs. Mourad and Arpi Topalian. Also present was Carmen Libaridian.
Cont. from p.9 survivors of the genocide from 1915 through 1930.(9) In an interview with Egyptian AlAhram weekly (April 30, 2014) concerning Erdogan's “condolences” to Armenians, Ayse Gunaysu, was sure that Erdogan had “changed his communications consultant because this is new language.” Gunaysu said that although Erdogan’s statement was the first of its kind “we in Turkey are so used to the worst that a little bit less worse surprises us and almost give us hope.”(10) 1.http://www.armenianweekly.com/2014/0 1/17/turkey-an-action-movie-without-a-goodguy/ 2.http://matematik.academia.edu/AyseGunaysu 3.http://www.armeniandiaspora.com/showt hread.php?163838-Ayse-Gunaysu-at-theGenocide-Conference-in-Stockholm 4.http://hyeforum.com/index.php?showtopic=21139 5.http://www.armenianlife.com/2012/04/30 /ayse-gunaysu-i-am-ashamed/ 6.http://www.newenglishreview.org/blog_e mail.cfm/blog_id/37890/Ayse-Gunaysu-OnHow-Turkey-Threatened-And-ManipulatedTurkish-And-Other-Jew 7.http://hetq.am/eng/news/32061/ayse-gunaysu%E2%80%9Chrant-was-assassinatedthats-the-reality-of-turkey%E2%80%9D.html/ 8.http://artsakhpress.am/eng/news/1053/a merican-jewish-committee-issues-address-on99th-anniversary-of-armenian-genocide.html 9.http://www.mirrorspectator.com/2014/03/ 11/a-childs-tattered-dress-sheds-light-on-armenian-genocide/ 10.http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/Print/6081.a spx
N.O. September 4, 2014, No. 33-34:N.O. Blank
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NOR ØR% S:PT:MB:R 4% 2014
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patouirakoujiune mrzawa\r hr vaman;l FAØK_i gl.auor qartou[ar Frac;a\ Âostom;ani gl.auorouj;amb! };x ;nq n;rka\aznoum Fa\astani 14 patouirakn;ri ;lo\jn;ri ardiunqn;re! • Yiuto\i mrza,aroum m;r miak n;rka\azouzic |aroujiun D;rmi,;ane (66 qk&) pronxh m;tali famar pa\qaroum 3 \a[janak tøn;z% saka\n 4-rd mrzawhyoum partou;z ;u grau;z 7-rd t;[e! • Marmnamarxik Wighn >acatr;ane c\a[jafar;z marmnamarxouj;an baxmamarti orakauorman 'ouli arg;lqe! Wighne masnakz;z 6 warvoujiunn;riz mia\n corsin^ dours mnalow \;taga\ pa\qariz! Axat warvoujiunoum na granz;z 3-rd ardiunqe% ø[akn;ri wra\^ 4-rd% nviugaja';roum^ 17-rd% isk \;nazatkoum^ 2-3-rd! Mius 2 warvoujiunn;re Wighne baz h jo[;l mh=qi zaui patya®ow! • Fra]ig Xauhn Igij;ane 10 m& ødam[ic atryanakow mrza];uoum grau;l h 5-rd t;[e! • A[=ikn;ri sporta\in marmnamarxouj;an mrza,ari baxmamartoum \a[jo[ h yanacou;l ÂD-i n;rka\azouzic S;da Jouj.al;ane! • ÂD-i n;rka\azouzic j;nisist Karhn >;canowe anfatakani qa®ord ;xra'akicoum partou;z ;u dours mnaz \;taga\ pa\qariz! • FF ølimpiakan a®a=in ar‘ajh m;tale nouay;z fra]ig Fracik Baba\;ane% ow 10 m& ødam[ic frazani mrzoumn;roum 204 miauorow 2-rdn hr% xi=;low mia\n cinazi Fanoran :angin (209)! • Lo[ord Wafan M.ijar;ane% ow na;u FF fauaqakani drø,akakirn hr 50 m& pat;r`la\ lo[a];uoum zo\z tou;z 26&40 wrk& ardiunq% ince bauakan chr kisa;xra'akic dours galou! Wafane kisa;xra'akici ou[;gir cnouay;z na;u 50 m& ;u 100 m& axat oyi mrzoumn;roum! • ’anramartikn;ri pa\qaroum fianali ;lo\j oun;zau |akob Mkrtc;ane (77 qk&)% ow ;rkamarti 319 qk& (142+177) ardiunqow f®cakou;z ølimpiakan a.o\;an! N,;nq% or patan;kan ølimpiadan;ri patmouj;an enjazqoum da Fa\astani a®a=in oskh m;taln hr! • ’anramartik Simon Martiros;ane (+85 qk&) ;rkamartoum fauaq;low 391 qk& (170+221)% FF famar nouay;z 2-rd oskh m;tale% ambo[= 55 qk&ow g;raxanz;low 2-rd t;[e graua‘ marxiki zouzani,e% safman;low patanin;ri a,.arfi ;u ølimpiakan .a[;ri mrzani,! • 16-am;a\ ‘anrordn;ri Sona Pø[os;ane (53 qk&) xba[;zr;z 6-rd t;[e^ 179 qk& (79+100) ;rkamarti ardiunqow! • B®nzqamartikn;r Nar;k Manas;ane (81 qk&) \a[j;low jourq M;fm;t Ou`ouk T;kn;cin% dours ;kau kisa;xra'akic! M;r g;[;zik s;®i n;rka\azouzic Anou, Grigor;ane (51 qk&) \a[j;low [axa.oufiin no\nphs dours ;kau kisa;xra'akic! Nar;ke kisa;xra'akicoum 1-2 fa,ouow xi=;z [axa.stanzi Wadim Kaxakowin ;u pronxh m;tali famar pa\qaroum \a[j;low britanazi marxikin nouay;z pronxh m;tal! Anou, Grigor;ane no\nphs xi=;z cinazi b®nzqamartikin ;u pronxh m;tali famar pa\qaroum 1-2 fa,ouow xi=;z jourq marxoufi Nariman Istikin! • |ounaf®omhakan oyi embi, Xauhn Miqa\hl;ane (57 qk&) dours hr ;k;l ;xra'akic% ort;[ 1-4 fa,ouow xi=;low ÂD-i n;rka\azouzicin bauararou;z ar‘ajh m;talow!
• 10 m& a,tarakazatki mrzoumn;roum L;u Sargs;ane 11 masnakizn;ri zouzakoum xba[;zr;z 7-rd t;[e! Sargs;ane orakauorman 'ouloum xba[;zr;l hr 2-rd t;[e! • Ølimpiada\i w;r=in øre pa\qari mh= mtan axat oyi embi,n;r Wa[inak Maj;uos;ane (54 qk&) ;u Sargis |owsh';ane (76 qk&)% owq;r irauounq stazan pa\qar;lou pronxh m;taln;ri famar! M;r ;rkou embi,n;rn hl m;‘ a®au;louj;amb \a[janakn;r taran ;u arvanazan pronxh m;taln;ri! A\spisow Nan=ingi 2-rd patan;kan Ølimpiakan .a[;roum fa\astanzi marxikn;re nouay;zin 2-akan oskh ;u ar‘ajh ;u ;r;q pronxh m;tal ;u jima\in fa,ouarkoum Slow;nia\i f;t bavan;zin 29-30-rd t;[;re! Jima\in fa,ouarkoum a®a=ine Cinastani fauaqakann hr 65 m;tal (38 oskh% 13 ar‘ajh% 14 pronxh)% 2& Âousastan^ (27% 19% 11)% 3& AMN^ 22 (10% 5% 7)&&&% 10& Atrph\yan^ 12 (5% 6^ 1)&&&% 24& Iran^ 6 (3% 0% 3)&&&% 39& Jourqia^ 10 (1% 3% 6)&&&% 58 Wrastan^ 3 (10% 2% 1)! Øgostosi 30-in fa\ ølimpiakann;re vaman;zin :r;uan! ªXouarjnozº ødanauaka\anoum nranz m;‘ ,ouqow dimauor;zin!
FF BAR}RAGO|NN >MBI AÂA+NOUJIUNOUM :U GAUAJI >A{ARKOUJIUNE • Ka\aau FF bar]rago\n .mbi a®a=nouj;an 5-rd mrza'oule! Afa a\d fandipoumn;ri ardiunqn;re& ªAraratº-ªMikaº^ 2-0 ªAla,k;rtº-ªOulisº^ 0-2 ª<irakº-ªGan]asarº ;u ªBananzº-ª"iunikº^ fandipoumn;re \;ta]gou;zin! Mrza,ara\in a[iusak >& |& F& P& G& M& Oulis 5 4 1 0 7-0 13 <irak 4 3 0 1 5-1 9 "iunik 4 3 0 1 5-2 9 Gan]asar 4 2 1 1 3-3 7 Bananz 4 1 1 2 4-4 4 Ala,k;rt 5 1 1 3 3-7 4 Ararat 5 1 0 4 4-10 3 Mika 5 0 2 3 2-6 2 • Ka\aau a\s mrza,r=ani FF gauaji .a[arkouj;an wiyakafanoujiune! Qa®ord ;xra'akicoum ke fandip;n& ªOulisº-ªBananzº% ªMikaº-ªGan]asarº% ª"iunikº-ª<irakº% ªAraratº-ªAla,k;rtº xo\g;re! Fandipoumn;ri anzkazman vamanakn;re d;® c;n oro,oua‘!
AUARTOI:Z <A>MATI ØLIMPIADAN FA|ASTANI KANANZ FAUAQAKANE 5-RD T:{OUM T{AMARDKANZ FAUAQAKANE^ 8-RD Norw;gia\i Troms\ø qa[aqoum auartou;z ,a.mati 41-rd ølimpiadan! M;nq ];x fa-
[ord;l ;nq FF t[amardkanz ;u kananz fauaqakann;ri minc;u 5-rd mrza'oule n;ra®;al fandipoumn;ri ardiunqn;re! Afa mnaza‘ mrza'oul;roum m;r jim;ri ardiunqn;re& 6-rd mrza'oul% t[amardik Fa\astanAnglia^ 2&5-1&5 kana\q Fa\astan-Qoupa^ 2&51&5! 7-rd mrza'oul% t[& Fa\astan-Foungaria^ 2-2% a[=& Fa\astan-AMN^ 2-2! 8-rd mrza'oul% t[& Fa\astan-Fndkastan^ 2-2% a[=& Fa\astan-Qoloumpia^ 3&5-0&5! 9-rd mrza'oul% Fa\astan-S;rpia^ 2-2% a[=& Fa\astan-Âousastan^ 1&5-2&5! 10-rd mrza'oul% t[& Fa\astanWi;jnam^ 2-2% a[=& Fa\astan->orouajia^ 2&5-1&5! 11-rd mrza'oul% t[& Fa\astan-C;.ia^ 3-1% a[=& Fa\astan-Ispania^ 2&5-1&5! A\spisow t[amardkanz mrza,aroum 19 miauorow a.o\;an f®cakou;z Cinastani fauaqakane! 17-akan miauorow ar‘ajh ;u pronxh m;talakirn;r dar]an Foungaria\i ;u Fndkastani entranin;re! |a=ord t;[;roum ;n 4& Âousastan% 5& Atrph\yan 17-akan% 6& Ouqrania% 7& Qoupa% 8& Fa\astan% 9& Isra\hl% 10& Ispania% 11& P;la®ous^ 16-akan% 12& Folandia% 13& ~ransia% 14& AMN^ 15-akan miauor! AMN-i jimi kaxmoum masnakzoum hr Warouvan |akob;ane! T[amardkanz mrza,arin masnakzoum hin 177 jim;r! Mia\n Cinastani jime partoujiun ckr;z! Fa\astani fauaqakane zo\z tou;z w;r=in tasnam;aki watago\n ardiunqe! FF fauaqakani .a[azo[n;ri zouzani,n;re& L;uon Aron;an (10 .a[% 6&5 miauor% a®anz partouj;an)% Gabrihl Sargs;an (11 .a[% 7&5 miauor)% S;rgh\ Mowsis;an (11 % 6&5)% Wladimir |akob;an (11% 7&5% a®anz partouj;an)% Tigran Qojan=;an (1%1)! Kananz mrza,aroum 20 miauorow ølimpiada\i \a[jo[ yanacou;z ÂD-i fauaqakane! Âousn;re miak^ 1&5-2&5 fa,ouow partoujiun kr;zin ouqraniazn;riz! 18-akan miauorow ar‘ajh ;u pronxh m;talakirn;r dar]an cinazin;re ;u ouqraniazin;re! 17-akan miauorow \a=ord t;[;re grau;zin 4& Wrastane% 5& Fa\astane ;u 6& {axa.stane% 7& L;fastan% 8& AMN% 9& G;rmania^ 16-akan% 10& Fndkastan% 11& Âouminia% 12& ~ransia^ 15-akan miauor! AMN-i jimi kaxmoum fandhs hr galis Taj;u Abrafam;ane! Kananz mrza,arin masnakzoum hin 136 jim;r! FF kananz fauaqakane zo\z tou;z ir lauago\n zouzani,e! Fauaqakani andamn;ri zouzani,n;re& Hlina Danihl;an (9 .a[% 6 miauor)% Lilij Mkrtc;an (11 .a[% 8 miauor)% Lilij Galo\;an (11% 6)% w;ron,;al bolor a[=ikn;rn hl partoujiunn;r ;n kr;l% <ou,anna Sargs;an (2%2)! • J;rji a,.atakizn;ri ar]akourdi patya®ow oro, niuj;r \a\tnoum ;nq ou,azoumow!
Bavanordagrou;lou famar Âamkawar Axatakan Kousakzouj;an ;l;ktrona\in mamoulin% };r e-mail faszhn krnaq [rk;l ragmamoul@gmail.com