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N.O. September 18, 2014, No. 36:N.O. Blank


1:39 PM

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FING<ABJI% S:PT:MB:R 18% 2014


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WAT |I<O{OUJ:AMB HRTO{ANE FAKAAFAB:KCAKAN DRØ< KE PARXH Jourqio\ na.agaf Hrto[ane Katar t;[i oun;naliq a\zhn a®a= ødaka\anin mh= mamlo\ asoulis toua‘ h! Jourqio\ na.agaf Hrto[ane n,a‘ h% or mi=axga\in XLM-n;roun mh= tara‘oua‘ fa[ordagroujiunn;re irakanouj;an f;t kap counin% esa‘ h& ªJourqio\ dirqoro,oume afab;kcouj;an dhm pa\qare parx h ;u m;nq oc mhk xi=man c;nq ;rjarº! Lragro[n;rhn mhke% \i,;zn;low AMN p;tqartou[ar Yon Q;rii Jourqia katara‘ a\zi masin% farzouza‘ h% jh incph#s na.agafe ke gnafath anor a\ze ;u na.agaf Øpama\i^ ªIslamakan P;touj;anº grofa\inn;rou dhm pa\qari ‘ragire! Hrto[ane patas.ana‘ h& ªM;nq zouzadra‘ ;nq a\s farzow m;r dirqoro,oume ;u Jourqio\ w;rab;rmounqe tara‘a,r=anin mh= afab;kcouj;an zankaza‘ drs;uorman w;rab;r;al! M;nq inqn;rs ke pa\qarinq m;r ;rkrin mh= afab;kcakan \a\tni kaxmak;rpoujiunn;rou dhm ;u git;nq tara‘a,r=anin mh= afab;kcakan ,at kaxmak;rpoujiunn;rou masin! Jourqian mi,t ou,adrouj;an k;dronin mh= ke pafh anonqº! ªM;nq ke ,arounak;nq m;r gor‘ounhoujiune artasafman;an grofa\inn;rou% incphs na;u m;r ;rkrin mh= afab;kcakan kaxmak;roujiunn;rou andamn;rou dhmº% esa‘ h an!


S;pt;mb;r 14-in^ >acw;razi tønin Gar;gin B& Am;na\n Fa\oz Kajo[ikose m;kn;zau Tauou,i j;m% our fandisap;t;z B;rd qa[aqi noraka®o\z S& |owfannhs ;k;[;zuo\ ø‘man srbaxan araro[oujiune! Tara‘a-

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ISJANPOULI MHK MASE KRNA| W:RANAL AMN-i ;u Jourqio\ masnaghtn;rou anzouza‘ f;taxøtoujiunn;rou ardiunqe \a\tni dar]a‘ h% or Marmara ‘owin spasouo[ m;‘ ;rkra,arvi k;drone ke gtnoui Isjanpoulhn 8 qm& f;®auorouj;an gtnouo[ ª<afxadh k[xin;rou fatoua‘º kocoua‘ ªsh\smikº øya.in mh=! A\s masin% incphs ke fa[ordh ªArmhn'r;seº% ke \a\tn;n jrqakan XLM-n;re^ n,;low% or a\d tara‘qin mh= w;r=in fxør ;rkra,arve t;[i oun;za‘ h 250 tari a®a=! Masnaghtn;roun kar‘iqow^ Marmara ‘owi .orouj;an wra\ gtnouo[ a\d sh\smik datarkouj;an ar;umt;an masin mh= ;rkrak;[;ui or;uh znzoum ch granzoua‘! D;®;us \a\tni ch% jh nouaxago\ne 7 pal ouvgnouj;amb ;njadrouo[ ;rkra,arve ;rb ;u y,grit or fatoua‘in mh= krna\ ellal! Masnaghtn;re ke n,;n% jh ;rkra,arv;re a®a= k*enjanan ar;u;lqhn dhpi ar;umoutq ;u k*;njadr;n% jh 1999 jouakanin t;[i oun;za‘ ªG\ol=iuqº ;rkra,arvhn ;tq f;rjakan ;rkra,arvi k;drone piti ella\ Isjanpoul!


Arjour Al;qsan;an Arshn +oul`alak;an

Niuje kardal h= 16

OUQRANIA|IN ØGN:NQ% A|LAPHS AN MI+OUKA|IN XHNQ KE ST:{’H Ouqrania\i pa,tpanouj;an na.arar Wal;ri G;l;th\e mamlo\ asoulisi vamanak% \a\tarara‘ h% or Ouqranian krna\ w;rada®nal mi=ouka\in kargawiyaki w;rakangnman% ;jh Ar;umoutqi ko[mh a=akzoujiun cstana\! G;l;th\i .øsq;row a\d xhnqe ke pa,tpanh Ouqrania\in Âousastanhn! An y,da‘ h% or mi=ouka\in xhnq oun;zo[ ;rkri kargawiyakin w;rakangnman farze ørakargin wra\ d;® cka\!


~ransa\i na.agaf ~ransoua Ølante anz;al Ourbaj ør vamana‘ h Iraq^ ;rkri a\s ,abaj ];uauoroua‘ ka®awarouj;an a=akz;lou famar! Na.agafakan inqnaji®in mh= ;[a‘ h 15 jon foumanitar øgnoujiun% or ke faszoui Iraqi fiusisa\in Hrpil qa[aq! Ølante fandip;zau Iraqi [;kawarouj;an f;t! Ko[m;re qnnark;zin anwtangouj;an apafowman ;u afab;kicn;rou dhm pa\qari f;t kapua‘ wiyake! Au;li ou, ~ransa\i AGN [;kawar Loran ~apiouse \a\tarara‘ h% or anfrav;,touj;an paraga\in ~ransan krna\ masnakzil Iraqi mh= øda\in ®axmakan gor‘o[ouj;an! I

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Z:{ASPANAKAN DITAUOR:AL FAUAQAKAN MAF:R 1915-HN IW:R SARGIS |& MINAS:AN Souriakan qa[aqaziakan pat;raxme% or skixb a®au 2012-in% \atkan,ou;zau Pa,ar Asati i,.anouj;an dhm Ar;umoutqi ko[mh kaxmak;rpoua‘ pa\qarow me% oroun masnakz;zan baxmajiu ;rkirn;rh ;ka‘% ou Shoutakan Arabio\ ou Qajari ko[mh `inansauoroua‘ war]kan islam xin;aln;r! Asonz armatakan .mbauoroumn;re lour= ba.oumn;r ke ,arounak;n oun;nal jh* souriakan enddimadrouj;an ;u jh* souriakan banakin f;t! ’a\ra\;[akan a\s siunni ,arvoume kaxmak;rpou;low% ke ]gti fimn;l .ali`a\oujiun me% ma\raqa[aq oun;nalow Fiusis-Ar;u;l;an Sourio\ Âaqqa qa[aqe! +n=oua‘ h safmane Ar;u;l;an Sourio\ ;u Ar;umt;an Iraqi mi=;u! W;r=in 6 amisn;roun ISIS-e ,[ja\ax;r‘a‘ h la\n ar,auanq me Iraqhn n;rs% grau;low Ar;umt;an Iraqi gl.auor qa[aqn;re ;u auann;re% fasn;low minc;u Pa[tati d®n;re! Artaga[ja‘ ;n Fiusisa\in Iraqi qriston;a\ 'oqramasnoujiunn;re% incphs na;u^ :xitin;re% <apaqn;re% <ii Jiurqmhnn;re% asonzmh kar;uor .mbakn;r wa\ragørhn =ardou;low ou gndakafarou;low! :xitin;rhn m;‘amasnoujiune apastana‘ h Sinyar an=rdi l;ran ,our= bolore! Am;rik;an ødouve ou MAK-e snnd;[hn ou =our ke faszn;n% isk qiurt;re zamaqhn lrazouzic øvandakoujiunow ke t;[a'o.;n xanonq apafow qrtakan m;r]aka\ ,r=ann;r! Qriston;a\ ou ,ii bnakcouj;nhn mas me \a=o[a‘ h fasnil qrtakan pa,tpanouj;an tak gtnouo[ Irpil qa[aqe! Mousouli ou ,r=ani darauor ;rkou milion bnakcouj;nhn khs milione 'a.ousti dima‘ h! Asonz srbawa\r;re auari% frd;fi ou ,anjafaric kor‘anoumi ;njarkoua‘ ;n! ISIS-i i,.anoujiune Iraqi mh= =ardi ou gndakafaroumi ;njarka‘ h au;li qan 6%500 fogi! Isk Sourio\ mh=% qa[aqaziakan pat;raxmin xof gaza‘ ;n 191%400 an];r% artaga[ja‘ ;n 4 milion fogi% ou n;rqnaphs t;[a'o.oua‘^ 5 milion bnakicn;r! Ouqranio\ mh= qa[aqaziakan pat;raxme ‘a\r a®au 2013 No\;mb;rin% ;rb ka®awaroujiune m;rv;z :uropakan Miouj;an mianal! N;rka\is% ba.oumn;re k;dronaza‘ ;n gl.auorabar Âousastani safmanam;r] farau-ar;u;lqe gtnouo[ ;rkou m;‘ qa[aqn;rou^ Loufansqi (Lugansk) ou Ton;zqi ,our=% our ‘agoumow ®ous;r bou®n fakamartoujiun zo\z kou tan! Ka®awarakan ødouve ;u fr;tanin an.na\ ke ®mbako‘;n w;ro\i,;al baxmamard qa[aqn;re% ‘anr wnasn;r patya®;low! Au;li qan 415%800 fogi ga[ja‘ ;n Âousastan% ou kataroua‘ ;n na;u n;rqin la\n t;[a'o.oujiunn;r! Zard mafazoumn;roun jiue k*anzni 2%600-e% isk wirauorn;roune^ 5%000-e! <abajh me iw;r 'a.oust xinadadare ke ,arounakh go\at;u;l! A\s enjazqin% Malhx;an Enk;rouj;an patkano[% yambordatar jiu MH 17 ødanaue |oulis 17-in wa® a®nou;zau Faraua\in Ton;zqi mh=% enddimadrouj;an tirap;touj;an tak gtnouo[ tara‘ouj;an mh=! Mafazan lman an]nakaxme ou bolor yambordn;re^ 298 fogi% anyanac;li b;korn;rou w;ra‘oua‘! Frh,a\in a\s oyragor‘ouj;an patas.anatoun;re c;n y,doro,oua‘ takauin% ou ko[m;re xirar k*ambastan;n! *** Mardka\in o[b;rgouj;anz w;ro\i,;al ,arqe fauanabar ambo[=akan ch% ;rb nkati oun;nanq na;u Qorhakan (1950-53)% Wi;jnam;an (1959-1975)% A`[anistan;an (2001-hn iw;r) ;u Iraq;an (2003-in) Pat;raxmn;re% oronz enjazqin ;us masnaki maqragor‘oumn;r t;[i

FA|ASTANI MA{J:RGE "O>:LOU AÂA+ARK Nor ch a\s na.a];®noujiune% or a®a=in angam a®a=arkou;zau F;nrik Anas;ani ko[mh^ ord;grou;low ,at;rou ko[mh% minc;u a\sør gor‘adrouo[ ªM;r Fa\r;niq J,oua® Anthrºe 'o.arin;lou famar ªM;r Fa\r;niq Axat Anka.ºow% ba\z a\s a®a=arke m;rvou;zau Aram >acatour;ani fparta®ij ma[j;rge^ ªSow;takan Axat A,.arf Fa\astanºi sow;takane x;[=;low% saka\n Sow;takan i,.anouj;an t.our \i,atakn;row ta®apo[ vo[owourdhn a\d al m;rvou;zau^ faka®ak a\d srbagrouj;an! :jh Aram >acatour;ani a,.arfaf®cak st;[‘agor‘oujiune a\s kam a\n patya®ow m;rvou;zau% kan a\l fianali st;[‘agor‘oujiunn;r% oronq liouli ke ‘a®a\;n a\d npatakin% incphs A®nø Baba=an;ani ªSardarapati |a[j;rgeº% or ounkendir baxmoujiunn;re otqi fan;lou ouve ouni% Hdkar |owfannhs;ani ª:r;uan Hr;bouniº ;u ,at ouri,n;r% oronzmow faroust h fa\ ;rav,toujiune! Fa\r;ni p;touj;an ;u .orfrdaranin ou,adrouj;an ke \an]n;m a\s ;rkouqe% oronzmh iuraqanciure karo[oujiune ouni vo[owourdin fa\r;nasirakan xgazoumn;re arjnzn;lou ;u fa\r;niqi xørazman ;u pa,tpanouj;an famar ir qrtinqn ou ariune ja';lou! Z;[aspanouj;an 100-am;aki na.ør;akin anfrav;,t h a\d lalkan ;[anake 'o.arin;l w;ro\i,;al \a[j;rgn;rou mhkow kam miusow! Fa\k Nagga,;an Monjrhal

oun;za‘ ;n! A\s \ødoua‘in mh= matnan,oua‘ paragan;roun% bnoro,ic ;n z;[a\in .trakanoujiune% krønamoloujiune% b®natirakan karg;re% our \atkaphs go\oujiun oun;za‘ h miavamanak mhk kousakzouj;an tirap;toujiune ou g;rago\n [;kawari anfati pa,tamounq! An,ou,t pat;raxmn;rn ou qa[aqaziakan k®iun;re lauago\n qø[arkoume ke fa\ja\j;n a\d oyra\in ararqn;roun! Isk qa[aqatnt;sakan ou tirap;takan ,af;re m;‘ ;rkirn;rou \aya. ke m[;n frafr;lou go\oujiun oun;zo[ fakamartoujiunn;re p;toujiunn;rou mi=;u% kam ;rkrhn n;rs^ tarakar‘oujiunn;re a\laxan fosanqn;rou mi=;u! M;‘ mitian an,ou,t gnoua‘ h% ;u iro[oujiunn;re c;n fa[ordouir incphs or ;n% a\l ke n;rka\azouin ko[mnakal fa[ordoumn;row kam patk;razoumn;row! A\s bolorin mh=% mi,t otqi ko.an ke da®nan 'oqramasnoujiunn;re% manauand ;rb n;zouke c;n wa\;l;r m;‘ throuj;an me! Marde% mardoun fandhp% incph#s krna\ a\nqa@n gaxananal% manauand an.[yørhn .l;low k;anqe anm;[n;rou% oronq oc mhk d;rakataroujiun kam a[;rs ounin jaualo[ dhpq;rou enjazqin! Ardaroujiune dvouar jh an.tir partadr;li ella\% ou manauand^ gor‘adr;li bolor paragan;roun! M;r a\s \ødoua‘in npatakn h% miangamendmi,t% fraparakau za[k;l manauand oyra‘in ou z;[aspanakan bolor ararqn;re^ anfatn;rou ;u fauaqakanouj;anz axatouj;an fandhp! Mardka\nakanoujiune ;#rb piti sksi tirap;t;l!

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Armenian, Azeri Leaders Agree On Karabakh Talks In Paris PanARMENIAN.Net - Presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia gave their consent to the negotiations in Paris, the French envoy to Azerbaijan said. As Tert.am reported citing Azeri media, the meeting brokered by French President Francois Hollande will take place in late

Some EU Member States Have Purchased Oil From ISIL Militants In a briefing to the European Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee, EU Ambassador to Iraq Jana Hybaskova said some European countries have purchased crude from the ISIL. She, however, refused to disclose any names despite pressure by some Parliament members to do so. The EU official also warned against any support by the West for separatist Kurdish groups who, she said, would destabilize the Middle East. Earlier reports accused Turkey of buying and transporting oil from both the ISIL and Qaeda-linked Nusra Front. According to the reports, Western intelligence agencies could track ISIL oil shipments as they moved across Iraq and Turkey. ISIL reportedly controls eleven oil fields in northern Iraq as well as Syria’s Raqqa province. US intelligence officials estimate that the Takfiri militants earn more than USD 3 million a day from oil profit, theft, human trafficking and ransom.

British Prime Minister Has Warned The Scots Against Declaring Independence As a final push for the No campaign, Cameron made the comments during a speech on his final visit to Scotland on Monday before the independence referendum. "There's no going back from this. No rerun. If Scotland votes 'yes' the UK will split and we will go our separate ways forever," he said in an emotional manner. He also said that a ‘yes’ vote will not bring the changes the Scottish people desire. "If you don't like me, I won't be here forever. … We don't need to tear our country apart," he said, adding, "Please, please, don’t let anyone tell you can't be a proud Scot and a proud Briton." Earlier on Monday, Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond accused Cameron of using “scaremongering” tactics against Scotland’s independence from the UK. Scotland will have an independence day on March 24, 2016, if Scottish people vote to break away from the UK in a referendum, which is slated for September 18, 2014. Scottish authorities, however, argue that independence from the UK would free Scotland from London’s austerity policies and unnecessary military spending.

October. According to Pascal Monnier, the meeting participants will discuss Karabakh conflict settlement and issues in the peace process. He stressed the importance of the event that will follow the presidential meeting in Wales.

Karabakh Authorities’ Voices Should Be Heard: OSCE MG U.S. Co-Chair

NKR Foreign Minister Highly Appraises Motion About NKR Right To Self-Determination Adopted By Basque Country Parliament On September 12, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic Karen Mirzoyan visited the Basque Country Parliament, where he met with Parliament Speaker Bakartxo Tejeria Otermin, Information and Public Relations Department of the NKR Ministry of Foreign Affairs informed Armenpress. During the meeting, Karen Mirzoyan briefed on the processes of state-building in the Nagorno Karabakh Republic and the international recognition of Artsakh, as

well as the current stage of the peaceful settlement of the conflict between Azerbaijan and Karabakh. The sides exchanged views on the possibilities and prospects for cooperation between the legislative bodies of Artsakh and the Basque Country.

Pentagon Plans To Train 5,000 Militants In Syria The Pentagon plans to train and arm 5,000 militants in Syria as part of the Obama administration’s long-term strategy to confront the ISIL terrorist organization. President Barack Obama has requested $500 million from Congress to train and equip what Washington calls moderate militants fighting both the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and ISIL militants. Pentagon spokesman Rear Adm. John Kirby said military planners were still working on the details of that plan includ-

ing how to vet and recruit the insurgents. “We think that, now that we’ve got a partner in the region to help us with the training, is that we could train more than 5,000 fighters over the course of one year,” he said Friday. “Now, that would be in phases. It would not be all at once. The training itself would not take a full year, but we think that we could get more than 5,000 done in one year.” Kirby said that Saudi Arabia has already agreed to host the US training force.

US Is At War With ISIL In Syria And Iraq US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has told senators that the United States is “at war” with the ISIL terrorist group in Syria and Iraq. The Pentagon chief told the Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday that the US fight against ISIL "will not be an easy or brief effort. It is complicated." "We are at war with ISIL, as we are Members of the anti-war activist group with al-Qaeda," Hagel said. "But destroyCodePink interrupt a Senate Armed Services ing ISIL will require more than military ef- Committee hearing with Chuck Hagel (left) and forts alone. It will require political progress Martin Dempsey on Capitol Hill in Washington, in the region, and effective partners on the Sept. 16, 2014. ground in Iraq and Syria."

ISIL Recruiting Many From Turkey As many as 1,000 Turks have joined the ranks of the ISIL terror group, which is operating inside Syria and Iraq, a report says. Quoting Turkish government officials and media reports, The New York Times reported on Monday that Turkey is one of the biggest sources of foreign fighters for the Takfiri group, which has captured large swathes of land in Iraq and Syria. The newspaper cited the example of one former fighter who had been taken to Syria, along with 10 of his friends, and joined the ISIL after 15 days of training in the city of Raqqa. He said that he shot two men and par-

ticipated in a public execution; but it was only after he buried a man alive that he was told he had become a real ISIL militant. “When you fight over there, it’s like being in a trance,” said Can, who asked to be referred to only by his middle name. The 27-year-old added that many Turks have been drawn to the ISIL for financial reasons, as it appeals to disadvantaged youth in the less affluent parts of Turkey. “When you fight, they offer $150 a day. Then everything else is free,” Can said. “Even the shopkeepers give you free products out of fear. !

PanARMENIAN.Net - The U.S. CoChair of the OSCE Minsk Group commented on the possibility of Karabakh’s involvement in conflict settlement negotiations. “We take every effort in making the voices of the de-facto authorities of the Nagorno Karabakh heard,” James Warlick said, referring to frequent meetings and visits to the republic, according to Tert.am. OSCE hopes for the parties in the Karabakh conflict to participate in intensive peace talks, welcoming any initiatives to move the process forward, the Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairpersonin-Office said earlier.

U.S., Russia ‘Still Cooperating’ On Karabakh

The United States and Russia continue to work together in trying to broker a solution to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict despite their disagreements on other international problems, a senior U.S. diplomat insisted on Tuesday. “Despite our differences in other parts of the world, we see eye to eye on the way forward and we want to coordinate our diplomacy,” James Warlick, the U.S. cochair of the OSCE Minsk Group, told reporters in Yerevan.

International Hrant Dink Award Ceremony Held

The International Hrant Dink Award Ceremony was presented for the sixth time on Hrant Dink’s birthday, September 15. This year the awards were handed to activist Angie Zelter from Britain and !ebnem Korur Fincancı from Turkey, Armenpress reports citing “Agos” newspaper.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday September 18, 2014


I Am Armenian

Dr. Hrair Atikian (1940-2014)

By Dr. Declan Hayes I am not Armenian. I am Irish, as it happens. However, in the Armenian language, my family name means I am Armenian. If I were Armenian, I would be very angry with my fellow-Armenians, those in the USA in particular. They are, we hear, the second richest minority group in the USA and they are, we hear, making big preparations to commemorate the 24 April 2015 genocide when 1.5 million Armenians were butchered in Syria for the simple crime of being born Armenian. The American Armenians, we hear, remember those far-gone atrocities and are determined the world will know about it. In France, we hear, it is a crime to deny that genocide was perpetrated by Turkey on the Armenians, along with the Greeks, the Assyrians and a number of other minorities in April 1915. France, Syria, Chile, Uruguay and numerous other countries have, from time to time, commemorated that genocide with postage stamps, a nice initiative, instigated no doubt by concerned Armenians who remember those far-off atrocities and are determined the world will smugly and silently remember them. So, why the anger, you ask. Today, 7th September, the Armenian civilians of Jaramana in Damascus are still under constant bombardment by the moderate rebels America's President Peace prize winner Barack Obama has just promised another $4 bn to, the Armenians of Aleppo have had their homes and factories looted and their contents sold off as booty in Turkey, they have buried their friends and relatives by the score, and the Armenians of Kasab have likewise had their relatives slaughtered, their community destroyed and their elderly folk taken as hostages to Turkey where they were paraded in front of the American ambassador and his beautiful

wife for their entertainment. Whatever about the fat cats of the Armenian Diaspora, the Armenians of Syria are by and large simple people who got their kicks by singing hymns in church and their living by picking apples. Those simple pleasures and livelihoods are now denied them and the American Armenians, no doubt too busy following Kim Kardashian on twitter or listening to Cher's ditties on their expensive sound systems, do absolutely nothing to help their fellow-Armenians who remain at the business end of the Turkish cosh. Even though American Armenian lawyers, we hear, are great advocates, we see none of them getting off their wellwaxed posteriors to take class actions on behalf of the elderly Kasab Armenians taken as hostages to Turkey for the entertainment of their ambassador and his beautiful wife. Even though American Armenian churches, we hear, are very generous donors to all types of charities and they have the welfare of the larger and less fortunate Armenian community very much at heart, their fellow Armenians in Syria have yet to see one single, solitary dime from these generous flag-bearers of atrocities committed long ago, atrocities those in Kasab who suffered similar atrocities this year, heard first-hand accounts about when, as little children, they sat on their mothers' knees almost a century ago. Not for them the narcissistic keening by the rivers of Gotham. Their mess of pottage has a sharper edge, the unforgiving sword of the Saudi funded jihadists who are well on the way to exterminating them and their way of life. Syria's Armenian community have Cont. on p.9

Armenia In Global Publicity Drive By Russell Padmore, Business reporter, BBC World Service Where in the world is Armenia? It's a question that the country's President, Serzh Sargsyan, is hoping to get more people around the globe to answer correctly. He wants to mobilise the 10 million Armenians living abroad for a global internet publicity campaign to boost tourism and influence foreign investors. Entitled the One Armenian, One Article campaign the idea is to get expatriates to write positive stories about the country. President Sargsyan and others behind the publicity drive say their country needs a higher profile, because many people struggle to recall anything about the nation. So just what do people know about Armenia? 'We never hear about it' London in the summer is full of tourists so it was easy to conduct an impromptu series of informal interviews, ambushing dozens of unsuspecting strangers from around the globe to get their views. A couple from Saudi Arabia had heard of Armenia but only knew it was in Asia, while a Danish woman told me that "we never hear about it in Denmark." But the most amusing was a man with his family from the United States, who could only tell me that "all the people's names end in '-ian'." His wife was quick to tell me he based that on the celebrity Kim Kardashian. The socialite Kim Kardashian is one of many who have family roots in Armenia. Only one of the people I spoke to knew much about Armenia, and that was a woman from Paris who had been to the

capital, Yerevan, and said, "It is a small country and its people have suffered a lot." My questioning was strictly informal, but it does suggest the size of the challenge facing President Sargsyan and his compatriots. 'Soft power' Enlisting people around the world who have Armenian roots to raise the country's profile could prove effective. Famous people with connections to Armenia include the singer Cher, tennis player Andre Agassi, billionaire investor Kirk Kerkorian and the late Steve Jobs of Apple. "The Armenian diaspora sees itself in many ways as the second army of the Republic of Armenia," says Aram Suren Hamparian, executive director of the Armenian National Committee of America, based in Washington DC. "Armenians spread around the world and prospered wherever they went, and they haven't forgotten their roots and they try to stay connected - and that is part of the soft power of the Armenian nation." Armenia's ancient culture survived decades of Soviet influence before independence in 1991. But despite its independence, the country still has significant economic ties to Russia. Next year, the government in Yerevan plans to join the common economic zone of the Russian Federation, alongside Kazakhstan and Belarus. Armenia relies heavily on loans from Moscow as well as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the Asian Development Bank.

46 year Sherman Oaks Resident and Prominent North Hollywood Orthodontist Dr. Hrair Atikian, beloved husband, father, grandfather, brother, and uncle, passed away on Tuesday, August 19, 2014 in Burbank, CA due to complications caused by cancer. He was 74. Hrair Atikian was a resident of Sherman Oaks for 46 years, and a prominent orthodontist in North Hollywood for more than 35 years. Hrair was born on February 25, 1940 in Kessab (Kasab), Syria, the youngest of eight children blessed to Hovhannes and Martha Abdulian. Two weeks after Hrair's birth, his biological mother passed away, whereupon Hrair was lovingly adopted by his maternal aunt, Efronia Atikian and her husband, Agop Atikian (a well-known chemist and schoolmaster) - whom he always warmly called "Mom and Dad." The family immigrated to the United States in 1954, settling in Boonton, New Jersey, where Hrair attended Boonton High School and graduated in 1958. Hrair then attended Cooper Union, where he studied mechanical engineering for two years. After witnessing a downturn in the engineering industry, Hrair redirected his academic focus and enrolled in New York University (NYU), graduating in 1962 with a major in Biology and a minor in Chemistry. Hrair moved to Boston, and from 1962-1966, Hrair attended Harvard School of Dental Medicine. He graduated from Harvard Dental School in 1966 with a Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) degree. In June of 1966, Hrair married Martha Bilezikian of Newton, Massachusetts. They moved to Portland, Oregon where Hrair completed a post-doctorate program in Orthodontics at the University of Oregon Dental School. In 1968, shortly after moving to Studio City, California, Dr. Atikian opened up his own very successful orthodontics practice in North Hollywood, California. For 35 years, many local youth and adults received orthodontic treatment from Dr. Atikian. He practiced with honesty and integrity, with a conservative approach. Hrair was meticulous and dedicated in his practice of orthodontics. In late 1970, Hrair and Martha purchased their home in Sherman Oaks, where Hrair resided up until his passing. Hrair and Martha had three daughters: Katherine ("Katie"), Caroline, and Alison - who brought Hrair much joy, love, and happiness. In 1994 Hrair and Martha separated and later divorced. In 1996, Hrair married Mary (Ekmekji) Britton. They enjoyed nearly 18 years of marriage, which in-

cluded travel to Kessab, Syria and other destinations. Mary lovingly cared for Hrair throughout his illness. Dr. Atikian practiced orthodontics until late 2003, at which time he entered an early retirement and sold his practice in order to care for his 34-year old daughter, Katie, in the last months of her life as she courageously battled pancreatic cancer. The dedication, loyalty, diligence, and relentless sacrifice displayed at this time summarized Hrair's character absolutely. Hrair was calm, hard working, loving, kind, loyal, and honest to the core. He was intelligent, and had a quick and subtle wit. Hrair was very active in the local community, dedicating time and resources to the Armenian community and several American charitable organizations. Hrair was involved with the Kessab Educational Association (KEA) since 1969, serving as Chairman three times, as well as Secretary and Treasurer. Hrair's other civic involvements included: the Kiwanis Club - North Hollywood Chapter from 1969-2010; the United Armenian Congregational Church Deacons' Committee for 11 years, where he served as Chairman for 2 years; and the Merdinian Armenian School for 12 years. Hrair's 12 years of service to the Merdinian Armenian School included 5 years as the Chairman. An avid reader, Hrair enjoyed history, archaeology, and anthropology. Other hobbies included stamp and coin collecting, and spending time with his children, grandchildren, and family - which in his own words were his "raison d'etre" or "reason for being." Dr. Hrair Atikian is survived by his wife, Mary Atikian; his daughters, Caroline Atikian O'Malley and Alison Sykes; his grandchildren, Shannon Michelle O'Malley and Jack Ryan Kade O'Malley; his brothers, Misak, Daniel, and Vasken Abdulian, and their families; and his sister-in-laws, Joyce and Patsy Abdulian, and their families. Dr. Atikian was predeceased by his daughter, Katie. A Memorial Service in Hrair Atikian's honor is scheduled at the United Armenian Congregational Church, 3480 Cahuenga Blvd. West, LA, CA 90068, on Saturday, September, 27th at 10:30 a.m. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Merdinian Armenian Evangelical School (13330 Riverside Drive, Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 - Memo Line: Hrair Atikian); or to the Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA) Kessab, Syria Fund (31 West Century Road, Paramus, New Jersey 07652 - Memo Line: Hrair Atikian).

French-Armenian Ovsanna Kaloustian Passed Away At The Age Of 107 Mrs. Ovsanna Kaloustian passed away on September 12 in Marseille (France). She was born on November 1907 in Adabazar. An Armenian genocide survivor, she reached Marseille in 1928. During her life she participated in ceremonies commemorating the Genocide and faught against the denial of the Armenian Genocide. On the Genocide she had said: ÂŤThey behaved like savages. Even animals are wiser than men." In an interview this sweet woman also said: ÂŤGod let me live so long, that I can tell this storyÂť. Jean Eckian, Paris

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday September 18, 2014


Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

The Misery Of Humanity

31 - Temel Demirer

By Alice Krumian

By Hambersom Aghbashian

In the course of our lives, all of us have come across Vicious characters, toxic, deceitful, critical and cross, Marked by their ability to make hurtful, negative comments, Finding a perverted relief in tarnishing others' good names. Through gossip and falsehood, they obtain a huge pay off, And by means of back-biting, they try to promote their life; Little aware that their libels and ruthless verbal villainy, Would boomerang on their honors and drop their credibility. Suspicious, judgmental, full of poison and misgivings, They accuse generous people of selfish, ulterior motives; With their mean, infested tongues, they defame people's destiny, Even if the blackened person is a member of their own family. In our present-day world, there's no shortage of faults, A world rich in brilliance, yet devoid of all conscience; Liars renamed "politically correct", hypocrisy is "diplomacy", While truth and honesty are "ignorance" and "immaturity". History, fortunately, is not without Good Samaritans, Noble, compassionate, kind and honorable characters, Blind to the faults of others, seeing the good in everyone, Sharing a slice of their daily bread with the less fortunate ones. One cannot choose the people who cut you down and offend, But you can choose the wisest way to react to their offense; One should walk away from those who cripple fame and dignity, They are not worth the energy of striving with them, absolutely. The less secure people are, the more extreme their jealousy, By casting a negative light, they reflect their own misery. Their caustic tongues will result in their ultimate breakdown, No man can get very high by pulling other people down.

Azerbaijan — Not Armenia — Is The Threat-Maker In The Karabakh Conflict By Mark Dietzen Denis Jaffe’s August 20, 2014 blog post, “Armenia threatens Azerbaijan with missiles,” misinterprets the recent exchange between Armenian President Serge Sargsyan and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev. Azerbaijan is the real aggressor in this conflict. Jaffe’s misrepresentation of Sargsyan’s August 11 quotation about “the capacities and abilities of the Armenian Armed Forces” was, in fact, Armenia's response to the August 8 statement by Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Defense that warned: “our Army, targeting Armenia with missiles, is ready to fulfill even the order of destroying Armenia’s capital, Yerevan.” Armenia’s president was not threatening Azerbaijan; he was adequately responding to Azerbaijan’s threats, most recently displayed in Azerbaijani President Aliyev’s anti-Armenian militaristic diatribe on Twitter. What President Sargsyan did was send a signal that Baku’s military aggression would not be unanswered. Furthermore, Jaffe’s unwarranted charge that Armenia is “circumventing the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR)” has no bearing, since Armenia is not even a partner to that association. And Jaffe makes another unsupported allegation about Armenia’s violation of The Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation (HCOC). Jaffe claims access to sensitive information by alleging — while citing no reliable source — that Armenia violates the HCOC by not providing pre-launch notifications on its ballistic missiles, or submitting an annual declaration of its ballistic missile policies. Yet, this unfounded charge is suspect, since, as a rule, such information can only be obtained from the HCOC’s Immediate Central Contact by governments, and is not made available to non-governmental analysts, such as

Mr. Jaffe. While he inflates Armenia’s arms control record with unsubstantiated claims, Jaffe turns a blind eye to Azerbaijan’s violations of international law and its irresponsible behavior. Since 2007, Baku has ignored the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe by grossly exceeding the Treaty’s Limited Equipment (TLE) — battle tanks and artillery systems. According to a report by the U.S. State Department, “as of January 1, 2013, Azerbaijan declared equipment totals that exceeded its overall limits by over 390 pieces of TLE [Treaty Limited Equipment] (over 160 tanks and about 230 artillery pieces in excess of Azerbaijan’s limits).” As the U.S. Azeri Network’s analyst, Jaffe should be aware that the U.S. Congress, State Department and Pentagon have not been silent about Armenia and Azerbaijan, as he opined in his piece. Since 1992, Congress has upheld Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act, which forbids any direct U.S. aid to Azerbaijan’s government due to the latter’s aggressive policy and continuing blockade of Armenia and Artsakh. On August 15, the State Department called on the Azerbaijani Government “to conduct a full and transparent investigation” into the death of Armenian Karen Petrosyan while in Azerbaijani captivity. And recent news reports reveal that the Pentagon refused an Azerbaijani offer to purchase U.S. military equipment, citing the ongoing Karabakh conflict. Baku’s irresponsible domestic and international behavior impedes a peaceful resolution to the Karabakh conflict, and undermines peace and security in the South Caucasus. Dietzen is executive director of Americans for Artsakh.

Temel Demirer is a famous Turkish writer and one of the enlightened intellectuals who have recognized the Armenian Genocide . He has been prosecuted for his daring writings and speeches and because of his remarks on the Armenian Genocide. Temel Demirer is the author of many books and the co- author of many others. His published works include (Ortadogu Yalanci Bahar - Middle East-False Spring), (Kapitalizmin Ekolojic SorunlanEcological Problems of Capitalism), (Kuresel Intifada - Global Intifada), (Eleveda Nosyan..Merhaba Isyan), (Resmi Ideoloji, Devlet, Milliyetcilik- Official Ideology, State, Nationalism), and the list and goes on and it is too long to be mentioned here.(1) According to (http://bianet.org/english/minorities/105355A), a day after journalist Hrant Dink’s murder on 19 January 2007, writer Temel Demirer read a press statement in central Ankara, saying that the journalist had not only been killed for being Armenian, but also because he had spoken of an “Armenian genocide.” Around a year later, Demirer has been taken to court under Article 301 and 216 for “denigrating the Turkish Republic” and “inciting to hatred and hostility.” In a previous statement Demirer said that he believed that there was a genocide carried out against the Armenians in the Ottoman period.(2) K. Mouradian wrote on April 24, in (The Armenian Weekly- April 28, 2010), As genocide commemoration events were being held one after the other in different locations in Istanbul, a groundbreaking two-day conference on the Armenian Genocide began at the Princess Hotel in Ankara. The conference, organized by the Ankara Freedom of Thought Initiative , was held under tight security measures. The conference attracted around 200 attendees, mostly activists and intellectuals who support genocide recognition. Among the prominent names from Turkey were Ismail

I Am Armenian been stripped of their livelihoods by foreign gunmen who enjoy the largesse of the American government which depends, in part, on the tax dollars of America's Armenian community. Syria's Armenian community, like all the people of Syria they have lived peaceably with for untold centuries, need the help of the outside world, members of the Armenian Diaspora in particular. Although simple people, Syria's Armenians are not stupid. They know there is a plan afoot to denude the traditional bible lands of Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine of their Christians and other minorities. They know they are in the line of American fire through no fault of their own, save that of being born Armenian Christians. What they do not know or cannot understand is why the well-heeled members of the Armenian Diaspora in the United States and France care so little for their fate that they will not even do the most simple, elementary and rudimentary things in solidarity with their Syrian confreres. Why no Armenian or Christian aid? Why no political pressure on Washington's warlords? Why no legal challenges against Turkey's Erdogan regime and why is America's ambassador to Turkey and his beauti-

Besikci, Baskin Oran, Sevan Nishanian, Ragip Zarakolu, Temel Demirer and Sait Cetinoglu. Demirer is an author who has been prosecuted for his daring writings and speeches. That panel turned out into a debate on reparations for the Armenian Genocide.(3) In his book "Modern Turkey and the Armenian Genocide", Nikolaus Schrodt quoted then Turkish Minister of justice Mehmet Ali Sahin stating to Today's Zaman (Nov. 18, 2008), "This man, Temel Demirer, is saying Turkey is a murderer state . I am not going to let anyone call my state a murderer. These expressions are not exercising freedom of speech, these are humiliating the state which is exactly what article 301 criminalizes. (4) In his article titled "Turkish Writer Temel Demirer: There Was A Genocide In Our History", Jean Eckian (Independent correspondent-Paris, March 6, 2008) mentioned that Demirer, in his press statement in central Ankara announced that "There was a genocide in our history, it is called the Armenian Genocide. At the expense of its life, Hrant said to us, to all this reality. Those who killed the Armenians yesterday attack our Kurdish brothers and sisters today.. I invite all those of you to commit crimes. Yes, there was a Armenian genocide in this country."(5)

1 . w w w. i d e f i x . c o m / k i t a p / t e m e l demirer/urun_liste.asp? 2.http://bianet.org/english/minorities/105355-writer-demirer-on-trial-for-armenian-genocide 3.http://www.armenianweekly.com/2010/0 4/28/ankara-conference/ 4.http://books.google.com/books?id=m4_IA wAAQBAJ&pg=PT478&lpg=PT478&dq=Tem el+Demirer+and+the+Armenian+genocide 5.http://www.armeniandiaspora.com/showt hread.php?125139-Turkish-Writer-TemelDemirer

Cont. from p.8 ful wife not behind bars? These are simple questions I would put to America's Armenian leaders if our paths crossed -- in America or they will hardly cross here in Syria as America's Armenian community are either too busy or too scared here to "come and visit" as St Paul, himself no stranger to Damascus, put it. I am not Armenian but, if I were, I would be angry. I would try not to sink into the type of despair that is the ghost at the bedside of Syria's Armenian community. If America's Armenian community refuse to help, perhaps salvation for the Armenians and Syria's other Christian remaining communities lies where with it has traditionally lay, with the Syrian Arab Army and its ultimate protector, Mother Russia. I will put these issues to the nuns of Saidnaya when I meet them later today for their great festival. In the meantime, as we say in Russian, Dosvidan'ya. Dr. Declan Hayes is currently on his third trip to Syria this year. He is helping organize a conference in Damascus for April 24th 2015, tentatively called: Syria: Between Destruction and Reconstruction to mark the murder of all Syria's innocents and to help plot a way forward out of the morass.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday September 18, 2014


Iraqi-Armenian Family Association

Armenian Song Aand Music Festival Lunch-Ball By Khachig Janoyan On Saturday, October 4, 2014 an Armenian song and music festival will be held with a lunch-ball ceremony, in Pasadena St. Gregory the Illuminator (Sourp Krikor Lousavorich Church), GIRAGOS Hall. This event is organized by the Iraqi-Armenians Family Association that has been active in Los Angles for almost 35 years. On this particular day, the attendees will enjoy the event’s extraordinary milieu with the accompaniment of Armenian songs and music. The attendees will donate only $40US at the entrance and enjoy a whole course of dinner with 15 different types of apetisers. The event will host 7 familiar and talented singers; Ara Sahagian, Armen Dakessian, Arman Mardigian, Bedig, Vako, Garen, and Arsham, who will grant the audience a warm and joyful evening with the spirit of Armenian songs and music. These honorable singers have dedicated their lives for the Armenian music; they are motherland Armenia’s talented artists who are worthy of our appreciation and encouragement. A live band will accompany the singers and lots of interesting prizes and surprises will be given on this day.

Iraqi-Armenian Family Association has been active for almost 35 years; granting benevolent, humanitarian and social services to the community. This association has worked with and supported al-

most all the Armenian political parties, the Armenian National Church, the Armenian spiritual organizations, the Ministry of Diaspora and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Armenia, all other Armenian associations, and almost all the

Armenian orphanages. The Association has also its weekly school that has organized different types of events, ceremonies, anniversaries, and gatherings. It has hosted famous Armenian dance troupes and published different types of books. In the last 10 years Iraqi Armenian Family Association has been the only association that has helped and supported 135 Armenian families in order to settle in Armenia. Other IraqiArmenian families followed these groups and settled in Armenia. Today more than 800 Iraqi-Armenians have settled in Armenia who promise a brilliant future for Armenia and the Armenian people. The Iraqi Armenian Family Association has also helped and supported needy families and students. On the day of the event the Association’s 35th anniversary will be celebrated as well. This event is sponsored by a group of Armenian compatriots, who will attend the party and honor the event. We have the pleasure and the honor to invite our beloved people and their children to attend this special event. Those who are interested can reserve and book their tickets by contacting to the phone numbers appearing in the advertisement.

Peter Jambazian

Peter Jam (Jambazian) is a Lebanese-Armenian artist, activist, singer/songwriter, born in the midst of the Lebanese civil war in Beirut. He has been appointed “Ambassador For Peace” by the Universal Peace Federation International -the interreligious and international federation for world peace(Special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations). PASSION FOR MUSIC: His passion for music and art appeared in his teenage years, despite growing up in a modest family during difficult times, he studied and experienced a wide variety of music styles from Oriental Arabic to Armenian traditional, and pop to blues/rock and metal. Peter began by specializing in guitar styles, and continued his studies to become a multi instrumentalist. At a young age Peter became a music teacher and band trainer. Peter Jam is now a musical composer/arranger and has created a unique musical genre, which is a mix of al-

ternative and easy listening rock with 60’s and ethnic Armenian sensation. CREATIVE ACTIVISM: Influenced by all these music styles, and inspired by his experiences as a peace, environmental, human/civil and animal rights activist, which include “Europe Peace Tour” (singing the peace song “If You Want” in more than 20 countries across Europe and filming it), numerous appearances in festivals and the media (TV, Radio, newspaper, magazines) between Lebanon, Armenia, Europe and USA, he initiated projects holding the messages of Love, Peace, and Unity through motivational speeches empowered by meditative simplified philosophies. SPIRITUAL DEEPNESS: Peter Jam has moved beyond music and do speeches in places like UNESCO Palace in Beirut and UN complex (parliament) in Vienna. Also he is writing a book which is a spiritual intellectual view of his inner-self about the biggest is-

sues and subjects in the world such as, views on Love, Peace, Freedom, Life, Time etc… diving deep into history, religions, politics and the people, showing his personal understanding, creating an inspiration to the readers to think different and act different for a better self and better world. CULTURAL DIVERSITY: Peter Jam speaks, reads and writes in 4 different languages, English, Armenian, Arabic & Turkish. Utilizing his cultural and musical backgrounds, he also writes music for films. He shows this extraordinary enlightenment in a new CD compilation which includes songs in some of the languages he speaks, using musical instruments from diverse cultures too (New album ‘Universality’ to be released summer 2014) embracing those cultures and sending messages throughout the world. GLOBAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Apart from being granted the title “Ambassador for Peace” from Universal

Peace Federation International, Peter got recognized from well known Organizations and associations around the world like “World Service Authority” in DC, USA as Peace as Human rights Ambassador with World Citizen passport, The Love Foundation in FL, USA as Country Coordinator for Armenia and Lebanon, “Tierrechtsinitiative Augsburg e. V.” Animal Rights organization in Germany and “Ensemble contre la peine de mort” in France also “Lebanese Association for Civil Rights” and “UPF Lebanon”. THE WILL FOR CHANGE: Peter actively supports and cooperates with several renowned organizations in USA like PeaceLights and UFPD in NYC, BIOS in CT, PIP in MD, ACAA in VA, WSA in DC, FFE in LA, GPR and The Love Foundation in FL, also in Europe like TIA in Germany, Smile for Hope in France, and in Lebanon like Permanent Peace Movement, NFD, FoodBlessed, YASA, APAF, BETA, Animals Lebanon, and all the organizations and individuals that believe in the Power of Will to Change. His project is entitled “Positive message through the power of Music, Art and Speech”. !

Armenia Fund Where Education Is Valued, Education Flourishes In a town whose students overwhelmingly go on to pursue a higher education, Armenia Fund built a new state-of-the-art school to replace its dilapidated predecessor. Her head is held high and her speech is formal. If you hadn’t arrived on a sparsely driven road winding through low hills and recently cut fields of grass, you would think she was the headmaster of an elite private school. Instead, Hasmik Khachatryan is the principal of the school in Ashotsk, an agricultural town in northern Armenia, near the Georgian border. The old, rotting school wasn’t much to look at. Built to accommodate a much larger student body – there used to be a working factory in town – the school was unable to maintain the building. And, as the student body decreased because the factory workers left, the larger old school was unnecessary for the needs of the town. It was in the dairy land of Ashotsk, in a part of Armenia seldom heard of or seen, that Armenia Fund undertook the responsibility of going to the town and seeing what could be done. Ultimately, after extensive testing, experts determined that the old school was not worth renovating and that a new school should be built. And that’s exactly what Armenia Fund did. The new three-story building, constructed according to Armenia Fund’s unyielding quality standards, sits ready to serve the student body of Ashotsk when it opens its doors for the first time this September.

Shusha Evening Held In St. Petersburg An info-cultural evening devoted to the town of Shusha took place at the A.S.Griboyedov Library of National Literatures in St Petersburg on September 6. The event was arranged by the regional public organization Armenians of St Petersburg in partnership with the A.S.Griboyedov Library of National Literatures. At the beginning of the event, Alexander Nazarov, the President of the regional public organization Armenians of St Petersburg, read welcoming letters from: Albert Andryan, the Permanent Representative of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic in Moscow; Artsvik Sarkisyan, the Mayor of Shusha; Seiran Karapetyan, the manager of a program titled Messenger aired by the Public Broadcasting Company of the NagornoKarabakh Republic. The next one to speak was Konstantin Voyevodskiy, a well-known columnist from St Petersburg. Then those present were shown a documentary about Artsakh. Albert Mkrtumyan, a power engineering specialist, Genrikh Baghiyan, an author, and Serghey Mulkijian, a construction worker, all shared their reminiscences of Shusha. At the end of the Shusha Evening, the event’s host gave a talk about outstanding personalities who were born in Shusha.

The Herald of Armenians in Petersburg (Vestnik Armyan Peterburga)

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W;r& Wach Hqmhqy;ani a[øjqow bazoua‘ \a\tararou;zau 2014-2015 dprozakan tar;,r=ani w;ramoute% fauatalow% or Safak-M;srop Warvarani a,ak;rtoujiune piti stana\ bar]r ousoum ;u fa\;zi ou krønakan dastiarakoujiun! W;ramouti bazman araro[ouj;an 'akoume katar;z Thr Pø[os Qfn\& Palja\;an% or ir gofounakoujiune \a\tn;z ir n;rka\ouj;an famar ;u noranor \a=o[oujiunn;r ma[j;z Tnørhnouj;an% Ousouzcakaxmin ;u xofo[oujiun stan]na‘ ‘no[n;roun! A\spisow pafpanicow a\s bavine auart;zau! Apa a,ak;rtn;re ir;nz ousouzicn;rou a®a=nordouj;amb% ;u am;na\n kargapafouj;amb t;[auorou;zan ir;nz dasarann;re% dimauor;lou nor ousoumnakan tar;,r=an me nor \o\s;row ;u ;raxn;row% fasn;lou famar lauago\nin ;u xargazn;lou ir;nz mitq;rn ou fogin;re Safak-M;sropi fowaniin n;rq;u% da®nalou fpart fa\ordin;r% ‘a®a\;lou ir;nz axgin% ;k;[;ziin ;u fa\r;niqin! Sona Patal;an


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G& M& 10-1 16 9-2 12 6-4 10 5-3 9 5-7 7 5-7 4 4-14 3 3-9 2

FA|KAKAN ~OUJPOLI >YANKAR • G;rmania\i g;rgauaji (soup;rgauaj) .a[oum Dortmoundi ªBorousianº 2-0 fa,ouow \a[j;z Miun.;ni ªBauaria\inº ;u ;rkrord tarin anendmh= nouay;z tit[ose! FF fauaqakani kisapa,tpan F;nri. M.ijar;ane .a[az a®anz 'o.arinman ;u dar]au a®a=in koli f;[inake ;u yanacou;z fandipman lauago\n `oujpoliste! A\nouf;t;u G;rmania\i gauaji .a[arkoujiunoum ªBorousianº 4-1 fa,ouow \a[j;z ªKik;rsinº ;u dours ;kau \a=ord 'oul! M.ijar;ane .a[az a®anz 'o.arinman ;u dar]au a®a=in koli f;[inake! ªBorousianº :uropa\i a.o\;ann;ri lika\i a®a=in .a[oum 2-0 fa,ouow \a[j;z Lontoni ªArs;nalinº! • Fa\astanzi minc;u 19 tar;kann;ri fauaqakane Auani `oujpoli akad;mia\i marxada,toum 1-1 .a[az Ouqrania\i ir;nz fasakakizn;ri f;t! • ªHsj;[laliº fa\axgi 31-am;a\ kisapa,tpan Andranik Jh\mour;ane yanacou;l h Irani 2013-14 jj& lauago\n `oujpolist! Andranike w;r=in a®a=noujiunoum masnakz;l h 22 .a[i ou dar];l mhk koli f;[inak! Jh\mour;ane Irani fauaqakani kaxmoum masnakz;z 2014-i A,.arfi a®a=nouj;ane ;u anzkazr;z 3 fandipoum! • FF `oujpoli a.o\;an ªJal Grigeº masnakz;z :uropa\i ~outxali gauaji .a[arkouj;ane! A®a=in .a[oum fa\ `oujpolistn;re 1-0 fa,ouow xi=;zin P;la®ousi ªStolizaº jimin! :rkrord .a[oum m;r `oujpolistn;re mrz;zin austriakan ª<waxiº f;t ;u \a[j;zin 10-4 fa,ouow! W;r=in .a[oum ªJal Grigeº 9-1 fa,ouow \a[j;z Andorra\i ªHnkampº jimin! ªJal Grigeº .mboum xba[;zr;z 2-rd t;[e! |a=ord 'ouli ou[;gir nouay;z ªStolizanº! • FF fauaqakani kisapa,tpann;r Ka®l;n Mkrtc;ane ;u Âouman |owsh';ane fandhs ke gan D®n;zki ªM;talourgiº kaxmoum! • FF ;ritasardakan fauaqakane Âh\k;awikoum :urø-2015 j& entrakan 'ouloum fandip;z Islandia\i fauaqakani f;t ;u partou;z 0-4 fa,ouow! |a=ord^ w;r=in .a[oum% :r;uanoum% m;r `oujpolistn;re 2-1 fa,ouow \a[j;zin P;la®ousi ir;nz fasakakizn;rin! M;r jimiz kol;re .';zin A[ouan Papik;ane ;u Dauij |akob;ane! • S;pt;mb;ri 15-in F®omoum FF fauaqakani ;u Moskoua\i ªSpartakiº kisapa,tpan Arax Øxbilise ‘nki wirafatouj;an h ;njarkou;l% ore bouvman ;rkrord 'ouln hr! Wirafatoujiune anz;l h \a=o[! • FF fauaqakani ;u Moskoua\i ªSpartakiº \ar]akouo[ :oura Mowsis;ane sks;l h marxou;l endfanour .mboum ;u S;pt;mb;ri 27-i ªX;nijiº dhm .a[in karo[ h lin;l jimi fa\tazouzakoum! • Fa\astani minc;u 17 tar;kann;ri fauaqakane Xagr;boum^ enk;rakan .a[oum 0-4 fa,ouow xi=;l h >orwajia\i ir;nz fasakakizn;rin! • Giumrioum ,afagor‘man \an]nou;z `oujpoli akad;mian% orn ouni 8 f;qjar fo[atara‘q% 2 arf;stakan ;u 6 bnakan .ota‘a‘-

kow .a[ada,t;r% 1200 qm& tara‘qow ,inoujiun^ marxcakan s;n;akn;r% fand;r]arann;r% znzou[arann;r ;u a\ln% ,our= 1000 ;r;.a\i spasarko[ ;njaka®ouzoua‘q! ~oujpoli akad;mia\i bazmane n;rka\ h ;[;l FF na.agaf S;rv Sargs;ane! • Lajwia-Fa\astan^ 2-0! FF fauaqakani kaxme B;r;xowski% Faro\;an% Oskan;an (Sarkisow% 69)% Arj& :digar;an (Pix;li% 80)% |owsh';an (Mkrtc;an% 80)% {axar;an (Aslan;an% 90)% K& |owfannis;an Mko\;an% M.ijar;an% L& Fa\rap;t;an (|ow& Fambar]oum;an% 72)% Manoucar;an (X& Bado\;an% 63)! • Dania-Fa\astan^ 2-1 (0-0)! FF fauaqakani kaxme B;r;xowski% K& |owfannis;an% Faro\;an% Arxouman;an (Oskan;an% 66)% Mko\;an% Fa\rap;t;an% |owsh';an% Arj& :digar;an% {axar;an% M.ijar;an (Pix;li% 7)% Manoucar;an (Da,;an% 84)! FF fauaqakaniz 50-rd rophin kole .';z F;nri. M.ijar;ane! Xgou,azou;z Arjour :digar;ane!

FRACIK BABA|:ANE A<>ARFI "O>A>O|:AN Ispania\i Granada qa[aqoum ka\aza‘ fra]gouj;an a,.arfi 51-rd a®a=noujiunoum Fracik Baba\;ane ødam[ic frazani (10 m;jr% 60 krakoz) patanin;ri pa\qaroum fauasare counhr orakauorman 'ouloum! :xra'akic 'ouloum a.o\;an dar]au ®ous Wladimir Masl;nikowe 206&8 miauorow% isk 2-rd t;[e grau;z Fracik Baba\;ane 205&7 miauorow! Waxo[ jira. (10 m&) .a®e waxq (20+20 krakoz) t[an;ri jima\in pa\qaroum FF fauaqakane Âaxmik Minas;an% |owfannhs >acatr;an ;u <anj Sargs;an kaxmow nouay;z pronxh m;tal (1062 miauor)! 1-in t;[e grau;z ~inlandia\i (1121 miauor)% 2-rde ÂD-i (1071 miauor) jime!

<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • S;nj Louixoum 6 ,a.matistn;ri 2 ,r=anow anzkazoua‘ mrza,aroum 10 fnarauoriz wastak;low 8&5 miauor 1-in t;[e grau;z ~abianø Karouanan! |a=ord t;[;roum ;n Magnous Ka®ls;ne^ 5&5% W;s;lin Jo'alowe^ 5% Aron;ane ;u Maqsim Wa,ih Lagraue^ 4-akan% Fikarou Nakamouran^ 3 miauor! Aron;ane 1&5-0&5 fa,ouow \a[j;z Jo'alowin% 1-1 .a[az Nakamoura\i f;t ;u 0&5-1&5 fa,ouow partou;z mius ;r;qin! • No\n qa[aqoum anzkazoua‘ ,a.mat 960-i ];uaca'ow mrza.a[oum L;uon Aron;ane 2&53&5 fa,ouow xi=;z Fikarou Nakamoura\in! • AMH-i <arva qa[aqoum auartoua‘ ~ID:-i kananz Gran "rii .a[arkouj;an 6-rd 'ouloum Hlina Danihl;ane 11 fnarauoriz wastak;low 5 miauor 12 masnakizn;ri mh= grau;z 8-rd t;[e! 8&5-akan miauorow 1-2-rd t;[;re bavan;zin :ou W;n=oun ;u Foou :ou`ane! • |owfannhs Gaboux;ane :r;uanoum auartoua‘ Fa\astani 75-rd a®a=nouj;an a®a=in .mbi mrza,aroum 13 fnarauoriz wastak;z 10 miauor ;u nouay;z a®a=in mrzanake! Dauij <afin;ane 8&5 miauorow 2-rdn hr% Arman Miqa\hl;ane^ 7&5 miauorow 3-rde! A\s 3 ,a.matistn;re irauounq stazan masnakz;lou bar]rago\n .mbi mrza,arin!

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