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N.O. September 25, 2014, No. 37:N.O. Blank


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FING<ABJI% S:PT:MB:R 25% 2014


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NOR ØR% S:PT:MB:R 25% 2014



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JOURQIA^ :RK:R:S DA<NAKIZE Y:NKIX CANTAR ªMiaz;al Nafangn;re ke wstafi#n Jourqio\º a\s w;rta®oujiune kro[ \ødoua‘i me mh=% or lo\s t;sa‘ h Polso\ Al-Monitor j;rjin mh= S;pt;mb;r 4% 2014-in% j[jakiz Y;nkix Cantar k*andrada®na\ g;rmanakan Der Spiegel øraj;rji 2014 Øgostosi jiuin mh= fraparakoua‘ lourin% or \a\tnab;ra‘ h% jh Jourqia% NAJØ-i andam me% jira. dar]a‘ h am;rik;an% angliakan ou g;rmanakan ga[tni gor‘akalouj;anz f;taqnnouj;anz! ªThr <'ikeliº Øgostosi w;ro\i,;al fraparagrouj;an w;rnagirn h ª:rk;r;s Bar;kamoujiun Me% Jourqia Bar;kam ou Jira. Axga\in Apafowouj;an Kaxmak;rpouj;an (NSA)º! J;rje f;taxøta‘ h NSA-i faxarauor 'astaj[j;r% oronq baza\a\toua‘ hin Edward Smowden-i ko[mh! G;rmanakan cqm;[anq ckar% a\l endfaka®ake^ y,doro,oum me katar;l ªBar;kami ou Da,nakizºi mi=;u% faskzn;low jh Jourqian da,nakiz men h ;u oc jh bar;kam me! ªThr <'ikelº j;rji j[jakiz me^ Ma\qel Sonja\mer% t;sakzouj;an me enjazqin% ‘agoumow jourq lragro[i me \a\tna‘ h f;t;u;ale& ªOusoumnasir;zinq Snoteni ar.iun;re% our gtanq 20 ,at kar;uor 'astajou[j;r% oronq k*aknarkhin gor‘akzouj;an^ Jrqakan Ga[tni Gor‘akalouj;an ;u Axga\in Apafowouj;an Gras;n;akin mi=;u! A\s 'astajou[j;re ke zouzab;rhin% jh NSA-e% mhk ko[mh bou®n k;rpow xørawig ke kangnhr Jourq Ga[tni Spasarkouj;an (MIT) ou jrqakan Xin;al Ouv;roun% asonz pa\qarin mh= enddhm Qiurtistani Banouorakan Kousakzouj;an (PKK)% ou mius ko[mh% Oua,inkjen ;u Am;rik;an Ga[tni Spasarkouj;an miauorn;r oc mhk wstafoujiun ounhin jrqakan ka®awarouj;an wra\! Am;rikazin;re \a=o[a‘ hin amhn ];uow n;rja'anz;l jourq ka®awarakan famakargicn;roun! Sonja\mer miavamanak ke \a\tnhr% jh am;rik;an warcam;q;nan am;n;uin chr wstaf;r Jourqio\! ªThr <'ikelº \au;loua‘abar ke \a\tnhr ªjh inc astiyani NSA-e ke fskhr ir gor‘akzin^ Jourqio\ wra\! |stakazoua‘ h Axga\in Apafowouj;an Na.asirouj;anz (NIPF) 'astajou[jin mh=% or w;z amise angam me kazoujiune ke w;rstougoui ou ke n;rka\azoui na.agafin% ;u or ke n;rka\aznh ;rkrin k;zoua‘qe! 2013 Aprilin% Jourqian \aya. jira. dar]a‘ h w;rfsko[ouj;an% Am;rik;an Ga[tni Spasarkoujiune t;[;koujiun qa[;low 19 tarb;r marx;rh n;rs! <arounak;low ir orakauoroumn;re ªAm;rik;an 'astajou[j;re Jourqian ke das;n W;n;xou;la\i kargin - ou no\nisk^ Qoupa\hn a®a= - t;[;koujiunn;r qa[;lou marxin mh=º! Jourqio\ ar;umt;an da,nakizn;re wstafoujiun counin a\d ;rkrin islamisj ka®awarouj;an (Jourqio\) wra\% or ci \a\tnab;r;r ir "ro-islam :[ba\rouj;an (Pro Muslim Brotherhood) \akoumn;re! A\s anwstafoujiune au;li ‘anrazoua‘ hr ;rb Jourqia ®axmawarakan n,anakaliz jikounq en‘a\;z Islamakan P;touj;an (>ali`a\ouj;an)^ ISIS-in! :rb ISIS kar;uor \a=o[oujiunn;r ar]anagr;z Iraqi ou Sourio\ mh=% jrqakan ka®awaroujiune ;njarkou;zau cfraparakoua‘ a\l baza\a\t yn,oumi Am;rika\i ;u :uropakan Ka®awarouj;anz ko[mh% orphsxi fakak,®i tak pafh ir safmann;re% ;u a\l;us a=akzoujiun cen‘a\h ISIS_in! Anqara faskzouz or k*ansa\ ;[a‘ matnan,oumn;roun% mincd;® anoro, ke mna\ jh a\d famak;rpoume dhpi lman gor‘akzouj;an piti a®a=nordh#% orowf;t;u ISIS patand b®na‘ h 49 jourq;r! >orqin mh=% ISIS ];uow me graui tak a®a‘ h Jourqio\ Mi=in Ar;u;l;an qa[aqakanoujiune! Ou;lsi mh= NAJØ-i vo[owe a\souf;t;u piti ];uauorh Jourq-Ar;umoutq 'o.\arab;roujiunn;re! A\s gagaji vo[owi na.ør;akin%

na.agaf P& Øpama \a\tarar;z jh M& Nafangn;r piti endla\nh gor‘akzoujiune ir da,nakizn;roun f;t% orphsxi ISIS-e fakak,®;li farz me da®na\! Fasn;lou famar a\s w;r=in npatakin% Jourqio\ gor‘akzoujiune hakan h! :u a\sphs% NAJØ-i gagaji fandipoumin øre% patafakanouj;an ardiunq chr% or mi=axga\in mitian% la\nørhn andrada®na\ Jourqio\ ko[mh ir safmann;rou amrapndoumin% orphsxi ISIS-e ckar;nar a\l;us f;xørhn ktr;l anznil xanonq! Fa[ordou;zau no\nphs% jh JourY;nkix Cantar qio\ norentir na.agafe fandipoum piti oun;na\ na.agaf Øpama\i ;u Anglio\ warcap;t Th\wit Q;meroni f;t Ou;lsi mh=! A\spisow mi=axga\nørhn piti ørinakanar Hrto[ani na.agafakan pa,tøne! Na.aphs% warcap;t Hrto[ani yig;re% f;®a]a\na\in .øsakzoujiun me oun;nalou na.agaf Øpama\i f;t% anf;t;uanq mnaza‘ hin% baza\a\t;low dvgofoujiune warcap;t Hrto[ani fandhp! S;pt;mb;r 4-in% NAJØ-i gagaji fandipoumin øre% Wall Street Journal-e% or anz;alin xa\razouza‘ hr Hrto[ane% ke fastathr f;t;u;ale& ªJourqia ke pa\qari 'ak;lou famar ªyifatisj ;rjou[inº% or ke jo\latrhr xin;aln;roun ;rkri safmann;rhn ja'anz;l Souria% faka®ak yn,oumin Ar;umt;an :rkirn;rou% oronq ke wa.na\in ir;nz ;rkirn;rou a\l;us anapafowouj;an wtanghn! Jrqakan xørq;re katara‘ hin ];rbakaloujiunn;r% ou w;r=;rs fastata‘ hin pafaka,r=ik .oumb;r! Saka\n% islamakan i,.anouj;an ‘a\ra\;[akann;rou arag ar,aue Iraqi mh=% Anqara\i na.a];®noujiune dar]ouza‘ hr au;li* an\;ta]g;li% est jourq pa,tønatarn;rouº! Ar;umt;an a\l axd;zik øraj;rj me% ª~a\n;n,el Ja\mxºe% or no\nphs ‘anøj h ir qnnadato[ k;zoua‘qow Hrto[ani fandhp% S;pt;mb;r 3-in ke grhr& ªAnz;alin Jourqian ambastanoua‘ hr HlQaita\i xin;aln;roun ;u ISIS-i ir safmann;rhn anzqin fandhp ko\r ];uanaloun famar% masamb zankalow Sourio\ na.agaf Pa,ar Asati ankoume! Saka\n% est jourq pa,tønatarn;rou fauastiazoumin% n;rka\is% kataroua‘ ;n arg;la'akoumn;r% 'or];low anonzmh qa[;l t;[;koujiunn;r% kaska‘;li øtar k®ouo[n;rou masin% oronq ke ‘ragr;n Jourqio\ wra\ow anznil Souriaº! Est a\s j;rji t;[;kagrin% ªAnqara møthn ke fskh ir ødaka\ann;roun mh=% argil;lou famar øtar xin;aln;rou moutqe Jourqia% ou patrasta‘ h zouzake 6000 kaska‘;lin;rou% øtar ga[tni gor‘akalouj;anz al øvandakouj;amb! Enjazik tarouan ouj amisn;rou enjazqin% Jourqia artaqsa‘ h 453 fogi% ;u ødaka\ann;roun mh= argila‘ h na;u 107 fogin;rou moutqe Jourqiaº! A\soufand;r]% ª~a\n;n,el Ja\mxº miavamanak endg‘a‘ h Jourqio\ gor‘akzouj;an safmana'akoumn;re fandhp ISIS-i! J;rje k*aknarkh am;rik;an pa,tønatari me f;t;u;al gnafatoumin& ªAnqara farkadroua‘ h fakak,®;lou ir \a\tararoujiunn;rn ou qa\l;re ISIS-i fandhp% a\s w;r=no\n møt gtnouo[ 49 jourq patandn;rou patya®ow&&& Jourqia yn,oumi tak h au;li bazhn arta\a\tou;lou 49

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Faka®ak niu ;orqabnak bar;kamis pndoumn;roun% or miat;[ :uropa ;rjanq man galou% m;nq dar];al ke na.entr;nq a\z;l;l m;r fa\r;niqe ªg;radas;low m;r fiuand oc.are øtarin a®o[= ga\lhnº (Safak Kajo[ikos)! Iuraqanciur m;r fa\r;niqi a\z;loujiune \atkan,oua‘ hr \atouk \i,atakn;row ;u oro, tpauoroujiunn;row% oronz masin ørin arta\a\toua‘ hi \ødoua‘n;row! A\d \ødoua‘n;rhn ;rkouqe \atkazoua‘ hin l;xouakan farz;rou% a\sinqn ar;umtafa\;rhni dvba.t yakatagrin ;u ar;u;lafa\;rhni a[aua[oua‘ ;u ir anaratoujiune korsnzouza‘ wiyakin! A\d ;rkara,ounc \ødoua‘n;rhn mh\ mhk ørinak ou[arka‘ hi Krjouj;an% Gitouj;an ;u S'iu®qi Na.araroujiunn;roun% oronzmh staza‘ hi patas.an namakn;r% our gnafat;lh ;tq ªna.an]a.ndroujiun fa\;rhn l;xoui ana[artouj;an wra\owº% ke fauasthin jh ardhn isk ªgor‘oun a,.atanq ke tanin a\d ou[[ouj;ambº! Krjouj;an ;u Gitouj;an Na.ararouj;an namakin mh= k*esouhr% or ªl;xoui masin FF ørhnqow amragroua‘ h l;xoui ana[artouj;an pafpanman pafan=e% ousti na.araroujiune gor‘oun qaroxcoujiun h irakanaznoum FF pa,tønakan l;xoui grakan fa\;rhni ana[artouj;an pafpanman famarº! A\s fauastiqe bnakan h oura.ali lour men hr m;xi famar% nkat;low or ar;umtafa\;rhne% inc or m;r ma\r;ni l;xoui go\at;uman ;ra,.iqn h% m;r i,.anoujiunn;roun qnnarkman a®arkan h! Saka\n% faka®ak a\d troua‘ fauastiqn;roun% anzno[ a\s fing tarin;rou enjazqin% oc mia\n a\d ªana[artouj;an pafpanmanº wra\ow a,.atanq me nkat;li c;[au% a\l au;lin ellalow øtaral;xou dprozn;r banalou wra\ow arta\a\touo[n;r ;[an! Namakin mh= t;san;li h na;u ouri, fakasakan arta\a\toujiun me% our esoua‘ h& ªFF l;xouaqa[aqakanouj;anº (endg‘oume m;rn h) fimnarar skx bounqiz h l;xoun x;r‘ paf;l incphs øtaramoloujiuniz% a\nphs hl maqramoloujiunizº! Øtaramoloujiune faka®ak datapart;li ararq me ellaloun% t;san;li irakanoujiun dar]a‘ h m;r axga\in k;anqhn n;rs! Sow;takan ,r=anhn mnaza‘ ®ous;rhn ba®;rou gor‘a‘oujiune ar;u;lafa\;rhni mh=% takauin ke ,arounakoui a\sør ;us% anka.ouj;an ,r=anin! A\s øtar ba®;rou d;®;us pafpanoume% orqan warvouj;an^ no\nqan ;u ;njaka\ouj;an xgazmounqi zouzani,e ke nkatoui! A\laphs anzno[ a\s 23 tarin;rou anka.ouj;an ,r=anin% ar;u;lafa\;rhne maqraxtoua‘ phtq hr ellar bolor a\d øtar ba®;rhn!

Saka\n incphs ke t;snoui% a\d srbaxan maqraxtoume na.ararin ko[mh k*orakoui maqramoloujiun! Fos fasknali ke da®na\ Prn& Na.ararin gor‘a‘a‘ ªl;xouaqa[aqakanoujiunº ba®in boun imaste% or ouri, ban ch ;jh oc ouri,in ;njaka\ mnalou xgazmounq! A\laphs ;jh maqragor‘oume moloujiun h% inc imast ouni ªl;xoui grakan fa\r;ni ana[artouj;an pafpanman famar ;[a‘ gor‘oun qaroxcoujiuneº! Au;lin^ 'or] ke kataroui ardarazn;l øtar ba®;rou gor‘a‘oujiune ar;u;lafa\;rhni mh=% ;rb k*esh& ªFa\oz l;xoui k;nsounakoujiune apafowoua‘ h oc mia\n fa\;rhn ba®apa,arow% a\l anfrav;,t 'o.a®oujiunn;rowº! Anfrav;,t 'o.a®oujiune fasknali h% qani or ;rb øtar l;xoui me mh= gor‘a‘ouo[ ba®i me n,anakoujiune oun;zo[ ba® me couninq fa\;rhn l;xoui mh=% kar;li h xa\n 'o. a®n;l! Saka\n inc es;l bolor a\n anou,abo\r fa\;rhn ba®;roun% oronq go\oujiun ounin m;r osk;[nik l;xouin mh= ;u oronq dours ,prtoua‘ ;n ar;u;lafa\;rhnhn ;u oronz 'o.arhn ke gor‘a‘ouin øtar ba®;r% a\sphs& Banast;[‘oujiun – pohxia% xbøsa,r=oujiun – tourixm% a®au;l – blas% nouax – minous% namakatoun – 'ost% ousoumnaran – institout .ndir – 'ropl;m Asonz nman baxmafariur ba®;r% oronq 'astørhn a[aua[a‘ ;n ar;u;lafa\;rhne! Takauin kan na;u fa\r;na.a®n ba®;r% incphs& ªsp;koul\azian;rowº% ªintoqsikazia\iº% ªmanipouliazian;riº% ;ua\ln% oronq ke gor‘a‘ouin orphs jh fa\;rhn ba®;r ;[a‘ ellan! J[jakizn;r% qa[aqakan m;knabann;r ou gro[n;r ard;øq c;#n andrada®nar ir;nz t;[;koujiunn;roun ;u groujiunn;roun mh= gor‘a‘a‘ a\s ba®;roun øtar ba®;r ;[a‘ ellaloun! C;#n andrada®nar or ir;nq fa\;rhn h% or ke gr;n ;u oc ª.a®n;rhn&&&º! Kardazhq sa na.adasoujiunn;re ;u t;shq jh inc fa\;rhn ;n anonq! ª:khq sks;nq .øs;l bolor ªkomounistn;riº% ªint;l;ktoualn;riº nor ª'ropl;mn;riº endfanour m,ako\jizº! ªMinc ørs ªint;lktiº fomani, h famaruoum ®ousaz l;xoui imazoujiunn a®anz faskanalou% or a,.arfoum a\d l;xouow ardhn wa[ouz ci st;[‘uoum or;uh ªint;l;ktoualº a®a=atar ªprodouktºº! ªWaya®;l ªstrat;giakanº n,anakouj;an bolor ªøb\;ktn;reºº! ªM;x møt lour= n;rdroumn;r ;n kataruoum ªbaxmapro`ilº olortn;roum% tnt;soujiune gnalow ªdiu;rsi`ikazuoumº hº! Kardazhq sa w;rnagire& ªMarginalazouo[ krim;naleº :r;uaka\;l or sa fa\;rhn \ødoua‘i me w;rnagirn h&&&! <ar& h= 14

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Frank Pallone: Its Our Duty To Stand Against Targeting Of Armenians U.S. Congressman Frank Pallone has condemned the destruction of the Armenian Genocide Memorial Church in Deir ez-Zor. “I am deeply saddened and outraged by the destruction of the Armenian Genocide Memorial Church in Deir ez-Zor. This church stood to commemorate and honor the hundreds of thousands of Armenians who died on the march to Deir ez-Zor. At the order of the Ottoman Turks, Armenian refugees were sent to die in Deir ez-Zor as part of the 20th century’s first genocide. The destruction of the Cont. on p. 9

Syria: US Begins Air Strikes On Islamic State Targets The strikes were expected as part of President Barack Obama's pledge to "degrade and destroy" IS, which has taken huge Arab nations have taken part in the air strikes, but which and in what capacity remains unclear, Barbara Plett Usher reports The US and allies said to include Arab nations have launched the first air strikes against Islamic State (IS) militants in Syria, the Pentagon says. Spokesman Rear Adm John Kirby said fighter and bomber jets and Tomahawk missiles were used in the attack. swathes of Syria and Iraq. The US has already launched 190 air strikes in Iraq since August. However, Monday's action expands the campaign against the militant group across the national border into Syria.

Around the world !Turkey accused of conspiring with IS against Assad after hostage release. !ISIS seizes 21 Kurdish villages in the north of Syria !ISIL kills 300 Iraqi troops with chlorine gas. !Queen Elizabeth II congratulated the people of Armenia on the 23nd anniversary of the independence. !Pope Francis admits President’s invitation to visit Armenia in April 2015. !Islamic State message shows desire for US boots on the ground. !New clashes erupt at Syrian-Turkish border as 130k refugees flee. !Lavrov tells US to respect Syria’s sovereignty while tackling ISIS.

Yerevan Condemns ‘Armenian Church Bombing’ In Syria

Syria - Syrian Armenian pilgrims at the Armenian genocide memorial in Deir ez-Zor, 2009 Armenia on Monday strongly condemned the reported destruction by Islamic State militants of an Armenian church in eastern Syria that has also served as a memorial to the victims of the 1915 genocide in Ottoman Turkey. The official Syrian news agency SANA said that the militants blew up and completely razed the Saint Martyrs’ Church in the city of Deir ez-Zor on Sunday. There has been no independent confirmation of the report so far. Nor have there been any statements yet by the Sunni jihadist movement controlling large swathes of land in Syria, including most of the Deir ez-Zor region, and neighboring Iraq. Official Yerevan referred to the alleged bombing as a fact. “This despicable and barbaric act against a shrine once again demonstrates the savage nature of the socalled ‘Islamic State’ terrorist group,” Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian said in a statement. “The international community must immediately stop and root out that plague threatening the civilized world and cut off all channels of its support, financing and sponsorship.” President Serzh Sarkisian’s chief of staff, meanwhile, held Turkey responsible for the reported bombing. “If Turkey has

nothing to do with the terrorist attack on the Saint Martyrs’ Church, it should come up with a corresponding statement of condemnation,” the official, Vigen Sargsian, wrote on his Facebook page. The Turkish government has been accused by the Syrian regime, Kurdish leaders and some international media of providing covert support to the Islamic State. It has strongly denied those allegations. Built in 1989-1991, the Der ez-Zor church has been part of an Armenian genocide memorial complex. It comprises a museum housing the remains of genocide victims. Deir ez-Zor and the surrounding Syrian desert were the final destination point for Armenians forced out of their homes and subjected to infamous “death marches” by the Ottoman government during the First World War. Sargsian emphasized this fact in his written remarks. “This is yet another proof that the crime of genocide continues as long as it is not fully recognized and punished,” he said in another jibe at Ankara. President Sarkisian visited and gave a speech at the Deir ez-Zor memorial during a 2010 trip to Syria.

Catholicosate Of Cilicia To Apply To Constitutional Court Of Turkey With Claim On Returning Sis Residence And Estates Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia is going to apply to the Constitutional Court of Turkey with the claim on returning the residence and the estates of Sis, located in the territory of historical Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia. About this announced Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia Aram I at “Homealnd-Diaspora” 5th conference. “ We will demand from the Constitutional Court to return our estates, and in case of rejection by the Constitutional Court of Turkey we will apply to the European Cour of Human Rigts; we will fight for our purpose till the end,” Aram I stressed, Armenpress reports. “Catholicosate of Cilicia , which is situated in Sis, capital city of the historical Cilicia, has a symbolic significance for Cilicia and all Armenians,” Aram I said. In his address Aram I also referred to the issue of international recognition of the

Nagorno Karabakh Republic, underscoring that it must be a core issue for Armenians. “Nagorno Karabakh security is very important for us. We should do everything possible to maintain security in Karabakh and to establish sustainable peace. Karabakh’s independence is also Armenia’s independence,” said the Catholicos. His Holiness also referred to Armenian Genocide recognition and compensation, stressing that this issue is very important too and in this fight we need the unity of Armenia and Diaspora.

Obama Praises ‘Strong’ Ties With Armenia U.S. President Barack Obama has described U.S.-Armenian relations as “strong” and pledged to deepen them despite Armenia’s upcoming accession to a new Russia-led alliance of ex-Soviet states. “Armenia and the United States have a strong history rooted in partnership and friendship. The people-to-people, cultural and economic ties that bind our countries are impressive and inspiring,” Obama said in a weekend letter to President Serzh Sarkisian that congratulated him on Armenia’s Independence Day. “The U.S.-Armenia relationship remains strong, and we look forward to continuing and deepening our cooperation for many years to come,” read the letter publicized by Sarkisian’s office. “The deep bonds between the United States and Armenia are strong,” U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said for his part. “We will continue to strengthen our partnership with Armenia in various dimensions including security cooperation, economic and democratic development, and expanding people-to-people exchanges.” “As you celebrate 23 years of independence, know that the United States stands with Armenia as a partner and friend,” Kerry added in a statement that congratulated Armenians on their national holiday.

Turkish Train Carrying War Tanks And Weapons, Delivered To ISIS CNN iReport: 49 Turkish citizens were taken hostage when ISIS took control of Mosul, Iraq, in June. They were released and arrived back in Turkey on September 20. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has denied reports he made a financial deal with ISIS for their freedom, but conceded it was "a political, diplomatic bargain." Breaking News:Turkey gave 49 war tanks & weapons to ISIS against Kurds in syria & ISIS freed 49 Turkish diplomat. Video shows Turkish train carrying war tanks and weapons, delivered to ISIS in Tel Abyad , the place that isis is fighting with kurdish In north Syria right now human right organisation calling for European union , UK , Canada , Australia and united states of America to urgently stop turkey from supporting , arming, and training ISIS. Reported by Zilan Qandil journalist from Kobane, kurdish zone, northern Syria.


Florida’s House Delegation Split On Supporting President Obama’s Call To Arm Syrian Rebel By Taniel Koushakjian FLArmenians Managing Editor This week, the House and Senate considered measures concerning the Armenian American community. Congress was expected to pass a Continuing Resolution (CR) to avoid a government shutdown on September 30th, when current funding is set to expire. However, after President Obama’s primetime address on September 10th calling for the arming of Syrian rebels, the House voted on a measure to do just that and attached it as an amendment to the CR, setting up a complex and very interesting pattern of voting. In what Roll Call described as a vote “fractured along untraditional [party] lines,” the House approved the CR 319-108, and 273-156 on the amendment to arm Syrian rebels. 143 Democrats joined 176 Republicans in support of the CR, while 55 Democrats and 53 Republicans opposed. On the Syria amendment, 159 Republicans were joined by 114 Democrats in support of the measure, while 85 Republicans and 71 Democrats opposed. According to several interviews with Armenian American community leaders across the United States, an overwhelming majority support US airstrikes against ISIL. However, they do not support President Obama’s call to train and arm Syrian rebel factions, especially in the wake of the Turkish-backed rebel assault on the Christian Armenian town of Kessab, Syria earlier this year. An analysis by Florida Armenians reveals that House Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman Jeff Miller (R-FL), and Congressmen Alan Grayson (D-FL), and David Jolly (R-FL) voted against arming Syrian rebels, yet supported the CR. Republican Congressmen Ted Yoho (RFL), Ron DeSantis (R-FL), Bill Posey (R-FL), Richard Nugent (R-FL), Tom Rooney (RFL), and Curt Clawson (R-FL) voted against both the amendment arming Syrian rebels and the CR. Interestingly, Democratic Congressman Alcee Hasting (D-FL), a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, and Rep. Lois Frankel (D-FL), opposed President Obama on both the Syrian amendment and the CR. Everyone else stood with President Obama in supporting the amendment to arm Syrian rebels and for the CR. While it is clear that Armenian Americans support the President’s vow to “destroy and ultimately defeat ISIL,” they are wary of training and arming Islamic rebel factions with known ties to al-Qaeda and that have a record of attacking Christians just like ISIL. Florida Armenians have an important role to play in this debate. Many Armenian American families in Florida emigrated from Syria, mostly descendants of the 1915 Armenian Genocide. Some still have relatives there. They are uniquely familiar with the regional dynamics and can provide critical insight into what groups truly respect and protect and respect religious minorities, be they Christian Armenian, Assyrian, or Yezidis.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday September 25, 2014

Dr. M. Agbabian, G. R. Phillips, Esq. Will Be Honored By AMAA And Haigazian University At November 15 Celebratory Banquet Dr. Mihran Agbabian and George R. Phillips, Esq. have been selected as their honorees by the Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA) and Haigazian University, at a Celebratory banquet taking place at the Beverly Hills Hotel on Saturday, November 15, 2014 paying tribute to these individuals who have had a great impact on both institutions. The program will feature celebrated lyric soprano Kallen Esperian and the evening’s MC Harry Nadjarian. The event is scheduled for 6 pm. Dr. Agbabian is recognized worldwide in the field of earthquake engineering, is Founding President Emeritus of the American University of Armenia, a former Dean of USC’s School of Engineering, and a recipient of the Ellis Island Medal of Honor. Mr. Phillips has served as Vice President of the AMAA, was named the Charlotte & Elise Merdinian Armenian Evangelical School Man of the Year, and has served as a Trustee for the Ignatius Foundation. Both honorees have served as board members of the AMAA and have, for decades, been devoted supporters of both the AMAA and Haigazian University as well as numerous sister organizations. The spouses of the guests of honor, Elizabeth Agbabian and Suzie Phillips, were found-

ing members of the Haigazian University Women’s Auxiliary of Los Angeles and the AMAA Child and Orphan Care Committee which they have championed to this day. Greetings from the AMAA will be conveyed by its newly-installed Executive Director/CEO Zaven Khanjian and from the Haigazian University by its President, Rev. Dr. Paul Haidostian from Beirut, Lebanon. The banquet is being co-chaired by Joyce Abdulian and Ken Kevorkian. The Armenian Missionary Association of America, based in Paramus, New Jersey, was founded in 1918 "to serve the spiritual and physical needs of Armenian people everywhere, both at home and overseas.“ The organization has recently opened a West Coast Office in Glendale under the leadership of Levon Filian, the West Coast Executive Director. Haigazian University, one of the topranking institutions of higher learning in the Middle East, is held in high esteem for many Armenians and has yielded many productive citizens in communities worldwide. Banquet information may be obtained from contacts Grace Kurkjian 714- 7739075, GrKurkjian@aol.com and Sandra Kalemkiarian, 626-355-4004, Sandra@womclub.com.

Armenian Catholic Oparch Bishop Mikael Mouradian Visits Ararat Home Board Of Trustees Most Reverend Mikael Mouradian, Bishop of the Armenian Catholic Eparchy in the United States and Canada, visited the Ararat Home Board of Trustees in Mission Hills on August 27, 2014. The Board had invited the Eparch to its customary dinner and monthly Board meeting. The Eparch met each trustee and was more closely introduced to the scope of work done at Ararat Home. Board Chairman Joseph Kanimian welcomed the Eparch in his opening remarks, introduced him to the Board and thanked him and the Armenian Catholic Church for being great supporters of Ararat Home. The Chairman also presented the Eparch special Ararat Home gifts as a token of appreciation. After offering the opening prayer at the meeting, the Eparch addressed the entire

Board. He briefly remarked on the history of the Armenian Catholic Church in North America and the challenges the Church faces today. He blessed the trustees for their service and dedication to the mission of the Home and conveyed the appreciation of the Armenian Catholic Church for the compassionate care Ararat Home provides the elderly members of the community. Bishop Mouradian expressed his wish to return to the Home on another occasion in order to tour the facilities, meet the residents and pray with them, and bless the staff for the good work they all do.

Armenian Hikers Association—LA

AHA!-LA Organizing 100 Kilometer Tribute March Glendale, CA – The Armenian Hikers Association Los Angeles Chapter is organizing a 100 Kilometer (62.14 miles) Tribute March on the occasion of the Armenian Genocide centennial. The four-day walk through the Angeles National Forest and Los Angeles basin will honor the memory of the 1.5 million martyrs by humbly replicating a small aspect of their ordeal, long distances walked. Participants may walk the entire distance individually or as a team. Walkers will gather sponsors and the funds raised will be used to support Genocide related projects, soon to be announced. Robert Assarian, lead AHA! organizer and originator of the project thinks, “We’re going to remember the 100 years of denial and dispossession by walking 100 kilometers. This will be a tribute to our perseverance and help lay a foundation for our future. Through our efforts, we will raise funds to work on remedying the massive injustice committed against our forefathers and our nation.” Anyone interested in participating or following developments about the March is encouraged to check on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/100kmtributemarch), contact AHA! at armenianhikersassociationla@yahoo.com, or call 818/434-5952. The Armenian Hikers Association promotes enjoyable, healthful, and safe hikes and similar activities in the wildlands, woodlands, and wherever else Armenians and their friends can go. AHA! can be reached through Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/groups/521538567895715/.

“A Middle East With No Minorities?”

Reverend Paul Haidostian, President of Beirut-based Haigazian University, will be the guest of the USC Institute of Armenian Studies at a lunch-time conversation to be held on Monday, September 29, 2014, at noon at the Doheny Memorial Library Room 244, on campus. Entitled “A Middle East Without Minorities?” Dr. Haidostian will speak about the recent turmoil in the Middle East and its impact on the various ethnic and religious minorities of the region. USC Professor of International Relations, Dr. Laurie Brand, will be guiding the discussion. Rev. Haidostian has been president of Haigazian since 2002. In addition to his local and international responsibilities in educational, religious and ecumenical organizations, he teaches, lectures, and writes in Armenian, Arabic and English on a wide variety of topics including Armenian identity, ecumenism, youth, social issues, theology, religion, and community. Rev. Haidostian is currently the Chair of the Central Committee of the Union of Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East. He will be a guest at the Institute’s anniversary gala to be held at the Beverly Hilton on September 28. Dr. Laurie Brand is a professor of international relations at the University of Southern California School of International Relations. She specializes in the international relations of the Middle East, including political economy of the region and inter-Arab relations. She is the author of several books on the region, including most recently, Official Stories: Politics and National Narratives in Egypt and Algeria, published by Stanford University Press. She is a past president of the Middle East Studies Association of North America in 2004. Salpi Ghazarian, the newly appointed director of the USC Institute of Armenian Studies, says, “We invite the community to the USC campus to this program. This is not a lecture. It’s a conversation between two people who know the region well. Dr. Haidostian’s intimate knowledge of the Middle East, and his readiness to share his insights are very valuable, now, at a time when we are all trying to understand what is happening in the Middle East, and why. Dr. Laurie Brand heads USC’s Middle East Studies Program and we’re grateful for her participation.” Lunch will be served. Directions and parking information: We advise guests to park in Parking Structure D, which is located on the corner of Jefferson and Figueroa (across from the Shrine). See attached map for the location of the event (Doheny Memorial Library, Room 244). Please call (562) 508-8474 if you have any questions regarding the event, including parking and directions.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday September 25, 2014

An Abominable Act By Alice Krumian

Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

32-Yavuz Baydar By Hambersom Aghbashian

So much of human history, most regrettably, Has been written in blood, tears, and despondency; Whether it's through the fault of our unfair society, Or the soul's corruption devoid of faith and morality. Our planet became the slaughter-house of the universe, Criminality and violence multiplying without any remorse; Disturbing images on the mass media keep emerging daily, As the lethal symptoms of our toxic society. Pictures of angelic girls, playing with their dolls, Suddenly invaded, overpowered and defiled; Their innocence violated by satanic molesters, Who would stop at nothing to satisfy their lewd desire. We've run out of words for what happened recently, To a sweet little girl, singing and skipping happily, Walking down the street, on her way home from school, Brutally kidnapped, raped, and then strangled. No crime is so horrendous as the assault against children, Who are in need of adult care, being helpless and frail; Their dignity violated, their trust totally betrayed, Nothing can undo the trauma that they have sustained. What a shame and disgrace that our media outlets, Instantly broadcast the pictures of such horrid events! These infamous offenders advertised in media coverage, Upset the nerves and emotions of viewers of any age. These criminals, however, instead of paying their penalty, And receive life sentences, are exonerated frequently; "Mitigating circumstances" are created immediately, And the victims often blamed for occasioning the felony. Under the new definitions, most criminals become "insanes", The guilt being placed on their "bad genes" or "mental state"; Greedy lawyers find formulas to acquit them of the felony, Substituting prison sentences with "psychological therapy". In our modern world, marked by science and technology, How far have we strayed from Ethics and Morality! The restoration of Biblical codes of Right and Wrong is our duty, The greatness of a nation consists mainly of its moral integrity.

ONEArmenia Shifts Lens Onto The Diaspora With Instagram Photo Contest Yerevan -- Though its focus has been on Armenia for the past two years, ONEArmenia has made a shift towards the Armenian diaspora by announcing an Instagram photo contest, judged by Scout Tufankjian, that will paint a picture of Armenians outside of Armenia, taken from their own perspective. Engaging with the Armenian diaspora is a key element to all of ONEArmenia’s projects. With its new 1A Embassy ambassador program launching in September, ONEArmenia seeks to grow its global community and make its relationship with the diaspora “official”. The new program will invite individuals around the world to become dedicated extensions of the organization’s mission and focus, undertaking responsibilities such as organizing fundraisers for ONEArmenia and sharing information about the organization and its projects in their local communities. To kickstart the launch of its global embassy, ONEArmenia has announced an Instagram photo contest focused on the diaspora. Armenians all over the world will be asked to upload a photo that shows what their diaspora community means to them. Those who wish to participate in the contest must upload their photo to Instagram with the hashtag #SHIFTperspective.


The contest will launch on September 15th and end October 10th. Judging the contest will be Scout Tufankjian, an Armenian-American photojournalist who is currently working on a photo book tentatively called The Armenian Diaspora Project. Tufankjian’s choice for the best photo will win $1500, while a second $1500 prize will go to the winner of a global online vote on Facebook. Non-profit funding platform ONEArmenia was founded in September 2012 to stand with the change-making individuals and the organizations they represent, using social media and crowd-funding to involve anyone with an Internet connection in boosting projects that are geared toward making tangible changes in Armenia now. The ONEArmenia network makes it possible to not only raise money for a project based in Armenia as a worldwide community, but to also track the progress of said project with complete access to financial information.

Yavuz Baydar (born 1956, Istanbul -Turkey), is a Turkish journalist, media critic, author of music and cinema. He completed his high school education in Eski!ehir -Turkey, in 1976, and his higher education in Stockholm, (Stockholm University - Faculty of Cybernetics and Informatics) . A journalist since 1979. He has been a radio reporter, news presenter, producer, TV host, foreign correspondent, debater , and in recent years, a news ombudsman for the daily Sabah. Baydar also contributes as a commentator for the BBC World, Swedish Radio-TV, NPR, Russian TV and Al Jazeera. He is a contributing writer for Al-Monitor's Turkey Pulse. He is a former president of the World Organization of News Ombudsmen and a member of the World Editors Forum, the Committee of Concerned Journalists and the UNESCO National Committee of Communications.(1) (2) According to “www.al-monitor.com /pulse/contents/" (Apr. 25, 2013), Yavuz Baydar wrote that Turkey should get ahead of the 2015 centennial commemoration of the Armenian genocide by acknowledging it, which would be a game-changer in Turkish politics. (3). Yavus Beayder was also one of the Turkish intellectual who signed a Petition Against Denialist Exhibition in Denmark , reminding the Denmark's authorities that by giving the Turkish government the opportunity to present an “alternative exhibit”, they support their policy of suppression and intimidation. And that their support constitutes an obstacle to democratization efforts in Turkey today. (4) In his article "Turkey: Is Ankara Ready for April 24, 2015?" Yigal Schleifer wrote on April 24, 2013 "Today's Zaman columnist Yavuz Baydar , who suggests Turkey has had a kind of glasnost* when it comes to confronting some of the difficult issues of that past, offers his take on this dynamic: Turkey's glasnost has been instrumental to defeat the taboo of the last century in Turkey. Today, on April 24, people will gather in Adana, "zmir, Ankara, Batman, Bodrum, Dersim, Diyarbekir and "stanbul. Every year, the number of participants has increased: from 700 in 2010 to 3,000 last year. But the question is whether Turkish glasnost, if successful in sorting out the Kurdish peace process, will also help lead to a proper apology from Ankara in 2015.(5) Prof. Osheen Keshishian (Publisher The Armenian Observer) mentioned in his editorial "Changes are coming Slowly", June 9, 2013, "After almost a century of silence, some Turkish historians, writers and journalists have seen the light and have become much more vocal and have come out to correct Turkish history. Some cautiously

and other more abrasively, starting a movement to write unwittingly the facts, the truth of their history, which was altered and disoriented, and to seek justice for the Armenians, the Kurds, and Assyrians. Many Turks are writing in Turkish without mincing words and spread the truth. Maybe their conscience bothered them for decades for not telling the truth. Obviously, times have changed and the internet, exchange of students and writers, twitter bloggers, and other modern devices, have made a dent in their minds and hearts." Yavuz Baydar is one of those who were mentioned in Prof. Keshishian's list of Turkish intellectuals.(6) In his article "All the heroes deserve remembrance" in "The Independent-March 7, 2014", Robert Fisk wrote 'Many survivors of the Armenian genocide have told me of courageous Turks who saved the lives of their families', and talking about a program on Turkish television (February 3, 2001, broadcast under the title “CevizKabugu”, Walnut Shell, a six-hour program of critical inquiry on the Armenian Genocide), he mentioned that "an extraordinary event took place. A Turkish writer and historian lectured his people on the facts - the reality - of the Armenian Holocaust of 1915. A brave man, Dr Akcam. So too,Yavuz Baydar, who in the same day's Turkish Milliyet newspaper wrote that "he was always convinced of the necessity to show courage and reprove Talat and his company for their misdeeds... These men are our Pol Pots, Berias and Stalins, and the sooner we call these crimes to account, the better our chances of redeeming ourselves from this scourge of being accused of genocide." (7)

*Glasnost: a Soviet policy permitting open discussion of political and social issues and freer dissemination of news and information. 1.http://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yavuz_ Baydar 2.http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/ c o n t e n t s / a u t h o r s / y a v u z - b a y d a r. html?b=35# 3 . h t t p : / / w w w. a l - m o n i t o r. c o m / pulse/ar/originals/2013/04/armeniangenocide-1915-turkeydefiant.html# 4 . h t t p : / / w w w. g e n o c i d e museum.am/eng/19.12.12.php 5.http://www.eurasianet.org/node/66 872 6.http://www.thearmenianobserver.co m/?page_id=21 7.http://www.independent.co.uk/voic es/commentators/fisk/robert-fisk-all-theheroes-deserve-remembrance-695035.html

Frank Pallone: Its Our Duty To Stand Against Targeting Of Armenians church memorializing this terrible point in history must be met with a strong international response.” “The United States government and other international partners in the region must work to protect religious minorities and to ensure that Armenian Christians are

Cont. from p.7 not targeted for such appalling acts. As the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide approaches, we must remember that it is our duty to stand against the targeting of Armenians all around the world and to prevent any further targeted violence.” !


Turkey: New World Sponsor Of Terrorism By The Jewish Voice Staff

Turkey was at one time, a great stop for tourists. It's the bridge joining Asia and Europe. It's replete with historic sites, super food and had a pro-western outlook although ninety eight percent of its population is Muslim. That paradise started to cloud over when two of its premier synagogues were simultaneously blown up in 2003. Immediately after these events, Islamist, Recep Erdogan was elected the country's prime minister. In 2014 he became its president. End of Paradise on the Bosphorus. No more carefree shopping underground in the spacious Grand Bazaar and tea at the gazillion carpet marketsfor infidels. Welcome to another Islamic state. Recall, if you will the disaster that was the Flotilla that attempted to breach Israel's blockade of Hamas' Gaza. It set sail from Turkey and was funded and supported by the Turkish government. Under pressure from President Obama, Israel apologized for its action, only to be slapped in the face by Erdogan's threat to send Turkish warships with the next "humanitarian" convoy to Gaza. The once good relationship between Israel and Turkey might never be resumed. Thank you, Barack! Today, Turkey is attempting to replicate its past centuries' role as the great Ottoman Empire and setting itself up as the base for a worldwide Caliphate that ended with its being on the losing side as a WWI partner of Germany and Austria. That dream has been awakened by the Islamist surge in the Mid East and its seeds being planted in Western lands. Turkey's hatred of Christians was evidenced by its slaughter of over one million Armenians in 1915. Today, Israel, the Little Satan sitting atop the territory that was once Ottoman ruled, must go. The current alignment of forces in the mostly Muslim Middle East comes as a surprise to those who are interested enough to understand its lunacies. Sides have been drawn with Israel now having the tacitsupport of Saudi Arabia, the Gulf States and Egypt. This awkward alliance was brought about by the understanding among them that, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." On the opposite side of the line drawn in the sands of that region, are Iran, Turkey, Qatar and amazingly, the United States. There is no doubt that Obama and Kerry lean toward appeasing the forces of Islamic terror through their bumbling and seemingly hesitant moves to take a military action against ISIS and the terrorists who are attempting to overrun Syria. Mind numbing, dangerous policies. The overt moves of Turkey siding with the likes of Hamas, Hezbollah, the revolutionaries in Syria and the savage ISIS are frightening. It is a military powerhouse and a member of NATO. The actions of our own government in cuddling with the likes of President Erdogan and Iran are signals to Islamists all over the world that the United States has given them its nod of approval. Sad, but we must face reality in response to President Obama's overt actions against Israel and his obvious weak-kneed approach to Muslim terror abroad and at home. The alarm clock has already rung. It's wake-up time.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday September 25, 2014

President Sargsyan, Syrian Armenians Armenia To Deploy Denounce The Destruction Of St. Martyrs Church Peacekeeping preservation of the cultural heritage and President Serzh Sargsyan received Contingent In the national challenges were discussed. The today representatives of Syrian Armenian interlocutors expressed their deep concern community organizations, who have arLebanon In October over the barbaric detonation of the Saint rived in Armenia to participate in the 5th Armenia-Diaspora Conference. During the meeting reference was made to the problems of the Syrian-Armenian community under the conditions of ongoing crisis, the involvement of all Armenian structures in their resolution, the support to Syrian Armenians, who have moved to the Motherland, as well as the future programs. Issues related to the state of the Christian communities of the Middle East,

Martyrs Armenian Church in Deir el-Zor by terrorists. The parties emphasized the importance of the priorities and provisions of the Declaration of the 5th Armenia-Diaspora Conference for the solution of the above-mentioned problems, resistance to the existing challenges and the unity of Armenians around national interests and goals.

Organization of Istanbul Armenians (OIA) 2014 – 2015 Academic Year

Scholarship Announcement The Organization of Istanbul Armenians awards up to 10 scholarships per year to highly deserving college and graduate students. Each scholarship award amounts up to $2,500. This year a limited number of scholarships will again be made available to qualified students. The eligibility requirements for scholarship candidacy for UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE STUDENTS are: To be an individual of Armenian descent. To have demonstrated academic excellence. To be a full-time student in an accredited four-year college/university or a full-time graduate student in the United States AND a. Completion of at least a quarter/semester is required (for transcript purposes), if student has moved from high school to college directly. b. Completion of at least a quarter/semester is NOT required, if student has transferred from community college to college or student is currently enrolled in a graduate program. All students wishing to be considered for an OIA Scholarship must complete the application form. The OIA Scholarship Committee will review all applications and make awards to those students whose academic and extra-curricular activities show the most promise, a desire to succeed, and a commitment to making a positive contribution to others. Special consideration will be given to applicants with involvement in Armenian community activities. Completed application packages along will all the required documentation must be submitted to the Organization of Istanbul Armenians no later than October 17, 2014. To download an application package, please visit the O.I.A. Web site at (http://www.oia.net/scholarship). Please forward all the questions you may have regarding the O.I.A. scholarship applications to scholarship@oia.net. OIA Scholarship Application 2014 – Cover OIA Scholarship Application 2014 – Eligibility Requirements OIA Scholarship Application 2014 OIA Scholarship Application 2014 – Letter of Recommendation

Armenia will deploy a contingent in Lebanon under the Italian command within the framework of the UN peacekeeping mission, President Serzh Sargsyan told the Italian daily Corrierre della Serra, Public Radio of Armenia website reported. Armenia, along with the international community, is highly concerned with the developments in the Middle East, the President said. “There are large and vibrant Armenian communities in Iraq and Syria, who have lived there for years in harmony with Muslims. We are now witnessing gradual annihilation of the Christian cultural heritage in those regions.

Dear Friend, I am very proud of the successful and productive year in the Assembly, which saw the passage of nine bills from both the Assembly and State Senate; five of which have already been signed into law, including the Armenian Genocide Education Act. This session, we reaffirmed California as a leader of forward-thinking policy. We passed vital legislation to help our film and aerospace industries become competitive and bring jobs back home. We passed a landmark ban on single-use plastic bags and passed the first ever kill switch for smartphones - protecting consumers from identity and property theft. We also passed legislation providing paid sick days and ensuring rental units remain affordable to help hard-working families. We tackled some of California's worst crises, passing critical legislation to address struggles with water and job losses to other states. AB 1839, a bill that triples our existing film production tax credits; saving film jobs here and bring jobs back home. AB 1739 and the recently passed Water Bond focuses squarely on ensuring that our state has enough water to satisfy its needs going forward. AB 577, a measure lifting the ban on light rail in the San Fernando Valley, opening the door for smarter transportation options for commuters. AB 1915, Armenian Genocide Education Act - a bill to encourage the inclusion and teaching of the Armenian Genocide in the Social Science course curriculum of study for 7th - 12th grades in California. I am especially proud that AB 1915, Armenian Genocide Education Act, is now signed into law. This is an issue near and dear to my heart, having myself descended from survivors of the horrific atrocities befallen the Armenian people. Only through education and remembrance can we heal our pain and never repeat the mistakes of the past.

N.O. September 25, 2014, No. 37:N.O. Blank


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;rkou vam;roun enjazqin fimnakan k;rpow .øsa‘ hi Oua,inkjeni ga[ouji krjakan a,.atanqi% gor‘adrouo[ ousoumnakan ‘ragiri ;u npatakn;rou masin% miavamanak talow ga[ouji m,akouja\in k;anqi ;u fama\nqa\in a®a=adranqn;rou ;u =anq;rou patk;re! :jh \a=o[oujiunn;r ar]anagroua‘ hin a\d marx;rhn n;rs% ga[ouje atika ke parthr ‘no[n;rou ;u ousouzicn;rou famat;[ gor‘akzouj;an% anonz nouiroumin ;u xofab;rouj;an! F;t;uabar% a\d øroua\ dasa.øsouj;an ørakarge safmana'ak ditankiun me ounhr% jh;u enkal;al soworouj;an fama]a\n patrast hi krjakan or;uh farzi masin n;rkan;rou farzoumn;roun patas.an;lou! Dvouar c;[au k®af;l or tikine Fa\astanhn artaga[ja‘ an] men hr% or ibr ousouzic ke pa,tønawarhr am;rikafa\ amhnør;a\ dprozn;rhn mhkoun mh=! Ir \andimanakan ,;,thn \stak hr% or ir;n famar kar;li chr s'iu®qi mh= fa\ krjouj;an ;u dprozi masin .øsil a®anz aknark;lou Fa\astani% anka*. Fa\astani go\ouj;an ;u a\d irakanouj;nhn b.o[ xougakzakan \arab;rouj;anz! F;t;uabar% an k*ouxhr a\d a®ijow ir xarmanqe kam zasoume arta\a\t;l a\n ;njadr;al iro[ouj;an dhm or fa\r;niqe ibr;u gor‘nakan ;u ,ø,a';li houjiun bazaka\ hr m;r dprozi k;anqhn n;rs% dat;low a\d ør troua‘ x;kouzoumi enjazqhn ;u bowandakouj;nhn! Krna\i a\d ør parxørhn patas.an;l or fa\ krjakan a,.atanqi nouiroua‘ a\d famagoumare inqnin ke fandisanar k;nsakan a\n kape or m;x amhnqs ke kaphr Fa\ouj;an go\at;uoumi i .ndir tarouo[ pa\qarin% ;u f;t;uabar s;rt a®ncoujiun me ounhr og;kan a\n a,.arfin f;t% or ‘nound toua‘ hr Anka. Fa\astani me endfanrakan ga[a'arakanin! Krna\i bazatr;l or Oua,inkjeni% Am;rika\i ;u s'iu®qi tara‘qin gor‘o[ ga[oujn;re% anonz krønakan% marxakan% m,akouja\in% bar;sirakan marminn;re ;u fastatoujiunn;re m;r mh= Fa\astani n;rka\ouj;an lauago\n 'ast;rn hin ou na;u grauakane a\n t;silqin% or ‘nound touau axat ;u anka.

Fa\astani! Krna\i na;u ,;,t;l or Oua,inkjeni fa\ ga[oujhn n;rs gor‘o[ a\d miør;a\ dprozi krjakan ;u ousoumnakan ‘ragire ka®ouzoua‘ hr a,ak;rtouj;an mh= fimnauor;lou fa\ l;xoui% m,ako\ji% patmouj;an ;u krøni ‘anøjoujiunn ou gitakzoujiune% ;u jh ‘no[n;rou ;u ousouzicn;rou =anq;re amhn wa\rk;an gor‘nakanørhn Fa\astan ou fa\r;nasiroujiun ke s'®hin ir;nz cors din! Asonzmh o*c mhke esi orowf;t;u a\nphs famoxoua‘ hi or fa\ dprozi ousouzicn;rh ;u tnørhnn;rh kaxmoua‘ ounkndirn;rou a\dpisi fasarakoujiun me phtq counhr im xgazakan arta\a\touj;nh ‘na‘ ardarazoumin% .øsqin kam ya®a.øsouj;an% ;u jh inqnin parx phtq hr ellar n;rkan;roun famar jh inc hr fa\ dprozi dprozin k;anq ;u houjiun touo[ t;silqe ;u anor gor‘ounhoujiune frafro[ n;r,ncarane! Anka. a\d øroua\ toua‘ im pa\manakan patas.anhs a\d farzoume takauin mtqis mh= h ou \aya. farz toua‘ ;m ;s in‘i! I#nc ke n,anakh anka. Fa\astane q;xi famar ibr;u anfat fa\ endfanraphs ;u i masnauori% ibr;u s'iu®qafa\! I#nc t;[ ouni Fa\astane ibr;u anka. p;toujiun ;u faskazo[oujiun qou a®ør;a\ k;anqid mh= ;u i#nc ];uow an gor‘nakan% ,ø,a';li n;rka\oujiun men h q;xi famar! Ouri,n;rou nman ;s al% ibr;u s'iu®qafa\% møthn ke f;t;uim Fa\astani k;anqin% fonkh ;ko[ jh* drakan ;u jh* v.takan lour;roun ou ke f;taqrqrouim qa[aqakan% axga\in% m,akouja\in ;u grakan marx;rhn n;rs t;[i oun;zo[ xargazoumn;row! Na;u ibr;u tnt;saght% ou,adrouj;amb acqh k*anzn;m fa\r;niqi tnt;sakan k;anqi wiyakagrakan tou;aln;re ou mi=axga\in warka\in kaxmak;rpoujiunn;rou Fa\astani masin frataraka‘ fa[ordagroujiunn;re kam x;ko\zn;re! Ardi fa[ordami=ozn;rou ,norfiu ke f;t;uim na;u Fa\astani f;®oustat;sili ka\ani f;®as'®oumn;roun! Mhk .øsqow% Fa\astane oro, ca'ow n;rka\ h im amhnør;a\ k;anqin mh= ir am;naxan ;r;sn;row! (Mnaz;ale \a=ord jiuow)

OU<ADROUJIUN Aljatina\i mh= war]ou h Jhqh;an M,akouja\in Miouj;an W;ranorogoua‘ ou bar;xardoua‘ Ph,khøjiur;an k;droni g;[at;sil srafe% \armar bolor a®ijn;rou famar Manramasnouj;anz famar kar;li h f;®a]a\n;l Ghorg Qhø,khr;anin^ f;t;u;al jiuow&



Isk \ødoua‘in mh= ke kardanq& ªSow;takan Miouj;an 'louxoumiz \;to\ miak kaxmak;rpoua‘ famakarge oc jh ªtrans`ormaza‘º ªkomsomolakanº ªbiurokratianº hr% oc jh ªbixn;snº hr% oc jh ªint;lig;zianº% orn est houj;an artaga[j;z kam t;[a'o.ou;z :r;uan% a\l fhnz ªkriminalº famakargeº! Eshq .ndr;m sa inc fa\;rhn h! Mijh a\s to[;re gro[n;re c;#n andrada®nar ir;nz gra‘ fa\;rhnin! Mijh c;#n krnar xanaxan;l fa\;rhn ba®;re øtar ba®;rhn! Yi,d h% or ent;laza‘ ;n a\d ba®;roun ou ke gor‘a‘;n xanonq angitakzabar% saka\n vamanake ch# mijh andrada®nalou gor‘oua‘ s.alin! L;xoun zouzani,n h axga\in fpartouj;an! A\n axge or amour kap;row kapoua‘ h ir l;xouin% na.an]a.ndir k*ella\ anor ana[artouj;an! Jo\l ci tar or an øtar ba®;row .a®narani w;ra‘oui! Ir s;'akane ke g;radash amhn banh w;r! Ir famar na.apatiu ke famarh amhn inc or irn h! Manauand% or m;r l;xoun ir anou,ouj;amb% ir ba®apa,arow ou yo.ouj;amb% ;rb;q ci xi=ir or;uh a\l l;xoui! Ar;u;lafa\;rhne korsnzouza‘ h ir ana[artoujiune% t;[ talow øtar bolor a\n ba®;roun% oronz n,anakoujiune oun;zo[ sqanc;li ba®;r ouninq m;r l;xouin mh=! L;xoun m;‘ago\n ;ra,.iqn h axgi me go\at;uman! A\n axge or ke korsnznh ir l;xoun% datapartoua‘ k*ella\ korsnzn;l na;u ir axga\in inqnoujiune! Wka\ m;r patmoujiune% our milionauor fa\;r korsnzn;lh ;tq ir;nz ma\r;ni l;xoun% ir;nq ;us an\;t korsou;zan øtar ;rkirn;rou mh=! Orowf;t;u l;xoun maqour paf;l% ke n,anakh axge a®o[= paf;l! Afauasik ar;u;lafa\;rhni a[aua[oua‘ a\s wiyake ;u anor maqraxtman anfrav;,touj;an fandhp zo\z troua‘ antarb;roujiunn ou anfogoujiune% dou® baza‘ h na;u a\l t;saki nkaragri a[aua[oumn;rou% ore piti koc;nq ªØtaramoloujiunº% inc or t;san;li dar]a‘ h :r;uani ambo[= tara‘qin! A\sphs! :rb ke qal;nq :r;uani 'o[ozn;rhn% bolor .anoujn;roun ou waya®atoun;roun yakatn;roun kam zouza';[k;roun wra\ ke kardanq øtar anounn;row ;u latin;rhn ta®;row groua‘ anounn;r! Bar;kami me a®a=nordouj;amb k*;rjanq norabaz ª:r;uan Molº! Na. k*oux;m ,;,t;l^ :r;uan Mol&&& ;u oc :r;uan ,ouka\&&&! :rb n;rs ke mtn;nq% dit;low cors bolore% inqxinqs ke xgam ;uropakan qa[aqn;rhn mhkou me mh= gtnouo[ ,ouka\i me mh=! Bolor waya®atoun;rou yakatn;roun ke kardam latin;rhn ta®;row groua‘ øtar anounn;r! I xour 'nt®;zi fa\;rhn anoun me fa\;rhn ta®;row% inc or kar;li c;[au gtn;l! Fos farz;r ‘ag;zan mtqis mh=!

1& Ard;øq inc anpat;foujiun kam stornazouzic fangamanq ouni ir mh=% gr;l pat,ay ];uow% ørinak& ª’a[kaxardoumº ;u anor kiz ªFlower Decorº% 'o.anak n;rka\azn;lou fa\kakanouj;nh bolorowin xourk ;u øtarabo\r Flower Decor ;u `laouer t;qorow&&&! 2& :jh fa\ me Anglio\ mh= ‘a[kawaya®i .anouj me oun;na\% oroun yaktin gra‘ ella\ Flower Shop% ,at bnakan ;r;uo\j me ke nkatoui% ªqani or Anglio\ mh= hº! Isk ;rb a\d ª Flower Decorº-in qow grh na;u fa\;rhn ta®;row ª~laouer <abº axga\in fpartanqow% k*ouxh apazouz;l inqe ir fa\ ellale Anglio\ mh=! Ard;øq fa\r;niqi mh= ;us pafna=q ke xgazoui# apazouz;l m;r fa\ ellale&&&! 3& A,.arfi or ;rkrin mh= ard;øq ir;nz ma\r;ni l;xoun lq;low% øtar anounn;row ;u øtar l;xoun;row ke n;rka\anan fanrouj;an% i baz a®;al Fa\astanhn&&&! A\s orqan øtaramoloujiun&&&! Ard;øq i#nc h patya®e% or øtarine ;[a‘ ella\ a\s astiyan g;ragnafat;li% isk m;r axga\in ou s;'akan arvhqn;re ;rkrordakan&&&! I#nc h patya®e% or m;r axga\in ou s;'akan arvhqn;re xi=inq øtarin% m;nq xm;x nouastazn;low! Ard;øq wtangoua#‘ h m;r axga\in fpartouj;an gitakzoume! Ard;øq a\d axga\in fpartoujiune 'o.arinoua#‘ h øtarin .onarf;lou xgazoumow&&&! Afauasik a[aua[oua‘ l;xouhn \a®a= ;ka‘ a[aua[oua‘ nkaragri drs;uoroum! :rb ªl;xouaqa[aqakanouj;anº f;t;uanqow øtar ba®;roun na.apatououjiun kou tanq m;r ma\r;ni l;xouin mh=% ant;s;low m;r s;'akan fa\;rhn ba®;re% no\nphs ;u øtarasirouj;an f;t;uanqow krnanq na.apatououjiun tal øtar l;xouow øtar anounn;roun% lq;low m;r s;'akan fa\kakan anounn;re! O#w piti gitakzi axgin arvanapatououjiune .otoro[ a\s wtangin! Patkan na.ararn;roun ;jh fark ella\ \i,;zn;l nman farz;rou wra\ow% na.ararn;r patrast ;n gnafat;lou m;r ªna.an]a.ndroujiuneº l;xouakan maqrouj;an ;u axga\in 'a®q;rou pafpanman wra\ow ou ke fauastiazn;n or a\d ou[[ouj;amb ardhn isk a,.atanq ke tanin! Saka\n .ostoumhn andin ocinc ke t;snoui! Ard;øq m;r i,.anauorn;re c;#n t;sn;r a\s bolore! C;#n t;sn;r ar;u;lafa\;rhni a\s astiyan .ajaroua‘ wiyake! Ard;øq kariqe c;#n xgar anor maqraxtman anfrav;,touj;an! Jh;u oc oq krna\ faka®akil ®ous;rhn l;xoui kam angl;rhni ousouzman! Jo[ or m;r xauakn;re 2-3 l;xoun;r sorwin% pa\manau saka\n% or a®a=in l;xoun ella\ ªan.a®n ou maqour ma\r;ni l;xounº! Ard;øq m;r i,.anauorn;re c;#n t;sn;r øtaramolouj;an xargazoume ;u axga\in fpar<ar& h= 15

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JOURQIA^ :RK:R:S DA<NAKIZE <ar& h= 3-hn

patandn;rou ;u \arakiz anpat;foujiunn;rou f;t;uanqowº! Fama]a\n mi=axga\in auag diuanaghti me ªsafmann;roun wra\ a\s mi=oza®oumn;re famaxør ;n goz;lou a.o®in dou®e% ;rb ]in ardhn ar]akoua‘ h! Nman paragan;rou fark h farz;re skixbhn ,itak b®n;lº! ’anøj am;rikazi diuanaght Niqeles Pernx% ª~a\n;n,el Ja\mxºi Øgostos 31-i jiuin kar‘iqn;rou siunakin mh= ke grh% jh NAJØ-i [;kawarn;re piti dimagrauhin ªyakatagrakan ;r;q 'or]arkoumn;rº gagaji fandipoumin& Ouqranio\% Mi=in Ar;u;lqi ;u A`[anistani farz;re! Na.agaf Øpama piti famoxhr .a\jozauor Â;y;' Hrto[ane 'ak;lou ir safmann;re ISIS-i ko[mh qariu[i arta‘oumin dhm! Asika piti fandisanar NAJØ-i gagajavo[owi amhnhn f;t;uakan (consequential) ardiunqe% a\d kaxmak;rpouj;an 65 tarouan patmouj;an mh=! A\s gagaji vo[owi wa[orda\nin Am;rika\i Pa,tpanouj;an Na.arar Caq Fh\kel Jourqia piti ;rja\ qnnark;lou famar gor‘akzouj;an ];u;re ;u anonz gor‘adroume ISIS-i dhm! ªJourqia fos grau me ouni% inc or fasknali h! Anika NAJØ-i kar;uor da,nakizn h ,r=anin mh=% ªest ";njakoni .øsnak Yon Qerpii! Jourqia mtafogoujiunn;r ouni øtar xin;aln;rou nkatmamb% ;u atika irauazi h! |a®a=ika\ ,abaj Jourqia piti m;kninq! A\s farze .orfrdakzouj;an niuj piti da®na\ p;takan qartou[ar Fh\keli ;u jourq gor‘akizn;rou f;tº! Jourqio\ gor‘akzouj;an safmana'akoumn;rhn xat - ou n;rka\ [;kawarouj;an ga[a'ara.øsouj;an safmana'akoumn;re^ Siunni islamouj;an kapoua‘ouj;amb% vamanaki me mh=% our a[andakan f;r]oumn;r (cleavages) kan – ke mna\ t;sn;l% jh :uropakan Mioujiune incph#s piti ,arvi ISIS_i dhm% or .ali`a\ouj;an me fastatoume \a\tarara‘ h Sourio\ mhk masin mh=! Jourqio\ [;kawarouj;an gor‘napa,touj;an safmann;re piti y,douin NAJØ-i gagaji vo[owin Ou;lsi (Wales) mh=! ISIS-i dhm ir pa\qarin mh=% Ar;umt;an a,.arfe piti t;snh% jh Jourqia ard;øq piti da®na#\ da,nakiz dhpi bar;kamoujiun% kam jh piti ;njarkoui ga[tni gor‘akalouj;anz jira.in! *** Øgtagor‘;low mhk tarih au;li Âousastan apastana‘ Htouert Snoteni ar.iun;re% Ar;umt;an P;toujiunn;re% a\laxan a®ijn;row i xour 'or]a‘ ;n kargi b;r;l ir;nz kar;uor da,nakize^ Jourqian! Saka\n% ISIS-i w;r=in \a[jar,aun;roun ibr;u f;t;uanq% Ar;umoutqi mtafogoujiunn;re ‘anraza‘ ;n% kariqe t;snou;low anpa\man 'ara. w;radar]n;l NAJØ-i ana®ak ordin^ Jourqian! M;[mazn;lou famar Jourqio\ ª\anzanqn;reº% ou sira,af;lou famar xa\n% ke n;rka\azouin 453 anba[]alin;rou artaqsoume Jourqia\hn% ;u a®au;l^ 6000 kaska‘;lin;rou tpauoric zank me% incphs na;u^ ananoun diuanaghtn;rou wka\oujiunn;re% cqm;[azn;lou famar Jourqian% or stipo[akanouj;an (?) tak gtnoua‘ h jo\latou gtnou;lou ISIS-in fandhp^ jourq 49 patandn;rou farzow&&&! Qa[aqakanoujiune oc mia\n baro\akan couni% a\l;u ke n;rka\aznh na;u b;madroujiunn;r% anfimn patmoujiunn;r ou ,in‘ou tou;aln;r jou;low% ardarazn;lou ;u cqm;[azn;lou famar Jourqio\ xartou[i warou;lak;rpe% ou j;j;uzn;lou anor ª\anzanqn;reº! Lauago\n a®ij me ke st;[‘oui% NAJØ-i gagaji vo[ow me kaxmak;rp;low Ou;lsi mh=! Fon% ];uow me fa,toujiun piti knqoui% ,norfauor;low Hrto[ani na.agafoujiune% w;rakangn;low da,nakizi ou na;u^ bar;kami a[artoua‘ patk;rn ou 'o.\arab;roujiunn;re% ou manauand 'or];low k;zn;l ISIS-i ko[mh qariu[i waya®oumn;re Jourqio\% mi=axga\in ,ouka\i khs ginow& a\s w;r=in paragan h boun ,an glou.e^ qariu[i avan a®ou‘a.e! <norfauor;li h Y;nkix Cantar% a\sqan yartar j[jakzoujiun me patrast;loun famar!


touj;an ankoume ;rkrhn n;rs! Acalour= ka®awarouj;an me famar ;rb;q n;r;li ch axgakor‘an nman farz;rou nkatmamb anfog ou antarb;r k;zoua‘qi me ord;groume% or piti n,anakhr anou[[akiørhn qa=al;ra‘ ellal axgagor‘an a\d enjazqn;re! A\laphs incphs ardarazn;l ;rkrin mh= ar;ui lo\sin phs \stak ;r;uzo[ fakaxga\in ;u kor‘anarar a\n ;r;uo\jn;re% incpisin ;n angor‘oujiune% s[aye% ka,a®ak;roujiune% anirauoujiunn;re% b®noujiunn;re% oronq patya® ke da®nan mafazou artaga[jin! Takauin a[aua[oua‘ ar;u;lafa\;rhni d;®;us pafpanoume% a.tauor øtaramolouj;an xargazoume% axga\in fpartouj;an ankoume ;ua\ln% oronq vo[owourdin møt \ousafatoujiun \a®a=azno[ axdakn;r ;n ;u axge kor‘anman a®a=nordo[ ;r;uo\jn;r! :s fam;størhn piti ouxhi \i,;zn;l m;r i,.anauorn;roun% or inqnafauan k;zoua‘qow ;u arfamarfakan na\oua‘qow ªw;rhn cna\in n;rq;u ;[o[inº P&S&! Carfamarf;n vo[owourdin dvgofoujiunn;roun toun touo[ ardarazi patya®n;re% oronz f;[inakn;re ir;nq ;n inqnin! Nkati a®n;n mtauorakanouj;an ko[mh axgin ,inouj;an ou pafpanman wra\ow n;rka\azouo[ ,inic zouzmounqn;rn ou ga[a'arn;re% a®anz j;ragnafat;lou ;u ant;s;lou xanonq! Lr=ørhn mta‘;n axge dhpi

kor‘anoum tano[ bolor a\s mafazou wtangn;roun wra\ow! Gitnan or ir;nz kocoume anou[[aki mi=ozn;row ir;nz qsakn;re parartazn;l^ ir;nz entaniqn;roun ou paragan;roun 'arjam k;anq apafow;l^ vo[owourdin al angor‘nakan .ostoumn;row ørør;low xir;nq yn,man tak paf;le ch mia\n! Gitnan or axg ka®awar;l ir;nz bar]r dirq;rhn% ir;nz kamqe vo[owourdin partadr;l es;l ch! Gitnan or ir;nz anounn;re piti ar]anagrouin axgin apaga\ patmouj;an mh=% orphs a\s ør;rou ka®awaro[n;r! Saka\n anonq piti orakouin ªlauº kam ªwatº makdirn;row&&&! :rani a\n axga\in gor‘icin% or k*arv;uorh inqxinq ir axniu ou b;[oun gor‘ounhouj;amb ou ir anoune patouow k*ar]anagroui patmouj;an mh= ªy,marit fa\r;nashrºi kam ªfamak nouir;alºi nman patouab;r makdirn;row! A\laphs% k*arvh# ard;øq wat orakoumow \i,atakoua‘ mnal \au;rvakan patmouj;an mh=% ªir an]nakan ,afe amhn banh w;r g;radaso[ºi nman amøjali \or=or=oumow&&&! Niu :orq |a=ordiu Fa\astani Krjouj;an ;u Gitouj;an Na.arari patas.an namake! N

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NOR ØR% S:PT:MB:R 25% 2014


FF BAR}RAGO|N >MBI AÂA+NOUJIUNOUM S;pt;mb;ri 20-21-in ka\azan FF bar]rago\n .mbi a®a=nouj;an a®a=in ,r=ani w;r=in fandipoumn;re! Afa dranz ardiunqn;re& ª<irakº-ªOulisº^ 1-2 ªBananzº-ªAla,k;rtº^ 1-0 ªAraratº-ªGan]asarº^ 1-5 ªMikaº-ª"iunikº^ 1-1 Mrza,ara\in a[iusak >& |& F& P& G& M& Oulis 7 6 1 0 12-2 19 "iunik 6 4 1 1 10-3 13 Gan]asar 4 1 1 1 11-5 13 <irak 6 3 0 3 6-5 9 Bananz 6 2 1 3 6-7 7 Ala,k;rt 7 2 1 4 5-8 7 Ararat 7 1 0 6 5-19 3 Mika 7 0 3 4 4-10 3 • Ka\azan FF gauaji f;rjakan .a[arkouj;an qa®ord ;xra'akici fandipoumn;re% oronq auartou;zin f;t;u;al ardiunqn;row& ªAraratº-ªAla,k;rtº^ 0-2% ª"iunikº-ª<irakº^ 3-0!

~I~A-I DASAKARGMAN NOR A{IUSAKE ~I~A-n fraparak;l h fauaqakann;ri nor^ jarmazoua‘ a[iusake! FF fauaqakane nafan=;l h 16 t;[ow ;u a\vm 556 miauorow 52-rdn h! Dasakargman a[iusaki lauago\n tasn;akn a\spisi t;sq ouni& 1& G;rmania^ 1766% 2& Arvanjin^ 1631% 3& Qoloumpia^ 1488% 4& Folandia^ 1456% 5& P;lgia^ 1445% 6& Praxilia^ 1291% 7& Ourougoua\^ 1243% 8& Ispania^ 1228% 9& ~ransia^ 1202% 10& <ouh\zaria^ 1175! :urø 2016-i entrakan 'ouloum FF fauaqakani mrzakizn;riz am;nabar]r t;[e xba[;znoum h "orjougalia\i fauaqakane^ 11-rd t;[! Daniazin;re 27-rdn ;n% s;rp;re^ 34-rd% isk Alpanian bar]raz;l h 25 t;[ow ou fima 45-rdn h! Na.kin >SFM-i ;u m;r far;uann;ri t;[;re& M;qsiqa^ 16% AMN^ 17% Âousastan^ 23% Ouqrania^ 24% Jourqia^ 38% Iran^ 44% Ouxb;kstan^ 58% Isra\hl^ 64% Hsjonia^ 81% Kipros^ 85% P;la®ous^ 89% Atrph\yan^ 95% Lajwia^ 99% Lijouania^ 103% Moltowa^ 105% Wrastan^ 110% Libanan^ 121% {axa.stan^ 127% Tayikstan^ 136% Jourqm;nistan^ 141% {r[xstan^ 151% Siria^ 152!

FA|ASTAN:AN ~OUJPOLI >YANKAR • Fokt;mb;ri 11-in FF axga\in fauaqakane k*anzkazni :urø-2016-i entrakan 'ouli f;rjakan fandipoume^ fiurenkal;low S;rpia\i fauaqakanin% isk Fokt;mb;ri 14-in t;[i k*oun;na\ Fa\astan-~ransia enk;rakan fandipoume! A\d fandipoumn;rin na.apatrastou;lou famar FF axga\in fauaqakane Fokt;mb;ri 6-14-e k*anzkazni marxakan fauaq F~D T;.nikakan k;ntroni `oujpoli akad;mia\oum! FF axga\in fauaqakani gl.auor marxic B;®nar <alandn ardhn fraparak;l h art;rkroum fandhs ;ko[ 19 `oujpolistn;ri anounn;re (a\d juoum ;u :oura Mowsis;ani)% owq;r staz;l ;n fauaqin masnakz;lou frauhr! • Fa\astani minc;u 17 tar;kann;ri fauaqakane krkin partou;z >orwajia\i ir;nz fasakakizn;rin% a\s angam^ 1-4 fa,ouow!

:UROPA|I A>O|:ANN:RI LIKA|OUM Ka\azan .mba\in mrza,ar;ri a®a=in fandipoumn;re% afa dranz ardiunqn;re& >oumb A& ª:ouw;njousº-ªMalm\øº^ 2-0 ªØlimpiakosº-ªAjl;tikøº Matrit^ 3-2 >oumb B& ªLiw;rpoulº-ªLoudogor;zº^ 2-1 ªÂhalº Matrit-ªBaxhlº^ 5-1




>oumb G& ªB;n`iaº-ªX;nijº^ 0-2 ªMonakøº-ªBa\;rº^ 1-0 >oumb D& ªBorousiaº-ªArs;nalº^ 2-0 ªGalajasra\º-ªAnd;rl;.tº^ 1-1 >oumb :& ªBauariaº-ªManc;sjer Sijiº^ 1-0 ªÂomaº-ªBKMAº^ 5-1 >oumb X& ªBars;lonaº-APO:L^ 1-0 ªA\aqsº-PSV^ 1-1 >oumb H& ªC;lsiº-ª<alkhº^ 1-1 ªMatritº-ªSportingº^ 1-1 >oumb E& ªAjl;tikº Bilbaø-ª<a.t\orº^ 0-0 ª"orjouº-BAT:^ 6-0 :uropa lika >oumb A& ªBorousiaº M&-ªWilia®halº^ 1-1 ªApolonº-ªZiuri.º^ 0-0 >oumb B& ªBr\oughº-ªJorinøº^ 0-0 ªQo';nfak;nº-FIK^ 2-0 >oumb G& ªPartixanº-ªTot;nf;mº^ 0-0 ªB;,ikja,º-ªAst;rasº^ 1-1 >oumb D& ªÂh\ Boulº-ªS;ljikº^ 2-2 ªTinamøº X&-ªAstraº^ 5-1 >oumb :& ªPanatina\akosº-ªTinamøº M&^ 1-2 PSW-ªH,torilº^ 1-0 >oumb X& ªDn;prº-ªInt;rº^ 0-1 ª{araba[º-ªS;nt Hj\;nº^ 0-0 >oumb H& ªS;uiliaº-ª~h\nordº^ 2-0 ªStandartº-ªÂihkaº^ 2-0 >oumb E& ªHw;rjonº-ªWolsbourgº^ 4-1 ªLilº-ªKrasnodarº^ 1-1 >oumb J& ªNapoliº-ªSpartakº^ 3-1 ª:ang Po\xº-ªSlowanº^ 5-0 >oumb V& ªL;giaº-ªLok;r;nº^ 1-0 ªM;talistº-ªTrapxonsportº^ 1-2 >oumb I& ªSt\aouaº-ªØlborgº^ 6-0 ªÂiø Auhº-ªTinamøº K&^ 0-3 >oumb L& ª~ior;ntinaº-ªG;ngamº^ 3-0 PAØK-ªTinamøº Minsk^ 6-1

FA|KAKAN SPORTI >YANKAR • Ma.ackala\oum auartoua‘ Ouma.anowi \i,atakin nouiroua‘ b®nzqamarti mi=axga\in mrza,arin masnakz;zin 12 ;rkrn;ri n;rka\azouzicn;r% a\d juoum^ Fa\astaniz! Ouv;[ kaxm fauaqa‘ mrza,aroum fa\ marxikn;re nouay;zin mhk oskh% mhk ar‘ajh ;u 3 pronxh m;tal! Oskh parg;ui arvanazau Nar;k Abgar;ane (52 qk&)% oskh m;talin møt hr na;u |owfannhs Bockowe (64 qk&)% ow ®ous marxikin xi=;z mrzawarn;ri ko[mnakalouj;an patya®ow! F;nrik Moqo\;ane% Ga®nik |aroujiun;ane (2-n hl 56 qk&) ;u g;r‘anr qa,a\in Âa`a\hl Simon;ane nouay;zin pronxh m;taln;r! • S;pt;mb;ri 27-in G;rmania\i Qil qa[aqoum WBO-i warka‘ow a,.arfi a.o\;an Arjour Abrafame piti m;namarti britanazi "ol Smiji f;t (35 \a[janak% oronziz 20-e^ nokaoutow ;u 3 partoujiun)! Arjour Abrafami fa,ou;k,i®e^ 44 m;namart% 40 \a[janak% oronziz 28-e nokaoutow ;u 4 partoujiun! • Ispania\i Granata qa[aqoum ,arounakouo[ fra]gouj;an a,.arfi 51-rd a®a=noujiunoum fa\ fra]ign;re fasan nor \a=o[ouj;an! Waxo[ jira. (10 m& 30+30 krakoz) mrza];uoum FF fauaqakane& Âaxmik Minas;an% <anj Sargs;an% |owfannhs >acatr;an kaxmow grau;z 3-rd t;[e! Âaxmik Minas;ane no\n warvoujiunoum arvanaz;l h pronxh m;tali! No\n warvouj;an a[=ikn;ri (20+20 krakoz) pa\qaroum% ;xra'akicoum Lilij Mkrtc;ane 6-2 fa,ouow partou;l h foungaria\i W;ronika Ma=o®in ;u arvanaz;l h a,.arfi ;ritasardn;ri a®a=nouj;an ar‘ajh m;tali! |i,;zn;nq% or bazi w;r=in nouaya‘ ar‘ajh% pronxh ;u jima\in pronxh m;taln;riz

Fa\astann na.ord ør;rin nouay;l hr na;u anfatakan ar‘ajh (Fracik Baba\;an) ;u jima\in pronxh m;taln;r! • Poulkarafa\ fanra‘anøj ‘anrord O[impiakan .a[;ri krknaki ;u a,.arfi baxmaki a.o\;an ;u mrzanakakir Nora\r Nourik;ani møt qa[zk;[ h \a\tnab;rou;l! N;rka\oums Poulkaria\i fa\kakan fama\nqe mi=ozn;r h fauaqoum anouani marxikin øgn;lou famar! Nra bouvman famar anfrav;,t h 150 faxar tolar! M;nq hl øgn;nq anouani marxikin! • Doni Âostowam auarta‘ ÂD-i b®nzqamarti a®a=nouj;an 52 qk& qa,a\in kargoum Mi,a Alo\;ane 4-rd angam dar];l h ÂD-i a.o\;an! Au;lazn;nq% or Mi,an a,.arfi krknaki a.o\;an h ;u O[impiakan .a[;ri pronxh m;talakir! A®a=noujiunoum pronxh m;tal h nouay;l Karhn |aroujiun;ane!

<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • FF 10 n;rka\azouzicn;r masnakzoum ;n S;pt;mb;ri 20-29-e FAF Dourban qa[aqoum anzkazouo[ 10-18 tar;kann;ri patanin;ri ;u a[=ikn;ri a,.arfi a®a=nouj;ane! • L;uon Aron;ane Ispania\i Bilbaø qa[aqoum anzkazoua‘ ªM;‘ sa[auartº^ 4-i mrza,aroum w;r=in 6-rd mrza'ouloum \a[j;low fndik Wi,wanajan Anandin% a®anz partouj;an% 10 miauorow grau;z 2-rd t;[e! Mrza,aroum \a[j;z Anande! |i,;zn;nq% or \a[janaki famar truoum hr 3% isk oc-oqi^ 1 miauor! • Mi=axga\in warp;t Âouslan Koura\;ane (Ouqrania) G;rmania\i Li.t;nb;rg qa[aqoum anzkazoua‘ baz mrza,aroum 9 fnarauoriz wastak;z 7&5 miauor ;u 228 masnakizn;ri mh= bavan;z 1-4-rd t;[;re! Lrazouzic zouzani,n;row Âouslanin ,norfou;z 3-rd mrzanake! |a[jo[ yanacou;z Â;nh <t;rne (G;rmania)! • Mf;r |owfannis;ane (B;lgia) Bras,aat qa[aqoum anzkazoua‘ baz mrza,aroum 9 fnarauoriz wastak;z 7&5 miauor ;u 166 masnakizn;ri mh= nouay;z a®a=in mrzanake! 7 miauorow 3-rd mrzanakin tirazau grosma\st;r S;rgh\ Kasparowe (P;la®ous)! • Ghorg |aroujiun;ane ÂD-i Nivni Tagil qa[aqoum anzkazoua‘ baz mrza,aroum 9 fnarauoriz wastak;z 6&5 miauor ;u 51 masnakizn;ri mh= nouya;z 3-rd mrzanake! Xauhn Andrhas;ane 5&5 miauorow 12-rdn hr! 7 miauorow mrza,ari \a[jo[ dar]au Poris Sawc;nkon (ÂD)! • Âob;rt |owfannis;ane Jbilisioum auartoua‘ Nona Ga'rinda,wilii gauaji .a[arkoujiunoum 9 fnarauoriz wastak;z 6&5 miauor ;u 65 masnakizn;ri mh= nouay;z 3-rd mrzanake! 7&5 miauorow mrza,ari \a[jo[ dar]au Louka Paica];n (Wrastan)!

OC :US H |OWSH" ASATR:AN Karyat;u fiuandanoujiuniz \;to\ 91 tar;kan fasakoum mafaz;l h anouani marxik-mtauorakan% :r;uani ªTinamøº% \;taga\oum ªSpartakº `oujpola\in jimi auag% >SFM sporti warp;t% F>SF wastakauor marxic |owsh' Asatr;ane! M;r zauakzoujiunn;rn ;nq \a\tnoum |owsh' Asatr;ani xauakn;rin! Nra \i,atake \argo[ enk;rn;ri anouniz^ Au;tis Ba\ram;an

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