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|AKOB THR:ANI PATAS>AN NAMAKE NA>ARAR A& A<OT:ANI |arg;li F&F&K&G& Na.arar A& A,ot;an% <norfakalouj;amb staza\ ªØtaramolouj;an A.te Fa\r;niqhn N;rsº .oragr;al \ødoua‘is% - ormh ørinak me [rka‘ hi ];xi – patas.an namake% our ªkis;lh ;tq m;r l;xoui farz;row mtafog qa[aqazii anfagnstoujiuneº% ke parxhq irakanoujiune% zo\z talow% or ªa,.arfoum a®a\vm cka\ mi a\npisi l;xou% or ªmaqraxtoua‘º lini 'o.a®oujiunn;rizº! Sa irakanoujiun h% or dar;rou enjazqin bolor l;xoun;rn al irarmh axdoua‘^ irarmh ba®;r 'o.a®a‘ ;n% ou vamanaki enjazqin a\d ba®;re mas kaxma‘ ;n ir;nz ma\r;ni l;xoui ba®apa,arin! Saka\n farz h% jh a\d 'o. a®noua‘ ba®;roun imaste oun;zo[ ba®;r counhi#n ard;øq ir;nz l;xoui mh=% ;jh counhin ;u a\d patya®ow h or ord;gr;zin a\d øtar ba®;re% mi gouzh ardarazi h! Isk ;jh ounhin a\d ba®;roun famapatas.an ba®;r ir;nz l;xouin mh= ou lq;low ir;nz faraxat ba®;re% øtar ba®;r ord;gr;zin% sa bazatrouj;an ci karøtir! Endouninq% or am;rikafa\;rou møt parx ;r;uo\j h a\sør ls;l angl;rhn ba®;r% fa\;rhn .øsakzouj;an enjazqin! Ørinak& ªIm ªdicersº esau% or doun ªmhjidº wra\ au;li phtq h a,.atisº! Afauasik% faka®ak anor or m;r l;xouin mh= ouninq ªousouzicº ;u ªjouabanoujiunº ba®;re% saka\n a\d øtar ba®;row .øsoua‘ fa\;rhni patya®e ouri, ban ch% ;jh oc mia\n fa\;rhn l;xoui imazouj;an pakase! Orqan at;n or dprozhn n;rs a,ak;rtn;re angl;rhnow k*ousanin ;u angl;rhn ke .øsin ambo[= øre% ir;nz ma\r;nin astiyanabar mo®nalow% kamqh anka. \a®a= kou gan a\dpisi j;roujiunn;r s'iu®qafa\;roun møt! Saka\n no\ne kar;li h es;l fa\r;nabnak vo[owourdin famar% our t;[akan l;xoun fa\;rhn h ;u a,ak;rtn;re mankaparthxhn sks;al fa\;rhnow h% or ke dastiarakouin! Mijh a\d øtar ba®;ro#w k*ousouzoui ir;nz ar;u;lafa\;rhne! :jh Sow;takan ,r=anin ®ous;rhn l;xoui ousouzoume partadir ;[a‘ h dprozn;rhn n;rs% inc or patya® dar]a‘ h a\d øtar ba®;roun moutqin% apa anka.ouj;an 23 tarin;re bauarar vamanak hin kar;nal w;rada®nalou m;r ma\r;ni ba®;roun% qani or 23 ta<ar& h= 12


Greece President Visits Armenian Genocide Memorial YEREVAN. – President of Greece Karolos Papoulias visited Memorial to the Armenian Genocide victims on Monday as a part of his three-day visit to Armenia (photo). President Papoulias accompanied by Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian laid flowers to the memorial. Director of Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute Hayk Demoyan handed over to Greek President the Fridtjof Nansen gold medal. Greece recognized Armenian Genocide in 1999.

Armenian Defense Minister Visits Frontline Armenian Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan visited frontline positions in the southwestern direction of the border on Saturday, the Defense Ministry’s press service reported. Mr Ohanyan checked the reliability of engineering constructions and inspected the activities aimed at strengthening the combat positions. He discussed the border situation with the commanders, talked to soldiers. The defense official gave instructions to commanders to implement the current tasks as scheduled as well as to raise efficiency of the ongoing works.

WE CONDEMN VEHEMENTLY Tekeyan Founders’ Committee , The Tekeyan Trust of London, Tekeyan Cultural Association of Armenia, and the Tekeyan Cultural Association of USA and Canada vehemently condemn the terrorist act of destroying and ruining the Armenian Saint Martyrs Church in Deir Zor, Syria. The church complex, built to commemorate the 1.5 million Armenian Martyrs of 1915 Genocide, perpetuated by Turkey, served as a church, museum, archive center and exhibition that contained relics and historical documents. This act should be condemned by all civilized countries, including Turkey. Tekeyan Founders’ Committee The Tekeyan Trust of London Tekeyan Cultural Association of Armenia, Tekeyan Cultural Association of USA and Canada September 23, 2014

Armenia’s President Talks About Security In South Caucasus With UN Secretary General Armenia’s president Serzh Sargsyan who is in the USA on a working visit met with UN Secretary General Ban ki-Moon on Friday. The sides exchanged views on important issues discussed at 69th UN General Assembly session in New York, says the report. Sargsyan and Ban ki-Moon addressed issues on stability and security in the South Caucasus. The president briefed the UN Secretary General on recent developments in Karabakh peace talks.

Sargsyan re-affirmed Armenia’s readiness to continue active efforts in the UNO and its bodies. The president visited the Armenian Surb Vardan church and paid floral tribute to the Armenian genocide monument. Sargsyan met with leading members of the Armenian communities of New York and New Jersey at an official dinner given by archbishop Khajak Parsamyan, the head of the Armenian Apostolic Church US Eastern eparchy.

Argentina Overtakes Russia As Largest Source Of Foreign Investment In Armenia Argentina was the source of the largest percentage of foreign investment in Armenia in 2013 with US$117.9 million, according to Armenia’s National Statistical Service.Coming in second was France (US$99 million), followed by Russia (US$86.2 million) and Cyprus (US$76 million).Over the past six years covered in the

chart (2007-2013), Russia was the leading source of foreign investment in all except for 2013, when it dropped to 3rd place. The United States lagged far behind with a mere 9.4 million.Readers will note that 4th place Cyprus is a country where many corporations are registered as offshore entities Kristine Aghalaryan

NATO's Planned Balkan Expansion A 'Provocation': Russia's Lavrov

PACE President Wants To Visit Armenia

SARAJEVO (Reuters) - NATO's potential expansion to the former Yugoslav republics of Bosnia, Macedonia and Montenegro could be seen as a "provocation", Russia's foreign minister was quoted as saying in a newspaper interview published on Monday. Moscow has opposed any NATO extension to former communist areas of eastern and southeastern Europe, part of a competition for geo-strategic influence since the end of the Cold War that sits at the heart of the current conflict in ex-Soviet Ukraine.

Armenia May Join EEU On January 2 – Russian official Armenia may become a member of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) on January 2, 2015, said Anna Sysoeva, an official of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development, according to Rosbalt. Kazakhstan will ratify the agreement on October 2 and Belarus on October 7, she said. “We expect that on October 10, when the Presidents will meet in Minsk, we will prepare a statement saying that all the three countries have completed the ratification and are ready for the agreement to come into force on January 1, 2015,” she said.

The President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) has expressed a wish to pay a visit to Armenia. “When I decided to visit Azerbaijan, I immediately said that I will also visit Armenia,” Anne Brasseur told a Panorama.am correspondent in Strasbourg. “The duty of the PACE President is to understand the context of the problems. I constantly need to listen to both sides, in this case, of course, to both Armenia and Azerbaijan,” Ms Brasseur said, adding that the date of the visit has not been set yet.

Serzh Sargsyan Meets With UNDP Administrator Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan today received Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Helen Clark, the President’s press service reported. The President praised the activity of the UN Office in Armenia, including the work implemented by the UNDP in more than two decades. Serzh Sargsyan noted that the UN Office in Armenia has made considerable effort towards implementation of reforms in multiple fields, making positive changes as a result of those reforms and realizing development programs in numerous communities. The Armenian President also highly appreciated Ms Helen Clark’s personal contribution.

Yerevan Sets No Deadline On ArmeniaTurkey Accords

Senior Armenian officials declined to clarify on Monday when President Serzh Sarkisian could act on his renewed threats to effectively invalidate Armenia’s 2009 normalization agreements with Turkey. Sarkisian again denounced Ankara for linking their ratification by the Turkish parliament to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict when he addressed the UN General Assembly in New York last week. He said his administration is now “seriously considering recalling the Armenian-Turkish protocols from the parliament.” Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian was unwilling to speculate about possible dates for such a recall. “If that already happened, the president of the republic may have announced it,” Nalbandian told reporters. “But he said what he said. We have nothing to add to that yet.”

Around the world !The first Armenian-British military and political discussions were held, on Monday and Tuesday, at the Ministry of Defense of Armenia. As a result of the discussions, the Armenian-British Military Cooperation Plan for 2015-2016 was signed. !U.S.-led coalition warplanes bomb IS positions in 4 Syrian provinces. !Turkey deploys armored vehicles to area near Syria border. !The refugee crisis from Kobane in Syria has revived tensions between the Turkish government and Turkish Kurds. The Turkish government is preventing Turkish Kurds from leaving the country to fight against Islamic State in Syria. !Iraqi ground forces, backed by air strikes, appear to have halted advancing Islamic State (IS) militants in a town west of Baghdad.

Krekorian's Corner: Angelenos Should Be Able To Text 911 Right now, LA residents can only access 911 by placing a phone call. If you text 911 asking for help, you get an automated return message telling you to call 911. Try it and you'll see what I mean. Councilmember Paul Krekorian

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday October 2, 2014


Two-Book Presentation By Kevork Keushkerian Tekeyan Cultural Organization’s Los Angeles Chapter organized a special twobook presentation of Vahan Tekeyan’s selected poems. It took place on Thursday, September 18, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. at the Raymond and Ani Kouyoumjian Hall of the Glendale Armenian Catholic Church. Chapter Chair Vatche Semerdjian made the opening remarks. He first welcomed the guests, and then introduced the editor of the two books Edmond Azadian. He expressed his amazement at Edmond Azadian, who amid his many travels, organizational engagements, and weekly political column in the Armenian MirrorSpectator, finds time to edit Vahan Tekeyan’s two books of selected poems. He later invited Master of Ceremony Parsegh Kartalian to proceed with the program. Parsegh Kartalian introduced the first presenter Dr. Arpi Sarafian, who was asked to analyze Vahan Tekeyan’s “Selected Poems”, translated by Gerald Papasian and John Papasian and edited by Edmond Azadian and Gerald Papasian. Dr. Sarafian has earned her PhD in English Literature from the University of Southern California. Currently, she is a lecturer in English at California State University in Los Angeles. Dr. Sarafian said that the book was composed of 23 selected poems and was published by the California State University Press in Fresno in 2014. She said that translating any piece of literature is hard enough, but translating poems is more difficult as it involves rhythm and rhyme and the translator has to perform a delicate balancing act in order to capture the spirit of the poetry and maintain its essential authenticity. Considering all these, she continued, Gerald Papasian and John Papasian did an excellent job translating the 23 poems. The poems are structured around three major themes: love, spirit of nationalism, and hu-

manitarian concerns. The Artistic program was composed of two songs and two recitations from Tekeyan’s poems. “Sere Khaghdni” (Secret Love) and “Gantsreve Deghas” (It’s raining, my son) were professionally rendered by Soprano Heghine Harboyan, who was accompanied by Shoushan Hagopian on the piano and Ophelia Nanagulian on the violin. These were followed by Lilit Keheyan’s poetic recitations. The second presenter was Yervant Kotchounian. Yervant has a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Haigazian College (now University) in Beirut, Lebanon, in English Language and Literature. Mr. Kotchounian’s task was to analyze Vahan Tekeyan’s book of selected poems in Armenian, edited by Edmond Azadian. The book is composed of 172 poems and Mr. Kotchounian listed them in five categories: 1. Self Eulogy, dealing with innermost feelings and their echoes. 2. Sex and Impossible Loves, with all their emotional expressions. 3. Nationalistic Verses 4. A Horrible Thing over There. These poems allude to the Genocide. 5. Beyond Life and Death. These are philosophical reflections, stressing the poet’s intellectual mind set. 52 of the 172 poems are listed in this category. Mr. Edmond Azadian, who flew in especially for this occasion from Michigan, expressed his heartfelt appreciation to the presenters in his remarks. He also thanked the participants in the Artistic program for their beautiful renditions and the members of the audience for their attendance. Mr. Kartalian, in his closing remarks, once more thanked everybody and invited them to the reception that followed. Mr. Azadian was at hand to sign the books, purchased by individuals.

International Poetry Festival Welcomes Poet Lola Koundakjian By Paul Chaderjian QUEBEC - Among the one hundred international, renowned poets attending the 30th International Poetry Festival at Trois-Rivières in Quebec, starting October 3rd, is New York poet Lola Koundakjian. The 10-day festival features hundreds of events and attracts more than 35,000 participants and spectators from all seven continents, as well as national and international media. “Lola is the first Armenian poet coming to Trois-Rivières,” says festival president and founder Gaston Bellemare. “I am very happy to welcome her to our city for our 30th Festival International de la Poésie.” Koundakjian’s poems have appeared in print and online and have been translated into French, Spanish and Ukrainian. Koundakjian has been a relentless, driving force in bringing Armenian poetry to non-Armenians, international audiences and younger generations of Armenians. For more than two decades, she has organized the Dead Armenian Poets’ Society gatherings, where people recite the poetry of deceased Armenian poets in Armenian or in translation and share biographical notes about the authors. She is also the creator and curator of the online Armenian Poetry Project, which launched in 2006 and features extremely popular podcasts. Koundakjian is appearing a dozen

times during the festival, and she will be reading her work in Armenian, English and French. "What makes the TroisRivières Festival so fascinating is its broad reach to multiple audiences," says Koundakjian. "It has activities geared for university students as well as school children. I’m personally looking forward to a unique event called Poetry Promenade. People will read poems posted on city walls and mail them from postal box at the center of town." The Armenian Poetry Project also contains works from more than a hundred poets from Armenian communities around the globe. The poetry chronicled ranges from the 19th century to contemporary poets. The site also includes some classical and medieval Armenian poetry. Post-Genocide era Armenian poetry was the subject of an article Koundakjian co-edited in 2012 with Catherine Fletcher for the Rattapallax literary journal and database. Koundakjian’s translations of modern Istanbul poets have been included in Dora Sakayan’s newest edition of the Western Armenian language teaching manual. Koundakjian’s first collection of poetry, The Accidental Observer, was published in 2011. Her second manuscript, Advice to a Poet, was a finalist in Armenia's Orange Book Prize in 2012. It is due to be published later this year.

Armenian Poet Vahan Tekeyan To Be Remembered With Music And Verse FRESNO - On Saturday October 11, Saint Paul Armenian Church (3767 N. First Street, Fresno) will hold an evening of literature and music to honor the renowned Armenian poet Vahan Tekeyan. The program includes the talents of actor Hovannes Babakhanyan, tenor Hagop Kupelian, pianist Naira Shahsouvarian, reader Nouné Petrosian, and soprano Rosa Pashayan as well as a lecture by guest speaker Tamara Hovannisyan. The event will begin at 7:00 pm in the church’s Haig Berberian Hall and is sponsored by the Fresno Chapter of the Tekeyan Cultural Association. Admission is free. The event is one in a series of activities promoted by the Fresno Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee—an umbrella organization established to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. Vahan Tekeyan (1878-1945) is considered one of the great Armenian literary figures from the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. According to critic Hagop Oshagan, his style blended tradi-

tional Armenian folk poetry with Western forms. Tekeyan escaped death in April 1915 when the Young Turk regime began its murderous campaign to exterminate Armenians living in the Ottoman Empire. His contemporaries—who included such intellectual giants as Krikor Zorab, Daniel Varoujan, and Siamanto—were among the first victims of the Armenian Genocide. Many of his later works expressed the anger, despair, and, at times, the hopes of the Armenians during the darkest chapter in their history. Teyekan was more than just a poet and devoted much time and effort to rebuilding the educational foundations of the Armenian nation in the wake of the Genocide. The Tekeyan Cultural Association is a worldwide organization committed to the educational advancement of Armenian literacy, history, music, and culture. Contact to the Fresno Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee: Regina Peters, regpeters@att.net, insert phone Contact to the Fresno Chapter of the Tekeyan Cultural Association: Mihran Kutnerian, kutnerian@sbcglobal.net, 559-287-6022

AMAA To Hold 95th Annual Meeting In Paramus, NJ The 95th Annual Meeting of the Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA) will be held on Saturday, October 18 at 9:30 a.m. at the headquarter of the Association, 31, West Century Road, Paramus, NJ. Participants in the meeting will review both the activities and the financial reports of the Association. In conjunction with the AMAA Annual Meeting, the Armenian Evangelical World Council will have its meetings on Thursday and Friday, October 16-17 and the Board of Directors of the AMAA will meet on Friday evening to report on activities and discuss future plans. The 95th Annual Meeting Banquet will be held on Saturday evening at Double Tree at Hilton, 2117 Route 4 East, Fort Lee, New Jersey. The Keynote Speaker of the program will be Rev. George R. Carey, World Outreach Director of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. The Banquet will also feature Soprano Shoushik Barsoumian. With an interest in both operatic and ensemble music repertoire, Ms. Barsoumian has been performing both in the United States and Eu-

rope since 2010. The Annual Meeting Worship of Praise will be held on Sunday, October 19, 2014 at the Armenian Presbyterian Church of Paramus, NJ. Participants will praise God for AMAA and its services in 23 countries around the world. The service will also include a moment of remembrance dedicated to those AMAA members who concluded their earthly pilgrimage during the past year and joined the heavenly audience. The service will conclude with the installation of the newly elected Board Members. The Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA) serves the religious, educational and social needs of Armenian communities around the world. The AMAA was founded in 1918 in Worcester, MA and was incorporated in New York in 1920. AMAA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. For additional information, visit www.amaa.org. Those who are interested to join the banquet of the AMAA can contact AMAA Headquarters at 201-265-2607.

The Armenian Genocide Essay Competition Committee announces

The 6th Annual Genocide Essay Competition open to all Michigan High School Students – Call for entries BLOOMFIELD HILLS, MI - As part of the American Armenian’s community events to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in 2015, often called the “forgotten Genocide”, the Armenian Genocide Committee of greater Detroit is pleased to announce the sixth annual Armenian Genocide Essay competition and call for entries. The competition which is funded by the Hagopian Family Foundation and sponsored by the Knights of Vartan, Nareg Sharshavan Chapter, recognizes and awards Michigan high school students who have written a successful essay on the first genocide of the 20th Century, often called “the forgotten genocide”. This is the sixth year that this statewide competition has been offered to students with the hope that it will stimulate a comparative study of the many aspects sur-

rounding the Armenian Genocide in Ottoman Turkey with other genocides in modern history. Some suggested themes for this Essay Competition include events which precipitated the Armenian Genocide and other genocides, actions and/or responses taken by individuals and governments in response to the Armenian Genocide and other genocides, and whether the U.S. Government should formally recognize the Armenian Genocide. Complete guidelines can be found at www.annualessaycompetition.com. The Armenian Genocide Committee, a group committed to bringing awareness of the Armenian Genocide, is made up of members of the Detroit metro Armenian Cont. on p.9

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday October 2, 2014


Long-Persecuted Yazidis Find Second Homeland In Armenia

Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

Happy in their adopted home, the religious minority watches in

By Hambersom Aghbashian

horror as ISIL pursues their people in their homeland. By Liana Aghajanian

Eren Keskin (born 24 April 1959, Bursa, Turkey) is a lawyer and human rights activist. She is the vice-president of the Turkish Human Rights Association (!HD) and a former president of its Istanbul branch. She cofounded the project "Legal Aid For Women Who Were Raped Or Otherwise Sexually Abused by National Security Forces”, to expose abuses happening to women in Turkish prisons. In 1995 she was imprisoned for her activities and was adopted as a prisoner of conscience by Amnesty International . In 2002 she was accused by Turkey's State Security of "aiding and abetting" the PKK because of her advocacy for Kurds to use their native language in Turkey. In 2004 she received the Aachen Peace Award "for her courageous efforts and activities for human rights". In 2005 she was awarded the Esslingen (Germany) - based Theodor Haecker Prize for Civic Courage and Political Integrity. In March 2006 a Turkish court sentenced her to 10 months imprisonment for insulting the country’s military. The sentence was then converted to a fine of 6000 Turkish Liras, which Keskin refused to pay.(1) In her article " We Are All Guilty", (The Armenian weekly- Oct.20, 2009), Eren Keskin wrote, "In my view, the only thing that should be normal is accepting the fact of the genocide, with all its consequences, and apologizing to the Armenian nation". And about all being guilty she wrote, "It’s been 94 years!, Those who believe in the lies, Those who don’t question the lies, Those who remain silent even if they don’t believe in the lies, Those, by their silence, approve of the lies, We are all guilty. And we owe thousands millions of apologies.(2) In an interview with Eren Keskin (June 27, 2007), She was asked about Ankara’s policy of denial towards the annihilation of an estimated a million and a half Armenians by the ruling Committee of Union and Progress (CUP) under the cover of World War I. Keskin replied that “The Turkish official thesis regarding the Armenian genocide is still very influential in the street and in academia, although there are efforts to overcome this domination”.(3) Sara Whyatt also interviewed Eren Keskin (7 March 2014) . One of her questions was "How do you see the future"? Keskin replied saying,"I don't think there will be significant improvements in the short run

A L A G YA Z , Armenia — Just an hour’s drive from Armenia’s bustling capital city of Yerevan, Vazir Avdalyan sat in his living room in this rural Vazir Avdalyan in village and took a Alagyaz. long drag off his Keegam Shamlian cigarette, trying to concentrate on the task at hand. As the director of the village school, he should have been preparing for the start of the academic year. But he had more pressing concerns on his mind: the plight of his people, the Yazidis, in Iraq. Long considered a minority of a minority in Iraq, these previously obscure adherents to a religion influenced by Zoroastrianism, Christianity and the Sufi tradition in Islam found themselves in the international spotlight last month. Tens of thousands of them had fled into the ranges of Mount Sinjar to escape the murderous advance of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIL, prompting an international effort to bring them relief. “We are one of the most ancient people in the world; we need to be helped,” Avdalyan said. “This religion shouldn’t be lost, even just for the sake of preserving history.” It is a religion that has attracted persecution for centuries, from the Ottoman Empire in the 19th and 20th centuries, which forced them to flee to the Caucasus, to the

33 - Eren Keskin

destruction of Yazidi villages during Saddam Hussein’s reign in Iraq, in what became known as the Halabja massacre, when Kurds and other A statue of Melek Tawus, minorities were or the Peacock Angel. systematically Keegam Shamlian targeted. The Yazidis believe in a deity called “Melek Tawus,” the Peacock Angel, who is identified as “Shaytan” in the Koran, the same name that Muslims have for Satan, which sometimes creates a misunderstanding by outsiders that they are devil worshippers. Avdalyan watched the news unfold out of Iraq in August, horrified at the stories of what the militants of ISIL had wrought: hundreds killed, men buried alive, women kidnapped, young girls sold in markets, children starving or dying of dehydration. And the humanitarian emergency continues, as many families remain stranded on the mountain; others have fled to refugee camps in Iraqi Kurdistan and Syria. Meanwhile, more than 3,000 Yazidi women and children have been captured by ISIL militants and are being trafficked for sex, according to a new BBC report. Events in their holy land in northern Iraq, where the Yazidis have previously retreated during times of persecution, weigh heavily on Armenia’s Yazidi community. Cont. on p.10

THE CREATION OF A MEMORIAL BOOK FOR THE CENTENNIAL GENOCIDE COMMEMORATION BY THE AWC-LA The Armenian Women's Coalition of Los Angeles, (AWC-LA), a group of Armenian women representing 13 different organizations will be commemorating the 100th year marking of the Genocide with an educational event on January 17, 2015 at Woodbury University, Burbank, CA. As part of the effort to honor and preserve the legacy of our: Armenian Women Ancestors, A memorial book is being prepared to coincide with this event. This memorial book will include a compilation of the profound stories of the Armenian women who faced the horrors of the Genocide yet were able to find a way to survive and help the family live on. There are many stories that remain private among individual families. Unfortunately, as the years pass, these unbelievable stories will fade into obscurity. The AWC-LA is compelled to save as many stories as possible for future generations. They are calling upon the community to contribute the amazing stories of survival, in order to preserve the tragic, yet heroic actions of our women ancestors. They are seeking the involvement of the children and grandchildren of these women. Please fill the following questionnaire and Email it to saveourpast@gmail.com You can also find this questionnaire on FACEBOOK at h t t p s : / / w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / p a g e s / S a v e - O u r - P a s t - M e m o r i a l Book/1451136551830664 Name of the victim/survivor in your family: ---------------------------------Approximate Age of the woman during the massacres: ------------------Marital status at the time of Genocide? Children?-------------------------Village/town she came from:------------------------------------------------------How many members in her family died from the massacre? What relation? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Who in her family survived:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------How did she survive? And if not what was the victim’s story? Story relayed by (Relation?)--------------------------------------------------------Written by:(Relation?)--------------------------------Los Angeles, CA

because the current government, as was the case with previous governments, will not cross the red line on sensitive issues like the Armenian genocide, human rights abuses by the army, and violence against women. They do have their own ideas for solutions to these issues, but I don't think there will be significant improvements, so of course the fight goes on."(4) On March 16, 2014, a group of Turkish journalists, lawyers and human rights defenders organized a conference entitled “One Less than 2015: Our Past and Future” ahead of the Armenian Genocide Centennial at the hall of Ismayil Beshikchi Foundation in Istanbul. The second session was quite heated. The lawyers touched upon the genocide from the legal angle and drew parallels between the genocides that have been committed to this day. The speakers mentioned that the Turks deny the genocide at the state level and the level of associations “by the instinct of defending the homeland”. According to the speakers, the society must put pressure on the government. Summing up, coordinator Eren Keskin said the following: “We have our share of the blame by keeping silent. We didn’t even raise the issue of famous anti-Armenian Dogu Perincek’s* release and preferred to keep silent”.(5) In her book titled "Armenian Genocide, Yesterday and Today”, Eren Keskin wrote "Armenian people have argued for decades that when the Ottoman Empire, current day Turkey, moved onto their land and forced people from their homes, this was the first genocide known by the modern world".(6) * Do!u Perinçek (born June 17, 1942 in Gaziantep) is a Turkish politician. Since 1992, he is the chairman of the socialist Workers' Party (Turkish: "#çi Partisi). In August 2013 he was sentenced to aggravated life imprisonment as part of the Ergenekon trials. 1.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eren_Keskin 2.http://www.armenianweekly.com/2009/1 0/20/eren-keskin-we-are-all-guilty 3.http://headoverhat.blogspot.com/2007/06/ interview-with-eren-keskin.html 4.https://www.ifex.org/turkey/2014/03/07/e renkeskin_interview/ 5- http://en.hayernaysor.am/2015 6.http://internationallawstudies.blogspot.co m/2014/02/genocide-cannot-be-just-anothercrime.html

The 6th Annual Armenian Genocide... Cont. from p.8 community including educators, former educators and business leaders; members are Edward Bedikian, Ray Boujoulian, Corinne Khederian, Paul Kulhanjian, Richard Norsigian, David Terzibashian and Madeline Thomasian. The Committee carries on the ideals of founder, the late Edgar Hagopian, who stated that he “felt this project was a critical and vital key to perpetuating the history of the Armenian people in the minds of students as well as having them learn that a comprehensive study of the Armenian Genocide will aid and educate legislators and leaders to avert future tragedies.” Instructors may submit their student’s essay entries to The Armenian Genocide Committee at 850 S. Old Woodward, Birmingham, MI 48009, on or before the deadline of April 10, 2014. All entries will be

judged by a committee consisting of members of the Metro Detroit Armenian Community and winners will be formally announced on April 15, 2015. The awards will be presented at a 2015 Armenian Genocide Commemoration on or about April 26 – details to be announced. Awards: High School students First Place $500 Second $250 Third $100 In addition, each teacher of the student submitting a winning essay will be given a $100 appreciation award. For additional information, you may contact The Armenian Genocide Committee by calling David Terzibashian at 248-549-4946 or emailing Hagopian@aol.com.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday October 2, 2014


Newly Discovered Stone Age Tools From Armenia Challange The Out Of Africa Theory Of Human Innovation Innovative Stone Age tools have been developed by people inhabiting the Armenia Highland and — contrary to widely held views — not just invented in Africa, a study published Thursday found. Research published in the journal Science shows evidence that refined stone weapons were developed in Armenia about 325,000 years ago, challenging the theory held by many archaeologists that such technology came from Africa then spread to Eurasia as the human population ex-

Stone Age tools found in Armenia: Levallois and biface tools. Credit: Royal Holloway, University of London

The Amazing (And Bizarre) Homemade Kurdish Armor Fighting ISIS In Syria Irregular armed forces have to rely on their ingenuity to arm themselves. And while rifles and mortars can be bought on the black market, getting hold of a tank or two can be a bit tricky. But you can always make a DIY version with your own hands.

Turkey Imposes Ban On Piercings, Tattoos In All Schools Turkey’s government has banned all school pupils nationwide from having tattoos or body piercings in a new dress code deemed oppressive and unenforceable, according to the law’s critics.

panded. Experts studied thousands of stone artifacts from the Nor Geghi site in Armenia. “The discovery of thousands of stone artifacts preserved at this unique site provides a major new insight into how Stone Age tools developed during a period of profound human behavioral and biological change,” researcher Simon Blockley, from the Royal Holloway geography department of the University of London, said in a statement.

‘King’ Arthur Beats British Challenger, Retains WBO Title Germany-based Armenian professional boxer Arthur Abraham retained his WBO title in a weekend fight against British challenger Paul Smith.

Reno's Don Manoukian, Ex-Oakland Raider, Dies At 80

Long-Persecuted Yazidis... Cont. from p.9 Hundreds gathered to protest in front of the Office of Foreign Affairs in downtown Yerevan, holding up posters of Iraqi Yazidi children and signs urging a stop to the violence. The ISIL attack on the Yazidis was, for many outsiders, the first time they had heard of the faith, which has less than a million followers, the majority located in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. But there has been at least one safe space for one Yazidi community: Armenia.

Don Manoukian, a storied Reno athlete, member of the original Oakland Raiders, pro wrestler and longtime business and civic leader in the Truckee Meadows, has died. He was 80 and died Tuesday in a Reno hospital after a brief illness. He was a pioneer in professional wrestling as "Don the Bruiser," said longtime friend Pete Lazetich.

Tattoo Mania Humans have marked their bodies with tattoos or permanent designs for thousands of years. The history of tattooing is incredibly widespread and enormously varied. It is a very old art form where the body is used as canvas, and it is performed by inserting indelible ink into the dermis layer of the skin to change the pigment. There is evidence of tattooing dating back several thousands of years, based on the discovery of several tattooed mummies and frozen bodies, such as the famous “Iceman”, a 5200-year-old frozen mummy, discovered in the area of Italian-Austrian border in 1991. According to the Smithsonian Institute, the skin had 57 tattoos, on the ankles and the knees, suggesting that they were probably applied for the treatment of arthritis and therefore were essentially therapeutic. The Oxford English Dictionary gives the etymology of the word tattoo from the Polynesian word “ta” which means “striking something” and the Tahitian word “tatau” which means “to mark something”. The word was introduced into the English language as a loan word, with some modification in spelling and pronunciation. Some anthropologists travelling around the world have come across many tribal tattoo traditions, ranging from rubbing cuts and wounds with ashes, to hand-pricking the skin with thorns, knives, sharpened bamboo sticks or nails to insert dyes. In ancient China, it was a common practice to tattoo characters on convicted criminals’ faces. Slaves were also tattooed to display own-

ership. In Great Britain, tattooing was largely associated with sailors and the lower classes. Tattooing was popular among the indigenous peoples of China, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, as well as Europe, North and South America, the Middle Eastern countries and elsewhere around the world. Pilgrims to the Old City of Jerusalem would be tattooed with either a cross or a design the setting of which

would be inspired from the Bible. Thus, for centuries, tattoos were done for a number of reasons, such as to indicate status, group identity, for magical protection, for decoration, for spiritual and religious beliefs, for healing and even for some forms of punishment. Recently, tattoos have experienced a resurgence of popularity in many parts of the world, particularly in Europe, Asia, North and South America. Many celebrities have made tattoos more acceptable in recent years. Contemporary art exhibitions have incorporated examples of this “body art” into their exhibits. The Tattoo Renaissance is said to have begun in the late 1950s, and the clientele of tattooing has changed from sailors, bikers, and gang members to middle and upper classes. Since 1970s, tattoos have become a mainstream part of Western fashion, common among both sexes, to all economic classes, and to age groups from the teen years to middle age. Tattoos are now a regular part of everyday society with more than one in five of all North Americans aged 18 to 30years old having at least one tattoo. Tattooing carries some health risks such as infections and allergic reactions, as it requires breaking the skin barrier. There are temporary tattoos where henna, ink or coloring is applied to the surface of the skin, which are much safer. Henna is a traditionally Hindu method of staining and decorating the skin, very popular in the Middle Eastern countries as well. Lately, there has been an increasingly

popular option for body tattooing in Armenia. The employees of tattoo salons have been assuring that each summer the number of clients at Yerevan’s tattoo parlors has been increasing. The owner of “Tattoo Art Club” declared that his salon serves on the average 10 clients a day, the least expensive tattoo being 10.000 drams(27 US dollars). We, Armenians, we have a natural propensity to admire and promptly adopt the styles and fashions of Western cultures. As such, we greatly hope that some of the proceeds of this thriving business of “Body Art” may be used for the cultural and educational enhancement of our beloved Motherland and for the economic and social well-being of our less-fortunate brothers and sisters.

N.O. October. 2, 2014, No. 38:N.O. Blank


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fi ko[mh% ou orphs t;[akan fa\ouj;an famar dar]a‘ hr a®a=in ka\an! :ritasard ou a,.o\v Papa\;ane% 1934-in Falhpi mh= ke da®na\ fimnadirn;rhn ªAr;gº M,akouja\in Miouj;an^ 1934-in% isk \a=ord tarin ke stan]nh at;nap;touj;an pa,tøne F&B&E&M&-i Fa\ :ritasardaz Enk;rakzouj;an% oroun fimnadirn;rhn ;[a‘ hr .andawa® ;ritasarde norakaxm masnayiu[in! Papa\;an kary vamanaki enjazqin ke da®na\ 'nt®oua‘ krjakan m,ak me% ou ,r=ani me famar k*ou[arkoui Jri'oli% our go\oujiun ounhr 'oqrajiu fa\kakan ga[ouj me Fiusisa\in Libanani tara‘qin! Jri'olii mh= ke dasauandh Bar;gor‘akani Noupar;an warvaranhn n;rs% ou apa xinq ke gtn;nq dar];al Falhp% a\s angam stan]n;low tnørhnouj;an pa,tøne Kilik;an warvaranin! Falhpi mh= k;anqi enk;r piti entrhr Âoxin Gapag;ane ou anonq ke ba.tauorouin ;r;q xauakn;row^ Silwa (Gara\;an)% N;rshs ;u Ara! |;taga\in tofmik ir;nz dastiarakouj;amb ou axga\in gitakzouj;amb% ;r;qn al dar]an gor‘oun;a\ ga[oujafa\ krjakan ou axga\in ir;nz gor‘ounhouj;amb! Fa\r;nakan pat;raxmi tarin;roun an ir masnakzoujiune b;rau ªSasounzi Dauijº xørasiuni fangakanouj;an a,.atanqn;roun B;rio\ J;mhn n;rs! Incphs na;u .andawa® masnakizn;rhn ;[au Fa\ Axga\in >orfourdin ou n;rka\azn;low souriafa\oujiune masnakiz dar]au 1946-in A[;qsandrio\ .orfrdavo[owin% ou a\d fangamanqow ke ,r=i Ph\rouj% J;l Awiw% Fa\`a% :a`a% :rousa[hm% incphs na;u Gafirh! No\n tarin ir fa\r;nashr masnakzoujiune ke b;rh orphs at;nap;te^ Sourio\ mh= kaxmoua‘ n;rga[ji komithin! A\s fangamanqow an \aya. ke m;knhr Damaskos% incphs na;u Anjilias% fandip;lou M;‘i Tann Kilikio\ Kajo[ikos Gar;gin A& |owsh';anzin! Falhpi mh= Papa\;an Kilik;an warvarani ,r=anakhn n;rs ke oronh fncak;an ga[a'ara.øsouj;an ‘a®a\;lou fa\r;nasirakan ord;gra‘ ou[in!

Papa\;an entaniqe ke 'o.adroui Ph\rouj 1953-in entan;øq ke t;[a'o.oui Ph\rouj% our ke da®na\ Ph\rouji Wafan Jhqh;an warvarani tnørhn% pa,tøn me% or fmtørhn ou amhn xofo[ouj;amb piti warhr \a=ord 33 tarin;roun! <our= ;r;q tari Ph\rouji mh= (1953-56) an ke f;t;ui Shn Voxh` Famalsarani Fa\agitouj;an ;u Ar;u;l;an dprouj;an dasenjazqn;roun% stanalow famapatas.an wka\akan bar]rago\n ousman mh=! Axga\infasarakakan ir .andawa® gor‘ounhoujiune Papa\;an piti ,arounakhr Ph\rouji mh=% Jhqh;an M,akouja\in Miouj;an mi=ozau% ou manauand Wafan Jhqh;an warvarani ousouzcakaxme ou ,r=anauartn;re m[;low mas kaxm;lou Jhqh;ani xanaxan ka®o\zn;rou! Ph\rouji mh= ;ra.tauore moutq ke gor‘h ÂAK-i ,arq;re ou ke stan]nh xanaxan kar;uor pa,tønn;r kousakzakan fangamanqow% incphs na;u ke da®na\ 'nt®oua‘ at;na.øs ou b;mbasaz ir ya®a.øsouj;amb fma\;low ounkndirn;re! Orphs mankawarv% 1961-in Kiulphnk;an Fimnarkouj;an fowanauorouj;amb ke m;kni "arix Centre International d'Etudes Pesagogiques famalsaranhn n;rs f;t;u;lou masnagitakan dasenjazqn;rou% katar;lagor‘;low ir ousoume! Papa\;ani krjakan gor‘ounhoujiune na;u

}a.in :rouand Papa\;an% ÂAK-i krknaki W;j;rani wka\agir ke stana\ Ara Afaron;ani ];®amb

ke fimnauoroui fratarakcakan bnagaua®hn n;rs% 1957-60 ‘anøj dastiarakn;r^ Ønnik Sargis;ani ;u Simon Simon;ani f;t lo\s k*en‘a\h A,.arfagrouj;an dasagirq;rou ,arqi me% oronq tramadr;li ke da®nan Mi=in Ar;u;lqi fa\kakan warvarann;rou na.akrjarann;roun famar! 1951-in ir d®n;re baza‘ Wafan Jhqh;an warvarane Ph\rouji arouar]an^ Jirø ja[i ,r=ane% 1965-in piti øvtouhr noraka®o\z ;u ardiakan ,hnqow me^ Poury Famouti srtin mh=% da®nalow srtamøtik krjakan fastatoujiune am;rikafa\ Âamkawar ,r=anakin famar! :ra.tauor Papa\;an% a\d a,.atanqe drs;uor;z nor ,hnqe dar]n;low tipar fa\;zi krjouj;an øya.e% a\d ør;roun Ph\rouji fa\afo‘ ga[oujhn n;rs! Ph\rouji Wafan Jhqh;an warvarane f;txf;th ke da®nar xanaxan \a=o[ouj;anz ja'n;kir ;u p;takan qnnouj;anz \a=o[oujiune tokosa\in \au;loum ke krh ou ke fasni 100 tokosi! :rouand Papa\;ani tnørhnouj;an ,r=anin warvarani a,ak;rtouj;an jiue ke fasni 1%100-i% warvarane faszn;low libananafa\ warvarann;rou bar]rago\n a,ak;rtakan jiuin! Papa\;ani miouj;nakan a,.o\v masnakzoujiune Ph\rouji mh= au;li fimnauorou;zau% ;rb an dar]au at;nap;te Ph\rouji Jhqh;an M,akouja\in Miouj;an 1967-71 tarin;roun% ir ørow phtq h es;l% or fa\r;ni mtauorakann;r ;u m,akouja\in gor‘icn;r frauirou;zan Libanan% ou fa\r;nasirouj;amb togor;zin libananafa\ ga[ouje! 1970-in JMM Fimnadirn;rou Marmni oro,oumow% Papa\;an k*ou[;uoroui Miaz;al Nafangn;r ;u Ganata% banast;[‘n;rou i,.an^ Wafan Jhqh;ani mafouan 25-am;akin a®ijow bana.øs;lou% incphs na;u JMM Fiusisa\in Am;rika\i masnayiu[;rou kaxmak;rpa‘ ];®narkn;roun masnakz;lou% oronq npatakadroua‘ hin øvandak;lou Ph\rouji mh= Jhqh;an k;droni ,inouj;an% incphs na;u Wafan Jhqh;an warvaranin! Papa\;ani a\s a\z;louj;amb Niu :orqi% Posjeni ;u ~r;xno\i mh=% ke kaxmouin Wafan Jhqh;an warvarani øvandak marminn;r% oronz mi=ozau kar;li ke da®na\ fanganak;l m;‘agoumar nouiratououjiunn;r! At;no\ ÂAK-i Miaz;al Nafangn;rou [;kawaroujiunn al ir kaxmak;rpcakan a=akzouj;amb ou mamoulow npast;z a\s kar;uor ‘ragrin! Irauaban Tigran Smsar;an% Fambar]oum Phrphr;an% Andranik L& "olat;an ou Posjeni Srb& :rrordoujiun :k;[;zuo\ Fowiu^ Babghn Auag Qfn\& Maqsout;ani =anq;row% øvandak marminn;re ,arounak;zin Papa\;an ;ra.tauori a\z;lou-

j;nhn ;tq kar;uor npastenk;al ‘ragirn;re! 1971-in A\njapi Fa\r;nakzakan Miouj;an K;dronakan Warcouj;an oro,oumow ke da®na\ .mbagire ªNor A\njapº ;®ams;a\in% pa,tøn me% or ];®nfasørhn ke warh \a=ord 7 tarin;roun% incphs na;u ir a,.atakzoujiune ke b;rh ÂAK mamoulin% manauand ªXarjønqº øraj;rjin% da®nalow 'nt®oua‘ \ødoua‘agir j;rji baza®ik fratarakouj;anz famar! |a=ord tarin A\njapi Fa\r;nakzakan Miouj;an K;dronakan Warcouj;an orphs n;rka\azouzic Fa\astani ªNor A\njapº auani mh= ke katarh fimnarkhqe warago\ri ;u van;aki gor‘aranin! A\s vamanaka,r=anin ardhn orphs b;mbasa‘ ke stana\ xanaxan frauhrn;r% a\z;l;lou mi=in ar;u;l;an fa\afo‘ ga[oujn;r% oronz kargin Gafirh% our ke masnakzi ÂAK-i kaxmouj;an 50-am;a\ tønakatarouj;an 1972 Aprilin! Papa\;ani famar \atkan,akan dar]au 1974-in Faraua\in Am;rika\i ir kar;uor ,r=aga\oujiune% Jhqh;an M,akouja\in Miouj;an ;u Bar;gor‘akani orphs n;rka\azouzic% an satar fandisazau Monj;witho\i ;u Pouhnos A\rhsi% incphs na;u Gortopa\i fasarakakan k;anqin% fa\r;nasirakan nor xarjønq me .jan;low a\d ga[oujn;rhn n;rs! Ir a\z;louj;an a®ijow bazoume katarou;zau Bar;gor‘akani xo\g warvarann;rou% ªNoupar;anº warvarane Monj;witho\i mh=% isk ªMari Manouk;anº warvarane Pouhnos A\rhsi mh=! Kaxmak;rpcakan ir gor‘ounhoujiune npast;z ÂAK-i ,r=anaki ‘ragirn;roun ou Pouhnos A\rhsi mh= ‘nound a®au ªAr,ak Cøpan;anº M,akouja\in Mioujiune% or \;taga\in piti anouanouhr Jhqh;an M,akouja\in Mioujiun ou øvtouhr ir s;'akan g;[ak;rt nor k;dronow! Incphs na;u 1975-in al a\d Mioujiune piti fratarakhr ÂAK-i pa,tønaj;rj^ ;rkl;xou ªSardarapatº ,abajaj;rje! Libananafa\ ga[ouji axga\in% krjakan k;anqn ou ;®oux;re 1975-i a,nan ke patoui gor, amp;row% Libanani tara‘qin ‘a\r toua‘ qa[aqaziakan pat;raxmin patya®ow ou fa\kakan ja[;rou famar Wafan Jhqh;an warvarane dar]a‘ hr apastaran ou paf;stanoz! An,ou,t krjakan k;anqn al libananafa\ warvarann;rhn n;rs arka.oua‘ hr fa\ mat[a, s;roundin famar! 1976-i garnan% Libanani mh= ÂAK-i [;kawaroujiune ;ra.tauor Papa\;anin ke wstafi Libanani a[ht;al fa\ entaniqn;rou famar% kaxmak;rp;l nouirafauaq% a\s ‘ragrin mh= ir;n k*enk;rakzi ÂAK at;no\ Libanani ,r=ana\in kaxmhn :rouand Krpo\;ane ou anonq miasnabar ke ,r=in Parskastan% :giptos% |ordanan ou Arabakan ’ozi karg me ;rkirn;r! Fangakanouj;an famar npatakadroua‘ ‘ragire ke psakouin \a=o[ouj;amb% npast;low ÂAK-i bar;npast a,.atanqn;roun! 1976-i auarthn a®a=% Libanani mh= \arab;rabar fandartojiun ke tirh ou krjakan k;anqn al ke w;rada®na\ ir bnakanon wiyakin% an,ou,t nøsraza‘ fa\kakan ;rb;mni a,.o\v ga[oujhn n;rs karg me warvarann;r al ir;nz d®n;re ke 'ak;n! 1977-i ";trouarin% Papa\;an k*entroui at;nap;t ÂAK Libanani <r=ana\in Warcouj;an ou ,our= taroua\ me famar ke warh a\d pa,tøne% a®au;labar libananafa\ ga[ouji w;rak;rtoumi ‘ragirn;row klanou;low! Ou Papa\;an mas ke kaxmh Libananafa\ouj;an W;rakangnoumi K;dronakan Marmnin! |a®a=ika\ fing tarin;re Papa\;an krjakan m,akin ou fasarakakan ;®andoun gor‘icin famar ke da®nan ‘ragroumi ou ka\ounazman tarin;r libananafa\ ga[ou<ar& h= 14

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jhn n;rs! :rkou tarb;r a®ijn;row an k*a\z;lh Miaz;al Nafangn;r% our fastatoua‘ hin Papa\;an amoli ;r;q xauakn;re! A\s a\z;loujiunn;re na;u ‘a®a\;n Wafan Jhqh;an warvarani npastauorman ‘ragirn;roun% incphs na;u piti .janouhr kaxmoujiune Jhqh;an Warvarani <r=anauartn;rou Miouj;an kaxmouj;amb^ Los Any;les fastatoua‘ na.kin san;roun mi=ozau! 1983 |ounisin arvanawa\;l fandisouj;amb ke n,oui :rouand Papa\;ani 50-am;a\ \ob;l;ane^ krjakan-fasarakakan gor‘ounhouj;an Ph\rouji mh=! A\s a®ijow ir;n ke ,norfoui Am;na\n Fa\oz Kajo[ikos Waxghn A&-i ko[mh Srb& Safak-Srb& M;srop ,qan,ane^ famapatas.an kajo[ikosakan kondakow% incphs na;u Libanani Krjakan Na.ararouj;an arvan;az ,qan,ane% isk >orfrda\in Fa\astani S'iu®qafa\ouj;an M,akouja\in Kapi Komithn al patouo\ girow ke parg;uatrh xinq! Wastaka,at \ob;l;are na;u piti arvananar a\l osk;a\ kr‘qan,ann;rou ou a\s a®ijow al lo\s ke t;snh \atouk grqo\k me ;ra.tauorin 50-am;a\ wastakin nouiroua‘!

Papa\;an entaniqe ke 'o.adroui Los Any;les 1986-in w;r=nakanaphs ir ko[akizin^ Âoxinin f;t% kou ga\ fastatou;lou Los Any;les% mianalou ir dst;r^ Dokt& Silwa Gara\;anin ou krts;r orduo\n Ara\in ou anonz entaniqn;roun! Faka®ak ir 70-e anza‘ tariqin% an frav;,t a®a‘ hr ir ;rkaram;a\ krjakan pa,tønhn% ba\z orphs nouir;al fasarakakan gor‘ic an .andawa®ouj;amb bavin piti b;rhr am;rikafa\ axga\in ou ga[ouja\in k;anqin! 1987-in ir;n ke wstafoui waric-tnørhni pa,tøne^ JMM_i Miaz;al Nafangn;rou ;u Ganata\i K;dronakan Warcouj;an ko[mh% pa,tøn me% or Papa\;an ];®nfasørhn piti warhr ,our= 6 \a=ordakan tarin;r% orphs k;dronat;[i oun;nalow^ Aljatina\i Miouj;an norak;rt k;drone! A\s ,r=anin (1987)% ou \a=ordakan ;rkou tarb;r a®ijn;row ;ra.tauore \atouk a®aq;louj;amb k*a\z;lh Australia ou \a=o[ouj;amb ke da®na\ fimnadire^ Sitnii ªAl;qsandrº amhnør;a\ fa\kakan warvaranin! Ir a\z;louj;anz enjazqin na;u ke satarh Bar;gor‘akani ;u JMM-i gor‘ounhouj;anz ou ‘ragroumn;roun! 1989 ir \ob;l;ane fangamanørhn ke n,oui Los Any;lesi mh=% our ardhn fana.mboua‘ hin% ir san;re% na.kin gor‘akizn;re% miouj;nakan bar;kamn;re ou ga[a'ari enk;rn;re! A\s a®ijow baxmajiu gnafa-

tagr;r ke \[ouin M;‘ar;alin% n;ra®;al Gali`ornio\ at;no\ ka®awaric Yory Thøqmhy;ani (a\njapzi) gnafatagire% isk Am;rikafa\ Mi=axga\in Golhyi ousouzcarane (Tat;an) a\s a®ijow ke kocoui^ :rouand ;u Âoxin Papa\;ann;rou anounow! Axga\in-fasarakakan tarin;rou wastake :rouand Papa\;ani famar piti ,arounakouhr ir mna\oun a,.atakzouj;amb ÂAK-i mamoulin famar% manauand ªNor Ørº pa,tønaj;rjin famar ir b;ra‘ masnakzouj;amb! Papa\;an na;u ouni fratarakoua‘ girq;r% 1983-in ªVo[owourdin ;u Fa\r;niqin F;tº% or lo\s t;sau ir 50-am;a\ \ob;l;anin a®ijow% dar];al 1983-in^ ªPatmoujiun F&B&E&M&-iº orphs dasagirq k*øgtagor‘oui fa\kakan warvarann;rhn n;rs% 1994-in^ G& fator ªPatmoujiun A\njapi Fa\ozº% 1993-in% 80 tar;kan fasakin Miaz;al Nafangn;rou mh= fangst;an ke kocoui Papa\;an% 60 tarin;rou baxmab;[oun ir fasarakakan wastake arvani dar]n;low% ga[ja,.arfi ga[oujn;roun famar% ba\z an fangist piti cyancnar ou ir a,.atasirouj;an orphs ardiunq 1998 lo\s k*en‘a\h nor fratarakoujiun me^ ª|i,atakn;rou Araf;tn;rowº fatore! 2001 Fokt;mb;rin ke frauiroui fa\r;niq ou xinq ke dimauor;n fa\r;nabnak ir a,ak;rtn;re% ou ir w;r=in fatorin n;rka\azman a®ijow :r;uani mh=% gnafatakan .øsq;row fandhs kou gan fa\r;ni akanauor an]nauoroujiunn;r^ Silwa Kapoutik;an% L;uon Fa.w;rd;an% incphs na;u Âomhn Koxmo\;an! 2002-in ke frauiroui Ph\rouj% our orphs ;rkaram;a\ tnørhn Wafan Jhqh;an warvarani ir masnakzoujiune ke b;rh warvarani 50-am;a\ tønakatarouj;an% ir a\z;louj;ann a®ijow% M;‘i Tann Kilikio\ Kajo[ikos Aram A& Papa\;anin ke ,norfh M;srop Ma,toz ,qan,ane% isk Libanani Krjakan Na.araroujiunn al xinq ke patouh Ousouzici ,qan,anow! Pat;f a®ij me ;[au Papa\;ann;roun famar a\s a®ijow a\z;l;l Falhp% or ;[au ir w;r=in a\z;loujiune% fon Papa\;an amole arvanazau falhpafa\ouj;an m;‘aranqin! W;radar]in Ma,toz Golhyi ko[mh arvanazau ªPatouo\ "ro`;sørº kocoumin% ou 2004 |ounisin Golhyi na.a];®nouj;amb% Ar;umt;an J;mi A®a=nordarani famalirhn n;rs ka\azau ;ra.tauorin ‘nnd;an 90 ;u krjakan-fasarakakan gor‘ounhouj;an 70-am;akin a®ijow famaga[ouja\in m;‘aranqe% or ke wa\;lhr m;‘ar;ali san;rhn^ J;makal A®a=nord^ |ownan Arq& Thrthr;ani fowanauoroujiune! A\s a®ijow \atkan,akan ;[au at;no\ Miaz;al Nafangn;rou na.agaf Yory

Pou,i \[a‘ ,norfagire% ou Gar;gin B& Am;na\n Fa\oz Kajo[ikosi \atouk kondake! Isk ÂAK Ar;umt;an Am;rika\i <r=ana\in Warcouj;an ko[mh Papa\;an ;ra.tauorin \an]nou;zau famapatas.an \ou,ata.tak! |atkan,akan ;[au a\s a®ijow ir dst;r^ Dokt& Silwa Gara\;ani ko[mh anaknkal imanal entan;kan oro,oumow% kaxmoujiune ª:rouand Papa\;an Krjakan Fimnarkºin! Axga\in-fasarakakan ir wastake piti gnafatouhr ÂAK-i [;kawarouj;an ko[mh% dar]n;low xinq krknaki w;j;ran% isk ir miouj;nakan a,.atanqn al piti dar]nhr xinq FBEMiouj;an ;®aki w;j;ran ou Bar;gor‘akani K;dronakan Warcakan vo[own al ir;n ke ,norfh Patouo\ Andami kocoum! 2009-in ;ra.tauore lo\s k*en‘a\h ªPhtq ch Mo®zouinº fatore% or \ou,agrouj;anz fauaqa‘o\ men h a\n ;ra.tauorn;roun% oronz Papa\;an yancza‘ hr ou gnafata‘ ir;nz d;re orphs ;ra,.iq fa\ vo[owourdi \au;rvouj;an! 2010-in lo\s piti t;snhr ir w;r=in fratarakoujiune^ ªSiroua‘ Dhmq;r% Girq;r% Iragor‘oumn;r% ;ua\lnº! Fos gnafatanqow k*arvh n,;l na;u% or Papa\;ani xauakn;roun na.a];®nouj;amb% lo\s

t;sau 2004-in ;ra.tauor Papa\;anin \ob;l;anakan xo\g fatorn;re! |a®a=aza‘ tariqin bv,kakan .namqi% incphs na;u ir annkoun kamqin apauin;low an wa\;l;z ir ‘nnd;an daradar]e% or tønou;zau arvanawa\;l ,ouqow Perphnqi Fa\oz A®a=nordarani famalirhn n;rs% ou a\s a®ijow La Qr;s;nja-i ,r=ani ‘ou.i ,abajør;a\ warvarane kocou;zau ª:rouand Papa\;an <abajør;a\ Warvaranº! 2014-i garnan a®ije oun;zanq xinq a\z;l;lou% ou a\s to[;roun \an]n;zinq% irmh qa[oua‘ karg me kar;uor patmakan \ou,agroujiunn;r! 101 garounn;r bolora‘ wastaka,at ou nouir;al dastiarake \auit;an ir acq;re ke 'akh 6 Øgostos% 2014-in% Mi,en Filx-i Ararat Tar;zn;rou Tan mh=% ir ;tin jo[;low axga\in-fasarakakan% krjakan ou miouj;nakan faroust ou baxmab;[oun wastak me! :ra.ta,at a\s nouir;al fa\oun axgapafmanman gor‘e% arvanauor ir ;r;q xauakn;re ardhn ir;nz apra‘ ga[oujn;rhn n;rs ke ,arounak;n au;li togoroua‘ ou gitakiz ir;nz a®aq;louj;an! I

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FA|R:NI ANKA>OUJIUN&&& <ar& h= 2-hn

A\spisi bard kaxmauoroum oun;zo[ a,.arfin mh= i#nc ;n fxørouj;an ca'ani,n;re! Incph#s phtq h a\souf;t;u xargana\ fa\r;ni apagan% i#nc ou[[ouj;amb phtq h enjana\ a\d orphsxi an ibr;u ;rkir% p;toujiun ;u fasarakoujiun dimakal;l kar;na\ ir a®=;u zzouo[ am;naxan martafrauhrn;re ellan anonq tnt;sakan% apafowakan% qa[aqakan ;u ,r=ana\in ;u miavamanak da®na\ fxør! Ard;øq Fa\astan bauarar k;rpow fxør piti kar;na#\ ellal xinq ,r=apato[ martafrauhrn;rou st;[‘a‘ tagnapn;roun baruoq lou‘oum me ;u ;lq gtn;lou famar% ;u miavamanak s'iu®qi k;anqi mh= n;rgor‘akan ouv me da®nalou famar! A\o*% ke ba[]anq fxør fa\r;niq! Ba\z pa\man h or gitnanq jh i#nc bani mh= ke ka\ana\ a\d fxøroujiune ;u i#nc ];uow kar;li h a\d fxøroujiune ka[apar;l! Fxøroujiun me% our fa\r;niqi apagan ;u xargazoume ir;nz amhn arta\a\toujiunn;row fimnoua‘ ;n ardiakan% gitakan ;u norararakan ]gtoumow \atkan,oua‘ ;rkri me ka®o\zow ;u t;slakanow! Fxør ;rkir me our ke tir;n ;u ke gor‘adrouin vo[owrdawarouj;an skxbounqn;re% ardaradatoujiune% enk;ra\in ardaroujiune% .øsqi ;u .i[yi axatoujiune% tnt;sakan% a®o[=apafakan ;u fanra\in apafowouj;an pa\mann;re% an];®nm.;li a,.arfagrakan safmann;rou mh=! Fxør fa\r;niq me or oc mia\n ir qa[aqazin;re ke \argh ir;nz irauounqn;rou arta\a\touj;an mh=% a\l na;u fpartouj;an a[biur men h s'iu®qi famar! Fxør ;rkir me or xgazakan slazqn;rou ko[qin fpartouj;an a[biur me ke fandisana\ s'iu®qi famar ir nouayoumn;row% ir karo[akanouj;amb ou na;*u s'iu®qi go\apafpanoumin ir b;ra‘ npastow! Afa a\n fasarakaz \a\tarare or s'iu®qi mh= k*imastauorh fa\r;niqi ouvakanoujiune ou ir kargin fa\r;niqi ouvakanoujiune ke farstaznh s'iu®qi n;rdroumow! Wstaf ;m or Fa\astanhn artaga[ja‘ a\d ousouzcoufin krjakan famagoumari enjazqin ir a\d farzoumow ke 'or]hr a\d 'o. \arab;rouj;anz kar;uoroujiune \an]n;l n;rkan;rou ou,adrouj;an! Ardar;u% s'iu®qe krna#\ a®anz axat ou anka. Fa\astani go\at;u;l! D;®;us a\d farzoume tas tari a®a= a\nqan tagnapaliz ,;,t me counhr ir mh=! Tas tari ;tq saka\n a\d farze au;li sour k;rpow ;u bno\jow ke n;rka\ana\ m;xi ou vamanaki enjazqin s'iu®qi go\apafpanman farze n;rka\ fratapouj;nhn krna\ a[htali wiyaki w;ra‘ouil! Inco#u! :jh tas% qsan tarin;r a®a= Am;rika\i ;u Ar;umt;an :uropa\i fa\ bnakcouj;an m;‘amasnoujiune fa\a.øs hr ou fa\ouj;an kapoua‘ hr ir auandakan kap;row% a\d fam;matoujiune xgaliørhn nouaxa‘ h a\sør ou ke nouaxi amhn ør! Ga[tniq ch* or fa\a.øsoujiune% i baz a®;al mati wra\ fa,ououo[ mi qani ga[oujn;rh% tagnapa\in nafan=i mh= h! Ou a\s ;r;uo\je xgali h manauand Am;rika\i ;u Ar;umt;an :uropa\i ga[oujn;rhn n;rs! Fa\;rhn l;xoun ;u fa\a.øsoujiune m;r ®axmawarouj;an mh= m;x fa\ouj;an kapo[ gl.auor xhnqe ;u mi=oze ;[a‘ h zard! :rb ‘no[n;r i wiyaki c;n ir;nq entan;kan anmi=akan ,r=apatin f;t fa\;rhn l;xouow fa[ordakz;lou% bnakanabar ir;nz xauakn;re i wiyaki c;n ellar a\d kapow fa\analou% no\nisk ;jh f;t;uin fa\;rhn l;xoui dasenjazqn;rou% oronq a\s paraga\in m[]auan=i famaxør 'or]a®ouj;an ke w;ra‘ouin fa\;rhnin ambo[=owin an‘anøj a,ak;rtn;roun famar dasarann;rhn n;rs% ou patya® ke da®nan .rtco[akan dirqoro,man xargazoumin ;u baza\a\toumin! A\s pa\mann;roun mh= akn\a\t ke da®na\ na;u or s'iu®qafa\ouj;an apagan ka.oua‘ k*ella\ miak j;lh me% ;u anor astiyanakan korouste an.ousa';liørhn .xoum ke \a®a=aznh s'iu®qafa\ anfatin ;u fa\ m,ako\ji% fa\ fauatqi incphs na;u fa\ fa\r;niqi artaqin ;u n;rqin kap;roun mi=;u! Fa\ dproze axgapafpanman a\l gor‘ønn;rou ko[qin kar;uor fimnark men h s'iu®qafa\ k;anqhn n;rs! Anonq or ke dimanan i f;youks bolor dvouaroujiunn;roun% fra,qi famaxør a,.atanq ke tanin! Ba\z mtafan mi enhq a\n fauanakanoujiune or a\d dprozn;rou a,ak;rtouj;an jiue takau piti tkarana\ isk m;r fa\a.øs s'iu®qafa\ fasarakoujiune piti 'o.anakoui f;txf;th m;‘amasnouj;amb oc fa\a.øs manoukn;rou% patanin;rou% ;u a,ak;rtn;rou apaga\ s;roundn;row! Fa\astani fxørouj;an% s'iu®qafa\ k;anqhn n;rs anor gor‘nakan ouvakanouj;an drs;uoroumin mh= phtq h 'nt®;l anmi=akan lou‘oumn;rou kar;lioujiune! Fa\astane ibr;u fa\ p;toujiun% or ke dauani s'iu®qi f;t kap;rou s;rtazman anfrav;,touj;an% fark h or ir n;rgor‘akan ouvakanoujiune i spas dnh oc mia\n a\d kap;rou ];uakan amrapndoumin% a\l p;takan na.a];®nouj;amb l‘oui na;u fa\ak;rtoumi a,.atanqin s'iu®qi mh=! A\d a,.atanqin mh= an,ou,t kar;li ch Fa\astane a®an]in ]g;l! S'iu®qafa\ anfat m;k;nasn;r% m,akouja\in marminn;r Fa\astani f;t famat;[ gor‘akzouj;amb krnan ‘ragirn;r m,ak;l% irakanazn;l ;u a\d ];uow kas;zn;l nafan=e! A\d famat;[ ‘ragra\in a,.atanqe i mi=


a\loz krna\ n;r'ak;l na;u Fa\a.øsouj;an w;rak;ndanazman ‘ragir me s'iu®qi tara‘qin! A\d ‘ragire tar;kan drouj;an fiman wra\ krna\ ama®na\in kam a\l ar]akourdn;rou enjazqin la\n ‘auali fiman wra\ Fa\astan b;r;l xanaxan .oumb;rou bavnoua‘ manoukn;r% patanin;r oronq t;[akan pa\mann;rou mh= o*c mia\n krnan ma\r;ni l;xoun sorwil% a\l na;u ,'man mh= mtn;low ir;nz tar;kiz fa\astanzin;rou f;t ir;nz ma\r;ni l;xoui ‘anøjoujiunn ou gor‘a‘oujiune xargazn;l% kap;r fastat;l ;u a\d kap;rou mi=ozau fa\apafpanman nor ;xr;r st;[‘;l! Npatake xbøsa,r=ika\in a\z;loujiun me ch% a\l tariqi safmann;rou jo\ltououj;an mh= .orazoum fa\agitakan niuj;rou mh=% orphsxi s'iu®qafa\ a,ak;rtn;r ir;nz bnørran w;radar]in ir;nz kargin ‘a®a\;n fa\a.øsouj;an nor zanz;rou st;[‘oumin! Miavamanak k*arvh a\d =anqe na;u tara‘;l ousoumnakan bar]rago\n karg;rou ;u famalsarann;rou ousano[ouj;an møt% st;[‘;low anonz famar Fa\astani giu[;roun ;u auann;roun mh= \atouk enk;ra\in ‘a®a\ouj;an ‘ragirn;r% oronq krnan fimq ‘a®a\;l anonz w;ragtn;lou ir;nz axga\in auandn;rou ;u soworo\jn;rou a,.arfe ;u ,'ou;lou fa\r;ni a,.arfi xanaxan .au;roun f;t! Kaska‘ cka\ jh nman ‘ragirn;r baxma‘a.s ;n% a,.atanq ke pafan=;n% warcakan ;u mankawarvakan gitoujiun ke pafan=;n% ;u na;u patas.anatououj;an gitakzoujiun ;u anonz famenjaz axga\in t;silq% orowf;t;u fa\ak;rtoumi a,.atanqe mia\n axga\in t;silqi wra\ krna\ fimnouil! S'iu®q-Fa\astan gor‘akzoujiune famagoumarn;rhn% ,qan,ann;rou toucoujiunn;rhn% ;u patafakan a®ijn;rou st;[‘a‘ xgazakan arta\a\toujiunn;rhn tarb;r ban me ;us phtq h or n,anakh s'iu®qafa\ k;anqhn n;rs% orphsxi fauatanq or m;r dprozn;rhn% m,akouja\in ;u axga\in k;anqhn n;rs axat ou anka. Fa\astane ,ø,a';li n;rka\oujiun men h amhnous famar ou gor‘nakan axdak \arat;u fa\ak;rtoumi% s'iu®qi mh=! Afa jh incpisi patas.an me bana];ua‘ hi a\d ør famagoumari masnakiz fa\r;ni ousouzcoufiin% i srth o[=oun;low a\d a®ije or touau in‘i axat ou anka. Fa\astani masin im mtoroumn;re bavn;lou n;rkan;roun f;t! Oua,inkjen

N.O. October. 2, 2014, No. 38:N.O. Blank


3:49 PM

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NOR ØR% FOKT:MB:R 2% 2014





S;pt;mb;ri 27-28-in ka\azan FF bar]rago\n .mbi 8-rd mrza'ouli fandipoumn;re! Afa dranz ardiunqn;re& ªOulisº-ª"iunikº^ 2-1 ªMikaº-ªGan]asarº^ 1-1 ªAraratº-ªAla,k;rtº^ 2-1 ªBananzº_ª<irakº^ 1-1 Mrza,ara\in a[iusak >& |& Oulis 8 7 Gan]asar 4 2 "iunik 7 4 <irak 7 3 Bananz 7 2 Ala,k;rt 8 2 Ararat 8 2 Mika 8 0

F& 1 1 1 1 2 1 0 4

P& G& 0 14-3 1 12-6 2 11-5 3 7-6 3 7-8 5 6-10 6 7-20 4 5-11


M& 22 14 13 10 8 7 6 4

FA|ASTAN:AN ~OUJPOLI >YANKAR • :r;uani ªBananzeº nouay;z |akob Tøno\;ani anouan soup;rgauaje (g;rgauaje)! :xra'akicoum fandip;zin Fa\astani anz;al taroua\ a.o\;an ªBananzeº ;u gauajakir ª"iunikeº! Fandipoumn auartou;z a.o\;ani \a[janakow^ 3-0 fa,ouow! N,;nq% or ª"iunikeº fandhs ;kau ;rkrord kaxmow! • <ouh\zaria\i Nion qa[aqoum ka\az;l h `oujpoli :uropa\i 2016 j& a®a=nouj;an entrakan 'ouli wiyakafanoujiune! FF fauaqakane \a\tnou;l h X& .mboum% ort;[ nra mrzakizn;rn ;n lin;lou Isra\hli% <ouhdia\i ou <otlandia\i entranin;re! >a[;ri vamkhtn;re \a\tni ke da®na\ au;li ou,! >mba\in mrza,are ke ka\ana\ <ouhdia\oum 2015 j& |ounouari 13-18-e! • ªAraratiº gl.auor marxic Dou,an Mi\ice pa,tønank h arou;l% oum gl.auorouj;amb jime ]a.o[;z FF enjazik a®a=nouj;an a®a=in ,r=ane! Nran ke 'o.arini Samouhl Darbin;ane! 62-am;a\ Darbin;ane na.kinoum 2 angam gl.auor;l h ªArarateº 1995-in ;u 2011-in% isk 1986-in ;u 1991-in Darbin;ane endgrkoua‘ hr ªAraratiº marxcakan ,taboum! 1995-in ªArarateº nra gl.auorouj;amb dar];l h FF gauajakir! Samouhl Darbin;ane tarb;r tarin;rin gl.auor;l h FF axga\in fauaqakane% :r;uani ª:r;uanº% ªKilikiaº% ª"iunikº ;u ªMikaº% Ph\rouji ªÂh\singº% incphs na;u Irani ªCob Afanº% ª"h\qanº% ªSa\'a <omalº jim;re ;u a\ln! • FF fauaqakani mi ,arq .a[azo[n;r wnasoua‘qn;r ;n staz;l ;u fauanabar c;n masnakzi S;rpia\i ;u ~ransia\i dhm .a[;rin! Dortmoundi ªBorousia\iº kisapa,tpan F;nri. M.ijar;ane wnasoua‘q h staz;l ªMa\nziº dhm .a[oum! Fandipman w;r=in rophin f;®ou tara‘oujiuniz faroua‘iz \;to\% .a[a\in irawiyakoum% otqis staza‘ faroua‘iz ,at ouv;[ zau xgazi! F;taxøtoujiunn;re zo\z tou;zin% or otnajaji fatoua‘oum oskra\in .ndir ka\! A\s pafin gipsow ;u \;nakn;row ;m& n,;l h F;nri.e! Na.nakan tou;aln;row apaqinoume ke t;ui 4 ,abaj! Incphs n,;l hinq :oura Mowsis;ane liowin w;rakangnou;l h ‘nki wnasoua‘qiz% saka\n masnaghtn;re gtnoum ;n% or nran a®nouaxn mhk amis farkauor h a®au;lago\n marxawiyak ];®q b;r;lou famar! A\nphs% or am;-

na\n fauanakanouj;amb :ouran baz ke jo[ni s;rp;ri ;u `ransiazin;ri dhm a®a=ika\ .a[;re! Ci baza®uoum% or a\d ør;rin :ouran ke vamani :r;uan ir jimi ko[qin lin;lou famar! S;pt;mb;ri 23-in Ghorg {axar;ane wnasoua‘q h staz;l ªPana.aikiº dhm |ounastani gauaji .a[arkouj;an .a[oum ;u 'o.arinou;l h endmi=mane% da,tiz f;®analow ka[alow! Ghorge staz;l h ayouki wnasoua‘q ;u na.nakan tou;aln;ri fama]a\n ci karo[ .a[al a®nouaxn 10 ør! Fra\r Mko\;ann hl Irani a®a=nouj;an ª~ouladº-ªHsj;klalº fandipman vamanak wnasoua‘q h staz;l ;u na.nakan f;taxøtouj;an fama]a\n w;rakangnman famar ke pafan=oui 2 ,abaj!

WORLRD SOCCER PARB:RAKANI WARKA’OW ~OUJPOLI PATMOUJ:AN >ORFRDAN<AKAN FAUAQAKANE World Soccer parb;rakane kaxm;l h `oujpoli patmouj;an .orfrdan,akan fauaqakane! F;taqrqir h% or 11 `oujpolistn;riz gor‘o[ h mia\n ªBars;lona\iº a®a=atar \ar]akouo[ Lion;l M;sa\in! Darpasapaf^ L;u :a,in (>SFM)% Pa,tpann;r^ Paoulø Maldini (Italia)% ~ranz B;k;nbaou;r (G;rmania)% Bobi Mour (Anglia)% Ka`ou (Praxilia)% Kisapa,tpann;r^ Al`r;dø di St;`anø (Arvanjin)% Di;gø Maratona (Arvanjin)% Xin;din Xidan (~ransia)% :ofan Kro\` (Folandia) |ar]akouo[n;r^ P;lh (Praxilia)% Lion;l M;ssi (Arvanjin)!

FA| MARXIKE DAR}AU :UROPA|I "O>A>O|:AN Âouminia\oum auartoua‘ yiuto\i :uropa\i ;ritasardakan a®a=noujiunoum Arshn {axar;ane (66 qk&) \a[j;low "orjoukalia\i% Atrph\yani ;u G;rmania\i n;rka\azouzicn;rin dours ;kau ;xra'akic% ort;[ xi=;z Isra\hle n;rka\azno[ Barouc <ma\lowin! {axar;ane arvanazau ar‘ajh m;tali!

FA| BÂNZQAMARTIKN:RI M:TALN:RE Mi .oumb fa\ b®nzqamartikn;r Dauij Joros;ani gl.auorouj;amb m;kn;l hin L;fastan% masnakz;lou L;,;k Drogo,i anouan mi=axga\in mrza,arin! M;kno[n;ri juoum hin& Koriun So[omon;ane (52 qk&)% Aram Auag;ane (60 qk&)% Go® :riz;ane (64 qk&)% Arman Darcin;ane (69 qk&)% Arman |owfik;ane (75 qk&) ;u F;nrik Sargs;ane (91 qk&)! A\s mrza,aroum fa\ marxikn;re nouay;l ;n 3 m;tal% oronziz 2-e am;nabar]r kargi! Koriun So[omon;ane fauasar m;namartoum mrzawarn;ri tara]a\nouj;amb xi=;z AMN-i n;rka\azouzicn;rin ;u arvanazau 2-rd mrzanaki! Arman |owfik;ane ;xra'akic m;namartoum \a[j;z t;[azi Kamil Gardixilikin% isk F;nrik Sargs;ane fianali m;namart anzkazr;z% ow 2 angam nakaouti ;njark;z

jourq marxikin% saka\n mrzawarn;re \a[janake ,norf;zin jourqin! Bo[oqark;louz \;to\ a®a=in t;[i mrzanake ;u oskh m;tale \an]n;zin Sargs;anin! M;r mius marxikn;re dours mnazin m;taln;ri famar pa\qariz! Fa\ b®nzqamartikn;rin og;uor;lou famar L;fastan hr vaman;l FF b®nzqamarti da,nouj;an na.agaf Arjour Ghorg;ane!

WAN:S MARTIROS:ANE KE M:NAMARTI FOKT:MB:RI 4-IN Arf;stawarv b®nzqamarti a®a=in mi=in qa,a\in kargoum WBO warka‘ow na.kin \auaknord Wan;s Martiros;ani \a=ord mrzakize ke lini am;rikazi Wili Nilsone! M;namarte ke ka\ana\ Fokt;mb;ri 4-in Kon;ktikoum! Wan;se na.ord mrzamarte anz hr kazr;l Aprili 21-in% ort;[ \a[j;l hr Mariø Alb;rtø Loxana\in!

ARJOUR ABRAFAM PA<TPAN:Z IR TIT{OSE G;rmania\i Qil qa[aqoum ka\aza‘ arf;stawarv b®nzqamarti 2-rd mi=in qa,a\in kargi WBO warka‘ow a.o\;anakan m;namarte Arjour Abrafami ;u britanazi "ol Smiji mi=;u auartou;l h Abrafami \a[janakow! 12 ®aountanoz m;namartoum mrzawarn;re baza\a\t a®au;louj;amb^ 117!111% 117!111% 119!109 \a[janake ,norf;l ;n Abrafamin! N,;nq% or Abrafame 2-rd angam hr pa,tpanoum 2-rd mi=in qa,a\in kargoum WBO warka‘ow a,.arfi a.o\;ani tit[ose!

<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • Jourqian n;rka\azno[ fa\ ,a.matist 21-am;a\ Ari Qirami=;ane |ounastani Hr;t;ria qa[aqoum anzkazoua‘ a,.arfamasi siro[akan ,a.matistn;ri a®a=noujiunoum 9 fnarauoriz wastak;l h 8 miauor ;u nouay;l :uropa\i a.o\;ani kocoume! • L;uon Aron;ane 2015 j& ";trouari 13-19-e ke masnakzi Ziuri.i ,a.mata\in martafrauhn;r auandakan mrza,arin! Nra mrzakizn;re ke lin;n& Anande% Karouanan% Nakamouran% Kramnike ;u Kar\akine! • A,.arfi kananz a®a=noujiune% ori 64 masnakizn;ri mh= ;n na;u FF n;rka\azouzicn;r Hlina Danihl;ane ;u Lilij Mkrtc;ane ;u ore phtq h anzkazouhr 2014 j& Fokt;mb;rin% ~ID:_i oro,mamb mi qani amsow \;ta]gou;l h! • FAF Dourban qa[aqoum auartoua‘ patanin;ri ;u a[=ikn;ri a,.arfi a®a=nouj;ane masnakza‘ Fa\astani 10-18 tar;kan ,a.matistn;ri ardiunqn;re% ;xra'akic 11 mrza'ouliz \;to\& {arib;an Mamikon (10 tar;kan% 7 miauor% 16-rd t;[)% >acatr;an Mari;ja (10 t& 5&5% 34-rd)% Sargs;an <anj (12 t&% 8&5% 4-rd)% Dauj;an Arjour (12 t&% 7&5% 8-rd)% Martiros;an Fa\k (14 t&% 7&5% 6-rd)% |akob;an Aram (14 t&% 6% 38-rd)% P;tros;an Manouhl (16 t&% 8% 7-rd)% {oukas;an Siranou, (12 t&% 7% 12-rd)% |aroujiun;an Tigran (18 t& 7&5% 6-rd)% Joros;an Nora\r (18 t&% 7% 11-rd)!

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