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N.O.October 9, 2014, No. 39:N.O. Blank


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NINA >ACIK:ANE^ FARAUAR:U:L:AN ASIA|I :RKIRN:ROU ENK:RAKZOUJ:AN AMN D:SPAN Miaz;al Nafangn;rou na.agaf Paraq Øpaman Nina >acik;anin n,anaka‘ h AMN d;span Farauar;u;l;an Asia\i ;rkirn;rou enk;rakzouj;an^ ASEAN-i mh= (Association of South East Asian Nations)! Na.agafe >acik;ani j;kna‘oujiune a®a=adra‘ h Ma\isin% S;pt;mb;r 19-in N& >acik;ani j;kna‘oujiune fastatoua‘ h% isk Fokt;mb;r 2-in an stan]na‘ h pa,tøne!


Damaskose na.axgou,azouza‘ h Anqara\in% or Sourio\ mh= Jourqia\i zankaza‘ ®axmakan mi=amtoujiun ke ditoui orphs \ar]ako[akan gor‘o[oujiun% ke \a\tnh Euronews–e! Jourqian bana];u me endouna‘ h% or jo\l kou ta\ ;rkri xinoua‘ ouv;roun Sourio\ ;u Iraqi mh= ªIslamakan P;toujiunº .mbauorman dhm pa\qarin mh= andrsafmana\in gor‘o[oujiunn;r irakanazn;l! Bazi a\d Anqaran mi=axga\in koalizia\i famar krna\ tramadr;l na;u ;rkri tara‘qn ou ®axmaka\ann;re!

A& ,arq }a.hn^ Naxik Goya\;an% Ma\ta Aljoun;an% Vanin Sargis;an% Ani Sargis;an% Al;qs Sargis;an% Marlhn Sargis;an! B& <arq ]a.hn^ Toqj& Âa``i Pal;an% Dauij Samouhl;an ;u |akob Martiros;an

ªNor Ørº ,abajaj;rji ,r=anakin% ;rkar tarin;rou soworoujiun dar]a‘ tar;kan .ra.yanq-ya,k;ro\ji fandisoujiune t;[i oun;zau Whn Na\si Ølim'ia ya,arani ,q;[ ;u noraxard srafin mh=% Kiraki% 5 Fokt;mb;r% 2014-i ;r;ko\;an vame 5!00-in! Fandisoujiune ke fowanauorhr ÂAK Ar;umt;an Am;rika\i <r=ana\in Warcoujiune% our n;rka\ hin ªNor Ørº-i m;‘ entaniqi andamn;r% bar;kamn;r ;u faraxatn;r% oronq ;ka‘ hin wa\;l;lou ªNor Ørºi entan;kan =;rm mjnolorte ;u øgtakar fandisanalou ªNor Ørº ,abajaj;rjin% ir nouirakan a®aq;louj;an mh=! Manramasnoujiunn;re \a=ordiu!


Falhpi Nor Giu[ ja[amasin mh= kira®oua‘ h mi=axga\nørhn argiloua‘ xhnq! A\n k*øgtagor‘;n xin;al afab;kcakan .mbauoroumn;re! Napalm-e 1960-akan jouakann;roun ke gor‘a‘ouhr Wi;jnami pat;raxmi enjazqin! Fokt;mb;r 2-in a\n gor‘a‘oua‘ h Falhpi mh=^ fa\kakan am;na.it ja[amas;rhn mhkoun wra\ \ar]akman vamanak!


MOSKOUA|I MH+ KE "NTÂOUIN 25 TARI AÂA+ ANF:TAZA’ MILIONATHR PASMAY:ANI F:TQ:RE "arixe w;rsksa‘ h 25 taroua\ wa[;moujiun oun;zo[ f;ta.ouxoume& `ransazi f;ta.o\xn;re ke 'nt®;n 1989 jouakanin Moskoua\i mh= anf;taza‘ milionathr Karik Pasmay;ani f;tqe! K& Pasmay;ane Moskoua vamana‘ hr M,ako\ji na.ararouj;an frauhrow% ir f;t b;r;low au;li qan 100 milion tolar arvhq <ar& h= 4

WAN:S MARTIROS:ANI |A{JANAKE Fokt;mb;ri 4-in Wan;s Martiros;ane Kon;ktikoutoum \a[j;z am;rikazi Wili N;lsonin! Martiros;ane \a[j;l h mrzawarn;ri mia]a\n oro,mamb^ 97!93% 97!93% 96!94 fa,ouow!

P;lkrati mh= Fa\astani artaqin gor‘oz na.arar Htouart Nalpant;ani ;u anor s;rp pa, tønakizin Iwiza Tacici mi=;u fandipoumi enjazqin% Tacic \a\tna‘ h% or S;rpia mtadra‘ h d;spanatoun fimn;l :r;uani mh=! :rkou artaqin gor‘oz na.ararn;re qnnark;zin famagor‘akzoujiune xargazn;lou kar;lioujiunn;re! Anonq na;u andradar]an S;rpio\ na.agafin Fa\astan katar;liq a\z;louj;an na.apatrastoujiunn;roun! N,;nq% jh Fa\astan ;u S;rpia fama]a\n;zan diurazn;lou ;rkko[m moutqi anzagra \in droujiune! I

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>A{A{OUJIUN AM:N:ZOUN |OWSH" M:LQON:AN S;pt;mb;r amsoua\ enjazqin% incphs amhn tari% Niu :orqi Miaz;al Axg;rou Kaxmak;rpouj;an (MAK) k;ndronat;[in fauaqou;zan a,.arfi ;rkirn;rou qa[aqakan m;‘am;‘n;re ;u am;naxgi [;kawarn;re ou kargow b;m bar]razan na.aphs fastatoua‘ vamanakami=ozi me safmann;roun mh= artasan;lou ir;nz na.apatrasta‘ ya®e% apa w;rada®nalou fon ourkh ;ka‘ hin! A\d ya®a.øsn;rhn iuraqanciure ir axga\in ospn;akhn ditoua‘ tramabanouj;amb me mate drau a,.arfe \ouxo[ farzi me kam farz;rou wra\% ir ];uow m;knaban;z a,.arfi mh= tiro[ kazoujiune ou na;u arta\a\t;z ir warcakargi kar‘iqe^ tiro[ ,r=ana\in tagnapi kam fama,.arfa\in tagnapn;rou masin! Ou dat;low anonz matnan,oumn;rhn kaska‘ ckar jh a,.arfe mtafogo[ farz;re anpakas hin ou anonz jiue faroust&&& A\d ;lo\jn;rhn dat;low angam me ;us i \a\t kou ga\ or a,.arfi xanaxan ankiunn;roun mh= amhn wa\rk;an% amhn vam% amhn ør a\laxan tagnapn;r ‘nound k*a®n;n% k*au;lnan go\oujiun oun;zo[n;roun wra\% ke bardanan% anlo\‘ ke mnan ou apa

anonz lou‘oumi yamban an;rkba\ k;rpow ke ko[mnoro,oui dhpi xinouorakan gor‘o[oujiunn;r ;u ararqn;r% oronq marde mardoun j,nami ke dar]n;n% ;u ,arounak patya® ke da®nan anm;[n;rou ta®apanqin% anonz j,oua®ouj;an ;u mafouan! "a#st! Mi=in Ar;u;lqi tagnapn;re% Pa[;stini ;u Kiprosi anlo\‘ mnaza‘ farz;re% a,.arfi tara‘qin tiro[ j,oua®oujiunn ou anøjoujiune% gitakzabar z;[aspanakan ararqn;re angitazo[ dirqoro,oumn;re ;u enk;ra\in anardarouj;an a[a[ako[ tarb;roujiunn;re! :rb 25 April 1945-in Am;rika\i ar;umt;an a'i qa[aqn;rhn San ~ransisqø ke fauaqouhin :rkrord Fama,.arfa\in Pat;raxmin \a[jakan da,nakiz 50 ;rkirn;rou n;rka\azouzicn;re fime dn;lou Miaz;al Axg;rou Kaxmak;rpouj;an% anonq ir;nz endouna‘ ou.tagiri na.abanin mh= fanour a,.arfi ke \a\tararhin! ªM;nq% Miaz;al Axg;rou vo[owourdn;rs% wy®a‘ ;nq& -'rk;lou apaga\ irar\a=ord s;roundn;re pat;raxmi arfauirqhn% -w;rafastat;lou m;r fauatamqn

ou \an]na®oujiune^ mardka\in fimnakan irauounqn;rou% mardou arvanapatououj;an ou arvaniqi% a\r;rou ;u kin;rou incphs na;u m;‘ ;u 'oqr axg;rou fauasarouj;an skxbounqn;roun nkatmamb% -st;[‘;lou pa\mann;r oronz n;rq;u mi=axga\in da,inqn;rou% incphs na;u mi=axga\in ørhnqn;rou tramadroujiunn;re ardarouj;amb piti \argouin% -=atagow fandisanalou axatouj;an au;li la\n emb®noumi me wra\ fimnoua‘ enk;ra\in \a®a=dimouj;an me or mardka\in k;nsamakardaki au;li barør ca'ani,n;rou enkaloumow% xargazoumow ;u ord;groumow k*a®a=nordouiº! Miaz;al Axg;rou Kaxmak;rpouj;an fimnadrouj;an wra\ anza‘ ;n møtauoraphs 70 tarin;r% isk skxbnakan ,r=ani \isoun ;rkirn;rou 'o.arhn a\d kaxmak;rpouj;an andamn;rou jiue n;rka\is bar]raza‘ h 193 ;rkirn;rou! Ardar;u% m;r ;rkragoundin wra\ cka\ ;rkir me or ch storagra‘ kaxmak;rpouj;an andam da®nalou anfrav;,t ou.tagrakan a\d 'astajou[je% arar a,.arfi a®=;u dauan;low anor tramadroujiunn;re <ar& h= 14

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OU>TAGNAZOUJIUN DHPI FA|ASTAN :U ARZA> SARGIS |& MINAS:AN Ahro`loj enk;roujiune% Moskoua\i wra\ow 15 vamouan j®ciqh ;tq% ;rkou fangrouann;row% 50 foginoz m;r .oumbe ke fasznh Xouarjnozi noraka®o\z ødanauaka\ane! Dhpi Fa\astan ou L;®na\in {araba[ 15 ørouan a\z;loujiune .;nj arka‘a.ndroujiun men hr in‘i famar& k*arfamarfhi mardka\in tramabanoujiune% nkati oun;nalow gr;jh an\a[jafar;li `ixiqakan zau;rs% ];uow me ba.ti ]g;low anba[]ali f;t;uanqn;re! M[ic ouve im na.a];®nouj;an Arza.e t;sn;l hr% kangnil f;rosn;rou ariunow nouayoua‘ fa\r;napatkan a\d darauor fo[aktorin wra\!



:r;uani Fraparake



:r;uan ;nq ardhn S;pt;mb;r 16-i ;r;ko\;an! |a=ord a®auøt% mia.a®noua‘ fa\oz ma\raqa[aqi f;uqot a®ør;a\in% .oumbin andranik a\z;loujiune dhpi ’i‘;®nakab;rd h! 1967-in kataroua‘ h bazoume |ou,akojo[in% or dhpi ;rkinq slazo[ qaraza‘ bo[oqn h m;r biurauor nafatakn;roun! Anika irakanazoumn h yartarap;t A& Jar.an;ani% S& Qala,;ani ou qandakagor‘ |& >acatour;ani st;[‘agor‘ouj;anz! Jarm ‘a[ikn;r ke x;t;[ouin xangoua‘a\in z;[aspanouj;an xof gaza‘ m;r nafatakn;rou fauaqakan ,irimin% our .oumbin Fa\r M;re k*end;louxoui kojo[akan \ou,ar]ani ,r=apati fog;xma\l m;[;diin! K*anzninq :®ablour% our m;x ke dimauor;n fa\ axgin f;rosn;re! Paf me no\naza‘ ;nq anonz og;[inaza‘ n;rka\ouj;an f;t! G;r;xmanatan w;rakazoun^ Alp;rj A®aq;l;an% a®a=nord;low .oumbe% karg me ‘anøj ,irimn;rou a®=;u% og;uoroumow ou n;r,ncoumow bazatroujiunn;r kou ta\ m;r xørawarn;roun ;u fa\doukn;roun f;rosakan k;anqi masin! Dimaze% a®an]in am'ijatronow% fauaqakan dambarann h xofoua‘ ananoun xinouorn;roun% oronzmh 3000-e Arza.;an yakati f;ros axatamartikn;r ;n! Asdin% S& Wardananz matou®n h% oroun sra‘a\r gmbhje% ibr;u bo[oq'am'ou,t dhpi ;rkinq ke slana\&&& :®abloure% yi,d Masisi dimaz% ke \au;rvaznh m;r vo[owourdi f;rosn;roun gitakzoua‘ anmafoujiune! ªIncpisi f;ros enk;rn;r m;®an%- M;®a*n^ ckoran&&&º (|akob |akob;an)! ªHr;bounin fimnadroua‘ h Q&a& 782 jouin% ourartakan jagauor Argi,ti A&-i ørow% n;rka\ :r;uani farau-ar;u;l;an masi

Nor Arh, ou Warda,hn ja[amas;rou mi=;u% ,our=e% w;r .o\azo[ Tou,pa qa[aqi Arin-B;rd blourin% oroun gagajin pafpanoua‘ ;n mi=nab;rdin mnazordn;re! 1950-in% \a\tnab;rou;zau Argi,ti A&-i s;pagir ar]anagroujiune qa[aqi fimnadrman masin! Hr;bounii fnagitakan f;taxøtoujiunn;re parxoro, k;rpow zo\z kou tan% or na;u \;taga\ dar;roun% minc;u vamanakakiz :r;uane% k;anqe ,arounakoua‘ h 'o.ak;rpoua‘ ];uow^ Hr;bouni% :r;uou% :r;uanº! 1968-in fandisauoraphs tønou;zau Hr;bouni:r;uani fimnadrman 2750 am;ake! Incph#s bnoro,;l a\sørouan :r;uane! Au;li qan mhk milionnoz ma\raqa[aqe .a\tab[ht% ;®oun ostan men h! Ankrkn;li fra,aliq men h :r;uani fraparake% Al;qsandr Jaman;ani \atakagi‘ow! A\s fanyar;[ yartarap;ti st;[‘agor‘ouj;an ke patkanin na;u Giumrii% H=mia‘ni% St;'anak;rti% Nor Pa\axiti% Fraxdani% Noupara,hni ;u a\l bnakawa\r;rou na.agi‘;re% oronzmh mhk mase irakanazoua‘ h! Ar;uot :r;uani mh= acqi ke xarn;n qa[aqap;tarane% Am;rik;an d;spanatoune% T;miry;an Marxakan Famalire% Ararat Qon;aki Gor‘arane% Mat;nadarane% Ø';ra\i ,hnqe% karg me ya,arann;r% Fiusisa\in Po[ota\i vamanakakiz bar]ra\ark bnak;li ,hnq;re% ;ua\ln% \aya. ;r;sn;re patoua‘ tou`i% paxalti ou marmar;a\ qar;row! |;to\% n,mar;li ;n na;u >rou,c;u;an ,r=ani baxma\ark% anbarounak t;sqow ,hnq;re% incphs na;u^ fos fon go\at;uo[ .;[youkrak% jij;[a‘a‘k tnakn;re! :r;uane ‘anøj h na;u ir famalsarann;row% jangarann;row% ;rav,tanozn;row% =;rma;l;ktraka\anow! :r;uane baba.oun sirtn h Fa\astani! (<ar& 1)

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NOR ØR% 9 FOKT:MB:R% 2014


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oun;zo[ ktaun;rou fauaqa‘ou! Saka\n Pasmay;ani banakzoujiunn;rou vamanak dours ;ka‘ hr s;n;akhn ou a\l;us chr w;radar]a‘! ªW;sti&®ousºi fa[ordmamb^ w;r=;rs ~ransa\i mh= ];rbakala‘ ;n qrhakan f;[inakoujiun Al;qsander Podl;snoun% or ostikanoujiune ke kar‘h Pasmay;ani anf;tazman masnakiz! "astaban Karhn N;rshs;ane% or vamanakin xba[oua‘ h a\s gor‘ow% patma‘ h ªW;sti&FMºin% or Karik Pasmay;ane ~ransa\i qa[aqazi h ;u Sow;takan Fa\astane lqa‘ h d;® 1970-akan jouakann;roun!

ZAUAKZAKAN Fangouz;al MARI "ARJAM:ANi mafouan t.our a®i jow% m;r .oraxgaz zauakzoujiunn;re ke \a\tn;nq o[baz;ali xauakin St;'an "arjam;anin ;u bolor faraxatn;roun! ÂAK <r=ana\in Warcoujiun ªNor Ørºi Warcoujiun

OSTIKANOUJ:AN F:TA>OUXOUJ:AN BAVINI NA>KIN {:KAWARE^ TINQI SPANOUJ:AN GOR’OW KASKA’:AL Polsafa\ lragro[% ªAkøsº j;rji .mbagir Frand Tinqi spanouj;an gor‘ow nor xargazoum t;[i oun;za‘ h% gor‘i ,r=anakin mh= kaska‘;ali kargawiyakow farzaqnnoua‘ h Ostikanouj;an f;ta.ouxouj;an bavini na.kin [;kawar Âamaxan Aq\our;qe! Farzaqnnoujiune t;ua‘ h møt 4 vam% ormh ;tq an f;®aza‘ h data.axouj;nhn% jrqakan My Net ka\qin \[oumow gra‘ h Tert.am–e! Gor‘i qnnouj;an ,r=anakin au;li wa[ farzaqnnoua‘ hr na;u f;ta.ouxouj;an mhk a\l na.kin pa,tøn;a\^ Sabri Ouxoune!

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MEDICAL-E PITI KARO{ANA#| TOKAL ELLALIQ ’A>S:ROUN WAROUVAN GRAY:AN :rb Medical-i (kam Medicaid) ørhnsdroujiune fastatou;zau 1965-in% Am;rikan bauakan faroust hr ;u karo[ hr wyar;l a\s a®o[=apafakan apafowagrouj;an famar ;[a‘ bolor ‘a.s;re! A\d ,r=anin^ vo[owourdin 75-80 a® fariure mi=in dasakargin ke patkanhr! Ba\z tarin;rou enjazqin a\s fam;matoujiune ,at 'o.ou;zau% faroustn;re% manauand ,at faroustn;re baxmazan% minc a[qatn;roun jiue ,at bar]razau! A\s kht;re manramasn;le niujhn dours ;[a‘ piti ella\! W;r=in 30-40 tarin;roun% a,.arfhn Am;rika ;ko[ ga[jakann;roun m;‘ago\n tokose mi=in dasakarghn ,at war ;[a‘ ellalow% anonq xanaxan ];u;rou tak^ p;takan npast stazan! A\s a[qat ga[jakann;roun 90 tokose Gali`ornia fastatoua‘ ellaloun patya®au% mia\n a\s nafangin mh= Medical stazo[n;roun partadr;z 'o.;l HMO–n;rou% oronz famar ellaliq ‘a.se ,at au;li nouax ;n! Dvba.tabar saka\n% HMO–n;re lriu c;n gofazn;r ar]anagrouo[ andamn;re% qani or anonz famar ;[a‘ wyaroumn;re gofazouzic c;n fiuand darmano[ bvi,kn;roun! A\s isk patya®ow mhkh au;li bvi,kn;r c;n endounir or;uh HMO% kam k*endounin mia\n ir;nz isk entra‘ HMO–n! Our;mn anonq oronq namakn;r staza‘ ;n ir;nz Medical-e 'o.;lou% lau phtq h s;rt;n ir;nz a®a=arkoua‘ nman enk;roujiunn;re! >;lazioujiun h an,ou,t% na.aphs farzn;l ir;nz bvi,kn;roun jh o#r mhke k*endounin! Endfanraphs bvi,kn;roun na.entra‘ HMO–n LA Care–n h! A\sphs% Medical-e 'o'o.ouj;an ;njark;lou droujiune zo\z kou ta\ ardhn% or anika niujakan dvouarouj;anz mh= h! Diurin ch milionn;row an];rou ]ri a®o[=apafakan apafowagroujiun tal! Our;mn% w;rta®ouj;an farzadroumin patas.an;le diurin ch! No\nisk ;jh bolor Medical-n;re 'o.ouin HMO–i me% patkan i,.anoujiunn;re piti ckar;nan wyar;l ellaliq bolor ‘a.s;re! P;toujiune ];u me phtq h gtnh% orphsxi bar;k;zik entaniqn;re kar;nan bv,kakan ‘a.s;re fogal!


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gor‘iqn;rou enk;rakzouj;amb katarouo[ m;n;rgn;re ounkndr;l! Lilij Q;fh;an% ir kargin% enj;rzoume katar;z ªFa,ou;\ardarº ;u ª:s sir;ziº q;rjoua‘n;roun! :rouand Axat;an% .mbagro[e ;rkou girq;roun% incphs na;u Jhqh;an gro[in tagnapali k;anqin pa\qarn;re \a\tnab;ro[% ,;,t;z or Jhqh;an - gro[in gor‘;roun vo[owrdakanoujiune Fa\astani mh= nor ;u gow;li ;r;uo\j h% oroun famar j;r;us ªFatentirºin :r;uan tpagroujiune fasknali ke da®na\! Est ir;n% fratarakoua‘ 600 ørinakn;roun m;‘ mase anmi=aphs spa®a‘ h :r;uani mh=% our Axat;an a®a=in angam ke .øshr fatorin masin! Gou\oumy;an srafin mh= al t;[i oun;zau \;t-n;rka\azoumi endoun;loujiune% ;rb n;rkan;re fiurasirou;zan souryow ;u .mor;[hnn;row% minc gnoua‘ girq;re ke storagrouhin .mbagro[ Axat;ani ko[mh!

JHQH:ANI FATORN:RE KE N:RKA|AZOUIN ~R:XNO|I MH+ Kl;nth\li mh= n;rka\azou;lh ;tq% Ourbaj% 19 S;pt;mb;rin Wafan Jhqh;ani banast;[‘oujiunn;rou ;rkou fauaqa‘on;re n;rka\azou;zan ~r;xno\i mh=% California State University-i Fa\agitakan Bavni waric "ro`& Parlø Thr Mkrtic;ani ;u t;[uo\n Jhqh;an M,akouja\in Miouj;an yig;row! Famalsarani Fa\agitakan Bavni fratarakouj;anz 5-rd fatorn h ªSelected Poemsºe% orou \a®a=abann;rhn mhkoun f;[inake% Thr Mkrtic;an% ardar k;rpow ;u .or faskazo[ouj;amb ke bnoujagrh Jhqh;ani grakanoujiune am;rik;an akad;makan ,r=anakn;roun ‘anøjazn;lou a,.atanqin anfrav;,toujiune! Ousano[akan dasa.øsouj;anz ,q;[ srafin mh=% fandisouj;an bazoume katar;z dasa.øs Thr <ar& h= 14

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Syrian War: Armenian District In Aleppo Hit By Napalm Bombs Napalm is a mixture of a thickeninggelling agent and petroleum or a similar fuel for use in an incendiary device. Syrian rebels have thrown napalm bombs at the Armenian-populated Nor Gyugh district in Aleppo, Kantsasar newspaper reported. The paper says Turkey is involved in the continuous destruction of the Armenian districts. Napalm is included in the list of prohibited weapons.:

Around The World !Turkey Voted for Military Action to Go After Assad, Not ISIS, Opposition Says !Al-Nusra Front abducts Franciscan priest, citizens in Syria. !Kobane: Civilians flee IS street-tostreet fighting !Kurdish fighters battling the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) jihadists for the Syrian town of Kobane employed a new tactic when a female suicide bomber blew herself up in an attack claimed to have killed dozens of militants on Sunday. !Female Kurdish fighters ignite fear into Islamic State militants, who believe that they’ll go straight to hell if they are killed by a woman.

!Pro-Kurdish demonstrations have spread beyond Turkey and have now hit EU states. People are protesting in solidarity with Syrian Kurds in Kobani near the Turkish-Syrian border, and demanding stronger military action to combat the Islamic State militants. !NATO will not abandon Turkey if it is attacked by Islamic State fighters which are closing in on the member state's border from Syria, the alliance's secretary-general, Jens Stoltenberg, said. !Today Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan had a telephone conversation with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. He congratulated the Russian leader on his birthday and conveyed good wishes to him !The Russian head of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) paid a first-ever visit to Armenian army positions on the border with Azerbaijan on Tuesday more than two months after an upsurge in fighting in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict zone. !The main aim of the meeting was to discuss the schedule of the 11th meeting of the Armenian-Belarusian intergovernmental commission on economic cooperation that will be held on 23-24 October in Minsk and from the Armenian side will be cochaired by Minister of Economy Karen Chshmaritian.

PACE Adopts Resolution Encouraging Armenia And Criticizing Azerbaijan In the result of the autumn session, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) has adopted a resolution, which assesses positively the implementation of the alternative military service in Armenia. As reports “Armenpress”, the document states that such a change is in conformity with the European standards and is the beginning of the constitutional reforms process.

At the same time, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe has expressed its concerns about the persecution and pressures against the journalists and civil society activists in Azerbaijan. Among other things, the resolution of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe stated that Azerbaijan has recorded a regress in the issue of respect to the human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Fighter Jets With Saints' Portraits Appear In Armenia's Russian Base Pilots at a Russian airbase in Armenia have looked no further than the highest heavens for inspiration, painting the images of Orthodox saints on their planes in a bid to strengthen company morale. Armenpress reports, citing The Moscow Times that the faces of Prince Alexander Nevsky, Prince Dmitry Donskoy and martyr Mercury Smolensky now adorn the side of three MiG-29 jet fighters, the Southern Military District said Monday. "The pilots are certain that having the saints' images on the fuselages of their military aircraft will not only protect them but

will also boost the battle morale of personnel," the Southern Military District was quoted as saying. The military press service also noted that the religious images had been painted on the right side of the aircraft to make them less susceptible to wear-and-tear, as pilots ascend the planes from the left, the report said. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Russia has continued to maintain military facilities in a number of foreign countries, including Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan in addition to Armenia.

Turkey Ready To Send Ground Forces Against ISIS In Exchange Of Syrian Government's Removal Turkey is prepared to send ground forces to help eradicate the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) group in Syria if it gets international assurances for its borders and the removal of the Syrian regime, Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said Monday. In an exclusive interview with CNN International's Christiane Amanpour, the prime minister said that without the removal of Syrian President Bashar Assad, the Syrian government posed as big a threat as that caused by ISIS. "We are ready to do everything as long as there is a clear strategy that after ISIS we can be sure that our borders will be protected,” he said. "We don't want the (Assad) regime on our border any more, pushing people against – towards Turkey. If ISIS goes, another radical organization may come in as long as Assad stays in his seat," he added. Davutoglu emphasized the need for a comprehensive international strategy to defeat the “terrorist” elements threatening the entire region and displacing millions of people, especially in the last few months. !The Norwegian Helsinki Committee has awarded the 2014 Andrei Sakharov Freedom Award to political prisoners in Azerbaijan. They exhibit great courage and make huge efforts in promoting dignity, democratic values and human rights in their home country, reads a statement published on the Committee’s website. The prize was bestowed upon four jailed activists: Leyla Yunus, Anar Mammadli, Rasul Zafarov and Intigam Aliyev.

Armenian FM To Visit France The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia Edward Nalbandian will visit Paris on October 7 with a working visit. The Department for Information, Press and Public Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia informed Armenpress that Edward Nalbandian is expected to meet with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of France Laurent Fabius.

Armenia And NATO Discuss Individual Partnership Action Plan For 2015 YEREVAN. – Armenia's Defense Ministry hosted staff talks with participation of representatives of NATO joint force command and department on defense policy of the Ministry. The NATO delegation arrived in the framework Armenia-NATO Individual Partnership Action Plan. The sides discussed progress made by the Armed Forces of Armenia in the implementation of the Partnership for Peace program, outlined the main directions of cooperation for 2015-16 and drew a roadmap of Individual Partnership Action Plan for 2015.

Krekorian's Corner: Call 3-1-1 For Bulky Item Pick Up Dear Friend: Dumping is a serious quality of life issue for our neighborhoods. In the City of Los Angeles, it's illegal to discard old sofas, refrigerators, mattresses and other large household items on the curb outside homes and apartment buildings. It's also frustrating and unsightly for everyone in the community. Fortunately, the city has a solution: call 311. If you want to get rid of bulky items, call 311 at least one day before your regular trash collection day and the Bureau of Sanitation will remove the items for free. Call any day between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4:45 p.m. with a list of items you want picked up. You can also download the My311 smart phone app or submit a service request online: www.lacity.org/MyLA311 To be a good neighbor, make sure to contact the city before you put bulky items out on the street or in your yard. You should also call 311 to report illegally dumped items whenever you see them. Once you do, the Bureau of Sanitation will come out to remove the items. This is a very helpful service provided by the city. Help keep our neighborhoods safe and clean by encouraging them to call 311. Very truly yours, Councilmember Paul Krekorian

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday October 9, 2014


Caucasus Needs A Unified Approach By Vartan Oskanian, Member Of National Assembly, Armenia The Caucasus is among the world’s most divided and incoherent regions. Its three republics — Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia — failed to learn from similarly linked groups of countries, such as the Benelux countries and the Baltic states, which, despite their historical grievances and political differences, united to achieve their common goals of stability, prosperity, and democracy. Is it too late for the Caucasus to change course? In 1991, when all three became independent again, similar proposals of confederation and union were floated. Nothing of the sort was realized. What divides these countries today is not religion, ethnicity, culture, history, or traditions; it is the differing visions, prospects, ambitions, convictions, and aspirations that they espouse and pursue. Of the three, Georgia is the most democratic. The fact that its people have twice forced a change of government — first through the 2003 Rose Revolution, which imposed the popular will on an unelected government, and then again last year through the ballot box — has given them a sense of empowerment. For their part, Armenians came close to forcing a change of government through street protests on three occasions — but failed each time. No election since independence has brought a change of government. And, in Azerbaijan, no serious attempt to change the government has been made. Indeed, power has simply been transferred, from Heydar Aliyev to his son, Ilham Aliyev. These contrasting experiences have led to starkly different — and dangerously divisive — foreign-policy approaches. In terms of security, Georgia aspires to NATO membership; Armenia is a member of the Russian-led Collective Security Treaty Organization; and Azerbaijan maintains strong security arrangements with Turkey and Israel, while purchas-

ing modern military hardware from Russia. Regardless of the nature of its formal relations with each of the three republics, Russia casts a long shadow over the Caucasus. Georgia views Russia as its main adversary. But its leaders should recognize that eventual integration into European security and economic structures cannot fully compensate for the absence of any relations with Russia. If Georgia is to prosper in a sustainable way, it must build normal bilateral ties. Until then, Armenia’s options will remain limited. For Armenia, Russia is a strategic partner by choice, while Georgia is a geopolitical partner by default. Russia is a hugely important country for Armenia; Georgia is slightly more important. When bad weather shuts down the Lars passage between Georgia and Russia — which is also Armenia’s land link to Russia — Armenia suffers. If the Georgia-Armenia border closes down, Armenia chokes. That is why Armenia’s key geopolitical challenge is not so much normalizing relations with its neighbors as preventing those neighbors from ganging up against it. Here, Georgia’s rejection of the highly lucrative economic, energy, and financial incentives offered by Turkey and Azerbaijan to isolate Armenia is crucially important. Azerbaijan views Russia as a partner with which it can bargain, particularly in the strategic energy games being played by Russia and Europe. What the Aliyev government has not recognized is that, by signing off on several gas pipelines to Europe, Azerbaijan has largely relinquished its bargaining chips. Stability and prosperity in Azerbaijan will require Aliyev to stop depending exclusively on energy exports — and to help bring an end to the longstanding Nagorno-Karabakh conflict between Azeris and Armenians. In the Caucasus, nostalgia for the security, predictability, and economic benefits of the

Cont. on page 10

New Lab Equipment Enables Mining Communities In Armenia To Take Control Of Their Health Risks

Yerevan - ONEArmenia has launched its newest crowdfunding campaign, this time for lab equipment that will enable mining communities in Armenia to detect toxic pollution in their soil, and water, and identify lead contamination in children’s blood. This campaign has a fundraising goal of $29,000 and is implemented through collaboration with the American University of Armenia (AUA) Center for Responsible Mining. There are currently 400 mines operating in Armenia, a small country with an area the size of Belgium. Twenty-two of these are active metal mines that are a major source of toxic pollution when improperly monitored and controlled. Research done by the Blacksmith Institute and the American University of Armenia shows that high concentrations of heavy metals exist in many mining communities where children play, adults work, and families grow their food. “We are committed to improving environmental conditions for communities throughout Armenia,” says Alen Amirkhanian, director of the AUA Acopian Center for the Environment and the AUA Center for Responsible Mining. “This fundraising effort will give us the tools and equipment we need to do this on a wide scale and on an ongoing basis,” says Amirkhanian. More than 215,000 people across 20 communities in Armenia are at risk of exposure to heavy-metal pollution from mining and related industrial activities. Exposure to elements such as arsenic, lead, cadmium, and chromium lead to a wide

range of health consequences including cancer, fertility problems, and reduced intellectual development in children. The equipment to be purchased will help mining communities determine the specific locations and levels of toxic pollution in their soil and the levels of pollution in water. This information will help communities manage their health risks by avoiding polluted areas and taking steps to stabilize the soil in smaller, more manageable sites. The equipment could also arm communities with information to hold polluters accountable and seek compensation for remediation and cleanup. The devices will be kept at AUA and taken to mining communities for analysis and testing. Additionally, AUA will implement various educational and outreach programs in impacted towns and villages so that communities are well aware of the risks from mining and action steps to mitigate these risk. Learn more about the project and crowdfunding campaign by visiting the Indiegogo page. Non-profit funding platform ONEArmenia was founded in September 2012 to stand with the change-making individuals and the organizations they represent, using social media and crowd-funding to involve anyone with an Internet connection in boosting projects that are geared toward making tangible changes in Armenia now. The ONEArmenia network makes it possible to not only raise money for a project based in Armenia as a worldwide community, but to also track the progress of said project with complete access to financial information.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday October 9, 2014

Reminder To Present-Day Parents By Alice Krumian


Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

34 - Rasim Ozan Kütahyalı By Hambersom Aghbashian

Oftentimes and strangely enough, you'd be much better off, By getting your parenthood entirely out of your mind; That you've pledged your spirit and your total loyalty, To children who refuse parental rule and authority. Reluctant to accept wise counsel and instruction, They claim they know enough to need adult supervision; They waste their precious time, owing to lack of experience, They incur great losses and always pay too high a price. "We are free" is their response, recited daily like a litany, "Self-rule" is their motto, revealing arrogance and utter vanity; "Times have changed", they repeat, crazy for independence, Appreciating parents' presents much more than their presence. Times have changed, it's obvious, certainly from bad to worse, In the present century, entirely lacking respect and remorse; Stubborn and rebellious, children are defiant and quarrelsome, The New Age being marked by "Parental Alienation Syndrome". There was a time not long ago, when societies were at their best, When parental authority was the source of youth's blessedness, When respect for the elderly was our revered national trademark, Our families were kept intact and our traditions highly admired.

LOYOLA MARYMOUNT UNIVERSITY The Armenian Genocide On Its Centenary: What Have We Learned? Richard G. Hovannisian UCLA and USC

Rasim Ozan Kütahyalı, (born 30 April 1981, Izmir Turkey) is a Turkish journalist and columnist. He was first discovered by Ahmet Altan, the headcolumnist of "Taraf", and was enrolled as a columnist for Taraf ( 2008 -2011), and then for Sabah since 2011. He is a popular political commentator on various TV programs, having started at CNN Turk and now appearing on Beyaz TV. Kutahyali is known for his anti-militarist and liberal political views. He began with a "pro-liberal" political view, and he was involved in reporting the coup attempts in Turkey in the newspaper.(1)(4) In December 2008, 200 prominent Turkish intellectuals released an apology for "The great catastrophe of 1915". This was a clear reference to the Armenian Genocide, a term still too sensitive to use so openly. The text of the apology stated "My conscience does not accept the insensitivity showed to and the denial of the Great Catastrophe that the Ottoman Armenians were subjected to in 1915. I reject this injustice and for my share, I empathize with the feelings and pain of my Armenian brothers and sisters. I apologize to them". Rasim Ozan Kütahyalı was one of the intellectuals who signed it.(2) In his article "How I faced the Armenian genocide", Al Monitor-Apr 22, 2014, Kütahyalı wrote, "Ninety-nine years ago, one of the region’s Christian people, the Armenians, fell victim to a great tragedy they call it Metz Yeghern, or genocide..." "Today, I tell of my own mental journey and the transformation of conscience I experienced on this issue as a Turk. I speak of how I faced up to the massacres of Armenians and Christians and how the truth scarred my inner being. The road to acceptance was definitely hard, but I eventually came to terms with the truth. The Armenians were uprooted from the lands where I lived. Hundreds of thousands of them were slain brutally on the orders of Talaat Pasha’s

Young Turk government. In the ensuing Kemalist era, Turkey’s Christians and Jews were again expelled from their homeland. It was an unmistakable act of ethnic cleansing, which is denied by Turkey. Such denial, on top of everything else, is shameful. At the end he wrote " So, that’s my personal story. I no longer deceive myself. What happened in these lands in 1915 was a great tragedy, a genocide against Armenians, a crime against humanity. Every “but …” argument about this crime makes me nauseous."(3) In another article in Al Monitor -Aug. 22, 2013, " Who Poisoned Former Turkish President Ozal?", Kütahyalı wrote ," Political disputes between the Kemalist army and democratically elected political parties once were settled heavy-handedly, and a recent investigation into Turgut Ozal's* death ruled that he was poisoned". Kütahyalı mentions many reasons , among them is that " Ozal began uttering some taboo-breaking words: We should resolve the Kurdish question through freedoms and democracy, and What if we officially recognize the 1915 Armenian genocide and face up to our past?”.(4)

*Halil Turgut Özal (13 Oct. 1927 – 17 April 1993) was the Prime Minister of Turkey (1983–1989) and the President of Turkey (1989–1993). 1!http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rasim _Ozan_K%C3%BCtahyal%C4%B1 2.http://www.armeniapedia.org/wiki /200_prominent_Turks_apologize_for_gre at_catastrophe_of_1915 3 . h t t p : / / w w w. a l - m o n i t o r. c o m / pulse/tr/originals/2014/04/genocide-armenia-turkey-anniversary-dink-metzyeghern.html 4.http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/ originals/2013/08/turkey-president-ozalpoisoned.html#


Present an Illustrated Lecture

“TREASURES OF FAITH” Treasures Of Faith Burbank, California — Zvartnots Cultural Committee and Organization of Istanbul Armenians present an illustrated talk “TREASURES OF FAITH” Sacred Objects from the Armenian Churches of Constantinople by Dr. Ronald Marchese , University of Minnesota, Duluth. . The event will take place on Thursday, October 16, at 7:30pm Diocesan Headquarter, Zorayan Museum 3325 N. Glenoaks Blvd. Burbank, CA 91504 Dr. Ronald Marchese will discuss his recent research in Constantinople/Istanbul with a talk on “Treasures of Faith: Sacred Objects from the Armenian Churches of Constantinople”. Dr. Marchese is professor of ancient history and archaeology at the University of Minnesota, Duluth and has spent the last several years documenting the rich cultural history of the Armenians in Constantinople, by studying the works of arts that the

Armenians produced. Dr. Marchese received his PhD from New York University and has a distinguished career in archaeology, having conducted research at the Plataiai Archaeological Excavation in Greece and at Tel Dor in Israel. He is the author of numerous articles and book chapters in the field. He is the author, together with Marlene Breu, of Splendor and Spectacle: The Armenian Orthodox Church Textile Collections of Istanbul (Çitlembik Ltd., Istanbul, 2010). He has authored several other books on art and weaving. As well as his new and upcoming publication “Sacred Relics and Artifacts from the Armenian churches of Constantinople”. For Further information, please contact Dr. Avedikian (818) 800 -1976 Admission Free, open to the public reception to follow the progam

Sacred Objects from the Armenian Churches of Constantinople By

Dr. RONALD MARCHESE University of Minnesota Duluth

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2014 AT 7:30pm. AT DIOCESAN HEATQUARTER AT ZORAYAN MUSEUM 3325 N. Glenoaks Blvd. Burbank, CA 91504

Reception following

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday October 9, 2014


French Gymnast Arthur Magakian Pass Away

King Arthur like nicknamed the French sporting press, died Thursday at age 89 as a result of a brain tumor. He became champion of France junior decathlon gymnastics in 1945. In 1952, an injury will prevent him from participating in the Olympic Games in Helsinki and ends its Career gymnast. Magakian then became one of the leading coaches and leaders of the French Gymnastics Federation and was its first national technical director from 1963 to 1986. On 2009 he was promoted to Glory sport. His remarkable career was rewarded with the Legion of Honor, the National Order of Merit and the Gold Medal of Youth and Sports. He was born on November 11, 1925 in Vienne (France). His funeral celebrated on Wednesday, October 8 in Valence (France).

Unique Armenian Newspaper Discovered At California’s Standford University

The microfilming staff at Stanford University’s Hoover Institute on War, Revolution, and Peace recently came across an unmarked box of microfilm that presented them with difficulty: a copy of a newspaper from World War I published in the Armenian script, Asbarez reports. To help transliterate the title, the Hoover librarian turned to Behzad Allahyar, principal Middle East languages cataloger for Stanford University Libraries; he in turn sought help from Nora Avetyan, the librarian for Armenian and Persian at UCLA. “With the help of those two colleagues, we had enough information to identify and catalog this publication, as well as realizing that no other copies appear to be available,” a press release by the Hoover Institute said. “We are proud that the Hoover Library has again added an item unique to its collection.” The newspaper, entitled Zang, was produced by the Social Democrat Hunchakian Party, founded in Switzerland in 1887 by Armenians hoping to establish an independent Armenia free from the Ottoman Empire.

German Churches To Commemorate Genocide Centenary With Joint Prayer Ahead of the Armenian Genocide centenary, the German Inter-Church Council has called on the churches across the country to commemorate the victims of the tragic massacres. According to Tert.am, in an official statement adopted after its annual assembly in Magdeburg, it the Council urged to respect the memory of the 1.5 million Armenians slaughtered in the Ottoman Turkey. “We honor the memory of the Armenians, as well as around 600,000 Aramaic, Assyrian, and Greek Christians, including Catholics and Protestants, killed along with their Armenians brothers and sisters.” “The Armenian Apostolic Church in Germany is a member of the Inter-Church

Council, and in solidarity with it, we'll commemorate the Genocide centenary in 2015. In 2005, the German Bundestag highlighted Germany’s historical and moral responsibility for it. As functioning churches in Germany, we jointly bear that responsibility and consider it necessary to refer to it every time. “Hence, the 2014 Inter-Church Council Assembly in Magdeburg encourages and calls upon its member churches and communities to commemorate it with prayers and memorial events,” reads the statement. The participants also considered a 2012 proposal for organizing joint prayers with the Armenian, Assyrian and Greek churches.

Sarkisian Blasts Armenia’s Ex-Soviet Allies Over Karabakh President Serzh Sarkisian has accused ex-Soviet states aligned in the Russian-led Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) of failing to support Armenia and even aiding Azerbaijan in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Sarkisian launched the unusually scathing attack at a meeting with Nikolay Russia - (Clockwise from L) Belarus President Alyaxandar Bordyuzha, the CSTO’s visLukashenka, Kyrgyzstan's President Almazbek Atambayev, iting secretary general, held Russia's President Vladimir Putin, Tajikistan's President late on Monday. Emomali Rahmon, and Armenia's President Serzh Sarkisian In a statement on the attend an informal meeting. meeting, Sarkisian’s press priate reaction from CSTO partners, which office said, “The president emphasized that Serzh Sarkisian believes could have rethe position of several CSTO partners, strained the Azerbaijani leadership’s adwhich is displayed on various international venturist ambitions,” said the statement. platforms on issues of fundamental interest “In the president’s words, as a result, Azerto their allies and the Nagorno-Karabakh baijan continues to escalate the situation conflict in particular, does not correspond and take provocative actions, blatantly viothe overall spirit of the negotiation process, lating its commitment to the conflict’s contradicts statements and proposals by peaceful resolution.” the co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group as It was not clear whether Sarkisian rewell as documents adopted within the ferred only to Central Asian states affiliated CSTO framework.” with the defense pact or Russia as well. “Ilham Aliyev’s bellicose and ArmenoEmil Danielyan phobic statements do not receive an appro-

Caucasus Needs A Unified Approach Cont. from page 8 Cold War era is not a guide to wise policy. But blind belief in western alternatives, which sometimes seem like a panacea for the region’s security and economic challenges offers no solution, either. If all three countries con-

sidered realistically what is possible under the current circumstances, they would recognize that a cooperative, unified approach would be best for everyone. 5 October 2014

Cosmos' Hagop Chirishian Battles For A Starting Spot

Cosmos midfielder No. 25 Hagop Chirishian makes a header during the first half of an NASL game vs. the Atlanta Silverbacks. Cosmos midfielder Hagop Chirishian (an AGBU Manoogian-Demirdjian School graduate) plays a position that includes some of the team's best players. So breaking into the lineup certainly is not an easy task. When the Cosmos host the Indy Eleven at Shuart Stadium at 8 p.m. Saturday in their quest of a North American Soccer League playoff berth, Chirishian hopes he will be among the starting eleven or at least among the substitutes.

Wines From Fifteen Armenian Manufacturers Showcased At Areni Wine Festival

Wines from some 15 Armenian winemakers were showcased at Areni Wine Festival, head of Areni Wine Festival Fund Nune Manukyan said. The sixth Areni Wine Festival was held in Vayots Dzor of Armenia on October 3-5. The aim of the festival is to promote development of rural tourism, to show the rich historical and cultural heritage and to develop tourism in Areni and Vayots Dzor region as a whole.

Giving Them Back Their Golden Years In Stepanakert, Armenia Fund has helped to fully reconstruct a nursing home which was on its last legs. The elderly and disabled who live there will now have access to facilities and amenities they do not have access to anywhere else. They are called the “golden years” because they are supposed to glisten like gold. After decades of life, some surely difficult, a person’s golden years are to be the time when they are finally able to slow down, relax, and enjoy. For some in Artsakh, it’s not that simple. After the Artsakh War for Independence, family life changed drastically for many elderly who lost their children during the fighting. Others still lost their homes during the bombardment of civilian

communities by Azerbaijani forces. Due to cultural norms that required families to care for their elders when they were no longer able to live alone, Artsakh never had any nursing homes. But, because of the lingering effects of the war, a Soviet-era kindergarten in Stepanakert was repurposed and turned into the region’s first nursing home in the early 1990s with the assistance of benefactor Louise Simon Manoogian. Joined by disabled people who would also otherwise be on the streets, it’s the only place in Artsakh where people who have nowhere else to go can call home. Built in the 1970s, the building was in need of repairs. There was no heating, there was one bathroom per floor, and the cafe-

teria was not part of the residential block of the complex which made it difficult for the elderly and disabled residents to get there. Worse, the roof was in poor condition, which both residents and staff would be reminded about every time there was adverse weather.

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FA|KAKAN ’A{KASA|LIN NOUIROUA’ KALA (NOUIRAFAUAQ) Kiraki% 19 Fokt;mb;r 2014-e kar;uor ankiunadar] me piti ella\ fa\kakan a®a=in ‘a[kasa\lin nouiroua‘% or t;[i piti oun;na\ "asatina\i a,.araf®cak Rose Bowl-i Court of Champions noraka®o\z bazøj;a\ fraparakin wra\! >ist kar;uor ;u øgta,at a\s ];®narkin fandisawarn h M;‘n Los Any;lesi f;®at;sili 5-rd ka\ani (KTLA-5) a®auøt;an lour;rou fa[ordawar fa\axgi Yil Simon;ane! An amousnaza‘ h ;u ouni ;rkou dstr;r! Yil Simon;an f;t;u;al ];uow arta\a\toua‘ h fandisawaroujiune endoun;lh ;tq! ªChq krnar ;r;uaka\;l jh orqan .andawa®oua‘ ;m% or in‘i wstafa‘ hq patmakan a\s ];®narke \a®a= m[;lou pa,tøne! "asatina\i Ward;rou "a®atønin masnakz;lou ;r;uo\je baza®ik a®ije piti n;rka\aznh m;xi% or a,.arfow mhk kar;nanq tara‘;l fa\oun m,akouja\in faroust ;u inqnouro\n va®angoujiune! Iuraqnaciur fa\ phtq h fpart xga\ inqxinq^ ;u ir karo[ouj;an safmanin mh=% niujaphs jh baro\aphs n;zouk kangni anxougakan ;u a®a=in angam ellalow katarou;liq a\s na.a];®nouj;anº! Fandisoujiune piti sksi vame 5!00-in% our piti spasarkoui enjriqe% Wolfgag Puck ya,arann;rou n,anauor zanzin ko[mh! Kala\i masnakzo[n;re a®ije piti oun;nan na;u møthn dit;lou fa\kakan ‘a[kasa\le% or patrastoua‘ h Phoenix Decorating Company-in ko[mh! Moutqi nouhrn h $200! Ke frauir;nq m;r ga[ouji bolor andamn;re an.tir% or masnakzin a\s kar;uor ];®narkin! |au;l;al manramasnouj;anz famar kar;lh h f;®a]a\n;l ~løra\in (323)681-8975 ;u kam Markrijin (626)798-44801! Isk famazanza\in fa[ordakzouj;an famar kar;lh h gor‘a‘;l f;t;u;al faszhn% margaretmgr@gmail.com

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NOR ØR% 9 FOKT:MB:R% 2014


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NOR ØR% 9 FOKT:MB:R% 2014


FA|ASTAn:AN ~OUJPOL • Fokt;mb;ri 4-5-in ka\azan FF bar]rago\n .mbi a®a=nouj;an 9-rd mrza'ouli fandipoumn;re! Afa dranz ardiunqre& ªBananzº_ªOulisº^ 0-2 N,;nq% or ªOuliseº a\s \a[janake tøn;z a®anz gl.auor marxic Sourhn Ca.al;ani% ori 'o.arhn ªOulisiº gor‘o[oujiunn;re gl.auoroum hr Gagik Simon;ane! Ca.al;ani w;rab;r;al a®a\vm \stak t;[;koujiunn;r cka\! Fauanakanoujiune m;‘ h% or na f;®analou h jimiz! ª<irakº-ªAraratº^ 3-2 ªAla,k;rtº-ªMikaº^ 2-0 ªGan]asarº-ª"iunikº^ 3-4 Mrza,ara\in a[iusak >& |& F& P& G& M& Oulis 9 8 1 0 16-3 25 "iunik 8 5 1 2 15-8 16 Gan]asar 8 4 2 2 15-10 14 <irak 8 4 1 3 10-8 13 Ala,k;rt 9 3 1 5 8-10 10 Bananz 8 2 2 4 7-10 8 Ararat 9 2 0 7 9-23 6 Mika 9 0 4 5 5-13 4 • Ka\azan FF gauaji qa®ord ;xra'akici ªOulisº-ªBananzº^ 1-4 ;u ªMikaº-ªGan]asarº^ 2-0 fandipoumn;re! • Fokt;mb;ri 11-in FF axga\in fauaqakane :urø-2016-i ,r=anakn;roum ke fiurenkali S;rpia\i fauaqakanin% isk Fokt;mb;ri 14-in t;[i k*oun;na\ Fa\astan-~ransia enk;rakan fandipoume! A\s fandipoumn;rin na.apatrastou;lou famar Fa\astani axga\in fauaqakane Fokt;mb;ri 6-14-e k*anzkazni marxakan fauaq F~D-i T;.nikakan k;ntroni ~oujpoli akad;mia\oum! FF axga\in fauaqakani gl.auor marxic B;®nar <alande fraparak;l h a\n `oujpolistn;ri anounn;re% owq;r staz;l ;n fauaqin masnakz;lou frauhr! Zankiz bazaka\oum ;n& :oura Mowsis;ane% saka\n ,at fauanakan h% or :ouran ke vamani :r;uani jimi ko[qin lin;lou famar% incphs na;u F;nri. M.ijar;ane! Cna\a‘ Ghorg {axar;ane ;u Fra\r Mko\;ane endgrkoua‘ ;n fauaqakan frauiroua‘ `oujpolistn;ri endfanour \a\tazouzakoum% saka\n nranz masnakzoujiune a®a=ika\ fandipoumn;rin farzakani tak h% qani or 2 `oujpolistn;rn hl% fnarauor h cfaszn;n apaqinou;l wnasoua‘qn;riz! Au;lazn;nq% or a®a=in angam FF axga\in fauaqakan h frauirou;l Liuqs;mbourgi ªDiud;lanvº akoumboum fandhs ;ko[ \ar]akouo[ Al;qsandr Karap;t;ane% ow ‘nou;l h Wrastanoum% fandhs h ;k;l G;rmania\i za‘rago\n .mb;ri a®a=noujiunn;roum!

S:RP:RI AÂA+ARKN ALPANAZIN:RIN :urø-2016-i entrakan .mboum FF fauaqakani mrzakizn;r S;rpia\i ;u Alpania\i fauaqakann;re oc-a\nqan lau \arab;roujiunn;ri mh= ;n! Fokt;mb;ri 14-in S;rpia\i entranin P;lkratoum endoun;lou h Alpania\i fauaqakanin S;rpia\i ~D-n dim;l h Alpania\in^ a®a=ark;low fravarou;l fiur;ri famar na.at;soua‘ toms;riz! :jh alpanazin;re drakan




patas.an tan% apa S;rpian hl ir f;rjin ke fravaroui 2015-in Tirana\oum ka\analiq .a[i toms;riz! |i,;zn;nq% or Qosowo\i patya®ow S;rpia\i ;u Alpania\i \arab;roujiunn;rn laroua‘ ;n% ousti anwtangouj;an nkata®oumn;riz ;ln;low zankali ch% or ;rkou ;rkrn;ri `oujpolistn;re m;kn;n artagna\ fandipoumn;rin! A®a\vm Alpanian ci patas.an;l!

:UROGAUAJN:RI >A{ARKOUJIUNN:ROUM Ka\az;l ;n :uropa\i A.o\;ann;ri lika\i .mba\in mrza,ar;ri 2-rd mrza'ouli fandipoumn;re! Afa a\d fandipoumn;ri ardiunqn;re ;u jim;ri dirq;re! >oumb A& ªAjl;tikøº M& - ª:ouw;njousº^ 10% ªMalm\øº-ªØlimpiakosº^ 2-0! Bolor jim;re wastak;l ;n 3-akan miauor! >oumb B& ªLiudogor;zº-ªÂhalº M&^ 1-2% ªBaxhlº-ªLiw;rpoulº^ 1-0! ªÂhalº^ 6% ªLiw;rpouleº ;u ªBax;leº^ 3-akan% ªLiudogor;zº^ 0 miauor! >oumb G& ªBa\;rº-ªB;n`ikaº^ 3-1% ªX;nijº-ªMonakøº^ 0-0! ªX;nijeº ;u ªMonakønº^ 4-akan% ªBa\;reº^ 3% ªB;n`ikanº^ 0 miauor! >oumb D& ªAnd;rl;.tº-ªBorousiaº D&^ 0-3% ªArs;nalº-ªGalajasara\º^ 4-1! ªBorousiaº^ 6% ªArs;nalº^ 3% ªAnd;rl;.tº ;u ªGalajsara\º^ 1-akan miauor! >oumb :& BKMA-ªBauariaº^ 0-1% ªManc;sjer Sijiº-ªÂomaº^ 1-1! ªBauariaº^ 6% ªÂomaº^ 4% ªManc;sjer Sijiº^ 1% BKMA^ 0 miauor! >oumb X& "SV-ªBars;lonaº^ 3-2% APOHLªA\aqsº^ 1-1! "SV^ 4% ªBars;lonaº^ 3% ªA\aqsº^ 2% APOHL^ 1 miauor! >oumb H& ªSportingº-ªC;lsiº^ 0-1% ª<alkhºªMariborº^ 1-1! ªC;lsiº^ 4% ª<alkhº ;u ªMariborº^ 2-akan% ªSportingº^ 1 miauor! >oumb E& BAT:-ªAjl;tikº Bilbaø^ 2-1% ª<a.t\orº-ª"orjouº^ 2-2! ª"orjouº^ 4% BAT:^ 3% ª<a.t\orº^ 2% ªAjl;tikº^ 1 miauor! :UROLIKA|I .mba\in mrza,ar;ri 2-rd mrza'ouli fandipoumn;ri ardiunqn;re& >oumb A& ªWilia®halº-ªApolonº^ 4-0% ªZiuri.º-ªBorousiaº M&^ 1-1! ªWilia®halº^ 4% ªApolonº^ 3% ªBorousiaº M&^ 2% ªZiuri.º^ 1 miauor! >oumb B& ªJorinøº-ªQo';nfag;nº^ 1-0% FIK-ªBriughº^ 0-3! ªBriughº ;u ªJorinøº^ 4-akan% ªQo';nfak;nº^ 3% FIK^ 0 miauor! >oumb G& ªTot;nf;mº-ªB;,ikja,º^ 1-1% ªAst;rasº-ªPartixanº^ 2-0! ªAst;rasº^ 4% ªTot;nf;mº ;u ªB;,ikja,º^ 2-akan% ªPartixanº^ 1 miauor! >oumb D& ªS;ljikº-ªTinamøº X&^ 1-0% ªAstraº-ªÂht Poulº^ 1-2! ªÂht Poulº ;u ªS;ljikº^ 4-akan% ªTinamøº X&^ 3% ªAstraº^ 0 miauor! >oumb :& ªTinamøº Mos&-PSW^ 1-0% ªH,torilº-ªPanatinaikosº^ 2-0! ªTinamøº Mos&^ 6% ªH,torilº ;u PSW^ 3-akan% ªPatatinaikosº^ 0 miauor! >oumb X& ªS;nj-Hj\hnº-ªDn;prº^ 0-0% ªInt;rº-ª{araba[º^ 2-0! ªInt;rº^ 6% ªS;nj Hj\hnº^ 2% ªDn;piº^ 1% ª{araba[º^ 0 miauor! >oumb H& ªÂi;kaº-ªS;uiliaº^ 2-2% ª~h\snordº-ªStandortº^ 2-1! ªS;uiliaº^ 4% ªStandartº ;u ª~h\;nordº^ 3-akan% ªÂi;ksº^ 1

miauor! >oumb E& ªKrasnodarº-ªHw;rjonº^ 1-1% ªWol`sbourgº-ªLillº^ 1-1! ªHw;rjonº^ 4% ªLillº ;u ªKrasnodarº^ 2-akan% ªWolsbourgº^ 1 miauor! >oumb J& ªSlowanº-ªNa'oliº^ 0-2% ªSpartaº-ª:ank Po\xº^ 3-1! ªNa'oliº^ 6% ª:ank Po\xº ;u ªSpartaº Prafa^ 3-akan% ªSlowanº^ 0 miauor! >oumb V& ªTinamøº K&-ªSt\aouaº^ 3-1% ªØlborgº-ªÂiou Auhº^ 1-0! ªTinamøº K&^ 6% ªSt\aouaº ;u ªØlborgº^ 3-akan% ªÂiou Auhº^ 0 miauor! >oumb I& ªG;ngamº-PAØK^ 2-0% ªTinamøº Minsk-ª~ior;ntinaº^ 0-3! ª~ior;ntinaº^ 6% PAØK ;u ªG;ngamº^ 3-akan% ªTinamøº Minsk^ 0 miauor! >oumb L& ªLok;r;nº-ªM;talistº^ 1-0% ªTrapxonsporº-ªL;giaº^ 0-1! ªL;giaº^ 6% ªLok;r;nº ;u ªTrapxonsporº^ 3-akan% ªM;talistº >arkow^ 0 miauor!

<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • Norw;gia\i Troma\ø qa[aqoum% Ølimpiada\i ør;rin ka\azan :uropa\i ;u A,.arfi ,a.mata\in mioujiunn;ri na.agafn;ri entroujiunn;r! • Xourab Axma\'ara,wilin (Wrastan) \a[j;l h :uropa\i ,a.mata\in miouj;an (:<M) na.agafakan entroujiunn;roum! A®a=ika\ 4 taroua\ enjazqoum na ke xba[;zni a\d pa,tøne! Na entroujiunn;roum fauaq;l hr 33 ]a\n! Nra mrzakizn hr poulkarazi Silwiø Danilowe% oum øgtin qouhark;l hin 18 patouirak! Danilown :<M-i na.ord na.agafn hr! • Ka\azau na;u ,a.mati mi=axga\in da,nouj;an (~ID:) na.agafakan entroujiunn;re& \a[j;l h ~ID:-i n;rka\is na.agaf Kirsan Il\oumvinowe 110 ]a\now! N,;nq% or ~ID:-i na.agafi mius j;kna‘oun a,.arfi 13-rd a.o\;an Garri Kasparown hr% Kasparowe wastak;l hr 61 ]a\n! Kasparowe as;l h& ªIl\oumvinowi entroujiune o[b;rgoujiun h ,a.mati famarº! |i,;zn;nq% or Il\oumvinowe ~ID:-i na.agafn h 1995 j& Øgostosi 11-iz! • No\;mb;ri 3-in Moskoua\oum ke m;knarki a,.arfi 9-rd a.o\;an Tigran P;tros;ani \i,atakin nouiroua‘ mi=axga\in mrza,are! Masnakizn;ri kaxme ;u mrza,ari ];uaca'e d;® \a\tni ch! • Incphs ];x ardhn \a\tn;l ;nq ~ID:-i warp;touj;an j;kna‘ou <anj Sargs;ane FAF Dourban qa[aqoum auartoua‘ a,.arfi minc;u 12 tar;kan ,a.matistn;ri a®a=noujiunoum 11 fnarauoriz wastak;z 8&5 miauor ;u 105 masnakizn;ri mh= bavan;z 1-4-rd t;[;re! Zauoq% lrazouzic zouzani,n;row <anjin bavin fasau 4-rd t;[e! Nra ;lo\jn a,.arfi a®a=noujiunoum phtq h ,at \a=o[ famar;l! • Grosma\st;r Karhn Grigor;ane ;u ~ID:-i warp;t Maria Ghorg;ane Fokt;mb;ri 6-19e ke masnakz;n Fndkastani "\oun qa[aqoum anzkazou;liq minc;u 20 tar;kann;ri a,.arfi a®a=noujiunn;rin!

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