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N.O. October 16, 2014, No. 40:N.O. Blank


6:15 PM

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Tik& Xarmoufi Minas;ane Komitas Wardap;ti ar]anin a®=;u

Fa\ vo[owourdi patmouj;an mh=% endfanraphs n,anakouj;an arvanaza‘ ;n pa,tamounqa\in k;dronn;re! >orfrda\in karg;rou at;n% .ousa'a‘ ;n kar;uoroujiun en‘a\;lou n,anauor anfatn;rou 'a®abanouj;an% no\nisk anonz mafhn ;tq! A\d patya®ow al% 1936-in fimnadroua‘ :r;uani Panjhone an,ouq mnaza‘ h! G& Fanrap;touj;an fastatoumhn ;tq h or% axga\in Panjhone% 2005-hn ;tq% sksa‘ h f;txf;th \atouk gourgouranqi arvananal! A\sør% ;rb k*a\z;lhq <hngauiji mh=% Ar,akoun;az po[ota\i wra\ Fa\astani Panjhone% fon ke n,marhq m;r vo[owourdi k;anqin mh= fimnakan n;rdroum kam d;r oun;za‘ n,anauor dhmq;rou ar]ann;re kam dambann;re! Komitasi anouan xbøsa\gin% a\sør w;ra‘oua‘ h Panjhoni% our am'o'oua‘ ;n m;r vo[owourdi anmaf a®a=nordn;re! Fon ;n Komitas Wardap;ti – na;u^ a®an]in toun-jangaranow – A& Isafak;ani% S& "arayanowi% M& Sar;ani% |owf& <iraxi% A& >acatour;ani% W& Ayhm;ani% S& Kapoutik;ani ;u ouri, anmafn;rou ayiunn;re! M;r .oumbi a\z;louj;an at;n m;nq t;sanq na;u kisandrin;re ou tapanaqar;re A& Jaman;ani% Ø& Tour;ani% W& Dauj;ani% Fr& N;rsis;ani% A& <irwanxathi% fa\r;nashr m;‘ gor‘ic K& T;miry;ani ;u ouri,n;rou! :r;uani Panjhone kariqn ouni au;li ;us endar]akman ou bargauayman! M;r .oumbi a\z;louj;an øre% jarm ‘a[ikn;r x;t;[;zinq ,irmaqar;roun wra\% a®an]in ou .mba\in baxmajiu lousankarn;r a®n;low!

GAÂNI% G:{ARD M;r ou[;uorouj;an ;rkrord øre k*a\z;l;nq Ga®ni! A\d ana®ik amroze fauanabar fimnadroua‘ h Q&a& ;rkrord daroun! F;janosakan tayari p;[oumn;re \a\tnab;ra‘ ;n pronxh darou kazini zoulman ka[aparn;r% manga[% k;ndanin;rou oskorn;r% Q&a& w;z;rordhn corrord dar;rou .;z;[hn niuj;r ;u Argi,ti jagauori s;pagir ar]anagroujiune% our Ga®nin ir ,r=aka\qow anouanoua‘ h Gia®nian ;rkir! Tayare fauanakanørhn nouiroua‘ h Ar;ui castoua‘ Mifrin! A& darou 70-akan jouakann;roun% Ga®nin w;rakangnoua‘ h Trdat A& Jagauorin ko[mh% 11 tarouan enjazqin ‘a.sou;low 50 milion tinar! Anika dar]a‘ h miavamanak Trdat G&-i qro= >osrowidou.ti ama®anoze! Arta,is;an ;u Ar,akoun;az jagauorn;rou vamanakin ;[a‘ h na;u n,anauor xøraka\an ;u ama®anoz! Ou,agrau h anor ;r;q ko[m;rhn% anmi=akanørhn ,r=apato[% ,our= 300 m;jr .orouj;amb wife% ourkh ke fosi Axat g;te! V& darou skixbe% A,ot B& Bagratouni jagauore w;rakangna‘ h aspatakoua‘ amroze! V&V:& dar;roun dar]a‘ h Fa\astani n,anauor giu[aqa[aqn;rhn mhke! 1969-74 tarin;roun ambo[=owin w;rakan-



goua‘ h tayarin skxbnakan t;sqe% yartarap;t Al;qsandr Safin;ani ko[mh! Ga®nin n;rka\is 'oqr giu[aqa[aq h Abow;ani ,r=anin% G;[ama\ L;®na,[ja\i G;[asari gagaji faraua\in storotin% Axat g;ti a= a'in! |i,atakouj;an arvani ;n ,r=ani .acqar;re% S& Astoua‘a‘in ou S& Sargis ;k;[;zin;re% ou 14 qlm& ;rkarouj;amb =ranzqe! >oumbin andamn;re% bnakanabar% anfatakan ou .mba\in lousankarn;r a®in% miavamanak a\z;l;low tayarin kiz arqouniqin 4 s;n;aknoz% ;®abavin iura\atouk logarane% sa®% ga[= ;u taq =ouri masnabavinn;row! Anz;alin G:{ARDE A\riwanq kocoua‘ h% qa®a\ra\in ka®o\zn;rou patya®ow% ;u apa^ G;[ard% 13-rd darhn sks;al% ibr;u mi=nadar;an yartarap;takan \ou,ar]an-wanq% our go\oujiun oun;za‘ h na;u dpranoz% gradaran% grcatoun! Parspat;[hn dours pafpanoua‘ ;n fnago\n \ou,ar]ane^ kisow ca' va\®a'or matou®e% ;rkou ;k;[;zin;re% gl.auor S& Astoua‘a‘in ;k;[;zin (1215)% Xaqar;ann;rou ørow^ vamatoun dambarane% ou tarb;r ca';rou .ouz;r! Parispin kiz% VH& daroun ka®ouzoua‘ ;n bnak;li ou tnt;sakan tarb;r ,hnq;r! G;[ardi bnakicn;re 1921-in ;ka‘ ;n Ar;umt;an Fa\astani B;rkri gaua®hn% ou Kamo\i ,r=ani Sarou.an giu[hn (1926-33)! G;[ardi g;tna'or ;k;[;ziin mh= m;r a\z;lou .oumbe ;rg;z throunakan a[øjqe% ;u øgtou;zau anor sa®norak% bouvic =ourhn! Isk +rwhvi Niakara ya,aranin mh= wa\;l;z Fambiki ko[mh .ostazoua‘ mata[e% ya,ak;low na;u lrazouzic fam;[ out;liqn;re! (<ar& 2)

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NOR ØR% 16 FOKT:MB:R% 2014

DOKT& MINAS GOYA|:ANI MA{JANQE ªNOR ØRºI YA<K:RO|J_>RA>YANQIN AÂIJOW Sir;li n;rkan;r% ªNor Ørºi bar;kamn;r% O[=o\nn;r :rousa[hmhn ;u Sourb |akowba\ Miabanouj;nhn! Ke ,norfauor;m ªNor Ørºi an]nakaxme% oroun andame ellalou patiue ounim ;u oroun ‘a®a\a‘ ellalou fryouanqe k*aprim! Ke ,norfauor;m n;rkan;rd ;u oura.oujiuns ke \a\tn;m ];r n;rka\ouj;an famar! ªNor Ørºe boloris farstoujiunn h% xor phtq h paf;l acqi lo\si phs! Jh;u faxarauor m[onn;r f;®ou ;m ];xmh% ba\z a\s pafous sirts ou fogis ];xi f;t ke .a\ta\! Bari wa\;loum bolorid! Karøtow^ Minas Goya\;an


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MAFAXD ALIS NAXIR:AN (’n;al^ Fokt& 31% 1960-in% Pa[tat% Iraq) Srti da®n kski‘ow ke gouv;nq m;r sir;z;al kno=% mør% m;‘ mør% dst;r% farsin% qro= ;u faraxatin^ Alis Naxir;ani mafe% or pataf;zau :r;q,abji% Fokt;mb;r 14% 2014-in% \;t karyat;u fiuandouj;an! |ou[arkauorouj;an araro[oujiune t;[i piti oun;na\ :rkou,abji% Fokt;mb;r 20% 2014% khsørouan vame 12-in% Perp;nqi Srboz {;uond;anz A®a=nordanist tayarin mh=% 3325 N. Glenoaks Blvd., apa ja[oume^ Hollywood Hills Forest Lawn g;r;xmanatan mh=! Sgakirn;r^ Amousine^ Wardan Naxir;an Xauake^ Wafagn ;u Ixaphl Naxir;an Doustre^ Ar'i Naxir;an Doustre^ Nora Naxir;an ;u n,ana‘e^ Safak Wardghs;an K;soure^ Sirar'i Naxir;an Tagre^ Fabar]oum ;u Silwa Naxir;an ;u xauakn;re Tagre^ Sargis ;u Lousinh Naxir;an ;u xauakn;re Ma\re^ Øvhn Maxman;an :[ba\re^ Arta,hs ;u Lo®en Maxman;an ;u entaniq :[ba\re% Au;tis ;u Alis Maxman;an ;u entaniq Qo\re^ Anafit ;u Sourhn Papa\;an ;u entaniq Qo\re^ Anou, ;u Øfannhs Xaqar;an ;u entaniq :[ba\re^ Wardiwa® Maxman;an ;u entaniq Qo\re^ A\ta ;u Armhn Mourat;an ;u entaniq Qo\re^ Axatoufi Maxman;an ;u fama\n faraxatn;rn ou bar;kamn;re! Ja[man araro[ouj;nhn ;tq fog;ya, piti matouzoui w;ro\i,;al tayari ªGala\y;anº srafin mh=! *** "o.an ‘a[k;psaki nouiratououjiunn;re ke .ndroui katar;l Fiusisa\in Am;rika\i Ar;umt;an J;mi A®a=nordaranin% Western Diocese!

ZAUAKZAKAN Fangouz;al ALIS NAXIR:ANi wa[avam mafouan t.our a®i jow% m;r .oraxgaz zauakzoujiunn;re ke \a\tn;nq o[baz;ali amousno\n^ Wardan Naxir;anin% xauakn;roun% entan;kan paragan;roun ;u bolor faraxatn;roun! ÂAK <r=ana\in Warcoujiun ªNor Ørº

|OWSH" ASATR:ANI |I<ATAKIN (Mafouan qa®asounqin a®ijow) 2014 S;pt;mb;r 27-in .ore w,tow fo[in \an]n;zinq norog fangouz;al |owsh' Asatr;anin% (‘n& 1923 j& Øgostos 15-in% Al;qsantrhj) mi an]nauoroujiun% mi fa\ fanra‘anøj marxik`oujpolist% or m;‘ nouayoumn;r hr ];®q b;r;l Fa\astani marxakan a,.arfoum ir fmout ounakoujiunn;row! Ir vamanakin nra n;rdra‘ ;®andoun =anq;ri ,norfiu ªAraratº jime ];®q b;r;z baxoum \a[janakn;r! Bazi a\d% mi qani bar]rago\n ousoumnakan fastatoujiunn;ri ,r=anauart lin;low% baxmako[mani xargaza‘ ;u k;anqi faroust 'or] oun;zo[ mi an]nauoroujiun hr! Yakatagri b;roumow 1989 j& Los Any;lesoum fastatou;louz \;to\ na sks;z marxakan ;u a\l bno\ji bowandakaliz \ødoua‘n;r fratarak;l mamouloum% oronq enj;rzuoum hin m;‘ f;taqrqrouj;amb! Mi .øsqow ir park;,t ;u axnouago\n bnauorouj;amb \argoua‘ mi fa\r;nashr an]nauoroujiun hr oc mia\n ir srtakiz faraxatn;ri% a\l;u enk;rn;ri ;u bar;kamn;ri ,r=apatoum! A\nphs% or |owsh' Asatr;ani pa\‘a® \i,atake mi,t wa® ke mna\ ir faraxatn;ri ;u bolor enk;rn;ri srt;roum! Jo[ or Ast‘o\ lo\se mi,t wa® mna\ ir ,irimin! "ro`& Au;tis "a'ax;an

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Thanksgiving Day Telethon 2014 Renews Its Commitment To Securing Northern Armenia And Karabakh

Every year, Hayastan All-Armenian Fund, in consultation with its affiliates, introduces a new project to be the driver of the Telethon campaign season. Last year, the focus was the Vardenis-Mardakert Highway Project, a groundbreaking initiative designed to link villages across the northern region of Armenia and Karabakh. This year, however, heightened security threats and increased border activity have convinced the Fund’s decisionmakers to keep this ambitious project top priority and top of mind. Since breaking ground last year, reconstruction of this critical route has been well under way. Earthworks are being performed simultaneously across 12 sections of the highway. This entails blasting rocks, leveling surfaces, widening roads and transposing existing engineering structures. In addition, crews are installing gutters as well as building embankments and crash barriers. This phase is expected to be completed before the new year, which will allow for passenger cars to traverse from northwestern Armenia to the Mardakert region in Karabakh. As a result, travel time will be significantly reduced and community interaction facilitated as never before. Earthworks under way in 12 sections of the Vardenis-Mardakert Highway Projects still needed to complete the Highway include the paving of roadways, installing traffic signage and lane indicators as well as building rest stations. The goal is to raise the necessary funds during the Telethon in order to bring this groundbreaking highway project to completion. When fully operational, the highway will not only help boost socioeconomic development among the near-dozen communities on its route, but also will facilitate access to urgently needed supplies associated with a robust defense strategy. Armenia Fund USA will support this effort with its own direct response campaign both online and in print. Donors are encouraged to contribute early and generously.

Armenia Dance Erebouni-Yerevan: Armenia’s Capital Celebrates 2796th Anniversary

Sarkisian Defends Eurasian Union Entry

Yerevan is celebrating its 2796th anniversary. The events will be marked in a number of communities. The celebrations will commence under the slogan ‘Yerevan, my home’ and last for a whole day. Guests from different countries arrived in Armenia’s capital to attend the celebrations. The first Erebouni-Yerevan celebrations were organized in October 1968 to mark the 2750th anniversary of Armenia’s capital. A song entitled ‘Erebouni-Yerevan’ was composed by Paruyr Sevak and Edgar Hovhannisyan, which later became the city’s anthem. The song was first sung by a 2,750-member chorus headed by Tatul Altunyan. The celebrations lasted for a week. Numerous events were organized, books on the history of Yerevan published, films on

Membership in the Russian-led Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) will accelerate Armenia’s economic development and not hinder closer cooperation with the European Union, President Serzh Sarkisian claimed on Sunday. “We made that decision to give new impetus to economic progress in our country,” he said two days after signing an accession treaty with fellow heads of state from Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan at an EEU summit in Minsk. Sarkisian cited no macroeconomic forecasts in support of this statement. He had similarly said before that the Armenian economy will benefit from being part of the EEU and closer ties with Russia in particular. - All legal and economic questions concerning Armenia's accession to the Eurasian Economic Union have been coordinated, Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev said in Minsk. "We have managed to reach a compromise on the sensitive question concerning the borders within which Armenia will join the Union. So, now we see no obstacles to Armenia's accession," Nazarbayev said.

Yerevan’s everyday life screened, exhibitions held and commemorative coins issued. The fountain marking the 2750th anniversary of Yerevan was commissioned in the park adjacent to Republic Square. In different years the mottos of the celebrations were ‘I love you, Yerevan’, ‘Capital of my heart’, ‘Guide of my’, ‘We are Yerevan.’ This slogan of this year’s celebrations is ‘Yerevan, my home’. A new song has been presented to Armenia’s capital the city (lyrics by Avet Barseghyan).

After Joining EEU, Armenia To Exempt From Duty Military Products, Planes After joining the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), Armenia will exempt from customs duties military products to be imported in 2015-2022, TASS reports, citing the treaty on Armenia’s accession to the EEU posted on the website of the Eurasian Economic Commission, an EEU regulatory body.

The benefit will relate to products designed for Armenia’s armed forces, whose analogues are not produced in other EEU members. Also exempted from duty will be certain types of civil helicopters and jets, as well as goods imported to Armenia for construction and modernization of nuclear power plants.

Yerevan. Armenian-German Business Forum An Armenian-German business forum took place in Yerevan on Monday. The event was organized by the Armenian Development Agency, with the assistance of Germany’s Embassy in Yerevan. Head of the Economy Ministry's Investment Policy Department Vahagn Lalayan highlighted the significance of such events for the development of economic cooperation. “Political relations between Armenia

and Germany are deeper than the economic ties, so we should make every effort to expand the economic relations,” said the official. Mr Lalayan said that in JanuaryAugust 2014 trade volumes between Armenia and Germany made $300 million, marking a 28.8 percent growth as compared with 2013. Exports from Armenia to Germany totaled $106.5 million and imports from Germany made $188 million.

Around the world !Turkey and the U.S. reached no new agreement on the use of Incirlik airbase in southern part of the country, Turkish officials said on Monday, Oct 13, a day after U.S. officials revealed that Ankara will let U.S. and coalition forces use its bases, including Incirlik, for operations against the Islamic State militants in Syria and Iraq, according to Today’s Zaman. !Two Azeri Islamic State fighters killed in Syria. ! Ships of Russia’s Caspian Flotilla - the Dagestan guard ship and the Grad Sviyazhsk small missile ship are planning to visit Baku on October 16. The command and personnel will be received by the Commander of Azerbaijani Naval Forces and familiarize themselves with the educational process in Azerbaijan Higher Military Naval School. ! United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has called on the international community to prevent a “massacre” of civilians in Syria's Kobani, as a pitched battle rages on between Kurdish fighters and the ISIL militants in the strategic town. ! Israel's plan to build 600 new homes in E. Jerusalem earns UN’s anger. ! An eminent US senator says Americans are getting sick and tired of the Middle East region, particularly of Saudi Arabia, and calls on Riyadh to send troops to fight the ISIL terrorist group. Bernie Sanders, one of the US Senate's leading liberals, made the remarks on CNN. ! The United States says Turkey has allowed its territory to be used for training of what Washington calls “moderate” Syrian militants. US National Security Adviser Susan Rice said on Sunday that Ankara had agreed to let the US use Turkish bases and territory "to train moderate Syrian opposition forces." "That's the new commitment, and one that we very much welcome," she added.

Aznavour Discharged From Hospital World famous French-Armenian singer Charles Aznavour has been discharged from hospital on Sunday, RIA Novisti reported. The date of his concert in Geneva has not been reported yet. “Aznavour left the hospital in Lausanne on Sunday. As to the date of concert in Geneva, it will be clear in a couple of days,” the agency quotes press office of event organizer Opus One. Charles Aznavour was taken to one of the Swiss hospitals on October 10.

Krekorian's Corner: Making It Easier To Go Metro Last week was a good one for Valley transportation. First, the Metro Board of Directors adopted a project I proposed that will add more parking at the North Hollywood Red Line station. The very next day, I introduced a motion with Councilmember Bob Blumenfield to have the city work with Metro on important Orange Line upgrades. These are both important steps toward making public transit more accessible for Valley residents. At the NoHo Red Line station, the lack of parking is a well-known problem. Right now, there are 951 spaces that are 95 percent full by 7 a.m. each day. That leaves hundreds of potential riders without a place to park, causing them to drive to work in heavy traffic instead. My program will add 200 new parking spaces at the station and will be completed by June 2015.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday October 16, 2014


Cultural Month

President Sargsyan Addresses Global Technology Conference In New York

By Dr. John Farsakian

By Florence Avakian

As Armenians, we have a unique cultural heritage which has been developed and defined over the centuries. Its main pillar is Christianity and its principles, to which we have adhered since 301 A.D., when we became the first nation in the world to adopt it as our state religion. The second pillar of our culture is our unique language which stands alone on a solitary branch on the tree of Indo-European languages. In 406 A.D. Mesrob Mashdots, under the auspices of King Vramshabuh and Catholicos Sahag, created the Armenian alphabet script that enabled translation of the Bible which strengthened, even more, our religious resolve, and gave us literary capabilities leading to the enlightenment of our nation. Taking these pillars and adding the talents of special individuals who, over the centuries, gave us literature, drama, poetry, music, art and architecture, the Armenian ethnic identity became established. Thus, as a Christian nation, with a unique language and an affinity for education and the arts, we have been able to remain connected to our ancestral roots and to our cultural history, affording us the means to thrive and survive. Each October, we are duty-bound to recognize and appreciate every element of our unique cultural heritage and to assure its preservation and perpetuation. By serving and supporting our Christian churches, our educational institutions and charitable organizations, we emulate the noble convictions of our forebears. Like them, we will have played our role in the preservation and propagation of our racial, religious and cultural legacies. We Armenians have a beautiful culture. Each of us must do whatever is necessary to assure its future. From Vartan, to our founders, to us here today, the spiritual chain of service and sacrifice for the greater good of the Armenian nation has remained strong and unbroken. It is incumbent upon us to continue adding the links, extending that precious legacy to future generations. Then they, too, will be able to bask in the light of our special, Christian culture, free and secure as proud Armenians. “No people come into possession of a culture without having paid a heavy price for it.” -James Baldwin

The Preacher Refusing To Give Up The Keys To A Yangon Church

ARMTECH CONFERENCE, NY With the world passionately embracing dramatic progress in technology with each passing day, Armenia is not only sitting at the forefront, but also advancing with its many programs. On Friday, September 26, an all-day conference took place in New York City at the TKP Conference Center in NY, with 120 in attendance and 33 speakers. This eighth annual meeting of high tech specialists highlighted Armenia’s growing global high tech industry. The organizers were the Republic of Armenia, the World Bank, the Incubator Foundation; sponsors included D-Link, the Fund for Armenian Relief (FAR), Cronimet; partners were Mentor Graphics and PicsArt; and, supporters were the Armenian Development Agency, Armenia Fund USA (eastern), Viasphere, Digital Pomegranate, Agnian, and Fainberg. Among the high level attendees was President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan, with an entourage of ministers and ambassadors from Armenia, including Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian, Ambassador to the United States Tigran Sargsyan, and Ambassador to the United Nations Zohrab Mnatsakanian. Opening the discussion and reporting on recent developments was President of the Armenian Republic Serzh Sargsyan who related that 11,000 people in Armenia are employed in the technology field, with the government in support of this important endeavor. He reported that Armenian IT products are purchased by foreign companies, and today Armenian specialties are bought by several countries around the world. “A number of organizations have established their research centers in Armenia. A greater importance for Armenia, he stated, is cooperation with the Diaspora. “This year, diaspora Armenians can influence our products worldwide with new business links. Our economy is competitive. Armenia is on the map,” he stated. TALENT IS CAUSE OF ARMENIA’S SUCCESS With pride, the President announced that “a small country like Armenia” has become successful because of the country’s talent. “We are relying on our talent to advance in this sector.” Though the tech industry has grown by ten percent, it needs more people in order to increase this percentage, he said. “We have the demand

and the interest.” The U.S. Ambassador to Armenia John Heffern noted that the “American role in the private sector has been critical. We are trying to find institutional linkages to deepen the Armenian work force and push it to the next level,” he related. This includes digitizing other sectors in the economy which will lead to a more effective market, and changing and innovating certain areas such as banking, travel, etc. As an example of this, he said, is civil aviation, with flights and passengers up by 30 percent. “More jobs will be created. Though Armenia is small, diasporan Armenians can make a difference,” he declared. IT IN ARTSAKH In addition to this first panel, other groups focused on regional development, and innovation. Levon Grigoryan, Chief of Staff of the Artsakh Republic, pointed out that IT in Artsakh is based on its local conditions, geography and environment. It seeks to have IT development for its infrastructure, and access to international markets. Education is crucial, he said, with an IT Center founded in Artsakh to establish start-up companies, and create new workplaces. The business, environmental development, tax system, and the economic situation are becoming more viable. The most important question for Artsakh is the military sector, he stated with emphasis. “We seek your active collaboration, and we hope to host the ArmTech Congress in Artsakh in 2015.” During the panel discussion on educational research and professional development, Amalya Yeghoyan, Executive Director of the Gyumri Information Technologies Center (GITC) detailed G-tech solutions with high-tech service offers. Though in 2005, there was a large pool of young, ambitious talent in Armenia, there was no internet, cable, computer infrastructure, as well as no qualified instructors, or concept of IT use for business, education or social life. The main priority was to build a new school and culture, she said. After appraising the IT industry in Yerevan, developing an appropriate curriculum, and choosing young people already working in private companies to become GITC mentors, GITC started its program in the fall of 2005. GITC GOALS AND SUCCESSES Created by the Fund for Armenian Re-

lief (FAR), EIF, Sarkissian Mason and other private partners, the goal of GITC was to train highly qualified specialists in information, telecommunications and high-tech, as well as promote the advancement and development of information tech in Armenia’s northern regions, create jobs, and develop the outsourcing of industry. Today, the achievements of GITC are plentiful, she recounted, including 140 specialists with diplomas from GITC in soft and hardware, and almost all graduates getting jobs in industry. In Gyumri alone 70 percent have been employed. Even before they graduate, 130 GITC students found work in IT companies. In addition, all over Armenia and Artzagh, 600 trained students, school teachers, government officials, small business owners and NGO leaders were trained by GITC along with other groups. And 100 instructors from two dozen Armenian and foreign-owned IT companies are GITC teachers. FUTURE GITC CHALLENGES In 2013, a new, flexible curriculum was created, simultaneously while continuing its original mission. GTC was introduced where GITC will function as a “skill development agency” for private businesses in Gyumri. And a spin-off was opened with GITC opening its own business called GTech Solutions. Its goals is to find and select clients in Armenia and the U.S., and bring outsourcing businesses to G-Tech. To promote the G-Tech’s potential, a “mass marketing campaign has begun in the U.S.”, she revealed. For those interested in contacting GITC/G-Tech Solutions, the address is www.gitc.am.

By Magazine Monitor

Minister To The Union Reverend Joseph Matossian Visits Ararat Home Board Of Trustees

A recent Magazine article reported on the dwindling number of Armenians in Myanmar, also known as Burma. As Jonah Fisher reports from Yangon, the head of the Armenian Church has been to meet the local congregation and has made some changes. To mark the visit of the head of the Armenian Church the garden was tidied, the fence re-painted, and one of Yangon's new heritage plaques erected outside. It proudly states that at the age of 152, St John the Baptist's is "Yangon's oldest surviving church". For most of those years Yerevan has had very little to do with this small remote outpost. Now that's changing and Catholicos Karekin II came to Yangon to try to resolve a dispute over the management of the church and its property.

Reverend Joseph D. Matossian, Minister to the Armenian Evangelical Union of North America, visited the Ararat Home Board of Trustees in Mission Hills on September 25, 2014. The Board had invited the Reverend to its customary dinner and monthly Board meeting, where he had the opportunity to meet each trustee and be more closely introduced to the scope of work done at Ararat Home. In his opening remarks, Board Chairman Joseph Kanimian, Esq. welcomed Reverend Matossian, introduced him to the Board and thanked him for being a longtime supporter of Ararat Home. The Chairman also presented the Reverend gifts of special Ararat Home memorabilia as a token of appreciation. After offering the opening prayer of the meeting, Reverend Matossian addressed the entire Board. He thanked the Board for its warm welcome and fellowship and

blessed its efforts in the challenging task of fundraising. The Reverend briefly presented his background, ministry and current involvement in the community, and he expressed his love for God as well as for the Armenian nation and people. He spoke of the Armenian Evangelical Union’s collaboration with the Armenian Apostolic and Catholic Churches and of their shared con-

cern regarding maintaining their connection with the Armenian youth. He affirmed the need for all members of the community to serve as examples of friendship, love and peace for our youth. Reverend Matossian concluded by thanking the Board for its passion and commitment to the worthy mission of Ararat Home, where compassionate care is provided to our elders.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday October 16, 2014


President Serzh Sargsyan Takes Part In Opening Of Dilijan International School

Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

President Serzh Sargsyan, accompanied by the Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II, His Holiness Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II, Patriarch of Syriac Orthodox Church, President Tomislav Nikolic of the Serbian Republic having arrived in the Republic of Armenia on an official visit, President Bako Sahakyan of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic and numerous other guests having arrived in Armenia to participate in the opening of the

By Hambersom Aghbashian

school, took part in the opening of Dilijan International School (http://www.dilijanschool.org/en/home).

Stepanakerts Harvest Festival Fills Renaissance Square The Harvest Festival that took place over the weekend in Stepanakert’s Renaissance Square was a big success by anyone’s standards. Organized by the Artsakh Ministry of Agriculture, some 200 vendors plied their wares to the hundreds of visitors that attended. Over half the vendors were from the district of Kashatagh. The ministry allocates free

diesel fuel to farmers to transport their produce to the market. Meat was a big seller this year.


A rending of the proposed Genocide Monument on the campus of Fresno State. Fresno — On Sunday, November 2, the Armenian Community of the San Joaquin Valley will break ground on a monument dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. The event will begin at 2:30 p.m. and take place at the Fresno State Maple Mall, located south of the Satellite Student Union. Free parking will be available in Lots P15, P16 and Lots P5, P6. The groundbreaking ceremony is open to the public and all are welcome. Built from béton brut (architectural concrete) and tufa stones, the monument will embody symbols of cultural meaning to the Armenian people. Its principal components will be arranged in a circular pattern and angled inwards, reminiscent of the Tzitzernagapert Armenian Martyrs Monument in Armenia. The nine pillars that will comprise the body of the structure represent the six provinces of historic Armenia, Cilicia, the Diaspora, and the Republic of Armenia. An incomplete halo will be set above the columns, signifying both the fracture left by the Genocide and the unity of the Armenian people. Sunday’s ceremony will mark construction of the memorial, which will be christened on April 24th, 2015. As many as 1.5 million Armenians lost their lives in the period 1915—1923 at the hands of the Ottoman Turkish government. On April 24th 1915, the Young Turk regime arrested and eventually executed hundreds of Armenian religious, academic, and political leaders—it was the first step in its intent to exterminate an entire people. Many succumbed to starvation and exhaustion during state-mandated deportations or “death marches” that left Western Armenia devoid of its native inhabitants even to this day. Others were murdered outright, often in ways that defy all sense of humanity. According to historians, legal experts, and more than 20 nations throughout the world, the planned and systematic nature of these atrocities clearly constitute a genocide as defined by the United Nations’ Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. The Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee—Fresno is an organization made-up of representatives from religious, educational, social, and political organizations of the Central Valley. The group’s goals are to commemorate the 1.5 million martyrs who perished at the hands of the Ottoman Turkish Government; to educate others about the Armenian Genocide and historical injustice; and to inspire people to overcome adversity through the story of the survivors’ of the Armenian Genocide. In addition to the monument, the AGCC—Fresno is organizing and promoting numerous events in the coming year. For more information, visit the AGCC—Fresno website at www.agcfresno.org and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/agcfresno. Contact: Berj Apkarian, Chair, Armenian Genocide Memorial Committee, cell (559) 696-0190; Email bapkarian@att.net. Prof. Barlow Der Mugrdechian, office: (559) 278-2669 or cell (559) 917-1382. Email: barlowd@csufresno.edu.

35 - Ümit Karda! Ümit Karda! (born in 1950) is a retired Turkish military judge . He completed his high school (Pertevniyal High School) in 1967, and graduated from Istanbul University -Faculty of Law in 1971. He served 20 years as a military judge and meanwhile earned his PhD degree in law. He wrote many articles for newspapers and magazines examining military-civilian relations. Besides law he is interested in literature specially in poetry and has many published books in poetry.(1)(2) In his article "Do we have to defend the actions of the Committee of Union and Progress?", Ümit Karda! wrote in Today's zaman (May 2, 2010), " The German-backed pan-Islamist policy implied a fatal solution for non-Muslims living within the borders of the empire. The conditions for the forced relocation campaign launched in 1915 were different from previous ones. The twomonth campaign covered not only Armenians but also all Christians in eastern Anatolia. These relocations could not be considered a resettlement because the specified destinations were not inhabitable. Many people , mostly men, were immediately killed, and others were murdered on the roads. As noted by British social historian David Gaunt, the purpose was to remove a specific population from a specific location. Talat Pa!a mistakenly made his last conclusion: “There is no longer an Armenian problem”. Karda! also added that "No justification can be offered for this human tragedy. It is misleading to discuss what happened with reference to genocide*, which is merely a legal and technical term. No technical term is vast enough to contain these incidents, which are therefore indescribable. Atrocities and massacres are incompatible with human values.(3) Ümit Karda! was one of the Turkish intellectuals who have signed "This Pain is Ours" campaign organized by the "Say Stop to Racism and Nationalism! (Dur De!) initiative", during the commemoration of the Armenian genocide in April 2011.(4). Also according to Today's Zaman (Sept. 2014), Ümit Karda! released with a group of Turkish academics, journalists, artists and intellectuals a statement condemning the harshest terms and expressions that include “open hatred and hostility” towards Armenians in Turkish schoolbooks, something which was recently exposed by Agos and Taraf newspapers.(5) Ümit Karda! reviewed Wolfgang and Sigrid Gust's book** (German Documents: Armenian Genocide 1915-1916) and stated that "The conclusion confirmed by the documents published by Gust is that German military officers as agents of German militarism endorsed the forced relocation, and they found military justifications for it. And The Committee of Union and Progress (CUP) leaders violently implemented its Turkification and Islamification policies with support and connivance from Germany. When the scope of forced relocation was expanded to the entire country, the Germans did not raise objections to it." Kardas further suggested that "German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo"an together condemn the atrocities and massacres their ancestors performed". (6) Ümit Karda! proposed the unconditional opening of the Turkish-Armenian

border, as well as an invitation by the Turkish state to all Armenians living in the Diaspora to settle in their ancestral lands in Turkey.(7) Concerning the compensations, as Henry Theriault (professor of philosophy, Worcester State UniversityMA ) said in a groundbreaking two-day conference on the Armenian Genocide, organized by the Ankara Freedom of Thought Initiative in 2010 at the Princess Hotel in Ankara , "Modern Turkey must return or compensate for all expropriated property. It should return land and other wealth, including Armenian Church properties, when that wealth has been preserved. Turkey should also compensate for (a) all destroyed property and wealth that is otherwise no longer accessible, (b) the interest that can be calculated on the original material losses, (c) slave labor, (d) the pain and suffering of those who died and all who survived, (e) the loss of 1.5 million people in general and as specific family and community members, and (f) the loss of cultural, religious, and educational institutions and opportunities".(8) As far as we , as Armenians, are concerned, The Armenian Genocide was the Ottoman government's systematic extermination of its Armenian subjects from their historical homeland. Many other massacres against Armenians took place before that, " Hamidian Massacres, 1894–96", " The Adana Massacre of 1909" etc. and uprooting of Armenians from their Homeland continued through Ataturk's era. Hrant Dink's assassination in Istanbul was the latest. If they were suggested, supported, encouraged or endorsed by others, they can't be justified in any way. After all the Ottoman Empire and the successive Turkish governments are responsible for all of what happened and any excuse to diminish the official Turkish responsibilities will not be acceptable.

* When Polish jurist Raphael Lemkin coined the term genocide in 1944, he cited the Turkish extermination of the Armenians and the Nazi extermination of the Jews as defining examples of what he meant by genocide. ** Wolfgang Gust, the foreign news chief of Der Spiegel and the editor of Spiegel-Buch, and his wife, Sigrid Gust, have worked on the German Foreign Ministry’s political archives concerning the disaster and massacre Armenians suffered in 1915 and 1916. Their book (German Documents: Armenian Genocide 1915-1916) was published by Belge Yayınları in Turkey. 1.http://www.itusozluk.com/goster.php/%F Cmit+karda%FE 2.http://www.timas.com.tr/yazarlar/umitkardas.aspx 3.http://armeniangenocideblog.wordpress.com/2010/05/05/judge-umit-kardas-oped-piece-in-turkeys-todays-zaman/ 4.http://www.epress.am/en/2011/04/20/this -pain-is-ours-turkey-commemorates-armeniangenocide-victims.html 5.Asbarez.com, Tuesday, September 30th, 2014. 6.http://www.todayszaman.com/news280848-german-militarisms-connivance-withcommittee-of-union-and-progress-by-umit-kard as*.html 7.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armenian_Genocide_reparations 8.http://www.armenianweekly.com/2010/0 4/28/ankara-conference/

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday October 16, 2014


Letters To Nor Or

It Is Still Not Too Late To Avoid A Global Catastrophe ADDRESS TO THE PRESIDENTS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION AND THE US, THEIR EXCELLENCIES MR. VLADIMIR PUTIN AND MR. BARACK OBAMA Dear Colleagues and Friends, It's my pleasure to share with you the text of the Address “IT IS STILL NOT TOO LATE TO AVOID A GLOBAL CATASTROPHE” to the Presidents of the Russian Federation and the US, Their Excellencies Mr. Vladimir Putin and Mr. Barack Obama adopted by the Board Session of the Political Science Association of Armenia (please find the text of the Address in English and Russian attached). The text of the Address is already conveyed in a hard copy format as well as electronically to the US and RF Ambassadors, electronically: – to Dr. John H. Aldrich, President of the American Political Science Association; Dr. Oxana V. Gaman-Galutvina, President of the Russian Political Science Association; Prof. Dr. Paolo Cotta-Ramusino, Secretary General of the Nobel Prize Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs; all the Missions accredited at the Armenian MFA, as well as to the mass media. In my point of view, the “PEACEMAKING”-MESSAGE of the ADDRESS as well as its POLITICAL CALIBER are compatible with the highest priorities of my Alma Mater CISA and INSS, NDU, as well as the NDU Alumni Strategic Leaders. I will appreciate if you were as kind as to organize the publication of the ADDRESS by the appropriate media and other channels of dissemination. It will indeed be in favor of our Armenia-Artsakh-Armenian Diaspora Trinity and beyond! Yours Sincerely, Hayk Dr. Hayk Kotanjian Chairman, Political Science Association of Armenia Alumnus, Visiting Member of Faculty at the INSS, NDU Visiting Research Fellow, Harvard, JFK School of Government Elected Full Member, Academy of Military Sciences, Russian Federation

The Board of the Political Science Association of Armenia at its meeting of October 7, 2014, expressing concern over the exacerbating confrontation between the Russian Federation and the United States, adopted an Address to the Presidents of the Russian Federation and the US, Their Excellencies Mr. Vladimir Putin and Mr. Barack Obama, urging to return to the “reset” policy in the relations between the Russian Federation and the US. The text of the Address is delivered also among all the inter-

national missions accredited to the Republic of Armenia. We publish below the full text of the Address presented by the Chairman of the Political Science Association of Armenia, Doctor of Political Science (RF), Distinguished Visiting Professor at the National Defense University (US), Visiting Research Fellow at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, and Elected Full Member of the Academy of Military Sciences of the Russian Federation, Major General Hayk Kotanjian.

The Honorable President of the Russian Federation Mr. Vladimir Putin The Honorable President of the US Mr. Barack Obama All of humanity is seriously concerned with and alarmed at the tensions increasingly deepening and threatening to escalate into a confrontation between the two nuclear powers the US and Russia. Due to the extremely important role, position, and influence on the modern world, the states headed by you possess, a concern looms over the peoples that, in case the confrontation between the two leading nations of the world persists and aggravates, the clear signs of which are already observed, it may leave beyond the conflict between the US and Russia. Experts have long warned that the nuclear arsenal of the two states is enough for several-time destruction of our common home – the planet Earth. We are confident that this speculative conclusion should not become a reality, especially as in this case there will be no witnesses to this event, as with the Globe all humanity inhabiting it will disappear. We have no slightest doubt that you are not for it too. The Honorable Mr. Putin! The Honorable Mr. Obama! By fortune the states headed by you carry such a paramount mission as the responsibility to ensure safe existence, development and prosperity of our planet and all the people inhabiting it, and for their right to live in peace. Meanwhile, in terms of the political realities of the day, the challenges are intensifying, the sources of which are international terrorism and organized crime, drug and human traffick-

ing, environmental problems on a global scale. The states you head, as the key actors in the world politics, are to lead efforts for consolidating the international community in the struggle against these threats. It seems that in these circumstances the way out could be the return to the policy you have pursued recently, which has already gone down in history as “the reset policy of the Russian-American relations”. This is a proven policy based on negotiations, dialogue, compromise and mutual respect, which aroused hope for peaceful and sustainable development of peoples, led by you, and the humanity as a whole, and received great support from the international community. We agree with those scholars who believe that such a policy has not exhausted itself and can serve to mitigate and improve the US-Russian relations, and contribute to the task of normalizing the international relations. The Political Science Association of Armenia has the honor to request that you take the steps necessary to return to the “reset” policy. Undoubtedly, the states you lead possess a huge professional resource to ensure and implement the policy of rapprochement, as well as historical experience of conflict resolution between the two

Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry Third Annual New England Walk Of Life

nuclear powers. Modern trends in the rise of global confrontation make the interaction of your states within the UN Security Council – based on principles of trust and prevalence of global security interests necessary than ever. In addition, the Association urges you to make use of the acquired and reviewed mechanisms of interaction between your states within the OSCE – an organization drawing together the interests of the Russian Federation, the United States of America and the European Union, as well as a number of countries that share the universal values of security and cooperation. In the context of the contemporary development of the confrontation potential in Europe, the intensification of the cooperation within the OSCE is first of all necessary from the point of view of the leading role of the powers headed by you as the guarantors of the Pan-European security. On the basis of the professional duty uniting political experts of the world, the Political Science Association of Armenia, consolidating the academic potential of political experts, political sociologists and conflict analysts of Armenia, has the honor to address to the Russian Political Science Association and the American Political Science Association, with a proposal to apply their academic expertise to solve this key problem, so fateful for the mankind. The Honorable President of the Russian Federation Mr. Vladimir Putin, the Honorable President of the US Mr. Barack Obama, people all across the Globe will be deeply grateful to you for this decision, which will provide you a place of honor in the world history!

Walkathon Dedicated To Five-year-old Leukemia Patient Gabriel Aljalian

New Building Of School Is Opened In Stepanakert

Watertown, Massachusetts, October 7, 2014 – The third annual New England walkathon of the Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry (ABMDR) was held on September 27 in Watertown. The festive Walk of Life garnered broad community support, with over 250 supporters, including more than 100 children and young adults, and 22 local and national organizations taking part. Walk of Life followed a 2.2-mile route starting at the Armenian Cultural and Educational Center and ending at Watertown Square, where participants went on to enjoy great music, dancing, and food, along with thousands of people attending the annual Faire on the Square festival. For the second consecutive year, the Armenian Business Network (ABN) team, led by ABN president Jack Antounian, took on the responsibility of marshaling the walk. “It is a great honor to be able to help in this worthy and very noble cause,” said Antounian, who also served as the event’s MC, at the opening ceremony. This year’s walkathon was dedicated to five-year-old leukemia patient Gabriel, the son of Fr. Arakel and Yn. Natasha Aljalian

On 13 October Artsakh Republic President Bako Sahakyan together with philanthropist from Diaspora Nikolay Sarkisov partook in a solemn ceremony of opening the new building of the Stepanakert basic school N1. Central Information Department of the Office of Artsakh Republic President informs about this. The Head of the State expressed gratitude to the philanthropist for financing this large scale program underlining that the existence of school network corresponding to the modern standards was among the most significant directions of the education sphere development. Primate of the Artsakh Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church Archbishop Pargev Martirosyan, premier Ara Haroutyunyan and other officials partook in the ceremony.

of St. James Armenian Church of Watertown. Gabriel, a kindergartener at St. Stephen’s Armenian Elementary School, was diagnosed in 2012. He has since undergone therapy at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, and his leukemia is currently in remission, Walk of Life once again received major corporate sponsorship from the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. Other sponsors this year included the Armenian-American Pharmacists’ Association and Watertown Savings Bank. Thanks to their and the community’s support, the walkathon has raised over $18,000 to date. “Walk of Life seeks both to raise awareness of the ABMDR mission and provide much-needed funds for testing and sorting

swab samples,” Dr. Jordan said. “We want our walkathons to be grassroots events, with the participation of young families and schools, especially as leukemia and other life-threatening illnesses hit young people more.” About the Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry: Established in 1999, ABMDR, a nonprofit organization, helps Armenians and non-Armenians worldwide survive life-threatening blood-related illnesses by recruiting and matching donors to those requiring bone marrow stem cell transplants. To date, the registry has recruited over 26,000 donors in 22 countries across four continents, identified 3,150 patients, and facilitated 20 bone marrow transplants.

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FA|ASTAN-S:RPIA^ 1-1 (0-0) Fokt;mb;ri 11-in Fa\astani fauaqakane a®a=in miauore wastak;z :urø-2016-i entrakan mrza,aroum! A®a=in .a[oum daniazin;rin partou;louz \;to\ B;®nar <alandi jime a®anz :oura Mowsis;ani% F;nri. M.ijar;ani% Arax Øxbilisi ;u Ghorg {axar;ani ;rkrord mrza'ouloum tane oc-oqi^ 1-1 .a[az S;rpia\i fauaqakani f;t! Minc;u 90-rd rophn Fa\astani jime Âob;rt Arxouman;ani koli ,norfiu a®=;uoum hr fa,oui mh=% saka\n baz jo[;z \a[janake! M;knarka\in 45 rophn;ri enjazqoum s;rp;rn ounhin tara‘qa\in a®au;loujiun ;u st;[‘;zin wtangauor paf;r% saka\n Âoman B;r;xowskin mi qani angam 'rk;z ir jimin! Fing pa,tpann;row fandhs ;ko[ FF fauaqakane fmtørhn pa,tønawaroum hr ;u anzkaznoum fakagrofn;r% oronq a\nqan hl wtangauor chin stazuoum! Endmi=oumiz \;to\ s;rp;rn au;li st;[‘agor‘ ou wtangauor hin gor‘oum! S;rp;ri tara‘qa\in a®au;loujiunn astiyanabar m;‘anoum hr% saka\n da ocinc chr talis s;rp;rin! Fa\astani fauaqakane wstaf hr gor‘oum pa,tpanoujiunoum% isk 73-rd rophin na;u karo[azau baz;l fa,iue! Tougana\in .a[arkman ardiunqoum gl.i faroua‘ow acqi enkau Âob;rt Arxouman;ane! Minc s;rp;re ou,qi hin galis baz jo[a‘ koliz% da,ti thr;re karo[ hin na;u krknapatk;l .a[i fa,iue% saka\n Markos Pix;lin wrip;z 11 m;jranoz faroua‘e irazn;lis% ore wastak;l hr Arjour Sarkisowe! 90-rd rophin Xoran To,ice .';z s;rp;ri patas.an kole^ 1-1! FF fauaqakane fandhs ;kau a\spisi kaxmow& Â& B;r;xowsi% K& |owfannis;an% Â& Arxouman;an% W& Faro\;an% T& Oskan;an% L& Fa\rap;t;an% K& Mkrtc;an (Â& |owsh';an% 53)% A& :digar;an% M& Pix;li (A& Karap;t;an% 85)% H& Manoucar;an (A& Da,;an% 66)% A& Sarkisow! S;rp;ri jime .a[azo[n;ri m;‘ mase fandhs ;n galis Anglia\oum ;u ouri, ;uropakan a®a=atar ;rkrn;roum! FF fauaqakane \a=ord .a[e entrakan 'ouloum k*anzkazni No\;mb;ri 14-in "orjougalia\oum! M;r .mboum ka\aza‘ fandipoumn;ri ardiunqn;re& Alpania-Dania^ 1-1% ~ransia"orjougalia^ 2-1 (enk;rakan)% S;rpia-Alpania^ fandipoume endfatou;l ;u \;ta]gou;l h% Dania-"orjougalia^ 0-1 Mrza,ara\in a[iusak >& |& F& P& G& M& Alpania 2 1 1 0 2-1 4 Dania 3 1 1 1 3-3 4 "orjougalia 2 1 0 1 1-1 3 S;rpia 1 0 1 1 1-1 1 Fa\astan 2 0 1 1 2-3 1

FA|ASTAN-~RANSIA^ 3-0 (1-0) Fokt;mb;ri 14-in Fa\astani fauaqakane enk;rakan fandipoum anzkazr;z 2016-i ;xra'akice endouno[ ;u FF fauaqakani .mboum endgrkoua‘ ~ransia\i fauaqakani f;t ;u partou;z 0-3 fa,ouow! Fandipoumn anzau `ransiazin;ri a®au;louj;amb!

:URØ-2016 J& MIUS >MB:RI FANDIPOUMN:RI ARDIUNQN:RE >oumb A& Folandia-{axa.stan^ 3-1% Lajwia-Islandia^ 0-3% Jourqia-C;.ia^ 1-2% {axa.stan-C;.ia^ 2-4% Islandia-Folandia^ 2-0% Lajwia-Jourqia^ 1-1! >oumb B& Kipros-Isra\hl^ 1-2% Ouhls-Posnia ;u F;rz&^ 0-0% P;lgia-Andorra^ 6-0% Ouhls-Kipros^ 2-1% Posnia-F;rz&-P;lgia^ 1-1% AndorraIsra\hl^ 1-4! >oumb G& Slowakia-Ispania^ 2-1% Mak;donia-Liuqs;mbourg^ 3-2% P;la®ous-Ouqrania^ 0-2% Liuqs;mbourg-Ispania^ 0-4% P;la®ousSlowakia^ 1-3% Ouqrania-Mak;donia^ 1-0!




>oumb D& I®landia-+iblarjar^ 7-0% <otlandia-Wrastan^ 1-0% L;fastan-G;rmania^ 2-0% G;rmania-Fius& I®landia^ 1-1% L;fastan-<otlandia^ 2-2% +iblarjar-Wrastan^ 0-3! >oumb :& Anglia-San Marinø^ 5-0% Lijouania-Hsjonia^ 1-0% Slow;nia-Xouiz;ria^ 1-0% Hsjonia-Anglia^ 0-1% Lijouania-Slow;nia^ 0-2% San Marinø-Xouiz;ria^ 0-4! >oumb X& Âouminia-Foungaria^ 1-1% ~inlandia-|ounastan^ 1-1% Fius& I®landia-~arø K[xin;r^ 2-0% ~inlandia-Âouminia^ 0-2% |ounastan-Fius& I®landia^ 0-2% ~arø k[xin;r_Foungaria^ 0-1! >oumb H& <ouhtia-Âousastan^ 1-1% Moltowa-Austria^ 1-2% Li.t;n,th\n-Monj;n;grø^ 0-0% <ouhdia-Li.t;n,th\n^ 2-0% AustriaMonj;n;grø^ 1-0% Âousastan-Moltowa^ 1-1! >oumb E& Italia-Atrph\yan^ 2-1% Poulkaria->orwajia^ 0-1% Malja-Norw;gia^ 0-3% Malja-Italia^ 0-1% >orwajia-Atrph\yan^ 6-0% Norw;gia-Poulkaria^ 2-1!

FA|KAKAN ~OUJPOLI >YANKAR • FF axga\in fauaqakani \ar]akouo[ :oura Mowsis;ane miaz;l h Giumrioum Joumø st;[‘arar t;.nologian;ri dproz fimn;lou famar ª<anjº f;®oustaenk;rouj;an kaxmak;rpa‘ marajonin ;u nouirab;r;l h 5 faxar AMN tolar! :ouran ;k;l hr :r;uan ;u masnakz;l FF fauaqakani fauaqin ;u n;zouk kangn;lou ir jimin! Moskoua\i ªSpartakiº s;'akanathr L;onid ~;doune \a\tarar;l h% or jimi 10 famari .a[a,apike endmi,t karo[ h fanou;l ,r=ana®oujiuniz! Da kapoua‘ h ®ousakan akoumbi l;g;ndar `oujpolist ~\odor C;r;nkowi mafouan f;t! >a[a\in famari yakatagire k*oro,;n ;rkrpagoun;re! A\vm 10 famari marxa,apikow fandhs h galis :oura Mowsis;ane! • FF fauaqakani ;u Dortmoundi ªBorousia\iº kisapa,tpan F;nri. M.ijar;ane wnasoua‘qiz \;to\ a®a=in marxoumn h anzkazr;l! Spasuoum h% or F;nri.e ke karo[ana\ .a[ada,t w;rada®nal Bound;sliga\i \a=ord mrza.a[i^ ªQ\olniº f;t fandipmane% ore ka\analou h Fokt;mb;ri 18-in! • Moskoua\i ªSpartakiº bv,kakan ,tabi [;kawar Mi.a\il Wardap;towe n,;l h% or Arax Øxbilisi w;rakangno[akan enjazqe bauakan lau t;mp;row h enjanoum! Saka\n a®=;uoum d;®;us ;rkar yanaparf h spasuoum! Na.at;soum ;nq% or na ambo[=owin k*apaqinoui Mart-April amisn;rin! Araxe lr=ørhn tramadroua‘ h ,arq w;rada®nal! • Fa\astani minc;u 19 tar;kann;ri fauaqakane gtnuoum h S;rpia\oum% ort;[ Fokt;mb;ri 10-15-e masnakzoum h :uropa\i 2015 j& a®a=nouj;an orakauorman 'ouli 9-rd .mbi mrza,arin! Fauaqakanoum endgrkoua‘ ;n ªBananziº 8% ª"iunikiº 7 ;u ªMika\iº 3 `oujpolist! Fauaqakani gl.auor marxicn h Sargis |owsh';ane! M;r jimi f;t mi;uno\n .mboum endgrkua‘ ;n Italia\i% S;rpia\i ;u San Marino\i fauaqakann;re! A®a=in .a[oum FF fauaqakane 0-3 fa,ouow partou;z italazin;rin! S;rp;re 4-0 fa,ouow \a[j;zin San Marino\in! Fokt;mb;ri 12-in m;r t[an;re fandip;zin S;rpia\i f;t ;u partou;zin 0-1 fa,ouow ;u korzr;zin .mbiz \a=ord 'oul dours galou fnarauoroujiune! • FF minc;u 17 tar;kann;ri fauaqakane% ori kaxmoum endgrkoua‘ ;n ª"iunikiº 11% ªBananziº 7% ªMika\iº 1 ;u Fa\k Galst;ane (ªFo`;nfa\mº G;rmania) ;u darpasapaf

Mark Grigor;ane (ªDona`;ldº Austria) gl.auor marxic Aram Danihl;ani gl.auorouj;amb Fokt;mb;ri 9-12-e F~D-i t;.nikakan k;ntroni `oujpoli akad;mia\oum anzkazr;z marxakan fauaq! M;r fauaqakane Fokt;mb;ri 15-20-e Moltowa\oum ke masnakzi :uropa\i minc;u 17 tar;kann;ri 2015 j& a®a=nouj;an orakauorman 'ouli 3-rd .mbi mrza,arin! FF fauaqakani mrzakizn;re ke lin;n Moltowa\i% Islandia\i ;u Italia\i fauaqakann;re! • Fokt;mb;ri 12-in ª<irakeº Giumrioum endoun;z Irani ªHsj;[lalº jimin ;u \a[j;z 3-2 fa,ouow! Minc;u 85-rd rophn fa,iue 3-0 hr!

:R:UANOUM HIN MØK-I :U :ØK-I NA>AGAFN:RE :r;uanoum hin gtnuoum Mi=axga\in Ølimpiakan Komithi (MØK) na.agaf Jomas Ba.e ;u :uropakan Ølimpiakan Komithi (:ØK) na.agaf Patrik Fik;n! Nranz patouin ª"arauonº fangsti ;u vamanzi famaliroum t;[i oun;zau fandisauor araro[oujiun% ore kaxmak;rp;l hr Fa\astani Axga\in Ølimpiakan Komithn (FAØK)! Mi=oza®mane n;rka\ hin Fa\astani marxa,.arfi fariurauor n;rka\azouzicn;r! FAØK-e patrast;l hr møt khs vamanoz t;saniuj% a\n patmoum hr anka.aza‘ Fa\astani marxakan \a=o[oujiunn;ri masin% ore zouzadrou;z! :lo\jn;r oun;zan FAØK-i gl.auor qartou[ar Frac;a\ Âostom;ane% FAØK-e na.agaf Gagik ’a®ouk;ane% incphs na;u MØK_i na.agaf Jomas Ba.e! MØK-i na.agafe manramasn .øs;z fa\kakan sporti \a=o[oujiunn;ri masin ;u fauastiazr;z% or MØK-e amhn k;rp a=akz;lou h Fa\astanin! MØK-i na.agaf Jomas Ba.in ;u nra gl.auora‘ patouirakouj;ane% ori kaxmoum hin :ØK-i na.agaf Patrik Fik;n ;u MØK-i mi ,arq pa,tøn;an;r endoun;l h FF na.agaf S;rv Sargs;ane! FF na.agafe o[=oun;l h fiur;rin% wstafoujiun \a\tn;l% or MØK-i na.agafi a\ze Fa\astan nor .jan ke \a[ordi Fa\astanoum sporti xargazmane! Fandipmane :ØK-i na.agafe n;rka\azr;l h \a=ord tari Paquoum anzkazou;liq :uropakan Ølimpiakan .a[;ri na.apatrastakan a,.atanqn;ri enjazqe% ølimpiakan .a[;re endouno[ ;rkri f;t .a[;re pat,ay makardakow ;u fandourvo[akanouj;an mjnolortoum anzkazn;lou ou[[ouj;amb banakzoujiunn;re! Na.agaf S;rv Sargs;ane ;u MØK-i na.agaf Jomas Ba.e famakar‘iq ;n ;[;l% or sporte qa[aqazn;ln anjo\latr;li h ;u a\n phtq h mitoua‘ lini mia\n fama.mb;lou mardkanz% fnarauorins npast;lou na;u ka\ounouj;ann ou .a[a[ouj;ane! A\d ør;rin :r;uanoum bazou;z fa\kakan marmnamarxouj;an l;g;nd ølimpiakan a.o\;an Frand <afin;ani ar]ane! Nra anouan marxadprozi møt t;[adroua‘ ar]ane baz;zin MØK-i na.agaf Jomas Ba.e% FAØK-i na.agaf Gagik ’a®ouk;ane ;u ølimpiakan a.o\;ani a\rin Hmma <afin;ane! FAØK-i na.agafi frauhrow ;rkør;a\ a\zow Fa\astanoum gtnouo[ MØK-i na.agaf Jomas Ba.e ;u :ØK-i na.agaf Patrik Fik;n na.qan Fa\astaniz m;kn;le FAØK-i na.agaf Gagik ’a®ouk;ani f;t fandip;zin fa\kakan lratouami=ozn;ri n;rka\azouzicn;ri f;t! M;r \a=ord famaroum ke n;rka\azn;nq asoulise (fama®øt)!

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