N.O.October 23, 2014, No. 41:N.O. Blank
4:28 PM
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THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2014 92 TARI% JIU 41 VOLUME 92, NO. 41
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tatoua‘ fa\;rou mh=! Fa\ vo[owourdi fatoua‘i me mh=% t;sak me fakakrouj;an fog;wiyak \a®a=aza‘ h au;r;lou% qand;lou% 'yazn;lou ir axga\in arvaniqn;re! C;s git;r inco#u&&& kar‘;s ir;nz a\d gnafatouj;an ;u arv;uorouj;an t;so[oujiunn ou xga\noujiune korsnzouza‘ ;n% t;sak me soworoujiun kam soworouj;nh au;li moloujiun% kam moloujiune soworouj;an w;ra‘oua‘ h% fa\;rhn l;xoui ba®apa,are qa\qa\;lou% =lat;lou ;u .;[ajiur;lou% 'o.anak ir axga\in va®angoua‘ arvhqn;re masounqi nman foga‘ouj;an ;njark;lou% gourgouralou pa,tamounqi a®arka\ dar]n;lou xa\n ke ko.k®t;n% ke kaznafar;n% ke da,ounafar;n ;u ti[majaja. ko\ou[i ke ja';n&&& kam al fa\;rhn ba®;rn a\nqan k*ant;s;n .namqow c;n gor‘a‘;r% or ba®arann;rou mh= bosoroua‘% angor‘a‘ouj;amb mo®zoua‘ gradarann;rou darakn;rou mh= ke ,i=in ou ke ja[ouin! Fa\e% manauand Fa-
\astani mh= ir faraxat l;xoui ba®;re ke ja[h ;u anonz 'o.arhn% orphs ªgtnoua‘ gan]º øtarhn mourazoua‘ ba®;re ke gor‘a‘h% oc mia\n ke gor‘a‘h% a\l ke patouh% k*osk;xø‘h% patouandani wra\ ke x;t;[h ir na.agafi% qa[aqap;ti% na.arari% famalsarani tnørhni% patgamauori% kousakzakani% gitnakani% b;masazi dasa.øsouj;an ;u ;lo\ji xarde kaxm;low! A\o*% tikna\q ;u parona\q øtar ba®;re fa\;rhn l;xoui xarde kaxma‘ ;n% isk fa\;rhn faraxat ba®;re da,iunafaroua‘% ja[oua‘ ;n ba®arann;rou ;u mglota‘ girq;rou mh=&&&! Irakanouj;an mh= øtar ba®;re fa\;rhn l;xoui mh= mh\ mhk a.ta‘in borbos ;n% oronq k*a\las;r;n fa\ou l;xouafog;uor famakarqe! Apa fa\e ke da®na\ axga.o\s% fa\a.o\s ou fa\;rhna.o\s&&&! Øtar l;xou gitnale gow;li a®au;loujiun h% ba\z øtar ba<ar& h= 13
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amisow k*ou,aznhin jrqakan xørq;roun \a®a=.a[azqe incphs na;u tirap;toujiune Paqoui naujafor;roun! Da,nakizn;roun ;u angliakan xørqin matouzoua‘ a\s an'o.arin;li ‘a®a\oujiune am;nado\xn k;rpow cwar]atrou;zau& endfaka®ake% jourq =ardararn;re 1919-20-in wa\;l;zin angliakan pa,tpanoujiun% .orfrda\in karg;rou ‘aualoumin dhm! Sardarapati yakatamarti 'a\loun \a[janakow ou Paqoui >orfourdi enddimadrouj;amb% saka\n% \øds znd;zau Hnwhr "a,a\i 'anjouranakan ka\srouj;an me irakanazoume^ oqr Asia\hn minc;u Farau-Ar;umt;an Cinastan! Bnakanabar% .oumbin lousankarcakan m;q;nan;re gor‘i l‘ou;zan% oun;nalou famar a®an]in kam .mba\in% an=n=;li \i,o[ouj;amb lousankarn;r!
MA|R AJOÂ SB& H+MIA’IN :r;uanhn 53 qlm& f;®auorouj;an wra\% endar]ak tara‘ouj;an wra\% 1968-in ka®ouzoua‘ h yartarap;takan-qandakagor‘akan |ou,afamalir% oroun ,inoujiune iragor‘a‘ ;n yart& Â& Isra\hl;an ou qandakagor‘n;r A& |aroujiun;an% S& Manouk;an ;u A& <afin;an! Xanga,tarake ;rkou ko[mhn pa,tpanoua‘ h j;uauor ]oul;rou fxør ar]ann;row! Qarh ar‘iun;r t;[adroua‘ ;n ;rka\nqin ‘a®ou[in;roun% oronq k*auartouin fr;[hn ]i;row% ;u oronzmh andin gmbhja‘a‘k s;[anatounn h% incphs na;u^ axgagrakan jangarane! |o\v tpauoric famalire ka®ouzoua‘ h t;[akan karmir tou`ow! Anika nouiroua‘ h Sardarapati 1918-i f;rosn;rou \i,atakin! A\d ør% Ourbaj 19% n,anakaliz a\z;loujiun h! >oumbe fasa‘ h ardhn Sardarapati |ou,afamalire% our m;r vo[owourdin mnazorda‘e ‘a®azau Øsman;an Banakin dhm% wy®;low Ar;u;l;an Fa\astani go\at;uman yakatagire! Sardarapati% {araqilishi ou Pa,-Aparani maf ou k;naz a\laxan yakatamart;roun (1918% Ma\is 25-28)% ir;nz masnakzoujiune b;rin framanatar M& Silik;an ou xørawar J& Naxar;anbhk;an% D& "iroum;an% Xør& Andranik% gndap;tn;r K& {asabpa,;an% P& "iroum;an% M& S;r;an (Pandou.t)% K& Fasan'a,a\;an% ;ritasard xinouorakann;r^ |owf& Bagram;an% A& Wardan;an% qa[aqakan gor‘ic A& Manouk;an% krønakan :xnik Wrd& ;u G& |owsh';anz :piskopos% mtauorakann;r^ A& Bakounz% A& {arip=an;an% Gr& {a'anz;an% kousakzakan gor‘icn;r% isk fasarak vo[owourdhn^ m,;zin;r% xh\jounzin;r% ;rxnkazin;r% .nouszin;r% incphs na;u^ ,r=ani ,inakann;r baf ou bricow% manga[ow% .an=arow! Anonq girknd.a®n martncoumn;r oun;zan jourq xinouorakann;roun f;t! Partoua‘ :agoup <iuqri "a,a\i banake au;li qan 3500 xof;r talow stipou;zau qa,ouil Al;qsantrapol! Sardarapati yakatamarte ke .orfrdan,hr fa\ vo[owourdi annkoun pa\qarin 'a\loun \a[janake! Ma\is 28-in Axga\in >orfourde ke f®cakhr Fa\astani anka.oujiune! Faka®ak ir a\s partouj;an% 1918 |ounis 4-in% Pajoumi mh=% Øsman;an banake noranka. Fa\astanin partadr;z strkazouzic fama]a\nagir me% or Fa\kakan Fanrap;toujiune ke safmana'akhr 12%000 qa®& tara‘ouj;amb% isk sowe ;u fiuandoujiunn;re ke .lhin 175%000 fa\;rou k;anqe! Au;lin% Nouri a,a\i banake% anzn;low Fa\astanhn% k*ou[[ouhr Paqou! Ma\raqa[aqin >orfourde% m;‘amasnouj;amb ba[kaza‘ fa\;rh ;u ®ous;rh% ke m;rvhin qa[aqe \an]n;l <;uqhj "a,a\i ouv;roun% oronq i w;r=o\ S;pt;mb;ri w;r=e grau;low% qani me ørouan enjazqin ke =ardhin ,our= 30%000 fa\;r% jalan;low fa\ bnakcouj;an fska\ farstoujiune! Sardarapati yakatamarte ;u Paqoui enddimadroujiune 8
Sb& H=mia‘ni ,r=a'akin mh=
:r;uanhn 18 qlm& f;®auorouj;an wra\ ke gtnoui H=mia‘in qa[aqe! Ma\r Ajo®i masin am;nafin ar]anagroujiune Q&a& H& darhn ke sksi% Âousas B& Ourartakan Jagauorouj;an vamanakhn! Q&a& X& daroun ke \i,atakoui ibr;u Wardghsauan% Qaza. g;ti a'in! Q&;& Wa[ar, A& Ar,akouni arqa\i ørow% Wa[a,apat anouanakocoume k*a®nh% mas kaxm;low M;‘ Fa\qi Araga‘otn gaua®in! F®owmhakan tirap;touj;an at;n% 163-in% Ka\n;'olis ke kocoui! Apa% minc;u Ar,akoun;az Farstouj;an ankoume^ Wa[ar,apat% ibr;u ajo®anist qa[aq! Trdat A& M;‘i ørow% ke ka®ouzoui (301-303) Fa\astani qristonhakan andranik Ma\r Tayar S& H=mia‘ine^ fa\oz fog;uor k;drone! Sb& Safak A& Parj;ui% Sb& M;srop Ma,tozi ou W®am,apouf jagauori vamanak% :& darou skixbn;roun% ke fimnadroui fa\oz m;sropata® a®a=in dproze! Wafan Mamikon;ane fimnowin ke norogh (484-86) wanqe% oroun fogabar]ou {axar "arp;zin ke fimnh fa\oz a®a=in mat;nadarane! Fog;uor% m,akouja\in ou ,inararakan bou®n a,.atanqn;r ke ‘aualin H& darou enjazqin% ke ka®ouzouin Sb& F®i'simhi Tayare (618)% Sb& Ga\;anh ;k;[;zin ou Xouarjnoze (641-61)% nor w;farann;r ou lrazouzic bavanmounqn;r! :rkrordhn ;øj;rord dar;roun% Arta,ati% Douini ;u Anii ,arqin% H=mia‘ine dar]a‘ h ta<ar& h= 13
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President Sargsyan Attends The Opening Of A New Special Investigation Service Building
President Serzh Sargsyan today attended the opening of a new building allotted to the Special Investigation Service of the Republic of Armenia (SIS). Prior to moving to the building located on the capital’s 13a Vagharsh Vagharshyan Street, the service operated at the building of the RA Prosecutor General’s Office on a separate floor with limited working space. The president toured the newly-opened building, familiarized with its working conditions, talked to the staff of the Special Investigation Service about the need to perform their tasks and functions to the utmost extent in these new and favorable conditions and wished the service success in its further activity, President’s Press Office reported.
Taksim Is Ugliest Square, There Was Armenian Graveyard There – Turkey PM
Turkey’s Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu stated that Istanbul’s Taksim Square is the world’s ugliest Square. Davutoglu told reporters that he is writing a book about cities and civilizations, and which he will complete soon, reported Haberoku website of Turkey. He stressed that, in the book, he wrote the section about Istanbul at the time when the incidents were occurring at Gezi Park in Taksim Square. The Turkish PM also noted that he does not agree with many people who say that Taksim Square is beautiful. “Taksim is the world’s ugliest square. Taksim became a square by accident. If the barracks there had not been dismantled, we would not have seen a square there. In the past, there was an Armenian graveyard there,” Ahmet Davutoglu stated, in particular. Armenia News - NEWS.am
Armenia May Declare December 9 Genocides Victims Remembrance Day PanARMENIAN.Net - A member of Heritage opposition party Zaruhi Postanjyan submitted to parliamentary consideration a package of bills on condemnation of the genocides of Pontic Greeks, Assyrians, Yezidis and other ethnicities in the Ottoman Empire, with the draft laws latter included on the agenda of the Cabinet of Ministers’ next session. The government, however, suggested instead declaring December 9 a commemo-
ration day for the victims of genocides, to mark the United Nations Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide adopted December 9, 1948. “Based on the abovementioned, the government will consider the initiative acceptable in case its suggestion is approved, with Deputy Foreign Minister Shavarsh Kocharyan to be appointed as a co-rapporteur in consideration of the initiative,” the government’s statement said.
Turkish Journalist Calls To Reconstruct Ani Ahead Of Genocide Centenary
Armenian Prime Minister Meets With Foreign Minister Of Iran Armenian Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan met with Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in Tehran, according to the press service of the Armenian government. The sides underlined the importance of stability and security in the region and resolution of conflicts by peaceful means. The interlocutors also touched upon the
issue of Armenia’s entry into the Eurasian Economic Union, attached importance to cooperation in international organizations.
Iran And Armenia Intensify Cooperation In Energy Sector Iran and Armenia are going to open an additional, third, power energy transmission line across the Araks river, Echo of the Caucasus reports. “Both sides want to expand their potential in the electric power transmission,” the
Kurds: Turkey Should Acknowledge Its Tole In Armenian Genocide The statements by President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan are a serious threat to the entire world, People's Democratic Congress (HDK) said in a statement. People's Democratic Congress (HDK) was created on the initiative of Turkey's Kurds. The final resolution summing up the Conference of Peace and Democracy touched upon the role of Abdulla Ocalan in Kurdish settlement, statement by Turkey's President Erdogan and the genocide of Armenians and Assyrians in the Ottoman Empire, Cumhuriyet reported. “It is necessary to stop the pressure against Alawi and the policy of assimilation. The state should acknowledge its tole in the genocide of Armenians and Assyrians perpetrated in 1915,” the statement reads. !Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdo!an and U.S. President Barack Obama spoke on the phone on Oct. 19 to discuss developments in Syria, including the situation of Kobane, the Kurdish town besieged by the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) for over a month, Armenpress reports citing “Anadolu” press agency.
website quotes Hamid Chitchiani, the source in the Minister of Energy of Iran. According to Chitchiani, Iran and Armenia also intensified the works on the building two hydroelectric power plants on the Araks river.
PanARMENIAN.Net - A Turkish journalist urges to keep the Armenian Genocide issue on top of the agenda ahead of its centenary in 2015, Tert.am said, citing Star. In an article published in the Turkish newspaper, Recep Güvelio!lu calls to create favorable working conditions for Armenian employment migrants in Turkey and reconstrt the ancient historical city of Ani. "Armenians regard Ani as a religious center. Ravaged for many years, Ani is on the border with Armenia. Like the Holy Cross Church of Akhtamar, Ani too, must be reconstructed within a short period with the involvement of international consultants and foreign development companies." "After the reconstruction, the town must provide visa-free access to Armenians," Güvelio!lu said.
Krekorian's Corner: A Parking Sign Redesign
Have you ever been aggravated when you parked in an area with multiple conflicting parking signs that you really had to struggle to figure out? I'm working to make it much easier for people to know when and where they can park. I recently introduced a City Council motion urging the city to pursue an alternative, grid-style sign that lays out a 12hour cycle where parking restrictions are clearly written and understandable to everyone. Everyone who drives in this city has had to deal with deciphering confusing and complex parking signs. I don't want parking to be a guessing game where people worry about getting ticketed because they can't easily tell where they can park and when. You shouldn't need the Rosetta Stone
to park in Los Angeles. In 45 days, the LA Dept. of Transportation will present design proposals to the City Council's Transportation Committee, on which I sit. I am confident they will come back with new, simpler signage that we can implement as a pilot program first and later bring to the whole city. Read my parking sign redesign motion here: http://bit.ly/1C3kEj1 Watch the ABC 7 News report on my motion. In the meantime, if you see a crazy sign around LA, take a photo and email it to councilmember.krekorian@lacity.org or post it to me on social media using the hashtag #isawthesign. Very truly yours, Councilmember Paul Krekorian
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday October 23, 2014
Armenian Studies Program California State University, Fresno The Armenian Studies Program And CineCulture Film Course To Screen “Grandma’s Tattoos” By Suzanne Khardalian On October 24 Film director Suzanne Khardalian (Sweden) will be the discussant at a screening of her film, “Grandma’s Tattoos,” as part of the CineCulture Film Series at Fresno, at 5:30PM, on Friday, October 24, 2014. The film will be shown in the Leon S. and Pete Peters Educational Center Auditorium, located on the West End of the Save Mart Center (entry at Shaw and Woodrow Aves.). The screening is co-sponsored by the Armenian Studies Program at Fresno State. Director Khardalian makes a journey into her own family’s history to investigate the terrible truth behind her grandmother’s odd tattoos and, in the process, unveils the story of the Armenian women driven out of Ottoman Turkey during the First World War. During the First World War, millions of Armenians were forced out of their homes in the then Ottoman Empire, into the deserts of Syria and Iraq. More than a million people died in what Armenians describe as a Genocide, although Turkey rejects this accusation. Everybody in the family seemed to know the story, but no one ever spoke about it. Suzanne Khardalian is an independent
documentary filmmaker and writer. She has studied both in Beirut and Paris. She has directed several films, among others: “Back to Ararat” (1988), “Guldbagge” (Swedish Oscar equivalent) for Best Film and a Red Ribbon at the American Film and Video Festival. Other films include “Unsafe Ground” (1993), the most frequently shown documentary in Sweden, “Her Armenian Prince” (1997), “From Opium to Chrysanthemums” (2000), and “Words and Stones – Gaza” (2000). The film screening is free and open to the public. Free public parking is available in all Parking Lots near the Peters Educational Center Auditorium. For more information about the lecture please contact the Armenian Studies Program at 278-2669, or visit our website at www.fresnostate.edu/armenianstudies.
Congressman Gus Bilirakis Pledges To Bring Armenia Closer To Greece, Cyprus, And Israel As New Armenian Caucus Vice Chair By Taniel Koushakjian, FLArmenians Managing Editor Congressman Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) has been named Vice Chair of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues. In addition to playing an active role in the Armenian Caucus, notably efforts to secure Turkey’s return of confiscated Christian Armenian, Greek, and Assyrian religious property and U.S. reaffirmation of the Armenian Genocide, Rep. Bilirakis also serves as the Co-Chair of the Congressional Caucus on Hellenic Issues, and as Co-Chair of the Congressional Hellenic-Israel Caucus, among others. “I look forward to working with likeminded House colleagues in the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues to continue and grow the Caucus’ focus on issues of concern to the Armenian American community,” Congressman Bilirakis told FLArmenians.com. “I have long admired the tenacity and strong will of the Armenian people who have thrived despite enduring a history of suffering under repressive regimes. I am especially gratified to be a part of the Caucus as we come upon the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide – a horrific massacre of over 1.5 million innocent Armenian men, women, and children. I intend to work diligently so that the Caucus can pass a resolution that expresses a sense of Congress that is meaningful and effective.
The Society For Armenian Studies To Mark The 40th Anniversary Of Its Founding With A Two-Day Conference On “Armenians In The Ottoman Empire In The 19th And The 20th Centuries” To mark the 40th Anniversary of its founding, the Society for Armenian Studies (SAS) is holding a two day conference at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, D.C., on November 21-22, 2014. The theme of the conference is “Armenians in the Ottoman Empire in the 19-20th Century.” Twenty participants representing different international academic institutions are participating. There will be three panels in total. The first “The Contributions of Armenians to Ottoman Culture, Society, Art and Architecture” will include papers on topics such as “Reconstructing the Urban and Architectural History of Ottoman Armenian Communities: Zeytun, 1850-1915” and “Reassessing Cultural Transformation in Early-Twentieth-Century Bolis: Armenian Contributions to a Shared Ottoman Physical Culture.” Panels two and three focus on “The Aftermath of the Genocide” and papers in these two sessions range from “The Emergence of the New Wealthy Class between 1915-1921: The Seizure of Armenian Property by the Local Elites in Aintab,” to “Naim Bey from Sis to Meskeneh. Testimony, Between Survivor Reticence and Descendants’ Consumption Binge.” Some of the participants include Heghnar Watenpaugh, Ümit Kurt, Rachel Goshgarian, Murat Yildiz, Richard Hovannisian, Anahit Kartashyan, Khatchig Mouradian, and Nora Cherishian Lessersohn. Chair of the Organizing Committee and SAS Vice-President Prof. Bedross Der Matossian said: “As we are approaching
the centennial of the Armenian Genocide this timely Conference not only allow us to mark the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Society for Armenian Studies, one of the most important academic organizations dedicated to Armenian Studies, but also to commemorate the Armenian Genocide. In addition to fascinating papers that concentrate on the contribution of the Armenians to Ottoman society, there are also other captivating papers on the Armenian Genocide viewed from different perspectives that range from fresh studies on the concentration camps, humanitarian interventions, to denial of the Genocide.” The Conference will conclude with a reception on Saturday night. All sessions are free and open to the public. No registration is required. “We urge the Armenian community at large and the academic community to attend this fascinating event and learn more about different aspects of the history of Armenians in the late Ottoman period,” said Der Matossian. The conference will take place in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the Middle East Studies Association of North
America (MESA) that is going to be held in Washington DC, 22-25, November, 2014. The Society for Armenian Studies was founded in 1974 by a group of scholars from the universities of California, Columbia, and Harvard on the initiative of Richard G. Hovannisian, Dickran Kouymjian, Nina Garsoian, Avedis Sanjian, and Robert Thomson. It is dedicated to the development of Armenian Studies as an academic discipline. The aims of the Society for Armenian Studies are to promote the study of Armenian culture and society, including history, language, literature, and social, political, and economic questions; to facilitate the exchange of scholarly information pertaining to Armenian studies around the world; and to sponsor panels and conferences on Armenian studies. The programs of the Society include publication of a Newsletter on the Society’s activities and on current research on Armenia; publication of the peer-reviewed Journal of the Society for Armenian Studies, encouragement, sponsorship and publication of research on all facets of Armenian culture and society; and such other activities as the SAS council may from time to time determine. For more information on the Society for Armenian Studies, please visit its website at www.societyforarmenianstudies.com. Dr. Bedross Der Matossian, at bdermatossian2@unl.edu Prof. Barlow Der Mugrdechian, barlowd@csufresno.edu, or 559-278-2669
“Finally, as Co-Chair of the Congressional Caucus on Hellenic Affairs and Founder and Co-Chair of the Congressional Hellenic-Israel Alliance, I am eager to help incorporate Armenia into the broader discussion of energy and security issues with Greece, Cyprus, and Israel. The Caucus has a long history of bi-partisan cooperation which I look forward to continuing as we take on new challenges in the years ahead.” Congressman Gus M. Bilirakis is a Republican from Palm Harbor, representing Florida’s 12th Congressional District, which includes all of Pasco and northern parts of Pinellas and Hillsborough counties. He was first elected to Congress on November 7, 2006, and is currently serving his fourth term in the United States House of Representatives. As a young boy, Gus learned the importance of public service from his father, Michael Bilirakis, who represented Florida’s Ninth Congressional District from 1983 to 2006. The elder Bilirakis also instilled in his son a pride in the family’s Greek heritage, which Gus proudly carries into his career today. Bilirakis sits on the House Energy and Commerce Committee and is the Vice Chair of the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee. Available online at: http://bit.ly/1sGOBmG
Fashion Model Will Help Raise Funds For Artsakh
On October 20 the Marriott Armenia Hotel will host Adriana Karembeu, fashion model, actress and Red Cross ambassador, who has arrived in Armenia for a 7-day visit. This year Adriana will be the godmother of Phoneton 2014 of Hayastan AllArmenian Fund. Adriana Karembeu has arrived with her husband, famous Armenian French businessman Aram Ohanyan.
Montserrat Caballe Performed In Artsakh
Legend of opera Montserrat Caballe performed the famous Armenian song Kroonk (The Crane). The concert took place on October 14 in Stepanakert’s Renaissance Square with the assistance of Converse Bank.
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday October 23, 2014
Third Time’s A Charm
Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide
In a town reborn, Armenia Fund built a community center where villagers participate in civic life, hold meetings and events, and receive basic healthcare.
36 - Cengiz Algan
It’s a familiar story to Armenians: villagers suddenly descended upon by armed bandits and soldiers filled with bloodlust, the innocents massacred with a depraved savagery. In Maragha, a village in Artsakh founded by Armenians who left their village of the same name in Iran long ago, a massacre was brewing. Amnesty International reported that 100 civilians were “slain” when Azerbaijani forces were done carrying out their violence. Not satisfied with just killing, the soldiers had decapitated and burned villagers, leaving their unrecognizable bodies littered about the land, as attested by Baroness Caroline Cox, who visited the village. The number of deaths may not have been large in comparison to the thousands who died during the Artsakh War but the massacre at Maragha became the most poignant example of the brutality effected upon Armenian civilians by Azerbaijanis.
Wasting hardly any time, the villagers who managed to escape founded a new Maragha, appropriately named Nor Maragha, not far from where the old, nowoccupied village is. In the years since its founding, the people have built new homes and restarted their lives. They have bravely remained near their old village, perhaps with a dose of hope that they will return and undoubtedly with a bit of defiance. To help further their cohesion as a community, Armenia Fund chose to build a community center in the village. The reasoning was that with a central place that served the diverse needs of the local people, Nor Maragha could once again be a vibrant town.
Armenian Periodicals Exhibition Was Opened In St. Petersburg The official opening ceremony of the exhibition "Armenian Periodicals of the World" took place in St. Petersburg at 16th of October. At the beginning of the event, the President of the regional public organization "The Armenians of St.Petersburg" Alexander Nazarov read a welcome letter of Hranush Akopyan, the Minister of Diaspora of the Republic of Armenia. Director of the St. Petersburg House of Nationalities congratulated the audience on the occasion of the press. Oleg Davtyan, the chief editor of "The Consul", thanked the organizers of the event and highly appreciated the presented collection of one hundred Armenian publications from 14 different countries. Tatiana Bogoslovskaya, a spokeswoman for the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences conveyed greetings of the director of Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences Valery Leonov. Antuan Arakelyan, Petersburg journalist and social activist shared his impressions. Silva Lazarian, a scientist in the field of ethnology has assessed the exhibition. According to Silva Lazarian, the exhibition will contribute to the maintaining of
national identity of the Armenian people. Then, the lead of the evening, Alexander Nazarov made an excurse for the guests of the evening and told about every publication presented on the exhibition. In conclusion of the evening , a leading introduced to the audience a lecture about the history of the Armenian press. The event dedicated to the 220th anniversary of the publication of the first Armenian periodical magazine "Azdarar" organized by the regional public organization "The Armenians of St. Petersburg" with the support of the Committee on International Relations and realization of migration policy in St. Petersburg. The Herald of Armenians in Petersburg (Vestnik Armyan Peterburga)
By Hambersom Aghbashian Cengiz Algan (born 1967 in Adana Turkey) is a Turkish politician and a human rights activist. Grew up in Izmir and graduated from Gazi University-English language department and translated many books. He is the author of many books (1). According to w w w. s a b a h . c o m . t r (6.22.2014), Cengiz Algan is a familiar name in the Libertarian left circles in Turkey, and he is a Co-founder of the The DurDe civic initiative “Say stop to racism and nationalism”, which is totally an independent organization and was established immediately after the murder of Hrant Dink. DurDe has organized the commemoration of the Armenian Genocide in Taksim and its against hate crimes . DurDe members are active in the Armenian issue, they oppose anti-Semitism and Islamophobia as well, and defend the rights of all disadvantaged groups (2). According to http://en.hayernaysor. am/(10.06.2013), The Turkish organization “Say no to racism and nationalism” intends to restore the Memorial dedicated to the Armenian Genocide erected in 1919 in the Gezi Park in Istanbul’s centrally-located Taksim Square but later dismantled. As reported by Armenpress, this was published by the Turkish information website demokrathaber.com. The Spokesman of “Say stop to racism and nationalism” Cengiz Algan reminded that the territory of the Gezi Park in Istanbul’s Taksim Square and the adjacent areas belonged to the Armenians. “In 1560 the territory was presented to the Armenians by the Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent as a token of gratitude for his life was saved by an Armenian cook. A part of the park was occupied by the Armenian cemetery. In 1940s the Kemalist dictators snatched the territory from the Armenians”. He expressed his hope that someday the Memorial dedicated to the Armenian Genocide will be erected in its real place (3). Cengiz Algan was one of the Turkish intellectuals who have signed an open letter to the Danish Royal Library, in response to official statements that the Royal Library of Denmark has agreed “to balance” an Armenian Genocide exhibition by allowing the Turkish government to mount its own “alternative” . The Turkish intellectuals mentioned that " Turkish government has been suppressing historic truths and following a policy of denial for more than 90 years. The Turkish intellectuals have asked the authorities "Not to Stand Against Turkey’s Democratization and Confrontation with its History(4) Under the title "Is Turkey Overcoming the Armenian Taboo?", Orhan Kemal Cengiz wrote in ALMONITOT (April 22, 2013), "Turkey is changing from a country where the phrase Armenian question was never mentioned to one where groups are marching in the street using the term Armenian genocide". Orhan Kemal added that "The change of language of the announcement used by the Dur De “Say Stop to Racism and Nationalism” initiative, which organizes these meetings, helps demonstrate the gradual erasing of the Armenian taboo in Turkey. In 2010, the announcement of the commemorative events began with the
words, “This pain is our pain.” In the text, the events of 1915 were described as "the great disaster," the Turkish equivalent of the phrase "Meds Yegern" used by Armenians. Cengiz Algan, spokesman for Dur De, said they received many threatening messages despite that "soft terminology." The language became "clearer" over the years, and the number of threats declined. On the 2011 announcement, the title said only "April 24, 1915." The text read, "This is the date when the extermination of the Armenians began." The title of last year's announcement read, "This is a pain of all of us," while the text spoke of the tragedy of the Armenian people at length. The text of this year’s announcement is even more daring. It begins, “We are remembering the victims of genocide,” and it continues, “With the campaign of extermination that began on April 24, 1915, the Armenian people were eradicated en masse”(5). In a press release -Paris 19 April 2014, it was announced that EGAM* and AGBU** Europe delegation of European Civil Society leaders to attend the Commemorations of the Armenians Genocide in Istanbul. The event was organized by their Turkish partners DurDe! and the Human Rights Association – IHD from April 21st to 25th. In Their appeal they stated " In 1915, the implementation of a methodical and premeditated plan led to the extermination of one and a half million of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, in an attempt to destroy an entire civilization and to “Turkify” Anatolia. The Armenian people were the victims of a genocide which would soon serve as a gruesome reference for others to follow. The successive governments of the Turkish Republic have since fought to deny the dark side of the history of their country, and to make their people and the world forget that the genocide ever occurred. They added "Our shared initiative is one for recognition, solidarity, justice, and democracy." This was signed by Paul Morin, Executive Dir.– EGAM, Cengiz Algan & Levent Sensever, Spokespeople for Durde! (Turkey), Alexis Govciyan, President & Nicolas Tavitian, Director AGBU (Europe), Ayse Öktem, Platform for “Confronting a Century of Denial” (Turkey),Charles Aznavour, singer (France), Bernard Henri Lévy, Philosopher (France), and many others. (6)
* EGMA : European Grassroots Antiracist Movement **AGBU : Armenian General Benevolent Union 1.http://www.vansiyaseti.com/van/cengizalganla-soylesi-h7114.html 2 . h t t p : / / w w w. s a b a h . c o m . t r / G u n dem/2014/06/22/artik-o-mahalle-ile-birlikte-yurumek-istemiyorum 3.http://en.hayernaysor.am/ 4.http://www.armenianweekly.com/2012/1 2/18/turkish-citizens-sign-petition-against-denialist-exhibit-in-denmark/ 5.http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/iw/ originals/2013/04/armenian-genocide-tabooturkey-anniversary.html 6.www.egam.eu/.../14.04.18-CP-EN-European-Delegation-to-Commemora
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday October 23, 2014
Gyumri IT Center Director Hosted In Watertown
Adopt A Village And Get Involved!
Watertown, MA: A gathering of approximately 60 business people and technical developers gathered at the Armenian Museum of America (ALMA) to learn about services offered by the Gyumri Information Technology Center (GITC) in Gyumri, Armenia. Mrs. Amalya Yeghoyan, GITC’s executive director, outlined both GITC’s training program and the software and computer services offered to clients worldwide. GITC offers a 2-year program of handson IT training to qualified applicants with an existing background in computer science, electronics, mathematics or related fields. Students select a focus either on mobile applications or web development. GITC’s environment replicates a work environment with daily 7 hour attendance and strict adherence to professional behavior and dress codes. The second year includes a co-op program where students work in industry gaining real-world practical experience. Over 90% of GITC’s graduates find work in Armenia in their field of study, and no graduates have left Armenia. Students pay $500 tuition per year which is only a fraction of GITC’s real cost per student. To support their effort GITC offers consulting and software development services to clients, focusing on web development, mobile applications using the IOS and Android operating systems, software development, networking, and other services. Currently GITC is serving clients in Armenia, Russia, Germany, and the US. Communication with GITC may be in English, Russian, or Armenian via email, Skype, and
telephone. Yeghoyan indicated the per-engineer costs in Armenia are significantly lower than alternative offshore development centers, and that GITC is committed to high quality standards and to satisfying its clients. Yeghoyan’s brief PowerPoint presentation was followed by an 8 minute video showing GITC’s facilities with testimonies by students. A question and answer session followed. The presentation was in English. GITC was established in 2005 by the Fund for Armenian Relief (FAR), the Enterprise Incubator Foundation, Shirak Technologies Ltd, and donors from Armenia and the Diaspora to provide an IT infrastructure in Gyumri and attract businesses. It is now embarked on an effort to establish a revenue stream to sustain its education programs. Additionally GITC, in partnership with the Armenian Educational Foundation, has reached out to schools in Artsaskh and Armenia’s border regions with educational programs. Mrs. Yeghoyan’s visit to the US was sponsored by FAR. Her presentation in Watertown was sponsored by ALMA, the Armenian Business Network (ABN), and the National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR). ALMA’s director Berj Chekijian, ABN’s founder Jack Antounian, and Yeghoyan’s host Joseph Dagdigian offered brief introductory remarks. ALMA, Eastern Lahmajun, and Massis Bakery generously supplied some of the refreshments. For more information on GITC visit http://gitc.am/gitc/. !
AGBU Annual Pasadena Chapter Athletic Breakfast
In May of 2014, 42 beehives were distributed to the Lichk community located in the Syunik Region through the project known as “Towards Eco-Community”. This project was initiated by a young student from a New York university named Lia Soorenian and actualized with the assistance and guidance of Pan-Armenian Environmental Front (PAEF). Seven families received a total of 6 beehives each along with all the necessary equipment and items needed to become successful beekeepers. The villagers have already extracted the honey from these beehives and this concludes the first and most important phase of the project. With the assistance, guidance and direct supervision of a skilled bee specialist, for the first time some of the recipient families started practicing beekeeping and acquired the necessary knowledge and skills. According to the conditions of the project, each family is required to donate 10% of their extracted honey to the Community Fund (newly created as part of this project). As a community, the villagers would decide how to allocate the funds. Although the year was very unfavorable, and much less than expected amount of honey was extracted, the recipients of the project unanimously voted to allocate 10 percent of their honey to the Community Fund. They also voted to allocate this year’s funds for purchasing sports equipment, such as balls, volleyball net, tennis equipment and other items for the school students. Such programs not only assist villagers
to return to working with their land but also ensure constant and sufficient revenue without harming the environment. Similar projects can also assist restore the culture of helping each other and making decisions together in our rural communities. Many people were willing to purchase the honey from the villagers and as a result it is already completely exhausted. This experience showed us that it is also possible to solve the issue associated with the consumption of agricultural products that the remote villages face. We’re calling all who are interested in helping the Armenian villagers to actualize a project by befriending the residents of the communities. We remind you that the villages affected by mining should be given specific attention since they no longer have the opportunity to make a living through agricultural means. Since there is no governmental aid, villagers have no other choice than to work for the mines. In the diaspora there are young Armenians, such as Lia Soorenian, who are studying at different universities and realizing educational plans and projects. Nothing is getting in the way for them to choose a project in Armenia and to bring their share of efforts to Armenia. This can be one of the most effective and result-oriented ways of strengthening relationships between Diaspora Armenians and local Armenians. We are always ready to assist with such projects and initiatives. !
Pasadena, CA - On September 28th, 2014, the AGBU Pasadena/Glendale Chapter’s Athletics Committee held its annual fundraising breakfast at the AGBU Vatche and Tamar Manoukian Center. The event featured a Middle-Eastern Breakfast, prepared with the help of a group of dedicated volunteers - Ani Hamboyan, Salpi Bilanjian, Lara Kejejian, Taline Boynerian, Vania Gordian and Shahe Seuylemezian, former Chapter Chair of the AGBU Pasadena/Glendale Chapter. Their involvement was key to the success of the fundraising efforts. With over 400 guests in attendance, this year’s breakfast was, by far, one of the most successful events organized by the AGBU Pasadena/Glendale Chapter’s Athletics Committee. This year, the committee chose Stephan Kassabian, a veteran AGBU member, to become an honorary member of the AGBU Pasadena Athletics. Karine Yeterian, granddaughter of Mr. Kassabian, a graduate of the AGBU Vatche and Tamar Manoukian High School, and current athlete of the AGBU Pasadena/Glendale Athletics, introduced the honouree and talked about his past involvement with AGBU. Mr. Kassabian started his association with AGBUAYA in Beirut, Lebanon in the 1950’s. He is one of the pioneer members of AGBUAYA’s first Men’s Basketball team, an offshoot of Beirut’s AGBU Hovaguimian Manougian Boys’ basketball team. Aside from Atheltics, Mr. Kassabian has also been involved in the AGBU-AYA Junior Theatrical Group and has served on the committee of the Zareh Noubar Center from 1955-1957. “The efforts of the Athletics Committee are truly commendable” stated Mr. Kassabian. “Today’s turnout alone
should be an indication of the wonderful programs we have here at the AGBU Pasadena Glendale Chapter. I am truly proud to be a veteran member of such a distinguished organization”, he continued. The Athletics Committee is a sub-committee of the AGBU Pasadena/Glendale Chapter. The Chapter, chaired by Hrant Vartzbedian, accommodates many other activities and oversees various subcommittees, including Scouting, the Social/Cultural Committee and the Young Ladies Committee. Athletics provides basketball, volleyball and Futsal (indoor soccer) activities for Men and Women as well as boys and girls of all ages “The driving force behind our committee’s dedication is the positive response we get from our youth. We are committed to provide our athletes with the best possible support, coaching staff and a positive environment based on the principles and values instilled by the AGBU” stated Vahe Boynerian, Chair of the AGBU Pasadena Glendale Chapter’s Athletic Committee. The sports committee is comprised of the following members - Gigo Bilanjian, Vicken Hamboyan, Shahe Momjian, Yervant Manuel and Hagop Gordian with Khachig Kejejian as Athletic Director. For more information about the activities of the AGBU Pasadena Glendale Athletics Program, please contact Khachig Kejejian at (626) 794 7942.
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N.O.October 23, 2014, No. 41:N.O. Blank
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NOR ØR% 23 FOKT:MB:R% 2014
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FA|KAKAN ~OUJPOLI >YANKAR • FF minc;u 19 tar;kann;ri fauaqakane \a[janakow auart;z ir ;lo\jn;re :uropa\i a®a=nouj;an entrakan mrza,aroum! :rrord mrza'ouloum Sargis |owsh';ani jime 2-0 fa,ouow \a[j;z San Marino\i entranoun! >mbi a®a=atarn;r Italia\i ;u S;rpia\i mi=;u fandipoumn auartou;z italazin;ri \a[janakow^ 3-1 fa,ouow! A\spisow italazin;re wastak;zin 9% s;rp;re^ 6% Fa\astane^ 3 miauor! San Marinøn miauor couni! |a=ord 'oul anzau Italian! • Fa\astani minc;u 17 tar;kann;ri fauaqakane :uropa\i a®a=nouj;an entrakan 'ouli m;knarka\in .a[oum 0-3 fa,ouow xi=;l h italazin;rin! Fokt;mb;ri 17-in FF fauaqakane mrz;z Islandia\i entranou f;t ;u partou;z 0-2 fa,ouow! Fokt;mb;ri 20-in m;r t[an;re mrz;zin da,ti thr;ri^ moltowazin;ri f;t ;u partou;zin 0-4 fa,ouow! >mbiz pa\qare ke ,arounak;n italazin;re ;u islandazin;re!
:URØ-2016-I >MBA|IN MRZA<AR:RI A{IUSAKN:RE A& .oumb C;.ia Islandia Folandia Lajwia {axa.stan Jourqia B& .oumb Ouhls Isra\hl B;lgia Kipros Posnia ;u F;rz& Andorra G& .oumb Slowakia Ispania Ouqrania Mak;donia P;la®ous Liuqs;mbourg D& .oumb L;fastan I®landia G;rmania <otlandia
>& 3 3 3 3 3 3
|& 3 3 1 0 0 0
F& P& 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 1 2 1 2
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7 6 4 3 2 0
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6-2 10-3 3-1 4-8 2-6 3-8
9 6 6 3 1 1
3 3 3 3
2 2 1 1
1 1 1 1
0 0 1 1
11-2 10-2 3-4 4-4
7 7 4 4
Wrastan +ibraljar :& .oumb Anglia Lijouania Slow;nia Hsjonia <ouh\zaria San Marinø X& .oumb Fius& I®landia Âouminia ~inlandia Foungaria |ounastan ~arø k[xin;r H& .oumb Austria Âousastan <ouhdia Monj;n;grø Lij.;n,jh\n Molotowa E& .oumb >orwajia Italia Norw;gia Poulkaria Atrph\yan Malja J& .oumb Alpania Dania orjougalia S;rpia Fa\astan
3 3
1 0
0 0
2 3
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3 0
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9 6 6 3 3 0
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3 2 1 1 0 0
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9 7 4 4 1 0
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2 1 1 1 0 0
1 2 2 1 1 1
0 0 0 1 2 2
4-2 6-2 4-2 2-1 0-6 2-5
7 5 5 4 1 1
3 3 3 3 3 3
3 3 2 1 0 0
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0 0 1 2 3 3
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9 9 6 3 0 0
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1 1 1 0 0
1 1 0 1 1
0 1 1 1 1
2-1 3-3 1-1 1-1 2-3
4 4 3 1 1
I#NC H SPASUOUM S:RPIA|IN :U ALPANIA|IN S;rpia\i ;u Alpania\i fauaqakann;ri fandipman vamanak% a®a=in .a[akhsi auartin j®co[ sarqow .a[ada,tiz oro, bar]rouj;an wra\ ‘a‘anou;l h ªM;‘ Alpaniaº grouj;amb pasta®! S;rpia\i fauaqakani pa,tpane i=;zr;l h drø,e% oriz \;to\ 2 jim;ri `oujpolistn;re ba.ou;l ;n% isk marxada,toum qaos h sksou;l! Fandipmane dadar;zou;l h! A\s .a[in arg;lou;l hr Alpania\i fauaqakani ;rkrpagoun;ri moutqe! Au;lazn;nq% or 2 ;rkrn;ri mi=;u minc a\vm pafpanuoum ;n laroua‘ \arab;roujiunn;r% oronq sksou;l hin Qosowo\i pat;raxmiz \;to\! UEFA-n S;rpia-Alpania .a[i masin oro,oum ke ka\azni Fokt;mb;ri 23-in!
FA|KAKAN EMB<AMARTI >YANKAR • Fa\astani n;rka\azouzicn;re 7 m;talow auart;zin AMN-i Niu Yerxi qa[aqoum ka\aza‘ banaka\inn;ri emb,amarti 29-rd a®a=noujiune! Axat ;u \ounaf®omhakan oy;ri mrza,ar;roum fa\ embi,n;rn arvanazan 2 oskh% 1 ar‘ajh% ;u 4 pronxh m;taln;ri! Ghorg Safak;ane (66 qk&) ;u Karap;t Cal;ane (75 qk&) \ounaf®omhakann;ri (ff)
mrza,aroum dar];l ;n banaka\inn;ri a,.arfi a.o\;ann;r% isk axat oya\in Nar;k Sano\;ane (66 qk&) grau;l h ;rkrord t;[e% ff emb,amarti mrza,aroum pronxh m;tal ;n nouay;l Âob;rt Kirakos;ane (59 qk&)% Âa`a\hl Al;qsan;ane (71 qk&) ;u Maqsim Manouk;ane (85 qk&)! 97 qk& qa,a\in kargoum Fa\astane n;rka\azno[ Wiqjor Kaxi,wilin ;us arvanaz;l h pronxh m;tali! • S;nik S;rob;ane (50 qk&) oskh m;tal h nouay;l :r;uanoum auartoua‘ .oul famr;ri patanin;ri ;u ;ritasardn;ri \ounaf®omhakan oyi a,.arfi a®a=noujiunoum! No\n oyi patanin;ri pa\qaroum ar‘ajh m;tal nouay;zin Samouhl |owfannis;ane (54 qk&) ;u Argi,ti Baba\;ane (58 qk&)^ Fa\astane nouay;z na;u pronxh m;tal! • Faraua\in Qorha\oum anzkazoua‘ sambø emb,amarti patanin;ri% ;ritasardn;ri ;u a[=ikn;ri a,.arfi a®a=noujiunoum FF famar a®a=in pronxh m;tale nouay;l h giumr;zi L;ndrou, Xatik;ane (48 qk&)! FF banaki k;ntronakan marxakan akoumbi san;r Sh\ran Safak;ane fasau minc;u ;xra'akic ;u bauararou;z ar‘ajh m;talow% isk Grigor M.ijar;ane (52 qk&) g;raxanz gøt;mart;r anzkazr;z ;u f®cakou;z a,.arfi a.o\;an! Pronxh m;tali arvanazan na;u Tiana |owfannis;ane (48 qk&) ;u Grigor Safak;ane (87 qk&)!
<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • :r;uanin nouiroua‘ tønakatarouj;an ,r=anakn;roum :r;uani patouauor qa[aqazi grosma\st;r Âa`a\hl Wafan;ane <a®l Axnauouri anouan fraparakoum miavamanak;a\ .a[a,ar anzkazr;z 12 .a[ata.takn;ri Wafan;ane \a[j;z 9 partia ;u 3-e auart;z oc-oqi! • :r;uani 2796-am;akin nouiroua‘ araro[ouj;an vamanak qa[aqap;t Tarøn Margar;ane grosma\st;r L;uon Aron;anin \an] n;z :r;uani patouauor qa[aqazou diplome! • Fa\astani ma\raqa[aqi tar;dar]i a®ijow ’a[ka]oroum anzkazou;z :r;uani ;u Moskoua\i patanin;ri mrza.a[! 10!8 fa,ouow \a[j;zin fa\;re! • Fndkastani \oun qa[aqoum auartou;z minc;u 20 tar;kann;ri a,.arfi a®a=noujiunn;re% orin masnakz;zin grosma\st;r Karhn Grigor;ane ;u ~ID:-i warp;t Maria Ghorg;ane! T[an;ri mrza,aroum Karhn Grigor;ane minc;u 8-rd mrza'oule gtnuoum hr a®a=atarn;ri mh=% saka\n w;r=in mrza'oul;roum Karhne an\a=o[ .a[az ;u 13 fnarauoriz wastak;low 8 miauor 137 masnakizn;ri mh= grau;z 17-rd t;[e! No\nqan miauorow 78 a[=ikn;ri mh= Maria Ghorg;ane 11-rdn hr! T[an;riz a,.arfi a.o\;an f®cakou;z L\ou <anglin (Cinastan)^ 10 miauor% isk a[=ikn;riz^ Al;qsandra Gor\ackinan (ÂD)^ 11 miauor! • Fa\astani 63 n;rka\azouzicn;r masnakzoum ;n Fokt;mb;ri 19-28-e Wrastani Pajoum qa[aqoum anzkazouo[ minc;u 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18 tar;kann;ri :uropa\i patanin;ri ;u a[=ikn;ri a®a=noujiunn;rin!