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N.O.October 30, 2014, No. 42:N.O. Blank


5:35 PM

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THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2014 92 TARI% JIU 42 VOLUME 92, NO. 42



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NOR ØR% 30 FOKT:MB:R% 2014


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O#W H WA>ZO{E WIRYINIA WOUL~HN (Who’s afraid of Virginia Woolf?) :RKRORD TARB:RAK

|OWSH" M:LQON:AN Am;rikazi gro[ Htouert Alpii ªO#w h Wa.zo[e Wiryinia Woul`hnº jat;ra.a[e a®a=in angam b;madroua‘ h Niu :orqi mh=^ ªProtouh\º po[ota\i wra\ gtnouo[ Pili Âox jat;rasrafin mh= Fokt;mb;r 13% 1962-in! An 1963-in arvanaza‘ h fambauauor JONI mrzanakin ibr;u taroua\ ªlauago\n jat;ra.a[ºe% incphs na;u nouaya‘ h f;[inakauor ªNiu :orqi Jat;rakan <r=anakºi mrzanake! Jat;ra.a[e ,arvankari w;ra‘oua‘ h 1966-in .a[arkouj;amb^ Âicert Perjeni ;u Hlixaphj Jh\leri! I dhp k*arvh n,;l jh libananafa\ fandisat;se a®ij oun;za‘ h a\s jat;ra.a[e t;sn;lou Ph\rouji FBEM-i Galoust Kiulphnk;an jat;rasrafin mh=^ Warouvan >t,;ani \i,arvan b;madrouj;amb 1971 jouakani ";trouar amsoun!

ªO#w h wa.zo[e Wiryinia Woul`hnº jat;ra.a[i am;rik;an b;madroujiune at;nin t;[i toua‘ h sour fakaya®oujiunn;rou^ fon tiro[ anørinak b®nouj;amb ;u kirqow \ag;za‘ mjnolortin patya®ow% or .oraphs znza‘ hr Am;rikazi fandisat;sin xga\noujiunn;re! Asor f;t;uanqow patka®;li ªBouli]er Mrzanakºi waric marmine m;rva‘ h Alpii ,norf;l a\d taroua\ ªLauago\n Jat;ra.a[iº anouanakocoume faka®ak datakan kaxmi oro,oumin! Jat;ra.a[e ke n;rka\aznh famalsarani patmouj;an dasa.øs Yoryi ;u ir kno= Marja\i mhk ;r;ko\j-endoun;loujiune orou enjazqin a\z;lou ;ritasard xo\g me Niq ;u Fani% famanoun famalsarani dasa.øsakan kaxmhn% akama\ wkan ke fandisanan ir;nz fiurenkaln;rou bou®n% an-

dadroum ;u sastik wiyabanouj;an ;u ba.oumin&ba.oum me or ;r;uan ke fanh Yory ou Marja xo\gin entan;kan k;anqi kny®ot mjnolorte^ znzic ;u gor, go\n;row! Jat;ra.a[i niujin ;xaki n,anakoujiune saka\n ke ka\ana\ ir a\labanakan .orqin mh=! A\d jouakanin ;rb Alpi ir jat;ra.a[e b;m ke fanhr% Am;rika\i Miaz;al Nafangn;rn ou >orfrda\in Mioujiune ªPa[ Pat;raxmºi f;t;uanqow ke gtnouhin k;naz ;u mafou pa\qari me mh= a,.arfi cors ‘ag;roun% ba\z manauand P;rlini ªAmøji Patºin ;u Goupa\i mh= t;[adroua‘ ajomakan mi=-zamaqa\in frji®n;roun patya®ow! Anonzmh iuraqanciure a\d ør;roun ke 'or]hr ir qa[aqakan g;raka\oujiune ;u kamqe partadr;l miu<ar& h= 13

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APARAN Aparane fin at;n kocoua‘ h Qasa[% xa\n o®ogo[ g;ti anounow! Ke gtnoui ’a[koun;az ;u Araga‘i l;®na,[ja\in mi=;u% ‘owhn 1800-hn 2000 m& bar]rouj;an wra\! Kliman zamaqa\in h! ’a®a\a‘ h% :& daroun% Gndounin;rou na.ararakan tan ibr;u nstawa\r! V& darhn minc;u 1935 ke yanczoui orphs Ba,-Aparan% our 1918-i ba.toro, yakatamartin% anor parxamit nkatoua‘ bnakicn;re kas;zouzin Al;qsandrapolhn dhpi :r;uan ou Sardarapat ,arvouo[ jrqakan xørq;rou \a®a=.a[azqe! S;pt;mb;r 20-in% our;mn% .oumbin a®a=in ;rkarat;u (,our= 180 qlm&) ,r=apto\tn hr! A\d patya®ow al soworakan mhk vam kanou. yamba\ ;lau m;r pase! A®a=in kanga®in m;xi ke spashr fay;li anaknkal me% aparanawa\;l fiurasirouj;amb! M;xi framzou;zau jonirhn nor ;la‘ fazi mh= santouicn;r% bnakanabar mi,t ø[ii enk;rakzouj;amb! Nman anaknkaln;r iura\atouk ;n mia\n Fambiki ,r=apto\tnroun! Ke ,arvinq \a®a=& :xitin;rou bnakouj;an ,r=an h na;u! Anonz patmouj;an masin k*imananq a®at t;[;koujiunn;r! A\sphs% Fiusisa\in Iraqi mh=% Mousouli Fiusis-Ar;u;lqe^ Sinyari mh=% Sourio\ safmanin møt% k*aprhin ,our= 50%000 ;xitin;r! A\s tarouan Øgostosin% ;rb ISIS grau;z Mousoul qa[aqe% 5%000 ;xitin;r =ardou;zan% isk ,our= 6%000 al – kin;r% ‘;r;r% manoukn;r – g;ri inkan! Mnazordaze 'a.ousti dim;zin dhpi Qiurtistan! Fa\astani ;xitin;re% oronq ke xba[in .a,na®a‘ouj;amb% k*oux;n øgtakar ellal Iraqi ir;nz axgakizn;roun! Anonq a\laxan dimoumn;r katara‘ ;n fa\kakan i,.anouj;anz% patrastakam ellalow endoun;lou xanonq ir;nz møt! Ke ,arounak;nq m;r yamban anzn;low Spitakhn% our t;[-t;[ ke n,marouin 1988-i ;rkra,arvin f;tq;re% lq;al% kisaqand toun;row! Ke t;snouin ;rkra,arvhn ;tq øgnouj;an 'oujaza‘ baxmaxgi ;rkirn;roun drø,n;re – Norw;kio\% Italio\% Xouiz;rio\% <ouhti% Danio\% ~ransa\i% ;ua\ln – ou takauin^ gor‘o[ fiuandanoz me! Spitake w;raka®ouzoumi mh= h!


Sb& N,an Tayare

K*anzninq Wana]orhn% Jouman;anhn% ou maglz;low l;®na\in olorapto\t ou ziz yamban;rhn% w;r=aphs ke fasninq Fa[pati Wanqe! Fa\astani fog;uor-m,akouja\in n,anauor k;dronn;rhn mhke ;[a‘ h Fa[pate V&-VG& dar;roun! Oun;za‘ h s;'akan arøtawa\r% a\gi-


n;r% giu[;r! ’a®a\a‘ h na;u t;[akan jagauorn;rou ibr;u tofmakan g;r;xmanatoun^ VB&-VD& dar;roun% 1250-hn ;tq minc;u VD& dar^ Ar‘rounin;roun! Isk apa% Xaqar;ann;rou i,.anouj;anz ,r=anin ke ka®ouzoui na;u amroz% ou ke fastatouin dproz% gratoun% our k*ousouzanouin q;rakanoujiun% f®;toroujiun% 'iliso'a\oujiun% astoua‘abanoujiun% ;rav,toujiun ;u a\l a®arkan;r! Fa[pate at;n-at;n ;njarkoua‘ h aspatakanoujiunn;rou S;lyouqn;rou (VA& dar) ou L;xgin;rou (H&-VE& dar;r) ko[mh! I& darou skixbe% krønauori sq;min tak% Fa[pati mh= k*apri Sa\aj Nowan! >orfrda\in i,.anouj;an tarin;roun% p;touj;an ko[mh ke pafpanoui ibr;u fa\ mi=nadar;an yartarap;touj;an n,anauor famalir! Fa[pati wanqe fimnadroua‘ h 976-in% A,ot G& Bagratouni jagauori vamanak! <r=apatoua‘ h wif;row% ou pa,tpanoujiune au;li ;us xørazoua‘ h (VG& daroun)% Ka\an b;rdow! Ibr;u mi=nadar;an m,akouja\in k;dron% fon groua‘ ou nkaraxardoua‘ ;n baxmajiu ];®agirn;r% oronzmh \i,;nq ªFa[pati Au;taraneº% or ouni g;[arou;stakan ou patma-axgagrakan bar]r arvhq! Famalirin mas ke kaxm;n Sb& N,an Tayare% ka®ouzoua‘ >osrowano\, jagoufiin patouhrow (976-991-in)% anouani yartarap;t Trdati ko[mh% ;rkou gauijn;r% ;r;q 'oqraca' ;k;[;zin;r% ;rkou mi=anzq-tapanatoun (1185)% s;[anatoun% gratoun% ;®a\ark xangakatoun (1245-in)% matou®% ;r;q dambarann;r (VG& dar) ou .acqar;r (1273)! Famalire ,r=apatoua‘ h a,tarakauor parispow! Famalirhn dours ke gtnouin a[biuri ,hnqe (1258) ou qani me 'oqr ;k;[;zin;r! Paf me ke tarouinq mta‘;lou% jh fa\oz l;®na,[jan;rou a\s bar]rouj;anz wra\% gr;jh an\a[jafar;li dvouarouj;anz dhm \andiman% incphs fa\ l;®nakann;re ;u anonz i,.ann;re ka®ouza‘ ;n ;k;[;zin;r% wanq;r% b;rd;r% m;‘ tramagi‘ow va\®aktorn;r t;[a'o.;low% ta,;low ;u \[k;low% xardagandakn;r 'oragr;low! A\nqan xørauor kamqi% anwfatouj;an ;u st;[‘agor‘ouj;an ibr;u f;t;uanq% fa\ vo[owourde ke ,arounakh ir yanaparfordoujiune a\s ar;uin tak! <r=;lh ;tq famalirin bolor wa\r;re% m;r \ognouj;nhn lraza‘% k*ou[[ouinq Allaw;rtii Armhn ya,arane% our k*embo,.n;nq a®ata];®n s;[ann;roun out;liqn;re! :rkar w;radar]h ;tq ke fasninq Ani fiuranoz! Axat ;rko\ h& ba\z \ognatan= marminn;re ,at;rou famar ];®ntou c;n% øgtagor‘;lou a®ije \au;l;al mi=oza®oumn;rou famar ma\raqa[aqin mh=&&&!

(<ar& 4)

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NOR ØR% 30 FOKT:MB:R% 2014


~R:XNO|I MH+ FF FIUPATOSARANI BAZOUM Fokt;mb;r 20-in ~r;xno\i mh= t;[i oun;za‘ h FF patouo\ fiupatosouj;an gras;n;aki bazman fandisauor araro[oujiune! FF AG na.arar Htouart Nalpant;ani framanow patouo\ fiupatos n,anakoua‘ h fama\nqa\in gor‘ic P;ry Abgar;ane!

}a.hn a=^ |akob Qiub;l;an% Naira Þ³Ñëáõí³ñ»³Ý« ÜáõÝ¿ ä»ïñá뻳Ý4 Táùé ä»ñ× ¶³É¿Ùù¿ñ»³Ý« Âoxa öa,a\;an% "olin Pasmay;an% ³ٳñ³ Úáíf³ÝÝÇ뻳Ý4 Thr ;u Tik1 |owfannhs ä³å³Ë³Ý»³Ý« N;lli Qiujn;r;an4 Mifran Qiujn;r;an ;u Grigor Gasnagy;an

JMM ~R:XNØ MASNAYIU{I M<AKOUJA|IN :R:KON 11 ÐáÏï»Ùµ»ñ 2014-Ç »ñ»ÏáÛ»³Ý ųÙÁ 7!00-ÇÝ« üñ»½ÝáÛÇ êñµ© äûÕáë »Ï»Õ»óõáÛ Ð³ÛÏ ä¿ñå¿ñ»³Ý ëñ³ÑÇÝ Ù¿ç ï»ÕÇ áõÝ»ó³õ ·ñ³Ï³Ý »ñ»ÏáÛ ÙÁ« å³ïñ³ëïáõ³Í ¿ù¿»³Ý Øß³ÏáõóÛÇÝ ØÇáõû³Ý« üñ»½ÝáÛÇ Ù³ëݳ×ÇõÕÇ í³ñãáõû³Ý ÏáÕÙ¿! ¶ñ³Ï³Ý-»ñ³Åßï³Ï³Ý »ñ»ÏáÝ ÝáõÇñáõ³Í ¿ñ Ñ³Û µ³Ý³ëï»ÕÍáõû³Ý ÇßË³Ý ì³Ñ³Ý ¿ù¿»³ÝÇ ëï»Õͳ·áñÍáõÃÇõÝÝ»ñáõÝ! úñáõ³Ý ѳݹÇë³í³ñÝ ¿ñ Táùé ä»ñ× ¶³É¿Ùù¿ñ»³Ý« ·É˳õáñ µ³Ý³Ëûë áõݻݳÉáí ³ٳñ³ Úáíf³ÝÝÇ뻳ÝÁ« áñ ÑÙïûñ¿Ý Ý»ñϳ۳óáõó µ³Ý³ëï»ÕÍÇÝ Ï»³ÝùÝ áõ ëï»Õͳ·áñÍáõÃÇõÝÝ»ñÁ! ä³ïß³× »õ ÏáÏÇÏ ·»Õ³ñáõ»ëï³Ï³Ý Û³Ûï³·ñÇ µ³ÅÝÇÝ Ù¿ç ѳݹ¿ë »Ï³Ý ¹»ñ³ë³Ýª ÚáíѳÝÝ¿ë ä³å³Ë³Ý»³Ý« ÿÝáñ »ñ·Ç㪠ڳÏáµ øÇõ÷¿É»³Ý« ¹³ßݳÙáõñª ܳÇñ³ Þ³Ñëáõí³ñ»³Ý« ³ëÙáõÝùáíª ÜáõÝ¿ ä»ïñáë»³Ý »õ ëá÷ñ³Ýûª Âoxa ö³ß³Û»³Ý! гݹÇëáõÃÇõÝÁ ³õ³ñï»ó³õ ÑÇõñ³ëÇñáõû³Ùµ!


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Negotiation Results Of NKR Conflict Summed Up In Paris On the initiative of French President Francois Hollande, negotiations over the NKR conflict were held on October 27 at the Paris Marine Palace. Official web-site of the Armenian President informs about this. After meeting the French President, the Armenian and Azerbaijani Presidents conducted negotiations with the participation of the OSCE Minsk Group cochairs and the personal representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office Anjey

Laurel Karabian March 19, 1954 October 19, 2014

Laurel Karabian, was born in Beverly Hills, California to Archie and Eleanor Dickranian. Laurel attended Beverly Hills High School and graduated cum laude from Pomona College where she specialized in Renaissance Studies. She earned her M.B.A. in Fine Arts Management at the UCLA Anderson School of Management. Laurel is survived by her daughter Madeline and her husband former California State Assembly Majority Leader Walter Karabian, and his son Benjamin. She is also survived by her sister Cindy (Ken) Norian. Services were held on Monday, October 27, at St. Leon Armenian Cathedral 3325 N. Glenoaks Blvd. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Arshag Dickranian Armenian School, 1200 N. Cahuenga Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90038.

Kasperchik, followed by a private conversation between Serzh Sargsyan and Ilham Aliyev. The negotiation results were summed up late in the evening at a joint meeting between Presidents Francois Hollande, Serzh Sargsyan, Ilham Aliyev and the Co-Chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group Igor Popov of Russia, James Warlick of the USA, Pierre Andrieu of France and the personal representative of the OSCE Chair-

man-in-Office Anjey Kasperchik. The participants attached great importance to continuing dialogue within the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairmanship and confidence-building efforts in order to make progress in peaceful negotiations. The absence of an alternative to the peaceful resolution of the conflict was stressed. The parties made an arrangement to proceed with high-level negotiations. On behalf of the French President, a supper was held in honor of the Armenian and Azerbaijani Presidents at the Elysee Palace on the evening of October 27.

Nalbandian: I'd Describe Presidents' Meeting As Frank, Constructive And Useful "We thank French President Francoise Hollande for organizing Presidential meeting on Nagorno-Karabakh issue in Paris. This is the third such meeting during the last three months and it shows that the three co-chairing countries are decisive to continue their active efforts to achieve the issue solution. And today's meeting in Paris was in the same context". As Times.am informs, Armenian Foreign Affairs Minister Edward Nalbandian announced about this in night. "We highly appreciate all the initiatives which give opportunity the sides to

get acknoledged to each other's positions and attititue", said the Minister. "Today's meeting I would describe as frank, constructive and useful. Many issue referring to the NK issue settlement were discussed. We have the same attitude to the issue as the three co-chairing countries have. Azerbaijani attitude differs a little", the Minister stated. Nalbandian also informed that the Presidents had opportunity also to discuss issues of regional, international interest and importance.

Haaretz: Israel Should Not Sell Arms To Azerbaijan, In Order To Avoid Repetition Of Armenian Genocide In light of the increased manifestations of hatred in Azerbaijan against the Armenians, Azerbaijan’s increasing military strength and the rise in internal tensions there, it is feared that if war breaks out again between Azerbaijan and Armenia, there will be massacres against the Armenian population in that contested region, reads the article of Yair Auron published on the site of Haaretz. As it is noted in the article, and yet, despite the handwriting on the wall, last month Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon flew to Azerbaijan to meet with the heads

of its military and state, including the president. The article reminds that in 2015 will mark 100 years since the genocide against the Armenian people. An Azeri assault, if one takes place, could be a sorrowful reminder of the events of those days. But perhaps it is not too late to prevent escalation. Israel has a moral obligation in this matter, beyond its international obligations. It would be very serious if it turned out that Azerbaijan’s security forces committed war crimes and crimes against humanity using Israeli weapons.

Commemoration Of The Genocide Planned In The Nation’s Capital Leaders of the Armenian Church in the United States have joined to plan a special remembrance of the Armenian Genocide next year. Commemorating the passage of 100 years since the start of the first genocide of the 20th century, a schedule of events including an ecumenical prayer service at the National Cathedral, a memorial concert, public exhibitions and a Pontifical Divine Liturgy will take place from May 7 to 10, 2015, in Washington, D.C. His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, and His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia, will both journey to the United States to lead and participate in the commemorative events. A National Centennial Committee has been formed under the auspices of the Diocese and the Prelacy to oversee and guide

the commemorative activities. The Committee, chaired by Dr. Noubar Afeyan, Boston-based entrepreneur and philanthropist, includes leaders from Armenian religious, political, and civic organizations from across the United States. The Committee includes Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Eastern Diocese of the Armenian Church of America; Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate of the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America; Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan, Prelate of the Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America; Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate of the Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America, and Archbishop Vicken Aykazian, Legate of the Cont. on p.10

AGBU To Provide $130,000 To Syrian Armenian Students For 2014-2015 Academic Year As the number of Syrian Armenian students arriving in Armenia continues to grow, AGBU is taking measures to ensure that their education does not suffer as a result of their displacement. Considering AGBU’s commitment to support Syrian Armenians in Armenia, the Union plans to cover tuition fees for Syrian Armenian students during the 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 academic years by allocating $130,000 each year to the initiative. The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation will also provide an additional $130,000 annually, while the government of the Republic of Armenia has agreed to offer additional funds as well as significantly reduced tuition for Syrian Armenian students. AGBU Armenia’s interim director Hovig Eordekian sees this program is an essential step in reversing the brain drain that continues to afflict the Republic of Armenia: “In October 2013, all Syrian Armenian students who submitted the corresponding papers from their universities benefitted from this program. Taking into consideration the vitality and urgency of the matter, the parties have committed to continue the program for the next two academic years. This important educational initiative will help Syrian Armenian youth continue their education in their homeland and not leave Armenia for other countries.” During the 2013-2014 academic year, the tuition fees for 380 Syrian Armenian undergraduate and graduate university students studying in Armenia were covered by a joint project by AGBU, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, the RA Ministry of Diaspora and the RA Ministry of Education. The parties have now agreed to give preference to undergraduates, who now make up the majority of university applicants. However, in order to allow as many Syrian Armenian students as possible to continue their education in Armenia within the budget allocated, the parties are currently discussing the possibility of covering the tuition of graduate students who meet certain criteria.

Armenia Army To Have “cyber troops” YEREVAN. – Considering the need for the creation of modern military units that ensure the cyber security of the army, the Ministry of Defense of Armenia has decided to follow the respective leading world track-record. The Armenian army will soon have a training center for the pre-military draftage youth, and a highly qualified professional team in the Armed Forces. As a result of the implementation of this program, the corresponding units of the Armenian Armed Forces will be complemented by qualified conscripts and highly qualified information technology (IT) specialists.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday October 30, 2014


A New Day By Seta Hamalian

Armenians around the world strive to keep their heritage and the mother language active, in spite of going through all sorts of life threatening experiences, tragedies, losses, tortures, and exile. The deceased ones have departed from this world, yet their spirits are alive within us and continuing on their mission. The Armenian Democratic Liberal Party had organized a celebration night dedicated to the 92nd anniversary of the weekly news publication, Nor Or. For decades, Nor Or has served the community with its employees and devoted volunteers who persistently put their precious time and effort into maintaining the Armenian identity. Nor Or publishes with full illustrations, news and political views, important messages, events, advertisements, and more. Nor Or has been the most desirable paper for a large community. The devoted members and the continuous readers are a significant source of success in this challenging time.

A new day is what Nor Or is about; a day filled with challenges, a day of happiness, sadness, or fortune. A new day is a day yet no one knows about, except our creator God. When the sun shines in the morning, and when hope flows in time, it’s the beginning of the new day. One wishes for only the ideal, amusing, prosperous, and healthy day, full of productivity, and that is what Nor Or is about. Nor Or is dedicated to providing the best service to the community. A respectable and principled newspaper, Nor or continues striving and confronting the challenges heroically with dignity and integrity. The Nor Or celebration event took place in a beautifully embellished banquet hall. The committee members were delightfully welcoming the guests, and the ambiance was dynamic. Old friends and new ones were co mingling and bonding with each other. They were embracing the momentum. A beautiful organ was playing in the background. The tables were decorated elegantly, and the waiters were serving delicious appetizers and entrees. This memorable setting was to remember one of the Armenian people’s victories; a victory of survival and persistence; a victory of faith and honor; a victory of love and peace. The program started with the national anthem and a speech about the past history of how Nor Or advanced year after year with hard work and dedication. Afterwards, there was a rewards ceremony for the wholeheartedly devoted and patriotic volunteers, without whom nothing would be obtained. They are little but mighty. The national singer performed varieties of favorite patriotic songs, and everyone had a good time. The unforgettable songs brought back memories promising a brighter future. As we speak, one member in each family becomes involved in this patriotic duty, by giving time or material contributions is a great honor to the Armenian origin, even for one who cannot read Armenian but is born Armenian. The Armenian soul is imbedded so genuinely that no one other culture will be able to erase or clear the seed of the Armenian origin.

By The Invitation Of The AGBU Asbeds Vartan Oskanian Delivers Talk On Armenia Centering On Church, Government, Diaspora, Genocide, And Karabakh

dation of the Republic of Armenia and the collective thought and spirit of the people. On the evening of Friday, October 10, the AGBU Asbeds Committee hosted a special event at the AGBU Vatche and Tamar Manoukian Center in Pasadena, featuring a lecture on “Armenian’s hopes and challenges” by the Honorable Vartan Oskanian, former Foreign Affairs Minister of the Republic of Armenia and present member of the Armenian National Assembly. Nearly two hundred guests, among them representatives of national, civic, and community organizations, and a large number of AGBU members, gathered around the dinner table to hear and participate in a dialogue on Armenia’s foreign and domestic issues. Prior to the blessing of tables, H.E. Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate of the Western United States, delivered remarks acclaiming Vartan Oskanian, the Diasporan and Armenian citizen, diplomat

matters. Dr. Minassian reflected on Mr. Oskanian’s vast experience, from his initial recognition in Armenia and the Diaspora through his AIM magazine, to his present work through his Civilitas Foundation. Dr. Minassian assessed Mr. Oskanian’s tenure at the Foreign Ministry in six points: First, in those ten years, Mr. Oskanian employed complementary diplomacy, maintaining neutrality and balance among competing powers. Second, he practiced multilateralism, working together with various countries for a common cause. Third, through his efforts, Armenia became a full member of the Council of Europe in 2001. Fourth, he advanced the protocols between Armenia and Turkey. Fifth, he succeeded in securing the de facto independence of Karabakh and its de jure status outside of Azerbaijan’s territorial reign. Finally, he highlighted Mr.

The Honorable Vartan Oskanian

Dr. Guiragos Minassian

and national servant. He stated that Mr. Oskanian brings pride through his leadership positions and efforts to make Armenia our life’s dream, hope, and promise, and that his life serves as a good example to the younger generations both in Armenia and abroad. The organizing Committee provided the guests with copies of the speaker’s book, “On the Path to Independence”, which the Master of Ceremonies Dr. Guiragos Minassian touched upon. Dr. Minassian thoroughly introduced the guest speaker and the various stages of his life, and also presented an overview of the aforementioned book, a compilation of entries from his journal titled “the great challenges of a small nation”. Here’s what the author says about himself; “Diplomacy is not only my education and my life, it is my drive and calling”. Vartan Oskanian was born in 1955 in Aleppo. He is an alumnus of AGBU Lazar Najarian – Kaloust Gulbenkian School, Yerevan Polytechnic Institute, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, and Harvard University. Through his former position as Foreign Affairs Minister and current duties as Parliamentarian, he has and continues to bring active participation to Karabakh negotiations and in general external and interior government

Oskanian’s efforts in fostering Armenia-Diaspora relations and collaboration. Excerpts from Vartan Oskanian’s Talk - Presently there are transformational goings-on in Armenia and Artsakh. - On the same day of the event, President Serzh Sargysan had signed Armenia’s membership into the Eurasian Customs Union, thus opening a new page in Armenia’s economic and foreign affairs. - Also on that very day, members of non-ruling parties staged gatherings to express their concerns and discontent of internal situations in Armenia. - Armenia finds itself in a new situation with regards to its place and role in the region as divisiveness over the Caucuses deepens between the West and Russia. - The need for collective efforts in overcoming serious challenges for the sake of a democratic and prosperous Armenia. - 23 years have passed since independence and we know our failings. We must be able to give an accurate and truthful valuation and have civic responsibility. - We are in a period of research. Armenia is strong enough. However, what are the fundamental pillars on which the strength of our nation rests? Have those pillars weakened or lost meaning? Mr. Oskanian then turned his attention to the five pillars which formed the foun-

(1) Armenian Apostolic Church The Armenian Apostolic Church is one of our sturdiest institutions. Although it is the house of God, often we regard the Church as a national institution. It is necessary for there to be distinct separation between Church and state. The Church has a right to express its voice when necessary, for it has the trust of the people, who expect it to be their protector. (2) Statehood It is necessary to distinguish the meaning of government and rule. The nation is the country with its structures; the Presidency, National Assembly, and government. It remains unchanged. Those who rule are the people, chosen to serve temporarily. It is not possible to conjoin the two, something which is done today by some factions. Second is democracy. Laws must be transparent. Lack of order shakes the foundation of our nation. Reform of the electoral system is needed. Armenia is a democracy and must become a true democracy. Our nation is not an autocratic dictatorial nation. Third is power. The foundation of a strong nation comes from the lawfulness of the leaders, not from the strength of its institutions. The source of power, the groundwork, is lawfulness. Government monopoly must be lifted and a control of powers instituted. Mr. Oskanian stated that his ten-year long experience confirmed that Armenia’s issues lie within, and not outside its borders. (3) Diaspora We expect the Diaspora’s involvement within Armenia. From the early days, Diasporans came to Armenia with great dedication. The role of the Diaspora is great. Unity must also be put into practice. One must not condemn the current state of affairs in Armenia. Things change. The Diaspora must accurately assess the homeland rather than focus solely on the Genocide. The establishment of democracy, and human rights and freedoms, must also concern the Diaspora. (4) Genocide As we approach the 100th anniversary of the Genocide, our expectations are greater than ever. It is necessary to accurately portray the issue of the Genocide to broaden the efforts of the Diaspora and Armenia. Clarify our purpose in the coming years, move from recognition to the demand of our rights and lands. Today the birth of Kurdistan is being outlined in the region. It is our duty to turn our attention to our demands with a new viewpoint. Cont. on p.10

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday October 30, 2014

Turkish Intellectual Pays Tribute To Armenian Genocide Victims, Receives Memorial Medal The National Council of Western Armenians NGO has decided to convene the 4th congress of Western Armenians before April 24, 2015, where the participants will approve the legal –political demands that will be presented to the state and public circles of Turkey. Before that at a meeting on October 12 the Council established a memorial medal named after Catholicos George V of Armenia, which will be awarded to Turkish intellectuals, who have revealed important theories and proofs of the Armenian Genocide. Writer, historian and sociologist Ismail Beshikchi became the first recipient of the medal. He has authored tens of scientific works, which contradict the Turkish official

policy of distorting history. He started writing about the Armenian Genocide from 1970s and spent over 15 years in jail for expressing his opinion. In all his works Beshikchi stresses that the massacre of Armenian in 1915 was the first genocide. “In the course of my research I’ve come to understand that the Kurdish and Syrian issues are the logical continuation of the Armenian Genocide. Had the Armenian Genocide been punished, there would be no Kurdish issue,” he said. The Turkish writer visited the Tsitsernakaberd Memorial today to pay tribute to the memory of the Armenian Genocide victims. Aida Avetisyan Public Radio of Armenia

Inspirations From Birthright Armenia As part of our application process, every now and then we receive an essay response that touches our hearts. Below we'd like to share with you an exemplary essay, one that we feel truly captures not only the sentiment of so many of this generation, but also because it gets to the essence of why Birthright Armenia created this journey that so many young people are seeking. We ask each applicant to explain their reasons for wanting to volunteer in Armenia, how they might fit in with their future goals, and to comment on what they expect to contribute to Armenia as well as receive through their service experience. Rachel Townzen's response follows below. Like many other twentysomethings, I'm in the process of figuring out who I am. My identity is something I've long wrestled with, and as I enter this next chapter of my life, I find myself more than ever wondering about myself and my future, and feel that some of the answers to my questions can be found in my past, in Armenia. What is more grounding than roots, after all? I've always been acutely aware of my "Armenian-ness," without having a solid grasp on what that meant, or how my heritage contributed to my identity. For the most part, my sense of being Armenian is tied to the genocide, and perhaps my greatest question is: what makes me Armenian besides that? What does it mean to be Armenian today? My desire to learn about my ethnic roots does not supersede my curiosity about the present day. I know Armenia through loss, but am eager to see what has remained and developed. I want to witness and be inspired by the resilience of the Armenian people, to engage with a society that has been transformed by its past, but which I'm sure has a fruitful and inspiring present as well. History is important, but so is reality. I want to bridge my disconnect from my Armenian ancestry not by learning exclusively about the past, but by participating in the present. I think this experience would be positive for me as a diasporan Armenian because I wholeheartedly believe in the value of cross-cultural interaction. I think that I have as much to gain as an American in Armenia as I have to offer other Armenians through this engagement. For me, the best part of teaching and

leading is learning. In my experience, the people who are most marginalized or discredited generally have the most to offer, and have the strongest capability to surprise you. There is also much to be said about the humility and hope to be found in volunteerism, and it is a virtue I have always strived to incorporate in my life. I feel very blessed to have had the family, education, and opportunities that I have had throughout my life, and would like to give back to others so that they might have the same access to these resources as I have. Before attending graduate school, I would like international work experience, and to transition into working with adults in a direct practice, empowerment position. From exploring the Birthright Armenia website, I've seen placements that have piqued my interest because they fit with these future goals, while also offering experiential lessons beyond the workplace, culturally, linguistically, and ultimately, personally. Before I can help others, I need to be able to have a strong sense of myself, and I think going to Armenia and becoming embedded in this land that has been a distant and imaginary homeland for me would help me find some of my missing pieces, giving me a richer sense of who I am and fostering pride in that person and her past. Rachel Townzen, 23, is from Lexington, Massachusetts, and currently living in Denver, Colorado. She graduated from Boston College in May 2014, and is now working as a case manager with refugees who have recently been resettled to the U.S. She is applying to serve in Armenia next spring.

Hyer United On October 19, Hyer United hosted it's first ever Fitness Fun Day at Verdugo Park in Glendale, CA. We offered Bootcamp, Zumba, and Yoga classes taught by licensed instructors. We had a great time exercising and promoting good health, while raising funds necessary for us to ship out our most recent donations to Artsakh. Thank you for all of you who came out to support us. Your contributions made a tremendous impact in helping us move one step closer to our goal.


Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

37 - Baskin Oran By Hambersom Aghbashian The story of a 7 year old Armenian boy from his own narrative how he survived the genocide. (Author Baskan Oran). Baskin Oran (Born 1945 in Izmir, Turkey), had graduated from the Faculty of Political Science ( Ankara University) in 1968 and became an Assistant at the same Faculty. He received his PhD degree in 1974. He was discharged by the Military Gov. In Nov. 1982, then returned to his post in 1990 on a court ruling. He became a Full Prof. of Int. Relations in 1997 and retired in 2006 from the Faculty of PS where he still lectures. He is fluent in French and English besides Turkish. He is the author “Minority and Cultural Rights Report” (2004, Globalization and Minorities, Minorities in Turkey etc.. Baskin Oran was the head of the Int. Rel. chair, PSF (19982006); Nat. Liaison Officer to ECRI, CoE* (1999-2009); Commentator, SBS Radio, Australia (1999-2006); Columnist, Agos (since Feb. 2000) and Radikal Iki (since April 2007); Member of PM’s Consultative Committee. on Human Rights (since 2001).(1) According to "http://www.genocide1915.org", The massacres in Ottoman Turkey are only second to the Holocaust, the most researched case of genocide. Research on the 1915 genocide is carried out in several countries and in different disciplines. Baskin Oran (political scientist) is one of the most prominent experts in the field who define the events as genocide beside historians Yehuda Bauer,Yair Auron, Henry Huttenbach, Eric Weitz, political scientists Robert Melson, Roger Smith, Colin Tatz; sociologists Helen Fein, Eric Markusen, psychologist and genocide scholar Israel Charny; Raphael Lemkin (lawyer-the father of today's Genocide Convention), Taner Akcam (historian), Fatma Muge Gocek (Sociologist) and many others.(2) Harut Sassounian, Publisher, The California Courier wrote on Dec.18, 2008, During the past week, two public appeals were issued on the Armenian Genocide, one by Turkish intellectuals and the other by prominent individuals in Armenia.The Turkish appeal was initiated by scholars Ahmet Insel, Baskin Oran, Cengiz Aktar, and journalist Ali Bayramoglu. Risking death threats by Turkish extremists and possible legal action, they issued a personal apology for "the Great Catastrophe that the Ottoman Armenians were subjected to in 1915." On Dec.15, they set up an internet site titled "We Apologize" (www.ozurdiliyoruz.com) which quickly attracted the signatures of more than 3,000 Turks.(3)Armeniapedia.org reporter wrote " In the July 17, 2005 issue of Marmara, an Armenian daily from Istanbul, I read that Baskin Oran has published a new book with a CD that depicts the memories of an Armenian orphan from his own recordings. It tells the story of this 7 year old Armenian boy** from his own narrative how he survived the genocide". (4)

In his article "Our Ingenious Projects for 2015", (Radikal, January 2014), Baskin Oran criticized Yusuf Halaço!lu*** saying , " Halaçoglu's credibility abroad is also important . He is in constant contact with prominent scholars. For example he promised Ara Sarafyan, the Director of Gomidas Institute in London, to work on a joint research on Armenians of Harput. Similarly, he also agreed with Prof. David Gaunt to examine the skeletons found in a cave in Nusaybin's Kuru Village. However when it came to implementation he told Sarafyan; "There are no records in the archives on this matter." (Radikal, 10.03.2007).And when Gaunt arrived from Sweden, there were no more skeletons in the cave. Halaçoglu's explanation was; "It is winter time. It rained, there was rainfall and mud. After all, they were Romans." (TRTHaber, 24.04.2007).(5) According to Asbarez .com (Sept. 30, 2014), Baskin Oran is one of the Turkish Intellectuals who have released a statement condemning in the harshest terms what they define as expressions that include “open hatred and hostility” towards Armenians in Turkish schoolbooks, which were recently exposed by the newspapers Agos and Taraf. The statement said: “The revolutions history and history textbooks should be collected immediately, with an apology issued to everyone and particularly to Armenian students. This is where the path to Turkish-Armenian peace lies, at this time when we are approaching 2015.” (6)

* ECRI, European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) is the Council of Europe’s independent human rights monitoring body specialized in combating racism, discrimination, xenophobia, antiSemitism and intolerance. (CoE) is The Council of Europe , **Manuel Kirkasharian (Adana-Turkey) forced on a death march in 1915, and finally survived and arrived in Mosul (Iraq) where he stayed in an Armenian orphanage sponsored by late Sarkis Chakmakchian , an Armenian philanthropist from Mosul. (H.A.) ***Yusuf Halaço!lu (born 10 May 1949 in Kozan, Adana) is a Turkish historian and politician. He is a former president of the Turkish Historical Society. Halaço!lu is a well-known denier of the Armenian Genocide. His views closely parallel the official Turkish state thesis that the massacres and death marches did not constitute genocide. 1.http://baskinoran.com/eng/ozgecm is_eng.php 2.http://www.genocide1915.org/frago rochsvar_forskning.html 3. http://www.keghart.com/node/202 4.http://www.armeniapedia.org/wiki /Baskin_Oran 5.www.baskinoran.com/2014/OurIngeniousProjectsfor2015.rtf 6.Asbarez.com


Nor Or Weekly - Thursday October 30, 2014

NATURE or NURTURE? By Alice Krumian The argument of Nature versus Nurture is an old discussion that has occupied many psychologists in the field of child development. Are we born with our intelligence, abilities, talents, and behavior and other personality traits, or do our environments, the ways in which we are raised and educated have the ability to determine who we are? Actually, the debate centers on the relative contribution of genetic inheritance, i.e.an individual’s innate qualities (nature) as compared to the individual’s personal experiences and environmental factors (nurture) to human development. For instance, if a man abuses his wife and children, is it because he was born with violent tendencies, or is it something he learned by observing his own parents’ behavior? One way to determine the contribution of heredity or genes is to study identical twins reared apart. In many cases, such twins have shown the same similarities of behavior as if they have been reared together. Thus, it has been found that genes make a substantial contribution, including psychological traits such as intelligence and personality. Similarly, the IQs and abilities of adopted children have been found to be highly similar to their biological parents

rather than to their adoptive parents. Thus, scholars suggest that family influence cannot totally determine the complex character of people, which is largely dependent on genes or Nature. The basic assumption in the Nurture point of view is that the human mind at birth is a Tabula Rasa (a blank slate) as termed by the philosopher John Lock, and it is gradually “filled” as a result of education and life experiences. For instance, when we see children misbehaving, it is our first reaction to blame the parents, thus putting the blame solely on the nurture or upbringing of the child. This argument can even be traced to Biblical times when it is said, “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it.”(Proverbs 22:6). Recently, the Nature versus Nurture debate has entered the realm of law and criminal defenses. In some cases, lawyers for violent offenders have begun to argue that, individuals’ genes rather than their rational decision-making, is the cause of their criminal activity. Proponents of this point of view have suggested that individuals cannot be held responsible for their genes and therefore should not be held accountable

for their dispositions and resulting actions. In the United States, the theories of Genetics in court defenses have been used in reducing sentences for violent offenders. (Health Law Journal, 2009). One can argue, however, that the impairment of judgment and a disadvantaged background may increase the propensity for criminality, yet they do not necessarily determine criminal actions. The reality is that nature and nurture interact in a number of different ways. Recent advances in Genetics gave rise to the Human Genome Project, which stimulated enormous interest in tracing types of behavior to particular DNA located on specific chromosomes. However, biology interacts with both the cultural context and the personal choices that people make about how they want to live their lives. There is no simple way of unraveling these different influences on human behavior. Thus, even if a person has inherited genes for a taller than average height, the person may not grow to be as tall as is genetically possible if proper nutrition is not provided. Therefore, the interaction of genes and environment is rather blurred. It’s true that nature endows us with inborn abilities and traits. Yet, nurture takes


Vartan Oskanian Delivers Talk On Armenia (5) Karabakh Finally, the most important of the pillars is the triumphs of Karabakh and its independence. Negotiations continue, ups and downs occur, however, even if our government takes a wrong step, the people will not allow it. Karabakh is an independent nation, and the victories secured set the foundation for our politics in the years that followed. Unfortunately, those victories and Karabakh’s existence are sometimes exploited to cover up government inaction. By making Armenia more democratic, we would be assisting in the resolution of the Karabakh conflict. The threat of war is near. However, democratic Artsakh will continue to stand up to dictatorial Azerbaijan and continue its victories. Summarizing his presentation, Mr. Oskanian stated that with secure and fair elections, democracy will triumph, the basis of which is unity. A clear and broad vision is crucial, so that we can transform this small nation into the nation that we all want to see, concluded the speaker. Guests applauded the balanced, confident, and objective lecture. A true example of a healthy democracy. A question and answer session followed covering the following topics: - A discussion on Armenia’s entry into the Eurasian Customs Union, during which Mr. Oskanian, looking ahead to the future, stated the importance of continuing with Georgia on the same path as much as possible to avoid difficulties and surprises in the future. - A call for more active participation from the Diaspora. - Outcomes that would result from signing the protocols; recognizing Turkey’s current border. - The involvement of Armenia’s youth in politics and their emigration from the country. - Azerbaijan’s massive resources and its utilization for propaganda purposes. - The invitation to the Genocide commemoration extended to Erdogan during his election victory was considered a diplomatic misstep. - How to appease discontent and protests. In his reply to this issue, Mr. Oskanian referenced the 12 points put forth by the opposition, stating that the implemen-

tation of some of the points would have made Armenia stronger internally today. - To the question of when Armenia will recognize Artsakh’s independence, Mr. Oskanian answered that it must occur at a precise moment. At the conclusion of the question and answer, AGBU Western District Committee Chair Mr. Krekor Karaguezian amd Asbeds Committee Treasurer Mr. Vahan Vosgian presented the honored guest with a memento portraying the resting of Noah’s Ark on Mount Ararat. Mr. Karaguezian thanked the honorable Vartan Oskanian, the Asbeds Committee,

these genetic tendencies and molds them as we learn and mature throughout our life. Therefore, it seems reasonable to think that many personality and behavior traits are not exclusively the province of Nature or Nurture, but rather an inextricable combination of both. Ultimately, the old argument of Nature versus Nurture has never really been solved. The debate of Nature versus Nurture seems to negate the significance of Free Will. If all our traits are determined by our genes and our environment, that is to say, by pure chance, then there seems to be little room for our free will. Biology and environment may determine our abilities and our achievements, yet free will still shapes what we do and who we are. It is a fact that we have traits that are predetermined by our genes and are developed by our culture or environment, yet we still choose who we want to be, and the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility as we travel through our lifetime.

Cont. from p. 8

Cont. from p. 7

Master of Ceremonies Dr. Guiragos Minassian, District Committee Treasurer Mr. Avedis Markarian, and all the guests for their attendance. He also noted the absence of and expressed condolences to Asbeds Committee Chairman Dr. Haroutiun Yaghsezian and his wife Maida, who were mourning the loss of their father, Garabed Yaghsezian. Guests departed for their homes overcome with faith, hope, and love toward our 23-years young nations of Armenia and Artsakh, and inspired by Vartan Oskanian’s talk to actively contribute to the prosperity of our and only fatherland.

Eastern Diocese of the Armenian Church of America. “We are organizing these events in the nation’s capital in order to involve the country’s political leaders, raise awareness in the non-Armenian community, and honor countries and individuals that have helped Armenians during and after the Genocide,” said committee chair Dr. Afeyan. “We are honored that Catholicos Karekin II and Catholicos Aram I will be among us, blessing the occasion, as together we stand up for the Armenian presence in America and in the world,” he added. The National Centennial Committee has met several times and is working together with Washington D.C.-based sub-committees to plan the various events and activities. The Committee is working closely with the Central Commemorative Committees for the United States and Armenia to coordinate the activities.


CELEBRATING ARMENIAN WOMEN’S LEGACY IN PRINT Under the auspices of AGBU Arts and Cultural Committee, AGBU Hye Geen will launch two important books. One is devoted to Hye Geen’s 20 years of community service which include the creation of AGBU Hye Geen Young Circle, the publication of a magazine, the initiation of a TV program about issues of public concern and the Armenian heritage, the formation of a coalition with the participation of 13 women’s organizations, as well as the establishment of five Pregnant Women’s Centers in Armenia. Moreover, AGBU Hye Geen is highly regarded for its annual conferences and public debates about topics relevant to the various aspects of Armenian life, both local and in the Homeland. The 20-year anniversary book is compiled by Sona Yacoubian, Founder and President of AGBU Hye Geen. The other book, Sona Zeitlian’s On the Traces of Armenian Women is a comprehensive overview of the struggles and achievements of Armenian women throughout history. This well researched book is the first of its kind and has won the Kevork Melidinetsi 2013 award from the Catholicosate of Cilicia. The annual award is bestowed on an original work, which contributes to the Armenian heritage. Sona Zeitlian is an AGBU Hye Geen member and the author of such distinguished works as the role of Armenian women during the revolution, a series on legendary heroes and heroines, the folktales of Musa Dagh based on the oral tradition and the comprehensive study of Armenians in Egypt. The event celebrating the publication of these unique books will take place on Thursday, November 20, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. at the Zorayan Hall of St. Leon Armenian Cathedral, Western Diocese of the Armenian Church at 3325 N. Glenoaks Blvd, Burbank, California 91504. The day’s mistress of ceremonies is Cecile Keshishian. Her opening remarks will be followed by the 20th anniversary book presentation by educator Laura Kouyoumjian. Sona Zeitlian will speak about the impact of landmark women’s experiences, which have impressed her most. Then Therese Hayrapetian will comment on behalf of AGBU Hye Geen Young Circle. The closing remarks will be delivered by His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian. A reception will conclude the evening’s program.

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dar;rou skxbnauorouj;an ke mithin Âousastani Mi=in Ar;u;lq ;u Fndkastan n;rja'anzoume arg;lak;l^ ir;nz m;na,norf;al kargawiyake pa,tpan;lou famar a\d ,r=ann;rhn n;rs! Safmana'akoumi ;u arg;lakoumi a\s qa[aqakanoujiune f;taga\in ord;grou;zau na;u Am;rika\i Miaz;al Nafangn;rou (AMN) ko[mh :rkrord Fama,.arfa\in pat;raxmi auartin% manauand 1946-hn ;tq! Ardar;u% a\d ,r=anin f;[inakauor am;rikazi diuanaght Yory Qhneni n;r,ncoumin wra\ fimnoua‘ ®axmawarakan t;souj;an me xargazoumow% irar\a=ord am;rikazi na.agaf n;r Fhri Drouman (1945-1953)% Toua\j A\xenfauour (1953-1961)% Yon Qhnnhti (1961-1963)% Linton Yonsen (1963-1969)% Âicert Niqsen (1969-1974)% Yimi Qarjer (1977-1981) ;u Âonelt Âhkan (1981-1989) >orfrda\in Miouj;an fandhp kirarkouo[ ir;nz artaqin \arab;roujiunn;rou a®anzqe dar]ouzin amhn ginow ªfama\nawarouj;an ‘aualapa,touj;an dhm pa\qar;louº pa,tønakan qa[aqakanoujiune! Ardar;u% na.agaf Linten Yonsen ªfama\nawarouj;an dhm pa\qariº karga.øse øgtagor‘;z ardarazn;lou famar Wihjnami pat;raxme ;u anor f;t a®ncouo[ qa[aqagitakan møt;zoumn;re! Fiusisa\in Atlant;an Ou.ti (NAJØ) kaxmauoroume 1949-in \stakørhn a\d ®axmawarouj;an xinouorakan arta\a\toujiune fandisazau^ :uropa\i fiusisa\in ‘a\ramashn dhpi farau ;rkaro[ t;sak me arg;lako[ patouar!

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Bavanordagrou;lou famar Âamkawar Axatakan Kousakzouj;an ;l;ktrona\in mamoulin% };r e-mail faszhn krnaq [rk;l ragmamoul@gmail.com

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FF BAR}RAGO|N >MBI AÂA+NOUJIUNOUM Fokt;mb;ri 25-26-in ka\azan FF bar]rago\n .mbi a®a=nouj;an 11-rd mrza'ouli fandipoumn;re% oronq auartou;zin f;t;u;al ardiunqn;row& ªAraratº-ªOulisº^ 2-3 ªBananzº-ªMikaº^ 0-2 ª<irakº-ª"iunikº^ 0-0 ªAla,k;rtº-ªGan]asarº^ 1-0 Mrza,ara\in a[iusak >& |& F& P& G& M& Oulis 11 10 1 0 26-6 31 "iunik 10 5 3 2 18-11 18 Ala,k;rt 11 4 2 5 12-13 14 <irak 10 4 2 4 11-11 14 Gan]asar 10 4 2 4 16-18 14 Bananz 10 3 2 5 13-16 11 Mika 11 2 4 5 10-14 10 Ararat 11 2 0 9 15-32 6 • Ka\azan FF `oujpoli gauaji qa®ord ;xra'akici ªAla,k;rtº-ªAraratº^ 4-3 ;u ªGan]asarº-ªMikaº^ 0-3 patas.an fandipoumn;re! Qani or a®a=in .a[;roum ªArarateº ;u ªMikanº \a[j;l hin 2-0 fa,ouow% apa ;rkousn hl dours ;kan kisa;xra'akic!

S:RPIAN :U ALPANIAN >STØRHN PATVOU:ZIN Fokt;mb;ri 24-in OU:~A-n fraparak;l h S;rpia\in ;u Alpania\in w;rab;ro[ patvami=ozn;ri zanke! Fokt;mb;ri 14-in ka\aza‘ ª:urø-2016º-i entrakan 'ouli S;rpia-Alpania fandipoumn anauart hr mnaz;l% ;rb 41-rd rophin .a[ada,toum ankargoujiunn;r hin sks;l! OU:~A-n .ist patvami=ozn;r h kira®;l ;rkou fauaqakann;ri nkatmamb& 1& Alpania\i fauaqakanin granzou;l h 0-3 fa,ouow t;.nikakan partoujiun! 2& S;rpia\i fauaqakani miauorn;riz fanuoum h 3 miauor! 3& S;rpia\i fauaqakane \a=ord 2 tna\in .a[;rn anzkazn;lou h a®anz fandisakann;ri! N,;nq% or 2-rd .a[e s;rp;re anzkazou;lou ;n FF fauaqakann;ri dhm! 4& S;rpia\i ;u Alpania\i `oujpoli da,noujiunn;re touganuoum ;n 100 faxarakan ;uro\ow! Ko[m;rn irauounq oun;n bo[oqark;l OU:~A-i kargapafakan komithi oro,oumn;re! |i,;zn;nq% or ª:urø-2016ºi entrakan J& .mboum ;n endgrkoua‘ Fa\astani% S;rpia\i% Alpania\i% "orjougalia\i ;u Dania\i fauaqakann;re! OU:~A-i a\s oro,oumiz \;to\ J& .mbi mrza,ara\in a[iusakn a\spisi t;sq ouni& >& |& F& P& G& M& Alpania 3 1 1 1 2-4 4 Dania 3 1 1 1 3-3 4 "orjougalia 2 1 0 1 1-1 3 S;rpia 2 1 1 0 4-1 1 (-3) Fa\astan 2 0 1 1 2-3 1

FA|ASTAN:AN ~OUJPOLI >YANKAR • ~I~A-n fraparak;l h axga\in fauaqakann;ri dasakargman a[iusake! FF fauaqakane 52-rd t;[iz nafan=;l h 75-rd t;[e! Fa\astani f;t ª:urø-2016ºi no\n entrakan .mboum endgrkoua‘ Dania\i fauaqakane 32-rdn h% S;rpian^ 46-e (Jourqia\i f;t kisoum h 46-47-rd t;[e)% Alpanian^ 48-e% "orjougalian^ 9-rde! A®a=atare G;rmanian h! A®au;lago\n t;[ xi=a‘ jime Atrph\yann h% ore nafan=;l h 73 t;[ ;u 126-rd t;[oum h! • OU:~A-i na.agaf Mi,hl Platinin gow;sti .øsq;r h as;l Dortmoundi ªBorousia-




\iº ;u FF fauaqakani kisapa,tpan F;nri. M.ijar;ani faszhin! Platiniin tpauor;l h M.ijar;ani .a[e A.o\;ann;ri lika\i jourqakan ªGalajasara\iº dhm! A\d .a[oum ªBorousianº \a[j;l hr 4-0 fa,ouow% isk 25-am;a\ F;nri.e acqi hr enk;l fo\akap .a[ow! - M.ijar;ane ,at .;lazi% ta[andauor ;u bar;fambo\r t[a\ h! Na fianali h dastiarakoua‘ ;u Bound;slika\i lauago\n `oujpolistn;riz h%- Platinii .øsq;re mh=b;roum h g;rmanakan mamoule! Au;lazn;nq% or A.o\;ann;ri a\s mrza'ouli .orfrdan,akan fauaqakanoum endgrkoua‘ h na;u F;nri. M.ijar;ane! • Moskoua\i ªSpartakiº ;u FF fauaqakani \ar]akouo[ :oura Mowsis;ane w;r=in marxmane masnakz;l h jimi endfanour .mbi f;t! Na marxou;l h a®anz safmana'akoumn;ri% na.apatrastou;low ÂD-i 'r;mi;r lika\i 11-rd mrza'ouli ªLokomotiuiº dhm .a[in! A\d .a[oum Mowsis;ane da,t dours ;kau 71-rd rophin! • Fnarauor h% or Moskoua\i ªSpartakiº na.kin gl.auor marxic% a\vm moskow;an akoumbi gor‘adir tnørhni ;ritasardakan farz;row .orfrdakan Timijri Gounkon gl.auori :r;uani ªOuliseº% pa,tønank aroua‘ Sourhn Ca.al;ani 'o.arhn! Gounkon as;l h& ª:s m;‘ sirow ar]agang;zi +;uan C;lo\;anzi (ªSpartakiº s;'akanathr;riz mhke)^ Fa\astan vaman;lou frauhrin! Im armatn;re 25 tokosow fa\kakan ;n! Paps fa\ hr!

:UROPA|I A>O|:ANN:RI LIKA|OUM A.o\;ann;ri lika\i .mba\in mrza,ar;roum ka\aza‘ f;rjakan mrza'ouli fandipoumn;ri ardiunqn;re& A& .oumb& ªØlimpiakosº-ª:ouw;njousº^ 1-0% ªAjl;tikøº-ªMaml\øº^ 5-0! ªAjl;tikønº ;u ªØlimpiakosnº oun;n 6-akan% ª:ouw;njousnº ou ªMalm\ønº^ 3-akan miauor! B& .oumb& ªLiudogor;zº-ªBax;lº^ 1-0% ªLiw;rpoulº-ªÂhalº Matrit^ 0-3! ªÂhalnº ouni 6% mius jim;re^ 3-akan miauor! G& .oumb& ªBa\;rº L;u;rkoux;n-ªX;nijº^ 2-0% ªMonaqøº-ªB;n`ikaº^ 0-0! ªBa\;rº^ 6% ªMonaqøº^ 5% ªX;nijº^ 4% ªB;n`ikaº^ 1 miauor! D& .oumb& ªAnd;rl;.jº-ªArs;nalº^ 1-2% ªGalajasara\º-ªBorousiaº Dortmound^ 0-4! ªBorousiaº^ 9% ªArs;nalº^ 6% ªAnt;rl;.jº ;u ªGalajasra\º^ 1-akan miauor! :& .oumb& BKMA-ªManc;sjer Sijiº^ 2-2% ªÂomaº-ªBauariaº^ 1-7% ªBauariaº^ 6% ªÂomaº^ 4% ªManc;sjer Sijiº^ 2% BKMA^ 1 miauor! X& .oumb& APØHL-"SV^ 0-1% ªBars;lonaºªA\aqsº^ 3-1! "SV^ 7% ªBars;lonaº^ 6% ªA\aqsº^ 2% APØHL^ 1! H& .oumb& ª<alkhº-ªSportingº^ 4-3% ªC;lsiº-ªMariborº^ 6-0! ªC;lsiº^ 7% ª<alkhº^ 5% ªMariborº^ 2% ªSportingº^ 1 miauor! E& .oumb& BATH-ª<a.t\orº^ 0-7% ª"orjouºªAjl;tikº^ 2-1! ª"orjouº^ 7% ª<a.t\orº^ 5% BATH^ 3% ªAjl;tikº 1 miauor!

:RKOU PRONXH M:TALAKIR >orwajia\i ma\raqa[aq Xagr;poum auartou;z b®nzqamarti :uropa\i ;ritasardakan a®a=noujiune% ort;[ Fa\astane n;r-

ka\azoua‘ hr 9 marxikn;row! Ir;nz m;knarka\in .a[oum \a[janakn;r ;n tøn;l Al;n Danihl;ane (49 qk&)% Spartak Jamar;ane (56 qk&)% Ararat Kiulpang;ane (64 qk&) ;u S;r\ova |akob;ane (91 qk&)! Dauij Asatr;ane (52 qk&)% Vora Famaxar;ane (60 qk&) ;u Armhn Minas;ane (75 qk&) c;n karo[az;l \a[jafar;l m;knarka\in 'ouli arg;lqe! Qa®ord ;xra'akicoum partou;zin ;u m;taln;ri famar pa\qariz dours mnazin Spartak Jamar;ane% Ararat Kiulpang;ane% Gn;l Mourad;ane (g;r‘anr qa,)% ow wnasoua‘qi patya®ow ckaro[azau masnakz;l qa®ord ;xra'akicin% cna\a‘ na lau fandhs ;kau ;u Tigran M;lqon;ane (69 qk&)! Al;n Danihl;ane ;u S;r\ova |akob;ane dours ;kan kisa;xra'akic% ort;[ partou;low arvanazan pronxh m;taln;ri!

~ID:_I DASAKARGMAN A{IUSAKE ~ID:-n fraparak;l h Fokt;mb;r amsoua\ a,.arfi 100 ouv;[ago\n grosma\st;rn;ri warkani,a\in a[iusake! T[amardkanz a[iusake a®a=oua\ phs gl.auoroum h a,.arfi a.o\;an Magnous Ka®ls;ne (2863 miauor)! FF ,a.mati fauaqakani a®a=atar L;uon Aron;ane ir warkani,e nouax;zr;l h ;u a\vm 2793 miauorow t;[a'o.ou;l h 5-rd t;[e! Lauago\n tasn;akoum ;n na;u& 2& ~abianø Karouanan^ 2844% 3& W;s;lin Jo'alowe^ 2800% 4& Al;qsandr Gri,couke^ 2797% 6& Wi,wanajan Anande^ 2785% 7& Ani, Girin^ 2768% 8& S;rgh\ Kar\akine^ 2767% 9& Fikarou Nakamouran^ 2764% 10& <afri\ar Mam;d\arowe^ 2764! 100 lauago\nn;ri mh= ;n na;u 53& Gabrihl Sargs;ane^ 2690% 93& S;rgh\ Mowsis;ane% 94& Wladimir |akob;ane% 95& Tigran {aram;ane (~ransia)^ 2657-akan miauor! M;‘ a®a=enjaz h ar]anagr;l Frand M;lqoum;ane% ow 2678 miauorow 64-rdn h! Kananz 100 lauago\nn;ri zouzake gl.auoroum h foungaroufi :oudij Polgare^ 2675% nran endfoup møt;z;l h cinoufi Føou |i`ane^ 2673! Hlina Danihl;ane^ 2487 (20-rd)% Lilij Mkrtc;ane^ 2444 (40-rd)% Almira Skripc;nkon (~ransia)^ 2429 (51-rd)! :ritasardn;ri zouzake gl.auoroum h folandazi Ani, Girin^ 2768! Karhn Grigor;ane^ 2591 (19-rd)% |owfannhs Gaboux;ane^ 2565 (22-rd)% Âob;rt A[asar;ane^ 251 (39-rd)% Samouhl S;u;ane^ 2484 (61-rd)% Tigran |aroujiun;ane^ 2441 (97-rd)! A[=ikn;ri zouzake gl.auoroum h Føou |i`ane! M;r Maria Ghorg;ane^ 2160 miauorow 87-rdn h! T[amardkanz 10 lauago\n ;rkrn;rn ;n& 1& Âousastan^ 2740% 2& Ouqrania^ 2690% 3& Cinastan^ 2688% 4& ~ransia^ 2661% 5& Fndkastan^ 2660% 6& Foungaria^ 2655% 7& Fa\astan^ 2655% 8& Folandia^ 2642% 9& AMN^ 2641% 10& L;fastan^ 2636% 11& G;rmania^ 2630% 12& Isra\hl^ 2629% 13& Atrph\yan^ 2629% 14& Anglia^ &&&% 17& Wrastan^ 2590! Kananz lauago\n ;rkrn;rn ;n& 1& Cinastan^ 2498% Âousastan^ 2490% 3& Wrastan^ 2444% 4& Ouqrania^ 2412% 5& L;fastan^ 2379% 6& Fndkastan^ 2379% 7& Foungaria^ 2371% 8& ~ransia^ 2347% 9& G;rmania^ 2344% 10& Âouminia^ 2318% 11& AMN^ 2315% &&& 17% Atrph\yan^ 2261% &&& 21& Fa\astan^ 2246!

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NOR ØR% 30 FOKT:MB:R% 2014

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