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Fin qa[aqe ke gtnoui Siuniqi Faband gaua®in mh=% famanoun g;ti ]a. a'in! Fin dar;roun anor qaran]aun;re ou qa®a\rn;re øgtagor‘oua‘ ;n ibr;u kazaran! Q&a& 8-rd d arou n% a® a=i n angam ellalow% ke \i,atakoui Goris qa[aqin anoune% Ourartoui Âousa jagauorin ko[mh! Mi=in daroun ;[a‘ h kar;uor fango\z^ Na.i=;uanhn Xang;xour% dhpi Arza. ou M;r]kasp;an ta'astann;re! Manauand dhS& F®i'simh ;k;[;zin pi Parskastan yamboun wra\% Gorise fangst;an ka\an h amhn kargi b;®natarn;rou% yambordatar pas;rou% inqna,arvn;rou ou ,og;ka®qi! F;taqrqrakan h a\d siroun qa[aqe& f;®ouhn ci n,marouir! Phtq h møt;nal% ;rkara]gouo[ kiryi mh= t;sn;lou famar qa[aqin fama\napatk;re ‘a®;rou kanacouj;an mh=! Gorisi mh=% 1765-in S& F®i'simh ;k;[;zin ka®ouza‘ h Øfan M;liqe! 1865-in fastatoua‘ h ®ousakan ®axmaka\an! Jourqm;nca\i Da,nagrhn (1828) ;tq% bnakcoujiune ke stouarana\ Parskastanhn ga[ja‘ fa\;row! 1868-in ke da®na\ Hlixauhjpol nafangi Xang;xouri gaua®i k;dronawa\r! 1870-in% g;ti a= a'in ke fimnoui Goris nor qa[aqe! Anor f;®auoroujiune :r;uanhn 254 qlm& h! Ouni andnda.or ]or;r ou kiry;r% ou lan=;rou xarija'in^ brga];u va\®;r! Bnoujiune g;[;zik h% øde^ maqour% kliman^ bar;.a®n l;®na\in! <norfiu 1931% 1950-53-in ka®ouzoua‘ fitro;l;ktraka\ann;roun% qa[aqin mh= fimnoua‘ ;n gar;=ouri% limonati% fiusoua‘;[hni% ®;tinh kø,ikn;rou% gorgagor‘ouj;an% ;l;ktra,arvicn;rou% fazi gor‘arann;r% .a[o[agor‘ouj;an ou pt[abou‘ouj;an f;taxøtakan k;dronn;r! Mhk .øsqow% >orfrda\in karg;rou vamanak m;‘ xargazoumn;r oun;za‘ h! Fon ke gtnoui Aks;l Bakounzi toun-jangarane! Gorisi barba®e ouni oro, iura\atkoujiunn;r! A\sphs ørinak% ouni 9 ]a\nauor ;u 32 ba[a]a\n! Xourk h ª~º fnciunhn% ;rkbarba®n;re parxazoua‘ ;n! Ouni anouanakan fing folowa];u% ;ua\ln! Qa[aqe faroust h \ou,ar]ann;row! Bnakcouj;an jiue ke gnafatoui ,our= 23%000! Gorisi mh= dadari enjazqin fiurasiroujiun ka\& souryi spasarkoujiune amhn ban k*arvh! Kary fangisth me ;tq ke ,arounak;nq m;r yamban B;rda]ori mh=hn% ou dar]dar]ik yamban;row% ma®a.lapat <ou,ihn anzn;low% iriknamoutin w;r=aphs ke fasninq St;'anak;rt% ma\raqa[aqin k;drone gtnouo[ Arm;nia fiuranoze! A®anz anpat;fouj;anz% ktra‘ ;nq nouaxago\ne 323 qlm& yanaparf! Vame 20!30-in ke wa\;l;nq framzoua‘ yo. enjriqe pandokin! (<ar& 6)

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Glendale City Council Unanimously Approves Initiating Negotiations On Property Slated For The Armenian American Museum And Memorial Monument

Glendale, CA – All five members of the Glendale City Council voted on November 4, 2014, in favor of a motion to enter into an Exclusive Negotiating Agreement with the Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee of Western US (AGCC) for the ground lease of a 1.7 acre property located to the south of the Glendale Civic Auditorium and across the street from Glendale Community College. Earlier this year, the AGCC announced its interest to build a Museum and Educational/Cultural Center in Southern California. After exploring numerous locations throughout Los Angeles County, the organization identified a site in Glendale with the characteristics of a world class museum and cultural/educational center. In her introductory remarks, AGCC CoChair Talin Yacoubian stated, “It is not often that one finds such a wide cross section of a constituency or community wholeheartedly supporting any single project, but the magnitude, relevance and importance of this project has created an indivisible bond, not only among the Armenian-American community but beyond.” Representatives of the 19 organizations on the Board of the AGCC, its Landmark Sub-Committee, members of the Armenian Genocide Memorial Council of Glendale, as well as several dozen community organiz-

ers and volunteers, were in attendance at the Council meeting to express their support. “We have decided to build a Museum and a Cultural/Educational Center that strives to transform lives, and a Memorial Monument to fallen victims of crimes against humanity, to promote all that is just in the United States of America, and ultimately be a destination venue for all,” said AGCC Co-Chair Garo Ghazarian in his address to the members of the Council.

Armenia And NATO Hail Cooperation Level

Armenia Has Been And Remains Guarantor Of Karabakh Independence – RPA

Armenian Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan who is on a working visit to Belgium visited the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) in Mons. Seyran Ohanyan discussed issues of regional security during his meeting with the Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR), U.S. General Philip Breedlove on November 10. The sides also discussed issues related to enhancing the level of interoperability of the Armenian Armed Forces subdivisions with the NATO forces. In Brussels, the Defense Minister met with NATO Deputy Secretary-General Alexander Vershbow. The discussions focused on ArmeniaNATO cooperation and issues related to regional and international security challenges. The sides hailed the current level of cooperation expressing the hope that it will be developing successfully.

His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian told Council members that he was delighted that they have taken this initiative. “This Museum with its Cultural and Educational Center and Memorial will be a symbol of life, a symbol of resurrected life, a symbol of justice, a symbol to adhere to history and culture, a symbol of an important monument which will invite us all to embrace heroism in our lives,” he said. All Council members expressed support

YEREVAN. – Armenia has been and it remains the guarantor of the security and independence of Nagorno-Karabakh. Armenian National Assembly (NA) Vice-Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov, who is also Press Secretary of the ruling Republican Party (RPA), stated the above-said at the parliament on Tuesday. He noted this while commenting on the NA draft decision introduced by opposition Heritage Party MP Zaruhi Postanjyan, and “On the Aspects of the Politico-Military Fundamentals for Ensuring the Security of the Republics of Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh) and Armenia.” To note, one of the points in this draft decision demands that

the National Assembly formally recognize the NagornoKarabakh Republic (NKR). Sharmazanov stated that a unilateral recognition will hinder the Karabakh negotiation process. On the other hand, in his words, the Armenian authorities have repeatedly announced at high-level platforms that Armenia is the guarantor of the security of the NKR. “We have done a lot of work so that our colleagues understand that the international recognition of Nagorno-Karabakh has no alternative. “The [recent] Scottish referendum has proved that the precept of the people’s selfdetermination is indisputable,” the RPA spokesperson noted.

YEREVAN - Armenian Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan took part in the CIS Defense Ministers’ Council regular session, Armenian News - NEWS.am reports. According to the press service of Armenia’s MOD, the defense ministers approved the work plan for 2015 and agreed to further intensify military cooperation between CIS member states. Armenian MOD Seyran Ohanyan met with Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu

and the Defense Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Imangali Tasmagambetov. During the meeting, the parties discussed bilateral and multilateral cooperation between Armenia, Russia and Kazakhstan. A number of agreements have been

Armenia And Russia Approved Military Partnership Program For 2015

reached. The Defense Minister of Armenia Seyran Ohanyan and the Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu also approved the bilateral military partnership program for 2015.

for the project and their willingness to work with the AGCC during the critical phase of exploring the feasibility of building the Museum, Cultural/Educational Center, and Memorial on the site within the next few years. Approximately 3,000 square feet of the 1.7 acre property had been previously reserved for the construction of a Monument to the victims of the Armenian Genocide and Man’s Inhumanity to Man. Mayor Zareh Sinanyan informed the audience, that he was pleased to have received the communication from the Armenian Genocide Memorial Council of Glendale, expressing their willingness to join the efforts of the AGCC, and to have the area reserved for the monument included in the ground lease negotiations. The report presented to the City Council by City Manager Scott Ochoa and Director of Economic Development Philip Lanzafame, indicates that the museum and education center, is scheduled to include exhibit a theater, galleries, research space, classrooms, an outdoor plaza, and a memorial. In his remarks, Mr. Lanzafame stated, “The elements and size of the proposed museum and education center will be further defined by the research, discussions, and reports that would occur during the term of the exclusive negotiating period.” Cont. on p.8

Turkish Green Party Recognizes The Armenian Genocide During a plenary session, bringing together the European components of the Green Party in Istanbul, from 7 to 9 November 2014, the spokesperson of the Greens Turks said "We recognize unequivocally the Armenian genocide" in #greenCouncil. Jean Eckian

Nazarbayev Warns Armenia In his address to the people of Kazakhstan this country’s president Nazarbayev said he feels relying on his experience that the international community will have to go through global tests and trials and the architecture of the world will change. “Not all the countries can go through this serious stage with dignity, only strong, united peoples and countries will pass,” he said. He listed all the steps and activities, changes of positions and plans which will allow Kazakhstan to go through this stage with minimum losses. Like Armenia, Kazakhstan is in the focus of global politics. Kazakhstan is a member of the Eurasian Union and was “hindering” the entry of Armenia to this union.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday November 13, 2014


Happy Thanksgiving Dr. John Farsakian

November is the month of Thanksgiving when most Americans gather together with family and friends to enjoy the traditional turkey dinner and to give thanks to God for all the blessings He has bestowed upon them. The Pilgrims came to America in 1620 to escape religious persecution in Europe. They celebrated the first Thanksgiving in October of the following year to offer thanks for their freedom and bountiful harvest. From that time forward, America has been a haven for countless needy and oppressed peoples around the world- Armenians included. As Armenians, we owe a great debt of gratitude to America for opening her doors to thousands of Genocide survivors from Ottoman Turkey, following World War I, most of whom arrived during the 1920s. Over the ensuing years, additional thousands of Armenians flocked to America’s shores from other countries, all seeking the freedom and opportunities she offered. Our immigrant parents and grandparents knew, better than most, the great benevolence of America. Here in this land of plenty, they pursued their dreams, free from terror and oppression. Working, saving and sacrificing, they were able to provide opportunities for their children and grandchildren that they could only dream of. Their small successes paved the way for bigger achievements for their progeny. For such blessings and good fortune, they thanked God daily; every day in America being Thanksgiving for them. As we gather to pray this Thanksgiving, let us remember to ask our Creator for His blessings, not only upon us and our loved ones, but also upon those who have suffered great losses as a result of the terrorist acts currently plaguing the Middle East. Also, remember our leaders and the brave young men and women in uniform, fighting to rid the world of the evildoers. Pray that this great nation, which has provided a safe haven for all, remains forever strong and free. Finally, let us not forget to ask God to protect and favor Armenia and Artsakh as they struggle to survive surrounded by historic enemies. May He strengthen them and lead them to a lasting peace. God Bless America, God Bless Armenia and Artsakh.

Glendale City Council...

Cont. from p.7 Although the term of the exclusive negotiating period is 12 months, the AGCC spokespersons expressed their desire to make sufficient progress by April 2015, to unveil the conceptual design for the Museum complex, and construct an interim memorial on the site by the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. The Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee of Western US helps oversee, coordinate and organize events and activities in observance of the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in the region. The representatives of the following organizations and institutions serve on the Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee – Western USA: Armenia Fund – Western Region USA; Armenian Assembly of America; Armenian Bar Association; Armenian Catholic Church; Armenian Council of America; Armenian Cultural Foundation; Armenian Evangelical Union of North America; Armenian General Benevolent Union – Western District; Armenian National Committee of America – Western Region; Armenian Relief Society – Western USA; Armenian Rights Council; Armenian Youth Federation; Ignatius Foundation; Nor Or Charitable Foundation; Nor Serount Cultural Association; Organization of Istanbul Armenians; Unified Young Armenians; Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America; Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church.

Ode To The Memory Of Hrant Dink By Alice Krumian

On that most ill-fated day, January the nineteenth, The shocking news spread, with a lightening speed: The notorious badge of cowards, the most execrable deed, The abject murder of an Armenian hero, the beloved Hrant Dink. The innocent victim, early that morning, entered his office to write, On the issues of free speech, compromise, and minority rights, Little doubting that he was chosen as a target to be shot, By a vile Turk teenage gunman, in broad daylight, from behind. Distinguished journalist, editor-in-chief, activist for human rights, Martyrdom became his price for his love of human kind; Assassination policy, however, cannot eradicate our history, Our struggle will continue until we attain full victory. In the columns of cherished Agos, your legendary bilingual weekly, You became the vigorous Voice, advocating compassion and equality; In spite of multiple harassments, prosecutions and death threats, You found the strength to endure, disseminating the values you highly held. Limitless strength, magnetism, you kindled a great light in our history, You set up blazing torches in the dark Armenian streets of all Turkey, At your funeral, two-hundred thousand mourners followed you chanting, "We are all Armenians, we are all Hrant DINKs". A unique example of genius, endowed with versatile gifts, You hoped your editorials would pave the way for an everlasting peace; An orphanage child, fighting hard for the wrong and the injustice, Critical of Turkey's denial of the Armenian Genocide and unheard-of atrocities. The paragon of integrity, aspiring to move the aggressors' conscience, A man of great honor, ready to die for the Armenian unrestituted Cause, A charismatic man, standing against the tide of Turkey's present policy, Publicizing the many destruction cases of the Armenian cultural identity. Your legendary life was cut short, yet your heart has not bled in vain, Armenians across the globe will never forget the price you've paid, And while your tyrants, joined together, are each day burning in hate, Your legacy will endure, your Martyrdom having created a new faith. No one can turn back the fleeting hands of time, Yet, blessed are those who close their eyes on victory's arms, Blessed are those who give up their lives for their holy mission, Valorous heroes, over whom shall forever weep the whole nation. Martyrs cannot be silenced; martyrs always make history, Dink's legacy lives on and gains momentum continuously, With demands of truth and justice, not just for one innocent victim, But for 1.5 millions of Armenians and plus one, for HRANT DINK.

Turkey Miserably Claims There Was No Genocide: The Independent PanARMENIAN.Net - In the most savage act of vandalism against Syria’s Christians, Islamists have blown up the great Armenian church in Deir el-Zour, built in dedication to the one and a half million Armenians slaughtered by the Turks during the 1915 genocide, Robert Fisk, Beirut-based multiple award-winning journalist on the Middle East, says in his article on The Independent. All of the church archives, dating back to 1841 and containing thousands of documents on the Armenian holocaust, were burned to ashes, while the bones of hundreds of genocide victims, packed into the church’s crypt in memory of the mass killings 99 years ago, were thrown into the street beside the ruins. This act of sacrilege will cause huge pain among the Armenians scattered across the world – as well as in the rump state of Armenia which emerged after the 1914-1918 war, not least because many hundreds of thousands of victims died in death camps around the very same city of Deir elZour. Jabhat al-Nusra rebels appear to have been the culprits this time, but since many Syrians believe that the group has received arms from Turkey, the destruction will be regarded by many Armenians as a further stage in their historical annihilation by the descendants of those who perpetrated the genocide 99 years ago, Fisk says.

UN Envoy Visits Syria’s Homs, Urges Political Solution To Crisis The United Nations special envoy to Syria, who is on a tour of the Arab country in a bid to find a solution to its crisis, has traveled to the western city of Homs.

Obama And Putin Discussed Issues Of International Importance

Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Barack Obama spoke several times during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in China, touching on bilateral relations, as well as on the situation in Syria, Ukraine and Iran, presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Tuesday, Russian Sputnik News informs. "Breaks [during APEC sessions] were used several times, even more than twice, [for Putin] to speak shortly with President Obama, they spoke for a short time, but were able to touch upon bilateral relations, Syria, Ukraine, and Iran," Peskov said, according to the source. On Monday, Peskov said that the leaders had greeted each other and exchanged a couple of words on the sidelines of the summit. Obama's assistant Celeste Wallander stressed Friday that the presidents had not planned any formal talks neither at the APEC meeting nor at the G20 summit that will be held on November 15-16 in Australia.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday November 13, 2014

The Settlement Of Musa Dagh Armenians In Anjar, Lebanon, 1939-1941 By Vahram L. Shemmassian Cont. from #43

The slow progress of the construction work in the face of the approaching winter and the spread of contagious diseases compelled the French authorities to relocate about half of the refugees - especially the women, children, and the elderly - to other villages in the Bekaa Valley. Although the lodgings were requisitioned without indemnity to their owners, no incidents occurred. The Armenians were distributed among sixteen localities, as follows: Mreijat, 215 persons; Majdal-Anjar, 400; Taalabaya, 169; Kab Elias, 180; Karak, 79; Ablah, 26; Forzol, 53; Jdita, 300; Zahle, 340; Istable, 70; Marje, 70; Chtaura, 50; Saadnayel, 30; Bar Elias, 60; Maallaqa, 80; and Haouche, 10; for a total of 2,192 persons. They returned to Anjar in the spring of 1940, that is, when the weather improved. The remaining refugees stayed in Anjar under very adverse conditions to work on the construction sites. By 11 May 1940 a total of 259 houses were “regularly occupied” by the workers and their families as follows: Vakef, 26; Haji Habibli, 57; Kheder Beg, 49; Kabusiye, 25; Yoghunoluk, 45; Bitias, 57. Another 159 houses were finished but not yet occupied. But the development company was reluctant to relinquish the houses before the completion of the entire project. It accordingly asked the French authorities to order the evacuation of at least those houses whose wooden support beams had not yet been removed and the freshlypoured concrete to cover the roofs had not yet dried. The problem dragged on to some extent until the beginning of March 1941, when the refugees finally entered their “homes.” By then, 1,065 houses were built instead of the 1,250 originally planned. Serious health concerns ran parallel to the housing crisis. A certain Dr. Boyajian managed the sanitary service until 15 October 1939, when he was discharged for “grave professional negligence” and replaced by Dr. Prudian from Riyaq. The latter as of 1 November functioned under a French military doctor. The number of sick people was very high. One could hardly find a tent without several anguishing souls. More than 300 grave cases underwent examination daily. As many as fifty-six persons died from 8 September to 31 October alone. Typhoid, malaria, gastrointestinal diseases, and trachoma constituted the main culprits. The lack of hygiene coupled with the refugees’ exhaustion and feebleness after a long, arduous journey from Musa Dagh to Anjar contributed to the spread of those maladies. The most urgent need was to tackle typhoid fever caused by ubiquitous mosquitos; it was largely checked within fifteen days after the vaccination of the population by three Armenian doctors from the American University of Beirut (AUB). Some of the measures that could eradicate malaria and gastrointestinal complications included the sweeping of filth; the keeping of animals outside the encampment, or their selling; the controlling of butcheries; the checking of edibles sold by peddlers; the disinfecting of potable water; the drying up of swamps, and so on.

A tent-infirmary established on the spot was too small to be effective; it was replaced by a more spacious Bedouin tent. Other health facilities were needed. Accordingly, a former café and a nearby garage at Deir Zanoun situated in the Anjar domains were transformed into a health facility with capacity for thirty-five beds. Attending the sick sheltered in the surrounding Arab communities posed another difficulty. Hence new medical centers were opened in some of them. This arrangement also lessened the burden on certain hospitals in Beirut, where the more acute cases were transferred. Unfortunately, despite all the efforts, the lack of sufficient funds failed to fully achieve the desired outcome. Health thus remained a major problem in subsequent years as well. In farming, the total area set aside for cereals for 1940 amounted to 500 hectares—400 hectares for wheat and 100 hectares for barley. The remaining cultivable land of 800 hectares would be distributed to the settlers in 1941. Each family would receive an irrigable plot of equal size. Families with four-six members would additionally get a nonirrigable plot, whereas families with seven members or more would obtain a third plot, also non-irrigable. Title deeds would be issued only after five years to ensure the good use of the allocated farmlands with hard work. As the refugees during 1939-1940 were not yet in a position to engage in sowing and harvesting, Lieut. Malod on 13 June 1940 reached an agreement with Samuel Ibrahim, a threshing entrepreneur from nearby Chtaura, concerning the first year’s wheat crops of Anjar. The contract included thirteen articles. Articles I and II referred to the types of tractors and crushers that had to be utilized. Article III specified 25 June 1940 as the starting date. Article IV allowed for six Armenians from the camp to work on the project, and indicated the need for the “necessary SACKS” for collection. Article V allowed for a maximum of 10 percent margin for wheat damage. Articles VI and VII stipulated that the French High Commission had to pay Ibrahim 90 piasters per harvested quintal and that those installments had to be made per each 1,000 harvested quintal. Article VIII gave Ibrahim the right to opt out in case of a “force majeure” such as the “total absence of fuel in the local market” and the impossibility to replace damaged machine parts. Articles IX-XIII dealt with arbitration should the need arise, and other details. The wheat and barley ultimately reaped (no amount mentioned) were distributed evenly among the populace.

During the period under study some initial measures respecting the planting of fruit and other sorts of trees were also taken. Lieut. Riaucou, who had replaced Lieut. Malod as the Special Services Officer in charge of Anjar, on 16 November asked the Director of Agriculture Service of Lebanon whether he could provide 3,000 fruit trees and 1,500 ornamental trees and at what price. The answer came from the Director of the Lebanese National Economy: his Department was “disposed” to provide 3,000 fruit plants of “2nd choice” from the gov-


Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

39 - Sait Çetinoğlu

By Hambersom Aghbashian

Sait Çetinoğlu is a Turkish scholar. His interests include The Young Turks, The Committee of Union and Progress (CUP) and Kemalism. He has published many original articles based on research of the National Archives in Turkey.(1) According to http:/ /www.variant. org.uk , Sait Çetinoğlu, author of The Malta Documents and Economic and Cultural Genocide, 1942-1944, and an organizing member of the Ankara Freedom of Thought Initiative that hosted the “1915 Within Its Pre-and Post-Historical Periods: Denial and Confrontation” conference which took place in Ankara on 24th April 2010, highlighted the dangers that still exist in Turkey for those that seek to expose the genocidal realities of the past. He added “What happened at the conference which we organized in Ankara showed how difficult and dangerous is discussing the topic. Despite the fact that we faced tremendous obstacles, we as socialists of Turkey discussed this question for two days with oppressed people, socialists and poor people of Turkey, and scholars from Turkey and abroad.”(2) According to The Armenian weekly (April 28, 2010) , " On April 24, as genocide commemoration events were being held one after the other in different locations in Istanbul, a groundbreaking two-day conference on the Armenian Genocide began at the Princess Hotel in Ankara. The conference, organized by the Ankara Freedom of Thought Initiative, was held under tight security measures. The conference attracted around 200 attendees, mostly activists and intellectuals who support genocide recognition. Among the prominent names from Turkey were Ismail Besikci, Baskin Oran, Sevan Nishanian, Ragip Zarakolu, Temel Demirer, and Sait Cetinoglu."(3) According to Lilit Muradyan “Radiolur”, April 25, 2013, " 10 Turkish intellectuals visited the Armenian Genocide Memorial on April 24 to pay tribute to the memory of the innocent victims. Ali Sait Çetinoğlu , a Turkish intellectual and the founder of the Free University system of Turkey, which publishes brochures presenting the real and undistorted history to the Turkish society said at a meeting with Armenians today , shared his pain for the greatest crime of the 20th century and said it was an honor for him to stand in front of representatives of a nation, which survived the great calamity and thrived." “I have devoted my live to revealing that evil. I declare we must not believe the masks of the Turkish authorities and their calls for friendship between the two nations. What we should believe in is their actions” said Çetinoğlu and addressed a question to all attendees: “Have you asked the Turkish intellectuals you met before where their grandfathers were in 1915? Will you ask from now

on?”(4) In a long Study/Article titled "Foundations of nonMuslim Communities: The Last Object of Confiscation", Sait Çetinoğlu mentioned that "During the process of 1915 Armenian Genocide, the immovable properties belonging to Armenians who left or entrusted them to their neighbors were looted and/or sold by those who turned war conditions as a ground of opportunity. These properties naturally were seized by powerful locals. With decree number 1457-246/7, which was enacted in 25 January 1925, those who had seized these properties became entitled to get deed titles in a short period of time. The main character of the measures introduced after expulsions during the 1923 Population Exchange is that they were systematic measures aimed at disturbing, expulsing and deporting non-Muslims and that they systematically followed each other.(5) Sait Cetinoglu presented a paper on “The Mechanisms of Terrorizing Minorities: The Work Battalions and the Capital Tax [Varlik Vergisi] in Turkey During World War Two”. He detailed the manner in which the tax was designed to intentionally “exterminate the economic and cultural existence … of the non-Muslim minorities, ...[to] loot their properties and living means and, in parallel, to Turkify the economy of the country. This tax”, he clarified, must be assessed as “a continuation of the tradition of the Committee of Union and Progress and has the structure of an ethnic cleansing” mechanism. “The government of that time, through this law that implemented the Capital Tax, achieved in great part its aim of acting to destroy the minorities economically and culturally in order to promote ethnic homogenization.” This genocidal initiative, following in the tradition of the Committee of Union and Progress, he noted, followed other terrible actions against minorities. The anti-Jewish pogroms in Thrace in 1934, the intimidatory campaign “Citizen Speak Turkish” and the mobilization of work battalions for the 'minorities' during 1941-42.(3)

ernment nurseries of Hammana and Chtaura for the flat rate of 30 Lebanese piasters per tree. Those fruits included apples, pears, prunes, cherries, and peaches. Ornamental trees, however, were not readily available “at the moment.” Thus began the greening of Anjar. The French also distributed small amounts of money for the refugees to purchase food and other sundries. Food and other necessities were additionally donated by various Armenian and non-Armenian organizations and entities. The Association of French Women, the Lebanese Armenian Relief Cross, the Armenian General Benevolent Union, the Catholicosate of Cilicia at Antelias, Jacob “Papa” Künzler and his Swiss missionary organization, the Armenian Na-

tional Union, the US-based Howard Karageuzian Foundation, the Harach newspaper of Paris with its fund drive, special committees formed in Zahle, Beirut, Damascus, and Aleppo, and the Musa Dagh Compatriotic Association in the United States, all made important contributions. These included clothing, bedding, kitchenware, powder milk, corn, sowing seeds, etc., in addition to pecuniary gifts Despite the enormous difficulties experienced by the refugees in their new, inhospitable milieu, the churches and schools resumed their activity in tents until the actual sanctuaries and classrooms were built by the second half of 1940.

1.http://www.keghart.com/CetinogluMalta 2.http://www.variant.org.uk/37_38text s/report37.html 3.http://www.armenianweekly.com/2 010/04/28/ankara-conference/ 4.http://www.armradio.am/en/2013/ 04/25/ask-turks-were-their-grandfatherswere-in-1915-turkish-intellectual-tellsarmenians/ 5.http://neweasternpolitics.wordpress.com/2012/02/28/foundations-ofnon-muslim-communities-the-last-object-ofconfiscation-by-sait-cetinoglu/

Cont. on p. 10


Armenian Studies Program California State University, Fresno

“Armenia Today: Summer Study Trip 2014”

By Prof. Barlow Der Mugrdechian

Prof. Barlow Der Mugrdechian, Director of the Armenian Studies Program at Fresno State will give an illustrated presentation on “Armenia Today: Summer Study Trip 2014” at 7:30PM on Tuesday, November 18, in the University Business Center, Alice Peters Auditorium, Room 191, on the Fresno State campus. The lecture is part of the Fall Lecture Series of the Armenian Studies Program, supported by the Leon S. Peters Foundation. Prof. Der Mugrdechian has led six student groups to Armenia over the past 25 years. In the summer of 2014, together with Prof. Sergio La Porta of the Armenian Studies Program, he led a group of nine students on the Summer Study Trip, from May 26June 11. The presentation will discuss some of the major experiences that the group had, including visits with Yerevan State University college students and visits to the Mer Hooys-Our Hope home in Yerevan. Some of the students who participated in the Summer Study Trip will also recount their experiences, giving a different perspective to the presentation. Barlow Der Mugrdechian is Director of the Armenian Studies Program and the Center for Armenian Studies at Fresno State and has been teaching Armenian language, art, history, and culture courses for thirty years. The lecture is free and open to the public. Free parking is available, with a parking code 273501, after 7:00PM at Fresno State Lots P5 and P6, near the University Business Center. For more information about the lecture please contact the Armenian Studies Program at 278-2669, or visit our website at www.fresnostate.edu/armenianstudies.

New French Ambassador Presents Credentials To Armenian President

New Ambassador of France Jean-François Charpentier presented his credentials to Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan on Tuesday, the presidential press service reported. Serzh Sargsyan said that ArmenianFrench relations are deepening and strengthening. Comprehensive close relations are reflected in active political dialogue, close interstate ties, decentralized cooperation, intensive economic relations, and collaboration in the field of culture, the President said. President Sargsyan noted that Armenia is interested in maintaining and developing the existing warm relations. Ambassador Charpentier said that he will make every effort to continue the work of his predecessor in a deserved manner, to make the bilateral relations more dynamic, and to expand economic cooperation.

Kurds Recapture Parts Of Kobani From ISIL Militants

Kurdish forces fighting ISIL militants in the Syrian city of Kobani have recaptured parts of the city following heavy clashes with the Takfiri terrorists. Top local officials said on Tuesday that Kurdish forces were advancing street by street in the southern areas of the city, which is located close to the Syrian border with Turkey.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday November 13, 2014

Armenia Fund Kicks Off Telethon 2014

On October 16, Armenia Fund kicked off its 17th Annual Telethon, which will be taking place on Thanksgiving Day 2014. Leaders from Armenia and the Diaspora gathered at Phoenicia Restaurant in Glendale, where the projects of the past year and plans for the coming year were discussed. This year’s Telethon will be dedicated to raising the money needed to finish the Vardenis-Martakert highway – already partially completed - and continue several other ongoing projects. Guest of honor, Deputy Prime Minister of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic and Artsakh War veteran, Artur Aghabekyan, spoke about the importance of the VardenisMartakert road to trade, agriculture, local manufacturing, and tourism. He added that the additional tie between Artsakh and the rest of Armenia would have a significant impact on Artsakh’s economic growth and general well-being. Last year, $11.25 million was raised to build the road while the remainder of the $22.6 million raised was earmarked by donors for other Armenia Fund projects, including bringing drinking water to villages, schools, healthcare, and agricultural development. The total cost of building the Vardenis-Martakert highway is $33 million. The work is already underway, as described by Armenia Fund executive director, Sarkis Kotanjian. “The path for the highway, measuring 72 miles, has already been fully widened and the foundation has been laid. Along the way, 16 bridges have been replaced or reconstructed and loose soil and riverbanks have been reinforced to prevent against erosion. Two layers of asphalt have been poured over the first nine miles of road.” Integral to economic development and security, the Vardenis-Martakert highway will increase trade by promoting the free flow of goods, allowing for greater trade with Russia and Georgia. This less curvy scenic road into and out of Artsakh will also encourage tourism which will benefit the areas around it. Kotanjian states that the road will pay for itself quickly, saying the “Goris-Stepanakert highway cost about $11 million but foreign tourists have spent almost $45 million in the areas served by it since the road was opened.” Antranig Baghdassarian, chairman of

Armenia Fund, spoke plainly: “Each one of us has a responsibility for our homeland’s security.” It was in this vein that Armenia Fund was created 23 years ago, with the sole purpose of strengthening Armenia, he said. During this year’s kickoff gala, a short documentary was shown about benefactor Jerry Turpanjian, who will be honored for his significant contributions to Armenia and Artsakh during the Armenia Fund Annual Banquet Gala to be held on November 23. Among leaders present were Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Glendale Mayor Zareh Sinanyan, and representatives of Armenia Fund member organizations, reflecting a broad cross-section of the Armenian community in the United States. In California, the Telethon will air live for 12 hours on Thursday, November 27, 2014, from 8AM to 8PM PST. It will be broadcast on KSCI Channel 18 in Los Angeles, KTSF Channel 26 in San Francisco, KSAO Channel 49 in Sacramento, and KGMC Channel 43 in Fresno, and on all Los Angeles-based Armenian television networks. The Telethon will also be webcasted on www.armeniafund.org. Donations can be made over the phone by calling 1-800-888-8897 or through a secure server connection at armeniafund.org/donate starting now. Armenia Fund, Inc., is a non-profit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt corporation established in 1994 to facilitate large-scale humanitarian and infrastructure development assistance to Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh. Since 1991, Armenia Fund has rendered more than $250 million in development aid to Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh. Armenia Fund, Inc. is the U.S. Western Region affiliate of "Hayastan" All-Armenian Fund.

Telethon 2014 To Benefit Construction Of Vardenis-Martakert Highway

Proceeds from the 2014 Telethon of the Hayastan All-Armenian Fund, to be held on November 27, will be used to implement the final phase of the Vardenis-Martakert Highway construction project. With funds raised during the 2013 Telethon, the first phase of the project was kicked off in early 2014 and is slated to be completed by year’s end. To date, crews have performed earthwork and installed all required engineering systems and fittings including drainage grates and pipes, embankments, crash barriers, and retaining walls. Crews have also built or refurbished a total of 17 big and small bridges, including abutments, along the route. Currently sidewalks are being built in sections of the highway that pass through towns and villages.

Profile: Aleppo, Syria's Second City

Aleppo is Syria's largest city and the country's industrial and financial centre. For the first year of the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad, Aleppo saw neither the large-scale protests nor the deadly violence that shook other towns and cities. However, it suddenly became a key battleground in July 2012, when rebel fighters launched an offensive to oust government forces and gain control over northern Syria. But the rebel advance was not decisive and Aleppo remains firmly divided into opposition and loyalist controlled sectors, with some parts of the city changing hands on a daily basis. Opposition forces mainly control the east, while the government controls the west. Since December 2013, pro-government forces have intensified the aerial bombardment of rebel-held parts of the city, causing thousands of casualties. Ancient city

The Old City of Aleppo - seen here in 2006 - is listed by Unesco as a World Heritage site Aleppo, or "Halab" in Arabic, is one of world's oldest continually inhabited cities, being mentioned in Egyptian texts from the 20th Century BC. Remains of a temple from the end of the third millennium BC have been found at the site of Aleppo's famous mediaeval citadel, which still dominates the area and provided a defensive stronghold for centuries.

Armenian, Karabakh Armies Continue Joint Drills

The armed forces of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh practiced joint military operations for a fifth consecutive day on Monday in exercises which they said are involving tens of thousands of soldiers and hundreds of tanks. The drills are apparently taking place near the Armenian-Azerbaijani “line of contact” east of Karabakh. The Defense Ministry in Yerevan said they are led by Bako Sahakian, the president of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, and “coordinated” by the the chief of the Armenian army’s General Staff, General Yuri Khachaturov.

Caring For The Children Of Khustup

The pediatric center of the hospital in Kapan, in Armenia’s south, serves the area’s children, including those with physical and mental disabilities. The structure, however, was falling apart. Armenia Fund completely renovated the facilities so that now the center is able to provide the best medical care to its young patients. They were standing in line for bread. They weren’t on the front lines or in the trenches – but it didn’t matter. The Azerbaijani bombs fell, they exploded, and over a dozen innocent people lost their lives. You may think this was in Stepanakert or a village in Artsakh but this tragedy took place in Kapan, a town in Armenia’s south targeted by Azerbaijan during the Artsakh War because of its active industrial production. Sitting below Mount Khustup, the final resting place of Garegin Nzhdeh, who fought to keep Syunik Armenian, Kapan had once again turned into a warzone. During another bombardment, a shell landed in the yard of Kapan’s hospital, not far from its pediatric center. The shell did not explode but it was an awful example of the indiscriminate nature of attacks on the Armenian populationThat pediatric center was built in the 1960s and although it had been renovated over the years - even after the war – it had structural issues that were not addressed. Water, sewage, electricity, and heating were either nonexistent or dysfunctional; the roof and walls were crumbling. In short, the center was in no shape to be providing medical care – but it continued doing so out of a duty to the local populations helped by its services.

The Settlement Of Musa Dagh...

Cont. from p. 9 But communal life was far from being tranquil. Political conflicts besetting Musa Dagh society during the interwar years were now transposed to Anjar. For example, unwilling to live under the domination of Armenian Revolutionary Federation/Tashnagtsutiun, some 35-40 families from mainly the rival Social Democrat Hnchakian camp left Anjar by April 1940 and relocated to Ras alAyn, near the southern Lebanese city of Sur/Tyr, where another camp for the Sanjak refugees existed. Similarly, the French authorities as of October 1939 crushed “latent” communist propaganda at Anjar by expelling the ringleaders. Last but not least, gambling must have become quite worrisome to warrant the issuance of a stern warning by the local Armenian committee for those who engaged in it. To conclude, the tribulations for Anjar did not come to an end with the close of 1940; they continued in various forms and intensity. All along the settlers entertained the hope of returning to Musa Dagh should Turkey lose in World War II. But that dream did not materialize, forcing the former highlanders to fashion a permanent life for themselves in the present verdant, vibrant, and symbolic rural Lebanese Armenian town of Anjar.

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ordn;r^ mhke ghr ;u tg;[ (,at n;ro[oujiun)% isk miuse nourb ;u anou,ik! Ba\z faxiu t;[auoroua‘ hin^ sirabanoujiun men hr or ‘a\r a®au&&& A® q;xi ban% our;mn mias;®akan ;n ;[;r! Sa ou,azoumhn bazoua‘ whrqis wra\^ a[ ou p[p;[ zan;lou phs ban me ;[au% ;jh k∞ouxhq irakanoujiune gitnal! Inc or h^ qa,;liq ouninq ;[;r! In]mh mhk karg a®a= ;u fandipakaz ko[me nsta‘ hin ;ritasard islam% j;r;us al arab% hrik me ;u kin me! A\d a\r mardn al k®af;z qowi xo\gis mias;®akan ellale ;u \aya. ir;nz ke na\hr% a® i xarmanq! Ba\z amhn angam or anonz acq;re irar fandiphin^ xo\ge ke kat[hr ;u sirabanoujiune k∞a,.ouvanar&&& :kour Ghorg ;u dimazir! Isk ;s% amøjhs chi famar]akhr na\il a\d ko[me^ ba\z akama\ akan=alour k∞ella\i anonz ]a\nauor sira\in arta\a\touj;anz ;u fambo\rn;roun! T;sn;lou ban hr ªa\rinº foga‘oujiune^ fandhp ir ªkno=º! >m;liqi kam out;liqi apspranqn;re ªa\rºn hr or ke katarhr ;u miuse lour= ke f;t;uhr anor% a®anz mhk a®arkouj;an! In‘i ke jouhr or anonq ªm;[ralousniº gaza‘ hin ;u fima fangstaza‘ ou gofounak ke w;rada®na\in sira\in a\d yambordouj;nhn! A\spisi ban krna#\ patafil ard;øq mi=in ar;u;l;an or;uh ;rkri me mh=% an,ou,t oc ;u m;[a\ Astou‘o\! A\s bolore kar‘;s chr bau;r ;u afa andradar]a\ or m;x spasarko[ pa,tøn;an wardago\n 'o[kap kapa‘ hr wxin! I@nc xougadipoujiun% in‘i ana.orv jouazo[ a\s ;r;uo\jn;rhn min ch#r bau;r% or ;rkrord men al au;lzau wran ;u ;s a\l;us an]natour ;[a‘ a\s anfandourv;li iro[ouj;an% anfamb;r ke spashi or Los Any;les fasnhinq ;u w;r=aphs ];rbaxatouhinq a\d in‘i famar antan;li kazouj;nhn! Ba\z phtq h au;lzn;l or a\spisi anwnas dhpq;r au;li na.entr;li ;n qan or;uh t;saki ødanaua\in arka‘ ;u kam a®;uangoum% go[oujiun ou 'or]anq% faraui m;r drazi ;rkrin mh=% our ørinaxanzoujiunn;re anfamar ;n ;u dvba.tabar \aya.aki k;rpow ke patafin&&&!

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(’n;al^ Fokt& 1% 1923% :rousa[hm% Pa[;stin)

(’n;al^ No\& 27% 1921-in% Thørj-:ol)

Srti da®n kski‘ow ke gouv;nq m;r sir;z;al amousno\n% ;[bør ;u bar;kamin^ Grigor Mantos;ani mafe% or pataf;zau Ourbaj% No\;mb;r 7% 2014-in Ouhsj W;ngouweri mh=% Ganata! |ou[arkauorouj;an araro[oujiune t;[i piti oun;na\ Ourbaj% 14% 2014% a®auøt;an vame 11-in W;ngouweri S& Wardan Fa\z& A®aq;lakan :k;[;zuo\ mh=% 1260 W. 67 Ave., Vancouver, BC. Canada V6P 2T2, apa ja[oume^ Victory Park Memorial Cemetery, 1481 28 Ave., Surrey, BC. V4P 1P3. Ja[man araro[ouj;nhn ;tq fog;ya, piti matouzoui w;ro\i,;al ;k;[;zuo\ S;drak Gal'ak;an srafin mh=! *** "o.an ‘a[k;psaki nouiratououjiunn;re ke .ndroui katar;l TCA Arshag Dickranian School, 1200 N. Cahuenga Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90038

Srti da®n kski‘ow ke gouv;nq mafe m;r sir;z;al mør% m;‘ mør ;u faraxatin^ Maqroufi Wasil;an-|akob;anin% or pataf;zau Kiraki% No\;mb;r 9% 2014-in! |ou[arkauoroujiune t;[i piti oun;na\ :rkou,abji% No\;mb;r 17% 2014-in% khsørh a®a= vame 10!00-in Sourb P;tros Fa\z& ;k;[;zuo\ mh=% 17231 Sherman Way, Van Nuys, CA 91406, apa ja[man vame 12!15-in Hollywood Hills Forest Lawn g;r;xmanatan mh=% ormh ;tq fog;ya, piti matouzoui Kl;nth\li ªSa\aj Nowaº ya,aranin mh=% 822 E. Colorado Blvd., Glendale. Sgakirn;r^ Doustre^ Thr ;u Tik& Ghorg ;u Arminh Armhn ;u xauakn;re^ Salbi ;u Dokt& Ma\qel Armhn Xauake^ Thr ;u Tik& Ghorg ;u Silwa |akob;an ;u xauakn;re^ Paro\r ;u Toqj& Wach ;u Ani |akob;an ;u xauakounq :[bør xauakn;re^ Thr ;u Tik& Majhou ;u |asmik Wasil;anP;ll;li (Qanata)% Thr ;u Tik& Wafh ;u Marc;lla Wasil;an ;u xauake Marq ;u Thr ;u Tik& St;'an ;u Âoxalin Wasil;an :[bør tikine^ Anafit Wasil;an (Los Any;les) :[bør xauakn;re^ Thr ;u Tik& Fra\r ;u Silwa Wasil;an ;u xauakounq^ Mf;r ;u Jania (Los Any;les)% Thr ;u Tik& Waxghn ;u Siran Wasil;an (~lorita)% Thr ;u Tik& Qris ;u F;rminh Xaqar;an ;u xauakounq^ Toqj& Th\wit ou Ani Xaqar;an% Ørd& Qrisjin Xaqar;an (Los Any;les)% Thr ;u Tik& |owsh' ;u Maria Wasil;an ;u xauakounq^ Najhl ;u Lara (ir;nz amousninn;row ;u xauakn;row) ;u krts;r |owsh' Wasil;an ou n,ana‘e! Incphs na;u fama\n |akob;an% Armhn% Wasil;an ;u Xaqar;an entaniqn;re ;u faraxatn;re!

ZAUAKZAKAN Fangouz;al GRIGOR MANTOS:ANi mafouan t.our a®ijow% m;r .oraxgaz zauakzoujiunn;re ke \a\tn;nq o[baz;ali a\riin% ;[bør^ Enk& Yory Mantos;anin% incphs na;u fama\n faraxatn;roun! ÂAK <r=ana\in Warcoujiun JMM Ph,khøjiur;an K;droni >namakal Marmin ªNor Ørº ,abajaj;rj

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jazqin! Mi=axga\in vamanakakiz mamoule at;nin ir f;rjakan t;[;katououjiunn;row la\nørhn andradar]a‘ h Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an masin! A\s a®ijow ibr;u ørinak k*arvh \i,;l jh 1915 jouakani enjazqin am;rik;an Niu :orq Ja\mx øraj;rje mia\n a\s niuji masin frataraka‘ h 145 \ødoua‘n;r% mi=in fa,ouow \ødoua‘ me amhn ;rkou kam ;r;q øre% inc or zo\z kou ta\ jh incpisi f;taqrqroujiun me kar fa\kakan bnakawa\r;rou mh= patafo[ ariunali dhpq;roun kapakzouj;amb! Jh;u a\d ør;roun ªz;[aspanoujiunº bazatroujiune takauin chr st;[‘oua‘ l;f irauaban Âa`a\hl Lhmqini (1900-1959) ko[mh% ;u kam anor irauakan safmanoume ;u faskazo[oujiune chr endfanraza‘ a\sørouan ca'ani,;row^ Miaz;al Axg;rou Kaxmak;rpouj;an (MAK) 1951 jouakanin endouna‘ oro,oumin ibr;u f;t;uanq% a\soufand;r] am;rik;an mamouli mh= fratarakoua‘ lratououjiunn;re Øsman;an Jour qio\ ko[mh fa\ouj;an nkatmamb i gor‘ dra‘ spandn;re ;u =ard;re ke safmanhr ibr;u ªfamakargoua‘% i,.anoujiunn;rhn artønoua‘ ;u kaxmak;rpoua‘ z;[a\in bna=n=oumi ‘ragr;al ®axmawaroujiun meº! |stak safmanoum me% or am;rik;an pa,tønakan qa[aqakan mta‘oume ch krza‘ takauin ibr;u ire endounil! A\spisi niuj;rou fraparakoujiune ankaska‘ o[=oun;li ;u kar;uor n;rdroum men h patmagitakan fimnakan a[biurn;rou kaxmauoroumin ;u f;taga\ p;[oumin t;sakhthn% ou anonz fama.mboume masnagitakan fatorn;rou mh= m;‘ ‘a®a\oujiun men h bolor anonz% oronq ke f;taqrqrouin a\s patmagitakan niuji ousoumnasirouj;amb% incphs na;u anonz wka\agrakan wau;rakanouj;amb! ’anøj A® i t;[;koujiun stor;u ke n;rka\azn;nq vamanakagrakan kargow zanke a\n fratarakoujiunn;roun% oronq a®an]in fatorn;rou mh= zard fama.mba‘ ;n masnaki kam ambo[=akan ];uow am;rik;an% australiakan% ganatakan ;u angliakan mamouli mh= lo\s t;sa‘ \ødoua‘n;re! A\vm asonz wra\ k*au;lna\ na;u `ransakan mamouli mh= lo\s t;sa‘ \ødoua‘n;rou ,arqe% jh;u oc ambo[=akan kam spa®ic ];uow! Richard Kloian: The Armenian Genocide – News Accounts from the American Press: 19151922, , 1980 – Anton Printing Armenian National Committee (Australia): The Armenian Genocide as reported in the Australian press, Sydney ,1983. Armenian National Com-

ª|ANOUN KIRAKI ØROUANº F:UQE <ar& h= 11-hn

³ñÙ³õ»ÝÇÝ»ñÁ¦« §äáÉëáÛ äáëýáñÁ¦ »õ ï³Ï³õÇÝ®! Æõñ³ù³ÝãÇõñÁ ïáõ³Í ¿ Ýϳñ³·Çñ »õ á׫ áñ Ï»ñï³Í ¿ ݳ»õ Ýϳñ³·Çñ »õ Ùß³ÏáÛÃ4 ¹³éݳÉáí Çõñ³ù³ÝãÇõñ ë÷Çõéù³Ñ³ÛáõÝ Ñ᷻ѳïáñÁ®! î³ÉɳëÇ Ù¿ç^ Ù¿Ï ÏáÕÙ¿ ³åñ»ó³Û §Ñ³ÛáõÝ KÇñ³ÏÇ ûñáõ³Ý Ñ»õùÁ¦« µ³Ûó ݳ»õ ëÇñ»óÇ ½³ÛÝ! §¶áõݳõáñ¦ Ë׳Ýϳñ ÙÁ4 áõñ Çõñ³ù³ÝãÇõñÁ Çñ ·áÛÝáí »õ µáÛñáí4 Ù¿Ï ·»Õ»óÏáõÃÇõÝ ÙÁ Ï°³õ»ÉóÝ¿ñ ѳÛáõÝ Ñ³ÙÁݹѳÝáõñ ·áÛ³å³ïÏ»ñÇÝ Ù¿ç! ´³Ûó ³Ûë §Ñ»õùÁ¦ ݳ»õ ³åñÇÉ ¿ »õ ³åñ»óÝáÕ! ¿Ïáõ½ Ñ»éáõ4 ³Ûëå¿ë Áë³Í ³ß˳ñÑÇ Ù¿Ï ³ÝÏÇõÝÁ« µ³Ûó ß³ñÅáõÝ íÇ×³Ï ÙÁÝ mittee (Canada): The Armenian Genocide in the Canadian Press Volume I (1915-1916), French and English, Montreal, 1985. Armenian National Committee (Canada): The Armenian Genocide in the Canadian Press Volume II (1916-1923), French and English, Montreal, 1985. Katia Peltekian: Heralding of the Armenian Genocide: Reports in the Halifax Herald, 1894-1922, Armenian Cultura; Association of the Atlantic Provinces, Halifax, 2000. Vahe Kateb:Australian Press Coverage of the Armenian Genocide: 1915-1923 (MA thesis,

¿« áñ ϻݹ³ÝáõÃÇõÝ ÏÁ ßÝáñÑ¿! ºõ ³Ûë ϻݹ³ÝáõÃÇõÝÝ ¿ áñ ѳÛÁ åÇïÇ ³åñ»óÝ¿! î¿ñ Ô»õáݹ Çñ »ñÇï³ë³ñ¹³Ï³Ý ³õÇßáí »õ áõÅáí ÏÁ ëÇñ¿ ³Ûë ³åñáÕ »õ ³åñ»óÝáÕ íÇ׳ÏÁ! §²é³ù»³É ÏÁ Ý߳ݳϿ ³é³ç »ñÃ³É Û³ïáõÏ ³é³ù»Éáõû³Ùµ! ä¿ïù ¿ ѳÛáõÝ »ñÃ³É »õ ½ÇÝù ·ïÝ»É áõ å³Ñ»É®¦! гÛáõÝ Ñ»õùÝ ¿ ³Ûë®! ²é³ç »ñÃ³É »õ ѳÛÁ ·ïݻɫ µ³Ûó ݳ»õ^ å³Ñ»É®! ä³Ñ»É Çñ ³½·³ÛÇÝ áõ ùñÇëïáÝ¿³Ï³Ý ÇÝùÝáõû³Ùµ! ºÃ¿ î³Él³ëÇ Ù¿ç Ñ»õùÇ ûñÁ §KÇñ³ÏÇݦ ¿% µ³Ûó ѳÛáõÝ Ñ»õùÁ ³Ù¿Ý ûñ ¿ »õ ³Ù¿Ý ï»Õ! ºõ ѳÛáõÝ §Ñ»õùÁ¦4 ÝáÛÝ Ñ³ÛÁ ·ïÝ»ÉÝ áõ å³Ñ»ÉÝ ¿®!

University of Wollogong) 2003. Anne Elbrecht: Telling the Story: The Armenian Genocide in the New York Times and Missionary Herals: 1914-1918, London- Gomidas, 2012. Katia Peltekian :The Times of the Armenian Genocide : Reports in the British Press, Vol. 1 : 1914-1919, Katia Peltekian ,Four Roads, Beirut, 2013. Katia Peltekian:The Times of the Armenian Genocide : Reports in the British Press, Vol. 2 : 19201923,Four Roads, Beirut, 2013.

|& M;lqon;an

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<ar& h= 1-hn

M;namartiz \;to\ Siuxi Q;ntik;ane ir jimi f;t \a[janake nouir;z Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100-rd tar;lizin ;u xof;ri \i,atakin!


FF BAR}RAGO|N >MBI AÂA+NOUJIUNOUM No\;mb;ri 8-9-in ka\azan FF bar]rago\n .mbi a®a=nouj;an 13-rd mrza'ouli fandipoumn;re% oronq auartou;zin f;t;u;al ardiunqn;row& ªAraratº-ª"iunikº^ 0-3 ªMikaº-ªOulisº^ 3-0 ªBananzº-ªGan]asarº^ 3-3 ª<irakº-ªAraratº^ 1-1 Mrza,ara\in >& |& Oulis 13 11 "iunik 12 6 <irak 12 5 Mika 12 4 Ala,k;rt 13 4 13 4 Gan]asar Bananz 12 3 Ararat 12 2

a[iusak F& P& G& 1 1 31-10 3 2 22-11 3 4 15-12 4 5 16-15 3 6 14-19 3 5 19-24 3 6 16-20 0 11 16-38

M& 34 24 18 16 15 15 12 6

FF GAUAJI >A{ARKOUJIUNOUM • Fa\astani gauaji .a[arkouj;an qa®ord ;xra'akici patas.an .a[oum ªOuliseº fiurenkalou;lis 2-0 fa,ouow \a[j;z ªBananzinº% ba\z qani or a®a=in .a[oum 4-1 fa,ouow \a[j;l hr ªBanazeº% a\n hl anzau \a=ord 'oul! Giumrioum ª"iunikeº 1-0 fa,ouow \a[j;z ª<irakinº ;u qani or a®a=in fandipoumn hl auartou;l hr ª"iunikiº \a[janakow (2-0)% apa ª"iuniknº hl dours ;kau kisa;xra'akic! A\spisow kisa;xra'akicoum 2015 jouakanin ke fandip;n ªMikaº-ªBananzº ;u ª"iunikº-ªAla,k;rtº xo\g;re! A®a=in .a[;re ke ka\anan Marti 18-in% isk patas.an fandipoumn;re^ Aprili 16-in! FF gauaji ;xra'akice ke ka\ana\ 2015 j& Ma\isi 6-in!

"ORJOUGALIA-FA|ASTAN No\;mb;ri 14-in FF axga\in fauaqakane :urø-2016-i orakauorman 'ouloum ~arø qa[aqi ªAlgaruhº marxada,toum ke fiurenkaloui "orjougalia\i entranoun! Fauaqakan frauiroua‘ 24 `oujpolistn;riz 17-e l;ghonakann;r ;n! >a[e ke spasarki \ounakan mrzawarakan an]nakaxme^ Anastasios Sidiropoulosi gl.auorouj;amb! Fa\astaniz 50-iz au;l fa\ `oujpolistn;r m;kn;l ;n Matrit% ort;[iz ouj vamoum fas;l ;n Lisapon! N,;nq% or a,.arfi a®a=nouj;an 1998 j& "orjougalia-FF fandipoumn;rn auartou;l ;n 3-1 ;u 0-0 ardiunqn;row! A\s famdipoume ke ka\ana\ :r;uani vamanakow 23!45-in!

:UROPA|I A>O|:ANN:RI LIKA|OUM No\;mb;ri 4-5-in ka\azan A.o\;ann;ri lika\i .mba\in mrza,ar;ri 4-rd mrza'ouli fandipoumn;re! };x ;nq n;rka\aznoum fandipoumn;ri ardiunqn;re ;u jim;ri dirq;re& >oumb A& ª:ouw;ndousº-ªØlimpiakosº^ 3-2% ªMalm\øº-ªAjl;tikøº^ 0-2! ªAjl;tikøº^ 9% ª:ou-


w;ndousº ;u ªØlimpiakosº^ 6-akan% ªMalm\øº^ 3 miauor! >oumb B& ªÂhalº-ªLiw;rpoul^ 1-0% ªBaxhlºªLiudogorhzº^ 4-0! ªÂhalº^ 12% ªBaxhlº^ 6% ªLiw;rpoulº ;u Liudogorhzº^ 3-akan miauor! Anka. mnaza‘ 2 fandipoumn;riz ªÂhaleº nouay;l h \a=ord 'ouli ou[;gir! >oumb G& ªB;n`ikaº-ªMonakøº^ 1-0% ªX;nijº-ªBa\;rº L;u;rkoux;n^ 0-2! ªBa\;rº^ 9% ªMonakøº^ 5% ªX;nijº ;u ªB;n`ikaº^ 4-akan! >oumb D& ªBorousiaº Dortmound-ªGalajasara\º^ 4-1! F;nri. M.ijar;ane ªDortmoundºi kaxmoum masnakz;z ambo[= fandipmane! ªArs;nalº-ªAnd;rl;.tº^ 3-3! ªBorousiaº^ 12% ªArs;nalº^ 7% ªAnd;rl;.tº^ 2% ªGalajasara\º^ 1 miauor! Dortmoundi ªBorousianº no\nphs nouay;l h \a=ord 'ouli ou[;gir! >oumb :& ªBauariaº-ªÂomaº^ 2-0% ªManc;sjer Sijiº-BKMA^ 1-2! ªBauariaº^ 12% ªÂomaº ;u BKMA^ 4-akan% ªManc;sjer Sijiº^ 2 miauor! ªBauarianº apafow;z .mboum a®a=in t;[e! >oumb X& "SV-APØHL^ 1-0% ªA\aqsº-ªBars;lonaº^ 0-2! "SV^ 10% ªBars;lonaº^ 9% ªA\aqsº^ 2% APØHL^ 1 miauor! "SV-n ;u ªBars;lonanº nouay;l ;n \a=ord 'ouli ou[;gir ;u pa\qar;lou ;n a®a=in forixonakane xba[;zn;lou famar! ªA\aqsnº ou APØHL-e 'or];lou ;n nouay;l :uropa\i lika\i ou[;gir! >oumb H& ªSportingº-ª<alkhº G;lx;nkir.;n^ 4-2% ªMariborº-ªC;lsiº^ 1-1! ªC;lsiº^ 8% ª<alkhº^ 5% ªSportingº^ 4% ªMariborº^ 3 miauor! >oumb E& ª<a.t\orº-BATH^ 5-0% ªAjl;tikºª"orjouº^ 0-2! ª"orjouº^ 10% ª<a.t\orº^ 8% BATH^ 3% Ajl;tikº^ 1 miauor! "orjounº apafow;l h ir t;[e \a=ord 'ouloum!

KRI<TIANOU ÂONALTOUN :RRORD OSKH >A{AKØ<IKN H STAZ:L Matriti ªÂhaliº ;u "orjougalia\i fauaqakani \ar]akouo[ Kri,tianou Âonaltoun staz;l h ªOskh .a[akø,ikº mrzanake% ore truoum h ;uropakan `oujpoli lauago\n ®mbarkouin! 2013-14 jj& .a[a,r=anoum 'orjougalazin Ispania\i a®a=noujiunoum dar];l h 31 koli f;[inak! End oroum no\nqan kol h .';l na;u Louis Souar;se ;lo\j oun;nalow ªLiw;rpouloumº! Ourougoua\i `oujpoliste au;li wa[ no\nphs staz;l h mrzanake! Au;lazn;nq% or a\s pafin Âonaltoun fandisanoum h Prim;ra\i lauago\n ®mbarkoun^ 10 mrza'ouloum .'a‘ 17 kolow! 2014-in na 51 angam grau;l h mrzakizn;ri darpase% oronziz 47-e^ ªÂhaliº marxa,apikow% isk 4-e^ "orjougalia\i! Âonaltoun a\s mrzanake stanoum h ;rrord angam!

BÂNZQAMARTI :UROPA|I PATAN:KAN AÂA+NOUJIUNIZ FF MARXIKN:RE W:RADAR}AN 2 PRONXH M:TALOW ÂD_i Anapa qa[aqoum auartou;z 19981999 jj& ‘noua‘ patanin;ri :uropa\i a®a=noujiune% orin masnakzoum hin 33 ;rkrn;ri 254 b®nzqamartikn;r% a\d juoum Fa\astane n;rka\azno[ 12 marxikn;r^ marxic Arman |aroujiun;ani gl.auorouj;amb! Arman Simon;ane (60 qk&) ;u Wan M;lqon;ane

(75 qk&) ir;nz a®a=in m;namart;re \a[janakow ;n auart;l% isk Arman Anton;ane (50 qk&) zauoq partou;l h! |atkaphs g;[;zik \a[janak tøn;z g;r‘anr qa,a\in giumr;zi Gourghn |owfannis;ane% ow 'a\loun oyow a®au;louj;an fasau jourq Salafitin Kocagoui nkatmamb% ir famar apafow;low a®nouaxn pronxh m;tal! Ir ;rkrord \a[janake tøn;z arjikzi Wan M;lqon;ane% ow \a[j;z wrazi Taras Kand;lakiin! Ir m;namarte \a[janakow h auart;l na;u Wafh Badal;ane (48 qk&) a®au;louj;an fasn;low isra\hlzi Mala. ~;dii nkatmamb! Vira\r Sargs;ane (46 qk&) ;u Fa\k |owfannis;ane (70 qk&) partoujiun ;n kr;l ;u dours ;n mnaz;l \;taga\ pa\qariz! Fa\astani 6 b®nzqamartikn;r partou;l hin na.nakan 'ouloum ;u 4-e partou;zin qa®ord ;xra'akicoum! Kisa;xra'akici yanaparfin mrzakizn;rin xi=;zin Mnazakan |aroujiun;ane% Artou, |owfannis;ane (63 qk&)% Gourghn Mado\;ane (66 qk&) ;u Wan M;lqon;ane! Wafh Badal;ane ;u Gourghn |owfannis;ane dours galow kisa;xra'akic% ir;nz famar apafow;l ;n pronxh m;taln;r! M;r ;rkou marxikn;rn hl kisa;xra'akicoum partou;zin ;u w;radar]an pronxh m;talow!

<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • Âousastani Soci qa[aqoum enjanoum h a,.arfi a®a=nouj;an Ka®ls;n-Anand mrza.a[e! A®a\vm ka\az;l h 4 fandipoum% mrza.a[i fa,iun h 2-2! Ka®ls;ne \a[j;l h 2rd% isk Anande^ 3-rd partia\oum! • Moskoua\oum auartoua‘ Tigran P;tros;ani \ou,amrza,aroum 7 fnarauoriz wastak;low 5&5 miauor \a[jo[ dar]au Al;qsandr Gri,couke! L;uon Aron;ane Boris G;l`andi f;t 4-akan miauorow bavan;zin 3-4-rd t;[;re! • Grosma\st;r Karhn Mowsis;ane |ounastani Kat;rini qa[aqoum auartoua‘ a,.arfi w;j;rann;ri a®a=noujiunoum 11 fnarauoriz wastak;z 7&5 miauor ;u 47 masnakizn;ri mh= bavan;z 4&5-rd t;[;re! Lrazouzic zouzani,n;row Karhne 5-rdn hr! Na mhk miauorow ;t mnaz \a[jo[iz^ grosma\st;r Xourab Stouroua\iz (Wrastan)! • Grosma\st;r Âop;rt |owfannis;ane G;rmania\i Bad Wixh qa[aqoum auartoua‘ baz mrza,aroum 9 fnarauoriz wastak;z 7&5 miauor ;u 480 masnakizn;ri mh= bavan;z 1-3-rd t;[;re! Lrazouzic zouzani,n;row Âob;rtin ,norfou;z 2-rd mrzanake! |a[jo[ yanacou;z Al;qsandr L;nd;rmane (AMN)! Grosma\st;r Frand M;lqoum;ane mia\n khs miauorow ;t mnaz \a[jo[iz ;u xba[;zr;z 8-rd t;[e! • Grosma\st;r Grigor-S;uak M.ijar;ane Praxilia\i Pra\ada Pipa qa[aqoum auartoua‘ Am;rika a,.arfamasi a®a=noujiunoum 11 fnarauoriz wastak;z 8 miauor ;u 194 masnakizn;ri mh= grau;z 8-rd t;[e! S;uake mia\n khs miauorow ;t mnaz \a[jo[iz^ grosma\st;r >oulia Granda Xouniga\iz (";rou)! • Sankt P;t;rbourgoum auartoua‘ Cigorini \ou,amrza,aroum gl.auor mrzanake nouay;z grosma\st;r Iwan Iwani,;uice (S;rpia)% ow 9 fnarauoriz wastak;z 7&5 miauor! Grosma\st;r Xauhn Andrhas;ane% |owik Fa\rap;t;ane% Arjour Gabrihl;ane (ÂD)% mi=axga\in warp;t Wafh Pa[tasar;ane wastak;zin 6&5-akan miauor!

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