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n;rmou‘man .ndire fa\;rhn l;xouin mh=% au;li za\toun ;u fapatara‘ dar]a‘ h Fa\astanhn artas'®oua‘ f;®at;sili ‘ragirn;rou ;u Fa\astanhn artaga[jo[n;rou gowaxdn;rou% ‘anouzoumn;rou ;u lratouakan t;[;kagroujiunn;rou mi=ozow&&&!
ke s'®;n fa\;rhn l;xoui andastanin mh=! A\s \ødoua‘s ou[[oua‘ ch o;uh an]i kam gro[i kam j;rji dhm% a\l ke qnnarkh fanra\in farz me% oroun masin .øso[n;r ,at kan ba\z mamoule .ist ;u w;r=nakan qa\l ca®n;r a\s ou[[ouj;amb! L;xoun;r kan or ir;nz ba®apa,arow ;u bard ba®;rou ;u arta\a\touj;an bazatrakan k;rp;row datapartoua‘ ;n a[qatouj;an! Bar;ba.tabar fa\;rhn l;xoun a\nqan faroust h arta\a\touj;an ];u;row% ba®amj;rqow kam bard ba®;rou kaxmouj;an kar;lioujiunn;row% or phtq couni øtar ba®;r gor‘a‘;lou! Axgi me antarb;roujiune ir arvhqn;rou nkatmamb gl.auor patya®n;rhn mhkn h ou‘azman% isk øtar ba®;rou n;rmou‘oume fa\;rhni mh= graghtn;rou% fraparakagirn;rou kam .mbagirn;rou ko[mh na.aqa\ln h a\las;rman! A\n f;[inakn;re% oronq øtar
ba®;r fa\ ta®;row ke =anan fa\aza‘ famar;l kam fa\;rhn l;xoui mh= iuraza‘ nkat;l% parxaphs .ord xauaki ;u faraxat xauaki tarb;roujiune c;n nkat;r% kam al ba®aran c;n gor‘a‘;r ;u vamanak c;n \atkazn;r øtar ba®;rou famapatas.ano[ fa\;rhn ba®;r gtn;lou! Ba®arane git;liqn;rou ;u ba®amj;rqe farstazn;lou a[biur h! Fanra‘anøj ;u fambauauor gro[n;r% patmabann;r% banashrn;r mi,t ir;nz s;[anin wra\ oun;za‘ ;n a\laxan l;xoun;rou ba®arann;r! Fa\ grakanouj;an mh= f;[inakn;r kan% oronz groujiunn;re kardalow mard ke xma\li ;u inqxinq fpart ke xga\ m;r l;xoui ykounouj;an% q;rakanakan ou a‘anzoumn;rou ou bard ba®;rou an;r;uaka\;li farstouj;amb! Øtaraxgi fa\aghtn;r xma\la‘ ;n m;r l;xoui a\s baxmako[mani farstouj;an wra\ ;u <ar& h= 14
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L;®na\in {araba[e Fa\kakan Bar]rauandakin fiusis-ar;u;l;an ‘a\ragaua®n h! Ourartakan ,r=anin kocoua‘ h Arta.ouni% Ourt;.h kam^ Arza.! Q&a& B& daroun% A®an,afik farstouj;an M;‘ Fa\qi thr;rn hin :rouandounin;re! Q&;& 4-rd daroun% Sb& M;srop Ma,toze Amarasi mh= (Martounii ,r=an) ke fimnhr fa\oz a®a=in ;k;[;zin ou dproze! X& ;u H& dar;roun% Mifran;ann;rou (Outiqi mh=) ,r=anin% Gan]asare ou Sb& |akob;anz wanqe ke da®na\in m,akouja\in k;dron! E& dare Arabakan tirakalouj;an ,r=an h% isk VA& VB& dar;re^ S;lyouq-jajarn;rou! >achni apstamboujiunn;re k*a®a=nord;n Xaqar;ann;rou i,.anouj;an! VG& daroun Monkolakan ar,auanqn;rn ;n% ba\z fa\kakan Kilikio\ jagauoroujiune (1214-61) x;r‘ ke mna\ au;roumh% F;joum A&-i na.a];®nouj;amb 1247-in knqoua‘ da,inqi f;t;uanqow! V:& darhn sks;al% jrqakan-øsman;an-parskakan b®nap;touj;anz dhm ke pa\qarin Kiulistani% >achni% +rab;rdi% Waranda\i ou Dixaki Siun;az fa\ m;liqoujiunn;re! VE& daroun Gan]asari kajo[ikos :sa\i Fasan-Y;lal;an ;u Isra\hl Øri k*ord;gr;n ®ousakan ko[mnoro,oum! 1868-in L;®na\in {araba[e mas ke kaxmh Hlixaphjpoli nafangin! 1918-20-in Arza. ke ka®awaroui Axga\in >orfourdow! Saka\n sow;takan karg;rou xørazoumow% L;®na\in {araba[e% ibr;u inqnawar marx 1923 |oulis 7-hn sks;al% mas ke kaxmh Axrph\yani Fanrap;touj;an! Fama,.arfa\in B& Pat;raxmi enjazqin% ir;nz .ixa. martawarouj;amb% n,anauor ke da®nan [araba[zin;r mara=a.t A& >an';r;an% xørawarn;r M& Bars;[ow% W& Isra\hl;an% A& A[ayanow% S& Sardar;an% ;u ødanaua\in .oumbi framanatar ou krknaki f;ros N& St;'an;an! Axg;rou inqnoro,man skxbounqi fiman wra\% D;kt;mb;r 10% 1991-in t;[i k*oun;na\ fanraqouh% oroun fimamb norentir .orfrdarane% |ounouar 6% 1992-in% ke fastath Nakornø-{araba[i Fanrap;touj;an anka.oujiune% ore saka\n mi=axga\in yanacoumi carvananar! Minc a\d% Axrph\yan ke dimh xinouorakan ar,aun;rou {araba[i wra\! Fa\kakan xørq;re w;r=nakanaphs \a[jakan dours kou gan! Ma\is 12% 1994-in% Âousio\ mi=nordouj;amb% ke knqoui xinadoul% or ke go\at;uh minc;u a\sør% saka\n parb;rakan .a.toum-
n;row! :uropa\i Apafowouj;an ;u Famagor‘akzouj;an Kaxmak;rpouj;an (OSCE) - fimnoua‘ 1975-in – andam ;n 57 ;rkirn;r! Anonz n;rka\azouzcakan 11 foginoz artaqin gor‘oz na.ararn;rou Minsqi Kaxmin (1994) :®;ak >orfourde (Âousastan% M& Nafangn;r% ~ransa) gor‘øn mi=nordoujiunn;r ke katarh% w;r=nakan fama]a\nouj;an me fasn;lou npatakow% knq;l talou famar w;r=nakan xinadadar me Axrph\yani ;u Fa\astani mi=;u! 1992-hn iw;r baxmajiu fama]a\nagirn;r (F;lsinqii% F®omi% Sjoqfolmi% Pouta'h,ti% Lixponi% Matriti% ;ua\ln) storagroua‘ ;n ko[m;rou mi=;u! Lrazouzic k;rpow% fakamart ko[m;rou na.agafn;re ;u artaqin gor‘oz na.ararn;re% :®;ak >orfourdi andamn;roun ;u anonz na.agafn;roun al masnakzouj;amb% baxmajiu fandipoumn;r oun;za‘ ;n a®anz w;r=nakan ardiunqi! 1993-in Jourqia 'ak;z ir safmane Fa\astani f;t% jikounq kangn;low Axrph\yani! OSCE-n ke ,arounakh ir mi=nordoujiune a®anz \ousafat;lou% ir famana.agafn;rou a®an]in kam fauaqakan =anq;row! Fama]a\nouj;an me galou famar gl.auor .ocendotn;re fandisaza‘ ;n f;t;u;aln;re&- 1) Axg;rou inqnoro,man ;u fimnakan safmann;rou an];®nm.;liouj;an skxbounqn;re tramag‘ørhn ke fakas;n irarou! 2) Skixbhn coro,ouile L;®na\in {araba[i w;r=nakan go\awiyakin! 3) Bazaka\oujiune% fa,touj;an vo[own;rhn% L;®na\in {araba[i n;rka\azouzicin% mincd;® minc;u 1994 an ke masnakzhr banakzoujiunn;roun)! W;r=iw;r=o\% anka. fanrap;toujiun dar]a‘ Arza.n al ir .øsqe oun;nalou h% ;rb ir yakatagire piti oro,oui! 4) Yn,oumi tak ];®q ]goua‘ bolor fama]a\nagirn;rn al i npast Axrph\yanin ellalow% k*ant;soui de jure ou de facto L;®na\in {araba[i anka. fanrap;toujiune% or ke go\at;uh 20 tarin;rh iw;r! L;®na\in {araba[i yakatamartn;row axatagroua‘ ,r=ann;re oc mia\n gr;jh lrazouzic mase kaxm;zin patmakan Fa\astani ar;umt;an fo[atara‘qin% a\l;u amrapnd;zin fa\ vo[owourdi Sartarapat;an go\apa\qare! Qsan;rord darou w;ro\i,;al ;rkou xin;al enddimadroujiunn;re \o\v n,anak;li ;n fa\ vo[owourdin famar% oc mia\n ir;nz baro\akan a\l;u `ixiqakan \a[janakn;row! Fa\astani fo[a\in tara‘oujiune% 11%500 qa®& m[onhn ,ø,a';liørhn endar]akou;zau% bar]ranalow 13%240 qa®& m[oni! Arza.i maf ou k;naz% ariunali a\l \a[jakan pat;raxmhn ;tq% w;rakangnoumi lou® ;u f;t;uo[akan =anq;r ke ja'ouin% s'iu®qafa\ouj;an al øvandakouj;amb! St;'anak;rti mh= t;san;li ;n wnasoua‘ ,hnq;rou w;ranorogoume% ou ka®ouzoume bnak;li baxma\ark ,hnq;rou% oronzmh mhk mase tramadroua‘ h nafatak xinouorn;rou entaniqn;roun! Ba[data‘ :r;uani% famatara‘ fandartoujiun ke tirh ma\raqa[aqin mh=! M;r k;zouj;an \a=ord pa\‘a® a®auøtoun% 'o[oz k*;ll;lnq ,r=apate t;sn;lou! ’no[q k*ou[;kzin ir;nz dprozakan manoukn;roun% minc patanin;re a®an]in kam .mbakn;row k*artoran dhpi warvaran! Qa[aqazin;r al gor‘at;[i k*ou[[ouin! M;xmh omanq ke na.entr;n qal;l m;r]aka\ 'o[ozn;roun mh=% ouri,n;r ke na.entr;n a\z;l;l møtaka\ ,oukan% miavamanak ,nc;lou famar l;®na\in maqour øde! |a=ord a®auøt;an vame 10-in k*ou[[ouinq dhpi Gan]asar ou ’owin Qar% our 'o[ozi me ;rkou ko[mow zankapat;roun wra\% qowqowi t;[adroua‘ ;n giu[i ba.oumn;rhn .o\s toua‘% t;[uo\n ax;rin;rou inqna,arvn;roun jij;[;a\ plate-n;re% orphs \a[janaki ;xakiørhn \i,arvan zouzani,! (<ar& 7)
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Minc ‘a\ra\;[akann;r Mi=in Ar;u;lqi tara‘qin ke qand;n ;k;[;zin;r ou ke p[‘;n qristonhakan srbawa\r;r% n;ra®;al Thr Xøri Nafatakaz matou®n ou \ou,afamalire% asdin% |ordanan g;ti ar;u;l;an a'in% |ordanani Fa,;makan jagauorouj;an bar]r fowanauorouj;amb% Fa\astani Fanrap;touj;an na.agaf Tiar S;rv Sargs;ani ou Fa\astan;a\z A®aq;lakan :k;[;zuo\ nouirap;takan ajo® Srb& |akoba\ Miabanouj;an Patriarq Am;n& T& Nourfan Arq& Manouk;ani n;rka\ouj;amb% incphs na;u masnakzouj;amb Isra\hli møt Fa\astani Fanrap;touj;an Patouauor Fiupatos Tiar Zolak Momy;ani% 30 Fokt;mb;rin ke katarouhr ø‘oume Al-Ma[jasi tara‘qin mh= ka®ouzoua‘ Srb& Karap;t ;k;[;zuo\! G;[at;s ou xouarjnozatip S& Karap;ti \[azqin f;[inakn h fa\r;ni wastakauor yartarap;t ;u p;takan mrzanaki da'n;kir Artak {oul;an! :k;[;zuo\ bar;rarn h Toqj& Karø Karap;t;an (a\vm fangouz;al)% oroun^ |ordanani a'in ;k;[;zi me oun;nalou t;silqn ou ktake k*irakanaznhr ir ordin^ Toqj& Wighn Karap;t;an! I dhp bazman ;u ø‘man araro[ouj;an n;rka\ hin na;u w;r=inis xauakn;re ;u
';san! Al-Ma[jase qristonhakan a,.arfi famar a\n srbawa\rn h |ordanan g;ti a'in% our |owfannhs Mkrtic ke mkrthr m;r Tiro= Ordin^ |isous Qristose! Na.agaf S& Sargs;ani patouirakouj;an mas ke kaxmhin Fa\astani Artaqin gor‘oz na.arar Tiar Hdouard Nalpant;an ;u S'iu®qi Na.arar Tik& Frano\, |akob;an! Am;napatiu Patriarq T& Nourfan Arq& Manouk;anin k*enk;ranar Lousararap;t T& S;uan Arq& {arip;an% oronq a\s a®jiu ør me a®a= m;kna‘ hin |ordanani Jagauoroujiun! Fing,abji 30 Fokt;mb;ri \;tmi=ørhin katarou;zau Srb& Karap;ti Nkarn;rou Ø‘man araro[oujiune^ i n;rka\ouj;an Fa\astani Fanrap;touj;an na.agafi% na.ararn;roun% |ordanani fog;uor ;u a,.arfik [;kawarn;rou% qo\r ;k;[;zin;rou fog;uor a®a=nordn;rou% Srboz |akob;anz Miabanouj;an n;rka\azouzicn;rou% |ordanani A®a=nord Wafan Arq& Jø'al;ani% Ammani Axga\in T;[akan >orfourdi ;u A®a=nordarani andam-andamoufin;rou ;u fo‘ jiuow \ordananafa\;rou! Srboz |akob;anz Miabanouj;nhn araro[ouj;an ke masnakzhr na;u Miabanou<ar& h= 14
N.O. November 20, 2014, No. 45:N.O. Blank
2:16 PM
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NOR ØR% 20 NO|:MB:R% 2014
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Kl;nth\li Fanra\in K;dronakan gradarani fandisasrafe vamadrawa\rn hr grashr entranii me% Cor;q,abji No\;mb;r 5-i ;r;ko\;an% n;rka\ gtnou;lou Los Any;lesi Jhqh;an M,akouja\in Miouj;an kaxmak;rpa‘ |i,atakouj;an :r;ko\in^ nouirua‘ banast;[‘ XAFRATI ‘nnd;an 90-am;akin ;u ar]akagir NOUPAR AKI<:ANI ‘nnd;an 80 am;akin! :r;ko\i \a\tagire sksau masnayiu[i 'o. at;nap;t Bars;[ Garjal;ani bazman .øsqow% or a®a=in f;rjin frauir;z Polsafa\ Miouj;an m,akouja\in \an]na.oumbi at;nap;t |owfannhs Koulaq Au;tiq;ane! Au;tiq;an na. ,norfakaloujiun \a\tn;z masnakz;lou ir;n troua‘ pat;f a®ijin famar% apa gnafat;z Xafrate m;‘ar;lou ga[a'are ;u arta\a\tou;zau sqanc;li a\n axd;zouj;an masin% or Xafrat banast;[‘n ou
Lilij Qhfh;an
marde ]g;r hr polsafa\ ;ritasard s;roundi me wra\% orou n;rka\azouzicn;rhn min h 70 tariqe anza‘ .øso[e! Apa Garjal;an frauir;z warcouj;an vra=an andam Lilij Qhfh;ane% or cors enj;rzoumn;r katar;z Xafrati ªM;‘ qa[aqeº gor‘hn^ lauago\ns 'o.anz;low banast;[‘in xartou[i jouo[ g;[;zik oye^ ounkndirn;roun! Xafrati banast;[‘akan a,.arfe w;rlou‘;lou ;u xa\n n;rka\azn;lou frauirou;zau nkaricqandakagor‘ ;u no\n at;n^ banast;[‘ Armhn Pø[os;ane! Pø[os;an \a=o[;zau ardaroujiun en;l m;‘ banast;[‘in% anor a,.arfe g;[;zkørhn n;rka\azn;low ounkndirn;roun! Phtq h es;l or nkarice liirau ;u ambo[=akan ou an,par k;rpow \a=o[;r hr Xafrati anørinak oyn ou l;<ar& h= 13
The Armenian Orphan Rug Goes On Display After long decades in storage, the White House is displaying the Armenian Orphan Rug, failing to note that the historic artifact was woven by Armenian Genocide survivors and gifted to President Coolidge in appreciation for U.S. efforts to provide unprecedented humanitarian assistance to survivors of that crime.
Serzh Sargsyan Congratulates Latvia On Independence Day
Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan on Tuesday addressed a congratulatory message to Latvian President Andris Bērziņš on the occasion of the national holiday – Independence Day of Latvia, the presidential press service reported.
Iran Recognized Status Quo In Karabakh
According to the Iranian Fars Agency, Iran and Armenia have agreed on the timing of construction of water power plant on the Arax River. Iran’s minister of energy Hamid Chitchian said work on the MoU on the construction of the WPP in Armenia is over, and the Iranian companies will soon launch construction – The visit of the Iranian president Rowhani to Baku was futile. It overlapped with the incident in Karabakh when Azerbaijan shot down the Armenian helicopter with the Russian missile. Rowhani made an important statement in Baku – he said that there cannot be military settlement of the Karabakh issue. In other words, he hinted that he is not going to support Baku’s military adventures. Iran has a significant role in the settlement of the Karabakh issue. In 1992 Shushi was “expectedly” liberated on the same day when the Armenian president Levon TerPetrosyan was in Tehran for a meeting with the head of Azerbaijan initiated by the Iranian leadership. On that day, it became known in Tehran that the situation in the region has changed in favor of the Armenian side, and Tehran did not dispute that circumstance. Rowhani’s visit to Baku that overlapped with the helicopter incident could also be considered significant in the sense that Iran has recognized the status quo in Karabakh and did not support Baku. Iran’s minister of energy announced right away that they have agreed with Armenia on the construction of the water power plant. Naira Hayrumyan
Bill On Armenia’s Accession To EEU Approved By Russian Government Commission
The Russian government commission on lawmaking approved the bill on the ratification of the treaty on Armenia’s accession to the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), according to the cabinet website. The bill, submitted by the Foreign Ministry and the Ministry of Economic development, will be considered at a cabinet meeting. The entry of the treaty into force will ensure Armenia’s involvement in the EEU from January 2, 2015, and will enable to reduce the exceptions and limitations to mutual access to markets of member countries, according to the report. Thus a foundation is laid for further de-
velopment of trade and economic ties, improving competitiveness of local producers, and strengthening of EEU member countries’ positions in global markets, the report says.
On November 17, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic Karen Mirzoyan received Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office Ambassador Andrzej Kasprzyk. The Department for Mass Media and Public Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic informed Armenpress that the sides discussed the situation that had emerged as a result of shooting down the NKR Defense Army Air Force helicopter by Azerbaijan during training flight. The NKR Foreign Minister emphasized that such unprecedented violation of the cease-
fire by Azerbaijan was a challenge, first of all, to the peaceful efforts of the international community, in particular, the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair states. On November 18 Armenian Minister of Defense Seyran Ohanyan hosted US Ambassador to Armenia John Heffern. Press service of Armenian Defense Minister informs about this. During the meeting the sides discussed the incident of hitting of Armenian helicopter by Azerbaijanis and spoke about the international efforts to take back the bodies of Armenian pilots who were in the helicopter.
Karabakh Foreign Minister Considers Helicopter Downing A Challenge To OSCE MG Peaceful Efforts
Armenia-China Relations Are Developing In Dynamic Manner
YEREVAN. – China’s new Ambassador to Armenia, Tien Erlong, on Tuesday presented his credentials to President Serzh Sargsyan. The President congratulated the ambassador on his appointment and expressed the hope that, during his diplomatic mission in Armenia, he will make every effort to further develop Armenian-Chinese relations, informed the Press Office of the President. He also stressed that Armenia-China relations are developing in a dynamic manner. In the President’s conviction, the active mutual visits and the bilateral talks and discussions greatly contribute to the strengthening of ties between the two countries.
Russian Cabinet Approves Agreement Lifting Registration For If The Helicopters Were Armed, The Second One Armenian Citizens Would Have Immediately Destroyed The Group Russian government's committee has Which Hit The Helicopter – Vahan Shirkhanyan The drowning of the Armenian plane by the Azerbaijani side was a painful loss but a novelty for us, it just reminded that we are dealing with very unreliable, treacherous neighbor which will continue surprising us and we must be ready for such provocations, former deputy defense minister Vahan Shirkhanyan told the reporters today. “I have more serious concern, I am afraid Azerbaijan will fully fall under the influence of Islamist extremists which will give us serious food for thought as not so Aliyev and Erdogan need it but the USA. We must be ready for such developments,” he said.
Azerbaijan: Where Does Russia Stand On Helicopter Shoot-Down?
Armenian and Nagorno-Karabakh troops hold a joint military exercise in the breakaway region on Nov. 13. A day earlier Azerbaijani forces shot down an Armenian Mi-24 helicopter on the ceasefire line. (Photo: Armenian Presidential Press Service) In Ukraine, Russia is widely seen as a troublemaker intent on destabilizing the government in Kyiv. But when it comes to Nagorno-Karabakh, the longest current conflict in the Caucasus, the Kremlin is expected to act as a force for restraint. In the wake of a helicopter shoot-down incident on November 12, the Karabakh conflict finds itself at a crossroads, in which the potential for a return to full-scale warfare seems higher than at any point since the signing of a 1994 ceasefire. Azerbaijani
forces downed the Armenian helicopter near the ceasefire line of contact, where both countries’ armed forces remain on high alert, and where gunfire exchanges regularly occur. A widely held belief among Azerbaijani policymakers and political analysts is that Russia will be an important, perhaps even decisive, factor in what happens next. They note that Moscow is Armenia’s chief strategic ally and economic patron. Elkhan Shahinoglu, head of Baku’s Atlas Research Center, is among those who think the Kremlin will exert a moderating influence on the Armenian government. “Perhaps Armenia will want to respond to this incident. However, the final decision will be up to Moscow, as always,” Shahinoglu predicted.
approved an agreement between the Armenian and Russian governments regulating the stay of citizens on the territories of the states. It is specified that the agreement provides lifting of registration for the Russian citizens temporarily residing in the territory of Armenia and Armenian citizens temporarily staying on the territory of Russia during 30 days. Agreement between the Governments of Russia and Armenia on the order of stay of Russian citizens on the territory of Armenia and Armenian citizens on the territory of Russia was signed in Sochi on July 11, 2014. The draft bill will be considered at a meeting of the government.
Azerbaijani Saboteurs Accusing Each Other STEPANAKERT. – The trial into case of Azerbaijani saboteurs continues in Nagorno-Karabakh. During the Tuesday hearing, judge Anatoly Tadevosyan presented the results of forensic examination of the scene where Smbat Tsakalyan was killed. According to Artsakhpress, asked by the prosecutor who had transferred the body from the scene of the crime, Shahbaz Guliyev and Dilham Askerov began to accuse each other of murder as well as the transfer of the body.
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday November 20, 2014
From Genocide To The Getty House: AGBU Asbeds Host Reception Celebrating 100 Years Of Armenian-Americans In Los Angeles
On the evening of Thursday, November 6, 2014, the AGBU Asbeds Committee hosted a special reception at Getty House, the official residence of Mayor Eric Garcetti and First Lady Amy Wakeland, celebrating 100 years of Armenian-Americans in Los Angeles. The event, held under the auspices of the AGBU Western District Committee, was one of a series of endeavors planned by the Asbeds Committee to commemorate the upcoming centennial of the Armenian Genocide. The evening began with a dinner reception featuring Armenian delicacies prepared by the Patina Group. Guests socialized and toured the beautiful grounds of the historic home, and later had the opportunity to personally meet and take a souvenir photograph with the Mayor. The official program took place in the picturesque garden. Master of Ceremonies Mr. Kurken Berksanlar welcomed the gathering of nearly one hundred guests, among them H.E. Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate of the Western Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church, Los Angeles City Council member Paul Krekorian, city staffers, AGBU Western District Committee members, and AGBU Asbeds Committee members and supporters. He conveyed heartfelt thanks to the Mayor and First Lady for opening their home for the celebration and also thanked the organizing partners, the Getty Foundation and George Ignatius Foundation, for sponsoring the catering expenses. Mr. Berksanlar chronicled the remarkable journey of Armenian-Americans over the past one hundred years, from the killing fields of Eastern Anatolia and the searing Syrian desert, to a fruitful life in Los Angeles; from the first Genocide of the 20th century, to the Getty House, the home of our dynamic and visionary Mayor, as equal citizens of this great nation. We are here to celebrate life, human endurance, and being constructive members of society, of being fellow Angelenos, stated the MC, and concluded by thanking the United States and the City of Los Angeles for welcoming Armenians with open arms. First Lady of Los Angeles Amy Wakeland thanked the guests for their presence,
diverse arenas, from the sciences to the arts. stating that when her husband was elected We are proud of the City of Los Angeles and Mayor, they had resolved to turn the Getty we are proud of the Armenian-American House into the People’s House, a place community which has achieved great sucwhere people of different backgrounds and cess and positively impacted the City, said walks of life can gather. She noted the variDr. Yaghsezian. He expressed gratitude for ous community events that are held reguall the opporlarly at their tunities the home, includCity of Los ing special Angeles has to children’s offer and programs for thanked the the holidays, Mayor for and thanked being a true the AGBU friend of the Asbeds ComArmenian mittee for people; for altheir support ways having in ensuring acknowledged the continuathe Armenian tion of their Genocide, and holiday comfor transformmunity serving Los Angeices. les into a A G B U world-class Asbeds Chair Dr. Harout Left to right: Mayor Eric Garcettii, Doct. Harout Yaghsezian city. With all of you here Yaghsezian and Paul Krikorian tonight, we thanked the will continue to be the vibrant and metroFirst Lady and Master of Ceremonies for politan city we are proud to call home, he their remarks. He stated that AGBU is the concluded. world’s largest Armenian non-profit organDr. Yaghsezian subsequently invited ization preserving the Armenian identity AGBU Western District Committee Chair and heritage since 1906. The organization is Mr. Krikor Karageuzian to join him in preespecially active in Los Angeles, he said, senting the Mayor with a beautiful and symhome to the largest Armenian-American bolic memento by Armenian-American community and a place where our commuartist Michael Aram called “Noah’s Ark on nity has attained success and prominence in
Mount Ararat.” Mr. Karageuzian thanked the Mayor and First lady for inviting the community into their home, and announced that he had a special gift to present. He stated that while in Armenia just a few days prior, he had visited the Armenian Genocide museum at Dzidzernagapert and brought back a newly published book sponsored by the AGBU Asbeds titled “The Armenian Genocide on the Front Pages of the Press.” He presented the first copy of the book to Mayor Garcetti, who was deeply moved by the gesture. Referring to himself as an Honorary Armenian, the Mayor conveyed how much it meant to him and his wife to have the AGBU family at their home. “AGBU welcomed me early on with such warmth, so it feels like welcoming family to our home,” he said. He expressed appreciation for the Noah’s Ark memento, which he found so fitting to the evening’s theme as Mt. Ararat symbolizes survival and thriving. “Together we have accomplished a lot for this community, whether establishing the Los Angeles-Yerevan Sister City program or revamping Little Armenia,” he said, and thanked the Armenian-American community for being a strength in the city, stating, “we couldn’t be the city we are without this community.” Mayor Garcetti affirmed that he and the City of Los Angeles will keep their ties with Armenia and the Diaspora strong, and concluded by inviting the guests to come back to the People’s House. In conclusion, the Mayor presented Dr. Yaghsezian and Committee members with a congratulatory certificate from the city, noting proudly that for many years now, the certificates are made by Armenian-American hands. While the evening continued with a dessert reception and a meet and greet, the Asbeds leadership began to shift their main focus to their third planned Genocide centennial event, a public exhibition which will take place at the Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles from April 8th through 10th, 2015 in cooperation with the Armenian Genocide Museum, called "The Armenian Genocide, Front Page Newspaper Coverage in the Foreign Media."
Watertown, MA.- TCA Central Board of Directors recently appointed Aram Arkun as Executive Director of the Association, headquartered in Watertown, MA. With this appointment the Association fills the vacancy of the post of Executive Director at TCA Central office in Watertown.. Aram Arkun, a respected scholar, among many other higher education diplomas, has Master of Arts degree in International Relations from University of Pennsylvania. He has been editor-in-chief of Ararat quarterly, Assistant Director of Krikor and Clara Zohrab Information Center, Armenian Diocese; Adj. Asst. Professor of New York University and other posts. Beside English, Arkun speaks, Armenian (classical and modern), French, Turkish (Ottoman and modern), some Persian, Russian, German and Arabic. “We are glad and fortunate to be able to appoint such a talent to fill our vacant post of Executive Director in Watertown and we are looking forward to work with Mr. Arkun to fulfill and advance our cultural and educational programs in the United States, Canada and Armenia,” said Dr. Haroutiun Arzoumanian, president of TCA Central Board of Directors. Arkun himself also expressed his happiness at his new position. “The work the Tekeyan Cultural Association carries out in the promotion of Armenian culture is sig-
nificant. Organizations like Tekeyan are especially necessary in the Diaspora to provide a gathering place and forum for writers, readers, and all those interested in Armenian creative expression. I hope to be able to help the organization expand its cultural activities and to continue its fine tradition of supporting Armenian schools. I also am very happy to be able to contribute to the Armenian Mirror-Spectator,” he said. “I look forward to working with Tekeyan members and others in the Armenian community, and hearing their ideas about future activities”. Tekeyan Cultural Association, Inc. is a non-profit and tax exempt cultural and educational organization founded in 1969 in Massachusetts. It has many chapters throughout the United States and Canada, owns the Arshag Dickranian Day school in Los Angeles, California, Cultural Centers in Altadena, California, and Montreal, Canada, as well as rented facilities as cultural centers in Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, and Toronto, Canada. The Association publishes the trilingual weekly newspaper Abaka in Montreal, sponsors teachers in five TCA schools in Armenia and Karabagh through its “Sponsor a Teacher” program and publishes many literary books in Armenian and in English. TCA CENTRAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS
Armenian heritage. Sona Zeitlian is an AGBU Hye Geen member and the author of such distinguished works as the role of Armenian women during the revolution, a series on legendary heroes and heroines, the folktales of Musa Dagh based on the oral tradition and the comprehensive study of Armenians in Egypt. The event celebrating the publication of these unique books will take place on Thursday, November 20, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. at the Zorayan Hall of St. Leon Armenian Cathedral, Western Diocese of the Armenian Church at 3325 N. Glenoaks Blvd, Burbank, California 91504. The day’s mistress of ceremonies is Cecile Keshishian. Her opening remarks will be followed by the 20th anniversary book presentation by educator Lora Kuyumjian. Sona Zeitlian will speak about the impact of landmark women’s experiences, which have impressed her most. Then Therese Hayrapetian will comment on behalf of AGBU Hye Geen Young Circle. The closing remarks will be delivered by His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian. A reception will conclude the evening’s program.
Aram Arkun Appointed TCA’s Executive Director AGBU Hye Geen Celebrating Armenian Women’s Legacy In Print Of US and Canada Under the auspices of AGBU Arts and Cultural Committee, AGBU Hye Geen will launch two important books. One is devoted to Hye Geen’s 20 years of community service which include the creation of AGBU Hye Geen Young Circle, the publication of a magazine, the initiation of a TV program about issues of public concern and the Armenian heritage, the formation of a coalition with the participation of 13 women’s organizations, as well as the establishment of five Pregnant Women’s Centers in Armenia. Moreover, AGBU Hye Geen is highly regarded for its annual conferences and public debates about topics relevant to the various aspects of Armenian life, both local and in the Homeland. The 20year anniversary book is compiled by Sona Yacoubian, Founder and President of AGBU Hye Geen. The other book, Sona Zeitlian’s On the Traces of Armenian Women is a comprehensive overview of the struggles and achievements of Armenian women throughout history. This well researched book is the first of its kind and has won the Kevork Melidinetsi 2013 award from the Catholicosate of Cilicia. The annual award is bestowed on an original work, which contributes to the
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday November 20, 2014
AUA Honors Richard Hovannisian For Donation Of His Book Collection To AGBU Papazian Library YEREVAN. – The American University of Armenia (AUA) unveiled a plaque in honor of Richard Hovannisian, who has donated his professional library of 1,338 books to AUA’s AGBU Papazian Library. Hovannisian’s library includes many history books covering the subjects of Armenian, Russian and Soviet, Near and Middle Eastern, Ancient and Medieval, Byzantine, and Modern European history and cultures. AUA President Dr. Armen Der Kiureghian welcomed Mr. Hovannisian, who cut the red tape and was presented
with a hand-carved wooden box as a gift from Library Director Satenik Avakian. Richard Hovannisian is Professor of Armenian and Near Eastern History and First Holder of the Armenian Educational Foundation Chair in Modern Armenian History at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and Adjunct Professor of History at the University of Southern California. A native of California, he received his M.A. in history from the University of California, Berkeley, and Ph.D. in history from UCLA.
On this occasion the concert hall was filled with war-like spirit. It is difficult to combine martial tone with delicate sounds, but the artists succeeded to do so. The State Youth Orchestra of Armenia (conductor Sergey Smbatyan) and the Khachaturian Trio did their best to ensure that audience yet again felt the strength of Sarkissyan’s martial spirit. The concert, which was dedicated to the 55th Anniversary of the famous military man, politician and statesman Vasken Sarkissyan, commenced with the “Concerto Rhapsody” for cello and orchestra (soloist Karen Kocharyan), followed by the “Concerto for Violin” (soloist Karen Shahgaldyan) and the “Concerto for Piano” (soloist Armine Grigoryan). “Aram Khachaturian was the composer, who took Armenian music to the international arena. People came to know about Armenian culture and the Armenian nation
through Khachaturian. As for Vasken Sarkissyan, he formed and organised the national army, when Armenia became independent. The concept of statehood is also associated with his name. Both these men had many similarities in their striking personalities”, said Karen Kocharyan, cellist of the Khachaturian Trio in answer to the question “why was the concert dedicated to Vasken Sarkissyan and why did the Trio choose to play the Khachaturian concertos?” To listen to Khachaturian’s melodies and to sense l the of the spirit of [V. Sarkissyan] a powerful military man was the central theme of the concert. One got the impression that these two great men had the audience in their thrall throughout the evening answering many unanswered questions.
Sherman Oaks, CA - C & E Merdinian Armenian Evangelical School’s ParentTeacher Organization (PTO) is pleased to announce its annual holiday dinner-dance, Gatsby Gala, which will be held on December 5, 2014 at 7:30 pm at the De Luxe Banquet Hall in Burbank, CA. The PTO is planning an exquisite evening filled with live entertainment, dancing, and food all set against the backdrop of an exciting 1920’s-30’s Gatsby theme. The glamorous evening will feature a holiday raffle and red carpet photo opportunities. The banquet is an annual event, one that the parents, teachers, staff, and friends of Merdinian School anxiously await and immensely enjoy. It is also a critical fundraiser for the PTO as it presents its proceeds to the small, nurturing, and close-knit institution. In an effort to build the school’s alumni
network, the PTO also welcomes back its alumni this year at a special discounted rate for the evening and is happy to accommodate class tables by graduation years, upon request. In the heart of Sherman Oaks, on Riverside Drive, lies the gem that is C & E Merdinian Armenian Evangelical School. Its core principles are based on a Christian foundation, a sense of community, and strong family values. For over 30 years, Merdinian has provided a high standard of education and values that have equipped its students with the skills and integrity to continue through life as upstanding citizens, Armenians, and Christians.
Khachaturian Melodies With Sarkissyan Spirit
Merdinian School To Host Elegant Gatsby-Themed Banquet
Armenian Women Treated Unequally At Work - Former PM
YEREVAN. - The employees in Armenia intentionally refuse to raise wages for women, announced former Armenian Prime Minister, MP Hrant Bagratyan, Armenian News - NEWS.am reports. While talking about changes in the law “On the benefits for temporary disability” and the accompanying bills, Bagratyan stressed that the employers refrain from raising wages of their female employees assuming that the women will go into maternity leave at some point, thus her compensation may increase with her wage. The new law proposes to set a limit for pregnancy and birth benefits in the amount of 15 times the minimum wage (which will make about AMD 1 million in 2015 and about AMD 1.2 million in 2016). As for the non-working mothers, their benefits will be calculated based on a percentage of the minimum wage.
Lilite Setrakyan Lucie Sargsyan
For more information and tickets, please contact the Merdinian School office at (818) 9078149.
Voices Of Artsakh Concert In Paris
STEPANAKERT. - A joint benevolent concert of the Voices of Artsakh group, which is in France on a concert tour, and Navasard Armenian folk dance ensemble of Paris took place in the Palais des Congrès concert hall of Issy-les-Moulineaux town in the suburb of Paris, Armenian News NEWS.am reports. According to the press service of Artsakh MFA, the entire income from the concert will go to the Telethon2014. Minister of Culture and Youth Affairs of the Artsakh Republic Narine Aghabalian, who is on a visit to France, Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to France Vigen Chitechian, Artsakh Permanent Representative to France Hovhannes Gevorgian, Mayor of Issy-les-Moulineaux Andre Santini, Chairman of the French affiliate of Hayastan All-Armenian Fund Petros Terzian, and representatives of the Armenian Apostolic, Catholic and Evangelical Churches of France were present at the event.
Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide
40 - Taner Akçam
By Hambersom Aghbashian
Altuğ Taner Akçam (born in Ardahan, Turkey, Oct. 23, 1953) is a Turkish historian and sociologist. He is a professor in Armenian genocide studies at Clark University in Massachusetts. Taner Akçam is regarded as one of the first Turkish academics to openly acknowledge and discuss the Armenian Genocide committed by the Turkish Ottoman government and he is recognized as a "leading international authority" on the subject.(1) Taner Akçam studied economics at the Middle East Technical University in Ankara, and graduated in 1976. In 1974 Akçam was arrested for participating in student protests against the Turkish invasion of Cyprus. In 1975 he was arrested for distributing leaflets and on March 9, 1976, he was arrested again for his political involvements. He received a nine-year sentence in early 1977, which resulted in Amnesty International adopting him as a prisoner of conscience. He served for a year before escaping from Ankara Central Prison on March 12, 1977. He received political asylum from Germany in 1978, where he obtained citizenship and resided until obtaining his doctorate degree in 1995. He received his PhD from the University of Hanover with a dissertation titled, " Turkish Nationalism and the Armenian Genocide: On the Background of the Military Tribunals in Istanbul between 1919 and 1922." Akçam is a former student of fellow genocide scholar, Vahakn Dadrian. In 2008 Akçam's was appointed as the chairman of Armenian genocide studies at Clark University. Taner Akçam is the author of" The Young Turks' Crime Against Humanity: The Armenian Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing in the Ottoman Empire", "A Shameful Act : The Armenian Genocide and the Question of Turkish Responsibility", "From Empire to Republic : Turkish Nationalism and the Armenian Genocide", and many other books in English, German and Turkish(2). Concerning his book "A Shameful Act: The Armenian Genocide and the Question of Turkish Responsibility", http://us.macmillan.com/ashamefulact/ta nerakcam wrote " in a work of excavation, Turkish historian Taner Akçam has made extensive use of Ottoman and other sources to produce a scrupulous charge sheet against the Turkish authorities. The first scholar of any nationality to have mined the significant evidence in Turkish military and court records, parliamentary minutes, letters, and eyewitness account. Akçam follows the chain of events leading up to the killing and then reconstructs its systematic orchestration by coordinated departments of the Ottoman state, the ruling political parties, and the military. He also probes the crucial question of how Turkey succeeded in evading responsibility, pointing to competing international interests in the region, the priorities of Turkish nationalists, and the international community's inadequate attempts to bring the perpetrators to justice.(3) According to CSI (Jun 6, 2012), Dr. Taner Akcam of Clark University, based on his research into WWI-era documents contained in the Ottoman Archives, demonstrated in his book " The Young Turks' Crime Against Humanity: The Armenian Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing in the Ottoman Empire",
that the Armenian Genocide, in which well over one million Armenian and Assyrian Christians were massacred, was the result of a specific policy decision by the Ottoman government to pursue "ethno-religious homogenization" in Turkey as early as 1913. Because the empire could not reconcile calls for freedom from its Christian subjects with its Islamic legal system and culture, it opted to eradicate its Christian population. Taner Akcam was the first Turkish historian to recognize the Armenian Genocide (4). en.wikiquote.org quoted many Turkish Intellectuals who have expressed their convictions concerning the Armenian Genocide. Taner Akcam was quoted many times and the following is one of them. "A discussion of the Armenian Genocide could reveal that this Turkish state was not a result of a war fought against the imperial powers, but, on the contrary, a product of the war against the Greek and Armenian minorities. It could show that a significant part of the National Forces consisted either of murderers who directly participated in the Armenian Genocide or of thieves who had become rich by plundering Armenian possessions."(5). In his various statements, Taner Akcam calls on Turkey to face the historical reality and recognize the Armenian Genocide. On May 6 , 2014, "Armenpress" held a conversation with him on the improvement of Turkish-Armenian relations, the possible changes in the Turkish denial policy on the eve of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide and the factors contributing it. Taner Akcam said that he doesn't expect major changes in Turkey's policy.(6) Today Zaman , wrote on April 19, 2013, "As the anniversary of the forced migration of Armenians in 1915 from Anatolia to other parts of the Ottoman Empire approaches, historian Taner Akçam suggests Turkey open its borders with Armenia as a step to normalize relations between the two countries. Akçam, who describes the 1915 events as “genocide,” says that Turkey should stop wasting its time with the argument that 1915 was not genocide by exploiting people's ignorance about this matter and creating an unnecessary debate."(7) To write about Taner Akcam as a leading international authority on the Armenian Genocide subject is a long story which can't be covered in few pages, that might need an entire book. 1.http://www.armenianlife.com/2014/10/10/ armenian-genocide-scholar-cancels-lectures-atuniversity-of-illinois/ 2.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taner_Ak%C 3%A7am 3.http://us.macmillan.com/ashamefulact/tan erakcam 4.CSI (Christian Solidarity International).http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=Xf5igXFiRDA 5.http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Armenian_ge nocide 6.http://armenpress.am/eng/print/760717/ta ner-akcam-on-eve-of-100th-ann 7.http://www.todayszaman.com/interviews_historian-taner-akcam-says-armenianborder-should-be-opened-for-normalization-of-re lations_313150.html
Congratulations Ardashes And Courtney Kassakhian The Kassakhian family has grown by one. Courtney and I have been blessed with the birth of our first child. Our son, Armen Everett Kassakhian, was born on October 17 and has made us happier than you could possibly imagine. Armen is doing fine. But his parents are still getting used to their new sleep schedule (basically none) and learning new skills like how to change diapers and avoid being sprayed. It only took four times to learn my lesson. Courtney has stepped right into the role of motherhood and I'm doing my best to earn that "World's Greatest Dad" mug one day. It's a work in progress. We are excited for you to meet Armen in person and share with us some tips that you may have to help us along this amazing adventure called parenthood.
Nor Or Weekly - Thursday November 20, 2014
The Effects Of Digital Invasion On Children By Alice Krumian
The Digital Age is shaping our lives, our relationships and our work in striking new ways. The swift growth of Digital Technology especially in the last decade has transformed children’s daily routines and sparked both excitement and worry among parents and educators. There can be no doubt that the explosive growth of smartphones and other digital devices, and the media kids view on those devices is transforming the children’s lives in school and at home, affecting their cognitive, emotional and social development. In fact, Consumer Reports indicated that in 2013 more than 7.5 million American kids under the age of 13 have joined Facebook. By the age of 5, more than 50% regularly interact with a computer, and by 7 or 8, they regularly play video games and teenagers text an average of 3,400 times a month. As a whole, kids today are spending more time with media than with their parents or teachers. Whether we like it or not, we are a Digital society. However, it is important to explore whether this Digital Immersion is helping or harming our children’s mental, social and emotional development. We cannot deny the fact that there is always two sides to everything: Good and Bad. There are many positive qualities in modern technologies, especially the ones that are interactive and allow children to develop their curiosity as well as their problem-solving and independent-thinking abilities. We all realize that the generation of this era has a high level of dexterity, and our children are very capable of where to look to find information. Also, screen media improve visualspatial capabilities, reaction times, and the capacity to identify details among clutter. Yet, there is a growing body of research suggesting that digital technologies can be harmful to children. Because their brains are still developing, frequent exposure to digital technology is wiring the brain in ways very different than in previous generations. For instance, the emergence of reading encouraged our brains to be focused and to be imaginative. In generations past, children devoted considerable amount of time reading, an activity that required intense attention. With the Internet, children are pushed into an environment in which distraction is the norm, and therefore constant concentration is impossible. Also, imagination is unnecessary, and memory is inhibited. Reading uninterrupted text results in better understanding, recall and learning than reading text filled with hyperlinks and ads.” Traditional “reading develops reflection, critical thinking, and vocabulary better than visual media. Also these days children are relying more and more on digital communication that they have totally forgotten about improving their writing skills. They do not know the spelling of different words, how
to use grammar properly or how to do cursive writing. As a whole, Digital immersion has been linked to limited attention span, lower comprehension, poor focus, greater risk for depression and diminished longterm memory. Digital media have altered our respect for privacy. Young people now routinely post and share private, personal information, without considering the potential risky consequences. Our kids’ personal and private identity appears permanently on digital record for everybody to see. Children chat with friends on Facebook, visit harmful websites online, or they chat with strangers, thus exposing themselves to dangerous situations. Moreover, more and more interaction with others through online and social networks has hampered the physical interaction skills of many children, who spend a lot of time alone, and therefore they get little time to socialize with peers. So, if a child has poor social skills, he/she will find it hard to deal with people when they grow up. People who find it hard to mix with society often suffer from depression, which, in extreme cases may result into committing suicide. Research also suggests that many modern technologies are passive. They do not provide children with the crucial emotional, social, cognitive or physical experiences that they require when they are young. Also, playing violent computer games can increase children’s aggressive behavior and desensitize them to violence. It was found that children who play aggressive games demonstrate less pro-social behavior, such as donating money or helping others. Moreover, the Internet games or texting activities have the potential of affecting children’s psyche negatively, leading to increased frustration. For instance, they get frustrated when they are asked to do anything while playing these games and this behavior can shatter many parent-children relationships. Screen time can make a kid fat. Nowadays children are spending less time exercising, and more time in front of a screen, and such children tend to eat a lot of snacks which deposit fat in their bodies. Obesity can result into deceases like diabetes, heart failure, depression and others. Digital devices and media we view on those devices can actually become an addiction. This silent invasion is negatively impacting our children’s lives. The systems in the brain are being modified, and children as well as adults do not turn them off easily. Children get more satisfaction and enjoyment in their Virtual life than in their Real life since games are deliberately designed for adrenaline rush. Thus, the digital world robs them of empathy. Children may be together with their parents or relatives, but they are not connected intimately. Family
hobbies and activities, such as going to camps, playing games or sports are often interrupted due to digital messages, and even if some children wanted to quit their digital addiction, they cannot because the reinforcement of the digital media is very powerful. What does all this mean for raising children? Our new world of digital invasion affected everything from our thought processes and work habits to how we feel about ourselves and about others. Digital Technology is a necessity to survive in this age of advancement, and therefore it is essential to give our children technological tools like iPads, video games, computers, etc. The promise of digital media to transform our lives in positive ways is enormous. If managed well, technology can improve education, and advance society. Exposure to Technology at an early age is very important. But for those positive outcomes to occur, we need legislation and national educational efforts to maximize the opportunities and to minimize the risks. It is our role as parents and teachers to guide our kids how to use this technology and when to use these technological tools. Only then they can have a healthy and safe childhood and adolescence that they rightfully deserve, and they can thrive in this “Brave New World” of Digital Invasion.
“Erdogan Will Acknowledge Genocide, If People Think Like Him” Infamous Turkish historian Yusuf Halacoglu criticized Turkey President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s policy on the Armenian issue. Speaking to the Internethaber website of Turkey, Halacoglu, who is now an MP of Turkey’s opposition Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), harshly criticized the Turkish authorities for succumbing to the pressures of and making concessions in the Armenian Genocide recognition issue. The historian MP also claimed that the Armenians are lying when they say 1.5 million Armenians were killed in the genocide. He added that it was actually the Armenians who had massacred the Turks stressing that, as if, the Armenians had massacred 518,301 Turkish Muslims. Yusuf Halacoglu, criticizing Erdogan’s policy on the Armenian issue, also argued that even a small part of the Turkish society were to think like Erdogan, he would immediately recognize the Armenian Genocide.
The City Of Ras Al-Khaimah Was Founded By Armenians
According to His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, Supreme Council Member and Ruler of Sharjah Emirate the city of Ras al-Khaimah was historically known as Julfar and was founded by Armenians who escaped Persia during the Mongol invasion. During a televised broadcast His Highness revealed that: “The Armenian Christians fled from Persia to that place called Bgelovar which is now located in Ras Al Khaimah, and was founded by Armenians” He then added that Julfar was an Armenian and not an Arab name. The ruler also asked the educational authorities to change the textbooks accordingly.
FSA Militants Withdraw From Aleppo, Commander Flees To Turkey
Thousands of militants belonging to the so-called Free Syrian Army (FSA) have reportedly pulled out of Syria’s northwestern city of Aleppo, with their leader fleeing to Turkey. Turkey’s English-language Hurriyet Daily News, citing an unnamed high-ranking Turkish security source, reported on Tuesday that 14,000 FSA militants have withdrawn from the flashpoint city, situated 310 kilometers (193 miles) north of the Syrian capital city of Damascus. “The group’s leader, Jamal Marouf, has fled to Turkey,” confirmed the source, adding, “He is currently being hosted and protected by the Turkish state.” The source refused to give an exact date of Marouf’s escape but said it took place within the past two weeks. The source also declined to provide any information about Marouf’s whereabouts in Turkey. The FSA has lost control over the Bab alHawa border crossing following its withdrawal from Aleppo
ISIL Plunders 1Million Tons Of Iraqi Grain: Baghdad
Baghdad says ISIL militants have stolen more than one million tons of grain from northern Iraq before transferring the loot to neighboring Syria. Iraqi Agriculture Minister Falah Hassan al-Zeidan said in a statement on Tuesday that ISIL terrorists had taken wheat and barley to areas of Syria they currently control. ISIL "in the past four months has stolen more than one million tons of wheat and grain from Iraq and transported it to Syria through Mosul,” al-Zeidan said.
Kurdish Fighters Advance In Heart Of Kobani: Group
A rights group says the Kurdish forces battling the Takfiri ISIL militants in the northern Syrian city of Kobani have advanced in the heart of the flashpoint city and expelled the terrorists from several buildings. The Britain-based so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported on Tuesday that the progress came after the US-led military coalition launched four airstrikes and pounded the ISIL positions in the center of the city, which is known in Arabic as Ain al-Arab.
Kurds Seize ISIS Arms Near Kobani, Syria: Activists BEIRUT: Kurdish fighters captured six buildings used by ISIS militants besieging the Syrian town of Kobani Tuesday, and seized a large amount of the jihadist group's weapons and ammunition, an activist group monitoring the war said. ISIS has been trying to take control of the town, also known as Ain al-Arab, for more than two months in an assault that has driven tens of thousands of Kurdish civilians over the border into Turkey and drawn strikes by U.S.-led forces.
Iraq Troops Reach Baiji Oil Refinery Besieged By IS
Baiji's oil refinery had been surrounded by IS militants for five months Iraqi officials say their security forces have reached the Baiji oil refinery after driving out Islamic State (IS) fighters from the area. Gen Abdul Wahab al-Saadi told Iraqi state TV that this could be the "main key in liberating each span of Iraq". The refinery, Iraq's largest, was besieged by IS for five months.
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NOR ØR% 20 NO|:MB:R% 2014
FA| L:XOUN ANA{ART PAF:NQ <ar& h= 2-hn
xa\n nkata‘ ;n l;xoun;rou am;nakatar;aln;rou kargin! Fa\astani sow;takanazoumow% fosanq st;[‘ou;zau Sow;takan Fa\astani mh= fakaauandakan ;u bard q;rakanakan ];u;rou ;u folowo\ji dhm incphs na;u ou[[agrakan nor k;rp;r st;[‘;lou! Miavamanak ®ousakan nor ba®;rou n;rmou‘oumow m;r l;xoui mh=! Fa\ap;t Frat ;u ankh a®a= fratarakoua‘ gr;jh bolor girq;rou mh= o;uh =anq cja';zin Fa\astani mh= fa\;rhn l;xoui biur;[azman minc;u w;r=in tasn;ak me tarin;r% a\l endfaka®ake sksan gor‘a‘;l% kompoxitor% pohm% pohxia% pohd% ministr% insti tout% sim`onik% konshrd% dramatourgia% d;korazia% monoum;ntal% dirivhør% ®halistakan% kon`likd% pihs% vanr% øp;ra% libr;dø ;u nman øtar ba®;rou ,arann;r! A\n s;rounde or ousan;zau kam kardaz 30-akanhn minc;u 80-akan jouakann;rou >orfrda\in Fa\astan tpagroua‘ girq;re ckrzau kam coux;z xanaxan;l iskakan faraxat fa\;rhn ba®;re w;ro\i,;al øtaramout ba®;rh! A\nphs or ir;nz famar entan;za‘ ba®;r hin ;u m;‘ pafan= cxgazin maqragor‘;lou m;r ªm;‘asqanceº% p[toro[ nman ba®;rhn! J;r;us omanq no\nisk inqnagofazoum xgazin qani me ;uropakan kam ®ousakan ba®;r mou‘;low ir;nz groujiunn;roun mh=! Artasafmani mh=% Gafirh% groujiunn;roun mh=! Artasafmani mh=% Gafirh% Ph\rouj% "arix% W;n;tik ;ua\ln \ødoua‘n;rou ,arann;r fratarakou;zan tarb;r j;rj;rou ;u parb;rakann;rou mh= fariurauor siunakn;r l;zn;low% gl.auor npatakakht oun;nalow ªpafpan;l l;xoui maqroujiune% øtaramol arta\a\toujiunn;r ;u øtar ba®;r cn;rmou‘;l m;r l;xouin mh=º! :jh j;rjathq 50-akan jouakann;rou ª|a®a=º% ªLousab;rº% ªBaxmawhpº ;ua\ln j;rj;re kam parb;rakann;re ke t;snhq ;rkar siunakn;r a\s farzin ,our=% ªmi gouzh a\l gr;zhqº% ªøre ørinº ;ua\ln% oronz f;[inakn;re ørinakn;row ;u mh=b;roumn;row ke tqnhin apazouzan;l q;®akanakan% ba®amj;rqi ;u ou[[agrakan y,grit gor‘a‘oumn;re! Anz;al tase tarouan enjazqin bolor Fa\astanhn artaga[jo[n;re m;‘aphs npast;zin Gali`ornio\ fa\ ga[ouji grakan% jat;rakan% ;rav,takan% banasirakan marx;rhn n;rs! Anonq miavamanak b;rin ir;nz f;t Fa\astanhn øtar kam ®ous;rhn ba®;rou fa\ata® gor‘a‘ouj;an soworoujiune! Nor s;rounde or .oraphs ‘anøj ch fa\;rhni a\s øtar a';rou wra\ ;rb fa\r;nasirouj;nh taroua‘ k*ouxh j[jat;l fa\;rhn j;rj;re mitq;rnin phtq ch p[tori kardalow ªkompoxitor% pihs% pohm% tramatourga% bropl;m% vanre% sim-
polixmº orphs fa\;rhn ba®;r! Fimnakan h% or .mbagirn;re o[=amtoujiun oun;nan m;rv;lou kam srbagr;lou amhn \ødoua‘% or fa\;rhn ta®;row øtar ba®;r ke gor‘a‘;n! :jh o;uh \ødoua‘agir øtar ba® k*ouxh gor‘a‘;l% krna\ latin;rhn ta®;row øtar ba®e gr;l bakag‘i mh=% isk fa\;rhn ta®;row famapatas.an^ fa\;rhn! Øtarazman faxar ou mhk fosanq ouninq ardhn% m;r j;rj;rn ou parb;rakann;re a\d npatakin phtq c;n satar;l% .mbagirn;re endfaka®ake .ist k;zoua‘q phtq h oun;nan ;u øtar ba®;rou 'o.a®oume .stiu kas;zn;n namanauand Fa\astani j;rjh artatpoua‘ \ødoua‘n;rhn% oronz gor‘a‘oujiune ør est ørh ke baxmanan! Axgi me anfatn;roun antarb;roujiune axgapafpanman fandhp m;‘ago\n axgakn h ou‘azman% isk øtar ba®;rou n;rmou‘oume fa\;rhni mh=% graght% fraparakagir kam .mbagirn;rou ko[mh na.aqa\ln h a\las;rman! M;r osk;dare ;[a‘ h jargmancakan vamanaka,r=anin! :jh Astoua‘a,ounce asor;rhnh ;u \ounarhnh krza‘ ;nq jargman;l fa\;rhni% our;mn or;uh dvouaroujiun phtq c;nq oun;nar n;rka\ daroun am;na.rjin arou;stagitakan (Technical) ;u gitakan ba®i famapatas.an fa\;rhn ba® fnar;lou! Mard ke xma\li N;rshs <norfalii ,arakann;rou mh= gor‘a‘a‘ no\nphs Nar;kazii y;ny;ro[ fog;bo\r ba®;rou ,aranin! Our;mn ouninq cp;[oua‘ farstoujiunn;r% oronzmh ,at;r c;n øgtouir! Fa\;rhn l;xoun ouni baxmako[mani kar;lioujiunn;r ;u øtar bolor ba®;re krnanq fa\;rhnow arta\a\t;l! Go\oujiun coun;zo[ gitakan ba®;re ,at diurouj;amb kar;li h kaxmauor;l% \ørin;l kam a‘anz;l mia\n jh patas.anatou marmin me phtq h st;[‘oui or a\d pa,tøne \an]n a®nh! Lauago\n lou‘oume piti ellar ;jh famagor‘akzouj;amb artasafmani ;u Fa\astani n;rka\azouzicn;rhn marmin me kaxmouhr (banashr% gitakan% l;xouaban% patmaght)% oronq st;[‘hin% \ørinhin fa\;rhn ba®;r famapatas.an;low a\n bolor øtar ba®;rou% oronq ke w.tan m;r øraj;rj;rou% parb;rakann;rou% girq;rou% \ødoua‘n;rou ;u ‘anouzoumn;rou mh=! Na;u patrasthin k;nsakanørhn anfrav;,t dar]a‘ gitag;[arou;stakan ;u arf;stagitakan fa\;rhn ba®aran me nman dar me a®a= \ørinoua‘ ba®arani (W;n;tik)% ªBa®girq Arou;stiz ;u Gitouj;anz ;u G;[;zik Dprouj;anzº Fa\ Manouhl Qa=ounii ko[mh! A\s gor‘i mh= m;‘ d;r krnan .a[al Fa\astani Akad;mian kam w;rakaxmoua‘ ;xrabanakan \an]na.oumbe (thrminabanakan komithn) gor‘akz;low artasafman fimnoua‘ ;xrabanakan .orfourdin f;t% \ousanq ;u spas;nq!
j;an Jargman F& Fambar]oum Wrd& Qh,i,;an! A\s a®jiu Na.agaf Sargs;an ar]anagroujiun ]g;z ;k;[;zuo\ patouo\ fiur;rou mat;ani mh=% our an ke \a\tnhr ir ,norfakaloujiune a\n bani famar or |ordanane fog ke tani a\s fama,.arfa\in kar;uor srbat;[iin^ fastat;low ir \an]na®oujiune qa[aqakrjouj;anz mi=;u ;rk.øsouj;an amrapndman anfrav;,touj;an! T;[akan >orfourdi ko[mh o[=o\ni .øsq artasan;z Tiar N;rshs N;rshs;an& ª&&&M;r ,norfakaloujiune ke \a\tn;nq M;‘asqanc ª<inarar I,.anº Hmir {hxi Pin Mofammhtin% or ‘a[k;zouz ambo[= Ma[jasi krønakan ;u fauatqi mjnolorteº! An \atouk ,norfakaloujiun \a\tn;z na;u ;rkri imastoun jagauorin% es;low& - M;r anca' ,norfakaloujiune ke \a\tn;nq ;rkir |ordanani% Fa,imakan entaniqi A®a=nord% qa[aqaght% tnt;saght% .a[a[ouj;an yartarap;t^ Aptalla :rkrord Pin Fiush\n W;fap;tin% or ir Før ;u M;‘ Fa\r;rou ko[mh va®anga‘ ;u ord;gra‘ axniu ;u mardasirakan nkaragirn;rou ,norfiu ke wa\;l;nq m;r k;anqe |ordanani mh=! |a=ord øre% dar];al |ordanani bar]rastiyan pa,tøn;an;rou n;rka\ouj;an% oronz mh= na;u I,.an Pin {hxii n;rka\azouzic Xbøsa,r=ouj;an na.ararouj;an Hmin AAM Prn& Isa Kammø ;u ir axnoua'a\l Tikine% katarou;zau S& Karap;t ;k;[;zuo\ auaxani ;u >orani ø‘man fog;parar araro[oujiune ];®amb Patriarq før ;u pataragi matouzmamb T& S;uan Arq& {arip;ani! Fandisouj;an en-
jazqin ktakarar fa\r Karap;t;ani ordin Tiar Wighn Karap;t;an ir fangamanaliz .øsqin mh= oura.oujiun \a\tn;z or i w;r=o\ ke katarouhr ir før ba[]anqe ;u fa\oujiune k*oun;nar ir ;k;[;zin |ordanan g;ti a'in^ a\l ;k;[;zin;rou ,arqin! Ir;n k*enk;rana\in na;u ir ordin;re% ';san% oronq no\nphs mas a®in \a\tagrin mh=! A\s fandisauor ou fparta®ij ;rkør;a\ araro[ouj;anz a®jiu Am;napatiu Patriarq Fa\re ir .øsqin mh= gofoujiun \a\tn;z ªBar]r;aln Astou‘o\% or dar];al a\sør m;x irar møt ke b;rh% a\s noraø‘ Sourb Karap;t Mkrtaran-Matran mh=º! Apa An ir gnafatanqi .øsqin mh= endg‘;z Karap;t;an entaniqi nouiroua‘oujiune! A\nouf;t;u Patriarq Fa\re dim;low vo[owourdin esau& ª&&&:k;[;zin ørfnou;lh ;u ø‘ou;lh ;tq ke dadri parx ,hnq me% qar;rou ;u ‘;'i ko\t me ellalh ;u ke da®na\ fauaqawa\re fauataz;aln;rou&&&! :k;[;zin douq hq& ;jh douq% si r;li ;[ba\rn;r ;u qo\r;r% ];r sirt;roun mh= takauin wa® ke pafhq Astoua‘orduo\n^ Qristosi fauatqe% our;mn ];xmh iuraqanciure ke da®na\ ankiunaqar me a\s ;k;[;ziinº! Ir .øsqi auartin Am;napatiu Nourfan Arq;piskopos Ir ,norfakalouj;an ou ;ra.tagitouj;an .øsqin mh= esau& - |atouk srti .øsq k*ou[[;nq Fa,imakan Jagauorouj;an arvanauor Gafakal^ Norin W;fa'a®oujiun Aptallaf B& jagauorin! I bolor srth k*a[øj;nq or Fa\r Astoua‘ an'or] ;u anwtang pafh xinq! <
];x fa\ ;u arab a,ak;rtn;re ;u ousano[n;re ];r zouzab;ra‘ xofo[oujiunn;roun famar% k*ørfn;n ];x IFBEM andamn;re% our ke wa\;l;n Miouj;an fo\akap ,hnqe ir parthxow ;u lo[auaxanow% no\nphs Iraqi Tiknanz M,akouja\in Mioujiune ir 'arjam ,hnqow ;u .a[awa\row% jo[ barin Astoua‘ parg;uh ];x a®o[=oujiunº ;u .øsqe ou[[;low ;ritasardn;roun esau& ªM;nq fpart ;nq% or ouninq "ro`& <afin;anin phs patouo\ at;nap;t% \ousam douq al ke f;t;uiq ir ørinakinº! Tik& S;da\in \arganqi .øsqhn ;tq% Toqj& Âijan frauir;z Miouj;an warcoujiune% orphsxi \ou,anouhre \an]n;n "ro`& <afin;anin! "ro`& <afin;an ir .orin ,norfakaloujiune \a\tn;z a\s baza®ik ;r;ko\in famar ;u
ir tikno= Araqsiin f;t fat;zin karkandake% or xardaroua‘ hr Bar;gor‘akani .orfrdani,ow! Miouj;an warcoujiune \armar nkata‘ hr no\n øre 'oqrik \ou,anouhrow ir gnafatanqe \a\tn;l arvanapatiu Thr Au;tis Qfn\& Abow;anin ;u Toqj& Alphr Garamanouk;anin ir;nz zouzab;ra‘ mardasirakan øvandakouj;an famar! Pat,ay \a\tagir me patrastoua‘ hr øroua\ a®ijin \armar% na;u zouzadrou;zau safikn;r m;‘ar;alin k;anqhn% or n;rkan;roun mh= arjnzouz anz;ali ;ran;li \ou,;re! |a\tagirhn ;tq DJ Âop;rji par;[anakn;re .andawa®oujiun st;[‘;zin!
N.O. November 20, 2014, No. 45:N.O. Blank
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"ORJOUGALIA-FA|ASTAN^ 1-0 (0-0) No\;mb;ri 14-in Fa\astani axga\in fauaqakane :urø-2016-i .mba\in entrakan mrza,aroum fiurenkalou;z "orjougalia\i entranoun! Fandipoumn anzau 'orjougalazin;ri tara‘qa\in a®au;louj;amb ;u auartou;z da,ti thr;ri \a[janakow 1-0 fa,ouow! |a[jakan kole 72-rd rophin .';z Kri,tianou Âonaldoun% ow safman;z na;u :uropa\i a®a=nouj;an orakauorman ;u ;xra'akic 'ouli nor mrzani,^ 23 kol (17-e orakauorman 'ouloum% 6-e^ ;xra'akic)! Da,ti thr;re ,at kopit hin gor‘oum \atkaphs F;nri. M.ijar;ani nkatmamb! Da,ti thr;re stazan 5% m;r `oujpolistn;re^ 2 d;[in qart! FF fauaqakane fandhs ;kau a\spisi kaxmow& B;r;xowski% K& |owfannis;an% Faro\;an% Arxouman;an% Oskan;an% Fa\rap;t;an% Mkrtc;an (Pix;li% 82)% Arj& :digar;an (Sarkisow% 76)% {axar;an (Manoucar;an% 62)% M.ijar;an% Mowsis;an! FF fauaqakane \a=ord fandipoume k*anzkazni 2015-i Marti 29-in Alpania\oum t;[i fauaqakani f;t! J& .mboum ka\aza‘ mius fandipoumn;ri ardiunqn;re^ S;rpia-Dania^ 1-3% ~ransiaAlpania^ 1-1 (enk;rakan)!
Dania "orjougalia Alpania S;rpia Fa\astan
Mrza,ara\in a[iusak >& |& F& P& G& M& 4 2 1 1 6-4 7 3 2 0 1 2-1 6 3 1 1 1 2-4 4 3 1 1 1 5-4 1(-3) 3 0 1 2 2-4 1
:URØ-2016-I ENTRAKAN >MB:RI MRZA<ARI FANDIPOUMN:RI ARDIUNQN:RE No\;mb;ri 14-16-e .mba\in mrza,aroum ka\azan 4-rd mrza'ouli fandipoumn;re% oronq auartou;zin f;t;u;al ardiunqn;row& >oumb A& Folandia-Lajwia^ 6-0% C;.iaIslandia^ 2-1% Jourqia-{axa.stan^ 3-1! >oumb B& B;lgia-Ouhls^ 0-0% KiprosAndorra^ 5-0% Isra\hl-Posnia ;u F;rz&^ 3-0! >oumb G& Liuqs;mbourg-Ouqrania^ 0-3% Ispania-P;la®ous^ 3-0% Mak;donia-Slowakia^ 0-2! >oumb D& Wrastan-L;fastan^ 0-4% G;rmania-+ibraljar^ 4-0% <otlandia-I®landia^ 1-0! >oumb :& Anglia-Slow;nia^ 3-1% San Marinø-Hsjonia^ 0-0% <ouh\zaria-Lijouania^ 4-0! >oumb X& |ounastan-~arø K[xin;r^ 0-1% Foungaria-~inlandia^ 1-0% Âouminia-Fius& I®landia^ 2-0! >oumb H& Atrph\yan-Norw;gia^ 0-1% Poulkaria-Malja^ 1-1% Italia->orwajia^ 1-1! >oumb E& Austria-Âousastan^ 1-0% Moltowa-Li.t;n,th\n^ 0-1% Monj;n;grø-<ouhdia^ 1-1!
’ANRAMARTI A<>ARFI AÂA+NOUJIUNOUM {axa.stani Almaji qa[aqoum auartou;z ‘anramarti a,.arfi a®a=noujiune% orin Fa\astaniz masnakzoum hin 8 t[amard ;u 6 kin ‘anrordn;r! };x ;nq n;rka\aznoum Fa\astani ‘anrordn;ri ardiunqn;re& T[amardik& 56 qk& Smbat Margar;an^ 250 qk& (107+143) xba[;zr;z 18-rd t;[e! A.o\;an f®cakou;z Fius& Qorha\iz ølimpiakan a.o\;an Øm :oun Ciole 296 qk& (128+168)! 69 qk& Wanik Au;tis;an^ 320 qk& (141+179) ardiunqow 5-rdn hr! A.o\;an f®cakou;z
cinazi Liaø Fouin^ 359 qk& (166+193)! 77 qk& qa,oum Fa\astane n;rka\aznoum hin |akob Mkrtc;ane^ 320 qk& (140+180)% 21-rd t;[ ;u Ara >acatr;ane^ 330 qk& (150+180)% 16-rd t;[! A.o\;an h f®cakou;l alpanazi Danihl God;ne^ 369 qk& (171+198)! 85 qk& A[asi A[as;ane^ 353 qk& (156+197)% 15-rd t;[! 105 qk& FF n;rka\aznoum hr Simon Martiros;ane^ 396 qk& (183+213)% 7-rd t;[! 17am;a\ Martiros;ane pokoum warvoujiunoum (183 qk&) jarmazr;z ir;n patkano[ patan;kan fama,.arfa\in mrzani,e! ÂD-n n;rka\azno[ Dauij B;=an;ane 427 qk& ardiunqow dar]au pronxh m;talakir% isk a.o\;an dar]au [axa.stanzi Ilia Iline^ 432 qk& G;r‘anr qa,a\in Fa\k |akob;ane ;rkamarti 400 qk& ardiunqow 14-rd t;[e grau;z% isk Âoubhn Al;qsan;ane pokoum warvoujiunoum ckaro[azau bar]razn;l 190 qk& ‘anra]o[e! A.o\;an dar]au ®ousastanzi Âouslan Alb;gowe^ 462 qk& ardiunqow! 62 qk& ;u 94 qk& qa,a\in karg;roum FF n;rka\azouzic counhr FF t[amardkanz fauaqakane 62 ;rkrn;ri juoum xba[;zr;z 16-rd t;[e! A®a=in t;[e grau;z Fiusisa\in Qorhan! |a=ord t;[;roum ;n& {axa.stane% Cinastane% ÂD-n% Irane&&&! Kananz a®a=noujiunoum& 48 qk& Hl;n Grigor;ane^ 148 qk& (65+83)% 26-rdn hr! A.o\;an dar]au albanazi <qipon\h Braf\an^ 173 qk& (78+95)! 53 qk& Anna Gow;l;ane^ 175 qk& (80+95)% 22-rdn hr! A.o\;an dar]au [axa.stanzi +oul`ia Cin,oulon^ 232 qk& (98+34)! 58 qk& Ixap;la :a\l;ane^ 207 qk& (97+110)% 19-rdn hr! 63 qk& Qristinh P;tros;ane^ 189 qk& (87+102)% 33-rdn hr! 69 qk& M;linh Daloux;ane^ 227 qk& (102+125)% 11-rdn hr! A.o\;ane Fiusisa\in Qorha\iz Oun Foou Â\on hr^ 265 qk&! G;r‘anr qa,oum F®i'simh >our,oud;ane^ 243 qk& (107+136)% 15-rdn Tatianan hr! A.o\;ane ®ousastanzi Tatiana Ka,irinan h^ 348 qk& (155+193)% safman;z a,.arfi 5 mrzani,e! Kananz pa\qaroum FF fauaqakane 51 ;rkrn;ri pa\qaroum 31-rdn hr! 1-in t;[oum Cinastani fauaqakann hr!
<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR ~ID:_I NOR WARKANI<A|IN A{IUSAKE • ~ID:_n fraparak;l h No\;mb;r amsoua\ a,.arfi 100 ouv;[ago\n grosma\st;rn;ri warkani,a\in a[iusake! T[amardkanz a[iusake a®a=oua\ phs gl.auoroum h a,.arfi a.o\;an Magnous Ka®ls;ne (2863 miauor)! FF ,a.mati fauaqakani a®a=atar L;uon Aron;ane 5-rd t;[iz t;[a'o.ou;l h 4-rd t;[e 2797 miauorow! Lauago\n tasn;akoum ;n na;u 2& ~abianø Karouanan (2839)% 3& W;s;lin Jo'alowe (2800)% 5& Al;qsandr Gri,couke (2795)% 6& Wi,wanajan Anande (2792)% 7& Ani, Girin (2776)% 8& S;rgh\ Kar\akine (2770)% 9& Fikarou Nakamouran (2767)% 10& S® W;slin (2762)! 100 lauago\nn;ri mh= ;n na;u 51& Gabrihl Sargs;ane (2687)% 64& Frand M;lqoum;ane (2678)% 90& S;rgh\ Mowsis;ane (2659)% Tigran
{aram;ane (~ransia% (2658)% 95& Wladimir |akob;ane (2657)! Kananz 100 lauago\nn;ri zouzake gl.auoroum h foungaroufi :oudij Polgare (2675)% nraniz mia\n 2 miauorow pakas ouni cinoufi Føou |i`ane! Hlina Danihl;ane (20-rd% 2487)% Lilij Mkrtc;ane (40-rd% 2450)% Almira Skripc;nkon (~ransia% 52-rd% 2421! :ritasardn;ri zouzake a®a=in angam gl.auoroum h foungarazi Âicert Âapporte (2724)! M;r Karhn Grigor;ane 23-rdn h (2586)! M;r mius ;ritasardn;re dours ;n mnaz;l lauago\n fariur;akiz! A[=ikn;ri zouzake gl.auoroum h Føou |i`ane (2600)! M;r Maria Ghorg;ane 41-rdn h (2168)! Ka\‘akna\in ,a.mati lauago\nn;ri zouzake no\nphs gl.auoroum h Ka®ls;ne (2948)! |a=ord t;[;roum ;n 2& Nakamouran (2906)% 3& N;pomnia,cin (2880)% 4& Aron;ane (2850)! Fariur;aki mh= ;n m;r t[an;riz 18& Gabrihl Sargs;ane (2749)% 42& Xauhn Andrhas;ane (2700)% 70& Tigran L& P;tros;ane (2677) ;u 86& S;rgh\ Mowsis;ane (2657)! T[amardkanz 10 lauago\n ;rkrn;rn ;n& 1& Âousastan^ 2742% 2& Cinastan^ 2691% 3& Ouqrania^ 2687% 4& AMN^ 2664% 5& Fndkastan^ 2660% 6& ~ransia^ 2658% 7& Foungaria^ 2656% 8& Fa\astan^ 2653% 9& Folandia^ 2640% 10& L;fastan^ 2637% &&& 14& Atrph\yan^ 2621% &&& 17& Wrastan^ 2591! Kananz lauago\n ;rkrn;rn ;n& 1& Cinastan^ 2498% 2& Âousastan^ 2488% 3& Wrastan^ 2440% 4& Ouqrania^ 2397% 5& Fndkastan^ 2384% &&& 15& Atrph\yan^ 2280% &&& 19& Fa\astan^ 2251! • ~ID:_n Fa\astani n;rka\azouzicn;r Manouhl P;tros;anin ;u Tigran S& P;tros;anin ,norf;z mi=axga\in warp;ti :uropa\i patanin;ri a.o\;an Mamikon {arib;anin^ ~ID:_i warp;touj;an j;kna‘oui ;u :uropa\i 'o.a.o\;anoufi Mariam Mkrtc;anin ~ID:_i kananz warp;touj;an j;kna‘oui% isk Nora\r Qalanjar;anin ;u Nounh Wardan;anin^ mi=axga\in mrzawari kocoum! • Am;rikafa\ Samouhl S;uanin ,norf;z grosma\st;ri kocoum! Kocoume w;r=nakanaphs ouvi mh= ke mtni a\n pafiz% ;rb S;uani anfatakan warkani,e ke fasni 2500-i! A\s pafin Samouhli warkani,e 2484 h! • Socioum ,arounakuoum h a,.arfi a®a=nouj;an Ka®ls;n-Anand fandipoume! >a[azoua‘ 8 partia\iz \;to\ fa,iue 4&5-3&5 h \øgout Ka®ls;ni!
ABRAFAM FAMAM+:ANE 86 TAR:KAN H No\;mb;ri 24-in lranoum h fa\ anuani pas q;jpolist% F>SF-i wastakauor marxic% mi=axga\in kargi mrzawar Abrafam Famam=;ani ‘nnd;an 85-am;ake! M;r enk;rn;ri anouniz srtanz ,norfauoroum ;nq m;r auag enk;rin ;u nran zankanoum qa=a®o[=oujiun ;u am;na\n bariq! Enk;rn;ri anouniz Au;tis Ba\ram;an
N.O. November 20, 2014, No. 45:N.O. Blank
2:17 PM
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