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N.O.November 27, 2014, No. 46:N.O. Blank


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OU>TAGNAZOUJIUN DHPI FA|ASTAN :U ARZA> SARGIS |& MINAS:AN <our= 70 tari b®nadat i,.anouj;an tak apr;lh ;tq% Arza.i fa\ordin;re axatag;rzin Arza.e i gin au;li qan 6%000 fa\ordin;rou xofab;rouj;an ;u 20%000 wirauor;aln;rou! Anka. fanrap;touj;an me ørinauor bolor fangrouann;re nouay;lh ;tq% a\sør L;®na\in {araba[e ke pa\qari amrapnd;lou ir n;rqin ka®o\zn;re inqna,.atouj;amb% mi,t saka\n anmi=akan fowanauoroujiune oun;nalow Fa\astani ka®awarouj;an% incphs na;u anka,a®% boloranouhr øvandakoujiune wa\;l;low s'iu®qafa\ an]nauorouj;anz% kaxmak;rpouj;anz ;u fama\nqn;rou! A\soufand;r]% au;li qan 20 tarin;rh iw;r% anfandart kazoujiun me ke tirh mjnolortin mh=! Ardar;u% Axrph\yane% ir qariu[afanq;row% na;u wa\;l;low qø[arkoua‘ ko[mnakaloujiune Ar;umoutqin% ;u an.tir n;zouke Jrqakan Fanrap;touj;an% gr;jh am;nør;a\ .a.toumn;r ke katarh Arza.i safmann;rou ;rka\nqin! {araba[i safmana\in giu[;re mna\oun gndako‘oumi k*;njarkouin% parb;rabar oun;nalow wirauorn;r ou maf;r! "o.anak xba[;lou fo[am,akouj;amb% a\d ,r=ann;rou entaniqn;re k*aprin ;rkara]gouo[% oc-pat;raxm ;u oc-.a[a[oujiun a[qatik% partadir go\awiyaki me mh=% or xinadoul ke kocoui! S;pt;mb;r 23-in m;r ar,aue ke sksinq kary a\z;louj;amb Arza.i tpauoric .orfrdani,e fandisazo[ papik-mamik ar]anin% or baxma‘ h St;'anak;rti mhk blourin% ;u or fandartørhn a\l tirabar ;u ar‘ou;'i' ke fskh fa\kakan a\d l;®na,.arfi apafowouj;an! Ke bar]rananq minc;u xo\g a\l mia]ouloua‘ ar]ann;roun storote% \arganqi m;r tourqe matouzan;lou! Fog;phs liaza‘ ;u fpartouj;amb togoroua‘% m;r karauane ke b®nh dhpi Gan]asari yamban!

®agratoun! <r=an me (VD& dari w;r=hn sks;al) ;[a‘ h A[ouann;rou Kajo[ikosouj;an ajo®aniste! VH& daroun Gan]asari Kajo[ikosn;re s;rtørhn gor‘akza‘ ;n {araba[i M;liqoujiunn;roun f;t axatagrakan pa\qarin% oroun k;drone dar]a‘ h VE& daroun ou minc;u 1815% ormh ;tq <ou,i*n dar]a‘ h k;dronakan qa[aqap;taran! Gan]asare fa\kakan yartarap;touj;an amhnhn ou,agrau fing kojo[n;rhn mhkn h! Gan]asari Sb& |owfannhs Mkrtic tayare ka®ouzoua‘ h 1216-38-in% anor n,anauor gauije^ 1261-in% ou lrazouzic k;rpow^ 1266-in! Artaqin \ardaranqe ouni 16 nistani jmbouk ;u fowanozauor w;[ar! Faroust qandakn;row ou .acouo[ kamarn;row ‘a‘ke% ;u endar]ak gauije inqnatip famakarg ounin! Gan]asari ,r=a'akin mh= 700 xo\g;r srbaxan .;ndoujiune gor‘a‘ ;n ir;nz amousnakan ;rdoume talou farsaniq sarq;low&&&! Arza.i 1988-94i pat;raxmin% Axrph\yani fr;tanin% 40 ør;r anendmh= ®mbako‘a‘ h Gan]asare! Kar‘;s fra,qow% tayarin oc mhk lour= wnasoua‘q ct;sanq% bazi ®oumbi b;korn;rh \a®a=aza‘ m;‘ ou 'oqr .o®ocn;r pat;roun ou ,r=a'akin mh=! |;tmi=ørhi vame 2-in ya,k;ro\j h bazøj;a\ ya,arani mh=% g;[a'i a'in! Ke framzoui .mor;[hni mh= tapakoua‘% t;[akan fam;[ yink;ale% patrastoua‘ 9 t;saki bo\s;row! A\s ;xaki ya,amato\zhn ;tq% vame 4-in ke m;kninq <ou,i!



<ou,ii fiuandanoze Gan]asari wanqe

Ke gtnoui Arza. nafangi M;‘ Aranq gaua®i mh=% >achn g;ti ]a. a'in& n;rka\is^ Martak;rti ,r=an! Famaliri masin a®a=in grauor t;[;koujiune ke fa\ja\jh Anania Mokazi Kajo[ikose (V& dari khsin)! Est M.ijar Go,i (VB&-VG& dar;r) Gan]asare a®a=nordaran hr ou >achni i,.ann;roun tapanatoune! Fasan-Yalal;an tofmi i,.ann;rou foga‘ouj;an ,norfiu Gan]asare pafpana‘ h fog;uor k;droni ir d;re! Wanqe oun;za‘ h dpranoz ;u faroust ];-

Waranda\i nafangin mh=% ‘owi mak;r;shn 1400-1800 m;jr bar]rouj;an wra\ ke gtnoui qa[aqe% or fimnadroua‘ h 1752-in! Ibr;u qa[aq-amroz ‘a®a\a‘ h mi=in daroun% minc;u 18-rd dar! Âousakan tirap;touj;an ,r=anin (1805-hn sks;al)% ;u ankh w;r= minc;u Fama,.arfa\in A& Pat;raxmin wa.yane% anika dar]a‘ h fa\kakan m,akouja\in k;dronn;rhn mhke! 1868-87 tarin;roun ke ka®ouzoui <ou,ii Am;na'rkic kam {axanc;zoz ;k;[;zin^ ;®a\ark xangaka<ar& h= 14

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M:R A|BOUB:NE NA>AST:{’ H^ SA F:RJAKAN SNAPAR’OUJIUN CH% A|L MAJ:MATIKØRHN APAZOUZOUA’ "AST SAÂA GALST:AN G;o`ixik Ar‘oui Al;qsan;ani f;taqrqroujiunn;re mia\n ir masnagitakanow c;n safmana'akou;l! Na anendfat mta‘;l h% jh i#nc h banakanoujiune% ort;[iz h a\n ‘nou;l! ªZankaza‘ ;r;.a\i% or farzn;nq^ inco#w h tarb;ruoum marde k;ndanouz% k*asi^ banakanouj;amb% ba\z jh i#nc ban h a\d banakanoujiune^ a\nqan hl parx ci! Banakanoujiunn a®anz l;xoui% afnar h patk;razn;l! L;xoun;re% .øsqe banakanouj;an am;nabnoro, gi‘n ;n! Our;mn% phtq hr ousoumnasir;l l;xoun;ri patmoujiuneº% asoum h Ar‘oui Al;qsan;ane! Ousoumnasiroujiunn;re nran tar;l ;n dhpi fa\oz a\boub;n! :rkar tarin;ri a,.atanqi farzoum% Ar‘oui Al;qsan;ane \ang;l h a\n ;xrakazouj;an% or m;r a\boub;ne na.ast;[‘ h% a\n famamardka\in h! Mnaza‘n;re s;roum ;n f;nz nraniz! Sa f;rjakan snapar‘ouj;an 'or] ch% oc hl m;x ouri,n;riz w;r das;lou parxounak qa\l! A\s amhne tarin;row a\boub;nn ousoumnasira‘ marde apazouzoum h y,grit gitouj;an^ maj;matika\i mi=ozow! - Paron Al;qsan;an% lin;low g;o`ixik% incph#s sks;ziq xba[ou;l a\boub;ni ousoumnasirouj;amb! - Ousoumnasiroujiuns a\boub;niz ci sksou;l! Am;naskx boum in] f;taqrqr;l h mardka\in banakanouj;an ;r;uo\je! Amhn inc na. tarau dhpi sanskrit% ba\z \;taga\oum parxou;z% or sanskrite oc jh skixbn h ;[;l% a\l w;ra‘nounde! Incqan hl g;[;zik manramasnoujiunn;r irar miazn;s% ;jh a\n ambo[=akan famakarg ch% our;mn ci a,.ati! Sanskritoum ta®;re f;taqrqir miazoua‘ ;n irar% ba\z c;n .øsoum% as;liq cka\! Mia\n fa\;rhn a\boub;nn h% or oc mia\n .øsoum h% a\l;u t;[;koujiun h talis bolor bnagaua®n;ri masin! - "or]hq m;x hl 'o.anz;l a\d t;[;koujiune ;u famox;l! - Na\hq^ ,at;rn ;n 'nt®oum% ar-i% ariazi-i skixbe! Bolorn ouxoum ;n ariazi lin;l% a®anz imanalou^ i#nc h ariazin! :rb 'or];zi gtn;l ariazin;ri armatn;re% patmakan or;uh 'ast cgta\! |;to\ \i,;zi R-n% tarørinak ta® h% r-ow m;nq ba®;r c;nq sksoum! Sa% est maj;matikakan tramabanouj;an% fakatramabanakan h! Inco#u piti mi ambo[= ba®apa,ar m;r a\boub;niz fanouhr! Ou na;u% maj;matikakan mta‘o[ouj;amb% ;jh oun;nq Ar% ariazi% piti oun;nanq bolor ]a\nauorn;re ;u \;to\ R-n^ orphs ba®;r ;u faka®ake! R-n jo[n;nq% orphs f;taqrqir% tarørinak ta® ;u dimaziz dn;nq bolor ]a\nauorn;re! F;taqrqir h^ sa ;[au a\n skxb-

na[biure% or in] mta‘;lou t;[iq tou;z ou famox;z% or l;xoun f;nz a\nphs ci st;[‘ou;l% incphs or n;rka\aznoum ;n! Dranq bolore patas.anoum ;n inc-or farzi! Na\hq& Ir- patas.anoum h inc farzin Our- patas.anoum h ort;[ farzin Ør-vamanak% patas.anoum h ;rb farzin! I dhp% m;x famar øre 24 vamn h% Italia\oum øre 1 vamn h! Hr- inc hr! A\sinqn^ m;nq oc mia\n farznoum ;nq^ sa inc h% a\l .oranoum ;nq nra skxbna[biuri mh=! "or]oum ;nq faskanal a®arkan vamanaki mh=! A\s 3-4-e im asa‘ kou® famakargi mas;rn ;n% a\sinqn^ imazakan mta‘o[ouj;amb st;[‘oua‘! Na\hq^ xout tramabanouj;amb^ ;jh farznoum ;nq sa i#nc h% ort;#[ h% ;#rb h% parx h% or piti farzn;nq^ i#nc h anoum! Er-e bauakanin vamanak chi karo[anoum faskanal! Tramabanoujiune \ou,;z faskanalou! :jh er-iz a®a= dnoum ;nq ba[a]a\nn;re^ gr;l% fr;l% sr;l% =r;l% zo\z h talis bolor gor‘o[oujiunn;re% or anoum h a®arkan! Isk ar-e kapuoum h g;rago\n Ast‘o\ f;t% a\st;[iz hl arar;l ba®e% a\st;[iz hl ariazin% angam Armhn ;u ar-ow sksouo[ an]nanounn;re! Juoum h% jh a\s amhne f;qiaj h% ba\z f;qiaj kar;li hr famar;l% ;jh a\s amhn ince maj;matikørhn cbazatrouhr! - Maj;matikørh#n% 'or]hq mi qani na.adasouj;amb m;r enj;rzo[i famar hl maj;matikørhn bazatr;l da! - Juoum h^ a\boub;ne piti anmi=akan kap oun;nar l;xoui f;t% ba\z qani or l;xoun y,grit gitoujiunn;ri jouin ci patkanoum% incqan hl a,.arfi l;xouabann;re carcaruoum ;n% c;n karo[anoum gtn;l a\n na.al;xoun% ore ;[;l h! Maj;matikakan matrizan 4-e 9-i wra\ h% oc 4-n h patafakan jiu% oc hl 9-e% dranq kapoua‘ ;n ;*u ;rkna\in marminn;ri ;*u niuji wiyakn;ri f;t^ ti;x;rakan 4 famagor‘akzoujiune% DNJ-i 4 ba[adricn;re ;u a\ln! M;nq oun;nq ;®a]a\n% ore ,at l;xoun;roum cka\! Fima ,at kar;uor h ,;,t;l% jh o#rn h yi,t% ,a#te% jh# qice! Kam% a\boub;n ka\% or 12 fnciun ouni% ka\ a\boub;n% orn ouni 60 ta®! A\st;[ h% or phtq h faskanal% or zankaza‘ famakargoum oc au;lin h yi,t% oc^ pakase! Incphs zankaza‘ ka®o\z% a\boub;nn hl piti oun;na\ ir ba[adric n;ri konkr;t ou oro,aki qanake! M;nq oun;nq 5 ;®a]a\n^ bp'% gkq% dtq% =yc% ]‘z% 5 ;rk]a\n% 5 mia]a\n% sa ardhn kou® fa<ar& h= 14


Hagel Resigns As US Defense Secretary

NKR Army Staged Special Action: Bodies Of Pilots Retrieved

Washington - U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel resigned Monday, the first major change to President Barack Obama's Cabinet since his Democrats were routed in midterm elections three weeks ago. Obama announced the resignation at a White House event with Hagel at his side. Hagel will remain in the job until a successor is in place.

Considering the official statements and complete lack of common sense on the Azerbaijani side, the NKR armed forces staged a special action to find out the destiny of the crew of the helicopter shot down by the enemy on November 12 and to resolve the problems ensuing from that, the press service of the NKR Defense Ministry informed. In the result of implementation of the military task the body of one of the members of the helicopter crew, the relics of two pilots and certain necessary parts of the helicopter were retrieved.

Turkish Woman's Search Gives Voice To Islamized Armenians After reading about Fethiye Cetin for over a decade and reading her books, I had envisioned a bitter and brittle woman, one maybe even a little jaded with age, given all the hardships she has endured in her personal and professional life. To my surprise, Cetin is quite the opposite. She has a witty smile. She speaks on the most horrendous issues in a rather soft, caring voice and with deep compassion. Cetin’s gracious and calm attitude is a rarity in the Turkish political scene. After the interview, I learned that my observations were shared by almost everyone who had met her in Los Angeles or Turkey. Cetin was born in Maden, Elazig (an eastern province of Turkey) in 1950. Her maternal grandmother, Seher, chose Cetin to reveal her long-hidden secret: she was an Armenian rescued from the 1915 death march by a soldier and adopted by his family. Her real name was Heranush, and in 1915 she was about 10 years old. After the Armenians left, their towns' names were changed, as were orphans’ names. Seher was raised as a Turk and Muslim. After Seher passed away in 2000, Cetin published an obituary for her in the weekly Agos, the voice of the Turkish Armenian community. Cetin was good friends with the editor and owner of Agos, Hrant Dink (who was killed in 2007). This obituary reached across the ocean and was seen by Seher's younger sister and cousins, the Gadaryan family, who called Agos. Cetin was able to meet them in New York. In 2004, Cetin published a groundbreaking book, “My Grandmother,” narrating her grandmother’s story, which was then translated into 13 languages. In 2009, she published her second book, "The Grandchildren" [translated into three languages], this time interviewing grandchildren of the hidden Christians in Turkey. Her latest book, “I Feel Shame,” explains her doubts and concerns about the Hrant Dink case, in which she served as the Dink family’s attorney. Cetin was in Los Angeles on an invitation from the United Armenian Council for the Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide between November 12 and 24.

During the special action two troops of the enemy were eliminated. The defense army did not sustain losses, the statement holds.

Ohanian Lauds Armenian Helicopter Operation Defense Minister Seyran Ohanian on Saturday heaped praise on Karabakh Armenian commandos who have reportedly reached the crash site of the downed Armenian helicopter gunship near NagornoKarabakh after overcoming Azerbaijani obstruction. “Along with words of solace addressed to the families of the killed pilots, we must also be proud of the soldiers of the [Karabakh] Defense Army’s special forces, who have carried out that difficult task with honor,” he said, referring to the re-

covery of the bodies of the helicopter’s three crew members. The military authorities in Stepanakert and Yerevan say that at least two Azerbaijani soldiers were killed in the operation. The Azerbaijani military denies this.

What Consequences May Disaster Of Mingechaur Have? The service for special risks of the Azerbaijani ministry of emergency situations held a drill of prevention of sabotages near Mingechaur reservoir, the Azerbaijani news agency APA informed on November 21.

The reservoir is one of the objects that are frequently mentioned in the context of the conflict, especially in times of escalation. For example, the Azerbaijani press and experts often mention it among possible targets.

System Of A Down’s First Ever Concert In Armenia Set For April 23

System of a Down will commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide with their #WakeUpTheSouls Tour, commencing on April 10th and concluding with their first-ever performance in Armenia with a free show in Yerevan’s Republic Square. “As a band, it’s been one of our dreams to play in Armenia,” says lead vocalist Serj Tankian. “To be able to play in the homeland of our forefathers while respecting the memory of those that perished in the first genocide of the 20th century will be an honor.” “The pursuit of justice knows no time restraints, recognizes no obstacles, and will not be halted until justice is met, whether it’s one hundred years or one thousand,” says drummer John Dolmayan.

Karabakh President Pays Working Visit To USA On 22 November the President of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic Bako Sahakyan arrived in the United States of America with a working visit. The Central Information Department of the Artsakh President’s Office informed Armenpress that on 23 November the Head of the State visited St. John the Baptist Cathedral in Los Angeles and attended a Sunday mass held there.

Georgian President Tiptoes Around 1915 Genocide Issue During a November 21 meeting between Georgian President Giorgi M a rg v e l a s h v i l i and representatives of organizations in the Georgian National Minorities Council, a representative of an organization called the Armenian Community of Georgia asked Margvelashvili if he would make a public statement to the effect that Georgia officially “shares the pain” of the country’s Armenians regarding the 1915 Genocide. Margvelashvili replied that the Georgian authorities have always stood by all of its citizens and that they approach the emotions and concerns of all the country’s national grouping with great care.

Iran To Build Power Plant In Armenia Energy Minister Hamid Chitchian announced that Tehran and Yerevan have finalized an agreement on the construction of a hydroelectric power plant in Armenia. "The memorandum of understanding (MoU) for building a hydroelectric power plant in Armenia has been finalized and the Iranian companies will start construction of the power plant soon," he said in Tehran on Monday, Fars News Agency reported. Chitchian said Iranian water-management and power plant construction companies are active in 41 countries and even export a large amount of related products to other countries. Iran and Armenia have taken major strides toward widening relations in recent years, particularly in the economic sector.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday November 27, 2014


Armenia Fund Benefactor Gerald Turpanjian Honored At Armenia Fund's 20th Annual Gala Banquet Gerald Turpanjian, longtime benefactor and international philanthropist, presented with the Order of Mesrop Mashtots at the annual Armenia Fund Annual Gala Banquet on November 23, 2014 at the Glendale Hilton Hotel. Mr. Turpanjian presented with the honor for his substantial contribution to the progress and prosperity of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic by the country’s president, Bako Sahakyan. “Mr. Turpanjian’s devotion to his homeland and to his people is nothing but exemplary,” says Armenia Fund executive director, Sarkis Kotanjian. “His unwavering efforts to meaningfully contribute to the progress of the Armenian Nation, especially through education, are indicative of a man who believes that, if we work for it, the future is bright.” The eldest child of two Genocide survivors, Turpanjian was born in Aleppo, Syria, but grew up in Beirut, Lebanon. He immigrated to the United States to pursue higher education and after arriving, he met and married Patricia Savoian, having four children. Turpanjian went on to found Pacific Sales which, before he sold it to Best Buy in 2006, was the largest retailer of luxury kitchen and bath appliances in the United States. Currently, he is the chairman and CEO of New Spark Holdings, Inc. and the president of TF Educational Foundation. Beyond his immense professional success, Turpanjian has always maintained a strong relationship with his identity, always remembering his roots. When Armenia regained its independence, Turpanjian wasted no time in helping the country get on its feet and integrate into a world economy it had been sheltered from for decades. His main goal was, and continues to be, to promote democracy, free enterprise, and entrepreneurship through the myriad programs he has founded.

Turpanjian’s philanthropy is focused heavily on education although it is broad in scope, geography, and beneficiaries. He is a Trustee of the American University of Armenia, where he established the Turpanjian Center for Policy Analysis; the center serves as a hub for research on legal and political issues in the country. To help economically underprivileged and orphaned youth in Armenia, he established the Turpanjian Scholarship Fund, which has provided over 2,000 college scholarships. Convinced that education should be available throughout the country, the Turpanjian Rural Development Program was established to promote continuing education in areas outside of Yerevan and around smaller urban areas. Operated through a network of four offices in Gyumri, Ijevan, Stepanakert, and Javakhk, the program funds entrepreneurs in these areas and provides them with guidance and training to improve their likelihood of success. Not forgetting the little ones, Turpanjian has funded, in collaboration with the government of Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia Fund, the construction of several schools in Artsakh, including the building of Stepanakert School #11 that can accommodate 500 students and a new school in the village of Sos, in the Martuni region. Another Armenian Fund project Turpanjian has funded is bringing drinking water Cont. on p.10

AGBU HOLDS A TRIBUTE BANQUET FOR FOUNDER OF THE ARMENIAN RADIO HOUR OF NEW JERSEY Vartan Abdo Is Honored For 35 Years Of Service To The Armenian Community On November 7, 2014, nearly 300 guests gathered at the Rockleigh Country Club in Rockleigh, New Jersey to celebrate Vartan Abdo’s dedication to the Armenian community of the tristate area. In 1979, Abdo founded the Armenian Radio Hour of New Jersey, a bilingual radio program that highlights the week’s political and cultural happenings in the worldwide Armenian community. Abdo has volunteered his time and efforts as director without interruption for the past 35 years. The evening’s lively program was emceed by the Toufayan siblings, Kristine Casali, Karen Nargizian and Greg Toufayan. In addition to a screening of two videos—one prepared by AGBU on Abdo’s life of service and the other prepared by the volunteers of the radio hour as a tribute to their mentor—the Shushi Dance Ensemble performed to the delight of the audience. The highlight of the evening was the awards ceremony where Abdo was presented with a series of accolades. Archbishop Khajag Barsamian of the Eastern Diocese of the Armenian Church relayed the blessing of His Holiness Karekin II by inviting Abdo to the podium to receive a special encyclical and the St. Sahag and Mesrob Medal. Zohrab Mnatsaganyan, the ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to the United Nations, bestowed upon Abdo the Movses Khorenatsi Medal on behalf of President Serzh Sargsyan. Dr. Dennis Papazian also presented Abdo with a gold medal from the Knights of Vartan. AGBU President Berge Setrakian ended the ceremony by offering Abdo a commemorative glass plaque. Setrakian continued the festivities with a congratulatory speech, emphasizing Abdo and his wife Adi’s commitment to their heritage. In his own speech, Abdo thanked Nila Festekjian, the chair of the tribute committee, and Berge Setrakian for hosting the special evening. He also gave a heartfelt thanks to his wife, who has constantly stood by him. "It is not possible to thank all the many individuals who so generously gave of their time and talent towards the success of the banquet. The honor bestowed upon me has brought new meaning to my work with the radio and even more so to my life. I am greatly indebted to AGBU," said Abdo. The Armenian Radio Hour of New Jersey is a two-hour long program that airs every Sunday from 2:00 to 4:00 P.M. on WSOU 89.5 FM. It is also available to stream on the show’s website. For more information on the Armenian Radio Hour of New Jersey, please see http://www.armenianradionj.net/

Canadian MP Supports AGBU Launches The First Book In Its Interactive E-book Series Peaceful Settlement Of A The Armenian Highland Brings Armenian History into the Digital Age signed for iPads and iMac AGBU is redefining the Karabakh Issue The Canadian Member of Parliament Arnold Chan is seriously concerned about the recent downing of an Armenian unarmed helicopter by the Azerbaijani forces. Armenpress reports that Chan published a statement in his official website, which says in particular: “I wish to express my serious concern about the recent downing of an Armenian helicopter by Azerbaijani forces. On behalf of the Liberal Party of Canada, I want to express my condolences to the family and friends of the three Armenian crew members who have lost their lives as a result. I am deeply concerned that this incident will escalate tensions between these two countries. While we condemn the shooting of the unarmed helicopter, we urge for calm and support the peace process within the format of the Minsk Group of the OSCE. A negotiated settlement to this long standing conflict is the best pathway to lasting peace and security”.

Armenian experience with the release of The Armenian Highland, the first in its series of interactive e-books designed to introduce readers to Armenian history, culture and contemporary affairs. The e-book is a full multimedia experience available in your choice of seven languages: English, Western Armenian, Eastern Armenian, Russian, French, Spanish and Turkish. The Armenian Highland provides an overview of Armenia’s history and geography from ancient to modern times. It details the physical characteristics, natural life, flora and fauna, climate and natural resources of the Armenian highland. It also discusses the administrative divisions of the region and puts them in historical perspective. This interactive e-book concludes with a brief introduction to the significance of the highland to the Republic of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh. The text is accompanied by vivid color images and optional audio narration and is

interspersed with video clips, 3D panoramas, quizzes and interactive maps that all serve to enhance the reader’s experience. Alongside the core text are sidebars with legends, facts and stories that make the ebook an essential reference for academics and non-academics alike. The e-book is available for free and can be accessed via web browsers, tablets and smartphones. The iBook version is de-

computers, while the web browser version is designed for PCs, Android tablets and smart phones. All versions can be downloaded in seconds. AGBU Armenian Virtual College (AVC) is an accredited online learning program that aims to facilitate Armenian studies through new technologies. Launched in 2009, AVC classes are open to anyone who is interested in Armenian studies, delivering a virtual classroom to students who do not have access to traditional, face-toface Armenian educational programs, while supplementing the curriculum of those who do. The launch of the e-Book series marks AVC’s expansion in a new and exciting direction. To download The Armenian Highland, please visit: https://www.avc-agbu.org/en/virtual_experience/eBooks.html For more information on Armenian Virtual College, please visit: www.avc.agbu.org

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday November 27, 2014


Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

The Golden Wedding Anniversary By Alice Krumian

By Hambersom Aghbashian

They call 50 years of marriage the "Golden Anniversary", Honoring a pair of heroes, joined in Holy Matrimony; A triumphant team in facing life's challenges in the years bygone, Showing the world that two together is always better than one. The years flew by, one by one, swift, fleeting and dreamlike, Since the day you stood side by side, as ideal groom and bride, Pledging your love and loyalty for thick and thin, and for ever, In front of the Holy Altar, in the presence of your Maker. You journeyed life's road together, moving from country to country, Leaving the cherished old nest behind, with tears and nostalgia, To build a new home each time, with devotion, love and hope, For the new generation to secure a brighter future and scope. The treasure that you valued most wasn't status, silver or gold, But your love for each other, that has never grown weak or old; And all through the darkest days, amid afflictions, grief and tears, Your faith, hope and devotion have sustained you in stressful years. You always had a helping hand, a dose of cheer for family and friends, Keeping your children sheltered, through hard times and torments; You often stumbled, you often failed, but then got up side by side, God, in his boundless Grace, has never let you out of His Sight. Your faithfulness is a bright beacon for the younger generation, You're role models for commitment, for selfless care and devotion; You've always been a loving team in tornadoes and sunny days, Perfect soul mates who believed that true marriage is made by fate. Today, as you proudly look back upon your unity of half a century, Your hearts are overflowing indeed with contentment and felicity; A very special wish for good health and God's abundant blessings, May be yours to share joyfully throughout the coming blissful years.

St. Mary Armenian Church Of Costa Mesa Commemorates Centennial Armenian Genocide 2015 is the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. Armenians all over the world will unite to commemorate this historic, tragic and unforgettable atrocity. Under the leadership of its beloved pastor Fr. Moushegh Tashjian and in collaboration with the Western Diocese, St. Mary Armenian Church of Costa Mesa (148 22nd Street, Costa Mesa) will host a commemorative event as well. The church announced the formation of the Centennial Armenian Genocide Memorial Committee chaired by Dr. Levon Keleshian and had its first meeting on September 22, 2012. The Centennial Committee had two objectives; first to erect a monument on the church grounds; second, to organize a major event in Orange County to commemorate the genocide. After in-depth discussion and vetting of nearly ten designs from six artists during the past year, the Committee selected Mr. Harout Joulhaian’s Genocide/Renaissance as the monument design. We felt that Mr. Joulhaian's design expressed our sad and tragic past very effectively with the combination of its black granite foundation and two white marble pillars supporting a cross, demonstrating our strong Christian faith and belief of a brighter future. In addition, the monument will have a water fountain with a flame at its center, residing on a black granite foundation symbolizing the life and immortality of the 1.5 million Armenian Genocide Martyrs. This beautiful monument accurately depicts the Centennial Committee’s creed and expectation

41 - Ali Ertem

toward its community. The positive support of the church’s organizations, committees and the community at large was very encouraging. The parishioners of St. Mary Church have supported the monument project with their outpouring donations. The Committee has nearly reached its goal to fulfill its objectives. The monument is 70% built and will be finished by the end of December 2014 and will be blessed and dedicated on Sunday, March 8, 2015 at 12:30 pm. following church services by His Eminence Arch. Hovnan Derderian, Primate, with the participation of St. Mary parishioners, civic leaders and dignitaries. A commemorative event will follow at the Robert B. Moore Theater on the campus of Orange Coast Community College in Costa Mesa at 4:00 pm. The event will be presided by the Primate of the Western Diocese Archbishop Hovnan Derderian. The program will be headlined with a keynote speaker, Armenian folk music, and poetry. The Armenian Society of the Los Angeles Chorus with an orchestra conducted by Maestro Mikael Avetisyan will close the event. The attendance will be free and we encourage everyone to attend this significant event. Centennial Armenian Genocide Memorial Committee

Ali Ertem is a Turkish journalist (Turkish citizen living in Germany). He is the Chairman of the "Union Against Genocide" , an Anti-Genocide organization based in Frankfurt - Germany, established by Turks residing in Germany. He is one of the Turkish intellectuals who have recognized the Armenia Genocide and is an active advocate of the Genocide recognition. Panarmenian.net wrote on April 20, 2007, "On the initiative of "Union Against Genocide" an event will be organized in Frankfurt on April 24, dedicated to the Armenian Genocide. Organizers demand to proclaim April 24 as a universal mourning day for all nations of Turkey. According to Turkish journalist Ali Ertem, head of the organization, other organizations will participate in the event too. Particularly they are, Federation of Turkish workers of Germany, Federation of Democratic Nations of Germany, Federation of Worker Immigrants of Germany, Union of Workers - Brotherhood of Nations organization and Union for Struggle newspaper. In its statement "Union Against Genocide" mentioned that , "Immigrants from Turkey feel great sorrow concerning the fact, that genocides, which took place 92 years ago and were committed between 1915-23 towards Christian nations of the Ottoman Empire with the aim to exterminate them, are being denied. The cutting of Christian population down to 0.1% , which before 1915 approximately was 1/3 of the Ottoman society, as well as bragging of Turkish nationalist leaders as if 99.9 percent of Turkey's population was turned to Islam, is nothing else than a peculiar recognition of committing genocide towards our Christian neighbors. " (1) NOYAN TAPAN, wrote on April 25, 2006" It is already several years that journalist Ali Ertem, a citizen of Turkey living in Germany, Chairman of the "Union Against Genocide" org., comes to Armenia on April 24 to pay the tribute of his respect to the memory of 1.5 million victims of the Armenian Genocide of 1915. Only some years ago the Turkish intellectual collected 11000 signatures from Turks of Germany and submitted them to the German and different European countries parliaments, and doing so, rendered assistance to the recognition of the Armenian Genocide. According to Ali Ertem, the top priority task of the organization headed by him is the recognition and condemnation of the Armenian Genocide by Turkey and Turkish society. They first submitted these signatures to the Turkish parliament, who checked and returned them giving no answer. "Hostility cannot last forever. One day Turkey should reconcile itself to the fact and should recognize the Armenian Genocide. I am convinced that the peoples living in Turkey will also condemn and admit this fact," the Turkish journalist emphasized. In Ali Ertem's opinion, in this respect the international organizations have much to do: they should be mediators in the dialogue between the Turkish and Armenian peoples in the issue of liquidation of the consequences of the Genocide."(2) According to Asbarez .com, April 17th, 2003, (Noyan Tapan) reported that , The Chairman of the Frankfurt-based Union

Against Genoc i d e – Tu r k i s h journalist Ali Ertem stressed during a roundtable in Yerevan on April 17–that "The Turkish Government must offer an apology to the victims of the Armenian Genocide and their descendants." The roundtable was organized by the students of Yerevan State University’s history department. After such an apology to set the stage–Ertem said that "what was taken from the Armenian people should be returned."(3) Panarmenian.net , wrote on April 17, 2003 , " As reported by "Arka" agency, chairman of "Union Against Genocide" Ali Ertem , when giving a speech at Yerevan State University today said Turkey should be punished for the Armenian Genocide in 1915." In his words," it is Turkey's duty to accept all consequences of the crime committed." A. Ertem emphasized "the historical truth should be recognized in order to establish normal relations between the two peoples." In his opinion, Turkey first of all has to apologize to the generation, which suffered the genocide. "The massacre of the Armenian people was perpetrated at the indifferent silence of "the civilized" European states, but the recent events in Iraq show the real degree of these countries' being civilized," A. Ertem said and added that sanctions against Iraq should have been applied to Turkey in their time. (4) Under the title "TURKISH INTELLECTUALS SAY TURKEY MUST RECOGNIZE ARMENIAN GENOCIDE", tallarmeniantale.com, an Anti- Genocide recognition source mentioned the following, "At commemoration ceremonies in Yerevan and Los Angeles, Turkish intellectuals called on Ankara to recognize Turkey's responsibility for the Armenian Genocide. In Yerevan a delegation of Turkish intellectuals presented signatures from 10,000 Turks collected by a Frankfurt-based group called The Union Against Genocide. Ali Ertem, who headed the visiting delegation, read the letter accompanying the collected signatures. It said, "We have come to apologize to you and stretch out our hand of reconciliation." The letter added, "Only recognition and confession can prevent the repetition of such tragedies in the future." A similar gesture took place during commemoration ceremonies.(5) According to "www.newworldencyclopedia.org ", Oct 16, 2006, Some Turkish intellectuals also support the genocide thesis despite opposition from Turkish nationalists; these include Ragip Zarakolu, Ali Ertem, Taner Akçam, Halil Berktay, Fatma Muge Gocek and Fikret Adanir. (6) AIM, May 1999, stated that Ali Ertem, the president of the Association Against Genocide, declared in a letter addressed to the Armenian people "We are trying to correct the mistakes of our forefathers", he added "As a Turk, I am ashamed. Today, the same Genocide continues against the Kurds." Ertem headed a delegation of Turks, Kurds and Assyrians which participated in the Armenian Genocide commemoration ceremonies held at the Tsitsernakabert memorial in Yerevan. The members of the delegation were received Cont. on p.10

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday November 27, 2014


Armenian Studies Program California State University, Fresno

“Armenians In The Midst Of Civil Wars: Lebanon And Syria Compared” By Dr. Ara Sanjian

Dr. Ara Sanjian, Director of the Armenian Research Center at the University of Michigan-Dearborn will give a presentation on “Armenians in the Midst of Civil Wars: Lebanon and Syria Compared” at 7:30PM on Tuesday, December 2, in the University Business Center, Alice Peters Auditorium, Room 191, on the Fresno State campus. The lecture is part of the Fall Lecture Series of the Armenian Studies Program, supported by the Leon S. Peters Foundation. During the Lebanese Civil War of 19751990, Armenians adopted the policy of positive neutrality. Most Armenians in Lebanon and Syria today think that this was a wise choice and that it helped to minimize somewhat the heavy toll of civil war for the Armenian community in Lebanon. Why has it not been possible to adopt a similar attitude during the Syrian crisis since 2011? In what ways are the Lebanese and Syrian civil wars different from one another? How do these differences affect the Armenians suffering in Syria today? Dr. Ara Sanjian is Associate Professor of Armenian and Middle Eastern History and the Director of the Armenian Research Center at the University of Michigan-Dearborn. From 1991 to 1994 he did his PhD in modern history of the Middle East at the School of Oriental and African Studies, the University of London. From 1996 to 2005 he was the Chairman of the Department of Armenian Studies, History and Political Science at Haigazian University in Beirut. In fall 2003, he was the Henry S. Khanzadian Kazan Visiting Professor in Armenian Studies at California State University, Fresno. His research interests focus on the post-World War I history of Armenia, Turkey and the Arab states of Western Asia. Dr. Sanjian is the author of Turkey and Her Arab Neighbors, 1953-1958: A Study in the Origins and Failure of the Baghdad Pact (2001), as well as a monograph and a number of scholarly articles. He is currently working on a book-length project on the Armenian quest for Mountainous Karabagh under Soviet rule in 1923-1987. The lecture is free and open to the public. Free parking is available, with a parking code 273502, after 7:00PM at Fresno State Lots P5 and P6, near the University Business Center. For more information about the lecture please contact the Armenian Studies Program at 278-2669, or visit our website at www.fresnostate.edu/armenianstudies.

Prince Charles Visits Armenian Church In London, Condemns Destruction Of Deir el-Zor Memorial

London - His Royal Highness Prince Charles, Prince of Wales paid a historic visit to St. Yeghiche Armenian Apostolic Church in London for morning services on November 19. The visit is said to be a part of His Royal Highness’ emphasis on raising awareness of the recent persecution of Christians, including Armenians, in the Middle East, primarily Syria and Iraq. Prince Charles has already visited Syrian and Coptic Orthodox Churches as well. He took part at a service where prayers were said for those suffering because of their faith. During the service, there was a choral performance, which included a piece from the Armenian opera “Davit Bek” by Armen Tigranyan. His Grace Bishop Vahan Hovhanessian, Primate, Diocese of the Armenian Church of the United Kingdom and Ireland gave thanks during the services. Remarks were given by His Eminence Archbishop Avak Asadourian, Primate, Diocese of the Armenian Church in Iraq and also by His Excellency Dr. Armen Sarkissian, Ambassador of Armenia to the

United Kingdom. At the conclusion of the program, His Royal Highness greeted the invitation only congregation and members of the choir. Speaking during the service Prince Charles said: “It is literally heartbreaking to learn of the attacks on Christians and on the churches where they gather, such as the mindless, brutal destruction of the Armenian church in Deir el-Zour earlier this year.” He went on to praise those who’ve suffered for standing up to adversity: “I greatly admire the courage and faith of your flock who are an example to us all of faith quite literally under such grotesque and barbarous assault.” “It is an indescribable tragedy that Christianity is now under such threat in the Middle East; an area where Christians have lived for 2,000 years, and across which Islam spread in 700AD, with people of different faiths living together peaceably for centuries.” He concluded. St. Yeghiche Armenian Church is the largest of the Armenian Apostolic Churches in Great Britain. Located in Cranley Gardens, Kensington, London, it was built in 1973.

Who Are The Kurds? Between 20 and 30 million Kurds inhabit a mountainous region straddling the borders of Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Iran and Armenia. They make up the fourth-largest ethnic group in the Middle East, but they have never obtained a permanent nation state. In recent decades, Kurds have increasingly influenced regional developments, fighting for autonomy in Turkey and playing prominent roles in the conflicts in Iraq and Syria, where they have resisted the advance of the jihadist group, Islamic State (IS). Where do they come from? The Kurds historically led nomadic

lives revolving around sheep and goat herding throughout the Mesopotamian plains and the highlands in what are now south-eastern Turkey, north-eastern Syria, northern Iraq, north-western Iran and south-western Armenia. Today, they form a distinctive community, united through race, culture and language, even though they have no standard dialect. They also adhere to a number of different religions and creeds, although the majority are Sunni Muslims.

Mother Of Nine: “We’d Always Say This One Would Be Our Last” On October 29, the Podosyan family celebrated the birth of Mikayel, their ninth child. The Podosyans, parents Armen and Vardouhie, and their nine children live in the village of Lernagog, located in Armenia’s Armavir Province. The couple has three girls and six boys; the oldest is eighteen. “I had my first in 1997 and the last just this year,” Vardouhie says and laughs when she gets the birthdays of the others mixed up a bit. The mother of nine says her hands are full keeping them in line all the time, especially Grigor who loves to pick fights with his siblings. Upon hearing this, the boy tells me he hasn’t quarreled with anyone so far today. Mary Mamyan

Ali Ertem... Cont. from p.9 by National Assembly Speaker Khosrov Harutunian and met with journalists and members of minority groups." Ertem expressed his sorrow that "even after 85 years, his government has not sought the forgiveness of the Armenian people." For Ertem, the Armenian Genocide is a crime against humanity."(7) Ali Ertem was criticized by " www.tallarmeniantale.com" an Anti-Genocide recognition source because of his recognition of the Armenian Genocide.(8) 1.http://www.panarmenian.net/eng/world/ news/21886/ 2.http://www.armeniandiaspora.com/showt hread.php?46623-Ali-Ertem-One-Day-TurkeyShould-Reconcile-Itself-To-The-Fact-AndRe 3.http://asbarez.com/48535/ali-ertem-saysturkey-owes-apology-to-armenian-genocidevictims/ 4.http://panarmenian.net/eng/news/894 5.http://www.tallarmeniantale.com/TURKISH-SCHOLARS.htm6.http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/en try/Armenian_Genocide 7.ttp://www.network54.com/Forum/13181/ message/929566670/Ali+Ertem,+President+of +the+ 8.http://www.tallarmeniantale.com/TURKISH-SCHOLARS.htm

Armenia Fund... Cont. from p.8 to the 3,000 residents to the town of Hadrut by installing a brand new water distribution system. He has also funded the digitization of Armenian literature to make it more easily accessible today and to preserve it for future generations. Closer to home, Turpanjian established the chair in Contemporary Armenian Studies at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, California, his alma mater. His philanthropy hasn’t been limited to education, either. He is the benefactor of the ancient monastic complex at Harichavank, which was renovated through his donations. The grounds of the monastery now house the Turpanjian Theological Seminary. Turpanjian is the recipient of countless awards and honors, including the Ellis Island Medal of Honor, the Movses Khorenatsi medal of Armenia, the St. Gregory the Illuminator medal from the Armenian Church, and the humanitarian of the year award from City of Hope, the famous research and medical center located in Southern California.

N.O.November 27, 2014, No. 46:N.O. Blank


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makarg h! Fauanakanouj;an t;souj;an bana];u;row ;s mi,t fa,ouarkoum ;m% jh sa orqanow h oc patafakan% as;nq^ tarrakan a\s qanake% orqanow h fnarauor% or yi,te linhr! A\boub;ne fauaq;l h Ma,toze% ba\z na ødiz ci w;rzr;l dranq! M;r a\boub;nn ou l;xoun am;nakatar;aln ;n irar famenknoum% a\sinqn^ m;nq coun;nq fnciun% or coun;na\ ta® ;u coun;nq ta®% or coun;na\ ir fnciune! <at l;xoun;roum mi ta®e kardazuoum kam fncoum h mi a\l ];u ;u a\ln! L;xoui ou a\boub;ni a\s kou® kapn ardhn oro,aki bani masin h .øsoum! :jh w;rznoum ;nq as;nq^ b% p% '-n fauanakan h stana\inq patafakan ;®ankiuni% ba\z oc ;®ankiunaca'ouj;an mh= ;[a‘ kar;uorago\n ;®ankiuni! - Isk m;r a\boub;ni na.ast;[‘ lin;le ort;#[ h jaqnoua‘! - M;nq^ mardiks% ;rkragndi wra\ kisamardka\in% kisaastoua‘a\in .a®nourd ;nq% isk m;r a\boub;ne w;r;uiz h b;roua‘! Mi ko[miz anfauanakan h juoum% mius ko[miz wstaf ;m% or astua‘n;re marda\nanalow% ;rkragndi wra\ i=n;low% imanalow% or piti korzn;n ir;nz au;li katar;al fa[ordakzouj;an m;jode% ørinak% as;nq^ t;l;patian% fnaroum ;n l;xoun ;u gire! :s oc jh orphs fa\ astua‘aznoum ;m m;r l;xoun% a\l ousoumnasiroujiunn;rn ;n dran b;r;l! :s inqs wa.;noum ;m% or mak;r;sørhn na\;low% ,at;re sa f;rjakan fa\kakan glou.gowanq ke famar;n!

Mia\n a\boub;ne ir ka®ouzua‘qow% ir kou® famakargow ;u ir as;liqow apazo\zn h nra% or m;r fa\kakan par‘;nkotoujiunn hl fimq;r ouni! - A\boub;ni st;[‘oume kap;low 405 jouakani f;t% ard;øq c;#n 'or];l patmoujiuniz =n=;l nra na.ast;[‘ lin;le! - M;r a\boub;ne ,at-,at fin armatn;r ouni! Ma,toze ,at au;li imastoun gtnou;z! A\boub;n fnar;lou famar phtq chr a,.arfiz a,.arf enkn;l% phtq hr fnciunn;re taran=at;l ;u stanal a\n! Incqan hl srbaznoum ;nq Ma,tozin qic h% orowf;t;u bauarar ca'ow c;nq patk;raznoum nra ara‘e! Na w;rakangn;l h oc mia\n fa\kakan% a\l famaa\boub;ne% mardka\in na.al;xoui a\boub;ne! - O#r a\boub;nn;rn ;n m;rini nman% ;u oro#nq ;n m;riz s;rou;l! };uow m;r a\boub;nin nman h ;jowpiakane% jhkoux ;u nranz a\boub;ne ta®agir ch% wankagir h! Latinakan% \ounakan% frhakan a\boub;nn;rn hl oun;n nmanoujiun! Frhakan a\boub;ne% ørinak% or fa\;lapatik andradar]noum ;nq% t;snoum ;nq% or ,at ta®;r nman ;n m;r ta®;rin! Sa ci n,anakoum% or a\d a\boub;nn;re go[azoua‘ kam w;rzoua‘ ;n% a\l ou[[aki fin% skxbnakan famamardka\in armatiz yiu[;r ;n tou;l! M;r a\boub;ne d;® ;rkar ousoumnasirouj;an kariq ouni! :s a\d gor‘i mi 'oqr masn ;m mia\n karo[az;l irakanazn;l a\s tarin;ri enjazqoum!


tounow! Fon ke gtnouin na;u ;rkou a\l ;k;[;zin;r ou wanq! 1920-in =ardi ou ga[ji k*;njarkoui t;[i fa\abnakcoujiune - 30 faxar an] - atrph\yanzn;rou ko[mh! 1988-94 pat;raxmin% qa[aqin bar]radir \;nakhthn ardadar ke ®mbako‘ouhr St;'anak;rte! Xougaf;rabar% anor mhk fowithn galow% ax r ph\ y a nak a n ødanau;re% fa\kakan fakaøda\in martkozn;rhn x;r‘ mnalow% no\nphs ke ®mbako‘hin ma\ra{axanc;zoz ;k;[;zin qa[aqe! Fnaramit t;[azin;re% .ndro\ a®arka\ fowitin baz mi=oze% mhk ko[mhn miuse ke qa,;n forixonakan lar;r% ankh ka.;low ;l;ktrafar j;l;r% oronz ba.;low ax;ri ødanau;re ke 'yana\in&&& A\dphs al w;r= troua‘ h j,nami ødanau;rou a\d fowithn ;ko[ kor‘anarar ar,auin! |i,atakouj;an arvani h Ma\is 9% 1992-in% Arza.i pat;raxmi enjazqin% <ou,ii grauoume! An;r;uaka\;li \andgnouj;amb% fa\ qa=amartikn;re% Garindak giu[hn anzn;low% maglza‘ ;n kiryn iw;r% ;u anaknkali b;ra‘ atrph\yanakan ka\axørqe% oroun mhk mase kotoroua‘ h% isk mnaz;ale^ 'a.ousti matnoua‘! Martakan a\s \andougn gor‘o[oujiune dar]akht me fandisazau Arza.i axatagrouj;an pat;raxmin! <ou,in n;rka\is ke ‘a®a\h xbøsa,r=ikouj;an ibr;u wa\r% yambar% amaranoz! Ke w;rada®nanq St;'anak;rt% Nouhr ya,aranin mh= katar;lou famar a\d ørouan .andawa®% ;xra'akic enjriqe!

(<ar& 8)

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Ya'onia\i Narita qa[aqoum auartoua‘ sambo\i a,.arfi a®a=noujiunoum g;raxanz fandhs ;kau martakan sambo\i 74 qk& qa,a\in Mawrik Nasip;ane% ow \a[j;low bolor masnakizn;rin f®cakou;z a,.arfi a.o\;an! :xra'akicoum Mawriki mrzakizn hr poulkarazi Ti.mir Blagow;stowe% orin na xi=;l hr :uropa\i a®a=nouj;an ;rrord t;[i famar gøt;martoum! A\s angam Nasip;ane a®au;louj;an fasau 6-0 fa,ouow! 2013 j& a,.arfi a.o\;an A,ot Danihl;ane (82 qk&) ckaro[azau pafpan;l tit[ose ;u bauararou;z pronxh m;talow! :rkou marxikn;rn hl n;rka\aznoum ;n sambo\i ;u yiuto\i ølimpiakan mankapatan;kan marxadprozi St;'anak;rti masnayiu[e! M;r mius 9 marxik-marxoufin;re m;taln;ri carvanazan!


FF BAR}RAGO|N >MBI AÂA+NOUJIUNOUM No\;mb;ri 18-in ka\azan FF bar]rago\n .mbi a®a=nouj;an 5-rd mrza'ouliz \;ta]goua‘ .a[;ri .a[arkoujiune% oronq auartou;zin a\spisi ardiunqn;row& ª<irakº-ªGan]asarº^ 1-0 ªBananzº-ª"iunikº^ 2-3 Isk No\;mb;ri 22-23-in ka\azan 2-rd ,r=ani (14-rd mrza'oul) w;r=in fandipoumn;re% afa dranz ardiunqn;re& ªOulisº-ª<irakº^ 1-2 ªAla,k;rtº-ªBananzº^ 0-0 ª"iunikº-ªMikaº^ 5-0 ªGan]asarº-ªAraratº^ 1-0 Mrza,ara\in a[iusak >& Oulis 14 "iunik 14 <irak 14 Gan]asar 14 Mika 14 Ala,k;rt 14 Bananz 14 Ararat 14

|& 11 9 7 5 4 4 3 2

F& 1 3 3 3 4 4 4 0

P& 2 2 4 6 6 6 7 12

G& 32-12 30-13 18-13 20-25 16-20 14-19 18-23 16-39

M& 34 30 24 18 16 16 13 6

FA|KAKAN :U MI+AXGA|IN ~OUJPOLI >YANKAR • Âob;rt Arxouman;ane ;u Markos Pix;lin ªAktobhiº kaxmoum dar];l ;n {axa.stani a®a=nouj;an ar‘ajh m;talakirn;r% isk Arjour :digar;ane ªKa\rajiº kaxmoum^ pronxh m;talakir! • Wardan Minas;ani ªToboleº {axa.stani a®a=noujiunoum xba[;zr;l h 7-rd t;[e! FF fauaqakani na.kin gl.auor marxice n,;l h% or fauatoum h FF fauaqakan jimi apaga\in! ªKa\ jim% ore \au;rv ke mna\ im srtoum%

da Fa\astani fauaqakann h% a\d jime mi,t in] f;t hº% as;l h Minas;ane! A\n farzin% jh ard;øq na patrast h mnal ªToboloumº% na n,;l h% or inqe ;us mhk mrza,r=ani pa\managir ouni! • FF fauaqakani gl.auor marxic B;®nar <alande "orjougalia-Fa\astan fandipoumiz \;to\ m;kn;l hr Italia% Italia-Alpania enk;rakan fandipoume dit;lou! |i,;zn;nq% or Alpanian FF fauaqakani \a=ord mrzakizn h :urø-2016-i .mba\in mrza,aroum! Italia\i fauaqakane 82-rd rophoum .'a‘ miak koli ,norfiu \a[j;l h! • Enk;rakan fandipoumn;r ;n oun;z;l na;u FF fauaqakani .mboum endgrkoua‘ mius jim;re! A\sphs "orjougalian 1-0 fa,ouow \a[j;l h Arvanjini entranoun% Âouminian 2-0 fa,ouow^ Dania\in% S;rpian |ounastanoum 2-0 fa,ouow t;[i fauaqakanin! N,;nq% or Dania\i fauaqakaniz 1-3 fa,ouow partou;louz \;to\ S;rpia\i fauaqakani gl.auor marxic Adwokate f;®azou;l h gl.auor marxci pa,tøniz^ ;rkko[mani fama]a\nouj;amb! Fauaqakani marxci vamanakauor pa,tønakatarn h Âadowan Coujice! • Mius enk;rakan fandipoumn;ri ardiunqn;re& I®landia-AMN^ 4-1% Ouqrania-Lijouania^ 0-0% Fnougaria-Âousastan^ 1-2% L;fastan-<ouh\zaria^ 2-2% Ispania-G;rmania^ 0-1% P;la®ous-M;qsiqa^ 3-2% Slow;niaQoloumpia^ 0-1% ~ransia-<ouhdia^ 1-0% <otlandia-Anglia^ 1-3! Xarmanali h% or Fa\astani fauaqakane ci øgtou;l ørazo\zoum mi=axga\in enk;rakan fandipoumn;ri øriz!

:URØ-2016-I >MBA|IN MRZA<AR:RI MRZA<ARA|IN A{IUSAKN:RE M;r j;rji na.ord famaroum n;rka\azr;l hinq .mba\in fandipoumn;ri ardiunqn;re! A\sør n;rka\aznoum ;nq .mb;ri mrza,ara\in a[iusaken;re& A& >oumb >& |& F& P& G& M& C;.ia 4 4 0 0 10-5 12 Islandia 4 3 0 1 9-2 9 Folandia 4 2 0 2 10-5 6 Jourqia 4 1 1 2 5-7 4 Lajwia 4 0 2 2 1-10 2 {axa.stan 4 0 1 3 4-10 1 B& >oumb Isra\hl 3 3 0 0 9-2 9 Ouhls 4 2 2 0 4-2 8 Kipros 4 2 0 2 9-5 6 B;lgia 3 1 2 0 7-1 5 Posnia F;rz& 4 0 2 2 2-6 2 Andorra 4 0 0 4 2-17 0 G& >oumb Slowakia 4 4 0 0 8-2 12 Ispania 4 3 0 1 13-3 9 Ouqrania 4 3 0 1 6-1 9 Mak;donia 4 1 0 3 4-10 3 P;la®ous 4 0 1 3 2-9 1 Liuqs;mbourg 4 0 1 3 3-11 1 D& >oumb L;fastan 4 3 1 0 15-2 10 G;rmania 4 2 1 1 7-4 7 <otlandia 4 2 1 1 5-4 7 I®landia 4 2 1 1 10-3 7 Wrastan 4 1 0 3 4-7 3 +ibraljar 4 0 0 4 0-21 0

:& >oumb Anglia 4 4 0 Slow;nia 4 2 0 <ouh\zaria 4 2 0 Lijouania 4 2 0 Hsjonia 4 1 1 San Marinø 4 0 1 X& >oumb Âouminia 4 3 1 Fius& I®landia 4 3 0 Foungaria 4 2 1 ~inlandia 4 1 1 ~arø k[xin;r 4 1 0 4 0 1 |ounastan H& >oumb Austria 4 3 1 <ouhdia 4 1 3 Âousastan 4 1 2 Monj;n;grø 4 1 2 Li.j;n,th\n 4 1 1 Moltowa 4 0 1 E& >oumb >orouajia 4 3 1 Italia 4 3 1 Norw;gia 4 3 0 Poulkaria 4 1 1 Malja 4 0 1 Atrph\yan 4 0 0 J& .oumbe Fa\astani .oumbn famaroum n;rka\azr;l hinq!

0 2 2 2 2 3

11-1 4-4 8-3 3-6 1-2 0-11

12 6 6 6 4 1

0 1 1 2 3 3

6-1 6-3 4-3 4-5 2-6 1-5

10 9 7 4 3 1

0 0 1 1 2 3

5-2 5-3 6-3 3-2 1-6 2-6

10 6 5 5 4 1

0 10-1 10 0 6-2 10 1 6-3 9 2 4-5 4 3 1-7 1 4 2-11 0 h% orn anz;al

FA| QARADHISTN:RI M:TALN:RE No\;mb;ri 16-in C;.ia\i Østrawa qa[aqoum auartou;l h qaradhi :urø-2014 Kran "ri mrza,are% orin masnakz;l ;n na;u Fa\astani n;rka\azouzicn;re! 60 qk& qa,a\in kargoum BKMA-i san Hdgar Minas;ane nouay;l h oskh m;tal! S;r\ova Makar;ane (84 qk&) no\nphs nouay;l h oskh m;tal! Bazar]ak qa,a\in kargoum Hdgar Minas;ane grau;l h 3-rd t;[e% isk S;r\ova Makar;ane f®cakou;l h a.o\;an!

<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • Grosma\st;r Karhn Mowsis;ane Ispania\i Kan Pika`ord qa[aqoum anzkazoua‘ baz mrza,aroum 9 fnarauoriz wastak;z 7 miauor ;u 60 masnakizn;ri mh= nouay;z ;rkrord mrzanake! Na mia\n khs miauorow ;t mnaz \a[jo[iz grosma\st;r Wladimir Bourmakiniz (ÂD)! • Hsjonia\i ma\raqa[aq Tallinoum auartoua‘ :uropa\i arag ,a.mati patan;kan a®a=noujiunoum m;r fa\r;nakizn;r Art\om Atowm;ane ;u Arshn Mnazakan;ane (ÂD) dar]an a,.arfamasi 'o.a.o\;ann;r famapatas.anabar minc;u 8 ;u 12 tar;kann;ri .mb;roum! • L;uon Aron;ane No\;mb;ri 21-25-e S;nj Louixoum mrza.a[ anzkazr;z AMN-i ouv;[ago\n ,a.matist Fikarou Nakamoura\i f;t! Grosma\st;rn;re anzkazrin 4 dasakan ;u 16 ka\‘akna\in partia! Dasakan partian;riz \;to\ fa,iun h 2-2! ÂD Soci qa[aqoum auartou;z a,.arfi a®a=nouj;an Ka®ls;n-Anand mrza.a[e! 11-rd partia\oum \a[j;low Anandin Ka®ls;ne fandipman fa,iue dar]r;z 6&5-4&5 ;u pafpan;z a,.arfi a.o\;ani tit[ose!

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