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Taj;ui Wanqe

Øre^ Cor;q,abji% S;pt;mb;r 24! A\sør na.aya,e mhk vam kanou. katarou;zau% orowf;t;u nouay;li ;rkar yanaparf ouninq! Vame 9-in yamba\ k*;ll;nq% ;u \a=ordabar k*anzninq <ou,i% B;r]or% T;[% Goris% Qarafoun=% <inaf;r m;‘ ou 'oqr qa[aqn;rou mh=hn% kam^ møthn! W;r=in fangrouanin% 50 foginoz m;r .oumbe ke t;[a'o.oui 3 minivan;rou mh=% orowf;t;u ]orhn piti bar]rananq% ,our= 25 wa\rk;an t;uo[% fo[apat% qarqarot ;u olorapto\t yambow% minc;u Taj;ui Wanqe! Taj;ui Wanqe ke gtnoui M;‘ Fa\qi% Siuniq nafangi ’[oukq gaua®in mh=! Fimnadroua‘ h D& daroun! Dprouj;an a®a=nakarg k;dron dar]a‘ h :&-E& dar;roun% ;u apa^ Siun;az ;piskoposouj;an ajo®aniste! F;txf;th endar]akoua‘ h% 844-in endgrk;low Taj;u giu[e! Isk wanqapatkan ka®o\zn;rn ou kaloua‘n;re V&-VD& dar;roun oun;za‘ ;n 47 giu[;r% 1000 miabann;r ou m;‘ jiuow arf;stauorn;r! La\natara‘ kaloua‘atiroujiune% saka\n% t;[i toua‘ h n;rqin .®owouj;anz endmh= ,r=ani giu[azin;roun% i,.ann;roun ou wanqi i,.anouj;anz! Wanqi famalirin mas kaxma‘ ;n Pø[os-P;tros tayare (805-906)% Sb& Grigor Lousauoric ;k;[;zin (848)% Sb& Astoua‘a‘in ;rk\ark dambaran-;k;[;zin (1087)% ou Yøyouo[ |ou,asiune (kam^ Gauaxane) – V& dar% or minc;u a\sør pafpanoua‘ h faka®ak mhkh au;li ;rkra,arvn;rou! Taj;ui giu[i Tan]ata' t;[amashn fiusis% ke gtnoui Zourawanqe% our kangna‘ h Sb& Astoua‘a‘in ;k;[;zin (V& dar)! 1170-in S;lyouqn;re ko[opta‘ ;n wanqin gan];re ;u a\ra‘ ];®agirn;re (,our= 10%000)! Ørb;l;ann;rou ,r=anin w;rakangnoua‘ ;n ,at me ka®o\zn;r – 1251% 1261% 1270 ;u 1286-in! Miauoroua‘ ;n na;u taran=atoua‘ j;m;re% VD& daroun da®nalow fa\ m,ako\ji k;dronn;rhn mhke! A\sphs% n,anauor dar]a‘ ;n Taj;ui manrankarcouj;an dproze% mat;nadarane ;u famalsarane! A[jamari ou Taj;ui orm-

nankarn;re V& darou fa\kakan ormnankarcouj;an arou;sti am;nabnoro, \ou,ar]ann;rhn ;n! Taj;ui famalsarane ;[a‘ h Siun;az Nafangi mi=nadarou .o,orago\n ousoumnakan fastatoujiune (1390-1435)! Gla]ori famalsarane 'akou;lh ;tq% |ownan Orotn;zin Taj;u fastatou;low% t;[uo\n krjaran-wardap;tarane w;ra‘a‘ h famalsarani% fon fauaqoua‘ ;n 500-i fasno[ 'iliso'an;r% ;ravi,tn;r% gro[n;r% nkaricn;r% arou;staghtn;r! Famalsarane fowanauora‘ h Ørb;l;an i,.anakan toune ou Siuniqi ;k;[;zakan i,.anoujiune! Go\oujiun oun;zo[ ;r;q lsarann;roun mh= ousouzanoua‘ ;n grcouj;an arou;ste% ;rg-;rav,toujiune 'iliso'a\oujiun% yartasanoujiun% q;rakanoujiun% banast;[‘oujiun% mankawarvoujiun% fa\;rhn l;xou% grakanoujin% patmoujiun% g;[agroujiun% nkarcoujiun% ormnankarcoujiun% ;uln&! Grigor Taj;uazin (1386-hn ;tq) katar;lagor‘;low famalsaranin ‘ragire% patrasta‘ h anor kanonagire% kaxma‘ h dasagirq;r% xargazouza‘ h grcouj;an arou;ste% katar;low na;u jargmanoujiunn;r% ou m;knaban;low 'iliso'a\akan gor‘;r! Anor ‘anøj san;rhn ;[a‘ ;n Jowma M;‘o';zin% A®aq;l Siun;zin% Bars;[ Ba[i,;zin% Matjhos +ou[a\;zin% Mkrtic Nafap;t;nze% ;uln&! Qafana\akan krjouj;nh ;tq% ousman t;uo[oujiune ;[a‘ h 7-8 tari! Taj;ui Wanqe oun;za‘ h faroust mat;nadaran! 1435-in 'latakn;rou w;ra‘oua‘ h <af®ou.i ar,auanqin f;t;uanqow% miabann;re apastan;low Gougarq! VH& daroun% fimnakan ,inouj;anz farau-ar;umt;an ;u fiusisa\in ko[m;roun ka®ouzoua‘ ;n Wanqin parispn;re% incphs na;u^ bnak;li% ;u øvandak tnt;sakan ,arq me ,hnq;r! Giu[in k;dronakan masin mh= ka®ouzoua‘ h Sb& Minas ;k;[;zin (1646)! Orotan wtaki wra\% dhpi Tan]ata' tano[ yanaparfin% kangoun mnaza‘ h glana];u kamar oun;zo[% maqour ta,oua‘ ou paxaldh ,inoua‘ (1672-in) 7&2 m;jr ;rkarouj;amb kamour=e! VH& darou ;rkrord khsin% ou VE& darou skxbin% dar];al bargauaya‘ h Taj;ui Wanqe anor farkatou da®nalow 14 gaua®n;r ;u 204 giu[;r! Wanqin ;u anor ,r=a'akin mh=% lrazouzic ,inararakan a,.atanqn;rou ardiunq ;n a®a=nordarane% wanakann;rou .ouz;re% 16 s;n;akanoz ;u iura\atouk ka®o\zow dprozi ;rkar ,hnqe (1745)% ,t;marann;re% gin;toune% ]ijfane% ;uln&! 1787-in ka®ouzoua‘ h Grigor Taj;uazii g;r;xmane! 1970-akan jouakann;roun wanqin famalire w;rakangnoua‘ h! W;radar]in kang k*a®n;nq ªSatani Kamour=ºi møt% or ke gtnoui Taj;u giu[i ar;u;lqe% .or kiryi mh=% Orotan g;ti wra\! Kamour=e kaxmoua‘ h bnakanørhn ;rkar tarin;rou enjazqin% ,jaqar;rou ou kraqari ]ouloumow! :rkaroujiune ,our= 30 m;jr h% isk la\noujiune^ 50-60 m;jr! Sakaua=our g;take ke mtnh kamour=i tak% ou dours k*;llh a®at fosanqow&&& fan;lo#uk jh satana\i gor‘ &&& Ke ,arounak;nq m;r yamban% vame 1-in fasn;low bazøj;a\ ya,aran% our da,tagnazouj;an ];uow ke ya,ak;nq framzoua‘ baxmat;sak out;liqn;re% a®at .micqow ou mrg;[hnow! |;tmi=ørhi vame 4-in ke m;kninq dhpi +;rmouk% our fasn;lh ;tq% kary fangisth me ;tq% ;r;ko\;an vame 8-in k*i=n;nq Ani fiuranoz gi,;rouan enjriqe katar;lou! (<ar& 9) J


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Bavanordagrou;lou famar Âamkawar Axatakan Kousakzouj;an ;l;ktrona\in mamoulin% };r e-mail faszhn krnaq [rk;l ragmamoul@gmail.com



Bolivia Unanimously Approves Resolution On The Armenian Genocide Armenia Fund Telethon 2014 Raises Over 12 Million Dollars! At the close of Telethon 2014, Armenia Fund raised a total of $12,399,550 worldwide. The funds collected will be used to complete the Vardenis-Martakert Highway, an integral road connecting northern Artsakh to the rest of Armenia, as well as many other important projects in the Armenian homeland. Thousands of donations were received during the 12-hour telethon from every part of the United States and from throughout the world.

Karabakh Parliament Speaker Meets James Warlick

The President of the National Assembly of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic Ashot Ghulyan arrived in Washington on November 30 with a working visit. The press service of the National Assembly of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic informed Armenpress that on December 1 Ashot Ghulyan met with the US co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group James Warlick. During the meeting the interlocutors discussed the latest developments in the region and other issues, related to the peaceful settlement process of the Azerbaijani-Karabakh conflict.

On Wednesday 26 November, the Plurinational Legislative Assembly of Bolivia unanimously passed a resolution in solidarity with the claims of the Armenian people and condemning “all denialist policy regarding the genocideand crimes against humanity suffered by the Armenian nation,” Prensa Armenia reports. Speaking to Prensa Armenia, Senator Zonia Guardia Melgar, acting chairperson of the Senate of Bolivia, explained that “the camaral statement was taken unanimously by both the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, with the approval of the Foreign Ministry”. “We offer our full support, solidarity and comradeship to the Armenian people

and the Kurdish people, because our State Constitution, which is the law of laws, says no to discrimination, violation of human rights and genocide” she added. The unofficial translation of the full text of the resolution reads: “The Plurinational Legislative Assembly of Bolivia shares and is in solidarity with the Armenian people for the fight of their claims, the preservation of human rights, and the establishment of truth and justice. Declares: its firm commitment to human rights, truth, justice, solidarity and condemnation against all denialist policy regarding the genocide and crimes against humanity suffered by the Armenian nation.”

Pope Francis Urges Opening Of Armenian-Turkish Border

PanARMENIAN.Net - Pope Francis commented on Yerevan-Ankara relations and opening of border with Armenia on board a flight back to Rome as he was returning from a three-day visit to Turkey, Ermenihaber said. Dwelling on the statement of then Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo!an offering condolences to the grandchildren of the Armenian Genocide survivors, the Pope noted, “some considered the PM’s remarks a minor move, but I believe it to be a positive one, aimed to make a step towards reconciliation.”

Turkish Media Reacts Armenia Expresses Its Gratitude To Bolivia For With Delay At Recognition Of Armenian Genocide Armenian Genocide friendly people of Bolivia for the recogniArmenia’s Foreign Minister Edward tion of the Armenian Genocide in the Othas expressed gratitude today Recognition By Bolivia Nalbandian toman Empire. By this step in the run-up to to both houses of Parliament of Bolivia for The Turkish media reacted with delay at the adoption of bill on the Armenian Genocide recognition by the two chambers of the Bolivian Parliament. As reports “Armenpress”, the Turkish media cited the words of the Deputy President of the Senate of Bolivia, the President-in-Office of the Senate Zonia Guardia Melgar, who stated that the adopted bill is in full conformity with the Bolivian Constitution

New Building Of Armavir Penal Institution Put Into Operation Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan attended today the opening of ‘Armavir’ penal institution’s new buikding. Armenian Justice Minister H o v h a n n e s Manukyan and U.S. Ambassador to Armenia John Heffern were also present at the opening ceremony. The new building is in line with international standards. Around 400 inmates from other penal institutions will be transferred here in the near future. A housing complex for 800 inmates along with a hospital is expected to be put into use by late 2015.

the official recognition of the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire. Senator Zonia Guardia Melgar, acting chairperson of the Senate of Bolivia, was quoted by Prensa Armenia as saying "the statement was taken unanimously on November 26 by both the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, with the approval of the Foreign Ministry". "We offer our full support, solidarity and comradeship to the Armenian people because our State Constitution, which is the law of laws, says no to discrimination, violation of human rights and genocide" she added. "We express our gratitude to Houses of Parliament of Bolivia, its leadership and the

the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, Bolivia has made an important contribution to the restoration of historical justice, recognition, condemnation and prevention of crimes against humanity and the fight against genocide denial," reads Nalbandian’s statement. Both chambers of the Bolivian Parliament declare their firm commitment to human rights, truth, justice, solidarity and condemnation of all denialist policy regarding the genocide and crimes against the Armenian nation." Armenian MPs at a meeting on Monday also expressed their gratitude to Bolivia’s parliament for the recognition of the Armenian Genocide.

Deputy Minister: Armenia Will Not Lose Trade Ties With Georgia And Iran YEREVAN. – Armenia will not lose trade ties with Georgia and Iran with accession to the Eurasian Union, Deputy Finance Minister Suren Karayan said. Armenia will not have to reconsider existing trade treaties with the third states, Karayan said during debates on Armenia's joining the Union that were held in the parliament on Tuesday. He noted that trade ties with Georgia have reached practical maximum, but Georgia is aspiring to be closer to the EU, while Armenia joins the Eurasian Union.

“We can hardly achieve greater integration, but the existing level is quite high and will not be damaged. The ties with Iran will not suffer, too,” he added. The official assured that Armenia will preserve GSP+ preferences to export a number of goods with zero or low customs duties. “There are no obstacles to economic cooperation, and we will continue active work and plan to implement huge projects,” Karayan concluded.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday December 4, 2014


Armenia Fund Gathers National, Community Leaders For 20th Annual Gala The 20th annual Armenia Fund gala banquet took place on Sunday, November 23, 2014 at the Hilton Hotel in Glendale, California. Honoree Gerald Turpanjian was awarded with the Mesrop Mashtots Medal by the President of Artsakh (NagornoKarabakh Republic), Bako Sahakyan. Over 400 people were in attendance for the yearly event which draws together the leaders of the Armenian community of the western United States; they were there in support of this year's goal of raising the funds necessary to complete the VardenisMartakert Highway. The night celebrated the immense success of the Armenian Nation in building a strong homeland over the past two decades with projects that have spanned from the far reaches of the Republics of Armenia and Artsakh to urban areas like Gyumri, Stepanakert, and Yerevan. A poignant reminder of the serious difficulties Armenia faces was during a moment of silence, led by Armenia Fund chairman, Anto Baghdassarian, for the three-man crew killed in an unarmed helicopter shot down by Azerbaijan. Baghdassarian said that “the soldiers on the front lines” deserve the utmost respect for their readiness to make the ultimate sacrifice in defense of the Armenian Nation. It was in the spirit of confronting Armenia's challenges, finding constructive solutions, and working toward their realization that Mr. Turpanjian, the event's main honoree, has been working for the past two decades. The founder of several philanthropic programs including the American University of Armenia Rural Development Program and the Turpanjian Scholarship Fund, the benefactor of several new schools in Artsakh, and the founder of the Chair of Contemporary Armenian Studies at the University of Southern Cali-

fornia (USC), his alma mater, were among the myriad accomplishments that led to Mr. Turpanjian being bestowed the Mesrop Mashtots medal by President Bako Sahakyan. Alluding to the namesake of his award, Turpanjian said that we “need not create an alphabet to unite Armenians across the globe,” asserting that, “strengthening and supporting Artsakh is what unites us today.” For his longtime support, the owner of ARTN television station in Los Angeles, Robert Oghlachyan, was also honored with the Armenia Fund True Patriot Medal. It was for his steadfast support of his community and his homeland that Mr. Oghlachyan received the award, presented to him by the executive director of Armenia Fund, Sarkis Kotanjian. In addition to President Sahakyan and Mr. Turpanjian, several dignitaries were in attendance, including His Eminence Barkev Mardirossian, the Archbishop of Artsakh, Armenia's ambassador to the United States, Tigran Sargsyan, the Permanent Representative of the Artsakh Republic to the United States, Robert Avetisyan, as well as the Consul General of Armenia in Los Angeles, Sergey Sarkisov. The Armenia Fund Telethon 2014 will air live in California for 12 hours on Thursday, November 27, 2014, from 8AM to 8PM PST. It will be broadcast on KSCI Channel 18 in Los Angeles, KTSF Channel 26 in San Francisco, KSAO Channel 49 in Sacramento, and KGMC Channel 43 in Fresno, and on all Los Angeles-based Armenian television networks. The Telethon will also be webcasted on www.armeniafund.org. Donations can be made over the phone by calling 1-800-888-8897 or through a secure server connection at armeniafund.org/donate.

AMAA, Haigazian University Tribute To Dr. Mihran Agbabian, George R. Phillips, Esq. Raises Over $400,000 For Outreach, Education For the very first time, the Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA) and Haigazian University, cosponsored a gala event to benefit both organizations. The Celebratory Banquet at the Beverly Hills Hotel on November 15, 2014 honored two highly esteemed members of the community, Dr. Mihran Agbabian and George R. Phillips, Esq., who have supported not only the two organizations, but have rendered their time, expertise, and resources to a multitude of worthy causes. Both honorees are former AMAA and Haigazian University Board Members. A proficiently planned program designed by the Co-Chairs Joyce Abdulian and Ken Kevorkian and AMAA's West Coast Executive Director Levon Filian, paid sincere tribute to the honorees and emphasized the missions of the two organizations. Mr. Filian proudly announced that "when you have a good cause and a good committee plus great honorees and God’s blessings, the results are a complete success." The invocation was offered by Rev. Dr. John Khanjian, former President of Haigazian University. The families of both honorees, who are life proponents of education and philanthropy, were present as Savey Tufenkian introduced Dr. Agbabian and Joyce Philibosian Stein, introduced George R. Phillips, Esq. Mrs. Tufenkian underscored Dr. Agbabian’s efforts to help Armenia after the 1988 earthquake. Dr. Agbabian, a distinguished graduate of the American University of Beirut, Cal Tech, and UC Berkeley, is an eminent authority in seismic engineering and the founding President and President Emeritus of AUA. He is also a recipient of the Ellis Island Medal of Honor. This former Dean of Engineering at USC, and past Vice President of the AMAA, recalled "working with George Phillips in support of various organizations, large and small," and said he was "grateful to God and thankful for the challenge to serve." Mrs. Stein described George R. Phillips, as a trusted friend and advisor and anticipated that his work "will continue to bear fruit." Mr. Phillips, a graduate of UCLA and UCLA Law School and founder of the oldest Armenian law firm in Los Angeles, is a firm believer in education. He was named the C & E Merdinian School "Man of the Year" in 2007 and was also recognized as "Man of the Year" by the AGBU for his service to the Armenian Community in So. Calif. He praised the AMAA, founded 96 years ago, and Haigazian University for their foundations of faith and affirmed the Christian values underscored at Haigazian University, stressing that "every person can make a difference through their actions." A Korean War veteran, Mr. Phillips, in his response, remembered the attack on Pearl Harbor when he was 13 and also indicated that Armenian history seemed to be repeating itself from 100 years ago. Biographical videos were shown of each of the honorees, as the guests waited with awe. The recipients responded generously and humbly. The audience was captivated by every word that the honorees offered in acceptance.

Zaven Khanjian, recently-installed Executive Director and CEO of the AMAA in Paramus, NJ, and Rev. Dr. Paul Haidostian, President of Haigazian University addressed the audience of 400. On behalf of the AMAA, Mr. Khanjian saluted Dr. Agbabian and George R. Phillips, Esq. "who have spent a lifetime in the service of the Lord, our people, and humanity. We bow to the legacy of their service and place them on a pedestal of honor as role models for us all." He clearly remembered his family’s journey to the U.S. from the Middle East as a direct result of war and unrest. He spoke compassionately about the AMAA and its "mission of rescue." Dr. Haidostian reflected on the guests of honor and emphasized the importance of being positive examples to the world. He called Haigazian “constructively unique” and thanked Dr. Agbabian and Mr. Phillips and everyone in the room for supporting the University. The printed program contained greetings from the co-chairs, biographies of the honorees, and congratulatory messages from Dr. Joe Zeronian, President of the AMAA who thanked "all those who are in attendance this evening," Dr. Ani Darakjian, Chair of the Haigazian University Board of Trustees, and the Trustees of the Stephen Philibosian Foundation, plus the appreciation lists of sponsors, supporters, and committee members. A beautiful musical program featured the classically trained voice of Soprano Julia Metzler, who selected arias from Purcell, Strauss, and Hovhaness, and was accompanied by Victoria Simonian. The American and Armenian anthems were presented by Raffi Kerbabian. Rev. Ron Tovmassian, Moderator of the Armenian Evangelical Union of North America, on behalf of the AEUNA and its Acting Minister, Rev. Hendrik Shanazarian, praised the guests of honor for their dedication and commitment. Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, who had just arrived from Armenia, brought greetings from the Western Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church and expressed his congratulations to the worthy honorees and organizations. Certificates were presented to the recipients whose supportive wives, Elizabeth Agbabian and Suzie Phillips, are founding/continuing members of the Haigazian University Women’s Auxiliary of LA and the AMAA Child and Orphan Care Committee. The event raised more than $400,000 for important outreach and educational programs. We take this opportunity to thank all those who believe in the ministry of the two organizations and support it financially and with their prayers. Founded in 1918, the AMAA is committed to excellence in all of its worldwide projects, including Haigazian University and the new state-of-the-art Avedisian School and Community Center in Yerevan. Haigazian University, established in Beirut in 1955, offers over a dozen programs and bestows BA, BBA, BS, MA, and MBA degrees. Believing that education never stops, Haigazian University also offers classes through its Center of Continuing Education.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday December 4, 2014


Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

Autumnal Park

42 - Yunus Tuncel

By Alice Krumian

By Hambersom Aghbashian

Not a soul loitering in the park anymore, Only withered leaves scattered on the soil; Nature is busy with its hectic preparation, For its magnificent annual art exhibition. Some trees still have the rare privilege Of retaining part of their stubborn foliage, With colorful leaves glittering in the sun, Resembling drops of jewelry crystalline. From the very lightest to the deep darkest, Yellow, orange, red, purple, in all of their shades, Fallen leaves, the whole gamut of the palette, Surpassing each other in their skill to decorate. Those few translucent purplish leaves, Are still firmly clinging to their twigs; The moment they start swaying in a breeze, The colorful park bursts into flames in full blaze.. Within a few days and quite imperceptibly, Autumn settles in the park in its full glory, Changing every nook and corner in the park, Into an art masterpiece on a dazzling canvas. Once Fall is around with its charm of every kind, New Year, certainly, cannot be far behind; On this holiday, a heart-felt wish, for all mankind, That our "Fall “days be as colorful and as radiant As the lovely rainbow leaves in the autumnal park.

Michael Aram Hosted Event To Support The TUMO Center For Creative Technologies Joseph Oughourlian Announces His Pledge Of $150,000 Towards Tumo Karabakh On Tuesday, November 18, 2014, artist Michael Aram hosted a holiday shopping event at his flagship store in New York to announce a new partnership between AGBU and the Tumo Center for Creative Technologies, bringing the Tumo Centers to additional locations throughout Armenia, starting with a center in NagornoKarabagk. Tumo x AGBU is a state-ofthe-art facility that offers Armenian youth access to learning resources, digital media and leading professionals in the fields of media and technology. Michael Aram kicked off the fundraising efforts by contributing 30% of sales that day to this project. Initiating this large scale effort, Joseph Oughourlian, AGBU Central Board member and co-founder of Amber Capital Investment Management, pledged $150,000 to support the Tumo Center in NagornoKarabakh. Oughourlian has been closely involved with development in NagornoKarabakh, both personally and professionally, for many years. “Seeing firsthand how critical it is to invest in Nagorno-Karabakh for its success and strength, I am sure that the center will have an outstanding impact on thousands of children who would not have had these opportunities otherwise,” says Oughourlian. Through its partnership with AGBU, the Tumo Center plans to expand its reach

throughout Armenia and NagornoKarabakh and touch the lives of thousands more in the years to come. To date, over 10,000 children and young adults have experienced the center’s high-quality, handson program, which includes workshops, teamwork and mentorship as well as training in animation, digital media, web design and game development. The event featured a meet and greet with Michael Aram, Tumo founder and AGBU vice-president Sam Simonian and managing director of Tumo Marie Lou Papazian, during which Aram announced that he will design a special edition houseware item which will include a collaboration of students participating in Tumo classes in Armenia along with interns from AGBU’s New York Summer Internship Program. This item will be inspired by the hundredth anniversary of the Armenian genocide with 100% of proceeds from sales benefitting the Tumo x AGBU Nagorno-Karabagh Center. “I am delighted to have the opportunity to contribute to Tumo’s pioneering vision for Armenian education. I know the critical role education can play in transforming a society and Tumo is very much at the forefront of this effort. We’re excited to collaborate with students and the Internship Program to create something very special for the public,” says Aram. Michael Aram is an American-born

Yunus Tuncel Raised in Turkey and was back in the US since 1981. He has a M.A.( Master of Arts) degree from The City University of New York (CUNY) ,Graduate School and University Center (thesis on Michel Foucault), and earned a Ph.D. in philosophy at the New School University, Graduate Faculty in May 2000, with a dissertation on the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche. He has been teaching at The New School* since 1999. Along with foundational classes in philosophy, he teaches interdisciplinary classes on power, spectacle, and crime & punishment. In addition to these topics, his research interests include agonism (the culture of competition), eroticism, the culture of the troubadours, and other areas of culture where art, literature, and philosophy intersect.(1)(2) Yunus Tuncel, the author of Agon in Nietzsche, teaches philosophy at the New School University. Tuncel co-founded the Nietzsche Circle and serves on the Editorial Board of its electronic journal, The Agonist. He has published essays and books on various topics, including Towards a Genealogy of Spectacle (2011, Eye Corner Press). He lives in Jersey City with his wife and daughter.(3) According to "aghet1915.wordpress. com", Yunus Tuncel is one of the Turkish historians who have recognized the Armenian Genocide. (4) An Anti- Armenian Genocide recognition website criticized Yunus Tuncel as one of the most prominent turncoats who" have one thing in common among themselves. They are all traitors, and betrayers of anything and everything sacred for Turkey and Turks. Unfortunately, they were all born in the bosom of the Turkish Republic. Supposedly, they went to the same type of Turkish schools, and studied under the same system of education which always tried to make its young citizens learn to love their country." (5). Yunus Tuncel was criticized because of his recognition of the Armenian Genocide. Talia Jebejian wrote on April 25, 2001, "Approximately 140 people, primarily of Armenian and Turkish descent, gathered to participate in A Psycho-spiritual and Educational Dialogue Between People of Armenian and Turkish Descent, sponsored by the Armenian American Society for Studies on Stress and Genocide (AASSSG) and cosponsored by the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS) NY Chapter, The World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH) and Fordham University. This open dialogue was held in commemoration of the 86th Anniversary of the Otartist who works primarily in metal. Aram’s pieces, ranging from tableware to furniture, are entirely handmade and are made using age-old traditional techniques. The handmade quality of his work allows it to shift between the realms of fine and decorative art. Aram is also a member of the Tumo Center’s board of advisors. “We at Tumo are honored to have the backing of people like Michael Aram and Joseph Oughourlian. Their commitment to

toman Turkish Genocide of the Armenians and was met with overwhelming success. Rational and intellectual dialogue was presented and exchanged between the panelists and audience members, resulting in a positive step toward reconciliation between Turkish citizens and Armenians." She added a list of The facilitators of the program and The panelists participating in it. Yunus Tuncel, Ph.D. in Philosophy, New York City was mentioned as one of the participants.(6) According to "www.un.org/dpi/ngosection/annualconfs/.../workshops.pd.", during the same Dialogue sessions , and a workshop titled " Transforming Terror into Healing: The Role of Psycho-spiritual and Educational Dialogue ", researcher Anie Kalayjian and Yunus Tuncel related their experience in organizing a similar group of descendents of the Ottoman Turkish Genocide in Armenia. Their group brought together professionals from both sides in order to start a dialogue and foster understanding in an open community meeting. Dr. Tuncel examined the role of Turkish nationalism as a means of creating and sustaining differences among peoples. Dr. Kalayjian described her own process of forgiveness and transcendence after receiving a death threat by Turkish authorities. The presenters concluded that it was very challenging to pursue reconciliation while Turkish authorities still negated the genocide of the Armenians after 87 years.(7)

* The New School is a university in New York City, United States. From its founding in 1919 by progressive NY educators, and for most of its history, the university was known as the The New School for Social Research. Between 1997 and 2005 it was known as New School University. The university and each of its colleges were renamed in 2005. (http://en.wikipedia.org /wiki/The_New_School) 1.www.fiaf.org/events/.../bioyunus.p df 2.http://www.newschool.edu/publicengagement/faculty-list/?id=87764 3.http://www.marquette.edu/mupress/Tuncel_Agon.shtml 4.http://aghet1915.wordpress.com/rec ognition/ 5.http://www.tallarmeniantale.com/T URKISH-SCHOLARS.htm 6.www.atour.com/~aahgn/news/2001 0425aa.html 7.www.un.org/dpi/ngosection/annualconfs/.../workshops.pd. equipping Armenian youth with the skills they need to become the next generation of critical thinkers and creators is really overwhelming,” says Sam Simonian, the founder of the Tumo Center. To learn more about the Tumo Center, please visit: http://www.tumo.org/en/ For more information on Michael Aram’s work, please visit: http://www.michaelaram.com

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday December 4, 2014


Prof. Matthew Ari Jendian Receives Trailblazer Award

At HyerUnited We Believe That Just because we're small doesn't mean we can't be great, just because we might be out manned doesn't mean we can't be heard. All it takes in order to achieve a state where no man, women, or child goes hungry is a universal unity with one another. We are hopeful that a time will come where we start to harness our strengths rather than our weaknesses, and our similarities rather than our differences in order to achieve this universal connection with one another. Greatness doesn't come from large numbers, armies, or political influences but rather from a people who all believe in a single goal and share a connection none can describe. The Armenian people are connected in many more fronts than just a shared culture, language and religion we share a commonality that drives us to be together where ever we may be, but we should also let that commonality drive us to want to build a better Armenia, not for our sake, but for the sake of our children's children. We are hopeful that this commonality will drive out all differences we may have and instill in us a passion to want to see a better homeland. We are very proud to be featured on USA Today and we're hopeful that we can continue providing humanitarian assistance to Artsakh. Through our constant donations, our mission is to get Arsakh on the right path to achieve self sustainment. View the full article here at: http://college.usatoday.com/2014/11/26/usc-studentgives-armenians-something-to-be-thankful -for-this-year/.

US Authorities To Troops: Hide Your Identities To Avoid ISIL Attacks An image grab made on November 17, 2014 and taken from a propaganda video released on November 16, 2014 by shows foreign members of the ISIL group. The US Department of Homeland Security and Federal Bureau of Investigation have issued a warning to military, law enforcement and intelligence personnel informing them about the threat of ISIL attacks. The warning, which appeared in a new security bulletin, advises that US intelligence has seen ISIL terrorists overseas calling for individuals in the US to attack American security and intelligence personnel. Federal officials warned personnel to limit their online postings in order to avoid giving any information that would leave them vulnerable to attacks. The FBI had no information available about a specific imminent threat, the bulletin said.

Fresno – Dr. Matthew Ari Jendian was honored along with eight other community leaders at the third Annual Trailblazers for Prosperity Awards Luncheon by the Southeast Fresno Community Economic Development Association (SEFCEDA) on November 12, 2014 at the Fresno Fairgrounds. Each year the Board of Directors of SEFCEDA nominates and selects individuals that have opened the trails for the prosperity of future generations and for the benefit of others. Recognized for their leadership in Education and Training, this year’s recipients were: in addition to Professor Jendian, Doctor of Medicine Katherine Flores, Retired Counselor Diana Rodriques, Sunnyside High School Principal Tim Liles, Roosevelt High School Principal Bryan Wells,

Founder-Owner of The California Advocate Les Kimber, Community Advocate Chue April Vue, and posthumous recognition for Fresno Police Sergeant Salvador Mosqueda. Each of the recipients was introduced by KFSN-ABC 30 News Anchor Graciela Moreno who served as Master of Ceremonies, and SEFCEDA Board President Dr. Nellie Neri and CEO Jose Leon Barraza presented the awards. Several of Dr. Jendian’s former students

Diasporan Benefactor Maral Anjargolian Donates Cow To Khachikyan Family After reading a recent Hetq article about Koti village resident 17 year-old Adelina Khachikyan and her family’s plight, American-Armenian Maral Anjargolian purchased a cow for the family. Adelina, for various reasons, has never attended school and the family’s financial situation is not good.

The girl’s brother Voskan hasn’t yet renovated the old barn and has asked neighbors to house the cow in theirs. Maral Anjargolian has

been carrying out various charitable works in Armenia collaboratively with the Family and Community NGO. The Orran benevolent organization has also decided to help by paying Adelina’s tuition at a nearby beautician school and for the tools she’ll need once she finished three months hence.

Lavash Is Inscribed On UNESCO Representative List Of Intangible Cultural Heritage Of Humanity On November 26 the decision to inscribe the nomination submitted by Armenia “Lavash, the preparation, meaning and appearance of traditional bread as an expression of culture in Armenia” on UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity was made at the ninth session of the Intergovernmental Committee for Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Paris. Press service of the RA Foreign Ministry informs about this. In 2013 submitted nomination went through procedural stages set out in the Convention, getting positive expert assessment. Thus, yet another, the 4th Armenian cultural value, was added to UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The nomination was elaborated by the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography National Academy of Sciences Ministry of Culture and Armenian National Commission for UNESCO.

Death Toll From Syria Conflict Surpasses 200,000 A so-called human rights monitoring group has said that the death toll from the nearly four-year-long foreign-sponsored militancy in Syria has now gone beyond 200,000 mark. Rami Abdel Rahman, director of the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, said on Tuesday that his agency has documented the killing of 202,354 people since March 2011. “Of the total, 63,074 of the killed were civilians, including 10,377 children,” he added. Abdel Rahman stated that more than 130,000 foreign-backed militants, including 37,324 Syrian nationals, have also lost their lives in the Syrian conflict, while a total of 76,223 Syrian army troopers and pro-government fighters have been also killed in the fighting.

were in attendance to honor and congratulate him, including Estela Acebedo-Gonzalez (Graduate Student in Social Work), Kelvin Alfaro (Program Officer at Fresno Regional Foundation), Bertha Dominguez (Education Director at UC San Francisco), Raymundo Gonzalez (Hospitality Manager at Fleming's), Brenda Noriega (Hispanic Ministry Coordinator at the Roman Catholic Diocese of Fresno), and Jose Ramirez (Urban Planner Associate at Sigala, Inc.). Jendian is a tenured Full Professor and Chair of Sociology at California State University, Fresno and founding Director of Fresno State’s Humanics Program. Humanics@FresnoState transforms lives and perspectives on leadership and philanthropy and positively impacts individuals, organizations, and communities.

Putin Submits Treaty On Armenia’s Accession To EEU To State Duma’s Ratification Russian State Duma (low chamber of parliament) may ratify the treaty on Armenia’s accession to the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) by the end of the outgoing year, Leonid Slutsky, the head of a State Duma committee on CIS affairs, Eurasian integration and relations with compatriots, said today. On Tuesday, Russian president Vladimir Putin submitted a draft law on the ratification of the treaty on Armenia’s accession to the EEU to the State Duma for ratification. "We will consider the draft law as soon as possible. It is very likely the State Duma ratify the treaty by the end of December," Slutsky was quoted as saying by RIA Novosti news agency.

Lebanon Detains Islamic State Leader Baghdadi's Wife Last month, IS denied reports that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi had been killed or injured in an air strike. Lebanese security forces have detained a wife and son of Islamic State (IS) leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi near the border with Syria, the army says. The pair, whose names were not given, were picked up by military intelligence after entering Lebanon 10 days ago. The al-Safir newspaper reported that Baghdadi's wife was being questioned at the Lebanese defence ministry.

Syrian Soldiers Are Fighting For Their Lives As Well As Their Turkey Bombards Country Prime Minister Tony Abbott has conKobani, Wounds firmed tonight that Australian special forces are moving into Iraq to help in the Civilians And Kurdish fight against ISIS. It comes on the back of a Fighters US decision to send a further 1,500 troops to support the air campaign already under way. But how effective is that campaign and is it having any impact across the border in Syria, where ISIS was born? Robert Fisk, The Independent's longstanding Middle East correspondent has been traversing northern Syria, talking to Syrian troops on front line and flying over ISIS-controlled territory to try and answer that question. He's just returned to Beirut and spoke to me from there just a short time ago.

Turkey bombards the Syrian border city of Kobani, wounding civilians and Kurdish fighters in the strategic area. “Under the pretense of stopping an ISIS attack on Turkey, the Turkish army bombarded the center of Kobani with tanks and artillery,” Kurdish newspaper Rudaw quoted Anwar Muslim, the co-chairman of Kobani, as saying on Saturday. “A number of civilians and fighters have been wounded,” Muslim added.



GOFABANOUJ:AN ØROUA| YA<K:RO|J GHORG QHØ<KHR:AN Gofabanouj;an øroua\ ya,k;ro\je^ kaxmak;rpouj;amb F&B&E& Miouj;an K;droni Tiknanz |an] na.oumbin% t;[i oun;zau Kiraki% 23 No\;mb;r 2014-i \;t mi=ørhi vame 1!30-hn sks;al% Miouj;an "asatina\i Wach ;u Jamar Manouk;an famaliri srafin mh=! A\s taroua\ ya,k;ro\je nouiroua‘ hr anmafn Komitas Wardap;ti ‘nnd;an 145-am;akin! Isk faso\je piti \atkazouhr Sourio\ karøt;aln;roun! K;droni Tiknanz |an]na.oumbi At;nap;toufi Hlix Ja,y;an-Y;uart;an bari galoust ma[j;z n;rkan;roun ;u apa Komitas;an ;[anakow ;rg;z Throunakan a[øjqn ou artasan;z ya,i ørfnouj;an a[øjqe! Fousk apa spasarkou;zau Gofabanouj;an Øroua\ \atouk ya,e! G;[arou;stakan \a\tagri skxbnauorouj;an% Tik& Ja,y;an-Y;uart;an n;rka\azouz Komitas wardap;ti k;nsagrakane! So[omon So[omon;an ‘na‘ hr Qhøjafia^ 1869 jouakanin% isk 'oqr tariqhn korsnzouza‘ ellalow ir fa\rn ou ma\re^ ir fogataroujiune stan]na‘ hr før;[ba\re! 1881 jouakanin (Ghorg D& Kajo[ikosi ørow) an ke m;kni H=mia‘in% our ke sorwi fa\;rhn! 1893 jouakanin^ an ke ];®nadroui ab;[a\^ >rim;an Fa\riki ];®amb ;u ke kocoui Komitas! Komitas wardap;t ke m;kni Ji`lis% Makar :kmal;ani møt ousan;lou ;rav,toujiun! 1896-99% an P;rlini mh= ke ,arounakh ir ;rav,takan ousoume ;u \a=o-

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jiune^ ir ws;ma,ounc .øsq;row^ Fa\ ;k;[;zuo\ masin% Fa\ :rousa[hmin ;u ir ;raxa\in Falhpi masin ;u ,at angam ir xh\jounziakan barba®ow ir;n møtik ,r=anakn;roun mh=! A\s bolorhn w;r :rousa[hme ;[au a®anzqe ir fogiin! Ke \i,;m xinqe sarkauagouj;an ;u Va®angauoraz warvarani ir 'o.t;scouj;nhn% our ir masnakzoujiune ke b;rhr tar;kan nor tarouan fandhsn;roun% ;u inq gl.auor f;rosn hr b;min wra\! Ke \i,;m xinqe m;r sir;li S;uan Srbaxanin f;t% a\n at;n a,ak;rt dprozi% no\nqan ta[andauor m;r fandhsn;roun% gl.auor ,hn,o[ .ndazno[ ‘i‘a[a,arv ir;nz traman;row% or minc;u fima takauin jarm ;n anonz t;sarann;re% ;rb;mn no\nisk a®an]nouj;ans mh= mta‘oumn;rous^ fogis .a\tazno[! Fangouz;al Prn& |akob Pouyigan;an% m;r dprozin wastakauor krjakan t;souce% k*eshr& ªA\s ;rkou {arip;ann;re d;rasan ‘na‘ ;nº! >andawa® hr! Ke \i,;m ir ]a\ne \stak% bar]r% ank;[‘ ;u k,®auor! Minc;u ir k;anqin w;r=e kapoua‘ mnaz :rousa[hmi ithalin! Qristosi ‘nnd;an tøn;roun% ir \aya.aki a\z;loujiunn;roun a®ijow ke fauaqouhinq Fa\r Nora\rin s;n;akin fandipakaz nstozn;roun wra\% ;u ke wa\;lhinq ir mt;rmik xouarya.øs patmoujiunn;re% ;u ke .mhinq Praxilia\hn ir f;t b;ra‘ praxiliakan fam;[ sourye! >øsakzouj;anz enjazqin ,at angam k*eshr m;xi& ªT[a*q% inc ba.tauor hq or douq xirar ouniq! :jh anfangist cella\i ;u wanqin wra\ b;® ellalou wa.e coun;na\i% ;s al :rousa[hm ke w;rada®na\iº! Ir a\s 'a'aqe srtin mh= taruo\s No\;mb;r amso\n w;r=in ,abajn;roun% ;rikamounqi dvouarouj;an patya®ow ke \an]nouhr ir \auit;nakan w;radar]in! A\l;us inq bazaka\ h m;xmh% ba\z ir .andawa®o[ n;rka\oujiune piti mna\ m;r \ou,;roun mh= orphs patk;r% ir ano\, vpitow% orphs ;rax mi,t ir fraborb fogiin! No\;mb;r 26-in San "awlo\i mh= ke kataroui ir w;r=in ø‘man araro[oujiune^ ];®amb noraø‘ T& Nar;k Srbaxan Phrphr;ani^ nor a®a=nordin Praxilio\! Sir;li Taj;u Srbaxan% piti bavnouis m;xmh \auht% ba\z m;nq q;x ;rb;q piti cmo®nanq! Fa*\r% Thr m;r% fangc;zour glou.e m;r Taj;u Srbaxanin^ .a[a[ bar]i wra\ ;u endouir xinq Qou \au;rvouj;and mh=! A[øj;nq a® Astoua‘ ir \auit;nakan fangistin famar! Jo[ ir ‘a®a\in fogin dash end dass foguoz ‘a®a\izn% pafh xAxgs Fa\oz% Fa\astan;a\z :k;[;zin% xma\r Ajo®n m;r Sourb H=mia‘in% m.ijarh xøraznh w,tab;k Ajo®akaln a®aq;lakan Ajo®o\s Srbo\ :rousa[hmi ;u Miabanoujiun norin! Anz;al |ounouari ‘nnd;an tøn;roun% ;rb :rousa[hm ke gtnouhr% miavamanak m;r Miabanakan Endfanour Vo[owin masnkaz;lou% a®ijow me s;n;aks ;kau ;u esau& Fa\r Parht% qou wrad partakanoujiun me piti dn;m& .øsq tour or piti katar;s! Sirow% esi% ;u jou[j me tour in‘i% esau! Srbaxane jou[jin wra\ gr;z ir tapanaqarin wra\ ar]anagrou;liq groujiune% ;u esau% ;rb inq m;®ni% .ndr;z or ir ayiunn;re 'o.adrouin ;u am'o'ouin Miabaniz fasarakaz g;r;xmanozin mh=! Axdoua‘ a\d .øsqhn% no\n øre jou[jin \an]n;zi im xgazoumn;rs ;u xa\n kardazi ir isk n;rka\ouj;an% g;r;xmanin wra\ ar]anagr;lou im w;r=in srti .øsqe Srbaxanin masin!

ªFos ke 'ak;m im acq;rs karøt^ ou ;raxn im wa®% w;r=alo\sin an]natour^ trtoum .orfourde k;anqin! Dar]d h in‘i% \au;rvørhn mnalou n;rka\in mh= m;r na.niqn;roun! Ke xgam =;rmoujiune ‘ozin a\s taqouk fambo\rin xi f;®aza‘ c;m q;xmh incphs ‘a[ike ir bo\rhn! Qic me \ouxoumow w;r=in zt;soujiunn h or esinq! 29 No\;mb;r 2014 >øsoua‘ S& |akob Ma\r Tayari mh= ir fog;fangistin a®ijow!



NOR ØR% 4 D:KT:MB:R% 2014





No\;mb;ri 29-30-in ka\azan a\s taroua\ w;r=in^ 15-rd mrza'ouli fandipoumn;re% oronq auartou;zin a\spisi ardiunqn;row& ª"iunikº-ªOulisº^ 3-0 ªGan]asarº-ªMikaº^ 0-0 ªAla,k;rtº-ªAraratº^ 1-1 ª<irakº-ªBananzº^ 2-2 Mrza,ara\in >& |& Oulis 15 11 "iunik 15 10 <irak 15 7 Gan]asar 15 5 Ala,k;rt 15 4 Mika 15 4 Bananz 15 3 Ararat 15 2

a[iusak F& P& G& 1 3 32-14 3 2 33-13 4 4 20-15 4 6 20-25 5 6 15-20 5 6 16-20 5 7 20-25 1 12 17-40


M& 34 33 25 19 17 17 14 7

Âmbarkoun;rn ;n S;sar Âom;rø (ª"iunikº)^ 17% Van-Vaq Bougoufi (ª<irakº)^ 9% |owfannhs Gofar;an (ªOulisº)^ 8! A®a=noujiunoum endmi=oum h% a\n ke w;rsksoui 2015-i Marti 1-in!

FA|KAKAN ~OUJPOLI >YANKAR • :r;uani ª"iunikiº ;u FF minc;u 19 tar;kann;ri gl.auor marxic Sargis |owsh';ane n,anakou;l h FF minc;u 21 tar;kann;ri fauaqakani gl.auor marxic! Na ke 'o.arini Abrafam >a,man;anin% oum pa\managri vamkhte :urø-2015-i entrakan 'ouli auartiz \;to\ auartou;l h! • B;lgiazi masnaght Marq L;l;ure n,anakou;l h FF minc;u 19 tar;kann;ri fauaqakani gl.auor marxic! Minc a\d L;l;ure gl.auoroum hr FF minc;u 15 tar;kann;ri fauaqakane% incphs na;u Fa\astanoum irakanazouo[ OU:~A-i Elite Player Development ‘ragri t;.nikakan tnørhnn h! • Fa\astani minc;u 14 tar;kann;ri gl.auor marxic^ `ransiazi Danihl Br;arn as;l h& ªQic ;rkrn;r karo[ ;n par‘;nal a\spisi pa\mann;row% incpisin Fa\astanoum hº! • FF axga\in fauaqakane ~I~A-i no\;mb;r;an dasakargman a[iusakoum xba[;znoum h 77-rd t;[e nafan=;low ;rkou t;[ Fokt;mb;ri a[iusakiz! :uropa\i a®a=nouj;an entrakan mrza,aroum Fa\astani f;t no\n .mboum endgrkoua‘ "orjougalian 7-rdn h% Danian^ 30-rde% S;rpian^ 46-rde% Alpanian^ 50-rde! • ÂD-i pr;mi;r lika\oum ;lo\j oun;zo[ ªOu`a\iº 28-am;a\ darpasapaf Dauij :ourc;nkon irauounq ouni fandhs gal FF fauaqakani kaxmoum! Dauij :ourc;nkon ouni fa\kakan armatn;r% nra ma\re axgouj;amb fa\ h! A\s fangamanqe bauarar h% orphsxi ~I~A-n jo\latri :ourc;nko\in fandhs gal FF fauaqakanoum! N,;nq% or 'or]a®ou darpasapafe w;r=in ,r=anoum bauakan wstaf h .a[oum ;u dar];l h ªOu`a\iº a®a=atare! Dauij :ourc;nkon n,;l h& ªT;[;ak ;m% or in]mow f;taqrqroua‘ ;n Fa\astanoum! In] f;t ardhn kapou;l ;n Fa\astaniz^ F~D-iz% ;u m;nq xrouz;l ;nq a\d masinº! Ci baza®uoum% or a®a=ika\oum FF fauaqakani gl.auor marxic B;®nar <alande m;kni ÂD ;u diti :ourc;nko\i masnakzouj;amb or;uh fandipoum! • ªOu`a\iº pa,tpan^ 29-am;a\ D;nis Joumas;ane .øs;l h 2 tari a®a= FF fauaqakan cgalou drdapatya®n;ri masin! ªFa\;riz ow ci zankana\ fandhs gal FF fauaqakanoum! A\n vamanak c;m karo[az;l gal akoumbi arg;lqi patya®ow! Im cgalou famar ouxoum

;m n;ro[oujiun .ndr;l ;rkrpagoun;riz% jimiz ;u F~D-i na.agaf Âoubhn Fa\rap;t;anizº! • FF axga\in fauaqakani kisapa,tpan Arjour :digar;ane f;®az;l h ªKa\rajizº 'o.adar] fama]a\nouj;amb! • <ouhdakan ªAsirika\iº kaxmoum fandhs ;ko[ FF fauaqakani na.kin \ar]akouo[ L;uon Paca=;ane .x;l h akoumbi f;t pa\managire! • K;anqi 81-rd taroum mafaz;l h :r;uani ªSpartakiº ;u Fa\astaniz >SFM fauaqakani 1-in j;kna‘ou^ >SFM sporti warp;t Grigor Fambar]oum;ane!

:UROPA|I A>O|:ANN:RI LIKA|OUM No\;mb;ri 25-26-in ka\azan A.o\;ann;ri lika\i .mba\in mrza,ar;ri 5-rd^ na.aw;r=in mrza'ouli fandipoumn;re! };x ;nq n;rka\aznoum fandipoumn;ri ardiunqn;re ;u jim;ri dirq;re& >oumb A& ªAjl;tikøº-ªØlimpiakosº^ 4-0% ªMalm\øº-ª:ouw;njousº^ 0-2! ªAjl;tikøº^ 12% ª:ouw;njousº^ 9% ªØlimpiakosº^ 6% ªMalm\øº^ 3 miauor! ªAjl;tikønº nouayoum h \a=ord 'ouli ou[;gir! >oumb B& ªBax;lº-ªÂhalº Matrit^ 0-1% ªLoudogorhzº-ªLiw;rpoulº^ 2-2! ªÂhalº M&^ 15% ªBax;lº^ 6% ªLiw;rpoulº ;u ªLoudogorhzº^ 4-akan miauor! >oumb G& ªX;nijº-ªB;n`ikaº^ 1-0% ªBa\;rº-ªMonaqøº^ 0-1! ªBa\;rº^ 9% ªMonaqøº^ 8% ªX;nijº^ 7% ªB;n`ikaº^ 4 miauor! A\s .mboum d;®;us pa\qare a®=;uoum h! >oumb D& ªAnd;rl;.tº-ªGalajasara\º^ 2-0% ªArs;nalº-ªBorousiaº Dortmount^ 2-0! ªBorousiaº^ 12% ªArs;nalº^ 10% ªAnd;rl;.tº^ 5% ªGalajasara\º^ 1 miauor! ªBorousianº ;u ªArs;naleº anznoum ;n \a=ord 'oul% isk ªAnd;rl;.teº anznoum h :urolika! >oumb :& BKMA-ªÂomaº^ 1-1% ªManc;sjer Sijiº-ªBauariaº^ 3-2! ªBauariaº^ 12% ªÂomaº% BKMA ;u ªManc;sjer Sijiº^ 5-akan miauor! >oumb X& APØHL-ªBars;lonaº^ 0-4% "SVªA\aqsº^ 3-1! "SV^ 13% ªBars;lonaº^ 12% ªA\aqsº^ 2% APØHL^ 1 miauor! ªBars;lona\iº a\s .a[oum M;ssin .';low 3 kol dar]au bolor vamanakn;ri A.o\;ann;ri lika\i lauago\n ®mbarkoun^ 74 kol (91 .a[oum)! >oumb H& ª<alkhº-ªC;lsiº^ 0-5% ªSportingºMariborº^ 3-1! ªC;lsiº^ 11% ª<alkhº^ 5% ªSportingº^ 4% ªMariborº^ 3 miauor! >oumb E& BATH-ª"orjouº^ 0-3% ª<a.t\orºªAjl;tikº^ 0-1! ª"orjouº^ 13% ª<a.t\orº^ 8% ªAjl;tikº B&^ 4% BATH^ 3 miauor! A\spisow A.o\;ann;ri lika\i .mba\in mrza,ari w;r=in mrza'ouliz a®a= 11 akoumb n;r anz;l ;n \a=ord 'oul! 5-rd mrza'ouli ardiunqoum 1/8-rd ;xra'akici ou[;gir nouay;zin Lontoni ªArs;naleº ;u ªC;lsinº Matriti ªAjl;tikønº% L;u;rkoux;ni ªBa\;reº ou Don;zki ª<a.t\oreº! Na.ord mrza'ouloum nman ba.ti hin arvanaz;l na;u Matriti ªÂhaleº% Dortmoundi ªBorousianº% Miun.;ni ªBauarianº% katalonakan ªBars;lonanº% `ransiakan "SV-n ;u 'orjougalakan ª"orjounº! ªÂhaleº% ªBauarianº% ªC;lsinº ou ª"orjounº ardhn apafow;l ;n na;u .mb;roum a®a=in t;[;re!

’ANRAMARTI :UROPA|I :RITASARDAKAN AÂA+NOUJIUNOUM FF MARXIKN:RI M:TALN:RE No\;mb;ri 23-in Kiprosi Limasol qa[aqoum m;knark;z :uropa\i minc;u 20 ;u 23 tar;kann;ri a®a=noujiune! A\s a®a=noujiunoum Fa\astani marxakan patiue pa,tpanoum ;n 10 ‘anrord ;u 2 ‘anrordoufi! Mrzoumn;ri a®a=in øre% minc;u 23 tar;kann;ri m;r miak masnakiz Smbat Margar;ane (56 qk&) dar];l h :uropa\i 'o.a.o\;an ;rkamarti 252 qk& (107+145) ardiunqow! A.o\;an h dar];l ispanazi >osh Bracin^ 256 qk& ardiunqow! 19-am;a\ Ixap;lla :a\l;ane (58 qk&) ;rkamartoum zo\z talow 191 qk& (85+106) ardiunq f®cakou;z :uropa\i a.o\;anoufi! 62 qk& qa,a\in kargoum 20-am;a\ Âa``i Galst;ane ;rkamarti 252 qk& (110+142) ardiunqow 7-rdn hr% isk 17-am;a\ Ghorg Ba[dasar;ane^ 247 ardiunqow 10-rdn hr a\s qa,a\in kargoum masnakza‘ 13 marxikn;ri mh=! Dauij |owfannis;ane (69 qk&) 15 masnakizn;ri mh= 6-rdn hr ;rkamarti 280 qk& (125+155) ardiunqow! 77 qa,a\in kargoum Fa\astani n;rka\azouzicn;r Nora\r Au;tis;ane ;rkamarti 318 qk& (138+180) ardiunqow grau;z 2-rd t;[e% isk |akob Mkrtc;ane^ 3-rd t;[e% ;rkamarti 313 qk& (137+176) ardiunqow! A.o\;an f®cakou;z ®ous Wiqjor G;tise^ ;rkamarti^ 355 qk& (160+195) ardiunqow! Taj;u |akob;ane (75 qk&) ;rkamarti 201 qk& (93+108) ardiunqow 11 masnakizn;ri mh= grau;l h 5-rd t;[e! |a[jo[ h dar];l Maria B;lobordowan (ÂD)^ 255 qk& ardiunqow! 94 qk& qa,a\in kargoum FF-n n;rka\azno[ Mkrtic Mkrtc;ane ;rkamarti 346 qk& (156+190) ardiunqow xba[;zr;z 5-rd% isk Garou, {oukas;ane 334 qk& (151+183) ardiunqow 8-rd t;[e! A.o\;an f®cakou;z ÂD-n n;rka\azno[ Ghorgi Koupzowe^ 385 qk& (175+210) ardiunqow! Simon Martiros;ane (105 qk&) pokoum warvoujiunoum bar]razr;z 184 qk& ;u 9 qk&ow g;raxanz;z ®ous Marc;l Go\da\in% safman;low patanin;ri fama,.arfa\in mrzani,! Saka\n froum warvoujiunoum Simone bar]razr;z 210 qk& k,®o[ ‘anra]o[e% isk ®ous ‘anrorde bar]razn;low 219 qk& ‘anra]o[e ;rkamarti mi;uno\n 394 qk& (175+219) ardiunqow g;raxanz;z Martiros;anin w;r=ini au;l qa,i patya®ow! A\spisow FF ‘anrordn;re ;rkamartoum tou;zin mhk a.o\;an% 3 'o.a.o\;an ;u mhk 3-rd mrzanakakir!

<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • L;uon Aron;ane S;nj Louixoum auartoua‘ mrza.a[oum partou;l h AMN-i lauago\n ,a.matist Fikarou Nakamoura\in! Dasakan partian;roum (incphs ardhn \a\tn;l ;nq) fa,iue fauasar hr% isk ka\‘akna\inoum Aron;ane partou;l h 6&5!9&5 fa,ouow! N,;nq% or Nakamouran a,.arfi jiu 2-rd ,a.matistn h (Ka®lsniz \;to\) ka\‘akna\in ,a.matiz! Mrza.a[i fimnadrame 100 tolar h! • A\vm ardhn grosma\st;r Samouhl S;u;ane S;nj Louixoum auartoua‘ mrza,aroum ckr;z oc mi partoujiun% ;u 9 fnarauoriz wastak;low 7&5 miauor% wstaførhn nouay;z a®a=in mrzanake% 2 miauorow a®a= anzau møtaka\ mrzakiz^ ;giptazi grosma\st;r S;mi <ok;riz! N,;nq% or ardhn 4-rd mrza'ouliz \;to\ Samouhli warkani,n anzau 2500-iz ;u ouvi mh= mtau ~ID:-i oro,oume^ fa\ patanoun grosma\st;ri tit[os ,norf;lou w;rab;r;al!

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