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’owou mak;r;shn 2070 m;jr bar]rouj;an% :r;uanhn 173 qlm& f;®auorouj;an ;u Ar'a g;ti w;rin fosanqin wra\% la\natara‘ ]ori mh= ke gtnoui +;rmouk qa[aqe! Kliman l;®na\in h% xow ama®n;row ;u ;rkarat;u% ]iuna®at ]m;®n;row! Anouanoume kapoua‘ h qa[aqi laua\in% taq a[biurn;roun f;t! Qa[aqe xargaza‘ h >orfrda\in karg;rou vamanak! Anor ];®narkoujiunn;rhn .o,orago\ne ª+;rmoukº fanqa\in =ouri gor‘arann h& apa kou gan kajnamj;rqi% fazi ou qarafanqi gor‘arann;re! +;rmouke% gitakan fimnauoroumow (1945hn sks;al)% fanqa\in taq a[biurn;rou% ;u emp;lasrafi øgtagor‘mamb% ardiakan a®a=nakarg a®o[=aran h^ lo[arann;row øvtoua‘! Fos bouvoumi% warvouj;an ;u fangisti kou gan p;takan mardike% marxikn;r% xbøsa,r=ikn;r! Anor fanqa\in =our;rn ou kliman k*øgtagor‘ouin stamoqs-a[iqa\in% l;ardi% ,aqara\in% ‘nndakan ou =[a\in .angaroumn;rou ;njaka\ an];rou famar! Ar'a\i kiryi wra\ ka®ouzoua‘ h m;‘ kamour= (1975)% or fnarauoroujiun st;[‘a‘ h% g;ti ]a. a'in% ,inouj;ane bnak;li ,hnq;rou^ 6-hn 9 faxar fogii famar! Bnakanabar% a\s bolorin lrazouzic mase piti kaxmhin n;rka\anali fiuranozn;re% incphs na;u^ fasarakakan-marxakan famalire! Fos ka®ouzoua‘ h na;u Ar'a-S;uan famaliri gl.auor =rambare! S;pt;mb;r 25% Fing,abji ørouan \a\tagire sksau na.aya,ow% m;r i=;uana‘ Ani p;ryag;[ pandokin mh=! Apa .oumbe m;kn;zau ª+;rmouk +rwhvºi storote! Anor =our;re% oronq skixb k*a®n;n baxmajiu a[biurn;rh% ir;nz enjazqin mh= fauaqou;low% ,our= 60 m;jr bar]rouj;nh% ;r;q darauandn;row ke ja'in Ar'a g;tin mh=! +rwhvin a®=;u^ \i,ataki a®an]in ;u fauaqakan .mbankarn;r! Apa ke w;rada®nanq pandok& axat vam h minc;u khsørouan ya,e! W;radar]i yamboun wra\% anzn;lh ;tq Wa\q ;u :ghgna]or qa[aqn;re% kary dadar me k*a®n;nq AR:NI giu[in mh=% our famanoun ginii \atouk artadroujiun ouni! "a'aqo[n;r a\z;l;zin ginii a\s gor‘arane% oroun artadramashn \armar gin;row gn;zin ginii a\laxan t;sakn;r! M;nq famt;s;zinq bo\row ou qimqe ,o\o[ karmir t;sake!

M;r yamboun wra\ \a=ord fangrouane a\z;loujiun men hr ir ‘nndawa\rin^ Cana.cii mh= gtnouo[ Paro\r S;uaki Toun-Jangarane! <hnqi mak;r;si ;u a\l bavanmounqn;rou a,.atanqn;re lriu auarta‘ piti ellan Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an Fariuram;aki minc;u April 2015-e! Banast;[‘% m,akouja\in gor‘ic% grakanaght ou jargmanic Paro\r Â& {axar;ane ‘na‘ h 1924-in! Fing tar;kanin ardhn% sksa‘ h an\agørhn kardal! Auart;lh ;tq :r;uani :r;uani P;t& Famalsarane% k*anzni Moskoua% ke \aya.h M& Korqii anouan graParo\r S;uak kanouj;an fimnarke% our na;u ke dasa.øsh (1955-59)! W;rada®nalow Fa\astan% ke warh a\laxan pa,tønn;r ªGrakan J;rjºi% Artasafman;an :rkirn;rou Bar;kamouj;an ou M,akouja\in Kapi Fa\kakan Enk;rouj;an (1946-51)% ibr;u auag a,.ato[ M& Ab;[;ani anouan Grakanouj;an Fimnarkin% ;u Fa\astani Gro[n;rou Miouj;an Warcouj;an mh= ibr;u qartou[ar (1966-71)! Irmh fratarakoua‘ ;n banast;[‘oujiunn;r^ ªAnmafn;re Frama\oum :nº (1948)% ªSiro\ Yanaparfeº (1954)% ªNoriz Q;x F;tº (1957)% pohmn;r^ ªAnfa,t Mt;rmoujiunº (1953)% ªOu,aza‘ Im Shrº% ªNafan= :rgowº% ª:rg :rgozº% ªAnl®;li Xangakatounº (1959)% qnarakan 'iliso'a\akan^ ªA\r Mi Ma,toz Anounº% ª:®a]a\n Pataragº% ªMarde A'i Mh=º (1963) vo[owa‘oun% ªSa\aj Nowaº (1969) m;nagroujiune% ª:[izi Lo\sº (1971) banast;[‘oujiunn;rou ;u pohmn;rou vo[owa‘oun! Anor grakan va®angouj;an mas ke kaxm;n na;u grakanagitakanbanasirakan% incphs na;u^ graqnnadatakan ir f;taxøtoujiunn;rn ou \ødoua‘n;re Gr& Nar;kazii% M& Ma,tozi% Komitasi% P& Dour;ani% |owf& Jouman;ani% :& Car;nzi% fa\oz patmouj;an ou l;xouabanakan a\l;ua\l .ndirn;rou w;rab;r;al! Anika na;u jargmana‘ h A& Pou,kini% >& "ot;ui% M& L;rmontowi% S& :s;nini% W& Prousowi% W& Ma\akowskii ;u a\l banast;[‘n;rou karg me gor‘;re! P& S;uaki banast;[‘oujiunn;rhn jargmanoua‘ ;n ®ous;rhni% ouqran;rhni% wraz;rhni% axrph\yan;rhni% ch.;rhni ;u foungar;rhni! Toun-Jangaranhn n;rs t;[;katououjiun katarou;zau! A\sphs% P& S;uaki ;rkaram;a\ mt;rim enk;re^ nkaric Sargis Mourat;an% jangarani mhk pati ;rka\nqin% gounaxard ormnankarn;rou endmh=hn% \a=ordakan t;sarann;row ke patk;raznh P& S;uaki k;anqin \atkan,akan fangrouann;re^ fra,q-manoukhn sks;al! Jangarani mnaz;al pat;roun a®=;u% zouza';[k;rou mh=% am'o'oua‘ ;n P& S;uaki a\laxan tarin;rou tpagroua‘ st;[‘agor‘oujiunn;re% ];®agir groujiunn;rou fauaqa‘on;r ;u an]nakan ir;r! Bnakanabar% minc;u 2015 April% ,at au;li n;rka\anali ];uow dasauoroua‘ piti ella\ <ar& h= 14

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NOR ØR% 11 D:KT:MB:R% 2014

PATRIARQARAN FA|OZ KALOUA’A|IN |A|TARAROUJIUN Oura.ouj;amb ke t;[;kazn;nq jh Ourbaj% No\;mb;r 28% 2014-in% m;r Patriarqouj;an fo[-kaloua‘e :riqowi mh=% or ke kocoui M;srop N,an;an art% w;r=aphs Pa[;stini g;rago\n at;ani ko[mh \a\tararou;zau axat ;u w;radar]au ir irauakan tiro=^ Srboz |akob;anz Patriarqouj;an! Kaloua‘e møtauoraphs tas ou khs tonoum h& ;u g;[;zik fo[ men h l;zoun pt[atou ‘a®;row ;u kanacaxard parthxn;row! A\s kaloua‘e vamanakin ke gor‘a‘ouhr orphs ]m;®anoz! Orowf;t;u :riqowi mh= ]m;® at;n am;nam;[m ;[anakn;rhn mhke ouni a,.arfis wra\! Kaloua‘in t;[e ,at arvhqauor qa[aqi ,r=ani mh=n h% tara‘oua‘ a,.arfagrakanørhn "or]ouj;an l;ran mhk ko[mhn% isk mius ko[mhn M;®;al ’ow! <norfakaloujiun bolor anonz% oronq ir;nz vamanake tramadr;zin gor‘in \a=o[ouj;an famar! :us a®au;l m;r Patriarqouj;an \arat;u =anq;roun a®anz .na\;lou or;uh `inansakan mi=oz datin \a=o[ouj;an famar!

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Oua,inkjen&- :r;q,abji No\;mb;r 18hn minc;u Kiraki No\;mb;r 23 Spitak Tan a\z;loun;rou srafin mh= w;r=aphs zouzadrou;zau ªFa\ Orb;rou Gorgeº% oroun masin fa\ fasarakoujiune t;[;ak h tarin;rh i w;r fa\ mamoulin mh= ;r;uza‘ \ødua‘n;rh% fratarakoua‘ girq;rh ;u fa\ kaxmak;rpoujiunn;rou tara‘ qaroxcakan a,.atanqn;rh! Libananafa\% a\vm am;rikafa\ Prn& Misaq Qhlh,;an% masnaght M;r]auor Ar;u;lqi Am;rik;an Øgnouj;an Enk;rakzouj;an patmouj;an% Gali`ornia\hn \atouk vamana‘ hr a\z;loun;roun ir masnagitakan t;[;koujiunn;re talou ;u bazatr;lou ªFa\ Orb;rou Gorgºi f;t kapoua‘ dhpq;re ou anor odisakane! Libanani {axir-i orbanozin mh= fiusoua‘ a\s m;‘a‘aual gorge% or am;rikazi a\z;lou me orak;z orphs ªg;[;zkoujiun^ ‘noua‘ soskoumh ;u ;ra.tagitouj;nhº% 1925-in nouiroua‘ h Am;rika\i Na.agaf Qalwin Qouliy-in% orphs ;ra.tagiroujiun^ M;r]auor Ar;u;lqi Am;rik;an Øgnouj;an Enk;rakzouj;an :[;®nhn axata‘ fariur faxarauor ;r;.an;roun famar fastata‘ orbanozn;rou ka®ouzman ;u fogatarouj;an famar! Gorge ouni 5&5 ;u 3&6 m;jr ‘aual% ba[kaza‘ h 4%404&206 fango\zn;rh ;u m;r orb;re xa\n fiusa‘ ;n ine amisn;rou enjazqin! Prn& Qhlh,;an% or ;[a‘ h Jhqh;an M,akouja\in Miouj;an

Postoni masnayiu[i na.kin at;nap;t% ellalow fand;r] famakargicn;rou gitnakan-masnaght% m;‘ago\n famb;rouj;amb mi qani ør;roun enjazqin nkarn;row ;u groujiunn;row bazatroujiunn;r touau fa\ ;u øtar bolor a\z;loun;roun! Oua,inkjeni Fa\ ga[ouji bolor kaxmak;rpoujiunn;re amhn ør kaxmak;rpa‘ hin fauaqakan a\z;loujiunn;r% oronq gofounakoujiun \a\tn;zin or a\sphs inqnabou. fa\ me% a\d al Gali`ornia\hn% manramasn t;[;koujiunn;r touau bolor a\z;loun;roun! Misaq Qhlh,;ani \ordore a\n hr% or fa\ ga[ouje phtq h amhn ];u;row Am;rikazi a\vmou p;takan an]nauorouj;anz sorw;znh ;u \i,;znh^ am;rikazi vo[owourdin fa\ orb;roun fandhp zouzab;ra‘ bar;sirakan k;zoua‘qe% parx mardkanz inqnabou. øvandakoujiune f;®auor ;rkri me an‘anøj manoukn;roun% orphsxi na. ;u a®a= ir;nq kar;nan tirap;t;l ir;nz patmouj;an! Na.agaf Qouliy ;rb staza‘ h nouhre 1925-in% a\sphs arta\a\toua‘ h&- ªA\s gorge ir patouauor t;[e ouni Spitak Tan mh=% our anika piti .orfrdan,h bari kamqi amhnør;a\ drs;uoroume ;rkri wra\º! ªFa\ Orb;rou Gorgº-i fanra\in zouzadroujiune Spitak Tan A\z;loun;rou Srafin mh=% 89 tarin;r ;tq ;u :[;®ni 100-am;aki na.ørhin^ lauago\n a®ijn;rhn mhkn hr \i,;zn;lou a,.arfin a\d bari kamqe ;u a®a=in f;rjin anor drdapatya®e^ m;r M;‘ :[;®ne!

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Armenian Genocide Centennial To Be Commemorated In Istanbul

On the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide the April 24 remembrance events to be held in Turkey will have unprecedented dimensions. Armenpress reports, citing the Turkish Demokrathaber.net that the Turkey-based DurDe (“Say No to Racism and Discrimination”), jointly with the US-based Project 2015, appealed to the Armenians living around the world to take part in the remembrance ceremony to be held in Istanbul.

Film On Armenian Genocide Is Screened In Turkey, But With “18+” Rating

The Cut, by German-Turkish filmmaker Fatih Akin, has begun to be screened in the movie theaters of Turkey, but it is rated “18+” in the country. The Turkish film specialists, however, criticized the “18+” rating and called it censorship, reported Evrensel website of Turkey. The Cut was shown in Europe with a “12+” rating. The Cut, which is based on the Armenian Genocide, was screened at the 71st Venice International Film Festival.

Armenia And Russia Create Joint Air Defense System According to the 2014 bilateral cooperation plan signed by the defense ministries of Armenia and Russia, a group of experts of the Russian Ministry of Defense will work with the experts of the MoD of Armenia with a view to discussing and finalizing the draft agreement on the establishment of a joint system of air defense in the Caucasian region of collective security, the Ministry of Defense informed.

New Bill Will Allow To Voice The Word “Genocide” In The Turkish Parliament The bill introduced in the Turkish Parliament by Sebahat Tuncel, member of proKurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party, will most probably be rejected, expert of Turkish studies Hakob Chakryan told reporters today.The bill urges President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to publicly apologize for the Armenian Genocide from the Parliament floor. The next day the President will have to read out the text of apology in one of the massacre sites. Thereafter a parliamentary commission should be formed within a year, which shall be provided access to all state archives.As for the possibility of certain steps by Ankara, Chakryan said: “Erdogan made a step last year, when he expressed condolences to all Armenians for the events of 1915. After that President

Serzh Sargsyan invited the Turkish leader to participate in commemoration events in Armenia on April 24, 1915. Now the ball is again in the Turkish court,” the expert said. Hakob Chakryan does not believe the border could open in 2015. “Even if it opens, it may close with the same success if there are no diplomatic relations.” According to him, what’s most important about the bill is that it will allow to voice the word ‘genocide’ in the Turkish Parliament. He reminded that even uttering the letter ‘g’ was prohibited in 1990s, as Article 301 of the Turkish Criminal Code envisaged punishment for that. The situation improved in 2002, but not because Erdogan became Prime Minister, but because of Turkey’s aspiration for EU membership Anna Nazaryan

Closed Border Hurting Eastern Turkey More Than Armenia, Says New Hrant Dink Foundation Study According to a recent study entitled ‘‘Research on the Socio-Economic Impact of the Turkey-Armenia Border’’ commissioned by the Hrant Dink Foundation it would appear that the closed border between the two neighboring countries is hurting citizens on the Turkish side more than the Armenian. On page 73 of the study we read: The TRA2 region (Kars, I!dır, A!rı, Ardahan),a majority of which is located right on the border with Armenia, cannot benefit from the opportunities offered by free trade agreements – unlike the other regions of Turkey – due to the sealed border. The region also cannot benefit from the indirect

Armenian Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan received Vice President of Uruguay, President of the Senate Danilo Astori. Hovik Abrahamyan highly praised the current level of Armenian-Uruguayan political cooperation and stressed the need to deepen economic ties. Danilo Astori expressed willingness to do everything possible for the further expansion of cooperation between the two friendly countries. In this context, the interlocutors discussed the deepening of economic relations. Speaking about friendship between the two peoples, Mr Abrahamyan thanked the Uruguayan authorities for their warm attitude to the Armenian community. Mr Astori, for his part, highly appreciated the role of Uruguayan Armenians in his country’s development, the press service of the Armenian government reported.

Russian MP Describes Establishment Of Customs Check Points Between Armenia And Karabakh Inappropriate

trade between Armenia and Turkey as the border is closed and these goods get shipped from regions close to Georgia or Iran borders. Besides, since the existing trade with Armenia is not legal and comes at a high transit cost, due to the sealed land border, the volume of the existing trade remains very limited. Anna Muradyan

Arrest Of Azerbaijani Journalist Khadija Ismayiova Is Still Under World Media’s Focus "By putting Khadija Ismailova to jail for her work, you will only focus the attention of the journalists at your country, at your President and at the non-stop repressions of civil liberties and freedom of the press in Azerbaijan," reads the statement of the “Investigative Reporting Project Italy” the Azerbaijani consulate in Rome which cooperated with Khadija Ismayilova. British newspaper “The Guardian” published an article where it presented both the background of the arrest of the journalist, and the quotes from the critical statements of officials in this regard. Articles with such content were also

Armenia, Uruguay To Deepen Cooperation

published on the websites of news channels “Euronews” and “France 24”, “Voice of America”, “Yahoo! News”, the international news agency “Reuters” and online “EurasiaNet”. Iranian, Romanian, German, Dutch media also touched this topic. Azerbaijani service of "Radio Liberty" reports that Ismayilova’s relatives have tried to pass her food, but they were refused at prison. The journalist has strict dietary restrictions due to undergoing surgery she had last year.

First deputy chairman of a Russian parliament’s lower chamber’s committee on CIS affairs, Eurasian integration and relations with compatriots Oleg Lebedev said establishing customs check points on Armenia’s border with Nagorno-Karabakh is inappropriate, Novosti-Armenia reported. "In my personal opinion, no,” said Lebedev, when asked by journalists whether customs check points must be set up on Armenian-Karabakh border. He said this issue is likely to be discussed by the heads of governments of the co n Eurasian uEconomic Union’s member tries and their foreign ministers in 2015.

Azerbaijan Failed Sabotage, Has 5-7 Victims On December 8 Armenian soldier Garik Ispiryan (born in 1995) was killed by the enemy on the frontline between Artsakh and Azerbaijani troops. The soldier was carrying his military duty. Press service of Artsakh Defense Army informs about this. The case is under investigation. At the same time, Times.am has information about Azerbaijani attempt to fulfill sabotage on the border. According to the information, the enemy lost 5-7 soldiers as a result of the failed attempt of diversion. Azerbaijan announced about one victim, but presents some other explainations for the serviceman's death.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday December 11, 2014


The Spirit Of Christmas

AIWA San Francisco Affiliate’s Annual Celebration

By Dr. John Farsakian It seems last year’s Christmas decorations were just put away, and here it is the holiday season and time to bring them out again. The rapid passage of the year is testament to the hectic pace of our lives, especially now, as we become consumed with shopping, home decorating and the other requisite tasks of the annual holiday season. This year-end frenzy has become what one might term, “tradition.” For hundreds of years, the joyous bond that brought family, friends and strangers closer together was the spirit of Christmas. Unfortunately, that bond today is tethered more to material possessions and secular symbols than to religious convictions. The true meaning of Christmas – the celebration of the wondrous birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ – has been diminished in favor of shopping, gift giving, lavish meals and parties. Christmas, as the early Christian church knew it, dealt with remembering Christ and imparting His teachings of love, peace and forgiveness. These were simple virtues for simpler times. In the complex world we live in today, fraught with global unrest

and uncertainty, those teachings have been marginalized. Thus, as Christians, it is imperative that we revisit and take to heart those teachings, in order to strive for any reconciliation, whether on a personal level between individuals or, on a larger scale, between nations. The latter seems an impossibility as extremists currently hold sway over moderate voices calling for peace. Yet, we must continue to pray and work for that hopeful eventuality. As we gather together this Christmas, let us reflect upon all the goodness and noble qualities exemplified by Christ and emulate Him in our daily lives. His was the greatest example of selfless giving and service to others. Let Christ be our guiding light as we continue to serve our Nation, our churches, our organizations and our fellow Armenian in making this life on earth meaningful and worthwhile. Through faith, love, forgiveness and charity, we can all have hope for a brighter future. In these trying times, let the timeless Cont. on p.10

Ara Kalaydjian Library Opens In Watertown

Watertown, MA. The Parish Council and parish priest Arakel Aljalian of St. James Armenian Church of Watertown, MA dedicated space and materials in memory of Ara Kalaydjian, , former editor of the Armenian Mirror-Spectator and Sion Periodical, the monthly publication of the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem. Much of the library’s collection was donated to St. James by his wife, Mrs. Shoushan Kalaydjian, combined with the parish’s collection and books donated by

In 1965, he returned to Jerusalem. In addition to being the personal secretary to Patriarch Yeghishe Derderian, he was the editor-in-chief of Sion, the official publication of the patriarchate, and director of the printing press of the monastery. He also taught Armenian literature at the seminary and at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. From an early age, he contributed to various Armenian publications and newspapers. In 1967 he compiled and published a catalog of the manuscripts of the Monastery of Moush. That same year he published two works of the poet Bedros Tourian: Daghk (poems) and Namagani (the letters of the poet). He edited and published the first volume of Arpiar Arpiarian’s Complete Works. He researched and edited the letters of Patriarch Krikor the Chainbearer of Jerusalem. He prepared a complete catalog of the earliest printed Armenian books. In 1978, he and his wife, Shoushan, emigrated to the United States and settled in

Alex Kalaydjian, Ara’s brother, who will serve as librarian. Following the Service, the parisheners conducted a dedication service and opening of the Kalaydjian Library. Mrs. Shoushan Kalaydjian cut the ribbon, officially opening the library. Parishioners were able to tour the library, followed by a reception and program hosted by the Boston Area Alumni of Jerusalem’s Sourp Tarkmanchatz School. Kalayadjian, born in Jerusalem in 1938, and graduated Sourp Tarkmanchatz in 1951 and enrolled at the AGBU Melkonian Educational Institute in Nicosia. He graduated in 1957 and started teaching at the local Melikian School.

Boston, where he assumed the position of managing editor of the Baikar Weekly, published by the Armenian Democratic Liberal Party. For 10 years, from 1987-1997, he was the editor of the Armenian Mirror-Spectator. For a brief period, he taught Armenian at the University of Massachusetts/Boston. In 2000, Ore Orin (Day to Day), a compilation of many of his writings about contemporary national and international subjects was published. He was a member of the Armenian Democratic Liberal Party, the Knights of Vartan Ararat Lodge and Tekeyan Cultural Association. !

“Armenian Women Preserving Cultural Heritage”

Oakland, CA - On Saturday, November 15th, AIWA SF held its annual event at St. Vartan Armenian Church in Oakland, bringing together the strong and dedicated community members in support of the 3 year old growing organization. Guests were very pleased to learn about AIWA SF’s achievements, including supporting the ongoing personal and professional growth of women in Armenia and in the Bay Area. The event was themed “Armenian Women Preserving Cultural Heritage” and honored Grace Andonian, Principal of Krouzian Zekarian Vasbouragan Armenian School in San Francisco. The event also featured comedy by Lory Tatoulian, an exquisite masterpiece auction of one of Arev Petrosyan’s paintings, and music by Singer Lilit Pipoian. Laura Dirtadian, an AIWA SF Executive Committee member, was the Master of Ceremony. AIWA-SF President, Mrs. Gaiane Khachatrian, welcomed the guests and provided an update on the many ongoing and future initiatives, including: Mer Hooys at the Nakashian Children’s Support Center in Yerevan - Teens at risk are empowered through after school educational programs focused on English language, computer science, and comprehensive health education. In 2014, AIWA-SF began to offer after school English classes to youth at Dsegh Village School, as well as to children with special needs at Bridge of Hope in Dilijan and to the staff members working at the center. Homeland Development Initiative Fund (HDIF) - In its efforts to help young women entrepreneurs develop strong business skills, AIWA SF continues to partner with the HDIF in pursuit of offering professional training opportunities to female business owners across ten regions in Armenia. These women have the opportunity to participate in wide range of professional seminars focused on accounting/business taxation, financial management, and marketing/media relations. Women’s Entrepreneurship Program (WEP) - This umbrella project, led by the American University of Armenia, is designed to teach business management skills to women entrepreneurs in the country.

Mrs. Khachatrian highlighted that, since its inception, AWIA SF has had a vision to address the healthcare improvement through knowledge advancement in rural Armenia, where the need is always greater. With great delight, three doctors serving on the Executive Committee of AIWA SF-- Drs. Ani Tajirian, Hasmik Arzumanyan and Kohar Der Simonian-- travelled to Armenia in October 2014 to carry out a pilot project in collaboration with the Children of Armenia Fund (COAF). The project was designed to carry out health education sessions for the medical field professionals in the Baghramian and Talin regions of Armenia. “Our trip was a success and left all three of us actively encouraged to remain engaged in working to improve health care delivery and education in Armenia,” remarked Kohar Der Simonian, who serves as Assistant Clinical Professor in both the departments of Family and Community and Obstetrics and Gynecology at UCSF. In addition to advancing the welfare of women in Armenia, an annual grant from the IBM Corporation enables AIWA SF to provide educational and professional development workshops in the Bay Area, aiming to promote the personal, educational and professional growth of women and youth in the community. After providing updates on the various exciting and important AIWA SF initiatives and projects, Mrs. Khachatrian welcomed three new Executive Board Members: Kohar Der Simonian, Sophia Moradian and Varty Manoukian. She then provided a heartfelt warming conclusion by announcing that she will be stepping down as President as of January 2015 after serving as Founding President for three years. She introduced and welcomed her successor, Christine Soussa Saghatelian, who joined the affiliate in Spring of 2014, serving as the organization’s Vice President of External Affairs. Born and raised in Los Angeles, she currently lives in the Bay Area with her husband and two joyful daughters. Christine is excited to help take AIWA-SF to the next level of growth and expand the membership base so we can continue to work together to make impactful improvements for Armenian women.

Days Of Armenian Culture Opened In Damascus University The exhibition features publications of the Armenian language and literature, the Institute of Oriental Studies of National Academy of Sciences and YSU Department of Oriental Studies, Armenian national costumes, samples of manuscripts in Arabian language and illuminated manuscripts of Matenadaran, the Armenian Foreign Ministry reports. Armenian Ambassador to Syria Arshak Poladyan delivered lectures on “Oriental

Studies in Armenia” and “Armenia in the Medieval Arabic Geographic and Historical Monuments” for students and lecturers of Damascus University. Within the Days of Armenian Culture, there will also be lectures on the Armenian language and literature, screenings of films about Armenian spiritual and material culture. The Days of Armenian Culture in Damascus University will last till December 14.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday December 11, 2014


Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

The Sacrament Of Holy Baptism

43 - Ümit Kurt

By Alice Krumian

By Hambersom Aghbashian

Sweet precious Baby, with rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes, You were baptized today, following the example of Christ, For the remission of sins through the Savior's sacrifice, May your parents guide your steps to walk by the Lord's Light. Your Baptism was the expression of your parents' Christian faith, In thankful hands they brought you to the Lord on this Special Day; The Holy Water welcomed you into the Christian community, May you grow up to become a priceless blessing to humanity. In today's fallen world, full of treachery and wickedness, May the Lord keep you away from evil and viciousness; Open your heart to God's sunlight and be committed to do good, Even towards malicious people, who try to defame your worth. Cover your heart with God's armor for spiritual protection, Never forget to thank the Lord for every blissful occasion; Pray devoutly and seek His help in your distress and torment, Your Holy Father will hold you in the palm of His powerful Hand. The Sacrament of Baptism is an ordinance given by God, It's the symbol of Christian love, the initial step of a faithful heart. It's not an occasion for show-off, for worldly merriment and fun, But the joyous beginning of service and devotion to Christian life. With the Grace of the Savior your spiritual path has opened up, Under parental guidance, you will learn what's wrong and right; We pray that the Guardian Angel watch over you day and night, May God bless you with His infinite Love, You, most precious Child!

Taner Akcam’s New Book Devoted To The Forceful Islamization Of The Armenians Turkish intellectual Taner Akcam, who has recognized the Armenian Genocide, has released a book entitled “forceful Islamization of the Armenian”. Silence Denial and Assimilation”. As armenPress reports, the book is available at all bookstores in Turkey. “I referred to the Ottoman Turkish archives and tried to present the history of the forceful islamization of the Armenian,” Akcam mentioned. according to Him, the book shows that the forceful Islamization was not a result of Islamic fanaticism, but the result of the policy on forcefully gathering and assimilating children and forcing young girls to marry. “These weren’t the direct actions, but one of the elements required for perpetration of the Armenian Genocide,”the Turkish historian emphasized.

Merdinian Preschool Granted New Permit With Expanded Capacity Our Merdinian School is growing . . . and for all the right reasons. In fact, most recently, our Principal Lina Arslanian was pleased to announce that our Preschool was awarded new permits that will increase capacity from 36 to 57 students – an increase of over 50%. Merdinian has responded to continuously increasing parent requests for registration by also adding another classroom for the Pre-K department. Parents have many choices in the Los Angeles area for preschool. There are many types of preschools but, increasingly, parents want their children to attend the Merdinian Preschool. The word about our outstanding preschool is out! Preschool Director Marijan Kevorkian explains so well, “We help children learn social skills through the Word of God.” The children have daily chapel and prayer time, and then throughout their day, they learn to apply what they have learned about their Christian faith. The children learn, in

age appropriate ways, that “Hands are for helping and not for hurting”. They are taught how to use their “kind words”. Parents are encouraged to talk with Merdinian faculty and staff any time. Parents also volunteer in a range of ways. Our AMAA mission work includes the Biblical instruction to train up our children in the way they must live. God has blessed our efforts with a thriving Merdinian School and a highly qualified and dedicated faculty, staff, Principal and Board. We pray for God’s continued blessings and our community’s ongoing full support. It’s all for the glory of God.

Ümit Kurt (born 1984, Gaziantep- Turkey) is a Turkish scholar and a Ph.D. candidate in Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Clark University and a lecturer at Sabanci University (summer courses). His Ph.D. research topic is “The Emergence of a New Wealthy Class between 1915- 1921: The Seizure of Armenian Property by the Local Elites in Aintab" (supervisor Prof. Taner Akcam). He MA degree is from Sabancı University’s department of European studies (2007), topic "Turkey-EU Relations from the Security Perspective: Two Level Analysis" and is B. Sc. degree is in political science and public administration from Middle East Technical University (2006). He was also a "Research Fellow and Erasmus Student" at University of Keele- UK (2005-2006). Umit Kurt is a young scholar with diverse interest in many fields, Political Science, History, European Studies, Turkey-EU relations, Media and Society and others. Turkish is his mother tongue, he is also fluent in English, advanced in Ottoman Turkish version and Armenian, and has a basic German. He is a member of editorial boards of "Turkish Review", " European Journal of Economic and Political Studies", " Turkish Journal of Politics", also member of "Sarajevo International and Comparative Law Review", and " Türk E!itim Gönüllüleri Vakfı". He held many teaching positions, researcher and assistant researcher positions. (1) Ümit Kurt is the author of several books, including "Türk'ün Büyük Biçare Irk'ı", "The lost of Turkey's Great Race." and Kanunların Ruhu: Emval-i Metruke Kanunlarında Soykırımın "zlerini Aramak (The Spirit of Laws: Seeking the Traces of Armenian Genocide in the Laws of Abandoned Property, 2012) with Taner Akçam. His main area of interest is the confiscation of Armenian properties and the role of local elites/notables in Aintab during the genocide. In an interview with Varak Ketsemanian "The Armenian Weekly-Sept. 23, 2013", Umit Kurt tackled how the physical annihilation of the Armenians paralleled the confiscation and appropriation of their properties in 1915. "By citing the various laws and decrees that orchestrated the confiscation process, Kurt places our understanding of the genocide within a legal context."According to Umit Kurt " A series of laws and decrees, known as the Abandoned Properties Laws (Emval-i Metruke Kanunları), were issued in the Ottoman and Turkish Republican periods concerning the administration of the belongings left behind by the Ottoman Armenians who were deported in 1915. Most of the Armenians properties were distributed to Muslim refugees from the Balkans and Caucasia at that time. Central and local politicians and bureaucrats of the Union and Progress Party also made use of Armenian properties. (2) The Armenian Studies Program at California State University - Fresno, organized a lecture by Umit Kurt titled " The emergence of the new wealthy class between 1915-1922: The seizure of the Armenian

property by local elites in Aintab," which revealed the fact that process of genocide and deportation directed at Aintab Armenians was in fact put into practice by local notables and provincial elites. The lecture took place on Sept.17, 2013 and was organized by the Armenian Student Organization.(3) The "Society for the Armenian Studies " (SAS), celebrated its 40th Anniversary by organizing a conference titled " Armenians in the Ottoman Empire in the 19th-20th Centuries". The conference took place on Nov. 21-22, 2014 at Marriott Wardman Park Hotel- Washington, DC. Ümit Kurt (Clark UniversityMS) was one of the participants. He presented “The Emergence of the New Wealthy Class between 1915-1921: The Seizure of Armenian Property by the Local Elites in Aintab.”(4) Glendale NewsPress, April 25, 2013, mentioned that "For the first time, Umit Kurt, a Turkish scholar at Clark University, addressed a crowd of more than 1,400 people at the city's annual event to commemorate the genocide of about 1.5 million people in 1915 by Ottoman Turks, a tragedy still denied by modern-day Turkey 98 years later." As he discussed how the Ottoman Empire deported Armenians before the genocide began and sold their property, Umit Kurt said "The principle was not to give the Armenians even a single inch,". Councilman Ara Najarian said this year a Turkish scholar was invited "to showcase a trend towards enlightenment by Turkish academics."(5) In his lecture at Ararat Eskijian Museum on Sept.15,2013, Umit Kurt "focused on the importance of acquiring Armenian wealth and material possessions to the local Kurds and Turks in Aintab before and during the Armenian Genocide of 1915." Kurt described a “link between the role of stolen Armenian assets in the integration and stabilization of Turkification, which makes confiscation of Armenian properties a social process”. "The fate of the Armenians was not only linked to the Committee of Union and Progress party (CUP) orders, but behavior of the local elites." According to Asbarez.com, in the last minutes, Umit Kurt spoke words that made everyone smile. He said, “I don’t work for Armenian people; I work for my own people to reckon their own historical wrongdoings.” (6) Umit Kurt visited Armenia and was interviewed by Civilnet on May 28,2014. During the TV interview he mentioned that the Armenian National Archives are open for researchers and he could reach to the documents easily, while in Turkey it is not so easy and lot of Armenian confiscated properties archives are disappeared. He mentioned also that an Antab Armenian living in CA-USA has documents of his grandmother's lost properties which are worth of $50 million today, confiscated and are transferred to Turks. And about making a shift in opinions, he mentioned that the deportation process execution in Marash, in Adana in Dikranagert, in Vaspouragan Cont. on p.10

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday December 11, 2014


"Our Light, Our Hope" A Musical Program for Commemoration and Renewal

White House Visitor Center Missed opportunity Militant Leader Hints By CHRIS BOHJALIAN At Deal With Assad Against ISIL The leader of a Saudi-backed militant group has hinted at taking sides with the Syrian government against ISIL terrorists. Zahran Alloush, who heads the socalled Jaysh al-Islam group, suggested reaching a political solution with President Bashar al-Assad’s government. He also called for armed battle against ISIL Takfiri militants. The remarks by Alloush have drawn criticism from other militant groups in Syria.

Presented by the Armenian Evangelical Union of North America and the Armenian Missionary Association of America

"Our Light, Our Hope" is the theme of a special musical program that the Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee of the Armenian Evangelical Union of North America (AEUNA) and the Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA) will present on Saturday, January 24, 2015, at 8:00 p.m. at the Majestic Ambassador Auditorium in Pasadena, California. The concert will be performed by the Lark Musical Society Choir and Orchestra of Glendale, CA under the direction of Maestro Vatsche Barsoumian. The program will combine several artistic mediums such as music, recitation, and dance. An array of selections will be presented in three parts. Part I will reflect the Armenian people’s traditions and heroism. The Armenian nation is one of the most ancient civilizations and boasts significant periods of spiritual, artistic, military, economic, and intellectual achievements. Part II will commemorate the collective tragedy that befell the Armenian nation in early twentieth century. We shall pay tribute to our martyrs who perished for their ethnicity and Christian faith. Part III will celebrate our triumphant survival and herald a brighter future. Through our artistic voice we shall also recommit ourselves to the Lord and our Culture. On this solemn occasion, and given the huge undertaking, the Centennial Committee is highly optimistic of the unwavering support that it will receive from the community, friends and the public at large. Donations should be made and mailed to: AEUNA (memo: Centennial Concert), 411 East Acacia Ave., #200, Glendale, CA 91205-2821. Tickets can be purchased at: LARK, 543 Arden Ave., Glendale, CA 91203, (818) 500-9997, as well as from Itsmyseat at http://www.itsmyseat.com/Light, (818) 538-4911. Ticket payments should also be made to the AEUNA. For further inquiries, please call the AMAA headquarters in Paramus, NJ at (201) 2652607 or the AMAA West Coast office at (818) 937-9840.

You know your moral compass is a little off when you censor a story about a gift to a U.S. president from a group of orphans — even though that story makes your grandparents and great-grandparents look like Mother Teresa. But this is essentially what the White House Visitor Center did for six days in November. After a year of congressional pressure and the pleas of Armenian-Americans, the White House pulled the Ghazir Orphan Rug from storage and allowed us to see it — but swept under the rug an explanation for its origins. On the surface, it’s hard to understand why it should have taken such a Herculean effort to allow the rug to see daylight in the first place. Here is the abridged story of the carpet. During the First World War, the Ottoman Empire systematically annihilated 1.5 million of its Armenian citizens, ethnically cleansing its Armenian minority from almost all of what today we call Turkey. Three out of every four Armenians living in the Ottoman Empire were killed. Americans were horrified by the slaughter as it was occurring, and a newly organized American group, Near East Relief, tried to save the survivors of the genocide — including the children, scattered now across the Middle East. The group’s accomplishments, especially the 135,000 orphans it cared for, were breathtaking. And among the thanks to America from those orphans was ... the rug. It was woven by a group of Armenian orphan girls from the orphanage in Ghazir, Syria (now Lebanon) and designed to be worthy of a world leader. It was. It’s massive and beautiful. It was presented to President Coolidge on Dec. 4, 1925. A year later, two of the Armenian girls who helped weave the rug journeyed to Washington and met the Vermont-born president. Cut to the autumn of 2013. The Smithsonian Museum asked the White House for the rug so it could be displayed. Hagop Martin Deranian had written a book, “President Calvin Coolidge and the Armenian Orphan Rug,” and there was talk of an event. The White House said no. They wouldn’t release the rug. The event was “not viewed as commensurate with the

rug’s historical significance,” said National Security Council spokeswoman Laura Lucas Magnuson at the time. The real reason was likely real politik: We did not want to antagonize Turkey, which, despite all historical evidence, continues to deny the reality of the Armenian Genocide. So even though the rug was a testimony to American ideals at their very best, it was better to let the thing sit and molder. In the last five months, however, Turkey hasn’t played nice with the U.S. in the Middle Eastern sandbox and our relationship has been strained. So, how did we express our frustration with our ally? For six days in November we trotted out the Orphan Rug. We listened to the appeals of House Representatives — and ArmenianAmericans. But we didn’t want to push this too far, so we put this extraordinary rug in a corner of the White House Visitor Center, rather than the Smithsonian Museum. And we certainly didn’t use the word genocide in any of the materials explaining why the rug matters. The caption explains simply that it was made by girls “orphaned during World War I.” It was given as an endorsement of “Golden Rule Sunday.” There is no explanation of why the girls were orphaned. Could have been a factory fire. And there was obviously no mention of the 1.5 million dead. And so as I stood before the rug the other day at the Visitor Center, I was at once moved and enraged. I’m a descendant of survivors of the Armenian Genocide, and the rug’s existence is a reminder of that cataclysmic period in my people’s history when we were nearly erased from the globe. The rug in this regard will always hold totemic power for me. But I was frustrated by the censorship — at the way the rug was made a pawn in power politics. I was saddened that the accomplishments of Near East Relief were not celebrated. Next April marks the centennial of the start of the Armenian Genocide. I hope the rug will be set free once again, and this time the story behind it authentically and accurately rendered. The orphans deserve better — as do we.

Armenian Chef Wins at Culinary World Cup 2014 Vera Hovhannisian Wins Gold At Culinary World Cup No this is not a supermodel, this lovely lady Vera Hovhannisian has won a gold medal and the world cup at the Culinary World Cup 2014 held in Luxemburg from Nov. 22 to 26. The competition featured more than 1,000 cooks from 60 countries, as well as 105 national, regional, and youth teams. Vera Hovhannisian’s twin sister Rena also jointed her in the competitions. The sisters presented two works at the contest and both won gold medals. Hovhannisian has won a number of international competitions. At the age of 20 she received her first gold medal in Malta. She’s particularly well-known for her unique cakes.

The Spirit Of... Cont. from p.8 words of “peace on earth and goodwill to all men” fill our hearts and guide our actions, not only during this season but always. This short phrase is the essence of Christmas, conjuring warm feelings, an enduring hope, a spirit of generosity and a sincere consideration of others. In the current world filled with strife and hatred, these words, to many, ring hollow. However, the Bible lays out God’s plan for saving humanity, and Jesus’ birth was the initial aspect of that plan. Through our prayers and an abiding faith in the Lord, we can be assured that a time of everlasting peace is coming. And, beyond our present existence, also is promised an everlasting life (John 3:16); the best present of all, for all mankind! Christmas is not a time or a season but a state of mind. To cherish peace and good will, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.” ~Calvin Coolidge, 1927

43 - Ümit Kurt Cont. from p.9 should be explained ,so that the people become aware of it, although they already know it, and that will make a shift in their position. (7) Umit Kurt has many new books which will be published, Also he translated two Armenian books into Turkish, and he is currently translating Kevork Sarafian's “Badmutyun Aintabi Hayots”, Vol. 1. He has numerous articles in English and Turkish, and participated in many conferences.(1). His research focuses on Aintab Armenians and the confiscation and appropriation of Armenian properties during 1915-1921, and we hope this will be continued with researches on Armenians all over other cities in Turkey and we will have a trustful complete study about Armenian's lost properties in Turkey. 1.Comm. with Umit Kurd. Copy of CV received from him on Nov. 29, 2014, upon request.(H.A.) 2.http://armenianweekly.com/2013/09/23/t he-confiscation-of-armenian-properties-an-interview-with-umit-kurt/ 3.http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j& q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=8&ved=0CE4QF jAH&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.fresnostate.edu 4.http://societyforarmenianstudies.com/201 4/10/14/sas-40th-anniversary-conference-armenians-in-the-ottoman-empire-in-the-19th-20thcenturies/ 5.http://articles.glendalenewspress.com/201 3-04-25/news/tn-gnp-0425-turkish-scholartalks-policy-at-glendales-armenian-genocideevent_1_genocide-armenians-turkish-scholar 6.(Asparez.com-Sept. 20, 2013). 7.http://civilnet.am/2014/05/28/confiscation-expropriation-liquidation-armenian-properties-umit-kurt/#.VHbl-MnUiqk

N.O. December 11, 2014, No. 48:N.O. Blank


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NOR ØR% 11 D:KT:MB:R% 2014


FA|KAKAN ~OUJPOLI >YANKAR • <ouh\zarakan N\on qa[aqoum t;[i oun;zau :uropa\i minc;u 19 ;u 17 tar;kann;ri 2015-16 jj& a®a=nouj;an entrakan a®a=in 'ouli wiyakafanoujiune! FF minc;u 19 tar;kann;ri fauaqakane \a\tnou;l h 12-rd .mboum% ort;[ nra mrzakizn;re ke lin;n S;rpia\i% C;.ia\i ;u Hsjonia\i fauaqakann;re! FF minc;u 17 tar;kann;ri fauaqakane mrz;lou h Anglia\i "orjougalia\i ;u San Marino\i fauaqakann;ri f;t! |a=ord 'oul ;n dours galou 13 entrakan .mb;riz a®a=in 2 t;[;re graua‘% incphs na;u 3-rd t;[;roum \a\tnoua‘ lauago\n 5 fauaqakann;re! • Sport.su ka\qe fa,ou;l h ÂD-i Pr;mi;r lika\oum fandhs ;ko[ `oujpolistn;ri a,.atawar];re! Warkani,oum n,oua‘ goumari ca'e `oujpolistn;ri tar;kan ;ra,.auoroua‘ ;kamoutn h% ore n;ra®noum h a,.atawar]e ;u nouhrn;re! FF fauaqakani `oujpolist :oura Mowsis;ane a\d zouzakoum xba[;znoum h 34-rd t;[e% nra tar;kan ;kamoutn h 2&1 milion ;urø! FF fauaqakani mhk a\l `oujpolist Arax Øxbilise a\d zouzakoum 35-rdn h 2&0 milion ;uro\ow! A®a=in t;[oumn h \a\tnou;l ªX;nijiº braxilazi \ar]akouo[ Falke (7&5 milion ;urø)! • FF fauaqakani j;kna‘ou Xauhn Bado\;ani p;la®ousakan ªGom;liº f;t pa\managirn auartou;l h ;u na lqoum h ªGom;leº! • Mak;donia\i sportmedia.mk marxakan ka\qe kaxm;l h n;rqin a®a=nouj;an a®a=in ,r=ani .orfrdan,akan fauaqakane% oroum endgrkou;l ;n ªWardariº ;u FF fauaqakani `oujpolistn;r |owfannhs Fambar]oum;ane ;u Artak Da,;ane! Jh Fambar]oum;ane% jh Da,;ane ªWardarº ;n t;[a'o.ou;l anza‘ amrane ;u miangamiz dar];l ;n fimnakan kaxmi .a[azo[n;r! |au;l;nq% or ªWardariº kaxmoum \a\tauoroua‘ FF fauaqakani j;kna‘ou^ \ar]akouo[ Arjour Miran;ane a®a\vm sakau .a[avamanak h stanoum! • Kapani ªGan]asareº ]m;®a\in patoufani enjazqoum mi ,arq 'o'o.oujiunn;r ke lin;n! Jimiz f;®az;l h gl.auor marxic S;rgh\ Pouckowe! Nra f;t ªGan]asareº lq;l ;n nra fa\r;nakizn;r Øl;qsi Pincouke% Poris Ørlowskin% Art\om Pro,c;nkon% Anton Mona.owe% incphs na;u m;qsiqazi >osh Alpouc;n! • Âousakan Sport-Express.ru–n kaxm;l h ÂD a®a=nouj;an a®a=in ,r=ani .orfrdan,akan fauaqakane% oroum t;[ h xba[;zr;l na;u FF fauaqakani j;kna‘ou ªOua`a\iº darpasapaf Dauij :ourc;nkon! • OU:~A-n ouvi mh= h jo[;l ir ka\aza‘ oro,oume :urø-2016-i Fa\astani f;t mi;uno\n .mboum endgrkoua‘ S;rpia-Fa\astan .a[i w;rab;r;al oro,oume!

:UROLIKA|I >A{ARKOUJIUNOUM Ka\az;l ;n 4-5-rd mrza'ouli fandipoumn;re! >a[;ri ardiunqn;re ;u jim;ri dirq;re! >oumb A& ªZiuri.º-ªWil\a®halº^ 3-2% ªApolonº-ªBorousiaº M& 0-2% ªZiuri.º-ªApolonº^ 3-1% ªWil\a®halº-ªBorousiaº M&^ 2-2! ªBorousiaº^ M&^ 9% ªWil\a®halº^ 8% ªZiuri.º^ 7% ªApolonº^ 3 miauor! >oumb B& FIK-ªJorinøº^ 2-1% ªQo';nfak;nº-ªBr\oughº^ 0-4% ªJorinøº-ªBr\oughº^ 0-0% FIK-ªQo';nfak;nº^ 2-1! ªBr\oughº^ 9% ªJorinøº^ 7% FIK^ 6% ªQo';nfak;nº^ 4 miauor! >oumb G& ªAst;rasº-ªTot;nf;mº^ 1-2% ªB;,ikja,º-ªPartixanº^ 2-1! ªTot;nf;mº-ªPartixanº^ 1-0% ªAst;rasº-ªB;,ikja,º^ 2-2! ªTot;nf;mº^ 11% ªB;,ikja,º^ 9% ªAst;rasº^ 5% ªPartixanº^ 1 miauor! >oumb D& ªTinamøº Xagr;p-ªXalzbourgº^ 1-5% ªAstraº-ªS;ljikº^ 1-1% ªS;ljikº-ªXalz-




bourgº^ 1-3% ªAstraº-ªTinamøº X&^ 1-0! ªXalzbourgº^ 13% ªS;ljikº^ 8% ªAstraº^ 4% ªTinamøº X&^ 3 miauor! >oumb :& ªTinamøº Moskoua-ªH,torilº^ 1-0% ªPanatinaikosº-PSW^ 2-3% ªTinamøº M&-ªPanatinaikosº^ 2-1% ªH,torilº-PSW 3-3! ªTinamøº M&^ 15% PSW^ 8% ªH,torilº^ 4% ªPanatinaikosº^ 1 miauor! >oumb X& ªS;nj Hj\hnº-ªInt;rº^ 1-1% ª{araba[º-ªDn;prº^ 1-2% ªS;nj Hj\hnº-ª{araba[º^ 1-1% ªInt;rº-ªDn;prº^ 2-1! ªInt;rº^ 11% ªS;nj Hj\hnº ;u ª{araba[º^ 5-akan% ªDn;prº^ 4 miauor! >oumb H& ª~h\nordº-ªÂi;kaº^ 2-0% ªS;uiliaºªStandartº^ 3-1% ªÂi;kaº-ªStandartº^ 2-0% ª~h\nordº-ªS;uiliaº^ 2-0! ª~h\nordº^ 9% ªS;uiliaº^ 8% ªÂi;kaº^ 7% ªStandartº^ 4 miauor! >oumb E& ªWol`sbourgº-ªKrasnodarº^ 5-1% ªHw;rjonº-ªLillº^ 3-0% ªKrasnodarº-ªLillº^ 1-1% ªWol`sbourgº-ªHw;rjonº^ 0-2! ªHw;rjonº^ 11% ªWol`sbourgº^ 7% ªLillº^ 4% ªKrasnodarº^ 3 miauor! >oumb J& ªSpartaº-ªSlowanº^ 4-0% ªNa'oliº-ª:ank Po\xº^ 3-0% ªSlowanº-ª:ang Po\xº^ 1-3% ªSpartaº-ªNa'oliº^ 0-0! ªSpartaº ;u ªNa'oliº^ 10-akan% ª:ang Po\xº^ 9% ªSlowanº^ 0 miauor! >oumb V& ªÂiø Auhº-ªSt\aouaº^ 2-2% ªTinamøº Qi;u-ªØlborgº^ 2-0% ªTinamøº Q&-ªÂiø Auhº^ 2-0% ªØlborgº-ªSt\aouaº^ 1-0! ªTinamøº Q&^ 12% ªØlborgº^ 9% ªSt\aouaº^ 7% ªÂiø Auhº^ 1 miauor! >oumb I& ª~ior;ntinaº-PAØK^ 1-1% ªG;ngamº-ªTinamøº Minsk^ 2-0% ªG;ngamº-ª~ior;ntinaº^ 1-2% ªTinamøº M&- PAØK^ 0-2! ª~ior;ntinaº^ 13% PAØK ;u ªG;ngamº^ 7-akan% ªTinamøº Minsk^ 1 miauor! >oumb L& ªL;giaº-ªM;talistº^ 2-1% ªLok;r;nº-ªTrabxonsporº^ 1-1% ªLok;r;nº-ªL;giaº^ 1-0% ªTrabxonsporº-ªM;talistº^ 3-1! ªL;giaº^ 12% ªTrabxonsporº^ 10% ªLok;r;nº^ 7% ªM;talistº^ 0 miauor!

|OWFANNHS DAUJ:ANE^ WARKANI<A|IN MRZA<ARI AR’AJH M:TALAKIR Cinastani Qindaø qa[aqoum auartoua‘ ªKran "riº warkani,a\in yiuto\i mrza,arin masnakzo[% axga\in fauaqakani andam^ |owfannhs Dauj;ane mrza,ari a®a=in øre ;r;q anendmh= \a[janakiz \;to\ dours hr ;k;l ;xra'akic ;u grau;l 2-rd mrzanaka\in t;[e^ xi=;low `ransiazi Wins;nj Limarin! Dauj;ane wastak;l h 180 miauor ;u fama,.arfa\in warkani,a\in a[iusakoum xgaliørhn ke bar;laui ir dirq;re! Minc a\s mrza,are na 471 miauorow xba;[znoum hr 34-rd t;[e! FF mius masnakizn;r Grigor Iwan;ane ;u Vanna Stank;uice dours mnazin pa\qariz a®a=in isk gøt;martiz \;to\!

WACIK MKRTC:ANI ANOUAN |OU<AMRZA<ARI MRZANAKAKIRN:RE :r;uani ªTinamøº marxadafliyoum auartou;z >SFM ar‘ajh m;talakir% Arza.i f;ros Wacik Mkrtc;ani anouan \ou,amrza,are% orn a\s angam nouiroua‘ hr Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an 100-rd tar;lizin! Mrza,ari ardiunqn;re fa,oui k*a®nou;n FF fauaqakani kaxme oro,;lis! Est qa,a\in karg;ri mrzanakakirn;r dar]an& 49 qk& \a[jo[^ Arjour |owfannis;an% 2-rde^ Art\om Al;qsan;an% 3-rd mrzanakakirn;r^ Dauij Sargs;an% |aroujiun |aroujiun;an!

52 qk& \a[jo[^ Koriun So[omon;an% 2-rde^ Nar;k Abgar;an% 3-rd mrzanakakirn;r^ Bar;[am |aroujiun;an% Dauij |owfannis;an! 56 qk& \a[jo[^ Hrik P;tros;an% 2-rde^ Arshn Pø[os;an% 3-rd mrzanakakirn;r^ F;nrik Moqo\;an% Ga®nik |aroujiun;an! 60 qk& \a[jo[^ Samouhl Bars;[;an% 2-rde^ Arjour Wardan;an% 3-rd mrzanakakirn;r^ Vora Famaxar;an% Arjour N;rsis;an! 64 qk& \a[jo[^ |owfannhs Bockow% 2-rde^ Arjour Qira=;an% 3-rd mrzanakakirn;r^ Wafh Sargs;an% <auar, So[o\;an! 69 qk& \a[jo[^ Wladimir Darbin;an% 2-rde^ Arman Dar=in;an% 3-rd mrzanakakirn;r^ L;® Pap;an% Âa`a\hl Bars;[;an! 75 qk& \a[jo[^ Arman |ownik;an% 2-rde^ Arjour Sargs;an% 3-rd mrzanakakirn;r^ Gagik Bo\;an% Ars;nak Alo\;an! 81 qk& \a[jo[^ Nikol Aroujiunow% 2-rde^ Waxghn <afw;rd;an% 3-rd mrzanakakirn;r^ Aram +auad;an% L;uon Baba\;an! 91 qk& \a[jo[^ F;nrik Sargs;an% 2-rde^ Âa`a\hl Simon;an% 3-rd mrzanakakirn;r^ Âaxmik |aroujiun;an% Arjour Fambar]oum;an! G;r‘anr qa,& \a[jo[n;r% ;[ba\rn;r^ |akob ;u Nar;k M;lqon;ann;r% 3-rd mrzanakakirn;r^ Axat Dauj;an% Arkadi |aroujiun;an!

:RKRORD T:{E MI+AXGA|IN MRZA<AROUM War,awa\oum ka\aza‘ g;[asafqi mi=axga\in mrza,aroum Fa\astane n;rka\azno[ Anastasia Galoust;ane xba[;zr;l h 2-rd t;[e! Anastasia Galoust;ane 15 tar;kan h% Moskoua\iz! 5 tar;kaniz xba[uoum h g;[asafqow! Marxuoum h Moskoua\oum ;u a®fasarak m;r gr;jh ambo[= fauaqakane marxuoum h drsoum% masnauoraphs Moskoua\oum% a\d juoum na;u t[an;ri a®a=atar Slawik Fa\rap;t;ane! ªArdhn ;rrord tarin h Anastasian famalr;l h FF fauaqakane! Na m;r na.kin g;[asafordn;riz mhki doustrn h! Anastasia\i marxicn;re nra ‘no[n;rn ;n! Anastasian drsoum h marxuoum% qani or ir;nq entaniqow t;[a'o.ou;l ;n Moskoua ;u a\nt;[ ;n bnakuoumº& asoum h FF g;[asafqi da,nouj;an na.agaf M;lania St;'an;ane! ªM;nq oun;nq na;u n;rka\azouzic xougaparoum^ Jina Karap;t;an-Al;qsandr Lalib;trhº% au;laznoum h M;lania St;'an;ane! Anastasia Galoust;ane ªTallin Trophy 2014º w;r=;rs auartoua‘ mi=axga\in mrza,aroum axat ‘ragroum lauago\nn h ;[;l% saka\n kary ‘ragroum au;li qic miauor h staz;l ;u w;r=nafa,ouarkoum xba[;zr;l h 2-rd t;[e!

<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR Grosma\st;rn;r Gabrihl Sargs;ane% Frand M;lqoum;ane% S;rgh\ Mowsis;ane% Wladimir |akob;ane% Âob;rt |owfannis;ane% |owfannhs Gaboux;ane ;u Hlina Danihl;ane masnakz;zin Qajari ma\raqa[aq Tofa\oum anzkazoua‘ baz mrza,arin! Mowsis;ane ;u |akob;ane 9 fnarauoriz wastak;zin 6-akan% M;lqoum;ane ;u Gaboux;ane^ 5&5-akan% Sargs;ane^ 5% |owfannis;ane ;u Danihl;ane^ 4&5-akan miauor! 7&5 miauorow mrza,ari \a[jo[ dar]au :ou :angin (Cinastan)! L;uon Aron;ane D;kt;mb;ri 11-17-e ";qinoum ke masnakzi Fama,.arfa\in mtauor .a[;rin! Pa\qare k*enjana\ 3 ];uaca';row^ arag% ka\‘akna\in ;u bask;an!

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