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FING<ABJI% 25 D:KT:MB:R 2014

92 NOR OR - WEEKLY 1901 North Allen Ave. Altadena, CA 91001



92 TARI% JIU 50 VOLUME 92, NO. 50

ÂAK AR:UMT:AN AM:RIKA|I <R+ANA|IN WARCOUJIUNE KE <NORFAUORH FAMA|N FA|OUJ:AN NOR TARIN :U SOURB ’NOUNDE Ma[j;low% or 2015 tarin ir f;t b;rh bargauayoum% fam;ra,.oujiun ;u .a[a[oujiun^ a,.arfi vo[owourdn;roun% Fa\astanin ;u Arza.in% incphs na;u yanacoum^ fa\ vo[owourdi ardar irauounqn;roun ;u anor srbaxan datin!


NOR ØR% 25 D:KT:MB:R% 2014


2015-I S:MIN AMANOR:A| MA{JANQN:R Fimnoua‘ 1922-in (~r;xnø) Established 1922 (in Fresno) PA<TØNAJ:RJ MIAZ:AL NAFANGN:ROU ÂAMKAWAR AXATAKAN KOUSAKZOUJ:AN AR:UMT:AN <R+ANI An ADL Publication >MBAGIR^

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92-AM:AK 1922-2014

THR :U TIK& |AKOB NAXAR:ANN:R Amanori ;u S& ’nnd;an tøn;rou a®ijow% srtagin bari ma[janqn;r m;r bolor faraxatn;roun! Jo[ 2015-e ella\ \a=o[oujiunn;rou ;u 'a'aqn;rou irakanazman tari me





SA{MOSAWANQ Ke gtnoui A,taraki ,r=anhn 12 qlm& dhpi fiusis% Qasa. g;ti w;r;ue! Sa[mosawanqi famalirin mas ke kaxm;n fnago\n Sion ;k;[;zin (1215) ou Gauije (1215-35) ka®ouzoua‘ i,.an Wach Wacout;ani ko[mh% Sb& Astoua‘a‘in :k;[;zin% oroun Gratoune ka®ouzoua‘ h i,.an Qourd Wacout;ani ko[mh 1255-in! Sa[mosawanqi w;ro\i,;al gauijn ou gratoune fa\kakan mi=nadar;an yartarap;touj;an ou,agrau% a,.arfik ,inoujiunn;r ;n! Lrazouzic k;rpow kan na;u kojo[ .acqar;r ou wanqin g;r;xmanatoune (V&-VG& dar;r)! >oumbe a\z;l;z famalirin xanaxan mas;re% \i,ataki lousankarn;r a®n;low! Apa m;r pase ke maglzi Araga‘i l;®na,[ja\i olorapto\t yanaparfhn dhpi Amb;rd!


g;r;xmanin wra\ 442-in ke ka®ouzoui gmbhjauor klor ;k;[;zin! Isk no\n t;[in wra\% Ghorg D& Kajo[ikosn al 1875-79in ka®ouzan;l toua‘ h ;k;[;zi% oroun .oranin tak ke gtnoui M;srop Ma,tozi dambarane (443)! :k;[;ziin kiz% baza®ik t;[adrouj;amb ou yartarap;touj;amb ke bar]rana\ glana];u ‘aualow% ;rk\ark xangakatoune (1884)% oroun moutqe .oranhn h! Giu[in fiusis-ar;u;lqe kangoun h% wardago\n ou srbata, tou`ow ka®ouzoua‘ Sb& Sion ;k;[;zin (H& dar)! Giu[in mh= ;u anor ,our=e kan Jadhos A®aq;ali% Sb& Grigor ou Sb& Sargis% wima'or Sb& Astoua‘a‘in% ou Jou. Manouk matou®n;re (VG& dar)! Giu[i k;dronin gtnouo[ blouri gagaji masin mh=% \a\tnab;roua‘ h qa®ankiun amroz (Qristosh a®a= H&-:& dar;r)% or ‘a®a\a‘ h na;u ibr;u bnakat;[i% isk anor fiusisa\in lan=in ;u storote^ palatakan 5 famalirn;r (Q&a& H& dar)% oronzmh a®a=in ;rkouqe mia\n ke ba[kanan 40 s;n;akn;rh% srafn;rh ou tayarn;rh! VJ&-I& dar;roun kataroua‘ p;[oumn;re artafana‘ ;n ;rkaji dari au;li qan 1000 ourartakan dambarann;r% xhnq;r% oskih% ar‘ajh ou pronxh xard;r% oulounqn;r ou baxmat;sak .;z;[hn% ;ua\ln! Ø,akan giu[i moutqin% M;srop Ma,tozi 1600-am;akin a®ijow% kangn;zoua‘ h \ou,ar]an (1962)% bazoua‘ girqi nman ;rkou \ou,asal;row% oronzmh ]a.in wra\ qandakoua‘ h fa\oz a\boub;ne!


Amb;rd amroze

Araga‘otn gaua®i mh=% Biurakanhn 7 qlm& fiusis% mi=nadar;an b;rdaqa[aq-amroz h Amb;rde! Araga‘ l;ran faraua\in lan=in% ‘owoun mak;r;shn 2300 m;jr bar]rouj;an wra\% d[;akn ou parispn;roun mhk mase ka®ouzoua‘ ;n H& daroun% Kamsarakann;rou ørow! VA& daroun an ke patkanhr Paflauouni i,.ann;roun% isk au;li w;r=% Bagratoun;az jagauorouj;an ®axma-pa,tpanakan kar;uor \;nakhtn;rhn hr! 1196-hn sks;al s;'akanoujiune ke 'o.anzoui Xaqar;ann;roun! Amb;rde parb;rakan kargow grauoua‘ ;u au;roua‘ h S;lyouqn;rou (VA& dar)% Monkoln;rou (1236)% jourq-jajarn;rou ;u L;nkjimouri (VD& dar) ko[mh! Pafpanoua‘ ;n Amb;rdi ;®a\ark d[;akin ou b;rdaparispn;roun au;rakn;re% ;k;[;ziin ou ba[niqn;roun (V&-VA& dar;r)% matou®in ;u ka®o\zn;roun mnazordn;re! Oun;za‘ h pa,tpanakan baza®ik famakarg! 1936-i p;[oumn;re^ |owsh' Ørb;lii [;kawarouj;amb% \a\tnab;ra‘ ;n m;ta[h ir;r% xhnq;r% xard;r% .;z;[hn% dramn;r! Amb;rdi amroze ke .orfrdan,h fa\oz l;®na,.arfin mh= apro[ fa\ vo[owourdin w;rapr;lou ankrkn;li wy®akamoujiune øtar n;r.ouvo[n;rou dhm! :u a\d ;rknam;r] bar]ounqin wra\% ,ou;takan s;[anatan ];uow ya,aranin mh=% m;nq fam;t;s;zinq manauand famow ang;raxanz;li t;[akan m;[rn ou karage!

Ø<AKAN A,taraki ,r=anin mh=% Qasa. g;ti a'in% n,anauor giu[ h Ø,akane! Ar,akounin;rou s;'akanoujiunn hr! Amatounin;rou na.a];®nouj;amb Ø,akani mh= ke ja[oui (440) M;srop Ma,toze! Anor

M;srop Ma,toz wardap;te ‘na‘ h 362-in% Tarøn gaua®i Faz;kaz giu[in mh=! Anika ;[a‘ h fa\kakan a\boub;ni st;[‘ice% fa\ dprozin fimnadire ;u a®a=in ousouzice% m,akouja\in-fasarakakan b;[oun gor‘ice% ou qristonhouj;an qaroxice! M;srop ke tirap;thr \ounarhn% parsk;rhn% asor;rhn ou wraz;rhn l;xoun;roun! 384 jouin ke fastatoui Wa[ar,apat (fima^ H=mia‘in)% our Ar,akoun;az faxarap;t A®awani [;kawarouj;amb% ke pa,tønawarh arqouniqin mh= ibr;u at;nadpir% ;u apa k*anzni xinouorakan ‘a®a\ouj;an! 32 tar;kanin ke da®na\ wanakan! Ir a,ak;rtn;roun ou[;kzouj;amb% ke katarh qaroxcakan ,r=aga\oujiunn;r f;janosakan Go[jni gaua®in mh=% our ke fimnh S& M;srop Ma,tozi ;k;[;zin qristonhakan fama\nqn;r ;u ;k;[;zakan das;r! 387-in ;rkou masi bavnoua‘ hr Fa\astane% oroun ar;u;l;an bavni arqouniqi l;xoun parsk;rhnn hr% isk ar;umt;an bavnin mh= ;k;[;zakan ou palatakan l;xoun \ounarhnn hr! W;ro\i,;al øtar l;xoun;re ke ja'anzhin fa\ entaniqn;rou banauor .øsqin ou k;nza[in mh=% w;rafasørhn a®a=nord;low fa\ouj;an ]oulman! Ma\r;ni <ar& h= 25


TOQJ& :U TIK& ÂA~~I :U "HJI PAL:ANN:R Amanori ;u S& ’nnd;an tøn;roun bar;bastik a®ijn;row k*o[=oun;nq m;r faraxatn;rn ou bar;kamn;re ma[j;low% or 2015 tarin ir f;t b;rh bargauayoum% fam;ra,.oujiun ;u .a[a[oujiun^ a,.arfi vo[owourdn;roun% Fa\astanin ;u Arza.in% incphs na;u yanacoum^ fa\ vo[owourdi ardar irauounqn;roun ;u anor srbaxan datin


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|ISNAM:AKH^ |ISNAM:AK FAMAFA|KAKAN AÂA+IN POÂJKOUMHN PAFAN+ATIROUJ:AN B:MAFARJAK :U LOU’OUM |OWSH" M:LQON:AN Tarin^ 1965& Jouakane^ April 25& Øre^ Kiraki& Isk wa\re^ Pomph\i Sb& P;tros Fa\ A®aq;lakan ;k;[;ziin kiz ªAraratº fa\apatkan ,hnqi fing;rord \arkin wra\ gtnouo[ 'oqr srafe! A\d srafin mh= a\d pafoun fauaqoua‘ ;n møtauoraphs qsan kam qsanfing tar;z fa\;r ou mati wra\ famrouo[ mi qani ;ritasard ou patani% oronz ambo[=oujiune ke kaxmh a\d ør;rou Pomph\i fa\ ga[ouje! A\d 'oqrajiu ga[ouji andamn;re a,.arfi tarb;r ankiunn;rhn ou ;rkirn;rhn Fndkastan fastatoua‘ ou fon apro[ fa\;r ;n! Fon ;n a\d pafoun Thr ;u Tik& Fa\k Gala\y;ann;re% ma\r ou doustr Lhmony;ann;re ;u a\ri Tik& Al;anaqe^ K& Polshn% Âoph® <aml;ane ;u Abgar;an amole Ph\roujhn% pandokathr Tik& Âox Paxile% Tik& Qlara Mhfjan ;u Toqj& Aram :[iaxar;ane^ +ou[a\hn% Tikinn;r Jamara Komhxe ;u Nouard Hqnh\;ane^ J;franhn% Tik& Wardoufi Lorte^ Wani w;rapro[n;rhn% Thr Waxghn qafana\ ou ;rhzkin St;'an;ann;re^ Falhphn! Isk ir fska\ ou \a[jamarmin fasakow% qic me ,ouara‘ wiyaki me mh=% srafin k;ndrone kangna‘ h Sow;t Miouj;an G;rago\n >orfourdi ;u Fa\astani Gitakan Akad;mia\i andam% a,.arfaf®cak maj;majikos Shrgh\ M;rk;l;ane% or Fndkastani p;touj;an frauhrow pa,tønakan a®aq;louj;amb Pomph\ vamana‘ h :r;uanhn! Za‘ ]a\now ;rb;mn ba® me ke 'o.anakh axgouj;amb ®ous ir kno= f;t% miavamanak ®ous;rhn fakiry bazatroujiunn;r talow ir;nz enk;razo[ sow;takan fiupatosaranhn pa,tønatari me! Sb& Patarage nor w;r=aza‘ h ou amhnqs fima fauaqoua‘ ;nq w;rna\arki srafin mh= masnakz;lou April;an :[;®ni \ou,afandhsin& amhnqs takauin ke gtnouinq m;r april;an nafatakn;rou .nk;li \i,atakin nouirua‘ fog;fangst;an araro[ouj;an ‘anr tpauorouj;an tak ou srafin mh= .or l®oujiun me ke tirh! A®a=in .øsq a®no[e Thr Fa\rn h! N;rkan;roun ke bazatrh jh inco#u fon fauaqoua‘ ;nq a\d øre! P;rya.øs an]nauoroujiun me ch thr fa\re& ke .øsi kary% anpayo\y ba\z fama\nakan wi,tn ou zaue k∞arta\a\touin ir \ouxoua‘ ]a\nin mh=! N;rkan;re gl.ikor mtik k∞en;n^ korsoua‘ ir;nz .or mta‘mounqn;roun mh=!

Kargow ouri,n;r ;us .øsq k∞a®n;n! Prn& S;drak Abgar;ane% asparhxow 'astaban% khs angl;rhn ou khs fa\;rhn ou[;r] me ke karda\! Atamnabo\v Toqj& Aram :[iaxar;ane k∞arta\a\toui 1915-in patafa‘ ;[;®nakan dhpq;roun masin ou ke \i,h mankouj;an apra‘ dvouar tarin;re! Tikin Âox Paxil% ibr;u ga[ouji fogabar]ouj;an at;nap;toufi% ir kargin auour pat,ayi ;rkou .øsq me k∞artasanh! Amhn mard \ouxoua‘ h ou m;xmh iuraqanciure .oraphs ke gitakzi a\d pafoun st;[‘a‘ fog;kan ;u xgazakan tagnapin! Ba\z bolorin ou,adroujiune k;ndronaza‘ h fima Shrgh\ M;rk;l;ani wra\! Ard;øq i#nc piti esh bar]rastiyan fa\r;ni fiure or anaknkal k;rpow a\d a®auøt m;r mh= ke gtnoui! Incph#s piti arta\a\toui Sow;t qa[aqazin% p;takan kargousarqi andam% gitakan ,r=anakn;rou mh= f®cak wa\;lo[ a\s fa\e or n;rka\ gtnou;lh ;tq ware ;k;[;ziin mh= matouzoua‘ sb& pataragin% fima ;ka‘ h mianalou s'iu®qi tara‘qin korsoua‘ 'oqrajiu ga[ouji me andamn;roun^ w;r\i,;lou fama\nakan fa\ou go[gojan! Ya®;rhn ou ou[;r]n;rhn ;tq krkin l®oujiun me tira‘ h 'oqr srafin mh=& .øsq ke troui m;‘argo\ fiurin! Amhn mard ke spash! Isk inqe M;rk;l;ane ,our=e ke dith! |a\tni ch jh inci# ke spash ir .øsqe es;lou! -Im .øsqhn a®a=% k∞esh w;r=aphs fa\r;ni fiure% ard;øq n;rka\ ;ritasardn;rhn o;uh mhke ch#r oux;r ban me es;l! A\s angam m;nq% t;[azin;rs% anyrka‘ ;nq! Oc oq a\d masin mta‘a‘ hr na.aphs! :rb ,our=d 70-i kam 80-i møt;zo[ an];r kan orqa@n \armar h ;ritasardi me kam nora'jij patanii me .øsq tal a\d a®ijow! Gonh n;rkan;roun m;‘amasnoujiune a\dphs ke mta‘hr a\d ør;roun&&& A\s ,'oja‘ l®oujiune mi qani roph t;u;z! M;nq% a\sinqn fon n;rka\ ;[o[ ;ritasard ou patani% no\nqan ,ouara‘ k;za‘ ;nq ankiun me ou irarou ;r;sin ke na\inq! W;r=aphs% Tik& Âox Paxil% fogabar]ouj;an at;nap;toufii ir fangamanqow% m;xi da®nalow k∞esh! -T[a*q% ;jh es;liq ouniq afa* a®ije ];xi! Krkin l®oujiun! Faka®ak ;[a‘ frauhrin oc oq t;[hn ke ,arvi! W;r=aphs famar]akoujiuns i mi fauaq;low qa\l me \a®a= kou gam! -Ya®i 'o.arhn k∞oux;m otanauor me artasan;l% k∞es;m ;s& k∞ella#\!

Amhn ko[mh qa=al;ranqi .øsq;r ke lsouin! :rkwa\rk;ani me mh= oro,a‘ hi ardhn jh inc piti artasan;m! Fandart ke sksim! -Famø Saf;an^ ªFa\astane ;rg;ri mh=º! |arab;rabar ;rkar banast;[‘oujiun men h ou kar;li ch a\d pa\mann;roun mh= a\d ktore ambo[=ouj;amb artasan;l! F;t;uabar% pat,ay;zoua‘ tarb;rak me k∞entr;m mtowi xor dprozakan tarin;rous ke sirhi fandhsn;roun artasan;l! Øtarouj;an mh=% a\d tarb;rake ke sirhi \aya. mtowi kam bar]ra]a\n krkn;l ou ankh fog;kan o\v me ;u s'o'anq me ke stana\i amhn angam! Our;mn in‘i ‘anøj a\d tarb;rake k∞entr;m artasan;lou famar! Na.;rganqe zaui% o[bi ;rg men h% m;r vo[owourdi apra‘ anz;ali t.our dhpq;rou krkn;rge! A\d mase k∞anzni yn,oua‘ ou .or l®ouj;an me mh= ou ke sksim ;rkrord masin or a\d ør;rou tiro[ fa\r;nasirakan ogiin au;li ke famapatas.anhr jh* ,;,tow ;u jh* bowandakouj;amb! Nor Fa\astani gowabanoujiunn hr% au;li lauat;s ou inqnawstaf fa\ouj;an me patk;re^ Famø Saf;ani .øsq;row& ªKangna‘ da,toum Ararat;an Mh=qe \;na‘ Araga‘in Akanat;s ;u ounkndir A,.arfn;ri anzoudar]in Lo\s h qamoum ir g;t;riz Ogoroumow ir an.a'an% Lousauoroum ir .or fogin% Ir toun% ir k;anqn ou ir yamban% :u tqn;low% inqn ir;niz Faxar angam fxøraza‘% M;[r h qamoum ',iz angam :u karka®iz^ gini ou faz% N®an fiuj h qamoum qariz Ir siunabar] q;r‘;ri mh=&A\spisi*n h Fa\astane M;r norør;a\ ;rg;ri mh=º! Faxiu artasanoujiune w;r=azouza‘ hi Shrgh\ M;rk;l;ane wras .o\azau% 'ajjou;zau in‘i ou kar‘hq inqxinqe mo®za‘^ ke krknhr! - Apri*s ;ritasard% apri*s ;ritasard! Fima ke vpthr! Ir a\d vpite kar‘;s mjnolorte j;j;uzouz! Qic me a®a=oua\ a\d yn,oua‘ t.roujiune 'arata‘ hr ou M;rk;l;an w;r=aphs .øsq a®au! <ar& h= 32

A|S H+E KE FOWANAUOR:N THR :U TIK& TOQJ& GHORG :U SHSIL Q:<I<:ANN:R A,.arfin^ >a[a[oujiun Fa\r;niqin^ Bargauayoum Fa\ Axgin^ Shr Mioujiun


NOR ØR% 25 D:KT:MB:R% 2014

I \i,atak ENK& HTMON SARGIS:ANIN A\s h=e ke fowanauor;n Enk;roufi Ani Sargis;an ;u xauakn;re^ Vanin% Al;q ;u Marlhn ªNor Ørº ,abajaj;rjin ma[j;low bari ;rj% fa\ girn ou m,ako\je faszn;lou m;r nor s;roundin ir en];®a‘ Srbaxan A®aq;louj;an mh=



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Nkata‘ k∞ellaq! Ørouan enjazqin orqan pa\‘a® ke 'a\li ar;ue% a\nqan ma\ramoutn;re au;li g;[;zik% tpauoric ou anmo®anali k∞ellan! :u no\nisk ma\ramouthn ,a@t ou ,a@t ;tqn al d;® ke fma\ouis ,a®agouna‘ forixoni =;rm gouna.a[ow^ ar;ua\in ogii ar]agangn;row! Afa* Waxghn W;fa'a®i f;t fandip;lou ;u apa w;z tari Ir fowanii tak a,.at;lou ou møtikhn ,'ou;lou fnarauoroujiunn oun;za\ Ir ma\ramoutin^ 19881994^ Ma\r Ajo® Sourb H=mia‘ini mh= a,.ata‘ tarin;rous! Fog;uorakann;rou k;anqi ou an]i masin ,at ci .øsouir! Kar‘;s ,[ar,apat h% ka*m japou% ka*m ant;soua‘! I masnauori >orfrda\in anastoua‘ouj;an ,r=anin au;li dvouar hr .øsil anonz masin% ;u% end a®au;l% anaca® gnafatakann;r tal^ grauor kam banauor! K∞;r;ua\ jh a\s hr patya®n;rhn mhke% or no\nisk Waxghn W;fa'a®i nman wa® ou iurørinak anfatakanoujiune ke stanar am;natarb;r m;knabanoujiunn;r^ srbazman fasno[ shrhn ou \arganqhn minc;u&&& QKP-i (P;takan Anwtangouj;an Komith) ga[tni gor‘akal f®cak;le! Irakanouj;an mh=% saka\n% incphs fanyar;[ørhn k∞eshr Faml;te^ ªMARD hr% Foraziø*% ou nmane c∞ellar ;rb;qº&&&! MARD% oroun W;rin Na.a.namouj;an ouve kan.at;s;r hr nstil S& Grigor Lousauorci A®aq;la,aui[ gafin% ‘a®a\;lou ir vo[owourdin ou ;k;[;ziin! Ardar;u% ;k;[;zin;r ,in;l ou norog;l 29 faxar qa®& qlm& tara‘qow 'oqrik Fa\astani mh=% vamanaka,r=ani me enjazqin% ;rb 22&4 mln& qa®& qlm& tara‘qi wra\ fauatqi ou ;k;[;zuo\ fala‘anq hr& Srb& Au;taran tpagr;l ou tara‘;l ir vo[owourdin mh= (jo[ or safmana'ak tpaqanakow)% ;rb p;takan qaroxcakan baxmamilionanoz m;q;nan (propaganda) ir am;nafxør graqnnouj;amb srboujiun srboz ke f®cakhr marqsixmi dasakann;rn

ou Pr;vn;u;an ªMala;a X;ml;aºn! >orfrda\in pa,tønakalouj;an (cinownikakan aparat) qijin tak baxmapatk;l jangarana\in niuj;re^ gn;low kam nouhr stanalow fama,.arfa\in arou;sti baxmaqanak niuj;re^ fa\ ;u fama,.arfa\in arou;sti baxmaqanak glou.gor‘ozn;r% oskiow ou gofar;[hnow anmafazn;lou M;srop;an Osk;[nik A\boub;ne% Fa\kakan ’a[k;al >acn ou >orfrda\in Fa\astani xinan,ane a\n paraga\in% ;rb p;toujiune a®ije chr 'a.zn;r vo[owourdi oun;za‘ cncin qanaki oskin ir ];®qin mh= k;dronazn;lou% >orfrda\in ;u Isra\hl;an p;toujiunn;rou m,takan fakamartoujiunn;rou ªwra\hn j®;lowº satar k;nalou Fa\oz :rousa[hmi srbawa\r;rou bar;kargoumn;rou a,.atanqn;roun^ endfoup minc;u Srb& |arouj;an Tayari Fa\oz mas;re% ort;[ \;to\ m;sropata® piti wau;razouhr i lour a,.arfi ;u galiq s;roundn;roun& ªNorog;zau&&& i Fa\rap;touj;an Waxghn A& Kajo[ikosi&&&º! <r=;lou famar;a bolor ga[jøya.n;re% karg me t;[;r qanizs^ arfamarf;low qa[aqakan ou ga[a'arakan arg;lqn;rn ou tara]a\noujiunn;re% a®o[=akan ou an]nakan fangamanqn;re^ Sourb H=mia‘ni lo\sn ou ørfnoujiune tan;low baxmamilion


THR :U TIK& KARØ QIU":L:ANN:R Nor Taroua\ ;u S& ’nnd;an xo\g tøn;roun a®jiu% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bar;kamn;re% ma[j;low bolorin a®o[=oujiun ;u \a=o[oujiun

<ar& h= 31




L:UON JIUJIUNY:AN (1890 Polis – 1976 Loxan) ARA AFARON:AN :ra.tauor Jiujiuny;an ir \atouk t;[e ke grauh ÂAK-i a®a=nordn;rou a\n fo\lin% oronq orphs fraparakagir ou fasarakakan gor‘ic dar]an xofab;r nouir;aln;r^ ‘a®a\;lou ansakark fa\ vo[owourdin! Jiujiuny;ani fa\re Âoubhn% ;[a‘ h Kostandnoupolso\ 16 fa\ a®a=in ,r=anauartn;rhn^ irauabanakan warvarani 1876-in% ou ir ordin L;uonn al^ piti a®a=nordouhr da®nalow irauabanakan ousano[! L;uon ‘na‘ h Polso\ Gate giu[ fa\abnak ja[amase^ 1890 D;kt;mb;rin% our ke \aya.h t;[uo\n fa\kakan na.akrjarane! Ou apa orphs patani k*ou[arkoui W;n;tiki M.ijar;an Fa\r;rou qa[k;droni warvarane ;rkrordakan ousman famar! Orphs 'a\loun ousano[% Jiujiuny;an \atouk shr ke zouzab;rh W;n;tiki mh= sorw;lou øtar l;xoun;r% manauand ital;rhn ou `rans;rhn% incphs na;u arou;sti nkatmamb ir f;taqrqroujiune xinq k*a®a=nordh oun;za‘ ta[ande drs;uor;lou g;[ankarcouj;an mh=! 1908-in ke w;rada®na\ Polis% ou føre 'a'aqow moutq ke gor‘h 18 tar;kanin Polso\ Famalsarane% f;t;u;lou irauabanouj;an yiu[in! No\n tarin ardhn ir fraparakagrakan f;taqrqroujiune xinq a,.atakiz ke dar]nh Safmanadrakan-Âamkawar Waspourakani pa,tønaj;rj ªWan Taspºin% ou apa ke ,arounakh ir masnakzoujiune b;r;l ªForixonº ou ªM,akº j;rj;roun ;us% ir famalsaranakan ousman f;t xougaf;®! Patani tariqin an ardhn jrq;rhn ou `rans;rhn l;xoun;roun lau ‘anøj ellalow% fmtørhn sksa‘ hr jargmanoujiunn;r katar;l fa\;rhnow% manauand 20-rd darou skxbnauorouj;an xargazo[ mi=axga\in qa[aqakanouj;an f;t a®ncoua‘! 1912-in% ir fraparakagrakan fimnauoroua‘ masnakzoujiune ke b;rh ªVamanakº øraj;rjin! Isk ir lragrakan fmtoujiune ou ga[a'arakan famoxoume an k*oronh axga\in ‘anøj gor‘ic ou kousakzakan a®a=nord Tiran Qhlhk;ani f;t;u;low! A®a=in Fama,.arfa\in Pat;raxmi vamanak% Øsman;an ;njaspan;rou warvarane ke \aya.h Polso\ mh=% ba\z ijjifatakan fakaqriston;a\ ,arvoume% or ‘a\r touau Øsman;an p;touj;an tara‘qin% 'or]a®ou dar]a‘ Âoubhn Jiujiuny;ane% or ‘anøj hr jourq fog;banouj;an% \armar nkat;z L;uone f;®azn;l Polshn! 1915 ";trouarin% w;z amousa\ ir banaka\in ousoume lq;low% naua\in yanaparfow kou ga\ Poulkario\ Pourka, qa[aqe! Qani me amis ;tq an piti imanar Polso\ fa\ mtauorakanouj;an taragroujiune% or skixbe

Otqi a=hn a®a=ine^ L;uon Jiujiuny;an

Nsta‘ ]a.hn ;rkrorde^ L;uon Jiujiuny;an

piti da®nar M;‘ :[;®ne .orfrdan,o[ axga=in= spandin% ou au;lin an piti imanar ir;n fasakakiz fa\ span;rou ];rbaka-

loujiune% oronzmh ,at;r ;[;rakan xof;re dar]an :[;®ni! Bar]rago\n krjoujiune faxiu auarta‘ ir ‘nnadawa\rin mh=% ;ritasard \;[a'o.a,ounc L;uone k*oro,h nouirouil axga\in axatagrakan ,arvoumi% ou 1915-i auarthn a®a= k*anzni Kowkas% our Xørawar Andranik l‘oua‘ hr fa\kakan kamauorrakan gound;rou kaxmak;rpman a,.atanqin! L;uon .andawa®ouj;amb moutq ke gor‘h kamauorakan gound;rhn n;rs! Kary vamanaki mh= Xøraware ke nkath Jiujiuny;ani mtauorakan ou l;xouakan fmtoujiune ou k*oro,h ir na.a];®na‘ ªFa\astanº øraj;rjin .mbagrouj;an frauir;l L;uone% Wafan Jojow;nzi ko[qin% or dar]a‘ hr Andraniki an]nakan qartou[are! Ji`lis fastatoua‘ Jiujiuny;ane% our go\oujiun ounhr axga\in ou fasarakakan ;®oux;® k*oronh ir \;taga\ axga\in-fasarakakan gor‘ounhouj;an skixbe% ;rb 1916-in mas ke kaxmh Jrqafa\ Miouj;an ou k*entroui warcakan .orfourdi andam% ou no\n tarin k*ou[arkoui Salmast (Parskastan)% kaxmak;rp;lou fon gtnouo[ warvarann;rn ou orbanozn;re% oronq sksa‘ hin o[o[ouil ar;umtafa\ orb;row! Ir;n na;u ke wstafoui fsk;l ga[jakann;rou t;[auorman! Ji`lis ;u Salmast gtnoua‘ vamanak% Jiujiuny;an ir l;xouakan fmtoujiune orphs irauaban piti dnhr fa,tarar datarann;rhn n;rs! Tari me ;tq (1917 Ma\isin) ke w;rada®na\ Ji`lis ou a\l;us ke nouiroui ambo[=ouj;amb fraparakagrakan a,.atanqi% ªFa\astanº øraj;rji .mbagrouj;an% incphs na;u Xør& Andraniki qartou[arakan pa,tønhn bazi% L;uon Jiujiuny;an k*a,.atakzi xougaf;® Wanhn t;[a'o.oua‘ Safm& Âamkawar pa,tønaj;rj ªWan Taspºin% møthn ‘anøjanalow j;rji .mbagir ou ga[a'arakan ;rkar tarin;rou ir kousakzakan enk;ro=^ Artak Darbin;anin! Kary vamanaki enjazqin Ji`lisi mh= Jiujiuny;an ke da®na\ 'nt®oua‘ .mbagir ou masnakzoujiun ke b;rh w;rakaxm;aln;rou ªFa\ka,hnº amsagrin% oroun .mbagrouj;an ke masnakzhr P;tros T;'o\;ane% oroun f;t al Jiujiuny;an \;taga\in ;rkar tarin;r gor‘;lou a®ije piti oun;nar axga\in-fasarakakan gor‘ounhoujiun k;rt;low! Fama,.arfa\in A& Pat;raxmhn ;tq (1918)% xinq ke gtn;nq Polis% 4 taroua\ bazaka\ouj;nh ;tq! A\s angam l;xouaght irauabane ou spa\ouj;an warvarani ousano[e nouirou;low Polso\ mh= lo\s t;sno[ ®amkawar

A|S H+E KE FOWANAUORH DAUIJ SAMOUHL:AN Nor Taroua\ ;u S& ’nnd;an xo\g tøn;roun a®jiu% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bar;kamn;re% ma[j;low bolorin a®o[=oujiun ;u \a=o[oujiun

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Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year 2015 !"#$%&'#$()#$(*&$+(,'(-#'$.(/"#'"0 Yerevan ‘Still Committed’ To Closer Ties With West

Armenia’s leadership has assured Western powers that it will continue deepening relations with them even after joining the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), the outgoing U.S. ambassador in Yerevan, John Heffern, said on Friday. Heffern said that the United States trusts in these assurances because it believes that closer ties with the West are “not incompatible” with Yerevan’s membership in the Russian-led alliance of ex-Soviet states. The U.S. and the European Union are therefore trying to help Armenia develop a “strategic” capacity to closely cooperate with both the West and Russia, he said. “We think that Armenia can benefit from both,” Heffern told a farewell news conference in the U.S. Embassy in Yerevan. Heffern’s incoming successor, Richard Mills, made similar statements during U.S. congressional hearings on his candidacy held in September. “We have stressed since Armenia’s decision [to join the EEU] that strengthened economic collaboration with the United States and Europe can complement Armenia’s future membership in the Eurasian Economic Union,” he said. “We want to do that in every sector. Economic sector, diplomatic, political and even security,” stressed Heffern. He argued that membership in the Russian-led Collective Security Treaty Organization has not kept Armenia from increasingly cooperating with NATO. “Both organizations benefit from Armenia’s participation,” he said. U.S. President Barack Obama described U.S.-Armenian relations as “strong” and pledged to strengthen them when he congratulated President Serzh Sarkisian on Armenia’s Independence Day in September. “The deep bonds between the United States and Armenia are strong,” Secretary of State John Kerry said in a separate statement. Sargis Harutyunyan

Outgoing U.S. Envoy Talks Karabakh, Turkey At Final Press Event PanARMENIAN.Net - The outgoing U.S. ambassador to Armenia John Heffern reiterated today (Dec 19) that there is no military solution to the long-running Nagorno Karabakh conflict, ARKA reports. Speaking at a farewell news conference in Yerevan he said he had to repeat the statements by the OSCE Minsk Group that the Karabakh conflict has no military solution, and the only one way to settle it is through peace talks. However, he stressed that the OSCE Ming Group is acting as a peace broker and can not impose a solution on the parties to the conflict. "By and large, it all depends on the conflict parties themselves," said the diplomat. According to him, the U.S. hopes that the strategic South Caucasus region will sooner or later become open, and that Washington, for its part, is ready to help resolve the conflict and open borders. He said the U.S. wants to help Armenia to become a strategically important country with new possibilities and alternatives. According to him, the U.S. and EU are willing to deepen cooperation with Armenia in any sphere where Armenia will demonstrate political will. According to him, even though Armenia is a member of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), it also effec-

tively cooperates with NATO and is willing to continue cooperation with the West on mutually beneficial terms, which is natural, "because there are no winners and losers." He stressed that Washington will continue helping Armenia to build democracy and strengthen human rights, rule of law and free media. The outgoing envoy also commented on the lack of progress in Armenia-Turkey reconciliation, Armenian media report. He said during his tenure in Armenia his biggest disappointment was about the Armenian-Turkish protocols. The envoy said they expected that the protocols would be ratified resulting in the opening of the border and establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. But the lack of progress is disappointing, he said. At the same time, the ambassador said, the U.S. will continue supporting the Yerevan-Ankara reconciliation.

Armenia Best Country For Business In CIS: Forbes

PanARMENIAN.Net - Armenia was ranked 56th in Forbes' new Best Countries for Business – 2014 list, leaving behind its CIS neighbors - Azerbaijan was placed 60th, Russia 91st, Moldova 75th, Ukraine 88th, Kyrgyzstan 101st. Among the regional states, Georgia took the 47th spot, Turkey - 50th, Iran 132nd. According to Forbes, Armenia has improved its position in the "monetary freedom" and "tax burden" criteria. The neighboring Azerbaijan is estimated to have worsened its position in the "personal freedoms" criteria. "Azerbaijan has had a limited progress only in the market-oriented economic reforms. Corruption in the private sector and structural economic weaknesses remain an obstacle to growth, especially in the non-energy sector," Forbes said. United States was placed 18th in the ranking, with Denmark named the best country for business in 2014, followed by Hong Kong and New Zealand.

Ukrainian Investors Buy Into Armenian Airline A Ukrainian investment fund announced the purchase of a 49 percent stake in Armenia’s leading airline on Friday, pledging to help restart soon its commercial flights that were suspended two months ago. Vladimir Bobylev, the chief executive of the East Prospect Fund, pledged to invest at least $30 million in the troubled Air Armenia carrier. Armenian news agencies quoted him as saying that it plans to replace and expand the company’s small fleet of aircraft in the coming months. It was not clear how much the fund, registered in the British Virgin Islands but headquartered in Kiev, paid for the minority share. It valued Air Armenia at $50 million on its website. Air Armenia specialized in cargo shipments by air until Armenia’s flagship airline, Armavia, went bankrupt in April 2013, leading to the full liberalization of the Armenian civil aviation sector. The small carrier took over some of Armavia’s flights later in 2013. Air Armenia halted the flights to a dozen destinations in Russia and Europe in late October as a result of a financial dispute with

Russia’s national air navigation service. It accused the Rosaeronavigatsia agency of scaring away its customers with false statements about its outstanding debts. Aviation experts believe that the company also struggled to compete with much larger Russian airlines. According to Bobylev, Air Armenia is currently undergoing restructuring and should able to resume flights in March. “I would like our fund to be presented not so much as a new Air Armenia shareholder but as an investor,” the Arka news agency quoted him as telling a joint news conference with Arsen Avetisian, Air Armenia’s director and main official shareholder. “We have understandings on $30 million [in investments] for the first phase of operations but won’t confine ourselves to that figure,” he said. On its website East Prospect presents itself as a fund manager specializing in “problematic assets.” Its investment portfolio, estimated at $2.5 billion, mainly consists of mining operations in Ukraine.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday December 25, 2014


HMADS Annual Christmas Hantes Brings Cheers To All

Seventh Annual AGBU NYSEC Concert Raises Over $60,000 For Performing Arts Initiatives

Oakland Gardens - New York: On Monday, December 15, 2014, the Holy Martyrs Armenian Day School (HMADS) presented their annual Christmas Hantes. This year, the program started with the festive procession of our students, grades one through six, wearing bright shades of red and green that illuminated the stage. The program continued with Nursery and Kindergarten marching to the stage to present songs and recitations in English and Armenian, as well as dances. The Nutcracker dance presented by Nursery students was phenomenal! What a fabulous job these students did, and how precious they looked! The highlight of the evening was watching the Kindergarten class march to the stage as wooden soldiers in their fancy costumes and hats. They marched through the audience captivating everyone's attention—it was as if we were watching the Parade of Wooden Soldiers of the Radio City Christmas Spectacular on Broadway! The first and second graders took the stage next. They presented 'A Potpourri of Christmas Wishes' in English and 'Nor Dari' and 'Dzenoonti Dzar' in Armenian. The third graders recited 'Shnorhavor Nor Dari' in Armenian, before the fourth graders joined them on the stage to present 'The Twelve Days of Christmas.' The fourth graders recited their 'Ghaghanti Maghtankner' in Armenian—an assignment in which they thought of their own unique ideas with little outside help. The fifth and sixth graders together presented 'New Year's Eve through the Centuries' in Armenian followed by 'The Nativity' in English. Not only were the songs, recitations and dances beautifully presented by our students, but it was also an informative and lovely learning experience about the holidays. After the fourth, fifth, and sixth graders serenaded the audience with Christmas songs, which included 'Khorhoort Medz, Jurakalooyts, Hyoosis Arevelk, Inch Aghvor e Ays Irigoon.' Then we heard the bells ringing in a distance, and knew at once that the man with the big white beard, red suit, and bag of toys over his shoulder, who we had hoped would visit, was near. Before we knew it, Ghaghant Baba arrived

Carnegie Hall Concert Celebrates The 75th Birthday Of Composer Tigran Mansurian

all the way from Mount Ararat, smiling and laughing, dancing around with the students, speaking of course Armenian and English and showing off the toys that he had for all the boys and girls. Principal Zarminé Boghosian acknowledged the presence of special guests for the first time at HMADS, Mr. Zaven Khanjian, the Executive Director of AMAA in New Jersey and his wife Mrs. Sona Khanjian. She also extended special thanks to the entire faculty, HMADS secretary Mrs. Maro Jamgotchian, volunteers and benefactors of the school as well as the donors of Santa’s gifts for all HMADS Students: Mr. & Mrs. Jacque and Talar Minoyan, Tony Tahmisyan and Roupen Aslanian and also to Mr. Dikran Cherchian for his generous Christmas contribution. The excitement came to its conclusion with Fr. Abraham Malkhasyan’s encouraging sentiments and prayer. The audience was treated with traditional coffee, milk and coffee hosted by HMADS PTO. The Christmas cheers that HMADS students spread were not limited to their parents and grandparents. The following day, Tuesday, December 16, HMADS students took a short trip to the Armenian Home of Flushing, Queens to bring smiles to the residents with their songs and recitations. Before leaving, the students handed out special Christmas ornaments and decorations that they had all made to all the Mahmeegs and Bahbeegs. You should have seen the happy faces and the glistening eyes! Upon their return to school the HMADS Students continued to spread cheers this time to Holy Martyrs Seniors and the New Directions group earning their praises and blessings. On behalf of the Holy Martyrs Armenian Day School we would like to wish everyone and their families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. !"#$%&'#$ (#$ )&$* +' ,#'$- ."#'"/: !

On December 6, nine performers and hundreds of guests gathered at the Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall for this year’s AGBU New York Special Events Committee (NYSEC) Performing Artists in Concert. The evening of music was held in honor of composer Tigran Mansurian’s 75th birthday and raised over $60,000 for performing arts initiatives worldwide. The evening’s program featured Armenian musicians from the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada, eight of whom were first time participants in the concert series. The performers were all recipients of AGBU Performing Arts scholarships, which have allowed them to study at prestigious institutions like the Juilliard School of Music in New York, the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, the Royal Academy of Music in London and the Komitas State Conservatory in Yerevan. The musicians making up this year’s international ensemble included: Samvel Arakelyan (violin), Narek Arutyunian (clarinet), Grigor Khachatryan (piano), Lilit Kurdiyan (cello), Nune Melikian (violin), Edvard Pogossian (cello), Veronika Vardpatrikyan (viola), Lauren Williams (oboe) and Sarkis Zakarian (piano). About his participation in the concert, Pogossian said: “Taking part in this concert was such a great experience for me and it was wonderful to get to know the Armenian community in New York. The financial support AGBU has given me is beyond generous and I can't say thank them enough for it!” Zakarian, who recently launched the AGBU London Chamber Orchestra, also served as the artistic director for the evening and was delighted to be part of the event: “It was a pleasure to meet all the

Markarian Galaxies Hubble’s view of the blue compact dwarf galaxy known as Markarian 209 The Discovery Channel posted today an interesting “photo of the day” on their Facebook page. It’s a picture as seen by the Hubble telescope of a galaxy known as the Markarian 209. Now why does a galaxy have such an Armenian name? Let’s examine. Markarian 209 is a part of a whole group of bright Markarian Galaxies. They belong to a class of galaxies with a bright center that radiates an excessive amounts of ultraviolet. They are named after their discoverer, a renown Armenian astrophysicist Beniamin Markarian (1913-1985) who in 1965 first discovered these galaxies at Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory in Armenia. Beniamin Markarian was considered one of the greatest observing astronomers of the 20th century. He worked at the Byurakan Observatory since 1946 on theories of starformation, clusters and super-clusters. He studied star associations and published the first systematic catalog of OB associations. For his work in 1950 he was awarded the pres-

tigious Soviet Stalin Prizealong along with his colleague Victor Ambartsumian. He went on to discover the Markarian Galaxies in the 1960s and published a catalog of 1469 galaxies called Markarian catalog (First Byurakan Catalogue of Markarian galaxies). Markarian also discovered a string of galaxies moving with a common motion. Named after him the Markarian’s Chain is a stretch of galaxies that are part of the Virgo Cluster. It is called a chain because, when viewed from Earth, the galaxies lie along a smoothly curved line. Markarian has received many honors during the course of his career. Between 1965 and 1989 up to 1515 Markarian Galaxies have been identified by the First Byurakan Survey. In 2005, the Second Byurakan Survey was carried out, extending the survey to fainter objects, making a catalog of total 3563 objects, 1863 of which are galaxies and 1700 stars.

other wonderful musicians and work together to prepare the program. This was a wonderful opportunity for all of us, not only to perform at the Carnegie Hall, but also to meet and collaborate together.” The concert was composed of an eclectic selection of Western classical and Armenian music. It was also the New York premiere of recently discovered early works by Aram Khachaturian, provided by the Khachaturian Piano Trio, and two little known pieces published in the 1930s by Alexander Spendiaryan, which were generously provided by the director of the Spendiaryan Museum, Marine Otaryan. The evening also featured a tribute to Tigran Mansurian and a special performance of some of his works. Hayk Arsenyan, the director of the AGBU Performing Arts department (PAD), commented on the special place of the annual concert in PAD’s larger mission of encouraging Armenian art: “The Performing Arts department at AGBU is committed to promoting Armenian artists worldwide, both contemporary artists and those who created our traditions as a way to build a bridge between the generations.” Following the concert, a reception was held at Molyvos Greek Restaurant, where sponsors and donors had the opportunity to meet the performers. NYSEC committee chairwoman Maral Jebejian expressed her gratitude to all those who lent their support: “We are very appreciative of everyone who contributed to the concert series and so proud to have been able to showcase the talent of our young musicians for the past seven years. We look forward to many more concerts to come.” !

Conference Marking Genocide Centennial To Feature Famous Armenians An international conference “Responsibility 2015” marking the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide will be held next March at New York’s Marriott Marquis Hotel. Actor and playwright Eric Bogosian, photojournalist Scout Tufankjian, and novelist Chris Bohjalian are among the confirmed participants of the event, Armenian Weekly reported. Other confirmed speakers include Jurist Geoffrey Robertson and journalist Robert Fisk. The three-day conference will feature a lineup of prominent historians, policymakers, authors, and artists from around the globe. The “Responsibility 2015” conference is being organized by the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) Eastern U.S. Centennial Committee, under the auspices of the Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee of America, Eastern Region.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday December 25, 2014


The Benefits Of Being Raised Armenian By Taleen Mardirossian I see the new generation of Armenian parents repeatedly shying away from Armenian traditions, culture, and even, language. And the reasoning behind this somewhat intentional abandonment of identity seems to be one and the same, to make it easier for their children to integrate into society. Here’s my take on this trend; you’re not doing your kid any favors. This is probably a good time to mention that I’m not a parent and by no means is this meant to be a parenting guide on how to raise your children. These are just the thoughts and experiences of a twenty-six year old, raised to be Armenian in a city where most people would ask, what’s an Armenian? I grew up in the South Bay, a predominantly white neighborhood where Armenians are a rare find. I vividly remember my mom calling me one day, hurriedly telling me to tidy up the living room. To Armenian moms, tidy up actually means dust the tables, vacuum the floors, Windex the mirrors, and set up an impressive arrangement of nuts, cookies, and dried fruits. “Why mom? The house is already clean.” “Because I found people. I’ll be home in ten.” This either meant that the human race had become extinct since the last time I checked or that my mom meant that she had found our kind of people, which turned out to be the case. Where I grew up, if you heard Armenian-speaking voices in the next aisle while shopping, you’d bring them home for coffee. So, it goes without saying that I was raised in a town where the norm wasn’t being Armenian, it was having blonde hair and light eyes, and I definitely didn’t fit into this norm. At school, I was often the only bearer of an – ian last name. And I was always okay with this because instead of indirectly encouraging me to shy away from my identity, my parents taught me that having a hard to pronounce name, thick eyebrows, and a not-so-perfect nose made me different, and that being different meant that I was special. So I grew up loving my name, my eyebrows, and my nose but most of all, I loved being Armenian. I loved being different. And this “being different” that young parents are now trying so hard to dodge

away from, is the very thing that is rewarded in the society they are trying to fit into. Being different is what lands you the job that hundreds of other applicants interviewed for. Having a voice that’s different, a perspective that’s different, a presence that’s different, is the difference between being ordinary and extraordinary. The progression of our society is not thanks to people who invest their time and effort into being like everyone else. So, instead of trying to mold into the norms of society, allow your child the opportunity to embrace the fact that they are different. And I don’t mean to say that being different is always easy, because it’s not. Being the only Taleen in a school of thousands of students wasn’t exactly a stress-free experience growing up, but I attribute a lot of my personality to the fact that I had an uncommon name and here’s why. It taught me to speak up when my classmates dared to call me something different and it taught me to demand respect from anyone who needed to call my name. I learned not to sacrifice something as important as my identity for the sake of not inconveniencing my peers. I learned to be patient and teach others to pronounce my name correctly, think Pauline but with a T, even if it took a dozen tries to get it right. Having an Armenian name taught me to stand up for myself and others, even if it meant that I had to stand alone. Being raised Armenian also taught me to educate my peers. In third grade, my teacher handed each student a sheet of paper and told us to write down interesting facts about a country of our choice, which we would later present to the class. Naturally, I chose Armenia and the facts that I found interesting weren’t about Armenian foods or landmarks. Here’s what my third-grade self wrote: “Taleen is a special name in Arminia because in Arminia there is an old village called Taleen and a lot of people live there. Turkish wanted to fight us because we were the first people to be Christian and the Turkish didn’t want us to be Christian and they wanted to have our land. Every ten Arminians fought back against hundreds of Turkish soldiers. April 24, 1915 is a memoriel day for the Arminian people because they killed over one million Arminian chil-

Akcam To Present Talk On League Of Nations’ Aleppo Rescue House On Tues., Jan. 13, 2015, Dr. Taner Akcam will present an illustrated talk entitled, “Giving Voice to the Voiceless: Armenian Genocide Survivors and the Aleppo Rescue House of the League of Nations,” at 8 p.m., at the Charles and Nevart Talanian Cultural Hall of Holy Trinity Armenian Church in Cambridge. The event is cosponsored by the Knights and Daughters of Vartan, the Kaloosdian/Mugar Chair at Clark University, and the National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR), teh Armenian Weekly reports. After World War I ended, the newly formed League of Nations initiated projects to rescue Armenian Genocide survivors who were being involuntarily held in Muslim households. One of these projects was a rescue house in Aleppo run by Danish missionary Karen Jeppe that became active in 1921. The organization rescued many women and children whose identity information and short personal history—where they were from, what had happened to them,

and how they had survived, etc.—was recorded in special ledgers. The documentation is in English, and oftentimes the children and women were photographed. The vast majority of the 1,664 records created between 1922 and 1930 are still intact. A project to translate and publish these documents in Turkish has been initiated by Taner Akcam, Dicle Bilgin Akar, and Matthias Bjornlund. The Knights of Vartan Fund for Armenian Studies and NAASR have provided a grant to support this project, which will bring selected stories to the Turkish reader as a book and publish them all online. It is hoped that this will contribute substantially to the better understanding of the Armenian Genocide in Turkey, where the level of knowledge remains extremely low. In this special presentation, Akcam will provide an overview of the project, its relevance to the field of genocide studies, and in particular the importance of making these materials available in Turkey. Siranush Ghazanchyan

dren, womans, men.” Mind you, I didn’t know how to spell Armenia in third grade but I did know that Armenia was the first Christian nation and I did know about the genocide perpetrated against my ancestors. And in case you’re trying to figure out how old you were in third grade, the magic number is eight. While my classmates went up, one-by-one, educating the class about how the French eat snails and how fascinating the Great Wall of China is, eight-year old Taleen proudly went up and gave a history lesson about Armenians. Most parents these days would cringe at the thought of an eight-year old having any knowledge about an attempted mass extermination of an entire race but my parents taught me about the history of my people at a fairly young age. They never sheltered me from the cruelties capable by man and they didn’t raise me with the false perception that there is no evil in this world. And because I was always acutely aware of my people’s past, I grew up with compassion and a constant desire to right a wrong. And it is for this very reason that I continuously found myself gravitating towards positions that involved public interest throughout law school. This constant desire to seek justice for people who are victimized and advocate for those who are oppressed was not just happenstance. This compassion was deeply rooted to a past that occurred long before I was ever born, a past that nearly annihilated the Armenian people, and being raised with knowledge of this past taught me to care for people other than myself. Many people rolled an eye or two at my parents for their traditional approach to parenting while raising me and my brothers. Surely, they were told that their children would fall behind in school if they were taught Armenian before English, that they would become insecure if given unAmerican names, and that they’d be emotionally scarred if they were taught about the devastating past of their people before they were adults. But my parents, each fluent in four languages and raised to be Armenian in the Middle East and Europe, thought differently. They followed tradition in naming their children, raised their kids

in a hayeren khoseer household where we only spoke Armenian, and educated us about both the victories and tragedies of our history. I can honestly and confidently say that all those eye-rollers were wrong. My brothers and I were not adversely affected by being raised Armenian, nor were any of our close friends who were raised similarly. Among our group are educated and intelligent Armenians who attended prestigious universities, graduated at the top of their classes, hold influential positions, and are successful entrepreneurs. It doesn’t mean that a child with an American name or a child who doesn’t speak Armenian is any less capable of achieving success or possessing these qualities. All I’m saying is that if you’re foregoing an Armenian name for your child, choosing not to teach them the language or history, solely because it will be easier for them to assimilate, then maybe it would be worthwhile to think about the positive aspects of gifting them with a unique name, language, and history. Before being so quick in holding your child back from their own identity for the sake of convenience, let’s remember that parents are supposed to build their child’s potential, not limit it. Armenians are a people whose history dates back thousands of years, a people who have lived through kingdoms, wars, and genocide, which means, we’re pretty damn good at persevering when all odds are against us. And your children are their descendants and they too will persevere. By raising your children to be Armenian, you will be raising them to be kind, compassionate, understanding, loving, and appreciative. You will be teaching them to stand up for themselves and others, to be a leader, and a hard worker. If for no reason at all, raise your children to be Armenian for their sake because being Armenian is a beautiful thing to be. !

Hyer United Presents "Future Is Open" With just over $2 (1000 drams) you can give a nice gift to a child in need in Armenia for Christmas. If you want to contribute please go to: http://www.fio.am/en/ or contact Hyer United via e-mail at Info@HyerUnited.org Help us by sharing this e-mail so that we can spread this amazing cause. Dear friend, Christmas holidays are approaching, when we all gather with our relatives and friends to celebrate the New Year, when children are waiting for Santa Claus... But do you know there are children, whom Santa doesn't visit? Children, for whom the New Year has no miracles... Do you want to help make the Christmas fairy tale a reality for those children? Do you want to feel that somewhere there are children, who had a miracle in their lives thanks to you? For more information and participation please visit www.fio.am/en Hyer United Future is Open (FIO) Samvel Movsisyan

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday December 25, 2014


Stories Of Armenian Genocide Survivors Compiled In New Book By Siranush Ghazanchyan

The stories of Armenians who survived the mass killings of the late Ottoman era have been gathered in a book titled “100 years… Real Stories,” the Hurriyet Daily News reports. The 47 stories inside the book – which were collected as part of the “Turk Who Saved Me” project supported by the U.K. Foreign and Commonwealth Office and realized by the Armenia-based Armedia Agency and the European Integration Non-Governmental Organization – are presented in the words of the survivors with minimal editing, bilingual Turkish-Armenian newspaper Agos has reported.

The book has been translated into Armenian, English and Turkish, and will be distributed free of charge as part of the project. Lilit Gasparyan, who translated the book into Turkish, said they had selected 47 stories for publication but received many more after initially calling for contributions. “We deliver the verified, real stories of the people who survived the genocide thanks to the efforts of their Turkish neighbors, friends or ordinary Turks,” said Gasparyan. Journalist Aris Nalcı, who coordinated the project, said similar projects also needed to be conducted in Turkey.

Armenia-Turkey: Ankara Keen On Renewed Normalization Process With Yerevan As Genocide Centennial Looms

Turkish Professor Assigns Students To Deny Armenian Genocide

Professor of the history of Turkish Dokuz Eylül University Turkan Basigit assigned his students to come to the exam prepared to deny the fact of Armenian Genocide, Armenian News - NEWS.am reports. According to the Turkish Radikal newspaper, the homework assigned by the Turkish professor to the students caused active stir in social networks. Turkan Basigit demanded that all students come to the exam with written paper that professionally and from the historical point of view denies the basis of documents supporting the fact of the Armenian Genocide in Turkey. Students have scanned the assignment and spread it in social networks, where many users joined the protest and expressed dissatisfaction with such an assignment. In particular, many users of social networks asked the Turkish professor, what he would do if some students will come to the conclusion in their academic papers, which support the fact of the Armenian Genocide. Armenia News - NEWS.am


By Naira Hayrumyan One year before the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide Turkey began to make “aggressive proposals” for reconciliation with Armenians. Turkish leaders have been making statements which, while acknowledging the fact of Ottomanera deportations of Armenians, again put forward preconditions for normalization of current relations with Yerevan. In particular, in the first-in-its-kind statement released on April 23 Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan spoke of “shared pain”, while on May 2, Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said in an article in The Guardian that there is now “an opportunity to recapture the engagement and conciliation that eluded us in 2009.” The article is titled: “Turks and Armenians – we must follow Erdogan’s lead and bury our common pain”. Armenia responded to Erdogan’s statement by called it another attempt of genocide denial. Leading Armenian organizations in the Diaspora, notably the United States, also described it as Ankara’s “repackaging its genocide denial”. President Serzh Sargsyan has not withdrawn the 2009 Turkish-Armenian protocols from Parliament. At the same time, he again stated that Armenia wants the reopening of the border with Turkey and establishment of normal relations. Turkey continues to regard a Karabakh settlement favoring its regional ally and ethnic cousin Azerbaijan as a precondition for its ratification of the protocols. In particular, Ankara insists that at least part of the lands controlled by the Karabakh Armenian military today outside the former Nagorno-Karabakh autonomous region be ceded to Azerbaijan. Armenia categorically refuses to link the two processes. Despite Armenia’s repeated statements

to the opposite, many in Washington also appear to be linking the two processes. Well-known American expert on the Greater Middle East Brenda Shaffer in her article in The Foreign Affairs entitled “Nagorno-Karabakh After Crimea: How Moscow Keeps the Conflict Alive – And What to Do About it” urges the Obama administration to engage more actively in the Karabakh settlement and support Turkey’s efforts aimed at reconciliation. Perhaps the pro-Turkish expert has been alarmed by the fact that the process of recognition of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR) has been getting more active in recent years. On May 8, a corresponding draft resolution may be submitted to the Parliament in California for consideration. So far, five American states have recognized the independence of the NKR. The process of Armenian Genocide recognition and the recognition of the NKR’s independence will be taking place in parallel this year. However, a “parallel” process on the part of Russia is not excluded either. Armenia’s accession to the Russian-led Customs Union could lead to the buildup of Russian military presence in the region and the eventual change of balance. This will allow Russia to solve the way it wants not only the Karabakh problem, but also the Armenian-Turkish relations. Russia may station its troops in Karabakh, but not on its present boundary, but along the boundary that will satisfy both Turkey and Azerbaijan. In fact, there is a “war of scenarios” taking place around the Karabakh process at present and everything will depend on which scenario wins – whether it will be the American scenario that at present implies the containment of Turkey or the Russian one not excluding collusion with Turkey.

Armenian Volunteer Corps (AVC), Birthright Armenia's sister organization, offers those who are not Birthright-eligible a similar experience. This year AVC volunteers, ranging in age from 21 to 70, have come from Australia, Belarus, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, India, Iran, Italy, Mexico, Russia, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States to volunteer in Armenia with AVC. They did research; taught English, Spanish, basic computing, drawing, animation and music; translated and edited; recorded voiceovers; and consulted. They served in schools, universities, publishing firms, IT startups, orphanages and children's centers, think tanks, and media organizations, in sectors such as architecture, business, community development, engineering, environmental sciences, historic preservation, human rights, international relations, public policy, publishing, social work, tourism and hospitality, youth work, and more.

Join the program that's right for you! AVC's Professional Corps program is designed for mature, working professionals over the age of 32, with a minimum of five years' experience and a keen desire to share their expertise and make a difference in Armenia. Professional Corps allows for a minimum stay of two weeks accommodating those with tight vacation schedules, with the option to stay on for up to one year. Volunteers work in their designated field of expertise for 20 hours per week, which allows time for in-country exploration, excursions, and socializing during their stay. In addition to placements, AVC provides all logistical support from airport pick-up, to host-family living arrangements, Armenian language classes, and more. AVC's Volunteer Corps invites volunteers 21 years of age and older, from across the globe, to volunteer in Armenia for a minimum stay of one month up to a maximum of one year, to serve in a job placement of their own choosing. Internships are available in a wide variety of sectors and organizations, including business, education, environment, arts and culture, finance, health, governmental and non-governmental agencies.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday December 25, 2014


A Voice From The Homeland: A Message Of Despair And Hope By Andranik Michaelian While on my way to buy some milk and madzoon from Aparan, I greeted a neighbor with the local "vonc es?" (how are you) to which he replied, holding a few pills in his hand, "You see these? I wish these pills were poison, then I could be done with all this. This is no country..." He said this with all seriousness. A day earlier, when asked how I was doing, I answered that I was in the same condition as the country, to which my friend said, "I'm in worse shape than the country." Although said with a smile, he was just as serious as the neighbor with the pills. Another neighbor, when I asked how he was doing, replied saying, "I'm waiting..." When I asked what he was waiting for, he said, "for things to get worse, which they will..." I moved to Yerevan 15 years ago. Our home was in Ajapnyak, near the corner of Bashinjaghyan and Margaryan. At the time, it seemed the streets were deserted, with only a few small shops operating and an occasional Lada or Niva passing by. My first few years passed in this neighborhood, peaceful years so to speak, working at a Fresno-based agricultural firm, traveling, and enjoying life in Armenia. Although the country was still recovering from the earthquake and war, and the economy in far from good shape, people, at that time, at least had some hope for the future. Small businesses started, and people weren't afraid to buy and spend. Then, sometime after 2010, things changed - negative feelings growing, small business owners telling of their problems being overtaxed, etc., and farmers often unable to grow their crops, due to the overwhelming cost of production. Due to these and other problems, Armenia's population began dropping considerably. It was then, starting in 2010, that my wife and I spent part of three years in the USA. Although the time spent there was for the most part pleasant, working and often spending time with Diaspora Armenians, something was missing - the call of the

Homeland bringing us back to Armenia for visits each year. What was it we missed in the Diaspora? The good intentions and Armenian spirit weren't enough to withstand the forces of assimilation, especially in the realm of folk song and dance, and culture in general. Most so-called folk dance groups were re-producing Soviet Armenian choreographed dances, while the smaller groups were often embarrassed to dance folk dances in the traditional way, changing things according to the director's taste. And folk singing, except for the wellknown Komitas songs, didn't exist, except for rare exceptions. Also, except for the occasional classical music group or folk ensemble, our Armenian organizations have gotten used to inviting pop stars from Armenia, singers who are sect members as well as other what I'll call shortcomings, the organizations thinking they're saving Armenian culture. On one hand, though, this is what they see on Armenian television, which seems bent on doing what it can to destroy true folk culture and culture in general. There, during our three-year stay in America, I realized even more the effects of living away from the Homeland, whether for a short time or for generations. And it is pointless to tell or try to convince someone who is satisfied with this situation that perhaps things could be better. This summer, we returned to Armenia. If one is prone to being depressed, there is plenty going on to help in that direction. People are out of work. Even die-hard Hayastantsis are leaving the country, either out of work or disgusted with what they say are the problems of inequality and corruption. Religious sects are getting stronger, doing their part to ruin Armenian society. Internal and external forces seem to be working against the country. For instance, if one gets his impressions only by what's on television, Armenia isn't far off being Sodom and Gomorrah, pop star videos and

concerts and cheap, violent serials being the rule. Yet, even though one might have to look for them, there are reasons to think there is hope, especially with the younger generation. I'll mention several recent events I've been to that lend in this direction. One was a new presentation by the Malyan Theatre. The acting was superb, as usual, and the play had Armenian flavor to it; a flavor that can only be produced in the Homeland. Another was one of two folk music festivals, where older, established ensembles, as well as several ensembles with younger members, performed traditional folk song and dance in a way I missed during our stay in the Diaspora. Also, a recent performance by the rock group Bambir was exhilarating to say the least, the group not only playing high quality rock music, but their excellent rock version of "Khio, khio" being far better, in my opinion, than the attempts made by many folk groups, both in Armenia and abroad. A few short days ago we went to a hogihangist for a doctor friend's father, in the Armenian Apostolic church in Malatia. Priests chanted their ancient services and spoke to those present. The sadness aside, it was a real Armenian atmosphere, the old stone structure and sad Armenian faces. Then, a call came in, a friend rushing outside to take the call. Tears again started. Well known translator Samvel Mkrtchyan, a close friend of many there, had died. We all knew he had been sick, but his passing was still a shock. He was a great friend and unsurpassed translator, his efforts including the works of Shakespeare and James Joyce' Ulysses, a monumental task in itself. Samvel will be missed, tremendously. His close friend, and Armenia's best novelist, Levon Khechoyan, had died a year ago to the day. Maybe this was meant to be. Andranik Michaelian was born in Dinuba, California, a small town near Fresno. He has been a farmer, teacher, journalist, and sub-deacon in the Armenian Apostolic Church in California's Central Valley. He has traveled extensively in Western Armenia, including his ancestral roots in Moush, Bitlis, and Sebastia. He now resides in Yerevan.

Process Of Ratification Of Agreement On Armenia’s Accession To Eurasian Economic Union By Other Member Countries Gives No Grounds For Anxiety - MP

ARKA. The process of ratification of the agreement on Armenia’s accession to the Eurasian Economic Union by other member countries’ parliaments gives no grounds for anxiety, Gagik Minasyan, an MP from the ruling Republican Party of Armenia and the head of the Armenian National Assembly’s finance and budgetary committee, told journalists on Friday. On December 4, Armenian lawmakers ratified the agreement. It means Armenia, along with Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, will become a full member of the Eurasian Economic Union on January 1, 2015. Minasyan said that there is particular deadline for ratification of this document – it must be ratified by partner countries before the end of this year. “The Eurasian Economic Union member countries are taking necessary steps, and therefore I see no grounds for anxiety over the matter,” he said. “I think all the countries will manage to ratify it on time.” The Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation ratified the agreement on December 17. On Friday, Kazakhstan’s Senate (the Upper House) adopted the law on ratification of the agreement on Armenia’s accession to the Eurasian Economic Union. Belarusian Parliament’s Lower House is planning to discuss the matter today.

Retiring Moran In Negotiations With Azerbaijani Influence Group by Peter Olsen-Phillips

During the final weeks of his last term in the House, retiring congressman Jim Moran, a Democrat who still represented Virginia's eighth district, negotiated jobs with a lobbying firm, an energy company and a nonprofit with ties to the government of a country that has been accused of seri-

ous human rights violations, including the recent jailing of an investigative journalist. Moran disclosed his job hunt to the House Ethics Committee. Members can seek outside employment while still in office, but must disclose negotiations with prospective employers to the committee. Members who must recuse themselves from official matters due to a potential conflict or the appearance of a conflict of interest must make public disclosures to the House Clerk's Office. Moran recused himself from matters concerning Washington law firm and lobby shop McDermott, Will and Emery, Homeland Fuels LLC, and an organization listed as the "Assoc. of Friends of Azerbaijan" but is actually known as the Assembly of Friends of Azerbaijan, or AFAZ. Kemal Oksuz, president of AFAZ, confirmed that the group had been talking to Moran. "This is true that retiring Congressman Jim Moran and Assembly of the Friends of Azerbaijan entered the negotiations for employment," he wrote in an

email, adding, "He will provide consulting and advising services to AFAZ in its activities in the United States." The Washington Business Journal recently reported that SOCAR America bought a DuPont Circle office building, and that it plans to expand its U.S. operations and influence. The building purchase and Moran's employment negotiations are another indication of Azerbaijan's efforts to up the nation's influence profile in Washington. At home, the country's track record on human rights has not been sterling. Nongovernmental watchdog groups, including Human Rights Watch, have repeatedly called out human rights abuses in the Central Asian nation, citing the "Azerbaijani government’s systematic crackdown on human rights defenders and other perceived government critics."

The SOCAR tower in Baku On Dec. 5, just days before Moran said his negotiations with AFAZ began, the country arrested Khadija Ismayilova, who reports for Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, an international broadcasting service funded by the U.S. government. Ismayilova, who exposes government corruption, has faced attacks before. Moran could not be reached for comment.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday December 25, 2014


20 Years Of Peace In Artsakh 20 years ago at 12.01am on May 12 1994, a ceasefire was finally enacted to stop the unnecessary bloodshed in the war in NagornoKarabakh. It was not a peace agreement, it didn’t actually resolve any political or territorial position – it simply stopped the bullets flying. In the 20 years since then, bullets have flown and young soldiers have been killed and unfortunate citizens near the border areas have lost their lives. Each one a devastating and life-long tragedy for their families and loved ones – from whichever side. And for what reason? I am not aware of a situation, anywhere in the world where the imposition of an agreement based on territorial integrity when in conflict with the wishes of the people has ever resulted in long-lasting peace I am in no doubt that the people of Artsakh would accept the return of Azerbaijani villagers back to their homes, once a peace agreement has been signed, and their status as an independent country has been recognized. With the security of these in place, then they can control their future. I realize that the international politicians, and the paid “Conflict Resolution/Peace Building” NGO’s have been successful in consuming money for 20 years but have done little to move the situation forwards. Perhaps a different ap-

proach is required – In a few weeks I return for my 10th visit to a place that I almost consider to be a second home. But I know that I always have the luxury of having a safe first home. In amongst the obvious poverty, and troubled peoples that carry on with their daily lives, there is a curious normality, and youthful vibrancy which always makes it a pleasure to visit. But it is always a difficult place to visit – there is a harsh reality behind the ongoing threat from Azerbaijan which I never forget – I know I can never understand it. I can witness, observe, and empathise as much as I like, but I can never feel the 24 hour emotion of living there. I am privileged to see life in the raw, but not simply as a tourist, or a casual visitor, and I remain profoundly respectful of what I see and experience. At times it is heart-breaking. No one in Artsakh wants a war. I’m sure that no one in Azerbaijan, apart from a few, wants a war. The time is right to close this episode, take a quantum step, bury the problems of the past and look forward to the future where the people can finally live in the world that they voted for in 1988.

Access To Education Expanded In Armenia In 2014 – Minister ARKA. 2014 became a year of expanding access to education in Armenia, minister of education and science Armen Ashotyan said at a 2014 summarizing press conference on Saturday. New educational initiatives were launched in the country during the year, he said. Five priority educational programs included a student support project that provided social aid from the government to about 2,000 Armenian students. Under the second program, $3.2 million was provided to some ten Armenian higher schools to introduce innovative and competitive curricula. The third program has been really a pioneering one and aimed at introduction of a new general education curriculum, the minister said. In May Armenia’s parliament passed, in the first reading, the amendments to the law about education that sets the 12-year education as a requirement, as compared to

the current 9-year compulsory education. The new law about general education has been another step toward full transfer to inclusive education, according to the minister. Under the law passed in September, all secondary schools and kindergartens in the country will be providing inclusive education services. And the last achievement was the nineteen medals won by Armenian schoolchildren in international Olympiads, the minister said. Ashotyan also said the introduction of “Chess” study groups in secondary schools has been completed. The number of inclusive schools in the country increased to 139 this year, the minister said.

Corruption Level In Armenia’s Education Dropping – Minister The corruption levels in Armenia’s educational system are seen to drop, minister of education and science Armen Ashotyan told a press conference on Saturday in summarizing the year 2014 results. Education is not among “top” corrupted fields anymore, according to the minister. Yet, the corruption is not eradicated, and efforts will continue, the minister of education said.

Shirak People Gifted By The Nature They Just Need Opportunities To Carry On – Governor 26 years have passed from the 1988 disastrous earthquake but the disaster zone, including Gyumri continue bearing the harsh consequences. Shirak province has certain issues peculiar to all the provinces but together with it, it has some peculiar to it only. “An interesting thing happened in Gyumri in the sphere of apartment construction. Almost the same number of apartments we lost in 1988 have been built but still there are many homeless people and this is in case when previously Gumri’s population was about 230,000 while today just half of it. It appears that not facing shortage of apartments we have a big number of homeless people,” governor of the province Felix Tsolakyan told Nyut.am. According to him, during the years all the programs intended to be implemented in Shirak province have been implemented with certain delays but they were implemented. Another question is what programs will follow them. “During this year we have witnessed exploitation of many buildings in Shirak like schools, kinder-gartens, etc. Apart from it, with the German credit program works are being carried out to change the water

pipelines, reconstruct the roads, restore schools,” the governor of the province said, stressing that the earthquake caused huge losses and for the sphere of culture as well. The governor stressed that today the cultural institutions are in better situation. “There are schools which still need repair and we are working in that direction. The same is with the museums, there are good ones, but there are also such that need reconstruction,” he said. As to the prior issue of the province, the governor said, “The most serious issue is the creation of jobs, attraction of investments, fostering of breakaway buildings, reconstruction of settlements of the city and the water pipelines,” he said, adding that people of the province are gifted by the nature, it is just necessary to create field of opportunities for them.

Breast Cancer Cases Reduce In Armenia – Khachanush Hakobyan Director of the Armenian-American Health Center Khachanush Hakobyan summed up the activity of the center during the year. She said in 2014 the center carried out quite successful activity. In her words the success succeeded their expectations. In 2014 40,000 women were examined in the center, overall 51,594 examinations were passed. The center daily serves 140180 visitors. This year 22,162 breast examination were carried out, among 802 of them breast cancer has been diagnosed. Thanks to the examination 299 women were cured. Hakobyan also said the center had 193 male visitors, among 4 cancer has been diagnosed. The center is also majoring in treating infertile couples. Thirteen women are already enjoying motherhood thanks to the treatment. “If previously we discovered that the cancer in Armenia is found among every 16th woman, now we diagnose it among every 28th. Our center has registered reduction of cases of disease. The culture of visiting doctor is gradually forming among our people,” she said, adding that the cost of the examination is not a big one, the thing is that some people do not come being afraid of diagnosis.

The director of the center also said that till now the center has conducted 22,000 free examinations in the provinces. “We managed to discover many diseases and these women become our visitors,” she said, adding that the women of rural areas mainly suffer from viruses which they get from their husbands who are working abroad. “Mammography costs 20,000 drams which is not a high price. In many countries it costs $1000,” she said. According to Hakobyan, in 2015 the center will have new departments. She said that their activity is not limited to diagnosing only but prevention and saving the lives of people.

Commercial Ads Banned On Public TV In Armenia Armenia’s parliament passed the amendments to the laws “About Television and Radio” and “About Advertisements” on Wednesday. The bill bans the Public TV Company of Armenia from broadcasting commercial adverts, Novosti-Armenia reported. The justification for the bill is that the ban is a widely used measure to leave more airtime for socially important programs, says the report. According to the law, ads should not exceed 7% of the airtime on the Public TV and may include only social adverts, as well as information about sponsors of cultural and sports programs. Not more than one sponsor may be advertised during a broadcast, according to the report.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday December 25, 2014


Ayg"l Erce – The Joan Baez Of Kurdistan Sings In Perfect… Armenian

Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

By Edwina Charles

By Hambersom Aghbashian

Many are the clasPu!e = Scarf – about a sically trained opera young, totally innosingers that sing in cent (presumably languages which are Kurdish) university not their own motherstudent, waiting at a tongue. But rare is bus-stop, to catch the the ‘foreign’ singer bus to go to his Uni … whose articulation is instead, the ‘Amerias good as the native canized’ brutalized speaker, and even genocidal Turkish porarer is the one whose lice arrive – they arcommand of the forrest him, beat him up eign tongue even sur- The Legendary Joan Baez, with her acolyte with their batons, Aygul Erce in London passes that of some throw him in jail, all native speakers… because he happens to There are for example some Pakistanis in wear the … Palestinian type of large scarf Britain, who manage to speak better … worn by the Intifada-youth … The Kurdish Cockney than English native cockneys! student is put on trial, as in Kafka’s novel, Ms Ayg#l Erce, the Kurdish folk singer never knowing why, his university cut off, based in London, it seems – I am assured his dreams of a noble career destroyed … by Professor Hovhanness I. Pilikian, an ArAnd all for what? For wearing a Palestinmenian philologist (masters 8 (+) ancient ian Arab-style scarf… and modern languages, among other disciThe story is totally true, and was replines he dominates, as a unique Polymath) ported at the time in the Turkish press, inenunciates in Armenian better than most spiring Ms Erce to her most melodious and Western Armenians fragmented worldeasily remembered, heart-breaking song … wide, assimilated in disappearing DiaspoI never tire of hearing it a dozen times at a ras … time – it is so very sadly beautiful. This is not surprising – as a classical Professor Pilikian it seems has personmusic composer himself, the Professor had ally coached Ms Erce, working meticurecognized a massive talent in Ms Erce lously on Ms Erce’s Armenian enunciation, (classically trained as an opera-singer), and but especially musically on a selective had recently taken her under his wing, translation that takes into account the comtranslated personally into literary Armenplexity of the song’s political themes and ian (in a way that is understood by both their profoundly evocative semantic diEastern – the Republican – and Western Dimensions, frequently rendering explicit aspora Armenians) one of Ms Erce’s fawhat is implicit in the original – for exammous songs, originally in a double version ple, by describing the scarf with a single of Kurdish & Turkish. word (“Palestinian”), Professor Pilikian has The Professor’s ‘musically’ fitted transinstantly linked (and very succinctly I lation (I am told by Armenian friends) is “a think) the struggles of the two oppressed glorious mixture of both literary Armenian peoples, whose lands are unfairly condialects”, almost a perfect “new language”; quered by the oppressors; Kurdistan by the for example, “Yess hakin em vznots-s” = I Turks, and Arab Palestine by the Israelis. am wearing my scarf/necklace. In gramTwo extremely rich moments in the matical form, the sentence is in Eastern Arnarrative of the song is when Professor Pimenian, but perfectly legible in content for likian with a philologist’s masterly use of Western Armenians, with the added ambilanguage, contextually vibrates with a singuity of the scarf meaning as well a neckgle word several socio-political layers of lace. There are magnificent puns in the line references; “Vostikanner@ ints bantetsin” = the police (1) “Anonk ints voghchagizetsin”= they (also the soldiers) jailed (but also {the brutal genociders} holocaust-ed me”, killed/murdered) me; s-bannel echoically referring easily to the Nazi genocide of the (the sound from the two words) = murder, Jews, and kill. (2) In the main refrain of the song – “O yaman, yaman, yaman”, mourning in his A-political Pop prison cell, and bewailing, the young stuThe deliberate de-politicization of the dent remembers heartbreakingly his Pop-world by the American ruling elite mother (“Oi mama-s, mama-s, mama-s), over several decades now has finally sucapologizing to his mother for causing her ceeded in inventing a fantasy drug-fuelled grief (by the use of the possessive “s”), world of no more than androgynous male while expressing longing for her maternal singers (mostly gay) usually singing in Bealove and warmth. tles-type of falsetto, and female pop-divas, “It was not at all difficult to work with their lyrics emptied of all serious content, Ms Erce”, the Professor tells me humbly, are left with nothing else to do but sell their “She is pitch-perfect – very rare even boobs-and-butts for the cocaine-addled among experienced opera-singers, a fount delectation of the Wall Street Bankers playof melodious harmonies and her lyrics are ing casino-games with the world’s always deeply significant, highly political, money… profoundly compassionate and humanitarGone are the days, when the legendary ian. Her musical phrasing is smooth and Bob Dylan and Joan Baez could raise global tuneful, richly and memorably tuneful – in consciousness against the War in Vietnam other words, a second JOAN BAEZ indeed! and topple official America’s drunken tipNo wonder the legendary Ms Baez is Ms plers! Erce’s ideal and idol. I was very pleased Idolizing Joan Baez as an artist, Ms when on a recent appearance of Ms Baez in Erce’s surplus-value is that, she is preservLondon, Mr Mark Spector, Ms Baez’ pering and modernizing Ms Baez’ tradition of ceptive and sensitive agent performed the writing politically humanitarian protestimpossible miracle – upon my recommensongs, shaming the evil doers of this world, dation, he kindly arranged for the star to and displaying compassion for the undermeet her young acolyte, hence this most dog, the unfairly abused, and the masses beautiful sisterly picture, published here lacking any social justice, oppressed by for the first time!!!” ruthless and brutal governments, lacking Ms Erce was so pleased with the result any human decencies. of her work with Professor Pilikian, that And here is her best hitherto – titled she told me she already feels like an … Ar-

45 - Alper Görmü! Ahmet Alper Görmü! (born 21 November 1952) is a Turkish journalist and writer. He is a columnist Taraf for (since 2007) and for Yeni Aktüel. He was the editor-in-chief of the weekly Nokta (2006-7), and was previously a contributor to Aydınlık (1977 - 1980). Following the 1980 Turkish coup d'état Aydınlık was closed down and he worked outside journalism in a variety of roles . Görmü! resumed journalism at Nokta (1986 - 1990), and was then editor-in-chief of Yeni Aktüel (1991 - 1995). He received the Hrant Dink International Award* in 2009, with Amira Hass**. (1) In December 2008, (200) prominent Turkish intellectuals released an apology for the "great catastrophe of 1915". This was a clear reference to the Armenian Genocide, a term still too sensitive to use so openly. The signatories also announced a website related to this apology, and called on others to visit the site and sign the apology as well. The complete, brief text of the apology says " My conscience does not accept the insensitivity showed to and the denial of the Great Catastrophe that the Ottoman Armenians were subjected to in 1915. I reject this injustice and for my share, I empathize with the feelings and pain of my Armenian brothers and sisters. I apologize to them." Alper Görmü! was one of the Turkish intellectual who signed the petition which in few days was signed by over 13,000 signatories.(2) The Armenian genocide was commemorated for the first time in Turkey on April 24,2010, where Intellectuals gathered in Taksim Square to commemorate the killings of Armenians in 1915. A sit-down strike organized by the "Say No to Racism and Nationalism Initiative" in Taksim Square was attended by a group of public figures including Professor Ahmet Insel, columnists Ali Bayramoglu, Roni Marguiles, Alper Görmü!, Ferhat Kentel, Erol Kat"rc"oglu , Ümit K"vanç and many others.(3) www.panarmenian.net (April 20, 2011 ) quoted Turkish Zaman newspaper reporting that “Armenians who lost their lives in the Armenian displacement that took place in 1915, during the final days of the Ottoman Empire, will be commemorated menian, and she is almost certain now that she must have had an Armenian grandmother … at least she knows that her husband does, indeed her Kurdish husband had discovered some time ago that he had an Armenian grandmother, like many Kurds nowadays re-discovering their Armenian progeny! “In today’s Turkey”, continues the Professor, a distinguished historian as well, “so many Turks and Kurds have had the courage to come out of the woodworks and claim their part-Armenian heritage – it has become almost trendy to claim an Armenian connection… “And imagine, Talaat Pasha – the Ottoman Minister of the Interior – with Enver & Djemal – the Young Turk Triumvirate, who planned and organized the genocide of 2 million Armenians, hyenas who fed on the Armenian corpses they had murdered

through a variety of events for a second time this year. Commemoration ceremonies will be held in Istanbul's Taksim Square, Ankara, Izmir, Diyarbakir and Bodrum. The ceremonies are being organized by the "Say Stop to Racism and Nationalism". Spokesman Cengiz Algan said what took place in 1915 is "a hurt we all share", and added "We need to confront the realities that have been hidden by the official ideology for 100 years". A statement with the headline, "This pain is ours," has been opened up for signatures. More than 100 people including intellectuals, writers and journalists, among them Alper Görmü! signed the statement. "(4) According to www.noravank.am , July 11,2013, and under the title (Turkey on the threshold of 2015) , it was mentioned that "The representative of the Turkish intelligentsia who writes critical articles for “Taraf” newspaper , Alper Germus, expressed an opinion in connection with assaults against the Armenians in Samatia district of Istanbul saying that the assaults against the Armenians were direct in consequence of “anti-missionary” movement which had been initiated in early 2000s in Turkey, which could be considered as purposeful actions directed to the intimidation of the Armenians on the threshold of 2015. (5) * The International Hrant Dink Award is presented by the HDV every year on Sept. 15, Dink’s birthday. The foundation states on its website: “The award will be presented to people who work for a world free of discrimination, racism, and violence, take personal risks for their ideals, use the language of peace and by doing so, inspire and encourage others. With this award, the Foundation aims to remind to all those who struggle for these ideals that their voices are heard, their works are visible and that they are not alone, and also to encourage everyone to fight for their ideals.”Each year, the award committee selects one recipient from Turkey and one from abroad. **Amira Hass is an Israeli left-wing journalist and author, mostly known for her columns in the daily newspaper Ha'aretz 1.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alper_G%C 3%B6rm%C3%BC%C5%9F 2.http://www.armeniapedia.org/index.php? title=200_prominent_Turks_apologize_for_gre at_catastrophe_ 3.http://www.network54.com/Forum/2480 68/thread/1272245708/Armenian+genocide+ 4.http://www.panarmenian.net/eng/world/ news/67693/ 5. http://www.noravank.am/eng/articles/detail.php?ELEMENT_ID=12258 in 1915, had bragged to the American Ambassador in Istanbul Henry Morgenthau, that he was determined to leave only a single Armenian, for a taxidermist, to stuff it for a Museum as a sample of the race… the proto-Nazi idiot must be turning in his rotten grave and “stinking up to heaven” (as Hamlet’s uncle says) hearing of several million modern Turks being proud of their Armenian grandmothers – almost a ‘new race’ in formation I call “Armeno-Turks” !!! History shall never be on the side of genociders”. Indeed, I could not but agree fully with Professor Hovhanness I. Pilikian, a man who knows history full well, born of the generation who (the Professor’s parents) as children had miraculously survived the genocide of the Armenians perpetrated by the Turkish ruling elite. !

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday December 25, 2014


Yerevan New Year Events Kicked Off Monday Evening

Christmas Eve By Alice Krumian The night was still, the moon fully concealed, The Star of Bethlehem shimmering in the chilly wind; In the bleak stable, in a hay manger for a cozy cradle, Was sleeping Baby Jesus, surrounded by farm animals. The heart of Christmas mystery is God's gift to humanity, Of His only Son, to reveal the Will of the Divinity: Through His incarnate descent to earth from heaven, For mankind's spiritual ascent, from earth to heaven. He came to seek and save the sinners, To exterminate the work of the Devil, To wipe our sinful slate clear and shining, And provide us with a pattern for holy living. From that lowly cave and through His martyrdom, He opened the gate of His heavenly kingdom. The supreme advocate for human brotherhood and equality, He transformed us all into members of the same family. Once again, it's Christmas, the joyful Holiday Season, And the word "Peace" echoes all over, from nation to nation; Yet, the blessed word sounds hollow and full of deception, When nations' "peaceful actions'" do not reflect true intentions. When whole populations are evicted from their ancestral lands, When persecution and slaughter are becoming daily events, When hungry families are sleeping in the open air, sick and dying, And "Christian" nations are standing around, and just watching... The birth of Baby Jesus means the pouring into a sick society, The healing medicine of justice, compassion and sympathy, Transforming all manners of hearts throughout the universe, Into loving hearts, ready to share and bear each other's burdens. Let us all recollect that Christmas means devotion, love and peace, Let us all celebrate it with forgiveness, joy and bliss; May the world leaders understand that peace on earth will come to stay, When greed and hate disappear, and we live CHRISTMAS every day.

A New Year’s thought: How Stepping On The Scales Once A Day Helps Dieters Shed More Pounds Stepping on the bathroom scales may be commonplace among dieters but the frequency of weigh-ins makes all the difference With New Year just a fortnight away, many of us will be thinking about the best way to shift those extra pounds gained over Christmas. And to get the best results, you should weigh yourself at least once a week or you may actually put on weight rather than lose it. A new report out on Thursday reveals those on a mission to slim should be weighing themselves as frequently as every day. The new study published in the journal PLOS ONE showed that the more frequently dieters weighed themselves the more weight they lost. And, more worryingly, if participants went more than a week without weighing themselves, they gained weight. The researchers analyzed 2,838 weight measurements - up to a year's worth of weigh-ins - from 40 overweight people, with a BMI of 25 and over, who indicated that weight loss was a personal goal or concern. They found how successful they were at shedding pounds was related to how often individuals weighed themselves. 'The more often you weigh yourself the more weight you lose,' says to lead author Elina Helander from Tempera University of Technology in Finland. 'This observational study cannot prove causation - it may be that less serious di-

eters weight themselves less or that dieters who stop losing weight stop weighting themselves. 'The average time that participants could go between weighting without gaining weight was 5.8 days or about a weekly weigh-in. Previous findings by the Research Team has showed that weighing yourself at least once a week if you wish to lose weight, and weighing yourself everyday may help you stay on track. A previous study by the same research team found that your weight naturally fluctuates throughout the week and that most people weigh the least on Wednesday. To summarize both studies Brian Wansink, PhD, Director of the Cornell Food and Brand Lab and author of Slim by Design: Mind Eating Solutions for Everyday Life advises: 'The bottom line is: If you want to lose weight, it's best to weigh yourself every day. 'But if you weigh yourself only once a week, do it on Wednesday because that will give you the most accurate reading.' !

YEREVAN. – The main works are completed in terms of the New Year and Christmas decoration and lighting of the Armenian capital city of Yerevan. In addition, the Yerevan Municipality will present awards to the city’s residents and businesses that have made the best decorations. The aforementioned was reported at Monday’s consultation at the municipality.

It was also reported that several New Year and Christmas celebratory events were held throughout the capital city and the celebrations started on Monday evening, with the official lighting of the main Christmas tree at Republic Square. And on Tuesday, the open-air ice rink at Swan Lake formally opened its new season. !

Lorenzo Lamas To Star In Upcoming Biblical Epic Featuring Armenian Saint PanARMENIAN.Net - Lorenzo Lamas, 1980s heartthrob and star of the hit series “The Renegade,” is set to portray the Apostle Thaddeus in an upcoming biblical epic. The movie will be produced by Walker Cable Productions, and filmed near San Antonio, Texas. The working title of the film is “The Acts of the Apostle Thaddeus.” The movie features the story of the Armenian saint and martyr Princess Sandoukht who according to Armenian historians, was martyred along with Saint Thaddeus the Apostle. “The Acts of the Apostle Thaddeus” tells the story of the Apostle Thaddeus evangelizing Mesopotamia and founding the Chaldean Catholic Church, Assyrian Church of the East and the Armenian Church. The story is based on the writings of the early church fathers and traditions of Mesopotamian Christians, who are the indigenous people of Mesopotamia. The screenplay is based upon the Biblical account as well as other ancient sources, such as the Ecclesiastical History of Eusebius, written circa 325 A.D., the writings of Armenian Historian Movses Khorenatsi (circa 410-490 A.D.), and ancient Syriac books such as “The Doctrine of Addai” and “The Acts of the Apostle Mari.” The movie will depict the origins of the Armenian, Chaldean, and Assyrian Churches. Iraqi Christians are currently facing terrible challenges and persecution. They face the threat of genocide in their an-

cestral homeland by Islamic militants groups, perhaps the most recognizable being ISIS. These terrorist groups are actively trying to destroy the ancient Christian community founded by Thaddeus and Thomas. In the early 20th Century, the Turkish government carried out a massive genocidal campaign against Armenians in which about one million Armenian Christians were killed along with thousands of Assyrian and Greek Orthodox Christians. Stephen Missick, an ordained minister and military chaplain, is writing and producing the biblical movie that will dramatize the story of one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ. Recent cinematic history has seen the resurgence of the Biblical Epic. “The Bible: TV Miniseries,” “The Son of God, “as well as “Noah,” have been very successful. In addition, faith-based films such as “God’s Not Dead” and “Heaven is for Real” have proven there is large an underserved market for films in the Biblical genre. If the current funding goals are attained, we intend to begin shooting around March 15-20, 2015.

Obesity ‘Could Be A Disability’ – EU Courts Rule Obesity can constitute a disability in certain circumstances, the EU’s highest court has ruled. The European Court of Justice was asked to consider the case of a male childminder in Denmark who says he was sacked for being too fat. The court said that if obesity could hinder “full and effective participation” at work then it could count as a disability. The ruling is binding across the EU. Judges said that obesity in itself was not a disability – but if a person had a long term impairment because of their obesity, then they would be protected by disability leg-

islation. The case centres around childminder Karsten Kaltoft who weighs about 160kg (25 stone). He brought a discrimination case against his employers of 15 years, Billund local authority, after he was sacked four years ago. The authority said a fall in the number of children meant Mr Kaltoft was no longer required. But Mr Kaltoft said he was dismissed because he was overweight.





|AKOB THR:AN Nor Tarin fama,.arfa\in tøn h! Jh;u karg me axg;r ounin ir;nz ouro\n tarin;rn ou tar;glou.n;re% saka\n mia\n ir;nq h or ke \i,atak;n xa\n! A,.arfi mh= bolorin ko[mh endounoua‘ ou gor‘a‘ouo[ tar;jiue mhk h! A\s tar;jiue \atkaphs qriston;a\ a,.arfin famar m;‘ n,anakoujiun ouni% anor famar or an skixb k*a®nh Qristosi ‘noundhn! Incphs git;nq% tar;glou.n ou ‘nounde miat;[ ;n! Isk jh incou no\n ørouan c;n fandipir ;u kajolik a,.arfe D;kt;mb;r 25-in% isk fa\;re |ounouar 6-in ke tøn;n ‘nounde% a\d tarb;r niuj h ;u dours ke mna\ m;r a\s grouj;nhn! Qriston;a\ a,.arfe Nor Tarin ke tønh m;‘ ,ouqow! Iuraqanciur entaniq anpa\man ka[andi ‘a® me ke xardarh ir tan mh=! Famadam k;rakourn;r ;u anou,;[hnn;r ke patrastouin ;u oura.ouj;an ]a\n;r ke lsouin amhn ko[mh! M;nq fa\;rs% ;rb;q annkat c;nq jo[a‘ Nor Tarin! Iuraqanciur entaniq ir wiyakin n;ra‘ ca'ow tøna‘ h xa\n amhn tari! Am;naa[qat entaniqn;rn angam baza®ik t;sq me toua‘ ;n ir;nz Nor Taroua\ tønakatarouj;an \atouk ya,;r ;u anou,;[hnn;r patrast;low! W;r=in fariuram;akin Nor Tarouan tønakataroujiunn;re f;txf;th au;li xargazan ou yo.azan! Na.aphs qani me entaniqn;r tan kam ya,arani me mh= mhkt;[ou;low% miat;[ ke tønhin Nor Tarin! Apa% mioujiunn;r ou kaxmak;rpoujiunn;r sksan Nor Taroua\ .ra.yanqn;r kam parafandhsn;r kaxmak;rp;l% orphsxi kar;li ella\ amhnqow mhkt;[ au;li yo. ;u oura. mjnolorti mh= tøn;l! Niu :orqi Rockefeller Center-i mh= kangna‘ 85 otq bar]rouj;amb ka[andi ‘a®e ir anfa,iu gounauor lo\s;row% ke fma\h faxarauor ditordn;re% oronq arfamarf;low annpast ødn ou zourte% kou gan dit;lou xa\n ;u vame 12-in 10 ;rkwa\rk;an mnaza‘% amhnqe miab;ran ke sksin famr;l 9% 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1 fhhhhhhh&&& Nor Tarin ;kau! Endfa-

nour .andawa®ouj;an mjnolort me ke st;[‘oui bolorin møt! Oura.ouj;an bazagancoujiunn;r ke lsouin amhn ko[mh! ’anøjn;r ou bar;kamn;r ke ,norfauor;n irar ª<norfauor Nor Tariº es;low! Sir;lin;r ou faraxatn;r ke fambourouin irar bari ma[janqn;r 'o.anak;low! A\s bolore Nor Taroua\ tønakataroujiunn;rou patk;rn h! Saka\n fimnakan farzoume% or kou ga\ farz tal m;xmh iuraqanciurin a\n h% jh inc h noroujiune Nor Tarouan& Nor Tarin incow h nor! Iuraqanciur an] ir tariqi famranqin ca' nor tarin;r dimauora‘ h an,ou,t% yo. kam fam;st pa\mann;rou tak! Saka\n inc tarb;roujiun t;sa‘ h D;kt;mb;r 31-i ;u |ounouar 1-i mi=;u% our amhn inc no\nn h! Bnouj;an ørhnqn;re no\nn ;n% m;r amhnør;a\ k;anqe no\nn h% m;r a,.atanqe% m;r k;rou.oume% m;r xba[oumn;re% m;r mtafogoujiunn;re% o#ur h noroujiune Nor Tarouan! Yi,d h or Nor Tarin kou ga\ m;x \i,;zn;l jh tari me ;us paks;zau m;r k;anqhn ;u afa moutq ke gor‘;nq nor tarih me n;rs% apr;lou^ fon m;xi w;rapafua‘ anaknkal w;riwa\roumn;re% oronq ,at fauanabar tarb;r piti cellan anzno[ tarouan w;riwa\roumn;rhn! Miak t;san;li tarb;roujiune or kar;li h nkat;l a\n h% or 2014-i w;r=in jouan,an ª4ºe ke w;ra‘oui ª5ºi ;u ouri, ocinc! Orowf;t;u bolor a\s tou;aln;rou lo\sin tak inc noroujiun k*aknkal;nq Nor Tarihn! Nor Tarin orphs noroujiun ocinc piti kar;na\ tal o;uh an]i% ;jh a\d an]e inq ckar;na\ b;r;l bar;norogoum me inqn ir k;anqin mh=! Bar;norogoum me% or kar;li h ];®q ]g;l mia\n lour= inqnaqnnouj;amb! Waya®akann;r taruo\n w;r=auorouj;an ke qnn;n ir;nz tar;kan fa,iun;rn ou gor‘ounhoujiune% t;sn;lou^ jh inc s.aln;r gor‘a‘ ;n taroua\ enjazqin% oronq wnas faszouza‘ ellan ir;nz! :rb k*andrada®nan a\d s.aln;roun% a\nouf;t;u ke xgou,anan% or ckrkn;n xanonq \a=ord

<ar& h= 3-hn

l;xouow qristonhakan araro[oujiun ou qaroxcoujiun% grakanouj;an st;[‘oum% l;xouakan ou m,akouja\in miasnoujiun a®a= b;r;lou famar% Safak Kajo[ikosi ou W®am,apouf jagauori fauanouj;amb% M;srop Ma,toze b;r;l kou ta\ Asoriqhn Danihl :piskoposi møt gtnouo[ fa\;rhn ta®;re% oronq saka\n gor‘nakan ousouzman at;n anbauarar ;u an\armar ke t;snouin^ arta\a\t;lou% dasauand;lou ;u fa\kakan dproujiun st;[‘;lou famar! M& Ma,toz% :d;sio\ mh=% \;t ygnouj;anz% ke \a=o[i st;[‘;l fa\;rhn fnciunakan famakarg% ou y,grtørhn arta\a\t;lou% ousouzan;lou% jargmanoujiun katar;lou ;u dproujiun st;[‘;lou npatakn;roun \armar fa\;rhn n,anagr;r! Norast;[‘ gir;row gor‘nakan ,r=ana®ouj;an dn;lou dvouarin gor‘in ke l‘ouin na;u M& Ma,tozi a,ak;rtn;re% ,r=aga\;low ar;u;l;an ;u ar;umt;an ,r=ann;rhn n;rs% fa\;rhn l;xouow jargmanakan grakanoujiun katar;low wanq;rou mh=% dorozn;r ou m,akouja\in k;dronn;r fimn;low^ ];®q ]g;lh ;tq ka\s;rakan ou t;[akan i,.anouj;anz fauanoujiune! Anika n,anagr;r \ørin;z na;u wraz;rhn l;xouin famar! M& Ma,toze ;[a‘ h na;u vamanaki akna®ou banast;[‘e! Anor ,our= 130 \ørinoumn;re ord;groua‘ ;n fa\ ;k;[;zuo\ ko[mh ibr;u ,arakann;r! M;srop;an ta®;row anor qnaraka‘% ca'a‘o\ ;rk;re xinq ke dar]n;n fimnadire fa\ grauor banast;[‘ouj;an! Anor banast;[‘akan arou;sthn n;r,ncoua‘ ;n Gr& Nar;kazin% St;'anos Siun;zin% N;rshs <norfalin ou mi=nadar;an a\l banast;[‘n;r! Safak Parj;ui f;t M& Ma,toze kargauora‘ h na;u fa\oz banauor% vo[owrdakan ;u fog;uor ]a\na;[anakn;re% da®nalow miavamanak fa\ mankawarvouj;an a®a=amartike! :k;[;ziin n;rsi a= ko[mhn anzq me k*a®a=nordh dhpi M;srop Ma,tozi marmar;a\ ,irime% oroun gl.aw;r;ue% kanj;[i me lo\sin tak% ke kardanq sourbin anoune% ‘nnd;an ou mafouan jouakann;re! M;r .oumbin andamn;re ;rkiu[a‘ouj;amb ke .onarfin fa\ vo[owourdin inqnoujiune \au;rvazno[ m;‘ sourbin dambanin a®=;u! 1991-hn ;tq bar;kargoua‘ h ;k;[;ziin ,r=apate% oroun anmi=akan parthxin mh= t;[adroua‘ a\laxan .acqar;roun wra\% qandakoua‘ ;n fa\kakan a\boub;nin 38 ta®;re! (<ar& 12)

tari! O;uh anfat krna\ oun;nal wat bnauoroujiunn;r% wat soworoujiunn;r% moloujiunn;r% incphs gin;moloujiune% ‘.amoloujiune ;ua\ln! Ouri,n;r^ xrpart;lou% bambas;lou% a\loz wra\ mi,t j;roujiun 'nt®;low% cara.øs;lou soworoujiune! Manoukn;rou ;u dprozakan a,ak;rtn;rou møt ‘ouloujiune% anfogoujiune% anfnaxandoujiune% .a[amoloujiune ;u nman bnauoroujiunn;r! Kar;li ch jou;l mardka\in bolor t;saki j;roujiunn;re% saka\n

iuraqanciur an] krna\ oun;nal oro, j;roujiun me% srbagrouj;an karøt! Afa a\d srbagrouj;an mh=n h Nor Taroua\ ga[tniqe! A\n an]e% or andrada®nalow ir mhk wat bnauorouj;an kam molouj;an% oro,h ];rbaxatouil ankh ou tar;w;r=in ]g;low xa\n% moutq gor‘h Nor Tarihn n;rs bar;norogoua‘ ];uow% afa a\dpisin h% or k*oun;na\ ba®in boun imastow Nor Tari me! Niu :orq

WRIPAK ªNor Ørºi D;kt;mb;r 18 jiuin mh=% h= 14-i S;uana\ liyi nkarin 'o.arhn% jiurimazouj;amb Wana\ liyi nkare droua‘ h! K*apauininq m;r enj;rzo[n;rou n;ro[amtouj;an!

A|S H+E KE FOWANAUORh JMM PH<KHØJIUR:AN K:DRONI >NAMAKAL MARMINE +;rmørhn Ke <norfauor;nq Fama\n Fa\ouj;an Nor Tarin ;u Sb& ’nounde


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<ar& h= 9-hn

,afark;l fa\kakan farze mia\n ir;nz dirq;re amrapnd;lou nkata®oumn;row! Isk Jourqian axga\in axatagrakan pa\qari ;la‘ vo[owourdn;rin ]gtoumhr wa\ragørhn .;[d;l ar;an mh=! Fa\;ri bar;norogoumn;ri farze famaroum hr Jourqia\i n;rqin gor‘e% amhn k;rp .ousa';low iragor‘;l a\n! Afa a\s irawiyakoum% 1878 j& |ounis 13-in bazou;z P;®lini w;favo[owe^ Anglia\i% ~ransia\i% Âousastani% Italia\i% AustrøFoungaria\i ;u Jourqia\i patouirakn;ri masnakzouj;amb! A®an]in nist;rin n;rka\ gtnou;zin |ounastane% Âouminian% S;rpian% C;rnogorian ;u Irani n;rka\azouzicn;re! Poulkarakan ;u fa\kakan patouirakoujiunn;rin% fnarauoroujiun ctrou;z masnakz;l w;favo[owin! |a\tni h% or w;favo[owin masnakz;lou famar P;®lin hin m;kn;l M& >rim;ane% nra qartou[ar Minas C;raxe% Nar-Ph\e (>orhn Gal`a\;an)% St;'an "a'ax;ane! |oulis 8-in Anglia\i artaqin gor‘;ri na.arar^ Solsp;rin w;favo[owin n;rka\azr;z fa\;rin w;rab;ro[ \ødoua‘i ir m,aka‘ na.agi‘e% ore masnaki .mbagrouj;amb endounou;z orphs 61-rd \ødoua‘ fa\kakan bar;norogoumn;r anouan tak f;t;u;al t;sqow& ªBar]rago\n Dou®e \an]n h a®noum fa\kakan wa\r;roum an\apa[ iragor‘;l t;[akan pafan=n;riz b.o[ bar;'o.oumn;r ou bar;norogoumn;r ;u apafow;l fa\;ri anwtangoujiune qrt;riz ;u c;rq;xn;riz! A\d npatakow ];®narkoua‘ mi=oza®oumn;ri masin na partauor hr parb;rabar fa[ord;l p;toujiunn;rin% oronq phtq h fsk;n dranz gor‘adroujiuneº! Incphs t;snoum ;nq a\st;[ ardhn Fa\astan ba®e ckar! :jh San-St;`ano\i pa\managire jourq;rin partauor;znoum hr bar;norogoumn;r anzkazn;l Ar;umt;an Fa\astanoum ®ousakan banaki a®ka\ouj;amb (6 ams;a\ vamkhtoum)% P;®lini pa\managrow a\n 'o.arinuoum hr m;‘ p;toujiunn;ri bar;norogoumn;rin w;rafsk;lou famat;[% ba\z anpatas.anatou% m,ou,ot ;ra,.auorouj;amb! |a\tni chr jh ckira®;lou dhpqoum inc mi=ozn;r piti ];®narkouhin Jourqia\i fandhp!

FA|KAKAN FARZE :U M:’ :{:ÂNE :u a\sphs P;®lini w;favo[owiz \;to\% ;rb fa\kakan farze mi=axga\in bno\j endoun;z% souljanakan ka®awarouj;an axga\in ;u krønakan fala‘anqn;re% k;anqi ou go\qi anapafowoujiune% farka\in ‘anr gan]oumn;rn ou gaua®a\in pa,tøn;an;ri cara,afoumn;rn au;li m;‘ ca';ri fasan! A®an]in jourq p;takan gor‘icn;r% incphs ørinak m;‘ w;xir Q;amil "a,an% baza\a\t \a\tararoum hin Øsman;an ka\sroujiunoum fa\ axge bna=n=;lou masin! 1891 j& Aptoul Famiti na.a];®nouj;amb kaxmak;rpou;zin fimnakanoum qrt;riz kaxmoua‘ ªFamitihº ankanon xøragnd;re% oronz gl.auor npatakn;riz mhkn hr fala‘;l ou kotor;l fa\ bnakcouj;ane! Mius ko[miz fa\ vo[owourde nkat;low P;®lini w;favo[owiz \;to\ m;‘ p;toujiunn;ri antarb;r w;rab;rmounqe fa\kakan farzi nkatmamb% ir 'rkouj;an famar b®n;z s;'akan ouv;row pa\qar;lou ou[in! Bou®n w;r;lq apr;z Øsman;an b®nakalouj;an l‘iz fa\ vo[owrdi axatagrman ,arvoume! 1887 j& Fncak;an ;u 1890 j& Da,nakzoujiun Kousakzoujiunn;ri st;[‘oumow anna.adhp pa\qar sksou;z fa\ vo[owrdin xhnqi ouvow axatagr;lou ‘ragri irakanazmane! Mi;uno\n vamanak kaxmak;rpuoum hin fakaka®awarakan ;lo\jn;r ou zo\z;r% orphsxi grau;n ;uropakan diuanagitouj;an ou,adroujiune fa\kakan farzi wra\! Ørinak% 1890 j& |oulis 15-in Karinoum (Hrxroum) t;[i oun;za‘ fa\;ri fala‘anqn;ri famar% fncak;ann;re K& Polsoum zo\z kaxmak;rp;zin! A\n t;[i oun;zau fa\oz ma\r ;k;[;zou ;u a®a=nordarani gtnoua‘ GoumGa'oui anoune kro[ ja[amasoum! :[an ba.oumn;r ;u mafazoujiunn;r! |;taga\oum 1895 j& S;pt;mb;r 30-in% Fncak;an Kousakzoujiune kaxmak;rp;z K& Polsi Pap-e Alii .a[a[ zo\ze% orphsxi ma\is;an bar;norogoumn;ri gor‘adrman .ndroum frauir;n :uropakan throujiunn;ri ou,adroujiune! 1896 j& Øgostosin K& Polsoum Da,nakzoujiun Kousakzoujiune kaxmak;rp;z Panq Øjomani grauoume% a\nouf;t;u 1897 j& >anasori ar-

,auanqe ;ua\ln! Aptoul Famiti warcakargi fa\afala‘ qa[aqakanouj;an dhm ou[[oua‘ vo[owrdakan \ouxoumn;re la\n ja' stazan \atkaphs Sasounoum! Fa\ vo[owourde sks;z bou®n pa\qar m[;l jøja';lou jourqakan ‘anr lou‘e! 1890-akan jouakann;riz sksa‘ sasounzin;re inqnapa,tpanakan k®iun;r m[;zin jourq b®nakaln;ri dhm ;u ,;,taki fakagrofn;row ;t ,prt;zin jourqakan \ar]akoumn;re! Saka\n j,namou g;rak,®o[ martakan spa®axinouj;an dhm ckaro[azan minc;u w;r= dimaka\;l ;u axatagrakan pa\qare faszn;l ir \a[jakan auartin! 1894 j& Øgostosin jourqakan banake ‘aualoun \ar]akoum h na.a];®noum Sasouni wra\! T;[i oun;zau mi sarsa';li =ard% orin xof gnazin an.tir t[amardik% kana\q ou ;r;.an;r! Sasounoum ;u \arakiz fa\abnak nafangn;roum% incphs na;u \;taga\oum K& Polsoum t;[i oun;za‘ kotora‘n;re bo[oqi m;‘ aliq bar]razrin mi=axga\in fanrouj;an ,r=anoum! M;‘ throujiunn;riz pafan=uoum hr mi=amt;l ;u kan.;l fa\;ri kotora‘e! I w;r=o\ t;[i talow a\d bo[oqn;rin 1895 j& |ounouarin Sasoun vaman;z ka®awarakan mi \an]navo[ow% ori kaxmoum orphs ditordn;r masnakzoum hin Âousastani% ~ransia\i ;u Anglia\i n;rka\azouzicn;re! 1895 j& Ma\is 11-in Âousastane% ~ransian ;u Anglian famat;[ mi ‘ragir n;rka\azrin Bar]rago\n Drane fa\abnak nafangn;roum (Hrxroum% Pijlis% Wan% S;bastia% >arb;rd ;u Tiarp;qir) bar;norogoumn;r anzkazn;lou famar! A\n wau;razou;z Bar]rago\n Dran ko[miz Fokt;mb;r 18-in ba\z cgor‘adrou;z k;anqoum% orowf;t;u m;‘ throujiunn;re f;tamout c;[an ir;nz mi=;u go\oujiun oun;zo[ n;rqin fakasoujiunn;ri patya®ow! Aptoul Famite øgtou;low a\d fangamanqiz ,arounak;z ir fa\afala‘ qa[aqakanoujiune Ar;umt;an Fa\astanoum! Isk P;®lini w;favo[owi Ar;umt;an Fa\astani bar;norogoumn;ri iragor‘man w;rab;ro[ 61-rd \ødoua‘e dar]au m;‘ p;toujiunn;ri ];®qin diuanagitakan ,afarkman a®arka\% ore

incphs t;sanq .ist bazasakan f;t;uanq oun;zau ar;umtafa\;ri yakatagri famar! Ar;umt;an Fa\astanoum t;[i oun;za‘ a\d afauor kotora‘n;rin xof gnazin møt 300 faxar anm;[ fa\;r! Aptoul Famiti b®natirouj;an ,r=anoum fa\;ri bna=n=man w;rab;ro[ a\s n;ng ararqn;re no\nouj;amb ord;gr;zin na;u 1908 j& i,.anouj;an glou. ;ka‘ ;ritjourqakan ka®awaroujiunn ou ªIjjifat wh J;raqqiº (Mioujiun ;u a®a=adimoujin) kousakzouj;an paraglou.n;re! Dra wa® apazo\zn h 1909 j& Aprilin Atana\oum ;u Kilikia\i mi ,arq wa\r;roum t;[i oun;za‘ fa\;ri kotora‘n;re% oronq na.ørøq na.apatrastoua‘ ;u frafroua‘ hin ;ritjourq;ri ko[miz! April;an a\d kotora‘n;ri enjazqoum fa\;re korzrin 30 faxar mard! Tou;al vamanaki g;rmanazi gitnakan-ar;u;laght :oxh` Markwarte a\d a®ijow \ang;l h f;t;u;al ;xrakazouj;an! ªNo\nisk Safmanadrouj;an f®cakoumiz \;to\ hl Øsman;an qa[aqakanouj;an fimnakan loxoungn hr ª;jh clin;n fa\;re% our;mn ci lini na;u ªfa\kakan farzeº! Atana\i davan kotora‘e zo\z tou;z% or ;ritjourq;re% oronq xarmanaliørhn :uropa\oum ir;nz famar lip;ral fambau oun;nalou fasarakakan kar‘iq hin st;[‘;l% ir;nz davanouj;amb ocncow cxi=;zin m;‘ mardaspan Aptoul Famitinº!2 Isk A®a=in Fama,.arfa\in Pat;raxmi na.ørhin ar;umtafa\ouj;an wiyake a®au;l watjarazau! Gaua®n;roum krkin t;[i hin oun;noum wa\rag spanoujiunn;r% b®nabaroujiunn;r% oun;zoua‘qi \a',takoujiunn;r% isk \anzagor‘n;re mnoum hin anpativ! Faskanali h% or fa\kakan fala‘anqn;ri fimnakan drdapatya®e tou;al vamanak kapoua‘ hr fa\kakan farzi a,.ouvazman f;t% qani or fa\abnak 6 nafangn;roum bar;'o.oumn;r anzkazn;lou npatakow banakzoujiunn;r hin t;[i oun;noum m;‘ throujiunn;ri ,r=anakn;roum! Cna\a‘ a\n i w;r=o\ storagrou;z jourqakan ka®awarouj;an ko[miz (";trouari 8% 1914 j&)% saka\n f;nz skxbiz jourq;re dhm hin drsiz partadrouo[ bar;norogoumn;rin ;u fsko[ouj;ane ;u ;rb;uh npatak counhin k;anqi koc;lou a\n!


Nor Taroua\ ;u S& ’nnd;an xo\g tøn;roun a®jiu% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r andamakzoujiune% ma[j;low bolorin a®o[=oujiun ;u \a=o[oujiun

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NOR ØR% 25 D:KT:MB:R% 2014

L:UON JIUJIUNY:AN <ar& h= 11-hn

pa,tønaj;rj^ ªVo[owourdi }a\nºin% orphs mna\oun a,.atakiz! Gnafatanqi arvani ke da®na\ ir \ou,agrouj;an ,arqe^ ªK;anqe Kowkasi mh= Fa\ Arfauirqi Ør;rounº .oragrow% our Jiujiuny;an ke n;rka\aznh axatagrakan ør;rou pa\qari patmagroujiune minc;u 1918 jouakane! Kary vamanaki enjazqin Jiujiuny;an ardhn dar]a‘ hr \a\tni fraparakagir ou ke stan]nh ª:rkirº j;rji .mbagroujiune Polso\ mh= ;rkou taroua\ famar! Isk 1920-in kousakzakan frauhrow ke miana\ ªVo[owourdi }a\nºi .mbagrouj;an% ou Polso\ mh= ir masnakzoujiune ke b;rh Âamkawar ;u Axatakan fosanqn;rou miauorman Fokt;mb;r 1% 19421-in% ormh ;tq ªVo[owourdi }a\nºe ke da®na\ ÂAK-i pa,tønaj;rje^ artønatirouj;amb Aram Inyiy;ani% or kar;uor d;r oun;za‘ hr ÂAK-i kaxmouj;an f®cakagrin a®ncoua‘! Fos k*arvh au;lzn;l% or ÂAK-i pa,tønaj;rje a\sør Polis fratarakouo[ ªVamanakº øraj;rjn h% or lo\s t;sau orphs ªVo[owourdi }a\n-Vamanakº anounow ou 1924-in ªVamanakºe dar]au anka. fratarakoujiun! Polso\ mh= ÂAK-i kaxmouj;nhn ;tq% an s;rt gor‘akzoujiun k*oun;na\ Wafan Jhqh;ani ;u Ar,ak Cøpan;ani f;t! Jiujiuny;anin ardhn ke wstafoui \an]n;l kar;uor pa,tønn;r% oronz kar;uorago\ne ke da®na\ masnakzoujiun b;r;l Orb;rou Axga\in >namakalouj;an% ou a\d pa,tønow ke m;kni \ounakan Gor`ou k[xin 1922-in! Gor`oui mh= dar];al piti gor‘hr ga[a'ari ir enk;ro= P;tros T;'o\;ani f;t% or tnørhnn hr Orb;rou Axga\in >namatan! Pat;f a®ije k*oun;na\ møthn a,.at;lou Jhotiki f;t% incphs na;u |owfannhs Asp;ti f;t% or piti qa=al;rhr Jiujiuny;anin ir masnakzoujiune b;r;lou Jhodik-i ªAm;na\n Tar;zo\zºin% ou ir ªJiurqittakeqº .oragrow \ødoua‘e% polsafa\ k;anqe nkaragro[% manauand Amiran;rou ,r=ane nkaragro[ \atouk ke da®na\ Tar;zo\zhn n;rs! No\n ,r=ane nkaragro[% Jiujiuny;an na;u patrasta‘ h grqo\k me |aroujiun Amira Phxy;ani ma-

sin! Isk na.aphs an f;[inaka‘ h Paqoui komisar St;'an <afoum;ani \ou,agrakan tpauoroujiunn;re% incphs na;u \i,atakn;r kowkasafa\ k;anqhn ou fa\ kamauorakan ,r=ani drouagn;rhn% oronz inq ‘anøjaza‘ hr Kowkas gtnoua‘ ,r=anin! K*arvh fos n,;l na;u% jh a\d ,r=ani ir tpauoroujiunn;roun mhk mase fratarakou;zau ªKarno\ Ankoumi O[b;rgoujiuneº .oragrow! :rkou tari mnalh ;tq Gor`ou% 1924-in k*ou[;uoroui Loxan (Xouiz;ria)% ir f;t tan;low karg me orb;r^ \an]n;lou xouiz;riakan .namatarouj;an! Loxane kar‘;s piti da®nar ir mna\oun bnakarane ja'a®akan dar]a‘ fa\ mtauorakanin ou fraparakagrin famar! Faka®ak Xouiz;rio\ fa\kakan 'oqr ga[oujin% an ir kar;liouj;an ca'ow ke ,arounakh kap pafpan;l ÂAK-i kk;dronin f;t% or a\d tarin;roun ardhn "arix t;[a'o.oua‘ hr% Jiujiuny;an au;li nstak;az k;anq me piti warhr Loxani mh=% ,arounak;low ir fraparagrakan a,.atanqe a,.atakz;low Posjoni Âamkawar Axatakan pa,tønaj;rj ªPa\qarº øraj;rjin! A\s ,r=anin an sksa‘ hr xba[il nkarcouj;amb ou k;anqi enk;r k*entrh da,nakafaroufi Mari :araslowan^ \a\tni l;f entaniqi me doustr me! 1926-in Jhodiki tar;zo\zin mh= ªAnka. Fa\astanº .oragrow ousoumnasirouj;amb me Jiujiuny;an fandhs kou ga\% our ardhn ke s;rmanhr ou ke qa=al;rhr fa\r;nadar]oujiun^ ir axga\in bowandakouj;amb% oroun fauatazo[n ou qa=al;ro[e piti fandisanar m;r ‘anøj ;ra.tauore% \;taga\in ir fraparakagrouj;amb! Kno= qa=al;ranqow Jiujiuny;an Loxani mh= ke n;rka\aznh ir a®a=in nkarcakan zouzadroujiune% gnafatanqi arvananalow manauand øtar arou;stabann;rh% k*oro,h parb;rakan dar]n;l a\d ;r;uo\je% manauand l;f da,nakafaroufin al ir ko[qin oun;nalow! ÂAK-i kaxmouj;an .andawa® qaroxicn;rhn hr ;ra.tauor L;uon Jiujiuny;ane% ou "arixhn gor‘o[ ÂAK-i k;drone% manauand Ar,ak Cøpan;ani at;nap;ta‘ ,r=anin% \aya. Jiujiuny;ane ke frauirhr orphs ,r=oun gor‘ic m;kn;lou

;uropakan ;rkirn;rou tara‘qin norafastat ga[oujn;r% manauand ir l;xouakan fmtouj;an apauin;low! Fraparakagrakan ir wastake xinq mna\oun a,.atakiz dar]ouzin ÂAK mamlo\ entaniqi a\l andamn;roun ;us% Gafirh fratarakouo[ ªAr;uº øraj;rjin% Gali`ornio\ ªNor Ørºi ou Falhpi ª:'ratºin% our an ke gor‘a‘hr Biuxandazi ‘a‘kanoune! 1934-in Jiujiuny;an patgamauor k*entroui ÂAK Endfanour Patgamauorakan Vo[owin% n;rka\azn;low Ar;umt;an :uropa\i ,r=anake! Norentir K;dronakan Warcoujiune Jiujiuny;anin ke wstafi ÂAK-i ;uropakan ,r=anakn;rou mamouli famakargoume! 1930-akan jouakann;rou skixbn;re 4 ,r=anakn;r (|ounastan% Ar;umt;an :uropa% Poulkaria ;u Âouminia) pa,tønaj;rj ounhin! 1937-in an ke masnakzi ÂAK-i Endfanour H& Patgamauorakan Vo[owin% or goumarou;zau Gafirhi mh=% our Wafan Jhqh;an dar];al piti da®nar k;droni at;nap;te% isk L;uon Jiujiuny;an ke n,anakouhr n;rka\azouzic ÂAK-i ;uropakan ,r=anakn;re w;rakaxmak;rp;lou a,.atanqin! Wafan Jhqh;an or no\n tarouan S;pt& 26-i dar]a‘ hr fimnadir .mbagire ªXarjønqº øraj;rjin anfangstouj;an patya®ow ke w;rada®na\ Gafirh! ÂAK K;dronakan Warcouj;an oro,oumow Jiujiuny;an ke m;kni Ph\rouj stan]n;lou ÂAK Libanani ;u Sourio\ ,r=anaki pa,tønaj;rj ªXarjønqº øraj;rji .mbagroujiune^ tar;w;r=hn a®a=! Ardar;u ÂAK-i norakaxm a\s ,r=anakin famar qaroxcakan .jan me fandisazau ;ra.tauor Jiujiuny;ani .mbagroujiune ,our= tarouan me famar% ormh ;tq |owf& Pø[os;an piti stan]nhr .mbagiri pa,tøne^ galow Gafirhhn% ou Jiujiuny;an ke w;rada®na\ Loxan% ba\z \aya. kousakzakan pa,tønow ke m;knhr "arix% our lo\s ke t;snhr ÂAK-i pa,tønaj;rj ªApaga\ºn! Loxan w;rada®nalhn ;tq% g;[ankarcakan nor gor‘;rou fauaqa‘o\ men al zouzadrouj;an ke droui Fama,.arfa\in B& Pat;raxmhn a®a=! Fama,.arfa\in qandic pat;raxme% manauand :uropa\i tara‘qin% partadir t;[a,arvi ;njarka‘ hr fa\kakan ‘aualo[ ga[oujn;rou k;nza[e% ou Jiu-

jiuny;an fratarakcakan inqnam'o' k;anq me sksa‘ hr war;l Loxani mh=! 1939-in skxbnauorouj;an% ir;n \an]noua‘ .mbagri pa,tøne Axg;rou Lika\hn n;rs% orphs s'iu®qafa\ouj;an n;rka\azouzic Fa\ Øgnouj;an Komithin% ardhn arka.oua‘ hr a\s ,r=anin! |ou,agrakan ir fratarakcakan gor‘;re ir;nz ambo[=akan lroumin piti fasnhin Kowkas apra‘ ir tarin;rou nkaragrouj;amb% xo\g 'oqr fatorn;row& a®a=ine - ªF&|& da,nakzoujiune ibr;u p;takan gor‘ønº% isk ;rkrorde - ªQa[aqakan mafa'or] :r;uani mh=º! Faka®ak Xouiz;rio\ lyaza‘ qa[aqakan wiyakin Jiujiuny;an krza‘ hr mi=ozn;r oron;l ir fraparakagrakan bavine b;r;lou ÂAK-i mamoulin% ou manauand ªPa\qar Tar;girqºin% mna\oun kapi mh= mnalow ir wa[;mi gor‘akiz ou ga[a'ari enk;ro=^ Frac :rouandin f;t! 1946-in fa\r;nadar]ouj;an ‘ragrin% Jiujiuny;an .andawa®ouj;amb ir øvandakoujiune ke b;rh `ransafa\ ga[ouji axgafauaqi a,.atanqn;roun! A\d ør;roun ‘ragire ke gl.auorhr fa\r;nadar]i ga[a'arin =atagow^ Ar,ak Cøpan;ane! :ra.tauor Jiujiuny;ann al \an]na®ou k*ella\ n;rga[j;l fa\r;niq% ba\z ir ko[akzin fiuandouj;an patya®ow% ke stipoui a\d ‘ragire arka.;l! 1948-in ,our= w;z amsoua\ famar ke stan]nh ÂAK-i Ar;umt;an :uropa\i pa,tønaj;rj ªApaga\ºi .mbagroujiune% or dar];al piti arka.ouhr da,nakafaroufiin anfangstouj;an patya®au! 1949-in nkarcakan ir patrasta‘ w;r=in fauaqa‘on al ke zouzadroui% 20 tarin;rou wra\ patrasta‘ ir arou;sti gor‘;re patka®;li ar.iua\in ambo[=oujiun me ke kaxm;n! |a®a=ika\ tarin;re ;ra.tauorin ke dar]n;n t;[akan ou ,r=ana\in fasarakakan ;roux;®in masnakiz% Ven;ui mh= kaxmoua‘ Fa\z& A®aq;lakan ‘ou.in ;u Xouiz;riafa\ Miouj;an satar;low! :k;[;zakan pa\qari tarin;roun% ou anor st;[‘a‘ ;rk';[kman ;r;uo\ji ‘alq;roun møthn ‘anøj ellalow% Jiujiuny;an ke patrasth ªFa\astan;a\z :k;[;zuo\ mh= ambo[=akan an=at fasarakoujiun

A|S H+E KE FOWANAUORH "RO~& Ø<IN QH<I<:AN Nor Taroua\ ;u S& ’nnd;an xo\g tøn;roun a®jiu% ke ,norfauor;m im bar;kamn;rs% ma[j;low bolorin a®o[=oujiun ;u \a=o[oujiun

<ar& h= 31




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}IUNH "AJILN:ROW M:X H GALIS NOR TARIN }m;® h zourt ou Nor Tari }m;® papin ir sa\lakin Xangakn;re xngazn;low Lour h talis manoukn;rin Afa galis h }m;® Papin Manoukn;re ]iunow .a[oum }iunh mard ;n patrastoum :rgoum ou ‘a' ;n galis Q;x siroum ;nq }m;® Papi Spasoum ;nq ,out ari }m;® Papin ]iunapatoua‘ Galis fasnoum manoukn;rin Bavan;low nouhrn;re <norfauoroum Nor Tari! N;lli Posjen% 2014


NOR ØR% 25 D:KT:MB:R% 2014


Nor Taroua\ ;u S& ’noundi bar;bastik a®ijn;row% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bolor axgakann;rn ou bar;kamn;re% qa=a®o[=oujiun ;u barøroujiun ma[j;low bolorin

MI OMN Nor Taroua\ ;u S& ’noundi xo\g tøn;roun oura. a®ijow% srtagin ,norfauoroujiunn;r ;u lauago\n ma[janqn;r m;r bolor faraxatn;roun ;u bar;kamn;roun Thr ;u Tik& Sargis Qilhy;an

A<>ARF ZOURT (SAÂN) PAT:RAXMI&&& <ar& h= 15-hn

·³ÕáõÃÝ»ñáõ Ù¿ç í»ñëÏë³Í ¿ÇÝ »Õµ³Ûñ³ëå³Ý ÏéÇõÝ»ñÁ£ ØÇÝã« ²ñ³ùëÇ ³ñ»õ»É»³Ý ³÷ÇÝ Ñ³ÛÏ³Ï³Ý ½ûñ³µ³ÅÇÝÝ»ñ å³ïñ³ëï ¿ÇÝ Ïïñ»Éáõ ²ñ³ùëÁ »õ ·ñ³õ»Éáõ γñëÝ áõ ²ñï³Ñ³ÝÁ^ ݳËÏÇÝ èáõë³Ï³Ý ßñç³ÝÝ»ñÁ£ ÂñáõÙÁÝ»³Ý í³ñ¹³å»ïáõÃÇõÝÁ ³ñ·»Éù ÏÁ ѳݹÇë³Ý³ñ »õ íëï³Ñ³µ³ñ å³ï»ñ³½Ù åÇïÇ Ñéã³Ïáõ¿ñ ÊáñÑñ¹³ÛÇÝ ØÇáõû³Ý ¹¿Ù« áñáíÑ»ï»õ ï³Ï³õÇÝ ÙÇçáõϳÛÇÝ ½¿ÝùÁ ÏÁ Ùݳñ ÙdzÛÝ ²Ù»ñÇϳÛÇ Ñ³Ï³ÏßéÇÝ ï³Ï£ ²Û¹ ½¿ÝùÇÝ ÏÇñ³éáõÙÁ ϳï³ñ³Í ¿ñ Ö³÷áÝÇ íñ³Û« »õ Ïñݳñ ÝáÛÝÁ ϳï³ñ»É г۳ëï³ÝÇ ¹¿Ù£ êï³ÉÇÝ ½·áõß³õáñ ¿ñ »õ ³ÛëåÇëáí ѳÛáõÃÇõÝÁ áëÏÇ ³éÇÃÁ ÏáñëÝóáõó³Í ¿ñ í»ñ³ïÇñ³Ý³Éáõ àõÇÉëÁÝ»³Ý ë³ÑÙ³ÝÝ»ñáõÝ£ ²Ûëûñ« г۳ëï³ÝÇ Ð³Ýñ³å»ïáõÃÇõÝÁ ½ûñ³õáñ ¿ Çñ ÏáÕùÇÝ

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Ow fa\oz a\r;r nouir;al fa\r;r Maxapour‘ pokoua‘ ];r boun ,hn;riz Va\®ot sar;riz ou ostann;riz A,.arf ct;sa‘ ];r ta®apanqiz :k;l jikn;l hq ];r bo\ne fius;l! Mormoqoua‘ patmoum yakatagriz Gi,aticn;ri .o,tangoumn;riz! Ard;øq Alin hr ;[;l qic davan% Or anxør mankan acq;ri a®=;u M;r l;xoun ktr;l acq;rn hr 'o.;l% Jh Walin hr ;[;l qic davan Or ma\r ‘no[i acq;ri a®=;u Jrat;l mankan =rfore n;t;l

Ow fa\oz a\r;r nouir;al fa\;r Jourqe jourq h mi,t a\sør kam wa[e C'nt®hq nra wate kam laue Ow or nranziz laue ke spasi Mtqiz cfani ;rb;q :[;®nin Jourqi jour ba®n h nra fognakin :u mi,t .roua‘ h fa\;ri srtin Jourqe jourq h mi,t a\sør kam wa[e C'nt®hq nra wate kam laue Ow fa\oz a\r;r srbaxan ma\r;r Jourqe lau gith \our a[tot f;sap D;® ke kotorh Falhp ou Q;sap! N<AN :{:AN

OLD MEN CLUB ªNor Ørº ,abajaj;rjin ke ma[j;nq \arat;u korow ;u b;[oun gor‘ounhoujiun

Nor Taroua\ ;u S& ’noundi bar;bastik a®ijn;row% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bolor axgakann;rn ou bar;kamn;re% qa=a®o[=oujiun ma[j;low bolorin


<norfauor Nor Tari ;u S& ’nound m;r bolor sir;li axgakann;roun ;u bar;kamn;roun

Andranik Catry;an




s'iu®qafa\oz&&&! 1917-hn sks;al% ;rb w;razou;zan dar;row m,akoua‘ fog;uor% baro\akan ca'ani,n;re% Fa\astann al arf;stakanørhn taran=atou;zau mnaz;al a,.arfhn% our% i tarb;roujiun >orfrda\in a\l vo[owourdn;rou% ba.ti davan faroua‘n;rhn fala‘oua‘% k∞aprhin m;r baxmafaxar fa\r;nakizn;re^ karøt fa\r;ni ª.aprikºi% =;rm satari% ørfnouj;an ou og;uorouj;an! Orqan \a\tni h in‘i% Waxghn A&e >rim;an Fa\rikhn \;to\ a®a=inn hr or katar;z fowouap;takan a\z;loujiunn;r dhpi s'iu®qi ga[jøya.n;re! Ghorg :& ;u Ghorg X& ;u manauand nafatak >orhn A& Kajo[ikosn;re fnar ou jo\ltououjiun counhin Stalin;an mafasarsou® b®na-

p;touj;an tarin;roun a\z;r katar;lou! Waxghn W;fa'a®e kotr;z a\d sa®o\ze! 1955 jouakanhn sks;al Sourb H=mia‘ni w;ra‘a[koume% or katarou;zau n;ra®ouj;amb fariurauor bar;rarn;rou ;u mtauorakann;rou% warcakan fmout a,.ato[n;r ou entir% tofmik 'or]a,at arf;stauorn;r% oronq bolorn al Waxghn A&i mardka\in ou fog;uor fma\qi% warcakan fmtouj;an ou karo[oujiunn;rou ,norfiu ir;nz m;‘ kam 'oqr ;ra.tiqe oun;zan Fa\ :k;[;zihn n;rs! ’anøjoujiun&- So\n fatoua‘e a®noua‘ h f;[inaki d;®;us antip grqo\khn% or ke spash ir m;k;nasin! (>mbagroujiun)

Manc;sjer4 Anglia

L:UON JIUJIUNY:AN <ar& h= 28-hn

cka\º grqo\ke% or fratarakoujiune piti da®nar ir .mbagra‘ ªXarjønqº øraj;rjin! 1962-in dar];al \ødoua‘agiri masnakzouj;amb ir bavine ke b;rh ªXarjønq-baza®ikºin% øraj;rji fratarakouj;an 25-am;akin a®ijow! 1968-in% Ven;ui mh= m;‘ ,ouqow ke n,oui ;ra.tauor Jiujiuny;ani axga\in% grakan% fraparakagrakan ou fasarakakan nouir;al gor‘ounhouj;an \isnam;a\ \ob;l;ane! "a®a,ouq a\s fandisoujiune kaxmak;rpoua‘ hr Xouiz;riafa\ Miouj;an na.a];®nouj;amb% oroun fimnadirn;rhn ;[a‘ hr Jiujiuny;an! A\s a®ijow ;ra.tauore arvanazau Am;na\n Fa\oz Fa\rap;ti Kondakin! Ar;umt;an :uropa\hn vamana‘ hin ga[oujafa\ \a\tni axga\inn;r n;rka\ gtnou;lou \ob;l;arin troua‘ \arganqi% isk ørouan gl.auor fiur bana.øsn al ÂAK K;dronakan Warcouj;an n;rka\azouzic^ Fambar]oum Gara\;ann hr% or vamana‘ hr Gafirhhn! |a®a=aza‘ ir tariqin ou andamalo\‘ wiyaki mh=% taka-

uin Jiujiuny;an møthn ke f;t;uhr ir ga[a'ara.øsouj;an s;rmana‘ fa\r;nasirouj;amb% ou anor mamlo\ entaniqi \a®a=.a[azqow! 1975-in .andawa® gnafatakan gir ou[arka‘ hr ÂAK-i K;dronakan Warcouj;an ;rb imaza‘ hr ÂAK-i mamouli ;rkou nor ,abajaj;rj;rou fratarakoujiune% ªSardarapatºe Pouhnos A\rhsi mh= ;u ªApaga\ºn Monjrhali mh=% ;rkouqn al ;rkl;xou! No\n tarin ardhn% Libanani mh= Jhqh;an M,akouja\in Mioujiune fratarak;z Jiujiuny;ani kar;uor ;u ou,agrau fatore^ ª|ou,;r – Wau;ragrakan Iro[oujiunn;r Arfauirqi ou Axatagrakan Pa\qari Tarin;rhnº .oragrow (1917-1920 tarin;rou ir \ou,agrouj;an ambo[=akanoujiune)! 86 tar;kan% nouir;al ou xofab;r a\s ;ra.tauorn al \auit;an ir acq;re ke 'akhr Loxani mh=% f;®ou ir ;raxa‘ fa\r;niqhn% oroun w;rakangnoumn ou w;ra‘nounde t;sau ou =atagow;z ir fraparakagrakan wastakow% isk ir gradarane% ar.iun;re ou arou;sti gor‘;re nouir;z :r;uani P;takan Jangaranin!

Nor Taroua\ ;u S& ’noundi xo\g tøn;roun oura. a®ijow% srtagin ,norfauoroujiunn;r ;u lauago\n ma[janqn;r m;r bolor faraxatn;roun ;u bar;kamn;roun Toqj& |akob Kiulhqy;an

FA|KAKAN FARZE :U M:’ :{:ÂNE <ar& h= 27-hn

:u a\dphs ar;umtafa\ouj;an wiyake astiyanabar dar]au au;li wtangauor ;u ørfasakan! A®a=in Fama,.arfa\in Pat;raxmi na.a,;min ªMioujiun ;u A®a=dimoujiunº kousakzouj;an [;kawarn;re ir;nz ga[tni nist;roum ;rb endoun;zin fa\;rin b®ni t;[afan;lou% kotor;lou ;u ispa® ocncazn;lou oro,oume% da patafakan chr% qani or na.ord tarin;rin ardhn nkatuoum hin dra parxoro, n,ann;re% ou[[aki spasoum hin \armar vamanaki! :u a\d \armar vamanake fandisazau Fama,.arfa\in Pat;raxme ;u sks;zin kotor;l fa\;rin% a\n hl incpisi barbarosakan ];u;row! A\nphs or xangoua‘a\in t;[afanoujiunn;rn ou kotora‘n;re Ar;umt;an Fa\astani qa[aqn;roum ;u giu[;roum% incphs na;u 'oqr Asia\i tara‘qoum gtnouo[ fa\abnak wa\r;roum% chin a®nceuoum ®axmakan nkata®oumn;row katarouo[ mi=oza®oumn;ri f;t% qani or fa\ouj;an bna=n=man farze na.ørøq m,akoua‘ ;u oro,oua‘ hr ªMioujiun ;u A®a=adimoujiunº kousakzouj;an k;ntronakan komithi ko[miz! Fa\kakan farze lou‘;lou famar ;ritjourq;rn entr;l hin ar;umtafa\oujiune ispa® bna=n=;lou yanaparfe! ªAm;nourq sks;zin fauaq;l fa\;rin%- groum h jourq gor‘ic M;ulan Xath Âi`aje%- no\nisk a®anz fa,oui a®n;lou fiuandn;rin% ‘;r;rin ou ;r;.an;rin! Nranz% owq;r endounoum hin mafm;takanoujiun% vamanakauoraphs dours hin fanoum qarauann;riz% isk miusn;rin .mb;row% vantarmn;ri fsko[ouj;an n;rqo\ ou[arkoum hin na.at;soua‘ yanaparfn;rowº!3 A\nouf;t;u a\d anxhn ou anpa,tpan qarauann;re mard-

kanz t;so[oujiuniz f;®ou% ama\i wa\r;roum ;njarkuoum hin fa\;ri bna=n=man npatakow st;[‘oua‘ ªJ;,qilaj-e mafsoushºi (\atouk kaxmak;rpoujiun) frosaka.mb;ri \ar]akmane! Isk fra,qow axatoua‘n;re% qa[ziz ;u ‘arauiz ‘a\r astiyan fiu‘oua‘ ou oskraza‘ ourouakann;ri nman \a\tnuoum hin Mi=ag;tqi ;u Siria\i anapatn;roum! :u a\dphs 1915-23 jouakann;rin ;ritjourq;ri ka®awarouj;an kira®a‘ z;[aspan qa[aqakanouj;an f;t;uanqow ar;umtafa\oujiune kangn;z ispa® oncncazman wtangi a®=;u% talow mhkoukhs milioniz au;li anm;[ xof;r! 100 tari anzau 20-rd dari skxbin jourqakan ka®awarouj;an ko[miz mta\[azoua‘ ;u gor‘adroua‘ a\d afauor ararqiz% ba\z pa\qare ,arounakuoum h! Fa\ vo[owourde t;uaphs pa\qar;l h ;u pa\qar;lou h% orphsxi mi=axga\in at;anoum pa,tønaphs yanacoui ;u datapartoui Fa\oz Z;[aspanoujiune ;u ardar fatouzoum stana\ nra fo[a\in% ar;an ;u lq;al go\qi ardar pafan=atiroujiune! ’anøjagroujiunn;r 1& Jourq;rhn anouanoume Pap-e Ali! A\sphs hr kocuoum m;‘ w;xiri nstawa\r ka®awarouj;an ,hnqe! 2& T;*s Au;tis "a'ax;an% ªFa\;ri Z;[aspanoujiune Øsman;an Ka\sroujiunoumº% Los Any;les% 1996% h= 68! 3& M;wlan Xath Âi`aj% jourqakan \;[a'o.ouj;an n;rqin ‘alq;re% A& fator% Falhp% 1929% h= 119 (arabata® jourq;rhn)! K

APAQINMAN MA{JANQ K*imananq jh Tiran A`ar;an 'o.adrou;low fiuandanoz ;njarkoua‘ h srti \a=o[ gor‘o[ouj;an me! <outa'o\j ;u katar;al apaqinoum ke ma[j;nq ir;n! ÂAK <r=ana\in Warcoujiun ªNor Ørºi warcoujiun

<norfauor Nor Tari ;u S& ’nound m;r bolor sir;li axgakann;roun ;u bar;kamn;roun

Warouvan Jorik;an


NOR ØR% 25 D:KT:MB:R% 2014

|OU<:R DPROZAKAN ØR:RHS <ar& h= 13-hn

ellalow% toun k∞;rja\in! Kar‘;s mi,t coun;za‘d ke zankas% ch#! A\n vamanak% ]m;®n;re antan;li k;rpow pa[ k∞ellar ;u dasarann;re =;®ouzoumi mi=oz coun;nalow% a‘ou.ow krakaran k∞øgtagor‘ouhr! Isk krakarann;re a®tou kanou.hn patrast;lou gor‘e wstafoua‘ hr bar]r dasarani a,ak;rtn;roun! Krakarann;re patrastou;lh ;tq saka\n anonq ke x;t;[ouhin ousouzicn;rou s;[ann;roun tak! Jo[ a,ak;rtn;re sa®hin% oro#u foge&&&! Mi qani tari ;tq bar;ba.tabar% wa®;laniujow wa®arann;r ,ouka\ ;lan ;u dasarann;re øvtou;zan a\d fra,q gor‘iqn;row% oronq ke x;t;[ouhin dasarann;rou k;drone! Fima jh a,ak;rt ;u jh ousouzic fauasaraphs k∞a,.athin taqouk mjnolorti mh=! :rb Krjasiraz warvarane auart;zi% sksa\ \aya.;l Am;rik;an golhye (Aleppo College)! Fon% a,ak;rtouj;ans ,r=ane t;u;z ;øje tari (1956-63)! Phtq h es;m% or a,ak;rtoujiune ba[kaza‘ hr fa\;rh% arab qriston;an;rh ;u islamn;rh! In‘i famar noroujiun hr% or iuraqanciur dasaran k∞entrhr ir n;rka\azouzice% dprozi a,ak;rtakan .orfourdin (Student Council) masnakz;lou famar! Dasarana\in entrouj;anz k∞a®a=arkouhin j;kna‘oun;r% endfanraphs mhk islam ;u mhk arab qriston;a\% qani m;‘amasnoujiun ke kaxmhin anonq! Yarpik islamn;re saka\n% fa\ou me anounn al k∞a®a=arkhin ;u miamit fa\e% 'a\'a\oua‘ xgalow% sirow k∞endounhr! I#nc k∞ellar ardiunqe% qriston;an;roun qouhn;re ke bavnouhin fa\oun ;u qriston;a\in mi=;u ;u islame \a[jakan dours kou gar! Sa diuanagitakan im a®a=in dass hr% or sorw;za\ ªbavn;szh% xi tir;szhº ;u minc;u fima zasoumow ke \i,;m a\d dhpqe&&& Dvba.tabar asor \ar ;u nman dhpq;r ke patafin na;u a\sør% Miaz;al Nafangn;rou m;r ga[ouja\in irakanouj;an mh=! A\d ,r=anin hr% or Sourio\ ;u

:giptosi mi=;u n,anauor Mioujiune go\azau (1958-61)! Miak \i,atake or dro,moua‘ h ;njagitakizis mh= a\n h% jh amhn angam or Na.agaf Nashr Falhp a\z;lhr% m;x fauaqabar ke tanhin ;u ke ,arhin 'o[ozi me ;rka\nqin% ourkh Na.agafe piti anznhr! Jh;u ]an]razouzic ;u \ognatan= hr a\d 'or]a®oujiune% saka\n mius ko[mh oua.a®ij% qani das;rh f;®ou ke mna\inq mi qani vam! 1964-66 \aya.;zi Ph\rouji Fa\kax;an golhye (a\vm famalsaran)! A\d ,r=ani \i,atakn;rous lauago\ne a\n hr% jh xowazouzici m;q;nan k∞øgtagor‘hinq souriakan 5 daf;kanow% ore ca'ow ;u k,i®ow \ar ;u nman hr libanan;an 25 daf;kanin&&& Cmo®nanq or libanan;an 25 daf;kane drami tarb;rouj;amb famaxør hr souriakan gr;jh 40 daf;kanin! Falhphn ;ko[n;rous famar m;‘ gofounakoujiun ke parg;uhr a\s .abhoujiune% saka\n enk;rouj;an famar xout wnas hr! Anonq i w;r=o\ andradar]an ;u ,outow a®a=qe a®in a\d x;[‘ararouj;an% i \ousa.aboujiun m;xi! 1969-71 \aya.;zi Ph\rouji Am;rik;an famalsarane! Lauago\n \i,ataks 1971-in hr% ;rb Sourb Xatkoua\ 10 øroua\ m;r ar]akourdi enjazqin 200 a,ak;rtn;row a\z;l;zinq :r;uan% L;ninkrat (a\vm St. Pitursburg) ;u Moskoua! Masnakzo[ a,ak;rtn;rhn 50-e fa\ hin ;u m;xi famar baza®ik a®ij hr ellal Fa\astan ;u Xatkoua\ øre masnakzil Sb& H=mia‘ni pataragin ;u fog;parar araro[ouj;anz% fandisap;touj;amb Am;na\n Fa\oz Waxghn A& Kajo[ikosin!! Isk Moskoua\i mh=% m;nq a®ije oun;zanq Qr;mlini palati tara‘ouj;an mh= gtnouo[ f®cakauor fandisasrafin mh= dit;lou ªPalace of Bakcha Saraiº ø';ran% i mi=i a\l t;sarvan wa\r;rou m;r a\z;louj;an! A\s pto\te kaxmak;rpoua‘ hr Sow;takan Miouj;an p;takan ;ritasardakan bavanmounqin ko[mh% orphs 'o. \arab;rakan ];®nark% bar;kam ;rkirn;rou mi=;u!


Manramasnørhn c;m \i,;r jh inc esau S;rgh\ M;rk;l;an a\d ør! Ba\z fimnakan .orqe ir .øsqin w;ra‘noua‘ Fa\astani ;u fa\ vo[owourdi n;rka\i ;u apaga\i nkatmamb lauat;s mardou me arta\a\toujiunn hr% ir otqin tak fa\r;ni fo[ oun;zo[ mardou% incphs na;u gitouj;an% xargazoumi ;u \a®a=enjazi mh= gtnouo[ fa\ mardou gitakzouj;nhn b.o[ lauat;soujiun me ;u inqnawstafoujiun me% oronq nor ,ounc touin a\d srafin mh= fauaqoua‘ n;rkan;roun! *** A\d April 1965 jouakanin Pomph\i ga[oujin kaxmak;rpa‘ sgafandhse t;sak me manrankarn hr s'iu®qi tara‘qin amhn tari krknouo[ a\n ];®narkn;roun% oronq t;[i k∞oun;na\in April;an :[;®ni nafatakn;rou \i,atake \arg;lou famar! A\spisi a®ijn;roun \a\tagrin mas ke kaxmhin mi qani ya®a.øsoujiunn;r% mi qani fa\r;nasirakan artasanoujiunn;r% ;rg ou nouag% ou apa 365 ør;rou l®oujiun me^ &&& minc;u \a=ord April 24! Saka\n April;an :[;®ni |isnam;aki a®ijow kaxmak;rpoua‘ a\d ];®narkn;re tarb;r bno\j me xg;zan 1965 jouakanin ;u ANKH :TQ! Minc;u a\d fangrouana\in jouakane s'iu®qi tara‘qin gor‘o[ ;u g;ri,.o[ fa\ kaxmak;rpoujiunn;re% mioujiunn;re ;u \aranouanakan i,.anoujiunn;re endfanraphs a®an]nabar% ;u anka.abar% ke kaxmak;rphin a\d \ou,afandhsn;re kam sgafandhsn;re oronz n;rka\ ke gtnouhin ir;nz f;t;uordn;re kam famakirn;re! Saka\n a®a=in angam ellalow% April;an :[;®ni |isnam;akin a®ijow% 1965 jouakanin% april;an fa\ nafatakn;rou \i,atakouj;an miakam tønakataroujiunn;ree irarou ke ,[ja\hin Ph\roujhn "arix% Falhphn Niu :orq% J;franhn Lonton% ou Moskoua\hn :r;uan zroua‘ fa\oujiune a®anz a,.arfagrakan

storabavanoumn;rou% a®anz kousakzakan% .mbakza\in% ;u \arouanakan pitakn;rou& amhn mard w;r=aphs ke gitakzhr jh FAMAXGA|IN taro[ouj;amb a[ht me patafa‘ hr fa\ vo[owourdin ;u jh a,.arfagrakan t;[adroumn;re chin or a\d fama\nakan zaui ;u korousti xgazoume kam gitakzoujiune krna\in nouax;zn;l fa\ vo[owourdi xanaxan .au;roun møt! Ardar;u% Pomph\i a\d 'oqrajiu ga[ouji ba[kazouzic tarr;rou a,.arfagrakan patkan;lioujiune inqnin zo\z kou tar jh orqan la\n ;u .orounk axd;zoujiun me oun;za‘ hr :[;®ne fa\ vo[owourdi zroua‘ouj;an t;sakhthn ;u jh anor f;t;uanqow incpisi fog;kzoujiun me st;[‘oua‘ hr minc a\d irarou an‘anøj fa\ vo[owourdi tarb;r .au;roun kam masnikn;roun mi=;u! Kar;uor ;u n,anakaliz ;r;uo\j me ;us i \a\t kou gar a\d tari! I tarb;roujiun na.kin tarin;roun% s'iu®qi tara‘qin a\d April amsoua\ enjazqin kaxmak;rpoua‘ ];®narkn;re a\l;us parxaphs sgafandhsn;r kam \ou,afandhsn;r chin% a\l bo[oqi% ardarouj;an ;u pafan=atirouj;an po®jkoumn;r% oronq qa[aqakan aqji me bno\je ounhin! A\d po®jkoumn;roun ]a\nn ou ar]agange a\d tari ke tara‘ouhin Ph\rouji Qamil <amoun marxauanin mh= fauaqoua‘ 60 faxari fasno[ baxmouj;nhn minc;u :r;uani 'o[ozn;re zo\zi ;la‘ ;u i lour a,.arfi ªm;*r fo[;re% m;*r fo[;reº po®azo[ fa\r;ni baxmoujiunn;roun! Ardar;u% A®a=in angam ellalow ke xga\inq jh ckar a\l;us falhpafa\% ph\roujafa\% parskafa\% `ransafa\% kousakzakan ;u \aranouanakan patkan;liouj;amb irarmh xatoua‘ vo[owourd me! Ka*r fima pafan=athr ;u miakam fa\ vo[owourd me or s'iu®qhn minc;u :r;uan ardarouji@un ke po®ar% ardarouji@un ke pafan=hr a,.arfhn! (Mnaz;ale \a=ord jiuow)





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A|S H+E KE FOWANAUOR:N THR :U TIK& YORY :U "OLIN PASMAY:ANN:R Amanori ;u S& ’nnd;an tøn;rou a®ijow% srtagin bari ma[janqn;r m;r bolor faraxatn;roun! Jo[ 2015-e ella\ \a=o[oujiunn;rou ;u 'a'aqn;rou irakanazman tari me



NOR ØR% 25 D:KT:MB:R% 2014

Amanori ;u S& ’nnd;an tøn;roun oura. a®ijn;row% am;na=;rm ,norfauoroujiunn;r m;r axgakann;roun% bar;kamn;roun ;u ‘anøjn;roun Tik& Ani Sargis;an ;u xauakn;r

Nor Tarouan ;u Sourb ’noundi bar;bastik a®ijn;row% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bolor axgakann;rn ou bar;kamn;re% qa=a®o[=oujiun ma[j;low bolorin Thr ;u Tik& Ar'iar ;u F;rminh Yano\;an

Nor Taroua\ ;u S& ’noundi tøn;roun a®ijow% lauago\n ma[janqn;r bolor bar;kamn;roun faraxatn;roun ;u axgakann;roun Thr ;u Tik& Wafan ;u Maral Osk;an

A\s Nor Taroua\ s;min a®o[=oujiun ;u ;rkar k;anq ke ma[j;nq ªNor Ørºi bar;kamn;roun ;u m;r sir;li enk;r-enk;roufin;roun

Amanori ;u S& ’nnd;an tøn;roun a®jiu% bar;ma[joujiunn;r ªNor Ørºin% ªNor Ørºi a,.atakizn;roun ;u ªNor Ørº enj;rzo[n;roun Thr ;u Tik& Yory ;u |asmik Mantos;an

Nor Tarouan ;u Sourb ’noundi bar;bastik a®ijn;row% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bolor axgakann;rn ou bar;kamn;re% qa=a®o[=oujiun ;u barøroujiun ma[j;low bolorin Thr ;u Tik& "anik Qh,i,;an

Nor Tarouan ;u S& ’nnd;an tøn;roun oura. a®ijow% m;r bolor faraxatn;roun ;u bar;kamn;rn ke ma[j;nq ;r=ankoujiun% qa=a®o[=oujiun ;u 'a'aqn;rou irakanazoum Thr ;u Tik& Arjø "olat;an

Nor Taroua\ ;u S& ’noundi tønakan ør;roun oura. a®ijow% m;r bolor faraxatn;roun% bar;kamn;roun ke ma[j;nq barør ;u \a=o[ tari me

Garl% Maria% Aliq ;u Ar;u Partaq;an Thr ;u Tik& |akob Wardiwa®;an



<norfauor Nor Tari ;u S& ’nound m;r bolor sir;li axgakann;roun ;u bar;kamn;roun

Andranik A`ar;an

Nor Taroua\ ;u S& ’noundi a®jiu m;r lauago\n ma[janqn;re m;r axgakann;roun ;u enk;r-enk;roufin;roun

Thr ;u Tik& Ghorg Ja,y;an

Nor Tarouan ;u Sourb ’noundi a®ijow% m;r lauago\n ma[janqn;re bolor faraxatn;roun ;u bar;kamn;roun

Nor Taroua\ ;u S& ’nnd;an lauago\n ma[janqn;r

Ghorg% Silwa% Maral ;u L;uon Qhø,khr;ann;r

Amanori ;u S& ’nnd;an tøn;roun oura. a®ijn;row% am;na=;rm ,norfauoroujiunn;r m;r axgakann;roun% bar;kamn;roun ;u ‘anøjn;roun Thr ;u Tik& Noupar Kostand;an

<norfauor Nor Tari ;u Sourb ’nound% jo[ 2015-e a,.arfin b;rh .a[a[oujiun% isk fa\;roun miasnakanoujiun Thr ;u Tik& >acik Nafap;t;an

Thr ;u Tik& Âa``i ;u Silwa Hqix;an

Nor Tarouan ;u S& ’nnd;an tøn;roun a®ijow% ke ,norfauor;m bolor faraxatn;rs ;u bar;kamn;rs% ma[j;low am;na\n bariq

Ørfnaliz bar;ma[joujiunn;r ªNor Ørºi >namakal Marmnin ;u .mbagrouj;an kaxmin Nor Tarouan ;u S& ’nnd;an b;rkrali a®ijn;row Gar;gin A& Qfn\& Gaspar;an

Mari J;rx;an


NOR ØR% 25 D:KT:MB:R% 2014

<norfauor Nor Tari ;u S& ’nound m;r bolor sir;li axgakann;roun% bar;kamn;roun ;u ga[a'ari enk;renk;roufin;roun

Corq-Marxpani Fa\r;nakzakan Mioujiune ªNor Ørº j;rjin ke ma[jh \arat;uoujiun ou bargauayoum

Thr ;u Tik& Grigor Garakhøx;an

Nor Tarouan ;u Sourb ’noundi bar;bastik a®ijn;row% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bolor axgakann;rn ou bar;kamn;re% qa=a®o[=oujiun ma[j;low bolorin Andranik ;u L;na Gala\y;an

Nor Tarouan ;u Sourb ’noundi bar;bastik a®ijn;row% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bolor axgakann;rn ou bar;kamn;re% qa=a®o[=oujiun ;u barøroujiun ma[j;low bolorin Thr ;u Tik& |aroujiun Caqar;an

<norfauor Nor Tari ;u S& ’nound m;r bolor sir;li axgakann;roun ;u bar;kamn;roun

Wishing a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2015 to all our family and friend, warm and joyous wishes for a happy holiday season Mr. and Mrs. John Jacqueline Motts

Nor Taroua\ ;u S& ’noundi bar;bastik a®ijn;row% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bolor axgakann;rn ou bar;kamn;re% qa=a®o[=oujiun ;u barøroujiun ma[j;low bolorin Gaspar {axar;an

Andadroum b;[oun tarin;r

Manouhl G\oxal;an Wa[ar,ak Wardan;an



Nor Taroua\ ;u S& ’noundi bar;bastik a®ijn;row% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bolor axgakann;rn ou bar;kamn;re% qa=a®o[=oujiun ;u barøroujiun ma[j;low bolorin

Nor Tarouan ;u Sourb ’noundi bar;bastik a®ijn;row% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bolor axgakann;rn ou bar;kamn;re% qa=a®o[=oujiun ;u barøroujiun ma[j;low bolorin ~lora Mhnh,;an

P;ryoufi Lonk

M;r bari ma[janqn;re^ Nor Taroua\ ;u S& ’noundi a®jiu% m;r bolor faraxatn;roun% bar;kamn;roun ;u enk;rn;roun Yia A\wax;an

Nor Taroua\ ;u S& ’noundi xo\g tøn;roun oura. a®ijow% srtagin ,norfauoroujiunn;r ;u lauago\n ma[janqn;r m;r bolor faraxatn;roun ;u bar;kamn;roun

<norfauor Nor Tari ;u S& ’nound bolor m;r axgakann;roun ;u bar;kamn;roun

Thr ;u Tik& S;rob ;u Marø P;tros;an

Ke ,norfauor;nq bolorin Nor Tarin ;u S& ’nounde% ma[j;low \a=o[% a®o[= ;u .a[a[ tari

Antrou ;u Najali Thr Grigor;an

Alis Pil;my;an

Nor Taroua\ ;u S& ’noundi a®ijow% m;r lauago\n ma[janqn;re m;r faraxatn;roun ou bar;kamn;roun

<norfauor Nor Tari ;u S& ’nound m;r bolor sir;li axgakann;roun ;u bar;kamn;roun

Âox Gasary;an Frand ;u P;ryoufi Atour;an

38 NOR ØR% 25 D:KT:MB:R% 2014

Nor Tarouan ;u S& ’nnd;an tøn;roun oura. a®ijow% m;r bolor bar;kamn;roun ke ma[j;nq ;r=ankoujiun% qa=a®o[=oujiun ;u 'a'aqn;rou irakanazoum Warouvan ;u Sona Tiratour;an

Nor Taroua\ ;u S& ’noundi xo\g tøn;roun oura. a®ijow% srtagin ,norfauoroujiunn;r ;u lauago\n ma[janqn;r m;r bolor faraxatn;roun ;u bar;kamn;roun Søsi >acatr;an

Fa\ j;rje wkan h ga[ouji k;nsounakouj;an! ªNor Ørº ke ,arounakh ir fa\r;nanouhr a®aq;loujiune Sargis ;u Xarmoufi Minas;ann;r

Tønakan ør;rou a®jiu% ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bolor faraxatn;re ;u ke ma[j;nq ir;nz a®o[=oujiun ;u am;na\n bariq Thr ;u Tik& Fhri ;u Maki Mhnh,;an

Amanori ;u S& ’nnd;an tøn;roun oura. a®ijn;row% am;na=;rm ,norfauoroujiunn;r m;r axgakann;roun% bar;kamn;roun ;u ‘anøjn;roun Tik& Ar,akoufi Dauij;an

Tønakan ør;rou a®ijow ke ,norfauor;nq m;r bolor \aya.ordn;rn ou bar;kamn;re% qa=a®o[=oujiun ;u barøroujiun ma[j;low bolorin S. & J. Discounted Pharmacy

};r Nor Tarin ;u S& ’nounde ke ,norfauor;nq% \a=o[ouj;an ma[janqn;row Thr ;u Tik& Parg;u ;u S;da Famal;an

Ke ,norfauor;m ªNor Ørºi .mbagrakan kaxmi andamn;roun Nor Tarin ;u ke ma[j;m ouv ou korow% ,arounak;lou ir a®aq;loujiune^ axgapafpanman ,at dvouarin gor‘ounhoujiune M;linh Darbin;an

Lauago\n bar;ma[joujiunn;r ªNor Ørºin% a®o[=oujiun ou korow a,.atakaxmin

Nor Taroua\ ;u S& ’nnd;an xo\g tøn;rou a®jiu% ke ,norfauor;nq ;u ke ma[j;nq ;r=ankouj;an ;u .a[a[ouj;an tari me

Alis Maxman;an

Asatour Gou\oumy;an




FA|KAKAN ~OUJPOLI >YANKAR • ªAla,k;rtiº `oujpolistn;re w;radar]an ]m;®a\in ar]akourdiz ;u gl.auor marxic Abrafam >acman;ani [;kawarouj;amb a®a=in marxoumn anzkazr;zin! Jimoum nor 'o'o.oujiunn;r a®a\vm ckan! Marxouma\in a\s fatoua‘e ke ,arnounakoui minc;u D;kt;mb;ri 29-e! Jime w;rstin ke fauaqoui 2015 j& |ounouari 10-in ;u :r;uanoum ke marxoui minc;u |ounouari 30-e! A\nouf;t;u na.at;soua‘ ;n ;rkou 10 ør;a\ ousoumnamarxakan fauaqn;r% oronq t;[i k*oun;nan Anjalia\oum% 1-ine |ounouari 31-iz ";trouari 10-e% 2-rde^ ";trouari 16-26-e! • Hsjonia\i Kiili qa[aqoum ka\azau FF `outxali fauaqakani ;u ªArarat TTOUº akoumbi mi=;u enk;rakan fandipoume! Fa\astani fauaqakane \a[j;z 4-2 fa,ouow! |i,;zn;nq% or minc a\d Fa\astani fauaqakane 2 \a[janak hr tar;l Hsjonia\i entranou nkatmamb! • Giumrii ª<irakº jime marxoumn;re w;rsks;lou h |ounouari 7-iz ;u patrastuoum h kaxme famalr;l a`rikazi l;gionn;row! ª<irakº h w;radar];l k;ntronakan pa,tpan Did\h Poris Kadion% ow war]awyarow .a[oum hr [axa.akan ªV;tisouº akoumboum! Jimiz f;®az;l ;n k;ntronakan pa,tpan Sjiu Anoman ;u ;xra\in pa,tpan Dauij Marik;ane! A`rikazin ci ardarazr;l spas;liqn;re% isk Marik;ane a\l ;rkroum gor‘ounhoujiune ,arounak;lou tarb;rakn;r h ditarkoum% no\n irawiyakoum h na;u Karhn Mourad;ane! Auartou;l h na;u Drisa Diarasouba\i pa\managri vamkhte% saka\n fa,oui a®n;low a\n fangamanqe% or w;r=ins ir .a[ow acqi h enk;l% ci baza®uoum nra f;t nor pa\managir knq;l! Jimiz f;®az;l ;n na;u fa\axgi `oujpolistn;r Andrh Gamal;ane% Âob;rt Darbin;ane ;u S;rob Grigor;ane! A®a=ine w;radar];l h Krasnodar% isk mius ;rkouse^ Samara! Ci baza®uoum na;u% or ª<irakº w;rada®na\ jimi na.kin \ar]akouo[ ~o`ana B;kon% ow n;rka\ pafin n;rka\aznoum h B;lgradi ªPartixaneº! FF xinoua‘ ouv;roum ‘a®a\ouj;an h anz;l ,irakzi ;ritasard \ar]akouo[ Aram Mourad;ane! • FF fauaqakani 27-am;a\ \;nakhta\in kisapa,tpan Arjour :digar;ane møt h [axa.akan ªTobolº akoumb t;[a'o.ou;loun% ore gl.auoroum h FF fauaqakani na.kin gl.auor marxic Wardan Minas;ane! Fa[orduoum h% or ;jh Arjoure minc;u |ounouare f;taqrqir a®a=ark cstana\% apa na ke t;[a'o.oui ªTobolº! • FF fauaqakani kisapa,tpan Ka®lhn Mkrtc;ane t;[a'o.ou;l h ªTobolº% orn a\vm ousoumnamarxakan fauaq h anzkaznoum Jourqia\oum ;u Mkrtc;ane ardhn a®a=in marxoumn h anzkazr;l! N,;nq% or ªToboloumº h a,.atoum na;u FF ;ritasardakan fauaqakani na.kin gl.auor maxic Âa`a\hl Naxar;ane! • :r;uani ªArarateº pa\managir h storagr;l 28-am;a\ darpasapaf Aram Fa\rap;t;ani f;t% FF bar]rago\n .mbi enjazik a®a=nouj;an a®a=in khsoum 192 sm& fasak oun;zo[ Arame pa,tpanoum hr :r;uani ªBananziº darpase% saka\n a,nane jime .x;l hr pa\managire Fa\rap;t;ani f;t! Na.kinoum 'or]a®ou darpasapafe fandhs h ;k;l ÂD-i ªSoci-04º% ªKouxbasº% ªSm;naº jim;ri kaxmoum! N,;nq% or Fa\rap;t;ani ‘a®a\oujiunn;row f;taqrqroua‘ ;n na;u mi qani fa\kakan akoumbn;r! W;r=in ør;rin xgali 'o'o.oujiunn;r ;n t;[i oun;z;l na;u incphs ªAraratiº kaxmoum% a\nphs hl^ marxcakan ,taboum! Akoumb ;n w;radar];l pa,tpann;r Gorik




>acatr;ane ;u Wafh Martiros;ane! :rkko[mani fama]a\nouj;amb .xou;l ;n pa\managr;re Armhn Dourounzi ;u Au;tis {axar;ani f;t! >xou;l h pa\managire Wafh :a[mour;ani f;t% ow fandisanoum hr ªArarat-2º-i gl.auor marxice! ªAraratiº auag marxic h n,anakou;l Waraxdat Au;tis;ane% m;r j;rji na.ord famaroum n,oua‘ Sourhn Ca.al;ani 'o.arhn% isk Galoust P;tros;ane ke gl.auori ªArarat-2º-e! • ÂD_i ;ritasardakan fauaqakani \ar]akouo[ Ar,ak Kor;ane fnarauor h ir gor‘ounhoujiune ,arounaki Moskoua\i ªSpartakiº kaxmoum! |i,;zn;nq% or 19-am;a\ .a[azo[e c;rkarazr;z pa\managire Moskoua\i ªLokomotiuiº f;t% ori ;ritasardakan jimi kaxmoum 14 .a[ h anzkazr;l ;u dar];l 13 koli f;[inak!

:UROLIKAN:RI WIYAKAFANOUJIUNE <ouh\zaria\i N\on qa[aqoum ka\azau A.o\;ann;ri Lika\i 1/8 ;xra'akici ;u :urolika\i 1/16-rd ;xra'akici wiyakafanoujiune! Dortmounti ªBorousianº% ori kaxmoum fandhs h galis FF fauaqakani kisapa,tpan F;nri. M.ijar;ane% ke mrzi Jourini ª:ouw;njousiº f;t! A.o\;ann;ri lika 1/8-rd ;xra'akic& ª:ouw;njousº (Italia) - ªBorousiaº (G;rmania) ªBax;lº (<ouh\zaria) - ªPortouº ("orjougalia) "SV (~ransia) - ªC;lsiº (Anglia) ªBa\;rº (G;rmania) - ªAjl;tikøº (Ispania) ª<alkh 04º (G;rmania) - ªÂhalº (Ispania) ªArs;nalº (Anglia) - ªMonakøº (~ransia) ªManc;sjer Sijiº (Anglia) - ªBars;lonaº (Ispania) ª<a.t\orº (Ouqrania) - ªBauariaº (G;rmania)! A®a=in fandipoumn;re ke ka\anan ";trouari 17-18-in ;u ";trouari 24-25-in% isk patas.an .a[;re^ Marti 10-11-in ;u 17-18-in! :uropa lika 1/16-rd ;xra'akic ª:ank Po\xº (<ouh\zaria) - ªHw;rtanº (Anglia) ªJorinøº (Italia) - ªAjl;tikº (Ispania) ªS;uiliaº (Ispania) - ªBorousiaº M& (G;rmania) ªWol`sbourgº (G;rmania) - ªSportingº ("orjougalia) ªA\aqsº (Folandia) - ªL;giaº (L;fastan) ªØlborgº (Dania) - ªBriughº (B;lgia) ªAnd;rl;.tº (B;lgia) - ªTinamøº Mos& (Âousastan) ªDn;prº (Ouqrania) - ªØlimpiakosº (|ounastan) ªTrapxonsporº (Jourqia) - ªNa'oliº (Italia) ªG;ngamº (~ransia) - ªTinamøº K& (Ouqrania) ªWil\a®halº (Ispania) - ªXalzbourgº (Austria) ªÂomaº (Italia) - ª~h\nordº (Folandia) PSW (Folandia) - ªX;nijº (Âousastan) ªLiw;rpoulº (Anglia) - ªB;,ikja,º (Jourqia) ªTot;nf;mº (Anglia) - ª~ior;ntinaº (Italia) ªS;ltikº (<otlandia) - ªInt;rº (Italia) N,;nq or Moskoua\i ªTinamo\iº kaxmoum fandhs h galis FF fauaqakani darpasapaf B;r;xowskin% isk \ounakan ªØlimpiakosiº kaxmoum FF fauaqakani kisapa,tpan {axar;ane! A®a=in fandipoumn;re ke ka-

\anan ";trouari 19-in% isk patas.an .a[;re^ ";trouari 26-in!

ÂHALE CORRORD ANGAM NOUAY:Z MOLORAKI OUV:{AGO|N AKOUMBI TIT{OSE A,.arfi akoumba\in a®a=nouj;an ;xra'akicoum Matriti ªÂhaleº 2-0 fa,ouow \a[j;z arvanjin;an ªSan Lor;nzo\inº ;u f®cakou;z mrza,ari \a[jo[! ªArqa\akan Akoumbeº a,.arfi akoumba\in a®a=nouj;an \a[jo[ hr yanacou;l na;u 1960% 1998 ;u 2002 jouakann;rin!

2018 J& A<>ARFI AÂA+NOUJ:AN IURAQANCIUR FAUAQAKAN STANALOU H 300 FAXAR TOLAR A,.arfi a®a=nouj;an (AA) ;xra'akic 'oulin masnakzo[ iuraqanciur fauaqakan stanalou h 300 faxar tolar% fa[ordoum h ~I~A-i pa,tønakan ka\qe! ~I~A-n na;u \stakazr;l h ÂD-oum ka\analiq mrza,ari anzkazman vamkhtn;re% a,.arfi a®a=noujiune t;[i h oun;nalou |ounisi 14-iz minc;u |oulisi 15-e! AA-2018-e anzkazou;lou h 11 qa[aqn;ri 12 ,arxada,t;roum% dranq ;n& Moskoua% Sankt P;t;rbourg% Karinigrad% Wolgograd% Kaxan% Nivni% Nowgorod% Samara% Saransk% Âostow% Soci ;u :kat;rinbourg qa[aqn;re! Na;u \a\tni h dar];l 2017-in ÂD-oum ka\analiq Kon`;d;razia\i gauaji vamkhtn;re! A,.arfamasi a.o\;ann;re ;u kaxmak;rpic ;rkire mrz;lou ;n |ounisi 17-iz minc;u |oulisi 2-e!

<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • L;uon Aron;ane ";qinoum auartoua‘ Fama,.arfa\in mtauor .a[;ri ;xra'akic bask;an mrza,aroum 10 fnarauoriz wastak;low 5 miauor 16 masnakizn;ri mh= grau;z 9-rd t;[e! 7&5 miauorow \a[jo[ dar]au N;pomn;a,cin! • Grosma\st;r Lilij Mkrtc;ane L;fastani Wro\lau qa[aqoum ,r=ana\in mrzakargow anzkazoua‘ kananz mrza,aroum 9 fnarauoriz wastak;z 5 miauor ;u xba[;zr;z 3-rd t;[e! 6 miauorow mrza,ari \a[jo[ dar]au grosma\st;r Klaoudia Koulone (L;fastan)! • Grosma\st;r Samouhl Thr-Safak;ane AMH-i Al H\n qa[aqoum enjazo[ 'a®atøni ,r=anakn;roum anzkazoua‘ arag ,a.mati mrza,aroum 7 fnarauoriz wastak;z 6 miauor ;u grosma\st;r Sal;f Salhmi (AMH) f;t bavan;z 1-2-rd t;[;re! Lrazouzic zouzani,n;row Samouhlin ,norfou;z 2-rd t;[e! L;uon Babou=;ane \a[jo[iz ;t mnaz khs miauorow! Arman "a,ik;ane wastak;z 5% Tigran L& P;tros;ane% |owik Fa\rap;t;ane% Manouhl P;tros;ane^ 4&5akan miauor! A\nouf;t;u m;knark;z baz a®a=noujiune! • L;fastani Wrozlau qa[aqoum auartoua‘ :uropa\i ka\‘akna\in .a[i a®a=noujiunoum S;rgh\ Grigor;anze 22 fnarauoriz wastak;z 15% Lilij Mkrtc;ane^ 13&5% Tigran S& P;tros;ane^ 13 miauor! 19 miauorow a.o\;an dar]au Dauij Nauaran (C;.ia)!


NOR ØR% 25 D:KT:MB:R% 2014

ªNor Ørº ir .orin ,norfakaloujiune ke \a\tnh f;t;u;al axga\inn;roun% oronq satar ke fandisanan ªNor Ørº j;rji \arat;uman&

Ani Sargis;an ªNor Ørº <abajaj;rji ya,k;ro\jin gl.auor fowanauor Niu :orqi FBEMiouj;an Masnayiu[e


Mifran ;u |owfannhs Qiujn;r;an


Mi Omn


|akob Naxar;an


Toqj& ;u Tik& Ghorg ;u Shsil Qh,i,;an


P;ry S;drak;an


Tik& Âoxmhri Ouxoun;an


Tik& Markrij T;miry;an


Toqj& ;u "ro`& S& ;u S& Gara\;an


Toqj& Danihl Aptiul;an


Toqj& Xauhn Arslan;an


Tik& Anafit Manouk;an


Alin Qh,i,;an


EH Bank


Âonalt Nax;li


>acik ;u Ani Nafap;t;an


Mi Omn


Wafh :agoup;an


Âaperj Parsam


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