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N.O. January 1, 2015, No. 1:N.O. Blank


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M;‘ ;u "oqr Masisn;re

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GNAFATOUM <R+APTO|TI Masnakza‘ ellalow ªFambik Jourºi S;pt;mb;r 16-hn 29% 2014 kaxmak;rpa‘ ,r=apto\tin% piti ouxhi dito[i karg me tpauoroujiun-

:r;uani Goz <oukan

n;r 'o.anz;l! Ir manramasnouj;an mh= \a=o[ouj;amb patrastoua‘ hr ,r=aga\ouj;an ‘ragire yambordakan gras;n;akin ko[mh% ;u asika ke partinq na;u Tik& Anafiti ,norfin! Prn& Fambik Martin;an an]naphs gl.auor;z ou masnakz;zau ,r=apto\ti bolor fangrouann;roun% øgnakan oun;nalow na;u bvi,k me ou lousankaric me% oronq ,a[ou;zan .oumbin f;t% miavamanak gitakiz mnalow ir;nz partakanouj;anz! 50 foginoz .oumbin pase ounhr na;u ir warp;t warice% or anwjar t;[a'o.;z m;x Fa\astani ;u Arza.i endfanraphs olorapto\t% ou qic angam al^ fo[apat ou qarqarot yamban;rhn! Sa®e =oure anpakas hr pasin mh=! :rkou ,abjouan \a\tagire manramasnouj;amb tpoua‘ hr% inc or ke n,anakhr niujabaro\akan \an]na®oujiunn;r anonz gor‘adrouj;an nkatmamb! <at ann,an 'o'o.oujiunn;r katarou;zan \a\tagrin mh=^ masnakzo[n;roun al fauanouj;amb! Arza.i ou +;rmouki fiuranozn;re :uropakan makardakow a®a=in kargi fangstauht pandokn;r hin% isk :r;uani pandokin na.aya,;re yo. hin baxmat;sak menu–ow! <r=apto\tin manauand :r;uani gi,;ra\in ya,arann;re gofazoum kou ta\in bolor ya,akn;roun% ambo[=azoua‘ .micqi a®atouj;amb! :r;uanhn dours angam% ;rb;mn nouaga.oumb ;u ;rgicn;r apafowoua‘ hin ya,;rou enjazqin! A\laxan t;[a'o.ouj;anz yanaparfin% Prn& Fambik% øjopiusin a®=;ui mase kangna‘% kam^ nsta‘% amhn qa\la'o.i a\laxan t;[;koujiunn;r ke fa[ordhr% a\n fastatoujiunn;roun% ,hnq;roun kam wa\r;rou masin ourkh k*anznhinq% ;u anonz f;t a®ncoua‘ an;qtojn;row ke fam;mhr xanonq! "o.anzoua‘ tou;aln;re kam patmoumn;re a\nqan a®at hin% or arf;stawarv ou[;war (guide) me angam ,ouqi mh= piti mnar! M;nq Prn& Fambiki mh= n,mar;zinq% \a=o[a‘ gor‘awari me ko[qin% fa\r;nashr anfate% or i farkin katara‘ h na;u bar;raroujiunn;r fa\r;niqi mh= al! Anika fastat;z% jh a®anz Âousakan Da,nouj;an ampfowaniin% Fa\astan mhk ørhn miuse ke dadrhr go\oujiun oun;nalh% ,r=a'akoua‘ ellalow Jourqio\ ;u Axrph\yani ko[mh! Isk ;rkrin mh= anardaroujiunn;re kam j;roujiunn;re k*;r;ui jh ør me piti w;rana\in! <ar& h= 15

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N.O. January 1, 2015, No. 1:N.O. Blank


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Page 5







|OWSH" M:LQON:AN (<ar& na.ord jiuhn ;u w;r=) Patmoujiune phtq h ar]anagrh% ou est a\nm gnafath% or a\d ardarouj;an kanci ou pafan=qi a®a=atar dirq;roun wra\ ke gtnouhr a\d ør;rou fa\ ;ritasardoujiune! Ardar;u% April;an :[;®ni |isnam;aki og;kocoume 1965-in i \a\t ke b;rhr fa\ ;ritasardoujiun me% or minc a\d ant;san;li mnaza‘ hr axga\in k;anqi pasta®in wra\! A\s ;ritasardoujiune \ankar‘ mh=t;[ kou gar ;u es;li*q ounhr! A\s kapakzouj;amb patafmounqi ardi#unq hr ard;øq ;rb S;rgh\ M;rk;l;an Pomph\i mh= kaxmak;rpoua‘ April;an 1965-i a\d sgafandhsin farz kou tar jh ªard;øq ;ritasardn;rhn o;uh mhke ch#r oux;r ban me es;lº! Ard;øq inq a\d xargazoume t;sa#‘ hr% ou est a\nm gnafata#‘ anor ‘a[koume ;rb ouri,n;r a\d masin isk chin mta‘a‘ takauin! S;rgh\ M;rk;l;an kar‘hq margarhakan farzadroum men hr or k∞ou[[hr fa\ouj;an a\d pafoun ;rb mtik en;lh ;tq tarhzn;rou ya®;rn ou ou[;r]n;re farz kou tar jh o#ur hin fa\ k;anqin patkano[ ;ritasardn;re ;u jh mijh anonq es;liq me counhi#n! A\o*% ;ritasardn;re es;liq ounhin! Ou a\d ;ritasardoujiune ir inqnouro\n ]a\now ;u n;rka\ouj;amb k∞ouxhr b;m bar]ranal ou bar]raza*u! Tarb;r ;ritasardoujiun men hr% tarb;r pa\mann;rou ‘nound ;u tarb;r mtas;u;®oumn;row fasounza‘! Fa\ ;ritasardoujiun men hr% or inqxinq ];rbaxata‘ hr minc a\d tiro[ arou;stakan% ga[a'ara.øsakan% \aranouanakan ;u kousakzakan bavanoumn;rh ;u tarakar‘oujiunn;rh ou qow qowi ;ka‘ hr w;r= talou a\d ga[a'ara.øsakan bavanoumn;roun% oronq fa\oujiune =lata*‘ ou ankaro*[ dar]ouza‘ hin axga\in g;tni wra\! A\d s;rounde na. f;rq;z% m;rv;z ;u apa mhkdi ,prt;z a\n ga[a'are or t;sak t;sak fa\;r ka\in! M;r zauin% tgitouj;an ;u ga[a'arakan j,namanqn;rou patya®ow irarmh xatoua‘ fa\oujiun me st;[‘oua‘ hr \;t;[;®n;an ,r=anin! A\s ;ritasardoujiune w;r= drau a\d axgawnas ;r;uo\jin! A\d fimnakan xargazoume patafakanouj;an ardiunq chr% a\l mas ke kaxmhr s'iu®qi kaxmauorman ;u xargazoumin! Fasknali hr% or M;‘ :[;®nin \a=ordo[ tasnam;akn;rou s'iu®qe ªglou.hn xarnoua‘º wiyaki mh= gtnhr inqxinq! ’anr hin

m;r koroustn;re amh*n marx;rh n;rs! :[;®ni ;u anor \a=ordo[ s;roundn;rou fimnakan mtas;u;®oume ;[au ibr;u axg ou vo[owourd^ apri*l% go\at;u;*l ou w;raka®ouz;*l! Phtq hr `ixiqakan go\ouj;an tarrakan pa\mann;re st;[‘;l ;u fog;-mtauorakan phtq;re fogal% miavamanak \armarou;low a\laxan ;rkirn;rou pa\mann;roun! A\s mi=ozin h% or st;[‘ou;zan axga\in dprozn;re% akoumbn;re ;u ;k;[;zin;re% oronq ou®yazo[ s;roundin fogin ;u mitqe m,ak;zin ;u patouast;zin fa\kakanouj;amb% miavamanak ,r=apati k;anqin ‘aualoumn;re enkal;lou atak fog;banouj;amb me øvt;low xa\n! A\d s;rounde krzau øtar pa\mann;rou mh= w;raka®ouz;l ir axga\in k;anqi kar;uor fimnarkn;rn ou a\d fam;st fastatoujiunn;rhn m;r vo[owourdi apagan k;rt;l! Na.a.namakan a®aq;loujiun men hr sa% or w;rapro[n;re krzan \a=o[ouj;amb gor‘adr;l ;u iragor‘;l! |;t-;[;®n;an fangrouane saka\n i \a\t b;rau na;u n;rqin fakasoujiunn;r% tkaroujiunn;r ;u tarakar‘oujiunn;r fa\ s'iu®qi k;anqhn n;rs oronq jounauor;zin axga\in mjnolorte! W;raka®ouzoumhn ;tq 'o.anak k;dronanalou Fa\ Dati pafan=atirakan a,.atanqn;roun f;tapndoumin wra\% s'iu®qe inqxinq spa®;z kousakzakan pa\qarn;row ;u ;k;[;zakan why;row% oronq Libanani mh= \ang;zan 1958-i ;[ba\raspan k®iun;roun ;u spanoujiunn;roun! Afa a\s anendoun;li kazouj;an dhm h% or endwx;zau vamanaki fa\ ;ritasardoujiune ou b;m bar]razau ir .øsqe es;lou! An mi=oze gtau ,r=anz;lou fastatoua‘ arg;lqn;re ;u patouarn;re ;u fastat;lou 'o.adar] faskazo[ouj;an mjnolort me ko[m;roun mi=;u ;u ;ritasardouj;an ,arq;rhn n;rs% or i w;r=o\ \ang;zau miasnakan yakati me st;[‘oumin ;u apa Fa\ Dati a,.atanqn;rou ‘aualoumin ;u xargazoumin! Ator ardiunqe t;sanq April 1965-in! April;an :[;®ni |isnam;akin a®ijow famafa\kakan a®a=in po®jkoume ke partinq a*\s ;ritasardouj;an% or ka®o\za\in 'o.ak;rpoumow gitzau fa\ k;anqe \;[a,r=;l ;u s'iu®qi xargazoume dn;l nor founi mh=! Xgazakan ya®;rhn andin a,.atanqa\in nor mtas;u;®oum me ;kau mh=t;[% our \a=o[ouj;an na.kin arv;ca';re 'o.arinou;zan pafan=atirakan gor‘nakan qa\l;rou ‘ragroumow! A\d ,r=ani xargazoumn;re <ar& h= 14

Miouj;nakan ;u bar;kamakan entranii me vamadrawa\rn hr Jhqh;an M,akouja\in Miouj;an Ph,khøjiur;an K;droni srafe^ Ourbaj% 12 D;kt;mb;r 2014 ;r;ko\;an! J&M&Miouj;an Los Any;lesi ;u "asatina\i masnayiu[;re kaxmak;rpa‘ hin fraparaka\in n;rka\azoum me% w;r=;rs JMM-i K;dronakan Warcouj;an andam entroua‘% miouj;nakan ;rkaram;a\ vra=an gor‘ic% Ghorg Qhø,k;r;ani iura\atouk fatorin! };®narke enjazq a®au JMM K;dronakan Warcouj;an diuani andam Wach S;m;ry;ani bazman .øsqow% ;rb b;m frauirou;zau warcouj;an 'o.-at;nap;t Bars;[ Garjal;an! Garjal;an andradar]au Qhø,k;r;ani patrasta‘ ªFa\kakan asazoua‘qn;r jrq;rhnh jargmanoua‘º fatorin masin ;u n;rka\azouz Isjanpoul ‘na‘ ou fasak a®a‘ F&B&E&Miouj;an Wach ;u Jamar Manouk;an warvarani fa\;rhni dasatou Nora\r Tatour;ane orphs ørouan gl.auor .øso[! Iura\atouk a\s fatorin masin .øs;low% Tatour;an na. bazatr;z jrq;rhni moutqe fa\;rou l;xouamta‘o[ouj;an mh=% safikn;rou fauaqa‘o\in mi=ozow bazatr;low jh Kilikio\ fo[amase patmakan incpisi fangrouann;row anzau Øsman;an tirap;touj;an tak ;u jh^ incpisi axd;zouj;an ;njarkou;zau fa\oujiune ir bnik wa\r;roun mh= apr;low fand;r]! <our= fing dar;r jrqakan lou‘i tak mnalow% fa\oujiune va®anga‘ hr ir asazoua‘qn;re ;us jrq;rhnow arta\a\t;lou soworoujiune! Patmakan a\s iradar]ouj;an baxmajiu ardiunqn;rhn mhkn hr

ªFA|KAKAN ASAZOUA’QN:R JRQ:RHNH JARGMANOUA’º girqin bowandakouj;an a®ka\oujiune% bazatr;z Tatour;an! Lr=ørhn patrastoua‘ dasa.øsoujiun men hr Tatour;ani n;rka\azouza‘e! N;rkan;roun au;li matc;li dar]n;low n;rka\azoua‘ girqin bowandakoujiune% Tatour;an b;m frauir;z Ph\rouji ;u Falhpi mh= na.akrjakan ousoum staza‘ Ari Hqmhqy;ann ou A[hk A[hk;ane% oronq \aya. lsa‘ hin ir;nz m;‘ ‘no[n;rhn^ Qhø,k;r;ani girqin mh= t;[ gta‘ asazua‘qn;re! :rkou ousano[n;re safoun ;u \stak enj;rzoumn;r katar;zin asazoua‘qn;rhn ;u anonz bazatroujiunn;rhn% n;rkan;roun møt ;rb;mn ‘i‘a[ al \a®a=azn;low! };®narki auartin a®ij trou;zau f;[inakin ir ,norfakaloujiunn;re \a\tn;lou ir;n øvandako[n;roun ;u n;rka\ gtnouo[ entraniin% oronzmh ,at;r gnafat;zin kataroua‘ a,.atanqe^ ørinakn;r gn;low girqhn! Qhø,k;r;an orphs a\njapzi entaniqi xauak% bazatr;z drdapatya®e fatorin mh= t;[ gta‘ 403 jrq;rhnh jargmanoua‘ fa\kakan asazoua‘qn;roun% enj;rzoumn;r katar;low anonzmh fingin% oronq \aya. lsa‘ hr entan;kan ir ,r=apatin mh=! |a\tagiri auartin t;[i oun;zau auandakan dar]a‘ fatori gin;]øne^ Wach S;m;ry;ani m;knouj;amb% or frauir;z f;[inake% tikine% \a\tagrin .øsq a®no[n;rn ou møtik bar;kamn;re% oronq giniow ø‘;zin girqhn fator me! "akman .øsqn ou throunakan a[øjqe katar;z Dokt& Thr Xauhn Auag Qfn& Arxouman;an!

Bavanordagrou;lou famar Âamkawar Axatakan Kousakzouj;an ;l;ktrona\in mamoulin% };r e-mail faszhn krnaq [rk;l ragmamoul@gmail.com

N.O. January 1, 2015, No. 1:N.O. Blank


5:00 PM

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Stazoua‘ Fratarakoujiunn;r

O[baz;al ;[børs^ Andranikin \i,atakin% Ir mafouan 10-rd tar;lizin a®ijow

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Davutoglu’s Aide With Armenian Roots Refered To Genocide Issue Turkey and Armenia should not expect to resolve their “long-running dispute” over the Armenian Genocide on the 100th anniversary of the event in 2015, a top adviser to the Turkish prime minister said, Asbarez.com writes refering to AFP. Etyen Mahcupyan, who is himself a member of Turkey’s Armenian minority, told AFP in an interview that 2015 would be a “tough year” because of the anniversary and major breakthroughs would have

CSTO Countries Will Respond To Cybercrime The Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) member states [, including Armenia,] have agreed to take action against the information security threats to their countries, CSTO Secretary General Nikolay Bordyuzha told Vesti 24 television. He noted that the key issue for this organization is information security, and therefore the CSTO will have a coordination center for cyber incidents. As per Bordyuzha, Internet security must be ensured, and, accordingly, the CSTO will also have special operations forces within the rapid response by the organization. He added, however, that the CSTO will not be enlarged at present. “But there are a large number of countries with which joint operations are carried out,” the Collective Security Treaty Organization chief said, in particular.

Syria Ready To Meet With Opposition PanARMENIAN.Net - Syria is ready to meet with the country's opposition in Moscow in an effort to find a way out of the nearly four-year civil war, a government official said Saturday, Dec 27. "Syria is ready to participate in a preliminary and consultative meeting in Moscow to respond to the aspirations of Syrians who are trying to find a solution to the crisis," the foreign ministry official said, quoted by SANA state news agency, according to AFP. The decision followed talks between Syria and Russia about a possible meeting, the official said.

to wait for later. “I believe symbolic steps could be taken this year and a more emotional relationship could be established,” said Mahcupyan, who is a senior adviser to Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu. “But I believe more political or historical issues will be left to the coming years and then it will be easier,” he added.

Armenia will commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Genocide on April 24, the date when in 1915 hundreds of Armenian intellectuals and community leaders were rounded up and later massacred in Constantinople (now Istanbul) marking the start of the killings. More than 1.5 million Armenians were killed during the Genocide by the Ottoman Empire.

Street In Turkey’s Bitlis Renamed In Honor Of William Saroyan PanARMENIAN.Net - The administration of Turkish town of Bitlis has finally approved a decision to rename one of the streets in honor of Armenian American writer William Saroyan. According to Ermenihaber, the order was signed by governor Orhan Ozturk, who previously opposed the initiative, saying that Saroyan “has no connection to the town”. Renowned writer William Saroyan was born on August 31, 1908 in Fresno, California, to Armenak and Takoohi Saroyan, Armenian immigrants from Bitlis. Saroyan wrote extensively about the Armenian immigrant life in California. Many of his stories and plays are set in his native Fresno. Some of his best-known works are The Time of Your Life, My Name Is Aram and My Heart's in the Highlands. He was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Drama in 1940, and in 1943 won the Academy Award for Best Story for the film adaptation of his novel The Human Comedy.

Armenian President Hosts Media Representatives Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan on F r i d a y hosted a reception of media representatives at the presidential palace ahead of the Christmas and New Year celebrations. Armenia’s leader congratulated Armenia’s media men, wished them good health, success and happiness in the coming year. President Serzh Sargsyan particularly said: “We are entering a new working year. I

do not think we are going to have many opportunities for easy work during the coming year. We are still under the influence of turbulent external environment. We have comprehensive programs of progressive integration, economic growth and solution of social problems. We have planned numerous events to mark the centennial of the Armenian Genocide. And our permanent duty is, of course, to be on full alert to keep everyday peace. We have much to do together in this and all other areas. “I your persons I congratulate all journalists and all representatives of our mass media. I am sure that 2015 will be a year of cooperation and progress. “May the coming year bring peace and happiness to our families.”

Perincek Comments On Amal Clooney's Participation In Court Hearings Leader of Workers’ Party of Turkey Dogu Perincek insulted Christians while speaking about reports on Amal Clooney's participation in the court hearings on his case,. Learning about the reports, Perincek said: “this woman can come to the hearings, but even if wife of Jesus comes, they have no chances to succeed”, Oda TV reported. Amal Ramzi Alamuddin, wife of famous actor George Clooney, will represent Armenia at the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in the “Perincek v. Switzer-

land” case. The hearing will be held in Strasbourg next month. The Government of Switzerland recently decided to petition that the Dogu Perincek case be referred for a review by the Grand Chamber of the European Court

of Human Rights (ECtHR). On December 17, 2013, the ECtHR ruled in favor of Armenian Genocide-denying Turkish politician Dogu Perincek’s lawsuit that was filed against Switzerland. The said judgment by the ECtHR was made on the grounds of freedom of speech. In 2008, a Swiss court had convicted Perincek for denying the Armenian Genocide. Dogu Perincek is Chairman of the socialist Workers’ Party of Turkey. In addition, he heads the Talat Pasha organization, which actively fights against the Armenian Genocide’s recognition in Europe.

Qatari, Greek Air Companies To Operate Flights To Armenia

PanARMENIAN.Net - Representatives of QATAR AIRWAYS (Qatar) and AEGEAN AIRLINES (Greece) have expressed their intention to start operating flights to Armenia in 2015, Armenian Economy Minister Karen Chshmarityan said Friday, Dec 26 at a news conference, ARKA reports. “At present, talks are in progress with SINGAPORE AIRLINES (Singapore) and QANTAS AIRWAYS (Australia), and in 2014 we had successful negotiations with British Airways,” he said. The minister stressed that Armenia has already liberalized air traffic with Russia, Austria, Iran, Spain, Turkmenistan and Iraq; negotiations over air traffic liberalization with Italy, Bulgaria, Israel and Thailand are under way. Other 11 countries Qatar, Kuwait, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Czech Republic, Ukraine, China, Singapore and Cuba - responded to Armenia's proposal to discuss air traffic liberalization. On October 23, Armenia’s government approved the program envisaging provision of competitive and long-term air transportation services in the country. The program is based on a joint study of McKinsey & Company and National Competitiveness Foundation of Armenia.

Cross-Border Incursions Is Not Style Of Armenian Side – Artsakh Official Making cross-border incursions is not the style of the Armenian s i d e , NagornoKarabakh President’s spokesman David Babayan says. Speaking to Panorama.am, he commented on Azerbaijani media reports saying that Armenian forces allegedly attempted a cross-border incursion in the Aghdam direction, as a result of which one Armenian soldier was taken captive. The Armenian side never acts in this way, he said. “In case there is such information, the Nagorno-Karabakh Defense Ministry will report it,” Babayan said. “We have no secrets from the public.”

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday January 1, 2015


MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! Dear Faithful and Friends, On the occasion of the miraculous Birth of Jesus, millions of Christians in the world, once again gaze at the Manger. It was from the Manger in Bethlehem that a bright star shone to the dark world. In the Old Testament, the bright star was resembled to the Savior. "The people who walked in darkness saw a great light. Light shone on those people who were living in the land of the shadow of death" (Isaiah 9:2). The multitudes of angels gave the good tidings to the shepherds, "who were keeping watch over their flock by night", praising God and saying: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men". (Luke 2:14) This good news was for all mankind. What beautiful tidings, which the world always yearns. Peace, which only the prince can offer. Prophet Isaiah foretold: "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government will be upon his shoulder, and his name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace". (Isaiah 9:6) Because the sinful mankind detached itself from God, therefore was unable to restore itself until the Child was born in the manger, who with His miraculous Birth raised us to our former position of honor. This was God's salvation plan, which we read in the Gospel of John 1:14 - "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth". This is the mystery of our Lord's Birth. God humbled Himself, became man (incarnate), lifted the sufferings of the world, and accepted to die on the cross. God, in His Son gives the greatest example of His love and brotherhood. We all believe and accept the divine truth, which is, we are all God's children, therefore we ought to love one another, the way He loved us. Let us all humble ourselves before the Manger of Child Jesus. He will give us new life and with His everlasting life we will be renewed, restored and be recipients of His everlasting life. In the coming New Year, let us resolve to make the world a better place in which we live, continue to help those in need, the poor, the hungry, the persecuted, to being a little ray of hope to those who are ill, to fill someone's lonely life with our visitation, to say "hello" and "welcome" to someone new in church during Sunday worship, to prove by our actions that we were indeed the first nation to accept Christianity. Let us all thank God for the year that had passed, and ask him to use us to accomplish His will in our troubled, suffering world in the year ahead. The times and seasons and years, including this new year, are in God's hand (Psalm 31:15). As Christians, we have nothing to fear, for God's goodness is great. Let us walk with Christ each day and join the psalmist in saying, "As for me, I trust in you, O Lord' I say, You are my God". Prayerfully, Archpriest Father Moushegh Tashjian

Dear Nor Or Newspaper! Dear friends! Mary Christmas and Happy New Year!!! With respect, The Armenians of St.Petersburg

A Grateful Community Celebrates A Life Of Dedicated Service

San Diego – A look of gleeful surprise graced the face of Archpriest Reverend Father Datev Tatoulian as he entered a room unexpectedly filled with nearly 200 community members. In honor of Der Datev’s 40th Anniversary of Ordination into the Sacred Order of Holy Priesthood, those gathered expressed an abundance of gratitude for Der Hayr’s humble and unwavering service to the Armenian Church and her faithful. The numerous speakers offered personal testimonials to the quality of Der Hayr’s ministry, emphasizing his sincere and generous spirit, his virtuous example of fortitude and faithfulness, and the feeling of family that he and Yeretzgin Araxy uniquely create. “Church has become our

home,” one parishioner attributed to Der Datev’s spiritual leadership, “a place where we are always welcome, loved, respected, and supported.” Proceeds from the evening have been allocated for Fr. Datev’s future retirement fund. Contributions can be sent to St. John Garabed Armenian Church, 4473 30th Street, San Diego, Ca 92116, Attn: Deacon Micah Jendian, Retirement Fund Co-Chair. Fr. Datev Tatoulian was ordained at Sts. Sahag-Mesrob Armenian Church in Reedley, CA on October 27, 1974 by Archbishop Vatche Hovsepian, served that parish faithfully until 1990, and since continues to pastor those of St. John Garabed Armenian Church of San Diego. !

Miami Herald Publishes Op-Ed On The Passing Of Harry Pilafian, South Florida’s Last Armenian Genocide Survivor On Christmas Day, the Miami Herald published an op-ed by Harout Jack Samra, a Miami-based attorney of Armenian heritage. His article calls attention to the recent passing of Harry Pilafian (1921-2014), a grandfather, father, husband, veteran, and genocide survivor.Below is an excerpt from Samra’s article and a link to the full story. “Annually, Armenians around the world gather on April 24 to commemorate the Armenian Genocide. Survivors of this national calamity stand at the front of each assembly as symbols of a people’s capacity to survive.

“With each passing year in South Florida, with the commemoration reaching its centennial, survivors have grown fewer. Two weeks before Christmas, South Florida’s last known Armenian genocide survivor died. “Harry Pilafian was born in Tekirdag, in Thrace, during the final years of the Ottoman Empire. His mother and father had fled their home to Damascus in 1918. Their first son, James, was born in that ancient city. “During a period of calm, the family, like so many others, tried to return home. This is when Pilafian was born.” !

L.A. Councilman To Commemorate Armenian Genocide With Art Contest Los Angeles City Councilman Paul Krekorian said Tuesday his office is accepting submissions for an art contest commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide. As reports “Armenpress” citing mynewsLA.com, the contest “is a way to honor the history of the genocide and to highlight the promise of our future,” Krekorian said. “I hope artists and students who care about human rights will participate and help commemorate the Armenian people’s resilience,” he said. An estimated 1.5 million to 2 million Armenians were killed during the Armenian genocide, which occurred from 1915 and 1923, in an area now known as Turkey,

Krekorian’s office said. Submissions are due Feb. 15. The winning artwork will be displayed on a city bus for one month. Drawings, paintings, digital art and photography are eligible, but not sculptures or large format work, Krekorian said.

RINGING OF BELLS A bell is an alerting instrument, which rings and cautions one from danger. It invites the people on happy occasions and as well as the faithful to Church to pray. Two thousand and fifteen years ago on the skies of Bethlehem the Godly bells rang for a long time together with the angelic songs heralding the birth of the God of love and peace. The simple and good shepherds, who were resting after the day’s tiresome work, were the first ones who listened to the ringing of the bell. They were confused, because the music of those unusual bells was different from the small bells which were hanging from the necks of the sheep. That ringing sound in some ways was close to the bell-ringing of the place where the sheep go after the call of the shepherd. Indeed, on that way those heralding bellrings were coming from heaven. A multitude of heavenly hosts was the revelation of Jesus. Dear faithful, today we are living the last days of 2014. Soon we shall welcome the New Year, and for us Armenians, on the night of January 5th and in the morning of January 6th, the bells will ring once again to herald in the birth and the revelation of our Savior. The birth of our Lord will bring love and peace to our souls, so that we are able to love God and one another. He will bring us happiness. He will be the ship of our soul, which is subject to sinking on the stormy sea. He will be the lighthouse for us and will spread the light of hope and joy. We celebrate the Feast of the Nativity of our Lord every year which enables us to remember the blessed events and makes us aware to renew our calling with the Almighty God. This Feast gives us the opportunity to recall our good and bad deeds of the past year. Let us forget the bad deeds and let us approach our Savior who is waiting for us in the Manger of Bethlehem. Let us receive our spiritual peace and love from Him. Let us trust Him with our heavy burdens, which are accumulated in our hearts and are being saved from the corrosion of our sins. Let us be illuminated through His light and continue our lives thanking Him for His Goodness. Let us listen to the ringing of the heavenly bells and may those wondrous rings always lead us towards the shores of peace and happiness. At the threshold of the New Year, I pray that brings us peace. May your good wishes be realized in the New Year and may it be a luminous path for your children. May it also be a year of strengthening your faith and a successful year for you all? May those heavenly bells always ring within your hearts reminding you of the omnipresence of God? May the blessings of God be upon you always? Prayerfully Archpriest Fr. Nareg Matarian Parish Priest Happy New Year And Merry Christmas 2015

AGBU Manoogian-Demirdjian School Students At St. Peter Church On Friday morning, December 19th, 2014, the AGBU Manoogian-Demirdjian middle and high school students gathered at St. Peter church to receive Holy Communion. (On Thursday morning, December 18th, 2014, the AGBU Kindergarten and Elementary students received Holy Communion at AGBU School). Archbishop Hovnan Derderian arrived with three clergy members, Fr. Sipan Vartabed Kevorkyan, Fr. Kevork Apegha Hayrabedian, and Fr. Nerses Hayrabedian. Fr. Shnork Demirjian, Parish Priest, introduced Archbishop Derderian, who in turn welcomed the students and gave an inspiring Christian message.

Nor Or Weekly - Thursday January 1, 2015


The House Of My Childhood

Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide

By Alice Krumian

46 - Serkan Engin

Beloved house of my playful childhood, The eye-witness of my fanciful early youth, My wish is that my memory may never fail, To reminisce you forever in your every detail. At the corner of two unpaved narrow streets, It stood humbly across from a bumpy, dusty field, That was our playground throughout summer days, In the absence of any better open playing place. Pots of geraniums, carnations, roses and lilies, Would line up our courtyard as well as the windowsills; When flowers got in full bloom every spring and summer, Their fragrance would permeate every room and corner. All along the delightful cloudless summer nights, In bed, on the rooftop, under enchanting shiny stars, We would, in no time, close our sleep heavy eyes, While counting the number of infinite fiery spots. When our limbs would get numbed in the icy winter, We would huddle together around the only tiny heater, Made of a wooden frame with an open fire in the center, To warm, for a few hours, our frozen physical structure. When the torrential rains pouring for several days, Would clog water pipes and most drainage systems, Causing overflowing of sidewalks, streets and ramps, Our basement would turn into a small, muddy swamp. It was a rather plain house, devoid of all amenities, Yet a true blessing for our parents long-suffering, Who, having survived the horrors of the Genocide, Were daily thankful to God for a solid rooftop above. Two aunts, two uncles, Grandma, and five cousins, We were the occupants of that same tiny residence; Each nuclear family being assigned to a single room, To be used as a dining, living, as well as a bedroom. It was a delightful life of communal duty and sharing, Including the care of the household and of daily living; Respect and obedience were always due to the elderly, Mutual love and concern, everybody's right and responsibility. The precious house of my childhood, in war- torn Aleppo, Has neither a standing wall, nor a solid roof, right now; With shattered doors and windows, and flowers forever gone, It now lives, fresh and sweet, in my homesick, nostalgic heart...

Cheap Housing Built For Syrian Armenians A Yerevan-based charity founded by the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (Dashnaktsutyun) has officially launched the construction of an apartment block for about 80 ethnic Armenian families from Syria that have taken refuge in Armenia. The Help Your Brother fund broke ground for the 14-story building in Yerevan’s western Davitashen district on Wednesday in the presence of Mayor Taron Markarian and senior Dashnaktsutyun

members. Its executive director, Tatul Harutiunian, said the construction will take about two years and cost an estimated 2 billion drams ($4.3 million). The project will be partly financed from private donations made to the charity. Harutiunian declined to name any of the “numerous” donors. The rest of the funding will come from the future residents themselves. They will be able to buy apartments at below-market prices.

AMAA To Present A Lecture On Hrant Dink By Zaven Khanjian, Executive Director/CEO 2015 marks the Centennial Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide and Armenians throughout the world will be commemorating this special anniversary through events and programs to keep the light of Justice and Truth shine in the midst of darkness. In a series of activities undertaken by the Armenian Evangelical Community on both Coasts, Zaven Khanjian, the Executive Director/CEO of the Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA) will present a lecture on Friday, January 30, 2015, 7:30 PM, at the Armenian Presbyterian Church, 140 Forest Avenue, Paramus, NJ 07652. The topic of the lecture will be Hrant Dink, the Man, the Mission, the Martyrdom -- the man who became the voice of

the voiceless and fought for Justice and Truth. There will also be a video presentation of SWALLOW'S NEST, (Hrant Dink at the Armenian Evangelical TUZLA Camp). The Dink brothers, Hrant, Hosrof and Orhan grew up and were educated in the Bolso Badanegan Doun (Istanbul Youth House) of the Armenian Evangelical Church of Gedik Pasha, Istanbul. Bolso Badanegan Doun was administered by Hrant Guzelian, an unsung Armenian Evangelical hero, who had embarked on a mission of search and rescue of endangered Armenian families, specially the Armenian youth of Anatolia. Light refreshments will be served after the event. For more information please call AMAA at 201.265.2607.

By Hambersom Aghbashian Serkan Engin is a Laz poet from Turkey (born in 1975 in Izmit-Turkey). He was influenced by his parents to study at Navy Military Lycee but was dismissed from Navy Military High School in 1995 because he was undisciplined. He then studied at technical high school in Kocaeli University, and now he is a vigorous antimilitarist. His poems have been published in more than fifty literature journals in Turkey and he has also published a poem manifest in a literature journal in 2004, “Imagist Socialist Poetry.” He also tried to start a new poetry movement in Turkish Poetry. Serkan Engin has also published numerous articles in literature journals about literary theory according to his poetry movement. His poems have been published in "The Tower" Journal, Poetry'z Own and Mediterranean Poetry in English. Also his poems have been published in one of the major philosophy and poetry journals of Japan named Shi to Shisou in Japanese.(1) On 23 Oct. 2014 and under a title "Never Again" Serkan Engin wrote "Why am I talking about the Armenian, Greek and Assyrian genocides in Turkey? Why would I get myself into trouble? Am I stupid? I’m talking about these genocides, because this is an obligation from my conscience. This is an ethical duty for me as an honest and honorable intellectual. This is my debt and obligation to humanity. I want to talk about all these genocides perpetrated my Turk ancestors, because in Turkey you must declare the truth loudly, against the lies of the so-called official history. I refuse to be “proud of” my ancestors who raped little girls, burned children alive, enslaved women and brutally slaughtered millions of innocent people.I refuse to shout “How happy is he, who says I'm a Turk” every morning in school playgrounds. I reject the education system which tells our children a racist motto like “One Turk is equal to the whole world”.(2) According to www.panarmenian.net (March 17, 2014), Paper Boats of Poetry website published an article “The Insufferable Shame of Being a Turk” by Turkish poet Serkan Engin.“I am a socialist Laz poet from Turkey. My mother is Turkish so my mother tongue is Turkish, but I prefer to consider myself as a “Laz” like my father's ancestors, because I am ashamed of my Turkish ancestors from my mother's side of the family. I refuse to consider myself as a “Turk”, because my Turkish ancestors were perpetrators of genocides at the end of the Ottoman Empire and at the beginning of the Turkish Republic. 1,500, 000 Armenians were brutally murdered by Turkish and Kurdish people under the orders of Ottoman generals. Turks and Kurds have killed their own neighbours, raped their little girls, burned alive little children and women and grabbed the Armenians’ money and properties. Also thousands of Assyrians and Chaldeans had been murdered in their own homelands like Armenians by the Ottoman government during this genocide period,” Engin says in his article.(3) Under the heading " In the Name of Humanity" Serkan Engin wrote on Oct.15.2014 " I am trying to change the wrong perception about Armenians and Greeks in Turkey, which have been established by the lies of the official ideology. I

am trying to show the awful truths of our history to the Turkish youth, so that we can erase the defaults of racist education in Turkey. We are taught that “One Turk is equal to the whole world,” arising from Fascist-Kemalist ideology, which has forbidden the existence of all ethnic identities that are not Turkish." He added " As the son of a Turkish woman, I accept and recognize the realities of the Armenian Genocide. Although I personally had no participation in this violent crime, I apologize to all the Armenian victims and kneel down in front of you in the name of humanity. Not only do I apologize for the Armenian Genocide, but I also apologize for the Holocaust, Rwanda, Bosnia, Cambodia, Darfur, and every other genocide perpetrated by the conscienceless humans of our world. I believe that we shall overcome this hatred and lack of conscience someday."(4) On Sept. 2, 2014, ArmenaPress wrote " The Turkish poet Serkan Engin published an article titled (Genocide in the name of Allah) in the Dispatch International website ." According to Armenpress he mentioned that " The wholesale extermination of Armenians, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Nestorians, and Pontain Greek during WWI has been aptly described as (Christians Genocide).The perpetrators of the massive atrocities were Muslim Turks and Kurds spurred on by the Turkish Ottoman government."(5) Under the title " Turkish writer ready to speak up about Armenian genocide at the cost of his life and freedom, Armenpress wrote on Oct.24, 2014 "Turkish writer Serkan Engin considers it an obligation from his conscience to talk about the Armenian, Greek and Assyrian genocides in Turkey.This is an ethical duty for me as an honest and honorable intellectual. This is my debt and obligation to humanity. I want to talk about all these genocides perpetrated my Turk ancestors, because in Turkey you must declare the truth loudly, against the lies of the so-called official history. I'm the child who shouts The Emperor is naked . I'm devoting myself to the truth at the cost of my life and freedom, because I want to create and increase awareness about these atrocities, so that similar crimes against humanity won't be perpetrated again. I refuse to be proud of my ancestors who raped little girls, burned children alive, enslaved women and brutally slaughtered millions of innocent people." (6) *Laz: An ethnic group native to the Black Sea coastal regions of Turkey and Georgia, being a people of Iberian or Georgian stock. The Laz were initially early adopters of Christianity, and most of them subsequently converted to Sunni Islam during Ottoman rule of Caucasus in the 16th century. 1.http://www.poemhunter.com/serkanengin/biography/ 2.http://paperboatsofpoetry.blogspot.com/ 3.http://www.panarmenian.net/eng/news/1 76942/ 4.http://99andcounting.com/2014/10/15/in -the-name-of-humanity/ 5.http://armenpress.am/eng/news/774703/c ommitting-armenian-genocide-turks-andkurds-were-guided-by-islamic-motives-turkishpoet.html 6.https://newhub.shafaqna.com/EN/AM/56 58596


Nor Or Weekly - Thursday January 1, 2015

“An Inconvenient Genocide: Who Now Remembers The Armenans?” By Geoffrey Robertson QC “An Inconvenient Genocide” (2014) is in my opinion, the best book written on the legal aspect of the Armenian Genocide. Who is Geoffrey Robertson? This is how the publishers have presented G. Robertson and his book. “Geoffrey Robertson has had a distinguished career as a trial counsel, human rights advocate and United Nations judge. He has appeared in many celebrated 0ld Bailey trials, defending the editors of 0z magazine and Gay News, the National Theatre over its staging of The Romans in Britain, and the directors of Matrix Churchill in the case that exposed the 'lraqgate' scandal that helped to bring down John Major's government. He has argued many death penalty appeals at the Privy Council, defended Salman Rushdie and Julian Assange, prosecuted Hastings Banda and represented Human Rights Watch in the proceedings against General Pinochet. He served as first president of the UN war crimes court in Sierra Leone and as a 'distinguished jurist' on the UN Justice Council (200812). Mr Robertson is founder and co-head of Doughty Street Chambers. He held the office of Recorder (Part-time judge) for many years and is a Master of the Middle Temple and a visiting professor in human rights. His books include “Crimes against Humanity”, “The Struggle for Global Justice” (a Textbook on the development of human rights law), “The Tyrannicide Brief” (the story of how Cromwell's lawyers mounted the trial of Charles l), an acclaimed memoir, “The Justice Game”, “Mullahs without Mercy”, “Human Rights and Nuclear Weapons” and “Stephen Ward Was Innocent, OK”. In 2011 he received the Award for Distinction in International Law and Affairs from the New York State Bar Association.” “The most controversial question that is still being asked about the First World War - was there an Armenian genocide? - will come to a head on 24 April 2015, when Armenians worldwide will commemorate its centenary and Turkey will deny that it took place, claiming that the deaths of over half of the Armenian race were justified. This has become a vital international issue. Twenty national parliaments in democratic countries have voted to recognise the genocide, but Britain and the USA continue to equivocate tor fear of alienating their NATO ally. Geoffrey Robertson QC condemns this hypocrisy, and in the “An inconvenient Genocide” he proves beyond reasonable doubt that the events in the 0ttoman Empire in 1915 constitute the crime

Robust Growth Reported In Karabakh

against humanity that is today known as genocide. He explains how democracies can deal with genocide denial without infringing free speech, and makes a major contribution to understanding and preventing this worst of all crimes. His renowned powers of advocacy are on full display as he condemns all those- from Sri Lanka to Sudan, from Old Anatolia to modern Syria and Iraq- who try to justify the mass murder of children and civilians in the name of military necessity or religious fervour.” What do the critics say about the book? “With a brilliant display of forensic advocacy, one of the greatest legal minds on the international stage forces a shameful but inconvenient truth upon the world. A shocking indictment.’’ HELENA KENNEDY QC “A devastating, searing indictment of complicity and cover-up over the extermination of one million people’” PETER HAIN MP “Geoffrey Robertson, with his usual forensic brilliance, makes the case for justice for the Armenian victims of the 1915 massacres. A must-read for those who want to understand the relationship between victims of unrequited international crimes and justice, not just historically, but also in the here and now”. SIR KEIR STARMER KCB QC I strongly recommend that Armenian national, cultural, charitable organizations, foundations, including the Government of the Republic of Armenia create an all Armenian fund with the aim of donating the “An inconvenient Genocide” to all heads of states, as well as relevant government departments before April 2015. I am absolutely convinced that anyone reading this book will have no doubt whatsoever that the Ottoman Turkish government committed genocide against the Armenians during the WWI. I also recommend that the above-mentioned fund publishes the “An inconvenient Genocide” in all major languages. Finally, I would suggest that the Armenian Government honour Geoffrey Robertson with a befitting medal in 2015 on the occasion of the Centenary of the Armenian Genocide. Watch the interview “ABC - Geoffrey Robertson QC on the Armenian Genocide”, Friday, 24 October 2014. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-10-22/geoffrey-robertsonqc-discusses-his-new-book-on/5834114 For further details about Geoffrey Robertson see WIKIPEDIA. “An Inconvenient Genocide: Who Now Remembers the Armenians? “may be purchased from www.amazon.co.uk.

Assadour Guzelian December 2014

Etchmiadzin City Turns 2699 Years Old

Armenia’s President Attends Anahit Cartoon Premiere The President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan watched the full-length animated film Anahit with his grandchildren at Moscow Cinema. The Department for Mass Media and Public Relations of the Armenian President’s Office informed Armenpress about it. The animated film, the premiere of which was screened on December 27, was created by the Robert Sahakyants animation studio NGO with the traditional art animation technology and 3D graphics. The production of the film has become a reality with the assistance of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Armenia in the framework of the program of film production 2010-2014.

Armenian President Thanks Colleagues For Supporting His Country’s accession to EEU YEREVAN, ARKA - Armenian president Serzh Sargsyan thanked today the presidents of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus for their support to the process of Armenia’s accession to the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU). "I would like to single out the great job made by ministries, government agencies and the Eurasian Economic Commission", said Sargsyan at a summit of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council in Moscow. Russian president Vladimir Putin said the Eurasian troika is turning into the Eurasian five after Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia ratified the agreement on Armenia’s membership in the trade bloc and after signing an agreement today on Kyrgyzstan’s accession. Putin expressed confidence that the membership of Armenia and Kyrgyzstan meets the fundamental national interests of these countries opening wide horizons for their economic and social development.

RFE/RL Journalists Rounded Up In Baku

Economic growth in NagornoKarabakh has averaged about 10 percent annually in the past several years and will continue unabated in 2015, according to the authorities in Stepanakert. Ara Harutiunian, the Karabakh prime minister, made upbeat macroeconomic forecasts on Thursday as his cabinet pushed through the unrecognized republic’s parliament its budget for next year envisaging a sizable increase in public spending. The spending target of 88.1 billion drams ($192 million) is based on a projection that the Karabakh economy will expand by 9 percent in 2015. “A real GDP increase of 9 percent in 2015 and rapid growth in following years are expected to result from the development of energy, agriculture, light industry, food processing, mining, information technology and other sectors,” Harutiunian told lawmakers, according to the Artsakhpress.am news agency.

Fresno-Etchmiadzin - Sister City Delegations arrived in Armenia in early autumn to participate in the celebration of the City of Etchmiadzin’s 2699th anniversary. Etchmiadzin’s Mayor Karen Grigoryan welcomed its Sister City Representatives from Fresno, California; Issy-les-Moulineaux, France, a SW suburban area of Paris; and Petrozavodsk, Russia, the Capital City of the Karelia Republic, NW part of Russia. Mayor Grigoryan and his staff planned a week of celebratory events that included: the Opening Ceremony; Ribbon Cutting of the Komitas Cultural House, Kindergarten N16 and playground; festive parade; concerts; audiences and visits to historical sites. The official opening ceremony, held in the newly renovated Komitas Cultural House, was presided over by the Honorable President of the Republic of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan, to a seated and standing room only audience of 1,000. His Grace Bishop Sion Adamian, the Primate of the

Armavir Diocese, in which the City of Etchmiadzin is located, pronounced the invocation and reflected on the day’s significance. Participating in the program were Mayor Grigoryan and Sister City Representatives: Mayor Galina Shirshlina, of the City of Petrozavodsk, Russia; Deputy Mayor Arthur Khandjian, of the City of Issy-lesMoulineaus, France; and Sister City Secretary Allan Yeghia Jendian, representing Fresno’s Mayor Ashley Swearengen. Deputy Mayor Vazrik Grigoryan served as Master of Ceremonies. On this joyous occasion, Mayor Grigoryan presented President Sargisyan with a specially crafted gift, a miniature Gospel and replica of St. Gregory’s right hand. Each year, for the past six years, Mayor Grigoryan has gifted the residence of the city with various improvements to their life and community. This year’s project was the total renovation of the Komitas Cultural House.

WASHINGTON - Journalists with RFE/RL's Azerbaijani Service reported that police are pursuing them individually, going directly to their homes to take them in for questioning following a raid on the service's Baku bureau on Decemer 26. In a move the bureau's legal team is calling "unprecedented - even by Azeri standards," police late in the evening on December 27 knocked on the doors of at least four bureau reporters demanding that they accompany them to the prosecutor's office for questioning. An additional eight journalists were told to report for questioning on Monday. "These people are being dragged to the prosecutor's office by force and by threats," said one of the lawyers, who asked that his name be withheld out of concerns for his personal safety. "By being summoned over the weekend, they are being denied the opportunity to have any legal defense, despite the fact that by Azeri law a witness is normally summoned by phone or official summons to enable a lawyer to be present." RFE/RL Editor in Chief and Co-CEO Nenad Pejic condemned the police action, and said Azeri authorities are "terrorizing our staff and their families."

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Nor Taroua\ ;u S& ’noundi xo\g tøn;roun oura. a®ijow% srtagin ,norfauoroujiunn;r ;u lauago\n ma[janqn;r m;r bolor faraxatn;roun ;u bar;kamn;roun Søsi Ag.ac;r;an



c;n arvanaza‘ takauin patmakan lour= w;rlou‘oumi ;u ousoumnasirouj;an lauaphs emb®n;lou anor taro[oujiune s'iu®qi k;anqi 'o.ak;rpoumi t;sakhthn! A\d ,r=ani 'o.ak;rpoumn;re patmakan kar;uor xargazoumn;r ;n oronzmh kar;li∞ h ;u ph*tq h øgtouil s'iu®qi apaga\ enjazqe oro,;lou famar! *** Ou fima Fa\oz Z;[aspanouj;an |i,atakoumi :rrord |isnam;aki ,;min% k*arvh farz tal jh i@nc piti ella\ apaga\i enjazqe ;u xargazoume^ Fa\ Dati arv;uorman ;u lou‘oumi fauanakanoujiunn;rou t;sakhthn! Anzno[ ;rkou \isnam;akn;roun \stak ;u tarb;r xargazoumn;r apr;zanq iuraqanciur ,r=anin% anzn;low sgafandhsn;rou tar;kan kaxmak;rpoujiunhn^ fasn;lou famar ];uauoroua‘ pafan=atirouj;an me gitakzouj;an arta\a\touj;an! :rkar ;u danda[ ;[au a\d ou[in ba\z w;r=aphs Fa\ dati pafan=atirouj;an f;t kapoua‘ a,.atanqn;re k;ndronakan t;[ me ;kan grau;lou s'iu®qi ;u fa\ vo[owourdi n;rqin k;anqi ;u artaqin \arab;roujiunn;rou a,.arf n;rhn n;rs ou nor gor‘;lak;rp me ;r;uan ;kau! Saka\n askh andin% ;u askh w;r= i#nc xargazoumn;row piti \atkan,oui a\s nor fangrouane% ;u i#nc ou[[oujiun piti stana\! O#ur krnan tanil pafan=atirouj;an a,.atanqn;re ;u incpisi# gor‘nakan ardiunqi krnan \angil anonq i w;r=o\! S;rnda\in ,arounakakanouj;an t;sakhthn o#w piti ella\ pafan=athre! |isoun tari ;tq% 1965 jouakanin Shrgh\ M;rk;l;ani t;slakani famaxør dra‘ farzadroume banakanouj;an isk ørhnqow wau;rakan ke mna\ ;*us a\sør! ªArd;øq ;ritasardn;rhn o;uh mhke c*oux;#r ban me es;lº! Kaska‘ cka\ jh fa\ ;ritasardoujiune jh* s'iu®qi ;u jh* Fa\astani mh= es;liq ouni*! Kaska‘ cka\ na;u jh an

s;rnda\in ,arounakakanouj;an kargow ir bnakan d;re piti .a[a\ m;r vo[owourdi apaga\i tnørinoumi t;sakhthn! Kaska‘ cka\ jh fa\ ;ritasardoujiune ir axga\in .moroumow% gitakzouj;amb% ir ousoumnakan% asparhxa\in ;u a,.arfa-qa[aqaziakan 'or]a®ouj;amb b;m piti ga\ axga\in k;anqe ir faskazo[ouj;amb ;u datoumow .mor;lou famar! Fauanakan h% ;u ma[j;li*% or a\s ;ritasardoujiune nor ou[[ouj;amb tani m;r axga\in k;anqe% endgrk;low farz;re dit;lou% qnnark;lou ;u lou‘oumn;r gtn;lou ørinaca'a\in nor gor‘;lak;rp me ;u ];uak;rpoum me! Ma[j;li* h or an miavamanak cwa.na\ axga\in nor forixonn;r 'nt®;lou ;u gtn;lou kar;lioujiunn;rhn% auandakan tramabanoujiunn;re farzadroumi ;njark;lou partauorouj;nhn ;u miavamanak c;rknci ir fama,.arfa\in ,r=apati en];®a‘ qa[aqaziakan irauounqn;rou% fnarauoroujiunn;rou ;u mi=ozn;rou parg;ua‘ farstouj;nhn fa\ k;anqe patouast;lou ir d;rakatarouj;nhn! Parxaphs a\n patya®ow or a\s ;ritasardoujiune i*nqe piti kaxmh Fa\ vo[owourde am;nour;q% i*nqe piti apri fa\ k;anqe ;u i*nq piti tnørinh apaga\i enjazqe! :jh m;r ,our=e ou,adrouj;amb dit;nq piti t;sn;nq ardhn or tarb;r mta\nouj;amb% faskazo[ouj;amb ;u mtaforixonow m;‘zo[ ;ritasardoujiun me ke ];uak;rpoui m;r ,our=e ;u f;t;uabar xarmanali piti cella\ or Fa\ k;anqe endfanraphs ;u Fa\ Dati faskazo[oujiunn ou f;tapndoume tarb;r fangrouan me mtn;n 2014 jouakanhn ;tq ;u tarb;r enjazq me stanan! Tarb;r enjazq me% or pafan=atiroujiune ke gor‘nakanaznh*! Tarb;r enjazq me% or lou‘oumi k*a®a=nordh*! Tarb;r enjazq me% or ardaroujiune ke fastath* famamardka\in ca'ani,ow!


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:r;uani fraparake

W;r=in .nyo\qe

M;r ,r=apto\ti iuraqanciur ørouan \a\tagire ousoumnasiroua‘ hr! A\soufand;r]% kar;li hr j;r;us x;[c;l a\z;loujiunn;rhn qani me fate! "a'aq;li piti ellar% ørinaki famar% nauapto\t me katara‘ ellal S;uana\ Liyi a';rou ;rka\nqin! St;'anak;rti mh= kar;li hr a\z;l;l dproz me% kam^ p;takan fastatoujiun me! A\o*% kar;li hr na;u cmasnakzil ,r=apto\ti qani me ør;rou \a\tagrin% møthn ,'oum oun;nalou famar .yo[oua‘ :r;uani a®ør;a\in f;t% t;sn;lou kam møthn xgalou ma\raqa[aqin baba.oun f;uqe! Kar;li hr na;u kryat;l karg me ya,arann;rou \atkazoua‘ vamanake% au;li kanou. w;rada®nalou famar :r;uan% orphsxi kar;li ellar n;rka\ gtnouil g;[arou;stakan ;r;ko\i^ jatroni% ø';ra\i% kam^ ;rgipari ansampli! M;r a\s j;ladroujiunn;rhn omanq krnan c\armaril gor‘nakanørhn! Anonq kataroua‘ ;n bar;kam;zo[ouj;amb% ;u f;®ou ;n or;uh ];uow arv;xrk;lh .namqow patrastoua‘ ,r=apto\tn;re% oronq inqnin n;rdroum ;n Fa\astani xbøsa,r=ikouj;an! Stor;u% k*oux;nq \a\tn;l anzo[aki m;r tpauoroujiunn;rhn qani me fate&- :r;uani fraparaki Al;qsantr Jaman;an yartarap;ti anxougakan \[azqe% kam gi,;re% anor auaxanin gounauor lo\s;row ,atrouanoume^ enk;razo[ ;rav,touj;an ;l;uh=-

n;roun fama]a\n& f;txf;th \au;loume acqa®ou% norak;rt ,hnq;rou% oronz ko[qin .rou,c;u;an ,r=ani baxma\ark% anpayo\y a\l wano[akan t;sqe% ou t;[-t;[ ‘ouara‘ jij;[;a\ tnakn;re& :r;uanhn anzno[ ParskastanFa\astan-Wrastan ,inouj;an mh= ;[o[ la\nanist øjosjrate& :r;uani arouar]ann;roun% S;uani% H=mia‘ni% Dili=ani% Gorisi% +;rmouki% St;'anak;rti mh= bar]razo[ ousoumnarann;re% pandokn;re% bnakarann;re! M;r ,r=apto\te% .orqin mh=% ou.tagnazouj;anz ,arq men hr dhpi st;[‘agor‘ fa\ vo[owourdin% ;u anor fanyar;[ a\l f;rosa‘in a®a=nordn;roun kam [;kawarn;roun ‘nndawa\r;rn ou dambarann;re! S'iu®qafa\e ;rb otq dnh ma\r;ni fo[i wra\% ir fa\kakanoujiune oc mia\n k*amrapndoui ou k*imastauoroui% a\l;u m.ijaroua‘ ke xga\ ir axgi go\at;umamb ou ‘a[koumow! Fa\astane anz;alin gtnou;low Ar;umoutqi ;u Ar;u;lqi qa[aqakrjouj;anz .acm;roukin% ir bar]rauandake ;u anor b;rqa®at fowitn;re ;njarkou;zan a,.arfakaln;rou ir;ra\a=ord aspatakouj;anz% kotora‘n;roun ;u au;roumn;roun! M;r axgin amhnhn mafazou faroua‘e trou;zau A®a=in Fama,.arfa\in Pat;raxmi enjazqin% z;[aspanouj;amb mhk ou khs milion fa\;rou% ;u koroustowe Ar;umtafa\astani b;rri fo[atara‘ouj;an! Sartarapati yaka-

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\astani go\at;uoume ka.;al h tnt;saphs bar;lau% ousoumnaphs xargaza‘% ou warcakanørhn ardaramit fasarakargi me st;[‘oumow! "oqrajiu fa\ vo[owourde arvani h fogatarouj;an% ,arounak;lou famar ir baxmadar;an fra,q ou[;uoroujiune mardka\in qa[aqakrjouj;an yanaparfin! (<ar& 13 ou w;r=)

Øgtagor‘oua‘ a[biurn;r 1& Fa\kakan Sow;takan Fanragitaran 2& Yahoo ;u Google Ka\qh=n;r 3& Prn& Fambik Martin;ani 'o.anza‘ b;ranazi t;[;koujiunn;rhn!

WRIPAK ªNor Ørºi D;kt;mb;r 25-i jiuin mh=% nouiratoun;roun zankin mh= EH BANK-e 500 tolar nouira‘ h j;rjis& phtq h kardazoui EH NATIONAL BANK! K*apauininq m;r enj;rzo[n;roun n;ro[amtouj;an!

N.O. January 1, 2015, No. 1:N.O. Blank


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Am'o'ou;l ;n Fa\astani marxakan lragro[n;ri qouharkouj;an ardiunqn;re% orow oro,ou;l h Fa\astani 2014 jouakani lauago\n marxiki anoune! FF lauago\n marxik h yanacou;l% \ounaf®omhakan oyi embi,% A,.arfi ;u :uropa\i a.o\;an^ ARJOUR AL:QSAN:ANE! :rkrord t;[n h xba[;zr;l anz;al taroua\ famar mhk marxik% A,.arfi a.o\;an% :uropa\i a®a=nouj;an ar‘ajh m;talakir^ ARSHN +OUL~ALAK:ANE! |a=ord t;[;roum ;n :uropa\i g;r‘anr qa,a\in kargoum 'o.a.o\;an^ ÂOUBHN AL:QSAN:ANE (3)% axat embi,% :uropa\i 'o.a.o\;an^ GRIGOR GRIGOR:ANE (4)% ‘anramartik% :uropa\i 'o.a.o\;an% A,.arfi a®a=nouj;an 5-rd mrzanakakir^ WANIK AU:TIS:ANE (5)% yiuto\ist :uropa\i ;u A,.arfi pronxh m;talakir^ |OWFANNHS DAUJ:ANE (6)% sambø emb,amarti :uropa\i a.o\;an^ TIGRAN KIRAKOS:ANE (7)% marxakan sambo\i A,.arfi a.o\;an ;u :uropa\i a®a=nouj;an pronxh m;talakir^ MAWRIK NASIP:ANE (8)% marmnamarxik^ :uropa\i a®a=nouj;an baxmamarti ;xra'akici masnakiz^ ARJOUR DAUJ:ANE (9) ;u axat emb,amarti :uropa\i a®a=nouj;an pronxh m;talakir^ GARIK BARS:{:ANE (10)! Fa\astani lauago\n jim h yanacou;l \ounaf®omhakan emb,amarti fauaqakane% ore nouaya‘ oskh m;taln;ri qanakow a®a=in t;[n h xba[;zr;l A,.arfi a®a=noujiunoum!

FARZAXRO|Z ARJOUR AL:QSAN:ANI F:T Fa\astani 2014 j& lauago\n marxik Arjour Al;qsan;ane farzaxro\z h tou;l armsport.am-in! };x ;nq n;rka\aznoum a\d farzaxro\ze oro, kryatoumn;row! Farzoum&- Ør;rs douq yanacou;ziq FF 2014 j& lauago\n marxik! J;r;us a\s lourn anaknkal chr ];x famar! Patas.an&- Ank;[‘ asa‘ a\d kocoume stanaln in] famar anaknkal chr% qani or ;s dar];l ;m A,.arfi ;u :uropa\i a.o\;an% inc .øsq% nman kocoume stanaln in] famar ,at oura.ali h ;u patouab;r! F&- Auartouo[ tarin ];x famar ,at \a=o[ stazou;z% i#nc ciragor‘oua‘ npatakn;r oun;s! P&_ A\vm im g;rnpatakn h ølimpiakan oskh m;tale% a\n baniz \;to\% ;rb dar]a\ A,.arfi a.o\;an% sks;zi mta‘;l mimia\n Âio\i Ølimpiada\i masin! F&- W;r\i,;nq taroua\ am;nawy®oro, drouagn;re& Ta,q;ndoum ka\aza‘ a,.arfi a®a=nouj;an kisa;xra'akicoum% j;r;us% am;nabard fandipoumn hr iranzi Ølimpiakan a.o\;an Â;xa\i f;t! P&_ Im fimnakan mrzakize f;nz iranzi embi,n h! Karo[ ;m as;l% or Âixa\i f;t m;namartn am;nalaroua‘n ou am;nakar;uorn hr in] famar! :s gitakzoum hi% or nran \a[j;louz \;to\ a.o\;an da®nale ,at f;,t ke lini% a®au;lago\n k;ntronaz;l hi ;u karo[aza\ a\d kar;uorago\n gøt;martoum \a[janak tan;l! F&- Incph#s hq patrastuoum dimauor;l Amanore!

P&_ Amanore patrastuoum ;m dimauor;l entaniqis f;t! A®a\vm \a\tni ch Fa\astanoum ke n,;nq a\n% jh art;rkroum% saka\n zankanoum ;m anpa\man entaniqis f;t lin;l! F&- 2015-e na.aølimpiakan tari h& i#nc spas;liqn;r ounhq galiq tarouaniz! P&- Galiq taroua\ gl.auor npataks Las W;kasoum ka\analiq a,.arfi a®a=noujiunn h& ;s anpa\man zankanoum ;m pafpan;l A,.arfi a.o\;ani kocoume ;u a\d kargawiyakow masnakz;l Ølimpiakan .a[;rin! • Au;lazn;nq% or FAØK-e ªAxnouago\n marxikº anouanakargow mrzanak h safman;l a®au;l ardar marxikn;ri famar! FAØK-i fakadopinga\in bavni [;kawar 'ro`;shør Ar;g |owfannis;ani gl.auora‘ \an]navo[owe andranik kocoume ,norf;l h Arjour Al;qsan;anin!


D;kt;mb;ri 21-in Niu :orqi a,.arfaf®cak ªM;tisen Sqou;r Kartenº marxafam;rga\in famaliroum ka\azau \ounaf®omhakan oyi A,.arfi 2014 j& a.o\;an Arshn +oul`alak;ani fandipoume AMN-i axat oyi ouv;[ago\n embi, Ka\l Dh\ki f;t! Ølimpiakan 'o.a.o\;an Arshn +oul`alak;ane wstaf \a[janakow (6-3) partouj;an matn;z am;rikazoun! Gøt;martn anzkazou;z 74 qk& qa,a\ini kargoum! ªSa patmakan iradar]oujiun hr! AMN-n ];®noz n;t;z a,.arfi fauaqakanin ;u 'or];z zo\z tal% jh a\nqan ouv;[ h% or a,.arfi fauaqakanin karo[ h \a[j;l! Ba\z nranz aknkaliqn;re ]a.o[ou;zin Arshni wstaf \a[janakowº% asaz FF fauaqakani gl.auor marxic ;u Arshni fa\re^ L;uon +oul`alak;ane! Bauakan lour= gøt;mart hr% am;rikazin;re lour= kaxmak;rpcakan a,.atanq hin tar;l! AMN-n nman gøt;mart ,at h kaxmak;rpoum% oronq mi npatak oun;n^ zo\z tal% jh ir;nq inc fxør ;n ;u ouv;[! Gouzh a\d hr patya®e% or amhn inc ar;l hin% amhn a®ij øgtagor‘;l% orphsxi .ocendot;n \a[janake! AMN-n a\nphs hr patrastou;l% or ir;nq \a[j;n& sksa‘ Arshni dimauor;louz% k,®man araro[oujiuniz ;u a\ln&&& Mi .øsqow amhn inc ar;l hin% or Arshne ck;ntronanar% xa\ranar% orphsxi nran \a[j;le f;,t linhr! Arshnin a\d .ndirn;re c.ocendot;zin% na ,at lau \a[janak tarau% a,.o\v% wstaf% graght! 6-3 fa,iue karo[ hr au;lin linhr! Ambo[= gøt;marte enjanoum hr Arshni a®au;louj;amb (a,.ouvouj;amb)% ba\z cgit;s^ incou% inqn hr nkato[oujiunn;r stanoum! "or];zin .angar;l% ba\z ocinc cstazou;z! ª:s n;rka\ chi a\s gøt;martin% chi karo[ masnakz;l% qani or fauaqakane gtnuoum h ’a[ka]oroum% m;nq anzkaznoum ;nq m;r tar;w;r=;an ousoumnamarxakan fauaqe% ba\z wstaf hi% or Arshne ke \a[ji! Nra f;t m;k-

n;l hin ;rkou marxicn;r! :s ou[i[ f;®ar]akmamb famazanzow f;t;u;zi Arshni gøt;martin! Iskaphs oura. ;mº% as;l h L;uon +oul`alak;ane!

FA|KAKAN EMB<AMARTI >YANKAR • Fa\astani \ounaf®omhakan emb,amarti fauaqakani andam 66 qk& qa,a\in Mifran |aroujiun;ane dar];l h S;rgh\ Taraskini anouan 22-rd mi=axga\in mrza,ari \a[jo[ D;kt;mb;ri 13-14-in Moskoua\oum ka\aza‘ mrza,aroum fa\ embi,e anzkazr;l h fing gøt;mart ;u bolorn hl auart;l vamanakiz ,out^ wstaf \a[janakow! ªA\s mrza,arow ;xra'akoum ;m 2014 jouakane! Mhk amsoum masnakz;zi 3 mi=axga\in mrza,ari ;u 3-oum hl \a[j;zi% a\vm ke sks;m na.apatrastou;l |ounouarin anzkazou;liq Fa\astani a®a=nouj;aneº% asoum h Mifrane! N,;nq% or Mifran |aroujiun;ane 2011-in dar];l h ÂD-i 'o.a.o\;an% isk 2012-in^ a.o\;an! Nran .trakanouj;an patya®ow c;n endgrk;l Lontoni ølimpiakan .a[;ri ÂD-i fauaqakani kaxmoum ;u na oro,;l h fandhs gal Fa\astani fauaqakani kaxmoum! 2014-in dar];l h Fa\astani a.o\;an ;u Ta,q;ndi a,.arfi a®a=noujiunoum grau;l h 7-rd t;[e! • Axat oyi emb,amarti FF fauaqakani gl.auor marxic Ara\ik Ba[dad;ane \a\tn;l h% or entranou kaxme famalr;l h wrazi g;r‘anr qa,a\in 24-am;a\ L;uan B;riani];ow% oum FF qa[aqazioujiun h ,norfou;l! ªGa[tniq ch% or n;rka\oum g;r‘anr qa,a\in kargoum m;nq endamhne mhk embi, oun;nq Andranik Galst;ane! Na a\s tari 6 mrza,ari h masnakz;l ;u gofazouzic ardiunqn;r ci ar]anagr;l! Dra famar 2015 j& na.aølimpiakan taroua\ famar npataka\armar gtanq frauir;l wrazi ;ritasard% saka\n ardhn bauakan m;‘ yanacoum oun;zo[ embi,inº% asoum h gl.auor marxice! Wrastane fima g;r‘anr qa,oum 5-6 fauasaraca' embi,n;r ouni% ou nranz mh= m;‘ h mrzakzoujiune! L;uane 2010 j& ;ritasardn;ri a,.arfi a.o\;an h ;u no\n tari Moskoua\oum ka\aza‘ m;‘afasakn;ri a,.arfi a®a=nouj;an pronxh m;talakir% a\s taroua\ Wrastani a®a=nouj;an 3-rd mrzanakakir! • 2014 j& Armhn Naxar;ane 2-rd tarin anendmh= yanacuoum h Poulkaria\i taroua\ lauago\n marxic!

<A>MATA|IN >YANKAR • |owfannhs Gaboux;ane Italia\i Padowa qa[aqoum auartoua‘ baz mrza,aroum 9 fnarauoriz wastak;z 6&5 miauor ;u xba[;zr;z 3-rd t;[e! Na mia\n khs miauorow ;t mnaz \a[jo[iz^ :ouri Wowkiz (Ouqrania)! • AMH-i Al H\n qa[aqoum auartoua‘ mi=axga\in baz mrza,aroum Tigran L& P;tros;ane 9 fnarauoriz wastak;low 7 miauor bavan;z 1-4-rd t;[;re grosma\st;r Gaos Nikala]hi (Wrastan)% Wladimir Øni,couki (Ouqrania) ;u S;rgh\ Vigalko\i (P;la®ous) f;t! Lrazouzic zouzani,n;row Tigranin bavin fasau 2-rd mrzanake! |a[jo[ dar]au Nikala]hn% orin na.aw;r=in mrza'ouloum P;tros;ane \a[j;l hr! Arman "a,ik;ane ;u Samouhl Thr-Safak;ane wastak;zin 6&5-akan% Manouhl P;tros;ane^ 6% |owik Fa\rap;t;ane ;u Lilij Galo\;ane^ 5&5-akan% L;uon Babou=;ane^ 5% Maria Koursowan^ 4&5 miauor!

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